HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUCK GULLY REPAIR11111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* Buck Gully Repair LSA Assoctates, Inc. Principals Rob Balen Lyndon Calerdine Les Card Steve Granholm Roger Harris Art Homrigbausen Larry Kennings George Kurilko Carolyn Lobell Bill Mayer Rob McCann Rob Scbonholtz Alalcolm J. Sproul Associates Deborah Baer-WhIker Connie Calica Gary Dora Kevin Fincher Richard Harlacher Michele Huddleston GinaJnrick Clint Kellner Kann Kirtland Benson Lee Sabrina Nicbolls Anthony Fetros Jill Wihon LSA October 5, 1995 Ms. Gina Garcia 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Subject: Buck Gully Slide Repair Dear Ms. Garcia: Environmental Analyse Transportation Engineering Resource Management Community Flannmg Ecological Restoration Resource Economics Per the conditions of approval for the Buck Gully Repair, we are submitting the plant palettes and seed mixes for the erosion control and revegetation of the repaired slide area and its associated stockpile area. Please note that there are two sets of seed mixes and plant palettes. However, only one set will be used. The "Altemate" set was prepared for use in the event that the soils are saline in nature, and will not be used otherwise. A soil test to determine this will be conducted shortly before the construction is completed. In our conversations with Ray Schuller and John Douglas, we learned that you were the person to whom this should be submitted. This revegetation effort needs to be conducted immediately following the completion of construction. Consequently, The Irvine Company plans to put this work out to bid next Thurs- day October 12, 1995, and your approval prior to that time would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding these plans please call me at C714) 553-0666. Sincerely, LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. M.W. "Bill" O'Connell Associate, Biologist CC: Jim Lorman, CCB Liz Perez, CCB Ray Shuller, City of Newport Beach 10/05/95 (1: %CCB512 %Cn YAPPR.LTR) One park Plana, Suite 500 Telephone 714553-0666 Iroine, California 92714 Facsimile 714553-8076 RUM 199s,08-02 10: 36 #303 R.01/t7 COASTAL COMMUNITY BUMMERS July 31, 1995 Mr. Raimar Schuller Building DirectorI�Q City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject: Buck Gully Slide Repair Grading Permit - Erosion Control Landscape Dear Ray: In accordance with the City's grading permit issuance related to having Coastal Community Builders ("CCB") address the surface landscaping upon completion ofthe slope repair, the intent of this letter is to fulfill that condition. In this regard, please be advised that CCB will take steps to ensure that appropriate landscaping/erosion control measures are in place upon completion of the subject repair work To meet the permit condition, CCB has retained LSA Associates, Inc. ("LSA') as project biologist to prepare revegetation plans and specifications that will be incorporated into the construction program consisting of the following: Determination of appropriate plant palette(s) with the goal of providing low maintenance vegetation that will help slope stability and blend with other vegetation in the canyon. a Development of an appropriate combination of seeding and container planting. a Consideration of other erosion control methods, e.g., jute netting or curlex. a Coordination with the nursery and seed suppliers, to, ensure that the required plant materials are available. It is anticipated the specifications will be completed within the next four weeks and thereafter incorporated into the construction plans. Ifthere are any questions or assistance needed relative to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, James J. Lorman, Jr. Vice President, Land Development and Construction Post -it' Fax Note 7671 �'a No Pa9as). u ` From CO.IOapt Co. y Pha19 3 Pnana s Fat7t i,Y.S6 FM# Gary McKinney (CIGNA) rgbsly 550 Newport Center Drive. P.O. Box 6370, Newpott Beech, California 92658-6370 • (714) 720-2410 A DWIObn OIThO Irvin CW V" 07-21-1995 04:08PM NMG Gectechnical, Inc. 4768322 P.02 M 0 14 N tig1to 1w A q IT 677, Ilr I K 506 0703 Nr . .... if llGg n It 7 C bron del 11W rch ft-11 Ivill 42 f if 14 U 2 SITE LOCATION MAP BASE MAP: USGS, Laguna Beach 7.5 Minute Quads & SCALE: I jach = 2000 foot March 17,1995 Project No.; 95035-1 Buck Gully Slope Failure Project Name: Buck Gully SloDe Failure NMG Newport Beach, California Date: 5/18/95 Figure No. I 14 TOTAL P.02 LMAs datss, Ina REVEGETATION PLAN - BUCK GULLY SLIDE REPAIR SEED MiXFOR UPPER SLOPE (AREA 1) This area is the upper 20 feet of the grading area (0.14 acre). The following seed mix is to be applied to the upper slope area using a two stage applica- tion hydroseeding technique prior to planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Nassella pulchra Purple needlegrass Lasthenia californica Goldfields Plantago ovata Wooly plantain Escbscbolzia cali(ornica California poppy Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-eyed grass Lupinus bicolor Miniature lupine Total l0/03/95(1.