HomeMy WebLinkAbout1420-97 - File111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* I Park Newport Proj File 2 APPLICATION FOR AVAL IN CONCEPT" NO!' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FEE: } d APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. Property Address: I PR 11k, /1/F. W Y v Z7 ,, fy K/ u>z% /3 0 cf/ General Description of Proposed Development: 1^627e l d 7/J al Or— , -41 /-52YU .4111D S ot2M 1),2A,.0 Legal Description: /� - . 4 V V o 9 & I • CP Zone: Applicant: :1in—HAGI` J 0nJG J Applicant'sMailingAddress: 3S-0 l_(�.o� S1. ,. G,0V4 47242 G Applicant's Telephone Number: (71 V ) K'S" -7 " -eO S 2 DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: and find 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or • That a has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: • Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). XHas been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. • Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy Attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date: V - IJ • PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attachments: dJ2[MES HcIiE71'IGKERI I it (e By ,.----r—t NOTE: No building permit will be issued until approyai�' received from C.C.C. PAID WPS 1\PLANNINGIDARLEENIFORMSIAPRLCONP.DOC �t rl AUG 0 81997 �1 `r�� CrrY OF NEWPORT BEACH From : *)KBRGRHI ENGINEERING** 714 252 9293 r e�'-LL•1887 MON 15,2a IDICA COAST --•, i CoeuArea oeree In ►+M M��e, CA sub tam .4n aet)Awmil eel°s��Ot P02 Tr.L:592 Sap S0e4 l'14r Page: 1 of 3 Oeta: September ib1, 1997 Permit No; 6-97.250 0 On Eeptantber A, 1gg7, ttie California Mesyport Coestsl Commission Granted to Park Apartments Goaetel Development Permit 6697.2go, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development conaistinq of; Rluff atebllization consisting of construction of caisson retaining wall, grading of 52 cubic yards of cut and 52 cubic yards of fill, and repair/raplecemsnt of damagod drainage pipe, More specifically datcribed in the application flip in the Commission offices, The development is within the coastal zone in Orenpe County at 1 Park Newport, 'Newport Beach. issued on behalf of the California Coestel Commission on September 18, 1997, PETER DDUGLAS 9V; ; , I f l.ti._-- Exr9UtlVe Director Title: Coeatal, grogram A alyat The undersigned psrmittee acknowledgss script of this permit end agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permlttes acknowledges that Government Code Section 1318.4 which states In pertinent part, that; "A public entity Is not liebie for injury caused by the Issuance ... of any permit , . ," applies to the issuance of this permit, IWORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY of THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE, 14 CAL, ADMIN. CODe SECTION 1316114). Date Signature of Permittse Pltlass sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. From : *BRGRHI ENGINEERING** 714 252 8293 PW 0E►�g� no • lyr p ra nrt No, 0-97-280 Paps 2 of 3 a'4Ir?►NU81) GO6j DI17ONA The permit Is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittes or authortzed agent, acknowledging raceipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. JE,spjt;UM If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two Years from the date on which the Commission voted an the application, Development shall be pursued In a diligent manner and completed In a reasonable period of time• Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3, 2=21ls11t, All development must occur In strict compliance with the Proposal not forth in the application for permit, Subject to any special conditions sat forth below. Any davistion from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and May require Commission approval.. 4. fo ern.etat = Any questions of intent or interpretatlon of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission, $• tns2ag3lans The Commission staff shell be allowed to Inspect the site and the project during Its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. $, Assignment. The permit mey be aasigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7, Terms and Condlynna Run with e tend. These terms and conditions shell bs perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and posasaors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. �� . � . n .. ., , r .,.. 3f1r r •i�fTiT Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, written evidence that the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFC5) has 1) reviewed and approved the proposed project and, 2) given permission for development described in this permit to occur on property owned by California Department of Fish and Game, If C4FG requires any substantial changes to the project as approved by the Commission, the From : **BRGRHI ENGINEERIHDK* 714 252 8293 FM �,z1F_TTE CLLBERT`a'j 714 5B1 1698 T ("L t 6P•2 590 8060. Pt4�4 COASTAL S r Mtn a cY s r neve�AllitFYT PER—W No. rs-97.250 page 3 of 3 changes shall be submitted to the Bxecutiva Dirsotar for a daterrninatian es to ent s permit. Any chanes that require eanhamendment shall of Occur dwithoutt anlsms dment to this permit. 