HomeMy WebLinkAbout600 WEST COAST HWY600 WEST COAST HWY rl \ UPPER BAY .•L1a AI 6flJOG � I� I� v J pip ' • �F.. ; �1 Y-t W bP0 I• Ga ob 4�a NDF m• �t R\ 1 env ' 'R•I R•I ' •Io- .ip• C<@ OnIYi 1 ?-I• R•1 _ _ R•1 �` R•I M RA'(eAD4E DRIVE 1,�1 _ JI rIJ �1I 1 4t%nJCJp+ uf7- 1 t 5 CAP cl. 5� s• ilpA Q �tl L � AE \L A -xs- wYu I4. ua: grn�a ura fN+Pi1iP un� NEVIPORT BAY l� R—t tli rHf R•I NAR Off'_' SEE NAP NA 11 —_UM !</JMJ'=/� �`Y—L.I�Y —WtJJ J�f ARDCPD. ]J Y qJ—Y'�fffv �YU', tl alfsi/'U LfrJ4—`�YV:a/J 9Y J3YJ _j AJJI%LTU4AU-PE5IDLSYIAL VISO= C-M 1100030110000 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT xbnlYnf lCOxp REVISIONS .: •GM. • W:r+lox Cf1C )1fGXCARY L.AT OCATIOM]_ DATE J S,MLE FAMILY DISTAICT C-O LIMITED COMMERCIAL - MULTIPLE RECIDFHTIAL DISTRICT gAq O.Y fm w[aa ena axm nr xafi• ix-u- IH.0 wx w•+I I s • j OUPLES RCIIDLAITLAL DISTnICT CO� LICHT COMAIEACIAL 013TRIDT Llfx NlJpxl GL'fl 0x •[AIT IT I. D xirc"o ea[D°n. i4ix0- DfsM rx f I.1lwl.wnl4P V nn whir+wlMw CtA+IY 1�0 �, 1 PECTIMCTCD 1ILVIDLE PY OEDTIAI r D-� CeNENAI COMMERCIAL DISTRICT uy Vi lA eDflr C•I'x YIP xM • D-u-To vC. - f�. w I�afwill wf'xP f: fxr) f.rrY� r. 1 NASIPLC UILIDFNTIAL DITICT �1� IMTCRYEOIATE DUTRItt :"fg13K xICIA[11➢GT<0 ATp1,1011 P > IMxwx uux0 ID IP+xgi MGPYPG IfI/VP xrCO[ FxtT1 w+ F.N4,Iu w.'.'.L,a ww..I[� f i ow ii� is xi Ik D ,JC0N31pIH0 ON •0' 013PPIT r u UMCLAC01vIP0 DIORItCT (p i�I II�L v[nT I41ax}InoV-u•+0 ° i•M �iwlfYlNf �'Vf] LIAIIIN OCALH, Off -SITE --'AT'KImG Pox MEN MEDALLION N01QSE-g r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFURNIA Mvereber,16," 1974 Qree4 Medallion Nursery" 600 blast•Coast Rigtway Newt oxvt Beach, CA 0660 •. Attacl*d is a copy of the executed Off -Site Parking Agreement between' the Green Medallion Nur=7 and the City of Ne•.Wt Beach. 'Thus agreement was recorded its the County Reeorder's blfica cn November u, 1974 in,took 11279$'Page 1844, The agreement was authorized by the City Council on October, 29, 1974 by the adoption of Rer#alution No. 6376. taaura Xagioa, City Clerk iLsswk , MOO rot 0"Yz :ty Development Aepartmacst Book 11279 Page 1844 Official Records of Orange County 9:05 am Nov. 45 1974 Instrument No.1616 OFF -SITE PARKING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of �J�_7ol3FR , 1974, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY",* and GREEN MEDALLION NURSERY, INCORPORATED, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "GREEN MEDALLION". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, GREEN MEDALLION is the lessee of that certain par- cel of real property located in the,City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and described as Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Tract 1210, as recorded in Book 40, Pages 45 and 45, of the Miscellaneous Maps of the County of Orange, State of California, more commonly known as 600 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California. A copy of said lease is attached hereto, marked as "Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, GREEN MEDALLION proposes to conduct a nursery business on said property; and WHEREAS, GREEN MEDALLION proposes to locate its structures on Lots 16, 17 and a portion of Lot 15 of said property, and to locate its parking on Lots 14 and 15 of said property; and WHEREAS, the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires that such an establishment maintain at least nine (9) parking spaces for the use of its employees and business invitees; and WHEREAS, on October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an off -site parking agreement between the CITY and GREEN MEDALLION be approved which will guarantee that a minimum of nine (9) parking spaces be provided -on Lots 14 and 15 of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. For so long as the proposed nursery is located on the above -described real property, nine (9) parking spaces shall be main- tained for the use of employees, customers and business invitees of -1- the nursery; 2. In the event the use of the parking spaces on Lots 14 and 15 of the subject real property should be terminated for any reason, GREEN MEDALLION Will immediately thereafter obtain additional off -site parking spaces satisfactory to and'approved by the CITY. If substitute parking facilities are not obtained, GREEN MEDALLION shall cease its business operations; 3. This agreement shall run with the real property described within and shall bind•the heirs, successors in interest, and assigns of the parties hereto and it shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange, State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date set forth above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' J c C Assista t City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY GREEN MEDALLION NURSERY, INC. 1. GREEN MEDALLION On October 31 , 1974, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Donald A. McInnis , known to me to be the Mayor, and Eaura Eagios , known to me to be the City Clerk of the municipal corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the municipal corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed -the within instrument pur- suant to a resolution of its -City Council. WITNESS my hand and official seal. DO OTyy L, PALEb pVC�1� 7 PRiN I1'AL LlccAL1F . OR61A ly co ORANGE C UNr IN Notary Publi n and for said State —2— �- v STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On October 25 , 1974, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Harold R. Hirsch , known to me to be the Vice President of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corpora- tion executed the within instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a reso- lution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. y / •• Or- I. ! -FqL LAI Ir L' G105 KTAF. I• g :I , 1LI1FOftNIA ORANCL I•,:UNTY My Commission Expires April 3, 1975 '........................................................ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Notary Public in and CXor said State On October25 , 1974, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Harold C. Hirsch , known to me to be the President of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corpora, tion executed the within instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a reso- lution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . . .........................i ^ I........ SFAL' i="•',1 L;•,-';'•� L"Gtos ': Notary Public in an�d fV said State �..;-,• ,n ��i;JTni,i rtlL" CgI1FORNIAE t 0 Fi•i:^�L .•JiITY My Commission Expires April 3, 1975 -3- Sa � 1' t eS . t as a � a -r ....• • CALIFORNIA {TEAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORIM .EXHIBIT "An _ TY ' 14th September 11ji.5 ,JI1b911tUrC, mode the ............................... ......day of.......................................{. D. l i-.. .... !i between..........................................•........................------..........................._........................_................._...... if ................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... Iturainuilt r calfud Ilia and............ Mi chael. x,...xirs cX1....................................................................................................... 4 ............................................................................................................................................................... o� ......................................... f.en,usuft::r co!lud th.: WITNESSETH, that the lessor does by these presents, lease and demise mtto the ha: a of: of 14u property a situated in Ilia .....Newport Beach County of ...... Qrenge........................................................... Mate of California, descriued a, luilar,c, to wit: f (yy1 _C?: 600 Tel. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California N 6� Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 Tract 1210 PQ for the term of. .... three gears beginning..OStOTbeT 1, .................1927 ., and ending..00tober 14 J9.77.-- forthe total rent or sum of. ..... Thirty_seven,thousand-.eight..hundred and•.no�100 in lawful money of the United States of Americo, payable as follows, to wit: Lessee agrees to pay first'and last months rent in advance which includes $300.00 to be applied to -taxes. Receipt of 019050.00 is hereby acknowledged as deposit for first months rent on lease with balance of $1050.00 to be paid on or before date of occupancy of said property for last mohbhs rent. Balance of rent including taxes to be paid on the 15th day of each month until the entire sum of 37o800.00 has been paid. ***See paragraph 21. Lessor agrees to grant Lessee an additional six year -option with terms to be negotiated at time of exercising dears option upon ninety, day written notice of desire to excercise option. All of sold rent shall be paid at Ilia office of.....{Tohnson..and..S.on,..Lincoln. -..Mercury :.............. the agent of the lessor,.2626 Harbor Blvd. Street„•Costa Mesa, California 9262.6_ .................................... .........._.................. . California, or at such other place as may be designated by the lessor. IN ADDITION THERFfO IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS, TO Wit: First: That the lessee shall pay the lessor said rent in the manner Iterembefore speodred, and shuil not let au underlef the whole or any part of said premises, nor sell or assign This lease, aimer volunlunly of by u;.croaon of law, nor allow sold properly to be occupied by anyone contrary to Ilse loans heruol, wilhuul the v.niien consent of the lessor, Second: That should said rent be .not paid when due or should the lessee default in oiy of the covenants at conditions contained herein, the lessor, or his representative or agani, may re-enler said premises end remove all persons therefrom; Third: That the lessee shall occupy said demised premises and shall keep the same in !loud condition, inducting such Improvements as may be made thereon hereafter, the usual weui and four and J,mtape by ll.e elements excepted. and shall not make 6ny alterations thereon without Ilia wrdlen consetsl of the lessor and %hull nal commit or suffer to be, committed any waste upon said premises; Fourth: Thal said premises shall not be used by the luysee, nor anyone else, during the turns hei uuf or any o%fen- sion thereof, for the sale of any intoxicating liquors, nor for any illegal or, immoral purpose, and thut possession of said premises by the lessee or his successors or assigns shall not be construed as conveying any title thereto or ownership thereof; Fifth: Thal all Governmentdl laws and ordinances sholl.be compiled with by the lessee; Si.1h. That the lessee waives ,If rights under Section 19,12 of If,, Cint Code of Cot L_rn •r n.,,l r••'• ns•rs •n: lessor from any and all domoges which rimy be suMained by the lessee Or any other licitly dvling !i.e rirn= I, •soy be in possession of said premises; Seventh: That should the occupancy of scild pieneLse;, by the lessee, cause th`: present fire a,d hnbit.ty insurance rotes applicable thereto to be Increased, the lessee shall pay the difference upon the urnount of fire and tiabdry insur- once now being carried by the lessor and said difference shall be it, additior• to the amount of retao! specified herein and shall be pold to fliv l+rssor upon demand; , Eighth. "hot should the lessor be compehed to commence or sustain an uction at to, to v_,IB,c! s,nd rern+ or ports thereof or so dispossess :he lessee or to recover possession of said premises, lire lessee arc! pety ail c•,s1a :1• connection therewith indudtog a reasonable fee for the Otto, nay of the !cssar; Ninth. Thal the waiver, by the lessor, of c11y eave:eanl or condition hernia conta;ned shall not the same or any other covenant or condition conta;ned herein and that the lernls and omdiho:,s contained hele:n ;!;_it apply to and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of tF,., pnrli,;s heevl% Tenth: 'tint shct,:d Ifte lessee occupy soi.i perm:a+s after flip eapi,aliol• dote ->f dn. Io.se, y..'h 16e consent of the lessor, expressed or implied, such poss.-,i;os shall be roasl•mnd to be a Tenancy front morel', to month oral said lessee shall pay said lessor for said ornsisos il,e vvo ofs.�s,05,.•00 ..............p.;, nlond: for such d o + lessee tray remain in possession.thereof; Eleventh: That said premises sliall not be used by the Ir•,ee durir❑ 1:1V :ent1 of this !scs.r for other :hart NUTserr'f.•.......................................................................................................purposes except with the written consent of the lessor; Twelfth: That at the expiration of said i@rm or the sooner determination thereof, the lessee shall peacefully quit , and surrarider possession of said premises in as good condition as renscrrlble use and wear thereof will permit; , Thirteenlh: That all words used herein in The slogulat number sholl include the plural and the present tense shall Include the future and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the lessor and the less-3e have executed tyis indenture as of the day and year first above wrilien. For th.,. horn, n hhn, C,,R.'sM 4111 E,M11 Avodalmq 520 So Los Aryl„ • UPq ICoVYfghr. IV:e, by C011MrnM Q,al Estate A,wammnl FORM -L-1n l .OLU .4 !) v 0 I ADDENDUM TO LEASE DATED September 14, 197L BETWEEN JOHNSON and -SON and MICHAEL H. HIBSCH Fourteenth: All alterations. to the leased premises shall be maa,_ at the Lessee's sole cost and expense, The Lessee has the right t" m5y.! interiort• chaiYges,• necessary to conducting a nursery upon approval of L-:zsor. Fifteenth: Lessee agrees to pay for al this lease, •• l utilities during the tern of Sixteenth: Lessee agrees to pay all taxes, real•and perscral., a.ss :seed against subject property. Seventeenth: The Lessee shall have the privilege of piecinv on or attaching to the building and/or premises wher.in the !•!ased preiri es are located signs, without the Lessors approval, provided the.- do no violate the laws and regulations of the city and state, The Lessee - also agrees at the request of the Lessor that it will promptly remove such sign oxi:aigns after the expiration of this lease, Eighteenth: Lease subject to Lessee obtaining a "Land Use per:st+' _'ram the city :of Newport,Beach, California, and any or all sovernmental agencies concerned, Nineteenth: The Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, but for the mutual benefit of Lessor and Lessee, maintain general public liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage -occurring in, upon or about the demised premises, and on, In or about the sidewalks directly adjoining the demised premises_ The limitation of liability of such insurance shall be Fifty Thousand and no/100 (050.,000.00) Dollars for injury (or death) to any one person, and•One Hundred. -Thousand and n0/I00 (WO,000.00) Dollars for injury (624dgathT .to•morw than one person, and -Five Thousand and no/100 ( j;b0f)';Ot1)"Dollars' with.respect to :property. damage: All such policies oft -Insurance shall be issued in the name of the Lessee; and Lessor and:for the mutual and joint benefit and protection of the parties and such po . 1" 111' of insurance, or. copies thereof shall be delivered to the Leslot, Ahd`as often as any such policy or Policies shall expire or terminate,,,.xenewal-om.%addittonal policies shall'be procured and main- tai'aeil bg, Lessee •in ijike 'Manner -and to like extent. All such ,policies_... - shalY,.contaii2 ,cl9ipse3 or; endorsement- to the effect that they may not be Germinated; or;,,materially.;•amend'ed. except after ten (10)-`�days•' wr. t en_ notice rthereof•;to Lessor,-: Lessee., agrees that all such pol_modes„of•-.insurance.