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F2021-0409 - Permits
T N T W T z z D D O 0 T D D T D O S A O A n000nnoVo nv s nF y 0 o nnn"o m z O O a m m V O m W N W W W W = o j W o. n w O Q yrO mm yo N A SN DooW OmO3 c2 0 O wT w < E n0 T 8D OD < Aoz ti, m A D fD=�nGo m o0-1z moo m m.. m DO,� row m m m m w w< m z 3 D A 0 m O CN w,Z1 -'�mo 00 > m o O N a7 m D A N = 0 0 O N p O O O O O N C O o 00000o fny OC � p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D y d m m T Oi� r W r(� T DO °1 O n x O N N ti ., O S n o O 1 v,�7- mfO m' o n.'. m A rATw_ mac m y a Fi -xo N w m o �.m E3 o l3 'OCMc Mm O Coom �r�T z 01 Q6 j N N C00 W W W OVI A D D _0G<(O (O y .N VOl D2om A V O O N O 0O O O A Q y 2 ANr O Z@ V VO Vl T i -iT o m D= DpT V m 'wO mD -gym ezA D T T; O O O� m '7l z m Om vo m< 3 m DAA m m m r O O z m h n m { v D 2 F O m Z A Z m m o = A 0 0 m O m A v O A o co t» f» rn E» fn enm W m fh Oo 00o O m j z O o 0 coo 0 0 O 2 .. o i ao am s aD o n y a n n o n o m m w y N w N 0 y m w N m n 0 m A So> 2' w N O W - < I EL m z3 O <r Z \` 0-1 O N m' >O� C o m Z N ° 00 3 w A ti ti O m N N � N N r r � n fl'A o �i�S66>/J�j fA fn bi f» ° ° • . m o . o • • O oo A °® • • • c• o • • o O o 0 0 0 • °• • • p p o o O 6o Om0 0 • o Oo6 G O O G O 0• O p O O O O p • O O O •• p O • • O • O B O p p O CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CO3D4UNI1YDEVELOPME5T DEPARTMENT BUMI)INGDIVI.SION 100 Civic Canner Crive I P.O_ Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA M58-MI5 wwwMewportb -gov f (Ng) 644-3200 FIRE SPRJ(Tff.Eg NFPA 13D SYSTEM ROUGH INSPECTION CHECKLIST YES NO t_ Risser Constiucdon and Location Aorsoval a. Drain valve ❑ b. Baddlow device (single check) ❑ c. Bell activation device ❑ d. Inspector's test valve ❑ e. Riser saved per approved plans 2. Pressure Test a. System bested at operating pressure for 2 hours ❑ b. Pressure gauge kistaged ❑ 3. Sorinkler Hum shag not be Installed in the fittings prior to the fittings being cemented in dace (temoorary best plugs) a. Installation and spacing of temporary test plugs Of 4 Piping a. Materiel Installed per plan ❑ b. Hangers per eodes(pravent inward movement ❑ c. All CPVC piping sha0 be installed by persons who have been certified by the manufacturer for installation of CPVC piping ❑ d. Piping protected from damage ❑ 5. Bell a. Wiring installed per code ❑ b. Boxes installed at proper kxaiicns ❑ NOTE CPVC plastic pipe in the garage shag not be exposed. Sprinklers that are 0 as'Q kk Response or `Residentile must be used. CORRECTIONS AND NOTES: FIRE SPRINKC�K NFP�03D';RISTEM�UGH INSPECTION APPROVED: By:_ (-/ � DATE F.%FR Sprmkfa N ASao SW . - Baugh fMpe .aOdd6 U/12/201 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SETBACKS AND TOP OF SLAB/FLOOR ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The purpose of this certificate is to insure that the structure is located properly on site per the approved drawings. This certificate also verifies the top of slab/floor elevation noted on the approved drawings. After the top of slab/floor elevation is verified to match the elevation specified on the approved drawings, the contractor slid inspector can measure the height of the structure to the top of slab/floor to verify that it is equal or less than the dimension shown on building sections and elevations. This form must be filled out by a registered surveyor or civil engineer authorized to perform surveys. The survey must be done after the concrete forms are in place or preferable after the concrete slab is poured or raised floor is built, but prior to starting wall framing. Engineer/Surveyor's Name Paul D. Craft License # P.L.S. 8516 Engineer/Surveyor's Address 20422 Beach Boulevard, Suite 225, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Job Address _ 710 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach CA Setbacks: Sketch a site plan and specify surveyed setbacks (use back page). * Top of slab/floor elevation: 103.00, 103.50, & 104.00 top of foundation forms * If slab/floor elevation varies, sketch a plan or section through slab on the back page and specify the elevations. Use same datum used in the survey of record. I certify that the setbacks are 0, are not ❑, per City approved plans. Describe any deviations from plans: I certify that top of slab/floor elevation(s) is 0, is not ❑, per City approved drawings. Describe any deviations from plans: 5/13/2021 Date JN:19011 Formr s/SetbacksandTopofSlabElevationcert. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 BUILDING HEIGHT CERTIFICATION Project Street Address: 710 Avocado Avenue, Corona del Mar, CA Building Permit Number(s): # As the surveyor of record for the project at the above address, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the City of Newport Beach approved plan and original topographic survey and based the elevations listed below on those plans. Elevations shall include an allowance for roofing material thickness if not yet installed. Provide each critical ridge and flat roof, or roof deck railing elevations indicated on the approved plans. Use the format below on the back of this form if additional space is necessary or further explanation is needed. Provide original copy to the inspector before roof framing inspection. All elevation points are based on: O NAVD88 O NGVD29 O Assumed Please provide the following elevation information for the highest roof ridges, flat roofs, or parapets/guardrails. Additional elevation points may be requested by the Building Inspector. RIDGES (3:12 slope or greater) A Approved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 131.61 a Approved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 131.59 D Approved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 131.24 eApproved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 131.51 F Approved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 131.52 OApproved elevation point of ridge is 131.77 max and actual elevation point is 127.64 mansard,ri Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is FLAT ROOFS, PARAPETS AND GUARDRAILS 126.77 max flat 124.68 Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 126.77 max flat Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 125.21 Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is I certify that the above height measurements are correct and the above project: X IS in compliance with the City -approved plans. OIS NOT,-i "-ompliance with the City -approved plans (Provide explanation). Please describ ,� , o y�ev> gf?oln:the City -approved plans on the back of this form. 9/02/2021 JN: 19011 S ve or or Civil Engi eer',§* signature and seal Date (, t stamp ag ;signature required) * License number•of3396�or lower Fornu\BWIding Height Cemileation I g ® 4 —jvig\ ua i:x wVi 3A3 wN'Jp6 I I iR ry I 0 II "I Imnum ry II I ! I A j XS J O zc[ � wm"�Mzx j I I ( en I I m T—, AD]tl ma, woo A.OB j lin I I ry ;, i ttK '" na I II in M NJ30 ryl ` _... n r� F f N ui 1 1 I �9 O!$IN [an xia wmiaa CORNER RECORD Agency Index Document Number 2023-0876 City of NEWPORT BEACH County of ORANGE Brief Legal Description LOT 7, TRACT NO. 682, M.M. 20/19 CORNER TYPE ❑ Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ Meander Property ❑ Rancho ❑ Other Date of Survey 03/26/2021 N. Elevation Units California COORDINATES (Optional) Metric ❑ U.S. Survey Foot N Horizontal Datum Zone Vertical Datum Epoch Date ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref: 0 8765(d) ❑ 8771 ❑ 8773 ❑ Other: Corner/ Left as found ❑ Established ❑ Rebuilt ❑ Pre -Construction Monument: ❑ Found and tagged E Reestablished E Referenced ❑ Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: See sheet #2 for description (s): SURVEYOR'S BOUNDARY NOTE: THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS AND THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY LINE (DISTINCTIVE BORDER) OF THIS MAP AS ESTABLISHED HEREON. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professio a and urveyors' Act on 03/22/2023 Signed P.L.S. No. 8516 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was and examined and filed Signed County Surveyor's Comment P.L.S. No BPELSG-2016 Pagel of 2 County of Orange Main Office 601 North Ross Street • Santa Ana, CA, 92701 OC Public Works 714-607-8888 Submission Summary Project Project OCID : OC21-22849 Project Name: 19011-710 Avocado Ave-CDM Project Description: 19011-710 Avocado Ave-CDM Map Application SC230145:Corner Record Scope of Work: Legal Description: LOT 7, TRACT NO. 682, M.M. 20/19 Type: Comer Records Jurisdiction : Cities Cities: Newport Beach Number of Corner Records: 1 Corner Type: Property Date of Survey: Fri Mar 26 00:00:00 GMT 2021 Surveyor Job Number : Corner/Monument : Left as found;Reestablished;Referenced Name Phone Paul Craft 714-488-5006 Paul Craft (714) 488-5006 Location Contact Email richard@apex-Is.com apexlainc@gmail.com Robert Forbes Painter (714) 488-5006 robertforbespainter@yahoo.com Address Type FRP 20422 Beach Blvd, #225 Huntington Applicant No Beach CA 92948 19222 Parker Circle Surveyor/Engineer No Villa Park CA 92861 710 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach CA Owner Yes 92625 richard@apex-Is.com From: noreply@salesforce.com on behalf of myOC eServices Email <noreply- myocese rvi ces @ ocgov.co m > Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 3:31 PM To: richard@apex-Is.com Subject: Your Survey has been submitted to Orange County ubhc orks 3/22/2023 SC230145 Dear Paul Craft, Thank you for your submittal to the Orange County Surveyor's office. For status, please contact Margarita Espinoza at 714-967-0847 or email to Margarita. Espinoza(a)ocpw.ocgov. com Questions concerning reviews, please contact the following staff: For Tract Maps/ Parcel Maps/LLA/Certificate of Compliance/Certificate of Corrections/Annexations, and Monuments Susan Ruiz Susan. RuizCa)ocpw.ocgov.com 714-647-3997 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 1200.West Conun=walth Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92333 Ph: 714-870-1'.11 Fax: 714-870-1222 e-mail: coastgeotec@gmail.coin February 16, 2023 W.O. 571219-03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Painter 710 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625 Subject: Final Soils Report for 710 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California References: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of Proposed New Residence at 710 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, Inc., W. O. 571219-01, dated May 8, 2019, 2. Rough Grade Compaction Report for Proposed New Residence at 710 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, hic., W. 0. 