HomeMy WebLinkAbout2101 15TH ST (2)111111111 lill 11111 *NEW FILE* 2101 1 St" St r Planning Commission Meeting 7anuary 4. 1990 Agenda Item No: 12 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A General Plan Amendment No 89-2(F) (Public Hearinal Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to redesignate the subject property from "Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities" to "Single Family Attached" with a density of one dwelling unit for each 2,178 sq. ft. of buildable lot area; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND B. Traffic Study No 62 (Public Hearin¢1 Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to permit the construction of a 15 unit residential condominium development on the subject property. FEWN C. Amendment No. 700 (Public Hearinel Request to amend portions of Districting Map No. 21 so as to reclassify the subject property from the R-3 District t- - the MFR (2,178) SPR District and to establish a 20 foot front J. ad setback along the 15th Street frontage of the subject property. m D. Tentative Map of Tract No 14186 (Public Hearinal 0 Request to subdivide two existing lots into a single lot for a 15 unit residential condominium development. n V',`•{' \t pit TO: Planning Commission - 2. E. Site Plan Review No. 54 (Public Hearin Request to approve a site plan review for the purpose of permitting a residential density bonus iif 3 units within a 15 unit residential condominium development and a request to approve a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the construction of two stairs and two entry decks within the prpposed 20 foot front yard setback which exceed three feet in height. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to permit a three foot encroachment into the required 16 foot side yard setback adjacent to the easterly property line. LOCATION: Lot 1 and lot 2 of Tract No. 1718, located at 2001 and 2101 15th Street, on the southeasterly corner of 15th Street and Irvine Avenue in Cliff Haven. ZONE: R-3 APPLICANT: James G. White, Jr. and Lawrence M. Campeau, Costa Mesa OWNER: Zonta Club of Newport Harbor Foundation, Newport Beach ENGINEER: Robin B. Harriers & Associates, Inc., Costa Mesa Applications The applications described above will, if approved, allow construction of a fifteen unit condominium project. The proposal includes a density bonus of three units as part of an affordable housing agreement. The requested General Plan density is now one unit for each 2,178 sq. ft. of buildable lot area. General Plan Amendment procedures are in City Council Policy Q-1; Amendment procedures are contained in Chapter 20.84, Tentative Tract Map procedures are in Chapter 19.12, and Site Plan Review Procedures are in Chapter 20.01 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City Policy, an Initial Study has been prepared for the project. Based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has, therefore, been prepared for the consideration of the Planning Commission. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan designates the site for Govemmenta4 Educational and Institutional Facilities. This category allows uses including governmental facilities such as police stations, fire stations, utility yards, postal service C,5 TO: Planning Commission - 3. facilities, and libraries; educational uses such as schools, and day care centers; and institutional facilities such as hospitals, churches, utility stations, museums, social and educational clubs, and senior citizen housing facilities. The land use designation does not allow for residential land uses, which are considered an appropriate use in areas designated for Multi -Family Residential or Single Family Attached. The proposed project is located in Cliff Haven (Statistical Division 113). This area is allocated a total of 542 dwelling units. Presently there are 519 dwelling units. The proposed residential development is not consistent with the uses allowed in the Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities land use designation. A General Plan Amendment is required to change the land use designation to Single Family Attached with a specific density of one dwelling unit for each 2,178 sq.ft. of buildable lot area in order to approve the project. Additionally, the projected development for the Cliff Haven area must be amended to provide for the increased dwelling units in the area. The project is outside the Coastal Zone Boundary and approval of a Coastal Development Permit is not required. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The subject property is developed with a 5,797 sq.ft single story building (Zonta Club). To the west of the property, across Irvine Avenue, is single family detached residential. To the north across 15th Street, is Newport Harbor High School. To the east and south is multi -family residential development. Statistical Summary Standard Dwelling units Gross land area Building area FAR Parking spaces Parking per unit Analysis Proposed Project 15 27,750 sq.ft. 23,236 sq.ft. 0.84 38 2.5 MFR (2,178) Standard 12 6,000 sq.ft. 27,077 sq.ft. 1.75 23 2.5 A series of approvals is necessary to allow construction of the proposed project. Each approval is discussed separately. General Plan Amendment 89-2(F). An amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element is necessary to allow construction of the project. The amendment will revise the total allocation of dwelling units allowed for the Cliff Haven area (page 51) as follows: "Cliff Haven. This area includes all residential land bounded by Irvine Avenue, 16th Street, Dover Drive and West Coast Highway. The area is designated predominantly for Single Family Detached development, with TO: Planning Commission - 4. some areas shown for Two -Family Residential or Multi -Family Residential land use. No subdivision which will result in additional dwelling units is allowed. The area is allocated 54-2 dwelling units. A minimum of 2,000 sq.ft. of buildable lot area is required for