2, p applicant shall submit, for prior to issuance of the e Director, ,Inai gradthi ing plans, including the review and approval of the Executivinclude the signed etetOman% of plans depicting the caisson wall, These plc ns tha g,,technical consultant certifying that these plane incorporate the recommendations contained in the Supplemental Oeoteahnical lnveo Gerson, Baker, prepared by 8890hi Engineering, (Proposal No. 780.20 development ahet ne er, Aesoeletea dated November 14, t g86. The epp constructed in accordance with the final revWd plans as approved by the Executive Director, Any daviaticns from acid plans hthe change, lreyuito an amendment to Director forhe Executive Any de lation$ as th t O01ro this permit. Any daviaticns that rrquire tin amendment shall not occur without an amendment to We permit, MVdm p724Oeda,,a, Ua7 e;\m�dfce\wlnwprdb�mPldllo,ImM,t1Ot hIIKW�Ehri From : **BPGPHI ENGINEERIWL•*M 714 252 8293 POS '-'- .,-gn-1097 S:36PM FRGt1 ANORIETTE CULBERTSOP -- •----- 714 581 •169BTip P. 5 S9W soma ,a �22�1$e7 MCM 19:24 IOt CA COAstA!- JHE"ERr,CNwRONMEN7A4rriA.11Np W714167014 I�N17/A7 03:02PM DW 19/17/1997 MO .,15995192 Wr rM A (•Ak9 P5 PNE fay ttanoFc�uroriwa.,Nrn«auncer„gekr PEPAR71VENT OW FISH AND QNW9 tm ftwon Bow S9 wh.hors, l,orp mae6h. CNMbhtia fi08O2 li Omifetiailta 610tgberis, 1t;igy Mr. Ken Dreaael GeMon, Oxicgr and Assotlfatea 201 F(Ibert Vreat Ban Ftanohso, Caiifontls• 04133-3204 Deer Mr. Dreetlel: Uppor NOWW aay 111110010011001 Reeww, Orange County Rtpht of enhy Patmlt Your regttaet ror ■ j�lpfar et EM partNt to U fiswport Qey tiColoploei Reserve, owned end rnanpM by h and Geme (Deparbrwnt), edJ#ant 10 your Prnpe4Y, Perk Newport Now mo asooll, Orange Counhr, Ca9knia has bon conslamtbd, It lsnow UrA*Ih nd 1p thet there it * dernApyd grntri age pipe on the stops At park NewpnnAPWhVM . In order to property repair the drainage pipe, nocem to the Drpatktrs•Wi WW is naesseey, The Department agrees to pion{ 0 Rtgltt of t3tMly permit to enable your anent to entd uGon Depatfrnnnl Mnd thr tha pugiees 6# ropkwoment of a damaged drainage ptpa, minor gradkq, aav0p01mllon anti n�n as shown In the Bbtw Rogan submltfad w the Cplilamta COMM Cof ffigA tat {ftldll77, rtf Right Of awy Is soject to thetbltouing condkions: TWO light of entry "I be "Jmf t to get=, HONar and A1*0*teua obtainhgt all oihar applicable State or local epprpvrll v*w pow& 2. The 8tste shall net be kbM and Ovism OJWW and Ae800JOWS .hAA IndemnUy, hold harmless end at tha alalhr► of Oter Ow, III"% t Ure stedb, Its otlloers, aganMa, and empk)yaea MoAlrlat and fw wry 0nd Aa NeWlfly. Claim$, damagae or Injur ies of Any kir d and ftm twy wAs. rftYNtn naf M or oenneCMd In any way with tea•exert" ofthis "ofwW, 3. AppllCant ehsli narno pia D0p0AmOMt of PW and Gomm 29 addMiat &I Ineuted In the amount of V,000,000. Appiloamso kword a oaOmw of oodnsurance to the WOW Manager Of dla CopotrAmt otlrish and Gem prior to commenainp onywark From : **HRUAHi ENGINEERING** 714 252 9293 Pas 011 'a •- .• ..__.,....,.-...-............. •f4--fi+<....................DQUL6ERTSOW 714 581 ti7 5:S:7R-1 FkOH ---•'----••'P-..6........ ` TF1,1991 5$0 sera plus t�-22-19a7 MON iS221 in:cn CDA6TAL = JNEPPERT,ENVIRONMGNTALq/"RULTIN'G 1171tac74M �119117197 CM02PM L1ks 09/17/1997 19,42 r .4"M92 DPT rM a ..iolt R5 PAK 03 Mr,.Ken arossal September 15, 1997 Page Two 4. The State Mmrves the tight to use maid pttlpMty to any manner, provided such uao dove not unroosonably lntmrfea wMh aarean, Bakal, and waedooaatsa' right nereln. 5. Aoce■s to said property OhsM be as p�Wtla by the Stets (by rneanta of a Read maating prior to project onitet with t1% lards raproeanis** har Upper Newport say), a- Prior to any entry upon the eel4 Iaad hr arry#WpW hero1nobove liM fodl1, Garoon, Oskar and Associates $W Wit Dabs bywridel or oral noflao to tho pePartlnenrs reptesetttattva, 7. Once the rapair work has been owrolelad, all dishrrbed great on $Ws land shall be ravegatgtedlremtored to 11114 ern Otto Department A t*Mxtary fend (plootle typo dab* barr'rsr) obdr ba awlMl lu link wowo m the proaeor tfte during echatntrtkm and for ro and nstomtbn. All.taatlltxidoo, existing fences 0 cxtnehnttilon nll�.fbta1l11wN ltdt on State lend ehal be removed upon s fkrel lnapi'Wm ma ft wMh to depsrtmenre teprasorlWve, A. This RigM of kntly anent be 411014able ffedt lbctember 16, 1997 through December 15, 19e1, 9. L-nfay upon sold land of the oasis, by QNaon, balmr and Associates for the purpowr; stated heroin shall eehatltllMr slap tn0e by Osman, Oskar and Assodates of all terms and conWorw el mass Rlptlt of entry. If you have further queowm. Plow 40 Mr, John Andersen, Sanlor 910100161, At (662) 500-4800. 8inaamly, Pablde tN911 RiegWal Manager Agreed; Mr, Ken Droosel Gerson, 9sknr and Associates ,< - STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Govemor 1 CALIFORNIA-COASTAL COMMISSION i' South Coast Area Office Page: 1 of 3 200 Oosangate, suite 1000 Date: September 18, 1997 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (662)590-9071 Permit No: 5-97-250 On September 9, 1997, the California Coastal Commission granted to Park Newport Apartments Coastal Development Permit 5-97-250, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Bluff stabilization consisting of construction of caisson retaining wall, grading of 52 cubic yards of cut and 52 cubic yards of fill, and repair/replacement of damaged drainage pipe. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 1 Park Newport, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director California Coastal Commission on RECEIVED By PLANNING1 DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT WCHBy. 9 41997 pTitle: E.NI September 18, 1997. Coastal 'Program Adalyst The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance ... of any permit ..." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. . No. 5-97-250 1, Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration, If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a t' reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be ,r made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff,snd,may, require Commission approval. , 4. lntarpratation. Any questicns`of'intent or jnt;erprat?tion of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the 6ommlSsioh. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be alid4ved to inspect the site and the project during its devel6pm6nt; subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, written evidence that the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) has 1) reviewed and approved the proposed project and, 2) given permission for development described in this permit to occur on property owned by California Department of Fish and Game. If CDFG requires any substantial changes to the project as approved by the Commission, the COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT . _ 1 Page 3 of 3 changes shall be submitted to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether the changes require an amendment to this permit. Any changes that require an amendment shall not occur without an amendment to this permit. �It .uu &•, •. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, final grading plans, including plans depicting the caisson wall. These plans shall include the signed statement of the geotechnical consultant certifying that these plans incorporate the recommendations contained in the Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Bagahi Engineering, (Proposal No. 780-200-00) for Gerson, Baker, & Associates dated November 14, 1996. The approved development shall be constructed in accordance with the final revised plans as approved by the Executive Director. Any deviations from said plans shall be submitted to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether the changes require an amendment to this permit. Any deviations that require an amendment shall not occur without an amendment to this permit. MV:Im 97250cdp c:\msoffice\winword\template\permit.dot Printed on September 18, 1997 w,; +r +c ,q1 IS # .� :I "I . ".I . ,I RI� I- ., I. R� ��i..I �II .1TI III , � q II. AI II , I- I 7I ,-.1 _''� I ,I .I II � .I ID .I I A.I II II-- I -III �1, I I1. I� I I �� IPI 1 INI I I �A.. �. - GI - . - I RI �°. ^`. :A°h _K nor � NNC NOTES: , - ,,,I A.I EI . - a• ,t +,. ` M w " o a� a K, .P� AI I II'I� I I I- �II RPI I ' �-I I I�I ,I II I � I III K.R1I. . �I -II �I i I ., I E-I1.. . I I N.� I � I ICI I I II �I IEI II.I -. . I . � I .ISWI I- � . I E�� -I._ .. P. � - . - 1 I� I I II OI I GI II I I _1 GENERAL-GRADi - , II h n conform to Ch ter 15 of the Newport Bench- i y , o r' w - . 1. All work s a aP rt • • T i '.: %. ,c : y , G.a 3 n Municipal Code (NBMC), the project sods report and specrol. , I , r requirements of the permit �, �a�{ a �: , t i y y1JP�, y; q = - _ n1� �r .t i' ✓ 4 7 '} ire , rr ' . NII .�T� I I-S . ��i n,: ti'e''' F cuPP!?j'hC,'Poxtnair �t.�� ^a o, uw I. Dust shotl be controlled by watering and/or dust pnllwtivm j. nM ccc wru� .aucarr� � _ • - y t rr,�.g''� hY>,Y''Xr�y+`,y 1 ,o pA+ \ nw`1 +i4a� 1 - 3 Sanatory focTties sha0 be maintaned on the s1e during " ;n{ z �r��k," r - . - - M1.g y. V i` : Wit; `' „s ,Sr g&a v ' '; the construction period. b* L , r ,. �qp' t� . _ ' '.`a , ®t +w sfck�, g o '0 •M1a t" a o' q 4 r 4. , Work hours 'ar. Lin tact from 7:00 AM to 6'30 Pill MONDAY i �t 31u �.M ti . I TP� IMIr LI � y through FRIDAY: 8 00 AM to 6-00 PM SATURDAYS; and 10.00 AM, r, „. I ? a " s �. , °l, r� �4 , i Per Section 1O-2f3 of the ' ... , - to 6:00 PM SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS I pg T -� a t: ,LLL Tr NBMC. 4 ',4,„c w. e�' S " . , as'. - - S. Noise, ercavotion, deirvery and removal shaft be controlled 6• A11 existing fills shall be aAProved by the sails engineer , c or removed before any additiona3 fills are added. e ' 3r , er per Section 10-28 of the NBMC. 7, pny existing irrigation lines and cisterns sha13 tre removed, NOTICE TO'CONTRACTOR' -•. sE,, u t .A H a Fo a �p,l �'� V . 4,, 1 M� �IKL ail H, > , Cm ,a ,arwauu __l er crushed in place and backfilled,.and approved by the "arty° " 1 6."'The, stomped set of approved pions shaft be on the lob site. soils engineer.' ` . a All Contractors and Subcontractors performing any cork sSoom on or �r ''`'i ' �u - at all fames. B. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shall,' after srfi n _� Clearing and prior to the placement Of fill in canyons, related to these plans -shall conduct their operations so that all • •.s am li ( jL °, employees are provided a safe place to ^rock and the public is r "r' V t+ n0I 7. Permittee and Contractor are respor>sble for beating and inspect each canyon for areas of adverse stability and protected. All eontractocs and Subcontractors shai.l comply with PROJECT _ w } _? )� - .,wa �� a; o ■.,r.. determine the presence of, or possibility of future d Y,•r^ protecting utilities. the 'occupational Safety and Health Regulations" of the' a.S. s w e determine the of, subsurface water or spring flow. If Department of Labor and with the,,construction Safety orders' of W.o, o` `i,ti �, ~ , �� _ a �,_; a m - t be needed, drains will be designed and constructed prior to the -the _State of California Department of lndust-ial Relations. I, §k A'" `c"• f'4 ,I .1 1s. 8.'' Approved drainage provis#oils and protective,meosures muspf �`, 1m .'placement of fill "in each respective canyon. However, the Construction Engineer and the City of Santa Ana shall "crF .� "f �,.� , - ' e ��`t1,^ faU`''r '` . used to protect odjoiniriq' properties during the grad g g• The exact location of the subdrains shall be surveyed in the not be responsible in any way for said compliance by the Contractor operation. f"field for line and grade. o =''�,' ^` t�:�,fi"�p ' or any Subcontractors.p �a 10. Ali trench backfills shall be compacted througtout to a r % ,. 3r s °" " o ,w, ' n shotl.be abandoned in compGonce minimum of 90 percent relative compaction, and APPROVED 8Y The Contractor further shall assume' sole and complete_ p3 r „ ra ys "r l "Q •""1, " 5. , Cesspools and septic to ks 44 ed the 8uddin THE SOILS ENGINEER. The Building Department may require responsibility for job site conditions, during the course of ■"` We ,"_ - w '' lvrth the Uniform Plumbing Code and opprov by 9 coring of concrete flat work placed over untested backfills construction of this project, -including safety of all persons and r sr irtsmrr •. p °r a a ....I'. v• Official. . no; ' rr t0 fiaciTitaLe testing. property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not. ' _+ �-,*a "p"`�' : i v -;, ' _ - ii. Ths s4ockpiling of excess material shall be approved by the be limited to normal working hours, and that the contractor shall e , ■Hain , `.:r;E '•A „�+�I. - . t0. 'Haul routes for import or export of materials shag be i r "; City Grading Engineer. defend,�fiidemnify, and hold the Owoezy Engineer; and the City of =r a•o Q' .'9i�'$s, n `" a ed by the C'dy Traffic Engineer and procedures Shod 12, Landscaping of all slopes and pads shai7 be in'accordanca Santa Ana harmless from any and all liability, real oc alleged,'in "�"r �� r ' 'F4 v�wa ' PPS i i ,- Conform with Cho ter 15 Of the NBMC. ytth Chapter 15 of NBMC. connection with ttie perfosrsance of- rrorkon Ibis project, expecting tr"3t �" �� I� �' gQ� tlurin and altar for liability arising; �iom.the sole negligence of the owner; the \ '� i nvesti ated both 9 "' Cv ' ;:L �(� is w t3. A37 cut slopes shall be g - - �i 11. Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all buibing grading by an engineering geologist to determine fir' any Engineer, or the City -of Santa,Ana'. C�gj7• )m Wi - - Rr;, si�i�- "(-r J r t 4 p*"a a� any- stability Problem exists. Should excavation disclose any' — t r"'r ar r s r ^',.w \�rfi 'f1 a " ,a geological hazards or potential geological hazards, the a`wci v �. t2, iodure to request inspections and�or have removable erosion engineering geologist shaiT recommend and submit, necessary - ���_ treatment to the City Grading.Engineer for approval. 1 - -control devices on -site of the appropriate times shall t4.. Where suppert or buttressing of cut and natural slopes is II1AIi . result in forfeiture of the construction site cleanup, tletermired La be necessary by the eng nearing geologist and. deposit -soils engineer; the soils engineer'will obtains approval of VICINITY MAP 1 design, location and calculations from the'City Grading _ 13, , All plastic drainage pipe shall consist of PVC and ASS - Engineer prior to construction. , tv r 5 piostic and either ASTM.2751, ASTM Di527, ASTM D3034 for 15.. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shail`,inspect I . x - ASTM D1785 and test'Lhe cc.-struction of ali'buttress fills'and attez; , . - to the .stability of the slope and adjacent structures upon - S completion. . - _ .1 -. '7" to., When cut pads are brought' to,hear.grade Lha engineering EROSION^CONTROL . geologist shalt determine if the bedrock is extensively , fractured or faulted and will readily transmit -water. Yf 1 1. Temporary erosion control plans ore required from October 15 considered necessary by the engineering ,geologist,and: soils , t _ to,Mcy 15. engineer; a compacted fill blanket will be D}aced: . 17, _The engineering geologist shall perform periodic inspections s 2: Erosion control devices shall be available on site between ' , - during, grading. October 15 and May 15. is. - NotificaLi'on of Noncompliance: If, An the course of fu1fi71ing their responsibility, the civil engineer, the 3. Between October 15 and May 15, erosion control measures, snits a»gineer, the engineering geologist or Lhe testing agency finds that the work is not being done in conformance _shall be in place at the end of each working day. wheneveri,th.the approved grading plans, the discrepancies shall .be itie,five-day probability of ran exceeds 30 percent. Durinij "feported immediately in writing to the person in charge of , ; the remainder of the year, they shalt lx,in place Ot the end the grading work and to the City Grading Engineer. r�t�-irt-cywCLC ' of the working day whenever the doily