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XC2022-2015 - Permits
Pokx city of Newport Beach I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII I [III[ IIIII l II I L �oMg Perm XC2022=2015 O� Yp Community Development Department - Building Division : } y 100,Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Plan Check No: u Permit Counter Phone: (949) 644-3288 issued Date: 0311612020 Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 c Inspection Area : 1 .Px q{iFo+��' newportbeachca,gov/inspections , Combination Type - Work Class - New PERMITS EXPIRE 1.80 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED. NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 509 31 ST ST Legal Desc A TR LANCASTERS ADD BLK 530 LOT 5 LANCASTERS ADD BLK 530 LOT 5 AND BLK 530 LOT 6 •p **' ** MIXED USE BLDG (COMM 2726 SF &RESIDENTIAL CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR COMM NEW M 1108 SF) WI GARAGE 480 &COVERED PARKING 317 SF Descr► tion : 1. Owner : CANNERY PARTNERS LLC Confracfor LEWIS'R W CONSTRUCTION Architect: LAIDLAW SCOTT Address : 660 NEWPORT CENTER DR STE200 Address 1863 BAYPORT WAY Address : 3111 2ND AVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA NEWPORT.BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Phone :' (714) 321-4 �26 ` 92625 Phone : (949) 645-9982 Phone : (949) 999 4545 Carr State Lic . 5973b9 n ... State Lic Lic Expire 06130/2024 Applicant,- LAIDLAW SCOTT Bus Lic BT00021581 B us Lic:,Expire 03/3112023 Engineer : BURKE THOMAS Address `. 151' KALMUS DR #140 Address : 3111 2ND AVE COSTA MESA, CA 92626' CORONA DEL MAR; CA 92625 Phone: (949) 645-9982 Workers Compensation Insurance _ Phone : (949) 494-0776 CaYrier,' CALIFORNIA,INSURANCE:COMPANY Owner/Builder: Policy No 46864922 1N, C.`Expire Designer : -Address • Address: Phone Phone 2017 Fire Sprinklers.YES Construction Valuation : $0.00 Code Edition.: Type of Construction : V-B Fire Haz ne : NO Z Added/New/Tl sq. fi Bldg Occupancy Groups : S-2,R-3,B No of Units 1; 2' Alteration sq. f . Bldg: a 0Added/Newsq• . Garage: Height : of'Stories ; gBldg TOq.fBid Building Setbacks : d v Flood Zone : X Use Zones MU-CV/15TH 'ST - Mixed -Use Cannery Village and 15th Street" ao ' PROCESSED BY shwa.:,a SPECIAL CONDITIONS: r •� 0.7tTk714':R--J3U1LDER,J..rECrLpi'RAnQ17E �..ir. _ .... I hereby affirm under•penalty of perjury that it apt exea� t-from•the Contractors! State.Licen:si Lacwfarthe-reason(s}' indicated bellow" by the checkrnar s 'I have laced next to the;appitea lr -item s) (Section 703.1.5, Busirie$s'and Frofessians,Code Ariy city or oounty that req rire"s.a ppanit to construct; alter" imp rave; .d;e mops. or repair any, structure" prior to its •Issuanqer also, re�(tri# as the applicant for , the permit to file a signeil statem[sni t}tat lie. ar she:is IicartsQd prrrsuant ta.the. p€ v[sir}h of ti e Ccintraetr}rs" State Liccris:s L awr,( h pier icomrnencir� with Sedtibn 7000) of DIvEsIon:3 of the Business end Professions Code) or that tte ar s�se is exerrIp"t from Iieensure and itie, basis: far the alia6ed ex6mptid .' Aiyy�.violetEon of•Section 7031 5 lsy`•ab3 ap0lidant for: psrrnit'sulajocts the applicant to a'wJ pert4lty Of not more than five. hundred sio(lars f 00),l E,:as awrnar'of the property, Briny ernployeeswith wages.:as tF a€€`scale compan0tian, wails �Io`� sll afior Lj gvrtions.