duplex development in Two Family Residential areas, and one unit is allowed for each 2,178 sq.ft. of buildable lot area in the Multi -Family Residential areas." The charts on pages 52, 86, and 87 of the Land Use Element will also be amended to reflect the statistical changes which result from the change in land use. There are two primary issues associated with the change of the site to Multi -Family Residential: the compatibility of the use with the area and the increased building bulk which will result from residential development. Compatibility of Land Use. The project site is located on 15th Street at Irvine Avenue. The requested density of 2,178 sq.ft. of buildable lot area is consistent with the density allowed in the Cliff Haven area, which is one unit for each 2,178 sq.ft. of buildable lot area. Additionally, the residential development proposed by this amendment will reduce the amount of traffic generated by the existing use of the site. Prior to the adoption of the revised General Plan Land Use Element in October, 1988, this site was designated for Multi -Family Residential land use. '' Staff suggested the change to Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities due to the long standing institutional development of the site. The site is still zoned for residential development. It is the opinion of staff that the location of the property at the southeasterly comer of 15th Street and Irvine Avenue, surrounded by residential development from three sides and Newport Harbor High School to the north, makes the property appropriate for residential development. Building Bulk. The change from Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities to residential land use designation will significantly increase the permitted floor area and building bulk on the site. The subject property is presently occupied with a single story building that contains 5,797 sq.ft. (per building permit records), representing a floor area ratio of 0.37. This project is proposed to be constructed at 1.5 times the buildable area of the site, or 23,236 sq.ft. The Multi -Family Residential (MFR) District •allows residential development at 1.75 times the buildable lot area, which would allow 27,077 sq.ft. Traffic Study No. 59. A traffic study has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and Council Policy S-1. The proposed project is expected to be completed in 1990. Analyses were, therefore, completed for 1991. The City Traffic Engineer identified ten (10) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy. The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1% traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater TO: Planning Commission - 5. than 1% of the projected peak 21/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) is required. The 1% volume analysis indicated that no intersections exceeded the one percent criteria. Further ICU analysis is not required. The project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Amendment No. 700. It is proposed to rezone the subject property from R-3 to MFR (2,178) - SPR. Also requested is the establishment of a 20 foot front yard setback on `15th Street. This zoning designation will set the maximum density for the site consistent with the General Plan, and designate the site for Site Plan Review. Site Plan Review will allow the Planning Commission to review the specifics of the site plan given the constraints of the property and the concerns of the neighborhood. The twenty foot setback proposed for 15th Street is typical of setbacks established on Districting Map 21 for multi -family residential in the Cliff Haven area. It is important to note, however, that the 20 foot front yard setback is being applied to the wider side of the property. Under usual circumstances, the front yard of the property would be Irvine Avenue. The establishment of the front yard on Irvine Avenue also results in wider side yard setbacks than would otherwise have been required, since the MFR District requires the side yard to be 8% of the lot width, and this will now be calculated from the widest property dimension. Staff has no objections to this request. Tentative Map of Tract No. 14028. In order to construct the condominium project, approval of a Tentative Tract Map is required. Lot 1 contains 0.637 acre (27.750 sq.ft.) and meets the standards contained in the Subdivision Code. Staff has no objections to the request. Site Plan Review No. 54. Amendment No. 700 places the project in the SPR - Site Plan Review District. Additionally, Site Plan Review is required in conjunction with the approval of a Residential Density Bonus. The review of site plans have specific standards of review as established in Section 20.01.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Many of the standards of judgement for the review of site plans relate to sites which have unique environmental or scenic resources, which do not apply to this site. These are Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 12. The remaining standards are listed below, with a brief discussion of the project as it relates to each. 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City. The project site is immediately adjacent to multi -family residential land uses. This project is similar in density to these apartment projects. The project is also considered to be compatible with the single-family homes across Irvine Avenue. 7. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of site development. The quality of the site plan is greatly influenced by the placement of all parking in a subterranean parking structure. This reduces the overall building mass and bulk, and minimizes the effect of the additional units TO: Planning Commission - 6. requested via density bonus. Separate, independent access to each unit is provided from the parking structure, as well as at grade level. Each unit has a private patio or yard. The site plan makes specific provision for adequate sight distance, both from the parking structure to the alley and from the alley to Irvine Avenue. The latter is particularly important, since pedestrian and bicycle traffic associated with the high school occurs on Irvine Avenue. 