HomeMy WebLinkAboutVILLA BALBOA111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* Villa Balboa ' � I THE eAL o oOla • C 2 / YERSAILLES ASSOCIATES 'ram \ VA r � •` !/:/ f \\ LOT 13 A Olt.` t,,4 Imo• �'L LOT 4 . � . l ._ � /_�\ EXIST suu +L y �q % LOT 11 f d.u. o �`, 2 3o LilfQ j� �4 ;. 2� �,}a yt \j �o r �C ZSq I9 +.1 ��;. .L/ • (•�`•/ LOT d Cady . . LOT 10 LOT 9 ` <\ �� wczs91-a'� � . 6lc !�46_46 D�, `� ,, (/.fl LOT 6 AN 0 0 INTERIM LANDSCAPE PLAN v VOO lie • � ��:%/ ,,! �•\vim~' ,y r`/9 ¢ja Bpi �� ice; +,•,e •. /q :r r �ZONE2- ��.5, 1`�,, ! v' I• ! J'., �. .__ .., r- •ZONES -_ _ ZONE SA `` =Zip ��--sZONEg s INTERIM LANDSCAPE PLAN Summerhill Development Company 755 Page Mill Road January 22, 1987 Palo Alto California 94304 415 857 0122 Tracy E. Williams Planning Department City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Ref: Tract 8336, Lot 9 - Building Permit (P.L. #1746) This letter is written to confirm our understanding that we are to provide two additional accessible covered parking stalls prior to issuance of final occupancy permits on the above referenced building project. These additional parking stalls will satisfy the required 54 accessible stalls to meet, City codes. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, r1 1 Ls�x Robert N. Wells Director of Project Management RNW/gb 1122 East Lincoln Avenue Building 4 Suite 113 Orange California 92665 714 974 9192 Summerhill Development Company 17" RCCEIVEU�( Planning Cepartm - JAPi22198? �.. nt AtEl,V OCI OF .4T SEACH. CALIF. January 20, 1987 Tracy E. Williams City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Ref: Villa Balboa Project Dear Tracy, Attached is tabulation prepared by R.N.M. Architects, showing current, proposed, and total parking and bedroom count for Villa Balboa project. Also attached is com- posite plot & grading plan for entire Villa Balboa project for your use. If you would like additional copies, please call on me. Thank you very much for your assistance, ob Wells Director BW/rm enclosure of Project Management • f CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,, November 18, 1986 PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO: Project Manager, Villa Balboa FROM: Tracy Williams, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Villa Balboa Plan Check #1746-86 in addition to the attached correction list, the following conditions must be satisfied pursuant to the. Settlement Agreement effective November 1, 1972. 1. The number of dwelling units shall not exceed 453 and the total number of bedrooms shall not exceed 755. Please provide tabulations of the number of existing units and proposed. 2. 3 4. Provide Grading Plan pursuant to approved grades as depicted in "Exhibit B" of Settlement Agreement. See attached copy. Please clearly identify 32'-0" maximum average at midpoint on all elevations as measured from 70.00. Provide parking tabulations on plans. information: Total number of existing spaces a. open stalls b. parking structure spaces Proposed number of spaces provided a. open stalls b. parking structure spaces Indicate the following 5. Verify number of spaces provided on site plan. 6. Payment of fees: Fair Share Fees (54 units x 551.53 = $29,3 82.62) 7. See attached Conditions of Settlement Agreement Tra y E. Williams Associate Planner TEW/11 0 0 TABULATION EXISTING TABULATION ,TOTAL UNITS: I LOT 4: 60 LOT 13: 49 LOT 5: 60 LOT 14: 49 LOT 6: 45 LOT 15: 24 TOTAL BEDROOMS: 441 O 4. 96 LOT 13: 75 LOT 5: 87 LOT 14: 75 LOT 6: 75 LOT IS: 39 TOTAL 1-BEDROOM UNITS: 133 OT 4: 30 LOT 13: 23 LOT 5: 33 LOT 14: 23 LOT•6: 15 LOT IS: 9 TOTAL 2-BEDROOM UNITS: LOT 4: 30 LOT 13: 26 LOT 5: 27 LOT 14: 26 LOT 6: 30 LOT IS: 15 iTOTAL COVERED SPACES, 344 EDT 4: 72 LOT 13- 58 LOT 5: 73 LOT 14: 58 LOT 6: 53 LOT IS: 30 .TOTAL OPEN SPACES: 235 FROM APPROVED TRACT PLAN 18336 (APPROVED 2/26/79: UPDATED 6/4/84) TOTAL UNITS• 162 LOT 9: 54 LOT 11: 54 '.LOT 10: 54 TOTAL BEDROOMS: 258 0T 9: 86 LOT T1 86 LOT 10:• 86 TOTAL 1-BEDROOM UNITS- 84 TUr 9- 28 LOT 11: 28 LOT 10: 28 TOTAL 2-BEDROOM UNITS: 60 TV 9: 20 LOT 11: 20 LOT 10: 20 TOTAL 3-BEDROOM UNI S: is OT 9: 6 LOT 11: 6 LOT 10: 6 TOTAL COVERED SPACES: LOT 9: 75 LOT 11: 75 LOT 10: 75 TOTAL OPEN SPACES: 11 NOTES:LOT 9 ONLY TO BE CONSIDERED THIS PROPOSAL LOTS 10 A 11 SUBJECT TO CHANGE LOT 2 WILL BE NON-RESDIENTIAL USE ONLY TOTAL UNITS• 449 EXISTING: 287 PROPOSED: 162 TOTAL BEDROOMS: 699 E ISTING. 441 PROPOSED: 258 TOTAL COVERED SPACES: $69 EXISTING: 344 PROPOSED: 225 TOTAL OPEN SPACES: 246 EXISTING: 235 PROPOSED: 11 TOTAL PARKING SPACES: 815 COVERED. 569 OPEN: 246 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Nov. 1, 1972) REQUIREMENTS I MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNITS: 452 PROPOSED BUILT -OUT UNITS: 449 3 UNDER MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 755 PROPOSED BUILT -OUT BEDROOMS: 699 56 UNDER REQUIRED COVERED SPACES (1/UNIT):449 PROPOSED COVERED SPACES: 569 120 OVER REQUIRED TOTAL SPACES: 736 217 (1BR) X 1.5 SP/U - 325.5 214 2BR) X 1.75 SP/U - 374.5 18 38R) X 2.0 SP/U - 36 PROPOSED SPACES: 815 79 OVER :rr w -�---���•-�.