%CCB512%RE 3.0 2.0 10.0 1.5 1.0 0.42 0.28 1.40 0.21 0.14 • LSAA=datea, Ina SEED MIXFOR MIDDLE SLOPE (AREA 2) This is the area between the lower edge of the upper area and the top edge of the middle brow ditch. The following seed mix is to be applied to the middle slope area (1.0 acre), with a two stage application hydroseeding technique following the planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-eyed grass 2.0 2.0 Nassellapulchra Purple needlegrass 2.0 2.0 Lupinus bicolor Miniature lupine 2.0 2.0 Lasthenia caltfornica Goldfields 2.0 2.0 Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 10.0 10.0 Gnaphalium California 1.0 1.0 californicum everlasting Eschscho&ia californica California poppy 2.0 2.0 Grindelia camporum Big gumplant 1.0 1.0 Eriophyllum Golden yarrow 1.0 1.0 confertiflorum Total 23.0 23.0 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. i 10/03/95(1:wCCB512%RSVEGErA.PI.t) 2 MA Associates, fna SEED MErFOR LOWER SLOPE (AREA 3) This is all of the area below the middle brow ditch. The following seed mix is to be applied to the lower slope area (1.12 acre) with a two stage applica- tion hydroseeding technique following planting: Scientific Name Common Name Lbs. seed/acre Total lbs. seed Artemisia calffornica California sagebrush 5.6 6.3 Encelia calfornica California encelia 3.0 3.4 Lotus scoparius Coastal deerweed 2.0 2.2 Eriogonum fasciculatum California 9.0 10.1 buckwheat Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 6.0 6.7 Baccharls pilularls Coyote bush 0.6 0.7 Salvia mellifera Black sage 1.0 1.1 SisjWnchium bellum Blue-eyed grass 1.0 1.1 Nassellapulchra Purple needlegrass 1.5 1.7 Lupinus succulentus Arroyo lupine 2.0 2.2 Lasthenia californica Goldfields 2.0 2.2 Gnaphalium California 0.6 0.7 calfornicum everlasting Eschscholzla caltfornica California poppy 1.0 1.1 Isocoma menziesii Coastal goldenbush 1.0 1.1 Mimulus aurantiacus Bush monkeyfiower 0.5 0.6 Erlophyllum Golden yarrow 1.0 1.1 confertiflorum Total 37.8 42.3 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. 10ro3i95(t:*CCB512%xayscarn.PLN) 3 LYAAr dates, I= SEED MMFOR STOCIPLW AREA The stockpile area is the cleared area on the south side of the creek. The following seed mix is to be applied to the 1.64 acres of stockpile area with a two stage applIcation'hydroseeding technique following planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Artemisia caltfornica California sagebrush 5.6 9.2 Encelia californica California encelia 3.0 4.9 Lotus scoparius Coastal deerweed 2.0 3.3 Eriogonum fasciculatum California 9.0 14.8 buckwheat Baccbaris pilularis Coyote bush 0.6 1.0 Salvia melltfera Black sage 1.0 1.6 Sisyrincbium bellum Blue-eyed grass 1.0 1.6 Nassellapulcbra Purple needlegrass 1.5 2.5 Lupinus succulentus Arroyo lupine 2.0 3.3 Lastbenia caltfornica Goldfields 2.0 3.3 Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 6.0 9.8 Gnapbalium California 0.6 1.0 caltfornicum everlasting Escbscbolzia caltfornica California poppy 1.0 1.6 Isocoma menziesii Coastal goldenbush 1.0 1.6 Mimulus aurantiacus Bush monkeyilower 0.5 0.8 Ertopbyllum Golden yarrow 1.0 1.6 confert f76rum Total 37.8 61.9 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. 'These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. 10/03H5(I:*CCB512%RBVEGBTA.PI.N) 4 LSAAmdataa, I= PLANT LIST FOR UPPER SLOPE (AREA 1) This area is the upper 20 feet of the grading area (0.14 acre), and is to be planted with 500 purple needlegrass (Nassella pulcbra) plugs after the hydroseeding is complete. These plants are to be installed in groups of 10-12 plants each. The locations of these groups are to be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist. 10/03/95(1.