HomeMy WebLinkAbout04_Tashima Residence CDP_PA2023-0130CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT November 30, 2023 Agenda Item No. 4 SUBJECT: Tashima Residence Coastal Development Permit No. PA2023-0130 SITE LOCATION: 32 Beacon Bay APPLICANT: John Robert Walz OWNER: Paul Tashima (City of Newport Beach Property) PLANNER: Jerry Arregui, Planning Technician 949-644-3219 or jarregui@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING General Plan Land Use Plan Category: Two Unit Residential (RT) Zoning District: Two-Unit Residential (R-2) Coastal Land Use Plan Category: Two Unit Residential –10.0 – 19.9 DU/AC (RT-C) Coastal Zoning District: Two-Unit Residential (R-2) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit (CDP) request to demolish an existing singe-unit dwelling and construct a new, three-story, 3,571-square-foot, single-unit dwelling with a 709-square-foot internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and 708-square-foot attached three-car garage. The project also includes appurtenances such as a covered front deck and 1,181 square feet of landscaping. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations from the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) are requested. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving the Coastal Development Permit filed as PA2023-0130 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Tashima Residence (PA2023-0130) Zoning Administrator, November 30, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards  The subject property is in the Two-Unit Residential (R-2) Coastal Zoning District, which allows single- and two-unit residential development, including ADU’s, on a single legal lot and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required, and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area.  The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with an existing 2,674- square-foot single-unit dwelling. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two- and three-story, single- and two-unit dwellings. This project proposes a three- story, single-unit dwelling an internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development consistent with applicable development standards.  The proposed single-unit dwelling with internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) conforms to all applicable development standards including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Compliance with the Housing Crisis Act of 2019  The project proposes to demolish an existing single-unit dwelling and construct a single-unit dwelling with an internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU). As a result, the project complies with the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 and Senate Bill 8 (Skinner) because it does not result in the loss of residential density. The property owner has Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Shooner Road) 5 feet 5 feet Side 5 feet 5 feet Front (Reef Cove) 12 feet 12 feet Open Volume (min.) 447 square feet 451 square feet Parking (min.) 3-car garage 3-car garage Height (max.) 34-foot flat roof 29-feet sloped roof 23’-4” flat roof (guard rail) 28-foot sloped roof Floor Area Limit (max.) 5,958 square feet 4,988 square feet ADU Floor Area (max.) 850 square feet 709 square feet 2 Tashima Residence (PA2023-0130) Zoning Administrator, November 30, 2023 Page 3 certified that the units are not "protected" units under Section 66330 Subdivision (d)(2). The project is consistent with the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning designations that allow the single-family and ADU land uses. Under the Coastal Land Use Plan Table 2.1.1-1, the Two Unit Residential (RT-C) category is intended for a range of two-unit residential dwelling units such as duplexes and townhomes. Implementation Program (IP) Table 21.18-1 shows “Single-Unit Dwellings – Detached” and “Accessory Dwelling Units” as allowed uses in the R-2 Coastal Zoning District. Therefore, the project of demolishing a single-unit dwelling and constructing a single-unit dwelling with an internal accessory dwelling unit is consistent with the R-2 zoning and land use designations and does not result in a loss of residential density. Hazards  The finished floor elevation of the proposed structure is 11.15 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard for new structures.  The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. Water Quality  The property is located within approximately 250 feet of coastal waters. Under Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP.  Pursuant to Section 21.35.050 of the NBMC (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75%of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQHP has been prepared for the project by Toal Engineering, Inc. February 8, 2022. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID 3 Tashima Residence (PA2023-0130) Zoning Administrator, November 30, 2023 Page 4 approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Public Access and Views  The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-unit dwelling on a standard residential lot with a new single-unit dwelling and internal ADU, consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and applicable development standards. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use or intensity that will result in an increased demand for public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities.  Vertical and lateral access to the Newport Bay is available at the street ends of the Reef Cove Strada. The proposed development is located entirely within the confines of private property, with the exception of an on-grade decorative wood walkway extending approximately 16 feet into the Reef Cove Strada. The walkway is conditioned to require approval of an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department. The proposed development does not include any features that would obstruct access to the Newport Bay.  The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or coastal viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is at the Balboa Yacht Basin that is approximately 800 feet to the east, however the project is not visible from that location due to the distance and intervening structures. The site is within the general view as seen from designated viewpoints above the project site. The project replaces an existing single-unit dwelling with a single-unit dwelling and internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts on public views. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 4 Tashima Residence (PA2023-0130) Zoning Administrator, November 30, 2023 Page 5 Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family dwellings and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one, single-unit dwelling and the construction of a three-story 3,571-square-foot, single- unit dwelling with a 709-square-foot internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and 708-square- foot attached three-car garage in the Two-Unit (R-2) Coastal Zoning District. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of this exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Program [LCP] Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: CC/ja 5 Tashima Residence (PA2023-0130) Zoning Administrator, November 30, 2023 Page 6 Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 6 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 7 01-10-2023 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO DELMOLISH AN EXISITNG SINGLE-UNIT DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW 3,571 SQUARE-FOOT SINGLE UNIT DWLLING WITH A 709 SQUARE-FOOT INTERNAL ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) AND 708 SQUARE-FOOT ATTACHED THREE-CAR GARAGE LOCATED AT 32 BEACON BAY (PA2023-0130). THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by John Robert Walz of Walz: Architecture, on behalf of Paul Tashima, concerning the property located at 32 Beacon Bay, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. The property is legally described as Parcel 33 of block 9 and page 42 (“Property”). 2. The applicant requests a coastal development permit to demolish an existing single-unit dwelling and construct a new, three-story 3,571-square-foot, single-unit dwelling with a 709-square-foot internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and 708-square-foot attached three-car garage. The project also includes appurtenances such as a covered front deck and 1,181 square-feet of landscaping. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations from the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) are requested. 3. The subject property is categorized as Two Unit Residential (RT) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the Two-Unit Residential (R-2) Coastal Zoning District. 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RT-C (Two Unit Residential), and it is located within the Two-Unit Residential (R-2) Coastal Zoning District 5. A public hearing was held on November 30, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing was given by the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section, Division 6, Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 2 of 9 01-10-2023 2. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family dwellings and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one, single-unit dwelling and the construction of a three-story 3,571-square- foot, single-unit dwelling with a 709-square-foot internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and 708-square-foot attached three-car garage in the Two-Unit (R-2) Coastal Zoning District. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits - Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings, and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 5,958 square feet and the proposed floor area is 4,988 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 5 feet along the front property line abutting Schooner Road, 3 feet along each side property line, and 12 feet on the front property line abutting Reef Cove. c. The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from established grade (9.00 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and the highest ridge is less than 29 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of three vehicles, complying with the minimum two-car garage parking requirement for single-unit dwelling with less than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area and the minimum one-car parking requirement for accessory dwelling units (ADU). 