HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0064_20230420_NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE FILINGCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FILING (Via Email) April 20, 2023 Daniel Martinez, Architect 1445 Glenneyre Street, Suite B Laguna Beach, CA 92651 daniel@dmadesigns.com Application No. PA2023-0064 •Variance •Coastal Development Permit Address 2607 Ocean Boulevard Please be advised that after reviewing the subject application, your submittal has been deemed incomplete and further information is required before we are able to proceed with the application process. The following documentation is required to complete the application: 1.Plans Please be advised, the project as designed does not comply with all required property development standards identified in Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 21.30 (Property Development Standards). Reference the attached plan check correction sheet for a list of the required changes. 2.Project Description and Justification. a)To help describe the project, please provide a visual comparison of the current proposal versus previously approved plans (i.e., overlay on the elevation view). See the attached staff report for the plans that were approved by the Planning Commission on December 7, 2017. b)Attached, for your reference, is the staff report prepared by California Coastal Commission staff, related to the previous Variance application at the project site. The April 20, 2023 (PA2023-0067) Page 2 Tmplt. 10/23/2018 report provides a robust overview of the Local Coastal Program and Coastal Land Use Plan policies that the project will need to be found consistent with. 3. NBMC Section 21.30.030 (Natural Landform and Shoreline Protection). In addition to the standards in Section 21.30.075 (Landscaping), please provide a planting and irrigation plan that demonstrates compliance with subsection (C)(2) of 21.30.030. 4. NBMC Section 21.30.100 (Scenic and Visual Quality Protection). Project requires a Visual Impact Analysis be prepared. Please create view simulations from the public right of way of Ocean Boulevard and from the public right of way of China Cove Ramp. See attachment for suggested points. 5. NBMC Section 21.50.080 (Posting Notice). A “Notice of Application of Filing” is available for you to pick up at Bay C and post on site. Please provide staff a photograph of the Notice posted at the site. 6. Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP). Please provide a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) in compliance with NBMC Section 21.35.050. The WQHP shall be required for developments of water quality concern, which are specified categories of development that have a greater potential for adverse water quality and hydrologic impacts due to the development size, type of land use, and/or proximity to coastal waters. The WQHP shall be prepared by a qualified licensed professional, and shall include a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of a low impact development (LID) approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Additional plan components that may be required include an alternatives analysis, and a description of the treatment control and/or runoff control BMPs the development will implement to minimize potential post-development water quality and hydrologic impacts. Please reference cited Section for additional information. 7. Project Review Request (PRR) Your project has been routed to the relevant City departments for review and comment. PRR comments from the Building Division, Geologist, Fire/Life Safety Division, and Public Works Department are attached. April 20, 2023 (PA2023-0067) Page 3 Tmplt. 10/23/2018 8. Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission (PB&R) As identified by Public Works, the project will require review and approval from the PB&R Commission. 9. Structural Integrity of Retaining Wall Along Way Lane The CMU wall at the bottom of the slope (along Way Lane) is shown on the plans as existing to remain. Please have an engineer inspect the wall and prepare a report on the safety and stability of the wall. 10. Miscellaneous Staff would like to meet with the architect team to discuss comments prior to resubmittal. Please reach out to staff to set up a meeting. Upon verification of completion, the application will be processed and scheduled for a Planning Commission Hearing. Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner, at 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov. By: Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner Attachments: Planning Correction Sheet Plan Markups Staff Report for Ginsberg Residence (PA2016-170) California Coastal Commission Staff Report for W11a California Coastal Commission Staff Report for A-5-NPB-18-0006 NBMC Section 21.30.030 Natural Landform and Shoreline Protection. Visual Impact Analysis – View simulation suggestions 5% Slope Building Envelope Exhibits PRR Comments – Building Division PRR Comments – Grading PRR Comments – Fire/Life Safety PRR Comments – Public Works City of Newport Beach Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Phone: (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov PLANNING DIVISION PLAN CHECK CORRECTIONS F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates Revised 09-11-18 – CDD Plan Checker Joselyn Perez Phone No: 949.644.3312 Email Address: jperez@newportbeachca.gov: PLAN CHECK NO. PA2023-0064 ADDRESS: 2067 Ocean Boulevard CORRECTION DATE: April 20, 2023 CORRECTIONS: 1) Height Analysis i) Points Used Provided grade plane on sheet AR1.0 uses points from grade plane in PA2016-170. Current project however contains a new topographic survey and the elevations in the new survey don’t match the elevations in the survey done for PA2016-170. If using the new survey prepared by Robert J Russell, please update your grade plane to use the points from your survey. ii) Measuring Height Throughout the plans, lines to demonstrate height limit are provided but they appear to be projecting from a pre-construction/original topography rather than projecting from the interpolated grade plane. Please see the attached exhibits on measurement of height and revise your lines accordingly. Your height limit lines on architectural sheets should be 24/29 feet above the interpolated grade below. Grading plan can use NG contours. 2) Setback Exhibit While setback encroachments are shown on AR1.0/Height Analysis, for clarity, please provide a standalone sheet showing the proposed setback encroachments. 3) Appearance of a 3rd Floor (see sheet A6.0) Wall along southern edge of living room on the upper level is in line with the wall of the middle level and lower level. There is no relief or break in the massing. This design creates a continuous, three-story, wall plane, as seen from Way Lane. Is there the potential to provide relief in the circled area? i.e., carve out a balcony or recess part of the wall. Breaking up the massing could help prevent the appearance of third floor and therefore the application of development standards found in NBMC section 20.48.180, related to third floors. 4)Exterior Wall Removal Please add to plan set an exhibit showing: i)the total lineal footage of exterior walls and, ii)the amount of exterior wall that is to be removed and replaced. 5)Mechanical Rooms and Exclusion from Gross Floor Area (GFA) For a mechanical room to be excluded from GFA, the mech room must either be inaccessible (i.e., no swinging door, instead a 3-foot by 3-foot access hatch) or measure less than 6 feet from floor to ceiling, without the use of drop ceilings. Please provide section views through the excluded areas. 6)Interior Clear Space for Garage Please add the interior clear dimension to garage no. 1 to demonstrate compliant parking. Less than 4,000 sq. ft. of livable, 2 spaces required. 7)Open Volume Calculation Please add provided open volume to the project data and add to area calculation exhibit where the open volume occurs. NBMC requires open volume be provided outside of the required setbacks. Variance application will need to include open volume if required open volume is being provided within required setbacks. 8)Elevator What is the overall size of the elevator? Elevators that are 30 square feet in size or less may extend to the 29-foot height limit. 9)Sheet AR1.1 For clarity, please shade the over height elements in a striking color. Staff suggests yellow. 