571219-02, dated April 12, 2021. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Painter: In accordance with the request of your contractor, this final soils report has been prepared to address geotechnical observations and testing performed since completion of rough grading. This report addresses requested observations and testing. Copies of our daily reports are maintained in our files. FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS The foundation excavations for the residence were observed on May 13, 2021. The foundation excavations were found to be acceptable at the time of our final observations. INTERIOR SLAB SUBGRADE AND TRENCH BACKFILLS The interior slab subgrade was observed on June 1, 3, and 7, 2021. Probing and testing of the interior residential slab area indicated acceptable geotechnical conditions for support of the proposed slab. . HARDSCAPE During site construction the project contractor failed to secure geotechnical observation and testing of hardscape subgrade soils for the front patio and partial side walkways, and side courtyard areas, prior to concrete placement. This was stated in our final soil report for the project. The City inspector has requested that the hardscape subgrade soils be assessed after the fact. COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Mr. and Mrs. Painter 2 W.O. 571219-03 Final Soils Report February 16 20l3 To assess the hardscape subgrade in the front patio, side walkways and side courtyard, the contractor provided four concrete cores through the hardscape in random locations. On February 7, 2023, drive tube samples of the exposed subgrade materials were taken to determine in place densities. The samples indicated acceptable geotechnical condition for support of the existing hardscape. The hardscape subgrade for the carport and partial side walkways was observed on January 30, 2023 and February 8, 2023. Probing and testing of hardscape subgrade areas indicated acceptable geotechnical conditions for support of the proposed hardscape. OPINION It is opinion of COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. that the summarized geotechnical conditions approved by this office are in compliance with approved geotechnical reports and Newport Beach building codes. The final grades appear to conform to approved plans. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully Submitted: COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ming-Tarng Chen RCE 54011 No. 54011 Exp. 12/31/23 ar iel Here Staff Geologist \AEWP% r r C9L7FO 0.�y�P . Project Address: Owner Name: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNTTY,DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 ( Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca oov 1 (949) 644-3200 Full Name of Structural Observer Structural Observation Report PI FASF I?Jnli`ATC.- Report Date: �? 6 _. r, - Owners Mailing Address (if different from E-mail Address: Inspector Name: I CNB r 0 i I 1i :lepho a OF CNB Plan Check #: mqe #: ^q /-er3 AA1 Sy/Opp��Lice ns��e, // �Reg. #. 1P34-r-1 - -- -- — — - - •—— • -- -' "'T'�.. r a iarvu %,Urvrvtc I WINS 08SERVED check a pplicable boxes) FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS INDICATE LOCATION(S) DATE El Conventional ❑Concrete ❑ Steel (Floor/Roof) ❑ Concrete OBSERVED OBSERVED Footings & Slab ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, d Wood or Manuf. ❑ Masonry Wood Grade Beams Shear Panels ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND ITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: / ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. FINAL RUC L OBSERVATION REPORT: The t uctu generally complies with the a roved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: � 1. I am the licensed design professional retained b the owner to be in responsible Y p charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom f have designated above and is under my responsible have ti `Y ANDF;L`y �C1� charge, performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved constru o documents; h 3. 1 understand that II d ficiencies ich 1 have documented must be corrected, to IfiiN.