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 3 of 9 01-10-2023 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two- and three-story, single- and two-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 3. The project proposes to demolish an existing single-unit dwelling and construct a single- unit dwelling with an internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU). As a result, the project complies with the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 and Senate Bill 8 (Skinner) because it does not result in the loss of residential density. The property owner has certified that the units are not "protected" units under Section 66330 Subdivision (d)(2). The project is consistent with the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning designations that allow the single-family and ADU land uses. Under the Coastal Land Use Plan Table 2.1.1-1, the Two Unit Residential (RT-C) category is intended for a range of two-unit residential dwelling units such as duplexes and townhomes. Implementation Program (IP) Table 21.18-1 shows “Single-Unit Dwellings – Detached” and “Accessory Dwelling Units” as allowed uses in the R-2 Coastal Zoning District. Therefore, the project of demolishing a single-unit dwelling and constructing a single-unit dwelling with an internal accessory dwelling unit is consistent with the R-2 zoning district and land use designations and does not result in a loss of residential density. 4. The finished floor elevation of the first floor of the Project is 11.15 feet (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard for new structures. 5. The Property is in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance 6. The property is located within approximately 250 feet of coastal waters. Under Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. 7. Pursuant to Section 21.35.050 of the NBMC (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75% of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQHP has been prepared for the project by Toal Engineering, Inc. February 8, 2022. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 4 of 9 01-10-2023 8. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075 (Landscaping). A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. 9. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or coastal viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is at the Balboa Yacht Basin that is approximately 800 feet to the east, however the project is not visible from that location due to the distance and intervening structures. The site is within the general view as seen from designated viewpoints above the project site. The project replaces an existing single-unit dwelling with a single-unit dwelling and internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that comply with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts on public views. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located in the Promontory Bay area between the nearest public road and the Newport Bay. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/ Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces and existing single-unit dwelling on a standard residential lot with a new single-unit dwelling and internal ADU, consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and applicable development standards. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use or intensity that will result in increased demand for public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 2. Vertical and lateral access to the Newport Bay is available at the street ends of the Reef Cove Strada. The proposed development for the project is located entirely within the confines of private property, with the exception of an on-grade decorative wood walkway extending approximately 16 feet into the Reef Cove Strada. The walkway is conditioned to require approval of an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department. The proposed development does not include any features that would obstruct access to the Newport Bay. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 5 of 9 01-10-2023 SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves the Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0130), subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 30TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2023. _________________________________ Jaime Murillo, Acting Zoning Administrator 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 6 of 9 01-10-2023 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall record a deed restriction with the County Recorder’s Office, the form and content of which is satisfactory to the City Attorney, prohibiting the use of the accessory dwelling unit for short-term rentals (i.e., less than 30 days) and prohibiting the sale of the ADU separate from the principal dwelling. This deed restriction shall remain in effect so long as the accessory dwelling unit exists on the property. 3. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds under MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 4. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 5. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 7 of 9 01-10-2023 6. Trash and debris shall be disposed of in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed of in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 7. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter the sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or storm drains or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 8. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Coastal Development Permit. 9. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 10. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. A material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be caused by the revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 11. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained are detrimental to the public health, and welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained to constitute a public nuisance. 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 13. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 15. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. Implementation shall comply with the approved CPPP and WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 16. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Construction Activity – Noise Regulations) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 8 of 9 01-10-2023 17. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 18. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 19. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 20. This Coastal Development Permit No. PA2023-0130 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 21. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Tashima Residence, including but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. PA2023-0130. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorney’s fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit, or proceeding whether incurred by the applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions outlined in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City under the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 9 of 9 01-10-2023 Building Division 22. For habitable levels located more than one story above or more than one story below an egress door: The maximum travel distance from any occupied point to a stairway or ramp that provides egress from such habitable level or basement shall not exceed 50’. R311.4 2 23. Revise travel distance to include the most remote point, 18” away from edge of the wall and 18” to stair landing edge. Public Works Department 24. An encroachment permit and encroachment agreement are required for the proposed decorative walkway within the Reef Cove right of way. 25. The proposed driveway approach shall be compliant with City Standard. 26. The garage finish floor shall be 6” above the adjacent flowline of Schooner Road. 27. A new sewer clean-out shall be installed on the existing sewer lateral per City Standard 406. Fire Department 28. NFPA 13D fire sprinklers shall be installed in the development. 16 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 17 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit PA2023-0130 32 Beacon Bay Subject Property Subject Property 18 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 19 ROOF / SITE PLAN 1 ROOF AND SITE 1/8"=1'-0"A_0.1 N PROJECT ADDRESS: 32 BEACON BAYLEGAL DESCRIPTION:APN: 050 222 19PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW THREE-STORY SINGLEFAMILY RESIDENCE WITH AN ATTACHED ADU AND THREE CARGARAGE. INCLUDES A ROOF DECK AS WELL AS FIVE BEDROOMSand SIX AND ONE HALF BATHS. OCCUPANCY: GROUP R-3/U NUMBER OF STORIES:3CONSTRUCTION:TYPE V-B ZONING DISTRICT:R-2 ARCHITECTURALA_0.1 A_0.1AA_1.0-3A_2.0-1A_2.2-3 LIST OF DRAWINGS PROJECT DATA LOCATION MAP SITE PLAN / PROJECT INFOTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAREA EXHIBITFLOOR PLANSEXT. ELEVATIONS3D RENDERINGS HOME OWNERS ASSOC.: BEACON BAY COMMUNITYASSOCIATION GLAZING NUMBER WORK POINT ELEVATION CONTROL INTERIOR ELEVATION NORTH ARROW CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINE HIDDEN/CONCEALED LINE SPOT ELEVATION DIMENSIONS GRIDLINES ELEVATION BUILDING SECTION DETAIL/WALL SECTIION DETAIL ENLARGEMENT DOOR NUMBER NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 HOUR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SYMBOLS TA S H I M A . B B A Y ABBREVIATIONS A@ atabv. aboveAFF Above Finish FloorA.D. Area Drainavg. AverageBBd. BoardBlw. BelowBldg. BuildingBm. BeamBTU British Thermal UnitCCFM Cubic Feet per MinuteCIP Cast in placeCMU Concrete masonry UnitConc. ConcreteCont. ContinuousDDn DownDWV Drain/Waste VentEElasto. Elastomeric(E) ExistingFFAU Forced Air UnitFF Finish FloorFIN FinishFJ Floor JoistFG Finish GradeFO Face of_FOP Face of PlywoodFOS Face of StudFOF Face of FramingGGa. GuageGalv. Galvanizedgyp. GypsumGSM Galv. Sheet Mtl.GWB Gypsum WallboardHHVAC Heating, Ventilation and AirConditioning UnitIInv. InvertJ KLLPG Liquified Petroleum GasMMfg. Manufactur(er)Mtl. MetalMin. MinimumNnic Not In Contract(N) NewOo/ OverOD Outside DiameterODU Out Door UnitOSB Oriented Strand BoardPPtd. PaintedPV Plumbing VentPW PlywoodRReq. RequiredRJ Roof JoistRR Roof RafterRm RoomSS.D. Storm DrainSF Square FeetSC ScupperStl. SteelSS Stainless SteelTTO Top of_TOFF Top of Finish FloorTOR Top of RoofTyp. TypicalT.G. Top of GrateTPS Top of Plywood SheathingUUL Underwriters LabratoriesUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseVWWd. Woodw/ WithWH Water HeaterXY PROPOSED HEIGHT:28'-0" HEIGHT CERTIFICATIONREQUIRED PARKING: 3 COVERED SCOPE OF WORK AREA CALCS: SEE A0.1A LIVING AREA (SF):-LIVING 1: 1,602-LIVING 2: 1,533-ADU: 709-LIVING 3: 436-GARAGE:708PROPOSED TOTAL: 4,988 -UNCOVERED ROOF DECK: 694-COVERED ROOF DECK: 218 CITY OF NB 15% OPEN SPACE (SF): SEE EXHIBITBUILDABLE AREA: 2,979OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 2,979(15%)=447PROPOSED OPEN SPACE: 451 SLOPE ESTABLISHMENT:HIGHEST GRADE POINT: 10.55’LOWEST GRADE POINT: 9.98'POINT DISTANCE: 69.50’SLOPE: .57/69.50 = 0.8% ALLOWABLE HEIGHT CALCULATION:GRADE ESTABLISHMENT FOR < 5%:SUM( 10.44,10.48,10.28,10.51) / 4= 10.43’ AVG. MAX.ALLOWABLE HEIGHT:+24' (2% ROOF PITCH)=34.43’PROPOSED HEIGHT: + 23.33' (CERT.REQ'D)=33.76’ MAX.ALLOWABLE HEIGHT:+29’ (MIN. 3:12 ROOF PITCH)=39.43’PROPOSED HEIGHT: +28.63' (CERT.REQ'D)=39.06’ N 1 3 24 ENT R Y ℄SC H O O N E R R D 32 BEACON BAY NEW 3-STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT T.O.S.:11.00', F.F:11.15' PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 20'-6" CLR. GARAGE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 28' - 3 " C L R . G A R A G E 5'-0 " NOTE: SETBACKS ARE MEASURED T0 FACEOF EXTERIOR FINISH AND ARE APPROXIMATE DR I V E W A Y PER L A N D S C A P E ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH OWNER: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INRESPONSIBLE CHARGE:JR WALZ510 LARKSPUR AVE,CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625949.836.5977, WALZ.JR@GMAIL.COM PAUL TASHIMA32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660773.251.3647 CONTACTSCITY OF NB NOTES 1. ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOTRELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THEPROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITYASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZEDBY THIS PERMIT. 2. PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY ANENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT 3. POOLS, SPAS, WALLS, FENCES, PATIO COVERS AND OTHER FREESTANDINGSTRUCTURES REQUIRE SEPARATE REVIEWS AND PERMITS 4. A CAL-OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS DEEPER THAN 5' AND FORSHORING AND UNDERPINNING.5. THE MAXIMUM TIME TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION ON A PROJECT IS LIMITED TOTHREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE PERMIT FOR ALL PERMITS ISSUED AFTERAUGUST 21, 2019 AS REQUIRED BY NBMC SECTION 15.02.095 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: ENERGY CALCULATIONS: MARK MADISON- ENERGY CODE WORKS2600 MICHELSON DR., STE, 1700IRVINE, CA 92612800.700.0131, MARK@ENERGYCODE.COM GENERAL SITE NOTES: 1. EMPLOY NEWPORT BEACH STANDARD EROSION CONTROL MEASURESTHROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 2. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION ISREQUIRED BEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BE ISSUED. ATTHE TIME OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, IF ANY OF THE EXISTINGPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE IS DAMAGED BY THE PRIVATEWORK, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT,AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED. ADDITIONALLY, IFEXISTING UTILITIES ARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD, A NEW 1-INCH WATER SERVICE,WATER METER BOX, SEWER LATERAL AND/OR CLEANOUT WITH BOX LID WILL BEREQUIRED. 100% OF THE COST SHALL BE BORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER(MUNICIPAL CODE 14.24.020 AND 14.08.030). SAID DETERMINATION AND THEEXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLICWORKS INSPECTOR. 3. ALL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED ANDPOSITIONED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE IRRIGATION OVERSPRAY ONTOTHE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 4. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK ACTIVITIESWITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 5. PROVIDE APPROVED BACKWATER DRAINAGE VALVE FOR FIXTURES LOCATEDBELOW THE ELEVATION OF NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE COVER. FIXTURES ABOVETHIS ELEVATION SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH VALVE. 6. PROVIDE 6" HOUSE STREET NUMBER VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM STREET.NUMBERS SHALL BE OF NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS IN SPECIAL FIREPROTECTION AREAS. 7. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON-STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ALL NON-STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6 AND L-18. 8. ALL STRUCTURES LIMITED TO MAX. +42" WITHIN FRONT SETBACK AND +72"WITHIN SIDE AND REAR SETBACKS MEASURED FROM EXISTING GRADE, 9. ALL REQUIRED SETBACK DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF FINISH 10. ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BEPERFORMED BE A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR AN ALICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR 11. ALL GRADE SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE EXISTING SURVEYED TOPOGRAPHICELEVATIONS: (XX.XX") SITE LEGEND: · FRONT DOOR ENTRY · PROPERTY LINE · FOOTPRINT · GARAGE CLEAR INTERIOR FOOTPRINT · ROOF PLAN ABV. 3'-6 " CIVIL ENGINEER:ADAM TOAL- TOAL ENGINEERING139 AVE. NAVARRO, SAN CLEMENTE, 92672949.492.8586ATOAL@TOALENGINEERING.COM (E)COMMON FENCES TO REMAIN OUTLINE OF NEIGHBOR HOME GATE MAX 6' ABV. GRADE LINE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT SCREENED TRASH AREA COURTYARD PERLANDSCAPESEE OPENSPACE EXHIBIT THREE CARGARAGE 12'-512" 1'-512" (E)PL FENCE TO REMAIN OUTDOOR SHOWER TO BE PLUMBEDSEPARATELY FROM THE STORM SEWER NEW CLEAN OUT ON (E)SEWER LATERAL,MUST BE LOCATED IN THE PRIVATESTREET ROW ELECTRIC METER PER SCEGAS METER PER SO CAL GAS 5'-0" 5'-0 " 12'-0" 12'-0" 80'-6" 8'-0 " 4'-2 12" 17' - 3 12" 5'-6 " 12'-212"8'-6"59'-912" 35' - 0 " LANDSCAPE DESIGNER: MOLLYWOOD GARDEN DESIGN1660 ORANGE AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA. 92627949.548.1611DANIELA@MOLLYWOODGARDENDESIGN.COM GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEER: COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC.1200 W. COMMONWEALTH AVENUEFULLERTON, CA 92833(714) 870-1211 HIG H E S T R I D G E 3 9 . 0 6 ' : 2 8 ' - 7 12" T A L L OUTLINE OF NEIGHBOR HOME WATER FEATURE PER LANDSCAPE, SEPARATEPERMIT REQUIRED MAX 2' ABOVE GRADE WATER FEATURE PER LANDSCAPE, SEPARATEPERMIT REQUIRED, MAX 6' ABV. GRADE FENCE AND GATE MAX 6'-0" ABV.GRADE FIRE PIT PER LANDSCAPE MAX. 2'ABOVE DECK FINISH 4'-6 " 35' - 0 " (E) ROLLED CURB TO REMAIN OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT (SF): 1/32"= 1'-0" 14'-10" X 18'-212"15'-1" X 12'-0 12"+ = 451 SF A 14'-10" 4'-7" 4'-7" 80'-6" FLOOR 1 14'-10" A 18' - 2 12" LINE OF CANOPY OVERHANG ABV. 2'-1" LINE OF OVERHANG ABV. 15'-1"12'- 0 12"FLOOR 2 B BA B 7'-112" A/C CONDENSING UNITS: SLIM PROFILE STYLEWITH SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKETS FRONT DECKPER LANDSCAPEFS: 11.15 LOW WALL PER LANDSCAPEMAX 2' ABOVE GRADE LANDSCAPEL-1 FLOOR 1 CONCEPTL-2 ROOF DECK CONCEPTLP-1 FLOOR 1 PLANTINGLP-2 ROOF DECK PLANTINGLL-1 FLOOR 1 LIGHTINGLL-2 ROOF DECK LIGHTINGLI-1 FLOOR 1 IRRIGATION PLANLI-2 ROOF DECK IRRIGATION PLANLI-3 IRRIGATION DETAILSLI-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS &WATER USE CALCSLI-5 IRRIGATION SCHEDULESLI-6-7 IRRIGATION SPECS ℄ST R A D A DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDS DS DSDS CIVILC-1 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANWQ-1 WQMP EXHIBITCP-1 CONSTRUCTION POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PLANTING AREA WOOD DECKEDISON BOX PLANTED AREA HEDGES, SHRUBBERY, ANDVEGETATION IN TRAFFIC SAFETYVISIBILITY AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTO A HEIGHT OF TWENTY-FOUR (24)INCHES OR LESS AS MEASURED FROMADJACENT FINISHED GRADE 5'-0"TRAFFIC SAFETYVISIBILITY AREA 6'-0"26'-0"BEACON BAY SITE SETBACK DECORATIVE WALKWAY REQUIRESENCROACHMENT PERMIT ANDENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT 20 21 N 90°00'00" E 97.47' N 90°00'00" E 97.47' (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) LOT 32 2 STORYBUILDING 2 STORYGARAGE D,THING SEAFOU SEAFOU COVEREDAREA COVEREDAREA 12 1110 13 9876 45 3 1 AREA EXHIBIT 1/8"=1'-0"A0.1aASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH 2 PROPOSED GARAGE:= 430=80=37= 147=14= 708 PROPOSED FLOOR 1:= 162=47= 343= 249=13=788= 1,602 PROPOSED ADU:=81=16= 600=12= 709 PROPOSED FLOOR 2:= 401=61=19= 851=22=7= 49=39=84= 1,533 PROPOSED FLOOR 3:= 376=43=17= 436 =4,988 TOTAL PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTAGE PROPOSED COVERED DECK:= 218 PROPOSED UNCOVERED DECK:=47=18= 142=487= 694 SLOPE ESTABLISHMENT:HIGHEST GRADE POINT: 10.55’LOWEST GRADE POINT: 9.98'POINT DISTANCE: 69.50’SLOPE: .57/69.50 = 0.8% ALLOWABLE HEIGHT CALCULATION:GRADE ESTABLISHMENT FOR < 5%:SUM( 10.44,10.48,10.28,10.51) / 4= 10.43’ AVG. 12 SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATION PROPOSED FLOOR 1 PROPOSED FLOOR 2 20' - 0 " FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS 1 2 6 10 7 9 14 13 16 26 25 1415 16171819202122 24 7'-1"4'-0"13'-0" 3'- 9 " 21'-6"17'-0"14'-10" 16' - 1 0 " 22'-6" 8'-6" 35' - 0 " 29' - 9 " 4'-1 " 4'-1"3'-0" 17'-1" 23'- 8 " 37'-5"4'-0" 8'-9" 9'- 9 " 13'-7" 4'-5 " 22'- 1 " 9'-6" 17'-1" 9'-6" 17 4'-7" 1'-8 " 2526 1'-7 " PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 3 3 4 5 8 11 1'-6 " 11' - 3 " 14'-5" 20 ' - 2 " 3'- 7 " 13'-2"3'-10" 12 15 18 19 20 22 23 21 5'-6 " 22'- 9 " 4'-1 0 " 6'-5 " 3'-11" 20'-3" 27 4'-6 " 3'-11" 23 69'-5" 28 29 30 31 32 27 28 293031 26'- 1 1 " 18'-1" 3'-5" 13' - 1 0 " 15'-9" 4'- 5 " 11' - 2 " 12'-9" 4'-0" 7'-6" 24 32 22 HVAC 7'-7"8'-6"59'-9" PLANS 1/4"=1'-0"A_1.0 FLOOR 1 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH A LEGEND (RE: STRUCTURAL PLANS FRAMING DESIGN & PLANS) X XXXX - NEW DOOR PER SCHEDULE A6.0 - NEW WINDOW PER SCHEDULE A6.0 INDICATES EMERGENCY EGRESS W/ MIN. 5.7 SF OPENING (MIN.20" CLEAR WIDTH X 24" CLEAR HEIGHT). RE: A6.0 FORDETAILED REQUIREMENTS. - 7/8" EXT. PLASTER PER 1/A4.0 B - 1" BRICK ADHERED VENEER O/ CEMENTMORTAR BED PER 4/A4.0 C - VERT. 1X3 'THERMORY' KNOTTY PINE PER9/A4.0 - 2X6 WALL W/ R-21 BATT INSULATION, UNO.EXTERIOR FINISH PER A2.0-1 EXT. ELEVATIONS- INTERIOR PLUMBING: WHERE REQ'D FORROUTING PLUMBING PIPES PROVIDE 2X6CONST.- SEPARATION WALL MIN. 1/2" GWB ON GARAGESIDE LIVING 103 3-CARGARAGE 113 ENTRY 100 KITCHEN 104 DINING 102 GUESTSUITE 111 POWDER 108 PANTRY 105 STAIR 101 BOARDS SHOWER W/D ELEV 106 COURTYARDOPEN SPACE 112 WINE ELEV.EQUIPMENT BBQ MUD AREA 21'-6"12'-11"19'-8"9'-11"9'-11"1'-11"2'-10"1'-912" 1'-9 " 2'-0 " 1'- 9 " 17' - 3 12" 1'-9 " 1'- 9 " 4'- 6 " 1'-9 " 5'-0 " SET B A C K 12'-0"SETBACK1'-9"2'-1012"8'-914"13'-834" 6'-1114" 14'-10"14'-412"12'-712"4'-5"6'-1" 1'-0" 5'-0"SETBACK 5'-0 " SET B A C K 5'-0 " SET B A C K 3'- 7 " 16 ' - 9 " 1'-0 " 8'-6 " 5'-2 " 5'-0 " SET B A C K 24 ' - 6 12" 2'-5 12" 8'- 0 " 35' - 0 " 6'-012"6'-1014" 28'- 3 " C L E A R 20'-6" CLEAR HALLWAY 107 BATHROOM 109 CLOSET 110 ADU ENTRY 114 1A_2.0 1A_2.1 2A_2.0 2A_2.1 FIREPIT 100A 103A 111B 110A 109A 111A 108A 106A 113A 113B 113C 113D 113E 113F 114A 105A 112A A1A2B1 C1 C2 D1 E1 E2 F1 105B 2'-1"3'-6"11'-0"2'-8" 4'-1 0 " 5'-9 " 3'- 1 0 " 8'-7 " 10'- 6 " 5'- 2 12" 4'- 0 " 4'- 0 " 2'-1 " 2'-2"12'-0"2'-2"2'-11"5'-8"7'-3" 9'-1 " 3'- 2 " 5'-5 " 6'-8 " 4'- 4 " 3'- 0 " 2'-0 " 18 ' - 2 12" 5'-0 " 3'-6 " 5'-0"SETBACK PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 4'-712"12'-0"SETBACK 23 FLOOR 2 PLANS 1/4"=1'-0"A_1.1ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH MASTERSUITE 201 GUESTSUITE 2 207 STAIR 212 OPEN TO ENTRYBELOW LAUNDRY 219 GUESTSUITE 3 218 STAIR 200 ELEV 210 STAIR 211 ADU 214 MASTERBATH 202 ADU BEDROOM 215 LINEN 20'-412"7'-414"8'-834"10'-7"9'-2"3'-7"17'-912"1'-1" 5'-0 " SET B A C K 9'- 9 " 4'-7 34" 4'- 7 34" 4'-7 34" 3'-1 1 12" 6'-6 " 3'-5"7'-612"10'-412"4'-512" 15'-1"17'-1" 5'-212"3'-5"11'-612" 20'-2"14'-10"12'-112"12'-0"SETBACK 5'-0 " SET B A C K 1'-0 " 12' - 7 12" 17 ' - 1 " 4'-0 12" 33'- 9 " 5'-0 " SET B A C K 5'-0"SETBACK 78'-8" 4'-7"11'-312" WC 203 WALK-INCLOSET 204 OWNER`SCLOSET 205 HALLWAY 206 BATHROOM 208 CLOSET 209 CLOSET 213 ADUBATHROOM 217 CLOSET 216 BATHROOM 220 UNDER-STAIRCLOSET 221 HALLWAY 206 BALCONY1-HOURRATED CLOSET CLOSET W/D STANDING SEAMMETAL - VINTAGEFINISH TRENCH DRAIN CLASS 'A' STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF- VINTAGEFINISH PORCELAIN TILE O/ELASTOMERIC BUILT-UP ROOF W/GRAVEL FINISH GUTTER 2%2% 2% 1A_2.0 1A_2.1 2A_2.0 2A_2.1 A LEGEND (RE: STRUCTURAL PLANS FRAMING DESIGN & PLANS) X XXXX - NEW DOOR PER SCHEDULE A6.0 - NEW WINDOW PER SCHEDULE A6.0 INDICATES EMERGENCY EGRESS W/ MIN. 5.7 SF OPENING (MIN.20" CLEAR WIDTH X 24" CLEAR HEIGHT). RE: A6.0 FORDETAILED REQUIREMENTS. - 7/8" EXT. PLASTER PER 1/A4.0 B - 1" BRICK ADHERED VENEER O/ CEMENTMORTAR BED PER 4/A4.0 C - VERT. 1X3 'THERMORY' KNOTTY PINE PER9/A4.0 - 2X6 WALL W/ R-21 BATT INSULATION, UNO.EXTERIOR FINISH PER A2.0-1 EXT. ELEVATIONS- INTERIOR PLUMBING: WHERE REQ'D FORROUTING PLUMBING PIPES PROVIDE 2X6CONST.