HomeMy WebLinkAbout3331 EAST COAST HWY11111111 lill 11111111111111111111111111 lill 1111111. *NEW FILE* 3331 EAST COAST HWY July 10," 1980 Julius Evans l 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, CITY OF NEtiVPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY (714) 640-2201 California 92660 Re: offsite parking agreement/ masonry wall requirement Dear Mr. Evans: You have been advised on at least two separate occasions within the last few months of the requirement that you prepare plans, secure necessary permits and commence construction of -a masonry 'wall between your offsite park- ing area on Marigold and the adjoining residential property. You have also been advised of the need for you to execute, in the presence of a notary, an offsite parking agreement. To date you have failed to do'either of these things. Because of your persistent refusal to comply with conditions imposed by the City Council this office has prepared a comp- laint seeking a court order terminating your right to occupy structures served by this offsite parking area until you hav fully complied with those conditions. This complaint will filed July 18, 1986 unless you apply for the appropriate) permits on or before that date. A Please go ern yourself accordingly. Hugh\R.- Cc- zln City AttornLy of Newport Beach xc: Planning Director r City Hall • 3300 -Newport Boulevard, Newport Lr�') CITOOF NEWPORT BACH MEMORANDUM: From TO..... v`�-............................................. 7..:... ............... f ie...:... Reply wanted ❑ Replynot necessary ❑ liy................................................................ N114 0 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY (714) 640-2201 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL July 10,. 1980 Julius Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beaoh,'California.92660 Re: O£fsite parking agreement/ masonry wall requirement Dear Mr. Evans: You have been advised on at least two separate occasions within the last few months of the requirement that you prepare plans, secure.necessary permits and commence construction of a masonry wall between your offsite park- ing area on Marigold and the adjoining residential property. You have also been advised of the need for you to execute, in the presence of a notary, an offsite parking agreement. To date you have failed to do either of these things. Because of your persistent refusal to comply with conditions imposed by the City Council this office has prepared a comp- laint seeking a court order terminating your right to occupy structures served by this offsite parking area until you have fully complied with those conditions. This complaint will be filed July 18, 1980 unless you apply for the appropriate permits on or before that date. Please ggyern yourself accordingly. Hugh\R." Col. ri City Attorn y of Newport Beach r y xc: Planning Director City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 CITPOF NEWPORT BACH MEMORANDUM: FTOM BB HRC Re: Julius Evans ............... 2l.Z..................... ,19... e9 I have enclosed a draft complaint in the above referenced matter for your review. I have reviewed the files on this matter kept.by our department and the Planning Department and can find no executed copy of the offsite parking agreement. The clerk is presently checking her files. It appears as if no agreement was ever signed by Mr. Evans, and that because of his failure to do so, the building permits for the additions to 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway were cancelled. There is an offsite parking agreement which bears Mr. Evans' signature in Planning's file but it is not notarized and the Mayor has not executed the agreement. The resolutions adopted by the Council, both in 1977 and 1980 refer to this existing agreement. Neither resolution references the action of the Planning Commission nor do they contain the conditions imposed by either the Commission or Council. The conditions imposed appear only in the minutes of the meetings. It is for this reason that references to the various of the agreement itself. a paragraph incorporating allowing us to charge the required by the'agreement. � , Reply wanted ❑ Reply not necessary ❑ the complaint contains specific actions and does not contain a copy If you think appropriate I will draft the signed copy -in light of the rule subscribing party with the duties By................................... Ne•7F P HRC etc VS. Julius Evans, an ) individual; Does ) I through V, inclusive In the Superior Court etc No Complaint for: (1) Temporary Restraining Order (2) Preliminary Injunction (3) Permanent Injunction FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION For a First, Separate, and Distinct Cause of Action, Plaintiff alleges as foll6ws: 1. Plaintiff is a municipal corporation, organized and existing by virtue of the provisons of the laws and the constitution of the State of California and the Charter of the City of Newport Beach. Plaintiff is located within the County of Orange, State of California and is charged with the enforcment of the various ordinances adopted by the City Council of Newport Beach. 2. Defendant Julius Evans was at all times herein mentioned,) and presently is, a resident of the City of Newport Beach, County of Ox State of Califrnia. Defendant Evans was at all times herein mentioned, and now is, the owner of certain real property situate within the corporate) limits of Plaintiff and commonly referred to as 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway and 331 and 329 Marigold. 3. The true names and capacities of Defendants Does I through V, inclusive, is unknown to Plaintiff, and Plaintiff will askj leave of court to amend this complaint to state those names and capacities when they have been ascertained. Plaintiff is informed and beleives, and thereupon alleges that said ficti- tiously designated defendants are responsible, in some manner, for the events and occurences hereinafter alleged. 4. Defendants, on or about June 20, 1977, made plans to improve the property and structures located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, the improvement to be accomplished by way of additions to the structures at these locations. The property located on East Coast Highway was at that time, and has been continuously to date, zoned The property was at that time,, and has been continuously to date, utilized for commercial ,purposes, to wit Due to the parking requirements imposed by the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the proposed additions necessitated an increase in available parking spaces from to 5. Defendahts, in an affo:•t � to • c'omply- "W--th the need or additional parking spaces, ,,a-p�Vlied approval of an offsite parkin6 agreeme Newport Beach Municipal Code permit utilization of property near a business for aprking purposes to satisfy the parking requirements of the code, subject to certain conditions.- A copy of the relevant provsions of the Newort Beach Municipal Code are appended hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as though '2 3 0 . fully set forth at length.. Defendants were to utilize the property located at 331 and 329 Marigold to provide -the additional parking spaces required. The property situated at 331 and 329 Marigold, as well as the property which adjoins those two parcels, was at that time, and has been continuously to date, zoned 6. The application for approval of an off -site parking agreement has come before the Newport Beach Planning Commission and the Newport Beach City Council on numerous occasions. A summary of the action taken on these occasions and the date of the action is a-s follows: (a) On August 4, 1977, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach approved the application for off -site parking agreement, subject to the findings and conditions set forth in the minutes of that meeting. A copy of the relevant portions of those minutes is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "C"_ and in- . c; corprated by reference as though set forth at length. (b) On August 22, 1977 the City Council of Newport Beach adopted a Resolution approving the off -site parking agreement in accordance with the recommendation of the Plannig Commission.as contained within Exhibit "C". A copy of this Resolution is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "D" and incorporated by reference. (c) On or about January 7, 1980, Defendants applied by letter, to the Planning commission of Newport Beach, for a amendment to the conditions pursuant to which the off --site parking agreement was approved, specifically to delete the requirment that Defendants construct a solid, masonry wall along the boundary of the parking area and the residential property which adjoins the.parking lot. A copy of this letter is attached hereto, marked exhibit "_" and incorporated herein by reference. (d) On February 7, 1980 the Planning Commision of Newport Beach reaffirmed the conditions of approval imposed on August 4, 1977 (see Exhibit"_"), imposed certain additional conditions, and amended the requirement that a block wall be constructed. The action taken by the Planning Commission is fully set forth in the minutes of this meeting, and a copy of the minutes is attached hereto, marked exhibit "_" and incorporated herein by reference. (e) On March 10, 1980 the City Council of Newport Beachl modified the action of the Planning Commission to require Defendant) to install a masonry wall as required by the provisions of Section 20.30.045(b) of the Newport Beach Munickpal Code, amended certain other conditions an authorized, -:by Resolution No. , the execution of an amendment to the conditions of approval of the existing off -site parking agreement. Copies of the Resolution, No. 9744, and the minutes of meeting at which this action was taken are attached hereto, marked Exhibit "_" and incorporated by reference. C . (f) On or about, by letter, Defendants requested the City Council of Newport Beach reconsider the requirment that a block wall be constructed by Defendnants along the boundary of the parking area and the residential property that adjoins that area. A copy of this letter is attached hereto, marked Exhibit It " and incorporated by reference.. (g) On April 28, 1980 the City Council of Newport BEach rejected Defendants request for reconsideration. A copy of the minutes of that meeting showing the relevant action is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "_" and incorporated by reference. 7. Defendants have been advised of the conditions.establishe by action of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach and Defendants were present on each occasion that action was taken by the City Council and Plannning Commission except for the action of the City Council described in 6(g) above. Copies of letters directed to Defendants by Plaintiff advising of the action taken by the City Council are attached hereto, marked Exhibit "_" and incorporated by reference. 8. In spite of repeated requests Defendants have failed to comply with certain conditions of the off -site agreement. Defendnts have failed to construct the masonry wall required by action of the City Council and by virtue of the provisions of Section 20.30:045(b). Defendants have failed to properly execute an off -site parking agreement. By virtue of these failures Defendants are in violation of various provisions of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 9. On August 10, 1978 Defendants applied for building permits to construct additions to the structures located,at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. Building Permits were issued for such construction and copies ofthose permits are attached hereto marked Exhibit "_" and incorporate herein by reference. On or about July 31, 1979 these building permits were cancelled by Plaintiff for failure to obtain required inspections. Notwithstanding this cancellation Defendants completed construction of the a-ditions and are presently occupying and using the structures.located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, this occupancy and use in violation of various provisions of Title 17 (Building Code) of the Newport Beach Muncipal Code. 10. The continued use and occupancy of the structures located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, and the continued use.of parking dress located at 331 and 329 Marigold is wrongful and illegal conduct and until and unless enjoined by this court will cause great and irreparable injury in that: (a) Failure.of Defendants to erect the masonry wall along the boudanry of the parking area and adjoining residential property will subject the adjoining landowner to automobile fumes and exhaust, noise and light and glare; (b) Failure of Defendants to properly execute an off -site parking agreement does not ensure that use of the offsite parking areas will be limited to patrons of• 0 of defendants nor does it ensure•that'the property at 331 and 329 Marigold will be used for parking, thereby creating the risk of inadquate parking facilities to serve Defendants and the risk of traffic congestion. (c) occupancy and use of the structures at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, without adequate inspection by the Newport Beach Building Department, subjects members of the general public to the risk of bodily injury resulting from unsafe and illegal construction. (d) The failure to enforce the ordinences referred to above, with knowledge of the violations, could subject Plaintiff' to litigation and loss related thereto. 11. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law in that money damages are inadequate, it is difficult or impossible to determine the precise amount of damage Plaintiff will suffer if defendants are not restrained as requested, and that Plaintiffs could be forced to defend and/or institute a number of lawsuits in the event persons are injured or property damaged as a result of the filure of Plaintiff to enforce the ordinances referred to above Prayer CITY OF NEWPORT BEPCH MEMORANDUM: From Hugh Coffin Bob Burnham .. .................................................... Re: Preparation of Complaint Against Julius V. Evans lti I am attaching to this memo a letter dated May 6, 1980, to Mr. Julius Evans from Jim Hewicker regarding his obligations to conform to the Newport Beach Municipal Code and construct a block wall in connection with the off -site parking lot at 329 and 331 Marigold, Corona del Mar. It appears that we are compelled to bring an action in Municipal Court, similar perhaps to the Bath Mart litigation,to order Mr. Evans to comply with the NBMC. I believe the matter is fully documented in the Planning Department's file which you may desire to review. Hewicker has sent several letters and I see no need for the City Attorney to follow up with an additional letter. I would suggest a form type complaint would be appropriate in this action with a hopeful stipu- lation to be obtained from Mr. Evans after filing of the lawsuit. I would like to see a complaint prepared and ready for filing around July 2 or 3. hrc Reply wanted ❑ Reply not necessary [] By.............................. 19AD.. na•2a CITY O1 NL I ♦ ORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 May 6, 1980 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Evans: This letter is to,advise you that the City Council, on April 28, 1980, took action to unanimously deny your request of March 18, 1980 regarding a delay in the installation of a block wall in connection with the off -site parking agreement at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar. You are hereby directed to immediately prepare plans, secure permits, and commence construction of the masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap between the off -site parking lot and the adjoining residential lot as required under Section 20.30.045E of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A copy of that section is enclosed. In addition, you are also reminded of the action taken by the City Council at its meeting of March 10, 1980, as follows: 1. All remaining applicable Conditions of Approval as set forth by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1977, must be fulfilled. 2. You have been authorized to remove all of the wheel stops adjacent to the alley. 3. You are required to maintain the shielding of the mercury-vapor lamps which, I understand, have now been installed by the Edison Company. 4. All employees are required to park in the parking lot. 5. You have been authorized to modify the existing planter at the intersection of the,two alleys in order to facilitate the right-hand. turn movements out of the parking lot. City Hall • 3300 Ncwport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 Y i L • • Mr. Julius V. Evans Page 2 May 6, 1980 6. The off -site parking agreement which was forwarded to you by the City Attorney in February must be signed, notarized, and re -turned to the City Attorney's office. If you have any further questions regarding this matter you should contact Bill Laycock at 640-2266. Failure to comply with the requirements noted above will result in this matter being referred to the City Attorney for appropriate legal action. Very truly yours, JDH/kb Enclo: xc: V f 11 Section 20.30.045E of the as it applies to walls on lots adjoining property in Newport Beach the boundaries an R-1 or R-2 Municipal Code of parking District B. BOUNDARY WALL. Where the boundaries of parking lots or parking areas adjoin property in an R-1 or R-2 District, a wall shall be construc- ted along such boundaries in such a manner as will provide protection to the public and owners and occupants of adjoining property from noise, exhaust fumes, automobile lights, and other similar sources of disturbance.- Such wall shall be constructed of solid masonry to a height of three feet from the front of the property to a depth equal .to the -required front yard setback established for adjoining property in a resi- dential'district. The remaining portion of the wall shall be six feet in height; the lower four feet of which must be of solid masonry construction. Julius Evans Council Meeting 4/14/80 JDH/kk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 May 6, 1980 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Evans: This letter is to advise you that the City Council, on April 28, 1980, took action to unanimously deny your request of March 18, 1980 regarding a delay in the installation of a block wall in connection with the off -site parking agreement at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar.. You are hereby directed to immediately prepare plans, secure permits, and commence construction of the masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap between the off -site parking lot and the adjoining residential lot as required under Section 20.30.045B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A copy of that section is enclosed. In addition, you are also reminded of the action- taken by the City Council at its meeting of March 10, 1980, as follows: 1. All remaining applicable Conditions of Approval as set forth by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1977, must be fulfilled. 2. You have been authorized to remove all of the wheel stops adjacent to the alley. 3. You are required to maintain the shielding'of the mercury-vapor lamps which, I understand, have now been installed by the Edison Company. 4. All employees are required to park in the parking lot. 5. You have been authorized to modify the existing pl8nter at the intersection of the two alleys in order to facilitate the right-hand turn movements out of the parking lot. City I -Tall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Neu•port Beach, California 92663 Mr. Julius V. Evans Page 2 May 6, 1980 6. The off -site parking agreement which was forwarded to you by the City Attorney in February must be signed, notarized, and returned to the City Attorney-'s office. If you have any further questions regarding this matter you should contact Bill Laycock at 640-2266. Failure to comply with the requirements noted above will result in this matter being referred to the City Attorney for appropriate legal action. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPART14ENT . 0: JA K S D. HE4IKR,.Director JDH/kk Enclosure xc: City Manager City Attorne 2 Bill Laycock Section 20.30.045B of the as it applies to walls on lots adjoining property in Newport Beach the boundaries an R-1 or R-2 Municipal Code of parking District B. BOUNDARY WALL. Where the boundaries of parking lots or parking areas adjoin property in an R-1 or R-2 District, a wall shall be construc- ted along such boundaries in -such a manner as will provide protection to the public and owners and occupants of adjoining property from noise, exhaust fumes, automobile lights, and other similar sources of disturbance.• Such wall shall be constructed of solid masonry to a height of three feet from the front of the property to a depth equal .to the -required front yard setback established for adjoining property in a resi- dential district. The remaining portion of the wall shall be six feet in height, the lower four feet of which must be of solid masonry construction. Julius Evans Council Meeting 4/14/80 JDH/kk _)6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 March 13, 1980 MAR 141980 Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore NEW:.i U. Newport Beach, California 92660 ,L CALIF. Dear Mr. Evans: This letter is to advise you of the final action taken by the City Council at.its meeting of March 10, 1980 regard- ing the off -site parking agreement covering the property at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar. The action taken by the City Council is as follows: 1) -All remaining applicable Conditions of Approval as set forth by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1977 must be fulfilled. 2) You are required to build a masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap between the off -site parking lot and the adjoining residential lot, as required under Section 20.30.045(B) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Construction of the wall must commence no later than Monday, April 7, 1980. 3) You have been authorized to remove all of the Wheel stops adjacent to the alley. 4) You are required either to shield the mercury- vapor lamps from adjoining residential development o•r have them removed. In this regard I have con- tacted Mr. J. E. Kennedy, Area Manager for the Southern California Edison Company, and I have given him your name, a.ddress and telephone number. 5) Employees shall be required to park in the parking lot. In addition to the above noted requirements, the City Council also authorized modification to the existing planter at the intersection of the two alleys in order to facilitate the City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 Mr. Julius V. EvI Page 2 March 13, 1980 right-hand turn movements out of the parking lot. If you should desire to modify the planter, I would suggest that you contact Rich Edmonston, the City's Traffic Engineer, at 640-2181. To date the City Attorney's Office has not received the signed and notarized copy of the off -site parking agreement whi_c.h_was forwarded, to yo-u with a separate letter in February. _This. mUst._b_e_re_tusnesLas__s_oon as oossi Ie. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, you may contact Bill Laycock at 640-2266. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT nn D. HEWICKER ing Director JDH/kk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY (714) 640-2201 February 1, 1980 Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Off -Site Parking Agreement - 3331, 3337 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, CA Dear Mr. Evans: Pursuant to your conversation today with Mr. -Jim Hewicker, Planning Director, I am enclosing an original and one copy of the above -referenced Off -Site Parking Agreement. Please have your signature notarized and return the original to •this office in the envelope provided. You may retain the copy for your files. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free•to contact this office. Very truly yours, HUGH R. COFFIN City Attorney enclosures xc: Jim Hewicker (w/o encl) City Hall e 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 02663 0 February 1, 1980 Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: off -Site Parking Agreement - 3331, 3337 East Coast Highwav, Corona del Mar, CA Dear Mr. Evans: Pursuant to your conversation today with Mr. Jim H_ewicker, Planning Director, I am enclosing an original and one copy of the above -referenced Off -Site Parking Agreement. Please have your signature notarized and return the original to this office in the envelope provided. You may retain the copy .for your files. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office. . Very truly yours{ HUGH R. COFFIN City Attorney enclosures xc: Jim Hewicker (w/o encl) June 2,1980 CITY OF RT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Evans: On May 6, 1980 I wrote you a letter advising you of the action taken by the City Council on April 28, 1980 and directing you to prepare plans, secure permits, and commence construction of the masonry wall between your off -site parking lot and the adjoining residential lot. To date I have had no response from you. This letter is to advise you that if I do not hear from you by Friday, June 6, 1980, this matter will be turned over to the City Attorney for pursuit,of the legal remedies available to us. Very truly yours; PLANNING DEPARTMENT A ES D. H •WICKER P1 nning Director JDH/kk Enclosure - Letter of May 6, 1980 xe : �Ci t t_1, Aae r City Attorney ...... V i December 27, 1979 Mr.,Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: Existing building a site parking lot at •. Dear Mr: Evans.:- . i 0 640-2266 T L� Highway and off - .In August of this year. you. mere. contacted by both. Bob Fowler •and - myself regarding your failure to.,comply"with the requirements placed upon you by the City of.Newport Beach and the California Coastal Commission, to wit,: 1. You have not executed the required off -site parking agreement with the City; 2. :The off-site.parking lot has not been improved with the re:- quired landscaping, wheel stops and markings in 'accordance with the parking layout approved by the City; 3. The required "No Parking - Loading Zone Only" signs have not been installed;. 