rairtfoli probability Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall E=S'3� QJRc�rYYtG a i=4U1PMt=ttitT 1. I I IJ� ekceeds 50 percent. be submitted to the City Grading Engineer for approval. i CUT : SZ. G t `^ ; . ; 14. '. y'. Londscoping plans shall be submitted for approval, work V- _ L' ` S,z c' y a 1 completed and a certificate of cronformonce received by Ithe DOCUMENTATION - City Grading Engineer prior to closure of permit, unless \ D �(Ir� waived by the City Grading Engineer. i, An as -bunt grading D1an shall be prepared by the t1vi1 l�J E- engineer including original ground surf ace'elevattans, as- fz , �5.. Temporary desdting basins, when required, shall be graded ground surface elevations,, lot drainage paLtarns and AUG 8 1997 r " _ installed and maintained for the duration of the project.. locations, and elevaticns of all surface and sub -surface i drainage facilities. Hs shall provide written approval that ,_'1 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS the work was done in accordance with the final approved OAIIFORNIA t grading plan and state Lhe number of yards of cut and/ar . COASTAL COMMISSION - 1. ' A pre-grad'utg meeting shop be scheduled 48 hours prior to fill moved during the operation. EST'*^I start of grading with the following people present owner, 2. A soils grading report prepared by the sot is engineer,x"JTtT'r . II I .I II i tractor, design avrT engineer, sacs engineer, including locations and elevation pf field density tests, CONSTRUCTION NOTES: grading con summaries of field and" laboratory results and other I i geologist, City Grading Engineer of their representatives. substantiated data and comments on any changes mane During �4y�t , iO—CONST. 24" DYA. CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE, i6 GA,, WITH' REROLL,I .; i Required fleid inspections rn*9 be outlined of the meeting. grading andtheireffect on the recommendations mane in the ANNULAR ENDS CONNECTED -WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS; I soils engineering investigation report. He shall provide i ! 2 A.pre-paving meeting shaft be scheduled 48 hours prior to written apprcva7 as to the adequacy of the site fcr Lhs ( ,E� n— JOIN EXISTING 24" CSP PIPE WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS, i`I start of the sub -grade preparation for the paving with the intended use and completion work i n accordance w . to the �/ ": following people present: owner, paving contractor, design - NBMC • 5 GA �_ L I 3. A geologic grading report Prepared by the engineer.ng �l FURNISH AND INSTALL CSP PIPE ANCHORS WITH. PIPE,OOWN 'DRAIN l civil engineer, soils eng^ineer. City Grading Engineer or geologist, incitiding a' final description pf the gec}ogy of ANCHORS, ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY A-4022 FOR '24" DIAMETER P "'. WITF1 ` i`, I . I ' I . their representatives.- Required field. inspections wilt be - 6' LONG PIPE STAKES.. - ; , , outlined at the rtleefing _ the site, includinc any new 'information disc}osea aur;ng the oradina'and the er'Tect of same on recommendations incaraotated in Lhe approved grading plan. He sna;T provide 1 Er' (D— FURNISH AND INSTALL 24" CSP PIP1 FLARED END SECTION written approval as to the adequacy of the site far Lhe F i gfnurstPD IISPECTIONS intended use as affected by geologic factors. `�6 3F Q5 --- CONST. 18" THICK ROCK RIP PER OC,M I STD. PLAI N t , I I. 1, A pre -grading meeting shall be scheduled d8 hours Prior to. ?."` — {�b�•-- REMOVE TNTERFERING.PORTION OF EXIST CSR DRAIN PIPE"., I-I start of grading with Lhe fallowing people present: owner, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES &USES: The en ineer re grin - grading contractor',-design,civi.l engineer, soils engineer, g P P g 9 iIq o- DRILL AND CONST. 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE CAISSON PER PETIAILS ! geologist, Dity Grading Engineer. or their representatives. these planswiilnotberesponsiblefor,ocliabtotheplasmusted : Requil.ed field inspections will be outlined at the meeting. p NOTrc: si'�un� I"STE-Vit,Js TZe-QV1nrPD fb ti f��n^l�ay; AND.SPECYFICATIONS changes to or uses of these plans. fill changes to the fans must be (g) - - in writing and must be approved by the preparet of these plans. L 2, Apre-Davin9 meeting shalt be_scheduledj4$ hours prior to 1) GoNCREtE CITYOFNEINPORT6_ACH start of the sub -grade preparation for 'the -paving with the: : 2) CA%S- a \HsTeaV_p,.i oa ✓- w, APPROo;ecl niof:rsto0. '' This rc r-,c! cmioras to a. an: �! ': following people present' --owner, paving corit' 'ctor, design OVESSION P , a�epianningregulations '" - 1"'Civil engineer-, spits engineer. I City Grading Engineer or 3) R@1TaF02C-SrI .Ncw%46% `R A(� andpoiicias:ne�,erio•, is,ate. _ " ,, -Chair re�resentatives:.Required field .inspections will. be ;; / ). Mp 'yd+ �Q ( R These plans are not W be used for construction purposes. No South +roast . DisL�iot OPg;cr building permit will be issued until approval is received from I. II r f s,. ' 'outlined at the meeting, � / ti �r��=xP nr , .k` . '1tr^T1 , t, I t-Z 3� m ,o the California Coastal Commission. , IiII Sig of ; FTLI S/CUTS _T -: ^ - . IVC7T� t Gov rt?AGTC7fZ £S}1At t t=tcfw. T�8T ¢ o. C256 7 PLANNIN' EPARTMENT r`: i Y p� I-,t', ,'Graded =slopes shall be no steeper titan 2 horizontal, to 1 p 3- Date: ��� 7 '�A-LM 4fLA\t.. T�t1� t�r2.10rt �o M Yr "I"' ,, . vertical. - Fill slopes shall be.compacted to no less than 90 Percent C,OOAP%_MTIOr� G*• C_OKYSMUCI1'10%J- \ - S .T.'