- SEPARATION WALL MIN. 1/2" GWB ON GARAGESIDE G1 H1 J1 J2 K1 M1M2M3M4N1N2N3P1P2P3P4R1R2R3 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 T1 T2 U1 U2 U3 U4 V1 V2 V3 E1 E2 201B 201A 202A 203A 205A 204A 207C207B 207A 209A 208A 210A 219A 221A 220A 218C 218B 218A 212A213A 216A 215A 217A 1'-3"4'-0"10'-312"1'-10" 5'-712"2'-212"2'-212" 1'-1 1 14" M5 12' - 0 12" 5'-0 " SET B A C K 2'-6" 5'-0"SETBACK 12'-0"SETBACK 12'-814" 2'-6 " 2'- 6 " 7'-7" 24 HVAC PLANS 1/4"=1'-0"A_1.2 FLOOR 3 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH HOT TUBPER LSCAPE7'-0" ØU/CREF.ICEBBQ DW 5'-0"SETBACK 2'-214" 21'-312"STEPBACK 7'-634"2'-11"6'-634"7'-912"7'-934"3'-634" 24'-212"14'-10"15'-112" 9'-5"7'-712" 20'-312" 2'-6 " 6'-9 34" 14' - 1 0 14" 4'-1 0 " 4'- 6 " 5'-0 " SET B A C K 17'-012" 31' - 0 " STAIR 300 ELEV 301 SAUNA 302 BONUS/GYM 303 KITCHENETTE 304 BATHROOM 305 OUTDOORCOVERED DECK 306 2% 2% SEE ROOFPLAN, TYP. TRENCH DRAIN TRENCH DRAIN 2% 2% 2% TRENCH DRAIN 1A_2.0 1A_2.1 2A_2.0 2A_2.1 DECK FINISH (PER LSCAPE)O/ ELASTOMERICWATERPROOF MEMBRANEPER ICC ESR REPORT DECK FINISH (PER LSCAPE)O/ ELASTOMERICWATERPROOF MEMBRANEPER ICC ESR REPORT DECK FINISH (PER LSCAPE) O/ELASTOMERIC WATERPROOFMEMBRANE PER ICC ESR REPORT A LEGEND (RE: STRUCTURAL PLANS FRAMING DESIGN & PLANS) X XXXX - NEW DOOR PER SCHEDULE A6.0 - NEW WINDOW PER SCHEDULE A6.0 INDICATES EMERGENCY EGRESS W/ MIN. 5.7 SF OPENING (MIN.20" CLEAR WIDTH X 24" CLEAR HEIGHT). RE: A6.0 FORDETAILED REQUIREMENTS. - 7/8" EXT. PLASTER PER 1/A4.0 B - 1" BRICK ADHERED VENEER O/ CEMENTMORTAR BED PER 4/A4.0 C - VERT. 1X3 'THERMORY' KNOTTY PINE PER9/A4.0 - 2X6 WALL W/ R-21 BATT INSULATION, UNO.EXTERIOR FINISH PER A2.0-1 EXT. ELEVATIONS- INTERIOR PLUMBING: WHERE REQ'D FORROUTING PLUMBING PIPES PROVIDE 2X6CONST.- SEPARATION WALL MIN. 1/2" GWB ON GARAGESIDE W1 W2 W3 X1 Y1 Z1 305A304A 303B 301A 302A 303A TR. PLANTING AREA PLANTING AREA ALL FEATURES ON ROOF DECK, INCLUDING HOTTUB, COUNTERS, ETC. ARE SUBJECT TO 24'MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMITATION 5'-0 " 1'-1 0 12" 7'-7" 2'- 0 " STE P B A C K 5'-0 " 2'-0 " STE P B A C K 5'-0 " 3'- 6 " 2'-6"3'-6" 2'- 6 " INE OF FIRST FLOOR BELOW E OF SECOND FLOOR BELOW 1'-0" 12'-6" 4'-1 1 14" 3'- 9 34" 1'-1 12" 30 ' - 1 12" 47'-4" TRAVEL DISTAN C E 25 PLANS 1/4"=1'-0"A_1.3 FLOOR 3 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH R I D G E ( + 2 8 ' - 0 " ) F R O M F . F . RIDGE (+27'-7") FROM F.F GUARDRAIL (+22'-10 1/2")FROM GRADE GUA R D R A I L ( + 2 2 ' - 4 " ) RIDGE (+27'-4") FROM F.F. RIDGE (+22'-5 1/2") FROM F.F PLANTER PLANTER PLANTER CEDAR SHINGLES 0/CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY@ ALL SLOPED ROOF RE: A1.2 8:12 8:12 8:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:12 3:12 2% 2% 2% 2%2% SEE A1.1 SEE A1.1 SEE A1.2 METAL GUTTER W/ VINTAGE FINISHTO MATCH ROOF, TYP. 1A_2.0 1A_2.1 2A_2.0 2A_2.1 ZINC COATED STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF - AGED VINTAGEFINISH. PER IAPMO UES ER-309 CEDAR SHINGLES 0/CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY@ ALL SLOPED ROOF ZINC COATED STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF - AGED VINTAGEFINISH. PER IAPMO UES ER-309 SEEA1.1 CEDAR SHINGLES 0/CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY@ ALL SLOPED ROOF A LEGEND (RE: STRUCTURAL PLANS FRAMING DESIGN & PLANS) X XXXX - NEW DOOR PER SCHEDULE A6.0 - NEW WINDOW PER SCHEDULE A6.0 INDICATES EMERGENCY EGRESS W/ MIN. 5.7 SF OPENING (MIN20" CLEAR WIDTH X 24" CLEAR HEIGHT). RE: A6.0 FODETAILED REQUIREMENTS. - 7/8" EXT. PLASTER PER 1/A4.0 B - 1" BRICK ADHERED VENEER O/ CEMENTMORTAR BED PER 4/A4.0 C - VERT. 1X3 'THERMORY' KNOTTY PINE PER9/A4.0 - 2X6 WALL W/ R-21 BATT INSULATION, UNOEXTERIOR FINISH PER A2.0-1 EXT. ELEVATIONS- INTERIOR PLUMBING: WHERE REQ'D FOROUTING PLUMBING PIPES PROVIDE 2XCONST.- SEPARATION WALL MIN. 1/2" GWB ON GARAGSIDE L1 2% 7'-7" 12'-614" 4'-1 1 14"2'-6" 2'- 6 " 5'-934" 4'-1 1 14" 2'-6" 2'-6 " 5'-934" 5'- 9 34" 4'-9 34" 4'-9 34" 5'-0 "6'- 1 12" 26 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH EAST 1 SOUTH 2 ELEVATIONS 1/4"=1'-0"A_2.0 FIRST LEVEL FF: 11.15' (0") UPPER SECOND FLOOR +10'-1" LOWER TOP PLATE : +18'-212" LOWER SECOND FLOOR +9'-1" 9'-1 " 8'-1 12" UPPER TOP PLATE : +19'-6" 1'-3 12" 7'-1 0 " LOWER TOP OF ROOF : 27'-4" 28' - 1 1 " FIRST LEVEL FF: 11.15' (+0") UPPER SECOND FLOOR +10'-1" LOWER SECOND FLOOR +9'-1" 9'-1 " 9'-5 " UPPER TOP PLATE : +19'-6" 7'-1 0 " TOP OF ROOF : +27'-7"8" UPPER TOP OF ROOF : +28'-0" 1'- 0 " 1'-0 " ALUM. CLAD DOORS & WINDOWSDARK BRONZE, TYP. HORIZONTAL CLAPBOARD SIDING,ARCTIC WHITE ROMAN BRICK VENEER: WHITE LINEAR CEDAR SHINGLES, TYP. ALUM. CLAD DOORS & WINDOWSDARK BRONZE, TYP. HORIZONTAL CLAPBOARD SIDING,ARCTIC WHITE VERTICAL 1X3 THERMORY KNOTTY PINE HORIZONTAL CLAPBOARD SIDING,ARCTIC WHITE ALUM. CLAD DOORS & WINDOWSDARK BRONZE, TYP. HALF-ROUND, COPPER, WEATHEREDGALVALUME GUTTERS - 5", TYP. THERMORY WOOD BARN DOORS STAINED WOOD GUARDRAIL SOLDIER COURSE BRICK ACCENT 4X CANOPY AWNING W/ EXPOSED RAFTERS,& BEAMS - PTD. TO MATCH SIDING 5" HALF-ROUND ALUMINUM GUTTERS -VINTAGE FINISH, TYP. 23'- 4 " FRO M E S T . G R A D E 28' - 7 12" EST. GRADE: 10.43'( -712") EST. GRADE: 10.43'( -712") TOP OF CHIMNEY: 28'-11" PTD. WD. TOP RAIL, W/ 38"Ø STL. RODINFILL BELOW. MIN. 40% OPEN T.O.S.: 11'-0" (-2") T.O.S.: 11'-0" (-2") THERMORY WOOD GATES VERTICAL T&G,TYP. SMOOTH EXTERIOR PLASTER - DOVEGRAY, TYP. STANDING SEAM METAL:VINTAGE FINISH, TYP. STANDING SEAM: VINTAGE, TYP. CEDAR SHINGLE, TYP. ROMAN BRICK VENEER: WHITELINEAR ⅊ OPEN OPEN ALUM. CHIMNEY SHROUD- VINTAGE FINISH TO MATCH ROOF & GUTTERS 100A 103A G1 H1 J1 J2201B K1 113C C1 C2 112A E2 F1 S5 S6 T1 T2 U1 U2 V1 V2 V3 H1 Y1 Z1 ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ LOWER TOP OF ROOF : +27'-4" 22' - 4 " 22 ' - 1 0 12" 27'- 1 1 12" FRO M E S T . G R A D E 2'-6" 4'-612" 2'-9"3'-6" 7'-1" LOWER TOP OF ROOF : +22'-512" PTD. WD. TOP RAIL, W/ 38"ØSTL. ROD INFILL BELOW. MIN.40% OPEN 5'-0" WOOD DECK DECK 27 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH WEST 1 NORTH 2 ELEVATIONS 1/4"=1'-0"A_2.1 (E)ENTRY LEVEL FF: 11.15' (+0") UPPER SECOND FLOOR +10'-1" LOWER TOP PLATE : +18'-212" LOWER SECOND FLOOR +9'-1" 9'-1 " 8'-1 12" UPPER TOP PLATE : +19'-6" 1'-3 12" 7'-1 0 " LOWER TOP OF ROOF : +27'-4" UPPER TOP OF ROOF : +28'-0" 8" 28 ' - 0 " FIRST LEVEL FF: 11.15' (+0") UPPER SECOND FLOOR +10'-1" LOWER TOP PLATE : +18'-212" LOWER SECOND FLOOR +9'-1" 9'-1 " 8'- 1 12" UPPER TOP PLATE : +19'-6" 1'-3 12" 7'-1 0 " LOWER TOP OF ROOF : +27'-4" UPPER TOP OF ROOF : +28'-0" 8" 28 ' - 0 " 1'-0 " 1'-0 " ALUM. CLAD DOORS & WINDOWSDARK BRONZE, TYP. HORIZONTAL CLAPBOARD SIDING, ARCTICWHITE ROMAN BRICK VENEER: WHITE LINEAR THERMORY WOOD DOORS VERTICAL T&G,TYP. VERTICAL BRICK SOLDIER COURSE@ HEADERS, TYP. CEDAR SHINGLES, TYP. VERTICAL 1X3 THERMORY KNOTTY PINE STAINED WOOD GUARDRAIL 4X CANOPY AWNING W/ EXPOSED BEAMS, TOMATCH SIDING ROMAN BRICK VENEER: WHITE LINEAR 4X CANOPY AWNING W/ EXPOSEDBEAMS TO MATCH SIDING ALUM. CLAD DOORS & WINDOWSDARK BRONZE, TYP. HORIZONTAL CLAPBOARD SIDING,ARCTIC WHITE STAINED WOOD GUARDRAIL VERTICAL 1X3 THERMORY KNOTTY PINE CEDAR SHINGLES, TYP. HORIZONTALCLAPBOARD SIDING,ARCTIC WHITE 28' - 7 12" EST. GRADE: 10.43'( -712") EST. GRADE: 10.43'( -712") T.O. GUARD ( 22'-4") ADU ENTRY: ALUM. CLAD DOORS &WINDOWS DARK BRONZE, TYP. 22' - 3 12" T.O.S.: 11'-0" (-2") T.O.S.: 11'-0" (-2") CEDAR SHINGLES, TYP. THERMORY WOOD GATES VERTICAL T&G, TYP. SMOOTH EXTERIOR PLASTER - DOVE GRAY, TYP. METAL STANDING SEAM: VINTAGE FINISH, TYP, STANDING SEAM METAL: VINTAGE FINISH. 5" HALF-ROUND ALUMINUM GUTTERS -VINTAGE FINISH, TYP. OPEN OPEN 113B113A S1 S2 S3 S4 303B 304A A1 A2 105B B1 114A M1 M2 M3 M4 C3 N2 N3 P1 P2 P3 P4 R1 R2 R3 X1L1 ⅊⅊ ⅊⅊ 2'-6" CHIMNEY : +28'-11" 2'-6"2'-6" 7'-612" 4'-612" DECK 28 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM STRATA 4 2 RENDERINGS 1/4"=1'-0"A_2.2 3 1 WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM SCHOONER RD WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM SCHOONER RD WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM SCHOONER RD 29 ASSESSORS PARCEL#: - Sca l e : JR WALZ23 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 150NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660949.836.5977JR@WALZARCHITECTURE.COM WALZ : ARCHITECTURE Clie n t : Pro j e c t : Le g a l D e s c r i p t i o n : Dat e : THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF JR WALZ,AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INWHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. ITIS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTAND IS TO BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. BY Cor r e c t i o n s / C h a n g e s : # REVISIONSDATE Se a l / S i g n a t u r e : HOA SUBMITTAL Is s u e d F o r : Dra w i n g N o : Co n s u l t a n t s : No t e : Dra w i n g : 2023.06.29PAUL TASHIMA TASHIMA.BBAY 32 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH BIRDS-EYE VIEW FROM STRATA 8 WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM BEACON BAY 6 RENDERINGS 1/4"=1'-0"A_2.3 5 7 WORMS-EYE VIEW FROM STRATA BIRDS-EYE VIEW FROM SCHOONER RD 30 LOT 32 2 STORYBUILDING 2 STORYGARAGE FOUND L&TLS 8516 SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING COVEREDAREA COVEREDAREA BUILDING BUILDING EERRAAAAAAAAEECCEE DDRRVVEE 11.15 FF 11.00 T/SLABPAD=TBD EAARRCHEEUNNUNND EARCHESEEE EREREROVAAA EEDTH,HINEDE G RRRRR SCH O O N E R R O A D PROPOSED RESIDENCE GARAGEGGG N 90°00'00" E 97.47' N 90°00'00" E 97.47' (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) 0 45 . 