4. The -solid masonry wall between the off -site parking lot and" the adjoining residence at 337 Marigold has not been installed, and 5. You have occupied the structure without obtaining the required final approval from the City. On August 14, 1979, a letter was sent to you by Bob Fowler request- ing that the use of the structure be abandoned until these problems are properly remedied and informing you that your permits have been cancelled. On August 16,.1979, I received a lette.r.fron you requesting that I delete the requirement for the wall.between the parking lot and the adjoining residence. As you are aware, this is a matter over which I have no authority and over -which the Planning Commission and City Council have jurisdiction. Ci IIall 0 3300 New Boulevard, Beach, California 92663 w r - - Mr. Julius V. Evan. December 27, 1979 Page 2 To date, I have had no further contact from you and I do not know what your plans are in this reoard. I am, therefore, requesting that you either vacate the premises, take the necessary steps to meet the requirements noted above or file a reouest with the Planning Commission to amend the previously approved off -site parking arrangement. The next filing deadline i.s January 11, 1980 for the Planning Commission meeting of February 7, 1980. If I do not -hear from you on or Before January 11, 1980, I will have no choice but to turn this natter over to the City Attorney for appropriate legal action. Very truly yours, PLANNING -DEPARTMENT 44..✓�. James D. Hewicker irector JDH/gg cc - .Bob W1 nn-, City Manager Hugh Coffin, City Attorney ''Hob Fowler, Building•D'irector - Persian Treasure Rugs, 3329 East Coast Hinhway, Corona del Mar Wit Travel,. 3331 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Rochelle Robers Real Estate, 3333 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar - The Flower Seller, 3337 East Coast- Highway, Corona del°liar '9F � F � •• - ,FY crF /0, C AMC �F 46 • December 27, 1979 Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, CA 92660 *, 1zt° �7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 640-226 CITY AlttlfciO JAN 21979ow (UM 9F WWRORT BFA'N �j OALt6r, �� RE: Existing building at 3329-3337 East Coast Highway and off - site parking lot at 329 and 331 Marigold Dear Mr. Evans: In August of this year you were•.contacted by both•Bob Fowler, -.and myself regarding your failure to comply with the' requirements placed upon you by the City of.Newport Beach and the California Coastal Commission, to wit: 1% You 'have not executed the 'required off --site parking agreement with the City; 2.. The off -site parking lot has not been.improved with, the re- quired landscaping, wheel stops and markings in accordance with the parking layout approved by the City; 3. The required "No Parking - Loading Zone Only" signs have not been installed; 4.• The -solid -masonry wall between -the off -site parking lot and the adjoining residence at 337 Marigold has not been installed., and 5. You have occupied the structure without obtaining the required final approval from the City. On August 14, 1979, a letter was sent to you by Bob Fowler request- ing that the use of the structure be abandoned until these problems are properly remedied and informing you that your permits have been cancelled. On August 16, 1979, I received a letter from you requesting that I delete the requirement for the wall between the parking lot and the adjoining residence. As you are aware, this is a matter over which I have no authority and over -which the Planning Commission and City Council have jurisdiction. City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 Mr. Julius V. Evans December 27, 1979 Page 2 To date, I have had no further contact from you and I do not know what your plans are in this regard. I am, therefore, requesting that you either vacate the premises, take the necessary steps to meet the requirements noted above or file a request with the Planning Commission to amend the previously approved off -site parking arrangement. The next filing deadline is January 11, 1980 for the Planning Commission meeting of February 7, 1980. If I do not hear from have no choice but to for appropriate legal Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT James D. Hewicker irector JDH/gg you on or before January 11, 1980, I will turn this matter over to the City Attorney action. cc Bob Wynn,•City Manager Hugh Coffin, .City Attorney Bob 'rowler, Building Director Persian Treasure Rugs, 3329 Wit Travel,• 3331 East Coast Rochelle Robers Real Estate, del Mar The Flower Seller, 3337 East East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Highway, Corona del Mar 3333 East Coast Highway,.Corona Coast Highway, Corona del Mar a (714) 640-2130 August 14, 1979 Mr. J. V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, CA 92660 'R6: 3341 East Coast Highway Dear Mr.' Evans It has been brought to the attention of the Community Development Department that you have occupied the structure at 3341 East Coast Highway prior to obtaining final approvals from the City. A review of the project indicates you have failed to comply with require-. ments established by the Newport Beach PAnnning Division and the California Coastal Commission. These requirements are in connection with required parking facilities for the referenced project. Several required inspections to verify compliance with the various building codes have not been complied d with. Thfs matter was discussed with you by telephone several days earlier. Due" to -the fact that you have not supplied a proper solution to the problem, we have cancelled your permits. We must also request that the use of the structure be abandoned untill these problems are properly remedied. it Sincerely ,DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, DEVELOPMENT BOB FOWLER Assistant Director -Building jW 41 • City Council Meeting August 22, 1977 Agenda Item No. H-2(a) _ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 17, 1977 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -site Parking Agreement•• Request to accept an off -site parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of an existing commercial building in Corona del Mar. LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e, building site), located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Hi.ghway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Marguerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e. off -site parking lot), located at 329 and 331 Marigold -Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Marigold Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONES: C-1 and R-1 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans, Corona del Mar OWNER: Same as Applicant Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of an existing commercial building. In accordance with Section 20.30. 035 D. of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, pro- viding for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or addi- tional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. TO: City Council - 2. Suggested Action If desired, adopt Resolution No. authorizing the execution of an off -site parking agreement with Julius V. Evans, Corona del Mar. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of August 4, 1977, the Planning Commission voted (6 Ayes, i Absent) to recommend the approval of the requested off -site parking arrangement with the findings and subject to the conditions of ap- proval as follows: A. FINDINGS: 1. The off -site parking area is directly across an alley from the subject commercial site and, therefore, is so located to be useful to the proposed development. 2. The off -site parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. in fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 3. The commercial site and the off -site parking lot are in the same ownership. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the off -site parking arrangement. B. CONDITIONS: 1. That an off -site parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of fifteen parking spaces shalt be provided on Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar, for the duration of the proposed expanded commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. 2. That the off -site parking tot shall be improved with wheel stops and marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than four inches wide in accordance with the approved parking layout. 3. That signs be provided on the rear of the proposed expanded commercial building indicating the following statement: "No Parking - Loading Zone Only." 4. That a solid masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap shall be installed pursuant to Section 20.30.045 a of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Forwarded for the information and review of the City Council is an excerpt from the draft of the Planning Commission minutes of August 4, 1977, and a copy of the Planning Commission staff report dated July 28, 1977, which fully describes the applicant's request. Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By HEWI KER stant Director - Planning JpH/kk Attachments for City Council Only: 1) Draft of minutes of Planning Commission Meeting 8/4/77. 2) Planning Commission Staff Report dated 7/28/77 with attachments. r 40 COMMISSIONERS L CALL Motion Ayes Absent X City of Newport Beach MINUTES COMMISSIONERS g ; ER CA of Newport Belch MINUTES I t DRAFT! A OLL CALL IN0�7[ of the Commission and advised that the marked name spaces would probably remain, that the Goodwill has promised to remove the collection box from the premises, and that landscaping would be installed. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public discussion was closed. Following discussion of various parking lot stand- !Motion ards, and especially those pertaining to walls and X wheel stops, Planning Commission made the following Ayes X X X X X X findings: Absent X 1. The offsite parking area is directly across an alley from the subject commercial site, and therefore, is so located to be useful to the proposed development. 2. The offsite parking spaces will not create i undue traffic hazards -in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 3. The commercial site and the offsite parki-ng lot are in the same ownership. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the offsite parking arrangement. and approved the offsite parking agreement, subject to the following conditions: 1. That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 15 parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 29 and 31, Block 239., Corona del Mar, for the duration of the proposed expanded commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. 2, That the offsite parking lot shall be improved with wheel stops and marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide in accordance with the approved parking layout. 3. That signs be provided on the rear of the pro- posed expanded commercial building indicating the following statement. "No Parking - Loading Zone Only." 4. That a solid masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap shall be installed pursuant to Section 90.30.045 B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. sW* Item UB- Request to create two parcels of land for single family residential development where a portion of M R6-35fi one lot now exists. APPROVED Location: Portion of Lot 21. Newpart Hei ts, located at 647 Irvihe Avenue an the lAHQL= northwesterly side of IrY194Avanue irOMY between Margaret Drive Holly a X11, A3 — I ONN in 11uWhn N1• irni ni. �.! r1 0 0 Planning Commission Meeting August 4, 1977 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 28, 1977 Item No. 3 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Continued Discussion) Request to accept an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expan- sion of an existing commercial building in Corona del Mar. 1 LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e. building site) located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Marguerite j Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e. offsite parking lot) located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Marigold Avenue, in Corona del Mar. i ZONES: C-1 and R-1 APPLICANT: Julius Y. Evans, Corona del Mar OWNER: Same as Applicant Application This application requests approval of an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of an existing commercial building. In accordance with Section 20.30. 035 D. of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval•of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, pro- viding for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or addi- tional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. Item No._3 TO: Planning Commission - 2. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, categorically exempt under Class ealsaitistctfrom themntquleA. Conformance with General Plan and it has been determined that it is 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 11 requirements of the California Environ- The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the commercial site for "Retail and Service Commercial" and Administrative, Pro- fessional and Financial Commercial" uses. The proposed commercial use falls within the permitted uses. The area is also designated for A Specific Area Plan. The question of parking lots in a residen- tial district adjoining a commercial district is not addressed by the General Plan. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use A one story building with mixed commercial, uses is located on the property in question. To the north, across East Coast Highway, are commercial uses; to the southeast, is the Coast Supermarket and the Coast Barber Shop on a separate lot but also owned by the applicant; to the south, Across a 14 foot wide alloy, is an offsite parking tot on two R-1 lots for the commercial uses fronting on East Coast Highway And then a single family dwelling; and to the northwest, are commercial uses, and across a 14 foot wide alley, are apartment build- ings fronting on Marguerite Avenue. Analysis The applicant proposes to expand the existing one story commercial building on the property in question. Approximately 1,209 square feet of commercial space is proposed to be added to the rear of the existing 2,528 square foot t building. The proposed addition will encroach to within 18 feet t of the rear property line adjacent to a 14 foot wide alley. The Code requires that a minimum 10 foot rear yard setback be maintained in the C-1 District when Abutting an alley. Parking Requirements The proposed 1,209 square foot t addition constitutes approximately 47 percent of the existing 2,528 square foot t structure on the site. Section 20.30.030 B(3) of the Municipal Code provides that when a nonconforming use is enlarged by more than 10 percent of its existing area, the property on which it is located shall be required to comply with the current parking requirements, unless a waiver or reduction of said requirement is authorized by use permit. Fifteen (15) offstreet parking spaces would be required for the expanded development on the site, based upon one parking space for each 250 square feet of floor area (i.e. 3,737 sq.ft.t r 250 • 15 spaces). The applicant is requesting the approval of an offsite parking agree- ment for the required 15 parking spaces in the existing parking lot to the south of the building site, across a 14 foot wide alley. Existing Parking Lot The subject parking lot has been utilized for vehicular storage for employees and customers of the commercial uses on the subject property and the adjoining Coast Market site ever since the buildings were constructed over 27 years ago. The parking lot use on two R-1 lots was established prior to the time that a use permit was required for commercial parking lots in a residential district. Voluntary Parkino Spaces No parking spaces were required by Code when the commercial uses were constructed on the subject property. The existing offsite parking Item No. 3 TO: Planning Commission - 3. lot has been maintained on a voluntary basis over the years. Therefore, a single family dwelling could legally be constructed on both of the R-1 lots and the subject parking lot could be eliminated. The recent recommended change to the Ordinance noted below would not affect this situation. At its meeting of July 7, 1977, the Planning Commission recommended the approval of Amendment No. 496. If approved by the City Council, said amendment will provide that when a use, building or building site is changed or altered to conform or more nearly conform to current requirements, it may not thereafter be made to less nearly conform with. the requirements of the Zoning Code. In other words, on -site parking provided on a voluntary basis would be considered to be required park- ing and the spaces so provided could not be eliminated or used to satisfy requirements for the enlargement of the use. However, in this particular case, the parking has been provided on a voluntary basis off -site across an alley on separate lots from the commercial site and is not covered by the proposed amendment. Revised Parking Layout The applicant proposes to restripe the existing offsite ,parking lot with 20 conforming parking spaces. The existing lot now has 29 undersized parking spaces that 'encourages automobiles to partially park in the existing alley. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the proposed parking lob design. It appears that a reduction in the number of parking spaces will not create a traffic problem. A field survey by staff on Friday, July 8, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. revealed that only six automobiles were parked in the subject offsite parking lot. Specific Findings and Recommendation Staff recommends the approval of an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces for the expanded commercial building and suggests that the Planning Commission make the following findings in connunction with the applicant's request: 1. The offsite parking area is directly across an alley from the subject commercial site, and therefore, is so located to be useful to the proposed development. 2. The offsite parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 3. The commercial site and the offsite parking lot are in the same ownership. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the offsite parking arrangement. Approval of the offsite parking agreement is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1. That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 15 parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar, for the duration of the proposed expanded commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. 2. That the offsite parking lot shall be marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide in accordance with the approved parking layout. 3. That signs be provided on the rear of the proposed expanded commercial building indicating the following statement. "No parking - loading zone only." Item No._3 0 TO: Planning Commission - 4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. MOGAN, DIRECTOR By V R, --Ai l l am K. Layyco , Senior Planner if WRL/sh Attachments: Vicinity Marcel Parcel Map Letter from Applicant dated duly 20, 1977 Plot Plan floor Plans, Elevations Item No. 3 0 OffSITE *ARKINO LOT SOB710T MPARTY •r ° nr \/ 6 ✓` r Ys •� •a. � A t� 4i �`� 9y JL p°O. �.�t V J • . 'G. 'L. 9y 5 q� Ny J� � C' y,� L. v. qv � p' a• Lq rIp 1' p °ee �>�`_.._._... . DISTRICTING MAP NPORT BEACH — CALIFORN 4NYVW4l n[.M WL =NVLnn[R[p[Nn0. WIR[IX ° I 1Nw . p VIL[Il P[4pLNnXI L"'i NEV.WAl p [04YLPLIiI ." L 11Yfb NLIIIM1I IXNIIY IIfYttNINL MCI U, WYYIPRUIXp CpN[NMp plf(11Kry pXCLA[flll[0 I I)r°LF In Cr.( JMe..n iFrt I• pp M0 Prt [i IY•IIM OFFSITE PARKING AGREEMENT I YAP 00. .,fb�ySiy L' �-�q lSyO:J JNYO 1alsAY� . t � 19 � J x II 9 V 8 ss . .s DI N 0 O SOWON-) T rmwrxpq .q .sue Ira OMtlfSst 'M1lW MT I4 h 13 x hx It x 00 s MAR ge 1 ; OFFWTS PAIXONG AM04UT Ou•'((JI•If. ■UILOINO CONTRACTOR 716 MARIGOLD AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA 92625 YAone: Ana (714) 640.7960 Uwrma 02001 July 20. 1977 Planning Commission • City of Newport Beach • 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 Gentlemen) I recently purohased the property at the Southwest corner of Fast Coast Highway and Marigold Avenue. I wish to upgrade and improve a portion of the property at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, AKA Lot 3, Blk. X, Tract 3239 according to the plane submitted. The intent is to add 1209 eq. ft. The existing first floor is 2528 eq. ft., making a total of 3737 eq. ft. This total area would require 15 parking spaces. We have an available 20 spaces. These changes will eliminate a hazardous condition which now exists between the alley and the existing structures. The steep, slippery asphalt surfaced area will be replaced with a concrete loading area, walks and steps with handrails. We intend to tie the existing parking across the alley to the proposed addition by an off -Bite parking agreement. The parking is on two R-1 lots located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, AKA, lot 29 and 31, Block 239, Tract 3/41, 42. At present I observe that these parking spaces are used to about 50% capacity. Thank you for your consideratidn of this proposal. Sincerely yours, 1 IDaiva V.Evans L'f RESOLUTION No. 9170 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN OFF -SITE PARKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND JULIUS V. EVANS FOR THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 3331 AND 3337 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach a certain off -site Parking Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Julius V. Evans for the expansion of an existing commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East coast Highway, Corona del Mar, and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the terms and conditions of said offs -site Parking Agreement and finds them to be satisfactory and that it would be in the best interest of the City to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Agreementj NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that said off -site Parking Agreement above described is hereby Approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach. ADOPTED this 22nd day of August , 1977. ATTEST: city Clark Mayor DDO/bo 8/18/77 City Council Moing March 10, 1980 { �`""�'�•�.,�,� Agenda Item No. MAR 10 19Ro BY tho city CITY OF NENPORT BEACH % CITY Gs NjVV#Q COUNCIL y March 5, 1980 MAR 24 1980 ; City Counci SY i6s CITY COUNCIL �ITY of NRWI AT MACH ,Rg 1Q(10 Planning Department r SY ihS UBUIE noel r or.NrWPOKT LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e., building site), located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Mar- guerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e., off - site parking lot), located at 329 and 331•Marigold Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar. i ZONES: C-1 and R-1 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans OWNER: Same as Applicant Application This is a request to amend the conditions of approval as they apply to a previously approved off -site parking agreement. Off -site parking procedures are set forth in Section 20.30.035D of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. I Suggested Action If desired, adopt Resolution No. authorizing amendment to the conditions of approval of the existing off -site parking agreement. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of February 7, 1980, the Planning Commission voted (4 Ayes, I No, 2 Absent) to amend the conditions of approval on the existing off -site parking agreement as follows: 0 I I TO City Cocil - 2. 1'. That all remaining applicable conditions of approval as set forth by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1977 be fulfilled. 2. That the appl cant shall a ter thi:o an agreement with the City guars teeing that masonry wail will be installed betwe the extsti parking lot and the adjoining residen ia1 lot to a south at such time as the title to th reside ntia property is transferred. It shall be the res onsibility f the applicant to notify the Gity of t e transfer title. Said agree- ment shall contain a rovision tha a waiver of the wall requirement at th s time does � t constitute a waiver forever. Saida eement may be made without bond. 3, That the applicant be authorized to remove the wheel stops adjacent to the alley on parking spas numbered 2, 40 6, 8, 10, and 12f (d, (61(S,1;ge 4. That the parking lot lights shalt be shielded from adjoining residences or removed. 6. That employees shall be required to park in the parking lot. Attached for the information and review of the City Council is a copy of the Planning Commission staff report which describes the background of this particular problem and outlines the nature of the applicant's request. Also attached is a copy of the Planning Commission minutes and items of correspondence received just prior to or subsequent to the Planning Commission's consideration of this request. If the City Council should desire to modify the Planning Commission's approval, the following changes are suggested: Change Condition No. 2 to read as follows: 2. That a masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap shall be installed between the off -site parking lot and the adjoining residential lot as required under Section 20.30.045E of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Con- struction of said wall shall commence within four weeks from the date of this approval. Change Condition No. 4 to read as follows: 4. That the parking lot lights shall either be shielded from adjoining residences within two weeks from the date of this approval or removed. Respectfully submitted,, . ntw a RtK, ulrector J I • " T0: City L&cil - 3. i I I Attachments for City Council only: 1. Planning Commission staff report with attachments 2. Planning Commission minutes 3. Letter from Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce 4. Petition 5. Letter, from Bill and Donna De Mayo I 'f-� y Planning Commission Meeting February ruary 7, 1980 Agenda Item No, 3 M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 1, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Department LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e., building site) located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Mar- guerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e., offsite parking lot) located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Mari- gold Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONES: C-1 and R-1 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans OWNER: Same as Applicant Background At its meeting of August 4, 1977, the Planning Commission approved a request for an offsite parking -agreement in conjunction with a proposed 1200 sq.ft. expansion of the commercial building located at 3329 thru 3337 East Coast Highway being space currently occupied by Persian Treasure Rugs, Wit Travel, Rochelle Robers Real Estate and the Flower Seller. The offsite parking lot is located at 329 and 331 Marigold directly behind the businesses noted above and Wells Market located on the corner of Marigold and East Coast Highway. The off -site parking arrangement was approved with the findings and subject to the conditions of approval noted below: FINDINGS: The off -site parking area is directly across an alley from the subject commercial site and, therefore, is so located to be useful to the proposed development. 