HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0034_20230206_Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation_PA2021-099 staff reportCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISION STAFF REPORT April 21, 2022 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 SITE LOCATION: 5000 Park Newport APPLICANT: Gerson Bakar & Associates OWNER: Park Newport LP PLANNER: Matt Schneider, Principal Planner 949-644-3219, mschneider@newportbeachca.gov PROJECT SUMMARY Request for a coastal development permit to allow for the installation of rock fall mitigation consisting of anchored mesh, k-rail barriers, and temporary tarps in select locations to prevent rock fall and landslide debris from impacting Back Bay Drive below the Park Newport community. The project also includes the installation of soldier piles to protect two existing residential structures (Building 4 & Unit 4830) within Park Newport to mitigate against landslide risk. Additionally, a request to retain non-compliant improvements within the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way consisting of three sections of temporary k-rail that encroach up to twelve (12)-feet eight (8) inches into the 40-foot-wide public right-of-way at the Property (“Project”). The Back Bay Drive parkway within the public right-of-way varies in width from approximately eight (8)-feet to fifteen (15)-feet from edge of pavement up to the slope to the property line. City Council Policy L-6 (“Policy”) prohibits the proposed structures unless they are limited to a one 1-foot projection into the right-of-way and less than 36-inches in height. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency) and Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; 3)Waive City Council Policy L-6, Encroachments in Public Rights-of-Way, to retain existing non-compliant private improvements within the Back Bay Drive public right- of-way consisting of three sections of temporary k-rail that encroach in excess of 1- 1 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 2 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 2 foot into the 40-foot wide Back Bay Drive public right-of-way or taller than 36-inches in height; and 4) Adopt Resolution No. PC2022-007 approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 (Attachment No. PC 1). VICINITY MAP GENERAL PLAN ZONING LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING CURRENT USE ON-SITE Multiple Residential (RM) PC 7-Park Newport Open Space/Residential NORTH Multiple Residential (RM) PC 7-Park Newport Open Space/Residential SOUTH Multiple Residential (RM) PC 7-Park Newport Open Space/Residential EAST Land Use Plan Category PC 7-Park Newport Residential WEST Open Space Open Space Open Space 3 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 4 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 3 INTRODUCTION Project Setting The Park Newport Apartments were constructed in 1969 and are located on the blufftop area bound by Jamboree Road to the east, San Joaquin Hills Road to the south, Back Bay Drive to the west, and Big Canyon Park to the north. The Park Newport development is comprised of approximately 1,300 apartments and several ancillary support structures atop a bluff face that runs parallel along Back Bay Drive. The Upper Newport Bay and the Newport Bay estuary are located downslope of the property, westerly of Back Bay Drive. Background There is a long history of slope failures at the property due to the location of the development atop bluffs along Back Bay Drive. The most recent failure was a landslide that occurred at the subject property on June 26, 2020, that resulted in an approximately 10-foot-high scarp exposing approximately 100 square feet of highly fractured blocky siltstone and the temporary closure of Back Bay Drive to vehicular traffic. In response to the landslide, the property owners retained Hetherington Engineering, Inc. a professionally licensed Engineering and Geology firm to assess the risk of further slope failure and assist with remediating the landslide area. Due to potential life safety and property risk, the City determined that Back Bay Drive was unsafe for vehicular traffic from the time of the rockslide in June 2020 until the installation of steel mesh was completed in April 2021. On January 6, 2021, Hetherington Engineering issued a geotechnical opinion letter that concluded there is an imminent risk of future rockfalls at the subject site due to a steeply inclined scarp along the upper portion of subject landslide area. The letter further opined that the installation of anchored rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp of the landslide area and installing a k-rail barrier along the toe of the slope should be installed as soon as possible. The Slope Stabilization Plans prepared by Kane Geotech, Inc identify the area of mesh as 40 to 60 feet wide by 58 feet high with an overall coverage of 2,900 square feet. The mesh is held in place by 8 boundary anchors, 5 spot anchors, and 41 pattern anchors. On January 20, 2021, the owner submitted an emergency coastal development permit request to install anchored rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp of the landslide area and install a k-rail barrier along the toe of the slope consistent with the recommendations of Hetherington Engineering, Inc. Emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 was subsequently approved by the Community Development Director on January 22,2021 for the installation of steel mesh with wire rope and epoxy anchoring and the placement of concrete k-rail at the toe of the slope to keep landslide debris off the roadway. The purpose 5 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 4 of the emergency effort was to minimize the potential for future rockfall to impact the public street and bike path. On October 21, 2021, the owner submitted a second emergency coastal development permit request and Hetherington Engineering, Inc. issued a second geotechnical opinion letter which concluded there is an imminent risk of future landslides during significant rain events and recommended the immediate installation of temporary tarps along selected portions of the property during the 2021-2022 rainy season. Seasonal tarp placement is an effective stabilization method used during the rainy season where tarps are placed in areas along the bluff that are susceptible to rockfall or landslides triggered by heavy or prolonged rain events. Emergency coastal development permit CD2021-066 was subsequently approved by the Community Development Director on October 26, 2021. Consistent with the conditions of approval of emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 and CD2021-066 the owner submitted a coastal development permit application on April 22, 2021, requesting permanent authorization of the work completed under the two emergency coastal development permits as well as future installation of soldier piles to protect two existing principle structures and temporary tarping at select locations. The project as conditioned will require the owner to obtain an Encroachment Permit and enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the City to retain existing non-compliant improvements consisting of three (3) sections of temporary k-rail within the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way that encroach up to twelve (12)-feet (8)-inches into the 40-foot wide public right-of-way at the Property. As noted, the Back Bay Drive parkway within the public right-of-way varies in width from approximately 8-feet to 15-feet from edge of pavement to the property line. In all locations, k-rail is located behind the edge of pavement in order to retain rockfall debris. The k-rail does not impede any pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular traffic. City Council Policy L-6 (“Policy”) prohibits the proposed structures unless they are limited to a one 1-foot projection into the right-of-way or less than 36-inches in height. The requested approvals are not specifically provided for within City Council Policy L-6 (Encroachment in Public Rights-of-Way) (“City Council Policy L-6”). Thus, the Project is prohibited under Section A (Private encroachments that are prohibited without a waiver and approval) of said policy. Due to this prohibition, the requested encroachment may only be approved upon the waiver of City Council Policy L-6 by the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION Analysis In addition to authorizing the development that occurred under emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 and CD2021-066, the applicant is requesting approval of additional landslide mitigation in the form of soldier pile installation to protect two existing 6 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 5 principal structures and authorization to allow temporary tarping along selected portions of the property (on an annual basis) during the rainy season (Oct.-April). A Landslide Mitigation Summary Letter prepared by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. dated March 29, 2021 summarized existing geologic conditions, past landslides, and proposed future mitigation efforts at the project site and is attached for reference. The bluff is characterized as sloping down at a 0.5:1 to 1.5:1 horizontal to vertical ratio to locally vertical with a maximum height of approximately 90 feet. The geological structure composed of sedimentary bedding within siltstone bedrock is subject to ongoing erosion, surficial instability, rockfalls, and landslides. The Hetherington report describes six landslides dating back to 1978 and five rock falls dating back to 1998 that generally coincide with years that had long duration and/or high intensity rainfall events. Bluff instability not only impacts the project site, but also impacts Back Bay Drive due to debris accumulation and blockage on the roadway and bike path. For protection of the existing primary residential structures on the property, the existing soldier piles will be extended to the south past Unit 4830 approximately 150 feet. Approximately 20 soldier piles will be installed to protect the existing principal structures. In addition, the project will include installation of approximately 200 feet of soldier piles on the southeast side of Building 4 where landslide materials extend under the structure. Approximately 28 soldier piles will be installed in this location. Soldier piles are installed at an approximately 60 foot depth. City staff has concurred that two existing residential structures (Building 4 & Unit 4830) are threatened by natural hazards (landslide) and are eligible for this type of protection. In addition, soldier piles have been utilized previously at the project site and proven to be effective mitigation against landslide and significant slope failure. A timber plie/wood retaining wall was install along the westside of units 4570-4640 in 1979. A soldier pile wall was installed along the west side of the clubhouse and unit 4570 in 1998. Local Coastal Plan Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan Section 21.52.025 allows for the issuance of emergency coastal development permits where “[I]n the event of a verified emergency, temporary permits to proceed with remedial measures may be authorized by the Director until such time as a full coastal development permit shall be filed.” Based upon the January 6, 2021, and October 21, 2021, geotechnical opinion letters issued by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. which both concluded there was an imminent risk of future landslides without immediate mitigation, the Community Development Director verified an emergency existed and authorize immediate action via emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 and CD2021-066 to prevent/mitigate loss or damage to life, health, property and essential public services. 7 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 6 Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan Section 21.30.030(3)(ii) – Protective Structures, allows construction of protective structures when designed to mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply and existing structures that are: “Threatened by natural hazards, provided that the protective structures are limited to the minimum required to protect the existing structure and located on private land, not State lands.” The Park Newport Apartments were constructed in 1969 which predates the Coastal Act of 1976 and are considered existing structures located on private land. The protective devices which consist of anchored mesh, k-rails, temporary tarping and soldier piles represent a phased implementation approach to ensure minimum protective devices are utilized/incorporated into the project. The anchored mesh and k-rails were installed during the initial phase of mitigation. Upon further investigation temporary tarping was incorporated into the project based on the consulting engineer’s assessment that rain events pose an ongoing threat of further erosion. The final component of protection, soldier piles has been recommended based on the consulting engineer’s ongoing assessment that further landslide and erosion risk exist which could compromise two existing primary structures on the Park Newport Site. The emergency work was necessary to ensure a continuity of access along Back Bay Drive and the future proposed work is necessary to protect the existing structures. The emergency work and future proposed work meets the purpose of the City of Newport Beach Certified LCP by protecting and maintaining the overall quality of the coastal zone environment and its natural resources and; assure orderly, balanced use and conservation of resources within the coastal zone; and maximize public access to and along the coast and maximize public recreational opportunities in the coastal zone consistent with sound resource conservation principles and constitutionally protected rights of private property owners. Property Development Standards. The Park Newport Apartments were developed in 1969. No alterations to the existing development or new development at Park Newport is proposed. The emergency work and proposed future work is limited to the bluff face and underground areas and will serve to preserve an environment that is harmonious with existing and future development and protects the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties. Geologic reports prepared indicate that the emergency work was necessary to mitigate hazardous rockfall along Back Bay Drive and the proposed future work is necessary to protect existing structures. The seasonal temporary tarps are anchored by sandbags. Condition of Approval (17) requires the sandbags be of natural colors to avoid becoming an eye sore as had happened in the past when a bright color was used. The emergency work and future proposed work would not impact public views and is consistent with IP Section 21.30 Development Standards. Public Access and Recreation. The project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project mitigates future landslide risk and protects Back Bay Drive that serves as a popular public 8 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 7 recreation amenity through its use as a vehicular, cycling, walking and jogging route. There is public parking with connection to a hiking trail located northly of the project site on Back Bay Drive. The emergency work and proposed future work would increase public safety from fallen rock debris and help to ensure that Back Bay Drive remains open for public recreation to the maximum extent possible. The areas of work on the bluff have been subject to historical landslides and vegetation does not grow in certain areas due to the resultant scarp. The steel mesh is visible but retains a low profile along the bluff. The soldier piles will not be visible from public view. The measures completed as a part of the emergency work were designed with the goal of not standing out from the bluff as much as possible. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. Rather, the project will help to protect existing recreational facilities from lengthy closure, as was the case following the last rockslide. The k-rail has limited visibility and is located against the toe of the high bluff. The steel mesh is not visible when viewed from distant areas as it blends into the bluff. The installation of tarps along the bluff are seasonal and will be required to be secured with neutral-colored sandbags, which will reduce the view impact. Finally, the soldier piles are installed underground, and are not visible. The emergency work and future proposed work would not impact public views and is consistent with IP Section 21.30A Public Access and Recreation. Natural Resources. The Back Bay and Newport Bay estuary are located across Back Bay Drive westly of the project site. Native plant species, including Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), is present on the bluff surrounding the project site. The City of Newport Beach is located within the Orange County Central/Coastal Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP), which requires specific construction minimization measures that include a pre-construction survey to identify California gnatcatchers within 100 feet of work in areas where Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) is present. A gnatcatcher pre-construction survey will be required for future work. If gnatcatchers are found within 100 feet of work area, a qualified biologist will be consulted and required to remain onsite during construction activities that occur during the gnatcatcher nesting season from October 15th to February 15th. A biological survey was conducted by Glenn Lukos Associates on February 26, 2021 and an erosion control plant palette was recommended to ensure adequate erosion control with a native erosion control seed mix. The emergency work and the proposed future work are consistent with IP Section 21.30B Habitat Protection. California Coastal Act The project site is located outside the area between the Back Bay shoreline and the nearest public road. However, the bluffs at Park Newport along San Joaquin Road are within the California Coastal Commission Appeal Jurisdiction area. The emergency work was necessary to ensure a continuity of access along Back Bay Drive and the future 9 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 8 proposed work is necessary to protect the existing structures. The emergency work and future proposed work conforms with the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Public Access and Recreation. The proposed work does not include new structures or development beyond the work in the bluff-face and will not interfere with existing recreational opportunities. The emergency work was for the purpose of surficial stabilization to prevent and minimize future impacts from landslides and rockfall while the future proposed work will protect the existing structures and minimize rockfall and landslides. The emergency work and future proposed work are proposed as mitigation for public safety and to prevent future closure of Back Bay Drive due to fallen debris, which will ensure continuity of public access to Back Bay Drive which is a popular recreational trail and roadway along the Back Bay and estuary. The emergency work and proposed future work would promote public safety from fallen rock debris and ensure that Back Bay Drive remains open for public use and recreation. The emergency work and the proposed future work are consistent with Articles 2 and 3 of the Coastal Act. Marine Environment. The work area is located across the street from the Back Bay and Newport Beach estuary. The emergency work and proposed future work will not change water runoff from the bluffs or potentially impact marine species. Section 30235 Construction Altering Natural Shoreline allows “[r]evetments, breakwaters, groins, harbor channels, seawalls, cliff retaining walls, and other such construction that alters natural shoreline processes shall be permitted when required to serve coastal-dependent uses or to protect existing structures or public beaches in danger from erosion, and when designed to eliminate or mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply.” The Park Newport Apartments were constructed in 1969 which predates the Coastal Act of 1976 and are considered as existing structures and are therefore eligible for protection. There will be no impact to the local sand supply because the property is not located on or near a sandy beach. The emergency work and the proposed future work are consistent with Article 4 of the Coastal Act. Land resources. Newport Beach is located within the Orange County Central/Coastal Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP), and the emergency work and proposed future work are located area with environmentally sensitive habitat present. A biological survey was conducted by Glenn Lukos Associates on February 26, 2021. The work efforts are designed to prevent impacts which would significantly degrade those areas and are compatible with the continuance of those habitat and recreation areas. A gnatcatcher pre-construction survey will be required for future work. If gnatcatchers are found within 100 feet of work area, a qualified biologist will be consulted and required to remain onsite during construction activities that occur during the gnatcatcher nesting season from October 15th to February 15th. Any future required landscaping at the project site will include a palate of coastal bluff native vegetation appropriate for erosion control. The emergency work and the proposed future work are consistent with Article 5 of the Coastal Act. 10 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 9 Development. The project site is located adjacent to and immediately east of Back Bay Drive, which is a designated public view road in the Coastal Land Use Plan and offers public views of Upper Newport Bay. Site evaluation revealed that the proposed landslide/rockfall mitigation improvements will not affect the existing views afforded from Back Bay Drive as the project improvements are located landward of Upper Newport Bay. In addition, tarping of the slope has been limited through conditions of approval to only be allowed minimum times of the year when heavy rains are likely to occur and pose the greatest risk of landslide/slope failure and require the use of neutral toned sand bags to reduce perceived view impacts. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to significantly degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. The emergency work and the proposed future work are consistent with Article 6 of the Coastal Act. Encroachments in Public Rights-of-Way The property owner is requesting a waiver to retain existing non-compliant private improvements within the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way consisting of: • K-rail Section 1: 174-feet long and encroaching up to twelve (12)-feet eight (8)- inches into the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way; • K-rail Section 2: 100-feet long and encroaching up to six (6)-feet ten (10)-inches into the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way; and • K-rail section 3: 108-feet long and encroaching up to eight (8)-feet three (3)-inches into the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way. The temporary k-rail along Section 2 was installed in 2021 as part of Coastal Development Permit CDP2021-001 for emergency slope repair and future slope stabilization measures. It is unclear when Section 1 and Section 3 were installed, but they were not installed by the City. The three sections of k-rail encroach up to twelve (12)-feet (8)-inches into the 40-foot wide Back Bay Drive public right-of-way but in all instances are located behind the edge of the pavement. The Back Bay Drive parkway varies in width from approximately eight (8) feet to fifteen (15) feet from the edge of pavement to the property line. City Council Policy L-6 (“Policy”) prohibits encroachments in excess of 1-foot into the public right-of-way or taller than 36-inches in height. The encroachment is necessary for two reasons including, 1., the property line is located up the slope, and it is physically impossible to install k-rail up the slope because it could not be safely secured; and 2., the k-rail is necessary to keep rocks and soil off of the roadway. Without the k-rail, Back Bay Drive would be subject to consistent falling rock and soil slipping onto the roadway. The k-rail is located as far away from the edge of pavement as possible in order to minimize the encroachment. The Owner is requesting a waiver of the Policy to retain the existing improvements. Please see attached Applicant letter dated February 2, 2022, site photos, and site plan (Attachment Nos. PC 4). 11 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 10 City Council Policy L-6, Encroachments in Public Rights-of-Way, explains and describes how the public rights-of-way are to be reserved for public use or open space; and that the rights of the public, present and future, are not to be diminished by the installation of private improvements within the public rights-of-way. The Policy specifies allowable and prohibited encroachments and describes the required permits and/or encroachment agreements. Private encroachments are prohibited without a waiver of Policy L-6, which outlines private encroachment prohibitions including “…structural encroachments including, but not limited to, fences, walls, patios, raised planters, etc., which encroach in excess of 1- foot into the public right-of-way or exceeds 3-feet in height…” The Owner is requesting a waiver of this policy to retain the existing k-rail barrier that encroach in excess of 1-foot into the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way. Back Bay Drive in the vicinity of the proposed project is located at the base of a large slope. The top of slope is approximately 86-feet above the road surface of Back Bay Drive. The temporary k-rail is necessary to minimize slope debris from falling onto the roadway to maintain public access along Back Bay Drive. The Back Bay Drive right-of-way is approximately 40-feet wide. The parkway width of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the property line varies in width from approximately eight (8) feet to fifteen (15) feet wide. The existing private improvements do not diminish the rights of the public along the Back Bay Drive right-of-way and are generally located at the toe of slope. There are no city sidewalks in this portion of Back Bay Drive. Pedestrian, bicycles and vehicles share the roadway in designated lanes. There are no existing City utilities within the encroachment area and the City has no plans to widen Back Bay Drive or install sidewalks. The recommended actions would not diminish public rights for future use and would provide a measure of protection from future debris fall. Staff supports the policy waiver for the existing private improvements. In staff’s review of the site conditions, the existing improvements do not hinder the use of the public right-of- way. The existing private improvements will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The existing private improvements do not diminish the rights of the public, present and future at this location, provided an encroachment agreement between the City and the Owner will be executed. Should the Planning Commission approve the waiver of the existing private improvements and appurtenances, staff recommends an encroachment agreement be entered into with the property owner consistent with Policy L-6. The encroachment agreement specifies the rights of the City and any liability associated with the existing private improvements would be transferred to the Owner. Additionally, if the need for public improvements should arise in the future, the Owner shall agree to remove all encroachments at no cost to the City. The encroachment agreement will be recorded onto the property’s title, provides important notice for the current and future property owner, and protects the City. 12 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission, April 21, 2022 Page 11 Environmental Review The Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency) and Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3. Section 15269 allows specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The development is necessary to mitigate and reduce the immediate risks associated with rock, soil or other debris from falling on to Back Bay Drive during a potential rain event. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. Public Notice Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Prepared by: Submitted by: ATTACHMENTS PC 1 Resolution No. PC2022-007 PC 2 Emergency Coastal Development Permit CD2021-001 PC 3 Emergency Coastal Development Permit CD2021-066 PC 4 Background Materials & Project plans 01/12/18 13 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 14 Attachment PC 1 Planning Commission Resolution PC No. 2022-007 15 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 16 RESOLUTION NO. PC2022-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2021-001 TO ALLOW FOR LANDSLIDE/ROCK FALL MITIGATION AND TO WAIVE CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6 TO RETAIN EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE BACK BAY DRIVE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED AT 5000 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE (PA2021-099) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Park Newport Land LTD, a California limited partnership (“Owner”), with respect to property located at 5000 Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No 94-01 recorded as Document # 94-0092253 in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County (“Property”), requesting approval of an encroachment permit. 2. A landslide occurred at the subject Property on June 26, 2020, that has resulted in the temporary closure of Back Bay Drive to vehicular traffic. 3. The Property owners retained Hetherington Engineering, Inc. a professionally licensed Engineering and Geology firm (“Hetherington”) to assess the risk of further slope failure and assist with remediating the landslide area. On January 6, 2021, Hetherington issued a geotechnical opinion letter that concluded there is an imminent risk of future rockfalls at the subject site due to a steeply inclined scarp along the upper portion of subject landslide area. The letter further opined that the installation of anchored rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp of the landslide area and installing a K-rail barrier along the toe of the slope should be installed as soon as possible. 4. On January 20, 2021, the Owner submitted an emergency coastal development permit request to install anchored rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp of the landslide area and to install a K-rail barrier along the toe of the slope consistent with the recommendation of Hetherington. Emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 was subsequently approved by the Community Development Director on January 22, 2021. 5. On October 21, 2021, Hetherington issued a geotechnical opinion letter that concluded there was an imminent risk of future landslides during significant rain events and recommended the immediate installation of temporary tarps along selected portions of the property during the 2021-2022 rainy season. 6. On October 21, 2021, the Owner submitted an emergency coastal development permit request to install temporary tarps along selected portions of the property during the 2021-2022 rainy season consistent with the recommendation of Hetherington. Emergency 17 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 2 of 11 coastal development permit CD2021-066 was subsequently approved by the Community Development Director on October 26 ,2021. 7. Consistent with the conditions of approval of emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 and CD2021-066, the Owner submitted a coastal development permit request on April 22, 2021, to authorize the work completed under the two emergency coastal development permits as well as future landslide mitigation consisting of the installation of solider piles to protect two existing principle structures. 8. The Owner requests a waiver to retain existing non-compliant improvements consisting of three (3) sections of temporary k-rail within the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way that encroach up to twelve (12)-feet 8-inches into the 40-foot wide public right-of-way at the Property (“Project”). The Back Bay Drive parkway within the public right-of-way varies in width from approximately eight (8)-feet to fifteen (15)-feet from edge of pavement to the property line. City Council Policy L-6 (“Policy”) prohibits the proposed structures are limited to a one 1-foot projection into the right-of-way or less than 36-inches in height. 9. The requested approvals are not specifically provided for within City Council Policy L-6 (Encroachment in Public Rights-of-Way) (“City Council Policy L-6”). Thus, the Project is prohibited under Section A (Private encroachments that are prohibited without a waiver and approval) of said policy. Due to this prohibition, the requested encroachment may only be approved upon the waiver of City Council Policy L-6 and approval of the encroachment permit by the Planning Commission. 10. The property is designated by the General Plan Land Use Element as RM (Multiple Residential) and is located in the Planned Community 7-Park Newport Zoning District. 11. The Property is located in the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan designation is RM- D (Multiple Unit Residential) - (20.0 -29.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the Planned Community 7-Park Newport Coastal Zone District. 12. A public meeting was held on April 21, 2022, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place, and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with Government Code Section 54950 et seq. (“Ralph M. Brown Act”) and City Council Policy L-6. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing. 18 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 3 of 11 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency) and Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3. Section 15269 allows specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The Project is necessary to mitigate and reduce the immediate risks associated with rock, soil, or other debris from falling on to Back Bay Drive during a potential rain event. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (“NBMC”), the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan Section 21.52.025 (Emergency Coastal Development Permits) of the NBMC, allows for the issuance of emergency coastal development permits where, “[I]n the event of a verified emergency, temporary permits to proceed with remedial measures may be authorized by the Director until such time as a full coastal development permit shall be filed.” b. Based upon the January 6, 2021, and October 21, 2021, geotechnical opinion letters issued by Hetherington which both concluded there is an imminent risk of future landslides without immediate mitigation, the Community Development Director verified that an emergency existed and authorized immediate action via emergency coastal development permit CD2021-001 and CD2021-066 to prevent/mitigate loss or damage to life, health, property and essential public services. c. Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(ii) – (Protective Structures) allows construction of protective structures when designed to mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply and existing structures that are: “Threatened by natural hazards, provided that the protective structures 19 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 4 of 11 are limited to the minimum required to protect the existing structure and located on private land, not State lands.” d. The Park Newport Apartments on the Property were constructed in 1969 which predates the Coastal Act of 1976 and are considered existing structures located on private land. e. Based upon a history of six(6) recorded landslides on the Project site dating back to 1978 and existing slope conditions which are described by, Hetherington as “grossly and surficially unstable from an engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering perspective” two (2)existing residential structures (Building 4 & Unit 4830) are threatened by natural hazards (landslide) and require further mitigation in the form of solider pile installation and the use of temporary tarping of select locations along the slope during rainy season. 2. The Property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (“CBC”) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 3. The Project site is located adjacent to and immediately east of Back Bay Drive, which is a designated public view road in the Coastal Land Use Plan and offers public views of Upper Newport Bay. Site evaluation revealed that the proposed landslide/rockfall mitigation improvements will not affect the existing views afforded from Back Bay Drive as the Project improvements are located landward of Upper Newport Bay. In addition, tarping of the slope has been limited through conditions of approval to only allow minimum times of the year when heavy rains are likely to occur and pose the greatest risk of landslide/slope failure. Therefore, the Project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the coastal zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The Project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the Project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the Project mitigates future landslide risk and protects Back Bay Drive which serves as a popular public recreation amenity through its 20 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 5 of 11 use as a cycling, walking and jogging route. Therefore, the Project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the Project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. In accordance with City Council Policy L-6 (Encroachments in the Public Rights-of-Way), the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: C. The existing private improvements will not be a detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the public. Facts in Support of Finding: 4. The Project does not hinder the present or future use of the public right-of-way, including sidewalks, and there are no existing City utilities located within the encroachment area. 5. The Back Bay Drive parkway within the public right-of-way varies in width from approximately eight (8) feet to 15 feet wide of the overall 40 foot right-of-way width. The requested encroachments project up to twelve (12)-feet 8-inches into the parkway. 6. The Project does not diminish the rights of the public along the Back Bay Drive right-of- way. There are no sidewalks along Back Bay Drive adjacent to the Project and the City does not currently have plans to install sidewalks. 7. The Back Bay Drive parkway generally slopes upward toward private property. The top of slope is approximately 86 feet above the road surface of Back Bay Drive. 8. Approval would require the Owner to enter into an Encroachment Agreement to allow the existing improvements as requested, and any liability associated with the existing private improvements would be transferred to the Owner. Additionally, if the need for public improvements should arise in the future, Owner shall agree to remove all encroachments at no cost to the City. Finding: D. The individual circumstances applicable to this application and the existing encroachment are consistent with the public interest. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The temporary K-rail is necessary to minimize slope debris onto the roadway to maintain access along Back Bay Drive. The temporary K-rail along Section 2 was installed in 2021 as part of Coastal Development Permit CD2021-001 for emergency slope repair and future slope stabilization measures. It is unclear when Section 1 and Section 3 were installed. 21 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 6 of 11 2. The maximum height of proposed structures in the right-of-way will not exceed 36 inches in height above the adjacent pavement surface. Public views along the Back Bay Drive will remain unobstructed. 3. There are no existing City utilities within the encroachment area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby determines this Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15301 and Section 15303 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby waives City Council Policy L-6 and, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 4. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with City Council Policy L-6 and Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 21st DAY OF APRIL, 2022 AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 22 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 7 of 11 BY:_________________________ Lee Lowrey, Chairman BY:_________________________ Curtis Ellmore, Secretary 23 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1. The Project shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan stamped and dated with the date of this approval. 2. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on California Coastal Permit Jurisdiction, State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. Any improvements located on tidelands, submerged lands, and/or lands that may be subject to the public trust shall require a coastal development permit (CDP) approved by the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission). Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Owner shall provide a copy of said coastal development permit or CDP waiver or documentation from the Coastal Commission that subject improvements are not subject to the permit requirements of the Coastal Act and/or not located within the permit jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. 3. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 4. The Owner is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds pursuant to MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 24 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 9 of 11 5. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 6. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 7. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the Project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 8. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 9. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new coastal development permit. 10. The Project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 11. The Owner shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 12. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Planning Commission if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 13. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 14. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Construction Activity – Noise Regulations) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (“NBMC”), which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. 15. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) and other applicable noise control requirements of the 25 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 10 of 11 NBMC. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 16. Prior to the issuance of building permit, the owner shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 17. Tarps shall be black in color with similar colored material used for the sandbags that secure the tarps. The use of bright contrasting colors such as orange or yellow shall be prohibited. 18. Temporary tarping shall be limited to the months of October to the end of April to coincide with Southern California’s rainy season 19. Should the Property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 20. This Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the NBMC unless an extension is otherwise granted. 21. Protective devices authorized under Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 shall be removed when the existing structures requiring protection are redeveloped, or no longer present, whichever comes first. 22. The Project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 23. The Owner shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Encroachment Permit and any associated Encroachment Agreements. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 24. The owner shall obtain an “After the Fact” Encroachment Permit to allow three (3) sections of k-rail that encroach up to twelve (12) feet 8-inches into the Back Bay Drive 26 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2022-007 Page 11 of 11 public right-of-way with a waiver of City Council Policy L-6, Section A “Private Encroachments that are Prohibited Without a Waiver and Approval”. 25. The Owner shall enter into an Encroachment Agreement within one (1) calendar year upon receipt of approval, otherwise this approval shall automatically expire. 26. This Encroachment Permit allows three (3) sections of K-rail that encroach up to twelve (12) feet 8-inches into the Back Bay Drive public right-of-way with a waiver of City Council Policy L-6, Section A of “Private Encroachments that are Prohibited Without a Waiver and Approval”. 27. Crash cushions shall be installed at the beginning of each K-rail section. Design shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works prior to installation. 28. The Owner shall immediately remove any slope debris from the roadway surface. 29. A minimum of monthly removal of debris behind and around the K-rail. 30. If the need for public improvements arises in the future, Owners shall remove all encroachments at no cost to the City. 31. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Owner shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of, but not limited to, and Coastal Development Permit CD2021-001 and associated Encroachments into the Public Right of Way. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Owner, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The Owner shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys’ fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Owner shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 27 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 28 Attachment PC 2 Emergency Coastal Development Permit CD2021-001 29 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 30 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658- 8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Subject: Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-008) ▪Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 Site Location Applicant Property Owner 5000 Park Newport Drive (APN 440 -132-52) Gerson Bakar & Associates Park Newport Land LTD On January 22, 2021, the Community Development Director approved Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001. This approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. I. AUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT This emergency CDP authorizes emergency actions for the purpose of mitigating the imminent risk of rocks and debris from further eroding and falling on to Back Bay Drive to protect public safety. The project consists of the installation of anchored rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp of a recent landslide area and installing a K-rail barrier along the toe of the slope, as depicted in the attached Surficial Slope Stabilization and Rockfall Mitigation plan, dated January 20, 2021 (Attachment CD 3). II. CEQA DETERMINATION The proposed operation is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency), Section 15301 Class 1 (Existing Facilities), and Section 15303 Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3. Section 15269 allows specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The development is necessary to mitigate and reduce the immediate risks associated with rock, soil or other debris from falling on to Back Bay Drive during a potential rain event. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The Class 3 exemption includes a store, motel, office, restaurant, or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area or 10,000 square feet in floor area in urbanized areas zoned for such use. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. 31 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project ECDP No. CD2021-001 (PA2021-008) January 22, 2021 Page 2 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 FINDINGS 1.An emergency exists that requires action more quickly than permitted by the procedures for regular permits administered pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21.50, Permit Application Filing and Processing, and the work can and will be completed within thirty (30) days unless otherwise specified by the terms of the permit. Facts in Support of Finding a.A landslide occurred at the subject property on June 26, 2020, that has resulted in the temporary closure of Back Bay Drive to vehicular traffic. b.The property owners retained Hetherington Engineering, Inc. a professionally licensed Engineering and Geology firm to assess the risk of further slope failure and assist with remediating the landslide area. On January 6, 2021, Hetherington Engineering issued a geotechnical opinion letter that concluded there is an imminent risk of future rockfalls at the subject site due to a steeply inclined scarp along the upper portion of subject landslide area. The letter further opined that the rockfall mitigation measures proposed under this permit should be installed as soon as possible. 2.Public comment on the proposed emergency action has been reviewed, if time allows. Facts in Support of Finding a.Based on the imminent threat of further rock fall and debris erosion that could be exacerbated by a rain event this winter and recommendation of a licensed Geologist and Engineer that mitigation should be installed as soon as possible in order to protect public safety, public comment regarding this emergency action is not feasible. 3.The work proposed would be consistent with the requirements of the certified Land Use Plan portion of the local government’s Local Coastal Program; and Facts in Support of Finding a.An emergency has occurred in which a landslide has resulted in an unsafe condition that poses an imminent threat to public safety and is impacting the full use of adjacent development, Back Bay Drive, a public road providing public access to the upper Newport Ecological Preserve. b.The development authorized under this permit is temporary and necessary to mitigate an existing public safety hazard. 32 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project ECDP No. CD2021-001 (PA2021-008) January 22, 2021 Page 3 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 c.A full coastal development permit application is required to be filled within 90 days (Condition of Approval #4) of the issuance of this permit to authorize the removal of the development authorized under this Emergency Coastal Development Permit or seek authorization to retain it on a permanent basis. 4.The work proposed under the emergency permit shall be the minimum amount necessary to address the emergency. Facts in Support of Finding a.The scope of work for this project has been limited to mitigate only those areas that pose an imminent threat to public safety. The rockfall mesh authorized under this permit will be confined to the steeply inclined scarp along the upper portion of subject landslide area. The lower area of the landslide area does not pose a risk for future rock falls and therefore will not be mitigated as part of this project. 5.Development authorized is not located in an area in which the California Coastal Commission retains direct permit review authority. Facts in Support of Finding a.The subject property is not located in an area in which the California Coastal Commission retains direct permit review authority in accordance with the City’s Post Local Coastal Program Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction map dated July 23,2018. III.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.Authorized development is limited to that which is specifically described in this permit and depicted in the attached plans, subject to all conditions of approval. Any changes will require a separate review and may necessitate separate authorization from the Director. 2.Any development or structures constructed or installed pursuant to this emergency coastal development permit shall be considered temporary until authorized by a follow-up regular coastal development permit and that issuance of this emergency coastal development permit shall not constitute an entitlement for the development authorized by this emergency coastal development permit. 3.ECDP No. CD2021-001 is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance and said permit shall expire after March 23, 2021. The Director may extend an emergency permit for up to an additional sixty (60) days for good cause including but not limited to that a coastal development permit application is on file. 4.The applicant or property owner shall submit a regular coastal development permit application consistent with the requirements of the Newport Beach Local Coastal 33 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project ECDP No. CD2021-001 (PA2021-008) January 22, 2021 Page 4 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 Program within 90 days of the issuance of this emergency coastal development permit. 5.Development authorized by this emergency coastal development permit shall be removed unless a complete application for a regular coastal development permit is filed within 90 days of the approval of this emergency coastal development permit and said regular permit is subsequently approved. If a regular coastal development permit authorizing permanent retention of the development is denied, development authorized by this emergency coastal development, or the denied portion of the development, shall be removed and the site shall be restored. 6.The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 7.The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 8.The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City’s Community Development Department, Building Division and Public Works Department. 9.The Director’s determination shall be reported to the California Coastal Commission and the Planning Commission. 10.To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of this ECDP No. CD2021-001 for the Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. ______________________________ Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director 34 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project ECDP No. CD2021-001 (PA2021-008) January 21, 2021 Page 5 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 Attachments: CD 1 Emergency CDP Request CD 2 Geotechnical Opinion Letter dated Jan. 6, 2021 CD 3 Plans dated January 20, 2021 CD 4 Excerpt of the Post Local Coastal Program Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction map dated July 23,2018, with the project site highlighted Applicant and Permit Recipient Acknowledgement and Agreement I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this permit and that I have read and understand the permit and all conditions. I hereby agree to implement and maintain the authorized development consistent with this permit including the project description, approved site plan diagram, findings, and all conditions of approval. This is an approved and executed permit and it constitutes a contract between the City and Permittee for all purposes. Ken Dressel, on behalf of Park Newport Land LTD Signature Date 01-28-2021 35 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 36 Attachment No. CD 1 Emergency CDP Request 37 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 38 From: Shawna Schaffner <sschaffner@caaplanning.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 5:50 PM To: Schneider, Matthew; Campbell, Jim Cc: Ken Dressel Subject: Emergency CDP Request - Park Newport/Back Bay Drive Attachments: Hetherington Engineering 1-6-21.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Matt and Jim – CAA Planning submits this request, acting as a representative of Park Newport Apartments (on behalf of Ken Dressel, Gerson Bakar & Associates). As you are aware, there is an existing escalating threat to public safety due to the failing bluff-face below the housing development known as Park Newport. On June 26, 2020, rockfall from a past landslide area fell onto Backbay Drive, forcing its closure. The rockfall potential is considered an imminent risk to public safety because Back Bay Drive is a popular roadway in Newport Beach providing public access to runners, cyclists, and nature enthusiasts, as well as for vehicular traffic. Additional rockfall risk is considered imminent, as detailed in the attached Geotechnical Opinion Letter prepared by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. This emergency CDP request to allow emergency actions for the purpose of protecting public safety is submitted consistent with the City’s Certified LCP Implementation Plan Section 21.52.025. Hetherington Engineering determined that the landslide area will likely continue to generate rockfalls unless emergency measures are taken, and that the risk is imminent. The emergency recommendations include anchoring rockfall mesh at the head of the scarp and installing a barrier along the toe of the slope, as depicted in the attached SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION plan, dated January 6, 2020. As you are aware, a k-rail barrier is proposed at the toe of the slope, which may result in an encroachment within the public right of way. The encroachment will be minimized to the maximum extent possible, and in no case will the k-rail barrier be closer than 6 inches from the edge of pavement. In most cases, the k-rail will be several feet from the edge of pavement. We request temporary authorization to encroach into the right of way, in accordance with the plan and this requested emergency CDP. The plan for the proposed emergency measures, dated January 20, 2021, has been submitted for technical review under separate cover. It is anticipated that it will take approximately two weeks to mobilize for installation of the steel mesh, and several weeks to install all improvements. These measures are proposed to minimize the current imminent risk to public safety. Due to the time- sensitivity of the need for emergency actions, a formal application is not included with this request but will be forthcoming. We look forward to working together with the City in an effort to keep the public safe and to re-open Back Bay Drive. Sincerely, Shawna Schaffner 39 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 40 Attachment No. CD 2 Geotechnical Opinion Letter dated Jan. 6, 2021 41 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 42 01 - 2 8 - 2 0 2 1 43 44 45 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 46 Attachment No. CD 3 Plans 01-28-2021 47 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 48 EXPOSED SLOPETYP. BACK BAY DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMxMESH TYPE: GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4xEST. MESH COVERAGE HEIGHT: 58-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE BOTTOM WIDTH: 60-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE TOP WIDTH: 40-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900 SQ.FT.x EST. MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMSPOT THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATEEST. SPOT ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR WITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. PATTERN ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 EXISTING VEGETATION GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMBOUNDARY WIRE ROPEEST. LENGTH: 250-L.F. GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOREST. ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (CDP) PROPERTY LINE (LOCATION APPROX.) INDEX OF SHEETS DESCRIPTION NUMBER TITLE AND SITE PLAN DETAILS......................................................................................... SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONCEPTUAL TOPOGRAPHIC LAYOUT ............. GEOBRUGG TECCO ELEVATION AND PLAN TYPICAL DETAILS .................................. GEOBRUGG TECCO MESH CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES................................. CONSTRUCTION SITE BMP TYPICAL DETAILS................................................................ TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN.................................................................................................. STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS............................................. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS BACK BAY DRIVE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 2 PROJECT VICINITY LOCATIONP-11 SCALE: N.T.S. 3 N 4 5 GENERAL 1. DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL AND SIMILAR. DIMENSIONS, SCHEDULES, SPECIFIC NOTES, AND DETAILS TAKEPRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON BESTAVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO AND MAY NOT BE PRECISELY INDICATIVE OF FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ANYDISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY FOR CLARIFICATION. 2. FINAL PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK. DEFINITIONS 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS DEFINED AS THE INSTALLATION AND DRILLING CONTRACTOR FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. 2. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (KANE GEOTECH) IS HEREIN DEFINED AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM ANDWHOSE STAMP IS ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. IS HEREIN DEFINED AS THE PROJECT ENGINEER. 4. DAY IS HEREIN DEFINED AS ANY WORKDAY EXCEPT ANY SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OR FEDERAL LEGAL HOLIDAY IN THE UNITED STATES. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE A LICENSED CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FIVE YEARS OFEXPERIENCE INSTALLING SIMILAR SYSTEMS UNDER SIMILAR CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND PROVIDE A PROJECTQUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER THAT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE EXPERIENCED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEMS AND HAVE SUCCESSFULLYCONSTRUCTED AT LEAST 3 SEPARATE SYSTEMS IN THE LAST 5 YEARS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A PROJECT REFERENCE LIST THATINCLUDES A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT WITH THE NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT OWNER/REPRESENTATIVEWHO CAN PROVIDE VERIFICATION. 1.2. SUBMIT A LISTING OF PERSONNEL INCLUDING ON-SITE SUPERVISORS, DRILL OPERATORS, AND OTHER PERSONNEL TO BE USED FOR THECONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS UNDER THIS CONTRACT WHO POSSESS THE REQUIRED EXPERIENCE FOR PERFORMING AN INSTALLATION OF THESYSTEM, AS SHOWN AND SPECIFIED HEREIN. INCLUDE PERSONNEL IN THE LISTING THAT HAS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE FROM THE PAST 5 YEARSPERTAINING TO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEMS. 1.3. DRILLING OPERATORS AND FOREMAN SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE INSTALLING PERMANENT GROUND ANCHORS WITHTHE CONTRACTOR'S ORGANIZATION. SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION THAT THE PROJECT'S PERSONNEL HAVE APPROPRIATE QUALIFICATIONS.CHANGES TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PERSONNEL SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING. INADEQUATE PROOF OF PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONSSHALL CAUSE APPROVAL HOLD. 1.4. IF SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S) ARE REQUIRED TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION TASKS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SIMILARQUALIFICATIONS FOR THE SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S). THE SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEERPRIOR TO BEING MOBILIZED AND COMMENCING WORK. 2. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE OR REJECT THE CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT.WORK SHALL NOT START, NOR MATERIALS ORDERED UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE CONSULTANTS OR MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES TO SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A “SUBMITTAL DOCUMENT PACKAGE” TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND DESIGN ENGINEER NOLESS THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. 2. THE PROJECT AND DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK (7 WORKING DAYS) FOR SUBMITTAL REVIEW. IF REVIEW COMMENTSARE REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACTOR, THE RESPONSE COMMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BACK TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PROJECT ENGINEERNO LESS THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE CONSTRUCTION FOR APPROVAL. 3. NO CONSTRUCTION OR MOBILIZATION SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY ALL REVIEW PARTIESINDICATED ABOVE. THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE DOCUMENT SHALL BE IN PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (PDF) FORM AND ALL INFORMATIONCONTAINED SHALL BE LEGIBLE. 4. THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SHALL INCLUDE; 4.1. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN THE REFERENCED PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION "CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS." 4.2. ALL APPROPRIATE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT INCLUDING; MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONSHEETS, MANUALS, PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA, MANUFACTURER'S NAMES, ASTM CONFORMANCE, MATERIAL HANDLING SHEETS, ANDWARRANTIES. 4.3. PROPOSED GROUT MIX DESIGN: 4.3.1. CEMENT TYPE, NON-SHRINK ADDITIVES, W/C RATIO, AND COMPARATIVE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH DATA AS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR AS DETERMINED FROM THE GROUT TESTING INSPECTION DESCRIBED BELOW. 4.4. ANCHOR TESTING LOAD FRAME (CRIBBING) ASSEMBLY 4.5. ANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT: QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTS, CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES, AND LOADING GRAPHS. 4.6. BMP MATERIALS, INSTALLATION, AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. 4.7. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTORS SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFI) 1. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFI) OR DEVIATIONS FROM THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ENCOUNTERED IN THE FIELD SHALL BE SUBMITTEDBY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS FORRESPONSE. REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTION 1. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS IN REGARDS TO THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS FOR REVIEW AND RESPONSE. NOCHANGE IMPLEMENTATION SHALL BE ALLOWED UNTIL THE DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVAL. PERMITS1. ALL REQUIRED AND APPLICABLE PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR THE PROJECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. PERMITS SHALL BE PLACED NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEWAND MEET ALL PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO OBTAIN SITE-SPECIFIC PERMITS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, HOT WORK PERMITS (IF APPLICABLE) WHENREQUIRED FOR ANY ACTIVITY THAT CAN BE A SOURCE OF IGNITION WHEN A FLAMMABLE MATERIAL IS PRESENT OR CAN BE A POTENTIAL FIREHAZARD. 4. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY/PROPERTY. 5. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BEISSUED. AT THE TIME OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, IF ANY OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE ISDAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED. ADDITIONALLY, IF EXISTINGUTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE ARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD, A NEW 1-INCH WATER SERVICE, WATER METER BOX, SEWER LATERAL AND/OR CLEANOUTWITH BOX AND LID WILL BE REQUIRED. 100% OF THE COST SHALL BE BORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER (MUNICIPAL CODES 14.24.020 AND 14.08.030).SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. A STOP WORKNOTICE MAY BE ISSUED FOR ANY DAMAGE OR UNMAINTAINED PORTION OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY/PROPERTY.” 6. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY/PROPERTY. ALLON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS LISTED BELOW SHALL BE PERFORMED DURING THE PROJECT TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS, ENGINEERING DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS, AND THE GOVERNING AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MAY BEREQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING AGENCY. 1.PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING1.1. AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE, INSTALLATION,DRILLING PROCEDURES, BMP IMPLEMENTATION, AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTIONS AND TESTING. 1.2. ALL PARTIES BUT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OWNER, DESIGN ENGINEER, PROJECT ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR, AND GOVERNINGAGENCY REPRESENTATIVE (IF REQUIRED) SHALL BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. 2.FIELD SITE LAYOUT 2.1. THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY EASEMENT LIMITS SHALL BE MARKED AND FLAGGED BY A LICENSE LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO THE SURFICIALSLOPE STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION. 2.2. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY THE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811 PRIOR TO THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION. 2.3. THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SITE LAYOUT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND OBSERVED BY THE DESIGNENGINEER IN THE FIELD. THE SITE LAYOUT SHALL INCLUDE MARKING LOCATIONS FOR THE ANCHOR LOCATIONS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT THE SITE LAYOUT COMPLETION FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DRILLING COMMENCEMENT. 3.ANCHOR DRILLING INSPECTION 3.1. ANCHOR DRILLING SHALL BE OBSERVED, LOGGED, AND INSPECTED BY THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL PERSONNEL IN THE FIELD. 4.ANCHOR GROUT INSPECTION 4.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A CERTIFIED TESTING LABORATORY COLLECT THE GROUT SAMPLES ON-SITE AND PERFORM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH TESTS FOR THE ANCHORAGE GROUT. GROUT SHALL BE SAMPLED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER ASTM C109, ASTM C39,ASTM C1019. EITHER 2-IN CUBE OR 4-IN HEIGHT X 2-IN DIAMETER (2:1 RATIO) CYLINDERS ARE ACCEPTABLE. 4.2. A MINIMUM OF (6) GROUT SPECIMENS SHALL BE SAMPLED AND TESTED. (3) GROUT SPECIMENS SHALL BE TESTED AT 3-DAYS CURING DURATIONAND THE REMAINING (3) GROUT SPECIMENS AT 7-DAYS CURING DURATION. GROUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF1,500-PSI AT 3-DAYS AND 3,000-PSI AT 7-DAYS. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION “GROUT TESTING” FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 5.ANCHOR TESTING INSPECTION 5.1. THE ANCHOR TESTING CRITERIA AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REFERENCED PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK BEFORE TENTATIVE TESTING DATES. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE POST TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) DC35.1-14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS, CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS, AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 5.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TENSILE TEST SACRIFICIAL VERIFICATION OR PRODUCTION THREADED BAR ANCHORS. 5.3. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE OBSERVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED TESTING PERSONNEL. THE CONTRACTOR'STESTING PERSONNEL SHALL BE COMPETENT IN TESTING AND EQUIPMENT SETUP. THE ANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT SETUP AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER BEFORE ANCHOR TESTING. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE GROUTHAS REACHED MINIMUM ADEQUATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NO LESS THAN 3-DAYS AFTER GROUT POUR, OR AT THE DISCRETION OR THEDESIGN ENGINEER. 5.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER NO LESS THAN 2 DAYS BEFORE TESTING ANCHORS. 5.5. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS "ANCHOR TESTING" FOR TESTING QUANTITIES, EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, EQUIPMENT SETUP, AND TESTINGPROCEDURE. 6.FINAL INSPECTION 6.1. ALL PARTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OWNER, DESIGN ENGINEER, PROJECT ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR, AND GOVERNING AGENCYREPRESENTATIVE (IF REQUIRED) SHALL BE ON-SITE FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION WALK THROUGH. 6.2. IF ADDITIONAL FIELD CHANGES ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL NECESSARY CHANGES. REQUIREDCHANGES SHALL BE DOCUMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. IF APPROVED, THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE A LETTER OF APPROVAL TOTHE OWNER. 6.3. IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECTSPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCTION OVERSIGHT TO ENSURE THAT THE PROJECT DURING CONSTRUCTION IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED SUBMITTALS, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT KANEGEOTECH, INC. BE RETAINED TO OBSERVE CONSTRUCTION DURING THE PROJECT. KANE GEOTECH, INC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTIONPERFORMED WITHOUT ITS OVERSIGHT. DUST CONTROL 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE DUST AND DEBRIS CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SITE UTILITIES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, GRADING, EXCAVATION, OR CONSTRUCTION.CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811: (800) 422-4133. NO STUDY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIESHAS BEEN PERFORMED AS PART OF THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBSERVE AND REPORT ANY AND ALL UTILITY SERVICES THAT MAY BE IN THE EASEMENT.UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTS SHALL BE UPDATED NO EARLIER THAN 48-HOURS BEFORE BREAKING GROUND. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THECONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL SERVICE TO ANY AND ALL UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. PLANNED INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE SHALL REQUIRE PERMISSION FOR THE UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER AND THE OWNER/CUSTOMER. BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND DAMAGE TO UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. GRADING QUANTITIES 1. GRADING QUANTITY ESTIMATED: 0-CUBIC YARDS. GRADING NOT REQUIRED OR PART OF THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION WORK. DISCLAIMER 1. SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE AND OR ROCKFALL EVENTS CAN BE SPORADIC AND UNPREDICTABLE. CAUSES RANGE FROM HUMAN CONSTRUCTION TOENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (WEATHER, EARTHQUAKES, ETC.). BECAUSE OF THE MULTIPLICITY OF FACTORS AFFECTING SUCH EVENTS IT IS NOT, AND CANNOT BE, AN EXACT SCIENCE THAT GUARANTEES THE SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS AND PROPERTY. HOWEVER, BY THE APPLICATION OF SOUNDENGINEERING PRINCIPLES TO A PREDICTABLE RANGE OF PARAMETERS, THE RISK OF INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS CAN BE SUBSTANTIALLYREDUCED USING PROPERLY DESIGNED PROTECTION MEASURES IN IDENTIFIED RISK AREAS. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUCH SYSTEMS ARE NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE DESIRED PROTECTION LEVEL IS NOT DEGRADED BY IMPACT DAMAGE, CORROSION, OR OTHER FACTORS. REVIEWED AND OR REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1. AGH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2012). TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM AND RUVOLUM 5 DIMENSIONING. METHOD.GEOBRUGG AG, 8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND, PRINT. 2. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (ASCE). (2017). ASCE 7-16 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS AND ASSOCIATED CRITERIA FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHERSTRUCTURES PROVISIONS. 3. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (ATC). (2020). SEISMIC HAZARDS BY LOCATION ONLINE PROGRAM. 4. CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION (CBSC) (2019). 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 24. 11 EFFECTIVEJANUARY 1, 2020. 5. CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (CGS) (2008). SPECIAL PUBLICATION 117A GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATING AND MITIGATION SEISMIC HAZARDS INCALIFORNIA. 6. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (2020). PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST, SLOPE REPAIR, PLAN CHECK NO. 1636-2020.SEPTEMBER 17, 2020. 7. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION (2020). GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW CHECKLIST,TENSIONED HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL MESH ROCKFALL STABILIZATION ON HILLSIDE (SLOPE REPAIR). PLAN CHECK NO. 1636-2020. 9/23/2020. 8. E. HOEK & J.W. BRAY (1981). ROCK SLOPE ENGINEERING. REVISED THIRD EDITION. THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY, LONDON 1981. 9. GEOBRUGG AG (2016). TECCO G65/4 STANDARD SYSTEM DRAWING. GEOBRUGG AG CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. DRAWING NO. GE-1006E.2016 12-07. 10. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: HIGH-TENSILE STEEL WIRE MESH TECCO G65/4. GEOBRUGG AG CH-8590 ROMANSHORN,SWITZERLAND. TECHDATA_171204. 11. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). PRODUCT MANUAL TECCO SYSTEM, SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. EDITION116-N-FO/17. 2019 01-18. 12. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). SOFTWARE MANUAL RUVOLUM SLOPE STABILIZATION. CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. 2019 07-12. 13. GEOBRUGG NORTH AMERICA (2017). WIRE ROPE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET. 14. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. (2020). GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION (REVISED), PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA.FIGURE NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 8564.1. 15. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. (2020). GEOLOGIC MAP, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. PLATE NO. 1, PROJECTNO. 8564.1. 16. HUNT, ROY E. (1984). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION MANUAL. NEW YORK: MCGRAW-HILL, PRINT. 17. INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. (2018). 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. 4051 WEST FLOSSMOOR ROAD, COUNTY CLUB HILLS, ILLINOIS60478. 18. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION,PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. AUGUST 20, 2020. 19. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION,ENGINEERING DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. AUGUST 20, 2020. 20. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, ROCKFALL ASSESSMENT LETTER, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA.AUGUST 20, 2020. 21. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL (2020). PARK NEWPORT, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS LANDSLIDE TOPO. 7/8/2020. JOB NO. 179528. 22. POST-TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) (2014). RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS DC35.1-14. 5TH ED. MICHIGAN, PRINT. 23. ROCSCIENCE (2020). ROCFALL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ROCKFALLS PROGRAM. VERSION 8.010. 24. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (2015). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 7, SOILNAIL WALLS REFERENCE MANUAL. PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-NHI-14-007. FHWA GEC 007. FEBRUARY 2015. 25. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (1999). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 4GROUND ANCHOR AND ANCHORED SYSTEMS. PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-IF-99-015. JUNE 1999. 26. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (2014). STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OFROADS AND BRIDGES ON FEDERAL HIGHWAY PROJECTS, FP-14. 27. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS). (2020). EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS ANALYSIS ONLINE PROGRAM. UNIFIED HAZARD TOOL.. 28. WILLIAMS FORM ENGINEERING CORP. (2019). GROUND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS MANUAL NO. 119. PROJECT LOCATION SITE PLAN DETAIL TITLE AND SITE PLAN DETAILS LOCATION: APN: 440-132-52 PROJECT LOCATIONLATITUDE: 33° 37' 38.28" N LONGITUDE: 117° 53' 01.11" W PROJECT LOCATION LATITUDE: 33° 37' 38.28" N LONGITUDE: 117° 53' 01.11" W DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 1 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d S h e e t 7 . BACK BAY DRIVE N 6 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 7 49 65' 70' 60' 50' 55' 55' 55' 55' 60' 60' 60' 60' 65' 65' 65' 65' 70' 70' 70' 70' 50' 50' 50' 50' 100' 75' 80' 85' 90' 45'40' 35' 30' 25' 20' 15' 10' 95' GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR WITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. PATTERN ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMxMESH TYPE: GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4xEST. MESH COVERAGE HEIGHT: 58-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE BOTTOM WIDTH: 60-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE TOP WIDTH: 40-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900 SQ.FT.x EST. MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMSPOT THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. SPOT ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE EST. LENGTH: 250-L.F.EXISTING SIDE SCARPOF LANDSLIDE AREA 55' PROPERTY LINE GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR EST. ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 CONCRETE DRAINAGESTRUCTURE TYP. 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENTPERMIT (CDP) EROSION CONTROL AREA SEE SHEET 7 FOR STRAW WATTLE DETAILS AND SEE HYDROSEEDING NOTE 1 CROSS SECTION X-X' TOP OF MESH 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECASTK-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTHAUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARYPLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITHEMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENTPERMIT (CDP) BOTTOM OF MESH THREADBAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGGSPIKE PLATE BEDROCK (MONTEREY FORMATION) (BE D D I N G 4 0 ° T O 6 0 ° ) EROSION CONTROLNORTH AMERICAN GREENSEDIMAX-SW® STRAW WATTLEOR EQUALSEE SHEET 7 FOR DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K 1" = 6 ' - 0 " 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 2 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 1 : A d d e d K - R a i l L o c a t i o n N o t e 2 . A d d e d E r o s i o n C o n t r o l D e t a i l s . GENERAL 1. DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL AND SIMILAR.DIMENSIONS, SCHEDULES, SPECIFIC NOTES, AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. 2. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON BESTAVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO AND MAY NOT BE PRECISELY INDICATIVE OF FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND VERIFIED BY THECONTRACTOR BEFORE THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY FOR CLARIFICATION. SITE UTILITIES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, GRADING, EXCAVATION, OR CONSTRUCTION. CALL BEFOREYOU DIG. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811: (800) 422-4133. NO STUDY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAS BEEN PERFORMED AS PART OF THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBSERVE AND REPORT ANY AND ALL UTILITY SERVICES THAT MAY BE IN THE EASEMENT. 3. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTS SHALL BE UPDATED NO EARLIER THAN 48-HOURS BEFORE BREAKING GROUND. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL SERVICE TO ANY AND ALL UTILITIES FOUND IN THEEASEMENT. PLANNED INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE SHALL REQUIRE PERMISSIONFOR THE UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER AND THE OWNER/CUSTOMER. 4. BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THE CONTRACTOR SHALLREPAIR AND DAMAGE TO UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. 5. ALL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED ANDPOSITIONED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE IRRIGATION OVERSPRAY ONTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. SITE LAYOUT - GENERAL 1. SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM LIMITS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION LIMITS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. SITE LAYOUT FIELD STAKING FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AS A GUIDE. SITE LAYOUT LOCATION STAKING SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE DESIGNENGINEER PRIOR TO DRILLING. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND ANCHORAGELOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, EXCAVATION, AND CONSTRUCTION. 4. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND ON-SITE FIELD CONDITIONS MAY ADJUST THE COVERAGE AREA AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. ANY CHANGE DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 5. GEOBRUGG TECCO ® SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM LAYOUT SHOWN ON SHEET 02 IS CONCEPTUAL AND FOR REFERENCE ONLY. STAKING AND LAYOUT SHALL NOT BECOMPLETED USING THE CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT. 6. ADDITIONAL ANCHORS MAY BE NECESSARY DEPENDING ON SLOPE CONDITIONS AFTER REMOVAL OF EXISTING VEGETATION AND OR EXISTING CONTOURIRREGULARITIES ON THE SLOPE FACE. ESTIMATED MATERIAL QUANTITIES 1. NO GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIALS SHALL BE ORDERED UNTIL THE SYSTEM LOCATION SITE LAYOUT FIELD STAKING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FINAL GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIAL QUANTITIES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1. THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HAS BEEN MODIFIED AND IS ONLY INTENDED FOR THE DESIGNED SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION LAYOUT AND LOCATIONPURPOSES. 2. LOCATIONS OF PROPERTY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE. SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIAL LEGEND GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPExESTIMATED BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE LENGTH: 250-L.F. GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - PATTERN ANCHOR WITH SPIKE PLATExESTIMATED PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WIRE MESHxWIRE MESH TYPE: TECCO G65/4xESTIMATED WIRE MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900-SQ.FT.x ESTIMATED WIRE MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - SPOT ANCHOR WITH SPIKE PLATExESTIMATED SPOT THREADED BAR ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHORxESTIMATED WIRE ROPE ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONCEPTUAL TOPOGRAPHIC LAYOUT GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM6'0'6'12'18'3' TOPOGRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1 INCH = 6 FEET 20'0'20'40'60'10' CROSS-SECTION SCALE SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET HYDROSEEDING: 1. SLOPE SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED PER DIRECTION FROM THE CITY ENGINEEREXCEPT FOR AREAS WITH EXPOSED ROCK. K-RAIL LOCATION: 1. K-RAIL AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. 2. K-RAIL MINIMUM 6" FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT (ADJUST IN FIELD TO PROVIDELARGER SETBACK WHERE FEASIBLE). TOE CAN BE TRIMMED BACK AS NEEDED TO EXPOSE NO MORE THAN 2 VERTICAL FT. INSTALL K-RAIL WITH ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN THE TOE AND THE K-RAIL FOR ACCUMULATION OFSOIL/DEBRIS. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: 1. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO REMAIN. SEE SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 50 BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR SIDE VIEW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH (SEE SCHEDULE 2) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE 5/8" Ø IWRC 6X19 WIRE ROPE ANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) MANUFACTURER'S SWAGEDFERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIRE ROPE CLIPS] 1'-0" MAX. 1'-0" MAX. CEMENT GROUT NON-SHRINK1,500 PSI MIN. @ 3-DAYS3,000-PSI MIN. @ 7 DAYS COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SCH. 40 PVC CENTRALIZER 10'-0" MAX. O.C. SPACING 2 MIN. PER ANCHOR 3" MIN. GROUT COVER SWAGED FERRULE OR SPLAYED END GEOBRUGG TENSIONED TECCO G65/4 LAYOUT DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW D-1 3 SCALE: N.T.S. THREADED BAR ANCHOR SIDE VIEW DETAIL D-4 3 SCALE: N.T.S. 1'-0" MAX. 1'-0" MAX. DRILL HOLE Ø(SEE SCHEDULE 1) SCH. 40 PVC CENTRALIZER 10'-0" MAX. O.C. SPACING 2 MIN. PER ANCHOR SURFICIAL TOP SOIL / WEATHERED BEDROCK TYP. CEMENT GROUT NON-SHRINK 1,500 PSI MIN. @ 3-DAYS 3,000-PSI MIN. @ 7 DAYSCOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH A A' BOUNDARY ROPE CONNECTION TO WIRE ROPE ANCHOR PLAN VIEW DETAIL D-2 3 SCALE: N.T.S. 3" MIN. GROUTCOVER MIN. (3) 1/2" WIRE ROPE CLIPS MIN. (3) 1/2" WIRE ROPE CLIPS 5/8" Ø 6X19 IWRC WIRE ROPEANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE TYP. 1/2" Ø 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARY WIRE ROPE D-2 3 D-3 3 TYPE 2 COMPRESSIONCLAW1/2" Ø MIN. 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH (SEE SCHEDULE 2) SHALE BEDROCK TYP. DRILL HOLE Ø (SEE SCHEDULE 1) 40'-0" APPROX. TOP MESH COVERAGE WIDTH D-3 3 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET MANUFACTURER'S SWAGED FERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIREROPE CLIPS] EXISTING NATURALGRADE TYP. 1/2" Ø MIN. 6X19IWRC BOUNDARYWIRE ROPE EXISTING NATURAL GRADE TYP. MANUFACTURER'S SWAGEDFERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIREROPE CLIPS] 5/8" Ø 6X19 IWRC WIRE ROPE ANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE TYP. ANCHOR INCLINATION [SEE SHEET 4 NOTES] ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK (SEE SCHEDULE 2) ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK (SEE SCHEDULE 2) SURFICIAL TOP SOIL / WEATHERED BEDROCK TYP. TYPE 2 COMPRESSION CLAW 60'-0" APPROX. BOTTOM MESH COVERAGE WIDTH 58'-0" APPROX. MESH COVERAGE SLOPE DISTANCEHEIGHT 1/2" MIN. GROUT COVERAROUND ANCHOR 1/2" MIN. GROUT COVER AROUND ANCHOR CREST OF HEAD SCARPLANDSLIDE AREA TYP. 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH EST. COVERAGE QUANTITY:3,000 SQ.FT. TOP OF SLOPETOP OF SLOPE SHALE BEDROCK TYP. CREST OF HEAD SCARPLANDSLIDEAREA TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4WIRE MESH 1-1/8" Ø H.D. HEXAGONAL NUT AND H.D. HARDENED WASHER (#9) 1-1/8" Ø WILLIAMS FORM GRADE 75-KSI SOLID THREADED BAROR APPROVED EQUAL 3" MIN. THREADED BAR TAIL (ABOVE HEXAGONAL NUT) GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 3'-0" MIN. ANCHOR OFFSET OVER CREST OF HEAD SCARP GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 1/2" Ø 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARYWIRE ROPE 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 1/2 ANCHOR SPACING OFFSET 10'-0" MAX. ANCHOR SPACING 10'-0" MAX. ANCHOR SPACING GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH EST. COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000 SQ.FT. PATTERNTHREADED BAR ANCHOR SEE DETAIL D/4 CREST OF HEAD SCARP LANDSLIDE AREA TYP. LOOSE / BROKEN SURFICIAL SLOPE MATERIAL TYP. TO BE RETAINED BY SYSTEM SPOT THREADED BAR ANCHOR SEE DETAIL D/4 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (CDP) TYPICAL SLOPE CROSS SECTION (A-A') PROFILE VIEW D-5 3 SCALE: N.T.S. MONTEREY FORMATION TYP.BEDDING VARIES 40° - 60° ANCHOR INCLINATION [SEE SHEET 4 NOTES] EROSION CONTROL AREASEE SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 3 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d E r o s i o n C o n t r o l A r e a . GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM DETAILS GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 TENSIONED WIRE MESH SYSTEM S1 - THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE ANCHOR - BOND STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE GEOLOGIC ANCHORAGESUBSURFACE BEDROCK MIN. DRILL HOLE DIAMETER NOMINAL ANCHOR GROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH * ALLOWABLE ANCHORGROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH NOMINAL ANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE ** ALLOWABLEANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE HARD SHALE 3.5-IN 100-PSI 50-PSI 13.2-KIPS/FT 6.6-KIPS/FT S1 NOTES: 1. (*) ALLOWABLE THREADED BAR ANCHOR GROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH INCLUDES A RESISTANCE FACTOR OF 2.0 PER FHWA GEC 007, 2015. 2. (**) ALLOWABLE THREADED BAR ANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE INCLUDES A RESISTANCE FACTOR OF 2.0 PER FHWA GEC 007, 2015.3. PULLOUT RESISTANCE IS FOR THE BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK. S2 - THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE ANCHOR - DEPTHS ANCHOR TYPE GEOLOGIC ANCHORAGE SUBSURFACEBEDROCK * UNBONDED (FREE-STRESSING LENGTH)ANCHOR DEPTH MIN. BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH EST. MIN.ANCHOR EMBEDMENTDEPTH EST. STICK UPABOVE GROUND SURFACE EST. MIN.TENDON LENGTH THREADED BAR HARD SHALE 3-FT 6-FT 9-FT 1-FT 10-FT WIRE ROPE HARD SHALE 3-FT 3-FT 6-FT 1-FT 7-FT S2 NOTES: 1. (*) ANCHOR UNBONDED (FREE-STRESSING LENGTH) DEPTH FOR THE SURFICIAL WEATHERED BEDROCK / TOPSOIL LAYER. 2. BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK. S3 - ANCHOR - DESIGN & MAXIMUM TEST LOADS SOIL NAIL ANCHOR POSITION TENSILE DESIGN LOAD(DL) MAX. TENSILE TESTING LOAD(MTL) PATTERN / SPOT THREADED BAR 36.4-KIPS 48.4-KIPS BOUNDARYWIRE ROPE 18.2-KIPS 24-KIPS S4 - THREADED BAR ANCHOR - PLATE PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SOIL NAIL ANCHOR POSITION ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONINGTENSILE LOAD ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONINGTORQUE PATTERN / SPOT 6.7-KIPS 295 FT-LBS S4 NOTE:1. PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SHALL NOT EXCEED 11-KIPS OF TENSILE LOAD PER THE MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 51 GEOBRUGG TECCO® HORIZONTAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - (3/8" SHACKLE CONNECTION OPTION) D-4 4 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® HORIZONTAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - (TURN-IN OF WIRE OPTION) D-5 4 SCALE: N.T.S. BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® TREE CUT-OUT DETAILS ELEVATION VIEW D-14 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - OVERLAP OPTION D-3 4 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG T3 CONNECTION CLIP (1) PER MESH DIAMOND (EACH SIDE) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) MIN. (2) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS EACH END PER LOOP GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) MIN. (2) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS EACH END PER LOOP GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) & (B) LOOPS GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG TECCO® VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - WITHOUT OVERLAP OPTION D-2 4 SCALE: N.T.S. 2 DIAMOND MESH UNIT OVERLAP TYPICAL (3) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS TREE LOCATION TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 STEEL WIRE MESH PANEL (A) 2 MESH MIN. BOUNDARY ROPE OFFSET FROM CUT EDGE BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) 5/16" Ø 6X19 IWRC LACING WIRE ROPE (SEAM THROUGH EACH MESH DIAMOND) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 VERTICAL MESH CONNECTION (OPTION TYPES SEE DETAILS D-2, D-3 SHEET 4) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) & (B) LOOPS 3/8" MIN. SCREW PIN ANCHOR SHACKLE (1) PER MESH DIAMOND GEOBRUGG T3 CONNECTION CLIP (2) PER MESH DIAMOND DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 St o c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 4 7 GEOBRUGG TECCO WIRE MESH CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 TENSIONED WIRE MESH SYSTEM TENSIONED HIGH-STRENGTH WIRE MESH SYSTEM NOTESSTEEL MATERIALS - CORROSION PROTECTION1. ALL STEEL MATERIALS USED IN FOR THE GEOBRUGG TECCO® SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SHALL BE CORROSION PROTECTED BY GALVANIZATIONOR EPOXY COATING. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONALCORROSION PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS. STEEL MATERIAL - AESTHETIC COLORING 1. AESTHETIC COLORING FOR THE GEOBRUGG TECCO® SLOPE STABILIZATIONSYSTEM SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. STEEL MATERIAL TO BE COLORED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. IF AESTHETIC COLORING ISCHOSEN, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE OWNER WITH THE MANUFACTURERS COLOR SAMPLES. ANCHOR - DRILLING 1. THREADED BAR ANCHOR DRILLING LOCATIONS SHALL NOT DEVIATE MORE THAN 10% FROM THE THREADED BAR ANCHOR SPACING INDICATED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. DRILLING INCLINATIONS FOR THE THREADED BARANCHORS SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE FACE AT SLOPE INCLINATIONS LESS THAN 70-DEGREES. 2. SLOPE INCLINATIONS EXCEEDING 70-DEGREES SHALL BE INCLINED AT A MAXIMUM20-DEGREES AND MINIMUM 15-DEGREES FROM HORIZONTAL. 3. ANCHOR DEPTHS AND DRILL HOLE SIZES SEE SHEET 3 SCHEDULES FOR INFORMATION. ANCHOR - THREADED BAR 1. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE MINIMUM (#9) 1-1/8-IN DIAMETER GRADE 75 KSI SOLID CORE STEEL WILLIAMS FORM THREADED BAR OR APPROVED EQUAL. THREADED BAR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 75-KIPS ANDULTIMATE STRENGTH OF 100-KIPS. ANCHOR - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 1. WIRE ROPE ANCHORS SHALL BE MINIMUM 5/8-IN Ø WIRE ROPE INDEPENDENTWIRE ROPE CORE (IWRC), EXTRA IMPROVED PLOW STEEL (EIPS) 6X19 CONSTRUCTION DOUBLE LEGGED. DOUBLE LEGGED ANCHOR SHALL HAVE AMINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTH OF 62-KIPS. ANCHOR - THREADED BAR - COUPLERS 1. THREADED BAR COUPLER(S) SHALL BE STOP-TYPE STEEL COUPLERS FOR SOLIDCORE THREADED BAR. COUPLERS SHALL MEET ASTM A29 OR ASTM A576.THREADED BARS SHALL BE COMPLETELY THREADED TO THE MIDPOINT OF THE COUPLER. COUPLERS SHALL EXCEED OR MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTSOF THE THREADED BAR. COUPLERS ARE ONLY PERMITTED FOR USE OFTHREADED BARS EXCEEDING 10-FT SECTION LENGTHS. ANCHOR - CENTRALIZERS 1. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON EACH ANCHOR TO ADEQUATELYSUPPORT THE ANCHOR IN THE CENTER OF THE DRILL HOLE. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE PVC SCH. 40 AND ASSEMBLED TO THE WIRE ROPE AND THREADED BARUSING STEEL TIE WIRE. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE SPACED AT A MAXIMUM 10-FTSPACING WITH A CENTRALIZER POSITIONED A MAXIMUM OF 1-FT FROM EACH END OF THE THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE. ANCHOR - GROUT 1. ANCHORAGE GROUT SHALL MEET THE POST TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) PTI M55.1-12(13) STANDARDS. THE GROUT SHALL BE NON-SHRINK CEMENT GROUTMIXED WITH WATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND CONFORMTO ASTM C845 FOR EXPANSIVE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. THE GROUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1,500-PSI, 3-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, AND 3,000-PSI AT 7-DAYS. 2. GROUT TUBES SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE THREADED BARS PRIOR TOINSERTION INTO THE DRILL HOLE. GROUT TUBE SHALL EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE THREADED BAR FOR THE ANCHOR. GROUTING OF THE ANCHORS SHALLCOMMENCE FROM THE BOTTOM OF DRILL HOLE TO THE SLOPE SURFACE. IFBEAKING IS OBSERVED AFTER GROUTING, GROUT SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE DRILL HOLE TO PREVENT VOIDS. GROUT TUBE SHALL BE MAXIMUM 1/2-IN O.D.,3/8-IN I.D. HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC GROUT TUBING. WIRE MESH 1. WIRE MESH SHALL BE GEOBRUGG TECCO ® G65/4 TYPE HIGH-STRENGTH STEELWIRE MESH OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT ANDDETERMINE IF MATERIAL IS APPROVED. 2. WIRE MESH SHALL BE 3.27-IN X 5.43-IN (±3%) 0.157-IN DIAMETER HIGH-TENSILESTEEL WIRE. THE STEEL WIRE MATERIAL SHALL BE ALLOYED HIGH-STRENGTHWIRE WITH A MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH OF 4.9-KIPS. THE TENSILE LOAD CAPACITY OF THE MESH SHALL BE GREATER THAN 17.1-KIPS/FT. WIRE MESH CONNECTIONS 1. GEOBRUGG TECCO ® WIRE MESH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONNECTED USING THE METHODS SHOWN ON SHEET 4DETAILS. 1.1. VERTICAL CONNECTION: 1.1.1. (14) GEOBRUGG T3 CLIPS REQUIRED EVERY 3-FT. 1.2. HORIZONTAL CONNECTION OPTIONS: 1.2.1. OPTION 1 - (1) GEOBRUGG T3 CLIP OR MINIMUM 3/8-IN S.P.A. SHACKLE REQUIRED EVERY INDIVIDUAL OPEN MESH DIAMOND. 1.2.2. OPTION 2 - GEOBRUGG TECCO ® G65/4 WIRE SHALL BE TURNED INHORIZONTALLY THROUGH BOTH END PANELS. WIRE END LOOPS SHALL BE MADE TO CONNECT THE MESH PANEL TOGETHER USING (2) 5/16-INWIRE ROPE CLIPS FOR EACH LOOP MADE. WIRE MESH - CONNECTION CLIP / SHACKLES 1. GEOBRUGG T3 CLIPS SHALL BE MINIMUM 0.157-IN (4-mm) DIAMETERHIGH-STRENGTH STEEL WIRE WITH A MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH OF 256-KSI. 2. SHACKLES SHALL BE MINIMUM 3/8-IN SCREW PIN ANCHOR SHACKLES AND COMPLY WITH FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-C-271G TYPE IVA, GRADE A, CLASS 1.SHACKLES SHALL BE DROP FORGED AND SUPPLIED BY THE SYSTEMMANUFACTURER. WIRE MESH - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 1. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPES SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE SYSTEM ABOVE THEGEOBRUGG TECCO® WIRE MESH. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 1/2-IN DIAMETER INDEPENDENT WIRE ROPE COPE (IWRC) 6X19 CLASS WIRE ROPEOR APPROVED EQUAL. WIRE ROPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTHOF 26.6-KIPS. 2. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE WIRE MESH USING TYPE 2 COMPRESSION CLAWS OR APPROVED EQUAL. COMPRESSION CLAWS SHALL BEINSTALLED: 2.1. TOP AND BOTTOM BOUNDARY ROPES - EVERY THIRD MESH 2.2. SIDE BOUNDARY ROPES - EVERY SECOND INDIVIDUAL MESH 2.3. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE TERMINATION ENDS SHALL EACH INCLUDE (3) 1/2-INMIN. WIRE ROPE CLIPS. WIRE MESH - TREE CUT-OUT 1. MESH HOLES FOR TREES SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AFTER MESH PANEL LAYING.MESH SEAMING SHALL BE CONNECTED USING METHOD SHOWN ON DETAIL SHEET 4. MINIMUM 5/16-IN Ø LACING WIRE ROPE SHALL BE SEAMED INTO THE MESHAROUND THE TREE TERMINATED WITH MINIMUM (3) 5/16-IN WIRE ROPE CLIPS. WIRE ROPE CLIPS 1. 5/16-IN Ø LACING WIRE ROPE 1.1. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP QUANTITY: 3 [PER WIRE ROPE LOOP] 1.2. WIRE ROPE CLIP SPACING: 3-IN [BETWEEN CLIPS] 1.3. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP TORQUE: 37 FT-LB 1.4. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE TAIL (AFTER LAST CLIP): 6-IN 2. 1/2-IN Ø BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 2.1. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP QUANTITY: 3 [PER WIRE ROPE LOOP] 2.2. WIRE ROPE CLIP SPACING: 3-IN [BETWEEN CLIPS] 2.3. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP TORQUE: 81 FT-LB 2.4. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE TAIL (AFTER LAST CLIP): 6-IN 3. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH "SADDLE" ON LIVE END AND"U-BOLT" ON DEAD END OF THE WIRE ROPE. 3. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH "SADDLE" ON LIVE END AND "U-BOLT" ON DEAD END OF THE WIRE ROPE. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL COMPLYWITH FEDERAL SPECIFICATION FF-C-450E TYPE 1, CLASS 1. SHACKLES SHALL BEDROP FORGED AND SUPPLIED BY THE SYSTEM MANUFACTURER. ANCHOR - SPIKE PLATE 2. WIRE MESH STEEL SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE GEOBRUGG TECCO ® P33 TYPE ORAPPROVED EQUAL. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE MINIMUM 13-IN x 8-IN x 1/4-IN DIAMOND SHAPED. SPIKE PLATE SHALL INCLUDE A MINIMUM HOLE DIAMETER OF1.5-IN. SPIKE PLATES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL BENDINGRESISTANCE OF 1.8-KIPS/FT. 3. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY AS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE FITTED TO THE THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH A HEAVY-DUTY HEXAGONAL NUT AND HEAVY DUTY WASHER. WASHER TYPE SHALL BE SPHERICAL, BEVELED OR FLAT DEPENDING ON SLOPE CONDITIONS.HEXAGONAL NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE BEARING CONTACTTO THE SPIKE PLATE. ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONING 1. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE PRE-TENSIONED TO A MINIMUM TENSILELOAD OF 6.7-KIPS (30-kN). PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SHALL NOT EXCEED 11-KIPS (50-kN). 1.1. #9 MIN. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE TORQUE TO A MINIMUM VALUE OF 295 FT-LB PER ANCHOR. MAXIMUM TORQUE SHALL BE 350 FT-LB. 2. TORQUE WRENCH SHALL BE CHECKED AND CORRECTED IF A DIFFERENCE INTORQUE VALUES IS OBSERVED. CALIBRATION AND PRE-TENSIONING OF THEANCHORS SHALL BE UNDER THE OBSERVATION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. ANCHOR TESTING - GENERAL 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TENSILE TEST PRODUCTION OR VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHORS. 2. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POST TENSIONINGINSTITUTE (PTI) DC35.1-14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS, PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, AND THESE CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS. 3. EITHER PRODUCTION ANCHORS OR VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHORSSHALL BE TESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. TESTING TYPE SELECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO ATENTATIVE TESTING DATE. 4. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE OBSERVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED TESTING PERSONNEL. THE CONTRACTOR'S TESTINGPERSONNEL SHALL BE COMPETENT IN TESTING AND EQUIPMENT SETUP. THEANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT SETUP AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE EXAMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANCHOR TESTING. THE DESIGN ENGINEERSHALL DETERMINE IF THE TESTING SETUP IS ACCEPTABLE. 5. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE GROUT HAS REACHED MINIMUM ADEQUATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NO LESS THAN 3-DAYS AFTERGROUT POUR, OR AT THE DISCRETION OR THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THECONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER NO LESS THAN 2 DAYS PRIOR TO TESTING ANCHORS. 6. ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 133% OF THE DESIGN LOAD(S).BOTH DESIGN AND MAXIMUM TEST LOAD(S) ARE PROVIDED ON THESECONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND THE DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT. OPTION 1 - PRODUCTION ANCHOR TESTING 1. IF PRODUCTION ANCHOR TESTING IS CHOSEN, A MINIMUM OF 10% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED OR AT THE DISCRETIONOF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. LOCATION(S) OF THE PRODUCTION ANCHORS TO BE TESTED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE PRODUCTIONANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED BY PERFORMANCE TESTING AS REFERENCED ANDDESCRIBED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. OPTION 2 - VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHOR TESTING 1. IF VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHOR TESTING IS CHOSEN, A MINIMUM OF 3 ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED OR AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER.THE LOCATION(S) OF THE VERIFICATION ANCHORS TO BE TESTED SHALL BEDETERMINED AND LOCATED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE FIELD DURING SITE LAYOUT. 2. FOR THE VERIFICATION TESTING OPTION, THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BEON-SITE DURING THE DRILLING, AND GROUTING OF THE VERIFICATION ANCHORS. THE VERIFICATION ANCHOR BONDED DEPTHS AND UNBONDED (NON-GROUTED)DEPTHS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER UPON SELECTION BYTHE CONTRACTOR OF PERFORMING VERIFICATION TESTING. 3. IF THE LOAD CAPACITIES OF THE ANCHOR TENDON ARE NOT EXCEEDED ORANCHOR PULLOUT FAILURE DOES NOT OCCUR THE SACRIFICIAL VERIFICATION ANCHOR MAY BE INCLUDED INTO THE PRODUCTION ANCHOR QUANTITY. IF THEANCHOR TENDON LOAD CAPACITIES ARE EXCEEDED OR ANCHOR PULLOUTFAILURE OCCURS, THE VERIFICATION ANCHOR SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PRODUCTION ANCHOR QUANTITY AND BE CUT AT GRADE AFTER TESTING. 4. FOR VERIFICATION TESTING THE CONTRACTOR HAS THE OPTION OF TESTINGWIRE ROPE OR THREADED BAR TENDONS. THE TECHNICAL STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF THE TENDONS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEERPRIOR TO TESTING. 5. VERIFICATION ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED BY PERFORMANCE TESTING ASPROVIDED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. VERIFICATION ANCHORS CAN BELOADED TO PULLOUT FAILURE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 52 TYPICAL FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION FIBER ROLL ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL ISOMETRIC VIEW 4-FT M A X . 4-FT M A X . FLOW DIRECTION FLOW DIRECTION FIBER ROLL TYP.8-IN Ø MIN. 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT MIN.LENGTH WOODEN STAKE SIDE PROFILE VIEW FIBER ROLL TYP.8-IN Ø MIN. 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT MIN. LENGTH WOODEN STAKE FLOW DIRECTION 2" MIN. 4" MAX. 1-FT MIN.STAKE DEPTH SHEET F L O W D I R E C T I O N TYPICAL SILT FENCE ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPICAL SILT FENCE SECTION VIEW 2-FT MIN. GEOTEXTILEHEIGHT ABOVE GRADE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) WOODEN POST MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT POST SPACING8-FT MAX. (WOVEN)4-FT MAX. (NON-WOVEN) TYPICAL SILT FENCE END POST(SEE NOTES FOR FENCE SPLICE TYPES ANDOVERLAP REQUIREMENTS) EXISTING GROUND TYP. EXCAVATED ANDBACKFILLED TRENCH TYP. FASTENERS - MIN. NO. 10 GAGE WIRE OR 50 LB PLASTIC ZIP TIESMIN. 3 PER POST. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OFTHE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEET NOTE REQUIREMENTS) EXISTINGGROUND TYP. 6" GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DEPTH 6" GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WIDTH EXCAVATED ANDBACKFILLED TRENCH TYP. 2-FT MIN. POST DEPTHBELOW GRADE 2-FT MIN. GEOTEXTILE/ POST HEIGHTABOVE GRADE WOODEN POST MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-INx -FT LENGTH OR EQUAL WOODEN POSTMINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH OR EQUAL WOODEN END POSTS MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OFTHE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) WOODEN END POSTS MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT WOODEN END POSTSMINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH OR EQUIVALENT TYPICAL SPLICE DETAILS PLAN VIEW FLOW DIRECTION FLOW DIRECTION GROUT PLANT GROUT PLANT GROUT HOPPER TYP. WOODEN PALLET TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENEPLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA 4'-0" MIN. WIDTH 8'-0" MIN. LENGTH 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. WOODEN PALLET TYP. VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA GROUT HOPPER TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELEVATION VIEW VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENEPLASTIC OR EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FRONT ELEVATION VIEW 4" X 6" MIN. WOODBEAM TYP. GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SIDE ELEVATION VIEW GROUT HOPPER TYP.SANDBAGS 2-BAGS HIGH TYPICAL PROTECTION FOR INLET ON SUMP TYPICAL PROTECTION FOR INLET ON GRADE SPILLWAY1-BAG HIGH FLOWDIRECTION INLET EDGE OF PAVEMENT FLOW DIRECTION SANDBAGS2-BAGS HIGHSPILLWAY 1-BAG HIGH INLET EDGE OFPAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SITE BMP TYPICAL DETAILS SILT FENCES 1. SILT FENCES SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORK IN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. SILT FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOP OF SLOPE AND THE SLOPE TOE IN BEHIND THE FIBER ROLLS. LOCATIONS OF THE SILT FENCES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE(S) SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 75% OF THE HEIGHT. 4. SUPPORT POSTS FOR THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH WOODEN STAKES OR EQUIVALENT. WOODEN POSTS SHALL BE HICKORY OR OAK WOOD TYPE. 5. POST SPACING SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 8-FT FOR WOVEN FABRIC AND 3-FT FOR NON-WOVEN FABRIC. 6. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, THE SLOPE SURFACE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS SHALL BE EXCAVATED WITH THE FABRIC PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6-IN, THEN BACKFILLED WITH EXISTING SOIL TO THE GROUND SURFACE. 7. THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF WOODEN POSTS WITH A MINIMUM OF (4) 1/2-IN STAPLES PER STAKE. FIBER ROLLS 1. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORKIN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOP OF SLOPE AND THE SLOPE TOE IN FRONT OF THE SILT FENCES. LOCATIONS OF THE FIBER ROLLS SHALL BEDETERMINED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. MAINTAIN FIBER ROLL ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 75% OF THE HEIGHT. 4. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE PREFABRICATED ROLLS. ROLLS SHALL BE MINIMUM 8-IN DIAMETER., WOODEN STAKES SHALL BE MINIMUM NOMINAL 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT LENGTH. 5. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE ENTRENCHED INTO THE SLOPE SURFACE A MINIMUM OF 2-IN AND MAXIMUM OF 4-IN. WOODEN STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE FIBER ROLLS A MINIMUM OF 1-FT AT A SPACING OF 4-FT. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 1. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORK IN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. 2. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. LOCATIONS OF STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT. 4. IF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION OCCURS, SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 1/3 OF THE HEIGHT. 5. GRAVEL OR SAND SHALL BE USED IN BAGS. 6. BAGS SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AROUND THE DESIGNATED STORM DRAIN AREA. 7. IF SILT OR CLAY SOIL PARTICLES ARE PRESENT, FILTER FABRIC SHALL BEUSED TO LINE THE BAGS. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DETAILSGROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT DETAILS SILT FENCE DETAILS FIBER ROLL DETAILS GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. PRIOR TO GROUT MIXING COMMENCEMENT THE WASTE MANAGEMENT AREA SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE MIXING PLANT TO PREVENT SPILLS AND SEEPAGE INTO THE GROUND SURFACE BELOW. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WASTE MANAGEMENT AREA SIMILAR TO THE TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWN. ACTUAL SETUP MAY VARY DEPENDING ON SIZE AND LOCATION OF MIXING EQUIPMENT. 3. AFTER GROUTING PLACEMENT, THE WASTE AREA SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPILLS OR SEEPAGE AND BE PROPERLY CLEANED UP PRIOR TO ADDITIONAL WORK BEING COMMENCED. WHEN SILT FENCE SPLICES ARE NECESSARY, SPLICES SHALL BEAT POST LOCATIONS. PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THE FIRST FENCE. ROTATEBOTH POSTS TOGETHER AT LEAST 180 DEGREES TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL. CUT THE FABRIC NEARTHE BOTTOM OF THE POSTS TO ACCOMMODATE THE 6 INCH FLAP. THEN DRIVE BOTH POSTS AND BURY THE FLAP. THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL CONSIST OF EITHER BE WOVEN OR NON-WOVEN POLYESTER, POLYPROPYLENE, STABILIZED NYLON, POLYETHYLENE, OR POLYVINYLIDENE CHLORIDE. NON-WOVEN FABRIC MAY BE NEEDLE PUNCHED, HEAT BONDED, RESIN BONDED, OR COMBINATIONS THEREOF. 8. 9. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 5 7 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 53 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 St o c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 1 0 1 - 0 6 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 6 7 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO REMAIN. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS NOTES: 1. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS SHALL BE CONTROLLED USING A FLAGMAN. 54 5'-0" WATTLE S P A C I N G O . C . 6'-0" FROM BASE OF TECCO SYSTEM 5'- 0 " F R O M B O T T O M 3'-0" - 4 ' - 0 " S T A K E S P A C I N G O . C . 1'-0" S T A K E S P A C I N G F R O M W A T T L E E D G E 1'-6" O V E R L A P M I N . 9" 3" DEPOSIT EXCAVATED SOIL UPSLOPE COMPACT LOOSE SOIL AGAINST WATTLE 2" - 3 " 12" ( M I N . ) NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SEDIMAX-SW® STRAW WATTLE OR EQUAL WOOD STAKE (TYP.) STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 1 0 1 - 0 6 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 7 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d S h e e t 7 . 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS NOTES: 1. DETAILS ARE TYPICAL AND EROSION CONTROL WATTLES SHALL BE FIELD FIT AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS D-1 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE TRENCHING DETAILS D-3 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE STAKING DETAILSD-4 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE OVERLAP DETAILS D-2 7 SCALE: N.T.S. 01 - 2 8 - 2 - 2 0 2 1 55 INT E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 56 Attachment No. CD 4 Excerpt of the Post Local Coastal Program Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction map dated July 23,2018, with the project site highlighted 01-28-2021 57 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 58 California Coastal CommissionSouth Coast District Technical Services Division - GIS UnitCalifornia Coastal Commission Post LCP CertificationPermit and Appeal JurisdictionIndex Map: County of OrangeCities of: Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Dana Point, Huntington Beach, Irvine,Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Newport Beach, San Clemente, Seal Beach Copyright:© 2014 Esri GMB, 04/2018 State of CaliforniaNatural Resources Agency Sources: California Coastal Commission,City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, Esri Orange County Index Map Copyright:© 2014 Esri N 0 4.5 92.25 Miles 0 5 102.5 Kilometers Appeal JurisdictionThis area includes lands between the sea and the designatedfirst public road paralleling the sea or within 300 feet of theinland extent of any beach or of the mean high tide line if thereis no beach, whichever is the greater distance. Also includedare lands within 100 feet of streams and wetlands and landswithin 300 feet of the top of the seaward face of any coastal bluff. Development in this area remains subject to Coastal Commission original permit jurisdiction. First Public RoadFirst Public Road 14 CCR 13577(i)(2)100 Feet from Stream Top of Bank100 Feet from Wetland Extent300 Feet from Top of Coastal Bluff300 Feet from Inland Extent of Beach300 Feet from Mean High Tide LineAppeal Jurisdiction (P.R.C. §30613) Areas ofDeferred Certification (ADC) Permit Jurisdiction City ofNewport Beach City ofSeal Beach Bolsa Bay O R A N G E C O U N T Y This area includes tidelands, submerged lands, and lands that are subjectto the public trust or were subject to the public trust at any time. PACIFIC O C E A N City ofHuntington Beach City ofCosta Mesa City ofLaguna Beach City ofDana Point City ofSan Clemente AnaheimBay NewportBay City ofLaguna Niguel City ofIrvine City ofAliso Viejo Coastal Zone Boundary City Boundary Certified Coastal LongRange Development PlanDevelopment in this area either remains subject to CoastalCommission review and approval, or Coastal Commission reviewof projects approved under a Long Range Development Plan. Note 1 The coastal zone boundary depicted on this map may have been revised due tolegislative amendments and/or minor boundary adjustments approved by theCoastal Commission pursuant to Public Resources Code §30103. The digitalversion of this Coastal Zone Boundary dataset (which is a conformed copyof the adopted inked version of the Coastal Zone Boundary) includes attributionthat identifies each segment in which a boundary has changed as a result oflegislative changes and/or minor boundary adjustments. Note 2 The coastal zone boundary shown on this map is based on a digital version of theboundary depicted on maps adopted by the California Coastal Commission pursuantto §30103(b) of the California Coastal Act of 1976 (California Public ResourcesCode §30000 et. seq.), and modified from time to time by legislative amendmentsand Minor Boundary Adjustments. Both this depicted boundary and the digital versionof this data represent conformed copies of the original adopted boundary and alsoreflect subsequent legislative and Coastal Commission changes. In addition to theland area delineated, the coastal zone includes all offshore islands, and extendsseaward to the State's outer limit of jurisdiction. Under the provisions of §304(a) of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of1972, as amended, "excluded from the coastal zone are lands the use of which is bylaw subject solely to the discretion of or which is held in trust by the federalgovernment, its officers or agents." Under the provisions of §30008 of the California Coastal Act as amended in 1978,"within federal lands excluded from the coastal zone pursuant to the federal CoastalZone Management Act of 1972, the State of California shall, consistent with applicablefederal and state laws, continue to exercise the full range of powers, rights, andprivileges it now possesses or which may be granted." Note 3 This map has been prepared to show where the California Coastal Commission retainspost-LCP certification permit and appeal jurisdiction pursuant to P.R.C. §30519(b), and§30603(a)(1) and (a)(2), and §30613. In addition, developments may also be appealablepursuant to P.R.C. §30603(a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5). If questions arise concerning the preciselocation of the boundary of any area defined in the above sections, the matter should bereferred to the local government and/or the Executive Director of the Commission forclarification and information. This plat may be updated as appropriate and may notinclude all lands where post-LCP certification permit and appeal jurisdiction is retainedby the Commission. 1. Any development approved by a county that is not designated as a principal permitted use under zoning approved pursuant to the applicable Local Coastal Program; 2. Any development that constitutes a major public works project or a major energy facility. Note 4 The Appeal Jurisdiction shown on this map may includeareas adjacent to streams depicted on the correspondingUSGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps that have beenchannelized or otherwise altered. Pursuant to 14 C.C.R.§13577(a), channelized streams not having significanthabitat value should not be considered as a basis fordelineating stream appeal jurisdiction. Note 5 In addition to the geographic areas of appeal jurisdictiondepicted hereon, the following types of development areappealable throughout the coastal zone pursuant to P.R.C.§30603 (a)(4) and (a)(5): Note 6 In some areas individual parcels of land may be bisected bythe appeal jurisdiction boundary. All development proposedwithin the appeal area defined as appealable is subject to theCommission's jurisdiction. In addition, if a development isproposed partly on the portion of the parcel that forms thebasis for geographic appeal jurisdiction, and partly on theremainder of the parcel, and the Commission decides to hearthe appeal, then the Commission reviews the local governmentapproved permit de novo including all the development that wasauthorized in the permit. Note 7 The boundaries shown on this map are not to be used forestablishing or depicting State ownership boundaries orgranted tide lands and are to be used in reference to theCoastal Commission's Post LCP Certification Permit andAppeal Jurisdictions only. This map has not been approvedby the California State Lands Commission, is subject to change,and may not include all lands subject to the public trust. Anyquestions which arise, pursuant to the public trust, should bedirected to the California State Lands Commission. Note 8 Development on Federal Lands requires a Coastal CommissionCoastal Development Permit or federal consistency certificationor determination. 01-28-2021 59 Excerpt of the Post Local Coastal Program Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction map dated July 23,2018, with the project site highlighted Project Site 60 Attachment PC 3 Emergency Coastal Development Permit CD2021-066 61 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 62 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658- 8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ACTION LETTER Subject: Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-256) ▪Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-066 Site Location 5000 Park Newport Drive (APN 440 132 52) Applicant Gerson Bakar & Associates Property Owner Park Newport Land LTD On October 26, 2021, the Community Development Director approved Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-066. This approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. I. AUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT This emergency CDP authorizes emergency actions for the purpose of mitigating the imminent risk of rocks and debris from further eroding and falling on to Back Bay Drive to protect public safety. The project consists of the installation of tarps at three locations secured with similar color sandbags as depicted in the attached Map (Attachment No. CD 3). II. CEQA DETERMINATION The proposed operation is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency) and Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3. Section 15269 allows specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The development is necessary to mitigate and reduce the immediate risks associated with rock, soil or other debris from falling on to Back Bay Drive during a potential rain event. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. FINDINGS 1. An emergency exists that requires action more quickly than permitted by the procedures for regular permits administered pursuant to the provisions of Newport 63 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-256) October 25, 2021 Page 2 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 Beach Municipal Code Chapter 21.50 (Permit Application Filing and Processing), and the work can and will be completed within thirty (30) days unless otherwise specified by the terms of the permit. Facts in Support of Finding a.The subject site has been subject to numerous landslides since construction of the Park Newport Development in 1969. b.The property owners retained Hetherington Engineering, Inc. a professionally licensed Engineering and Geology firm to assess the risk of further slope failure and assist with remediating the landslide area. On October 22, 2021, Hetherington Engineering issued a geotechnical opinion letter (Attachment No. CD 2) that concluded there is an imminent risk of future rockfalls at the subject site due to the bluff height, steep slope ratios, poor quality bedrock and history of landslide activity. The letter further opined that the mitigation measures proposed under this permit should be installed as soon as possible. 2.Public comment on the proposed emergency action has been reviewed, if time allows. Facts in Support of Finding a.Based on the imminent threat of further rock fall and debris erosion that could be exacerbated by a rain event this winter and recommendation of a licensed Geologist and Engineer that mitigation should be installed as soon as possible to protect public safety, public comment regarding this emergency action is not feasible. b.Public comments previously received regarding the aesthetic impacts of tarping during prior rainy seasons were considered and a condition of approval was incorporated into this permit to ensure the sandbags used to secure the tarps are similar in color to the underlying black tarp. The use of bright contrasting colors such as orange or yellow shall be prohibited. 3.The work proposed would be consistent with the requirements of the certified Land Use Plan portion of the local government’s Local Coastal Program; and Facts in Support of Finding a.An emergency has occurred in which the risk of landslide and/or rockfalls has resulted in an unsafe condition that poses an imminent threat to public safety and the full use of adjacent development, Back Bay Drive, a public road providing public access to the upper Newport Ecological Preserve. b.The development authorized under this permit is temporary and necessary to mitigate an existing public safety hazard. 64 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-256) October 26, 2021 Page 3 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 c.A completed coastal development permit application is required to be submitted within 90 days (Condition of Approval No. 5) of the issuance of this permit to authorize the removal of the development authorized under this Emergency Coastal Development Permit or seek authorization to retain it on a permanent basis. 4.The work proposed under the emergency permit shall be the minimum amount necessary to address the emergency. Fact in Support of Finding a.The scope of work for this project has been limited to mitigate only those areas that pose an imminent threat to public safety as identified by a licensed geologist. The tarps authorized under this permit will be confined to the steep slope ratio areas with exposed bedrock. 5.Development authorized is not located in an area in which the California Coastal Commission retains direct permit review authority. Fact in Support of Finding a.The subject property is not located in an area in which the California Coastal Commission retains direct permit review authority in accordance with the City’s Post Local Coastal Program Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction map dated July 23, 2018. III.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.Authorized development is limited to that which is specifically described in this permit and depicted in the attached plans, subject to all conditions of approval. Any changes will require a separate review and may necessitate separate authorization from the Director. 2.Any development or structures constructed or installed pursuant to this emergency coastal development permit shall be considered temporary until authorized by a follow-up regular coastal development permit and that issuance of this emergency coastal development permit shall not constitute an entitlement for the development authorized by this emergency coastal development permit. 3.Tarps shall be black in color with similar colored material used for the sandbags that secure the tarps. The use of bright contrasting colors such as orange or yellow shall be prohibited. 4.Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-066 is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance and said permit shall expire after December 25, 2021. The Director may extend an emergency permit for up to an additional sixty (60) days 65 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-256) October 25, 2021 Page 4 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 for good cause including but not limited to that a coastal development permit application is on file. 5.The applicant or property owner shall submit a regular coastal development permit application consistent with the requirements of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program within 90 days of the issuance of this emergency coastal development permit. 6.Development authorized by this emergency coastal development permit shall be removed unless a complete application for a regular coastal development permit is filed within 90 days of the approval of this emergency coastal development permit and said regular permit is subsequently approved. If a regular coastal development permit authorizing permanent retention of the development is denied, development authorized by this emergency coastal development, or the denied portion of the development, shall be removed and the site shall be restored. 7.The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 8.The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Emergency Coastal Development Permit. 9.The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City’s Community Development Department, Building Division and Public Works Department. 10.The Director’s determination shall be reported to the California Coastal Commission and the Planning Commission. 11.To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of the Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project including but not limited to, Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-066 (PA2021-256). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 66 Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-256) October 25, 2021 Page 5 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 _______________________________________ Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Attachments: CD 1 Emergency CDP Request CD 2 Geotechnical Opinion Letter dated October 22, 2021 CD 3 Project Site Plan/Map Applicant and Permit Recipient Acknowledgement and Agreement I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this permit and that I have read and understand the permit and all conditions. I hereby agree to implement and maintain the authorized development consistent with this permit including the project description, approved site plan diagram, findings, and all conditions of approval. This is an approved and executed permit and it constitutes a contract between the City and Permittee for all purposes. Ken Dressel, on behalf of Park Newport Land LTD Signature Date 67 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 68 Attachment No. CD 1 Emergency CDP Request 69 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 70 From: Shawna Schaffner <sschaffner@caaplanning.com> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2021 5:43 PM To: Schneider, Matthew; Campbell, Jim Cc: Ken Dressel Subject: Emergency CDP Request - Park Newport/Back Bay Drive - Placement of Tarp on Slope Attachments: GIS Bluff Map.v1-1.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Matt and Jim – CAA Planning submits this emergency CDP request on behalf of Park Newport Apartments. As you are aware, there is an existing escalating threat to public safety due to the recent failures of a bluff face below the housing development known as Park Newport. Approximately 1 inch of rain is anticipated on Monday, October 25, 2021 and with that rain is the potential for continued rockfall onto Backbay Drive, which could be a threat to public safety. The rockfall potential, taken with the anticipated rain event, is considered an imminent risk to public safety because Back Bay Drive is a popular roadway in Newport Beach providing public access to runners, cyclists, and nature enthusiasts, as well as for vehicular traffic. Also of concern are the areas of past landslide activity as it pertains to slope stability and protection of the existing residential units located atop the bluff, and building 4 in particular (401-412 at the top right corner of the attached pdf). The tarp locations are anticipated to be placed in the areas denoted within the blue boxes on the attached pdf, with the area near building 4 to be installed first. The purpose of this emergency effort is intended to be limited to the minimum required to minimize impacts to the Back Bay Drive public right- of-way. This emergency CDP request to allow emergency actions for the purpose of protecting public safety is submitted consistent with the City’s Certified LCP Implementation Plan Section 21.52.025. The project geotechnical engineer is actively preparing a letter report for the City’s review, which will be submitted tomorrow morning. We request authorization for the tarp placement to minimize the current imminent risk to public safety. Tarps will be black and will be secured with similarly colored sandbags (anticipated to be a dark green color). Due to the time-sensitivity of the need for emergency actions, a formal application is not included. Sincerely, Shawna Schaffner 71 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 72 Attachment No. CD 2 Geotechnical Opinion Letter dated Oct. 22, 2021 73 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 74 October 22, 2021 Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21655 Gerson Bakar and Associates c/o Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Mr. Jim Diaz Facilities Manager Subject: TEMPORARY TARP PLACEMENT Coastal Bluff – Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California References: Attached Dear Mr. Diaz: In accordance with the request of Ms. Pua Whitford of CAA Planning, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has prepared this letter regarding temporary tarp placement on selected portions of the coastal bluff at the subject site. We understand Park Newport Apartments intends to place the annual slope erosion protection tarps for the 2021-2022 rainy season. The National Weather Service has predicted the first significant rainfall event of this season for Monday, October 25, 2021. In past years the tarps (slope protection) would be installed prior to this event. The subject natural slope is a coastal bluff that descends to Back Bay Drive along the eastern edge of Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, California. The slope descends at slope ratios of 0.5:1 to 1.