0 0 ' ) 0 E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 0°0 0 ' 0 0 " E EEEE 000000 (N 0 0 0" ( 0 EEEEEEE 4444 CONSTRUCTION NOTES SECTION 11.15 FF11.00 T/SLAB0PAD=TBDAP 11.15 FF11.00 T/SLABPAD=TBD GARAGE LEGEND GENERAL NOTES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORREQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS / APPROVALS In addition to any certifications required by the agencies having jurisdiction over this project, the following approvals from the Civil engineer of record are required: 1. Foundation forms for improvements on or abutting property lines is requiredprior to concrete pour. 2. Location, size, and depth of all drain lines prior to backfill. PRELIMINARY PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS PRELIMINARY EARTHWORK ESTIMATE 139 Avenida NavarroSan Clemente, CA 92672949.492.8586www.toalengineering.com CIVIL ENGINEERINGLAND SURVEYINGSTORMWATER QUALITY DETAIL PERFORATED DRAIN TRENCH DETAIL TYPICAL HARDSCAPE SECTION DETAIL TYPICAL DRAIN INLET 31 FOUND L&TLS 8516 SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING EAEARRCHEEEUNNUNND SEEARCHEEE EEDTH,HINEDE N 90°00'00" E 97.47' N 90°00'00" E 97.47' (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 000000 0 LOT 32 SC HOO N ER R OAD WQMP LEGEND PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PROPOSED HARDSCAPE RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION PROPOSED STORM DRAIN INLET PROJECT AREA BOUNDARY INFILTRATION TRENCH / GRAVEL AREA ON-SITE PROJECT INFORMATION: 2,374 S.F.374 S 1,181 S.F.181 S. 36 S.F.6 S.F 831 S.F.31 S. 4,386 S.F. BMP TABLE 139 Avenida NavarroSanClemente,CA92672949.4 9 2 .8 5 8 6www.toalengineering.com CIVIL ENGINEERINGLANDSURVEYINGSTORMWATERQUALITY CATCH BASIN WITH TRITONCRESCENT FILTER INSERT DETAILPERFORATED DRAIN TRENCH 32 FOUND L&TLS 8516 SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING SEARCHED,FOUND NOTHING BUILDING BUILDING 11.15 FF 11.00 T/SLABPAD=TBD EAARRCHEEUNNUNND EARCHESEEE EEDTH,HINEDE PROPOSED RESIDENCE GARAGE N 90°00'00" E 97.47' N 90°00'00" E 97.47' (N 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) E 4 5 . 0 0 ' ) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 0°0 0 ' 0 0 " E EEEE 000000 (N 0 0 0 EEEEEEE 139 Avenida NavarroSanClemente,CA92672949.4 9 2 .8 5 8 6www.toalengineering.com CIVIL ENGINEERINGLANDSURVEYINGSTORMWATERQUALITY EROSION CONTROL BMPs TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL WIND EROSION CONTROL TRACKING CONTROL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT LEGENDNOTE THIS SHEET FOR EROSION CONTROL ONLY YEAR-ROUND BMP REQUIREMENTS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 C C C C E E E E SEE SHEET LI-2MATCHLINE 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A M B P ¾" EE E E E E E EE E E EE A-171" 0.33 A-181" 0.41 A-151" 0.50 A-16 1" 0.60 A-131" 0.26 A-141" 1.00 A-10 1" 2.11 A-11 1" 1.50 A-9 1" 0.50 A-8 1" 0.56 A-6 1" 0.26 A-5 1" 1.50 A-4 1" 2.00 A-2 1" 0.26 A-1 1" 0.56 A-3 1" 0.26 4 1" 1"1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"1"1"1" ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ FS MV X 1" ¾ 1" A-7 1" 3.75 E E 1 1111 1 ¾ A-12 1" 1.02 1 ¾ E ¾ E ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ Know what'sbelow.before you dig.Call R NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATIONPLAN1st FLOOR RWM 1/4"=1'-0" LI-1 CONTROLLER REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER3/4" ELECTRIC MASTER VALVE1" WATER SERVICE INFORMATION WATER METER REF. NO.:TYPE OF SOURCE:SERVICE LINE SIZE **:WATER METER SIZE **: (** PER STREET and/or WATER IMPROVEMENT PLANS)EXISTING WATER PRESSURE:PSI.MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE:PSI. PEAK IRRIGATION DEMAND:GPM. 'A'POTABLE1'1' 6855 4 0' 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' ron th FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND & NOTES, SEE SHEET LI-2 EXISTING WATERMETER 'A' 40 C C C C E E E E SEE SHEET LI-1MATCHLINE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 E 4 1" B P ¾" B P B P E E A-23 1" 0.66 A-22 1" 0.36 A-21 1" 0.31 A-20 1" 0.23 A-19 1" 0.39 1" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" 1"1"111 ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾ Know what'sbelow.before you dig.Call R NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATIONPLANROOF DECK RWM 1/4"=1'-0" LI-2 0' 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' ron th IRRIGATION NOTES 1. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND/OR AS STATED IN THE WRITTENSPECIFICATIONS PREPARED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND MANUFACTURER. 2. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ANY EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGNCLARIFICATION ONLY, AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTED AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 3. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM ASINDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONSOR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT WERE NOT KNOWN DURING DESIGN. SUCH CONDITIONSSHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, OR THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, OTHERWISE THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULLRESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY NECESSARY REVISIONS. 4. THE SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE SHOWN AT EACH POINTOF CONNECTION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PRESSURES ON SITE PRIOR TOCOMMENCING WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 5. FINAL LOCATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER TO BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'SAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. 117 VOLT 60HZ SINGLE PHASE ELECTRICAL POWER OUTLET FOR THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER ISTO BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THE HOOK-UP FROM THE POWER OUTLET TO THE CONTROLLER. 7. ALL WIRE FROM THE CONTROLLER TO THE ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE #14 AWG-UFDIRECT BURIAL COPPER WIRE. PILOT WIRES SHALL BE COLOR CODED BY CONTROLLER ANDCOMMON GROUND WIRES SHALL BE WHITE WITH IDENTIFYING COLOR STRIPE CODED FOR EACHCONTROLLER. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL (1) EXTRA COLOR CODED COMMON AND (1) EXTRAPILOT WIRE FROM THE CONTROLLER TO THE FARTHEST VALVE(S) FOR FUTURE USE. INSTALL INCOMMON TRENCH WITH MAIN LINE PIPING WHEREVER POSSIBLE. FASTEN WIRES TO UNDERSIDE OFMAIN LINE WITH NYLON WIRE TIES AT 10 FT. INTERVALS. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 18" OF COVERWHEN NOT ADJACENT TO MAIN LINE. 8. ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN VALVE BOXES WITH APPROVED WATERPROOF WIRECONNECTORS. WIRE SPLICES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE OWNER'SAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WIRE SPLICES SHALL BELOCATED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 9. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 24" OF COVER OVER ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING 3" AND LARGER,18" OF COVER OVER ALL OTHER PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, AND 12" OVER ALL NON-PRESSURELATERAL LINE PIPING. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 36" COVER OVER ALL SLEEVES UNDER STREETS ANDVEHICULAR TRAFFIC AREAS. ALL MAIN LINE PIPING UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED INSCH. 40 PVC SLEEVES. ALL SLEEVES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER PAVED AREAS PRIOR TO PAVING. 10. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH ALL LINES AND ADJUST ALL HEADS FOR MAXIMUMPERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO ALL WALKS, WALLS, FENCES, DRIVES, ANDBUILDINGS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS WORK SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST DEGREE OFARC TO FIT ANY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. 11. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND INSTALLINGANTI-DRAIN VALVES AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS TO PREVENT DAMAGE AND EROSION DUETO EXCESSIVE LOW HEAD RUNOFF. 12. UPON COMPLETION OF THE JOB, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A SEPIAMYLAR OF THE RECORD IRRIGATION PLANS. 13. THE SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. ANY DEFECTIVEMATERIAL OR POOR WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED BY THE IRRIGATIONCONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE OWNER(S). DRIPLINE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. ALL DRIPLINE, FITTINGS, FILTERS, PRESSURE REGULATORS, AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVES, ANDFLUSH VALVES SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER LISTED IN THE LEGEND; ANDSHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER THE LEGEND, THE DETAILS, AND THE MANUFACTURERS'RECOMMENDATIONS. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 2. DRIPLINE SHALL GENERALLY BE LAID OUT AS FOLLOWS:A. DRIPLINE IS INSTALLED AROUND THE ENTIRE EDGE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED.(1) DISTANCES FROM THE EDGE OF THE IRRIGATED AREA ARE:(a) 2-4" NEXT TO ASPHALT, CONCRETE PAVING, OR “HARDSCAPE”.(b) 2-4" OUTSIDE OF UNCONTAINED LANDSCAPES.(2) AT CORNERS, THE DRIPLINE MAY BE CURVED, DOWN TO A MINIMUM RADIUS OF 15 INCHES.FOR CORNERS SHARPER THAN THIS, ELBOWS (OR TEES, AS APPLICABLE) SHALL BE USED.B. DRIPLINE IS INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED, AND ISCONNECTED WITH TEES TO THE DRIPLINE LAID AROUND THE EDGE.(1) ON FLAT GROUND (LESS THAN 3%):(a) DRIPLINE SHALL GENERALLY RUN PARALLEL TO THE LONGEST SIDE OF THE AREA TO BEIRRIGATED.(b) DRIPLINES SHALL BE EVENLY SPACED AT A DISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE ON-CENTER(O.C.) SPACING INDICATED IN THE LEGEND.(2) ON SLOPES (3% OR STEEPER):(a) DRIPLINE SHALL GENERALLY RUN PARALLEL TO CONTOUR LINES, NOT UP AND DOWNTHE SLOPE.(b) DRIPLINES SHALL BE SPACED AT 125% OF ON-CENTER SPACING ON THE LOWERONE-THIRD OF THE SLOPE.C. THE RESULTING GRID OF DRIPLINE SHALL BE A "CLOSED LOOP" SYSTEM, EXCEPT IN NARROWAREAS WHICH ARE ONLY WIDE ENOUGH FOR ONE DRIPLINE. 3. ON LOOPED DRIPLINE SYSTEMS WITH A SINGLE POINT OF SUPPLY, THE SUPPLY CONNECTIONSHALL BE MADE ON THE PERIMETER OF THE LOOP, AND THE CONNECTION SHALL BE LOCATEDON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE LOOP FROM THE FLUSH VALVE. 4. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL LATERALS AND DRIPLINES PRIORTO INSTALLATION OF FLUSH VALVES AND AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVES. 5. LOCATION OF FLUSH VALVES ON THE PLANS IS DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. FLUSH VALVES SHALL BELOCATED AT THE LOWEST POINT IN ELEVATION OPPOSITE THE POINT OF SUPPLY ON LOOPEDDRIPLINE SYSTEMS, AND AT THE END OF THE LINE ON SINGULAR RUNS OF DRIPLINE. 6. LOCATION OF AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVES ON THE PLANS IS DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. AIR VACUUMRELIEF VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE HIGHEST POINT IN ELEVATION ON LOOPED ORSINGULAR DRIPLINES. WHENEVER ANY ITEM OF "DISTRIBUTION & CONTROL EQUIPMENT"IS SIZED SMALLER THAN THE MAIN LINE OR LATERAL LINE PIPINGON WHICH IT IS PLACED, THE REDUCTION IN PIPE SIZE SHALL ONLYOCCUR AT THE THREADED FITTING WHICH ADAPTS THE PIPE TOTHE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT. A FS MV STA.#size GPM E1 3 B X 1 4 M P C C E E 41 NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATIONDETAILS WRD RWM NONE LI-3 42 NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATIONDETAILS &WATER USECALC'S WRD RWM NONE LI-4 Signature • STATE OF CALI FORNIA • ROBERT McHENRY #303 2LICENSED L A NDSCAPE ARCHIT ECT DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE 32 Beacon Bay, Newport Beach, California 92660 9/12/23 4-30-25 9/12/23 43 NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATEOF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPEARCHITECTROBERTMcHENRY#3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATIONSCHEDULES WRD RWM LI-5 44 NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1.Supply all work and materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation andservices necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection withfurnishing, delivery, and installation of "Landscape Irrigation" complete, as shown on theDrawings, and/or specified herein. 