HomeMy WebLinkAboutST MARKS & OUR LADY GPA'S*NEW FILE* ST MARKS & OUR LADY GPA ry %& MALKOFF AND ASSUUA111, Development # Facilitation Permitting MEL MALKOFF www.malkoff.com 18456 Lincoln Circle Villa Park, CA 92861 MAR T[M/L'A RTN&RS mel@malkoff.com (714)288-6200 Fax (714) 288-6210 Joe R. Back, Architect, AIA, CSI Project Director Senior Associate 213 614 6081 joe.back@acmartin.com 811 West Seventh Street Los Angeles CA 90017 main 213 683 1900 fax 213 614 6002 planning architecture engineering ftMALKOFF AND ASSOCIATES Development • Facilitation • Permitting SCOTT MINAMI Scott@malkoff corn www.malkoffcom (949) 709-7576 18456 Lincoln Circle (714) 288-6200 Villa Park, CA 92861 Fax (714) 288-6210 SCOTT S. BARNARD PRINCIPAL LIMITED coMPAW •PtSi 5100 Butnt STREET, FUM FLooR, NnwroRr Benny, CALWoRNIA 92660 ThEiNoNn (949) 223.8820 FACRIMn c (949) 223-8822 FROM FAX NO. May. 25 2004 10:34RM P1 Amigos Properties, LP 461 S. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 Tel. 714-532-5939/ Fax: 714-532-4898 May 25, 2004 VIA FAX — 4 pages includes this cover TO: James Campbell Department of Planning City ofNewport Beach FAX: 949-644-3250 RE: Notification List for Our Lady Queen Angels Project FR. K. Johansen Mr. Campbell: Per our discussion today, I am sending you copies of correspondence dated 2001 regarding my request to be on the Notification List for the above referenced project. I understand from our discussion today thai you have yet to receive any applications for this project, hence the reason I have not received anything from Planning. I am still not clear why there have been public discussions between the Church and School that have not included the property owners near the proposed project. Please include my contact information on any future Notification List for this project. As a property owner in the area, I am very concerned at the impact of any expansion plan that would increase traffic congestion in this area. FROM : FAX NO. : May. 25 2004 10:34AM P2 Amigos Apartments 461 S. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 Tel.: 714-532-5939/ Fax: 714-532-4898 July 24, 2001 Patricia Temple Director, Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd., 2nd Floor NewportBeach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Our Lady Queen of Angels Proposed Expansion Dear Ms. Temple: We have owned and managed a twenty-two unit apartment complex on Amigos Way in Newport Beach since 1987. We strive to provide our tenants with a clean, comfortable and safe living environment, and the City of Newport Beach has always been supportive of these goals. However, we are greatly concerned about the recent proposal before you to expand Our Lady Queen of Angels school by doubling enrollment. Our tenants and neighbors already experience significant traffic and parking problems associated with the nearby public school and church activities. When either or both organizations have events, the traffic and pedestrian congestion on these streets is challenging, to say the least. Any expansion of the church will increase both the pedestrian and traffic interactions and create more parking problems, as parking is already inadequate under existing conditions. Given these concerns, what is the title for the CEQA document concerning this proposal and is it available for review? Further, was a traffic study conducted? Is the on -site parking -adequate and does it meet the existing parking code requirements for this use? Would a variance need to be issued to meet the parking needs of this improvement? On behalf of our tenants and neighbors, please carefully consider any proposal that would increase the traffic congestion and cause more pedestrian and auto interactions in this area. Sincerely, Katherine Johansen Amigos Apartments 775 - 817 Amigos Way, Newport Beach cc: Honorable Mayor Honorable City Council Members FROM : FRX NO. : May. 25 2004 10:34RM P3 SEW PORT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH n P.O. BOX 1768, AIEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 U FO RN August 2, 2001 Katherine Johansen Amigos Apartments 461 S. Glassell Street Orange; CA•92866 Re: Our Lady Queen of Angels Project Dear Ms. Johansen: I have reviewed your letter dated July 24. 2001 regarding your cc expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angeles. The Archdiocese ha application or plans for the project, so I have very little to share wit and 1 have met with the project proponents on several occasions to share your concern about traffic and parking issues. ncerns about the proposed not as yet submitted an i you at this time. My staff discuss the project and we The Archdiocese plans to expand the school by one classroom for each grade which potentially will double enrollment. They have indicated to us a plan to bus students to the facility in an attempt to address traffic and parking issues. The overall plan will include the demolition of the existing St. Marks church replacing it with a 1200 seat Catholic Church. Once finished, the existing church will be removed to facilitate additional parking. Project proponents have. stated that sufficient parking will be provided, which will be evaluated and verified when the applications for the project are submitted. The Our Lady project includes the relocation of St. Marks to the corner of MacArthur and San Joaquin, and our initial thought was to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for St. Marks which will include Our Lady's project in the cumulative analysis. We also believe that a follow- up Mitigated Negative Declaration will be adequate for the project specific issues related to the Our Lady project. This determination is preliminary and subject to change, if during the analysis a potential signiticant impact is discovered that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. I will include you on a mailing list of interested parties for this project so you will receive all public notices. if you have any Campbell, theproject lanner at 9 9)e644.3210 or myself at (949) 644-3228r questions regarding this project, 1 free to call James p P Sincerely, -- Patricia L. Temple Planning Director rr \4nvor and City Council FROM : FAX NO. : May. 25 2004 10:35RM P4 Amigos Apartments 461 S. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 Tel.: 714-532-5939/ Fax: 714-532-4898 November 19, 2001 Patricia Temple Director, Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd., 2nd Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Our Lady Queen of Angels Proposed Expansion Dear Ms. Temple: We own and manage a twenty-two unit apartment complex on Amigos Way in Newport Beach and wrote to you in July regarding the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels, and you kindly responded to our letter, assuring that we would notified of further project developments. I am also the President of the Eastbluff Property Owner's Association. At our August meeting, we met with Mr. Curt Webster, who provided additional information about the proposed expansion. Based on our discussions with him, I am again expressing concern for the potential interaction between pedestrian and vehicle traffic based on their current proposal. Further, he indicated that St. Marks Church would be moving to a new location that involves the development of open space. As stated in my original letter, there already exists a traffic -pedestrian problem with the current Our Lady Queen of Angels school in such close proximity to Corona Del Mar High School. During the school year, at peak times, it is virtually impossible to exit or enter Domingo or Amigo Drives. Further, it is my understanding from Mr. — the Church uses Corona Del Mar's parking lot as an overflow option during their Saturday and Sunday services, creating the same traffic and pedestrian problems on the weekends. We are greatly concerned about the recent proposal before you to expand Our Lady Queen of Angels school and Church facilities. Given that we already have an existing problem, any expansion of the church will increase both the pedestrian and traffic interactions and create more parking problems, as parking is already inadequate under existing conditions. Additionally, the plan to improve open space must also be included as a part of any Our Lady Queen of Angels expansion as they are dependent upon one another. Lastly, please insure that any plan presented before you does not include the use of Corona Del Mar parking to mitigate an already congested parking situation - this is not the answer. Sincerely, Katherine Johansen Amigos Apartments 775 - 817 Amigos Way, Newport Beach ce: Honorable Mayor Honorable City Council Members CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3250 Hearing Date: Agenda Item No.: Staff Person: REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 2001-1 February 27, 2001 14 Patricia L. Temple 644-3200 SUMMARY: Request to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan, as follows: A. Park MacArthur - 3901 MacArthur Boulevard: A proposal to increase the development allocation for Professional and Business Office Site 3A, and to change the land use designation ( from Retail and Service Commercial to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial) and establish a development allocation for Auto Center Site 113 of the Newport Place Planned Community. The two properties would be combined into a single site, and the total development allocation would be increased by approximately 225,000 square feet (f 400,000 square feet total), to allow construction of two 128 foot high, eight story office buildings with associated surface parking areas and a parking structure. B. Our Lady Oueen of Angels Catholic Church — 2046 and 2100 Mar Vista Drive: A proposal to increase the development allocation for two existing church properties by 24,000 square feet for the combined properties, to allow for the construction of a new church, and the expansion of an existing elementary school. C. St Mark Presbyterian Church — Northwest comer of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road: A proposal to change the land use designation from Recreational and Environmental Open Space to Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities, and establish a development limit of approximately 20,000 square feet, to allow the construction of a new church complex,, including sanctuary, administrative facilities, pre-school/day care,/ fellowship hall, and miscellaneous uses. "I 2,DD k ACTION: Initiate the amendments to the General Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission. t Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission considered these items at its meeting of February 8, 2001, at which time they recommended initiation of the requests. A copy of the report to the Planning Commission is attached, which provide the details of each request. St. Mark Presbvterian Church Request (Bia Canyon/MacArthur During the Planning Commission deliberation on this item, a question was raised as to whether the open space designation on this property was related to environmental resources on site. The following is offered in response, for the consideration of the City Council. Land Use Element: The Land Use Plan Map shows the site as Recreational and Environmental Open Space, a designation which allows for both active and passive open space uses. While there may be riparian or other environmentally sensitive habitat areas on site, the open space designation was applied to it as a "residual' parcel adjacent to the Big Canyon Country Club golf course, and there is no known intent to preserve the site as environmental open space by this designation. The Land Use Element does not have a specific area description defining a passive open intent for the site, as have other passive open space areas in the City, such as Upper Big Canyon and parts of the Spyglass Hill area. The Land Use Element, does, however, include a policy requiring preservation of riparian areas, unless "the environmental process demonstrates that adverse impacts can mitigated to an acceptable level, or that the (project) benefits outweigh the adverse impacts." Recreation and Open Space Element: This site is in Service Area 8 of the Recreation and Open Space Element, an area identified as deficient in park facilities. It is not identified in the plan for future park or open space facilities. Additionally, it is not identified as an environmentally sensitive habitat area as are other areas in the City. However, given the deficiency of park lands in this service area, the loss of open space will be an important area of consideration in the environmental review process. Submitted and prepared by: PATRICIA L. TEMPLE Planning Director Attachments: Planning Commission staff report Draft minutes of the Planning Commission General Plan Amendment 2001.1 February 27, 2001 Page 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA92658 (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644.3250 Hearing Date: Agenda Item No.: Staff Person: REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 2001-1 February 8, 2001 6 Patricia L. Temple 644-3228 SUMMARY: Request to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan, as follows: A. Park MacArthur - 3901 MacArthur Boulevard: A proposal to increase the development allocation for Professional and Business Office Site 3A, and to change the land use designation ( from Retail and Service Commercial to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial) and establish a development allocation for Auto Center Site 113 of the Newport Place Planned Community. The two properties would be combined into a single site, and the total development allocation would be increased by approximately 225,000 square feet (-- 400,000 square feet total), to allow construction of two 128 foot high, eight story office buildings with associated surface parking areas and a parking structure. B. Our Ladv Oueen of Angels Catholic Church — 2046 and 2100 Mar Vista Drive: A proposal to increase the development allocation for two existing church properties by 24,000 square feet for the combined properties, to allow for the construction of a new church, and the expansion of an existing elementary school. C. St. Mark Presbyterian Church — Northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road: A proposal to change the land use designation from Recreational and Environmental Open Space to Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities, and establish a development limit of approximately 20,000 square feet, to allow the construction of a new church complex, including sanctuary, administrative facilities, pre-school/day care, fellowship hall, and miscellaneous uses. 3 ACTION: Recommend to the City Council: A. The proposed General Plan Amendments be initiated and staff be directed to proceed with the preparation of any necessary environmental documents and set for public hearing before the Planning Commission; or B. One or more of the proposed General Plan Amendments are unwarranted and should be returned to the originator; or C. Action on the proposed amendments be deferred to future hearing sessions based on Planning Department workloads and project priorities. Backaround City Council Policy K-1 states that: "A citizen and/or property owner may request an amendment to the General Plan. Such request shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Commission a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the month during which proposed amendments are to be initiated. The request should clearly set forth the reason for which the request is made, and should contain information substantiating the need. If the Planning Commission, after examination, is convinced that the proposed change is worthy of initiation, it may recommend initiation of amendments as set forth above. If not, the Commission shall forward the request to the City Council with its recommendation that initiation of the amendment is unwarranted. The City Council, after consideration of the request and of the report from the Planning Commission, may either initiate the proposed amendment and direct the Planning Commission. -to set for public hearing, return the request to the. originator without further action, or defer action on the proposed amendment to future hearing sessions based on Planning Department work loads and project priorities." Proposed Amendments Park MacArthur Associates LLC has submitted a request to make various changes to the General Plan Land Use Element and the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations to allow the construction of two office towers totaling approximately 400,000 square feet. The project would involve the demolition of three existing office buildings and a car rental service and storage yard, all located on a site at the southwesterly comer of Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard. The proponent has submitted a conceptual site along with the letter of request, for the information of the Planning Commission. i General Plan Amendment 2001.1 February 8, 2001 Page 2 Barnard Ventures as agent for Our Ladv Oueen of Angels Catholic Church (OLOA) has submitted a request for increased development allocations for two existing church properties on Mar Vista Drive in Eastbluff. The sites are current occupied by OLQA church, and by St. Mark Presbyterian Church. The proposal is to demolish the existing church on the OLQA site to allow for the expansion of the existing elementary school, and to demolish the buildings on the St. Mark site to allow for the construction of a new OLQA church at a size able to accommodate the growth in that congregation. The OLQA church has not yet submitted any conceptual site plans. Malkoff and Associates as agent for St-. Mark Presbyterian Church has submitted a request to change the land use designation and establish entitlement to allow for the construction of a new church complex at the corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. The project will provide a new site for St. Mark Presbyterian Church, and will provide for a new sanctuary and related support uses. A project description and conceptual site plan have been prepared and submitted for the information of the Planning Commission. Planning Department Workload The Department continues to experience a very high workload, and is operating beyond capacity in some areas. Because of the high on -going workload, the Department has retained contract project managers for some of the larger development requests currently in process, and for the Housing Element update. Also, we have shifted some of the work assignments of existing staff in plan check and staff level approvals, to reduce the backlog in those activity areas. However, in response to information from both the Planning and Building Departments regarding the staffing needs in the area of plan check, the City Council has authorized an additional Assistant Planner within this fiscal year's budget. Additionally, we are also recruiting for the two Senior Planner positions currently open in the department. In terms of the new cases which have been requested by property owners, the Department believes that the two church requests can be handled