� prior final: ac an of th to I q \ st Divisi stems by the City of Newport Beach, Building \\\ Kz-) \„ L�L1 e,r✓ ' SIGNATU UCT L OBSE OF RECORD AT STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER URAL uensenvATiu VmOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY.AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, Fosmslttmqual06servalionRepan&lns WcGons CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,h c'vED '9y -OMMUNIT`( COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT-:y0,3__NU:LOPMEN9 BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1758 ( Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 JUI_ 13 2021 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CITY Of - Structural Observation Report Project Atldress: 'r ., ra'q Re rt D is: i� " CNB nspector Name: Lit CNB Permit #:. �- )�- Building Omer Name: Owners Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Full Name of Structural Obs,e�rv,err� (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Tele Ah+one #: SO License I Reg. #: PLEASE IND CATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OBSERVED check applicable boxes FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS (Flood of) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ❑Wood or Shear Panelseels ❑Masonry Wood ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other. ❑ Other: TEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that.the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final accepUral systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. STRUCTURAL M .STAMP OF STRUCTURALOBSERVER NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Foms�SwcNn106servwianRe W n&Irt W chaos SEW PART CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Reoort Project Address: ID 1�0�a Report Date: r CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: L/P�sl�'L% �oI J.. i!Z Bui ing Owner Name: A Owner's Mailing Ad ress If dill rent from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: )l- 0 583 -H,- 2_�,j Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): AtAEKG ° SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License / Reg. #: ln ck I'd 673-3152- /f5q-y PLEASE INDICATF STRI ICTI IRAI FI CRRCRITC ARIA . FOUNDATIONS ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab - - - --- - - -M - •- SHEAR WALLS ❑ Concrete ---•••-^ • •�•.... FRAMES ❑ Steel vvnLca. 11wivo umacmVCU DIAPHRAGMS (FloorlRoof) ❑ Concrete (check apipficame, INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED boxes) DATE OBSERVED ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ❑ Other: ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Other: ❑ Masonry ❑ Other. ood ❑ Other: TEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that.the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant ' construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the r approved construction document ; 3. 1 understand that all deficienci ave documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptanc oo, the at I systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. rA Hli J CgJ 5 ,STAMP OF StikbcTURAL OBSERVER DOES NOT WAIVE ANY RFOIIIRFMFNTS Fm nim mur- Iucccn inu nv ev..,,..,.�.,.........--.. ....... Po.msVSwnurelObservarionReport&Wtlunians CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca aov 1(949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Renort Project Address: G Report Date: / r a a CNB Inspector Name: L46A-f e CNB Permit #: 2c2l1- lzz ' Bull g Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owners Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: ( T '14 - `a4- 5835 220y,- 2- i Full ame of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License / Reg. #: I P oG1 Z v�tzrn��h®�Lii}bllIok�rie 1417 b73-315y • PLEASE INDICOTF RTRI IrTt IMAI CI CRMCLITQ eun n�.•..�.........._ _____. .__ _ FOUNDATIONS ❑ Conventional Footings &Slab ------ ----•-•----•••-•-•.. SHEAR WALLS ❑ Concrete lI.�V FRAMES ❑ Steel VDar-mvCU VV/YI\GVI IVINQVFR cnecKa Ilcable INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED bOXeS DATE OBSERVED ❑ Mat Foundation, Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ ConcretePrestressed Caissons, Piles, Beams Other: .A ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Other: ❑ MasonryGrade ❑ Other: (�C=❑ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that.the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; - 2. 1, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved con uctio ocuments; 3. 1 understand it d ciencles which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final accepta ce o th structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building .STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER RF0111RFMFNTR FOR nun mrir_ �Reocrr.nw ev u•:u...,..�,........ .... ]70 u%wdurWOMervawnRep a&Inn ,qm aEW PART p� 1 m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a y x a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT C111 .r RUELDING DIVISION - 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: 6 f� V t�G Da Report Date: 3 2 v 2_Z CNB Inspecto Name: {jbok 42�e CNB Permit #: 2-01 - ! 