10) Structure Beyond the Property Line Please pull back all elements of building that extend beyond the PL (i.e., eaves). GARAGE #2 ENTRY FOYER ELEV GARAGE #1 MECH PWDR LVL 1 STORAGE SLOPED CRAWL SPACE STAIRWELL A2.0 LO W E R L E V E L F L O O R P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CONSTRUCTION LEGEND PL PL PL A6.0 EX T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N S - W E S T & E A S T OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 6 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L 0 A R  C A L I ) O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB SOUTH - alley view NORTH- ramp view Due to Bulk Please use the following links to access the attachments: Staff Report for Ginsberg Residence (PA2016-170) https://ecms.newportbeachca.gov/WEB/Browse.aspx?id=1241682&dbid=0&repo=CNB California Coastal Commission Staff Report for W11a-3-2018/A-5-NPB-18-0006 https://documents.coastal.ca.gov/reports/2018/3/w11a/w11a-3-2018-report.pdf California Coastal Commission Staff Report for Th15b/A-5-NPB-18-0006 https://documents.coastal.ca.gov/reports/2019/12/Th15b/Th15b-12-2019-report.pdf 4/20/23, 11:32 AM Chapter 21.30 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/#!/NewportBeach21/NewportBeach2130.html#21.30.015 1/6 21.30.030 Natural Landform and Shoreline Protection. A. Purpose. This section provides regulations for the protection of natural landforms and shoreline features. The intent is to ensure that development is sited and designed to minimize hazards to life and property; to ensure the structural integrity of bluffs and canyons; to neither create nor contribute to erosion or adverse impacts on shoreline sand supply and the shoreline; to maintain a system of harbor bulkheads that are essential to the continued operation of Newport Harbor and to protect public access, public views, and scenic qualities of the coastal zone; and to implement policies of the Coastal Land Use Plan. B. Applicability. This section applies to coastal development permit applications for development applications on lots that abut or include bluffs, canyons, beaches, or the shoreline. C. Development Standards. Development proposed on coastal bluffs or within coastal canyons or within shoreline areas identified in Section IV of Appendix A of this Implementation Plan are subject to the following standards: 1. Bluff and Canyon Setbacks. a. B Overlay and C Overlay Districts. As provided in Section 21.28.040 (Bluff (B) Overlay District) and Section 21.28.050 (Canyon (C) Overlay District). b. Planned Communities. Planned communities established before the January 27, 2006, certification date of the Coastal Land Use Plan (i.e., Bayside Residential, Bayview Landing, Newport Coast, Newport Ridge, Newporter North (Harbor Cove), Park Newport, and Upper Castaways) shall maintain the setbacks established by the approved site plan. c. Bluff or canyon development setbacks shall be increased if found to be necessary to ensure safety and the stability of the development by a coastal hazard and/or geologic stability report required by Section 21.30.015(E). d. Other Coastal Zoning Districts. As required by the development standards for that coastal zoning district. 2. Landscaping and Irrigation. In addition to the standards in Section 21.30.075 (Landscaping), the following standards shall apply: a. Plant material shall provide a transition area between developed areas and natural habitats and shall be drought-tolerant and either native or noninvasive to minimize the need for irrigation beyond initial plant establishment. 4/20/23, 11:32 AM Chapter 21.30 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/#!/NewportBeach21/NewportBeach2130.html#21.30.015 2/6 b. The selection and siting of landscaping materials shall minimize impacts to public views at maturity. c. Permanent irrigation shall not be allowed on or near a bluff or canyon protected by dedication to the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve or dedicated as open space as part of a planned residential development. Temporary irrigation (e.g., above ground sprayers, microsprayers, drip irrigation, etc.) may be allowed on a case-by-case basis as necessary to establish native or naturalized plant materials. Temporary irrigation shall be removed upon establishment of the plant materials. d. Irrigation systems shall be designed to minimize coastal bluff and canyon erosion. Water-efficient systems (e.g., drip, mini-spray, bubbler-type, or similar drip systems) shall be used on bluff and canyon faces and within fifty (50) feet of a bluff edge or canyon edge. Low- flow sprinkler heads with matched precipitation rates shall be used when spray or rotor-type heads are specified for watering shrubs and groundcover areas. 