HomeMy WebLinkAbout1501 SUPERIOR AVE111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 1501 Superior JHN=1,0-200b OV:14 FROM: TO:19496443203 P.2 ■ ■O A �°' New uuug nch Po 265 -610 N letvpott Ucnch CA 9265t1-6100 949:764.1'I0AG (4624) HOSPITAL a•,Nw nNaghospam org October 3, 2005 1::IIs21 JUrdi Deputy Director Ruilding Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 Mr. Jurdi Slop Dwnnfers Ccntcr 949,'764.8U70 I':I\ 949;-6.1.6297 I he Sleep Disorders Center that will occupy Suite 202 at 1501 Superior Ave., Newport Beach. will have ambulatory patients staying during the day as well as overnight for diagnostic sleep evaluation. The patients will be continuously monitored via video camera as well as multiple channel telemetry. The staff will monitor the patients from a central location. Michael Gonzales Director, Slccp Disorders Center Cc: Randy French, FD&C, Hoag Hospital Rick Martin, VP, Patient Care Services, Hoag Hospital Ray Liebke, Liebke Associates, Inc ' "' ^ur'I' c gqul'NI't 1' IIUyI'IIn. ACCILLOIII.17 HY TH Ii IOINT COMMISSION ON ACCIICOITA7ION OF 11F Al l NCNLL Our. A NIP Al I ON' Y ��NNa ,A:wYR. del JRN:10-2006 09:14 FROM: TO:19496443203 P.3 NOAG" Newport ort each PO Buz -610 Ncwpan Beach CA 9265R•61U0 949/645-8600 HOSPITAL www,hoeghospiLal.org December 13, 2005 OS14PD Facilities Development Division Ms. Suzanne Wilton 700 N, Alameda Street i12-500 Los Angeles, Ca. 90012 SUBJECT: Request letter stating if OSHPD review and approval is needed for Sleep Center project. Dear Ms, Wilton: Hoag Hospital has submitted plans for a tenant improvement / relocation of their existing outpatient service Steep Center to the City of Newport Beach for plan review and permit approval. The Building Official has requested a written response from your office. Our existing sleep center is located within a offsite building at 351 Hospital Road and will be locating into another offshe building located at 1501 Superior Ave. The description of operation is: A medical doctor's officerhat works two shifts covering a twenty-two hour period. The sleep center will be licensed under DHS for medical billing purposes only. The occupancy classification of this center is considered a Group B occupancy, and is considered an Outpatient Service under Section 420A.3 of the C.B.C,. A maximum of six (6) patients will be continuously monitored via video camera as well as multiple channel telemetry. The staff will monitor the patients from a central location and can access their rooms at all times. The patient is hooked -up with non - intrusive electrodes and is at no time sedated and always ambulatory to be awaken to exit the building in case of the need to evacuate. The City will not review this project without such a written release by OSHPD. Could you please submit a letter stating this is not under your jurisdiction or if feel this project fells under ODHPD review please note this in your response. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter, and if you should any question please feel free to contact Randy French , Project Manager at 949 764-4577. Sincerely, Hoag Memorial Hospital Facilities Design and Const lion Lloyd D' Project Engineer cc: Randy French - Ray Liebke Mike Parris A VOT•rOR•I-R OI'It COMMONITY HOSPITAL ACCHP.IIn Ea aY THa IOINTCOM MISSION ON ACCREUITATION Or HEALTHCARL• ORGANIZATIONS JAN-10-2006 09:14 FROM: . . . , T0:19496443203 P.4 Page 1 of 2 Ray Liebke From: Suzanne Wilton [SWilton@oshpd,state.ca.us[ Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 3:33 PM To: rllebke@llebke.org; Annette Shwe Cc: Paul Coleman Subject: Re. Hoag Sleep Disorder Center Mr. Liebke, This project does not fall under OSHPD Jurisdiction. Please call Glenn Gall if you need further assistance since e is is pert. You can reach him at 91 284-2196.1 tried calling Randy French at the number in your letter @949 764.4577 but there was no answer, and no voice mail. Please let him know that I tried to reach him. Thank you, Suzanne Wilton, Architect Regional Supervisor, South LA OSHPD/FDD twos Angeles office 213 897-0162 Fax 213 576-1306 swilton@oshpd.state.ca.us w i �9:1a &1 818 967 2485 C, B. B, & B 0 002/003 Law O,(f = of Crawford, Bacon, Bangs & Brtesemeister A Partnership Inefudbv