HomeMy WebLinkAbout2902 WEST COAST HWY2902 WEST COAST HWY City Council Muting February,.11, 1980 Agenda Item No. H-2(h) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • February 6, 1980 TO: City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement Request to accept an offsite parking and reciprocal access agreement for required parking spaces in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space in an existing structure on Mariners' Mile. LOCATION: A portion of Tract No. 919, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariner's Mile. • ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach OWNERS: John P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newport Beach Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking plan and reciprocal access agreement in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space, building No. 4 on the attached Parking Space Plan. In accordance with Section 20.30.035 D of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building sites unless: (1) Such lot is located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (2) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards • in the surrounding area. (3) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of, the building sites have a common ownership in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off - site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). - 1 - TO: Cie Council - 2. (4) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. Suggested Action If desired, adopt Resolution No. authorizing the execution of an off -site parking and reciprocal access agreement with David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of January 24, 1980, the Planning Commission voted (6 ayes, 1 absent) to recommend to the City Council the approval of the requested off -site parking agreement with the findings and subject to the conditions noted below: Findings: The off -site parking area adjoins the subject property and is therefore located so as to be useful to the proposed uses. 2. The applicants are proposing to enter into and record a reciprocal parking and access agreement benefiting both sites. 3. The off -site parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the off -site parking arrangement. Conditions: 1. That an off -site parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 10 parking • spaces shall be provided on the Riverpointe Properties LTD. site for the duration of the proposed use. 2. That said agreement shall be signed by the applicant prior to the issuance of building permits. That a recorded copy of the proposed reciprocal parking and access agreement between the applicants and Riverpointe Properties, LTD, shall be furnished to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. TO: City Ouncil - 3. 4. That employees shall be required to park on -site. Attached for the information and review of the City Council is a • copy of the Planning Commission staff report which describes the applicants request and an excerpt from the draft minutes of January 24, 1980. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT �n JAM D. HEWICKER ire for JDH/dlt Attachments for City Council only: Planning Commission Staff Report Planning Commission Minutes C, • • Planning Commission Meeting_ January 24, 1980 Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH January 18, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Discussion) Request to accept an offsite narking and reciprocal access agreement for required parking spaces in con- junction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space in an existing struct- ure on Mariners' Mile. LOCATION: A portion•of Tract No. 919, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariners' Mile. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach OWNERS: John P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newport Beach implication This application requests approval of an off -site parking plan and reciprocal access agreement in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space, building No. 4 on the attached Parking Space Plan. In accordance with Section 20.30.035 D of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments,.' approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Planning Department. TO: Plannift Commission - 2. 40 Environmental Siqnificance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is exempt under Class I (Existing Facilities) and Class II (Accessory . Structures) from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial:" All existing and proposed uses on the properties involved in this agreement fall within the uses permitted. Subject Property and Surroundinq Land Use The subject site (Building No. 4) is developed with a one-story structure with land use consisting of an auto parts retail sales and storage facility. On the rear portion of this building is a marine engine sales, service, and repair facility and 9 on -site parking spaces. The reciprocal access and off -site parking agreement proposed encompasses four parcels, three of which comprise the "Mariners' Center." The applicant is in escrow for the purchase of 2902 West Coast Highway (Building No. 4). It is the intent to convert the marine engine sales, service, and repair use to small retail shops. • To the east of this parcel is the shared driveway access and 10: parking spaces of the Mariners' Center. Further east is the Shell Service Station; to the west, is Mo-ped retail sales; to the north and northwest, are Buildings 1, 2, and 3 and common parking area for the variety of retail uses, services, and Post Office, all a part of Mariners' Center. (See Land Use Plan). Analysis Building No. 4 was originally constructed with a combination of retail, wholesale, and storage uses. Based on a requirement of 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of retail space and 1 space for each 2000 sq.ft. of wholesale and storage space, the parking requirement for the total building was determined to be 10 spaces. The applicant now proposes to convert 2450 sq.ft. of space occupied by a marine engine sales, service, and repair facility to retail use. Therefore, the parking re uirement for Building No. 4 will increase from 10 spaces to 19 spaces �'8.77 spaces ,for remaining uses and 9.8'spaces for the new uses). Inasmuch as there are only 9 spaces currently on site, an offsite parking agreement will • be required for the remaining 10 parking spaces. These spaces are. proposed to be located on the adjoining site owned by Riverpointe Properties LTD. (Buildings 1, 2, and 3 as illustrated on the attached land use and parking space plans). Outlined bn the'next page,,i•s a' summary of the proposed,,parking"arrangement: W 11 TO: Planning Commission - 3. Building No. Gross Floor Area Spaces Required 1, 2, and 3 24,435 (Retail) 97.74 4 7,420 (Retail, Wholesale 18.57 • & Storage) Total - 116.31 Spaces Provided 117 In order to accomplish the arrangement noted above, the applicants are proposing to enter into and record a declaration establishing reciprocal access and parking easements across both sites. It is the opinion of the staff that approval of this reciprocal access and parking arrangement will improve the parking and circulation pattern throughout the center. Specific Findings and Recommendations If the Planning Commission desires to recommend the approval of the proposed off -site parking arrangement to the City •Council, the following findings and conditions are suggested: Findings: 1. The off -site parking area adjoins the subject property and is therefore located so as to be useful to the proposed uses. • 2. The applicants are proposing to enter into and record a reciprocal parking and access agreement benefiting both sites. 3. The offsite parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the offsite parking arrangement. Conditions: 1. That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 10 parking spaces shall be provided on the Riverpointe Properties LTD. site for the duration of the proposed use. 2. That said agreement shall be signed by the applicant prior to the issuance of building permits. • 3. That a recorded copy of the proposed reciprocal parking and access agreement between the applicants and Riverpointe Properties, LTD. shall be furnished to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. That employees shall be required to park on site. 1 " TO: Penning Commission - 4. • PLANNING DEPART11ENT JAMES D. HENICKER, DIRECTOR • Qy �—' Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner CLK/dlt Attachments: Letter from Applicant Vicinity Map Assessor's Parcels Land Use Plan Parking Space Plan • • is DAVID R. BRYANT 3.936 Stonesgate Street Westlake Village, Cis 91361. December 10, 1979 Com,aunity Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport: Beach, CA 92663 ATTN: Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner RE: Request for approval of off -site parking agreement for 2902 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Gentlemen: Please consider this our application for approval of the off - site parking plan benefiting the property at 2902 West Coast Highway in the City of Newport Beach. • Under the proposed plan, the rear 2,450 square feet of the existing building would be leased for retail use. The present use of this space as a machine shop is unsightly and noncon- forming to the surroundings. The use of the balance of the building would remain unchanged, The proposed plan would include a reciprocal ingress, egress, and parking agreement with Riverpoint Properties, Ltd., owner of Buildings 1,2, and 3(the post office) over the entire park- ing area shown on the attached site plan. A copy of the pro- posed agreement with Riverpoint is attached. As the parking analysis of the -site plan shows, the resulting combined available parking comfortably exceeds the City's code requirements. We believe the proposed plan would significantly upgrade the appearance and quality of use in this area, and would be distinctly in the best interests of the City of Newport Beach' Thank you for your early consideration. • V �y truly yours, �`y David R. Bryant For John P. Hooten srRFFr �h 1G I R11V 1MEW ; IT I 1� I_• PAtz AG. Rl�f�tfx -- Zg 7A•98' I ' 117 AC. i I 15 FRBIr M Ito ryi I� y i N I FRIYY. I 1...2.0 ACC. 80' I i ) I [ ,pvo g °J3CI..'