HomeMy WebLinkAbout856 SAN CLEMENTE1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 856 San Clemente 1 9 CW LI iv QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) City Council', eeting JanuaTY 13 1992 >r t� Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT. A. General Plan Amendment No 91-1 Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable development on the new library site for the Newport Village Planned Community from 50,000 sq. ft. to 65,000 sq. ft.; and the acceptance of Environmental Impact Report No. 149 UM-0 B. Loml Coastal Program Amendment No. 24 Request to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan so as to transfer 30,000 square feet of allowable office development from the Newport Village Planned Community to the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. 0 C. Amendment No. 728 Request to amend the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to permit 85,000 sq. ft. of additional office development transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community. The - proposal also includes a request to amend the Planned Community sign provisions so as to be consistent with the proposed sign provisions of the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. 0 D. Amendment No. 729 Request to amend the Civic Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to add 57,150 sq. ft. of additional office development, 35,000 sq. ft. of which would be transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community and 22,150 sq. ft. of which is new development entitlement, * TO: City Council - 2. and to delete 14,000 sq. ft. of library entitlement, which would be transferred to the Newport Village Planned Community. The proposal also includes: a request to amend the existing Planned Community sign standards; and a change to require the approval of a use permit for restaurants rather than a site plan review. 0 E. Amendment No. 730 Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 48 so as to reclassify property from the Unclassified (U) and Open Space (O-S) Districts to the Planned Community (P-C) District; and adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan on property known as Corporate Plaza West. ME F. Amendment No. 746 Request to amend the Newport Village Planned Community Development Plan so as to: expand the boundary of the Planned Community so as to include the land bounded by Avocado Avenue, San Miguel Drive, MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road; revise the land use plan so as to identify five statistical development areas which are distributed between two land use designations of Governmental/Institutional and Open Space, and delete the multiple family residential and retail designations; add development standards for the development of a 65,000-square-foot library, a 100,000-square- foot museum, and a 4-acre public park; and the addition of a General Notes Section. WU-1001 G. Development Agreement No. 4 Request to approve Development Agreement No. 4 for the Library Exchange Agreement between The Irvine Company and the City of Newport Beach. I:`►K H. Traffic Study No. 72 Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to demonstrate compliance of the proposed entitlements for Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Corporate Plaza West with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. • TO: Cyr, Council - 3. Firm I Resubdivision No. 973 Request to resubdivide an existing parcel of land into three parcels; one parcel for a museum, one parcel for a library and one parcel for open space on property located in the P-C District. Applications If approved, the proposed actions would implement the Lbrary Exchange Agreement, which was previously approved by the City Council - Suggested Hold hearing; close hearing; if desired, approve the project as recommended by the Planning Commission and: 1. Adopt Resolution No. . accepting, approving, and certifying Final E]R No. 149, and a. Make the findings contained in the Statement of Findings and Facts (Exhibit A of the Resolution); and b. Find that the facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit B of the Resolution) are true and are supported by substantial ---evidence-in-the-record; including-Final-EHU49;-and C. Find that although the Final EIR identifies certain unavoidable significant environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, the mitigation measures identified sball be incorporated into the project, and all significant environmental effects that can feasibly be mitigated or avoided have been eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level, and that the remaining unavoidable significant effects, when balanced against the facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations, are acceptable; and d. Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program contained in Exhibit C of the Resolution. 2. Adopt Resolution No. . approving General Plan Amendment No. 91-1(C). 3. Adopt Resolution No. approving Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 24. 4. Adopt Resolution No. . approving Amendment No. 728 to the Corporate Plaza Planned Community. TO: City Council - 4. 5. Adopt Resolution No._, approving Amendment No. 729 to the Civic Plaza Planned Community. 6. Adopt Ordinance No._, approving Amendment No. 730 for the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. 7. Adopt Resolution No. . approving Amendment No. 746 to the Newport Village Planned Community. 8. Adopt Ordinance No. approving Development Agreement No. 4. 9. Sustain the action of the Planning Commission in approving Resubdivision No. 973 and Traffic Study No. 72. Background •• At its meeting of November 21, 1991, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend CityCouncil approval of the series of actions listed above, which are necessary to implement the Library Exchange Agreement. An excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes along with copies of the statt reports are atiached Lor Luc un 's review. On December 9, 1991 the City Council introduced the ordinances for Items E and G, and scheduled a public hearing for January 13,1992 to consider these items along with the other requested actions. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. AEWICKER, Director Attachments: 1. Excerpt of Planning, Commission Minutes of November 21, 1991 2. Planning Commission Staff Report of November 21, 1991 3. Planning Commission Staff Report Addendum of November 21, 1991 4. Comments and Responses for Final'EIR No. 149 5. Draft Resolution No. certifying Final EIR No. 149 Exhibit A. Statement of Findings and Facts Exhibit B: Statement of Overriding Considerations Exhibit C: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program TO: City Council - 5. :. a a:. 6. Draft Resolution No. approving General Plan Amendment 91-1(C) 7. Draft Resolution No. approving Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 24 8. Draft Resolution No. approving Amendment No. 728 for Corporate Plaza PC 9. Draft Resolution No. approving Amendment No. 729 for Civic Plaza PC 10. Draft Ordinance No._ approving Amendment No. 730 for Corporate Plaza West PC 11. Draft Resolution No._ approving Amendment No. 746 for Newport Village PC 12. Draft Ordinance No. approving Development Agreement No. 4 Attached Separately: 13. Draft EIR No. 149 14. Resubdivision No. 973 P.\_\LMRARY\CC-RPr3.REC COMMISSIONERS Attachment 1 November 21, 1991 MINUTES ROLL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A General Plan Amendment No 91 1(Q (Public Hearin e) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan s as to increase the allowable development on the new library site for the Newport Village Planned Community from 50,000 sq. ft. to 65,000 sq. fL; approval of a Development Agreement; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND B. Local Coastal Program Amendment No 24 (Public Hearing) fGPA CALL LCPA 24 A728 A729 A 730 A746 Ts 72 — Request to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan so as to transfer 30,000 square feet of allowable office development from the Newport Village Planned Community to the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND C. Amendment No 728 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to permit 85,000 sq. ft. of additional office development transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community. The proposal also includes a request to amend the Planned Community sign provisions so as to be consistent with the proposed sign provisions of the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. LOCATION: Corporate Plaza Planned Community bounded by Farallon Drive, Avocado Avenue, East Coast Highway and Newport Center Drive, located southerly of Fashion Island, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C -17- R973 Approved I COMMISSIONERS nNovember21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF. NEWPORT BEAC INDEX ROLL CALL APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant AND D. Amendment No 729 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Civic Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to add 57,150 sq. ft. of additional office development, 35,000 sq. ft. of which would be transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community and 22,150 sq. ft. of which is new development entitlement, and to delete 14,000 sq. ft. of library entitlement, which would be transferred to the Newport Village Planned Community. The proposal also includes: a request to amend the existing Planned Community sign standards; a change to require the approval of a use permit for restaurants rather than a site plan review; and a change to require the Modifications Committee's review of the number and design of compact parking spaces, rather than the Planning Commission. LOCATION: Civic Plaza Planned Community generally - - --- - -- - unded-by4an4eaquirt-Hills-Read,-Santa Cruz Drive, San Clemente Drive and Santa Barbara Drive, located northerly of Fashion Island, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANTS: The City of Newport Beach and the Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant AND E. Amendment No. Public Hearin Request to establish Planned Community District Regulations and adopt a Planned Community Development Plan for the Corporate -18- MINUTES COMMISSIONERS ` o 0 r c� r November 21, 1991 CITY OF WPORT BEACH ROLL CALL Plaza West Planned Community. The proposal includes 145,00 ft. of development, 30,000 sq. ft. of which is transferred from Newport Village Planned Community and 115,000 sq. ft. whii currently entitled in the General Plan. LOCATION: Corporate Plaza West Planned Commu located at the northwesterly corner Newport Center Drive and East C Highway, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant AND F. Amendment No 746 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Newport Village Planned Commi Plan as to: expand the boundary of the Pla, Development so Community so as to include the land bounded by Avocado Ave San Miguel Drive, MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Road; revise the land use plan so as to identify five stati: development areas which are distributed between two land and Open Space, designations of Governmental/Institutional delete the multiple family residential and retail designations: development standards for the development of a 65,000 s, library, a 100,000 sq. ft. museum, and a 4 acre public park; an addition of a General Notes Section. LOCATION: Newport Village Planned Comm bounded by San Miguel Drive, MacA Boulevard, East Coast Highway and Avc Avenue, located southeasterly of Corp Plaza, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C -19- .COMMISSIONERS November 21,1991 r` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL APPLICANT: The Irv'me Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant AND G. Traffic Study No 72 (Public Hearinel Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to demonstrate compliance of the proposed entitlements for Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Corporate Plaza West with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. LOCATION: Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Corporate Plaza West Planned Communities. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant AND H. Resubdivisign No. 973is Hearinzj Request to resubdivide an existing parcel of land into three parcels; one parcel for a museum, one parcel for a library and one parcel for office development on property located in the P-C District. LOCATION: A portion of Block 93, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 800 - 1200 Avocado Avenue, comprising the entire southeasterly side of Avocado Avenue between San Miguel Drive and East Coast Highway, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach -20- MINUTES COMMISSIONERS "k November 21, 1991 CITY r% NEwpoRT BEACH ROLL CALL OWNER: Same as applicant James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that the foregoi the Library Exchange Agreement betwe actions would implement the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company. He stat that the addendum to the staff report is in response to concei posed by Harbor View Hills residents. Don Webb, City Engineer, explained that the addendum consi of modified conditions to Resubdivision No. 973, and recommended that Condition No. 16 be deleted stating 77 to access to Parcel No. 2 across Parcel P grading required provide I shall be at the expense of the owner of Parcel No. 1 inasmuch — - ddressed-in-another-agreement-- In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay regardi compact parking spaces, Mr. Webb replied that universal park spaces are being utilized. Commissioner Pomeroy addressed Amendment No. 746 (Newp Village), indicating that building heights would be limited to i of the sight plane established for Corporate Plaza PC, extension 45 feet whichever is less. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, z Mr. Toni Redwitz appeared before the Planning Commission behalf of The Irvine Company, and he concurred with the findii and conditions in Exhibit "A". Mr. Redwitz addressed the need < desire for a new library, and the cooperation that exists betw4 the City and The Irvine Company to see that the City's goal is r to construct a new library. Mrs. Deborah Allen, 1021 White Sails Way, appeared before Planning Commission on behalf of the Harbor View B Community Association, and she stated that all of the Associatic previous concerns have been addressed by staff. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the pul hearing was closed at this time. -21- COMMISSIONERS I TI t� November 21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF_ NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL Motion * Motion was made and voted' on to approve General Plan Ayes * * * * * * Amendment No. 91-1(C), Development Agreement No. 4, and the Absent * acceptance of an environmental document, (Resolution No. 1272); Local Coastal Program Amendment No.24, (Resolution No.1273); Amendment No. 728, (Resolution No.1274); Amendment No. 729, (Resolution No. 1275); Amendment No. 730, (Resolution No. 1276); Amendment No. 746, (Resolution No. 1277); Traffic Study No. 72, and Resubdivision No. 973, subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", as amended, including deletion of Condition No. 16, Resubdivision No. 973. MOTION CARRIED. Fin in That the Planning Commission has reviewed Draft EIR No. 149 and finds that it has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of CEQA, the state CEQA Guidelines, and the City's environmental review procedures. Mitigation Measures: 1. All project proponents shall participate in the Newport Center Transportation Management Association. 2. Prior to occupancy of any permitted structure, a site specific Transportation Management System (TMS) component shall be prepared by project proponents and approved by the City Public Works and Planning Departments. Air Quality 3. Parking areas shall be paved early during construction activities. Appropriate construction phasing shall be determined in conjunction with the Public Works Department prior to issuance of -22- INDEX Res. 1272, 1273,1274 1275,1276, 1277 ROLL COMMISSIONERS "k November 21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALL grading permits. 4. Major grading shall occur when si Appropriate conditions shall be Public Works Department prig grading permits. 5. Secure bicycle facilities shall be projects. Compliance shall be Planning and Building Departmei of building permits. 6. The proposed projects shall appropriate-emissiorrcontrol-mea the AQMD. 7. The project shall comply with efficiency requirements. 8. The office component of the pr( participate in existing ridesharij Newport Center area, and co Regulation XV requirements if certain employee thresholds. 9. Grading of projects shall be pha time, where feasible, to limit simultaneously. 10. To the extent feasible, projec establishment of alternative wort peak hour travel. Noise 11. Prior to issuance of any bt acoustical study shall be preps: pad, property, roadway grades. and orientation to assure that r exceed 50 CNEL for interior -23- iil moisture is high. determined by the )r to issuance of incorporated into determined by the its prior to issuance comply with all cures-as-required•by - all Title 24 energy posed project shall ig programs in the nply with AQMD office size exceeds sed to one site at a the area disturbed is should consider schedules to reduce ilding permits, an -ed based on actual building locations, oise impacts do not areas of office or 1NOEX { CNovember21, 1991 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS • O • V . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL library buildings, and 55 CNEL for arty retail/commercial establishments. Water Resources 12. Any on -site systems or extension of culverts for rnntn'butory drainage from areas outside the future proposed developments shall be considered a localized condition. These culverts shall be studied during the project design phase and any required improvements shall be installed in conformance with local ordinances and accepted engineering practice. 13. All existing and proposed desilting basins located within Newport Center or serving projects located within Newport Center shall be maintained by the project proponent, until such time as an appropriate agency accepts maintenance responsibility. 14. The project proponent shall comply with all requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Cultural Resources 15. Prior to issuance of grading permits for any construction on the Newport Village site, an archaeological and paleontological records search shall be conducted by a qualified archaeologist to determine whether proposed activities would encroach upon or otherwise adversely impact the previously recorded Locus A or B of CA-Ora-167. 16. If it is determined that proposed activities would affect CA-Ora-167, the following specific procedures shall be implemented: -24- COMMISSIONERS November21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL 4_Clra_1(i7 - iocu (s A a. A survey of the site area shall take place during which time surface materials shall be flagged in order to identify the horizontal surface boundaries of the locus. b. Following identification of the surface extent of any cultural resources, a 5 square meter grid system shall be laid out that encompasses all flagged material. C. Using the grid system, all flagged material -- —shah-be-systematically-collected — - d. After collection of surface materials, two to three units measuring 1 square meter shall be placed within the grid system, to provide the limits of the vertical distribution of the cultural material as well as identifying its subsurface integrity. e. Following completion of the subsurface units, a series of hand -dug postholes shall be placed in the site to further define its subsurface horizontal distribution. f. All material recovered from surface collection and subsurface units shall be analyzed and catalogued. g. If sufficient shellfish remains are recovered from the subsurface, at least two -samples shall be submitted for C14 dating. h. The results of the test program, including methodology, analysis of recovered material, and recommendations, if necessary, for further work shall be documented in a report. -25- 'COMMISSIONERS o .W. \ November 21, 1991 ,MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL i. All of the above work shall be undertaken by an archaeologist on the Orange County List of Certified Archaeological Consultants. CA-Ora-167 - Locus B a. Because of the suspected disturbed nature of Locus B, an approved archaeologist shall be present during the initial grading phase at the location previously identified as,that of Locus B. If a significant subsurface deposit is uncovered during the grading the project proponent shall be prepared to have the material evaluated and if need be permit the introduction of a limited test -level investigation. Aesthetics 17. Detailed visual analysis shall be conducted at the time of use permit or site plan review for all uses to assure that no significant adverse visual impacts will — — mplianee-shaH-be-determined-by-the-C-i of Newport Beach Planning Department. 18. Earth berms and graded slopes shall be contoured and landscaped to the approval of the Planning and Building Departments. 19. No exterior signs shall be permitted above the top of the second story. 20. Signage and exterior lighting shall be approved by the Planning and Public Works Departments. 21. No illuminated signs shall be roof -mounted. 22. All roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by architectural features and shall conform to established height limits in specific areas. -26- COMMISSIONERS t%t-ry no NFwpoRT November 21, 1991 BEACH MINUTES VU.TES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROIL CALL INDEX Conditions: 1. Once every 12 months from the date of execution of the Development Agreement, the project proponent or his successor in interest shall prepare and submit for review by the City Council a report demonstrating compliance with the terms of the Agreement, as required by Section 15.45.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. D. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO, 24 Adopt Resolution No. 1273, recommending City Council approval of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 24. E. AMENDMENT NO. 728 Adopt Resolution No. 1274, recommending City Council approval of Amendment No. 728. F. AMENDMENT NO. 729 - --------- - �t"R'��bltttt�il—Na-227S; rez�mmartdiltg-C'ity-eomtci approval of Amendment No. 729. G. AMENDMENT NO, 730 Adopt Resolution No. 1276, recommending City Council approval of Amendment No. 730. H. AMENDMENT NO. 746 Adopt Resolution No. 1277, recommending City Council approval of Amendment No. 746. _28_ COMMISSIONERS "k ROLL CALL lovember 21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH L TRAFFIC STUDY NO.72 Findines: 1. That a Traffic Stud., analyzes the impact o morning and aftem4 circulation system in a of the Newport Bea( Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study the mitigation provi Newport Coast Drive worse an unsa-fisfVmr primary -modified, or Conditions: 1. All project propone Newport Center Association. 