``� ��; loll \}��' ,.l tt cf of QGtADlpjra p'LA'N v VEF1�,619Z.LC-0 G�.1 THO n- 1 LSlwiaal 7U �ffgtW ( 0 5afflehfmlf 4 yre,,W rAn<<ieay•i.y.<.•n•nn:n" (11114/9{ f ` lN'ARp�,T�vLY%Acsa' 1 pgvF � / it • r / fig, �� ( ( � 10, it • � phi �� tlt I. 1� ANO /IRK N , I ,` I 1'1 �•` L , ' ell go Of ORAOINO PLAN VERSAILLES ON THE SLIJFfS NUNIM ARC JIItR 11 MAW. ECS 2W (XNifU DRIVE IRVINE C11110R%IA aJ(d 1, 141 UI1-141 u 4 \ is / ° `•�`••! ..- ._ `-__ .��EaYGfiN ..-. IOZ ; lot) f %) 4/ `'�==L� d'�"/) \vie I/ a % ��./•� / / ,�'%\ GRADING PLAN f VERSAILL@jS ON THEJE/^€//3LUFFS PfhfTRf TNfOIJ[<h fL5V5EN5 r411 <55M�p5 0Ni5'E INVINE. !\OEURtIn ggryN IJIJI M1IJ•NXI Vv-,vi_� \ li 4 /0 41, A kal � r 4)C)Qass, C^ 44 ..-:."_ ._-... I : _. ` J1;12S►�►Lrl.Ls.S DN Ti-1t 4�LU�FF s ••. . � : � �I : I .. i LOr t%:w , t) D QS- S .,:..::...... i •--� .:.:.:� .a::..,: . � : .:�� .:..••• •��.����." Boa ��.�. �t�. L.�N� _ t-C-r-T stilt = 100ScNoa?Lz MLODUZ RIG14 T S(U(_ = 1 OZ , r� CWrTt4 �TMcNA k . .:_. �.:`� � =• ;-:- I . --. _.._. ' .. • Cwt��� � 4Z .APA12.Tv� �Ts� t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA mo city Hall 3300 Now Blvd. (714) 673-2116 March 9, 1972 Chet Stare Donald J. Scholz and Co. 900 Cagney Lane Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 Dear Mr. Stare The attached numbering was approved by the Community Development, Police and Fire Departments on September 20, 1971 with the condition that a typical sign ela*ation showing size and method of lighting be approved. To date we have not received these elevations. These signs should be well displayed and of sufficient size to read from a distance. ThW system shows Building No. 1 with a typical address of 200 McNeil Lane, Apt. iio. 1 thru 42, etc., as shown on the attached map. These addresses have been routed to all public utilities, post offices, etc. and are the official numbers for this project. If you have any question about this, please contact me. Very truly yours, JAMES D. HEWICKER Assistant Director Com fity Deve "pme t De artment 133.v ��CC�.� Carol L. Kruse Planning Aide clk I September 20, 1971 Donald J. Scholz & Co. 1814 Monrovia Avenue Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 Attention: Phil Hamilton Dear Mr. Hamilton: Attached are the addresses for the "Versailles on the Bluffs at Newport." Mr. Hewicker approved except for 241 Cagney Lane. This should be changed to 900 Cagney Lane along with the others. 308 Hospital Road will be the main address at the gate f Nuse. i,... If you have any questions on this, please call me at 673-2110, Extension 263. Very truly yours, Carol L. Kruse, Planning Aide CLK/sm Attachments DONALD J. Q *.L%/IPFANv. lip 1814 Monrovia Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 92627 • Tel. (714) 645-0060 =t D5SIGATMRS • BUILDMRS • DEVELOPERS • INVESTORS Chet Stare, Vice Presidc:lt 124 August 1971 Ci ' No-v.,port Beach Cep"^ ai:.i ::, ..•zvela•ncrt 3300 7.1- -nort Boulevard Nc;`,per C ,;each,- Ca:;isornia 92660 Attznt- orl: i4r. JF.wJ 11O;7ickei, Afts'-stcn- Diructor t1^nE1•�r:cr, On �7,n_ 15J.L1 L.: S ?, i .. -r.^ ., .. ..LiS ... . _. : ,, . i ... by Nr. llewi c:::.,. at th- t-i'... t'n <J r:j p,-rmst of".. av . _ CO .. ., ., ry ..•', ... .. ,.. .If thr,re is any reason v,; • ::li;5 :;ot crrrCa , x.,a ;'vo:hj l a�iyiw your Calling or awising us Tha.:)c you. .Ours Vet J tr ..if J. LZI r Area Ouvoiopmanu.on: vaolenai C�11;c-,- Los Angulas... Chicago... Toledo... Cleveland... Dotrolt.., WachinJton D.C.... Phlla. 'u"Ho... Syracuse... Charlotta, N.C. a .. .. 0% -- - -- : ..... I' ... - - , - •. - . � - - : LY- — -- . - , - A x� -0-11 NnAn W. qk- 1; - 7 VICIN17Y MAP -SAW, .1.1CASS PROJECT TABULATION ..F, 40' EXISTMG TAflULATION ToTIS. flGLtoUT WMADIONN A. Milrd", AS, to, S: 0 M 1� IC:' .l. L I., Is LOT IS. 2. &C, I'Dwooto m tIt1 'NI:11 o 1Is T 1• 3vIm. u, SWa AS 1, n IWV 'A, MI CIA to; 11 .1 it., I "PTL AD 'AM11:1- 79949.1141 WIS. a .:I ...... to; it. i's OT 20 too; 11 M i;. ;I na,Ine—All Ilrrmrm MI'M W10 cIl/.j SETTGEMEW AGREEMENT PR[IPOS USMADINCIP4 (W, 1. 1972) KQIJMREAlEN Lot .. 0 M ..... .o... ...I. O.F .1M1.A1S, SI • 0.�A MA LoMam . t U w MISS[ AID.1 MsolmiIt$ p9hll"l11 I, t,.11.011� StIljol1. INN, 11.11UIAt 3. Zdr 11 ' z T n 70TAL 1.91716 Al 11.1 AA"M•n m 2m A I"A - 1 .1—TiA'SAN. AS CL Ul 106 tor Ali 7 all to ST SCASICEM als FAICAS,, WAS 3. 1 13 MKI 1. 2 .1" if . usalli'm ADD COCA In • 99NERAL INFORMATION: It& Ilm INMR: 50036 IS ASCANSTAI...lAnCol. OCT.2 . 1900 - I.W. LMM ACIDS B.O. AS A'Sok. D. 0 FACASS. V. CA `S`AAAAA`l . ACCA'SAAA, arwrpw -SF,.lmAA& sp-1 A. SNILDING PLAN CHE P-s . A AS CK NO. 1746-86 IF 1- 1' /EE. e1 i; Ch . • yr r a If(,. • G t` 4 q T, /6uX nn. _ N 01 r.:.i r'.