within the staff assigned to case analysis, as they will be processed as the proponents submit their related applications. The office project in Newport Place may require the use of an outside consultant to augment staff, as was done for the Koll Center Newport office development currently in process. Submitted and prepared by: PATRICIA L. TEMPLE Planning Director Attachments: Letters of request with exhibits General Plan Amendment 200 1 -1 February 8, 2001 Page 1 Park MacArthur Associates LLC 3600 Birch Street, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)757-7776 November 3, 2000 Mr. James W. Campbell Senior Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. PC Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: 3901, 3931 & 3961 MacArthur Blvd. 888 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA 9260 "Newport Place PC — Site 3A and Site 1B" Dear Mr. Campbell: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NFlAtonoT c'EACH AM N-Jv U 1 2000 PM 71819 110 11111211 AZi 4 A 6 V Please schedule the property referenced above for inclusion in the first quarter 2001 council hearing for general plan amendment consideration. The proposed project is a complete site redevelopment of an existing office and retail complex built during the early 70's. The existing structures have reached their useful economic lives and are obsolete in terms of both market demand as well as their physical condition. The proposed project will significantly improve the quality and character of this existing office and retail project. Initial site planning provides a 14.4% site coverage affording an abundant amount of surface and structured parking, soft and hardscaped pedestrian areas while affording superior office suite views of the Back Bay over the adjacent Irvine city boundary. The twin buildings proposed will be eight (8) stories in height and have typical floor plate sizes of approximately 25,000 gsf. The site layout encourages pedestrian access to neighboring properties to keep people out of their cars when going for coffee, lunch or c.Npm\city epa submittal 1132000 Mr. James W. Campbell City of Newport Beach Friday, November 03, 2000 Page 2 of 2 other service retail uses. The pedestrian site access will allow for ingress and egress from MacArthur, Jamboree, Dove and Quail Streets. The project size is 399,000 gsf with a net rentable area of approximately 375,746 sf. Surface parking allows 312 spaces with nearly 1,200 cars in the structure for a ratio of 4 spaces per thousand. High quality mature landscaping will be used to soften the appearance of the 5-level parking structure with an extensive array of trees fronting MacArthur Boulevard. Further, extensive use of Washingtonian palm trees integrated with plaza shade trees next to the on -site caf6 will encourage people to stay on -site during lunch hours in a park -like setting. The buildings will be constructed with steel, glass and pre -cast aggregate concrete panels with a complete fire -life safety system. Attached is a copy of the site plan proposed for the site. Upon your request, we can provide an oblique view of this site plan that would describe the spatial relationships among the major elements and show the exterior elevations. Please let us know what additional information will be required, if any, to proceed to council. S3i4 y, Dwight R. Belden Avw ate d 9le ztu.�e& LIMITOO LIABILITY COMPANY January 11, 2001 Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Director CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 RE: REQUEST TO INITIATE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS Dear Patty: In connection with the attached letter from Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ("OLQA") dated January 11, 2001, this letter expands upon what the proposed increase in the FAR is intended for. Specifically, the increase would support a new church and a school expansion. The current OLQA and St. Mark churches provide seating for 1,222 persons. Both the OLQA sanctuary and all the buildings on the St. Mark property would be demolished and a new sanctuary on the St. Mark site would be built that would have seating capacity similar to the two existing churches. The school addition would provide a second classroom for each of the kindergarten through 8" grade classes, ancillary support spaces and an assembly/gymnasium building. We intend to periodically meet with your staff to review our plans as they are developed. If you feel additional information would be helpful, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Scott S. Barnard Principal SSB:ts r/ cc: Fr. Vincent Gilmore 15 ' 5100 BIRCH STREET, FIRST FLOOR, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 • TEL. (949) 223-8820 • FAX (949) 223-8822 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, California 92660 • (949) 644-0200 January 11, 2001 Patricia Temple Planning Director City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Request to Initiate General Plan Amendment Dear Ms. Temple: The Diocese of Orange, through its local parish, Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ("OLQA!'), is submitting this request that the City of Newport Beach initiate a General Plan amendment effecting eight acres it owns located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive ("OLQA) Property") and as applied to the 4.37-acre parcel of land located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive owned by St. Mark Presbyterian Church of Corona del Mar ("St. Mark Property"). The OLQA Property and the St. Mark Property are designated in the General Plan Land Use Element as part of the Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities ("GEIF") District with an established. 0. 17 floor area ratio ("FAR"). OLQA plans to purchase the St. Mark Property and clear the site of all structures, demolish the existing OLQA church and construct a new church on the St. Mark Property. This project will also include the expansion of the OLQA school. A General Plan amendment, as requested and if approved, will increase the maximum square footage of developable floor area by approximately 24,000 square feet for the combined OLQA Property and St. Mark Property by changing the FAR from 0.17 to 0.21. This request to initiate a General Plan amendment will accommodate the OLQA new church and school expansion plan and respond to the growing need for our religious and educational mission. Please process this request to be considered as part of the February General Plan amendments. We look forward to favorable action by the Planning Commission and City Council. Sincerely, Reverend Msgr. William P. McLaughlin, Pastor 1/11/01 99999.00010 SA15MORR101010010.I.TR doc MALKOFF AND ASSOCIATES 18456 Lincoln Circle • Villa Park, California 92861 • Fax (714)288-6210 • (714)288-6200 January 12, 2001 Patricia L. Temple, Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Request for General Plan Amendment Dear Ms. Temple: On behalf of St. Mark Presbyterian Church, I am pleased to transmit the attached materials requesting the City initiate a General Plan Amendment for the approximately 10.85-acre property at the northwest comer of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. The property is presently shown in the General Plan as "Recreational and Environmental Open Space." As a religious organization proposing to relocate our Church and Pre -School to this site, we believe that a designation of "Government, Educational & Institutional" would be more appropriate. In addition to the GPA, we believe that a PC Text Amendment to the Big Canyon Community Plan would allow for the establishment of uses, building areas, development standards, etc., in accordance with Section 20.35.050 of the City's Municipal Code. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should questions arise, please feel free to call on me. Respectfully submitted, MALKOFF AND ASSOCIATES Mel Malkoff, President s:- cc: Pastor Gary Collins, St. Mark Pres.� Father Vincent Gilmore, OLQA RcC=1%nC101 of J 11 1 2 2001 St. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Request for General Plan Amendment Prepared for CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Patricia Temple, Director Planning Department Prepared by Malkoff and Associates 18456 Lincoln Circle Villa Park, CA 92861 (714)288-6200 January 12, 2001 j*"'` i��4L7YCV A II nnn� REQUEST FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT The proposed St. Mark Presbyterian Church Project will be sited on approximately 10.85 acres at the northwest comer of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road in the City of Newport Beach, California. The 27,015 square foot Project would be comprised of four building complexes: a Pre -School / Day Care facility, with attached Youth Ministry and Fellowship Hall areas; a 400-seat Sanctuary, with accessory support amenities; an administrative building; and a Nature display and restroom/storage area. In addition, outdoor play areas, fellowship courtyards (gathering plaza), and parking lots are provided. Unimproved area north of the on -site canyon, which will itself be retained in a largely undisturbed character, will serve as recreation space and potential overflow parking for special events like holiday services. Future expansion, in the 10-20 year time -frame, could include expansion"of both the Fellowship Hall as well as administrative areas on the south side of the canyon. Depending on need and the programmatic emphases of the Church at the time, additional ministry areas could be incor- porated into a building north of the canyon. The aggregate square footage of these expansion concepts is approximately 12,485 square feet (yielding a build -out project of up to 39,500 square feet). Recognizing the highly visible character of this site, the planned architecture would be contem- porary in design, articulated for visual interest and designed to a very human scale. Extensive landscaping around the Church buildings and throughout the site will grade from a mix of low- water demand native and non-native ornamental plantings toward a predominantly native plant palette along and within the retained canyon areas. These plantings, along with landscaped berms along the east and south edges of the site to mitigate roadway noise, will soften views both from off -site as well as within -project areas. The existing landscaped buffer along the Big Canyon Golf Course and apartments to the west of the Project site will be retained to protect on - site and off -site viewsheds. Outdoor lighting will be shielded to prevent concerns regarding light and glare. Various environmental factors have been considered and will be studied in more detail as part of subsequent planning efforts. The operational characteristics of a Church project go a long way toward lessening the range and intensity of environmental effects commonly associated with land development, yet some areas of concern may exist which may require further study. For example, initial on -site due diligence suggests that traffic and safety concerns associated with the adjacent roadways can be mitigated with the inclusion of protected turn pockets, limiting movements to right -in and right -out traffic at two points on -site (to ensure the adequacy and availability of access for emergency vehicles), and appropriate traffic management procedures and educational materials. St. Mark Presbyterian Church has a large ministry component emphasizing environmental values. Accordingly, there has been interest expressed in exploring the inclusion of a passive nature display area, both within a structured environment (small building north of the canyon) as well as some terraced lawn seating that will afford good views of the canyon itself. Recognizing the importance of coastal areas for native American tribes, the potential exists for finding archaeological artifacts during the development of the site. The Nature Display building would 1J y St. Mark Presbyterian Church Request for General Plan Amendment help ensure that any such artifacts could be retained on -site and made available to the public in a suitable, educational context. In addition, any paleontological information learned about the site during further study and construction activities could be displayed here as well. Equally important to the Church members and the environmental community at large is the protection of the habitat features of the site, to the extent practicable. Nearly all of the canyon would be conserved, with some thinning and pruning of non-native, invasive species and potential augmentation of native trees and shrubs. The canyon serves as a focal point in the design of the Church, and many of the program spaces are oriented to look onto this important feature. A path and perhaps small footbridge will allow limited access to a portion of the canyon, and educational signage would be added to teach about the many plants and animals that can live there. While there is a limited amount of riparian area in the canyon bottom, the ethos of the Church has directed its engineers to consider the use of fossil -filter type amenities to lessen the potential for runoff impacts in the canyon from on -site parking areas and driveways. The change in land use from a predominantly open character site, used over the years for Christmas tree lots, pumpkin patches and the like, to a low key, community -based church will necessitate the processing of a General Plan Amendment to change designated use from Open Space/Recreation to GovernmentaVEducationaUInstitutional. In addition, appropriate develop- ment standards will need to be promulgated, and a Conditional Use Permit issued for the particular uses planned. Finally, a Parcel Map will be processed concurrently. The proposed Church buildings will only impact about 10% of the entire site; this is far lower, in terms of intensity of development, than other potential uses of the site. Extensive refinements and mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project design, addressing compatibility with surrounding uses, flexibility of spaces, property considerations, traffic and circulation, and the visual impacts of the Project on- and off -site. The result will be a high quality, sensitively designed, community -oriented Church and Pre-school that will be an asset to the City of Newport Beach and the surrounding communities. January 12, 2001 ii Jr _ srtE. Jamboree Road �vvt.d i VICINITY MAPi•:!'! - - ���� ifMONA ab a'4 OJ\ t� SITE PLAN - NEW P\a _ tea Applicants Name. Total Lot Square Footage- SWlding Gross SF: wa.e... lm+....lalmw•lollwlvulel am rm aeee.l e—,,elll - aet. 1M.5WYna •6n.w mllll2lniiJ e..ree e.w.uaxes! 1=WITS�IRi imnl•N auaaeq 5lWa4: aYy' l4ls wnee.alnevomull sN•vl,J eiiCigyWvl:,fY<' 3(lf>pmaeazEMpallmalll AccessoYS Parcel Number. "...T•'ae"^^a s•^"" FwYfaLOwYK 'NO1In Wawea•b4uaey TeelWtl�.•IgWLL Ted m.emnw�lamw•a,.wLL r.s.zldc rvyl CowYrlrt•I Wr WWn.6JamWiw EMYpaopa6emeµ; INV abh-0 SIdaMA•vY•�<lHCaaNI.O•aY 1PII' f.Vi-Ill Proposed Use• i•,.rw.a w,*a.em.l CYIRIIt Z011ing' (gtiaq•.fUY PYurYmwCannuM' ; �aavW'm TlhaiP'�'6 f.arl-'Y•v rvugfeume.l �MelMal6B�eMaaelaua5ae>l./ avne5ae le O,•n JaM1lrp+au[Wnll..,Iwl 4iry aonMMM, wnaau�len IYtE II Bullding Helghb larlTumywn.cwlaawnl Bulltling Net SF: mnlu., a Total Parking Spaces: YYmtlMm3lxeva illvlNP lfn apatu TWIRVWyelfn,V•!ea wwrrs o r REEVAS- Park MarAnhur .- ....w nJ,e Wattson B va ast UN HEI U�.OBATA•NAS.SWAUM_•.IYC RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPnRT BEACH - Nov 93 2000 AM PM 71319110111112111213141316 SITE PLAN - NEW iCOII. 1'•GO-0' paPNmG SVMYapY uflGf.: b:EWt/ vY•: EO $YS_^L9! R.Vy WSGn,In-,✓ICfR Y��LVNwiX/N fLL1 9NLpnGiRF]S SUYY<RY •'J15PYXY i1�0y 9flE�GJL.W /'JRE� .. LxEs:eoosseF - ccYs, a]6R acu>tiv lsmi as'''oosssP WNPfapSry]T REBIRGCUSlCR]Lf �%SL tpMSf F ELLCxSxV WLyPNIYU fY1�TPWEM1lI NNBE 91P.V105f1 f�:/ 1W'SSR tOi]I WM1O WiaF ."-0WfF PxXeE arewuc.r lF _nu;F !Ot/.OVEV]GE SVYMa • NRCMI yix N OYu Cm bGL�]C�E]5E J]px SMRYGW]Wx ICGLBLL4 h`.0lP4Wi]REi ifNiy- aOFICtCCF144f NR WILL.W FpTppM G01% r,Ru1WLWosC1PF/ aPwsa]cE u:x NWcwuX<=_Pws uic PWIPRMGyFM4E Vfx •JeUSGPE yix <A(dTkst-DE(OA, C-:Cl [OT)2Ca eQ12CE`2tlLQL dIt'E OV`G.SEE2�4YL \b City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes Pebruary 8. 2001 22. This Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage outlet granted in accordance the terms of this chapter (Chapter 20.89 of the Newport Beach Muni ' al Code) shall expire within 12 months from the date of approval unless a ense has been issued or transferred by the California State Department Icoholic Beverage Control prior to the expiration date. 23. The Planning Commis ' may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recom nd to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit upon a determine' n that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit causes injury, is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general w re of the community. 24. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be r onsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. Then ' generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of C ter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise sh be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time perio nless the ambient noise level is higher: SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 2001-1 Request to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan, as follows: A. Park MacArthur - 3901 MacArthur Boulevard: A proposal to increase the development allocation for Professional and Business Office Site 3A, and to change the land use designation (from Retail and Service Commercial to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial) and establish a development allocation for Auto 'Center Site 1 B of the Newport Place Planned Community. The two properties would be combined into a single site, and the total development allocation would be increased by approximately 225,000 square feet (± 400,000 square feet total),, to allow construction of two 128 foot high, eight story office buildings with associated surface parking areas and a parking structure. B. Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church - 2046 and 2100 Mar Vista Drive: A proposal to increase the development allocation for two existing church properties by 24,000 square feet for the combined properties, to allow for the construction of a new church, and the expansion of an existing elementary school. C. St Mark Presbyterian Church - Northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road: A proposal to change the land use designation from Recreational and Environmental Open Space to Governmental, Educational 37 [(.t7 1 Item 6 GPA 2001.001 Recommended to City Council Jq City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 2001 INDEX and Institutional Facilities, and establish a development limit of approximately 20,000 square feet, to allow the construction of a new church complex, including sanctuary, administrative facilities, pre-school/day care, fellowship hall, and miscellaneous uses. Ms. Wood noted that for Item C. St. Mark Presbyterian Church, the development limit requested is 39,200 square feet. She also noted that she had a conversation with Patricia Krone who lives on Amigos Way. She could not be here this evening, but wanted to convey her concern about the expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels particularly the traffic -impacts from the school expansion. Public comment was opened for Item A Park MacArthur. Barry Eaton, 727 Bellis Street spoke as a member of EQAC noting that Item A is the third really large project that you will have in the vicinity of MacArthur and Jamboree. I would hope this time you would encourage staff that when the environmental documentation is done that instead of recommending a statement of overriding considerations for adverse impacts on that intersection that they require the project to participate in the long-range project that the City Council has requested the OCTA funding for. That is the long-range project to widen Jamboree through MacArthur across the 73 Freeway. Commissioner Tucker noted that the City is in the process of updating the General Plan and one of the areas of significance is what is going to happen in the airport area. This project would probably do best to dovetail into the decisions of what will happen in that area. Public comment was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Tucker to recommend to the City Council initiation of General Plan Amendment 20001-1 A, Park MacArthur at 3901 MacArthur Boulevard to amend Newport Beach General Plan. Ayes: McDaniel, Kiser, Selich, Gifford, Kranzley, Tucker Abstain: Agajanian Chairperson Selich stated that for the next two items, the Planning Commission is not voting for or against either of these amendments tonight. It is only to vote to initiate the process. Periodically we go through general plan amendment requests and our position in the past has been that unless the request has no merit whatsoever, that it should be allowed to move ahead. The applicants are allowed to proceed and develop their environmental documentation and have the impacts of their proposal analyzed before our making a decision on it. Public comment was opened for Item B, Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church. 38 1� City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 2001 At Commission inquiry, staff noted that the ownership of the two, properties hasn't changed yet, but Our Lady Queen of Angels is the applicant with the agreement of St. Mark's for the portion they own. Public comment was opened. Monsignor Bill McLaughlin, pastor of Our Lady Queen of Angels applicant noted that the parish has existed since 1961 serving 451 families. The parish has grown to 4500 families residing in Newport Beach and Newport Coast. We are a church of increasing numbers with approximately 80 different ministries. Our present church holds 870 people and is inadequate in size. With a general plan amendment we would hope to build a church to hold 1225 people. We have seismic and safety issues that have been addressed by the Bishop and if we don't build a new church we will have to address them in the near future for the present church building. We are here to ask for your support of this initiation. Barry Eaton noted that there are two large homeowners association within the vicinity of St. Mark. As president of the Easibluff Homeowners Association directly across the street we look forward to working with representatives of the Queen of Angels to identify and resolve any issues that might affect our homeowners. Jan Vandersloot, noted that the SPON group has discussed this proposal. I ask if these two items should not be considered as one initiation as they are linked. One does not happen unless the other happens. Instead of 22,000 square feet versus 39, 500 square feet you may have 51,000 square feet of expansion. Chairperson Selich answered that each general plan initiation stands on its own. Although there is a land swap here, St. Mark's could just as easily sell the land to Our Lady Queen of Angels and find a site elsewhere. Public comment was closed. Chairperson Selich noted his concern to the project proponents that the expansion of the school will have an impact on an already congested traffic situation. Motion was made by Commissioner McDaniel to recommend to the City Council initiation of General Plan Amendment 20001-1 B, Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church at 2047 and 2100 Mar Vista Drive to amend the Newport Beach General Plan. Ayes: McDaniel, Kiser, Agajanian, Selich, Gifford, Kranzley, Tucker Abstain: None Public comment was opened for Item C, St. Mark's Presbyterian Church. Mary Urashima, spoke representing St. Mark Presbyterian Church. She clarified that his initiation of.the general plan is not contingent on the approval of Our 39 INDEX ,`A City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 2001 Lady Queen of Angels. She delivered a letter from John Dean, Orange County Superintendent of Schools requesting support of this initiation. The conceptual plans that were provided show the usages and ministries of the church. The Church does not want to move far away because it could change the sense of community and lose membership. This particular site meets the requirements of still being close to their current site and presents them with new opportunities to fulfill their mission. We recognize the Big Canyon Country Club, residents and associations who have created a peaceful environment and we are willing to work with them as we proceed through refinement of this project. Pastor Gary Collins spoke in support of this application noting that this church has been in the community for 40 years. When we considered the proposal from Our Lady, we realized that this opportunity allows us to do more for our community and parishioners. Public comment was opened. Jan Vandersloot noted his concern of the loss of open space. This space is zoned for environmental, recreational open space and the request is to turn it into one that has entitlement. If this were The Irvine Company coming before you asking for this initiation, you would be requiring replacement of open space. Now, The Irvine Company owns the property and is letting St. Mark's be its agent for this property. I ask that you require an Environmental Impact Report and ask for a replacement of open space to be provided by the Irvine Company as part of this deal. This is a complicated matter where one church is moving into another church and that church will move over into what is now open space. If the Irvine Company came and asked for development on open space, you might look at it more critically. I ask that you look at it with this critical point of view when it comes back to you. Bernie Rome, 3 Pinehurst, president of and speaking for the Big Canyon Master Association that represents 489 residential units noted: • No land in Newport Beach has been set aside for religious projects. • Traffic concerns with exits and entrances on MacArthur Boulevard. • Current difficult situation with people making turns into Newport Center. • Be sure that all of the affected neighbors get a change to work with St. Mork's people. • Big Canyon Country Club is landlocked and has no place to go for parking nor does Big Canyon itself. Commissioner Tucker clarified that this property will become part of the Big Canyon Planned Community. Provisions regarding this property will be added to that planned community text. Under the PC district, the purpose is to provide for the classification and development of parcels of land as coordinated, comprehensive projects so as to take advantage of the superior environment that can result from large scale community planning. It is incumbent upon the St. Mark's proponents to have their project tie in with the rest of the planned community that is already on the ground. They need to 40 INDEX 4•� City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 2001 work together to make sure there are no reasonable objections as far as compatibility is concerned. There may be a requirement for an environmental impact report at the very least there will be traffic studies on it. All those issues will have to be addressed. Barry Eaton as an active member of St. Mark's noted that St. mark's is very willing to meet with the Big Canyon people and is in support of this application. Commissioner Agajanian noted his support but he is concerned about the open space. Motion was made by Commissioner Tucker to recommend to the City Council initiation of General Plan Amendment 20001-1 C, St. Mark Presbyterian Church at the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road to amend the Newport Beach General Plan. Commissioner Gifford noted she would not support this initiation because of the designation of open space on the site to be used for this project. There are many places in Newport Beach that are designated for development, but very few for open space. Many of those areas designated and given to the City, have since been developed. Chairperson Selich noted that his concerns have been somewhat allayed with the site plan that was included with the packet. However, he still has some serious reservations about the access issues on this project. Ayes: McDaniel, Kiser, Agajanian, Selich, Kranzley, Tucker Noes: Gifford It.t71 Proposed Development Plan Review Procedures Item 7 PA 2001-001/GPI 2001- Initiatio f an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to 001 establish pr-CsQdures for development plan review. Motion was made SK1.9mmissioner Kranzley to continue this item to the next Continued to Planning Commission m&e4ing on February 22nd. He also requested some 02/22/2001 additional information on exa les of design guidelines for other cities such as LaJolla, Santa Barbara, Palo Alto, emont, Carmel and Laguna Beach. Ayes: McDaniel, Kiser, Agajanian, Seli Gifford, Kranzley, Tucker Noes: None Absent: None ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Additional Business a.) City Council Follow-up - Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood that at the last meeting of the Council the appeal of the revol 41 11 04/10/2002 14:27 7142886210 MALKOFF AND ASSOC PAGE 01/92 AtMALKOFF AND ASSOCIATES 18456 Lincoln Circle v Villa Park, California 92861 v Fax (714) 288-6210 v (714)288-6200 Facsimile Transmittal To: Jim Campbell, Sr. Planner Company: City of Newport Beach Phone: 949.644-3210 Fax: 949-644-3250 From: Mel Malkoff Date: April 10, 2002 Job Number: 20001 — St. Mark Presbyterian Total # of Pages: 2 (incl. cover) Comments: Jim, thanks for the copy of the Jason email... yes, of course I expect you to DROP EVERYTHING when we walk in the door unannounced and without any forewarning... so that you can then get us back on the original schedule..... NOT! But gee, it IS a good fantasy. Thanks for that! On a more serious note, I have a question about writing the PC Text Amendment with regard to building setbacks. You see, we have an unusual matter: TIC has promised some of "our" land to the Big Cyn. Golf Course (Country Club), and while it'll remain in open space, it won't be held any longer by St. Mark Church. But while it is in our hands, I want to use a zero setback standard in the area of our north campus where land is tight, and recent TIC setback guidelines make the developable pad very, very small and narrow. Attached is a sketch of the situation... I need some feedback on IF I can show zero rear yard setback in this area where the Pre-school buildings back to permanent open space???? ►WTM p.s. We are refining a site plan and simplified elevations to resubmit to TIC in the next few weeks for their conceptual approval, following which we will go to the community for support, and then make the formal CUP submittal... The process has been redirected by others as to our anticipated sequencing! I c 04/10/2002 14:27 7142BB6210 MALKOFF AND ASSOC PAGE 02/02 i H 7'eg/ 'IV i174 Y --------------- OL tJ v c VIIJ; - RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY nF A(" : January, 2002 AM MAR 01 2002 PM Ms. Patricia Temple 7181911U 1� 111ir1i lal;si4lb i6 Director, Planning Department City of Newport Beach' 3300 Newport Blvd., 2nd floor Newport Beach, CA 92658.8915 RE: OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS PROPOSED EXPANSION Dear Ms. Temple: FEB 2 5 2002 We live in an apartment complex located at 775 - 817 Amigos Way in Newport Beach. It is our understanding that Our Lady Queen ofAngels Catholic Church is planning to purchase St. Mark's Presbyterian Church and build a much larger facility on the new site. Further, we are aware that Our Lady is proposing to double the size of their school. The streets and intersections surrounding our home are already "grid -locked" with traffic Saturday evenings, Sundays and during weekday school hours. The proposed doubling of church services and classrooms would make access to our home extremely difficult during many hours each day. We are also very concerned that emergency vehicles would be restricted from our area. Please carefully review the proposal submitted by Our Lady, as it is our beliefthat the effect on our neighborhood will be far-reaching and severe. Your further time and consideration in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely: Signature Signature Signature Signature Address �43 Address S!;�5 7G Ql Address 7-17 Address Address Address Address Address Signature Address December 11, 2001 Ms. Patricia Temple, Director Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd., 2°afloor Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Ms. Temple: MILLER & SCHWALBE P. O. BOX 10121 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 722-8140/ 640-2495 Phones (949)548-2346/642-8172 Faxes RECEIVED BY N p:LAjo Q DEPARTMENT CITYITyPLANNING 0p AM DEC 12 2001 PM 71819110111112111213141816 As owners of a six -unit building on Amigos Way, we are greatly concerned about the traffic situation in that area. The streets and intersections are already suffering from gridlock. Traffic on Saturday evenings, Sundays, and during weekday school hours has reached more than full capacity. The present situation is overbearing and potentially dangerous. Now, we understand that Our Lady Queen of Angels is planning to purchase the church across the street, St. Mark's, to build a much larger facility and possibly double the size of its present school. The proposed doubling of church services and classrooms would make access to Amigos Way even more difficult than it already is during many hours of the day. This could impact emergency vehicles. Because of limited access, it is imperative that no additional strain be placed on the few streets in the area. Street parking that is now very difficult would become next to impossible for area residents. Access to the area would become even more difficult and restrictive. We have eleven tenants living in our building. There have been many complaints with the present situation. For instance, one tenant left for work and forgot something. According to that tenant, it took "forever" to get back to Amigos Way in the morning because of the prohibition of no left turn during morning hours plus the number of cars entering the area. Add more church services, more congregants, and more students, and you have an even worse situation. Has a traffic impact study been done? Aren't the streets in the area working beyond capacity already? We believe they are and would be interested to receive the results of an impartial study. We personally have experienced long delays in leaving the area during certain hours of the day. Additional traffic also allows for the possibility of more accidents. You cannot change what is already there, but you can and should deny further negative impact to an already congested area. Si�ncerely, / l.� e Carole Miller Miller & Sch, BOWERS PEREZ ASSOCIATES, INC January2, 2002 Ms. Patricia Temple Director of Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard, 2"d Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Our Lady Queen of Angels Proposed Expansion Dear Ms. Temple: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF: nlF%atencT LEACH AM JAN 0 4 2002 PM 71819110111112111213141816 We live in an apartment complex, known as Domingo Pines, located at 851 Domingo Drive, Newport Beach. It is my understanding that Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church is planning to purchase St. Mark's Presbyterian Church and build a much larger facility on the new site. Further, we are aware that Our Lady is proposing to double the size of their school. The streets and intersections surrounding our homes are already "grid -locked" with traffic Saturday evenings, Sundays and during weekday school hours. The proposed doubling of church services and/classrooms would make access to our homes extremely difficult during many hours each day. We are also very concerned that emergency vehicles would be restricted from our area. Please carefully review the proposal received from Our Lady, as it is our belief that the effect on our neighborhood will be far-reaching and severe. Your further time and consideration in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, The Residents of Domingo Pines Signature Apt. No. Apt. No. 22o NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 20 0 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 0 (949) 660-9044 0 FAX (949) 640-7752 Ms. Patricia Temple Director of Planning Department City of Newport Beach December 5, 2001 it i , . , n i . i 3- Apt. No. AptApt. N� .2-3 Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. 3 Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. N" o. — 3; '? Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No' I Apt. No. Ms. Patricia Temple Director of Planning Department City of Newport Beach December 5, 2001 Page 3 --- r Signature r A� 2-S Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Vn Apt. No. �L-7 Apt. No. 6 Apt. No. 6 Apt. No. Apt. No' Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Ms. Patricia Temple Director of Planning Department City of Newport Beach Signature Signature Signature Signature v2 Apt. No. q5I Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. 3a-- Apt. ✓ No. Z Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Apt. No. Signature Apt. No. ' December 31, 2001 11 Corporate Pelk�•%';:;' Suite alo Irvine. CA 9909`^�� Mr. Mel Malkoff 0: 949.660.t9B4 � MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES ,` i'xt> f: 949.6fiD.1911 •r . 