-ca7rried: and, maintained by it pursuant to the '''•= requlrementis' .of-; this. Articie shall be issued by -,a so-called Board Company;or.Compa:•, Twentieth; Lessor agrees.to have:roof.in good condition and maintain same for'durat'ion of lease. Lessor further agrees to replace any and all broken or damaged windows as of this date. Lessee to be responsible for all windows thereafter. Lessor agrees,;to•remove.exlsting wall between Lots 16 and 17.•,.`"Lessee shall have the right to install any fencing necessary to conduct his business. Upon termination of lease Lessee shall remove; said fencing,. ••:i. Twenty one: At the end 'of •each'tax year, an accounting will be .rendered by sub -Lessor to sub -Lessee showing the actual amount' of taxes assessed, the amount collected and paid over, and the balance due, if any, shall be promptly paid by the sub -Lessee to sub -Lessor, if an overpayment has-been made, proper credit will be statement. given on the,nextmnr_th's rent premises by the lessee or his successors or assigns shall not be construed as conveying uup ,d,c thereof; Fifth: Thai all Governmental laws and ordinances shall be complied with by the lessee; t COUNCIL EN �c'\L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL O T 9f Nm�lm�opi� October 29, 1974 INDEX Motu %x The matter was referred back to the staff and to Ayes x x 2t I the Bicycle Committee to work with the County Park and Recreation Department to put across, to the degree they can, the City's position regarding the \ approved Master Plan of Bikeways as it applies to �N wport Beach. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were Rproved by one motion affirming the' Ayes x x x x x x i actions on the Consent Calenda• 1. The following ordinance was intrLduced and passed to second reading on November 11, 1 ` Proposed Ordinance No. 1590, being, AN ORDI CE Pacific OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION Coast Hwy 12.12.060 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO Prkg Lot ESTABLISH A PARKING PERMIT SYSTEM FOR THE PACIFIC -1590 COAST HIGHWAY CITY PARKING LOT. (A report from the City Attorney was presented). 2. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution No. 8375 authorizing_the execution o_f an Off -site off -site parking agreement between -the-City-of Parking Newport Beach and the Green Medallion,,Nyrsery,. (A Green report from the Community Development Department was Medallion presented.) R-8375 3. The following communications were referred as indi- cated: Referred to Board of Library Trustees and direction to the Mayor to prepare a draft reply, letter from The Irvine Company regarding a library site in Ne ort Center and a letter from the Board of Library T stees requesting a meeting with Council at the Stud Session on October 29. Referred to Planning Commission, Lett from Victor R. Yack opposing the proposed office b lding to be built on the site of the Lido Shg es Hotel. Referred to Planning Commisson, letter from S.P.O.N. (Stop Polluting Our Newpo t objecting to plans for The Castaways. Referred to staff or inclusion in on -going study, letter from S.P,•.N. objecting to the proposed retaining wa ""surrounding most of the Coves project. Referred o staff for inclusion in on -going study, lett r from arbor Senior Citizens Club in support of a local bus ystem. Referred to staff for appropriate action, letter from Michael J. Anderson regarding the storm drain system at the intersection of Alta Vista and Aralia in Eastbluff and stating that the system is deficient. r Volume 28 - Page 259 • COMMUNT7., nrl,r-i nppnF7KIT RESOLUTION NO. 8375 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN OFF -SITE PARKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND THE GREEN MEDALLION NURSERY WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach a certain agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the Green Medallion Nursery in connection with off -site parking; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the terms and conditions of said off -site parking agreement and found them to be fair and equitable, and in the best interests of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that said off -site parking agreement above described is approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach. ADOPTED this 29th day of October , 1974. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DDO/bc 10/22/74 City Council Meeting October 29, 19.74 Agenda Item No. H-2(PQ 11", LAIO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: off -Site Parking Agreement in Conjunction With LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach -Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffi.c hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites).. (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a, written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded -in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one-story building, Located at 60.0 West,.Coast,,Highway,-that formerly wa's„occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing"struct'ur'e','`donfd'itt'i'ng' 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related -parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there is. inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17. All of the lots in question are under a single three-year lease. Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing site parki-ng agreement between the City Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By QQy4At Q, 4 - - S D. HEWIC CER ssi tant Director - Planning JDH/kk Attachments for Council Only: Vicinity Map Plot Plan the execution of an off - of Newport Beach and Harold \ UPPER BAY 90 PC I e• $41 0 1 •; 1 ' 1.1 M • P Oda J ' i %• S� O~ IA 3 .4y • Y � ] CIO - l+y 1Jo• b Spa 9e� j[4T.t65.At W "R•I R•I ♦• CSIV• 4 R'1' 1 e m 'R,l' R•I i 0.4� '.\v .O fA IJ• • I ' R'I • . _ _ R4 R•I �. •ti• VV . Ta�eAOh! DgiV! -U- { I•L.t nlv,t s�.7 �U_ Ifl ri/�fi r�/ al 11 I/IN,�Aa'yr NEMPORi BAY ' �'" Pf fHML JIM NAP MG If AWPI jaFIC01$Uh]L-ReDID!TTpL 01]TgIR C-N gEIOH!OTMOOD CO""C" •D19TRCT ]lwnOnJ(wnr) ReV1910N3 ..x.r.T T]•O.HS tJ:ubN J9WLJG Tn[n0]Mnf Y[OT- out P-1-I a1rtMDTm u. wxn�SiOM•NfYo I,D_srl`ovi uow[ �91gld f]YILY C19TdICT C•0 LIMITED COVVLTCIAL-NJLTIDL8 P290GTIa1 DI9YgitT W,LSY q!91DYYTPL OI9TMCT CC� L."" CCNN2"OLl DIDTgICf tLII Ot.[I:^FI Vlld nt//Ort ♦>',�-F °foo.re°u`'1 [wyn llnn ,w.�w[w..w ]Y �• t 1 n59TgCTdO NVLYt,LZ AAL1D!Ntlal �� CeNlNAL COMM[T(SaL OISTgICf uintw.o,Lrrot t.l»AwV T•1 p0-W TO hC »4,r r y'•'•M, ^Y. ✓•i\4[]b+^:f4 r iw �MAT:nLd IIGSIDRNf1AL 'Or ..11CT �_� INTCTTdDlafd DI]fRICT 11Mlb,O TIVL\TT {OUitO ATb1.1011 [ �j�ii:4'io�ii'"ie:;vw'Mie7 1•]MTt t�»'M �INMwFMw'n41D+.Y•s»- w✓ni en�"•f�wunw a m.•II �CCN]ININO CN O 019TdIT C�ONCLA9YIv1E0 ODliIICT 1�i'pYMf r40[i�TOY •W IO 4'^'wN� j.NuiinY•Y'^+U'.� IrTH mI CGLLd Off - S1Tg • ?A9K ING GREEN MEDALLION 600 W. COAST NEWPORT BEACH, City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioner Newport Beach, California Dear Planning Commissioner: NURSERY ocr z 5 i374z:- HIGHWAY 1 CpTT or acts, CALIFORNIA ca r October 15, 1974 We would appreciate your consideration in favor of our,request for an off - site parking agreement to be used in our new nursery business. Our lease incorporates the use of all four lots; namely 14-15-16-17 of Tract 1210. Approval would be in keeping with more than ample parking for our proposed addition of 999 Sq. Ft. on Lot 17. This request is very essential to our new business venture. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, GREEN MEDALLIO NURSERIES, INC. 9 Harold Hirsch President hb City Council Meeting October 29, 1974 Agenda Item No. H-2(dx4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in Conjuncti LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT:. Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach -Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by�the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed'use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one-story building, located at 6.0.0 West_Coast,Highway-,--that formerly wa's.occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing "s't-r'u'ciure', "66ht'alin'i.n.g., 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related' -parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal.Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there is inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17. - All of the lots in question are under a single three-year lease. ti Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing the execution of an off - site parking agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Harold Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By ft2, :;D, S D. HEWIC CE ssi tant Director - Planning JDH/kk Attachments for Council Only: Vicinity Map Plot Plan * Planning Commission Meeting October 17, 1974 Item No. Additional Business CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 16, 1974 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in conjunction with the proposed Green Medallion Nursery. LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery on the property in question. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the build-• ing site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common ownership in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. Analysis and Recommendation The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one story building located at 600 West Coast Highway that was formerly occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing structure is situated on Lot 16, Tract 1210, with its related thirteen parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). a The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq. ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of •the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires Item No. Additional Business TO: Planning Commission - 2. four parking spaces for the proposed lath house on Lot 17 (i.e. one space/250 sq. ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be provided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be loca- ted on Lots 14 and 15, since there is inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lot 17. Staff has no objections to the applicant's request, since the four lots in question are all being leased for the nursery use for a period of at least three years. It should be noted that the existing 1,100 sq. ft. building and the proposed 1,000 sq. ft. lath house would require nine parking spaces, and the existing parking lot has thirteen parking spaces. Staff recommends approval of an Off -Site Parking Agreement, guarantee- ing that a minimum of nine parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 for the duration of the nursery use on the property in question. DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R_ V_ HOM Wo WRL Att s; \ UPPER Y I PC l BAY I t li \ nP`Y[E 0'j6' IOG ' 5 013 J geoT vil RI i �• •An GOO\ °" °p\ c 0 [ i S{ ? PO I I GOP - n(Cylb i yrL •A'D..4 T R,I R•I t \%fi •Vi• • � e I.�4TE•1 t - G\Y\.1 �• LHIVE - 'R/yD A' � R•1 R•1 i o - ••o• M cc- - DRIVE Ij aW R•1 n� R•1 _ _ R•i R•1 -m- ° DAYSHORE DRIVE I D- [ Gi�VP� { CAPS ell co / 1 bn 5• • LI�pP \ ID L \ \ G[JNNG4 (SSA<Y! \ D— \ ID 1 IS b .r . M .. Va rx 10- .,ewuD NEWPORT R-1 RAY R.1 •n. IY 1+R 1 w J� " R. 1 n %iA�V IOR R 1 ND V O —WiS 311-PO -1 ^C�7•�G.rACIA—<i7ALO'"FORfl 0 A ED AD"D No '�97�J 0 Cl J AORICULTUYAL-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT C•N NEIOHRORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT avl9mnf lcOxp REVISIONS +v-nOr LOC+rIJx Pnl[ A�U[110XITY LOCATION DOTE SINGLE FAMIIX OISTPICT C•D LIMITED COHHENCUL-MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL D15Tfi<T DnAW u>i Pov . ixL xo%d aY w[9r• Or N.FUST OY Y)PU NlwgPl Be smm N[n <°.Lsr xNrLr++.uMlu d roan [n vin+"Iv u• a-n-u x>, >! 1Al PN-pnxy u>e>+"e .xrvn+ �1 C-1 LIGHT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT [J DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT is RESTRICTED MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL C4 OTNERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT wyxnn, lrnox 'i n o-°-T° P-C r � kVLTIPLC RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT LJ INTERMEDIATE OISTRICi °nq[U lvo Im+xo <Pi+rcI.S.I. Ao ,H.o ni IunI I. fuxo n ++4qr T° TML NInPOR 19L>FP PPpi[ L:L-i R ri Ln .naw vm+ • u>"r.rem ? �.n + �' �;+ I1e11>IN ICO 0 1 >,n I� CON31YIH0 OH 'D> DISTRICT UNCLASSIFIED DISTRICT oIIR M1IIn 1�]uis + / . r'Ag#;1A'G AGIMEMC-AI T F01K G�RGEN MEDALLION N01?5ERY A. Planning Commission Meeting October 17, 1974 Item No. Additional Business CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 16, 1974 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in conjunction with proposed Green Medallion Nursery. LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application t of West Bayshores. This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery on the property in question. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the build- ing site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common ownership in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Community Development. Analysis and Recommendation The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one story building located at 600 West Coast Highway that was formerly occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing structure is situated on Lot 16, Tract 1210, with its related thirteen parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 s.q. ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires Item No. Additional Business TO: Planning Commission - 2. four parking spaces for the proposed lath house on Lot 17 (i.e. one space/250 sq. ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be provided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be loca- ted on Lots 14 and 15, since there is inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lot 17. Staff has no objections to the applicant's request, since the four lots in question are all being leased for the nursery use for a period of at least three years. It should be noted that the existing 1,100 sq. ft. building and the proposed 1,000 sq. ft. lath house would require nine parking spaces, and the existing parking lot has thirteen parking spaces. Staff recommends approval of an Off -Site Parking Agreement, guarantee- ing that a minimum of nine parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 for the duration of the nursery use on the property in question. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN MA w7111am K. Laycoc Senior Planner WRL/sh Attachments: Vicinity Map Letter from Applicant Plot Plan, Item No. -Additional Business i UPPER �r Oa�P-t sAOF BAY PC EAPS� ell p At I 4 J\ �; ... G,DI.1 a 4 .e� pplpG Ispa Mf IT }r ' L SoBj gT ?ko'' eg1U •TT `•`Gav'P `-� ' ` 1 JUN4G µ _ N f_ OAP 00 ,4.+� • • °j i E E l`aSP�� LF�'¢M`J .` `G R 1-j 1 -lo. ' -� - Fl-1 IS�• O vi\ i •� To F n1, e _ ea Wk'SS .a' %te j6'Ai R 1 R•1 of r✓ va. a.�Rlxun tivcu_ �J r / � S,i -Io- IIv nan¢w un� oa � A R' NEWPORT yf- O ,.f� 'I <ec- DRIP_ I / +'a• Rd -n• n a a= BAY /fare o rrl W' R•1 _ _ R•1 o R•1 R•I r OR -In. -ID- •ID- _ { DAAaGNE CURVE • ' �'�d--���, -Io- --- sRF mm un v REMTla•., ,Ann R-1 MyLTV��Y�'Y�--U✓JY'UJ --1'JJ—UVff/f J�JUU—LWl11 NSJU—_\f%:4wtlW✓U'LJfD PIT Ao00H0. 