✓' a' ,de 2' e'-+ x M•o' _ JLte e: - - • Z •i. 91 xolveiii.1 SW n .: y [ n y I ' ®i I ,n•a•..- nun —_ - _'] siw f ' Y Y a ♦♦ n Yu • I slw I o 41� 1+ ,oi 1 ,o] - - , . r. tos I , toe i _4 Q 121 .Suit I� 1 i _ 1 II - XIXIt,• S ,7• •i • a.. ia, , 1 �9i2' O WWOOrI o dw { O .•e-0 ".•'•. u 3'Ir' � e _ nI[,IM YLLIs 1i3. 1M • \ • � 4 PIT• -'_• •oi Ylslw y"Yy^ I - i i In .ter 1 l ^ ; s a nn LEI -i .r'S Q' - ® +' j � b _ - •' 1 M1i ,[i Ll DW vESI,JULF t Wu �!'i -] Wl ITS rl1 9 l o AA 0.AWNT Q- 1 ELEV {IG IJ -W i g _ O • , C _� F no'• too toe. rr � r „e - n11�y,lan^t^n'�N `♦♦ l.. - -p Qtlw uuL � ti �' -- p .-- .' :.. yPn•.o- aM3 ♦ S '. .. Y . 1 1 ♦ I R o-1 ,AIn - [Q[16l 3 J ,[r._ W�Nh n W a n AL � t r„oea _ uu I B _ L ..n , • ,loom ti-e' •Le'.e' 1 i z` z'-u' i .w'•o' ,:n'h' t ±[ __ n • 1 , _ �' , • _ 1 n - FIRST LEVEL PLAN s uuul • WAS 1 • t _R[I Sly _ rlltt T YVIY 1 - 1. 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YI I I ,� - ° , •- 11 ' �' Irwpafn[SAA SWISnS• T.m ilpll¢/4C1{• NS/11• NI • ' �• 9T S$ i SINn: Sa tpaN3•bLplp,3 ' • on ti-o � n. a.¢: w Smmme»Iwtra[aow>ter _ tlC Ep0 M SIIIIa tlm N ■ Nlllm TItEa[tF, )t[ u•-.' 9=n' �.f-le 24-9 n'+o 'S'- nn,lt(pu: >.,» Eba3R 1SW[Si Rflpmam lv WaalTMM1t IOIa�AyY,]A YN[aWllrtllMadnclallpK qq'-a' Y as'•u' • - j-I i } r k 3 i O i ' 4 Y. i m AAAA N.1 tl _J a pI �u ;.3 ,ur-r rT3'—•, O — eepae . BULDIMMUERMWO 2( • o rt I. • O 4. LC �JL 'e ^ t =ut:... _ r b O } 77 \) O O O r • 1 - •;�y --�! i-•r-oli YIYI% G u-o m- '^D•d Y Y'-J V•♦ lulu 10001 Y II••• �.ILJ `. n• .ay.p• �5'-'1• D-Id • _ +- p __� ■ Cl; 1 0 ,I I I - • oQ I Ir—_ I N V <_ Is- 21 C �_ - I 1 - I 1 1 s[[ fxUt •H'.}M'1o, ' I I _� Q ri 1 1 I 1 .••1•.e- RMi it -o i _ Iw I I 1 �'�- � ri,•n 1 �.�-. 1 Y 1 b - 1 - 1 .I. 1 1 - ■ �. �d-.I W.. 111�4 �f L'1Z 1' I un I � • I 11 V4li y 1 I_ �1 a' _ Ld ei-i 1'0• s %JJ a fm 9 ' 3 - Y } a m, lulu ar IYl colio °" I tMll Li'L#6L• dd aol ` 3 - +Ott 31. 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VtD✓" oR[n.. � Lnpllo I[D [.a./NI SERLE AGAEEwENT - PiiOPO5E0ABULNION ItioY. 1. lmlt) NEOUWEUEiP[SS jolts Min. Lp '\ lm IL L nn211 It Yaml w .1.. Hf .yG - • loin nrwejy I[ w•IL3[Y wltl•M Y113: Mi Y°°la Iv}, :• -10, i Y oat n: w C lDl Jt M r21Ytln Y..ItT I} LStwYi[ iw • ����n� wtltitt tYllT•M wwww. Yt m >.eanIDT�StP2iii])b if w wu Lot IG H Yltuw[D piwn ir¢[s PLwItltU[sw S _ -iat3-rcRiir�ioi ulsm °° nerwto cwuu iwdir - 1nu • Lot 11, to MOLL. SYf AI sn[L3: T)✓ 1 IN Ilwl ] I.f vM • ]N AlQ VOW '.Lina . uY� �1, IP 1tu11 Ln Lrn-)D /_ t1. 1 a is lrl it t vn: ]L 9L �(W U ! I - wl Is, t n.nu• sru[3: to P[I J� T [—mi4�-71 ['L �a - Ts YtlIY Lu J . Im to ID n-TS `�H 19 ILL., wn iw[[3: n /n /co "1 Yniwl Will wfwflaaOlYN IiA54 i 5DY ' r iYltl !1 L[NEAAI IMEOA►1ATION3 um nwlrnmm: • • . mL n>Lcu: " mews ' -• I wwn rrn- Irtl[e wYwYlw un� e. Y i.ct- _ lua rrstwr trr u[a Isv w1w pn w LYAI tltw. Swm • Lt [MIDI Ym m1/mUm M; Mr- CCU)- - - .rn. t.w . Sw..r.. w[ww w IYJ•t • 1r..r1.lr.lww. , I— urr • a, wsmr t[w, nswrnv w'"Y•mYr.lww - rw[rnr.lAAtr•Liww NtlILCIML PUN CNECN t746•E6 vn+•- _--^'CT.a. lose. 1 - • iLAIXK9M[iEPAMW-NT SIBMTTALSEf RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Ry: Bill Luttrell, A ociate Planner By: Dana Dobbs, Assistant Planner ,,..yy//�/ Address: a000 f/%�i�1 , Date: Corrections Required: Plan Check No: al f %O By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner Legal Description: Lot / Block Section TractA 3 , Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone pr, Number of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (Volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in an direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Front Rear Right Side Left Side Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings, Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be 8' x 161). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. _t-)L— Fair Share San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee ^/I& Park Dedication SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variancd Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan Review Other - Public Works- Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Association Approval (Advisory) * _ 4. Other, NOTE: it is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No: 2 59 2 - 12 r By: Bill Luttrell, Associate Planner By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner By: Dana Dobbs, Assistant Planner M the 51AF L24'r ea s� Date: 2'3 gg Address: 20 P,a'►ZLS l.A�rJ� (Jerse,ti Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot It Block Section Tract 8336, Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone rG Number. of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in an direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). c Ct*A fVIA, a� �H�eriur Shvois 29,1 w Reel - Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories V- Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x --'— 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be 8' x 161). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. 3 ¢ d �sf-f6'� o P P° VV U717 Fair Share Contribution Sq' X �� �' Wf �i 1Z 65 CAt,l,ec.7SD A'r GVIAVIN4 /)EY1-XVr ISSUAlkXG San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee Af Park Dedication Fee /v/r (OVER) SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan Review Other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer :oi 9aY.v. aPror'I Approval of Landscape Plans Building Departmentt Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption I Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, .� fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Association Approval (Advisory) 4. Other Vr 11Lw .. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approval$ from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No: By. Bill Luttrell Associate Planner By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner By: Dana Dobbs, Assistant Planner qq dz�� Date:�� �0-97 _ Address: 0C./d Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on.attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone �- Number of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking)._________x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (Volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in any direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Front Rear Right Side Left Side Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be 8' x 161). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. �% Fair Share Contribution �%� �n % (4 9 San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee 44 Park Dedication Fee (OVER) SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modificatinn Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract site Plan Review Other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous � 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Association Approval (Advisory) / 4. other f�{"r�i),��iy� .��'�ir?'� L��d lL/1i'.: NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 CITY OF NEW ORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 PLANNING DEPA12MENT (714) 644-3200 August 4, 1987 Mr. Russ Reese Assistant Vice President Gibraltar Savings and Loan 5342 Agnes Avenue North Hollywood, CA. 91607 SUBJECT: Property and Building at 900 Cagney Lane, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Reese: With reference to our previous telephone conversation concerning the subject property, this letter is provided for the purpose of .formally appraising Gibraltar Savings and Loan of the current status of said property and building, relative to all previous s= entitlements and agreements approved by the City of Newport Beach. The property at 900 •Cagney Lane was originally developed on the basis of Use Permit No. 1514 which was approved by the Planning Commission on February 18, 1971. Said use permit allowed the construction of a temporary rental/model pavilion and related parking area in the "Versailles -on -the -Bluffs -in -Newport" project. As indicated in the attached staff report and Planning Commission minutes dealing with Use Permit No. 1514, said approval was for a period of two years at the end of which, the pavilion was to be removed. In 1972 a "Stipulated Judgement" dealing with this particular property was entered in the Orange County Superior Court. Said settlement agreement was subsequently modified in 1973. Paragraph H(4)(a) of the settlement agreement authorized the continued use of the display and, general office facilities, etc., and their remodeling in connection with the selling of condominiums to be built on the undeveloped property within the project. A copy of said portion of the settlement agreement is also attached. The original judgement was orange County Superior Court Case No. 197119. In April of this year, the Planning Department became aware that the office use on the subject property was no longer associated with the first time sale of condominiums within the Villa Balboa 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newr3ort Beach Mr. Russ Reese August 4, 1987 Page 2 project; therefore, the existing office tenant (Newport Development Company) was given notice to discontinue the commercial office use of the property. As specified in the conditions of Use Permit No. 1514 and the settlement agreement, the general office facilities and display area were to be used solely in connection with the marketing of condominiums within the subject project and at the end of such time, the structure was to be removed. The subject property is not zoned for commercial office use, nor was it ever the City's intention to allow the office and model pavilion to be used in such a manner. Now that the original intended use of the subject