2. The off -site parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. - 1 - • ',5 T0: Inning Commission - 2. • 3. The commercial site and the off -site parking lot are in the same ownership. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the off -site parking arrangement. CONDITIONS: 1. That an off -site parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of fifteen parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar, for the duration of the proposed expanded commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. 2. That the off -site parking lot shall be improved with wheel stops and marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than four inches wide in accordance with the approved parking layout. 3. That signs be provided on the rear of the proposed expanded commercial building indicating the following statement: "No Parking - Loading Zone Only." 4. That a solid masonry wall with a rounded concrete cap shall be installed pursuant to Section 20.30.045 B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The off -site parking arrangement was subsequently approved by the City Council on August 22, 1977. The Coastal Commission approved the request on November 28, 1977. The Coastal Commission approval required that "prior to issuance of permit, applicant shall submit a deed restriction for recording that no less than 20 on -site parking spaces shall be maintained at all times to support the development intensity permitted by the subject so parking spaces shall not be altered in number, size, location.; or orientation without express written permission from the California Coastal Commission." The Coastal Development Permit was issued on April 11, 1978 (A-9-26- 77-1970). Building permits were issued for the proposed expansion on August 10, 1978, construction was completed and the space occupied. However, several required inspections were not obtained and the building permits were cancelled on August 14, 1979. In addition, the applicant failed to comply with the conditions of approval placed upon the project by the City and the Coastal Commission (see attached letters dated August lk and December 27, 1979). f b TO: Planning Commission - 3. • The applicant has made subsequent attempts to correct the deficiencies, however, the following corrections are still,outstanding: Regwired heating and plumbing inspections have been obtained and the permits have been reinstated. However, the building permit will not be finaled until all zoning requirements have been fulfilled. 2. The parking lot has been restriped, however, the striping does not comply with the approved layout and the configuration of the two landscaped areas located adjacent to the intersecting alley perpendicular to the Coast Highway have been reversed. Mercury vapor tights have been installed without proper shielding. 4. The original copy of the required off -site parking agreement has not been executed. S. The required masonry wall between the off -site parking lot and the adjoining single family dwelling has not been installed. Required Masonry Wall Condition No. 4 of the off -site parking arrangement requires that a masonry wall with a round concrete cap shall be installed pursuant to Section 20.30.046 B of the Newport Beach Mbnicipal Code. Section 20.30.045 B is set forth as follows: B. BOUNDARY WALL. Where the boundaries of parking lots or parking area adjoin property in an R-1 or R-2 District, a wall shall be constructed along such boundaries in such a manner as will provide protection to the public and owners and occupants of adjoining property from noise, exhaust fumes, automobile lights, and other similar sources of disturbance. Such wall shall be constructed of solid masonry to a height of 3 feet from the from the front of the property to a depth equal to the required front yard setback established for adjoining property in a residential district. The remaining portion of the wall shalt be 6 feet in height, the lower 4 feet of which must be of solid masonry construction. The applicant, on behalf of the adjoining property owner, has requested that this condition be deleted (see attached letter dated January 7, 1919). The staff would note, however, that the municipal code does not require that the entire wall be of solid masonry construction and that the top 2 feet behind the required front yard setback could be of open masonry block. This would still provide protection from noise, exhaust fumes, automobile lights, and other similar sources of disturbance and at the same time would do little to interfere with existing light and air to the bedroom, kitchen, and dining room of the adjoining residence. 7 TO: anning Commission - 4. • If the Commission concurs with the applicants request, the staff would suggest the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That all remaining applicable co.nditions of approval as set forth by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1977 be fulfilled. 2. That the existing'wooden fence be allowed to remain. 3. That the parking lot lights shall be shielded from adjoining residence: or removed. 4. That employees shall be required to park in the parking lot. If on the other hand the Commission feels that the requirement for the block wall should remain, the Commission should reaffirm its action of August 4, 1977 and add the following conditions: 5. That the parking lot lights shall be shielded from adjoining residence: or removed. 6. That employees shall be required to park in the parking lot. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By Q' 4-.0 - fiam4 D. Hewicker ire for JDH/dlt Attachments: Vicinity Map Site Plan Letter to Mr. Evans dated 8/14/79 Letter to Mr. Evans dated 12/27/79 Letter from Mr. Evans dated 1/7/80 Letter from Stossel and Grace Baida Q 4i 2F1 � ' o � 4 - I'(::1, ::. • • 7':•' �• •" .'i �1Cl,.J{,'•yflrilG2.., I . o•!Si \ 1 . -: •.> •. _ , . •• .:.. (. a frl ' " O .i',•/y•..•,: •i •:•� i, %./till -kj:'� J){ . '� ^:�''.-,._^`� j'.4�.:.. ;. . • • .• r u �. '''?:� 't<: � t , "St'•• bhi. }, T"_,,, �i �Y� t�;j .bl7sr. 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FLYt O1 L ,A��i •cn.00 p _ Er.•�s.... rPgoe i ;• A Ah IT OF, N11R%4W%r1?0WFBUtAC1_T •(714} G40-2130 r August 14, 1979 W. d. V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport teach, CA 92660 -Re: 3341 East Coast Highway Dear Mr. Evans It has'been brought to the attention of the Conm>>nity Development Department 'that you have occupied the structure at 3341 East Coast Highway prior to. obtaining final approvals from the City. A review of the project indicates you have failed to comply with require- ments established by the Newport teach planning Division and the California Coastal Commission. -These requirements are in connection with required parkfng facilities for the referenced project. Several required inspections to verify compliance with the various building codes have not been complied with. This matter was discussed with you by telephone several days earlier. Due to the fact that you have not supplied a proper solution to the problem, - we have cancelled your permits. He must also request that the 'use of the structure be abandoned untill these problems are properly remedied. Sincerely DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOB F LEf Assistant Director -Building xc: Harold Sproul a !�•. it •rr .inn.. s. .. . .. .+ .. ... '' • r � Vr Oi.� C'. Y 01 \E TYPt)RT A 1.1"ACz 1 640=2266 December 27, 1979 Mr. Julius V. Evans 4709 Seashore Newport Beach, CA 92660 646- &637 RE: Existing building at 3329-3337 East Coast Highway and off - site parking lot at 329 and 331 Marigold ..Dear. Mr. Evans In. -August •of thiq.year yo.u.were contacted by both Bob Fowler :.and• myself regarding your failure to comply -with the requirements placed upon you by the City of.Newport Beach and the California Coastal Commission, to wit: 1'. You have not executed the required off -site parking agreement with the City; 2. The off -site parking lot has not been improved with the re- quired landscaping, wheel stops and markings in accordance with the parking layout approved by the'City; 3. The required "No Parking - Loading Zone Only" signs have not been installed; 4. • The solid masonry wall between the off -site parking lot and - the adjoining residence at•337 14arigold ha3 not been installed, and' g''j 5. You have occupied the structure without obtaining the required final approval from the City. On August 14, 1979, a letter was sent to you by Bob Fowler request- ing that the use of the structure be abandoned until these problems are properly remedied and informing you that your permits have been cancelled. On August 16, 1979, I received a letter fron you requesting that I delete the requirement for the wall between the parking lot and the adjoining residence. As you are aware, this is a matter over which I have no authority and over which the Planning Commission and City Council have jurisdiction.' City Dail • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 9260'3 i I I �zMr. Julius V. EAs �.. bacomber ?7, 197P Page 2 To date, I have had no further contact frow you and I do not know what your plans are in this regard. I an, therefore, requesting that you either vacate the premises, take the necessary steps to meet the requirements noted above or file it request with the Planning Commission to amend the previously approved off -site Parking arrangement. The next filing deadline is January 11, 1980 for the Planning Commission meeting of February 7, 1980. If I do not hear from you on or before January 11, 1980, I will have no choice but to turn this natter over to the City Attorney for appropriate legal action. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ames4cmwyl er irector JDH/gg cc Bob Wynn, City Manager Hugh Coffin, City Attorney Bob Fowler,.Building Director Persian Treasure Rugs, 3329 East Coast Hinhway, Corona del 11ar Wit Travel, 3331 East Coast Highway, Carona del Mar Rochelle Robers Real Estate, 3333 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar The Flower Seller, 3337 East•Coast Highway, Corona del Mar u January 7, 1980 City Planning Conunission i''� `�jl✓'� ,tip"��' I i RE: Property located at 3331 E. Coast Hwy Corona Del Mar, California. Dear Sir: As per our telephone conversation I am requesting that you delete the wall between our above mentioned property and the property of Mr. & Mrs. Stossel Saida of 337 Marigold Ave. in Corona Del Mar. They have asked that I do not install the block wall between the parking lot and their property as they feel that it will block off most of the air circulation and they would not like the look of it. This wall would affect the air in their bedroom, kitchen and dining room. They have requested that we leave the wooden fence keeping it painted and in good repair at all times. As these people are elderly and very pleasent I feel that if at all possible I would like to adhere to there wishes. We do have an -option on their house should they decide to sell and at that time a would be more than willing to install the block wall. I am enclosing a letter from Mr. & tars. Daida as to the above matter. T hanki ng you in advance, j Julius V. Evans L' aVE/ch Enc. Planning Commission - City stall Newport Beach, California 92GG3 T Re: Property located at 3331 B. Coast filly. Corona Del Mar Parking lot in the rear Dear Sirs: The subject of this letter is the fence between the parking lot of the above mentioned property and ray property. We as•ot-ncrs of this property would like to have the white wooden fence left as i.t is. We do not want a block wall errected between our Iroperty and the parking lot. 'Thank you, �J/l a February 7, 19B0 n T DRAFT [i lD "iciq � o ul any -r t " " City of Newport Beach u ., 4 T N J :n. IfTAt1YV Y..`.•D�.:�S'G'.iA-iC•t�.�J.'Si1'. I-r.T.r��lq�+ty�y(ymms.a\1:w^n'�YAi.:2CCl•::L^'«"}".v "."�.7ML^:•:S`✓L3 i:(nl. Cnli�..�_.C, INDEX ,- r, t••.. . .. ^S: .•I....:IrJ:•:C.^-C:3'R.^T-XI.^'4TG'3-.tT.L'%"Yw">ay1:.....'T.J:'n.'rAi....Y.«f'1`:.-. �S:J/. ].C::..:S:Ci .5'^..i In response to a question posed by Commissioner Thomas, James Hewicker, Planning Director, replied that the use of the modular building is only to be during the construction stage of the permanent structure and that the modular building will be removed when the permanent structure is complete. %Zn response to another question posed by Commis- % ner Thomas, Mr. Hewicker replied that by,defi- niti a modular building is a relocatable build- ing, o uilding which can be moved from one site to anothe nd that when a modular building is placed on th round, the Building Dept. will requ re that it be put a permanent foundation, contin- uous footing, or t it be tied down. The Public Hearing was o ed regarding this item and John Lum•is, 30th Street chitects, appeared before the Planning Commission nd stated that the owner concurs with the conditions s indicated in the Staff Report. Motion Y Motion was made that the Planning Commiss make Ayes x N x x >the Findings as indicated in Exhibit "A" of Absent * Staff Report and approve Resubdivision No. 649, subject to the Conditions as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report. Request to amend the conditions of approval in Item 03 conjunction with an approved Offsite Parking Agreement. OFFSITE PARKING LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 AGREEMEN' (i.e., building site) located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, APPROVES on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Marguerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e., offsite park- ing lot) located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, on the northwest- erly side of Marigold Avenue, in Corona del Mar. 1 -3- ' r ..