HomeMy WebLinkAboutIRVINE COAST LCP REVISIONS1111111111111111111111111111 c(0,4s1, IRVINE CD'&X'fLCP REVISIONS ' Irvine Coast LCP ' Page 1 of 5 8/27/87 ' SUMMARY LIST POST PLANNING COMMISSION SUGGESTED LCP REVISIONS The following list summarizes the significant changes (see attached pages) to The Irvine Coast LCP draft dated 7/17/87 resulting from the Planning Commission's ' approval on 7/28/87 and subsequent discussions with interested parties. The source of each change is noted on the list (e.g., BMA, Coastal Staff, Friends, State Parks, etc.) ' For consistency, many of these changes require duplicate wording elsewhere in the document, changes In cross references, or similar types of technical changes in the LCP text or exhibits. ' For clarity, changes to the 7/17/87 draft are shown only once, and are highlighted by "cloud" outline, and appropriate handwritten annotation. Ultimately, the approved changes will be incorporated into a completely updated and unannoted copy ' of the LCP document. All changes have been confirmed by County Staff, and following Planning ' Commission action, will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for final action. ' Revision Page No. Date (7/17 LCP) Revision Source ' 7/31 I-1.3 LUP Map Revisions EMA 8/20 I-1.4 Open Space Acreage Corrections EMA 8/20 I-2.2/2.3/3.2/ Open Space Clarification Coastal Staff/ 3.17 EMA ' 8/20 I-2.4 ESHA A Clarification Friends ' 8/20 I-2.8 Marine water quality clarification Friends ' 7/31 I-2.8 Reference to new Visual Analysis document EMA 8/20 I-3.1 Dedication Acreage Coastal Staff/ ' Clarification EMA 7/31 I-3.3 Dedication Areas Map EMA r Irvine Coast LCP Page 2 of 5 8/27/87 7/31 I-3.5-3.10 Open Space Dedication Program EMA, Friends 7/31 I-3.12 Buck Gully, Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons Dediction Procedure E MA 8/20 I-3.14 County Regional Park Use - concession operation Friends 8/27 I-3.15 Riding and Hiking Trail Revision E MA 8/20 3.18/3.19/ Revision to % of land I-3.25 developed Friends 7/31 I-3.25 Golf Course chemical use/ responsibility Friends 7/31 I-4.1 Conference space clarification; Tourist Commercial - principal permitted use clarification Friends 8/20 I-4.6 Tourist Commercial - principal permitted use clarification Friends 8/20 I-4.7 PA 16A and PA 16B use transfer option to PA 20A Friends 7/31 I-4.8 Habitat Enhancement Program revisions Coastal Staff 8/20 I-4.8 Golf Course related uses Friends 7/31 I-4.14 Referral of PA 6 development to Planning Commission; PA 6 Visual Criteria State Parks 8/20 I-4.14 Crystal Cove State Park access State Parks 8/27 I-4.14 Development Edge Treatment Graphic Revision E MA Irvine Coast LCP Page 3of5 8/27/87 7/31 I-4.23 Transportation/Circulation policy additions/ clarifications CAO 8120 I-4.23 Specifies Coastal Commission determination Coastal Staff 8/20 I-4.23 Laguna Canyon Realignment Coastal Staff/ Provision EMA 8/20 II-3.3 Addition of Transportation/ Circulation Policy reference CAO 8120 II.3.3/3.10 Addition of IAP provision for consistency with LUP Section I-4-E-20 regarding Coastal Staff/ Laguna Canyon Road EMA 8/20/27 II-3.4 Average adjustments Coastal Staff/ clarification EMA 8/20 II-3.4 Adjustment of Planning Area Boundaries Friends 8/20 II-3.8 Approval timing for Coastal Staff/ Master Drainage/Runoff Plan EMA 8/27 II-3.10 Laguna Canyon Realignment Coastal Staff/ Provision EMA 8/20 II-4.114.2/4.7 Appealable use clarification Coastal Staff 8/20 II-4.1/4.2/4.3 Permitted Uses Appealable to Coastal Commission Coastal Staff 7/31 II-4.2 Zoning "including but not limited to" language Coastal Staff 8/20 II-4.3 Accessory use clarification Coastal Staff 7/31- II-4.5 PA 6 special height 8/20 provisions Coastal Staff/ EMA 7/31 II-4.5 Lighting restrictions Coastal Staff Irvine Coast LCP Page 4 of 5 8/27/87 7/31 II-4.6 Viewshed Analysis requirement for PA 6 State Parks 8/20 II-4.15/4.16 Landscaping Criteria Friends/EMA 7/31 II-5.2 Heliports and Helistops restrictions Friends 8/20/27 II-5.11 Potential PA 16 Development Entitlement Transfer and Coastal Staff/ Dedication Procedure EMA 8/20 II-6.4 Habitat Enhancement Program criteria additions Coastal Staff 8/20 II-7.1 Principle use clarification Coastal Staff/ for recreation malls EMA 8/20/27 II-7.2 Recreational Use/Trails clarifications Friends/EMA 7/31 II-7.3 Reference to LUP Fuel Mod. policies Coastal Staff 8/20 II-7.2 Delete existing agricultural operations as principle permitted uses in PA 18 and PA 19 EMA 8/20 II-7.3 Open space policy Coastal Staff/ clarification EMA 7/31- II-7.4/8.2/8.3 Reference to LUP Laguna Coastal Staff/ 8/21 Canyon Road policy/trails EMA 7/31 II-7.4 Prohibition of fencing In PA 1113, 12B, 12C Coastal Staff 8/20/27 II-7.5 Reduction in permitted site coverage in Recreation Coastal Staff/ PA's. EMA 7/31 II-8.3 Clarification of road maintenance Coastal Staff 7/31 II-10.5 Clarification of alternative Coastal Staff/ 8/21 development standards EMA Irvine Coast LCP Page 5 of 5 8/27/87 8/20 II-10.5 Establishment of specific public hearing procedures for CDPts proposing alter- native development standards Coastal Staff 7/31 II-11.3 Statistical Table revisions EMA 8/20- II-11.5 Clarification of Maximum 8/21 Dwelling Units allowed per Coastal Staff/ planning area EMA 7/31 II-11.5 Clarification of maximum limits for overnight accommodations Friends 8/20 II-12.4/12.8 Clarification of caretaker quarters and guest cottages definitions EMA 8/21 II-12.12 Redefinition of Regional Park Concession Friends/EMA 1 , COASTAL ZONE B ly aO H 18 I1A 2A 2B CH e d NEN40NT/ 1A ' 13E 3D 1C f + 10A p 1 9 a 13$ �0 13B 4 ' PNken Pant 17 12 U R 3A 1 ' Crystal Cove 38 CRYSTAL Cq )J 14 f r Real Pdnt Jr ' Moro Cove r y� Ab►Igne Point ,& l'q'1Ip � ,,o-,-I-.A,,. / � - - 1, vim. y 0� P,46) I (Nw) 19 21A E STATE PARK Cf s 216 Cf 20A Qo / CITY OF LAO" BEACH -First Amendment The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program LEGEND 46 LAND USE DESIGNATION ® LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0-2) 13B PLANNING AREA ALWER ® MEDIUM —LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-3.5) ® MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3.5-6.5) ® HIN j &O4 , 9� HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (6.5-18) 'o��/ ® GOLF COURSE„/. ,/ '�/� L/, ��/�,� m ® TOURIST COMMERCIAL ® RECREATION ® CONSERVATION i=xhibit F A. Open Space The t c the Land se Plan are is open space lands which compris over 76% o e Irvine Coast. The Irvine Coast will have appr 4, 4,87 ac s of land in Recreation and Parks use, including Cryst Cove Stat Park, Buck Gully, Los Trancos Canyon, ' and several smaller pa eels. The California Coastal Commission has already approved a separate Public Works Plan for Crystal Cove State Park which is consistent with this Land Use Plan. In addition, 1,989 2•,M acres of Conservation land will be dedicated to the County of ' Orange in a phased program as part of the County's Irvine Coast Residential, Golf Wilderness Regional Park, linked to the development of Course, and Tourist Commercial uses. Of the 9,432 acres within the Irvine Coast, over 6,998 acres are to ' be devoted to permanent Open Space uses (see Exhibit G): o State Park (2,807 acres): Virtually the entire area on the ocean ' side of Pacific Coast HIkhway and the watershed of Moro Canyon Inland of Pacific Coast Highway form Crystal Cave State Park. This ' area is now open to public use. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 1.) o Dedication Are (2,666 2 acres) ---As land is developed in The ' rvfine Coas , a or pRased dedic swill transfer large areas of undeveloped land to the County. The areas wiliermWdfi In Conservation and Recreati s . xhibit G, ge Item 2 o Open S ace/Recreati (f,338 1,394 acres): ve a l�eeas o 1 w nHEI—Me- develoWdent zone, including TEck , Los Tim os an Muddy Canyons, and Pelican and Wishbone Hill babflab areas ' RIM— site, will in n pen ce use 11 ited development for recreational purp it end Item 3.) ' o Golf Course (367 acres): Two 18-hole golf courses at Pelican Hill form the centerpiece of the destination resort and provide a greenbelt buffer between overnight accommodations and Pacific Coast Highway. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 4,) I-1.4 08/20/87 preservation of major canyon watersheds, visually significant ridgelines, stream courses, archaeological and paleontological sites, riparian vegetation, coastal chaparral and wildlife habitat Is provided by dedication to a public agency (the County of Orange or its designee) . Environmental impacts to be mitigated by the Dedication Program include habitat and archaeological Impacts caused by residential development and road improve- ments on Pelican Hill, habitat impacts on Los Trancos Canyon, Buck Gully, and Muddy Canyon caused by the construction of xV / Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Ave public view and use r v s cause p real ial co etion a meo Shores a d adjacent to Crystal Cove State Park, nd scenic res rce im is taus by golf rse and commercial development on rontal a opes of Pe can Hill and Wishbone Hill. Large-scale master planning and dedication programming for the Irvine Coast enables the permanent protection of large, conti- guous open space areas rather than the protection of smaller, discontinuous habitat areas that might result from a project - by -project site mitigation approach. A much greater degree of habitat and open space protection can be achieved by a dedication program that assembles large blocks of habitat area contiguous to Crystal Cove State Park than would be possible with project -by -project mitigation measures. (Coastal Commission Appeal No. 326-80, Broadmoor, Page 18.) While specific mitigation measures are being included for potential impacts within or near the development areas (e.g., erosion control measures), 1 for impacts not avoided is the plu Dedication Program. In addition, protection jiLd deyA1vp180nk mitiga large areag'of Gully, and Muddy Canyon through the "Wilderness" Open Space with 08/20/87 NEB U *ew Dedication Program. Lrohd tdni* 3i Coastal Act Section 30200, most of the more significant Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA's) are located within, and will be protected by, conservation and recreation land use categories. The Land Use Plan recognizes that the preservation of these particular resources and the Open Space Dedication Program are more protective of coastal resources than the protection of more isolated and relatively less significant habitat areas within designated residential and commercial development areas. Hence the potential loss of any ESHA's through development is offset by the Open Space Ded- ication Program. The potential loss of any ESHA's through the construction of public facilities such as arterial highways is offset by the coastal access benefits derived from these road- ways as well as the Open Space Dedication Program. In accordance with Section 30007.5 of the Coastal Act, the major Open Space Dedication Program creates the balance which allows the completion of the residential and commercial land uses.' I-2.3 08/20/87 L 2. Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas For purposes of Section 30107.5 of the Coastal Act, natural drainage courses designated by a dash and three dot symbol on the USGS 7.5-minute series map, Laguna Beach Quadrangle, dated 1965 and photo -revised 1972 (hereafter referred to as "USGS Drainage Courses"), riparian vegetation associated with the aforementioned drainage courses, coastal waters, wetlands, and estuaries are classified as "Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas" (ESHA's). The-loeetiesr-of-*11--BSHA-to-within The-irwine-Beast•-is-famc}-isr-Fr�rh9�it•-I� The-BeHew4ng-eategarles—lie re—been--erected-te-4ndieete--the relative-**Mfieanee-ef-*MA1s- The habitat value along the length of individual drainage courses and among different drainage courses is not equal. The habitat value of the coastal waters is different from that for drainage courses. Based on biological studies, (see biological inventory, Appendix H-1, Final EIR 237 and Pelican Hill Drainage Habitat, Appendix hereto) four catagories of ESHAts have been created to differentiate habitat values as shown on Exhibit H. a. ESHA Category A: N GS Drainage Courses withassociated riparian/oak dland vegetation which contain the most significant itat areas in The Irvine Coast are designated as ESHA ry , an a he most protection.