property and building has been concluded, the City expects that the building will be removed as required by Condition No. 5 of Use Permit No. 1514 and that the site be used for landscaping, - open space or be developed with additional parking for the surrounding residential development. However, should you or some future owner wish to retain the structure and use it for some ancillary use that would be permitted by the Versailles Planned Community, such as a private community recreational facility or community meeting room, such a proposal could be considered but would require the 'approval of an amended use permit by the Planning Commission. Should you wish to file such an application, we would be pleased- to discuss the application procedures with you at your convenience. We -hope that this information will be helpful to you. Should you have.any questions, feel free to give me a call. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICRER, Director By- W: William Ward Senior Planner WWW:la cc: Bob Wells, Summerhill Development Co. Carol laidlaw ROLL xALL February 12. i971 MINUTES item 8. USE Request to permit the add.ition_of a second apart- ment to an'existing nonconforming building with PERMIT commercial uses - on the:.firstt.:fIoor and one apart- 00.71: ment on the floor �, w APPROVEI ocatton Lots 3 and°4, BTo`ck 21:„Newport Beach t Tra"ct, located ai•2110 ,West Ocean :. ^Fro;nt;�on°theYnorth side ldf -:West Ocea Front(betWeerl¢21sti=Place and 22nd i�,Street 'f, s ". ry ni raX+ 4i� ✓�u Sr y� �751'F ,• Zone {�� F., y4 _., �w� rt zApp l can Lai re eI_St' tt Newport Beach r ' a �i,c�✓q- o Sufi �VIRl� �r r: r,Owner �rg �yiAe r-F e qks,� r�to �u t ,a L^� �^+t, y„ fToni"ng lldminls atblr He i'd1<'k ent d the aPPlic rf 'k tlor td�th.ef� I Commissenf�nd ep inedthat tfje applies v 5 ,j r w 4�onthe5propeiy scant would;be� rouid3rl`"fo o' e'd a'rkin s ace ti 9r QY ?-p 9 P �ltfstedo,f� t,lt�tW noW existing w� r u �o coP or `' �itu�'t�ld�be�,rem6ye'c r „ y i ; ' b i z ' ' � 5� ,'e�z 3 r xt a" rs'� t+ a Motxatn x xAfter a;dtscLss onR heUappli att`o as°a roved , x ?�� Secr�nd x subject'to `t`hefs�bmittedplotplait and the _ 11ow ;4� r A11.yesz. g.;conditions 1 Coonfo'rmance�wiah theltntform'.Building; Ks'y i Code 2. • Maintenance of8 reote.ver,t'ical.:clearance .for'the<iproje"cting'partion.; s:;• h& item 9 Request to'permit a temporary".,rental/model pavilion USE and parking area ;for -the re'ntal':of units in the _P_�­RMIT "Versailles on•the Bluffs at'=Newport" project. N0—. 75T4 Said use to exist for:`approxjmate ly two years. APPROVE[ Location'. Por.tton Lot Jli2,;.Block 1 and Lot 159, Bloch 2,v,; fi irvine's Subdivision, located north of:'Paci.fic Coast Highwa east A'venuz. a rar� fof��Yuperlor Zone PCatt�'x f` r' 3C 1 v Y4 �5�-_f1_ �a� S Applicant y D nald d Scna.,ji� &5C05„sCosta,Mesa �! M1aTN}'y ' .a cOwner MINUTES R1 INDE Zonin9iAdministrator Hewicker presented the appli- cation,to the Commission': Mr Bob Vatcher of VTN, Er,gineers for' applicant, was present and stated they were in.agreement with i the ,staff recommendations Motion x :After a short':-discuslsion,=the japplication ryas Second" x ;approved, subject to' following_condi,Lions: All Ayes R -the, f 1 A minimum�of rfifteeh off street parking ;' �';�y�spaces;shall :6e prov7ded in.a manner an itt7dU1ocat on.meetin`gsrthe approval tfie of Z'=Trafficaand Piarking En9ineer4 z Y �*+'+Cj 4 t1,y� 7y `�.. l s t �r ' .;. r r?�, lt+�''P a ,; a cai ti •- �. h v 7 1' i CarCdn�geME!q e fo �7 tleC�sef��ice�nsewermits r x s r ,� r sre r���Ce -----s anS�rf{re'>7 Ylotec� t o n' s h a 1, 7F +���+ � e�made iqjatmanner`satisfactor r5! fi- .1r`p 2"'�`e t u.d , r3 { Y�rigineers X�-61 1" � 5 "� �,4�t r+. { i 1 f� ♦ v L`nIp �+"�`e'+,S kN�'�«i✓�L.�o�k f 4' `lf n ti `i �i'� q}A 9 Y o- �3 _. +- .+•y rp ra� , > 7 3 betailed TaddscZs ; g an1�11cludtn w� nu : itfes� p7°a �' rd� , water�in. a jai i;l p, an, prepared by fir; `l�a�dveap�4rcfiiteet^l,iycen`sedTl,andscape.Ez4' tpc licensedr3andscap e c4ntractorh �' ` {�ad�h, 9W,n or d fine t; shdil jbe �ubm:itteq;,to; and 4,5;i 4 n�� yE �apphQvediby t{ie Di4ector,of,;Com unity °a a - arFr Deve7opmentSaid z7;andscapiind. and water=. ring facilities shall beti.insta116d:-prior 5 to occu"pancy r ' 4 f, Th`Ss `permit shall extend ^for a of period - tlmetnot to•exceed two;,years from date ofyfin-a:lRdetarmitia't,ion of'this':applicati0n. a� 5 a, ppon expiration of:this`permit, fhe paviiio ..-sh"all be removed from. the subject property. AMENDP Request=to amend a.po_rtion of Districting Map 11 fromia C-1 District to a C-O-H Distric N0. 2; CONTIt Location Lots 1 thru 7, Block Bayside Tract bourrded''by. Palm' eet, Bay Avenue, UNTIIL Washington A ue`and Newport Bay �).. MARCH L Zone '.' F` & Yr 1. l c`fi r A 7i t 3��1{oarSS.: �{righti Cons £ruction Co Ana elm `'•' *_ Sa sa qa a17eyrszr�ri'gation'Co ,,Oran e N. •,SK*�-'��x=iYt"i, � a `a Y'..s�' "�+sd. one ,d� �,� t+• 3 �'�� f� ,,�,��?