1.2. The intent of the Drawings and specifications is to indicate and specify a complete andefficient irrigation system ready for use in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations and meeting the approval of the Owner's authorized representative withoutfurther cost of labor and material to the Owner. 2. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1. All work called for on the Drawings by notes shall be furnished and installed whether or notspecifically mentioned in the specifications. 2.2. Any equipment installed by the Contractor and deemed to be for the use of the Owner invarious situations (i.e. gate valves, control valves, etc.) shall be so installed as to be readilyaccessible and quickly operable by the Owner. Equipment deemed by the Owner to beinoperable for its intended purpose shall be reinstalled by the Contractor in an operableposition before approval will be given. 2.3. Replace and/or repair to the satisfaction of the Owner all existing landscaping or pavingdisturbed during the course of this work. New landscaping or paving shall be the same type,strength, texture, finish, and be equal in every way to the material removed. 3. SUBMITTALS 3.1. Materials List: Prior to any installation of any work, submit a detailed list of each materialproposed for use in the project, to the Owner and/or his representative for approval. Submittypewritten material list using the following format: DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MODEL NO.Controller Calsense ET2000e-24Main line pipe Pacific Plastics cl. 315 PVCQuick coupler Rain Bird 33DLRC 3.2. Pump Equipment Data: Submit full data on all equipment for approval by the Owner. 3.3. Certificates: Submit manufacturer's certification that plastic pipe and fittings comply withspecification requirements. 3.4. Record Drawings: 3.4.1. Record all changes which are made from the contract Drawings, including changes inpressure and non-pressure lines. 3.4.2. Record changes in ink on a set of black line prints of the Drawings. Maintain changescurrent daily. Keep drawings at the site at all times and available for review by theOwner and/or Landscape Architect. Do not use these prints for any other purpose. 3.4.3. When construction has been completed, transfer all changes to a set of reproducibleplans. Make changes in permanent ink. Changes using a ball point pen are notacceptable. Remove original lines and dimensions where changes are made.Completed reproducible plans shall be equal to the original Drawings; with all linework clear and sharp, and lettering legible. 3.4.4. Locate all dimensions from two permanent reference points (buildings, monuments,sidewalks, curbs or pavements). Make dimensions accurately to same scale used onDrawings. Show dimensioned locations and depths for each of the following: Point of connection.Basket strainers.Backflow preventers.Irrigation pressure main line routing. Provide dimensions for each 100 L.F.(minimum) along each routing, and for each change in direction.Gate valves, master valves, pressure reducing valves, irrigation control valves andquick coupler valves.Control wire routing (if different from main line).Main line, lateral line and control wire sleeving.Stubs for future use.Other related items as may be directed by the Landscape Architect or Owner. 4. CONTROLLER CHARTS 4.1. Controller charts are not required for homeowner-maintained irrigation systems. 4.2. Do not prepare charts until record drawings have been approved by the Landscape Architectand/or Owner. 4.3. Provide one controller chart(s) for each automatic controller installed. Size chart to suitcontroller door size. Use both sides of chart if necessary to retain full legibility. 4.4. Chart shall be a black line on white background print or photo reduction of the record drawing,showing the area covered by that controller. Identify each area of coverage, for each station,with a pastel color coding. 4.5. When charts are approved by the Landscape Architect, they shall be hermetically sealedbetween two layers of 20 mil thick plastic sheet. 4.6. Charts must be completed and approved prior to final review of irrigation system and/orrelease from maintenance period. 5. OPERATING / MAINTENANCE MANUALS 5.1. Provide one individually bound manual detailing operation and maintenance requirements forirrigation systems. Assemble material in vinyl covered 3-ring binders. 5.2. Provide the following in each manual: Index sheet stating irrigation contractor's name, address, telephone number and name ofperson to contact.Duration of guarantee period.Equipment list (provide the following for each item:)Manufacturer's name.Make and model number.Name and address of local manufacturer's representative.Spare parts list in detail.Manufacturer's detailed operating and maintenance instructions for major equipment such ascontrollers, backflow preventers, pumps, etc.Manufacturer's warranties. 6. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE TOOLS Deliver the following items to the Owner when work is completed and prior to final acceptance ofWork: 6.1. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller and/or enclosure.6.2. Two (2) thirty inch (30") sprinkler valve keys, for shutting off isolation valves with cross handles, if isolation valves with cross handles are specified on the project.6.3. One (1) sixty inch (60") operating nut wrench, for shutting off isolation valves with 2" operatingnuts, if isolation valves with 2" operating nuts are specified on the project.6.4. One (1) quick coupler key, with bronze garden valve attached, for every ten (10) quickcoupling valves installed on the project. Keys shall be compatible with the quick couplingvalves specified on the project. 7. MATERIAL APPROVALS 7.1. Substitution of any product, material, or equipment without the Owner's or LandscapeArchitect's prior written approval, will not be permitted. 7.2. Any item installed without such prior approval shall be removed from the work and from thework site. 7.3. Approval of any item, substitution or alternate is based on information or samples provided bythe Contractor. 7.4. Contractor shall be responsible for the total performance of such substitution to equal orsurpass the original design in every respect. 7.5. If the substitution proves to be unsatisfactory in the Owner's and/or Landscape Architect'sopinion, Contractor shall remove such work and replace it with the originally specified item,including installation, at no additional cost to the Owner or Landscape Architect. 7.6. Landscape Architect may, at his option, require a manufacturer's warranty on any substitutionoffered for use. 8. SITE VISITS 8.1. Should they be required by the Owner, his representative, any governing agency, or theLandscape Architect, the following site reviews will be made in company with the Contractor: Pressure supply line installation and testing: 36 hours.System layout: 36 hours.Coverage tests: 36 hours.Final review: 48 hours. 8.2. Contractor's responsibilities: 8.2.1. Notify all required parties in advance of making the following reviews. Make suchnotification prior to the time specified. 8.2.2. Provide "walkie-talkie" equipment to facilitate communication between the review areaand the system controller. Contractor may at his option provide sufficient personnelto maintain necessary communication. 8.2.3. Provide current record drawings at each required review phase. 8.3. If in the Landscape Architect's opinion, the Work scheduled for observation is not ready, theContractor shall reimburse the Landscape Architect and/or Owner for the LandscapeArchitect's time. 8.4. When reviews are made by other than the Landscape Architect, show evidence including dateand party making such review. 9.GUARANTEE 9.1. Guarantee the irrigation system to be free of all defects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of one year from date of acceptance by Landscape Architect/Owner. 9.2. If accepted in phases, provide a written guarantee for each segment of the project; state dateof completion and guarantee period by dates. 9.3. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve Contractor of any liability under the specifiedguarantee. Such warranties are intended to only supplement the contractor's guarantee. 9.4. Correct all problems which develop in the system due to faulty materials or workmanshipduring the guarantee period. 9.5. Repair or replace such work as directed by the Landscape Architect. 9.6. Make repairs and replacements promptly when notified. 9.7. The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep systems inoperating condition without voided the contractor's guarantee, nor relieving the Contractor ofhis responsibilities during the guarantee period. ARTICLE 2 - PRODUCTS 1. GENERAL All materials shall be of first quality and of the same manufacturer and model as specified in theirrigation legend unless noted otherwise. 2. COPPER PIPE AND FITTINGS 2.1. Copper pipe shall be type "K", hard tempered ASTM B88 and fittings shall be wrought solderjoint type in accordance with ANSI B16.22. 2.2. Joints shall be soldered with silver solder: 45% silver, 15% copper, 16% zinc, 24% cadmium,solidify at 1.125 F. and liquefy at 1,145 F., conforming to specifications ASTM B206-52T andFederal QQB 00655. 3. BRASS PIPE AND FITTINGS 3.1. Brass pipe shall be 85% red brass, American National Standard Institute (ANSI), Schedule 40screwed pipe. 3.2. Fittings shall be medium brass, screwed 125 pound class. 4. GALVANIZED PIPE AND FITTINGS 4.1. Pipe shall be galvanized steel, American National Standard Institute (ANSI, Schedule 40screwed pipe). 4.2. Fittings shall be medium galvanized, screwed beaded malleable iron, and/or #125 cast iron,flanged. 4.3. All unions 2 inches and smaller shall be ground joint pattern. Unions larger than 2 inchesshall be flanged unions, fitted with required gasket(s). 5. PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS 5.1. Solvent weld pipe shall be extruded of an improved PVC virgin pipe compound featuring hightensile strength, high chemical resistance, and high impact strength. In terms of the currentASTM Standard D-1784, or D-2241, this compound shall meet the requirements of cellclassification 12454B for pipe. This compound must have 2,000 p.s.i. hydrostatic designstress rating. 5.2. Rubber gasket PVC pipe, couplings, and fittings shall conform to ASTM D-1784 Type I, Grade1, 2,000 p.s.i. design stress. Standard dimensional ratio for pipe shall be SDR 21 (class 200).All pipe shall conform to commercial standard CS-256-64 (pressure rated pipe), and NationalSanitation Foundation testing laboratories (NSF). Rubber gaskets shall conform to ASTM 1869. Couplings and fittings shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and shallaccommodate the pipe with which they are to be used. Couplings shall permit 5 degreesdeflection of the pipe at each coupling (2-1/2 degrees on each side), without filtration orinfiltration, cracking, or breaking. 