HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0141_20230807_Parking Study Report dated 07-18-23 July 18, 2023 THE LANDING Ms. Jennifer Brown BOARDWALK INVESTMENTS GROUP 1945 Placentia Avenue, Bldg. D Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Subject: The Landing Observed Parking Analysis, City of Newport Beach Dear Ms. Brown: Introduction RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (RK) is pleased to provide this parking analysis for The Landing shopping center located at the southwest corner of Newport Boulevard at 32nd Street in the City of Newport Beach, as shown in Exhibit A. The shopping center site plan is shown in Exhibit B. A parking study for the shopping center was completed in 2020 which utilized observed parking counts from 2019 (pre-COVID-19 pandemic) to support a request for outdoor dining. The results of the 2020 parking study concluded that the site provides an adequate number of parking spaces to support outdoor dining with a full tenant occupancy scenario. Furthermore, the findings of this observed parking study also conclude that adequate parking is provided for the outdoor dining area and a 100% tenant occupancy scenario. The site currently provides a total of 237 on-site parking spaces. Parking for the shopping center is shared globally by tenants and visitors on a surface parking lot. In addition to the parking spaces provided on the surface parking lot, there are a total of 13 parking spaces (Parking Zone 5) designated for The Landing and Malarky’s customers only. These parking spaces are located within Malarky’s parking lot and are calculated as part of the 237 on- site parking spaces provided for the project. Parking for the project is monitored and controlled by a security service that ensures the parking spaces are being utilized by shopping center customers only. Photos of the study area are available in Appendix A. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 2 2 In August of 2020, Chihuahua Cerveza, located within the shopping center, filed an application to expand its use into an adjacent suite and add 498 square feet of outdoor seating area. (Based on PC Resolution PC2020-036, the outdoor patio area had an allowance of up to 626 square feet.) The difference between the approved outdoor dining area (626 square feet) and the as-built outdoor dining area (498 square feet) is equal to 128 square feet or 3 parking spaces at a rate of 1 space per 40 square feet of net public area. As previously mentioned, an observed parking study was completed for the shopping center in August of 2020 by RK. The results of the observed parking study concluded that the shopping center provides adequate parking to accommodate the Chihuahua Cerveza expansion and outdoor seating area. A parking management plan was also included in the 2020 parking study. The project currently has 498 square feet of existing outdoor seating area, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional 867 square feet of outdoor seating area was temporarily approved and is currently in operation. Representatives of the project now propose to make the COVID outdoor patio (867 square feet) a permanent feature of the restaurant. Consequently, the total existing outdoor seating area is 1,365 square feet, resulting in the displacement of 8 parking spaces. Furthermore, in addition to the existing 1,365 square feet of outdoor patio area, representatives are proposing to add 38 square feet of additional outdoor patio space. This would bring the total outdoor patio space to 1,403 square feet, requiring the displacement of a total of 10 parking spaces (2 more spaces than currently displaced). To compensate for the additional parking displacement, 2 parking spaces are planned to be added at the back of the shopping center behind the Pavilions. As Chihuahua Cerveza's representatives are proposing to convert the temporary patio area into a permanent feature of the restaurant, it is necessary to conduct an updated parking study to assess the sufficiency of parking within the Landing Shopping Center. RK staff (Rogier Goedecke, President) completed a field review of the shopping center to confirm existing conditions. At the time of the observed parking survey, all leasable area within the shopping center was (100%) occupied with no vacant tenant space. A list of the existing tenants within The Landing shopping center are provided in Table 1. Table 1 also shows details on the existing uses such as the size of each use and the hours of operation. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 3 3 The purpose of this parking analysis is to determine whether adequate on-site parking is available to accommodate the existing conditions of the Chihuahua Cerveza. The primary objective of this parking analysis is to determine if the use can be accommodated without creating an on-site parking deficiency within the shopping center. This will be accomplished by completing the following tasks: 1. Existing Site - Determination of Required Parking per City Code: Calculate the parking spaces required for the existing shopping center and the total patio expansion area with 100% tenant occupancy per City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code (Section 20.40-050) (See Table 1). 2. Existing Site - Observed Parking Demand Counts: To determine the parking demand of the existing site more accurately, obtain observed parking counts at The Landing shopping center to determine the actual parking demand of the existing site and land use mix (See Tables 2-5). Compare the observed parking count results with the 2020 parking analysis. When compared to the parking demand calculated through the City’s Municipal Parking Code, the observed parking counts are expected to provide a more accurate and realistic expectation of the site’s parking demand that more precisely consider the characteristics and dynamics of the site such as shared parking, modal adjustment of the patrons, etc. The peak observed parking demand counts for the existing site are shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4 and are summarized in Table 5. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 4 4 Project Description The Landing shopping center currently consists of mixed retail and restaurant uses totaling approximately 47,812 square feet of gross floor area (excluding outdoor dining and patio areas). The shopping center is 100% tenant occupied with no vacancies. The existing total gross floor area is based on the most recent development plan for the site and is consistent with the 2020 observed parking study completed by RK. The Landing shopping center currently provides a total of 237 parking spaces, which are shared globally by tenants and visitors within a surface parking lot. Chihuahua Cerveza is an existing 2,616 gross square feet of full-service restaurant within The Landing shopping center. The restaurant currently has 498 square feet of existing outdoor seating area, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional 867 square feet of outdoor seating area was temporarily approved and is currently in operation. Representatives of the project now propose to make the COVID outdoor patio (867 square feet) a permanent feature of the restaurant. Consequently, the total existing outdoor seating area would be 1,365 square feet, resulting in the displacement of 8 parking spaces. Furthermore, in addition to the