3. Protective Structures. The following standards shall apply to the construction of protective structures: a. Limits on Use. The construction of protective structures shall be prohibited, except to protect coastal-dependent uses, or public beaches in danger from erosion and when designed to eliminate or mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply, and existing structures that are: i. Not subject to recorded waivers of future protection. ii. Threatened by natural hazards, provided that the protective structures are limited to the minimum required to protect the existing structure and located on private land, not State tidelands. For purposes of this subsection, “existing structure” shall consist only of a principal structure (e.g., residential dwelling, required garage, second residential unit, etc.) and shall not include accessory structures (e.g., cabanas, decks, landscaping, patios, pools, stairs, tennis courts, etc.). b. Enlargement and Expansion of Land Areas. The construction of protective structures shall be prohibited for the purpose of enlarging or expanding areas for new development or for new development. However, this shall not preclude the expansion or encroachment into coastal waters to the minimum extent necessary to repair, maintain, or replace an existing protective device that is in general alignment with any adjacent protective device(s). Under no circumstances shall the backfill be used to create new usable land areas. Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 4/20/2023 0 8040 5% Slope Guide NBMC 20.30.050.B(3): More than Five Percent Slope: a. On lots where the slope of the four-sided polygon is greater than five percent, the established grade from which structure height is measured shall be a plane established by determining the elevation of the lot at five evenly spaced points along each of the two side property lines and connecting each of the points along a side property line with the corresponding point on the opposite side property line. b. The five evenly spaced points along each side property line shall be located so that one point is located at the intersection of the front setback line with the side property line and another point is located at the intersection of the rear setback line with the side property line. The other three points along the side property line shall be located so that all five points are equidistant from each other (see Figure 3-3). s u m i c h d e s i g n ge o s u m i c h d esi g n geo s um ic h de s i g n g eo s um i c h de s i g n g eo s u mi c h de s ign g e o s u mi c h d e s ign ge o s u mic h d e s ign ge o Height Envelope Study215 Milford Dr, Corona del Mar CA 2 EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 6'-0" 6'-0" P3P4P5 P2 P1 P4 EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING NEIGHBORING HOUSE MI L F O R D D R EXISTING NEIGHBORING HOUSE P3 P2 P1P5 s u m i c h de s i g n ge o s u m i c h d e s ign g eo s u m i c h de s i g n ge o s u m i c h d e s i gn g e o s u m i c h d e s i g n ge o s u mi c h d e s i g n ge o s u mi c h d e s i gn g e o HE I G H T L I M I T D I A G R A M - #P r o j e c t N a m e #S i t e A d d r e s s 1 , #S i t e C i t y #S i t e S t a t e 1#### P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 PROPERTY LINE 24' FLAT ROOF HEIGHT LIMIT 29' SLOPE ROOF HEIGHT LIMIT CAN Y O N MILFO R D D R s u m i c h d e s i g n ge o s u m i c h d e s i g n ge o s u m ic h d e s i g n geo s um ic h de s i g n g eo s u m i c h de s i g n g eo s u mi c h de s ign ge o s u mic h de s ign g e o Height Envelope Study (3D)215 Milford Dr, Corona del Mar CA 3 Tmplt: 10/10/12 P ROJECT R EVIEW R EQUES T C O M M U N I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T Planning Division Please Distribute to: Public Works – D. Keely Building Division – WQMP & Grading – S. Gutierrez Fire/Life Safety – J. Gillespie Date: March 23, 2023 Please return PRR and Plans to Staff Planner Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov Applicant: Daniel Martinez Architect Contact: Daniel Martinez 949.494.7272 daniel@dmadesigns.com Project Name Bollenbacker Residence Address: 2607 Ocean Boulevard (PA2023-0064) Variance, Coastal Development Permit Remodel and addition to an existing single-family dwelling unit resulting in a 3,302 square foot, 4-story, single family dwelling unit with 808 square feet of attached garage parking. REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 6, 2023 Planning Commission HEARING DATE: TBD Check all that apply: ❑ No comments on the project as presented. Notes: 1. Compliance with requirements for emergency escape and rescue openings (EEROs) will be required for all bedrooms and sleeping rooms (CRC R310) in added and altered building areas. A submittal of a Request for Alternate Material or Method of Construction will be required for the EERO serving Bedroom 4 because the 3rd floor projects over the egress path from the opening. 2. Verify that the 1,730sf of proposed new or replaced impervious area documented on the precise grading plan includes the areas where new roof and deck framing will be constructed. If the total area of new or replaced impervious surface materials is at least 5,000sf a Water Quality Management Plan will be required (or at least 2,500sf if the site runoff discharges directly into Newport Bay). 3. Though cut stability analyses have been provided by the geotechnical engineer, shoring will be required for the proposed cuts shown in Sections A-A on sheet A7.0 and D-D on sheets A7.1 and A7.2. 4. Cut stability analyses will be required for the proposed new retaining walls inside the NE property line. These will need to X Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. ❑ Recommended conditions of approval are attached. ❑ Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. ❑ I contacted the applicant on ❑ To schedule an appt. for Code review ❑ To discuss the following (see notes) Tmplt: 10/10/12 be submitted for review by the Building Division Engineering Geologist. 5. Where new building footings will be constructed adjacent to existing retaining walls as shown in west elevation on sheet A6.1, new footings shall be founded at least as deep as the existing retaining wall footings, or analyses of the existing retaining walls for the new footing surcharge loads will be required. 6. If there is not access to an exterior exit stairway from the upper level, and the maximum travel distance from any occupied point on the upper level to the interior stairway providing egress to the middle level exceeds 50’, a second means of egress from the upper level will be required (CRC R311.4). 7. If the ratio of construction cost to market value for the existing dwelling equals or exceeds 50%, the entire building shall comply with the code provisions for new construction (NBMC 15.02.060). Fire sprinklers are proposed for this project, so the remaining element that will need to be updated to comply with the current code is the capillary break beneath the existing concrete slabs on grade according to 2022 California Green Building Standards Code Section 4.505.2.1. Eric Skarin 3270 04/06/23 Signature Ext. Date Please indicate the approximate time spent on reviewing this project: 2hrs Tmplt: 10/10/12 P ROJECT R EVIEW R EQUEST C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT D EPARTMENT Planning Division Please Distribute to: WQMP & Grading – S. Gutierrez Date: March 23, 2023 Please return PRR and Plans to Staff Planner Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov Applicant: Daniel Martinez Architect Contact: Daniel Martinez 949.494.7272 daniel@dmadesigns.com Project Name Bollenbacker Residence Address: 2607 Ocean Boulevard (PA2023-0064) Variance, Coastal Development Permit Remodel and addition to an existing single-family dwelling unit resulting in a 3,302 square foot, 4-story, single family dwelling unit with 808 square feet of attached garage parking. REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 6, 2023 Planning Commission HEARING DATE: TBD Check all that apply:  No comments on the project as presented. Notes: Once a Final Geotechnical Report has been generated with out of slope bedding surcharge lateral earth pressures values the conventional footing retaining structure may not meet code and a deep foundation system may need to be designed to accommodate foundation setback, out of slope bedding and seismic earth pressures acting on the proposed retaining wall will need to be analyze. The Geotechnical Engineer must also utilize the condition for projecting 1:1 plane from the toe of slope to determine the H/3 foundation setback. Sergio Gutierrez 3213 3/28/2023 Signature Ext. Date  Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design.  Recommended conditions of approval are attached. X Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project.  