2. Prior to occupancy of specific Transportatic component shall be p and approved by the Departments. J. RESUBDIVISION NO. 973 Findings: 1. That the design of ti with any easements for access through t proposed subdivision. -29- has been prepared which ' the proposed project on the )on peak hour traffic and ccordance with Chapter 15.40 ;h Municipal Code and City ndicates that the project, with Jed by the construction of will neither cause nor make )rimary street. ats shall participate in the Cransportation Management any permitted structure, a site n Management System (TMS) repared by project proponents :ity Public Works and Planning to subdivision will not conflict cquired by the public at large r use of property within the INDEX COMMISSIONERS r November21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL 2. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code and Section 66415 of the Subdivision Map Act. Conditions: 1. That a parcel map be recorded prior to issuance of Building Permits unless otherwise approved by the Public Works and Planning Departments. That the Parcel Map be prepared so that the Bearings relate to the State Plane Coordinate System. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That a standard subdivision agreement and -- -- — — acco ovided—in—vrder—t guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to obtain a grading permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer. 5. That the intersection of Avocado Avenue and the private drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 45 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be -30- COMMISSIONERS November 21, 1991 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL modified at non -critical locations, subject tc of the Traffic Engineer. 6. That an easement for ingress and egress be across Parcel No. 1 for the benefit of Parc 7. That easements be provided for all publi crossing the subject project with the easements to be approved by the Publ Department. 8. That all-weather surface roads shall be pi all public utilities, vaults, manholes, anc — �" -- gtrruuCttTTrL—Imtions, wfth—width—and—desi approved by the Public Works Departmer 9. That all vehicular access rights to h Boulevard, San Miguel and East Coast H released and relinquished to the City of Beach. That all vehicular access rights tc Avenue be relinquished except at driveways, a maximum of five (5) lo( approved by the Public Works Departmer 10. That street, drainage and utility improve shown of standard improvement plans prel licensed civil engineer. 11. That a hydrology and hydraulic study be along with a master plan of water, sewer drain facilities for the on -site improvemen recording of the parcel map. Any modifi extensions to the existing storm drain, sewer systems shown to be required by shall be the responsibility of the develop parcel. 12. a. That right-of-way be dedicated to for street and highway purposes MacArthur Boulevard frontage fc -31- 1 INOEX approval provided el No. 2. c utilities width of is Works ovided to I junction gn—to—be— t. facArthur ighway be Newport Avocado approved ations as it. =nts be cared by a prepared and storm is prior to cations or Hater and the study ;r of each the public along the r a major COMMISSIONERS 014ovember 21, 1991 c:1` : MINUTES ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arterial highway that has been realigned to accommodate changes in grade. The width of dedication shall be approved by the Public Works Department and be consistent with the Circulation Element. 13. That right-of-way be dedicated to the City for a bus turnout along the East Coast Highway frontage with the location, width and length to be approved by the Public Works Department. 14. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 15. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of materials within the state right-of-way —(East-Coast-Highway-and-MacA>tur Boulevard) or within the San Miguel right-of-way. There shall be no storage of materials within the Avocado Avenue right-of-way. 16. Deleted. 17. That any Edison transformers or water system detector checks serving the site be located outside the sight distance planes as described in City Standard 110-L. 18. That a 20 foot wide relocatable pedestrian/bicycle easement be dedicated across parcel 3 to provide access if a pedestrian/bicycle bridge is constructed across MacArthur Boulevard at the prolongation of Crown Drive. The easement is to provide access to both Parcel 2 and Avocado Avenue with the precise -32- INDEX COMMISSIONERS November 21, 1991 MINUTES c` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH _ IN4=n ROLL CALL alignment to be determined when MacArthur —" Boulevard is widened. If the bridge is not constructed with the MacArthur Boulevard widening project, then the easement will be relinquished. A. Amendment No 743 (Continued Public Hearing) item Nc Request to establish Planned Community District regulations and 7k7adopt a Planned Community Development Plan for Castaways Marina; and the acceptance of an environmental document. R972 Ahl Approvea B. Traffic Study -No. 80 (Continued Public Hearinel Request to approve a traffic study so as to permi a construction f a 125 slip marina with support parking an ccessory facilities i he Castaways Marina Planned Commu ' AND C. Resubdi ' ion No. 972 o nued Public Hearin Request to create e p cel of land for marina development in the Castaways Marin lanned Community. LOCATION: A port n of Lot 11 Tract No.1125, located at 300 Dove rive, on the northeasterly corner of Dover D ' e and West Coast Highway on the Castaways operty. NE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Ne rt Beach OWNER: Same as applicant -33- Attachment 2 r r' Planning Commission Meeting November 21, 1991 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A. General Plan Amendment No. 91-1(C) (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable development on the new library site for the Newport Village Planned Community from 50,000 sq. ft. to 65,000 sq. ft.; approval of Development Agreement No. 4; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach ME r-MF,@Tw—'1X4.. 1 • 1 1 • / Request to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan so as to transfer 30,000 square feet of allowable office development from the Newport Village Planned Community to the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. - -- INITIA,'PED'. e i o ewpo eac WE C. Amendment No. 728 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to permit 85,000 sq. ft. of additional office development transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community. The proposal also includes a request to amend the Planned Community sign provisions so as to be consistent with the proposed sign provisions of the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community. LOCATION: Corporate Plaza Planned Community bounded by Farallon Drive, Avocado Avenue, East Coast Highway and Newport Center Drive, located southerly of Fashion Island, in Newport Center. TO: Planning Commission - 2 ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant D. Amendment No. 729 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Civic Plaza Planned Community Development Plan so as to add 57,150 sq. ft. of additional office development, 35,000 sq. fL of which would be transferred from the Newport Village Planned Community and 22,150 sq. ft. of which is new development entitlement, and to delete 14,000 sq. ft. of library entitlement, which would be transferred to the Newport Village Planned Community. The proposal standards; a change to require the approval of a use permit for restaurants rather than a site plan review; and a change to require the Modifications Committee's review of the number and design of compact parking spaces, rather than the Planning Commission. LOCATION: Civic Plaza Planned Community generally bounded by San Joaquin Hills Road, Santa Cruz Drive, San Clemente Drive and Santa Barbara_ _ Drive, located northerly of Fashion Island, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The City of Newport Beach and the Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant I`►�i] E. Amendment No. 730 (Public Hearing) Request to establish Planned Community District Regulations an,_ adopt a Planned Community Development Plan for. the Corpora Plaza West Planned Community. The proposal includes 145,000 sq. of development, 30,000 sq. ft. of which is transferred from the Newpr, Village Planned Community and 115,000 sq. ft. which is currew entitled in the General Plan. TO: Plb-bung Commission - 3 LOCATION: Corporate Plaza West Planned Community, located at the northwesterly comer of Newport Center Drive and East Coast Highway, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant 0 F. Amendment No. 746 (Public Hearing) Request to amend the Newport Village Planned Community Development Plan so as to: expand the boundary of the Planned Community so as to include the land bounded by Avocado Avenue, San Miguel Drive, MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road; revise the land use plan so as to identify five statistical development areas which are distributed between two land use designations of Governmental/Institutional and Open Space, and delete the multiple family residential and retail designations; add development standards for the development of a 65,000 sq. ft. library, a 100,000 sq. ft. museum, and a 4 acre public park; and the addition of a General Notes Section. - L-OC—ATION - Newport-Viilage Planned ommumty 75ounded by San Miguel Drive, MacArthur Boulevard, East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, located southeasterly of Corporate Plaza, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant m G. Traffic Study No. 72 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to demonstrate compliance of the proposed entitlements for Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Corporate Plaza West with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. TO: Planning Commission - 4 LOCATION: Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Corporate Plaza West Planned Communities. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant H. Resubdivision No. 973 (Public Hearing) Request to resubdivide an existing parcel of land into three parcels; one parcel for a museum, one parcel for a library and one parcel for open space on property located in the P-C District. LOCATION: A portion of Block 93, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 800 - 1200 Avocado Avenue, comprising the entire southeasterly side of Avocado Avenue between San Miguel Drive and East Coast Highway, in Newport Center. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant The proposed project consists of a series of actions that would facilitate the relocation and expansion of the Newport Beach Central Library. These actions would allow the City to exchange the two -acre existing library site in the Civic Plaza area for a four -acre site owned by The Irvine Company in the Newport Village area. In June, 1990 an agreement with The Irvine Company was approved by the City Counci authorizing staff to process these applications and complete the necessary environment documentation. In March, 1991 an Initial Study was completed in compliance with CEQr The Initial Study determined that the project could have significant environmental effect therefore preparation of an Environmental Impact Report was required. On November 1 1991, Draft EIR No.149 was distributed for public comment. The public review period wi end on December 27, 1991. TO: Phuming Commission - 5 Applications If approved, the exchange agreement would permit The Irvine Company (TIC) to transfer 150,000 square feet of office entitlement from the Newport Village Planned Community (PC) to the Civic Plaza PC, Corporate Plaza PC, and Corporate Plaza West PC. In addition, TIC would receive 22,150 square feet of new office entitlement in the Civic Plaza PC. The Civic Plaza, Corporate Plaza, and Newport Village properties would require amendments to existing PC Development Plans, while the Corporate Plaza West property would require adoption of a new PC Development Plan and text. The proposed actions also include a General Plan Amendment to increase the library entitlement from 50,000 to 65,000 square feet in the Newport Village PC; a Local Coastal Program Amendment to permit the transfer of 30,000 square feet of office entitlement from Newport Village PC to Corporate Plaza West PC; approval of a traffic study; approval of a parcel map to create a legal parcel for the new library; and approval of a development agreement. Table 2 and Figure 3 on the following pages, reproduced from Draft EIR 149, graphically illustrate the actions required as part of the proposed project. The transfer of development entitlement is permitted under the General Plan without processing of a General Plan Amendment. Section 20.51.035 of the Code sets forth the application procedures for establishing a new PC, and Section 2051.040 describes the required components of the PC Development Plan. Procedures for amending an existing PC Development Plan are contained in Section 20.51.045. Regulations concerning Development Agreements are contained in Chapter 15.45. Traffic Study procedures are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code, and the procedures for Resubdivision are contained in Chapter 19.12.040 of the Code. nvironmental Shmifican In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City Council Policy K-3, Environmental Impact Report No. 149 has been prepared for the proposed project The public review period for the EIR began on November 12 and will end on December 27, 1991. ThZ EIR indicates that there would be no significant impacts as a direct result of the fr-li -^.t, although the project would contribute incrementally to regional impacts in the areas of traffic, air quality, noise and water quality. These cumulative impacts are considered by staff to be significant. If the recommended mitigation measures are adopted, the EIR concludes that there would be no significant impacts in the areas of land use, earth resources, biological resources, cultural resources, population/housing/employment, aesthetics, and public services and utilities. Four alternatives to the proposed project were also evaluated in the EIR. Two "No Project" alternatives examined no further development on these properties, and development TO: Planning unission - 6 according to existing plans. Although both of these alternatives are considered environmentally superior to the proposed project, they would not meet the project objectives since no library expansion could occur. Alternative 3 consists of expansion of the library at the current location. Due to the limited space available in the Civic Plaza PC, this alternative would probably require that the library be four to five stories with a subterranean parking garage. Although the existing PC regulations permit development up to 65 feet in height, this would represent a significant intensification of the site. This alternative would have slightly reduced cumulative impacts in the areas of traffic, air quality, and noise, although this reduction is considered minor. Localized impacts on traffic and aesthetics in the Civic Plaza area would be somewhat increased, however. Alternative 4 would entail the transfer of entitlement only between Newport Village and Civic Plaza. Under this alternative, 150,000 square feet of office entitlement would be transferred to Civic Plaza, and the 65,000-square-foot library would be built in Newport Village. This alternative would result in a minor reduction ifh_crumulaPtazatarea wou TEeacts in -- area"t-tratuc,-noise-,uiu w, yua..y. ---- -- increased, however. On balance, this alternative is considered environmentally inferior to the proposed project. As noted above, the public review period for the Draft EIR runs through December 27, 1991. Staff will prepare written responses to comments for inclusion in the Final EIR, which will be presented to the City Council for certification. No comments had been received at the time this report was prepared. Conformance With the General Plan and Local Coastal Program A General Plan Amendment is required in order to increase the allocation for library uses in the Newport Village PC from 50,000 to 65,000 square feet. The remaining actions are consistent with the General Plan. The transfer of development entitlements between areas is permitted under the General Plan. The Corporate Plaza West PC is located within the Coastal Zone, and a Local Coastal Program Amendment is required to allow the transfer of 30,000 square feet of office entitlement from Newport Village PC. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Uses The subject properties are located within Newport Center and are surrounded predominantly with office uses. Fashion Island, a regional shopping mall, is located at the hub of Newport Center. Residential areas of Big Canyon and Harbor View Hills are adjacent to Newport Village PC. Corporate Plaza and Corporate Plaza West PCs flank the southern entrance to Newport Center, and surrounding land uses include Newport Beacb,, Country Club, Balboa Tennis Club, and the Irvine Terrace residential area to the south TO: Planning Commission - 7 Analysis -• _ - .M„ IJ ,I„�«L ZI-M-Jana UeVelOpMeDIAEreement No. 4• In the 1988 comprehensive amendment of the General Plan, the possible future relocation of the central library was anticipated, and 50,000 square feet of Government/Educational/institutional Facilities was designated as an alternate use in the Newport Village area. As noted previously, an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan is necessary to increase the allocation for library use from 50,000 to 65,000 square feet. The proposed Development Agreement would provide assurance to the applicant that subsequent discretionary approvals necessary to complete the project will not be unreasonably withheld by the City. The term of the agreement would continue until all permits required for the construction, occupancy, and operation of the project have been issued, not to exceed 20 years. It should be noted that adoption of the Development Agreement would not preclude the City from conducting future discretionary reviews in connection with the project, in compliance with the plans, - -ordinances, and policies in effect sof theeffeive date of the agreement, nor would it prevent the City from imposing conditions or requirements to mitigate significant effects identified in such reviews provided that the measures do not render the project infeasible. The City would retain full discretion to impose standard conditions generally applicable to subdivision maps or through the site plan review provisions set forth in the Municipal Code. Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 15.45 of the Code, a condition of approval is included in Exhibit A requiring the applicant or his successor in interest to submit annual reports for review by the City Council demonstrating compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Amendment 728 (CO[porate Plaza P )• The Corporate Plaza PC currently has entitlement for 347,320 square feet of Administrative/Professional/Financial Commercial office space. The proposed amendment would permit the transfer of 85,000 square feet of office entitlement to this PC from Newport Village PC. This site contains 328,770 square feet of existing development, therefore an additional 103,550 square feet of office use could be developed' if the amendment is approved. In addition to the transfer of development entitlement, a revision to the sign regulations is proposed in order to be consistent with the proposed sign regulations for Corporate Plaza West PC. The draft PC Development Plan revisions are indicated with underline/s-_c-� notation in Attachment 9. Amendment 729 (civic plan pCl. The proposed amendment would transfer the existing 14,000-square-foot library entitlement to the Newport Village PC, transfer 35,000 square feet of office entitlement from Newport Village into Civic Plaza, and add 22,150 square feet of new office entitlement to Civic Plaza. If approved, 65,550 additional square feet of office uses could be developed in Civic Plaza. TO: Planning Commission - 8 The proposed amendment also includes a revision to the current sign regulations, the requirement` for a use permit rather than site plan review for restaurants, and authority for the Modifications Conunittee to approve the number and design of compact parking spaces, rather than the Planning Commission. The draft PC Development Plan revisions are shown using underline/Stfike4hfouo notation in Attachment 10. Amendment 730_(Crporate Plaza West): This action includes the adoption of a new Planned Community Development Plan for the Corporate Plaza West property. This site currently has General Plan entitlement for 115,000 square feet of office development, and the current zoning designations are Planned Community, Open Space, and Unclassified. The proposed amendment would also transfer 30,000 square feet of office entitlement from the Newport Village PC to Corporate Plaza West. The draft PC Development Plan is contained in Attachment 11. The format follows the proposed regulations for Corporate Plaza. Amendment 746 (Newport Village): This proposal includes the expansion of the PC boundaries northward to include the property bounded by Avocado Avenue, San Miguel Drive, MacArthur Boulevard, and San Joaquin Hills Road; the deletion of all multiple -family residential and retail entitlement in conformance with the 1988 Comprehensive General Plan Amendment; a revision of the Development Plan to include five statistical areas which include 65,000 square feet of library use, 100,000 square feet for a museum, and a four -acre public park; and addition of General Notes and development standards for the library and museum. A 2.4-acre bus terminal currently exists in the northern portion of the site. One of the key provisions of the proposed development standards is that building heights would be limited to the extension of the sight plane established for the Corporate Plaza PC, or 45 feet whichever is less. This provision would ensure that the new library and museum would not obstruct existing views from the Harbor View Hills residential neighborhood across MacArthur Boulevard to the east. Proposed revisions to the 'Development Plan