-"Z'aTION B$�,A3T.!SII2y^i }iCCP..$$ F1ATA TS . Amo . i �F1GLL . I I J�x'nVlCE c)7J}77✓W r' (VOr -4 . ?<<R7" it • tx:Rulce -RePAIRt 4V5. _c)Wt7 CC�LcfW NIA QA1JK I - rs AY OF NEWPORT BACH COUNCILMEN Rp 6ROLL CALL tpsis February 11, 1980 MINUTESIr" h INDEX (e) Resolution No. 9727 authorizing the Mayor St Impry and City Clerk to execute a Right -of -Way SJH Rd/ Certification for street improvements for Jamboree San Joaquin Hills Road and Jamboree Road, R-9727 free right turn lane. (See report with (38) H-2(d)) (f) 2solution No. 9728 authorizing the Mayor St Impry and ty Clerk to execute an Arterial W Cst Hwy Highway ancing Program Project Administra- �P tion Agreemen or street improvements R-9728 for West Coast H ay south aide, 57th (38) Street to Balboa Boule d. (A report from the Public Works Depa ent) (g) Resolution No. 9729 authorizing the or St Impry and City Clerk to execute a Right-of-Wa W Cst Hwy Certification for street improvements for R-9729 West Coast Highway south side, 57th Street to Balboa Boulevard. (See report with H-2(f)) (h) Resolution No. 9730 authorizing the Mayor Off -site and City Clerk to execute an Off -Site Parking Parking and Reciprocal Access Agreement Bryant/ between the City of Newport Beach and Hooten David_R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach, for required parking spaces in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing mach shop "to retail space in an existing structure located -at 2902 ,lest Coast Highway on Mariner's Mile; zoned SP_-5_(9 report from the Planning Department) 3. COW.IUNICATIONS - For referral as indicated: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. XSphere (b) To staff for report back, a letterZ of the Local Coastal Planning AdvisorInfluence mittee regarding the Beeco propert(21) their request to have the property included in the Newport Beach Sphe Influence. (Attached) (c) To staff for report back o ebruary 25, a Stop Signs letter from the Corona H� lands Property (81) Owner's Association requesting stop signs on Seaward Road. (ched) (d) To staff for Zion, a letter from L. S. Building Ondrasik regarding the alleged code (26) violations under construction at 203 Coral Avenu Balboa Island. (Attached) I 1 iVolume 34 - Page 39 Ile i I L�TY OF NEWPORT 811ACH COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL, February 11. 1980 MINUTES INDEX A letter from the Central Newport Beach Community Association was presented expressing its opposi- tion to the removal of the bandstand. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director. A letter received after the agenda was printed from James and Georgia Mahoney was presented supporting the previous Council action to remove the gazebo. Councilman Strauss stated that the people opposing the removal of the gazebo/bandstand had requested that this item be postponed. Motion x The item was postponed to February 25, 1980. All Ayes H. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The f lowing actions were taken as indicated except All Ayes for th se items removed: 1. ORD NANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - Introduce and pas to second reading on February 25, 1980: (a) roposed Ordinance No. 1838, being, AN Parking 0 INANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Prohibitions NDING SECTION 12.40.055 OF THE 0-1838 NE ORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED (64) "P ING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RES NTIAL DISTRICTS PROHIBITED." (A repor from the Traffic Affairs Committee) 2. RESOLUTIONS OR ADOPTION: (a) Resoluti No. 9724 amending the list of Disclosure positions esignated by the Conflict of of Assets Interest C de as those which require the R-9724 filing of a annual income/asset (66) disclosure s atement. (A report from the City Cle ) (b) Removed from t Consent Calendar. (c) Resolution No. 9 25 awarding a contract Harbor Isl to John T. Malloy in connection with the Water & Sewer Main Harbor Island Wate\en Sewer Main Replacement (C-211 report from R-9725 the Public Works Dent) (38) (d) Resolution No. 972orizing the St Impry Mayor and the City to execute an SJH Rd/ Arterial Highway Fng Program Jamboree Project Administrareement for R-9726 street improvementn Joaquin (38) Hills Road and Jamad, free right turn lane. (A repom the Public Works Department) Volume 34 38 E 0 -!'P1 � RECE�VL� 1 POIIt RESOLUTION N0. 973b FE6191989�' Gny NL4\IF�Er�CH A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY\ OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN OFF -SITE PARKING AND RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND DAVID R. BRYANT AND JOHN P. HOOTEN FOR REQUIRED PARKING SPACES IN CON- JUNCTION WITH A PROPOSED'CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING MACHINE SHOP TO RETAIL SPACE IN AN EXISTING STRUCTURE•LOCATED AT 2902 WEST COAST, HIGHWAY ON MARINERS MILE, ZONED SP-5 i WHEREAS, Section 20.30.035(D) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, may approve an off -site parking agreement on a separate lot from the building site if the proposed lot is located so as to be useful in conjunction with the proposed use or uses of the building site or sites, that the parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards to the surrounding area, that such lot and building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common ownership in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof, or that the owner or owners in the City, upon approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council a proposed Off -Site Parking Agreement and Reciprocal Access Agreement with David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten in regard to the conversion of an existing machine shop to Retail Space in an existing structure on Mariners Mile, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway westerly of Riverside Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed Off -Site Parking Agreement and Reciprocal Access Agreement is consistent with Section 20.30.035(D) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that the Off -Site Parking and Reciprocal Access Agreements for required parking spaces with David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten of Newport Beach is approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute said Off -Site and Reciprocal Access Agreement. ADOPTED this llth day of February , 1980. Mayor ATTEST: City C] ' January 4, 1980 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIF CRNIA szss� 3 city Bali 3300 NewpDA BIvJ. (714)6gX-2U@( 640-2137 Mr. David R. Bryant 1936 Stonesgate Street Westlake Village, California 91361 ` Re: Off -site Parking Agreement at 2902 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Bryant: In reviewing your request for the off -site parking agreement noted above, several questions have come up regarding the parking required for the project and the proposed parking arrangement between Mr. Hooten and Riverpoint Properties, Ltd, Because I do not have your telephone number I have been unable to contact you and, therefore, have suggested to .the Planning Commission that this matter be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of January 24, 1980. I would appreciate it if you would either contact me or Carol Kruse at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AM S D. HEWICKER i rec or JDH/kk DAVID R. BRYANT 1936 STONESGATE STREET • WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CALIFORNIA 91361 February 12, 1980 Department of Community Development <6 � �\ City of Newport Beach ; R 3300 Newport Boulevard by �ceiiu- Newport Beach, CA 92663 Carol Kruse ATTN: �.