I contacted the applicant on  To schedule an appt. for Code review  To discuss the following (see notes) Please indicate the approximate time spent on reviewing this project: Tmplt: 10/10/12 P ROJECT R EVIEW R EQUEST C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT D EPARTMENT Planning Division Please Distribute to: Public Works – D. Keely Building Division – WQMP & Grading – S. Gutierrez Fire/Life Safety – J. Gillespie Date: March 23, 2023 Please return PRR and Plans to Staff Planner Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov Applicant: Daniel Martinez Architect Contact: Daniel Martinez 949.494.7272 daniel@dmadesigns.com Project Name Bollenbacker Residence Address: 2607 Ocean Boulevard (PA2023-0064) Variance, Coastal Development Permit Remodel and addition to an existing single-family dwelling unit resulting in a 3,302 square foot, 4-story, single family dwelling unit with 808 square feet of attached garage parking. REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 6, 2023 Planning Commission HEARING DATE: TBD Check all that apply:  No comments on the project as presented. Notes: An NFPA 13D fire sprinkler system is required for this development. James Gillespie 3354 4/10/23 Signature Ext. Date X Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design.  Recommended conditions of approval are attached.  Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project.  I contacted the applicant on  To schedule an appt. for Code review  To discuss the following (see notes) Please indicate the approximate time spent on reviewing this project: Tmplt: 10/10/12 P ROJECT R EVIEW R EQUEST C O M M U N I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T Planning Division Please Distribute to: Public Works – D. Keely Building Division – WQMP & Grading – S. Gutierrez Fire/Life Safety – J. Gillespie Date: March 23, 2023 Please return PRR and Plans to Staff Planner Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner 949-644-3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov Applicant: Daniel Martinez Architect Contact: Daniel Martinez 949.494.7272 daniel@dmadesigns.com Project Name Bollenbacker Residence Address: 2607 Ocean Boulevard (PA2023-0064) Variance, Coastal Development Permit Remodel and addition to an existing single-family dwelling unit resulting in a 3,302 square foot, 4-story, single family dwelling unit with 808 square feet of attached garage parking. REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 6, 2023 Planning Commission HEARING DATE: TBD Check all that apply:  No comments on the project as presented. Notes: Signature Ext. Date  Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design.  Recommended conditions of approval are attached.  Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project.  I contacted the applicant on  To schedule an appt. for Code review  To discuss the following (see notes) Please indicate the approximate time spent on reviewing this project: OCEAN BOUL E V A R D FERNLEAF RAMP WAY LAN E N49°24'40"W 5 5 . 1 5 ' N29°22'52 " W 4 9 . 6 6 ' N5 0 ° 1 1 ' 1 9 " E 5 3 . 3 7 ' N4 0 ° 3 5 ' 1 2 " E 3 5 . 6 1 ' N49°24'46"W 1 1 0 . 7 1 ' D A H L I A A V E N U E ROOF DECK 54.85 F.S EXISTING NATURAL GRADE TO REMAIN EXISTING BLDG ENV PROPOSED BLDG ENV EXISTING BLDG ENV PROPOSED BLDG ENV VIEWING DECK (E) 56.0 F.S. SKY SK Y PATIO (N) 54.5 F.S. 62.0 TOW 59.2 N.G. 58.2 TOW 55.2 N.G. SPA 57.6 TOW 54.6 N.G. CONC 54.25 F.S. 54.0 TC 53.5 F.G. 53.5 TC 53.0 F.G.PLNT 52.25 F.G. PLANTER PLANTER PLANTER FLAT ROOF 58.34 FLAT ROOF 63.75 3:12 SLOPE 3: 1 2 SL O P E FLAT ROOF 56.0 FL A T R O O F 62.8 TOR TRELLIS 3: 1 2 SL O P E TRASH (E) EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN NEW CONC DRIVE TO SINGLE CAR GARAGE 39.62 TOW 39.1 F.G. 31.2 TOW 25.2 F.G. (E) NEW CONC DRIVE TO (E) 2 CAR GARAGE PROPOSED ADDITION BLW (SHADED) MIDDLE LVL DECK O'HG (N) EXISTING BLDG FOOTPRINT PROJECTED CONTOUR (PRE 1947 BLDG PERMIT) 74.22 FL 74.85 TC NAVD 88 75.48 FL 76.14 TC NAVD 88 73.15 FL 73.81 TC NAVD 88 67.15 FL 67.80 TC NAVD 88 59.8 E.G. 35.12 TOW 27.13 F.S. EXISTING DECK & CATWALK TO BE REMOVED, (DASHED) EXISTING DECK & CATWALK TO BE REMOVED, (DASHED) EXISTING (3) STORY RESIDENCE (HATCHED) A1.0 SI T E P L A N & P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 26 0 7 O C E A N B V L D , C O R O N A D E L M A R , C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN OWNER PROJECT ADDRESS MIKE BOLLENBACKER OCEAN BLVD LLC 8141 2ND STREET DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90241 818.631.0389 2607 OCEAN BLVD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF BLOCK 0-32 OF CORONA DEL MAR TRACT, MM 3/41-42 AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 2009-1150, RSB 238 / 24, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA AP# 052-041-05 PROJECT DESCRIPTION - SCOPE OF WORK 1.RENOVATE EXISTING 3 STORY RESIDENCE 1.1.COMPLETE REMODEL OF ALL LEVELS 1.2.MODIFY EXISTING GARAGE TO PROVIDE COMPLIANT CLEAR PARKING FOR (2) CARS AT ALLEY LEVEL. 