2- Buildin Owner Name: 11,4 TTE�(�, Owners Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: 2-25&-2_01°i Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): AN�pAo/� G-10O�T SO E-mail Address: ata^ rGh �r hltnk,n�i SO Telephone #: °iF "1.3-3�Sz SO License / Reg. #: �,�� PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND rnNNFrrinnis r, e_� FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ElMasonry ❑ Concrete ❑Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑Masonry ❑Wood ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: TEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ALA- S7`IRM�5 1DEk 1-7 l 7e-h IYL f_' ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. INAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: tructure enerally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom 1 have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance oj," structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building 9 STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER FOR RI III nimr: INRPFCTIn10 RV At ITM1217Fn cmw nVCCR nF TNC CITY nC NCWCnPT REAM! Poems\SwcturalObsercationReport&lnswclions r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92668-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVII. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM From: 2�s5 , Gogsr LY k-2 1- COKDrJADel-M/kK, CA-'J2,(q2_S ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION Date: GPC No.: 20 � , - Z.v I T a tf ubdIvislon/ of NoL Rough: _Finale Project Names:. —7i o Ay r7 G 4 Po Owner/Developer: Y. D b o-r PA I til'-F-K Type of Project: Notes: _Tract: Drainage _ Commercial _ Other Industrial Yardage for Project: Notes: _ Cut: Borrow: Fill: _ Export: I hereby approve the grading for this project in accordance with my responsibilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhibit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices. The grading has been completed: `�j_ in conformance with, with the following changes to the approved grading plan. Description of Changes: GDmi_oweE Cc'aT-I.L Company: n Name: A NL-)&w C .70o 1 Z _ (01101 (Ign) License No.: U 1 G1 I (RCERS) FO m XClvli Engineers Certification Fann 9-19 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department I Building Division 100 Civic Center Dr.1 P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newoortbeachca gov i (949) 644-3200 CALGREEN DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: 7/0 Ayoc��tdd Atlo � rn q/0P RMIT NO.. , , r G - 1 ep i THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. ONE COPY OF THIS FORM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FINAL INSPECTION AND ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING OWNER AS PART OF THE CAL GREEN CERTIFICATION PACKAGE. The following section shall be completed by a person with overall responsibility for the planning and design portion of the project. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONS PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) ❑ Franchise Hauler for Construction/Demolition Waste (65% min. reuse of nonhazardous waste) ❑ VOC Contents Limitation ❑ Formaldehyde Emissions Limitation ❑ T-24 Energy Certificate of Installations (Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mach., Plumb.) ❑ T-24 Energy Certificate of Verifications or Acceptance ( Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb., HERS) ❑ Operations and Maintenance Manual MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL (RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY) ❑ I certify that the moisture content of the wall and floor framing is less than 19 percent as determined in accordance with Section 4.505.3 of CAL Green prior to being enclosed. DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided is true and correct. • I certify that the installed measures, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conform to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcing agency. Date Signed: Notes Name: u.e 4en runn 1-tul/ DROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, In( ffective 02/22/2023 11:34 (Page 1 of 2 GENERAL INFORRMATION rt = . Energy Standards Code Year: 2016 Project Name: PAINTER DUPLEX . Project Type: New Construction SFRgea ■ Address: 710 AVOCADO ■ City/State/Zip: Corona del Mar / CA / 92625 ' L ' Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach ■ ■ Permit Number: X2019-4122 Easy to Verify @ calcerts.com OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE s°7 F1R INFORM%TQN�.r. Certificate o 6ompUa(1c�Document Lists Requ¢ TIM Y Features) Certificate Type I Compliance Registered Form CF1R-PRF-01 Registered Date 2021-10-21 1711:05 Registration Number 221-P010221721A-000-o6o-o000000 0000 CF1R-SRA-01 12023-02-1411:15:11 1221-P010221721A-R01001A CF2R-ENV-01-E 221-P010221721A-000-001-E01001A-0000 