�ks.wA .. • Rol L (Al I February 7, 1980 • - TI n, City of Newport Beach ..i..^).,J.•I','d�••��;.�n1.y..-..;.Y.!Y•...«.1:0:.7:�52'�.�T�L`+G:t .. ... a•: '.. ... •rY: .:?.t:-r•..r u.. Jr ar�T:.•: .. 'r •4X ... , ..,. � .,�•.,.. u:.r: •.s _..� a�:..:�.M :��.r..crnxr .....u..._�.:. ......... ...:cw.. •.�w�......:.. ��- _.e1,-'_ •.-,. ZONES: C-1 and P-1 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans ER: Same as Applicant ames Hewicker, Planning Director, commented briof y regarding this item, stating that in 1977 the Tanning Commission and the City Council permitted he 1200 sq. ft. extension of the commercial space ext to the Coast Market on East Coast Highway in orona del Mar, subject to the approval of an ffsite parking agreenent which would tie down ormally the use of the two residentially -zoned ots behind the Coast Highway frontage. He com- iented that prior to that tine, although the park- ng lot was being used for the commercial busi- esses, it was not formally tied to those commer- ial businesses by any mechanise that the City had e added that this particular offsite parking greement was reviewed by the Planning Commission nd approved by the City Council, subject to cer- ain findings and conditions. He added that the wner of the property then proceeded to secure is building permits and the construction was com- leted, but that they never called for any final nspections, no occupancy permit was given and here were several conditions placed on the off- ite parking area that were not fulfilled. He tated that this problen finally came to staff's ttention and staff implemented procedures at- empting to get conformance with the conditions f approval as given by the City and State Coastal ommission. He further stated that these condi- ions require the restriping on the lot, the re- lacement of the wheel stops, the construction of concrete block wall between the parking lot and djoining residence, the installation of the land- caping and the posti-ng of signs. He commented hat just recently most of these conditions of pproval have finally been taken care of, but that here are still some itens to be taken care of, uch as parking lot lighting and striping. -4- 17 February !, 1980 c 3 ;.S �n :I w,n rh N :.l � RC City of Newport Beach -: ..;.•s.:.:3t:::.: a�;-- ROLL CAI.I�.: J�•elvi'X:••••G^":• e^J:w:C:4::iGSiL•�L:ie',.GL��:^'.:::''3-.=JA^�•:: 3:'Ct�.i1t�:P:::'l..^etMli�-:in: •,.:::: •flD:! INDEX He added that the Planning Commission has receiv- ed two items of correspondence relating to this item, including a petition and letter from the Corona del Mar Chamber of Co;:-erce stating their concern about the requirements inposed on the ap- plicant. He explained that in the event that the Planning Commission decides that they would like to see the parking lot striped in a different fashion, the applicant will not only have to gain approval of the City Council, but will also have to go back to the Coastal Commission to get the conditions changed on their approval. He further explained that one of the difficulties in this area of Corona del Mar is the fact that there is a one-way alley 14' wide, and the space behind the travel- services is being used for parking and as a result, the area set aside for loading is not available and as a consequence the trucks stop in the alley, which means that the cars exiting the parking lot can only turn in one direction, taking them through the residential area. lie ex- plained that the second probler. is that there are Utility poles that may present a problem; however, the dimensions of the parking lot that has been epproved meets the City standards. He stated that the former arrangement of the oarking lot erould ?ermit a car going eastbound through the alley to pull off the alley into the parking lot. He explained that it became a problem when a truck coming along.and stopping in the alley to unload could pull behind the car parked in the stall. He expressed his feeling that the present arrangement aould probably work better than it has before. n response to a question posed by Commissioner Ilen, Mr. Hewicker replied that there are 11 talls striped on the row next to the single - amity dwelling where there should be 10 and as esult of having 11 stalls, each one of those nds up being a little more narrow than they hould be. n responss to a question posed by Commissioner lien, Don Webb, Assistant City Engineer, replied hat the City standard drawings indicate that 35' outd be required for the spaces if they are -5- �� ti - MINU i ES • February 7, 1980 '-'n' tni W dY �H City of Newport Beach •.>.•us.:, .• 1 11 A� 1 ,1I ('Al l .^a� I 1� N. aac �6Tf ..,. • l�u -ya:xx_-,ru:.::�,<•,nr.:v.,mac.:vxzarnx•2•r::.:.v�c-'_,.,:...,.,..;....:. I INlXX la*JR4ryov14aRytatl^:se'�^�.'ica;RxRax.3'i.""•.:��.^_rtiL-u::(.:s.rr ,...0 11 • r.+'1.:. ^Cx:••;.rv�:••��"� .. ^:::p.: _a•:. staggered, He further commented that these fi- gures are based primarily on a standard size car which would fit into an 18' - 19' length. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Beek, Mr. Hewicker replied that a setback from the alley would have been required, but that this was the layout as presented and approved in 1977, and at the present time a 5' setback would be re- quired on an alley 15' or less in width. In response to another question posed by Commis- sioner Beek, Mr. Hawicker replied that there are two lots, that they are under one ownership and that the assessor has assessed them as one parcel. The Public Hearing was opened regarding this item and Julius EvansApplicant, appeared before the Planning Commission and stated his concurrence with the conditions as indicated in the Staff Re- port. Mr. Evans then commented that Mr, Wells, the ten- ant and owner of Wells liarket, objected to put- ting the parking bumpers alone the alley, block- ing off the elderly customers exit into the al- ley. Ile further commented that the City had required 20 parking spaces for the extra amount of build- ing and that they arranged the parking lot to ac- commodate the City. He added that the residents next door do not want the cenent block wall, hich they felt would block off all the air to their homes. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis, Mr. Evans replied that the tenant and customers would prefer to leave the parking lot configuration as it has been for years. In response to a question posed by Commissioner lien regarding the necessity of the bumpers, Mr. tiewicker replied that the City Council has adopted a resolution which requires that parking lots be improved with wheel stops to keep cars from an- 1q K �p o toR February 7, 1980 1* of Newport Beach .w ..«.l`•::i :J:l. is ]w%J is MWU 117.5 crouching into the alley and to provide a mocha- nism to keep cars from rolling forward. In response to a second question posed by Commis- sioner Allen, Mr. Newicker expressed his feeling that with traffic crossing Marguerite, this alley is one of the prime access ways paralleling Coast Highway and cars encroaching into the alley would present a problem. ommissioner Balalis suggested removing the plant- r next to the alley at the end. Mr. Evans re- lied that he had removed it the previous day and eplaced it that day and that there is a telephone ole in the middle of that corner. ommissioner Balalis commented that -the petition tates that there are several spaces eliminated ecause of the City's requirements, but that the re in reality no spaces eliminated. r. Evans expressed his feeling that there was ever a problem in the alley or street, as Mr. . ells has always patrolled the area. d Wells, the applicant's tenant, appeared before he Planning Commission and suggested that the arking lot be left as is, as there were no pro- lems until the wheel stops were required. . r. Hewicker stated that there is a change in elevi ion between the parking lot and the residential, s the lots are -higher lots to the west and there of the horizontal space in which to maneuver as ii then alleys. n response to a question posed by Commissioner alalis, Mr. Hebb replied that the traffic en- ineer has been allowi.n.n a reduction of about n stall length for each additional foot of width. atty Wells expressed her feeling that the loading one is not adeouate to acconmodete the large rucks and before the wheel stops were installed, ars could go around the truck. -7- INDEX s 3V I %'A . • vzvtwr: max•:.. FOIL C:AUI Motion j Motion 61 MINUTES �•� February 7, 1980 �uUD ! City of Newport Beach �r! �.c.''•1~��:�auuxz^�•.a:.c::.tx•:+.t�.:�a:r..+c'�.r.� �s:+v:.C.�r;..:ad:.a��a�s�,:,vs"rn�.:;.L:.ara--x.._::. �INUf:X '.'�.�.^.5�'7J,!u.�'ti'�.":di.^..A:.JTSSOT:CWu�C.::C`L'A�it-'X mH�CC55r::hTr..'Y: tot :L:: :Y:.'.': w•..:..L'!:.lA�w'G::::� d:!�.�.^.X :'1!3'L^. :.•,G Commissionor Thomas suggested putting the stops on halfway down and not putting them near the loading area. Commissioner Balalis suggested recommending to the City Council that this particular parking lot not be required to meet all the requirements of offsite parking. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen, Mr. Hewicker explained that the first dis- cretionary action is with the City and should their action be different than the diagram, then it will have to go back before the Coastal Com- mission. mmissioner Balalis suggested that staff meet th the applicant and the tenant and put together diagram that would work better. Commissioner Thomas expressed his feeling that the brick wall should be a requirement. Mr. Hewicker explained that it would be allowable to have a viall 4' high in solid masonry with 2' of open masonry construction. ommissioner Beek stated his understanding that he objection is to the inconvenience of this lay- ut with the planter getting in the way and with he wheel stops and that the number of parking paces are adequate if the inconvenience is re- oved. He then suggested taking out the wheel tops adjacent to the alley and the planter. r. Evans expressed his feeling that Commissioner eek!s suggestion would eliminate the problems. "otion was made to authorize the applicant to remove all the wheel stops adjacent to the alley. mendment to the Motion was made that the appli- ant be authorized to remove all the wheel stops djacont to the alley through parking space number Ayes Abstain Absent Motion kAAvu z 0 d fl C7 Ql S7 x N L > x x MINUTES February T, 1430 i of Newport Beach— a ...•rx :.:TrS: d��' f3R1S.5.�r1::Ll'SA :' L�.Pt'... .. - .........� .....-....., .... '- .-... � ... ... _ .... � .CSC ..... .......: ........ IN'U.,,5..L•� .X..... - + � 12, leaving the wheel stops at parking space num- bers 14, 16, 18 and 20. Commissioner Beek accepted C'onmissioner Allen's Amendment to the Notion to be included as his Motion. tiun was then voted on, which hi0TION CARRIED. Commissioner Beek inquired regarding the cost of a bond, to which Mr. Hewicker replied that for a concrete block wall, the cost of a bond would be about $2,500.00. Notion was made that the wall be 4' of solid ma- sonry with 2' filigree or open brick above it to provide light and air. . Evans stated that the homes have quite a few owers that would be destroyed if a block wall re required. Commissioner Haidinger expressed his concern re- garding the advisability of requiring a block Nrall when the people who own the lot don't want a wall and the people next to the lot don't want a via11 . Commissioner Haidinger suggested that the appli- cant be allowed to go without the wall now and that he be required to post a bond. Commissioner Beek suggested that the applicant not be required to post a bond and that the re- quirement for the wall be deleted. Commissioner Balalis expressed his feeling that the requirement for the wall is a good one and the fact that the applicant has an option on the pro- perty at the present time gives the Planning Com- mission the opportunity to say that he may pur- chase that property; however, if another indivi- dual buys the property, there are good reasons why block walls are required adjacent to parking lots. He stated his preference that if the re- PIM Y III February 7, 1080 "IV IlJ City of Newport Beach ROLL�x�.117k:C::.:���:::St:.Yi',17o7W47C.7AfS.i:' C ALI .c �ss:►.:.Y171: INLXX x�11iI^ quirement is given now, there should be some mech- anism to impose it at the time of transfer of the property. Bob Burnham, Assistant City Attorney, commented that the bond requirement is preferential to the deed restriction and the premium would not be ex- cessive. Commissioner Haidinger suggested that Mr. Evans agree to build the wall at the time the title of the adjacent property is transferred, and without bond. Motion x Substitute Motion was made that the a plicant agree to build the wall at the time the title of the adjacent property is transferred, and that a bond not be required. Mr. Burnham explained that action on the condition