HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0044_20230622_Response Sheet Brandon Architects To: Afshin Atapor Planning Division City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, CA 92658 T: 949.644.3200 From: Nicole Thompson Brandon Architects 151 Kalmus Dr. Building G, Suite 1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 T: 714.754.4040 Date: June 22, 2023 Project: Fletcher Residence_439 Harbor Island Drive Re: Response to PA2023-0044 Plan Check Corrections dated 06/08/2023 To : Whom it may concern Thank you for taking the time to review our plans. Below you will find point-by-point responses to your list of corrections. 1. Property Development Standards. Please be advised, the project as designed does not comply with all required property development standards identified in Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 21.30 (Property Development Standards). Reference the attached plan check correction sheet for a list of the required changes. a. Section Plans: Missing A-5.1, A-5.2, and A-5.3 Response: These sections are being developed and will be provided with the building submittal. The reference to the missing sections has been removed. See sheet A-5.0 for required and provided sections. b. FAU: i. The FAU area as proposed on the third floor cannot encroach into required 2’ side third floor setback area. ii. The FAU area needs to measure less than 6’ from floor to ceiling to be able to encroach and to be exempt from floor area. iii. If FAU area measures more than 6’ from floor to ceiling, area shall be counted in overall floor area calculation, and removed outside of the required 2’ side third floor setback area. Response: See revised area on T-1.0 and A-0.2 including floor area of FAU on third floor. See sheet A-2.2, A-2.5 & A-6.2 for inhabitable chase space encroachment at 2’ side third floor setback. BRANDON ARCHITECTS | 151 Kalmus Dr., Suite G-1, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 | 714. 754. 4040 1 Brandon Architects c. Roof/wall height limit encroachment: i. The stone cap roof/wall feature shows 3:12 pitches on all sides, however this is still considered a flat roof structure that shall be subject to the 24’ height limit. Please review plans accordingly to demonstrate compliance with flat roof height limit. ii. The entire roof/wall feature needs have a 3:12 pitch in order to be considered a sloped roof. Response: The stone cap has been removed and a 3:12 metal sloped roof has been incorporated, see sections, elevations and 3rd floor plans. 2. Project Review Request a. See attached PRR’s from the Building Division and Public Works Department. Response: See responses to the Building Division and Public Works Department. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these responses or would like further clarification. Thank you, Nicole Thompson, AIA, NCARB Brandon Architects, Inc. BRANDON ARCHITECTS | 151 Kalmus Dr., Suite G-1, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 | 714. 754. 4040 2 Brandon Architects To: Dan Aquino Building Division City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, CA 92663 T: 949.644.3200 From: Nicole Thompson Brandon Architects 151 Kalmus Dr. Building G, Suite 1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 T: 714.754.4040 Date: June 22, 2023 Project: Fletcher Residence_439 Harbor Island Drive Re: Response to PA2023-0044 Plan Check Corrections dated 06/08/2023 To : Whom it may concern Thank you for taking the time to review our plans. Below you will find point-by-point responses to your list of corrections. 1. WQMP is required Response: Acknowledged. The WQMP was provided with 1st and 2nd submittal and has been resubmitted. 2. Structural foundation shall comply with liquefaction mitigation. Response: Acknowledged. The structural foundation with demonstration compliance with liquefaction mitigation during building permit plan check. 3. Building site is located in a special flood hazard area (SFHA) Ae8, established in FIRM dated March 21, 2019. Top of slab to be set at one foot above the Base Floor Elevation (BFE) of 8.0 feet NAVD88. In no case shall the slab elevation be below 9.0 feet NAVD88 or as required by Planning Department using North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). NBMC 15.50.200(c). Response: Acknowledged. The top of slab elevation is set at 9.12’ as indicated on Elevation and Section sheets which is in compliance with being one foot above the BFE and is not below 9.0 feet NAVD88. 4. Structures constructed in whole, or in part, in flood hazard areas (including A or V Zones) as established in FIRM dated March 21, 2019 shall conform to the requirements of NBMC 15.50 and in accordance with ASCE 24 subject to limitation of this code Section 15.05.100. Response: Acknowledged. See C.N.B. note #2 under ADHJ Notes 6/T-1.0. BRANDON ARCHITECTS | 151 Kalmus Dr., Suite G-1, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 | 714. 754. 4040 1 Brandon Architects 5. For habitable levels located more than one story above or more than one story below an egress door: The maximum travel distance from any occupied point to a stairway or ramp that provides egress from such habitable level or basement shall not exceed 50’. R311.4. Response: The view deck area has been reduced to comply with the 50’ egress path of travel from the habitable area to the top of the stairway that provides egress. Please see the revised path on A-2.2. 6. House shall comply with Pool Enclosure/Barrier requirements. NBMC 15.09, CBC 3109.2 (115923), & ISPSC 305.2.7 Response: An automatic pool enclosure gate is proposed to meet the Pool Enclosure/Barrier requirements at the courtyard. See keynote 27/A-0.0 & 25/A-2.0. 7. Sleeping rooms shall comply with emergency escape and rescue openings. EERO shall open directly into a public way, yard or court. R310.1 Response: See keynote 14 & 21/A-2.0, 14 & 15/A-2.1, 15/A-2.2. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these responses or would like further clarification. Thank you, Nicole Thompson, AIA, NCARB Brandon Architects, Inc. BRANDON ARCHITECTS | 151 Kalmus Dr., Suite G-1, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 | 714. 754. 4040 2 Brandon Architects To: David Keely Public Works Department City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, CA 92663 T: 949.644.3200 From: Nicole Thompson Brandon Architects 151 Kalmus Dr. Building G, Suite 1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 T: 714.754.4040 Date: June 22, 2023 Project: Fletcher Residence_439 Harbor Island Drive Re: Response to PA2023-0044 Plan Check Corrections dated 06/08/2023 To : Whom it may concern Thank you for taking the time to review our plans. Below you will find point-by-point responses to your list of corrections. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, a Construction Management Plan (CMP) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and Community Development Director. Response: Acknowledged. The CMP will be submitted with plans for building permit plan check. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these responses or would like further clarification. Thank you, Nicole Thompson, AIA, NCARB Brandon Architects, Inc. BRANDON ARCHITECTS | 151 Kalmus Dr., Suite G-1, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 | 714. 754. 4040 1