•CCB512' REVEGETA.PLN) Litt As dates, Ina PLANT LIST FOR MIDDLE SLOPE (AREA 2) This is the area between the lower edge of the upper area and the top edge of the middle brow ditch. The following plants are to be installed in the upper slope area before the hydroseed application: Scientific Name Rbus integrifolia Baccbaris pilularts Nassellapulcbra Mimulus aurantiacus Encelia californica Isomerls arborea Total Number of Plants Total Container Number Common Name Size of Plants Lemonadeberry D-40 10 Coyote bush D-40 40 Purple needlegrass D-40 40 Bush monkeytlower D-40 40 California encelia D-40 40 Bladderpod D-40 40 210 The locations of these plants will be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist at the time of installation. 10/03/95(1.%CCB512%REVCGLTA.PLN) 6 LSAA=dates� Inc PLANT LIST FOR LONER SLOPE (AREA 3) This is all of the area below the middle brow ditch. The following plants are to be installed in the lower slope area before the hydroseed application: Scientific Name Common Name Container Size Total Number of Plants Baccbaris salicifolia Mulefat D-40 50 Sambucus mexicana Mexican elderberry D-40 20 Leymus californica Giant wild -rye D-40 20 Baccharls pilularls Coyote bush D-40 40 Encelia calfornica California encelia D-40 80 Isocoma menziesii Coastal goldenbush D-40 25 Brlogonum California buck D-40 60 fasciculatum wheat Nassellapulcbra Purple needlegrass D-40 20 Salix lasiolepis Arroyo willow 1 Gal. 15 Rbus integrlfolia Lemonadeberry D-40 5 Hetemmeles arbutfolia Toyon D-40 5 Artemisia cal fornica California sagebrush D-40 60 Isomeris arborea Bladderpod D-40 45 Total Number of Plants 445 The locations of these plants will be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist at the time of installation. 10/03/95(I:+CCB512wPWVEGsrAYLN) 7 MAAs afates, Ina PLANT LIST FOR STOCI PHE AREA The only species of plant to be installed in the stockpile area is Mexican elderberry (Sambucus mexicana). A total of 20 plants is to be installed. J"3/95(I:%CCB512%RHVHGHTA.PIS) 8 LSA As dates, Inc ALTERNATE SEED MErFOR UPPER SLOPE (AREA 1) This area is the upper 20 feet of the grading area (0.14 acre). The following seed mix is to be applied to the upper slope area using a two stage applica- tion hydroseeding technique prior to planting: Scientific Name Common Name Lbs. seed/acre Total lbs. seed Iva axillaris Poverty weed 2.0 0.28 Lasthenia californica Goldfields 2.0 0.28 Limonium californicum California marsh 2.0 0.28 rosemary Heliotropum Salt heliotrope 0.5 0.07 curassavicum Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 10.0 1.40 Total 16.5 2.31 10/03/95(1.%CCB512sRRVBGErA.PL1) 9 LSA Amdate; Inc ALTERNATE SEED MLYFOR MIDDLE SLOPE (AREA 2) This is the area between the lower edge of the upper area and the top edge of the middle brow ditch. The following seed mix is to be applied to the middle slope area (1.0 acre), with a two stage application hydroseeding technique following the planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Lasthenia californica Goldfields 2.0 2.0 Limonium californicum California Marsh 2.0 2.0 Rosemary Heliotropum Salt heliotrope 0.5 0.5 curassavicum Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 10.0 10.0 Total 14.5 14.5 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. 10/03/95(I:kCCB512%REVBGErA.PLN) 10 MAa dates, Ina ALTERNATE SEED MLYFOR LOWER SLOPE (AREA 3) This is all of the area below the middle brow ditch. The following seed mix is to be applied to the lower slope area (1.12 acre) with a two stage applica- tion hydroseeding technique following planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Atrtplex canescens ssp. canescens Plantago ovata Encelia caWornica Lotus scoparius Leymus condensatus Baccbaris pilularis Atriplex lentirormis ssp. brewerii Lastbenia califoruica Isocoma menzlesii Total Fourwing saltbush 8.0 9.0 Wooly plantain 10.0 11.2 California encella 3.0 3.4 Coastal deerweed 2.0 2.2 Giant wild -rye 2.0 2.2 Coyote bush 0.6 0.7 Brewers saltbush 6.0 6.7 Goldfields 2.0 2.2 Coastal goldenbush 2.0 2.2 35.6 39.8 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. 10/03/95U.%CCB512%FHaGHTA.YI.t) 11 LSAAc date; Inc. ALTERNATE SEED MIX FOR STOC"ILE AREA The stockpile area is the cleared area on the south side of the creek. The following seed mix is to be applied to the 1.64 acres of stockpile area with a two stage application hydroseeding technique following planting: Lbs. Total lbs. Scientific Name Common Name seed/acre seed Atrlplex canescens ssp. Fourwing saltbush 8.0 13.1 canescens Encelia californica California encelia 3.0 4.9 Lotus scoparius Coastal deerweed 2.0 3.3 LVmus condensatus Giant wild -rye 2.0 3.3 Baccharls pilularls Coyote bush 0.6 1.0 Atriplex lentiformis ssp. Brewers saltbush 6.0 9.8 brewerii Plantago ovata Wooly plantain 6.0 9.8 Lasthenia californica Goldfields 2.0 33 Isocoma menxlesii Coastal goldenbush 2.0 3.3 Total 31.6 51.8 All installed plants are to be covered immediately prior to the hydroseed application with either paper bags or plastic plant containers. These covers are to be removed no later than 24 hours following the hydroseed applica- tion. 10ro3r95(L.ccs512•,PJriEGHr.