8. Development shall be consistent with specific General Plan and applicable Specific Area Plan policies and objectives, and shall not preclude the implementation of those policies and objectives. As discussed in the General Plan Compliance section, the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 10. When feasible, electrical and similar mechanical equipment and trash and storage areas shall be concealed. The trash enclosure for the project is located at the alley, which is typical for residential projects in the area. Setbacks. The project requested to establish a 20 foot front yard setback along 15th Street frontage of the subject property. The site has a width of greater than fifty feet and would require a side yard setback of 8% or a distance of 16.16 ft. for each side of the project. The lot is adjacent to a 20 foot wide alley and requires a rear setback of 2.5 feet. A modification to the Zoning Code has been requested to allow two stairs and entry decks with handrails within the 20 foot front yard setback which exceed three feet in height. Staff has no objections to this request. Also requested is a modification to allow the building to encroach 3.16 feet into the required 16.16 foot setback on the interior side property line. This encroachment is necessary in order to provide adequate sight distance on the Irvine Avenue side of the property. Staff has no objection to this request because a sufficient setback of 13 feet is being maintained, and the choice of the proponent to establish the front yard on the 15th Street frontage results in wider side yard setback requirement than usual. Density Bonus. Section 65915 of the California Government Code requires cities to grant a density bonus over the otherwise allowable maximum residential density under the applicable Land Use Element of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance when the developer agrees to construct at least 25 percent of the units in the project not including bonus units for persons and families of low or moderat . income as defined by state standards. The developer has agreed to provide the 3 de sity bonus units as affordable consistent with the provisions of the Newport Beach Housing Element. Conclusions and Specific Findings The adoption and amendment of the General Plan is considered a legislative act on the part of the City, and State Planning Law does not set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of a General Plan Amendment. Section 19.12.020 (D) provides that the Commission shall make specific findings in order to approve a tract map. Should the Planning Commission desire to approve this proposal, a series of Resolutions must be adopted, and Findings and Conditions of Approval established. Exhibit "A" . c; .{y1 TO: Planning Commission - 7. defines the various actions for approval. The site plan of the project does not pose any problems upon which to base findings for denial. If public testimony raises specific areas of concern, they can form the basis of findings for denial. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director Associate Planner AZIZ\GPA89-2F.104 Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Draft Resolution No. 3. Vicinity Map 4. Negative Declaration 5. Traffic Study 6. Plot Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations 7. Tentative Tract Map . . -A 1 • Planning Commission Meeting January 4. 1990 Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment No. 89-2(F) The following additional information regarding the statistical profile of the project located at 15th Street and Irvine Avenue is provided for the information of the Planning Commission. Standard MFR (2,178) Standard Proposed Project Open Space 92,838 cu.ft. +160,000 cu.ft. Location of Open Space: 1. contiguous to the front yard setback 23,210 cu.ft. (25%) + 34,496 cu.ft. 2. contiguous to the rear yard setback 23,210 cu.ft. (25%) + 44,464 cu.ft. 3. open on two sides and to the sky 46,420 cu.ft. (50%) + 78,960 cu.ft. Floor Area 34,229 sq.ft. 25,000 sq.ft. (without parking structure) 34,074 sq.ft. (with parking structure floor area over 200 sq.ft. per required space) Floor Area Ratio 1.75 PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director Aziz M.Aslami Associate Planner AMA/WP50 AZIZ\GPA89-2F.SR2 1.74 April 3, 1990 Mitagation Measures SPR 54 2101 15th Street Plan Check No. 478-90 Condition I IOT 7. Landscape Plan OW prepared by Licensed Landscape Architect and certification that above is installed OW 1 8. Landscape Plan review n (y 9. All rooftop and other g� J mechanical equipment 55dBA and, PL and screened from view Dent. Planning Action Hold on final PBR Hold on final Planning bel—pl ode nforcement Hold on final Conditions of Approval SPR 54 Owl� 1. Substancial conformance Planning Plans approval 2. Design subterranean Traffic Plans approval parking 3. Construcion parking Traffic grading permit plan or plans approval 4. Subterranean parking Traffic Plans approval ramp 2% slope ( q 5. 2 spaces/d.u. + Planning Plans approval �Y/ V2 spaces/d.u. guest ✓T b. Guest spaces Planning Plans approval independently Traffic accessible and identified 7. Parking areas Traffic Plans approval Mitigation Measures SPR 54 Page 2 striped 8. Parking areas Traffic Plans approval 5% slope 9. Circulation Traffic Plans approval systems 10. Mechanical/trash Code Enforcement Hold on final screened 11. Landscape plan jPB& Plans a rov ! PPu he Works tTu �d Dt1 I Yl� 12. Conditions of Planning Plans approval TTM No. 14186 Public Works 13. Silt, dust, debris Grading Plans approval control plan Engineer 14. Haul routes, Grading Plans approval watering, sweeping Engineer 15. Affordable Housing Planning Plans approval agreement 16. Term of affordability Planning Plans approval 30 years �17. N/A TTM NO. 14186 1. Final Tract Map Planning Plans approval recordation prior Public Works to issuance of Building Permits. 