can be waived at the present time but enforced at a later date and it can be included in the agree- ment that a waiver at any one time does not con- stitute a waiver forever. Commissioner Thomas expressed his feeling that if intensification of use along Pacific Coast Highway comes about, there will be a need for more parking and this area may be used for parking, which he did not feel was a compatible use with the area, - and said wall would be a necessary barrier. Ayes I*Ixlx"ISubstitute Motion was then voted on, which MOTION Noes JJ* x CARRIED. Absent Request to permit the tenporary use of a modular building for a California Savings G Loan branch facility in the P-C District. LOCA7%O.I� A portion of Block 93, Irvine's gubdivision, located at 2370 East st Highway, on the northerly si East Coast Highway, wester- ly of Fla hur Boulevard. -10- Item P4 USE PER•- 1WMITi IVP -- CONTINUE[ T' Mccif ��a 4y B 40 a 1thpk� C� 19 80► A unique blend of people and place 4 N'pft; Corona del Mar It= CHAMBER of COMMERCE February 5, 1980 TU: The Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3306 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 PROM: The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce SUBJECT- Parking Lot at 3334 E. Coast Highway The Board of Directors of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce appreciate and understand the desire of the ow- ner of the property at 3334 E. Coast Highway making every effort to comply with the City's parking ordinance. The Corona del Mar Chamber has been on record requesting ad- ditional off-street parking throughout the business dis- trict, therefore, we are alarmed when any parking is- de- leted. Just a few months ago, our Chamber requested that no off- street parking at Albertson's market be eliminated, and this was granted. Therefore, we feel that a. the loss of 14 parking spaces back of Wells Market; 1). the loss of access from a one-way alley; c. poor traffic circulation; d. traffic conjestion as a result of traffic pattern; e. no access from alley when loading of merchandise at the market or for other tenants, needs to be correcte,!. Thr: non-:d of Directors of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests the removal of concrete bumpers and the restoration of parking to the original layout at the parking lot located behind Wells Market. Respectfully,, =— Jerry Stewart President JS:jh 2855 East Coast Highway * Post Office Box 72 + Corona del Mar, California 92625 • 714/673.4050 a.. lob, 3, 1980 R°c City of lewport Beach g FA6 "7 Planning Commission NFq. co,., �9g Lttn: Jim Hewioker �Rr�'�' .�♦` 3300 Newport Blvd. 4�1�°trey Sewport Beach, Ca. 92663 Dear Mr. Hewicker: The City has required certain changes in the parking lot located behind hells Super Market at 3347 S. Coast Hwy., Corona del Her. These changes include narrowing the driveway, redtriping the parking spaces, putting in planters and parking bumperu. This has created some major problems for both businesses in the area and residents of the area, which are as follows: .c 1. The entry driveway has been narrowed making entry difficult for all except compact oars. 2. The exit is now onto a narrow alley and it is impossible for very large cars or bans to negotiate the necessary turns. 3. The exit from the parking lot is into a narrow alley lined with Carages. Any activity in tue a ,ara.-eo, such au oar washing, cleaning, or muvislg olvckd tae uwlt Wid li.. or curu. •s. Ourlu,� t:,u week delivery truo4w :..vu to unlu•d behind ts.e utureu, blocking the u11ey for thr.:u,,,. truffic, uad rs.. nevi parking bumpers prevent care' fru.;, Going uround :B trucks. hie elimination of 13 parking spaces has caused many people to shop eleeewhere where titers to enough parking,' wulcu is a real hardship to the businesses here. o. Many people have already driven tneir oars over the buus,,ers and into the planters and required asuistance or towing to free their cars. :uerefure we feel that the city mould allod n vsriunce iq ts,l, x-nin6 lot so that we can restore U.:. ,urnin s)ru r m -2- to its or^i'ziral layout. t;,- followli.G lieople Support this /.osition and would 11ke to See this proposal seriously considered is tt_e best luter"ts of the local businesdes :,ad convenience to the com".Iuni ty . Nam.I WIT kJ Ift � , i"i',',;�� �':r f�?l': j11G�7 Ciit4LCa�. �" t��'�" -� ' � .' %+-• �" 4 FL.�z� .�`,'� IJ c� — ��R.1 r;�if;v'y' t sincerely, Addreso ' �55 'to l r� u -MIT I' 3lf �!•roHQ t1/�c..� PIN T..... . r' :r ; 4,,..`!«tl.:..�• _ �'"�.� •/'%s,.e� rsFMA../,,+:�.fjy 'i. SI .. �/�..1�'.,�• ,'��,,f•�c,���•, ,_.��73•�C/'I L.'c�at-� l�'r% Lo2�Tr1�.i „�cl` /•.l�ct2 •Ri7P'r �r.Kf,/ ,� �e �CLtCCclw�:�._ ._��.. �� . �y{'.,441`}u�.•�..�E....._. .�bt[/�t�� .--�'��'_'EY1e� ... (i'. '`> '�:?�•7.G'l:Ln A/"...C.(ISO PJ' !%TLc•t�-l�Ci aJ ���_ I tin Z I ` I I} y J �' •) ... • ! .^ f E�! L C. .% i L J. I le,i�,/"tY' a :r / 1.1, 1 .'�`,�':,:,.,; . Y , I • ` .,.. f:.{. . .._. / .3L F � • �i" fi. ,'�L. 7 � t v..C!'c..� �'O (. r w'� (C. W 51.? _'"r. , : _..���%_i'A_,_(�f''��I F •.,.,, �,•`• All �• ,z Ll I, 1•. ...11 Y-". il• •., if , . 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T.. ,, G.� h,`.�!i•'.�' 40 r• i .. �_ .-. __--. _..;0' .�j. iG.fa.V+L •! c�-.a.G �O,aGn /?'+)L.A q. •.�'1 Yl ... - -----��.�.,�-.11 • _ tic,,,.. _ G��f�l ✓�,�f :' Yz- .. fl;—�a Q.0 C`'Cc*-e..r�,.� �i, 44 AA k�- CUM lz:A t, t t�� flrt,i�,��,��� /fl�r 1�,1� C�� •�� Ill �; �•°(tf.,•'tt :,fSCif•.•� .�G�L/ crc,C� f <; D.6t1 Ald j'�L60 ,-. �� �....-1- r i � r ct wi. �C�r.�' r�rC.�•f-mil, r. C..i?•M ))7. J �. 4 uTSO 7�r��tQv�1Q. k� 10 IC(1 di f �rtccCBcLV _�.—.—_ + �`A n � • ; .4I.O Mll ............... 1 �J? •1�l� JL c,G�d^�u. 2-o in CA I Corona del Mar, CA February 79 1980 Planning Commission City Hall Newport Beach, CA Bel Parking lot adjacent to Well's Super Market, also used by other businesses on that block Dear Commieaion3 This is to protest the action taken in making wide -spread changes in this parking lot. It is now extremely difficult to find a parking place, and the addition of cement "tire bumpers" between the lot and the door of the market has created a definite hazard to those walking through the lots Gone is any choice of ingress or egress. Not only is the judgment used in requiring these changes open to debate, but more important is the implication that someone other than the owner knows what is best for his property. In this case, the owner, who footed the bill, and those who use the lot are losers right along with the people who operate the businesses that they support. When work was to be done on our property we had to post a notice by the street for a period of time to allow anyone who wished to dispute our request to bring it before your group. If such a notice had been posted about this change, it seems that the newly existing errors might have been averted. Very truly yours, cc,, Ow:i'1Z I" v A 511 Hazel Drive Corona del Mar, CA 640-7027 x APR 2 R 1980 r+ By fh* CITY CCUNC►L 1TY OF 141WpoRT BBACtl Section 20.30.045E of the Newport Beach as it applies to walls on the boundaries lots adjoining property in an R-1 or R-2 J Municipal Code of parking District B. BOUNDARY WALL. Where the boundaries of parking lots or parking areas adjoin property in an R-1 or R-2 District, a wall shall be construc- ted along such boundaries in such a manner as will provide protection to the public and owners and occupants of adjoining property from noise, exhaust fumes, automobile lights, and other similar sources of disturbance., Such wall shall be constructed of solid masonry to a height of three feet from the front of the property to a depth equal to the required front yard setback established for adjoining property in a resi- dential district. The remaining portion of the wall shall be six feet in height, the lower four feet of which must be of solid masonry construction. (,3 MAR 2 4 1980 March 18, 1980 By OF NC►TY COUNCIL OR CITY By fhe Q1`f COUNCIL tiitNPONT ARACN 1TY 00 k.; n,v1T 4WH City Council 3300 Newport Blvd. APR 28 1980 Newport Beach, California 92663 y By the CITY COUNCIL CITY 00 NOWPORT gRACH Re: Off Site Parking agreement 329 & 331 Marigold Corona Del Mar Dear Sirs: I am asking that you reconsider your reccomendation to install a block wall between our parking area and the property at 337 Marigold. Mr & Mrs Baida of 337 Marigold have asked that we don't install the block wall as they feel it would greatly cut down on their ventilation thruout their house. It also would cause problems for their landscaping. On March'5, 1980 the Planning Commission agreed that the wall was not necessary in their opinion. I am therefore asking that you reconsider your recomendation for the block wall. I am attaching a copy of a letter from Mr & Mrs Baida in regard to the above mentioned matter. Sincerely, Julius V. Evans JVE/be enc. �IRF`YV'D N�yPop F�9�0. � �9t� Bpi � x MAR 10 1800 RESOLUTION NO. eF J� ly HN ury CMQI� cdtx 0.. tlMNbw UAW A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND i CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CON- DITIONS OF APPROVAL OF AN EXISTING OFF -SITE PARKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND JULIUS V. EVANS (3331 East Coast Highway) ` WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach a certain amendment to the Conditions of Approval of an existing Off -Site marking Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Julius V. Evans; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the terms and conditions of said amendment and finds them to be satis- factory and that it would be in the best interest of the City to execute said amendment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that the amendment above described is approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the I City of Newport Beach. ADOPTED this loth day of March , 1980, Mayor ATTEST - city Clerk kv 3/7/00 By RESOLUTION NO. 917 0 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN OFF -SITE PARKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND JULIUS V. EVANS FOR THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 3331 AND 3337 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach a certain Off -site Parking Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Julius V. Evans for the expansion of an existing commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the terms and conditions of said Off -site Parking Agreement and finds them to be satisfactory and that it would be in the best interest of the City to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Agreement; • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that said Off -site Parking Agreement above described is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach. ' ADOPTED this 22nd day of August , 1977. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor i DDO/bc 8/18/77 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach ' 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Space Above This Line For Recorder's Use Only OFF -SITE PARKING AGREE14ENT Julius V. Evans 3331, 3337 East Coast Highway This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 1980, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and JULIUS V. EVANS, hereinafter referred to as "Owner. " RECITALS: W I T N E S S E T H: A. Julius V. Evans is the owner of certain real property located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as: Lot 3, Block "X," Tract 323„ as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, Pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, hereinafter referred to as Parcel "A." B. Owner proposes to expand the existing commercial building located on Parcel "A," which addition will require Owner to provide fifteen (15) off -site parking spaces; and C. Owner owns certain real property located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar, Orange County, State of California, and more particularly described as: Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar Tract, recorded in Book 3, Pages 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, hereinafter referred to as Parcel "B." D. Owner desires to provide the parking for Parcel "A" 6 46 on Parcel "B"; and E. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach approved an off -site parking agreement to allow Owner to provide the necessary off-street parking required for Parcel. "A" on Parcel "B"; and F. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach considered the -provisions of Section 20.30.035 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and determined that the off -site parking agreement should be approved at their meeting held on August 22, 1977. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. For so long as the building located on Parcel "A", as expanded, is used for commercial purposes, Owner will provide'off-site off-street automobile parking on Parcel "B" containing not less than fifteen (15) spaces. 2. In the event said fifteen (15) off-street auto- mobile parking spaces referred to in paragraph 1 above should be terminated or lost to Owner, Owner will immediately thereafter obtain additional off-street parking spaces satisfactory to and to be approved by the City. If the substitute parking spaces are not so obtained, Owner will reduce the usable square footage of said building on Parcel "A" so as to reduce the parking requirement of said structure to a level consistent with off-street parking available to Owner, required by the City of Newport Beach's parking standards then in effect, or terminate the commercial use on Parcel "A". 