HomeMy WebLinkAbout3400-3626 CATAMARAN_SOUND WALL111111111 lill 11111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 3400-3626 Catamaran Planning Commission Meeting February 18, 1993 Agenda Item No. 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Modification No. 4084 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the construction of a sound attenuation wall which varies between 8 feet and 9 feet 6 inches in height, whereas the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height in the R-1-B District. The proposed wall will be located on the rear property lines of the subject properties adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. This application has been referred to the Planning Commission by the Modifications Committee. LOCATION: Lots 6-19, Tract No. 6152, located on the northerly side of Catamaran Drive, between Keel Drive and the easterly terminus of Catamaran Drive, in Harbor View Hills. ZONE: R-1-B APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNERS: Various property owners on Catamaran Drive Application This application is a request to permit the construction of a sound attenuation wall which varies between 8 feet and 9 feet 6 inches in height, whereas the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height in the R-1-B District. The proposed wall will be located on the rear property lines of the subject properties adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. This application has been referred to the Planning Commission by the Modifications Committee. Modification procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Municipal Code. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the fourteen subject lots for "Single Family Residential' use. The single family dwellings which currently exist on the subject lots, as well as the proposed ancillary construction are permitted uses within this district. TO: Planing Commission - 2 ubiect Protzerty and Surroundine Land Use As shown on the attached site plan, the subject property is comprised of fourteen individual lots along Catamaran Drive. To the north, across San Joaquin Hills Drive, are multi -family dwellings and the Harbor Day School; to the east are single family dwellings; to the south, across Catamaran Drive, are single family dwellings; and to the west, across Marguerite Avenue, are residential units in the Jasmine Creek Planned Community. Background The County of Orange has approved the development of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Project (OC4), which is located within the City of Newport Beach Sphere of Influence. Vicinity maps (Figure 1 and Figure 2) of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community are attached for Commission review. During the entitlement of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, residents of Harbor View Hills on Catamaran Drive raised concerns about the traffic noise which would be generated by the OC4 project. Subsequent discussions between The Irvine Company and the residents of Catamaran Drive have resulted in an agreement through which The Irvine Company has committed to mitigate future traffic noise by increasing the height of the existing wall along the fourteen subject lots adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Drive, or constructing a new wall. In addition, the County of Orange required that a noise analysis be prepared, demonstrating that noise could be mitigated, where required, to meet the exterior 65 CNEL noise standard for off -site noise sensitive uses along San Joaquin Hills Road between Marguerite Avenue and Spyglass Hill Road. Mestre Greve and Associates has prepared a noise study to determine where noise mitigation is required along San Joaquin Hills Road (attached for Commission review). The study indicates the future increase in traffic related noise due to the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Project for the year 1995 and the year 2010. The traffic volumes were obtained from 'The San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Traffic Analysis," prepared on February 8, 1990. Recent Background Section 20.81.080 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code states that, in the event that the Modifications Committee determines that an application should properly be heard by the Planning Commission, it may refer the matter to the Planning Commission for hearing and original determination on the merits. At its meeting of February 2,1993, the Modifications Committee referred the subject application to the Planning Commission, in accordance with the above noted section. Anal si The County of Orange requires that all residential rear yards comply with the 65 CNEL noise standard. The subject noise study indicates that a number of rear yards in the Harbor View Hills residential area along San Joaquin Hills Road will experience noise levels greater than 65 CNEL for year 2010 conditions with the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community TO: Planning Commission - 3 Project, and with the existing wall adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. The rear yards for the homes located at 3606, 3612, and 3620 Catamaran Drive will be exposed to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL with existing wall conditions, and therefore, will require upgrades. In addition, the rear yard located at 3518 Catamaran Drive will experience a future traffic noise level of 64.8 CNEL. Therefore, wall upgrades for this parcel, as well as the two adjacent parcels (3600 and 3514 Catamaran Drive), will be necessary to ensure that rear yard noise levels adequately meet the County's 65 CNEL standard. The subject noise analysis further summarizes that all of the Harbor View Hills rear yards facing San Joaquin Hills Road will experience a discernible increase in noise due the OC4 project for the