January 2004
Prepared for the
City of Newport Beach
Prepared by
Applied Development Economics, Inc.
2029 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 548-5912
1029 J Street, Suite 310, Sacramento. CA 95814
Existing Land
Revenue and Cost Calculations by Land
Use....................................................... ...............7
• Revenues.............................................................................................................12
Major Cost
Capital Improvement
Per Capita Costs and
Hospitality and Visitor
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 33
FireProtection Services.............................................................................35
Summaryof Fiscal Impact.....................................................................................36
GENERALPLAN BUILDOUT.....................................................................................41
Appendix A: Lan(
Appendix B: Dish
1. Land Use
2. 2002-03 Budget Revenues Included in Fiscal
3. 2002-03 Budget Expenditures Included in Fiscal
4. Assessed Value and Property Tax Estimates by Land
5. Sales Tax Revenues by Land
6. Transient Occupancy Tax by Lodging
7. Business License Revenue by Land
8. Police Department Budget 2002-
9. Police Department Cost
10. Analysis of Summer Peak Demand for Police
11. 2002-03 CIP Expenditures Included in Fiscal
12. Unit Costs and
13. Summary of Fiscal
14. Retail Employment and Fiscal Impacts.......................................................................26
15. Fiscal Impact of Visitors to Newport
16. Newport Coast Development: Year 2000 and 2025....................................................23
17. Newport Coast Impact Year 2000...............................................................................37
18. Newport Coast Impact at Full Buildout......................................................................39
19 Growth Rates, 2002 — Buildout....................................................................................41
• 20 Fiscal Impact of Existing General Plan Buildout..........................................................43
1. Sales Tax Revenue by Land Use Type...........................................................................22
2. Gross Revenues by Land Use........................................................................................22
3. Economic and Fiscal Relationships in Newport Beach.................................................27
This report discusses how various land uses and business types contribute to the
revenues and costs for city government. The focus of this discussion is on the
existing land use mix in Newport Beach, although it also includes an analysis of
the future buildout of the existing General Plan. As the General Plan update
process moves forward, a similar analysis will be conducted to determine the
potential fiscal impact of future land use alternatives.
It is important to recognize that the point of this analysis is to understand how
the mix of land uses in Newport Beach contributes to the revenues needed for
municipal services for both residents as well as businesses. For purposes of the
General Plan, the goal of the fiscal analysis is to identify the best mix of land
uses to balance the revenues generated with the cost for municipal services in
the City. Therefore, the fiscal "performance" of individual land uses should be
viewed from an overall citywide perspective.
• The report is written to provide a detailed explanation of the methodology,
assumptions, and data sources used to estimate fiscal impacts for each land use.
This analysis is intended to serve as a planning,tool for decision makers in the
General Plan update process. Based on this analysis, ADE will develop an
interactive software program for the City to use in estimating fiscal impacts,
not only for General Plan land uses, but also for individual development
projects that may be proposed in the future.
City government uses a variety of revenue sources to fund the operation of
local services and the construction of public facilities. Some of these revenue
sources are more affected by the land use mix in the City than are others. For
example, property taxes and sales taxes are directly related to the type of
property and the business mix in the City. On the other hand, the City's
federal entitlement of Community Development Block Grant funds is affected
by the population size of the City but is otherwise not a function of the land
use mix in the City.
Also, because Newport Beach is a Charter City (as opposed to a "General Law"
city) the Newport Beach City Council has the ability to set certain tax rates
and fees, such as the business license tax rate or building permit fees. However,
the Council has only limited authority to set other tax rates, such as the
property tax or the sales tax, or to apply additional taxes or fees, without the
consent of a simple majority or a supermajority of electors responding in an
• election. In considering the effect of existing and future land uses on the City
budget, it is important to sort out the types of revenue and costs that are most
In general, it is most important to isolate the effect of development on revenues
which the City has less ability to raise, such as general taxes, than on direct
charges for services which can be increased to meet rising costs as necessary.
Consequently, the analysis is focused more on services funded by general tax
revenues, such as the property tax and the sales tax among others, than on
services funded by direct charges such as the water and sewer enterprise funds,
building permit and plan check fees, or other fees charged directly to customers
at City Hall. At this point, our assumption is that fees charged for specific
services are adequate to cover the costs of those services. t
At this stage in the process, the fiscal analysis addresses the effect of land use,
including related population and business activity, on municipal operating costs
and revenues. In the present report, such costs are primarily estimated on an
average basis with only a brief discussion of the marginal costs to serve future
development. As we move forward with a projection of the effects of potential
future land uses, it will be important to consider the existing capacity in the
city's service system and determine whether or not the incremental, or
marginal, cost of serving new development is the same as the average cost of
serving existing development. That analysis will likely depend to some degree
on the location of the proposed new development in addition to the type of
land use.
This chapter begins with an overview of land uses in Newport Beach, followed
by a discussion of the City budget to help clarify some of the distinctions
between costs and revenues raised above.
Newport Beach's physical setting encompasses about 25 square miles of land, of
which approximately three-quarters is developed into a mix of residential (70
percent of developed land) and non-residential (30 percent of developed land)
uses. The remaining one quarter of undeveloped land, including the City's
coastal beaches, is primarily used for recreation and open space 2.
Currently, the City is estimated to have about 36,600 dwelling units.
Approximately 40 percent of housing units are single-family units and 60
t A more in-depth study of City operations would be necessary to verify this assumption.
However, if it is not the case, it is within the authority of the City Council to adjust the fee
• Z Newport Beach: Current Conditions, Future Choices, November 2001, p. 26.
. percent are multi -family units. The average assessed valuation for existing
housing is $625,000 for single-family units ($814,000 in Newport Coast) and
$431,000 for multi -family units. In 2001, the median price of "for sale" housing
in Newport Beach was $718,400. s
While residential development is treated as a single land -use category for
purposes of this fiscal analysis, non-residential uses were split into seven distinct
categories: office, retail, light industrial, lodging, marine -related, service
commercial, and institutional. Newport Beach businesses were segmented into
one of these categories based on their standard industrial classification (SIC)
code through an analysis of the City's business license records. Appendix A
shows the detailed SIC code definitions for each category, and a general
description of the business types included in each category is provided in Table
1 below.
' Ibid. p. 28.
Land Use Descriptions
Land Use Category
All retail stores (including auto dealerships) and eating and drinking
laces, except those that are included in one of the categories below
Business and professional services, financial institutions, health care
services, etc.
Construction contractors, wholesale distributors, manufacturing,
transportation, public utilities, etc.
Primarily includes personal services (e.g. beauty salons, dry cleaners),
Service Commercial
repair services, entertainment (e.g. movie theaters), and recreation (e.g.
health clubs
Hotels, motels, B&Bs, vacation rentals, etc.
Schools, churches, social services, membership organizations, etc.
Several detailed business types that would otherwise fall within one of
the categories above, but which have a direct relationship with activity
along the Newport Beach coast. Examples include yacht building and
maintenance, boat dealers and repair services, marinas, equipment
manufacturers for marine vessels, sport fishing outfitters, etc.
The most significant component of this category is the beaches, which
attract most of the visitors to Newport Beach.
The total budgeted expenditures according to the 2002-2003 budget for the City
of Newport Beach are $158.9 million, of which $34.5 million are for Capital
Improvement Projects. Estimated General Fund expenditures for the current
fiscal year are $94.5 million, while revenues are estimated at $95.5 million
(Table 2). The top three revenue categories — property tax ($36.8 million), sales
tax ($19.8 million), and transient occupancy tax ($8.3 million) — account for
nearly seventy percent of total General Fund revenues. On the expenditure
side, Police ($30.6 million), Fire ($20.1 million), and Public Works ($20.3
million) account for three-quarters of all service costs (Table 3). The General
isFund also includes about $4 million of appropriations for projects within the
City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP), excluding rebudgets a
In addition to the General Fund, three other major funds are of importance for
the fiscal analysis. The first is the Tidelands Fund (also known as the `Tide and
Submerged Lands Fund'), which collects revenue from the use of public
property that the State of California designates as "tidelands" (i.e. land once
under water or currently below the mean high tide line). The Tidelands Fund
has total 2002-03 revenues of about $6.5 million and expenditures of $3 million,
including CIP projects but excluding transfers to the General Fund. The
Tidelands Fund provides about $3.4 million to the General Fund in 2003-03 to
pay for Tidelands -qualified city services in the coastal area.
The second fund is the Gas Tax, which is funded from the State based on
primarily population in each city. According to State law, these funds must be
accounted for separately and used exclusively for repair, construction, and
maintenance of the street and highway system. Newport Beach has a total of
2002-03 Gas Tax revenues of approximately $1.5 million.
• Finally, the Measure M Fund is funded in part from the county sales tax for
transportation programs and in part from competitive grants from the
countywide pool of Measure M funds. Measure M revenues for 2002-03 are
approximately $2.2 million. Of these, however, only the annual "turn back"
revenues are included in the fiscal analysis as net revenues.
Both the Gas Tax and Measure M funds are used exclusively for projects within
the City's CIP.
4 Rebudgeted funds for CIP projects appear in Table 3 as adjustments to expenditures, since the
fiscal analysis is intended to match revenues from the current fiscal year with current year
• Budget Adjustments
Some adjustments were made to the original budget figures, as shown in tables
2 and 3, in order to account for budget items that are not annually recurring.
On the revenue side, these include intergovernmental grants (e.g. `competitive'
Measure M funds), fees for zoning and building activities, and construction -
related permits. On the cost side, the value of development —related fees and
permits are deducted from the budgets of the planning and building
departments.' These adjustments are made for development -related costs and
revenues because they typically occur at the building, planning and
construction phase and do not represent an ongoing cost of government
services once the buildings are completed.
The total estimated General Fund Budget after adjustments (i.e. net revenue) is
approximately $92.3 million for 2002-03, with another $9.2 million of revenue
in the Tidelands, Gas Tax, and Measure M Funds, for total revenues of $101.5
million. Adjusted General Fund Expenditures are $96.2 million, plus $5.3
million in expenditures within the other three funds included in the analysis.
• The overall budget figure upon which this analysis is based is approximately
$101 million.
2002-03 Budget Revenues Included In Fiscal Analysis
General Fund
Property Tax
Sales Tax
FF Trapsient•O,ccupancy,Tax
8,298,000 -
Business Licenses
Motor Vehicle -in -Lieu
- -.-
OtTier'InteXgovernmental, .,
___ .. �,, a.a,.... ----�
1,990,127;; , , •,' 426;174
Charges for'Segiice
9;515;855 1,048,300
: 8',467,55,
'Adjustment include the following budget accounts: Intergovernmental: 4824-4827,4858, 4862,
4893, 4896-4898; Charges for service: 5000-5004, 5007, 5023; Licenses and permits: 4610, 4612,
4614, 4616, 4618, 4622.
Fines, Forfeitures, Penalties 3,125,250 3,125,250
Licenses/Permits 1,819,860 1,446,200 373,660
Use of Property. 5;284',288' 5„Z84,28,8
OtherRevenUe- 730'435 175000 55543
Interest Income t-Sno.000 1.500.000
General Fund Subtotal 95,440,267 3,095,674 92,344,593
Licenses/Permits/Fees °Y;1535ti06• 1 153 000
Charges for Service 33,500 33,500
Use of Money and Property 5,359,492 5,359,492
State,Gas Tax'Fund ,; 1,457,000: .` ;'• ,`.' 1;45Z;OOq
Measure=MiFund ` `:3;205;580'• < 1' 005.5'80 _ 1,200;000
Subtotal Other Funds 10.209.072 1,110.580 8,047,492
TOTAL 105,649,339 4,101,254 101,548,085
Source: ADE, Inc., based on City of Newport Beach, Fiscal year 2002.03'Budget Detail.
2002-03 Budget Expenditures Included In Fiscal Analysis
General Government $9,368,986 $9,368,986
Police 30,132,466 30,132,46E
t" Ftre - 21;525,002 ~' 21,525;0
J z• : , .Pdblic�Works;[a]`t' 20;389i.15 ' 20 389,51P
Community Development 4,747,238 2,494,500 2,252,73E
Community Services 8,293,665 8,293,66!
Sheets,. 2,366,000 1,061;Q00. 1,305;00C
- µ Othet'CIP'PArajebts 4,Z66-2z 65,dv 4t? -, 2;893;=
General Fund Subtotal 101.596.546 8A27.868 96.167,931
. , .Harbor Resources , ' •- 1',283,138 : ' _ ;: , ;, ;_ _ " 1;282,131
Oil arid;Gas - 351;887 35118k
CIP Projects 1,466,442 400,785 1,065,65;
3AS TAX FUND 2,274,721 716,334 1,558,38;
11EAS RE-M+FU„ND� : 2,061,605;, 'd,005,380 • ,1y056;02;
S,utitotal6QtlirFunds^ 7,43'6,793, 2;122;699
TOTAL 109.033,339 10,250,567 101,482,02!
Source: ADE, Inc., based on City of Newport Beach, Fiscal year 2002-03 Budget Derail.
[a] Includes Public Works, General Services and Utilities.
Major Revenues
The major revenue categories of property tax, sales tax, transient occupancy tax
(TOT) and'business license tax were allocated among the various land uses
based on actual 2001 data provided by the City Revenue Division. Each of
these revenues and how they were distributed across land uses is described
Property Tax
In general, the City receives about 17 cents of every property tax dollar paid by
property owners within the city's boundaries. The distribution of property tax
revenue across the various land uses was based on an analysis of assessed
valuation (AV) data obtained from the Orange County Assessor. This data set
• includes over 29,000 records with detailed parcel information such as owner
name and address, site address, valuation, and a set of land use codes used by the
Orange County Assessor. The analysis involved sorting the data by land use
and, in some cases, site address in order to calculate the total assessed valuation
by land use and then the local share of the property tax revenue. e The results
of this analysis are summarized in the table below:
Assessed Valuation And Property Tax Estimates By Land Use
Property Tax
Land Use Category
Service Commercial• . 76 F
�3.8 01
Marine Industry ��
ns itut oval;
r?� ;20b :
Retall it,
t 19,2
• Source: ADE, Inc., based on data provided by the City of Newport Beach Revenue Division.
Significantly, residential properties — which account for about 70 percent of
developed land in Newport Beach - generate nearly eighty percent of the
property tax for the City. At under 10 percent of property tax revenue, office
development is a distant second.
Sales Tax
The city receives one cent of every dollar spent within the city's boundaries on
taxable products. Taxable transactions occur not only at retail stores, but at a
wide variety of commercial locations throughout the city. For example, many
taxable business -to -business transactions, in which products are sold to end
users rather than to entities with resale permits, occur at office and light
'For properties within Newport Beach, the City receives approximately 17 percent of the one
percent property tax levy.
industrial locations. Examples of non -retail businesses that generate sales tax
revenue in Newport Beach include parts manufacturers for marine vessels, food
processing equipment distributors, landscaping product wholesalers, medical
equipment suppliers, and software developers.
In addition, many service commercial businesses generate sales tax by carrying
products related to their service, such as beauty salons that sell shampoos and
cosmetics. This category also includes auto rental firms. Large hotels also have
ancillary retail shops and food services that generate sales tax revenue. The
marine category includes a number of sales tax generating businesses that are
both retail and industrial in nature, including sales of new and used boats,
marine fuels, and manufacturing and sales of boat parts. Finally, sales tax
revenue that is attributed to the residential category is the result of taxable sales
that occur at home -based businesses in Newport Beach.'
The sales tax revenue that accrues to the city was distributed across the various
land uses through an analysis of 2001 sales tax data provided by the Revenue
Sales Tax Revenue By Land Use
Land Use Category Estimated Sales % of
Tax Revenue Total
' Sales taxes are distributed to cities based on the location of the point of sale, not the residency
of the buyer. Thus, Newport Beach gets a portion of all the sales generated by Fashion Island
and other retail businesses in the City, whether or not the customers are Newport Beach
residents. Conversely, if residents shop outside the City, Newport Beach receives none of that
sales tax. For this reason, residential uses generate sales tax revenue indirectly, through resident
spending at Newport Beach businesses, as well as directly, through taxable sales at home -based
9 Annual audit report of Newport Beach sales tax prepared by MBIA. All Newport Beach
businesses that generate sales tax are assigned a State Board of Equalization (BOE) business
code, which was the primary basis for the sales tax analysis. The data was cross-referenced with
the other primary data sourced used in the fiscal analysis for consistency.
13,922,674 70.2%
• Office
1,938,437 9.8%
$ervice,Commercab.,, , ,
_,1r438',043 7.2%
MarineJndust y
97&688 4.9%
Light Industrial
892,789 4.5%
594,391 3.0%
r,R deutial ; . '
76,329 10:4%
IhstitutionaP .
0 ,",0;0%
19,841,351 100%
Source: ADE, Inc., based on data provided by the City of Newport Beach Revenue Division.
Table 5 displays the results of the analysis of this important revenue source.
Over 70 percent of Newport Beach's sales tax revenue is derived from retail
establishments, and nearly 10 percent are from taxable transactions at office -
based businesses. The remaining 20 percent is divided into the other categories
as shown.
It is important to note that the figures in Table 5 reflect the direct impact of
each type of business, and not the indirect impact of their employees. For
• example, in the office category, the figures include only the actual sales taxes
generated by office -based businesses. In addition, office employees spend money
at retail establishments, which could be considered an indirect benefit of office
development in Newport Beach. However, the analysis treats this revenue as
the direct impact of the retail businesses, not the office businesses.
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)
The TOT, also known as the Hotel Bed Tax, accrues to the City at the rate of 9
percent of room charges (with an additional 1 percent going to the Newport
Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau). The City separates TOT into two land
use categories: lodging and residential. Newport Beach has several major hotels
such as the Four Seasons and the Hyatt Newporter, as well as numerous
smaller inns and motels. Altogether, these lodging facilities provide a total of
about 2,600 guestrooms. In addition, there are approximately 625 seasonal
• vacation rental properties that also generate TOT if they are rented for less
than a month at a time.'
A detailed analysis of the City's 2001 TOT revenue is shown in Table 6 below.
For the current 2002-03 budget year, the City's is expecting this revenue source
to decline somewhat and has projected revenues of about $7.45 million in TOT
from hotels and motels/inns, plus $840,000 from vacation rentals.
Business Licenses
Total annual business license revenue is approximately $2.4 million according
to the 2002-03 budget. Nearly half the business license revenues are derived
from residential -based businesses and out of town businesses.10 Business license
revenue from home -based businesses is about $358,000 (15 percent of the total),
while out-of-town businesses generate about $685,000 (29 percent). Revenues
from out-of-town businesses and in -town residential businesses are of particular
benefit to the City because such businesses do not carry the same service costs
that are associated with commercial locations within the City.
• The total amount of business license tax revenue from all commercial land uses
within Newport Beach is approximately $1.7 million. These revenues were
distributed among the various land uses based on SIC code. The full results of
the analysis of the City's business license tax revenues are displayed in Table 7
2001 Transient Occupancy Tax By Lodging Type
Name Address Number of 2001 TOT
Rooms Amount
Inns and Motels
' Importantly, "timeshare" units, many of which already exist or are planned for development
in the Newport Coast area, are not subject to TOT unless the timeshare operator rents the
unit(s) on a nightly basis.
1° "Out of town" businesses are those that provide services in Newport Beach but have no
permanent physical or mailing address in the City
Newport Classic Inn 2300 Coast Hwy W 50
Newport Beach Inn/Best Western 6208 Coast H W 46
10_S.v'aih St:; HyA7-7 34
w "
Bay Shores Inn 1800 Balboa Blvd. 24
Little Inn by the Bay
2627 Newport Blvd.
Portof o each Hotel
2366.0cean Front Way'
,' _ I'5
Oceanfront Inn '
2402'Ocean Front Wese
'' 10 c
Marriott Suites
500 Bayview Circle
Balboa Bay Club
1221 W Coast Hwy
L Subtotal
, _ c r^
6 420
Major Hotels
Marriott Hotel & Tennis
900 Newport Center Dr.
The Sutton Place
4500 Macarthur Blvd.
!Hyatt Netvporter . 110TJaitiboree Rd' ry05
R'adissonHotel -,
Four Seasons
690 Newport Center
$ 6,588,259
Vacation Rentals
625 Units
Grand Total
2,640 rooms;
625 vac. rentals
Source: ADE, Inc., based on data provided by the City of Newport Beach Revenue Division.
Business License Revenue By Land Use
No. of
Land Use Category
License Tax % of Total
.- 210064',I;.
y142 6- 68;
Marine Industry
1058Y •._•'Ot4%
,. Sub#otal.;
,i• ,1,718 733 ''M'ay'56:69/0;
Residential -based
( Total,;'
14,607 �,
. "; :
Source: ADE, Inc., based on data provided by the City of Newport
Beach Revenue Division.
• Other Revenues
All of the other recurring general fund revenues included in Table 13 were
calculated based on employment and population factors, with the following
❑ Franchise fees were estimated on a per capita basis (not including visitors,
however), with the additional assumption that 60 percent of these revenues
are generated by business uses and the remainder by residents." This split
reflects the typical distribution of utility usage for a city like Newport
"Franchise fees are paid to the city by private companies that have contracts with the City to
provide services such as gas, electricity, cable TV and solid waste disposal. The company that
provides towing services for the Police Department also pays a franchise fee; however, these
fees are included in the Licenses and Permits category. The 60/40 split between non-residential
and residential uses is based on analysis of franchise revenues in other California communities
in lieu of specific data pertaining to Newport Beach.
• ❑ Revenues categorized under "Use of Money or Property" in both the
General Fund and the Tidelands Fund were categorized based on the nature
of the activity associated with the revenue. A table summarizing each of
these revenues is provided in Appendix B. City parking lot revenues were
allocated to both public and commercial land uses based on the business
types located in the vicinity of each lot, as well as their proximity to visitor -
serving public areas such as the beaches.
❑ The Marine category also included an estimate of property tax revenue
derived from boats that are moored in Newport Beach marinas. According
to data provided by the Revenue Division, there are 3,535 boats from which
the City currently receives unsecured property tax revenue. The total'
assessed valuation of these vessels is approximately $133 million.
❑ Interest income was estimated at a rate of 1.6% of all other revenues, based
on the ratio of total interest income to all other revenues for the current
budget year.
• Major Cost Categories
In general, costs were calculated on a per capita basis as described in the next
section, with the following exceptions or refinements:
General Government
The General Government category, with a total budget amount of
approximately $9.4 million, was allocated among the various land uses in
proportion to each land use's share of all other expenditures. The underlying
assumption of this approach is that general government services are essentially
administrative overhead and a direct function of the costs of services provided
by the City's various departments.
Fire and Lifeguards
Eighty percent of Fire Department costs (less the $2.7 million cost for
lifeguards, which was wholly ascribed to public uses) were distributed on a per -
capita basis; the remaining 20 percent of fire costs were allocated among the
. various land uses in proportion to their assessed valuation. This approach is
based on information provided by the NBFD that indicates that, aside from
the lifeguarding function, 80 percent of their activity is associated with
responding to EMS calls and 20 percent is for fire fighting and prevention.
The Police Department is organized into four divisions, in addition to the
office of the Chief of Police: Traffic, Patrol, Detective and Support Services
(Table 8). In order to estimate the distribution of police activities by land use
category, we reviewed police records on the types of services provided both
citywide and by reporting district. Most of the Police Department reporting
districts contain a mix of land uses. Therefore, in order to isolate the services
provided to specific types of development, it was necessary to use a modified
per -capita approach. Table 9 summarizes this analysis.
Police Department Budget
• Division Budget
Police Chief $1,387,010
Traffic Division $3,769,036
Patrol Division $12,106,233
Detective Division $5,295,066
Support Services $7,582,531
Total $30,139,876
Source: ADE, Inc., based on City of Newport Beach, Fiscal year 2002.03 Bridget Detail.
In the left hand column of Table 9, the resident population, the average visitor
population, and the number of employees by business type are presented. The
employment figures are further allocated to visitor -serving and non -visitor
serving business activity. The total average "daytime population" in Newport
Beach is 151,732, including all of these resident, visitor and worker groups.12 Of
. the total daytime population, residents comprise about 50 percent, visitors (on
average) are 13 percent, workers serving visitors are four percent and the
remaining workers are 33 percent.
An important consideration in Newport Beach is the extent to which police
services are related to visitor activity and visitor -serving businesses. As shown
in Table 9, visitors represent 13 percent of the daytime population on an
average basis, but visitorship peaks heavily in the summer months. The change
in demand for police services during the summer months may be expected to
indicate the effect of visitors on police services overall. Table 10 shows five
main types of police activity: calls for service, citations, crimes, arrests, and
traffic accidents. The table shows the monthly average for each type of activity
for the September to May (non peak) period and the June to August (peak)
period. In every case, there is a measurable peak during the summer months.
For example, calls for service are 28 percent higher during the summer months
while other citations are more than doubled. This peak effect, when measured
against the annual service load, represents about 7 percent of total police
activity (and more than 30% of non vehicle code citations)."
Police Department Cost Analysis
Per Capita Per Cap Traffic Patrol Detective
Land Use Factors Share Division Division Division Other Total Percent
Residential Pop.
Visitor Serving
75,662 48.4% $1,753,582 $5,939,544 $2,445,043 $4,295,384 3 47.9%
19,671 12.6% 216,564 995,136 580,341 759,260 2,551,301 8.5%
5,456 3.5% 161,216 823,471 480,205 620,652 2,085,545 6.9%
12In actuality, some Newport Beach residents commute out of the city to work, but for the
purposes of standard fiscal impact methodology, the term "daytime".population includes all
" This calculation measures the additional incremental service load during the three summer
months against what the service load would be for 12 months if there were no peak.
523,930 1,760,533
`• =. Lodging
•'60;7,.95 "
96,7�3 ,325;C/12
43l8}096 _`-1,7&94$4
Office 30,802 19.7% 910,134 1,631,296 671,252 1,361,164 4,573,846 15.2%
'. 7.3%
600,151 ,
T,682;710' ,
' S:6°/
Service Commercial
; 3,039
„ 1.9°/°
160 948
' ' 134U2 6,L
45'1,267 ,
' .i'.50/
61,011 25,105 50,908 171,063 0.6%
71,921 29,594 60,011 201,652 0.7%
. '• 39:0%
' 4,798,84C
15,171,.%7 2;269,,m60 ' 3;9-14;887 13454,990 , �0
'$30,139;87' ,
$3 769;036''
$12 106 233 ;.; ;$5;295g066 '$,$a966915`4"
Total Visitor -Serving
$1,818,607 $1,060,546 $1,379,912 $4,636,846 15.40%
Visitor=Serving ',
Btisine5s non-Vis:
' ''35 9% ,' .
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Source: Applied Development Economics, Inc.
Although not nearly in similar numbers, many visitors do come to Newport
Beach during off-peak seasons. Business travelers alone represent 21 percent of
total visitors to the city. Assuming their trips are more evenly distributed
throughout the year, it is likely that visitors represent at least 6-8 percent of the
average daytime population during non -peak months. Thus, the impact of
visitors appears to represent about 13-15 percent of total police services.14 This
is about the same as the per capita share that visitors, plus visitor -serving
employment, represent of the daytime population.
Analysls'Of Summer Peak Demand For'Police Services
Monthly Averages
Calls for
Veh. Code
Total Part 1 and Part
Time Period
Citations 2 Crimes [a]
Arrests Accidents
Sep -May
5,612 538
306 117
Jun -Aug
7,208 739
431 150
14 With the exception of lifeguards, neither the Police Department nor the Fire Department add
staff during summer months to handle peak service demands. Existing staff are re -distributed to
activities that require more attention during the summer. Therefore, the annual averages are
suitable indicators of cost impacts on these departments.
Peak Effect 27.8% 16.3% 142.3% 28.4% 37.4% 40.7% 28.5%
• Peak as Percent of Annual 6.9% 4.1% 31.4% 7.1% 9.3% 10.4% 7.2%
Source: ADE, Inc., based on data provided by Newport Beach Police Department.
[a) As defined by the FBI, Part 1 crimes -are the 8 most serious crimes (homicide, forcible rape, robbery,
aggravated assault, burglary, larceny -theft, auto theft, and arson). Part 2 crimes are all other lesser offenses
such as forgery, fraud, embezzlement, vandalism, prostitution, etc.
The following sections address the cost estimates for each division.
Traffic Division: The Traffic Division includes the parking enforcement,
animal control, accident investigations and other moving vehicle violations.
(The Patrol Division also issues vehicle code citations and responds to traffic
related incidents). Based on the distribution of labor costs for parking
enforcement, this function is estimated to require 21 percent of the Traffic
Division budget. Parking enforcement records indicate that about 53 percent of
this activity occurs in residential neighborhoods and 47 percent in commercial
areas, and the parking enforcement costs have been attributed in this analysis
accordingly. (Parking meter revenue is attributed solely to business and public
uses since few meters exist in residential neighborhoods). All animal control
• costs are attributed to residential land uses, about 11 percent of the Division
The remaining budget for the Traffic Division is distributed on the basis of
estimated traffic generation in the City. Based on the land use mix in the City
and the trip generation rates used in the General Plan Update traffic model, it is
estimated that approximately 36 percent of all vehicle trips in the City are
generated by residential uses, and 64 percent by business and public land uses."
This is clearly an approximate split. There is some overlap between trips from
residents to retail stores and employment centers and these figures do not
account for through -traffic that is unrelated to land use in Newport Beach.
However, the 36/64 percent split provides a reasonable basis for allocating the
$2.56 million in non -parking and animal control enforcement costs for the
15 Trip generation rates were provided by Urban Crossroads, Inc., per a City of Newport Beach
study. ADE prepared the estimates of the distribution of total trips.
• Traffic Division. In the calculations, visitors were limited to 10 percent of total
cost for this division, to reflect the lower effect on vehicle citations, as shown in
Table 10.
Patrol Division: This is the largest division and is responsible for maintaining
beat patrols as well as responding to traffic incidents, enforcing traffic laws and
responding to most other incidents or calls for service. The costs for this
division have generally been allocated on a straight per capita basis, with one
exception. Retail businesses on average tend to generate more police activity
than do other kinds of businesses. Certain kinds of retail, such as restaurants
and bars, generate a disproportionate amount of alcohol -related incidents.
Retail shopping centers create more opportunity for burglary and theft. The
effect of this activity can be seen in comparing the crime statistics for the
Newport Center area and the Airport area. Both areas have approximately the
same total employment, but the Newport Center area has three times as many
retail employees and a corresponding 20 percent reduction in other kinds of
jobs. Yet the Newport Center area registers twice as many crimes and three
• times as many arrests as does the Airport Area. On a per -employee basis, the
disparity between retail and other kinds of business activity is even greater.
Therefore, in the analysis in Table 9, retail businesses are given a weighting of
three times the per capita cost compared to other businesses.
Overall, 49 percent of the cost of the division activities is distributed to
residences, 15 percent to visitor -serving uses and 36 percent to other business
and public uses. Looking at the land area distribution in the City, 52 percent of
the area is devoted to residential uses, with 22 percent in business uses and 26
percent in open space. The per capita allocation fairly well represents the
geographic coverage of the patrol function of this division.
Detective Division: This division is primarily responsible for investigating
non -traffic related crimes that occur in the City and also performs a number of
crime prevention and proactive criminal pursuit activities. In terms of the
activities shown in Table 10, this division is most involved with investigation of
the Part 1 and Part 2 crimes, as well as following up on arrests. Both of these
• activities show substantial increases during the summer peak months. Based on
• the peak effect figures in Table 10 and the additional visitor activity during
non -peak months, 20 percent of the costs for this division have been allocated
to visitor -serving uses, 46 percent to residences and 34 percent to other
businesses. As with the Patrol Division costs, retail businesses are assigned a
weighting of three compared to other businesses in the per capita cost
Support Activities: The office of the Police Chief includes a number of
functions such as community relations, legal affairs and crime prevention. The
Support Services Division includes communications, records, fleet maintenance,
personnel and a variety of other functions. All of these services and activities
represent about 30 percent of the total Police Department budget, or 42.4
percent above the budgets of the other three divisions. The allocation of costs
for this division has been treated as an overhead function based on the
distribution of costs for the other divisions.
Summary: As shown in Table 9, the total police cost allocation by land use
• works out to about 47 percent for residential, nearly 25 percent for visitor
serving uses and less than one-third for other business uses.
Capital Improvement Program
In addition to providing services, the City also incurs annual `capital outlay'
costs associated with the provision of public improvements, on -going projects,
and maintenance programs. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) serves as
a plan for meeting the City's long-term capital needs as well as ongoing
maintenance activities. Projects in the CIP include the construction, repair, and
maintenance of arterial highways and local streets; storm drains; bay and beach
improvements; park and facility improvements; water and wastewater system
improvements; and planning programs. The FY 2002-03 CIP, including
rebudgets of revenue from prior years, totals $34.5 million and consists of over
150 projects.16 Funding for these projects comes from a variety of sources,
16 City of Newport Beach Capital Improvement Program, pg. I-17.
• including the General Fund, enterprise funds, grant programs such as CDBG,
State subventions, etc.
As shown in Table 11 below, the four funds that are included in the fiscal
analysis contribute a total of approximately $13 million to the 2002-03 CIP.
However, since the fiscal analysis is intended to match revenues from the
current fiscal year with current year's costs (and then distribute these costs and
revenues by land use), funds that were rebudgeted from 2001-02 have been
subtracted from the CIP appropriations as shown, resulting in approximately
$7.9 million in net CIP expenditures for the current fiscal year.
2002-03 CIP Expenditures Included In Fiscal Analysis
Total CIP
General Fund - Streets 2,366,000
General Fund- Other 4,766,265
Tidelands Fund 1,466,442
Gas Tax Fund 2,274,721
Measure M Fund 2,061,605
• Total 12,935,033
Source: ADE, Inc., based on City of Newport Beach, Fiscal Year 2002-03 Capital Improvement
These CIP expenditures that relate directly to traffic/circulation improvements
— including the street projects under the general fund and all of the Gas Tax and
Measure M projects - were distributed across the various land uses on the basis
of trip generation data cited in the discussion above regarding police costs for
the Traffic Division. For the Tidelands Fund, those CIP expenditures that
related directly to beach and other public uses (e.g. lifeguard towers
replacement or pier repair) were attributed to the `Public' category, while costs
relating directly to boating activity (e.g. Balboa Yacht Basin Facilities) were
attributed to the `Marine' category. The remaining Tidelands Fund CIP
expenditures, as well as CIP spending under the General Fund that does not
relate to traffic/circulation, was distributed across land uses on a per capita
basis, as described in the discussion below.
Per Capita Costs And Revenues
isIn cases where specific information about the land use origin of certain
revenues or costs could not be determined, we developed unit cost and revenue
factors to apply to each land use. Unless otherwise indicated, the per capita
factors shown in Table 12 are based on the three population segments which
generate revenues (via spending on goods and services, payment of fees and
fines, etc.) while simultaneously exerting demand for City services: residents,
employees, and visitors. As described above in the police cost analysis, these
groups comprise a total constituency of approximately 156,000 persons. This
estimate is based on the current population of approximately 76,000, plus a
citywide employment estimate of 60,879, and an average of 19,671 daily visitors
to Newport Beach. t'
Unit Costs And Revenues
(S) (S)
Motor Vehicle -in -Lieu $22.47 Public Works $59.98
• Other Intergovernmental $10.01 Community Development $14.42
Charges for Service $54.21 Community Services* $109.61
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures $20.01
Licenses and Permits $2.39
Other Revenue $3.56
Gas Tax Fund* $19.26
Measure M Fund* $15.86
Source: ADE, Inc.
"Based on residential population only.
"According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the City of Newport Beach had a population of 70,032
in 2000. The Resource Allocation Plan indicates a January 1, 2002 population of 75,662, which
includes newly annexed Newport Coast and is the figure used in this analysis. The employment
figures come from the California Employment Development Department (EDD), adjusted to
include an estimate of self-employment (excluding home -based businesses) . The average daily
visitors is based on estimates obtained from a 2001 study prepared for the Newport Beach
Conference and Visitors Bureau, which indicates that there are 7.2 million visitors to Newport
Beach annually.
Based on the current land use mix in the city of Newport Beach as described
above, Table 13 shows the full results of the fiscal impact analysis, which are
summarized below. This analysis represents the average, existing cost of
services for existing land uses. The incremental cost to serve new development
in Newport Beach may be different.
❑ Residential land uses generate about 80 percent of property tax revenues.
❑ Seventy percent of sales taxes, the second largest city revenue, are generated
by retail uses. Table 14 provides a detailed summary of the fiscal impacts of
the retail category. Eating and drinking places (i.e. restaurants) generate the
most sales tax revenue (over $3 million per year) among the various retail
categories shown in Table 14. However, due primarily to the high
employment associated with restaurants and the number of police incidents
associated with some of these establishments, the net fiscal impact of eating
and drinking places is slightly negative. Besides restaurants, the top retail
categories in terms of the sales tax revenue produced are automobile
dealerships, grocery stores, and department stores. Together, these three
categories account for almost half of all the sales taxes, and all three also
result in a significant fiscal benefit to the City."
❑ The remaining 30 percent of the City's sales tax revenues are generated by
taxable transactions at Newport Beach businesses as follows: office (10% of
sales tax revenues); service commercial (70/6); boat and marine equipment
18 Approximately 65% of the net revenues from the retail land use category is derived from auto
dealerships, grocery stores, and department stores (Table 14).
• sales (50/o); light industrial (40/6); hotels (30/o); and home -based businesses (less
than 1%) (Figure 1).
❑ The transient occupancy tax equals about eight percent of revenues in the
analysis and is primarily generated by lodging facilities in Newport Beach
(i.e. hotels and motels). However, residential properties which are leased as
vacation rentals (of less than 31 days) also generate significant TOT revenue
(nearly $1 million annually).
❑ Residential uses generate 40 percent of franchise fees and 100 percent of the
motor vehicle in lieu subvention from the state.
Gross Revenues by Land Use
xomss...e amin<a
Sarvlm Gmmav4% ,
5% wed;
ir''43* ,.
am. :r q
❑ Other revenues are generated approximately in proportion to the
population and employment supported by each land use.
❑ Overall, residential land uses create about 44 percent of the revenues. Retail
uses generate 18 percent followed by office uses at 11 percent and lodging at
8.7 percent (Figure 2).
❑ Residential uses require about 48 percent of both police and fire department
services, which constitute the largest expenditures for the City (followed
closely by street and facility maintenance performed by the public works
❑ Retail businesses require about one -fifth of total police services, while
• public land uses, mainly the beaches serving visitors, require about 8
percent. Lodging facilities are estimated to require just one percent of total
police services.
❑ The beaches and other visitor -serving public land uses require about 21
percent of fire department costs, primarily because of the City's lifeguard
Net Impact
❑ In total, residential uses require about 51 percent of municipal services,
while generating slightly less than half the revenue needed to operate city
government. This results in an annual net cost for residential uses of about
$6.0 million per year for Newport Beach. This is normal for most cities in
California, and in fact is probably much worse in many other communities
that do not enjoy the higher housing values found in Newport Beach.
❑ The lodging sector generates the largest net revenue, at $7.8 million,
• followed by the retail sector at about $7.1 million.
❑ The marine industry, including boat sales and manufacturing, generates
about $2.7 million in net revenue, followed by service commercial uses at
$1.8 million.
❑ Industrial and institutional uses essentially break even, contributing very
modest net revenues.
❑ Office uses currently generate a negative impact ($6.6 million) due to their
high employment, which adds to municipal costs. However, these uses,
along with industrial uses, also create jobs and income that contribute
significantly to the city's economic base, as discussed in more detail below.
❑ Public land uses also reflect a negative impact due to the lack of direct
revenues. However, this should be viewed in the context of the overall
visitor impact as discussed below and summarized in Table 15.
As mentioned at the outset, the key point in this analysis is to identify how the
• mix of land uses in the City provides a balance of revenues to fund services for
• residents and businesses alike. Although the analysis indicates that residential,
office, and public uses create a negative fiscal impact for the City, this one-
dimensional view does not tell the whole story. Land uses within the City are
linked economically and do not function in isolation of each other. In a broad
sense, the city economy is driven by land uses that draw dollars into the
community by selling goods and services to the outside world (see Figure 3).
This includes hospitality and retail businesses that serve tourists, but office and
industrial businesses generate an even larger share of the City's "economic
base." These businesses create jobs and incomes for people living in Newport
Beach who in turn buy retail goods locally. As Figure 3 illustrates, while retail
and visitor -serving businesses generate net tax revenue to help provide services
to other land uses, particularly residential, those land uses ultimately generate
the tax dollars by patronizing Newport Beach businesses. The primary goal,
again, is to maintain a well-balanced land use mix that can support the level of
services desired by residents and businesses alike. The following discussion
focuses on certain prominent economic sectors in Newport Beach.
Summary Of Fiscal Analysis
REVENUES Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Commercial Institutional Public
Property Tax $36,879,169 $29,311,725 $3,160,525 $357,210 $1,284,735 $439,521 $524,860 $1,416,413 $384,180 $0
Sales Tax $19,841,351 $76,329 $1,938,437 $13,922,674 $892,789 $594,391 $978,688 $1,438,043 $0 $0
`Tran5lenf;OccUpancy SaxSaX $8,298,000 -. 840;000 '$0 ' $0- _ 0 $T458,0.00 " :' - - 0 :$0-�'�"" '$0 " q
i Franchise Fees_$2,348.673, $9-63,881-- 960,307_ '$_260;5� 5 _$33;591." _ $0 "$2748Z,_-"- [$130,891 _S31958 Y Z
Business Licenses $2,377,807 $357,507 $742,200 $240,299 $112,668 $10,585 $26,993 $210,064 $18,417 $12,807
- $1.10,700
-$20{906- .$11,67,8, =
'$55j630 �
" $19578 :=.�$196-19
- Charge-sfot-Service 8,,501,375
113191 631k-. - $301,084
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
$41,777 $73,336
Licenses and Permits
$4,995 $2,790
- Useof Property,
, $5,204,288
$1,02TOT2 ",
$407,215 -
$675,556 ;
$53� 47 : $991y056
�' $91,268 . $1,832,59
I OliLer,FlevenUe- $732,653 ' $271,433
$135.645 _
_ $39; 315 _
- S5,068
S7 425 5179 147 _ .
' $19 750
. ' $69 g4d
Interest Income
$137,435 $44,466
$41,806,956$10,760,206 $16,711,917 $2,647,770 $8,881,972$2,873,728
tL sense;, Perm ts; and, .ee$.`,-:
. $0
` - 0
,' 0' .$633,000• .-
C; hargegtovServlce '' - -
. 'y0
-- £0'
to, $' i 500- • -
Use of Money and Property
$0 $997,896
$0 $0
„$842;04D -, $5,3,99¢'
$35;949 =-, 59,19J' -'
. $9,218,486
. $3;762,641.,
$35949$1J23587 -"
$45,569,597$10,877,442 $18,180,471 $2,701,765 $8,917,921$4,597,315
TABLE 13 (continued)
Summary Of Fiscal Analysis
EXPENDITURES Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Commercial Institutional Public
General Government $9,375,533 $4,993,431 $1,602,600 $959,110 $245,294 $99,302 $57,630 $220,233 $64,607 $1,133,327
Publl..Works.$20,389,485 _ $9;882;58Z- $4;986,733. $f;g93;216 $186;059 $272,558. -5I52,247 - 5724;997 d 5177.013 `52:564:080
5 MIT -GAS TAX FUND $1,558,388 $280,510 $345,590 $779,585 $20,093 $42,194 $10,046 $50,231 $10,046 $20,093
MEASURE M FUND 51.056.384 MUM 5234.188 55781;37 01 Al OR 5C3 to RnR taa nao to R.R tre c1 r
Retail Employment And Fiscal Impacts
No. of
Sales Tax
Net Percent
Automobile Dealers
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
Fumiture and Hpme Furnishings Stores
• _' •84J458
7 237,' 50
Electronics and Appliance Stores
Building Material and Supplies Dealers
Wwm&Garden Equipment and'Suppl es Stores �^
"2 5
•' . 0:?%
`• .164,727
; ; 1.2No
, 148,237
Grocery Stores
_ 7.1%
_ _
_ _
Specialty Food Stores
U.- undo o„d 11- ,onroc
i"f eal -ah Personal 6 StuStofes, '-
', 419 •`�, 3:8
115 LO°h
;3 - 269 " 2t3%
. • •500 011 3�6%
40,526 O"04
424,814" 6A.39b
4481 Clothing StOreS >/'f >.[no ,uu,»u
4482 Shoe Stores 21 0.2% 58,350 0.4% 7,594 23,446 44,496 0.7%
.._� .._____ __+,•__..__.•__+_�........ > - is .6m 't ASf.' 46f(d9 1a1.141' .'."99' ) L54,411
4512 Book, Periodical, and Music Stores I 88 0.8%I 112,427 0.8%I 31,461I 88,848I 55,040 0.8%I
nc» nonart,nonr crnroc and nrher fenerai Merchandise 1.295 11.7% 1,989,761 14.3% 463,601 1,309,235 1,144,126 17.1%
� 20,974
00ice Supplies, Statlonary, and Gift Stores
_ 1.3Ph
• 51,712
__ 10t574
4533 Used Merchandise Stores za o.ero c0,icu o.cia °,o.> a
4539 Other Miscellaneous Retailers 194 1.0% 655,425 4.6% 69,412 196:023 528,814 8.0%
722 Eating and Drinking'Places _ 5,772, ','5�2 3;226,259 ' 23.2°k "2;067,036 58,37''' 2 -544; 35 �8.1%
Total 11,057 100.0% 13,922,674100.0% 3,959,774 11182625 6,699,823100.0%
Source: California Economic Development Department, California Board of Equalization, and Applied Development
Figure 3
Economic and Fiscal Relationships in Newport Beach
/ c t,,>. .._' ,#i lRE1=O�t,:jHF{,11VORL'UFECdNOt2Y; $*---'—^—�—
'• . ° "� - : 'oroddclsa
• I Purchase Newport Beach
products and services
Jobs& I �NMTax Dollars
Income for Netax ces
Y Shopping
Jobs &
Local IIY—►
Net Tax Dollars
for Services
Net Tax Dollars
far Services
� s
Jobs &
Net Tax Dollars
for Services
Business be Business
and Visitor Spending
Fiscal Impact Of Visitors In Newport Beach
Total Residential
Retail Industrial Lodging Marine
Property -Tax
Sales Tax
- _
Trans fentOcc-upancpTax
-�� S86048'
-• $7.881'
-. , :-§0''
$78;168-: -
"• •So':.
,._ __ •SO"=
'._ _ SO
Business Licenses
Motor Vehicle -in -Lieu
01 1111n[er ovemmenfa
"?8250,791 °
- ; So.
'533;240 --,$0
; $0
•- Chzrges foGSiirvfce �-:51,391.665 :
-• $33:833
- -, 50••'.5179:808
' -50=
L. - $0'
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
Licenses and Permits
i ,.'• Used6Pioperty;
- _$0
, '
" 01,287'
" 52 ,19-
S11784 -
- SO
Interestincome $303,574 S25,514 $0 $84,884 SO $137,435 $1,887 $807 SO $53,049
$19,619,045 $1,648,862 $0 $5,485,771 $0 $8,881,97 $121,923 $52,160 $0 $3,428,357
Licenses,•P.ermits,and Fees, _
.-.,.S52010.00 --
- --. 50: ,SO �-"--50 .-
•. SO_-_
�Eharges.fo�.Servi_cey' _
• �,;;�,_ 533,�00 .;
-.::��SO••' °S0;_,533;500,,;,�„�„-.'���.
" - Sa
Use of Money and Pro PP.
SO SO $37,410
- ' -_' -.; - -- ,'
` •..'SO ::
- - :SO -- = .--So - -
. -- SO < _ -
- 50.
ME1�5_UFi.E•�f�•F-l1ND -�
_ -,$0._
- -"SO
�'.--_ SO- .,535949_. " .$0 ,,:"•_,,�,-,;,-30•V�„
_ -
-_-54: '- ... S�
$0 $35,949 $70,910
SO $6,357,283
SO $8,917,92 $192,833
TABLE 15 (continued)
Fiscal Impact Of Visitors In Newport Beach
�P.olic`e_=54,925,51Z -S28&671 -:SO ',760,533
Fire $5,309,182 $137,045 . $0 $331,139
$0 $195,848
Other CIP Projects
$0 $62,188
- SO'1$2,80A5'
Harbor Resources Division
Oil and Gas
$0 So
-- $3,089
- --SO ' $6,418-
':.SO' S233.875
SO $158,843
$0 $409,136
; - S680,69,1-
-,SO 53,273,391
- - $0-5283,29
_ $0 -
- - -- $0 - -'
- 'SO
.. SO". '_
^ " ;SO
- -' $0
51,055 0-0-
-.. _ SO
— - -9.
• According to a recent report presented by the Newport Beach Conference and
Visitors Bureau, the city attracts about 7.18 million visitors per year, of which
81 percent are here on leisure trips." Of this number, 86 percent are day
visitors, 7 percent stay in local hotels and the balance stay in private homes.
About 64% of the visitors reported visiting the beaches during their stay. This
would amount to about 4.6 million visitors, or an annual average of 12,500 per
day. During the peak summer season, this average figure climbs to 100,000.
Non -beach goers likely include many business travelers and other Southern
California residents coming to Newport Beach to shop.
From an economic standpoint, visitors bring substantial income to Newport
Beach. Visitors spend an estimated $1 billion in the city each year, of which
about $449 million are retail purchases and $83 million are lodging expenses.
These two categories of spending alone generated about $4.8 million in sales
taxes and $8.3 million in Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) for the City budget
in 2001. Visitors generate other revenues as well, including indirect business
• license and property taxes, revenues from use of public property, and others.
Table 15 summarizes the comprehensive revenues and cost impact on local
government by visitors to Newport Beach. Overall visitors generate about
$21.6 million per year against $16.7 million in service costs. The service costs
include $4.9 million in police services, $2.7 million for beach lifeguards
included in the fire department budget, as well as other emergency medical calls
made by the fire department. The net positive fiscal impact of visitor business
19 CIC Research, Inc. Profile of Visitors to Newport Beach FY2001. November 16, 2001. For
purposes of the study, visitors were defined as persons who lived outside of Newport Beach and
were not in the City for purposes of daily employment. About 18 percent of the survey
respondents live in Orange or Los Angeles counties. An additional 15 percent live in Riverside
or San Bernardino counties. Overall, about 8 percent listed shopping as the main purpose of
their trip to Newport Beach. Although this is not broken down by place of origin, it is likely
that many of the visitors from elsewhere in Southern California come to Newport Beach solely
for shopping and would not be considered "tourists" in the commonly understood meaning of
that term.
activity in Newport Beach, then is about $4.9 million per year, not counting
• the net fiscal benefit of the marine industry, discussed below. These are
revenues that contribute toward City services provided to residents and
businesses in the community.
As noted above, marine industries in Newport Beach, which include marina
slip rentals, boat sales, chartered vessels for events and sport fishing, boat
repair, and boat maintenance and manufacturing, account for over 1,000 jobs
and generate nearly $2.7 million in net revenues This positive fiscal result is
largely due to property tax derived from boats moored in Newport Beach
marinas, sales tax generation among boat dealers and other marina -related
businesses, a marine charter fee, and lease income from coastal property owned
by the State of California but that the City operates as the State's trustee.
For purposes of the fiscal analysis we have included the City's Harbor
Resources Division in the costs associated with this industry. However, as
noted above, there is significant overlap between the marine industry and the
hospitality industry.
The marine industries that manufacture, sell, and service the boats have
undergone a significant transformation in the past twenty years. There are
• issues today about the continued viability of the marine industry in Newport
Beach that should be recognized in the general plan update process.
Twenty years ago, there were five to six major boat manufacturers in Southern
California, and a number of smaller outfits. Since that time, all of the major
manufacturers have left California, mostly to Florida. While a few of the
smaller manufacturers remain, others have moved inland to Riverside County.
This has largely been due to increased environmental regulation in California
affecting fiberglass manufacturing processes, as well as real estate price inflation
in coastal communities.
There has been a consolidation among boat supply and servicing companies as
well. As costs have risen, fewer firms are now serving the demand for specialty
boat parts, and boat repair and servicing. Those that do not have to be on the
water have moved to inland locations. Some have found locations in the West
Newport industrial areas, but many have gone further inland to the Costa
Mesa, Huntington Beach, and Long Beach industrial areas, as well as locations
• in Riverside and San Diego counties and Mexico.
Those businesses still in the industry report very strong demand for their goods
and services. Although the total number of slips in Southern California is not
growing dramatically, there is a lot of "move up" sales activity as existing
boaters purchase larger and more expensive boats that require a greater level of
support and servicing.
Businesses throughout the industry have expressed concern about the real estate
pressure on their locations near the water. This is an issue that continues to
affect businesses leasing space, particularly in the Cannery and Mariner's Mile
areas of town. As noted above, many businesses have moved inland and service
boats in the harbor from more remote locations. If this issue reduces the
availability of boat services in Newport Beach sufficiently, it may cause the
consumer market in boats to shift as well to other locations. Currently, the city
realizes significant sales and property tax revenues from boats and related
The indirect benefit of the boating industry could also be improved by
increasing access for visiting boats to dock and launch facilities in Newport
• Harbor. This issue is complicated by the fact that over 90% of the harbor
frontage is in private ownership. This leaves little opportunity for the City to
increase the availability of public facilities. However, if private entrepreneurs
could add to the available facilities, it would help increase the capture of visitor
spending in Newport Beach on restaurants and other retail goods and services.
This chapter demonstrates how the fiscal model can be used to analyze future
development in the City by presenting an example of existing and projected
development in the Newport Coast area.
The analysis primarily illustrates the distinction between marginal service costs
and average service costs, which will be important in considering the impacts of
future development in other areas of the City as well. Marginal costs represent the
actual incremental costs of providing services to a new proposed development. In
contrast, an average cost approach would treat the proposed development the same
as existing development in the City and assume that the costs to serve it are similar
• on a per capita basis as the costs to serve all other development in the City. The
analysis in the previous chapter is done on an average cost basis, because the intent
is to show the levels of cost the City incurs to provide for the existing residents and
The true marginal costs, on the other hand, can be either higher or lower than the
average depending on the levels of available service capacity. This can be most
easily illustrated with fire services, as the Newport Coast analysis shows. If the
existing fire stations in the City can serve a proposed development, then the
incremental cost of providing service is likely to be lower than the average since
existing facilities, equipment and manpower can be used. If a new station is needed,
then the marginal cost of that is likely to be higher than the average unless the
development is so large that it supports the need for a fire station all by itself.
As the City considers future development options in the General Plan Update
process, the location of the development and the status of existing services at those
locations will play a role in the fiscal impact analysis.
The land use data for the analysis is taken from the traffic model database for the
year 2000 and the projection for the year 2025. The fiscal analysis evaluates the
year 2000 as the existing land use case and the year 2025 as full buildout of the area.
As shown in Table 16, buildout is about double the development levels in the year
2000. The traffic model tracks non-residential development in terms of three
employment categories: retail, services and other. It was necessary for us to make
assumptions about the more specific business types this would entail in Newport
Coast, as shown in the table.
The assessed value estimates for both scenarios are based on residential unit values
of $815,000 for single-family units and $600,000 for the condominiums. These
values are based on a review of property tax data in the Newport Coast area, and
are higher than the values obtained for the City of Newport Beach as a whole.
Newport Coast Development: Year 2000 and 2025
Year 2000
Year 2025
• Land Use
Population Assessed Value
Assessed Value
Single Family
3,001 $1,030,160,000
2,697 $681,600,000
0 $0
High Density
0 $0
Total Residential
5,699 $1,711,760,000
Sq. R.
Sq. Ft.
50 $1,995,000
196 $6,311,200
Service Commercial
Total Non -Residential
$131,306,200 1,890,200
At the time of the annexation, City departments made estimates of expected service
costs, both for the initial development levels and for ultimate buildout. In some
cases the full service cost for buildout was funded initially, and in other cases the
• costs were deferred until further development occurs. This situation raises the
opportunity to consider both the marginal cost of the initial annexation and the
average cost of serving the area at full buildout.
Fire Protection Services
Newport Coast has an existing fire station, designated No. 8 by the City, which
was in place at the time of annexation. At that time, the City estimated the cost of
operating the station at $1.39 million per year.20 This is less than the average cost of
operating other stations in Newport Beach, estimated at about $2 million, but
more than the incremental per capita cost of adding the amount of development in
Newport Coast in 2000. Since the City assumed operation of the station, we have
shown $1.39 million as the cost of fire protection services in 2000 in Table 17.
As Newport Coast develops further, the City's plan is to move the existing Station
No. 5 in Corona del Mar further south to obtain better response times to Newport
Coast as well as CdM. Thus, at buildout the City will serve Newport Coast from
• two stations. However, based on the amount of development at buildout and the
fact that Station No. 8 would also serve development west of Newport Coast, the
net cost effect would be approximately equal to the cost of one full station. This is
estimated by the fiscal model at nearly $1.9 million (Table 18), not including the
cost of moving Station No. 5.
Therefore, the marginal cost of the initial annexation -at $1.39 million -was higher
than the average per capita cost would have been but, conversely, the marginal cost
of completing buildout of the area -at $487,000-is much less than the average cost.
Police Services
In the case of police services, part of the departmental expansion needed to serve
full buildout of the Newport Coast area was made at the time of annexation, and
2° Terry, Ulaszewski, Fiscal/Information Services Manager, Newport Beach Fire and Marine
• part was deferred until a later time. Specifically, the detective division received the
entire complement of personnel needed to serve full development of the are21,
while the patrol and traffic divisions received an incremental increase that reflected
immediate service demands at the time of annexation.'
In estimating the costs of service, the full detective division cost -estimated at 25
percent of the total police services cost -was included in Table 17, along with the
incremental cost of the traffic and patrol division as estimated by the fiscal model.
This results in a slightly higher cost for police services in Table 17, reflecting the
year 2000, than would be commensurate with the amount of development alone.
As with the fire services, the net increase at full buildout is accordingly less than it
would be otherwise, estimated at $944,000 compared to nearly $1.7 million to serve
about the same amount of development currently.
Overall, the analysis suggests that the year 2000 development generates about
• $800,000 per year in net revenues, while doubling the development to achieve full
buildout would add another $1.9 million per year. Because the marginal costs of
the annexation were higher than the average cost, the second half of buildout of the
area generates 40 percent more in net revenue for the City than does the first half.
Overall, Newport Coast does very well for the City -including the residential land
uses at buildout-primarily because of the higher property values obtained in the
area. Also, the fact that many of the streets are privately maintained reduces the
City's costs.
21 Captain Tim Newman, Detective Division Commander, Newport Beach Police Department
u Captain Paul Henisey, Traffic and Patrol Division Commander, Newport Beach Police
Newport Coast Impact Year 2000
Retail Industrial
Lodging Marine Commercia Institutional
Safes Tax
3;1A 4 243408:
293.873 •
r c;- 0 -;-0
Transient Occupancy Tax
•- _ Franchise'Feas-
105, 08-
-1; 76
Business Licenses
e -' - ,- ;Motot!/ehicle-in-Lieu
- 0-
„0--•Oi,., _ •0
Other Intergovernmental
- - Char esforService -
-385;837-,= 308396
2,706�z4'10;607.•" act+-0t-<13529_-._-.0•'
0 :
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
ram+--'' - --= L'IcensesandPermifs
• - iT,026
- - -597----0,-,;.•
0 -;
Use of Property
- - - -Other Revenue_-_
- 25,309
Interest Income
Licenses, Permits, and Fees
- ChargesfoGService-* - -0
Use of Money and Property 0
-- 0
°''• "0-- -` - 0-
0 0
GAS TAX • , - -_'
137 062
- 109552--
- •'961' °'
e' 9'806r -•
$6 052� - * • 922=
_ Oe
TABLE 17 (continued)
Newport Coast Impact Year 2000
Expenditures Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Commercia Institutional Public
General Government 445,835 374,212 2,270 16,810 0 11,080 0 36,753 4,710 0
720 2,822
_V9[_gf[Nnll Oervice5= ' -ozY;Uuf u-_ 1 A 1.U-k' :u'.�' -- u' L. i u. ,-,-U'_'0.
CIP Streets 33,911 8,756 470 11,413 0 4,071 0 8,596 605 0
5,272,719 4,412,536 29,787 188,706
Harbor Resources
Oil and Gas
17,221 _
Newport Coast Impact at Full Buildout
Revenues Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Service Institutional Public
Property Tax 6,405,042 6,042,047-10,175 10,729 0 52,616 0 271,116 18,360 $0
868,120 _ :>r14,679.-9�439" 243,408- ,_ � 0 :135,861_•� 0 - 967,734
Other Intergovernmental 139,154 115,955 1,499 1,959 0 4,958 0 13,284 1,499 0
6 � _ Charoesf6i`Sefvice, - 753,409, • ,627,.805'. ,8,117 - .10:607 -- . - J0:''. - .26.842 1 "0' 74,921"8,117' ^.0 .
Use of Property
-- - 49;420.'
; - 41,181
. 532 -
696-". _"
: - 0 -=
- - -1, 61 " -
- '0
4,71& _-
•. -332
.0 =
Interest Income
Licenses, Permits, and Fees
Use of Money and Property
0 --
0 '---
- 0'
- 0 -.
. 0•
TABLE 18 (continued)
Newport Coast Impact at Full Buildout
Expenditures Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Service Commercial Institutional Public
Fire 1,853,958 1,575,365 16,065 19,328 0 47,741 0 176,637 18,822 0
_ ,2,779
Harbor Resources
Oil and Gas
Buildout of the existing General Plan would maintain an overall positive fiscal balance
for the City, in terms of annual operating costs and revenues. As summarized in the
Table 19, the City's housing units, population and total employment would all grow
about 16 percent. However, within these broad averages are some important
Growth Rates
2002 - Buildout
Occupied Single -Family Dwelling Units
Occupied Multi -Family Dwelling Units
Total Occupied Dwelling Units
, GrouplQuzrterslP.opulatloTi SOP/o.' -
,Population -
-- 16P/o' '
Employec!Aesldents „ -
1,16% -
• Retail Employees
Service Employees
Other Employees
7_7,TotabEmployees _
- 564%' : `'
Element6ry/High SchooLStudents
19P/o .
Future residential growth is projected to focus heavily on multi -family development,
which will tend to shift the tax base to slightly lower cost housing. However, as noted
in the analysis of Newport Coast, housing prices for all types of units in Newport
Beach are rapidly reaching levels that can generate sufficient property tax to support
public services. For the buildout analysis we assumed a modest 5 to 10 percent real
growth in housing prices, which had a marked positive effect on the net cost of
residential uses as shown in Table 20.
Within the employment figures, the buildout projection shows higher growth for
retail and lodging employment, at 24 percent and 19 percent, respectively. As discussed
in the earlier section of this report, these two business sectors are particularly strong
net revenue generators. Along with the growth in hotels rooms and regional
population, we have assumed a 20 percent growth in visitors to Newport Beach over
• the 20 to 25 years time period needed to achieve buildout. The increased visitors add
sales tax and transient occupancy tax (TOT) to the City's revenues but would also
increase costs for police protection and emergency response among others. We have
not assumed, however, a commensurate increase in the marine industry or the number
of boats moored in Newport Harbor. The general plan buildout projection does not
include additional marina berths, and as discussed earlier, some elements of the marine
industry are under pressure from rising real estate prices and may not be able to
expand readily in Newport Beach.
As shown in Table 20, the individual land uses perform about the same as in the
existing land use scenario earlier, but the total net revenue is higher as a percent of
revenue due to the increased proportion of sales tax, TOT tax and property tax from
residential units. The analysis also includes the assumption that City would see
increased revenues from the use of public property, as uses on these sites intensify to
serve the increased resident and visitor population.
It should further be noted that this analysis only addresses the annual costs of
providing services and does not include any capital costs or improvements to public
facilities needed to support the growth in the buildout projection. Due to the long
time frame (20-25 years) to achieve buildout, we have not attempted to estimate the
marginal costs of expanding or upgrading city facilities. As these costs are identified
through subsequent analysis in the General Plan Update process, a discussion of
financing for public improvements will be included in the fiscal analysis.
Fiscal Impact of Existing General Plan Buildout
Total Residential
Marine Commercial
Property Tax
Sales Tax
Transient OcCUpaney Tax-
9 $756
" $0
- - $0
$9,16 ,456
- $0 .
1,,108183 '$1,08.5,3Z4____318,921
". -$60,980
§38 6
Business Licenses
Motor Vehicle -In -Lieu
_ ;Othenlntergovernmen I_
- 3,854,.0_
$q 1,107
$13 y496
$34,SZ4 -,69
,,,$11,775 -
- $75,017
--_ -$l 457.:-$"236,01
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 110,325,429 50,252,481$12,469,141 $20,293,555 $2,581,142$10,929,272 $3,044,688 $4,884,017 $752,392 $4,407,847
}. _ . . _ __. `- _ ..L"$ , .363 _ $0 � - . $0 . ; $638,420
censer„ erm an ees
CFemee6nv Condrn�._ _ -raa'7a7to 'en _
TABLE 20 (continued)
Fiscal Impact of Existing General Plan Buildout
EXPENDITURES Total Residential Office Retail Industrial Lodging Marine Commercial Institutional Public
General Government 11,055,740 5,805,709 $1,924,851 $1,172,951 $247,800 $115,570 $57,630 $293,585 $77,651 $1,359,992
STATE GASTAX FUND 1,876,969 325,164 $416,610 954,203 $20,449 $51,860 $10,046 $67,760 $12,177 $18,701
_ rv,n✓vmwrw, v,aio,avc_ ywr,v„ - ;vca,v,v aw`w,c�c yra,-,oa._ aovi(va a,a-vil-a •J[10U"Qa. _ :;140;Z Y „$pYS,G.f
rnrn�evoeunm�occ" 119!648.227" '59.903:67921.023!B7f: L4.232ID .4 S50 5S 2.517:9Rnt1.3751.93Sml S7A 3J796_ <RZt 467.1465n 7s
01 thru 09 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
15 thru 17 Construction
20 thru 39 Manufacturing
40 thru 49 TCPU
50-51 Wholesale
52 Building Materials and Garden Supplies
53 General Merchandise Stores
54 Food Stores
55 Automobile Dealers and Service Stations
56 Apparel and Accessory Stores
57 Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores
58 Eating and Drinking Places
59 Miscellaneous Retail
60 Depository Institutions
61 NondepositoryInstitutions
62 Security and Commodity Brokers
63 Insurance Carriers
64 Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service
65 Real Estate
67 Holding and Investment Companies
73 Business Services
80 Health Services
81 Legal Services
87 Engineering and Management Services
72 Personal Services
75 Auto Repair, Services, and Parking
76 Miscellaneous Repair Services
78 Motion Pictures
79 Amusement & Recreation Services
Educational Services
Social Services
Museums, Botanical, Zoological Gardens
Memberships Organizations
91 thru 97 Public Administration
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
Wholesale Trade
Trans and Warehousing
44-45 Retail Trade
722 Food Service & Drinking Places
52 Finance and Insurance
53 Real Estate
54 Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services
621.623 Health Care
51 Information
561 Administrative and Support Services
81 Other Services
71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
51213 Motion Picture & Video Exhibition
61 Educational Services
624 Social Assistance
Mfg Of Canvas & Related Products
Boat Dealers, New and Used
Miscellaneous Wood Products Mfg
Mfg Of Radio & TV Communications Equip
Marine Radio Comm Equip Mfg
Ship Building & Repairing
Boat yards (i.e. boat mfg facilities)
Boat Building & Repairing
Boat, Pleasure, Repair & Maint Services
Mfg Of Signs & Advertising Specialties
Boating Clubs w/o Marinas
Coastwise Transportation- Water
Miscellaneous Water Transportation Services
Water Passenger Transportation
Marine Cargo Handling
Towing & Tugboat Service
Yacht Maintenance
Electrical Apparatus & Equipment
Sporting & Recreation Goods & Supplies
Miscellaneous Durable Goods Wholesalers
Fish & Seafood
Boat Dealers
Miscellaneous Repair Services
Hotels & Motels
Includes only City of Newport Beach departments, which
Not included as category in Bus Lic File
are classified into a variety of different NAICS codes
Light Ind. Lodging Marine
Public Total
Visitor -Serving
0 53,747120,636
W.J. Carden Telescopes
Temp. Slip rentals
Galley caf6
Orange Co. Dock
36,096 36,096
Pay Telephones
25,000 25,000
CDM Concession
90,000 90,000
Misc. Concessions
2,600 2,600
Parking Meter Income
28,573 41,751
City Parking Lots
25,174 36,785
Non -Visitor -Serving
1027 072
154,480 0871,020
Beacon Bay
Balboa Yacht Basin
Basin Marine Shipyard
10,000 10,000
Heritage Yacht Brok.
Balboa Yacht Club
Intercity Bus Shelters
60,000 60,000
City facility Fees
55,000 55,000
108,000 108,000
Library facility
2,000 2,000
Parking Meter Income
City Parking Lots
Res Office
Retail Light Ind.
Lodging Marine
Service Inst.
Visitor -Serving
0 0
98,900 0
0 37,410
61,800 0
W.J. Carden Telescopes
Temp. Slip rentals
Galley caf6
Orange Co. Dock
Balboa Island Ferry
Balboa Pier Conc.
Newport Pier Conc.
Harbor Bait Barge
Balboa Parking Lot
Non -Visitor -Serving
2,285,528 0
7,614 0
0 960,486
0 110,000_
Amer. Legion
Beacon Bay
Balboa Yacht Basin
Basin Marine Shipyard
Bayside Yacht Sales
Balboa Bay Club
•Petroleum Royalty
Sale of gas
Retail Commercial
Market Analysis
December 2002
Prepared for
The City of Newport Beach
Prepared by
Applied Development Economics
2029 University Avenue • Berkeley, California 94704 • (510) 548-5912
1029 J Street, Suite 310 • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 441-0323
Figure 1 Economic Analysis Coastal Study Area.................................................6
Figure 2 Citywide Retail Capture
Figure 3 Citywide Sales Leakage and Regional Capture......................................7
Figure 4 Coastal Centers Sales and Leakages........................................................7
Table 1 Newport Beach Retail Market Analysis...................................................9
Table 2 Balboa Island Subarea Analysis of Retail Demand, Retail Sales,
andSales Leakage................................................................................................11
Table 3 Balboa Island Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot.......................12
Table 4 Balboa Village Subarea Analysis of Retail Demand, Retail Sales,
andSales Leakage................................................................................................14
Table 5 Balboa Village Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot......................15
Table 6 Corona del Mar Subarea Analysis of Retail Demand, Retail Sales,
andSales Leakage................................................................................................17
Table 7 Corona del Mar Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot ...................18
Table 8 Lido -Cannery Subarea Analysis of Retail Demand, Retail Sales,
andSales Leakage................................................................................................20
Table 9 Lido -Cannery Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot.......................21
• Table 10 McFadden Square Subarea Analysis of Retail Demand,
Retail Sales, and Sales Leakage..........................................................................23
Table 11 McFadden Square Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot.............24
Table 12 Mariner's Mile Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot Analysis of
Retail Demand, Retail Sales, and Sales Leakage.................................................26
Table 13 Mariner's Mile Subarea Selected Sales per Square Foot....................27
Table 14 Analysis of Retail Demand, Retail Sales, and Sales Leakage
for Newport Beach Coastal Area......................................................................29
Table 15 Analysis of Leakage from Local Household Demand for the
Newport Beach Coastal Area................................................................................30
This report presents a preliminary retail commercial market analysis for
Newport Beach, with a particular focus on commercial centers in the coastal
area of the City. This represents the first report to be prepared as part of the
economic studies for the Newport Beach General Plan update.' These
economic studies are intended to provide a baseline of the City's current
economic and fiscal performance, and help identify realistic market
opportunities for economic development. Other economic studies that will
be completed as the project progresses include a fiscal and revenue analysis,
and an economic opportunity analysis.
Within the context of the general plan revision, these studies will provide the
technical background for an economic strategy, as well as a vital
informational input into the public review and committee planning
processes. The economic analysis will outline options for future business
development for public discussion and possible inclusion in the proposed
land use element, and identify whether the current land use plan for the City
provides for the right types of economic development in the right places.
• This retail report focuses on retail commercial business types, and does not
address the market for hotels, office space or other commercial land uses.
In addition to a citywide overview, the report discusses in detail the
commercial centers in the coastal area of the City, in view of the fact that the
schedule for updating the City's Local Coastal Program must run slightly
ahead of the process for the citywide General Plan update. The "coastal
area" as denoted in this report is not necessarily coterminous with the
"coastal zone" of the city. The coastal zone of the city includes nearly two-
thirds of the cty's land area, whereas the coastal area analysis in this report
focuses on retail uses that are in some way related to the coast or the
neighborhoods along the coast. From a geographic perspective, this generally
means businesses located,along or west of the Pacific Coast Highway (see
Figure 1).
t The present report addresses the ex sting market performance and potential for new retail
business development. The report includes estimates of retail spending by visitors but does
not address the economic impact or future potential of other visitor serving uses such as
hotels or entertainment venues. The report also does not make specific estimates or
recommendations regarding land use or building space for commercial uses. These analyses
will be included in subsequent stages of the work.
The purpose of the report is to answer the question, "How well does the
retail business mix in Newport Beach serve the shopping needs of its
residents and visitors to the City?" The report presents a fairly technical
analysis and it is useful to review the basic approach and some of the
terminology used in the analysis (see below for a brief glossary)?
The analysis begins by estimating the retail purchasing power of residents in
the City. This is done basedon recent national consumer expenditure surveys
correlated to the income levels of households in Newport Beach. In this way,
the analysis can estimate the likely spending by resident households for nearly
forty different types of retail stores, ranging from department stores at
Fashion Island to local markets in the neighborhoods. However, the
estimates of purchasing power do not assume households will necessarily
make these expenditures in Newport Beach, only that they will spend a
certain amount of money somewhere.
In addition to residents, tourists and business visitors in the City spend
money while they are here. The analysis includes estimates of visitor
spending calculated by other consultants in a separate report presented to the
Newport Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau. Similarly, employees who
• work in Newport Beach but do not live here also make some retail purchases
while they are in town. The estimates of total purchasing power for the City
include this incidental employee spending. Unlike the estimates of household
purchasing power, the estimates of demand for visitors and employees only
include the amounts thought to be spent in Newport Beach.
As noted above, purchasing power reflects the household retail demand for
goods and services by Newport Beach residents, but may not represent the
amounts actually spent in Newport Beach. Residents may go to South Coast
Plaza in Costa Mesa, or restaurants in Laguna Beach, or auto dealers in
Tustin, or a variety of other places to buy retail products. In order to estimate
how much spending occurs in Newport Beach, we reviewed actual sales tax
records for all retail businesses in the City. Based on prior research on the
product types generally carried in each type of store, we adjusted the sales
figures to include non-taxable, as well as taxable retail items. The sales posted
by retail stores constitute the amount of retail demand that is captured
2 A detailed description of the methodology for the retail market study is provided in
Appendix B.
• By comparing the total retail demand to the actual sales by Newport Beach
stores, we can estimate how well the businesses capture the available retail
market. When businesses post higher sales than the estimates of demand, it
means they are attracting shoppers from outside the City (in addition to
visitors and employees counted in the aggregate demand estimates). This is
referred to as net capture. If sales are lower than demand, then the City is
experiencing a sales leakage in that particular retail category. This may be
because a particular store type does not exist or is underrepresented in the
City. Or it may be that the local retailers do not adequately serve the current
needs of local shoppers. The analysis, therefore, can be used to identify
opportunities both for new stores and for expansions of existing stores in the
In addition to the citywide retail market analysis, the report discusses the
performance of smaller commercial centers in the coastal area. For this part
of the analysis, it was necessary to make assumptions about where residents
of each neighborhood would logically shop for certain retail items. We were
aided in this effort by earlier commercial studies in Newport Beach that
actually surveyed business owners and shoppers to determine local shopping
patterns. We also made estimates of how much visitor spending occurs in the
smaller commercial centers based on analysis of the types of stores in each
• center and their proximity to visitor attractions.
It is important to recognize that none of the smaller commercial centers
would be expected to meet all the needs of residents in the neighborhoods.
Leakage from neighborhood commercial centers is generally captured by
larger regional centers in the city such as Fashion Island and the separate
boat and auto dealerships. Therefore, use of the term leakage in the analysis
of the coastal area centers should not be construed to mean that City as a
whole is not sufficiently capturing local demand. The analysis describes the
performance of the neighborhood stores in terms of sales per square foot, to
indicate how well the stores are doing given their size and type.
To summarize the approach for the study, it is assumed that the City should
capture an amount of retail spending at least equal to the purchasing power
of its residents plus the actual amounts spent by visitors and non-resident
workers. In reality, local residents will naturally shop for some goods outside
the City, just as Newport Beach stores would be expected to attract some
spending from residents of adjacent cities. The analysis leaves aside the
question of whether the City should attempt to capture an even greater share
of spending by visitors. Also, the City may decide to accept a lower level of
retail sales if the types of stores currently underrepresented are not ones for
which the City has sufficient land or which are consistent with the desired
• commercial character of the City. These are questions to be discussed by the
policy committees involved with the General Plan Update.
Purchasing Power: The total amount of spending by households, tourists and
non-resident workers on retail goods and services. For resident households,
the estimates of purchasing power do not reflect where the spending takes
place, only the total amount of their spending over the course of one year.
For visitors and non-resident employees, the estimates of purchasing power
are limited to amounts spent only in Newport Beach.
Demand: Synonymous with Purchasing Power.
Capture: The amount of sales in local retail stores. This term reflects the
amount of demand that is actually spent in retail stores in the Newport
Net Capture. The amount of retail sales in Newport Beach stores that
exceeds the estimated local purchasing power.
Leakage. The amount of local demand that is not captured by Newport
Beach stores.
• Sales per Sq.Ft.: The dollar value of sales for a retail store divided by the floor
area of the store. This measure can be compared to national averages by
store type to determine how well a particular store is performing.
Citywide Analysis
Citywide in 2001, Newport Beach retail businesses generated about $1.57
billion in retail sales. City residents have an estimated retail purchasing power
of $1.04 billion and the city is estimated to capture $449 million in visitor
spending as well as about $55 million from employees not residing in
Newport Beach (Figure 2).
As an overall conclusion, it can be fairly stated that the City does very well in
serving the retail shopping needs of both residents and visitors. Although the
balance between demand and sales is very dose, the city actually captures
large amounts of spending in some categories from the surrounding region,
while losing local spending in other categories. The City's retail base is
particularly strong in boats, autos, restaurants, furniture, apparel and specialty
retail stores. It is estimated that the city captures at least $229 million, or
• 14.5 percent, of its sales from shoppers living in the surrounding region.
• Conversely, relatively large sales leakages occur in other general merchandise,
family clothing, discount department stores and home improvement store
categories. This leakage amounts to about $118 million annually. Most of
these spending categories represent "big box" retail store categories that
require large tracts of land and seek more central locations than tourist
oriented coastal areas (Figure 3).
Coastal Areas
The commercial centers in the coastal area largely serve the visitor market
and do not capture a large proportion of residents' spending, with the
exception of Corona del Mar, which has the broadest base of local -serving
retailers (see Figure 4).
Except for the Balboa Village area, most of the coastal commercial centers
perform adequately in terms of sales per square foot among existing
businesses. In Balboa Village, the average is relatively low in a number of the
visitor -serving store types categories, reflecting the less accessible location
and attractiveness of this older commercial area.
In terms of opportunities for new retail establishments in the coastal
subareas, the focus should be on retail categories that have retail leakage
• throughout all of Newport Beach and would also be at the appropriate scale
of commercial development. Certain specialty retail categories such as music
and bookstores would fit these criteria.
• • 0
Citywide Retail Capture
Citywide Sales
Leakage and
Regional Capture
(Selected Retail
Store Types)
Coastal Centers
Sales and
Workers $123
'Visitors $449
Residents $1,036
Total Sales Total Demand
$1,S70 $1,608
Auto Parts and Service -$6.4
Building Materials and Hardware -$15.0
Warehouse Clubs Music -$4,1
and Discount Ctrs
Family Clothing -$27.1
❑ Sales
■ Visitor Spending
❑ Unmet Resident Demand
$15 (=Zfl $14'„
KI $60.3 Boats
Home Furnishings/
$11.6 Appliances/ Garden Supplies
® $20.5 Restaurants
1 $14.9 GroceryStores
$5.8 Men & Women's Apparel
$306 (b)
Balboa Balboa Corona Lido- McFadden Mariner's Total
Island Village Del Mar Cannery Square Mile Coastal
(e) (e) Area (a)
(a) Includes some sales not Included In subareas
(b) Of this total, about$61 million IS estimated send at Fashbn Island
(c) Leakage has them adjusted I= figures In the tables to a,old doublecounti g
■ Newport Beach's retail base benefits from a very strong local spending
base, as well as a high level of spending attracted from non-residents.
Overall, Newport Beach households (including Newport Coast) generate
about $1.04 billion of retail spending annually (Table 1).
■ In addition, Newport Beach attracts about $449 million of retail spending
from visitors and another $123 million from employees not otherwise
accounted for in the retail analysis.
■ Overall, the largest spending categories are grocery stores, restaurants,
automobile dealerships, gas stations, and department stores.
■ In 2001, Newport Beach retail businesses generated about $1.57 billion in
sales, resulting in a net leakage of $35 million in sales. The largest retail
• sales categories include restaurants/eating places, auto dealerships,
grocery stores, department stores, miscellaneous specialty retail, gas
stations, and boat/motorcycle dealers.
■ Comparing the overall household and visitor demand with the retail sales
shows that the totals are very similar with only a slight overall leakage of
retail sales. However, closer examination of individual store categories
finds that Newport Beach has been very successful at attracting spending
from outside the city in some retail categories, while it remains very
underrepresented in others.
■ The largest net capture categories include boats/motorcycles, auto
dealerships, restaurants/eating places, furniture, nursery products, men's
and women's apparel, and miscellaneous specialty retail. In addition to
drawing high levels of spending from local households, visitors, and
workers, these store types also attract significant spending from
neighboring communities. Although shopper surveys would be needed
to know precisely the extent of this spending from non -Newport Beach
residents, the net capture figures in Table 1 suggests that it is at least $152
million per year, including some $27 million accounted for by the
department stores at Fashion Island.
. ■ Newport Beach also has several categories where the local and visitor
demand significantly exceed the existing retail sales, resulting in sales
leakage to surrounding communities that have more retail offerings in
these categories. The largest leakages are in other general merchandise,
family clothing, discount department stores, and home improvement
businesses. Most of these spending categories represent "big box" retail
store categories, which often have compatibility issues with sensitive
coastal areas and require large tracts of inexpensive land with visible
highway access. Moreover, large-scale developments of this type are
generally located in more central locations rather than in coastal areas.
Other retail categories with at least $1 million of retail leakage in
Newport Beach include shoe stores, music stores, office supplies, liquor
stores (which will be partially addressed by the new Beverages & More
store at Fashion Island), service stations and auto parts stores. These
more specialized retail categories do not typically need large building
■ Leakage in the coastal subareas represents unmet consumer demand that
could be recaptured into retail potential for new businesses. However,
because of Newport Beach's comprehensive retail base on a citywide
basis, attracting new businesses into these coastal subareas that already
• have a citywide excess capture of sales could transfer sales away from
existing businesses elsewhere in Newport Beach.
In considering alternatives for providing new retail establishments in the
coastal subareas, the first options would be retail categories that have
retail leakage throughout all of Newport Beach. This would likely need to
be limited to specialty retail categories such as music and bookstores, and
other store types that do not need large building footprints.
Household Visitor Total Consumer
Total $1,035,772,702 $571,937,093 $1,607,709,794 $1,572,517,550 $35,192,244
Apparel StoWGroup-
52,2 4,160
1 ,1 ,93 .;- , ,139; 00 -
0; ;
,' $27,491,259 ,
; $42,115,229y,,i1- 1$46;052,900,-,
#18,416;L20' • �, p$20,327,000 ;,
- , (#3,937;67,�
.' ($1,910;Q60;
Family Clothing -
$4%288;692 - '� ' $13,134;800'
-'. $27,153`,892
General Merchandise Group
Department & Dry Goods
Discount Stores
Department Stores
Other General Merchandise
Warehouse Clubs and Superstores
Misc. General Merchandise
Drug & Proprietary Stores
y $162,013,277+,
Sporting Goods
, $1.1,109,143
? $18,812,766
r+ $21,187,798
, x ; ($874;8d9
; $2,473,248
• $4,474,983;
• 'rf� ($123, 10
Photographic Equipment
t,4;i. $r43
, • $$803;075`
„' , $1,678,I
- _•$4,1L,
'Books &Stationery
:$11,m,233'�p�,_r+$11;086,300„„s°,; $~btS
•,212;883 ", "ems;L
Office' Supplids/ComputerEquipment
$0 a
$21,F22 454
•p, $20,969yTj0;'l
isc [alty,litetall
$12,761,568; ;:
$40,722753'" ••' 6781'6973�•�r
FE 2'
• Food, Eating and Drinking Group
Grocery Stores
Specialty Food Stores
Liquor Stores
Eating Places
$82,401,898 _ _
Furniture & HommFernishings
Household Appliances ,&Electronics,
Used Merchandise,'
Nurseries &•Gard'en, Suppiy. stotes ,
Lumber & Other Building Materials -
Home Centers and Hardware,Stores
• $18,791,361 -
• $1,748;809
$17,768,043' '.
-' ,40 ..
•$419;977,347:' '$116,524,239
$55,974j008 $59,117,335 ($
$20,540,170 $19,764,300
Automotive Group $330,325,457 $11,667,400 $341,992,858 $392,391,448 ($50,398,590)
New Cars & RVs $218,719,752 $0 $218,719,752 $249,448,200 ($30,728,448)
Used Car Dealers $15,978,023 $0 $15,978,023 $16,878,000 ($899,977)
Gasoline Service Stations $81,128,752 $11,580,124 $92,708,876 $56,769,048 $35,939,828
Mobile Homes &Trailers $56,521 $87,277 $143,798 $948,900 ($805,102)
Auto Parts & Accessories $7,073,805 $0 $7,073,805 $643,700 $6,430,105
Boats & Motorcycles $7,368,603 $0 $7,368,603 $67,703,600 ($60,334,997)
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics Household Expenditure
Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation using CPI.
Household counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are derived from the
1990 US Census. Income for Newport Coast residents was calculated based on selling prices for housing units. Employee spending
calculated from data provided by California EDD, and the City of Newport Beach. Visitor spending derived from CIC Research
visitor survey data.
Notes: Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishments, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct selling.
The analysis of individual commercial subareas in the coastal area is intended
to provide an indication of how they function in relation to the overall
business mix in the city. A local market area is drawn for each subarea to
help measure the neighborhood demand for retail products. In the Newport
Beach coastal area, visitors comprise a significant segment of the retail
market. In addition, residents of Newport Beach often visit the beach areas
for the same reasons as do tourists. The analysis attempts to identify the
amount of spending by non -neighborhood residents for each subarea, as well
as residents living near the subareas.s
Neighborhood shopping districts typically provide convenience goods and
are not intended to meet the full range of shopping needs of neighborhood
residents. Therefore, the analysis, while it attempts to identify leakage from
each subarea, does not recommend commercial development based on the
neighborhood leakage. Rather, certain of the business development
opportunities identified above in the citywide analysis are suggested for the
. coastal areas based on their suitability in terms of size and scale. In this way,
new store development in the coastal area would add to the overall business
mix in Newport Beach and not impact sales for existing stores elsewhere in
the city. In addition, the stores are evaluated in terms of how well their sales
compare to national averages for each type of store, to indicate where
existing stores in the coastal area can improve their performance.
■ Balboa Island's retail demand, which includes spending from local
residents, visitors, and other non-residents, totals about $58 million
annually (Table 2). Coupled with the Island's total retail sales of about
$14.7 million, this results in an estimated sales leakage of $43 million.
3 It should be noted that, within the non -neighborhood resident group, there is no way to
distinquish among tourists, Newport Beach residents, and residents of nearby cities, without
shopper survey data which is not available.
J The Balboa market area includes all of Census Tract 630.06
• ■ Individual categories with large sales leakages among local residents
include general merchandise, grocery stores, and automotive related
businesses (such as gas stations). Much of this leakage is accommodated
by businesses in these categories elsewhere in Newport Beach.
■ Balboa Island's retail sales are dominated by apparel stores, specialty
retail stores, and restaurants. These stores generally sell to tourists and
other non-residents.
■ Shoppers not living on Balboa Island account for about $13.1 million of
the $15.4 million in retail sales on Balboa Island, further reinforcing the
perception of the area primarily catering to visitor -serving needs.
■ The average retail sales per square foot on Balboa Island (for those
businesses for which square footage data is available through the Orange
County Assessor's database) is about $159, which is within a normal
average range for a shopping area with mostly specialty retail stores
(Table 3). Some retail categories appear to under perform compared to
national benchmark averages, but on the whole Balboa Island does not
have a particularly distressed business district.
■ In recent years, Balboa Island has seen an escalation in retail rents. This
has resulted in some turnover of long-time businesses and a few retail
• vacancies. The sales patterns in the area indicate that excessively high
rents cannot be supported over the long term.
Total Retail Retail From Outside
Retail Group Demand Retail Sales Sales Leakage Businesses The Subarea
Total $58,048,477 $15,446,827 $42,760,737 56 $13,097,312
Food Store and General Merchandise
Group* $24,205,158 $6,181,299 $18,023,859 16 $4,536,803
Department & Dry Goods $4,502,813 $0 $4,502,813 0 $0
Drug Stores $1,215,828 $0 $1,215,828 D $0
Grocery/Specialty Food/Other General
Merchandise Stores* $10,556,682 $1,492,855 $9,063,827 5 $551,625
Liquor Stores $347,289 $0 $347,289 0 $0
Automotive Group
New Cars & RVs
Used Car Dealers
Gasoline Service Stations
Mobile Homes & Trailers
Auto Parts & Accessories
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 7998 Bureau of Labor Sratisncs Household
Fxpenditure Surreys. Sales darn comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by DOBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPL Household counts and aggregated income growth factors came from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 OS Census. Data for calculating local spendhtg capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleton
& Associates.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements
Notes: Spending and sales do not include nou-store retail establishments, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
Retail Sales Average Sales
Retail Group Per Sq. Ft. Per Sq.Ft.
Total $159.09
Food Store and General Merchandise
Group* $180.40
Grocery/Specialty Food/Other General
Merchandise Stores* $180.51 $144 to $399
Source: ADE, based on data from the Orange County Assessor and the Urban
Land Institute. Refer to Methodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
* Figures are aggregarcd due to confidentiality agreements.
■ Balboa Village draws from a total spending base of about $78 million
(Table 4).
■ Balboa Village generates approximately $17.3 million of retail sales. The
single most prominent category is restaurants and eating places, which
alone account for $8.5 million of retail sales and exceed the spending
from local households alone.
■ Non-residents account for about $14 million of the retail sales in Balboa
Village. Much of this is due to the very large base of eating places that are
heavily supported by visitor spending.
■ When accounting only for Balboa Peninsula residents, the subarea
generates a sales leakage of about $61 million. Individual categories with
large sales leakages among local residents include general merchandise,
grocery stores, and automotive related businesses, including gast stations.
In addition, several specialty retail categories generate large sales leakages.
This is due to the shopping area's heavy orientation towards visitor -
serving uses, and limited availability of local serving retail.
• ■ Out of all the coastal subareas examined in the retail analysis, Balboa
Village has by far the lowest average sales per square foot (Table 5).
Nearly every retail category represented in the area underperforms
compared to national retail averages. Not surprisingly, Balboa Village has
a noticeably higher number of commercial property vacancies than other
prominent retail districts in Newport Beach.
■ Even though Balboa Village will continue to draw large numbers of
beach visitors, the area's long-time function as a regional destination for
general entertainment purposes has diminished in recent years as
competing year-round entertainment options have emerged inland. This
trend is clearly reflected in the under performing retail uses and
comparatively high retail vacancies.
5 The Balboa Village market area includes Census Tract 628.
Total Retail Sales Retail From Outside
Retail Group Demand Retail Sales Leakage Businesses The Subarea
Total $78,484,642 $17,281,936 $61,202,706 54 $14,021,276
Food Store and General Merchandise
Group* $36,583,045 $11,137,815 $25,445,231 29 $8,302,826
Department&Dry Goods $6,459,969 $0 $6,459,969 0 $0
Other General Merchandise $3,095,799 $0 $3,095,799 0 $0
Grocery/Liquor/Drug Stores* $14,194,076 $2,416,537 $11,777,539 3 $966,615
Specialty Food Stores $408,059 $170,833 $237,225 6 $68,333
Building Materials Home Furnishings
Furniture & Home Furnishings
Household Appliances & Electronics
Used Merchandise
Nurseries & Garden Supply Stores
Lumber& Other Building Materials
Home Centers and Hardware Stores
Source ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics Household
Expendimre Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Lqugbxation, data audited by MB1A. Data adjusted for inflation
ushig CPI. Iousehold counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 CS Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleton
& Associates,
* Figures are aggregated dec to confidentiality agreements
Notes: Spending aad sales do nor include non -store retail establishmenn, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
Sales Per Average Sales
Retail Group Sq.Ft Per Sq.Ft.
Total $128.80
ApparePStdre•Giroup '.s „sn�;w,i,,.$, $83�47d,
womenls'Apparel/Shoe Stores*. , ' ' ' �'r• 77 ' YY''';t $45A2K'" #162`,M'$26
a IyClothiha�•;_.__:.__ '� 26 00
Food Store and General Merchandise
Group* $165.98
Grocery/Liquor/Drug Stores* $242.45 $265 to $399
Specialty Food Stores $28.17 $174.42
Specialty RetaiPGropp
Sporting'Goods ",
', 1,i '' $71.02:
• $2
Records &,MUsle/Jewelry*
` ,+, ;fie !- �,#90:01
'$175 to
Automotive Group $125.26 $200.10
New Cars & RVs $165.98
Mobile Homes &Trailers $242.45_ $265 to $399
Source: ADE, based on data from the Orange County Assessor and the Urban Land
Institute. Refer to Methodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
■ Corona del Mar's households and visitors account for about $160 million
in retail spending annually (Table 6).
Corona del Mar retail businesses generate approximately $108 million in
retail sales. About half of these sales come from grocery stores and
restaurants. Compared to other coastal areas, Corona del Mar has a
relatively diverse variety of retail businesses, many of which are primarily
local serving. In addition, $14.4 million in sales are generated by furniture
and home furnishings stores, while various home improvement
businesses generate another $9.8 million in sales.
Shoppers not residing in Corona del Mar account for about $82 million
of the retail sales in the area. Although many retail categories capture
high proportions of spending by shoppers outside of Corona del Mar;
many of the categories represented in Corona del Mar are not necessarily
tourist oriented, which indicates that much of this spending likely comes
from other Newport Beach residents and customers from neighboring
■ Individual categories with large sales leakages among local residents
include general merchandise and automotive related businesses. Because
• many local serving businesses are already represented among Corona del
Maes retailers, the leakage from local households is not as widespread as
in some other coastal subareas.
■ Corona del Mat's retail district is generally in the best condition among
the coastal subareas. It has a very diverse range of retail stores that both
serve local residents and attract significant spending from outside of
CdM. The sales per square foot data finds that CdM retail stores generally
fall within or exceed national averages for these retail categories (Table
7). The major retail category in Corona del Mar that under performs is
the furniture and home furnishings category. However, it should be
noted that some key businesses in this category did not have accurate
square footage counts available, and their inclusion could change this
■ Although Corona del Mar's retail uses may face some market pressure for
conversion to residential uses similar to other coastal areas in Newport
Beach, the district's existing retail market is very strong and there are no
clear indications that the area is oversupplied for commercial uses.
6 The Corona del Mac market area includes Census Tract 627.02 and Block Group 627.01
Total Retail Sales Retail From Outside
Retail Group Demand Retail Sales Leakage Businesses The Subarea
Total $159,927,256 $108,067,016 $51,860,241 106 $81,809,592
Specialty Retail and Apparel Group*
Gifts/ W omen's & Family Apparel*
Men's Apparel
Shoe Stores
Sporting Goods/Photo Eq./
Records & Music
Office Supplies/Computer Equipment
Automotive Group
New Cars & RVs
Used Car Dealers
Gasoline Service Stations/Auto Parts*
Mobile Homes & Trailers
Boats & Motorcycles
$548 017
Source: AIDE, ,Tail model developed from 1997 US Retad Census, and due 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics IIonsehold
Lxpcnditure Surveys- Sales- data comes from the State Board of Equalization, darn audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPI. I lausehold counts and aggregated income growth factor come from the 2000 I S Census, and income estimates are
delved from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resideut spending from Linda Coagleton
& Assodatcs
' Pigures are aggregated due to confidcutialim agreements.
Notes: Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishmrnes, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
Retail Sales Average Sales
Retail Group Per Sq.Ft Per Sq.Ft.
Total $345.38
G_engraLl_MerchandIse agd�F_ood�Store_Groug* $450f53_T,
Groceryy,1700 �S tor -es > •.$1;082.34 ' $2651'0 $399
Spectalty Food'S4ores• - $93.98 $174.4
Liquor Stores _ _ $104.09' $267.8
Eatie Places 'S433:86 $.2 6.
Specialty Retail and Apparel Group* $147.53
Gifts/Women's & Family Apparel* $175.23 $136to$201
Sporting Goods/Photo Eq./ Stationery* $252.04 $173 to $582
Building Materials,anclMomAirnishings Group
Furniture'& Home•Furnishings
• $151,33 • $220
Merchandise* •• t
$29339 $175to,$,
•Gard'eteSd Buildin ,Materials Hardware*
351.21 •
Source: ADE, based on data from the Orange County Assessor
and the Urban Land Institute.
Refer to Methodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
* Figures we aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
■ Households near the Lido -Cannery business district and visitors to Lido -
Cannery account for about $199 million in retail spending annually
(Table 8). The household base includes the Balboa Peninsula, Lido Isle,
and West Newport. It should be noted that this market area definition
overlaps with McFadden Square and Balboa Village.
■ Lido -Cannery retail businesses generate approximately $65 million in
retail sales. About $49 million of these sales come from grocery stores
and restaurants, while $10 million comes from marine -related businesses.
In addition, nearly $2 million in retail sales come from jewelry stores.
■ Spending from shoppers not living around the Lido -Cannery area
account for about $31 million of the retail sales in the Lido -Cannery area.
Compared to other coastal areas, this district captures a relatively high
proportion of its retail sales from local residents.
■ Residents around Lido -Cannery generate a sales leakage of about $134
million, which includes some of the leakage also shown for Balboa
Village and McFadden Square. Individual categories with large sales
• leakages among local residents include general merchandise and
automotive related businesses. In addition, the sales leakages from some
specialty retail and home furnishings categories could be sufficient to
support additional businesses of this type.
Lido -Cannery area food/drug stores, restaurants, and jewelry stores
generate high sales per square foot, compared to the national
benchmarks. Those categories alone represent 79 percent of the sales in
Lido -Cannery, but less than half of the establishments. The other
businesses in the Lido -Cannery area generally produce sales per square
foot below the expected sales per square foot for specific retail store
types (Table 9). This indicates that the area has some core strengths in
specific retail categories, but a lot of other underperforming businesses as
7 The Lido -Cannery area draws from a larger market than some of the other coastal
commercial subareas. The market area includes Census tracts 628 ,629, and 635, which
overlaps with Balboa Village and McFadden Square.
Total Retail
Sales Retail From Outside
Pa *,
l=amllyCtothing ';.;: f,•,: it;,rEg•=
Shoe stores
$ ,653565
- 436,700'
•$0 •
.- $0
, $1;8431930
4 '$.410;498
"' '4 "$41Q,498,
,." $0,
0 .
General Merchandise and Food Store
Grocery Stores/Drug Stores*
Department & Dry Goods
Other General Merchandise
Liquor Stores
Eating Places
S •alltyRetailGroup .;;gLn
'• 18
Gifts/Sportlny,Gbod$/Stationery*' °
,, $983;99
Florists tit, 1 ',,1 ,- ';1�,+, e •
$318'592 •
$0 •
,ikf .4 `sar �'.
isCordrBi'Music �3 . `•;_�,
-" ,$0
- '#0
. 0
_ $
� ' $
hOffloa54icplles�/Cb pu i qotl:'
: $0
d. .
5 {1
efry• j1,,1,'� f� 4•` •,,`y
�-. 4.._•'_._'.i:'i.��_�_, L�4�+,i,, �
L: tin: r.n
� suo v.o
$1,216,22 '• .�
'trn awr Dori "'
4;t�. •'•i$1;8bi;09•
`••o:r'��:'iczne f t:n
• Building Materials, Home Furnishings,
and Automotive Group* $83,085,959 $11,821,171 $71,264,788 20 $11,111,901
Furniture & Home Furnishings $9,435,049 $935,671 $8,499,377 4 $879,531
Household Appliances & Electronics $3,024,336 $0 $3,024,336 0 $0
Used Merchandise $582,527 $105,800 $476,727 3 $99,452
Nurseries & Garden Supply Stores $1,512,182 $0 $1,512,182 0 $0
Building Materials/Paint & Wallpaper/
Used Cars* $6,202,399 $723,700 $5,478,699 4 $680,278
Home Centers and Hardware Stores $1,951,512 $0 $1,951,512 0 $0
New Cars & RVs $35,201,308 $0 $35,201,308 0 $0
Gasoline Service Stations $13,381,608 $0 $13,381,608 0 $0
Mobile Homes &Trailers $9,185 $0 $9,185 0 $0
Auto Parts &Accessories $1,167,663 $0 $1,167,663 0 $0
Boats & Motorcycles $10,618,191 $10,056,000 $562,191 9 $9,452,610
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics Household
Expenditure Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPI. Household counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleton
& Associates.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
Notes: Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishments, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
selling. The market area is the same as McFadden Square. Differences in the total consumer spending may differ due to different
capture rates of visitor spending between the two subareas.
Sales Per Average Sales
Retail Group Sq.Ft Per Sq.Ft
r..r.r $406.90
General Merchandise and Food Store Group* $528.33
Grocery Stores/Drug Stores* $587.76 $265 to $399
>peclalty Retall4roup
Gifts/sporting Goods/Stationery,* $1Q6,38 $4361o,$20i,
Jewelry , $3$7.26 ' , � $28316
Building Materials, Home Furnishings, and
Automotive Group* $165.08
Furniture & Home Furnishings $231.24 $220.02
Used Merchandise $21.67 $174.98
Building Materials/Paint & Wallpaper/ Used Cars* $126.42 $153 to $177
Source: ADE, based on data from the Orange County Assessor and the Urban Land Institute.
Refer to Methodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
■ The market area for McFadden Square/Newport Pier retailers includes the Balboa Peninsula,
Lido Isle, and West Newport. Residents and visitors to the McFadden Square/Newport Pier
area account for about $194 million in retail spending annually (Table 10).
McFadden Square retail businesses generate approximately $30.8 million in annual retail sales.
About $22.7 million of these sales come from restaurants. The other prominent retail
categories such as apparel stores and sporting goods primarily cater to visitors. Non-residents
account for about $26.5 million of the retail sales in,the McFadden Square area. Compared to
other coastal areas, this district captures a lower proportion of its retail sales from local
■ Except for restaurants, most of the retail businesses in McFadden Square are under
performing in terms of their sales per square foot compared to national averages for
comparable businesses (Table 11).
• 8 The market area is the same as that for the Lido -Cannery area — Census Tracts 628, 629, and 535.
• TABLE 10
Total Retail Retail From Outside
Retail Group Demand Retail Sales Sales Leakage Businesses The Subarea
Apparel Store,Group -
$10,203,455,•', "•+,'
SYi';; $1„403;23
Apparel'Stores* t ,
- 5 $1,409,9
Shoe Stores
General Merchandise Group
0 $0
Department & Dry Goods
0 $0
Other General Merchandise
0 $0
Drug & Proprietary Stores
0 0
Speci�altyRetail Group ". ,.
$12;092,768 t
7 $2,628,75
'Sporting Goods
. '$2,426,7Z7
$1,271,607-. �;;, ,
'•' 9,> $2,281,1rk
'FloNsts�'. '''$318;592.,
Photo graphi'c'tquipmeot� +
. 170,3,4Y'
Books &Stationery -
$834,269 ,
:, 0•,
Office Supplies/Computer • - -
• .: st.,.' •;
,$2,111,295 _ ,r;.
0. ;
;Jewelry .
, $0
., $1,331;568 , - -i; ei�
Ise: ec1alt1tRetai' Gift* -
36 5'
Food, Eating and Drinking Group
27 $19,562,204
Grocery/Liquor Stores *
4 $289,209
• Eating Places
23 $19 272,994
%:',''•'.' »}t;:,
Home fumishings Group
$18,4791756 •1;,.;= '
- • '0',• - c r71.' 5
Household Appliances&.Electronics.
$3;024,33,6 ,
0 , �'!$,
' ,' $0.
;0' ;, ^ $0
[Nurseries &,Gai'den Supply Stores
'$T;S1211n' '.
0'' " $
'Lumber'&.Other Building°Materials, =
`'$2 814',594
�' $tl
,' $2;914;594 -
'0, ,. ' , ; $
Home'Centers'and'Hardware Stores' "
$1,954,51 '"
0 '#
�_:--an �„_„
♦„f 0'C.1 /,. '
'61]O CAII •
, .Il •' kn
Automotive Group
New Cars & RVs
Used Car Dealers
Gasoline Service Stations
Mobile Homes &Trailers
Auto Parts & Accessories
Boats & Motorcycles
Source: AIDE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Smdsdcs Household
Expenditure Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPI. Household counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleton
& Associates.
' Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
Notes- Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishments, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
selling The market area is the same as Lido -Cannery. Differences in the total consumer spending may differ due to different
• capture rates of visitor spending between die two subareas.
Sales Per Sales Per
Retail Group Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft.
Total $189.80
Specialty Retail Group $125.49
Sporting Goods $132.65 $200,56
Sourcc AD , based on data from the Oronge County assessor and the Urban Land
Institute Refer to Nlcthodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
" Figures are aggregated dne to con6dentiaEg, agreements.
■ Households near Mariner's Mile and visitors to the area account for
about $199 million in retail spending annually (Table 12).
■ Mariner's Mile retail businesses generate approximately $199 million in
retail sales. Most of these sales came from restaurants and auto
dealerships that rely heavily on spending from households in non-
adjacent areas. Boat dealers and other marine sales generate another
$44.7 million in sales.
■ Consumers not living immediately adjacent to Mariner's Mile account for
about $98.7 million of the retail sales along Mariner's Mile. Compared to
other coastal areas, this district captures a relatively low proportion of its
retail sales from local residents.
■ Mariner's Mile generated the highest retail sales per square foot out of all
the coastal subareas (Table 13). This is almost solely because of the
exceptional performance of the area's restaurants and other eating places.
With restaurants generating over $2 million each on average per year, and
accounting for over $600 per square foot in sales, this sector performs
• very well.
■ Even though Mariner's Mile has a very strong existing retail base, the area
has seen several high profile business closures in recent years, including
some large restaurants and marine businesses. In addition, some
buildings along Mariner's Mile exhibit high vacancy rates for office and
local service uses as well. However, it also appears that even though
several businesses have folded, the spaces continue to lease out and at
least three properties have recently been sold. This indicates that interest
in the area remains high for commercial and office activities. The retail
mix in Mariner's Mile is citywide and regional in focus, with the almost
complete absence of local serving retail businesses.
9 The market area includes Census Tract 634.
Total Retail Sales Retail From Outside
Retail Group Demand Retail Sales Leakage Businesses The Subarea
Men's Apparel
$761;7d4:, •
,' .$0
$,0. •
:$0 ,',
' $0
$78i;744' �''
„ ' $297,151' ;
,'; l0' , $0
0,' ?
0 $0
`0' " '- - $0
General Merchandise Group
Department & Dry Goods
Other General Merchandise
Drug &Propriety Stores
Spedalty Retail Group
Ii,o rap IIc Equipment
. $0,
' ,$56;817 ' •
' 0
$254,344 '
0 • '
„$280,243.,_, '•'.0•$
Office suppiles/Cot' puter-Equipihent, '
"'$701,395 a„�,•
-t,,, $'0 "
, ,'$701,345'• `,'. �.
` ' " ' 0,..
' , • $
;' #99:80Q'
$438;645 "', ;.
"' ^.0
�+edalt� neWl
'S2 306 Oi5
'• 899 798
$Y 4, n6.Z
Food, Eating and Drinking Group
Grocery Stores
Specialty Food/Liquor Stores*
• Eating Places
3 785 546
8u11 ing,MaterialsAnd
Hbme,fu•mishings Group, - `
Furniture &,Home Furnishings ,
House hold.Appliahces/Used�M
_ .
• , $3,38,4;326;'; •,�
;', $2,022,326
�; ,, � :3 ,�'$1,280,28(
'' $0
Home centers-and,Hardiaare•Sfores ;
Automotive Group
Auto Dealerships*
Gasoline Service Stations
Mobile Homes & Trailers
Auto Parts & Accessories
Boats & Motorcycles
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Libor Statistics Nouschold
Expenditure Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPI. Household counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congieton
& Associates.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
Notes: Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishments, which include mail order, (tome shopping, and direct
• TABLE 13
Retail Sales Average Sales
Retail Group Per Sq. Ft. Per Sq.Ft.
Food, Eating and Drinking Group $551.57
Specialty Food/Liquor Stores* $41.58 $174 to $268
Eating Places Qfin9_gq 4216.22
Source: ADE, based on data from the Oran' County Assessor and the Urban Land Institute Refer to
Methodology Appendix for details of the analysis.
* Pia res are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements_
■ As a whole, the coastal area of Newport Beach generates approximately
$769 million of retail demand annually (Table 14), about $363 million of
which comes from customers that do not live in the coastal area.
■ Altogether, the coastal area generates about $476 million in retail sales.
The largest share of the total sales come from food stores and
restaurants, with boat and auto dealerships also accounting for sizable
shares of the total retail sales.
■ Altogether, the coastal area generates about $293 million of retail leakage
from household spending. About $62 million of the leakage is recovered
by businesses in Fashion Island (Table 15). The remaining $234 million
of retail leakage is largely in retail categories typically dominated by "big
box" retail stores. These large-scale retailers are generally absent from
Newport Beach's retail mix outside of Fashion Island. Some other
spending is likely recovered by businesses located elsewhere in Newport
• TABLE 14
Retail Group
Demand Retail Sales Retail Leakage
Spending From
Outside Coastal
772 044,553 $476,324,921
$363 619 520
Ap are,5 reGroup
Womenls Apparel
32, 7,
: ; 5 ,<'' ;t. • $8{851,94443.E0 '
1 •r.,. ,
$3,567;800,,.. 5t84,14a'
n "� : • 17
• ,$3,154,11
iNenis Apparel/Shoe Stores*
'_ $7;953,387 ,,-#1,428,100
3'158 �r?�12'263
r '
' $1,339;17
F i Glothi
15 422117
300 1T
General Merchandise Group
$15,428,608 $63,790,854
Department & Dry Goods
$0 $40,938,846
Other General Merchandise/Drug Stores* $38,280,616
$15,428,608 $22,852,008
Spada tyRetailrGioup•�
Gifts &Novelties;», •
;5 ;8 0 ,
R= •1 ;''$5;996;841 ,,
27,852,482 , .
. $4;204;762 „' , ; 9,i $,791;079
:; . .; 20':
$3 725,57
..'..JA",�,$10;833,435 �.
$8,348,849.".�- '%%.��$2,484,286,'„p
.:, `;g 5559,520
?.;' '13.'.,
$2,916,103 -,
: 'it 8
t $2,141;00
pli"otdgraphlc'Equlpm�tit/MusicStores* ;#2,759,839 r:
#612,100 n:1� ,147,73'4
•-. K � 3.•
';. iy? $487,2,4
Booki Stationery
n $3;022,531
$1,129,400 µ $1,893,13i
Office Supplies/ComputerEquipment , ; $5,129,797
,. $0 :.•?$5,129,797-
- •- 0
]ewel ''""'
475 58
686817 21
Food, Eating and Drinking Group
$241,802,827 $211,536,362 $30,266,465
Grocery Stores
$60,055,686 $22,603,301
Specialty Food Stores
$3,576,495 $0
Liquor Stores
$4,379,959 $259,260
Eating Places
$150,928,126 $143,524,222 $7,403,904
• Fait o fl rni£'111nyi Group
''� ' + y, 569,478,7•PL° ••
#32,550,429� :;' 36t 2 �2B2: , `�` ..'•.46:"r 3 24,40 ,3 ;
F�iiMRii 1L Home Furnishings
Oar" it rd Stores;
t'" ? t+ $33;623,478 3
"r';, '. $0-
$17,667,475 :,,v 936,004
#0'•,, J$0
`: 0 '' e
$ , ,, #?�#
Houieliold Appliances & Electronics
, $9,396,977 '
$2,335,100 v$7,061;877
i 2
•, `$2;063,2
Used Merchandise
$3,048,681 ,
$2,122;DW x $926,681
GardemSupply/Hardware/Paint Stores* $14;i)36,328 , •
$6,393,454' ;, 7,,0Q,87+
,.6r oGn.oe9
f I,
ko efo-u
Automotive Group
Auto Dealerships*
Service Stations/Auto Parts*
Mobile Homes &Trailers
Boats & Motorcvcles
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics Household
Expenditure Surveys. Sales data comes from the State Board of Equalization, data audited by MBIA. Data adjusted for inflation
using CPI. Household counts and aggregated income growth factors come from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleton
& Associates.
* Figures are aggregated due to conSdeatiahty agreements.
Notes: Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishments, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
selling. Non -local resident spending Iran include visitors, business -to -business transactions, residents of neighboring communities,
employees, and residents living in other parts of Newport Beach.
• TABLE 15
ieneral Merchandise Group
Department & Dry Goods
Coastal Area
Spending at Net Retail
$63,790,854 $23,964,302 $39,826,552
$40,938,846 $21,763,858 $19,174,988
Grocery Stores $22,603,301 $2,971,262 $19,632,040
Specialty Food Stores $0 $0 $0
Liquor Stores $259,260 $0 $259,260
New Cars & RVs $75,463,694 $0 $75,463,694
Used Car Dealers $4,995,445 $0 $4,995,445
Service Stations/Auto Parts* $33,335,491 $386,420 $32,949,071
Mobile Homes & Trailers $22,217 $19,995 $2,222
Boats & Motorcycles $131,553 $0 $131,553
Source: ADE, retail model developed from 1997 US Retail Census, and the 1998 Bureau of Labor Statistics Household
Expenditure Surveys. Sales- data comes from the Stare Board of Equali2ation, data audited by h1BIA. Data adjusted for inflation
usm� CPI. I Iousehold counts and aggregated income growth factors conic from the 2000 US Census, and income estimates are
derived from the 1990 US Census. Data for calculating local spending capture and non-resident spending from Linda Congleron
& Associate'.
* Figures are aggregated due to confidentiality agreements.
Notes- Spending and sales do not include non -store retail establishm�uts, which include mail order, home shopping, and direct
selling. Nor,localresident spending can include visitors, business -to -business transactions, residents of neighboring communities,
employees, and residents living in other parts of Newport Beach.
Market Area Definition
The area defined as primary market area includes the City of Newport Beach.
Because Newport Coast households were annexed into the city limits after the 2000
Census, the analysis used data from those tracts formerly in the unincorporated area.
The retail subareas are geocoded according to the definitions used by the City of
Newport Beach for its sales tax reporting. The market areas defined for these retail
subareas are as follows: Balboa Island (Census Tract 630.06), Balboa Village (Tract
628), Corona Del Mar (Tract 627.02 and Block Group 627.01 BG5), Lido -Cannery
(Tracts 628, 629, and 635), and Mariner's Mile (Tract 634). For the entire coastal
area, the analysis included these tracts and added the households along Bayside Drive
and the remainder of Census Tract 627.01.
Household Growth and Income Assumptions
The household counts used in the analysis came directly from the 2000 US Census of
Population. The household income distribution for the primary and secondary
market areas comes from the 1990 Census, and the calculations hold this distribution
• constant. To estimate 2000 incomes, the income ranges were inflated using the
Consumer Price Index (CPI), and real income increase was estimated by using the
preliminary Summary File 3 data from the 2000 Census for Orange County (minus
Anaheim and Santa Ana).70 In order to calculate total household income, the
midpoint for each income range was multiplied by the number of households within
that range.
Data Sources Used In The Retail Analysis
The taxable sales figures in the analysis come directly from the California State Board
of Equalization (SBE) sales tax allocation records, audited by MBIA. This data
covers all establishments for the City of Newport Beach for the 2001 calendar year.
Due to confidentiality requirements, any retail category with fewer than three
establishments must be aggregated together with other retail categories before data
can be reported. The data for the subarea retail studies come directly from the MBIA
sales tax audit reports, which use geographic definitions provided by the City of
Newport Beach. During the process of conducting the subarea analyses, some
missing data along Bayside Drive and around McFadden Square was detected. The
to At the time of the retail market analysis, the Summary File 3 data from the U.S. Census for the
Newport Beach CDP was not available.
sales tax data for these areas reflect aggregated totals with no detail by store type.
• This will be added in the final report.
ADE's retail model estimates household retail demand by store type and product
type. The variables that go into the model are average household income, the
number of households in the study area, and any necessary inflation factors. The
source of data for the household product type demand is the 1998 Bureau of Labor
Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey, which the agency uses to compute the
Consumer Price Index. These surveys stratify the sample based on type of location,
income, and region. For purposes of analyzing the household spending in Newport
Beach, data for analyzing the household demand by store type came from the 1997
US Census of Retail Trade.
Additional Assumptions Made in The Retail Model
Because the data from the State Board of Equalization only reflects taxable sales, the
retail model makes an adjustment to account for nontaxable retail items. These items
include food and prescription drugs. The adjustment inflates the taxable sales by the
average ratio of nontaxable to taxable products for an individual store type. This
distribution of sales by product type comes from the 1997 Census of Retail Trade.
Information regarding the taxability of different retail products comes from the
California Tax Code.
The household capture assumptions for different retail store categories in the coastal
• subareas came from the Linda Congleton & Associates market studies of the Balboa
Peninsula. In store categories where the household capture assumption exceeded the
available demand, the analysis assumed that the household demand would equal the
local spending component. In the subarea studies, the non-resident spending
includes visitors, business -to -business transactions, spending from households living
in the surrounding communities, and residents living in other parts of Newport
The capture assumptions for the entire coastal area aggregated the household
spending for each individual subarea, and reapplied the household capture
assumptions to the remaining leakage in order to differentiate between resident and
non-resident spending for the entire coastal area.
For the citywide totals, the visitor spending estimates are calculated from CIC
Research visitor survey data. Because the visitor spending data was reported at a
more aggregated level than the retail sales figures, ADE took the visitor spending
data and proportionally distributed it to the most appropriately matched retail
category. The citywide analysis does not make any assumptions regarding capture of
spending from residents living in the surrounding communities, such as Irvine, Costa
Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach. For categories that have large excess
capture of spending, it can be assumed that the regional capture of spending is at
least this amount. The CIC visitor survey sample had less than 1.5 percent of the
• respondents from Orange County, therefore the analysis assumes that visitor
spending does not include recurring shopping trips into Newport Beach by residents
in the surrounding communities.
Employee spending used several data sources to come up with an overall estimate.
The analysis assumed an employed total of approximately 59,400 jobs. This job
estimate comes from California Employment Development Department statistics,
and excludes self-employment and residential employment. Based on typical
employee spending patterns identified through surveys in other communities, the
analysis assumed a daily spending amount of $G per workday, most of which applies
to eating establishments.
The employee spending analysis also assumed 15,000 total jobs at Newport Center,
based on a 2000 Irvine Company survey. This data estimated that approximately 18
percent of Fashion Island sales come from Newport Center employees. To account
for the presence of Fashion Island, the employee spending analysis assumed that
Newport Center workers had an average daily spending amount of $21 per workday.
This spending was proportionally distributed based on the sales patterns at Fashion
Island. Because the retail market analysis already accounted for most retail spending
by Newport Beach residents, the amount allocated to employee spending at Fashion
Island only includes retail spending by commuters. The commute pattern data came
from the 2000 U.S. Census.
Data for the average sales per square foot comes from the sales tax records and the
Orange County Assessor's database. The averages calculated for the retail analysis
• reflect the available data. In many cases, the square footage data in the Assessor's
records was either missing or mixed together with several uses. In most cases where
the square footage total included several uses sharing a single address, the analysis
totaled the number of businesses at that address and assigned an equal square
footage total to each business. Balboa Island had the most comprehensive and
complete square footage data of all the subareas analyzed. Lido -Cannery had several
properties with missing addresses. In addition, the data records for Corona del Mar
had problems because most of the properties were improperly entered as "W Coast
The national benchmark data comes from the Urban Land Institute's Dollars and
Cents of Shopping Centers publication. ADE's analysis used the community
shopping center median sales per square foot for each retail category.