5.3. All pipe must bear the following markings: Manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, scheduleor class, pressure rating p.s.i., and NSF (National Sanitation Foundation). The manufacturershall also mark the date of extrusion. 5.4. All fittings, unless otherwise noted, shall be injection molded of an improved PVC fittingcompound featuring high tensile strength, high chemical resistance, and high impact strength.In terms of the current ASTM Standard D-1784-69, the compound must meet therequirements described in cell classification 13454B. Where threads are required in plasticfittings, these shall be injection molded also. All tees and ells shall be side gated. 5.5. All fittings shall bear the company's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicableI.P.S. schedule, and NSF seal of approval. 5.6. All fittings shall be minimum standard weight Schedule 40. 5.7. All threaded nipples, unless otherwise noted, shall be standard weight Schedule 80, withmolded threads. 5.8. Solvent cement for plastic pipe and fittings shall be as recommended by the manufacturers ofthe pipe and fittings. The high chemical resistance of the pipe and fitting compoundsspecified makes it mandatory that an aggressive primer, which is a true solvent for PVC, beused in conjunction with a solvent cement designed for the fit of pipe and fittings of each sizerange specified. 6. ASSEMBLIES The following equipment shall be as indicated on the Drawings, unless approval for substitution isobtained in writing prior to installation: Controllers, pedestals and options.Controller assembly and options.Rain and weather sensors.Moisture sensors.Backflow prevention equipment:Reduced-pressure backflow preventer.Pressure vacuum breaker.Atmospheric vacuum breaker.Combination control valve with atmospheric vacuum breaker.Basket strainers and 'Y' strainersValves:Gate valvesBall valvesCheck valvesPressure-reducing and pressure-regulation valvesMaster valvesManual control valvesElectric control valvesGarden valvesQuick coupling valvesSprinkler headsLow volume or "drip" irrigation equipment and accessories. 7. VALVE BOXES 7.1. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from durable, weather resistant plastic material which isresistant to sunlight and the chemical action of soils, except in traffic areas, where boxes shallbe concrete with cast iron lids of a type suitable for traffic installation. 7.2. The valve box cover shall be secured with a hidden latch mechanism or stainless steel bolts. 7.3. The cover and box shall be capable of sustaining a load of 1,500 pounds. 7.4. Valve box extensions shall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. 7.5. Gate and ball valve boxes shall be round plastic boxes with bolt-down covers marked"IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE"; and be manufactured by AMETEK or approved equal. 7.6. Remote control valve boxes shall be rectangular plastic boxes with bolt-down covers marked"CONTROL VALVE" and with the controller and valve number marked on a tag attached tothe control wire between the valve and pig tail. 8. HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL 8.1. New electrical meter if required will be provided by the Owner. 8.2. Connection to the automatic controller will be provided by the Owner. 8.3. All electrical equipment installed outside building shall be Nema 3 type, waterproofed for suchinstallation. 9. LOW VOLTAGE WIRING 9.1. Connections between the controller and remote control valves shall be made with direct burialAWG-UF type solid copper wire. 9.2. Wire shall be #14 in size, unless noted otherwise on the plans. 9.3. All low voltage wiring shall be color coded by controller. Each controller on the project shallhave three unique colors of wires: one color each for common, control, and spare wires. 10. PUMPS 10.1. Pumps shall be provided as indicated on the Drawings. 10.2. Electrical components shall include code approved breakers and starters of the proper sizeand electrical characteristics as recommended by the pump manufacturer and as necessaryto match the electrical service provided. 10.3. Equipment for exterior locations shall meet NEMA 3, waterproof standards. ARTICLE 3 - EXECUTION 1. GENERAL 1.1. Meter size and Available Pressure / Water Supply: The Contractor shall verify the on-sitestatic water pressure and service line and meter size prior to proceeding with any work.Should the Contractor proceed with work and subsequently find that the water pressure is notequal to or greater than that which is stated on the Drawings, the Contractor will assumeresponsibility for all work which needs to be replaced or modified at no additional cost to theOwner. This includes all equipment and materials whether or not they are shown on theDrawings. 1.2. Source of Water Supply: The Contractor shall verify and be familiar with the location, sizeand detail of stub-outs provided as the source of water supply to the irrigation system asshown on the plans. 1.3. All plot dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shallcarefully check and verify all dimensions and shall report any variations to the Owner'sauthorized representative. 1.4. Examine surfaces for conditions that will adversely affect execution, performance and qualityof Work. 1.5. Verify that grading has been completed, so that the Work of this Section can proceed and thatspecified depths for buried materials can be maintained. Notify the Owner and LandscapeArchitect in writing, describing all unacceptable conditions. Do not proceed with Work untilsuch conditions are corrected. 1.6. Prior to cutting into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables, conduits, sewers, septictanks, and other such utilities as are commonly encountered underground and he shall takeproper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists betweensuch obstacles and the proposed work, notify the Owner's authorized representative who willarrange for relocations. The Contractor will proceed in the same manner if rock layer or anyother condition encountered underground makes changes advisable. 1.7. Permission to shut off any water lines must be obtained from the Construction Supervisor,who will make the necessary arrangements with the Owner. Disruption of existing systemsshall be kept to a minimum. 1.8. Do not willfully install the irrigation system as indicated on the Drawings when it is obvious inthe field that unknown obstructions or grade differences exist that were not known duringdesign; or if discrepancies in construction details, legend, or specific notes are discovered. Allsuch obstructions or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorizedrepresentative, or the Landscape Architect. In the event this is not done, the Contractor shallassume full responsibility for any necessary revisions. 1.9. The Contractor shall verify the correctness of all finish grades within the work area afterconstruction in order to ensure the proper soil coverage (as specified) of the irrigation systempipes. 2. PRODUCT HANDLING 2.1. Delivery: Deliver materials in manufacturer's original unopened containers, with eachcontainer identified with manufacturer's name, brand or type. 2.2. Storage: Store materials at a location as directed by the Owner. Store materials in an orderlymanner. Avoid interference with other construction activities. 2.3. Protection: Protect all materials to prevent intrusion of dirt and moisture. Protect the installedwork and materials or other trades. 3. WATER SUPPLY Connections to the existing source or meter shall be at the approximate locations shown on theDrawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made without additional cost tothe Owner. 4. LAYOUT 4.1. Irrigation lines indicated on the Drawings are diagrammatic. Coordinate installation of allmaterials, including piping, with all Contract Drawings to avoid conflicts with trees, shrubs,plants, drain lines, sleeves and all underground utilities. 4.2. Layout sprinkler heads and make any minor adjustments required due to differences betweenactual site conditions and the Drawings. Minor adjustments will be acceptable within theparameters established by the original design intent. 5. EXCAVATIONS 5.1. Excavations shall be of open vertical construction sufficiently wide to provide free workingspace around the work installed and to provide ample space for backfilling and tamping. 5.2. Trenches for pipe shall be cut to required grade lines, and compacted to provide an accurategrade and uniform bearing for the full length of line. 5.3. All lines shall have a minimum clearance of four (4) inches vertically and two (2) incheshorizontally from each other, and six (6) inches, in any direction, from the lines of other trades. 5.4. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. 5.5. Provide the minimum cover over all lines noted on the Drawings. 5.6. Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use allpossible care to avoid injury to the tree and tree roots. Excavation in areas where two (2)inches and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots two (2) inches and larger indiameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall beheavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditchingmachine is run adjacent to trees having roots smaller than two (2) inches in diameter, the wallof the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through roots one(1) inch and larger in diameter, which shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal, or equal.Trenches adjacent to trees should be closed within twenty four (24) hours and where this isnot possible the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap orcanvas. 6. BACKFILLING 6.1. Backfilling shall not commence until the installed irrigation system has been inspected andapproved. 6.2. Initial backfill on all lines shall be of a fine granular material with no foreign matter larger than1/2 inch in size. 6.3. Provide sand backfill a minimum of two (2) inches below and six (6) inches over all pipingunder paved areas, unless noted otherwise. 6.4. Backfill for trenching shall be compacted to dry density equal to the adjacent undisturbed soiland shall conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or otherirregularities. 6.5. Under no circumstances shall a truck and/or tractor wheel be used for compacting the soil. 7. JOINING OF PIPES 7.1. The Contractor is responsible to be familiar with any and all methods of assembling, joiningand installation of the various types of pipe to be used. He will adhere in strict accordancewith the manufacturer's recommended procedures. If during any phase of the Work theOwner or Owner's representative finds that the Contractor or any of his workmen are notfamiliar with the recommended procedures, the Contractor shall arrange with themanufacturer of the particular product for the services of a qualified manufacturer'srepresentative to instruct workmen in the proper procedures. 