year 2010. However, only the yards at 3606, 3612, and 3620 Catamaran Drive will experience future noise levels in excess of 65 CNEL. These effects are due to a combination of the OC4 project with other cumulative effects. All other yards in the Harbor View Hills area will experience future year 2010 noise levels which meet the County's 65 CNEL outdoor noise criteria with the existing wall along San Joaquin Hills Road. Although the noise analysis stipulates that only six of the fourteen subject properties require mitigation, the applicant proposes comparable construction for the remainder of the fourteen parcels on Catamaran Drive, so as to promote privacy and continuity. Section 20.02.070 of the Municipal Code restricts fences, walls and screen plantings to 6 feet in height within required rear yard setbacks. As shown on the attached plans (Sections A and B, the elevation and the site plan) the applicant proposes to construct a sound attenuation wall within the required rear yard setbacks on fourteen lots along Catamaran Drive. There is a masonry wall ranging from 4 feet to 6 feet in height that currently exists along the rear of the subject properties. The existing wall for those properties west of and including 3514 Catamaran Drive will be replaced so as to obtain a height of 8 feet from the adjacent sidewalk (as illustrated in attached Section B). The existing wall will be replaced for those lots east of and including 3518 Catamaran Drive so as to obtain a height ranging from 8 feet to 9 feet 6 inches (as illustrated in attached Section A). The Commission may refer to the attached elevation for proposed average wall heights for each individual lot along Catamaran Drive, as well as attached Sections C through K for existing and proposed conditions. As shown in Section A of the attached plan, the applicant proposes a retaining wall on lots east of and including 3518 Catamaran Drive. These parcels have an elevation higher that of the sidewalk along San Joaquin Hills Drive, and therefore, the applicant proposes to fill in the grade behind the new sound attenuation wall, thereby enlarging the usable rear yards of six of the subject fourteen lots. Proposed Landscanine The applicant is proposing to provide landscaping to buffer the subject wall. The types of planting consist of street trees and shrubs in a 5 foot 6 inch wide landscape area on the public right-of-way between the proposed sidewalk and the proposed wall. The applicant is also proposing the use of "Creeping Fig" on the subject wall itself. The proposed landscaping may be seen in the attached elevation, as well as on the attached plot plan and "plant legend." Staff has no objections to the proposed landscaping. However, the Public TO: Planning Commission - 4 Works Department has indicated that the street trees should be on the City's approved tree list, and that all landscaping in the public right of way be maintained by the applicant or the Harbor View Hills Homeowners Association. Conditions No. 5 and No. 8 have been included in attached Exhibit "A" regarding such concerns. If the Planning Commission wishes to approve the application the findings and conditions of approval set forth in attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. Staff cannot reasonably conceive of findings for denial, inasmuch the proposed noise wall, in this particular case, does not appear to have any detrimental effect on the surrounding neighborhood. However, should information be presented at the public hearing which would warrant the denial of this application, the Planning Commission may wish to take such action. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By 1 f ,t,1'1 k , UA INd DANA O. ASLAMI Associate Planner F.\WP51\PIANMNG\DANA-A\MOD\M4084 Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Noise Analysis for San Joaquin Hills Road Extension Figure 1 and Figure 2, Vicinity Maps for San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Letter from Landscape Architect Plot Plan, Elevation and Sections A through K YJI a'lI yJJ.. 1V.yJ �y��JVJ.+�V Mestre Greve Associates San Joaquin H1113 Road Extension, Harbor View Area Page 1 NOISE ANALYSIS FOR THE SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD EXTENSION, FOR THE HARBOR VIEW AREA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH L0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to address the compliance of the Harbor View residential area along San Joaquin Hills Road with the County of Orange noise standards with the development of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (OC4) for year 2010 conditions. In addition, this study in- dicates the future increase in noise due to the OC4 project for the year 1995 and year 2010. Exhibit 1 shows the vicinity map. The homes are located between Spyglass Hills Road and Marguerite Road along San Joaquin Hills Road. The future noise environment will be affected by traffic noise from San Joaquin Hills Road. The site is not impacted by aircraft or railroad noise. This study de- termines the exterior noise levels which will impact the site and determines any exterior mitigation measures (in addition to the existing walls) which are required to meet the County of Orange Exterior Noise Standards. It should be noted that the County of Orange and the City of Newport Beach do not have noise standards for playgrounds. Therefore the Harbor Day school playground areas located on the north side of San Joaquin Hills Road across from the Harbor View homes will not be subject to City or County noise standards. 