a Pmfessimtal Corporation Robert L, Bacon W111iam J. Crawford Shaaron A, Bangs Wilfred B. Bdesemelstcr Theodore E. Bacon John A. Meyer Giuseppe J, Antonelli September 24,1992 B. Scott Holbrook, Jr. Carolyn A. Bekhor Stephen M. Taylor File No. 27520007.992 Rebecca Danalmarda Daniel Calner John F. Norris aM CosmsrJ Michael R. Gradisher ZnA FA TMILE Wendy 1. mn'tth Deborah L. Russo Patricia A. Ewing Mr. Javier "Jay" Garcia Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92659 RE: 1501 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Garcia: Enclosed is the release document regarding the restriction as to use as medical offices of the butldiug at 1501 Superior Avenue. Please have it reviewed by the City Attorney. I did not have the date in any of the documents I have .as to when permit 3102 was granted, please let me know that date. I believe you are aware of the need to' get this document executed so the proposed purchase of the building can be made. We have a loan commitment which will shortly expire and hope to avoid that problem. Obviously, we will be happy to make any changes which you or the city attorneys deem necessary Sincerely, LAW OFFICES OF CRAWFORD, BACON, BANGS & BRIESEMEISTER BY: ROBERT L, BACON For the Firm RLS:pa Enclosure 100 North Ranurwa St.,11th Floor, West Covkw, Califomia 91791 Telephone 818-915-1641 Telefaz 818-332-5604 Printed on Recycled Paper PORT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Uz P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 C'�[,FppN�P September 3, 1992 Mr. Greg Strong AMERICAN REAL ESTATE GROUP 18785 Von Karman Avenue Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92714 Re: 1501 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Strong: You have inquired about obtaining a variance in order to fully comply with a recorded covenant dated October 5, 1984. Please be advised that no variance is required in order to operate the entire building as a medical facility. The .eiy- P1410 n 41 A1�SA �N of Newport Beach on May 19, 1988 approved Traffic Study No. 46 which allowed the conversion of the remaining 23,800 Sq. Ft. of general offices to medical officeuse. The building is still subject to the fair share fee for that portion of the building that has not been occupied as medical use (approximately 11,128 sq. ft.). Please understand that this building is still subject to any applicable laws and regulations currently in effect. Sincerely, CITY OF ORT BEACH Javier "Jay" Garcia Senior Planner Planning Department -- 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach �.ii77lli�'• e, _.-1 C. H. H. & B tm 00i,,003 Recording requested'by and -When-recorded mail to. CITY CLERK Cit; of Newport peach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663-3884 i tuw,a �,w�u�,.wnsen 84-439817 � nM.ni G.w CM7 -4 °s PM OCT 24,'84 COVENANT' Occupancy ' I The City of Newport Beach has granted Rothery Roh Ddvolopmont Group, a California general partnership which is the owner al'd developer, 10691 Los Alamitos Boulevard, Los Alamitos, California 90720, of that certain property located at,1501 Superior Avenue, Citjy of Newport Beach, under use Permit,NO, •1102. 2n consideration fir granting the use permit, the City at -Newport Beach has required and Rothery Roh Develepment Group has agreed, that the building O�n be 0*0?:pied by physicians operating medical practices, commonly. referred to." medical offices, but said occupaney.shali not excesd'13�004 square feet*' or one fioor of the building area. This covenant shall bind Rothery Bob Development Group and any successors in ints,rest in.peroetuity relative to the restriction of allowable medica} offices in the building. Should the applicant wish to haves medical offioes occupy more than 13,004 apart, feet, he must apply to Bha City of Newport Beach for said variance and Ust follow the normal procedures as set down by the City of Newport Beach relative to obtaining such Adiscretionary variance. i EXECVTEA this__%.4 day ei .. " rr1984.; General Partner - General Partner r, 95:00 po-FO-RFRT COMMISSIONERS y�G�y��Noy�ff 4�9� 9y CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES May 19, 1988 ROLL CALL I I I I I I INDEX Traffic Study No. 46 (Public Hearing) Item No.2 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the S No. 46 conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of general office space to medical office use. roved LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 124-24, 25 (Orange County Tentative Parcel Map No. 77-108) located at 1501 Superior Avenue on property between Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue, northerly of Fifteenth Street, in the Northwest Newport area. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: Newport Superior Medical Plaza, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Scott Whisant, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission, wherein he stated that he concurred with the contents of the staff report. Mr. Chris Hansen appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the Newport Crest Homeowner's Association. Mr. Hansen requested that the southbound Superior Avenue on -street parking be eliminated between Placentia Avenue and Hospital Road because of the heavy volume of traffic on Superior Avenue. 'In response to questions posed by the Planning Commission, Don Webb, City Engineer, explained that parking prohibitions on streets are under the jurisdiction of the City Council, the recommendation of the Traffic Affairs Committee or the Traffic Engineer. He stated that the Planning Commission cannot direct or condition a project with on -street parking provisions'. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. James Hewicker, Planning -Director, referred to the Fair Share Fee, and he explained that inasmuch as the project will be redesignated from "general office" to "medical office" that there will be additional trips generated as a result of the additional 23,800 square feet of medical office space on the site. Mr. Webb commented that the Fair Share Fee will total approximately $55,000.00. -3- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES yA ;t4�OONO�A dG�� AN0 `yy� May 19, 1988 s ` �9y CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL. CALL • INDEX Commissioner Debay referred to page 12 of the staff report, "Cumulative Projects", which states that "the list includes 93 projects, of which approximately 65% are not occupied, 10% are fully occupied, and 25% are partically occupied.", and she inquired if the traffic analysis took future trips generated into consideration? Mr. Webb agreed that the traffic analysis took the 93 projects into consideration assuming that the projects are going to be fully occupied, and also future regional growth. Commissioner Merrill and Mr. Webb discussed the data proposed for the Traffic Projection Model. Motion x Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study x No. 46 subject to the Findings in Exhibit "A". MOTION Ayes x x x x x CARRIED. Absent x FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of service on any major, primary -modified, or primary street. Item No.3 Req t to permit alterations and additions to an UP3314 existin ilm store with an existing drive -up photo window on p erty located in the C-1 District. The Continued t proposal also in des a modification to the Zoning Code 6-9-88 so as to permit: a ortion of the required off-street parking to encroach 10 et into the required 10 foot rear yard setback, adjacen o an alley; to allow the construction of a new tras enclosure that also encroaches 9 feet 6 inches into t required 10 foot rear yard setback; and to allow the a of compact parking spaces for a portion of the require ff-street parking. 4- ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study to allow conversion of 23. 800 sc.ft. of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 19, 1988 A 121d T .J'>Y1rS��T LiC.�.Ri � CtF ca tic'T/ki��/J 'iOLo/✓� --- r� A� .sv�-�.a .Ov�.✓vv- �� �ae.f �� G�Ty 572 e e o i o - AP �ra.,�.s4s%!J dF U�'� Q�F.P.�.ri7"' Pio2 .o,PO/lod�-o .P. cG�'/9iF`s�. _ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY _GRADING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 -IL-PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study to allow conversion of 23. 800 sq.ft, of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 19. 1988 /. 41rt- cam ter. c-�-/d�.r. �:/l '.4L o.