� NF,•�Crr, RE: Offsite parking agreement 2902 Coast Highway Dear Carol: Enclosed is a certified copy of the Declaration Establishing Access and Parking Easements between Riverpoint Properties, Ltd. and John P. Hooten, as recorded in book 13484, page 726 on January 29, 1980 by the Orange County recorder. This should satisfy condition three in your report to the planning commission regarding the offsite parking agreement. If there is any question; please give me a call. V ry; truly yours, David R. Bryant �, 14 3 c +o!o this is a f"!1' to Prid c�rr'�-7t Cr-'Y 41 q 3 � C, 5 8 Lountv, State 0 RK 494wt' 72 prcop�ING RZQLEsm by mm FMAWOAml KEVILL!0 dy rFRN RECORDO MIL 710; W� fild "a 00, 1 7C3-A 14 AV JAN 2 1090 DECLARATIC11 CSTMISMING Accns AND P"XrPC, Z&ZC=r:- THIS DECLARATION ZSTAALIMING Acc&SS AND PASSING EASEMENTS (the Macluatim%) is yAb" Mod Wrtaxed into as of V..emb,r Li . IV75 by Md between RZVZltporwr pWpWIES, I=., a gelwrgl prtoa"hip (.jti"rWit.)' M JM P. BOOT,. and JM7ET D. noorn, hash" "d wife (chlI&CtjWIY' based upon the follMing faCce: A- bi"rPOint is the QWMWW Of Carlin real rOP*r ty 1ocat*4 iA Lhe Ci ty of Newport beach, Ch,,ty .,f ormg*, State Of California, miare particularly described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto wo L=GVP*rat*d berain by this reference A-). a wooten is the orrsr of Certain real prop" located in the city of WWwpOrt beech, Canty of aranp. State Of California. ooze particularly described On gghlblt A.2 attached hereto and incorporated Main by this reference 1'Paresl B'). U. She parties desire to sake specific arrange- ments for the develop eat and aelmtenamCe of cer'ain easement areas on Panel A and ?"Cal B (Collectively, the -Property") on the terns and comditioes contained hareir.. Based en the foregoing. and for good and valuable consideration, the raesipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follow: Article f m)am ppovlUM Section 1..._ Definitions. Unless the context otherwise specifies or requires, for all purposes of this DeClatotimn: (a) the tors 'Declaration, seams this Declaration Establiahinq Access amd patklmq saseNllL, including any and all wndrnts and supplesests hereto; I (b) the tern •sesseent ""a, includes all portions .,: the Property designated for vehicular iweress and egres"• tf and parking as designated on rxhibit Sr i i -3 (c) the Leta 'owner• means any o` the pasties hereto and any subsequent owner of record (whether one or more persons, partnerships, corporations, trusts. er other entities) of an estate (whether freehold or less than free - bold) in a Parcel, including a contract sel:ar of a Parcel, any, lessee or sonless" of a Parcel, any secured parry in possession of a Parcel or after becoming the owner of an estate in a Parcel pursuset te judiclsl foreclosure, fore- closure by power of sale, delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or aeY other procedure, and a purchaser of a Parcel at any such foreclosure sale, but not including a secured party who does not haw Pnasessiou of a Parcel prior to such secured party'• becoming the owner of an estate in e Parcel; (d) the term •Restrictions- means all the --se- mantis, cpvenante, coeditSCna, and restrictioN set fi Mh :n this Declaration " they new exist and as they may from time to time be amended or supplemented; (e) the term •stT"t" means any public street, highway, or other thoroughfare adjacent to the Property or any part ther"f, whether designated as a street. toc`_e•+m^ place, drive, road, terrace, way, lane, circle, or othe,-- "1- r f Section 7. Establishment of Res tractions. the parties, as Owners of tM Property, hereby declare that the Parcels and every part thereof are now bold. and shall hareaftar be Mld, transferred, encuaber*d, sold, leased, coaysyed, Used, and MCe01*d subject to the Restzi=Ons, each and all of whicb are for, and she!. inure to. -.- benefit of, and pass with each and every part of, each Parcel, and shall apply to and bind each Parcel and the heir%, assigns, and cu-ccessors in interest of each and evary owner, it Ming the iotent of the parties that each and al. of the Restrictions shall run with the land. Section 3 Purpose of Restrictions. The purpose of the Restriction is in general to provide ingress and egress to and from each Parcel and to afford easements for reciprocal parking privileges to each Parcel, in accordance with a unified plan. Article I1 PROMTY Rl=" IN THE RA ERM AREAS Section I. Ownor ' EassasaU. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Article II, try• _e .hall hew* easements for the purpv--9 and to tr.c. _a_ Andho .�j Q7-L s • extent specified below (collectivalY' the "Easements') in. .. to and oesr the Eassrnt Argos, which Easements are appurte- wnt to and for tbo benefit of, and shall pass wiU . t,..c title to such Ovnsr's Parcel as the dOmimALL tenement. art- i shieb shall burden the otbor Farce, aA the sarviert tenement, all for the mutual booefit and enjoyment of both of the Parcels and their Peters. of EAAasent Ar..A. LACK of the EassessoU Lb,stitutas a right to nse the Eaeas,nt Areas far ingress Eras any Street to aaeb Parcel and egress frv^ each Parcel to MY Most, patting for 'Wloyoas, business invitess. tenants, and licensees of each Owner. replay" and tenant parking Shall be limited to the croa.htched asaa on ExAit�c B. tenante And e,ploy"s of the Seaton property shall he astitled to seven Parking place*) tenant. AM sployees of the P.rvorWint r__'_ Sh.l] A Antitled to 14 parking Places. Section 3. Moneaeludwm.ss of uasnr..0The Eeavmu do U:,t ereste rip" u argil amigo use. but create go rights of aaaerelsaies see. with all Peters and their re.pec- ties muccetaorm, "Along, lems"S, invitgos, Sad licensees having the right "tUAlly to "a the EAsoment Arems, And every pert thereof, for those Uses mpec:fied in above And Section 4 below. -s- 1 �e Section a. Maintenance. Each C fter agrees to maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in good and sanata_y order, condition and repair, and at such grade as tc peviit reasonable access to sad frog each Parcel and each treet and across all portions of the Easement Areas. and to rep -ace as needed, that portion of the asphaltic and ccncrete suriaves Within the Easement Areas which is located on its Parcel. all for the mutual benefit of both Owners and both Peice:s. Article III COVENANTS RUWING WM TIE PROPERTY Section 1 covenants Running with the Property. The Restrictions contained in this Agreement, whether affix tive or negative in nature, shall constitute cover`" running With each Parcel for the benefit of the other Par:e': which covenants shall bind and inure to the benefit of t1e parties and all Owners and their respective succasaora and aseignz. The Rsstrtetinna shall constitute eguftable tudes upcc each Parcel and shall bind and ir•ure to the benefit of each Parcel. -6- Article IV DURATION The gaseaants and the mutual rights ar_ duties t' "a of the iasemant Areas and the other Restrvetions, all as set forth in thin Declaration, are perpetual and nut limiter in duration - Article V EWORC®ERT section a. A:,Y.emett and suit. Except as other wise provided by this Decleratign, violation or breach of. or threatened violation or breach of, any Resr.riction shall give to the parties, and every Omer, the right, in addit:,: to all rights granted herein, to prosecute a proceedir.? at law or in equity against a defaulting Owner to enjoin or prevent its violating or breaching Any Lst'iction, to cause said violation or breach to be remedied, or to recover damages for said violation or breach. No Owner shall by reason of the exercise of any right or remedy at fort`' herein, he dessad to nave trespassed upon the rarcel . .j'h_ � rcr ncr be subject to any liability t, e'. Owner !c' i -7- entry onto its parcel or any action taken or any damage dcre fn Connaetion with exercise of any such right or remedy. Section 3 Viol tion Dee+ed to Constauce_e Ruisaaee. Rx"Pt as otparvise provided by Chia reclara-coo:, the result of wary action or *Mission wh.ral' ar.y Featrlc- Lion is violated or breached, in whole or in Part, is hereby declared to be and to CColtituta a nuisance, and every raswedy allowed by law or in equity against an P &r, a='. -her public or Private, &hall be applicable against eery such violation and way be exercised by any bunt. s_ectl n ] Attorall,. Fees. In any legal or equitable proceeding for the anforceeent of this Declaration or my Restriction in Lhiz Declaration: whether it be an action for dosages, declarat*ry relief, injunctive re/sef, or otherwise, the losing party or Parties shall Pay tnt costs and expense, of suit of Um prevailing P,rry or Parteea. including without liaitation &ttorneye' fees, in such rea- sonable mount Sc ay be fixed by the court in such pro- &eedings, or in • sePotau action brought for that yurp =se, All resadies prwidad in this Declaration or at law or -.- equity shall be auulative and not exclusive. -8- i r 1 RK '.:L 4�- 7?6 Section 4. Pailure to Enforce Not a Waiver cf Rights. The failure of any Owner to enforce any Restricticr shall in on event be dewed to be a waiver of the right to do so tbereofter nor of the right to enforce any other Restriction. VI NiscELLWEWS PROVISIONS ""ion 1. constructive M tice and Acce ttr ancv_ Every person, partnership• oorporatiOn, trust, or other entity who now or hereafter owns, occupiss, or acquires any right, title or interest in or to either Parcel is and shall be conclusively deemed to haws Cohasnted te this Declaration. such consent to be daaaad to be evidenced by te. recordation of the ins irusemt by which such person, partnership, co-ryora- ,ion, trust or other entity acquired an interest in said Parcel. section ' Effect of Invalidation. If any Restr.c- tion in this Declaration is held to be invalid by any COLrt, the invalidity of such Restriction 'hall not affect the validity of any of the remaining Restrictions, and ue imalid Restriction shall be enforced, .xludi:y any rtces- -5- r sary endifIcationa, to the extent legall+ Fs"' Co i fill the intent thereof. Section 3. mender and Number. In L!, ; De_lsro- tion, the mscnline, feminine and neuter genders shall be deemed to include the others, and the singular number stall be deemed to include the plural, to the extent the c:r.texe. so reP=ices. section a. Asandmenu or Mod'_ficatians cf Declaration. This Declaration say only be amended or mnd-- fied by an instz=.c: t 41 writing signed and ackn`ledgad by Dvners of both of the Parcels. Section S. Further Assurances' The Far`-ies 49r" to execute and deliver any and all additional documents as may be required to carry out the intent and FurPOses of L"ds Declaration. '• ftM 4 72 IN WITNESS WMEMF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration Establishieg Aa ss and Parking Easements as of the day and year first abeva written. RIVLRPDIIa pppPERTIES, LTD., a gsesral part ershipAll,,, b,: 1 BK 4.4 r. 737 _'""' "M' V At W LAI IFdIb1A �U.N IY Ia Rl..Ue aa.d�a 6. 