2.0 NOISE CRITERIA The Noise Element for the County of Orange specifies outdoor and indoor noise limits for various land -uses. The standards are based upon the CNEL index. CNEL or Community Noise Equivalent Level is a 24 hour time weighted annual average noise level. Time weighting refers to the fact that noise that occurs during the evening period (7 PM to 10 PM) is penalized by 5 dB, while nighttime (10 PM to 7 AM) noises are penalized by 10 dB. These time periods and penalties were selected to reflect people's sensitivity to noise as a function of activity. The exterior noise limit for outdoor liv- ing areas is 65 CNEL. The interior noise level standard is 45 CNEL. The City of Newport Beach uses an identical standard for land use planning. 0M 3.0 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS \_/ Mestre Grove Associates San Joaquin Trills Road Extension, Harbor View Area Page 2 The highway noise levels projected in this report were computed using the Highway Noise Model published by the Federal Highway Administration CTHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model," FHWA-RD-77-108, December, 1978), The FHWA Model uses traffic volume, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and roadway geometry to compute the "equivalent noise level." A computer code has been written which computes equivalent noise levels for each of the time periods used in the calculation of CNEL. Weighting these noise levels and summing them results in the CNEL for the traffic projections used. Noise contours am found by iterating over many distances until the dis- tance to the 60, 65, and 70 CNEL contours are found. The homes in the Harbor View residential area will experience traffic noise due to San Joaquin Hills Road. The traffic volumes were obtained from "The Sun Joaquin Hills Planned Community Traffic Analysis" prepared by Austin Foust Associates on February 8, 1990. A roadway grade ranging from 3 to 4 percent was used with the FHWA model for San Joaquin Hills Road. The traffic vol- umes and speeds utilized are presented in Table I for year-1995 uxf year 2010. The time and traffic distributions utilized are presented in Table 2. These data were compiled by the Orange County Environmental Management Agency, and are based on traffic counts at 31 intersections throughout the Orange County area. These factors are taken into account in Section 4.0. TABLE 1 FUTURE TRAFFIC (Year 1995 and 2010) VOLUMES AND SPEEDS K160GV1 M. TRAFFIC VOLUME Year1995 Year2010 SPEED San Joaquin Hills Road - Marguerite to spyglass Hill* 12,000 26,000 50 - Marguerite to Spyglass Hill** 21000 19,000 SO ** Without the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community .11, 11117y� 10: 1.1 1 A Y I lull I. U Mestre Greve Associates San Joaquin Hills Road Extension, Harbor View Area Page 3 U TABLE 2 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PER TIME OF DAY IN PERCENT OF ADT VEIRCLETYPE DAY EVENING NIGHT Automobile 75.51 12.57 9.34 Medium Truck 1.56 0.09 0.19 Heavy Truck 0.64 0.02 0.08 Utilizing the traffic data presented above for year 2010 (with project) and the FHWA Model, dis- tances to the 60, 65 and 70 CNEL contours were determined. The distances from the centerline of the roadways to the contours are presented below in Table 3. These projections do not take into ac- count any barriers, topography, or buildings that may reduce noise levels. TABLE 3 DISTANCE TO NOISE CONTOURS FROM R0ADWAY.CENTiRLIN1r FOR FUTURE CONDITIONS (Year 2010) ROADWAY SEGMENT San Joaquin Hills Road - Marguerite to Spyglass Hill DISTANCE TO CNEL CONTOUR (FT) -70- .65- -60- 315 146 68 The results in Table 3 show that it number of rear yard areas for the existing homes in the Harbor View residential area will be exposed to traffic noise levels greater than 65 CNEL without consider- ing the existing wails. Bxhibit 2 indicates the future (year 2010) noise levels to be experienced at each rear yard The future rear yard noise levels shown in Exhibit 2 are the result of a noise barrier analysis which considered the barrier effects• provided by the existing wall as well as the intervening topography. The results indicate that with the existing wall the rear yards for the homes located at 3606, 3612 and 3620 Catamaran Street will be exposed to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL. The rear yard a 3518 Catamaran Street will experience a future noise level of 64.8 CNEL. The results in Exhibit 2 also show that the buildings located at the Harbor Day School fall outside of the future (year 2010) 65 CNEL contour. Tho buildings will therefore require less than 20 dB of outdoor to indoor noise reduction to meet the City's 45 CNEL indoor noise standard. The school buildings provide at least 20 dB of noise attenuation. Thus these building will meet the City and County noise standards for future (year 2010) conditions with the OC4 project, 4 r &tufty A" :61 IrfMY A*r 54 54 54 >,00 s♦x u tag Existing Block Wail -- Existing Chem Link Fe" tit 6 Lill:::;; 1r_. — 1r0atUU S4NJOAGX//NH/LL5ROA0 55 56 57 gt 63 t -tta 350 2 L a Future Projected 65 CNEL Contour Location XX Future Pro*Wd CNEL at Spsoft Location —� CiA7"' ARAM U if la/iJJr 1V�iJ ♦a ��JYJJ�V ��r�r �i .�'�� VV�IVV���1J y � ��p/JOl IlDO r i FMB i IM FC �Q4 jJsr%ixx etm vltgorn future Projoctod 65 CNEL 89 3 / 1 59 EXN/B/T2 EX/SRNG WALL L OCA i/ON ANP FLIWRENOISE L EVEL S 01 Moshe Grow Assx1ales J-. 11/177G 1G:10 rt+r ouou� �: -+r- �.nni uui rau�n.