# PI.t) 12 LFAA=dates, Inc ALTERNATE PLANT LIST FOR UPPER SLOPE (AREA 1) This area is the upper 20 feet of the grading area (0.14 acre), and is to be planted with 500 coastal salt grass (Distichlis spicata) stolons after the hydroseeding is complete. These plants are to be installed in groups of 10-12 plants each. The locations of these groups are to be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist. 10/03l95 (i.♦ccB512%RRVRGSrA.F1.N) 13 LSAA=date; Ina ALTERNATE PLANT LIST FOR MIDDLE SLOPE (AREA 2) This is the area between the lower edge of the upper area and the top edge of the middle brow ditch. The following plants are to be installed in the upper slope area before the hydroseed application: Total Container Number Scientific Name Common Name Size of Plants Eaccbaris pilularis Coyote bush D-40 80 Atriplex lentiformis Brewers saltbush D-40 20 ssp. brewerli Encelia cal fornica California encella D-40 40 Isomeris arborea Bladderpod D-40 60 Total Number of 200 Plants The locations of these plants will be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist at the time of installation. 10/03/95(1:NCCB512%MEGBT&PLN) 14 LSAAmdates, Inc ALTERNATE PLANT LIST FOR LOWER SLOPE (AREA 3) This is all of the area below the middle brow ditch. The following plants are to be installed in the lower slope area before the hydroseed application: Scientific Name Common Name Container Size Total Number of Plants Baccbaris salicifolia Mulefat D-40 50 Sambucus mexicana Mexican elderberry D-40 20 Leymus californica Giant wild -rye D-40 20 Baccbarls pilularis Coyote bush D-40 40 Encelia calffornica California encelia D-40 80 Isocoma menzlesii Coastal goldenbush D-40 45 Atrlplex canescens Fourwing saltbush D-40 60 Atriplex kntiformis ssp. Brewers saltbush D-40 60 brewerli Salix lasiolepis Arroyo willow 1 Gal. 15 Isomeris arborea Bladderpod D-40 45 Total Number of Plants 435 The locations of these plants will be determined in the field by the Revegetation Specialist at the time of installation. 10/03/95 (L•+CCa512 tRMGErA.PIN) 15 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT July 21, 1995 TO: Genia Garcia FROM: John Douglas SUBJECT: Coastal Commission Approval In Concept Sandcastle Drive Emergency Slope Repair Genia, this is to confirm our discussion regarding the issuance of an AIC for the Sandcastle Drive emergency slope repair. Based on previous conversations with Coastal Commission staff; it is my understanding that the Coastal Act and Regulations allow emergency work to be done prior to issuance of a Coastal Development Permit with the requirement that the applicant submit a permit application for processing as soon as possible. Subject to approval of the grading plans by the Building Department, please issue an AIC for this emergency work with the condition that the applicant submit an application to the Coastal Commission as soon as possible. Call me at x3230 if you have an cc: Ken Delino Ray Schuller F:\WRW W STLANNINGUGHN-D\C0 Y Q CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 SOILS REPORT REVIEW G.P.C. No.: 856-95 Date:, 1995 (Use G.P.C. No. in all correspondence) REPORT BY: NMG Geotechnical, Inc. 17921 Sky Park Circle, Ste G Irvine, CA 92714 PROJECT ADDRESS: Tract 6425, Corona del Mar, California REVIEWER: Rick Higley, Grading Engineer - Building Department COMMENTS 1. Show the proposed fill key in all Sections (plates 2, 3, 4 and 5). 2. Show the proposed subdrains in plan and in cross sectionalviews. Provide graphic .detail. What diameter pipe is to be used? Show proposed outlet locations. 3. Provide detail for fill benching and keying. 4. Will excavation of the proposed keyway, removal of the slide mass and construction of the buttress fill destabilize the building pads and existing structures at any point in the grading process? 5. Provide soil design parameters for the recommended soldier piles/shoring. 6. The consultant shall provide recommendations for construction sequencing and precise procedures for placement of shoring, excavation, of keyway, removal of slide mass and construction of buttress fill and subdrains. 