19>9 w.... s: �re.lor • t+aevr rw. +.w n..,u Lwe e.�.mlh.ro•.,w ]effi r_ HOOtR el rveca wl bN.... .r.w..l slu.sn..lu iltlbNnll ••. eblM. zIA1F lM l AuieWrvu I' �_1 H •`�•� 1 .�nwN lb N•wem .nn ���JRd �Fw MIIYVf1 N.N.d.u�vl j. 1 � e 1. F • 6w _ 733 IM MITIM,, WHEREOF, the Undersigned have executed this Daelaratim Establishing Access and Parking Easements as of the day and Year first above vritten. RIVERPOIRT PROPERTIES, LTD-, a general partnership - ra artne �' SI.It U( na 1111f 111l�a1V 11I _•JyL<I���, IV ,r�lxln�f m„ � fnunry of _ a �-.[✓ 1 ev alla.:c�.d rw. �M.. al„Mdll .nm"„d ;'i Io11R.ilAininMrvmnn .M aekmlanl��,m�a.".. .. ... . e�ecul dll� In. In<pulp. t �� ''M ripn4Eis GAERfX in.. e..len...c.aaw<owal row -11- 71 E%RSBIT A-3 [o'DBCLARATIOB ESTABLISHING ACCESS AN: PAP! I:;; STABNTS HAT PORTION OF LOT ^Fn Of TRACT N0. 919. IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT EACH, COUNTY OF ORANSE' STATE OF ULI FOW IA, OF SHOWN ON A MISCELLANEOUS MA'S' IN {CORDED IN BOOK 29 PAGES 31 TO 3R INCLUSIK D DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS! HE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECOROER OF SAID COUNTY. ON SAID NAP OF TRACT ND. 119, DISTANT �t�NHINGHWAY,A/POINT INfMOMM WE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF WE SAID NORTHFASTERLYO LINE. ;oUTHEASTE RLY 750.00 PE' I NCAfYRlD ALONG 193D IN BOOK 93E FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORMERR Of THE LAN 17R1 BED IN THE DIED TO aALTCR S. SPICE MID WIFE• M SAID OFFI CEI THENCE NORTH !8° 59' 30" PAGE 190, OFFICIAL RECORDS I _ _ --- w.CE SOUTH £1° E0.ST. E11.59 FEET TD THC TRUE POINT 1 00' 10^ EAST. 50.00 FEET TO TIE SOUTI DESCRIBED IN A GEED TO J. M. CORDON IN BOOK 1011 PAGE 61, OF SAID OFFICI- DiSTANTTIgRMG[ASTEI RLYO!{S0.s2nFRT PR LOT Fi THENCE SOUTHEASTERLT ALONG $A LSNE PARALLEL YITN MID DISTANT SOUTH SOUTHEASTERLY LIFT M J. N. GORDDN9 L LIM TO THE SOUTH 61'D00', 77^�EAST ALONG SAID so L111E PARALLEL W17H ANO DISTANT fOUT1 SOUTHEASTERLY LING OF 7HE LAAI`lOF J. 3O" EAST ALONG SAID ►ARALLE LAND DESCRIBED lit DEED RECORDED II OFFICIAL RECORDSi TM[NQ SOUTH SSR 1 WESTERLY LINE, I29.15 FElT TO 7ME S� THENCE NORTH S8CASTlRAST L ECORKR OF FEET TO THE MOSTOF SAT ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY L7 TIt PDT" !R. 59' 10^ EAST FROM 7Mf 59, 30" WEST, 220.59 FEET TO THE T11 EXCEPT ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS' "IM M NATURAL GAS RIGHTS AND OTHER HYDROI THAT HAY BE BFLON THE UPPER 500 FBI T FTNFR WI TN THE PERPETUAL RIGHT THE RIGHT TO DRILLp n l SAID ZIPPER 10G FEET OF SUCH M4WER AS TO ENOA CONSD LA 1969T INC TED O 1 BOOK8970PAGE :UST 16, 1939 UTM 28° 59' WITH AND LINE OF SAID 0 FEET TO A ROM SAID 30" WEST Fi THENCE 00 FELT TO A ROM SAID RTN TB° 59' WE Of THE F SAID F SAID LAND, KPLORING AND OR ANY OTHER DRILL AND R GAS WELLS, • Of THE LAND L, R[T UNNE L, EQUIP, MAIM n,n, LLS OR MINES, WITHO -- HONEVOF, OPERATE THROUGH THE SURFACE OF Of SAID LARD OR OT.'.EkWlSE IN OF ANY HIGHWAY THAT MAY BE IN THE QED RECORDED MAY OR, qI V o ax,lnlr .-2 i to 'LECLAJLATION 2STANLISaIYG AttEbS AN.. rAAAIAG EA9EME'�-- fast of the PAWL 1: the SwtArsterlY M•535Uu hi9way) of thAta portion of of iLot ' iof Tne4 no. 9199.. raver a jar lip wed to Ooos 29. pa9rs 3` to 31 irlasiw. W t1iKol Nsaws Raps, 10 the Office Of the County IL, Of old cuun{y, dew~ as fallwa: Beginning at a pant M tas testis" tarl lint of aatlto 11. ML Galt eth {easterly M— Of test pNtus of Nid ot con" 2�31 of Official Accords, by deed retarded Jose 23. 1937 is boil 290. page said point esiny to a lint Jdch is "v the ales aM 110 fline of lit Mortn- rfurlY. ouu� at rILM oT �ir1 9 flares 28, Ku30Z East Along � tat; Vence free laid po fee r1L the esrestasurly line of said at eel lint N Al ter at tian of said lot. f said lot: thuN M*A east deny Nid Bore eft on of Nid lot, 94.35 f0t U tes east SasNriY CMper iyyppaaIt 16, 1939 in tl'igaaefda01TMa1iMeOlprda:thence 5wL PO' 59' 30' Kest al ong 0t1 SOOtANsteri7 it" d Nid yaties of mid lot toertarlyed Olt-_ Nid last rllCiOr9 dead to M fotarsKtlee NL ilia SoutbnnesterlY of Nid lot• aae Mara Seotb Sl' d8' l0. �s in" sq id lest rr•rttared line of Nid lot. 94IS feet L tAs to PARCEL 2: An sort for inyrtff ant [grass they, to oacross ti-re on follwln dsKriesd rlal F'o0� atwNd In tM it City f ele.;.art 4wct, COOKY Orink• SUN of Calitwnta, described as follus: as of of tract ty in t,epor� That eescrlutt, follows f. pram sn arettoboa 29 acap ioNao i, ppaasessllfornia. 34 tocluslre, of MCKallarrf Raps• records of Mange &ginning at a point U the Soetbl r eesr1Y ^tof mid oot thr State th'"free 130 fast OartheaborlY recorded State pi�snaY. la granted to to es0 d 0fif Caall9etordsby tes rrecord Of Ve 1929. to beat 31 poM �!��,.w..�,. rvriag Lance norN 61' OJ' ;zit 154.a13 1rt tt°d '^` ^'-"-'fterlY' lint of Le land aeKritac In LAe does Tree tl. T. fjpytai�b oaR1 17dof�Officlald0.ec rys 18, 7945, recorded . Y tiorL 28. ye• 7p' East along said Of N.a^9e Casty. pliTmnlas CrnteL al' Ofl' 30East 154.15 'r:t SwtAaasurly lint 301aR; Limo a lwth 28' 50'i3C'o4lest c-aLrster;Y lint sf Nid Lst 'F•: CAex 3O feet doa9 Le lwtnlasurly ltla 0/ NIa Lot •F', to Ne ii' beginning. 1] • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST 1IL-44nVANCE PLANNING DIVISION [AUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EVRAFFIC ENGINEER ❑WIRE DEPARTMENT []PLAN REVIEW DIVISION OPARKS & RECREATION OPOLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ MARINE SAFETY ❑GENERAL SERVICES Da to December 17, 1979 QPLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) []PLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION APPLICATION OF David R. Bryant/John P. Hooten FOR A []VARIANCE []USE PERMIT []RESUBDIVISION @MXA'X Ak Offsite Parking.AUeement ON A REQUEST AID for reciprocal ingress/egress/parking plan. ON LOT A.P.# 049-110-19 BLOCK TRACT A.P. 4 - - - an 049-TTO=2T ADDRESS 2904 W. Coast Highway and 149, 177, and 191 Riverside Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY 12/1Q/79 COMMISSION REVIEW_ 1/10/80 COMMENTS t SIGNATURE DATE 0 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIE14 REQUEST L1A,/D�ANCE PLANNING DIVISION CY�F'UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ❑TRAFFIC ENGINEER []FIRE DEPARTMENT ❑PLAN REVIEW DIVISION []PARKS & RECREATION ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ MARINE SAFETY ❑ GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF FOR A ❑VARIANCE Date December 17, 1979 PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) []PLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION David R. Bryant/John P. Hooten ❑ RESUBDIVISION []USE PERMIT &RAUXAAR Offsite Parking Ayr amen t ON A REQUEST Am for reciprocal ingress/egress/parking plan. ON LOT A.P.# 049-110-19 BLOCK TRACT A.P. 04 - - - - an 049-110-21 sT ADDRESS 2904 W. Coast Highway and 149, 177, and 191 Riverside Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY_ 12719/79 COMMISSION REVIEW 1110/80 COMMENTS 4,1, /_ ;20 ctry SIGNATURE - 7 L DATE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST ��__�//gam LHrDVANCE PLANNING DIVISION ❑PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ❑TRAFFIC ENGINEER [JFIRE DEPARTMENT ❑PLAN REVIEW DIVISION EIPARKS & RECREATION OPOLICE DEPARTMENT []MARINE SAFETY GENERAL SERVICES Date December 17, 1979 PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) QPLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION APPLICATION OF David R. Bryant/John P. Hooten FOR A ❑VARIANCE []USE PERMIT ❑RESUBDIVISION W)PAURNIAR Offsite Parking Agreement ON A REQUEST U for reciprocal ingress/egress/parking plan. ON LOT A.P.# 049-110-19 BLOCK TRACT A.P. 04 - - , - - an 049-TT7-= ADDRESS 2904 W. Coast Highway and 149, 1.77, and 191 Riverside Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY 12/19/79 COMMISSION REVIEW COMMENTS S,",enigKt V DATE Z i i - CITY OF NE'WPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST '°' dam . z L(ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION ❑PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (3-rWFIC ENGINEER []FIRE DEPARTMENT IQPLAN REVIEW DIVISION QPARKS & RECREATION ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ MARINE SAFETY GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF FOR A ❑VARIANCE Date December 17, 1979 PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) QPLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION David R. Bryant/John P. Hooten ❑ RESUBDIVISIO []USE PERMIT URMAR Offsite Parking Agreement ON A REQUEST TV for reciprocal ingress/egress/parking plan. ON LOT A.P.# 049-110-19 BLOCK TRACT A.P. 4 - - , - an 049-TT0-= ADDRESS 2904 W. Coast Highway and 149, 177, and 191 Riverside Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY 12/19/79 COMMISSION REVIEW1/10180 COMMENTS k9&4%0-.