�t�TTii,S�� �y f as a pleasant comfortable place for its citizens to live within the Newport Beach community. (i) The benefits which accrue from mutual helpful, cooperative efforts so that construction and sale of the project can be accomplished with a minimum of further lost time and investment. H. All of the foregoing provisions are a part of this Agreement and the parties further agree as follows: (1) Release of Claims. Subject to the provi- sions of paragraph (6) below: (a) Cagney and Scholz for themselves, their officers, employees and agents, hereby release the City, its officers, employees and agents, from.all claims and causes of action, known or unknown, against the City for all injuries they have cuffcrod on or before the date of this instrument, arising with respect to the development known as Versailles on the Bluffs, including, but not limited to: (i) All claims, including the claim for $12,663,740.00 filed with the City on September 21, 1972; (ii) All other claims, whether known or unknown, for damages and equitable relief under the laws of the State of California, and all claims for damages and equitable relief under Federal, Law, including, but not limited to, the Federal Civil Rights Act. (b) The City, for itself, its officers, em- ployees and agents,'releases Cagney and Scholz from all claims and causes of action, whether known or unknown,•for all injuries suffered.on or before the date of this instrument. -6- d r: (c) The City, Cagney and Scholz also mutually waive all of the provisions of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code which reads as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the crbditor does not know or sus- pect to exist in his favor at the time of axe- cuting the release,'which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." (2) Findings of The City Council and the City For Issuance of Use Permit. (a) Subject to the determination of a public hearing held by the City Council as set forth in para- graph (6), the City agrees that all necessary use-, building and other permit£ shall be issued to Cagney and Scholz in oiQer that.the project may now be completed in the manner contemplated by this Agreement. (b) Full, complete and sufficient review by the City Staff, the City Commissions and the City Council, of the plan for development, the size, quality, type of structure and location of all buildings and improvements has occurred, except as set forth in the contents of this Agreement. (c) That development of the project under the Use Permit as issued will be consistent with and in accord- ance with all requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, including the Planned Community District Ordinance for Versailles on the Bluffs; (d) That the City shall take no action which is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this Agreement. -7- (3) Findings With Respect to the Newport Beach Height Ordinance. Subject to the determination of a public hearing held by the City Council, as set forth in paragraph (6), the City Council: . (a) Finds that the project falls within Section 20.09.030, subdivision (d) of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code, establishing a 32/50 Height- Limitation zone; (b) Finds that the project i6 within a Planned Community District and may be constructed in accordance with the elevations shown on Exhibit "B", which are hereby approved as provided for in Section 20.09.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. (c) Acting pursuant to Section 20.02.200 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, hereby approves the grad- ing plan and map which is attached as Exhibit "B" and incor- porated herein by this reference, and further approved, pursuant to Section 20.09.060, the following.structural appurtenances to buildings within the project: Chimneys constructed in accord- ance with the Uniform Building Code, and vents enclosed in i cupolas. (d) The,Council finds that approva of the grading plan and structural appurtenances insures that the in- tent and purpose of Chapter 20.09 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is fulfilled. tion. (4) Requirements for Completion and Construc- (a) Scholz, its successors in interest and assignees ("Permitee") may build not to exceed 453 dwelling I units on the 20.08 acres of property (the "Property"), which is described in Exhibit "A". Permitee may continue, as a part of the Use Permit, to maintain and operate the display and general office facilities, reflecting pool, landscaping and related improvements which were installed pursuant to a pre- viously issued Temporary Use Permit, and may remodel the dis- play and general office facilities for use in displaying and selling condominium units. (b) Permitee shall have the right at its sole election, to alter the number