-, and ep(-fer-Madd7-Ganyen;4�hey located entirely within ecreat d Co land use categories. To assure their long-term protection and as a means of providing a unique park setting for fa a real The Irvine Coast and of the regi , Buck Gully anc) I-2.4 �„`� NS/27 New I 1 1 1 F F 1 1 F 1 1 i 1 1 1 portions of Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons and to d-Baek 8aliy will be dedicated to the County of Orange in accordance with Policies of this LCP. s--fAcal—Park Implementatiow-Plan. Public Aaccess to these areas will by-reg%ml.A ses�elsalt be prevWed via linkages with the Pelican Hill Road Trail System,_ Los Trancos parking lot and tUk Crystal CovVkate Park tramstems. / I-2.4 08/27/87 1 The major objective of the Erosion and Urban Runoff Management Policies for The Irvine Coast is to assure that erosion and runoff rates do not significantly exceed natural rates, while at the same time assuring sand replenishment provided within the coastal watershed is maintained. The Irvine Coast littoral "cell" Is-extremeI7 limited and is hewft partial ly dependent on the local watershed for sand replenishment. Marine water quality will be protected b directing runoff to vabW natural drainage courses such as Lo Tranc anyon� Buck Gully and Muddy Canyon, through the use of landscaped drainages in the golf course (including the new riparian habitat area), apbq�m�aif8' que s so that' habitat areas are protected from flows mtIv in access of natural rates of flow. AM%iezwk of to urea may`.1naN�� efficient landscaping applications. 4. visual Quality necessary mty Standards. These mesa - In cleaning, and ntrol of chemical NA6FN The Coastal Act requires that new devel ment be sited and designed in such a way as to protect vi s to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas (Section 251). The visually significant lands and prim e v Irvine Coast are depicted on Exhibit and Appendix Item 8. The policies and land uses of The I e t LUP wed below, in association with the State Park purchase and private donations, address "visual quality" in a comprehensive manner and protect views of each of the major landforms depicted on Exhibit C. Additionally, the creation of the golf course greenbelt enhances I-2.8 08/27/87 N4'w 'I CHAPTER 3 RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES This Chapter sets forth policies for the conservation and Bement of resources within The Irvine Coast Planned Community. tea are organized in the following sequence: A for 1.155 acres of Coast -- Policies as to the four different ..nen C ttl T -- Specific programs for the in of cultural i A. GGI* rRVATIE3N ARBA--PGLIGERG-EPA-Sti [Policies on page I-3.1 and I-3.2 of the 3/16/87 Draft were relocated to Section 1-3-C where they were combined with Policies from I-4-C pri- marily to provide a comprehensive discussion of the Irvine Coast Regional Wilderness Park.] Bs H4''fE*H*E1ONBBIFVA'fi6N-M&NAAGNIMOT-P9DI MS [This Section B, beginning on page I-3.3 of the 3/16/87 Draft, was relocated to page I-3.12b.] I-3.1 07/31/87 j OPEN SPACE DADICATION PGFACIEB PROGRAM PerfiYie-pe1k4ee-here4n; The landowner Is-required-te shall dedicate Planning Areas PA 18, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, 4a4- PA 21CC deel6neted areas e€-Bmernlc9,-moat; and 4regvne-4G&r*-oae to the County ol Orange as ' development of residential and commercial areas occurs, in accordance with the following policies and procedures. 1. Lands to be Dedicated ' zlGi The Dedication Area includes approximately 9;860 acres In Planning Areas PA 18, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, mwd-PA 21c4--Tn- order to facilitate resource management, public access and aZept- I l II ance by the County of portions of the dedication in phases, the Dedication Area has been divided into four Management Units. County acceptance of Management Units will be in numerical sequ- ence as shown on Exhibit J. ef--Smereiel--Ganz ,-Bmeral+-midge; l;egcrna--C,emyen,--atxl--Boat Eaayon-ae-delineated-otr 339h%fte 4-&47 Beeaueethe-relatire-reeotirrce•values-witkisi-the43"ieatiotr Arearrary eubetantfaHy; -snt>areas-}an*e•�ieerrdelineated-vrkieireentain-#denlffi- al�ieearree-tTpee-Ei:�r-�'rirorm�etr@ally-Ee:tsflive-i�abita�-�ireas; rieigelInes-,-lattdferrrra�risiblefrom�GH;etc.-}: -Baek-subaren-itas-been aesigt:ed-a-percentage-whieft-re&seta-fts-reeoaree-raiue-relatfre-4e the-whole-Bedfcatfen-Area-Esee-eft•-I�- 2: Lends-to-be-Dereleped The-Bevelopmmt- Area dtteittdea-sl}-nreee-deafgaeled der-reei- deniia�,--gold-eeuree,--atrd-eetntoere#al-usea-on-the-tatsd-33ee--Map- Beeauee-tile--resat we-reseuree-ireduee-w#thin--tke-Oereiepment Area ♦ary6-eebetan##aH7,-aabareec-hare been-delineated-whiek-contain ident#Habfe-reseavee-tTpea-Ei: e.-,-reere*Hen-mritebi34t7,,--efgnif4eant lettdferms-, -ate.-h--�h-subarea--has-fieesz-'seelgned-a-pereentage wkfclr reflacts-i4s reseuree rslae-relatfre te-eke whole Be►elepment I-3.2 07/31/87 I 1P"M CrYstd it II Red Abalone J STATE PARK he Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program `EMEND MANAGEMENT UNIT AND SEQUENCE NUMBER V I-3.3 CITY OF LAGUU BEACH 1"his is a reduced facsimiie of an oti¢inal 1 "=1000' state exhibit. Exniait' J T Rel lv �1.111?7 -effered-fer ' In order to accommodate open space management objectives and the topographic characteristics of the dedication area, Tthe boundaries astd--phaeit of the Management Units Bedk4*%n ' Subareas may be adjusts medifted by agreement of the landowner The-h44ne-6empa", the County, and the Coastal Commission.--Sneh ' medifieatimm and shall be treated as a minor amendment to this Plan at the direction of the Executive Director of the Commission. 1 5-2. Procedures for Conveyance of Title a. Recordation of the Offer (1) Timing of Rercordation_: Sixty-one days after LCP certification and the approval of a development agreement or other mechanism by the county and the landowner, the landowner will record an Offer of Dedication for a term of thirty (30) years for the entire 2•,469 2,666 acre Dedication Area. The term "or other mechanism" means that if County or landowner determines not to enter into a Development Agreement then "other mechanism" providing equivalent assurances of certainty of development will be entered into between County and landowner as a condition precedent to the recording of the offer; upon entering into such an agreement, (i.e. "other mechanism") County and Company shall jointly publish a public notice that the sixty-one day time period for recording the Offer has commenced. (2) Effect of Legal Challenge: In the event of a legal challenge to the certification of the LCP and/or the validity of a development agreement or "other mechanism," the landowner shall I-3.5 I I record the Offer only at such time as the earlier of either of the following occurs: (a) the landowner proceeds to commence development (as defined in the Coastal Act of 1976) in the plan area pursuant to a Coastal Development Permit or (b) the County succeeds In obtaining a final court ruling, not subject to further judicial review, affirming the validity of the approval challenged in the litigation, thereby enabling the landowner to proceed with development on the basis of the LCP as approved by the Coastal Commission. (3) Recorded Offer as Pre -Condition to Development: The County will not approve (i.e., provide final authorization to proceed with development) any Coastal Development Permit in the plan area or subdivision map, except large lot subdivisions for financing purposes, prior to recordation of the Offer. However, any subdivision map approved "for financing purposes" only may not be recorded prior to recordation of the Offer. b. Timing of Acceptances of Dedication Offer: The Offer of Dedication will provide that the title for each Management Unit shall be automatically conveyed upon acceptance by -a ge&Hfieel--eg�encT-wamed-4n--the--9ifer, as specified in Section "c" below, as follows: (1) Management Unit I sued}--be•-eenve7ed may be accepted upon the issuance of the first gradit permit Coastal Development Permit providing for wadi ig in any residential or commercial planning area (as identified in Exhibit E) other than for a I-3A A 08/27/87 11 Coastal Development Permit providing for the ' construction of Pelican Hill Road; and ' (2) One remaining Management Unit eyed} be-eeareped may be accepted as follows for each of the development increments listed below: ' (a) Ninety days following issuance of building t permits for a cumulative total of 1,000 prim art' residential dwelling units; �I (b) Ninety days following issuance of building permits for a cumulative total of 2,000 prima rt' residential dwelling units; and (c) Ninety days following issuance of building permits for a cumulative total of 1,500 TWtor overnight accommodations_ mritti--(e:g:-helels; meters;-ancf cashes (as defined in LCP Chapter 4, Section A-1-a and_2-a and in accordance with the intensity formula specified in Chapter 4, Section A-1-b-(4)) or a cumulative total of 80 percent of the 2.66 million sq. ft. of development allowed in PA 13, whichever first occurs, pursuant to Chapter 4-A-1-b. c. Designated Offerees: At such time as any Management Unit may be accepted as provided in b (1) or b (2) above, the County of Orange will have three (3) years to accept the Offer as to such Management Unit, after which asry-e6eney- nemeA-ia-the-effer the State of California either through the California Department of Parks and Recreation or the California Coastal Conservancy will have two--(* three (3) years to accept the Offer of Dedication. If the 7 aforementioned public agencies have not accepted the Offer as to such Management Unit(s), The Trust for Public Land or the National A I-3.7 1 A8/27/87 I 1 I I Audubon Society will have one (1) year to accept the Offer of Dedication. If ne-pubHe-ageney none of these public or non-profit entities has accepted said Offer(s) within these timeframes, the landowner will regain full title and unencumbered use of the offered land constituting the Management Unit(s). d. Effects of Legal Action Preventing Development and Proportional Dedication: Acceptance of the four Management Units identified in the Offer of Dedication pursuant to subsection b above, is qualified .o by the requirement that the conveyance of title to the Management Units) shall not occur if the landowner is prevented from vesting the right to develop the developmen+ cumulative residential dwelling unit/overnight accommodation levels as specified in subsection b: for such Management Units) by operation of Federal, State or local law, or by any court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landowner's governmental entitlement to develop said units. At any tiime that the landowner is subsequently entitled to proceed with development in the manner specified in the approved LCP, all dedication requirements and provisions shall be automatically reinstted provided that the term of the Offer has not been exceeded. However, if the landowner is prevented from proceeding with development (i.e. legally unable to undertake any development for the reasons identified above) for a period of ten (10) years, the Offer of Dedication shall automatically terminate and the right to dvelop shall likewise be suspended as provided in subsection 2 a (3) above. (2) Proportional Dedication: In the such event of legal impediments to development as described in Subsection (1) above, if the landowner has not been able to undertake the aforementioned development for a period of ten (10) years, the County may only accept a proportional dedication in accordance with the following ratio: %\ I-3.8 08/27/87 V, Proportional Dedication - For each unit for which the ' landowner has received a certificate of occupancy, the County may accept dedications in ratios of .76 acre for each such ' residential unit and .31 acre for each visitor accommodation unit or per each 1400 sq. ft. increment of the 2.66 million sq. ft. intensity allowed in PA 13, (whichever intensity level is ' achieved first). ' Dedication areas accepted pursuant to the above proportional dedication requirement shall be located in accordance with the ' Management Unit sequencing identified on Exhibit J with the precise location of the acreage to be specified by the accepting public or non-profit entity. ' (3) Management Unit I Riversion: In the event that the landowner is prevented, as specified above, from completing (i.e., receiving certificates of use and occupancy) the derelopmen+ first one ' thousand (1,000) primary residential dwelling unite, title to any lands accepted by County in Management Unit I in excess of the ' Proportional Dedication above ratio ide:et4Hed- for--preperHeaa� .1cet4everreieiEing-to-Menegement 41nit-* as applied to completed units shall revert to the landowner within six months of the occurrence of the specified legal impediments to development. ' e_ Dedication Commitments - Effect of Landowner Delay in Development ' (1) Areas Graded but Not Completed: For any development area ' that has been graded and remained unimproved (i.e. without streets, Infrastructure and permanent drainage systems) for a period of five ' (5) years, Conty may accept a dedication area in accordance with the proportional dedication formula in subsection d above with the application of the formula based on the number of development units ' specified/authorized in the Coastal development Permit which served as the governmental authorization for the grading activity. This ' A A I-3.8 A X 08/27/87 LI I shall not avvIv where the rights on the land area in question has occurred as a result of the operation of Federal, State or local law or by any court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landowner's governmental entitlement to develop the specified units on said land area. (2) Fifteen Year Deadline for Comopleting All Dedications: All dedication increments that have not been prev4eeelr eeeepted eligible for acceptance pursuant to the provisions of subsection b above may be accepted fifteen (15) years after the recording of the Offer of Dedication. Provided however, that in the event the landowner is prevented from eempletfng proceedings with development (i.e. unable to proceed voluntarily) by operation of Federal, State, or local law or by any court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landownerts governmental entitlement to develop, the fifteen (15) year timeframe for completing all acceptance of dedication increments shall be extended by a time period equal to the amount of time the development--he*rbeen--iudted right to proceed with development has been suspended. In the event the landowner is prevented from completing development by operation of Federal, State or local law, or by any court decision which limits the allowable number of building permits that may be approved or issued each year (or within a given time period), the fifteen year timeframe for completing all acceptances of dedication increments shall be extended by a time period equal to the amount of time necessary for the landowner to obtain the maximum allowed building permits per year to complete the total development allowed by the LCP. f. Acceptance of Dedication Increments: The acceptance of dedication Increments shall be conditioned on a requirement that the dedication T lands may be conveyed subsequent to the initial acceptance only to / other government agencies and only for purposes consistent with land uses allowed in the LCP at the time of the initial certification \A I-3.8 A A8/27/87 I 1 by the Coastal Commission. 1 g. Dedication Area Access: Access to the Dedication Area prior to any acceptance shall be allowed for County, its employees, licensees, 1 representatives and independent contractors acting within the scope of their employment by the County solely for the purposes of 1 surveying, mapping and planning activities related to future County management of the Dedication Area and shall be subject to 1 landowner entry permit requirements regarding personal liability and personal security. 1 for h. Property Description: A detailed property description each Management Unit shall be set forth in the Offer of Dedication. 1 A k 1 1 1 1 II I-3.10 O8/27/87 1 5. Landform alterations are allowed in the Conservation Area to the extent required to accommodate realignment, improvement, and/or widening of Laguna Canyon Road and associated Improvements ae-grovided-in-a-Rrs6-coes#el-developmenbPermit and shall conform with the requirements of LUP Section I-4-E- 20 for any such project. 6. No agricultural practice shall aggravate known or suspected land management problems such as the spread of non-native #j!A/ plants, soil erosion, or the deterioration of sensitive 1/� environmental habi C. "SPECIAL U rEffOPEN SPACE DEDICATION PROGRAM The subdivider shall dedicate Planning Areas PA 1 A,_PA 12A, and PA 12E to the County of Orange as development of abutting residential areas occurs, in accordance with the following policies and procedures. The subdivider shall receive local park credit for not less than five (5) acres of special use open space dedication. Area(s) designated as special use park shall be made separate parcels suitable for transfer to any succeeding City or local park operating agency. 1. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final development map, a 20 acre parcel/tract in PA 3A, PA 1B, or 1 PA 2A, the subdivider shall record an Offer of Dedication for PA 11A. ' 2_ Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final development map, a 20 acre parcel/tract in PA 1C, PA 2B, ' PA 2C, PA 5, PA 4A, or PA 3A, the subdivider shall record an Offer of Dedication for PA 12A. 3. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final /2 New 1 LJ I I development map, a 20 acre parcel/tract in PA 3B, PA 4B, PA 5, or PA 8, the subdivider shall record an offer of dedication for PA 12A. 4_ The above offers shall be irrevocable continuing offe dedication to the County of Orange or its designie for purposes in a form approved by the Manager, EMA Heys Beaches and Parks and Reereatlen/Program Planning Division suitable for recording fee title. The offers shall be free and clear of money and all other encumbances, liens, leases, fees, easements (recorded and unrecorded), use restrictions assessments and unpaid taxes in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, EMA-Harbors, Beaches and Parks and Reere&Hen/Program Planning Division. The offers shall be in a form that can be accepted for transfer of fee title at any time by the County. S. Notwithstanding the above procedures, offers of dedication may be made in a Parcel A and Parcel B sequence. Parcel A shall contain, to the greatest extent possible, the majority of the total area requirement and shall be offered for dedication at the time specified in 1, 2, and 3 above. The boundaries of Parcel A shall be determined through a review of the physical characteristics of the total planning area required for dedication. The boundaries of Parcel B shall be refined and offered for dedication upon the recordation of subsequent final maps for planning areas abutting the area to be dedicated. When appropriate, areas containing urban edge treatments, fuel modification areas, roads, manufactured slopes and similar uses may be offered for dedication as scenic easements. I-3.12 08/27/87 'I '1 access and enjoyment/observation of natural resources and processes, (2) interpretive programs, and (3) park concessions (page REC-4-8). Park concessions within PA 18 and PA 19 will N� be limited to uses wh ort ass a recre activities such i , e atrian ridIn cnicki ,and ca may be operated as a regional park concession by a limited commercial venture under contract to the public agency. Additional la'n7'use policies for subareas within the wilderness regional park are applicable to each specific planning area as follows: Planning Area 18 (Upper Emerald Canyon): ridgeline hiking and s and rest stops. 2) Except for emergency and maintenance vehicles, vehicles will be prohibited in the canyon bottom. 3) Where feasible, trails and roads will incorporate existing trails and roads. 4) No more than 5� one (1) percent of the total land area will be developed with structures, pavement, or other impervious materials. 5) Stream courses in Emerald Canyon and significant riparian vegetation will be maintained or enhanced. I-3.14 08/27/87 G14AN 1) Principal permitted use includes parking associated with park use, tent camping, stables, youth hostels, riding and hiking mid -equestrian trails, ac+ivitrareas .� and picnicking, anel-pleyir�-lfelds. ^ J 2) Where feasible, trails and roads will incorporate existing trails and roads. Access roads will be limited to two lanes. 4) No more 10 is ercent of the total land area will be d tth structures, pavements, or other impervious materials. 5) Recreation improvements will allow wildlife movement across portions of Moro and Emerald Ridges. C. Planning Area PA 21 and _PA_12E 1) Principal permitted use includes those uses which are of a pa recreational natu ( as wpoints /� mited active reation natu (such as riding and /1 N king equesti4an trails), whic are cone v' ' ti ientif dy _gpdeD ter etation, or volve public safety, facilities, and utilities. 2) Wildlife habitats will be preserved by controlling human access to Emerald, and Moro Canyons and Muddy Canyon. 3) Key areas of chaparral and coastal sage will be protected from human intrusion. 4) Stream courses in Emerald and Moro Canyons will be I-3.15 08/27/87 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 project. 12) Access roads are permitted and will be limited to two lanes or a total of 20 feet in width wide. Where possible, trails and roads will use existing trails and roads (i.e., for park operations, maintenance, and emergency access vehicles). 2. Back (fully, Los Trancos/Muddy Canyons, and Pelican/Misbbone Hill Areas In addition to the Oven Space Dedication Area (Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park), environmentally sensitive areas within the development zone, including Buck Gully, Los Trancos Canyon, Muddy Canyon, and portions of the P lican and Wishbone Hill r ntal will be served in en sp e, with portunities for "special use" paesire recreation within Planning Areas PA 11A and PA 12A,and PA 12E. % ^, GRAN&�o 1 I-3.17 08/27/87 1 I a. Beek-6uW-Planning Areas PA 11A and PA 11B(Baek (tally and the frontal slopes of Pelican Hill): 1) Principal permitted use includes loea} passive parks, riding and hiking trails, bikeways, drainage control facilities, water and sewer facilities, access and maintenance roads, and utilities. 2) Recreation lands in PA 11A shall be dedicated to, and owned and maintained by, the County of Orange or other designated public agency. Recreation lands in PA 11B Beek-Gai3T may be owned and maintained by home- owner associations, adjoining property owners, special• assessment districts, the County of Orange and/or other appropriate public agencies. 3) Residential lot lines from adjoining properties may extend into PA 11B, but not into PA 11A. 4) Natural landforms will be retained by locating recrea- tional facilities in the flatter portions of the canyon bottom, and so as not to interfere with natural stream courses or riparian vegetation. 5) A maximum —if 2% H of the total lands designated in PA 11A and P tegory may be developed with impervious surfaces (i.e., trails, roads, recreation facilities, etc.). 8) Recreational facilities will be located on slopes generally less than 30%. 7) Except for emergency and maintenance vehicles, vehicular access will be prohibited. I-3.18 07/31/87 II 8) Archaeological and paleontological sites will be preserved except where necessary to provide public safety and/or utilities facilities. b. yee4*=cos-e4n"n Planning Areas PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, and PA 12D (Los Trancos/lMuddy Canyons and the frontal slopes of lliabbone Hill): 1) Principal permitted use includes loess ap sstve parks, riding and hiking trails, bikeways, drainage control facilities, water and sewer facilities, access and maintenance roads, utilities, parking and staging areas. 2) Recreation lands in PA 12A shall be dedicated to, and owned and maintained by the County of Orange. Recreation lands in PA 12B, PA 12C, and PA 12D Lee Tranee&-41sn7en may be owned and maintained by homeowner associations, adjoining property owners, special assessment districts, the County of Orange and/or other appropriate public agencies. 3) A maximum 1$ 5$ f the total lands in PA12A, PA12B, PA12C, 'i'A'12D and PA 12E may be devel- oped with impervious surfaces (i.e., structures, roads, recreation facilities, etc.). 