0 Section 3.1 Circulation
Prepared For:
Mr. Rich Edmonston
3300 Newport Boulevard
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Prepared By:
41 Corporate Park, Suite 300
• Irvine, CA 92606
John Kain, AICP
Carleton Waters, P.E.
Marlie Whiteman, P.E.
March 26, 2003
December 8, 2003 (Revised)
• JK:CW:MW:pr
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................I..........
1.1 Basic Methodology and Assumptions
2.0 MODEL STRUCTURE/EXISTING CONDITIONS ........................................... 6
2.1 Existing Land Use Data
2.2 2002 Socioeconomic Data (SED)
2.3 2002 Trip Generation
2.3.1 Trip Purpose
2.4 2002 Mode Choice
2.4.1 Home -Work Trip Mode Choice Data
2.5 2002 Trip Distribution
2.6 2002 Daily Traffic Conditions
2.7 Peak Season Daily Traffic Volume Data
2.8 Daily Roadway Segment Analysis
2.9 2002 Traffic Source Analysis
2.10 2002 Peak Hour Intersection Operations
3.1 General Plan Buildout Land Use Data
3.2 General Plan Buildout Socioeconomic Data (SED)
3.3 Buildout Trip Generation
3.4 Buildout Daily Traffic Conditions
3.5 Daily Roadway Segment Analysis
3.6 Buildout Peak Hour Intersection Operations
STUDYAREA..................................................................................... 3
TRAFFIC ANALYSIS DISTRICTS......................................................
BETWEEN32ND & FINLEY................................................................
EXISTING VOLUME TO CAPACITY (V/C) RATIOS ...........................
SOUTH OF NEWPORT COAST DRIVE .............................................. 35
• SOUTH OF SANTA ANA RIVER......................................................... 37
• NORTH OF BONITA CANYON DRIVE ................................................ 38
S INTERSECTION COUNT LOCATIONS ............................................... 40
T EXISTING INTERSECTION DEFICIENCIES ...................................... 45
THROUGHLANES.............................................................................. 52
f, J
SOCIOECONOMIC DATA SUMMARY ................................................ 9
3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2O02 TRIP GENERATION ................... 11
6 ROADWAY SEGMENT CAPACITIES ................................................. 31
LANDUSE SUMMARY........................................................................ 47
TRIPGENERATION............................................................................ 50
COMPARISON.................................................................................. 51
UTILIZATION (ICU) SUMMARY......................................................... 57
This executive summary has been prepared to provide an overview of existing traffic
conditions and forecasts of future conditions, based on the currently adopted General Plan
of the City of Newport Beach. The General Plan forecasts have been prepared using the
Newport Beach Traffic Model, version 3.1 (NBTM 3.1). The NBTM 3.1 travel demand
forecasting tool has been developed for the City of Newport Beach to address traffic and
circulation issues in and around the City. The NBTM 3.1 tool has been developed in
accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the Orange County Subarea
Modeling Guidelines Manual (August, 1998). The NBTM 3.1 is intended to be used for
roadway planning and traffic impact analysis, such as:
• . General Plan/Land Use analysis required by the City of Newport Beach.
• Amendments to the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH).
• Orange County Congestion Management Program (CMP) analysis.
The NBTM 3.1 is a vehicle trip based modeling tool, and it is intended for evaluating
general roadway system supply and demand problems and issues. The NBTM 3.1 has
been specifically calibrated to provide the most representative conditions in the City of
Newport Beach. This is sometimes described as "shoulder season" conditions, which are
experienced in the spring and fall seasons.
NBTM 3.1 differs from previous Newport Beach Traffic Models in several key ways. First,
NBTM 3.1 is a traffic model that includes most of Southern California, although the level of
detail is much less for areas further away from Newport Beach. Previous versions were
'Windowed" models, that ended a short distant beyond the City's primary modeling area.
• NBTM 3.1 also includes an additional step, which is a conversion of the City's land use
data into socioeconomic data. The socioeconomic data is then used to calculate trip
generation. Both of these changes are required by regional modeling consistency
guidelines, and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is responsible for
certifying the consistency of local models. Additionally, this updated model also includes
greater level Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) detail in key areas of the City where the question
of future development levels is in question, particularly the area adjacent to John Wayne
Airport. Greater detail has also been added in the Newport Coast/ Newport Ridge area,
due to its annexation into the City. Another difference in this traffic model from prior
versions is an improved methodology to conduct intersection analysis, which insures that
the traffic flow between related intersections is reconciled.
The December revision of this document contains more current data for areas just
outside Newport Beach, specifically: John Wayne Airport (SNA) and the University of
California at Irvine (UCI). Expansion of John Wayne airport has recently been approved
to include 10.8 million air passengers (MAP) for future conditions. Previously, the
forecast capacity was 8AMAP (7.8 of which are included in the existing conditions).
Recent discussions with UCI have resulted in a modified representation of buildout
is conditions for the campus that explicitly reflect a trip cap of approximately 150,000 trip -
ends per day for General Plan Buildout conditions.
1.1 Basic Methodology and Assumptions
The NBTM follows the model structure recommended in the subarea modeling
guidelines, which is a "focused" modeling approach. The concept of a focused
model is to provide the greatest level of detail within the primary modeling or
study area, with the least detail for those parts of the model which are
geographically distant from the primary study area. The guidelines refine this
concept into a three-tier system, with tier 1 being the least detailed component
(used to account for regional traffic), tier 2 being the previous regional framework
(County; sub -regional traffic). And tier 3 being the primary study area (local
• The primary study area of the NBTM is shown on Exhibit A. The primary study
area of the NBTM is generally bounded by the Brookhurst Street/Santa Ana River
• on the west, Adams Avenue/Baker Street/Campus Drive/SR-73 on the north,
Crystal Cove State Park on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the south. The
primary model area includes the City as well as portion of Costa Mesa and Irvine.
The areas outside NB are included in the primary modeling area due to the
proximity of adjoining land uses and their interrelationship with Newport Beach
development resulting from the structure of the road system.
NBTM 3.1 is highly dependent on the Orange County Transportation Analysis
Model, Version 3.1 (OCTAM3.1). The primary modeling steps or processes used in
the development of NBTM 3.1 are:
• Land use to socioeconomic data (SED) conversion
• Trip generation and mode choice
• Trip distribution
• Time of day factoring
• Traffic assignment
• • Post -assignment data refinement processing (validation)
NBTM relies on regional model estimates of trip generation, trip distribution, and
mode choice. The model accommodates changes in land use/socioeconomic and
roadway network characteristics in the following manner:
Trip Generation - Trip generation estimates are based on socioeconomic
data driven by the City's land use data. The number of
trips calculated from this source is then used to adjust
the regional projections to reflect local conditions.
Trip Distribution - Trip distribution estimates are based on distribution
patterns estimated by the regional travel demand
model and incorporated into NBTM. The regional trip
distribution is adjusted to match local trip generation
• using an industry -accepted approach known as the
Fratar model.
Mode Choice - Mode choice is the method of transportation selected
• by individuals traversing the region. These modes
include single and multi -occupant automobiles, buses,
trains, bicycles, pedestrian, etc. Mode Choice is
estimated by using regional model mode share
projections, which are incorporated into the subarea
Traffic Assignment - Traffic is assigned to the roadway system on the basis
of travel time and cost. Tolls are explicitly included in
the traffic assignment process using the procedures
obtained from the regional travel demand model.
Traffic is assigned separately for the AM, mid -day, PM
and nighttime periods of the day, to allow to more
accurate representation of the effects of the congestion
• on the choice of travel routes by drivers.
Post Model Refinements -The goal of volume forecast or post model refinement is
to utilize all available information to assure the model is
able to predict future traffic conditions. The NBTM
refinement procedure incorporates 2002 traffic count
data, 2002 model validation data, and future model
forecasts as inputs to this process.
This chapter of the executive summary describes existing 2002 shoulder (fall/spring)
season conditions the City of Newport Beach. Traffic Analysis Districts have been
established that group areas with similar characteristics. These districts help to refine
estimates of where traffic originates, identify trip generation/distribution adjustments, and
make land use occupancy adjustments, all to reflect the characteristics of a geographic
area. The Traffic Analysis Districts are shown on Exhibit B.
2.1 Existing Land Use Data
Land use data within the primary study area is a key input to the modeling process.
The initial land use data was provided to Urban Crossroads, Inc. staff by the City of
Newport Beach. Table 1 summarizes the existing 2002 land uses for the City of
• Newport Beach, by land use type. These land uses were then converted to
socioeconomic data as part of the initial modeling process.
2.2 2002 Socioeconomic Data (SED)
City of Newport Beach SED that has been converted from the land use data in
Table 1 is summarized in Table 2. Conversion factors were established using
those from previous conversion efforts in the County. These were then refined to
more closely match citywide summary data. Occupancy factors and SED
conversion factors have been differentiated for the 'Balboa" area (districts 3, 9,
and 10 on Exhibit B). This differentiation was necessary because of inaccurate
initial model predictions compared to existing street counts. These differences
can be related to unique spring and fall trip generation, which is different from
other seasons. For instance, lower retail occupancy is experienced during the
"shoulder" (spring/fall) seasons represented by the NBTM.
Low Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Elderly Residential
Mobile Home
1 Motel
Re ional Commercial
General Commercial
Fast Food Restaurant
Auto Dealer/Sales
Yacht Club
Health Club
Tennis Club
Newport Dunes
General Office
Medical Office
Research & Development
Pre-school/Day Care
Elementary/Private School
Junior/High School
Cultural/Leaminq Center
Post Office
Nursing/Conv. Home
Youth Ctr./Service
Golf Course
1 Excludes Newport Coast and other recently annexed areas.
2 Uses 8, 12, and 14 are part of the old NBTAM model structure and are
not currently utilized in the City land use datasets.
3 Units Abbreviations:
DU = Dwelling Units
TSF = Thousand Square Feet
CRT = Court
STU = Students
P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579.01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Trans
Occupied Single Family Dwelling Units
Occupied Multi -Family Dwelling Units
Group Quarters Population
Po ulation
Em to ed Residents
Retail Em to ee
Service Employees
Other Employees
Elem/High School Students
Includes data converted from land use only. Excludes Newport Coast and
recent annexation areas.
P:\Projects -All Users\1 0400-00+\1 0579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\l
2.3 2002 Trip Generation
Trip generation has been estimated from socioeconomic data in the NBTM model
area. The trip generation factors have been derived from regional trip generation
estimates from the regional model (OCTAM 3.1). This methodology breaks down
traffic into trips produced (productions) and trips attracted (attractions). Table 3
summarizes the overall trip generation for 2002 conditions for the City of Newport
Beach. The overall trip generation for the City of Newport Beach is an estimated
689,850 daily vehicle trips.
2.3.1 Trip Purpose
NBTM trip generation data has been developed for the following 7 trip
• Home -Work
• Home -Shop
• • Home -Other
• Home-Elementary/High School
• Home -University
• Other -Other
• Other -Work
The "Other" category includes social or entertainment related trips and
recreational trips.
2.4 2002 Mode Choice
Most mode choice (e.g., transit, etc.) issues are regional in nature, superseding
cities' boundaries. For this reason, the NBTM approach is to incorporate mode
choice through data obtained from the regional mode choice model. This data
may be used directly for minor adjustments to account for future system
refinements, which would then be reflected in zonal vehicle trip generation
• adjustments. Regional mode choice survey data directly relevant to Newport
Home Based Work
Home Based School
Home Based Other'
Work Based Other
Other - Other
1 Home -Work includes Home -Work and Home -University trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
' Home -Other includes Home -Shop and Home -Other trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportation Summary Report\[C
• Beach is presented to facilitate such minor adjustments and to inform the
decision -makers regarding the role of various modes of transportation to/from
and within the City of Newport Beach.
2.4.1 Home -Work Trip Mode Choice Data
The home -work trip mode choice data provided by the Southern California
Association of Governments (SCAG) to Urban Crossroads, Inc. included
mode choice data (travel method used) for home -work (either end in
Newport Beach) trips. The main mode choices fall into the following
• Drive alone
• Carpool
• Bus
• Railroad
• • Taxi
• Motorcycle
• Bike
• Walked
The mode choice data has been grouped into geographic areas. Within
Orange County, cities have been identified as adjacent to Newport Beach,
or generally located north of (North County) or south of (South County) the
City of Newport Beach. Adjacent cities include Costa Mesa, Huntington
Beach, Irvine, and Laguna Beach. The division between North County
and South County cities used for this analysis is the SR-55 Freeway.
Outside Orange County, cities/geographic areas have been grouped by
• Exhibits C and D depict the results of this analysis for Newport Beach
origin trips (residents) and Newport Beach destination trips (persons that
—°` 6000
Newport Adjacent North Orange South Orange Los Angeles Riverside San Ventura Outsift
Beach Cities County County County County Bernardino County SOAQr
County -Regidn
20000 -
16000 -
12000 -
80e0 -- —
6000 —
4000 - - —
2000 -
Newport Adjacent North Orange South Orange Los Angeles R-sverside San Ventura Outside
Beach Cities County County County County Bernardino County SGAGReglon
• work in Newport Beach), respectively. The majority of trips that have one
or both trip ends in Newport Beach are drive -alone automobile trips. The
second -most used mode for trips with only one end in Newport Beach is 2-
person carpool, while the second -most popular mode for Home -Work trips
with both ends in the City is non -motorized. Generally, travel to the City of
Newport Beach via transit is most often by North Orange County residents
who work in the City of Newport Beach. The second highest percentage
of workers that utilize transit to travel to the City of Newport Beach is from
adjacent cities. Public transportation accounts for less than 2% of all
home -work travel to and from the City of Newport Beach from all other
geographic areas within the SCAG region. The percentage- is actually
higher for locations outside the SCAG region, most likely associated with
the use of John Wayne Airport to travel to and from the City of Newport
Beach for more distant destinations.
• 2.5 2002 Trip Distribution
Survey data was provided by SCAG related to the origins and destinations of
trips made to and from the City of Newport Beach. The trip distribution data was
collected in the form of trip diaries in 1991. These trip diaries are an actual log
complied by individual motorists of their daily trip activities. The trip distribution
data was organized into six (6) trip purposes for trips ending or beginning in
Newport Beach and summarized by geographic area at the other end of the trip.
Exhibit E summarizes the geographic data by adjacent cities, north Orange
County, south Orange County, and each other county in Southern California
represented in the dataset for trips originating in Newport Beach. As might be
expected, the highest totals are for trips with both ends within the City of Newport
Beach, followed by trips with one end in an adjacent city.
• As shown on Exhibit E, 52% of the trips surveyed are contained within Newport
Beach and 80% of the trips originating in Newport Beach are contained entirely in
Newport Adjacent North South Los Angelus Sun Riverside Ventura
Beach Cities Orange Orange County Bernardino County County
County County County
- 01232:59
• Newport Beach and the adjacent cities. Exhibit F depicts the overall trip purposes
summary for trips beginning in Newport Beach. Most trips are Home -Other
(38%), with a high number of Home -Work (20%). The categories with the fewest
trips are Work at Home and Home -Shop. Exhibit G shows the City or County at
the other end of the drip for trips originating in Newport Beach. Areas closest to
Newport Beach have the most interactions with the City.
Exhibit H summarizes the geographic data by County (outside Orange County) or
portion of Orange County for trips destined for Newport Beach. The highest
totals are for trips with both ends in the City of Newport Beach (52%), followed by
trips from an adjacent city (28%). Exhibit I depicts the overall purposes for trips
ending in Newport Beach. Most trips are Home -Other (38%), followed by Home -
Work (22%). The fewest trips are Work at Home and Home -Shop. Exhibit J
shows the origin City or County for trips destined for Newport Beach. Areas
closest to Newport Beach have the most interactions with the City.
• 2.6 2002 Daily Traffic Conditions
The existing number of through lanes (lanes not designed to accommodate
turning movements only) within the primary study area are depicted on Exhibit K.
Daily traffic volume data for locations counted as part of this study effort were
collected in Spring/Fall of 2001/2002. Freeway data comes from the Caltrans
Publication, Traffic Volumes on State Highways. Exhibit L presents the daily
traffic volumes, which have been used to validate the NBTM. Daily volume is the
first level of check/verification to insure that the model is predicting traffic
accurately. Daily traffic count data has been collected and/or compiled for 64
locations in the City of Newport Beach. Additional daily volume data reported by
the California Department of Transportation has been incorporated into the
NBTM update work effort. The SR-55 Freeway north of the SR-73 Freeway
carries the highest daily traffic volume (approximately 155,000 vehicles per day)
• in the NBTM primary modeling area. The arterial roadways carrying the highest
traffic volume in the NBTM primary modeling area are Coast Highway and
001009 7m
•L' 30.000
Newport Adjacent North South Los Angeles San Riverside Ventura
Beach Cities Orange Orange County Bernardino County County
County County County
0•NEWP-'kT BEACH GENERAL PLAN I IPEATE TRAFFIC STl MY, NHw % �-t EaacL, Calfia�7ia-a1232:g3
• _1
Ln7 P
+JNEWP,,RT BEACH GENET AL PLAN I IPUATE TRAFFIC IT'MY, Ne%vl,,,rt Rezch, Calif-,mia- n7232:94
0 0 EAIT L
54 i
10 = VEHICLES PER DAY (1000'S)
�, 46 'B 6 PACIFIC
B 29 " 17 OCEAN
MacArthur Boulevard. A daily traffic count of approximately 63,000 vehicles per
day was estimated on Coast Highway between Dover Drive and Bayside Drive
and on MacArthur Boulevard between Bison Avenue and Ford Road. Other
roadways carrying traffic volumes in excess of 50,000 vehicles per day (VPD)
• Newport Boulevard (maximum volume of 53,000 VPD south of Coast
• Coast Highway (53,000 VPD east of Newport Boulevard).
These links are highlighted because they represent the highest volume roadways in
Newport Beach. This does not automatically lead to deficiencies, but it will help to
identify areas where intersection deficiencies could lead to significant capacity
Daily traffic counts (24 hour counts) were collected at 55 locations on the City's
• , roadway system. This data was collected in 15 minute intervals. The areawide
volumes were then analyzed to determine the peak characteristics for the study
area. The results of this analysis show that 8.67% of daily traffic occurs during the
AM peak hour, and 10.63% of daily traffic occurs in the PM peak hour. The peak
hour (time of highest relative volume) was determined within typical peak periods
(6-9 AM and 3-7 PM). For the entire primary study area, the AM peak hour begins
at 7:30 AM, and the PM peak hour begins at 4:45 PM.
Individual locations have various peak hour start times. Within Newport Beach, the
total trips in the peak traffic hours is approximately 19% of total daily trips. This is
higher than the typical value of 16 percent that Urban Crossroads staff has
observed in other studies in Orange.
2.7 Peak Season Daily Traffic Volume Data
Peak season daily traffic volumes have been collected for select locations (primarily
• in coastal areas) of the City of Newport Beach. Daily traffic volume counts were
• collected over a one week period in August of 2003 for each selected roadway
segment. For each roadway segment selected for summertime counts, the highest
typical weekday (Tuesday through Thursday) volume has been compared to the
shoulder season count volume at the same location. Table 4 contains the results of
this analysis. The only decrease in peak season volume from shoulder season
conditions occurs on MacArthur Boulevard north of San Joaquin Hills Road. All
other segments increase for summer conditions by at least 5% and as much as
75%. The locations with volume increases of more than thirty (30) percent are on
Newport Boulevard south of Coast Highway and Balboa Boulevard east of 20th
Street on the Peninsula.
Review of the data clearly indicates that Newport Boulevard is the most popular
and heavily impacted access route to the beach for summertime traffic.
Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard appear to be the least affected routes,
with increases in traffic of between 5 and 10 percent. Newport Coast Drive
• experiences a higher percentage increase in summertime traffic, but the
magnitude of the increase (approximately 3,400 vehicles per day) is very similar
to the increase on MacArthur Boulevard north of Coast Highway. The traffic
increases along Coast Highway itself are also less than the increases on routes
leading to the beach, suggesting that people are oriented towards traveling to the
beach/coast, rather than along it.
For one special case (Newport Boulevard in front of City Hall), daily traffic volume
data was collected every day for three weeks. Although the count collection
instrument was on the street for three weeks, a few days had to be removed from
the sample for various reasons (e.g. count tube was displaced). Daily volumes
range from approximately 35,000 to 50,000 with definite peaking trends on
weekend days.
Table 5 provides analysis of daily traffic volume patterns over the three weeks
collected on Newport Boulevard in front of City Hall. Exhibit M summarizes the
• same information graphically. The average typical weekday volume is
Su ertorAv.
Into Coast Hw.
New ort BI.
s/o Coast Hw.
Jamboree Rd.
n/o Coast Hw.
MacArthur BI.
No San Joaquin Hills Rd.
MacArthur BI.
No Coast Hw.
Newport Coast Dr.
No Coast Hw.
Balboa BI.
s/o Coast Hw.
Coast Hw.
a/c Dover Dr.
Coast Hw.
a/c Newport Coast Dr
Coast Hw.
a/c Santa Ana River
Balboa BI.
e/o 20th St.
P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579.01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportation Summary Report\[01232-03.xls]T 4
Average of Monday and Friday
Average Typical Weekday (Tu-Th)
Average Weekend Day
P:\Projects - All Users\1 0400-00+\1 0579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\1
• • fHIBIT M
4L'=' LL
• approximately 40,500 vehicles per day (vpd). The Monday volume is very near this
same volume, but traffic is more evenly spread throughout the day. Saturday has
the highest average volume with 48,144 vpd. The average Friday volume is
approximately 2,500 vpd greater than the average Sunday volume.
2.8 Daily Roadway Segment Analysis
Daily roadway segment capacities are included in Table 6. The ratio of daily
roadway segment volumes to daily planning level capacities provides a measure of
the roadway segment level of service. Although the City of Newport Beach does
not control conditions on local area freeways, freeway mainline and ramp v/c ratios
are presented for informational purposes. Volume/Capacity (v/c) Ratios for existing
conditions are shown on Exhibit N. Roadway segments with v/c ratios greater than
0.90 are:
• Newport Boulevard north of Via Lido
• Irvine Avenue north of University Drive
• • Jamboree Road north of Bayview Way
• Jamboree Road north of University Drive
• MacArthur Boulevard north of Ford Road
• MacArthur Boulevard north of Coast Highway
• Irvine Avenue south of University Drive
• Bristol Street South east of Birch Street
• Coast Highway east of Dover Drive
• Coast Highway east of MacArthur Boulevard
• Coast Highway east of Goldenrod Avenue
• Coast Highway east of Marguerite Avenue
• Coast Highway west of Riverside Drive
• Bristol Street North west of Campus Drive
• Bristol Street South west of Campus Drive
• Bristol Street South west of Jamboree Road
2.9 2002 Traffic Source Analysis
• The General Plan Update Committee (GPUC) requested that the traffic study
provide specific study of individual trip patterns to answer the question of how
8 Lane Divided
Major Augmented
Primary Augmented
Secondary couplet - 2 lanes for each leg
Primary couplet - 3 lanes for each leg
Major couplet - 4 lanes for each leg
isProjects - All Users110400.00+�10579.01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES1Transportation Summary Reportl[01232-03.xis]T 6
NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE TRAFFIC STUDY, Newport Beach, California - 01232:82 rev.12/05/03 Ri�{
• many trips are going through Newport Beach, without starting or stopping inside
the City. This was done in a study that is characterized as "Traffic Source
Analysis." For this study the consultant essentially followed cars as they
journeyed through the City. Traffic destinations for three locations were studied:
• Northbound Coast Highway, south of Newport Coast Drive
• Southbound Coast Highway, south of the Santa Ana River
• Southbound MacArthur Boulevard, north of Bonita Canyon Drive
Beginning at each of the three locations, 100 cars were followed until they left the
arterial system or the City of Newport Beach. This sample size provides a
confidence interval of +/- 10%. For each vehicle followed, the data includes start
time (when the vehicle was at one of the above destinations), end time (when the
vehicle left the City or the arterial system), destination (termination of trip or
crossing a cordon location), vehicle type (brief description of the vehicle), and
date. Analysts were directed to select vehicles from each lane, and a variety of
vehicle types.
• As requested by City of Newport Beach staff, data was primarily collected during
the peak periods (from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and from 4:30 to 6:30 PM). At least 30%
of samples were taken within each of the AM and PM peak periods for each of
the three (3) traffic source locations.
The City of Newport Beach has been divided into fourteen (14) traffic analysis
districts, as previously shown on Exhibit B. For the purpose of this analysis,
districts 3 and 10 have been combined. Exhibit O shows through trip
destinations (cordon locations, depicted as letters on roadways exiting the City).
Once a vehicle has left the City of Newport Beach, it is considered an external
trip and is not further studied.
Exhibit P graphically depicts generalized trip distribution patterns for vehicles
traveling northbound on Coast Highway south of Newport Coast Drive. Internal
• traffic (with destinations in the City of Newport Beach) accounts for 64% of the
vehicles studied. This percentage is slightly lower in the AM peak (60%) and
• higher in both the PM peak and off peak time frames. The top three traffic
districts attracting vehicles from this location are 13, 8, and 9. District 13 roughly
corresponds to Newport Coast West/ Corona Del Mar. District 8 is approximately
Newport Center. District 9 is Bayside/Balboa Island.
Through traffic from northbound Coast Highway south of Newport Coast Drive
travels primarily to cordons A, W, and U. Each of these cordons was the
destination of more than 5 of the 100 vehicles followed. Cordon A is Coast
Highway at the Santa Ana River and received seven percent (7%) of the vehicles
studied. Cordon W is Newport Coast Drive northeast of the SR-73 freeway and
was the destination of seven percent (7%) of vehicles involved. Cordon U (the
destination of six percent (6%) of the vehicles followed) is Bison Avenue
northeast of the SR-73 freeway (towards University of California, Irvine).
Survey results for southbound Coast Highway south of the Santa Ana River are
• summarized on Exhibit Q. Internal (City of Newport Beach) traffic comprises
66% of the 100 trips analyzed. In the off-peak time frame, this percentage is
much lower, but the off-peak sample size is small (8 vehicles). Primary
destinations include traffic analysis districts 2, 8, 3/10, and 9. District 2 is
Mariner's Mile/Newport Heights. Newport Center is district 8. District 3/10 is
Newport Bay and the Balboa Peninsula, and district 9 is Bayside/Balboa Island.
Through traffic from the starting point on Coast Highway south of the Santa Ana
River primarily exits the City of Newport Beach either at cordon C (Superior
Boulevard north of 15th Street), or at cordon Y (Coast Highway south of Newport
Coast Drive), Cordon C captured eleven percent (11%) of traffic studied, while
cordon Y was the destination of seven percent (7%) of vehicles followed. All
other cordons had fewer than 5 of the 100 vehicles studied leaving.
Exhibit R shows generalized trip distribution patterns for vehicles studied on
• southbound MacArthur Boulevard north of Bonita Canyon Drive. Almost 90% of
traffic on this segment remains in the City of Newport Beach. Major destinations
A ^UIJIttIN rvulYlOCtt
• • *BIT R
n =v���nn.� rvvmpen
• include districts 8, 13, 9, and 12. District 8 (Newport Center) was the destination
of 37 vehicles. 32 total vehicles ended their trips in districts 13 and 9 (Newport
Coast West/Corona Del Mar and Bayside/Balboa Island, respectively). District
12 is Harbor View Hills/Newport Ridge (the destination of 11 vehicles).
During the peak hours, 11 of the 100 vehicles did travel through the City. Their
primary cordon destination was Y (Coast Highway south of Newport Coast Drive)
to which seven percent (7%) of vehicles traveled.
None of the through -corridors studied are unusually impacted by through traffic.
The survey results indicate that less than 10% of the traffic on the corridors
surveyed is regional through -traffic. However, as might be expected, through -
traffic is greater on east -west corridors such as Coast Highway, than on north -
south routes, because the Pacific Ocean is a barrier to further through traffic
• 2.10 2002 Peak Hour Intersection Operations
Peak period and hour traffic count data has been obtained from a variety of
sources. Obtaining 2001/2002 data has been an emphasis of the existing
conditions effort. Peak period and hour turning movement traffic volume data have
been compiled or counted at a total of 62 intersections throughout the City of
Newport Beach, as shown on Exhibit S. These locations were selected for analysis
by City staff because of their locations along key travel corridors within the
community. Additionally, it is important to note that while the overall daily volume
as compared to capacity is an important indicator of transportation system function,
intersection capacity can sometimes play a greater role when it comes to
constraints on the system.
Level of Service (LOS) is defined and described as follows:
• • &IT S
LOS A = 0.00 - 0.60 ICU:
Low volumes, high speeds; speed not restricted by
other vehicles; all signal cycles clear with no vehicles
waiting through more than one cycle.
LOS B = 0.61 — 0.70 ICU:
Operating speeds beginning to be affected by other
traffic; between one and ten percent of signal cycles
have one or more vehicles which wait through more
than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods.
LOS C = 0.71— 0.80:
Operating speeds and maneuverability closely
controlled by other traffic; between 11 and 30 percent
of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which
wait through more than one signal cycle during peak
traffic periods; recommended ideal design standard.
LOS D = 0.81 — 0.90:
Tolerable operation speeds; between 31 and 70
percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles
which wait through more than one signal cycle during
• peak traffic periods; often used as design standard in
urban areas.
LOS E = 0.91 —1.00: Capacity; the maximum traffic volumes an intersection
can accommodate; restricted speeds; between 71 and
100 percent of the signal cycles have one or more
vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle
during peak traffic periods.
The data collected/compiled was input into a turning movement analysis database.
For each location, inbound and outbound volumes were calculated, by each 'leg" or
intersection approach.
The number of lanes and their configuration has been collected at all 62 existing
intersections and is used to calculate existing (2002) intersection capacity utilization
values (ICUs). Table 6 summarizes the 2002 ICUs based on the AM and PM peak
• hour intersection turning movement volumes and the intersection configuration.
• The following 6 intersections currently experience deficient (LOS "E" or worse)
peak hour operations under existing (2002) conditions:
• Riverside Avenue (NS)/Coast Highway (EW)
• Campus Drive (NS)/Bristol Street (N) (EW)
Irvine Avenue (NS)/Mesa Drive (EW)
• MacArthur Rrndavarri (NR1LInmhnrPP Rnad (EW)
• MacArtP
• Goldenr
Exhibit T depicts tl
2. Superior Av. & Placentia Av.
3. superior Av. & Coast Hw.
4. Newport BI. & Hospital Rd.
5. Newport Bi. & Via Lido
6. Newport BI. & 32nd St.
7. Riverside Av. & Coast Hw.
8. Tustin Av. & Coast'Hw.
9, MacArthur BI. & Campus Dr.
10. MacArthur BI. & Birch St.
11. Von Kerman Av. & Campus Dr.
12. MacArthur BI. & Von Kerman Av.
13. Jamboree Rd. & Campus Dr.
14. Jamboree Rd. & Birch St.
Campus Dr. & Bristol St. N
Birch St. & Bristol St. N
17. Campus Dr./Irvine Av. & Bristol St. S
18. Birch St. & Bristol St. S
19. Irvine Av. & Mesa Dr.
20. Irvine Av. & University Dr.
21, Irvine Av. & Santiago Dr.
22. Irvine Av. & Highland Dr.
23. Irvine Av. & Dover Dr.
24. Irvine Av. & Westcliff Dr.
25. Dover Dr. & Westcliff Dr.
26. Dover Dr. & 16th St.
27. Dover Dr. & Coast Hw.
28. Ba side Dr. & Coast Hw.
29. MacArthur BI. & Jamboree Rd.
30. Jamboree Rd. & Bristol St. N
31. Bayvlew PI. & Bristol St. (S)
32. Jamboree Rd. & Bristol St. S)
33. Jamboree Rd. & Bayview W .
Jamboree Rd. & Bison Av.
& Eastbluff Dr./Ford
1137. Jamboree Rd. & San Joaquin Hills Rd. 1 0.561 Al , 0.571_ Al
38. Jamboree Rd. & Santa Barbara Dr.
39. Jamboree Rd. & Coast Hw.
40. Santa Cruz Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
41. Santa Rosa Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
42. Newport Center Dr. & Coast Hw.
44. Avocado Av. & San Miguel Dr.
45. Avocado Av. & Coast Hw.
46, SR-73 NB Ramps & Bison Av.
47. SR-73 SB Ramps & Bison Av.
48. MacArthur Bl. & Bison Av.
49. MacArthur BI. & Ford Rd./Bonita Canyon Dr.
50. MacArthur Bl. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
51. MacArthur BI. & San Miguel Dr.
MacArthur Bl. & Coast Hw.
SR-73 NB Ramps & Bonita Canyon Dr.
54. SR-73 SB Ramps & Bonita Canyon Dr.
55. Spyglass Hill Rd. & San Miguel Dr.
56. San Miguel Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
57. Goldenrod Av. & Coast Hw.
58. Marguerite Av. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
59. Marguerite Av. & Coast Hw.
60. Spyglass Hill Rd. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
61. Poppy Av. & Coast Hw.
62. New ort Coast Dr. & SR-73 NB Rams
64. Newport Coast Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
65. Newport Coast Dr. & Coast Hw.
Avera a All Locations
P:\Projects - All Users\1 0400-00+\1 0579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportation Summary Report\[01232-0E
This chapter presents currently adopted General Plan Buildout Traffic Conditions. This
represents the amount of traffic which can be predicted if all entitlement expressed in
the current Land Use Element, and all the improvements identified in the Circulation
Element, were fully constructed. It also includes regional growth through the year 2025.
Data are compared to existing conditions to quantify growth.
3.1 General Plan Buildout Land Use Data
The General Plan Buildout land use data was provided to Urban Crossroads, Inc.
staff by the City of Newport Beach. Table 8 summarizes the overall General Plan
Buildout land uses for the City of Newport Beach. An overall comparison to
existing (2002) land use is also shown in Table 8. Land uses generally increase
for the City General Plan Buildout Scenario. Areas where the most anticipated
intensification in development are in the older, on -street commercial districts,
• such as Mariners' Mile, Old Newport Boulevard, the Campus/Birch tract (near
John Wayne Airport), etc. The single most significant residential growth area is
Newport Coast/Ridge, although there are notable residential increases predicted
for older residential neighborhoods like Corona del Mar, Lido Isle, and the Balboa
Peninsula. There is only one significant undeveloped property in the City's
planning area, Banning Ranch in western Newport Beach. Reductions in specific
uses (e.g., mobile homes, movie theaters) are caused by redevelopment in the
3.2 General Plan Buildout Socioeconomic Data (SED)
General Plan buildout SED that has been converted from land use is
summarized in Table 9. Table 9 also contains a comparison of General Plan
Buildout SED to existing (2002) SED for the City of Newport Beach.
The total number of dwelling units are projected to increase by 5,452 units (16%)
• per the currently adopted General Plan. For total employment, an increase of
13,578 employees (21%) is included in the currently adopted General Plan.
Low Density Residential
1 3721
Medium Density Residential
Elderly Residential
Mobile Home
36." 1
Regional Commercial
General Commercial
Fast Food Restaurant
Auto Dealer/Sales
Yacht Club
Health Club
Tennis Club
Newport Dunes
General Office
Medical Office
Research & Development
Pre-school/Day Care
Elementary/Private School
Junior/High School
Cultural/Learning Center
40.000 1
78.840 1
Post Office
73.700 1
Nursing/Conv. Home
Youth Ctr./Service
Regional Park
Golf Course I
' Uses 8, 12, and 14 are part of the old NBTAM model structure and are not currently utilized in
the City land use datasets.
2 Units Abbreviations:
DU = Dwelling Units
TSF = Thousand Square Feet
CRT = Court
STU = Students
P.AProjects -All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph ZSTUDIES1Transportalion Summary Reportl[01232.03.xlsjT 8
Occupied Single Family Dwelling Units
Occupied Multi -Family Dwelling Units
Group Quarters Population
'Employed Residents
Retail Employees
Service Employees
Other Employees
Elem/High School Students
t Includes data converted from land use only. Excludes Newport Coast and recent annexation areas.
• P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportalion Summary Report\[01232.03.xls
3.3 Buildout Trip Generation
• Table 10 summarizes the overall trip generation for General Plan Buildout
conditions,for the City of Newport Beach. The overall trip generation for the City
of Newport Beach is an estimated 860,258 daily vehicle trips. Table 11
compares General Plan Buildout trip generation to existing. Total trip generation
increases by approximately 170,000 daily trips over existing (or 25%).
Regionally, total trip generation (Post 2025) is projected to increase by 33%.
3.4 Buildout Daily Traffic Conditions
Exhibit U shows General Plan Buildout through lanes on Newport Beach
roadways. This exhibit is based on information provided by City of Newport
Beach staff and the City of Newport Beach Circulation Element. The extension
of the SR-55 Freeway south of 17th Street is part of the assumed circulation
system as is the widening of Coast Highway through Mariners' Mile, the 19th
• Street Bridge over the Santa Ana River, and the circulation system Master Plan
for the Banning Ranch area. Additionally, tolls have been retained on toll roads
to provide a conservative worst -case scenario. Regionally, total vehicle miles of
travel are projected to increase by 45%, reflecting the tendency for growth to
occur in outlying areas of the region.
Exhibit V summarizes the NBTM 3.1 refined General Plan Buildout daily traffic
volumes throughout the City of Newport Beach. The highest daily traffic volume
increase occurs on Coast Highway. Between Bayside Drive and Newport
Boulevard, traffic increases by 15,000 or more vehicles per day (VPD). This
increase is caused partly by land use increases in the Balboa area. The capacity
increase of 50% (4 lanes to 6 lanes) on Coast Highway west of Dover Drive makes
the route more desirable and also contributes to the volume increase. Finally, the
SR-55 Freeway extension makes this section of Coast Highway more desirable to
through traffic. This is reflected by the less substantial increase in volume on Coast
I* Highway west of Newport Boulevard (9,000 VPD increase). Volumes on Coast
Home Based Work
Home Based School
Home Based Other'
Work Based Other
Other- Other
1 431,1081
1 Home -Work includes Home -Work and Home -University trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
' Home -Other includes Home -Shop and Home -Other trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportation Summary Report\101232-03.xisjT 10
• TABLE 11
Home Based Work Productions
Home Based Work Attractions
Home Based School Productions
Home Based School Attractions
Home Based Other Productions'
Home Based Other Attractions
Work Based Other Productions
1 52,483
Work Based Other Attractions
Other - Other Productions
Other - Other Attractions
1 Home -Work includes Home -Work and Home -University trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
' Home -Other includes Home -Shop and Home -Other trips, consistent with OCTAM mode choice output.
• P,\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportatlon Summary Repoli\[01232-03.xlsjT 11
I 138 bg I 151 Y / / �.�\
i 111111 o
24 / / I / "`..... 47K ._;I
01232:73 rev.
20 = VEHICLES PER DAY (1000'S) �j,,
• Highway throughout the study area generally increase, with the one exception
being west of 15th Street. The new Santa Ana River crossing of 19th Street draws
traffic away from Coast Highway. Volumes on Coast Highway in other areas
generally increase by 7,000-11,000 VPD.
Traffic volumes on Newport Boulevard increase substantially in General Plan
buildout conditions. Land use increases in the coastal areas account for some of
the increase. Traffic is also drawn to Newport Boulevard in the City of Newport
Beach because of the SR-55 freeway extension. However, changes to the planned
circulation system Master Plan and/or the permitted level of intensification of land
uses could lead to different results in the long term.
Land use increases in the Newport Coast area cause Newport Coast Drive to have
large volume increases that grow approaching the SR-73 tollway. Increased traffic
from Bonita Canyon and Harbor View Hills/Newport Ridge cause volumes on
Jamboree Road, MacArthur Boulevard, and Bonita Canyon Drive to go up.
• Increased capacity on Irvine Avenue south of Bristol Street draws traffic to Campus
Drive/Irvine Avenue.
3.5 Daily Roadway Segment Analysis
The ratio of daily roadway segment volumes to daily planning level capacities
provides a measure of the roadway segment service. Volume/Capacity (v/c) Ratios
for existing conditions are shown on Exhibit W (to be provided). Roadway
segments with v/c ratios greater than 0.90 are:
• Newport Boulevard north of Hospital Road
• Newport Boulevard north of Via Lido
• Jamboree Road north of Campus Drive
• Jamboree Road north of Birch Street
• Irvine Avenue north of University Drive
• • Dover Drive north of Coast Highway
mnomaGOO om0000momoom
,cx,omm ° ADO
�--� ooaGGoo
NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE TRAFFIC STUDY, Newport Beach. California-01232:83 rev. 12/05/03 Dui
Jamboree Road north of San Joaquin Hills Road
Bison Avenue
MacArthur Boulevard north of
MacArthur Boulevard north of Ford Road
Newport Coast Drive north of SR-73 NB Ramps
Newport Boulevard south of Hospital Road
Jamboree Road south of Birch Street
Irvine Avenue south of University Drive
Campus Drive east of MacArthur Boulevard
Bristol Street North east of Birch Street
Bristol Street South east of Birch Street
Coast Highway east of Dover Drive
Coast Highway east of Bayside Drive
Coast Highway east of Jamboree Road
Ford Road east of MacArthur Boulevard
Coast Highway east of MacArthur Boulevard
Coast Highway east of Goldenrod Avenue
Coast Highway east of Marguerite Avenue
Coast Highway east of Poppy Avenue
Coast Highway west of Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard
Coast Highway west of Riverside Drive
Bristol Street North west of Campus Drive
Bristol Street South west of Campus Drive
Bristol Street South west of Jamboree Road
3.6 Buildout Peak Hour Intersection Operations
The final data required to support the Buildout Scenario of the NBTM update
process was the intersection configuration of the 63 intersections selected for
analysis. This data was provided by City staff and was used to calculate currently
adopted General Plan Buildout intersection capacity utilization values (ICUs) at all
Is63 analysis intersections. Table 12 summarizes the General Plan Buildout ICUs
1. Bluff Rd. & Coast Hw.
2. Superior Av. & Placentia Av.
3. Superior Av. & Coast Hw.
4. Newport BI. & Hospital Rd.
5. Newport BI. & Via Lido
6. Newport BI. & 32nd St.
7. Riverside Av. & Coast Hw.
8. Tustin Av. & Coast Hw.
9. MacArthur BI. & Campus Dr.
10. MacArthur BI. & Birch St.
11. Von Karman Av. & Campus
12. MacArthur BI. & Von Karm,
13. Jamboree Rd. & Campus Dr.
14. Jamboree Rd. & Birch St.
15. Campus Dr. & Bristol St.
16. Birch St. & Bristol St.
17. Campus DrArvine Av. & Br
18. Birch St. & Bristol St. S
19. Irvine Av. & Mesa Dr.
20. Irvine Av. & University Dr.
21. Irvine Av. & Santiago Dr.
22. Irvine Av. & Highland Dr.
23. Irvine Av. & Dover Dr.
24. Irvine Av. & Westcliff Dr.
25. Dover Dr. & Westcliff Dr.
26. Dover Dr. & 16th St.
27. Dover Dr. & Coast Hw.
28. Bayside Dr. & Coast Hw.
29. MacArthur BI. & Jamboree 1
30. Jamboree Rd. & Bristol St. .
31. Bayview Pl. & Bristol St. S'
32. Jamboree Rd. & Bristol St.
33. Jamboree Rd. & Bayview W
34. Jamboree Rd. & Eastbluff Di
35. Jamboree Rd: & Bison Av,
36. Jamboree Rd. & Eastbluff D;
37. Jamboree Rd. & San Joa uir
38. Jamboree Rd. & Santa Barbara Dr.
39. Jamboree Rd. & Coast Hw.
0. Santa Cruz Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
1. Santa Rosa Dr. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
2. Newport Center Dr. & Coast Hw.
44. Avocado Av. & San Miguel Dr.
5. Avocado Av. & Coast Hw.
6. SR-73 NB Ramps & Bison Av.
7. SR-73 SB Ramps & Bison Av.
8. MacArthur BI. & Bison Av.
9. MacArhtur BI. & Ford Rd./Bonita Canyon Dr.
50. MacArthur BI. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
51. MacArthur BI. & San Miguel Dr.
52. MacArthur BI. & Coast Hw.
0. 22
53. SR-73 NB Ramps & Bonita Canyon Dr.
54. SR-73 SB Ramps & Bonita Canyon Dr.
55. San Miguel Dr. & Spyglass Hill Rd.
56. San Joaquin Hills Rd. & San Miguel Dr.
57. Goldenrod Av. & Coast Hw.
58. Marguerite Av. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
59.Mar uerite Av. & Coast Hw.
60. SvvPlass Hill Rd. & San Joaquin Hills Rd.
61. Poppy Av. & Coast Hw.
62. Newport Coast Dr. & SR-73 NB Rams
64. New ort Coast Dr. &San Joa uin Hills Rd.
65. Newport Coast Dr. & Coast Hw.
1 DNE = Does Not Exist
P:\Projects - All Users\10400-00+\10579-01 Newport Bch GPU Ph 2\STUDIES\Transportation Summary Report\101:
based on the AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes and
the intersection geometric data.
As shown in Table 12, ICU values generally increase in the General Plan buildout
conditions. The exceptions occur where new parallel facilities are available, or
where an increase in lanes results in increased capacity. The 18 intersections with
ICU values greater than 0.90 (LOS "E' or worse) in either peak period are:
• Bluff Road (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (AM)
• Superior Avenue (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (AM)
• Newport Boulevard (NS)/Hospital Road (EW) (PM)
• Riverside Drive (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (PM)
• MacArthur Boulevard (NS)/Campus Drive (EW) (PM)
• Von Karman Avenue (NS)/Campus Drive (EW) (PM)
• Jamboree Road (NS)/Campus Drive (EW) (AM/PM)
• • Campus Drive (NS)/Bristol Street North (EW) (AM/PM)
• Birch Street (NS)/Bristol Street North (EW) (AM)
• Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue (NS)/Bristol Street South (EW) (AM)
Irvine Avenue (NS)/University Avenue (EW) (AM/PM)
• Bayside Drive (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (PM)
• MacArthur Boulevard (NS)/Jamboree Road (EW) (AM/PM)
• Jamboree Road (NS)/Bristol Street South (EW) (AM)
• MacArthur Boulevard (NS)/Ford Road/Bonita Canyon Drive (EW) (PM)
• MacArthur Boulevard (NS)/San Joaquin Hills Road (EW) (PM)
• Goldenrod (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (AM)
• Marguerite (NS)/Coast Highway (EW) (AM/PM)
The intersections with future buildout (Currently Adopted General Plan) ICU values that
exceed 0.90 are depicted graphically on Exhibit X. It is important to note that for both
existing and build -out conditions, Intersection Capacity Utilization ratio calculations
reflect the function of intersections for a very limited amount of time throughout the day
NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE TRAFFIC STUDY Newport Beach, California - 01232:84 rev.12/O5/03 MRMK
(the AM and PM peak hours, or 2 of the 24 hour time period, and only for weekdays).
Within the current data limitations, we are unable to provide ICU calculations either as
an average ICU, or for other, non -peak hours.
In August of 2003, EIP conducted reconnaissance -level biological surveys to supplement and refine
information presented in the City of Newport Beach, California, Local Coastal Plan — Biological Appendix
(Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, December 2002) and the City of Newport Beach,
California, General Plan — Newport Beach Biological Resources (Chambers Group and Coastal Resources
Management, January 2003). A detailed mapping and characterization of seven "Environmental Study Areas"
(ESAs)—Banning Ranch, Buck Gully, Coastal Foredunes, MacArthur -San Miguel, Morning Canyon, Semeniuk
Slough, and Spyglass Hill —was performed to provide further detail on the habitat composition and quality of
each ESA, including the presence of potential waters/wetlands of the U.S., and the habitat's potential to
support special -status species. From these data, a ranking system was developed, based on inherent habitat
value, to evaluate the sensitivity of the ESAs to future development and guide the City with respect to
biological resource permitting and ultimate development of the site(s).
EIP Associates was contracted by the City of Newport Beach to supplement the findings presented in the City
of Newport Beach, California, Local Coastal Plan — Biological Appendix (Chambers Group and Coastal
Resources Management, December 2002) and the City of NewportBeach, California, General Plan —Newport
Beach Biological Resources (Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, January 2003).
A Local Coastal Plan (LCP) is required under provisions of the California Coastal Act and is a basic planning
tool used by local governments to guide development in the coastal zone, in partnership with the Coastal
Commission. The Biological Appendix prepared for the City of NewportBeach, California, Local Coastal Plan
in December 2002 included the delineation of 19 Environmentally Sensitive HabitatAreas (ESHAs), which are
defined by the California Coastal Act as areas in which "plant or animal life or their habitats are either rare or
are especially valuable because of their special role in an ecosystem that could easily be disturbed or
degraded by human activities or development." The City of Newport Beach determined that the data used to
delineate four of the ESHAs (Semeniuk Slough, Buck Gully, Morning Canyon, and Banning Ranch) was not
detailed enough for the area to warrant designation as an ESHA. This document aims.to provide the detail
necessary to allow the Coastal Commission the ability to determine what areas, if any, within these four ESAs
maybe designated as ESHAs. An additional Non-ESHA Sensitive Habitat (p. 4-58 in City of Newport Beach,
California, Local Coastal Plan) —the Coastal Foredunes—was also re-evaluated for the same purpose. This
refinement of the habitatmapping of these areas will facilitate the decision -making process associated with
any proposed development in these areas.
The Biological Resources section of the General Plan is intended to serve as an update to the City ofNewport
Beach, California, General Plan by identifying ESHAs in Newport Beach that warrant protection. The
Biological Resources Reportforthe General Plan includes the delineation of nine areas previously designated
P.Tmjecls• All EmployoeM10579-02 Newport Beach BioWddentlum%addandum docl-1 December 8, 2003
1. Introduction
as ESHAs, two of which (MacArthur and San Miguel, and Spyglass Hill) the City concluded warranted
additional analysis. As above, this document aims to provide the detail necessary to allow the City and
Coastal Commission the ability to determine what areas, if any, within these two ESAs maybe designated as
ESHAs, according to criteria in the California Coastal Act. Refinements to maps based on this additional data
will allow the City and potential developers to facilitate the decision -making process surrounding development
proposed in these areas.
Information on occurrences of special -status species in the vicinity of the Study Area was gathered from the
California Department of Fish and Game's (CDFG) Natural Diversity Data Base (CDFG, 2003) and the
California Native Plant Society's (CNPS) Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of
California (CNPS, 2003) for the quadrangles containing the Study Area (i.e. Newport Beach, Tustin, and
Laguna Beach 7.5 minute quadrangles). The CNDDB and CNPS Electronic Inventory are historical
observation records and do not constitute an exhaustive inventory of every resource.
Additional background on biological resources within the study area was derived from the Preliminary
Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California (Holland, 1986), the California Native Plant
Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (Tibor, Ed., 2001), The Jepson Manual —
HigherPlants of California (Hickman, J.C., Ed., 1993), and the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
Newport Banning Ranch Local Coastal Program (PCR, 2000).
Lastly, EIP biologists reviewed the City of Newport Beach, California, Local Coastal Plan — Biological
Appendix (Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, December, 2002) and the CityofNewport
Beach, California, General Plan — Newport Beach Biological Resources (Chambers Group and Coastal
• Resources Management, January, 2003) for relevant information on the specific ESAs covered in this report.
Basis of the Ranking System
For this report, EIP Associates has developed a system to rank specific areas within each of the respective
ESAs based on a composite score of variables that collectively represent habitat quality. Habitats are
attributed a low (3), moderate (2) or high (1) rank based on the number of positive or negative ecological
attributes or functions (see below) in each area. In general, the more positive attributes or functions
maintained by the habitat, the higher the rank, whereas areas with more negative attributes or functions are
ranked lower. Moderate and highly ranked habitats are those more ecologically valuable and more likely to be
adversely affected by development.
The following attributes were evaluated in ranking the various habitats within each ESA:
• Ability of the habitat to support special status species (recorded or potential)
• Waters of the U.S. oriurisdictional wetlands
• DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Community (e.g. sage scrub, dune, etc.)
Degree of habitat integrity / connectivity
P. ftje=-AO EmployeeS110579-02NOWpOd Beach Biowddendumiaddendum.doc2-2
December 8, 2003
2 — Methodology
While most of the above habitat characteristics are easily documentable from a variety of sources, habitat
integrity/connectivity is a more subjective measure of biological value, which considers various attributes
affecting a given habitats quality in a particular geographic area. Attributes contributing to (or detracting from)
habitat integrity include:
• Patch size and connectivity —Large "pieces"of habitat adjacent to or contiguous with similar or related
habitats are particularly useful for more mobile species that rely on larger territories for food and
• Presence of invasive/non-nativespecies— Invasive/non-native species often provide poorer habitat
forwildlife than native vegetation. Proliferation of exotic plant species alters ecosystem processes and
threatens certain native species with extirpation.
• Disturbance — This includes disturbance due to human activities such as access (trails), dumping,
vegetation removal, development, pollution, etc.
• Proximity to development —Habitat areas bordering development provide marginal habitatvalues to
wildlife due to impacts from negative edge effects. This proximity presents the possibility of
secondary effects to the habitat due to spillover or human intrusion. Deterioration of habitat results
from intrusion of lighting, non-native invasive plant species, domestic animals, and human activity.
• Fragmentation —The converse of"connectedness",habitat fragmentation is the result of development
of large areas of undisturbed, contiguous habitat. The resulting breaking up of these areas into
isolated, disjunct parcels can create barriers to migration, reduce wildlife food and water resources
and generally compress territory size to reduce existing wildlife populations to nonviability.
Fragmentation increases negative edge effects, whereby the interior area of habitat is affected by the
different conditions of the disturbance on its edges. The smaller a particular habitat is, the greater the
proportion of its area which experiences the edge effect, and this can lead to dramatic changes in
plant and animal communities. In general, loss of habitat produces a decline in species total
population size, and fragmentation of habitat can isolate small sub -populations from each other. This
process leads to conditions whereby animals and plant species are endangered by local, then more
widespread, extinction.
P.Wrojecls-AN EmP'oyees110579-02 Newport Beach Blo'Addendumladdendum.docM December 8, 2003
2 — Methodology
Use of the Ranking System
The habitat ranking system can be used to direct development away from higher -value habitats or, at a
minimum, indicate which areas will likely receive a greater level of resource agency scrutiny in the permitting
process. It may also be used to guide mitigation.
Specific habitats within the respective ESAs are attributed a rank of 1 (high value) where proposed
development would definitely require a resource permit, including, but not limited to:
1. U.S. Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -waters of the
U.S. and associated wetlands;
2. U.S. Endangered Species Act, Section 7 or 10 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service —
Listed threatened or endangered species or those proposed for listing;
3. California Fish & Game Code, Section 2081 Incidental Take Permit from the California Department of
Fish and Game -Threatened or endangered species or those proposed for listing under the California
Endangered Species Act;
4. California Fish & Game Code Section 1601-1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement with the California
Department of Fish and Game — waters of the State.
Habitats with a rank of 2 (moderate value) maintain significant characteristics to support the presence of
special status plant and wildlife species. Proposed development in these areas will require additional field
surveys to determine if resources are present, which would necessitate permitting activities.
Habitats with a rank 3 (low) are generally predominated by non-native species or otherwise exhibit a history of
disturbance that make resource permitting a very unlikely requirement in these areas.
Reconnaissance -level Feld surveys of were conducted on August 25, 26, and 27, 2003, by Ron Walker and
Joshua Boldt of EI P Associates to examine each ESA in order to describe existing resources and to determine
their distribution and relative abundance. Surveys focused on identification of areas exhibiting characteristics
of natural or undisturbed habitats and areas that could potentially support special -status plant or wildlife
species. Surveys of each ESA were conducted on foot and, in each, habitat types were identified and mapped
and observed wildlife and plant species were recorded.
Surveys were conducted following a period of elevated precipitation for the Newport Beach area. While
precipitation totals for the 2001-2002 wet season were well below average (3.55 in., average is 11.52 in.),
• those for the 2002-2003 wet season were slightly above average (14.73 in.)
P.Wm(ecls-All Employees110579-02 Newpod Beach BfolAddendumladdendum doc2-4 December 8, 2003
2 — Methodology
• (hftp:/Awm.oc.ca.gov/prfd/envres/Rainfall/rainfalidata.asp). Consequently, the composition of vegetation
communities —in particular annual species and the extent of wetland areas —was likelyto be representative of
what is typically found in years of average precipitation.
Maps and data were created in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) format at a 1:2400 scale, or 1 inch =
200 feet, using ArcView 3.2a, using aerial photographs, coastal zone boundaries, ESA boundaries (Chambers,
2002, 2003) roads, parks, and parcels as base layers. Field observations and measurements were used to
subdivide habitats within the existing ESA boundaries. Roads (either dirt or paved) that bisected a habitat
were included within the boundaries of an ESA; whereas roads at the edge of an ESA were excluded. The
subdivided ESAs were then ranked according to their relative value and resource permitting requirements.
Maps of all the ESAs were printed out, using the aerial photos as a base
When the City of Newport Beach drafted the first Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Plan in the 1980s,
the term "environmentally sensitive habitat area" was used to identify riparian areas, wetlands, intertidal areas,
and other habitats that are considered to be environmentally sensitive. These environmentally sensitive
• habitat areas were described as being located on all or portions of twelve large areas. In 2002, a biological
assessment study was conducted for use in updating the biological resource sections of the LCP Land Use
Plan (Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, December, 2002) and the General Plan
(Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, January, 2003). This biological assessment study
carried over the term "environmentally sensitive habitat area" or "ESHA" to describe twenty-eight areas,
including the twelve areas described in the existing LCP Land Use Plan.
The California Coastal Commission staff advised City staff that describing areas as ESHAs should be given
careful consideration given the limitations on development within these areas as set forth in Section 30240(a)
of the Coastal Act. Section 30240(a) requires the protection of environmentally sensitive habitat areas against
any significant disruption of habitat values and limits uses to only those that are dependent on those
resources. Consequently, subsequent drafts of the LCP Land Use Plan now identify these areas as
"environmental study areas" (ESAs) to distinguish their geographic identification from the ESHAs that maybe
located within them. To avoid further confusion, this addendum to the 2002 biological assessment study has
been prepared to more correctly identify the twenty-eight areas (nineteen in the coastal zone and nine outside
of the coastal zone) as "environmental study areas."
ESAs are typically undeveloped areas supporting natural habitats that may be capable of supporting sensitive
• biological resources. An ESA may support species and habitats that are sensitive (e.g. wetlands) and rare
PIPm/eds-All Empoyees11o57e-o2 Newport Beach Biowddendumladdeadum doc2-5 December 8, 2003
2 — Methodology
• within the region or may function as a migration corridor for wildlife. ESAs may contain areas referred to as
Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHAs), as defined under Section 30107.5 of the California Coastal
Act. These are areas in which "plant or animal life or their habitats are either rare or are especially valuable
because of their special nature or role in an ecosystem that could easily be disturbed or degraded by human
activities or development". While an ESHA is, by Coastal Commission definition, a sensitive habitat, an ESA,
as defined in this report, requires further study to determine if such a designation is appropriate or if a given
area contains resources of particular value or concern.
PIPm(ects-Aft Employees110579-02 Newport Beach Biol4ddendumladdendum dW2-6 December 8, 2003
A variety of diverse, valuable, and sensitive habitats occur within the City of Newport Beach. Environmental
Study Areas (ESAs) are those portions of the City that contain natural habitat. An ESA may contain areas that
are considered ESHAs.
3.1.1 Semeniuk Slough (Oxbow Loop) Description
Semeniuk Slough is a remnant channel of the Santa Ana Riverthat historically drained into West Newport Bay
and is still exposed to limited tidal influence through a tidal culvert connected between the Santa Ana River
and the slough. The 76.74-acre site is bordered by the Newport Shores residential development to the south,
the Santa Ana River to the west, and the Banning Ranch ESA to the north and east (Figures 2-3). The ESA is
located on the USGS Newport Beach 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle. The Semeniuk Slough ESA
includes the main slough channel immediately north of Newport Shores and the coastal salt marsh habitat to
the north, including a narrow sliver of salt marsh habitat in the far north of the ESA, flanked by the Santa Ana
River on the west and the Banning Ranch ESA on the east. Several smaller interconnected channels and
• inundated depressions are located throughout the salt marsh habitat.
Semeniuk Slough is predominantly an open -water estuary, with southern coastal salt marsh as the
predominant fringing vegetation and chenopod scrub and ornamental vegetation as a less significant
component of the ESA. Southern coastal salt marsh vegetation on -site is dominated by pickleweed (Salicomia
virginica), alkali heath (Frankenia salina), California cord grass (Spartina follosa), California sea -lavender
(Limonium califomicum), and salt grass (Distichlis spicata), with shore grass (Monanthohloe littoralis), fleshy
jaumea (Jaumea camosa), and saltwort (Batis madtima) as associated species. Sea -fig (Carpobrotus
chilensis) has invaded some of the upland portions of the salt marsh habitat in areas adjacentto disturbance.
Other ornamental plant species found along the margin of the main slough channel, primarily in the eastern
and southern section of the ESA near Newport Shores, include myoporum (Myoporum sp.), acacia (Acacia
sp.), Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta), pine (Pinus sp.), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.). An island in
the southwest part of the ESA has been graded or otherwise disturbed in the recent past and the resulting
plant community is less established than the surrounding salt marsh. This area is dominated by a mixture of
salt marsh species, such as salt grass, heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum), and pickleweed, and upland
ruderal species, such as burclover (Medicago sp.) and melilotus (Melilotus sp.) A small area of chenopod
scrub occurs along the levee separating the Santa Ana River and the Semeniuk Slough ESA and is dominated
by saltbush (Atriplex sp.)
PIfteds-A#Employee$110579.02 Newport Beach Biol4ddendurnwadendum.doc3-1 December 8, 2003
• Habitat Value Ranking
3. Biological Habitats
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figures 2-3.
DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the Semeniuk Slough ESA:
• Southern Coastal Salt Marsh
Special -Status Species (Potential)
Habitats within the Semeniuk Slough.ESA include southern coastal salt marsh, open estuary, and chenopod
scrub. These habitats are capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
• Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus (Salt marsh bird's beak): FE, SE, CNPS 1 B
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex pacirica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex parishii (Parish's brittlescale): CNPS 1 B
• Centromadia parryi ssp. australis (southern terplant): CNPS 1 B
• Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii (Los Angeles sunflower): FSC, CNPS 1A
• Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulted (Coulter's goldfields): CNPS I
• Suaeda esteroa (Estuary seablite): CNPS 1B
• Cicindela gabbii (tiger beetle): CSC
• Tryonia imitator (California brackishwater snail): FSC
• Eucycolgobius newberryl (tidewater goby): FE, CSC
• Laterallus jamaicensis cotumiculus (California black rail): FSC, ST
• Rallus longirostris levipes (light-footed clapper rail): FE, SE
• Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus (western snowy plover): FT, CSC
• Sterna antillarum brown (California least tern): FE, SE
• Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi (Belding's savannah sparrow): SE
• Gavle immer (Common loon): FSC, CSC
• Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (American white pelican): CSC
• Circus cyaneus (northern harrier): CSC
• Elanus leucurus (white-tailed kite): FSC
• Falco columbarius (merlin): CSC
• Numenius americanus (long -billed curlew): FSC, CSC
• Rynchops niger(black skimmer): CSC
P?Pmjeds-AO Employrees110579.02Newport Beach B[014ddendumWddendum.doc3-2 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• • Sterna elegans (Elegant tern): FSC, CSC
• Passerculus sandwichensis rostratus (large -billed savannah sparrow): CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
BE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 1 B Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
The following special -status species have recorded CNDDB occurrences orotherknown occurrences within or
adjacent to the Semeniuk Slough ESA:
• Centromadia parryi ssp. australis (southern tarplant) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence #65): This
• occurrence of southern tarplant is from the "Newport Slough, south of the oil fields on the edge of the
salt marsh and the access road." This is mapped at the western end of the access road north of the
main slough channel in the Semeniuk Slough ESA. More than 100 plants were observed in 1998.
This population is presumed to still be present.
• Suaeda esteroa (Estuary seablite) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 13): This occurrence of estuary
seablite is from the "Newport Slough, south of the oil fields on the edge of the salt marsh and the
access road." This is mapped along the margin of the access road north of the main slough channel,
east of the southern tarplant occurrence, in the Semeniuk Slough ESA. This population is presumed
to still be present.
• Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi (Belding's savannah sparrow) (CSC) (CNDDB Occurrence #43):
The location of this occurrence of Belding's savannah sparrow is the "Santa Ana River mouth,
Newport Slough area." The CNDDB maps this occurrence on the entire southwest portion of the
ESA. 17 pairs were observed in 1996, and 36 pairs in 2001. This population is presumed to still be
present. In addition, this species is known to breed in nearby areas including Upper Newport Bay and
salt marsh habitat in Huntington Beach (MEC 1991).
P.Profects-All Employees110579-02 Newport Beach BloWtldendumladdendum doc3-3 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma) (CNPS 1B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 23): The information for this
occurrence is from a 1932 herbarium collection from "Costa Mesa, along base of sea cliffs." It is
mapped along the bluff separating Banning Ranch from Highway 1 and Semeniuk Slough. Although
this population is presumed to still be present, it has not been observed since 1932.
• The California least tern (Stema antillarum) (FE, SE), which has a large nesting colony on the
Huntington Beach side of the Santa Ana River mouth, forages occasionally in the slough channels
(Atwood and Minsky 1983).
• Small numbers of western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) (FT, CSC) breed in the
Huntington Beach least tern colony in some years (Gallagher 1997). Western snowy plovers are
observed occasionally in Semeniuk Slough (MEC 1991).
• The California brackish water snail (Tryonia imitator) (FSC) has been collected in substantial numbers
in the channels of Semeniuk Slough (MEC 1991).
Waters/Wetlands of the U.S.
The entire Semeniuk Slough ESA site is salt marsh/open estuary, except for small area of chenopod scrub
along western border.
Inte ri
The Semeniuk Slough ESA is a relatively large, uninterrupted coastal salt marsh. It is hydrologically and
tidally connected to the Santa Ana River, which empties into the Pacific Ocean, and is also contiguous with the
large Banning Ranch ESA on its northern and eastern borders. This provides wildlife with a relatively large,
diverse area for foraging, shelter, and movement. The proximity to the Newport Shores residential
development has introduced numerous ornamental and non-native species to the eastern perimeter of the site,
and also allows use of the sloughs for recreational use. A few oil -well related structures are located in the
southern part of the ESA, immediately north of the main slough channel. The land surrounding these
structures has been cleared. Two roads bisect the ESA - one leading from the Santa Ana River levee to the
Banning Ranch area, and the other leading to the oil well structures.
AlPmjects-A# Emp107ee5110579-02Newp0d Beach Biol9ddendumladdendum.dW3-4 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• 3.1.2 Buck Gully Description
The Buck Gully ESA is a steep, open canyon extending 2.5 miles from Little Corona Beach to Newport Coast
Drive in the San Joaquin Hills (Figures 9-12). The canyon is divided by the Coast Highway. The lower section
extends from Little Corona Beach to the Coast Highway and the larger, upper section stretches from the Coast
Highway to Newport Coast Drive. The 261.95-acre ESA is bordered by the Pacific Oceamand Little Corona
Beach to the west, and residential and commercial development to the east, north, and south of the site. The
Buck Gully site is located on the Laguna Beach 7.5-minute USGS topographic quadrangle.
The Buck Gully ESA is dominated by Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral, with southern
willow scrub, annual grassland, and coastal freshwater marsh occurring as smaller components of the
community. Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral encompass the majority of the gully -
from the upper rims to the alluvial bottoms. A narrow ribbon of southern willow scrub riparian habitat is
supported by an unnamed creek that flows along the canyon bottom the length of the gully. Patches of annual
grassland occur throughout the chaparral and coastal sage scrub habitats and also in areas where native
vegetation has been cleared for fire prevention.
•The narrow, western reach of the canyon is largely encroached upon by the adjacent residential areas to the
southeast and northwest. The upper slopes in this area of the canyon support a mix of disturbed southern
mixed chaparral, a small patch of coastal sage scrub, and non-native ornamental vegetation originating from
the surrounding homes. Typical chaparral species in this area include toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), laurel
sumac (Malosma laurina), and ceanothus (Ceanothus sp.) Non-native and ornamental species include giant
reed (Arundo donax), acacia, eucalyptus, myoporum, Mexican fan palm, Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus
terebinthifolius), Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle), castor bean (Ricinus communis), tree tobacco
(Nicotiana glauca), pampas grass (Cortaderia sp.), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). The canyon bottom in
this area is dominated by riparian vegetation including willows (Salix spp.), blackberry (Rubus sp.), cattail
(Typha sp.), and bulrush (Scirpus sp.). A small freshwater marsh comprised almost exclusively of cattail is
situated at the mouth of the gully adjoining Little Corona Beach.
The central section of the canyon immediately northeast of the Coast Highway, while closely confined by
residential development, contains fewer ornamental plant species than the coastal portion and supports
southern mixed chaparral and southern willow scrub habitats with species compositions similar to the lower
canyon. The chaparral in this area supports toyon, laurel sumac, ceanothus, chamise (Adenostoma
fasciculatum), lemonadeberry (Rhus integrifolia), scrub oak (Quercus berberidifolia), southern honeysuckle
RIPrMleds-A9 Employees1f0579-02Newport Beach BioMeendumladdendum dec3-5 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• (Lonicera subspicata), redberry (Rhamnus crocea), bush monkey flower (Mimulus aurantiacus), and sugar
bush (Rhus ovate).
Approximately adjacent to the intersection of 5' Avenue and Poppy Avenue, the gully veers east and opens
Into a broader canyon. The southern slopes of the canyon in this area support dense stands of southern
mixed chaparral, while the northern slopes support disturbed annual grassland, possibly established as
chaparral and coastal sage scrub, but subsequently cleared forfire prevention by homeowners. At present,
the annual grassland contains black mustard (Brassica nigra), tocalote (Centaurea melitensis), artichoke
thistle (Cynara cardunculus), wild oats (Avena fatua), soft chess (Bromushordeaceus), barley (Horedum sp.),
ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), and fennel. Diegan coastal sage scrub becomes more dominant as the
canyon slopes on the upper portions of the canyon veer eastward. This community is composed of California
sagebrush (Artemisia califomica), California buckwheat (Edogonum fasciculatum), white sage (Salvia apiana),
prickly pear (Optunia sp.), coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), blue elderberry (Sambucus mexicana), laurel
sumac, lemonadeberry, and California bush sunflower (Encelia califomica).
The canyon floor of Buck Gully supports a southern willow scrub community, dominated by willows and mule
fat (Bacchads salicifolia), with occasional western sycamore (Platanus racemosa) and cottonwood (Populus
fremontil). Associated plant species include cattail, blue elderberry, poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum),
rush (Juncus spp.), and nutsedge (Cyperus sp.).
• The upper canyon is broader than the lower canyon and is therefore less impacted by adjacent development.
Vegetation in this area is primarily Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral, interrupted by
occasional patches of annual grassland, and southern willow scrub associated with the creek at the canyon
• Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figures 9-12.
DFGICNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the Buck Gully ESA:
• Diegan coastal sage scrub
• Southern mixed chaparral
• Southern willow scrub
• Coastal freshwater marsh
PIPmJects•A#Employees110579.02 Newport Beach Blot4ddendumladdendum dx3-6 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• Special -Status Species (Potential)
The Diegan coastal sage scrub, southern mixed chaparral, southern willow scrub, annual grassland, and
coastal freshwater marsh in the Buck Gully ESA are capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants
and animals, including:
• Chorizanthe panyivar. femandina (San Fernando spineflower): FC, SE, CNPS 113
• Verbesina dissita (crownsbeard): FT, ST, CNPS 1B
• Abronia villosa var. aurita (chaparral sand -verbena): CNPS 1B
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex coulteri(Coulter's saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex pacifica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1B
• Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii (Davidson's saltbush): CNPS 1B
• Calochortus weedi! ssp. intermedas (intermediate mariposa lily): CNPS 1B
• Centromadia parry! ssp. australis (southern tarplant): CNPS 1 B
• Chaenactis glabduscula var. orcuttiana (Orcutt's pincushion): CNPS 1 B
• Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudleya): CNPS 1 B
• Dudleya stolonifera (Laguna Beach dudleya): FT, ST, CNPS 1B
• Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge): CNPS 2
• Helianthus nuttall!! ssp. parishii (Los Angeles sunflower): FSC, CNPS 1A
• Horkelia cuneata ssp. puberula (mesa horkelia): CNPS 1B
• Isocoma menziesli var. decumbens (decumbent goldenbush): CNPS 1 B
• Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri (Coulter's goldfields): CNPS 1 B
• Lepidium virglnicum var. robinson!! (Robinson's pepper -grass): CNPS 1B
• Nama stenocarpum (mud name): CNPS 2
• Navarretia prostrate (prostrate navarretia): CNPS 1 B
• Quercus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak): CNPS 1B
• Sagittaria sanfordii (Sanford's arrowhead): CNPS 1 B
• Sidlacea neomexicana (salt spring checkerbloom): CNPS 2
• Eucycolgobius newberry! (tidewater goby): FE, CSC
• Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego horned lizard): FSC, CSC
• Cnemidophorus hyperythrus (orange -throated whiptail): CSC
• Crotaulius ruberruber (northern red -diamond rattlesnake): CSC
• Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus (western snowy plover): FT, CSC
• Sterna antillarum brown (California least tem): FE, SE
• Empidonax trailll! extimus (southwestern willow flycatcher): FE
• Polioptila californica caGfomica (coastal California gnatcatcher): FT, CSC
P.Wmjeds- AY Employee5110579-02 Newport Beach BluWddendumladdendum doc3-7 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• • Vireo bellii pusillus (least Bell's vireo): FE, SE
• Phalacrocorax auritus (double -crested cormorant): CSC
• Accipitercooperii (Cooper's hawk): CSC
• Elanus leucurus (white-tailed kite): FSC
• Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (coastal cactus wren): CSC
• Dendrofca petechia brewsteri (yellow warbler): CSC
• Icteria wens (yellow -breasted chat): CSC
• Perognathus longfinembris pacificus (Pacific pocket mouse): FE, CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 1 B Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
• Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
The following special -status species have recorded CNDDB occurrences within the Buck Gully ESA:
• Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge) (CNPS 2) (CNDDB Occurrence #21): The location for this occurrence
is listed as "Corona del Mar State Beach" and consists of a total of three colonies at the following
locations: "Inspiration Point south of Orchid Ave. at Ocean Blvd.; adjacent to Glen Dr./Beach Dr.; and
south of Glen Dr." This first location is just north of the mouth of Buck Gully. A "Glen Dr." does not
exist in Newport Beach, but the colonies associated with these locations are assumed to be in the
general vicinity of the first colony. 60 plants were observed in 1989. This population is presumed to
still be present.
• Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudleya) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 94): The source for
this occurrence is a 1908 herbarium collection from "Corona del Mar bluffs." This population has not
been relocated and is believed to be no longer present.
• Quemus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 3): This occurrence is
reported to be due east of the corner of 51h Ave. and Poppy Ave. in Buck Gully in an area of chaparral
RIPWIeds-M Employees110570-02 Newpod Beach BloWdendumleddendum dac3-8 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
and coastal sage scrub. Four to seven plants were observed in 1991, and this occurrence is
presumed to still be present.
Lasthenia glabrata (Coulter's goldfields) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 58): Location information
for this occurrence is "Buck Gully, about one mile upstream from Highway 1 " Two plants were
observed in 1998 in a clay depression near willow woodland in the valley bottom. This occurrence is
presumed to still be present.
WatersMetlands of the U.S.
The unnamed creek channel flowing the length of Buck Gully is a likely water of the U.S. Sections of the
riparian corridor and the coastal freshwater marsh at the mouth of the canyon near Little Corona Beach may
also be considered "associated wetlands."
The lower (western) portion of Buck Gully is isolated from the upper Buck Gully by the Coast Highway. This
area is closely confined by residential development on the south and north. The proximity to development,
• accessibility by local residents and their pets, and abundance of non-native ornamental plant species detract
from the quality of habitat forwildlife species in this area. The upper (eastern) portion of Buck Gully is a broad,
open, relatively undisturbed canyon. Coastal sage scrub and mixed chaparral dominate much of the area,
except for the riparian corridor along the canyon bottom and the tops of the canyon, which are influenced by
the adjacent residential development. Much of the native vegetation near the rim of the canyon has been
removed to reduce wildfire hazard.
Ornamental and non-native plant species from the adjacent residential development have encroached into
Buck Gully, especially in the lower, narrow portions. Annual grasslands in Buck Gully consist of non-native
annual grasses and forbs. Some non-native inclusions were also observed in the Diegan coastal sage scrub,
southern mixed chaparral, and southern willow scrub habitats.
3.1.3 Morning Canyon Description
Morning Canyon, an 8.26-acre ESA perpendicularto the coastline, is located between Corona Highlands and
Cameo Highlands above the Coast Highway, and between Shore Cliff and Cameo Shores on the ocean side
of Coast Highway (Figure 9). Morning Canyon is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, Pelican Hills Golf
P.Wmjeds•AS Employeest10579-02Newp0rt Beach BloAddendumladdendum dcc3-9 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
Course to the east, and residential development to the north and south. This ESA is located orcthe Laguna
Beach 7.5 minute USGS topographic quadrangle.
Morning Canyon is characterized by disturbed, remnant, southern mixed chaparral vegetation on the canyon
floor and along the upland slopes. This area, however, contains few remaining native species and is
dominated by non-native and ornamental species that have invaded the canyon from adjacent residential
areas located immediately to the northwest and southeast. Native plant species in the remnant southern
mixed chaparral community include coyote brush, toyon, mountain mahogany (Cercopcarpus betuloides),
lemonadeberry, and blue elderberry. Non-native species include fennel, pampas grass, acacia, date palm
(Phoenix sp.), fig (Ficus sp.), hottentot fig (Carpobrotus edulls), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), tree
tobacco, pittosporum (Pittosporum sp.), and castor bean.
The canyon bottom once supported a southern willow scrub and willows, mule fat, and mugwort (Artemisia
douglasiana) can still be observed growing among the dominant non-native vegetation, though these species
are no longer common enough to consider this habitat to be southern willow scrub. Non-native plant species
now dominate the bottom and lower slopes of the canyon and include giant reed, acacia, hottentot fig,
eucalyptus, myoporum, Mexican fan palm, Brazilian pepper tree, Peruvian pepper tree, pampas grass, ivy
(Hedera sp.), and fennel.
• Although most of the native riparian -associated species have been displaced by non-native and ornamental
species, the area is still used by riparian wildlife, such as American crow (Corvus brachyrhyncus), northern
mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), cedarwaxwing (Bombycilla garrulous),
English sparrow (Passer domesticus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), and opossum (Didelphis virginiana). The
presence of a perennial watercourse along with a structurally diverse woody vegetation community provides
the necessary habitat attributes that are essential to riparian -associated species.
• Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figure 9.
DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
Southern mixed chaparral (disturbed, remnant)
P:WnJeds-AUEmPIGyeeslto5/9-02 Newport Beach Blol9ddendumladdendum d=3-10 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
0 Special -Status Species (Potential)
Habitats within the Morning Canyon ESA include disturbed, remnant southern mixed chaparral and the creek
channel. These habitats are capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
• Verbesina dissita (crownsbeard): FT, ST, CNPS 1B
• Abronia villosa var. aurita (chaparral sand -verbena): CNPS 1B
• Calochortus weedii ssp. intermedius (intermediate mariposa lily): CNPS 1 B
• Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudleya): CNPS 1B
• Dudleya stolonifera (Laguna Beach dudleya): FT, ST, CNPS 1B
• Horkelia cuneata ssp. puberula (mesa horkelia): CNPS 1 B
Isocoma menziesii var. decumbens (decumbent goldenbush): CNPS 1 B
• Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii (Robinson's pepper -grass): CNPS 1B
• Quercus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak): CNPS 1 B
• Sidlacea neomexicana (salt spring checkerbloom): CNPS 2
• Vireo bellii puslllus (least Bell's vireo): FE, SE
• Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego homed lizard): FSC, CSC
• Crotaulius ruberruber (northern red -diamond rattlesnake): CSC
• Elanus leucurus (white-tailed kite): FSC
• • Empidonax trafllif extimus (southwestern willow flycatcher): FE
• Dendroica petechia brewsteri (yellow warbler): CSC
• Icteria virens (yellow -breasted chat): CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 1 B Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
There are no recorded occurrences of special -status species in the CNDDB for the Morning Canyon ESA.
P Wmjects-A#Employees%10579.02 Newport Beach SoAddendumladdendumdoc3-11 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• WetlandslWaters of the U.S.
The unnamed creek channel flowing the length of Morning Canyon is likely ajurisdictional waters of the U.S.
The lower, southwestern section of Morning Canyon is separated from the upper section of Morning Canyon
by the Coast Highway. The entire canyon is very narrow and closely bordered by residential development on
the northwest and southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, and the Pelican Hills Golf Course at the
northeastern edge of the area. Ornamental species have completely displaced native vegetation in much of
canyon and now dominate throughout the majority of this ESA. Pets from the adjacent residences likely use
the area and further discourage wildlife use of the canyon.
3.1.4 MacArthur and San Miguel Description
The 7.69-acre MacArthur and San Miguel ESA (Figure 7), consists of two relatively small and isolated patches
• of undeveloped land divided by San Miguel Drive, and bordered by Avocado Avenue to the northwest and
MacArthur Boulevard to the southeast. The area south of San Miguel Drive is bordered by an open lot to the
south (north of the Central Library), while the area north of San Miguel Drive is bordered by San Joaquin Hills
Road to the northeast. The site is located on the USGS Newport Beach 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle.
The area south of San Miguel Drive is 3.54 acres of predominantly Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat,
consisting of California sagebrush, deerbrush (Lotus scoparius), and coyote brush, along with the non-native
tocalote and scattered instances of prickly pear. Other common, non-native species include black mustard
and various grasses. The perimeter of this portion of the site has been previously disturbed by adjacent road
development and several ornamental species occur immediately outside the boundaries of this area, including
eucalyptus, myoporum, and Peruvian pepper tree. Much of the adjacent undeveloped land - particularly the
large lot separating the site from the Central Library - supports ruderal vegetation.
Two drainages intersect in the middle of this parcel. An east -west flowing drainage supports a limited amount
of disturbed southern willow scrub habitat containing willow, cattails, bulrush and mule fat. The north -south
flowing drainage supports a small seasonal wetland consisting of cattail and duckweed (Lemna sp.)
The area north of San Miguel Drive consists of 4.15 acres dominated by mowed annual grassland containing
ripgut brome, wild oat, soft chess, Bermuda grass (Cyonodon dactylon), Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pes-
P.WmJecis-A0 EmployeesII0579-02Newpod Beach Blo'Addendumladdendum.doc3-12 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• capabe), and black mustard. There are also some scattered coyote brush, California sagebrush, and saltbush
(Atriplex sp.) shrubs typically associated with the coastal sage scrub that likely dominated the site prior to
development. This area has been graded adjacent to MacArthur Boulevard, but then slopes steeply towards
Avocado Avenue. A public transit center on the northern third of this parcel is bordered by ornamental
(Mexican fan palm and pine) trees and turfgrass, which also occur at the corner of MacArthur Boulevard and
San Miguel Drive. Two concrete -lined ditches - one adjacent to Avocado Avenue and the other crossing the
site near San Miguel Drive —drain the area. Sediment depostion at the downstream ends of these drainages
support limited vegetation including wetland -associated species such as nutsedge. Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figure 7.
DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the MacArthur/San Miguel ESA:
• Diegan coastal sage scrub
• Southern willow scrub (disturbed)
0 Special -Status Species (Potential)
Habitats within the MacArthur/San Miguel ESA include Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern willow scrub.
These habitats are capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
• Chorizanthe parryi var. femandina (San Fernando spineflower): FC, SE, CNPS 1 B
Verbesina dissita (crownsbeard): FT, ST, CNPS 1 B
Abronia villosa var, aurita (chaparral sand -verbena): CNPS 1 B
Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
Atriplex coulteri (Coulter's saltbush): CNPS I
Atriplex pacifica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1B
Atriplex serenana var. davidsonif (Davidson's saltbush): CNPS 1 B
Calochortus weedYssp. intermedius (intermediate mariposa lily): CNPS I
Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudleya): CNPS 1 B
Dudleya stolonifera (Laguna Beach dudleya): FT, ST, CNPS 1 B
Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge): CNPS 2
Horkelia cuneata ssp. pubemla (mesa horkelia): CNPS I
lsocoma menziesii var. decumbens (decumbent goldenbush): CNPS 1 B
• •
Lepidium Oginicum var. robinsonii (Robinson's pepper -grass): CNPS 1 B
PIPlojeds-AM EmployeeS110579.02NowportSMhBn19ddendomladdWdumdW3-13 December8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• • Navarretia prostrate (prostrate navarretia): CNPS 1 B
• Quercus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak): CNPS 1 B
• Sfd/acea neomexicana (salt spring checkerbloom): CNPS 2
• Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillef (San Diego horned lizard): FSC, CSC
• Cnemidophorus hyperythrus (orange -throated whiptail): CSC
• Pol/optila califomica califomica (coastal California gnatcatcher): FT, CSC
• Vireo bellif pusillus (least Bell's vireo): FE, SE
• Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (coastal cactus wren): CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 1 B Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
• Although suitable habitat exists forthese species within the MacArthur/San Miguel ESA, the small, fragmented
nature of the area and its proximity to development, makes it unlikely that most species would utilize this area,
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
There are no recorded occurrences of special -status species in the CNDDB for the MacArthur/San Miguel
WatersMetlands of the U.S.
The two drainages traversing the parcel south of San Miguel Drive, along with the small seasonal wetland
associated with the north -south flowing drainage, could be potential "waters of the U.S." The concrete -lined
ditches north of San Miguel Drive are, however, not likely to be considered "waters of the U.S."
This ESA is relatively small in size (7.69 acres) and completely isolated from any adjacent, associated habitats
by urban development, thereby precluding the use of this ESA by most wildlife species. This proximity to
P:Wlojects-All EmployeesI10579.02 Newport Beach BlolAddendumleddendum.doc3-14 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• development has introduced numerous ornamental and non-native species to the perimeter of the site, further
reducing the integrity of the ESA. The fact that the area north of San Miguel Drive is maintained in a mowed
condition makes use of this area by wildlife highly unlikely.
3.1.5 Spyglass Hill Description
The 17.31-acre Spyglass Hill ESA includes the uppermost reaches of Big Canyon (Figure 8). The site consists
of a well-defined canyon with vegetated slopes bordered by residential development and a seasonal,
southeast to northwest flowing drainage at the canyon bottom. This ESA is west of Spyglass Hill Road and
northeast of Mission Bay Drive. The site is located on the USGS Newport Beach 7.5-minute topographic
This community is dominated by the Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral, with several
ornamental trees along the northeast -facing slope, just up from the vegetated canyon bottom. In addition,
native vegetation immediately adjacent to the residential development has been cleared for fire prevention
• The upland areas on the north and east slopes of the main drainage support dense Diegan coastal sage scrub
habitat, dominated by California sagebrush, coyote brush, lemonadeberry, California buckwheat, deerweed,
white sage, and laurel sumac. Slopes south and west of the drainage support southern mixed chaparral,
dominated by toyon, ceanothus, coyote brush, bush mallow (Malacothamnus sp.), scrub oak, live oak
(Quercus agrifolia), bush monkey flower, poison oak, blue elderberry, lemonadeberry, and chemise. The
drainage itself is ephemeral and therefore is unable to support typical riparian habitat. It is characterized by
species associated with the Diegan coastal sage scrub to the northeast and the southern mixed chaparral to
the southwest.
• Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figure 8.
DFG/CNDDI3 Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the Spyglass Hill ESA:
• Diegan coastal sage scrub
• Southern mixed chaparral
P.WmJxfs- All Empfoyees110579-02 Newport Beach 810'Addendumleddendum dx3-15 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• Special -Status Species (Potential)
The Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral habitats within the Spyglass Hill ESA are
capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
• Chorizanthe panyi var, fernandina (San Fernando spineflower): FC, SE, CNPS 16
• Verbesina dissita (crownsbeard): FT, ST, CNPS 1 B
• Abronia villosa var. aurita (chaparral sand -verbena): CNPS I
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex coulteri(Coulter's saltbush): CNPS I
• Atriplex pacifica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii (Davidson's saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Calochortus weedYssp. intermedas (intermediate mariposa lily): CNPS 1B
• Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudieya): CNPS I
• Dudleya stolonifera (Laguna Beach dudleya): FT, ST, CNPS 1 B
• Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge): CNPS 2
• Norkelia cuneata ssp. puberula (mesa horkelia): CNPS I
• Isocoma menziesfi var. decumbens (decumbent goldenbush): CNPS 1 B
• • Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonff (Robinson's pepper -grass): CNPS 1 B
Navarretia prostrata (prostrate navarretia): CNPS 1B
• Quercus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak): CNPS 1 B
• Sidlacea neomexicana (salt spring checkerbloom): CNPS 2
• Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego horned lizard): FSC, CSC
• Cnemidophorus hyperythrus (orange -throated whiptail): CSC
• Crotauliusrubertuber (northern red -diamond rattlesnake): CSC
• Polfoptila califomica califomica (coastal California gnatcatcher): FT, CSC
• Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (coastal cactus wren): CSC
• Perognathus longimembris pacificus (Pacific pocket mouse): FE, CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
AROjectS• All Employee5110579-02 Newport Beach BlolAddendumWddendum doc3-16 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 113 Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
The following special -status species have recorded CNDDB occurrences within the Spyglass Hill ESA:
• Perognathus longimembris pacificus (Pacific pocket mouse) (FE, CSC) (CNDDB Occurrence # 4):
This is a historic collection from 1971 centered around "Spyglass Hill". The occurrence is believed to
be no longer present.
Waters/Wetlands of the U.S.
The unnamed creek channel flowing the length of through this ESA is a potential waters of the U.S.
The Spyglass Hill ESA is a relatively undisturbed area of high -quality Diegan coastal sage scrub and southern
• mixed chaparral. Except for the area immediately adjacent to the residential development to the west and
southwest, the habitats in the Spyglass Hill ESA are almost entirely composed of native species. However,
this ESA is completely isolated from any adjacent, associated habitats by residential development, and overall
the area is relatively small (17.31 acres). This is an ideal example of fragmented habitat. While supporting
undisturbed native vegetation communities, the isolated nature of the area possibly precludes its use by many
wildlife species.
3.1.6 Coastal Foredunes Description
Foredune habitats are identified by stands of dense to sparse annual and perennial herbs, grasses, or shrubs
occurring on sand dunes along the coast. In Newport Beach, southern coastal foredune habitat extends
southwest, from 10th Street to the tip of the Balboa peninsula along the ocean side of Balboa, immediately
adjacent to the bike lane (Figures 4-6). The vegetation in this community is generally sparsewith overall cover
ranging from 20 to 70 percent in some areas, while other areas are completely devoid of vegetation. Areas of
open sand fragment this southern coastal foredune habitat. Dominant plants include non-native species such
as sea -fig, hottentot fig, sea rocket (Cakile maritima), and native purple sand -verbena (Abronia umbellate),
beach evening primrose (Camissonia cheiranthifolla), beach morning glory (Calystegia soldanella), and beach
PAPx1eds• An Employees170579-02 Newport Beach BlMd&ndumleddenCum dce3-17 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• bur (Ambrosia chamissonis). Many areas are almost completely covered by sea -fig and hottentot fig, which
seem to have been introduced from the residences fronting the beach area. Although many areas within the
Coastal Foredunes ESA have extensive non-native cover, these species are considered to be a component of
southern coastal foredune habitat and were therefore not mapped differently from those areas supporting a
predominance of native species. Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings illustrated in Figures 4-6.
DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the Coastal Foredunes ESA:
• Southern coastal foredune
Special -Status Species (Potential)
Habitats within the Coastal Foredunes ESA include southern coastal foredune and open beach, which could
• support a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
• Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus (salt marsh bird's -beak): FE, SE, CNPS 1 B
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex coulted (Coulter's saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex pacifica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Chaenactis glabduscula var. orcuttiana (Orcutt's pincushion): CNPS I
• Hordeum intercedents (vernal barley): CNPS 3
• Nemacaulis denudata var. denudata (coast woolly -heads): CNPS 1 B
• Charaddus alexandrinus nivosus (western snowy plover): FT, CSC
• Sterna antillarum brown (California least tern): FE, SE
• Phalacrocorax auritus (double -crested cormorant): CSC
• Passerculus sandwichensis tostratus (large -billed savannah sparrow): CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
• FSC = Federal Species of Concern
P Wm(ee15-All EmplayeeSWO578-02 Newport Beach BIOWdendumWddendam dm3-18 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS 1 B = California Native Plant Society List 1 B Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
The following special -status species have recorded CNDDB occurrences within the Coastal Foredunes ESA:
• Nemacau/isdenudatavardenudata(coast woolly-heads)(CNPSIB)(CNDDBOccurrence#17):This
occurrence consists of three collections on Newport Peninsula from the harbor entrance north to
about 9'" St. Collections include ".....from 6u' St. to harbor entrance", ".... S h and 9" St. sand dunes",
and "Newport Beach". This occurrence is presumed to still be present.
Waters/Wetlands of the U.S.
No potential wetlands/waters of the U.S. were observed during biological surveys within the Coastal
Foredunes ESA.
• Integrity
Ornamental and non-native species, likely introduced from the adjacent residences, dominate much of the
southern coastal foredune habitat in this ESA. Numerous residences use the beach area as an extension of
their backyards and residents have planted and irrigated the ornamental species that have replaced native
species in these areas. Increased human activity and public access also adversely impact these dune
habitats, as evidenced by the numerous trails bisecting the dunes.
3.1.7 Banning Ranch Description
The 282.40-acre Banning Ranch ESA is located near the mouth of the Santa Ana River (Figures 13-14). This
ESA is bordered to the northeast and east by residential and commercial development, to the north by Talbert
Regional Park, to the south by West Coast Highway, and to the south and west by the Newport Shores
residential community and the Semeniuk Slough ESA. The Banning Ranch site is located on the Newport
Beach 7.5 minute USGS topographic quadrangle.
P.Pmlach;-AN EmployeestI0579-02Newpod Beach B10MdOndumladdendum dac3-19 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• The Banning Ranch ESA encompasses four distinct topographic features that influence the type and character
of biological resources on the site. The western edge of Newport Mesa, which comprises much of the eastern
portion of the site, represents a coastal plane that slopes gently from east to west. Historic oil -extraction
related infrastructure is found throughout the mesa, including the location of wells, pipelines, buildings,
improved and unimproved roads, and open storage pipes and machinery.
Bluffs form the western edge of the mesa, which are very steep along the southern and southwestern edges of
the mesa, but become less severe in the north. These bluffs provide a transition between mesa uplands to the
east and the lowlands to the west.
The bluffs and mesa are incised at various points along their/its length by a number of drainages. Two of
these drainage features - one in the southern portion of the site and one in the northern portion - are markedly
larger than the others and referred to as "arroyos".
The majority of the lowlands in the western portion of the project site were historically tidal marsh associated
with Semeniuk Slough. The construction of a levee between the Banning Ranch lowlands and Semeniuk
Slough removed the former from tidal influence, very likely to facilitate oil extraction activities. Subsequent
channelization of the Santa Ana River and oil extraction activities at Banning Ranch, dating back at least 75
• years, have altered these lowlands area to where they are now characterized by narrow channels and low
pockets of periodically -standing water in some areas. Tidal influence is presently limited to only 4.8 acres at
the southwest corner of the lowlands. The entire area supports a network of roads, pipelines, oil derricks, and
a few buildings.
Plant communities on the Banning Ranch property range from relatively undisturbed native to highly disturbed
exotic populations. Upland (mesa) areas generally support southern coastal bluff scrub and non-native
grassland, while the lowlands support riparian and wetland vegetation. Current plant communities include: (1)
southern coastal bluff scrub; (2) sage scrub -grassland ecotone/sere; (3) annual grassland; (4) ruderal
(uplands); (5) ruderal wetlands; (6) vernal pool; (7) alkali meadow; (8) southern coastal salt marsh; (9) coastal
brackish marsh; (10) mulefat scrub; (11) southern black willow forest; (12) developed areas; (13) disturbed
areas; and (14) ornamental vegetation (Figures 13-14).
Scattered portions of both upland and lowland areas of Banning Ranch contain ruderal vegetation dominated
by non-native grasses and (orbs. Plant species associated with this community include black mustard, wild
radish (Raphanus safivus), pampas grass, fennel, and filaree (Eroidum sp.). The lowland portions of this ESA
consist of ruderal wetlands, alkali meadows, southern coastal salt marsh, and coastal brackish marsh.
Ornamental vegetation occurs throughout the site, though primarily in the upland areas, and include hottentot-
fig, myoporum, and eucalyptus.
P Iftlecis•All EmployeesI10579-02 Newport Beech BroWddendumleddendum doc3-20 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
. Habitat Value Ranking
The following resources contribute to the habitat value rankings:
DFG/CNDDB Sensitive Habitats:
The following sensitive habitats occur within the Banning Ranch ESA:
• Southern Coastal Bluff Scrub
• Vernal Pool
• Alkali Meadow
• Southern Coastal Salt Marsh
• Coastal Brackish Marsh
• Southern Black Willow Forest
Special -Status Species (Potential)
The southern coastal bluff scrub, annual grasslands, ruderal wetlands, vernal pool, alkali meadow, southern
coastal salt marsh, coastal brackish marsh, mulefat scrub, and southern black willow forest in the Banning
Ranch ESA are capable of supporting a variety of special -status plants and animals, including:
. • Chodzanthe parry! var. femandina (San Fernando spineflower): FC, SE, CNPS 1 B
• Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus (salt marsh bird's -beak): FE, SE, CNPS 1 B
• Verbesina dissita (crownsbeard): FT, ST, CNPS I
• Abronia villosa var. aurita (chaparral sand -verbena): CNPS 1B
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex coulteri(Coulter's saltbush): CNPS I
• Atriplex pacifica (South Coast saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Atriplex parish!! (Parish's brittlescale): CNPS I
• Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii (Davidson's saltbush): CNPS 1 B
• Calochortus weedii ssp. intermedius (intermediate mariposa lily): CNPS 1 B
• Centromadia parryi ssp. australis (southern tarplant): CNPS 1B
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. orcuttiana (Orcutt's pincushion): CNPS 1 B
Dudleya multicaulis (many -stemmed dudleye): CNPS I
• Dudleya stolonifera (Laguna Beach dudleya): FT, ST, CNPS 1 B
• Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge): CNPS 2
• Helianthus nuttaIN ssp. parishii (Los Angeles sunflower): FSC, CNPS 1A
• Hordeum intercedents (vernal barley): CNPS 3
• Horkelia cuneata ssp, puberula (mesa horkelia): CNPS 1 B
PWmjWs.A9 Employees110579-02 Newport Beach Bmt4ddendumladdendum d=3-21 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
Isocoma menzfesfi var. decumbens (decumbent goldenbush): CNPS 1 B
Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri (Coulter's goldfields): CNPS I
Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonif (Robinson's pepper -grass): CNPS 1 B
Nama stenocarpum (mud nama): CNPS 2
Navarretia prostrata (prostrate navarretia): CNPS 1 B
Quercus dumosa (Nuttall's scrub oak): CNPS 1 B
Sagittaria sanfordii (Sanford's arrowhead): CNPS 1B
Sidlacea neomexicana (salt spring checkerbloom): CNPS 2
Branchinecta sandiegoensis (San Diego fairy shrimp): FE
Cicindela gabbii (tiger beetle): CSC
Tryonia imitator (California brackishwater snail): FSC
Eucycolgobius newberryi (tidewater goby): FE, CSC
Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego horned lizard): FSC, CSC
Cnemidophorus hyperythrus (orange -throated whiptail): CSC
Crotaulius ruberruber(northern red -diamond rattlesnake): CSC
Laterallus jamaicensis cotumiculus (California black rail): FSC, ST
Rallus longirostris levipes (light-footed clapper rail): FE, SE
Charaddus alexandrinus nivosus (western snowy plover): FT, CSC
• •
Sterna antillarum brown (California least tern): FE, SE
Empidonax traillii extimus (southwestern willow flycatcher): FE
Polioptila califomica califomica (coastal California gnatcatcher): FT, CSC
Vireo bellii pusillus (least Bell's vireo): FE, SE
Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi (Belding's savannah sparrow): SE
Phalacrocorax auritus (double -crested cormorant): CSC
Accipitercooperii (Cooper's hawk): CSC
Circus cyaneus (northern harrier): CSC
Elanus leucurus (white-tailed kite): FSC
Falco columbarius (merlin): CSC
Numenius americanus (long -billed curlew): FSC, CSC
Rynchops niger (black skimmer): CSC
Athena cunicularia (burrowing owl): CSC
Eremophila alpeshis (horned lark): CSC
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (coastal cactus wren): CSC
Lanius ludovicianus (loggerhead shrike): CSC
Dendroica petechia brewsteri (yellow warbler): CSC
• .
Icteria virens (yellow -breasted chat): CSC
P.'Pm)ems• A9 Employeesl1e579-02Newpcd Beach BmMdendumladdenduaaxoc3-22 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• Passerculus sandwichensis rostratus (large -billed savannah sparrow): CSC
• Perognathus longimembris paciricus (Pacific pocket mouse): FE, CSC
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened
FSC = Federal Species of Concern
CSC = State Species of Special Concern
CNPS 1A = California Native Plant Society List 1A Plant
CNPS I = California Native Plant Society List I Plant
CNPS 2 = California Native Plant Society List 2 Plant
Special -Status Species (Known Occurrences)
The following special -status species have recorded CNDDB occurrences orother known occurrences within or
adjacent to the Banning Ranch ESA:
• Centromadia parryi ssp. australis (southern tarplant) (CNPS 1B) (CNDDB Occurrence #64): This
occurrence of southern tarplant is from the "south end of the Newport oil fields in disturbed areas
adjacent to oil pipelines" and is mapped near the southwestern border of the Banning Ranch ESA
near its boundary with the Semeniuk Slough ESA. More than 1000 plants were observed in 1998. It
was also observed on Banning Ranch by PCR during surveys conducted in 2000 for the Draft
Program Environmental Impact Report Newport Banning Ranch Local Coastal Program (PCR, 2000).
This population is presumed to still be present.
• Aphanisma blitoides (aphanisma) (CNPS 1 B) (CNDDB Occurrence # 23): The information for this
occurrence is from a 1932 herbarium collection from "Costa Mesa, along base of sea cliffs" and was
mapped along the bluff separating Banning Ranch from Highway 1 and Semeniuk Slough. Although
this population is presumed to still be present, it has not been observed since 1932.
• San Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegoensis) (FE) was documented by PCR during surveys
conducted in February and March 2000 for the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report Newport
Banning Ranch Local Coastal Program (PCR, 2000) from the vernal pool and a small depression
immediately to the south.
P.1P�ecls. AN Employees110579-02 Newpod Beach BloWaaendemtatldendum d.3-23 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• Coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila califomica californica) (FT, CSC) has been observed
primarily within coastal bluff scrub onsite during focused surveys from 1992 to 1998. 19 pairs were
observed in 1992 and between 1993 and 1996, the number of observed pairs ranged from 16 to 29.
17 pairs were observed in 1997, and 19 pairs were observed in 1998 (PCR, 2000).
• Coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicepillus) (CSC) Ten pairs were observed in 1997 and
seven pairs were observed in 1998 (PCR, 2000).
• The following special -status species were observed either on -site or flying over the area during
surveys conducted by PCR for the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report Newport Banning
Ranch Local Coasta/Program (PCR, 2000): California least tern, yellowwarbler, Belding's savannah
sparrow, southwestern willow flycatcher, northern harrier, Cooper's hawk, golden eagle, sharp -
shinned hawk, white-tailed kite, and osprey. No further details about these observations were given.
WatersMetlands of the U.S.
A 1998 wetland delineation performed by PCR determined there were 57.5 acres of jurisdictional waters on
Banning Ranch, including 57.15 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 0.35 acre of unvegetated channels. The
majority of these wetlands are in the lowland portion in the northwest part of the ESA, with otherjurisdictional
areas associated with four drainages originating at various locations on the upper portions of the site. In
addition, one vernal pool was identified near the central portion of the site (PCR, 2000).
The Banning Ranch ESA is a large, relatively undeveloped, but historically disturbed assemblage of diverse
habitats that, together with the contiguous Semeniuk Slough ESA, provides wildlife with a significantly large,
diverse area for foraging, shelter, and movement. Infrastructure related to oil exploration and extraction is
scattered throughout the area, especially in the northern portion of the mesa, degrading the native habitats
where they occur. Much of the land surrounding developed areas (i.e. oil infrastructure) is disturbed and does
not support any vegetation. Improved and unimproved roads bisect the entire ESA, fragmenting habitat and
creating increased areas of "edge effect". Areas supporting annual grassland and ruderal vegetation
communities are dominated by non-native species, typically annual grasses and forbs. Ornamental species
are found throughout the site, primarily in upland areas. The entire Banning Ranch ESA is closed to public
access, though pets from nearby residences and feral domestic animals are common transients through these
Ptpmiods-All Employees%10579.02 Newpod Beach BloiAddandumladdendum dw3-24 December 8, 2003
3. Biological Habitats
• While disturbance associated with the oil infrastructure does diminish the quality of habitat in the Banning
Ranch ESAto some extent, the overall area should be regarded as relatively high -quality wildlife habitat due to
its large size, habitat diversity, and continuity with the adjacent Semeniuk Slough ESA.
The information in this report is presented as a supplement to the City of Newport Beach, California, Local
Coastal Plan —Biological Appendix (Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management, December2002)
and the City of Newport Beach, California, General Plan— Newport Beach Biological Resources (Chambers
Group and Coastal Resources Management, January 2003). Together with the ESA maps provided in Figures
2-14, this information can facilitate the decision -making process associated with any proposed development in
these areas. This will guide the City in focusing development in areas with the fewest impacts to biological
resources and attempting preservation and protection in areas with the highest biological value. The habitat
value ranking system presented in this report will also guide resource permitting efforts of prospective
developers by indicating which sub -areas of the studied ESAs either definitely will require some level of
permitting or for which additional studies need to be performed to determine whether such permitting is
PARMIeds-All Employee M579-02 Newport Beach 01014ddendem%addmd=doc3-25 December 8, 2003
• Atwood, J.L., and D.E. Minsky. 1983. Least Tern Foraging Ecology at Three Major California
Breeding Colonies. Western Birds 14:57-71.
California Department of Fish and Game. 2003. California Natural Diversity Database.
California Native Plant Society. 2003. Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered VascularPlants
of California.
Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management. 2002. City of Newport Beach, California,
Local Master Plan — Biological Appendix.
Chambers Group and Coastal Resources Management. 2003. City of Newport Beach, California,
General Plan — Newport Beach Biological Resources.
Gallagher, S.R. 1997. Atlas of Breeding Birds Orange County, California, Sea and Sage Audubon
Hickman, J.C., Ed. 1993. The Jepson Manual —Higher Plants of California.
Holland, R.F. 1986. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California.
MEC Analytical Systems, Inc. 1991. Ecological Descriptions and Evaluations of Proposed
Enhancement/Restoration forEight Southem California Wetlands Prepared in Response to
California Coastal Commission for Southern California Edison Company.
PCR. 2000. Draft Program Environmental Impact Report Newport Banning Ranch Local Coastal
• Tibor, D.P., Ed. 2001. California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of
P.Wmlems•All Employees110579-02Nmvp0d Beach B4OWddendumiaddendum d0c 4-1 December 8, 2003
City of Newport Beach
�y Map & Environmental Study Areas
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Hazards Assessment Study
City of Newport Beach, California
Coastal Hazards
Seismic Hazards
Prepared for
City of Newport Beach Planning Department
Hazardous Materials
Aviation Hazards
Prepared by
Earth Consultants International
` intematonal
3300 Newport Boulevard 150 El Camino Real, Suite 212
Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 Tustin, California 92780
. July 2003
1.1 Physical and Historical Setting
Newport Beach, located in Orange County, California, enjoys about 14.9 kilometers [km] (9.25
miles (mil) of shoreline along the Pacific Ocean, and approximately 80 km (50 mi) of waterfront if
one includes the shoreline, Newport Bay, and islands within City limits. The western part of the
City is characterized by a series of channels and islands that provide berthing for approximately
9,000 small boats. This harbor has been acclaimed as one of the finest small boat harbors in the
world, protected from the open ocean by the Balboa Peninsula. The two main channels that form
this protected harbor come together near the harbor mouth, on the southeastern side of Balboa
Island, and flow out to sea, where two jetties stand as sentries against the encroaching sea. The
City's beach setting provides economic, environmental and public safety benefits: money spent
locally by visitors to the area's beaches generate millions of dollars in sales tax receipts that benefit
not only the City of Newport Beach, but the County of Orange and the federal government. The
coastal setting, including the Upper Newport Bay estuary, also provide habitat for numerous
species of birds, plants, and marine animals, many of them protected or endangered. The beaches
are therefore an important resource that requires protection and careful management.
This seemingly natural -looking and idyllic setting is the result of relatively recent active forces of
nature and even more recent man-made modifications. In fact, the present coastline of
northwestern Newport Beach bears little resemblance to the coastline of the early 1800s, or even
the early 1900s. Between 1769, when the Spanish first arrived in southern California, and 1825,
• the Santa Ana River flowed out to sea through Alamitos Bay, near the present-day boundary
between Los Angeles and Orange counties. In 1825, when severe storms caused extensive
flooding in the area, the river resumed its ancient course through the Santa Ana Gap and around
the toe of Newport Mesa to the ocean. The down -coast littoral drift, plus continuing floods,
caused the river to build the Balboa peninsula. During the floods of 1861-1862, the river mouth
swept farther to the southeast, to the rock bluffs which form the east side of the present channel
entrance. Until 1919, the river outlet to the sea continued to migrate back and forth from the rock
bluffs to a point about 600 meters [m] (2,000 feet [ft]) up -coast of the present channel entrance
(U.S. Corps of Engineers, 1993). In 1919, a year after a serious flood, local interests built a dam at
Bitter Point (which appears to have been located near present-day 57th Street and Seashore Drive)
to stop the flow into Newport Bay, and cut a new outlet for the Santa Ana River, where it has
remained to date.
Local citizens' interest in developing a harbor reportedly dates back to the 1870s, when the
McFadden brothers acquired the Newport Landing and established a commercial trade and
shipping business that operated successfully for the next 15 years. In the late 1880s, the
McFadden brothers built a large ocean pier near McFadden Square (the Newport Pier) and moved
their entire business to the wharf. With completion of the Santa Ana Newport Railroad (later the
Southern Pacific Railroad) in 1891, the McFadden area became a booming commercial and
shipping center. Residential development of the area began at the turn of the century, first around
the wharf, and then along the peninsula. Soils dredged from the bay to widen and deepen the
channels were used to construct Balboa Island, Lido Isle and the other islands in the bay. As soon
as Balboa Island and Lido Isle were constructed, they were subdivided into lots. West Newport,
• Balboa, Balboa Island and Corona del Mar were subdivided between 1903 and 1907, and in
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-1
• 1906, the City of Newport Beach, consisting of West Newport and the Balboa Peninsula, was
incorporated. Balboa Island was annexed in 1916, and Corona del Mar in 1923.
The harbor entrance began to take its current shape with the construction of the original west jetty
in 1918, a rubblemound structure that extended 460 m (1,500 ft) out from the end of Balboa
Peninsula. In 1922, the County of Orange extended this jetty another 122 m (400 ft). The jetty
suffered extensive damage due to storms that hit the area in 1920; repairs were completed in
1927-1928, when the east jetty was also constructed. The repairs to the west jetty included a
long, curving revetted approach on the west side that caused the adjacent shoreline to erode
completely. As a result, in 1930, the City repaired the west jetty and added two rubblemound
groins. The area between the groins was filled with sand. Between 1934 and 1936, the Federal
government, in cooperation with the Orange County Harbor district, extended both jetties to their
present configuration. As part of the Orange County Erosion Control Project of 1964, the groin
field in West Newport Beach was constructed between 1968 and 1973 (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 1993; Department of Boating and Waterways and State Coastal Conservancy, 2002).
As the paragraphs above illustrate, the Newport Beach area as we know it today has developed
rapidly, the result of man's will modifying the natural environment at a pace that far exceeds the
geologic time scale. When nature is left to run its course, some processes take hundreds of
thousands of years to mold the landscape, while other natural processes occur suddenly, with little
or no warning. These catastrophic events tend to occur infrequently, perhaps only once every few
decades, or even every few hundreds to tens of thousands of years, and so it is only relatively
recently that scientists have started to fully appreciate the magnitude of the low probability but
• high risk events that can shape the landscape. Furthermore, we now realize that many of these
processes have the potential to destroy property and compromise the safety of people that live in
areas susceptible to natural hazards. This is especially true in coastal areas, where as a result of
rapid growth, large populations are now exposed to coastal hazards. This chapter discusses the
coastal hazards that Newport Beach may be susceptible to, including tsunamis, rogue waves,
storm surges, seiches, bluff erosion, hurricanes, changes in sea level, and degradation of water
quality. Other natural and man-made hazards that can impact this portion of Orange County are
discussed in subsequent chapters of this report.
1.2 Jurisdictional Overview
There are many agencies that are tasked with the protection and management of coastal features
along the U.S. western coast, including at Newport Beach. At the federal level, the primary
government agencies involved with shoreline erosion issues are the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Corps) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Several state agencies have
jurisdiction over specific coastal issues, including the California Department of Boating and
Waterways (DBW), the California Coastal Commission, the California Lands Commission, the State
Coastal Conservancy, the California Geological Survey (CGS), and the Department of Parks and
Recreation (DPR). The Corps, DBW, and sometimes the State Coastal Conservancy are involved
with funding shoreline maintenance projects, while the DPR, as a land manager, decides how and
whether to re -build and/or protect its facilities after major storms. FEMA also has a variety of
programs to provide assistance during or in response to major flooding and storm events. The
California Coastal Commission and the State Lands Commission are the primary agencies with
• regulatory authority over proposals to build coastal protective structures, while the CGS is charged
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-2
. with identifying the geologic hazards in the state. Local governments, including the City of
Newport Beach and Orange County, also process a number of permit actions and provide funding
for shoreline protection measures.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (Los Angeles District) manages the Operations and
Maintenance (O&M) Navigation Program. The O&M program includes maintenance dredging and
navigation structure repair at 14 harbors along the southern California coastline, including
Newport Harbor. It also provides engineering, design and plan preparation, specifications, and
environmental documentation for navigation projects. Further, the O&M program establishes
schedules, prepares service requests, monitors work progress, prepares and updates five-year
dredging plans, and maintains database information on dredging schedules, past bid data, and post
project data. Other O&M duties include: overseeing hydrographic surveys of District harbors;
conducting yearly inspection of all navigation structures (to evaluate the need for repair); and
contracting for the removal of wrecks and other obstructions that could cause a hazard to
The functions of several of these agencies are discussed further in this chapter as they pertain to
specific projects that impact the Newport Beach area.
1.3 Tsunamis and Rogue Waves
A tsunami is a sea wave caused by any large-scale disturbance of the ocean floor that occurs in a
short period of time and causes a sudden displacement of water. Tsunamis can travel across the
entire Pacific Ocean basin, or they can be local. For example, an earthquake off the coast of
Japan could generate a tsunami that causes substantial damage in Hawaii. These distantly
generated tsunamis are also referred to as teletsunamis. This report will address the potential for
both teletsunamis and locally generated tsunamis impacting the Newport Beach coastline.
Large-scale tsunamis are not single waves, but rather a long train of waves. The most frequent
causes of tsunamis are shallow underwater earthquakes and submarine landslides, but tsunamis
can also be caused by underwater volcanic explosions, oceanic meteor impacts, and even
underwater nuclear explosions. Tsunamis are characterized by their length, speed, low period, and
low observable amplitude: the waves can be up to 200 km (125 mi) long from one crest to the
next, they travel in the deep ocean at speeds of up to 950 km/hr (600 mi/hr), and have periods of
between 5 minutes and up to a few hours (with most tsunami periods ranging between 10 and 60
minutes). Their height in the open ocean is very small, a few meters at most, so they pass under
ships and boats undetected (Garrison, 2002), but may pile up to heights of 30 m 000 ft) or more
on entering shallow water along an exposed coast, where they can cause substantial damage. The
highest elevation that the water reaches as it runs up on the land is referred to as wave runup,
uprush, or inundation height (McCulloch, 1985; Synolakis et al., 2002). Inundation refers to the
horizontal distance that a tsunami wave penetrates inland (Synolakis et al., 2002).
Earthquake -generated tsunamis have been studied more extensively than any other type.
Researchers have found that there is a correlation between the depth and size of the earthquake
and the size of the associated tsunami: the larger the earthquake and the shallower its epicenter,
the larger the resulting tsunami (Imamura, 1949; lida, 1963, as reported' in McCulloch, 1985). The
• size of the tsunami is also related to the volume of displaced sea floor (lida, 1963). Given these
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-3
• correlations, several researchers in the last decades have modeled tsunami runups for various
areas along the Pacific Ocean, including in the western United States (Houston, 1980; Brandsma
et al., 1978; Synolakis, 1987; Titov and Synolakis, 1998; and many others — refer to
Rogue waves are very high waves, as much as tens of meters high, but, compared to tsunamis,
they are very short from one crest to the next, typically less than 2 km (1.25 mi) long. Rogue
waves arise unexpectedly in the open ocean, and their generating mechanism is a source of
controversy and active research. Some theories on rogue wave formation include:
Strong currents that interact with existing swells making the swells much higher;
A statistical aberration that occurs when a number of waves just happen to be in the same
place at the same time, combining to make one big wave;
The result of a storm in the ocean where the wind causes the water surface to be rough and
choppy, creating very large waves.
Rogue waves are unpredictable and therefore nearly impossible to plan for. Nevertheless, as
described in Section 1.3.1 below, some high waves that have historically impacted the Orange
County coastline may be best explained as rogue waves. If this is the case, rogue waves have the
potential to impact the Newport Beach area in the future.
1.3.1 Notable Tsunamis and Rogue Waves in the Newport Beach Area
In the Pacific Basin, most tsunamis originate in six principal regions, all of which have
• prominent submarine trenches. Of the six regions, only two have produced major tsunami
damage along the California coastline in historical times. These are the Aleutian (Gulf of
Alaska) region and the region off Chile, in South America (CDMG, 1976). Southern
California is generally protected from teletsunamis by the Channel Islands, which deflect
east- and northeast -trending waves, and by Point Arguello, which deflects waves coming in
from the continental area of Alaska (see Plate 1-1). Tsunamis generated by local
earthquakes or landslides have historically posed only a minor, localized risk to southern
California. However, the record also shows that the highest sea waves recorded in the
southern California area were caused by a locally generated tsunami, the 1812 Santa
Barbara event.
Although the historical record for southern California is short, over 30 tsunamis have been
recorded in southern California since the early 1800s (see Table 1-1). Given that
instrumented tidal measurements in southern California were first made in 1854, wave
heights for pre-1854 events are estimated based on historical accounts.
Most records are for the San Diego and Los Angeles areas, with only a few events actually
mentioned in the Orange County area. Most of the recorded tsunamis produced only
small waves between 0.15 and 0.3 m (0.5 — 1 ft) high that did not cause any damage, but
six are known to have caused damage in the southern California area. Those six are
marked in bold in Table 1-1, and are described further in the text below.
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-4
San Miguel Santa Cruz
�; "; j. � /-% � %�°,,%,,,; %i%�/���%°/ir,� j.�,,-mac - • - _ � - -
Wave Exposure Map
Newport Beach, California
Areas exposed to distantly generated
deep -water swell activity
Zones of island interference creating
shadows to incoming wave energy
Approximate azimuth in degrees,
i read clockwise from true north
City of Newport Beach and
sphere of influence boundaries
��/ ;� ' /,/;
Scale: 1:1,000,000
10 0 10 20
Base Map: USGS 10- and 30-m Digital Elevation Models
;Source:US Army Corps of Engineers, 1993
`� a Ealfh
Intemati nal
I Project Number. 2112
i Date: July, 2003
Plate 1 e 1
T�61n t_ti• 14;.f riral Tcunnmi Rernrd fnr Snofhern California _ 1812 to Present
Wave Height
Southern California; offshore
earthquake in Santa Monica Bay
Santa Monica: 0.6 m (1.9 ft)
March, 1-933
Los Angeles: 0.2 m (0.7 ft);
Santa Monica <2.0 in (6.6 ft)
March, 1933
Southern California; Long Beach
Long Beach: 0.1 m? (0.3 ft)
Unknown; possibly caused by
earthquake near Balboa, or of
meteorological origin (rogue
Newport Beach: 3 m rise (9.8 ft);
9-12 m (30 -39 ft) waves
A ril, 1943
San Diego: 0.1 m (0.3 ft)
December, 1944
San Diego: < 0.1 in (0.3 ft)
April, 1946
Aleutian Islands
Avila: 12 in (3A ft)
Aleutian Islands
San Diego: 0.2 -1.0 in (0.7-3.3 ft)
may, 1960
Santa Monica:1.4 m (4.6 it)
May, 1964
Gulf of Alaska
Santa Monica: 1.0 m (3.3 ft)
February, 1965
Aleutian Islands
Santa Monica: 0.08 in (0.3 ft)
May, 1968
Santa Monica: 0.2 in (0.7 ft);
Long Beach: 0.1 m (0.3 ft)
May, 1971
South Pacific
Los Angeles: 0.05 m (0.2 ft)
November, 1975
La Jolla: 0.1 m (0.3 ft)
June, 1977
South Pacific
Los Angeles: 0.05 m (0.2 ft);
Long Beach: 0.12 m (0.4 ft)
Source: Compiled from Lander and Lockridge (1989) and McCulloch (1985) Santa Barbara Tsunami of 1812
A strong earthquake in the Santa Barbara area on December 21", 1812 produced a tsunami
that caused damage in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties and was reported along the
coast of southern California. However, the tsunami of 1812 occurred before the Newport
Beach area was settled, so there are no data specific to Newport Beach for this event. The
most likely source for the earthquake is a fault zone in the Santa Barbara Channel,
although onshore faults east of Santa Barbara cannot be ruled out.