of bedrooms in the dwelling units to be constructed, so long as the total number does not exceed 755-bedrooms, and provided that a minimum of 798 parking spaces are installed; to alter the number of living units so long as the total number does not exceed 453, to alter the amount of floor space in units so .Iona as the ground coverage of buildings containing the units does not exceed 24% of the ground surface of the property. (c) Permitee shall have the right to place buildings within the property as shown on Exhibit "B". (d) All buildings'shail be 3-story construe- tion and built as similarly as possible to those (other than the main building) presently in existence at the project. They may be of wood frame with mansard roofs in a style and scale like those presently in existence. Further, some or all of the build- , ings may contain garages as provided in the Planned.Community District Ordinance. with respect to buildings along the southerly property line of the property, there shall be variations in the rooflines thereof and the elevations of the buildings in order to contribute to the enhancement of the visual appearance of the project. RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No: By: Bill Luttrell, Associate Planner By: Javier Garc' , Associate Planner By: Dana Dobbs, Assistant Planner Date: Z��g�gg Address: �'�� L144E LSE Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot D Block Section Tract $33G Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Lot Sizep Zone 1- C Number of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. f Provide tissue overlay ocalculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.£t. (volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in an direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above., Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). _ G .k li+kvror s+ -en z „�d 1 lttSj _ -- Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings 12�01 Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19, - 0" min, clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be 8' x 16'). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. Fair Share Contribution S� K S5 I CJ 3 /yn i Z �,? 8 2. Z San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee PA Park Dedication Fee At ,& (OVER) Y SPECIAL APPROVAL REgUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan Review other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer firaffic Engineer approv(A o4 gav�y� Approval of Landscape Plans L Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of, all buildings, fences to property line. §how second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 01PAeU 6j * R, reYLAkcd C1 3. Association Approval (Advisory) fr ��4. Other eet'Y'41L- UegoAd 64L%/L'41-a NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 ,.,.• RESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS v Telephone: (714) 644-1200 Plan Check No: By: Bill Luttrell, Associate Planner By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner By: Dana Dobbs, Assistant Planner Date: SS Corrections Required: Address: oO P/aTLL+ U LVPrsm— "*(3�urrs� Legal Description: Lot It Block Section Tract '933(o Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone_ rL �1NSai��tr Number. of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (Volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in any direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side 'and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Ge ,Wt(,O, 64 ChAW f 241 _ &"at 5ewdr�ew+c�un1 �ttw �� Rear BckRight Side)►�i�+js ZO Wtt} fbt-mbyy fii o, Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may !� �- be 8' x 16'). Show clear interior dimensions of garage.PY*V1dk' dt Past ,� Fair Share Contribution 59 is 455 (' 5 7 u.,I- = 2 r / 0 2 ' I To ()IE cAt-LEc.TeV A'- GVc IA14 t)Mt LT' ISSUAAfG6 San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee N Park Dedication Fee !vA (OVER) r 5 SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan Review Other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut ---�— Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer 0 Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Associatppion Approval (Advisory) LL 4. Other —I Y04(J - anG:Tikc TU�a�(x 5NS /k*'o �ufa.k rL o &VI" NOTE: it is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 ... r r •0..r. l rn:L.i%'!•h0�i%Sti.:TG', •r `�'z ., ri wi„b;yp+a-;a �14n,n,ie.it..Y:.,i.l^.:. ..y2.i„r :.i:... :'1JP»',t :.'� .. .. .... .. .. .. . ^•,Telephone: Plan Che*o: o C J.820%-e-) By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner By: Dan_ a -Dobbs, Assistant Planner Date:-1//— �k7� % Address: �/0 Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on.attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone Number of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in any direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Front Rear Right Side Left Side Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof, planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations,_ Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be S' x 16'). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. 171 (( Fair Share Contribution* San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee Park Dedication Fee (OVER) --- - - +,... ,,i .ye � �.r�. sir+V".N •. � � -�.. ,�.. ,1b�. ^:..., i.. 2'u't'. ��. �• ..rr: l,�?'o. ..�.+-1... .. .. i.�id�'neftilA.>A� ...a �ri�..�.•.-.f� �.•.�..u.rY.rw..•i:1 u..r�i4k<�..'.N+4r��. .'.����.IMn .n. .... ... ......T�� ... u. SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan•Review Other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer Tzaffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Association Approval (Advisory) 4. Other NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above, if you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 Telephone: (714) 644-3W wy: Bill Lut�ASA oai' * By: D� ana Dobbs, Assistant Date: //- Corrections Required: Legal Description: Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Plan By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner i Lot Size Lot / Block Section Tract (o zone �� - Number of Units i Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in any direction (6'x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Front Rear Right Side Left Side Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be S' x 161). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. Fair Share Contribution San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee Park Dedication Fee ��[# I -SPEC APPROVAL RE9UIRED THROUGH: r Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan'Review other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer • Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E,O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot plan. 3. Association Approval (Advisory) — 4. Other • i NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions, regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. MISC3 RES29kfTIAL Zr IW Telephone: (714). 644-3200 TONS Plan Check No: By: Tracy Williams, Associate Planner 4 By: Javier Garcia, Associate Planner Date: ////DLO & Address: V/G Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot_ Block / Section Tract _ Covenant required to combine lots or portions of lots. Please have owner's signature notarized on attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone -41-1 4 Number of Units Buildable Area Maximum Structural Area ok (Area including exterior walls, stairway on one level and required parking). x buildable area. Proposed Structural Area: x buildable area. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided sgVare footage. Open Space Area cu.ft. (Volume of space equal to buildable width times buildable height times 6). This area must be six feet in an direction (61x6'x6') and open on two sides or one side and above. Required Setbacks (Note: Architectual projections, i.e. bay windows or balconies not allowed in setbacks). Front op 4VIPX .f/TLC y. ptigN Rear r Right Side Left Side Height Limitation Measured from natural grade to average roof height. Dimension all elevations from natural grade to midpoint and maximum ridge of roof planes. 7P Show natural grade line shown on all elevations. Distance between buildings Maximum Coverage Number of Stories 4 Parking (9' - 4" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, one space; 17' - 6" x 19' - 0" min. clear dimensions, two spaces). (Third required space may be 8' x 161). Show clear interior dimensions of garage. A'le0iv /0*/ � o/ .4/,44 JawCp• 27 ��' �i/�i �eftve+ ot1i Fair Share Contribution a x 4r153 x a 9/ 70 Z. (v 2 San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee Park Dedication (OVER) Y�> SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THOUGH: ,Modifications Committee. Indicate Modification Approval Number on plans. Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision - Tract Site Plan Review Other - Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Curb Cut Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval in Concept A4nz (Note: File 3 sets of plans: plot plan, floor plan, elevations). Coastal Development Permit No. Categorical Exclusion No. (Building permits may be issued 10 days following issuance of C.E.O.) Waiver/Exemption Miscellaneous 1. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. —r-- �_ 2. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences to property line. Show second and/or third floor building footprint on plot;plan., 3. Association Approval (Advisory) 4. NOTE: is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain t e is approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. 4(