18456 Lincoln Circle Villa Park, CA 92667-6458 PLANNING TRAVEL DEMAW MODELING DATABASE DEVELOPMENT '•;: GIs TRAFFIC ENGINEERING • ,_ ACOUSTICAL , STUDIES I 'ARKING STUDIES' ' TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDIES John Kain, AICP deton Waters, P,E, ; 7111 Lawson, AICP Scott Sato, P.E. T8 39tld ( 7AM 6 f¢ 3C� e' Subject: Saint Mark Presbyterian Church Traffic and Parking Analysis Dear Mr. Malkoff: The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc, is pleased to submit this proposed scope of work to provide transportation planning services in support of the new Saint Mark Presbyterian Church site in Newport Beach. We would envision the transportation planning services be provided in three phases. These phases would complement your work on the site planning for the project, The three generalized phases from a transportation planning/traffic engineering standpoint would be as follows: Phase 1: Provide a preliminary evaluation which addresses trip generation and project traffic distribution issues. Phase 2: Phase 2 would Include the preparation of a traffic study to address the City's Transportation Phasing Ordinance (TPO). A long-range analysis will also be required. Phase 3: This phase will include follow-up activities to respond to issues raised by the City of Newport Beach or other jurisdictions, if required. SCOPE OF WORK The following Scope of Work is proposed by Urban Crossroads, Inc. for this study effort: 00SSV GNG JAOAIVW BIZ988ZOIL SL:GC Z88Z/b0/T8 'Mr. Mel Malkoff MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES December31, 2001 Page 2 Phase 1 — Project Trip Generation/Distribution (already completed) 1.1 Review available traffic data for the project study area, and compare the proposed project to the development assumptions in previous studies. 1.2 Meet with members of the project planning/engineering team to discuss the proposed development plan and to identify access/parking issues which impact overall development. 1.3 Meet with City staff to discuss traffic and parking issues associated with the area, identification of intersections of significance, and other technical factors necessary for evaluation of project impacts. 1.4 Prepare trip generation forecasts for the proposed project for a typical weekday as well as for the Sunday AM peak hours. The trip generation forecasts will be derived from available project —specific data as well as trip rates provided by the City of Newport Beach. 1.5 Allocate the forecasted weekday and Sunday AM peak hour trips expected to be generated by the proposed project to the study intersections based on anticipated traffic patterns to and from the project site. The trip distribution pattern will be based on input by City staff. Phase 2 — Traffic Study 2.1 Existing Site Conditions. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will visit the project study area to review and update our Inventory of existing conditions with respect to existing development, site access, parking use, and areas of congestion. This review will verify our overall understanding of traffic conditions in the area which might affect the proposed project. 2.2 Existing Roadway Conditions. In conjunction with Task 2.1, inventory the existing roadway striping, traffic control measures, curbside parking restrictions, adjacent intersection configurations, and other pertinent roadway features. 2.3 Existing Volumes. Compile existing average weekday daily traffic (AW DT) and peak hour traffic data available from the City for the following intersections: Z0 39vd OOSSV aNV dd0AlVW 0TZ988ZbTL 9T:LT Z00Z/K/10 Mr. Mel Malkoff MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES December31, 2001 Page 3 Jamboree Road (NS) at: • East Coast Highway (EW) • San Joaquin Hills Road (EW) • Eastbluff/Ford Road (EW) MacArthur Boulevard (NS) at: • East Coast Highway (EW) • San Miguel Drive (EW) • San Joaquin Hills Road (EW) • Ford Road/Bonita Canyon Road (EW) • Bison Avenue (EW) A "one percent" test will be conducted for these intersections to determine if the project will contribute a significant amount of traffic to these locations. If the traffic volumes do not increase the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) by at least one percent at an intersection, further analysis of non -impacted intersections will be concluded. 2A Related general plan issues. The relationship to the City general plan will be Identified, Including plans for the ultimate number of lanes, roadway improvements planned for the future, and other information that provides a context of how the proposed project interrelates with the future planned transportation system. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will contract with the City's consultant to obtain long-range traffic forecasts for the roadway segments and the study area intersections identified above. 2.5 NearTerm Future Circulation Growth. Obtain data from City staff regarding the status of other proposed developments (related projects) which may contribute cumulative impacts to the adjacent street system within the next few years. 2.6 Traffic Analysis. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will analyze the study area intersections for existing, Opening Year without/with project, and Long Range conditions without/with project conditions. The peak hour intersection analysis will be performed based on the City of Newport Beach significance criterialthresholds. Based on this assessment, recommendations will be provided regarding lane improvements to mitigate the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed development. Recommended measures may include striping modifications, the addition of 60 3@Cd oossv QNV JJDMIVW 01Z988ZG1L 9l:Ll Z00Z/00/10 'Mr. Mel Malkoff MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES December 31, 2001 Page 4 auxiliary turn lanes, or traffic control/limitations at site access points. Internal circulation will also be reviewed. 2.7 Traffic Study Preparation. Prepare a draft study which details all of the above mentioned items including our analysis, findings and conclusions. The draft report will be suitably documented With tabular, graphic and appendix material. The draft report will be submitted to the client for review and comment, and then revised if necessary. Phase 3 - Follow-up/ Responses to Comments 3.1 Meet with representatives of the City of Newport Beach (including other jurisdictions if needed) to discuss traffic forecasting issues, improvement requirements, or other concerns. 3.2 Attend up to two public hearings. DELIVERABLES Three copies (two bound and one original for the client's use) of the traffic study would be prepared. TIME SCHEDULE Urban Crossroads, Inc. has already completed the Phase 1 Assessment. The Phase 2 work will take approximately 15 additional working days to complete. The Phase 3 work time schedule is not known at this time until results of Phase 1 and 2 are completed and the identification of an appropriate overall processing schedule has been developed. QUALIFICATIONS For this effort, Scott Sato, P.E., will serve as the Urban Crossroads, Inc. project manager with support from John Kain, AICP Carleton Waters, P.E., and Madle Whiteman, SIT.. Urban Crossroads, Inc, personnel are experienced in transportation planning, parking studies, land use and trip generation assessments, traffic level of service analysis, and refinement of traffic forecasts. Urban Crossroads, Inc. staff have prepared detailed studies of roadway, pedestrian and parking issues for many church projects. The breadth of experience In all types of transportation planning and traffic engineering available at Urban Crossroads, Inc. results in work products which are sensitive to the ever present balance between planning considerations and engineering reality, The staff 00 39Vd OOSSV QNV dd0>1-IVW 0TZ988ZthTL ST:LT Z00Z/00/10 Mr. Mel Malkoff MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES December 31, 2001 Page 5 at Urban Crossroads, Inc. have developed a reputation for providing creative and realistic solutions to all types of transportation problems. We are looking forward to serving you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (0 9) 660-1904, Respectfully submitted, URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. y. ^' Scott Sa o, P.E. Senior Associate SS:pr 00036-03 Attachments CONTRACT APPROVAL: Approved by: Title: Firm: MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES Date: 90 3@Vd OOSSV QNV ddO>MVW 0TZ988ZVTL 91:LT Z00Z/b0/T0 Post-Ir Fez Note 7671 etls/ O ' Aso r .ana.n"" Pnon.• P""'•5mr96Y 92-v � I k M December 31. 2001 n GrswAtr Pali edb lte Irvlrm CA sans': Mr. Mel MaMcoM MALKOFF & ASSOCIATES e94e400,1211 18456 Lincoln Circle . y Villa Perk, CA 92667-64W ;.y Subject: Saint Made Presbyterian Church Tn ftc and ., . rpg Parking Analysis Door Mr. WNW"� "NNE Iuo�erouAArs is INTRODUCTION rswanla The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit the proposed scope of rock to provide tnnsporiatlon planning DATA&M services In support of the new Saint Mark Presbyterian Church Dn'norAlaNr site in Newport Beach. NO We would envision the transportation planning sw4k= be provided In three phases. These phases would complemerd your work on the site planning for the project. The three generalized om rom a transportation tannin lac arwWW9 fr maxaerurro .;P . standpoint would be as follows: "OOYAn� Phase 1: Provide a preliminary evalUation Which addresses trip generation and project traft distribution Issues. waes s7uap Phase 2: Phase 2 would Include the preparation Of a Inf6o study to address the City's Transportation Phasing TAMMC Orohwncs (TPO). A long-range analysis vdll also be AP*=STUDO reel ired. Phase 3: This phase will include follow-up scWtIes to respond to issues reead by the City of Newport Beach or atnerNrisdictione, 9 required. SCOPE OF WORK ebn KfK AMP The following Scope of work Is proposed by Urban Crossroads. Iron Werra re.. Inc. for this study ef4om n uveen, Arc soaa sm ft TX RESULT REPORT NAME:PLANNING DEPARTMENT TEL :949 6" 3229 DATE:JAN.04'2002 06:20 SESSION FUNCTION NO. DESTINATION STATION DATE TIME PAGE DURATION MODE RESULT 0776 TX 01 917142588900 JAN.04 06:17 005 0OH03'00" ECM OK Jan 06 02 11:44a p.I Gary Quick 1208 East Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92661 Home:949-673-8718 / fax:673-0788 January 6, 2002 James Campbell Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 fax 949-644-3229 Dear Jim, On December 19'', when I filed an application to appeal the decision of the Planning commission with the city clerk, I gave Lavonne five (5) packages. She put them in 5 of the 7 City Council Members mailboxes. Could you please provide her with two (2) more packages that you have, for the remaining 2 City Council Members? Thank you for your help, Dominao Vines September 4, 2001 Patricia Temple Director, Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard, 2"d Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Our Lady Queen of Angels Proposed Development Dear Ms. Temple: PLANNINGEIVED DEPABY RTMENT CITY OF NFI+✓ens j FACI,I AM SEP 0 7 2001 PM 71�19110111112121213,416,6 I am the owner of 851 Domingo Drive, Newport Beach, which consists of a six building, 34-unit apartment complex. I am also on the Eastbluff Apartment Owners Community Association Board of Directors. My property is located adjacent to St. Mark's Presbyterian Church, which may be, acquired by Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic -Church. Last week, Scott Barnard, who represents Our Lady Queen of Angels planned development, was kind enough to attend the Eastbluff Board of Directors meeting and share schematic plans, describe the proposed improvements as well as relate ideas on traffic mitigation. Scott advised us that Our Lady's plan calls for the construction of a new sanctuary, with a 1,220 seating capacity, to be constructed on the St. Mark's site. Further, on the site where Our Lady's church and school are currently located, the number of school classrooms will be doubled and overflow parking for the sanctuary (across the street) will be provided. am extremely concerned with the impact of this planned development in light of the fact that the streets and intersections are already "grid locked" with people and vehicles, especially on Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings and certain hours on school days. The apartment and condominium residents of this community are virtually pinned in (or out) during these time periods. An emergency requiring an ambulance or fire truck would be disastrous. I believe that Our Lady's development would exacerbate this situation for the following reasons: While the seating capacity of the proposed Our Lady's sanctuary is approximately equal to the seating capacity of the two existing churches, the four services on Sunday proposed by Our Lady 220 Newport Center Drive • Unit 20 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • (949) 660.9044 Patricia Temple City of Newport Beach September 4, 2001 Page 2 would result in a net increase of over 1,000 people per Sunday as Saint Mark's currently has only one service. Further, a greater number of people in a single time period would occur as services at the two churches are currently staggered. 2. It seems logical that parishioners will park as close to the sanctuary's front door as possible. This means substantial pedestrian traffic crossing Mar Vista and Domingo. 3. Doubling the capacity of the school will bring approximately 350 additional students to the area on weekdays. While Our Lady has plans to mitigate traffic congestion by bussing, I believe this will be extremely difficult to control. The busses alone, added to the existing private and public school traffic, will further impact an already difficult situation. In addition, I am concerned with the vast number of parking spaces proposed adjacent to my property. Unless there is substantial landscaping, a wall or both, my tenants will be subject to noise, fumes and lights from the vehicles. I recognize that the churches and schools existed long before I purchased my apartments and I was aware of the existing church and school traffic impact on my tenants and surrounding neighborhood. The situation currently impedes in - and -out access and is potentially dangerous in the event of an emergency. I would not like to see it get worse. I would very much appreciate the City's careful review of the proposal by Our Lady Queen of Angels, taking into consideration the impact of additional pedestrian and vehicle traffic on an already seriously congested area. Please call me with any questions or comments. I would appreciate being advised as to any submittals to the City and the progress of this proposed development. Thank you for your consideration of this neighborhood's well being. An 220 Newport Center Drive • Unit 20 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • (949) 660.9044 Campbell, James From: Dennis O'Neil [doneil@hewittoneil.comj Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 4:45 PM To: Sharon Wood (E-mail); Patty Temple (E-mail); Jim Campbell (E-mail) Cc: Father Vincent Gilmore (E-mail); S. Barnard Scott (E-mail) Subject: OLQA/St. Mark Projects It is my understanding that PCR has been selected to prepare the EIR for the St.Mark project on the property to be purchased from TIC located at the corner of MacArthur Blvd. and San Joaquin Rd. Jim Campbell was going to check and see if they were available to do the work. Assuming PCR will be the City's EIR consultant on the St.Mark project what steps need to be taken to put them under contract? Also, it would be extremely helpful if the traffic consultant to be used by PCR and/or the City could be identified and put under contract on the project. Mel Malkoff, the St.Mark lead consultant whom you have met with has engaged a traffic engineer and if possible it would probably help to move this along if the City is able to use the same traffic person and whatever data he/she has assembled. I believe you have Mel's phone number and e-mail address and can get the information from him on who he has retained to do the traffic studies. I did tell Mel that the City must control the traffic study and he said he understood that to be the case. Our Lady Queen of Angels (OLQA) has agreed to pay the cost of the EIR and therefore if a deposit needs to be made please let Scott Bernard (I believe you have Scott's e-mail address) and he will arrange to obtain the necessary funds from OLQA Contact has been made with St. Mark and it is my understanding they will be submitting some of their technical studies for review by PCR in order to expedite processing before the actual permit applications are filed. Dennis D. O'Neil Hewitt & O'Neil LLP (949) 798-0734 (tel.) (949) 798-0511 (fax) doneil@hewittoneil.com NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: THIS E-MAIL IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL AND MEANT ONLY FOR THE REVIEW AND USE OF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THE TRANSMISSION. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, ANY REVIEW, USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND PLEASE DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR COOPERATION. 1 tod22Iot CITY NEWPORT BEACH applications by St. Mark & OLQA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: 1. Applicant: a. Architectural site plan, floor plans, elevations and sections as identified by staff b. Landscape plan c. Lighting plan d. Grading plan with cut and fill estimates e. Environmental Information Form completed f. Project description and description of operational characteristics 2. City or Applicant: a. Soils b. Seismic c. Geotechnical d. Hydrology 3. If necessary, other reports maybe necessary by the City, or City reviews reports by others: a. Visual impacts b. Biology c. Archeology and paleontology 4. City: a. Traffic study b. Noise study c. Air quality ZONING APPLICATIONS: 1. Applicant: General Plan Amendment application Amendment application ? Planned Community revision ✓ � A-,(- rl A-,rk 000k a. b. + 111MAc -Lr PARKING SUMMARY: LARGESTASSEMBLY SPACE=SANCTUARY 10 SPACES SANCTUARY 1M SPACES PROPOSED PARKING In SPACES APRROXMXMLY INCLUDING HANDICAP) HILLS RD. a MACARTHUR 1 PER M SF USED FOR ASSEIWXY PURPOSE 5060 SF. 36=145 SPACES 4W SEATS -3 =104 SPACES BUILDING AREAS SUMMARY: 'SANCTUARY 7745 SF 'PRESCHDOUDAYCARE 4716 SF (INCLUDES 36M SF CLASSROOMSI FELLOWSHIP HALL 5820 SF 'YOUTH MINISTRY 1800 SF 'AOMIN, 4760 SF NATURE DISPLAY 1095 SF RESTROOMISTORAGE 1096 SF FELLOWSHIP HALL EXPANSION 1200 SF ADMIN, EXPANSION 1200 SF FUTURE EXPANSION 1OD85 SF TOTAL BUILD OUT SF 396M SF 'PHASE ONE BUILD OUT SF 27015 SF —IONE6. RIPARANICOASTAL I SAGE SCRUB ZONE 6: TRANSMON PLANING BETWEEN BUILDINGS a RIPARIAWCOASTAL SAGE SCRUB LOT COVERAGE SUMMARY: PARCELI 837ac PARCEL A 026.0 PARCELS STREET DEDICATION 0,67 ac 1.55 aC TOTALACREAGE 9.30 aC (NOT INCLUDING 1 55 ac STREETDEOICAIION TOTALBLDG FOOTPRINTAREA 34,457 SF % LOT COVERAGE FOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT 8.51% % PARKING/ LANDSCAPE/ OPEN SPACE 91.5% HARDSURFACE PLUS BLDG FOOTPRINT COVERAGE 417% LANDSCAPE 58.3% MACARTHUR�D. ZONE 4: SORGER BEPNEEN SITE a BIG CANYON mot. 1�fm-altk J"pILEiyt-� J EwpoTt BEaeh, C zl f o wia, ConeE%2tu SiLE �aity,#fall ►IEI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 August 2, 2001 Katherine Johansen Amigos Apartments 461 S. Glassell Street Orange, CA 92866 Re: Our Lady Queen of Angels Project Dear Ms. Johansen: I have reviewed your letter dated July 24, 2001 regarding your concerns about the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angeles. The Archdiocese has not as yet submitted an application or plans for the project, so I have very little to share with you at this time. My staff and I have met with the project proponents on several occasions to discuss the project and we share your concern about traffic and parking issues. The Archdiocese plans to expand the school by one classroom for each grade which potentially will double enrollment. They have indicated to us a plan to bus students to the facility in an attempt to address traffic and parking issues. The overall plan will include the demolition of the existing St. Marks church replacing it with a 1200 seat Catholic Church. Once finished, the existing church will be removed to facilitate additional parking. Project proponents have stated that sufficient parking will be provided, which will be evaluated and verified when the applications for the project are submitted. The Our Lady project includes the relocation of St. Marks to the corner of MacArthur and San Joaquin, and our initial thought was to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for St. Marks which will include Our Lady's project in the cumulative analysis. We also believe that a follow- up Mitigated Negative Declaration will be adequate for the project specific issues related to the Our Lady project. This determination is preliminary and subject to change, if during the analysis a potential significant impact is discovered that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. I will include you on a mailing list of interested parties for this project so you will receive all public notices. If you have any further questions regarding this project, feel freq to call James Campbell, the project planner at (949) 644-3210 or myself at (949) 644-3228. Sincerely, 4& Patricia L. Temple Planning Director CC. Mayor and City Council City Manager 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Amigos Apartments 461 S. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 Tel.: 714-532-5939/ Fax: 714-532-4898 July 24, 2001 Patricia Temple Director, Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd., 2nd Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Our Lady Queen of Angels Proposed Expansion Dear Ms. Temple: RECEIVED BY PLAN FI ^ r- AjpP 4RT EAChl CITY 0 AM JUL 31 2001 PM 71819110.111112111213141316 I We have owned and managed a twenty-two unit apartment complex on Amigos Way in Newport Beach since 1987. We strive to provide our tenants with a clean, comfortable and safe living environment, and the City of Newport Beach has always been supportive of these goals. However, we are greatly concerned about.the recent proposal before you to expand Our Lady Queen of Angels school by doubling enrollment. Our tenants and neighbors already experience significant traffic and parking problems associated with the nearby public school and church activities. When either or both organizations have events, the traffic and pedestrian congestion on these streets is challenging, to say the least. Any expansion of the church will increase both the pedestrian and traffic interactions and create more parking problems, as parking is already inadequate under existing conditions. Given these concerns, what is the title for the CEQA document concerning this proposal and is it available for review? Further, was a traffic study conducted? Is the on -site parking adequate and does it meet the existing parking code requirements for this use? Would a variance need to be issued to meet the parking needs of this improvement? On behalf of our tenants and neighbors, please carefully consider any proposal that would increase the traffic congestion and cause more pedestrian and auto interactions in this area. Sincerely, ,,(� t2 va' /G(.w�G-- Katherine Johansen Amigos Apartments 775 - 817 Amigos Way, Newport Beach cc: Honorable Mayor Honorable City Council Members Property Management June 4, 2001 RECEIVED rot IN 12 A 8 :18 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Eastbluff Apartment Owners Association 853 Amigos Way, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear City Council Members: P,O. Box 4708, Irvine, CA 92616 22 Mauchly Irvine, CA 92618 949 450.1515 fax 949.585.0146 vmi@villageway.com I am the property manager for the Eastbluff Apartment Owners Community Association, and have been asked by their Board of Directors to contact you regarding the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels School and Church. Eastbluff Apartment Owners Association represents the property owners and 225 families living in the residential neighborhood surrounding Our Lady Queen of Angels property. The Association is extremely concerned at the prospect of increased traffic in the vicinity of Our Lady Queen of Angels School and Church, which would result from this proposed expansion. Permitting the proposed expansion in this location would create a traffic congestion problem difficult to live with, threatening the safety, well-being, and the quality of life in the neighborhood. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Eastbluff Apartment Owners Community Association, please consider the families who have chosen to make their homes in this area of Newport Beach. Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any questions, I can be reached at 949.754.3215. Sincerely, VILLAGEWAY MANAGEMENT, INC. dc�Hdep_!?ey, CCAM0 Director of Property Management By Direction of the Board of Directors of Eastbluff Apartment Owners Association Date laLo Co pi entTo: Ma or unc I Member ❑ nager Attorney ❑ — \\V.illageway0llprojectslBostbluff028\AdministrativeWdmin CorrespWB, Church exI 6nant a a C A[f `d'�Providing Homeowner Association Management Since 1969 C M John F. Dean, Ed.D. Orange County Superintendent of Schools Box 1211 Newport Beach, California 92663 8 February 2001 Honorable Members of the Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658 Re: General Plan Amendment 2001-1-St. Mark Presbyterian Church Northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road Dear Commissioners: My wife, Katherine, and I have been residents of Newport Beach since 1953, and we are members of St. Mark Presbyterian Church. We have a very strong and abiding interest in the future of both communities. The future direction of St. Mark Presbyterian Church relies, at least in major part, on the status of the proposed new facility at MacArthur Blvd. and San Joaquin Hills Road. I believe the conceptual ideas thus far show a genuine respect for the natural resources at the site and the importance of their careful stewardship. Further, I believe the proposal is a good example of a positive church/community relationship. The proposed site for the new St. Mark is a natural, allowing more much -needed space for the church facilities while protecting and showcasing the natural beauty of the site. As envisioned, the area will include preservation of the natural wonders as an "open classroom of life science", an uncrowded but viable building site, and an attractive addition to our community. As an educator for more than fifty years, I see many educational opportunities at this site as a significant benefit for the community and, certainly, among the optimum uses of this currently vacant property. I would ask your most careful review of St. Mark's request as well as approval for your staff to begin the review process. The property requires and deserves responsible development. In my opinion, the St. Mark Presbyterian Church proposal satisfies that need admirably. The oncept is worthy of your most serious consideration. SincerQ�< •+CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PC rmi lli9 ! % /Di) Page 1 of 4 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 2000-2 Request to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan, as follows: B,. Northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road: A proposal to change the land use designation and development allocation for this site from Recreational and Environmental Open Space to Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities to allow the property to be developed with a church and related uses. B. 600 St Andrews Road (St Andrew's Presbyterian Church): A proposal to increase the development allocation for this site to allow an approximate 54,600 sq. ft. addition to an existing church complex, which may include a youth center, classrooms, offices and a parking structure. C. Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan: The proposed Harbor and Bay Element would be an optional element of the General Plan, Under State law, a City may Include in Its general plan any element that relates to Its physical development, This element would focus on the issues and policies relating to the uses of the Harbor and Bay and the surrounding shoreline. Chairperson Selich asked staff for a brief summary of what an initiation is and what it is not for the benefit of the newest Commissioners. Ms. Wood stated that there is a City Council Policy that describes the procedures for initiating an amendment to the General Plan, There are three cycles per year in which these amendments may be Initiated. All we require from the applicant for this step is a letter outlining what the proposal is. We bring this to the Planning Commission for a recommendation and then to the City Council for action to Initiate. The value of this kind of system is that it is an opportunity for the Commissioners and Councilmembers to look at a project in Its initial general state to see if it is something they think they would consider. If it is something that you don't think that there is any way that the City would wish to approve, then you can choose not to initiate it. This process saves the applicant a lot of time and expense before proceeding with it. Commissioner Kranzley noted that any additional theoretical traffic generated in this amendment is Included in subsequent traffic study. Ms, Wood answered that if there is a project for which there is an application and it is being reviewed, at the time a Notice of Preparation on an EIR for a future project goes out, then we have to Include the traffic projection from that application already under consideration, Commissioner Kranziey stated that in GPA 2000-2 (A) it is Open Space going to be converted to a church and GPA 2000-2 (B) we have a church that is going to be adding an additional amount of square footage and presumably trips. Ms, Clauson added that it would have to be considered as a cumulative Impact analysis. It would not go into a committed project. At Commission inquiry, Ms. Wood stated that if you are concerned about one of these General Plan items having to account for the traffic from the Dunes, Conexant or Koil, we would be doing that if we reached the point where we realized an EIR would be necessary for these projects. At the point that a notice of preparation for the EIR in these projects was Issued, we would have to count the Dunes, Conexant and Koll as reasonably foreseeable projects because they are already under review. We http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/PLNAgendas/2000/mn06-08.htm 02/20/2001 c CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 2 of 4 know what their Impacts are projected to be. We would not add these projects that you are considering tonight into the analysis for the ones already under way. Commissioner Kranziey added that these projects would add generated traffic to the weekend as opposed to the weekday. I don't know what they are planning to do and it would be nice to have a bit more Information in the initiation reports, Chairperson Selich added that the traffic gets confusing. For example Banning Ranch and Newport Center project. Since the Newport Center project was withdrawn, has that potential traffic been removed from Koll, Conexant and/or Dunes? Mr. Edmonston stated that in the case of Conexant it had all of Newport Center in it, At the time we did Koil, some of the parties had dropped out but it still included Pacific Life and the Newport Beach Country Club aspects. There is a difference in the long range between Conexant and Koll in the cumulative because they were done a few weeks apart. Commissioner Tucker asked what uses are allowed in Recreational and Environmental Open Space. Ms. Garcia answered that in the Recreational and Environmental Open Space the City allows schools, recreational facilities, parks and park facilities. Commissioner Tucker noted a letter written by the Irvine Company wherein they suggested that they would want to have the Big Canyon Community Plan amended, is this going to become a separate planning unit within the plan? Would it come to the Planning Commission for a site plan review? Mr. Campbell answered that it is the Intention to create a separate area within the Big Canyon Plan and incorporate this area. Right now, it is part of the open space golf course area. It is to become a separate area within the plan. The development application will come forward to the Planning Department and a Use Permit will be required. The Planning Commission will see the project. At Commissioner Inquiry about the San Joaquin and MacArthur parcel, Mr. Edmonston noted that there have been a number of meetings with representatives from the churches and the Irvine Company. A drive approach had been installed for the Christmas tree lot on the north side of San Joaquin this past year. This will be the sole access point, right in, right out. Commissioner Kiser stated that there is so little information that he Intends to abstain from initiating these amendments. A lot of questions have been asked pertaining to traffic Issues. There might be more information that could be provided before the Planning Commissioners could find it in the best Interest of the City to initiate these amendments, I would like to have more Information before I could raise my hand to say any of these Items would be good for the City. Chairperson Selich stated that the Idea is to have this early review and not have the staff do a lot of work to provide us a lot of information. Ms. Wood noted that this is not giving any Indication that the Planning Commission or the City Council would approve of these amendments, it is just to get the analysis process started. You reserve all your rights when you have all the information presented to you. However, Commissioners Kranzley and Kiser are raising something that the Planning Director and I have been talking about and that is to look at ways to amend the City Council Policy. We think that the three times a year does not make a lot of sense because applicants want them initiated before they have much information so they can be in line and not have to wait a few months to get back in. But then, the applicants sometimes do not file a complete application or don't get them going for years and we are working on GPA's that have very old case numbers. We are not sure what that cycle achieves for the City so we are thinking of changing it to allowing people to request initiations at any time during the year. As part of that, we http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/PLNAgendas/2000/mn06-0g.htm 02/20/2001 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 3 of 4 would also look at perhaps outlining some additional pieces of information that the Commission want in order to feel more comfortable making these decisions. The law provides that you can amend each element of the general plan no more than four times a year, However, we are a Charter City so that probably does not apply to us. in my mind this Initiation process doesn't accomplish that for us because it bears no relationship to how many general plan amendments we approve in a year which Is what the state law addresses, Commissioner Kiser clarified that he is not asking for a lot more work to be done before these GPA's are put in front of the Planning Commission, but to the extent that work has been done, that at least In some basic way that gets Into a report that can be considered. For instance adding 54,600 square feet to an existing church raises so many questions, If this process is just to have staff analyze it my answer would be yes to all of them based on the quality of staff. However, to initiate amendments if it suggests some kind of a go ahead to a project, that may be the wrong type of use to that area. If we base an Initiation decision or a yes on so little information, the less information to base a decision on even to start analyzing the more chance that down the road you may realize that there is some problem with the initiation. My comment would be that a summary of all information that has been gathered by staff In meetings and such should be included in the General Plan Amendment initiation. Public comment was opened. Bernie Rome, President of the Big Canyon Community Association that includes 468 residents, stated that issue A, which Is the re -zoning of the corner, has only one entrance/exit that is being proposed. We had a good example of what this does to the traffic during the time the Christmas trees were sold there. That corner was a terrible traffic problem, The residents in Big Canyon are always complaining about that problem and here we are going to add something that will make it worse. I am amazed that any religious organization would consider this site for a church. It doesn't make sense but the open space area does. The City was able to acquire the Bonita Canyon area from the City of Irvine. We allowed ourselves to have what might be considered a church row, as there are several churches already in that area. There could be a better place for a church site than along this corner that is being proposed due to traffic. Barry Eaton stated that Queen of Angels drives this issue as they are in need of a larger sanctuary and hope to get St. Marks property. Queen of Angels went to the Irvine Company and asked for a site to relocate St. Marks's to and this is the only site that was offered. St. Mork's Is just starting the Internal process of evaluating this site and if it would be appropriate for church use. This is not a done deal by any means. Commissioner Tucker noted that this is the Initial stage. We can turn it down if it doesn't make any sense and that is what we are going to look at. It seems that everything that comes before us, everybody complains about how terrible traffic is in their part of town and that is why we do these traffic studies. If the use in question will conflict with the current traffic patterns, a traffic study will show It. If the Irvine Company and the church want to explore that option, I feel like it Is something that they ought to be able to do with no assurances that we are going to approve it. Public comment closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Kranzley to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan 2000-2 A, B and C. Ayes: McDaniel, Ashley, Sellch, Kranzley, Tucker Abstain: Kiser Noes: None http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/PLN'Agendas/2000/mn06-08.htm 02/20/2001 ,CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 4 of 4 Absent; Gifford http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/PLNAgendas/2000/mn06-08.htm 02/20/2001 Sent By: BIG CANYON#CC; 949 7209338; Feb-7-01 13:39; Page 2/2 February 6, 2001 Big Canyon Country Club Patricia Temple, Director Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Ms. Temple: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPART<41ENT CITY Op Nc�AlPnQ7 rEACH i td U ./ 206i PM AM 718i9110)? 