While some historical accounts suggest the tsunami produced a maximum one -mile runup
and wave heights of 15 m (49 ft) at Gaviota, 9 to 10.5 m (29.5 - 34.5 ft) at Santa Barbara
and 3.5 m (11.4 ft) at Ventura, contemporary records from the missions at Santa Barbara
and Ventura do not mention tsunami runup or damage to nearby coastal communities
(Lander and Lockridge, 1989). The mission records describe only a disturbed ocean and
fear of tsunami, suggesting that the accounts of high waves, most of which were recorded
years after the event, may have been exaggerated (Lander and Lockridge, 1989). For
example, an account of "an old trader" printed in the San Francisco Bulletin 52 years after
1812, reported a 1-mile runup in Gaviota. From this account, a 15 m (49 ft) wave height
was derived using topographic maps.
Accounts collected by Trask (1856), 44 years after the event, report that waves damaged
the lower part of the town of Santa Barbara, half a mile inland. Trask (1856) also recorded
reports of a ship damaged by a tsunami wave near San Buenaventura (present day
Ventura). This may be the same vessel reported by Los Angeles Star in 1857 to have been
• Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-7
• swept up a canyon at El Refugio Bay, near Gaviota. A third -hand account of tsunami
damage to the mission in Ventura, located 4.5 m (14.8 ft) above sea level, is not
corroborated by the mission records (Grauzinis et al., unpublished report). Grauzinis et al.
(unpublished, based on data from Soloviev and Go, 1975; McCulloch, 1985; Marine
Advisors, 1965; lida et al., 1967; Wood, 1916; Heck, 1947; Toppozada et al., 1981),
conclude that the most reliable historical data support a tsunami height of less than 3 m
(9.8 ft) at Santa Barbara and Ventura, 3.5 m (11.4 ft) at El Refugio, and lower elsewhere in
southern California. This is roughly consistent with analysis of predicted tidal data for the
region by Long (1988) who suggests a wave height of 2 m (6.6 ft) at Santa Barbara and
Ventura. Tsunami of January 1927
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake followed by several aftershocks occurred in the Imperial
Valley, at the border between the United States and Mexico, on January 1, 1927.
According to Montandon (1928), sea waves in San Pedro destroyed a seawall or
embankment causing about three million dollars in damage (Lander and Lockridge, 1989).
However, since the Imperial Valley is far from the coast, and the earthquake was moderate
in size, it is doubtful that these two events are related, unless the earthquake triggered a
submarine landslide. Possible Tsunami of 1934
On August 21, 1934 large destructive waves were reported along the coast of southern
California from Malibu to Laguna Beach. The true source of the waves is not known,
• however several causative events have been suggested. Although official records show no
large earthquakes in the area on the day of the waves, a small, magnitude 3 tremor was
reported in the Balboa region before the waves struck. Submarine landsliding, volcanic
activity, and unusual meteorological conditions (rogue waves?) have also been suggested
as possible explanations for the waves. A runup of 270 m (886 ft) inland, 3 m (9.8 ft)
above mean high tide level was recorded at Newport Beach, which flooded part of the City
to a depth of one meter (3.3 ft). Four people were injured near the channel entrance to
Newport Bay, at the western pier. Many houses were destroyed, including a two-story
home in Balboa that was detached from its foundation. Part of the pavement on Balboa
Peninsula was washed away, temporarily isolating the residents of this area from the
mainland. Thousands of tons of debris were tossed onshore. The waves also flooded a
moorage in Balboa Island and collapsed part of the breakwater in Long Beach (Lander and
Lockridge, 1989). , Aleutian Island Tsunami of 1957
A magnitude 8.3 earthquake in the Aleutian Islands on March 9, 1957 generated a small
tsunami in the San Diego area that damaged two ships in San Diego Harbor and caused
minor damage at La Jolla (McMulloch, 1985; Iida et al., 1967; Salsman, 1959; Joy, 1968).
A wave height of up to one meter (3.3 ft) was reported at Shelter Island, off the San Diego
coast, although the tide gauge there recorded only a 0.2 m (0.7 ft) wave. No reports of
damage were recorded in the City of Newport Beach. Chilean Tsunami of 1960
• On May 22, 1960, a moment magnitude 9.4 earthquake off the coast of Chile produced a
tsunami that damaged coastal communities in southern California between Santa Barbara
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-8
• and San Diego. A wave height of 1.4 m (4.6 ft) was recorded in Santa Monica and the tidal
gauge in San Diego was carried away by the tsunami waves (Lander and Lockridge, 1989).
Significant damage was recorded in the Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors, where 30
small craft were sunk and over 300 were set adrift. Over 340 boat slips, valued at
$300,000, were also damaged in the area. At Santa Monica, eight small boats were swept
away and a runup of 91 m (300 ft) flooded a parking lot along the Pacific Coast Highway.
Damage of $20,000 was reported in the Santa Barbara area. At San Diego, two passenger
ferries were knocked off course by the waves; the first ferry was pushed against a dock in
Coronado, destroying 80 m (260 ft) of the dock, and the second was rammed into a flotilla
of anchored destroyers. The waves also rammed a 100-ton dredge into the Mission Bay
Bridge, knocking out a 21 m (70 ft) section and sinking a barge at Seaforth Landing (Lander
and Lockridge, 1989; lida et al., 1967; Talley and Cloud, 1962; Joy, 1968). Good Friday Earthquake Tsunami of 1964
On March 28, 1964 a moment magnitude 9.2 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska produced
the largest and most damaging tsunami to ever hit the West Coast. The tsunami killed 16
people in northern California and Oregon and caused $8,000,000 in damage in California.
Although damage was primarily focused in coastal areas north of San Francisco, southern
California experienced hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. A wave height of 1 m
(3.3 ft) was recorded in Santa Monica. In Los Angeles Harbor, the wave damaged six
small -boat slips, pilings, and the Union Oil Company fuel dock. It also scoured the harbor
sides, causing, all tolled, $175,000 to $275,000 in damage. The tsunami also destroyed
eight docks in the Long Beach Harbor at a loss of $100,000 (Spaeth and Berkman, 1972).
• Minor damage was also reported elsewhere along the southern California coast.
1.3.2 Tsunami Scenarios for Newport Beach
Because of the substantial increase in population in the last century and extensive
development along the world's coastlines, a large percentage of the Earth's inhabitants live
near the ocean. As a result, the risk of loss of life and property damage due to tsunamis
has increased substantially. In fact, worldwide, tsunamis have been responsible for over
4,000 human deaths in the past decade alone (Synolakis et al., 2002).
McCarthy et al. (1993) reviewed the historical tsunami record for California and suggested
that the tsunami hazard in the southern California region from the Palos Verdes Peninsula
south to San Diego, is moderate. However, as discussed previously, the southern
California historical record is very short. Given that the recurrence interval for many of the
faults in the world is in the order of hundreds to thousands of years, it is possible that
southern California has been impacted by teletsunamis for which we have no record.
More significantly, there are several active faults immediately offshore of the southern
California area, and any of these could generate a future earthquake that could have a
tsunami associated with it. Finally, several submarine landslides and landslide -susceptible
areas have been mapped offshore, within 3.5 to 14 km of the coastline (Field and Edwards,
1980; McCulloch, 1985; Clarke et al., 1985). Synolakis et al. (1997) reviewed the
McCarthy et al. (1993) study and other data, and concluded that not only do early, pre-
1980 methods give tsunami runup results that are more than 50 percent lower than what
current inundation models predict, but that there is a need to model near -shore tsunami
• events. For the Orange County coastline particularly, near -shore tsunamis should be
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-9
• considered worst -case scenarios, as these have the potential to cause high runups that
would impact the coastline with almost no warning.
Having recognized the potential hazard, the next step is to quantify it so it can be managed
appropriately. Although the record of tsunamis impacting the California coast goes back
only to 1812, there are sufficient data from which mathematical models of tsunami runup
for the California coast can be developed. Houston and Garcia looked at the worldwide,
long-term historical data, and combined it with mathematical models to estimate the
predicted, distantly generated, 100-year and 500-year probability tsunami runup elevations
for the west coast of the United States (Garcia and Houston, 1975; Houston and Garcia,
1974; 1978; Houston et al., 1975; Houston, 1980; as presented in McCulloch, 1985).
These predictions are used by the Federal Insurance Administration to calculate flood -
insurance rates, thus the 100- and 500-year terms risk levels selected, similar to storm
flooding. As with flooding, the 100- and 500-year designations do not mean that these
tsunamis occur only once every 100 or 500 years, but rather, these terms describe the
tsunami that has a 1 percent (for 100-year) or 0.2 percent (for 500-year) probability of
occurring in any one year. The 100-year and 500-year tsunami runup elevations are
thought to have the potential to cause significant damage to harbors and upland areas,
while smaller 50-year events may cause damage to boats and harbor facilities, but the
onshore damage will be restricted to very low-lying areas. Smaller than 50-year tsunamis
may still cause minor damage to unprotected boats and harbor facilities (CDMG, 1976).
The 100-year (R100) and 500-year (R500) teletsunami runup heights predicted for Newport
• Beach are 1.49 and 1.98 m (4.9 and 6.5 ft), respectively (Houston, 1980, based on Figure
208 in McCulloch, 1985).
The predicted tsunami runup heights by Houston (1980) were used in this report to prepare
maps showing tsunami inundation zones for Newport Beach. However, for various
reasons, these values are to be used only as a guide to quantify the risk of distantly
generated tsunamis on the California coastline. Houston 0980) did not have the
technology available to quantify the effect that estuaries, the offshore zone where water is
5 to 10 meters deep, and the shoreline have on tsunami runup (C. Synolakis, personal
communication, 2002). Furthermore, Houston's (1980) predicted heights are based on
mean sea level elevation data, and therefore do not show the maximum credible heights
that are possible if a tsunami coincides with peak high tide, or with storm -induced high
water. To account for this, several scenarios were prepared herein to show the estimated
inundation areas expected for Newport Beach under different sea level conditions. These
scenarios are simple, linear, first -order assessments of inundation of all land areas at an
elevation equal to or below the elevation of the water column calculated for each
scenario, without taking into consideration the shallow bathymetry and near -shore
topography, which are known to have a significant impact on tsunami inundation. As a
result, these scenarios should be used for general planning purposes only, until the more
detailed tsunami inundation maps for this area (discussed below) become available.
The University of Southern California Tsunami Research Group, under the direction of
Professor Costas Synolakis, is currently preparing tsunami inundation models on behalf of
• the Office of Emergency Services for the northern Orange County area. Unfortunately, the
maps that they are preparing will not address tsunami inundation in the Newport Bay area
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-10
because detailed modeling of the inundation depths (bathymetry) and currents in the bay is
required, and the State budget does not allow for this level of detail (C. Synolakis, personal
communication, 2002). This research group is also modeling potential locally generated
tsunamis caused by either offshore faulting or submarine landsliding. Their initial models
indicate that these locally generated tsunamis are a concern: earthquakes in the Santa
Barbara Channel could generate a 2 m (6.6 ft) runup, while an earthquake -induced
submarine landslide could generate a runup of as much as 20 m (66 ft) (Borrero et al.,
2001). Their north Orange County models will include locally generated tsunamis caused
by both offshore faulting or landsliding, but again, they are excluding Newport Bay.
• Scenario 1: Tsunami Inundation at Mean Sea Level
The tsunami inundation maps prepared for this study are based on several sea water levels
that are specific to each area, and often legally defined. Mean sea level (MSL) is defined as
the average height of the ocean surface for all tide stages, measured over a 19-year period
based on hourly height observations made on an open coast, or in adjacent waters having
free access to the sea (Bates and Jackson, 1987). Mean sea level is adopted as the datum
plane or zero elevation for a local or regional area. The City of Newport Beach has defined
the sea level datum of 1929 (referred to as the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 —
NVGD29) established by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the official
datum plane of the City (City Ordinance No. 994). All other water levels and topographic
elevation points in the City are measured relative to this datum. The NGVD29 system,
however, has fallen in disuse, and other jurisdictions, such as the County of Orange, now
use the NAVD88 system, which in this area is on average 2.37 feet higher than the
NGVD29 datum. The maps presented herein are based on the City's current NGVD29
datum. These can be expected to change in the future when, and if the City adopts the
NAVD88 system. The mean sea level elevation at Newport Beach is shown graphically on
Plate 1-2.
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards
Page 1-11
;'ri1--- t1,�- - _ i-r>"S—_. ::r,y :`,. s..'L /r••� _'� ___•r\ , Y _.. ,.
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can Sea Level
V.Z. - _ Newport Beach City Boundary Sphere of Influence
?\�'�%�`.: r'1!- --¢iJ-'•� • vJ� ! u .Y 'Y _ Y' ',_ � IRVI\E -
/ y:f�i ,- ,y'^ :'�f, .i":: L �.y.�. , :v ri - +OA" w i��r♦♦.'.-1 �, ,� 1 '
• J � NEWPORT BE� �n �:•� \ ' ...m G, _ _._-`.�� •-., s .r.t:v. - - •.1 V h r..rGmm i lc \ . r, - - •
•41o..40r{, ..gig - - - v •'e o�\k ki
�� -- -_ �•�� ri::.-.-'��.� -- - - -- - - --- --='�1;;----- ' _--. Scale: 1:60,000
(I Miles
n,. ¢•• } a •.,n.'t.,w„>:: g 'A T, 7 . Q' A Q'' rii �E W_ y I U I 23
L r, Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SureIMAPS
i Source: USGS 10-m Digital Elevation Model
\ wU.
I •
This map is intended forgen mal land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient loserve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
n ordoes it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECQ makes no representations or wananlies regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these mapswere denied. ECl shall not be liable
under any circumstances foran y direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party an account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
E Consultants
Project Number. 2112
Date: July, 2003
Plate 1-2
Plate 1-3 shows the predicted tsunami inundation areas for Newport Beach if the predicted
100- and 500-year tsunami runup heights (4.9 and 6.5 feet, respectively) are superimposed
on the mean sea level. Plate 1-3 shows that Newport Bay and most of the harbor would be
inundated, with the potential to damage small vessels and docks. Some of the properties
adjacent to the Bay would also be impacted, especially the northwestern section of Balboa
Island, which is predicted to be inundated. The water level in Upper Newport Bay is
anticipated to rise some, but the data available are insufficient to quantify the hazard in
this area. Scenario 2: Tsunami Inundation at Mean High Water
Mean High Water (MHW) is referred to as the "average height of all the high waters
recorded at a given place over a 19-year period or computed equivalent period" (Bates and
Jackson, 1987). The MHW can often be recognized by the upper line of debris on the
beach. For Newport Beach, the calculated MHW is 0.78 m (2.57 ft). Plate 1-4 illustrates
the inundation zone for a tsunami occurring at high tide. Most of the harbor area,
including the inland, developed portion of the Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Upper
Newport Bay could be inundated during such an event. Near -shore sections of Lido Isle
and Linda Isle would also be impacted, and Lido Isle would be cut off from the mainland
due to flooding along Newport Boulevard and 32"d Street. This scenario is expected to
cause considerable damage to homes in the low-lying areas, and to all moored boats. Scenario 3: Tsunami Inundation at Extreme High Tide
A tsunami occurring during extreme high tide would represent the worst -case scenario for
• teletsunamis. Thus we modeled the 100- and 500-year wave runup on top of the highest
recorded tide in the area of 2.66 m (8.74 ft), measured at station 9410580 on January 28,
1983 (NOAA/NOS, 2002). In this model, a significant portion of Newport Harbor and the
low-lying areas south of Highway 1 would be inundated by both the 100- and 500-year
wave runups (see Plate 1-5). The 100-year event shows that except for a small sliver of
Lido Isle, the entire Newport Bay area would flood. Flooding is also anticipated in the area
where Newport Dunes Resort is located. In the 500-year event, all of Lido Isle is expected
to flood. The probability of a tsunami occurring during extreme high tide is highly
improbable. However, these tsunami runups are possible if a tsunami occurs immediately
offshore of Newport Beach, whether as a result of faulting or landsliding. Therefore, Plate
1-5 illustrates all of the areas that could benefit from evacuation plans and routes, as well
as warning systems.
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-13
� •v
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic Investlgations of Individual sites,
nor does It satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECI) makes no representations or viarrantles regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special. Incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by arty user or third party on account or, or arising
from, the use of this map.
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Scenario 1:
' Tsunami Inundation
%A Mean Sea Level
'ill � .". ? _ y..4....<� �, ....- _a.a- 1;='�e i•'-',- i.--^'
Newport Beach, California
Tsunami Hazard Zones
100-year Zone
Inundation Elevation = 4.9 feet
500-year Zone
(Inundation Elevation = 6.5 feet)
Zone of Minimal but Potential
\ _ Tsunami Inundation
r • - < f
Newport Beach City Boundary
t..=• - �%;
-_ . r _
Sphere of Influence
- --
Tsunami Inundation Elevations: Mean Sea Level
+Tsunami Height (100-year = 4.9 feet; 500-year
•fg,ti _ �:''`
�+ � -
= 6.5 feet)
�r -~:�,��% -
� - _ .., -.
•� � " =
Scale: 1:60,000
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1 0 1 2 3
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SurelMAPS
Source: Houston,1980; USGS 10-m Digital Elevation
_4 r
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n Ti
Project Number. 2112
Date: July, 2003
Plate 1-3
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This map is intended forgeneral land use planning only. Information on this map Is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of Individual shes,
nor does It satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulations.
Earth consultants International (ECD makes no representations orvaaman ies regardiing
the accuracy of the data from which these mapswere derived. ECl shall not be liable
under any circumstances forany direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account or, orarising
from, the use of this map.
- sXScenario 2:
Tsunami Inundation
at Mean Higher
V� � � •:` ��= - • - High
Newport Beach California
`' _ Tsunami Hazard Zones i"A
100-year Zone
'"5'' ° (Inundation Elevation = 7.47 feet)
500-year Zone
_ tc (Inundation Elevation = 9.07 feet)
FY'^` li0 v rn -
• Newport Beach City Boundary
Sphere of Influence
' •t;, Tsunami Inundation Elevations: Mean Higher H
Water (2.57 feet)+Tsunami Height (100-year=
L4.9 feet'' 500-year = 6.5 feet)
Scale: 1:60,000
'i-h,,,r„J.J,'`-'rig;: (it•" r ��`1,r,: _ 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
t!• ` _ r:}'j� t a! `-•!Y� �,r L Mites
[i '. 1 0 1 2 3
.A. ".fj i-•rf`J'� :rA.r-.Q .' . Ti N .!
- _� ;' ft♦ ":;;"� 1 " ,� • "' ' Kilometers
•(': i '--j" i.: "' ,' _ Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure!MAPS
v Source: Houston,1980; USGS 10-m Digital -Elevation
'�`''-:,'` _—= - �'• '� � _ _- Earth
Consultants ��'=
Intemational ' �;
Project Number. 2112
Date: July, 2003 Fn'
r •A•'t � (f rt
Plate 1-4
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This map is intended for general land use planning only. lafermalion on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substilutefor detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
rmr does It sagsrythe evaluatlm regt lmments mtforth In geologlo hazard regulagom.
• Earth Consultants International(ECQ makes no representation crwarmnties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these mapswere derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for arty direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages wdh respect to any claim by any user or third party on account or, or arising
from, the use ofthis map.
i -' Scenario 3: �
rp ,W-�T• • `�-(` IRV[KE •-�,.�\Y��
Tsunami Inundation
-,,--'--. Extreme High Tide
%Newport Beach California
�' ♦� 'ii' '3�i j}-.`�;f-%, /:j��r��_' ;,`'r =u _J ,-Sri:-rH---._�
Tsunami Hazard Zones
A N j/ r d Ar QU ,l. 100-Year Zone
'!_ ; — _ °> ` 1- 1• .- (Inundation Elevation =13.64 feet)
500-year Zone
(Inundation Elevation =15.24 feet)
=t r= �9X, I^'1S:-
tz" _ (•,RO,R& ' ; = , Newport Beach City Boundary
Sphere of Influence
Tsunami Inundation Elevations: Highest
Recorded Tide (8.74 feet) +Tsunami Height
,,., .
(�>_,� . ; ,•i ^ •: ' -;` .. `y �,.� cj,, + (100-year 4.9 feet, 500-year = 6.5 feet)
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Consultantsj' _ y�
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Date: Julv. 2003 a°=
Plate 1-5
1.4 Storm Surges and Seiches
Coastal flooding can occur as a result of several processes other than the tsunami and rogue waves
discussed above. Two common coastal flooding processes include storm surges and seiches. A
storm surge is an abnormal rise in sea water level associated with hurricanes and other storms at
sea. Surges result from strong on -shore winds and/or intense low-pressure cells associated with
ocean storms. Water level is controlled by wind, atmospheric pressure, existing astronomical tide,
waves and swell, local coastal topography and bathymetry, and the storm's proximity to the coast.
Flooding of deltas and other low-lying coastal areas is exacerbated by the influence of tidal action,
storm waves, and frequent channel shifts.
Most often, destruction by storm surge is attributable to:
Wave impact and the physical shock on objects associated with the passing of the wave
front. The water may lift and carry objects to different locations.
Direct impact of waves on fixed structures. This tends to cause most of the damage.
Indirect impacts, such as flooding and the undermining of major infrastructure (such as
highways and railroads).
For example, unusually severe storms in June, July and August of 1920 caused extensive damage
to the west jetty in Newport Beach. Tidal currents swept the sand from beneath the toes of the
jetty's slopes, and the rocks sank into the ocean floor, which lowered the crest of the jetty so that
two large gaps appeared in it at times of high tide. Storm -generated swells, especially when
combined with tidal action also have the potential to cause damage. In the southern California
• area, including Newport Beach, localized flooding and accelerated rates of coastal erosion have
occurred when storms are combined with high tides. This occurred during the 1977-1978 storms,
when the combination of high waves, local storm surges and high tides damaged several coastal
structures in southern California. According to Walker et al. (1984), however, the piers and jetties
at Newport Beach were not damaged by this storm. During the storms in 1988, the high water
extended to the first row of houses behind the groin field at Newport Beach causing minor flood
damage to these structures (Pipkin et al., 1992).
A seiche is defined as a standing wave oscillation in an enclosed or semi -enclosed, shallow to
moderately shallow water body or basin, such as lake, reservoir, bay or harbor. Seiches continue
(in a pendulum fashion) after the cessation of the originating force, which can be tidal action, wind
action, or a seismic event. Seiches are often described by the period of the waves (how quickly the
waves repeat themselves), since the period will often determine whether or not adjoining
structures will be damaged. The period of a seiche varies depending on the dimensions of the
basin. Whether an earthquake will create seiches depends upon a number of earthquake -specific
parameters, including the earthquake location (a distant earthquake is more likely to generate a
seiche than a local earthquake), the style of fault rupture (e.g., dip -slip or strike -slip), and on the
configuration (length, width and depth) of the basin.
Amplitudes of seiche waves associated with earthquake ground motion are typically less than 0.5
m (1.6 feet high), although some have exceeded 2 m (6.6 ft). A seiche in Hebgen Reservoir, caused
by an earthquake in 1959 near Yellowstone National Park, repeatedly overtopped the dam,
causing considerable damage to the dam- and its spillway (Stermitz, 1964). The 1964 Alaska
Ah earthquake produced seiche waves 0.3 m 0 ft) high in the Grand Coulee Dam reservoir, and
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-17
• seiches of similar magnitude in fourteen bodies of water in the state of Washington (McGarr and
Vorhis, 1968).
Upper Newport Bay, the harbor and some of the reservoirs in Newport Beach could be susceptible
to seiches, however, due to the small surface area of Newport Bay and Upper Newport Bay, the
probability that damaging seiches would develop in these bodies of water was considered low in
the 1975 Newport Beach Safety Element, and no new information has been found to change that
conclusion. Seiches in reservoirs will be discussed further in Chapter 4.
7.5 Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
Tropical cyclones are great masses of warm, humid, rotating air that occur between 10' and 25°
latitude on both sides of the equator. Large tropical cyclones, those with wind speeds greater than
119 km/hr (74 mi/hr), are referred to as hurricanes in the North Atlantic and the Eastern Pacific
Oceans (Garrison, 2002). Hurricane season, the time of the year when most hurricanes are
generated, runs from June to the end of November, with peak activity from mid -August to late
October (http://hurricanes.noaa.gov). Most hurricanes that affect the southern California region
are generated in the southern portion of the Gulf of California. Though hurricane -strength storms
have not been reported in southern California, tropical storms, those with wind speeds less than
119 km/hr (74 mi/hr), have caused damage to southern California in the past.
The main hazards associated with tropical cyclones, and especially hurricanes, are storm surge,
high winds, heavy rain, flooding, and tornadoes. The greatest potential for loss of life related to a
• hurricane for coastal communities is from the storm surge, which if combined with normal tides
can increase the mean water level by 4.6 m (15 ft) or more (http://hurricanes.noaa.gov). Waves
that high would breach or extend over the Balboa Peninsula and impact all development adjacent
to the coastline, including areas along Corona del Mar and Crystal Cove.
Tropical storm -force winds and waves are strong enough to be dangerous to those caught in them.
Water weighs approximately 1,700 pounds per cubic yard; therefore, extended pounding by
frequent waves can demolish any structure not designed to withstand such forces. Hurricane and
tropical -force winds can easily destroy poorly constructed buildings and mobile homes. Debris
such as signs, roofing material, and small items left outside become flying missiles in hurricanes.
Extensive damage to trees, towers, underground utility lines (from uprooted trees), and fallen poles
cause considerable disruption. High-rise buildings are also vulnerable to hurricane -force winds,
particularly the upper floors, since wind speed tends to increase with height. It is not uncommon
for high-rise buildings to suffer a great deal of damage, typically due to windows being blown out.
Consequently, the areas around these buildings can be very dangerous.
Widespread rainfall of 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm) is common during the landfall of a hurricane,
frequently producing deadly and destructive floods. Such floods have been the primary cause of
tropical cyclone -related fatalities over the past 30 years worldwide (http://hurricanes.noaa.gov).
Hurricanes can also produce tornadoes that add to the storm's destructive power. In general,
tornadoes associated with hurricanes are less intense than those that occur in the plains area of the
United States. Interestingly, some hurricanes produce no tornadoes, while others produce multiple
ones. Either way, the effects of tornadoes, added to the larger area of hurricane -force winds, can
• produce substantial damage (http://hurricanes.noaa.gov).
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-18
• Though no hurricane -strength storms have reportedly hit the Los Angeles basin area in modern
times, damage from wave swell and weather related to hurricanes that develop in the Baja
California area has been reported throughout southern California. Swells caused by offshore storms
and hurricanes in Baja California can cause localized flooding and erosion of the southern
California coastline. Only one tropical -strength storm has ever been recorded as actually hitting
California (http://www.usatoday.com/weather/whhcalif.htm). Near the end of September 1939, a
tropical storm with sustained winds of 80.5 km/hr (50 mi/hr) came ashore at Long Beach. The
storm generated five inches of rain in the Los Angeles basin on September 25'h, and between 6 and
12 inches (15 and 30.5 cm) of rain in the surrounding mountains. In Newport Beach, this storm
produced 30-foot high waves (as high as a three-story building) that tore away half of Newport Pier
and destroyed most of Balboa Pier, damaged portions of the jetties, several homes and small
vessels, and caused numerous drownings (P. Alford, personal communication, 2002). Other less
severe but still significant storms that impacted the southern California coastline occurred during
1927, 1938-1939, 1941, 1969, 1977-1978, 1983, 1988 (Kuhn and Sheppard, 1984; Walker et al.,
1984; Pipkin et al., 1992), and even more recently in 1995, and 1997-1998. Many of these wet
winters have been associated with ENSO (EI Nino Southern Oscillation) events.
1.6 Sea Level Rise
1.6.1 Sea Level Change
The level of the oceans has always fluctuated with changes in global temperatures. During
the last ice age, when global temperatures were 5°C (9°F) lower than today, much of the
ocean's water was tied up in glaciers, sea level was as much as 130 meters (430 feet) lower
• than today (Oldale, 1985; Lajoie et al., 1991), and the California coast was 5 to 15 mi (8 to
25 km) farther offshore than its present position (Department of Boating and Waterways
and State Coastal Conservancy, 2002). The last ice age ended approximately eighteen
thousand years ago, and since then the world has been experiencing global warming -
most of the ice caps have melted, most of the glaciers have retreated, and the sea level has
risen. Until about 5,000 years ago, sea level rose rapidly at an average rate of nearly 0.4 in
(1 cm) a year. Since then, sea levels have continued to rise but at a slower pace. We are
currently in an interglacial period, meaning "between glacial" periods, and as a result, sea
levels are relatively high. However, during the previous last major interglacial period
(approximately 100,000 years ago), temperatures were about 1°C (2°F) warmer that today
and sea level was approximately 6 meters (20 feet) higher than today (Mercer, 1970). The
changes in sea level over the last about three hundred thousand years are shown on Figure
When discussing shorter periods of time, one must distinguish worldwide (eustatic) sea
level rise from relative sea level rise, which includes land subsidence. Although climate
impacts sea level worldwide, the rate of sea level rise relative to a particular coast has
more practical importance and is all that current monitoring stations can measure. Because
some coastal areas are sinking while others are rising, relative sea level rise in the United
States varies from more than one meter (3 feet) per century in Louisiana and parts of
California and Texas, to 30 centimeters (1 foot) per century along most of the Atlantic and
Gulf Coasts, to a slight drop in much of the Pacific Northwest (Titus et al., 1991; Knuuti,
2002). Large variations can occur locally. For example, in San Francisco, the Presidio
• gauge near the entrance to the Golden Gate has measured a relative sea level rise of 1.41
mm/yr in the last nearly 150 years. Across the bay, however, the 60-year-long gauge
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-19
• record at Alameda shows a relative mean sea level rise of only 0.89 mm/yr. Closer to
home, in Los Angeles, the relative mean sea level trend for 77 years of record is 0.84
mm/yr, while in San Diego the 94-year-long record shows a linear trend in relative sea
level rise of 2.15 mm/yr (Knuuti, 2002, based on unpublished data by C. Zervas). For a
comparison of the relative sea level rise measured at the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and
San Diego gauges, refer to Figure 1-2. These numbers briefly show that quantifying sea
level changes worldwide is not a simple task.
Figure 1-1:
Worldwide Sea Level Curve for the Last Three Hundred Thousand Years
Using Current Sea Level as the Reference Point
�fr 0
0 50
l -
0 100 200 300
Tlme Before Presets
(In thousands of years)
Figure 1-2: Historical Relative Sea Level Rise at
• Three Locations along the Pacific Coast of the United States
(San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego)
E 7fea
—u—Satt Diego
—t—Los Angeles
Una2r(San Franclsce)
--Unear (San Diego)
— Umar (Los Angeles)
�0�0��P�•,e�A,a'�.eR�e`r�e0�,�•°o�a'�+e~�'` 9''�a�'° d"�d�, o" ��•0�e�' 09,�o"M1� "•�'
Linear Trends at each Location are shown by the Straight Lines
Source: Based on data obtained at http://www.nbi.ac.uk/psmsl/Psmsl_individual_stations.html
• Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-20
• 1.6.2 Effects of Sea Level Rise
Global sea level trends, therefore, have generally been estimated by combining the trends
at tidal stations around the world. These records suggest that during the last century,
worldwide sea level has risen 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 inches) (Peltier and Tushingham, 1989),
much of which has been attributed to global warming (Meier, 1984). Although sea level
rise by itself does not cause substantial changes in the landform, several processes
associated with sea level rise can have dramatic effects on our environment. For example,
a significant rise in sea level would inundate coastal wetlands and lowlands, and the
increased surges and swells associated with this rise in sea level would accelerate coastal
erosion and exacerbate coastal flooding, thereby threatening local structures and habitat.
Other related processes include higher water tables, increased sea -water intrusion into
fresh water aquifers, and increased salinity of rivers, bays, and aquifers (Titus et al., 1991).
The warmer climate may also result in a much higher probability of extremely warm years
with increased precipitation in some areas, and drought in other areas. It is clear that
global changes in climate will occur, but the local impacts are still being debated. In fact,
recent studies have moved away from the global doomsday predictions to predictions at
the local scale. Much work yet needs to be done in this area.
Previous studies suggest that a 1 m (-39 in) rise in sea level would generally cause beaches
to erode 200 to 400 m (650 to 1,300 ft) along the California coast (Wilcoxen, 1986). Given
that the width of the beaches in Newport Beach varies between 15 and 190 m (50 and 600
ft), a sea level rise of as little as 15 cm (6 in) could have a negative impact on the low lying
areas around Newport Bay that are not protected by bulkheads and seawalls. Sea level rise
• would also cause increased sea -cliff retreat in the southern portion of the City where the
beaches are narrow, and the surf pounds at the base of the bluffs, eroding away the soft
bedrock that forms the cliffs (see Sections 1.7.1 and 1.7.2).
How long would it take for sea level to rise 15 cm (6 in) in Newport Beach at the current
rate? Given that a long-term record of sea -level measurements is not available for the
Newport Beach area, sea level rise in the City needs to be estimated from regional records.
Using the San Diego and Los Angeles gauge records mentioned above, it could take
anywhere between 70 and 180 years for sea level in Newport Beach to rise 15 cm,
assuming that global warming is not exacerbated in the next decades. Obviously, local
measurements of relative sea level change are necessary to better quantify these estimates
and make more realistic predictions.
1.6.3 Potential Human Actions in Response to Sea Level Change
Human response to sea level changes include: 1) no action, 2) use of barriers, such as
levees, to protect the built areas, 3) raising the coastline by placing sand on the beach and
raising the buildings and supporting infrastructure, and 4) retreat (Titus, 1990; Nordstrom,
2000). Problems resulting from the no -action option include loss of recreational beaches
due to accelerated erosion, loss of bayside property through erosion and inundation of
low-lying areas, and stranding of buildings and infrastructure on the beach. As residents
move inland, there is increased competition for land and living space, and natural
resources in the backbays become increasingly threatened. Eventually, abandonment of
the barrier reefs or peninsulas, and islands in the bays could become necessary. This
• option however, is not likely to happen in the near future in areas like Newport Beach,
where there is a strong social, economic, and cultural need to maintain the integrity of the
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-21
• beaches, harbors and islands, and there are economic resources available to implement
other options.
The second option involves construction of seawalls and other flood protection structures
around the threatened areas. The most significant advantage of this option is that major
institutional changes in land use are not required (Titus, 1990; Nordstrom, 2000). Lots,
houses and roads would not have to be raised or moved. However, the increased water
levels around the bulkheads, seawalls and other artificial structures would result in
increased breaking wave energy, higher storm runup, and increased beach loss.
Structures would have to be designed or improved to withstand these environmental
assaults. Beaches could be maintained by artificial nourishment, but at a great cost and
The third option is probably cost -prohibitive in most areas. This would require placing
sand on the beach to raise the ground surface, and raising the buildings and supporting
infrastructure. Borrowing the large volumes of sand required would no doubt trigger
environmental issues that would prohibit implementation of this option. Even if this were
accomplished at the local level, raising the beach could increase the likelihood of
bayshore erosion (Titus, 1990).
Retreat is the most environmentally sensitive option, but it involves new legislation that
allows for land acquisition by public authorities, use of setback lines and prohibition of
reconstruction after damage. The economic and social costs of land loss and
• compensation issues make this option unpalatable to most; strong political and public
opposition can be expected. In intensely developed, premium real estate areas like
Newport Beach, implementation of this option is very unlikely. Nevertheless, if sea levels
do rise, this may ultimately prove to be the most cost-effective option.
1.7 Coastal Erosion Assessment
1.7.1 Geomorphology of the Coastline
As discussed in Section 1.1, in the last one hundred years, the Newport Beach coastline
has been modified extensively by both natural processes and humans. The wide sandy
beaches that we associate with West Newport Beach are actually the result of shoreline
stabilization programs that began as early as the 1920s, and beach sand nourishment
programs that began in earnest in the 1960s. The "natural" beaches that characterized the
southern California coastline prior to significant anthropogenic intervention were narrow
strips of dry beaches on a sand -starved coast (Department of Boating and Waterways and
State Coastal Conservancy, 2002). These beaches would be unable to support the present-
day demands for coastal access and recreation.
In an undeveloped area, the availability of sand to replenish the beaches is dependent on
floodwaters that bring sediment down from the mountains and into the littoral drift zone
offshore. However, with the increase in dams and other flood control structures upstream,
significantly less quantities of sediment reach the coast. Therefore, the sediments lost by
natural near -shore processes are not being replaced. This is certainly the case in southern
• California, where most of the major streams have been dammed, or are lined in concrete,
significantly reducing their sediment load. In the Newport Beach area, sand was
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-22
• historically delivered to the local beaches by the San Gabriel and Santa Ana Rivers, and to
a limited extent, as a result of coastal bluff erosion. With the construction of dams and
channelization of portions of the Santa Ana and San Gabriel Rivers, there was a substantial
reduction in the volume of sediment reaching the coastline. Construction of harbors,
jetties, and other coastal barriers further reduced the amount of sand moved by along-
shore currents. By the early 1940s, beach erosion was particularly severe along the
Surfside-Sunset and West Newport beaches.
Beach nourishment operations were begun in 1945, with nearly 2.3 million cubic yards of
sediment used to replenish the Surfside-Sunset shoreline between 1945 and 1956. Then,
in 1964, the Corps, in cooperation with the State of California and the County of Orange
began the Orange County Beach Erosion Control Project to mitigate erosion along that
portion of the Orange County coastline between Surfside-Sunset and Newport Harbor. In
Newport Beach, the project included beach nourishment and construction of the groin
field (see Section 1.1). Approximately 495,000 cubic yards of sediment borrowed from the
Santa Ana River and the Balboa Peninsula were placed on West Newport Beach in 1968.
An additional 874,000 cubic yards were placed in 1970, and another 358,000 cubic yards
were placed in 1973. In 1992, nearly 1.3 million cubic yards of beach -quality sediment
were placed in a near -shore sand bar off the coast of Newport Beach. The sediment placed
in 1970, 1973 and 1992 was taken from the Santa Ana River (Department of Boating and
Waterways and State Coastal Conservancy, 2002). As a result of these beach nourishment
and beach protection operations, since the early 1960s the beaches in the entire project
area have increased in width at an average rate of 4.1 ft/yr. The resultant wide -sloped
• beaches provide a protective barrier to the homes and businesses near to and along the
beach, in addition to increased area for recreational purposes.
South of the channel entrance to Newport Bay, to the south of the beach nourishment
project area, the coastline is defined by steep coastal bluffs with a narrow basal wavecut
platform that is covered by a thin veneer of beach sand. The bluffs form steep cliffs,
especially at points. The Newport Beach coastal bluffs consist of marine sandstone and
siltstone of the Monterey Formation. The sandstone beds are resistant and cliff forming,
while the siltstone beds are less resistant and form steep talus -covered slopes.
The bedrock of the Monterey Formation is folded, and dips primarily to the east, away
from the bluff face. Overlying the Monterey Formation are Pleistocene marine terrace
deposits. These deposits are massive to crudely bedded, consist of medium to coarse sand
with a trace of pebble -sized gravel, and are friable and locally loose. A resistant shell bed
marks the base of the terrace deposits.
At the base of the bluffs is a mantle of colluvium. It consists of angular, pebble- to boulder -
size clasts of sandstone and siltstone. In some areas, this colluvial cover buries the bluffs
almost to the top, and in some areas, the material is reworked and forms a low terrace with
weak soil development. The colluvium is heavily vegetated and appears to protect the base
of the cliffs against normal wave action.
1.7.2 Susceptibility of the Coastal Sediments to Erosion
• As noted previously, Newport Beach has a variety of coastal features ranging from
replenished beach sands in West Newport, to steep bluffs comprised of sandstone and
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-23
siltstone to the south of Corona del Mar. Significant coastal bluff retreat, bluff -top erosion,
gullying, and beach erosion are occurring along the southern 'Newport shoreline, but the
rates of erosion are dependent in great measure on the underlying geologic units.
Plate 1-6 shows four distinct lithological (rock or sediment) zones along the shoreline, each
of which responds differently to the weathering effects of water (including rain and waves),
gravity and wind. The following section describes the inherent problems associated with
each lithologic zone as it pertains to coastal erosion. It should be noted that during a field
review of the coastal bluffs of Newport Beach, only one possible landslide or slump block
was identified, approximately 1,400 feet north of Pelican Point.
1) Beach sands occur from south of the Santa Ana River to the north entrance to Newport
channel. Some of these deposits support dune vegetation, especially the sands forming
the Balboa and Newport beaches. When the dune vegetation is well established,
erosion of these sediments is minimal. However, foot or vehicular traffic and the
burrowing action of rodents can easily compromise the health of this vegetation cover,
exposing the near -surface sediments to erosion. Sand is easily transported during
storms and can erode quickly if up -drift sand sources are cut off.
The narrow beaches south of the channel entrance are especially vulnerable to high
waves caused by tsunamis or storm surge. Beach erosion may be a problem south of
the channel entrance due to the impedance of sediment redistribution via longshore
flow by seawalls and rocky bluffs to the north. The area north of the jetties is also
• vulnerable to inundation due to low beach relief and erosion of coastal dunes.
2) The elevated 100,000-year old marine terrace deposits are prone to landslides along
steep cuts (such as those along Highway 1) and are susceptible to significant erosion by
stream incision, including rilling and gullying along bluff tops. Several streams are
cutting through the coastal bluffs, forming steep narrow gorges and undermining the
bluffs where they emerge along the coastline. The cap of marine terrace deposits
overlying bedrock of the Monterey Formation (see Nos. 3 and 4 below) is heavily rifled
along stream cuts and along the face of the bluffs; so it is retreating faster than the
underlying bedrock.
3) The siltstone member of Monterey Formation is very fissile and fractured. Sliding and
slumping of this unit appears to be the primary mechanism for current bluff retreat,
with these processes occurring primarily along slopes that have been oversteepened by
wave action (along rocky bluffs) or stream incisions.
The sandstone member of the Monterey Formation is the most resistant bluff -forming
unit in the area. This geologic unit is prone to landsliding or mass wasting where
undercut by wave action, especially at rocky bluffs or points, failing primarily as large
blocks. Several rocky bluffs along the coastline, including Pelican, Reef and Abalone
Points are subject to strong wave action that undermines the cliffs in these areas. Bluffs
between these points are armored against ordinary wave action by the mantle of
colluvium that has accumulated at their base and been stabilized by vegetation. High
• waves may remove this basal material from time to time, but there is no evidence (such
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-24
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�% / N `� �,� •I' ») w a5 `" + i Pleistocene marine terrace deposits; Prone
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' pa,+ ; _ ` • 5% ___ _ }� _ Highway 1), and to erosion by filling and
- '' gullying along blufftops.
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West Kilometers
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure!MAPS
Jetty Ea$t _ RASTER
Jetty rn w �` f Mapping by Earth Consultants International
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
suffidenl to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of individual sites,
nor does R sadsrythe evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECD makes no representations orwananties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damagesvdih respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
- "'ram-'=: ��-:-•�, .}�(:1/�
10 Earth
Project Number. 2112
Date: July, 2003
Plate 1-6
as notches at the base of exposed cliffs) to suggest that undercutting of the bedrock is
currently occurring in these areas.
South of the City limits, in the Crystal Cove area, houses are built on the beach at the
base of the coastal bluffs. This area is subject to mass wasting and/or landsliding. The
potential for impact from tsunami runup or storm surge is great in this area. Small cliffs
in Crystal Cove State Park are also being undermined by differential erosion of the
siltstone bedrock (the lower 10 to 15 feet of the bluff), which has eroded back farther
than the sandstone at the top of the bluff.
The City of Newport Beach has regulations regarding development in bluff areas (Planned
Community District Chapter 20.51). Grading, cutting and filling of natural bluff faces or
bluff edges is prohibited in order to preserve the scenic value of bluff areas, except for the
purpose of performing emergency repairs, or for the installation of erosion preventive
devices or other measures necessary to assure the stability of the bluffs. The City
ordinance also states that a property line cannot be located closer than 40 feet from'the
edge of the bluffs. In addition, no part of a proposed development can be located closer
than 20 feet to the bluffside property line. These regulations are applied to all new
developments in the City, but are not retroactive. Therefore, in some areas, existing, older
developments are closer to the edge of the bluff than the current regulations allow (see
Figure 1-3).
A concern with urbanization of the bluff areas is that the bluff -forming materials become
saturated when shallow ground water rises in response to the increased watering of lawns,
generally in an attempt to grow non-native vegetation. Agricultural irrigation, septic tanks
and leach lines also contribute to the increased water content of these deposits. This over -
watering increases the weight of the sediments, lubricates any joints or fractures that can
act as planes of weakness, and increases the chemical dissolution of the underling rocks.
All of these processes can contribute to slope instability along the bluffs (see Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-3: Near -Bluff Development and
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards
Page 1-26
1.73 Artificial Coastal Protection
The use of artificial coastal protection structures was favored 30 to 50 years ago, when the
groin field in West Newport was constructed. Other structures intended to protect the
coast, such as concrete and wooden seawalls and bulkheads, riprap and rock aprons are
located in and around Newport Harbor and the adjacent shoreline. However, it has been
long observed that where such protective structures extend seaward beyond adjacent
unprotected lots, immediate erosion and notching may occur down drift (Kuhn and
Shepard, 1985), especially during large storms and periods of high tide. As beach sand
levels fall, storm waves tend to converge on projecting structures (i.e. groins) and the
waves refract toward unprotected areas of the beach. Therefore given that improperly
located artificial protective devices can have negative impacts that far outweigh their
benefits, beach nourishment has emerged as the preferred method of shoreline stabilization
in recent decades.
Structures built perpendicular to the shoreline tend to slow the long -shore drift of
sediments and thus starve the down -drift area of beach -nourishing sediments. This is seen
on a larger scale at the Newport Beach jetty area. The area east of the jetties has, an
erosional notch due to the blockage of littoral drift from the north. On a smaller scale,
groins can have the same effect. In the case of West Newport Beach, eight rock groins
were installed in the late 1960s and early 1970s to help maintain the beach (see Table 1-2,
Plate 1-6 and Figure 1-4). The effect of this groin field on the width of the beach is readily
apparent— the beach on the northwest side of the groin field is wider than the beach where
the groins are located. Southeast of the groin field, sand is being trapped by the west jetty,
which stabilizes the Balboa Peninsula. The effect of these structures is complemented and
augmented by regular beach sand replenishment. The protection of the beaches provides
more than just a wider beach for recreational purposes and real-estate development; it
serves as a buffer zone that provides protection from tsunami runup or storm surges,
especially in areas where there are no dune deposits in front of residential or commercial
Table 1-2: Existing Rock Groins along Newport Beach
(described from North to South; refer to Plate 1-6 for their location)
Length in Feet
Width in Feet
Erosion stabilizations measures that have been implemented in the Corona Del Mar area
include concrete covering on one unstable slope, vegetation along the tops and bases of
bluffs, boulders at the base of bluffs, where no colluvial cover exists, and channelization of
the streams to prevent further downcutting of the terrace and bedrock units.
• Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-27
South of the City, Crystal Cove State Park has implemented an aggressive planting program
aimed at stabilizing coastal bluffs. This includes planting vegetation on colluvium at the
base of bluffs, on highly erosive terrace deposits, on blufftops, and within the channels that
have cut into the bluffs.
Figure 1-4: Artificial Coastal Protection; Rock Groin along Newport Beach
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1.8 Policy Recommendations for Reducing Coastal Hazards
Newport Beach is world famous for the quality of its sand beaches. Its citizens have built a
lifestyle around beach access, and visitors come from all over southern California and the world to
participate in that beach experience_ With continued'pressures from normal beach erosion, and
with those pressures increased as sea level rises, the challenge to maintain the public beaches will
ultimately run into the challenge to maintain the private properties that surround the beaches. In
short, Newport Beach must develop long-range strategies to protect and maintain its beaches, or it
will lose them.
Newport Beach is also susceptible to low -probability but high -risk events like tsunamis and
earthquakes. Ignoring these issues will not make them go away or reduce their probability of
occurrence. Therefore, it is to the City's benefit to develop tsunami preparedness policies and
programs that can be implemented to reduce these hazards, and having a post -tsunami recovery
plan that can be implemented "off -the -shell" immediately after the disaster occurs.
1.8.1 Tsunamis Hazard Assessment
The Channel Islands and Point Arguello protect Newport Beach from most distantly
generated tsunamis (teletsunamis) spawned in the Pacific Ocean, except for those
generated in the Aleutian Islands, off the coast of Chile, and possibly off the coast of
Central America. Nevertheless, since the early 1800s, more than 30 tsunamis have been
recorded in southern California, and at least six of these caused damage in the area,
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Page 1-28
although not necessarily in Newport Beach. Tsunamis generated in the Alaskan region take
approximately 6 hours to make it to the southern California area, while tsunamis generated
off the Chilean coast take 12 to 15 hours to reach southern California. Given those time
frames, coastal communities in southern California can receive adequate warning,
allowing them to implement evacuation procedures. Alternatively, very little warning time,
if any, can be expected from locally generated tsunamis. Locally generated tsunamis
caused by offshore faulting or landsliding (including earthquake -induced landsliding)
immediately offshore from Newport Beach are possible, and these tsunamis have the
potential to be worst -case scenarios for the coastal communities in Orange County.
Modeling off the Santa Barbara coast suggests that locally generated tsunamis can cause
waves between 2 and 20 m (6 to 60 feet) high, and that these could impact the coastline
with almost no warning, within minutes of the causative earthquake or slump. Hazard Mitigation
As local and distant tsunami inundation maps for the local coastal communities are
developed using internationally accepted mathematical models, the City of Newport Beach
should review and adopt them. These maps should be GIS-based so they can be easily
maintained and edited as local land uses change. Inundation (flooding) maps are useful
because they provide all stakeholders with the information needed to make educated
decisions about the risk of living and working in potential tsunami runup inundation areas.
The maps presented herein provide a preliminary assessment of the tsunami hazard in
Newport Beach, but these emphasize the hazard from distantly generated sources rather
than the potentially more damaging local tsunami sources. The inundation models show
• that the low-lying areas around the harbor, including the Balboa Peninsula, Newport Bay,
Balboa Island, and to some extent Lido Isle, can be impacted by tsunami runup. As a
result of tsunami inundation, these areas would be cut off from the rest of the mainland, so
warning systems and evacuation plans for these areas should be developed and
implemented. Residents in these areas need to be especially aware that an earthquake,
even a distant one, has the potential to trigger offshore submarine landslides that could
cause a local tsunami that would impact the coastline with little warning.
Educational programs that emphasize evacuation of low-lying areas immediately after an
earthquake is felt, in response to an unusual retreat of the ocean past the low tide mark, or
in response to unusual seiching of the water surface, should help reduce the loss of life.
This is especially true if individuals act upon these lessons without waiting for or requiring
an official notification to evacuate, which might come in too late if the tsunami is
generated locally. Regardless of the comments above, an early warning system for local
tsunamis and an emergency plan to evacuate residents should be prepared. Given the need
to evacuate low-lying areas as quickly as possible, exit routes to higher ground should be
clearly posted.
To summarize, mitigation measures that can be implemented to reduce the hazard of
tsunamis in the Newport Beach area include:
Develop workable response plans that the City's emergency services can adopt
immediately for evacuation in the case of a tsunami warning.
• Deploy a system of tsunami detection and early warning systems. This can be
accomplished through existing systems and agencies, but planning and emergency
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personnel need to be aware of them and have an action plan to follow in such an
Place tsunami evacuation signs in threatened coastal areas. Evacuation routes off of
the peninsula and islands in the Bay should be clearly posted. An evacuation route
traffic monitoring system that provides real-time information on the traffic flow at
critical roadways should be considered.
Continue projects like the Surfside-Sunset/West Newport Beach Replenishment
program to maintain beach width. Wide beaches provide critical protection against
tsunami runup for structures along the oceanfront. Regular measurements of beach
width and elevation can dictate the frequency and quantity of sand for replenishment
Develop and implement a tsunami educational program for residents and people who
work in the susceptible areas. The program should provide the community with
specific information about what a tsunami precursor looks like at the beach, and what
appropriate actions to take in the event of a tsunami.
Encourage the local school district to include in their earthquake -preparedness
curriculum information specifically related to the natural hazards that Newport Beach's
citizens could face, and what to do about them. Particularly important is the
educational awareness of what an impending tsunami looks like while at the beach
[sea level retreat, seiching, etc.], especially if in response to a local earthquake.
Newport Beach should consider supplementing the State's funding for the University of
Southern California Tsunami Research Group to complete its work in the Newport
Beach offshore area, and to conduct more detailed studies in the Newport Bay area.
• 1.8.2 Storm Surge Hazard Assessment
This hazard affects primarily ocean front property, and the low-lying areas of Newport Bay
just inland from the jetties. Newport Bay is less affected by storm surge. Unlike tsunamis,
which can occur anytime, storm surges are associated with bad weather. Given that
during bad weather a lot less people are expected to be at the beach, storm surges are
more likely to impact residents than tourists, and the potential number of casualties can be
expected to be significantly less.
The most common problem associated with storm surges is flooding of low-lying areas,
including structures. This is often compounded by intense rainfall and strong winds. If a
storm surge occurs during high tide, the flooded area can be significant. Coastal flooding
in Newport Beach occurred in the past when major storms, many of these ENSO (El Nino
Southern Oscillation) events, impacted the area. Storm surging associated with a tropical
storm has been reported only once in the history of Newport Beach, in 1939. This suggests
that the hazard of cyclone -induced storm surges has a low probability of occurrence.
Nevertheless, the one incident in 1939 caused millions of dollars in damage to Newport
Beach. Hazard Mitigation
Surge -induced flood protection involves maintaining a continuous barrier that is higher
than the level of inundation expected. Typically this is accomplished with sand dunes,
• seawalls, and bulkheads. The height of these protective structures is often a compromise
between the need for protection, the need to accommodate buildings and other
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-30
• infrastructure, and the need or desire to maintain views of the ocean (Nordstrom, 2000). In
some areas, dunes are seen as temporary features that can be modified as needed using
earth -moving equipment. In other areas, dunes are protected features that provide habitat
for various native plant and animal species. Environmental reason dictates that vegetated
dunes are preferable, however, in some areas raked and level beaches are considered to
have a greater value due to their recreational potential. In Newport Beach, where both
types of beaches occur, it seems appropriate to compromise. In the heavily used beaches
where vegetation cannot be established due to intense foot and vehicular traffic, if a storm
threatens, bulldozers can be used to build a temporary protective dune. This requires
access to equipment in short notice. In the more natural beaches, where vegetated sand
dunes are promoted, habitable structures should be located inland from the sand dunes
using the setback distance as a protective measure. Beach nourishment programs help
maintain the protective wide beaches and sand dunes. Newport Beach must develop a
long-range plan to ensure that adequate (and increasingly larger) volumes of sand are
available to the City for beach replenishment.
In low-lying areas, storm drains should be maintained and cleaned out regularly, as
necessary, so that flood waters can be effectively conveyed away from structures. In some
areas near sea level, pumping may be required to manage flood waters.
Relocating an oceanfront structure farther inland can be less expensive than rebuilding the
structure if it is destroyed. However, in Newport Beach there is little opportunity for this
option to be seriously considered. Under the California Coastal Act, a coastal development
• permit is not required for the re -construction of any property destroyed by a natural
disaster if the replacement structure footprint remains substantially the same (no more than
10% change from the original structure). Therefore, redevelopment after a natural disaster
can include the same design or location that contributed to the first episode of property
loss. Nevertheless, there are specific measures that can be taken to reduce the damage to
structures caused by coastal conditions like storms. The Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) publishes the Coastal Construction Manual that provides specific
guidelines designed to safely site, design, construct and maintain coastal residential
structures. The more recent version of this manual was issued in July 2000. Implementation
of these guidelines above and beyond the requirements of the Building Code adopted by
the City should be considered.
Newport Beach could also develop a policy dealing with housing remodels in flood -prone
zones that requires raising the floor elevations by at least 3 feet. The City should continue
to enforce policies that prohibit the construction of seawalls, groins, or other hard devices
to protect private property from tsunami, storm surge, or sea level rise. In addition, the
City should consider policies that specify that if a structure is damaged as a result of coastal
hazards, it should be subject to the floor -level raise requirements mentioned above, and
that if a property is eroded away, the development right to that lot should be rescinded.
1.8.3 Seiches Hazard Assessment
Seiches are not considered a significant hazard in Newport Beach, primarily because there
• is no record of seiches impacting the area after both local and distant earthquakes. Wind -
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-31
-• generated seishes in Newport Bay have also not been reported. If a seiche developed in
Newport Bay, the waves are expected to be low, impacting primarily moored boats. Hazard Mitigation
Mitigation designed specifically to reduce the hazard of seiches is not warranted.
Mitigation measures implemented to reduce the hazards of tsunami, storm surge, and sea
level rise, such as limiting construction along the waterfront of Newport Bay, are expected
to mitigate the hazard of seiche.
1.8.4 Sea Level Rise Hazard Assessment
Sea level rise due to climate warming is expected to amplify coastal hazards such as storm
surges, beach erosion, loss of wetlands, and degradation of fresh water quality due to
seawater intrusion. A sea level rise of as little as 15 cm (6 inches) could negatively impact
the Newport Beach area by flooding and eroding the narrow beaches south of the jetty
area, which would result in increased erosion of the bluffs. The record of sea level rise in
the last century is poorly constrained in this region, however. Gauge records up and down
the Pacific Coast show substantial variations in relative sea level rise. Based on the
historical records from the two gauges closest to Newport Beach, in Los Angeles and San
Diego, a 15-cm rise in sea level in the Newport Beach area may take anywhere between
70 and 180 years, assuming that global warming does not accelerate in the next few
decades. These estimates are too poorly constrained to engender policy changes and
development of appropriate mitigation strategies. However, sea level rise would lead to
• the permanent inundation of low-lying areas, with potentially significant changes in land
use, so it is not too soon to develop longer -term strategies that can be implemented to cope
with these changes. Hazard Mitigation
To better constrain the trend in relative sea level change and predict sea level rise in the
Newport Beach area, long-term sea -level gauges should be installed and operated on a
continuous basis. These measuring devices should also measure tide variations, storm
surges and other temporary changes in sea level that occur in response to weather
conditions. All data recorded with these gauges should be archived in a format that can be
easily retrieved for studies and monitoring of sea -level rise, and to evaluate the impact
from storm surge and other coast flooding events. Better predictions of local sea level rise
should be developed as these data are obtained.
Beach nourishment requirements would increase to compensate for enhanced beach
erosion resulting from sea level rise. In areas where beaches are narrow, artificial
protection devices at the base of the bluffs, such as rock riprap aprons, may be required to
reduce the effect of wave impact and storm surge on the exposed sea cliffs. This would
temporarily protect the structures at the top of the bluffs, but at the expense of the beach.
in the low-lying areas in Newport Bay, structures and infrastructure may have to be
elevated. The potential adverse effects that mitigation measures may pose on adjoining
properties and on the protected estuaries should be considered and evaluated over the next
20 to 30 years. The financial impact that sea level rise will pose on the community and
• individual property owners should also be addressed. A GIS-based database of all
properties in low-lying areas in the City, including the elevation of each structure, type of
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construction, age, and value (based on monetary, historical, or other intrinsic criteria)
should be considered. These data can then be used to perform a risk assessment study that
can be used to identify those properties at greater risk, and to develop and prioritize
mitigation alternatives best suited to the area. In many cases, the most cost-effective
solution might be to simply allow the structure to be destroyed.
1.8.5 Coastal Erosion Hazard Assessment
Coastal erosion occurs and will continue to occur as a result of natural processes such as
long -shore drift, storm surge and sea level rise. The Department of Boating and Waterways
and the State Coastal Conservancy (2002) have jointly conducted a study that concluded
that California beaches provide numerous benefits to the state and its residents, and these
benefits are so valuable that it merits the State to invest a significant amount of money to
restore and maintain its beaches. Specifically, the Department of Boating and Waterways
estimates that California needs to spend $120 million in one-time beach restoration costs,
and $27 million in annual beach maintenance costs. The preferred method of beach
restoration is beach sand replenishment. As discussed previously, with increased erosion
due to sea level rise and climatic changes associated with global warming, the need for
sand replenishment will increase. Finding and obtaining adequate sources of beach sand
material not impacted with foreign materials, such as glass and construction debris, may
become a challenge. Increased environmental concerns associated with the mining and
placement of these deposits along the coastline can also be anticipated.
• Sea bluff erosion occurs as a result of processes that impact both the bottom and top of the
cliffs. Pounding of the waves during high tide and storm surges causes considerable
damage to the bottom of the bluffs. If the sediments exposed in this zone are soft and
highly erodible, eventual collapse of the bluff can occur as it is undercut by wave action.
Uncontrolled surface runoff, if allowed to flow over the top of the bluffs, can cause
extensive erosion in the form of rills and gullies. During wet years, large canyons can
develop quickly, often as a result of a single storm. Unchecked foot and vehicular traffic
and rodent burrowing can also cause significant damage at the top of the bluffs. Increased
irrigation associated with agricultural and residential watering can lubricate fine-grained
layers in the sediments or bedrock forming the cliffs, leading to failure as a result of
• Hazard Mitigation
There is a strong interest in preserving the width and elevation of the beaches and
protecting the beaches from erosion by natural coastal processes because beaches act as a
buffer zone to low-lying areas immediately inland that may be inundated by tsunami runup
or storm surge. Continued beach replenishment will help maintain this buffer. Beaches are
also a signature feature of Newport Beach, and generate substantial visitor income. The
existing groin field and jetties should be maintained, as these structures are a part of the
current stable system, and their removal is likely to trigger increased erosion in the area.
Sand dunes, dikes and berms should also be maintained in good condition as these
provide protection from coastal inundation. The City of Newport Beach currently monitors
the width and elevation of its beaches twice annually.
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"Hard" protective devices, such as revetments, bulkheads, seawalls, or breakwaters have
historically been the most common approach to reducing shoreline erosion and protecting
private or public structures. These structures reduce wave attack and backshore erosion
and are often used to protect infrastructure serving the public. For example, the 6,000-foot
seawall in Carlsbad protects a utility corridor and is the only north -south thoroughfare
along that portion of the coastline, other than Interstate 5. The 54-year old O'Shaughnessy
seawall at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, which protects Highway 1, is a similar example.
In general, these structures provide greater public safety by protecting infrastructure and
improving public access to the shore. If not designed properly, however, these structures
can do more harm than good. Therefore, the potential negative impacts of these structures
must be considered. Adverse impacts may include limiting public access to the shoreline,
increasing erosion down coast, restricting sand input from protected bluffs, and disrupting
the ocean view from the shore. In eroding beaches, a seawall will actually accelerate the
destruction of the beach. Many structures of this kind are built on an emergency basis
during heavy storm activity without proper engineering or appropriate materials, leading to
their eventual failure and' increased damage to the coastline.
Raising existing bulkheads has been proposed to protect structures from sea level rise,
however, this should also not be done without consideration of local conditions. For
example, along the oceanfront, increasing bulkhead heights can cause deepening of the
ocean bottom. This results in increased wave energy impacting the bulkhead, which can
lead to the potential failure of the structure or nearby structures. Raised bulkheads along
the oceanfront are not recommended. On the other hand, bulkheads in the lower energy
environment of Newport Bay would protect structures from rising sea levels.
While protective structures may be built to protect existing development or coastal -
dependent facilities, the California Coastal Act requires that new, non -coastal dependent
developments not be built if it is known that the development will require a protective
structure in the future. This is an appropriate policy, as avoidance would reduce costs
associated with future disaster relief, construction of protective devices, and government
disaster assistance.
The City of Newport Beach has policies in place limiting development adjacent to bluffs.
Enforcement of these policies should be continued. Subsurface drains installed below the
effective root line of most landscaping plants should be considered in areas near the bluffs
to collect the extra rainwater and irrigation water not utilized by plants. This will prevent a
rise in the local groundwater level that can lead to increased erosion or failure of the bluffs.
Landscaping areas near the bluffs with drought -resistant plants that require little or no
watering should also be encouraged.
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Informational Websites and References
http://wwwprh noaa gov/pr/ptwc/bulletins.htm
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
National Weather Service
USC Tsunami Research Group
California Office of Emergency Services
The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration web page on hurricanes and other coastal
Alford, Stephen, 2002 personal communication, City of Newport Beach Senior Planner, via written
. correspondence to Earth Consultants International, dated September 10, 2002.
Badum, Stephen G., 2002 personal communication, City of Newport Beach Public Works
Director, via written correspondence to Mr. Patrick Alford, City of Newport Beach Senior
Planner, dated September 13, 2002.
Bates, R.L., and Jackson, J.A., 1987, editors, Glossary of Geology: American Geological Institute,
Alexandria, Virginia, 788p.
Borrero, J., Dolan J., Synolakis, C.E., 2001, Tsunami sources within the Eastern Santa Barbara
Channel: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 28, pp. 643-647.
Brandsma, M., Divoky, d., and Hwang, L.S., 1978, Circumpacific variation of computed tsunami
features in Tsunami Symposium: Ottawa, Canada, Marine Sciences Directorate,
Department of Fisheries and Environment Manuscript Report Series 48, pp. 132-151.
Byerly, P. 1930, The California earthquakes of November 4, 1927: Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America, Vol. 20, pp. 53-66.
California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1976, Environmental Geology of Orange
County, California: Division of Mines and Geology Open -file Report 79-8 LA, 474p.
Clarke, S.H., Jr., Greene, H.G., and Kennedy, M.P., 1985, Earthquake -related phenomena offshore
. in Ziony, I., (editor), Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region: United
States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1360, pp. 347-374.
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-35
• Department of Boating and Waterways and State Coastal Conservancy, 2002, California Beach
Restoration Study: Sacramento, California. Copies of this report may be obtained on the
internet at: http://www.dbw.ca.gov/beachreport.htm
Eisner, R.K., Borrero, J.C. and Synolakis, C.E., 2001, Inundation maps for the State of California.
Ewing, L. and Wallendorf, L., (editors), 2002, Solutions to Coastal Disasters '02: Conference
Proceedings of the meeting held in San Diego, California on February 24-27, 2002:
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, 1,019p.
Field, M.E., and Edwards, B.D., 1980, Slopes of the southern California continental borderland: A
regime of mass transport in Field, M.E., Bouma, A.H., Colburn, I.P., Douglas, R.G., and
Ingle, J.C., (editors), Proceedings of the Quaternary depositional environments of the
Pacific Coast: Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium No. 4: Los Angeles California
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, pp. 169-184.
Garcia, A.W., and Houston, J.R., 1975, Type 16 flood insurance study — Tsunami predictions for
Monterey and San Francisco Bays and Puget Sound: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report H-75-17, 21 p.
Garrison, T., 2002, Oceanography — An Invitation to Marine Science: Wadsworth Publishing
House, Belmont, California, 4'h Edition.
• Grauzinis, V. J., Joy, J.W., and R. R. Putz, The Reported Tsunami of December 1812, unpublished
Heck, N.H., 1947, List of Seismic Sea Waves: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,
Vol. 37, No. 4.
Houston, J.R., 1980, Type 19 flood insurance study: Tsunami predictions for southern California:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experimental Station Technical Report HL-80-18,
172 p.
Houston, J.R., and Butler, H.L., 1979, A numerical model for tsunami inundation: US. Army Corps
of Engineers Waterways Experimental Station Technical Report HL-79-2, 54p.
Houston, J.R, and Garcia, A.W., 1974, Type 16 flood insurance study: Tsunami predictions for
Pacific coastal communities: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Research Report H-74-3, 10p.
Houston, J.R., and Garcia, A.W., 1978, Type 16 flood insurance study: Tsunami predictions for
the west coast of the United States: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment
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Houston, J.R., Whalin, R.W., Garcia, A.W., and Butler, H.L., 1975, Effect of source orientation and
• location in the Aleutian Trench on tsunami amplitude along the Pacific coast of the
Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-36
• continental United States: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
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lida K., Cox, D. C, and G. Pararas-Carayannis, 1967, Preliminary Catalog of Tsunamis Occurring
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Ocean Research Laboratory Report, No. 68-567-OCEAN-RL, San Diego, California.
Knuuti, Kevin, 2002, Planning for Sea Level Rise: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policy; in Ewing,
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of the meeting held in San Diego, California on February 24-27, 2002: American Society of
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Kuhn, G.G. and Shepard, F.P., 1984, Sea Cliffs, Beaches and Coastal Valleys of San Diego County:
. Some Amazing Stories and Some Horrifying Implications: University of California Press,
Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 193p.
Kuhn, G.G. and Shepard, F.P., 1985, Beach Processes and Sea Cliff Erosion in San Diego County,
California: Handbook of Coastal Processes and Erosion, edited by Komar, P.D, CRC Press.
Lajoie, K.R., Ponti, D.J., Powell II, S.A., Mathieson, S.A, and Sarna-Wojcicki, 1991, Emergent
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Nuclear Generating Station, Report A-163, Los Angeles, California.
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McCarthy, R.J., Bernard, E.N., and Legg, M.R., 1993, Coastal Zone '93, Processes of the American
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McCulloch, D. S., 1985, Evaluating Tsunami Potential in Ziony, I., (editor), Evaluating Earthquake
Hazards in the Los Angeles Region: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper
1360, pp. 375-413.
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Meier, M.F. 1984, Contribution of Small Glaciers to Global Sea Level: Science, Vol. 226, pp.
Mercer, J.H. 1970, Antarctic Ice and Interglacial High Sea Levels: Science, Vol. 168, pp. 1605-
Montandon, F., 1928, Tremblements de Terre: Moterdaux pour ('Etude des Calamites, Geneva,
Switzerland, No. 16, 345p.
National Research Council, 1987, Responding to Changes in Sea Level: Engineering Implications:
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• Newport Beach, 1975. Public Safety Element, Newport Beach General Plan.
Nordstrom, Karl F., 2000, Beaches and Dunes of Developed Coasts: Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 338.
Oldale, R., 1985, Late Quaternary Sea Level History of New England: A Review of Published Sea
Level Data: Northeastern Geology, Vol. 7, pp. 192- 200.
Peltier, W.R., and A.M. Tushingham, 1989, Global Sea Level Rise and the Greenhouse Effect:
Might They Be Connected?: Science, Vol. 244, pp. 806-810.
Salsman, G. S., 1959, The Tsunami of March 9, 1957 as Recorded at Tide Stations: United States
Coast and Geodetic Survey, Technical Bulletin No. 6.
Stermitz, Frank, 1964, Effects of the Hebgen Lake earthquake on surface water: U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 435, pp. 139-150.
Soloviev, S.L., and Go, C.N., 1975, A catalogue of Tsunamis of the Eastern Shore of the Pacific
Ocean: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, "Nauka" Publishing House, Moscow, 204p.
Spaeth M.G. and S.C. Berkman, 1972, Tsunami of March 28, 1968 as Recorded at Tide Stations at
the Seismic Sea Wave Warning System, in The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964:
Oceanography and Coastal Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, pp. 38-110.
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• Synolakis C.E., 1987, The runup of solitary waves: journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 185, pp. 523-
Synolakis, C.E., Liu, P.L., Yeh, H., and Carrier, G., 1997, Tsunamigenic seafloor deformations:
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Synolakis, C.E., Borrero, J., and Eisner., R., 2002, Developing Inundation Maps for Southern
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Earth Consultants International Coastal Hazards Page 1-40
2.1 Introduction
While Newport Beach is at risk from many natural and man-made hazards, an earthquake is the
event with the greatest potential for far-reaching loss of life or property, and economic damage.
This is true for most of southern California, since damaging earthquakes are frequent, affect
widespread areas, trigger many secondary effects, and can overwhelm the ability of local
jurisdictions to respond. Earthquake -triggered geologic effects include ground shaking, surface
fault rupture, landslides, liquefaction, subsidence and seiches, all of which are discussed below.
Earthquakes can also lead to urban fires, dam failures, and toxic chemical releases. These man -
related hazards are also discussed in this document.
In California, recent earthquakes in or near urban environments have caused relatively few
casualties. This is due more to luck than design. For example, when a portion of the Nimitz
Freeway in Oakland collapsed at rush hour during the 1989, MW 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake, the
traffic was uncommonly light because so many were watching the World Series. The 1994, MW
6.7 Northridge earthquake occurred before dawn, when most people were home safely in bed.
Despite such good luck, California's urban earthquakes have resulted in significant losses. The
moderate -sized Northridge earthquake caused 54 deaths and nearly $30 billion in damage.
Newport Beach is at risk from earthquakes that could release more than 10 times the seismic
energy of the Northridge earthquake.
Although it is not possible to prevent earthquakes, their destructive effects can be minimized.
• Comprehensive hazard mitigation programs that include the identification and mapping of
hazards, prudent planning, public education, emergency exercises, enforcement of building codes,
and expedient retrofitting and rehabilitation of weak structures can significantly reduce the scope
of an earthquake's effects and avoid disaster. Local government, emergency relief organizations,
and residents must take action to develop and implement policies and programs to reduce the
effects of earthquakes.
2.2 Earthquake and Mitigation Basics
2.2.1 Definitions
The outer 10 to 70 kilometers of the Earth consist of enormous blocks of moving rock,
called tectonic plates. There are about a dozen major plates, which slowly collide,
separate, and grind past each other. In the uppermost brittle portion of the plates, friction
locks the plate edges together, while plastic movement continues at depth. Consequently,
the near -surface rocks bend and deform near plate boundaries, storing strain energy.
Eventually, the frictional forces are overcome and the locked portions of the plates move.
The stored strain energy is then released in seismic waves.
By definition, the break or fracture between moving blocks of rock is called a fault, and
such differential movement produces a fault rupture. The point where the fault rupture
originates is called the focus (or hypocenter). The released energy radiates out in all
directions from the rupture surface causing the Earth to vibrate and shake as the waves
travel through. This shaking is what we feel in an earthquake.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-1
i• Although faults exist everywhere, most earthquakes occur on or near plate boundaries.
Thus, southern California has many earthquakes, because it straddles the boundary
between the North American and Pacific plates, and fault rupture accommodates their
motion. Newport Beach is riding on the Pacific Plate, which is moving northwesterly
(relative to the North American Plate), at about 50 mm/yr. This is about the rate at which
fingernails grow, and seems unimpressive. However, it is enough to accumulate enormous
amounts of strain energy over dozens to thousands of years. Despite being locked in
place most of the time, in another 15 million years (a short time in the context of the
Earth's history), due to plate movements, Newport Beach will be hundreds of kilometers
north of San Francisco.
Although the San Andreas fault marks the actual separation between the Pacific and North
American plates, only about 70 percent of the plate motion actually occurs on this fault.
The rest is distributed along other faults of the San Andreas system, including the San
Jacinto, Whittier -Elsinore, Newport -Inglewood, Palos Verdes, and several offshore faults.
To the east of the San Andreas fault, slip is distributed among faults of the Eastern Mojave
Shear Zone, including those responsible for the 1992, Mw 7.3 Landers and 1999 Mw 7.1
Hector Mine earthquakes. (Mw stands for moment magnitude, a measure of earthquake
energy release, discussed below.) Thus, the zone of plate -boundary earthquakes and
ground deformation covers an area that stretches from Nevada to the Pacific Ocean (Figure
Because the Pacific and North American plates are sliding past each other, with relative
• motions to the northwest and southeast, respectively, all of the faults mentioned above
trend northwest -southeast, and are strike -slip faults. On average, strike -slip faults are
nearly vertical breaks in the rock, and when a strike -slip fault ruptures, the rocks on either
side of the fault slide horizontally past each other.
However, there is a kink in the San Andreas fault commonly referred to as the "Big Bend".
The northwest corner of the Big Bend is located about 75 miles north of Newport Beach
(Figure 2-1). Near the Big bend, the two plates do not slide past each other. Instead, they
collide, causing localized compression, which then results in folding and thrust faulting.
Thrust faults meet the surface of the Earth at a low angle, dipping 25 to 35 degrees from
horizontal. Thrusts are a type of dip -slip fault where rocks on opposite sides of the fault
move up or down relative to each other. When a thrust fault ruptures, the top block of
rock moves up and over the rock on the opposite side of the fault.
In southern California, ruptures along thrust faults have built the Transverse Ranges
geologic province, a region with an east -west trend to its landforms and underlying
geologic structures. This orientation is anomalous, virtually unique in the western United
States, and is a direct consequence of the plates colliding at the Big Bend. Many of
southern California's most recent damaging earthquakes have occurred on thrust faults that
are uplifting the Transverse Ranges, including the 1971 Mw 6.7 San Fernando, the 1987
Mw 5.9 Whittier Narrows, the 1991 Mw 5.8 Sierra Madre, and the 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-2
• I32
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Project Number. 2112
Date: January, 2003
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Regional Fault Map 1 2_1
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Source: Jennings, 1994; SCEC earthquake catalog; NEIC earthquake catalog
Map Explanation
Magnitude 7+ • Magnitude 5 - 6
* Magnitude 6 - 7 1 Quaternary faults
Co Ea lasts Figure
International Regional Seismicity Map
Project Number. 2112
Date: January, 2003
Thrust faults can be particularly hazardous because many are "blind" thrust faults, that is,
. ' they do not extend to the surface of the Earth. These faults are extremely difficult to detect
before they rupture. Some of the most recent earthquakes, like the 1987 Whittier Narrows
earthquake and the 1994 Northridge earthquake, occurred on previously unknown blind
thrust faults.
The city of Newport Beach is situated in the northern part of the Peninsular Ranges
Province, an area that is exposed to risk from multiple earthquake fault zones. The highest YY��
risks originate from the Newport -Inglewood (strike -slip, right -lateral) fault zone, the
Whittier (strike -slip, right -lateral) fault zone, the San Joaquin Hills (blind thrust) fault, and
the Elysian Park (blind thrust) fault zone. Each one of these faults will be discussed in more
detail in Section 2-5.
2.2.2 Evaluating Earthquake Hazard Potential
When comparing the sizes of earthquakes, the most meaningful feature is the amount of
energy released. Thus scientists most often consider seismic moment, a measure of the
energy released when a fault ruptures. We are more familiar, however, with scales of
magnitude, which measure amplitude of ground motion. Magnitude scales are
logarithmic. Each one -point increase in magnitude represents a ten -fold increase in
amplitude of the waves as measured at a specific location, and a 32-fold increase in
energy. That is, a magnitude 7 earthquake produces 100 times (10 x 10) the ground
motion amplitude of a magnitude 5 earthquake. Similarly, a magnitude 7 earthquake
releases approximately 1,000 times more energy (32 x 32) than a magnitude 5 earthquake.
• Recently, scientists have developed the moment magnitude (M,) scale to relate energy
release to magnitude.
An early measure of earthquake size still used today is the seismic intensity scale, which is
a qualitative assessment of an earthquake's effects at a given location. Although it has
limited scientific application, intensity is still widely used because it is intuitively clear and
quick to determine. The most commonly used measure of seismic intensity is called the
Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, which has 12 damage levels (Table 2-1).
A given earthquake will have one moment and, in principle, one magnitude, although
there are several methods of calculating magnitude, which give slightly different results.
However, one earthquake will produce many levels of intensity because intensity effects
vary with the location and the perceptions of the observer.
Few faults are simple, planar breaks in the Earth. They more often consist of smaller
strands, with a similar orientation and sense of movement. A strand is mappable as a
single, fairly continuous feature at a scale of about 1:24,000. Sometimes geologists group
strands into segments, which are believed capable of rupturing together during a single
earthquake. The more extensive the fault, the bigger the earthquake it can produce.
Therefore, multi -strand fault ruptures produce larger earthquakes.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-5
Table 2-1: Abridged Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
Average Peak
Average Peak.
Intensity Value and Description
I. Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable circumstances (1
Rossi -Fore) scale). Damagepotential: None.
1I. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of high-rise
buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing.
(I to 11 Rossi -Fore] scale). Damagepotential: None.
0.0017 —0.014
fit. Felt quite noticeably indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but
many people do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing automobiles
may rock slightly. Vibration like passing of truck. Duration estimated. (111
Rossi-Forel scale). Damagepotential: None.
IV. During the day felt indoors by many, outdoors by few. At night some
awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls make creaking sound.
Sensation like a heavy truckstriking building. Standing automobiles rocked
0.014 - 0.039
noticeably. (IV to V Rossi -Fore) scale). Damage potential: None. Perceived
shaking-, Light.
V. Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Some dishes, windows, and so on
broken; cracked plaster in a few places; unstable objects overturned.
Disturbances of trees, poles, and other tall objects sometimes noticed.
3.4— 8.1
Pendulum clocks may stop. (V to Vt Rossi -Fore) scale). Damage potential:
Very light. Perceived shaking: Moderate.
Vt. Felt by all; many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy furniture moved,
few instances of fallen plaster and damaged chimneys. Damage slight. (Vt to
0.092 -0.18
VII Rossi -Fore) scale). Damage potential: Light. Perceived shaking: Strong.
Vt[. Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in buildings of good design
and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures;
considerable in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys
16 - 31
0.18- 0.34
broken. Noticed by persons driving cars. (VIII Rossi-Forel scale). Damage
potential: Moderate. Perceived shaking: Very strong.
Vill. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary
substantial buildings with partial collapse, great in poorly built structures.
Panel walls thrown out of frame structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks,
columns, monuments, and walls. Heavy furniture overturned. Sand and
31 - 60
0.34 - 0.65
mud ejected in small amounts. Changes in well water. Persons driving cars
disturbed. (Vill+to IX Rossi -Fore) scale). Damage potential: Moderate to
heavy. Perceived shaking: Severe.
IX. Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well -designed frame
structures thrown out of plumb; great in substantial buildings with partial
collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Ground cracked conspicuously.
60 -116
0.65 —124
Underground pipes broken. (IX+ Rossi-Forel scale). Damage potential:
Heavy. Perceived shaking: Violent
X. Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and frame
structures destroyed; ground badly cracked. Rails bent. Landslides
considerable from river banks and steep slopes. Shifted sand and mud.
> 116
> 1.24
Water splashed, slopped over banks. (X Rossi-Forel scale). Damage potential:
Very heavy, Perceived shaking: Extreme.
XI. Few, if any, (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad
fissures in ground. Underground pipelines completely out of service. Earth
slumps and land slips in soft ground. Rails bent greatly.
XII. Damage total. Waves seen on ground surface. Lines of sight and level
distorted. Objects thrown into air.
Modified from Bolt (1999); Wald et al. 0999)
. Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards
Page 2-6
.• — The bigger and closer the earthquake, the greater the damage it may generate. Thus fault
dimensions and proximity are key parameters in any hazard assessment. In addition, it is
important to know a fault's style of movement (i.e., is it dip -slip or strike -slip, discussed
above), the age of its most recent activity, its total displacement, and its slip rate (all
discussed below). These values allow an estimation of how often a fault produces
damaging earthquakes, and how big an earthquake should be expected the next time the
fault ruptures.
Total displacement is the length, measured in kilometers (km), of the total movement that
has occurred along the fault over as long a time as the geologic record reveals. It is usually
estimated by measuring distances between geologic features that have been split apart and
separated (offset) by the cumulative movement of the fault over many earthquakes. Slip
rate is a speed, expressed in millimeters per year (mm/yr). Slip rate is estimated by
measuring an amount of offset accrued during a known amount of time, obtained by dating
the ages of geologic features. Slip rate data also are used to estimate a fault's earthquake
recurrence interval. Sometimes referred to as "repeat time" or "return interval", the
recurrence interval represents the average amount of time that elapses between major
earthquakes on a fault. The most specific way to derive the recurrence interval for a given
fault is to excavate a trench across the fault to obtain paleoseismic evidence of earthquakes
that have occurred during prehistoric time.
Paleoseismic studies show that faults with higher slip rates often have shorter recurrence
• intervals between major earthquakes. This makes sense because a high slip rate indicates
rocks that, at depth, are moving relatively quickly. Thus the locked, surficial rocks are
storing more strain energy, so the forces of friction will be exceeded more often, releasing
the strain energy in more frequent, large earthquakes.
Faults have formed over millions of years, usually in response to regional stresses. Shifts in
these stress regimes do occur over millennia. As a result, some faults change in character.
For example, a thrust fault in a compressional environment may become a strike -slip fault
in a transpressive (oblique compressional) environment. Other faults may be abandoned
altogether. Consequently, the State of California, under the guidelines of the Alquist-Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 (Hart and Bryant, 1999), classifies faults according to
the following criteria:
Active: faults showing proven displacement of the ground surface within about the
last 11,000 years (within the Holocene Epoch), that are thought capable of
producing earthquakes;
Potentially Active: faults showing evidence of movement within the last 1.6 million
years, but that have not been shown conclusively whether or not they have moved
in the last 11,000 years; and
Not active: faults that have conclusively NOT moved in the last 11,000 years.
• The Alquist-Priolo classification is used primarily for residential subdivisions. Different
definitions of activity are used by other agencies or organizations depending on the type of
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-7
-� facility being planned or developed. For example, longer periods of inactivity may be
required for dams or nuclear power plants. An important subset of active faults are those
with historical earthquakes. In California, that means faults that have ruptured since 1769,
when the Spanish first settled in the area.
The underlying assumption in this classification system is that if a fault has not ruptured in
the last 11,000 years, it is not likely to be the source of a damaging earthquake in the
future. In reality, however, most potentially active faults have been insufficiently studied to
determine their hazard level. Also, although simple in theory, the evidence necessary to
determine whether a fault has or has not moved during the last 11,000 years can be
difficult to obtain. For example, some faults leave no discernable evidence of their
earthquakes, while other faults stop rupturing for millennia, and then are "reactivated" as
the tectonic environment changes.
2.2.3 Causes of Earthquake Damage
Causes of earthquake damage can be categorized into three general areas: strong shaking,
various types of ground failure that are a result of shaking, and ground displacement along
the rupturing fault. The State definition of an active fault is designed to gauge the surface
rupture potential of a fault, and is used to prevent development from being sited directly on
an active fault. This helps to reduce damage from the third category. Below, the three
categories are discussed in order of their likelihood to occur extensively:
1) Strong ground shaking causes the vast majority of earthquake damage. Horizontal
• ground acceleration is frequently responsible for widespread damage to structures, so it
is commonly estimated as a percentage of g, the acceleration of gravity. Full
characterization of shaking potential, though, requires estimates of peak (maximum)
ground displacement and velocity, the duration of strong shaking, and the periods
(lengths) of waves that will control each of these factors at a given location. We look
to the recorded effects of damaging earthquakes worldwide to understand what might
happen in similar environments here in the future. In general, the degree of shaking
can depend upon:
♦ Source effects. These include earthquake size, location, and distance, as discussed
above. In addition, the exact way that rocks move along the fault can influence
shaking. For example, the 1995, MW 6.9 Kobe, Japan earthquake was not much
bigger than the 1994, MW 6.7 Northridge, California earthquake, but the city of
Kobe suffered much worse damage. During the Kobe earthquake, the fault's
orientation and movement directed seismic waves into the city. During the
Northridge earthquake, the fault's motion directed waves away from populous
♦ Path effects. Seismic waves change direction as they travel through the Earth's
contrasting layers, just as light bounces (reflects) and bends (refracts) as it moves
from air to water. Sometimes seismic energy gets focused into one location and
causes damage in unexpected areas. Focusing of 1989's MW 7.1 Loma Prieta
earthquake waves caused damage in San Francisco's Marina district, some 62 miles
• (100 km) distant from the rupturing fault.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-8
♦ Site effects. Seismic waves slow down in the loose sediments and weathered rock
at the Earth's surface. As they slow, their energy converts from speed to amplitude,
which heightens shaking. This is like the behavior of ocean waves — as the waves
slow down near shore, their crests grow higher. The Marina District of San
Francisco also serves as an example of site effects. Earthquake motions were
greatly amplified in the deep, sediment -filled basin underlying the District
compared to the surrounding bedrock areas. Seismic waves can get trapped at the
surface and reverberate (resonate). Whether resonance will occur depends on the
period (the length) of the incoming waves. Waves, soils and buildings all have
resonant periods. When these coincide, tremendous damage can occur.
We keep talking about periods. What do we mean? Waves repeat their motions with
varying frequencies. Slow -to -repeat waves are called long -period waves. Quick -to -
repeat waves are called short -period waves. Long -period seismic waves, which are
created by large earthquakes, are most likely to reverberate and cause damage in long -
period structures, like bridges and high-rises. ("Long -period structures" are those that
respond to long -period waves.) Shorter -period seismic waves, which tend to die out
quickly, will most often cause damage fairly near the fault, and they will cause most
damage to shorter -period structures such as one- to three-story buildings. Very short -
period waves are most likely to cause near -fault, interior damage, such as to
2) Liquefaction and slope failure are very destructive secondary effects of strong seismic
• shaking.
♦ Liquefaction typically occurs within the upper 50 feet of the surface, when
saturated, loose, fine- to medium -grained soils (sand and silt) are present.
Earthquake shaking suddenly increases pressure in the water that fills the pores
between soil grains, causing the soil to lose strength and behave as a liquid. This
process can be observed at the beach by standing on the wet sand near the surf
zone. Standing still, the sand will support your weight. However, when you tap
the sand with your feet, water comes to the surface, the sand liquefies, and your
feet sink.
When soils liquefy, the structures built on them can sink, tilt, and suffer significant
structural damage. Liquefaction -related effects include loss of bearing strength,
ground oscillations, lateral spreading and flow failures or slumping. The excess
water pressure is relieved by the ejection of material upward through fissures and
cracks. A water -soil slurry bubbles onto the ground surface, resulting in features
called "sand boils", "sand blows" or "sand volcanoes". Site -specific geotechnical
studies are the only practical, reliable way to determine the liquefaction potential
of a site.
♦ Landslides and Rockfall (Mass Wastine). Gravity inexorably pulls hillsides down
and earthquake shaking enhances this on -going process. Slope stability depends
on many factors and their interrelationships. Rock type and pore water pressure
• are arguably the most important factors, as well as slope steepness due to natural or
human -made undercutting. Where slopes have failed before, they may fail again.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-9
Thus, it is essential to map existing landslides and soil slumps. Furthermore,
because there are predictable relationships between local geology and the
likelihood that mass wasting will occur, field investigations can be used to identify
failure -prone slopes before an earthquake occurs. Combined with GIS-based
analyses of slope gradient, land use, and bedrock or soil materials, this information
can be used to identify high -risk areas where mitigation measures would be most
3) Primary ground rupture due to fault movement typically results in a relatively small
percentage of the total damage in an earthquake, yet being too close to a rupturing
fault can result in extensive damage. It is difficult to safely reduce the effects of this
hazard through building and foundation design. Therefore, the primary mitigation
measure is to avoid active faults by setting structures back from the fault zone.
Application of this measure is subject to requirements of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake
Fault Zoning Act and guidelines prepared by the California Geological Survey —
previously known as the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG Note 49).
The final approval of a fault setback lies with the local reviewing agency.
Earthquake damage also depends on the characteristics of human -made structures. The
interaction of ground motion with the built environment is complex. Governing factors
include a structure's height, construction, and stiffness, which determine the structure's
resonant period; the underlying soil's strength and resonant period; and the periods of the
incoming seismic waves. Other factors include architectural design, condition, and age of
the structure.
2.2.4 Choosing Earthquakes for Planning and Design
It is often useful to create a deterministic or design earthquake scenario to study the effects
of a particular earthquake on a building or a community. Often, such scenarios consider
the largest earthquake that is believed possible to occur on a fault or fault segment, referred
to as the maximum magnitude earthquake N.J. Other scenarios consider the Maximum
Probable Earthquake (MPE) or Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) (1997 Uniform Building Code
— UBC; 2001 California Building Code - CBC). The DBE is defined as the earthquake with
a statistical return period of 475 years (with ground motion that has a 10 percent
probability of being exceeded in 50 years). For public schools, hospitals, and other critical
facilities, the California Building Code (2001 defines the Upper Bound Earthquake (UBE),
which has a statistical return period of 949 years and a ground motion with a 10 percent
probability of being exceeded in 100 years. As the descriptions above suggest, which
earthquake scenario is most appropriate depends on the application, such as the planned
use, expected lifetime of a structure, or importance of a facility. The more critical the
structure, the longer the time period used between earthquakes and the larger the design
earthquake should be. Seismic design parameters define what kinds of earthquake effects a
structure must be able to withstand. These include peak ground acceleration, duration of
strong shaking, and the periods of incoming strong motion waves.
Geologists, seismologists, engineers, emergency response personnel and urban planners
typically use maximum magnitude and maximum probable earthquakes to evaluate
seismic hazard. The assumption is that if we plan for the worst -case scenario, we establish
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards
Page 2-10
safety margins. Then smaller earthquakes that are more likely to occur can be dealt with
As is true for most earthquake -prone regions, many potential earthquake sources pose a
threat to Newport Beach. Thus, it is also important to consider the overall likelihood of
damage from a plausible suite of earthquakes. This approach is called probabilistic
seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), and typically considers the likelihood of exceeding a
certain level of damaging ground motion that could be produced by any or all faults within
a 62-mile (100-km) radius of the project site, or in this case, the City. PSHA is utilized by
the U.S. Geological Survey to produce national seismic hazard maps that are used by the
Uniform Building Code (ICBO, 1997).
Regardless of which fault causes a damaging earthquake, there will always be aftershocks.
By definition, these are smaller earthquakes that happen close to the mainshock (the
biggest earthquake of the sequence) in time and space. These smaller earthquakes occur
as the Earth adjusts to the regional stress changes created by the mainshock. As the size of
the mainshock increases, there typically is a corresponding increase in the number of
aftershocks, the size of the aftershocks, and the size of the area in which they might occur.
On average, the largest aftershock will be 1.2 magnitude units less than the mainshock.
Thus, a MW 6.9 earthquake will tend to produce aftershocks up to Mw 5.7 in size. This is
an average, and there are many cases where the biggest aftershock is larger than the
average predicts. The key point is this: any major earthquake will produce aftershocks
• large enough to cause additional damage, especially to already -weakened structures.
Consequently, post -disaster response planning must take damaging aftershocks into
2.3 Laws To Mitigate Earthquake Hazard
2.3.1 Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act
The Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act was signed into law in 1972 (in 1994 it was
renamed the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act). The primary purpose of the Act
is to mitigate the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of structures for human
occupancy across the trace of an active fault (Hart and Bryant, 1999). This State law was
passed in direct response to the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, which was associated
with extensive surface fault ruptures that damaged numerous homes, commercial buildings
and other structures. Surface rupture is the most easily avoided seismic hazard.
The Act requires the State Geologist (Chief of the California Geological Survey) to delineate
"Earthquake Fault Zones" along faults that are "sufficiently active" and "well defined."
These faults show evidence of Holocene surface displacement along one or more or their
segments (sufficiently active) and are clearly detectable by a trained geologist as a physical
feature at or just below the ground surface (well defined). The boundary of an "Earthquake
Fault Zone" is generally about 500 feet from major active faults, and 200 to 300 feet from
well-defined minor faults. The Act dictates that cities and counties withhold development
permits for sites within an Earthquake Fault Zone until geologic investigations demonstrate
• that the sites are not threatened by surface displacements from future faulting (Hart and
Bryant, 1999).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-11
• The Alquist-Priolo maps are distributed to all affected cities and counties for their use in
planning and controlling new or renewed construction. Local agencies must regulate most
development projects within the zones. Projects include all land divisions and most
structures for human occupancy. State law exempts single-family wood -frame and steel -
frame dwellings that are less than three stories and are not part of a development of four
units or more. However, local agencies can be more restrictive than State law requires.
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone mapping has been completed by the State Geologist
for the quadrangle that covers the western part of Newport Beach (Newport Beach
quadrangle; CDMG, 1986). This map shows the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone for
the Newport -Inglewood fault terminating about two miles northwest of the City limits.
Consequently, there are no Alquist-Priolo zones in the City at this time.
2.3.2 Seismic Hazards Mapping Act
The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act only addresses the hazard of surface fault
rupture and is not directed toward other earthquake hazards. Recognizing this, in 1990,
the State passed the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act (SHMA), which addresses non -surface
fault rupture earthquake hazards, including strong ground shaking, liquefaction and
seismically induced landslides. The California Geological Survey (CGS) is the principal
State agency charged with implementing the Act. Pursuant to the SHMA, the CGS is
directed to provide local govern ments'with seismic hazard zone maps that identify areas
susceptible to liquefaction, and earthquake -induced landslides and other ground failures.
The goal is to minimize loss of life and property by identifying and mitigating seismic
hazards. The seismic hazard zones delineated by the CGS are referred to as "zones of
• required investigation." Site -specific geological hazard investigations are required by the
SHMA when construction projects fall within these areas.
The CGS, pursuant to the 1990 SHMA, has been releasing seismic hazards maps since
1997. In the Newport Beach area, the CGS has mapped all three quadrangles that
encompass the City: Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and Tustin (CDMG, 1997a, b, c).
These maps indicate that liquefaction and earthquake -induced landslides are hazards
present locally in the Newport Beach area.
2.3.3 Real Estate Disclosure Requirements
Since June 1, 1998, the Natural Hazards Disclosure Act has required that sellers of real
property and their agents provide prospective buyers with a "Natural Hazard Disclosure
Statement" when the property being sold lies within one or more State -mapped hazard
areas. If a property is located in a Seismic Hazard Zone as shown on a map issued by the
State Geologist, the seller or the seller's agent must disclose this fact to potential buyers.
The law specifies two ways in which this disclosure can be made. One is to use the
Natural Hazards Disclosure Statement as provided in Section 1102.6c of the California
Civil Code. The other way is to use the Local Option Real Estate Disclosure Statement as
provided in Section 1102.6a of the California Civil Code. The Local Option Real Estate
Disclosure Statement can be substituted for the Natural Hazards Disclosure Statement only
if the Local Option Statement contains substantially the same information and substantially
the same warning as the Natural Hazards Disclosure Statement.
• California State law also requires that when houses built before 1960 are sold, the seller
must give the buyer a completed earthquake hazards disclosure report, and a copy of the
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-12
• booklet entitled "The Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety." This publication was
written and adopted by the California Seismic Safety Commission. The most recent edition
of this booklet is available from the web at www.seismic.ca.gov/. The booklet contains a
sample of a residential earthquake hazards report that buyers are required to fill in, and it
provides specific information on common structural weaknesses that can fail, damaging
homes during earthquakes. The booklet further describes specific actions that can be taken
by homeowners to strengthen their home.
The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act and the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act also*
require that real estate agents, or sellers of real estate acting without an agent, disclose to
prospective buyers that the property is located in an Earthquake Fault or Seismic Hazard
2.3.4 California Environmental Quality Act
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was passed in 1970 to insure that local
governmental agencies consider and review the environmental impacts of development
projects within their jurisdictions. CEQA requires that an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) be prepared for projects that may have significant effects on the environment. EIRs
are required to identify geologic and seismic hazards, and to recommend potential
mitigation measures, thus giving the local agency the authority to regulate private
development projects in the early stages of planning.
2.3.5 Uniform Building Code and California Building Code
The International Conference of Building Officials (ICBM) was formed in 1922 to develop a
isuniform set of building regulations; this led to the publication of the first Uniform Building
Code (UBC) in 1927. In keeping with the intent of providing a safe building environment
for the community, the technical provisions of the City's building codes have been updated
on a regular basis as new editions of the UBC have been published. In addition to
updating the regulations concerning fire and life, this has also kept Newport Beach current
with the latest provisions for the seismic design of buildings.
Recognizing that many building code provisions are not affected by local conditions, like
exiting from a building, and to facilitate the concept that industries working in California
should have some uniformity in building code provisions throughout the State, in 1980 the
legislature amended the State's Health and Safety Code to require local jurisdictions to
adopt the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The law states that every
local agency, City and County, enforcing building regulations must adopt the provisions of
the California Building Code (CBC) within 180 days of its publication. The publication date
of the CBC is established by the California Building Standards Commission and the code is
known as Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Based upon the publication cycle
of the UBC, the CBC has been updated and republished every three years since the initial
action by the legislature.
To further the concept of uniformity in building design, in 1994 the ICBO joined with the
two other national building code publishers, the Building Officials and Code
Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA) and the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc. (SBCCI), to form a single organization, the International Code Council,
• (ICC). In the year 2000, the group published the first International Building Code (IBC) as
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-13
• well as an entire family of codes, (i.e. building, mechanical, plumbing and fire) that were
coordinated with each other. As a result, the last (and final) version of the UBC was issued
in 1997.
Since the formation of the ICC and the publication of the IBC, the California legislature has
not addressed the matter of updating the CBC with a building code other than the UBC.
Therefore, even though the seismic design provisions have not been brought up to the
current standards of the IBC, the California Building Standards Commission, after careful
review, has chosen to continue to adopt the old 1997 UBC for the CBC through the 2004
cycle. In addition to adopting the provisions of the CBC, local jurisdiction may adopt more
restrictive amendments provided that they are based upon local geographic, topographic
or climatic conditions.
It should be noted that the Building Codes are the minimum requirements. In some cases
these requirements may not adequate, particularly in the area of faulting and seismology,
where the pool of knowledge is rapidly growing and evolving. Consequently, it is
important that geotechnical consultants working in the City, as well as reviewers of their
work, keep up to date on current research.
2.3.6 Unreinforced Masonry Law
Enacted in 1986, the Unreinforced Masonry Law (Section 8875 et seq. of the California
Government Code) required all cities and counties in Seismic Zone 4 (zones near
historically active faults) to identify potentially hazardous unreinforced masonry (URM)
. buildings in their jurisdictions, establish a URM loss reduction program, and report their
progress to the State by 1990. The owners of such buildings were to be notified of the
potential earthquake hazard these buildings pose. The loss reduction program to be
implemented, however, was left to each local jurisdiction, although the law recommends
that local governments adopt mandatory strengthening programs by ordinance and that
they establish seismic retrofit standards. Some jurisdictions did implement mandatory
retrofit programs, while others established voluntary programs. A few cities only notified
the building owners, but did not adopt any type of strengthening program.
The Newport Beach area lies entirely within Seismic Zone 4. Therefore, and in
compliance with the Unreinforced Masonry Law, the City inventoried their URMs. In the
year 2000, the City reported to the Seismic Safety Commission that 127 URMs had been
identified. Of these, only 3 buildings were considered of historical significance. By 2000,
all 127 building owners had been notified about the hazards of URM construction, and
125 of the URMs were in compliance with the provisions of the URM Law. One building
had been demolished and one more was unoccupied and slated for demolition as of 2000.
2.4 Notable Earthquakes in the Newport Beach Area
Figure 2-2 shows the approximate epicenters of earthquakes that have resulted in significant
ground shaking in the southern California area, including Newport Beach, since the late 1700s.
The most significant of these events are summarized below. Plate 2-1 shows the approximate
epicentral locations of historical earthquakes in the study area. The locations and magnitudes of
• pre-1932 earthquakes are approximate since there were no instruments available to measure these
parameters before 1932.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-14
. 2.4.1 Unnamed Earthquake of 1769
On July 28, 1769 the first recorded earthquake in southern California was noted by the
Spanish explorers traveling north with Gaspar de Portola. At the time of the earthquake,
the explorers were camped about 10 miles north of present-day Newport Beach, on the
east bank of the Santa Ana River. Father Juan Crespo, who kept a daily account of the
expedition, reported a strong mainshock followed by five days of moderate aftershocks; an
estimated magnitude of at least 6.0 has been assigned to the event based on the explorers'
account (Teggart, 1911). Recent studies of coastal uplift attributed to the earthquake
suggest it may have had a magnitude as high as 7.3 and occurred on a blind fault beneath
the San Joaquin Hills (Grant et al., 2002). The nearby Elsinore and Newport -Inglewood
faults are also considered possible sources for the earthquake.
2.4.2 Unnamed Earthquake of 1800
An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.5 occurred on November 22, 1800 in the
coastal region of southern California. Based on the distribution of damage attributed to the
earthquake, the epicenter is thought to have been between Newport Beach and San Diego,
and was possibly located offshore (Ellsworth, 1990). The earthquake damaged the mission
at San Juan Capistrano, located less than 20 miles from present-day Newport Beach and
collapsed a barracks in San Diego (www.sfmuseum.org/alm/quakeso.html).
2.4.3 Wrightwood Earthquake of December 12, 1812
This large earthquake occurred on December 8, 1812 and was felt throughout southern
• California. Based on accounts of damage recorded at missions in the earthquake -affected
area, an estimated magnitude of 7.5 has been calculated for the event (Toppozada et al.,
1981). Subsurface investigations and tree ring studies show that the earthquake likely
ruptured the Mojave Section of the San Andreas fault near Wrightwood, and may have
been accompanied by a significant surface rupture between Cajon Pass and Tejon Pass
(Jacoby, Sheppard and Sieh, 1988; www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html). The worst
damage caused by the earthquake occurred significantly west of the San Andreas fault at
San Juan Capistrano Mission, where the roof of the church collapsed, killing 40 people.
The earthquake also damaged walls and destroyed statues at San Gabriel Mission and
damaged missions in the Santa Barbara area. Strong aftershocks caused earthquake -
damaged buildings to collapse for several days after the mainshock.
2.4.4 Unnamed Earthquake of December 21, 1812
The Wrightwood earthquake was followed by a strong earthquake on December 21" that
caused widespread damage in the Santa Barbara area. The effects of this second
earthquake are sometimes attributed to the December 121h event, giving the impression that
a single large earthquake caused significant damage from Santa Barbara to San Diego. The
second earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 7 and was likely located offshore within
the Santa Barbara Channel, although it could have occurred inland in Santa Barbara or
Ventura Counties (www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html). The earthquake destroyed the
church at the Mission in Santa Barbara, the Mission de Purisima Concepcion near present
day Lompoc, and the Mission at Santa Inez(www.johnmartin.com/eqs/00000077.htm).
The earthquake also caused a tsunami that may have traveled up to 1/2 mile inland near
• Santa Barbara (see Chapter 1 — Coastal Hazards).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-15
2.4.5 Unnamed Earthquake of 1855
• This earthquake occurred on July 11, 1855 and was felt across southern California from
Santa Barbara to San Bernardino. Light to moderate damage was reported in the Los
Angeles area, where 26 houses experienced cracked walls and the bell tower of the San
Gabriel Mission was knocked down(www.sfmuseum.org/alm/quakeso.htmi). Because
damage was limited primarily to the Los Angeles area, this earthquake is postulated to have
occurred on a local fault such as the Hollywood -Raymond, Whittier or Newport -
Inglewood faults, or on one of the many blind thrust faults in the area.
2.4.6 San Jacinto Earthquake of 1899
This earthquake occurred at 4:25 in the morning on Christmas Day, in 1899. The main
shock is estimated to have had a magnitude of 6.5. Several smaller aftershocks followed
the main shock, and in the town of San Jacinto, as many as thirty smaller tremors were felt
throughout the day. The epicenter of this earthquake is not well located, but damage
patterns suggest the location shown on Figure 2-2, near the town of San Jacinto, with the
causative fault most likely being the San Jacinto fault. Both the towns of San Jacinto and
Hemet reported extensive damage, with nearly all brick buildings either badly damaged or
destroyed. Six people were killed in the Soboba Indian Reservation as a result of falling
adobe walls. In Riverside, chimneys toppled and walls cracked (Claypole, 1900). The
main earthquake was felt over a broad area that included San Diego to the southwest,
Needles to the northeast, and Arizona to the east. No surface rupture was reported, but
several large "sinks" or subsidence areas were reported about 10 miles to the southeast of
San Jacinto.
�• 2.4.7 Elsinore Earthquake of 1910
This magnitude 6 earthquake occurred on May 15, 1910 at 7:47 A.M. Pacific Standard
Time, following two moderate tremors that occurred on April 10 and May 12, 1910. The
Elsinore fault is thought to have caused the earthquake, although no surface rupture along
this fault was reported. Damage as a result of this earthquake was minor; toppled
chimneys were reported in the Corona, Temescal and Wildomar areas. The epicentral
location of this earthquake is very poorly defined.
2.4.8 San Jacinto Earthquake of 1918
The magnitude 6.8 San Jacinto earthquake occurred on April 21, 1918 at 2:32 P.M. Pacific
Standard Time, near the town of San Jacinto. The earthquake caused extensive damage to
the business districts of San Jacinto and Hemet, where many masonry structures collapsed,
but because it occurred on a Sunday, when these businesses were closed, the number of
fatalities and injuries was low. Several people were injured, but only one death was
reported. Minor damage as a result of this earthquake was reported outside the San Jacinto
area, and the earthquake was felt as far away as Taft (west of Bakersfield), Seligman
(Arizona), and Baja California.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-16
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Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SureIMAPS
This map Is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of Individual sites,
nor does It satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations
Earth Consultants International (ECp makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy ofthe data from which these mapsmrs derived. Ea shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
Sources: Southern California Earthquake Center (January
1932 to August 22, 2002); National Earthquake Information
Center (1855 to 1931).
Consultants J `
:' . ;•, Project Number. 2112
Date: July,2003 ?rpou,-
d 10/27/1969 _
i= Platte 2-1
• Strong shaking cracked the ground, concrete roads, and concrete irrigating canals, but
none of the cracks are thought to have been caused directly by surface fault rupture. The
shaking also triggered several landslides in mountain areas. The road from Hemet to
Idyllwild was blocked in several places where huge boulders rolled down slopes. Two men
in an automobile were reportedly swept off a road by a landslide, and would have rolled
several hundred feet down a hillside had they not been stopped by a large tree. Two
miners were trapped in a mine near Winchester, but they were eventually rescued,
uninjured. The earthquake apparently caused changes in the flow rates and temperatures
of several springs. Sand craters (due most likely to liquefaction) were reported on one
farm, and an area near Blackburn Ranch "sunk" approximately three feet (one meter)
during the quake (/www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html).
2.4.9 1933 Long Beach Earthquake
The Mw 6.4 Long Beach earthquake occurred on March 10, at 5:54 P.M. Pacific Standard
Time, following a strong foreshock the day before. The earthquake ruptured the Newport -
Inglewood fault, and was felt from the San Joaquin Valley to Northern Baja. The epicenter
was located on the boundary between Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, although
the earthquake was called "The Long Beach Earthquake" because the worst damage was
focused in the city of Long Beach. in the Newport Beach area, the earthquake produced
Modified Mercalli Intensities of VII-VIII (http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/shake/ca/). The
earthquake killed 115 people and caused $40-50 million in property damage
(www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.htmi). Primary ground rupture of the Newport -Inglewood
fault was not observed, although secondary cracking, minor slumping, and lateral
• movement of unconsolidated sediments occurred throughout the region. Road surfaces
along the shore between Long Beach and Newport Beach were damaged by settlement of
road fills that had been placed on marshy land. In urban areas, unreinforced masonry
buildings were most severely damaged, especially in areas of artificial fill or water -soaked
alluvium. In one part of Compton, most buildings built on unconsolidated sediments and
artificial fill were destroyed. In Long Beach, many buildings collapsed, were pushed off
their foundations, or had walls or chimneys knocked down. In Newport Beach, 800
chimneys were knocked down at the roofline and hundreds of houses were destroyed
(www.anaheimcocom.com/quake.htm). Damage to school buildings was especially severe
and led to the passage of the Field and Riley Acts by the State legislature. The Field Act
regulates school construction and the Riley Act regulates the construction of buildings
larger than two-family dwellings. Many strong aftershocks occurred through March 16'h.
2.4.10 Torrance -Gardena Earthquakes of 1941
In 1941, two small earthquakes struck the southern Los Angeles basin, affecting
surrounding communities. Although these earthquakes were relatively minor, they
occurred close to the surface and caused significant, although localized damage. The
magnitude 4.8 Torrance earthquake occurred on October 21" at 10:57 P.M., Pacific
Standard Time and was located east of Carson near the present-day interchange of the 405
and 710 freeways. Shaking up to intensity level VII was reported in the communities of
Wilmington, Gardena, Lynwood, Hynes and Signal Hill where walls were cracked and
chimneys damaged. In some cases, houses that had not been adequately repaired after the
1933 Long Beach earthquake were damaged again
• (www.johnmartin.com/egpapers/00000077.htm). No injuries were reported and damage
estimates totaled $100,000 (www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex. him]).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-18
• A second earthquake occurred less than a month later, on November 14 at 12:42 A.M.
Pacific Standard Time, near Wilmington. Shaking during the second earthquake was
reportedly stronger than the first, locally reaching intensity level VIII (Table 2-1) and felt as
far away as Cabazon, Carpinteria, and San Diego. Gas and water mains burst near the
epicenter and storefronts in the business districts of Torrance and Gardena collapsed,
crushing parked cars. Damage to local oilfields was significant - well casings and
equipment were damaged and a 55,000 gallon oil tank ruptured, flooding nearby streets
with oil. Production of several wells was lowered or stopped. No injuries were reported,
although damage attributed to the second event totaled one million dollars.
(www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex. h tm I).
2.4.11 San Jacinto Fault Earthquake of 1954
This Mw 6.4 earthquake occurred on March 19, 1954, at 1:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
on the Clark fault segment of the San Jacinto fault, about 30 miles south of Indio. It caused
minor damage throughout southern California including cracked plaster walls in San Diego
and falling ceiling plaster at Los Angeles City Hall. In the Palm Springs area, a water pipe
was damaged and the walls of several swimming pools were cracked. Parts of San
Bernardino experienced temporary blackouts because the shaking caused power lines to
snap. The earthquake was felt as far away as Ventura County, Baja California, and Las
2.4.12 Borrego Mountain Earthquake of 1968
This M„, 6.5 earthquake occurred on the evening of April 8, 1968 at 6:29 P.M. Pacific
• Standard Time. The epicenter was located about 40 miles south of Indio on the Coyote
Creek fault, which is a branch of the San Jacinto fault. The earthquake was felt throughout
southern California, and as far away as Las Vegas, Fresno and the Yosemite Valley. The
earthquake produced minor surface rupture near Ocotillo Wells and triggered minor slip
on the Superstition Hills, Imperial and Banning -Mission Creek faults
(www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.htmi). Damage was reported throughout southern
California, most notably in the Imperial Valley, where several buildings collapsed, and in
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park where landslides damaged several vehicles. The
earthquake also severed power lines in San Diego, knocked plaster from ceilings in Los
Angeles, and the Queen Mary II, which was dry-docked at Long Beach, rocked back and
forth on its keel blocks for five minutes. No injuries were reported.
2.4.13 San Fernando (Sylmar) Earthquake of 1971
This magnitude 6.6 earthquake occurred on the San Fernando fault zone, the westernmost
segment of the Sierra Madre fault, on February 9, 1971, at 6:00 in the morning. The
surface rupture caused by this earthquake was nearly 12 miles long, and occurred in the
Sylmar -San Fernando area, approximately 55 miles (88 km) northwest of Newport Beach.
The maximum slip measured at the surface was nearly six feet. The earthquake caused
over $500 million in property damage and 65 deaths. Most of the deaths occurred when
the Veteran's Administration Hospital collapsed. Several other hospitals, including the
Olive View Community Hospital in Sylmar suffered severe damage. Newly constructed
freeway overpasses also collapsed, in damage scenes similar to those that occurred 23
years later in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Loss of life could have been much greater
• had the earthquake struck at the busier time of the day. As with the Long Beach
earthquake, legislation was passed in response to the damage caused by the 1971
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-19
• earthquake. In this case, the building codes were strengthened and the Alquist-Priolo
Special Studies (now call the Earthquake Fault Zone) Act was passed in 1972.
2.4.14 Oceanside Earthquake of 1986
This magnitude 5.4 earthquake occurred on the morning of July 13, 1986 at 6:47 A.M.
Pacific Daylight Time. The epicenter was about 32 miles offshore from Oceanside and
occurred on an unidentified fault that may be related to the San Diego Trough or the Palos
Verdes -Coronado Bank fault zones (www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html). One death and
at least 29 injuries are attributed to this relatively small earthquake, which was felt
throughout the coastal communities of southern California. At least 50 buildings were
damaged from Newport Beach to San Diego, with damage estimates totaling nearly one
million dollars.
2.4.15 Whittier Narrows Earthquake of 1987
The Whittier Narrows earthquake occurred on October 1, 1987, at 7:42 in the morning,
with its epicenter located approximately 27 miles (43 km) northwest of Newport Beach
(Hauksson and Jones, 1989). This magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred on a previously
unknown, north -dipping concealed thrust fault (blind thrust) now called the Puente Hills
fault (Shaw and Shearer, 1999). The earthquake caused eight fatalities, over 900 injured,
and $358 million in property damage. Severe damage was confined mainly to
communities east of Los Angeles and near the epicenter. Areas with high concentrations of
URMs, such as the "uptown" district of Whittier, the old downtown section of Alhambra,
and the "Old Town" section of Pasadena, were severely impacted. Several tilt -up
• buildings partially collapsed, including tilt -up buildings built after 1971, that were built to
meet improved building standards, but were of irregular configuration, revealing seismic
vulnerabilities not previously recognized. Residences that sustained damage usually were
constructed of masonry, were not fully anchored to their foundations, or were houses built
over garages with large openings. Many chimneys collapsed and in some cases, fell
through roofs. Wood -frame residences, in contrast, sustained relatively little damage, and
no severe structural damage to high-rise structures in downtown Los Angeles was reported.
2.4.16 Newport Beach Earthquake of 1989
A small, magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck the City of Newport Beach at 1:07 P.M. Pacific
Daylight Time on April 7, 1989 (www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html). The earthquake
did not rupture the surface or cause any significant damage, but was notable because it
occurred on the Newport -Inglewood fault system directly below the city of Newport
2.4.17 Landers Earthquake of 1992
On the morning of June 28, 1992, most people in southern California were awakened at
4:57 by the largest earthquake to strike California in 40 years. Named "Landers" after a
small desert community near its epicenter, the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3. More
than 50 miles of surface rupture associated with five or more faults occurred as a result of
this earthquake. The average right -lateral strike -slip displacement was about 10 to 15 feet,
while a maximum of up to 18 feet was observed. Centered in the Mojave Desert,
approximately 120 miles from Los Angeles, the earthquake caused relatively little damage
• for its size (Brewer, 1992). It released about four times as much energy as the very
destructive Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, but fortunately, it did not claim as many lives
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-20
• (one child died when a chimney collapsed). The power of the earthquake was illustrated
by the length of the ground rupture it left behind. The earthquake ruptured five separate
faults: Johnson Valley, Landers, Homestead Valley, Emerson, and Camp Rock faults (Sieh,
1992). Other nearby faults also experienced triggered slip and minor surface rupture.
Modified Mercalli Intensities of III were reported in the Newport Beach area as a result of
this earthquake (littp://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/shake/can.
2.4.18 Northridge Earthquake of 1994
On the morning of January 17'h, 1994, at 4:31 Pacific Standard Time, a M,,, 6.7 earthquake
struck the San Fernando Valley. This moderate -sized tremor was the most expensive
earthquake in United States history, due primarily to its proximity to the heavily populated
northern Los Angeles area. The rupture occurred in the San Fernando Valley on the
previously unidentified eastern continuation of the Oak Ridge fault, which is a blind thrust
fault and thus does not break the surface. The earthquake produced widespread ground
accelerations of 1.0 g, some of the highest ever recorded for an earthquake of its size. The
earthquake caused 57 deaths, 1,500 injuries and damaged 12,500 structures, knocking
several major freeways out commission for days to months. Although most damage was
focused in the northern Los Angeles area, intensities of V-VI (Table 2-1) were recorded in
the Newport Beach area, causing scattered light to moderate damage.
2.4.19 Hector Mine Earthquake of 1999
Southern California's most recent large earthquake was a widely felt magnitude 7.1. It
occurred on October 18, 1999, in a remote region of the Mojave Desert, 47 miles east-
southeast of Barstow. Modified Mercalli Intensities of IV (Table 2-1) were reported in the
Newport Beach area(http:Hl)asadena.wr.usgs.gov/shal<e/can. The Hector Mine earthquake
is not considered an aftershock of the M 7.3 Landers earthquake of 1992, although Hector
Mine occurred on similar, north-northwest trending strike -slip faults within the Eastern
Mojave Shear Zone. Geologists documented a 25-mile (40-km) long surface rupture and a
maximum right -lateral strike -slip offset of about 16 feet on the Lavic Lake fault.