11 0A^+RRSXTU4AL-SESIDEXTIAL DISTRICT C•N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL D13TRICT J SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT <-0 LIMITED C04MERCIAL-MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL O,STRICT C-[ LIGHT COMMERCGL DISTRICT 4EDTOGTED MULTIPLE RLSIDEXTIAL C-2 OENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT INTERMLDIATE DISTRICT 1 I COMGIXIXU OR "U" OISTRILT �� URCLAOUIEIEO DISTRICT R[VnIDXf(WIT) REVISIONS a„ vm wt lDx DnTt 'ORE __�_tGt0WTI0N9 _ ...•.. EEf •ifY/NNI Rq Y'n tr v)E RI _ n n Y x. w) w aaa _ p/T_C W,i tfu n n nu 0:}lglf)6 O4DMIUO.11.LY [L,We0 PY T21N0y fn U+w6](- GP rEffi D PPLT Ml4POBf e_p.SX•JLJfin BT•[a OOfT n r Dr M+en m.,I .MLY6- .XXi I.0 <OBI.fROY 4nN DII•f D-Y-iO R-w LO CAT[D fgl•IUf fxi ecn I ,. RO ADAY:[X( D ixC xxR 00111LaxD ML �.YpOM[xT IF 9 x} fn0i-U•{0 IE•IM1if 1...... .a, M/ E aw'e ICG O m.3'.CI CGALE .. A F0,9 GEC N M PAt c tON A/0115 f g� GREEN MEDALLION 600 W( COAST NEWPORT BEACH, City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioner Newport Beach, California Dear Planning Commissioner: NURSERY v . 0C'f -i 1974,, HIGHWAY OF clr-', 1IE4VFO:Zr \ .?.; RZ,Oj� CALIFORNIA \Y ; CALIF. October 15, 1974 We would appreciate your consideration in favor of our•request for an' off - site parking agreement to be used in our new nursery business. Our lease incorporates the use of all four lots; namely 14-15-16-17 of Tract 1210. Approval would be in keeping with more than ample parking for our proposed addition of 999 Sq. Ft. on Lot 17. This request is very essential to our new business venture. Thanks for your consideration. hb i Sincerely, GREEN MEDALLIO NU SERIES, INC. Harold Hirsch President • Y: COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CA m m S m C D p �� m October 17, 1974 MINUTES 71a.. value of the beaches." Planning Commission discussed Commissioner Seely' suggestion. Motion X Pla ng Commission adopted Resolution No. 903 All Ayes recomme 'ng to the City Council that the Recreation Open Space Element be amended to remove the spec 'c references to public parking lots from t section and to replace Item 3 with the followi sentence: "The City will determine a desirable maximum capacity of the bea and explore possible methods of lime ' g beach use to this capacity in order assure that over -use does not destroy the recreational and environmental value of the beaches." ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDITIONAL Off -Site Parking Agreement in conjunction with BUSINESS the proposed Green Medallion Nursery. OFF -SITE Location: Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Tract 1210, PARKING located at 600 West Coast Highway, AGREE - on the northerly side of West Coast MENT -- Highway, across West Coast Highway GREEN from Bayshores. EDALLION NURSERY Zone: C-1-H APPROVED Applicant: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Community Development Director Hogan advised that this proposal is to develop a nursery at the location of the former "Mr. Britches" clothing store and to have one of the adjacent lots developed with a covered trellis for the use of the nursery. He then stated that the other three lots would be used to provide the necessary parking. Mr. Hogan advised that the staff approves of the circulation plan. Notion X Following discussion, motion to recommend to 4ll Ayes City Council approval of an Off -Site Parking Agreement, guaranteeing that a minimum of nine parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 for the duration of the nursery use on the property in question. -26- City Council Meeting October 29, 1974 Agenda Item No. H-2(b) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in Conjunction With LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach•Mumjcipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by�the City Attorney; providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for -the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded 1 n the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof fi.led with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish a nursery' in a one-story building, located at 6.0.0 West._Coast,Highway,••that formerly wa's occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing' s'truc ure', `C6nta•4tt'itrrg° 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related"parkin.g spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there is inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17. All of the lots in question are under.a single three-year lease. Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing the execution of an off - site parking agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Harold Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By QVW� Q -4KPF,E_S­D. HEWIC ER ssi tant Director - Planning JDH/kk Attachments for Council Only: Vicinity Map Plot Plan 7 \ UPPER ooL 5y BAY .` •• Opt [+'!'' . ?, ;d•;'�T 4 J � 000\ .a•� drat. •Lp i, 1 4pD� u 4r"YI.ln wj ¢ ' a, 'Res" I -iD• -1l- n_'v Fyn V- • R'1 R•t ' e ` Cy +r q° cam° ID• ,' 1 i }lo i 1 fl- R t' • _ R•I � R•1 AXMHO'Of DRIP£ ,- S£f NAP NO. T G�apt ��P a` C�lN'tD✓ JOp.p •�. L R_t n�3 n� of NI.r NEMPORTIS BR•t R-1 AY ,w ]- •1>w r0)1 ��i•.f:'"Yu77i sw nun wo • un Ley aA ;y 33A^JJLTUMiI"RdY10£NTIlL DISTRICT C•N DEI3w30RxDOD COYaiAO3l DISTRICT newnln lWrtl fl2V1910N4 •.--nr.T ngo+e LO:.NOn, a9,gif Fri [nOnm nrxtYT-u-+-ro On[ l�ew w Oc>TICN) .n.r.nnL`... a-���•� u uPf. p Y�N:i.E hMRY CIT.dItT C•O LIMIT[D W.MERCI[V WLTPLE H£•+IMMI. DISTRICT L. RESIJEYTIlt DISTRICT tIDNT COMy2RC111 DISTRICT _+fin [[ evr a.u+in Yrr]n xffean i ifei oorn'vnii- a w�u rw ..iw.wwnlren r 1. ur ✓ltlT 1A rO+l lfpx i•IT YInIw n,�y�P "M\M.x-F 1 negThCTED INLTI � PUAD£ATIAL u GiN9Nl COMNtALYAI, b1YiAIR fr0•w TO PF r rwtlun } N'ATIPLE IIESD£NTISL D131MICT �i� IMTM-301AT£ CISTRICT l�igl+in T+<IAn LOUTL° 1T bI, l°)l 1 ! I.M IJirnn ID xawsri MTM Ar• 0\ rL) °IrOK 1-Se•Tt nYw\M�+„� a u rn flnµw•+YptlN ]x- +] wetl rxt» nm Mr.� r .W"m Y. e1. It D _ CN-D-01]YRIT �� DNCL•rJa mso D13MIcT tivLsoxlnT lAniF lOOA•Y•iD •�tiN'r' j•F ii wi,tiseMw•!!'fi� ['w1�IN bFLLE .JCCN]ININO City Council Meeting October 29, 19.74 Agenda Item No. H-2(b) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: in C LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach -Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot -will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by -the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded -in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing -Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one-story building, located at 6.0.0 West,.Coast„Highway,,•,that formerly wa's..occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing struc ure, "con' a1wi'ng°` 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related'-parkin.g spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1216 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off-site.parki,ng agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there i.s. inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17. All of the lots in question are under a single three-year lease. h Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing site parking agreement between the City Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By Q---- 4- - - - S D. HEWIC CER ssi tant Director - Planning JDH/kk Attachments for Council Only: Vicinity Map Plot Plan the execution of an off - of Newport Beach and Harold \ UPPER A BAY `p45 • .xs• �pA r4�• •tqP ery.'• L W 'yam ••�' a� ^ _ liF• 1L 9• 4 5irg6 �Yc ..o• R�(} � � .lo. v 1 °•N Q`� t+'v. _lo. -1>• 1y` nevm�P une • p Cf_'Y• 1 INN CIO R•t • OWE T D , BAY �.� pj" R•I • _ R.t � R.� .. E` PA'leN04L OAVL . L cif %•fcvlv0 4.1d �• • 1 _ IA> IJ'4 +.A 1G>. �j .�i �(p.L: 1A'`�yylL 7 •1 �yTr t`'�` yY y)s.\�T,!�yn 1 lJ199� :n} 1}11 �gfLq �nJ :(q'� •—Y�Sv Y�YU'l irJ.