HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2023-0487 - Alternative Material & MethodsrE "P°RT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH )(122D23 -Oyg'� O� f RECEIVED BY } COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY F DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 ( Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 "<<F R" s ) MAR 2 2 2023 �, www.newoortbeachca.gov 949 644-3200 CASE NO.: ❑ REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 (FIRE CODE) OR TITLE 15 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $297) REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $297) For above requests, complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 below by printing in ink or typing. JOB ADDRESS: SITE ADDRESS: 1318 Outrigger Dr., 92e25 Owner Mahnaz JamalipourI Lachman Estate LLC Address 15 MacArthur PI.. #2002, 92707 Zip Daytime Phone ( 310 ) CITY OF FOR STAFF USE ONLY Plan Check# (X262.$"040+#of Stories Occupancy Classification "/U Use of Building Sr-f— # of Units Project Status PWA Construction Ty e Verified by No. of Items 1 Fee due DISTRIBUTION: Owner Flan Check Petitioner ❑ Inspector ❑ Fire ❑ Other PETITIONER: Petitioner ARSEN ADZHEMYAN, P.E. ENV. SP. (Peti6aner to b a,Vhaect w en9ir�eerf Address 1010 REALEIGH ST. APT. 107, GLENDALE, 91205 Zip Daytime Phone ( 818 ) V4REQU!5T: Submit plans if necessary to illustrate request. Additional sheets or data may be attached. I.I..PUSTIFICATIONIFINDINGS OF EQUIVALENCY: CODE SECTIONS11 : I CG 4.505.2.1 �S1« lV\l� ;7foVtr-�olN rn�)c�uf`E_ f v LA t v J r ... — L y vAo1J r -- M IIVM H Petitioner's Position CIVIL ENGINEER Signature CA Professional Lic. # C89103 Date: 03/22/23 FOR STAFF USE ONLY DEPARTMENT ACTION: In accordance with: CBC 104.11/CFC 104.9 ❑ CBC 104.10/CFC 104.8 X(Alternate materials & methods) (CBC Modification) ❑ Concurrence from Fire Code Official is required. ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Written Comments Attached By: Date Request (DOE (DOESNOT lessen any fire protection requirements. Request (DOES OES N�OT),`lessen the structural integrity The Request is: ranted ❑ Denied (See reverse for appeal information) ❑ Granted (Ratification required) Conditions of Approval: Signature — - Position CHIFF Pt_j!l VG r7FFICIAbate D¢ Print Name iT )&rzq t ktcon ?rew"W , ` APPEAL OF DIVISION ACTION TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS (See Reverse) (Signature, statement of owner or applicant, statement of reasons for appeal and fling fees are required.) Sika° MB Solvent Free, Epoxy Moisture Barrier PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sika® MB is a 2-component, solvent free, low viscosity, epoxy for use under wood flooring products, self leveling underlayments, floating floors and other flooring systems that require protection from subfloor moisture. USES • Moisture barrier to help control moisture propagation in cementitious substrates with a moisture content not exceeding 6 % by Tramex Method, residual moisture up to 100 % R.H. or 25 Ib/1,000 ftz/24 h (11.4 kg/92.9m 2/24 h) • For substrate consolidation on concrete, cement and gypsum screeds • Adhesion promoter for old and new adhesive residues in conjunction with other Sika® products • Suitable on concrete, cement, self -leveling and gypsum substrates, OSB, plywood, quarry and terrazzo tiles, water-soluble adhesive and cutbacks PRODUCT INFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES • Solvent -free (100 %solids) • Easy roller applied application, low viscosity • Convenient, easy to mix packaging • Shorter construction periods • Excellent penetration and stabilization of the substrate • Reduction of adhesive consumption • Suitable for use on floors with radiant heating • Compatible with SikaBond® wood flooring