2.5 Potential Sources of Seismic Ground Shaking
Seismic shaking is the geologic hazard that has the greatest potential to severely impact the
Newport Beach area, given that the city is located on and near several significant seismic sources
(faults) that have the potential to cause moderate to large earthquakes (see Table 2-2). As
discussed in Section 2.4 above, some of these faults caused moderate -sized earthquakes in the last
century; however, given their length, they are thought capable of generating even larger
earthquakes in the future that would cause strong ground shaking in Newport Beach and nearby
communities. The proximity of Newport Beach to these and other regionally more significant
seismic sources should encourage the City of Newport Beach to diligently attend to seismic hazard
in order to provide a better understanding of the shaking hazard posed by these faults, a
deterministic seismic hazard analysis using industry standard software [EQFAULT, by Blake
(2000a)] was performed. This analysis estimates the Peak Horizontal Ground Accelerations
(PHGA) that could be expected at City Hall due to earthquakes occurring on any of the known
• active or potentially active faults within 62 miles (100 km). A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
using FRISKSP (Blake, 2000b) to estimate the median PHGA at City Hall was also conducted. The
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-21
• difference between these two approaches is that, while a deterministic hazard assessment
addresses individual sources or scenario events, probabilistic assessments combine all seismic
sources and consider the likelihood (or probability) of each source to generate an earthquake. In a
probabilistic analysis, a mathematical equation is used to estimate the combined risk posed by all
known faults within 62 miles (100 km), and for each fault, a suite of possible damaging
earthquakes is considered, each weighed according to its likelihood of occurring in any particular
The fault database (including fault locations and earthquake magnitudes of the maximum
magnitude and maximum probable earthquakes for each fault) used to conduct these seismic
shaking analyses is that used by the California Geological Survey (CGS) and the US Geological
Survey (USGS) for the National Seismic Hazard Maps (Peterson and others, 1996). PGHA depends
on the size of the earthquake, the proximity of the rupturing fault, and local soil conditions. Effects
of soil conditions are estimated by use of an attenuation relationship. To develop such a
relationship, scientists analyze recordings of earthquake shaking on similar soils during
earthquakes of various sizes and distances. The PHGA estimates obtained from these analyses
provide a general indication of relative earthquake risk in the city of Newport Beach. For
individual projects however, site -specific analyses that consider the precise distance from a given
site to the various faults in the region, as well as the local near -surface soil types, should be
Newport Beach City Hall is built on soft, unconsolidated estuarine deposits, which can greatly
amplify earthquake shaking. To quantify the degree of amplification, velocity measurements of
• earthquake shear -waves and other site -specific sub -surface analyses would be needed. However,
to illustrate the effects of soil type at City Hall, the attenuation relationships of Boore and others
(1997) were used to provide two PGHA estimates, one for soil with a near -surface shear -wave
velocity of 250 meters per second (m/s); the other for a velocity of 150 m/s. The former velocity
produces deterministic estimates of maximum PGHA around 0.58g. The second velocity yields a
maximum PGHA of around 0.7g. Shaking at these levels can cause heavy damage even to newer
buildings that are constructed with more stringent building standards than older structures.
Based on the ground shaking analyses described above, those faults that can cause peak horizontal
ground accelerations of about 0.1 g or greater (Modified Mercalli Intensities greater than VII) in the
Newport Beach area are listed in Table 2-2. For a map showing most of these faults, refer to
Figure 2-1. Those faults included in Table 2-2 that have the greatest impact on the Newport Beach
area, or that are thought to have a higher probability of causing an earthquake, are described in
more detail in the following pages. The locations of active faults nearby to the City are shown of
Figure 2-3.
Table 2-2 shows:
The distance, in kilometers and miles, between the fault and the Newport Beach City Hall;
The maximum magnitude earthquake (M,n,,) each fault is estimated capable of generating;
The peak ground acceleration (PGA), or intensity of ground motion expressed as a fraction
of the acceleration of gravity (g), that could be experienced in the Newport Beach Area if
the M,n,, occurs on one of these faults; and
• The Modified Mercalli seismic Intensity (MMI) values calculated for the City.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-22
In general, peak ground accelerations and seismic intensity values decrease with increasing
distance away from the causative fault. However, local site conditions, such as ridge tops, could
amplify the seismic waves generated by an earthquake, resulting in localized higher accelerations
than those listed here. The strong ground motion values presented here should therefore be
considered as average values; higher values may occur locally in response to site -specific
The M, „ reported here are based on the fault parameters published by the CGS (CDMG, 1996).
The peak ground accelerations reported above were calculated using EQFAULT (Blake, 2000a), a
software package that uses the CGS fault data and provides several peer -reviewed earthquake
attenuation equations. However, as described further in the text, recent paleoseismic studies
suggest that some of these faults, like the Whittier fault, can actually generate even larger
earthquakes than those used in the table above. Furthermore, the CGS fault database does not yet
include the San Joaquin Hills thrust fault that was recently proposed to underlie a large portion of
Newport Beach. This fault, by its location relative to the City (see Figure 2-3), and its type (blind
thrust fault) has the potential to generate even stronger ground shaking in Newport Beach than any
of the faults that were used in the probabilistic and deterministic analyses reported herein. For
additional data regarding the seismic hazard posed by this fault, refer to Sections 2.5.2 and 2.9.4.
The probabilistic PGHA values calculated for City Hall using the two different local soil conditions
are 0.43 and 0.52g. In other words, the Newport Beach area has a 10 percent chance of
experiencing ground accelerations greater than 43 to 52 percent the force of gravity in 50 years.
These probabilistic ground motion values for the City of Newport Beach are in the high to very (�
high range for southern California, and are the result of the City's proximity to major fault systems t—
with high earthquake recurrence rates. These levels of shaking can be expected to cause damage,
particularly to older and poorly constructed buildings.
Differences between deterministic and probabilistic PGHA at this site are due to the long
recurrence intervals of many of the faults in the analysis. Faults which cause damaging
earthquakes at less frequent intervals yield a lower annual likelihood of a damaging earthquake,
and thus a lower probabilistic hazard value when considering relatively short time periods such as
the 475 years of this analysis. Since we do not know when the clock started ticking for most of
these faults (i.e., when the last earthquake occurred, nor how close to failure the fault is today), the
City cannot take comfort in the lower yearly likelihood of damage, but must be prepared for
shaking of at least 0.7g.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards
Page 2-23
Table 2-2
Estimated Horizontal Peak Ground Accelerations and
Seismic Intensities in the Newport Beach Area
Fault Name
Distance to
Newport Beach
Distance to
Beach (mi)
of M.. *
PGA (g)
from M,,,,,,
MMI from
Newport -Inglewood (LA Basin)
Newport -Inglewood (Offshore)
Compton Thrust
Palos Verdes
Elysian Park Thrust
Chino -Central Ave. (Elsinore)
Elsinore -Glen Ivy
Coronado Bank
San Jose
Elsinore -Temecula
Sierra Madre
Santa Monica
Rose Canyon
Malibu Coast
Northridge (E. Oak Ridge)
Sierra Madre (San Fernando)
San Andreas - Southern
San Andreas - San Bernardino
San Andreas -1857 Rupture
Abbreviations used in Table 2-2:
mi - miles, km - kilometer, M,,,,, - maximum magnitude earthquake; PGA - peak ground acceleration as a
percentage of g, the acceleration of gravity; MMI - Modified Mercalli Intensity.
. Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-24
rra a5re F ault
Los Angeles San Bernardino
kbkjcountV� County
City bf %
Newport Beach,ti A-.
V `Gs
-VII -9
San Diego.
v� T County
Modified from: Shaw et al., 2002; Dolan,
Shaw, and Pratt, 2001; and Jennings, 1995
Map Explanation
Blind thrust fault ramp; red hatchures show surface projection or upper edge
of thrust ramp, the thrust fault ramps are shown from deepest to shallowest by
gray and green shading, respectively.
Fault Showing Evidence of Historic Rupture (Active).
Fault Showing Evidence of Holocene Rupture (Active).
Fault Showing Evidence of Quaternary and Late Quaternary Rupture (Potentially Activ6,
- nsulwrlr Local Active and Potentially Figure
Project Number. 2112 Active Faults 2-3
Date: March, 2003
• 2.5.1 Newport -Inglewood Fault Zone
The northwest -trending Newport -Inglewood fault zone (NIFZ) is 145 miles long and
extends from Santa Monica south to Newport Beach. At Newport Beach, the fault
continues offshore and lines up with a deep submarine canyon (Fischer and Mills, 1991)
known as the Newport Submarine Canyon. The offshore segment of the fault joins the Rose
Canyon fault, which extends southeasterly through San Diego to the international border.
The Newport -Inglewood fault zone is discontinuous, consisting of a series of left -stepping
en echelon fault strands up to 4 miles long. Onshore, the fault zone is marked by a series
of uplifts and anticlines including Newport Mesa, Huntington Mesa, Bolsa Chica Mesa,
Alamitos Heights and Landing Hill, Signal Hill and Reservoir Hill, Dominguez Hills,
Rosecrans Hills, and Baldwin Hills (Barrows, 1974). These anticlines are traps for oil and
have been drilled successfully since the beginning of the last century.
The NIFZ extends across the westernmost portion of Newport Beach (see Figure 2-3 and
Plate 2-2). In this area, the fault zone is over 1.5 miles wide and consists of many
discontinuous primary fault stands arrd several short secondary fault traces. Several studies
in the Newport Beach area have identified multiple strands of the NIFZ that have displaced
Holocene -age terraces and sediments (Converse Consultants, 1994; Shlemon et al., 1995;
Grant et al., 1997; Earth Consultants International, 1997).
The slip rate for the NIFZ is poorly constrained at between 0.3 to 3.5 mm/yr. A study by
Woodward -Clyde Consultants in 1979 calculated a slip rate of 0.5 mm/yr for the southern
onshore segment of the NIFZ. This is consistent with long-term slip rates of 0.31 — 0.52
. mm/yr calculated by Freeman et al. (1992) by correlating stratigraphy on one side of the
fault to a best match on the opposite side of the fault. More recent paleoseismic studies by
Grant et al. (1997) also suggest a slip rate of between 0.34 to 0.55 mm/yr for the onshore
segment. Fischer and Mills (1991) estimated a slightly higher slip rate of between 1.3 and
3.5 mm/yr for the offshore segment of the NIFZ between San Mateo Point and Newport
Beach with an earthquake recurrence interval of between 200 and 800 years. Lindvall and
Rockwell (1995) calculated a maximum slip rate of 2 mm/yr for the Rose Canyon fault, the
southern continuation of the NIFZ.
Paleoseismic studies by Grant et al. (1997) and Shlemon et al. (1995) have shown that the
onshore segment of the NIFZ has had three to five ground rupturing earthquakes in the last
11,700 (+/-700 years). This is consistent with the recurrence interval calculated by Fischer
and Mills (1991) for the offshore segment of the NIFZ. The last significant earthquake on
the NIFZ was the magnitude 6.3 Long Beach earthquake. This earthquake did not break the
ground surface.
PGHA calculations suggest that Newport Beach has a ten percent chance of experiencing
ground accelerations exceeding between 0.29g and 0.52g in the next 50 years. These
values were calculated for ten locations around the Newport Beach area that are
representative of the area as a whole, and reflect the fact that some areas of Newport
Beach are farther away from the regional faults than others. These estimates are also a
statistical average that take into account earthquakes on all faults in the region, and
include an assessment of the probability of an earthquake occurring on each of the faults
• considered. A deterministic analysis, on the other hand, indicates that a maximum
earthquake of magnitude 6.9 on the onshore segment of the NIFZ has the potential to
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-26
• generate stronger ground motions with peak horizontal ground accelerations of between
0.58g and 0.71g in the Newport Beach area. Similarly, a 6.9 earthquake on the offshore
segment of the NIFZ could generate peak horizontal ground acceleration in the Newport
Beach area of between 0.53g and 0.64g.
2.5.2 San Joaquin Hills Fault
Analysis of uplifted marine terraces between Huntington Beach and San Juan Capistrano
suggests the presence of a southwest -dipping blind thrust beneath the San Joaquin Hills
(see Figure 2-3), adjacent to the Newport -Inglewood fault zone (Grant et al., 1999). Based
on structural modeling of dated marine terraces, Grant et al. (1999) calculated a slip rate of
about 0.42-0.79 mm/yr and a minimum average recurrence interval of about 1,600 to
3,100 years for moderate size earthquakes on this fault. Uplift of late Holocene shorelines
and marsh deposits above the active shoreline are attributed to a relatively recent
earthquake larger than magnitude 7 on the San Joaquin Hills fault (Grant et al., 2002).
Radiocarbon dating and pollen analyses suggest this earthquake occurred between 1635
and 1855 AD. Rivero et al. (2000) consider this fault to be part of a larger structure that
extends offshore to the south. This fault is not yet included in the CGS fault database used
for shaking analyses, however a moderate earthquake on this fault would cause significant
peak horizontal ground accelerations in the City, stronger than those caused by any of the
other faults considered. An earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills faults is therefore the
worst -case scenario for Newport Beach. This is illustrated further in Section 2.9.4.
2.5.3 Palos Verdes Fault Zone
• The 80 to 115 km -long Palos Verdes fault zone is located primarily offshore and extends in
a southeasterly direction from Santa Monica Harbor to the southern San Pedro Channel
(Figure 2-1). The short onshore segment of the fault extends for nine miles (15 km) from
Redondo Beach to San Pedro and follows the northeastern flank of the Palos Verdes Hills.
Offshore, to the southeast, the fault trends across Los Angeles Harbor, and onto the
continental shelf where it splays into two discontinuous sub -parallel strands and continues
southeast as the Coronado Bank fault zone. Northwest of Redondo Beach, the fault is
thought to end in a horsetail splay in Santa Monica Bay, although some scientists suggest
the fault continues northwesterly and joins the Dume fault (Stephenson et al., 1995). The
fault is located about 12 miles west of Newport Beach at its nearest point.
Davis et al. (1989) and Shaw and Suppe (1994) modeled the Palos Verdes fault as a
southwest -dipping back thrust above a blind thrust. Calculated vertical rates of
deformation for the fault based on uplifted marine terraces range from 0.2 to 0.7 mm/yr
(Clarke et al., 1985) to 3 mm/yr (Ward and Valensise, 1994). Recent geomorphic studies,
however, indicate the fault has a significant right lateral component. McNeilan et al.
(1996) used an offset channel in the Los Angeles Harbor to derive a right -lateral slip rate of
3 mm/yr.
Based on its length and uplift rate, the Palos Verdes fault could produce an earthquake of
magnitude 7.1 and cause peak horizontal ground accelerations of 0.24g to 0.29g in
Newport Beach.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-27
2.5.4 Coronado Bank Fault
The 55-mile (90 —km) long offshore Coronado Bank fault zone is the principal southern
continuation of the Palos Verdes fault, extending from the southeast flank of the Lausen
Knoll in the southern San Pedro Channel (about 24 miles south of Newport Beach) to the
La Jolla submarine channel. Bathymetric data show that the fault is well defined by
alternating pop-up structures and broad transtensional sags (Legg, 1985; Legg and
Kennedy; 1991; M. Legg and C. Goldfinger, 2001). Right lateral motion has been inferred
from uplift at left bends in the fault trace and sags at right bends. Little is known about the
slip rate or return time of large events on the fault, although a roughly estimated slip rate of
2-3 mm/yr for the Coronado Bank fault zone is based on rates derived on the offshore
segment of the Palos Verdes fault. The Coronado Bank fault zone could rupture together
with the Palos Verdes fault, producing a magnitude 7.4 earthquake, that would result in
peak ground accelerations in Newport Beach of about 0.2g.
2.5.5 Compton Thrust Fault
The Compton Thrust fault is an inferred blind thrust fault in the southwestern portion of the
Los Angeles basin. The fault is part of the Compton -Los Alamitos fault system, postulated
to extend over 50 miles from Western Santa Monica Bay southeast into northwestern
Orange County. Little is known about this fault because it does not break the surface.
However, Shaw and Suppe (1996) calculated a slip rate of 1.4 +/- 0.4 mm/yr based on
modeling of deep seismic data. More recently, Mueller (1997) showed that geologic
structures and units overlying the fault are not deformed, including a 1,900 year -old peat
deposit and a 15,000 to 20,000 year -old aquifer, indicating that the fault may not be
• active. Nevertheless, the fault databases still include the Compton thrust as a potential
seismic source. If the fault is active, it has the potential to generate a magnitude 6.8
earthquake that would cause peak horizontal ground accelerations of between 0.30g and
0.37g in the city of Newport Beach. An event of this size has an estimated average
recurrence interval of 676 years based on the 1.4 mm/yr slip rate.
2.5.6 Elysian Park Thrust
The Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987 occurred on a previously unknown
blind thrust fault underneath the eastern part of the Los Angeles basin. Davis et al. (1989)
used oil field data to construct cross -sections showing the subsurface geology of the basin,
and concluded that the Whittier Narrows earthquake occurred on a 12- to 24-mile (20 to
38-km) long thrust ramp they called the Elysian Park thrust fault. They modeled the Elysian
Park as a shallow -angle, reverse fault 6 to 10 miles below the ground surface, generally
located between the Whittier fault to the southeast and the Hollywood fault to the west-
northwest. Although blind thrusts do not extend to the Earth's surface, they are typically
expressed at the surface by a series of hills or mountains. Davis et al. (1989) indicated that
the Elysian Park thrust ramp is expressed at the surface by the Santa Monica Mountains,
and the Elysian, Repetto, Montebello and Puente Hills.
Davis et al. 0989) estimated a long-term slip rate on the Elysian Park fault of between 2.5
and 5.2 mm/yr. Dolan et al. (1995) used a different approach to estimate a slip rate on the
Elysian Park fault, arriving at a rate of about 1.7 mm/yr with a recurrence interval of about
1,475 years. In 1996, Shaw and Suppe re -interpreted the subsurface geology of the Los
Angeles basin and proposed a new model for what they call the Elysian Park trend. They
• estimated a slip rate on the thrust ramp beneath the Elysian Park trend of 1.7t0.4 mm/yr.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-28
• More recently, Shaw and Shearer (1999) relocated the main shock and aftershocks of the
1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, and showed that the earthquake sequence occurred on
an east -west trending buried thrust they called the Puente Hills thrust (rather than the
northwest -trending Elysian Park thrust).
Given the enormous amount of research currently underway to better characterize the
blind thrust faults that underlie the Los Angeles basin, the Elysian Park thrust fault will most
likely undergo additional significant re -interpretations. In fact, Shaw and Shearer (1999)
suggest that the Elysian Park thrust fault is no longer active. However, since this statement
is under consideration, and the Elysian Park thrust is still part of the active fault database
for southern California (CDMG, 1996), this fault is still considered to be a potential seismic
source that can affect the region. If this fault caused a magnitude 6.7 earthquake, it is
estimated that Newport Beach would experience peak ground accelerations of about
2.5.7 Elsinore Fault Zone
The 125-mile (200 —km) long Elsinore fault is part of the San Andreas fault system in
southern California and accommodates about ten percent of the motion between the
Pacific and North American plates (WGCEP, 1995). The fault extends northwesterly from
the US -Mexico border to north of the of the Santa Ana Mountains and is divided, from
south to north, into the Coyote Mountain, Julian, Temecula, and Glen Ivy segments. North
of the Santa Ana Mountains the fault splits into the Whittier and Chino faults. The fault has
historically produced a —M 6 earthquake on the Glen Ivy Segment (Toppozada and Parke,
• 1982; Rockwell et al., 1986) and a M>6.9 event on the Laguna Salada fault, the southern
extension of the Elsinore fault in Mexico (Rockwell, 1989; Mueller and Rockwell, 1995)
indicating the fault is active and capable of producing destructive earthquakes.
Three-dimensional paleoseismic studies across the Wildomar strand of the Temecula
segment yielded minimum late Holocene slip rates of about 4.2 mm/yr (Bergmann et al.,
1993). This is roughly consistent with slip rates of about 5 mm/yr derived from dated offset
alluvial fan deposits on the Glen Ivy segment to the north (Millman and Rockwell, 1986),
and the Julian segment to the south (Vaughan and Rockwell, 1986). Although no
individual earthquakes have been directly dated on the Wildomar fault, paleoseismic
studies on the Murrieta Creek fault, an oblique -slip fault secondary to the Temecula
segment, suggest an average recurrence interval of 300 to 700 years for the Elsinore fault in
the Murrieta area. This is broadly consistent with a calculated average recurrence of about
240 years based on segment length and empirical relations of Wells and Coppersmith
(1994). Using this recurrence interval, and a minimum 175 years of historical quiescence
on the fault, the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP, 1995)
suggests that the Temecula segment has a 16 percent chance of rupturing by the year
2024. Recent paleoseismic studies on the southeastern end of the Temecula segment, near
Agua Tibia Mountain, however, suggest a longer average recurrence interval of 550 to 600
years for the segment, making the likelihood of an earthquake on the Temecula segment
less than five percent in the next 50 years (Vaughan et al., 1999).
The deterministic analysis for the Newport Beach City Hall area estimates peak ground
• accelerations of about 0.19g for a magnitude 7.6 earthquake on the Chino segment, and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-29
. about 0.15g, based on a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Glen Ivy segment of the Elsinore
2.5.8 Sierra Madre Fault
The Sierra Madre fault zone is a north -dipping reverse fault zone approximately 47 miles
(75 km) long that extends along the southern flank of the San Gabriel, Mountains from San
Fernando to San Antonio Canyon, where it continues southeastward as the Cucamonga
fault. The Sierra Madre fault has been divided into five segments, each with a different rate
of activity.
The northwestern -most segment of the Sierra Madre fault (the San Fernando segment)
ruptured in 1971, causing the M„, 6.7 San Fernando (or Sylmar) earthquake. As a result of
this earthquake, the Sierra Madre fault has been known to be active. In the 1980s, Crook
and others (1987) studied the Transverse Ranges using general geologic and geomorphic
mapping, coupled with a few trenching locations. Based on this work, they suggested that
segments of the Sierra Madre fault east of the San Fernando segment have not generated
major earthquakes in several thousands of years, and possibly as long as 11,000 years. By
California's definitions of active faulting, most of the Sierra Madre fault would therefore be
classified as not active. Then, in the mid- 1990s, Rubin et al. (1998) trenched a section of
the Sierra Madre fault in Altadena and determined that this segment had ruptured at least
twice in the last 15,000 years, causing magnitude 7.2 to 7.6 earthquakes. This suggests
that the Los Angeles area is susceptible to infrequent, but large near -field earthquakes on
the Sierra Madre fault. Rubin et al.'s (1998) trenching data show that during the last
• earthquake, the ground was displaced along the fault as much as 13 feet (4 meters) at the
surface, and that total displacement in the last two events adds up to more than 34 feet
(10.5 meters)!
Although the fault apparently slips at a slow rate of between 0.5 and 1 mm/yr (Walls et al.,
1998), over time, it can accumulate a significant amount of strain. The paleoseismic data
obtained at the Altadena site were insufficient to estimate the recurrence interval and the
age of the last surface -rupturing event on this segment of the fault. However, Tucker and
Dolan (2001) trenched the east Sierra Madre fault at Horsethief Canyon and obtained data
consistent with Rubin et al.'s (1998) findings. At Horsethief Canyon, the Sierra Madre fault
last ruptured about 8,000 to 9,000 years ago. A recurrence interval of about 8,000 years
was calculated using a slip rate of 0.6 mm/yr and a slip per event of 15 feet (5 meters).
Therefore, if the last event occurred more than 8,000 years ago, it is possible that these
segments of the Sierra Madre fault are near the end of their cycle, and are likely to generate
an earthquake in the not too distant future.
The deterministic analysis for the Newport Beach City Hall area estimates peak ground
accelerations of about 0.15g, based on a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the central segment
of the Sierra Madre fault. A larger earthquake on this fault, of magnitude between 7.2 and
7.6, could generate significantly stronger peak ground accelerations.
2.6 Potential Sources of Fault Rupture
• 2.6.1 Primary Fault Rupture
Primary fault rupture refers to fissuring and offset of the ground surface along a rupturing
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-30
fault during an earthquake. Primary ground rupture typically results in a relatively small
percentage of the total damage in an earthquake, but being too close to a rupturing fault
can cause severe damage to structures. As discussed previously, development constraints
within active fault zones were implemented in 1972 with passage of the California Alquist-
Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act. The Alquist-Priolo Act prohibits the construction of
new habitable structures astride an active fault and requires special geologic studies to
locate and evaluate whether a fault has ruptured the ground surface in the last about
11,000 years. If an active fault is encountered, structural setbacks from the fault are
The Newport -Inglewood fault is the only fault with the potential to generate primary
surface rupture in the city of Newport Beach. The North Branch of the Newport -
Inglewood fault as mapped by Morton (1999) comes on shore (from the south) near the
intersection of Balboa Boulevard and 151h Street, then crosses the Newport Channel and
continues through the Pacific Coast Highway -Balboa Boulevard intersection (Plate 2-2).
The fault trace then continues through the foot of the bluffs, across the old Newport -
Banning oil field, and into the city of Huntington Beach. The South Branch comes on
shore in Huntington Beach, just up the coast from the Santa Ana River (Plate 2-2).
However, in Newport Beach, the North Branch is not considered sufficiently active and
well defined by the CGS, and as a result, the fault in the Newport Beach area has not been
zoned under the guidelines of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (Plate 2-2).
Farther north, the fault is better defined, which is why Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault
Zones have been defined for the North Branch in Huntington Beach.
• The lowland area of West Newport that is thought to be underlain by the North Branch of
the fault (see Plate 2-2) was developed extensively prior to recognition of the Newport -
Inglewood fault as a surface rupture hazard. Therefore, there are no studies of the fault
zone in the West Newport and Balboa Peninsula areas. Furthermore, the sediments in
these areas are too young, and ground water is too close to the ground surface for
trenching to be used as a successful fault study method. Subsurface studies using other
techniques such as cone penetrometer testing (CPTs, see Grant et al., 1997) or geophysics
could be used along the beach, but this has not been tried in this area.
On the elevated terrace of Newport Mesa, however, several fault studies have been
conducted looking for the active strands of the fault. The first studies to identify faults at or
near the surface in the Newport Banning area were reportedly conducted jointly by
Woodward -Clyde Consultants and the West Newport Oil Company in 1981 and 1985.
Additional studies have been conducted by The Earth Technology Corporation 0986) and
by Earth Consultants International (1997). The results of the 1981 study were published
(Guptill and Heath, 1981) because one of the exposures reviewed — located approximately
600 feet northwest of the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue —
suggested that the 1933 earthquake'had actually ruptured the ground surface. This finding
was not confirmed by The Earth Technology Corporation 1986 study who reported that the
fault does not offset a well -developed soil profile estimated to be about 100,000 years old
(Bryant, 1988).
The 1985 study (summarized by The Earth Technology Corporation, 1986) exposed a
• broad area of faulting in the western central and southeastern portion of the mesa. The
faults in the western portion of the mesa are roughly coincident with the mapped trace of
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-31
the North Branch of the fault (see Plate 2-2). However, the 1985 study did not resolve the
. length, width or age of the faults. Then in 1986, The Earth Technology Corporation found
that the faults encountered were not active under the criteria of the Alquist-Priolo Act.
With one exception in the southeastern portion of the mesa discussed further below, this
finding was confirmed locally by Earth Consultants International in 1997. These studies
combined, however, suggest that the North Branch of the Newport -Inglewood fault, as
mapped, is not active, at least not in this area of Newport Beach.
Converse Consultants (1994) found a small fault, the West Mesa fault, near the western
terminus of West 16" Street, while conducting a geologic study and grading for a filtration
water plant (see Plate 2-2). The West Mesa fault trends between 5 and 30 degrees west of
north, and is interpreted to have moved in the last 11,000 years, making it active. Earth
Consultants International (1997) then trenched south of the Converse (1994) exposure in
an attempt to find the southern continuation of this fault, but the fault was not found,
suggesting that the fault is not laterally extensive. However, Earth Consultants International
(1997) did find another small active fault about 600 feet to the south of the Converse study
that strikes 50 degrees west of north, roughly parallel to the regional trend of the Newport -
Inglewood fault. In the exposure, the fault had 12 to 18 inches of vertical separation,
extended upward into the E and Bt soil horizons, and was therefore interpreted to have
ruptured at least once in the last 11,000 years, probably co -seismically with movement on
the main Newport -Inglewood fault.
Further, in reviewing previous work in the Newport Mesa area, Earth Consultants
International (1997) concluded that a narrow fault zone mapped by The Earth Technology
• Corporation (1986) was not conclusively shown to be inactive. This fault zone trends 5 to
12 degrees west of north, similar to the orientation of the fault exposed by Converse
(1994). All of these faults in the eastern portion of the mesa are not considered
seismogenic (earthquake -producing) because of their small separations, narrow width, and
non -ideal orientations. The separation seen on these faults probably resulted from co -
seismic slip during an earthquake on a strand of the Newport -Inglewood fault farther to the
south. Nevertheless, several inches of ground offset could cause severe damage to
overlying structures. Consequently, although the hazard from primary surface rupture on
these small faults is possibly low, building setbacks from these faults are appropriate.
1 J
Finally, two paleoseismic investigations, one near Bolsa Chica (Grant et al., 1997) and the
other on the west bank of the Santa Ana River (Law/Crandall, Inc., 1994; Shlemon et al.,
1995) found evidence for five surface rupturing earthquakes in the last—11,000 years on
the North Branch of the Newport -Inglewood fault. The Law/Crandall (1994) study
identified several fault traces south of the mapped trace of the North Branch of the
Newport -Inglewood that appear to have moved in the Holocene. In Plate 2-2, these fault
traces are projected as straight lines from the west bank of the Santa Ana River southward
into the Newport Beach area. This shows that the active faults appear to be located south
of the North Branch, with active faulting spread over a broad area that most likely spans
the area between the North and South branches. However, the location of these faults
should be considered approximate at best, until further studies in this area are conducted.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-32
14 R
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>. ►' w/ aitdal •1994 .i_ =' ,.r .c r�5^'- - where inferred.
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, u r'\ Faults that are not active.
1 x - (Corivirse i994) ti _' • f (a, ?•jt,:'--': i �`�= ` `! ! a Major fault traces as mapped by Morton, 1999.
a Presumed active exceptwhere shown otherwise
�.Earrth;Co Itarts,Ilr> `99nr:�. -y'' .� ?' - F>,�' "tom a::; k? ' < _ ,. -- -- ♦ based on geological studies.
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'.;�` �J; ,, ± y �' �5;,• �= y=4` ♦' �> , 1 1 Southward projection of active fault traces based
♦ (The Eci't MeclR b ` Corp19a6
_ ^l, t° '=p'¢� t �� t . _ ' •` , `F r ` on a subsurface study on the west bank of the
• .Earttl 6k-;ult'UIItS+Irjt. 1997) o /\ ♦ F'\.e, '-/ yi;'r -y, a i, �';,
•> 1 __ •�r+'ir - ; , up..r on_ - i �- J, °e ,� ---'t' • -- -.. �_ _._. '4e-�_�_ ,-_ -- -- - - -\ Santa Ana River.
• Secondary fault traces that have been shown
f . o� A� �?, .,„ ,.ac r. ,e••-`.f- i . >_ , � - /`�\ to have moved at least once during the Holocene
` `, 'r V.'•^- y''w<�.�"`--' _`'=%> P +.', ''�ti ` Y }i •el ,� x��,�''^ �I'.'tr tr.i9"' ` ^ 1 1
`, Fault Hazard Management Zone for real-estate
iy r ••• - . ♦ ' ♦ _ ! = disclosure purposes (refer to text).
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Newport Beach City Boundary
° \'° o eCs °ee pOi `♦ Tmr' ya a l 'r,' Z_ ' 4. * K-7 Sphere of Influence
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♦ s.♦\` e♦♦-.- I 1 0 1 2 3
e� ♦ ° t __ j. 4� Kilometers
tii L
'° M, `. ` = Base Ma USGS Topographic Ma from SurelMAPS
>� o� •>• 4,+•.,.`: _AF -' • - " >•�\.�- �, RASTER
\•• > >••e wY o } y Source: Earth Technology Corp., 1986; Converse,1994;
l Law/Crandall, 1994; Earth Consultants Int., 1997; Morton,
e9/ �> �'Qsr % - �� 1999.
_- Earth
l �•
NOTES: ee „ °° ,' ° �/ OGi t F- i�nsultant5 %� -: < l 1,
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Informadon on this map is not ♦ .tom"t .e mot', ;-. _ `" - _y-,n
sufcient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of incuvidual sites, `ee •♦° O/� �i;� °> >> "�'�1'-• I ter�atl0nal l.ry+- •4'
nor does h satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations. P ! e ♦ ��t "«Ot+',- Y,.. ,
Earth Consultants international O •e �A • Project Number. 2112 "t,Fou}°
(C-hthese snsvam, de&onsoIshall not reliable a ad'�A ♦ ir< > `> ♦ •0 ,,: 5_ Date: July,2003
the accuracy of the data from which these maps wem delved. ECI shall not be liable !�'� °° Jr` !, ° e - ,, �• 'ri » ; -ir'' c< "
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential >> ;
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising ♦ OA °° • , t �`t`'4-` ••,• ,Iw,;" I
fmm, the use of this map. °°> J e! >e` >> ee ,� • ,'-^". \ • -. - ' - I Plate 2-2
• The activity and location of the North Branch, and the faults south of the North Branch
farther southeast, along West Newport and the Balboa Peninsula are unknown. Ideally,
geologic studies similar in scope to those required by the CGS in Alquist-Priolo Earthquake
Fault Zones should be conducted if new development or redevelopment is proposed in
these areas. In reality, such investigations are not likely to be successful due to the small
lot sizes and very high building density in these portions of the City, combined with the
underlying, geologically young beach and sand dune deposits and shallow ground water.
Trenching in these areas could also negatively impact adjacent properties. It is herein
recommended that a "fault disclosure zone" be placed along the area between the mapped
alignments of the North and South branches of the Newport -Inglewood fault, in the area
where recent studies suggest that the recently active traces of the fault are located. The
purpose of this fault disclosure zone is to make the public aware of the potential hazard
(Plate 2-2). If detailed geological investigations are conducted, the location and activity
status (some of the splays may be proven to have not moved within the last 11,000 years)
of the faults shown on Plate 2-2 may be refined or modified. The map should be amended
as new data become available and are validated.
Although the San Joaquin Hills fault may generate very strong earthquakes, damage from
primary surface rupture is low because this fault is "blind." By definition, a blind thrust is a
reverse fault that does not break the surface during an earthquake. For example, the 1994
Northridge earthquake ruptured on the blind Oakridge fault and was the most costly
earthquake in U.S. history, buy it did not break the surface. However, ground deformation
resulting from uplifting of the landmass during a San Joaquin Hills fault quake could
• damage portions of Newport Beach.
Several other faults, such as the Pelican Hill fault, and the Shady Canyon fault (north of the
City) have been mapped in the San Joaquin Hills (see Plate 2-2). These faults appear to'be
confined to the older bedrock units, with no impact on the younger, Holocene terrace and
alluvial deposits, and are therefore not considered active. Special geological studies for
these faults are not considered warranted.
Geologic studies on the Newport -Inglewood fault suggest that slip per event on this fault
typically exceeds 3 feet (1 m). Most engineered structures are not designed to withstand
this amount of movement, so buildings that straddle a fault will most certainly be damaged
beyond repair if and when the fault breaks the surface. Since it is impractical to reduce the
damage potential to acceptable levels by engineering design, the most appropriate
mitigation measure is to simply avoid placing structures on or near active fault traces.
However, because of the complexity of most active fault zones, particularly at the surface
where they may become braided, splayed or segmented, locating and evaluating the active
traces is often not an easy task. A geologic investigation, which may include fault
trenching, must be performed if structures designed for human occupancy are proposed
within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The study must evaluate whether or not
an active segment of the fault extends across the area of proposed development. Based on
the results of these studies, appropriate structural setbacks can be recommended. Specific
guidelines for evaluating the hazard of fault rupture are presented in Note 49, published by
• the CGS, which is available on the world wide web at:
www.cr�nsrv.ca.t;ov/DMG/Dubs/notes/49/index htm.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2 -3 4
• A common misperception regarding setbacks is that they are always 50 feet from the active
fault trace. In actuality, geologic investigations are required to characterize the ground
deformation associated with an active fault. Based on these studies, specific setbacks are
recommended. if a fault trace is narrow, with little or no associated ground deformation, a
setback distance less than 50 feet may be recommended. Conversely, if the fault zone is
wide, with multiple splays, or is poorly defined, a setback distance greater than 50 feet
may be warranted. State law allows local jurisdictions to establish minimum setback
distances from a hazardous fault, and some communities have taken a prescriptive
approach to this issue, establishing specific setbacks from a fault, rather than allowing for
different widths depending on the circumstances. For example, the City of West
Hollywood requires a 50-foot setback from the Hollywood fault for conventional
structures, and 100-foot setback for critical and high -occupancy facilities.
2.6.2 Secondary Fault Rupture and Related Ground Deformation
Primary fault rupture is rarely confined to a simple line along the fault trace. As the rupture
reaches the brittle surface of the ground, it commonly spreads out into complex fault
patterns of secondary faulting and ground deformation. In the 1992 Landers earthquake,
the zone of deformation around the main trace ranged up to hundreds of feet wide (Lazarte
et al., 1994). Surface displacement and distortion associated with secondary faulting and
deformation can be relatively minor or can be large enough to cause significant damage to
Secondary fault rupture refers to ground surface displacements along faults other than the
• main traces of active regional faults. Unlike the regional faults, these subsidiary faults are
not deeply rooted in the Earth's crust and are not capable of producing damaging
earthquakes on their own. Movement along these faults generally occurs in response to
movement on a nearby regional fault. The zone of secondary faulting can be quite large,
even in a moderate -sized earthquake. For instance, in the 1971 San Fernando quake,
movement along subsidiary faults occurred as much as 2 km from the main trace (Ziony
and Yerkes, 1985).
Secondary faulting in thrust fault terrain is very complex, and numerous types of faulting
have been reported. These include splays, branches, tear faults, shallow thrust faults, and
back -thrusts, as well as faults that form in the shallow subsurface as a result of folding in
sedimentary layers. Identified by Yeats 0982), fold -related types include flexural slip faults
(slippage along bedding planes), and bending -moment faults (tensional or compressional
tears in the axis of folding). A striking example of flexural slip along bedding planes
occurred during the Northridge earthquake, when numerous bedding plane faults ruptured
across the surface of newly graded roads and pads in a subdivision near Santa Clarita. The
ruptures were accompanied by uplift and warping of the nearby ground (Treiman, 1995).
Deformation of this type could occur in Newport Beach, particularly in the hillside areas,
during the next moderate -sized earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault.
Secondary ground deformation includes fracturing, shattering, warping, tilting, uplift and/or
subsidence. Such deformation may be relatively confined along the rupturing fault, or
spread over a large region (such as the regional uplift of the Santa Susana Mountains after
• the Northridge earthquake). Deformation and secondary faulting can also occur without
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-35
• primary ground rupture, as in the case of ground deformation above a blind (buried) thrust
Geotechnical investigations for future development and redevelopment should consider
this hazard. The methodology for evaluating these features is similar to that used for
evaluating primary fault rupture (CGS, previously CDMG Note 49).
Lazarte 0994) outlined three approaches to mitigation of fault rupture hazard, which could
be applied to secondary deformation as well. The first is avoidance, by the use of
structural setback zones. The second is referred to as "geotechnical engineering." This
method consists of placing a compacted fill blanket, or a compacted fill blanket reinforced
with horizontal layers of geogrid, over the top of the fault trace. This is based on
observations that the displacement across a distinct bedrock fault is spread out and
dissipated in the overlying fill, thus reducing the severity of the displacement at the surface.
The third method is "structural engineering." This refers to strengthening foundation
elements to withstand a limited amount of ground deformation. This is based on studies of
foundation performance in the Landers earthquake showing that structures overlying major
fault ruptures suffered considerable damage but did not collapse. Application of the second
and third methods requires a thorough understanding of the geologic environment and
thoughtful engineering judgment. This is because quantifying the extent of future
displacement is difficult, and there are no proven engineering standards in place to
quantify the amount of mitigation needed (for instance how thick a fill blanket is needed).
• 2.7 Geologic Hazards Resulting from Seismic Shaking
2.7.1 Liquefaction and Related Ground Failure
Liquefaction is a geologic process that causes various types of ground failure. Liquefaction
typically occurs in loose, saturated sediments primarily of sandy composition, in the
presence of ground accelerations over 0.2g (Borchardt and Kennedy, 1979; Tinsley and
Fumal, 1985). When liquefaction occurs, the sediments involved have a total or
substantial loss of shear strength, and behave like a liquid or semi -viscous substance.
Liquefaction can cause structural distress or failure due to ground settlement, a loss of
bearing capacity in the foundation soils, and the buoyant rise of buried structures: The
excess hydrostatic pressure generated by ground shaking can result in the formation of
sand boils or mud spouts, and/or seepage of water through ground cracks.
As indicated above, there are three general conditions that need to be met for liquefaction
to occur. The first of these — strong ground shaking of relatively long duration — can be
expected to occur in the Newport Beach area as a result of an earthquake on any of several
active faults in the region (see Section 2.5 above). The second condition — loose,
unconsolidated sediments consisting primarily of silty sand and sand - occurs along the
coastline from West Newport to the tip of Balboa Peninsula, as well as in and around
Newport Bay. Young alluvial sediments also occur along the larger drainages (e.g., Bonita
Canyon) within the City. (see Plates 3-1 and 3-2 in Chapter 3 — Geologic Hazards). The
third condition — water -saturated sediments within about 50 feet of the surface — occurs
• along the coastline, in and around Newport Bay and Upper Newport Bay, in the lower
reaches of major streams in Newport Beach, and in the floodplain of the Santa Ana River.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-36
• Therefore, these are the areas with the potential to experience future liquefaction -induced
ground displacements. The potentially liquefiable areas are shown on Plate 2-3, and are
discussed further below.
Structures built on the sand dune deposits lining the coast from the mouth of the Santa Ana
River to the end of Balboa Peninsula are highly susceptible to liquefaction during an
earthquake because depth to the water table is less than 15 feet. Likewise, buildings on
the estuary deposits within and around Newport Bay are equally at risk from seismically
induced liquefaction because of the shallow water table (Plate 2-3). Areas along major
stream channels, such as Bonita and Big Canyon, are also vulnerable to liquefaction,
especially during wet climatic conditions/seasons. Liquefaction hazard is also mapped
along Buck Gully, Los Trancos Canyon, Muddy Canyon, and the beach area from Corona
del Mar to the eastern boundary of Newport Beach near Reef Point (Plate 2-3).
Although not mapped, shallow groundwater conditions may occur locally in smaller
drainages throughout central and eastern Newport Beach. Since the bedrock that forms the
San Joaquin Hills weathers to sand -sized particles, some of the canyons may contain
sediments susceptible to liquefaction. For example, sediments lining streams flowing
southwest off Pelican Hill may be susceptible to liquefaction. The potential for these areas
to liquefy should be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. Additionally, areas of artificial fill
that have been placed on liquefiable soils may also be at risk.
It is likely that residential or commercial development will never occur in many of the
• liquefiable areas, such as Upper Newport Bay, the Newport Coast beaches, and the
bottoms of stream channels. However, other structures (such as bridges, roadways, major
utility lines, and park improvements) that occupy these areas are vulnerable to damage
from liquefaction if mitigation measures have not been included in their design.
Construction planned for these areas should include liquefaction mitigation measures,
weighing the factors of public safety, the impact to the environment, and the risk of
economic loss. For instance, a parking lot at the beach may not warrant ground
modification measures, especially if the mitigation measures would be destructive to the
environment, but a bridge abutment for a busy roadway would.
A considerable part of the City's mapped liquefiable areas (West Newport, Balboa
Peninsula, the harbor islands and vicinity) are already built upon, mostly with residential
and commercial development. City Hall and a portion of the City's active oil field are also
built on liquefiable soils. It is likely that a nearby moderate to strong earthquake will cause
extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure in these areas. Since retrofitting
mitigation measures are generally not feasible, the City should be prepared to respond to
damage and disruption in the event of an earthquake.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2 -3 7
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o- ^ Q =' ' " X or local geological, geotechnical and
groundwater conditions indicate a potential
i {q i +;z, ,,,y( �� " }.F';-: ,•: for permanent ground displacements such that
mitigation as defined in Public Resources Code
Fy Section 2693c would be required.
• , � -- - ,E� ? „ '• >,+rr ,, -' , ' + t Areas where previous occurrence of landslide
-------- --' movement, or local topographic, geological,
`� �- C' �' _ ;r f •`� n,,,E geotechnical and groundater conditions
indicate a potential for permanent ground
:I displacements such that mitigation as
3 a ° _, ,• defined in Public Resources Code Section
2693c would be required.
NEWPORT BE RrY m' %�J r {,. - �.* __ : ~ �'•� Newport Beach City Boundary
" r �-
\°�h�ati " ` 1 Sphere of Influence
Scale: 1:60,000
• a _ '_�: h iYj rti `Z j \�+y, 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
`+ I , Yr r j. Mites
=!r =!;2 A e" v 'i rr 1 0 1 2 3
f Kilometers
ese+ I - �� - �» �• Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure!MAPS
• """ RASTER
Source: California Geological Survey, 1997; Revised 2001
(Newport, Tustin and Laguna Beach Quadrangles).
AAL Eallh 4`'Ew
NOTES: �•. _s�Consultants
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not a /' F �', - ''
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologiciwesfigatlons of individual sites, io /'�' _ I International
nor does gsal(sy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulalions. Project Number: 2112
Eeaccarth urcyofdedate from whEC�iesemp makes wresderivd. orwarranties
not regarding • -tea `•""s- r "- - '" Date: July, 2003 �ttpoa��
the accuracy of the date from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not ha liable � _ � �
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special. incidental, or consequential �'
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account or, or Wising .' 9 a
from,theuseoPlate .,--•-- `�'-'T•^ ��`"(�''` 1 lnte -3
• The types of ground failure typically associated with liquefaction are explained below.
Lateral Spreading - Lateral displacement of surficial blocks of soil as the result of
liquefaction in a subsurface layer is called lateral spreading. Even a very thin liquefied
layer can act as a hazardous slip plane if it is continuous over a large enough area. Once
liquefaction transforms the subsurface layer into a fluid -like mass, gravity plus inertial
forces caused by the earthquake may move the mass downslope towards a cut slope or
free face (such as a river channel or a canal). Lateral spreading most commonly occurs on
gentle slopes that range between 0.3° and 30, and can displace the ground surface by
several meters to tens of meters. Such movement damages pipelines, utilities, bridges,
roads, and other structures. During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, lateral spreads
with displacements of only a few feet damaged every major pipeline. Thus, liquefaction
compromised San Francisco's ability to fight the fires that caused about 85 percent of the
damage (Tinsley et al., 1985). Lateral Spreading damaged major roads, including Pacific
Coast Highway, around Newport Beach during the 1933 Long Beach Earthquake (Coffman
and Stover, 1993).
Flow Failure - The most catastrophic mode of ground failure caused by liquefaction is flow
failure. Flow failure usually occurs on slopes greater than 30. Flows are principally
liquefied soil or blocks of intact material riding on a liquefied subsurface. Displacements
are often in the tens of meters, but in favorable circumstances, soils can be displaced for
tens of miles, at velocities of tens of miles per hour. For example, the extensive damage to
Seward and Valdez, Alaska, during the 1964 Great Alaskan earthquake was caused by
• submarine flow failures (Tinsley et al., 1985).
Ground Oscillation - When liquefaction occurs at depth but the slope is too gentle to
permit lateral displacement, the soil blocks that are not liquefied may separate from one
another and oscillate on the liquefied zone. The resulting ground oscillation may be
accompanied by the opening and closing of fissures (cracks) and sand boils, potentially
damaging structures and underground utilities (Tinsley et al., 1985).
Loss of Bearing Strength - When a soil liquefies, loss of bearing strength may occur
beneath a structure, possibly causing the building to settle and tip. If the structure is
buoyant, it may float upward. During the 1964 Niigata, Japan earthquake, buried septic
tanks rose as much as 3 feet, and structures in the Kwangishicho apartment complex tilted
as much as 60° (Tinsley et al., 1985).
Ground Lurching - Soft, saturated soils have been observed to move in a wave -like manner
in response to intense seismic ground shaking, forming ridges or cracks on the ground
surface. At present, the potential for ground lurching to occur at a given site can be
predicted only generally. Areas underlain by thick accumulation of colluvium and
alluvium appear to be the most susceptible to ground lurching. Under strong ground
motion conditions, lurching can be expected in loose, cohesionless soils, or in clay -rich
soils with high moisture content. In some cases, the deformation remains after the shaking
stops (Barrows et al., 1994).
In accordance with the SHMA, all projects within a State -delineated Seismic Hazard Zone
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-39
• for liquefaction must be evaluated by a Certified Engineering Geologist and/or Registered
Civil Engineer (this is typically a civil engineer with training and experience in soil
engineering). Most often however, it is appropriate for both the engineer and geologist to
be involved in the evaluation, and in the implementation of the mitigation measures.
Likewise, project review by the local agency must be performed by geologists and
engineers with the same credentials and experience. In order to assist project consultants
and reviewers in the implementation of the SHMA, the State has published specific
guidelines for evaluating and mitigating liquefaction (California Division of Mines and
Geology, 1997). Furthermore, in 1999, a group sponsored by the Southern California
Earthquake Center (SCEC, 1999) published recommended procedures for carrying out the
CGS guidelines. In general, a liquefaction study is designed to identify the depth,
thickness, and lateral extent of any liquefiable layers that would affect the project site. An
analysis is then performed to estimate the type
and amount of ground deformation that might occur, given the seismic potential of the
Mitigation measures generally fall in one of two categories: ground improvement or
foundation design. Ground improvement includes such measures as removal and
recompaction of low -density soils, removal of excess ground water, in -situ ground
densification, and other types of ground improvement (such as grouting or surcharging).
Special foundations that may be recommended range from deep piles to reinforcement of
shallow foundations (such as post -tensioned slabs). Mitigation for lateral spreading may
also include modification of the site geometry or inclusion of retaining structures. The type
• (or combinations of types) of mitigation depend on the site conditions and on the nature of
the proposed project (CDMG, 1997).
It should be remembered that Seismic Hazard Zone Maps may not show all areas that have
the potential for liquefaction, nor is information shown on the maps sufficient to serve as a
substitute for detailed site investigations.
2.7.2 Seismically Induced Settlement
Under certain conditions, strong ground shaking can cause the densification of soils,
resulting in local or regional settlement of the ground surface. During strong shaking, soil
grains become more tightly packed due to the collapse of voids and pore spaces, resulting
in a reduction of the thickness of the soil column. This type of ground failure typically
occurs in loose granular, cohesionless soils, and can occur in either wet or dry conditions.
Unconsolidated young alluvial deposits are especially susceptible to this hazard. Artificial
fills may also experience seismically induced settlement. Damage to structures typically
occurs as a result of local differential settlements. Regional settlement can damage
pipelines by changing the flow gradient on water and sewer lines, for example.
Those portions of the Newport Beach area that may be susceptible to seismically induced
settlement are those underlain by late Quaternary unconsolidated sediments (similar to the
liquefaction -susceptible areas shown on Plate 2-3).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-40
Mitigation measures for seismically induced settlement are similar to those used for
liquefaction. Recommendations are provided by the project's geologist and soil engineer,
following a detailed geotechnical investigation of the site. Overexcavation and
recompaction is the most commonly used method to densify soft soils susceptible to
settlement. Deeper overexcavation below final grades, especially at cut/fill, fill/natural or
alluvium/bedrock contacts may be recommended to provide a more uniform subgrade.
Overexcavation should also be performed so that large differences in fill thickness are not
present across individual lots. In some cases, specially designed' deep foundations,
strengthened foundations, and/or fill compaction to a minimum standard that is higher than
that required by the UBC may be recommended.
2.7.3 Seismically Induced Slope Failure
Strong ground motions can worsen existing unstable slope conditions, particularly if
coupled with saturated ground conditions. Seismically induced landslides can overrun
structures, people or property, sever utility lines, and block roads, thereby hindering rescue
operations after an earthquake. Over 11,000 landslides were mapped shortly after the
1994 Northridge earthquake, all within a 45-mile radius of the epicenter (Harp and Jibson,
1996). Although numerous types of earthquake -induced landslides have been identified,
the most widespread type generally consists of shallow failures involving surficial soils and
the uppermost weathered bedrock in moderate to steep hillside terrain (these are also
called disrupted soil slides). Rock falls and rock slides on very steep slopes are also
common. The 1989 Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes showed that reactivation of
• existing deep-seated landslides also occurs (Spittler et al., 1990; Barrows et al., 1995).
Numerous landslides have been mapped in the San Joaquin Hills in eastern Newport
Beach (Plates 3-1 and 3-4, Chapter 3).
A combination of geologic conditions leads to landslide vulnerability. These include high
seismic potential; rapid uplift and erosion resulting in steep slopes and deeply incised
canyons; highly fractured and folded rock; and rock with inherently weak components,
such as silt or clay layers. The orientation of the slope with respect to the direction of the
seismic waves (which can affect the shaking intensity) can also control the occurrence of
Much of the area in eastern Newport Beach has been identified as vulnerable to
seismically induced slope failure. Approximately 90 percent of the land from Los Trancos
Canyon to State Park boundary is mapped as susceptible to landsliding by the California
Geologic Survey (Plate 2-3). The occurrence of numerous Holocene to latest Pleistocene
(recent to about 20,000 years ago) landslides indicate that slope failures have been
common over a relatively short geologic time period and thus, without mitigation, pose a
significant hazard to developments in these areas. Additionally, the sedimentary bedrock
that crops out in the San Joaquin Hills is locally highly weathered. In steep areas, strong
ground shaking can cause slides or rockfalls in this material. Rupture along the Newport -
Inglewood Fault Zone and other faults in southern California could reactivate existing
landslides and cause new slope failures throughout the San Joaquin Hills. The least
vulnerable areas are those located along the major ridgelines and other isolated areas with
low angle slopes (Plate 2-3). Slope failures can also be expected to occur along stream
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards
Page 2-41
banks and coastal bluffs, such as Big Canyon, around San Joaquin Reservoir, Newport and
Upper Newport Bays, and Corona del Mar.
Ground water conditions at the time of the earthquake play an important role in the
development of seismically induced slope failures. For instance, the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake occurred in April, after a winter of exceptionally heavy rainfall, and produced
many large landslides and mudflows, some of which were responsible for several deaths.
The 1987 Loma Prieta earthquake however, occurred in October during the third year of a
drought, and slope failures were limited primarily to rock falls and reactivation of older
landslides that was manifested as ground cracking in the scarp areas but with very little
movement (Griggs et al., 1991).
Existing slopes that are to remain adjacent to or within developments should be evaluated
for the geologic conditions mentioned above. in general, slopes steeper than about 15
degrees are most susceptible, however failures can occur on flatter slopes if unsupported
weak rock units are exposed in the slope face. For suspect slopes, appropriate
geotechnical investigation and slope stability analyses should be performed for both static
and dynamic (earthquake) conditions. For deeper slides, mitigation typically includes such
measures as buttressing slopes or regrading the slope to a different configuration.
Protection from rockfalls or surficial slides can often be achieved by protective devices
such as barriers, rock fences, retaining structures, catchment areas, or a combination of the
above. The runout area of the slide at the base of the slope, and the potential bouncing of
• rocks must also be considered. If it is not feasible to mitigate the unstable slope
conditions, building setbacks should be imposed.
In accordance with the SHMA, all development projects within a State -delineated Seismic
Hazard Zone for seismically induced landsliding must be evaluated and reviewed by State -
licensed engineering geologists and/or civil engineers (for landslide investigation and
analysis, this typically requires both). In order to assist in the implementation of the
SHMA, the State has published specific guidelines for evaluating and mitigating seismically
induced landslides (CDMG, 1997). More recently, the Southern California Earthquake
Center (SCEC, 2002) sponsored the publication of the "Recommended Procedures for
Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117." These procedures are expected to be
adopted by the Los Angeles and Riverside Counties and other cities and counties in
California in the next year or so, pending some slight revisions and further discussions
among the geotechnical community.
2.7.4 Deformation of Sidehill Fills
Sidehill fills are artificial fill wedges typically constructed on natural slopes to create
roadways or level building pads. Deformation of sidehill fills was noted in earlier
earthquakes, but this phenomenon was particularly widespread during the 1994
Northridge earthquake. Older, poorly engineered road fills were most commonly affected,
but in localized areas, building pads of all ages experienced deformation. The deformation
was usually manifested as ground cracks at the cut/fill contacts, differential settlement in
the fill wedge, and bulging of the slope face. The amount of displacement on the pads was
• generally about three inches or less, but this resulted in minor to severe property damage
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-42
• (Stewart et al., 1995). This phenomenon was most common in relatively thin fills (about
27 feet or less) placed near the tops or noses of narrow ridges (Barrows et al., 1995).
Hillside grading designs should be evaluated during site-specific.geotechnical
investigations to determine if there is a potential for this hazard. There are currently no
proven engineering standards for mitigating sidehill fill deformation, consequently current
published research on this topic should be reviewed by project consultants at the time of
their investigation. It is thought that the effects of this hazard on structures may be reduced
by the use of post -tensioned foundations, deeper overexcavation below finish grades,
deeper overexcavation on cut/fill transitions, and/or higher fill compaction criteria.
2.7.5 Ridgetop Fissuring and Shattering
Linear, fault -like fissures occurred on ridge crests in a relatively concentrated area of
rugged terrain in the Santa Cruz Mountains during the Loma Prieta earthquake. Shattering
of the surface soils on the crests of steep, narrow ridgelines occurred locally in the 1971
San Fernando earthquake, but was widespread in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
Ridgetop shattering (which leaves the surface looking as if it was plowed) by the
Northridge earthquake was observed as far as 22 miles away from the epicenter. In the
Sherman Oaks area, severe damage occurred locally to structures located at the tops of
relatively high (greater than 100 feet), narrow (typically less than 300 feet wide) ridges
flanked by slopes steeper than about 2.5:1 (horizontal:vertical). It is generally accepted
that ridgetop fissuring and shattering is a result of intense amplification or focusing of
• seismic energy due to local topographic effects (Barrows et al., 1995).
Ridgetop shattering can be expected to occur in the topographically steep portions of the
San Joaquin Hills. These areas are rapidly being developed so the hazard associated with
ridgetop shattering is increasing. In addition, above ground storage tanks, reservoirs and
utility towers are often located on top of ridges, and during strong ground shaking, these
can fail or topple over, with the potential to cause widespread damage to development
downslope (storage tanks and reservoirs), or disruptions to the lifeline systems (utility
Projects located in steep hillside areas should be evaluated for this hazard by a Certified
Engineering Geologist. Although it is difficult to predict exactly where this hazard may
occur, avoidance of development along the tops of steep, narrow ridgelines is probably the
best mitigation measure. For large developments, recontouring of the topography to
reduce the conditions conducive to ridgetop amplification, along with overexcavation
below finish grades to remove and recompact weak, fractured bedrock might reduce this
hazard to an acceptable level.
2.7.6 Seiches
Reservoirs, lakes, ponds, swimming pools and other enclosed bodies of water are subject
to potentially damaging oscillations (sloshing) called seiches. This hazard is dependent
upon specific earthquake parameters (e.g. frequency of the seismic waves, distance and
• direction from the epicenter), as well as site -specific design of the enclosed bodies of
water, and is thus difficult to predict. Areas of the City that may be vulnerable to this
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-43
• hazard are primarily improvements located next to waterways, such as Newport Harbor,
and the southern part of Upper Newport Bay, however, as discussed previously in Chapter
1, the risk of seiching in the area is considered low. The San Joaquin and Big Canyon
Reservoirs would also be subject to seiches. This is discussed further in Section 4.2 of
Chapter 4 —Flooding Hazards). Minor seiching in pools can also occur.
The degree of damage'to small bodies of water, such as to swimming pools, would likely
be minor. However, property owners downslope from pools that could seiche during an
earthquake should be aware of the potential hazard to their property should a pool lose
substantial amounts of water during an earthquake. Site -specific design elements, such as
baffles, to reduce the potential for seiches are warranted in tanks and in open reservoirs or
ponds where overflow or failure of the structure may cause damage to nearby properties.
Damage to water tanks in recent earthquakes, such as the 1992 Landers -Big Bear sequence
and the 1994 Northridge, resulted from seiching. As a result, the American Water Works
Association (AWWA) Standards for Design of Steel Water Tanks (D-100) provide new
criteria for seismic design (Lund, 1994). Damage to watercraft and boat docking facilities,
and potentially to waterfront homes and businesses, is likely in the event of seiches in
Newport Harbor.
2.8 Vulnerability of Structures to Earthquake Hazards
This section assesses the general earthquake vulnerability of structures and facilities
• common in the Newport Beach area. This analysis is based on past earthquake
performance of similar types of buildings in the U.S. The effects of design earthquakes on
particular structures within the City are beyond the scope of this study. However, utilizing
a recent standardized methodology developed for the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), general estimates of losses are provided in Section 2.9 of this report.
Although it is not possible to prevent earthquakes from occurring, their destructive effects
can be minimized. Comprehensive hazard mitigation programs that include the
identification and mapping of hazards, prudent planning and enforcement of building
codes, and expedient retrofitting and rehabilitation of weak structures can significantly
reduce the scope of an earthquake disaster.
With these goals in mind, the State Legislature passed Senate Bill 547, addressing the
identification and seismic upgrade of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) buildings. In addition,
the law encourages identification and mitigation of seismic hazards associated with other
types of potentially hazardous buildings, including pre-1971 concrete tilt -ups, soft -stories,
mobile homes, and pre-1940 homes.
2.8.1 Potentially Hazardous Buildings and Structures
Most of the loss of life and injuries due to an earthquake are related to the collapse of
hazardous buildings and structures. FEMA (1985) defines a hazardous building as "any
inadequately earthquake resistant building, located in a seismically active area, that
presents a potential for life loss or serious injury when a damaging earthquake occurs."
• Building codes have generally been made more stringent following damaging earthquakes.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-44
• Building damage is commonly classified as either structural or non-structural. Structural
damage impairs the building's support. This includes any vertical and lateral force -
resisting systems, such as frames, walls, and columns. Non-structural damage does not
affect the integrity of the structural support system, but includes such things as broken
windows, collapsed or rotated chimneys, unbraced parapets that fall into the street, and
fallen ceilings.
During an earthquake, buildings get thrown from side to side and up and down. Given the
same acceleration, heavier buildings are subjected to higher forces than lightweight
buildings. Damage occurs when structural members are overloaded, or when differential
movements between different parts of the structure strain the structural components. Larger
earthquakes and longer shaking duration tend to damage structures more. The level of
damage can be predicted only in general terms, since no two buildings undergo the exact
same motions, even in the same earthquake. Past earthquakes have shown us, however,
that some types of buildings are far more likely to fail than others.
Unreinforced Masonry Buildings — Unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs) are prone to
failure due to inadequate anchorage of the masonry walls to the roof and floor diaphragms,
lack of steel reinforcing, the limited strength and ductility of the building materials, and
sometimes, poor construction workmanship. Furthermore, as these buildings age, the
bricks and mortar tend to deteriorate, making the buildings even weaker.
In response to the 1986 URM Law, the City of Newport Beach inventoried their URMs. In(�
• the year 2000, the City reported to the Seismic Safety Commission that 127 URMs had VJ
been identified. Of these, only 3 buildings were considered of historical significance. By
2000, all 127 building owners had been notified about the hazards of URM construction,
and 125 of the URMs were in compliance with the provisions of the URM Law. One
building had been demolished and one more was unoccupied and slated for demolition as
of 2000.
Soft -Story Buildings - Of particular concern are soft -story buildings (buildings with a story,
generally the first floor, lacking adequate strength or toughness due to too few shear walls).
Apartments above glass -fronted stores, and buildings perched atop parking garages are
common examples of soft -story buildings. Collapse of a soft story and "pancaking" of the
remaining stories killed 16 people at the Northridge Meadows apartments during the 1994
Northridge earthquake (EERI, 1994). There are many other cases of soft -story collapses in
past earthquakes. To date, the City of Newport Beach has reportedly not conducted a
survey of their soft -story construction (Mr. Faisal Jurdi, Newport Beach Building
Department, personal communication).
Wood -Frame Structures - Structural damage to wood -frame structures often results from an
inadequate connection between the superstructure and the foundation. These buildings
may slide off their foundations, with consequent damage to plumbing and electrical
connections. Unreinforced masonry chimneys may also collapse. These types of damage
are generally not life threatening, although they may be costly to repair. Wood frame
buildings with stud walls generally perform well in an earthquake, unless they have no
• foundation or have a weak foundation constructed of unreinforced masonry or poorly
reinforced concrete. In these cases, damage is generally limited to cracking of the stucco,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-45
• which dissipates much of the earthquake's induced energy. The collapse of wood frame
structures, if it happens, generally does not generate heavy debris, but rather, the wood
and plaster debris can be cut or broken into smaller pieces by hand-held equipment and
removed by hand in order to reach victims (FEMA, 1985).
Pre -Cast Concrete Structures - Partial or total collapse of buildings where the floors, walls
and roofs fail as large intact units, such as large pre -cast concrete panels, cause the greatest
loss of life and difficulty in victim rescue and extrication (FEMA, 1985). These types of
buildings are common not only in southern California, but abroad. Casualties as a result of
collapse of these structures in past earthquakes, including Mexico (1985), Armenia (1988),
Nicaragua (1972), El Salvador (1986 and 2001), the Philippines (1990) and Turkey (1999)
add to hundreds of thousands. In southern California, many of the parking structures that
failed during the Northridge earthquake, such as the Cal -State Northridge and City of
Glendale Civic Center parking structures, consisted of pre -cast concrete components (EERI,
Collapse of this type of structure generates heavy debris, and removal of this debris
requires the use of heavy mechanical equipment. Consequently, the location and
extrication of victims trapped under the rubble is generally a slow and dangerous process.
Extrication of trapped victims within the first 24 hours after the earthquake becomes critical
for survival. In most instances, however, post -earthquake planning fails to quickly procure
equipment needed to move heavy debris. The establishment of Heavy Urban Search and
Rescue teams, as recommended by FEMA (1985), has improved victim extrication and
• survivability. Buildings that are more likely to fail and generate heavy debris need to be
identified, so that appropriate mitigation and planning procedures are defined prior to an
Tilt -up Buildings - Tilt -up buildings have concrete wall panels, often cast on the ground, or
fabricated off -site and trucked in, that are tilted upward into their final position.
Connections and anchors have pulled out of walls during earthquakes, causing the floors
or roofs to collapse. A high rate of failure was observed for this type of construction in the
1971 San Fernando and 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquakes. Tilt -up buildings can also
generate heavy debris.
Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings - Reinforced concrete frame buildings, with or
without reinforced infill walls, display low ductility. Earthquakes may cause shear failure (if
there are large tie spacings in columns, or insufficient shear strength), column failure (due
to inadequate rebar splices, inadequate reinforcing of beam -column joints, or insufficient
tie anchorage), hinge deformation (due to lack of continuous beam reinforcement), and
non-structural damage (due to the relatively low stiffness of the frame). A common type of
failure observed following the Northridge earthquake was confined column collapse (EERI,
1994), where infilling between columns confined the length of the columns that could
move laterally in the earthquake.
Multi -Story Steel Frame Buildings - Multi -story steel frame buildings generally have
concrete floor slabs. However, these buildings are less likely to collapse than concrete
• structures. Common damage to these types of buildings is generally non-structural,
including collapsed exterior curtain wall (cladding), and damage to interior partitions and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-46
equipment. Overall, modern steel frame buildings have been expected to perform well in
earthquakes, but the 1994 Northridge earthquake broke many welds in these buildings, a
previously unanticipated problem.
Older, pre-1945 steel frame structures may have unreinforced masonry such as bricks, clay
tiles and terra cotta tiles as cladding or infilling. Cladding in newer buildings may be glass,
infill panels or pre -cast panels that may fail and generate a band of debris around the
building exterior (with considerable threat to pedestrians in the streets below). Structural
damage may occur if the structural members are subject to plastic deformation which can
cause permanent displacements. If some walls fail while others remain intact, torsion or
soft -story problems may result.
Mobile Homes - Mobile homes are prefabricated housing units that are placed on isolated
piers, jackstands, or masonry block foundations (usually without any positive anchorage).
Floors and roofs of mobile homes are usually plywood, and outside surfaces are covered
with sheet metal. Mobile homes typically do not perform well in earthquakes. Severe
damage occurs when they fall off their supports, severing utility lines and piercing the floor
with jackstands.
Combination Types - Buildings are often a combination of steel, concrete, reinforced
masonry and wood, with different structural systems on different floors or different sections
of the building. Combination types that are potentially hazardous include: concrete frame
buildings without special reinforcing, precast concrete and precast -composite buildings,
• steel frame or concrete frame buildings with unreinforced masonry walls, reinforced
concrete wall buildings with no special detailing or reinforcement, large capacity buildings
with long -span roof structures (such as theaters and auditoriums), large un-engineered
wood -frame buildings, buildings with inadequately anchored exterior cladding and
glazing, and buildings with poorly anchored parapets and appendages (FEMA, 1985).
Additional types of potentially hazardous buildings may be recognized after future
In addition to building types, there are other factors associated with the design and
construction of the buildings that also have an impact on the structures' vulnerability to
strong ground shaking. Some of these conditions are discussed below:
Building Shape - A building's vertical and/or horizontal shape can also be important.
Simple, symmetric buildings generally perform better than non -symmetric buildings.
During an earthquake, non -symmetric buildings tend to twist as well as shake. Wings on a
building tend to act independently during an earthquake, resulting in differential
movements and cracking. The geometry of the lateral load -resisting systems also matters.
For example, buildings with one or two walls made mostly of glass, while the remaining
walls are made of concrete or brick, are at risk. Asymmetry in the placement of bracing
systems that provide a building with earthquake resistance can result in twisting or
differential motions.
Pounding - Site -related seismic hazards may include the potential for neighboring
• buildings to "pound", or for one building to collapse onto a neighbor. Pounding occurs
when there is little clearance between adjacent buildings, and the buildings "pound"
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-47
• against each other as they deflect during an earthquake. The effects of pounding can be
especially damaging if the floors of the buildings are at different elevations, so that, for
example, the floor of one building hits a supporting column of the other. Damage to a
supporting column can result in partial or total building collapse.
2.8.2 Essential Facilities
Essential facilities are those parts of a community's infrastructure that must remain
operational after an earthquake. Buildings that house essential services include schools,
hospitals, fire and police stations, emergency operation centers, and communication
centers. Plate 2-4 shows the locations of the City's fire stations, police stations, schools,
and other essential facilities. A vulnerability assessment for these facilities involves
comparing their locations to hazardous areas identified in the City, including active and
potentially active faults (Plate 2-2), liquefaction -susceptible areas (Plate 2-3), unstable
slope areas (Plates 3-1 and 3-4), potential flood areas due to either storm events or coastal
processes (Plates 1-3 through 1-5 and 4-2), dam failure inundation areas (Plate 4-3), fire
hazard zones (Plates 5-2 and 5-3), and sites that generate hazardous materials (Plate 6-1).
High -risk facilities, if severely damaged, may result in a disaster far beyond the facilities
themselves. Examples include power plants, dams and flood control structures, and
industrial plants that use or store explosives, toxic materials or petroleum products.
High -occupancy facilities have the potential of resulting in a large number of casualties or
crowd -control problems. This category includes high-rise buildings, large assembly
• facilities, and large multifamily residential complexes.
Dependent -care facilities, such as preschools and schools, rehabilitation centers, prisons,
group care homes, and nursing homes, house populations with special evacuation
Economic facilities, such as banks, archiving and vital record -keeping facilities, airports,
and large industrial or commercial centers, are those facilities that should remain
operational to avoid severe economic impacts.
It is crucial that essential facilities have no structural weaknesses that can lead to collapse.
For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, 1985) has suggested the
following seismic performance goals for health care facilities:
The damage to the facilities should be limited to what might be reasonably expected
after a destructive earthquake and should be repairable and not be life -threatening.
Patients, visitors, and medical, nursing, technical and support staff within and
immediately outside the facility should be protected during an earthquake.
Emergency utility systems in the facility should remain operational after an earthquake.
Occupants should be able to evacuate the facility safely after an earthquake.
Rescue and emergency workers should be able to enter the facility immediately after
an earthquake and should encounter only minimum interference and danger.
The facility should be available for its planned disaster response role after an
• earthquake.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-48
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This map is intended forgeneml land use planning only. Information on this map is not F. I , 3:
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites, e �r®` -, ._, ; ` Intematanal 'v �''�-= '-poll
nordoes It satisfylhe evaluatlon requirements setforth In geologic hazardregulatlons. •
Project Number. 2112
Earth Consultants International(ECQ makes no represerdetions or warranties regarding e�'�r �• ^``.^"'-- + �ttyoR��.%-
Iheaccutacy of the data from which these maswerederived. EClshall not baliable ° r® y'. '••�'� - r e Date: July,2003
under any circumstances for any direct, Indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by ally user or third party on account of, or arising••..,+i;•-',,> �, .- //{{
from,the useofthis map. `Gy Plate
late 2-4
2.8.3 Lifelines
. Lifelines are those services that are critical to the health, safety and functioning of the
community. They are particularly essential for emergency response and recovery after an
earthquake. Furthermore, certain critical facilities designed to remain functional during
and immediately after an earthquake may be able to provide only limited services if the
lifelines they depend on are disrupted. Lifeline systems include water, sewage, electrical
power, communication, transportation (highways, bridges, railroads, and airports), natural
gas, and liquid fuel systems. The improved performance of lifelines in the 1994 Northridge
earthquake, relative to the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, shows that the seismic codes
upgraded and implemented after 1971 have been effective. Nevertheless, the impact of
the Northridge quake on lifeline systems was widespread and illustrates the continued
need to study earthquake impacts, to upgrade substandard elements in the systems, to
provide redundancy in systems, to improve emergency response plans, and to provide
adequate planning, budgeting and financing for seismic safety.
Water supply facilities, such as dams, reservoirs, pumping stations, water treatment plants,
and distribution lines are especially critical after an earthquake, not only for drinking
water, but to fight fires. Failure of dams and reservoirs during an earthquake is discussed
further in Chapter 4.
Some of the observations and lessons learned from the Northridge earthquake are
summarized below (from Savage, 1995; Lund, 1996).
• Several electrical transmission towers were damaged or totally collapsed. Collapse
was generally due to foundation distress in towers that were located near ridge tops
where amplification of ground motion may have occurred. One collapse was the
result of a seismically induced slope failure at the base of the tower.
Damage to above ground water tanks typically occurred where piping and joints were
rigidly connected to the tank, due to differential movement between the tank and the
piping. Older steel tanks not seismically designed under current standards buckled at
the bottom (called "elephant's foot"), in the shell, and on the roof. Modern steel and
concrete tanks generally performed well.
The most vulnerable components of pipeline distribution systems were older threaded
joints, cast iron valves, cast iron pipes with rigid joints, and older steel pipes weakened
by corrosion. In the case of broken water lines, the loss of fire suppression water
forced fire departments to utilize water from swimming pools and tanker trucks.
Significant damage occurred in water treatment plants due to sloshing in large water
A number of facilities did not have an emergency power supply or did not have
enough power supply capacity to provide their essential services.
Lifelines within critical structures, such as hospitals and fire stations, may be
vulnerable. For instance, rooftop mechanical and electrical equipment is not generally
designed for seismic forces. During the Northridge quake, rooftop equipment failed
causing malfunctions in other systems.
A 70-year old crude oil pipeline leaked from a cracked weld, spreading oil for 12 miles
down the Santa Clara River.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-50
. The above list is by no means a complete summary of the earthquake damage, but it does
highlight some of the issues pertinent to the Newport Beach area. All lifeline providers
should make an evaluation of the seismic vulnerability within their systems a priority. The
evaluation should include a plan to fund and schedule the needed seismic mitigation.
2.9 HAZUS Earthquake Scenario Loss Estimations for the City of Newport Beach
HAZUS-99Tm is a standardized methodology for earthquake loss estimation based on a geographic
information system (GIS). A project of the National Institute of Building Sciences, funded by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), it is a powerful advance in mitigation strategies.
The HAZUS project developed guidelines and procedures to make standardized earthquake loss
estimates at a regional scale. With standardization, estimates can be compared from region to
region. HAZUS is designed for use by state, regional and local governments in planning for
earthquake loss mitigation, emergency preparedness, response and recovery. HAZUS addresses
nearly all aspects of the built environment, and many different types of losses. The methodology
has been tested against the experience of several past earthquakes, and against the judgment of
experts. Subject to several limitations noted below, HAZUS can produce results that are valid for
the intended purposes.
Loss estimation is an invaluable tool, but must be used with discretion. Loss estimation analyzes
casualties, damage and economic loss in great detail. It produces seemingly precise numbers that
can be easily misinterpreted. Loss estimation's results, for example, may cite 4,054 left homeless
. by a scenario earthquake. This is best interpreted by its magnitude. That is, an event that leaves
4,000 people homeless is clearly more manageable than an event causing 40,000 homeless
people; and an event that leaves 400,000 homeless would overwhelm a community's resources.
However, another loss estimation that predicts 7,000 people homeless should probably be
considered equivalent to the 4,054 result. Because HAZUS results make use of a great number of
parameters and data of varying accuracy and completeness, it is not possible to assign quantitative
error bars. Although the numbers should not be taken at face value, they are not rounded or
edited because detailed evaluation of individual components of the disaster can help mitigation
agencies ensure that they have considered all the important options.
The more community -specific the data that are input to HAZUS, the more reliable the loss
estimation. HAZUS provides defaults for all required information. These are based on best -
available scientific, engineering, census and economic knowledge. The loss estimations in this
report have been tailored to Newport Beach by using a map of soil types for the City. HAZUS(�
relies on 1990 Census data, but for the purposes of this study, we replaced the population by V�
census tract data that came with the software with the 2000 Census data. Other modifications
made to the data set before running the analyses include:
updated the database of critical facilities, including the number and location of the fire and
police stations in the City,
revised the number of beds available in the one major hospital in Newport Beach to better
represent its current patient capacity, and
• upgraded the construction level for most unreinforced masonry buildings in the City to
better represent the City's retrofitting efforts of the last decade.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-51
• As useful as HAZUS seems to be, the loss estimation methodology has some inherent
uncertainties. These arise in part from incomplete scientific knowledge concerning earthquakes
and their effect upon buildings and facilities, and in part from the approximations and
simplifications necessary for comprehensive analyses.
Users should be aware of the following specific limitations:
HAZUS is driven by statistics, and thus is most accurate when applied to a region, or a
class of buildings or facilities. It is least accurate when considering a particular site,
building or facility.
Losses estimated for lifelines may be less than losses estimated for the general building
Losses from smaller (less than M 6.0) damaging earthquakes may be overestimated.
Pilot and calibration studies have not yet provided an adequate test concerning the
possible extent and effects of landsliding.
The indirect economic loss module is new and experimental. While output from pilot
studies has generally been credible, this module requires further testing.
The databases that HAZUS draws from to make its estimates are often incomplete or
outdated (as discussed above, efforts were made to improve some of the datasets used for
the analysis, but for some estimates, the software still relies on 1990 census tracts data and
1994 Dunn & Bradstreet economic reports). This is another reason the loss estimates
should not be taken at face value.
• 2.9.1 Methodology, Terminology and Input Data Used in the Earthquake Loss Estimations for the City
The flow chart in Figure 2-4 illustrates the modules (or components) of a HAZUS analysis.
The HAZUS software uses population data by census tract and general building stock data
from Dunn & Bradstreet (DNB).
Essential facilities and lifeline inventory are located by latitude and longitude. However,
the HAZUS inventory data for lifelines and utilities were developed at a national level and
where specific data are lacking, statistical estimations are utilized. Specifics about the
site -specific inventory data used in the models are discussed further in the paragraphs
below. Other site -specific data used include soil types and liquefaction susceptible zones.
The user then defines the earthquake scenario to be modeled, including the magnitude of
the earthquake, and the location of the epicenter. Once all these data are input, the
software calculates the loss estimates for each scenario.
The loss estimates include physical damage to buildings of different construction and
occupancy types, damage to essential facilities and lifelines, number of after -earthquake
fires and damage due to fire, and the amount of debris that is expected. The model also
estimates the direct economic and social losses, including casualties and fatalities for three
different times of the day, the number of people left homeless and number of people that
will require shelter, number of hospital beds available, and the economic losses due to
damage to the places of businesses, loss of inventory, and (to some degree) loss of jobs.
The indirect economic losses component is still experimental; the calculations in the
• software are checked against actual past earthquakes, such as the 1989 Loma Prieta and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-52
Data In
Inventory .I
rknsusTract ,
Site -Specific
1990 Census
Essential and
High Potential
Data I
Lifeline -
Building Stock
I Transportation
(1994 D&B
occupancy data)
utility Systems
(URM inventory,
Direct EconomirY
Building damage
1 Casualtfesend
based on buildfn8
of day,
people left home`
Damage to essentfaP
Hospital beds
Damage to different
structural types
Economic losses
Fire -after-
Lossof business
AIJ�_ Earth
Project Number: 2112
Date: July, 2003
Sol Types
Indirect Economic
(still 6perimentaq•
Broken, links'
between suppllers
and costumers
Employment and
Income changes
Generalized Flow Chart
the HAZUS Methodology
User -defined
(Shake Mdps)
fror f
eathquake .
wind effects
Figure 2-4
1994 Northridge earthquake, but indirect losses are hard to measure, and it typically takes
years before these monetary losses can be quantified with any degree of accuracy.
Therefore, this component of HAZUS is still considered experimental.
Critical Facilities: HAZUS breaks critical facilities into two groups: essential facilities and
high potential loss (HPL) facilities. Essential facilities provide services to the community
and should be functional after an earthquake. Essential facilities include hospitals, medical
clinics, schools, fire stations, police stations and emergency operations facilities. The
essential facility module in HAZUS determines the expected loss of functionality for these
facilities. The damage probabilities for essential facilities are determined on a site -specific
basis (i.e., at each facility).
Economic losses associated with these facilities are computed as part of the analysis of the
general building stock. Data required for the analysis include occupancy classes (current
building use) and building structural type, or a combination of essential facilities building
type, design level and construction quality factor. High potential loss facilities include
dams, levees, military installations, nuclear power plants and hazardous material sites.
Transportation and Utility Lifelines: HAZUS divides the lifeline inventory into two systems:
transportation and utility lifelines. The transportation system includes seven components:
highways, railways, light rail, bus, ports, ferry and airports. The utility lifelines include
potable water, wastewater, natural gas, crude and refined oil, electric power and
communications. If site -specific lifeline utility data are not provided for these analyses,
HAZUS performs a statistical calculation based on the population served.
General Building Stock Type and Classification: HAZUS provides damage data for
buildings based on these structural types:
Mobile Home
Precast Concrete
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
Wood Frame
and based on these occupancy (usage) classifications:
Government and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards
Page 2-54
• Building Damage Classification - Loss estimation for the general building stock is averaged
for each census tract. Building damage classifications range from slight to complete. As
an example, the building damage classification for wood frame buildings is provided
below. Wood -frame structures comprise the City's most numerous building type.
Wood. Light Frame:
• Slight Structural Damage: Small cracks in the plaster or gypsum -board at corners of
door and window openings and wall -ceiling intersections; small cracks in masonry
chimneys and masonry veneer.
• Moderate Structural Damage: Large cracks in the plaster or gypsum -board at
corners of door and window openings; small diagonal cracks across shear wall
panels exhibited by small cracks in stucco and gypsum wall panels; large cracks in
brick chimneys; toppling of tall masonry chimneys.
• Extensive Structural Damage: Large diagonal cracks across shear wall panels or
large cracks at plywood joints; permanent lateral movement of floors and roof;
toppling of most brick chimneys; cracks in foundations; splitting of wood sill plates
and/or slippage of structure over foundations; partial collapse of "room -over -
garage" or other "soft -story" configurations; small foundations cracks.
• Complete Structural Damage: Structure may have large permanent lateral
displacement, may collapse, or be in imminent danger of collapse due to cripple
wall failure or failure of the lateral load resisting system; some structures may slip
and fall off the foundations; large foundation cracks.
• Incorporation of Historic Building Code Design Functions - Estimates of building damage
are provided for "High", "Moderate" and "Low" seismic design criteria. Buildings of newer
construction (e.g., post-1973) are best designated by "High." Buildings built after 1940, but
before 1973, are best represented by "Moderate." If built before about 1940 (i.e., before
significant seismic codes were implemented), "Low" is most appropriate. A large
percentage of buildings in the City of Newport Beach fall in the "Moderate" and "High" a
seismic design criteria, but in some sections of the City, such as in West Newport, the
Balboa Peninsula and Corona del Mar, many of the buildings fall in the "Low" category.
Fires Following Earthquakes - Fires following earthquakes can cause severe losses. In some
instances, these losses can outweigh the losses from direct damage, such as collapse of
buildings and disruption of lifelines. Many factors affect the severity of the fires following
an earthquake, including but not limited to: ignition sources; types and density of fuel,
weather conditions, functionality of water systems, and the ability of fire fighters to
suppress the fires.
A complete fire -following -earthquake model requires extensive input about the readiness
of local fire departments and the types and availability (functionality) of water systems.
The fire following earthquake model presented here is simplified. With better
understanding of fires that will be garnered after future earthquakes, forecasting capability
will undoubtedly improve. For additional information regarding this topic, refer to the Fire
Hazards Chapter (Chapter 5).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-55
. Debris Generation - HAZUS estimates two types of debris. The first is debris that falls in
large pieces, such as steel members or reinforced concrete elements. These require special
treatment to break into smaller pieces before they are hauled away. The second type of
debris is smaller and more easily moved with bulldozers and other machinery and tools.
This type includes brick, wood, glass, building contents and other materials.
Estimating Casualties - Casualties are estimated based on the assumption that there is a
strong correlation between building damage (both structural and non-structural) and the
number and severity of casualties. In smaller earthquakes, non-structural damage will
most likely control the casualty estimates. In severe earthquakes where there will be a
large number of collapses- and partial collapses, there will be- a proportionately larger
number of fatalities. Data regarding earthquake -related injuries are not of the best quality,
nor are they available for all building types. Available data often have insufficient
information about the type of structure in which the casualties occurred and the casualty -
generating mechanism. HAZUS casualty estimates are based on the injury classification
scale described in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3: Injury Classification Scale
Injury Severity
Injury Description
Severity t
Injuries requiring basic medical aid without requiring hospitalization.
Severity 2
Injuries requiring a greater degree of medical care and hospitalization,
but not expected to progress to a life -threatening status.
Severity 3
Injuries which pose an immediate life -threatening condition if not
treated adequately and expeditiously. The majority of these injuries
are the result of structural collapse and subsequent entrapment or
impairment of the occupants.
Severity 4
Instantaneously killed or mortally injured.
In addition, HAZUS produces casualty estimates for three times of day:
Earthquake striking at 2:00 A.M. (population at home)
Earthquake striking at 2:00 P.M. (population at work/school)
Earthquake striking at 5.00 P.M. (commute time).
Displaced Households/Shelter Requirements - Earthquakes can cause loss of function or
habitability of buildings that contain housing. Displaced households may need alternative
short-term shelter, provided by family, friends, temporary rentals, or public shelters
established by the City, County or by relief organizations such as the Red Cross. Long-term
alternative housing may require import of mobile homes, occupancy of vacant units, net
emigration from the impacted area, or, eventually, the repair or reconstruction of new
public and private housing. The number of people seeking short-term public shelter is of
most concern to emergency response organizations. The longer -term impacts on the
housing stock are of great concern to local governments, such as cities and counties.
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-56
• Economic Losses - HAZUS estimates structural and nonstructural repair costs caused by
building damage and the associated loss of building contents and business inventory.
Building damage can cause additional losses by restricting the building's ability to function
properly. Thus, business interruption and rental income losses are estimated. HAZUS
divides building losses into two categories: (1) direct building losses and (2) business
interruption losses. Direct building losses are the estimated costs to repair or replace the
damage caused to the building and its contents. Business interruption losses are associated
with inability to operate a business because of the damage sustained during the
earthquake. Business interruption losses also include the temporary living expenses for
those people displaced from their homes because of the earthquake.
Earthquakes may produce indirect economic losses in sectors that do not sustain direct
damage. All businesses are forward -linked (if they rely on regional customers to purchase
their output) or backward -linked (if they rely on regional suppliers to provide their inputs)
and are thus potentially vulnerable to interruptions in their operation. Note that indirect
losses are not confined to immediate customers or suppliers of damaged enterprises. All of
the successive rounds of customers of customers and suppliers of suppliers are affected. In
this way, even limited physical earthquake damage causes a chain reaction, or ripple
effect, that is transmitted throughout the regional economy.
2.9.2 HAZUS Scenario Earthquakes for the Newport Beach Area
Four specific scenario earthquakes were modeled using the HAZUS loss estimation
software available from FEMA: earthquakes on the San Joaquin Hills, Newport -Inglewood,
• Whittier, and San Andreas faults (see Table 2-4).
The four earthquake scenarios modeled for this study are discussed in the following
sections. An earthquake on the San Andreas fault is discussed because it has the highest
probability of occurring in the not too distant future, even though the loses expected from
this earthquake are not the worst possible for Newport Beach. An earthquake on the San
Andreas fault has traditionally been considered the "Big One," the implication being that
an earthquake on this fault would be devastating to southern California. However, there
are several other seismic sources that, given their location closer to coastal Orange County,
would be more devastating to the region, even if the causative earthquake is smaller in
magnitude than an earthquake on the San Andreas fault.
The San Joaquin Hills Blind Thrust was only discovered in the late 1990s and its geometry
and behavior are not well constrained. However, an earthquake on this fault, due to its
blind thrust geometry and location has the potential to be more damaging to Newport
Beach than rupture of the Newport -Inglewood fault. Typically, earthquakes on thrust faults
produce greater vertical accelerations than comparably sized strike -slip earthquakes (such
as one on the Newport -Inglewood fault) and vertical motions are more damaging to
structures. Scientists have suggested the San Joaquin Hills blind thrust fault could produce
a magnitude 6.8 to 7.3 earthquake. We took an average and used M 7.1 for our modeling
because further research is needed to better understand the seismic character of the San
Joaquin Hills fault.
Prior to the discovery of the San Joaquin Hills fault, the Newport -Inglewood fault was
thought to pose the greatest threat to Newport Beach because of its close proximity to the
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-57
• City, its historic activity, and its recurrence interval. Plate 2-2 shows that the northern
trace of the Newport -Inglewood fault is 2 miles offshore of Reef Point, comes onshore
about 1/2 mile southeast of Newport Pier, and crosses directly beneath downtown and
West Newport. The Newport -Inglewood fault is also active; it generated the 1933 M„, 6.4
earthquake. The epicenter was located only a mile from Newport Beach on the western
side of the Santa Ana River. This earthquake did not rupture the surface, but substantial
liquefaction -induced damage was reported from Long Beach to Huntington Beach. The
earthquake caused 120 deaths, and over $50 million in property damage (Wood, 1933).
The Newport -Inglewood fault is also thought to have generated as many as five surface
rupturing earthquakes in .the last about 11,700 years (Grant et al., 1997;. Shlemon et al.,
Table 2-4: HAZUS Scenario Earthquakes for the City of Newport Beach
Fault Source
Worst -case scenario for Newport Beach. This fault's blind thrust geometry
would produce greater vertical accelerations than a comparable strike -slip
San Joaquin
event (e.g. Newport -Inglewood) and vertical motions are more damaging to
structures. Note that the San Joaquin Hills fault properties are not well
understood (because it was recently discovered) and therefore HAZUS
results should be interpreted with caution -
Previous worst -case scenario for the City of Newport Beach area because of
the close proximity of this fault. The Newport -Inglewood fault parallels the
coast only a few miles offshore of southern Newport Beach and comes
onshore directly beneath West Newport
This fault lies about 20 miles north of the City and could cause significant
damage in Newport Beach. The 6.8 magnitude earthquake modeled is in
the middle of the size range of earthquakes that researchers now believe
this fault is capable of generating.
San Andreas
A large earthquake that ruptures multiple segments of the San Andreas fault
is modeled because of its high probability of occurrence, even though the
epicenter would be relatively far from the City.
The Whittier fault is the northern extension of the Elsinore fault and is located
approximately 20 miles north of the city of Newport Beach (Figure 2-1). No major
historical earthquakes have been attributed to the Whittier fault. However, trenching
studies have documented recurrent movement of this fault in the last 17,000 years (Lath et
al., 1992; Patterson and Rockwell, 1993). Based on these studies, the Whittier fault is
thought to be moving at a rate of about 2.5 t/- 1 mm/yr. The Southern California
Earthquake Center (1995) determined there is a five percent chance of an earthquake
occurring on the Whittier fault by 2024. The Whittier fault is thought capable of producing
a magnitude 6.8 maximum magnitude earthquake, although some investigators propose an
even larger magnitude 7.1 quake. We used the more conservative magnitude 6.8
earthquake in the HAZUS model.
We used data from the historic 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake to model the effects of a very
large San Andreas earthquake on Newport Beach. Although the 1857 quake nucleated on
the Carrizo segment, we place our modeled M 7.8 epicenter closest to Newport Beach (on
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-58
• the southern part of the Mojave segment) because this will yield the maximum possible
damage caused by a San Andreas earthquake.
2.9.3 Inventory Data Used in the HAZUS Loss Estimation Models for Newport Beach
As mentioned previously, the population data used for the analyses were modified using
the recently available 2000 Census data. The general building stock and population
inventory data conform to census tract boundaries, and the census tract boundaries
generally conform to City limits, with some exceptions. The region studied is 54 square
miles in area and contains 21 census tracts. There are over 35,000 households in the
region, with a total population of 80,000 (based on 2000 Census Bureau data). There are
an estimated 29,000 buildings in the region with a total building replacement value
(excluding contents) of $8 billion (1994 dollars). Approximately 93 percent of the
buildings (and 54 percent of the building value) are associated with residential housing
(see Figure 2-5). In terms of building construction types found in the region, wood -frame
construction makes up 88 percent of the building inventory. The remaining percentage is
distributed between the other general building types. The replacement value of the
transportation and utility lifeline systems in the City of Newport Beach is estimated to be
nearly $1.72 billion and $224 million (1994 dollars), respectively.
Figure 2-S
Building Inventory, by Occupancy Type, in the Newport Beach Area
(values shown are in millions of dollars)
' I
Wustdai 153
The HAZUS inventory of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings included 125 structures,
whereas the 2000 Seismic Safety Commission data indicate 126 URMs in Newport Beach.
These numbers are in close agreement; therefore we used the URM numbers that HAZUS
supplies. However, we did change the seismic design criteria for all of the URMs in the
City from low to moderate to reflect the retrofitting efforts that have been accomplished in
the late 1990s and early 2000s. it is important to note, however, that retrofitting is
typically designed to keep buildings from collapsing, but that structural damage to the
building is still possible and expected. We also made changes to the HAZUS hospital
inventory for Newport Beach. The number of beds at Hoag Memorial Hospital was
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-59
• increased from 355 to 403 (number of beds at the hospital as reported by Ms. Alison Taylor
of the Hoag Hospital Engineering Department).
Regarding critical facilities, the HAZUS database for Newport Beach includes 38 schools,
1 fire station, 1 police station, and no emergency operations center. We modified the
school data to include 26 schools or school facilities, including school district offices,
private schools, and community colleges that fall within City limits. HAZUS reports a
larger number of schools because its data come from the census tracts, which extend
beyond the Newport Beach City limits. The City's emergency operations center in the
auditorium of the police station was also added. The database was further modified to
include the eight fire stations that serve the City. The locations of these facilities are shown
on Plate 2-4.
2.9.4 Estimated Losses Associated with the Earthquake Scenarios
HAZUS loss estimations for the City of Newport Beach based on the modeled earthquake
scenarios are presented concurrently below. These scenarios include earthquakes on the
San Joaquin Hills, Newport -Inglewood, Whittier, and San Andreas faults. Of the four
earthquake scenarios modeled for the City, the results indicate that the San Andreas fault
poses the least damage to the Newport Beach area, although this fault may have the
highest probability of rupturing in the near -future.
Given its proximity, fault type and magnitude of its maximum earthquake, the San Joaquin
Hills fault has the potential to cause the worst -case scenario for the City. The San Joaquin
. Hills structure is a reverse fault that is thought to be responsible for uplift of the San
Joaquin Hills. It may have caused the greater than magnitude 7 earthquake reported by the
Portola expedition in 1769 (Grant et al., 2002). In general, reverse earthquakes generate
stronger ground accelerations that are distributed over broader geographic areas than
similar -magnitude strike -slip earthquakes. The Newport -Inglewood earthquake scenario is
the next worst -case scenario; it has the potential to cause significant damage in the city of
Newport Beach. The losses anticipated as a result of the Whittier fault causing an
earthquake are an order of magnitude lower than the scenario just discussed.
Building Damage - HAZUS estimates that between approximately 450 and 13,000
buildings will be at least moderately damaged in response to the earthquake scenarios
presented herein, with the lower number representative of damage as a result of an
earthquake on the San Andreas fault, and the higher number representing damage as a
result of an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault. These figures represent about 2 to 44
percent of the total number of buildings in the study area. An estimated 0 to 933 buildings
will be completely destroyed. Table 2-5 summarizes the expected damage to buildings by
general occupancy type, while Table 2-6 summarizes the expected damage to buildings in
Newport Beach, classified by construction type.
The data presented in Tables 2-5 and 2-6 show that most of the buildings damaged will be
residential, with wood -frame structures experiencing mostly slight to moderate damage.
The San Joaquin Hills fault earthquake scenario has the potential to cause at least slight
• damage to more than 82 percent of the residential structures in Newport Beach, and
moderate to complete damage to as much as 43 percent of the residential stock, whereas,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-60
• the Newport -Inglewood scenario has the potential to cause at least slight damage to 65
percent of the residential structures in Newport Beach, and moderate to complete damage
to approximately 26 percent of the residential stock. The distribution and severity of the
damage caused by these earthquakes to the residential buildings in the City is illustrated in
Plate 2-5. The Whittier fault has the potential to cause significant damage to the residential
stock of Newport Beach, but the damage would not be as severe as that caused by either
the San Joaquin Hills fault or the Newport -Inglewood fault. The San Andreas fault
earthquake scenario is anticipated to cause slight to moderate damage to about 9 percent
of the residential buildings in the City.
The commercial and industrial structures in Newport Beach will also be impacted (Table
2-5). The Newport -Inglewood and San Joaquin Hills earthquakes have the potential to
damage about 68 percent and 91 percent of the commercial and industrial buildings,
respectively, in the City. The distribution and severity of damage to the commercial
structures in the City as a result of earthquakes on the San Joaquin Hills, Newport -
Inglewood, and Whittier faults is illustrated in Plate 2-6. All three earthquakes shown on
Plate 2-6 are anticipated to cause damage in the commercial district of the City, but an
earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault would be the most severe, given the fault's type
and location beneath the heart of Newport Beach.
The HAZUS output shows that URMs in Newport Beach will suffer slight to complete /t_,
damage, with up to 26 percent likely to be completely destroyed during the worst case San �I
Joaquin Hills earthquake scenario. At first glance this number seems high, however, it is
• likely that most of the URMS would have collapsed during this scenario if they had not
been retrofitted. The results from the Newport -Inglewood scenario illustrate how resistant
the retrofitted URMS are. Only 5 percent of the URMS are likely to be destroyed during
the nearly magnitude 7 Newport -Inglewood earthquake. This is anticipated to reduce the
number of casualties significantly. The numbers show that by retrofitting its URMs,
Newport Beach has already reduced its vulnerability to seismic shaking.
Significantly, reinforced masonry, concrete and steel structures are not expected to perform
well, with hundreds of these buildings in Newport Beach experiencing at least moderate
damage during an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills or Newport -Inglewood faults.
These types of structures are commonly used for commercial and industrial purposes, and
failure of some of these structures explains the casualties anticipated during the middle of
the day in the non-residential sector (see Table 2-7). These types of buildings also generate
heavy debris that is difficult to cut through to extricate victims.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-61
• Table 2-5: Number of Buildings Damaged, by Occupancy Type
Occupancy Type
Reli ion
1 2,092
1 4131
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-62
Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake on San Andreas Fault
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on Newport -Inglewood Fault
Number of Buildings Damaged by Census Tract
(labeled with percentage of damaged buildings in census tract)
0-10D 0 201300 0 401-600
ME 101-200 I 301-400 601 and greater
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on Whittier Fault',
Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on San Joaquin,Hill Fault
`more than 50%
extensive andto
Emergency Management Agency, HAZUS 99-SR2
residential structure has undergone moderate,
lete damage
Earth Residential Buildings With At Least Moderate Damage > 507V5
s' Consultants Plate
Intemational (Based on Four Earthquake Scenarios) 2_5
Project Number. 2003 2112 Newport Beach,
Date: July, 2003 (V California'�-
• Table 2-6: Number of Buildings Damaged, by Construction Type
Structure Type
Slight 11
' Total
Mobile Homes
Precast Concrete
Reinforced Masonry
1 23,720
Mobile Homes
Precast Concrete
Mobile Homes
Precast Concrete
_ 98
Mobile Homes
Precast Concrete
asu I i s - Table 2-7 provides a summary of the casualties estimated for these scenarios.
The analysis indicates that the worst time for an earthquake to occur in the city of Newport
Beach is during maximum non-residential occupancy (at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when
most people are in their place of business and schools are in session). The San Joaquin
Hills earthquake scenario is anticipated to cause the largest number of casualties, followed
by an event on the Newport -Inglewood fault.
isEarth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-64
Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake on San Andreas Fault
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on Newport -Inglewood Fault
Number of Buildings Damaged by Census Tract
(labeled with percentage of damaged buildings in census tract)
® 0-20 0 41.60 81400
OM 21-40 61.80 ® 101 and greater
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on Whittier Fault
Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on San J
Hill Fault
Emergency Management Agency, HAZUS 99-SR2
'more than 50% of the residential structure has undergone moderate,
extensive and/orlcomplete damage
4eiBWk �
`nP �" Earth Commercial Buildings With At Least Moderate Damage > 5®1®*
A :Consultants ; Plate
" intemational (Based on Four Earthquake Scenarios)
� 2-6
Project Number..2112 p�.
Date: Juy,2003 Newport Beach, California j
Essential Facility Damage - The loss estimation model calculates the total number of
hospital beds in Newport Beach that will be available after each earthquake scenario.
A maximum magnitude earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault is expected to impact
Hoag Hospital such that only 11 percent of the hospital beds (44 beds) would be available
for use by existing patients and injured persons on the day of the earthquake. One week
after the earthquake, about 26 percent of the beds are expected to be back in service.
After one month, 56 percent of the beds are expected to be operational.
On the day of the Newport -Inglewood earthquake, the model estimates that only 85
hospital beds (21 percent) will be available for use by patients already in the hospital and
those injured by the earthquake. After one week, 40 percent of the beds will be back in
service. After thirty days, 69 percent of the beds will be available for use.
An earthquake on the Whittier fault is significantly better regarding the availability of
hospital beds. The model estimates that only 330 hospital beds (82 percent) will be
available on the day of the earthquake. After one week, 90 percent of the hospital beds
are expected to be available for use, and after one month, 96 percent of the beds are
expected to be operational.
An earthquake on the San Andreas fault is not expected to cause significant damage to
Hoag Hospital. On the day of the earthquake, the model estimates that 89 percent of the
beds will be available for use; after one week, 94 percent of the beds will be available for
• use; and after 30 days, 99 percent of the beds will be operational.
Given that the models estimate that about 565 people in the Newport Beach area will
require hospitalization after an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault (see Table 2-7),
Hoag Hospital is not expected to have enough beds to meet the demand for medical care
(the model estimates only 40 beds will be available at this hospital after the scenario
earthquake). However, nearby cities, such as Irvine, Santa Ana, and Fountain Valley may
sustain less damage and people requiring hospitalization could be treated at medical
facilities in these cities.
HAZUS also estimates the damage to other critical facilities in the City, including schools,
fire and police stations, and the emergency operations center. According to the model,
earthquakes on the San Andreas and Whittier faults will cause only slight damage to the
schools, fire and police stations, and the City's emergency operations center. All of these
facilities would be greater than 80 percent functional the day after the earthquake.
An earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault is anticipated to cause at least moderate
damage to all 26 schools in the City, and none of the schools and school district offices in
Newport Beach are expected to be more than 50 percent operational the day after the
earthquake. The model also indicates that Hoag Hospital, the police station, and all 8 fire
stations will experience more than slight damage and none of these facilities will be more
than 50 percent operational the day after the earthquake.
• Less damaging, an earthquake on the Newport -Inglewood fault is anticipated to cause at
least moderate damage to 7 schools in the City. The model also shows that Hoag Hospital
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-67
and the 32"" Street fire station will experience more than slight damage and the hospital,
emergency operation center, police, and all fire stations will be less than 50 percent
operational the day after the earthquake. The modeled earthquakes on the Whittier and
San Andreas faults will not damage or cause delays to any of the critical facilities in the
City of Newport Beach.
Economic Losses - The model estimates that total building -related losses in the city of
Newport Beach will range from $65 million for an earthquake on the San Andreas fault, to
$2,082 million for an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault. Approximately 25 percent
of these estimated losses would be related to business interruption in the City. By far, the
largest loss would be sustained by the residential occupancies that make up as much as 43
percent of the total loss. Table 2-8 below provides a summary of the estimated economic
losses anticipated as a result of each of the earthquake scenarios considered herein.
Table 2-8: Estimated Economic Losses
Property Damage
San Joaquin Hills
$1,513 million
$568 million
$2,082 million
Newport -
$799 million
$264 million
$1,063 million
$117 million
$34 million
$151 million
San Andreas
$48 million
$17 million
$65 million
• Shelter Requirement - HAZUS estimates that approximately 2,200 households in Newport
Beach may be displaced due to the San Joaquin Hills earthquake modeled for this study (a
household contains four people, on average). About 1,000 people will seek temporary
shelter in public shelters. The rest of the displaced individuals are anticipated to seek
shelter with family or friends. An earthquake on the Newport -Inglewood fault is
anticipated to displace over 1,000 households, with approximately 500 people seeking
temporary shelter. The San Andreas and Whittier earthquakes are not expected to displace
any households.
Table 2-9: Estimated Shelter Requirements
People Needing
Short -Term Shelter
San Joaquin Hills
Newport -Inglewood
San Andreas
1 0
1 0
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-68
Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake on
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on
Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on
Sources: Federdi'Emergency Management Agency, HAZUS 99-SR2
Location of school with at least I
moderate damage 'more than 50% oflthe school structures have undergone moderate,
extensive and/or complete damage
Sch®®fs ith At Least Moderate Damage >� 50"' Piste
,�gwruk�. Earth
`� - � t � Consultants
(Based on Four Earthquake Scenarios)
� Infemational � 2_7
Project Number.
,20032112 Newport Beach, California
Date: July, 2003 @®! 66''
Transportation Damage — Damage to transportation systems in the City of Newport Beach
is based on a generalized inventory of the region, which includes areas outside of the City
of Newport Beach since the transportation network extends beyond corporate boundaries.
Road segments are assumed to be damaged by ground failure only; therefore, the numbers
presented herein may be low given that, based on damage observed from the Northridge
and San Fernando earthquakes, strong ground shaking can cause considerable damage to
bridges. Economic losses to the region due to bridge damage are estimated at between
$3.1 million (for an earthquake on the San Andreas fault) to $57.4 million for an
earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault. It is important to note, however, that many of the
bridges in the City have been upgraded in the last ten years, and that the HAZUS inventory
is based on data that are nine to 13 years old (dating from 1990 to 1994). Therefore, the
HAZUS results reported herein may overestimate the damage to bridges in the area. Based
on discussions with the City of Newport Beach Engineering Department, those bridges that
have not yet been modified are currently being analyzed. Based on the results of these
analyses, seismic retrofitting will be performed (Mr. Lloyd Dalton, City of Newport Beach
Engineering Department, personal communication).
Table 2-10: Expected Damage to Transportation Systems
With At
Segments in
Value for All
Segments in
Loss ($M)
after 1 Day
Cr "
$1.3 Billion
Brid es
$310 Million
$14 Million
$1.3 Billion
$310 Million
Z =
$14 Million
g y
$1.3 Billion
Brid es
$310 Million
Air ort
$14 Million
c d
$1.3 Billion
Brid es
$310 Million
Ai ort
$14 Million
The San Andreas fault earthquake scenario estimates that only 3 of the 78 bridges in the
region will experience at least moderate damage, with none of these damaged bridges
located within the City of Newport Beach. The impacted bridges in the region are expected
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page2-70
• to be more than 50 percent functional by the next day.
scenario indicates that the airport facilities will experience
million), but airport functionality will not be impaired.
The San Andreas earthquake
small economic losses ($0.2
Alternatively, an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault is expected to damage about 38
bridges in the region, with 16 of them considered to be completely damaged. Of the
damaged bridges, nine of these are expected to be located within or at the City boundaries.
Temporary repairs are expected to make 41 of the damaged bridges in the region more
than 50 percent functional one day after the earthquake. Seven days after the earthquake,
51 out of the 78 bridges in the region would be more than 50 percent functional. John
Wayne Airport is expected to incur losses of about $5.5 million, but the airport will be
functional. The San Joaquin Hills fault earthquake scenario is the worst -case for the
transportation system in the City. The damage to bridges as a result of all four earthquake
scenarios is illustrated in Plate 2-8. The Whittier fault earthquake scenario models some
damage to the regional transportation system, but much less than that caused by either the
Newport -Inglewood or San Joaquin Hills earthquakes. None of the bridges in Newport
Beach are expected to be experience at least moderate damage as a result of the scenario
earthquake on the Whittier fault
Utility Syste_ ms Damage -The HAZUS inventory for the Newport Beach area does not
include specifics regarding the various lifeline systems in the City, therefore, the model
estimated damage to the potable water and electric power using empirical relationships
based on the number of households served in the area. The results of the analyses
regarding the functionality of the potable water and electric power systems in the City for
the four earthquakes discussed herein are presented in Table 2-11. According to the
models, all of the earthquake scenarios will impact the electric power systems; thousands
of households in the City are expected to not have electric power even three days after an
earthquake on any of the faults discussed in this report. An earthquake on the San Joaquin
Hills fault is anticipated to leave more than 14,000 households without electricity for more
than one week.
Table 2-11: Expected Performance of Potable Water and Electricity Services
Number of Households without Service*
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 30 Day 90
San Joaquin
Potable Water
1 0
Potable Water
Potable Water
San Andreas
Potable Water
*Based on Total Number of Households = 35,415.
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-71
No bndges damaged:
Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake on Andreas Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on ittier Fault
• •i
Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake on port -Ingle ault Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on n Joaquin ult
Sources: Federal Emergency Management Agency, HAZUS 99-SR2
Bridge Damage
• At least Moderate Damage
• Complete Damage
_ t
`'� - Earth Bridge ®amage
`-7 Consuflants
Fr'= Intemational (Based on Four Earthquake Scenarios) Plate
Project Number 2112 p� �s 2—�
Date: July,2003 Newport Beach, Calif ornla
• The potable water system is anticipated to be significantly impacted, with nearly 30,000
households without water for at least 3 days after the earthquake. These results suggest
that the City will have to truck in water into some of the residential neighborhoods until
the damages to the system are repaired. Residents are advised to have drinking water
stored in their earthquake emergency kits, enough to last all members of the household
(including pets) for at least a week.
Fire Following Earthquake - HAZUS uses a Monte Carlo simulation model to estimate the
number of ignitions and the amount of burnt area as a result of an earthquake. For the
earthquake scenarios ran for Newport Beach, HAZUS estimates between 12 and 1
ignitions immediately following an earthquake, with the San Andreas fault earthquake
scenario triggering 1 ignitions, the Whittier fault causing 3 ignitions, the Newport -
Inglewood igniting 9 fires and the San Joaquin Hills faults triggering 12 ignitions. The
burnt area resulting from these ignitions will vary depending on wind conditions. Normal
wind conditions of about 10 miles per hour (mph) are expected to result in burn areas of
between 1.3 and 24.1 percent of the region's total area. If Santa Ana wind conditions are
present at the time of the earthquake, the burnt areas can be expected to be significantly
For example, the fire triggered by an earthquake on the San Andreas fault is not expected
to displace any people (if the winds are low), but if winds as strong as 30 miles per hour
(mph) are present at the time of the earthquake, about 300 people may be displaced. The
• model also estimates that the fire would cause about $20 million in building damage. As
indicated in the paragraph above, an earthquake on the San Joaquin Hills fault may trigger
12 ignitions. If Santa Ana wind conditions are present at the time, the resultant fires may
displace 1,900 people and cause about $130 million dollars of building damage. The
other two earthquakes scenarios would cause fire damage in between these two extremes.
Additional information regarding fires after earthquakes and the resultant losses estimated
for the City of Newport Beach are provided in Chapter 5.
Debris Generation - The model estimates that a total of 30 to 1,610 thousand tons of debris
will be generated. Of the total amount, brick and wood comprise 30 percent of the total,
with the remainder consisting of reinforced concrete and steel. If the debris tonnage is
converted to an estimated number of truckloads, it will require 1,000 to 65,000 truckloads
(assuming 25 tons/truck) to remove the debris generated by the earthquakes modeled.
2.10 Reducing Earthquake Hazards in the City of Newport Beach
This section identifies and discusses the opportunities available for seismic upgrading of existing
development and capital facilities, including potentially hazardous buildings and other critical
facilities. Many of the issues and opportunities available to the City apply to new development as
well as redevelopment and infilling. Issues involving rehabilitation and strengthening of existing
development are decidedly more complex given the economic and societal impacts inherent to
these issues.
• Prioritizing rehabilitation and strengthening projects requires that the City consider where its
resources would be better spent to reduce earthquake hazards in the existing development, and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-73
• how the proposed mitigation programs can be implemented so as not to cause undue hardship on
the community.
Rehabilitation programs should target, on a priority basis, potentially hazardous buildings, critical
facilities, and high -risk lifeline utilities. The City can best address rehabilitation issues. However,
the hazard evaluation is intended to define the scope of the problem.
Recent earthquakes, with their relatively low loss of life, have demonstrated that the best
mitigation technique in earthquake hazard reduction is the constant improvement ofbuilding
codes with the incorporation of the lessons learned from past earthquakes. The most recent
building codes (UBC 1997; CBC 2001) are prime examples of how incorporating past experience
can further reduce of the devastating effects of an earthquake. However, while new building
codes reduce the hazard, increases in population leading to building in vulnerable areas and the
aging of the existing building stock work toward increasing the earthquake hazard of a given
2.10.1 1997 Uniform Building Code Impacts on the City of Newport Beach
Two significant changes were incorporated into the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC —
which is the basis for the 2001 California Building Code) that impact the City of Newport
Beach. The first change is a revision to soil types and amplification factors, and the second
change is the incorporation of the proximity of earthquake sources in UBC Seismic Zone 4,
which includes the City of Newport Beach. These changes represent the most significant
increases in ground shaking criteria in the last 30 years. The new soil effects are based on
• observations made as a result of the Mexico City, Loma Prieta and other earthquakes, and
impact all buildings in the City of Newport Beach. In addition, in the current code, soil
effects impact buildings of short predominant period of ground shaking (low -rises),
whereas in the past, only long -period structures (high-rises) were influenced by UBC
requirements. The new ground -shaking basis for code design is now more complicated,
however, because of the wide range of soil types and the close proximity of seismic
sources. For the City of Newport Beach, these code changes are warranted. Due to the
proximity of the Newport -Inglewood and San Joaquin Hills fault systems, the entire area is
impacted by the near -source design factors. The 1997 UBC contains detailed descriptions
of the incorporation of these new parameters; only a summary is provided below.
Soil Types and Soil Amplification Factors: The seismic design response spectra are defined
in terms of two site seismic coefficients C, and C,. These coefficients are determined as a
function of the following parameters:
Seismic Zone
Soil Type, and
Near Source Factors (UBC Zone 4 only)
The UBC outlines six soil types based on the average soil properties for the top 100 feet of
the soil profile. Site -specific evaluation by the project's geotechnical engineer is required
to classify the soil profile underlying proposed projects. The soil type parameters are
intended to be used by project engineers with Tables 16-5 and 16-T of the 1997 UBC. A
• general description of the 1997 UBC soil types are outlined in Table 2-12, and the soil
types in the city of Newport Beach are illustrated in Plate 2-9.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-74
• Table 2-12
UBC Soil Profile Types
Profile Type
Soil Profile Name/
Average Soil Properties for the Upper 100 Feet
Shear Wave
Penetration Test
Undrained Shear
Strength (pst)
Hard Rock
2,500 to 5,000
Very dense soil
and soft rock
1,200 to 2,500
Stiff soil profile
600 to 1,200
15 to 50
1,000 to 2,000
Soft soil profile
Soil requiring site -specific evaluation.
Near- Source Factors: The Newport Beach area is subject to near -source design factors
given the proximity of several active fault systems. These parameters, new to the 1997
Uniform Building Code (UBC), address the proximity of potential earthquake sources
(faults) to the site. These factors were present in earlier versions of the UBC for
implementation into the design of seismically isolated structures, but are now included for
all structures. The adoption into the 1997 code of all buildings in UBC zone 4 was a
• result of the observation of more intense ground shaking than expected near the fault
ruptures at Northridge in 1994, and again one year later at Kobe, Japan. The 1997 UBC
also includes a near -source factor that accounts for directivity of fault rupture. The
direction of fault rupture was observed to play a significant role in distribution of ground
shaking at Northridge and Kobe. For Northridge, much of the earthquake energy was
released into the sparsely populated mountains north of the San Fernando Valley, while at
Kobe, the rupture -direction was aimed at the city and was a contributing factor in the
extensive damage. However, the rupture direction of a given source cannot be predicted,
and as a result, the UBC requires a general increase in estimating ground shaking of about
20 percent to account for directivity.
Seismic Source Tvoe: Near source factors also include a classification of seismic sources
based on slip rate and maximum magnitude potential. These parameters are used in the
classification of three seismic source types (A, B and C) summarized on Table 2-13.
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-75
_'�-� ..'�` }__'-t c.., tw --_ SAY .". c cy. '_ s=: •. :`�. y}rp �� "-xb (-- •rO
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t,�lr�"'=r•a^y,irr�.` ," ^\ -'l a':�`;! /gyp _ _ -rt.,, J_.•
° � \\Ys C��'Z�.5„��"`I.7"\•� �,'��:•�,�j',{'••. _.•i}��, »,�N. �s :: '''r';'i; q'. •yfl:a
\ C r-cA tz< •Y�� -- - -
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to some as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of Individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulation.
Earth Consultants International (ECq makes no representations orwamardies regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were dedved. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
Average soil Properties for the upper Igo feet
Soil Profile
Soil Profile
Shear Wave
Strength (per)
Hard Rock
2,5o0 to 5,000
Very dense
1,200 to 2,500
soil and soft
Stiff soil profile
600 to 1,2DO
15 to 50
1,000 to 2,000
Soft soil profile
Soil requiring site -specific evaluation
A N r J
a A a U I N
$ t 5
Engineering Soil Types
In Accordance
with 1997
Uniform Building Code
Newport Beach, California
t It
Newport Beach City Boundary
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Scale: 1:60,000
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Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SureIMAPS
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Sources: Based on data from Morton (1999).
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Date: July, 2003 411O N�
• Table 2-13
Seismic Source Type
Seismic Source Definition
Seismic Source Description
Maximum Moment
Slip Rate, SR
Magnitude, M
Faults which are capable of producing
M> 7.0 and
SR> 5
large magnitude events and which
have a high rate of seismicity.
All faults other than Types A and C.
Faults which are not capable of
M < 6.5
SR < 2
producing large magnitude
earthquakes and which have a
relatively low rate of seismic activity.
Type A faults are highly active and capable of producing large magnitude events. Most
segments of the San Andreas fault are classified as Type A. The Type A slip rate (>5
mm/yr) is common only to tectonic plate boundary faults. Type C seismic sources are
considered to be sufficiently inactive and not capable of producing large magnitude events
such that potential ground shaking effects can be ignored. Type B sources include most of
the active faults in California and include all faults that are neither Type A nor C. The 1997
UBC requires that the locations and characteristics of these faults be established based on
reputable sources such as the California Geological Survey (CGS — previously known as
the California Division of Mines and Geology - CDMG) and the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS). The CGS classifies the Newport -Inglewood and Whittier faults as Type B faults.