%.�tJ—U�YJJx:✓Jh�%J —�J ADOCM �\ /�ty+T�'YJ Y�Y C7J7J it—v+/'J JI j AEI^JUIRUWL-Od91DLNTlAL DIfiPICT C-A PEIOADOEM00O COUNYTCIAL OgTPICT A[wnOn9 fi0Xq ReVI$I04$ + .xu-v m:Anon 0; IC J OPRYf yow }iiaY9� n t xIMyE hiNlT p19TPICT C•O LINITEO COY4LROAL-MULTIPLE P.F510TLTAL DUTPICT }1.0.}lf ».n>[>GI Tx[IbnIX°INl>f•}• inl wl�ry C-I IDNT CON4£DCIA401]TPICT + W>LtY q]tIDENTIAI IIISTPICT L �.• �� Cli? on,u}e OT yIIIX ✓}•JroT e.r,lz. a( lie DOm xn > yei�e/ ODY IX IAyexi- o•aM rr + + •li+ Y 1>h '^niwii+y'n n^r y+ I I++y `• � -�1 I xLC}%CT£0 MULYI>LE PL00LUTIAL lJ C%HLhiK COMMIRCIAL OISTPICT ✓y✓t la noel.Ieoy iiw AW n•1 • 0-w TD PL ni n iif� iw ^� it i We TIPLE fIL510LNTIAL'OIOT.IICT IUMMLObT£ 019TOICT -•'TMI?le T+tlt+tl tOGt}o AY bI.IOIA> > IUA. uUhD xp AOIa:[Xi 1.}�T1 n'l +•+ nnullnW.U�°✓V4ya; rJxf •>n na+ ♦O. Iai�M l • •• IOb O CCN]I.lINO ON �II� 01]TAKT UMCLA]51vlLD DI]TRILT e9 TXf xnMOL "Moll < 1W�y0.1A1la.1 •Y•(0 ' l'•> �rvii wil• �•ifJ �•a 1fM CCAI£ T h . ]r--PALLlolil AI U S City Council Meeting October 29, 1974 ' Agenda Item No CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in Conju H-2(b) LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT:. Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach -Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed'use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish'a nursery .in a one-story building, located at 60.0 West..Coast",Highway,,-that formerly wa's"occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing"s­truct'ure', 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there is. inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17. All of the lots in question are under a single three-year lease. r Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing site parking agreement between the City Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director By S D. HEWICCE ssi Cant Director - Planning JDH/kk Attachments for Council Only: Vicinity Map Plot Plan the execution of an off - of Newport Beach and Harold City Council Meeting October.29, 1974 ' Agenda Item No. H-2(b) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 23, 1974 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: off -Site_ Parking Agreement LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach -Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the building site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common owner- ship in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for -the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Depart- ment of Community Development. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of October 17, 1974, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that an Off -site Park- ing Agreement be approved which will guarantee a minimum of nine parking spaces to be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 so long as the proposed nursery use exists on Lots 16 and 17. TO: City Council - 2. Background The applicant proposes to establish a nursery Iin a one-story building, located.at 60A West.Coast,Highway,-that formerly was occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing s'tr'uc ure', °d6n"td,in'tng• 1,100 sq.ft., is situated on Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 15, Tract 1210, with thirteen related* -parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (see attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq.ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal.Code requires a total of nine parking spaces for the proposed use (i.e., one space/ 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be pro- vided on site unless an off-site.parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be located on Lots 14 and 15, since there is. inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lots 16 and 17..• All of the lots in question are under a single three-year lease. Suggested Action If desired, adopt resolution authorizing the execution of an off - site parking agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Harold Hirsch (Green Medallion Nursery). Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director ( --N 11 n JDH/kk Attachmer Vici Plot �" - :tl•i d)�1 ,�r� ''�r'`s��� 'i�: •.. .,y�4 �L ��r',�: y��V ' •�,�.I ;i4 �:�,i �� �'! ;n �,i � '� •' .�j `•"' tr;•,r.Ai�.• .i,, tr w•. t 1 1.' P•; 1'F �7�.. 'q: �r 4� ....e` .a. CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM InbEilt"I11 E, made the...........i4•th .........................day of ... September D. 1 ri_ 7� ... between.................... ............................................................. ..-.......................................... ........ .......-........ ..................... ohns on- and.... o]A,.. 1n�9a �1..-..Meg CuxY............. ......................... ............ ............. .............................................................................................................................................................. .......................... ................................................................................... ..._......... hereinafter called the lessor, and............. ........................................................................................._........... .......................... ... ... hereinafter called the lessee. WITNESSETH, that the lessor does by these presents, Ic--ase and demise unto [lie lessee all of the properly situated in the ...... Newport Beach County of.. -...Orange ................... , State of California, described as follows, to wit: 600 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 Tract 1210 for the term of_.. ... three re9Ts............................................................ beginning,. Oetober 15.........................19.7 ., and ending..00tOber 14................................. 19.77.-.. for the Iola] rent orsum of. ..... Thirty seven thousand--eight•.hundred and no/100 .. .. . .............. .............. Dollars, In lawful money of the United States of America, payable as follows, to wit: Lessee agrees to pay first and last months rent in advance which includes $300.00 to be applied to taxes. Receipt of $1,050.00 is hereby acknowledged as deposit for first months rent on lease with balance of $1,050.00 to be paid on or before date of occupancy of said property for last mohhhs rent. Balance of rent including taxes to be paid on the 15th day of each month until the entire sum of37,800.00 has been paid. ***See paragraph 21. Lessor agrees to grant Lessee an additional six year option with terms to be negotiated at time of exercising imax option upon ninety day written notice of desire to excercise option. All of said rent shall be paid at the office of ----- .70hnS.on..and..S.on.,..LinColn..-..Mercury............... the agent of the lessor..2626 Harbor Blvd. Slreet,,.Costa Mesa, California 92626 .......... .....