Fenestration Installation 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-ENV-03-E 2023-02-14 11:35:44 221-P010221721A-000-001-E03001A-0000 Scott english Insulation Installation (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-LTG-01-E 221-P010221721A-000-001-L01001A-0000 Lighting 2023-02-14 11:35:44 .Scott english ( (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-01-E 221-P010221721A-000-001-M01001A-0000 Space Conditioning 2023-02-14 11:35:44 I I Scott english Uv Systems, Ducts and Fans (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc, CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 02/22/2023 11:34 (Pape 2 of 2) 221-P010221721A-000-001-M20002A-0000 System 1 =L�eakaqe 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-23-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M23002A-0000 System 1 Airflow 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) System 1 CF2R-MCH-22-H Fan Efficacy 2023-02-14 11:35:44 221-P010221721A-000-001-M22002A-0000 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) System 1 CF2R-MCH-26-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M26002A-0000 Rated Equipment 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english (f (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-27-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M27001A-0000 IAQ and MV 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-29-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M29002A-0000 System 1 Surface Area R-Value, 2023-02-14 11:35:44 Scott english Buried Ducts (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-PLB-02-E 221-P010221721A-000-001-602003A-0000 SD HWS Distribution 2023-02-14 11:35:45 Scott english ( K (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF3Rr1NFORgTIONCertifiga of uenfic` or (Documents th e fic do dff' ERS Meas r 5:) se, R 'IN ' k u�$a. mi oraa. .Fob ,R gis-&"M Date 'n w I e istra Id NumbeF F+" System 1 CF3R-MCH-20-H 221-P010221721A-000 001-M20002A-M20A (Duct Leakage) 2023-02 22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) ✓ (REX QUE HOEFERDANG)' System 1 CF3R-MCH-23-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M23002A-M23A (Airflow) 2023-02-22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 CF3R-MCH-22-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M22002A-M22A (Fan Efficacy) 2023-02-22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 CF3R-MCH-26-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M26002A-M26A (Rated Equipment) 2023-02-22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) ✓ (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-27-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M27001A-M27A (IAQ and MV) 2023-02-22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-29-H 221-P010221721A-000-001-M29002A-M29A System 1 (Surface Area R-Value, 2023-02-22 11:34:21 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) Buried Ducts) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Resldentlal Compliance Dec 2015 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 02/22/2023 11:07 /D--- , ,.o �' e~L,erv�-wrURtnngll©N .""r ..]sh , . , z: tYtrryca^ ,.r M. ia?, USi `rY'V Y .tq xW f t .. c •. 3 '05rx.{, u': ^v/ Energy Standards Code Year: 2016 Project Name: PAINTER DUPLEX 1/2 ■ �■ ; ■ Project Type: New Construction SFR ■ ■ � Address: 710.5 AVOCADO • City/State/Zip: Corona del Mar / CA / 92625 Easyto Verify @ calcerts.com Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach Permit Number: X2019-4122 OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE . ....:}. ... , t57 CF7 R INFORMATION , Ce i irate ofCpmpla ce (Ddcument Lis sRe wre ne'�Feature..si) {, x q r• } J4 : '4 i .XeR eh11 µ" Certificate Type Compliance Registered Form CF1R-PRF-01 nr',) Registered Date 2022 03-11-08:09:19 Registration Number 222-PO10047113A-000-000-0000000 0000 ' AC7ITIONALrCFRe x �4x System '41 Form .ReglateredDate °'P Reg(stratlii&Number `t CF1R-SRA-01 2023-02-14 11:37:29 222-P010047113A-R01001A CF2R.INFORMATI,ON Certificate of InstallahonDocuments the pro pek mstalf�tion o required energy features) S Stem rui Y J 'rGt .y .r 'Ys v A ;acs { Y 'u l ,drr : .?&„ Form . x Reglsterefl Da% rr Reglstratlon NU'irh er CF2R-ENV-01-E 222-P010047113A-000-001-E01001A-0000 Fenestration Installation 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-ENV-03-E 222-P010047113A-000-001-E03001A-0000 Insulation Installation 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott English ice/ (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-LTG-01-E 222-P010047113A-000-001-L01001A-0000 Lighting 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-01-E 222-1010047113A-000-001-M01001A-0000 Space Conditioning 2023-02-14 11:47:21 scoff english Systems, Ducts and Fans (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 02/22/2023 11:07 (Page 2 of 2) System 1 MR-MCH-20-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M20002A-0000 Duct Leakage 