The San Joaquin Hills fault has not been classified by CGS, but work done by Grant et al.
(2002) indicates it is a Type B fault.
To establish near -source factors for any proposed project in the City of Newport Beach, the
first step is to identify and locate the known active faults in the region. The International
Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) has provided an Atlas of the location of known
faults for California to accompany the 1997 UBC. The rules for measuring distance from a
fault are provided by the 1997 UBC. The criteria for determining distance to vertical faults,
such as the Newport -Inglewood, are relatively straightforward. However, the distance to
thrust faults and blind thrust faults is assumed as 0 for anywhere above the dipping fault
plane to a depth of 10 kilometers. This greatly increases the areal extent of high ground
shaking parameters, but is warranted based on observations of ground shaking at
Summary: Seismic codes have been undergoing their most significant changes in history.
These improvements are a result of experience in recent earthquakes, as well as extensive
research under the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP). Inclusion of
soil and near -field effects in the 1997 UBC represents a meaningful and impactive change
put forth by the geoscience community. Seismic codes will continue to improve with new
versions of the building code, and as new data are obtained from both past and future
• Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-77
2.10.2 Retrofit and Strengthening of Existing Structures
The UBC is not retroactive, and -past earthquakes have shown that many types of structures
are potentially hazardous. Structures built before the lessons learned from the 1971 Sylmar
earthquake are particularly susceptible to damage during an earthquake, including
unreinforced masonry (URM) structures, pre -cast tilt -up concrete buildings, soft -story
structures, unreinforced concrete buildings, as well as pre-1952 single-family structures.
Other potentially hazardous buildings include irregular -shaped structures and mobile
homes. Therefore, while the earthquake hazard mitigation improvements associated with
the current building codes address new construction, the retrofit and strengthening of
existing structures requires the adoption of ordinances. The City of Newport Beach has
adopted an ordinance aimed at retrofitting unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs).
Other potentially hazardous buildings, such as pre-1971 concrete tilt -up structures and
soft -story buildings, can be inventoried next. Potentially hazardous buildings can be
identified and inventoried following the recommendations set forth in publications such as
"Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: Handbook and
Supporting Documentation" and "A Handbook for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings
and Supporting Documentation", both prepared by the Applied Technology Council in
Redwood City, California, and supplied by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA publications 154 and 155, and 175 and 178, respectively).
The building inventory phase of a seismic hazard mitigation program should accurately
record the potentially hazardous buildings in an area. To do so, a GIS system is
invaluable. The data base should include information such as the location of the
buildings, the date and type of construction, construction materials and type of structural
framing system, structural conditions, number of floors, floor area, occupancy and relevant
characteristics of the occupants (such as whether the building houses predominantly senior
citizens, dependent care or handicapped residents, etc.), and information on structural
elements or other characteristics of the building that may pose a threat to life.
Once buildings are identified as potentially hazardous, a second, more thorough analysis
may be conducted. This step may be carried out by local officials, such as the City's
building department, or building owners may be required to submit a review by a certified
structural engineer that has conducted an assessment of the structural and non-structural
elements and general condition of the building, and has reviewed the building's
construction documents (if available). The nonstructural elements should include the
architectural, electrical and mechanical systems of the structure. Cornices, parapets,
chimneys and other overhanging projections should be addressed too, as these may pose a
significant threat to passersby, and to individuals who, in fear, may step out of the building
during an earthquake. State of repair of buildings should also be noted, including cracks,
rot, corrosion, and lack of maintenance, as these conditions may decrease the seismic
strength of a structure. Occupancy should be noted as this factor is very useful in
prioritizing the buildings to be abated for seismic hazards.
For multi -story buildings, large occupancy structures, and critical facilities, the seismic
analysis of the structure should include an evaluation of the site -specific seismic
(e.g., response spectra, estimates of strong ground motion duration, etc.), and
an assessment of the building's loads and anticipated deformation levels. The resulting
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-78
data should be weighted against acceptable levels of damage and risk chosen by the City
for that particular structure. Once these guidelines are established, mitigation techniques
available (including demolition, strengthening and retrofitting, etc.) should be evaluated,
weighted, and implemented.
With the inventory and analysis phases complete, a retrofit program can be implemented.
Although retrofit buildings may still incur severe damage during an earthquake, the
mitigation results in a substantial reduction of casualties by preventing collapse. The
societal and economic implications of rehabilitating existing buildings are discussed in
many publications, including "Establishing Programs and Priorities for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings - A Handbook and Supporting Report", "Typical Costs for
Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings: Summary and Supporting Documentation,"
(FEMA Publications 174 and 173, and 156 and 157, respectively). Another appropriate
source is the publication prepared by Building Technology, Inc. entitled "Financial
Incentives for Seismic Rehabilitation of Hazardous Buildings - An Agenda for Action
(Report and Appendices).
The City of Newport Beach should set a list of priorities by which strengthening of the
buildings identified as hazardous will be established and conducted. Currently, there are
no Federal or State mandated criteria established to determine the required structural
seismic resistance capacity of structures. Retrofitting to meet the most current UBC
standards may be cost -prohibitive, and therefore, not feasible. The City may develop its
own set of criteria, however, this task should be carried out following a comprehensive
• development and review process that involves experienced structural engineers, building
officials, insurance representatives, and legal authorities. Selection of the criteria by which
the structural seismic resistance capacity of structures will be measured may follow a
review of the performance during an earthquake of similar types of buildings that had been
retrofit prior to the seismic event. Upgrading potentially hazardous buildings to, for
example, 1973 standards may prove inefficient if past examples show that similar buildings
retrofit to 1973 construction codes performed poorly during a particular earthquake, and
had to be demolished anyway. Issues to be addressed include justification for
strengthening a building to a performance level less than the current code requirements,
the potential liabilities and limitations on liability, and the acceptable damage to the
structure after strengthening (FEMA, 1985).
The mitigation program established by the City could be voluntary or mandatory.
Voluntary programs to encourage mitigation of potentially hazardous buildings have been
implemented with various degrees of success in California. Incentives that have been used
to engender support among building owners include tax waivers, tax credits, and waivers
from certain zoning restrictions. Other cities have required a review by a structural
engineer when the building is undergoing substantial improvements.
2.11 Summary
Since it is not possible to prevent an earthquake from occurring, local governments, emergency
relief organizations, and residents are advised to take action and develop and implement policies
• and programs aimed at reducing the effects of earthquakes. Individuals should also exercise
prudent planning to provide for themselves and their families in the aftermath of an earthquake.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-79
• Earthquake Sources:
o The City of Newport Beach is located in an area where several active faults have been
mapped. At least two active faults extend through portions of the City: the Newport -
Inglewood runs beneath Balboa Peninsula, the City Hall area, and West Newport; the San
Joaquin Hills fault may extend under the much of eastern Newport Beach. Both fault
zones are capable of causing severe damage to the City. Other faults such as the Palos
Verdes, Compton and Elysian Park Thrusts, Whittier, and Chino segment of the Elsinore
fault zone also have the potential to damage Newport Beach. Given the location of these
faults in and near the City, the 1997 Uniform Building Code requires that Newport Beach
incorporate near -source factors into the design of new buildings. In addition to the faults
above, numerous other active faults, both onshore and offshore, have the potential to
generate earthquakes that would cause strong ground shaking in Newport Beach.
o Geologists, seismologists, engineers and urban planners typically use maximum magnitude
and maximum probable earthquakes to evaluate the seismic hazard of a region, the
assumption being that if we plan for the worst -case scenario, smaller earthquakes that are
more likely to occur can be dealt with more effectively.
o A number of historic earthquakes have caused strong ground shaking in Newport Beach.
The 1933 Long Beach earthquake caused significant damage in the City.
Desien Earthquake Scenarios
• o Both the Newport -Inglewood and the San Joaquin Hills faults have the potential to
generate earthquakes that would be described as worst -case for the City of Newport Beach.
The San Joaquin Hills fault is thought capable of generating an earthquake between
magnitude 6.8 and 7.3. In this report, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake was modeled to obtain
loss estimates for the City. A magnitude 7.3 earthquake would cause even higher losses
than those presented here.
o A maximum magnitude earthquake on the San Andreas fault was also considered as a
likely earthquake scenario given that this fault is thought to have a relatively high
probability of rupturing in the not too distant future. The loss estimation model indicates
that the damage caused by an earthquake on the San Andreas fault to the City of Newport
Beach is small compared to the other earthquakes modeled, but not insignificant.
Damages of about $65 million were estimated for Newport Beach if three segments of the
San Andreas fault break in a magnitude 7.8 earthquake.
Fault Rupture and Secondary Earthquake Effects:
o Several active and potentially active faults have been mapped across or under the City,
including the Newport -Inglewood fault and the San Joaquin Hills fault. An Alquist-Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zone has not been proposed for the portion of the Newport -Inglewood
fault that has been mapped within the City (Newport Mesa and Balboa Peninsula) as its
location is not well defined. The San Joaquin Hills fault has not been zoned as it is a
• "blind" thrust fault that does not reach the surface. Because trenching studies for most
redevelopment projects on the Peninsula are not likely (in most cases) to be successful,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-80
• mandating these types of investigations is not recommended. However, the public should
be made aware of the presence of the mapped fault by requiring disclosure when
properties in this area are sold. Critical facilities should not be located on or near the
active traces of the Newport -Inglewood fault.
Several small, discontinuous faults have been discovered in the eastern (relatively
undeveloped) part of Newport Mesa. These faults are not considered to be large enough to
generate earthquakes, but instead are most likely fractures that have accommodated small
ground displacements in response to a nearly earthquake on the active strand of the
Newport -Inglewood fault zone. Nevertheless, because they show indications of small
displacements during the last 11,000 years, building setbacks have been recommended
o Currently, shallow ground water levels (< 50 feet from the ground surface) are known to
occur along the coast, around Newport Bay, and along the major drainages in the Newport
Beach area. Shallow ground water perched on bedrock may also be present seasonally in
the canyons draining the San Joaquin Hills. Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels,
and the introduction of residential irrigation requires that site -specific investigations be
completed to support these generalizations in areas mapped as potentially susceptible to
o Those portions of the Newport Beach area that may be susceptible to seismically induced
settlement are the alluvial surfaces and larger drainages that are underlain by late
Quaternary alluvial sediments (similar to the liquefaction -susceptible areas). Sites in the
• San Joaquin Hills along the margins of the larger drainage channels and an area just west
of the Santa Ana River outlet may be particularly vulnerable.
o The central and eastern portions of Newport Beach are most vulnerable to seismically
induced slope failure, due to the steep terrain.
o The California Geological Survey (CGS) has completed mapping in the Newport Beach
area under the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act. Geological studies in accordance with the
guidelines prepared by the CGS should be followed in those areas identified as having a
liquefaction or slope -instability hazard.
Earthquake Vulnerability:
o Most of the loss of life and injuries that occur during an earthquake are related to the
collapse of hazardous buildings and structures, or from non-structural components
(contents) of those buildings.
o Inventory of potentially hazardous structures, such as concrete tilt -ups, pre 1971-
reinforced masonry, soft -story buildings, and pre-1952 wood -frame buildings, is
o Most damage in the City is expected to be to wood -frame residential structures, which
amount to more than 57 percent of the building stock in the City. Two of the earthquake
• scenarios modeled for this study suggest that as much as 65 percent of the residential
buildings in the City will experience at least some damage. However, the damage to
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-81
• residential structures, although costly, is not expected to cause a large number of
o The loss estimation models indicate that some of the school buildings in the City are likely
to be damaged during an earthquake. The Newport -Mesa Unified School District in the
process of a 5-year building modernization program that will include seismic upgrades
and/or building replacement. The District has completed some surveys to identify
problems, however the proposed construction work has not been started yet (Mr. Paul
Reed, Newport -Mesa Unified School District, personal communication). Operators of
private schools should conduct a structural assessment of their schools and prioritize
structural strengthening based on the results of these analyses.
Earthquake Hazard Reduction:
o The best mitigation technique in earthquake hazard reduction is the constant improvement
of building codes with the incorporation of the lessons learned from each past earthquake.
This is especially true in areas not yet completely developed, such the Newport Coast
Planned Community in the San Joaquin Hills of southeastern Newport Beach. In addition,
current building codes should be adopted for re -development projects that involve more
than 50 percent of the original cost of the structure. The recent building codes incorporate
two significant changes that impact the City of Newport Beach. The first change is a
revision to soil types and amplification factors, and the second change is the incorporation
of the proximity of earthquake sources in UBC seismic zone 4. However, since the City of
is adoption
Beach is mostly developed, and building codes are generally not retroactive, the
adoption of the most recent building code is not going to improve the existing building
stock, unless actions are taken to retrofit the existing structures. Retrofitting existing
structures to the most current building code is in most cases cost -prohibitive and not
practicable. However, specific retrofitting actions, even if not to the latest code, that are
known to improve the seismic performance of structures should be attempted.
o All of the Newport Beach area is subject to near -source design factors because the City is
traversed by two active fault systems, and is located near at least two other potentially
significant seismic sources. These parameters, new to the 1997 Uniform Building Code
(UBC) and the 2001 California Building Codes (CBC), address the proximity and the
potential of earthquake sources (faults) to the site.
o While the earthquake hazard mitigation improvements associated with the 1997 UBC
address new construction, the retrofit and strengthening of existing structures requires the
adoption of ordinances. The City of Newport Beach has adopted an ordinance aimed at
retrofitting unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs). Similar ordinances can be adopted for
the voluntary or mandatory strengthening of wood -frame residential buildings, pre -cast
concrete buildings, and soft -story structures, among others. Although retrofitted buildings
may still incur severe damage during an earthquake, their mitigation results in a substantial
reduction of casualties by preventing collapse.
o Adoption of new building codes does not mitigate local secondary earthquake hazards
• such as liquefaction and ground failure. Therefore, these issues are best mitigated at the
local level. Avoiding areas susceptible to earthquake -induced liquefaction, settlement or
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-82
• slope instability is generally not feasible. The best alternative for the City is to require
"special studies" within these zones for new construction, as well as for significant
redevelopment, and require implementation of the subsequent engineering
recommendations for mitigation.
o Effective management of seismic hazards in Newport Beach includes technical review of
consulting reports submitted to the City. For projects within seismic hazard zones, State
law requires that the City's reviewer be a licensed engineering geologist and/or civil
engineer having competence in the evaluation and mitigation of seismic hazards (CCR
Title 14, Section 3724). Because of the interrelated nature of geology, seismology, and
engineering, most projects will benefit from review by both the geologist and civil
engineer. The California Geological Survey has published guidelines to assist reviewers in
evaluating site -investigation reports (CDMG, 1997).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 2-83
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3.1 Physiographic Setting
The City of Newport Beach and its Sphere of Influence are located in an area of widely diverse
terrain at the southern margin of the Los Angeles Basin. The City is bounded on the northwest by
the broad, nearly flat -lying coastal plain of Orange County - the great outwash plain of the Santa
Ana River. To the northeast lie the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains and the smaller Tustin
Plain. Rugged coastal mountains are present to the south.
The City's landscape can best be described by geographic area, each reflective of its distinct
topographic features (see Figure 3-1). The central and northwestern portions of the City are
situated on a broad mesa that extends southeastward to join the San Joaquin Hills. Commonly
known as Newport Mesa, this upland has been deeply dissected by stream erosion, resulting in
moderate to steep bluffs along the Upper Newport Bay estuary, one of the most striking and
biologically diverse natural features in Orange County. The nearly flat-topped mesa rises from
about 50 to 75 feet above mean sea level at the northern end of the estuary in the Santa Ana
Heights area, to about 100 feet above sea level in the Newport Heights, Westcliff, and Eastbluff
areas. Along the southwestern margin of the City, sediments flowing from the two major drainage
courses that transect the mesa have formed the beaches, sandbars, and mudflats of Newport Bay
and West Newport. These lowland areas were significantly modified during the last century in
order to deepen channels for navigation and form habitable islands. Balboa Peninsula, a barrier
beach that protects the bay, was once the site of extensive low sand dunes. In the southern part of
• the City, the San Joaquin Hills rise abruptly from the sea, separated from the present shoreline by a
relatively flat, narrow shelf. Originally formed by wave abrasion, this platform (also called a
terrace) is now elevated well above the water and is bounded by steep bluffs along the shoreline.
Balboa Peninsula and the harbor islands generally range from about 5 to 10 feet above sea level.
The coastal platform occupied by Corona Del Mar ranges from about 95 to 100 feet above sea
level, and the San Joaquin Hills, site of the Newport Coast development area, rise to an elevation
of 1,164 feet at Signal Peak.
The two major drainages that have contributed greatly to the development of the City's landforms
are the Santa Ana River and San Diego Creek. At one time, the natural course of the Santa Ana
River hugged the western side of Newport Mesa, carving steep bluffs and feeding sediment into
Newport Bay. In an attempt to reduce flooding on the coastal plain, the river was confined to
man-made levees and channels by the early 1920s. North of the City, numerous stream's draining
the foothills, including Peters Canyon Wash, Rattlesnake Wash, Hicks Canyon, Agua Chinon, and
Serrano Creek, merged with San Diego Creek and collectively cut a wide channel through the
mesa, later filling it with sediment (Upper Newport Bay and the harbor area). The collected
drainages are now contained in the man-made San Diego Creek Channel, and directed into Upper
Newport Bay near the intersection of Jamboree Road and University Drive. The Bay also receives
water from the Santa Ana Delhi Channel near Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-1
Figure 3-1: Aerial View of Newport Beach,
Showing Some of the Physiographic Features Discussed in the Text
Upper Newpor
Newport Har
aaquin Hills
The portion of the San Joaquin Hills that lies within the City is drained by several deep canyons,
including Buck Gully, Los Trancos Canyon, and Muddy Canyon, as well as numerous smaller,
unnamed canyons. Carrying significant amounts of water only during the winter, these streams
• flow directly to the Pacific Ocean. Drainage courses on the north side of the hills, including
Bonita and Coyote Creeks, are tributaries of San Diego Creek.
Development in the City began in the late 1800's with the arrival of the railroads and the
McFadden (Newport) Pier. Development gradually spread outward from the rail lines and
beaches, eventually covering most of Newport Mesa and the low hills to the south. More recently,
residential developments and a major transportation corridor (State Route 73) have made
significant advances into the rugged terrain of the San Joaquin Hills, and future hillside
communities are in the planning and development stages. These types of projects require major
earthwork activities, typically involving the movement of millions of cubic yards of earth. Because
the severity of geologic hazards increases in the hills, corrective grading often accounts for a
significant portion of the overall yardage.
3.2 Geologic Setting
The physical features described in the previous section are a reflection of the geologic and climatic
processes that have played upon this region the last few million years. The City of Newport Beach
lies at the northern end of the Peninsular'Ranges, a geologic/geomorphic province characterized
by a northwest -trending structural grain aligned with the San Andreas fault, and represented by a
series of northwest -trending faults, mountain ranges and valleys stretching from Orange County to
the Mexican border. Displacements on faults in this region are mainly of the strike -slip type, and
where they have been most recently active, they have deformed the landscape and altered
drainage patterns. An example of such faulting in the Newport Beach area is the Newport -
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards
Page 3-2
• Inglewood fault zone, which trends northwest across the Los Angeles Basin, leaving the coastline
at the northwestern corner of the City, and continuing to the south offshore. Predominantly right -
lateral in movement, the Newport -Inglewood fault is responsible for uplifting the chain of low hills
and mesas that extends from Beverly Hills to Newport Beach across the relatively flat coastal plain.
The location and structure of the fault zone is known primarily from a compilation of surface
mapping and deep, subsurface data, driven initially by an interest in oil exploration (all of the hills
and mesas, including Newport Mesa, have yielded petroleum), and later by a shift toward
evaluating earthquake hazards. The fault is an active structure and was the source of the 1933
M6.4 Long Beach earthquake. Despite the name, this earthquake was actually centered closer to
Newport Beach, near the mouth of the Santa Ana River (Hauksson and Gross, 1991).
The San Joaquin Hills are the westernmost range in the Peninsular Ranges province. The hills are
structurally complex, consisted of tilted fault blocks, and numerous north and northwest -trending
Tertiary- and Quaternary -age faults. Within the hills, the major structural feature is the Pelican
Hill fault zone, which trends northwesterly from Emerald Bay to the Big Canyon area. The fault
zone is several hundred feet wide, and has left the adjacent bedrock in a highly sheared, folded,
and fractured condition (Munro, 1992; Barrie et al., 1992). The Pelican Hill fault, as well as the
other faults exposed in the hills, has largely been determined to be inactive during Holocene time
(Clark et al., 1986).
In recent years, scientists have discovered that the northern end of the province, primarily the Los
Angeles metropolitan area, is underlain by a series of deep-seated, low -angle thrust faults. When
these faults do not reach the surface, they are called "blind thrusts". Faults of this type are thought
• to be responsible for the uplift of many of the low hills in the Los Angeles Basin, such as the
Repetto or Montebello Hills. Previously undetected blind thrust faults were responsible for the
M5.9 Whittier Narrows earthquake in 1987, and the destructive M6.7 Northridge earthquake in
It has long been recognized that the San Joaquin Hills are part of a northwest -trending anticline (a
convex fold) that extends from San Juan Capistrano to the Huntington Mesa (Vedder, 1957 and
1975). Recent research suggests that the anticline, which includes the Newport and Huntington
Mesas as well as the San Joaquin Hills, is part of a structure that is being uplifted by an active blind
thrust fault that dips southward beneath the area (Grant et al., 1999). The growth of the San
Joaquin Hills has been recorded in remnants of marine terraces of various ages that cap the
northern and western slopes. These terraces consist of wave -eroded, sediment -covered platforms
(similar to the one present at the base of the hills today) that have been uplifted as the hills rose
above sea level. Based on measurements of terrace elevations and dating of the sediments, uplift
of the hills started approximately 1.2 million years ago, and has continued through the Holocene
at a rate of about 0.25 meters per 1,000 years (Barrie et al., 1992; Grant, 1999). Recognition of
the San Joaquin Hills thrust fault extends the area of active blind thrusts and associated folding
southward from Los Angeles into the Newport Beach area (Grant et al., 1999).
3.3 Geologic Units
Alluvial sediments of late Holocene age are present in active and recently active stream channels
• throughout the City, in addition to beach, marshland, and intertidal deposits of Newport Harbor
and Upper Newport Bay. Newport Mesa is underlain primarily by shallow marine sediments
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-3
ranging in age from early to late Pleistocene. East of Upper Newport Bay, these deposits are
capped with a thin veneer of late Pleistocene to early Holocene alluvial fan sediments shed from
the San Joaquin Hills. Where streams have deeply incised the mesa, Tertiary -age sedimentary
bedrock, also of marine origin, is exposed beneath the younger deposits. Similar bedrock
formations underlie the San Joaquin Hills.
The general distribution of geologic units that are exposed at the surface are shown on the
Geologic Map (Plates 3-1a and 3-1b). In the section that follows, the characteristics of each unit
are discussed using nomenclature published by Morton and Miller (1981) and Morton (1999).
Descriptions of the units, including some of their engineering characteristics, have been compiled
from various sources including published regional geologic reports and papers, as well as
unpublished consulting reports. The distribution of geologic units with respect to their general
engineering characteristics is illustrated on Plate 3.2. The units are described in the next section,
from youngest to oldest.
There are many deposits of man-made fill throughout the City, including most notably, the harbor
islands, road and bridge embankments, and canyon fills associated with mass -graded hillside
developments. These deposits vary widely in size, age, and composition, and although some are
significantly large and thick, due to the map scale they are not shown on the Geologic Map.
3.3.1 Young Surficial Deposits
Holocene deposits within the City generally occupy the low-lying areas, including
beaches, estuaries, and canyon -bottoms. Being geologically young and subject to active
• geologic processes, these deposits are typically unconsolidated and have very little, if any,
soil development. Beach Sediments (map symbol. Qm)
Late Holocene beach sand forms a narrow strandline along the outer portion of Balboa
Peninsula, continuing northward along West Newport to the northern edge of the City.
Beach deposits are also present below the Corona Del Mar bluffs and in Crystal Cove State
Park. These sediments generally consist of light gray to tan, fine- to coarse -grained sand
with infrequent gravel lenses. Near sea cliffs they are often pebbly and cobbly. Beach
deposits typically slope gently towards the ocean. Due to the lack of cohesion and
vegetation, beach sands are ,highly vulnerable to erosion and have poor slope stability
characteristics. Permeability is high, and the expansion potential is low. Dune Sediments (map symbol. Qe)
Behind the gently sloping tidal zone, Late Holocene aeolian (wind-blown) sands are
present from West Newport to the tip of the Balboa Peninsula. Most of these deposits are
now covered by development; however, a few low dunes still remain locally. These
sediments are similar in composition and engineering characteristics to beach sands.
Dunes often are covered with a sparse growth of iceplant, grasses, and low shrubs, which
serve to stabilize the sand. Estuarine Sediments (map symbol. Qes)
Late Holocene deposits within Upper Newport Bay consist of sand, silt, and clay that inter -
finger with coarser stream -laid deposits at the mouths of San Diego Creek, Big Canyon,
and several smaller channels that drain into the Bay. Estuarine deposits in the present-day
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-4
• tidal flats of Upper Newport Bay are typically saturated and have a high organic content.
Prior to development, the area occupied by Newport Harbor and its various islands
consisted of intertidal mudflats and sandbars similar to Upper Newport Bay (see Figure 3-
2). From an engineering perspective, most estuarine deposits are highly unstable, being
subject to settlement, erosion, and poor slope stability. Depending on the clay content,
they may also be expansive.
Figure 3-2: Estuarine Setting of Upper Newport Bay Young Alluvial Fan and Fluvial Channel Sediments (map symbol• Qyf and Qya)
Holocene to latest Pleistocene in age, alluvial fan and fluvial (stream laid) deposits
consisting of mixed sand, silt, clay, and gravel, are found lining active or recently active
stream channels along the western edge of Newport Mesa, and within larger canyons
draining the San Joaquin Hills. These deposits merge with coastal dune deposits west'of'
the mesa, and mix with submerged estuarine deposits at the head of Upper Newport Bay.
Such deposits are typically of low density, and contain organic debris. Consequently, they
are subject to settlement under loading (with fill embankments or buildings), erosion, and
poor slope stability. Peat layers are present near the coast. Due to the variation in grain
size, the expansion characteristics can range from low to high. Landslides (map symbol: Qyls)
The San Joaquin Hills contain numerous landslides or suspected landslides composed of
highly fragmented, jumbled bedrock debris as well as largely coherent bedrock blocks.
Landslides are typically identified by their distinctive morphology, which most often
includes a steep, arcuate headscarp, undulating or relatively flat-topped head, and a
blocked or diverted drainage at the toe.
• Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-5
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Source: Morton et al., 1976 and Morton, 1999
:1 Earth 4�£\VPp��
NOTES: \ 1 !Consullants'�
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map Is not ♦° ,,•'�•, ,•' ��; -� •�- \, ` I Infemultants PFI ;• n't sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of Individual sties, e • / k, � i _ 3:---\\ \ 1t
nor does It satisfythe evoluatlonr uirements set forth In geologic ° '�`'� ``1� eq g 9 regulations. ° ,'`.�
M. t
wa..,,,,, �, r :• 'Project Number: 2112 0,
the a consultantsInternationaldata(m nwhichtmse s no mapwre derived.
ions CIshll tin notregardmg ` �a+' ''p �- .•., r' 4LIFOR;rF�-
theaccuracyofilia data from which these mapswere derived. ECl shall not he liable • o .� _ . :�_ `,� -�;; � '� 1 Date: July, 2003 _-
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, fnciderdal, or consequential +�--•a:n: `%�-,.,-``„_ "' I"
damages wdh respell to any claim by any user or third parry on account of, oradsing ,'•. i , •:;_• v�:;r'=:"
' 4 Plate 301a
from, the use of this map.
Young Surf Wall Deposits
Maine sediments pate Holocene) - Unconsolidated, active or recently active beach sand deposits.
Eollan sediments (late Holocene) - Unconsolidated, active or recently active sand dune deposits.
Estuarine sediments (late Holocene) - Unconsolidated, active, or recently active, sandy, silty, and clayey organic,
rich intertidal deposits.
Young fluvial channel sediments (Holocene and latest Pleistocene) - Unconsolidated sand, sift, clay, and gravel In
active or recenttyactive stream channels.
I ,,,, I
Young alluvial tan sediments (Holocene and latest Pleistocene) - Unconsolidated sand, silt, and clay.
w —
Landslide (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)- Highly fragmented and broken to largely coherent bedrock blocks.
Older Surficial Deposits
Old marine sediments (late to middle Pleistocene) - Light gray to brownish gray silty sand and fine-grained sand locally
vrith gravel and shell fragments. East of Newport Bay, covered with veneer of younger alluvial fan sediments (Oomf).
Very old marine sediments (middle to early Pleistocene)- Light gray to yellow fine- to medium -grained sand, locally clay -
rich and reddish In color; gravelly near the base.
Very old channel sediments (middle to early Pleistocene) - Reddish brain to yellowish brown gravel, sand, sift and
clay; typically poorly bedded, locally with cross -bedded lenses of sand and gravel; locally cemented.
Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks
Niguel Formation (Priooene) -Ught grayto grayish yellow sandstone interbedded with greenish r4ftstone and yellowish
brown to pale reddish brown conglomerate and breccia.
Capistrano FormationSiftstoneFacles(lateMiocene)-Yellowishtobrownishgrayconcretionarysltstoneandmudstone
with lenses of whitish gray sandstone; sparse diatomaceous and tuffaceous beds.
Formation (middle to late Miocene) - Vithifte to yellowish gray sillceous and diatomaceous sillstone, shale, and
clayey elltstonewith Interbedded fine-grained sandstone. Locally contains lenses and thin beds of water-lald tuff.
San Onofre Breccia (middle Miocene)- Brown to yellowish brown brecciawith interbedded conglomerate, sandstone,
siftstone, and mudstone.
Topanga Formation (middle Miocene) - Marine sandstone, slltstone, and shale.
Pauladno Member - Pale gray, tuffaceous slltstone and sandstone with Interbedded brecola. Contains andeshe
- - flows locally sandstones and breccla contain abundant andeslie fragments.
Los Trancos Member - Pale gray, brownish gray and olive -gray, slltstone and clayey sillstone with Interbedded shale
and medium -to coarse -grained sandstone.
Sommer Member -Yellowish brown to brownish gray, medium -to coarse -grained sandstone and silty sandstone.
Minor siftstons and conglomerate.
Vaqueros Formation (early Miocene) -Yellowish brawn fine-grained sandstone with Interbedded siftstone, shale,
mudstone, and minor conglomerate.
Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Andesitre Intrusive racks (middle Miocene) - Dark gray to olive gray intrusive rock primarily of andesitic composition.
Debase Intrusive rocks (middle Miocene) - Diabasic textured shallow intrusive rocks.
Consultants ; �E ".>. Plate
International _ zt Explanation for Geologic Map
Project Number: 2112 ,�-,.
Date: Jury, 2003
Most of the slides appear to be rotational failures, occurring in steep natural slopes
composed of bedrock weakened by the intense fracturing, shearing and folding in or near
the Pelican Hill fault zone. Some of the slides may be block glides associated with the
failure of unsupported weak bedding planes. The larger slides are probably more than a
hundred feet thick.
Landslide materials are commonly porous and very weathered in the upper portions and
along the margins. They may also have open fractures and joints. The head of the slide
may have a graben (pull -apart area) that has been filled with soil, bedrock blocks and
fragments. Some of these slides have been reactivated in the late Holocene and pose a
significant hazard to development. Landslides are further discussed in the geologic
hazards section (Section 3.4) below.
3.3.2 Older Surficial Deposits
Pleistocene marine deposits of various ages are preserved on the surface of Newport Mesa
and on older marine terraces notched into the north and west flanks of the San Joaquin
Hills. These deposits are deeply dissected, moderately consolidated, and have well -
developed soil profiles. Old Marine Sediments (map symbol. Qom and QomO
A large portion of the City, including the uplifted Newport Mesa and coastal platforms, are
capped by brownish gray to light gray silty sand and fine-grained sand, locally with
scattered gravel and lenses of coarse sand, gravel and shell fragments (Qom) (see Figure 3-
3). Bedding ranges from massive to well developed, with cross -bedding. These sediments
have moderate to high density, and are friable, similar to beach sand, below the soil
horizon. A strongly developed argillic soil profile is present, and is locally more than 10
feet thick (see Figure 3-4). Except for the soil zone, permeability is high and the expansion
potential is low. Due to a lack of cohesion, the erosion potential is high. The soil zone
contains a higher clay content, resulting in lower permeability and erodibility, but with a
higher potential for expansion. East of Newport Bay, the old marine deposits are covered
with a veneer of younger alluvial fan sediments shed from the San Joaquin Hills (Qomfl. Very Old Marine Sediments (map symbol. Qvom)
This unit includes sediments of variable thickness deposited on prehistoric wave -eroded
platforms. These deposits are now present as erosional remnants perched at higher
elevations within the San Joaquin Hills. Several terrace platforms that increase in age with
increasing elevation have been identified in the San Joaquin Hills (see Figure 3-5). The
terrace deposits typically consist of light gray to yellow, silty fine- to medium -grained sand;
they are locally clay -rich and reddish to orange -brown in color. Lenses and beds of gravel
are commonly present in the lower section of the deposit, with concentrations of cobbles,
pebbles and shell fragments at the base. These sediments are moderately well cemented
and slightly to moderately jointed. The engineering characteristics of this unit are similar
to those of the old marine sediments.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards
Page 3-S
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Figure 3-5: Detail Showing Older Marine Terraces Present at Various Elevations
Within and Near the San Joaquin Hills
(from Grant et at, 1999) Very Old Fluvial Channel Sediments (map symbol: Qvoa)
These sediments consist of gravel, sand; silt, and clay that are now present in elevated
bench -like terraces flanking the modern stream channels. Within the Newport Beach area,
older river terraces are present along Bonita Creek, on the northern side of the San Joaquin
Hills. Typically reddish brown to yellowish brown and grayish brown, these deposits are
poorly bedded, but locally have tenses of cross -bedded sand and gravel. Induration ranges
from poor to well developed; the unit is locally cemented. Permeability and expansion
potential are highly variable, depending on the composition and degree of soil
development. Slope stability is generally good, with most slope failures consisting of
slumping along the walls of active stream channels. Susceptibility to erosion is low in
natural slopes with gentle gradients, and moderately high in steeper, graded slopes.
3.3.3 Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks
Within the City, areas of high relief are underlain primarily by a complex assemblage of
sedimentary rocks created by multiple episodes of faulting and folding. All of these rocks
are marine in origin, having formed from sediments deposited in a deep ocean embayment
that encroached into the Orange County area prior to uplift of the region.
. Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-10
Figure 3-6. View of Newport Mesa showing the Older Marine Terrace Deposits
(coincident with the vegetation at the top of the bluffs)
Capping Deposits of the Capistrano Formation
(in the lower two-thirds of the bluffs)
Formation Niguel Formation (map symbol. Tn)
The Pliocene -age Niguel Formation is found only in the Eastbluff and Bonita Canyon areas,
where stream erosion has cut down through the mesa to expose the bedrock underlying
the old marine terrace deposits. This rock unit consists of light gray to grayish yellow
sandstone, interbedded with greenish siltstone and yellowish brown to pale reddish brown
conglomerate and breccia. Bedding is well developed in the sandstone, but is poor to
massive in the conglomerate and siltstone sections. Sandstone beds are typically friable,
whereas the conglomerate and breccia units are moderately indurated. Jointing is rare.
Permeability ranges from low to high, and due to the mostly granular nature of the deposit,
erodibility is also high. Slope stability is generally good, except for surficial slumping on
bluffs during periods of heavy rainfall. The expansion potential is low except in clay -rich
beds, which can be very highly expansive. Capistrano Formation — Siltstone Facies (map symbol: Tcs)
The late Miocene to early Pliocene Capistrano Formation is exposed in bluffs along the
western side of Upper Newport Bay, in the Westcliff area. This unit consists of massive to
crudely bedded, yellowish gray to medium brownish gray concretionary siltstone and
mudstone with lenses of whitish gray sandstone. Well -bedded diatomaceous and
tuffaceous beds are present locally. This rock is highly jointed, and contains common low
angle shears. Gypsum is frequently found filling joints and shear planes. Permeability of
the rock is low, and the expansion potential is high to very high. Although resistant to
erosion, slope stability is generally poor.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-11
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' Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SureIMAPS
z•. "`,
Source: Bash on data from Morton et al., 1976 and
��'�r•-i �`�- ^`� ddvv �•+ Morton, 1999
NOTES: \♦�®`�® i =Consultants
This map is intended forgenerel land use planning only. Information on this map is noty ®curt®` '?_ International t:�
sufficient to serve as a subsidute fordelded geologio investigations ofindivldual styes, ♦ ,U - y, ,
nordoes itsatisfy the evaluatlon requirements setforth in geologic hamml regulations. s s+' I; "
ProlectNumber:2112 ',.o,..
Earth Consultants International(ECq makes rw representations orvramantias regarding ,.�®♦ ""��'. -^•• f- .,�Lfvox��''
• the accuracy of the date from which these maps vvere derived. ECishalinot beliable ; sa.®' . n _ -� - c <a. `Date: July, 2U(13 e.-�,-:,•
under any circumstances forImy dired, Indirect, special. incidental, or consequential :/
damegeswdh respect to any claim byany userorthird party on account or, oradsing from, the use of this map. "'`:+ "' Platey
• Monterey Formation (map symbol: Tin)
The Monterey Formation is widely exposed in the San Joaquin Hills south of the Pelican
Hill fault zone. It also underlies the Pleistocene marine deposits that cap the mesa and
coastal platform, and is therefore exposed in many of the bluffs and canyon sidewalls
where stream dissection has been deep. This rock unit consists predominantly of thinly
bedded to laminated siliceous siltstone, shale, and clayey siltstone with interbeds of
clayey, diatomaceous siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone. Locally it contains
irregular lenses and thin beds of water -laid tuff (volcanic ash) that is frequently altered to
highly plastic clay.
Rock of the Monterey Formation is moderately to intensely fractured, particularly near the
Pelican Hill fault. Cemented sandstones and siliceous shales are very hard, and can be
difficult to excavate. Due to the fine-grained nature of the sediments, permeability is low,
and resistance to erosion is generally good. Highly expansive clays are common, and
slope stability is poor, as indicated by the numerous bedrock landslides within this unit,
and the many surficial failures that occur on natural slopes during winters of heavy rainfall. San Onofre Breccia (map symbol: Tsob)
The middle Miocene San Onofre Breccia is present in the San Joaquin Hills as a narrow,
fault -bounded block within the Pelican Hill fault zone. This rock unit consists of brown to
yellowish brown breccia (coarse -grained rock composed of angular broken rock fragments
held together by a mineral cement or matrix) with interbedded conglomerate, sandstone,
• siltstone, and mudstone. Bedding structure is poor, especially in this area, due to shearing
associated with the fault zone. This rock unit is commonly well indurated and cemented,
making it difficult to excavate. Permeability is low, and expansion characteristics are
generally low, except in clayey zones that can be highly expansive. Slope stability in this
unit in normally good, but fracturing and shearing within the fault zone have weakened the
rock fabric, and numerous slope failures are present as bedrock landslides, rockfalls, and
surficial slumping on steep natural slopes. Topanga Formation (map symbol: Tt, Tip, Tit, Ttb)
The Paularino member of the middle Miocene Topanga Formation (Ttp) has very limited
exposure in canyon sidewalls in the Bonita Creek area, where it is capped by older marine
deposits and younger fan sediments. This unit consists of pale gray tuffaceous (ash rich)
siltstone and sandstone with interbedded breccia. Andesite flows are present locally, and
the sandstones and breccias contain abundant andesite fragments. Bedding is generally
massive except in the fine-grained fraction, which is thin -bedded. The rock is typically
well indurated and cemented, resulting in low permeability and moderate to difficult
excavation. Slope stability and resistance to erosion are moderately good. Expansion
potential, for the most part, is in the low range.
North of the Pelican Hill fault zone, the hills are underlain predominantly by the Los
Trancos and Bommer members of the Topanga Formation. The Los Trancos member (Ttlt)
consists of light gray, brownish gray, and olive -gray siltstone and clayey siltstone with
interbedded claystone and grayish brown sandstone. Bedding is typically well developed
• as thinly bedded to laminated strata, although intervals of thick to massive bedding occur.
Permeability is low, and susceptibility to erosion ranges from low to high. Expansion
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-13
• characteristics are in the moderately high to high range. Slope stability is poor, as
indicated by many bedrock and surficial failures, especially near the Pelican Hill fault
The Bommer member (Ttb) consists of massive to thickly bedded, medium- to coarse -
grained sandstone and silty sandstone, with a minor amount of interbedded conglomerate
and siltstone. The color ranges from yellowish -brown to grayish -brown with orange iron -
oxidation staining. The upper contact with the Los Trancos member is gradational. Rocks
of the Bommer member are very dense and commonly cemented, making excavation
difficult. Permeability and erodibility in this unit are moderately low. Expansion potential
is low in the sandstone intervals, and moderate to high in the less frequent siltstone
intervals. Slope stability is generally good except where faulting has weakened the rock
fabric, resulting in numerous landslides. Vaqueros Formation (map symbol. TO
The early Miocene Vaqueros Formation is present as a large, fault -bounded block in the
southern part of the hills. Consisting of pale yellowish brown siltstone, fine-grained
sandstone, mudstone, and shale, this unit is typically massive to thick bedded, with minor
thin -bedded intervals of siltstone and shale. Permeability is moderately poor, and silty
intervals are moderately expansive. Susceptibility to erosion ranges from low to high.
Slope stability is very poor in this area, due to deformation from faulting, as indicated by
large bedrock landslides that involve a significant portion of the rock exposed.
• 3.3.4 Tertiary Intrusive Rocks Andesite and Diabase (map symbol: Ta and TO
Middle Miocene andesite and diabase (rock of igneous origin) occur as dikes along faults
or shear zones, and locally as irregular -shaped bodies, commonly near faults. These rocks
typically form by intrusion of magma into fractures, joints and faults within the surrounding
rock. Unweathered portions of these rocks are dense and very resistant to erosion, forming
rocky ribs along faults and ridgelines. The color ranges from dark gray to olive gray in
fresh rock, to light brownish gray, light brown, yellowish brown and yellowish orange if
altered and decomposed. Fracturing and jointing are common. Permeability is moderate
to low, and expansion characteristics are generally low. Unweathered rock may be very
difficult to excavate. Slope stability is typically good. Rockfalls may pose a problem
locally where hard, fractured outcrops are present.
3.4 Geologic Hazards in the Newport Beach Area
Geologic hazards are generally defined as surficial earth processes that have the potential to cause
loss or harm to the community or the environment. The basic elements involved in the assessment
of geologic hazards are climate, geology, soils, topography, and land use.
3.4.1 Landslides and Slope instability
In Newport Beach, landslides have been and remain a significant risk, as development
reaches higher elevations within the hills. Although an active landslide tends to affect a
• relatively small area (as compared to a damaging earthquake), and is generally a problem
for only a short period of time, the dollar loss can be high. Insurance policies typically do
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-14
• not cover landslide damage, and this can add to the anguish of the affected property
Careful land management in hillside areas can reduce the risk of economic and social
losses from slope failures. This generally includes land use zoning to restrict development
in unstable areas, grading codes for earthwork construction, geologic and soil engineering
investigation and review, construction of drainage structures, and where warranted,
placement of warning systems. Other important factors are risk assessments (including
susceptibility maps), a concerned local government, and an educated public. Types of Slope Failures
Slope failures occur in a variety of forms, and there is usually a distinction made between
gross failures (sometimes also referred to as "global" failures) and surficial failures. Gross
failures include deep-seated or relatively thick slide masses, such as landslides, whereas
surficial failures can range from minor soil slips to destructive debris flows. Slope failures
can occur on natural or man-made slopes. For man-made slopes, most failures occur on
older slopes, many of which were built at slope gradients steeper than those allowed by
today's grading codes. Although infrequent, failures can also occur on newer graded
slopes, generally due to poor engineering or poor construction. Slope failures often occur
as elements of interrelated natural hazards in which one event triggers a secondary event,
such earthquake -induced landsliding, fire -flood sequences, or storm -induced mudflows.
• Gross Instability
• Landslides - Landslides are movements of relatively large land masses, either as a nearly
intact bedrock blocks, or as jumbled mixes of bedrock blocks, fragments, debris, and soils.
The type of movement is generally described as translational (slippage on a relatively
planar, dipping layer), rotational (circular -shaped failure plane) or wedge (movement of a•
wedge-shaped block from between intersecting planes of weakness, such as fractures,
faults and bedding). The potential for slope failure is dependent on many factors and their
interrelationships. Some of the most important factors include slope height, slope
steepness, shear strength and orientation of weak layers in the underlying geologic unit, as
well as pore water pressures. joints and shears, which weaken the rock fabric, allow
penetration of water leading to deeper weathering of the rock along with increasing the
pore pressures, increasing the plasticity of weak clays, and increasing the weight of the
landmass. For engineering of earth materials, these factors are combined in calculations to
determine if a slope meets a minimum safety standard. The generally accepted standard is
a factor of safety of 1.5 or greater (where 1.0 is equilibrium, and less than 1.0 is failure).
Natural slopes, graded slopes, or graded/natural slope combinations must meet these
minimum engineering standards where they impact planned homes, subdivisions, or other
types of developments. Slopes adjacent to areas where the risk of economic losses from
landsliding is small, such as parks and roadways, are often allowed, at the discretion of the
local reviewing agency, a lesser safety factor.
From an engineering perspective, landslides are generally unstable (may be subject to
reactivation), and may be compressible, especially around the margins, which are typically
highly disturbed and broken. The headscarp area above the landslide mass is also
• unstable, since it is typically oversteepened, cracked, and subject to additional failures.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-15
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NOTES: `ee
This map is intended forgenarai land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to some as a substitute for detailed geologic Investigations of individual sites, o
nor does it satisy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulations.
Earth consultants International (ECD makes rw representations or warranties regarding ®'
• the accuracy of the data from which these mapsw'em derived. ECl shall not be liable >e®mom
under any circumstances for any direct, Indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
Slope Distribution
Newport Beach, California
Slope (in degrees)
( 0 to 10
10 to 26
26 to 40
40 and greater
Newport Beach City Boundary
,;-37 Sphere of Influence
Scale: 1:60,000
0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
'`��,�•- ��i�`'�4{�� • -, - I Miles
t1 1i1 �r �Pl a •@` U. 'I . N 1 0 1 2 3
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SurelMAPS
�'.' _ ham•, Source: Derived from USGS 10-m Digital Elevation Model
t '==Consultants
— j Intemational
i Project Number: 2112
Date: July, 2003
Plate 3-3
• Surficial Instability
Slope Creep - Slope creep in general involves deformation and movement of the outer soil
or rock materials in the face of the slope, due to the forces of gravity overcoming the shear
strength of the material. Soil creep is the imperceptibly slow and relatively continuous
downslope movement of the soil layer on moderate to steep slopes. Creep occurs most
often in soils that develop on fine-grained bedrock units. Rock creep is a similar process,
and involves permanent deformation of the outer few feet of the rock face resulting in
folding and fracturing. Rock creep is most common in highly fractured, fine-grained rock
units, such as siltstone, claystone and shale.
Creep also occurs in graded fill slopes. This is thought to be related to the alternate
wetting and drying of slopes constructed with fine-grained, expansive soils. The repeated
expansion and contraction of the soils at the slope face leads to loosening and fracturing of
the soils, thereby leaving the soils susceptible to creep. While soil creep is not
catastrophic, it can cause damage to structures and improvements located at the tops of
Soil Slip - This type of failure is generated by strong winter storms, and is widespread in the
steeper slope areas, particularly after winters with prolonged and/or heavy rainfall. Failure
occurs on canyon sideslopes, and in soils that have accumulated in swales, gullies and
ravines. Slope steepness has a strong influence on the development of soil slips, with most
slips occurring on slopes with gradients of between about 27 and 56 degrees (Campbell,
• 1975). For the slope gradients in Newport Beach refer to Plate 3-3.
Earth Flow - This type of slope failure is a persistent, slow -moving, lobe -shaped slump that
typically comes to rest on the slope not far below the failure point. Earth flows commonly
form in fine-grained soils (clay, silt and fine sand), and are mobilized by an increase in
pore water pressure caused by infiltration of water during and after winter rains. Earth
flows occur on moderate to steep slopes, typically in the range of about 15 to 35 degrees
(Keefer and Johnson, 1983).
Debris Flow - This type of failure is the most dangerous and destructive of all types of slope
failure. A debris flow (also called mudflow, mudslide, and debris avalanche) is a rapidly
moving slurry of water, mud, rock, vegetation and debris. Larger debris flows are capable
of moving trees, large boulders, and even cars. This type of failure is especially dangerous
as it can move at speeds as fast as 40 feet per second, is capable of crushing buildings, and
can strike with very little warning. As with soil slips, the development of debris flows is
strongly tied to exceptional storm periods of prolonged rainfall. Failure occurs during an
intense rainfall event, following saturation of the soil by previous rains.
A debris flow most commonly originates as a soil slip in the rounded, soil -filled "hollow"
at the head of a drainage swale or ravine (see Figure 3-7). The rigid soil mass is deformed
into a viscous fluid that moves down the drainage, incorporating into the flow additional
soil and vegetation scoured from the channel. Debris flows also occur on canyon walls,
often in soil -filled swales that do not have topographic expression. The velocity of the flow
• depends on the viscosity, slope gradient, height of the slope, roughness and gradient of the
channel, and the baffling effects of vegetation. Even relatively small amounts of debris can
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-17
cause damage from inundation and/or impact (Ellen and Fleming, 1987; Reneau and
Dietrich, 1987). Recognition of this hazard led FEMA to modify its National Flood
Insurance Program to include inundation by "mudslides" (FEMA, 2001).
Watersheds that have been recently burned typically yield -greater amounts of soil and
debris than those that have not burned. Erosion rates during the first year after a fire are
estimated to be 15 to 35 times greater than normal, and peak discharge rates range from 2
to 35 times higher. These rates drop abruptly in the second year, and return to normal
after about 5 years (Tan, 1998). In addition, debris flows in burned areas are unusual in
that they can occur in response to small storms and do not require a long period of
antecedent rainfall. These kinds of flows are common in small gullies and ravines during
the first rains after a burn, and can become catastrophic when a severe burn is followed by
an intense storm season (Wells, 1987).
Figure 3-7. Sketch of a Typical Debris Avalanche Scar and Track
SCAR (Area of initial'failure)`" " ==
- r
TRACK-( or may �•� � I
not be orod6d).1,,r' k
i (Fail). j
From: httn•//www consryca gov/cgs/information/publications/cgs notes/note 33/index.htm.
Original sketch by Janet K. Smith
Rockfalls — Rockfalls are free -falling to tumbling masses of bedrock that have broken off
steep canyon walls or cliffs. The debris from repeated rockfalls typically collects at the
base of extremely steep slopes in cone -shaped accumulations of angular rock fragments
called talus. Rockfalls can happen wherever fractured rock slopes are oversteepened by
stream erosion or man's activities.
Most of the landslides in the San Joaquin Hills are pre -historic in age. The combination of
low a sea level in Pleistocene time (when much of the Earth's water was trapped in great
• Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-18
ice sheets) and regional tectonic uplift has resulted in the oversteepening of slopes facing
small to large stream channels. This, along with the presence of weak bedrock materials,
severe deformation associated with the numerous faults that traverse the hills, and a wetter
prehistoric climate, have been the major factors contributing to the occurrence of the large
number of landslides that cover the hills.
All the bedrock formations in the San Joaquin Hills have been involved in landsliding,
however the most susceptible formations are those that are largely composed of siltstone,
claystone, mudstone, and shale, such as the Monterey, Topanga (Los Trancos member),
and Vaqueros Formations (see Plate 3-1a). These units are present in the central, southern,
and western portions of the hills. The San Onofre Formation, normally resistant to
landsliding, occurs as a sheared faulted block within the Pelican Hills fault zone, and as a
consequence, has produced several large landslides.
The Capistrano siltstone is notorious for large landslides in southern Orange County, where
it underlies vast areas of hillside terrain. In Newport Beach, this formation is limited to
scattered outcrops along the western bluffs of Newport Bay, and is covered by a protective
cap of marine terrace deposits. Consequently, large landslides are not present, and slope
instability is generally limited to surficial failures.
Surficial slumps and slides are too small to map at the scale used in Plate 3-1, however
they are common within the hills, typically occurring in the thick soils and deeply
weathered bedrock near the base of steep slopes. Soil slips are common throughout the
• hills during winters of particularly heavy and prolonged rainfall.
Much of the accumulated sediment in canyon bottoms, as well as small sediment fans at
the mouths of tributary drainages, was probably deposited in mud slurries or debris flows.
Catastrophic debris flows, however, have not been reported for the Newport Beach area,
probably because most development in the City occurs on elevated areas, rather than
vulnerable locations at the base of natural slopes and in canyon bottoms.
Slopes that are the most susceptible to creep are those composed of weak, fine-grained
geologic materials, similar to those that are susceptible to landsliding. Fills slopes
constructed with materials excavated from these bedrock units may also show signs of
creep over time. Susceptibility to Slope Failure
Despite the abundance of landslides and recent spread of new development into the San
Joaquin Hills, damage from slope failures in Newport Beach has been small compared to
other hillside communities. This can probably be attributed to the development of strict
hillside grading ordinances, sound project design that avoids severely hazardous areas, soil
engineering practices that include detailed preliminary investigations and oversight during
grading, and effective agency review of hillside grading projects. The recent trend toward
saving biologically rich canyon habitats has the added benefit of keeping developments
out of the path of potential slope failures.
• Nevertheless, developments at the top of natural slopes may also be impacted by slope
failures. Even if a slope failure does not reach the properties above, the visual impact will
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-19
• generally cause alarm to homeowners. The City's remaining natural hillsides and coastal
bluff areas are generally vulnerable to the types of slope instability mentioned above.
Table 3-1 below is a summary of the geologic conditions in various parts of the City that
provide the environment for slope instability to occur. These conditions usually include
such factors as terrain steepness, rock or soil type, condition of the rock (such as degree of
fracturing and weathering), internal structures within the rock (such as bedding, foliation,
faults) and the prior occurrence of slope failures. Catalysts that ultimately allow slope
failures to occur in vulnerable terrain are most often water (heavy and prolonged rainfall),
erosion and undercutting by streams, man-made alterations to the slope, or seismic
shaking. The summary in Table 3-1 was derived from the Geologic Map (Plate 3-1 a), the
Engineering Materials Map (Plate 3-2) and the Slope Distribution Map (Plate 3-3). The
information in Table 3-1 has been compiled to make the Slope Instability Map (Plate 34).
Table 3-1: General Slope Instability Potential within the City of Newport Beach
Geologic Conditions
Types of Potential Slope Instability
San Joaquin Hills
Moderate to steep natural slopes,
Most Common:
many in excess of 26 degrees
Soil slips on steep slopes, soil slumps
along stream channels;
and small slides on the edges of
Highly fractured, sheared,
active stream channels; small debris
faulted, and crushed bedrock;
or mud flows in canyons.
Bedrock formations com-posed of
Less Common:
clays and silts having weak shear
Large, deep-seated land -slides.
Least Common:
Soils and loose debris at the toes
Rockfalls in areas where rocky
of slopes and in drainage courses,
outcrops of resistant, unweathered
Abundant small to large existing
intrusive rocks are present.
Bluffs along Upper
Moderate to locally steep slopes,
Most Common:
Newport Bay,
many in the range of 26 degrees
Soil slips and slumps on moderate to
Newport Harbor, and
or more;
steep slopes and in drainage swales,
the Pacific Ocean
Highly fractured and jointed
especially during periods of heavy
siltstone, mudstone, and shale in
rainfall. Spalling of coastal bluffs
the lower part, sand and silty
from wave erosion.
sand (marine terrace deposits) in
Less Common:
the upper part;
Small mud flows in canyons and
Soils and loose debris in tributary
drainages and swales.
Least Common:
Large, deep-seated landslides.
• Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-20
-•'-_ ,! —_ "' -' -`'i :i; is a�r.j �. �s
General Slope Ins
tabili Potential
- a _ y rs • al
Area Geologic Conditions TYPE of Po en
t :�= .. - = ...'��>' s^ � .; \ s � � .� ;s '� •= Slope Instability
r ` 7 •� `--�r�ll,�,. i._ :.....' >' -t'- 1� »p>•� ? • HiSan lls
lVioderate to steep natural etteced26degreesab�dr�pmdrannek: Shcsll�eepskpea,sdlslumps Slope Instability
W ".• -'�-�'a ' .',=•iii Cdi; % - '"< Seed• ">- n9 and small slides Dribs d
_ :,, f -.. • ti a. Highly fractured, sheared, feuhed, and M
r Nl �ij `', ~•'`^ -"o t'' •> `; crushed bedroclS active stream channels;=211 debris • map
s -A o r_ i fe-�::'��_ ,e •.s ' .�Ge _ BedmckforrnMions composed of days or mud flows In canyons.
K- '.. �: ».•' -J _ b 'a i - ` 'F""Iv,.�tr `7tr<� and sills having weak shear resistance: Less Common:
•F •`"';t��`„.; '` �`r'r`41 ta; .v_. it Solis and loose debris at the toes of slopes merge, deep-seated landslides.
• - i -F1 I rCOOSTA ySjBg-Y - _ net " f'„' "c andindrainagecourses- Least Common:
-,y_ _ - �.`--� `\ Abundant small to large mdsting landslides. Rockfalls In areas where rocky
,mi , {.. ,:?' , - _ a'ii�v;;a,,, �,'/,., __�,� ;'.^_ .,.� outcrops of resistant, unweathered
A,�xr _ iM�,Yaro�ksamP present.
Newport Beach, California
i ,--
Ii. -i-t -I -"'•'' �,,: r/ �,` ,-- Bluffs along
t P I ,- -r i- ' t '- _ z r,��iz - „ .�_ �' Upper Modemtstolocalysteepslopes,manyin Most Common:
r - F - _irµ• :; f Enr BoJt;�tu:Icn- the range rYG.. Newport Bay, fr degreestemore; Sol] slips and slumps on moderate to
°—' •- ' I='- • �,i � • "- - • •_i ". � ' - ,• e , 1+=�'- l Highly fractured and jointed siNstone, sleep slopesand in -drainage,
e r_ ._ '•,:`."Grp _ ! Newport ofheavales,
1 `"f j a: _i r i' ✓ i mudslone, and shale in the lov erpart, especially dodo nods ofh
f" ? `'• Harborand Pce N during envy
{/ ""' i • ^ -L �' - "' 4O r"r.�•c' - �y sand and silty sand (marine terms rainfall. spelling of coastal bluffs from EXPLANATION_--slit'°a-�=i-ur ':-:• - - xAr' -a i • ,, s�ni' the Pacific dePosits) in the Part; wave eoion.
.'•' -ir,u.i - R`+. ,. ..* ,�,r ' - '=•• u.''-. `F,. I'(G•ei-,.�• r {���, UCean Soils and loose debris in tributary- drainages Less Common:
and swales.
• _ _ s- �.' , -i: �, .. _ z• rt .+� <r-.l = r `� r •a - •� Ff _ Small mud flows in canyons and
ravines. n Slope Instability Rating
y , `,�.-..�• _v" �"F Least Common:
a' "i - ' + "'-�•_ 'a0�,r" : -f- �,lf' o•;'��.'\ - V < 1 "'�l�'', - - Latga, deep-seated landslides. Very High
.,moo - �' --- `- -- -- High
Mapped Landslide
b.:�,,i "- ` `a ♦ +l� - v t - e - - �,R Oi' i IRVINE
� 1` `�`• 4"ti^'.. ,JCR_ _ , Il�.`p+ •- - � •f�-'a ti ,^�.-'a o -.
[�\ ,- -';p ',,,rw - L'`"4-- - �r{$• ,,r -_ ,a t _ f rat - •.� Newport Beach City Boundary
,l r`-r.r " Wy q1' w. f `:.H..Y L«•i_NNn ...,. Gw„y,�, ..'a• I W.iJ zjL
xe,p «?''s'.^..•. ti�:.a(-v..�i.{L, � •r o-:_ r� :t.-+,f tvy �i � _ Sphere of Influence
-NE♦{'PORT BEACH - "ar °' 1 � ,'F �a' •f __s ;°r5�'i ✓ i.R '' 15-'♦:- � /�. c� '
`p .. "B °* 'r-r `f•";,i.., F-N N4_ lr i� v 'R ..1. '1`C i f bI �_
_ _ , _. ��s, .,.•, -w r � ---r�� — ., r ; i, - . -'-tip. Scale: 1:60,000
`'" fxa y ' .r - 4 j . 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
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k z da'r. e v F a? A e i r rJ ' 1 0 1 2 3
�� Nn z• bJ "�y y Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SureIMAPS
ry , Source: Based on data from Morton et at., 1976 and
Morton, 1999
��.,.. Earth kE:vpo
NOTES: ,. _ / = aConsultants
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not `� �,�.® Intemational sufficient to serve as a substitute for delaled geologic investigations of individual Bliss, ti �e r. r- ,.% -.
nor does It satithe evaluation re uirements set forth In geologic hazard ' BFi a a es regmanore- Project Number. 2112
Earth Consultants International(ECI) makes no representation or warramies regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECl shall not be liable w os°®' - �`` Date: July, 2003
under any circumstances for direct, indirect,s ecial, incidental, or consequential-
nY rry p P -�,rw..,.... �: I
dam, the use
re spectto any claim by any user arthird party on account of, or arising Pl�°gg�B �m�,
from, the use of this map.- •- _--'>•=-- ,1- e'6a >..
• Mitigation of Slope Instability in Future Development
All proposed projects should require a site -specific geotechnical evaluation of any slopes
that may impact the future use of the property. This includes existing slopes that are to
remain, and any proposed graded slopes. The investigation typically includes borings to
collect geologic data and soil samples, laboratory testing to determine soil strength
parameters, and engineering calculations. Numerous soil -engineering methods are
available for stabilizing slopes that pose a threat to development. These methods include
designed buttresses (replacing the weak portion of the slope with engineered fill); reducing
the height of the slope; designing the slope at a flatter gradient; and adding reinforcements
such as soil cement or layers of geogrid (a tough polymeric net -like material that is placed
between the horizontal layers of fill). Most slope stabilization methods include a subdrain
system to remove excessive ground water for the slope area. If it is not feasible to mitigate
the slope stability hazard, building setbacks are typically imposed.
Temporary slope stability is also a concern, especially where earthwork construction is
taking place next to existing improvements. Temporary slopes are those made for slope
stabilization backcuts, fill keys, alluvial removals, retaining walls, and utility lines. The risk
of slope failure is higher in temporary slopes because they are generally cut at a much
steeper gradient. In general, temporary slopes should not be cut steeper than 1:1
(horizontal:vertical), and depending on field conditions flatter gradients may be necessary.
The potential for slope failure can also be reduced by cutting and filling large excavations
in segments, and not leaving temporary excavations open for long periods of time. The
stability of large temporary slopes should be analyzed prior to construction, and mitigation
measures provided as needed.
For debris flows, assessment of this hazard for individual sites should focus on structures
located or planned in vulnerable positions. This generally includes canyon areas; at the
toes of steep, natural slopes; and at the mouth of small to large drainage channels.
Mitigation of soil slips, earth -flows, and debris flows is usually directed at containment
(debris basins), or diversion (impact walls, deflection walls, diversion channels, and debris
fences). A system of baffles may be added upstream to slow the velocity of a potential
debris flow. Other methods include removal of the source material, placing subdrains in
the source area to prevent pore water pressure buildup, or avoidance by restricting
building to areas outside of the potential debris flow path.
There are numerous methods for mitigating rock falls. Choosing the best method depends
on the geological conditions (i.e., slope height, steepness, fracture spacing, bedding
orientation), safety, type and cost of construction repair, and aesthetics. A commonly used
method is to regrade the slope. This ranges from locally trimming hazardous overhangs, to
completely reconfiguring the slope to a more stable condition, possibly with the addition
of benches to catch small rocks. Another group of methods focuses on holding the
fractured rock in place by draping the slope with wire mesh, or by installing tensioned rock
bolts, tie -back walls, or even retaining walls. A third type of mitigation includes catchment
devices at the toe of the slope, such as Glitches, walls, or combinations of both. Designing
the width of the catchment structure requires analysis of how the rock will fall. For
instance, the slope gradient and roughness of the slope determines if rocks will fall,
bounce, or roll to the bottom (Wyllie and Norrish, 1996).
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards
Page 3-22
• Mitigation of Slope Instability in Existing Development
There are a number of options for management of potential slope instability in developed
hillsides. Implementation of these options should reduce the hazard to an acceptable
level, including reducing or eliminating the potential for loss of life or injury, and reducing
economic loss to tolerable levels. Mitigation measures may include:
Protecting existing development and population where appropriate by physical
controls such as drainage, slope -geometry modification, protective barriers, and
retaining structures;
Posting warning signs in areas of potential slope instability;
Encouraging homeowners to install landscaping consisting primarily of drought -
resistant, preferably native vegetation that helps stabilize the hillsides;
Incorporating recommendations for potential slope instability into geologic and soil
engineering reports for building additions and new grading; and
Providing public education on slope stability, including the importance of avoiding
heavy irrigation and maintaining drainage devices. US Geological Survey Fact Sheet
FS-071-00 (May, 2000) and California Geological Survey Note 33 (November, 2001)
provide public information on landslide and mudslide hazards.
3.4.2 Compressible Soils
Compressible soils are typically geologically young (Holocene age) unconsolidated
sediments of low density that may compress under the weight of proposed fill
• embankments and structures. The settlement potential and the rate of settlement in these
sediments can vary greatly, depending on the soil characteristics (texture and grain size),
natural moisture and density, thickness of the compressible layer(s), the weight of the
proposed load, the rate at which the load is applied, and drainage. Areas of the City where
compressible soils are most likely to occur are the active and recently active stream
channels, estuary deposits, beach and dune deposits, and young alluvial fan deposits. In
the San Joaquin Hills, compressible soils are commonly found in canyon bottoms, swales,
and at the base of natural slopes. Landslide deposits may also be compressible,
particularly at the head or graben area and along the margins. Deep fill embankments,
generally those in excess of about 60 feet deep, will also compress under their own weight. Mitigation of Compressible Soils
When development is planned within areas that contain compressible soils, a geotechnical
soil analysis is required to identify the presence of this hazard. The analysis should
consider the characteristics of the soil column in that specific area, and also the load of
any proposed fills and structures that are planned, the type of structure (i.e. a road,
pipeline, or building), and the local groundwater conditions. Removal and recompaction
of the near -surface soils is generally the minimum that is required. Deeper removals may
be needed for heavier loads, or for structures that are sensitive to minor settlement. Based
on the location -specific data and analyses, partial removal and recompaction of the
compressible soils is often performed, followed by settlement monitoring for a number of
months after additional fill has been placed, but before buildings or infrastructure are
constructed. Similar methods are used for deep fills. In cases where it is not feasible to
• remove the compressible soils, buildings can be supported on specially engineered
foundations that may include deep caissons or piles.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-23
• 3.4.3 Collapsible Soils
Hydroconsolidation or soil collapse typically occurs in recently deposited, Holocene -age
soils that accumulated in an and or semi -arid environment. Soils prone to collapse are
commonly associated with wind -deposited sands and silts, and alluvial fan and debris flow
sediments deposited during flash floods. These soils are typically dry and contain minute
pores and voids. The soil particles may be partially supported by clay, silt or carbonate
bonds. When saturated, collapsible soils undergo a rearrangement of their grains and a loss
of cementation, resulting in substantial and rapid settlement under relatively light loads.
An increase in surface water infiltration, such as from irrigation, or a rise in the
groundwater table, combined with the weight of a building or structure, can initiate rapid
settlement and cause foundations and walls to crack. Typically, differential settlement of
structures occurs when landscaping is heavily irrigated in close proximity to the structure's
The Holocene sediments that underlie the Newport Beach area are generally not
susceptible to this hazard due to the granular nature of the soils, and the lack of clay that is
needed to form the dry strength bonds between grains. However, variation in grain size
within alluvial deposits in common. Therefore, localized areas could support the
conditions needed for collapse to occur. Mitigation of Collapsible Soils
The potential for soils to collapse should be evaluated on a site -specific basis as part of the
• geotechnical studies for development. If the soils are determined to be collapsible, the
hazard can be mitigated by several different measures or combination of measures,
including excavation and recompaction, or pre -saturation and pre -loading of the
susceptible soils in place to induce collapse prior to construction. After construction,
infiltration of water into the subsurface soils should be minimized by proper surface
drainage design, which directs excess runoff to catch basins and storm drains.
3.4.4 Expansive Soils
Fine-grained soils, such as silts and clays, may contain variable amounts of expansive clay
minerals. These minerals can undergo significant volumetric changes as a result of changes
in moisture content. The upward pressures induced by the swelling of expansive soils can
have significant harmful effects upon structures and other surface improvements.
Most of the Newport Mesa and Corona Del Mar areas are underlain by marine terrace
deposits and young alluvial fan sediments that are composed primarily of granular soils
(silty sand, sand, and gravel). Such units are typically in the low to moderately low range
for expansion potential. However, thick soil profiles developed on the older marine
deposits exposed west of Newport Bay are typically clay -rich and will probably fall in the
moderately expansive range. Areas underlain by beach and dune sands have very little
expansion potential.
Potentially expansive bedrock may be exposed on natural slopes and ridges in the San
Joaquin Hills, or may be uncovered by grading cuts made for developments. Topsoils
• developed on fine-grained bedrock formations will also be moderately to highly expansive.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-24
• In some cases, engineered fills may be expansive and cause damage to improvements if
such soils are incorporated into the fill near the finished surface. Mitigation of Expansive Soils
The best defense against this hazard in new developments is to avoid placing expansive
soils near the surface. If this is unavoidable, building areas with expansive soils are
typically "presaturated" to a moisture content and depth specified by the soil engineer,
thereby "pre -swelling" the soil prior to constructing the structural foundation or hardscape.
This method is often used in conjunction with stronger foundations that can resist small
ground movements without cracking. Good surface drainage control is essential for all
types of improvements, both new and old. Property owners should be educated about the
importance of maintaining relatively constant moisture levels in their landscaping.
Excessive watering or alternating wetting and drying can result in distress to improvements
and structures.
3.4.5 Ground Subsidence
Ground subsidence is the gradual settling or sinking of the ground surface with little or no
horizontal movement. Most ground subsidence is man -induced. In the areas of southern
California where significant ground subsidence has been reported (such as Antelope
Valley, Murrieta, and Wilmington, for example) this phenomenon is usually associated
with the extraction of oil, gas or ground water from below the ground surface in valleys
filled with recent alluvium.
• Ground -surface effects related to regional subsidence can include earth fissures, sinkholes
or depressions, and disruption of surface drainage. Damage is generally restricted to
structures sensitive to slight changes in elevations, such as canals, levees, underground
pipelines, and drainage courses; however, significant subsidence can result in damage to
wells, buildings, roads, railroads, and other improvements. Subsidence has largely been
brought under control in affected areas by good management of local water supplies,
including reducing pumping of local wells, importing water, and use of artificial recharge
(Johnson, 1998; Stewart et aL, 1998).
No significant regional subsidence as a result of either groundwater pumping or oil
extraction has been reported in the literature for the Newport Beach area. The San Joaquin
Hills -Newport Mesa uplift is generally not considered to be a part of the regional ground
water supply. Consequently, ground subsidence is not considered a concern in this area.
3.4.6 Erosion
Erosion is a significant concern in Newport Beach, especially along the shoreline, where
beach sediments and coastal bluffs are highly susceptible to erosion by wave action, as
discussed in Chapter 1, Coastal Hazards. Other parts of the City, including bluffs along
Upper Newport Bay, canyon walls along tributary streams leading to the Bay, and slopes
(both natural and man-made) within the San Joaquin Hills are also susceptible to the
impacts from precipitation, stream erosion, and man's activities. Mitigation of Erosion
• Erosion will have an impact on those portions of the City located above and below natural
and man-made slopes. Ridge -top homes above natural slopes should not be permitted at
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-25
. the head of steep drainage channels or gullies without protective mitigation. Although
very limited development is present in canyons or major drainage channels, roadways and
utility lines, out of necessity, must cross these areas and will need protection from erosion
and sedimentation. This may include devices to collect and channel the flow, desilting
basins, and elevating structures above the toe of the slope. Diversion dikes, interceptor
ditches and slope down -drains are commonly lined with asphalt or concrete, however
ditches can also be lined with gravel, rock, decorative stone, or grass.
There are many options for protecting manufactured slopes from erosion, such as terracing
slopes to minimize the velocity attained by runoff, the addition of berms and v-ditches, and
installing adequate storm drain systems. Establishing protective vegetation, and placing
mulches, rock facings (either cemented on non -cemented), gabions (rock -filled galvanized
wire cages), or building blocks with open spaces for plantings on the slope face. All slopes
within developed areas should be protected from concentrated water flow over the tops of
the slopes by the use of berms or walls. All ridge -top building pads should be engineered
to direct drainage away from slopes.
Temporary erosion control measures should be provided during the construction phase of
a development, as required by current grading codes. In addition, a permanent erosion
control program should be implemented for new developments. This program should
include proper care of drainage control devices, proper irrigation, and rodent control.
Erosion control devices should be field -checked following periods of heavy rainfall to
assure they are performing as designed and have not become blocked by debris.
3.5 Summary of Issues
The City of Newport Beach is highly diverse geologically. The central and northern parts of the
City are situated on an elevated, relatively flat-topped mesa underlain by sands and gravel
deposited on a prehistoric marine terrace. In contrast, the southern part of the City encompasses
sedimentary bedrock now exposed in the steep slopes and narrow canyons of the San Joaquin
Hills. During the latest period of glaciation and low sea levels, Upper Newport Bay was carved
through the mesa by the collective downcutting of San Diego Creek and other streams emanating
from the foothills to the northeast, while the Santa Ana River eroded the bluffs along the western
edge of the mesa. As the sea level rose to its current level, the streams and rivers deposited their
sediments, filling the Upper Newport Bay channel and forming beaches, dunes, sandbars and
mudflats along the coast.
The diversity of the area is strongly related to tectonic movement along the San Andreas fault and
its broad zone of subsidiary faults. This, along with sea level fluctuations related to changes in
climate, has resulted in a landscape that is also diverse in geologic hazards. Of these hazards,
slope instability poses one of the greatest concerns, especially along coastal bluffs and in the
steep -sided canyons of the San Joaquin Hills. Although relatively stable in historic times, bluffs
along the beaches and bays are susceptible to erosion, heavy precipitation, and more recently, the
adverse effects of increased runoff and irrigation from development. The history of instability in
the natural slopes of the San Joaquin Hills is recorded in the abundant landslides that have
occurred in nearly every bedrock formation. In addition, smaller slides, slumps, and mudflow
- deposits are common throughout the hills, particularly during winters of heavy and prolonged
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-26
• rainfall. As large new residential communities encroach deeper into the hills, slope instability is a
major focus of geotechnical investigations, and remedial grading can involve moving thousands of
cubic yards of earth.
Compressible soils underlie a significant part of the City, typically in the lowland areas and in
canyon bottoms. These are generally young sediments of low density with variable amounts of
organic materials. Under the added weight of fill embankments or buildings, these sediments will
settle, causing distress to improvements. Low -density soils, if sandy in composition and saturated
with water, will also be susceptible of the effects of liquefaction during a moderate to strong
earthquake (see Chapter 2).
Some of the geologic units in the Newport Beach area, including both surficial soils and bedrock,
have fine-grained components that are moderate to highly expansive. These materials may be
present at the surface or exposed by grading activities. Man-made fills can also be expansive,
depending on the soils used to construct them.
Losses resulting from geologic hazards are generally not covered by insurance policies, causing
additional hardship on property owners. The potential for damage can be greatly reduced by:
Strict adherence to grading ordinances — many of which have been developed as a result of
past disasters;
Sound project design that avoids severely hazardous areas;
Detailed, site -specific geotechnical investigations followed by geotechnical oversight
during grading and during construction of foundations and underground infrastructures;
Effective agency review of projects; and
Public education that focuses on reducing losses from geologic hazards, including the
importance of proper irrigation practices, and the care and maintenance of slopes and
drainage devices.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards
Page 3-27
• Informational Websites and References
Bates, R.L., and Jackson, J.A., 1987, editors, Glossary of Geology: American Geological Institute,
Alexandria, Virginia, 788p.
Barrie, D., Tatnall, T.S., and Gath, E., 1992, Neotectonic uplift and ages of Pleistocene marine
terraces, San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California; in Engineering geology field Trips:
Orange County, Santa Monica Mountains and Malibu, Guidebook and Volume, 35th
Annual Meeting, Association of Engineering Geologists, Southern California Section, pp. A-
55 to A-61.
Bullard, T.F., and Lettis, W.R., 1993, Quaternary fold deformation associated with blind thrust
faulting, Los Angeles basin, California: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 98, pp.
California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1976, Environmental Geology of Orange
County, California: Division of Mines and Geology Open -file Report 79-8 LA, 474p.
California Division of Mines and Geology, 2001, Hazards from "mudslides", debris avalanches
and debris flows in hillside and wildfire areas, DMG Note 33, available at
Campbell, R.H., 1975, Soil slips, debris flows, and rainstorms in the Santa Monica Mountains and
• vicinity, southern California: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 851, 51 p.
Clark, B.R., Zeiser, F.L., and Gath, E.M., 1986, Evidence for determining the activity level of the
Pelican Hill fault, coastal Orange County, California; in Program with Abstracts,
Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 146.
Clarke, S.H., Jr., Greene, H.G., and Kennedy, M.P., 1985, Earthquake -related phenomena offshore
in Ziony, I., (editor), Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region: United
States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1360, pp. 347-374.
Earth Consultants International, Inc., 1997, Fault trenching investigation, Newport -Banning
property, Orange County, California; Project No. 978100-019, dated November 25, 1997.
Ellen, S.D., and Fleming, R.W., 1987, Mobilization of debris Flows from soil slips, San Francisco
Bay region, California; in Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors), Debris
flows/avalanches: Process, recognition, and mitigation: Geological Society of America
Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, pp. 31-40.
FEMA, 2001, http://www.fema.gov/library/landsli.htm.
Field, M.E., and Edwards, B.D., 1980, Slopes of the southern California continental borderland: A
regime of mass transport in Field, M.E., Bouma, A.H., Colburn, I.P., Douglas, R.G., and
Ingle, J.C., (editors), Proceedings of the Quaternary depositional environments of the
• Pacific Coast: Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium No. 4: Los Angeles California
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, pp. 169-184.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-28
• Grant, Lisa B., Mueller, K. J., Gath, E.M., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Munro, R., Kennedy, G.L.,
1999, Late quaternary uplift and earthquake potential of the San Joaquin Hills, southern
Los Angeles Basin, California: Geology, November 1999, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 1031-1034,
Guptil, P., Armstrong, C., and Egli, M., 1992, Structural features of West Newport Mesa; in Heath,
E., and Lewis, L., (editors), The regressive Pleistocene shoreline, coastal southern
California: South Coast Geological Society Annual Field Trip Guide Book No. 20, pp. 123-
Hauksson, E., and Gross, S., 1991, Source parameters of the 1933 Long Beach earthquake:
Seismological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 81, pp. 81-98.
Keefer, D.K., and Johnson, A.M., 1983, Earth flows: Morphology, mobilization, and movement:
United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1264, 55p.
Kuhn, G.G. and Shepard, F.P., 1985, Beach Processes and Sea Cliff Erosion in San Diego County,
California: Handbook of Coastal Processes and Erosion, edited by Komar, P.D, CRC Press.
Meier, M.F. 1984, Contribution of Small Glaciers to Global Sea Level: Science, Vol. 226, pp.
Mendenhall, W.C., 1905, Development of underground waters in the eastern coastal plain region
• of Southern California: United States Geological Survey Water -Supply and Irrigation Paper
No. 137.
Mercer, J.H. 1970, Antarctic Ice and Interglacial High Sea Levels: Science, Vol. 168, pp. 1605-
Miller, R.V., and Tan, S.S., 1976, Geology and engineering geologic aspects of the south half of
the Tustin quadrangle, Orange County, California: California Division of Mines and
Geology Special Report No. 126.
Morton, P.K., Miller, R.V., Evans, J.R., 1976, Environmental geology of Orange County, California:
California Division of Mines and Geology Open -File Report 79-8 LA.
Morton, P.K., and Miller, R.V., 1981, Geologic map of Orange County California, showing mines
and mineral deposits: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 204, Plate 1, scale
Morton, D.M., 1999, Preliminary digital geologic map of the Santa Ana 30' X 60' quadrangle,
southern California, Version 1.0: United States Geological Survey Open -File Report 99-
172, Southern California Areal Mapping Project.
Munro, R., 1992, Marine terraces along the frontal slopes of the Newport coast, Orange County,
California; in Heath, E., and Lewis, L., (editors), The regressive Pleistocene shoreline,
• coastal southern California, South Coast Geological Society Annual Field Trip Guide Book
No. 20, pp. 105-113.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-29
Poland, J.F., and Piper, A.M., 1956, Ground -water geology of the coastal zone, Long Beach -Santa
Ana area, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water -Supply Paper 1109.
Reneau, S.L., and Dietrich, W.E., 1987, The importance of hollows in debris flow studies;
examples from Marin County, California; in Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors),
Debris flows/avalanches: Process, recognition, and mitigation: Geological Society of
America Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, pp. 165-179.
Talley, C.H., Jr. and W. K. Cloud, (editors), 1962, United States Earthquakes, 1960: United States
Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Tan, S.S. and Edgington, W.J., 1976, Geology and engineering geologic aspects of the Laguna
Beach quadrangle, Orange County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology
Special Report 127.
Tan, S.S., 1998, Slope failure and erosion assessment of the fire areas at Fillmore (April 1996) and
Piru (August 1997), Ventura County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology
Open -File Report 98-32.
Toppozada, T.R., Real, C.R., and D.L. Parke, 1981, Preparation of Isoseismal Maps and Summaries
of Reported Effects for Pre-1900 California Earthquakes: California Division of Mines and
Geology Open File Report 81-11 SAC.
Trask, J.B., 1856, Untitled paper on earthquakes in California from 1812 to 1855: Proceedings of
the California Academy of Natural Science, San Francisco, Vol. I, No. 2.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1935, Newport Beach quadrangle, Scale 1:31,680.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1948, Tustin, California quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic),
Scale 1:24,000.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1949, Newport Beach, California, quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series
(Topographic), Scale 1:24,000.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1965 (Photorevised 1981), Newport Beach, California, quadrangle, 7.5
Minute Series (Topographic), Scale 1:24,000.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1965 (Photorevised 1981), Laguna Beach, California, quadrangle, 7.5
Minute Series (Topographic), Scale 1:24,000.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1965 (Photorevised 1981), Tustin, California quadrangle, 7.5 Minute
Series (Topographic), Scale 1:24,000.
U.S. Geological Survey, 2000, Landslide hazards, USGS Fact Sheet FS-071-00, available at
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards
Page 3-30
• Vedder, J.G., Yerkes, R.F., and Schoelhamer, J.E., 1957, Geologic map of the San Joaquin Hill -San
Juan Capistrano area, Orange County, California: United States Geological Survey Oil and
Gas Investigations Map OM-193, scale 1:24,000.
Vedder, J.G., 1975, Revised Geologic map, structure sections and well table, San Joaquin Hills -
San Juan Capistrano area, California: United States Geological Survey Open -File Report
Wells, W.G., 1987, The effects of fire on the generation of debris flows in Southern California; in
Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F., (editors), Debris flows/avalanches: Process, recognition,
and mitigation: Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, Geological Society of America,
pp. 105-114.
Wood, H.O., 1916, California Earthquakes —A Synthetic Study of Recorded Shocks: Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Wright, T.L., 1991, Structural geology and tectonic evolution of the Los Angeles basin; in Biddle,
K., (editor), Active margin basins: American Association of Engineering Geologists Memoir
52, pp. 35-134.
Wyllie, D.C., and Norrish, N.I., 1996, Stabilization of rock slopes; in Turner, A.K., and Schuster,
R.L. (editors), Landslides — investigation and mitigation: Transportation Research Board
Special Publication 247, pp. 474-504.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 3-31
Floods are natural and recurring events that only become hazardous when man encroaches onto
floodplains, modifying the landscape and building structures in the areas meant to convey excess
water during floods. Unfortunately, floodplains have been alluring to populations for millennia,
since they provide level ground and fertile soils suitable for agriculture, and access to water
supplies and transportation routes. Notwithstanding, these benefits come with a price — flooding is
one of the most destructive natural hazards in the world, responsible for more deaths per year than
any other geologic hazard. Furthermore, average annual flood losses (in dollars) have increased
steadily over the last decades as development in floodplains has increased.
The City of Newport Beach and surrounding areas are, like most of southern California, subject to
unpredictable seasonal rainfall. Most years, the scant winter rains are barely sufficient to turn the
hills green for a few weeks, but every few years the region is subjected to periods of intense and
sustained precipitation that result in flooding. Flood events that occurred in 1862, 1884, 1916,
1938, 1969, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1995, and 1998 have caused an increased awareness
of the potential for public and private losses as a result of this hazard, particularly in highly
urbanized parts of floodplains and alluvial fans. As the population in the area increases, there is an
increased pressure to build on flood -prone areas, and in areas upstream of already developed
areas. With increased development also comes an increase in impervious surfaces, such as
asphalt. Water that used to be absorbed into the ground becomes runoff to downstream areas. If
the storm drain systems are not designed or improved to convey these increased flows, areas that
may have not flooded in the past may be subject to flooding in the future. This is especially true
for developments at the base of the mountains and downstream from canyons that have the
potential to convey mudflows.
4.1 Storm Flooding
4.1.1 Hydrologic Setting
The City of Newport Beach can be divided into three geographic areas: 1) a low elevation
area comprised of West Newport, Balboa Peninsula, and Newport Bay, 2) elevated marine
terrace areas that include Newport Heights and Westcliff, and 3) high relief terrain of the
San Joaquin Hills in the eastern portion of the City (these geographic areas are shown on
Figure 4-1). The low elevation and terrace areas are generally drained by urbanized and
relatively low relief streams that empty into Newport Bay. In contrast, rugged natural
streams with steeper gradients drain the Newport Ridge and Newport Coast areas. For a
map showing the landforms of Newport Beach, refer to Plate 4-1.
San Diego Creek is the main tributary to Newport Bay (see Figure 4-2). Its headwaters lie
about a mile east of the 1-5 — 1-405 intersection, at an elevation of about 500 feet. The
creek flows westerly from its headwaters and empties into Newport Bay one mile west of
the campus of the University of California at Irvine. Portions of San Diego Creek were
channelized in 1968 for flood protection purposes.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-1
Figure 4-1: Shaded Relief Map Showing General Drainage Areas
Within the City of Newport Beach
• The largest coastal river in southern California, the -Santa Ana River, empties into the
Pacific Ocean near West Newport and forms the boundary between the cities of
Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. It originates high in the San Bernardino N4ountains
and drains an area of about 2,470 square miles (Chin et al., 1991). Near the town of
Corona, the Santa Ana River flows into Prado Reservoir (Figure 4-2).
Below Prado Dam, the river flaws through Santa Ana Canyon, past highly urban zed cities
in Orange County, and empties into the Pacific Ocean. Presently, 16.6 miles of the Santa
Ana River, from its mouth to the city of Orange, are channelized for flood protection
purposes. Prior to the extensive urbanization of Orange County (in—1950s), the Santa Ana
River was actively building a large alluvial fan with its apex located at the mouth of Santa
Ana Canyon around the city of Anaheim. However, channelization of the river has
restricted any further alluvial deposition as the alluvial sediment is now confined to a
narrow corridor.
In addition to the Santa Ana River and San Diego Creek, the streams draining the San
Joaquin Hills can also cause flooding potentially damaging to the City of Newport Beach.
For example, flood hazards identified in Bonita Canyon, Big Canyon, Buck Gully, and
Morning Canyon may impact new residential development along these streams (these
streams are shown on Plate 4-1). Furthermore, a flood potential exists on smaller streams
such as those draining Los Trancos Canyon and Muddy Canyon, albeit at a more localized
scale. Flooding here is most likely restricted to the narrow floodplains along the channel
• Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-2
Figure 4-2: Map Showing the Course of the Santa Ana River and Location of Newport
Beach, Huntington Beach, Prado Dam, and the San Bernardino Mountains
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(Figure adapted from Chin et al., 1991)
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4.1.2 Meteorological Setting
Average yearly precipitation in the Newport Beach area is about 12 inches (see Table 4-1),
whereas 14 inches of precipitation fall annually in Santa Ana (Table 4-2). These tables
show that areas closer to the coast receive a little less precipitation, on average, than
inland areas.
Table 4-1: Average Annual Rainfall by Month for the Newport Beach Harbor Area
1 2.5
Data based on 59 complete years between 1931 and 1995.
Table 4-2: Average Annual Rainfall by Month for the Santa Ana Area
A r
1 3.0
1 2.9
1 2.4
1 1.1 1
Data based on 64 complete years between 1931 and 1995.
Source: httn:i/www.worldclimate.com/
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-3
Not only does rainfall vary from one location to the next, often within short distances, but
rainfall in southern California is extremely variable from year to year, ranging from one-
third the normal amount to more than double the normal amount. Data reviewed for this
study also suggest that southern California has experienced more wet years in the last 20 to
30 years than in the 50 years prior.
There are three types of storms that produce precipitation in southern California: winter
storms, local thunderstorms, and summer tropical storms. These are described below.
Winter storms are characterized by heavy and sometimes prolonged precipitation over a
large area. These storms usually occur between November and April, and are responsible
for most of the precipitation recorded in southern California. This is illustrated by the data
on Tables 4-1 and 4-2. The storms originate over the Pacific Ocean and move eastward
(and inland). The mountains, such as the Santa Ana, San Gabriel and San Bernardino
Mountains, form a rain shadow, slowing down or stopping the eastward movement of this
moisture. A significant portion of the moisture is dropped on the San Gabriel and San
Bernardino Mountains as snow. If large storms are coupled with snowmelt from these
mountains, large peak discharges can be expected in the main watersheds at the base of
the mountains. Some of the severe winter storm seasons that have historically impacted the
southern California area have been related to El Nin"o events.
El Nino is the name given to a phenomenon that starts every few years, typically in
December or early January, in the southern Pacific, off the western coast of South America,
• but whose impacts are felt worldwide. Briefly, warmer than usual waters in the southern
Pacific are statistically linked with increased rainfall in both the southeastern and
southwestern United States, droughts in Australia, western Africa and Indonesia, reduced
number of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, and increased number of hurricanes in the
Eastern Pacific. Two of the largest and most intense El Nino events on record occurred
during the 1982-83 and 1997-98 water years. [A water year is the 12-month period from
October 1 through September 30 of the second year. Often a water year is identified only
by the calendar year in which it ends, rather than by giving the two years, as above.] These
are also two of the worst storm seasons reported in southern California.
Local thunderstorms can occur at any time, but usually cover relatively small areas. These
storms are usually prevalent in the higher mountains during the summer (FEMA, 1986).
Tropical rains are infrequent, and typically occur in the summer or early fall. These storms
originate in the warm, southern waters off Baja California, in the Pacific Ocean, and move
northward into southern California.
4.1.3 Stream Flow: Daily Mean and Past Floods Daily Mean Flow
In coastal Orange County, including the Newport Beach area, flooding is difficult to
predict, and thus plan for, because rainfall varies from year to year. The small streams in
the Newport Beach area are typical of the majority of the streams in southern California.
Streamflow is negligible other than during and immediately after rains because climate and
basin characteristics are not conducive to continuous flow. Similarly, the Santa Ana River
is dry most of the year, with small flows ranging from the 10s to 100s of cubic feet per
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-5
second (cfs) occurring only a few times a year. Figure 4-3a shows the location of USGS
stream gage 11078000 on the Santa Ana River where it flows through the City of Santa
Ana. Figure 4-3b shows that measurable discharge at this gage location occurred only 6
times during the 2001 water year. More frequent flows would occur under natural
conditions, however impoundment of the upper Santa Ana River at Prado dam for flood
control purposes causes the current flow regime.
Figure 4-3a: Map Showing Location of the Santa Ana Gage on the Santa Ana River
Figure 4-3b: Daily Mean Flow Hydrograph for the Santa Ana Gage for the 2001 Water Year (note
that measurable Flow occurred only 6 times during this water year)
E 7000
u 5000
Rev 01 J. 01 ftr 01 M j 01 N1 01 5W D1
AIM: 10/01/2000 tD 00/10/2001
Source: http://waterdata.usgs.gov
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-6
In contrast, San Diego Creek has more frequent moderate to large flows and maintains a
regular base flow; a flow regime more typical. of free -flowing streams. Mean daily flow
data collected by stream gages maintained by the US Geological Survey (USGS) show that
Lower San Diego Creek (near the University of California at Irvine campus) has maintained
a baseflow of —20 cfs from 1978-1980 and from 1983-1986 (Figure 4-4). At the Lane Road
gage, the average baseflow is approximately 10 cfs for the period of record from 1972 to
1978 (Figure 4-5). A similar rate has been measured at the Culver Road gage (Figure 4-6).
It should be noted that a significant portion of the base flow in Lower San Diego Creek
could be the result of runoff from residential and commercial irrigation and effluent from
storm drains, rather than from precipitation.
Figure 4-4a:
Map Showing Location of the Campus Drive Gage
4-4b: Daily Mean Flow Hydrograph for this Gage
191R is" 19RD ISM 19B2 1983 19D4 1985
DRIES: 10/MR7 to OnD11985
Figure 4-5a: Map Showing Location of the Lane Road Gage
Figure 4-5b: Daily Mean Flow Hydrograph for this Gage
V - 19" 1974 1939 1936
DRIES: OCroltl912 to 0"0/1=
to ;`15
Source: http://waterdata.usgs.gov
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-7
Figure 4-6a: Map Showing Location of the Culver Drive Gage
Figure 4-6b: Daily Mean Flow Hydrograph for this Gage
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y 1950 ]995 " 0 no Iwo 19n 1980 19Z
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http-.//waterdata.usgs.gov Past Floods: Implications for Existing Flood Hazard
Flood hazards to the City of Newport Beach can be classified into two general categories:
1) flash flooding from small, natural channels and 2) more moderate and sustained
flooding from the Santa Ana River and San Diego Creek.
Flash floods are short in duration, but have high peak volumes and high velocities. This
type of flooding occurs in response to the local geology and geography, and the built
environment (human -made structures). The San Joaquin Hills in the eastern part of the City
consist of sedimentary rock types that are fairly impervious to water so little precipitation
infiltrates the ground; rainwater instead flows along the surface as runoff. When a major
storm moves in, water collects rapidly and runs off quickly, making a steep, rapid descent
from the hills into manmade and natural channels in the built environment and onto the
marine terraces along the coast.
The major streams emanating from the San Joaquin Hills (Big Canyon, Coyote Canyon,
Bonita Canyon, Buck Gully, Morning Canyon, Los Trancos Canyon, and Muddy Canyon)
do not have stream gages (Plate 4-1). Therefore, peak discharge data are not available for
these drainages. Additionally, the areas around these canyons only recently became
populated, so historic accounts of flooding are also unavailable. However, flooding on
these streams likely occurs during major floods. For example, a flash flood in 1941 caused
up to 6 feet of downcutting and undermined foundations in Laguna Canyon, approximately
3 miles southeast of Newport Beach (OCFCD photos in Storm Water Runoff, Photos from:
1916, 1927, 1934, 1938, 1940, & 1941). Although Laguna Canyon has a larger drainage
area, channels in eastern Newport Beach probably experienced similar flooding in 1941
since both basins have similar characteristics and the storm intensity was comparable in
both areas given their proximity.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-8
=. San Diego Creek
Flooding on San Diego Creek has historically caused significant damage in Newport Beach
because it is the biggest stream, with a drainage area of 118 square miles, to flow through
the City (Figure 4-7). Channelization of San Diego Creek also resulted in increased
sediment flow into Upper Newport Bay, requiring extensive dredging projects to restore
the ecosystem. As shown previously, the USGS maintained three stream gages along San
Diego Creek. One of these, gage 111048500 on Culver Drive, was operated continuously
from 10/01/1949 to 09/30/1985 (its location is shown on Figure 4-6a). These data provide
a relatively long-term record of mean daily discharge and peak flows that can be used to
describe the flooding history and future flooding potential of the Newport Beach area.
Figure 4-7: Location Map Showing the San Diego Creek Watershed
7 0 7 14 21 Was
The largest flood measured during the 36-year period of record occurred in 1983, when
the Campus Drive gage measured a peak discharge of more than 15,000 cfs (Figure 4-8).
A peak discharge of approximately 10,000 cfs was recorded 5 miles upstream at the Culver
Drive gage during the same flood event (Figure 4-9). The next highest peak flows
measured in the area date from 1980 (see Figure 4-9b).
During the floods of February 24'^, 1969 Orange County received more than 6 inches of
rain (Orange County Register 1/13/95). The gage on San Diego Creek at Culver Drive,
measured a peak flow of about 6,700 cfs (Figure 4-9b). Flooding in 1969 washed out
MacArthur Boulevard when the existing storm drain at jamboree Road was overwhelmed.
High water also caused damage to Barranca Parkway near its intersection with Culver
Road (Figure 4-10). Other roads and agricultural fields were also damaged by this event
(Figure 4-11).
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-9
• Figure 4-8a: Map Showing Location of the Campus Drive Gage
Figure 4-8b: Hydrograph Showing Peak Discharges at this Gage
(for the•periods 1978-1979 and 1983-1985)
i,rtia - 20000
�,� "� ♦
k 1500D
3929 1919 1980 3991 1982 190 ism 1985
010- 02/10/1978 a 1V2N1988
Figure 4-9a: Map Showing Location of Culver Drive Gage
Figure 4-9b: Hydrograph Showing Peak Discharges at this Gage
(for the period 1950-1985)
yG Isom
k 30000
C4 V
N -50M
VAIM: 02/08/1950 to Ha411904
Source: http://waterdata.usgs.gov
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-10
✓�� J � S3
Santa Ana River
The Santa Ana River is the largest drainage in southern California. The river has flooded
historically many times, and the course of the river has changed, at times significantly, in
response to these flooding events. For example, the river currently outlets into the Pacific
Ocean near West Newport; however, between 1769, when the Spanish first arrived in
southern California, and 1825, the Santa Ana River flowed out to sea through Alamitos
Bay, near the present-day boundary between Los Angeles and Orange counties. In 1825,
when severe storms caused extensive flooding in the area, the river resumed its ancient
course through the Santa Ana Gap and around the toe of Newport Mesa to the ocean.
Several other storms impacted the southern California area between 1770 and 1825 (in
1770, 1780, 1815, 1821, and 1822), but there are no records of flooding specific to the
Santa Ana River.
The largest documented flood in the Santa Ana River valley occurred in the winter of
1861-1862 when it rained nearly continuously for a month. Based on an account by Crafts
(1906, as reported in Troxell et al., 1942), "the fall of 1861 was sunny, dry and warm until
Christmas, which proved to be a rainy day. All through the holidays there continued what
we would call a nice, pleasant rain, as it often rains in this section for days at a time. This .
.. lasted until the 18't' of January, 1862, when there was a downpour for 24 hours or
longer." This intense downpour destroyed settlements along the Santa Ana River from San
Bernardino County to present day Santa Ana and created an inland sea, up to 4 feet deep
in coastal Orange County. The river mouth swept as far to the southeast as the rock bluffs
that today form the east side of the Newport Bay channel entrance. The peak discharge as
. a result of this storm was estimated at 320,000 cfs (City of Huntington Beach, 1974).
In 1867-1868, the area again experienced sustained precipitation, but of less intensity than
that in 1862; therefore there was less damage. Then, in 1884, there were two floods. The
first storm occurred in the latter part of February, saturating the ground. The second storm,
which came six to eight days later, caused extensive damage. The Santa Ana River cut a
new channel to the sea starting from near its confluence with Santiago Creek, cutting
through farmlands east of the old channel, and discharging into the ocean about 3 miles
southeast of its previous outlet. As much as 40 inches of rain were recorded in the area for
that season (Troxell et al., 1942). Floods were also reported in the Los Angeles area in
1886, 1889, 1891, and in 1909. The 1909 floods caused significant damage in the upper
reaches of the Santa Ana River, in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
Until 1919, the river's outlet to the sea continued to migrate back and forth from the rock
bluffs in Newport Bay (U.S. Corps of Engineers, 1993) to a point near the present day
intersection of Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. In 1919,
a year after a local flood, local interests built a dam at Bitter Point (which appears to have
been located near present-day 57th Street and Seashore Drive) to stop the flow into
Newport Bay, and cut a new outlet for the Santa Ana River, where it has remained to date.
The most destructive flood in Orange County occurred in 1938. Intense storms brought
heavy rainfall to Orange County and Newport Harbor. In the Santa Ana River drainage,
the 1938 storms caused 34 deaths (nearly 100 deaths were reported throughout California),
• 1,159,000 acres of flooded land, more than 2,000 people homeless, and more than $14
million in damages (Feton, 1988; Troxell et al., 1942). Peak discharge in Santa Ana
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-12
• Canyon was estimated at 100,000 cfs. By the time floodwaters reached the city of Santa
Ana, the discharge had attenuated to-46,000 cfs (Figure 4-12), which was still enough for
the floodwaters to overtop the earthen levees and flood much of Huntington Beach and
Newport Beach (Figure 4-13).
Figure 4-12: Location and peak discharge hydrograph for the Santa Ana gage
itnt ter
anta ina. Iz � z
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Win two
U201 110 5000 WWA FM A A VWA ANA CA
o B
a e o
0 O 00 O
° O O 000 O O
00 O 00 0 O O 000°
e°ee O O 000 00000 0
1910 1940 19 1900 19" 1990 LTA 200a
un1E9: DI/9ll19£1 to D 1,70D1
• Source: http://waterdata.usgs.gov
The damage caused by the 1938 flood reinforced the need for an upstream flood control
facility. Prado Dam was constructed near Corona in 1941 to greatly reduce the flooding
hazard in coastal Orange County. Operation of the dam during large rain events has
effectively limited flow in the lower Santa Ana River channel. In 1969, when the second
largest storm of the 20" century swept through southern California, Prado Dam was used to
manage the flow into the lower reaches of the river: During this event 77,000 cfs flowed
into Prado Dam, but only 6,000 cfs were released downstream (City of Huntington Beach,
1974). When flow from downstream tributaries (e.g., Santiago Creek) was added to the
dam release, discharge measured at the gage in Santa Ana was limited to 20,000 cfs
(Figure 4-12). This is a significant decrease compared to-46,000 cfs recorded at the same
gage during the 1938 flood.
In January and February 1980, California and Arizona were struck by several storm systems
that brought much higher than normal precipitation to these areas. Between February 12
and February 20, the Prado Dam Flood Control Reservoir filled with approximately 100
acre-feet of water; between February 17 and February 26, daily mean discharges of more
than 4,400 cfs were being measured at the Santa Ana gage. These continuous high
discharges scoured that portion of the riverbed between 17" Street and Harbor Avenue to
depths of up to 20 feet, and undercut segments of the concrete lining along the banks
(Chin et al., 1991). Six major bridges and numerous smaller bridges were impacted by
severe scour. Extensive scour of the piles supporting the Fifth Street bridge necessitated
• closure of this bridge for nearly a year while repairs were made (see Figure 4-14). Even
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-13
higher peak discharges were recorded at the Santa Ana gage during the winters of 1983
and 1995 (see Figure 4-12).
Figure 4-13. Oblique Aerial Photograph Looking West at the Mouth of the Santa Ana
River During the 1938 Flood
(Note the breaks in the levees at Verano Street and Adams Street and the
(Photograph from Troxell et al., 1942)
4.1.4 National Flood Insurance Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is mandated by the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 to evaluate flood
hazards. To promote sound land use and floodplain development, FEMA provides Flood
Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for local and regional planners. Flood risk information
presented on FIRMs is based on historic, meteorological, hydrologic, and hydraulic data,
as well as topographic surveys, open -space conditions, flood control works, and existing
development. Rainfall -runoff and hydraulic models are utilized by the FIRM program to
analyze flood potential, adequacy of flood protective measures, surface -water and
groundwater interchange characteristics, and the variable efficiency of mobile (sand bed)
flood channels. It is important to realize that FIRMs only identify potential flood areas
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-14
based on the conditions at the time of the study, and do not consider the impacts of future
Figure 4-14: The Santa Ana River
at the 51h Street Bridge in Santa
Ana, showing the riverbed prior to
the 1980 floods (A), and the
channel after the 1980 floods (B).
The channel was scoured 18 to 20
feet deep, exposing the piles
supporting the bridge. The bridge
was closed for almost a year for
repairs. (From Chin et al., 1991).
• To prepare FIRMS that illustrate the extent of flood hazards in a flood -prone community,
FEMA conducts engineering studies referred to as Flood Insurance Studies (FISs). Using
information gathered in these studies, FEMA engineers and cartographers delineate Special
Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) on FIRMs. SFHAs are those areas subject to inundation by a
"base flood" which FEMA sets as a 100-year flood. A 100-year flood is defined by looking
at the long-term average period between floods of a certain size, and identifying the size of
flood that has a 1 percent chance of occurring during any given year. This base flood has
a 26 percent chance of occurring during a 30-year period, the length of most home
mortgages. However, a recurrence interval such as "100 years" represents only the long-
term average period between floods of a specific magnitude; rare floods can in fact occur
at much shorter intervals or even within the same year.
The base flood is a regulatory standard used by the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) as the basis for insurance requirements nationwide. The Flood Disaster Protection
Act requires owners of all structures in identified SFHAs to purchase and maintain flood
insurance as a condition of receiving Federal or federally related financial assistance, such
as mortgage loans from federally insured lending institutions.
The base flood is also used by Federal agencies, as well as most county and State agencies
to administer floodplain management programs. The goals of floodplain management are
to reduce losses caused by floods while protecting the natural resources and functions of
the floodplain. The basis of floodplain management is the concept of the "floodway".
FEMA defines this as the channel of a river or other watercourse, and the adjacent land
• areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order to discharge the base flood without
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-15
cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a certain height. The
intention is not to preclude development, but to assist communities in managing sound
development in areas of potential flooding. The community is responsible for prohibiting
encroachments into the floodway unless it is demonstrated by detailed hydrologic and
hydraulic analyses that the proposed development will not increase the flood levels
The NFIP is required to offer federally subsidized flood insurance to property owners in
those communities that adopt and enforce, floodplain management ordinances that meet
minimum criteria established by FEMA. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994
further strengthened the NFIP by providing a grant program for State and community flood
mitigation projects. The act also established the Community Rating System (CRS), a system
for crediting communities that implement measures to protect the natural and beneficial
functions of their floodplains, as well as managing the erosion hazard. The City of
Newport Beach has participated as a regular member in the NFIP since September 1, 1978 p
(City ID No. — 060227). The City's most current effective FIRM map dates from January 3,
1997. Since the City is a participating member of the NFIP, flood insurance is available to
any property owner in the City. In fact, to get secured financing to buy, build, or improve
structures in SFHAs, property owners are required to purchase flood insurance. Lending
institutions that are federally regulated or federally insured must determine if the structure
is located in a SFHA and must provide written notice requiring flood insurance. FEMA
recommends that all property owners purchase and keep flood insurance. Keep in mind
that approximately 25 percent of all flood claims occur in low to moderate risk areas.
Flooding can be caused by heavy rains, inadequate drainage systems, failed protective
devices such as levees, as well as by tropical storms and hurricanes (see Chapter 1).
4.1.5 Flood Zone Mapping
As mentioned above, the City of Newport Beach has participated in the National Flood
Insurance Program since 1978. The extent of flooding on the Santa Ana River, San Diego
Creek, and a few smaller streams within Newport Beach has been analyzed through Flood
Insurance Studies. The potential flood zones in the City mapped by FEMA are presented in
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Plate 4-2 shows the FIRM inundation limits for both
the 100-year (in red) and 500-year (in blue) flood events.
The 100-year Santa Ana River flood is anticipated to inundate the area from Beach
Boulevard in Huntington Beach, to Fairview Park Bluffs in Costa Mesa and West Newport
(Plate 4-2). Much of West Newport, from the Santa Ana River confluence to near City Hall
will be flooded. The entire coastline will also be flooded. Only a narrow strip along
Ocean Avenue will remain above water. The 100-year flood will be contained within the
channel of San Diego Creek (Plate 4-2). However, floodwaters will overtop the channel
banks in Bonita Canyon, on the Santa Ana Delhi Channel, and in the lower reaches of Big
Canyon. Flooding will also occur along Buck Gully and within Buck Canyon, San Joaquin,
and Bonita Reservoirs. Balboa Island will be underwater and property along the margins of
Newport Bay will also be inundated. The 500-year flood event will inundate Ocean
Avenue and flood all of West Newport up to the foot of the coastal bluffs that parallel
Pacific Coast Highway.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-16
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This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed ilmlogio investigations of Individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation regWlemems set forth In geologk: hard regulations.
Earth consultants International (ECD makes no representations orvranaMlesregarding
the accuracy of the data rmm which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any cimutnstanoes for any direct, indirect. special. Incidental, or corserjuential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on a=urd of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
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Special Flood Hazard Areas Inundated
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S'�S ;;;� • ° _ ® Areas of 500-year flood; areas of
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C ' _ _ areas less than 1 square mile; and
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t. ; •^ i �` P-^r,1 °:- ` - - '�. Newport Beach City Boundary
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Project Number. 2112
Plate 4-2
4.1.6 Detailed Hydrologic Studies: Drainage Impact at Pacific Coast Highway
Another source of flood information comes from detailed hydrologic studies that were
performed as a requirement for Phase IV-2 of the Newport Coast Planned Community. The
overall project was formerly called the Irvine Coast Planned Community before the land
was annexed by the City of Newport Beach. This community encompasses much of the
undeveloped land in the San Joaquin Hills, including the Muddy Canyon and Los Trancos
Canyon watersheds (Figure 4-15).
Figure 4-15. Map showing Los Trancos Canyon and Muddy Canyon Watersheds and
Location of Phase IV-2 of the Newport Coast Planned Community
Los Trancos Canyon is one of two predominantly undeveloped watersheds in Newport
Beach. The headwaters originate near Signal Peak (at an elevation of 1,150 feet above sea
level) and drain an 1,180-acre watershed. Prior to development near the mouth of Los
Trancos Canyon, The Keith Companies (1987; as reported in LSA, 1998) calculated a 100-
year discharge of 1,952 cfs. After development, the modeled 100-year discharge increased
to 2,377 cfs, most likely due to increased runoff associated with impervious surfaces (John
M. Tettemer and Associates, 1998). However, the construction of detention basins should
decrease the 100-year discharge to 1,683 cfs at Pacific Coast Highway. A single 9-foot by
10-foot arch culvert drains these flows beneath PCH. However, recent widening of PCH
necessitated extending this culvert. The highway improvements result in decreased
conveyance through the culvert and a higher ponded water surface upstream of PCH. This
condition increases the potential for flooding at the PCH crossing.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-18
• Muddy Canyon is the other predominantly undeveloped watershed in Newport Beach.
The Keith Companies (1987, as reported in LSA, 1998) calculated a pre -development 100-
year discharge of 1,470 cfs for the 990-acre Muddy Canyon watershed. After
development, the 100-year discharge increases to 1,908 cfs (Tettemer and Associates,
1998). However, like Los Trancos Canyon, detention projects will be constructed to reduce
the post development 100-year discharge to only 1,008 cfs. A single 8-foot by 6-foot arch
culvert drains floodwaters beneath PCH, but currently conveys less than the 100-year
discharge. The post development 100-year water surface behind the culvert would be
about 2 feet higher than the existing 100-year conditions. However, the culvert inlet will
be modified so all of the 100-year discharge will be conveyed for the post development
4.1.7 Urban Street Flooding
Urban street flooding is rarely a problem in the City of Newport Beach (Auger, 2003
personal communication). However, when heavy rainfall coincides with high tides, the
low-lying streets in Newport Beach can become inundated. For example, when tides
reach —6.5 feet and heavy rain is falling, the streets around the Marcus and Finley Tracts
on Balboa Peninsula will flood. This condition also occurs along the lowest lying areas of
Balboa Island.
The City of Newport Beach operates a total of 89 tide valves. These valves are usually
closed to keep high tides from flooding the streets on Balboa Island and on the Peninsula.
During rainstorms, urban runoff is in effect dammed by these tide valves. To mitigate this
• problem, the City pumps urban runoff ponded at the street ends into the ocean. This
system has proven effective in minimizing the impacts of urban street flooding.
4.1.8 Bridge Scour
Scour at highway bridges involves sediment -transport and erosion processes that cause
streambed material to be removed from the bridge vicinity (see Figure 4-14). Nationwide,
several catastrophic collapses of highway and railroad bridges have occurred due to
scouring and a subsequent loss of support of foundations. This has led to a nationwide
inventory and evaluation of bridges (Richardson and others, 1993).
Scour processes are generally classified into separate components, including pier scour,
abutment scour, and contraction scour. Pier scour occurs when flow impinges against the
upstream side of the pier, forcing the flow in a downward direction and causing scour of
the streambed adjacent to the pier. Abutment scour happens when flow impinges against
the abutment, causing the flow to change direction and mix with adjacent main -channel
flow, resulting in scouring forces near the abutment toe. Contraction scour occurs when
flood -plain flow is forced back through a narrower opening at the bridge, where an
increase in velocity can produce scour. Total scour for a particular site is the combined
effects from all three components. Scour can occur within the main channel, on the flood
plain, or both. While different materials scour at different rates, the ultimate scour attained
for different materials is similar and depends mainly on the duration of peak streamflow
acting on the material (Lagasse and others, 1991).
• The State of California participates in the bridge scour inventory and evaluation program;
however, to date, we have not found any records to indicate that the bridges in the
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-19
• Newport Beach area have been evaluated. Therefore,,
we analyzed aerial photographs to
identify and evaluate bridges that may be susceptible to scour during storm events. We
used the following assumption for this evaluation: Bridges that cross channelized streams
have a lower risk of scour because the concrete lining of the bed and banks resists
undermining and erosion of bridge piers; although in intense floods, the concrete lining
can still fail. The lower reaches of the Santa Ana River have been entirely channelized;
therefore damage due to bridge scour is low, but not completely unlikely, as evidenced by
the damage caused by the 1980 floods. In contrast, all other streams in Newport Beach
have earthen or riprap-covered beds and banks, which allow for bed erosion and potential
loss of bridge support.
The banks of San Diego Creek are comprised of earthen material with rock riprap sections
near bridge crossings. The Jamboree, Highway 73, and MacArthur bridge crossings could
be threatened by scour during flooding of San Diego Creek. Similarly, Bonita Canyon has
an engineered channel comprised of earthen banks and riprap bridge protection. The
bridges at MacArthur Boulevard and Bison Avenue could also be at risk during storm flow.
There are no significant bridges crossing Big Canyon, Buck Gully, Los Trancos Canyon, or
Muddy Canyon, therefore bridge scour is not a concern along these streams.
4.1.9 Existing Flood Protection Measures
During the past 70 years, private corporations, the Orange County Flood Control District
(OCFCD), and the US Army Corps of Engineers have constructed several reservoirs in the
San Joaquin Hills and Santa Ana Mountain foothills to minimize flood damage to
• downstream areas, such as Newport Beach. The US Army Corps of Engineers has also
made channel alterations consisting primarily of concrete side -slopes and linings for the
Santa Ana River. These flood control structures are presently owned and operated by the
OCFCD, which has jurisdiction over the majority of watercourses in the Newport Beach
area, as well as the regional flood control system in Orange County. All of these structures
help regulate flow in the Santa Ana River, San Diego Creek, and smaller streams and hold
back some of the flow during intense rainfall periods that could otherwise overwhelm the
storm drain system in Newport Beach. As previously discussed, flood control measures on
the Santa Ana River have effectively mitigated flood damage in recent years, although the
area has not been subjected to storms comparable to those of either 1938 or 1969, so the
system has not yet been truly tested.
4.1.10 Future Flood Protection
As developments, such as new phases of the Newport Coast Planned Community are
considered, it is important that hydrologic studies be conducted to assess the impact that
increased development may have on the existing development downgradient. These
studies should quantify the effects of increased runoff and alterations to natural stream
courses. Such constraints should be identified and analyzed in the earliest stages of
planning. If any deficiencies are identified, the project proponent needs to prove that these
can be mitigated to a satisfactory level prior to proceeding forward with the project, in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. Mitigation
measures typically include flood control devices such as catch basins, storm drain
pipelines, culverts, detention basins, desilting basins, velocity reducers, as well as debris
• basins for protection from mud and debris flows.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-20
• The methodology for analysis and design is set forth in several manuals published by the
Orange County Public Facilities and Resources Department (OCPFRP). Future
responsibilities for operation of regional flood control facilities will be with the OCPFRP,
while the local storm drain network outside of the regional system will be with the City of
Newport Beach. Therefore, both agencies must be involved in the planning and approval
of mitigation measures, to assure compatibility.
Across the United States, substantial changes in the philosophy, methodology and
mitigation of flood hazards are currently in the works. For example:
Some researchers have questioned whether or not the current methodology for
evaluating average flood recurrence intervals is still valid, since we are presently
experiencing a different, warmer and wetter climate. Even small changes in climate
can cause large changes in flood magnitude (Gosnold et al., 2000).
Flood control in undeveloped areas should not occur at the expense of
environmental degradation. Certain aspects of flooding are beneficial and are an
important component of the natural processes that affect regions far from the
particular area of interest. For instance, lining major channels with concrete
reduces the area of recharge to the ground water, and depletes the supply of sand
that ultimately would be carried to the sea to replenish our beaches. Thus there is a
move to leave nature in charge of flood control. The advantages include lower cost,
preservation of wildlife habitats and improved recreation potential.
Floodway management design in land development projects can also include areas
where stream courses are left natural or as developed open space, such as parks or
golf courses. Where flood control structures are unavoidable, they are often
designed with a softer appearance that blends in with the surrounding environment.
Environmental legislation is increasingly coming in conflict with flood control
programs. Under the authority of the Federal Clean Water Act and the Federal
Endangered Species Act, development and maintenance of flood control facilities
has been complicated by the regulatory activities of several Federal agencies
including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency,
and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For instance, FEMA requires that Orange
County and its incorporated cities maintain the carrying capacity of all flood control
facilities and floodways. However, this requirement can conflict with mandates
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding maintaining the habitat of
endangered or threatened species. Furthermore, the permitting process required by
the Federal agencies is lengthy, and can last several months to years. Yet, if the
floodways are not permitted to be cleared of vegetation and other obstructing debris
in a timely manner, future flooding of adjacent areas could develop. Zappe (1997)
argues that reform of environmental laws is necessary to ease the burden on local
governments, and ensure the health and safety of the public. In particular, Zappe
calls for a categorical exemption from the Federal laws for routine maintenance and
emergency repair of all existing flood control facilities.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-21
. 4.1.11 Flood Protection Measures for Property Owners
Although the flood hazard in the City of Newport Beach has traditionally been limited to
West Newport and narrow zones along stream corridors, areas in the San Joaquin Hills
maybe increasingly susceptible to flooding as a result of both increased development, and
possibly an increasingly wetter climate.
Property owners in these areas can make modifications to their houses to reduce the 00
impact of flooding. FEMA has identified several flood protection measures that can be
implemented by property owners to reduce flood damage. These include: installing
waterproof veneers on the exterior walls of buildings; putting seals on all openings,
including doors, to prevent the entry of water; raising electrical components above the
anticipated water level improvements; and installing backflow valves that prevent sewage
from backing up into the house through the drainpipes. Obviously, these changes vary in
complexity and cost, and some need to be carried out only by a professional licensed
contractor. For additional information and ideas, refer to the FEMA web page at
www.fema.eov. Structural modifications require a permit from the City's Building
Department. Refer to them for advice regarding whether or not flood protection measures
would be appropriate for your property.
4.2 Seismically Induced Inundation
4.2.1 Dam Inundation
• Seismically induced inundation refers to flooding that results when water retention
structures, such as dams, fail due to an earthquake. Statutes governing dam safety are
defined in Division 3 of the California State Water Code (California Department of Water
Resources, 1986). These statutes empower the California Division of Dam Safety to
monitor the structural safety of dams that are greater than 25 feet in dam height or have
more than 50 acre-feet in storage capacity.
Dams under State jurisdiction are required to have inundation maps that show the
potential flood limits in the remote, yet disastrous possibility a dam is catastrophically
breached. Inundation maps are prepared by dam owners to help with contingency
planning; these inundation maps in no way reflect the structural integrity or safety of the
dam in question. Dam owners are also required to prepare and submit emergency
response plans to the State Office of Emergency Services, the lead State agency for the
State dam inundation -mapping program.