are shown in Attachment 12 using underline/ff-', —t�n�y notation. Traffic Study No 72• A traffic study has been prepared for the proposed project to assess the impact of the project on surrounding highways and intersections in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and Council Policy S-1. The proposed projects were assumed to be completed in 1992. Analyses were, therefore, completed for 1993. TO: Planning Commission - 9 The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1% traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2�h hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) is required. The TPO analysis identified 18 intersections at which project -related traffic from the Corporate Plaza and Corporate Plaza West developments is projected to exceed 1% of the approach volumes at full occupancy. For the Civic Plaza project, 6 intersections were projected to reach the 1% threshold. ICU analysis was conducted for these intersections. The ICU analysis determined that although three of these intersections (MacArthur/San Joaquin Hills Road, MacArthur/San Miguel, and Jamboree/Bristol Street South) are projected to exceed the 0.90 level of service standard, the completion of Newport Coast Drive will mitigate these intersections by a margin equal to or greater than the projected impact of the proposed project. Therefore, no additional mitigation is necessary and the project is considered to be in compliance with the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Notwithstanding the project's compliance with the TPO, the Draft EIR includes a recommended mitigation measure that would require all occupants to participate in the Newport Center Transportation Management Association, and prepare site - specific Transportation Management System programs for approval by the City. of land in order to create legal parcels for the new library and museum. and conditions of approval are included in Exhibit A. Specific Findings and Conclusion Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code sets forth specific findings which must be made in order to approve a Traffic Study, Section 19.12.020 (D) of the Municipal Code provides that in order to approve a resubdivision, the Planning Commission shall determine that it is satisfied with the plan of the subdivision, that the map is in conformity with the requirements of Title 19, all ordinances of the City and all applicable general and specific plans. No specific findings are set forth in the Code for the approval or amendment of Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plans, for General Plan Amendments, or for Local Coastal Program Amendments. Chapter 15.45 of the Code contains the requirements for Development Agreements. It is the opinion of staff that the project meets all the specified criteria for approval of this project. While no specific findings are set forth in the Code for the approval of an amendment to Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plans, it is the .. TO: Planning Commission - 10 opinion of staff that the proposed changes are consistent with the General Plan. Should the Planning Commission desire to approve the project, Findings and Conditions for Approval are attached as Exhibit "A". If it is the desire of the Commission to deny the project, Findings for Denial are suggested in Exhibit 'B". Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director M Attachments 1. Exhibit A: Findings and Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibit B: Findings for Denial 3. Resolution No._ (GPA 91-1[q) 4. Resolution No._ (LCP No.24) 5. Resolution No._ (Amendment No.728) 6. Resolution No._ (Amendment No.729) 7. Resolution No._ (Amendment No.730) 8. Resolution No._ (Amendment No.746) 9. Draft Corporate Plaza PC Development Plan (Amendment 728) 10. Draft Civic Plaza PC Development Plan (Amendment No.729) 11. Draft Corporate Plaza West PC Development Plan (Amendment No.730) 12. Draft Newport Village PC Development Plan (Amendment No.746) 13. Resubdivision No.973 14. Draft EIR No.149 (transmitted separately) F\.. \L1BRARY\PC-RPT.REC as Civic Plan (library and office site) Corporate Plan A+ Corporate Plaza West Newport village Existing &M Development 26.I1 250,111 of office 14,000 if library 30,000 of museum Development Remaining Under GP 8,400 at office 47:92 328,770 of 18,550 if office office 12.7 21,000 of 94,000 sf Office office 33.7 Temporary Uses, Transit Facility 150,000 of office (+100,000 of museum), TABLE 2 1) Libra del 2) 22,15 of office dded 3)35, of transf in 85,000 Office t 30,000 office t 1) 35,000I'f office L ins 2) 115.00) sf office C ims ferrod c uP 3) 65,000 of library iddc *01MI14 $0 kit it Witii R7br950 at oMoe 141if 11461 100thtMi of Museum 30,000 of museum + temporary uses 1 Within this acreage, 2 acres aro owned by the City as a library and 3 acres am undeveloped land.- Undeveloped land equals approximately 9 acres. museum site is not part of this EIR analysis. 4 - i01000 of library entitlement to be transferred in Civic Plaza. ` - To bo ,. -,ad to Corporate Plaza and Corporate Plaza West. *.r liblAiv only. --t 1leach Development Remaining After Actions Eldiam kI Tak-£q 65,550 of 1) TPO Compliance office 2) Amend PC 3) Adopt Development Agreement 103.550 of 1) TPO Compliance in office 2) Amend PC 3) Adopt Development Agreement 124,000 of 1) TPO Compliance in office 2) Adopt PC 3) LCP Amendment 4) Adopt Development Agreement 65,000 of 1) Amend PC A out' library + 2) GPAs 100,000 of 3) Parcel Map museum 293,100 of office 65,000 of library 100.000 at museum S I I I 11 I LEGEND Actions as per Library Exchange ••----•- Actions as•per Newport Village Development Transfer ^•••••• Potential Additional 15,t1p11sf of Library Source : LSA lJ Proposed Entitlement --� Existing Entitlement TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Figure 3 Newport Center Library Exchange /%j_= a A 7 0 0, Block 400 - Medical Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, San Nicolas Drive, Avocado Avenue and San Miguel The site is designated for Ad- ministrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 89,173 sq.ft. of office development, and 351,945 sq.ft. of medical office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. Block 500 - Company Plaza. This area is bounded Newport Center Drive, Santa Rosa Drive, San Joaquin Hills Road, Avocado Avenue and San Nicolas Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 377,170 sq.ft. of office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. Block 600 - Financial Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Cruz Drive, San Joaquin Hills Road and Santa Rosa Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 959,134 sq.ft. of office development and 325 hotel rooms. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within the office portion of this development allocation. [GPA 93-2(D)] Block 700 - Insurance Plaza. This site is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Maria Road, San Clemente Drive and Santa Cruz Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 327,671 sq.ft. of office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. Block 800 - Pacific Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Barbara Drive, San Clemente Drive and Santa Maria Road. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial and Multi -Family Residential land' uses. The office portion of the block is allocated 240,888 sq.ft. of office development and 13,096 sq.ft. of restaurant use. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. The residential portion of this block is allocated 245 dwelling units. 10. Block 900 - Hotel Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, the Balboa Bay Tennis Club, the Newport Beach Country Club, Jamboree Road and Santa Barbara Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial and Multi -Family Residential land uses. The allowed development is 611 hotel rooms with ancillary hotel support dentifacilities alsiteis allocated 67 dwelling unit .office development. [GPA94-1(A)]. The res 11. Civic Plaza. This area is bounded by Jamboree Road, San Joaquin Ifills Road, Santa Cruz Drive, San Clemente Drive, and Santa Barbara Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial; Retail and Service Commercial and Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. Entitlement in this block is as follows: Page 68 Land Use Element Office: 337,261 sq.ft. Police Station: Auto Dealer: 48,000 sq.ft. 2.14 acrest25,000'sq.ft. Museum: Fire Station: 31,208 sq.ft. 13,481 sgft. Retail: 1,760 sq.ft. The City library site was previously shown for Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities, with an alternate use of Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial. As part of the Newport Center Library Exchange Agreement between the City and The Irvine Company, GPA 91-1(C) and Amendment No. 729 were approved deleting the library designation from Civic Plaza and increasing the Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial entitlement by 57, 150 sq.ft., 35,00 sq.ft. of which was transferred from Newport Village and 22,150 sq.ft. of which was new entitlement. Subsequently, an additional 30,000 sq.ft. of office entitlement was transferred to Civic Plaza from Corporate Plaza West (Amendment No. 755). The existing 14100 sq.ft. library will be permitted to remain in Civic Plaza until such time as the new library is completed in Newport Village. The existing art museum occupies 21,208 sq.ft., with an allocation for 10,000 additional sq.ft. 12. Corporate Plaza West. This site is bounded by Newport Center Drive, East Coast Highway, the Newport Beach Country Club and the Balboa Bay Tennis Club. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial land use. The site is allocated 115,000 sq.ft. 13. Balboa Bay Tennis Club. This site is bounded by Corporate Plaza West, the Newport .Beach Tennis Club and the Granville Apartments. The site is designated for Recreational and Environmental Open Space and is allocated 24 tennis courts. 14. Neeport Beach Country Club. This site is designated for Recreational and Environmental Open Space to allow the continuation of the 131.52 acre facility. Coast hway is designated for 15. Retail and Service Commercial land use- The Nursery. This site is located on maximum allowed development is 5,000 sq.ft. for retail commercial land use only. 16. Villa Point. This site is bounded by East Coast Highway, Jamboree Road, Sea Island and the Newport Beach Country Club. The site is designated for Multi -Family Residential land use and is allocated 228 dwelling units. 20% of the units shall be affordable, with the affordability standards and term determined at the time of project approval. 17. Sea Island. This area is located on Jamboree Road across from the Newporter Resort. The site is designated for Single Family Attached development and is allocated 132 dwelling units, which reflects the existing land use. 18. Fashion Island This site is located within the circle formed by Newport Center Drive. The site is mercial land use and is allocated 1,603,850 sq.ft. designated for0 regionall retail and 1,7 theater seats. An additional 30,000 sq.ft Page 69 Land Use Element property were transferred to other areas of Newport Center as part of that agreement. ESTIMATED GROWTH FOR STATISTICAL AREA Ll Residential (in du's) Commercial Cm sq t3.) Existing Gon.Plan Projected Existing Gen.Plan Projected 1/1/87 Projection Growth 1/lA7 Projection Growth 1. Block 0 -0- -0- -0- 246,146 432,320 186,174 2. Block100 -0- -0- -0- 196,545 207,781 196,545 207,781 -0- -0- 3. Block 200 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 130,408 134,909 4,500 4. 