HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 - Appeal of a Limited Term Permit for the Aeronutronic Ford Soil Vapor Remediation (PA2022-0180) - PowerPoint (Applicant)July 25, 2023 Item No. 10 July 25, 2023 City of Newport Beach City Council Meeting WSP Earth & Environment • Kenn Conner, PE — Senior Vice President/West Regional Site Investigation & Remediation Leader • Mike Barnes — Project Manager Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board — State of California • Jessica Law, PG — Engineering Geologist Bayridge Homeowners Association (HOA) • Enrique Sanchez —President • Gayle Weinberg —Treasurer • The LTP was needed due to aesthetic issues, i.e., < 8 ft setback • Space is very limited • WSP is the owner of the LTP application • HOA's input was considered, but engineering, implementation and power availability determined the location • All potential locations were vetted and then narrowed down to 7 locations. Of these 7, only one meets the needs for the project • WSP/Ford has performed extensive community outreach • Most important, this project is needed in an urgent manner • Vapor Intrusion exists in 22+ homes • SVE is the only remediation technique to address the risk • Main appellant no longer owns the property at 94 Hartford Investigation area boundary Approximate former Aeronutronic Facility boundary Approximate location of former facility buildings Approximate formerATC area Creek Historical arroyo (back - filled during development) Former Ford Aeronutronic Facility Big Canyon Arroyo Area 0.5 ■ Miles Upper NewBay ♦ Ar r r � 1 Main. 1 iA rea'� ,� . %"" Former ATC Area I San Diego Cr. 1 North Area Areas to be Remediated f j Blron Ave 51 'a S 1 �l r l I I 9ra�ei-y �- 4 S+?atJprnugh { 1 � I J Snmin irq.�,r nNx wm i«aM s—F1' mprcg— onr rr rscm m-�i anarc loop Lcrm nsaeenrq lrrcl coMmlolze sarrgLlg psc�asre sr in roars= w,su,x ealrx nngnxm �romlrg lawn oaJnranr.vnping a�a .Doan I I.kg.�n moasums cnnoaa � Pow -.bnYmng �larso mmuma uin llpxr npllg Fw'p�ttxp Dt I I or S years -H,m^nng Nx,cn-,irdrr wQnn aY �.a„ylr, nni rwhcx� ran Ii1tlYY :ellm M.1-d helve >u� [� Itloul rr nsx�merl 9nll wra — � rol,srs hm.IJelr 6YJ1itl(I[r'cF _ rr�r��myam�mledannng 0 ion m =Fwt MARCH 3, 2023 INDOOR AR ASSESSMENT PROGRESS — PARCEL IC - BAYRIOGE PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION F'm mx Ferd Aeronwrmic Property, Newport [leach, Celftmie By. nrn lPfcjKl No.n Aqf lof t1��] MLQ:0l&„2023 '9" 2 Construct: Fall 2023 — Spring 2024 Operate: —1 year • 13 extraction wells within community 1 treatment system outside of community walls Explanation Soil vapor extra ction piping O Proposed :,oil vapor extracton well Proposed treatment system building ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS - Summary Alternatives involving parking spaces — Disruption to Proximity to Impact on Permitting Implementation Power Connection Option Description Communications ,righborhoo, Homes Parking Complexity Complexity Complexity Bayridge Park- 5 small - Community Mailer 6/3/21, Public comme t 1 systems in parking spots 6/7-7/9/21, Public meeting 6/10/21 High Low nfea Low Medium Medium (FS/RAP) HOA did not approve use of parking spa( s. Disruption of mature landscaping and Bayridge Park -Landscaped drainage 2 Areas between homes High High -Inaccessibility for construction equipment Low Medium Medium Does not solve the proximity to homes Proposed by City on 2/15/23 Bayridge Park - 2-3 Parking - All parking areas within project limits are 3 spots in eastern half of restricted by HOA MOU High tedium I nfeasib Low Low Low r community. -Parking impacts are concern at every publ meeting Propose y City on 2 15 23 Bayridge Park - Larger Northwest corner parking area less impacted 4 treatment system across 3 -Significant increase in linear feet of parking spots - northwest trenching required and construction durat in corner of neighborhood -Voltage drop over additional distance not code 5 ME Bison Ave - uiscussion wim l.lty about setoaCK requirements deemed this infeasible Bison construction moratorium Northern proposed by City 12/21, 6 Along Country Club (norther infeasible due to space limit and retaining wall impact Public meeting 11/4/21 and 1/18/23 Country Club Drive - City LTP process resulted in comments from 7 adjacent to 94 Hartford 3 nearest residents with concerns about the (Final FS/RAP & RDIP) location. Low Medium Low Low Low — 1 — Low Medium Low Medium Low I High I Low I Medium High Infeasible Hieh ^Aadii Low Low I Low LOCATION ANALYSIS — Electrical Connection • Southern California Edison performed site visits and plan checks starting July 2022. • Belcourt Drive is the only feasible 3-phase power