1.3.RELOCATE HOUSE ENTRY FROM UPPER LEVEL 3RD FLOOR TO LOWER 1ST FLOOR ALLEY BELOW. 1.4.ADD ADDITIONAL (1) CAR GARAGE AT ALLEY LEVEL. 1.5.REMOVE EXISTING ENTRY LEVEL DECK AT UPPER FLOOR. 2.ADD BEDROOM SUITE AT UPPER LEVEL 3RD FLOOR. 3.CONSTRUCT ROOF DECK AND LANDSCAPE / HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT REAR YARD NATURAL GRADE. LOCATION EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL 1ST LEVEL (ALLEY) 282 SQFT 23 SQFT 305 SQFT 2ND LEVEL (MIDDLE) 880 SQFT 337 SQFT 1217 SQFT 3RD LEVEL (UPPER) 1098 SQFT 682 SQFT 1780 SQFT TOTALS (HABITABLE) 2260 SQFT 1042 SQFT 3302 SQFT GARAGE: 384 SQFT 424 SQFT 808 SQFT DECK (MIDDLE)- 102 SQFT 102 SQFT DECK (UPPER) 553 SQFT -553 SQFT 0 SQFT DECK (ROOF)- 553 SQFT 553 SQFT TOTAL DECKS: -553 SQFT 553 SQFT 665 SQFT TOTAL HABITABLE:3302 SQFT TOTAL GARAGE: 808 SQFT FAR TOTAL 4110 SQFT BUILDABLE AREA WITHIN ZONING SETBACKS: 1910 SQFT FLOOR AREA RATIO:1910 X 1.5 = 2865 SQFT MAXIMUM BUILDABLE AREA RELATIVE TO PROPOSED SETBACKS: 3029 SQFT -FRONT = 8'-0" -REAR = 0'-0" (EXISTING LEGAL NON-CONFORMING) -SIDE (PROJECT EAST) = 3'-1" (EXISTING LEGAL NON-CONFORMING) SIDE (PROJECT WEST) = 7'-7" (AVG LOT WITH 106.25' X 10% = 10'-8") 10'-8" TL S.B. - 3'-1" (EAST S.B.) = 7'-7" PROPOSED FLOOR AREA RATIO:3029 X 1.5 = 4543.5 SQFT MAXIMUM F.A.R. SITE AREA: 4257 SQFT FLOOR AREA RATIO: 4110 / 4257 = .96 LOT COVERAGE BUILDING FOOTPRINT AT EAVE & DECK PROJECTIONS: 1965 SQFT COVERAGE: FOOTPRINT1965 SQFT / SITE 4257 SQFT = 46% PROJECT SQUARE FOOTAGE PROJECT CONSULTANTS ZONE:R-1 OCCUPANCY:R-3 / U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-B, SPRINKLERED APPLICABLE CODES:2021 CRC, 2021 CBC, CMC, CEC, CGBC, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ORDINANCE (NBMC) PROJECT DATA NOTES SHEET INDEX 58.40 N.G. 27.15 N.G. 33.25 N.G. 54.32 N.G. 36.50 N.G. 59.12 N.G. 33.00 N.G. 45.0 N.G. 54.60 N.G. 29.5N.G. 21.46 F.S. 54.10 N.G. 27.74 F.S. 26.46 F.S. 21.07 F.S. (+23.82)34.16 N.G. 57.98 SLOPED ROOF +(13.93)39.75 N.G. 53.68 SLOPED ROOF (+2.05) 51.63 N.G. 53.68 SLOPED ROOF (+5.75)52.23 N.G. 57.98 SLOPED ROOF (+25.35)37.50 N.G. 62.85 TRELLIS (+26.62) 31.73 N.G. 58.53 GLASS RAIL (+21.03) 37.50 N.G. 58.53 GLASS RAIL (+26.72) 31.81 NG 58.53 SOLID RAIL (+28.22) 30.8 NG 59.03 PARAPET (+14.12) 44.91 WALK F.S. 59.03 PARAPET (+31.02) 33.25 NG 64.25 ELEVATOR PARAPET (+23.95)29.25 N.G. 53.20 SLOPED ROOF (+30.92)22.91 F.S. 53.20 SLOPED ROOF (+8.46)54.39 N.G. 62.85 TRELLIS (+15.03)47.82 N.G. 62.85 TRELLIS 4'-0" S.B. 1 0 ' - 0 " S . B . 1 0 ' - 0 " S . B . 4'-0" S.B. BLDG ENVELOPE BLDG ENVELOPE BLDG ENVELOPE BLDG ENVELOPE 15 ' - 7 " 31 ' - 8 " 38.80 N.G. 45.40 N.G. 52.50 N.G. (+17.98) 38.18 N.G. 56.16 SLOPED ROOF (+27.99) 34.86 N.G. 62.85 TRELLIS AR1.0 PR O J E C T H E I G H T A N A L Y S I S OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 26 0 7 O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L 0 A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB PROJECT HEIGHT ANALYSIS NOTES AR2.0 LA N D S C A P E / H A R D S C A P E C O N C E P T U A L P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L 0 A R  C A L I ) O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB LANDSCAPE / HARDSCAPE CONCEPTUAL PLAN GARAGE #2 ENTRY FOYER ELEV GARAGE #1 MECH PWDR LVL 1 STORAGE SLOPED CRAWL SPACE STAIRWELL A2.0 LO W E R L E V E L F L O O R P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CONSTRUCTION LEGEND BDRM #2 GUEST SUITE GUEST BATH GUEST WALK-IN GUEST SHWR WC TUB WC SHWR DECK BATH #2 GAME ROOM ELEV LAUNDRY MECH / STOR (E) STAIRWELL UPPER LVL CRAWL SPACE A3.0 MI D D L E L E V E L F L O O R P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB MIDDLE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CONSTRUCTION LEGEND WALK-IN #1 WALK-IN #2 PWDR LVL 3 KITCHEN PANTRY LIVING ROOM PRIMARY BDRM PRIMARY BATH ELEV WC STAIRWELL A4.0 UP P E R L E V E L F L O O R P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CONSTRUCTION LEGEND ROOF DECK ELEV STOR BLW SPA VIEWING DECK (E) DESTINATION PATIO FERNLEAF RAMP A5.0 RO O F P L A N OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E  0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB ROOF PLAN PL PL PL A6.0 EX T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N S - W E S T & E A S T OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 6 0  O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L 0 A R  C A L I ) O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB SOUTH - alley view NORTH- ramp view PL PL FAMILY RM GAME RM ENTRY FOYER PWDR LNDRYELEV ROOF DECK SB (E) SB (E) FERNLEAF RAMP WAY LANE A7.2 BU I L D I N G S E C T I O N S - D OC E A N B L V D R E S I D E N C E 2  7 O C E A N B V L D  C O R O N A D E L M A R  C A L I F O R N I A REVISIONS SHEET DATE SCALE JOB D-D WAY L A N E N49°24'40"W 55.15' N29° 2 2 ' 5 2 " W 4 9 . 