7. The project geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist shall sign the grading and shoring plans. 8. Provide shoring design and calculations which demonstrate an adequate factor of safety will exist at all phases of construction so as to preclude damage to the off site properties and structures. 1 c: Mr. Jim Lorman 4xjj� a . 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach «e FETE WILSON, Governor SPATE OF. CALIFORNIA - CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY_ _ CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SANTI ANA REGION 2010 IOWA AVENUE, SUITE 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT RIVERSIDE, CA 92507-2409 PHONE: (909) 782.4130 FAX. (W9) 781-6288 JUL - 6 1995 June 27, 1995 CITY OF NEWPORT BLACH CALIFORNIA Jim Lorman Coastal Community Builders 550 Newport Center Drive, Seventh Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 MPORA B401 UCK GULLY ISLOPENFOR THE RE AIRS,CNEWPORTTION OF BEACH, ORANGES CSS ROAD FOR COUNTY Dear Mr. Lorman: This is in response to the June 6, 1995 submittal from LSA Associates, Inc., on your behalf, requesting a water quality standards certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for the above -referenced project. You are proposing to install a single temporary crossing consisting of approximately 200 cubic yards of fill material across Buck Gully Creek. Flows in the creek will be maintained by installing two 36 inch pipes in the channel invert below the temporary fill. The proposed affected area of Buck Creek is located 0.1 miles northeast of the intersection of 5th Avenue and Poppy Lane in Newport Beach. The purpose of this project is to provide site access for earth moving equipment to conduct permanent repairs on a landslide that occurred in March of 1995 below homes along Sandcastle Drive. The project reach of the creek supports a narrow strand of riparian habitat, consisting of a few willow trees and herbaceous vegetation such as cat -tails and sedge. You have indicated that no sensitive species were observed in the immediate project area. Approximately 0.02 acres of the water of the U.S. will be covered with fill material, resulting in the temporary loss of herbaceous vegetation. No willow trees or riparian habitat will be affected. Once the repair work is completed, the fill will be removed and the stream channel will be returned to its natural state. Affected vegetation is expected to regenerate naturally. You have applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for coverage under Nationwide Permit and have also applied for a 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game. Page 1 of 2 Coastal Community Builders -1- dune 27, 1995 Jim LOrmMA Based on the above information, it appears that the above - referenced project, as proposed, will not have a significant impact of the environment. Pursuant to Resolution No. 84-48, waste discharge requirements are waived for this project. In accordance with Section 3857 of the California Code of Regulations, this action is equivalent to waiver of water quality certification, At this time no further action is anticipated on your 401 application. However, if the above stated conditions are changed or new .information becomes available that indicates a water quality problem, we may formulate Waste Discharge Requirements. Should there be any questions, please contact Keith Person at (909) 792-4997. Sincerely, Gerard J. Thibeault Executive Officer CC: V.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Permits and Enforcement Section - Clyde Morris (W-7-2) V.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Regulatory Branch - Michelle Waltz California Department of Fish and Game - Dee Sudduth State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality - Oscar Balaguer Orange County Environmental Management Agency, Environmental Resources Division - Chris Crompton City of Newport Beach - City Manager LSA Associates, Inc. - Scott Holbrook kOP'403 acett■ 4902 07-21-1995 04:08PM NMG Geotechnical, Inc. i 4768322 P.01 _ NMG Geotachnical, Inc. FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 74 13 PROJECT NO:_J " TO: fil COMPANY: FAX NO.: FROM: _ COMMENTS: 6n�leg — Number of pages, including this sheet G— • 17�791 Mitchell, Suite D • Irvine, California 92714 • PHONE (714) 442-2442 • FAX (714) 47Gr8322 19 COASTAL COMMUNITY BUILDERS August 14, 1995 BUILDING DEPARTMEN'' Mr. Raimar Schuller AUG 16 1995 Building Director City of Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPQW sue. 3300 