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) to locally vertical with a maximum height of approximately 90-feet. This coastal bluff was left in a natural condition at the time of grading/construction of Park Newport Apartments in 1969. The slope exposes 10 to 15-feet of Quaternary terrace deposits over Miocene Monterey Formation bedrock. Numerous older landslides that exist on this slope were identified by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, and since construction in 1969, the slope has been subjected to on-going erosion, surficial instability, rockfalls, and landslides. Due to the height, steep slope ratio, existing landslides, and poor quality bedrock exposed on the coastal bluff, factors of safety for gross and surficial slope stability are less than 1.5. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING GEOLOGY HYDROGEOLOGY (760) 931-1917 Fax (760) 931-0545 333 Third Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 715-5440 Fax (949) 715-5442 Carlsbad, CA 92008-43695365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. www.hetheringtonengineering.com 75 TEMPORARY TARP PLACEMENT Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21655 October 22, 2021 Page 2 The coastal bluff slope is considered grossly and surficially unstable from an engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering perspective. There is an increased risk of impacts to Back Bay Drive and the public, if the slope protection is not installed prior to significant rainfall. From a geotechnical perspective, plastic erosion control tarps should be installed as soon as possible to reduce the risk to the public and Back Bay Drive. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Paul A. Bogseth Professional Geologist 3772 Certified Engineering Geologist 1153 Certified Hydrogeologist 591 (expires 3/31/22) Distribution: 1-via e-mail Mr. Jim Diaz (jdiaz@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Ken Dressel (Kdressel@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Shawna Schaffner (sschaffner@caaplanning.com) 1-via e-mail Pua Whitford (pwhitford@caaplanning.com) HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC.76 REFERENCES Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21655 1. “Findings and Conditions of Approval for Coastal Development Permit No CD2021-001 (PA2021-099) 1 Park Newport”, by City of Newport Beach Public Works Department, dated May 17, 2021. 2. “Project Review Request, Community Development Department, Planning Division, Park Newport Slope Stabilization, 1 Park Newport”, notes by Tonee Thai, dated May 18, 2021. 3. “Notice of Incomplete Filing, Application No. Coastal Development Permit 2021- 001(PA2021-099), Park Newport” by City of Newport Beach Community Development Department, Planning Division, dated May 20,2021. 4. “Project Review Request, Community Development Department, Planning Division, Park Newport”, notes by Sergio Gutierrez, dated May 24, 2021. 5. “Response to Coastal Development Permit Comment, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, CDP-2021-001 (PA2021-099)”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated June 8, 2021. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC.77 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 78 Attachment No. CD 3 Project Site Plan/Map 79 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 80 81 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 82 Attachment PC 4 Background Materials & Project Plans 83 IN T E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 84 EXPOSED SLOPETYP. BACK BAY DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMxMESH TYPE: GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4xEST. MESH COVERAGE HEIGHT: 58-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE BOTTOM WIDTH: 60-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE TOP WIDTH: 40-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900 SQ.FT.x EST. MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMSPOT THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATEEST. SPOT ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR WITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. PATTERN ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 EXISTING VEGETATION GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMBOUNDARY WIRE ROPEEST. LENGTH: 250-L.F. GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOREST. ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (CDP) PROPERTY LINE (LOCATION APPROX.) INDEX OF SHEETS DESCRIPTION NUMBER TITLE AND SITE PLAN DETAILS......................................................................................... SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONCEPTUAL TOPOGRAPHIC LAYOUT ............. GEOBRUGG TECCO ELEVATION AND PLAN TYPICAL DETAILS .................................. GEOBRUGG TECCO MESH CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES................................. CONSTRUCTION SITE BMP TYPICAL DETAILS................................................................ TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN.................................................................................................. STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS............................................. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS BACK BAY DRIVE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 2 PROJECT VICINITY LOCATIONP-11 SCALE: N.T.S. 3 N 4 5 GENERAL 1. DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL AND SIMILAR. DIMENSIONS, SCHEDULES, SPECIFIC NOTES, AND DETAILS TAKEPRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON BESTAVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO AND MAY NOT BE PRECISELY INDICATIVE OF FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ANYDISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY FOR CLARIFICATION. 2. FINAL PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK. DEFINITIONS 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS DEFINED AS THE INSTALLATION AND DRILLING CONTRACTOR FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. 2. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (KANE GEOTECH) IS HEREIN DEFINED AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM ANDWHOSE STAMP IS ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. IS HEREIN DEFINED AS THE PROJECT ENGINEER. 4. DAY IS HEREIN DEFINED AS ANY WORKDAY EXCEPT ANY SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OR FEDERAL LEGAL HOLIDAY IN THE UNITED STATES. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE A LICENSED CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FIVE YEARS OFEXPERIENCE INSTALLING SIMILAR SYSTEMS UNDER SIMILAR CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND PROVIDE A PROJECTQUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER THAT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE EXPERIENCED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEMS AND HAVE SUCCESSFULLYCONSTRUCTED AT LEAST 3 SEPARATE SYSTEMS IN THE LAST 5 YEARS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A PROJECT REFERENCE LIST THATINCLUDES A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT WITH THE NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT OWNER/REPRESENTATIVEWHO CAN PROVIDE VERIFICATION. 1.2. SUBMIT A LISTING OF PERSONNEL INCLUDING ON-SITE SUPERVISORS, DRILL OPERATORS, AND OTHER PERSONNEL TO BE USED FOR THECONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS UNDER THIS CONTRACT WHO POSSESS THE REQUIRED EXPERIENCE FOR PERFORMING AN INSTALLATION OF THESYSTEM, AS SHOWN AND SPECIFIED HEREIN. INCLUDE PERSONNEL IN THE LISTING THAT HAS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE FROM THE PAST 5 YEARSPERTAINING TO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEMS. 1.3. DRILLING OPERATORS AND FOREMAN SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE INSTALLING PERMANENT GROUND ANCHORS WITHTHE CONTRACTOR'S ORGANIZATION. SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION THAT THE PROJECT'S PERSONNEL HAVE APPROPRIATE QUALIFICATIONS.CHANGES TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PERSONNEL SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING. INADEQUATE PROOF OF PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONSSHALL CAUSE APPROVAL HOLD. 1.4. IF SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S) ARE REQUIRED TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION TASKS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SIMILARQUALIFICATIONS FOR THE SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S). THE SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEERPRIOR TO BEING MOBILIZED AND COMMENCING WORK. 2. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE OR REJECT THE CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT.WORK SHALL NOT START, NOR MATERIALS ORDERED UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE CONSULTANTS OR MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES TO SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A “SUBMITTAL DOCUMENT PACKAGE” TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND DESIGN ENGINEER NOLESS THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. 2. THE PROJECT AND DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK (7 WORKING DAYS) FOR SUBMITTAL REVIEW. IF REVIEW COMMENTSARE REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACTOR, THE RESPONSE COMMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BACK TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PROJECT ENGINEERNO LESS THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE CONSTRUCTION FOR APPROVAL. 3. NO CONSTRUCTION OR MOBILIZATION SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY ALL REVIEW PARTIESINDICATED ABOVE. THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE DOCUMENT SHALL BE IN PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (PDF) FORM AND ALL INFORMATIONCONTAINED SHALL BE LEGIBLE. 4. THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SHALL INCLUDE; 4.1. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN THE REFERENCED PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION "CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS." 4.2. ALL APPROPRIATE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT INCLUDING; MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONSHEETS, MANUALS, PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA, MANUFACTURER'S NAMES, ASTM CONFORMANCE, MATERIAL HANDLING SHEETS, ANDWARRANTIES. 4.3. PROPOSED GROUT MIX DESIGN: 4.3.1. CEMENT TYPE, NON-SHRINK ADDITIVES, W/C RATIO, AND COMPARATIVE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH DATA AS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR AS DETERMINED FROM THE GROUT TESTING INSPECTION DESCRIBED BELOW. 4.4. ANCHOR TESTING LOAD FRAME (CRIBBING) ASSEMBLY 4.5. ANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT: QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTS, CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES, AND LOADING GRAPHS. 4.6. BMP MATERIALS, INSTALLATION, AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. 4.7. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTORS SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFI) 1. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFI) OR DEVIATIONS FROM THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ENCOUNTERED IN THE FIELD SHALL BE SUBMITTEDBY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS FORRESPONSE. REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTION 1. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS IN REGARDS TO THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS FOR REVIEW AND RESPONSE. NOCHANGE IMPLEMENTATION SHALL BE ALLOWED UNTIL THE DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVAL. PERMITS1. ALL REQUIRED AND APPLICABLE PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR THE PROJECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. PERMITS SHALL BE PLACED NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEWAND MEET ALL PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO OBTAIN SITE-SPECIFIC PERMITS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, HOT WORK PERMITS (IF APPLICABLE) WHENREQUIRED FOR ANY ACTIVITY THAT CAN BE A SOURCE OF IGNITION WHEN A FLAMMABLE MATERIAL IS PRESENT OR CAN BE A POTENTIAL FIREHAZARD. 4. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY/PROPERTY. 5. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BEISSUED. AT THE TIME OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, IF ANY OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE ISDAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED. ADDITIONALLY, IF EXISTINGUTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE ARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD, A NEW 1-INCH WATER SERVICE, WATER METER BOX, SEWER LATERAL AND/OR CLEANOUTWITH BOX AND LID WILL BE REQUIRED. 100% OF THE COST SHALL BE BORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER (MUNICIPAL CODES 14.24.020 AND 14.08.030).SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. A STOP WORKNOTICE MAY BE ISSUED FOR ANY DAMAGE OR UNMAINTAINED PORTION OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY/PROPERTY.” 6. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY/PROPERTY. ALLON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS LISTED BELOW SHALL BE PERFORMED DURING THE PROJECT TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS, ENGINEERING DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS, AND THE GOVERNING AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MAY BEREQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING AGENCY. 1.PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING1.1. AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE, INSTALLATION,DRILLING PROCEDURES, BMP IMPLEMENTATION, AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTIONS AND TESTING. 1.2. ALL PARTIES BUT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OWNER, DESIGN ENGINEER, PROJECT ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR, AND GOVERNINGAGENCY REPRESENTATIVE (IF REQUIRED) SHALL BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. 2.FIELD SITE LAYOUT 2.1. THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY EASEMENT LIMITS SHALL BE MARKED AND FLAGGED BY A LICENSE LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO THE SURFICIALSLOPE STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION. 2.2. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY THE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811 PRIOR TO THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION. 2.3. THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SITE LAYOUT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND OBSERVED BY THE DESIGNENGINEER IN THE FIELD. THE SITE LAYOUT SHALL INCLUDE MARKING LOCATIONS FOR THE ANCHOR LOCATIONS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT THE SITE LAYOUT COMPLETION FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DRILLING COMMENCEMENT. 3.ANCHOR DRILLING INSPECTION 3.1. ANCHOR DRILLING SHALL BE OBSERVED, LOGGED, AND INSPECTED BY THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL PERSONNEL IN THE FIELD. 4.ANCHOR GROUT INSPECTION 4.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A CERTIFIED TESTING LABORATORY COLLECT THE GROUT SAMPLES ON-SITE AND PERFORM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH TESTS FOR THE ANCHORAGE GROUT. GROUT SHALL BE SAMPLED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER ASTM C109, ASTM C39,ASTM C1019. EITHER 2-IN CUBE OR 4-IN HEIGHT X 2-IN DIAMETER (2:1 RATIO) CYLINDERS ARE ACCEPTABLE. 4.2. A MINIMUM OF (6) GROUT SPECIMENS SHALL BE SAMPLED AND TESTED. (3) GROUT SPECIMENS SHALL BE TESTED AT 3-DAYS CURING DURATIONAND THE REMAINING (3) GROUT SPECIMENS AT 7-DAYS CURING DURATION. GROUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF1,500-PSI AT 3-DAYS AND 3,000-PSI AT 7-DAYS. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION “GROUT TESTING” FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 5.ANCHOR TESTING INSPECTION 5.1. THE ANCHOR TESTING CRITERIA AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REFERENCED PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK BEFORE TENTATIVE TESTING DATES. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE POST TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) DC35.1-14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS, CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS, AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 5.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TENSILE TEST SACRIFICIAL VERIFICATION OR PRODUCTION THREADED BAR ANCHORS. 5.3. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE OBSERVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED TESTING PERSONNEL. THE CONTRACTOR'STESTING PERSONNEL SHALL BE COMPETENT IN TESTING AND EQUIPMENT SETUP. THE ANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT SETUP AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER BEFORE ANCHOR TESTING. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE GROUTHAS REACHED MINIMUM ADEQUATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NO LESS THAN 3-DAYS AFTER GROUT POUR, OR AT THE DISCRETION OR THEDESIGN ENGINEER. 5.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER NO LESS THAN 2 DAYS BEFORE TESTING ANCHORS. 5.5. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS "ANCHOR TESTING" FOR TESTING QUANTITIES, EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, EQUIPMENT SETUP, AND TESTINGPROCEDURE. 6.FINAL INSPECTION 6.1. ALL PARTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OWNER, DESIGN ENGINEER, PROJECT ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR, AND GOVERNING AGENCYREPRESENTATIVE (IF REQUIRED) SHALL BE ON-SITE FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION WALK THROUGH. 6.2. IF ADDITIONAL FIELD CHANGES ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL NECESSARY CHANGES. REQUIREDCHANGES SHALL BE DOCUMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. IF APPROVED, THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE A LETTER OF APPROVAL TOTHE OWNER. 6.3. IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECTSPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCTION OVERSIGHT TO ENSURE THAT THE PROJECT DURING CONSTRUCTION IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED SUBMITTALS, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT KANEGEOTECH, INC. BE RETAINED TO OBSERVE CONSTRUCTION DURING THE PROJECT. KANE GEOTECH, INC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTIONPERFORMED WITHOUT ITS OVERSIGHT. DUST CONTROL 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE DUST AND DEBRIS CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SITE UTILITIES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, GRADING, EXCAVATION, OR CONSTRUCTION.CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811: (800) 422-4133. NO STUDY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIESHAS BEEN PERFORMED AS PART OF THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBSERVE AND REPORT ANY AND ALL UTILITY SERVICES THAT MAY BE IN THE EASEMENT.UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTS SHALL BE UPDATED NO EARLIER THAN 48-HOURS BEFORE BREAKING GROUND. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THECONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL SERVICE TO ANY AND ALL UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. PLANNED INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE SHALL REQUIRE PERMISSION FOR THE UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER AND THE OWNER/CUSTOMER. BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND DAMAGE TO UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. GRADING QUANTITIES 1. GRADING QUANTITY ESTIMATED: 0-CUBIC YARDS. GRADING NOT REQUIRED OR PART OF THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION WORK. DISCLAIMER 1. SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE AND OR ROCKFALL EVENTS CAN BE SPORADIC AND UNPREDICTABLE. CAUSES RANGE FROM HUMAN CONSTRUCTION TOENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (WEATHER, EARTHQUAKES, ETC.). BECAUSE OF THE MULTIPLICITY OF FACTORS AFFECTING SUCH EVENTS IT IS NOT, AND CANNOT BE, AN EXACT SCIENCE THAT GUARANTEES THE SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS AND PROPERTY. HOWEVER, BY THE APPLICATION OF SOUNDENGINEERING PRINCIPLES TO A PREDICTABLE RANGE OF PARAMETERS, THE RISK OF INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS CAN BE SUBSTANTIALLYREDUCED USING PROPERLY DESIGNED PROTECTION MEASURES IN IDENTIFIED RISK AREAS. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUCH SYSTEMS ARE NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE DESIRED PROTECTION LEVEL IS NOT DEGRADED BY IMPACT DAMAGE, CORROSION, OR OTHER FACTORS. REVIEWED AND OR REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1. AGH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2012). TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM AND RUVOLUM 5 DIMENSIONING. METHOD.GEOBRUGG AG, 8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND, PRINT. 2. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (ASCE). (2017). ASCE 7-16 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS AND ASSOCIATED CRITERIA FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHERSTRUCTURES PROVISIONS. 3. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (ATC). (2020). SEISMIC HAZARDS BY LOCATION ONLINE PROGRAM. 4. CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION (CBSC) (2019). 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 24. 11 EFFECTIVEJANUARY 1, 2020. 5. CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (CGS) (2008). SPECIAL PUBLICATION 117A GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATING AND MITIGATION SEISMIC HAZARDS INCALIFORNIA. 6. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (2020). PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST, SLOPE REPAIR, PLAN CHECK NO. 1636-2020.SEPTEMBER 17, 2020. 7. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION (2020). GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW CHECKLIST,TENSIONED HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL MESH ROCKFALL STABILIZATION ON HILLSIDE (SLOPE REPAIR). PLAN CHECK NO. 1636-2020. 9/23/2020. 8. E. HOEK & J.W. BRAY (1981). ROCK SLOPE ENGINEERING. REVISED THIRD EDITION. THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY, LONDON 1981. 9. GEOBRUGG AG (2016). TECCO G65/4 STANDARD SYSTEM DRAWING. GEOBRUGG AG CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. DRAWING NO. GE-1006E.2016 12-07. 10. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: HIGH-TENSILE STEEL WIRE MESH TECCO G65/4. GEOBRUGG AG CH-8590 ROMANSHORN,SWITZERLAND. TECHDATA_171204. 11. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). PRODUCT MANUAL TECCO SYSTEM, SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. EDITION116-N-FO/17. 2019 01-18. 12. GEOBRUGG AG (2019). SOFTWARE MANUAL RUVOLUM SLOPE STABILIZATION. CH-8590 ROMANSHORN, SWITZERLAND. 2019 07-12. 13. GEOBRUGG NORTH AMERICA (2017). WIRE ROPE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET. 14. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. (2020). GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION (REVISED), PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA.FIGURE NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 8564.1. 15. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. (2020). GEOLOGIC MAP, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. PLATE NO. 1, PROJECTNO. 8564.1. 16. HUNT, ROY E. (1984). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION MANUAL. NEW YORK: MCGRAW-HILL, PRINT. 17. INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. (2018). 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. 4051 WEST FLOSSMOOR ROAD, COUNTY CLUB HILLS, ILLINOIS60478. 18. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION,PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. AUGUST 20, 2020. 19. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROCKFALL MITIGATION,ENGINEERING DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. AUGUST 20, 2020. 20. KANE GEOTECH, INC. (2020). PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - BACK BAY DRIVE, ROCKFALL ASSESSMENT LETTER, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA.AUGUST 20, 2020. 21. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL (2020). PARK NEWPORT, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS LANDSLIDE TOPO. 7/8/2020. JOB NO. 179528. 22. POST-TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) (2014). RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS DC35.1-14. 5TH ED. MICHIGAN, PRINT. 23. ROCSCIENCE (2020). ROCFALL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ROCKFALLS PROGRAM. VERSION 8.010. 24. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (2015). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 7, SOILNAIL WALLS REFERENCE MANUAL. PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-NHI-14-007. FHWA GEC 007. FEBRUARY 2015. 25. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (1999). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 4GROUND ANCHOR AND ANCHORED SYSTEMS. PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-IF-99-015. JUNE 1999. 26. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) (2014). STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OFROADS AND BRIDGES ON FEDERAL HIGHWAY PROJECTS, FP-14. 27. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS). (2020). EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS ANALYSIS ONLINE PROGRAM. UNIFIED HAZARD TOOL.. 28. WILLIAMS FORM ENGINEERING CORP. (2019). GROUND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS MANUAL NO. 119. PROJECT LOCATION SITE PLAN DETAIL TITLE AND SITE PLAN DETAILS LOCATION: APN: 440-132-52 PROJECT LOCATIONLATITUDE: 33° 37' 38.28" N LONGITUDE: 117° 53' 01.11" W PROJECT LOCATION LATITUDE: 33° 37' 38.28" N LONGITUDE: 117° 53' 01.11" W DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 1 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d S h e e t 7 . BACK BAY DRIVE N 6 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS 7 1BSL/FXQPSU'JOBM1MBOTPA2021-099 85 65' 70' 60' 50' 55' 55' 55' 55' 60' 60' 60' 60' 65' 65' 65' 65' 70' 70' 70' 70' 50' 50' 50' 50' 100' 75' 80' 85' 90' 45'40' 35' 30' 25' 20' 15' 10' 95' GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR WITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. PATTERN ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMxMESH TYPE: GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4xEST. MESH COVERAGE HEIGHT: 58-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE BOTTOM WIDTH: 60-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE TOP WIDTH: 40-FTxEST. MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900 SQ.FT.x EST. MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEMSPOT THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGG P33 SPIKE PLATE EST. SPOT ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE EST. LENGTH: 250-L.F.EXISTING SIDE SCARPOF LANDSLIDE AREA 55' PROPERTY LINE GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR EST. ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 CONCRETE DRAINAGESTRUCTURE TYP. 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENTPERMIT (CDP) EROSION CONTROL AREA SEE SHEET 7 FOR STRAW WATTLE DETAILS AND SEE HYDROSEEDING NOTE 1 CROSS SECTION X-X' TOP OF MESH 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECASTK-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTHAUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARYPLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITHEMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENTPERMIT (CDP) BOTTOM OF MESH THREADBAR ANCHORWITH GEOBRUGGSPIKE PLATE BEDROCK (MONTEREY FORMATION) (BE D D I N G 4 0 ° T O 6 0 ° ) EROSION CONTROLNORTH AMERICAN GREENSEDIMAX-SW® STRAW WATTLEOR EQUALSEE SHEET 7 FOR DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K 1" = 6 ' - 0 " 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 2 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 1 : A d d e d K - R a i l L o c a t i o n N o t e 2 . A d d e d E r o s i o n C o n t r o l D e t a i l s . GENERAL 1. DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL AND SIMILAR.DIMENSIONS, SCHEDULES, SPECIFIC NOTES, AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. 2. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON BESTAVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO AND MAY NOT BE PRECISELY INDICATIVE OF FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND VERIFIED BY THECONTRACTOR BEFORE THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY FOR CLARIFICATION. SITE UTILITIES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, GRADING, EXCAVATION, OR CONSTRUCTION. CALL BEFOREYOU DIG. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 811: (800) 422-4133. NO STUDY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAS BEEN PERFORMED AS PART OF THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBSERVE AND REPORT ANY AND ALL UTILITY SERVICES THAT MAY BE IN THE EASEMENT. 3. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTS SHALL BE UPDATED NO EARLIER THAN 48-HOURS BEFORE BREAKING GROUND. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL SERVICE TO ANY AND ALL UTILITIES FOUND IN THEEASEMENT. PLANNED INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE SHALL REQUIRE PERMISSIONFOR THE UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER AND THE OWNER/CUSTOMER. 4. BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THE CONTRACTOR SHALLREPAIR AND DAMAGE TO UTILITIES FOUND IN THE EASEMENT. 5. ALL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED ANDPOSITIONED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE IRRIGATION OVERSPRAY ONTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. SITE LAYOUT - GENERAL 1. SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM LIMITS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION LIMITS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. SITE LAYOUT FIELD STAKING FOR THE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AS A GUIDE. SITE LAYOUT LOCATION STAKING SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE DESIGNENGINEER PRIOR TO DRILLING. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND ANCHORAGELOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY VEGETATIVE CLEARING, SCALING, EXCAVATION, AND CONSTRUCTION. 4. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND ON-SITE FIELD CONDITIONS MAY ADJUST THE COVERAGE AREA AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. ANY CHANGE DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 5. GEOBRUGG TECCO ® SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM LAYOUT SHOWN ON SHEET 02 IS CONCEPTUAL AND FOR REFERENCE ONLY. STAKING AND LAYOUT SHALL NOT BECOMPLETED USING THE CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT. 6. ADDITIONAL ANCHORS MAY BE NECESSARY DEPENDING ON SLOPE CONDITIONS AFTER REMOVAL OF EXISTING VEGETATION AND OR EXISTING CONTOURIRREGULARITIES ON THE SLOPE FACE. ESTIMATED MATERIAL QUANTITIES 1. NO GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIALS SHALL BE ORDERED UNTIL THE SYSTEM LOCATION SITE LAYOUT FIELD STAKING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FINAL GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL TECCO SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIAL QUANTITIES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1. THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HAS BEEN MODIFIED AND IS ONLY INTENDED FOR THE DESIGNED SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION LAYOUT AND LOCATIONPURPOSES. 2. LOCATIONS OF PROPERTY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE. SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM MATERIAL LEGEND GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPExESTIMATED BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE LENGTH: 250-L.F. GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - PATTERN ANCHOR WITH SPIKE PLATExESTIMATED PATTERN THREADED BAR ANCHOR QUANTITY: 41 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WIRE MESHxWIRE MESH TYPE: TECCO G65/4xESTIMATED WIRE MESH COVERAGE AREA: 2,900-SQ.FT.x ESTIMATED WIRE MESH COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000-SQ.FT.xx BULKING FACTOR = 5% GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - SPOT ANCHOR WITH SPIKE PLATExESTIMATED SPOT THREADED BAR ANCHOR QUANTITY: 5 GEOBRUGG TECCO SYSTEM - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHORxESTIMATED WIRE ROPE ANCHOR QUANTITY: 8 SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION CONCEPTUAL TOPOGRAPHIC LAYOUT GEOBRUGG SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM6'0'6'12'18'3' TOPOGRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1 INCH = 6 FEET 20'0'20'40'60'10' CROSS-SECTION SCALE SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET HYDROSEEDING: 1. SLOPE SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED PER DIRECTION FROM THE CITY ENGINEEREXCEPT FOR AREAS WITH EXPOSED ROCK. K-RAIL LOCATION: 1. K-RAIL AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. 