6 6 ' N5 0 ° 1 1 ' 1 9 " E 5 3 . 3 7 ' N49°24'46"W 110.71' N4 0 ° 3 5 ' 1 2 " E 3 5 . 6 1 ' FERNLEAF RAM P WAY L A N E DA H L I A A V E N U E PROPOSED GARAGE: 24.43FF SECOND FLOOR: 34.12FF THIRD FLOOR: 45.12FF ROOF DECK: 54.85FS MATCH(25.83FS) EXISTING BUILDING TO REMAIN (23.29FF) MATCH (21.60FS) MATCH (22.58FS) 57.62TW (54.62FG) 23.29FF 23.21FS MATCH (23.02FS) 23.84FF 23.82FS 24.42FF 24.34FS MATCH (23.95FS) MATCH (24.85FS) 62.54TW (59.54FS)MATCH (59.79FS) MATCH (51.35FG)54.85 FS 24.42FF24.34FS 18 % 18 % MATCH (23.77FS) 9.0 % 13 % 11 % 54.44FS 54.63 FG 53.52TW (50.92FS) 54.39 FS 57.54TW 54.54FS 55.05TW (54.55FG) 54.58 FG 2. 0 % 54.25 TG 54.72 FS 54.77FS 54.64FS 55.14TC 54.64FS 54.85TW 54.35FG 54.85TW54.35FG 54.35 FG 54.13 TG PROPOED DECK 56.14FS 56.14TC55.64FS 54.62FS 55.02TW 54.52FS 55.10TW 54.60FS 54.51 FS 57.49TW 54.49FS 54.46 FS 54.36 FS 54.50 FS 54.42 FS 54.48TG 2. 0 % 55.00TW 54.50FS 54.95TW 54.45FS 55.00TW54.50FG 58 56 1.0 % 1 . 0 % 53.70 FG 53.75 FG 53.75 FG 53.85 FG 53.62 TG 59.14TW56.14FS 57.98TW (54.98FG) 40.50TW (40.00FG) 40.50TW (35.78FG) MATCH(40.20FG) 1. 0 % 3.0 % 1.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 39.94 TG40.00FG MATCH (23.25FS) 22.74 TG 1 1 1 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 8 5 5 5 5 1 WALL 1WALL 1WALL 1WALL 1WALL 1WALL 1 WALL 1WALL 1WALL 1 WALL 4 1WALL 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 PROPOSED STEPS TO LOWERLEVEL, SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR DETAILS 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 8 9 10 NUMBER DATE REVISIONS APP'V'D BENCHMARK: AJC AMACHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE: PLANS PREPARED BY: AARON M. ALBERTSON DATE R.C.E. 65513, EXP. 9/30/23 02/09/2023 02/09/2023 2607 OCEAN BOULEVARD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 SHEET OF 07 THE BENCHMARK FOR THIS SURVEY IS A COUNTY OF ORANGE VERTICAL CONTROL MONUMENT, BEING A 3.3/4" BRASS U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY DISC STAMPED "NO. 2 1926" FLUSH IN SANDSTONE ROCK LOCATED SW OF THE T JUNCTION OF OCIAN BLVD. AND DAHLIS AVE. AT THE NEWPORT BAY ENTRANCE CHANNEL. ELEVATION : 9.970' (NAVD 88') LEGEND PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL PROPOSED SITE WALL PROPOSED BUILDING LIMITS PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE DEMOLITION NOTES: 2 3 1 4 PROTECT IN PLACE, ITEM NOTED SAW CUT AND REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE STAIRS REMOVE CONCRETE WALKWAY REMOVE EXISTING RETAINING WALL REMOVE EXISTING FENCE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 NEW 3-STORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING, UNDER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT, SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS CONSTRUCT 4" THICK CONCRETE FLATWORK ON APPROVED SUBGRADE. SEE SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUBGRADE PREP. SEE SEPARATE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR MATERIAL COLOR AND FINISH. INSTALL 6" CIRCULAR AREA DRAIN IN LANDSCAPE. INSTALL 4" WIDE NDS 'DURA SLOPE' CHANNEL TRENCH DRAIN WITH LIGHT DUTY RATED GRATE. CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE STEPS PER STRUCTURAL PLANS, SEE SEPARATE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS. INSTALL LANDSCAPING PER SEPARATE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND PERMIT. CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER SEPARATE STRUCTURAL PLANS. INSTALL SPA PER SEPARATE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN AND PERMIT. INSTALL WATER FEATURE PER SEPARATE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN AND PERMIT. INSTALL GATE PER SEPARATE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN AND PERMIT. 8 9 10 5 PRECISE GRADING PLAN C-4 4 PROJECT AREAS: SITE AREA: 4,257 SF PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA: 674 SF PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1,730 SF