- vG-G6- DATE ,r DAVID R. BRYANT 1936 Stonesgate Street Westlake Village, CA 91361 December 10, 1979 Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 ATTN: Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner RE:: Request for approval of off -site parking agreement for 2902 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Gentlemen: Please consider this our application for approval of the off - site parking plan benefiting the property at 2902 West Coast Highway in the City of Newport Beach. Under the proposed plan', the rear 2,450 square feet of the existing building would be leased for retail use, The present use of this space as a machine shop is unsightly and noncon- forming to the surroundings. The use of the balance'of the building would remain unchanged. The proposed plan would include a reciprocal ingress, egress, and parking agreement with Riverpoint Properties, Ltd., owner of Buildings 1,2, and 3(the post office) over the entire park- ing area shown on the attached site plan. A copy of the pro- posed agreement with Riverpoint is attached. As the parking analysis of the site plan shows, the resulting ­ combined available parking comfortably exceeds the City's code requirements, We believe the proposed plan would significantly upgrade the appearance and quality of use in this area, and would be distinctly in the best interests of the City of Newport Beach Thank you for your early consideration. V ry truly yours, r . / David R. Bryant For John P. Hooten DRB/smt 4. •Regular Planning Commission Meeting COMMISSIONERS Place: City Council Chambers MINUTES �j Time: 7:30 P.M. // r. 2 Date: January 24, 1980 0 C 3 c5o (D D ryry .(p " City of Newport Beach DN 5 N 7CC' N• 7 • "S�1"Fi:1� '�'�� 7.'S.'^lS9l'lALm3fA21d5'6'_"/W.wtL'*tC,SS..S`.�f e•..'w`�'!'J'.'GR' LL CALL I �- s INDEX ... YSFL4T"�WStLiGS�CE5A7�7S?3CL�'��'XXA'LTA7li'�^�.C.RBC�aR�dY7.1:'4 TfAtJ:lJ,LY sent x xx x x Abs t * TAFF MEMBERS James Hewicker, Planning Director obert Burnham, Assistant City Attorney )an Webb, Assistant City Engineer lenna Gipe, Secretary * * * Minute ritten By: Glenna Gipe * * * Approval of the mi tes of the regular Planning Commission meeting o anuary 10, 1980 was post- poned to the regular PI ing Commission meeting • f February 7, 1980 * * * Motion x Motion was made to continue Item No. 2, Use Permit Ayes x x x x x x o. 1924, to the regular Planning Commiss' n meet - Absent ing of February 7, 1980, pending receipt•an valu. tion of a site plan which would illustrate hov he planning on the three sites is to be coordina- ed. • equest to accept an offsite parking and reciprocal -Item ill ccess agreement for required parking spaces in onjunction with a proposed conversion of an exist OFFSITE ng machine shop to retail space in an existing ppRI:ING tructure on Mariners' Mile. ]AGREEME1 OCATION: A portion of Tract No. 919, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast High- way, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariners' Mile. ONE: SP-5 PLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach ERS: Johh P. and Janet D. H.00ten, Newpor Beach �� C.VMMIJJIVIVCK� January 24, 1980 -Irm 3 10 a x m N D N D,� W x N D City of Newport Beach MINUTES James Hewicker, Planning Director, advised that any action that the Planning Commission would take on this item would be in the form of a recom- mendation to the City Council. The Public Hearing was opened regarding this item and David Bryant, Applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission to state his concurrence with the conditions as set forth in the Staff Report. In response to a question posed by Commissioner McLaughlin, Mr. Bryant replied that the rear third of the shop will be converted to retail use.11 Motion Motion was made that the Planning Commission make Ayes x the findings as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Absent* Staff Report and approve the Offsite Parking Agree ix ix ment, subject to the conditions as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report. Request to permit the temporary use of a modular building for a California Savings and Loan branch facility in.the P-C District.. LOCATION:' �A portion of Block 93, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 2310 East Coast Highway, on the northerly side of East Coast Highway, west-.. erly of MacArthur Boulevard. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: California Federal Savings and Loan, Los Angeles OWNER: The rvine Company, Newport Beach ion x Motion was made that the nning Commission con - Ayes x x x XK tinue this item to the regul Planning Commission Absent * meeting of February 7, 1980, pe ing receipt and evaluation of a site plan which w 1d illustrate how the planning on the three sites to be co- ordinated. * * * INDEX Item 42 USE "'. MIT NO. 1924 CONTIN- UED TO FEBRUARI 7, 1980 Planning Commission Meeting January 24, 1980 Agenda Item No. i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH January 18, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Discussion) Request to accept an offsite {harking and reciprocal Access agreement for required parking spaces in con- junct,ion with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space in an existing struct- ure on Mariners' Mile. LOCATION: A portion l' Tract No. 919, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariners' Mile. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach OWNERS: John P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newport Beach Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking plan and reciprocal access agreement in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space, building No. 4 on the attached Parking Space Plan. In accordance with Section 20.30.035 D of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) The owner or-oWners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments,.' approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Planning Department. TO: Planninoommission - 2. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is exempt under Class I (Existing Facilities) and Class II (Accessory Structures) from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial:" All existing and proposed uses on the properties inv6lved in this agreement fall within the uses permitted. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The subject site (Building No. 4) is developed with a one-story structure with land use consisting of an auto parts retail sales and storage facility. On the rear portion of this building is a marine engine sales, service, and repair facility and 9 on -site parking spaces. The reciprocal access and off -site parking agreement proposed encompasses four parcels, three of which comprise the "Mariners' Center." The applicant is in escrow for the purchase of 2902 West Coast Highway (Building No. 4). It is the intent to convert the marine engine sales, service, and repair use to small retail shops. To the east of this parcel is the shared driveway access and 10; parking spaces of the Marmners' Center. Further east is the Shell Service Station; to the west, is Mo-ped retail sales; to the north and northwest, are Buildings 1, 2, and 3 and common parking area for the variety of retail use's, services, and Post Office, all a part of Mariners' Center. (See Land Use Plan). Analysis Building No. 4 was originally constructed with a combination of retail, wholesale, and storage uses. Based on a requirement of 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of retail space and 1 space for each 2000 sq.ft. of wholesale and storage space, the parking requirement for the total building was determined to be 10 spaces. The applicant now proposes to convert 2450 sq.ft. of space occupied by a marine engine sales, service, and repair facility to retail use. Therefore, the parking requirement for Building No. 4 will increase from 10 spaces to 19 spaces (8.77 spaces for remaining uses and 9.8 'spaces for the new uses). Inasmuch as there are only 9 spaces currently on site, an offsite parking agreement will be required for the remaining 10 parking spaces. These spaces are. proposed to be located on the adjoining site owned by Riverpointe Properties LTD. (Buildings 1, 2, and 3 as illustrated on the attached land use and parking space plans). Outlined bn the'next page.,ts a summary, -of ,the :proposed-i,par•king':arrangement: TO: Planning Commission - 3. Building No. Gross Floor Area Spaces Required 1, 2, and 3 24,435 (Retail) 97.74 4 7,420 (Retail, Wholesale 18.57 & Storage) Total - 116.31 Spaces Provided 117 In order to accomplish the arrangement noted above, the applicants are proposing to enter into and record a declaration establishing reciprocal access and parking easements across both sites. It is the opinion of the staff that approval of this reciprocal access and parking arrangement will improve the parking and circulation pattern throughout the center. Specific Findings and Recommendations If the Planning Commission desires to recommend the approval of the proposed off -site parking arrangement to the City Council, the following findings and conditions are suggested: Findings• 1. The off -site parking area adjoins the subject property and is therefore located so as to be useful to the proposed uses. 2. The applicants are proposing to enter into and record a ' reciprocal parking and access agreement benefiting both sites. 3. The offsite parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the•proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the offsite parking arrangement. Conditions: 1. That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 10 parking Spaces shall be provided on the Riverpointe Properties LTD. site for the duration of the proposed use. 2. That said agreement shall be signed by the applicant prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. That a recorded copy of the proposed reciprocal parking and access agreement between the applicants and Riverpointe Properties, LTD. shall be furnished to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. That employees shall be required to park on site. TO: P&ning Commission - 4. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By_ Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner CLK/dlt Attachments: Letter from Applicant Vicinity Map Assessor's Parcels Land Use Plan Parking Space Plan 1 • r� DAVID R. BRYANT 3.936 Stonesgate Street Westlake Village, CA 91361 December 10, 1979 Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 ATTN: Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner RE;, Request for approval of off -site parking agreement for 2902 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Gentlemen: Please consider this our application for approval of the off - site parking plan benefiting the property at 2902 West Coast Hiahwav in the Citv of Newport Beach, Under the proposed plan, the rear 2,450 square feet of the existing building would be leased for retail use, The present use of this space as a machine.shop is unsightly and noncon- forming to the surroundings, The use of the balance of the building would remain unchanged, The proposed plan would include a reciprocal ingress, egress, and parking agreement with Riverpoint Properties, Ltd,, owner of Buildings 1,2, and 3(the post office) over the entire park- ing area shown on the attached site plan. A copy of the pro- posed agreement with Riverpoint is attached, As the parking analysis of the site plan shows, the resulting combined available parking comfortably exceeds the City's code requirements. We believe the proposed plan would significantly upgrade the appearance and quality of use in this area, and would be distinctly in the best interests of the City of Newport Beach Thank you for your early consideration, r r V ry truly yours, r David R. Bryant'" r For John P . Hooten DRB/smt g o P ° a.\ kl ol J Z.\ • Z , pRIJE •2p_ P"2o- 1 S C[ y 6 P�I�G �J � � �� PICRIICIO L/N6 oltl��do y � µ UFO I I. • SrP,EET 0 0o r HI �i - I to 28 7A.98' /. /7 AO. 15 FRWY. 21 1 WEST C0,9S% 17 isA.is• z7 s 0 �2 'I FRWY. =� 'I /.ZO AC. 6T4 RILSRSIM- 919 1 1 f-//GHPY4Y L O a EXHIBIT B to "DECLARATION ESTABLISHING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS" tASEmENT 0 Ba* '42 O$ 43 0 vI 13 `9 - 32 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 I - 88 PARCEL NUMBERS > 0 - 23 SHOWN IN CIRCLES I go J Q AVON Si N L W O W BO� ASSESSOR'S ASAP BOOK 49 PAGE // COUNTY OF ORANGE CD EXHIBIT B to DgC.AmTp�? SSmArL•IS:rTID?G ACCESS AND r /� Ian GFu SEQVICE dT/}7-70,J (Ivor A ?IrR7-) `W urVl ( G�AQ�}tcs ��ItJG �'EJC�fiJE; sGRalce � R�r�,A�R � ecea L PER t�►2MD RNFJ1VDt 4ve. �ASEP V(JtTt i� CL�4tFp121tiJIA 7 ¢3 I �, S}4 '•i 41 Planning Commission Mee*g January 10, 1980 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NE14PORT BEACH January 4, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Discussion) Request to accept an offsite parking and reciprocal access agreement for required parking spaces in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space in an existing structure on Mariners' Mile. LOCATION: A portion of Tract No. 939, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariners' Mile. ZONE: SP-5 A,P.p.L I.£,4NJ'S.,.. .,,, nw:,; - �4-rfi : -2.:^; wn�c^^ u•r~��'r-vFi%rr�•r" : t'.-;�ch, can �,•..PL�„�F6''t�i 3�*ac;^h OWNERS: John P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newport Beach The staff requests that -this item be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of January 24, 1980. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By 1D. Ae&" o.r� Jam s D. Hewicker Di ector JDH/dlt 0 0 DAVID R, BRYANT 1936 Stonesgate Street Westlake Village, CA 91361 December 10, 1979 Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 ATTN: Carol L. Kruse Associate Planner OR4 va 2i3-&28-/111y RE:' Request for approval of off -site parking agreement for 2902 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Gentlemen: Please consider this our application for approval of the off - site parking plan benefiting the property at 2902 West Coast Highway in the City of Newport Beach, Under the proposed plan, the rear 2,450 square feet of the existing building would be leased for retail use. The present use of this space as a machine shop is unsightly and noncon- forming to the surroundings. The use of the balance of the building would remain unchanged, The proposed plan would include a reciprocal ingress, egress, and parking agreement with Riverpoint Properties, Ltd,, owner of Buildings 1.2, and 3(the post office) over the entire park- ing area shown on the attached site plan, A copy of the pro- posed agreement with Riverpoint is attached. As the parking analysis of the site plan shows, the resulting combined available parking comfortably exceeds the City;s code requirements. We believe the proposed plan would significantly upgrade the appearance and quality of use'in this area, and would be distinctly in the best interests of the City of Newport Beach Thank you for your early consideration, V y truly yours, �A/yant id For John P. Hooten DRB/smt RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Y rCECEtVEv 0 nt DEC 12 1979>� NEWACrY OF nI EEACH CALIi . I DECLARATION ESTABLISHING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS THIS DECLARATION ESTABLISHING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS (the "Declaration") is made and entered into as of December _, 1979 by and between RIVERPOINT PROPERTIES, LTD., a general partnership ("Riverpoint"), and JOHN P. HOOTEN and JANET D. HOOTEN, husband and wife (collectively, "Hooten"), based upon the following facts: A. Riverpoint is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County -of Orange, State of California, more particularly described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Parcel A"). B. Hooten is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described on Exhibit 9 A_2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Parcel B"). C. The parties desire to make specific arrange- ments for the development and maintenance of certain easement areas on Parcel A and Parcel B (collectively, the "Property") on the terms and conditions contained herein. Based on the foregoing, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise specifies or requires, for all purposes of this Declaration: (a) the term "Declaration" means this Declaration Establishing Access and Parking Easements, including any and all amendments and supplements hereto; (b) the term "Easement Areas" includes all portions of the Property designated for vehicular ingress and egress, and parking as designated on Exhibit B; -2- (c) the term "Owner" means any of the parties hereto and any subsequent owner of record (whether one or more persons, partnerships, corporations, trusts, or other entities) of an estate (whether freehold or less than free- hold) in a Parcel, including a contract seller of a Parcel, any lessee or sublessee of a Parcel, any secured party in possession of a Parcel or after becoming the owner of an estate in a Parcel pursuant to judicial foreclosure, fore- closure by power of sale, delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or any other procedure, and a purchaser of a Parcel --ch foreclosure sale, but not including a secured party who does not have possession of a Parcel prior to such secured party's becoming the owner of an estate in a Parcel; (d) the term "Restrictions" means all the ease- ments,, covenants, conditions, and restrictions set forth in this Declaration as they now 'exist and as they may from time to time be amended or supplemented; (e) the term "Street" means any public street, highway, or other thoroughfare adjacent to the Property or any part thereof, whether designated as a street, boulevard, place, drive, road, terrace, way, lane, circle, or otherwise. -3- Section 2. Establishment of Restrictions. The parties, as Owners of the Property, hereby declare that the Parcels and every part thereof are now held, and shall hereafter be held, transferred, encumbered, sold, leased, conveyed, used, and occupied subject to the Restrictions, each and all of which are for, and shall inure to, the benefit of, and pass with each and every part of, each Parcel, and shall apply to and bind each Parcel and the heirs, assigns, and successors in interest of each and every Owner, it being the intent of the parties that each and all of the Restrictions shall run with the land. Section 3. Purpose of Restrictions. The purpose of the Restrictions is in general -to provide ingress and egress to and from each Parcel and to afford easements for reciprocal parking privileges to each Parcel, in accordance with a unified plan. Article II PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE EASEMENT AREAS Section 1. owners' Easements. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Article II, the Owners shall have easements for the purposes and to the extent specified below (collectively, the "Easements") in, to and over the Easement Areas, which Easements are appurte- nant to and for the benefit of, and shall pass with, the title to such Owner's Parcel as the dominant tenement, and which shall burden the other Parcel as the servient tenement, all for the mutual benefit and enjoyment of both of the Parcels and their Owners. Section 2. Use of Easement Areas. Each of the Easements constitutes a right to use the Easement Areas for ingress from any Street to each Parcel and egress from each Parcel to any Street, parking for employees, business invitees, tenants, and licensees of each Owner. Employee and tenant parking shall be limited to the crosshatched areas on Exhibit B. Tenants and employees of the Hooten property shall be entitled to seven parking places; tenants and employees of the Riverpoint property shall be entitled to 24 parking places. Section 3. Nonexclusiveness of Easements. The Easements do not create rights to exclusive use, but create rights of nonexclusive use, with all Owners and their respec- tive successors, assigns, lessees, invitees, and licensees having the right mutually to use the Easement Areas, and every part thereof, for those uses specified in Section 2 above and Section 4 below. -5- Section 4. Maintenance Each Owner agrees to maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in good and sanitary order, condition and repair, and at such grade as to permit reasonable access to and from each Parcel and each Street and across all portions of the Easement Areas, and to replace as needed, that portion of the asphaltic and concrete surfaces within the Easement Areas which is located on its Parcel, all for the mutual benefit of both Owners and both Parcels. Article III COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE PROPERTY Section 1. Covenants Running With the Property. The Restrictions contained in this Agreement, whether affirma- tive or negative in nature, shall constitute covenants running with each Parcel for the benefit of the other Parcel, which covenants shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and all Owners and their respective successors and assigns. The Restrictions shall constitute equitable servi- tudes upon each Parcel and shall bind and inure to the benefit of each Parcel. -6- Article IV DURATION The Easements and the mutual rights and duties to use of the Easement Areas and the other Restrictions, all as set forth in this Declaration, are perpetual and not limited in duration. Article V ENFORCEMENT Section 1.. Abatement and Suit. Except as other- wise provided by this Declaration, violation or breach of, or threatened violation or breach of, any Restriction shall give to the parties, and every Owner, the right, in addition to all rights granted herein, to prosecute a proceeding at law or in equity against a defaulting Owner to enjoin or prevent its violating or breaching any Restriction, to cause said violation or breach to be remedied, or to recover damages for said violation or breach. No Owner shall, by reason of the exercise of any right or remedy set forth herein, be deemed to have trespassed upon the Parcel of any other Owner nor be subject to any liability to an Owner for -7- entry onto its Parcel or any action taken or any damage done in connection with exercise of any such right or remedy. Section 2. Violation Deemed to Constitute a Nuisance. Except.as otherwise provided by this Declaration, the result of every action or omission whereby any Restric- tion is violated or breached, in whole or in part, is hereby declared to be and to constitute a nuisance, and every remedy allowed by law or in equity against an Owner, either public or private, shall be applicable against every such violation and may be exercised by any Owner. Section 3. Attorneys' Fees. In any legal or equitable proceeding for the enforcement of this Declaration or any Restriction in this Declaration, whether it be an action for damages, declaratory relief, injunctive relief, or otherwise, the losing party or parties shall pay the costs and expenses of suit of the prevailing party or parties, including without limitation attorneys' fees, in such rea- sonable amount as may be fixed by the court in such pro- ceedings, or in a separate action brought for that purpose. All remedies provided in this Declaration or at law or in equity shall be cumulative and not exclusive. -8- Section 4. Failure to Enforce Not a Waiver of Rights. The failure of any owner to enforce any Restriction shall in no event be deemed to be a waiver of the right to do so thereafter nor of the right to enforce any other Restriction. VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1 Constructive Notice and Acceptance. Every person, partnership, corporation, trust, or other entity who now or hereafter owns, occupies, or acquires any right, title or interest in or to either Parcel is and shall be conclusively deemed to have consented to this Declaration, such consent to be deemed to be evidenced by the recordation of the instrument by which such person, partnership, corpora- tion, trust or other entity acquired an interest in said Parcel. Section 2. Effect of Invalidation. If any Restric- tion in this Declaration is held to be invalid by any court, the invalidity of such Restriction shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining Restrictions, and the invalid Restriction shall be enforced, including any neces- .�. 0 0 sary modifications, to the extent legally possible to ful- fill the intent thereof. Section 3. Gender and Number. In this Declara- tion, the masculine, feminine and neuter genders shall be deemed to include the others, and the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural, to the extent the context so requires. Section 4. Amendments or Modifications of Declaration. This Declaration may only be amended or,modi- fied by an instrument in writing signed and acknowledged by Owners of both of the Parcels. Section 5. Further Assurances. The parties agree to execute and deliver any and all additional documents as may be required to carry out the intent and purposes of this Declaration. r� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration Establishing Access and Parking Easements as of the day and year first above written. RIVERPOINT PROPERTIES, LTD-, a general partnership By General Partner 0 EXHIBIT A-1 to"DECLARATION ESTABLISHING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS" THAT PORTION OF LOT t'F" OF TRACT NO. 919, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A'MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 29 PAGES 31 TO 34 INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT NO. 919, DI STANT SOUTHEASTERLY 750.00 FEET, MEASURED ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, FROM WALTERHS.SSPICEAANDRLY WIFEORNER OF RECORDEDHE LAND NOVEMBERE170 BED 1930IINTHE BOOKEED T0 436 PAGE 190, OFFICIAL RECORDS IN SAID OFFICE; THENCE NORTH 280 59' 30" EAST, 213.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 610 00' 301t EAST, 50.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO J. H. GORDON AND WIFE, RECORDED AUGUST 160 1939 IN BOOK 1011 PAGE 610 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 280 591 30" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT NORTHEASTERLY 280.52 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT F; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 50.00 FEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT SOUTHEASTERLY 50.00 FEET FROM SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF J. H. GORDON; THENCE SOUTH 280 591 30" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT F; THENCE SOUTH 610 001 30" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, 25.00 FEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT SOUTHEASTERLY 75.00 FEET FROM SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAND OF J. H. GORDON; THENCE NORTH 280 59t 30" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 8124 PAGE 443 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 610 001 30" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH- WESTERLY LINE, 129.15 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT F; THENCE NORTH 280 59t 30" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE 328.83 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT F; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE 280 592 30" EAST AFROM LTHE ITRUE NE FPOINT OF SAID BEGINNING; THENCE TO A LINE THAT SOUTH NORTHARS SOUTH280 59t 30" WEST, 222.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS, MINERALS, MINERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN THAT MAY BE BELOW THE UPPER 500 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF SAID LAND, TOGETHER OPERATINGWTHEREFORPANDETUAL REMOVINGHTHEFSAMELFROM�SAIDILANDOREXPLORING ANY OTHER LAND, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILL AND MINE FROM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSE HEREIN DESCRIBED, OIL OR GAS WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND DRILLEDDWELLSBETUNNELSTANDOSHAFTSUUNDERIANDOBENEATH ORRBEYONDATHE EXTERIOR LIMITS THEREOF, AND TO REDRILL, RETUNNEL, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REPAIR, DEEPEN AND OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR MINES, WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL, MINE, EXPLORE AND OPERATE.THROUGH THE SURFACE OF SAID UPPER 100 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF SAID LAND OR OTHERWISE IN SUCH MANNER AS TO ENDANGER THE SAFETY OF ANY HIGHWAY THAT -MAY BE CONSTRUCTED ON SAID LANDS, AS EXCEPTED IN THE DEED•RECORDED MAY 28, 1969 IN BOOK 8970 PAGE 7, OFFICIAL RECORDS. a EXHIBIT A-2 to "DECLARATION ESTABLISiiING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS" PARCEL 1: The Southwesterly 280.53 feet of the Northwesterly 50 feet (said 50 feet being measured along State Highway) of that portion of Lot F of Tract No. 919, as per rap„recorded in book 29, pages 31 to 34 inclusive, of Miscellaneous Naps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line bf said lot at the most Westerly corner of that portion of said lot conveyed to 1.1. 