adhesives, Sika® Level products • Can be used below floating floors APPROVALS/STANDARDS • Meets ASTM F 3010 Chemical Base Two component epoxy Packaging 2.64 gal (10 L) pail Color Blue Shelf Life 24 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged sealed containers Storage Conditions Store dry at 50-77 •F (10-25 •C). Protect from moisture. Density 69 Ib/ftis (1.1 kg/1) TECHNICAL INFORMATION Product Data sheet Sika° MB Tune 2019, Version 01.04 020512081000000017 1/4 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATION • Substrate must be clean, dry, sound and homogeneous, free from oils, grease, dust, and loose or friable particles. Paint, laitance, and other poorly adhering contents must be mechanically removed. • Substrate must have an open textured surface to allow Sika® MB to penetrate. (i.e. Blast cleaning, grinding are considered acceptable means to achevie the desired surface profile. Acid and chemical etching are not acceptable). • At least 50 %of the surface area must be cleared of residual adhesive and cutbacks. (i.e. by grinding or mechanical substrate preparation) • Old cutback can contain asbestos which is dangerous for the health so do not grind, sand or blast. Refer to the Resilient Floor Covering Institute's publication "recommended work practice for removal of resilient floor coverings" for instruction. • Minimum substrate compressive strength > 1,160 psi. Tensile Bond strength > 116 psi at the time Sika® MB is applied. • Repair with Sika' Level SkimCoat or SikaQuick• mortar before priming. • The floor must be cleaned with an industrial vacuum prior to installation of the Sika® MB. • On fiber reinforced concrete, fibers should be flamed off the surface prior to application of Sika® MB as a moisture barrier. • Before overall installation begins, Sika' recommends the application of several small test patches to determine primer application requirements and acceptability of final product performance. MIXING Add one full can of component A to one full can of component B then mix with an electric drill and mixing (Jiffy Mixer type) paddle at a low speed to reduce air entrainment (300-400 rpm). Using a paint stick or similar is not sufficient to mix the primer. A minimum mixing time of 3 minutes shall be observed; mixing shall continue until a homogeneous mix has been achieved. Scrape sides of pail with paint stick or paddle to ensure all contents are thoroughly mixed together. Unmixed material applied to the floor will not cure properly. APPLICATION METHOD/TOOLS • Apply Sika® MB uniformly (in 2 directions 90•) to the substrate using a medium nap roller, ensuring that a continuous coat is achieved over the entire surface (MUST produce a mirror like finish). • Pour contents of pail onto the floor for best working time. Attempting to work from the pail will reduce working time. • When used as a moisture barrier and substrate consolidation / adhesion promotor, prepare the Product Dab Sheet Sika- MS .une 2019, Version 01.04 .20512081000000017 substrate mechanically as in accordance with the guidelines stated in subtitle "Surface Preparation". Apply the first coat at 10 mils Apply the second coat at 15 mils in accordance with the open time*. 2 coats application: Apply the first coat at 75-115 ftz/gal Apply the second coat at 150-225 ft2/gal in accordance with the application time window*. Then follow one of the option: • Option 1: Broadcast to refusal with oven dried silica sand (20/30) on the second coat immediately. Sweep sand once the epoxy is cured. Apply Sika® Level products on cured epoxy. • Option 2: Apply Sika® Level-02 EZ Primer in accordance with the application time window*. When the primer is dry, apply Sika® Level products. 