111 �;1;�131415i6 Big Canyon Country Club has received a copyof the Request for General Plan Amendment dated January 12, 2001 as prepared by Malkoff and Associates on behalf of St. Mark Presbyterian Chur-ch. A Conceptual Site Masterplan was attachea td the Request, Please be advised that Big Canyon Country Club is most concerned about the impart on Big Canyon Country Club of some of the design features in the Masterplan. Please give notice to Big Canyon Country Cl�b of all hearings and meetings which are to take place under City auspices rdgarding the Request and the Masterplan. Thank you. Very Truly'Yours, 2 e *1 . %V�� '' Marc L. Foster, President One Big Canyon Drive, Nevlron Beach, CA 92660-5299 (949) 644-5404 • Pax (949) 720-9338 • bigcanym@bigcanyoncc.org Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 Saturday, February 10, 2001 Commission decision may end up as Greenlight vote ■ Proposal to build two office buildings in Newport Beach could trigger a citywide vote under slow -growth measure. By MA THIS WINKLER NEWPORT BEACH -- Setting in process a motion that could lead to a Greenlight election and new homes for two churches, the city's planning commissioners voted Thursday to recommend the City Council begin three general plan amendments. Commission Chairman Edward Selich explained at the outset that he and his colleagues rarely denied applicants a chance to explore their proposals further. "It's this commission's position that applicants should be allowed to process their requests," Selich said. Initiating a general plan amendment simply means city officials don't see a project as completely unworthy. Once council members add their approval, the proposals enter a monthlong review process before a final decision is made. For one of the three amendments -- a request to build two eight -story office buildings on MacArthur Boulevard that would require the city to add 225,000 square feet to what is allowed -- the city's residents probably would have the final say through the slow -growth initiative they passed in November. Under Greenlight, any general plan amendment that adds 40,000 square feet or more than 100 dwelling units, or 100 peak -hour car trips, on top of what is allowed in the general plan must go before a citywide vote. The two other proposed amendments would allow Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church to build a new, larger sanctuary at the site that now belongs to St. Mark Presbyterian Church. A separate amendment would enable the St. Mark church to build a new home at the corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and MacArthur Boulevard. That site, owned by the Irvine Co., is open space. Selich cautioned Our Lady's proponents that he would look carefully at increased traffic caused by the larger church and an expansion of its elementary school. "I suffered through 12 years of driving kids to school in that area," Selich said, referring to Corona del Mar High School, which sits just across the street from the church. "It's something that I'll be concerned about." On St. Mark's proposal, Commissioner Anne Gifford told the applicants she could not support the project. "I don't want to mislead anyone," Gifford said, adding that she has a strong commitment to the preservation of open space. http://www.latimes.com/tcn/pilot/cityhaf/200102I 0/tdp0015998.html 02/12/2001 Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 "I think that we have many places designated for development," she said, before voting against the recommendation to initiate the general plan amendment. "But only few for open space." Commissioners also decided to delay a decision on a request for outdoor dining areas at the Riverboat Restaurant until August. After listening to several neighbors complain about noise, commissioners extended a temporary permit under the condition that a plexiglass wall of at least 6 feet would be installed around the ship's outdoor areas. Feedback to dailvuilot(a-)Iatimes.com Copyright 2000 Times Community News http://www.latimes.cor O Big Canyon Country Club February 6, 2001 Patricia Temple, Director Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Ms. Temple: Big Canyon Country Club has received a copy of the Request for General Plan Amendment dated January 12, 2001 as prepared by Malkoff and Associates on behalf of St. Mark Presbyterian Church. A Conceptual Site Masterplan was attached to the Request. Please be advised that Big Canyon Country Club is most concerned about the impact on Big Canyon Country Club of some of the design features in the Masterplan. Please give notice to Big Canyon Country Club of all hearings and meetings which are to take place under City auspices regarding the Request and the Masterplan. Thank you. Very Truly Yours, 26": i. 51� Marc L. Foster, President One Big Canyon Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660-5299 (949) 644.5404 * Fax (949) 720-9338 • bigcanyon@bigcanyoncc,org WEBS CO Brokerage March 14, 2001 City of Newport Beach Attn: Mayor & City Council 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: VILLA GRANADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Dear Honorable Mayor & City Council: J-1A e - JJ (Tj Tustin, CA 92780 '01 0 16 Ft� Wl";A. (800) 622-7673 FAX (714) 505-7673 OFFICE TiONOTBEICY OF THE AC I am writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Villa Granada Community Association to advise you of their concern. At the March 6, 2001 ' Board of Directors meeting the Directors passed a motion to strongly object to the proposed General Plan Amendment 2001-1 allowing the expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels School and Church at their present location. This small residential area, which surrounds Our Lady Queen of Angels property, is already greatly impacted by traffic generated by schools and churches bringing hundreds of daily trips In and out of the neighborhood. The proposal to increase the school population by 100% and their sanctuary size by 60% will surely worsen the existing situation. At the present time residents can sometimes plan trips in and out of the area around school and church schedules. However, emergencies cannot be planned. Emergency vehicles detained in increased traffic gridlock will only mean a greater threat to life and property. We are confident that you will consider the safety and welfare of our community as you proceed with these plans. Respectfully, On Behalf of the Board of Directors —� M1 0 Rita Reagan, Property Manager Cc: Board of Directors Date Copies Sent To: P mor uncuncil Member Manager ❑ Att rne_p Y 0'('G--�Yd�C�� 0 ------ 0 - — RR:mm Senty:ABarnard Ventures; 949 223 8822; Jan-8-01 9:05AM; Page 1/2 TO: Jim Campbell FROM: Scott Barnard PAGES: 2 ,0a/r/dewd.. `l-ea&wes: LIM fI lO LIAH ILI lY COMPANY 5100 BIRCH STREET, FIRST FLOOR NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 TTI.. (949) 223-8820 • FAX (949) 223-8822 01/081019:05d:1f CONI'/DENTIAL IT y NOTI CE The Information eaHained in this facsimile is confidential and/or privileged 77tis facsimile .111011 be revielved only by the individual owned above. If the reader of that it not the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that airyreview, disseninalton or copying of this facsimile or the information contained herein is prohibited lfyou have received aids• facsimile In ern -or, please anmestuely note ilia sender by telephone and return tha facsimile to the sender at the above address. Thank you for your guidance last week. Attached is another draft of the schedule. Please look it over and let me know your thoughts ASAP. I am trying to put it in a report tonight to the building committee of the church. co Our Lady Queen of Angels Church &School Addition ID Name Duration r January February March April May June July August September 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 1111812514 1111181251118 11512212916 11312012713 1101171241i1 18 11512212915 112119126 2 9 16 23 1 ENTITLEMENT PHASE Conceptual Design Site Plans, Floor Plans & Elevations Landscape Plan Preliminary Grading Plan Color & Materials Board Submittal Coordination Submittal Revisions Archdiocese Liturgical Committee Archdiocese Building Committee city Review of GPA Request General Plan Amendment Request Planning Commission Hearing City Council Hearing Environmental Studies for GPA & CUP Parking, Traffic & View Studies Prepared Studies reviewed by City Studies revised GPA / CUP Submittal Process Submit Draft GPA & CUP Applications & Plans City Review Revise Applications & Plans Application Deemed Complete Public Review/ Hearing Process Environmental Consultant Prepares Mit. Neg. Dec. Mitigated Negative Declaration Circulated Planning Commission staff report prepared Public Notice Period 1st Planning Commission Hearing 2nd Planning Commission Hearing City Council staff report prepared Public Notice Period 1st City Council Hearing 2nd City Council Hearing CEQA Challenge period 192 days 145 days ( 15 Wks 6 Wks 4 wks 6 Wks 1 wk 13 Wks 0 days 0 days 32 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 40 days 3 Wks 3 Wks 2 wks 25 days 0 days 2 wks- 3 Wks`- I 0 days 112 days 5 Wks 20 edays 2 Wks 10 edays 0 days 0 days 5 days 110 edays 0 days 0 days 30 edays : !i+ ' ' : '.•'.• a -'� [; s �? - ' - : :z _ 7 • ; ' .2& , 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N12 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 f m tml'fi l,u Page 1 or 1 Mon Varol K CD N 71 n m z a ro N N w w w N N C— w 0 7. 458-36 456-14 442-03 PAGE 1 6 1 •?�-�' Jam.. # A%Wr£ Srq£EF /RV/NE SUB. M.M. /- BB NOTE - ASSE550R'S BLOCK d ASSESSOR'S MAP 7RACT NO 7223 MM. 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Fountain Valley Garden Grove +K Huntington Beach Irvine Newport Beach Orange (city, California) Santa Ana (California) Tustin 0 'zoom Photo courtesy of the US Geological *Identifies premium content available to Encarta subscr 1 of 2 04/25/2000 3:02 PM IBM ` Tus rIOq 455 U- f ,7f 1 �\ 'N�`� � E//'"/.9� ice/ .y�'�_ �►,�t•:r., 1 40, Lk i ><x 19 — ;d ss�Y►° 3-1)'I'opoQueds Copyrigbi C 1999 DeLorme Yarmouth• ME 04096 Source 1)•p: USG 50 0 Snk: I : 20AN Demo: 13.3 D2mm: WGSSS St. Mark Presbyterian Church Qtr2, 2001 Qtr 10 Task Duration Predecessors�7�� ,, Qtr 3, 2000 913 1 Qtr 4, 2000 9/24 1 10115 1 1115 1 1128 12M 1/7 1 9124 11 (W 1,2001 128 1 2/1 1 3/11 1 411 1 4/22 1 5113 1 613 1624 7/15 1 MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Project Definition Land Use & Conceptual Site Design Site Due Diligence Topographic Study Model Session Vote Congregational Vote Presbytery Vote Conceptual Design and GRA Documentation Develop standard base maps Preliminary Access and Circulation Concept Conceptual Master Grading Plan Hazardous Materials Investigations Geotechnical Studies Archaeological Testing EMF- Risk Analysis & Evaluation Biological Survey Noise Study Conceptual Building Elevations and Floor Plans Preliminary Materials Board Preliminary Conceptual Master Landscape Plan General Plan Amendment Request Planned Community Amendment Request Project Concepts Booklet Irvine Company Project Review St. Mark Pres Letter for OLQA Application Irvine Company Letter for St. Mark Application Submittal of GPA and PC Amendment City Review of QPA / PCA Requests Community & Special Interests Consultations Review of Submittals Preparation of Planning Commission Staff Report Public Notes 301 days 78 days 50 days 30 days 19 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 34 days 5 days 7 days 12 days 15 days 9 days 4 days 6 days 8 days 8 days 15 days 5 days 10 days 5 days 8 days 20 days 10 days 5 days 5 days 0 days 60 days 50 days 10 days 6 days 10 odays 3SS+9 days 4SS+1 day 5 6 7FS+9 days 8FS+7 days 10 10 10 13SS+5 days 14SS 10 10 12SS+5 days 12SS ISFF 1 9SS+7 days 19 19 11 21 24FF 24FF 22.27 10 28 31 34FF WWI I MMMMOMW 8/1 lam W22 ... 1028 am 116 /is i I Am 1214 1 2's y i2F13: 1 2Y 121 : 21) 12' 17125 At 1 II 1222 1015 121 Z12 12f 17J14 1 12f2i 12f 2025 2M 12127 t 14 110 1228 no 114! 110 1W no 1112 17i6 :ills I= iris 2(5 1129 —T- 3 —4 —S 7 2 72— 1-3 14 — 15 17 — is 19 20 21 24 —25-- 7 —2a 29 31 _72— —733— TaskProgress M� Summary Rotted Up Critical Task L Critical T Milestone, Rolled Up Milestone 0 - Task Rolled! Up Task Pogo 1 of 4 AftValkoff and Associates Rolled Up Progress External Tasks Split ProjisatSummary 1219 pitmo BE C 0 1 2000 Updated: Sat 1 1118= 12:56 PM St. 7/2 1 Mark 312000 74 18113 1 913 1 ]Presbyterian I Qtr 4, 2000 9/24 1 10/15 1 1116 1126 12/17 117 ' ., Church Qtr 1, 2001 t28 2/18 ?!e 2l6 16 2/17 ' 2/27 V27 vz7 037 027 ": Ctr 2, 2001 3111 4/1 422 F113 6l3 V 277 76 ? 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Eempl Tasc€��Taek Project SummaryCriticalTaek Metkoff and Associates Page 2 of 4 Updated: Sat11/18/00 12:56 PM 87 GPA I PCA Submittal Process 6e Submit GPA & PCA materials 69 City interdepartmental review 7o City Review Meeting on Materials 71 Revise Engineering & Architectural Plans 72 Revise/Supplement technical reports 73 Revise Project Description & Exhibits 74 Re -Submittal of Project Materials 75 City Determination of "Completeness" 7s Application Deemed"Complete" 77 Public Review / Hearing Process 78 City Departmental Reviews 79 Prepare & circulate Mitigated Neg. Dec. 6o City PC staff report 51 Negotiate Conditions of Approval az M&A-suggested Resolution & Findings e3 Legal Public Notice 84 Team Prep. & Materials for PC 85 Community Support 88 Planning Commission 87 Prepare City Council staff report a5 Legal Public Notice 89 Prep for PC Hearing - client / team 90 City Council Hearing 91 Track City Approval Letter/documentation 92 CEQA Challenge period 93 Entitlement Process Complete 94 PHASE ONE CONSTRUCTION 95 Construction Documents - "At Risk" 9a Prepare Precise Grading Plans 97 Access, Circulation & Striping Plans se Light & Glare, including photometrics 99 Prepare Landscaping and Irrigation Plans Task CrlBal Task AMMalkoff and Associates St. Mark Presbyterian Church Qtr 3, 2000 Qtr 4, $000 Qtr 1, 2001 Qtr 2, 2001 Qtr 3, 2001 Qtr 4, 2001 Duratlon Predecessors 7/2723 8/13 9/3 924 Iwo1175 1126 12117 117 128 2/18 3111 4/1 422 5/13 6r3 624 7/15 8/5 826 9/16 10/7 1Qr'18 11f18 12/9 12l30 40 days 0 days 66 i 514 15 days 68 a 0 days 69 am 10 days 70 a= ' 6M 10 days 70 5128 We 10 days 72SS+5 days �6115 0 days 73 6115 10 days 74 6/1 0 days 75 6129 62 days 10 days 76 _ 72 : 7113 22 days �- 76 n uY'�-� ✓)o StAic� IIQ.Uk VAX . �r�.pAr p• pr'C,—��7n6 u 7 days 79FF 816 14 5 days 80" 6Is C 14 5 days 80FF 818 :; 14 10 edays 86FF 814 - 14 10 days 53FF 8l1 14 15 days 88FF -N�1 r+ S 7126 EE;:i;;[t;`S;E 14 / 6 I a 0 days 80 r- i _ 4 5 days Be 5��) G�S�J �� 8r1 821 10 edays 87SS e/1 =' 25 Pets 6• (V�tAA� 3 days a8FF 8122 25 0 days 56 am 10days 90 8128 'si . 9110 .f D r cl r vt a.t ce 20 days 90 arse sru S /1,� t 1 day 92 �-d}y c `ryT- 215 days 104 days 8 wks 37 7W 3 wks 96FF 413 �.isiiSEsi 2 wks 96FF 4110 :E[_; 23 8 Wks 96SS+4 wks Progress Summary WOMMEMW Rolled Up critical Task Rolled Up Progress Som� EMemal Tasks . Rolled Up Milestone Split Project Summary Milestone Rolled Up Task ::::.:.:..::...........:.-... , , , , , , , , , , , , , Updated: Sat 11/18/00 12:56 PM Page 3 of 4 too Prepare Wet Utility Plans (water/sewer/storm) tot Prepare Architectural Plans 102 Prepare Dry Utility Plans 103 Prepare Detailed Signage Plans t04 City Permitting of Construction Documents 1os First Plan Check - Precise Grading to-6 Revise per City / Resubmit 2nd Plan Check - Site t07 Inflate Bidding (wl2nd Submittal plans) 105Second Plan Check - Precise Grading tog Revise per City and Resubmit 3rd Plan Check 110Third Plan Check / Permit -Ready Grading Plans 111 First Plan Check - Building/Landscape/Utility Plans t12 Irvine Company Reviews of Site & Building Plans 113 Revise per City! Resubmit 2nd Plan Check - Site 114 Second Plan Check - Build/Landscape/Utl 115 Revise per City and Resubmit 3rd Plan Check 1t6 Third Plan Check / Permit -Ready Building Plans 117 Phase One Construction 119 Start Precise Grading t19 Site grading and building pads complete 120 Start Wet & Dry Utilities Construction 121 Begin Roadways, Parking Lot Paving 1z2 Start Building Pads - underground & foundation 123 Begin Construct Phase One Buildings St. Mark Presbyterian Church Qtr 3 2000 Qtr 4 2000 C2tr 1 2001 T T �� r e�one I tmta I t115 11v28 112117 I 1!7 I 12B I 2/16 1 �tr�n I a� e wks 70 6 wks 45 4 wks 101SS+2 wks 15 days 101FF 109 days 6 wks 96 2 wks 105 6 wks 106 3 wks 106 1 wk 108 2 MM 109 6 wks 101 15 days 111,105 2 wks 111 3 wks 113 2 wks 114 2 wks 116 65 days a Wks R E QA �t 0 days 116 10 wks 11aSS+3 wks 0 days 120 6 wks 11835+5 wks 0 days 122 4A I MA 91 9 3 'lit-i.i: 7/9 7110 16 7117 Ii- iii 7130 6111 EE <= MA 7123 9n0 7/23 :: 913 916 a27 ' ii: 917 silo a26 I taro 12/24 12Y24 Task ,';� Progress Summary Rolled Up CdNwl Task—:----j Rolled Up Progress External Tasks Milestone ♦ Rolled Up Teske Ralkd Up Mrq atone Split Projolct Summery Craical Task .:.::..::.:.:.:. ;. Page 4 or 4 Updated: Solt 11/16/00 12:56 PM AmMakofl and Associates I BIBCiuABY 3=G hoe IMan I PAHHOIO lee I OY)RMY PAMMG 143 I} e 0 I \ ;\'Y } �-- I ° III I rMKLMP� i MG — — . AOCAfU1°r BoNevord — / lrL NOO/NIIIVf BONCMfd _ \ I 1 I I CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN scnc ,•—}nv St. Mark Presbyterian � •• ����••-•••• ••• B c t p o r i Beach /Z -O / -OD SERVING THE NEWPORT — MESA COMMUNITIES SINCE 1907 ON THE WOO: WWW.DAILYPILOT.COM Curt Webster, director of outreach and special ministry projects at St. Mark Presbyterian Church, left, and Father Vincent Gilmore of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church talk about their double move, which will allow the Catholic church to occupy St. Mark's site. Fulffflinga quest Newport Beach churches are working together so both may expand their missions Mathis Winkler DAILY PILOT uests for space are nothing new for Father Vmcent Gilmore. When he arrived at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church to begin his new assignment as a parochial vicar three years ago, the crammed con- ditions were all too familiar. As a high school teacher at his monastery in Trabuco Canyon, Gilmore, a member of the Order of Norbertine Fathers, had been involved in fighting a proposed housing development that would have completely altered the abbey's way of life. He soon realized Newport Beach's largest Catholic church needed a change as well, Our Lady's 4,800 members couldn't possibly fit in the church's sanctuary, which is designed to seat 150. The parish school, which includes students from kindergarten through eighth grade, had a waiting list of more than 100 families. Looking around Our Lady's Bastbluff neighborhood, another religious institu- tion caught his eye. "Have you ever talked to the Presby- terians about finding another site?" he asked Msgr. William P. McLaughlin, Our Lady's pastor and Gilmoxe's boss. Separated only by a parking lot and a small street, the congregations at Our Lady and St. Mark Presbyterian Church had been neighbors for about four decades after their respective sanctuar- ies went up at about the same time in the early 1960s. They'd formed bonds over the years and organized ecumeni- cal ministries, blood drives and Thanks- giving services together. While McLaughlin hadn't talked to the folks across the street, he gave Gilmore the go-ahead to approach Gary Collins, St. Mark's pastor. "It was kind of a weird idea," Gilmore -said Thursday. "But I kept pushing it." SEE CHURCH PAGE 5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2 AT.E%B00 M Vaimt1no TUNES I II I ' ' I B eY sirtging and dartcir►g sta► Sastdy DtKrcan W perform with 1M wf c P b PO: it 8 p.m. today and SOurdey at the Orange Count MerforrMng AM Center, 60 Town Canter DrM, Carta Mesa. $23-$72. (714) 755 5199. 