existing 1,365 square feet of outdoor patio area, representatives are proposing to add thirty-eight (38) square feet of additional outdoor patio space. This would bring the total outdoor patio space to 1,403 square feet, requiring the displacement of a total of ten (10) parking spaces (2 more spaces than currently displaced). To compensate for the additional parking displacement, two (2) parking spaces are planned to be added at the back of the shopping center behind the Pavilions. The floor plan is provided in Exhibit B-1. Table 1: Required Parking per The City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Table 1 shows the proposed conditions, land use mix, and hours of operation for The Landing shopping center. The shopping center is currently 100% percent occupied with no tenant vacancies. As shown in Table 1, with implementation of the proposed project, the gross floor area of all eating and drinking establishments would exceed fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center (15.27%). THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 5 5 Per Section 21.40.050 of the City’s parking code, for shopping centers that the gross floor area of all eating and drinking establishments exceeds fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center, the total parking required for the site needs to be determined based on the sum of parking required for each individual specific land use on the site in accordance with Section 21.40.040 of the City’s parking code. The City of Newport Beach is currently reviewing the parking requirements for non- residential uses and is investigating eliminating the minimum parking requirements. As evident in this parking analysis, the parking code parking requirements indicate a parking deficiency per code. However, based on the 2019 observed parking data and the data identified in this report, the site has ample parking spaces. The City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code is included in Appendix B. As also shown in Table 1, under proposed conditions, based on the City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code, the site would require a total of 274 parking spaces. Since the site has a total of 237 parking spaces, assuming implementation of the proposed project, the site would have a parking deficiency of approximately 37 spaces (equivalent to a deficiency of 13.55%) based on the City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code. Chihuahua Cerveza received a parking waiver (PC Resolution PC2020-036) for an outdoor patio area with an allowance of up to 626 square feet. The outdoor patio area has been expanded to 1,365 square feet. From a required parking perspective, the project is seeking a parking waiver for the difference of the approved (626 square feet) to the proposed (1,403 square feet) which is equal to 777 square feet of additional outdoor patio space or 15 additional parking spaces per code as indicated in the table below: Existing & Proposed Parking Requirements Outdoor Patio Area (S.F.)1 25% of Interior Net Public Area (S.F.) Amount of Outdoor Area Requiring Parking (S.F.) Approved Chihuahua Cerveza 2,616 1,446 626 362 264 1,710 42.75 Proposed Chihuahua Cerveza 2,616 1,225 1,403 306 1,097 2,322 58.05 Increase of Parking Requirement (Proposed - Approved)+15 Parking Code Number of Spaces Required 1 per 40 sq.ft of net public area, including outdoor dining areas 25% of the interior net public area or 1,000 sq.ft whichever is less Gross Floor Area (S.F) Interior Net Public Area (S.F.) Outdoor Patio Total Area for Parking Calculations (S.F.) 1 The GFA and outdoor dining area is calculated from the information provided by the City of Newport Beach and the applicant. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 6 6 Tables 2-5: Observed Parking Demand Results (November 2022) As previously shown in Table 1, based on the City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code, the site would require a total of approximately 273 parking spaces. The observed parking counts were obtained at the site which is 100% tenant occupied and while the Chihuahua Cerveza patio was in operation. Since the patio area is proposed to be expanded by approximately 38 square feet, 1 parking space is added to the observed parking counts per the city’s parking requirements. To more accurately determine the parking required for the existing site and land use mix, RK conducted a detailed parking survey of the site on Thursday, November 17th, Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th, 2022, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM at one-hour intervals. Even though some tenants might still be operating after 9:00 PM, as shown in the observed parking demand counts, the site parking demand significantly winds down after 9:00 PM. Hence, the observed time frame captures the site’s peak parking demand. When compared to the parking demand calculated through the City’s Municipal Parking Code, the observed parking counts are expected to provide a more accurate and realistic expectation of the site’s parking demand that more precisely consider the characteristics and dynamics of the site such as shared parking, modal adjustment of the patrons, etc. The parking survey was conducted during typical weekday and weekend business operations and during clear weather conditions. The parking counts were conducted by an independent third party (Counts Unlimited, Inc.). The number of parked cars within the study area was determined on an hourly basis. During the parking survey, no customer vehicles were observed parking off-site along the local streets. The project site was divided into five (5) parking zones to distinguish the demand at different areas within the center. Parking zones help identify areas where there is high parking demand and areas that are under-parking within a shared shopping center. Parking Zone 5 provides shared parking for The Landing and Malarky’s customers and was included as part of the study area. Photographs of the signs indicating the parking restrictions are provided in Appendix A. A manual parking count of the study area was completed at the time of the parking demand observations and confirmed a total of 237 on-site parking spaces are provided. When compared to the 2020 parking study, Zones 1-4 consist of eleven (11) fewer parking THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 7 7 spaces in total. Eight (8) parking spaces are displaced by the Chihuahua Cerveza outdoor dining area and three (3) have been removed to include shopping cart return areas. When considering the proposed project, the expanded patio area will displace a total of ten (10) parking spaces in Zone 3 (2 more spaces than currently displaced). To compensate for the additional parking displacement, two (2) parking spaces are planned to be added at the back of the shopping center behind the Pavilions in Zone 4. The parking zones are shown in Exhibit C. Tables 2, 3 and 4 show the results of the observed parking demand at the project site with 100% tenant occupancy and the patio in operation. Detailed observed parking demand count data sheets are contained in Appendix C. As shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4, based on actual observed parking demand counts at the existing site:  The observed peak parking demand on Thursday, November 17, 2022, occurred at 12:00 PM, when a total of approximately 138 vehicles were parked, resulting in 58% occupancy. Since the site has a parking capacity of 237 spaces, a total of approximately 99 parking spaces were available during the peak demand time on Thursday.  The observed peak parking demand on Friday, November 18, 2022, occurred at 2:00 PM when a total of approximately 141 vehicles were parked, resulting in 59% occupancy. Since the site has a parking capacity of 237 spaces, a total of approximately 96 parking spaces were available during the peak demand time on Friday.  The observed peak parking demand on Saturday, November 19, 2022, occurred at 1:00 PM when a total of approximately 149 vehicles were parked, resulting in 62% occupancy. Since the site has a parking capacity of 237 spaces, a total of approximately 88 parking spaces were available during the peak demand time on Saturday. Table 5 summarizes the results of the observed parking demand counts shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 8 8 The observed parking study provides parking data during typical off-season operations and weather conditions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. During the summer, parking on the Balboa Peninsula is heavily impacted by beach visitors. However, the shopping center actively enforces a “no beach parking” policy and regularly tows violators from the parking lot, which mitigates the impacts during peak seasons. The Project is located close to the beach, which typically generates higher volumes of patrons who travel to the shopping center by means of rideshare, walking or bicycling. The parking utilization analysis concludes that even with the Project’s increase in parking demand, the existing parking lot can accommodate all uses within the shopping center. The table below compares the results of the observed parking demand analysis completed in 2019 and 2022. Comparison of Maximum Observed Parking Demand 2019 vs 2022 Comparing the results of the May 2019 observed parking counts to the November of 2022 observed parking counts, the 2022 weekday (Thursday & Friday) parking demand is slightly higher, and the weekend (Saturday) parking demand is approximately 24% higher. Even with the increase in parking demand at The Landing, there are enough parking spaces (88 spaces at peak time) available to accommodate the parking demands of the project, as evident in both observed parking analyses. Peak Parking Demand (Zones 1-4) Month / Year Thursday Friday Saturday May-19 130 May 16th at 3:00 PM 135 May 17th at 1:00 PM 120 May 18th at 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM Nov-22 138 November 17th at 12:00 PM 141 November18th at 2:00 PM 149 November 19th at 1:00 PM Percent Change 6.15% Percent Change 4.44% Percent Change 24.17% THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 9 9 Parking Management Plan Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-036 adopted the parking management plan strategies from the 2020 Observed Parking Study. The parking management plan strategies should continue to be implemented and are identified below: 1. Representatives should monitor the parking demand at the site to ensure the adequacy of parking. 2. If needed, provide additional parking capacity through the implementation of valet parking services during days and hours of high parking demand. Based on the analysis conducted, more than adequate parking is forecast to be provided after implementation of the proposed project. 3. Provide a dedicated rideshare (Uber, Lyft, etc.) and general pick up and drop off area. 4. Regulate the most convenient parking spaces to favor high priority uses such as delivery vehicles and designate some parking spaces as short-term spaces for convenience uses. These spaces are typically marked with green paint identifying the stall. 5. Set parking duration limits and enforce the limits though use of a parking/security patrol service. 6. Encourage employees to park away from the entrances to the business located within the shopping center to allow visitors to conveniently locate parking spaces. 7. Provide secure bicycle parking. 8. Provide financial and other incentives to encourage the use of carpool and public transportation by employees. 9. Utilize security personnel to keep non-site users from parking on the site, especially during summertime. THE LANDING RK 17789 Page 10 10 Conclusion Based on the results of the observed parking data identified in this report, The Landing shopping center provides adequate parking supply to accommodate the existing parking demand at the site. Furthermore, the City of Newport Beach is currently reviewing the parking requirements for non-residential uses and is investigating eliminating minimum parking requirements. As evident in this parking analysis, the existing parking code parking requirements indicate a parking deficiency per code. However, based on the 2019 observed parking data and the observed parking data identified in this report, the site has sufficient parking spaces to support the outdoor dining area in a 100% tenant occupancy scenario. RK Engineering Group, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to work with BOARDWALK INVESTMENTS GROUP and the City of Newport Beach on this project. If you have any questions regarding the analysis, or would like further review, please do not hesitate to contact us at (949) 474-0809. Sincerely, RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Rogier Goedecke President Attachments rk17789.doc JN:2830-2022-01 Exhibits engineering group, inc.THE LANDING OBSERVED PARKING STUDY, City of Newport Beach, CA 2830-2022-01 engineering N Site Plan Exhibit B-1 Tables Outdoor Patio Area (S.F.)2 25% of Interior Net Public Area (S.F.) Amount of Outdoor Area Requiring Parking (S.F.) 3107 / 3109 Chihuahua Cerveza3 Monday -Wednesday 11AM-9PM Thursday 10AM-9PM Friday 10AM-10PM Saturday 9AM-10PM Sunday 9AM-9PM Restaurant 2,616 5%1,225 1,403 306 1,097 2,322 1 per 40 sq.ft of net public area, including outdoor dining areas 25% of the interior net public area or 1,000 sq.ft whichever is less 58.05 PC2020-036 3142 Gina's Pizzerias*SUNDAY-THURSDAY 11AM-9PM FRIDAY-SATURDAY 11AM-10PM Restaurant 2,083 4%812 458 203 215 1,027 1 per 40 sq.ft of net public area, including outdoor dining areas 25% of the interior net public area or 1,000 sq.ft whichever is less 25.68 UP2012-001 (PA2012-004) 3101 Chipotle Mexican Grill SUNDAY-SATURDAY 10:30AM-10PM Restaurant 1,700 4%500 336 125 211 711 1 per 40 sq.ft of net public area, including outdoor dining areas 25% of the interior net public area or 1,000 sq.ft whichever is less 17.78 UP2010-017,OD2010-004 (PA2010-096) 3134 Cold Stone Monday-Sunday 11AM-10PM Restaurant (Take-Out Service - Limited) 903 2%452 N/A N/A N/A 452 1 per 250 square feet 1.81 7,302 15.27%2,989 2,197 634 1,523 4,512 103.32 3119 / 3121 No Rest for Bridget SUNDAY 11AM-6PM MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 10AM-7PM THURSDAY-FRIDAY 10AM-8PM SATURDAY 10AM-7PM Retail 2,375 5%N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,375 1 per 250 square feet 9.50 3100 Pavilions SUNDAY-SATURDAY 6AM-12AM Retail 28,221 59%N/A N/A N/A N/A 28,221 1 per 250 square feet 112.89 PLAN CHECK 1590-2010 3130 Pavilions Liquor SUNDAY-SATURDAY 6AM-12AM Retail 2,918 6%N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,918 1 per 250 square feet 11.68 3136 Victory Ebikes Monday 12PM-6PM Tuesday 10AM-6PM Wednesday-Sunday 10AM-7PM Retail 1,003 