2. Public Works 3. Public Works 4. Public Works Mitigation Measures SPR 54 Page 3 All vehicular access from alley 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Traffic Public Works Building Planning Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Building and Public Works Public Works Public Works Plans approval LAMAR/DOLL ASSOCIATES, INC. CD. 23161 MILL CREEK ROAD, SUITE 230 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 714/583.2550 FAX 714/583.2551 LIC. x 1434 July 24, 1991 To: City of Newport PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, Beach Planning Department CA 92659-1768 Re: Villa Siena, 15 unit condominium project at 2101 15th Street, Newport Beach, CA To Whom It May Concern, We hereby certify that the planting and irrigation work installed at the above referenced site is substantially in conformance with the plans and specifications prepared by this office. If you have any questions on this of if we can be of any further assistance, please call. S r ly, Vice President DML/oem 1010CERT.LTR "WW FINAL.FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR GPA 89-2(F), TRAFFIC STUDY No. 62, AMENDMENT NO. 700, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14186 AND SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 54 AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 12, 1990 A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Findings: 1. That an Initial Study has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City policy. 2. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, the project is not anticipated to have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has, therefore, been prepared. 3. That the information contained in the environmental document has been considered in the decision on the project. Mitigation Measures: 1. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 2. The grading plan shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize impacts from silt, debris and other water pollutants. 3. The grading permit shall include a description of haul routes, access points to the site, watering and sweeping program designed to minimize the impact of haul operations. 4. F n erosion, siltation and dust control plan shall be submitted and be subject tr the approval of the Building Department and a copy forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. 5. The grading, excavation and recompaction of the site shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on the recommendations of a soil engineer or an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Building Department. 6. The recommendations of the geotechnical investigation, prepared for the project by EJN Geotechnical dated October 25, 1989, shall be complied with as required by the Newport Beach Building Department. t+" Final Findings and Conditions, James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 2 7. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of the landscaping with the proposed construction schedule. Prior to the occupancy of any structure, the licensed landscape architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan. 8. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. 9. All rooftop and other mechanical equipment shall be sound attenuated in such a manner as to achieve a maximum sound level of 55 dBA at the property line, and that all mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. 10. Excavation of the subterranean parking structure shall be limited to the hours of operation between 8:am and 4:pm, Monday through Saturday. B. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-2(F) Adopt Resolution No. 1210, recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 89-2(F) to the City Council. C. TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 62. Findings: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the project does not create traffic which exceeds 1% on any approach leg of potentially affected intersections in the vicinity of the project. 3. That the traffic study indicates that the project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of service on any major, primary -modified, or primary street. D. AMENDMENT NO. 700. Recommend approval of Amendment No. 700 to the City Council, an amendment to a portion of Districting Map No. 21 rezoning the site from R-3 to. R-3 (2,178) - SPR and to establish a 20 foot front yard setback on 15th Street, with the following findings: Final Findings and Conditions, James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 3 1. That the amendment is necessary to implement the provisions of the Newport Beach General Plan. 2. That the proposed project cannot be implemented without the proposed amendment. E. TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 14186 Findings: 1. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the design of the subdivision. 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. 4. That public improvements may be required of the developer per Section 19.08.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Section 66415 of the Subdivision Map Act. Conditions: 1. That a final map be recorded prior to issuance of building permits. That the final map be prepared using the State Plane Coordinate System as a basis of bearing. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to record a tract map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. e 4. That each dwelling unit be served with an individual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. Y • , ���W Y Final Findings and Conditions. James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 4 5. That the intersection of Irvine Avenue with 15th Street and Irvine Avenue with the adjacent alley be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 30 miles per hour. Slopes, landscapes, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping and structures within the sight line shall not exceed twenty four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 6. That the proposed wall along Irvine Avenue be set back to provide for landscaping and sight distance as approved by Public Works Department. 7. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits. 8. That all vehicular access to the property be from the adjacent alley. 9. That the existing 4 foot sidewalk be widened to 8 foot along 15th Street and Irvine Avenue. Deteriorated and displaced sections of the existing sidewalk shall be replaced. The curb return shall be constructed on a 25 foot radius. The sidewalk access ramp be constructed at the southeast corner of 15th Street and Irvine Avenue and at the intersection of Irvine Avenue and the alley. The deteriorated portion of the alley be reconstructed. All work shall be constructed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 10. That street, drainage and utility improvements be shown on standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer. 11. That a hydrology and hydraulic study be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department, along with a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for the on -site improvements prior to recording the tract map. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the iudy shall be the responsibility of the developer. 12. That the overhead utility lines on 15th Street and Irvine Avenue be underground. 13. That the Public Works Department plan check and inspection fee be paid. 14. That the developer, prior to the issuance of a grading permit, shall submit a construction operation plan to the Building and Public Works Departments for approval. The plan is to discuss the construction scheduling for the various phases of the project and show how the operations have been planned to minimize the noise and earth moving impacts on the high school operations. The plan shall include considerations of the safety of the students walking, riding bicycles and driving to and from the high school Q- % F ( Final Findings and Conditions James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 5 and Horace Ensign Intermediate school. Deliveries, earth hauling and concrete placement should be scheduled to occur at non peak traffic hours or school holidays. Peak traffic periods are 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The plan is also to include a parking proposal that shows where construction workers will park without using on street parking except adjacent to the site. 15. That a minimum 4 feet wide paved walkway separated from traffic be maintained along the Irvine Avenue frontage at all times during the construction period and there be no parking or storing of materials along Irvine Avenue. 16. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. No construction storage or delivery of materials shall occur within the State right-of-way. Prior'to issuance of any grading permits, a parking plan for workers must be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department. 17. That in -lieu park fees shall be paid pursuant to Section 19.50 of the Municipal Code. F. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 54. Findings: 1. That the project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Adequate off-street parking is being provided in conjunction with the proposed development. 3. The project will comply with all applicable City and State Building Codes and Zoning requirements for new building applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located, except those items requested in conjunction with the proposed modifications. 4. The proposed development is a high -quality proposal and will not adversely affect the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties within the area. 5. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of i Final Findings and Condditions. } James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 6 property within the proposed development. 6. That a density bonus of three units is consistent with the provisions of the Housing Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, and elevations, except as may be noted below. 2. The design and layout of subterranean parking and ramp shall be subject to further review and approval of the Traffic Engineer. 3. A construction parking plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of any building or grading permit. 4. That the ramp to the subterranean parking structure be designed to city standards and the driveway ramp not exceed 2% slope within the alley setback area. 5. That a minimum of two parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus one- half guest parking space for each dwelling unit be provided on -site. 6. That guest parking spaces be independently accessible and be identified as guest parking in a manner acceptable to the Traffic Engineer. 7. That all parking areas shall be striped with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. 8. Parking areas shall have a maximum 5% slope. 9. That the final design of on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 10. That all mechanical equipment and in sh areas shall be screened from adjoining properties. ' 11. That the applicant shall prepare a landscape plan which identifies the size, type and location of all plant material and the design and location of a permanent irrigation system. Said landscape plan shall be subject to the review and -approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 12. That all conditions of Tentative Map of Tract No. 14186 shall be fulfilled. Final Findings and Conditions, James White, Lawrence Campeau & Wayne Fraser 2101 15th Street Page 7 13. That a siltation, dust, and debris control plan shall be submitted and be subject to approval by the Building Department and a copy shall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. This shall be a complete plan for temporary and permanent facilities to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 14. That the siltation, dust, and debris control plan shall include a description of haul routes, access points to the site, watering, and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. 