2. K-RAIL MINIMUM 6" FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT (ADJUST IN FIELD TO PROVIDELARGER SETBACK WHERE FEASIBLE). TOE CAN BE TRIMMED BACK AS NEEDED TO EXPOSE NO MORE THAN 2 VERTICAL FT. INSTALL K-RAIL WITH ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN THE TOE AND THE K-RAIL FOR ACCUMULATION OFSOIL/DEBRIS. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: 1. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO REMAIN. SEE SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS PA2021-099 86 BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR SIDE VIEW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH (SEE SCHEDULE 2) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE 5/8" Ø IWRC 6X19 WIRE ROPE ANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) MANUFACTURER'S SWAGEDFERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIRE ROPE CLIPS] 1'-0" MAX. 1'-0" MAX. CEMENT GROUT NON-SHRINK1,500 PSI MIN. @ 3-DAYS3,000-PSI MIN. @ 7 DAYS COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SCH. 40 PVC CENTRALIZER 10'-0" MAX. O.C. SPACING 2 MIN. PER ANCHOR 3" MIN. GROUT COVER SWAGED FERRULE OR SPLAYED END GEOBRUGG TENSIONED TECCO G65/4 LAYOUT DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW D-1 3 SCALE: N.T.S. THREADED BAR ANCHOR SIDE VIEW DETAIL D-4 3 SCALE: N.T.S. 1'-0" MAX. 1'-0" MAX. DRILL HOLE Ø(SEE SCHEDULE 1) SCH. 40 PVC CENTRALIZER 10'-0" MAX. O.C. SPACING 2 MIN. PER ANCHOR SURFICIAL TOP SOIL / WEATHERED BEDROCK TYP. CEMENT GROUT NON-SHRINK 1,500 PSI MIN. @ 3-DAYS 3,000-PSI MIN. @ 7 DAYSCOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH A A' BOUNDARY ROPE CONNECTION TO WIRE ROPE ANCHOR PLAN VIEW DETAIL D-2 3 SCALE: N.T.S. 3" MIN. GROUTCOVER MIN. (3) 1/2" WIRE ROPE CLIPS MIN. (3) 1/2" WIRE ROPE CLIPS 5/8" Ø 6X19 IWRC WIRE ROPEANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE TYP. 1/2" Ø 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARY WIRE ROPE D-2 3 D-3 3 TYPE 2 COMPRESSIONCLAW1/2" Ø MIN. 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARY WIRE ROPE ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH (SEE SCHEDULE 2) SHALE BEDROCK TYP. DRILL HOLE Ø (SEE SCHEDULE 1) 40'-0" APPROX. TOP MESH COVERAGE WIDTH D-3 3 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET MANUFACTURER'S SWAGED FERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIREROPE CLIPS] EXISTING NATURALGRADE TYP. 1/2" Ø MIN. 6X19IWRC BOUNDARYWIRE ROPE EXISTING NATURAL GRADE TYP. MANUFACTURER'S SWAGEDFERRULE OR [(4) 5/8" WIREROPE CLIPS] 5/8" Ø 6X19 IWRC WIRE ROPE ANCHOR (DOUBLE LEGGED) HEAVY-DUTY THIMBLE TYP. ANCHOR INCLINATION [SEE SHEET 4 NOTES] ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK (SEE SCHEDULE 2) ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK (SEE SCHEDULE 2) SURFICIAL TOP SOIL / WEATHERED BEDROCK TYP. TYPE 2 COMPRESSION CLAW 60'-0" APPROX. BOTTOM MESH COVERAGE WIDTH 58'-0" APPROX. MESH COVERAGE SLOPE DISTANCEHEIGHT 1/2" MIN. GROUT COVERAROUND ANCHOR 1/2" MIN. GROUT COVER AROUND ANCHOR CREST OF HEAD SCARPLANDSLIDE AREA TYP. 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH EST. COVERAGE QUANTITY:3,000 SQ.FT. TOP OF SLOPETOP OF SLOPE SHALE BEDROCK TYP. CREST OF HEAD SCARPLANDSLIDEAREA TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4WIRE MESH 1-1/8" Ø H.D. HEXAGONAL NUT AND H.D. HARDENED WASHER (#9) 1-1/8" Ø WILLIAMS FORM GRADE 75-KSI SOLID THREADED BAROR APPROVED EQUAL 3" MIN. THREADED BAR TAIL (ABOVE HEXAGONAL NUT) GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 3'-0" MIN. ANCHOR OFFSET OVER CREST OF HEAD SCARP GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 1/2" Ø 6X19 IWRCBOUNDARYWIRE ROPE 2'-0" MIN. , 3'-0" MAX. WIRE ROPE ANCHOR OFFSET GEOBRUGG TECCO® P33 SPIKE PLATE 1/2 ANCHOR SPACING OFFSET 10'-0" MAX. ANCHOR SPACING 10'-0" MAX. ANCHOR SPACING GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH EST. COVERAGE QUANTITY: 3,000 SQ.FT. PATTERNTHREADED BAR ANCHOR SEE DETAIL D/4 CREST OF HEAD SCARP LANDSLIDE AREA TYP. LOOSE / BROKEN SURFICIAL SLOPE MATERIAL TYP. TO BE RETAINED BY SYSTEM SPOT THREADED BAR ANCHOR SEE DETAIL D/4 32" MIN. HEIGHT CONCRETE PRECAST K-RAIL TYPE (K) 80-FT LENGTH AUTHORIZED FOR TEMPORARY PLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (CDP) TYPICAL SLOPE CROSS SECTION (A-A') PROFILE VIEW D-5 3 SCALE: N.T.S. MONTEREY FORMATION TYP.BEDDING VARIES 40° - 60° ANCHOR INCLINATION [SEE SHEET 4 NOTES] EROSION CONTROL AREASEE SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 3 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d E r o s i o n C o n t r o l A r e a . GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM DETAILS GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 TENSIONED WIRE MESH SYSTEM S1 - THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE ANCHOR - BOND STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE GEOLOGIC ANCHORAGESUBSURFACE BEDROCK MIN. DRILL HOLE DIAMETER NOMINAL ANCHOR GROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH * ALLOWABLE ANCHORGROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH NOMINAL ANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE ** ALLOWABLEANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE HARD SHALE 3.5-IN 100-PSI 50-PSI 13.2-KIPS/FT 6.6-KIPS/FT S1 NOTES: 1. (*) ALLOWABLE THREADED BAR ANCHOR GROUT/GROUND BOND STRENGTH INCLUDES A RESISTANCE FACTOR OF 2.0 PER FHWA GEC 007, 2015. 2. (**) ALLOWABLE THREADED BAR ANCHOR PULLOUT RESISTANCE INCLUDES A RESISTANCE FACTOR OF 2.0 PER FHWA GEC 007, 2015.3. PULLOUT RESISTANCE IS FOR THE BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK. S2 - THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE ANCHOR - DEPTHS ANCHOR TYPE GEOLOGIC ANCHORAGE SUBSURFACEBEDROCK * UNBONDED (FREE-STRESSING LENGTH)ANCHOR DEPTH MIN. BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH EST. MIN.ANCHOR EMBEDMENTDEPTH EST. STICK UPABOVE GROUND SURFACE EST. MIN.TENDON LENGTH THREADED BAR HARD SHALE 3-FT 6-FT 9-FT 1-FT 10-FT WIRE ROPE HARD SHALE 3-FT 3-FT 6-FT 1-FT 7-FT S2 NOTES: 1. (*) ANCHOR UNBONDED (FREE-STRESSING LENGTH) DEPTH FOR THE SURFICIAL WEATHERED BEDROCK / TOPSOIL LAYER. 2. BONDED ANCHOR DEPTH INTO BEDROCK. S3 - ANCHOR - DESIGN & MAXIMUM TEST LOADS SOIL NAIL ANCHOR POSITION TENSILE DESIGN LOAD(DL) MAX. TENSILE TESTING LOAD(MTL) PATTERN / SPOT THREADED BAR 36.4-KIPS 48.4-KIPS BOUNDARYWIRE ROPE 18.2-KIPS 24-KIPS S4 - THREADED BAR ANCHOR - PLATE PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SOIL NAIL ANCHOR POSITION ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONINGTENSILE LOAD ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONINGTORQUE PATTERN / SPOT 6.7-KIPS 295 FT-LBS S4 NOTE:1. PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SHALL NOT EXCEED 11-KIPS OF TENSILE LOAD PER THE MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS PA2021-099 87 GEOBRUGG TECCO® HORIZONTAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - (3/8" SHACKLE CONNECTION OPTION) D-4 4 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® HORIZONTAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - (TURN-IN OF WIRE OPTION) D-5 4 SCALE: N.T.S. BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® TREE CUT-OUT DETAILS ELEVATION VIEW D-14 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - OVERLAP OPTION D-3 4 SCALE: N.T.S. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG T3 CONNECTION CLIP (1) PER MESH DIAMOND (EACH SIDE) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) MIN. (2) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS EACH END PER LOOP GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) MIN. (2) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS EACH END PER LOOP GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) & (B) LOOPS GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) GEOBRUGG TECCO® VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTION DETAIL ELEVATION VIEW - WITHOUT OVERLAP OPTION D-2 4 SCALE: N.T.S. 2 DIAMOND MESH UNIT OVERLAP TYPICAL (3) 5/16" Ø WIRE ROPE CLIPS TREE LOCATION TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 STEEL WIRE MESH PANEL (A) 2 MESH MIN. BOUNDARY ROPE OFFSET FROM CUT EDGE BREAK LINE TYP. GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (B) 5/16" Ø 6X19 IWRC LACING WIRE ROPE (SEAM THROUGH EACH MESH DIAMOND) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 VERTICAL MESH CONNECTION (OPTION TYPES SEE DETAILS D-2, D-3 SHEET 4) GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 WIRE MESH PANEL (A) & (B) LOOPS 3/8" MIN. SCREW PIN ANCHOR SHACKLE (1) PER MESH DIAMOND GEOBRUGG T3 CONNECTION CLIP (2) PER MESH DIAMOND DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 St o c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 4 7 GEOBRUGG TECCO WIRE MESH CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES GEOBRUGG TECCO® G65/4 TENSIONED WIRE MESH SYSTEM TENSIONED HIGH-STRENGTH WIRE MESH SYSTEM NOTESSTEEL MATERIALS - CORROSION PROTECTION1. ALL STEEL MATERIALS USED IN FOR THE GEOBRUGG TECCO® SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM SHALL BE CORROSION PROTECTED BY GALVANIZATIONOR EPOXY COATING. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONALCORROSION PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS. STEEL MATERIAL - AESTHETIC COLORING 1. AESTHETIC COLORING FOR THE GEOBRUGG TECCO® SLOPE STABILIZATIONSYSTEM SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. STEEL MATERIAL TO BE COLORED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. IF AESTHETIC COLORING ISCHOSEN, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE OWNER WITH THE MANUFACTURERS COLOR SAMPLES. ANCHOR - DRILLING 1. THREADED BAR ANCHOR DRILLING LOCATIONS SHALL NOT DEVIATE MORE THAN 10% FROM THE THREADED BAR ANCHOR SPACING INDICATED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. DRILLING INCLINATIONS FOR THE THREADED BARANCHORS SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE FACE AT SLOPE INCLINATIONS LESS THAN 70-DEGREES. 2. SLOPE INCLINATIONS EXCEEDING 70-DEGREES SHALL BE INCLINED AT A MAXIMUM20-DEGREES AND MINIMUM 15-DEGREES FROM HORIZONTAL. 3. ANCHOR DEPTHS AND DRILL HOLE SIZES SEE SHEET 3 SCHEDULES FOR INFORMATION. ANCHOR - THREADED BAR 1. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE MINIMUM (#9) 1-1/8-IN DIAMETER GRADE 75 KSI SOLID CORE STEEL WILLIAMS FORM THREADED BAR OR APPROVED EQUAL. THREADED BAR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 75-KIPS ANDULTIMATE STRENGTH OF 100-KIPS. ANCHOR - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 1. WIRE ROPE ANCHORS SHALL BE MINIMUM 5/8-IN Ø WIRE ROPE INDEPENDENTWIRE ROPE CORE (IWRC), EXTRA IMPROVED PLOW STEEL (EIPS) 6X19 CONSTRUCTION DOUBLE LEGGED. DOUBLE LEGGED ANCHOR SHALL HAVE AMINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTH OF 62-KIPS. ANCHOR - THREADED BAR - COUPLERS 1. THREADED BAR COUPLER(S) SHALL BE STOP-TYPE STEEL COUPLERS FOR SOLIDCORE THREADED BAR. COUPLERS SHALL MEET ASTM A29 OR ASTM A576.THREADED BARS SHALL BE COMPLETELY THREADED TO THE MIDPOINT OF THE COUPLER. COUPLERS SHALL EXCEED OR MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTSOF THE THREADED BAR. COUPLERS ARE ONLY PERMITTED FOR USE OFTHREADED BARS EXCEEDING 10-FT SECTION LENGTHS. ANCHOR - CENTRALIZERS 1. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON EACH ANCHOR TO ADEQUATELYSUPPORT THE ANCHOR IN THE CENTER OF THE DRILL HOLE. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE PVC SCH. 40 AND ASSEMBLED TO THE WIRE ROPE AND THREADED BARUSING STEEL TIE WIRE. CENTRALIZERS SHALL BE SPACED AT A MAXIMUM 10-FTSPACING WITH A CENTRALIZER POSITIONED A MAXIMUM OF 1-FT FROM EACH END OF THE THREADED BAR AND WIRE ROPE. ANCHOR - GROUT 1. ANCHORAGE GROUT SHALL MEET THE POST TENSIONING INSTITUTE (PTI) PTI M55.1-12(13) STANDARDS. THE GROUT SHALL BE NON-SHRINK CEMENT GROUTMIXED WITH WATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND CONFORMTO ASTM C845 FOR EXPANSIVE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. THE GROUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1,500-PSI, 3-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, AND 3,000-PSI AT 7-DAYS. 2. GROUT TUBES SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE THREADED BARS PRIOR TOINSERTION INTO THE DRILL HOLE. GROUT TUBE SHALL EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE THREADED BAR FOR THE ANCHOR. GROUTING OF THE ANCHORS SHALLCOMMENCE FROM THE BOTTOM OF DRILL HOLE TO THE SLOPE SURFACE. IFBEAKING IS OBSERVED AFTER GROUTING, GROUT SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE DRILL HOLE TO PREVENT VOIDS. GROUT TUBE SHALL BE MAXIMUM 1/2-IN O.D.,3/8-IN I.D. HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC GROUT TUBING. WIRE MESH 1. WIRE MESH SHALL BE GEOBRUGG TECCO ® G65/4 TYPE HIGH-STRENGTH STEELWIRE MESH OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT ANDDETERMINE IF MATERIAL IS APPROVED. 2. WIRE MESH SHALL BE 3.27-IN X 5.43-IN (±3%) 0.157-IN DIAMETER HIGH-TENSILESTEEL WIRE. THE STEEL WIRE MATERIAL SHALL BE ALLOYED HIGH-STRENGTHWIRE WITH A MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH OF 4.9-KIPS. THE TENSILE LOAD CAPACITY OF THE MESH SHALL BE GREATER THAN 17.1-KIPS/FT. WIRE MESH CONNECTIONS 1. GEOBRUGG TECCO ® WIRE MESH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL END PANEL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONNECTED USING THE METHODS SHOWN ON SHEET 4DETAILS. 1.1. VERTICAL CONNECTION: 1.1.1. (14) GEOBRUGG T3 CLIPS REQUIRED EVERY 3-FT. 1.2. HORIZONTAL CONNECTION OPTIONS: 1.2.1. OPTION 1 - (1) GEOBRUGG T3 CLIP OR MINIMUM 3/8-IN S.P.A. SHACKLE REQUIRED EVERY INDIVIDUAL OPEN MESH DIAMOND. 1.2.2. OPTION 2 - GEOBRUGG TECCO ® G65/4 WIRE SHALL BE TURNED INHORIZONTALLY THROUGH BOTH END PANELS. WIRE END LOOPS SHALL BE MADE TO CONNECT THE MESH PANEL TOGETHER USING (2) 5/16-INWIRE ROPE CLIPS FOR EACH LOOP MADE. WIRE MESH - CONNECTION CLIP / SHACKLES 1. GEOBRUGG T3 CLIPS SHALL BE MINIMUM 0.157-IN (4-mm) DIAMETERHIGH-STRENGTH STEEL WIRE WITH A MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH OF 256-KSI. 2. SHACKLES SHALL BE MINIMUM 3/8-IN SCREW PIN ANCHOR SHACKLES AND COMPLY WITH FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-C-271G TYPE IVA, GRADE A, CLASS 1.SHACKLES SHALL BE DROP FORGED AND SUPPLIED BY THE SYSTEMMANUFACTURER. WIRE MESH - BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 1. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPES SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE SYSTEM ABOVE THEGEOBRUGG TECCO® WIRE MESH. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 1/2-IN DIAMETER INDEPENDENT WIRE ROPE COPE (IWRC) 6X19 CLASS WIRE ROPEOR APPROVED EQUAL. WIRE ROPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTHOF 26.6-KIPS. 2. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE WIRE MESH USING TYPE 2 COMPRESSION CLAWS OR APPROVED EQUAL. COMPRESSION CLAWS SHALL BEINSTALLED: 2.1. TOP AND BOTTOM BOUNDARY ROPES - EVERY THIRD MESH 2.2. SIDE BOUNDARY ROPES - EVERY SECOND INDIVIDUAL MESH 2.3. BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE TERMINATION ENDS SHALL EACH INCLUDE (3) 1/2-INMIN. WIRE ROPE CLIPS. WIRE MESH - TREE CUT-OUT 1. MESH HOLES FOR TREES SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AFTER MESH PANEL LAYING.MESH SEAMING SHALL BE CONNECTED USING METHOD SHOWN ON DETAIL SHEET 4. MINIMUM 5/16-IN Ø LACING WIRE ROPE SHALL BE SEAMED INTO THE MESHAROUND THE TREE TERMINATED WITH MINIMUM (3) 5/16-IN WIRE ROPE CLIPS. WIRE ROPE CLIPS 1. 5/16-IN Ø LACING WIRE ROPE 1.1. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP QUANTITY: 3 [PER WIRE ROPE LOOP] 1.2. WIRE ROPE CLIP SPACING: 3-IN [BETWEEN CLIPS] 1.3. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP TORQUE: 37 FT-LB 1.4. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE TAIL (AFTER LAST CLIP): 6-IN 2. 1/2-IN Ø BOUNDARY WIRE ROPE 2.1. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP QUANTITY: 3 [PER WIRE ROPE LOOP] 2.2. WIRE ROPE CLIP SPACING: 3-IN [BETWEEN CLIPS] 2.3. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE CLIP TORQUE: 81 FT-LB 2.4. MINIMUM WIRE ROPE TAIL (AFTER LAST CLIP): 6-IN 3. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH "SADDLE" ON LIVE END AND"U-BOLT" ON DEAD END OF THE WIRE ROPE. 3. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH "SADDLE" ON LIVE END AND "U-BOLT" ON DEAD END OF THE WIRE ROPE. WIRE ROPE CLIPS SHALL COMPLYWITH FEDERAL SPECIFICATION FF-C-450E TYPE 1, CLASS 1. SHACKLES SHALL BEDROP FORGED AND SUPPLIED BY THE SYSTEM MANUFACTURER. ANCHOR - SPIKE PLATE 2. WIRE MESH STEEL SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE GEOBRUGG TECCO ® P33 TYPE ORAPPROVED EQUAL. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE MINIMUM 13-IN x 8-IN x 1/4-IN DIAMOND SHAPED. SPIKE PLATE SHALL INCLUDE A MINIMUM HOLE DIAMETER OF1.5-IN. SPIKE PLATES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL BENDINGRESISTANCE OF 1.8-KIPS/FT. 3. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY AS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. SPIKE PLATES SHALL BE FITTED TO THE THREADED BAR ANCHORWITH A HEAVY-DUTY HEXAGONAL NUT AND HEAVY DUTY WASHER. WASHER TYPE SHALL BE SPHERICAL, BEVELED OR FLAT DEPENDING ON SLOPE CONDITIONS.HEXAGONAL NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE BEARING CONTACTTO THE SPIKE PLATE. ANCHOR PRE-TENSIONING 1. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE PRE-TENSIONED TO A MINIMUM TENSILELOAD OF 6.7-KIPS (30-kN). PRE-TENSIONING LOAD SHALL NOT EXCEED 11-KIPS (50-kN). 1.1. #9 MIN. THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE TORQUE TO A MINIMUM VALUE OF 295 FT-LB PER ANCHOR. MAXIMUM TORQUE SHALL BE 350 FT-LB. 2. TORQUE WRENCH SHALL BE CHECKED AND CORRECTED IF A DIFFERENCE INTORQUE VALUES IS OBSERVED. CALIBRATION AND PRE-TENSIONING OF THEANCHORS SHALL BE UNDER THE OBSERVATION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. ANCHOR TESTING - GENERAL 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TENSILE TEST PRODUCTION OR VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHORS. 2. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POST TENSIONINGINSTITUTE (PTI) DC35.1-14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESTRESSED ROCK AND SOIL ANCHORS, PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, AND THESE CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGS. 3. EITHER PRODUCTION ANCHORS OR VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHORSSHALL BE TESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. TESTING TYPE SELECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO ATENTATIVE TESTING DATE. 4. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL BE OBSERVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED TESTING PERSONNEL. THE CONTRACTOR'S TESTINGPERSONNEL SHALL BE COMPETENT IN TESTING AND EQUIPMENT SETUP. THEANCHOR TESTING EQUIPMENT SETUP AND PROCEDURE SHALL BE EXAMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANCHOR TESTING. THE DESIGN ENGINEERSHALL DETERMINE IF THE TESTING SETUP IS ACCEPTABLE. 5. ANCHOR TESTING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE GROUT HAS REACHED MINIMUM ADEQUATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NO LESS THAN 3-DAYS AFTERGROUT POUR, OR AT THE DISCRETION OR THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THECONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER NO LESS THAN 2 DAYS PRIOR TO TESTING ANCHORS. 6. ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 133% OF THE DESIGN LOAD(S).BOTH DESIGN AND MAXIMUM TEST LOAD(S) ARE PROVIDED ON THESECONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND THE DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT. OPTION 1 - PRODUCTION ANCHOR TESTING 1. IF PRODUCTION ANCHOR TESTING IS CHOSEN, A MINIMUM OF 10% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF THREADED BAR ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED OR AT THE DISCRETIONOF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. LOCATION(S) OF THE PRODUCTION ANCHORS TO BE TESTED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE PRODUCTIONANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED BY PERFORMANCE TESTING AS REFERENCED ANDDESCRIBED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. OPTION 2 - VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHOR TESTING 1. IF VERIFICATION (PRE-PRODUCTION) ANCHOR TESTING IS CHOSEN, A MINIMUM OF 3 ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED OR AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER.THE LOCATION(S) OF THE VERIFICATION ANCHORS TO BE TESTED SHALL BEDETERMINED AND LOCATED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE FIELD DURING SITE LAYOUT. 2. FOR THE VERIFICATION TESTING OPTION, THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BEON-SITE DURING THE DRILLING, AND GROUTING OF THE VERIFICATION ANCHORS. THE VERIFICATION ANCHOR BONDED DEPTHS AND UNBONDED (NON-GROUTED)DEPTHS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER UPON SELECTION BYTHE CONTRACTOR OF PERFORMING VERIFICATION TESTING. 3. IF THE LOAD CAPACITIES OF THE ANCHOR TENDON ARE NOT EXCEEDED ORANCHOR PULLOUT FAILURE DOES NOT OCCUR THE SACRIFICIAL VERIFICATION ANCHOR MAY BE INCLUDED INTO THE PRODUCTION ANCHOR QUANTITY. IF THEANCHOR TENDON LOAD CAPACITIES ARE EXCEEDED OR ANCHOR PULLOUTFAILURE OCCURS, THE VERIFICATION ANCHOR SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PRODUCTION ANCHOR QUANTITY AND BE CUT AT GRADE AFTER TESTING. 4. FOR VERIFICATION TESTING THE CONTRACTOR HAS THE OPTION OF TESTINGWIRE ROPE OR THREADED BAR TENDONS. THE TECHNICAL STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF THE TENDONS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEERPRIOR TO TESTING. 5. VERIFICATION ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED BY PERFORMANCE TESTING ASPROVIDED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. VERIFICATION ANCHORS CAN BELOADED TO PULLOUT FAILURE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS PA2021-099 88 TYPICAL FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION FIBER ROLL ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL ISOMETRIC VIEW 4-FT M A X . 4-FT M A X . FLOW DIRECTION FLOW DIRECTION FIBER ROLL TYP.8-IN Ø MIN. 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT MIN.LENGTH WOODEN STAKE SIDE PROFILE VIEW FIBER ROLL TYP.8-IN Ø MIN. 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT MIN. LENGTH WOODEN STAKE FLOW DIRECTION 2" MIN. 4" MAX. 1-FT MIN.STAKE DEPTH SHEET F L O W D I R E C T I O N TYPICAL SILT FENCE ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPICAL SILT FENCE SECTION VIEW 2-FT MIN. GEOTEXTILEHEIGHT ABOVE GRADE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) WOODEN POST MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT POST SPACING8-FT MAX. (WOVEN)4-FT MAX. (NON-WOVEN) TYPICAL SILT FENCE END POST(SEE NOTES FOR FENCE SPLICE TYPES ANDOVERLAP REQUIREMENTS) EXISTING GROUND TYP. EXCAVATED ANDBACKFILLED TRENCH TYP. FASTENERS - MIN. NO. 10 GAGE WIRE OR 50 LB PLASTIC ZIP TIESMIN. 3 PER POST. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OFTHE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEET NOTE REQUIREMENTS) EXISTINGGROUND TYP. 6" GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DEPTH 6" GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WIDTH EXCAVATED ANDBACKFILLED TRENCH TYP. 2-FT MIN. POST DEPTHBELOW GRADE 2-FT MIN. GEOTEXTILE/ POST HEIGHTABOVE GRADE WOODEN POST MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-INx -FT LENGTH OR EQUAL WOODEN POSTMINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH OR EQUAL WOODEN END POSTS MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OFTHE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(INSTALLED ON UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS) (TYPE SHALL MEETNOTE REQUIREMENTS) WOODEN END POSTS MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FTLENGTH OR EQUIVALENT WOODEN END POSTSMINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH OR EQUIVALENT TYPICAL SPLICE DETAILS PLAN VIEW FLOW DIRECTION FLOW DIRECTION GROUT PLANT GROUT PLANT GROUT HOPPER TYP. WOODEN PALLET TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENEPLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA 4'-0" MIN. WIDTH 8'-0" MIN. LENGTH 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. WOODEN PALLET TYP. VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA GROUT HOPPER TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. 4" X 6" MIN. WOOD BEAM TYP. GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELEVATION VIEW VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENEPLASTIC OR EQUAL UNDER ENTIRE GROUT MIXING AREA GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FRONT ELEVATION VIEW 4" X 6" MIN. WOODBEAM TYP. GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SIDE ELEVATION VIEW GROUT HOPPER TYP.SANDBAGS 2-BAGS HIGH TYPICAL PROTECTION FOR INLET ON SUMP TYPICAL PROTECTION FOR INLET ON GRADE SPILLWAY1-BAG HIGH FLOWDIRECTION INLET EDGE OF PAVEMENT FLOW DIRECTION SANDBAGS2-BAGS HIGHSPILLWAY 1-BAG HIGH INLET EDGE OFPAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SITE BMP TYPICAL DETAILS SILT FENCES 1. SILT FENCES SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORK IN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. SILT FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOP OF SLOPE AND THE SLOPE TOE IN BEHIND THE FIBER ROLLS. LOCATIONS OF THE SILT FENCES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE(S) SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 75% OF THE HEIGHT. 4. SUPPORT POSTS FOR THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE MINIMUM 1-1/4-IN x 1-1/4-IN x 4-FT LENGTH WOODEN STAKES OR EQUIVALENT. WOODEN POSTS SHALL BE HICKORY OR OAK WOOD TYPE. 5. POST SPACING SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 8-FT FOR WOVEN FABRIC AND 3-FT FOR NON-WOVEN FABRIC. 6. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, THE SLOPE SURFACE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS SHALL BE EXCAVATED WITH THE FABRIC PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6-IN, THEN BACKFILLED WITH EXISTING SOIL TO THE GROUND SURFACE. 7. THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF WOODEN POSTS WITH A MINIMUM OF (4) 1/2-IN STAPLES PER STAKE. FIBER ROLLS 1. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORKIN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOP OF SLOPE AND THE SLOPE TOE IN FRONT OF THE SILT FENCES. LOCATIONS OF THE FIBER ROLLS SHALL BEDETERMINED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 2. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. MAINTAIN FIBER ROLL ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 75% OF THE HEIGHT. 4. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE PREFABRICATED ROLLS. ROLLS SHALL BE MINIMUM 8-IN DIAMETER., WOODEN STAKES SHALL BE MINIMUM NOMINAL 3/4-IN x 3/4-IN x 2-FT LENGTH. 5. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE ENTRENCHED INTO THE SLOPE SURFACE A MINIMUM OF 2-IN AND MAXIMUM OF 4-IN. WOODEN STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE FIBER ROLLS A MINIMUM OF 1-FT AT A SPACING OF 4-FT. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 1. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING / EXCAVATION WORK IN THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SITE AREA. 2. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED AFTER SITE STABILIZATION AND FINAL INSPECTION. 3. LOCATIONS OF STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN THE FIELD DURING THE SITE LAYOUT. 4. IF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION OCCURS, SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES A MAXIMUM OF 1/3 OF THE HEIGHT. 5. GRAVEL OR SAND SHALL BE USED IN BAGS. 6. BAGS SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AROUND THE DESIGNATED STORM DRAIN AREA. 7. IF SILT OR CLAY SOIL PARTICLES ARE PRESENT, FILTER FABRIC SHALL BEUSED TO LINE THE BAGS. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DETAILSGROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT DETAILS SILT FENCE DETAILS FIBER ROLL DETAILS GROUT WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. PRIOR TO GROUT MIXING COMMENCEMENT THE WASTE MANAGEMENT AREA SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE MIXING PLANT TO PREVENT SPILLS AND SEEPAGE INTO THE GROUND SURFACE BELOW. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WASTE MANAGEMENT AREA SIMILAR TO THE TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWN. ACTUAL SETUP MAY VARY DEPENDING ON SIZE AND LOCATION OF MIXING EQUIPMENT. 3. AFTER GROUTING PLACEMENT, THE WASTE AREA SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPILLS OR SEEPAGE AND BE PROPERLY CLEANED UP PRIOR TO ADDITIONAL WORK BEING COMMENCED. WHEN SILT FENCE SPLICES ARE NECESSARY, SPLICES SHALL BEAT POST LOCATIONS. PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THE FIRST FENCE. ROTATEBOTH POSTS TOGETHER AT LEAST 180 DEGREES TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL. CUT THE FABRIC NEARTHE BOTTOM OF THE POSTS TO ACCOMMODATE THE 6 INCH FLAP. THEN DRIVE BOTH POSTS AND BURY THE FLAP. THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL CONSIST OF EITHER BE WOVEN OR NON-WOVEN POLYESTER, POLYPROPYLENE, STABILIZED NYLON, POLYETHYLENE, OR POLYVINYLIDENE CHLORIDE. NON-WOVEN FABRIC MAY BE NEEDLE PUNCHED, HEAT BONDED, RESIN BONDED, OR COMBINATIONS THEREOF. 8. 9. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 5 7 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS PA2021-099 89 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 St o c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 1 0 1 - 0 6 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 6 7 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO REMAIN. 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS NOTES: 1. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS SHALL BE CONTROLLED USING A FLAGMAN. PA2021-099 90 5'-0" WATTLE S P A C I N G O . C . 6'-0" FROM BASE OF TECCO SYSTEM 5'- 0 " F R O M B O T T O M 3'-0" - 4 ' - 0 " S T A K E S P A C I N G O . C . 1'-0" S T A K E S P A C I N G F R O M W A T T L E E D G E 1'-6" O V E R L A P M I N . 9" 3" DEPOSIT EXCAVATED SOIL UPSLOPE COMPACT LOOSE SOIL AGAINST WATTLE 2" - 3 " 12" ( M I N . ) NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SEDIMAX-SW® STRAW WATTLE OR EQUAL WOOD STAKE (TYP.) STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 0 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F WF K WF K N.T . S . 20 2 1 0 1 - 0 6 KG T 2 0 - 4 3 Pa r k N e w p o r t A p a r t m e n t s B a c k B a y D r i v e Su r f i c i a l S l o p e S t a b i l i z a t i o n a n d R o c k f a l l M i t i g a t i o n Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a He t h e r i n g t o n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . 53 6 5 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , S u i t e A Ca r l s b a d , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 0 0 8 7 7 20 2 1 0 1 - 2 0 : A d d e d S h e e t 7 . 2021 01-20 REVISED PLANS NOTES: 1. DETAILS ARE TYPICAL AND EROSION CONTROL WATTLES SHALL BE FIELD FIT AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. STRAW WATTLE EROSION CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS D-1 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE TRENCHING DETAILS D-3 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE STAKING DETAILSD-4 7 SCALE: N.T.S. STRAW WATTLE OVERLAP DETAILS D-2 7 SCALE: N.T.S. PA2021-099 91 1 7 4 ' 1 0 0 ' 3 8 ' 3 3 1 ' TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 QUANTITY: 9 START: 33°37'40.06"N 117°53'1.66"W END: 33°37'38.32"N 117°53'1.51"W B a c k B a y D r . Pa r k N e w p o r t Ba c k B a y D r . TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 QUANTITY: 5 START: 33°37'37.94"N 117°53'1.52"W END: 33°37'36.96"N 117°53'1.58"W TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 QUANTITY: 6 START: 33°37'33.86"N 117°53'2.55"W END: 33°37'32.88"N 117°53'3.07"W APPROX. PROPERTY LINE TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 EDGE LINE TO K-RAIL= 3'-9" TO 6'-8" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 EDGE LINE TO K-RAIL= 2'-0" TO 3'-3" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 EDGE LINE TO K-RAIL= 4'-0" TO 13'-1" NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATIONS AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PRECISION 1 0 8 ' APPROX. R.O.W. LINE BLDG 3 BLDG 2 San J o a q u i n H i l l s R d . TEMPORARY K-RAIL EXHIBIT 50'0'50'100'150'25' SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET SCALE APPROXIMATE N NOTE: R.O.W. LINE AND PROPERTY LINE PLACEMENTS ARE ESTIMATED AND ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 2 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 BJ F / G R D 1" = 5 0 ' - 0 " 20 2 2 0 4 - 1 3 Ba c k B a y D r i v e K- R a i l L o c a t i o n s Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 1 4 PA2021-099 92 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 OVERVIEW MAP 4'-0" 6'-6"9'-5" 11'-4" 12'-2"12'-4"13'-1"11'-9"11'-7" 5'-4" EDGE LINE TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 SECTION LENGTH = 180'-0" K-RAIL QUANTITY: 9 INDIVIDUAL K-RAIL LENGTH = 20'-0" START: 33°37'40.06"N 117°53'1.66"W END: 33°37'38.32"N 117°53'1.51"W APPROX. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE 12'-8" 9'-0" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 EXHIBIT N N DEFINITIONS: 1. THE EDGE LINE IS THE WHITE LINE CLOSEST TO THE K-RAIL ON THE EXISTING ROAD. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS WERE MEASURED FROM THE EDGE LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE K-RAIL SECTION. 2. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE PLACEMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 2 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 GR D N.T . S . 20 2 2 0 4 - 1 3 Ba c k B a y D r i v e K- R a i l L o c a t i o n s Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 2 4 PA2021-099 93 2'-11" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 OVERVIEW MAP 2'-0" 3'-3"2'-6"2'-2"3'-0" EDGE LINE TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 SECTION LENGTH = 100'-0" K-RAIL QUANTITY: 5 INDIVIDUAL K-RAIL LENGTH = 20'-0" START: 33°37'37.94"N 117°53'1.52"W END: 33°37'36.96"N 117°53'1.58"WAPPROX. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE 6'-0"6'-0" 6'-10" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 EXHIBIT N N DEFINITIONS: 1. THE EDGE LINE IS THE WHITE LINE CLOSEST TO THE K-RAIL ON THE EXISTING ROAD. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS WERE MEASURED FROM THE EDGE LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE K-RAIL SECTION. 2. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE PLACEMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 2 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 GR D N.T . S . 