✓G Signature: Date: r _ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT _ _MARINE SAFETY GRADING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study to allow conversion of 23, 800 sq.ft, of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: MaX 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: MAX 19, 1988 COMMENTS: Signature: Date: TO: Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 1988 Agenda Item No. 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study No. 46 (Public Hearing); Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of general office space •to medical office use. LOCAT30N:� Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 124-24, 25 (Orange County Tentative Parcel No. 77-108), located at 1501 Superior Avenue on property between Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue, northerly of Fifteenth Street, in the Northwest Newport area. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT:• Newport Superior Medical Plaza, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant This is a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of existing general office space to medical office use. Traffic Study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The project has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under Class 1 - Existing Facilities. Conformance with the General Plan The subject property is designated for "Retail and Service Commercial" land use. This designation allows retail sales, personal and professional services, hotels and motels and commercial recreation. The proposed use is consistent with this category. TO: Planning Commission - 3. committed traffic and regional growth. As shown by the above chart, the project does not worsen an ICU over 0.90. Therefore, the project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Specific Findings Specific findings and conditions must be made to approve a project pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, and are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Should the Commission wish to approve the Traffic Study, findings for approval are set forth in the attached Exhibit The criteria to approve a Traffic Study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance are objective, rather than subjective. If a project meets all the criteria as set forth in the ordinance, the project should be approved. The criteria of the ordinance can be summarized, as follows: 1. The project does not cause, nor make worse, an ICU in exced's of 0.90. 2. That if an ICU at an intersection is made worse and is over 0.90, an improvement shall be completed prior to occupancy which will result in the ICU being reduced so as to meet criteria 1. 3. That if an improvement is planned by the City or another agency within four years of the project, a proportional share of the improvement cost shall be paid to the City of Newport Beach. It is staffs opinion that the project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, in that the project does not cause nor make worse an ICU in excess of 0.90. No exhibit for denial has, therefore, been provided. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director BYiMULA Patricia L. Temple Principal Planner Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Vicinity Map 3. Traffic Study PLT/WP WP\PC\TS46.SR1 VICINITY MAP TRAFFIC STUDYNO. 46 r G,1 r•" MOAO M..P/TA& J TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................... 1 Trip Generation Forecast .................................. 1 Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map 2 Figure 2 - Project Site Plan .... •3 Table 1 - Trip Generation Forecast ..................... 4 Trip Distribution ......................................... 5 Traffic Impact Analysis. ...................... 5 Figure 3 - Project Trip Distribution 6 Figure 4 - Study Intersections .......................... 8 Table 2 - Summary of ICU/LOS 9 SUMMARYAND CONCLUSION ....................................... 10 APPENDIX JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 7 d"'+ .: - a-DAxw so- +� s .._ ... .. • :'1 '�' � OT:•Y.'$ �. o $,p,�,u "•`•� .tip +if#e::Jl.a & : soo wo:� .= S Y•ay, �^:: ' hi: '. .3 PITH-• T i7 /�w ��• s4 '�,:�§xt ny.