0 act bridge 11 to connect with humanity SCAN Nurr / DAt.Y PtOr thro •• A�i tram the Howard Bass hi nrhlMf. M WAIAM Howard Ben TN: interiorExtelior ! WHM i l a.m. to 5 Pm, Tuesday C�.ourdy Mt�imu6m doff AM8% San Clemente Dive, 1wrt Desch CM $5for Oduhs,$4for seniors and students, free for chrrt it beeunder 16 and museum CALL. (949) 759.1122. involve an ideal world where people aro not isolated from each other. Brien Langston, spokesman at the -r eaow met ttoward%personal Philosophy is one that's based very much On Cooperation and egalitarian- ism and genuine he. Langston referred w ilea Tidy plain in Boston. 9t1s much frequented and loved by the krcels,' he said. 'T have friends who live in Boehm, and they think i4 a wonderful place. In a city that's full of WOO11 1W placer, thats kind of nice," Ben T)6 said he teak fortunate people appreciate his work. Doily Pild CHECK n OUT Children s literature celebrates black bstory F or young readers Bit "lath trrw a wadIs e ure celebrates the accomplish• menu of African Ameri- can$. Among the meat inspired new works about courage in the face of ppression is •I.aa It 8htnas T" Stara.. of Ten Blatt Won" praadoat "Of. an." In this 2001 Coretta Scott King Honor Book, Andrea Davis Pinlmey pro- vides glorious picture book biographies of bold women who Ut the path to freedom. The Corona Scott Kin Honors are given outthe American by includedbook M = o Rota Paris, Sbirley Chisholm and Other hero- ines wlto have ouirlbuted to His for beginning mad.' on. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the subject of "I have a Dream," in width 15 African American artists create a powerful contest for the father of the mod- ern civil rights movement's famous 1963 speech. While it's a Children's pic- ture biography, the whole family can enjoy this vbu- ally striking tribute to one of the 20th century's most influential visionaries. Ru�rlWdges, another recalls her experience as a a.w. ,,,a ti,�..y r Brkiger helped rave tha way for school lfttegretk n, I c+P� the lntantjty pf racial turrao8 in the 1950t and `11% in a Brat -person narrative pep' pared with newspaper quotes and historical W. 'Nobody Owtte the Sky celebrates a different kind of bravery, with vWW Rhotrations that reveal how NOW* Colessen became theworkft AM licensed African American aviator. The underlying story is about a girl who worked in the cotton A" Adaptteai to both young Poc: to ts book fa !a in music, but - band -wife team AWIM and arks WY WRON to a Jots in words that refry rhythms and woodcut. style renderings that swirl with color, this Caldacott Honor Book paints a lively portrait of the muslctan. The pesh a struggles that have shaped theas of a spore camtem- m ga "tea fot this African American per. in sa�reraWooten series °tM the background of the show hod who has mtalkoivat- ed viewers of all races thmugb project aumep at ao gv&e improve Pilot CHURCH CONTINUED FROM 1 Now, about two years lat- er, both churches have offi- cially opened a new chapter in their respective histories. The city's planning com- missioners were expected Thursday to initiate general plan amendments requested by Our Lady's and St. Mark's leaders. While it represents only a first step in a month- long process, St. Mark's even- tually hopes to find a new home on vacant land at the comer of San Joaquin Hills Road and MacArthur Boule- vard that is owned by the Irvine Co. In return, Our Lady's church will acquire its neighbor's old land and build a larger sanctuary .to hold 1,200 congregants. And the Catholic congregation will shoulder about $25 million, which the change is expected to cost. Experts said such coopera- tion across denominational lines remains unusual. But Christians have begun view- ing each other as part of one church rather than competi- tors. "There's also the realiza- tion that we're all struggling to find a place in the new [secular] setting," said Mike Regele, an ordained Presby- terian pastor and president of Percept, a Rancho Santa Mar- garita -based consulting firm for religious institutions. Friends in high places As Gilmore began scout- ing out possible sites for St. Mark's new church, McLaughlin recommended checking with some of Our Lady's members. Gary Hunt, at the time the Irvine Co.'s executive vice president, was one of the first who came to mind. While visiting Hunt in his Newport Center office, Gilmore said Hunt simply turned to his window with views'of the city and picked out two possible properties. Eventually, all parties settled on the now proposed lot. However, some of the city's environmentalists say they are concerned about the plan for a site that is desig- nated as open space. Building on the site would further reduce the city's scarce open space, said Bob Caustin of Defend the Bay. Because the company would receive money from the sale of the site, it should dedicate another lot as open space in return, he added. Members of St. Mark's said the congregation had ini- tially hesitated about occupy- ing the empty site. "How can we dare touch the site?" Kay Gustafson remembered hearing. A group called Ecophilians has been active inside the St. Mark church for a long time and a cart with literature and brochures about conservation is displayed on Sundays. Plans for the proposed St. Mark Presbyterian Church. Gustafson's husband, Curt Webster, who works as St. Mark's director of outreach and special ministry projects, said the churches mission includes a commitment to preserving nature. Congre- gants began seeing the pro- tection of the site's environ- ment, which includes a canyon area, as a calling. The more we looked at the San, Joaquin site, the more it became obvious that it's consistent with who we are," Webster said. "To be able to care for a campus where we can visually [care for God's creation], that is amazing, This [site] is so St. Mark's." Finding a suitable location was one thing. Turning the vision into reality and over- seeing the project's planning was another. But again, Gilmore didn't have to look far for help. Teaching a class for prospec- tive Catholics, one of his stu- dents seemed perfect for the job. Gilmore -"asked if I could be of any assistance in facili- tating the transaction," said Councilman Dennis O'Neil, who served as Newport Beach's mayor at the time. Along with fellow convert Carol Hoffman, a former Irvine Co. vice president and supporter of the churches pro- ject, O'Neil officially joined the congregation in April. Since then, O'Neil has helped coordinate meetings with planners, consultants and officials of the company, city and diocese. He said he's "really excited" about this plan, adding that he hopes his fellow City Council mem- bers will approve the initia- tion of the general plan amendments at their Feb. 23 meeting. After consulting City Atty. Bob Burnham, O'Neil said he expects to vote on the plan because he has no financial interests in the project: He added that he would recuse himself from the deci- sion if it would jeopardize the project's success. O'Neil's not the only one behind the dais that has close ties to the Catholic church. Councilman John Heffer- nan has been a member of the congregation for at least 20 years but said he knew lit- tle about the proposed changes. "I'm wafting to be filled in," Heffernan said Thursday, adding that he could not say whether he'd support the pro- ject. "It's a pretty complicated deal." Unexpected opposition While Gilmore and others promoting the plans were able to rely -on support from influential church members, they had more trouble with officials in another high place: the Catholic diocese of Orange. Although the congregation at Our Lady had pledged to raise the necessary money, the churches hierarchical organization initially opposed Y 9, 2ooi 5 the deal and required approval from church leaders as ivell, "You guys are billing the CCatholic] church for some- body else," Gilmore remem- bered as a comment from church officials. "They said no at first." Our Lady was planning to pay $6.7 million to the St. Mark's church for the land — a lot more than the actual val- ue of the four -acre site. If the deal goes through, the money will pay for St. Mark's new sanctuary. Arrangements to buy the land will be worked out sepa- rately with the company, said Gilmore, adding that he couldn't disclose details of the negotiations. Other churches in the dio- cese were struggling to make ends meet, officials told Gilmore. They couldn't sup- port giving millions to a church of a different denomi- nation while their own parishes suffered. Gilmore and others at Our Lady eventually convinced church leaders by offering to tithe about $2 million for use in the diocese's poorer parish- es as part of the project. Just as St. Mark's congre- gants had been concerned about fulfilling their "green" mission, Our Lady members wanted to ensure that social justice was served, Gilmore said. "We help each other to have our missions realized," he said. I )} RECEIVED PATRICIA KRONE 83S AMIGOS WAY, No. 4 NEWPORTBEACH, CA 92660 'Ol FEB 20 A8:40 (949) 644-0662 OFFICE OE NEWPORT BEACH February 15, 2001 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 Dear City Council Members, We are extremely concerned at the prospect of increased traffic in the vicinity of Our Lady Queen of Angels School and Church which would result from their proposed expansion. Our little neighborhood is already over -saturated with auto traffic on Mar Vista, Domingo, Amigos and Eastbluff from the schools, church and residential density. Students at Our Lady Queen of Angels School are "dropped off" and picked up, resulting in hundreds of individual daily trips into the neighborhood. Expansion of the school would make a bad situation worse for our densely populated area. There are 225 families on Amigos Way alone. Many have two and three cars. Corona del Mar High School is our neighbor, too, with a student population of 1791. There are 253 students in the senior class and 280 students in the junior class. Many drive cars into the neighborhood to school. Recently the City cut off traffic on Bison from Jamboree to Eastbluff. This forced all traffic to and from the schools to funnel through the intersection of Eastbluff and Jamboree/Ford. If you permit expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels School in this location, you will create a traffic congestion problem impossible to live with, threatening the safety and well-being of the - neighborhood. Please consider us, the families who have chosen to make our homes in this area of Newport Beach. Best regards, "'�4AT� Patricia Krone Member, Civil Service Board, City of Newport Beach, 1980-1988 cc: Villa Granada Community Homeowners Association Eastbluff Apartment Owners Community Association PATRICIA KRONE 035AAr1OOSWAY, Na NEWPORTBEAC,, CA 92660 (949) 644.0662 PLEASE NOTE: RECEIVED '01 FEB 20 A8:40 OFFICE of THE CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH The enclosed letter is to replace one mailed Feb. 15 which contained a typographical error. Date 0 t) Copies Sent To: o�ayor uncil Member Manager ❑ A rney yt' i n /❑ ❑. 33 4. i �r 1 l City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 as non -responsive because the references provided were not for work of similar character, none of the projects listed were in primarily residential areas, the conduit boring operations previously performed were minor in comparison, none of the projects listed converted 5000-volt series circuits system to 240-volt multiple system while keeping the series conduit street lights in operation and none of the references submitted indicated the capability of IEC to maintain a project spread out over a significant area; 3) find the second low bidder is the "lowest responsible bidder" and award Contract No. 3298 to F.J. Johnson, Inc. of Anaheim for the total bid price of $272,466.30; 4) authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and 5) establish an amount of $22,440 to cover the cost of unforeseen work. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway 27. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2000-2 - REQUEST TO INITIATE AMENDMENTS TO THE NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN AS FOLLOWS: A) NORTHWEST CORNER OF MACARTHUR BOULEVARD AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD: A PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION AND DEVELOPMENT ALLOCATION FOR THIS SITE FROM RECREATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL OPEN SPACE TO GOVERNMENTAL, EDUCATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FACILITIES, TO ALLOW THE PROPERTY TO BE DEVELOPED WITH A CHURCH AND RELATED USES; B) 600 ST. ANDREWS ROAD (ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH): A PROPOSAL TO INCREASE THE DEVELOPMENT ALLOCATION FOR THIS SITE TO ALLOW AN APPROXIMATE 54,600 SQ. FT. ADDITION TO AN EXISTING CHURCH COMPLEX, WHICH MAY INCLUDE A YOUTH CENTER, CLASSROOMS, OFFICES AND A PARSING STRUCTURE; AND C) HARBOR AND BAY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN: THE PROPOSED HARBOR AND BAY ELEMENT WOULD BE AN OPTIONAL ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. Council Member Thomson stated that the item includes three separate general plan amendments. Motion by Council Member Thomson to split the three amendments into three separate actions. Council Member O'Neil stated that it was brought to his attention that a technical error was made when computing the square footage at 100 Newport Center Drive. He stated that the owner's architect determined that there was a 790 square foot difference between what the general plan entitlement allows and the existing floor area. Council Member O'Neil suggested that a fourth general plan amendment initiation be added to the GPA 2000-2 MacArthur Blvd & San Joaquin Hills Road/ St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church/ Harbor & Bay Element (45) Volume 53 - Page 447 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 INDEX list to increase the permitted floor area at 100 Newport Center Drive from 12,207 square feet to 13,002 square feet. Council Member Thomson accepted the amendment to the motion. The amended motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway Motion by Council Member Thomson to initiate an amendment to the General Plan for 100 Newport Center Drive to increase the permitted floor area from 12,207 square feet to 13,002 square feet. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway Motion by Council Member O'Neil to initiate an amendment to the General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for the Harbor and Bay Element. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway Assistant City Manager Wood stated that the general plan amendment for 600 St. Andrews Road (St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church) is a proposal to increase the development allocation for the site to allow an approximate 54,600-square foot addition to the church complex. Council Member Glover stated that the church is in her district and she believes it is premature to initiate a general plan amendment. Council Member Glover stated that the church is located in a residential neighborhood and that more information is needed for such an expansion. She stated that the area is highly impacted in regards to parking and traffic due to the high school and the residential area. She asked if the applicant could do some community work and provide more concrete plans before initiating the general plan amendment. Council Member Debay clarified that the action before the City Council at the current meeting is to initiate public hearings only and not to approve the projects. Assistant City Manager Wood additionally stated that the agendas for both the Planning Commission and City Council meetings were posted Volume 53 - Page 448 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 INDEX for the initiation phase, that public notices would also be required if environmental documentation is needed and, finally, that agendas would be posted for any public hearings. John Huffman, Pastor of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, stated that St. Andrews is one of the oldest institutions in the community and is here to serve the community. He stated that their concerns are the parking situation at the church and the young people. He stated that the church currently shares the Newport Harbor High School's parking lot. He said the desire is not to expand the church, but to enhance the quality of the ministry in the community. He said they would like to provide a center for kids to come to after school and refurbish their site. Pastor Huffman stated that he is open to pursuing other ways to accomplish these needs. He stated that they want to be sure that they have community support. Mayor Pro Tern Adams clarified with Assistant City Manager Wood that general plan initiations are done three times per year. Mayor Pro Tern Adams asked the applicant how he felt about a four -month delay. Pastor Huffman stated that they are already trying to do the groundwork, but that the church does not want to continue if the City does not feel that the project is viable. Council Member Glover confirmed with Pastor Huffman that he would like the item to be voted on at the current meeting. Council Member O'Neil confirmed that there would be further opportunity for public input if the general plan amendment is initiated. Assistant City Manager Wood did not know if the project would require an environmental impact report (EIR), but that there would be further public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council. Council Member O'Neil stated that the use of the site provides a tremendous community benefit. He stated that he knows that Council Member Glover also understands the need for the facility, but is concerned regarding the timing of the initiation. Council Member O'Neil asked for Council Member Glover's suggestion on how best to proceed. Council Member Glover asked the City Attorney if it would be possible to require the applicant to have a community outreach program. City Attorney Burnham stated that the action being recommended at the current meeting could not be conditioned with such a request. He stated, however, that the City Council could encourage St. Andrews to conduct a community outreach program. Pastor Huffman stated that the intent is only to enhance the quality of the community. He stated that they are in the beginning stages only and are very aware that community support is needed. He said plans and designs have not been done yet, but they know they need additional parking. Motion by Council Member Glover to initiate an amendment to the General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for 600 St. Andrews Road (St. Andrews Presbyterian Church). Volume 53 - Page 449 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 INDEX that there must be a community input. Mayor Noyes suggested that Pastor Huffman work with Council Member Glover on the process. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway Council Member Thomson stated that the final general plan amendment to consider at the current meeting is regarding the 12-acre parcel on the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. He stated that the amendment is to change the land use designation from recreational and environmental open space to governmental, educational and institutional facilities. Council Member Thomson stated that he understands that a church may be placed on the property and expressed his concern for access to and from the property. Further, he expressed his concern for the open space that would be lost if the land use designation is changed. He suggested that further studies be done on how the property can be utilized and how the traffic would be handled. Council Member Thomson requested that there be more public input before an initiation is approved. Motion by Council Member Thomson to deny the initiation of the amendment to the General Plan for the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. Motion failed for lack of a second. Council Member O'Neil stated his familiarity with the general amendment request. He stated that he has talked with representatives from St. Mark Presbyterian Church regarding their desire to relocate their facility from Mar Vista Drive to MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. He stated that their reason is to allow for the possible expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels School. He stated that a lottery system is currently used to register children into the K through 8 school. Council Member O'Neil stated that although there may be other locations to put the St. Mark Presbyterian Church, an extensive survey was done for vacant land in Newport Beach and the MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road site was determined to be the best and most available piece of property. He stated that if the initiation is approved, there would be opportunities for traffic studies. He added that the church would need to go through a tremendous amount of fundraising, but needs some preliminary information before they can begin the process. Council Member O'Neil stated that he feels the project is worthwhile. Motion by Council Member O'Neil to initiate an amendment to the General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. Volume 53 - Page 450 i City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 Council Member Debay confirmed with Assistant City Manager Wood that an initiation to an amendment is followed by many public hearings, studies and a vote would still be taken on the approval of the project itself. Mayor Noyes stated that he supports many of Council Member Thomson's comments and agrees that using open space must be done carefully. He suggested that the possibility to trade it for other open space should be considered. Council Member Thomson asked if Council Member O'Neil would add recreational and environmental open space as an option for the land use designation at the site. City Attorney Burnham stated that it would be unnecessary because if the general plan amendment is denied, the site would remain as recreational and environmental open space. Council Member O'Neil stated that he would support the retention of the site as open space if the specified project were not approved. Jan Vandersloot, 16� Street, stated his support for Council Member Thomson's comments and the site remaining as open space. He requested that if a facility is approved for the site, that the applicant be made responsible for replacing the open space acres lost. Dr. Vandersloot requested that an environmental impact report (EIR) be prepared and that traffic and open space issues be addressed. Bob Caustin stated his support for Council Member Thomson's motion. He stated that he knows families who have had to go through the lottery system to enable their children to attend Our Lady Queen of Angels School, but that the issue of open space should not be looked at in conjunction with the expansion request. He urged the City Council to look at the open space and traffic issues only. Bernie Rome, President of the Big Canyon Community Association, stated his support for Council Member Thomson's comments. He stated that the MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road site is in a very prominent location, with many people driving by it from the 73 Freeway to Newport Center. He stated that a site that was rightfully set aside as open space should remain as open space, regardless of the use needed. Mr. Rome stated that other developers have found that the site is not useable because only one driveway is possible. He stated that the cross traffic in the area is already a nightmare, and cited San Miguel Drive and MacArthur Boulevard as an example of such a problem. He stated that the only use of the site that makes sense is for Big Canyon to use the space, since it is near a gate they already use. Mr. Rome added that he understands that Our Lady Queen of Angels can meet their expansion needs at their current site. He urged the City Council to support Council Member Thomson's motion. Mr. Rome stated that his comments did represent those of the Big Canyon Community Association Board. Council Member Glover confirmed with City Attorney Burnham that the site is not a parcel in the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement INDEX Volume 53 • Page 451 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 INDEX (CIOSA). She further confirmed that The Irvine Company owns property. Planning Director Temple stated that the site has always been designated as open space in the City's general plan. She stated that it was a residual right-of-way piece of property reserved by The Irvine Company at the time the 73 Freeway was planned to tie in with Coast Highway, and was to be part of a one-way couplet utilizing Avocado Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard. Council Member Glover confirmed with Planning Director Temple that the parcel differs from the site above the Central Library because it is not a part of CIOSA and would not be donated to the City. Council Member O'Neil urged a favorable vote on the initiation, so that the project can be considered prior to the next general plan amendment initiations. He stated that if community support is not received during the planning process, he did not feel that St. Mark Presbyterian Church would want to proceed with the project. He added that he would not vote for the project if the community support is not there and if it is not found to be environmentally sound. Mayor Pro Tem Adams asked about the one-way couplet idea. He stated that Coast Highway was designed to use the couplet, with Avocado Avenue handling all of the southbound traffic and MacArthur Boulevard handling the northbound traffic. He stated that there currently is a problem with getting cars into Newport Center on San Miguel Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road, as well as the issue of traffic volumes on the adjacent neighborhoods east of MacArthur Boulevard. Mayor Pro Tem Adams stated the there are a lot of issues associated with the use of the site, and requested that the one- way couplet also be considered. Tracey Baltera stated her support for Council Member Thomson's comments. She expressed her affection for Newport Beach and stated that the site should remain as open space. She stated that views should be preserved and open space should be left as open space. Council Member Thomson stated that his family attends Our Lady Queen of Angels, but he feels strongly that open space needs to be preserved. He stated that the focus should be on assisting St. Mark Presbyterian Church with a different location. Council Member Debay stated that she understands both sides of the issue. She confirmed with Assistant City Manager Wood that the applicant, The Irvine Company, does not have a representative in attendance at the current meeting. Council Member Debay clarified that an initiation is only a beginning step and that future public hearings would take place. Mayor Pro Tem Adams agreed that keeping the site as open space is a good one, and wants the circulation issues to be looked at throughout the public process. Volume 53 - Page 452 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes June 27, 2000 INDEX Council Member O'Neil stated that he supports the project and feels that it is an appropriate use of the site, but he is feeling that there is not support for even the initiation of the general plan amendment from the City Council or the public at the current meeting. He stated that he doesn't feel that St. Mark Presbyterian Church would want to relocate if the community does not support the idea. Council Member O'Neil withdrew his motion. Mayor Noyes stated that times in the City are very controversial right now, that open space is limited and that it's not the time to add another project for the public to look at. He stated that other issues should be resolved before new ones are taken on. Motion by Council Member Thomson to deny the initiation of the amendment to the General Plan for the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Glover, Adams, Debay, O'Neil, Mayor Noyes Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ridgeway PUBLIC COMMENTS Bob Caustin thanked staff for their assistance in bringing to light the issues that are affecting Newport Bay. He stated that Defend the Bay is seeking public support to keep the $13 million that was designated for Newport Bay dredging. He stated that Defend the Bay is distributing flyers asking the public to contact Governor Davis. Mr. Caustin stated that anyone wishing to receive information can call Defend the Bay at 722-7822. Council Member Debay stated that a project will be started on San Miguel Drive between MacArthur Boulevard and Avocado Avenue. She stated that the project will take 45 working days, or three months. Public Works Director Webb added that the work should begin around the beginning of August, and that some traffic congestion problems are expected but will be minimized as much as possible. PUBLIC HEARINGS 29. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF VARIANCE Variance 1237 NO.1237 - NAVAI RESIDENCE (JIM NAVAI, APPELLANT). Appeal (91) Continued the hearing to July 25, 2000, at the request of the appellant. CONTINUED BUSINESS 31. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Appointments to Boards and Volume 53 - Page 453 Campbell, James From: Campbell, James Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 5:31 PM To: Temple, Patty Subject: St. Marks Patty, I saw how we determined that the area is 13.9 acres short on park acreage and I also saw how we determined that there are no suitable sites for public parks in the area. The objective states to provide park facilities in the nearby area. I don't think we have a strong argument on this basis unless we want a park there now when we didn't two and a half years ago! The Rec. & Open Space Element does not have a policy directly on point as to the preservation of open space for the sake of open space. We need to argue that the site presents a scenic vista, ESA or unique natural landform that the project somehow significantly alters. They are going to fill the record as to how any potential impacts can be mitigated all within the project description. After they do this, we will not have a strong argument to ask for an EIR unless the impacts can't be mitigated. If we had a threshold of significance that said that something about the preservation of open space for its own inherent value, we might have something. Is the City Council ready to tell the Irvine Company (and God) that the site must stay open space? James Campbell Senior Planner Voice - (949) 644-3210 Fax - (949) 644-3250 Campbell, James From: Campbell, James Sent: Monday, April' 17, 2000 3:15 PM To: Mel Malkoff (E-mail) Subject: Statistical Area L-2 Mel, I looked through the log book and found only one GPA for this area. It is pending and it would not constitute a "major amendment' as it is a three unit residential project. FYI - your project is a GPA and an Ordinance Amendment. The General Plan designates it a Recreational, environmental open space. The zone district maps have it designated P-C, but the Big Canyon text and map do not cover it... interesting. We can straighten this out with the project, no extra charge. Jim Campbell, Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 949.644.3210 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 12:21 PM To: 'Mel Malkoff Subject: RE: St. Mark Presbyterian Church Mel, I'll check on past amendments in the L-2 statistical area and let you know. The way I read Greenlight, and I'm not a lawyer; the amendment "shall not apply to any amendment for a development project" that has received a "vested right" as of the effective date of if the Charter Amendment (Greenlight). In one case a "vested right" is "final approval" of a development agreement. I would assume that "final approval" is a fully executed agreement with City Council's prior authorization. If the project is phased, it can only qualify for a phase by phase exemption. If the phased project has a development agreement that includes all phases, the whole thing would be exempt. Sounds like insulation to me, but I'm just a planner, not a lawyer. I see they pulled the resubdivision application for a little re -work. Jim To: Campbell, James Subject: St. Mark Presbyterian Church Good morning, Jim... A couple of quick questions: 1. Have there been any GPA's within Statistical Area L-2 within the past 10 years?? [obviously a "Greenlight"-related questionsl]... 2. Absent building plans, permits, and concrete in the ground, could we entitle the St, Mark project, and do a full documentation process - including GPA, ZA(if needed), CUP, Phase One Grading Permit and DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT?? The last item, obviously, is another potential solution vis-a-vis "Greenlight" - I think. If you don't think a DA would insulate us, please let me know that too. Thanks for the time... 41 O-d Vow& LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY January 11, 2001 Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Director CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 RE: REQUEST TO INITIATE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS Dear Patty: In connection with the attached letter from Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ("OLQA") dated January 11, 2001, this letter expands upon what the proposed increase in the FAR is intended for. Specifically, the increase would support a new church and a school expansion. The current OLQA and St. Mark churches provide seating for 1,222 persons. Both the OLQA sanctuary and all the buildings on the St. Mark property would be demolished and a new sanctuary on the St. Mark site would be built that would have seating capacity similar to the two existing churches. The school addition would provide a second classroom for each of the kindergarten through 8"' grade classes, ancillary support spaces and an assembly/gymnasium building. We intend to periodically meet with your staff to review our plans as they are developed. If you feel additional information would be helpful, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Scott S. Barnard Principal SSB:ts cc: Fr. Vincent Gilmore 5100 BIRCH STREET, FIRST FLOOR, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 • TEL. (949) 223-8820 • FAx (949) 223-8822 , + �f OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, California 92660 • (949) 644-0200 January 11, 2001 Patricia Temple Planning Director City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Request to Initiate General Plan Amendment Dear Ms. Temple: The Diocese of Orange, through its local parish, Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ("OLQA"), is submitting this request that the City of Newport Beach initiate a General Plan amendment effecting eight acres it owns located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive ("OLQA) Property") and as applied to the 4.37-acre parcel of land located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive owned by St. Mark Presbyterian Church of Corona del Mar ("St. Mark Property"). The OLQA Property and the St. Mark Property are designated in the General Plan Land Use Element as part of the Government, Educational and -Institutional Facilities ("GEIF") District with an established 0.17 floor area ratio ("FAR"). OLQA plans to purchase the St. Mark Property and clear the site of all structures, demolish the existing OLQA church and construct a new church on the St. Mark Property. This project will also include the expansion of the OLQA school. A General Plan amendment, as requested and if approved, will increase the maximum square footage of developable floor area by approximately 24,000 square feet for the combined OLQA Property and St. Mark Property by changing the FAR from 0.17 to 0.21. This request to initiate a General Plan amendment will accommodate the OLQA new church and school expansion plan and respond to the growing need for our religious and educational mission. Please process this request to be considered as part of the February General Plan amendments. We look forward to favorable action by the Planning Commission and City Council. Sincerely, Reverend Msgr. William P. McLaughlin, Pastor 1/11/01 99999.00010 St. Mark Presbyterian Church Minister of the Word and Sacrament Gary B. Collins January 10, 2001 Patricia Temple, Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Authorization for Entitlement Processing on St. Mark Property Dear. Ms. Temple: St. Mark Presbyterian Church of Corona del Mar ("St. Mark") understands that the Diocese of Orange, through its local parish, Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ("OLQA") is proposing to acquire property owned by St. Mark, and in connection with that acquisition, process certain entitlements, all with respect to the approximately 4 acre parcel of land commonly known as 2100 Mar Vista Drive, located at the southwest corner of Jamboree and Ford Road. St. Mark hereby authorizes OLQA and its representatives to process a proposed General Plan Amendment and related entitlements on the subject property for the project proposed by OLQA. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should questions arise, please feel free to call our counsel, Kay Virginia Gustafson, at (562) 594-9344, or our representative, Mel Malkoff, at (714) 288-6200. Sincerely yours, St. Mark Presbyterian Church of Corona del Mar By: �JF.61?iQ Gene Cross, Presi it i f Board of Trustees By: �l Shelley Chretin, cretary of Board of Trustees cc: Mel Malkoff (for St. Mark) Kay Virginia Gustafson, Esq. (for St. Mark) Father Vincent Gilmore (for OLQA) 2100 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, California 92660-4598 • (949) 644-1341 • FAX (949) 644-6558