5. B1ock300 Block400 -0- -0- -0- -0- 440,118 440,118 -0- 6. Block500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 377,170 1,294,134 377,170 1,294,134 -0- -0- 7 8. Black00 Block 600 700 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 327,671 327,671 -0- 9. Block -0- 245 245 253,994 616,630 253,994 622,630 -0- 6,000 10. 11. Block 900 Civicplaza 67 -0- 67 -0- -0- -0- 365,160 456,710 91,550 12. Corporate Plaza -0- -0- -0- 15,000 115,000 100,000 13. Tennis Club -0- -0- -0- -0- 14. NB Country Club -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,960 5,000 1,040 15. 16. Anfling's Villa Point -0- -0- 228 228 -0- -0 -0- 17. 18. Sea Island Fashion Island 132 -0- 132 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,603,850 -0- 1,633,850 -0- 30,000 19. Newport Village -0- -0- -0- 630 165,000 164,350 TOTAL 199 672 473 6,069,207 6,652,821 583,614 Population 394 1,331 937 Mmisod 12/94 Big Canyon (Statistical Area L2) Big Canyon is bounded by San Joaquin Hills Road, Jamboree Road, Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevard. The area is identified as the Big Canyon Planned Community. The areas are numbered asonPlanned Community Text map. (see Map 4) 1. Big Canyon Area 1. This area is designated for Single Family Attached development and is allocated 83 dwelling units, which reflects the existing land use. 2. Big Canyon Area 2. This area is designated for Single Family Attached development and is allocated 17 dwelling units, which reflects the existing land use. 3. Big Canyon Area 3. This area is designated for Single Family Attached development and is allocated 12 dwelling units, which reflects the existing land use. Land Use Element Page 71 CIVIC PLAZA PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS Amendment No. 755 City Council Resolution, No. 92-33 April 27, 1992 -2- TABLE OF Introduction.................................................................................................................. SECTION I STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ...................... SECTION II GENERAL NOTES ..................................... SECTION III CIVIC, CULTURAL, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES..... Sub -Section A Sub -Section B Sub -Section C Sub -Section D Sub -Section E Sub -Section F Sub -Section G Sub -Section H Sub -Section I Sub -Section J Intent............................................................... PermittedUses .............................................. BuildingLocation ......................................... BuildingHeigbt............................................. Parking............................................................ Landscaping................................................... LoadingAreas ............................................... Refuse Collection Areas .............................. Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Page 8 Page 8 -3- PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS For Civic Plaza Ordinance No. 1649, adopted by the City of Newport Beach on December 22, 1975 (Amendment No. 455) Amendment No. 1 March 12, 1979 P.C. Amendment No. 527; Resolution No. 9517 Amendment No. 2 November 23, 1987 P.C. Amendment No. 653; Resolution No. 87-164 Amendment No. 3 January 13, 1992 P.C. Amendment No. 729; Resolution No. 92-5 Amendment No. 4 April 27, 1992 P.C. Amendment No. 755; Resolution No. 92-33 t INTRODUCTION The Civic Plaza Planned Community District for the City of Newport Beach is a part of the Newport Center Development in conformance with the Newport Beach General Plan which was adopted in December 1973. The subject property is located in the northwestern area of Newport Center. It is adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road on the north, Santa Cruz and San Clemente Drives on the east, Santa Barbara Drive on the south, and an existing police station, fire station, automobile agency and service station on the west. The purpose of this PC (Planned Community) District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for commercial activity, professional and business offices. The specifications of this district are intended to provide flexibility in both the land use and development standards for the planned building groups. -5- SECTION I. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Civic Plaza 1. Prgject Area Net Acreage' 26.12 2. Percentage of Site Coverage (Site Plan) a. Building Footprint 15-20% b. Parking Area 45-50% C. Landscape 35-40% 3. Square Footages of Uses Office Park' 337,261 Sq.Ft. C Art Museum 30,000 Sq.Ft. ' Net Acreage Site area within the existing property lines. ' February 1, 1991 existing square footage allowable is 250,111 (Land Use Element of the City of Newport Beach, Resolution No. 88-100, October 24, 1988). S� SECTION II. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water within the Planned Community area will be furnished by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. 3. The subject property is within the City of Newport Beach. The Developer will provide the necessary flood protection facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of Newport Beach. 4. Grading and erosion control provisions shall be carried out on all areas of the Planned Community in a manner meeting the approval of the Director of Planning. 5. Except as otherwise stated in this Ordinance, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Code shall apply. The contents of this supplemental text notwithstanding, no construction shall be proposed within the boundaries of this Planned Community District except that which shall comply with all provisions of Newport Beach's Uniform Building Code and the various mechanical codes related thereto. 6. Parking lot lighting shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning. Parking lot lighting shall be designed in a manner so as to minimize impacts on adjacent residential areas. 7. All mechanical appurtenances on building roof tops and utility vaults shall be screened from street level view in a manner meeting the approval of the Director of Planning. 8. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the site shall be examined to determine the existence and extent of archaeological and paleontological resources in accordance with adopted City polices. 9. In the event that any non -office facility were to be eliminated from the project, the eliminated facility would be replaced with the equivalent amount of office space. 10. That a pedestrian and bicycle trail system be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning. -7- SECTION IV. CIVIC, CULTURAL, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES The intent of this district is to permit the location of a combination of civic, cultural, business and professional office uses; and support commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. EIMMMUM , The following shall be permitted: 1. Retail sales and service of a convenience nature. 2. Administrative and professional offices. 3. Restaurants. Subject to Use Permit. 4. Institutional, financial and governmental -facilities. 5. Civiq cultural, commercial recreational and recreational facilities. r 6. Parking lots, structures and facilities. C. Building Location All buildings shall be located in substantial conformance with the approved site plan. D. Building Height All buildings and appurtenant structures shall be limited' to a maximum height of sixty-five (65) feet. E. Parking Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs for the site. The intent is to eliminate the need for any on -street parking. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the site of the use served, or on a common parking area in accordance with the off-street parking requirements of City of Newport Beach Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Parking for the museum shall be based on 3.5 spaces/1,000 square feet of gross floor area. -8- F. G. H. Detailed landscaping and irrigation plans, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, licensed landscaping contractor, or architect shall be reviewed by the Director of Parks, Beaches and Recreation. All landscaping referred to in this section shall be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. — - - -- -. --i 1. Screenin¢ Areas used for parking shall be screened from view or have the view interrupted by landscaping, and/or fencing from access streets, and adjacent properties. Plant materials used for screening purposes shall consist of lineal or grouped masses of shrubs and/or trees. 2. Landscaping -Vehicle Soaration All landscaped areas shall be separated from adjacent vehicular areas by a wall or curb, at least six (6) inches higher than the adjacent vehicular area. 3. Parking Areas Trees, equal in number to one (1) per each five (5) parking stalls shall be provided in the parking area. Loading Areas 1. Street side loading shall be allowed providing the loading dock is screened from view from adjacent streets. Refuse Collection Areas 1. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be visually screened from access streets, and adjacent property. Said screening shall form a complete opaque screen. 2. No refuse collection area shall be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. -9- All "on site" electrical lines (excluding transmission lines) and telephone lines shall be placed underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties. J. ;iigat 1. Building Address Sign Building address numerals shall be a maximum of two (2) feet in height and shall be consistent with the building identification signing. Building address number shall face the street (and/or pedestrian walkways in the case of necessity), and be located on the building so that they are visible from adjacent frontage roads and designated parking areas. 2. Project/Building Identification Sign Project and/or building identification signs are permitted at major entry C- access drives from adjacent frontage streets, provided that they comply with the City of Newport Beach site distance requirement 110-L. The identification signage is permitted in the form of a free-standing (single or double faced) monument sign. The sign copy shall be restricted to the project or building name and street address. Individual letter heights shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches. 3. Tenant Identification Signs Tenant identification' signs are permitted and are divided into two (2) categories: Primary Tenant Secondary Tenant Tenant identification signs are to be wall -mounted graphics, consisting of individually fabricated letters. Box or "can" signs are not permitted. The maximum number of primary tenant signs permitted on any one building elevation is two (2). Each secondary tenant shall be limited to one (1) identification sign. I -10- The maximum letter height of a primary tenant sign shall not exceed twenty- four (24) inches. The maximum letter height of a secondary tenant sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) inches. Sign copy shall be restricted to identification of the person, firm, company or corporation operating the use conducted on the site. 4. General Sign Standards a. Signs (to include all those visible from the exterior of any building) may be lighted but no sign or any other contrivance shall be devised or constructed so as to rotate, gyrate, blink or move in any animated fashion. 