connection. • Bringing the power connection farther into Bayridge Park would require upsizing conduits, doubling the width and depth of the trench. • Existing utilities inhibit a wider trench. Bison Ave I I Chesterileld � �. �' �1 •' I { I Parcelld { f Bayridge Park Homeowners Association wnodhLr ' sea6orauypl { ❑ c 1 F n 1 1 1` it 5 �eest'u�y Lt l m w C 4 I Parcel 11 1 i3elceurt Terrace Homeowners Association 1_��� j• f� Parcel 12 Belcourt Master Community Association N v G- sdale s r D � Cheshire Gl m ` e ❑r Con9 g�Y Dr 4 Lony gay Or i'n ~�� i Parcel 13 uuAlrer yls One Ford Road Community Association Locations Considered • Within Bayridge Park • Along Bison Avenue • Along Country Club Drive Criteria Considered • Disruption to neighborhood • Construction duration • Construction footprint within community walls • Power connection complexity • Distance from source • Voltage drop • Permitting complexity • Setbacks from public right of way • Moratorium on Bison • Implementation complexity • Slope stability • Disruption of mature landscaping • Accessibility for construction equipment • Proximity to homes • Proximity to windows, garages, vs walls • Impact on parking • Parking congestion worse in portions of the community than others "Building proximity intrinsically increases the risk for the Appellants." The proximity of the treatment unit regarding risk and has no bearing on building is not the determining factor Health & Safety. It is the exhaust concentration of the SVE that determines risk and that will be dictated by the Air District permit. • The HOA is represented here tonight. • This LTP is solely the responsibility of WSP and Ford. The HOA is the landowner, but the permit will be managed by WSP. • The HOA had significant input on the terms and conditions for the use of the HOA's land. This is normal. • The determining factors: engineering design, implementability and power availability. Current • City of Newport Beach — Limited Term Permit • Submitted August 2022 • Public comment began January 2023 • WSP responses to comments included in all staff reports since 3/2/23 • Planning Commission approved permit on 6/22/23 South Coast Air Quality Management District — Permit to Operate • Draft permit issued November 2022 (7 months of supervisory review) • Public comment period — 30 days • City of Newport Beach — Building Permit • Design submitted for plan check in December 2022 • Comments received February 2023 • Conditions of approval include obtaining Limited Term Permit and Permit to Operate Construction start date is reliant on obtaining all permits listed above. • Conducting extensive outreach since 2018 • Over 25 public meetings • 10 fact sheets • 6 Bayridge Park specific meetings — 3/4/2020, 4/22/21, 6/10/21, 11/4/211 1/18/23; 6/8/23 • Monthly email updates for Bayridge Park residents • Work notices distributed via US Mail one week prior to work • 24- to 48-hour phone notice when working in front of homes • Project website and toll -free hotline • Community relations advocate during construction and one-on-one briefings with residents, as needed • Safety • Location Decision Making • Timeframe of Remediation • Quality of Life • Noise • Aesthetics • Parking • Proximity "1 have done my research and believe that it can operate safely to address the risk my wife and 1- and the other 21 homes - are currently experiencing in the community." Enrique Sanchez, Bayridge Park Resident and HOA Board President "Both the Water Board and WSP have done an excellent job communicating with us about the issues and possible solutions. They have provided intelligent, transparent communications — answering my questions and addressing my worries — whenever I've called." Gwenn Abrams, Bayridge Park Resident "If Ford and the Santa Ana Water Board are both saying that the SVE system can operate safely in this location, then let's listen to the environmental experts and approve this limited term permit so we can start to protect this community and get rid of the air purifiers." Danielle Ocker-Rivas, Bayridge Park Resident "For us and the number of young children living at Bayridge, we need the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system installed so that all people of all ages can live here safely." Jack and Teena Copeland, Bayridge Park Resident Summary: • The selected location is the only viable location. • The system has a finite operation period and then the building will be removed. • SVE technology is safe, reliable, and is the most commonly used method of soil vapor remediation. Ford and WSP are open to discussion with any resident to try and address specific concerns. Please contact us at: (833) 949-3673 info@ford N BFacts.com