15. The applicant shall enter into an affordable housing agreement, form and content of which is acceptable to the Planning Department and the City Attorney's Office, agreeing to the provision of three affordable units in the project. The affordable to moderate income families if the units are for sale or to low income families at fair market rent if the units are rented by the applicant or successors in interest, in accordance with the provisions of the Newport Beach Housing Element. 16. The term of affordability shall be thirty years. 17. This site plan review shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 J of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 By.Dana Aslam' Associate Planner By: -Scot Ferris Assistant Planner Address: Date:_ Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot Plan Check No: '41 / ?5 YU By:Genia Kaznocha Assistant Planner By: afo Block Section Tract Verify legal description with Public Work's Covenant required. Please have owner's signature notarized on the attached document and return to me. % �7 Q� Lot Size 2 �d , ✓`� X /3 ° i / ) 0 � ZoneMR / 4---R L2 //rZ F / Number of Units 5 Buildable Area r7o�f Maximum Structural Area y0WRZYi,61(Area including exterior walls, stairway(s) on one level and equi ed parking�� I x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: T 5 x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations 0 proposed square footage - Open Space Area /r!�gcu.ft. (Volume of space equal to buildable wui h� x six). This area must be at least six feet in and+ direction (6'x 61x 61), and open on at least two sides, or one sides and one ern—dp�. i) CfY� Yln v/j f' c� 1�.C� ev-1/ .9 % a1W ` 0 /� / 0`2 Req iced Setbacks v II,, vU Front/ Rear CL5 -- IS Right Side / Left Side! & . /(O Note: The following -are not permitted to encroach into required setback: Balconies Fireplaces Decks Bay/Garden Windows Other Remark: Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to mid -point of roof. Code allows an additional 5'-0" to the ridge height. Q ' f5' Allowable mid -point �v Allowable ridge height Dimension all elevations from natural grade to: mid-point(s) of roof plane(s) ridge(s) of roof plane (s) •1� // / • f/ / / Re ks // 1 bel natural grade and fini hed grad on all ® Maximum Coverage Number of Storie 11 ev-: r ., . •-.i ...x. eMi `i#!:i .a.. )mo »- ....-- 11 . 1 .��., r �-.............. -- � 0 Required Parking: clear inside minimum 9' -4" x 19' single space ,, `, ) 17' -6" x 19' two spaces �6 ' cif !�/�,/ 8' x 16' third/fourth spaces(s) n M,� Labe clear inside dimensions of� provided parking spaces L%w vv v-i� CU s d� emolition p oposed���J�/��J Number of units to be demolished -&- _ Fairshare Contribution�� San Joaquin hills Transportation Corridor Fee - Park Dedication Fee �%� / / ' �' /s �D 3j 7 ( �i SJ SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval No. on plans. Modification required for Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdlan ReviTract � �� ��i1Y !� �✓GfiL -� Gam/ Site Plan Review G� (/ Other Public Works: B� Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer � U d Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Buildin De artment' ) y Grading Enginee Jt& D —1 G- "?'`(j5v �1� 6� if yy� ct 2 )-' u' Parks Department: ` U OCG�2 _ Approval of Landscape`Plans , Coastal ApprovAl Required. Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of plans: site, floor, and elevations) Coastal development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (C.E.O.) (Note: Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver # Exempt, Because Miscellaneous 1. Provide floor plan(s), fully dimensioned, showing all room uses. 2. Provide plot plan, fully dimensioned, showing: location of all buildings, and distance to property lines. distance from face of curb to front property line (verify with Public Works) second and third floor footprints (if applicable) all projections (i.e. fireplaces, bay windows), label distance(s) to PL(s) 3. Chimney (and chimney caps etc.) heights permitted only as required by U.B.C. or manufacturer specifications. �- Ir 4. Pools, spas, walls, fences, patio coverstand other freestanding structures require separate reviews and permits." O�alAa On VI,&-e- 5/2-1 ory Issuance of a Buildin ��}� the City 5. Association Approval 6 Zi does elieve t of legal requirement to serve covenants, nditions nd estrictions hich may be recorded against a pro or to community assoc ation approves o pan . c9l i !how' -h� /1-1l,F* VQY Gt/12a� Gc_ ,e9au� �/IGGulL *h_ 1 Telephone: (714) 644-3200 By.Dana Aslam' Associate Planner By:Scot Ferris. Assistant Planner Date:_�,O t ZqoAddress Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS /7 �7� G% Plan Check No: / ?5 / By:Genia Kaznocha, Assistant Planner By: a IOI 15-A Block Section Tract Verify legal description with Public Works Covenant required. Please have owner's signature notarized on the attached document and return tome. Lot Size 0,3"Io `� t�7� 0 0"6 y Zone I ! IIER (.2 i/ / 0p /- Number of Units 5 ✓/ Buildable Area / D. 0/ x Z �5 * 9� Maximum Structural Area �� LZ,_U(Area including exterior walls, stairway(s) on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: 00 1✓51 x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations proposed square footage. Open Space Area 2 aDLa cu.