•bf:ths work; and".tie structure is not Intended or of(e rert far seta {Section i444; Sus.iraes$ and Professlons Code< t he.Contractors' tate-License Law does not apply to are ba ryer of property WN), through erne oyees!.:6r persorrl effort; bLA-1bds pr impre'o*es the proiierity, firovic ed that ,the improvements are not intended or offared for sale. If. however, the bluildirag;or ImproveI ant is sold witlyin one year of complebkm. the .Owner -Builder will have the burden of proving that Et we not built or improved for the purpose of sale), wry E, as. oar at e property, to axcluslvely c4riteacting rith, Iicensed CDntractors to cohstm the project Sactfon 7 , 13uSinass and: Professions ids:' The Contractors' Mate License Law draw not: apply loan owner oproR_e 'r 'builds or irnproys; thereon, and who. contracts for the prclects with a lioerrsed Contractor pursuant1c the Cgn."ctors'•State License Law). I am exempt from iicensure under the Contractors` State License Law for.ther fol1mving reason 6y my sign,alure k ow l acknclvr adgo that; exr,#pt For' ar my perstanal residgnce in which I must �:avo rasidad'for at least one•year prior to completion of the lmpr'ove�nenlz ocwered fay this permit l•.cannot 3ejall sell a structure that I have burl a�;',arzcwrrrpr lauild�yr if It ryas r{ot bears:constructcd in EPs•'era�rety say liderts:e�ri contractors: l understand that a`colay of the: applicable laiH, Sr�ctioit 7044 .Qf-the Business and. Prsyfessivns Coda, is ova Eaf. I open r ques3 whrati this �applidatiary "r ; zub€nbtted drat tt e following Web eite;http AYwYvrJ ififo.e a:pQvleala?r{.html. i 1C f~IS Q CCyt+iT CTbk 5 th©rizedAgent p SignaturepertyrAvmaror} a� CI l;2�gTION I hereby, affirm Linder, penalty of petpury'that.l am licensed under provisions of Chagter.g, (tAarr mencirk v ith Section 7000 `f Diwi�I n �•of ttte l3trstrress and Profs 'an ant{ Tny� Ilcense is in full force'. and effect. License Class License.No 'kete.Contractor ignatue WORKERS' CO1lyP NS.A`I IGN ECLAR LION WARNING; FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS• COMPENSA'POR COVERAGE IS, UKAWFUL; AND SHAU , 9VVUECT AN E41PLC3 fErt TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES Al O CML FINES UP TOONE HUND THPUSA O VOI-LABS (Sloo Otritj; IN ADOUJON TO THE COST OF GtIKtPENsATEQJi: rtR6AA E� 4 : PiZ4wiPED FOR IN $ECnON 37-0 C F THE I.,ASOR CODE, wT, z iE�T� ' NO fl I hereby affirm under genatty pf p Isrury erne_ of the failawrEty9 deeta€liorls; 1 have and ~~will malntairl a cer if'icate of consent tcr.se9f ir€sure for- work4ers' compenpation, Issuea by the Daree6or of 1nd0sir4ai Relatio, as larawlded for by Seci36n 3700of the. Labor Cads, for fEl Vhmav�lrand eOfthework for whichlhls•permlt is Issued., PolicyNo . gill maintain workers' compensation,, insurance, as regtriby Se ion 3700 4f the Labor Qade far fhe perfomm..ce of the work for which this pettn'tt is"rssuad. isrly workers` ooaltfrensatici insurance earrierand policyptirnber arw, Carrier. Policy 1`lurn1ber __.Expiration iyate a,rr* of Agent Rhone l cart fy that: in the pet€ manc'e of e park fc which. this parrriit. rs. Issued; I shall not employ arty parrson in 90Y manner so as to become sUbject.to the workers' compensation laws of Geliffyrrtia, and ogre that, of t shracrld becorryssubi t to the orl<ers` ITipsnsation prcy�t[sli7ris of SectionZflt7 of th.e Labor Cade$ 1 shale ford Iwlth cornpiy tlaQse prdlslons. a nature of Alap tEcant Bata__ _ t C9ZZ I her ehy.affirrn uirdear penattyr of perfu * that there is, a ranstruction lending agency for the perfcirrryance of the, work for.wh r h this:perenit is issued (Secticyn 3tJ�7, Civil Godej, Lender's Name . f c c c c c- Lencler's'Address By,rny.sigga.(urewow, I �eaify toleach of the foil oirft.*: s arit't�p pry pe_ky 4w`h_,�rorj authorized to act on th ovinef S; behalf. I have read.this`a'ppfi�qation arCd,the inftrrmation l aft provide orrect. LSIT., relc to c©rrlptfwithail appticalaI cityr afar] caun ©rdinanc' dslate taws rplating €o building nst�ction,t property forinspection purposes.e e f Prop Qkvtsr or Authorfzedtgiryt Print. Fro e iawner's cyC AuthtarEzsd A cry#'s l Iarne `�" ` Date r3 i 2 2 1woA HY DECLARATlC,f4 f.7F CON4Pk.IANCE WITH C-ODE OF FEDf ERA? L FOR OFF-CE USE ON Li cc r l�j;REGULATIONS. FIART-51:-OFTITLF-40.AE4fyAt�GIDRULE 1403 PELT r1 F�{ fR t3 t lEll $1.1 wIITTEQ ASBUTOS NO-OFICATION T[3 PEffrStl G4lCELL,D c" PA nDifrn FINALlxnic ,lE To €Et1Tf t � 3 AC QS l7EMo ON G=PANI:Y ISSUED, tG•i�3ArlkffEa e t