.'-',llz relative compaction out- to the finished surface. r0F CNOJ q '.8, ..'All fills shall be compacted_ throughout to: a -minimum of ., _ i Dater percent relative compaction as determined by'kSTM Lest - method 7557, and approved by the soils -engineer. Compaction o tests shall be performed approximately every two feet in PLANS PREPARED BY: DESIGNED BY: PLANS PREPARED FOR: vertical"height and of sufficient quant�Ly'to attest„zo the APPROVED BY: _ ��� A.J.M. PRECISE GRADING PLAN SHEET' CI ' overall compaction effort applied to the fill 'areas. 6 DRAWN BY: I l 4. Areas to receive fill shalt be cleared of all vegetation and 5 �ALlF01�NlA A'�M eERsonr, BAKAR, & ASSOC. , 1- Idebrls, scarified and approved by .the soils engineer prior - ""�"'- • ' 4 a ,*,w to Dlacing of the f.11. . . '• C I V I L I N C CHECKED BY: 201- FIIb@rl Sfi@@f PARK hI�WPORT APARTJI/IENTS �F - ;3 Fills shall be keyed cr benched into con Patent material.-. 3 - - AJ.M. i n ons nts . 13 1, iv , d o an co, CA NO. - .. - I a Ut lity u i C It js ' •. 2 DAZE• S Franc 94 3 PROJEC? I . Planning .Engineering 'Surveying 19 MAY 1997 Ol'VE PARK NEWPORT 350 Clinton Street, Suite % Costo Mesa, cA 92628 " OUR PROD. NO.: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH •ORANGE COUNTY,' `CA r . . _ - . DATE (714) 557-1059 293-97-01 NO. DATE REVISIONS r CITY' ENGINEER osliFlcarlawrxgceitcrac- ru-s>:ar , { : iY' 1 c, , _ _ _ - _ . . - - _ I,- _ , , • - �. - .. „ - r _ - V. r f 1� �: tit a � I � � \ _ $ - _ _ i J„ _ _ , - _ - - S { _ _ k i , .. , _ _ 1, r.l - ! 11 rr: r A d (AD i 146� I so N. 3 If f 0. „ i 'TOFZZ _ 3 1 , MArcr2lAt_ (�71y / � l�1Ca W j C SP b'i-c� QiZA ll,) / 1 If �.—,- 3 / i 1 BORING lg> \ LAW CRAM \\ to 3 slar-t s5i � 2 A,�.I ST, CADNS/ j 00, 93. Ig r 6'z- Qo' '"��✓- - - �' , 't �' / 1-1O �` Lg�5, Top u ! / Flu MATtw O / CONTINUOUS CORRUGATION ,4.EkIS% CON y}�,G AROUNDBAND 1 \./ / BAR s STRAP i CONNECTOR r�4� � ml 7 Vtvrr 31G0 0-i 'd) S21NCo N0, g-1 - 'E� 65.34t�1v) ®._ ' (1aAGAF11 ENG) y SE-5- Sur C-3 , - Uta 1r OD Szcmom A -A (gacllOJ C-C LNT's) 7 r HUCCER loud ixith bar and strap connector. roNTr__c" Nuc-,Grr2 BAND DOWN DRAIN PIPE ANCHORS :% ROUND STEEL YOKES FOR ANCHORING CORRUGATED CULVERT PIPE AA022 PIPE ANCHORS PIPE SAES 8 — 12 -- IS — 21 — 24 — 30 " Specify Length of Stakes — 6 h- Standard. 11h Inch Pipe Stakes. Fa Driving in Sod. Give Size of Culvert Pipe When Ordering.- - r�l 1JbWN pt2A�1�1 FaQr� AraG*tOrZS N r-s a CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1O— CONST. 24" DIA. CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE, 16 GA., WITH.AEROLLED y ANNULAR ENDS CONNECTED WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS. ' 2--JOIN EXISTING 24" CSP PIPE WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS. 3a— FURNISH AND INSTALL CSP PIPE ANCHORS WITH PIPE ,DOWN DRAIN ANCHORS, ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY A-4022 FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE WITH, 6' LONG PIPE STAKES. 4Q— FURNISH AND INSTALL 24" CSP PIPE FLARED END SECTION. O5 .- CONST. 18" THICK ROCK RIP PER OCEMA STD. PLAN # 1809. T REMOVE INTERFERING PORTION OF EXIST CSP DRAIN PIPE. Q7 — DRILL AND,CONST. 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE CAISSON PER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS (BY SEPARATE PERMIT), or - STONEWORK Stone shall comply with -Subsection 200-1.6, Stone for Rip -Rap, except cobblestoneir shall not be used. .All stones shall be angular, each piece having its greatest dimensions not greater than three times its least dimensions. Stone shall comply with the tests specified in Subsection 200-1.6 except that .. the apparent specific gravity shall be not less than 2.62. Stone shall also be tested for percentage wear in accordance with ASTM C131 except that the maximum loss shall not exceed 45% after 500 revolutions. Unless otherwise specified, the gradation ,for .general purpose use shall lie'between '. A the following gradation curves& ' % Lighter by Weight Limits of Stone Weight in Pounds 1 100 1800 720 SO 530 360 " 15 260 '110, i Thickness (T) - placed dry in non -turbulent, flow locations 33" placed under water - 48" 1 "1 placed dry in turbulent flow locations - 48'n Placement tolerances for finished surface shall be plus or minus six inches from indicated lines and grades. If gradation curve is requested by the Engineer, all points on individual grading curves obtained from representative samples of rip -rap stone shall lie between . limits as defined by a smooth curve drawn through tabulated grading limits plotted on a mechanical analysis diagram. The grading curves within these limits shall not - show abrupt changes in slope denoting skip grading, scalping of certain sixes or., other irregularities which would be detrimental to proper functioning of rip -rap. stone. Gradation testing shall be performed by an approved testing laboratory .on j samples selected by the Engineer, at the Contractor's expense. Stone shall be placed directly on prepared earth subgrade or area unless rook filter blanket or filter fabric is specified or shown on the plans. Each load of 'atone shall be reasonably well graded from the smallest to the" maximum size specified. Stones smaller than the specified 15 percent size and +> spails will not be permitted in an amount exceeding 15 percent by weight of each load. Stone for rip -rap shall be placed in a manner which will produce a reasonable well- ' graded mass of stone with the minimum practicable percentage of voids. The entire mass of stone shall be placed in conformance with the 11nes,•grades and thicknesses shown,on the plans. Rip -rap shall be placed to its full course thickness in one ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY STO. PLAN „ Approved C. R. Nelson, Dirselor of PWIt MbrAs ' 8 0 9 { Adopted: Res•78-791 Revised: Res.79-1725. 