11. Galbreth by deed recorded June 232 1937 in book 290, page 231 of Official Records, said point being in a line which is parallel with and 110 feet North- westerly, measured at right angles, from the Southeasterly line of said lot; thence from said point of beginning North 28° 59' 30" East along said parallel line to an intersection with the Northeasterly line of said lot; thence Northwesterly along said Northeasterly line of said lot, 94.35 feet to the most Easterly corner of that portion of said lot conveyed to J. H. Gorden and wife by deed recorded August 16, 1939 in . book 1011, page 61 of Official Records; thence South 28° 59' 30" West along the Southeasterly line of said portion of said lot conveyed by said last mentioned deed to an intersection with the Southwesterly line of said lot, and thence South 610 00' 30" East along said last rentioned line of said lot, 94.15 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2: An easement for ingress and egress over, on and across the following described real property situated in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: That portion of Lot F, of Tract No. 919, in the City of Nowport Beach, described as follows: Shown on a map recorded in book 29, pages 31 to 34 inclusive, of Miscellaneous idaps, records of Orange County, California: Beginning at a point in the Southeasterly line of said Lot "F", distant therefrom 130 feet Northeasterly, fron the Northerly line of the State highway, as granted to the State of California by deed recorded July 12, 1929, in book 311, page 170 of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, and running thence North 610 00' 30" 41est 154.15 feet to the Southeasterly line of the land described in the deed from 1•1. T: Jefferson to Andre J. Durocher and wife, dated April 18, 1945, recorded July 2, 1945 in book 1321, page 17 of•Official Records of Orange County, California; thence North 28' 59' 30" East along said Southeasterly line, 30 feet; thence South 610 00' 30" East 154.15 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Lot "F"; thence South-280 59' 30" ktest 30 feet along the Southeasterly line of said Lot "F", to the point of beginning. N. EXHIBIT B to "DECLARATION ESTABLISHING ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENTS" 0 zkbc� '4-2 _� E CT_i•71M� i:' �. (TUFF -17 �11 —II BOO A3 l COMMISSIONERS 1:0111 :3 7R ROLL CALL Present xI Ix 57�Absent Motion Ayes Absent Regular Planning Commission Meeting •Place: City Council Cha rs Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: January 24, 1980 of Newaort Beach Ames Hewicker, Planning Dire 'r obert Burnham, Assistant Ci Attorney on Webb, Assistant City E gineer lenn'a Gipe, Secretary * * nutes Written,.�gy: Glenna Gipe * * * rov of the minutes of the regular Planning m' sion meeting of January 10, 1980 was post- d to the regular Planning Commission meeting February 7, 1980 * * * MIND x otion was made to continue Item No. 2, Use Permit i� x x x x o. 1924, to the regular Planning Commission meet- ing of February 7, 1980, pending receipt and evalu tion of a site plan which would illustrate how he planning on the three sites is to be coordina- ted. * * * equest to accept an offsite parking and reciproca- ccess agreement for required parking spaces in onjunction with a proposed conversion of an exist- ng machine shop to retail space in an existing tructure on Mariners' Mile. TION: A portion of Tract No. 919, located at 2902 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast High- way, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariners' Mile. E: SP-5 APPLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten, Newport Beach )WNERS: John.P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newport Beach INDEX OFFSITE PARKING AGREEMENT APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY -1- COMMISSIONERS ism o m g x 2 D 0� ROLL CALL Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Ix •January 24, 1980 0 of Newport Beach MINUTES James Hewicker, Planning Director, advised that any action that the Planning Commission would take on this item would be in the form of a recom mendation to the City Council. The Public Hearing was opened regarding this item and David Bryant, Applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission to state his concurrence with the conditions as set forth in the Staff Report. In response to a question posed by Commissioner McLaughlin, Mr. Bryant replied that the rear third of the shop will be converted to retail use. Motion was made that the Planning Commission make the findings as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report and approve the Offsite Parking Agree ment, subject to the conditions as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report. Request to permit the temporary use of a modular building for a California Savings and Loan branch facility in the P-C District. LOCATION: A portion of Block 93, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 2370 East ti Coast Highway, on the northerly side of East Coast Highway, west- - erly of MacArthur Boulevard. ZONE: P-C PPLICANT: C'rr fornia Federal Savings and Loan„ Los Angeles ER: The Irvine' -,Company, Newport Beach otion was made that the Planning -Commission con- inue this item to the regular Planrhikg Commission eeting of February 7, 1980, pending receipt and valuation of a site plan which would illustrate ow the planning on the three sites is to be``co- rdinated. �. INDEX Item P2 USE PER- MIT NO. 1924 CONTIN- UED TO FEBRUARY 7, 1980 -2- COMMISSIONERS N _ January 10, 1980 (05 w W City of Newport Beath ROLL CALL Motion x Motionfwa"s made that the Planning Commission make Ayes Y x x xx x thelfindings indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Staf Absent * Report and approve Resubdivision No. 645, subject -~' to the conditions as indicated in Exhibit "A" of y- the Staff Report. * * * INDEX Request to accept an offsite parking and recipro- Item N5 cal access agreement for required parking spaces in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an OFFSITE existing machine shop to retail space in an exist- PARKING ing structure on Mariners' Mile. AGREEMEN LOCATION: A portion of Tract No. 919, locat- CONTIN- ed at 2902 West Coast Highway, on UED TO the northerly side of West Coast JANUARY Highway, westerly of Riverside 24, 1980 Avenue on Mariners' Mile. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANTS: David R. Bryant and John P. Hooten Newport Beach OWNERS: John P. and Janet D. Hooten, Newpo Beach Motion Motion was made to continue this item to the re - Ayes x x x x gular Planning Commission meeting of January 24, Absent * 1980. * * * Request to establish a two unit residential condo minium project on each of three adjoining lots in an R-2 District. L ION: Parcel No. 2, Parcel Map 119-16, 17 (Resubdivision No. 571), Par- cel No. 1, Parcel Map 119-17, 18 Resubdivision No. 571), and Lot 2 ract No. 444, located at 211 and 2 a Jolla Drive and 218 North New p t Boulevard, northerly of Santa Ana nue, between North Newport Boulevar d La Jolla Dri adjacent to Newporthts. Item #6 USE PER- MIT NO. 1923 APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY -13- e 4 2902 WEST COAST HIGHWAY (BUILDING NO. 4) 149 RIVERSIDE AVENUE (BUILDING NO. 1) 177 RIVERSIDE AVENUE (BUILDING NO, 2) 191 RIVERSIDE AVENUE (BUILDING NO. 3) PARKING ANALYSIS / RETAIL: BUILDING NO. 1 7,953 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA BUILDING NO. 2 7,144 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA BUILDING NO. 3 9,338 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA BUILDING NO. 4 2,450 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA TOTAL RETAIL, 26,885 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA PARKING REQUIRED AT 1 PER 250 SQUARE FEET = 107.54 CARS EXISTING WHOLESALE USE: BUILDING NO. 4 4,970 SQUARE FEET GROSS AREA PARKING REQUIRED AT 1 PER 2,00 OSQUARE FEET = 2.49 CARS TOTAL REQUIRED 110.03 CARS TOTAL PROVIDED 117 CARS +IG"?�1 i5 1'1v Yl�i e: •''�� `�Ftin Y'.. t.'.; Y'a Qg =l - �, y���_�, r�, �. "i lLV:d E:n�xf VI �r^� �a�.s�' al'S.a' £d C��a'-' ?- '',- g lP/ vZW 15'/DE" 9 Y.ENL/E P.eEPfJ.P,�O fjY: JOf�NSON-FiP.9Nk � ASSOC, /NC', �6�0 .5? SUN.C�/S7" sU/TE "C •• 411,gh'.E/1w; r4 z l"c '9 2 8 0 6 19W (7/4) (534-0157 F02 Cl T )e OF CH JN. 32/-78' 411 14 � 7�.It 4% Ir k' ik IIF :1-, NtT It • Tin INZj V. 3. it eN itT-- 7' go TYP 10 Of I?E T14 4 �`A ly4yn 40 t'4j IN 4;t V, % Fi 14 1 !=0 tTYP) ri 0 X /5 off41 16Fj 2902 West Coast Highway (Building #4) o, 149 Riverside Avenue (Building #1) 177 Riverside Avenue (Building #2) 191 Riverside Avenue (Building #3) 9Z.0, JI T PARKING ANALYSIS )0, jt ti RETAIL: Building #1 7,953 square feet gross area Building #2 7,144 square feet gross area Building #3 9,338 square feet gross area 4 Building # 4 2,450 square feet gross area C Total Retail 26,885 square feet gross area I N TE D Parking required @ 1 per 250 square feet = 107.54 cars N9V2 01979 JOHNSON 'FRANK & ASSOCS EXISTING WHOLESALE USE: Building #4 4,970 square feet gross area Parking required @ 1 per 2,000 square feet = 2.49 cars % /Y 11eRe491V1k F 017 r% �% 4r. TOTAL REQUIRED 110.03 cars t TOTAL PROVIDED 117 cars N C. -0157 Cc, 4" -YYV C11 `7, e 7 '4i Z IV It "I r It b;;;� i �A % 4