20 2 2 0 4 - 1 3 Ba c k B a y D r i v e K- R a i l L o c a t i o n s Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 3 4 PA2021-099 94 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 1 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 2 OVERVIEW MAP 6'-8"5'-6"4'-3" 3'-9" 6'-3"3'-11"6'-4" EDGE LINE TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 SECTION LENGTH = 108'-0" K-RAIL QUANTITY: 6 INDIVIDUAL K-RAIL LENGTH = 20'-0" START: 33°37'33.86"N 117°53'2.55"W END: 33°37'32.88"N 117°53'3.07"W APPROX. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE 12'-0"8'-0" 5'-9" 8'-3" 8'-3" TEMPORARY K-RAIL SECTION 3 EXHIBIT N N DEFINITIONS: 1. THE EDGE LINE IS THE WHITE LINE CLOSEST TO THE K-RAIL ON THE EXISTING ROAD. NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS WERE MEASURED FROM THE EDGE LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE K-RAIL SECTION. 2. R.O.W. AND PROPERTY LINE PLACEMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE. DA T E : DR A W N B Y : KA N E P R O J E C T N O : DE S I G N E D B Y : SC A L E : OFSH E E T PR E P A R E D A T T H E R E Q U E S T O F REVISIONS © 2 0 2 2 K A N E G e o T e c h , I n c . CH E C K E D B Y : Lo s A n g e l e s O f f i c e 60 8 0 C e n t e r D r . , S u i t e 6 0 0 Lo s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 5 (3 2 3 ) 3 3 1 - 9 2 2 2 Ho n o l u l u O f f i c e 14 4 1 K a p i o l a n i B l v d . , S u i t e 1 1 1 5 Ho n o l u l u , H I 9 6 8 1 4 (8 0 8 ) 4 6 8 - 9 9 9 3 Ge o T e c h , I n c . Ge o e n g i n e e r i n g C o n s u l t a n t s Sto c k t o n O f f i c e 74 0 0 S h o r e l i n e D r . , S u i t e 6 Sto c k t o n , C A 9 5 2 1 9 (2 0 9 ) 4 7 2 - 1 8 2 2 GR D N.T . S . 20 2 2 0 4 - 1 3 Ba c k B a y D r i v e K- R a i l L o c a t i o n s Ne w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 4 4 PA2021-099 95 INT E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 96 8 - Tarp Placement Diagram 97 HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERIN G• ENGINEERIN G GEOLOGY• HYDROGEOLOGY Gerson Bakar and Associates c/o Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, Cali forn ia 92660 Attention: Mr. Jim Diaz Fae ii iti es 1\lf anagcr March 29, 2021 Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 Subj ect: GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California Rere rences: Attached Dear Mr. Diaz: Tn accordance with your request, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has prepared this gcotechnical summary related to geologic conditions, past landslides, and proposed f-t.1ture mitigation efforts on the west faci ng coastal bluff at the subject site. ln order to keep this summary relatively brief, attached is a list of references related to the Park Newport Apartments site that includes most (if not all) of the known geotechnical/geologic documents. These documents have addressed various aspects oC the coastal bluff slope geology, landslides, stability, and mitigation efforts. SITE IIISTORY/SLOPE CONDITIONS The subject natural slope is a coastal bluff that descends from the west sid e of Park Newport Apartments to Backbay Drive along the eastern edge of Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, California (see Location Map, Figure I). The slope descends at slope ratios of0.5: l to 1.5: 1 (horizontal to ve1tical) to locally vertical with a maximum height of approximately 90-feel. This coastal bluff was left in a natural condition at the time of grading/construction of Park Newport Apartments in 1969. The slope e xposes 10 to 15-feel or silty sand Quaternary Paralic Deposits (terrace deposits) over diatomaceous shale and siltstone Miocene Monterey Formation bedrock. Geologic structure of sedimentary bedding wi thin the siltstone bedrock reportedly consists of a series of east to west trending, west plunging anticlines and synclines creating locally unfavorable orientations relative to the west facing slope. Numerous older landslides that ex isl on this slope \Nere identified by LeRoy Crandall and Associates. The slope is subj ect to on-going erosion, surficial instabili ty, rockfalls, and landslides. 5365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A • Carlsbad, CA 92008-4369 • (760) 931 -1917 • Fax (760) 931-0545 333 Third Street, Suite 2 •Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2306 • (949) 715-5440 •Fax (760) 931-0545 www. hetheringtonengineering. com 2 - Geotechnical Mitigation Summary 98 GPO'J'FCl TNIC'/\ [, ;:;llMM/\RY OF l)Roro:mD LAl 41)SLJ J)I-<: IvHTlG/\T[ON Pro ject No. 85 M . I Log No. 21343 Ivlarch 29, 2021 Page 2 The altached Geologic Map, Plate 1, depicts lhe geologic conditions on and near lbc slope. The Park Newporl buildings were graded in l969 and documented fill exists on lhe level building pads, but has no t been shown on the Geologic Map fo r simplicity. The fo llowi ng summary of documented slope instability on lhe coastal bluff is not inlendcd to be a ll inclu sive, bul is inlendccl lo demonstrate lhe performance of lhe slope. Small to large lanclsliclcs have taken place in 1978, 1993, l 994 , 2000, 2005, and 2020. Rock fa ll s have occurred in 1998, 2005, 2006, 2009, and 20 16. Sma ll to large surficial slope fa ilures take place u1 years with long cluralion and/or hi gh intensity rai nfa ll events. Erosion ta kes place during most rainfa ll evenls. T he asphalt concrete paved Backbay Drive right-of-way exists along lhe toe o[ the coastal bluff and has been impacted by debris accumulation/blockage on the roadway clue lo coasta l bluff instability. Due Lo the height, steep slope ratio, existing landslides, locally adverse geologic structure, and poor qua Ii ly bedrock exposed on the coastal bluff, factors-of-safety for gross and smficial slope stability arc less than 1.5. The coastal bluff slope is consid ered grnssly and surfi cially unstable from an engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering perspective. In the past, mitigation of impacts to Park Newport improvements has been performed. The following is a sununary of the measures implemented: 1979 -Timber Pile/Wood Lagging Retaining Wall , west side ol Units 4570 through 4640. Eighteen piles 10-feet bedrock embeclment. 1998 -Soldier Pile Wal.l, west side of clubhouse. Twenty-three, 36-inch diameter, 7-feet on-center, 60-feet deep reinforced concrete caissons. 1998 -Soldier Pile Wall, south,,vest side of Unit 4570. Six, 48-.inch diameter, 8- feet on-center, 60-feet deep, reinforced concrete caissons. The approximate location of these structures are noted on the attached Geologic Map, Plate 1. The June 2020 landslide event resulted in a ve1tical main scarp (lO±feet high) exposing highly fractured blocky siltstone. This rocldall potential created a hazard to Backbay Drive localed at the Loe of the coastal bluff. Backbay Drive has been closed lo vehicular traffic since the landslide event. Park Newport Apartments has recently completed the installation of a Geobrugg Tecco anchored mesh system to mitigate the rockfall potential (References 107 -114). We understand completion of this work will allow the City ofNewpo1t Beach to re-open Backbay Drive. Park Nevvport Apmtments monitors conditions on and near th e Lop of the slope on an annual basis. Storm drainage systems have been enhanced and storm water flow is directed away HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 99 GEO J'l~CI JNICA I, SUMMARY OF PROl'OSED LANDSLI 1)1~ MlTICJJ\ I ION Proj ect No. 8564. I Log No. 2 11tl3 March 29, 2021 Page 3 from lbc slope in a controlled manner. In addition, portions or the active landslides are covered using pl astic membranes and sand bags Lo reduce erosion during lhe rai ny season . PROPOSED IMPROVENrENTS As a result or ongoin g slope instability, th e fo llowi ng areas arc bei ng evalu ated for proposed mi ligation measures consisti ng of soldier piles. o Extending the clt1b house soldier piles to the south past Unit 4830 approximately 150-feel total (approximately 20-solclier pi les). o lnsla lling soldier piles on the southeast sid e of Building 4, approximately 200- feel total, where landslide materi als were mapped by Law-Crandal I and Associates extending under the structure (approximately 28-solclier piles). Soldier piles are expected to consist of 36 lo 48-inch diameter dri JJecl holes 7 to 8-feel on center, to depths of 60 lo 70-feet, that wi ll be fill ed with concrete reinforced with steel rebar "cages". The holes are drilled using conventional drilling equipment, steel cages are placed into the hole using a crane, concrete is then placed by tremi e method to fill the hole. These improvements are needed to protect and extend the useful life of the existing residential structures. The approximate locations of these areas are indicated on the attached Geologic Map, Plate l . Analyses and design would be required to provide further details of the proposed improvements. This opp01tunity lo be of servi ce is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact om office at your convenience. N ENGINEERING, INC. Dist.ribulion: 1-via e-mail Jim Diaz (jdiaz@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Ken Dressel (Kdressel@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Shawna Schaffner (sschaffner@caaplanning.com) .... , HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 100 1 too , 11,I I REFEREJ ICES i. 'Report of Supplemental Geologic lnve::;ligation, Proposed Arartmenl )evelopment, Newporl Beach, CA", by Glem1 Brown and Associates, elated November 21, 1968. 2. "Reports of Soil and Foundation Investigalion Phase 1 Proposed Headlands Apartmenls Promontory Point Area'', by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated December 26, 1968. 3. "Preliminary Foundation Recmmnendations, Proposed Headlands Aparlments, Newport Beach, California", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated January l 6, l 969. 4. "Report of Soil and Foundation Investigation Phase II Proposed Park Newport Apartrnenls Promontory Point Area", by LeRoy Crandall aocl Associates for Gerson Bakar and Associates, dated April 4, 1969. 5. "Supplementary Information, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated August 21, 1969. 6. "Requirements for Drilled Pile Foundations, Townhouses Adjacent to Buildings 4, 5 and 6, Proposed Park Newp01i Apartments, Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Ilills Road, Newport Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated July 8, 1970. 7. "Estimated Tip Elevations -Drilled Piles, Building Nq. 4, Park Newpmt, Jamboree Road near San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, California", by LeRoy Crandall Associates, dated January 21, 1971. 8. "Repmt of Soil Investigation Proposed Extension of San Joaquin Hills Road -San Joaquin Hil ls Road to Back.bay Drive Newport Beach, California", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Park Newport, Ltd., dated July 16, 1971. 9. "Preliminary Observations, Bluff Erosion and Sloughing, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated March 10, 1978. 10. "Suggestions for Slope Repairs Existing Slope West of Buildings 32, 35, 36 and 37, Park Newport Apartments, Newpo1t Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, elated July 19, 1978. 11. "Soil and Foundation Inspection, Building 41 (Apartment 3170) Park Newporl Apartments, Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated August 10, 1978. 12. "Conference Summary, Erosion Control Retaining Wall Adjacent to Building 35 Park Newp01t Apartments'', by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated November 2, 1978. ·HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 •' o 1 JI I 101 R~1'T~RENCES 13. "Report of Slope Stability Study Wesl Facing Slope Adjacent to Building 4 Park Newpo1t Aparlmenls", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for Gerson-Bakar & Associates, dated June 28, 1979. 14. "Review of Foundation Underpitming, Design NWC B uilding 41(Apartment3170), Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated October 18, 1979. 15. "Verification of Drilled Pile Inspection, and Inspeclion and Testing of Compacted Fill, Proposed Underpim1ing of Building No. 41, Park Newporl Apartments, One Park Newport Drive", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for City ofNewporl Beach, dated July 31 , 1980. 16. "Inspection of Site Conditions, Existing Park Newport Apartments, San Joaquin Hills Road, Newpo1t Beach, CA", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Qerson Bakar & Associates, dated December 3, 1984. 17. "Summary of Observations Site Visit -March 22, 1988 Park Newpo11 Apartments", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated May 26, 1988. 18. "Report of Geologic Evaluation of Slope Below Building 4 Newpmt Beach, California for Park Newport Apartments", by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Park Newport Apaitments, dated April 30, 1991. 19. "Consultation Regarding Existing Slope Failure on the Promontory Point Area Park Newport Apartments", by Law Crandall, Inc. fo r Mr. Ken Adelson, dated June 22, 1993. 20. "Maintenance Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apa.rtments'', by Law Crandall, Inc. for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated August 29, 1994. 2 1. "Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments", by Law Crandall, Inc. for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated September 1, 1994. 22. "Geotechnical Consultation, Slope Distress Near Units 3160 and 3170, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Place, Newport Beach, CA", by Law/Crandall, dated December 15, 1994. 23. "Addendum to Geotechnical Consultation Observation of Erosion Control Measures Park Newport Apartments", by Law Crandall, Inc., for Park Newport Apartments, dated February 16, 1995. 24. "Park Newp01t Monitoring Survey'', by RBF, dated October 10, 1995, December 6, 1995, February 12, 1996. ' I • j HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 102 REFERENCE!i 25. "Park Newport Monitoring Survey", by Robert Bein, William Frost, & Associates, ror Law Crand all, dated February 21, 1996. 26. "Park Newport Monitoring Survey", by Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, for Law Crandall, dated April 8, 1996. 27. "Bi-Monthly Monitoring Program S lope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments'', by Law Crandall for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated May 14, 1996. 28. "Report of Geolcchnica l Investigation Existing Landslide", by Law/Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated May 31, 1996. 29. "1995-1996 Annual Slope Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive'', by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated June 24, 1996. 30. "Memo-3 160 Landsli de Area", by Linda Gunther of Park Newpmt Apartments fo r Andy Dodge, Maintenance Supervisor, dated October 3 l, 1996. 31. "Supplemental Geolechnical Investi gation for a Slope Wall'', by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, daled November 14, 1996. 32. "Email Summaries -Park Newport Slide Area'', from Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated June 29, 1995 tlu·ough October 21, 1996. 33. "Geotechnical Consultation Observation of Asphaltic Distress Near Building 4", by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated March 18 , 1997. 34. "Park Newport Monitoring Survey, Newpo1t Beach", by Robert Bein, Will iam Frost & As.sociates for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated April 2, 1997. 35. "1996-97 Annual Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive", by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated May 13, 1997. 36. "Landslide Mitigation Action -Park Newport Apaitments", by Bagahi Engineering for California Civil Inc., dated July 25, 1997. 37. "Response to Coastal Commission -Park Newport Slope Repair'', by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated August 4, 1997. 3 8. "Park N ewpmt Apartments' Slope Rehab Project", by Gerson, Bakar & Associates for Eric Buress of P F & G, dated September 9, 1997. 39. "Retaining Wall Calculations -Park Newpo1t Apatiments", by Stample Engineering for Park Newport Apartments, dated October 9, 1997. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 2 l343 103 REFERENCES 40. 'Special I11spection Report Park Newport Retaiuing Wall", by Gary Rutherford Cor Cily of Newport Beach, dated October 14, 1997. 41. "Sile Reconnaissance Slope Facing Backbay Drive", by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated October 22, 1997. 42. "Progress Report -Park Newport Slope Wall", by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated October 23, 1997. 43. "Progress Report -Park Newporl Slope Wall", by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated December 5, l 997. 44. "Fine Grade Compaction Report -Park Newporl Apartments Slope Wall", by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated December 8, 1997. 45. "Park Newport Apartment Drain Revegetation", by LSA Associales, Inc. for Park Newport Apartments, dated February 25, 1998. 46. "Review of Slope Mitigation Options, Park Newport Apaitments, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, CA", by Law Crandall for Gerson Bak.ar & Associates, dated April 13, 1998. 47. "Final Slope Improvement Options Report", by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar, and Associates, dated April 14, 1998. 48. "Report of Slope Stability Evaluation", by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated May 1, 1998. 49. "Shoring Plan, Park Newport Apartments, Slope Stabilization -Clubhouse Area and Rockfall Area, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, CA", by Gerald Leluner Associates, dated May 5, 1998. and August 11, 1998 (Sheets SH-1 tlu·ough SH-4). 50. "Grading Plan Review-Temporary Erosion Repair, Po1tions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 25, 1998. 51. "Alternatives to Temporary Erosion Repair, Portions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newpo1t Apartments, Newpo11 Beach, CA'', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 10, 1998. 52. "Additional Geo technical Comments, Proposed Repairs to Portions of the West Facing Slope, Areas 2 and 3, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 21, 1998. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 104 REl,.ERENCES 53 . "Review of Project Special Provisions, Park Newport Sites A and B, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, Ca", by Hetheri11gton Engineering, dated Seplernber 24, 1998. 54. "1997 -l 998 Ammal Monitoring Program, Slope Facing Backbay Drive'', by Law Crandall, dated October 14, 1998. 55. "Review of Site Conditions, Portions of the West Facing Slope Adj acent to the C lubhouse, Park Newpott Apartments, Newpo1t Beach, CA", by Iletherington Engineering, Inc. daled December 15, 1998. 56. "Temporary Erosion Repair, Portions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newpmt Apartments, Newport Beach, CA", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 22, 1998. 57. "Response to Draft Submittal Letter for CDP Application to the Coastal Commission, Park Newport Apartments, Slope Stability Repairing Work (Siles 2 and 3), Newport Beach, CA", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 19, 1999. 58. "Geolechnical Review -Temporary Erosion Repairs, West Facing Slope, Areas 2 and 3, Park Newport Apartments, Newpmt Beach, California", by Hetherington Engil1eering, Inc., dated Pebruary 18, 1999. 59. "1998 -1999 Annual Monitoring, Backbay Drive Slope, Park Newport Apa1tments, One Park Place, Newport Beach, CA ... ", by Hetheril1gton Engil1eering, Inc., dated October 22, 1999. 60. "Morutoring Report for Slope and Parking Garage ... ", prepared by RBF Consulting, dated December 27, 2000. 61. "1999 -2000 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California'', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated Januruy 5, 2001. 62. "Park Newp01t Apartments, Slope Monitoring Project. .. ", prepared by RBF Consultil1g, dated January 28, 2002. 63. "2000 -2001 Annual Monitoring Progrrun, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Area, Park Newpo1t Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 20, 2002. 64. "Pmk Newp01t Apartments, Slope Monitoring ... ", prepared by RBF Consulting, dated December 26, 2002. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 105 REFERENCES 65. "2001 -2002 Annual Monjtoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacenl Areas, Park Newport Apartmenls, One Park Newport Drive, Newporl Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 27, 2003. 66. "Park Newp01t Apartments, Slope and Parking Structure Monitoring Project", prepared by RBF Consulting, daled Pebruary 18, 2004. 67. "2002 -2003 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, Californ ia ... ", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated March J 2, 2004. 68. "Am1ual Monitoring/Slope Area Drainage System, Update on Condition of Surface Drainage Devices, Park Newport Apartments ... ", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., elated October 29, 2004. 69. "Inspecti on of Slope Area Damages, Park Newport Apartments, Nev,rport Beach ... '', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 31, 2005. 70. "Inspecti on of February 2005 Storm Damages, Park Newport Apaiiments, Newport Beach ... ", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 24, 2005. 71. "Park Newport Monitoring Garage Structure and Slope Monitoring Project", prepared by RBF Consulting, dated March 23, 2005. 72. "2003 -2004 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newp01t Drive, Newport Beach, California ... '', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated May 20, 2005. 73. "Notice of Code Violation for Slope Failure at 1 Park Newport Drive ... ", by City of Newport Beach, dated June 24, 2005. 74. "Rep01t of Findings, Geo technical Evaluation ofTlu·ee Areas Along the Coastal Bluff, Park Newport Apartments, Newp01t Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 11, 2005. 75. "Response to City Letter, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California'', by Heth erington Engineering, Inc., dated December 19, 2005. 76. "Park Newp01t Apaitments, Garage Structure and Slope Monitoring Project. .. ", by RBF Consulting, dated December 29, 2005, revised January 11 , 2006. 77. "Slope Inclinometer Data, Park Newpo.rt Apartments ... ", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 23, 2006. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 106 REFEKENCE.~ /8. "2006 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay .)rive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartmenls, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, Californ ia 92660", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 27, 2006. 79. "Slope Rockfall Mitigation, Park Newport Apartments, West of Unit 4570, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., elated May 12, 2006. 80. " ... Setllemenl and Deformation Monjtoring Surveying Services at the Park Newport Apartments ... ", by RBf Consulting, dated Febrnary 23, 2007. 81. "2007 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adj acent Areas, Park Newport Apmiments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated June 29, 2007. 82. "Inspection of Top of Coastal Bluff Drainage Conditions, Park Newport Aparlments, Newport Beach, Califo rnia", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 5, 2007. 83. " ... Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Surveying Serv ices at the Park Newport Apartments ... ", by RBF Consulti ng, dated June 19, 2008. 84. "2008 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newpo1i Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, 92660", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 3, 2008. 85. "... Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Survey Services at the Park Newport Apartments ... ", by RB F Consulting, dated June 5, 2009. 86. "2009 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 18, 2009. 87. "Surficial Slope Failure, Coastal Bluffs Below Building 4, Park Newport Apaiiments, Newport Beach, Californja", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 28 , 2010. 88 . " ... Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Survey Services ... ", by RBF Consulting, dated July 7, 20 I 0. 89. "2010 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slopes and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apmiments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California'', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 29, 2010. 90. "Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Rockfall Netting Slope Protection System, Coastal Bluff Below Unit 4570, Building No. 35, Pai·k Newport Apartments, One Pmk HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 107 REFERENCES Newporl Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 5, 20 l l. 91. " ... Settlement and Defonnalion Monitoring Survey Services ... ", by RBF Consulting, dated June 14, 2011. 92. "2011 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adj acent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newpo1t Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 26, 20 11. 93. "2012 A1urnal Moniloring Report, Backbay Dri ve Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 12, 2012. 94. "2013 Arurnal Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apmtments, One Park Newporl Drive, Newporl Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., elated September 25, 2013. 95. "2014 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Dri ve Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 15, 2014. 96. "2015 An11ual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apaitments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 5, 2015. 97. "2016 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newp01t Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Nevvport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 14, 2016. 98. "Geoteclmical Investigation, Damaged Retaining Wall, Pai·k Newport Aparlments, Building la, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated April ·19, 2017. 99. "Addendum to Geotechnical lnvestigation, Damaged Retaining Wal.I, Park Newport Apaitments, Building la, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 19, 2017. 100. "2017 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California'', by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 29, 2017. 101. "2018 Annual Monitoring Report, Back bay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Aprutments, One Park Newp01t Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 5, 2018. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 108 REFERENCES 102."Emcrgency Storm Drain Repair, North of Building 41 (Units 3150 through 3220), Park Newport A partments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, Californ.ia", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., elated March 5, 20 l9. 103."Park Newpo1t Apartments, l Park Newport Drive, 24-inch St01m Drain Rehabilitati on Plan'', by BFK Engineers, dated October 23, 2019 (2 Sheets). 104. "Geo technical Report Review Checklist, Repair Rear Drainage Pipe, 1 Park Newport Drive ... ", by City of Newport Beach, dated November 12, 201 9. 105. "20 l 9 Annual Monitoring Program, Back bay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newpoli Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2019. 106. "Geotechni cal Sununary of Proposed Storm Drain Rehabilitation, North of Building 41 (Un i ts 3160 and 3 l 70), Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 20, 2019. 107."Geoteclm.ical Summary of Landslide Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Ncwpo1t Drive, Newport Beach, Ca lifornia", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated July 21, 2020. 108. "Park Ncwpmt Apartments, Back Bay Drive, Rockfall Assessment Letter, Newport Beach, California'', by Kane Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020. 109. "Park Newport Apartments, Surficial Slope Stabilization and Rockfall Mitigation, Engineering Design Calculation Report, Newport Beach, California'', by Kane Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020 (Sheets l tlu·ough 5). ' 110. "Park Newport Apmtments, Surficial Slope Stabilization and Rockfall Mitigation (Project Specifications), Newport Beach, Californ.ia", by Km1e Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020. 111. "Proposed Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, Park Newport Apattments, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, California", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 4, 2020. 1 12. "Response to Geotechnical Repo1t Review Checklist, Proposed Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, Plan Check No. 1636-2020", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2020. 113 ."Response to Plan Check Correction List, Proposed Rockfall M itigation, West of Un.it 4830, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, Plan Check No. 1636- 2020", by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2020. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 109 IlliFERENCES 114.''Proposcd Emergency Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California,,, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 6, 202 1. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 8564.1 Log No. 21343 110 PLATE NO.PROJECT NO.PROJECT NO. GEOLOGIC MAP 0 1 2 0 30 60 90 120 N SCALE:1"=60'EXPLANATION BORING BY LEROY CRANDALL & ASSOCIATES (1978) GEOLOGIC CONTACT APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: TIMBER/WOOD LAGGINGRETAINING WALL, PILES 10 FEET INTO BEDROCK (1979) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: CLUBHOUSE SOLDIER PILE WALL,23 PILES, 36-INCH DIAMETER, 7-FEET ON CENTER, 60 FEET DEEP (1998) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: SOLDIER PILE WALL, 6 PILES,48-INCH DIAMETER, 8-FEET ON-CENTER, 60-FEET DEEP (1998) 1 2 3 B-7 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF POSSIBLE SOLDIER PILE WALL:EXTEND CLUBHOUSE PILES SOUTH ABOVE JUNE 2021 LANDSLIDE BUILDING 45APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF POSSIBLE SOLDIER PILE WALL:(1978) BORING BY LEROY CRANDALL & ASSOCIATES (1968)B-7(1968)4 (1968) B-4(1968) B-5(1978) B-1(1978) B-6(1968) LANDSLIDE FORMATIONMONTEREY DEPOSITSTERRACE DEPOSITSTERRACE FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY DEPOSITSTERRACE FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY LANDSLIDE MARCH 1978(ACTIVE) JUNE 2020(ACTIVE) 1998(ACTIVE)JANUARY 1993(ACTIVE) JANUARY 1993(ACTIVE) DECEMBER 1994(ACTIVE) (ACTIVE)NOVEMBER 1978 DEPOSITSTERRACE B-3 Park Newport ApartmentsNewport Beach, California 1 1 SURFICIAL FAILURES / EROSION ROCKFALL(PERIODIC ACTIVITY) 4 B-5(1968) 2 3 5 B-7(1978) B-6(1978) B-7(1968) B-2(1978) B-4(1978)B-3(1978) 111 INT E N T I O N A L L Y B L A N K P A G E 112 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 581-2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 April 22, 2021 Mr. Jim Campbell Deputy Community Development Director 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Coastal Development Permit Application – Park Newport Bluff Top Dear Mr. Campbell: On behalf of Gerson Bakar & Associates and Park Newport Land Ltd., CAA Planning, Inc. (CAA) is pleased to submit a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application for emergency work conducted under PA2021-008/CD2021-001 issued January 22, 2021. In addition to the emergency bluff repair, the CDP application includes an evaluation of additional measures required to provide protection to the existing residential structures. The application includes all materials referenced in this letter, a Letter of Authorization, and the required application fee of $2,309. Project History The Park Newport Apartments were constructed in 1969 and are located on the blufftop area bound by Jamboree Road to the east, San Joaquin Hills Road to the south, Back Bay Drive to the west, and Big Canyon Park to the north. The Park Newport development is comprised of approximately 1,300 apartments and several ancillary support structures, which sit atop coastal bluffs. The Upper Newport Bay and the Newport Bay estuary are located downslope of the property, westerly of Back Bay Drive. A Location Map depicting the property is attached. There is a long history of slope failures at the property due to the location of the development atop coastal bluffs. The most recent landslide occurred in June 2020, which resulted in an approximately 10-foot-high scarp exposing approximately 100 square feet of highly fractured blocky siltstone. Back Bay Drive was closed to vehicular traffic as a result of the potential rock fall hazard created by the landslide. The roadway remained closed until the installation of steel mesh was completed in April 2021. The Slope Stabilization Plans prepared by Kane Geotech identify the area of mesh as 40 to 60 feet wide by 58 feet high with an overall coverage of 2,900 square feet. The mesh is held in place by 8 boundary anchors, 5 spot anchors, and 41 pattern anchors. The final plans, dated January 20, 2021, and the final approval letter, dated March 29, 2021, are attached. A Landslide Mitigation Summary Letter prepared by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. dated March 29, 2021 (“the report”) summarized existing geologic conditions, past landslides, and proposed future mitigation efforts at the project site and is attached for reference. The bluff is characterized as sloping down at a 0.5:1 to 1.5:1 horizontal to vertical ratio to locally vertical with a maximum 113 Mr. Jim Campbell April 22, 2021 Page 2 of 6 height of approximately 90 feet. The geological structure composed of sedimentary bedding within siltstone bedrock is subject to ongoing erosion, surficial instability, rockfalls, and landslides. The Hetherington report describes six landslides dating back to 1978 and five rock falls dating back to 1998 that generally coincide with years that had long duration and/or high intensity rainfall events. Bluff instability not only impacts the project site, but also impacts Back Bay Drive due to debris accumulation and blockage on the roadway and bike path. Past repair activities date back to 1979 and include the installation of soldier piles, a wood retaining wall, and reinforced concrete caissons at different locations along the bluff. The following is a summary of past bluff repair measures: 1979 Timber Pile/Wood Lagging Retaining Wall, west side of Units 4570 through 4640. Eighteen piles 10-feet bedrock embedment. 1998 Soldier Pile Wall, west side of clubhouse. Twenty-three, 36-inch diameter, 7-feet on-center, 60-feet deep reinforced concrete caissons. 