3. This Agreement shall run with the property described as Parcel "A" and shall bind the heirs, successors in interest and assigns of the parties hereto and shall be -2- r .j 0 recorded in the office of the County Recorder at the County of Orange, State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be made and executed the day and year first above written. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant City Attorney CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A Municipal Corporation By Mayor JULIUS V. EVANS Owner ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ! ON— 19—, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JULIUS V. EVANS known to me, to be the person_ whose name_ is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that _he— executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Nolal, Public in and for said State. ACNNOY7LEOCMEfIT—Goreral_-4Yolrntts Form 233—Rev. 964 -3- 9 Planning Commission Me�ing July 21, 1977 Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 15, 1977 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Discussion) Request to accept an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of an existing commercial building in Corona del Mar. LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e. building site) located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway, between Marguerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e. offsite parking lot) located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Marigold Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONES: C-1 and R-2 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans, Corona del Mar OWNER: Same as Applicant. Recommendation The Staff requests that this matter be continued to the meeting of August 4, 1977. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN. DIRECTOR By V' William R. Laycoc Senior Planner WRL/dlt Planning Commission Meeting August 4, 1977 Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 28, 1977 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Offsite Parking Agreement (Continued Discussion) Request to accept an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expan- sion of an existing commercial building in Corona del Mar. LOCATION: Lot 3, Block X, Tract No. 323 (i.e. building site) located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, on the southerly side of East Coast Highway between Marguerite Avenue and Marigold Avenue in Corona del Mar; Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar (i.e. offsite parking lot) located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Marigold Avenue, in Corona del Mar•. ZONES: C-1 and R-1 APPLICANT: Julius V. Evans, Corona del Mar OWNER: Same as Applicant Application This application requests approval of an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of an existing commercial building. In accordance with Section 20.30. 035 D. of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, pro- viding for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or addi- tional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. Item No. 3 to: Planning Commission - 2. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 11 (Accessory Structures) from the requirements of the California Environ- mental Qualities Act. Conformance with General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the commercial site for "Retail and Service Commercial" and "Administrative, Pro- fessional and Financial Commercial" uses. The proposed commercial use falls within the permitted uses. The area is also designated for a Specific Area Plan. The question of parking lots in a residen- tial district adjoining a commercial district is not addressed by the General Plan. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use A one story building with mixed commercial• uses is located on the property in question. To the north, across East Coast Highway, are commercial uses; to the southeast, is the Coast Supermarket and the Coast Barber Shop on a separate lot but also owned by the applicant; to the south, across a 14 foot wide alley, is an offsite parking lot on two R-1 lots for the commercial uses fronting on East Coast Highway and then a single family dwelling; and to the northwest, are commercial uses, and across a 14 foot wide alley, are apartment build- ings fronting on Marguerite Avenue. Analysis The applicant proposes to expand the existing one story commercial building on the property in question. Approximately 1,209 square feet of commercial space is proposed to be added to the rear of the existing 2,528 square foot t building. The proposed addition will encroach to within 18 feet ± of the rear property line adjacent to a 14 foot wide alley. The Code requires that a minimum 10 foot rear yard setback be maintained in the C-1 District when abutting an alley. Parking Requirements The proposed 1,209 square foot ± addition constitutes approximately 47 percent of the existing 2,528 square foot t structure on the site. Section 20.30.030 B(3) of the Municipal Code provides that when a nonconforming use is enlarged by more than 10 percent of its existing area, the property on which it is located shall be required to comply with the current parking requirements, unless a waiver or reduction of said requirement is authorized by use permit. Fifteen (15) offstreet parking spaces would be required for the expanded development on the site, based upon one parking space for each 250 square feet of floor area (i.e. 31737 sq.ft.t + 250 m 15 spaces). The applicant is requesting the approval of an offsite parking agree- ment for the required 15 parking spaces in the existing parking lot to the south of the building site, across a 14 foot wide alley. Existing Parking Lot The subject parking lot has been utilized for vehicular storage for employees and customers of the commercial uses on the subject property and the adjoining Coast Market site ever since the buildings were constructed over 27 years ago. The parking lot use on two R-1 lots was established prior to the time that a use permit was required for commercial parking lots in a residential district. Voluntary Parking Spaces No parking spaces were required by Code when the commercial uses were constructed on the subject property. The existing offsite parking Item No. 3 TO: Planning Commission - 3. lot has been maintained on a voluntary basis over the years. Therefore, a single family dwelling could legally be constructed on both of the R-1 lots and the subject parking lot could be eliminated. The recent recommended change -to the Ordinance noted below would not affect this situation. At its meeting of July 7, 1977, the Planning Commission recommended the approval of Amendment No. 496. If approved by the City Council, said amendment will provide that when a use, building or building site is changed or altered to conform or more nearly conform to current requirements, it may not thereafter be made to less nearly conform with. the requirements of the Zoning Code. In other words, on -site parking provided on a voluntary basis would be considered to be required park- ing and the spaces so provided could not be eliminated or used to satisfy requirements for the enlargement of the use. However, in this particular case, the parking has been provided on a voluntary basis off -site across an alley on separate lots from the commercial site and is not covered by the proposed amendment. Revised Parking Layout The applicant proposes to restripe the existing offsite parking lot with 20 conforming parking spaces. The existing lot now has 29 undersized parking spaces that encourages automobiles to partially park in the existing alley. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the proposed parking lot design. It appears that a reduction in the number of parking spaces will not create a traffic problem. A field survey by staff on Friday, July 8, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. revealed that only six automobile's were parked in the subject offsite parking lot. Specific Findings and Recommendation Staff recommends the approval of an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces for the expanded commercial building and suggests that the Planning Commission make the following findings in. connunction with the applicant's request: 1. The offsite parking'area is directly across an alley from the subject commercial site, and therefore, is so located to be useful to the proposed development. The offsite parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. In fact, the proposed parking layout of the subject parking lot will create better vehicular maneuverability and automobile storage than now exists. 3. The commercial site and the offsite parking lot are in the same ownership. 4. The City Traffic Engineer has no objections with the offsite parking,arrangement. Approval of the offsite parking agreement is recommended, subject to the following conditions: That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 15 parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 29 and 31, Block 239, Corona del Mar, for the duration of the proposed expanded commercial building located at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway. 2. That the offsite parking lot shall be marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide in accordance with the approved parking layout. 3. That signs be provided on the rear of the proposed expanded commercial building indicating the following statement. "No parking - loading zone only." _11� TO: Planning Commission - 4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, DIRECTOR --W11116M R. LaYCOW, Senior Planner WRL/sh Attachments: Vicinity Map Assessor's Parcel Map Letter from Applicant dated July 209 1977 Plot Plan Floor Plans, Elevations Item No. 3 0 •• � sd< MAI No. N Jlt NAP Nd. /> OFFSITE PAnxima LOT SOBUCT r*Olpg'RTY C J�. n ;P 6• o, \P\ ,�-...rn. ai+� '9:1. \vj P N./ 1• Q O t�vt, N° L -Z, l �r��•��j� �6 e' R• A./ p\y 9! `z PJ� o a� 'r'w\/ • ,_........_,.. ?s, SDP N./,ro° ......b..... '',ro, _ .. b ro° vs� ,y .R•/ as �� r •y % /AEC N nl. ry0 //�� •+O. •ID- � cjj'I c i . xD Alv !eh /_r.•../> mlvrc A. MI nR-s uI inrI. w eNl°pW.M x/A ly !/unlra..+.Arw rr ' a!`u •w m 1 Mn xt /N {AlOxI III/! OMtN M?? /MM R-I /Y'f/' .va � aoi f0I J�OY�/r Y.'9J lAUE• % ]D C/.N Y n (°f/r 1 71 .II FEET .n we 9.lA/ ArRi DISTRICTING iVlAr. NPORT BEACH — CALIFORN AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL R-A MULTIPLE FESIDENIIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL C-I LIGNi COMMERCIAL DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL C-i GENEML COMMERCAL RLGfL. MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL M-1 MANUFACTURING nwemm� meiRlcTS u_ UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED �y W. ORD NO NS K I'm MAP NO. OFFSITE PARKING AMEEMENT 3AINd 3dl.VAVB l ' 70 i r. L 1 1. lSypp V, z r O O Q OFFWTE PARKING AGMM&AT �' q--r E C] '_ 'S*W lL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 716 MARIGOLD AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA 92625 Phone: Area (714) 640-7960 License o2001 July 20. 1977 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. ' Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 Gentlemen: I recently purchased the property at the Southwest corner of East Coast Highway and Marigold Avenue. I wish to upgrade and improve a portion of the property at 3331 and 3337 East Coast Highway, AKA Lot 3, Blk. X, Tract 3239 according to the plans submitted. The intent is to add 1209 sq. ft. The existing first floor is 2528 sq. ft., making a total of 3737 sq. ft. This total area would require 15 parking spaces. We have an available 20 spaces. These changes will eliminate a hazardous condition which now exists between the alley and the existing structures. The steep, slippery asphalt surfaced area will be replaced with a concrete loading area, walks and steps with handrails. We intend to tie the existing parking across the alley to the proposed addition by an off -site parking agreement. The parking is on two R-1 lots located at 329 and 331 Marigold Avenue, AKA, lot 29 and 31, Block 239, Tract 3/41, 42. At present I observe that these parking spaces are used to about 50% capacity. Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. Sincerely yours, � iue Y.Evane RESOLUTION NO. 9744 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF AN EXISTING OFF - SITE PARKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND JULIUS V. EVANS (3331East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar) WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach a certain amendment to the conditions of approval of an existing off -site parking agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Julius V. Evans; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the terms and conditions of said amendment and finds them to be satisfactory and that it would be in the best interst of the City to execute said amendment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that the amendment to the con- ditions of approval of an existing off -site parking agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Julius V. Evans is approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach. ADOPTED this loth day of March , 1980. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk