HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Minutes - AmendedCity of Newport Beach City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 September 26, 2023 Agenda Item No. 1 In response to Councilmember Grant, City Attorney Harp stated that, if found inconsistent with the Spheres Agreement or the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Settlement Agreement, the City wcould be required to submit all subsequent actions, regulations, and permits to ALUC for review until the City remedies the inconsistencies. Councilmember Grant requested that the record reflect that the City Council wants to receive all appropriate information related to anything that could affect airport expansion to safeguard jeopardizing a legal or bargaining position with respect to the renewal of the settlement agreement. Mayor Blom opened the public hearing. Nancy Scarbrough expressed residential concern surrounding the airport and suggested the matter be discussed during a study session to gain public support for the Land Use Element and to keep the community informed. Mike Smith displayed a map of existing and proposed JWA noise contours with housing sites and encouraged Council to vote "no," reject staffs recommendations,and not alter the maps. He asked how many proposed housing units, as of September 12, 2023, are in the airport area and how many proposed housing units are possible in the Newport Beach Golf Course area, the YMCA area on University Drive, the Marriot Hotel area on Bayview Circle, and Bayview Way near Jamboree Road. Charles Klobe, President of Stop Polluting Our Ne4ort (SPON), expressed concern for jeopardizing the JWA Settlement Agreement if the resolution were to be adopted and believed the plan has not been well -vetted and more community outreach is needed to garner public support for the Land Use Element vote. r . A. Jim Mosher clarified his comment about thienumber of people in attendance at the ALUC meeting, opposed going against the County's wishes, noted the Aviation Committee and GPAC Noise Element Subcommittee did not review the matter, and expressed the opinion that it could be interpreted that noise is no longer a problem if the resolution is adopted. He noted challenges with the decibel contours, inconsistencies with the airport planning sound prineipa4sprinciples, and potential exposure to litigation. He further suggested corrections to the resolution. Sue Dvorak expressed concern for the City's proposal to allow residential units to be built near JWA within the 65-decibel noise contour area in order to satisfy the State's Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) mandate and urged Council to consider the implications to future airport - related agreements. Jim Hollister expre I concern for placing housing directly under the flight path and asked Council to reconsider. Treb Heining noted the impact of State policies and the number of residents leaving California, expressed confusion why the City would entertain giving the airport any space for housing development, expressed the opinion that all housing is affordable through hard work, and asked Council to do the right thing. Linda Gates listed ALUC's main responsibilities, questioned Council's purview on the matter, discussed potential consequences for changing the noise contours, and asked Council to not change them. Hearing no further testimony, Mayor Blom closed the public hearing. Mayor Blom stated that some of the development is not controlled by the City and is private land, Council is concerned and does not want to do anything to jeopardize the JWA Settlement Agreement, Council is working to protect quality of life, noted housing already exists in many of the contours, and there are different ways to meet the same objectives. Volume 65 - Page 623 City of Newport Beach City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 In response to Mayor Pro Tem O'Neill's questions, City Attorney Harp noted the matter today is about noise contour changes and not housing unit development, and would not be included on the November 2024 ballot. Mayor Pro Tem O'Neill noted the Builder's Remedy and the importance for the City to have a compliant Housing Element, and suggested that the public research it. Assistant City Manager Jurjis reviewed the background for selecting housing opportunities, the plan for additional housing in the airport area, and consequences for not maintaining compliance with the State. He further noted that the County created the noise contours which were added in the approved Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and the City used it to adjust the City's noise contour and for the Housing Element implementation. Mayor Pro Tem O'Neill reviewed past experiences overriding the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP), noted that disagreeing with the AELUP does not mean that the City will be out of compliance, stated that none of the public spaces in the City will be developed for housing, encouraged the public to have development discussions with the private landowners, noted many Housing Element meetings and public discussions over the last few years, and acknowledged the City's shared frustration with State mandates. In response to Councilmember Grant's questions, Assistant Cio� Manager Jurjis stated he would find out what ALUC's response was when the County adopted the noise contour standards in the EIR and confirmed that the subject area has existing development o�nd noise contour standards are different for office and residential uses. Motion by Mayor Blom, seconded by Mayor Pao Tem O'NeilllLo a) find the overriding action is exempt and not subject to further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 because the Amendments would not allow development of greater intensity than is allowed under the 2006 General Plan, including the Newport Airport Village Planned Community, as amended. The updated noise contours, and impacts associated therewith, were also fulIr analyzed in the 2014 John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement Amendment Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. 617); and b) adopt Resolution No. 2023-52, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Notifying the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission and the State Division of Aeronautics of the City's Intention to Find that Amendments to the Noise and Land Use Elements of the General Plan, Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan (PC-11) and Newport Airport Village Planned Community Development Plan (PC-60) Necessary to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element are Consistent with the Purposes of the State Aeronautics Act and Overrule the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission's Determination that the Amendments are Inconsistent with the 2008 John Wayne Airport Environs Land Use Plan (PA2022-0201). With Councilmem Weigand recusing himself and Councilmember Stapleton absent, the motion carried -0. City Attorney Harp relayed an additional conflict for Councilmember Weigand since he received a contribution in excess of $250 from Treb Heining. 20. Ordinance No. 2023-14: Non -Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste Franchise Agreement [421100-20231 Mayor Blom opened the public hearing. Isaac Avilla, Roberts Waste and Recycling, expressed appreciation to the City for considering allowing them to provide continued services. Hearing no further testimony, Mayor Blom closed the public hearing. Volume 65 - Page 624