The City of Newport Beach is required by State law to have in place emergency
procedures for the evacuation and control of populated areas within the limits of dam
inundation. In addition, recent legislation requires real estate disclosure upon sale or
transfer of properties in the inundation area (AB 1195 Chapter 65, June 9, 1998; Natural
Hazard Disclosure Statement).
Three dams located in the Newport Beach area fall under State jurisdiction. From west to
east they include Big Canyon Reservoir, Bonita Reservoir, and San Joaquin Reservoir (see
• Plate 4-3). These dams are owned by the City of Newport Beach, Irvine Ranch Water
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-22
District and the Irvine Water Company, respectively. They retain small reservoirs in the
San Joaquin Hills.
Portions of Newport Beach are threatened by flooding from Prado Dam, Santiago Creek
Reservoir, Villa Park Reservoir, San Joaquin Reservoir, Big Canyon Reservoir and Harbor
View Reservoir. Bonita Reservoir also has the potential to cause localized flooding in the
City, but inundation limits due to failure of this structure were not available. If Seven Oaks
Dam fails, the flow reportedly will be contained by Prado Dam Reservoir, and is therefore
not expected to impact the City of Newport Beach. Each of these reservoirs is described
further below.
Prado Dam reservoir straddles the boundary between San Bernardino and Riverside
counties and is located approximately 2 miles west of the City of Corona. This dam is an
earth -filled, concrete capped structure that was completed in April 1941. The reservoir
covers an area of 6,695 acres'(www.spl.usace.army.mil/), and has a spillway capacity of
383,500 acre-feet (www.spl.usace.army.mil/resreg/htdocs/prdo.htmi). Summary
information on this dam and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-3, and for a picture of the
dam, see Figure 4-16. The flood inundation path, should the dam fail, is shown on Plate 4-
3. If this dam failed catastrophically while full of water, the inundation area would impact
much of Orange County including Newport Beach. Approximately 110,000 acres of
residential, commercial, and agricultural land would be flooded. By the time floodwaters
reached the ocean most areas from Long Beach to Newport Bay would be inundated. The
flood would reach the city of Newport Beach 21.5 hours after dam failure (USACE, 1985)
and cause flooding of West Newport along the Santa Ana Delhi Channel and San Diego
Creek, and in Newport Bay as far south of Pacific Coast Highway (Plate 4-3).
Table 4-3: Characteristics of Prado Dam and Reservoir
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.89 ;-117.643
Crest Elevation:
566.0 feet
Santa Ana River
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
Crest Length:
2,280 feet
Crest Width:
30 feet
Total Freeboard:
23 feet
Height above Streambed:
106 feet
Material Volume:
3,389,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
383,500 acre-feet at top of pool
Drainage Area:
2,255 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
6,695 acres
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-23
Figure 4-16: View to the north of Prado Dam (to the right -center),
and Prado Dam Reservoir in the background
Seven Oaks Dam is an earth- and rock -filled dam located in San Bernardino County,
approximately 8 miles northeast of the City of Redlands (see Figure 4-17). Construction of
the dam was completed in November 1999. Seven Oaks Dam was designed to protect San
Bernardino County from flooding and to work in conjunction with Prado dam, which is
located approximately 41 miles downstream. The reservoir has a capacity of 145,600
acre-feet and covers an area of 780 acres when full. Summary information on this dam
and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-4. The flood waters resulting from a Seven Oaks
dam failure would be contained by Prado dam and therefore do not pose a threat to
Newport Beach.
Figure 4-17: View Upstream of Seven Oaks Dam
• Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page4-24
Table 4-4: Characteristics of Seven Oaks Dam and Reservoir
Seven Oaks
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
34.116 ; -117.3
Crest Elevation:
2610 feet
Santa Ana River
Dam Type:
Parapet Te:
No Wall
Crest Length:
2,630 feet
Crest Width:
40 feet
Total Freeboard:
30 feet
550 feet
Material Volume:
4,000,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
145,600 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
176 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
780 acres
Santiago Creek Reservoir dam is an earth -filled structure that has a storage capacity of
25,000 acre-feet. It is located 7 miles east of the City of Orange. Santiago Creek is the
largest tributary to the lower Santa Ana River with a drainage basin area greater than 100
square miles. Summary information on this dam and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-5.
The flood inundation path through Newport Beach, should the dam fail, is shown on Plate
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-25
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nor does H satisfy the evaluation requirements setforth in geologic hazard regulations.
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Dam Failure
Inundation Map
Newport Beach, California
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Inundation Pathway
A x4 _U 4_? . q ' s El
San Joaquin Reservoir Failure
Inundation Pathway
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Villa Park Reservoir Failure
Inundation Pathway
� Santiago Creek Reservoir Failure
Inundation Pathway
Prado Dam Failure
,R• eservoir a.'` iu Inundation Pathway
.-'i '. .1.�„-.
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" - Inundation Pathway
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a' eiyeannyybn,iCt_ Reservoir
iuorvPaeA:. J - ?"r" ,? Newport Beach City Boundary
s ."_ - ' `-' u-` -' , ° It• ��" Sphere of Influence
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£ ` :n' ',,, RASTER
•t"" Source: California Office of Emergency Services
f• �,. - .,., .<;:;,,,•, ,. : -:. �_ Earth
.�.t. _ '_.::: r `'aC' '-•l; Ste.' �':f. 'jyi.•�, Wn$ultants
:: , : Project Number. 2112
:Mj .;z<<i, ( Date: July, 2003
Plate 4-3
Table 4-5: Characteristics of the Santiago Creek Dam and Reservoir
Santiago Creek
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
Serrano Irrigation District & Irvine Ranch Water District
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.785 ;-117.723
Crest Elevation:
810 feet
Santiago Creek
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Length:
1,425 feet
Crest Width:
24 feet
Total Freeboard:
16 feet
I 3 6 feet
Material Volume:
789,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
25,000 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
63.1 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
650 acres
Villa Park Reservoir dam is located 3.5 miles downstream of Santiago Creek Reservoir and
4 miles east of the City of Orange. Villa Park dam is an earth -filled structure that has a
• storage capacity of 25,000 acre-feet. Summary information on this darn and its reservoir is
provided in Table 4-6. The flood inundation path through Newport Beach, should the dam
fail, is shown on Plate 4-3.
Table 4-6: Characteristics of the Villa Park Dam and Reservoir
Villa Park
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
County of Oran e _
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.815 ;-117.765
Crest Elevation:
584 feet
Santiago Creek
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Length:
119 feet
Crest Width:
20 feet
Total Freeboard:
18.3 feet
118 feet
Material Volume:
835,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
15,600 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
83.4 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
480 acres
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• Harbor View Dam is a small earth -filled structure; its reservoir is usually empty and used
primarily for flood control. It is located approximately 700 feet upstream of Harbor View
School and has a storage capacity of 28 acre-feet. Summary information on this dam and
its reservoir is provided in Table 4-7. The flood inundation path through Newport Beach,
should the dam fail while full, is shown on Plate 4-3.
Table 4-7: Characteristics of the Harbor View Dam and Reservoir
Harbor View
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
County of Orange
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.603 ;-117.865
Crest Elevation:
190 feet
Jasmine Gulch
Dam Type:
Earth -filled _
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Length:
330 feet
Crest Width:
60 feet
Total Freeboard:
20 feet
65 feet
Material Volume:
63,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
28 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
0.39 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
3 acres
San Joaquin Dam is an earth -filled structure with a clay lining and asphalt surfacing. It is
located in Newport Beach approximately half a mile west of Pacific View Memorial Park.
Its reservoir has a storage capacity of 3,036 acre-feet and an area of 50 acres. Summary
information on this dam and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-8. The flood inundation
path through Newport Beach, should the dam fail, is shown on Plate 4-3.
Bonita Dam is an earth -filled structure located approximately one mile downstream (north)
of San Joaquin Dam on Bonita Creek. Although it has the same reservoir area (50 acres) as
San Joaquin Dam, it has a storage capacity of only 323 acre-feet. Summary information on
this dam and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-9. The flood inundation path through
Newport Beach, should the dam fail, is shown on Plate 4-3.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-28
Table 4-8: Characteristics of the San Joaquin Dam and Reservoir
San Joaquin
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
Irvine Ranch Water District
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.62 ;-117.842
Crest Elevation:
476 feet
Tributary to Bonita Creek
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Length:
873 feet
Crest Width:
30 feet
Total Freeboard:
5.5 feet
224 feet _
Material Volume:
1,911,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
3,036 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
0.35 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
50 acres
Table 4-9: Characteristics of the Bonita Dam and Reservoir
Bonita Canyon
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
The Irvine Company
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.632 ;-117.848
Crest Elevation:
151 feet
Bonita Creek _
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Length:
331 feet
Crest Width:
20 feet
Total Freeboard:
8 feet
51 feet
Material Volume:
43,000 cubic yards
Storage Capa t
323 acre-feet
Drainage Area:
4.2 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
50 acres
Big Canyon Dam is an earth -filled, asphalt -lined structure that provides fire protection and
drinking water to residents in Newport Beach. It has a storage capacity of 600 acre-feet
and is located in a residential area near Pacific View Memorial Park and Lincoln School.
Failure of this structure would reportedly produce a flood wave between 300 and 1,000
feet wide on its course to Newport Bay. The limits of the inundation area, should this
facility fail catastrophically, are shown on Plate 4-3. However, failure is unlikely because a
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-29
seismic analysis of the Big Canyon Dam shows that it can withstand a maximum
magnitude earthquake (M = 7) on the Newport -Inglewood fault. This earthquake is
anticipated to produce very strong ground motions, with a peak horizontal ground
acceleration of 0.91g, in the area of the reservoir (URS, 2001). Summary information on
this dam and its reservoir is provided in Table 4-10.
Table 4-10: Characteristics of the Big Canyon Dam and Reservoir
Bi Can on _
Department of Water Resources No.
National ID No.
City of Newort Beach
Year Completed:
Latitude; Longitude:
33.61 ;-117.857
Crest Elevation:
308 feet
Tributary of Big Canyon Creek
Dam Type:
Earth -filled
Parapet Type:
No wall
Crest Len the
3824 feet
Crest Width:
20 feet
Total Freeboard:
5.5 feet
65 feet
Material Volume:
508,000 cubic yards
Storage Capacity:
600 acre-feet
Draina a Area:
0.04 sq mi
Reservoir Area:
22 acres
4.2.2 Inundation From Above -Ground Storage Tanks
Seismically induced inundation can also occur if strong ground shaking causes structural
damage to aboveground water tanks. If a tank is not adequately braced and baffled,
sloshing water can lift a water tank off its foundation, splitting the shell, damaging the roof,
and bulging the bottom of the tank (elephant's foot) (EERI, 1992). Movement can also
shear off the pipes leading to the tank, releasing water through the broken pipes. These
types of damage occurred during southern California's 1992 Landers, 1992 Big Bear, and
1994 Northridge earthquakes. The Northridge earthquake alone rendered about 40 steel
tanks non-functional (EERI, 1995), including a tank in the Santa Clarita area that failed and
inundated several houses below. As a result of lessons learned from recent earthquakes,
new standards for design of steel water tanks were adopted in 1994 (Lund, 1994). The
new tank design includes flexible joints at the inlet/outlet connections to accommodate
movement in any direction.
Based on a review of 1999 aerial photographs of the City, there appears to be no above-
ground water tanks in the City. However, at least one 3.4 million gallon reservoir is
proposed in the Irvine Coast Development along Pelican Hill Road (The Irvine Company,
1988). Any above -ground storage tanks proposed and built in the City need to be designed
to the most current seismic design standards for liquid storage tanks.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-30
4.3 Summary of Issues, Planning Opportunities and Mitigation Measures
Portions of the City of Newport Beach are susceptible to storm -induced flooding on the Santa Ana
River and the other drainages that extend at last partly across the City. The 100- and 500-year
flood zones have been identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and are shown
on Plate 4-2. These include the low-lying areas in West Newport at the base of the bluffs, the
coastal areas around Newport Bay and all low-lying areas adjacent to Upper Newport Bay. 100-
and 500-year flooding is also anticipated to occur along the lower reaches of Coyote Canyon, in
the lower reaches of San Diego Creek and the Santa Ana Delhi Channel, and in a portion of Buck
Gully. Most flooding along these second- and third -order streams is not expected to impact
significant development. However, flooding in the coastal areas of the City will impact residential
and commercial zones along West Newport, the Balboa Peninsula and Balboa Island and the
seaward side of Pacific Coast Highway. Flooding as a result of coastal processes also poses a
hazard to the City. This is discussed further in Chapter 1.
The National Flood Insurance Program makes federally subsidized flood insurance available in
communities that agree to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to reduce future
flood damage. Owners of all structures within the FEMA-mapped Special Flood Hazard Areas
(100-year flood) are required to purchase and maintain flood insurance as a condition of receiving
a federally related mortgage or home equity loan on that structure. Estimates indicate that 75
percent of households located in the 100-year floodplain do not have insurance. In addition,
between 20 and 25 percent of the National Flood Insurance Program claims come from structures
located outside the designated 100-year flood zone, where insurance is not required. As a
comparison, structures located in the 100-year flood plain have a 26 percent chance of being
• flooded over the course of a 30-year mortgage that experience a fire (4 percent chance in 30
years). National Flood Insurance is available in the City of Newport Beach; homeowners within
the 500-year flood zones, and even outside these zones should be encouraged to buy flood
To ensure public participation in the National Flood Insurance Program and support of City -
funded mitigation measures, property owners need to be informed about the potential for flooding
in their area, including flooding of access routes to and from their neighborhoods. Community
outreach and public information programs that not only identify the hazards but provide potential
solutions need to be prepared and made available. The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) has excellent materials that describe specific mitigation measures that can be implemented
to reduce flood damage to residential structures. A community's success in responding to a
natural disaster is also dependent on how well its government officials, residents, businesses, and
institutions (schools, churches, social organizations) cooperate and coordinate together to make
effective decisions. To accomplish this, the City can prepare and manage a list of businesses,
organizations and individuals that can be called in for help during emergencies.
For those portions of the 100- and 500-year flood zones that have already been developed, the
City should implement flood warning systems and evacuation plans. This is especially important
in the areas identified above, near the coast, especially the low-lying areas next to the tide valves,
where water has the opportunity to pond until pumped into the ocean. Critical facilities such as
schools should have evacuation plans in place that cover the possibility of flooding. Facilities
using, storing, or otherwise involved with substantial quantities of onsite hazardous materials
- should not be permitted in the flood zones, unless all standards of elevation, anchoring, and flood
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-31
proofing have been satisfied, and hazardous materials are stored in watertight containers that are
not capable of floating.
The City should continue to require that future planning for new developments consider the
impact on flooding potential, as well as the impact of flood control structures on the environment,
both locally and regionally. Flood control should not be introduced in the undeveloped areas at
the expense of environmental degradation. Land development planning should continue to
consider leaving watercourses natural wherever possible, or developing them as parks, nature
trails, golf courses or other types of recreation areas that could withstand inundation.
There are several flood retention and water storage structures that, should they fail
catastrophically, have the potential to flood portions of the City. Several of these structures are
located outside the City's boundaries, but their inundation zones extend through the City. Most
potential inundation areas are coincident with the 100- and 500-year flood zones, in areas where
residents are already required or encouraged to have flood insurance. However, failure of Prado
Dam has the potential to impact the area by and south of the Newport Aquatic Center, an area not
identified as within the 100-year flood zone. If Prado Dam failed, the'City of Newport Beach is
sufficiently far from the reservoir that it would take several hours for the floodwaters to reach the
City, which would permit evacuation of the low-lying areas. The same is true for both Santiago
Creek and Villa Park Reservoirs, although since both of these structures are closer to Newport
Beach, it would take less time for the waters to reach the City. Failure of San Joaquin or Bonita
Reservoirs is not anticipated to pose a significant impact, although portions of San Joaquin Hills
Transportation Corridor would be flooded.
• The structure that poses the highest risk to a small sector of the community is Harbor View
Reservoir. Since this reservoir is located within Newport Beach, its failure would immediately
impact those areas down gradient, within its inundation pathway. The reservoirs located in the
San Joaquin Hills area of the City are not located astride any known active faults. However, all
structures are underlain by the San Joaquin Hills thrust fault, which has the potential to generate
very strong ground shaking in the hills (see Chapter 2). Since this thrust fault was only recently
identified, these reservoirs were most likely not designed to withstand the near -source ground
accelerations that this fault is believed capable of producing. As new data are generated on this
fault, it would be advisable to revisit the design of these facilities, and implement a retrofit
program if the analyses suggest that this is warranted. A seismic study recently conducted for Big
Canyon Reservoir indicates that this reservoir can withstand the strong ground shaking expected in
the area as a result of an earthquake on either the Newport -Inglewood or the San Joaquin Hills
fault (URS, 2001).
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-32
Informational Websites and References
Websites addressing Flooding, Dam Inundation, and Erosion (Note: the information on some of
these websites has been removed due to safety concerns; but may be posted again in the future
in limited form).
US Geological Survey Volcanic Observatory website list of links regarding
sediment and erosion.
US Army Corps of Engineers website regarding waterway regulations.
National Inventory of Dams.
http://www_ps l.usace.army.mil/resreWhtdocs/Briefing main.html
US Army Corps of Engineers website about reservoirs in the Los Angeles District.
FEMA website about the National Flood Insurance Program.
httn://ceres.ca.goI/planning/nhd/dam inundation.html
Dam inundation information provided by the California Office of Emergency
Precipitation rates at different rain stations in the world measured over time.
Stream gage measurements for rivers throughout the US.
Auger, J., 2003, Personal Communication, Storm Drain and Street Sweeping Supervisor with the
General Services Department of the City of Newport Beach.
California Department of Water Resources, 1986, Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to
Supervision of Dams and Reservoirs: Division of Safety of Dams, 46p.
California Department of Water Resources, 1984, Dams within the Jurisdiction of the State of
California: Division of Safety of Dams, Bulletin 17-84, 94p.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Dam Inundation Maps obtained at
Cannon, S.H., 2001, Debris -Flow Generation From Recently Burned Watersheds: Bulletin of the
• Association of Engineering Geologists, Vol. VII, No. 4., November, 2001, pp. 321-341.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-33
Chin, E.H., Aldrige, B.N., and Longfield, R.J., 1991, Floods of February 1980 in Southern
California and Central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1494, 126p.
City of Huntington Beach Flood Study, 1974; http://www.hbsurfcity.com/history/floodhis.htm
Davis, D. J., 1980, Rare and Unusual Postfire Flood Events Experienced Flood Events in Los
Angeles County During 1978 and 1980; in Storms, Floods and Debris Flows in Southern
California and Arizona 1978 and 1980: Proceedings of a Symposium, September 17-18,
1980, published by the National Academy Press.
Ellen, S.D., and Fleming, R.W., 1987, Mobilization of Debris Flows from Soil Slips, San Francisco
Bay region, California; in Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors), Debris
Flows/Avalanches: Process, Recognition, and Mitigation: Geological Society of America
Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, pp. 31-40.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997, Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) for the City of
Newport Beach, California; Community Panels No. 06059-00046F, 06059-00054F and
Index Map No. 06059C-INDO, dated January 3, 1997.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1989, Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) for the City of
Newport Beach, California; Community Panels No. 06059-00047E, 06059-00055E,
06059-00062E, 06059-CSTD1, 06059-CSTD2, and 06059-CSTD3 dated September 15,
• Feton, J.P., 1988, Newport Beach - The first Century, 1888-1988: City of Newport Beach
Historical Society, Sultana Press, Brea, California.
Gosnold, William D., Jr., LeFever, Julie A., Todhunter, Paul E., and Osborne, Leon F., Jr., 2000,
Rethinking Flood Prediction: Why the Traditional Approach Needs to Change: Geotimes,
Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 20-23.
John M. Tettemer and Associates, 1998, Newport Coast Phase IV-2, Hydrology Analysis; Report
dated February 1998.
Keefer, D.K., Wilson, R.C., Mark, R.K., Brabb, E.E., Brown III, W.M., Ellen, S.D., Harp, E.L.,
Wieczorek, G.F., Alger, C.S., and Zatkin, R.S., 1987, Real -Time Landslide Warning During
Heavy Rainfall: Science, Vol. 238, pp. 921-925.
Keefer, D.K., and Johnson, A.M., 1983, Earth Flows: Morphology, Mobilization, and Movement:
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1264, 55p.
Lagasse, P.F., Schall, J.D., Johnson, F., Richardson, E.V., Richardson, J.R., Chang, F., 1991, Stream
stability at highway structures: U.S. Department of Transportation No. FHWA-IP-90-014
Hydraulic Engineering Circular 20, 195p.
LSA Associates, 1998, Environmental Impact Report: Phase IV-2 of the Newport Coast Planned
• Community, Newport Coast Planning Areas 3A-2, 36, 14, MCDP Sixth Amendment and
Coast Development Permit.
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-34
• LSA Associates, Inc., 1991, Final Environmental Impact Report, San Joaquin Hills Planned
Community, No. 517; dated February 26, 1991.
Orange County Flood Control District, photos of Storm Water Runoff dating from 1916, 1927,
1934, 1938, 1940, and 1941.
Reneau, S.L., and Dietrich, W.E., 1987, The Importance of Hollows in Debris Flow Studies;
Examples from Marin County, California; in Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors),
Debris Flows/Avalanches: Process, Recognition, and Mitigation: Geological Society of
America Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, pp. 165-179.
Richardson, E.V., Harrison, L.J., Richardson, J.R., and Davis, S.R., 1993, Evaluating scour at
bridges (2d ed.): U.S. Department of Transportation Hydraulic Engineering Circular 18,
State of California, Office of Planning and Research (OPR), 1987, General Plan Guidelines.
United States Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, Prado Dam Emergency Plan Inundation Map
The Irvine Company, 1988, The Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit (CDP); report
dated January 8, 1988.
Troxell, H. C., et al., 1942, Floods of March 1938 in Southern California: U.S. Geological Survey
Water Supply Paper 844.
URS, 2001, Report of Findings, Seismic Analysis Program, Big Canyon Reservoir Newport Beach,
California; report prepared for the City of Newport Beach Public Works Department —
Utilities, dated July 2001.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, November 1993, Condition Survey for
Entrance Jetties, Newport Bay Harbor, Orange County, California.
Waananen, A.O., 1969, Floods of January and February 1969 in Central and'Southern California:
U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report, 233p.
Weber, F.H., 1980b, Landsliding and Flooding in Southern California During the Winter of 1979-
1980 (Principally February 13-21, 1980), California Division of Mines and Geology Open -
File Report 80-3 LA, 69p.
Wells, W.G., 1987, The Effects of Fire on the Generation of Debris Flows in Southern California; in
Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors), Debris Flows/Avalanches: Process, Recognition,
and Mitigation: Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII,
pp. 105-114.
Wilson, R.C., 1997, Operation of a Landslide Warning System During the California Storm
• Sequence of January and February 1993; in Larson, R.A., and Slosson, J.E. (editors), Storm -
Induced Geologic Hazards: Case Histories from the 1992-1993 Winter in Southern
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards Page 4-35
California and Arizona: Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology,
Vol. XI, pp. 61-70.
Zappe, D.P., 1997, Statement of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation
District Regarding Impacts of the Endangered Species Act on Flood Control Activities;
Witness Testimony made at the Resources Committee of the House of Representatives on
April 10, 1997. The text of his statement is available on the web at
http://resourcescomm ittee.house.gov/105cong/fu l lcomm/apr10.97/zappe. htm
Earth Consultants International Flooding Hazards
Page 4-36
5.1 Vegetation Fires
Even though more wildfires occur in the West than in the rest of the country, wildfires are a
significant hazard throughout the United States. The wildfire risk in the United States has increased
in the last few decades with the increasing encroachment of residences and other structures into
the wildland environment, the increasing number of people living and playing in wildland areas,
and the enduring drought conditions that have affected some regions. Between 1990 and 1999
inclusive, there were on average 106,347 wildfires annually, for a combined average annual burn
of nearly 3.65 million acres of brush (htpp://nifc.gov/fireinfo/1999/highlites.html). These fires are
for the most part caused by people: between 1988 and 1997, human -induced fires burned nearly
eight times more brush than fires caused by lightning. The number of wildland fires reported in
Orange County also appears to be increasing; according to the Orange County Fire Authority, in
2002 the wildfire occurrence was 150 percent above the previous ten-year average.
A wildfire that consumes hundreds to thousands of acres of vegetated property can overwhelm
local emergency response resources. Under the right wind conditions, multiple ignitions can
develop as a result of the wind transport of burning cinders (called brands) over distances of a mile
or more. Wildfires in those areas where the wildland approaches or interfaces with the urban
environment (referred to as the urban-wildland interface area or UWI area) can be particularly
dangerous and complex, posing a severe threat to public and firefighter safety, and causing
devastating losses of life and property. This is because when a wildland fire encroaches onto the
built environment, ignited structures can then sustain and transmit the fire from one building to the
• next. This is what happened at three of the most devastating fires in California: the Oakland
Hills/Berkeley Tunnel fire of October 1991, the Laguna fire of 1970 in northern San Diego County,
and the Laguna Beach fire of 1993. As a result of the Oakland Hills fire, 25 lives were lost and
2,900 structures were damaged, for a total .of $1.7 billion in insured losses. The September 1970
fire, which was caused by downed power lines, burned 175,425 acres, destroyed 382 structures
and killed 5 people. The Laguna Beach fire of 1993 destroyed 441 homes, but thankfully, no one
died. What it is clear is that continuous planning, preparedness, and education are required to
reduce the fire hazard potential, and to limit the destruction caused by fires. This is discussed in
detail in this document.
Large areas of southern California are particularly susceptible to wildfire due to the region's
weather, topography and native vegetation. The typically mild, wet winters characteristic of our
Mediterranean climate result in an annual growth of grasses and plants that dry out during the hot
summer months. This dry vegetation provides fuel for wildfires in the autumn, when the area is
intermittently impacted by Santa Ana (or Santana) winds, the hot, dry winds that blow across
southern California in the late fall. These winds often fan and help spread fires in the region.
Furthermore, many of the native plants common in the area have a high oil content that makes
them highly flammable.
5.1.1 Historical Wildland Fires in the Area
Regardless of the comments above, we should not forget that wildland fire is a natural
process. Wildfires have been part of the natural ecosystem in the rolling hillsides of central
and southern Orange County for millennia. In fact, some of the plants native to this area
• require periodic burning to germinate and recycle nutrients that enrich the soils. Wildfires
become an issue, however, when they encroach into developed areas, with a resultant loss
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-1
of property, and even life. The City of Newport Beach defines a wildland fire hazard area
as any geographic area that contains the type and condition of vegetation, topography,
weather, and structure density that potentially increases the possibility of wildland fires
(Section 9.04.050 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code).
The most devastating wildland fire in this area in recent history was the Laguna Beach fire
of 1993. The Laguna Beach fire, which was the result of arson, burned 14,437 acres and
destroyed 441 homes. This fire is still ranked in the top ten worst wildland fires in
California. The 1993 fire spread into the Newport Coast area that is now part of the City of
Newport Beach. The area in Newport Beach burned by the 1993 fire is shown on Plate 5-
1. Some of the damage caused by the Laguna Beach fire is shown on Figures 5-1 and 5-2.
Figure S-1: View of Ridges and Hillsides Burned by the 1993 Laguna Beach Fire.
According to records kept by the Orange County Fire Authority, the Niger fire of 1955
burned 1,606 acres, impacting the northeastern -most corner of the current boundaries of
the City of Newport Beach. The 73 Fire of 2001 burned only 6.63 acres, but because it
occurred along the 73 Freeway, where it had the potential to impact traffic, it is considered
a significant wildland fire. The area in Newport Beach impacted by these two fires is also
shown on Plate 5-1. There have been several other smaller, less significant wildland and
vegetation fires in the Newport Beach area, but records of these are limited. Those that
were recorded by the Orange County Authority between 1991 and 2001 are shown on
Plate 5-1. In 2002 alone, the City of Newport Beach Fire Department responded to 30
brush/vegetation fires in their jurisdiction. The locations of these fires are not shown on
Plate 5-1.
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-2
Insert Plate 5-1: Historical Wildland Fires in the Newport Beach Area
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-3
Figure 5-2: Another View of Hillsides Burned by the 1993 Laguna Beach Fire. The fire
spread up the canyon but several of the houses on the ridge were thankfully spared.
(Photograph courtesy of Mr. Robert Lemmer, Leighton & Associates)
5.1.2 Wildfire Susceptibility in the Newport Beach Area
As the map of the area burned by the Laguna Beach fire (Plate 5-1) shows, the eastern
portion of the City is susceptible to damage from wildland fire. In fact, portions of the
Newport Beach region and surrounding areas to the north, east and southeast include
grass- and brush -covered hillsides with significant topographic relief that facilitate the rapid
spread of fire, especially if fanned by coastal breezes or Santa Ana winds.
The fire hazard of an area is typically based on the combined input of several parameters.
These conditions include:
fuel loading (that is, the density and type of vegetation),
topography (slope),
dwelling density,
wildfire history, and
whether or not there are local mitigation measures ii
zone's fire rating (such as an extensive network
construction, fuel modification zones, etc.).
i place that help reduce the
of fire hydrants, fire -rated
That the eastern portion of Newport Beach and adjacent areas outside City limits are
Earth Consultants International Fire
Page 5-4
susceptible to wildfires is not a surprise; they are vegetated with high fire hazard plants
such as tall grasses and coastal sage scrub, include steep slopes and canyons, and are
subjected to both strong seasonal Santa Ana wind conditions and westerly winds that can
help transport embers up the southwest -facing canyons. During Santa Ana conditions,
when winds in excess of 40 miles per hour (mph) are typical, and gusts in excess of 100
mph may occur locally, fire -fighting resources are likely to be stressed, reducing their
ability to suppress fires. Even with no unusual wind conditions, fire department response
can be hindered by heavy traffic during peak hours, and by the long travel distances in the
canyon and hillside areas of the southeastern part of the City. Furthermore, with the
transportation corridors that now cut through these fire -prone areas, and the establishment
of natural preserves in the canyons, there is an increased potential for fires, both accidental
and purposely set, to impact the region. Therefore, enhanced onsite protection for
structures and people in and near these wildfire -susceptible areas is necessary.
Plate 5-2 shows a wildfire susceptibility map for the City that is based on an analysis of the
factors discussed above (vegetation, slope, and degree of development). The three
wildland fire hazard zones proposed for the City are as follows: low/none, moderate, and
The low/none fire hazard zone includes the extensively developed western portion of the
City where relief is minimal, and where hardscape (concrete, asphalt and structures) and
landscaping vegetation predominate. In the eastern portion of the City, the low hazard
zone includes the San Joaquin Reservoir, the low-lying, gently sloped, developed areas
along the Pacific Coast highway adjacent to the coastline, and inland areas where an
extensive network of fire sprinklers, fire -retardant construction and vegetation management
plans help reduce the fire hazard. The moderate fire hazard zones are areas of moderate
relief at the interface with the more developed areas of the City, undeveloped or partially
undeveloped areas where grasses predominate, and areas at the interface between high
and very high fire hazard zones and low/none hazard zones. The high fire hazard zones
include primarily the undeveloped canyon and hillside areas where native vegetation,
including coastal sage scrub and tree assemblages predominate. Small moderate to high
fire hazard areas not mapped' may be present locally and sporadically within the low/none
zone in the eastern part of the City, if a vacant lot is not maintained and dried grasses or
other vegetation are not controlled.
The Orange County Fire Authority had rated the Newport Coast area, now in the eastern
one-third of the City, and the Moro Canyon area and surrounding hillsides to the east of
the City, as Special Fire Protection Areas (SFPA). SFPAs are similar to the State's Very High
Fire Hazard Severity Zones established in accordance with the Bates Bill (Assembly Bill
337, September 29, 1992 — an act that added Chapter 6.8, commencing with Section
51175, to Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code, and an amendment to
Section 13108.5 of the Health and Safety Code). When the City of Newport Beach
annexed the Newport Coast area, it adopted the Orange County Fire Authority's mapping
for the area. The Fire Hazards Map adopted by the City is shown on Plate 5-3. However,
due to the extensive development proposed in the far southeastern and northeastern
corners of Newport Beach, the SFPA boundaries in Newport Beach are changing. Newer
• SFPA boundaries are shown on Plate 5-4, which also shows the approximate boundaries of
the proposed new developments.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-5
Insert Plate 5-2: Fire Hazard Zones in the City of Newport Beach
Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-6
. Plate 5-3: Orange County Fire Authority's Special Fire Severity Zones in Newport Beach
Earth Consu
5.1.3 Wildland Fire Protection Strategies Vegetation Management
Experience and research have shown that vegetation management is an effective means of
reducing the wildland fire hazard. Therefore, in those areas identified as susceptible to
wildland fire, land development is governed by special State and local codes, and property
owners are required to follow maintenance guidelines aimed at reducing the amount and
continuity of the fuel (vegetation) available. A recent, relatively local example of the
effectiveness of these measures is the Antonio fire of May 2002 that burned 1,100 acres in
the Las Flores area near Coto de Caza and Rancho Santa Margarita. Although the winds
out of the west were blowing at only 10 to 15 miles per hour (mph), this was enough wind
to fan the fire across a fairly large area in a short time. The fire even forced the closure of
the 241 Toll Road for a few hours. Nevertheless, the fire did not damage any homes due
in great measure to the strict vegetation management practices at the urban-wildland
interface (UWI) that the local property owners are required to follow.
Requirements for vegetation management at the UWI in California were revisited following
the 1993 Laguna Beach fire. In July 1994, the Orange County Wildland/Urban Interface
Task Force Report was completed, and shortly thereafter approved by the Orange County
Board of Supervisors. In a companion effort, the International Fire Code Institute formed a
committee to develop an Urban-Wildland Interface Code under the direction of the
California State Fire Marshal. The first draft of this code was published in October 1995.
In 1997, the City of Newport Beach adopted guidelines that mirror the Orange County Fire
• Authority guidelines for hazard reduction and fuel modification. Hazard reduction and
fuel modification are the two methods that the City of Newport Beach employs for
reducing the risk of fire at the UWI. Both methodologies use the principle of reducing the
amount of combustible fuel available, which reduces the amount of heat, associated flame
lengths, and the intensity of the fire that would threaten adjacent structures. The purpose of
these methods, adopted as part of the City's Municipal Code, is to reduce the hazard of
wildfire by establishing a defensible space around buildings or structures in the area.
Defensible space is defined by the City as "an area, either natural or man-made, where
plant materials and natural fuels have been treated, cleared, or modified to slow the rate
and intensity of an advancing wildfire, and to create an area for firefighters to suppress the
fire and save the structure." These standards require property owners in the UWI to
conduct maintenance, modifying or removing non -fire -resistive vegetation around their
structures to reduce the fire danger. This affects any person who owns, leases, controls,
operates, or maintains a building or structure in, upon, or adjoining the UWI.
Fuel or vegetation treatments often used include mechanical, chemical, biological and
other forms of biomass removal (Greenlee and Sapsis, 1996) within a given distance from
habitable structures. The intent of this hazard reduction technique is to create a defensible
space that slows the rate and intensity of the advancing fire, and provides an area at the
urban-wildland interface where firefighters can set up to suppress the fire and save the
threatened structures. Since the late 1980s, the Newport Beach Fire Department has been
using hazard reduction in the canyons that extend across the older portions of the City,
including the mouth of Big Canyon, Upper and Lower Buck Gully and Morning Canyon,
. and properties adjacent to Spyglass Canyon (see Plate 5-4). In total, 263 properties are
maintained under the hazard reduction regulations.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-8
Insert Plate 5-4: Hazard Reduction and Fuel Modification Zones in Newport Beach
Earth Consultants International
The City standard for hazard reduction includes requirements for the maintenance of
existing trees, shrubs, and ground cover within a 100-foot wide setback zone, to reduce
the amount of fuel on those sides of any structure that face the UWI. These requirements
are summarized below.
Trees: All trees located within 100 feet of any portion of a structure, which is facing an
UWI area, shall comply with the following guidelines:
✓ Existing trees are not required to have a separation of tree canopies but must be
maintained free of all dead or dying foliage.
✓ The selection of any new trees shall be made from the City -approved Fire Resistive
Plant list, and the trees shall be planted such that mature canopies will have a
minimum separation of 10 feet. [This list, developed by the City in cooperation
with the Orange County Fire Authority, includes trees, bushes, shrubs and ground
cover that will slow the progress and intensity of a wildfire and do not contribute to
the fire load.] The City considers branch tip to branch tip to be synonymous with
the term canopy. Non -fire resistive plants and trees should not be used. The City's
Fire Department has a list of these non -fire resistive plants that should be avoided.
For additional information regarding the acceptable and non -acceptable plants to
be used in fire hazardous areas, contact the Newport Beach Fire Department.
✓ All dead trees shall be removed.
✓ Where shrubs are located within the dripline of a tree, the lowest tree branch shall
be at least three times as high as the shrub. This process will remove the potential
for fires to spread from lower shrubs and bushes to higher trees and structures.
✓ Trees extending to within 5 feet of any structure shall be pruned to maintain a
minimum clearance of 5 feet.
Shrubs and Bushes: All shrubs and bushes located within 100 feet of any portion of a
building shall comply with the following guidelines:
✓ All dead and dying growth shall be removed from shrubs and bushes.
✓ All shrubs and bushes not on the City's Fire Resistive Plant list shall be maintained
no closer than 10 feet apart, measured from branch tip to branch tip.
✓ One to three shrubs and bushes together in a small group can be considered a
single bush if properly maintained.
✓ All shrubs, if of the types listed on the Fire Resistive Plant list, need not be
separated if properly maintained.
✓ For the purpose of firefighter entrance and egress, provide 3 feet of access along
both sides of the structure.
Ground Cover:
✓ Ground cover that is properly planted, irrigated, and maintained is permitted
. within the defensible space.
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✓ Non -planted areas may be covered with a minimum of 5 inches of chipped
biomass or its equivalent.
✓ All ground cover that is either dead and/or dying shall be removed when located
within 100 feet of the defensible space.
Firewood: Firewood and combustible material for consumption on the premises shall not
be stored in unenclosed spaces beneath buildings or structures, or on decks or under
eaves, canopies of other projections, or overhangs. Storage of firewood and combustible
material stored in the defensible space must be located a minimum of 15 feet from
structures and separated from the driplines of trees by a minimum of 15 feet.
Roofs: All roofs of structures in designated wildland fire hazard areas shall comply with
the following guidelines:
✓ Remove leaves, needles, twigs, and other combustible matter from roofs and rain
✓ Portions of trees which extend within 10 feet of the outlet of a chimney shall be
✓ All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be
equipped with an approved spark arrester. The spark arrester screen shall be made
from a material that is both heat and corrosion resistant, and the openings shall not
permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger that 1/2- inch.
In some areas of Newport Beach, and specifically in Newport Coast, neighborhoods are VJ
required to comply with fuel modification requirements. These requirements are imposed
when a new community or development is proposed adjacent to a wildland area. Any
project in or adjoining a wildland fire hazard area is required to submit a Fire Protection
Plan for review and approval before a grading or building permit for new construction is
issued. These plans need to meet the criteria of the Newport Beach Fire Department's Fuel
Modification Plan and Maintenance Guidelines (Section 9.04.030 of the City of Newport
Beach Municipal Code). The areas with approved and preliminary fuel modification plans
are shown on Plate 5-4. This map should be updated as the preliminary fuel modification
zones are approved, or new plans are developed for those areas that currently have no
plans in place. In Newport Coast, the Orange County Fire Authority has the responsibility
for reviewing and approving fuel modification zones and the inspection of the installation
of these zones. The City of Newport Beach has the responsibility of ensuring that these
areas are maintained in accordance with the Fire Protection Plan approved by the Orange
County Fire Authority.
Fire Protection Plans need to show the following:
✓ all existing and proposed private and public streets on the property proposed for
development, and within 300 feet of the property line,
✓ the locations of all existing and proposed fire hydrants within 300 feet of the property
• line, and
✓ the location, occupancy classification and use of structures and buildings on the
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-11
properties abutting the proposed development.
A fuel modification zone is a ribbon of land surrounding a development within a fire
hazardous area that is designed to diminish the intensity of a wildfire as it approaches the
structures. Fuel modification includes both the thinning (reducing the amount) of native
combustible vegetation, and the removal and replacement of native vegetation with fire -
resistive plant species. The minimum width of a fuel modification zone is 170 feet. These
areas may be owned by individual property owners or by a homeowners' association. In
the case of Newport Coast, local homeowners' associations own the majority of the fuel
modification areas. Emphasis is placed on the space near structures that provides natural
landscape compatibility with wildlife, water conservation and ecosystem health.
Immediate benefits of this approach include improved aesthetics, increased health of large
remaining trees and other valued plants, and enhanced wildlife habitat.
The fuel modification zone is typically divided into four areas referred to as the A, B, C and
D zones. The A Zone is the closest to the homes, and is the last 20-feet of the backyard of
the private residences. The B, C and D zones lie outside the fence line and are within the
common area typically owned by an association. Any dead or dying vegetation shall be
removed from all zones, and certain fire -prone species of vegetation are required to be
removed when found in any of the four fuel modification zones. Each of these zones is
described further below and shown graphically on Figures 5-3 and 5-4.
The A Zone is the defensible space where firefighters will set up hose lines to
• extinguish the approaching fire. The A zone includes ornamental plants and single
specimen trees. All plants in this area are required to be irrigated and must be from the
City -approved plant list.
The B Zone is the next 50 feet just outside the back fence line. This zone is an area
where natural vegetation has been replaced with fire -resistive, drought -tolerant plants
from the City -approved Fire Resistive Plant list. The B zone is fitted with automatic
water sprinklers on a permanent basis. Non -approved vegetation must be removed
from this zone.
The C and D zones are the next 100 feet away from the homes. Each of these zones is
a minimum of 50 feet in width. These zones are called the thinning zones. Natural
vegetation is reduced by 50 percent in the C zone, and by 30 percent in the D zone. A
way to imagine this thinning principle is as follows: in the 50 percent thinning zone (C
zone) two people can walk side by side around clumps of vegetation. In a 30 percent
thinning zone (D Zone), two people would have to walk single file between clumps of
natural vegetation. These areas are not irrigated.
In addition to reduction of the vegetation hazards, areas regulated by the City's fuel
modification requirements also have to "harden" the structures immediately adjacent to the
wildland area by providing automatic fire sprinkler protection, installation of class "A" roof
assemblies, installation of dual glazed windows, one -hour fire resistive construction on the
sides of the structures facing the wildland area, and the elimination of combustible exterior
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-12
• structural elements (such as patio covers). These structural requirements are discussed
further in Section, below.
Figure 5-3: Fuel Modification Zones Required in
Fire Hazardous Areas in Newport Coast
Property Line Building Setback
Top of Slop should be sufficient to
accommodate patio covers,
A gazebos, etc.
_B Zone Zone „�
Irrigated (I ' ^
Newport Beach Home
The guidelines adopted by Newport Beach for vegetation management in defensible areas
are designed to be a fire prevention partnership between property owners and the City in
order to prevent disastrous fires. The ordinance is designed to minimize fire danger by
controlling density and placement of flammable vegetation. It does not recommend
indiscriminate clearing of native coastal sage scrub and other types of plants that perform
important roles in erosion control. The mitigation measures provided herein are the
minimum required standards. In some high fire hazard areas or during certain times of the
year, when due to the hot, dry weather there is an increased risk of wildfires, the Fire
Marshal may determine that conditions warrant greater fire protection measures than what
the minimum standards provide for. In that event, the Fire Marshal has the authority to
supercede the requirements described above.
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-13
• Figure 54: Example of Vegetation Management at the Urban-Wildland Interface.
(Residential community in Newport Beach that uses fuel modification to reduce its fire
hazard. Note selective thinning of vegetation in the slope below the structures (C and D
Zones). Closer to the structures, there is a zone of fire -resistive plants that are irrigated
(Zone B). The vegetation in the foreground is in its natural state.)
5.13.2 Exclusions to Special Fire Protection Areas
According to the City's Municipal Code (Section 9.04.410, Sections 7 through 12), a
property originally located in a Special Fire Protection Area may be excluded (or removed)
from the SFPA and placed in the Conditional Exclusions Zone if the property owner or
homeowners' association can show to the satisfaction of the Orange County Fire
Authority's Chief that they are in compliance with the following requirements:
✓ a Fuel Modification Zone adjoining the property has been created and is maintained;
✓ if the Fuel Modification Zone is maintained by a homeowners' association, the
homeowners' association collects from the property owners specifically budgeted funds
to conduct the maintenance obligations associated with the fuel modification
✓ the Fuel Modification Zone is inspected annually by a City representative to assure that
the Fuel Modification Zone is being maintained appropriately;
✓ any occupied structure on any lot adjacent to a Special Fire Protection Area is
constructed in compliance with all requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the
Uniform Fire Code applicable to dwellings or occupied structures on lots within
Special Fire Protection Areas;
✓ all construction within a tract excluded from a Special Fire Protection Area utilizes
Class A roof assemblies.
The Conditional and Total Exclusion zones approved by the Orange County Fire Authority
and adopted by Newport Beach are shown on Plate 5-3.
. Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-14
• Notification and Abatement
City Code specifies that property owners are required to mitigate the fire hazard in their
property by implementing the vegetation management practices discussed above.
Therefore, if uncontrolled or high weeds, brush, plant material, or other items prohibited
under the City's Municipal Code are present in a property, the Fire Marshal has the
authority to give the property owner of record a notice to abate the hazard. The property
owner has 30 days to comply. If the owner does not abate the hazard during the time
period specified in the notice, the City may take further action to reduce the fire hazard.
Further action may include the following:
✓ The City or its contractor may enter the parcel of land and remove or otherwise
eliminate or abate the hazard;
✓ upon completion of the work, the City can bill the property owner for the cost of the
work plus any administrative costs, or the cost can become a special assessment
against that parcel; and
✓ upon City Council confirmation of the assessment and recordation of that order, a lien
may be attached to the parcel, to be collected on the next regular property tax bill
levied against the parcel.
The Fire Marshal has to notify the property owner of the intention to abate the fire hazard
by certified mail. The notices have to be mailed at least 15 days prior to the date of the
proposed abatement. The property owner may appeal the decision of the Fire Marshal
• requiring the maintenance of an effective firebreak by sending a written appeal to the Fire
Chief within 10 days of the notice. For additional information regarding the Notification
and Abatement procedures, refer to Section 16.6 of the City's Municipal Code. Building to Reduce the Fire Hazard
Building construction standards for such items as roof coverings, fire doors, and fire
resistant materials help protect structures from external fires and contain internal fires for
longer periods. That portion of a structure most susceptible to ignition from a wildland fire
is the roof, due to the deposition of burning cinders or brands. Burning brands are often
deposited far in advance of the actual fire by winds. Roofs can also be ignited by direct
contact with burning trees and large shrubs (Fisher, 1995). The danger of combustible
wood roofs, such as wooden shingles and shakes, has been known to fire fighting
professionals since 1923, when California's first major urban fire disaster occurred in
Berkeley. It was not until 1988, however, that California was able to pass legislation calling
for, at a minimum, Class C roofing in fire hazard areas. Then, in the early 1990s, there
were several other major fires, including the Paint fire of 1990 in Santa Barbara, the 1991
Tunnel fire in Oakland/Berkeley, and the 1993 Laguna Beach fire, whose severe losses
were attributed in great measure to the large percentage of combustible roofs in the
affected areas. In 1995-1996, new roofing materials standards were approved by
California for Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones.
To help consumers determine the fire resistance of the roofing materials they may be
considering, roofing materials are rated as to their fire resistance into three categories that
• are based on the results of test fire conditions that these materials are subjected to under
rigorous laboratory conditions, in accordance with test method ASTM-E-108 developed by
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-15
• the American Society of Testing Materials. The rating classification provides information
regarding the capacity of the roofing material to resist a fire that develops outside the
building on which the roofing material is installed (The Institute for Local Self Government,
1992). The three ratings are as follows:
Class A: Roof coverings that are effective against severe fire exposures. Under such
exposures, roof coverings of this class:
Are not readily flammable;
Afford a high degree of fire protection to the roof deck;
Do not slip from position; and
Do not produce flying brands.
Class B: Roof coverings that are effective against moderate fire exposures. Under such
exposures, roof coverings of this class:
Are not readily flammable;
Afford a moderate degree of fire protection to the roof deck;
Do not slip from position; and
Do not produce flying brands.
Class C: Roof coverings that are effective against light fire exposures. Under such
exposures, roof coverings of this class:
Are not readily flammable;
Afford a measurable degree of fire protection to the roof deck;
• Do not slip from position; and
Do not produce flying brands.
Non -Rated Roof coverings have not been tested for protection against fire exposure.
Under such exposures, non -rated roof coverings:
May be readily flammable;
May offer little or no protection to the roof deck, allowing fire to penetrate into attic
space and the entire building; and
May pose a serious fire brand hazard, producing brands that could ignite other
structures a considerable distance away.
In 1992, the City of Newport Beach required roofing materials to be at a minimum Class C p
(The Institute for Local Self Government, 1992). This is still the case in most areas of the
City, with the exceptions noted below. As of the writing of this document, however, a
revision to the City's Building Code that may include stricter roofing material requirements
was being proposed. In Special Fire Protection Areas, including those in the City of
Newport Beach as shown on Plate 5-3, new construction and reconstruction are required
to have, as a minimum, Class A roofing assemblies (Section 6.6 of Appendix II-A-2 of the
California Fire Code). Any repairs and additions that amount to ten percent or more of the
existing roof area are also required to be Class A roof assemblies.
Attic ventilation openings are also a concern regarding the fire survivability of a structure.
Attics require significant amounts of cross -ventilation to prevent the degradation of wood
• rafters and ceiling joists. This ventilation is typically provided by openings to the outside
of the structure, but these opening can provide pathways for burning brands and flames to
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-16
be deposited within the attic. Therefore, it is important that all ventilation openings be
properly screened to prevent this. In the Special Fire Protection Areas in the City of
Newport Beach, attic or foundation ventilation openings in vertical walls and attic roof
vents cannot be more than 144 square inches in size, and these need to be covered with
metal louvers and 1/4-inch mesh corrosion -resistant metal screens. Furthermore,
ventilation openings and access doors are not permitted on the exposed side of the
structure. For more specific information refer to Section 6 — Building Construction Features
of Section 9.04.410 of the City's Municipal Code, and Appendix II-A-2 of the -California
Fire Code). Additional prevention measures that can be taken to reduce the potential for
ignition of attic spaces is to "use non-combustible exterior siding materials and to site trees
and shrubs far enough away from the walls of the house to prevent flame travel into the
attic even if a tree or shrub does torch" (Fisher, 1995).
The type of exterior wall construction used can also help a structure survive a fire.
Ideally, exterior walls should be made of non-combustible materials such as stucco or
masonry. During a wildfire, the dangerous active burning at a given location typically lasts
about 5 to 10 minutes (Fisher, 1995), so if the exterior walls are made of non-combustible
or fire-resistant materials, the structure has a better chance of surviving. For the same
reason, the type of windows used in a structure can also help reduce the potential for fire
to impact a structure. Single -pane, annealed glass windows are known for not performing
well during fires; thermal radiation and direct contact with flames cause these windows to
break because the glass under the window frame is protected and remains cooler than the
glass in the center of the window. This differential thermal expansion of the glass causes
the window to break. Larger windows are more susceptible to fracturing when exposed to
high heat than smaller windows. Multiple -pane windows, and tempered glass windows
perform much better than single -pane windows, although they do cost more. Fisher (1995)
indicates that in Australia, researchers have noticed that the use of metal screens helps
protect windows from thermal radiation.
The City of Newport Beach has construction requirements for cornices, eaves, overhangs,
soffits, and exterior balconies in Special Fire Protection Areas. According to the City's
Municipal Code, these need to be made of non-combustible construction materials,
enclosed in one -hour fire -resistive material, or made of heavy timber construction. Space
between rafters at the roof overhangs need to be protected by non-combustible materials
or protected by double 2-inch nominal solid blocking under the exterior wall covering.
Ventilation openings or other types of openings are not permitted in eave overhangs,
soffits, between rafters at eaves, or in other overhanging areas on the exposed side of the
structure (Section 6 — Building Construction Features of Section 9.04.410'of the City's
Municipal Code). Restricted Public Access
Although not apparent from the figures included in this report (such as Plates 5-2 and 5-3),
in reality, the wildfire susceptibility of an area changes throughout the year, and from one
year to the next in response to local variations in precipitation, temperature, vegetation
growth, and other conditions. Therefore, since the early 1990's, the EROS Data Center
(EDC) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has produced weekly and biweekly maps for the 48
• contiguous states and Alaska. These maps, prepared under the Greenness Mapping
Project, display plant growth and vigor, vegetation cover, and biomass production, using
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-17
multi -spectral data from satellites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
40 (NOAA). The EDC also produces maps that relate vegetation conditions for the current
two weeks to the average (normal) two -week conditions during the past seven years. EDC
maps provide comprehensive growing season profiles for woodlands, rangelands,
grasslands, and agricultural areas. With these maps, fire departments and land managers
can assess the condition of all vegetation throughout the growing season, which improves
planning for fire suppression, scheduling of prescribed burns, and study of long-term
vegetation changes resulting from human or natural factors.
Another valuable fire management tool developed jointly by the US Geological Survey and
the US Forest Service is the Fire Potential Index (FPI). The FPI characterizes relative fire
potential for woodlands, rangelands, and grasslands, both at the regional and local scale.
The index combines multi -spectral satellite data from NOAA with geographic information
system (GIS) technology to generate 1-km resolution fire potential maps. Input data
include the total amount of burnable plant material (fuel load) derived from vegetation
maps, the water content of the dead vegetation, and the fraction of the total fuel load that
is live vegetation. The proportion of living plants is derived from the greenness maps
described above. Water content of dead vegetation is calculated from temperature,
relative humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation. The FPI is updated daily to reflect
changing weather conditions.
Local fire authorities can obtain data from either of the two sources above to better prepare
for the fire season. When the fire danger in a High Fire Hazard Zone is deemed to be of
• special concern, local authorities can rely on increased media coverage and public
announcements to educate the local population about being fire safe. For example, to
reduce the potential for wildfires during fire season in the unincorporated areas of Orange
County and in some cities, such as Orange, Anaheim, Brea and Laguna Beach, the Orange
County Fire Authority (OCFA) closes hazardous fire areas to public access during at least
part of the year. Typically, the fire season in Orange County begins in mid April and lasts
until the first rains. With more site -specific data obtained from the FPI or Greenness
Mapping Project, however, the fire hazard of an area could be assessed on a weekly or bi-
weekly basis. These data can also be used to establish regional prevention priorities that
can help reduce the risk of wildland fire ignition and spread, and help improve the
allocation of suppression forces and resources, which can lead to faster control of fires in
areas of high concern.
Restricted public access to preserves and parks in and around the eastern part of the City of
Newport Beach during the fire season can help limit the opportunity for man -caused fires
to develop. Continued use of signs during high and extreme fire conditions along the
freeways and toll roads that cut through the wildland areas in the eastern portion of the
City and adjacent areas can also help reduce the fire hazard by alerting and educating
motorists about the potential fire hazard in the area.
5.1.3.E Real -Estate Disclosure Requirements
California state law requires that fire hazard areas be disclosed in real estate transactions;
that is, real-estate sellers are required to inform prospective buyers whether or not a
• property is located within a wildland area that could contain substantial fire risks and
hazards [Assembly Bill 6; Civil Code Section 1103(c)(6)J. Current Real Estate disclosure
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-18
requirements ask two "yes or no" questions concerning fire hazards. The questions are
formatted as follows:
A VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE pursuant to Section 51178 or 51179 of
the Government Code. (The owner of this property is subject to the maintenance
requirements of Section 51182 of the Government Code.) (Note that the Special Fire
Protection Areas in the City of Newport Beach are equivalent to the State's Very High t�
Fire Hazard Severity Zones.)
HAZARDS pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public Resources Code. (The owner of this
property is subject to the maintenance requirements of Section 4291 of the Public
Resources Code. Additionally, it is not the State's responsibility to provide fire
protection services to any building or structure located within the wildlands unless the
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has entered into a cooperative agreement
with a local agency for those purposes pursuant to Public Resources Code Section
Real-estate disclosure requirements are important because in California the average period
of ownership for residences is only five years (Coleman, 1994). This turnover creates an
information gap between the several generations of homeowners in fire hazard areas. Un-
informed homeowners may attempt landscaping or structural modifications that could be a
detriment to the fire-resistant qualities of the structure, with negative consequences. Fire Safety Education
Individuals can make an enormous contribution to fire hazard reduction and need to be
educated about their important role. In addition to the specific requirements in the Code
mentioned in the sections above regarding defensible space, appropriate landscaping and
construction materials, there are other tasks that homeowners can take to reduce the risk of
fire in their property. Some of these tasks are listed below. This list is not all-inclusive, but
provides a starting point and framework to work from.
Mow and irrigate your lawn regularly.
Dispose of cuttings and debris promptly, according to local regulations.
Store firewood away from the house.
Be sure the irrigation system is well maintained.
Use care when refueling garden equipment and maintain it regularly.
Store and use flammable liquids properly.
Dispose of smoking materials carefully.
Do not light fireworks (Municipal Code prohibits fireworks).
Become familiar with local regulations regarding vegetation clearings, disposal of
debris, and fire safety requirements for equipment.
• Follow manufacturers' instructions when using fertilizers and pesticides.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-19
When building, selecting or maintaining a home, consider the slope of the terrain. Be
sure to build on the most level portion of the lot, since fire spreads rapidly on slopes,
even minor ones.
Watch out for construction on ridges and cliffs. Keep a single -story structure at least 30
feet away from edges; increase distance if structure exceeds one story.
Use construction materials that are fire-resistant or non-combustible whenever
For roof construction, recommended materials are Class -A asphalt shingles, slate or
clay tile, metal, cement and concrete products, or terra-cotta tiles.
Constructing a fire-resistant sub -roof can add protection.
On exterior wall cladding, fire -resistive materials such as stucco or masonry are much
better than vinyl, which can soften and melt.
A driveway should provide easy access for fire engines. Roadway requirements for fire
equipment are described later in this report. The driveway and access roads should be
well maintained, clearly marked, and include ample turnaround space near the house.
So that everyone has a way out, provide at least two ground level doors for safety exits
and at least two means of escape (doors or windows) — in each room.
Keep gutters, eaves, and roof clear of leaves and other debris.
Occasionally inspect your home, looking for deterioration, such as breaks and spaces
between roof tiles, warping wood, or cracks and crevices in the structure.
If an all -wood fence is attached to your home, a masonry or metal protective barrier
• between the fence and house is recommended.
Use non-flammable metal when constructing a trellis and cover it with high -moisture,
non-flammable vegetation.
Prevent combustible materials and debris from accumulating beneath patio decks or
elevated porches. Screen, or box in, areas that lie below ground level with wire mesh.
Make sure an elevated wooden deck is not located at the top of a hill where it will be
in the direct line of a fire moving up slope.
Install automatic seismic shut-off valves for the main gas line to your house.
Information for approved devices, as well as installation procedures, is available from
the Southern California Gas Company. Other Fire Hazard Reduction Techniques
Before European settlers arrived, many areas of the United States experienced small but
frequent wildfires that impacted primarily the grasses and low-lying bushes, without
severely damaging the tree stands. Native Americans in California reportedly used fire to
reduce fuel load and improve their ability to hunt and forage. It is thought that as much as
12 percent of the State was burned every year by various tribes (Coleman, 1994).
However, in the early 201h Century, as development started to encroach onto the foothills,
wildfires came to be unacceptable, and in the early 1920s, the Fire Service began
campaigns to prevent wildfires from occurring. Unfortunately, over time, this has led to an
increase in fuel loads. This is significant because wildfires that impact areas with fuel
buildup are more intense and significantly more damaging to the ecosystem than periodic,
• low -intensity fires.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-20
• Over time, fire suppression and increasing populations have produced these results:
Increased losses to life, property, and resources;
Increased difficulty in suppressing fires, increased safety problems for firefighters,
and reduced productivity by fire crews on perimeter lines;
Longer periods between recurring fires;
Increased volume of fuel per acre; and
Increased taxpayer costs and property losses.
Recognition of these problems has led to vegetation management programs such as those
described above, and in some areas, prescribed fires. A prescribed fire is deliberately set
under carefully controlled and monitored conditions. The purpose is to remove brush and
other undergrowth that can fuel uncontrolled fires. Prescribed fire is used to alter, maintain
or restore vegetative communities, achieve desired resource conditions, and to protect life
and property that would be degraded by wildland fire. Prescribed fire is only
accomplished through managed ignition and should be supported by planning documents
and appropriate environmental analyses.
Since 1981, prescribed fire has been the primary means of fuel management in Federal and
State-owned lands. Approximately 500,000 acres — an average of 30,000 acres a year —
have been -treated with prescribed fire under the vegetation management program
throughout the State. In the past, the typical vegetation management project targeted large
• wildland areas. Now, increasing development pressures (with increased populations) at
the urban-wildland interface often preclude the use of large prescribed fires. Nevertheless,
many still find the notion of "prescribed fire" difficult to accept given that it goes against
nearly 100 years of common practice and beliefs. Prescribed fire does carry a risk, as
recent experiences in New Mexico and Arizona have shown. The Cerro Grande fire began
when a prescribed burn escaped, destroying several hundred homes in Los Alamos, New
Mexico and burning more than 50,000 acres. It is likely that this fire will lead to revisions
in the guidelines for performing prescribed burns. Furthermore, a recent program review by
the California Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention (CDF) has identified needed
changes, with focus on citizen and firefighter safety, and the creation of wildfire safety and
protection zones.
Prescribed fire is not presently being used in the City of Newport Beach to mitigate the a
wildland fire hazard. Some communities like Laguna Beach have opted for other methods
of vegetation management, namely, the use of goats to keep the vegetation in check. In
Laguna Beach, this program appears to be working, and is also popular with residents, who
generally enjoy the pastoral scenes provided by the goats grazing on the hillsides.
Nevertheless, the environmental impacts of goat herding need to be evaluated over time to
determine whether or not this is an environmentally sensitive solution. Some issues to
consider, for example, is that if indeed, some plant species endemic to the area will not
reproduce unless aided by fire, then the use of prescribed fire as a management tool may
be reconsidered.
• 5.1.4 Post -Fire Effects
Fires usually last only a few hours or days, but their effects can last much longer, especially
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-21
• in the case of intense fires that develop in areas where large amounts of dry, combustible
vegetation have been allowed to accumulate. if wildland fires are followed by a period of
intense rainfall, debris flows off the recently burned hillsides can develop. Flood control
facilities may be severely taxed by the increased flow from the denuded hillsides and the
resulting debris that washes down. If the flood control structures are overwhelmed,
widespread damage can ensue in areas down gradient from these failed structures.
However, this does not need to happen if remedial measures following a wildfire are taken
in anticipation of the next winter. Studies (Cannon, 2001) suggest that in addition to
rainfall and slope steepness, other factors that contribute to the formation of post -fire debris
flows include the underlying rock type, the shape of the drainage basin, and the presence
or absence of water -repellant soils (during a fire, the organic material in the soil may be
burned away or decompose into water-repellent substances that prevents water from
percolating into the soil.)
Figure 5-5: Photograph Showing Denudation of Slopes Following the 1993 Laguna Beach
Fire. Sandbags, plastic covers and other measures were implemented as soon as possible
to reduce the potential for slope instability during the winter following the fire.
Other effects of wildfires are economical and social. Homeowners who lose their house to
a wildfire may not be able to recover financially and emotionally for years to come.
Recreational areas that have been affected may be forced to close or operate at a reduced
scale. In addition, the buildings that are destroyed by fire are usually eligible for re-
assessment, which reduces income to local governments from property taxes.
The impact of wildland fire on plant communities is generally beneficial, although it often
takes time for plant communities to re-establish themselves. If a grassland area has been
burned, it will re -sprout the following spring. Coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant
communities will take three to five years. Oak woodland, if it has had most of the
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-22
seedlings and saplings destroyed by fire, will require at least five to ten years for a new
crop to start.
5.2 Structural Fires
In order to quantify the structural fire risk in a community, it is necessary for the local fire
departments to evaluate all occupancies based upon their type, size, construction type,
built-in protection (such as internal fire sprinkler systems) and risk (high -occupancy versus
low -occupancy) to assess whether or not they are capable of controlling a fire in the
occupancy types identified. Simply developing an inventory of the number of structures
present within a fire station's response area is not sufficient, as those numbers do not
convey all the information necessary to address the community's fire survivability. In
newer residential areas where construction includes fire-resistant materials and internal fire
sprinklers, most structural fires can be confined to the building or property of origin. In
older residential areas where the building materials may not be fire -rated, and the
structures are not fitted with fire sprinklers, there is a higher probability of a structural fire
impacting adjacent structures, unless there is ample distance between structures, there are
no strong winds, and the Fire Department is able to respond in a timely manner. As
discussed in detail below, in some areas of Newport Beach older structures abut each
other, increasing the probability of a structural fire not being confined only to its building
of origin.
The previous section described in detail the wildfire risk in the City. Review of the maps
provided would suggest that the western, extensively developed portion of Newport Beach
does not have a fire hazard, but this is not so — it is just not a wildfire hazard. The small-
town character that makes several of the older portions of the City, including Balboa
Peninsula, Balboa Island and Corona del Mar, so appealing to residents and tourists alike,
also puts these areas at risk from structural fires. Many of the structures in these areas are
of older vintage, some dating back to the 193os, built to older building standards and fire
codes, made from non -fire resistive construction materials, and with no internal sprinklers
and other fire safety systems in place.
The density of construction in these areas is also an issue. Residences are close to each
other, generally with only 3-foot setbacks (4-foot setbacks in Corona del Mar) between the
houses and the property lin6s, and projections (such as window and roof awnings) into this
3-foot area are allowed. These projections into the 3-foot setback hinder emergency
access to the back of residences (see Figure 5-6), and should therefore be discouraged or
prohibited. The narrow streets in these areas of the City also make it difficult to maneuver
and position response vehicles so as to be most effective in fighting a fire, and have the
potential to severely constrain efforts to evacuate the area if necessary during a fire or other
disaster. The City's permanent residential population is currently about 75,660, but this
number does not include the thousands that come into Newport Beach daily to work, dine
or shop. On weekends, and during the summer, because of the City's tourist draw, the
population in the City may swell to well over 200,000. A large percentage of these visitors
park their vehicles and visit in the older sections of town, adding to the congestion and
difficulty of ingress and egress of emergency response vehicles.
Geography is also at odds with fire safety in the City. Upper and Lower Newport Bay
• essentially divide the City into two regions, with approximately one-third of the Fire
Department assets located west of the bay, and the remaining assets east of the bay (see
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-23
Plate 5-2). Connection between these two sides is provided by only a handful of roadways
(Pacific Coast Highway in the south, Bristol Street and the 73 Freeway on the north),
making it difficult for fire stations on both sides of the bay to support each other during
multiple alarm emergencies. Often, it best to request support from adjacent cities via
mutual aid agreements than to have Newport Beach fire stations from the other side of the
bay send in reinforcements. Catastrophic failure of the bridge connectors on any of these
roadways as a result of an earthquake, for example, would hinder emergency response
from fire stations in east Newport Beach and Newport Coast into the densely populated
areas of the City west and south of the bay.
Figure 5-6: Newport Beach
Fire Department personnel
illustrating the difficulty of
maneuvering emergency
equipment and victims
through the 3-foot allowable
building setback, especially if
non-structural additions
project into this area.
Dumpsters and other things
stored in this area can also
make access to the back of a
residence difficult, if not
impossible. Residents should
maintain this area free of
5.2.1 Structural Target Fire Hazards and Standards of Coverage
Fire departments quantify and classify structural fire risks to determine where a fire
resulting in large losses of life or property is more likely to occur. The structures at risk are
catalogued utilizing the following criteria:
The size, height, location and type of occupancy;
The risk presented by the occupancy (probability of a fire and the consequence if
one occurs);
The unique hazards presented by the occupancy (such as the occupant load, the
types of combustibles therein and any hazardous materials);
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-24
Potential for loss of life;
The presence of fire sprinklers and proper construction;
Proximity to exposures;
The estimated dollar value of the occupancy;
The needed fire flow versus available fire flow; and
The ability of the on -duty forces to control a fire therein.
These occupancies are called "Target Hazards." Target Hazards encompass all significant
community structural fire risk inventories. Typically, fire departments identify the major
target hazards and then perform intensive pre -fire planning, inspections and training to
address the specific fire problems in that particular type of occupancy (for example,
training to respond to fires in facilities that handle hazardous materials is significantly
different than training to respond to a fire in a high -occupancy facility such as a mall,
auditorium or night club). Typically, the most common target hazard due to the life -loss
potential, 24-hour occupancy, risk and frequency of events, is the residential occupancy,
however, the consequences of residential fires can be high or low, depending on the age,
location, size, and occupancy load, among other factors. Four classifications of risk are
considered, as follows:
High Probability/High consequences (Example: multi -family dwellings and
residential high-rise buildings, single-family residential homes in the older sections
of the City such as Balboa Island, Balboa Peninsula and Corona del Mar, hazardous
materials occupancies (see Chapter 6), and large shopping centers such as Fashion
• Island).
Low Probability/High consequences (Example: Hoag Memorial hospital and other
medical facilities, mid -size shopping malls, industrial occupancies, large office
complexes and new upscale homes in the high hazard vegetation areas).
High Probability/Low consequences (Example: older detached single-family
dwellings in the non -vegetated areas of town).
Low Probability/Low Consequences (Example: newer detached single-family
dwellings in non -vegetated areas and small office buildings).
In order to address the Fire Department's capability to respond effectively to the structural
fire risk in Newport Beach, "Standards of Coverage" need to be determined based upon the
various risks. Those risks are: Single-family detached residential, multi -family attached
residential, commercial and industrial. Some of these risks exist in various areas throughout
the City, rather than in well-defined separate areas. For example, residential areas
adjoining, and intermixed with, commercial areas occur especially in the older portions of
the City on Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar. Given these combined
risks within the same geographic area, it is appropriate for the Newport Beach Fire
Department to have several fire stations within the older, intensely developed portion of
the City. For the location and distribution of fire stations in the City of Newport Beach,
refer to Plates 5-2, 5-3 and 5-5.
Some of the high probability/high consequence risks that fire departments worry the most
are high-rise buildings due to the specialized fire -fighting equipment needed, the limited
• routes of access into and out of a building, and the potential for great loss of life. Newport
Beach has over 30 high-rise buildings that were constructed since the 1960s. [A high-rise
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-25
in the City is defined as any building with floors used for human occupancy that are
located more than 55 feet (16.76 m) above the lowest level of fire department access.)
High-rise buildings are now required to have several redundant fire and life safety systems
in place, including automatic fire sprinklers and fire alarm detectors (Municipal Code
Section 9.04.130). However, there are three older residential high-rise buildings in the
City that are not sprinklered. These buildings are located at:
3121 West Coast Highway
601 Lido Park Drive, and
611 Lido Park Drive
The property owners of these buildings should be encouraged to retrofit their structures to
include internal fire sprinklers.
5.2.2 Model Ordinances and Fire Codes
Effective fire protection cannot be accomplished solely through the acquisition of
equipment, personnel and training. The area's infrastructure also must be considered,
including adequacy of nearby water supplies, transport routes and access for fire
equipment, addresses, and street signs, as well as maintenance. The City of Newport Beach
has adopted the 2001 California Fire Code with City amendments and some exceptions
(City Ordinance 2002-19 § 1 (part), 2002). The City's Fire Chief is authorized and directed
to enforce the provisions of the Municipal Code throughout the City.
• These provisions include constructions standards in new structures and remodels, road
widths and configurations designed to accommodate the passage of fire trucks and
engines, and requirements for minimum fire flow rates for water mains. The construction
requirements are a function of building size, type, material, purpose, location, proximity to
other structures, and the type of fire suppression systems installed. For building
construction standards in the City of Newport Beach refer to the City's Municipal Code.
The City of Newport Beach road standards for fire equipment access are summarized in
Table 5-1. For more specific information, refer to Section 9.04.060 of the City's Municipal
Some of the more significant Municipal Code items that help reduce the hazard of
structural fire in the City include requirements regarding fire sprinklers (Municipal Code
Section 9.04.090). The City has been requiring fire sprinklers in all structures more than
5,000 square feet in area since 1987, and therefore all post-1987 structures more than
5,000 square feet in area have this fire safety feature. Fire sprinklers can help contain a fire
that starts inside a structure from spreading to other nearby structures, and also help
prevent total destruction of a building. If additions to a structure cause it to exceed the
5,000 square foot area, one of the three following conditions apply:
1. When such additions are 25 percent or less than the original building square
footage, the existing structure, and the addition need not be equipped with an
automatic sprinkler system.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-26
2. When such additions exceed 25 percent but are less than 50 percent of the original
building square footage, the addition shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler
3. When such additions are 50 percent or more of the original building square
footage, the entire structure shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system
Table 5-1: Road Standards for Fire Equipment Access
Width of Fire Lanes
20 feet wide, no less than 26 feet within 30 feet of a fire hydrant; 28 feet in
Special Fire Protection Areas.
Not to exceed 10 percent.
Turning Radius
No less than 20 feet inside radius and 40 feet outside radius, without
parking. Cul-de-sacs with center obstructions require larger radii as
a roved b the Fire Chief.
Minimum width of any gate or opening required as a point of access shall
be no less than 20 feet Based on the length of the approach, this width
may have to be larger. If there are separate gates for each direction of
travel, then each gate shall be no less than 14 feet wide.
Any point of access deemed necessary for emergency response shall
remain unobstructed at all times. All primary access points, if gated, must
be electronically operated and controlled by an approved key switch and
strobe light receiver. Any secondary access points shall have a lock
approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department
Electrically operated gates require an approved key switch and strobe light
All premises need to be identified with approved numbers or addresses in
a position plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the
property. Refer to Section 9.04.060 of the City's Municipal Code for
specifics on the minimum size of the letters and numbers.
Other Requirements
A minimum of 2 fire apparatus access roads shall be provided in
for Fire Access
residential units containing 25 or more dwellings.
Speed bumps, speed humps or any obstructions in required fire access
roadways are prohibited.
For structures more than 5,000 square feet in area that pre -date the 1987 Code
requirements and are therefore not equipped with fire sprinklers, the following conditions
apply if and when the building is added on to:
When additions are 1,250 square feet or less, the existing structure and the addition
need not be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
2. When additions exceed 1,250 square feet but are less than 2,500 square feet, the
addition shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
3. When additions are 2,500 square feet or more, the entire structure shall be
equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-27
• The City's Municipal Code also states that in partially sprinklered buildings, sprinklered
areas shall be separated from non-sprinklered areas, and such separation shall not be less
than that required for a one -hour occupancy separation.
Other Municipal Code requirements that help reduce the fire hazard in structures include
fire sprinkler monitoring systems that transmit a signal to a remote, continuously attended
station (Municipal Code Section 9.04.100); hose outlets and exterior access doors in all
new buildings with horizontal dimensions (width or length) greater than 300 feet so that all
parts of the building can be reached with 150 feet of hose from an access door or hose
outlet (Section 9.04.110); and smoke detectors and smoke detection systems (Section
The City also prohibits the use, sale, possession or handling of fireworks anywhere in the
City, unless the fireworks are part of a permitted public display conducted by a licensed
pyrotechnic operator (Sections 9.04.220 and 9.04.230).
Fire Flow is the flow rate of water supply (measured in gallons per minute — gpm) available
for fire fighting measured at 20 pounds per square inch (psi) residual pressure. Available
fire flow is the total water flow available at the fire hydrants, also measured in gallons per
minute. As of the writing of this report, Newport Beach had adopted the section of the
2001 California Fire Code that lists the minimum required fire -flow and flow duration for
buildings of different floor areas and construction types (Appendix III -A). For additional
information regarding the required fire -flow for your building, contact the City's Fire
Department. Do note that, consistent with the California Fire Code, the Newport Beach
Municipal Code indicates that in buildings fitted with approved internal automatic
sprinkler systems, the minimum require fire flow for that structure may be reduced by up to
50 percent, as approved by the Fire Chief, but the resulting fire flow cannot be less than
1,500 gallons per minute (Section 9.04.450 of the Municipal Code). Local water districts
are required to test their fire protection capability for the various land uses per the flow
requirements of the California Fire Code.
Emergency water storage is critical, especially when battling large wildland fires. During
the 1993 Laguna Beach fire, "water streams sprayed on burning houses sometimes fell to a
trickle" (Orange County Fire Department, 1994), primarily because most water reservoirs
in Laguna were located at lower elevations, and the water district could not supply water
to the higher elevations as fast as the fire engines were using it. Leaks and breaks in the
water distribution system, including leaking irrigation lines and open valves in destroyed
homes also reduced the amount of water available to the fire fighters. A seven-day
emergency storage supply is recommended, especially in areas likely to be impacted by
fires after earthquakes, due to the anticipated damage to the main water distribution system
as a result of ground failure due to fault rupture, liquefaction, or landsliding.
5.3 Fire Suppression Responsibilities
The Newport Beach Fire Department is responsible for fire suppression within the City of Newport
Beach. The Newport Beach Fire Department constantly monitors the fire hazard in the City, and
has ongoing programs for investigation and alleviation of hazardous situations. Fire fighting
• resources in Newport Beach area include Fire Station Nos. 1 through 8, as shown on Table 5-2
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-28
• below. The general telephone number for the Newport Beach fire department is 949-644-3104.
For emergencies, dial 911.
Table 5-2: Fire Stations in the City of Newport Beach
Street Address
Location Area
Units Available
Com anies
110 Balboa Blvd. East
475 32 St
868 Santa Barbara Dr.
Newport Center
124 Marine Avenue
Balboa Island
410 Marigold Avenue
Corona del Mar
1348 Irvine Avenue
2301 Zenith Avenue
Santa Ana Heights
6502 Ridge Park Road
Newport Coast
Each engine or truck company has a staff of three persons per 24-hour shift Each paramedic
ambulance has a staff of two firefighter -paramedics per 24-hour shift
Statistics from the Newport Beach Fire Department regarding incidents that they responded to
during 2002 are summarized in Table 5-3, below.
-. Table 5-3: 2002 Statistics, City of Newport Beach Fire Department
Type of Incident
Sub -Type
Responses in 2002
Brush / vegetation
Miscellaneous / Other
Total Fires
Medical Emergencies
Fire Alarms
Other Emergencies
(such as Hazardous Materials)
Public Assistance
Total Number of Incidents
The table above shows that the eight fire stations in the City of Newport Beach responded to 8,317
incidents in 2002, which resolves to an average of about 1,040 incidents per station. Note that 69
percent of the responses were medical emergency calls. This is typical of most communities. In
Newport Beach, these medical emergencies are handled by the closest available engine company
and the closest paramedic ambulance from one of the three fire stations with paramedic
ambulances (Fire Stations 2, 3 and 5). In 2002, each paramedic ambulance responded to 1,903
medical emergencies on average. These numbers are well within the number of calls
recommended by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) when rating a community for fire insurance
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-29
rates. Specifically, the ISO recommends that a second company be put in service in a fire station
if that station receives more than 2,500 calls per year. The reason for this recommendation is to
assure reliability of response to a structure fire. If an engine company provides support to the
paramedic ambulance by responding to medical aid calls, and this impacts the station's response
to structure fire calls, it may be prudent to add another paramedic ambulance or support squad
vehicle and increase staffing at that fire station with the most medical aid traffic. A high volume of
calls also creates a high potential for multiple calls occurring at once (multiple queuing), which
can result in a company being unavailable to respond to a structure fire. Thus, if this forces a
response from other stations farther away, it can result in a larger fire before assistance arrives.
Fires in Newport Beach represent only about 5 percent of all calls, with structure fires representing
less than 2 percent of all calls. This is due to the use of modern fire and building codes, effective
fire prevention inspection work by the Fire Department, and effective public education. Fires,
when they do occur in newer occupancies, are kept small by fire sprinkler systems and the efforts
of the Fire Department. Therefore, in recent years, there has been a concern that in some areas,
when a major structure fire does occur, the Fire Department personnel will have to apply "seldom
used skills." This can result in firefighter injuries, and perhaps larger fires than would have
occurred in past years when Fire Departments were accustomed to responding to more structure
fires due to the absence of sprinkler systems, poor construction, and lack of ongoing Code
enforcement. The Newport Beach Fire Department, however, participates in extensive fire -fighting
For emergency response, it is recommended that a 3 to 4-person engine company should arrive
within 5 minutes response time to 90 percent of all structure fire calls in the City. Response time
shall be defined as 1 minute to receive and dispatch the call, 1 minute to prepare to respond in the
fire station or field, and 3 minutes driving time at 35 miles per hour (mph) average (for an
approximate distance not exceeding 1.75 miles between the responding fire station and the
incident location).
The 5-minute response time is based on the demands created by a structural fire: It is critical to
attempt to arrive and intervene at a fire prior to the fire flashing over the entire room or building of
origin, which results in total destruction. Flashover can occur within 3 to 5 minutes after ignition.
Response time includes the following components:
1 minute: (Call Processing time): Dispatcher receives, processes and dispatches the call.
This is an average time, which can vary based upon call volume, from a
minimum of 30 seconds.
1 minute: (Turnout time): Fire company acknowledges call and apparatus begins to move.
3 minutes: (Driving Time): Apparatus drives to scene at an average speed of 35 mph. If the
average response time for the Fire Department is more than this, and the distance
between the closest, responding station and most incidents exceeds 1.5 miles,
more fire stations may be needed. If necessary, traffic signal actuation devices
(Opticom) can also be installed on critical traffic lights and installed in all fire
apparatus to improve the driving time response.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-30
• Actual response statistics for the Newport Beach Fire Department for 2002 and the first five
months of 2003 are provided in Table 5-4 below. These response times are measured from the
time the dispatch is made to arrival at the scene by the responding engine company. The
averages show that the majority of the fire units in the City reach their destination within the
preferred 5-minute response time, and all units respond within 6 minutes of the call being received
by dispatch. The longer response times are for Fire Station 8 located in Newport Coast, a large
area presently serviced by only one fire station. With increasing development in this area, the City
should consider the construction of another fire station, possibly in the easternmost portion of
Newport Coast, in anticipation of the increasing demand for emergency assistance due to a larger
population base.
Table 5-4: Average Response Time, from Dispatch to Arrival, for Each Unit in
the Newport Beach Fire Department for 2002 and Part of 2003
Average Response Time (Minutes)
Year 2002
Jan - May 2003
NE61 (Engine - Station 1)
NE62 (Engine - Station 2)
NM62 (Medical - Station 2)
NT62 (Truck- Station 2)
NE63 (Engine - Station 3)
NM63 (Medical - Station 3)
NT63 (Truck - Station 3)
NE64(Engine -Station4)
NE65 (Engine -Station 5)
NM65 (Medical - Station 5)
NE66(Engine -Station6)
NE67 (Engine - Station 7)
NE68 (Engine - Stat'o n 8)
Avra a Totals
In addition to these components, there is another component called "set up" time. This is the time
it takes firefighters to get to the source of a fire and get ready to fight the fire. This may range from
2 minutes at a small house fire to 15 minutes or more at a large or multi -story occupancy, such as
a fire at Fashion Island, Hoag Memorial Hospital, or a large condominium.
The 90 percent figure is stated as a goal to be achieved. Regular management audits by the Fire
Chief should'be conducted to reveal if the goal is being met. in many communities it is difficult to
exceed the 90 percent figure in a cost-effective manner due to the following limiting factors:
Access obstructions
Traffic calming devices and median strips on major highways
Traffic congestion
Multiple alarms
Delayed response
Winding access roads in developments
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-31
• Road grades
Gated communities
Multiple story buildings or large buildings where it takes time to reach the source of the
fire, after arrival at the occupancy.
A 3 to 4-person ladder truck company, with an aerial device, a second engine company with 3 to
4 persons, a paramedic ambulance and a fire battalion chief should arrive within a 10-minute
response time interval to 80 percent of all structure fire calls within the City. ISO recommends a
truck company within 2.5 miles if there are five or more buildings that are three or more stories or
35 feet or more in height, or five buildings with fire flow needs greater than 3,500 gallons per
minute. Fire Station 2 provides this level of service for the high rises on the west side of Newport
Beach. Fire Station 3 provides this level of service for the high rises in the Fashion Island and John
Wayne Airport areas. An additional truck company from Costa Mesa or Santa Ana can respond
via automatic aid if within 5 miles of the City limits.
Structural fire response requires numerous critical tasks to be performed simultaneously. The
number of firefighters required to perform the tasks varies based upon the risk. Obviously, the
number of firefighters needed at a maximum high -risk occupancy, such as a shopping mall or
large industrial occupancy would be significantly higher than for a fire in a lower -risk occupancy.
Given the large number of firefighters that are required to respond to a high -risk, high -
consequence fire, Fire Departments increasingly rely on automatic and mutual aid agreements to
address the fires suppression needs of their community. If additional resources are needed due to
the intensity or size of the fire, a second alarm may be requested. The second alarm results in the
• response of at least another two engine companies, and a ladder truck. Beyond this response,
additional fire units are requested via the automatic or mutual aid agreements.
5.3.1 Automatic and Mutual Aid Agreements
Although the City of Newport Beach Fire Department is tasked with the responsibility of
fire prevention and fire suppression in the City, in reality, fire -fighting agencies generally
team up and work together during emergencies. These teaming arrangements are handled
through automatic and mutual aid agreements.
The California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement (California
Government Code Section 8555-8561) states: "Each party that is signatory to the !N
agreement shall prepare operational plans to use within their jurisdiction, and outside their
area. These plans included fire and non -fire emergencies related to natural,
technological, and war contingencies. The State of California, all State agencies, all
political subdivisions, and all fire districts signed this agreement in 1950.
Section 8568 of the California Emergency Services Act, (California Government Code,
Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Part 2) states that "the State Emergency Plan shall be in effect in
each political subdivision of the State, and the governing body of each political subdivision
shall take such action as may be necessary to carry out the provisions thereof." The Act
provides the basic authorities for conducting emergency operations following the
proclamations of emergencies by the Governor or appropriate local authority, such as a
City Manager. The provisions of the act are further reflected and expanded on by
• appropriate local emergency ordinances. The act further describes the function and
operations of government at all levels during extraordinary emergencies, including war
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-32
(www.scesa.org/cal_govcode.htm). Therefore, local emergency plans are considered
extensions of the California Emergency Plan.
Newport Beach has automatic aid agreements with the cities of Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, `aJ
Huntington Beach, and Fountain Valley, and with the Orange County Fire Authority.
These agreements obligate these fire departments to help each other under pre -defined
circumstances. Automatic aid agreements obligate the nearest fire company to respond to
a fire regardless of the jurisdiction. Mutual aid agreements obligate fire department
resources to respond outside of their district upon request for assistance.
Numerous other agencies are available to assist the City if needed. These include local
law enforcement agencies that can provide support during evacuations and to discourage
people from traveling to the fire zone to watch the fire, as this can hinder fire suppression
efforts. Several State and Federal agencies have roles in fire hazard mitigation, response,
and recovery, including: the Office of Emergency Services, the Fish and Wildlife Service,
National Park Service, US Forest Service, Office of Aviation Services, National Weather
Service, and National Association of State Foresters, the Department of Agriculture, the
Department of the Interior, and, in extreme cases, the Department of Defense. Private
companies and individuals may also assist.
5.3.2 Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)
The SEMS law refers to the Standardized Emergency Management System described by the
Petris Bill (Senate Bill 1841; California Government Code Section 8607, made effective
• January 1, 1993) that was introduced by Senator Petris following the 1991 Oakland fires.
The intent of the SEMS law is to improve the coordination of State and local emergency
response in California. It requires all jurisdictions within the State of California to
participate in the establishment of a standardized statewide emergency management
When a major incident occurs, the first few moments are absolutely critical in terms of
reducing loss of life and property. First responders must be sufficiently trained to
understand the nature and the gravity of the event to minimize the confusion that
inevitably follows catastrophic situations. The first responder must then put into motion
relevant mitigation plans to further reduce the potential for loss of lives and property
damage, and to communicate with the public. According to the State's Standardized
Emergency Management System, local agencies have primary authority regarding rescue
and treatment of casualties, and making decisions regarding protective actions for the
community. This on -scene authority rests with the local emergency services organization
and the incident commander.
Depending on the type of incident, several different agencies and disciplines may be called
in to assist with emergency response. Agencies and disciplines that can be expected to be
part of an emergency response team include medical, health, fire and rescue, police,
public works, and coroner. The challenge is to accomplish the work at hand in the most
effective manner, maintaining open lines of communication between the different
responding agencies to share and disseminate information, and to coordinate efforts.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-33
Emergency response in every jurisdiction in the State of California is handled in
accordance with SEMS, with individual City agencies and personnel taking on their
responsibilities as defined by the City's Emergency Plan. This document describes the
different levels of emergencies, the local emergency management organization, and the
specific responsibilities of each participating agency, government office, and City staff.
The framework of the SEMS system is the following:
Incident Command System — a standard response system for all hazards that is based
on a concept originally developed in the 1970s for response to wildland fires
Multi -Agency Coordination System — coordinated effort between various agencies and
disciplines, allowing for effective decision -making, sharing of resources, and
prioritizing of incidents
Master Mutual Aid Agreement and related systems — agreement between cities,
counties and the State to provide services, personnel and facilities when local
resources are inadequate to handle and emergency
Operational Area Concept — coordination of resources and information at the county
level, including political subdivisions within the county; and
Operational Area Satellite Information System - a satellite -based communications
system with a high -frequency radio backup that permits the transfer of information
between agencies using the system.
• The SEMS law requires the following:
jurisdictions must attend training sessions for the emergency management system.
All agencies must use the system to be eligible for funding for response costs under
disaster assistance programs.
All agencies must complete after -action reports within 120 days of each declared
5.3.3 ISO Rating for the City of Newport Beach
The Insurance Services Office provides rating and statistical information for the insurance
industry in the United States. To do so, ISO evaluates a community's fire protection needs
and services, and assigns each community evaluated a Public Protection Classification
(PPC) rating. The rating is developed as a cumulative point system, based on the
community's fire -suppression delivery system, including fire dispatch (operators, alarm
dispatch circuits, telephone lines available), fire department (equipment available,
personnel, training, distribution of companies, etc.), and water supply (adequacy,
condition, number and installation of fire hydrants). Insurance rates are based upon this
rating. The worst rating is a Class 10. The best is a Class 1. Newport Beach currently has a a
Class 2 ISO rating.
5.4 Earthquake -Induced Fires
• Although wildland fires can be devastating, earthquake -induced fires have the potential to be the
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-34
worst -case fire -suppression scenarios for a community because an earthquake typically causes
multiple ignitions distributed over a broad geographic area. In addition, if fire fighters are involved
with search and rescue operations, they are less available to fight fires, and the water distribution
system could be impaired, limiting even further the fire suppression efforts. If earthquake -induced
fires occur during Santa Ana wind conditions, the results can be far worse.
The major urban conflagrations of yesteryear in major cities were often the result of closely built,
congested areas of attached buildings with no fire sprinklers, no adequate fire separations, no Fire
Code enforcement, and narrow streets. In the past, fire apparatus and water supplies were also
inadequate in many large cities, and many fire departments were comprised of volunteers. Many
of these conditions no longer apply to the cities of today.
Nevertheless, major earthquakes can result in fires and the loss of water supply, as it occurred in
San Francisco in 1906, and more recently in Kobe, Japan in 1995. A large portion of the structural
damage caused by the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was the result of fires rather than
ground shaking. The moderately sized, M 6.7 Northridge earthquake of 1994 caused 15,021
natural gas leaks that resulted in three street fires, 51 structural fires (23 of these caused total ruin)
and the destruction by fire of 172 mobile homes. In one incident, the earthquake severed a 22-
inch gas transmission line and a motorist ignited the gas while attempting to restart his stalled
vehicle. Response to this fire was impeded by the earthquake's rupture of a water main; five
nearby homes were destroyed. Elsewhere, one mobile home fire started when a ruptured
transmission line was ignited by a downed power line. In many of the destroyed mobile homes,
fires erupted when inadequate bracing allowed the houses to slip off their foundations, severing
gas lines and igniting fires. There was a much greater incidence of mobile home fires (49.1 per
thousand) than other structure fires (1.1 per thousand). Although the threat that existed in San
Francisco in 1906 was far greater than that in Newport Beach today, there are some older sections
in Newport Beach where due to ground failure, breaks in the gas mains and the water distribution
system could lead to a significant fire -after -earthquake situation.
As discussed in the Seismic Hazards section of this report (Chapter 2), there are several major
earthquake -generating faults that could affect the Newport Beach area. The three most significant
faults to the Newport Beach area include the Newport -Inglewood, San Joaquin Hills, and Whittier
faults. A moderate to strong earthquake on any of these faults could trigger multiple fires, disrupt
lifelines services (such as the water supply), and trigger other geologic hazards, such as landslides
or rock -falls, which could block roads and hinder disaster response. The California Division of
Mines and Geology (Toppozada and others, 1988) published in 1988 a study that identified
projected damages in the Los Angeles area as a result of an earthquake on the Newport -Inglewood
fault. The earthquake scenario estimated that thousands of gas leaks would result from damage to
pipelines, valves and service connections. This study prompted the Southern California Gas
Company to start replacing their distribution pipelines with flexible plastic polyethylene pipe, and
to develop ways to isolate and shut off sections of supply lines when breaks are severe.
Nevertheless, as a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, the Southern California Gas Company
reported 35 breaks in its natural gas transmission lines and 717 breaks in distribution lines. About
74 percent of its 752 leaks were corrosion related. Furthermore, in the aftermath of the earthquake,
122,886 gas meters were closed by customers or emergency personnel. The majority of the leaks
were small and could be repaired at the time of service restoration.
• History indicates that fires following an earthquake have the potential to severely tax the local fire
Earth Consultants International fire Hazards Pages-35
suppression agencies, and develop into a worst -case scenario. Earthquake -induced fires can place
extraordinary demands on fire suppression resources because of multiple ignitions. The principal
causes of earthquake -related fires are open flames, electrical malfunctions, gas leaks, and
chemical spills. Downed power lines may ignite fires if the lines do not automatically de -energize.
Unanchored gas heaters and water heaters are common problems, as these readily tip over during
strong ground shaking (State law now requires new and replaced gas -fired water heaters to be
attached to a wall, or other support).
Many factors affect the severity of fires following an earthquake, including ignition sources, types
and density of fuel, weather conditions, functionality of the water systems, and the ability of
firefighters to suppress the fires. Casualties, debris and poor access can all limit fire -fighting
effectiveness. Water availability in Orange County following a major earthquake will most likely
be curtailed due to damage to the water distribution system — broken water mains, damage to the
aqueduct system, damage to above -ground reservoirs, etc. (see Chapter 2 — Seismic Hazards, and
Chapter 4 — Flooding Hazards).
5.4.1 Earthquake -Induced Fire Scenarios for the Newport Beach Area using HAZUS
HAZUS" is a standardized methodology for earthquake loss estimation based on a
geographic information system (GIS). The user can run the program to estimate the
damage and losses that an earthquake on a specific fault would generate in a specific
geographic area, such as a city. Detailed information on this methodology is covered in
Chapter 2. One of the HAZUS components is earthquake -induced fire loss estimation.
Loss estimation is a new methodology, and our understanding of fires following
earthquakes is limited. An accurate, fire -following -earthquake evaluation possibly requires
extensive knowledge of the level of readiness of local fire departments, as well as the types
and availability (functionality) of water systems, among other data. Although these
parameters are not yet considered in the fire -after -earthquake module, preliminary results
obtained from this HAZUS component are encouraging.
Current data suggest that about 70% of all earthquake -induced fire ignitions occur
immediately after an earthquake since many fires are discovered within a few minutes after
an earthquake. The remaining ignitions occur about an hour to a day after the earthquake.
A typical cause of the delayed ignitions is the restoration of electric power. When power is
restored, short circuits caused by the earthquake become energized and can start fires.
Also, items that have overturned or fallen onto stove tops, etc., can ignite. If no one is
present at the time electric power is restored, ignitions can develop into fires requiring fire
department response.
HAZUS loss estimations were made for earthquake scenarios on the Newport -Inglewood,
San Joaquin Hills, Whittier and San Andreas faults (refer to Chapter 2 for additional
information on each of these earthquake scenarios). Two wind speeds were used for each
earthquake scenario. A value of 10 mph was used to model normal wind conditions. A
speed of 30 miles per hour (mph) was assigned to evaluate fire spread as a result of Santa
Ana winds. HAZUS uses a Monte Carlo simulation model to estimate the number of
ignitions and the amount of burnt area that each earthquake scenario is likely to generate.
• Note that the HAZUS loss estimation does not consider effects of reduced water pressure
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-36
due to breaks in the water distribution system. These are expected to be widespread where
ground failure occurs, especially in the area near the coastline where liquefaction damage
is anticipated. This would further reduce functionality in some areas, such as the Balboa
Peninsula and Balboa Island areas.
Table 5-5 shows that earthquakes on the Newport -Inglewood and San Joaquin Hills faults
have the potential to cause significant fire -after -earthquake losses in the City of Newport
Beach. The HAZUS results show that wind speeds definitely have an impact on the
damage extent The San Joaquin Hills fault fire -after -earthquake scenario is modeled as the
worst case for the City of Newport Beach if Santa Ana wind conditions are present at the
time of the earthquake, with the Newport -Inglewood earthquake scenario a close second.
Rupture of the Newport -Inglewood fault, if it breaks along the traces of the fault thought to
extend into the City of Newport Beach and surrounding communities, is anticipated to
cause many breaks in the gas and water distribution systems. Therefore, retrofitting those
pipe sections across and near the mapped trace of these faults with flexible plastic
polyethylene pipe and flexible joints should be a priority. Breakage of the San Andreas
fault is regionally significant, as it could impact the distribution of water to many cities in
the southern California area that purchase water from the Metropolitan Water District.
Table 5-5: Earthquake -Induced Fire Losses in Newport Beach
Based on HAZUS Scenario Earthquakes
Earthquake Scenario _
(refer to Chapter 2 for
additional information)
No. of Ignitions
Population Displaced
At a Wind Speed of
Building Value Burnt
At a Wind Speed of
(US$ millions)
10 mph
30 mph
10 mph
30 mph
10 mph
30 mph
Newport -Inglewood
San Joaquin Hills
San Andreas
The Newport Beach Fire Department has procedures in place to follow immediately after(�
an earthquake. In accordance with their Earthquake Response Plan, immediately after an V�
earth tremor, fire apparatus and other response vehicles are taken out of the stations and
parked outside. Then, personnel from each station drive around their district to assess the
damage, if any, and provide assistance as needed.
• Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-37
5.5 Recommended Programs
The City of Newport Beach:
Should continue to require property owners to conduct maintenance on their properties to
reduce the fire danger in accordance with the property owner's checklist presented above.
The single most important mitigation measure for a single-family residence is to maintain a
fire -safe landscape, thereby creating a defensible space around the structure(s).
Should support the new State -level shift in its vegetation management program. Emphases
are on smaller projects closer to new developments, and alternatives to fire treatment, such
as weed abatement using mechanical treatments.
Should continue to develop education and mitigation strategies that focus on the enhanced
or higher hazard present in the months of August, September and October, when dry
vegetation and Santa Ana winds coexist.
Should regularly reevaluate specific fire hazard areas and adopt reasonable safety
standards, covering such elements as adequacy of nearby water supplies, routes or
throughways for fire equipment, clarity of addresses and street signs, and maintenance.
Encourage owners of non-sprinklered properties, especially high- and mid -rise structures,
to retrofit their buildings and include internal fire sprinklers. The City may consider some
form of financial assistance (such as low -interest or no -interest loans) to encourage
property owners to do this as soon as possible.
Staff, as well as elected officials, should conduct earthquake -induced fire -scenario
exercises based on this study's HAZUS loss estimates.
Staff should continue to conduct annual training sessions using the adopted emergency
management system (SEMS).
Should review the adequacy of its water storage capacity and distribution network in the
event of an earthquake. Redundant systems should be considered and implemented in
those areas of the City where liquefaction and other modes of ground failure could result in
breaks to both the water and gas mains, with the potential for significant conflagrations.
This includes considering alternate sources of water, such as the ocean, bay, open
reservoirs, and swimming pools, and providing fire engines with engine -driven pumps that
can be used to obtain water from these alternate sources.
Should encourage the local gas and water purveyors to review and retrofit their main
distribution pipes, with priority given first to those lines that cross or are located near the
mapped trace or projections of the Newport -Inglewood fault (see Chapter 2).
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-38
• References, Helpful Websites and Acknowledgements
ASTM E-108, "Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings": American Society for
Testing Materials.
California Board of Forestry, 1996, California Fire Plan: A Framework for Minimizing Costs and
Losses from Wildland Fires: a report dated March 1996.
California Department of Forestry, 1993, Rater Instruction Guide: Very High Fire Hazard Severity
Cannon, S.H., 2001, Debris -Flow Generation from Recently Burned Watersheds: Environmental &
Engineering Geosciences, Vol. VII, No. 4, November 2001, pp. 321-341.
Coleman, Ronny J., 1994, Policy Context on Urban-Widland Fire Problem: California State and
Consumer Services Agency, A Special Report for the Governor Pete Wilson, dated January
19, 1994, 13p.
Fisher, Fred L., 1995, Building Fire Safety in the Wildland Urban Intermix: The Role of Building
Codes and Fire Test Standards: Report prepared for the California/China Bilateral
Conference on Fire Safety Engineering held August 14-15, 1995 in Sacramento, California,
Greenlee, J., and Sapsis, D., 1996, Prefire Effectiveness in Fire Management: A Summary of State -
of -Knowledge: dated August 1996. Can be obtained from
www.ucfpl.ucop.edu/UWI`/`2ODocuments/1 03.PDF.
Helm, R., Neal, B., and Taylor, L., 1973, A Fire Hazard Severity Classification System for
California's Wildlands: A report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
and the California Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry to the Governor's
Office of Planning and Research, dated April 1, 1973.
Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), 2001, Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow: Edition
10-2001, 26p.
Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), 1997, The Wildland/Urban Fire Hazard: ISO, New York,
December 1997.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 2001, Standard for the Organization and Deployment
of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations and Special Operations to
the Public by Career Fire Departments: NFPA Standard 1710, 2001 Edition.
Phillips, Clinton B., 1983, Instructions for Zoning Fire Hazard Severity in State Responsibility Areas
in California: California Department of Forestry, dated December 1983.
Site that pertains to California laws about fires and firefighters: http://osfm.fire.ca.gov/FFLaws.html
• California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection's Web Site: ham://www.fire.ca.gov/
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-39
California Fire Plan: http://www.fire.ca.gov/FireEmergencyResponse/FirePlan/FirePlan.asp
National Fire Plan: ham://www.firei2lan.gov
Orange County Fire Authority's Web Site: httn://www.ocfa.org/
National Fire Protection Association Web Site: httl2://nfpa.ore/
Site dedicated to providing information to homeowners about becoming firewise in the
urban/wildland interface: httn://firewise.or¢/
Federal Emergency Management Agency Web Site; includes general information on how to
prepare for wildfire season, current fire events, etc.: http://www.fe-ma.eov/
U.S. Fire Administration Web Site: ham://www.usfa.fema.gov/
Insurance Services Office Web Site: httn://www.iso.com
This documents was prepared with the assistance from many individuals from the Newport Beach
Fire Department. ECI would like to acknowledge the help received from Mr. Daryl
Mackey, Chief Dennis Lockard, Mr. Riley, Mr. Ron Soto, Ms. Nadine Morris, and many
others in the Fire Department. Mr. Scott Watson, GIS Specialist with the City of Newport
Beach, was also very helptul in providing us with the data necessary to prepare the mates
that accompany this report.
Earth Consultants International Fire Hazards Page 5-40
6.1 Introduction
A high standard of living has driven society's increased dependence on chemicals.
Hydrocarbon fuels that power our vehicles, chlorine used to treat our drinking water and
pools, and pesticides used in the agricultural sector are a few examples of chemicals used on a
daily basis and in large quantities. This demand requires the manufacturing, transportation
and storage of chemicals. As we will discuss throughout this chapter, these activities provide
opportunities for the release of chemicals into the environment, sometimes with negative
consequences because exposure to many of these chemicals is often hazardous to human
health and to the environment. Recognizing these potential health hazards, Federal, State, and
local regulations have been implemented since the late 1960's to dictate the safe use, storage,
transportation, and handling of hazardous materials and wastes. These regulations help to
minimize the public's risk of exposure to hazardous materials.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines a hazardous waste as a
substance that 1) may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an
increase in serious, irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; and 2) that poses a
substantial present or potential future hazard to human health or the environment when it is
improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed. Hazardous waste is
also ignitable, corrosive, explosive, or reactive (Federal Code of Regulations — FCR - Title 40:
Protection of the Environment, Part 261). A material may also be classified as a hazardous
material if it contains defined amounts of toxic chemicals. The EPA has developed a list of
specific hazardous wastes that are in the forms of solids, semi -solids, liquids, and gases.
Producers of such wastes include private businesses, and Federal, State, and local government
agencies. The EPA regulates the production and distribution of commercial and industrial
chemicals to protect human health and the environment. The EPA also prepares and
distributes information to further the public's knowledge about these chemicals and their
effects, and provides guidance to manufacturers in pollution prevention measures, such as
more efficient manufacturing processes and recycling used materials.
The State of California defines hazardous materials as substances that are toxic, ignitable or
flammable, reactive, and/or corrosive. The State also defines an extremely hazardous material
as a substance that shows high acute or chronic toxicity, is carcinogenic (causes cancer), has
bioaccumulative properties (accumulates in the body's tissues), is persistent in the
environment, or is water reactive (California Code of Regulations, Title 22; California Health
and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5).
This report will deal with hazards associated with the existence of hazardous wastes and
materials in the City of Newport Beach and its Sphere of Influence (herein referred to as the
Newport Beach area), with emphasis on the impact these substances can have on the air we
breathe or the drinking water supply. There are hundreds of Federal, State and local programs
that regulate the use, storage, and transportation of hazardous materials in the City. Some of
these programs are discussed in this report. However, the environmental regulatory scene is in
a constant state of flux as new findings are published, and new or modified methods for
studying and cleaning contaminants are developed. Therefore, for recent updates, the reader
• is encouraged to contact the City of Newport Beach Fire Department, the Orange County
Health Care Agency's Environmental Division, and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-1
Agency. All of these agencies have dedicated web pages where extensive information about
hazardous wastes is provided. This report also addresses the potential for hazardous materials
to be released during a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, since these events have the
potential to cause multiple releases of hazardous materials at the same time, taxing the local
emergency response agencies.
6.2 Air Quality
,Each one of us breathes about 3,400 gallons of air every day. Unfortunately, our air is
contaminated on a daily basis by human activities such as driving cars, burning fossil fuels,
and manufacturing chemicals. Natural events, such as wildfires, windstorms, and volcanic
eruptions also degrade air quality. Nevertheless, during the last three decades, the United
States has made impressive strides in improving and protecting air quality despite substantial
economic expansion and population growth. However, as any resident of the greater Los
Angeles metropolitan area can attest, additional improvements in air quality can and should be
6.2.1 National Ambient Air Quality Standards
The Clean Air Act requires the EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. The EPA uses two
types of national air quality standards: Primary standards set limits to protect public
health, including the health of "sensitive" populations such as asthmatics, children, and
the elderly, and secondary standards set limits to protect public welfare, including
protection against decreased visibility, damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and
National Ambient Air Quality Standards have been set for six principal pollutants
called "criteria" pollutants. These pollutants include:
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Particulate matter (PM10)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Ground -level ozone (03)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
For each of these pollutants, the EPA tracks two kinds of air pollution trends: air
concentrations based on actual measurements of pollutant concentrations in the
ambient (outside) air at selected monitoring sites throughout the country, and emissions
based on engineering estimates of the total tons of pollutants released into the air each
year. The standards or allowable concentrations for these six pollutants are known as
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). These are listed in Table 6-1.
California has established State standards for some of these pollutants that are more
restrictive than the National standards. These are also shown on Table 6-1. The health
effects of two of these pollutants, ozone and particulate matter, are discussed further
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-2
�. Table 6-1: National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(where California standards are different than National standards,
California standards are also provided)
Allowable Concentration
In parts per
In mg/m3
or m'
Carbon Monoxide
8-hour average (U.S.)
8-hour average (CA)
1 -hour average (U.S.)
1-hour average (CA)
Nitrogen Dioxide
AAM (U.S.)
1-hour average (CA)
Primary and Secondary
1-hour average (U.S.)
1-hour average (CA)
Primary and Secondary
8-hour average
PrimarY and Secondary
Quarterly average (U.S.)
Monthly average (CA)
>1.5 pg/m3
Primary and Secondary
Particulate MIA 10)
AAM (U.S.)
>50 pg/m3
>30 m3
Primary and Secondary
24-hour average (U.S.)
24-hour average (CA)
>150 pg/m3
>50 ligle
Primary and Secondary
Particulate (PM 2.5)
AAM (U.S.)
>15 m3
Primary and Secondary
24-hour average (U.S.)
>65 pg1rn3
Primary and Seconda
Sulfur Dioxide
AAM (U.S.)
24-hour average (U.S.)
24-hour average (CA)
3-hour average (U.S.)
1-hour average (CA)
1 >0.25
* Parts per million, ppm, of air, by volume
AAM = Annual Arithmetic Mean; AGM = Annual Geometric Mean
PM 10 refers to particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less.
PM 2.5 refers to particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or less.
The ozone 8-hour standard and the PM 2.5 standards are included for information only, since
a 1999 Federal court ruling blocked implementation of these standards, and the issue has not
yet been resolved.
mg/m3= milligrams per cubic meter; pg/m'= micrograms per cubic meter
U.S. = Federal (or National) Standard; CA = California Standard
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-3
• Ozone is an odorless, colorless gas that occurs naturally in the Earth's upper
atmosphere — 10 to 30 miles above the Earth's surface — where it forms a protective
layer that shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. The releases of man-made
chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and natural emissions from volcanic
eruptions destroy this beneficial ozone, resulting in seasonal thinning of the ozone
layer over Antarctica. In the Earth's lower atmosphere, near ground level, ozone is
formed when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries,
chemical plants, and other sources react chemically in the presence of sunlight. Ozone
at ground level is a harmful pollutant. Ozone pollution is a concern during the summer
months, when the weather conditions needed to form it — lots of sun and hot
temperatures — normally occur.
Roughly one out of every three people in the United States is at a higher risk of
experiencing ozone -related health effects. Sensitive people include children and adults
who are active outdoors, people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, and people
with unusual sensitivity to ozone. People of all ages who are active outdoors are at
increased risk because, during physical activity, ozone penetrates deeper into the parts
of the lungs that are more vulnerable to injury. Ozone can irritate the respiratory
system, causing coughing, throat irritation, and/or an uncomfortable sensation in the
chest, and aggravating asthma. Ozone can also reduce lung function, making it more
difficult to breathe deeply and vigorously, and can increase susceptibility to respiratory
• The term "particulate matter" (PM) includes both solid particles and liquid droplets
found in air. Many man-made and natural sources emit PM directly or emit other
pollutants that react in the atmosphere to form PM. These solid and liquid particles
come in a wide range of sizes. Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter tend to
pose the greatest health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in
the respiratory system. Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter are referred to as
"fine" particles. Sources of fine particles include all types of combustion (motor
vehicles, power plants, wood burning, etc.) and some industrial processes. Particles
with diameters between 2.5 and 10 micrometers are referred to as "coarse." Sources of
coarse particles include crushing or grinding operations, and dust from paved and
unpaved roads, and agricultural or vacant fields (think Santa Ana wind conditions).
Both fine and coarse particles can accumulate in the respiratory system and are
associated with numerous health effects. Coarse particles can aggravate respiratory
conditions such as asthma. Exposure to fine particles is associated with several serious
health effects, including premature death. Adverse health effects have been associated
with exposures to PM over both short periods (such as a day) and longer periods (a year
or more).
Peak air quality statistics for the six principal pollutants measured in the year 2001 in
the North Coastal Orange County area, which includes Newport Beach, are listed in
Table 6-2. The data show that none of the peak values in the North Coastal Orange
County area exceeded the National or State ambient air quality standards, with one
• exception: The maximum allowable concentration of ozone defined by the State for a
1-hour period (of more than 0.09 parts per million) was exceeded only one day in
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-4
=• 2001 (also see Table 6-4). As of the writing of this report, the 2002 air quality data
were not yet available. The reader is encouraged to go to http://www.gqmd.gp—v to
look for more recent air quality information, which is posted by the South Coast Air
Quality Management District as it becomes available.
Table 6-2: Year 2001 Peak Air Quality Statistics for
Criteria Pollutants in the North Coastal Orange County Area
(compared, unless otherwise noted, to the California Standards,
which are more restrictive than the National standards)
Sate Air Quality
Maximum Concentration
in North Coastal Orange
County Area
Carbon Monoxide
8-hour averse
>9 ppm
4.57 ppm
Nitrogen Dioxide
1-houravera a
>0.25 ppm
0.08 Ppm
1-hour average
>0.09 ppm
0.098 PPm
8-hour average (U.S.)
>0.08 ppm
0.073 pm
Monthly maximum
Z1.5 m'
Particulate (PM 10)
Annual Geometric Mean
>30 pgIM3
24-hour averse (U.S.)
150 m'
Sulfur Dioxide
1-hour average
>0.25 ppm
0.01 in
24-hour average
>0.045 ppm
0.007 ppm
ppm = parts per million; pg/m' = micrograms per cubic meter; NM = Pollutant Not Momtoreo
Source: http://www.epa.gov/airtrends
Air Quality Index
There are two indicators that are typically used to assess the air quality of a given area.
These indicators are the Air Quality Index and the quantity of pollutant emissions. In
1976, EPA developed the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), which was a consistent and
easy to understand way of stating air pollutant concentrations and associated health
implications. In June 2000, the EPA updated the index and renamed it Air Quality
Index (AQI). EPA's AQI provides accurate, timely, and easily understandable
information about daily levels of air pollution. The Index provides a uniform system for
measuring pollution levels for five major air pollutants regulated under the Clean Air
The AQI is reported as a numerical value between 0 and 500, which corresponds to a
health descriptor like "good," or "unhealthy" (see Table 5-3). AQI values are reported
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-5
• daily in the local news media (TV, radio, internet (http://www.epa.gov/airnow), and
newspapers) serving metropolitan areas with populations exceeding 350,000. The AQI
converts daily measured pollutant concentration in a community's air to a numerical
value and color code. The most important number on the scale is 100. An AQI level in
excess of 100 means that a pollutant is in the "unhealthy for sensitive groups" range for
that day. An AQl level at or below 100 means that a pollutant reading is in the
satisfactory range with respect to the National Ambient Air QualityStandard (NAAQS).
Table 6-3: Air Quality Index
(a measure of community -wide air quality)
The EPA determines, on a daily basis, the index value for each of the measured
pollutants, and reports the highest figure as the AQI value for the day. The pollutant
with the highest daily value is identified as the Main Pollutant_ The pollutants indexed
by the AQI are the criteria pollutants discussed earlier. The Clean Air Act directs the
EPA to regulate criteria pollutants because of their impact on human health and the
environment. The standards or allowable concentrations for these six pollutants are
known as National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) monitors and provides
NAAQS air quality data for the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino
counties. The most recent year for which these data are available is 2001. The last
column in Table 6-4 provides the number of days that Criteria Air Pollutant
concentrations for the area around Newport Beach were in excess of Federal or State
standards for the year 2001.
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-6
Table 6-4: Air Quality in the Newport Beach Area in 2001
Measurement Location
# Days in excess
North Coastal Orange County
Carbon Monoxide
North Coastal Orange County
Nitrogen Dioxide
North Coastal Orange County
North Coastal Orange County
North Coastal Orange County
1-hour average California standard p-nour ano s-hour average reaerai sranuaiun WeIC uuL
** 8-hour average California standard
*** 1-hour average California standard
NM = Pollutant not measured
Source: www.agmd.gov
Significant improvements in the air quality of the larger Los Angeles basin region are
attributed to emission reduction and reduced reactivity of emitted organic compounds
in the region (SCAQMD, 2001). As everybody who owns a vehicle in California
knows, vehicular emissions are monitored through the State's Smog Check Program.
Emissions from stationary sources are also monitored. The South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) is the local agency responsible for monitoring and
enforcing air quality control with emphasis on emissions from stationary sources, such
as restaurants, hotels, dry cleaners, tire shops, welding shops, car repair shops,
hospitals, and industrial and manufacturing facilities. Those facilities that release
emissions into the air are required to obtain a permit to do so from the EPA. The more
recent data available (Hazus99 SR-2) indicate that there are approximately 95 facilities (�
permitted to release emissions into the air in the Newport Beach Area. The regional
distribution of these permitted facilities is shown on Plate 6-1.
To reduce air emissions, SCAQMD staff conducts periodic inspections of permitted
facilities to ensure continued compliance with Federal and State requirements, and
provide training to help business owners understand these requirements and keep up
with new rules. If necessary, SCAQMD takes enforcement action to bring businesses
into compliance. The SCAQMD does not provide a listing of all permitted facilities but
it does provide information on facilities that were found to be non -compliant or for
which there are violation reports. None of the facilities in the Newport Beach area
have been cited in the last 90 days (as of December 1, 2002). For updated
information, refer to http://eal.aqmd.gov/nov/novintro.htm.
6.3 Drinking Water Quality
Most people in the United States take for granted that the water that comes out of their kitchen
taps is safe to drink. In most areas, this is true, thanks to the efforts of hundreds of behind -the -
scene individuals that continually monitor the water supplies for contaminants, in accordance
with the drinking water standards set by the EPA. Primary authority for EPA water programs
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-7
• Plate 6-1: Hazardous Materials Site Map of Newport Beach
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-8
was established by the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the
1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA).
The National Primary Drinking Water Standard protects drinking water quality by limiting the
levels of specific contaminants that are known to occur or have the potential to occur in water,
and that can adversely affect public health. All public water systems that provide service to 25
or more individuals are required to satisfy these legally enforceable standards. Water purveyors
must monitor for these contaminants on fixed schedules and report to the EPA when a
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) has been exceeded. MCL is the maximum permissible
level of a contaminant in water that is delivered to any user of a public water system. Drinking
water supplies are tested for a variety of contaminants, including organic and inorganic
chemicals (minerals), substances that are known to cause cancer (carcinogens), radionuclides
(such as uranium and radon), and microbial contaminants. The contaminants for which the
EPA has established MCLs are listed at htto://www.epa.gov/safewater/mcl.html. Changes to the
MCL list are typically made every three years, as the EPA adds new contaminants or, because,
based on new research or new case studies, there are reason to issue revised MCLs for some
One of the contaminants checked for on a regular basis is the coliform count. Coliform is a
group of bacteria primarily found in human and animal intestines and wastes. These bacteria
are widely used as indicator organisms to show the presence of such wastes in water and the
possible presence of pathogenic (disease -producing) bacteria. Pathogens in these wastes can
cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. These pathogens may pose a
special health risk for infants, young children, and people with severely compromised immune
systems. One of the fecal coliform bacteria that water samples are routinely tested for is
Escherichia coli (E. coli). To fail the monthly Total Coliform Report (TCR), the following must
For systems testing more than 40 samples, more than five percent of the samples test
positive for Total Coliform, or
For those systems testing less than 40 samples, more than one sample tests positive for
Total Coliform.
Two water agencies provide drinking water to the city of Newport Beach. The two agencies
• Orange County Water District (OCWD), and
• Metropolitan Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
The OCWD is the agency that manages the Orange County Groundwater Basin ('Basin') that
serves much of central and north Orange County, including the Newport Beach area. Ground
water from four wells beneath the City of Fountain Valley is blended with MWDOC water at
Newport Beach's Utilities Yard and distributed to Newport Beach residents. Neither the
OCWD, nor the MWDOC, is listed in the EPA Safe Drinking Water Violation Report for
Orange County, found at www.el?a.gov/enviro/litml/sdwis/Sdwis ov.htm1. This means that the
water provided by these agencies meets standards for coliform levels and does not exceed the
• maximum levels for the contaminants routinely tested.
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The Basin receives treated reclaimed water from the Orange County Sanitation District
(OCSD). The reclaimed water goes through reverse osmosis and enters or will enter the
groundwater basin in one of two ways: (1) direct injection into the seawater intrusion barrier
by Water Factory #21; and (2) passive settling into settling ponds at the base of the Santa Ana
River near Anaheim and Anaheim Hills (the latter is the so-called Groundwater Replenishment
System or GWRS).
The Basin's use of reclaimed water to recharge the Basin can and has caused limited
contamination of the Basin by at least two "chemicals of concern" for which "action levels"
("ALs") have been set by the California Health Services Department's Division of Drinking
Water & Environmental Management. ALs are different from MCLs in that ALs simply require
public agencies to notify appropriate agencies that an AL has been reached — water providers
are NOT required to remove water from service that has attained an Action Level.