Newport' Boulevard CALIFORNIA Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject: Buck Gully Slide Repair Grading Permit - Erosion Control Landscape Dear Ray: In accordance with the City's grading permit issuance related to having Coastal Community Builders ("CCB") address the surface landscaping upon completion of the slope repair, the intent of this letter is to fulfill that condition. In this regard, please be advised that CCB will take steps to ensure that appropriate landscaping/erosion control measures are in place upon completion of the subject repair work. To meet the permit condition, CCB has retained LSA Associates, Inc. ("LSA') as project biologist to prepare revegetation plans and specifications that will be incorporated into the construction program consisting of the following: • Determination of appropriate plant palette(s) with the goal of providing low maintenance vegetation that will help slope stability and blend with other vegetation in the canyon. • Development of an appropriate combination of seeding and container planting. • Consideration of other erosion control methods, e.g., jute netting or curlex. • Coordination with -the nursery and seed suppliers, to ensure that the requh ed plant materials are available. It is anticipated the specifications will be completed within the next four weeks and thereafter incorporated into the construction plans, and submitted to the City Environmental Planner for review and approval. If there are any questions or assistance needed relative to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si erely, J�ifies J. Lorm Jr. Vice President, Land Development and Construction cc: Art Homrighausen (LSA) Gary McKinney (CIGNA) � Itr 650 Newport Center Drive, P.O. Box 6370, Newport Beach, California 92658-6370 • (714) 720-2410 A Division of The Irvine Company ITEL:1-310-590-5071 Jul 21,95 13:18 No.003 P.01 STATE OF CAUFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY ►ETE VVRSON. r"- CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA 243 W. ,ROADWAY, STE. 380 P.O. SOX 1430 LONG REACH, CA 90202-4416 (310) AWS071 DATE. T0: _& FROM: -1 SUBJECT: COMMENTS: URGENT/HAND CARRY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION TELEFAX TRANSMITTAL FORM 19 9 N0. OF PAGES Telefax Number: (310) 590-5084 Confirmation Number: (310) 590-5071 1428F CONTACT NO.: (INCLUDE COVER)_., � CONTACT NO.: (510) 5QD - f5' `60'71 PER YOUR REQUEST PLEASE COMMENT ORIGINAL WILUWILL NOT FOLLOW TEL:1-310-590-5071 Jul 21,95 13:19 No.003 P.02 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-YME RESOURCES AOENCY PEff WIISON C."~ CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION _ SOUTH COAST AREA 24S W. SROADWAY, STE. 360 P.O. sox 14M ►ONO REACH. CA M002.4416 (213) SWS071 APPLICAtION FOR EMERGENCY PERMIT PLEASE NOTE: The following information and attachments must be submitted in writing in order to receive an Emergency Permit pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 30624(a), If the emergency situation is such that a verbal authorization is given by the District Director to commence emergency work, the application for emergency permit must still be submitted by the property owner within 3 days of the disaster or discovery of the danger. 14 Cal. Admin. Code Section 13139. L/ L L 1 Request: in person by telephone by mail Date/Time 2. Name(s) of Property owner(s) Name(S) of Representative(s) Address: Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: 3. Location of Emergency Work: 4. Evidence of applicant's interest in property on which emergency work is to be performed 5. Assessor's Parcel Number: 6. Contractor, or person(s) who will do emergency work/address/phone number (if different from representative) 7. Nature and cause of emergency (brief description): 8. The circumstances during the emergency that appeared to justify the courses) of action taken, including the probable consequences of failing to take action: 9. Method and preventive work requested (e.g.. rip -rap. bulkhead, etc.): to en ork will 10. Timing of generally amperiod yofo24 tork s72mhours ate shwbnc aftertheemergencyoccurree): pvw -a F1: 4/88 TEL:1-310-590-5071 Jul 21,95 13:19 No.003 P.03 ATTACHMENTS - Please provide the following: 1. If time permits, evidence of approval by local planning department. 2. Site plan showing proposed and existing development on the subject parcel. 3. Vicinity map (road map) with location of project site marked. For rural areas. please also provide a parcel map. ..ax'..'+w~n .. 11