£t. (Volume of space equal to buildable �itk p s�i5 t x six). This area must be at least six feet in &ny direction (61xo/61x 61), Land open on at�nl�egset�two sidee/s, or one /s_�ide and one end. A (D � 1 C� j o2�/D �l[A Rec iced Setbacks ((// // Front t79,0 , Rear , % / Right Side/ &' ( (P Left Side . /" Note: The following are not permitted to encroach into required setback: Balconies Fireplaces Decks Bay/Garden Windows Other Remarks: Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to mid -point of roof. Code allows an additional 5'-0" to the ridge height. Allowable mid -point �V Allowable ridge height S Dimension all elevations from natural grade to: O mid-point(s) of roof plane(s) ridge(s) of roof plane(s) Rem ks n P+' $O abel natural grade -and finished grad on all elevations. Distance between buildings Z0 /Q Q2/_I/( Maximum Coverage Number of Stories f k 6 UMCMt,Nj Required Parking: clear inside minimumj t I ! f'L �`� . ? t�, `{aid 9' -4" x 19' single space �+ 3$ 17' -6" x 19' two spaces 8' x 16' third/fourth spaces(s) ` Labe clear inside dimensions of provided parking spaces Is demolition poposed7 Number of units to be demolis edl—' LA9--. br �_ Fairshare Contributiori�((''r/ San Joaquin hills Transportation Corridor Fete ADV 1, Park Dedication Fee tr ' /'% / I ~ ( + vt SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval No. on plans. Modification required for Plann •ne Cp mi s on: Use Permit s Variance Resubdivision/Tract Site Plan Review %t(-LOther Public Works- Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer —'> /'- Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Buildirm Deg Grading EnginaeY`e. Parks Devartment: Approval of Landscape Plans 1 r Coastal Avv oval ReQuired: ) Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of plans: site, floor, and elevations) Coastal development Permit No, Categorical Exclusion No. (C.E.O.) (Note: Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver # Exempt, Because Miscellaneous 1. Provide floor plan(s), fully dimensioned, showing all room uses. 2. Provide plot plan, fully dimensioned, showing: location of all buildings, and distance to property lines. distance from face of curb to front property line (verify with Public Works) second and third floor footprints (if applicable) all projections (i.e. fireplaces, bay windows), label distance(s) to PL(s) 3. Chimney (and chimney caps etc.) heights permitted only as required by U.B.C. or manufacturer specifications. 4.rPools, spas, walls, fences, patio covers and other freestanding structures r require separate reviews and permits. 5. Association Approval((Adv- isoxy)r) Issuance of a Building,-Parmir—by the City does_,notxelieve appiic-- t of legal requirement to observe covenant �bnditions andrestrictions which may be recorded against-: t e pfbpeity-or to bbtatn community ass6-c a'tion approvaT—of--platiN a oa, 33 x i37, 5 = -� �7 ?a o ,ua -Le 0-1va 51,15 l 55 /. / 5 75 SOD ae aeeeeuxr/�& �Y /) 8/I/- sl aiudl4oe' Alf le WA07� 010u." . Rol /a Ovv OAP-,.,2 ,o/v P12-o pD�� C9D' 49, 6- /fir��-ao .•\w?�`• ^Arw'n1'�^ iCfi` ;'S3;,i>n,?::y$<�•,r 'iiy> r:�y.-..�. +.�. vw aa.. .. �., a.� my�"�-•v..rnm�t.�w ,�w•..•:n;:.n ex r... v., :.i +t', .:e^4::5 '.r;. �(� •,..+' • i i .,:. „..�..ti,i: •f . y, 4A;F _ \,ri.N ,.\.; . 5 Y: e:ii•(: ., •.i, f ', yL •�.�J �.S lv�: i.�.j[ ..��._Q., sj., .;y ..ay e;. .�Yj �c..CC''" •n,^ =��". � .x.� i . 'r•.;�, •i}:. •\.^.. i}':Z.�4�.�Fia •M11` '.�. �'�', yfl"ti .�`y �a l•,^y � - �'.<.. '•r: Stii•.•Y�1CC:" "ti�37•,a✓: :.L:..\. .'%,_; ,+, :. .'f.. '•.:: fA.4. u.;"` _ ', r, .. �� .''H:,t S:'•`�C ^b :�... by \ tr 11.• , .,� �?l4;. "i..rn ,,�.. ,. .... ..^...... ... .,, - t a.61cv u . op 79 a.,.'••t-•^fb'^a5)".iaT?..!W�!'w•SR"nM1v��r3=iA.:^Rr xrw*<-'l,Faj.7�:'�`��ar�TH: ���`� 'e'�,K/aS �iJ+1M:i��;��'Z3'T'.���^j.�� ,.` �.: c� .. <va'-'r,fsr'y s�'��i°'. '�s �'"'+"' :?:n .- Rii_4`''is(:.:-: ^�, .r.,, . ,;' �':: a,¢ Es{,� r . .� -i,•ty `'f'-..�:i.• - "6 .ems:: �.�• May 23, 1990 City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Villa Siena, 2101 15th Street Construction Schedule Gentlemen: To completely discuss our construction operation plan we have divided the job into five separate phases - excavation, subterranian and slab, offsite, framing and rough, finish and landscape - however prior to discussion of each phase we should talk about our overall plan for staffing, safety and cleaning. We will staff the job with a full time superintendent and laborers as needed. our superintendent, Don Crtalic, will be on the site from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.'each workday. Don is very qualified to run a job such as this. He most recently completed a $15 million apartment project at Fairview Hospital in the city of Costa Mesa. The safety of the patients was a major concern of both the State of California and ourselves. The job went smoothly with no accident of any kind. Don will be supplied with a job trailer, telephone and all the tools necessary to keep the site both clean and safe. Safety The entire job will be fenced and lighted at night during all phases of construction. The fence shall be 6 feet high and placed in back of the existing sidewalk on both 15th Street and Irvine Avenue maintaining a clear, clean 4 foot paved walkway for pedestrians. Along the alley and east side of the project the fence shall be placed on the property line. Should any portion of the existing 4 foot sidewalk have to be removed for some reason, the area shall be patched with asphalt to maintain a hard level surface. Erosion, Siltation & Dust Control The existing water meter (in the alley) has been put in our name and will be maintained throughout the job to give us a permanent on site water source for dust control and construction use. During excavation, over-x and import of backfill dust will be controlled with both a water truck and fire hoses from the adjacent fire hydrant. Mesa Development Co., Inc. 2925 College, Suite A3, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-9991 FAX: 979-0343 City of Newport Beach May 23, 1990 Page Two A complete description of our erosion and siltation prevention measures are included in the grading plan. Neiahbor Relations All neighbors surrounding the construction site have been notified as to who we are and what to expect. Should they have any concerns or problems they have been encouraged to contact Don or ourselves. A copy of the letter has been attached. Pedestrian Consideration The school drop off area on 15th Street will be maintained free of all construction