HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0290_20230213_Notice of Incomplete CDP Application Filing_02-13-2023 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FILING February 13, 2023 Brandon Architects c/o Kennedy Year 151 Kalmus Drive, Unit G-1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 kennedy@brandonarchitects.com Application No. Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0290) Address 604 Via Lido Nord Please be advised that after reviewing the subject application, your submittal has been deemed incomplete and further information is required before we are able to proceed with the application process. The following documentation is required to complete the application: 1. Property Development Standards. Please be advised, the project as designed does not comply with all required property development standards identified in Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 21.30 (Property Development Standards). • Inconsistencies between architectural and grading sheets i.e., site wall callouts, BBQ counter. • Unclear what elevation current top of bulkhead is, what it will be raised to, and if glass guardrail above will apply comply with 42” height limit (measured from existing grade). • Revise floor area calculations and open volume to comply with City standards (attached) versus HOA. • Adjust measurement of building height to that of the proposed grade determination (PA2022-0240). • Provide a building section that demonstrates that 1) built-in table on rooftop deck does not exceed 24 feet from PA2022-0240/Existing Grade and 2) the mansard comes to a point rather than a flat surface (i.e. complies with height limitations). • Show easements on site plan. Reference the attached redlines and plan check correction sheet for required changes. February 13, 2023 (PA2022-0290) Page 2 Tmplt. 10/23/2018 2. Notice of Application Filing Please coordinate with staff to pickup the required “Notice of Application Filing” which must be placed at the project site. 3. Coastal Hazards Report. Is waterproofing/flashing required in the principal structure? Up to what height? Is it recommended that sandbags be deployed across openings in the event of flooding? 4. Bulkhead Condition Report. What is the height of the existing bulkhead? What will it be raised to as part of this project? 5. PRR Comments Please be advised that your project was routed to the Building Division, the Engineering Geologist, and the Public Works Department for a Project Review Request (PRR). Their comments are still pending and will be provided to you as soon as they are available. 6. Miscellaneous Please be aware, a Waiver of Future Protection will likely be required as a condition of approval for this project in accordance with Section 21.30.015(E)(5). This is a recorded agreement waiving any potential right to future protection devices to address threats from natural hazards for the economic life of the development. Upon verification of completion, the application will be processed and scheduled for a Zoning Administrator Hearing. Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact Joselyn Perez, Assistant Planner, at 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov. By: Attachments: Planning Division redlines and correction sheet Definition of Floor Area, Gross (NBMC 20.70) Open Volume Requirements (NBMC 20.48.180) 2/13/23, 3:49 PM Chapter 20.70 DEFINITIONS https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/#!/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2070.html#20.70 1/1 Floor Area, Gross. 1. Single-Unit and Two-Unit Dwellings. a. For single-unit and two-unit dwellings, the following areas shall be included in calculations of gross floor area: i. The area within and including the surrounding exterior walls; ii. Covered decks, balconies or patios above the first floor; iii. Any interior portion of a structure that is accessible and that measures more than six feet from floor to ceiling; and iv. Covered parking spaces which are open only on one side. b. The following areas shall be excluded: i. Stairwells and elevator shafts above the first level; and ii. Covered decks, balconies or patios open on at least two sides, with the exception of required safety railings and minimal structural supports. Railings shall be constructed of either transparent material (except for supports) or opaque material (e.g., decorative grillwork, wrought iron, latticework, or similar open materials) so that at least forty (40) percent of the railing is open. 2/13/23, 3:46 PM Chapter 20.48 STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC LAND USES https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/#!/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2048.html#20.48.180 1/2 20.48.180 Residential Development Standards and Design Criteria. A. Development Standards. 