2%N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,003 1 per 250 square feet 4.02 3138 15th Street Surf Shop Monday-Sunday 9AM-8PM Retail 998 2%N/A N/A N/A N/A 998 1 per 250 square feet 4.00 3152 Chase Bank MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM-5PM SATURDAY - Sunday Closed Office / Financial 4,000 8%N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,000 1 per 250 square feet 16.00 PLAN CHECK 1642-2010 3117 Newport Nails MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM-7PM SATURDAY 9AM-6PM SUNDAY 10AM-5PM Nail Salon 900 2%N/A N/A N/A N/A 900 1 per 80 square feet 11.25 Storage N/A N/A Storage 95 0.20%N/A N/A N/A N/A 95 1 per 250 square feet 0.38 40,510 84.73%169.7 47,812 100% 273.04 274 237 -37 -13.55% RESTAURANT Table 1 The Landing Shopping Center, Newport Beach Required Parking Sec 20.40-050¹ (Existing Conditions) Suite Tenant Hours of Operation Land Use Gross Floor Area (S.F) Percent of Gross Floor Area Interior Net Public Area (S.F.) Outdoor Patio Total Area for Parking Calculations (S.F.) Parking Code1 Number of Spaces Required Discretionary Application No. TOTAL RESTAURANT NON-RESTAURANT (RETAIL, NAIL SALON, BANK, ETC) TOTAL NON-RESTAURANT Total Shopping Center Gross Floor Area Total Required Parking Per Newport Beach Municipal Code Total Required Parking Per Newport Beach Municipal Code (Rounded Up) Total Number Parking Spaces Provided On-Site Number of Parking Spaces Deficient Per Municipal Code Percent of Parking Spaces Deficient Per Municipal Code ¹ Parking rates obtained from City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code Section 20.40.050 * = Gina's Pizza outdoor patio area reduced by 40 square feet as directed by the City. 3 The outdoor patio area has an existing 498 square feet of approved outdoor patio space. During the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional 867 square feet of outdoor patio space was constructed (498+867 = 1,365 sf). Based on PC Resolution PC2020-036, parking for the 626 square feet of exterior patio area was waived. The proposed project includes expanding the outdoor patio area by 38 square feet for a total of 1,403 square feet of outdoor patio area. ² The GFA and outdoor dining area is calculated from the information provided by the City of Newport Beach and the applicant. N/A = Not Applicable RK17789TB JN:2830-2022-01 Time Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 32 Zone 42 Zone 5 (Shared Malarky's & Landing) Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 79 32 90 23 13 237 7:00 AM 11 20 12 6 3 1 53 22%184 8:00 AM 12 20 18 8 3 1 62 26%175 9:00 AM 20 17 20 8 6 1 72 30%165 10:00 AM 27 19 27 10 5 1 89 38%148 11:00 AM 38 21 36 11 6 1 113 48%124 12:00 PM 37 31 50 12 7 1 138 58%99 1:00 PM 39 23 44 11 6 1 124 52%113 2:00 PM 36 21 34 8 8 1 108 46%129 3:00 PM 31 16 35 10 7 1 100 42%137 4:00 PM 34 24 43 8 4 1 114 48%123 5:00 PM 33 28 39 9 2 1 112 47%125 6:00 PM 24 18 41 7 5 1 96 41%141 7:00 PM 20 15 44 8 9 1 97 41%140 8:00 PM 15 11 40 6 9 1 82 35%155 9:00 PM 7 12 23 3 7 1 53 22%184 3 At the time of the observed parking analysis, Chihuahua Cerveza had a total of 1,365 square feet of outdoor patio space. Representees of the project are proposing the expand the outdoor patio area by 38 square feet. As a result, one additional parking space is added to the observed parking counts per the City code. 2 The proposed Chihuahua Cerveza outdoor patio area will displace 2 additional parking spaces to accommodate the 1,403 outdoor patio. To offset the loss of 2 spaces, 2 new parking spaces are added in Zone 4 located in the back of the shopping center. As a result, 2 parking spaces are deleted from Zone 2 and 2 parking spaces are added to Zone 4. ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions. Percent of Occupied Parking Spaces Number of Parking Spaces Available Table 2 The Landing Shopping Center Thursday, November 17, 20221 Observed Parking Counts1 Observed Parking Survey Results with 100% Tenant Occupancy Add Proposed Outdoor Patio Expansion3 RK17789TB JN:2830-2022-01 Time Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 32 Zone 42 Zone 5 (Shared Malarky's & Landing) Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 79 32 92 21 13 237 7:00 AM 12 24 11 5 3 1 56 24%181 8:00 AM 18 23 13 8 4 1 67 28%170 9:00 AM 23 19 19 10 8 1 80 34%157 10:00 AM 35 25 30 8 8 1 107 45%130 11:00 AM 36 25 30 9 7 1 108 46%129 12:00 PM 42 25 43 12 7 1 130 55%107 1:00 PM 38 23 48 11 5 1 126 53%111 2:00 PM 43 27 51 14 5 1 141 59%96 3:00 PM 41 25 46 11 4 1 128 54%109 4:00 PM 47 26 34 11 3 1 122 51%115 5:00 PM 38 22 39 10 5 1 115 49%122 6:00 PM 32 20 56 7 7 1 123 52%114 7:00 PM 24 19 51 8 5 1 108 46%129 8:00 PM 16 19 36 6 6 1 84 35%153 9:00 PM 10 10 33 6 7 1 67 28%170 Add Proposed Outdoor Patio Expansion3 3 At the time of the observed parking analysis, Chihuahua Cerveza had a total of 1,365 square feet of outdoor patio space. Representees of the project are proposing the expand the outdoor patio area by 38 square feet. As a result, one additional parking space is added to the observed parking counts per the City code. ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions. 2 The proposed Chihuahua Cerveza outdoor patio area will displace 2 additional parking spaces to accommodate the 1,403 outdoor patio. To offset the loss of 2 spaces, 2 new parking spaces are added in Zone 4 located in the back of the shopping center. As a result, 2 parking spaces are deleted from Zone 2 and 2 parking spaces are added to Zone 4. Table 3 The Landing Shopping Center Observed Parking Survey Results with 100% Tenant Occupancy Friday, November 18, 20221 Observed Parking Counts1 Percent of Occupied Parking Spaces Number of Parking Spaces Available RK17789TB JN:2830-2022-01 Time Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 32 Zone 42 Zone 5 (Shared Malarky's & Landing) Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 79 32 92 21 13 237 7:00 AM 16 20 12 4 3 1 56 24%181 8:00 AM 17 16 21 6 8 1 69 29%168 9:00 AM 26 24 25 7 8 1 91 38%146 10:00 AM 32 27 30 9 9 1 108 46%129 11:00 AM 35 23 36 11 11 1 117 49%120 12:00 PM 42 32 45 11 10 1 141 59%96 1:00 PM 49 29 48 11 11 1 149 63%88 2:00 PM 45 23 49 10 11 1 139 59%98 3:00 PM 45 31 42 9 11 1 139 59%98 4:00 PM 45 24 37 8 7 1 122 51%115 5:00 PM 31 22 35 10 6 1 105 44%132 6:00 PM 26 22 34 7 7 1 97 41%140 7:00 PM 23 15 46 5 7 1 97 41%140 8:00 PM 21 13 48 6 8 1 97 41%140 9:00 PM 11 12 41 5 7 1 77 32%160 ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions. 2 The proposed Chihuahua Cerveza outdoor patio area will displace 2 additional parking spaces to accommodate the 1,403 outdoor patio. To offset the loss of 2 spaces, 2 new parking spaces are added in Zone 4 located in the back of the shopping center. As a result, 2 parking spaces are deleted from Zone 2 and 2 parking spaces are added to Zone 4. Table 4 The Landing Shopping Center Observed Parking Survey Results with 100% Tenant Occupancy Saturday, November 19, 20221 Observed Parking Counts1 Percent of Occupied Parking Spaces Number of Parking Spaces Available Add Proposed Outdoor Patio Expansion3 RK17789TB JN:2830-2022-01 Table Date Peak Time Maximum Observed Parking Demand (All Parking Zones) Site Parking Capacity Peak Parking Utilization Available Parking Spaces 2 Thursday, November 17, 2022 12:00 PM 138 237 58%99 3 Friday, November 18, 2022 2:00 PM 141 237 59%96 4 Saturday, November 19, 2022 1:00 PM 149 237 63%88 63%88 Table 5 Source : Observed parking counts conducted in November of 2022. Maximum Observed Parking Demand The Landing Shopping Center Summary of Maximum Observed Parking Demand RK17789TB JN:2830-2022-01 Appendices Appendix A The Landing Study Area Photos Appendix B City of Newport Beach Municipal Parking Code (21.40.040) Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-1 Chapter 21.40 – Off-Street Parking Sections: 21.40.010 Purpose 21.40.020 Applicability 21.40.030 Requirements for Off-Street Parking 21.40.040 Off-Street Parking Spaces Required 21.40.045 Bicycle Parking for Non-residential Developments 21.40.050 Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers 21.40.060 Parking Requirements for Food Service Uses 21.40.070 Development Standards for Parking Areas 21.40.110 Adjustments to Off-Street Parking Requirements 21.40.120 Parking Management Districts 21.40.130 In-Lieu Parking Fee 21.40.145 Preferential Parking Zones 21.40.010 – Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to provide off-street parking and loading standards to: A. Provide for the general welfare and convenience of persons within the City by ensuring that sufficient parking facilities are available to meet the needs generated by specific uses and that adequate parking is provided, to the extent feasible; B. Provide accessible, attractive, secure, and well-maintained off-street parking and loading facilities; C. Increase public safety by reducing congestion on public streets and to minimize impacts to public street parking available for coastal access and recreation; D. Ensure access and maneuverability for emergency vehicles; E. Provide loading and delivery facilities in proportion to the needs of allowed uses; and F. Provide transportation and parking requirements for new development to protect, maintain, and enhance public access in the Coastal Zone. 21.40.020 – Applicability A. Off-Street Parking Required. Each use, including a change or expansion of a use or structure, except as otherwise provided for in Chapter 21.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) shall have appropriately maintained off-street parking and loading areas in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. A use shall not be commenced and Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-2 structures shall not be occupied until improvements required by this chapter are satisfactorily completed. B. Change, Enlargement, or Intensification of Use. Changes in use and enlargement or intensification of an existing use shall require compliance with the off-street parking requirements of this chapter, except as allowed in Chapter 21.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures). 21.40.030 – Requirements for Off-Street Parking A. Parking Required To Be On-Site. Parking shall be located on the same lot or development site as the uses served, except for the following: 1. Townhouses and Multi-Tenant Uses. Where parking is provided on another lot within the same development site, the parking shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of the units they are intended to serve. 2. Off-Site Parking Agreement. Parking may be located off-site with the approval of an off-site parking agreement. B. Permanent Availability Required. Each parking and loading space shall be permanently available and maintained for parking purposes for the use it is intended to serve. The Director may authorize the temporary use of parking or loading spaces for other than parking or loading in conjunction with a seasonal or intermittent use. C. Maintenance. Parking spaces, driveways, maneuvering aisles, turnaround areas, and landscaping areas shall be kept free of dust, graffiti, and litter. Striping, paving, walls, light standards, and all other facilities shall be permanently maintained in good condition. D. Vehicles for Sale. Vehicles, trailers, or other personal property shall not be parked upon a private street, parking lot, or private property for the primary purpose of displaying the vehicle, trailer, or other personal property for sale, hire, or rental, unless the property is appropriately zoned, and the vendor is licensed to transact a vehicle sales business at that location. E. Calculation of Spaces Required. 1. Fractional Spaces. Fractional parking space requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole space. 2. Bench Seating. Where bench seating or pews are provided, eighteen (18) linear inches of seating shall be considered to constitute a separate or individual seat. 3. Gross Floor Area. References to spaces per square foot are to be calculated on the basis of gross floor area unless otherwise specified. 4. Net Public Area. “Net public area” shall be defined as the total area accessible to the public within an eating and/or drinking establishment, excluding kitchens, restrooms, offices pertaining to the use, and storage areas. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-3 5. Spaces per Occupant. References to spaces per occupant are to be calculated on the basis of maximum occupancy approved by the City of Newport Beach Fire Department. 6. Spaces Required for Multiple Uses. If more than one use is located on a site, the number of required off-street parking spaces shall be equal to the sum of the requirements prescribed for each use. F. Nonconforming Parking and Loading. Land uses and structures that are nonconforming due solely to the lack of off-street parking or loading facilities required by this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of Section 21.38.060 (Nonconforming Parking). 21.40.040 Off-Street Parking Spaces Required. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with Table 21.40-1. Where the off-street parking spaces required is established by a coastal development permit, the review authority shall require sufficient data, including a parking demand study, from the applicant in order to make this determination. These standards shall be considered the minimum required to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare, and more extensive parking provisions may be required by the review authority in particular circumstances. Unless otherwise noted parking requirements are calculated based on gross floor area. TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Industry, Manufacturing and Processing, Warehousing Uses Food Processing 1 per 2,000 sq. ft. Handicraft Industry 1 per 500 sq. ft. Industry Small—5,000 sq. ft. or less 1 per 500 sq. ft. Large—Over 5,000 sq. ft. 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. Industry, Marine-Related 1 per 750 sq. ft. Personal Storage (Mini Storage) 2 for resident manager, plus additional for office as required by coastal development permit Research and Development 1 per 500 sq. ft. Warehousing and Storage 1 per 2,000 sq. ft., plus one per 350 sq. ft. for offices. Minimum of 10 spaces per use Wholesaling 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-4 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses Assembly/Meeting Facilities 1 per 3 seats or one per 35 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes1 Commercial Recreation and Entertainment As required by coastal development permit Cultural Institutions 1 per 300 sq. ft. Schools, Public and Private As required by coastal development permit Residential Uses Accessory Dwelling Units 1 per unit; a minimum of 2 covered per site. Single-Unit Dwellings—Attached 2 per unit in a garage Single-Unit Dwellings—Detached and less than 4,000 sq. ft. of floor area 2 per unit in a garage Single-Unit Dwellings—Detached and 4,000 sq. ft. or greater of floor area 3 per unit in a garage Single-Unit Dwellings—Balboa Island 2 per unit in a garage Multi-Unit Dwellings—3 units 2 per unit covered, plus guest parking; 1—2 units, no guest parking required 3 units, 1 guest parking space Multi-Unit Dwellings—4 units or more 2 per unit covered, plus 0.5 space per unit for guest parking Two-Unit Dwellings 2 per unit; 1 in a garage and 1 covered or in a garage Live/Work Units 2 per unit in a garage, plus 2 for guest/customer parking Senior Housing—Market rate 1.2 per unit Senior Housing—Affordable 1 per unit Retail Trade Uses Appliances, Building Materials, Home Electronics, Furniture, Nurseries, and Similar Large Warehouse-type Retail Sales and Bulk Merchandise Facilities 1st 10,000 sq. ft.