4) Recreational facilities will be located on slopes generally less than 30%. 5) Archaeological and paleontological sites will be pre- served except where 4:Ccoameelible with-e�rieti rende where necessary to provide public safety and/or utilities facilities. I-3.19 07/31/87 II ' vegetation removal or alteration will be minimized and mitigated by the habitat enhancement measures in Los Trancos Canyon, and will be shown to be the least environmentally damaging feasible alteration. E. CATEGORY NCR ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA POLICIES The Category C ESHA, as delineated in Exhibit H, contains coastal waters which have been designated a Marine Life Refuge and an Area of Special Biological Significance. I' The Category C ESHA area is encompassed within Crystal Cove State Park. As-mwh-, The protection of marine reeenreeo-�is-the zeepeaeibGitg of the 43�df�Orreia�eparlmen� e€ Poke-as�d3tecreetless water quality in marine ' resource areas is subject to the authority of the State Water Resources Control Board. Protection of water quality is provided by the LCP Runoff i' Policies and will be reviewed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board in conjunction with subsequent coastal development permits and related ' environmental impact reports (EIR's). A water quality monitoring program shall be submitted to the Regional Water ' Quality Control Board prior to initial implementing approvals for the golf course, for the purpose of monitoring runoff entering the ocean as well as the riparian corridors. Copies of the results of the monitoring program shall be forwarded to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the ' County of Orange on a regular basis for their review to determine whether corrective action is required pursuant to the authority of said agencies. ' Use and application of chemicals on the golf course and other landscap areas shall be limited to those approved by the County, State and Federal ' agencies. The landowner shall be responsible for notifying tenants and/or prospective initial purchasers of this requirement. ' I-3.25 08/27/87 0� ' II II CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT POLICIES A. TOURIST COMMERCIAL POLICIES 1. Pelican HUI Destination Resort (PA13A, PA13B, PA13C, PA131), PA13E, and PAIN) a. Principal permitted use for Coastal Act purposes includes overnight accommodations (such as hotela, and mqWa; 00, casie'i3�rf an im ar on iniu ), and uses ancillary to and directly supportive of Overnight accommodations including NretalVvomrpeXcial, *ervicil ime 1, end meeting facilities ancillary to jqqthe accommodations, recreation and health facilities, golf courses, parr aeormrl°a s'true es, other support facilities normally associated with resort hot a such as foodpreparation, housekee in , maintenance and manaver's areas, kw ea! , b. Principal permitted uses and accessory uses, including accommodations, resort facilities, and the golf course clubhouse but excepting parking facilities and day -use commercial facilities specified in (c) below, shall be allowed up to a total of 2.66 million square feet. Within this total area, the following intensity of use criteria No one of the Planning Areas 13A, 13B, 13C, or 13D, 13E, or 13F shall contain more than 60,000 square feet of sin¢le. continuous nrimary ballroom/exhibition space., -atx4-tile -Mtei -ef-such-space �n-#i�ese-fear Plean4n�--l4reas--ei�l-�-"exceed-tr#etai-ef-i48•,-066 I GyANG �"U II egnnre--#ee4: ("Single, continuous primary ��N ballroom/exhibition space" denotes one large-scale ✓ meeting/convention area and does not include the square footage of conference facilities with smaller Individual meeting rooms. 2) In these six Planning Areas, the total square footage of conference and meeting space, including primarq ballroom/exhibition space and individual meeting rooms, shall not exceed 140,000 square feet. 34) A_ T-total of 1,90-00 overnVht accommodations are allowed elfed}-neR eueeed-4;909. 43•) Not more than 400 overnight accommodations may be Individually -owned. 54) Casitas (multiple bedroom, low-rise accommodations) owned and operated by hotels shall be counted as follows with respect to the maximum 1,900 permitted overnight visitor accommodations: a) Casitas with one or two bedrooms shall be considered one (1) overnight accommodation; and b) Casitas with 3 or more bedrooms shall be considered two (2) overnight accommodations. C. Day -use retail commercial facilities, in addition to those Included within hotels and other accommodations areas, are allowed, and will not exceed a total of 75,000 square feet of leas9ble--0ke0 floor area. d. The architectural character of the resort area will be I-4.1 07/31/87 n k. A shuttle service for visitors will connect the visitor - serving areas with each other and with the John Wayne Airport. r/" ' a. Principal permitted useIncludesovernight accommodations such as a_ hotels• and or motels•, and uses ancillary to and directly supportive of overnight accommodations including rooms retail commercial, -and service commercial use, and Incidental and other support facilities normally associated with resort hotels such as food preparation, housekeeping, maintenance and manager's areas. and-accsessery-trees; aR b. Incidental an�4-seaes6ry commercial development shall in- clude only uses supporting and directly relating to the adjacent park, overnight accommodations, and recreational visitor activities. do Maximum number of overnight accommodations hotel or motel guest rooms shall be 250. d. and overnight accommodations and all directly supporting commercial facilities but excluding parking facilities and the day -use commercial described in (e) below, shall not exceed a total of 300,000 square feet. Within this total area, Planning Area 14 shall not contain more than 18,750 square feet of meeting space. I-4.6 08/20/87 I lee W 1 2) Surface parking from Laguna Canyon Road = 10 feet h. In the event that the entire development entitlement in this LCP for PA 16A and PA 16B is transferred to either PA 20A or an alternate site within the City of Laguna Beach and all necessary permits are obtained to allow such transferred development to be constructed, then the landowner shall thereupon execute and record an offer to dedicate PA 16A and PA 16B. Such offer shall be substantially as set forth in Part III of this LCP, except that the offer shall be subject to immediate acceptance by the County of Orange for a period of three (3) years. In the event that the County does not accept the offer during that time period, said offer shall be available for acceptance thereafter by the City of Laguna Beach for a period of three (3) years. B. GOLF 1. Planning Areas l0A and 10B will contain golf courses that will serve both visitors and residents. At least 50 percent of all golf course play will be reserved for visitors, including guests staying in on -site accommodations. To the extent that golf course, tennis court, and other recreational facility usage is not required to serve the recreational needs of visitors to uses located in Planning Areas 13A-F and 14, golf course, tennis court, and other play shall be made available to the public on an advance reservation basis. In order to minimize conflicts and allow efficient scheduling, a visitor play area may be separate from a resident play area. I-4.7 08/27/87 2. Principal permitted use includes golf courses, lakes, ponds and ' associated drainage facilities, driving ranges, clubhouses, tennis courts, athletic uba, and dent d esso comme� alr - mmercial reation cilitie . Except for the golf course play area, driving range and putting greens, all golf course related uses shall be included within the total square ' footage allowed for PA 13 uses_ ' 3. do ec OPT s to se for accommodations and other land uses will be located in PA30A. ' 4. Golf courses will be subject to a permanent open space ' easement upon completion. [The following subsection (5) was Section I-3-G, "Habitat Enhancement", ' in the 3 /1 Bj� rMLj / —� �\ /----•� if. Pric►r-M-oreoreetirren4-whir-the As part of the review and approval of a coastal development permit for the golf course in PA10A and PAIOB, a nRiparian Habitat NnMmeemea! Creation Programs (RHCP) will be submitted in accordance with the ' following and the criteria and standards set forth in UP Section II-6-E-8: A A 1a. I will be re -constituted and habitat will be established in selected drainage courses in PA10A and/or PA11B totalling approximately 4,000 lineal feet and utilizing one or more of the following enhance- ment concepts (see Pelican Hill Drainage Habitats, Larry Seeman Associates, September 1986, provided in the Ap- pendix to this LCP, for further definition of enhancement concepts): t1) Sycamore planting; b2) Willow planting; e3) Willow/mulefat establishment; I-4.8 08/27/87 1 If II II G�AN�O� b. Lot size will be a minimum average of 30,000 square feet. c. Access will be from Sand Canyon Avenue directly or from a network of local roadways. Any necessary buffer or transition zones between PAB and PA17 (i.e., Crystal Cove State Park) will be located within in accordance with Larndseaping`: berming;-er-eetbaeiss-wii��e-atfifaed-to--screen �riniary�-residential-�reei+nee-dn-i�.4-6-ae�efewed-from-That �er4ien-of-4he existing-pebtie-4ra3�-adjnc te-4ke-drainage eonrae -fsr-Pao--�7-068--feel-ef-s-pr4einr� straetnre4n-iA-4-.- T-ke-blending-efalepee ancltzee-ef�arfeble elopes-�l--be•-employed-where-feesible-to--resters-e-nal�rra4 appearance �!o- graded--areas-T3ewed-from-!ka!-porticxr-af �hhe existfng-ptxbHe-4rai}-fir-I1A-4F-whie3r-4s-witisiri-i; B00•-feet-ofa grades}-area-4n-Pl4-4 In order to maximize visual protection for public lands, structural height reductions may be required In combination with the utilization of landscaping (including native vegetation), natural landforms, berming, and setbacks will be utilized In siting new development (including fencing) along the north and west side of Moro Canyon in order to maintain the existing undeveloped visual qualities as viewed from the potential Moro Canyon Trail shown on on Exhibit K. Night lighting shall be directed away from Crystal Cove State Park. The blending of slopes and use of variable slopes will be emnloved where feasible to restore the natural appearance to the transition between the open space and graded areas. I-4.14 08/20/87 11 C. Grading, as it may be required to establish proper drainage, install landscaping, construct trails and related improvements, protect adjacent development, repair bluff slopes, and improve bluff stability, may be permitted within the setback. d. Cameo Del Mar will provide for a bluff top trail connecting Crystal Cove State Park, where topographic and geologic conditions permit. aed4f-needed-to-eempismertt-c lraff system oimf}arlr 4aeated-.withi:s--Om-gtate- e. A smooth and gradual transition between graded and existing slopes will be maintained. f. The golf course in PAIOA and PA10B north of Pacific Coast Highway may be extended into PA9 subject to the Golf Course Policies contained in the preceding LUP Section I-4-B. Golf course usage may include related clubhouse and/or incidental and accessory golf course uses which shall be limited to a maximum of 10,000 square feet. Such golf course -related uses shall be included within the total square footage allowed for PA 13 uses, as provided for in Subsection A-1-b of this Chapter. If the golf course is extended into PA9, the clustering of residential development shall concurrently be permitted in PA9. Clustered residential use may include residential planned developments, condominiums, and stock cooperatives, subject to the Residential Policies contained in this Section, and a maximum building height of twenty-eight (28) feet. 4. Muddy Canyon (PAO a. In order to protect the visual and habitat resources of Muddy CWWAku residential developmental "giWf to a mu of 75 11�N heart shall require a public before the Planning Commission. 08/27/87 11 ' COASTAL ZONE BOUNDAI lit r ( } q tll ••�lt\�;,�k.��%c„'����li r e ' BUILDING SETBACK OCCASIONAL VARIABLE ' HEIGHT BERMS OR tl LANDSCAPE CLUSTERS l PLAHMOM AND A ca DD EWI LOO PHIE T [ENUr"E 7REAUNI Route 73 N4eW 0 ' The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program I I a. San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor: 1) Improvements in the grading area identified in Orange County EIR 267 required to accommodate grading and construction for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (SJHTC, Rt 73) may be located in PA2C and PA6 when found consistent with the LCP in a Coastal Development Permit for the SJHTC, Rt 73. 