•.: rnvc u� Mestre Greve Associates San Joaquin Hills Road Extension, Harbor View Area Page 4 4.0 EXTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION The County of Orange requires that all rear yards comply with the 65 CNEL outdoor noise stan- dard. The results in Exhibit 2 indicate that a number of homes in the Harbor View residential area along San Joaquin Hills Road will experience noise levels greater than 65 CNEL for year 2010 con- ditions with the OC4 project and with the existing walls. The rear yards for the homes located at 3606, 3612 and 3620 Catamaran Street will be exposed to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL with the existing wall conditions and so will require wall upgrades. In addition, the rear yard at 3518 Catamaran Street will experience a future traffic noise level of 64.8 CNEL. Therefore wall upgrades for this home as well as the two adjacent homes (3600 and 3514 Catamaran) will be necessary to ensure that rear yard noise levels adequately meet the County's 65 CNEL standard. The portions of the existing wall which need to be raised are shown in Exhibit 3 and Table 4. Top -of -wall elevations for the the resulting upgraded wall are given in Exhibit 3. TABLE 4 EXISTING AND REQUIRED BARRIER HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS HOME ADDRESS EXISTING WALL REQUIRED WALL (Along Catamaran) HEIGHT n) HEIGHT (FT.) 3514 6.0 7.0 3518 5.0 6.0 3600 5.5 6.0 3606 4.5 6.0 3612 4.5 6.0 3620 5.0 6.0 Note: Top -of -wall erg is shown in Exhibit 3. The above required noise barriers will cause the traffic noise level at all the rear yard areas to fall below 65 CNEL. The noise barriers are required to have a surface density of at least 3.5 pounds per square foot, and have no openings or cracks. They may be constructed of wood studs with stucco exterior, 1/4 inch tempered glass, 5/8 inch plexiglass, any masonry material, or a combination of these materials. Wood and other materials may be acceptable if properly designed as a noise barrier, but are not recommended due to long term deterioration problems. In addition there are wall discon- tinuities at addresses 3400, 3410, 3414, 3418, 3506, and 3514 Catamaran Street in which sound may be leaking through the openings. We recommend that these be sealed with solid block to en- sure no sound penetration in these areas where adequate walls (in terms of height) already exist. Exhibit 4 shows an example of the existing wall in which open spaces occur. J. 111 1 .1 Jr 1U. 10 I1. I J1/JJ. {i V VLL ' 11191 \aV1 Y:aVL "'o rH= 111 """""""'11411 INDICATES PORTION OF El U:i lli l7'JL 1rJ: 1'y r1NrJUJ:IrU oQr 1C l,nnY UUIVSULINU rnUC 11 .sr ,vet 4 I \ o•tet 0 AA� � �p, o' r•tet ci $ez, t-A � ING WALL TO BE RAISED MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES 3 r• oet BE, 507 ra-AH •a.t Exhibit 3 - Top -Of -Wall Elevations for the Required Upgraded 'Wall Existing Wall Along San Joaquin Hills Road Example of Open Space in Existing Wall Boarded up Example of Open Space in Existing Wall Filled With Wrought -Iron Fence Exhibit 4 - of Existing Ci t Example Section Wall with Open Spaces T G r z EVA ww--.-+.- -V.1/ •w.�Ju+r/�./ +aw...-.- �i Y.1 .,.VI IJVLII.4 Ir+Vr aJ Mcstre Greve Associates San Joaquin Hills Road Extension, Harbor View Area Page 5 4.0 FUTURE NOISE INCREASE DUE TO THE OC4 PROJECT The future noise environment for the Harbor View residential area along San Joaquin Hills Road will be influenced by the development of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Project (OC4) as well as other future developments in the surrounding area. An analysis was performed to deter- mine the future noise increase due to the OC4 project. Future traff"lc volumes with and without the project for year 1995 and year 2010 are shown in Table 2. This table shows that the future traffic volume for San Joaquin Hills Road will increase with or without the OC4 project. The future noise levels for the Harbor View residences with and without the OC4 project are shown in Table S. In ad- dition, the increases in rear yard noise levels due to the project are given for the years 1995 and 2010. In community noise assessment changes in noise levels greater than 3 dBA are often identified as significant, while changes less than 1 dBA will not be discernible to local residents. In the range of 1 to 3 dBA residents who are very sensitive to noise may perceive a slight change. No scientific evi- dence is available to support the use of 3 dBA as the significance threshold. In laboratory testing sit- uations humans are able to detect noise level changes of slightly less than 1 dBA. However, in a community noise situation the noise exposure is over a long time period, and changes in noise levels occur over years, rather than the immediate comparison made in a labo- ratory situation. Therefore, the level at which changes in community noise levels become discernible is likely to be some value greater than 1 dBA, and 3 dBA appears to be appropriate for most people. The results in Table 5 indicate that all the Harbor View homes facing San Joaquin Hills Road will experience a discernible (greater than 3 dB) increase in noise due to the OC4 project for the year 1995. However, only the home at address 3612 Catamaran will be exposed to a resulting yard noise level greater than 65 CNEL with the existing wall. All other homes in the Harbor View resi- dential area will not experience a significant increase in noise due to the OC4 project for the year 1995. The results also indicate that for the year 2010 the yards at addresses 3606, 3612 and 3620 Catamaran Street will experience future noise levels in excess of 65 CNEL, however, the increase in noise due to the OC4 project will not be discernible. Thus the required mitigation measures for these homes discussed in the previous sections of this report are not mainly due to the OC4 project but are due to the combination of this project with other cumulative developments. All other homes in the Harbor View residential area will experience future year 2010 noise levels which meet the City's 65 CNEL outdoor noise criteria with the existing wall along San Joaquin Hills Road. Tables THE INCREASE IN NOISE (dB) AT LOTS IN THE HARBOR VH3W AREA WITH AND WITHOUT THE -DEVELOPMENT r OF THE SAN JOAQUIN HE= PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR YEAR LM AND YEAR 2010 Address AIM 1996 Nobs Level IM Noise Level 1995 Increase in Note 2010 Noise Leval 2010 Nona Level 2010 lrxxo*" In Ndsu Catamaran SL (dBA) With Project (dBA) Whhout Project (dB) Whh Pngoct (dBA) With "eat (dBA) Without Project (dB) With Prajed 3400 50.4 42.7 7.7 53.8 52.4 1.4 Y 3406 60.6 42.8 7.8 63.9 52.6 1.3 i 3410 51.0 43.2 7.8 64.3 63.0 1.3 3414 51.2 43.4 7.8 64.6 63.2 1.4 3418 52.4 44.6 7.8 55.7 54.3 1.4 r 3500 54.0 46.2 7.8 57.3 55.9 1.4 t 3509 57.8 50.0 7.8 61.2 59.8 1.4 3514 59.9 52.1 7.9 63.2 61.9 1.3 3519 61.4 53.6 7.8 64.8 63.4 1.4 3600 59.8 62.1 7.7 63.2 61.8 1.4 3606 62.2 54.4 7.8 65.6 64.2 1.4 3612 66.0 58.2 7.8 69.4 68.0 1.4 3620 62.3 64.6 7.8 65.7 64.3 1.4 3626 60.0 52.3 7.7 63.4 62.0 1.4 C. 3630 55.1 47.3 7.8 58.5 57.1 1.4 t r Y i L r 4 2 I eo - -- SAN JOAQ PLANNED CO sou I SCALE I'I ilk UIN HILLS MMUNITY 0 In 4t� TR I SE ART N JOA' "�A #ry C- ulq,IT.