—1 space per 300 sq. ft. Over 10,000 sq. ft.—1 space per 500 sq. ft. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-5 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Plus 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of outdoor merchandise areas Food and Beverage Sales 1 per 200 sq. ft. Marine Rentals and Sales Boat Rentals and Sales 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area, plus 1 per 350 sq. ft. of office area Marine Retail Sales 1 per 250 sq. ft. Retail Sales 1 per 250 sq. ft. Shopping Centers 1 per 200 sq. ft. See Section 21.40.050 Service Uses—Business, Financial, Medical, and Professional Convalescent Facilities 1 per 3 beds or as required by coastal development permit Emergency Health Facilities 1 per 200 sq. ft. Financial Institutions and Related Services 1 per 250 sq. ft. Hospitals 1 per bed; plus 1 per resident doctor and 1 per employee. Offices*—Business, Corporate, General, Governmental First 50,000 sq. ft. 1 per 250 sq. ft. net floor area Next 75,000 sq. ft. 1 per 300 sq. ft. net floor area Floor area above 125,001 sq. ft. 1 per 350 sq. ft. net floor area * Not more than 20% medical office uses. Offices—Medical and Dental Offices 1 per 200 sq. ft. Outpatient Surgery Facility 1 per 250 sq. ft. Service Uses—General Adult-Oriented Businesses 1 per 1.5 occupants or as required by coastal development permit Ambulance Services 1 per 500 sq. ft.; plus 2 storage spaces. Animal Sales and Services Animal Boarding/Kennels 1 per 400 sq. ft. Animal Grooming 1 per 400 sq. ft. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-6 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Animal Hospitals/Clinics 1 per 400 sq. ft. Animal Retail Sales 1 per 250 sq. ft. Artists’ Studios 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. Catering Services 1 per 400 sq. ft. Care Uses Adult Day Care—Small (6 or fewer) Spaces required for dwelling unit only Adult Day Care—Large (7 or more) 2 per site for drop-off and pick-up purposes (in addition to the spaces required for the dwelling unit) Child Day Care—Small (6 or fewer) Spaces required for dwelling unit only Child Day Care—Large (9 to 14) 2 per site for drop-off and pick-up purposes (in addition to the spaces required for the dwelling unit) Day Care—General 1 per 7 occupants based on maximum occupancy allowed per license Residential Care—General (7 to 14) 1 per 3 beds Eating and Drinking Establishments Accessory (open to public) 1 per each 3 seats or 1 per each 75 sq. ft. of net public area, whichever is greater Bars, Lounges, and Nightclubs 1 per each 4 persons based on allowed occupancy load or as required by coastal development permit Food Service with/without alcohol, with/without late hours 1 per 30—50 sq. ft. of net public area, including outdoor dining areas 25% of the interior net public area or 1,000 sq. ft., whichever is less. See Section 21.40.060 Food Service—Fast food 1 per 50 sq. ft., and 1 per 100 sq. ft. for outdoor dining areas Take-Out Service—Limited 1 per 250 sq. ft. Emergency Shelter 1 per 4 beds plus 1 per staff; and if shelter is designed with designated family units then 0.5 parking space Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-7 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required per bedroom designated for family units Funeral Homes and Mortuaries 1 per 35 sq. ft. of assembly area Health/Fitness Facilities Small—2,000 sq. ft. or less 1 per 250 sq. ft. Large—Over 2,000 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft. Laboratories (medical, dental, and similar) 1 per 500 sq. ft. Maintenance and Repair Services 1 per 500 sq. ft. Marine Services Boat Storage—Dry 0.33 per storage space or as required by coastal development permit Boat Yards As required by coastal development permit Dry Docks 2 per dry dock Entertainment and Excursion Services 1 per each 3 passengers and crew members Marine Service Stations As required by coastal development permit Sport Fishing Charters 1 per each 2 passengers and crew members Water Transportation Services—Office 1 per 100 sq. ft., minimum 2 spaces Personal Services Massage Establishments 1 per 200 sq. ft. or as required by coastal development permit Nail Salons 1 per 80 sq. ft. Personal Services, General 1 per 250 sq. ft. Studio (dance, music, and similar) 1 per 250 sq. ft. Postal Services 1 per 250 sq. ft. Printing and Duplicating Services 1 per 250 sq. ft. Recycling Facilities Collection Facility—Large 4 spaces minimum, but more may be required by the review authority Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-8 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Collection Facility—Small As required by the review authority Visitor Accommodations Bed and Breakfast Inns 1 per guest room, plus 2 spaces Hotels and accessory uses As required by coastal development permit Motels 1 per guest room or unit Recreational Vehicle Parks As required by coastal development permit Time Shares As required by coastal development permit Transportation, Communications, and Infrastructure Uses Communication Facilities 1 per 500 sq. ft. Heliports and Helistops As required by coastal development permit Marinas 0.75 per slip or 0.75 per 25 feet of mooring space Vehicle Rental, Sale, and Service Uses Vehicle/Equipment Rentals Office Only 1 per 250 sq. ft. Limited 1 per 300 sq. ft., plus 1 per rental vehicle (not including bicycles and similar vehicles) Vehicle/Equipment Rentals and Sales 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area Vehicles for Hire 1 per 300 sq. ft., plus 1 per each vehicle associated with the use and stored on the same site Vehicle Sales, Office Only 1 per 250 sq. ft., plus 1 as required by DMV Vehicle/Equipment Repair (General and Limited) 1 per 300 sq. ft. or 5 per service bay, whichever is more Vehicle/Equipment Services Automobile Washing 1 per 200 sq. ft. of office or lounge area; plus queue for 5 cars per washing station Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-9 TABLE 21.40-1 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Land Use Parking Spaces Required Service Station 1 per 300 sq. ft. or 5 per service bay, whichever is more; minimum of 4 Service Station with Convenience Market 1 per 200 sq. ft., in addition to 5 per service bay Vehicle Storage 1 per 500 sq. ft. Other Uses Caretaker Residence 1 per unit Special Events As required by Chapter 11.03 Temporary Uses As required by the coastal development permit in compliance with Chapter 21.52 1. The 1 per 3 seats standard should be used for areas with fixed setting and the 1 per 35 sq. ft. standard should be used for areas with no fixed seating. 