The chemicals found in the Basin are NDMA and 1,4-dioxane. In recent years, OCWD has
detected both 1,4-dioxane and NDMA at levels at or near ALs at Newport Beach's four well
sites. OCWD continues to monitor these and other chemicals of concern on an ongoing basis.
According to the EPA, (www.el2a.gov/enviro/hti-nl/pcs/12cs-.querry java.html), no facilities in
the Newport Beach area have EPA permits to discharge to local water sources.
One of the products most often used as a disinfectant by swimming pool, drinking water and
wastewater facilities is chlorine, making chlorine one of the most prevalent extremely
hazardous substances. Chlorine is typically found in the form of a colorless to amber -colored
16 liquid, or as a greenish -yellow gas with a characteristic odor. The liquid solutions are
generally very unstable, reacting with acids to release chlorine gas (such as bleach mixed with
vinegar or toilet bowl cleaner containing hydrochloric acid). Mixing bleach with other
products is the largest single source of inhalation exposure reported to poison control centers
(http:/Mww.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic851.htm). Chlorine gas is heavier than air and
therefore stays close to the ground, where it can impact individuals. Exposure to chlorine gas
generally impacts the respiratory system, with cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and
burning sensation in the throat reported as the most common symptoms. Respiratory distress
can occur at even low concentrations of less than 20 parts per million (ppm). At high
concentrations (> 800 parts per million — ppm) chlorine gas is lethal.
Chlorine gas is stored at the Big Canyon Reservoir ("BCR"). The City intends to phase out the
use of chlorine gas at BCR by 2004 as a result of the covering of BCR. The City will use liquid
chlorine to disinfect the water after the cover is installed. Similarly, when the currently empty
San Joaquin Reservoir is used as a reclaimed water storage facility (anticipated to be late
2004), the Irvine Ranch Water District will use liquid chlorine as a disinfectant.
Chlorine pellets and chlorine solutions can be found at supermarkets, hardware stores and
other locations that sell pool supplies. Bleach solutions can be found in almost every
household and in commercial and industrial facilities, including hotels, hospitals, medical and
veterinary facilities, etc. Proper storage and usage practices are required at'all of these
locations to reduce or eliminate the potential for a toxic release of chlorine. At larger facilities,
• such as the reservoirs mentioned above, proper operations and maintenance are critical to
prevent equipment and process failures that could lead to the unauthorized release of chlorine
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-10
• at concentrations that could impact the surrounding'areas. These facilities need to maintain a
comprehensive program of personnel training, security enforcement and equipment
monitoring to reduce the risk of an accidental or intentional (terrorist) release.
6.4 Regulations Governing Hazardous Materials and Environmental Profile of the City of
Newport Beach
Various Federal and State programs regulate the use, storage, and transportation of hazardous
materials. These will be discussed in this report as they pertain to the City of Newport Beach
and its management of hazardous materials. The goal of the discussions presented herein is to
provide information that can be used to reduce or mitigate the danger that hazardous
substances may pose to Newport Beach residents and visitors.
Although several of these programs are summarized below, this is not meant to be an all-
inclusive list. Hazardous materials management is legislated extensively, and the laws
governing hazardous waste are complex and diverse. Several of the agencies involved in this
process are identified below. Additional information can be obtained from their web pages.
6.4.1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Stormwater and Dry -Weather Runoff. "Out of sight, out of mind" has traditionally
been a common approach to dealing with trash, sediment, fertilizer -laden irrigation
water, used motor oil, unused paint and thinner, and other hazardous substances that
people dump into the sewer or storm drains. What we often forget is that these
substances eventually make their way into the rivers and oceans, where they can
sicken surfers and swimmers, and endanger wildlife. The Clean Water Act of 1972
originally established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to
control wastewater discharges from various industries and wastewater treatment plants,
known as "point sources." Point sources are defined by the EPA as discrete
conveyances such as pipes or direct discharges from businesses or public agencies.
Then, in 1987, the Water Quality Act amended the NPDES permit system to include
"nonpoint source" pollution (NPS pollution). NPS pollution refers to the introduction
of bacteria, sediment, oil and grease, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers and other
chemicals into our rivers, bays and oceans from less defined sources. These pollutants
are washed away from roadways, parking lots, yards, farms, and other areas by rain
and dry -weather urban runoff, entering the storm drains, and ultimately the area's
streams, bays and ocean. NPS pollution is now thought to account for most water
quality problems in the United States. Therefore, strict enforcement of this program at
the local level, with everybody doing his or her part to reduce NPS pollution, can make
a significant difference.
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls
water pollution by regulating point and nonpoint sources that discharge pollutants into
waters of the United States. Though individual households do not need NPDES permits,
cities like Newport Beach hold NPDES permits to operate their municipal separate
storm sewer systems (MS4s). Newport Beach's MS4 Permit (adopted January 2002)
directs it to keep pollutants out of its MS4 to the maximum extent practicable and to
• ensure that dry -weather flows entering recreational waters from the MS4 do not cause
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• or contribute to exceedances of water quality standards. The Permit requires the City
to do the following:
• Control contaminants into storm drain systems;
■ Educate the public about stormwater impacts;
• Detect and eliminate illicit discharges;
• Control runoff from construction sites;
• Implement "best management practices" or "BMPs" and site -specific runoff
controls for new development and redevelopment; and
• Prevent pollution from municipal operations, including fixed facilities (like City
Hall and fire stations) and field activities (like trash collection).
Specific programs that local governments typically implement in support of the NPDES
program include:
Regular maintenance of public rights of way, including street sweeping, litter
collection, and storm drain facility maintenance;
Implementation of spill response procedures;
Periodic screening of water samples collected from the storm sewer system and
local streams, to test for specific contaminants;
Adoption and enforcement of an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of
pollutants into the storm drain system;
Plan review procedures to ensure that unauthorized connections to the storm
• sewer system are not made; and
Public education efforts to inform residents about stormwater quality. These
efforts typically include utility bill inserts describing the NPDES program, storm
drain stenciling, booths at fairs and other public events, and school programs.
The City of Newport Beach has developed the website at
http://www.CleanWaterNewport.com/ to describe the local NPDES program and
measures that can be taken by businesses and residents alike to reduce the
potential for contamination of the local waters.
The City of Newport Beach is a member of the County of Orange's Stormwater
Program (www.ocwatersheds.com). This program coordinates all cities and the county
government in Orange County to regulate and control storm water and urban runoff
into all Orange County waterways, and ultimately, into the Pacific Ocean. The Orange
County Stormwater Program administers the current NPDES MS4 Permit and the 2003
Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) for the County of Orange and the thirty-four
incorporated cities within the region. The Orange County NPDES permit serves a
population of approximately 2.8 million, occupying an area of approximately 786
square miles. In the Newport Beach Area, NPDES permits are issued by the California
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region.
In support of the City's obligation to comply with its MS4 Permit and to keep
waterways clean by reducing or eliminating contaminants from stormwater and dry -
weather runoff, the City has an aggressive Water Quality Ordinance (Newport Beach
• Ordinance 97-26). The City has a stormwater education program, an aggressive
inspection team that issues citations for water quality violations, and requires the use of
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-12
"best management practices" in many residential, commercial, and development -
related activities to reduce runoff.
Wastewater. Newport Beach also operates under a Waste Discharge Requirement
(WDR) that directs it to effectively manage its wastewater collection system so that it
eliminates sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). SSOs threaten public health and resources
by discharging pollutants — including untreated sewage, cleaning chemicals, endocrine
disruptors and related medicines, food particles, and laundry and bath waters.
6.4.2 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
(CERCLA), is a regulatory or statute law developed to protect the water, air, and land
resources from the risks created by past chemical disposal practices. This act is also
referred to as the Superfund Act, and the sites listed under it are referred to as
Superfund sites.
According to the most recent EPA data available, there are two CERCLIS sites in the
Newport Beach area (see Table 6-5), and both of these are not on the National
Priorities List (NPL). The preliminary assessment of the Cagney Trust site was begun in
March of 1999, and the study was completed on August 30, 1999. As a result of this
study, the Cagney Trust site is considered a No Further Remedial Action Planned
(NFRAP) site, and will most likely not be included in next year's Superfund list. The
Ford Aerospace/Loral site is, according to the U.S. EPA database, being investigated
(Preliminary Assessment Ongoing status). According to City of Newport Beach officials,
• however, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Orange County Health
Care Agency both reportedly reviewed and approved the remediation activities
conducted at this site prior to its development as part of the One Ford Road residential
Table 6-5: CERCLIS Sites in the Newport Beach Area
Facility Name
Facili Address
Cagney Trust
SW corner of 32 St. &
Not on NPL
Newport Blvd
Ford Aerospace Facility
3501 Jamboree Blvd. # 500
Not on NPL,
(Loral Aerospace)
PA Ongoing
Sources: www.epa.gov/sul2erfund/Sites/aresites/index/htm;
httl2-//oaspub.eRa.gov/enviro/multisys web.reoort
6.4.3 Emergency Planning and Community Right -To -Know (EPCRA)
The primary purpose of the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right -To -
Know Act (EPCRA) is to inform communities and citizens of chemical hazards in their
areas. Sections 311 and 312 of EPCRA require businesses to report to State and local
agencies the locations and quantities of chemicals stored on -site. These reports help
communities prepare to respond to chemical spills and similar emergencies. This
reduces the risk to the community as a whole.
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-13
EPCRA mandates that Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reports be made public. The Toxics
Release Inventory (TRI) is an EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical
releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain industry
groups as well as federal facilities. This inventory was established in 1986 under the
EPCRA and expanded by the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. Sites on the TRI
database are known to release toxic chemicals into the air. The EPA closely monitors
the emissions from these facilities to ensure that their annual limits are not exceeded.
TRI reports provide accurate information about potentially hazardous chemicals and
their uses to the public in an attempt to give the community more power to hold
companies accountable and to make informed decisions about how such chemicals
should be managed.
Section 313 of EPCRA requires manufacturers to report the release to the environment
of any of more than 600 designated toxic chemicals. These reports are submitted to
the EPA and State agencies. The EPA compiles these data into an on-line, publicly
available national digital TRI. These data are readily available on the EPA website at
www.ei)a.gov. Facilities are required to report releases of toxic chemicals to the air,
soil, and water. They are also required to report off -site transfers of waste for treatment
or disposal at separate facilities. Pollution prevention measures and activities, and
chemical recycling must also be reported. All reports must be submitted on or before
July 1 of every year and must cover all activities that occurred at the facility during the
previous year.
The following types of facilities are required to report their activities to the EPA and the
regulatory State agencies:
Facilities with ten or more full-time employees that
■ manufacture or process over 25,000 pounds of any of approximately 600
designated chemicals or twenty-eight chemical categories specified in
regulations, or
• use more than 10,000 pounds of any designated chemical or category,
• are engaged in certain manufacturing operations in the industry groups
specified in the U.S. Government Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC)
20 through 39, or
• are a Federal facility.
The three facilities in the City of Newport Beach listed in the Toxic Release Inventory
for year 2000 (the most recent TRI data available) are summarized in Table 6-6.
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management
Page 6-14
Table 6-6: Toxic Release Inventory of Facilities in the Newport Beach Area
Facility Name,Address
Conexant Systems Int.
Ammonia, catechol, hydrogen
(Rockwell Semiconductor Systems)
fluoride, nitric acid, nitrate
4311 Jamboree Road
A formal enforcement action
was filed by the EPA for this site
on 1/29/2003.
Hixson Metal Finishing
829 Production Place
Raytheon Systems Company
Chemical names not listed. TRI
(Hughes Aircraft Co.)
Report dated 2000. According
500 Superior Avenue
to the City, this facility has
since closed its Newport Beach
Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000, i Ki tin -site and Off -site Keponea
Releases in Orange County, California; List of EPA -regulated Facilities in Envirofacts
Resources Conservation and Recovery Act
The Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the principal Federal law that
regulates the generation, management, and transportation of hazardous materials and
other wastes. Hazardous waste management includes the treatment, storage, or
disposal of hazardous waste. Treatment is defined as any process that changes the
physical, chemical, or biological character of the waste to make it less of an
environmental threat. Treatment can include neutralizing the waste, recovering energy
or material resources from the waste, rendering the waste less hazardous, or making
the waste safer to transport, dispose of, or store. Storage is defined as the holding of
waste for a temporary period of time. The waste is treated, disposed of, or stored at a
different facility at the end of each storage period. Disposal is the permanent
placement of the waste into or on the land. Disposal facilities are usually designed to
contain the waste permanently and to prevent the release of harmful pollutants to the
The EPA lists the following four transporters of hazardous waste in the Newport Beach
• Innovative Waste Control, Inc. —1300 Bristol Street N., Suite 100
• R. E. Mockett — 1601 Antigua
• Roadway Construction Company Inc.-4101 Westerly Place, Suite 101
• W B RTransportation, LLC-2240 Newport Boulevard
Transportation of hazardous materials on the portions of the freeways and major roads
that extend through the City is most likely also conducted by other companies that are
not based out of Newport Beach.
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-15
Many types of businesses can be producers of hazardous waste. Small businesses like
dry cleaners, auto repair shops, medical facilities or hospitals, photo processing
centers, and metal -plating shops are usually generators of small quantities of hazardous
waste. Small -quantity generators are facilities that produce between 100 and 1,000
kilograms (Kg) of hazardous waste per month (approximately equivalent to between
220 and 2,200 pounds, or between 27 and 275 gallons). Since many of these facilities
are small, start-up businesses that come and go, the list of small -quantity generators in
a particular area changes significantly over time. Often, a facility remains, but the
name of the business changes with new ownership. For these reasons, small -quantity
generators in the Newport Beach area are not listed in this report. As of December
2002, there were approximately 115 small -quantity generators of hazardous materials
in the Newport Beach area (httpi//oaspub.epa.gov/enviro - search for small quantity
generators under the RCRA Info database).
Larger businesses are sometimes generators of 'large quantities of hazardous waste.
These include chemical manufacturers, large electroplating facilities, and petroleum
refineries. The EPA defines a large -quantity generator as a facility that produces over
1,000 Kg (2,200 pounds or about 275 gallons) of hazardous waste per month. Large -
quantity generators are fully regulated under RCRA. The large -quantity generators in
the City of Newport Beach registered in 1999 and more recently are listed in Table 6-7.
Table 6-7: EPA -Registered Large -Quantity Generator (LQG) Facilities
in Newport Beach
Facility Name, Address
RCRA Tons Generated
�Conexant Systems, Inc.
m (Rockwell Semiconductor Systems)
reported as a LQG in
4311 Jamboree Road
1999 and 2000
gRaytheon Systems Company`
500 Superior Avenue
wNewport Fab LLC
Not Available
4311 Jamboree Road, Bldg. 503
1 RCRA Notified in 2002
> List of Large Quantity Generators in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA
Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1999 Data); and
a List of EPA -Regulated Facilities in Envirofacts (httpJ/www.epa.gov/envira/)
The Raytheon Systems Company has since closed its Newport Beach facility, and the site
has been redeveloped into a business park (Alford, personal communication, 2003).
In addition to the facilities listed in Table 6-7 above, the following businesses and
facilities in Newport Beach have been reported as large quantity generators in years
prior to 1999:
Ford Motor Company — 1000 Ford Road — reported as a large quantity
generator in 1996 and 1997;
Hixson Metal Finishing — 829 Production Place — reported as a large quantity
generator inspected by EPA in 1996;
Hoag Memorial Hospital — 301 Newport Boulevard — reported as a large
quantity generator in 1997;
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-16
Jetronic Industries In., - Transchem Division — 3767 Birch — reported as a large
quantity generator inspected by EPA in 1996;
The Koll Company KCN 4 — 4910 Birch Street — reported as a large quantity
generator in 1996;
Loral Aeronutronic — 1000 Ford Road Buildings 1, 2, 9, & 11 — reported as a
large quantity generator in 1996;
Newport Enterprises DBA Land Rover — 1540 Jamboree Road — reported as a
large quantity generator in 1996; and
Sterling Motors Ltd., DBA Sterling BMW — 3000 West Coast Hwy. — reported as
a large quantity generator in 1996.
As reported elsewhere in this document, some of these businesses, like Loral
Aeronutronics, have since ceased their operations in Newport Beach.
6.4.5 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Program
Both the Federal Government and the State of California require all businesses that
handle more than a specified amount of hazardous materials or extremely hazardous
materials, termed a reporting quantity, to submit a business plan to its local Certified
Unified Program Agency (CUPA). The CUPA with responsibility for the City of Newport
Beach is the Orange County Environmental Health Division. The Newport Beach Fire
Department is listed as the local participating agency for the CUPA program.
Business plans are designed to be used by responding agencies, such as the Newport
• Beach Fire Department, during a release to allow for a quick and accurate evaluation
of each situation for an appropriate response. Business plans are also used during a fire
to quickly assess the types of chemical hazards that fire -fighting personnel may have to
deal with, and to make such decisions as evacuating the surrounding areas. The
Newport Beach Fire Department reviews annually submitted business plans.
Business plans need to be submitted by any business that uses, generates, processes,
produces, treats, stores, emits, or discharges a hazardous material in the following
reportable quantities:
55 gallons of more of a liquid,
500 pounds or more of a solid, and/or
200 cubic feet or more of (compressed) gas.
Any new business that meets the criteria above must submit a full hazardous materials
disclosure report that includes an inventory of the hazardous materials generated, used,
stored, handled, or emitted; and emergency response plans and procedures to be used
in the event of a significant or threatened significant release of a hazardous material.
The plan needs to identify the procedures to follow for immediate notification to all
appropriate agencies and personnel in the event of a release, identification of local
emergency medical assistance appropriate for potential accident scenarios, contact
information for all company emergency coordinators of the business, a listing and
location of emergency equipment at the business, an evacuation plan, and a training
• program for business personnel. On subsequent years, once the full contingency plan
is on file at the Fire Department, and if nothing has changed, businesses are allowed to
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-17
submit a letter stating that there are no changes to their business plan. The Fire
Department conducts yearly inspections of all these businesses to confirm that their
business plan is in order and up-to-date.
6.4.6 Hazardous Materials Incident Response
There are thousands of different chemicals available today, each with its own unique
physical characteristics; what might be an acceptable mitigation practice for one
chemical could be totally inadequate for another. Therefore it is essential that agencies
responding to a hazardous material release have as much available information as
possible regarding the type of chemical released, the amount released, and its physical
properties to effectively and quickly evaluate and contain the release. The EPA -
required business plans are an excellent resource for this type of information. Other
sources of information are knowledgeable facility employees present onsite.
In 1986, Congress passed the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA).
Title III of this legislation requires that each community establish a Local Emergency
Planning Committee (LEPC). This committee is responsible for developing an
emergency plan that outlines steps to prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies
in that community. This emergency plan must include the following:
an identification of local facilities and transportation routes where hazardous
materials are present;
the procedures for immediate response in case of an accident (this must include
• a community -wide evacuation plan);
a plan for notifying the community that an incident has occurred;
the names of response coordinators at local facilities; and
a plan for conducting exercises to test the plan.
The plan is reviewed by the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and
publicized throughout the community. The LEPC is required to review, test, and update
the plan each year. The Newport Beach Fire Department and the City Manger's Office
are the City entities charged with the coordination of the City's disaster operations.
6.4.7 Hazardous Material Spill/Release Notification Guidance
All significant releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials, including oil,
require emergency notification to several government agencies. The State of
California, Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) has developed a Hazardous
Material Spill/Release Notification Guidance to guide the public, industry, and other
government entities in the reporting process for hazardous materials accidents. This
Guidance can be found at the OES website (http,//ww%v.oes.ca.Hovn under the
Hazardous Materials Unit link.
To report all significant releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials, first
call 911, and then call the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) Warning
Center at 1-800-852-7550. The City of Newport Beach has developed a Hazardous
Materials Response Plan (Policy 5.F.100) that establishes the responsibility of different
• responding agencies to any hazardous materials release incident. The Local Authority
for scene management in the event of a hazardous materials spill is the Newport Beach
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-18
Fire Department. The Fire Department personnel that first respond to the incident
make the decision to call in other agencies, depending on the situation. The Newport
Beach Police Department also responds to the first call to assess whether there were
any law violations or negligent acts that caused the incident, documenting the
resources spent by the City for civil recovery, and documenting any exposures or
Requirements for immediate notification of all significant spills or threatened releases
cover: Owners, Operators, Persons in Charge, and Employers. Notification is required
regarding significant releases from: facilities, vehicles, vessels, pipelines and railroads.
Under Health and Safety Code §25507, State law requires Handlers, any Employees,
Authorized Representatives, Agents or Designees of Handlers to, upon discovery,
immediately report any release or threatened release of hazardous materials. Federal
law requires, under the Emergency Planning and Community -Right -to -Know Act (SARA
Title III) (EPCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (Superfund) (CERCLA), that all Owners, Operators, and Persons in Charge
report all releases that equal or exceed federal reporting quantities.
State law requires, at a minimum, the following information during the notification of a
spill or threatened release:
Identity of caller;
Location, date and time of spill, release, or threatened release;
• Substance and quantity involved;
Chemical name (if known, it should be reported; also if the chemical is
extremely hazardous); and
Description of what happened.
Federal law requires the following additional information during the notification of
spills (CERCLA chemicals) that exceed federal reporting requirements:
Medium or media impacted by the release
Time and duration of the release
Proper precautions to take
Known or anticipated health risks
Name and phone number for more information
In the event of a release/spill, at a minimum, the following government agencies must
be notified:
Local Emergency Response agency (9-1-1 or Local Fire Department)
The Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) (Orange County Environmental
Health Division (714/667-3771) and Participating CUPA Agency (Newport
Beach Fire Department, (949/644-3106)
Governor's Office of Emergency Services Warning Center (1-800-852-7550 or
• California Highway
Patrol (CHP) (9-1-1), only if the spill/release occurred on a
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• In addition to the afore mentioned notification agencies, one or more of the following
agencies may need to be notified, depending on the specifics of the incident:
National Response Center (1-800/424-8802) if the spill equals or exceeds
CERCLA Federal reportable quantities;
United States Coast Guard (Marine Safety Office LA/Long Beach (310/732-
7380) if the spill occurred in a waterway;
California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA)
(Anaheim Enforcement District Office (714/939-0145) if serious injuries or
harmful exposures to workers occurred during the spill;
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Cypress Regional Office
(714/484-5300) if the release is from a hazardous waste tank system or from a
secondary containment system;
Department of Conservation, Division of Oil Gas and Geothermal Resources
(DOGGR) District 1, Cypress Office (714/816-6847) in the case of an oil or gas
release at a drilling site; and
Public Utilities in the case of a natural gas pipeline release.
For further information on the requirements for emergency notification of a hazardous
chemical release, refer to the following statutes:
Health and Safety Code §25270.7, 25270.8, 25507
Vehicle Code §23112.5
Public Utilities Code §7673, (PUC General Orders #22-13, 161)
Government Code §51018, 8670.25.5 (a)
Water Code §13271, 13272
California Labor Code §6409.1 (b)10, and
Title 42, U.S. Code §9603, 11004.
The California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CaIARP) became effective on
January 1, 1997, in response to Senate Bill 1889. The CaIARP replaced the California
Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). Under the CaIARP, the Governor's
Office of Emergency Services (OES) must adopt implementing regulations and seek
delegation of the program from the EPA. The CaIARP program aims to be proactive: it
requires businesses to prepare Risk Management Plans (RMPs), which are detailed
engineering analyses of:
the potential accident factors present at a business; and
the mitigation measures that can be implemented to reduce this accident
In most cases, local governments have the lead role for working directly with
businesses in this program. The Newport Beach Fire Department is designated as the
local administering agency for this program.
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6.5 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)
Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) are one of the greatest environmental concerns of
the past several decades. In California, regulations aimed at protecting against UST leaks have
been in place since 1983, one year before the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) was amended to add Subtitle I requiring UST systems to be installed in accordance
with standards that address the prevention of future leaks. The Federal regulations are found in
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), parts 280-281. The State law and regulations are found
in the California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, and the California Code of Regulations
(CCR) Title 23, commonly referred to as the "California Underground Storage Tank
Regulations." Federal and state programs include leak reporting and investigation regulations,
and standards for clean up and remediation. UST cleanup programs exist to fund the
remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater caused by leaking tanks. California's
program is more stringent than the Federal program, requiring that all tanks be double walled,
and prohibiting gasoline delivery to non -compliant tanks. The State Water Resources Control
Board (SWRCB) has been designated the lead regulatory agency in the development of UST
regulations and policy.
The State of California now requires replacement of older tanks with new double -walled, tanks
with flexible connections and monitoring systems. Many older tanks were single -walled steel
tanks that have leaked as a result of corrosion and detached fittings. Extensive Federal and
State legislation addresses LUSTs, including replacement and cleanup. UST owners were
given a ten-year period to comply with the new requirements, and the deadline came due on
December 22, 1998. However, many UST owners did not act by the deadline, so the State
granted an extension for the Replacement of Underground Storage Tanks (RUST) program to
January 1, 2002. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB), in
cooperation with the Office of Emergency Services, maintains an inventory of LUSTs in a
statewide database.
According to the most recent State Water Resources Control Board's (SWRCB) Leaking
Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database (dated September 25, 2002;
www.swrcb.ca.gov/cwi:)home/lustis/clbiiifo.litml), 76 LUST cases were reported in the Newport
Beach Area between 1982 and 2000. Of these, according to the LUST database, 47 sites have
been remediated and closed, leaving 29 cases still open. These are listed in Table 6-8, below.
This list however, is reportedly not updated as often as necessary, so several of the cases in
Table 6-8 may be further along in the assessment and remediation process than the list
indicates, and some of the cases may already be closed. This is the case with at least two leak
cases, at the Newport Beach Corporate Yard and the Newport Beach Police Facility which,
according to the City's General Services Director (Niederhaus, personal communication,
2003), have been released from further testing by the Orange County Health Care Agency's
Environmental Division.
It is also important to note that none of the leaks that have been reported in the City have
impacted a drinking source of ground water. Of the cases listed in Table 6-8, fifteen impacted
ground water that is not used for drinking purposes, and the rest impacted the surrounding soil
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Table 6-8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Reported in the Newport Beach Area
200 Coast Hwy.
3A, G
28-A r-94
Beach Imports
848 Dove St.
3B, G
37 Jul-90
Beacon Bay Car Wash
4200 Birch Sc
5R G
12-A r-90
Big Canyon Country Club
18501amboree Rd.
8, G
30-Ma -86
Chevron #20-1093
1240 Bison Ave.
1, G
21 Jul-97
Chevron #20-2016
2121 Bristol St.
1, G
23-A r-99
Chevron ✓<9-3042
1550 Jamboree Rd.
5C, G
10-A r-85
Chevron #9-7100
3531 Newport Blvd.
8, G
Dollar Rental Car
2152 Bristol Ave.
1, G
Edgewater Place
309 Palm St.
5C, G
Ford Aerospace
3000 Ford Rd.
25-Oct 88
Four Seasons Hotel
690 Newport Center
38, D
23-5 -97
Hughes Aircraft Co -Solid
500Superior Ave.
Koll Center Newport
4910 Birch St.
3B, G
Lido Park Condominiums
601 Lido Park Dr.
1 1, D
Mobil B78-HG7
1500 Balboa Blvd.
Mobil 918-HGK
301 Coast Hwy.
5C, G
01-Au -86
Newport Auto Center
445 Coast Hwy,
5R, WO
Newport Beach Corp. Yard
592 Superior Ave
1, G
07-Ma -99
Newport Beach Golf Club
3100 Irvine Ave.
5R, G
01-Oct 86
Newport Beach Police
870 Santa Barbara Dr.
1, MO
Newport Nissan
888 Dove St.
5R, UG
12 Jul-90
Permalite Plastics
1537 Monrovia Ave.
1, MEK
Shell #990
990 Coast Hwy,
5R, G
Shell #1000
1000Irvine Ave.
7, G
Shell 92801
2801 Coast Hwy.
8, G '
10-A r-85
Triangle Associates (Lub)
4625 Coast Hwy.
D83000411 T
7, G
19-5 85
Unocal #6521
2690 San Miguel Dr.
5R, G
World Oil Service Station
3401 NewportBlvd.
7, H
Source: www.swrcb.ca.gov/cwphome/lustisfindex.htmi
Abbreviations Used for Case Type: S = Soil contaminated; O = ground water not used for drinking contaminated;
U = undetermined; A = drinking water aquifer contaminated.
Abbreviations Used for Contaminant: G = Gasoline, UG = Unleaded Gasoline; D = Diesel, MO = Motor Oil; WO
= Waste Oil; MEK = Methyl ethyl ketone.
Abbreviations Used for Status: 0 = No action taken; 1 = Leak being confirmed; 3A = Preliminary site assessment
workplan submitted; 30 = Preliminary site assessment underway; SC = Pollution characterization underway; SR =
Remediation plan submitted; 7= Remedial action under way, 8 = Post -remedial monitoring; 9 = Case closed /
Remediation completed.
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-22
• 6.6 Household Hazardous Waste and Recycling
According to FEMA (1999), most victims of chemical accidents are injured at home. These
accidents usually result from ignorance or carelessness in using flammable or combustible
materials. In an average city of 100,000 residents, 23.5 tons of toilet bowl cleaner, 13.5 tons of
liquid household cleaners, and 3.5 tons of motor oil are discharged into city drains each
month (FEMA, 1999).
The County of Orange operates four household hazardous waste collection centers in
accordance with the California Integrated Solid Waste Management Act of 1989 (Assembly Bill
939). These centers are located in the cities of Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Irvine, and San
Juan Capistrano. The two locations closest to the City are the Huntington Beach center at
17121 Nichols Street and the Irvine location at 6411 Oak Canyon. Both locations are open
Tuesday through Saturday from 9AM to 1 PM. For more information on these locations, please
visit http://www.ociandfills.com/hhwcc.htm.
A variety of household toxics, are accepted. Acceptable wastes include batteries, cleaning
products, cosmetics, latex paints, oil paint, paint in aerosol cans, fluorescent tubes with
ballasts, personal care products, antifreeze, degreasers, gasoline, motor oil, unused road flares,
waxes and polishes, aerosols, BBQ propane tanks, hobby chemicals, medications, varnishes,
wood preservatives, and mercury. Items not accepted at these locations include ammunition,
asbestos, biological waste, compressed gas cylinders, explosives, radioactive materials, and
cathode ray tubes (TV and computer monitors).
• 6.7 Oil Fields and Methane Gas Mitigation Districts
Oil and gas seeps are common occurrences in many parts of California, including in and
around Newport Beach. Many of California's oil fields were discovered upon drilling next to
oil or gas seeps that had been flowing for centuries, if not millennia. In fact, at least 52 of
California's oil fields were discovered by drilling next to seeps (California Division of Oil and
Gas, 1980), and many of the area's cities started their days as oil field boom towns. Although
Newport Beach does not owe its fame to oil and gas, several oil seeps and oil -stained rock in
outcrops led to prospectors drilling for oil in this part of Orange County as early as 1904
(Corwin, 1946). It would take several years, until 1922, before a commercial oil field was
developed in the area, but today there are two oil fields in the area: the Newport field within
City limits, and the West Newport oil field within the City's Sphere of Influence. These oil
fields are discussed below, and their locations are shown on Plate 6-2.
Seeps still occur locally; in 1975, when the Division of Oil and Gas (now known as the
Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources), surveyed the oil and gas seeps in California,
six separate gas or oil and gas seeps were reported in or near Newport Beach (California
Division of Oil and Gas, 1980). At least two of the oil and gas seeps were associated with a
strong hydrogen sulfide odor, and in the vicinity of 43`a Street, pipes driven 2 to 3 feet into the
ground had a continuous gas flow. Residents used these pipes as "tiki" torches. The City of
Newport Beach recognizes several gas mitigation districts where gas can be encountered at the
surface, or in the shallow subsurface. Special studies and mitigation measures are required in
these areas. This will be discussed further below, in Section 6.7.2.
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Newport Oil Field — This oil field is located in the western portion of Newport Beach (see Plate
6-2). The field was divided into two areas known as the Cagney and Beach areas. The
discovery well in this field was drilled in 1922 by Gilbert H. Beesemyer in the Beach Area.
The well was completed at a depth of 1,750 feet, and peak production from this well was
28,946 barrels (bbl) of oil in 1925. The first well in the Cagney Area was developed by the
California Exploration Co. in June 1947. This well, drilled to a total depth of 1,906 feet, had a
peak production of 4,270 bbl in 1948. The deepest well in this area was developed by Jergins
Oil Co. to a depth of 3,878 feet. According to the California Division of Oil and Gas (1997),
the Beach Area of this field has been abandoned. As of December 2001, there were still 3 gas -
producing wells in the Cagney area, and this field was estimated to have oil reserves of 35
million bbl (Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, 2001 Annual Report). In the
most recent map of the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (2003) only two active
wells are shown in this field (see Plate 6-2). When Newport Beach adopted its charter in 1954,
oil drilling was banned in the City, so no new wells will be drilled in this field.
West Newport Oil Field — The West Newport Oil Field, located to the west of the older
Newport Field, was discovered in April 1943, when the discovery well "Banning" 1 was
completed by D.W. Elliott to a depth of 2,404 feet. Initial production of this well was 40 bbl a
day. Another well was drilled about 1,000 feet to the northeast in November 1943. This well,
"Banning" 2, was completed at a depth of 2,497 feet, and produced 12 bbl of oil a day. No
new wells were drilled after that until 1945. Since then, hundreds of wells have been drilled
in the area, the deepest completed at a depth of 7,889 feet. At the end of 2001, there were 66
producing wells in this field, including several offshore, and 30 shut-in wells (idle but not
abandoned). At least one new well was being drilled in this field in 2002. Fifteen of the
producing wells are owned by the City of Newport Beach. In 2001, the 66 wells produced
131,831 bbl of oil and condensate; and the field was estimated to have 847 millions bbl of oil
in reserves (Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, 2001 Annual Report).
6.7.1 Environmental Hazards Associated with Oil Fields
Petroleum contains several components that are considered hazardous by the State of
California, such as benzene, a known carcinogen. Oil field activities often include the
use of hazardous materials like fuels and solvents. Day-to-day practices in some of the
earlier oil fields were not environmentally sensitive, and oil -stained soils and other
contaminants can often be found in and around oil fields. This typically becomes an
issue when the oil field is no longer economically productive, and the property
becomes a valuable real estate asset if developed, usually for residential purposes.
Assessing the feasibility of developing an oil field property requires comprehensive site
investigations in order to accurately identify and characterize any soil and groundwater
contamination that may have resulted from the oil field operations. These site
investigations are required by local and/or regional environmental laws and
regulations, and vary in scope according to applicable government regulations,
generally accepted standards of practice, and site -specific conditions (Fakhoury and
Patton, 1992).
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Insert Plate 6-2: Oil Fields, Oil Wells and Methane Gas Mitigation Districts
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Page 6-25
• The major areas of potential environmental concern associated with oil and gas
production include:
Oil spilled adjacent to oil wells: Oil -stained soil (often discolored) that occurs around
oil wells and the pumping units. As can be seen by a review of the CERCLIS sites for
the Newport Beach, at least one oil well site has been previously listed as a Superfund
site (South Basin oil Co. Well #i). It is possible that other well sites may need such a
level of remediation prior to a change in land use.
Heavy metals and oil contained in sumps, pits and spill containment areas: In many
oil fields, sumps were often used in the construction and maintenance of wells. Sumps
are usually earthen berms constructed to contain the waste products from drilling and
well completion operations. Alternatively, drilling waste materials are piped to or
disposed of in metal or concrete containers. Typical waste materials consist of
petroliferous cuttings, drilling fluid, additives, formation water, sludge, and crude oil.
Drilling fluid typically consists of a water -based clay suspension with various chemical
additives. Additives may have included any variety of heavy metals, such as arsenic,
which was used as a corrosion inhibitor, or chromium and barite, which were used as
weighting compounds.
Wells and Cellars: Wells and cellars are often built around wells to collect oil spilled
during well maintenance or equipment malfunction, but occasionally oil may spill
outside the well cellar.
• Oil releases from above ground and underground storage tanks: Oil -stained soils are
often encountered adjacent to storage tanks. Releases may occur if a pipeline
connected to the tank ruptures, if the tank itself is punctured or damaged, or during the
transfer of crude between the storage tanks and transport vehicles. Released oil could
impact the surrounding soils.
Oil releases from broken pipelines: Buried and aboveground pipelines often exist in oil
fields. These pipelines carry crude oil, water, and natural gas from the oil wells to
storage tanks. A pipeline rupture would result in the release of crude oil that could
impact the surrounding soils.
Spilled refined fuels used in the operation and maintenance of oil -field vehicles and
generators, and boneyards (disposal sites): Oil fields often have an equipment
maintenance area where equipment and supplies are stored and where generators and
other pumping equipment are serviced. Refined fuel (gasoline, diesel) storage tanks are
often present in these areas to supply fuel for the vehicles used in servicing and
maintaining the oil field. Spills of refined product can impact the soil and ground
water. Refined fuels pose a greater hazard to the environment than crude oil because
the lighter hydrocarbon fractions present in refined fuels are more soluble and volatile,
thereby posing a greater environmental and health hazard than crude oil. Some of the
constituents in gasoline and diesel fuel, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and
isomers of xylene, are known to be harmful to human health.
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Tank bottom material used to oil roads: Road oiling was historically a common
practice in some oil fields to control dust. The oiling material was typically a residue
consisting of water, oil, sediment and sludge from storage tanks. This material was
sprayed on road surfaces.
Formation water spilled onto the ground surface: Formation water, often containing
high concentrations of total dissolved solids (approximating saline water), is often
produced as part of the development of an oil field (oil wells typically produce oil, gas
and water in varying quantities). If large quantities of this saline water are disposed of
onto the ground surface and the water infiltrates the soil, the water quality of any near -
surface aquifers could be impacted.
Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps: In some oil fields, the occurrence of near -surface or at -
the -surface deposits of natural tar and tar -saturated sediments, or concentrations of
methane at explosive or near -explosive limits also pose a constraint to development.
Both oil and gas seeps have been reported in the Newport Beach area. The potential
hazards of gas (methane) are discussed further below.
If these oil fields are ultimately developed into other uses, such as residential areas,
those portions of the field with potential environmental concerns should be identified,
and characterized by type and extent of contamination. Once established, a complete
presentation of the findings, conclusions and recommendations should be done to
determine risk assessments, feasibility studies and remedial action plans. The types of
• concern may include: crude oil, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs,
metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The extent of contamination is
investigated by conducting site inspections, and addressing the impacts of chemical
discharge to both the soil and ground water.
6.7.2 Methane Gas Mitigation Districts
As briefly mentioned above, gas occurs in the shallow subsurface in some areas of the
City. This gas is predominantly methane, although small amounts of many other
natural gases may be part of the mix. Methane is a naturally occurring gas that
typically forms as a by-product of bacterial digestion of organic matter, and therefore,
occurs ubiquitously, although generally at very low concentrations, in the air we
breathe. If free of impurities, methane is colorless and odorless, and under normal
atmospheric conditions, does not pose a health hazard, as it is not poisonous.
However, at high concentrations, this gas is flammable, and at concentration of
between 55,000 and 140,000 parts per million (ppm), it is explosively combustible. At
very high concentrations it can cause asphyxiation due to oxygen displacement.
Methane is not toxic below levels that would lead to asphyxiation. The fact that it is
colorless and odorless makes it especially hazardous, as it cannot be readily detected
without special sensors.
In the subsurface, methane forms in areas where organic -rich sediments, such as in a
swamp, are undergoing bacterial decomposition. Because of its origin, this type of
methane is referred to as "biogenic". A man-made example of such an area would be
• a landfill or dairy pasture. Methane and other natural gases can also form at great
depth, where they are most often associated with petroleum deposits. Since this type
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-27
of methane forms as a result of thermal (heat) alteration of petroleum and/or organic
matter in the rocks, it is termed "thermogenic" or "petrogenic". Methane produced
near the surface is generally at low to very low pressures, whereas that derived from
oil -producing zones is generally at high pressures (Cobarrubias, 1992). There are
numerous chemical characteristics of the gas that may reveal clues about its origin.
However, the processes by which the gas forms and moves through the rocks or
sediments are often very complex, altering and adding to the chemical characteristics
of the gas. Consequently, it frequently becomes very difficult to determine the source.
Some gases may be a combination of both thermogenic and biogenic processes.
Regardless of the environment in which it forms, methane is lighter than air, and
therefore tends to migrate upwards through permeable sediments, rock fractures, and
even man-made structures (such as well casings). If the geologic unit is permeable
enough, the gases eventually reach the surface and mix with the atmosphere. Under
certain conditions, the gas can become trapped under an impermeable layer. In
nature, these impermeable layers are typically comprised of claystone or similar fine-
grained materials. As the gas accumulates under the impermeable layer, it can build
up to high concentrations and pressures. Man-made structures, such as pavement or
building foundations can also prevent gas from venting to the atmosphere. Methane
can accumulate in the upper reaches of poorly ventilated building components, such
as basements, crawl -spaces, and attics, sometimes with catastrophic results. For
example, in 1986, there was a methane gas explosion and fire in the Fairfax area of Los
Angeles (in the former Salt Lake oil field) that resulted from gas trapped beneath the
Given the potential for combustible gases to accumulate in or under buildings or
structures, the City of Newport Beach has established guidelines to reduce the hazard
posed by these gases. These guidelines are based on findings that show that high
concentrations of methane gas can be managed and mitigated effectively with the
proper investigation and analysis so that the development is protected from the adverse
impacts of methane. Five methane gas mitigation districts have been identified in the
City. These areas are shown on Plate 6-2. For proposed projects within these areas
(project is defined as any application for tentative tract map, parcel map or zoning
amendment, any construction on a previously vacant building site, or any construction
that would increase the impervious surface on any parcel or parcels by 300 square feet
or more), the City requires the following prior to approval of the project (City Code
Chapter 15.55):
Submittal of a plan prepared by a licensed consulting geologist or other qualified
consultant to test for the presence of methane gas, or committal to test in
conformance with the standard plans and specifications adopted by the Fire Chief
and/or Building Director;
Testing for the presence of methane gas in accordance with the approved plan
(above) or the standard plans and specifications;
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management
Page 6-28
If testing reveals the presence of methane gas in excess of 1.25 percent by volume
• at ambient pressure and temperature (the lower explosive limit), submittal of a
mitigation plan for approval by the Fire Chief and/or 'Building Director. The
mitigation plan needs to be prepared by a licensed geologist or other qualified
consultant. Mitigation measures that can be used include flared vent systems,
underground collection systems, or other proven systems, devices or techniques.
The mitigation measures proposed need to be designed to reduce the level of
methane gas in any building or structure to less than 25 percent of the lower
explosive limit. If the mitigation measures undertaken do not reduce the level of
methane gas to below 25 percent of the lower explosive limit, the mitigation plan
needs to be modified to include additional measures, and those measures need to
be implemented within 30 days after approval of the amended mitigation plan.
Installation of an isolation barrier consisting of a continuous, flexible, permanent
and non -gas permeable barrier beneath all newly constructed foundations and
floors at ground level. Barrier penetrations need to be secured with a gas -tight seal.
Obtaining a certificate of compliance from the Fire Chief and/or Building Director
in conformance with City Ordinance 89-42 §1 (part) passed in 1990.
The objective of these guidelines is to prevent gases from accumulating to potentially
hazardous concentrations. In the last 10 years or so, several new developments in the
Newport Beach area have installed methane gas barriers to mitigate this hazard. The
• most complex remediation system in the area is that one in place at Hoag Hospital, in
an area where the methane gas mixture includes hydrogen sulfide. The remediation
system at Hoag incorporates a network of wells and trench collectors that pump the
soil gases to a central unit where air scrubbers remove the hydrogen sulfide. Hoag
then uses the cleaned methane to heat the building. Other features of this remediation
system include a pipe -and -barrier system underneath the building slab that serves as
extra guard against gas leaking through the building's foundation, and air pumps inside
the building that can pull in fresh air at a rate faster than gas can come through the
foundation. Therefore, should the gas sensors in the building detect seeping methane,
the air pumps can bring in fresh air that would reduce the methane concentrations well
below hazardous levels (http://www.laweekly.com/ink/01/24/belmont-perera3.php).
Although the West Newport oil field is not located within or next to a methane gas
mitigation district, if and when this field is developed for residential or other purposes,
methane gas associated with the oil wells and any oil -stained soils may be
encountered. The mitigation measures to be selected and implemented in this area
should address oil wells in addition to natural gas seepages. The Orange County Fire
Authority (OCFA, 2000) has guidelines regarding mitigation of gas leakage from
abandoned wells, and mitigation procedures for buildings located near abandoned
wells. The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (CDOGGR), as
well as the OCFA, does not approve of placing buildings directly on top of an
abandoned well. Specific tasks that can be undertaken to reduce the hazard of
methane gas in an abandoned oil field include:
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-29
• Baseline Stud v — Prior to grading, a baseline study can be performed to gain a
better understanding of the current distribution and concentrations of methane in
the area proposed for development. This study can include soil gas sampling and
analysis performed by a methane consultant. Since the distribution of methane can
change with depth, the consultant's report should include a work plan for further
investigation during grading, including sampling intervals, procedures, and
potential mitigation measures that might be implemented during grading.
Excavation Sampling — During grading, soil gas sampling and analysis should be
performed on the bottom of all excavations in the development area. This would
include cuts to design grade, overexcavation of building pads, the bottoms of areas
where unsuitable foundation soils have been removed, buttress cuts, etc.
"Bottoms" sampling should also be conducted at each well location. The sampling
and analysis should include a determination of gas pressure, hydrocarbon
concentration, and chemical composition. If anomalous, and potentially
hazardous gas seeps are identified, the methane consultant shall recommend
specific remedial measures.
Evaluation of Subsurface Structures — During grading, any subsurface structures that
may act as a conduit for methane gas (such as sewer lines, storm drains, subdrains,
etc.) should be evaluated by the methane consultant with respect to the local
conditions. The methane consultant should provide specific remedial
recommendations, such as venting, as needed.
• Documentation of Oil -Impacted Fill Placement — Full time monitoring of the
grading activities should be provided by the environmental consultant in order to
document the depth, lateral extent, and concentrations of any crude oil -impacted
fills. This information should be provided to the methane consultant for evaluation
and consideration in the final methane remedial recommendations.
Abandoned Oil Wells — All non -operational oil wells should be properly
abandoned or reabandoned to conform with the current CDOGGR standards and
subjected to CDOGGR inspections. During grading venting systems for abandoned
oil wells should be constructed in accordance with recommendations and
guidelines from the CDOGGR and the OCFA. Building placement should not be
allowed directly over an abandoned well.
Final Grade Soil Gas Survey — At the completion of grading, and prior to the
issuance of building permits, sampling and analysis should be performed by the
methane consultant at future building locations. Based on the data collected prior
to, during, and at the completion of grading, the methane consultant should make
final recommendations for methane mitigation during construction. The analysis
and recommendations should consider the guidelines recommended by the City of
Newport Beach or the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA Guideline C-03, dated
January 31, 2000) as minimum requirements. Any deviations from the guidelines
should be supported by scientific evidence, and approved by the City's Fire Chief
• or Building Director.
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-30
Maintenance/Monitoring Manual — Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the
methane consultant should prepare a manual describing the responsible parties,
upkeep, monitoring program, record -keeping required, and reporting required with
respect to the methane mitigation installed within the project. The report should
include a map showing the locations of all monitoring wells, vents, or other
pertinent structures.
All methane investigations and analyses should be performed by a California
registered engineer and/or geologist with demonstrated proficiency in the subject of
soil gas investigation and mitigation. All methane reports, work plans, mitigation
plans, and monitoring plans are subject to the review and approval of the City of
Newport Beach. An independent third party review could be required at the
discretion of the City.
In addition to methane gas associated with oil fields, the City of Newport Beach has
methane gas associated with old abandoned landfills. The Newport Terrace Landfill
(also known as Newport City Dump No. 1) was owned and operated by the City of
Newport Beach between 1953 and 1967 (see Plate 6-1). The landfill was developed
by infilling a small canyon with construction and demolition debris, and domestic
waste, including paper, cardboard, metal, glass and yard trimmings. When the landfill
was abandoned, a gas ventilation system was installed along the property boundary.
Then, in the early 1970s, a condominium was built along the southeast and northwest
sides of the landfill. A gas extraction system to control subsurface gas migration was
• installed in the 1980s, but recent evaluation of this system has shown that the system is
not functioning due to potential leaks or blocks in the lines (California Integrated Waste
Management Board, 2001). As a result, a gas investigation workplan has been
prepared for the site, which includes extensive gas sampling and analysis to determine
those areas of the condominium where gas occurs at levels above the regulatory
thresholds. Based on the results of these analyses, additional mitigation measures for
the site may be proposed. This case is an example of the methane gas issues
associated with developments on or near old landfills. Mitigation measures for these
facilities are similar to those employed in natural gas seepage areas, except that
geotechnical issues associated with differential settlement of the refuse also need to be
considered. In landfills where hazardous materials were accepted, far more stringent
requirements apply to ensure that leachate from the landfill that may contain
hazardous waste does not impact the ground water.
6.8 Hazard Analysis
The primary concern associated with a hazardous materials release is the short and/or long
term effect to the public from exposure to the hazardous material, especially when a toxic gas
is involved. The best way to reduce the liability for a hazardous material release is through
stringent regulations governing the storage, use, manufacturing, and handling of hazardous
The Newport Beach Fire Department and the Orange County Fire Authority observe the 2000
• version of the Uniform Fire Code (UFC), which identifies proper usage, storage, handling and
transportation requirements for hazardous materials. Risk minimization criteria include
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-31
secondary containment, segregation of chemicals to reduce reactivity during a release,
sprinkler and alarm systems, monitoring, venting and auto shutoff equipment, and treatment
requirements for toxic gas releases.
A list of the "Significant Hazardous Materials Sites" in the City of Newport Beach was compiled
from the data reported in the sections above. With the exceptions noted below, the list
includes facilities that are identified in the following State and/or Federal databases:
Superfund-Active or Archived Sites (CERCLIS)
RCRA/RCRIS-EPA Registered Large Quantity Generators
Toxic Release Inventories (TRIs)
Given that the two sites in Newport Beach still on the Superfund list have been archived and
deemed to no longer pose a threat to the environment, they have not been included in the list
of Significant Hazardous Sites. Furthermore, and more importantly, the lists included in this
report are snapshots in time, and are often based on EPA data that date back to the late 1990s.
Facilities that use, store, generate or transport hazardous materials are expected to come and
go; so these lists, or comparable lists, should be updated at least once a year as the data
become available. In fact, several facilities that in the 20' Century used to generate, use or
store hazardous materials in the City have now closed their plants, and those facilities have
now been redeveloped into other, cleaner uses. The "Most Significant Hazardous Waste Sites
in Newport Beach are listed in Table 6-9, and their locations are shown on Plate 6-1.
Table 6-9: Significant Hazardous Materials Sites in Newport Beach
Facility Name
Facility ID
Hixson Metal Finishing
TRI (2000)
829 Production Place
Conexant Systems Inc.
LQG (1999-2000), TRI (2001)
311 jamboree Road
Formal EPA Enforcement Action 1/29)2003
Newport Fab LLC
311 jamboree Road, Bldg. 503
LQG (2002)
Abbreviations: TRI = Toxic Release Inventory; LQG = Large Quantity Generator
5.8.1 Hazardous Materials Releases as a Result of the Northridge Earthquake
Isolated unauthorized releases of hazardous materials can occur at any time, but
earthquakes have the potential to cause several incidents at the same time, generating
worst -case scenarios for emergency response personnel. Strong seismic shaking can
lead to the release of hazardous materials by damaging storage facilities and transport
infrastructure. During an earthquake, chemical storage tanks could buckle, or if
improperly secured and fastened, could easily be punctured and/or tipped over.
Improperly segregated chemicals could react forming a toxic gas could. Pipelines are
especially vulnerable to damage as they can be pulled apart or ruptured by strong
ground shaking. Natural gas lines pose a significant hazard due to the high number of
pipes in urban environments and because gas leaks from ruptured lines can lead to
secondary fires.
• Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-32
As a result of the Northridge earthquake, 134 locations reported hazardous materials
problems and 60 emergency hazardous materials responses were required. The
majority of these events occurred where structural damage was minimal or absent
(Perry and Lindell, 1995). The earthquake caused 1,377 breaks in the natural gas
piping system and half a dozen leaks in a 10-inch crude oil pipeline (Hall, 1994).
The 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, a significantly smaller event than the
Northridge earthquake, caused 22 hazardous materials situations, including the
collapse of a chlorine tank that forced the evacuation of an area in Santa Fe Springs.
The Whittier Narrows earthquake also caused over 1,400 natural gas leaks, three of
which caused subsequent fires.
A key point to remember regarding the management of hazardous materials spills in
the aftermath of an earthquake is that it is substantially more difficult to do so than
under non -earthquake conditions. Hazardous materials response teams responding to
a release as a result of an earthquake have to deal with potential structural and non-
structural problems of the buildings housing the hazardous materials, potential leaks of
natural gas from ruptured pipes, and/or downed electrical lines or equipment that
could create sparks and cause a fire. When two hazards with potentially high negative
consequences intersect, the challenges of managing each are greatly increased. During
an earthquake response, hazardous materials emergencies become an additional threat
that must be integrated into the response management system.
• 6.8.2 Hazards Overlays
Plate 6-1 was used as an overlay to the other plates prepared for this Hazard Evaluation
Study for the City of Newport Beach to assess the natural hazards vulnerability of the
significant hazardous materials sites. The intent was to identify whether some of these
sites are located in areas at risk of being impacted by the natural hazards discussed in
other chapters. This analysis indicates that none of the Significant Hazardous Materials
sites are located within or near the Fault Hazard Management Zone proposed for the
Newport -Inglewood fault. Nevertheless, the entire City is susceptible to strong to very
strong ground motions due to its location relative to the Newport -Inglewood and San
Joaquin Hills faults. Due to the large quantities of hazardous materials used at the
Significant Hazardous Materials facilities, strong ground shaking poses a special
concern that needs to be addressed. Proactive management of these hazardous
substances, to levels far beyond the required standards should be considered.
None of the Significant Hazardous Materials sites are located within a liquefaction
susceptible area, or in the 100-flood zone.
The City of Newport Beach has approximately nineteen schools. Two schools are
located within one mile of one of the Significant Hazardous Materials Sites in the
northwest portion of the City. Hoag Memorial Hospital is also located within one mile
of this site. The Toxic Release Inventory sites are of most concern in this regard, since
emissions into the air have the potential to impact a large geographical area. If any of
the chemicals used at this facility are toxic when released into the atmosphere,
• evacuation of the surrounding area may be required. The Toxic Release Inventory for
the Hixson Metal Finishing facility reports the use of tetrachloroethylene. This is a
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-33
manufactured chemical that is widely used in the dry-cleaning industry, for metal
degreasing, and in the manufacturing of other chemicals and consumer products. In a
poorly ventilated area, release of this chemical onto the air can pose a health hazard,
but when released into a ventilated area, such as the surrounding neighborhood, the
chemical is broken down by sunlight, or brought back to the soil and water by rain
(httl2://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfactsl8.htmi), greatly reducing its health hazard.
A greater concern is posed by the chlorine gas used at Big Canyon Reservoir, especially
given that there are three schools located very close to the reservoir. As discussed in
Section 6.3, chlorine gas is highly toxic, and since it is heavier than air, it tends to stay
close to the ground, where it has a greater likelihood of impacting the surrounding
population. Chlorine gas detectors, secondary containment systems and the continual
operation of scrubbers or other treatment systems to neutralize the chlorine before the
gas is vented can all be used to reduce the adverse impacts of an accidental release of
chlorine. The potential impact to the surrounding community is expected to be greatly
reduced in 2004, when the reservoir will be covered, and liquid chlorine, instead of
chlorine gas, will be used as the water disinfectant. Liquid chlorine will also be used at
San Joaquin Reservoir once the Irvine Ranch Water District starts using it as a
reclaimed water storage facility. There are two schools located near this facility.
Although liquid chlorine is less likely to pose a hazard to the surrounding areas, it is
still an unstable substance, especially if allowed to come in contact with acids. Proper
maintenance, storage and usage procedures should be utilized at all times.
Since schools and hospitals have special evacuation needs, Significant Hazardous
Material facilities should be required to prepare Risk Management Plans (RMPs) that
identify the procedures by which the surrounding critical facilities will be evacuated,
should it become necessary during an accidental release of hazardous materials.
Similar mitigation measures should be considered for other facilities where the
populations have special evacuation needs, such as nursing homes and child care
The two other significant hazardous materials sites are located at or near the City's
boundaries. Several of the chemicals reportedly used at Conexant Systems are toxic
gases that could impact the surrounding population if released onto the environment.
Critical facilities not identified herein because they are outside the City, in surrounding
communities may be located within a short distance of these hazardous materials sites.
The Risk Management Plans prepared by these facilities should address all critical
facilities within a given radius, such as 1/2-mile or 1-mile from the hazardous materials
site, so as to identify potential impact areas not within City limits.
6.9 Summary of Findings and Natural Hazards Overlays
The primary concern associated with a hazardous materials release is the short and/or long
term effect to the public from exposure to the hazardous material. The best way to reduce the
liability for a hazardous material release is through stringent regulation governing the storage,
use, manufacturing and handling of hazardous materials. These regulations are typically issued
• by the EPA, but various local agencies are tasked with the responsibility of monitoring those
facilities that use, storage, transport, and dispose hazardous materials for compliance with the
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-34
Federal guidelines, or if applicable, with more stringent State guidelines. Some of these
programs and regulations, and the local enforcement agency, are summarized below, as they
pertain to the City of Newport Beach.
6.9.1 Summary of Findings
Air Quality: Data from the South Coast Air Quality District for the year 2001 show
that the ozone levels were above the Federal standards for only one day that year in the
North Coastal Orange County area, which includes the City of Newport Beach. All
other pollutants were below both Federal and State air quality standards. Air quality
criteria are expected to become more stringent, however, as the results of recent
studies indicate that air quality in many parts of the southern California area is still
Drinking Water Quality: Two water agencies provide drinking water to the Newport
Beach area. The two agencies are: Orange County Water District and the Metropolitan
Water District of Orange County. Neither of these agencies is listed on the EPA Safe
Drinking Water Violation Report.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES): The City of Newport
Beach is a member of the Orange County's Stormwater Program, the local
administering agency for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. NPDES
permits in the Newport Beach area are issued by the California Regional Water Quality
Control Board, Santa Ana Region. The City of Newport Beach holds a NPDES permit,
adopted January 2002, to operate its municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).
The permit requires the City to keep pollutants out of its MS$ to the maximum extent
practicable, and to ensure that dry -weather flows entering recreational waters from the
MS4 do not cause or contribute to exceedances of water quality standards. The City
also has a stringent Water Quality Ordinance and requires the use of "best
management practices" in many residential, commercial, and development -related
activities to reduce runoff.
Superfund Sites: According to the EPA, there are two Superfund sites in the City of
Newport Beach, but neither of them is listed in the National Priority List (NPL).
Furthermore, one of the sites is considered by the EPA as a "No Further Remedial
Action Planned (NFRAP) site, while the other site has reportedly been cleaned up,
although the EPA data is not yet reflecting this information. Given that both sites appear
to no longer pose an environmental hazard to the area, they have not been included in
the list of most significant hazardous sites in the City of Newport Beach.
Toxic Release Inventory: According to the EPA records, there are three facilities in the
Newport Beach area that are listed in the most recently available Toxics Release
Inventory (TRI). One of these facilities has since closed its plant in Newport Beach. TRI
sites are known to release toxic chemicals into the air. The EPA closely monitors the
emissions from these facilities to ensure that their annual limits are not exceeded. The
South Coast Air Quality Management District also issues permits to facilities that emit
chemicals, both toxic and non -toxic, into the atmosphere. These facilities include
restaurants, hotels, dry-cleaners, and other small businesses.
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management
Page 6-35
Hazardous Waste Sites: According to the most recent EPA and City data available,
there are two large quantity generators and approximately 115 small quantity
generators in the Newport Beach area. In addition there are four transporters of
hazardous waste with offices in the City. The number of small quantity generators is
expected to increase with increasing development in the City, since this list includes
businesses like gasoline stations, dry cleaners, and photo -processing shops.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: According to data from the State Water
Resources Control Board, 76 underground storage tank leaks have been reported in the
Newport Beach area. Of these, according to the State list, 47 sites have been either
cleaned up or deemed to be of no environmental consequence, leaving 29 cases that
are still open and in various stages of the remediation process. Information provided
by the City, however, suggests that some of the cases still on the State list have already
been closed. None of the leaks that have been reported in the City have impacted a
drinking source of ground water. The Orange County Environmental Health
Department provides oversight and conducts inspections of all underground tank
removals and installation of new tanks.
Hazardous Materials Disclosure Program: Both the Federal government and the State
of California require all businesses that handle more than a specified amount of
hazardous materials or extremely hazardous materials to submit a business plan to a
regulating agency. Business plans are currently reviewed by the Newport Beach Fire
Department, who also conducts annual on -site reviews of permitted businesses to
confirm that the information in their business plans is current and correct.
Household Hazardous Waste: The County of Orange operates four household
hazardous waste collection centers in accordance with the California Integrated Solid
Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939). These centers are located in the cities of
Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Irvine, and San Juan Capistrano. The two locations
closest to the City are the Huntington Beach center at 17121 Nichols Street and the
Irvine location at 6411 Oak Canyon.
Oil Fields: There is one oil field in the City of Newport Beach and one in its Sphere of
Influence. Hazardous materials are often associated with these facilities, usually as a
result of poor practices in the early days of exploration, when oil cuttings, brine water,
and other by-products were dumped onto the ground. The development of oil fields
for residential or commercial purposes typically involves a detailed study to identify
any areas impacted by oil or other hazardous materials, and the remediation of the
property prior to development.
Methane Gas Mitigation Districts: Natural seepages of gas occur in the western and
southwestern portions of the City. Methane gas associated with an abandoned landfill
has also been reported near the City's northwestern corner. The City has implemented
a series of mitigation measures to reduce the hazard associated with methane gas.
Continuous implementation of these guidelines is recommended.
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management
Page 6-36
6.9.2 Hazards Overlays
The City of Newport Beach is a vital economic and residential region, where,
especially in the older sections of the City, businesses and residential areas are often
within short distances of each other, or they co -exist. This gives the City a strong sense
of community, a quality unique to only a few areas of southern California. Most
"planned" communities that have sprung elsewhere in the last decades do not provide
for this desirable mix of uses within short, walking distances of each other.
Unfortunately, there are also some disadvantages to this zoning plan - facilities that
generate, use, or store hazardous materials are often located near residential areas or
near critical facilities, with the potential to impact these areas if hazardous materials
are released into the environment at concentrations of concern.
There are two large -quantity and more than one hundred small -quantity generators of
hazardous materials in the City. Given these numbers, it is impressive that the actual
number of unauthorized releases of hazardous materials into the environment is fairly
small, as documented in the Federal and State databases reviewed. There are two
active sites that are known to release toxic chemicals into the air — the EPA monitors
these facilities closely to reduce the potential of future emissions at concentrations
above the acceptable limits.
Strong ground shaking caused by an earthquake on one of the many faults in the region
could cause the release of hazardous materials at any of the hazardous materials
facilities in the City. Therefore, all sites should provide for, at a minimum, secondary
containment of hazardous substances, including segregation of reactive chemicals, in
accordance with the most recent Uniform Fire Code. None of the significant hazardous
materials sites are located within or next to the proposed Fault Hazard Management
Zone for the Newport -Inglewood fault, or within a liquefaction -susceptible or flooding
hazard area.
Earth Consulter
• References
California Integrated Waste Management Board, 2001, Final Draft, Gas Investigation Workplan
for the Newport Terrace Landfill/Condominium, City of Newport Beach, Orange
County: SWIS #30-CR-0127, dated March 7, 2001.
California Division of Oil and Gas, 1980, Onshore Oil and Gas Seeps in California:
Publication No. TR26, Text by Susan F. Hodgson, 97p. (re -issued in 1987).
California Division of Oil and Gas, 1991, California Oil and Gas Fields Volume 2: Southern,
Central Coastal, and Offshore California.
California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, 1997, Map No. 136.
California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, 2001, Annual Report.
Cobarrubias, J.W., 1992, Methane Gas Hazard within the Fairfax District, Los Angeles; in
Pipkin, B.W., and Proctor, R.J., (editors), Engineering Geology Practice in southern
California: Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 4, pp. 131-
Corwin, Chas H., 1946, West Newport Oil Field; in Division of Oil and Gas, California Oil
Fields Summary of Operations, Vol. 32, No. 2, July -December 1946, pp. 8-15.
• Federal Code of Regulations, Title 40: Protection of Environment;
http://www.el2a.gov/epahome/c O.htm
Merck Company, 1983, The Merck Index of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals, 10" Edition,
Rahway, New Jersey, pp. 852-853.
Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), 2000, Guideline for Combustible Soil Gas Hazard
Mitigation, Guideline C-03, dated January 31, 2000.
South Coast Air Quality Management District, 2001, Current Air Quality and Trends in the
South Coast Air Quality Management District, 2000 Air Quality Standards Compliance
Report, Vol. 13, No. 12, 10p. (obtained at www.agmd.gov).
Earth Consultants International Hazardous Materials Management Page 6-38
Prepared by Gunnar J. Kuepper @ for Earth Consultants International
Emergency & Disaster Management
5959 West Century Boulevard, Suite 501
• Los Angeles, CA 9OD45
Ph: (310) 649 — 0700 Fax: (310) 649 —1126
7.1 Introduction and Scope of the Evaluation
The City of Newport Beach seeks to assess and identify the potential for an aviation disaster within
its jurisdiction, and the impact of such an event on:
➢ the health and safety of persons
in the affected area and
responding to the incident;
➢ property, facilities, and infrastructure
➢ the environment
➢ local businesses and the economy, and
➢ the reputation and value of the City as a whole.
John Wayne Airport ()WA) generates nearly all aviation traffic above the City of Newport Beach.
This report illustrates the actual conditions and legal obligations of the airport and the aviation
community, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and local emergency response
services. After an initial overview, this report analyzes the impact of potential events that might
take place within the Newport Beach City limits and might substantially affect the area. The
analysis provides a clear idea of the likelihood of a major aviation accident, what areas or
functions can be expected to be most seriously impacted, and what actions will most effectively
protect life and safety, property, the environment, and the interests of the City.
• This report does not address the risk of general aviation accidents. General Aviation (GA) is
defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Annex 6 as "all civil aviation
operations other than scheduled air services and non-scheduled air transport operations for
remuneration or hire." The vast majority of GA planes are light, single, or twin -engine models,
used mainly for recreational purposes, limited in size and seating capacity (usually 2 to 8), with a
small amount of fuel carried (less than 200 gallons on average), with a typical gross weight not in
excess of 12,500 pounds. A crash involving this type of aircraft, even a collision in mid -air, may
account for a major incident, but does not pose the threat of a catastrophic impact. The forces and
consequences of a small aircraft could be compared with a high-speed automobile accident
involving numerous occupants, and should, therefore, be manageable for local emergency
services. Even jets or a Boeing 747 used for private purposes can count as "general aviation" (as
does Air Force One), but these larger general aviation aircraft represent only a fraction of all air
traffic at John Wayne Airport.
7.2 Setting
The City of Newport Beach has a population of more than 75,000 living in nearly 38,400 housing
units within a land area of 25 square miles. (According to the City's website, the inland bodies of
water and 23 square miles of ocean combine for a total of 50.5 square miles.) Of the housing
units in the City, 19,400 (56 percent) are occupied by the owners. The median value of each of
these houses is more than $700,000; the per capita income is $63,000. Newport Beach has
several gated communities.
• Geographically, the City can be divided into the four areas described below (see Plate 7-1):
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-1
i1) west of the bay (residential with mainly free-standing single-family residences, schools,
and light commercial property);
2) east of the bay (free-standing residences, gated communities, and commercial areas,
including Fashion Island, and high-rise office and hotel buildings);
3) north of the bay (free-standing residences in the Santa Ana Heights area, and high-rises
in the Airport Area); and
4) water front property (including Newport Peninsula and Balboa Island), with a total
water frontage of 31 miles (6 miles of ocean front, 25 miles of harbor front).
7.3 Orange County John Wayne Airport (JWA)
7.3.1 Overview
JWA is operated as a department of the County of Orange, but is a self-supporting
enterprise fund in the general financial statements of the county. It operates under the
direction of the Airport Director, currently Mr. Alan L. Murphy, and an Assistant Director.
It is comprised of five functional divisions (Business Development, Facilities, Finance and
Administration, Public Affairs, Operations), each managed by,a Deputy Airport Director.
Two hundred County employees are assigned to JWA, including 54 members of the
Sheriff's Department. In addition, 21 fire personnel of the Orange County Fire Authority
(OCFA) are assigned to the Airport Fire Station (No. 33) that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
• The airport is located on 500 acres, and has two runways. The commercial runway
0 U19R) has a length of 5,700 feet, and the parallel general aviation runway (19L) is 2,900
feet long (see Plate 7-2).
7.3.2 2001 Air Operations
With nearly 380,000 air operations in 2001, JWA was the 29'h busiest airport in the United
States. It is important to note, however, that 80 percent of these activities were attributed to
general aviation. Commercial and commuter planes accounted for 95,000 starts (take -offs)
and landings.
Ten commercial passenger airlines (Alaska, Aloha, American, America West, Continental,
Delta, Northwest, Southwest, United, US Airways) and three commuter carriers (SkyWest,
America West Express, American Eagle) moved 7.32 million passengers (3.67 million
enplaned; 3.65 million deplaned). Also in 2001, 16,100 tons of air cargo were processed,
primarily via FeclEx and UPS planes.
According to reports published by Orange County, JWA generates more than $3.5 billion
each year for the local economy, including 57,000 direct or indirect jobs. Personnel
directly employed at )WA facilities or by airport service providers number 2,500. It is
important to note that the income and revenue stream for the City of Newport Beach seems
not to rely significantly on airport and aviation business.
Gunnar ). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-2
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a icient to serve as a substitute far detailed geologic investigations of individual sites, `�♦ _- - »p Intematbnal
nor does It satisfy the evaluarron requlrements sat forth in geologic hazard regulations. R. M/'-= _ ;: - Project Number. 2112 t
Earth Consultamslmematbnal(EC'inalc no representations orvanardies regarding \\\SSS e® F .i^....,.- Date: July, 2003 �LIFORTit/ the accuracy of the data from which these maps were delved. ECI shall not be liable:,-w•�-
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damages wdh respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising Plate 7-1
from, the use of this map. _ �- --
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Project Number: 2112 "�� _ _�
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Plate 7-2
• 7.3.3 Future Air Operations
An existing noise abatement program and a federal court settlement signed in 1985 by the
County of Orange, the City of Newport Beach, the Airport Working Group, and Stop
Polluting Our Newport limits the number of passengers and departures until December 31,
2005. The City has reached an agreement with the County to extend the settlement
agreement through 2015. Under the amended settlement agreement, after January 1,
2003, the annual passenger limit can increase to 9.8 million; the daily number of noise -
regulated passenger flights can increase to 85; and the daily number of cargo flights can
increase to 4.
Due to JWA's relatively short runway length of 5,700 feet (in comparison to Los Angeles
International Airport [LAX] and other airports accommodating large airplanes on runways
12,000 feet long), it is highly probable that the size of future airplanes at John Wayne
Airport will be limited to short- and medium -range airliners.
The airport is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Air carrier operations are limited to
between 7 A.M. and 10 P.M: 01 P.M. for arrivals) Monday through Saturday, and 8 A.M. to
10 P.M. 01 P.M. for arrivals) on Sundays. The air traffic control tower is operational from
6:15 A.M. to 11 P.M. daily.
7.3.4 Departure Route
Due to the noise abatement program in place, all commercial airplanes departing JWA
• using runway 1 L are required to:
➢ follow the course of the Newport Bay,
➢ make an initial steep climb using full power until the plane has reached an altitude
of 800 to 1,000 feet, and
➢ continue to climb with reduced power (half -throttle) until the coast line is reached,
which is usually at an altitude of 2,200 to 2,500 feet (see Plate 7-3).
This procedure may not be considered a difficult or risky maneuver. it is easily handled by
modern airplanes. Should pilots encounter any kind of difficulties or problems, however,
they can abandon the designated take -off route at any time and proceed as the situation
7.3.5 Airport Fire Rescue Services (ARFF or CFR)
The airport is protected by an on -site airport fire service as required by FAA regulations.
This service is provided by Orange County Fire Station No. 33, which is staffed 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, with a minimum of seven firefighters at any given time.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-5
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This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
suRcient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic irmestigations of Indmduai sites,
nor does it satisfy the mivalian requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consuttards International(ECQ makes no representations ory minties regarding
the aocumcy of the dale from which these maps were denied. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, Indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
''4s Air Traffic Routes
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Project Number_ 2112
ti, `S•-' `� ;, `'Ka`r�i- k • /_��..;- -i Date: July, 2003`�--L,�'-._`„°c.R-,�-,.�'`
x.. - Plate 7-3
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• The Orange County Fire Station No. 33 maintains the following equipment:
➢ Oshkosh 3000 (Crash 1)
➢ Oshkosh 1500 (Crash 2)
➢ Oshkosh 1500 (Crash 3)
➢ Walter 1500 (Crash 4) — relief vehicle.
Unfortunately, these Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) units are not yet outfitted entirely
with state-of-the-art equipment, such as elevated water booms with penetrating nozzles.
These devices fitted atop an ARFF vehicle are used to penetrate the outer skin of an
airplane and spray cooling water or foam directly into the cabin. This procedure reduces
the temperature and provides the occupants with a more survivable atmosphere and
increased time to evacuate. The author was assured that specifications for a new vehicle
(Oshkosh 3000) have been submitted, and the new equipment is expected within the next
two years.
The primary objective of the airport fire service is to provide fire protection for the airfield.
ARFF units will respond to:
1) airplane crashes on airport property
2) airplane crashes within one mile of the airport (only if in doing so the airport does
not fall below Index C required ARFF protection OR if approved by the Airport
Director'). The described 1-mile radius will cover only the northern part of
• Newport Beach.
According to Part 139.315 of Title 14 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), an Index for Airport Fire Rescue
Services exists for each certificate holder (airport). The Index is determined by a combination of:
(1) The length of air carrier aircraft expressed in groups; and
(2) Average daily departures of air carrier aircraft.
For the purpose of Index determination, air carrier aircraft lengths are grouped as follows:
(1) Index A includes aircraft less than 90 feet in length (i.e., Bae 146, Saab 340 B and 2000);
(2) Index B includes aircraft at least 90 feet but less than 126 feet in length (i.e., Boeing 737-300, Airbus A320-200);
(3) Index C includes aircraft at least 126 feet but less than 159 feet in length (i.e., Boeing 757-200, MD-87);
(4) Index D includes aircraft at least 159 feet but less than 200 feet in length (i.e., Airbus A340-200, Lockheed L-1011-
500 Tristar);
(5) Index E includes aircraft at least 200 feet in length (i.e., Boeing 747, Boeing 777-200, Airbus A330-300, MD-1 1).
The Index required is determined as follows:
(1) For five or more average daily departures of air carrier aircraft in a single Index group serving an airport, the longest
Index group with an average of five or more daily departures is the Index required for the airport.
(2) If there are fewer than an average of five daily departures of air carrier aircraft in a single Index group serving an
airport, the next lower Index from the longest group is the Index required for the airport. The minimum designated
Index shall be Index A.
According to Part 139.317, an Index C airport must provide either:
(1) THREE ARFF vehicles (One carrying at least 500 pounds of sodium -based dry chemical or halon 1211, or 450
pounds of potassium -based dry chemical and water with a commensurate quantity of AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming
Foam) to total 100 gallons, for simultaneous dry chemical and AFFF application, plus Two vehicles carrying an
amount of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF, so that the TOTAL quantity of WATER for foam
production CARRIED BY ALL THREE VEHICLES is at least 3,000 gallons); OR
(2) TWO ARFF vehicles (One carrying at least 500 pounds of sodium -based dry chemical or halon 1211, AND 1,500
gallons of water, and the commensurate quantity of AFFF for foam production, plus One vehicle carrying water and
. the commensurate quantity of AFFF so that the TOTAL quantity of WATER for foam production carried by BOTH
VEHICLES is at least 3,000 gallons).
The minimum requirement of ARFF personnel is one (driver) for each vehicle.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-7
Figure 7-1: Image Shows the Steep Ascent of a Passenger Jet Taking Off from JWA
Figure 7-2: Crash 1 & 2 During the September 1998 Exercises at JWA
Airliners departing from JWA carry a significant load of fuel. When a jet or turboprop plane
crashes on take -off, the force of the impact will rupture components of the fuel system.
Numerous ignition sources (i.e., sparks caused by friction, electrical short circuits, hot
engine components) will initiate a major fuel fire.
• Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-8
• Local fire services use water to extinguish fires in day-to-day operations, but water is
generally not suitable for large liquid fuel (Class B) fires. Instead, foam or dry chemicals
must be used to contain and extinguish the flames, and to allow for the evacuation and
rescue of survivors. The large quantities of foam needed in such an event are carried on the
ARFF vehicles stationed at JWA. These units may be the only way to successfully save lives
threatened by smoke, heat, and fire.
in the event of a fiery crash into Balboa Island or other areas with dense buildings, the
immediate response of ARFF units will be critical. However, the Newport Beach harbor
and island areas are located four to five miles south of JWA, outside the pre -designated
operational area (limited to airport property or the one -mile radius surrounding the
7.4 Airplanes Operating at John Wayne Airport Q WA)
JWA is designated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as an Index C airport (see footnote
in Pages 7-7 and 7-8).
As mentioned before, the airport is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but commercial
departures are restricted to between 7 A.M. and 10 P.M. Monday through Saturday, and between 8
A.M. and 10 P.M. on Sunday. Arrivals are allowed until 11 P.M.
On an average business day, 150 commercial and 20 regional flights arrive at and depart from
• JWA. Among the airplanes most often used by passenger and cargo carriers (airlines) at JWA are
the following:
➢ Airbus A 319/320:
up to 179 passengers
➢ Boeing 737 (Version 200, 300, 400, 500, 700 and 800):
up to 239 passengers (fuel capacity 6,800 gallons)
➢ Boeing 757 (Version 200):
up to 239 passengers (fuel capacity 11,500 gallons)
➢ Boeing 757 F (Freighter Version)
➢ MD 80:
up to 130 passengers
➢ MD 90:
up to 187 passengers
All of the planes listed above are short- to medium -range airliners and belong to the current
generation of aircraft. (See examples for aircraft dimensions and ARFF references in the appendix).
The only airplane larger than those above is an
➢ Airbus A 310 Freighter:
operated once a day by FedEx. This airplane can carry up to 55 tons of cargo (see risk of
cargo planes).
Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-9
7.5 Airplane Crashes
7.5.1 Probability and Location
Accidents with one or more fatalities involving commercial aircraft are rare events. On
average, 40 planes crash in any given year throughout the world, causing approximately
1,000 fatalities. Given the size of the United States' surface (9.63 million square miles), the
number of commercial plane crashes within the country in any given year (less than 10),
and the size of Newport Beach (50.5 square miles), the statistical risk comes to 1 in 20,000
per year.
The risk of any given community being hit by an airplane disaster is extremely low, and
probably a one -in -one -hundred -years or more event. The current accident rate, particularly
for United States and Canadian operators, is less than 0.5 per million departures.
However, 75 percent of all air carrier accidents occur on or in the vicinity of an airport,
usually within a 3- to 5-mile radius of the runway threshold. According to a survey by the
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the vast majority of these accidents occur within 2,000
feet of the runway threshold and within 500 feet of the runway centerlines.
The City of Newport Beach borders the southeastern portion of JWA. More than 95 percent
of all airplanes take off and climb over the City (see Plate 7-2). Although this increases
significantly the risk of an accident within the City limits, statistically the risk is still very
low. Of the air carrier accidents that occur in the vicinity of an airport (which are 75
• percent of an average of 40 per year, worldwide), one-third may happen on landing
approach, one-third on airport property, and one-third on take -off or in a runway -overrun
In 1970, the County of Orange established an Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC). Its
key duties are to prepare and adopt an airport land use plan and to review plans,
regulations, and other actions of local agencies and airport operators. The commission,
however, has no jurisdiction over any airport operations.
The ALUC issued final draft of the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for John Wayne
Airport on December 10, 2002. The scope and purpose of the document is:
➢ to safeguard the general welfare of the inhabitants within the vicinity of the airport,
which includes that people and facilities are not concentrated in areas susceptible to
aircraft accidents, and
➢ to ensure continued airport operations, which includes that no structures or activities
adversely affect navigable airspace.
Section 2.1.2 of the plan describes the ALUC's task to designate Accident Potential Zones
(APZs) around civil airports. The Commission stated that data had been evaluated from all
airport accidents in California and at each civilian airport in Orange County, and
concluded that there was insufficient evidence to identify crash hazard zones applicable to
all airports.
Gunnar J. Kuepper Q Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-10
The Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) contains in Appendix D a map entitled John
Wayne Airport Impact Zones, which displays Runway Protection Zones (RPZ). Again, the
Commission has not adopted these Accident Potential Zones for JWA, as none could be
justified with the available data. The author disagrees with this particular conclusion. As
discussed in Section 7.5.2 below, potential accident areas, probability, and impacts can be
assessed based on multiple factors described in this Hazard Assessment Study.
The map of JWA Impact Zones in Appendix D of the AELUP is largely consistent with the
findings in this study. The RPZ (Runway Protection Zone) is the imaginary extension of
runway 19R/1 L in both directions. As described in Section 3.2.5 of the AELUP, it allows
only for airport -related and open space uses (agriculture, transportation, etc.), and prohibits
buildings intended for human habitation. Such a requirement, even if not adopted by the
Commission, is satisfied in the southern vicinity of the JWA (Newport Beach). It covers the
unpopulated open space of the Newport Beach Golf Course.
The next area is described as Accident Potential Zone I (Section 3.2.6 of the AELUP). It
allows for open space, commercial, industrial, and airport -related uses as long as lot
coverage does not exceed 50 percent, and no more than 100 persons occupy any single
building for an extended period of time. Residential use and places of indoor or outdoor
assembly (i.e., churches, schools, restaurants, conference facilities) should not be allowed'
in this area. This APZ covers the Newport Beach Golf Course leading into the uninhabited
Upper Newport Bay. The area described as Accident Potential Zone II in Section 3.2.7 of
the AELUP covers the unpopulated Upper Newport Bay area.
. Airplane accidents are primarily caused by three factors: human error, technological
failure, and adverse weather (or a combination thereof). )WA and the City of Newport
Beach are located in southern California and, therefore, rarely experience heavy or adverse
weather conditions. Most states and countries throughout the world see frequent
snowstorms and rainstorms, high winds, reduced visibility, etc., but these conditions are
rather unusual at JWA.
In addition, airplanes that experience technical malfunctions (i.e., landing gear that does
not extend) are usually diverted to nearby Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). LAX
provides four runways with a length of 12,000 feet each and maintains the sophisticated
fire and rescue equipment appropriate for an Index E airport.
The exact location and time of an airplane accident cannot be predetermined. Taking all
the above facts into consideration, it may be safe to say that the crash of a commercial
airplane within the City of Newport Beach will be a 25- to 40-year event. (Statistically, at
this time, it is a 41-year event.)
The probability of an airplane accident also depends on the age and model of the aircraft.
According to a Boeing study, the first models of every new generation of airplanes are at
higher risk (due in part to undetected flaws and the lack of pilot familiarity). Obviously,
aging airplanes (at least those older than 22 years) face an increased, if not exponentially
increased, risk of accident.
Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-11
• As part of a mitigation effort to prevent or reduce the risk of aviation disaster, the City of
Newport Beach might choose to steer JWA towards limiting landing and departure rights to
commercial airplanes not exceeding a specific age.
7.5.2 Impact and Vulnerability
Any major plane crash has the potential for a catastrophic outcome. In addition to the loss
of life aboard the plane (up to 200), such an event can cause casualties and devastation on
the ground (i.e., Cerritos, California on August 31, 1986; San Diego, California on
September 25, 1978).
A little known fact is that most airplane crashes at or in the vicinity of an airport are
survivable. Many plane occupants survive the force of the ground impact only to die
minutes later in the subsequent smoke and fire conditions. These consequences can be
significantly reduced by a prepared and comprehensive response of local emergency
During the evaluation, the author found two possible areas of increased vulnerability
within the City of Newport Beach. These are discussed in detail below.
Balboa Island: In a worst -case scenario, a fully loaded commercial plane might crash
into Marine Avenue on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The area is usually crowded with
cars, pedestrians, and day visitors, and the island's access and egress is limited to a
small bridge. Many of the two-story buildings, including shops, small restaurants, and
• residences, are wood -frame structures, and very close to one another.
A fire fed by thousands of gallons of jet fuel could quickly spread through the
neighborhood and consume most of the buildings. Countless casualties on the ground
would be caused by falling aircraft wreckage and the resulting fire(s).
The only fire station located on Balboa Island, No. 4, might be impacted by the
incident, or its response hampered by traffic congestion, people fleeing the area, debris,
and narrow streets. The same problem of limited access may hinder reinforcements by
other fire and rescue services.
Although this scenario might be a very unlikely one, its impact would be catastrophic
in terms of loss of life, destruction of property and community. It would certainly deal a
tremendous blow to the local economy and tourism industry.
In this scenario, the immediate response of ARFF vehicles carrying large quantities of
foam can be considered essential for saving lives and property.
Gunnar I. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-12
• Figure 7 3:
Image of Balboa Island (in the Foreground) Looking North Towards John Wayne Airport;
Marine Avenue, Newport Bay and Runway 19R in a Straight Line
• Upper Newport Bay: A more likely scenario than an accident on Balboa Island is a
major airliner ending up in the Upper Newport Bay area. The soft underground and the
abundant water might limit the impact force and the spread of fire and, therefore,
ensure a high degree of survivability for the aircraft occupants. The fast and well -
coordinated response of City and County emergency services into the difficult terrain is
The Upper Newport Bay scenario, however, creates a significant ecological and
economic hazard to the environment. The recreational value of the City of Newport
Beach with its more than 9,000 registered boats would be dramatically affected. Local
businesses are heavily dependant upon a clean and enjoyable bay, harbor, and
Planes taking off from JWA (mainly short- to medium -range airliners with up to 200
passengers) can carry up to 12,000 gallons of Jet A fuel. Spilled into the marshland, the
kerosene would flow through the bay and significantly pollute the waterways.
According to recent newspaper articles, beaches have been closed, and swimming and
diving prohibited for days due to spills of less than 400 gallons of sewage. The
environmental and economic impact of an accident -related spill of thousands of
gallons of Jet A fuel would therefore be devastating.
• Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-13
• Figure 7-4: Image from Upper Newport Bay Looking Towards the Ocean
Other Scenarios:
A) A crash into a residential area west or east of the Newport Bay has an extremely low
probability because, without a doubt, the pilot crew of an airplane in distress will make
• every effort to avoid these areas and attempt to stay above the uninhabited bay.
Moreover, the area's population density is relatively low (mostly single freestanding
houses), with the exception of some retail areas and schools. It would be a localized
and manageable incident. (Such an accident would be comparable to the crash of
American Airlines Flight 587 immediately after take -off from New York's JFK Airport on
November 12, 2001. All 260 people aboard perished, 12 residences were destroyed by
the impact and fire, and five persons on the ground perished.)
8) A crash into a high-rise building in Fashion Island also has an extremely low
probability because pilots would avoid these areas at all costs. In additiorr, the
buildings themselves (concrete with sprinkler systems) might offer some protection for
occupants. The area contains large open spaces that allow for fast egress and access for
emergency vehicles.
• Gunnar J. Kuepper B Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-14
• Figure 7-5: Image of Fashion Island (to the right)
With Ample Space Between Buildings and in the Area
C) A crash into the Pacific Coast Highway bridge over the Lower Newport Bay is highly
unlikely, but this is the primary connection between the northern and southern parts of
Newport Beach. For an airplane to hit the overpass it would have to make a sharp turn
towards the bridge. The resulting disruption would have a significant impact on tourism
• and business in the area. A detour via Highway 55, Freeway 73, and jamboree Road
would cause a major inconvenience with consequences for commuters, local
restaurants, retail stores, and other businesses.
D) A crash into a school during classes could become a nightmare for the community
of Newport Beach. As shown on Plate 7-4, numerous elementary, intermediate, and
high schools are located within the City of Newport Beach. An airplane crashing into
one of these facilities is extremely unlikely, but this scenario cannot be excluded. Many
of these schools house hundreds of students (i.e., Newport Harbor High School at 600
Irvine Avenue, nearly 2,000; Ensign Intermediate School at 2000 Cliff Drive, more than
1,100; four elementary schools with more than 500 pupils each are located at 300 East
15'h Street, at 14'h Street and Balboa Boulevard, at 2100 Mariners Drive, and 1900 Port
Seabourne Way).
Even if the statistical risk of such an event is extremely low, the emotional
consequences of several children injured or worse will be colossal. Such an
occurrence cannot be ruled out. On May 0, 2002, a BAC one -eleven aircraft crashed
shortly after take off from Kano International Airport in Nigeria. The plane veered off
into houses, two mosques and a school in a densely populated neighborhood
approximately 1.2 miles from the runway threshold. Seventy-five people on the ground
and 74 of the 77 people aboard the short-range passenger jet perished.
• Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-15
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Mitigation procedures that might save lives in an airplane crash scenario are similar to
those addressing other hazards. It includes clear and designated evacuation routes and
procedures, well maintained fire suppression systems, regular drills and testing, and a
proactive mindset of teachers, parents, and children. An up-to-date and exercised
school emergency plan will reduce the number of potential casualties.
E) Mid -air collisions (i.e., Cerritos, California on August 31, 1986; San Diego,
California on September 25, 1978), mid -air bombings (i.e., PanAm Flight 103 above
Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988), and mid -air break-ups (i.e., Alaska
Airlines MD 80 off the Coast of Ventura County on January 31, 2000; American
Airlines on November 12, 2001 in New York City) are, despite their seemingly
increased frequency in southern California, extremely rare events. Crashes with
significant loss of life on the ground are the exception and rarely produce more than
ten fatalities in a community (see statistics of ground fatalities in the appendix of this
The FAA has classified the airspace surrounding JWA, which includes the City of
Newport Beach, as CHARLIE. Every aircraft, including helicopters and general aviation
planes must announce its flight intention and receive permission from JWA Air Traffic
Control to enter this space up to a height of 5,000 feet.
Cargo Planes: On October 4, 1992, an El Al Cargo Boeing 747 crashed shortly after
take -off from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport into a 12-story high-rise apartment building
in a suburb of Amsterdam. The flight crew of four died, as did 43 people on the
ground, where many others sustained injuries. Despite the magnitude of the accident, it
is not considered a catastrophe, as it was a manageable incident,. handled by local
resources and authorities.
The plane carried a load of more than 120 tons. In the aftermath, more than 850
people, including residents, emergency and recovery workers, and police officers
experienced long-term health effects, ranging from respiratory problems to neurological
ailments. A report published in 1998, six years after the fiery accident, revealed the
contents of the freight. It included six tons of military cargo and 10 tons of chemicals,
including DMMP (dimethylmethyphosphonate), a substance used for the production of
the nerve gas Sarin.
It is absolutely crucial that every plane crash is handled with the same consideration as
a major hazmat release. This includes proper protection, equipment, and training for 00
emergency responders, and procedures for the evacuation of residents from the nearby
and downwind areas. Establishing these precautions is also important in the event that
a plane crashes on the airport or in neighboring areas (i.e., the city of Costa Mesa) and
exposes residents of Newport Beach to harm.
JWA is allowed to operate up to 85 passenger flights and four cargo flights daily. The
probability that one of these planes should crash into Newport Beach is close to
random. More or less equally distributed throughout passenger and cargo carriers are
. accident -causing factors such as aging aircraft, faulty maintenance, and human error.
Only a few air carriers have spotless safety records (i.e., Southwest airlines never had a
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International '
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-17
fatal accident). Most major cargo carriers have had plane crashes (i.e., Emery
Worldwide February 1991 DC-9 crash in Cleveland, Ohio and February 2000 CD-8
crash in Sacramento, California; Federal Express MD-11 crash of July 1997 in Newark,
New Jersey, the Freeport, Philippines crash of another MD-11 in October 1999, and a
Boeing 727 crash on July 26, 2002 in Tallahassee, Florida). The likelihood of one
plane crashing on any given day is equally disseminated throughout all flights. The
probability may be compared with the game of roulette. It does not matter whether
one or twenty odd numbers are played in a row, the next number to come has an equal
chance of being odd, even, or zero. Coincidence also applies to the small number of
plane crashes.
Considering the environment at JWA, the models of airplanes flown there, and the
statistically low probability of plane crashes in Newport Beach (1 in 41 years), the risk
of a cargo plane accident is on par with a passenger plane crash. Even three cargo
plane crashes in a row in Newport Beach would be within the principle of acceptable
7.6 Response Agencies and Procedures
7.6.1 Newport Beach Fire Department (NBFD)
Newport Beach maintains its own fire service with approximately 120 uniformed members
operating out of eight stations.
During the year 2001, the department responded to more than 7,600 calls, including 360
fires, 5,250 medical situations, 1,200 other emergencies, and 850 service type demands.
Fire Station No. 7 is located at 2301 Zenith in the northern part of the City, close to JWA
(see Plate 7-4). The three -person engine company is frequently called for mutual aid to the
airport, particularly for medical emergencies.
Newport Beach Fire Department has incorporated the Life Guard Services, which covers
the coastal beaches. Lifeguards are available from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. (during the summer, as
late as 9.30 p.m.), and operate three boats. Also, the Lifeguard Services has a dive team
with 16 trained members. During the night, two lifeguards are on call and required to be
at their station within 30 minutes.
Mass Casualty Incident Experience: On Monday, September 2, 2002, a multi -casualty
event occurred at 500 South Bay Front in Newport Beach. The motor
vehicle/pedestrian accident involved more than ten patients. Fortunately, most of them
sustained only minor injuries. A thorough look into the response activities revealed
some opportunities for improvement:
a) The accident occurred at a very difficult location. As described in the Balboa
Island scenario above, traffic congestion can become a major factor. Newport
Beach Emergency Services arrived in a very reasonable time. However, the
magnitude of the accident activated different agencies, and multiple fire, EMS,
police, and rescue vehicles responded to the location on the narrow street. The
• vehicles had limited space to maneuver and sometimes blocked each other.
Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-18
b) EMS resources from outside the City were requested due to the number of
victims. Those ambulances from neighboring communities are not always
familiar with the City and its layout and, in this case, had difficulties locating
and arriving at the site in time.
Because this is a common challenge in noh-rectangular environments, rendezvous
points and escort procedures should be established to ensure smooth operations in
critical times.
Smaller fire departments, particularly in affluent jurisdictions, are fortunate in not
having to experience great numbers of mass -casualty events. But with the rarity of
these events comes the lack of experience in practicing proper procedures and
operations. Training must focus on these rare events, rather than on incidents that
are handled on a daily or weekly basis.
7.6.2 Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA)
OCFA serves 1.3 million people living in 460,000 housing units in 19 cities and the
unincorporated parts of Orange County. The agency responded in 2001 to more than
73,000 calls within its jurisdiction covering of an area of 550 square miles served by 60
fire stations.
OCFA Station No. 33 provides airport and aircraft fire protection for JWA.
• 7.6.3 Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD) Helicopter Division
One of the most impressive assets for a city the size of Newport Beach is the existence of a
helicopter division staffed 7 A.M. to 3 A.M., 7 days a week.
Helicopters have proven their worth in countless plane crashes because of their ability to
aid in the:
➢ location of the incident site,
➢ search for and location of survivors,
➢ rescue and evacuation of survivors from areas not easily accessible to ground
crews (i.e., Air Florida Boeing 737 crash into the Potomac River in Washington,
DC, on January 13, 1982),
➢ assessment of the overall damage and situation, and
➢ direct response operations of ground crews.
7.6.4 Orange County Sheriff Harbor Patrol — Waterways
Within the jurisdiction of Orange County and protected by the Harbor Patrol Division of
the Orange County Sheriff Department (OCSD) are Upper and Lower Newport Bay and the
harbor areas. An OCSD captain oversees the daily operations of the agency, which
provides law enforcement, marine fire -fighting, open -water rescue, and vessel assistance
for the three Orange County harbors of Sunset/Huntington Harbor, Newport Harbor, and
Dana Point, as well as an additional 42 miles of Orange County coastline.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-19
I Deputies assigned to the Harbor Patrol Division are also trained in environmental law and
are qualified and equipped as "first -responders" to hazardous material spills. They are fully
trained peace officers and receive nearly 800 hours of additional training in navigation,
marine fire -fighting, heavy weather rescue boat operations, boat handling, and advanced
first aid, including the administering of oxygen and the use of automated external
7-6: Image of a Eurocopter used by the Newport Beach Police Department
The Newport Beach Harbor Patrol office at 1901 Bayside Drive serves as the headquarters
for the entire division. The building contains a 800 MHz dispatch area and an emergency
operations center.
Included in the Harbor Patrol Division is the Sheriffs Dive Team. It consists of 11 divers
who are trained in underwater search, rescue, and recovery operations along with swift
water rescues.
The Harbor Patrol rescue fleet consists of six twin -engine fireboats and eight single -engine
patrol boats. The fleet provides its services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing
services to Newport Harbor, Dana Point Harbor and Huntington Harbor. This agency is a
tremendous resource for Newport Beach emergency services in the case of an airplane
crash into the bay, the harbor areas, or the ocean (which is the most likely scenario).
• Gunnar f. Kuepper B Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-20
7.6.5 Safety of Newport Beach Emergency Crews Responding to )WA
Due to their close proximity, emergency crews from Newport Beach may be called to JWA
to assist Orange County Emergency Services in major events, ranging from plane crashes,
to terminal or hanger fires, to acts of terrorism.
The aviation industry has been subjected to acts of terrorism and violence since its early
beginnings. These attacks have not stopped in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.
Terminals have been bombed and shooting attacks (i.e., New Orleans Airport on May 23,
2002, LAX on July 4, 2002) are still common occurrences. JWA may be even more
exposed now, because LAX is improving security and is becoming a "hard" target.
Potential attackers might look at nearby JWA and consider its facilities a "softer" target for
an attack.
To reduce the risk of life and health for fire, EMS, and police personnel, the City of
Newport Beach should consider providing the following:
➢ terrorism awareness training (including the threat of secondary devices, nuclear,
biological, and chemical agents; operating procedures for situations involving
active shooters; etc.); and
➢ airplane/airport related hazard familiarization
for those emergency crews that might respond to an incident on airport premises. The loss
of any emergency service individual in the line of duty has a tremendous emotional impact
• on the community at large and can cause major grievances. Tragedies can be avoided
through preparedness and protective measures.
7.6.6 Communication
One of the most critical factors for the effectiveness of life saving operations and the
prevention of further escalation and damage in an airplane crash is communication.
Direct communication between Traffic Control at JWA and Fire/Rescue Dispatch for the
City of Newport Beach, which is located in the City of Anaheim, does not exist.
Direct radio communication exists between John Wayne ATC (Air Traffic Control) and the
NBPD helicopter crew.
Direct radio communication exists between the NBPD helicopter and NBPD and NBFD
ground crews.
Direct radio communication is exercised between NBFD units and OCFA units.
Direct radio communication exists between the different emergency services working on
the water (US Coast Guard, NBFD Lifeguards, Sheriff's Harbor Patrol).
Although an area for communications improvement exists between water -based and land -
based agencies, the commanding officers involved understand each other's jurisdictions
• and responsibilities and try not to interfere in the operations of other agencies.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-21
Another flaw in communications and coordination seems to exist between the local
agencies and the US Coast Guard (USCG). USCG has jurisdiction and the appropriate
equipment to perform ocean search and rescue operations. However, their response
capabilities, times, and procedures for an airplane crash off the shores of Newport Beach
are largely unknown.
7.6.7 Training and Coordination
A formalized training program between the different entities (NBFD, NBPD, OCFA, OC
Sheriff) does not exist However, NBFD units participated in the tri-annual full-scale
exercises at JWA in September of 1998 and May of 2002, and NBFD Fire Station No. 7
regularly responds to the airport. A mutual aid agreement between NBFD and OCFA exists
and is exercised on a regular basis.
Figure 7-6. IWA Full -Scale Disaster Exercise with Participation of NBFD Units
7.7 Aftermath of an Airplane Crash
It is important to realize that an airplane crash into a city the size of Newport Beach or off its
shores will stretch all public services to the limit. (See experiences of Ventura County in the
aftermath of the deadly crash of an Alaska Airlines MD-83 on January 31, 2000. While en route
from Puerto Vallarta to San Francisco, the aircraft crashed into the Pacific Ocean south of Point
Mugu in 650 feet of water, approximately 10 miles off the shore. Radio transmissions from the
plane indicated the pilots were struggling with a jammed stabilizer for the last 11 minutes of the
flight before diving into the sea. They tried to make an emergency landing at Los Angeles
International Airport, but control was lost and the MD-83 was seen in a nose -down attitude,
• Gunnar j. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-22
spinning and tumbling in a continuous roll, inverted before it impacted the sea. All 88 people on
board perished.)
The services needed in the aftermath of an airliner crash range from space and accommodations
for hundreds of media representatives, airline employees, care providers, and family members
(consider at least three family members for every airplane occupant), to site security, evidence
preservation, transportation arrangements for those involved, body recovery, and even memorial
All services will be required in a time of great pressure and emotional tensions. Therefore, it is
crucial that the different roles and responsibilities of the County, the Airport, and the City of
Newport Beach (who takes care for what, who reports to whom) are determined in advance, and
that clear documentation (i.e., Memorandum of Understanding) exists.
The way in which an incident is handled can make or break a crisis. The lack of proper crisis
management or even the perception of failure can have a tremendous negative impact on the
prestige of the city impacted by the tragedy (referred to as the CNN factor).
A plane crash always attracts the national and often the international media. Timely and
coordinated public information management is essential. In addition to the air carrier involved in
an accident, in Newport Beach the other agencies involved will be JWA, Orange County, FAA,
NTSB, etc. It is recommended that the responsibilities and actions to be taken are determined in 00
advance and understood by all Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The objective is to avoid
conflicting statements and speculation, and to establish a single point of contact for the media
(Joint Media Center).
It must be stressed that failure to address the media and the perception of the public in a high
profile accident such as a plane crash, may damage the reputation of the City's leadership or of the
City as a whole.
7.7.1 Financial Impacts
The aftermath of a major airplane accident will require numerous resources, facilities,
personnel, equipment, logistics, etc., and will become a costly endeavor. Most of these
activities (particularly response, salvage operations, and scene security) will be covered by
the airline and/or its insurance carrier. However, based on experience, the NTSB and other
federal agencies (i.e., FAA, FBI) may demand space, manpower, equipment,
accommodations, etc., to support their investigative efforts, which can last for months.
It is strongly recommended, therefore, to address reimbursement and payment issues
before committing City resources to an expensive operation. It is helpful to have 00
procedures in place to track and document all activities, expenses, manpower, overtime,
supplies, claims (i.e., injured personnel), and other costs for reimbursement.
7.8 Summary and Recommendations
The City of Newport Beach is located in the take -off path of aircraft departing John Wayne Airport
• (JWA), which statistically increases the risk of a plane crash into the City. A commercial plane
Gunnar). Kuepper Q Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-23
accident might be a 1-in-25- to 1-in-40-year occurrence. However, pilots are instructed to follow
the Newport Bay away from residential or developed areas.
The author did not detect a hazard risk that might be likely to result in a catastrophe for Newport
Beach. Given the amount of resources available in the City and throughout the County of Orange,
any impact will be significantly reduced by fast, coordinated, and skilled response operations of all
available emergency services.
Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that arrangements be made to ensure that ARFF units can
and will respond immediately to a major airplane accident within the City limits of Newport
Beach. Any JWA ARFF vehicle responding to an off -airport aircraft accident is equipped to and
required to use the designated 800 MHz frequency for communicating with the Fire Incident
Commander of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
It is critically important and required by FAA regulations that the airport is not allowed to operate
if the minimum fire protection coverage is not guaranteed. Therefore, airport fire vehicles are
allowed to respond off -site only if the airport has been shut down to commercial air traffic.
According to JWA documents, the primary fire, rescue, and law enforcement responsibility for off -
airport accidents is with the jurisdiction(s) involved. It is recommended that a formalized
Memorandum of Understanding regarding the response of ARFF vehicles in case of commercial
airliner crash within the City of Newport Beach be established between John Wayne Airport, the
Orange County Fire Authority, and the City of Newport Beach.
• Specific recommendations that can be made to further reduce the impact of aviation hazards in
the City of Newport Beach include the following:
Designate staging areas and rendezvous points for mutual aid agencies and procedures to
escort outside ambulances, fire companies, etc., to the incident site, and casualty
collection points.
Provide a formalized Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) training program (including
airport and aircraft familiarization, fuel fire extinguishment, hazards associated with
airplanes and aircraft cargo, safety procedures, aviation communications, evacuation, and
rescue operations) for all firefighters and Chief Fire Officers in Newport Beach.
Provide ARFF awareness training for all Newport Beach emergency personnel on a regular
Provide every emergency response unit (vehicles and individuals) with a laminated
Airplane Crash Checklist (ACC), as described in the appendix
Develop, implement, and exercise a City-wide aviation emergency response plan.
Conduct comprehensive tabletop and full-scale exercises on mass -casualty events in areas
potentially at risk (Upper and Lower Newport Bay, Balboa Island, Main Channel, Pacific
Ocean), with the participation of all available agencies, jurisdictions, and resources.
Develop clear mutual -aid agreements and Memoranda of Understanding with the airport
fire service, county emergency and law enforcement agencies, USCG, private ferry
providers, and other potential resources.
Gunnar I. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-24
As part of a mitigation effort to prevent or reduce the risk of aviation disaster, the City of
Newport Beach might choose to steer JWA towards limiting landing and departure rights to
commercial airplanes not exceeding a specific age.
Consider providing terrorism awareness training to emergency crews that might respond to
an incident on JWA premises.
Address reimbursement and payment issues before committing City resources to an
expensive operation.
Gunnar). Kuepper 0 Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-25
7.9 Sources
The findings in this report are based on the following:
On -site ground visits to the City of Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport
Aerial tour of the Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport area
Publications, Media, and Internet Resources
In -person interviews with:
o Donna Boston, Emergency Services Coordinator, City of Newport Beach
o Joe Davis, Captain, Airport Police Services Division, Orange County Sheriff
o Michael R. Hart, Deputy Director Operations, John Wayne Airport
o Paul Henisey, Captain, Police Department, City of Newport Beach
o Marty Kasules, Captain, Harbor Patrol, Orange County Sheriff Department.
o Timothy Riley, Fire Chief, City of Newport Beach
o Chuck Ullmann, Air Traffic Manager, FAA Tower, John Wayne Airport
o David R. Wilson, Chief Battalion 5, Orange County Fire Authority
The author (Gunnar K. Kuepper) wishes to express his gratitude to each agency and individual
who committed time and energy to assist in this effort. He is particularly grateful to Captain Paul
Henisey of the Newport Beach PD for his generous support.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-26
At least 7 in 10 plane crashes occur on or near an airport; these accidents are often survivable.
To ensure proper response operations:
➢ All emergency units (Police, Fire, EMS, etc.), in a 15-mile radius of a commercial airport
should have an airplane crash checklist (ACC)
➢ Checklists should be laminated and put into every glove compartment
➢ Checklists must follow the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and should include:
o Grid -map of the airport
o Staging areas and access gates
o Specifically assigned radio frequencies
o Priorities and'DOs & DON'Ts on airports / at aircraft crash sites:
• Always approach from upwind
• Always use PPE (personnel protective equipment)
• No freelancing: report and work exclusively within ICS (Incident Command
• Stay alert for the following hazards:
Fuel can always ignite
Sharp metal debris
Force of a working engine
Unknown freight hazmats
Damaged aircraft structures can collapse and/or roll over
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Title 14, Part 139 —
Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers
Subpart D — Operations
139.315 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Index determination
139.317 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents
139.319 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements
139.325 Airport emergency plan
NTSB'Part 830 — Notification and reporting of aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue
aircraft, and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail cargo, and records
CFR, Title 49, Chapter XII, Port 1500, Transportation Security Administration
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-27
• Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996
FAA Advisory Circulars, AC 150/5210-17 and NFPA Guidelines and Standards, NFPA 415
AC 150/5200-12 B -
Fire Department Responsibility in Protecting
Evidence at the Scene of an Aircraft Accident
AC 150/5200-31A -
Airport Emergency Plans
AC 150/5210 — 6C -
Aircraft and Fire Rescue Facilities and
Extinguishing Agents
AC 150/5210 — 7C -
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Communications
AC 150/5210 —13A -
Water Rescue Plans, Facilities and Equipment
AC 150/5210 —14A -
Airport Fire and Rescue Personnel Protective
AC 150/5210 —15 -
Airport Rescue and Firefighting Station Building
AC 150/5210 — 17-
Programs for Training of Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
AC 150/5210 —18 -
Systems for Interactive Training of Airport
• AC 150/5210 — 19
Drivers Enhanced Vision System
AC 150/5220 — 4B -
Water Supply Systems for ARFF Protection
AC 150/5220 —10B -
Guide Specification for Water/Foam ARFF Vehicles
AC 150/5220 — 17A -
Design Standards for an ARFF Training Facility
AC 150/5220 — 19 -
Guide Specification for Small Dual Agent ARFF
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Guidelines and Standards
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Operations
Aircraft Rescue and Fire -Fighting Services at Airports
Aircraft Fuel Servicing
Aircraft Hangars
Aircraft Rescue and Fire -Fighting Vehicles
Airport Terminal Buildings, Fueling Ramp Drainage And
Loading Walkways
Aircraft Accident Response
Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications
Emergency/Disaster Management and Business
Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
Aviation Hazards Page 7-28
Continuity Programs
Boeing Company <www.boeing.com>
Emergency & Disaster Management, Inc. <www.edmus.info>
Federal Aviation Administration <www.faa.gov>
International Civil Aviation Organization <www.icao.org>
John Wayne Airport <www.ocair.com>
National Transportation Safety Board <www.ntsb.gov>
City of Newport Beach <www.city.newport-beach.ca.us>
Newport Beach Firefighters Association <www.nbfa.org>
Newport Beach Police Department <www.nbpd.org>
County of Orange <www.oc.ca.gov>
Orange County Fire Authority <www.ocfa.org>
Orange County Sheriff Department <www.ocsd.org>
Transportation Security Administration <www.tsa.gov>
Air Disasters <www.airdisaster.com>
Ground Fatalities
Worldwide Aircraft Accidents with Ground Fatalities in 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1998
caused by:
Military aircraft accidents
5 on October 1, 2002, when two Indian navy aircraft flying in formation in a
military flyby collided in mid -air and crashed. One plane crashed into a house
under construction, while the other crashed onto a field next to a highway in
Vasco, India.
• 85 on July 27, 2002, when a Russian combat fighter Su-76 performing
aerobatics crashed into crowd of spectators at an air show at Skniliv Airport in
the Ukraine.
3 on March 7, 1999, when an Indian Air Force Antonov An-32 crashed into a
building site while attempting to land at New Delhi Airport, India.
• 1 on March 28, 1998, when a Peruvian Air Force Antonov An-32 carrying
villagers stranded by flooding crashed near a shantytown 1.5 miles from the
runway while attempting to land at Piura Airport, Peru.
20 on February, 1998, when a US Marine Corps Grummand EA-613 fighter jet
struck and severed the cable to a gondola causing it to fall 300 feet to the
ground, resulting in the deaths of 20 people on board near Cavalese in Trento,
Gunnar). Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-29
o Commercial plane accidents
75 on May 4, 2002, when an EAS Airline BAC one -eleven crashed shortly after
take off into houses, two mosques, and a school in the densely populated
neighborhood of Gwammaja, approximately 1.2 miles from Kano International
Airport, Nigeria.
5 on November 12, 2001, when an American Airlines Airbus A 300 crashed
into a residential neighborhood three minutes after taking off from JFK Airport
in New York City.
■ 4 on October 8, 2001, when a SAS MD-87 collided at Linate Airport with a
German Cessna Citation II business jet. The MD-87 then swerved off the
runway and crashed into a baggage handling building.
• 1 on March 24, 2001, when an Air Caraibes de Havilland Canada DHC-6
Twin Otter crashed into a house on a landing attempt at St. Barthelemy in the
French West Indies.
4 on October 6, 2000, when an Aeromexico DC-9 overshot the runway near
Reynosa, Mexico, while landing and crashed into vehicles and houses, finally
coming to rest in a canal.
4 on July 2000, when an Air France Concorde crashed into a small hotel
complex after taking off from Charles de Gaulle Airport near Paris, France.
5 on July 17, 2000, when a Indian Airlines Boeing 737 attempted to land at
Patna Airport and crashed into houses in the Gardanibagh district in India.
■ 7 on June 22, 2000, when a Wuhan Airlines Man Yunshuji Y-7-100C plane
crashed into the Hanjiang River while attempting to land at Wuhan's Wanjiatun
Airport in thunderstorms and heavy rain. Seven people aboard a boat on the
southern bank of the river were killed when they were swept away by the
impact of the crash.
■ 4 on March 24, 2000, when a Sky Cabs Cargo Antonov An-12 ran out of fuel
while landing and crashed short of the runway into houses in Kadirana, Sri
1 on January 5, 2000, when a Skypower Express Airways Embraer 110
crashed into a field adjacent to the runway while attempting to land in Abuja,
• 9 on December 1, 1999, when a Cubana de Aviaci6n DC-10 overshot the
runway and crashed into houses in the La Libertad section while attempting to
land at La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
10 on August 31, 1999, when a LAPA Airlines Boeing 737 attempting to take
off from Jorge Newberry Airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina, overran the
runway, skidded across a service road, and crashed into several cars and onto a
golf course.
19 on February 2, 1999, when a Savannair Antonov An-12 crashed into the
Cazenga district destroying five houses while attempting to land at Luanda
Airport, Angola.
4 on October 21, 1998, when an Ararat Avia Airlines Yakovlev YAK-40
airplane struck a military bus as it crossed the runway while attempting to take
off from Yerevan Airport, Armenia.
■ 10 on August 29, 1998, when a Cubana de Aviaci6n Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft
. crashed into an auto body shop and came to rest in a soccer field during takeoff
from Quito, Ecuador.
Gunnar J. Kuepper B Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-30
■ 2 on July 30, 1998, when an Indian Airlines crashed shortly after taking from
Kochi Airport, India.
3 on March 22, 1998, when a Philippine Airlines Airbus A-320 overran the
runway, went through a concrete perimeter fence, crossed a small river and hit
a karaoke house before stopping near a market during a landing attempt at
Bacolod Airport in the Philippines.
■ 7 on February 16, 1998, when a China Airlines Airbus A-300 crashed into a
residential neighborhood while attempting to land at the international Airport of
Taipei, Taiwan.
Gunnar J. Kuepper @ Emergency & Disaster Management for Earth Consultants International
2003 Aviation Hazards Page 7-31
Appendix A
Acceleration —The rate of change for a body's magnitude, direction, or both over a given period of time.
Active fault - For implementation of Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (APEFZA) requirements, an
active fault is one that shows evidence of, or is suspected of having experienced surface displacement within
the last 11,000 years. APEFZA classification is designed for land use management of surface rupture
hazards. A more general definition (National Academy of Science, 1988), states "a fault that on the basis of
historical, seismological, or geological evidence has the finite probability of producing an earthquake" (see
potentially active fault).
Adjacent grade — Elevation of the natural or graded ground surface, or structural fill, abutting the walls of a
building. See highest adjacent grade and lowest adjacent grade.
Aftershocks - Minor earthquakes following a greater one and originating at or near the same place.
Aggradation—The building up of earth's surface by deposition of sediment.
Alluvium - Surficial sediments of poorly consolidated gravels, sand, silts, and clays deposited by flowing
Anchor — To secure a structure to its footings or foundation wall in such a way that a continuous load
transfer path is created and so that it will not be displaced by flood, wind, or seismic forces.
• Aplite — A light-colored igneous rock with a fine-grained texture and free from dark minerals. Aplite forms at
great depths beneath the earth's crust.
Appurtenant structure — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a structure which is on the same
parcel of property as the principal structure to be insured and the use of which is incidental
Argillic — Alteration in which certain minerals of a rock or sediments are converted to clay.
Armor — To protect slopes from erosion and scour by flood waters. Techniques of armoring include the use
of riprap, gabions, or concrete.
Artesian — An adjective referring to ground water confined under hydrostatic pressure. The water level in
wells drilled into an artesian aquifer (also called a confined aquifer) will stand at some height above the top
of the aquifer. If the water reaches the ground surface the well is a "flowing" artesian well.
Attenuation —The reduction in amplitude of a wave with time or distance traveled.
A zone — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, area subject to inundation by the 100-year flood
where wave action does not occur or where waves are less than 3 feet high, designated Zone A, AE, Al-
A30, A0, AH, or AR on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
Base flood — Flood that has as 1-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also
known as the 100-year flood.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) — Elevation of the base flood in relation to a specified datum, such as the
• National Geodetic Vertical Datum or the North American Vertical Datum. The Base Flood Elevation is the
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-1
basis of the insurance and floodplain management requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Basement — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any area of a building having its floor subgrade on
all sides. (Note: What is typically referred to as a "walkout basement" which has a floor that is at or above
grade on at least one side, is not considered a basement under the National Flood Insurance Program.)
Beach nourishment — Replacement of beach sand removed by ocean waters.
Bedding - The arrangement of a sedimentary rock in beds or layers of varying thickness and character.
Bedrock - Designates hard rock that is in its natural intact position and underlies soil or other
unconsolidated surficial material.
Bench - A grading term that refers to a relatively level step excavated into earth material on which fill is to
be placed.
Berm — Horizontal portion of the backshore beach formed by sediments deposited by waves.
Biotite — A general term to designate all ferromagnesian micas.
Blind thrust fault - A thrust fault is a low -angle reverse fault (top block pushed over bottom block). A "blind'
thrust fault refers to one that does not reach the surface.
Breakaway wall — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a wall that is not part of the structural
support of the building and is intended through its design and construction to collapse under specific lateral
loading forces, without causing damage to the elevated portion of the building or supporting foundation
system. Breakaway walls are required by the National Flood Insurance Program regulations for any
enclosures constructed below the Base Flood Elevation beneath elevated buildings in Coastal High Hazard
Areas (also referred to as V zones). In addition, breakaway walls are recommended in areas where flood
waters flow at high velocities or contain ice or other debris.
Building code — Regulations adopted by local governments that establish standards for construction,
modification, and repair of buildings and other structures.
Built-up roof covering — Two or more layers of felt cemented together and surfaced with a cap sheet,
mineral aggregate, smooth coating, or similar surfacing material.
Bulkhead —Wall or other structure, often of wood, steel, stone, or concrete, designed to retain or prevent
sliding or erosion of the land. Occasionally, bulkheads are use to protect against wave action.
Cast -in -place concrete — Concrete that is poured and formed at the construction site.
Cladding — Exterior surface of the building envelope that is directly loaded by the wind.
Clay - A rock or mineral fragment having a diameter less than 1/256 mm (4 microns, or 0.00016 in.). A clay
commonly applied to any soft, adhesive, fine-grained deposit.
Claystone - An indurated clay having the texture and composition of shale, but lacking its fine lamination. A
massive mudstone in which clay predominates over silt.
Coastal A zone — The portion of the Special Flood Hazard Area landward of a V zone or landward of an
open coast without mapped V zones (e.g., shorelines of the Great Lakes), in which the principal sources of •
flooding are astronomical tides, storm surge, seiches, or tsunamis, not riverine sources. The flood forces in
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-2
coastal A zones are highly correlated with coastal winds or coastal seismic activity. Coastal A zones may
therefore be subject to wave effects, velocity flows, erosion, scour, or combinations of these forces. See A
zone and Non -coastal A zone. (Note: the National Flood Insurance Program regulations do not differentiate
between coastal A zones and non-coastalA zones.)
Coastal barrier — Depositional geologic feature such as a bay barrier, tombolo, barrier spit, or barrier island
that consists of unconsolidated sedimentary materials; is subject to wave, tidal, and wind energies, and
protects landward aquatic habitats from direct wave attack.
Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (CBRA) — Act (Pub. L. 97-348) that established the Coastal Barrier
Resources System (CBRS). The act prohibits the provision of new flood insurance coverage on or after
October 1, 1983, for any new construction or substantial improvements of structures located on any
designated undeveloped coastal barrier within the CBRS. The CBRS was expanded by the Coastal Barrier
Improvement Act of 1991. The date on which an area is added to the CBRS is the date of CBRS designation
for that area.
Coastal flood hazard area — Area, usually along an open coast, bay, or inlet, that is subject to inundation by
storm surge and, in•some instances, wave action caused by storms or seismic forces.
Coastal High Hazard Area — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an area of special flood hazard
extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area
subject to high -velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. On a Flood Insurance Rate Map, the
Coastal High Hazard Area is designated Zone V, VE, or VI-V30. These zones designate areas subject to
inundation by the base flood where wave heights or wave runup depths are greater than or equal to 3.0 feet.
• Code official — Officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the
code, or a duly authorized representative, such as a building, zoning, planning, or floodplain management
Column foundation — Foundation consisting of vertical support members with a height -to -least -lateral -
dimension ratio greater than three. Columns are set in holes and backfilled with compacted material. They
are usually made of concrete or masonry and often must be braced. Columns are sometimes known as posts,
particularly if the column is made of wood.
Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) — Building unit or block larger than 12 inches by 4 inches by 4 inches made
of cement and suitable aggregates.
'Conglomerate - A coarse -grained sedimentary rock composed of rounded to subangular fragments larger
than 2 mm in diameter set in a fine-grained matrix of sand or silt, and commonly cemented by calcium
carbonate, iron oxide, silica or hardened clay. The consolidated equivalent of gravel.
Connector — Mechanical device for securing two or more pieces, parts, or members together, including
anchors, wall ties, and fasteners.
Consolidation - Any process whereby loosely aggregated, soft earth materials become firm and cohesive
rock. Also the gradual reduction in volume and increase in density of a soil mass in response to increased
load or effective compressive stress, such as the squeezing of fluids from pore spaces.
Contraction joint — Groove that is formed, sawed, or tooled in a concrete structure to create a weakened
plane and regulate the location of cracking resulting from the dimensional change of different parts of the
• structure. See Isolation joint.
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Corrosion -resistant metal - Any nonferrous metal or any metal having an unbroken surfacing of nonferrous
metal, or steel with not less than 10 percent chromium or with not less than 0.20 percent copper.
Coseismic rupture - Ground rupture occurring during an earthquake but not necessarily on the causative
Cretaceous - The final period of the Mesozoic era (before the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era), thought
to have occurred between 136 and 65 million years ago.
Dead load - Weight of all materials of construction incorporated into the building, including but not limited
to walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding, and other similarly
incorporated architectural and structural items and fixed service equipment. See toads.
Debris - (Seismic) The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; ruins; rubble; fragments.
(Flooding, Coastal) Solid objects or masses carried by or floating on the surface of moving water.
Debris impact loads -Loads imposed on a structure by the impact of floodborne debris. These loads are
often sudden and large. Though difficult to predict, debris impact loads must be considered when structures
are designed and constructed. See loads.
Debris flow - A saturated, rapidly moving saturated earth flow with 50 percent rock fragments coarser than 2
mm in size which can occur on natural and graded slopes.
Debris line - Line left on a structure or on the ground by the deposition of debris. A debris line often
indicates the height or inland extent reached by flood waters.
Deck- Exterior floor supported on at least two opposing sides by an adjacent structure and/or posts, piers, or i
other independent supports. •
Deflected canyons - A relatively spontaneous diversion in the trend of a stream or canyon caused by any
number of processes, including folding and faulting.
Deformation - A general term for the process of folding, faulting, shearing, compression, or extension of
Design flood - The greater of either (1) the base flood or (2) the flood associated with the flood hazard area
depicted on a community's flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
Design Flood Elevation (DFE) - Elevation of the design flood, or the flood protection elevation required by a
community, including wave effects, relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum, North American
Vertical Datum, or other datum.
Design flood protection depth - Vertical distance between the eroded ground elevation and the Design
Flood Elevation.
Design stillwater flood depth - Vertical distance between the eroded ground elevation and the design
stillwater flood elevation.
Design Stillwater flood elevation - Stillwater elevation associated with the design flood, excluding wave
effects, relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum, North American Vertical Datum, or other datum.
Development - Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any manmade change to improved or •
unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling,
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-4
grading, paving, excavation, or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials.
Differential settlement — Non -uniform settlement; the uneven lowering of different parts of an engineered
structure, often resulting in damage to the structure. Sometimes included with liquefaction as ground failure
Dike — A tabular shaped, igneous intrusion that cuts across bedding of the surrounding rock.
Diorite — A group of igneous rocks that form at great depth beneath the earth's crust. These rocks are
intermediate in composition between acidic and basic rocks.
Dune — See Frontal dune and Primary frontal dune
Dune toe —junction of the gentle slope seaward of the dune and the dune face, which is marked by a slope
of 1 on 10 or steeper.
Dynamic analysis - A complex earthquake -resistant engineering design technique (UBC - used for critical
facilities) capable of modeling the entire frequency spectra, or composition, of ground motion. The method
is used to evaluate the stability of a site or structure by considering the motion from any source or mass,
such as that dynamic motion produced by machinery or a seismic event.
Earth flow - Imperceptibly slow -moving surficial material in which 80 percent or more of the fragments are
smaller than 2 mm, including a range of rock and mineral fragments.
Earthquake - Vibratory motion propagating within the Earth or along its surface caused by the abrupt release
of strain from elastically deformed rock by displacement along a fault.
Earth's crust - The outermost layer or shell of the Earth.
Effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) — See Flood Insurance Rate Map.
Enclosure — That portion of an elevated building below the Design Flood Elevation (DFE) that is partially or
fully surrounded by solid (including breakaway) walls.
Encroachment — Any physical object placed in a floodplain that hinders the passage of water or otherwise
affects the flood flows.
Engineering geologist - A geologist who is certified by the State as qualified to apply geologic data,
principles, and interpretation to naturally occurring earth materials so that geologic factors affecting
planning, design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering works are properly recognized and
used. An engineering geologist is particularly needed to conduct investigations, often with geotechnical
engineers, of sites with potential ground failure hazards.
Epicenter - The point at the Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake originated.
Episodic erosion — Erosion induced by a single storm event. Episodic erosion considers the vertical
component of two factors: general beach profile lowering and localized conical scour around foundation
supports. Episodic erosion is relevant to foundation embedment depth and potential undermining. See
Erodible soil — Soil subject to wearing away and movement due to the effects of wind, water, or other
• geological processes during a flood or storm or over a period of years.
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Erosion — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the process of the gradual wearing away of
landmasses. In general, erosion involves the detachment and movement of soil and rock fragments, during a �..
flood or storm or over a period of years, through the action of wind, water, or other geologic processes.
Erosion analysis — Analysis of the short- and long-term erosion potential of soil or strata, including the effects
of wind action, flooding or storm surge, moving water, wave action, and the interaction of water and
structural components.
Expansive soil - A soil that contains clay minerals that take in water and expand. If a soil contains sufficient
amount of these clay minerals, the volume of the soil can change significantly with changes in moisture,
with resultant structural damage to structures founded on these materials.
Fault - A fracture (rupture) or a zone of fractures along which there has been displacement of adjacent earth
Fault segment - A continuous portion of a fault zone that is likely to rupture along its entire length during an
Fault slip rate - The average long-term movement of a fault (measured in cm/year or mm/year) as determined
from geologic evidence.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — Independent agency created in 1979 to provide a single
point of accountability for all Federal activities related to disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness,
response and recovery. FEMA administers the National flood Insurance Program.
Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) — The component of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
directly responsible for administering the flood insurance aspects of the National flood Insurance Program. •
Feldspar — The most widespread of any mineral group; constitutes —60% of the earth's crust. Feldspars occur
as components of all kinds of rocks and, on decomposition, yield a large part of the clay of a soil.
Fetch — Distance over which wind acts on the water surface to generate waves.
Fill — Material such as soil, gravel, or crushed stone placed in an area to increase ground elevations or
change soil properties. See structural fill.
Five (Soo) -year flood — Flood that has as 0.2-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given
Flood - A rising body of water, as in a stream or lake, which overtops Its natural and artificial confines and
covers land not normally under water. Under the National Flood Insurance Program, either (a) a general and
temporary condition or partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:
(1) the overflow of inland or tidal waters,
(2) the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, or
(3) mudslides (i.e., mudflows) which are proximately caused by flooding as defined in (2) and are
akin to a river of liquid and flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas, as when the
earth is carried by a current of water and deposited along the path of the current,
or (b) the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of
erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or
suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe
storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as flash flood or abnormal tidal surge, or by some
similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding as defined in (1), above. •
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Flood -damage -resistant material — Any construction material capable of withstanding direct and prolonged
contact (i.e., at least 72 hours) with floodwaters without suffering significant damage (i.e., damage that
requires more than cleanup or low-cost cosmetic repair, such as painting).
Flood elevation — Height of the water surface above an established elevation datum such as the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum, North American Vertical Datum, or mean sea level.
Flood hazard area — The greater of the following: (1) the area of special flood hazard, as defined under the
National Flood Insurance Program, or (2) the area'designated as a flood hazard area on a community's
legally adopted flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
Flood insurance — Insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program.
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an official map of a
community, on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated both the special hazard
areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. (Note: The latest FIRM issued for a
community is referred to as the effective FIRM for that community.)
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an examination, evaluation,
and determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations, or an
examination, evaluation, and determination of mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood -related erosion hazards
in a community or communities. (Note: The National Flood Insurance Program regulations refer to Flood
Insurance Studies as "flood elevation studies.")
Flood -related erosion area or flood -related erosion prone area — A land area adjoining the shore of a lake
or other, body of water, which due to the composition of the shoreline or bank and high water levels or
• wind -driven currents, is likely to suffer flood -related erosion damage.
Flooding — See Flood.
Floodplain — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any land area susceptible to being inundated by
water from any source. See Flood.
Floodplain management — Operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for
reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works,
and floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain management regulations — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, zoning ordinances,
subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances (such as floodplain
ordinance, grading ordinance, and erosion control ordinance), and other applications of police power. The
term describes such state or local regulations, in any combination thereof, which provide standards for the
purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.
Footing — Enlarged base of a foundation wall, pier, post, or column designed to spread the load of the
structure so that it does not exceed the soil bearing capacity.
Footprint— Land area occupied by a structure
Freeboard — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a factor of safety, usually expressed in feet above
a flood level, for the purposes of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to compensate for the many
unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the heights calculated for a selected size
• flood and floodway conditions, such as the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.
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Frontal dune — Ridge or mound of unconsolidated sandy soil, extending continuously alongshore landward
of the sand beach and defined by relatively steep slopes abutting markedly flatter and lower regions on each
Gabion — Rock -filled cage made of wire or metal that is placed on slopes or embankments to protect them
from erosion caused by flowing or fast-moving water.
Geomorphology - The science that treats the general configuration of the Earth's surface. The study of the
classification, description, nature, origin and development of landforms, and the history of geologic changes
as recorded by these surface features.
Geotechnical engineer - A licensed civil engineer who is also certified by the State as qualified for the
investigation and engineering evaluation of earth materials and their interaction with earth retention systems,
structural foundations, and other civil engineering works.
Grade beam — Section of a concrete slab that is thicker than the slab and acts as a footing to provide
stability, often under load -bearing or critical structural walls. Grade beams are occasionally installed to
provide lateral support for vertical foundation members where they enter the ground.
Grading - Any excavating or filling or combination thereof. Generally refers to the modification of the
natural landscape into pads suitable as foundations for structures.
Granite — Broadly applied, any completely crystalline, quartz -bearing, plutonic rock.
Ground failure - Permanent ground displacement produced by fault rupture, differential settlement,
liquefaction, or slope failure.
Ground rupture - Displacement of the earth's surface as a result of fault movement associated with an
High -velocity Wave action — Condition in which wave heights or wave runup depths are greater than or
equal to 3.0 feet.
Highest adjacent grade — Elevation of the highest natural or regarded ground surface, or structural fill, that
abuts the walls of a building.
Holocene — An epoch of the Quaternary period spanning from the end of the Pleistocene to the present time
(10,000 years).
Hornblende — The most common mineral of the amphibole group. It is a primary constituent in many
intermediate igneous rocks.
Hurricane — Tropical cyclone, formed in the atmosphere over warm ocean areas, in which wind speeds
reach 74 miles per hour or more and blow in a large spiral around a relatively calm center or "eye."
Hurricane circulation is counter -clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern
Hurricane clip or strap — Structural connector, usually metal, used to tie roof, wall, floor, and foundation
members together so that they can resist wind forces.
Hydrocompaction - Settlement of loose, granular soils that occurs when the loose, dry structure of the sand
grains held together by a clay binder or other cementing agent collapses upon the introduction of water.
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Hydrodynamic loads — Loads imposed on an object, such as a building, by water flowing against and
around it. Among these loads are positive frontal pressure against the structure, drag effect along the sides,
and negative pressure on the downstream side.
Hydrostatic loads — Loads imposed on a surface, such as a wall or floor slab, by a standing mass of water.
The water pressure increases with the square of the water depth.
Igneous —Type of rock or mineral that formed from molten or partially molten magma.
Intensity - A measure of the effects of an earthquake at a particular place. Intensity depends on the
earthquake magnitude, distance from the epicenter, and on the local geology.
Isolation joint — Separation between adjoining parts of a concrete structure, usually a vertical plane, at a
designated location such as to interfere least with the performance of the structure, yet such as to allow
relative movement in three directions and avoid formation of cracks elsewhere in the concrete and through
which all or part of the bonded reinforcement is interrupted. See Contraction joint.
Jetting (of piles) — Use of a high-pressure stream of water to embed a pile in sandy soil. See pile foundation.
Jetty — Wall built out into the water to restrain currents or protect a structure.
Joist — Any of the parallel structural members of a floor system that support, and are usually immediately
beneath, the floor.
ka — thousands of years before present.
Lacustrine Flood hazard area — Area subject to inundation by flooding from lakes.
Landslide - A general term covering a wide variety of mass -movement landforms and processes involving the
downslope transport, under gravitational influence, of soil and rock material en masse.
Lateral force - The force of the horizontal, side -to -side motion on the Earth's surface as measured on a
particular mass; either a building or structure.
Lateral spreading - Lateral movements in a fractured mass of rock or soil which result from liquefaction or
plastic flow or subjacent materials.
Left -lateral fault —A strike -slip fault across which a viewer would see the block on the opposite side of the
fault move to the left.
Lifeline system - Linear conduits or corridors for the delivery of services or movement of people and
information (e.g., pipelines, telephones, freeways, railroads)
Lifeline system - Linear conduits or corridors for the delivery of services or movement of people and
information (e.g., pipelines, telephones, freeways, railroads).
Lineament — Straight or gently curved, lengthy features of earth's surface, frequently expressed
topographically as depressions or lines of depressions, scarps, benches, or change in vegetation.
Liquefaction - Changing of soils (unconsolidated alluvium) from a solid state to weaker state unable to
support structures; where the material behaves similar to a liquid as a consequence of earthquake shaking.
• The transformation of cohesionless soils from a solid or liquid state as a result of increased pore pressure and
reduced effective stress.
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Littoral — Of or pertaining to the shore, especially of the sea; coastal.
Littoral drift — Movement of sand by littoral (longshore) currents in a direction parallel to the beach along
the shore.
Live loads — Loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or other structure. Live loads do not
include construction or environmental loads such as wind load, snow load, rain load, earthquake load,
flood load, or dead load. See Loads.
Load -bearing wall —Wall that supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight. See Non -load -bearing
Loads — Forces or other actions that result from the weight of all building materials, occupants and their
possessions, environmental effects, differential movement, and restrained dimensional changes. Permanent
loads are those in which variations over time are rare or of small magnitude. All other loads are variable
Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) — Elevation of the lowest natural or re -graded ground surface, or structural fill,
that abuts the walls of a building. See Highest adjacent grade.
Lowest floor — Under the National Flood insurance Program, the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area
(including basement) of a structure. An unfinished or flood -resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of
vehicles, building access, or storage in an area other than a basement is not considered a building's lowest
floor, provided that the enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of National Flood
Insurance Program regulatory requirements.
Lowest horizontal structural member — In an elevated building, the lowest beam, joist, or other horizontal
member that supports the building. Grade beams installed to support vertical foundation members where
they enter the ground are not considered lowest horizontal structural members.
Ma — millions of years before present.
Magnitude - A measure of the size of an earthquake, as determined by measurements from seismograph
Major earthquake - Capable of widespread, heavy damage up to 50+ miles from epicenter; generally near
Magnitude range 6.5 to 7.0 or greater, but can be less, depending on rupture mechanism, depth of
earthquake, location relative to urban centers, etc.
Mangrove stand — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an assemblage of mangrove trees, which
are mostly low trees noted for a copious development of interlacing adventitious roots above the ground and
which contain one or more of the following species: black mangrove (Avicennia Nitida), red mangrove
(Rhizophora Mangle), white mangrove (Languncularia Racemosea), and buttonwood (Conocarpus Erecta).
Manufactured home — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a structure, transportable in one or
more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent
foundation when attached to the required utilities. The term "manufactured home" does not include a
"recreational vehicle."
Marsh — Wetland dominated by herbaceous or non -woody plants often developing in shallow ponds or
depressions, river margins, tidal areas, and estuaries.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-10
Masonry — Built-up construction of combination of building units or materials of clay, shale, concrete, glass,
gypsum, stone, or other approved units bonded together with or without mortar or grout or other accepted
methods of joining.
Maximum Magnitude Earthquake (Mmax) - The highest magnitude earthquake a fault is capable of
producing based on physical limitations, such as the length of the fault or fault segment.
Maximum Probable Earthquake (MPE) - The design size of the earthquake expected to occur within a time
frame of interest, for example within 30 years or 100 years, depending on the purpose, lifetime or
importance of the facility. Magnitude/frequency relationships are based on historic seismicity, fault slip
rates, or mathematical models. The more critical the facility, the longer the time period considered.
Metamorphic rock — A rock whose original mineralogy, texture, or composition has been changed due to
the effects of pressure, temperature, or the gain or loss of chemical components.
Mean sea level (MSL) — Average height of the sea for all stages of the tide, usually determined from hourly
height observations over a 19-year period on an open coast or in adjacent waters having free access to the
sea. See National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
Metal roof panel — Interlocking metal sheet having a minimum installed weather exposure of 3 square feet
per sheet.
Metal roof shingle — Interlocking metal sheet having an installed weather exposure less than 3 square feet
per sheet.
Mitigation — Any action taken to reduce or permanently eliminate the long-term risk to life and property
16 from natural hazards.
Mitigation Directorate — Component of Federal Emergency Management Agency directly responsible for
administering the flood hazard identification and floodplain management aspects of the National Flood
Insurance Program.
Moderate earthquake - Capable of causing considerable to severe damage, generally in the range of
Magnitude 5.0 to 6.0 (Modified Mercalli Intensity <Vp, but highly dependent on rupture mechanism, depth
of earthquake, and location relative to urban center, etc.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) — Federal program created by Congress in 1968 that makes flood
insurance available in communities that enact and enforce satisfactory floodplain management regulations.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) — Datum established in 1929 and used as a basis for measuring
flood, ground, and structural elevations, previously referred to as Sea Level Datum or Mean Sea Level. The
Base Flood Elevations shown on most of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency are referenced to NGVD or, more recently, to the North American Vertical Datum.
Naturally decay -resistant wood — Wood whose composition provides it with some measure of resistance to
decay and attack by insects, without preservative treatment (e.g., heartwood of cedar, black locust, black
walnut, and redwood).
Near -field earthquake - Used to describe a local earthquake within approximately a few fault zone widths of
the causative fault which is characterized by high frequency waveforms that are destructive to above -ground
utilities and short period structures (less than about two or three stories).
• New construction — For the purpose of determining flood insurance rates under the National Flood
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-11
Insurance Program, structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of
the initial flood Insurance Rate Map or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later, including any
subsequent improvements to such structures. (See Post -FIRM structure.) For floodplain management
purposes, new construction means structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the
effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by a community and includes any subsequent
improvements to such structures.
Non -coastal A zone — For the purposes of this manual, the portion of the Special Flood Hazard Area in
which the principal source of flooding is runoff from rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination of both. In non -
coastal A zones, flood waters may move slowly or rapidly, but waves are usually not a significant threat to
buildings. See A zone and coastal A zone. (Note: the National Flood Insurance Program regulations do not
differentiate between non -coastal A zones and coastal A zones.)
Non -load -bearing wall — Wall that does not support vertical loads other than its own weight. See Load -
bearing wall.
North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) — Datum used as a basis for measuring flood, ground, and
structural elevations. NAVD is used in many recent Flood Insurance Studies rather than the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum.
Oblique — reverse fault — A fault that combines some strike -slip motion with some dip -slip motion in which
the upper block, above the fault plane, moves up over the lower block.
Offset ridge - A ridge that is discontinuous on account of faulting.
Offset stream - A stream displaced' laterally or vertically by faulting.
(One)100-year flood — See Base flood.
Oriented strand board (OSB) — Mat -formed wood structural panel product composed of thin rectangular
wood strands or wafers arranged in oriented layers and bonded with waterproof adhesive.
Orthoclase — One of the most common rock -forming minerals, colorless, white, cream -yellow, flesh -reddish,
or grayish in color.
Paleoseismic — Pertaining to an earthquake or earth vibration that happened decades, centuries, or millennia
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) - The greatest amplitude of acceleration measuredfor a single frequency
on an earthquake accelerogram. The maximum horizontal ground motion generated by an earthquake. The
measure of this motion is the acceleration of gravity (equal to 32 feet per second squared, or 980 centimeter
per second squared), and generally expressed as a percentage of gravity.
Pedogenic — Pertaining to soil formation.
Pegmatite — An igneous rock with extremely large grains, more than a centimeter in diameter.
Perched ground water - Unconfined ground water separated from an underlying main body of ground water
by an unsaturated zone.
Peak flood - The highest discharge or stage value of a flood.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-12
Plagioclase — One of the most common rock forming minerals.
Plutonic — Pertaining to igneous rocks formed at great depth.
Plywood — Wood structural panel composed of plies of wood veneer arranged in cross -aligned layers. The
plies are bonded with an adhesive that cures on application of heat and pressure.
Pore pressure - The stress transmitted by the fluid that fills the voids between particles of a soil or rock mass.
Post foundation — Foundation consisting of vertical support members set in holes and backfilled with
compacted material. Posts are usually made of wood and usually must be braced. Posts are also known as
columns, but columns are usually made of concrete or masonry.
Post -FIRM structure — For purposes of determining insurance rates under the National Flood Insurance
Program, structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of an initial
Flood Insurance Rate Map or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later, including any subsequent
improvements to such structures. This term should not be confused with the term new construction as it is
used in floodplain management.
Potentially active fault - A fault showing evidence of movement within the last 1.6 million years (750,000
years according to the U.S. Geological Survey) but before about 11,000 years ago, and that is capable of
generating damaging earthquakes.
Precast concrete — Structural concrete element cast elsewhere than its final position in the structure. See
Cast -in -place concrete.
• Pressure -treated wood — Wood impregnated under pressure with compounds that reduce the susceptibility
of the wood to flame spread or to deterioration caused by fungi, insects, or marine borers.
Primary frontal dune — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a continuous or nearly continuous
mound or ridge of sand with relatively steep seaward and landward slopes immediately landward and
adjacent to the beach and subject to erosion and overtopping from high tides and waves during major
coastal storms. The inland limit of the primary frontal dune occurs at the point where there is a distinct
change from a relatively steep slope to a relatively mild slope.
Project - A development application involving zone changes, variances, conditional use permits, tentative
parcel maps, tentative tract maps, and plan amendments.
Quartzite — A metamorphic rock consisting mostly of quartz.
Quartz monzonite — A plutonic rock containing major plagioclase, orthoclase and quartz; with increased
orthoclase it becomes a granite.
Quaternary — The second period of the Cenozoic era, consisting of the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs;
covers the last two to three million years.
Resonance - Amplification of ground motion frequencies within bands matching the natural frequency of a
structure and often causing partial or complete structural collapse; effects may demonstrate minor damage to
single -story residential structures while adjacent 3- or 4-story buildings may collapse because of
corresponding frequencies, or vice versa.
• Recurrence interval — The time between earthquakes of a given magnitude, or within a given magnitude
range, on a specific fault or within a specific area.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-13
Reinforced concrete —Structural concrete reinforced with steel bars.
Response spectra - The range of potentially damaging frequencies of a given earthquake applied to a
specific site and'for a particular building or structure.
Retrofit —Any change made to an existing structure to reduce or eliminate damage to that structure from
flooding, erosion, high winds, earthquakes, or other hazards.
Revetment — Facing of stone, cement, sandbags, or other materials placed on an earthen wall or
embankment to protect it from erosion or scour caused by Rood waters or wave action
Right -lateral fault - A strike -slip fault across which a viewer would see the block on the opposite side of the
fault move to the right.
Riprap — Broken stone, cut stone blocks, or rubble that is placed on slopes to protect them from erosion or
scour caused by flood waters or wave action.
Roof deck — Flat or sloped roof surface not including its supporting members or vertical supports.
Sand boil - An accumulation of sand resembling a miniature volcano or low volcanic mound produced by
the expulsion of liquefied sand to the sediment surface. Also called sand blows, and sand volcanoes.
Sand dunes — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, natural or artificial ridges or mounds of sand
landward of the beach,
Sandstone - A medium -grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of abundant rounded or angular •
fragments of sand size set in a fine-grained matrix and more or less firmly united by a cementing material.
Saturated - Said of the condition in which the interstices of a material are filled with a liquid, usually water.
Scarp — A line of cliffs produced by faulting or by erosion. The term is an abbreviated form of escarpment.
Schist — A metamorphic rock characterized by a preferred orientation in grains resulting in the rock's ability
to be split into thin flakes or slabs.
Scour — Removal of soil or fill material by the flow of flood waters. The term is frequently used to describe
storm -induced, localized conical erosion around pilings and other foundation supports where the
obstruction of flow increases turbulence. See Erosion.
Seawall — Solid barricade built at the water's edge to protect the shore and to prevent inland flooding.
Sediment - Solid fragmental material that originates from weathering of rocks and is transported or deposited
by air, water, ice, or that accumulates by other natural agents, such as chemical precipitation from solution.
and that forms in layers on the Earth's surface in a loose, unconsolidated form.
Seiche - A free or standing -wave oscillation of the surface of water in an enclosed or semi -enclosed basin
(such as a lake, bay, or harbor), that is initiated chiefly by local changes in atmospheric pressure, aided by
winds, tidal currents, and earthquakes, and that continues, pendulum -fashion, for a time after cessation of
the originating force.
Seismogenic - Capable of producing earthquake activity. • t
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-14
Seismograph - An instrument that detects, magnifies, and records vibrations of the Earth, especially
16 earthquakes. The resulting record is a seismogram.
Shearwall — Load -bearing wall or non -load -bearing wall that transfers in -plane lateral forces from lateral
loads acting on a structure to its foundation.
Shoreline retreat — Progressive movement of the shoreline in a landward direction caused by the composite
effect of all storms considered over decades and centuries (expressed as an annual average erosion rate).
Shoreline retreat considers the horizontal component of erosion and is relevant to long-term land use
decisions and the siting of buildings.
Shutter ridge — That portion of an offset ridge that blocks or "shutters" the adjacent canyon.
Silt - A rock fragment or detrital particle smaller than a very fine sand grain and larger than coarse clay,
having a diameter in the range of 1/256 to 1/16 mm (4-62 microns, or 0.00016-0.0025 in.). An indurated
silt having the texture and composition of shale but lacking its fine lamination is called a siltstone.
Single -ply membrane — Roofing membrane that is field -applied with one layer of membrane material (either
homogeneous or composite) rather than multiple layers.
Sixty (60)-year setback — A state or local requirement that prohibits new construction and certain
improvements and repairs to existing coastal buildings located in an area expected to be lost to shoreline
retreat over a 60-year period. The inland extent of the area is equal to 60 times the average annual long-term
recession rate at a site, measured from a reference feature.
Slope ratio - Refers to the angle or gradient of a slope as the ratio of horizontal units to vertical units. For
• example, in a 2:1 slope, for every two horizontal units, there is a vertical rise of one unit (equal to a slope
angle, from the horizontal, of 26.6 degrees).
Slump - A landslide characterized by a shearing and rotary movement of a generally independent mass of
rock or earth along a curved slip surface.
Soil horizon — A layer of soil that is distinguishable from adjacent layers by characteristic physical properties
such as structure, color, or texture.
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an area having special
flood, mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood -related erosion hazards, and shown on a Flood Hazard
Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map as Zone A, AO, Al-A30, AE, A99, AH, V, V1430, VE, M or E.
Start of construction (for other than new construction or substantial improvements under the Coastal Barrier
Resources Act) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, date the building permit was issued,
provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition placement, or other
improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of
permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of
piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a
manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as
clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it
include excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor
does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied
as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of
construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building,
• whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-15
State Coordinating Agency — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the agency of the state
government, or other office designated by the Governor of the state or by state statute to assist in the:
implementation of the National Flood Insurance Program in that state.
Stillwater elevation — Projected elevation that flood waters would assume, referenced to the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum, North American Vertical Datum, or other datum, in the absence of waves resulting
from wind or seismic effects.
Storage capacity - Dam storage measured in acre-feet or decameters, including dead storage.
Storm surge — Rise in the water surface above normal water level on the open coast due to the action of
wind stress and atmospheric pressure on the water surface.
Storm tide — Combined effect of storm surge, existing astronomical tide conditions, and breaking wave
Strike -slip fault - A fault with a vertical to sub -vertical fault surface that displays evidence of horizontal and
opposite displacement.
Structural concrete — All concrete used for structural purposes, including plain concrete and reinforced
Structural engineer - A licensed civil engineer certified by the State as qualified to design and supervise the
construction of engineered structures.
Structural fill — Fill compacted to a specified density to provide structural support or protection to a
structure. See Fill.
Structure — Something constructed, such as a building, or part of one. For floodplain management purposes
under the National flood Insurance Program, a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage
tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. For insurance coverage purposes
under the NFIP, structure means a walled and roofed building, other than a gas or liquid storage tank, that is
principally above ground and affixed to a permanent site, as well as a manufactured home on a permanent
foundation. For the latter purpose, the term includes a building while in the course of construction,
alteration, or repair, but does not include building materials or supplies intended for use in such
construction, alteration, or repair, unless such materials or supplies are within an enclosed building on the
Subsidence - The sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the Earth's surface with little or no
horizontal motion.
Substantial damage — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, damage of any origin sustained by a
structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before -damaged condition would equal or exceed
50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
Substantial improvement — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any reconstruction, rehabilitation,
addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market
value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement. This term includes structures,
which have incurred substantial damage, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not,
however, include either (1) any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state
or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code
enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions, or (2) any
alteration of a "historic structure," provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-16
designation as a "historic structure."
Surge — See Storm surge.
Swale — In hillside terrace, a shallow drainage channel, typically with a rounded depression or "hollow" at
the head.
Thirty (30)-year erosion setback — A state or local requirement that prohibits new construction and certain
improvements and repairs to existing coastal buildings located in an area expected to be lost to shoreline
retreat over a 30-year period. The inland extent of the area is equal to 30 times the average annual long-term
recession rate at a site, measured from a reference feature.
Thrust fault — A fault, with a relatively shallow dip, in which the upper block, above the fault plane, moves
up over the lower block.
Transform system — A system in which faults of plate -boundary dimensions transform into another plate -
boundary structure when it ends.
Transpression — In crustal deformation, an intermediate stage between compression and strike -slip motion; it
occurs in zones with oblique compression.
Tropical depression — Tropical cyclone with some rotary circulation at the water surface. With maximum
sustained wind speeds of up to 39 miles per hour, it is the second phase in the development of a hurricane.
Tropical disturbance — Tropical cyclone that maintains its identity for at least 24 hours and is marked by
moving thunderstorms and with slight or no rotary circulation at the water surface. Winds are not strong. It is
a common phenomenon in the tropics and is the first discernable stage in the development of a hurricane.
Tsunami — Great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
Typhoon — Name given to a hurricane in the area of the western Pacific Ocean west of 180 degrees
Unconfined aquifer — Aquifer in which the upper surface of the saturated zone is free to rise and fall.
Unconsolidated sediments - A deposit that is loosely arranged or unstratified, or whose particles are not
cemented together, occurring either at the surface or at depth.
Underlayment — One or more layers of felt, sheathing paper, non -bituminous saturated felt, or other
approved material over which a steep -sloped roof covering is applied.
Undermining — Process whereby the vertical component of erosion or scour exceeds the depth of the base of
a building foundation or the level below which the bearing strength of at the foundation is compromised.
Uplift — Hydrostatic pressure caused by water under a building. It can be strong enough lift a building off its
foundation, especially when the building is not properly anchored to its foundation.
Upper bound earthquake — Defined as a 10% chance of exceedance in 100 years, with a statistical return
period of 949 years.
V zone —See Coastal High Hazard Area.
• Variance — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, grant of relief by a community from the terms of a
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page A-17
floodplain management regulation.
Violation — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the failure of a structure or other development to
be fully compliant with the community's floodplain management regulations. A structure or other
development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compliance required
in Sections 60.3(b)(5), (c)(4), (c)(10), (d)(3), (e)(2), (e)(4), or (e)(5) of the NFIP regulations is presumed to be in
until such time as that documentation is provided.
Watershed - A topographically defined region draining into a particular water course.
Water surface elevation — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the height, in relation to the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (or other datum, where specified), of floods of various magnitudes
and frequencies in the floodplains of coastal or riverine areas.
Water table - The upper surface of groundwater saturation of pores and fractures in rock or surficial earth
Wave-- Ridge, deformation, or undulation of the water surface.
Wave crest elevation — Elevation of the crest of a wave.
Wave height — Vertical distance between the wave crest and wave trough.
Wave runup — Rush of wave water up a slope or structure.
Wave runup depth — Vertical distance between the maximum wave runup elevation and the eroded ground
Wave runup elevation — Elevation, referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum or other datum,
reached by wave runup.
Wave setup — Increase in the stillwater surface near the shoreline, due to the presence of breaking waves.
X zone — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, areas where the flood hazard is less than that in the
Special Flood Hazard Area. Shaded X zones shown un recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps (B zones on older
maps) designate areas subject to inundation by the 500-year flood. Un-shaded X zones (C zones on older
Flood Insurance Rate Maps) designate areas where the annual probability of flooding is less than 0.2
Consultants International Glossary Page A-18
Trivial Consultation Guidelines
O•�•PLAN34114ib ANb RhStARCT
Hard copies of this document are available from OPR upon receipt
of a written request by letter.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Director's Message
March 1, 2005
The Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) is proud to announce the publication of
the 2005 Supplement to the General Plan Guidelines. The 2005 Supplement provides advisory
guidance to cities and counties on the process for consulting with Native American Indian tribes
during the adoption or amendment of local general plans or specific plans, in accordance with the
statutory requirements of Senate Bill 18 (Chapter 905, Statutes of 2004). At a future date, this
2005 Supplement will be incorporated into the General Plan Guidelines as a new chapter on
tribal consultation. It is our hope that this 2005 Supplement will be useful not only to city and
county planning staffs for complying with the new statutory mandates, but also to local elected
officials, planning consultants, landowners, and tribal members who are involved in the general
plan process.
In all of its work, OPR attempts to encourage more collaborative and comprehensive land use
planning at the local, regional, and statewide levels. These goals are consistent with the goals of
Senate Bill 18, which for the first time in the nation, requires cities and counties to consult with
Native American tribes when adopting and amending their general plans or specific plans.
The completion of this 2005 Supplement would not have been possible without the advice and
assistance of many organizations and individuals, whose support OPR acknowledges and
appreciates. These organizations and individuals include the Native American Heritage
Commission and its staff, the members and representatives of numerous California Native
American tribes, many city and county governments, state agency representatives, professional
associations and academic institutions. We appreciate their assistance in preparing this 2005
Supplement, including participation at several meetings and public workshops.
OPR typically takes a year or more to update and republish its General Plan Guidelines. This
2005 Supplement was developed in five months because SB 18 mandates issuance of OPR
guidelines by March 1, 2005. OPR's resources were intensely focused on meeting the March I
deadline, and included outreach and consultation with a wide range of stakeholders before and
during the crafting of the guidelines. We consulted with city and county representatives
(planners, legislative staff and legal counsels); tribal representatives and associations; staff of the
Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), including attendance at two NAHC
commission meetings; federal agencies with experience in tribal consultation; academic
institutions; and professional associations that deal with archaeological and cultural resource
protection. In addition, we consulted with numerous tribal liaisons within state government and
sought the input of the League of California Cities and the California State Association of
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Based upon this consultation, OPR issued Draft SB 18 Tribal Consultation Guidelines (this 2005
Supplement) on February 22, 2005 for public review and comment. OPR conducted a public
workshop on February 25, 2005, Which was well attended and resulted in a productive discussion
of the process envisioned by SB 18, as well as many specific recommendations for
improvements to the 2005 Supplement. In addition, we heard clearly a request from many
parties for additional time to consult with OPR regarding the 2005 Supplement.
OPR has met its statutory responsibility by issuing the 2005 Supplement on March 1, 2005. It is
OPR's normal practice to periodically review and update the General Plan Guidelines to
incorporate new information and practical advice, and we are committed to doing this with the
2005 Supplement. Upon conclusion of our public review process, we believe that additional
time for consultation with stakeholders is warranted. Our office will therefore continue to reach
out to stakeholders and consult with them over the next 45 days to ensure that stakeholder
interests are heard.
We hope that you will find this 2005 Supplement to be an informative guide and a useful tool in
the practice of local planning. I invite your suggestions on ways to improve OPR's General
Plan Guidelines and this 2005 Supplement, as OPR continues to refine and update all of its
guidance to city and county planning agencies.
Sean Walsh
Director, OPR
2 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Table of Contents
Part A: SB 18 Context and Basic Requirements........................................................................ 5
I. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 5
II. Background Information.................................................................................................. 6
California Native American Cultural Places................................................................... 6
CaliforniaNative American Tribes.................................................................................. 8
III. Basic Requirements of SB 18.......................................................................................... 9
Responsibilitiesof OPR................................................................................................... 9
Responsibilities ofLocal Governments............................................................................ 9
OtherElements ofSB 18................................................................................................10
Process Overview: General Plan or Specific Plan Adoption or Amendment................11
Part B: When and How to Consult with California Native American Tribes ....................... 13
IV. Consultation: General Plan and Specific Plan Adoption or Amendment ......................13
What Triggers Consultation?......................................................................................... 13
Identifying Tribes through the NAHC............................................................................ 13
Contacting Tribes Pursuant to Government Code§65352.3......................................... 14
After Notification is Sent to the Tribe............................................................................ 15
Conducting Consultation on General Plan or Specific Plan Adoption or Amendment. 16
When is Consultation Over?..........................................................................................19
V. Consultation: Cultural Places Located in Open Space..................................................19
What Triggers Consultation?......................................................................................... 19
Conducting Consultation Regarding Open Space......................................................... 20
Whenis Consultation Over?.......................................................................................... 21
PartC: Pre-Consultation........................................................................................................... 22
VI. Preparing for Consultation............................................................................................. 22
Part D: Preservation, Mitigation, Confidentiality, and Landowner Participation ............... 24
VII. Preservation of, or Mitigation of Impacts to, Cultural Places........................................24
What are Preservation and Mitigation?........................................................................ 24
Mitigation"Where Feasible"........................................................................................ 25
Monitoring and Management........................................................................................ 25
Mitigation and Private Landowner Involvement........................................................... 26
VIII. Confidentiality of Information....................................................................................... 26
03/01/05 3
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Public Disclosure Laws................................................................................................. 27
PublicHearings............................................................................................................. 28
Additional Confidentiality Procedures.......................................................................... 28
Confidentiality Procedures for Private Landowner Involvement .................................. 29
IX. Procedures to Facilitate Voluntary Landowner Protection Efforts ................................ 30
Landowner Education and Participation....................................................................... 30
PrivateConservation Efforts......................................................................................... 30
PartE: Open Space..................................................................................................................... 32
X. Open Space for the Protection of Cultural Places.......................................................... 32
Part F: Additional Resources..................................................................................................... 33
XI. Additional Resources
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
SB 18 Context and Basic Requirements
Sections I through III of the 2005 Supplement provide background information to familiarize
local government agencies with the intent of Senate Bill 18 (Burton, Chapter 905, Statutes of
2004) and the importance of protecting California Native American traditional tribal cultural
places. Local governments will be better prepared to enter into consultations with tribes if they
have a basic knowledge of tribal concerns and the value of cultural places to tribes. The key
provisions of SB 18 are also outlined in table and text form.
I. Introduction
This 2005 Supplement to the 2003 General Plan Guidelines addresses the requirements of
SB 18, authored by Senator John Burton and signed into law by Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger in September 2004. SB 18 requires local (city and county) governments to
consult with California Native American tribes to aid in the protection of traditional tribal
cultural places ("cultural places") through local land use planning. SB 18 also requires the
Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to include in the General Plan Guidelines
advice to local governments for how to conduct these consultations.
The intent of SB 18 is to provide California Native American tribes an opportunity to participate
in local land use decisions at an early planning stage, for the -purpose of protecting, or mitigating
impacts to, cultural places. The purpose of involving tribes at these early planning stages is to
allow consideration of cultural places in the context of broad local land use policy, before
individual site -specific, project -level land use decisions are made by a local government.
SB 18 requires local governments to consult with tribes prior to making certain planning
decisions and to provide notice to tribes at certain key points in the planning process. These
consultation and notice requirements apply to adoption and amendment of both general plans
(defined in Government Code §65300 et seq.) and specific plans (defined in Government Code
§65450 et seq.). Although SB 18 does not specifically mention consultation or notice
requirements for adoption or amendment of specific plans, existing state planning law requires
local governments to use the same processes for adoption and amendment of specific plans as for
general plans (see Government Code §65453). Therefore, where SB 18 requires consultation
and/or notice for a general plan adoption or amendment, the requirement extends also to a
specific plan adoption or amendment. Tribal consultation and notice requirements of SB 18 take
effect on March 1, 2005.
The General Plan Guidelines is an advisory document that explains California legal
requirements for general plans.' The General Plan Guidelines closely adheres to statute and
case law. It also relies upon commonly accepted principles of contemporary planning practice.
1 California Government Code §65040.2
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
When the words "shall' or "must' are used, they represent a statutory or other legal requirement.
"May" and "should" are used when there is no such requirement. The 2005 Supplement:
• Provides background information regarding California Native American cultural places
and tribes.
• Outlines the basic requirements of SB 18.
• Provides step-by-step guidance to local governments on how and when to consult with
• Offers advice to help local governments effectively engage in consultation with tribes.
• Provides information about preserving, or mitigating impacts to, cultural places.
• Discusses methods to protect confidentiality of information regarding cultural places.
• Presents ways of encouraging voluntary landowner involvement in the preservation of
cultural places.
H. Background Information
The principal objective of SB 18 is to preserve and protect cultural places of California Native
Americans. SB 18 is unique in that it requires local governments to involve California Native
Americans in early stages of land use planning, extends to both public and private lands, and
includes both federally recognized and non -federally recognized tribes. This section provides an
overview of California Native American cultural places and California Native Americans.
California Native American Cultural Places
SB 18 refers to Public Resources Code §5097.9 and 5097.995 to define cultural places:2
• Native American sanctified cemetery, place of worship, religious or ceremonial site, or
sacred shrine (Public Resources Code §5097.9).
• Native American historic, cultural, or sacred site, that is listed or may be eligible for
listing in the California Register of Historic Resources pursuant to Section 5024.1,
including any historic or prehistoric ruins, any burial ground, any.archaeological or
historic site (Public Resources Code §5097.995).s
These definitions can be inclusive of a variety of places. Archaeological or historic sites may
include places of tribal habitation and activity, in addition to burial grounds or cemeteries. Some
examples are village sites and sites with evidence (artifacts) of economic, artistic, or other
cultural activity. Religious or ceremonial sites and sacred shrines may include places associated
with creation stories or other significant spiritual history, as well as modern day places of
worship. Collection or gathering sites are specific places where California Native Americans
access certain plants for food, medicine, clothing, ceremonial objects, basket making, and other
s Due to a drafting error, SB 18 contains multiple references to Public Resources Code (PRC) §5097.995 which is no
longer in existence. In 2004, PRC §5097.995 was amended and renumbered to PRC §5097.993 by Senate Bill 1264
(Chapter 286). Local governments should refer to PRC §5097.993 when looking for PRC §5097.995.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
crafts and uses important to on -going cultural traditions and identities; these places may qualify
as religious or ceremonial sites as well as sites that are listed or eligible for listing in the
California Register of Historic Resources.
Native American cultural places are located throughout California because California Native
American people from hundreds of different tribes made these lands their home for thousands of
years. Due to the forced relocation of tribes by the Spanish, Mexicans, and Americans, most
tribes do not currently control or occupy the lands on which many of their cultural places are
located. As a result, California Native Americans have limited ability to maintain, protect, and
access many of their cultural places.
A number of federal and state laws have been enacted to preserve cultural resources and have
enabled some Native American tribes to promote the preservation and protection of their cultural
places. The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), which established historic preservation
as a national policy in 1966, includes a Section 106 review process that requires consultation to
mitigate damage to "historic properties" (defined per 36 CFR 800.16(1) as places that qualify for
the National Register of Historic Places), including Native American traditional cultural places
(TCPs, as described in National Register Bulletin 38) whenever any agency directs a project,
activity or program using any federal funds or requiring a federal permit, license or approval
(36CFR800.16). The National EnvironmentalPolicy Act (NEPA) requires every federal project
to include in an Environmental Impact Statement documentation of environmental concerns,
including effects on important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage.
Presidential Executive Order 13007, "Indian Sacred Sites," ensures that federal agencies are as
responsive as possible to the concerns of Native American tribes regarding their cultural places.
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) makes desecration of Native American
cultural places on federal lands a felony.
California state law includes a variety of provisions that promote the protection and preservation
of Native American cultural places. A number of these provisions address intentional
desecration or destruction of cultural places and define certain of such acts as misdemeanors or
felonies punishable by both fines and imprisonment. These include the Native American
Historic Resource Protection Act (PRC §5097.995-5097.996), Public Resources Code §5097.99,
Penal Code §622.5 and Health and Safety Code §7050.5, §7052. Other provisions require
consideration of potential impacts of planned projects on cultural resources, which may include
Native American cultural places. Public Resources Code 5097.2 requires archaeological surveys
to determine the potential impact that any major public works project on state land may have on
archaeological resources. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires project
lead agencies to consider impacts, and potential mitigation of impacts, to unique archaeological
and historical resources a California Executive Order W-26-92 affirms that all state agencies
shall recognize and, to the extent possible, preserve an maintain the significant heritage resources
of the State. Public Resources Code §5097.9, which mandates noninterference of free expression
or exercise of Native American religion on public lands, promotes preservation of certain Native
American cultural places by ensuring tribal access to these places.
CEQA Statutes at Public Resources Code §21083.2-21084.1; CEQA Guidelines at 14 CCR 15064.5-15360.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
While these and other laws permit Native Americans to have some say in how impacts to cultural
places could be avoided or mitigated, the laws rarely result in Native American input at early
stages of land use planning. Generally, these laws provide protection only to those sites located
on public or Native American trust lands and address only the concerns of Native Americans
who belong to federally recognized tribes, with no official responsibility to non -federally
recognized tribes. The intent of SB 18 is to provide all California Native American tribes, as
identified by the NAHC, an opportunity to consult with local governments for the purpose of
preserving and protecting their cultural places.
California Native American Tribes
SB 18 uses the term, California Native American tribe, and defines this term as "a federally
recognized California Native American tribe or a non -federally recognized California Native
American tribe that is on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage
Commission" (NAHC). "Federal recognition" is a legal distinction that applies to a tribe's rights
to a government -to -government relationship with the federal government and eligibility for
federal programs. All California Native American tribes, whether officially recognized by the
federal government or not, represent distinct and independent governmental entities with specific
cultural beliefs and traditions and unique connections to areas of California that are their
ancestral homelands. SB 18 recognizes that protection of traditional tribal cultural places is
important to all tribes, whether federally recognized or not, and it provides all California Native
American tribes with the opportunity to participate in consultation with city and county
governments for this purpose. As used in this document, the term "tribe(s)" refers to a California
Native American tribe(s).
California has the largest number of tribes and the largest Native American population of any
state in the United States, according to a California Department of Finance estimate. As of 2004,
California was home to 109 federally recognized tribes, several dozen non -federally recognized
tribes, and a Native American population of 383,197.
Tribal governments throughout California vary in organizational forms and size. Some tribes use
the government form established under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (25CFR81) with
an adopted constitution and bylaws. Other tribes have adopted constitutions and bylaws that
incorporate traditional values in governing tribal affairs. Many tribal governments are comprised
of a decision making body of elected officials (tribal governing body) with an elected or
designated tribal leader. Some tribes still use lineal descent as -the means of identifying the
tribe's leader. In general, tribal governing bodies and leaders serve for limited terms and are
elected or designated by members of the tribe. Tribal governments control tribal assets,
laws/regulations, membership, and land management decisions that affect the tribe.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
M. Basic Requirements of SB 18
This section provides a brief summary of the statutory requirements of SB 18. Later sections of
the Supplement provide additional detail regarding these requirements and offer advice to local
governments on how to fulfill the notification and consultation requirements of SB 18. (Please
refer to Section IV and Section V of these guidelines for additional information regarding the
responsibilities outlined below.)
Responsibilities of OPR
SB 18 requires the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the General
Plan Guidelines to contain advice to local governments on the following:
• Consulting with tribes on the preservation of, or the mitigation of impacts to, cultural
• Procedures for identifying through the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
the appropriate California Native American tribes with whom to consult.
• Procedures for continuing to protect the confidentiality of information concerning the
specific identity, location, character, and use of cultural places.
• Procedures to facilitate voluntary landowner participation to preserve and protect the
specific identity, location, character, and use of cultural places (Government Code
Responsibilities of Local Governments
SB 18 establishes responsibilities for local governments to contact, provide notice to, refer plans
to, and consult with tribes. The provisions of SB 18 apply only to city and county governments
and not to other public agencies. The following list briefly identifies the contact and notification
responsibilities of local governments, in sequential order of their occurrence.
• Prior to the adoption or any amendment of a general plan or specific plan, a local
government must notify the appropriate tribes (on the contact list maintained by the
NAHC) of the opportunity to conduct consultations for the purpose of preserving, or
mitigating impacts to, cultural places located on land within the local government's
jurisdiction that is affected by the proposed plan adoption or amendment. Tribes have 90
days from the date on which they receive notification to request consultation, unless a
shorter timeframe has been agreed to by the tribe (Government Code §65352.3).5
• Prior to the adoption or substantial amendment of a general plan or specific plan, a local
government must refer the proposed action to those tribes that are on the NAHC contact
list and have traditional lands located within the city or county's jurisdiction. The
referral must allow a 45 day comment period (Government Code §65352). Notice must
5 This is an entirely new provision of SB 18 and applies to any amendment or adoption of a general plan or specific
plan, regardless of the type or nature of the amendment.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
be sent regardless of whether prior consultation has taken place. Such notice does not
initiate a new consultation process.
• Local governments must send notice of a public hearing, at least 10 days prior to the
hearing, to tribes who have filed a written request for such notice (Government Code
Under SB 18, local governments must consult with tribes under two circumstances:
• On or after March 1, 2005, local governments must consult with tribes that have
requested consultation in accordance with Government Code §65352.3. The purpose of
this consultation is to preserve, or mitigate impacts to, cultural places that may be
affected by a general plan or specific plan amendment or adoption.
• On or after March 1, 2005, local governments must consult with tribes before designating
open space, if the affected land contains a cultural place and if the affected tribe has
requested public notice under Government Code §65092. The purpose of this
consultation is to protect the identity of the cultural place and to develop treatment with
appropriate dignity of the cultural place in any corresponding management plan
(Government Code §65562.5).
Responsibilities of NAHC
The NAHC is charged with the responsibility to maintain a list of California Native American
tribes with whom local governments must consult or provide notice. Upon request, the NAHC
will provide local governments with a written contact list of tribes with traditional lands or
cultural places located within a city's or county's jurisdiction. The criteria for inclusion on the
list are the responsibility of the NAHC. Please contact the NAHC for more information
(Government Code §65352.3, §65352, and §65092).
Other Elements of SB 18
In addition to the notice and consultation requirements outlined above, SB 18 amends
Government Code §65560 to allow the protection of cultural places in the open space element of
the general plan. (See Section X..) Open space land is land designated in the city or county open
space element of the general plan for one or more of a variety of potential purposes, including
protection of cultural places.
SB 18 also amends Civil Code §815.3 and adds California Native American tribes to the list of
entities that can acquire and hold conservation easements. Tribes on the contact list maintained
by the NAHC now have the ability to acquire, on terms mutually satisfactory to the tribe and the
landowner, conservation easements for the purpose of protecting their cultural places. (See
Section M..)
6 Government Code §65352 was amended by SB 18 to include tribes among the entities to whom the proposed
action must be referred. The tern "substantial amendment' has been in the statute for many 15 years and was not
modified by SB 18.
7 Government Code §65092 was modified by SB 18 to include certain tribes as "persons" that are eligible to request
and receive notices of public hearing. "Person" now includes a CaliforniaNative American tribe that is on the
contact list maintained by the NAHC.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Process Overview. GeneralPlanorSpeciftcPlanAdoption orAmendment
As discussed above, SB 18 establishes responsibilities for local government to contact, refer plans to, and consult with tribes. The
following table provides an overview of SB 18 requirements related to the adoption or amendment of a general plan or specific plan.
All statutory references are to the Government Code (GC).
Overview of SB 18 Consultation and Notice Requirements
OPR Guidelines (GDL) Section
and Statutory Reference
Adoption or amendment of any general plan (GP) or specific plan (SP) is proposed on or
GDL Section IV
after March 1, 2005.
GC §65352.3(a)(1)
Local government sends proposal information to NAHC and requests contact information
GDL Section IV
for tribes with traditional lands or places located within the geographical areas affected by
GC §65352.3(a)(2)
the proposed changes.
NAHC provides tribal contact information. (OPR recommends within 30 days of receiving
GDL Section IV
local government's request.)
— Local government is not required to consult with tribes that are not on the NAHC's
contact list.
Local government contacts tribe(s) and notifies them of the opportunity to consult.
GDL Section IV
Tribe(s) must respond to a local government notice within 90 days, indicating whether or not
GDL Section IV
they want to consult with the local government.
GC §65352.3(a)(2)
— Consultation does not begin until/unless a tribe requests it within 90 days of receiving a
notice of the opportunity to consult.
— Tribes can agree to a shorter timeframe (less than 90 days) to request consultation.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Step OPR Guidelines (GDL) Section
and Statutory Reference
Consultation begins, if requested by tribe. No set timeframe for consultation to end. GDL Section IV
— May continue through planning commission or board of supervisors/city council
deliberation on plan proposal.
Local government continues normal processing of GP/SP adoption or amendment.
(CEQA review, preparation of staff reports, consultation, etc., may be ongoing.)
At least 45 days before local government adopts or substantially amends GP/SP, local GDL Section III
government refers proposed action to agencies, including tribe(s). GC §65352(a)(8)
— Referral required regardless of whether or not there has been prior consultation.
— This does not initiate a new consultation process.
— This opens 45 day comment period before approval by board of supervisors/city council.
— Referral required on or after March 1, 2005.
At least 10 days before public hearing, local government provides notice of hearing to tribes GDL Section III
and any other persons who have requested such notice. GC §65092
Public hearing of board of supervisors/city council to take final action on the GP/SP.
Note: The Permit Streamlining Act-(PSA) (GC §65920 et seq.) establishes time limits for public agencies to take action on privately
initiated development projects. Some general plan amendments may involve a private applicant for a development project. The PSA
does not apply to a project that requires approval by a legislative act, such as a general plan amendment or rezone, even if there is a
quasi-judicial approval involved (such as a use permit or subdivision map). Therefore, time limits for project approval under the PSA
should not interfere with a local government's process for consultation.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Part B
When and How to Consult with California Native American Tribes
Sections IV and V of the 2005 Supplement provide step-by-step guidance to local government
agencies on how and when to consult with tribes, including when to provide certain types of
notices during the planning process.
IV. Consultation: General Plan and Specific Plan Adoption or Amendment
Each time a local government considers a proposal to adopt or amend the general plan or specific
plan, they are required to contact the appropriate tribes identified by the NAHC. If requested by
tribes, local governments must consult for the purpose of preserving or mitigating impacts to
cultural places. The following section provides basic guidance to local governments on the
notification and consultation requirements in Government Code §65352.3.
What Triggers Consultation?
Government Code §65352.3 requires local governments to consult with tribes prior to the
adoption or amendment of a general plan or specific plan proposed on or after March 1 2005.
Local governments should consider the following when determining whether a general plan or
specific plan adoption or amendment is subject to notice and consultation requirements:
• In the case of an applicant -initiated plan proposal, if the local government receives a
complete application (as defined in Government Code §65943) on or after March 1,
2005, the proposal is subject to Government Code §65352.3.
• In the case of a general plan or specific plan amendment initiated by the local
government, any proposal introduced for study in a public forum on or after March 1,
2005 is subject to Government Code §65352.3. A legislative body must take certain
actions to initiate, or propose, a general plan or general plan amendment. These actions
must be taken in a duly noticed public meeting, and may include, but are not limited to,
any of the following: appropriation of funds, adoption of a work program, engaging the
services of a consultant, or directing the planning staff to begin research on the activity.
Under Government Code §65352.3, only if a tribe is identified by the NAHC, and that tribe
requests consultation after being contacted by a local government„ must a local government
consult with the tribe on the plan proposal.
Identifying Tribes through the NAHC
Once a local government determines a proposal to adopt or amend its general plan or specific
plan is subject to Government Code §65352.3, the local government should send a written
request to the NAHC asking for a list of tribes with whom to consult. OPR recommends that the
written request be sent to the NAHC as soon as possible. Local governments should consider the
following points when submitting a request to the NAHC:
• All written requests should be sent to the NAHC via certified mail or by fax.
03/01/05 13
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
• Requests to the NAHC should include the specific location of the area that is subject to
the proposed action, preferably with a map clearly showing the area of land involved.
• Requests should clearly state that the local government is seeking information about
tribes that are on the "SB 18 Consultation List."
• Contact information for the NAHC:
Native American Heritage Commission
915 Capitol Mall, Room 364
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-653-4082
A sample form for submitting a request to the NAHC is provided in Exhibit A. The tribal
consultation list request form is also available on the NAHC website.
The NAHC will provide local governments with a written contact list of tribes with traditional
lands or cultural places located within the local government's jurisdiction. For each listed tribe,
the NAHC will provide the tribal representative's name, name of tribe, address, and phone
number (if available, fax and email address). Although there is no statutory deadline for NAHC
to respond to the local government, OPR recommends that the NAHC provide written contact
information within 30 days of receiving a written request from the local government.
Contacting Tribes Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3
Once a tribal contact list is received from the NAHC, local governments should contact the
appropriate tribe(s) and invite them to participate in consultation. OPR suggests that local
governments contact tribes as soon as possible upon receiving the tribal contact list. While the
statute does not specify by what means tribe(s) should be contacted, OPR suggests that local
governments send a written notice by certified mail with return receipt requested. Sending a
written notice does not preclude a local government from contacting the tribe by telephone,
FAX, or e-mail.
Notices should be concise, clear, and informative so that tribes understand what they are
receiving. Notices sent from a local government to a tribe, inquiring whether consultation is
desired, should contain the following information:
• A clear statement of purpose, inviting the tribe to consultation and declaring the
importance of the tribe's participation in the local planning process.
• A description of the proposed general plan or specific plan being considered, the reason
for the proposal, and the specific geographic area(s) that will be affected by the proposal.
Relevant technical documents should be provided with a concise explanation that clearly
describes the proposed general plan or specific plan amendment and its potential impacts
on cultural resources, if known.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
• Maps that clearly detail the geographic areas described in the explanation. Maps should
be in a reasonable scale with sufficient references for easy identification of the affected
• The deadline (date) by which the tribe must request a consultation with the local
government. By law, tribes have 90 days from the date of receipt of the notice to request
consultation (Government Code §65352.3(a)(2)).
• Contact information for representatives of the local government to whom the tribe should
• Contact information for the project proponentlapplicant and landowner(s).
• Technical reports, including summaries of cultural resource reports and archaeological
reports applicable to that tribe's cultural place(s), if available.
• Information on proposed grading or other ground -disturbing activities, if applicable.
(This may be included in the project description.)
Subject to confidentiality procedures, both parties should maintain clear records of
communications, including letters, telephone calls, and faxes. Both parties may send notices by
certified mail and•keep logs of telephone calls and faxes. Any returned or unanswered
correspondence should be retained in order to verify efforts to communicate. Documentation of
notification and consultation requests should be included in the local government's public
In addition to the above recommendations, local governments may develop notification
procedures as a part of consultation protocols established in cooperation with a tribal
government. Local governments may also adopt policies regarding consultation with a tribal
government. (See Section VI.)
After Notification is Sent to the Tribe
Once local governments have sent notification, tribes are responsible for requesting consultation.
Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3(a)(2), each tribe has 90 days from the date on which
they receive notification to respond and request consultation. Some key points to consider
• The time period for consultation (undefined) is independent of the time period for tribes
to request consultation (90 days).
• Local governments should be aware that tribes may require the entire 90-day period
allowed by law to respond to a consultation request. Tribal governing bodies may need
to meet to take a formal position on consultation.
• Local governments and tribal governments may consider addressing the method and
timing of a tribe's response to a consultation request in a jointly -developed consultation
protocol. (See Section VI.)
• At their discretion, tribes can agree to a shorter timeframe (less than 90 days) to respond
and request consultation.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
• After the information about a proposed plan or plan amendment is received by the tribe,
local governments should cooperate to provide any additional pertinent information about
the proposed plan or plan amendment that the tribe may request. Local governments may
consider extending the 90 day timeframe for the tribe to review the new information and
respond accordingly.
• If the tribe does not respond within 90 days or declines consultation, consultation is not
required under Government Code §65352.3.
Conducting Consultation on General Plan or Specific Plan Adoption or Amendment
Once a tribe requests consultation, both parties should begin consultation within a reasonable
time for the purpose of preserving, or mitigating impacts to, cultural places. Consultation should
focus on how the proposed general plan or specific plan amendment or adoption might impact
cultural places located on land affected by the plan proposal. The objectives of consultation,
according to the legislative intent of SB 18, include:
• Recognizing that cultural places are essential elements in tribal culture, traditions,
heritages and identities.
• Establishing meaningful dialogue between local and tribal governments in order to
identify cultural places and consider cultural places in local land use planning.
• Avoiding potential conflicts over the preservation of Native American cultural places by
ensuring local and tribal governments have information available early in the land use
planning process.
• Encouraging the preservation and protection of Native American cultural places in the
land use process by placing them in open space.
• Developing proper treatment and management plans in order to preserve cultural places.
• Enabling tribes to manage and act as caretakers of their cultural places.
Consultation is a process in which both the tribe and local government invest time and effort into
seeking a mutually agreeable resolution for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating possible
impacts to a cultural place, where feasible. Government Code §65352.4 provides a definition of
consultation for use by local governments and tribes:
Consultation means the meaningful and timelyprocess ofseeking, discussing, and
considering carefully the view of others, in a manner that is cognizant of all parties'
cultural values and, where feasible, seeking agreement. Consultation between
government agencies and Native American tribes shall be conducted in a way that is
mutually respectful of each parry's sovereignty. Consultation shall also recognize the
tribes' potential needs for confidentiality with respect to places that have traditional
tribal cultural significance.
Effective consultation is an ongoing process, not a single event. The process should focus on
identifying issues of concern to tribes pertinent to the cultural place(s) at issue — including
cultural values, religious beliefs, traditional practices, and legal rights of California Native
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Americans — and on defining the full range of acceptable ways in which a local government can
accommodate tribal concerns.
Items to Consider When Conducting Consultation
The following list identifies recommendations for how local governments and tribes may
approach consultation on general plan and specific plan proposals.
• As defined in Government Code §65352.4, consultation is to be conducted between two
parties: the local government and the tribe. Both parties to the consultation are required
to carefully consider the views of the other.
• Consultation does not necessarily predetermine the outcome of the plan or amendment.
In some instances, local governments may be unable to reach agreement due to other
state laws or competing public policy objectives.
• Local governments must consult with each tribe who is identified by the NAHC and
requests consultation. The NAHC will identify whether there are, in fact, any tribes with
whom the local government must consult. One or more tribes may have traditional
cultural ties to land within the local government's jurisdiction and have an interest in
preserving cultural places on those lands. Therefore, local governments may have to
consult with more than one tribe on any particular plan proposal. OPR recommends that
local governments consult with tribes one at a time (individually). If multiple tribes are
involved and willing to jointly consult, local governments may consult with more than
one tribe at a time.
• When a local government first contacts a tribe, its initial inquiry should be made to the
tribal representative identified by the NAHC. OPR recommends that a local government
department head or other official of similar or higher rank make the initial contact.
• Government leaders of the two consulting parties may consider delegating consultation
responsibilities (such as attending meetings, sharing information, and negotiating the
needs and concerns of both parties) to staff. Designated representatives should maintain
direct relationships with and have ready access to their respective government leaders.
These individuals may, but are not required to, be identified in a jointly -developed
consultation protocol. (See Section VI.) In addition, the services of other professionals
(attorneys, contractors, or consultants) may be utilized to develop legal, factual, or
technical information necessary to facilitate consultation.
• Local governments should be aware that simply notifying a tribe of a plan proposal is not
the same as consultations
• Local governments should be aware of the potential for vast differences in tribal
governments' level of staffing and other resources necessary to participate in the manner
'In Pueblo ofSandla v. United States, 50 F.3d 856 (loth Cir. 1995), the court held that the U.S. Forest Service had
not fulfilled its consultation responsibilities under the National Historic Preservation Act by merely sending letters
to request information from tribes. The court ruling held that written correspondence requesting consultation with a
tribe was not sufficient for the purpose of conducting consultation as required by law, and that telephone calls or
more direct forms of contact may be required.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
required by Government Code §65352.3 and §65352.4. Some may be able to respond
more promptly and efficiently than others. Local governments should keep this in mind
if and when developing a consultation protocol with a tribe. (See Section VI.)
• As a part of consultation, local governments may conduct record searches through the
NAHC and California Historic Resources Information System (CHRIS) to determine if
any cultural places are located within the area(s) affected by the proposed action. Local
governments should be aware, however, that records maintained by the NAHC and
CHRIS are not exhaustive, and a negative response to these searches does not preclude
the existence of a cultural place. A tribe may be the only source of information regarding
the existence of a cultural place.
• Local governments should be aware that the confidentiality of cultural places is critical to
tribal culture and that many tribes may seek confidentiality assurances prior to divulging
information about those sites. (See Section VIII.)
• Tribal consultation should be done face-to-face whenever possible. While in -person
consultation is recommended, local and tribal governments may wish to define
circumstances under which parts of the consultation process can be carried out via
conference calls, e-mails, or letters. (See Section Vlll.)
• Tribal consultations should be conducted in a setting that promotes confidential treatment
of any sensitive information that is shared about cultural places.
• The time and location of consultation meetings should be flexible to accommodate the
needs of both the local government and tribe. Local governments should recognize that
travel required for in -person consultation may be time-consuming, due to the rural
location of a tribe. Local governments should also take into account time zone changes
when setting meeting times. Local governments should offer a meeting location at the
city hall, county administrative building, or other appropriate location. Local
governments should also be open to a tribe's invitation to meet at tribal facilities.
• The local government and tribe can agree to mutually invite private landowners to
participate in consultation, if both parties feel that landowner involvement would be
• Local governments are encouraged to establish a collaborative relationship with tribes as
early as possible, prior to the need to consult on a particular general plan or specific plan
amendment or adoption. Local governments may consider conducting pre -consultation
meetings and developing consultation protocols in cooperation with tribes. (See Section
• Both parties should attempt to document the progress of consultation, including letters,
telephone calls, and direct meetings, without disclosing sensitive information about.a
cultural place. Local governments may also want to document how the local government
representative(s) fulfilled their obligations under Government Code §65352.3 and
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
When is Consultation Over?
Alan Downer, of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, described consultation as
"conferring between two or more parties to identify issues and make a good faith attempt to find
a mutually acceptable resolution of any differences identified."9 Differences of opinion and of
priorities will arise in consultation between local and tribal governments. Whenever feasible,
both local and tribal governments should strive to find mutually acceptable resolutions to
differences identified through consultation.
When engaging in consultation, local and tribal representatives should consider leaving the
process open-ended to allow every opportunity for mutual agreement to be reached. Some
consultations may involve highly sensitive and complex issues that cannot be resolved in just one
discussion. Consultation may require a series of meetings before a mutually acceptable
agreement may be achieved. Consultation must be concluded prior to the formal adoption or
amendment of a general plan or specific plan.
Consultation, pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 and §65352.4, should be considered
concluded at the point in which:
• the parties to the consultation come to a mutual agreement concerning the appropriate
measures for preservation or mitigation; or
• either the local government or tribe, acting in good faith and after reasonable effort,
concludes that mutual agreement cannot be reached concerning appropriate measures of
preservation or mitigation.
V. Consultation: Cultural Places Located in Open Space
If land is designated, or proposed to be designated, as open space on or after March 1, 2005, and
if that land contains a cultural place and if an affected tribe has requested notice of public
hearing under Government Code §65092, then local governments must consult with the tribe.
The purpose of this consultation is to determine the level of confidentiality required to protect
the specific identity, location, or use of the cultural place, andto develop treatment with
appropriate dignity of the cultural place in any corresponding management plan (Government
Code §65562.5). This consultation provision does not apply to lands that were designated as
open space before March 1, 2005.
What Triggers Consultation?
Government Code §65562.5 applies to land that is designated, or proposed to be designated, as
open space, on or after March 1, 2005. Local governments must consider several criteria when
determining whether consultation is required, prior to designating open space on or after March
1, 2005.
'From "The Navajo Nation Model: Tribal Consultation Under the National Historic Preservation Act" (2000).
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Local governments must first learn whether the land designated, or proposed to be designated, as
open space contains a cultural place. The following are methods by which local governments
may be informed if a cultural place is located on designated or proposed open space:
• Conduct record searches through the NAHC and CHRIS to learn whether any cultural
places are located on land proposed to be designated as open space. The local
government should provide maps of lands proposed as open space to the NAHC and
CHRIS, with a request to identify whether there are any cultural places on the property.
This does not mean that the NAHC or CHRIS will provide detailed information regarding
the character or location of the cultural place, only that one or more may be present.
Local governments should be aware that records maintained by the NAHC and CHRIS
are not exhaustive, and a negative response to these searches does not preclude the
existence of a cultural place. In most instances, and especially because of associated
confidentiality issues, it is likely that tribes will be the only source of information
regarding certain cultural places.
• Request that tribes identify the existence of any cultural places on the proposed open
space land. Local governments should send a written request to the NAHC asking for a
written list of tribes that have traditional cultural ties to the proposed open space. The
NAHC will provide tribal contact information. Local governments should contact each
tribe on the list provided by the NAHC to learn whether any cultural' places are located on
the land proposed as open space. Local government should provide the tribe with a
sufficiently detailed map of the open -space together with a concise notice as to why the
tribe is being contacted. (Note: This contact is strictly for the purpose of identifying
whether a cultural place is or may be located on the proposed open space land. It does
not start consultation with a tribe.)
After a local government learns that a cultural place is or may be located on land designated or
proposed to be designated as open space, the local government must notify the appropriate tribes
of the opportunity to participate in consultation. The appropriate tribes are those which have: (1)
been identified by the NAHC, and (2) requested notice of public hearing from the local
government pursuant to Government Code §65092.
Conducting Consultation Regarding Open Space
The purpose of this consultation is to determine the level of confidentiality required to protect
the specific identity, location, character, or use of the cultural place and to develop treatment
with appropriate dignity of the cultural place in any corresponding open space management plan.
The reference to "any corresponding management plan" is not meant to imply that there is such a
plan or that the local government must develop such a management plan. This language is
intended to encourage consideration of management policies and practices which may be
discussed between the local government and tribe and incorporated into a new or existing
management plan for the cultural place.
20 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
The following are examples of appropriate items to consider and discuss during consultation:
• Encourage tribal involvement in the treatment and management of the cultural place
though contracting, monitoring, co -management, and other forms of joint local -tribal
• Tribes may only wish to disclose a sufficient amount of information to protect the site
and to allow for the proper treatment and management of the cultural place. (See Section
• Tribes may wish to have access to cultural places located on open space, to perform
ceremonies and/or to help maintain the site.
• Tribes may want to recommend management practices that avoid disturbing or impacting
the cultural place.
• Tribes may wish to discourage certain land uses (e.g. recreation) within the open space
that could adversely impact the cultural place. Local governments may be asked to
consider appropriate land uses in the open space designation that would avoid direct
impacts to the cultural place.
The designation of open space, as provided in Government Code §65562.5, may, but does not
always, involve amending the general plan. In some jurisdictions, designation of open space
may occur through rezoning of land from one zone designation to an open space zone
designation, without the need for a general plan amendment. However, for proposals to
designate open space that require a general plan or specific amendment, the local government
should consider the above recommendations as well as the recommendations outlined in Section
IV of these guidelines.
Wien is Consultation Over?
Please refer to Section IV for additional information regarding the meaning of consultation.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Part C
Pre -Consultation
Section VI provides advice to local governments that is intended to help them more effectively
engage in consultation with tribes. This part of the 2005 Supplement provides information that
may help local governments establish working relationships with tribes prior to entering into the
required consultation pursuant to SB 18.
V1. Preparing for Consultation
As discussed above, Government Code §65352.3 requires consultation during the process of
amending or adopting general plans or specific plans. In addition, Government Code §65562.5
requires consultation to determine the proper level of confidentiality to protect and treat a
cultural place with appropriate dignity, where such places are located on lands to be designated
as open space. Before engaging in consultation in either of these cases, local governments may
want to consider developing relationships with tribes that have traditional lands within their
jurisdiction. Although not required by law, these pre -consultation efforts may develop a
foundation for a mutually respectful and cooperative relationship that helps to ensure more
smooth and effective communication in future consultations.
Local governments way wish to consider the following when undertaking pre -consultation
• Contact the NAHC to obtain a list of all appropriate tribes with whom to pre -consult.
Because this list may be revised over time by the NAHC, local governments should
periodically request updated contact lists.
• Contact the NAHC and CHRIS to learn if any historical or cultural places are located
within the city's or county's jurisdiction. (As previously noted, NAHC and CHRIS
records pertaining to cultural places are not exhaustive, and a negative response to these
searches does not preclude the existence of a cultural place.)
• Invite tribal government leaders from each tribe to meet with local government leaders
for the purpose of establishing working relationships and exchanging information about
respective governmental structures, practices, and processes. Pre -consultation meetings
may include discussion about community goals, planning priorities, and how cultural
places play a role in the tribal culture.
• Hold informational workshops or meetings with the tribe(s) to discuss the general plan
process, the existing general plan, and any contemplated amendments. Local
governments should not expect or ask a tribe to share confidential information in a
meeting with other tribes.
• Develop a consultation protocol that addresses how a cooperative relationship can be
maintained and how future consultations should be conducted. Some tribes may already
22 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
have established protocols through working with other agencies, such as state and federal
entities, that can be used as models.
If a tribe and local government decide to develop a consultation protocol, both parties should
suggest topics that they believe will facilitate consultation. The following are examples of items
that may be appropriate to discuss and include in a jointly -developed consultation protocol:
• Representative(s) from each consulting parry who will be designated to participate in
consultations and manage the information resulting from the consultations.
• Key points in the consultation process when elected government leaders may need to be
directly involved in consultation.
• Method(s) of contact preferred by the tribal government and additional tribal
representatives that the local government should contact regarding a proposed action.
• Procedures for giving and receiving notice, including method and timing.
• Preferred method(s) of consultation. While in -person consultation is recommended, it
may be acceptable to both parties that certain aspects of consultation occur through
conference calls, e-mails, or letters.
• Preferred locations of consultation meetings.
• The tribe's willingness to participate in joint consultation, should a specific site be of
interest to more than one tribe.
• Procedures to allow tribal access to the local government's consultation records.
• Procedures for maintaining accurate, up-to-date contact information.
Over time, the initial approach to consultation may need to be updated. Both parties should be
open to identifying and agreeing on changes to their consultation protocol.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Part D
Preservation, Mitigation, Confidentiality, and Landowner
Sections VII through IX provide advice to local governments for considering issues such as
appropriate means to preserve, or mitigate impacts to, cultural places; methods to protect the
confidentiality of cultural places; and ways to encourage the participation of landowners in
voluntary preservation efforts.
VII. Preservation of, or Mitigation of Impacts to, Cultural Places
Government Code §65352.3 requires local governments to conduct consultations with tribes
(when requested) for the purpose of "preserving or mitigating impacts" to California Native
American cultural places. In the course of adopting or amending a general plan or specific plan,
local governments may be informed of the existence of a cultural place within the affected area.
Should a tribe request consultation to discuss any impacts to the cultural place, local
governments should consider a variety of factors when participating in the consultations,
including: the history and importance of the cultural place, the adverse impact the local
government action may have on the cultural place, and all available methods of mitigation that
may aid in the ongoing preservation of the cultural place.
When participating in consultations, it is important that local governments consider that, because
of philosophical differences, mitigation will not always be viewed as an appropriate option to
protect cultural, and often irreplaceable, places. Many tribes may determine that impacts to a
cultural place cannot be mitigated; that the only appropriate treatment may be to avoid and
preserve the cultural place without impact to its physical or spiritual integrity. Of course, this is
not to say that tribes will not engage in discussions regarding mitigation of impacts to their
cultural places, but local governments should consider the vastly different perspectives that tribes
may have. What a local government may consider to be acceptable treatment under current
environmental, land use, and cultural resource protection laws, may not be considered by a tribe
to be acceptable treatment for a sacred or religious place.
What are Preservation and Mitigation?
Preservation is the conscious act of avoiding or protecting a cultural place from adverse impacts
including loss or harm. Mitigation, on the other hand, is the act of moderating the adverse
impacts that general plan or specific plan adoption or amendment may have on a cultural place.
While local governments should strive to help preserve the integrity, access to, and use of
cultural places10, mitigation may often be achieved through a broad range of measures:
• Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its
10 Cultural Places referring to places, features, and objects under Government Code §65352.3(a) and described in
Government Code §§5097.9 and 5097.995.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
• Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the impacted cultural
• Reducing or eliminating the impact over time through monitoring and management of the
cultural place.
Other methods of mitigation may include:
• Designation of open space land in accordance with Government Code §65560(b).
• Enhancement of habitat or open space properties for protection of cultural place.
• Development of an alternate site suitable for tribal purposes and acceptable to the tribe.
• Other alternative means of preserving California Native American cultural features,
where feasible.
It is important that local governments consider that mitigation measures may largely differ
depending on customs of a particular tribe, the characteristics and uses of a site or object, the
cultural place's location, and the importance of the site to the tribe's cultural heritage. Where a
cultural place is affected by a proposed general or specific plan adoption or amendment,
consultations with tribes should focus on preserving, or mitigating the impacts to, that specific
cultural place.
Mitigation "Where Feasible"
Although Government Code §65352.3(a) addresses consultation for the purpose of preserving or
mitigating against the adverse impacts that a general plan or specific plan adoption or
amendment may have on a cultural place, it is important that local governments recognize the
absence of a requirement to avoid a cultural place or adopt mitigation measures if agreement
cannot be reached. Under the definition of "consultation" within Government Code §65352.4,
local governments and tribes are required to carefully consider each other's views and are
required to seek an agreement, "where feasible." For the purposes of Government Code
§65352.4, agreements should be considered "feasible" when capable of being accomplished in a
successful manner within a reasonable time taking into account economic, environmental, social
and technological factors." If, after conducting consultations in good faith and within the spirit
of the definition, the tribe or local government cannot reach agreement on preservation or
mitigation of any impact to a California Native American cultural place, neither party is required
to take any action under Government Code §65352.3(a).
Monitoring and Management
During consultations, local governments should consider, as a possible mitigation measure, the
involvement of tribes in the ongoing treatment and management of cultural places, objects, or
cultural features through a specific monitoring program, co -management, or other forms of
"See State of California General Plan Guidelines, Governor's Office of Planning & Research, Glossary, page 261.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Where a cemetery, burial ground, or village site may be present, the planning of treatment and
management activities should address the possibility that California Native American human
remains may be involved when protecting cultural features. Local governments should consider
working with tribes to develop an appropriate plan for the identification and treatment of such
discoveries in accordance with Public Resources Code §5097.98.
Mitigation and Private Landowner Involvement
During consideration of a proposed general plan adoption or amendment, a local government
may discover or be informed of a cultural place that exists on privately owned land within an
affected area. In such an instance, local governments should first contact the appropriate tribe or
tribes to offer consultations and determine an acceptable level of landowner involvement. Local
governments should be aware that there may be some occasions where a tribe may prefer to
maintain strict confidentiality without the inclusion of a private, third party landowner.
Local governments should encourage the involvement of private landowners and should consider
assisting in facilitating such involvement. It is important that local governments and tribes
understand that there is no statutory requirement to include private landowners under the
government -to -government consultations requirements of Government Code §65352.3(a).
However, because landowner participation is encouraged, local governments may consider
suggesting the following methods to facilitate landowner involvement:
• Suggesting that the tribe contact the private landowner directly to facilitate discussions
between the tribe and landowner.
• Offering to contact the private landowner directly on behalf of the tribe.
• Suggesting that the private landowner be included as a party to the consultations.
VIII. Confidentiality of Information
Protecting the confidentiality of California Native American prehistoric, archaeological, cultural,
spiritual, and ceremonial places is one of the most important objectives of SB 18. This is clearly
evidenced by SB 18's legislative intent as well as its statutory additions and amendments which
address the issue of confidentiality and requires "each city and county to protect the
confidentiality of information concerning" cultural places.12 By maintaining the confidentiality
of a cultural place, including its location, traditional uses, and characteristics, local governments
can help assure tribes of continued access and use of these cultural places, in addition to aiding in
the preservation of a cultural place's integrity. However, local governments should take into
consideration other state and federal laws which may impose conflicting public policy priorities
or requirements.
12 See SB 18 §1(b)(3), (Burton, Ch. 905, Stat. 2004); Govt. Code §§ 65040.2(g)(3), 65352.3, 65352.4, and 65562.5.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Public Disclosure Laws
The California Public Records Act (Government Code §6250 et. seq.) and California's open
meeting laws applying to local governments (The Brown Act, Government Code §54950 et. seq.)
both have implications with regard to maintaining confidentiality of California Native American
cultural place information. Local governments are encouraged to carefully consider the laws in
greater detail below, and adopt or incorporate these recommendations into their own
confidentiality procedures in order to avoid the unintended disclosure of confidential cultural
place information.
The California Public Records Act (CPRA)
Subject to specified exemptions, the CPRA provides that all written records maintained by local
or state government are public documents and are to be made available to the public, upon
request. Written records include all forms of recorded information (including electronic) that
currently exist or that may exist in the future. The CPRA requires government agencies to make
records promptly available to any citizen who asks.
While the CPRA does exempt certain types of information from public disclosure, the law is
presently unclear as to whether a public agency would be required to disclose records (written
and in a local government's possession) pertaining to cultural places under a CPRA request.
However, federal and state laws do impose significant restrictions on the maintenance, use, and
disclosure of records and information pertaining to tribal cultural places. Mindful of these
restrictions, and our state's guarantee that access to information concerning the conduct of the
people's business is a fundamental right of every person in California, and that any exceptions to
disclosure are narrowly construed,13 public records concerning the nature and specific location of
a tribal cultural place should be disclosed by a local agency in response to a request under
Government Code §6250 unless the local agency makes a written determination that:
1. disclosure of the information would create an unreasonable risk of harm, theft, or
destruction of the resource or object, including individual organic or inorganic
specimens; or
2. disclosure is inconsistent with other applicable laws protecting the resource or object; or
3. in accordance with Government Code §6255 on the facts of a particular case the public
interest served by not making the record public clearly outweighs the public interest
served by disclosure of the record.
The Brown Act
The Brown Act governs the legislative bodies of all local agencies within California. It requires
that meetings held by these bodies be "open and public." Under this Act, no local legislative
body may take an action in secret, nor will the body's action be upheld if it is in violation of
California's open meeting laws. The Brown Act defines a "meeting" as a gathering of a majority
of the members of a applicable body to hear, discuss, or deliberate on matters within the
agency's or board's jurisdiction.
" See California Constitution, Article I, Section 3, Subdivision (b)(2); and County ofLos Angeles v. Superior Court
(Axelrad), 82 Ca1.App.0 819 (2000).
03/01/05 27
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
While the Brown Act does contain some exceptions for "closed meetings," none of these
exceptions would allow the quorum of a local legislative body to participate in tribal
consultations within a closed meeting. Should a local legislative body wish to participate in
confidential tribal consultations, it is important that they do so as an advisory committee with
less than a quorum, so as to not invoke the Brown Act's requirements of public participation (see
Government Code §54952(b)). Otherwise, the Brown Act will require that the consultations be
held in public, thereby defeating the purpose of confidentiality, or, alternatively, any decisions
made by the quorum of the body within a closed meeting would be rendered invalid.
In order to efficiently conduct tribal consultation meetings, in addition to maintaining
confidentiality at all times, local governments are encouraged to develop procedures in advance
that would designate a committee or agency in charge. In doing so, local governments should
consider the problems associated with elected official participation within tribal consultations,
and should tailor their procedures accordingly.
Public Hearings
General plan amendments, specific plan amendments, and the adoption of a general or specific
plan each require both a planning commission and a city council or board of supervisors to
conduct public hearings. The decision to approve or deny these proposals must be based in
reason and upon evidence in the record of the public hearing. When addressing an adoption or
amendment involving a cultural place, elected officials will need to be apprised of the cultural
site implications in order to make informed decision. However, to maintain the confidentiality of
this cultural place information, local governments and tribes, during consultations, should agree
on what non-specific information may be disclosed during the course of a public hearing.
Additionally, local governments should avoid including any specific cultural place information
within CEQA documents (such as Environmental Impact Reports, Negative Declaration, and
Mitigated Negative Declarations) or staff reports which are required to be available at a public
Additional Confidentiality Procedures
Additionally, local governments should consider the following items when considering steps to
be taken in order to maintain confidentiality:
• Local governments should develop "in-house" confidentiality procedures.
• Procedures should be established to allow for tribes to share information with local
government officials in a confidential setting.
• Only those tribal designees, planning officials, qualified professional archaeologists, and
landowners involved in the particular planning activity should obtain information about a
specific site.
• Participating landowners should be asked to sign a non -disclosure agreement with the
appropriate tribe prior to gaining access to any specific site information.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
• Possible procedures to require local government to notify participating tribes and
landowners whenever records containing specific site information have been requested
for public disclosure.
Local governments should also keep in mind that the terms for confidentiality may differ
depending upon the nature of the site, the tribe, the local government, the landowner, or who
proposes to protect the site. Local governments should collaborate with tribes to develop
informational materials to educate landowners regarding the cultural sensitivity of divulging site
information, explaining the tribe's interest in maintaining the confidentiality and preservation of
a site. Landowners should be informed of criminal penalties within the law for the unlawful and
intentional destruction, degradation or removal of California Native American cultural or
spiritual places located on public or private lands (Public Resources Code §5097.995).14
Confidentiality Procedures forPrfvate.LandownerInvolvement
In order to successfully mitigate against or avoid impacts to a California Native American
cultural place, local governments and tribes may often find it necessary to involve private
landowners early in the consultation process. Often, landowners may not be aware that a cultural
place exists on their property, or alternatively, may not realize that the site has become subject to
a general plan adoption or amendment. Due to the confidential nature of certain information
involved, local governments should consider working with tribes to adopt procedures that would
balance the value of landowner involvement with the need for cultural place confidentiality.
Local governments and California Native American tribes may wish to consider the following
procedures that would inform and potentially involve landowners in the consultation process, but
would not compromise the confidentiality of a cultural place:
• Local governments, at the request of a tribe, may consider contacting a landowner
directly and, without disclosing the exact location or characteristics of the site, inform the
landowner of the existence of a culturally significant place on their property. A local
government may consider inquiring as to whether the landowner would be willing to
further discuss the matter directly with the appropriate tribal representative under a non-
disclosure agreement.
• Through conducting a records search, local governments may consider giving the
landowner's contact information to a tribe so that the tribe may contact the landowner
directly if local government involvement is not desired.
• Local governments may also wish to consider informing landowners of the CHRIS
system, and their right, as landowners, to utilize the database for further information
concerning the cultural place on their property. Local governments should keep in mind
that the CHRIS system does not contain a catalog of every cultural place within
California, and may not have information with regard to,a particular cultural place.
is Due to a drafting error, SB 18 contains multiple references to Public Resources Code (PRC) §5097.995 which is
no longer in existence. In 2004, PRC §5097.995 was amended and renumbered to PRC §5097.993 by Senate Bill
1264 (Chapter 286). Local governments should refer to PRC §5097.993 when looking for PRC §5097.995.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
IX. Procedures to Facilitate Voluntary Landowner Protection Efforts
In addition to their own consultation with tribes, local governments may help facilitate
landowner participation in preserving and protecting cultural places. While each city and county
should develop its own policies on landowner participation, general strategies for encouraging
landowner awareness of and participation in cultural place protection may include:
• Collaborating with local tribes to offer cultural awareness and other educational events
for landowners.
• Encouraging landowner participation in discussions about appropriate mitigation or
avoidance measures.
• Promoting the use of conservation easements and other private conservation efforts.
It should be noted that SB 18 does not require landowners to dedicate or sell conservation
easements for the purpose of cultural place preservation. Neither are local governments required
to play a direct role in any private conservation activity. Government Code §65040.2(g),
however, does require OPR to recommend procedures to facilitate voluntary landowner
participation in the preservation and protection of cultural places.
Landowner Education and Participation
Public workshops, seminars, and other educational sessions may provide forums for tribal
representatives to share tribal and cultural information and discuss general protection concerns
with landowners. These sessions may build cultural awareness, develop landowner
understanding of the importance of cultural places, and also encourage further dialogue between
tribes and landowners. These sessions should generally inform landowners of the importance of
cultural places and should not compromise the confidentiality of a specific cultural place.
Local governments may also encourage landowner participation in discussions about mitigating
or avoiding impacts to a cultural place located on a landowner's private property. Please refer to
"Mitigation and Private Landowner Involvement" in Section VII and "Confidentiality
Procedures for Private Landowner Involvement" in Section VIII for further information.
Private Conservation Efforts
Although local governments are not required to play a direct role in any private conservation
activity, they can promote the use of conservation easements and other conservation programs to
protect cultural places. Local governments may consider adoption of a policy to encourage
voluntary landowner participation in protection programs. Local governments may also develop
and distribute informational materials about potential incentives for private conservation efforts,
such as Mills Act tax credits or the tax benefits of donating or selling conservation easements.
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement between a landowner and an authorized party
(including a tribe) that allows the holder to limit the type or amount of development on the
property while the landowner retains title to the land. The landowner is compensated for
voluntarily giving up some development opportunities. The easement is binding upon successive
owners of the land. It is common for a conservation easement to be recorded against the
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
property as a way to inform future purchasers of the easement. Granting of a conservation
easement may qualify as a charitable contribution for tax purposes.
Should a landowner choose to sell a conservation easement, the landowner should first consult
with all tribes affiliated with the land on which the easement is proposed. It is also
recommended that tribes hold conservation easements only within their areas of cultural
As an alternative to conservation easements, local governments may also promote private
preservation of cultural places through the use of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU). As a
direct agreement between a landowner and tribe, a MOU allows a tribe and landowner to agree
on appropriate treatment of cultural places located on the landowner's private property and may
give certain privileges to tribes, such as access to perform ceremonial rituals. MOUs may also
be used to facilitate co -management by tribes, landowners, and conservation organizations. For
example, if a conservation easement established for wildlife protection also contains a cultural
place, the landowner, conservation entity, and tribe could agree on co -management (in the MOU)
that protects both the habitat and cultural place.
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Part E
Open Space
Section X provides information for incorporating the protection of cultural places into the open
space element of the general plan.
X. Open Space for the Protection of Cultural Places
SB 18 amends Government Code §66560 to include open space for the protection of cultural
places as an allowable purpose of the open space element. Local governments may, but are not
required to, consider adopting open space policies regarding the protection of cultural places.
Local governments may wish to consider the following when and if they develop such policies:
• Limiting the types of land uses allowed in an open space designation in order to protect
the cultural place from potentially harmful uses.
• Facilitating access to tribes for maintenance and use of cultural places.
• Protecting the confidentiality of cultural places by not disclosing specific information
about their identity, location, character, or use.
• Giving developers incentives to protect cultural places through voluntary measures.
• Incorporating goals for protection of cultural places in open space that is also part of a
regional habitat conservation and protection program, for example, a local or regional
Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) or Natural Community Conservation Program (NCCP).
• Reviewing and conforming other elements of the general plan that deal with conservation
of natural and cultural resources to the open space element.
The development of open space policies for the protection of cultural places should be done in
consultation with culturally -affiliated tribes. It is important to note that the importance of
cultural places is not solely rooted in the land or other physical features or objects related to the
land on which the cultural place is located. The sense of "place" is often as important as any
physical or tangible characteristic. It may be important to a tribe to preserve a certain non-
material aspect of a cultural place, such as views or vantage points from or to the cultural place.
Cultural interpretation and importance of the place to the tribe should be taken into
consideration, in addition to the archaeological importance of the place. With this in mind, local
governments should be prepared to consider creative solutions for preservation and protection of
cultural places.
Neither Government Code §65560(b)(5) nor Government Code §65562.5 mandate local review
or revision of the existing open space element of the general plan to inventory and/or protect
cultural places. However, local governments should consider doing so in future updates of or
comprehensive revisions to the open space element.
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Part F
Additional Resources
XI. Additional Resources
In addition to the information provided in the 2005 Supplement to the General Plan Guidelines,
local governments may wish to investigate additional resources that can provide more detailed
information about Native American people, cultural places, tribal governments, consultation,
confidentiality, conservation easements, and other issues related to SB 18. Sources of additional
information include federal and state government agencies that have previous experience with
tribal consultations, colleges and universities, private organizations and foundations, and the
literature and web sites associated with these groups. Although it is not intended to be a
comprehensive list, some potentially useful resources are included below. These additional
resources are arranged alphabetically.
It is important that local governments keep in mind that Native American tribes are often the best
source of information concerning a cultural place's location and characteristics. Local
governments are encouraged to seek this information, if available, directly from the tribes
Federal Agencies
Federal Highway Administration — AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials) Center for Environmental Excellence
The AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence provides a web site designed to provide
tools for Section 106 of the National Historical Preservation Act (NHPA) tribal consultation.
This site contains documents and links to web sites that address key aspects of tribal consultation
relevant to SB 18. Information also includes federal, tribal, and state policies and protocols, case
law, and best practices as implemented by federal and state agencies and tribes.
http://environment.transportation.org/environmental issues/tribal consultation/overview.htm
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has lasting and positive relations with many tribal
governments. The "Tribal Affairs and Initiatives" section of their web site provides information
regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' approach to tribal consultation and preservation of
cultural resources.
h_ptt •//www usace.army.mil/inettfunctions/cw/cecwv/tribal/index.htm
USDA Forest Service
The Forest Service has extensive experience in consulting with Native American tribes. The
Forest Service's Forest Service National Resource Book on American Indian and Alaska Native
Relations is an excellent resource book on tribal beliefs and practices, tribal consultation, and
laws affecting Native Americans. The Forest Service's Report of the National Tribal Relations
03/01/05 33
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Program Implementation Team (June 2003) reviews relationships between the Forest Service
and tribes, identifying pervasive problems and concerns and making recommendations to
improve the effectiveness of the program at maintaining long -tern collaborative relationships
with tribal governments.
USDA Forest Service
Regional Office of Tribal Relations
Sonia Tamez
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 562-8919
USDA National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA)
The ATTRA provides information and other technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, Extension
agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture in the United States. The
ATTRA publication, Conservation Easements, Resource Series (2003), provides an overview of
what holding and selling conservation easements entail.
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
PO Box 3657
Fayetteville, AR 72702
Phone: (800) 346-9140
Fax: (479) 442-9842
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS)
The mission of the NRCS is to address natural resource conservation on private lands. The web
site contains links to various conservation technical resources and to additional contact
information for area offices and service centers.
California NRCS State Office
430 G Street #4164
Davis, CA 95616-4164
Phone: (530) 792-5600
Fax: (530) 792-5610
U.S. Department of Interior— Bureau of Indian Affairs
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is responsible for the administration and management of
55.7 million acres of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes,
and Alaska Natives. Developing forestlands, leasing assets on these lands, directing agricultural
programs, protecting water and land rights, developing and maintaining infrastructure, and
economic development are all agency responsibilities. The BIA web site includes links to other
federal agencies, inter -tribal organizations, environmental organizations, and cultural resources.
34 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Phone: (202) 208-3710
U.S. Department of Interior — Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management manages 261 million acres of land and has staff whose duties
include coordination and consultation with Native Americans. The Bureau publishes Native
American Coordination and Consultation, Manual Section 8160 with Handbook H-8160-1. The
handbook is devoted to providing general guidance for tribal consultation, and can be found
online at: hhtt •//www blm gov/nhp/efoia/wo/handbook/h8l60-l.html.
Bureau of LandManagement
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, CA 95825-1886
Phone: (916) 978-4400
Phone: (916) 978-4416
TDD: (916) 978-4419
U.S. Department of Interior- National Park Service
The following National Park Service web site specifically focuses on cultural resource
preservation. The site includes links to tools for cultural resource preservation, different areas of
cultural resource protection and different offices of the National Park Service that handle cultural
preservation issues. Included among these offices is the American Indian Liaison Office, the
web site of which contains a number of information resources that are potentially useful to local
governments learning how to consult with Native American tribes on land use policy.
U.S. Department of Interior — Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution
This web site provides links to federal agencies' policies on tribal consultation:
State Agencies
California Department of Conservation
Division of Land Resource Protection (DLRP)
The DLRP works with landowners, local governments, and researchers to conserve productive
farmland and open spaces.
California Department of Conservation
Division of Land Resource Protection
801 K Street, MS 18-01
Sacramento, CA 95814-3528
Phone: (916) 324-0850
03/01/05 35
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
California Department of Housing and Community Development
California Indian Assistance Program (CLAP)
The California Indian Assistance Program's primary role is to assist tribal governments with
obtaining and managing funds for community development and government enhancement.
CIAP's 2004 Field Directory of the California Indian Community is a good reference for
California Native American tribes, including location of Indian lands, federal recognition status
of tribes, history of laws affecting tribes, and other programs and agencies involved in tribal
California Indian Assistance Program
1800 Third Street, Room 365
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-4727
California Department of Transportation (DOT)
Native American Liaison Branch
The California DOT administers most of its projects with some federal funding and is therefore
subject to Section 106 consultation requirements under NHPA. The department has a Native
American Liaison Branch (NALB), with headquarters in Sacramento and Native American
Liaisons in each of its twelve districts. The NALB web site contains policy statements and links
to other useful resources.
Office of Regional and Interagency Planning
Native American Liaison Branch
1120 N Street, MS 32
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-8195
Phone: (916) 654-2389
Fax: (916) 653-0001
California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
The NAHC is the state commission responsible for advocating preservation and protection of
Native American human remains and cultural resources. NAHC maintains records concerning
places of special religious or social significance to Native Americans, including graves and
cemeteries and other cultural places. The NAHC reviews CEQA documents to provide
recommendations to lead agencies about consulting with tribes to mitigate potential project
impacts to these sites.
The NAHC maintains a list of California tribes and the corresponding contacts that local
governments should use for the purpose of meeting SB 18 consultation requirements.
The NAHC web site also provides a number of links to information about federal and state laws,
local ordinances and codes, and cultural resources in relation to Native Americans.
36 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Native American Heritage Commission
915 Capitol Mall, Room 364
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 653-4082
Fax:(916) 657-5390
California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP)
California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS)
Pursuant to state and federal law, the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP)
administers the California Historical Resources Information system (CHRIS). The CHRIS is
organized by county and managed by regional information centers (posted on the OHP website).
These CHRIS centers house records, reports, and other documents relating to cultural and
archaeological resources, and provide information and recommendations regarding such
resources on a fee -for -service basis.
The OHP also provides assistance to local governments to encourage direct participation in
historic preservation. OHP provides technical assistance to local governments including training
for local commissions and review boards, drafting of preservation plans and ordinances, and
developing archaeological and historical surveys.
Office of Historic Preservation
P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296-0001
Phone:(916) 653-6624
Fax: (916) 653-9824
Colleaes and Universities
Humboldt State University
The Center for Indian Community Development (CICD)
The CICD primarily focuses on Indian language education, but also acts in the capacity of a
liaison between Native American tribes and the community. The CICD includes a cultural
resource facility where information about Native American burial grounds and cultural resource
monitoring can be found. The CICD offers useful publications on tribal governments and
cultural approaches to environmental protection of Native American lands on its web site.
Humboldt State University
Center for Indian Community Development
#1 Harpst Street
Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: (707) 826-3711
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2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
University of California, Los Angeles
American Indian Studies Center (AISC)
The AISC has spent a number of years conducting research on issues affecting Native American
Indian communities. The center has sponsored conferences on issues including California tribes,
repatriation, federal recognition, and Indian gaming. The AISC offers a number of publications
on issues ranging from Contemporary Native American Issues and Native American Politics to
Native American Theater and Native American Literature.
American Indian Studies Center
3220 Campbell Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1548
Phone: (310) 825-7315
Fax: (310) 206-7060
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Native Nations Law and Policy Center (NNLPC)
The mission ofNNLPC at UCLA Law is to support Native nations throughout the United States,
with a special focus on California tribes, in developing their systems of governance and in
addressing critical public policy issues and to apply the resources of state -supported education
together with tribal expertise to address contemporary educational needs for California Tribes.
The Research and Publications division secures grants, carries out research, and sponsors
conferences and roundtables drawing together scholars, tribal leaders, and federal/state policy -
UCLA School of Law
P.O. Box 951476
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476
Phone: (310) 825-4841
http•//www law ucia edu/students/academicprograms/nativenations/nnlanc.htm
Private Organizations and Foundations
American Farmland Trust (AFT)
Since its founding in 1980, the AFT has helped to achieve permanent protection for over a
million acres of American farmland. The AFT focuses its strategies on protecting land through
publicly funded agricultural conservation easement programs and encouraging conservation
practices in community planning and growth management.
American Farmland Trust
1200 18th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 331-7300
Fax: (202) 659-8339
38 03/01/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Inter -Tribal Council of California, Inc. (ITCC)
The key role of the Inter -Tribal Council of California (ITCC) is to assist in bridging relationships
between California tribal governments and other organizations, including local government
agencies. The ITCC offers workshops on Native American cultural proficiency and tribal
governments for the purpose of educating non -Native Americans on how to effectively
communicate with tribal governments, in addition to other training and technical assistance. The
ITCC is experienced in assisting the development of Memoranda of Understanding and
Agreement, protocols, and educational outreach materials.
Inter -Tribal Council of California, Inc.
2755 Cottage Way, Suite 14
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 973-9581
Fax: (916) 973-0117
Land Trust Alliance (LTA)
The Land Trust Alliance promotes voluntary land conservation by offering training, conferences,
literature, reports, and other information on land conservation. The LTA has several publications
discussing conservation techniques. Their web site addresses different conservation options for
landowners and includes questions and answers about conservation easements, land donation,
and bargain sale of land.
Land Trust Alliance
1331 H Street NW, Suite 400
Washington D.C. 20005-4734
Phone:(202) 638-4725
Fax:(202) 638-4730
Native American Land Conservancy
The Native American Land Conservancy is a nonprofit corporation formed for the conservation
and preservation of Native American sacred lands.
Native American Land Conservancy
Kurt Russo, Executive Director
PO Box 1829
Indio, CA 92202
Phone: (800) 6770-6252
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
The Nature Conservancy is a non-profit organization that works with communities, businesses,
and individuals to preserve lands with natural and cultural resources.
The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606
Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association (SCTCA)
The Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association (SCTCA) is a multi -service non-profit
corporation established in 1972 for a consortium of 19 Federally recognized Indian tribes in
Southern California. The Primary goals and objectives of SCTCA are the health, welfare, safety,
education, culture, economic and employment opportunities for its tribal members. A board of
directors comprised of tribal chairpersons from each of its member tribes governs SCTCA.
Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association
Denis Turner
Executive Director
Phone: (760) 742-8600 x100
Trust for Public Land (TPL)
The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization that
conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands, and
other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. Since 1972, TPL has
worked with willing landowners, community groups, and national, state, and local agencies to
complete more than 2,700 land conservation projects in 46 states, protecting nearly 2 million
Trust for Public Land National Office
116 New Montgomery St., 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 495-4014
Fax: (415) 495-4103
40 03/O1/05
2005 Supplement to General Plan Guidelines
Exhibit A: Sample Request to the NAHC for Tribal Contact Information
(916) 657-5390 - Fax
Project Title:
Local Government/Lead Agency:
Street Address:
Contact Person:
City: Zip:
Speciflc Area Subject to Proposed Action
County: City/Community:
Local Action Type:
—General Plan
_General Plan Amendment
_ Pre -planning Outreach Activity
Project Description:
NAHC Use Only
Date Received:
Date Completed
General Plan Element
_ Specific Plan Amendment
_ Specific Plan
Native American Tribal Consultation lists are only applicable for consulting with California Native American tribes per
Government Code Section 65352.3.
SB 18 Senate Bill - CHAPTERED
INTRODUCED BY Senators Burton, Chesbro, and Ducheny
DECEMBER 2, 2002
An act to amend Section 815.3 of the Civil Code, to amend Sections
65040.2, 65092, 65351, 65352, and 65560 of, and to add Sections
65352.3, 65352.4, and 65562.5 to the Government Code, relating to
traditional tribal cultural places.
SB 18, Burton. Traditional tribal cultural places.
(1) Existing law establishes the Native American Heritage
Commission and authorizes the commission to bring an action to
prevent severe and irreparable damage to, or assure appropriate
access for Native Americans to, a Native American sanctified
cemetery, place of worship, religious or ceremonial site, or sacred
shrine located on public property.
Existing law authorizes only specified entities or organizations,
including certain tax-exempt nonprofit organizations, and local
government entities to acquire and hold conservation easements, if
those entities and organizations meet certain conditions.
This bill would include a federally recognized California Native
American tribe or a nonfederally recognized California Native
American tribe that is on the contact list maintained by the Native
American Heritage Commission, among those entities and organizations
that may acquire and hold conservation easements, as specified.
(2) Existing law requires the Office of Planning and Research to
implement various long range planning and research policies and goals
that are intended to shape statewide development patterns and
significantly influence the quality of the state's environment and,
in connection with those responsibilities, to adopt guidelines for
the preparation and content of the mandatory elements required in
city and county general plans.
This bill would require that, by March 1, 2005, the guidelines
contain advice, developed in consultation with the Native American
Heritage Commission, for consulting with California Native American
tribes for the preservation of, or the mitigation of impacts to,
specified Native American places, features, and objects. The bill
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would also require those guidelines to address procedures for
identifying the appropriate California Native American tribes, for
continuing to protect the confidentiality of information concerning
the specific identity, location, character, and use of those places,
features, and objects, and for facilitating voluntary landowner
participation to preserve and protect the specific identity,
location, character, and use of those places, features, and objects.
The bill would define a California Native American tribe that is on
the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage
Commission as a "person" for purposes of provisions relating to
public notice of hearings relating to local planning issues.
(3) Existing law requires a planning agency during the preparation
or amendment of the general plan, to provide opportunities for the
involvement of citizens, public agencies, public utility companies,
and civic, education, and other community groups, through public
hearings and any other means the city or county deems appropriate.
This bill would require the planning agency on and after March 1,
2005, to refer the proposed action to California Native American
tribes, as specified, and also provide opportunities for involvement
of California Native American tribes. The bill would require that,
prior to the adoption or amendment of a city or county's general
plan, the city or county conduct consultations with California Native
American tribes for the purpose of preserving specified places,
features, and objects that are located within the city or county's
jurisdiction. The bill would define the term "consultation" for
purposes of those provisions. By imposing new duties on local
governments with respect to consultations regarding the protection
and preservation of California Native American historical, cultural,
and sacred sites, the bill would impose a state -mandated local
On and after March 1, 2005, this bill would include open space
for the protection of California Native American historical,
cultural, and sacred sites within the definition of "local open -space
plan" for purposes of provisions governing the preparation of the
open -space element of a city and county general plan.
(4) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse
local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
reimbursement, including the creation of a State Mandates Claims Fund
to pay the costs of mandates that do not exceed $1,000,000 statewide
and other procedures for claims whose statewide costs exceed
This bill would provide that with regard to certain mandates no
reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
With regard to any other mandates, this bill would provide that,
if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains
costs so mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall
be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.
SECTION 1. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the
(1) Current state law provides a limited measure of protection for
California Native American prehistoric, archaeological, cultural,
spiritual, and ceremonial places.
(2) Existing law provides limited protection for Native American
sanctified cemeteries, places of worship, religious, ceremonial
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SB 18 Senate Bill - CHAPTERED
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sites, sacred shrines, historic or prehistoric ruins, burial grounds,
archaeological or historic sites, inscriptions made by Native
Americans at those sites, archaeological or historic Native American
rock art, and archaeological or historic features of Native American
historic, cultural, and sacred sites.
(3) Native American places of prehistoric, archaeological,
cultural, spiritual, and ceremonial importance reflect the tribes'
continuing cultural ties to the land and to their traditional
(4) Many of these historical, cultural, and religious sites are
not located within the current boundaries of California Native
American reservations and rancherias, and therefore are not covered
by the protectionist policies of tribal governments.
(b) In recognition of California Native American tribal
sovereignty and the unique relationship between California local
governments and California tribal governments, it is the intent of
the Legislature, in enacting this act, to accomplish all of the
(1) Recognize that California Native American prehistoric,
archaeological, cultural, spiritual, and ceremonial places are
essential elements in tribal cultural traditions, heritages, and
(2) Establish meaningful consultations between California Native
American tribal governments and California local governments at the
earliest possible point in the local government land use planning
process so that these places can be identified and considered.
(3) Establish government -to -government consultations regarding
potential means to preserve those places, determine the level of
necessary confidentiality of their specific location, and develop
proper treatment and management plans.
(4) Ensure that local and tribal governments have information
available early in the land use planning process to avoid potential
conflicts over the preservation of California Native American
prehistoric, archaeological, cultural, spiritual, and ceremonial
(5) Enable California Native American tribes to manage and act as
caretakers of California Native American prehistoric, archaeological,
cultural, spiritual, and ceremonial places.
(6) Encourage local governments to consider preservation of
California Native American prehistoric, archaeological, cultural,
spiritual, and ceremonial places in their land use planning processes
by placing them in open space.
(7) Encourage local governments to consider the cultural aspects
of California Native American prehistoric, archaeological, cultural,
spiritual, and ceremonial places early in land use planning
SEC. 2. Section 815.3 of the Civil Code is amended to read:
815.3. only the following entities or organizations may acquire
and hold conservation easements:
(a) A tax-exempt nonprofit organization qualified under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and qualified to do business
in this state which has as its primary purpose the preservation,
protection, or enhancement of land in its natural, scenic,
historical, agricultural, forested, or open -space condition or use.
(b) The state or any city, county, city and county, district, or
other state or local governmental entity, if otherwise authorized to
acquire and hold title to real property and if the conservation
easement is voluntarily conveyed. No local governmental entity may
condition the issuance of an entitlement for use on the applicant's
granting of a conservation easement pursuant to this chapter.
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(c) A federally recognized California Native American tribe or a
nonfederally recognized California Native American tribe that is on
the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage
Commission to protect a California Native American prehistoric,
archaeological, cultural, spiritual, or ceremonial place, if the
conservation easement is voluntarily conveyed.
SEC. 3. Section 65040.2 of the Government Code is amended to read:
65040.2. (a) In connection with its responsibilities under
subdivision (1) of Section 65040, the office shall develop and adopt
guidelines for the preparation and content of the mandatory elements
required in city and county general plans by Article 5 (commencing
with Section 65300) of Chapter 3. For purposes of this section, the
guidelines prepared pursuant to Section 50459 of the Health and
Safety Code shall be the guidelines for the housing element required
by Section 65302. In the event that additional elements are
hereafter required in city and county general plans by Article 5
(commencing with Section 65300) of Chapter 3, the office shall adopt
guidelines for those elements within six months of the effective date
of the legislation requiring those additional elements.
(b) The office may request from each state department and agency,
as it deems appropriate, and the department or agency shall provide,
technical assistance in readopting, amending, or repealing the
(c) The guidelines shall be advisory to each city and county in
order to provide assistance in preparing and maintaining their
respective general plans.
(d) The guidelines shall contain the guidelines for addressing
environmental justice matters developed pursuant to Section 65040.12.
(e) The guidelines shall contain advice including recommendations
for best practices to allow for collaborative land use planning of
adjacent civilian and military lands and facilities. The guidelines
shall encourage enhanced land use compatibility between civilian
lands and any adjacent or nearby military facilities through the
examination of potential impacts upon one another.
(f) The guidelines shall contain advice for addressing the effects
of civilian development on military readiness activities carried out
on all of the following:
(1) Military installations.
(2) Military operating areas.
(3) Military training areas.
(4) Military training routes.
(5) Military airspace.
(6) Other territory adjacent to those installations and areas.
(g) By March 1, 2005, the guidelines shall contain advice,
developed in consultation with the Native American Heritage
Commission, for consulting with California Native American tribes for
all of the following:
(1) The preservation of, or the mitigation of impacts to, places,
features, and objects described in Sections 5097.9 and 5097.995 of
the Public Resources Code.
(2) Procedures for identifying through the Native American
Heritage Commission the appropriate California Native American
(3) Procedures for continuing to protect the confidentiality of
information concerning the specific identity, location, character,
and use of those places, features, and objects.
(4) Procedures to facilitate voluntary landowner participation to
preserve and protect the specific identity, location, character, and
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use of those places, features, and objects.
(h) The office shall provide for regular review and revision of
the guidelines established pursuant to this section.
SEC. 4. Section 65092 of the Government Code is amended to read:
65092. (a) When a provision of this title requires notice of a
public hearing to be given pursuant to Section 65090 or 65091, the
notice shall also be mailed or delivered at least 10 days prior to
the hearing to any person who has filed a written request for notice
with either the clerk of the governing body or with any other person
designated by the governing body to receive these requests. The
local agency may charge a fee which is reasonably related to the
costs of providing this service and the local agency may require each
request to be annually renewed.
(b) As used in this chapter, "person" includes a California Native
American tribe that is on the contact list maintained by the Native
American Heritage Commission.
SEC. 5. Section 65351 of the Government Code is amended to read:
65351. During the preparation or amendment of the general plan,
the planning agency shall provide opportunities for the involvement
of citizens California Native American Indian tribes, public
agencies, public utility companies, and civic, education, and other
community groups, through public hearings and any other means the
city or county deems appropriate.
SEC. 6. Section 65352 of the Government Code is amended to read:
65352. (a) Prior to action by a legislative body to adopt or
substantially amend a general plan, the planning agency shall refer
the proposed action to all of the following entities:
(1) A city or county, within or abutting the area covered by the
proposal, and a special district that may be significantly affected
by the proposed action, as determined by the planning agency.
(2) An elementary, high school, or unified school district within
the area covered by the proposed action.
(3) The local agency formation commission.
(4) An areawide planning agency whose operations may be
significantly affected by the proposed action, as determined by the
planning agency.
(5) A federal agency if its operations or lands within its
jurisdiction may be significantly affected by the proposed action, as
determined by the planning agency.
(6) A public water system, as defined in Section 116275 of the
Health and Safety Code, with 3,000 or more service connections, that
serves water to customers within the area covered by the proposal.
The public water system shall have at least 45 days to comment on the
proposed plan, in accordance with subdivision (b), and to provide
the planning agency with the information set forth in Section
(7) The Bay Area Air Quality Management District for a proposed
action within the boundaries of the district.
(8) On and after March 1, 2005, a California Native American
tribe, that is on the contact list maintained by the Native American
Heritage Commission, with traditional lands located within the city
or county's jurisdiction.
(b) Each entity receiving a proposed general plan or amendment of
a general plan pursuant to this section shall have 45 days from the
date the referring agency mails it or delivers it in which to comment
unless a longer period is specified by the planning agency.
(c) (1) This section is directory, not mandatory, and the failure
to refer a proposed action to the other entities specified in this
section does not affect the validity of the action, if adopted.
(2) To the extent that the requirements of this section conflict
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with the requirements of Chapter 4.4 (commencing with Section 65919),
the requirements of Chapter 4.4 shall prevail.
SEC. 7. Section 65352.3 is added to the Government Code, to read:
65352.3. (a) (1) Prior to the adoption or any amendment of a city
or county's general plan, proposed on or after March 1, 2005, the
city or county shall conduct consultations with California Native
American tribes that are on the contact list maintained by the Native
American Heritage Commission for the purpose of preserving or
mitigating impacts to places, features, and objects described in
Sections 5097.9 and 5097.995 of the Public Resources Code that are
located within the city or county's jurisdiction.
(2) From the date on which a California Native American tribe is
contacted by a city or county pursuant to this subdivision, the tribe
has 90 days in which to request a consultation, unless a shorter
timeframe has been agreed to by that tribe.
(b) Consistent with the guidelines developed and adopted by the
Office of Planning and Research pursuant to Section 65040.2, the city
or county shall protect the confidentiality of information
concerning the specific identity, location, character, and use of
those places, features, and objects.
SEC. 8. Section 65352.4 is added to the Government Code, to read:
65352.4. For purposes of Section 65351, 65352.3, and 65562.5,
"consultation" means the meaningful and timely process of seeking,
discussing, and considering carefully the views of others, in a
manner that is cognizant of all parties' cultural values and, where
feasible, seeking agreement. Consultation between government
agencies and Native American tribes shall be conducted in a way that
is mutually respectful of each party's sovereignty. Consultation
shall also recognize the tribes' potential needs for confidentiality
with respect to places that have traditional tribal cultural
SEC. 9. Section 65560 of the Government Code is amended to read:
65560. (a) "Local open -space plan" is the open -space element of a
county or city general plan adopted by the board or council, either
as the local open -space plan or as the interim local open -space plan
adopted pursuant to Section 65563.
(b) "Open -space land" is any parcel or area of land or water that
is essentially unimproved and devoted to an open -space use as defined
in this section, and that is designated on a local, regional or
state open -space plan as any of the following:
(1) Open space for the preservation of natural resources
including, but not limited to, areas required for the preservation of
plant and animal life, including habitat for fish and wildlife
species; areas required for ecologic and other scientific study
purposes; rivers, streams, bays and estuaries; areas adjacent to
military installations, military training routes, and restricted
airspace that can provide additional buffer zones to military
activities and complement the resource values of the military lands;
and coastal beaches, lakeshores, banks of rivers and streams, and
watershed lands.
(2) Open space used for the managed production of resources,
including but not limited to, forest lands, rangeland, agricultural
lands and areas of economic importance for the production of food or
fiber; areas required for recharge of ground water basins; bays,
estuaries, marshes, rivers and streams which are important for the
management of commercial fisheries; and areas containing major
mineral deposits, including those in short supply.
(3) Open space for outdoor recreation, including, but not limited
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SB 18 Senate Bill - CHAPTERED
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to, areas of outstanding scenic, historic and cultural value; areas
particularly suited for park and recreation purposes, including
access to lakeshores, beaches, and rivers and streams; and areas
which serve as links between major recreation and open -space
reservations, including utility easements, banks of rivers and
streams, trails, and scenic highway corridors.
(4) Open space for public health and safety, including, but not
limited to, areas which require special management or regulation
because of hazardous or special conditions such as earthquake fault
zones, unstable soil areas, flood plains, watersheds, areas
presenting high fire risks, areas required for the protection of
water quality and water reservoirs and areas required for the
protection and enhancement of air quality.
(5) Open space for the protection of places, features, and objects
described in Sections 5097.9 and 5097.995 of the Public Resources
SEC. 10. Section 65562.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:
65562.5. On and after March 1, 2005, if land designated, or
proposed to be designated as open space, contains a place, feature,
or object described in Sections 5097.9 and 5097.995 of the Public
Resources Code, the city or county in which the place, feature, or
object is located shall conduct consultations with the California
Native American tribe, if any, that has given notice pursuant to
Section 65092 for the purpose of determining the level of
confidentiality required to protect the specific identity, location,
character, or use of the place, feature, or object and for the
purpose of developing treatment with appropriate dignity of the
place, feature, or object in any corresponding management plan.
SEC. 11. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to
Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution for
certain costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school
district because in that regard this act creates a new crime or
infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty
for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the
Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the
meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California
However, notwithstanding Section 17610 of the Government Code, if
the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains
other costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies
and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7
(commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the
Government Code. If the statewide cost of the claim for
reimbursement does not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000),
reimbursement shall be made from the State Mandates Claims Fund.
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