7.2. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing of the plastic pipe and fittings; storeplastic pipe and fittings under cover until ready to install; transport plastic pipe on a vehiclewith a bed long enough to allow the pipe to lie flat; avoid undue bending and any concentratedexternal load. 7.3. Carefully inspect all pipe and fittings before installation, removing all dirt, scale and burrs;install the pipe with all markings up for visual inspection and verification. 7.4. Tape all open ends of pipe during installation to prevent entry of any foreign matter into thesystem. IRRIGATIONSPEC'S WRD RWM LI-6 45 NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N © 2 0 1 6 W a t e r R i g h t D e s i g n , A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 DATE RENEWAL DATE SIGNATURE • STATE OF CAL IFORNIA • LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTROBERT McHENRY #3032 4-30-25 9/12/23 LIA B I L I T Y W A R N I N G : P L A N S M A R K E D " N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N " A R E N O T A P P R O V E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N B Y T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R , L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T , S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R , A N D / O R GO V E R N I N G A G E N C Y A S M A Y B E R E Q U I R E D . T H E I N S T A L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L N O T U S E T H E S E P L A N S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N F R O M T H E B U I L D E R / D E V E L O P E R . Ta s h i m a R e s i d e n c e Checked by Drawn by Project No. Water RightDesign 2400 BarrancaPkwy. #1306Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 440-1030www.WaterRight.Design of Prepared for 32 B e a c o n B a y Co s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 (9 4 9 ) 5 4 8 - 1 6 1 1 7 Ne w p o r t B e a c h Ca l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 Date Scale Revisions Sheet Ga r d e n D e s i g n 16 0 0 O r a n g e A v e . MWG-066 9/12/23 Mo l l y W o o d 7.5.In solvent welding, use only the specified primer and solvent cement and make all joints instrict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods; allow the solvent welds atleast fifteen (15) minutes set up time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing timebefore filling or as recommended by manufacturer, whichever is greater. 7.6. 360 degree applicators shall be used to apply primer and solvent. 7.7. For plastic to metal connections, work the metal connections first. Use a non-hardening pipedope on all threaded connections, except where otherwise noted. 7.8. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. 8.PIPING UNDER EXISTING PAVING 8.1. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving.However, no hydraulic driving will be permitted under asphalt paving. 8.2. Secure permission from Owner's representative before cutting or breaking existing pavement.All necessary repairs and replacements shall be approved by the Owner's representative, andshall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 9. PIPING ON SLOPES 9.1. All piping on slopes shall be secured on the surface as indicated on the detail. 9.2. Pipe which crosses concrete bench drain and/or 'V' gutters shall be placed over the drain orgutter within a galvanized steel pipe sleeve anchored on both sides of the bench with #3 rebar'J' hooks. The sleeve shall extend a minimum of twelve (12) inches beyond each edge of thedrain. Under no circumstances will pipe be placed beneath the concrete benches and/or 'V'gutters. 10. ASSEMBLIES 10.1. Install all assemblies specified herein according to the respective detail drawings andspecifications. 10.2. Install backflow assemblies in shrub areas or as indicated on the Drawings and at a minimumheight required by local governing codes. 10.3. Valves: 10.3.1. Gate valves and ball valves shall be the full size of the line in which they are installedunless otherwise specified. 10.3.2. Control valves shall be located as indicated on the Drawings and within a plant bedwhenever possible. 10.3.3. Control valves shall be adjusted so a uniform distribution of water is applied bysprinkler heads of the planting areas for each individual valve system. 10.3.4. Quick coupler valves, unless otherwise indicated, shall be located within 6 to 18inches of hardscape (preferably within a plant bed). 10.4. Pop-up heads shall be located and installed as indicated on the Drawings and in the details. 11. VALVE BOXES 11.1. Provide at all locations indicated. Install within plant beds, not within turf areas, whereverpossible. 11.2. The top of plastic valve boxes shall be one (1) inch above the designated finish grade in lawnareas and three (3) inches above the finish grade in ground cover areas. Where dimensionspermit, up to three (3) remote control valves may be installed in each box. 11.3. Valve boxes located near walks, curbs and paving shall be installed in such a way as to allowfor valve boxes to abut those items with the top surface matching adjacent plans of theaforementioned items. 12. LOW VOLTAGE WIRING 12.1. All low voltage work shall be installed by the contractor. 12.2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as thepressure main lines wherever possible. 12.3. Wiring shall be bundled together, tucked under the main line for protection from shovels, andfastened to the main line with nylon wire ties at intervals of 10 feet. 12.4. Use continuous copper wires between controller and remote control valves. Splice wiresbetween the controller and remote control valves only when absolutely necessary. All splicesshall be installed in an approved box and so marked on the lid. 12.5. All wire connections and splices shall be made using approved waterproof sealing connectors.An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directionalturn. 13. MOISTURE SENSING EQUIPMENT 13.1. Install all equipment per manufacturer's recommendations, instructions and/or details. 13.2. Provide low voltage wire to each remote control valve controlled by a sensor. 13.3. The exact location of equipment shall be determined in the field by the Manufacturer'srepresentative and the Landscape Architect. 13.4. If it is determined by the Landscape Architect that this equipment is not in a desirable location,the Contractor shall move this equipment as requested, within fifteen (15) feet of its originallocation, at no cost to the Owner. 13.5. Perform a complete review and check of the system to ensure that sensors are workingcorrectly (minimum of four times over each 30 day period) 14. PUMPS The exact location of the pump assembly shall be verified with the Owner and/or Owner'srepresentative. 15. FLUSHING THE SYSTEMS 15.1. After all irrigation pipe lines and risers are in place and connected and prior to installation ofsprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush outthe system. 15.2. Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been completed. 16. PRESSURE TEST 16.1. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Owner or other duly authorizedrepresentative of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected andtested. 16.2. Furnish the necessary force pump and all other test equipment. 16.3. All pressure lines shall be tested for two (2) hours under hydrostatic pressure of 150 poundsper square inch, and all non-pressure lines shall be tested for two (2) hours under the existing static pressure and both proven to be water tight. 17. ADJUSTING THE SYSTEMS 17.1. Adjust valves in conjunction with the alignment and coverage of all sprinkler heads. 17.2. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment or nozzle changes will provideproper and more adequate coverage, make all such changes or make arrangements with themanufacturer to have adjustments made prior to planting. 17.3. The entire system shall be operating properly before any lawn or ground cover plantingoperations commence. 17.4. These changes or adjustments shall be made without additional cost to the Owner. 17.5. The Contractor is responsible for periodic checking of the system's operation and adjustmentas necessary. 18. COVERAGE TEST When the irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Ownerand/or his representative, to determine if the water coverage for planting and turf areas is completeand adequate. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies. Thistest shall be accomplished before any ground cover or turf is planted. (Optional at the discretion ofthe Owner.) 19. TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation systemequipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve theContractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the warranty as herein specified. 20. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 20.1.Train the Owner's maintenance personnel in the proper operation of all major equipment,including the recommended winterization procedures. 20.2. Provide this training at the Owner's convenience and at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATIONSPEC'S(cont'd) WRD RWM LI-7 46 November 30, 2023, Zoning Administrator Item 4 Comments These comments on a Newport Beach Zoning Administrator agenda item are submitted by: Jim Mosher (jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229). Item No. 4. Tashima Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0130) Handwritten page 8: There appear to be at least two typos in the proposed resolution title: “DELMOLISH” and “DWLLING”. Handwritten page 8: In Section 1.1, there would appear to be something wrong with the legal description: “The property is legally described as Parcel 33 of block 9 and page 42 (“Property”).” “block 9 and page 42” makes no sense. And is 32 Beacon Bay really Parcel 33? The subject property appears to be lot 33 on page 2 of a 1939 record of survey posted by the City, which bears what appears to be a page number “43” in the upper left. I do not see any “blocks” numbered on it, although the City assigned the name “RS_009_42-43.pdf” to the image file, so the “9” may have some significance. Handwritten page 8: Section 1.2 does not indicate the size of the structure being replaced, which is something I thought the Zoning Administrator had asked to be included in resolutions of this type. In addition, at least to me, the most natural reading of the project description as a request to construct “a new, three-story 3,571-square-foot, single-unit dwelling with a 709-square-foot internal accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and 708-square-foot attached three-car garage” would be that the 709 square foot ADU is “internal” to, and therefore included in the 3,571 square feet of the single-unit dwelling. However, from the 4,988 square foot total listed in Table 1 of the staff report, the 709 square feet of ADU is apparently in addition to the first number. To provide better clarity, it would have been helpful to include the total size of the project in the resolution. Zoning Administrator - November 30, 2023 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Tashima Residence CDP (PA2023-0130)