5. Temporary Signs The following guidelines are intended to produce a consistent sign design for temporary signs within Newport Center. All temporary signs require the approvals of the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company. Temporary signs are to identify the future site, project or facility under development on individual project sites. Information on this sign is limited to: For Sale, For Lease, Future Home of, Building/Project Name, etc. - Type or Name of Development - Type and Area of Space Available - Major Tenant or Developer - Financial Institution General Contractor Architect Leasing Agent Occupancy Date Phone Number Irvine Company or Irvine Company Project Name and Logo Location: One temporary sign is permitted on site for each frontage street. These signs may be single or double-faced and parallel or perpendicular to the roadway. Design: All temporary signs are to be built in substantial conformance i to The Irvine Company corporate design standards as shown on the following page. Longevity: Signs can exist from the time of lease or sale of the parcel until construction and/or leasing of the facility is complete. Future Home of American Products -31 Technology Dr. (714) 55X-1.500 I CHIC PLAZA �� jj (I NEWPORT CENTER GRADMG PLAN I L , Newport Beach, CA '""'"' \ ��i•�� • 'i••i i-'5ANTA-CRUZ_DRIV-�-- CIVIC PLAZA NEWPORT CENTER Nowport Beach, CA ---xOI+�'° . SETBACK SITE PLAN 1� COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS jj : Y"' 16phone: ,,(114), 644=3200 'Plan Check No: ^rjy:Geni .Carcia `'Associate Planner i By':ChristV Teague; Associate'^Planner u' ^} t Cy:M c MVers, Associate Planner:_ >a 4?rr� /lB�y:_ I ,.. Date: �F' 16:di.`V AddressV: � � m 0-pl 6wtel Districting„Map No.. � 4QDescription of Project: AJOVJpdi`r�1AV-CtDR-A*ct- A05MM ZOne\General ,Plan Land Use GtVIG--QAM. Proposed Use Apr A4(4"M _ Corrections Required: r 6�41 Legal Description: Lot .y Block Section Tract a 3 i40.. Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $20,480. Covenant required. Please document and,return to me. 414:1_ Lot Size/Tenant Sq. Footage &;F e03 EP Required ,,S/etbacks `� Front ?PO' 9/�' Right Remarks: _ Side Left Side FAR WORKSHEET Lot area (site area sq.ft.): $ Gam. ��,lT sq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): �'3,-W 2 comm sq.ft. (0.5 x site area sq.ft., unless otherwise specified in Land Use Element) FAR permitted, with/without variance: (A) .15 comm res pkq Square footage permitted: 'J I "T comm res pkq A. ft- jW YNGv.Cf+.N 7s' [(A) x site area sq.ft.] PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENT: ��.nas�j �• Qr ,�.Tb� = ZZr � 43 � f sq.ft. I.�� ,-�'L s ]�'�rJ' GA-Y' ( F r site area sq.ft FAR Use Category Weighting Factor (G) (H) sq.ft. Base x 1.00 sq.ft. Reduced x 1.67 2 4A I/il.G -A f calculations to Weighted Sq.Ft. ( G x H ) ed square to 1000 4 9v-AX g '(Indicate number of stalls provided) ' 9 Total On -Site Parking Required 90& Provided LF1 (o.0 -Lis X'3�� t6.9 ' gb Dimension building height as ikaximum ridge roof height _ Show natural grade line on,all AiIrnsion on site plan. Poltvlan Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. fully dimensioned showing location o� fall uhi,�,{lingsw w `�fe�� etc�in Fair Share Contributlon� 3/ds �:i�+'+to�► • San Joaquin Hills n pok1t on Corridor Fee frygy,,jc �j NOvt—r�es�der,pe 1 vs," 21 + k 3 L' #5`1�4 31 at1� ja«.n�G SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Please indicate any discretionary approval numbers on the minutes and incorporate the attached) excerpt list of findings and conditions into the blueline drawings approval letter into the blueline drawings Modifications Committee: Indicate Approval No. on Bluelines Modification required for Planning Commission/City Council: Use Permit: No. Variance: No. Resubdivision/Tradt: No. Site Plan )review: No. _ Amendment: No. Other Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer ,/Wussa'+l-'px4 Approval of Landscape Plans Building_ Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans ` Coastal Development Permits: Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of plans: site, floor, and elevations) Coastal Development Permit: No. Effective Date: Waiver/Exemption: No. Effective date: REMARKS: NOTE: it is the responsibility of the applicant Lo circuiaLrs ss+a ji—am a• �• obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644- 3200. romu\Cae-Ow.colt tuv. 7/9s r__-- --------• rr 1 MUSEUM i I- - L� I - 6! / 8$p pr r. m IVA 1! u! Ir I 11 15 1 I'1 FOM SEASONS ,t mmo 1 � . i DD'r p l � I _ I 7 � 0 lT CAS moo - `` ! m•'o �� '� - ��'\ _ " �/ I wvw� PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS Amendment No. 755 Resolution No. 92-33 April 27, 1992 Amendment No. 825 Resolution No. 95-115 Adopted October 9, 1995 -2- TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.................................................................................................................. Page 4 SECTION I STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ...................... Page 5 SECTION II GENERAL NOTES ..................................... Page 6 SECTION III CIVIC, CULTURAL, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES..... Page 7 Sub -Section A Intent............................................................... Page 7 Sub -Section B Permitted Uses .............................................. Page 7 Sub -Section C Building Location ......................................... Page 7 Sub -Section D. Building Height ............................................. Page 7 Sub -Section E Parking............................................................ Page 7 Sub -Section F Landscaping................................................... Page 8 Sub -Section G Loading Areas ............................................... Page 8 Sub -Section H Refuse Collection Areas .............................. Page 8 Sub -Section I Telephone and Electrical Service ............... Page 9 Sub -Section I Signs................................................................. Page 9 -3- PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS For Civic Plaza Ordinance No. 1649, adopted by the City of Newport Beach on December 22, 1975 (Amendment No. 455) Amendment No. 1 March 12, 1979 P.C. Amendment No. 527; Resolution No. 9517 Amendment No. 2 November 23, 1987 P.C. Amendment No. 653; Resolution No. 87-164 Amendment No. 3 January 13, 1992 P.C. Amendment No. 729; Resolution No. 92-5 Amendment No. 4 April 27, 1992 P.C. Amendment No. 755; Resolution No. 92-33 0 -4- II►II •�• The Civic Plaza Planned Community District for the City of Newport Beach is a part of the Newport Center Development in conformance with the Newport Beach General Plan which was adopted in December 1973. The subject property is located in the northwestern area of Newport Center. It is adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road on the north, Santa Cruz and San Clemente Drives on the east, Santa Barbara Drive on the south, and an existing police station, fire station, automobile agency and service station on the west. The purpose of this PC (Planned Community) District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for commercial activity, professional and business offices. The specifications of this district are intended to provide flexibility in both the land use and development standards for the planned building groups. I SECTION I. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Civic Plaza 1. Project Area -5- Net Acreage' 26.12 2. Percentage of Site Coverage (Site Plan) a. Building Footprint 15-20% b. Parking Area 45-509o' C. Landscape 35-40% 3. Square Footages of Uses Office Parke 337,261 Sq.Ft. Art Museum 30,000 Sq.Ft. ' Net Acreage Site area within the existing property lines. a February 1, 1991 existing square footage allowable is 250,111 (Land Use Element of the City of Newport Beach, Resolution No. 88-100, October 24, 1988). T 10 SECTION II. GENERAL NOTES i. Water within the Planned Community area will be furnished by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. 3. The subject property is within the City of Newport Beach. 'The Developer will provide the necessary flood protection facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of Newport Beach. 4. Grading and erosion control provisions shall be carried out on all areas of the Planned Community in a manner meeting the approval of the Director of Planning. 5. Except as otherwise stated in this Ordinance, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Code shall apply. The contents of this supplemental text notwithstanding, no construction shall be proposed within -the boundaries of this Planned Community District except that which shall comply with all provisions of Newport Beach's Uniform Building Code and the various mechanical codes related thereto. 6. Parking lot lighting shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning. Parking lot lighting shall be designed in a manner so as to minimize impacts on adjacent residential areas. - - 7. All mechanical appurtenances on building roof tops and utility vaults shall be screened from street level view in a manner meeting the approval of the Director of Planning. 8. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the site shall be examined to determine the existence and extent of archaeological and paleontological resources in accordance with adopted City polices. 9. In the event that any non -office facility were to be eliminated from the -project, the eliminatedfacility would be replaced with the equivalent amount of office space. 10. That a pedestrian and bicycle trail system be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning. -7- SECTION IV. CIVIC, CULTURAL, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES A. Intent The intent of this district is to permit the location of a combination of civic, cultural, business and professional office uses, and support commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. B. Permitted Uses The following shall be permitted: 1. Retail sales and service of a convenience nature. 2. Administrative and professional offices. 3. Restaurants, bars and theater/nightclubs. Subject to Use Permit. 4. Institutional, financial and governmental facilities. 5. Civic, cultural, commercial recreational and recreational facilities. 6. Parking lots, structures and facilities. C. Building Location All buildings shall be located in substantial conformance with the approved site plan. D. Building Height All buildings and appurtenant structures shall be limited to a maximum height of sixty-five (65) feet. E. Parkin Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs for the site. The intent is to eliminate the need for any on -street parking. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the sita of the use served, or on a common parking area in accordance with the off-street parking requirements of City of Newport Beach Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Parking for the museum shall be based on 3.5 spaces/1,000 square feet of gross floor area. T >I • o -8- F. G. H. Land canine Detailed landscaping and irrigation plans, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, licensed landscaping contractor, or architect shall be reviewed by the Director of Parks, Beaches and Recreation. All landscaping referred to in this section shall be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. 