•n i:•`G ��9 xk. ?t• '41Y vR1 M � CAR Al' T 'e k ��w ISE tE•r,.ys T F r•" 2..r%, e_t� ;� . ¢ 8 /� a C.:. "J'. �. i..i �I •� `aS, r . f pE5$ diet. d��g' ^ETC ES°y, R� � .Ei� 'p. FY%tY�f' iKY.D'+e ���..V£ > �6>_ 'id'�D:' � fl'�a .a �^fm ?'. � VwICT�OR•IA'.s SY ��� I :yk°^4 <.?'�'� i�:.'.: k ni ..y4E � p 1 i tl iu .E. MIL Ct WRY ACT w` iriiC� d CT IDEC, xa EVEET CT RISE CT ADRCi 9T CO /SEVEN CT WELT MICE DE r rt 1�< )r n ♦ �rul COA: ���yrPa'�i''✓ .y a Map Soui Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation,forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for the decrease during the morning peak and the increase, during the evening peak is the different type of land use and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATIOR FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE• 36,888 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet 0.6 0.2 1..9 8.4 22 7 71 89 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 44 14 142 178 Existina Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 23,801 Square Feet 47 10 14 40 - Medical Office 0.6 0.2 1.9 2.4 13,400 Square Feet 8 3 25 32 Total 55 13 39 72 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 110 26 78 144 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -33 -6 +32 +17 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours as per City of Newport Beach JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. NOTE: Peak 1 Hour is 50% of Peak 2 1/2 Hours PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION FIG 3 PEAK 1 HOUR JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 'TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS. INC. I7 �. ( li.'<yb � s 1. f+r� �`i` (�+ w.i'Y� pi ! '•w., cf r�Fy�Cin Sl• r �, ( yFf„� t,,.�.•rl r�+• trli , .� L� i<. x 62ma, 49 T +. r°�'`✓a �r �i VS-Y .i ii,+�(,� AA ' (�:•1 �^i ai !'n) ( !mot ��( ( 1.1 ( ��f� : �'+.� '�I.r� r Y !�NQ7 zu_xx'iYf A�+.r*WfFw�. 1+ '�^ • ,�� P L •�': rl F. ilk '•`"' �r 7. �EL� 7 l � Sfi � `. � �7%r• r L k�� '. •� ` � d.h�. �iv�%, a F'et R' y, .+j "Yu)Y J4 �t�T•.�r (rl lr��� ]li( .'i rr �( � IDaaa� F; � 4'� U4,+•aj `x, i ��`�il'~v J :a 1" � yvr{ ,-j aiGCTll pt."•f_3 iS'cli �' �a��l �.S�y t .:Ft! �� .r: J q �by, LOM !'1I f—.�u••I5.1 i �E:1L74 './ ( ��i W�j,�vrJ p z+ ��• Ms.." . s ]]�� 1� • /.may t5 Sy,!. �. y� Y J t L Y- �'_.i/ Y'� 1vi V ��i•�h , +C^��l'. i �'l13! .Y',�! !1 .'! iM^ �p ,A' t �y. `( '� .V '/ '' . /!'�l l� :ii5i �i t��i. IyjC ,•.1 <�(.a ihr'+t r-.. +fit 1 ,•tf .tyl/�)I,�_•{ '�1� '�.f + L�l.. Y ..5�-•�i Y�J)'.4.• _�yJ��(iCjyK� STUDY INTERSECTIONS JUSTIN F. FARMER 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General/Medical Office Complex located at 1501 Superior Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 37,201 square feet of Medical Office Building. o -The. site is currently occupied and it is served by -three driveways; from Placentia Avenue to the west, Superior Avenue to the east and 15th Street to the south. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: •TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet Peak 2 1/2 Hours Existing Land Use (NOW) General Office 23,801 Square Feet Medical Office 13,400 Square Feet Total Peak 2 1/2 Hours Net Change - Peak 1 Hour - Peak 2 1/2 Hours AM . PM IN OUT IN OUT 0.6 0.2 1.9 8.4 22 7' 71 89 44 14 142 178 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 47 10 14 40 0.6 0.2 1.9 2.4 8 3 25 32- 55 13 39 72 110 26 78 144 -33 -6 +32 +17 -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips Peak 2 1/2 hours = Peak 1 hour x 2 (as per City of Newport Beach) 0 JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 0 S.NIA If. Cot'.In v 'P. Go" CGun II .;.w ...• r�� .. 4nU.Wll b1 l uunw <r De..D ccv. cf . bKD+Uf Dr �.yllrur/u rL •� ",Pot t v f "W IR 1 C, N "Allypf CI is. Iac Cl 11 .Dgn•dD Cf 11.14Ci.D Cf IL1[.xM1l CIC 11 4.DrlppCf O UfCf • n• lu•O.Acc or 1% Traffic Volume AnalysisNIS E/o liltersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 19 87 PM -- - _ Peak 24 Hour Approved Apprdach : Existing Regional Projects Projected ih of Projected Project Direction Peak 24 Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour . Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound I 4430 4917 263 5180 52 14 Southbound 3896 4325 197- 4522 45 0 h Eastbound 2016 2016 60 2076 I 21 s 8 Westbound _ 1045 1045 10 1055 11 2 rn—1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected tX� Peak 2P2 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [l Peak 2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: J1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/PROSPECT STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes as2 on Average Winter/Spring 19 87 PM Projected It of Projected Project i Approach Existing Peak 21j Hour Regional Approved Projects Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 21s Hour , Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Volume Volume i Northbound 302 302 0 302 3 0 Southbouod i 304 . 304 0 304 3 2 Eastbound 3819 i 4869 i 654 5523 55 6 Westbound j 63'03_.. 8036 860 8896 89 6 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak'-22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza PPn.irrT- 1% Traffic Volume Analysis NIS Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/RIVERSIDE AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter pring 19 _ PM Peak 21s Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 110, of Projected Project "Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 21s Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume korthbound 61 61 0 61 1 0 Southbound 1247 1247 1 62 1309 13 2 Eastbound , 5217 5791 1 967 6758 ! 68 _ 4 Vestbound {�— 6478 1031 7509 75 6 I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected lJ Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C,U.) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza Pan 1FrT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: SUPERIOR AVE (E&W) & PLACENTIA AVE (N&S) 2565 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON.AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1987 PM i - I EXISTINGI PROPOSEDI EXISTING EXISTINGI REGIONAL{ COMMITTEDI PROJECTED I PROJECTI PROJECTI I Movement) Lanes I Lanes I PK H.R I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I V/C I I I Capacityl Capacityl Volume I Ratio j Volume I Volume I w/o Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I • I I Volume I I I I--------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --------- 23I NL 1 I I _ I 5 I I I--------) ------------------) --------- ------------------------------------- NT 3200 1 1 311. 0.12 1 - 1 16 I 0.13 1 4 1 0.13 I I--------)----------'-------}------------------------------------- -----I I NR 1 1 60 1 - 1 6 I I 4 1 1 I------------------------------------------'---------------------------------------------- SL 1 1600 1 1 11 1 0.01 1 - 1 0 I 0.01 I 2 1 ----- 0.01 I I----------------------------------------------------------------------'-------I ST 1 1600 1 1 263 1 0.16 I1*I _ 10 0.17 0.17* i------------------------------------------ '---------- ------------------------------�-------I 1 SR I 1600 1 1 463 1 0.29 1 1 13 1 0.30 I 2 1 ----- 0.30 * i I---------------------------------- --------------------------'-------- ----'---" 1 EL i 1600 1 I I0.14_ I g I* 0.14 1 4- 1_ 0_ 14*I-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ET I 3200 I I 442 1 0.14 1 i 3 1 0.16 I 5 10.16 ----------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------ ----- ----------I ER I N.S. 1 1 20 1 1 1 9 1 0.03 I 1 0.03 --------------------- WL 1 1600 1 ---------------- 1 55 I 0.03 12 0.04 2 1 -0.04 --1 ---------------------^----------------------------- WT 1 3200 1 1 7681 0.24 % - 1 22 1 * 0.25 1 -3 !- 1 0.25* 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I WR I N.S. I 1 51 --------------- 1'_ 1 --------- ----------------------~----------------I 2 I 1 1 I ---------------- EXISTING '------- I.C.U. -- 1 0.54 1 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 0.56 1 I i--------------------------------------------- - IEXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U.-1-0_56 IXJ Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1 J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1.J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 1 J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will-. be less than I.C.U. without project --------------------- 7----------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: Newport Superior Medical Plaza PROJECT FORM II z