equipment and delivery trucks during school hours. The existing mail drop box shall remain accessible to the residents during the entire job. Material Delivery All deliveries shall be scheduled to avoid the rush hour traffic from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Parking Parking for construction workers should only present a problem during the first three months of construction. Fortunately this phase will occur during the summer months. The subterranian parking structure should be complete by the time school starts on September 15. Our workers will then park in the completed structure. we have made arrangements with the Masonic Temple at 1401 E 15th Street to use their lot while our subterranian parking is under construction. (See attached letter.) Some street parking will also be available because school will not be in session during this time. PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION Phase I - Excavation The contractor doing our excavation has estimated approximately five days for the export of the soil. He will staff the job with a flagman for traffic control. All trucks will enter and exit the property from the alley. Empty trucks will be brought in from the eastern end of the alley and exit from the west end adjacent to the property. This should avoid any traffic tie ups on either City Of Newport Beach May 23, 1990 Page Three 15th Street or Irvine Avenue. The contractor will have a water truck on hand for dust control and street cleaning. The excavation will be done with rubber -tired equipment minimizing vibrations to the neighbors. Phase II - Subterranian - 9 weeks This phase of the job should have minimum impact on the neighborhood with the exception of concrete trucks. During the footing, block wall and parking slab work, concrete will be offloaded on site. When the subterranian deck is poured a large concrete boom pump will be used. The pump and concrete truck will kept on 15th Street. Because the deck must be a monolithic pour, the day of the pour will be very busy. We will have a flagman on the site for the entire day and file a traffic control plan with the City of Newport Beach. Phase III - Offsite Again, it is fortunate that this phase of the job will be done during summer months with no school in session, and completed concurrently with the subterranian work. Impact with the neighbors will be minimum. The only exception to this will be the 8 foot sidewalk and alley approach which will be completed at the end of the job. We have been working closely with both the Edison and phone companies to complete the underground utility relocation before school starts in the fall. Phase IV - Framing & Rough - Starting mid -August This phase, lasting about 8 weeks, will present some logistics problems with workers and materials. All workers will be encouraged to park in the subterranian garage to minimize traffic impact on neighboring streets. All lumber deliveries will be at off peak hours with material brought in only as needed due to limited storage area. Some materials, such as trusses and joists, will have to be stored on the site but will not interfere with pedestrian flow. Some materials will be offloaded on 15th Street, but it shall be done quickly and safely. Newport Beach published construction hours will be strictly monitored for compliance. Worker language and conduct will be continually monitored by our supervisor. Phase V - Finish & Landscape (6 months) This phase should present minimum inconvenience to neighbors, schools and traffic. All operation will be on site with materials delivered off hours. City of Newport Beach May 23, 1990 !' Page Four During this phase we will install new 8 foot sidewalks and a new alley approach. Prior to doing this work we will file a traffic control plan with the City. Please feel free to contact the undersigned if you have anv questions. 64AF : dh Enclosures February 19, 1990 Don New Seafaring Masonic Temple 1401 E. 15th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Don: Ste greatly appreciate your cooperation in allowing us to temporarily use your parking facilities in the rear of the Masonic lodge. This will be for a period of approximately eight weeks in May and June of 1990. To show our appreciation we are committing to re -slurry coat your asphalt surface after we use the lot so as to cover any wear and tear caused by our use. Again thank you for your efforts and approval. JGW:dh Mesa Development Co., Inc. 2925 College, Suite A3, Costa Mess+, CA 924�6 (714) 979.9991 FAX: 979.0343 r. �e�tf�tritt� ,�tz,t;nttir +�ttil�iu� ,��,�uritt�ic�tt P.O. BOX 2026 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 (714) 673-0360 James G. White Jr. Mesa Developement Co. Inc. 2925 College Suite A-3 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Dear Jim., April 23, 1990 We approved your request for the use of our parking lot to be used for a period of approximately eight weeks in May and June of 1990. With the exception of the third Wednesday of each month when the parking lot is being used by one of our organizations meeting in the Temple. Thanking you in advance for committing to re -slurry coat our asphait surface, we would appreciate if you would strape our parking space's in the parking lot. Sincerely, / G. La-ry Seal Secretary -Treasurer VILLA SIENA .2925 College Ave., #A-3 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-9991 May 21, 1990 Dear Neighbor: We are Villa Siena the new condominium project at the corner of 15th Street and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. We would like you to know we intend to be a good neighbor during the course of construction which should last 9 to 11 months. During this period we have full time supervision on site, Mr. Don Crtalic, and should you have any problems concerning our project please feel free to contact him at the project site. Should you know of someone wishing to purchase a new condominium in this excellent neighborhood please have them call (714) 979-9991.