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott English CO (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) MR-MCH-21-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M21002A-0000 System 1 Ducts Located In 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott English Conditioned Space (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) System 1 CF2R-MCH-23-H 00h7113A-000-001-M23002A-0000Airflow 2O23-02-14 11:47:21 0 scoff English CO (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) System 1 CF2R-MCH-22-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M22002A-0000 Fan Efficacy 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott English (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) System 1 CF2R-MCH-26-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M26002A-0000 Rated Equipment 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott English (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-MCH-27-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M27001A-0000 IAQ and MV 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott englishj (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF2R-PLB-02-E 222-P010047113A-000-001-602003A-0000 SD HWS Distribution 2023-02-14 11:47:21 Scott english (SCOTT ENGLISH GENERAL CONTRACTOR) CF,3 IfJFORM*ION re rtltti8 f Verifwagor Docu den� the erl ca't7 of y E Me s r System e, dorm Bn,A Rg�plster Date Re IstrationAx Number #.::' p' tBike*Y5 74...; System 1 CF3R-MCH-20-H 222-P010047113A-000 001-M20002A-M20A (Duct Leakage) ',. 2023-02 22�11:06:39 Rex Hoefer Dan ,(CC2006175) 9 CC!! w,) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 MR-MCH-21-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M21002A-M21A (Ducts In Cond Space) 2023-02-22 11:06:39 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 CF3R-MCH-23-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M23002A-M23A (Airflow) 2023-02-22 11:06:39 Rex Hoefer Dan CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 3R-MCH-22-H [(Fan 222-P010047113A-000-001-M22002A-M22A Efficacy) 2023-02-22 11:06:40 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1 MR-MCH-26-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M26002A-M26A (Rated Equipment) 2023-02-22 11:06:40 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) ✓) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-27-H 222-P010047113A-000-001-M27001A-M27A (IAQ and MV) 2023-02-22 11:06:40 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION c9uPoaN'P 100 Civic Center Drive 1 P.Q. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 926588915 www.newportbeachce.gov 1(949) W-3200 CONTRACTOR/PROPERTY OWNER SELF -CERTIFICATION DECLARATION (FOR PLUMBING FIXTURE (REPLACEMENT ^� Project Add as: - L�7 -r 0 C 0 � 1 Qti � Date: � I Zf /S Permit#: 1 The following is to be4completed by the California licensed contractor or owner, participating in the City of Newport Beach Self -Certification Program. Please type or print. r3 Installer's Name: G�2AfW1-�.lr, ig ny 10-1A `, VK • License No (if applicable) b$ SZ �� Installer's Mailing Address: 1i512 6PI441n CAAe it Z Phone#tequired): Installers Emaii: 'A°INw1?0A *-ezl4ht C14 TUq-7• FAX#: Installer �Crec`t i ie �rsSgH ♦t.t,nbin�,rysn I certify that the installation is in compliance with applicable code requirements. I further affirm that I have reviewed and understand the requirements of the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CGBSC) Section 301.1.1 and that all self -certification reports submitted will be based on the code requirements contained therein. I declare that all plumbing fixtures subject to the CGBSC 301.1.1 has been replaced meeting the low flow requirements: Kitchen faucets: 1.8 gal/minute at 60 psi Shower heads: 1.8 gal/minute at 80 psi Water closet: 1.28 galiRush Faucets: maximum flow rate of 1.2 gal/minute at 60 psi, and minimum 0.8 gai/minute at 20 psi Installers Signature Date Prop2M Owns (Required) As the property owner of the project address noted above, I have read, understand and agree to participate in the Plumbing Fixture Replacement Self -Certification. Program. I further understand that by participating in this program, the plumbing system will not be inspected by a City of Newport Beach Building inspector during construction or after installation unless requested. The Building Division may request and reserves the right to verify code compliance after the installation is ctplete. Property Owners Signature Date r Pdrt Name -I Email This form must be completed and returned to the City of Newport Beach, Building Division, for a final approval of the combination permit. Please return this forth to the Building Division by mail or fax. Please mail to: City of Newport Beach Phone: (949) 718-1888 Community Development Department Fax#: (949) 644-3250 Building Division P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 FormslCuno=r-OmerSelf-CertDeolamgon-Plumbing flxlure Replacement 03/04122