-,Y..- PLANNED 'A Z. AM- i X;..a 'pan m COYOLO Cen an, �Land I ill C4" Nco i. %.Harb_r. f%al 1 ;qj, Y, A 1.11 It \7 I. v % H111. 6 f Nit P 4�. yw3orts llv. �4- cmnar• 09M ddhlan Highla*ds- CM ) N� uar ce, 3 Pacific Ocean I It t FlW9e I 3140:GD .IV TO: Planning Commission - 5 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MODIFICATION NO.4084 Findines: 1. That the proposed construction will not be detrimental to the surrounding area or increase any detrimental effect of the existing use. 2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 3. That there is adequate space on the public right-of-way to provide landscaping between the proposed wall and the proposed sidewalk along San Joaquin Road so as to buffer the proposed wall. 4. That a noise wall has been required through mitigation measures of an EIR approved by the County of Orange for the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, as it relates to sound attenuation for the noise sensitive uses along San Joaquin Hills Road between Marguerite Avenue and Spyglass Hill Road. 5. That the establishment or maintenance of the proposed structure will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed height of the wall is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. Conditions: 1. That development shall be'in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, elevation and sections. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to the completion of the public improvements. 4. That the proposed sidewalk to be constructed adjacent to the curb have a minimum width of 7 feet from curb face along the San Joaquin Hills Road frontage and that TO: Planning Commission - 6 the wall and footings for the sound wall be placed outside the public right-of-way. All work within the public right-of-way shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 5. That all trees installed adjacent to the sidewalk along the San Joaquin Hills Road frontage shall be on the City's approved tree list unless otherwise approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the Public Works Department and that a root barrier system shall be installed to prevent tree roots from growing under sidewalks. 6. That a minimum 5 foot 6 inch wide landscape area shall be provided between the proposed sound wall and the sidewalk. The landscape area shall be planted with trees and shrubs to adequately screen the side of the wall adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. That a landscape plan and irrigation plan for the landscape planter area shall be approved by the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation, Public Works, and Planning Departments. 8. That disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 9. That the applicant or the adjacent Harbor View Hills Homeowner Association shall agree to maintain all landscaped areas between the wall and the sidewalk. Trees shall be kept pruned 8 feet above the sidewalk and trees and shrubs shall be kept pruned a minimum of 6 inches outside the sidewalk area below the 8 foot elevation. 10. That this modification request shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.81.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. R am MFI[ M170) VICINITY MAP d r' 0 T�Jy 'a y) { /> ORANGE COUNTY 0 -S (P) DISTRICTING -MAP -CITY-OF -NEWPORT- BEACH -CALIFOR ]/i1MSVIlLL•[Cf0[MIY. DISTRICTC•X Yp[x[MM]00 COYIOIC4l OIttMR Y•I YAY01ACT"w. D..Mct AITIWm REVISIONS OCATwxt W wltftc l • Y TYLC ACC Mn" DIVOCi Y-1M MTIIOU20 YAM1.Ci1MYC 01CT111R OLp )JI) •I•Kp f L/A ) yY[L( /yI1LT IRMICT <-0 11Ym0 r� =...11N q 'N 0»1111CT C1O. NY OLG /X.) K)Pvo•• Gau/l)G e OIML[F Atwol AL INAIR C•1 LICM COYY[RCIK 0I$TIIICT U j COY[IxIM[ p[fRKT RJJ (NL ] RT»CT[0 VA.TII{L M[IOCMLL C•[ IO19AAl CMYl11CILL pRRIR _ wy[A <Fwi^;.RfE'o'�;�1ff"• AJ0.' ]YLLTIK[ lt[ IAL 01[AIR OI IYiAYCD1AT[ M[TICT OIWLnnE MAIL, RESIDENTIAL C.Y ..A CII '[' M[T11CT O I A[IIIICO 0»TxICT MODIFICATION NO. fi 0 614 7. 111IV" 10. 1l1 .1`. .,,IU 0ta..i.. I.." lWli.e-j..u.0 IllU U. \/ NOISE ANALYSIS FOR THE SAN JOAQUINI HILLS ROAD EXTENSION FOR THE HARBOR VIEW AREA •- « Report # 9(0.218 August 31,1990 Prepared For. 7I4E IRVINE COMPANY 550 Newport Center Drive P.O. Box I Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Prepared By: Vinco Meatrc, P.E. William Bloomer MES'IRE OREVE ASSOCIATES 280 Newport Center Drive Suite 230 Newport Beach, CA 92660-1528 (714)760.0891 3410 CATAMARAN ., -4 2777. 9 N_I Rm SECTION K 34170 CATAMARAN 1/8" = T-0" SECTION %T 3506 CATAMARAN 1/8" =1'-0" 290. i SECTION �r 1/2" = 1'-0" 1w w \ t 35� a c�ATar�R�.l � SECTION 4 1/2" -1'-0" ., 302. \ 00 co.� e J SECTION Cr 1/2" = 1'-0" =3 OCo G IVV46 A" 7W SECTION P 1/Z' = T-0" 7W /29( SECTION D 1/.2" = 1`-0" "M! SECTION I 1/2" =1'-0" SECTION G 1/2" -1`-0" E 11 1 L A N 1) S C; A P E. A It C II I "I E C I U It 1. January 22, 1993 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658-1768 RE: Catamaran Sound Wall, Newport Beach, CA To whom it may concern, Enclosed please find the material necessary for your review of the Catamaran Sound Wall modifications. The work to be done at the above mentioned site are as follows: • Demolition of existing concrete block wall, sidewalk and vegetation. • Construction of a split -face concrete block wall at the back of the property line. The height of the wall is planned at 8'-0", except for certain locations where additional sound attenuation is required. • Construction of a T-0" curb -adjacent concrete sidewalk for the entire length of the above mentioned site. • Installation of a new irrigation system. • Installation of trees, shrubs and vines which help soften and screen the proposed wall, as well as continue the landscape character of San Joaquin Hills Road. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding any of the items listed above. We look forward to talking with you. Sinc a ichar' Vanderwood, Principal RI-IV/mwh Enclosures PRINCIPALS: Ib+bert Enksson • Owen peters -David Thom, - Jeff Ch.0 dec - Richard Vandemood,Jr • Nord Grd,,wu • Mi. hat; &mu,un� It , 27461 Ca11e Arroyo. SanJuan Capistrano, Caldurtim"2675 Tc1ephunc(714)661-7127 tix(714)248-2549 Crh(erm, In e.w Nund er LH ., MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEAPePruary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Motion * Motion was d voted on to continue Item No. 6 to the Ayes * * * * * March 18, 1993, Plammn ssion meeting. MOTION Absent CARRIED. The Planning Commission recessed at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Modification No 4084 (Public Hearing) Item No.7 mod 4084 Request to permit the construction of a sound attenuation wall which varies between 8 feet and 9 feet-6 inches in height whereas the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height in the Approved R-1-13 District. The proposed wall will be located on the rear property lines of the subject properties adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. LOCATION: Lots 6-19, Tract No. 6152, located on the northerly side of Catamaran Drive, between Keel Drive and the easterly terminus of Catamaran Drive, in Harbor View Hills. ZONE: R-1-13 APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNERS: Various property owners on Catamaran Drive James Hewicker, Planning Director, read a letter addressed to Kevin Connolly, Chairman of the Catamaran Committee from R. Calvin Wallace, President of the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association, dated February 16, 1993. The letter stated that upon review of the proposed plans for construction of a sound wall along San Joaquin Hills Road, the Association approved the concept, subject to a determination by its legal counsel. -27- COM MSSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEARluary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX William Laycock, Current Planning Manager, indicated that the proposed plan involves moving the existing sidewalk from the property line adjacent to the adjoining properties to the curb, and as a result it would remove approximately 31 street trees along San Joaquin Hills Road. The proposed landscape plan would provide approximately 85 trees to be planted in the street right-of- way between the wall and the sidewalk; therefore, staff has suggested an additional finding be added to Exhibit "A" stating That a greater number of trees will be planted in the public right-of- way to replace the existing street trees that will be removed in conjunction with the proposed development. He also requested that Condition No. 9, Exhibit "A", be revised to eliminate That the applicant or; therefore the Condition would read That the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association shall agree... The Irvine Company does not propose to maintain the landscaping; however, the Association will maintain said area. Commissioner Merrill referred to Condition No. 9, Exhibit "A", and he suggested no improvement occur until the maintenance question has been resolved. Don Webb, City Engineer, responded that the Public Works Department would not issue building permits for the wall until acceptable agreement has been provided for the landscape maintenance. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr. Webb explained that the height of the trees that would be removed vary from 25 feet to 35 feet. He indicated that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department is not concerned about removing the trees as long as there would be a landscape plan that would replace the trees. Mr. Webb explained that the proposed landscaping between the new sidewalk and the new wall would reduce the appearance of the height of the wall. Commissioner Glover stated that she was reluctant to accept the removal of the existing trees. Commissioner Merrill stated that a member of the staff from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department advised him that the landscape plan submitted to the Commission is not the plan that -28- MINUTES COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEARkary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX would be approved by their staff inasmuch as they do not support the proposed pine trees shown on the plan. Commissioner Gifford stated that she had a concern regarding the removal of the existing parkway trees. She said that there is a difference between installing all of the landscaping on one side of the sidewalk, and distributing the landscaping on both sides of the sidewalk by including trees in the parkway so the sidewalk would be shaded at times. Commissioner Pomeroy and Commissioner Merrill discussed their dissatisfaction with the existing landscaping on San Joaquin Hills Road adjacent to the subject area. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Richard Vanderwood, landscape architect, appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. In response to a concern expressed by Commissioner Merrill, Mr. Vanderwood replied that he would refer to the tree list provided by the City for the proposed landscaping and that the varied height of the wall would be considered by planting appropriate trees and vines. Mr. Vanderwood further replied that a sound attenuation wall was previously considered; however, the proposed vines would hide the wall from view. In response to a comment by Commissioner Glover regarding the existing trees, Mr. Vanderwood explained that the existing street trees have not been properly maintained and that the proposed trees would be a vast improvement over the existing street trees. In response to a question posed by Chairman Edwards, Mr. Vanderwood explained that the proposed landscape plan was submitted to the homeowners and their concerns were taken in to consideration. Mr. Kevin B. Connolly, a resident on Catamaran Drive, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Connolly referred to the concerns that the residents have regarding their quality of life. He determined that traffic would be diverted to San Joaquin Hills -29- COAUMSSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEArCI�ary 18. 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Road because of the proposed tollway on the proposed San Joaquin Hills Corridor and the traffic noise would be detrimental to the neighborhood. He indicated that the existing wall would not sufficiently mitigate the noise, and the proposed landscaping would beautify the area. Mr. Connolly and Commissioner Gifford discussed the proposed construction of a 7 foot wide sidewalk and the landscaping between the wall and the sidewalk. Discussion ensued between Commissioner Pomeroy and Commissioner Glover with respect to the appearance of a 7 foot sidewalk. In response to a question posed by Chairman Edwards, Mr. Connolly replied that it would be the Association's responsibility to maintain the landscaping. Mr. Calvin Wallace, President of Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Wallace referred to his aforementioned letter to Mr. Connolly indicating the Association's position on the proposed wall. Mr. Bill Hickey, a Catamaran Drive resident, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Hickey addressed the aesthetics of the proposed wall and the residents' concerns regarding the noise level that would be increased because of the proposed toll road. He suggested that the proposed wall should not be considered so much for beautification but as a functional device. He suggested that the purpose of the wall be reconsidered. Mr. Webb addressedconcerns that have been expressed with respect to the increase in traffic on San Joaquin Hills Road because of the proposed toll on Newport Coast Drive. Ms. Mary McDonald, a Catamaran Drive resident, appeared before the Planning Commission. In response to questions posed by Ms. McDonald, Mr. Webb replied that the City owns the subject property where the landscaping will be installed adjacent to the new wall; however, the Streets and Highway Code has -30- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEAFAary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX determined that the adjoining property owners are responsible to maintain the property. Mr. Webb further explained that the wall would be designed so that the footings for the wall will be constructed below grade so there would not be a tree root problem. Commissioner Merrill and Commissioner Pomeroy pointed out that the homeowners would benefit from the upgrading of the landscaping. In response to a question posed by Chairman Edwards, Ms. McDonald stated that the residents are concerned about the cost of the proposed landscaping and the maintenance. She stated that the existing trees could remain adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. Commissioner Gifford addressed the suggestion that the Association maintain the trees and indicated that it does not appear to be a good plan for the City to prune the trees. In response to a question posed by Commissioner .Gifford, Mr. Burnham stated that he does not foresee a problem regarding a Maintenance Agreement between the interested parties. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. * Motion was made to approve Modification No. 4084, subject to the Motion findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", adding the aforementioned finding as suggested by Mr. Laycock and modifying Condition No. 9. Commissioner DiSano stated that a greater number of trees would be added to the landscaping than the number of trees that would be removed from the area. Commissioner Pomeroy expressed his objections to the 50 cent toll that is proposed for a portion of Newport Coast Drive. Commissioner Merrill expressed his concern regarding the noise impact and the affect that the proposed 50 cent toll would have on the traffic in the area. -31- MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEARraary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Ayes * * * * * * Motion was voted on, MOTION CARRIED. Absent Findings: 1. That the proposed construction will not be detrimental to. the surrounding area or increase any detrimental effect of the existing use. 2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 3. That there is adequate space on the public right-of-way to provide landscaping between the proposed wall and the proposed sidewalk along San Joaquin Road so as to buffer the proposed wall. 4. That a noise wall has been required through mitigation measures of an EIR approved by the County of Orange for the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, as it relates to sound attenuation for the noise sensitive uses along San Joaquin Hills Road between Marguerite Avenue and Spyglass Hill Road. 5. That the establishment or maintenance of the proposed structure will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed height of the wall is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 6. That a greater number of trees will be planted in the public right-of-way to replace the existing street trees that will be removed in conjunction with the proposed development. -32- COMMSSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEA.CpIlary 1R. 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, elevation and sections. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to the completion of the public improvements. 4. That the proposed sidewalk to be constructed adjacent to the curb have a minimum width of 7 feet from curb face along the San Joaquin Hills Road frontage and that the wall and footings for the sound wall be placed outside the public right-of-way. All work within the public right-of-way shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 5. That all trees installed adjacent to the sidewalk along the San Joaquin Hills Road frontage shall be on the City's approved tree list unless otherwise approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the Public Works Department and that a root barrier system shall be installed to prevent tree roots from growing under sidewalks. 6. That a minimum 5 foot 6 inch wide landscape area shall be provided between the proposed sound wall and the sidewalk. The landscape area shall be planted with trees and shrubs to adequately screen the side of the wall adjacent to San Joaquin Hills Road. 7. That a landscape plan and irrigation plan for the landscape planter area shall be approved by the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation, Public Works, and Planning Departments. -33- COMMSSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEAFeUrruary 18, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX 8. That disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 9. That the adjacent Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association shall agree to maintain all landscaped areas between the wall and the sidewalk. Trees shall be kept pruned 8 feet above the sidewalk and trees and shrubs shall be kept pruned a minimum of 6 inches outside the sidewalk area below the 8 foot elevation. 10. That this modification request shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.81.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. x s s Dis sion Items: Modificatio 0.3928 Disc. Item D-1 Request to review oposed changes to the approved landscape plan in conjunction wi an approved retaining wall and glass withdrawn windscreen, on 12 contiguo lots located in Cameo Highlands. LOCATION: Lots 2 throng , Tract No. 3519, located at 4709-4839 Cortla Drive, on the southerly side of Cortland Dr easterly of Cameo Highlands Drive, in Cam Highlands. ZONE: R-1-13 APPLICANT: Cortland Noisewall Trust, Corona del -34- AaaPh COMMERCIAWINDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS ay y Telephone: (7141 644-3200 Plan Check No: -_A By:Genia Garcia, Associate Planner By:Marc Myers, Assistant Planner Date• �-�%.�%� Address By:Christy Teague, Associate Planner By Districting Map No. Land Use Element Page No. Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract i /S� Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $20,000. Covenant required. Please have owner's signature notarized on the attached document and return to me. Lot Size Zone Proposed Use , _*�r/A)D d?V Reauired Setbacks Rear Right Side Left Side , FAR WORKSHEET Lot area (site area sa.ft.): sq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): Comm sq.ft. [0.5 x site area sq.ft., unless otherwise specified in Land Use Element] FAR permitted, without variance: (A) Comm res nka Square footage permitted: Comm res oka s t,�(`��jG�-, „ [(A) x site area sq.ft.] Maximum FAR allowed with variance: B Comm res Maximum square footage allowed: comm res[(B) x site area sq.ft.] Nk PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (C) Base FAR use sq.ft. (D) Reduced FAR use sq.ft. sq.ft. (E) Maximum FAR use sq.ft. sq.ft. (F) TOTAL SQ.FT. [C+D+E] sq.ft. PROPOSED FAR: [ F % site area sq.ft. ] PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENT: FAR Use Category Weighting Factor Weighted Sq.Ft. (G) (H) ( G x H 1 sq.ft. Base X 1.00 sq.ft. sq.ft. Reduced X 1.67 sq.ft. sq.ft. Maximum X 0.50 sq.ft. TOTAL WEIGHTED SQ.FT.(May not exceed BDA) Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Required Parking Proposed parking (Indicate number of stalls provided) Total On -Site Parking Standard Compact In-lieuA Parking 6L"___-__Dimension - '�^ hAig ; as measured from atura rad um / 7 342-Z tia-r • -0 q Show natural grade line on all elevations Show all rooftop mechanical equipment and dimension from grade directly below. Indicate location of trash containers on site plan. Number of Stories Floor Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences, etc. in relation to the property line. fair Share Contribution San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fb Please indicate any discretionary approval numbers on the plans and incorporate the attached] excerpt of minutes and list of findings and conditions into the blueline drawings approval letter into the blueline drawings Modifications Committee: Indicate Approval No. on lue Modification required for /�,+�,� Planning Commissionicity councils Use Permit: No. Variance: No. Resubdivision/Tracts No. Site Plan Review: No. Amendments No. other Public Workss Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape P ans Suildino Departments Grading Engineer Parke Department: Approval of Landscape Plans ^ Coastal Development Permits• Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of planes site, floor, and elevations) Coastal Development Permit: No. Effective Dates Waiver/Exemption: No. Effe tive date: a. ca-xZ14 40 M #We, NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate 1 obtain the necessary approvals frost the departments checked have questions regarding your applications pi ase contact me 320 may_ .f; D �� • 1/93 plans and 1. If you (714) 644-