1. Applicability. The development standards in this subsection shall apply to all R-1, R-BI, R-2, and RM Zoning Districts Citywide, except as provided below: a. Exceptions. This subsection shall not apply to: i. R-1-6,000, R-1-7,200, R-1-10,000, RMD, and RM-6000 Zoning Districts; ii. Planned community zoning districts; or iii. Residential developments consisting of three or more units on a lot in the RM Zoning District. b. Limited Application. This subsection shall be limited in its application as follows: i. For lots twenty-five (25) feet wide or less in the R-2 Zoning District, only subsection (A)(2)(c) of this section shall apply. ii. For residential developments consisting of one or two units on a lot in the RM Zoning District, only subsections (A)(2) (c) and (A)(3) of this section shall apply. 2. Third Floor Limitations. a. Allowed Floor Area. The maximum gross floor area that may be located on a third floor shall not be greater than either of the following: i. Fifteen (15) percent of the total buildable area for lots wider than thirty (30) feet; or ii. Twenty (20) percent of the total buildable area for lots thirty (30) feet wide or less. On sloping lots, if the slope of the grade on which the structure is located is greater than five percent, subject to Section 20.30.050(B)(3), the Director shall determine which story is the third story for the purpose of implementing this requirement. For example, on a thirty (30) foot wide lot, if the total buildable area of the lot is two thousand five hundred fifty (2,550) square feet, then the maximum square footage that may be located on the third floor is five hundred ten (510) square feet (two thousand five hundred fifty (2,550) sq. ft. x twenty percent (20%) = five hundred ten (510) sq. ft.). b. Allowed Combined Floor Area and Covered Deck Area. The combined total maximum gross floor area and covered deck area that may be located on a third floor shall not be greater than fifty (50) percent of the total buildable area. c. Location of Third Floor Structure. Enclosed floor area and covered deck area located on the third floor shall be set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the front and rear setback lines and for lots thirty (30) feet in width or greater a minimum of two feet from each side setback line, including bay windows. 3. Open Volume Area Required. a. Calculation. Open volume area shall be provided in addition to the required setback areas and shall be a minimum area equal to fifteen (15) percent of the buildable area of the lot. b. Location. The open volume area may be provided anywhere on the lot within the buildable area and below twenty-four (24) feet from grade. The open air space volume may be provided on any level or combination of levels and may extend across the entire structure or any portion thereof. c. Minimum Dimensions. The open volume area shall meet the following standards: 2/13/23, 3:46 PM Chapter 20.48 STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC LAND USES https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/#!/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2048.html#20.48.180 2/2 i. Have a minimum dimension of at least five feet in depth from the wall plane on which it is located and a minimum clear vertical dimension of at least seven and one-half feet; and ii. Be open to the outdoors on at least one side. B. Design Criteria. 1. Applicability. The design criteria provided in this subsection shall apply to all single-unit and two-unit residential buildings Citywide. The following design criteria shall be used in determining a project’s consistency with the purpose of this Zoning Code and with the policies of the General Plan related to architecture and site design. The criteria shall apply to all new single-unit and two- unit residential buildings and additions thereto. Review of projects under this subsection is ministerial and shall occur concurrently with the review of plans for building permit issuance. 2. Design Criteria. a. Walls. Long, unarticulated exterior walls are discouraged on all structures. The visual massing of a building should be reduced by incorporating appropriate design elements; including variation in the wall plane, building modulation, openings, recesses, vertical elements, varied textures, and design accents (e.g., moldings, pilasters, etc.). Front facades shall include windows. b. Upper Floors. Portions of upper floors should be set back in order to scale down facades that face the street, common open space, and adjacent residential structures. Upper story setbacks are recommended either as full-length “stepbacks” or partial indentations for upper story balconies, decks, and/or aesthetic setbacks. c. Architectural Treatment. Architectural treatment of all elevations visible from public places, including alleys, is encouraged. Treatments may include window treatments, cornices, siding, eaves, and other architectural features. d. Front Facade. Where the neighborhood pattern is for the primary entrance to face the street, the primary entry and windows should be the dominant elements of the front facade. Primary entrances should face the street with a clear, connecting path to the public sidewalk or street. Alternatively, entry elements may be visible from the street without the door necessarily facing the street. e. Main Entrance. The main dwelling entrance should be clearly articulated through the use of architectural detailing. (Ord. 2020-28 § 1 (Exh. A), 2020; Ord. 2010-21 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2010)