'ref. to appliction time in sections above CLEANING OF TOOLS Clean all tools and application equipment with cleaning solvent (Xylene, MEK are effective). Hardened/cured material can only be removed mechanically. LIMITATIONS • Proper coverage must be used to achieve moisture barrier properties. • Will not act as a moisture barrier for gypsum screeds. Gypsum based subfloors are very susceptible to excess moisture and will be degraded if exposed to excess moisture from below or above. • Only protects from moisture coming from below the concrete. • Will not prevent hydrostatic pressure. • Must not be applied to a visibly wet substrate. • Does not prevent moisture occurring between the epoxy and the floating floor due to secondary sources of moisture or acclimation, e.g. water condensation. • Is not suitable for use with bonded systems due to possible curing and adhesion problems. • Sika' recommends the use of Sika' Level products on top of it. • Floor covering manufacturer's and Wood flooring manufacturers recommendations, like room humidity levels and wood acclimation requirements should be strictly followed. • Sika' does not make any standing recommendations as to the structural integrity of old adhesive residues or subflooring materials that are not manufactured by Sika". • When left on the substrate for more than the maximum allowable open time of 36 hours, prior to placing the adhesive, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and mechanically prepared (i.e. screened sand) and solvent wiped. Failure to do this, may result in adhesion problems. For detailed instruction contact our Technical Service. When used in conjunction with SikaBond•, Sika® MB does not need to be broadcasted with sand. s r BUILDING TRUST 3/4 15O 24 x24° 2A 2a u NEER" F UN DNPIN SaED B4O IQ 5030 OB 00 MI suB ON GMDE-4' TWONR0 AVAWF B.B.wemw4.L - �u• .v ov.o �. �ry.•� �p �2 �YOT•� LIED (I IJ�.. CBRO MB'JUREAPPLIED ER BULL11 NLEiO LODE 2a. X24.. TrP m11 Sd 31 m m>JQA ,a uL,4 2 f 2 SO Sa30 M • __. _.ti ev. _ __. - SE I B i 12 F 2LL. u' 1VMI - B i i1 Is PLm �, a3 /1 T� ML ITN- T -030 i.H _(NI suB orvG cc. lLAEFN ClVTO l l C 'A CO BE E •{l Sd.30/ � „ •• a2 y ' 1$`2` IN 22a 2d 9ANED WI1S MIL \ rl \\'2 \ Efl BANolMcllE)IN \ IWCEN • Bx rLF a, 1 - (12 M _ \ / \SHE 12 / Gd31 1 APPLE y111Q,RN L. N 11 G.B2 E' (,NpY �12'O„G. YOVER 5a, 31 10 2LAVER50 2" IC SAND BED SMIT C MO SIU EB RRIE EO IN B EN / 2� r 2` S. 30 TA, 1R Sa 31�T +J Sa. M / 1 r` / 0 1 2 12MN FLQ�bi (\/ 5-0 a31 Ba =g �a3 sa 31� VIF ��� J S1 91P 1T IVIPN. DNOEflPIN —v DNDERPIN ^ T/ N0E\N =1-I \/ � ,���£F%%%IBTING BIPB ON GRADE 5i NOT PART / E15, / B5 2 s-112 i%1/HEX-2 r X2 H=%'. 3 .1;L1 e' S BOLTS 5 nF%9xHE B A-032 e OLTS FOUNDATION PLANBGALE 6-1a 10 Sd 3 n G Sd a1/ LEGEND I� NEWIGUNDATION EXISTING FOUNDATION EXISTING WALLAROVE NEWNALLARONE SHEAR WALL ABOVE HOLDOAN ® POBTABOVE NOTES -- -- RGER COLUMN BRALL GOVERN WHEN SIZES CONFLICT BEOVEEN ROLDONAN SCREOULE.0 COLUMN SOLD OULE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 3 CENTER POST ON FOOTING A CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND OIMENCIONE PRIOR TO TARTNG NORH 5. FOR EARNN AND ESR REPORTS SEE DETAa IL 4 ON SHEET s21. iVPE'A ." ANO-C" SHEAR WALLS CAN LEE 2x SILL PULE. ] PAD REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PER Y5.021 B. ALLSEARINGWALLC SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY COMPETENT FOOTING. S. UNDERPIN SIZE SHALL BE PER DETULS. 0. EXISTING FRAMING AND FOUNDATION SHALL REMAIN IN PLAN CE U N 0. ON PLAIN 11. FOR EXISTING WALLA DESIGNATED AS SHEAR WALL TYPES D E F G, H I AND 1. REINFORCE EXISTING L SILL RITE PER DETAIL 15a31 OR PROVIDE 3x SILL PIATE. i Ilk� PROJECT NO'.2023-014 DATE: 03=023 STRUCTURAL a GO IL > Q US W J w o a c? LL g K U , ~ 7 N o QZ US N U, p N DESIGNED BY: A.A. CHECKED BY: V.V. B' 6 O EE Z w RQ o ED p Q DO0 Q N W JZ OEQ Li d E EL a �UC ON 0 a N I I O Ri K 4Z ^J Z O a Z M O S-1