- . . California, or at such other place as may be designated by the lessor. IN ADDITION THERETO IT IS HEREBY AGrCED AS FOLLOWS, TO WII: First: That the lessee shall pay the lessor said rent in the mmmer herembefore specified, and shall not lei of underlel the whole or any part of said premises, nor sell or assign this lease, ullner voluntarily ur by opeialiun of low, nor allow said property to be occupied by anyone contrary to the terms hereol, without the wnllen consent of the lessor; Second: That should said rent be not paid when due or should the lessee default in any of the covenants or conditions contained herein, the lessor, or his representative or agent, may re-enter said premises and remove all persons therefrom; Third: That the lessee shall occupy said demised premises and shall keep the some in good condition, including such improvements as may be made thereon hereafter, the usual wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted, and shall not make any alterations thereon without the written consent of the lessor and shall nol commit or suffer to be committed any waste upon said premises; Fourth: That said premises shall not be used by the lessee, nor anyone else, during the term hot eof or any exten- sion thereof, for the sale of any intoxicating liquors, nor for any Illegal or, Immoral purpose, and thut possession of said premises by the lessee or his successors or assigns shall not be construed as conveying any title thereto or ownership thereof; I - Fifth: Thal all Governmenldl lows and ordinances sholl.be complied with by the lessee; 9 Sixth. That the lessee waives all rights under SPCtiaa 1742 of the Civil Code of California and r:lenses the lessor from any and all damages which may be sustained by the lessee or any other party during the firne lie may be in possession of said premises; Seventh: That should the occupancy of sold premises, by the lessee, cause the present fire and liability insurance roles opplicuble thereto to be increased, the lessee shall pay the difference upon the amount of fire and liability insur- ance now being carried by the lessor and said difference shall ba in addition to the amount of rental specified herein and shall be paid to the lessor upon demand; Eighth. That should the lessor be compelled to commence or sustain an action at low to collacl surd rent or parts thereof or to dispossess the lessee or to recover possession of said premises, the lessee shall pay all costs in connection therewith including a reasonable fee for the attorney of the lessor; Ninth. Thal the waiver, by the lessor, of any covenant or condition herein contained shall not vitiate the some or any other covenant or condition contained herein and that the terms and conditions contained herein ;hall apply to and bind the hems, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, Tenth: !hot should the lessee occupy said ptomisos after the expiration date of this lease, with the consent of the lessor, expressed or implied, such possession shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month and said lessee shall pay said lessor for said premises the smn of 0*050. 00 per month for such pehiod op said lessee may remain in possession thereof; Eleventh: Thai said premises shall not be used by the II•%see during the term of this lease for other than ............... ... ...... NlzrrFP! ............................................................... ..................................... purposes . except with the written consent of the lessor; Twelfth: Thal at the expiration of said lean or the sooner determination thereof, the lessee shall peacefully quit and surrender possession of said premises in as good condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit; Thirteenth: That all words used herein in the singular number shall include the plural and the present tense shall include the future and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter. + 'C ' v IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the lessor and the lessee have executed this indenture as of the day and year first t above written, A For these Conn. ..4Lws C.Monala Peal Ernst. Am..11on, 520 So Grand A.., Los nny.les ' Val2 (C.PYriyhr 192e, br Caldnmrn Rail Esram A11o6.14al O 1 FORM ,f L le v m 'a 0 if jr ADDENDUM TO LEASE DATED September 14, 1.974 BETWEEN JOHNSON and -SON and MICHAEL H. HIRSCH •J ii r`,�fP ♦♦♦ A •. 5 ♦ � 1 Fourteenth: All alterations to the leased premises shall be made at the Lessee's sole cost and expense, The Lessee has the right to make interior•change si.necessary to conducting a nursery upon approval of Lessor. Fifteenth: Lessee agrees to this lease, ,,pay ,for all utilities during the term of ' Sixteenth: Lessee agrees to pay all taxes, real and personal, against subject property, 'assessed Seventeenth: The Lessee shall have the privilege of placing on or attaching to the building and/or premises wherein the leased premises are located signs, without the Lessors approval, provided their do not violate the laws and, regulations of the city and state. The Lessee also agrees at the request of the Lessor that it will promptly remove su,eh sign Loigns after the expiration of this lease, r Eighteenth: Lease subject to Lessee obtaining a "Land Use Permit" from the city ,of Newport,.Beach, California, and eny or all governmental agencies concerned, Nineteenth: The LesseerIshall, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, but for the mutual benefit of Lessor and Lessee, maintain general public liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage occurring in, upon or about the demised premises, and on, in or about the sidewalks directly adjoining the demised premises. The limitation of liability of such insurance shall be Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($509000,00) Dollars for injury (or death) to any one person, and,One Hundred Thousand and no/,100 (W0,000,00) Dollars for injury, (or4death,T� o more than one person, and Five Thousand and no/100 (�5;bbd'.O7 Dollars with respect to,property damage; All such policies Of' -insurance shall be issued in the name of the Lessee, and Lessor and,for the mutual and joint benefit and protection of the parties and such poi eies of insurance or - copies thereof shall be delivered to the LeW4WP,''atidras often as any such policy or policies shall expire or terminate,,„nenewal' or,;additi.onal policies shall 'be procured and main- tained 'Vs?%Lessee in.rkike manner and to like extent. All such policies sha1� ,contaln,a .clauspl or, endorsement to the effect rthat they may not Y` be germinated, o�;mate rially: amended except after .ten (10) n,.Lessor w t �notice_ ereof •to :. Lessee agrees that all such ,ft�.. P014,cies„of,-,insurance "carried and maintained by it pursuant to the "rl re(C#Irepents of„ this•,(lxticle shall be issued by'd Company.,or Companies,,.,z,,, a so-called Boa fi Twentieth: Lessor agrees;to have:roof in good f or•duration of lease. Lessor further agrees tondition replaceand anymand tall same broken or damaged windows as of this date. Lessee to be responsible for all windows thereafter. Lessor agrees to remove existing wall between Lots 16 and 17.r, Lessee shall have the right to install any fencing necessary to conduct his business. Upon termination of lease Lessee shall remove said fencing. • ,. Twenty one: At the end of each tax year, an accounting will be rendered by sub -Lessor to sub -Lessee showing the actual amount of taxes assessed, the amount collected and paid over, and the balance due, if any, shall be promptly paid by the sub -Lessee to sub -Lessor. If an overpayment has been made, proper credit will be given on the next month's rent statement. I a .f _ .. ,, � 1, , _ `�a� ` r �•„ , � . f Ir premises by the lessee or his successors or assigns shall not be construed as conveying any ulie thereof; Fifth: That all Governmental laws and ordinances shall be complied with by the lessee; 1 i s Q I , i UPPER BAY "po PC i 9 M SUBJL�a�T µ.•• `' ° bpi ,✓.I• ?9Ff� l ST .