1419. Grading and construction may be required in small portions of the coastal zone for purposes of constructing San Joaquin'Hills Road and Laguna Canyon Road. The following policies provide for grading and construction required for thisese projects: a. San Joaquin Hills Road: 1) Improvements required to accommodate the grading and construction for San Joaquin Hills Road may be located in portions of PA2C, PA6, PA12D, PAO, and PA11A when found consistent with the LCP in a Coastal Development Permit for any such road �iNA�b project. 7� b. 1420. 1) Improvements to accommodate the widening and/or relocation of Laguna Canyon Road shall be allowed &md:-eanWtute--a-ln4neipal--permittec}-eee in PA16A, PA16B, PA20A, PA20B, PA20C, PA21A, and PA2111, provided that any such project is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative, as determined and approved by the California Coastal commission. -considers-tire feHewingeriterfer 08/20/87 1-N(aNO b: Prerfdes-m4tfgatfotr fer-the ices efe�r epaee-and hat>fta! area; e. into-any-alreeme icleset#fled-ae�ategosy�z4-or-H-.4-in the-;rrine•C9oast-itinnd-fiae-Plan; d. Prerides--mk4gat4en--fer-the-4mpaete-of-entr-elopes--and widen4ng--b'9`-pra+idin�-fer-�mdergraued#n�-of-aH-u4fi4t2r lines-kt- he-prejeet area; er Prerldes #ha4 rpea3f-nmoff-rates frees -!he projeeb-wii}-be' mairrtafned--at--flows--egaa�-to--at-4ee�-#hen--e�tielins eonditiene,--er-prerfdee-fer-ehanne�-4mpreremen4-tha! mft4eatee-4rxereased-veloe4tiea-and-redaees-water•-eurfaee elevation; f: Pre�rides-thet�roeien-coatre�measuree-fae3sdereelrie#ions orr-��radfn�--dtrri� ihe--raing-eeaecxr-and-�neorperate eed#mentbaafr�and energy-dfssipntexssnfHefesrt-to•aeeerre that-�xnoff-wfi4-ne4-create-os�-cont�ibnte--to- ereeio�r-er i�estabfi#ty-ef-adf aeent•-areae,-and � Avefde-identified--laaclsi#de•-areas-er--asaaree-tlsat•-!he preferred--alterna4ine--wi3l--�-lhe--aiterrrafive--which recptiree-#he-deaet--elabfHaalion;-crorreietenfi--whir-eaiety regu4rements' h A 1921. The typ�ection for Sand Canyon Avenue may be modified to include 13-foot-wide lanes in order to accommodate a raised median. I-4.23 08/20/87 I ' 23. Reco izi that Paci oast H Is to lex N�VV r ion Im act he focus the (irowt an ment P as defined in UP Planned Community District Regulations Qenerai Provision Section II-3-A-9. (page II-3.2) and therefore rocedu n relation to this et's, c s is to only o e link tra c volumes of Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue within the Coastal Area. For each year that the Orange County Annual Monitoring Report ' indicates that segments of Pelican Hill Road or Sand Canyon Road located within the Irvine Coast Planned Community are ' shown to be operating at tr n s s el of dur A.M./P.M. hours (i.e., `, / ery ommu r eak an .80 Ov`' /c ratio or eater for aver a eak hour weekda conditions ' for-an-arerage•tla ,the leytdowner eh r!Eare bm ���� II II II II Commission containing the following information: a. An analysis that determines the source of the trips on the roadway links) in question by quantifying: (1) the number of trips which are directly attributable to development located within Planning Areas 1-10, 13-14, 16, and 20; and (2) the remaining number of trips which are regional, through traffic,or traffic generated from other sources; and b. If the analysis determines that the amount of trips generated by the above -referenced Irvine Coast Planning Areas to 10% or more in excess of the trip generation projections estimated for equivalent levels of development In the "Irvine Coastal -Areas Traffic Analysis" (Austin - Foust Associates, Inc., February 1987) then the report shall include an analysis of the traffic mitigation measure currently be Implemented and recommend additional le anon measures hich would be Implemented within the I,CP develo went area to further reduce /\Lwe23 08/20/87 II G �V project generated s. The highway improvements and phasing as defined in this ' Section E and Exhibit P-2, which are required by this LCP, have been determined to be of significant public benefit beyond normal project requirements so as to meet the objectives of the County's Growth Management policy. Consistent with this LCP, highway improvements tand implementation of the Growth Management • program identified above will be incorporated into any subsequent ' agreement between the landowner and County. The highway improvements and phasing as defined on pages I- ' 4.15, and Exhibit P-2, which are required by this LCP have been determined to be of significant public benefit beyond normal project requirements so as to meet the ' objectives of the County's Growth Management policy. The highway improvements and implementation of the ' Growth Management program will be the subject of separate agreement consistent with this LCP. ' 24. To the maximum a feasible, espy construction traf II fie (i.e., dirt moving equipment, dump trucks, and cement trucks) will access the Irvine Coastal properties of Pelican Hill from the Coyote Canyon Landfill and/or other Wand area. Construction traffic for Cameo Del Mar, Wishbone, and Pacific Coast Highway widening requiring access from Pacific Coast Mgbway will be restricted on N� " • c as hw er non- ea tra he applicant shall provide on -site parking for construction vehicles working adjacent to the Pacific Coast Hi¢hwav as soon as possible to minimize impacts on P.C.H. ^ ^ I-4.23 08/20/87 II II II f P�� U I development of residential, commercial and employment land uses. The Board of Supervisors may defer subdivision approval within the Planned Community until approaches capable of resolving imbalances are proposed to and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The AMR will be the project proponent's opportunity to demyylgtLate gation e9eIrs and y�lement- at le which WuX ensure adequate inzrasirucnre zor he communit With respect to Transportation/ Cireulation, 3=this general provision may be Implemented in such a manner s to mediRed--to reflect the provisions of a separate dt�►eioperesr4 agreement,- as discussed in Transportation/Circulation Policies LUP Subsection I-4-E-23, tmmber-&3­(pege-4-443), provided that any such agreement is subsequently approved by the County as an integral component of this Implementing Actions Program. 1, A 10. Ifn�tion ooR#hoee%gulationa is, for any reason, declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or ineffec- tive, in whole or in part, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. The Board of Su- pervisors hereby declares that it would have enacted these regulations and each portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more portions be declared invalid or Ineffective. B. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROVISIONS: 1. Residential development within The Irvine Coast Planned Community shall be limited to a maximum of 2,600 dwelling units. Compliance with the County's Housing Element will be demonstrated in the Housing Implementation Plan. To Implement the County's Housing Element, the Housing Implementation Plan (HIP) shall be submitted to and approved by the Director, EMA, prior to the recordation of final tract II-3.3 08/20/87 ' 2. Planning Area/Dwelling Units/Density per Acre ' a. The dwelling units and density permitted in any residential density category, (e.g., Low Density) shall apply to the ' overall Planning Area (e.g., Planning Area 3A and PAW In the Planned Community designated in such a residential density category and shall not be literally applied to any particular division of that area. ' b. Computation of acreage for determining density shall be ' based on gross area. ' S. Planning Area Boundaries: a. Except as otherwise indicated, dimensions are measured from centerlines of streets and highways. ' b. When a Planning Area boundary depicted on the PC De- velopment Map is also an arterial highway and the arterial ' highway is realigned, the Planning Area boundary may be revised to coincide with the realigned highway. ' c. Adjustments in Planning Area boundaries resultin in an acre a Chan a of 10% or less o the total Planning Area for Imm nal s ree hig way ments, landscaping requirements, Fire Protection Edge Treatments and/or Urban Edge Treatments, geotechnicai or engineering refinements to Coastal Development Permits, Site Plans, ' and/or Tentative and/or Final Subdivision Maps shall not require amendment of the PC Zoning Map and/or ' Statistical Summary, provided the types or intensity of land uses for each Plannin Are as approved in t CP Land Use P1 and maximum dwellin units indicated in ' the Statistical Table are no a tered and such us men s ar on ent with the LCP Land Use Plan. ' II-3.4 08/21/87 1 ' 11: Hrainage Mena---Prior-te-er-eoneurren4-with the-eppreral--of the-dust-Tentative-Map;-witi�in-a►r,�-partieular-drefnnge-area,-a ' Maeler�raina6e-anet-F3rhaa-gunei4-Fentrel-i+ian-ef•#hat-drain- age• area siui�sabmit4ed te-and-appreTed-bT-the �lanagerr ' &Mt�r ilegulstierr-Deveoopmen!-Berricee--Di4ieio:e-artd-dhaH-ire eonalslent,-wRh-LC-P-dam Use Plan'eHreeien-P- en ' I-a-�nrid mot€-FeHe#es-6eetien-b-3- 1'14W 11. Master Drainage and Runoff Man t lan: As part At the --time of the review and a roval 22f the ! oastal Development Permit(s), there s be submitted to and ' approved by the Manager EMA Regulation, Development Services Division, a "Master Drainage and Runoff Management ' Plan" addressing in a comprehensive manner the following LUP Chapter 3 policy sections: ' o Section I - Erosion Policies; o_ Section J - Sediment Policies; o Section K - Runoff Policies; o_ Section L - Grading Policies; and ' o Section E - Category "C" ESHA (Marine Life Refuge). ' Each of the above -noted policy sections shall be addressed in a comprehensive manner with respect to the proposed develop- ment including: 1) data on existing water quality and quantity, 2) assessment of project impacts on water resources, existing ' and proposed riparian habitats, and off -shore marine life; 3) identify mitigation measures and provide for implementation and ' long-term maintenance; and 4) monitoring program as determined necessary. The master drainage and RMP shall demonstrate conformance with the above-notedpolicies with ' specific emphasis on development impacts to the four sub- watershed/drainage areas summarized as follows and shown in ' Exhibit U-2• ' II-3.8 08/20/87 1 ' 25. Public utility buildings, structures, and facilities including, but not limited to, electrical, water sewage, telephone, and television, and their storage, distribution, treatment and/or ' production required to carry out development allowed in the LUP are permitted in planning areas in conformance with the LCP Land Use Plan's Policies Chapters 3 and 4. ' 26. Prior to the recordation of the first development map inland of ' PCH, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the County of Orange that includes the following: ' in the a. The developer shall offer for dedication a site vicinity of Pelican Hills Road and the San Joaquin Hills ' Transportation Corridor to be specifically used for a fire station. Said location shall be to the satisfaction of the Manager of Fire Services of the Orange County Fire Department. ' b. The developer shall participate proportionately in the construction of said fire station in a manner identified by the Manager of Fire Services of the Orange County Fire Department and approved by the Board of Supervisors. ' 27. Improvements to accommodate the widening and/or relocation of L Mna Can on Road shall be allowed ft,4-eery Wftfe-,a - rmilted-nee PA 16A, PA 16B 2 A, A 0 , 21B, rovided t any such project '-W—fokr, is the least envIronmentkIy dam feasible alternative, as determined and approved b the Calffiornia Coastal Commission. II-3.10 08/21/87 7 I1J 7 CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL USE-REGUIM-IdNs PLANNING AREAS A. LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNING AREAS 1. Purpose and Intent The Low Density Residential Planning Areas of the Irvine Coast Planned Community are established to provide for a range of single-family detached housing and lot sizes, as well as rec- reation uses, community facilities, community service facilities, and other uses and structures accessory to the principal uses. These Low Density Residential Use Planning Area Regulations are intended to implement the LCP Land Use Plants Residential Policies Section I-4-D, and are subject to the requirements of the LCP Land Use Plants Policies in Chapters 3.andft+.1'\ 1 2. PrinCpalaand Other a The follow are'tl a princip and other rmitted uses for Coastal Act purposes and which are mi d in all Planning Areas designated for Low Density esidential use subject to the re"*ements-ef4he-h@P-Land-�Fse-Pi�r's-Berelopmeatr Pol#�ies Ghapter•3-4-and-the-approval of a Coastal Developmen as provided in Chapter to hv: Alevi Permitted Uses Subject to A 2) Community care facilities serving twelve (12) or fewer persons per Zoning Code Section 7-9-141. 33 Aeeeseorr-Penn#4ed-Uses-H-rated-in--&:beeetim-3--of this--Seeticm-wren 4eeated-en-*--9epasate-bniid4ng II-4.1 08/20/87 lv57W 0 1) U7 after Community facilities including the following uses, and related and similar uses:bu4 - - i -co ity b) Public and private parks (non-commercial). e) Public and private (non-commercial) recreation centers and facilities including, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, clubhouses, and trails. d) Riding, hiking, and bicycle trails. e) Security and maintenance facilities related directly to the res en al community sirtF&Ereir f} Mainteneence--faeR4t4es-and-struetttres- Subiect to planninir Commission Community sendee and community service eommerefe} muck -es includi but not limited to: a} 6httrchee-. r \ � b} izire-e4atiena: �/ e} Seheol� d} PttbHe-etnd- rfrate 4aT-eareMv e} seams -an -ar galleriee- fa) Community centers. gb) Community information centers. Beeident4a1-411*nnins-A-rea-per-Zening-Cede Seed n 7-9-89-,-eaeept•-the-a#e-ebaH-neb,ereeed-fifteetr-(4* aet-*erea. - 3} PttbHe-tt�se-and-pnb�i�nt4l4tT-bu33d4nga,-etmetures; and fne4Hlfee-iacind4ng.-ba4-not-Herilec�4e,-e'�.z�� water--sewage;-#elephone;-*rtd-zekn4eroa--and-their II-4.2 08/20/87 Wm5./ M/,S , iI 1 1 1 1 slora6e--dielribut#en,--4realmenb-anc�for•prodt:etio:r. r 42) Residential Planned Developments per Zoning Code w Se u� -i;0 NF^ Other Permitted Uses 3. Accessory Commission Churches. Fireions. c oo3Ti ls. P 5lie and private day care/nursery schools. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a Principal Permitted Use on the same building site, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-137 except as modified in Subsection 6 of this Section, Including: a. Garages and carports; b. Detached accessory structures such as greenhouses, gazebos, cabanas, and storage sheds; C. Swimming pools, therapy baths, water fountains, and related equipment; d. Covered patios and decks; e. Fences and walls; f. Tennis courts, parks, trails, greenbelts, and common areas; II-4.3 08/20/87 g. Guest cottages and caretaker quarters in PAM, PA3B, PA4A;- P" a;""and PA6 -- one guest _ cottage or caretaker unit per building site, limited to 1,500 square feet on building sites of a minimum 16-,-H9 20,000 square feet; h. Signs per Zoning Code Section 7-9-144; i. Noncommercial keeping of pets and animals per Zoning Code Section 7-9-146.3; — Q �{. • ' j . Home ooc�ations. . oning C de Section 7-9-146.6. Non-commercial/non-profit art displays and galleries. II-4.3 08/20/87 b. Building site width: No minimum. �1 c. Building height: Thirty -fine (35) feet maximum provided N� the building heights in Planning " A 8 c stent cy Sub ion I-4- 4c. except special ight provisions may apply to Planning Area PA 8 ursuant to LUP Subsection 1-4-D-4e. eaeeep�4weat,�r�h! d. Building site coverage: 1+ kr P�4-3h,-�44-38,- end i�4-6- Fifty (50) percent maximum. 23 hrether-P�4�s:--6eventy-flive{q{i-percent'mexie�am: e. Building setbacks: 1) From any street - ten (10) feet minimum and garages and carports per Subsection 7) below. 2) Side - ten (10) feet minimum for one aide only, or ten (10) feet aggregate total for both sides. 3) Rear - ten (10) feet minimum. 4) Patios: No attached or detached covered patio shall be located closer than three (3) feet to a property line except the street -side property line of a corner lot, in which case a minimum distance of ten (10) feet shall be maintained. 5) Projections into required setbacks: Eaves, cornices, chimneys, balconies, and other similar architectural features may project a maximum of six (6) feet into any required front, rear, or side setback. II-4.5 07/31/87 6) Miscellaneous provisions and exceptions unless otherwise specified. a) Attached accessory buildings shall be considered as a part of the main building; and b) Detached accessory buildings shall be located no closer than the setback required for the main building. 7) Garage and carport placement: The point of vehic- ular entry to a garage or carport shall be a minimum distance of seven (7) feet or less, or twenty (20) feet or more from the back of sidewalk, or, if there is no sidewalk, from back of curb. f. Fences and walls, maximum height provided that, for vehicular safety purposes, site distances are not obstructed: 1) Within areas where main buildings may be placed -- ten (10) feet maximum, except for entry gates and other ornamental and architectural features, which may be a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet. 2) Within front setback area -- six (6) feet maximum. 3) Within other setback areas - the maximum height shall be six (6) feet, except that this maximum may be exceeded when higher walls are required by the Director, EMA, for the purpose of noise mitigation or other health and safety measures. g. Off-street parking: Shall be provided per Chapter 9 of this IAP. h. Lights: Sxeept�-for--Aside-areas, A_ail lights shall be /I designed and located so that &free+ light rays are aimed vI h .� A 114 A 0 pL20/$Z 'I I II '1 C— at e(mfifted4Wthe site. 1. Grading shall occur in areas averaging less than 30% slopes unless there are no other feasible, less environmentally damaging alternatives. Standards for local roads, including gradients, width, radius of curvature, and lighting, shall ensure that visual Impact is minimized. k. Areas of disturbed soil shall be hydro -seeded to control erosion. N5i.) 1 1. Manufactured slopes along development edges shall �/ s ineornorate contour ¢radin¢ technioues.— e_i�* Compliance with LUP Residential Policy Subsection I-4- D-4e will be demonstrated through a Viewshed Analysis. II-4.6 08/20/87 subject to the requirements of County of Orange Zoning Code Section 7-9-136, Temporary Uses and Structures, and consistency with the LCP Land Use Plan. 5. Prohibited Uses: a. The storage of vehicles, equipment, or products related to a commercial activity not permitted in this area; b. The keeping of pets or animals for any commercial purpose; c. Apiaries; d. Industrial and manufacturing facilities; and e. Uses not provided by Subsection 2 through 4 of this Section shall be prohibited, however it is recognized that certain permitted uses are only defined generally and may require interpretation by the Director, EMA, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-20. 6. Site Development Standards: a. Building site area: Ane-tl�azesnd-Fhb-egnare-fee} miftimum-. Three thousand (3,000) a uare feet minimum for condominium and stock cooperative developments; hundred duplex, and other (nonresidential) developments. b. Building site width: No minimum. II-4.8 08/27/87 6. Site Development Standards: a. Building site area: Three thousand (3,000) square feet minimum for condominium, stock coope tine apartment developments; ne--tiwersend-{4;pOp} Two thousand five hundred (Z,M) square iee�lminimum icr ���,� ae ac a-ana-anacnea sucgie rnmuy, n.lu duplex, and other (nonresidential) developments. b. Area per unit: One thousand (1,000) square feet minimum ne+ gross land area per dwelling unit, regardless of the slope of the land. II-4.12 08/27/87 �J b) Berms. A berm shall be constructed of earthen materials and it shall be landscaped. c) Fences, solid. A solid fence shall be con- structed of wood, or other materials a minimum nominal thickness of one (1) inch. d) Landscaping. Vegetation shall consist of evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs. Landscaping (except for muMple—famii7' single family ' /(/�+ W ments of drought tolerant, • native or non- ntrusive non-native ow maintenance spe- cies i encour d. L a consisting of evergreen eci trees, shrubs, groundcover, and/or hardscape ' shall be installed and maintained subject to the following standards. 1) Boundary landscaping abutting arterial highways is required to aft-average--depfih-of-+Utem-EIS-)- feet ' wick a minimum depth of Hve-(5; ten (10) feet. 2) Boundary landscaping abutting public streets, other than arterial highways, is required to an average depth of ten (10) feet with a minimum depth of five (5) feet. 3) Separation. Any landscaped area shall be separated from an adjacent vehicular area by a wail or curb ' at least six (6) inches higher than the adjacent vehicular area or in some manner be protected from ' vehicular damage. ' 4) Watering. Watering facilities shall be provided for all landscaped areas except where drought tolerant species have been established. ' II-4.15 08/20/87 114F Y V 5) Maintenance. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean and healthy condition. This shall include proper pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and the watering of all plantings per Subsection 4) above. n. Lights: Except in hillside areas, all lights shall be designed and located so that direct rays are confined to the site. o. Standards for local roads, including gradients, width, radius of curvature and lighting shall ensure that visual Impact is minimized where feasible. q or Incorporate contour grading techniques. II-4.16 08/20/87 11 ?a 1) Overnight visitor accommodations not to exceed two thousand one hundred and fifty (2,150) accommoda- tions (e.g., hotel rooms, motel rooms, casites, time- sharing condominiums, etc.). 2) Retail and service commercial. 3) Parking structures. 4) Conference, convention, and other ancillary facilities. 5) Restaurants. 6) Cocktail lounges and bars. 7) Commercial recreation uses. 8) Health facilities. 9) Public and private golf courses and related facilities. 10) Service Stations per Zoning Code Section 7-9-114. 11) 12 b. Cultural facilities fPktnnin� �4reea-48A;-i3$;-}SE-; 43i�; 43�r;-t3F;-3�4; -and- 16hj; including but not limited to museums, art galleries/exhibits, and theaters. C. Visitor -oriented day -use retail and service commercial totaling not more than 75,000 square feet in PA13 A-F, and not more than 25,000 sq. ft. in PA 14: d. Visitor -oriented retail commercial, service commercial, and commercial recreation, totaling not more than 75,000 square feet in PA16A and PA16B. Zoning Administration Approval: a. Community facilities EPianning�Arees 33�r; 3�&; 23Q;-138; 48F;-33; 34; srml-1frA� including, but not limited to: II-5.2 07/31/87 J 0 1 II i(Nwl 6. In the event that the entire development entitlement In this LCP for PA 16A and PA 16B is transferred to either PA 20A or an alternate site within the City of Laguna Beach and all necessary permits are obtained to allow such transferred development to be constructed, then the landowner shall thereupon execute and record an offer to dedicate PA 16A and PA 16B. Such offer shall be substantially as set forth in this LCP, except that the offer shall be subject to immediate acceptance by the County of Orange for a period of three (3) years. In the event that the County does not accept the offer during that time period, said offer shall be available for acceptance by the City of Laguna Beach for a period of three (3) years thereafter. II-5.11 08/27/87 NSW a. . Hazard fences for golf courses may be installed where necessary to protect buildings, vehicles, and persons (no height limitation). b. Non -opaque fences shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the ultimate right-of-way of any street or highway. 6. Grading and Erosion Control: Grading and Erosion Control Plans shall conform with the Land Use Plan's Resource Conservation and Management Policies Sections I-3-J, I-3-K, I-3-L, and I-3-M. 7. Lights: Except in hillside areas, all lights shall be designed and located so that direct light rays are confined to the premises. 8: Habitat-erlEigeticm:-i€-regafred-,--shell--csmform--wi#i�-lhe-braid 1 Hse-�lan'o--Reseuree-Ceneerratien--anc�-Management-isolieies 8. Habitat irrigation shall conform with the Riparian Habitat T Creation Proaream (RHCP) of the Land Use Plan's Golf Course Y Policies Section I-4-B-5 and the following criteria shall be applied: 0-4 The RHCP shall include a drawing showing the relationship of riparian habitat areas, ponds, transition areas, and adjacent 7 golf course features. Areas shall be designated as primarily habitat (e.g. riparian habitat areas), multi -purpose (e.g. ponds and transition areas), and primarily recreational (golf course features). �j For riparian habitat areas, the RHCP shall show how topography, water supply and drainage patterns, and soil type II-6.4 A A 07/31/87 I Ir and conditions will for the establishment, and persistence of the planted vegetation. (i Planting plans prepared for the RHCP shall address methods to propagate riparian vegetation, responding to the following priorities as feasible: a) seed, cuttings, and/or transplants of existing plants salvaged/collected on -site; b) seed or cuttings from other sources. Transplants of existing plants may be used only to the degree that the benefits outweigh the increased probability of failure due to shock, root stress, etc. associated with transplanting. ' /Q/ � The RHCP shall address management of exotic species as f/ follows. A list of highly invasive and undesirable plants to be removed upon detection (e.g., pampas grass) will be prepared, Including sensitive control methods which do not compromise riparian plantings. Criteria for determining when other exotic plants (e.g., wild oats, rye grass) compete unduly with planted vegetation will be included, also including sensitive control methods. ��S;-�The RHCP shall address topsoil management, giving first priority to use of native topsoil provided it is free of significant week seed reservoirs, salt concentrations, and similar detrimental factors; and giving second priority to other soil material placed by grading. The RHCP shall address treatment of transitional areas (e.g. "rough") between golf play areas and habitat areas, to include 7 their function as buffers. Plans for multi -purpose features, ponds in particular, will show which edges are to be intensively managed for golf course/aesthetic considerations, which edges are to be managed primariiv for habitat purposes, and how 7 Bonds will be managed to accommodate both golf course/aesthetic and habitat interests. x A II-6.4 A f�4,L3ifE"f 1 ow ■-7:`^' The RHCP shall include measures addressing maintenance of ,.- golf course features and habitat areas to minimize conflicts ' between maintenance and use of the golf course and the riparian habitat. ` A,"— The RHCP shall provide for monitoring of the success of the ' riparian habitat creation based upon stated habitat objectives. i ' LAoeoo"'As a condition of approval, the RHCP shall be reviewed by the California Department of Fish and Game and, if appropriate, approved through a Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1600 et seq. of the Fish and Game Code. r- 1 L 'I ' CHAPTER 7 RECREATION USE-R*GUWATWNS PLANNING AREAS A. PURPOSE AND INTENT 'I Certain Recreation Planning Areas (Planning Areas 17, 18, 19, 20A, 20B, and 20C) of the Irvine Coast Planned Community are established to provide for the public ownership, development, and maintenance of primarily regional recreational activities and facilities which will afford the greatest public access and benefit without adversely altering the sites. Certain other Recreation P1 Areas (Planning Areas 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B, 12C, 12D, an �ti'E)Up. a established to serve open space uses as provided for in prewlde-4ar41aen1-parkasthe preaerveticm-ef:-arc�iaeolegieetfpaleoritek�gien�-eitea-and-#dent#ffed Bnr3ronfl+ealeiiT-Semi#ive-Flakite4-lreaa-wkiierlhe-ia-owned-cad maia4ained-�*--adjneen!-homeowners; -appropriate-peebiic--agencies; kemeewnerat-nsaeelatieae; erxk/m�speeied-aaaeasrt�tt-diskriets---�Pe aekieve--tkeae--purposes;--reaiden#fei--Iot--i#aee--from-'scijvinfa6 Reaident#ai--Paanning- A4reas--mar--extend-4nte-t4wee- Reerea_ion Planning- Areas-n:sd-mar sae-eecommedete aeceasnr3-reads,-pubi4e works,--asxi-inirastruetnre: The Recreation Use Regulations are Intended to implement the LCP Land Use Plants Recreation/Public Access Policies Section I-4-C subject to the requirements of the LCP Land Use Plants Policies In Chapter 3 and 4. B. PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES pke-fellewiag-priacipel-Permf4ted-uxe-are-permf4ted-#n-�anniag Areas•-designate&-far-Reereatien use -snbjeet-te-requlremeaba-*f-WP Lan d-Use-PlaWs Revelepmea!-Policies-Gkapter-I 4-B-aadthe-appre- va4-ef-&.Goaslal--Develepment-Permit-bT-the-ZonitirAdministrater-as II-7.1 07/17/87R2 '1 vroAded-in- ter-40- onsistent with the policies of LUP, Section I-3-C, the following principal permitted uses are permitted in Planning Areas designated for Recreation use subject to the approval of a Coastal Development Permit by the Zoning Administrator as provided in ' Chapter 10. Such uses may be operated by a limited commercial venture with the purpose of serving the recreational needs of park ' visitors and/or improving public recreation services whether financially through lease or other payments to a public agency or functionally through the delivery of a permitted recreational use ' that otherwise would not be available to the public. Ul II ■ l II II-7.1 08/20/87 1. Planning Area 18 (Emerald Canyon): and hikinrl Ttrails. C. viewpoints; non-commercial rest stops, and other passive d: ' SxfsMng-agrfctrlhrral-eperaHeas- -- v d_. Regional park concessions associated with park use consistent with LUP Policies Section I-3-C.. 2. Planning Area v_ar• vwu.ya.a6 ed. Youth hostels. de. Non-commerci 5staging areas. �k: Bx#sting-aarictrlKtred-eperetienti- v hi. Regional park concessions associated with park use consistent with LUP Policies Section I-3-C. i�. Hiking and riding trails. /\1 J 3. Planning Areas 20A and 20B (Laguna Canyon): b. �Riding and hiki ?'trails staging areas. le-. Publ c ut es within existing easements. d. Existir Ig agocultural operations. e. Exist i educational institutions. f. Cultural facilities as temporary facilities in support of & periodic cultural events.. g. Public parks. h. Maintenance of public facilities/roads. II-7.2 08/27/87 i. Existing municipal yards. 1 1 ' II-7.2 08/27/87 4. Planning Area 20C (Laurel Canyon): a. Commercial recreation related to park use. b. Specialty retail shops and park concessions. c. Restaurants and food sales. d. Museums, art galleries, outdoor amphitheaters, and other cultural/educational uses and facilities. e. Arboretums and horticulturaP s. f. Staging areas for campers, iers, equeetrie:na and other visitors to the adjain o nty) Regional Park and Crystal Cave State Park. g. Regional park support facilities such as, but not limited to, ranger headquarters, regional park parking facilities, and restroom facilities. 5. Planning Area 17 (Crystal Care State Park): Crystal Cove State Park Is "Public Works Plan" has already been certified by the Coastal Commission for Recreation Planning Area 17 and, accordingly, is not part of this LCP. 8. Planning Areas 11A, HB and 12A. f2$,- i�Ef�-ertd-4aB; a. Local parks. b. Riding and hiking trails. C. Bikeways. d- 6eeamuiei4f-meaasient-aignsr e: .4eeeeavey trace perm4t4ed-wibhizr edJseent-reafden4fai-tine areas. fs Pidblie-work*,--Utfras4rueture -and -roa&4mprorements d. Utilities, drainage, and water supply facilities as provided for in Chapters 3 and 4 of the LUP. ge. Fuel modification and fire protection facilities and accessways related to park protection. II-7.3 08/27/87 L 7. Planning Areas 11B, 12B, 12C, and 121): a. Passive recreation uses; b. S e (na gel and modifi d k nursuant to LUP Poliev Section I-3-M c. Pass -Me- preservation areas for archaeological and paleontological sites and identified ESHA's; d. Open space within lot lines from adjoining residential areas where the land is owned and maintained by adjacent homeowners or homeowners associations (not public agencies or districts); and e. Public works, roads, and infrastructure necessary for other permitted uses. II-7.3 08/20/87 I C. OTHER PERMITTED USES IN PA 18, PA 19, PA 20A, PA 20B, AND PA 20C, SUBJECT TO COASTAL COMMISSION APPELLATE JURISDICTION OVER "CD" PERMITS: New utility development. o s or ex alone. Any widening or relocataion o Laguna Canyon Road shall conform with IAP Policy Subsection II-3-B-27. �� D. ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED: Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a Principal Permitted Use on the same building site per Zoning Code Section 7-9-137. E. PROHIBITED USES: 1. Principaireeklerttiel-st-nits xres: Recreation vehicle (RV) Parks. 2. Industrial and manufacturing facilities. N� S d el The fencing of homeowner lots and lot lines extending into Planning Areas PA JIB, PA 12B, and PA 12C� U not ed b S ion tltrsugl -D of this Chapter shall be prohibited, however it is recognized that certain permitted uses are only defined generally and may require interpretation by the Director, EMA, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-20. F. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. Building site area: No minimum. 2. Building site width and depth: No minimum. II-7.4 07/31/87 0 11 3. Building setbacks: All buildings shall be set back from property lines a distance at least equal to the height of the building or structure, and not less than thirty (30) feet from any adjacent Residential Planning Area. 4. Building site coverage: Not more than one (1) five-ffr? percent of the total lands in this land use-categqu Ay.Jk e*,W byi dir ep s Tefined for PA 11A, PA 12A, PA 12E, PA 18, PA 19, PA 20B and PA 21D. 5. Building height limit: Eighteen (18) feet maximum for PA 11A, PA 11B, PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, PA 18, PA 19, PA 20A, and PA 20B; and twenty-eight (28) feet for PA 20C. 6. Off-street parking: Shall be provided per Chapter 9 of this IAP. 7. Screening: Due to the recreational open space character of many of the permitted uses, the following screening standards may not be appropriate in all cases, and Alternative Development Standards may be established by an approved Coastal Development Permit. Generally, wails and fences may be installed in accordance with the following limitations: a. Natural wood, concrete, stone, masonry, and/or wrought Iron non -opaque fences may be installed, provided they are consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chap- ter, and are set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of any street or highway. b. Masonry or solid wood fences shall be shielded from view from any street or highway by landscaping and/or berms or other topographic features, and shall be set back a II-7.5 08/27/87 C. 43. Hiking an?Yriding equeetrfan)trails. 54. Scientific study areas. 65. Maintenance of existing public improvements/facilities. 76. Uses permitted only within three hundred and fifty (350) feet of Laguna Canyon Road, and/or on land of less than thirty (30) percent slope: a. iding and hiking trailheads; b. ;eere*Hanal Riding and hIkInj trails staging areas; c. Maintenance o exis ng ut ties; d. Maintenance of existing flood, drainage, and erosion control facilities; and e. Road improvements, expansions, and maintenance. 7. Any widening or relocation of Laguna Canyon Road shall conform with LUP Policy Subsection I-4-E-20. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a Principal Permitted Use on the same building site, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-137. D. PROHIBITED USES 1. Primary residential structures. 2. Commercial uses. 3. Industrial and manufacturing facilities. 4. Sand and gravel extraction. II-8.2 08/27/87 ' E. INTERIM CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT ' The following shall apply to any private -sector landowner prior to the transfer of Conservation areas to public ownership. All Improvements shall be consistent with the LCP Land Use 's Interim Conservation Management Policies Section I-3-B: ' 1. The landowner may continue existing agric ral sea, including cattle grazing and may construct maintain any ' fencing, firebreaks, fuel m ation water pipes, and cattle -watering facilities, d maintain as roads necessary for the continued use and p t o the property, and for facilities approved by the County of Orange for public health, safety, welfare, and recreation purposes consistent with this chapter. 