1998 Soldier Pile Wall, southwest side of Unit 4570. Six, 48-inch diameter, 8 feet on- center, 60-feet deep, reinforced concrete caissons. Emergency Work Effort On January 22, 2021, the City of Newport Beach (City) issued an emergency CDP (ECDP) to install steel mesh on a portion of the bluff located along Back Bay Drive near San Joaquin Hills Road. The emergency efforts included the installation of steel mesh with wire rope and epoxy anchoring and the placement of concrete k-rail at the toe of the slope to keep landslide debris off the roadway. The purpose of the emergency effort was to minimize the potential for future rockfall to impact the public street and bike path. Mobilization of the emergency work was initiated on February 10, 2021 and was completed on March 26, 2021. The plans used for the rockfall minimization work were prepared by Kane Geotech, Inc., and the physical installation was performed by Access Limited Construction. Heatherington Engineering provided geotechnical observation throughout the duration of work. Hetherington Engineering prepared an observation report detailing its ongoing on-site observation while the rockfall minimization work was being performed. Based on observation of steel mesh, anchor installation, and verification anchor testing, Hetherington Engineering concluded that the steel mesh and the anchors were installed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications. The Observation Report, dated April 7, 2021, is attached. Biological Survey for Emergency Work Effort On February 16, 2021, a biologist from Glenn Lukos Associates conducted a 1-day survey for gnatcatchers within 100 feet of the work area. Glenn Lukos Associates also prepared a hydroseed palate with coastal bluff native vegetation appropriate for erosion control landscape at the project 114 Mr. Jim Campbell April 22, 2021 Page 3 of 6 site. Mobilization of construction equipment began on February 10, 2021, however the biological site survey was conducted prior to commencement of the steel mesh installation work effort. Although surveying gnatcatchers was not a condition of the ECDP, the project site is within the Orange County Central/Coastal Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP), which requires specific construction minimization measures that include a pre- construction survey to identify California gnatcatchers within 100 feet of work in areas where Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) is present. No gnatcatchers were observed within 100 feet of the work area or at all on that day. A summary biological finding letter, dated February 17, is attached. Proposed Future Slope Effort As discussed above, the emergency work that was authorized by the ECDP allowed for the installation of a steel mesh on the bluff. Hetherington Engineering prepared an evaluation of the overall slope stability for the property related to the existing residential structures located near bluff failure areas. The Hetherington report details the historic stabilization actions, summarized above, and identifies future slope stabilization measures that should be evaluated for the property. The Heatherington report recommends the following measures necessary to protect the existing primary residential structures on the property. Soldier pile are installed at approximately 60 feet deep. Please see below and the map attached to the report. 1. Extending the clubhouse soldier piles to the south past Unit 4830 approximately 150 feet total (approximately 20 soldier piles). 2. Installing soldier piles on the southeast side of Building 4, approximately 200 feet total, where landslide materials were mapped by Law-Crandall and Associates extending under the structure (approximately 28 soldier piles). Additional analysis and design work will be necessary to identify the precise location, number and depth of the proposed improvements. In addition to the measures recommended in the Hetherington report, future efforts will also include seasonal placement of tarps along select areas of the bluff. Seasonal tarp placement is an effective stabilization method used during the rainy season where tarps are placed in areas along the bluff that are susceptible to rockfall or landslides triggered by heavy or prolonged rain events. The tarps would generally be utilized in the months between October and April, secured by sandbags, and completely removed once outside of the rainy season. The attached Tarp Placement Diagram depicts the areas where the tarps are likely to be placed on an annual basis. The future stabilization work is proposed to ensure security of the structures at the top of the bluff and increase safety along Back Bay Drive, as well as to substantially decrease the frequency of future roadway closure due to rock fall obstruction. Due to the presence of CSS on the bluff and the project site location within the Orange County Central/Coastal NCCP/HCP, future work will 115 Mr. Jim Campbell April 22, 2021 Page 4 of 6 also be required to comply with NCCP construction measures including a pre-construction gnatcatcher and CSS habitat survey. A letter from the project biologist including the NCCP Construction Measures is attached. Coastal Act and Local Coastal Program Emergency Work Effort The work completed under ECDP PA2021-008/CD2021-001 was done consistent with Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan (IP) Section 21.52.025 Emergency Coastal Development Permits where “[i]n the event of a verified emergency, temporary permits to proceed with remedial measures may be authorized by the Director until such time as a full coastal development permit shall be filed.” Emergency work is permitted by Coastal Ace Section 30611 Emergencies; Waiver of Permit where “[w]hen immediate action by a person or public agency performing a public service is required to protect life and public property from imminent danger, or to restore, repair, or maintain public works, utilities, or services destroyed, damaged, or interrupted by natural disaster, serious accident, or in other cases of emergency, the requirements of obtaining any permit under this division may be waived…” The emergency work for installation of steel mesh on the bluff-face was approved for the purpose of protecting public safety from falling rock debris. Proposed Future Work Effort The future protection of the existing development is allowable under Coastal Act Section 30235 Construction Altering Natural Shoreline where “[r]evetments, breakwaters, groins, harbor channels, seawalls, cliff retaining walls, and other such construction that alters natural shoreline processes shall be permitted when required to serve coastal-dependent uses or to protect existing structures or public beaches in danger from erosion, and when designed to eliminate or mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply...” As discussed above, the Park Newport Apartments were constructed in 1969 which predates the Coastal Act of 1976 and are considered as existing structures. Future work activities such as the ones proposed are permitted by LCP IP Section 21.30.030 Natural Landform and Shoreline Protection. “Protective structures are permitted to protect existing primary structures threatened by natural hazards, provided that the protective structures are limited to the minimum required to protect the existing structure and located on private land, not State tidelands...” Due to the nature of the work on the bluff-face, the issuance of a CDP under City jurisdiction is required by LCP IP Section 21.52.035. CDP Analysis The emergency work was for the purpose of surficial stabilization to prevent and minimize future impacts from landslides and rockfall while the future proposed work will protect the existing structures and minimize rockfall and landslides. The emergency work and future proposed work 116 Mr. Jim Campbell April 22, 2021 Page 5 of 6 are proposed as mitigation for public safety and to prevent future closure of Back Bay Drive due to fallen debris, which will ensure continuity of public access to the public parking lot located on Back Bay Drive and promote both vehicular and pedestrian circulation along the Back Bay and estuary. A CDP is requested for the emergency work completed under ECDP PA2021-008/CD2021-001 and proposed future work recommended by Hetherington Engineering. The completed emergency work and proposed future work comply with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and the City of Newport Beach Local Coastal Program (LCP). The required Findings provided in the LCP IP Section 21.52.15 (F) (Findings and Decision) can be satisfied by the proposed project. A draft of the Facts in support of the required Findings will be provided under sperate cover. Findings must be made that the project will satisfy the following. 1. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program (e.g., development standards, no impacts to public views, natural resources); and 2. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. In addition, to the consistency of the proposed development with the certified Local Coastal Program to the maximum extent feasible, there are no feasible alternatives that would provide greater consistency with the certified Local Coastal Program and/or that are more protective of coastal resources. CEQA The project is determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on Class 1 exemption. Class 1 exemptions include the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The emergency work is exempt pursuant to California Code of Regulations §15269(c), because the activity is necessary to prevent rockfall and protect the existing structures. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines §15300.2 that would apply to the emergency work and future proposed measures to invalidate the use of these exemptions. Conclusion The ECDP included 10 conditions of approval. Conditions 1 through 3 and 5 through 10 have been satisfied. Condition 4 requires the submittal of a regular CDP within 90 days of the issuance of the ECDP. This CDP application timely satisfies the remaining condition. 117 Mr. Jim Campbell April 22, 2021 Page 6 of 6 We appreciate the City’s consideration of this application, and we look forward to working with you for the issuance of a CDP for the work completed under ECDP PA2021-008/CD2021-001 and for proposed future rockfall minimization work. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Project Location Map Hetherington Geotechnical Mitigation Summary dated March 29, 2021 GLA Biological Pre-Construction Finding Letter dated February 17, 2021 Kane Geotech Final Plans dated January 20, 2021 Kane Geotech Final Approval Letter dated March 29, 2021 Hetherington Engineering Observation Report dated April 7, 2021 GLA Future Construction/NCCP Construction Measures dated April 19, 2021 Seasonal Tarp Placement Diagram c: Ken Dressel, Gerson Bakar 118 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1940 E Deere Avenue, Suite 250 ● Santa Ana, California 92705 ● 949.837.0404 PROJECT NUMBER:10850007BLUF TO: Pua Whitford, CAA Planning FROM: Tony Bomkamp DATE: February 17, 2021 SUBJECT: Pre-Construction Avian Surveys for Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-008), Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 On February 16, 2021 I conducted a pre-construction survey for the federally-listed coastal California gnatcatcher at the above-referenced site at the corner of Back Bay Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road in accordance with the Orange County Central Coastal NCCP/HCP “NCCP Construction Measures”. SITE CONDITIONS The area, subject repairs/remediation, consists of a steep slope, a portion of which contains a large unvegetated rocky outcrop and other portions of the slope been recently disturbed by a landslide that removed vegetation from portions of the slope. The area immediately below the proposed work area supported a dense mat of fig marigold (ice plant) (Carpobrotus edulis) that extended to near the edge of Back Bay Drive. The area subject to the work efforts supported no native habitat, specifically coastal sage scrub. Surrounding areas included big saltbush (Atriplex lentiformus), black mustard (Brassica nigra), and a mosaic of various native shrubs and non- native species, including coast goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii), California bush sunflower (Encelia californica), coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), lollipop plant (Myoporum laetum), summer mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), and non-native Mediterranean grasses. NCCP CONSTRUCTION MEASURES Because the area subject to subject repairs/remediation, contained no coastal sage scrub and adjacent areas were not subject to any other disturbance such as grading, equipment staging, etc., it was not necessary to implement any of the minimization measures, except for the pre- construction survey requirement: Additionally, prior to the commencement of grading operations or other activities involving disturbances CSS, a survey will be conducted to locate gnatcatchers and cactus 3 - Pre-Construction Survey 119 MEMORANDUM February 17, 2021 Page 2 wrens within 100 feet of the outer extent of projected soil disturbance activities, and the locations of any such species shall be clearly marked and identified on the construction/grading plans. While the project did not require disturbance of any coastal sage scrub, a pre-construction survey was conducted within 100 feet of the project work limits. No coastal California gnatcatchers were detected during the surveys and, thus it was not necessary to mark any locations. In addition, there is no suitable habitat for the cactus wren in the vicinity of the site, and cactus wren was also not detected. CONCLUSIONS The project exhibits no potential for impacts to coastal sage scrub and surveys for the coastal California gnatcatcher and cactus wren were conducted, as noted above. The project is thus in compliance with the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures. It should also be noted that the project plans have incorporated native scrub elements in the seed mix for post construction erosion control including: Quailbush (Atriplex lentiformis) 3 lbs./acre California bush sunflower (Encelia californica) 3 lbs./acre Coast Goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii) 3 lbs./acre 120 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1940 E Deere Avenue, Suite 250 ● Santa Ana, California 92705 ● 949.837.0404 PROJECT NUMBER:10850007BLUF TO: Pua Whitford, CAA Planning FROM: Tony Bomkamp DATE: April 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Additional Pre-Construction Avian Surveys for Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-008), Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 On February 16, 2021 I conducted a pre-construction survey for the federally-listed coastal California gnatcatcher at the above-referenced site at the corner of Back Bay Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road in accordance with the Orange County Central Coastal NCCP/HCP “NCCP Construction Measures”. The results of February 16, 2021 surveys are summarized in a Memorandum that addresses the surveys, dated February 17, 2021. SITE CONDITIONS It is GLA’s understanding that additional geotechnical remediation may be necessary based on a study prepared by Heatherington Engineering dated March 29, 2021 that identifies two additional locations within the Park Newport Apartment ownership, specifically impacts associated with possible installation of soldier pile wall and extended club house piles above June 21, 2020 landslide and possible soldier pile walls below Building 4. Included in the biological review would be an on-site assessment of direct impacts associated with the project work and indirect impacts associated with construction-related impacts to adjacent areas due to construction noise, dust, etc. A pre-construction surveys for the coastal California gnatcatcher and the coastal cactus wren would be conducted, consistent with the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures excerpted below. NCCP CONSTRUCTION MEASURES Based on GLA’s initial review, it does not appear that native habitats would be impacted by the remedial work at the two proposed locations noted above; nevertheless, the site assessment and surveys would be conducted to ensure compliance with the portion of the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures excerpted below. 7 - Future Construction Memo 121 MEMORANDUM April 19, 2021 Page 2 Additionally, prior to the commencement of grading operations or other activities involving disturbances CSS, a survey will be conducted to locate gnatcatchers and cactus wrens within 100 feet of the outer extent of projected soil disturbance activities, and the locations of any such species shall be clearly marked and identified on the construction/grading plans. Thus, while it does not appear that native habitats would be impacted by the remedial work at the two proposed locations noted above, the site assessment and surveys should be conducted to ensure compliance with the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures, as noted. 122 From:Juliette Worthe To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Tarps @ Park Newport Date:April 19, 2022 2:50:00 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Planning Commissioner: We own a residence in Harbor Cove on the bluff. We face the tarps at Park Newport. As youknow they are very unsightly. We see them from every room in our house. They are so large and imposing. We do not have guests over anymore from October to May. It has wreakedhavoc on our life. We have appealed to Park Newport many times. They do not seem to care. We actually broke down and had a small super bowl party this past February. The first thingour guests said is...how can they allow this. We have nowhere to turn but to ask you to please not approve this. I do not believe this is a solution. We plan to fight the Coastal Commission ifthis is approved. I grew up in Malibu where rock and landslides are common. I have NEVER seen tarps on the beautiful hillsides. We need to hold Park Newport accountable and come upwith a better solution. Thank you, -- Juliette and Todd Worthe 1435 High Bluff Drive949-981-8900 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3a - Additional Materials Received Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Community Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Matt Schneider, Principal Planner Date: April 21, 2022 Re: Item No. 3 - Park Newport Rock Fall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Attached, please find a summary provided this afternoon by the project applicant’s engineer, Hetherington Engineering, Inc., to incorporate written documentation into the project record that alternative methods to mitigate the landslide/rock fall risks were analyzed and considered as part of the project. A discussion of alternatives analysis was inadvertently omitted from the staff report; therefore, inclusion of the attached letter into the project record is appropriate. Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3b - Additional Materials Received After Deadline From Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3b - Additional Materials Received After Deadline From Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3b - Additional Materials Received After Deadline From Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) From:John M Beringer Jr To:Lee, Amanda; rgarciamay@newportbeachca.gov Cc:Yvette Mayville Subject:Park Newport Rock Fall Mitigation Date:April 21, 2022 2:18:27 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I, and others, opposed the use of municipal funds for stabilization of the rock face below Building Four and Unit 4830 of Park Newport. This work should be paid for by Park Newport's corporate management either directly or in equity, rather than using our municipal funds. The erosion is at least in part due to the defective and anticipated construction failure of Park Newport's property. It is their liability to stabilize the cliff face as they are the direct causation of the face's failure. If the Newport City Council were to approve funding the repair, it would represent an unjust enrichment for the corporation and an illegal use of municipal funds. If the safety of others is a concern, and stabilization is deemed an emergency, I suggest Park Newport's use of Building Four and Unit 4830 be limited to those uses which do not represent an unsafe use. Condemnation of this part of the property and removal of the occupants to other locations is a reasonable response to the declaration of the stated safety emergency until Park Newport removes the exposure. John M Beringer Jr 4250 Park Newport, Apartment 308 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3c - Additional Materials Received After Deadline Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Introduction •Park Newport Apartments -5000 Park Newport Drive •Landslide occurred in June 2020 •Coastal Development Permit No. 2021-001 •Addresses development authorized under: •Emergency CDP No.2021-001 issued Jan. 22, 2021 •Emergency CDP No.2021-066 issued Oct. 26, 2021 •Proposes installation of protective devises to protect existingresidential structures 1Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Vicinity Map Park Newport Apartments Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Project Description •Anchored mesh and k-rail barriers •Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 •Temporary tarping in select locations •Installation of soldier plies to protect two existing residential structures 3Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Anchored Mesh & K-Rail •Previously authorized via Emergency CDP No.2021-001 issued Jan. 22, 2021 4Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Encroachment Waiver 5Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Encroachment Waiver 6Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Temporary Tarps •Previously authorized via Emergency CDP No.2021-066 issued Oct. 26, 2021 7Community Development Department 1 2 3 1 2 3 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Soldier Piles •CDP would authorize the installation of soldier piles to protect two existing residential structures(Building 4 & Unit 4830) 8Community Development Department BLDG 4 Unit 4830 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Local Coastal Program •LCP Implementation Plan Section 21.52.025 •Allows for the issuance of emergency CDP(s) •LCP Implementation Plan Section 21.30.030(3)(ii) •Allows protective structures when designed to mitigate existing structure threatened by natural hazards •Park Newport Apartments developed in 1969 •History of six document landslides dating back to 1978 & multiple rock fall events dating back to 1998 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Recommended Action •Conduct a public hearing •Find the project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sect. 15269(c) & 15301 (Class 1-Existing Facilities) •Waive City Council Policy L-6 Encroachments in Public Rights-of-Way •Approve Resolution No. PC2022-007 approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 10Community Development Department Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) 11 Questions and Discussion Matt Schneider, Principal Planner 949-644-3219 or mschneider@newportbeachca.gov Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 2022 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3d - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Staff Park Newport Rockfall Mitifation (PA2021-099) Park Newport Planning Commission April 21, 2022 Item No. 3 Residential Protection and Rockfall Mitigation Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Location Park Newport Blufftop Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Site History •Built in 1969 (Pre-Coastal Act) •Developed with 1,300 apartments •Small to large landslides:1978, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2005, 2020 •Rock fall:1998, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2016 •Small to large shallow slope failures occur in years with long duration and/or high intensity rainfall •Erosion takes place during most rainfall events •Geotechnical Evaluations of site since 1969 including 25 years of on-site analysis by project Geotechnical Engineer Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Prior Improvements •1970s –Timber Pile/Wood Lagging Retaining Wall, west side of Units 4570 through 4640. Eighteen piles of 10-feet bedrock embedment. •1998 –Soldier Pile Wall, west side of clubhouse. Twenty-three, 36-inch diameter, 7-feet on-center, 60-feet deep reinforced concrete caissons. •1998 –Soldier Pile Wall, southwest side of Unit 4570. Six 48-inch diameter, 8-feet on-center, 60-feet deep, reinforced concrete caissons. Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) June 2020 Landslide •Large failure exposed 10’ high vertical scarp •Resulted in substantial, on-going rockfall •Rockfall created a hazard to pedestrians and vehicles below •Emergency closure of Back Bay Drive from June 2020 until April 2021 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Coastal Development Permit •Emergency CDP •Steel Mesh •Annual Tarping of unvegetated, eroded areas •K-rail placement •CDP •Formalize emergency CDP •Soldier Piles Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Steel Mesh -Emergency CDP •Steel mesh system installed (40-60’ wide x 58’ high) on upper portion of bluff where additional failure/rockfall most likely •Purpose to reduce rockfall and debris from falling to Back Bay Drive •Installation allowed Back Bay Drive to safely reopen for vehicular traffic Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Annual Tarping –Emergency CDP •Key technical recommendation from Hetherington Engineering to slow rate of erosion on the bluff •Tarps (commercial-grade visqueen) in place during rainy season (Oct./Nov. –April) •Tarping on-going for past 25 years •Committed to sourcing neutral colored commercial-grade visqueen, or to applying camouflaging material on top of visqueen Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) K-Rail Placement –Emergency CDP Requires Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 for improvements encroaching more than 1 ft into the public right of way. Each K-Rail 20’ Long/32” High Section 1 Nine (9) K Rail Totaling 180 ft Approx. 4′ to 13′1″from Roadway Section 2 Five (5) K Rail Totaling 100 ft Approx. 2′to 3′3″from Roadway Section 3 Six (6) K Rail Totaling 108 ft Approx. 6′8″to 3′9″from Roadway Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Drilled Piers/Soldier Piles -CDP •Soldier piles 36 to 48 inches in diameter •Drilled to depth of 60 to 70 feet •Extend existing soldier piles to the south past Unit 4830, approx. 150 ft (approx. 20 soldier piles) •Install soldier piles on the southeast side of building 4, approx. 200 ft (approx. 28 soldier piles) •Installed underground –not visible Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Existing Soldier Pile Wall (1998) Existing Soldier Pile Wall (1998) Proposed Soldier Pile Wall Existing Wood Retaining Wall (1979) Proposed Soldier Pile Wall Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) LIP Section 21.30.030(c)(3) Protective Structures •Project consistent with LIP which allows for protective structures in limited instances •Development pre-dates the Coastal Act •Work limited to protecting the primary structures •Considered the minimum amount of work necessary •No enlargement or expansion, no new development •No impact to coastal waters Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Alternatives Analysis •Evaluated range of project alternatives •Proposed project determined to be least environmentally damaging practicable alternative based on landform modification, biological resources, coastal views, and public access •All other alternatives would result in greater impacts Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Conclusion •Project is consistent with the City’s LCP and Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act •Committed to finding neutral colored commercial-grade visqueen or other camouflaging for tarps •Findings can be made for the issuance of a CDP and encroachment waiver pursuant to Council Policy L-6 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Requested Action •Approve CDP CD2021-001 for rockfall mitigation and primary structure protection •Waive City Council Policy L-6 for k-rail sections that encroach more than 1 foot into the public right of way Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) LIP Section 21.30 Consistency “Provides regulations for the protection of natural landforms and shoreline features. The intent is to ensure that development is sited and designed to minimize hazards to life and property; to ensure the structural integrity of bluffs and canyons; to neither create nor contribute to erosion or adverse impacts on shoreline sand supply and the shoreline; to maintain a system of harbor bulkheads that are essential to the continued operation of Newport Harbor and to protect public access, public views, and scenic qualities of the coastal zone; and to implement policies of the Coastal Land Use Plan.” •Park Newport Developed in 1969 •Development Limited to Mitigation and Protection •Rockfall Mitigation Measures will Minimize Erosion •Soldier Piles will Protect Residential Structures which pre-date the Coastal Act •Not an Ocean Bluff/No Impact on Sand Supply •Help ensure Back Bay Drive remains open for recreation and vehicle traffic •Materials chosen for minimal aesthetic impact Local Costal Program Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Chapter 3 Coastal Resources Consistency Article 2 Public Access Article 3 Recreation •Consistent with §30211, development does not interfere with public access. Rockfall mitigation will help ensure public safety and keep Back Bay Drive open to the public. •Consistent with §30221, development protects public recreational activities. Rockfall mitigation will help to ensure bicycling and pedestrian access to Upper Newport Bay and parking access for Big Canyon trail remain accessible. California Coastal Act Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Chapter 3 Coastal Resources Consistency Article 4 Marine Environment Article 5 Land Resources •Consistent with §30235, development will protect existing structures and will not have an adverse impact on sand supply. The buildings requiring protection are existing buildings that predate the Coastal Act. •Consistent with §30240, development will protect sensitive habitat. A preconstruction biological and avian survey was conducted and will be required for future work. Rockfall mitigation is designed to prevent impacts to habitat. California Coastal Act Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Chapter 3 Coastal Resources Consistency Article 6 Development •Consistent with §30250, rockfall mitigation helps to protect Back Bay Drive and parking lot–a visitor serving facility that cannot be relocated. •Consistent with §30251, scenic and visual quality of Upper Newport Bay will be preserved. Tarps will be used only during the rainy season and removed when not necessary. K rail are 32” in height. Mesh is low profile against scarp. Soldier piles will not be visible to the public. California Coastal Act Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Chapter 3 Coastal Resources Consistency Article 6 Development •Consistent with §30252, development will maintain and enhance public access. Rockfall mitigation will help ensure that Back Bay Drive and the parking lot remains open to the public. •Consistent with §30253, development will minimize risks to life and property. Rockfall mitigation will protect pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles traveling along Back Bay Drive. Installation of soldier piles will protect existing structures and their residents. It will not substantially alter the natural landform. California Coastal Act Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) K-Rail Placement Private encroachments that are prohibited without a waiver and approval. A.All structural encroachments including, but not limited to,fences,walls,patios,raised planters, landscaping,etc.,which encroach in excess of one (1) -foot into the public right-of-way,or exceed thee ( 3) -feet in height,measured from the top of curb elevation/or from sidewalk elevation where sidewalk exists. B.Driveway approaches not conforming to Council Policy L-2. C.Modifications to original design concepts approved by the City. D Private signs except as provided for in the Building Code. E.Lighting. F.Parkway walkway surfacing of loose rock,gravel,or any surfacing other than standard or colored/textured concrete or flat stone/brick/ pavers installed at grade. G.Private dwellings and appendages including raised patios decks and bay windows,except as provided for in this section and the Building Code. H.Pay telephones and private mail carriers drop boxes. Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Emergency CDP No. CD2021-001 •In response to a rockslide in June 2020 that forced the closure of Back Bay Drive.•Emergency Work Included: •Installation of mesh totaling 2,900 sf secured by 8 boundary anchors, 5 spot anchors and 41 pattern anchors •Placement of K rail barrier (5 totaling 100 ft)•The emergency work helps prevent surficial rockslides and stop small debris from reaching Back Bay Drive.•Work Completed on March 26, 2021 and Back Bay Drive was Determined to be Safe for Vehicular Traffic April 2021. Authorized January 22, 2021 Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Emergency Permits and CDP •Emergency Permit CD2021-001 –Authorized January 22, 2021 / Work Complete March 2021. •Emergency Permit CD2021-066 –Authorized October 25, 2021 / Work Complete November 2022. •Coastal Development Permit CD2021- 001/PA2021-099 –Applied April 22, 2021. Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Emergency CDP No. CD2021-066 Authorized October 26, 2021 •In Response to Upcoming Rainy Season •Emergency Work Included: •Installation of tarps on slope •Secured with similar color sandbags •Minimize erosion and debris •Evaluation by geotechnical engineer •Annual temporary placement •Seasonal basis during rainy season (October-April) •Placed in three locations along the slope Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099) Planning Commission - April 21, 2022 Item No. 3e - Additional Materials Presented at Meeting by Applicant Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation (PA2021-099)