1.ScreeninLr Areas used for parking shall be screened from view or have the view interrupted by landscaping, and/or fencing from access streets, and adjacent properties. Plant materials used for screening purposes shall consist of lineal or grouped masses of shrubs and/or trees. 2. Landscaping -Vehicle Separation All landscaped areas shall be separated from adjacent vehicular areas by a wall- or curb, at least six (6) inches higher than the adjacent vehicular area. 3. Parkin Areas Trees, equal in number to one (1) per each five (5) parking stalls shall be provided in the parking area. Loading Areas 1. Street side loading shall be allowed providing the loading dock is screened from view from adjacent streets. Refuse Collection Areas 1. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be visually screened from access streets, and adjacent property. Said screening shall form a complete opaque screen. 2. No refuse collection area shall be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. McLarand, Vasquez & Partners, Inc. August 26, 1996 Mr. Marc Myers Planner wp�, /� MV& Safety 33'vardnd 00 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Carl MoLarand, A.I.A. Ernesto M• Vasquez, A.I.A. Rloh°rd Emalak, A.I.A. Re: Plan Check Response - Newport Harbor Art Museum Renovation Ronald Nestor, A.I.A. 850 San Clemente Drive Newport Beach, California Plan Check No. 916-96 Dear Mr. Myers: In response to the plan check letter that we received on July 22, 1996, the attached items are in reference to the items listed below: Item Regarding providing a tissue overlay of calculation to verify provided square footage --plot showing square footages of the building is attached. �,,], + st -F Item 20 Parking provided on the site is 86 spaces. At the time The Irvine Company revised the property lines with the city, it was documented that they were donating the old library to the museum and that there would be shared parking between the museum's parcel of land and the parcel which The Irvine Company owns to the west. Item 3, o• Natural grades are shown on the addition elevations on Sheet A-2.01 and the attached drawing of the entire west elevation of the addition and the existing building. Item 4. On the west elevation (attached), please find the top of all roof -top mechanical equipment screens referenced from the grade directly below. Item 50 Please find the location of the trash enclosure east of the existing museum building on site plan Sheet A-0.01. Item The location of the building off of the adjacent property line is shown on the site plan Sheet A-0.01. Architecture & Planning 695 Town Center Drive Suite 300 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 FAX 714. 549 5297 714. 549 2207 Mr. Marc Myers Department of Building and Safety August 26, 1996 - Page 2 Item OA- Fees will be paid at the time the building permit is pulled. Item $:� Traffic engineering report was completed by The Irvine Company at O,W the time the property was donated to the museum. Please see attached report. 11I®1 /D p I hope this meets with your approval. If you have any further questions or comments, ���YCX please call me. Sincerely, McLarand, Vasquez & Partners, Inc. Wj'C/ P (l— William R. Koster Associate Partner WKtec 96131105 INFfGl10 A,z, ref Afru••+ rRAf Ott Eh'G ^i'':c •",5} E�7 .;FS Septer;,b. S, :443 'ji1C lcvL,C.(0+iiP?PY 550 t��:r-wit C,wci Sea ch, CA ram' L'! 1 ATM.q C)N, h4r. Tom RC.MZ SliB1FC't: 9R1LSMI1% }.Il�l)1,G•\E'+.FORT Iin.T,. ORA I,".4Li}SF:Lk1PAili�3liG Dear Tom: i 1� � h ::�^x , HErb;.,r L}2r�y and fi t I'll-' AFA has survey peak p2iling =0 12y tkit 5C `r . 15 p Y SS. w This Survey -wag^ordu:icr on th= Tuesd-)s Ln Ancst (.�i.p -t 1 4,110sctey miwe)' has 'P=n iLa hh;tvi,lcal :� �-•; � ,. �^Y i••atr'it;i� ite•"•ttei"i`�Y'.'.t:�}.:1,' the r_".�.fby In order w adeaivatc axcua, For all l,fi } n+t 1� f:�iC �w C �•, y ltod t'd O1Ti✓iYE tt 0 art flaseum lot �d :,p tC ib.,5 Cl�:rls 0EiIT :2i,Po 7'=t.tM,it vic +e >1 F., (:r+�)r act.zl 2estiaat ors of motorist parkcd. lsers Di iiJtj thcr: tl YCStre eL Alti^P ,ii: L• l^i r••`j Yr Ic..Cfi t' i4 a L n an '5z 69 nd�62,pcc `� (Patrons and — y y�CCc) ,4.zs la. t r the OtOCi w,s e, . cu ; . 1ti� >y z ,,, i ?-fOtvCt'fd, in 2dCSitiCa :O iho l� Qnrkr11 .^..rt fC`.' it'.t`. Att yra+<�umC 2riC�v£� '�Gi +ic7 vehlciob b.lonyrg to lbtM 2clX Ob-'er.'ation of the ^ or' Paney �y an mi:s cm an3 r,�lc.l'reP:bl» - t v l^o,, =pane; of1.49 ti�}I er �F'Ei'�sV 4'l:}vY LTa'l'etiC11. t ft nlL'._uL_, rs'3Cf'� 1tndCd i,;'S-2rd Gei �r.h " j wheress libray vse:s PYO, only 1.17 l�r- na per r'ehycic, 1::: ,' i ' led cr :O Lk: sil:ltii ? 5� Based on Lt,e cu;'C,i1 2 ,� square :bet, tl}: p<=): PEr ,s ra,:o era y ` [� i r V •� f_nolhcscll:if�(fCC11 r thousand sganfe fret (iSY�• T.^.e expzrLt^� Bit G'..f::Lil11t'ii t�cr '•' u GL—mand at tho. We do ] }t cxPec' LC a:p�s:o : Of the xrt n 5ec;il? t0 wi li bpi din? cz ^stubs. wz w:iu a not tliC e1^i:tlP�'CL'1if21i, r�25C•� O(1 C:L`: 4"p c^.; IGow o r ,. S2TC rs:C c.5 •,�w pf U"nz to ge;-'erate Bn f oic ibsz hslt' of the cur,Gi, rencnnahly expo:, the 'Mti` Pa:, :he b l , g a o" is ]rt7 t,3 T P x 3_ . 2 i TS: TWIG. T•ACSCrott� Lyic an-mcd Pv.� `.'G7::+' L t:r C'Ki x ).0) cpnccs. n c-- EI _= IR' w FRO,j;zu 1 NE CO �tptcntcr 8, ?5'9? Pago 2 `:i;eil '..I' at '.:.� 4: '.3 iin3 [:.:i�i.� ,:aC� :c^. •' iL: e::C _ •:., ...,r ,;, �• ..._ acic'•or all b�c the r,,;at 1 as ' 4'� he " �n ..1 . o, , of il:d: ILK%=` Dit � .` vi11n cuiiQln ,o� &5 ;: G1 1 I °�: F'} C.. t t•oth e lbr° and <;: ¢tt:_ ,•sing .o' � . c_� - library building. ..n•1 ',n — 1:•tit ei? t7n t175;i�:.'t' toNr.iew a moll tp Qi5CUS3 Ibcse w:2li1)11'Ict} iiC.v'i� Oi+w ; •• -v - . Joe L f�:K, �•E i t V4. 't FOG ES 6,� — a MT to xs�a M-7 �V� 5 A TO. 4 Ely Xii, -All Jj pk. & PLAN REVIEW API'MIAL 13 21 HS.: F1 OR Fr", Cleo it i` EN ADDITION 1865 S.F. 25652 S.F. D:\MVP\96131\MUSEUM -o.A_ NET AREA: 22,711 S.F. MUSEUM EXITING 0:\MVP\96131\MUSEUM 12. Office: 337,261 sq.ft. Museum: 31,208 sq:iL Fire Station: 4WU_f7g.11. Police Station: 48,000 sq.ft. Auto Dealer: 2.14 acres/25,000 sq.ft. Retail: 1,760 sq.ft. The City library- site was previously shown for Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities, with an alternate use of Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial. As part of the Newport Center Library Exchange Agreement between the City and The Irvine Company, GPA 91-1(C) and Amendment No. 729 were approved deleting the library designation from Civic Plaza and increasing the Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial entitlement by 57, 150 sq.ft., 35,000 sq.ft. of which was transferred from Newport Village and 22,150 sq.ft. of which was new entitlement. Subsequently, an additional 30,000 sq.ft. of office entitlement was transferred to Civic Plaza from Corporate Plaza West (Amendment No. 755). The existin 100 sq.ft. library will be permitted to remain in Civic Plaza until such time as the ntiw library is completed in Newport Village. The existing art museum occupies 2��sq.ft., with an allocation fo 0 009 addi_ bona—I�: Corporate Plaza West. This site is bounded by Newport Center Drive, East Coast Highway, the Newport Beach Country Club and the Balboa Bay Tennis Club. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial land use. The site is allocated 115,000 sq.ft. 13. Balboa Bay Tennis Club. This site is bounded by Corporate Plaza West, the Newport -Beach Tennis Club and the Granville Apartments. The site is designated for Recreational and Environmental Open Space and is allocated 24 tennis courts. 14. Neuport Beach Country Club. This site is designated for Recreational and Environmental Open Space -to allow the continuation of the 131.52 acre facility. 15. Amling's Nursery. This site is located on East Coast Highway and is designated for Retail and Service Commercial land use. The maximum allowed development is 5,000 sq.ft. for retail commercial land use only. 16. Villa Point. This site is bounded by East Coast FTighway, Jamboree Road, Sea Island and the Newport Beach Country Club. The site is designated for Multi -Family Residential land use and is allocated 228 dwelling units. 20% of the units shall be affordable, with the affordability standards and term determined at the time of project approval. 17. Sea Island. This area is located on Jamboree Road across from the Newporter Resort. The site is designated for Single Family Attached development and is allocated 132 dwelling units, which reflects the existing land use. 18. Fashion Island This site is located within the circle formed by Newport Center Drive. The site is designated for Retail and Service Commercial land use and is allocated 1,603,850 sq.ft. for regional retail and 1,700 theater seats. An additional 30,000 sq.ft. Land Use Element Page 0 5. Block 400 - Medical Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, San Nicolas Drive, Avocado Avenue and San Miguel Drive. The site is designated for Ad- ministrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 88,173 sq.ft. of office development, and 351,945 sq.ft. of medical office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. 6. Block 500 - Company Plaza. This area is bounded Newport Center Drive, Santa Rosa Drive, San Joaquin Hills Road, Avocado Avenue and San Nicolas Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 377,170 sq.ft. of office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. 7. Block 600 - Financial Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Cruz Drive, San Joaquin Hills Road and Santa Rosa Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 959,134 sq.ft. of office development and 325 hotel rooms. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within the office portion of this development allocation. [GPA 93-2(D)] 8. Block 700 - Insurance Plaza. This site is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Maria Road, San Clemente Drive and Santa Cruz Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial land use and is allocated 327,671 sq.ft. of office development. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. 9. Block 800 - Pacific Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, Santa Barbara Drive, San Clemente Drive and Santa Maria Road. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial and Multi -Family Residential land uses. The office portion of the block is allocated 240,888 sq.ft. of office development and 13,096 sq.ft. of restaurant use. Support retail commercial uses are also allowed within this development allocation. The residential portion of this block is allocated 245 dwelling units. 10. Block 900 - Hotel Plaza. This area is bounded by Newport Center Drive, the Balboa Bay Tennis Club, the Newport Beach Country Club, Jamboree Road and Santa Barbara Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial and Multi -Family Residential land uses. The allowed development is 611 hotel rooms with ancillary hotel support facilities and 16,630 sq.ft. of office development. [GPA 94-1(A)]. The residential site is allocated 67 dwelling units. I1. Civic Plaza. This area is'bounded by Jamboree Road, San Joaquin Hills Road, Santa Cruz Drive, San Clemente Drive, and Santa Barbara Drive. The site is designated for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial; Retail and Service Commercial and Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. Entitlement in this block is as follows: Land Use Element Page 68