2. New fences will be designed so that wildlife, except large mammals such as deer, can pass through. 3. No alteration to existing stream courses or landforms in Emerald Canyon will occur except as necessary to provide fire protection. 4. No excavations of archaeological and paleontological sites will ' be permitted except as required by public safety and/or utilities facilities and in accordance with the policies set forth in Section I-3-G and 1-3-H.. 1 5. Landform alterations are allowed in Conservation areas to the extent required to accommodate realignment, improvement, and/or widening of Laguna Canyon Road and associated ' improvements and shall conform with the requirements of IAP Section II-3-B-26 for any such project as•j)rorided-itr-a-fins& eoastt�-deveiepment-pers�ib-for-anr-such-prejeet- ' II-8.3 07/31/87 2) A list of any proposed Alternative Development Standards. 3) The "Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan", If required by Subsection II-3-B-11. 4. Alternative Development Standards With approval of a CDP, alternative development standards may be established without an LCP amendment where the standards pertain to: setbacks to residential streets; nonresidential highways or local streets; rear and side yard setbacks for ent of rd g an o r creation area; NOW building hei t, except for Planninr Area PA 6, n areas not visible from Pact w y; ei or residential inland of Pacific Coast Highway; walls and fences; landscaping other than along Pacific Coast Highway; signage; lighting; loading, trash, and storage areas not visible from Pacific Coast Highway; vehicular driveways and sidewalks; outdoor storage areas; and/or modifications for off-street parking requirements In areas inland of Pacific Coast Highway. Alternative devel- opment standards other than those specified above will require an LCP amendment. / rOW A CDP proposing to establish alternative development standards shall require a public hearing, with public notification, before as adopted by the County at the Certification of this LCP. When a Coastal Development Permit proposes to establish an alternative development standards, the burden of proof shall be on the project proponent. The alternative development standards may be approved when it is found that they will result an equivalent or better project in terms of minimizing II-10.5 08/27/87 YLANM COMMUNITY STATISTI LAND USE PLANNING CATEGORY CODE AREA GROSS ACRES GROSS ACRE$, ING UNITS ACCOMMODATIONS NON-COMMERCIAL COMMERRCIAL Est(a) Max b Est a Max b DU GROSS ACRE Est(a) Max b High/H Medium/M 1A' 1B 27 115 - 71 150 - - - 106 140 - - 2.6 5.6 •9 1.2 High/H 1CG ISO (c) 824 970 - - 4.6 5.4 Medium/M Medium/M 2A 2B 109 195 (c) 18Z 210 - - c 474 530 - 1.7 2.9 2.4 2.7 Medium/M 2C 281 - 435 490 - - 1.4 1.7 Low/L Low/L 3A, 3B' 130 151 - 40 40 - - - 45 45 - - .3 .3 .3 •3 Medium/M Medium/M 4A 4B _� - M� 1- _ - 130 30 - ,0� L1• r/�74�,,••7��1�yy.�' Medium-Low/ML 5Z (� 25 30 - .2 i1! Low/L 6 C - 75 - - NAPO Low(L Low/L 7B, 7& 77 25 25 - 2 ..&L. - - 2 - i Q High(H 33 (c) 288 384 - - 8.7 11.6 Me4iuM_Low/ML52 76 76 - - 1.5 TOTALAMC O c 2,600 2,600 0 0 ! Golf Course G l0A 309 - _ - - IOB 58 - Recreation(R Buck Gully, Los TrancoslMuddy A 13A 11B 12A ---1 y-�•- 197 100 606 - n 12C i2112 - reasPa 12D 33 \' �26 Crystal Cove .W State Park/R 17 2,807 Irvine Coast/R 18 544 Regional Park(d) 19 133 - - - - - Recreation/R 20A 11 Parcels Adjacent 20B 5 Laguna Cyn. Rd. 20C 10 - - - Conservation/C ZIA/ (Irvine Coast 21B/ Rational P k d 21C TOTAL OPEE SPACE �D - 2 7 G G O O 0 - - - - Tourist 13A - 53 - - 850 1,100 Commercial/TC 13B - 32 - - 400 600 13C - 41 - - 300 450 - 13D 13E - - 38 - - 200 350 60 - - 100 600 - - - " 13F - 15 - - 50 300 - - 14 - 24 - - 250 250 - 16A - 10 - - - - - - 16B 3 TOTAL COM MMtMEAL 0 276 - - 2 150 2 150 - - GRAM TOTAL ALL 9,156 2,600 2,600 2,150 2,150 Estimated number of dwelling units or accommodations Rer Plann'n Ar b number of dwelling units or accommodations er Plannin Areal c A maximum o&W 10 gross4W acres of Neighborhood Commercial will b rmitted in Planning Ar —AUl a d _ Total area of rvin G a e i nal Park is cres. 'r II-11.3 1 1. Any proposed revision to the PC Development Map and Statistical Table shall be accompanied by a project proposal consisting of a Coastal Development Permit, Site Plan, and/or Tentative Subdivision Map and shall require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. 2. Any revision to increase the number of estimated ("Hot (a)") dwelling units or accommodations in any Planning Area shall be offset by a corresponding decrease in other Planning Area(s), provided se that the total number of dwelling units and accommodations shown on the PC Development Map and Statistical Table for the entire Planned Community does not exceed 2,600 dwelll units and 2,150 accommodations, respectfully; and further provided that the maximum ("Max(b)") dwelling units or accommodations shown on the Statistical Table for each Planning Area shall also not be exceeded without an LCP amendment. 3. Any revision to reallocate the number of dwelling units, accommodations and/or the acreage assigned to land uses from one Planning Area to another Planning Area shall require an amendment to the PC Development Map and Statistical Table. 4. Any proposal to reallocate the number of dwelling units, accommodations, and/or the acreage assigned to land uses from one Planning Area to another Planning Area shall require submittal of the following information: a. A revision to the PC Development Map showing all proposed changes to the PC Statistical Table; b. An analysis of the consistency of the proposed changes with the LCP Land Use Plan and PC Zoning Map and Statistical Summary; II-11.5 08/27/87 �IHA I * *tea etaker quarters: Living quXrters, permitted in residential areas, for the housing of a caretaker(s) and the family of the caretaker who live in the same premises (not to exceed 1,500 square feet in floor area on building sites of a minimum 16-,68e 20,000 square feet). Caretaker quarters are not included within the category of, and are not counted toward, permitted dwelling units as specified in this LCP. A bedrooms that may be rented separately and which may or may not connect with a central living area which may include cooking facilities. *.*Gk" ler-deoaaialing of -a eombina#ien-ef-reaidefttW-lets-arrd•-prfra#ely-vwned-eemmen-reereatien and-eperr-»pa<.� areas-arranged-#n-accordance-wi#k-aanifleel-eempreherr- aire-atte-plan• wi#k-adequate--lrravisioi�fer-pers�enen#-msin#enar�eeo€-#he eemmen-ewnershig-faeiH#ies: eke-en#ire-dcrnt-er-apeeffled-pertienarof the-derelopmen4-may�be deatss�eted-as•a-dcrelepn►e:rt-ani4.--weir-dev�elc>peeen#-anft-arerg-be-eonaid- ered a fial�di site ae-Hsa#-each-reaiden#iei-lot-deeaot-e-to-eempi7 wi#h-tile-rega4rements-forabcri�ding•ai#e;-axx}aeeeaaarra#raeturea-inciatl- kW-1wrages-may-be-separated-frvn�-lice 1#ein i#:--Baeh-reaiden#fai-lo! Heat-deea-nab-eemplg-witi�-the-band#ng-a#e-regafremen#s-muet-aba6-#he common-erea-nnd-iM4e-a-Lreraranteed-r4ght-ef �re3sietzi ar-gad-pedeatrfan aeeess•te-a-pablie-street-fc a nrinimnm-eea#inuosra wid#k-of lweat�-E9Q} feet: **Coastal bluff: Includes the following: a. Any bluff where the toe of the slope is now, or within the past 200 years has been, subject to marine erosion; and b. Any bluff where the toe of the slope is within 300 feet of the Wand extent of any beach or the mean high tide line of the sea where there is no beach. II-12.4 08/20/87 1 �J **Floor area, gross: The total horizontal floor area of all floors of a building, including the exterior walls thereof, measured in square feet; excepting that for commercial, professional and administrative office or Industrial buildings or building complexes, areas used in common such as, but not limited to, covered malls, covered walkways, hallways, mechanical equipment areas, stairwells, elevators, lobbies, roofed patio areas, covered entries, covered parking, covered driveways and covered loading areas shall not be included when calculating off-street parking requirements. RE-R i TIE}M --(G? **Grade, finished: The level of the ground surface surrounding a building. *Gross area: The entire land area within the boundary of a project, measured to the centerline of any abutting arterial highways. *Gross residential density: The density of a residential project computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units in the project by the gross area of the project. *Guest cottage: A detached building, having no kitchen facilities, which is 4this d primarily for sleeping purposes for members of the famil occupying main dwelling o e r aying s (no Geed 1, q in floc ea. Guest cottages are not included within the categorand are not counted toward, permitted dwelling units as specified LCP. A- A ^ J��/ II-12.8 08/20/87 I 11 area which is allowed in a park ith— a purpose�f''�erving the recreational needs of park visitors and/or improving public recreation services either financially through lease or other ayments to a ublic enc or functionally through the delivery o a permitted recreational aervlees use that otherwise would not be available to t e pu 1 c. 17,4 , ^� **Residential duplex: Refers to a residential development where two dwelling units are permitted on one building site. Residential Bd_uplex residentW includes planned concept subdivisions and cluster developments; either as conventional subdivisions or planned developments. **Residential multiple -family: Refers to any residential development wherein the minimum number of permitted dwelling units on one building site is three (3) or more. Multiple -family residential includes multiple - family dwellings, apartments, condominiums, and stock cooperative projects. **Residential single-family: Refers to any residential development wherein each dwelling unit is situated on a residential lot of record and no lot contains more than one dwelling unit and, where permitted, a caretaker's or employee's quarters. Single-family residential includes attached and detached single-family dwellings, planned concept subdivisions, cluster developments, either as conventional subdivisions or planned developments. *Restaurant: An establishment where foods and beverages are prepared and/or dispensed for consumption on or off site. Restaurants include but may not be limited to fully enclosed establishments, partially enclosed establishments, drive-ins, drive-throughs, and fast food establishments. I1-12.12 08/27/87 �i W *_ Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Park Implementation Plan (Excerpt) (recorded and unrecorded), assessments and unpaid taxes in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, EMA-Parks and Recreation/Program Planning Division. Said offer shall be in a form that can be accepted for transfer of fee title at any time by the County. Creditable acreage for purposes of staisfying Local Park Code requirements shall comply with requirements of the Recreation Element of the General Plan, any applicable EMA policies and'procedures,and Chapter 3, Policy C of the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program. D. Operations and Maintenance Requirements The developer or his assigns and successors -in -interest shall maintain offered park sites until such time as the County accepts the offer of dedication. E. Master Park Modification and'Amendment'Ptocess (Accounting and Administrative Controls) The following provisions shall apply to said Master Plan and -Park Modification Program: 1. Local Park Code credit shall not be transferable outside the Irvine Coast Planned Community. 2. Prior to the filling of any subdivision -map other than an "A" tract map or 20 acre parcel map within the Irvine Coast'Planned Community, park modification requests shall be submitted by the developer to the Subdivision Committee for review and approval. Said approved park modifications shall serve to provide accurate accounting and administrative controls to assure compliance with the Master Plan of Local Parks and the Local Park Code. 3. In connection with each subdivision as appropriate, the County of Orange shall consider credit for park improvements as an offset to in -lieu fees and/or the park land requirement. PS:im