21.40.045 – Bicycle Parking for Non-residential Developments A. Applicability. The bicycle parking standards of this section shall be required for new non-residential developments with gross floor areas of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more. B. Number Required. Five (5) percent of the number of off-street parking spaces required. C. Design Requirements. For each bicycle parking space required, a stationary object shall be provided to which a user can secure the bicycle with a user-provided cable and lock. The stationary object may be either a freestanding bicycle rack or a wall-mounted bracket. 21.40.050 – Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers A. An off-street parking space requirement of one space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area may be used for shopping centers meeting the following criteria: 1. The gross floor area of the shopping center does not exceed 100,000 square feet; and 2. The gross floor area of all eating and drinking establishments does not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. B. Individual tenants with a gross floor area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more shall meet the parking space requirement for the applicable use in compliance with Section 21.40.040 (Off-Street Parking Spaces Required). Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-10 C. Shopping centers with gross floor areas in excess of 100,000 square feet or with eating and drinking establishments occupying more than fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the center shall use a parking requirement equal to the sum of the requirements prescribed for each use in the shopping center. 21.40.060 – Parking Requirements for Food Service Uses A. Establishment of Parking Requirement. The applicable review authority shall establish the off-street parking requirement for food service uses within a range of one space for each thirty (30) to fifty (50) square feet of net public area based upon the following considerations: 1. Physical Design Characteristics. a. The gross floor area of the building or tenant space; b. The number of tables or seats and their arrangement; c. Other areas that should logically be excluded from the determination of net public area; d. The parking lot design, including the use of small car spaces, tandem and valet parking and loading areas; e. Availability of guest dock space for boats; and f. Extent of outdoor dining. 2. Operational Characteristics. a. The amount of floor area devoted to live entertainment or dancing; b. The amount of floor area devoted to the sale of alcoholic beverages; c. The presence of pool tables, big screen televisions or other attractions; d. The hours of operation; and e. The expected turnover rate. 3. Location of the Establishment. a. In relation to other uses and the waterfront; b. Availability of off-site parking nearby; c. Amount of walk-in trade; and d. Parking problems in the area at times of peak demand. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-11 B. Conditions of Approval. If during the review of the application, the review authority uses any of the preceding considerations as a basis for establishing the parking requirement, the substance of the considerations shall become conditions of the permit application approval and a change to any of the conditions will require an amendment to the permit application, which may be amended to establish parking requirements within the range as noted above. 21.40.070 – Development Standards for Parking Areas Parking areas shall be developed in compliance with the following requirements. A. Parking Space Standards. Parking spaces shall be designed to provide have adequate dimensions, clearances, and access to insure their use. B. Alley Access. Development on lots or parcels with alley access shall be designed such that access to on-site parking spaces is accessed by the abutting alley. 1. Exceptions. The reviewing authority may grant an exception on lots: a. Where the width of the abutting alley is not sufficient to provide maneuvering space for access; or b. Where the provision of access by abutting streets would not result in the loss of on-street parking spaces. C. Driveways. Project and subdivision designs shall minimize the number of curb cuts for driveways. Existing curb cuts shall be closed to create public on-street parking wherever feasible. D. Parking Configuration/Management. Parking configurations and/or parking management programs that are difficult to maintain and enforce shall not be permitted. 21.40.110 – Adjustments to Off-Street Parking Requirements The number of parking spaces required by this chapter may be reduced only in compliance with the following standards and procedures. A. Reduction of Required Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking requirements may be reduced as follows: 1. Reduced Parking Demand. Required off-street parking may be reduced in compliance with the following conditions: a. The applicant has provided sufficient data, including a parking study if required by the Director, to indicate that parking demand will be less than the required number of spaces or that other parking is available (e.g., City parking lot located nearby, on-street parking available, greater than normal walk in trade, mixed-use development); and Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-12 b. A parking management plan shall be prepared in compliance with subsection (C) of this section (Parking Management Plan). 2. Joint Use of Parking Facilities. Required off-street parking may be reduced where two or more nonresidential uses on the same site or immediately adjacent sites have distinct and differing peak parking demands (e.g., a theater and a bank). The review authority may grant a joint use of parking spaces between the uses that results in a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces. C. Parking Management Plan. When a parking management plan to mitigate impacts associated with a reduction in the number of required parking spaces is required by this chapter, the parking management plan may include, but is not limited to, the following when required by the review authority: 1. Restricting land uses to those that have hours or days of operation so that the same parking spaces can be used by two or more uses without conflict; 2. Restricting land uses with high parking demand characteristics; 3. Securing off-site parking; 4. Providing parking attendants and valet parking; and 5. Other appropriate mitigation measures. D. Required Data. In reaching a decision to allow a reduction of required parking spaces, the review authority shall consider data submitted by the applicant or collected/prepared at the applicant’s expense. E. Impact to Coastal Access Prohibited. No application for a reduction in the number of off-street parking requirements shall be approved that impacts public parking available for coastal access. 21.40.120 – Parking Management Districts Properties within a parking management district may be exempted from all or part of the off-street parking requirements of this chapter in compliance with the provisions of the adopted parking management district plan. 21.40.130 – In-Lieu Parking Fee The number of parking spaces required by Section 21.40.040 (Off-Street Parking Spaces Required) may be reduced if the review authority authorizes the use of an in-lieu fee to be paid by the applicant towards the development of public parking facilities. The in-lieu fee shall be paid to the Citywide Parking Improvement Trust Fund. The amount of the fee and time of payment shall be established by Council resolution. Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-13 21.40.145 – Preferential Parking Zones A. Establishment. The City Council may designate, by ordinance, certain residential streets or alleys or any portions thereof, as preferential parking zones for the benefit of residents adjacent thereto, in which zone vehicles displaying a permit or other authorized indicia may be exempt from parking prohibitions or restrictions otherwise posted, marked or noticed. B. Coastal Development Permit Required. A coastal development permit approved by the City Council shall be required to establish a new or modify an existing preferential parking zone in the Coastal Zone. C. Establishment of Preferential Parking Zones. Each preferential parking zone shall be designated only upon the City Council finding: 1. That such zone is required to enhance or protect the quality of life in the area of the proposed zone threatened by noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution or devaluation of real property resulting from long-term nonresidents parking, that such zone is necessary to provide reasonably available and convenient parking for the benefit of the adjacent residents; and 2. That the proposed zone is desirable to alleviate traffic congestion, illegal parking and related health and safety problems; and 3. That the establishment of the preferential parking zone will not have a direct impact to coastal access. D. Criteria for Determination of Findings. The findings referred to in Subsection (C) shall be based upon the following criteria, supported by substantial evidence in the record and established to the satisfaction of the City Council: 1. The parking in the area by nonresidents does substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of the available public street or alley parking spaces by adjacent residents; 2. That the interference by the nonresidents parking referred to above occurs at regular and significant daily or weekly intervals; 3. That nonresidents parking is a source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution or devaluation of real property in the area of the proposed zone; 4. That the majority of households and property owners adjacent to the proposed zone desire, agree to or request preferential parking privileges; 5. That no unreasonable displacement of nonresident vehicles will occur in surrounding residential areas; Newport Beach LCP Implementation Plan – CCC Draft 1 Page 21.40-14 6. That public rights of access to, and along the shoreline and coastal blufftops are not directly impacted, including impacts to the use and capacity of public parking; 7. That consideration was given to the availability of, and opportunities for, alternative modes of transportation; 8. That a shortage of reasonably available and convenient residentially related parking spaces exists in the area of the proposed zone; and 9. That no alternative solution is feasible or practical. E. Periodic Review. Coastal development permits establishing preferential parking zones shall be periodically reviewed and, if necessary, modified, to insure that the criteria used to establish the preferential parking zone reflect current conditions. F. Parking Permits. 1. Number. A maximum of four (4) annual permits for preferential parking may be issued for each qualified dwelling unit to any qualified applicant. 2. Fees. Permit fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council and shall be progressive for dwelling units with multiple permits. 3. Use of Funds. Permit fees collected for preferential parking in the Coastal Zone shall be deposited into a special fund to be used to fund programs to mitigate impacts to coastal access and parking facilities. Appendix C Observed Parking Count Data Time Zone 1 Regular Zone 1 Hanicap Zone 1 Green Curb Zone 2 Regular Zone 2 Pick Up Zone 3 Regular Zone 3 Handicap Zone 3 Green Curb Zone 4 Employee Lot Zone 5 Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 65 4 10 29 3 86 4 2 21 13 237 7:00 AM 11 0 0 20 0 12 0 0 6 3 52 22%185 8:00 AM 12 0 0 20 0 18 0 0 8 3 61 26%176 9:00 AM 20 0 0 17 0 20 0 0 8 6 71 30%166 10:00 AM 23 2 2 19 0 27 0 0 10 5 88 37%149 11:00 AM 35 2 1 21 0 36 0 0 11 6 112 47%125 12:00 PM 30 2 5 31 0 49 0 1 12 7 137 58%100 1:00 PM 35 2 2 23 0 43 0 1 11 6 123 52%114 2:00 PM 36 0 0 21 0 34 0 0 8 8 107 45%130 3:00 PM 30 1 0 15 1 35 0 0 10 7 99 42%138 4:00 PM 31 1 2 24 0 43 0 0 8 4 113 48%124 5:00 PM 32 0 1 27 1 38 0 1 9 2 111 47%126 6:00 PM 23 1 0 17 1 38 2 1 7 5 95 40%142 7:00 PM 18 1 1 15 0 42 1 1 8 9 96 41%141 8:00 PM 13 1 1 11 0 38 0 2 6 9 81 34%156 9:00 PM 7 0 0 12 0 23 0 0 3 7 52 22%185 ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions Percent of Occupied Parking Spaces Number of Parking Spaces Available The Landing Shopping Center Thursday, November 17, 2022 Observed Parking Counts1 Observed Parking Survey Results Time Zone 1 Regular Zone 1 Hanicap Zone 1 Green Curb Zone 2 Regular Zone 2 Pick Up Zone 3 Regular Zone 3 Handicap Zone 3 Green Curb Zone 4 Employee Lot Zone 5 Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 65 4 10 29 3 86 4 2 21 13 237 7:00 AM 10 0 2 23 1 11 0 0 5 3 55 23%182 8:00 AM 18 0 0 23 0 13 0 0 8 4 66 28%171 9:00 AM 23 0 0 19 0 19 0 0 10 8 79 33%158 10:00 AM 35 0 0 25 0 28 2 0 8 8 106 45%131 11:00 AM 35 0 1 24 1 29 0 1 9 7 107 45%130 12:00 PM 38 0 4 23 2 40 3 0 12 7 129 54%108 1:00 PM 36 0 2 22 1 46 0 2 11 5 125 53%112 2:00 PM 39 1 3 25 2 49 1 1 14 5 140 59%97 3:00 PM 39 0 2 24 1 44 1 1 11 4 127 54%110 4:00 PM 43 0 4 25 1 33 0 1 11 3 121 51%116 5:00 PM 32 2 43 22 0 39 0 0 10 5 153 65%84 6:00 PM 30 1 1 19 1 56 0 0 7 7 122 51%115 7:00 PM 22 1 1 18 1 51 0 0 8 5 107 45%130 8:00 PM 16 0 0 18 1 36 0 0 6 6 83 35%154 9:00 PM 9 1 0 9 1 33 0 0 6 7 66 28%171 ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions The Landing Shopping Center Observed Parking Survey Results Friday, November 18, 2022 Observed Parking Counts1 Percent of Parking Spaces Occupied Number of Parking Spaces Available Time Zone 1 Regular Zone 1 Hanicap Zone 1 Green Curb Zone 2 Regular Zone 2 Pick Up Zone 3 Regular Zone 3 Handicap Zone 3 Green Curb Zone 4 Employee Lot Zone 5 Total Parking # of Parking Spaces 65 4 10 29 3 86 4 2 21 13 237 7:00 AM 16 0 0 20 0 12 0 0 4 3 55 23%182 8:00 AM 16 0 1 16 19 2 0 6 8 68 29%169 9:00 AM 23 1 2 23 1 24 1 0 7 8 90 38%147 10:00 AM 30 1 1 25 2 29 1 0 9 9 107 45%130 11:00 AM 33 1 1 22 1 35 1 0 11 11 116 49%121 12:00 PM 39 1 2 29 3 43 1 1 11 10 140 59%97 1:00 PM 46 1 2 26 3 45 2 1 11 11 148 62%89 2:00 PM 37 2 6 21 2 44 4 1 10 11 138 58%99 3:00 PM 42 0 3 29 2 41 1 0 9 11 138 58%99 4:00 PM 37 2 6 23 1 36 1 0 8 7 121 51%116 5:00 PM 30 1 0 21 1 32 2 1 10 6 104 44%133 6:00 PM 26 0 0 20 2 32 1 1 7 7 96 41%141 7:00 PM 22 0 1 15 0 46 0 0 5 7 96 41%141 8:00 PM 20 0 1 13 0 48 0 0 6 8 96 41%141 9:00 PM 11 0 0 11 1 41 0 0 5 7 76 32%161 ¹ The parking counts were obtained during typical operations and weather conditions Table 4 The Landing Shopping Center Observed Parking Survey Results Saturday, November 19, 2022 Observed Parking Counts1 Percent of Parking Spaces Occupied Number of Parking Spaces Available