(Pik e4°e R I �s W% E 1 ccP rtb��`roi+ln a6 0 4g1¢IB,At "R,I R•I ,aa EL' < DRrvE 0 W0 OA 4 ',0• �' y 'L'C<G DRIVE o>o R•1 W : R•I _ R•1 R•1 M DAYIPORE JG� DRIVE 'U_ a ,>LP a ..d yU R I, fl._i1. �R�o �Mxx wux� P uxe O��Pi -oF 0� i CAPS G�•a j k �0L C�aN P �b \ L R-} 411�11 AG- —_�_ of nP aa—auxe�i°uv._�' f n,e R-1 PiunZlA unr NEWPORT YQ R•I BAY \i '°• \ R.I NAR- .. im emn R•I SEE- YAP NO. 7 �DIST�38�TIN-S-6' AP—CITY—®F--�IE'SPOR'f—ROACH—CALIF'ORNIA ADORoroRo.a �AORIWLTURAL-RE910EMTIAL DISTRICT C•N NEIDNBORX000 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTAuirc,rtL uvumxf twin REVISIONS WCA90x oAE AUtHORITT LOCATIONS DATE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT C-0 LIMITED COMMERCIAL -MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL 019110CT IRA) ... A.. OR Tx, Arm Or - PA.,.. °f DPPG NCI WIN u•I-If pa Fe. wr �fmv",i olo��mivaviaxn•f1 DUPLEX RERIDEHTIAL DISTRICT C•I LIGHT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT°ML00f°feioo GULF [r i rcnl RESTRICTED MULTIPLE RWSIOENTIAL C-C GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ORLAO. f0 [ T FO xOx1.FR0Y CIN AxDXM ixD -D-TO P.O. MLPLAe LOCATLD pl.101Ay 0 nd I-2L-iA N! %,D R R 10 <le Uw-aps AwXiw ROD 0 100 MULTIPLC IIEBIDFMTIAL DISTRICT INTERMEDIATE D13TRIOT UR utxxD AO,ARMi ♦O TXL.NARRO\ IfL,LM° LRLIDL n ... NNM a n� i, n R, I'A P'N IN 1 COM91NINO OR •a' DISTRICT O UNCLASSIFIED DISTRICT IWpDY[Xt 1tl NL4In0Y-U-}° ,i'� 1i i SCALE A - Off — SITE . 'PARKING gGREEMr-NT FOR CrTiEEN MEPALL/Ohl Nl1RSERY 0 GREEN MEDALLION 600 W. COAST NEWPORT BEACH, City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioner Newport Beach, California Dear Planning Commissioner: NURSERY HIGHWAY CALIFORNIA Y RECEIVED devl onenn�t OCDept. T 151974, NEW P=Fi EAC H, October 15, 1'974 We would appreciate your consideration in favor of our request for an off - site parking agreement to be used in our new nursery business. Our lease incorporates the use of all four lots; namely 14-15-16-17 of Tract 1210. Approval would be in keeping with more than ample parking for our proposed addition of 999 Sq. Ft. on Lot 1-7. This request is very essential to our new business venture. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, GREEN MEDALLION NURSERIES, INC. Harold Hirsch President hb Planning Commission Meeting October 17, 1974 Item No. Additional Business CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 16, 1974 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Off -Site Parking Agreement in con proposed Green Medallion Nurserv. LOCATION: Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Tract 1210, located at 600 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, across West Coast Highway from Bayshores. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Harold Hirsch, Oceanside Application This application requests approval of an off -site parking agreement in conjunction with a proposed nursery on the property in question. In accordance with Section 20.38.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall not recommend and the City Council shall not approve off-street parking on a separate lot from the build- ing site or sites unless: (a) Such lot is so located as to be useful in connection with the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. (b) Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. (c) Such lot•and the building site are in the same ownership, or the owners of the building sites have a common ownership in such lot, and the owner or owners are entitled to the immediate possession and use thereof (ownership of the off -site lot must be ownership in fee or a leasehold interest of a duration adequate to serve all proposed uses on the building site or sites). (d) The owner or owners and the City, upon the approval of the City Council, execute a written instrument or instruments, approved as to •Form and content by the City Attorney, providing for the maintenance of the required off-street parking on such lot for the duration of the proposed use or uses on the building site or sites. Should a change in use or additional use be proposed, the off-street parking regulations applicable at the time shall apply. Such instruments shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the Department of Commu'nity-Development. Analysis and Recommendation The applicant proposes to establish a nursery in a one story building located at 600 West Coast Highway that was formerly occupied by the "Mr. Britches" clothing store. The existing structure is situated on Lot 16, Tract 1210, with its related thirteen parking spaces located to the east of the building on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 (sed attached plot plan). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 1,000 sq. ft. lath house that will be constructed to the west of the exist- ing building, on Lot 17 of Tract 1210. The Municipal Code requires Item No. Additional Business TO: Planning Commission - 2. four parking spaces for the proposed lath house on Lot 17 (i.e. one space/250 sq. ft. of gross floor area). These spaces would have to be provided on site unless an off -site parking agreement is approved. The applicant is requesting that the required parking spaces be loca- ted on Lots 14 and 15, since there is inadequate space for the parking of automobiles on Lot 17. Staff has no objections to the applicant's request, since the four lots in question are all being leased for the nursery use for a period of at least three years. It should be noted that the existing 1,100 sq. ft. building and the proposed 1,000 sq. ft. lath house would require nine parking spaces, and the existing parking lot has thirteen parking spaces. Staff recommends approval of an Off -Site Parking Agreement, guarantee- ing that a minimum of nine parking spaces shall be provided on Lots 14 and 15 of Tract 1210 for the duration of the nursery use on the property in question. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN Bye �P�°a$u. William R. Laycoc , Senior Planner WRL/sh Attachments: Vicinity Map Letter from Applicant Plot Plan• Item No. Additional Business \ UPPER �J• I sArsi BAY PC cGPy Gfi�• �syt j5' A1J •'e, I GE = T PdjOL S//////�i� \ D,si ` P ` ' "s• lao P�oP6DTcl �j/J VNLr- ISM G•LP 6G e.✓ :° >`} I ca \ o ,! `y,�P•CE �g[•1` \ r ,AI- R.l_� k-Y �$LNria`r9. or 4[ $� N.D i°0 55 fi .39. "Y• Yf JYA �l Gp4 Yf ua I,ET016 R•1 R•I fi a •N.\ tS4i� ^ ! CPIYE °P R'1 NEWPORT AD [ o fi OAry ax'J n° m- n DRIVE R•l ls. D -If R•l BAY .D• it il•1 rT R•1 R. R•1 R.l MAR-10lt'SLAND „ R•1 I"'-NOAE f ( ;. C I DRIVE d'•` p ' 1 ��� V9.ry<WGf.=O [`i y-(.�!✓r lS NpP1. NO. T `J1n�. /n-�I•[L I[t1 ;xn[�S;�£i}£q✓I;RAP9/Na 11��[[..1I11 �T'�{'! 1 '31 ,,.g5x£E {,�:�. P �-�- ryax ,iy�,2,x[-paw. BEACH •DO y [I�JOTOAN G NAP--Q) H `V--GF—NE1JNf '`ORT—IbN3. ACH--`1�:Y^]LIFORN0 A pD OPD. 110 AIRICULTUYAL-RLOIDENTIAL DISTRICT C•N NEIOHIORNDOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT A',,'.., fcONel ji[VI910NS ..R, AUMCRIiY LOCpT10N9 "!x DA_ E ] 9111uLE GAMILY DISTRICT 4D LIMITCO COMMERCIAL -MULTIPLE REWDEMTIALDISTRICT»Wlvf 2Av°[Vm Tx[x0x[x^rxG3f•R-I/•r xe 1>• _ •u ialx•.•KIuJf a f-=DUPLEX RESIDLNTIpL DISTRICT CC -I LIONT COMMERCIAL DIETDICi °Ur M.MI R VPPL x[Irnm �p.fhJ'n ifvw[f�taGsr lMr sr Gr n IAxexF• I.. Div nn° rvl Inx� .1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT J UEGTPoOTED MULTIPLE PLCIDENTIAL ' %io=ND Noel rpGx c+w AxO x-H Y-TO P-C. x qO ��.-� �MLLYIPLC IIESIDFNTIAL DIGTRICT L 'J INTERMEDIATE DISTRICT Pnwn3D wGury wmtt° }pl.l°ifx° IS fllDx IJ4Nn Iln N°J%pr I •M q�l� •+-oi>� oiv x!'IP°la[nl' axm • x u 10p• 0 Ib iv1 '7COMDININD ON'ax DISTRICT UNCLASSIFIED D13MICT ro Tn[x.nxw .1xD Pxm l4IGPMlNt Nn.liil.In,M•u•}° i��sz. RM SCALE Off - SITE .'PA9KWa T. F0I� MEpALLION NURsEgY f. R GREEN MEDALLION (NURSERY 600 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioner Newport Beach, California Dear Planning Commissioner: iie %i' .9ruCgl U y—,y J t. O1-T t ,T.� i 74,a_ G, \;_\ •CALF. October 15, 1974 We would appreciate your consideration in favor of our request for an off - site parking agreement to be used in our new nursery business. Our lease incorporates the use of all four lots; namely 14-15-16-17 of Tract 1210. Approval would be in keeping with more than ample parking for our proposed addition of 999 Sq. Ft. on Lot 17. This request -is very essential to our new business venture. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, GREEN MEDALLIONURSERIES, INC. tc7 Harold Hirsch President hb