85-339 VVV V 1. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - STONEWORK SHEET, OF J CITY 0iI lj:li'1110PTFt-_'ACN/- - -t AR R...,... n tc„c:-. F� :J . This proi air;,n' •".'s'.?a;1',-(' ar'eplanningregulatons operation and.in a manner to avoid displacing the underlying material. Placing' S and polidet in erect ca evit: uafe. of rip -rap in layers by dumping into chutes or by similar methods likely to cause segregation, will not be permitted. Self-propelled equipment shall not be used ThesBplon3arerattebeDssdfercnnstrucflonputposes.No building permit wiz be issued until approval is received from on embankment slopes. the CalNNINrniaCoastal FITIAEmmssion. The larger, stones shall be well distributed, and the entire mass of atone shall&_ ? PLANNING RTfdENT gradation specified. All material � conform to the � Dater-�'� � g p going into rip -rap .protection . IBy - shall be so placed and distributed that there will be no large accumulations of " AMg(2/1 t=o�r.�octY� IN. So . PLANS PREPARED BY:; UesVrvnU Cr: PLANS PREPARED FOR: APPROVED BY: — ABM 6 either the larger or smaller sizes of stone. It is the intent of these specifications to produce a fairly compact rip -rap protection In which all sizes of material are placed in their proper proportions:' Hand placing or rearranging of individual stones by mechanicalequiPIR ' ant may be required as necessary to secure the specified results. „ If grout is specified for filling the interstices, lit shall be either a 560-C-3250 or 660-E-3250 concrete mix. QOFESSIOryq/� ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY STD: PLAN 4.��Q 1. MQR F2di Approved l �� G,�P � y � C.R. Notion, Dirselor of Ps lit Mbr*s 4 j 1231�1Adopted: Res.78-791. Revised: Res.79-1725; 85-339 O V w 18 <?� °c- No-C277 SPECIAL _ PROVISIONS - STONEWORK SHEET 2 OF2; y - - -� tl9 - OF CA�I��� DRAWN BY: CAL�FORNIA' CHECKED BY: GERSON, BAKAR, C I: V I L'_ I N C." , A.✓.M: 201 Filbert S Civil and, Utility. Consultants DATE: Son Francisco, Cf Planning •' Engineering - z _ Surveying-"-. 19 MAY' 1997 DATE 350 Cinton.Street, Suite B, Costo,tdeso, CA 92626 OUR PRQI. NO.: (714) 557-1059 20-97-01 L too G579 r =4b 70 m am ICY 1. lo' to' lo' �xl�r, Cat2AT'1~ INLCT oz r� /� GEm1G CAl-tA2 �' I tea Ttz 69q� Stzxz M MA.•a 1'c.Anl gx,;•�T. iSA P1PL , DATE OBSERVED: 10-21-96 LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 LOCATION: Park Newport LOGGED BY: BW/KB METHOD OF DRILLING: 6-inch Auger GROUND EL: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: PACIFIC DRILLING HAMMER: 140 lbs. FALLING: 30 inches Feld Description Depth Sol Sample Blows/ """s`n"'a°"tM""'a'""'°c,ew"'e'd,ft"�",w°°'^ bgWt""°'^'"w"� (ft) Type Type Foot Moist. Densi ty mrwm# m :--y am.om e ti d M ea.,,."■."e...fa ,m. ev of. e,nea," rm"Yr.d M (PCQ FILL 1- Light tan brown silty fine SAND, slightly moist. loose 2- 3- @ T becoming moist 4- @ 4' Colluvium: tan to greenish tan clayey SILT to silty CLAY 5- R 24 43.6 70.4 w/chips of weathered shale, moist, medium stiff 6- @ 6.5' Coluviumlweathered bedrock contact -harder to drill 7- B 8- 9- to- If- 12- 13- 14- 15- is- 17- to- III- 20- 21- 23- 24- 25- 26- z7- 28- I I I I@ 9.5' weathered bedrock light brown greenish SILTSTONE, slicked surfaces @ 10-11' in ring sample, medium stiff, moist (no R 23 47.6 70.7 distinctive bedding) " @ 14' seep, harder to drill R 1 18 1 61.2 64.8 1 @ 14.6 auger refusal on hard limestone bed, continuous sampling fom here on R 26 @ 16 bedding attitude of approx. N35W 6NE R 29 R 1 33 1 47.4 1 70.3 @ 20' brown to dark green siltstone w/occasional orange sand R 33 63.3 58.6 beds (i/16' to 1/4' thick) moist, medium stiff, bedding attitude of N39W 12NE R 64 86.5 . 49.8 Grey green sandy to clayey weathered SILTSTONE, moist, stiff R 38 61.2 63.8 R 53 Bottom of hole at 26' No groundwater Minor caving 0 TZI 001 G10:1 30 BORING 1 DATE GRILLED: April 24; 1996 EQUIPMENT USED: 24• - Diameter Bucket ELEVATION: 55'. Qw ui —' t" ?^ w`. 0 Na O `o 2E a= in y cc 9 o oN 3°. 0e -1N _j g SM L9NDSLIDE DEBRIS (Olsl SILTY SAND - line, some Clay, few Gravel, moist, reddish brown 50 5 Some bedrock fragments ML SANDY SILT - disseminated caliche pods, brown 45 10 SILTY SAND -fine, reddish brown SM SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT - some Sand, few Gravel, slightly porous, brown CL- ML SANDY CLAY - few Gravel, disseminated caliche pods, greyish brown CL 24.3 88 7 Cemented Siltstone boulder (up to 20-inch maximum dimension) Brown 40 15 26.5 65 7jN'Xz" Scattered bedrock clasts (1 y,•inch in diameter) 18.3 95 8 SILT . some Siltstone fragments and small shells, mottled grey to reddish brown - ML CLAY - plastic, nearly saturated, grey CL 35 20 5 88 6 Abundant bedrock clasts and caliche 57.6 64 7 _ _Shear: _N28E, 32N_W to N_35_E,_34_NW_ 76.1 52 9 MONTEREY FORMATION ITmI SILTSTONE - clayey, well bedded, highly fractured, highly weathered (from 21' to 24% some Clay, abundant caliche along - - 17 fractures, grey and dark brown 22 %*- Joint: N52E, 58NW - caliche infilling Ill /4-inch wide) 24'- Bedding: 'N46W, 14NE 30 25 24% Joint: N14W, 86SW - moderately jointed, abundant caliche 23'- Joint: N85W, 77SW - caliche infilling (1/4-inch wide) ' 25 h'- Bedding: N55W, 14NE - thin Sandstone layer, some caliche, 64.1 59 19 light grey and orange 23 Abundant gouge along fractures, some shells Sandstone interbeds 26'- Joint: N9W, Vertical - callche infilling (1/4-inch wide) 25 30 8 49 26'b'- Joint: N42E, 35NW - caliche infilling 11/3-inch wide) 27'- Bedding: N37W, 15NE Dark brown ,. \ - - 40 for 4• Minor seepage - Cemented Sandstone bed No sample recovered - (BORING TERMINATED AT 33 y.' DUE TO HARD DRILLING) NOTE: Slight seepage encountered at a depth of 32'. No caving. •. Number of blows required to drive the Crandall sampler 12 inches using a 140 pound hammer falling 12 inches. ,' - • ` Elevation refers to datum on Figure 1. LOG OF BORING LAW/CRANDALL, INC. I I 1 I �r i I i�•%- / I A FIT! A l l / r I_�•-- I I I 31-70 � 3160 1�� 3ISO l i=pC2T10N Off' 0 I aLC)G s4 Q I '-j(Zlt"1 INTT=2�Q1?IN�o I - (•�R.T10r�i� QF l �� If DRIVE PARKING — A1SLF_ t Stnu.s . — AG Fwfv�r t — CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1 CONST. 24" DIA. CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE, 16 GA., WITH REROLLED ANNULAR ENDS CONNECTED WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS. O2 -- JOIN EXISTING 24" CSP PIPE WITH CONTECH HUGGER BANDS. 3O— FURNISH AND INSTALL CSP PIPE ANCHORS WITH PIPE DOWN DRAIN ANCHORS, ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY A-4022 FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE WITH 6' LONG PIPE STAKES. 0 FURNISH AND INSTALL 24" CSP PIPE FLARED END SECTION. CONST. 18" THICK ROCK RIP PER OCEMA STD. PLAN # 1809. O6 — REMOVE INTERFERING PORTION OF EXIST CSP DRAIN PIPE. 7Dr DRILL AND CONST. 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE CAISSON PER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS (13Y 5FPARATE PERMIT) �oQ j,aFESS►Opq! 3.410 No. C25677 9 fr9 OF CA0' Y # 3070 EQUIPMENT ACCESS PLAN This protect':Ci:..: J 19 mi c" 'CI%aun, planning regulations and poEcia" :n eiie,,t Gr, fois date. These plans are rof to be used for construction purposes. No building permi( sail be issued until approval is received from the California Coastal Commission. rr IA=- =^tarµ c=A�n P INT�(2\M T11�1g�R g��cz.T % g'F'c a J.L L NO. PRECISE GRADING PLAN PARK - NEWPORT APARTMENTS k r ct bYYi6 i l--- - -- - - — - - -- - - - - - - - - -� - - - , - - - - - - - - No \U•0 \0. To EUMINATE- ?ANOIN61 wa4tIR- j t IX 9 t � ,5 p.M Rl P Ci � 1 60 50 30 _ S \ ' A f - LI tk ��• ► it i, r V % 7li v \ �/ CJV1.9 r'%jam o X' ARE ^t � xO �l j I t •0\00 EX. 00 me \A c \46,,L 1 I.Cg \ i F `\ LEGEND / �° ,� Eil-21[Zt GCtA'[E INLET � /�t SANITARY\ SEWER I 4 h •! / —•—o-- — /ND/CATES SEJ4,14lNH0L.E �C/ST/ C.P. SEWER e m 0'3�/ L/NF'ANO V..S/ZE EXc1S7-/NG ORANGE COUNTY 4N/TAT/ON ,0/STR/C7— I '\ 1. "- BTORM DRA/i1r' V / y tl 0— — ,INDlCArRS STORM DRAI/d CATCH BA�/N t S70RA•l DRAIN MANNOL E ` il, ••--[, • / n \ STORM DRA/N NEAOWALL R/P RAP - ' -- •^24"5D—• — " .EX/ST/NQ STORM DRA/N \ 1 ! \LINE ANO SIZE OF PIPE p e Ng Io. . - • _ - - - F t . 00. pY3 O� tr \ O a I 1 `b byb. • 1 - \,T9 ' 0. O \ • I — AND WORK- AIXeA J l • 1 I \qI H SCAL E r / " = /00 /1 TOPOGRAPHIC'' MAP OF I CANYON DEVELOPM 13 t t L,)F OF NEWPORr CH BEA• (ale 1 IOr tOnMUCMn MI B•'•t'•6 Bt6WMMrit tM V Yi61tC14 T ,y-� yl u ••t CA, Y rtt.py, BtAcR �A•�in.i idb�"'�'"� I � . M•Nb t•/.ttyd y T �,yy PY V M h..M .VYtlbntl Ytiwc K *t~I.glwpw}[piWBbw:; lbw 1>IM CM MawY.t.YIM CtrYHwoon6•.cw, rola•.ta .atlb:�.:,y slylwt b• wan ro Bwlawq A.wwv nw e.w. „� O� q o'twt w o""eu,6wwWy nt wa tpppY Io•�. I .M•ew,l ^'^o ••ool.•w...Ir w.f.M tlpt t nulxnlcrtaM�MG 1 P O D TO ISSUE BY � DATES � EXHIBIT )Ft JUNE 5,1985 `i bbett `Beiij."William` ibst t& Associates PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL, ENGINEERS 6 PLANNERS P "I fl•.a :5VO t •AJf • •A•L %T"Etr 1•t%VI•1.Rr Of ACH CALICORNIA 92646 y .fN• 11y CV)•O , AIOVEMSER 9/ /94Y3 F, B- 12/ � /33 F3. F ✓. N. 222//0 I a , / o y �- { I'hls pmo;eef C4•`G 6 I Y 5;^i,Lt7:611., planning regulations i3 n0 p01ic a 7:• F i,L l• Lis dzie } I hose plansare rri tot: user, fer construction purposes. No butluing permit vr,'I ba IiSSLed u-M approval is received from the California Coastal Ccininission. PLANNING By �Date: Y-� % NOTL: 'file underlying topography for ills map was prepared by Robert Debi, William Frost and Assoeiales and is on file in life City of Newport I3cacb.. TLc purpose of this snap as used by California Civil, Inc. is to show the location of dic project drainage oudcL and drabiago pMt,clr relative to Back Day Drive:. Y \ 3.MO y CALIFORJVIA L,ji2-Cz 3\97 Civil and Survey Consultants No. C25677 I �j q- x • Planning • Engineertng • Surveying ,, { Q' 3W Clinton Street• suite a. Costa Me". CA 92828 �\ Tel: (714),•557—t0S9 F= (714)557 3JSt_, Tq _ F AI�EJ — r vmstiib Goest Di'striai Off100 laPPROVED Pee 'No. EFFECTIV$ G. - bate a f. j