HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOAG_SUPPORT_SERVICES_BUILDING*NEW FILE* HOAG_SUPPORT_SERVICES_ BUILDING J a�wPOkr CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Hearing Date: September 21, 1995 PLANNING\BUILDING DEPARTMENT Agenda Item No.: �&W ' g ssw NEWORTBOULEVARD Staff Person: Patricia L. Temple NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92656 (714) 644-3228 (p4) 644'52—, FAX (T4) 644-5250 Avveal Period: Not Applicable REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICANT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian 4000 West Coast Highway PURPOSE: Interpretation by the Planning Commission on the provisions of the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text regarding the lineal width of buildings. SUGGESTED ACTION: If desired, determine that the proposed building design meets the intent of the provisions of the Planned Community District Regulations, and interpret that the text requirement does not include below grade structures or driveway access features; No Determine that the proposed project is a single building, and the project will require a Site Plan Review approval. Background In May, 1992, the City approved Planned Community District Regulations for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Included in the development regulations are performance standards intended to minimize the building mass and bulk along West Coast Highway. These provisions include setback requirements and building dimension limitations. Interpretation is being requested by staff of the building dimension limitation provisions of the district regulations, specifically: "In order to avoid any fi ture structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. " Discussion Interpretation 1. Hoag Hospital is in preliminary building design for the first major structures to be constructed on the lower campus since the approval of the Master Plan. The project included two buildings, an office building and a parking structure. The site plan is illustrated on Attachment 2. In order to reduce the height of the parking structure, the hospital proposes to connect the two buildings with two levels of subterranean parking. The building section is illustrated on 6 Attachment 3. A strict interpretation of the provision would determine that the connection creates a single building, which would then require the approval of a site plan review. It is the opinion of staff that subterranean parking or other structural connections do not affect the overall bulk of a building as viewed from West Coast Highway. In this particular case, the subterranean structure has allowed for a reduction of the parking structure by one level, effectively reducing the visual mass and bulk (Illustrated on Attachment 4.). Therefore, staff would suggest that below grade structures not be included for the purpose of measuring linear width. Interpretation 2. The parking structure includes a circular driveway ramp on the easterly side. It is illustrated on Attachment 5. It is the opinion of staffthat the ramp is visually similar to a driveway, and should not be considered as part of the linear width of the building. Interpretation 3. The office building includes a porte cochere with an enclosed glass lobby area adjacent to the motor court (Attachments 1 & 2.). The enclosed glass lobby adds 15 feet of occupied space to the building which already is 250 linear feet in width. Staff has already determined that the porte cochere is an architectural feature which is not subject to the width limitations. However, it is the position of staff that the enclosure of any portion of the porte cochere should be included in the linear building width, and that this enclosure should either be removed, or be subject to the approval of a site plan review. Also shown on the site plan (Attachment 2.) is a stairwell which encroaches 5 feet into the required 15 foot setback. This encroachment is not subject to Planning Commission interpretation, but can be approved with a Modification permit. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ByT(� i `7 PatriciaL. Temple Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District Regulations 2. Site Plan 3. Building Sections 4. Parking Structure ramp illustrations 5. Ramp and berm section Hoag Memodal Hovial Pmbytudm sepkmba 21,1995 Page 2 0 0 Attachment No. 1 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission February 20, 1992 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 92-3 May 26, 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number I. Introduction 1 II. General Notes 2 M. Definitions 4 IV. Development Plan 6 V. District Regulations 11 VI. Sign Program 20 VII. Parking Program 22 VIII. Landscape Regulations 24 IX. Site Plan Review 27 May 26, IM i r� 0 EXHIBITS Page Number 1. Planned Community Development Plan 7 2. Internal Circulation 9 3. Development Criteria 15 TABLES 1. Statistical Analysis 10 2. Parking Requirements 23 May 26, 19S I. INTRODUCTION The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the upper and lower campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the upper campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. May 26, IM 1 0 II. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-5 and K-6 regarding archaeological and paleontological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. New mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults, excluding communications devices, on the upper campus shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be screened on the lower campus. Noise shall not exceed 55 dBA at all property lines. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. 2 May 26, IM 0 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. S. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall be installed within 30 days of the completion of grading. May 26, IM 3 0 III. DEFINITIONS Building Elevation: 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. Building Envelope: the volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Building Height: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emergency Room: a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Fast Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof. Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Inpatient Uses: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. Landscape Area: the landscape area shall include on -site walks, plazas, water, rooftop May 26,1992 4 0 i landscaping and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: for the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2. Net - parcel area after dedications. Special Landscaped Street: West Coast Highway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets: reference to all streets or rights -of -way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights -of -way. May 26, IM 5 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Prject Characteristics The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire condominiums) to the west. The lower campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. The Development Plan includes a 0.8 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums. This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear park area adjacent to the bike path (approximately 0.5 acres) and a consolidated view park at the westerly edge of the property (approxi- mately 0.3 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing bike trails at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the lower campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. Exhibit 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. May 26, IM LEGEND AREA OF DEVELOPMENT POAO WEST COAST VAGHWAY r , PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXHIBIT T ; i HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cap is not exceeded, this Development Plan, allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage and trip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (i.e., square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the total square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowed under the Development Plan is not exceeded. 8 May 26,1992 LEGEND ANPRIMARY ACCESS (SIGNALIZED) ® SECONDARYACCESS ® ! O SERVICE ACCESS � tl _.�-� �` • : O 3 PUBLICCIRCULATiON STAFF / SERVICE CIRCULATION A � •r , -' / �"4P i Ill � �'. „� ,�� WEST COAST MMIWAY / Cf _ R z m r a 0 VEHICULAR ACCESS EXHIBIT HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN • Table 1 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS' use Square Feet Lower Campus Existing: Outpatient Services (Hoag Cancer Center) 65,000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal: 72,800 Phase I: Outpatient Services 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases II & III: Subtotal: 305,089 Total Lower Campus 577,889 Upper Campus Eldstine. 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 Subtotal: 140,000 Phases II & III: 145,349 Total UU1ner Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,343,2383 1 Full development of the upper and lower campuses is anticipated to occur over an approximate 20-year period and will likely occur in three, seven-year phases. 2 Up to 50% of the existing upper campus may be redeveloped by master plan buildout. 3 Based on development allowed under the General Plan at a Boor area ratio to gross site area of .65 for the lower campus and 1.0 for the upper campus. Building Bulk limit for the lower campus is 0.90 for all structures which includes above grade covered parking. 10 May 26, 1992 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other bospital-related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by definition. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i. Outpatient services: • Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback • Breast Imaging Center • CT Scan • Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory • First Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.I. Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Pulmonary Services May 26, IM 11 0 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy • Sleep Disorder Center • Speech Therapy • Ultrasound U. Administration: • Admitting • Auxiliary Office • Business Offices • Information • Registration • Patient Relations • Social Services iii.Support Services: u • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechanical/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services • Cashier • Chapel/Chaplainry Service • Conference Center • Dietitian • Gift Shop • Laboratory • Medical Library • Medical Records • Pharmacy • Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving • Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care 12 May 26,19n 0 2. V. Medical/Support Offices Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. Upper Campus a) b) c) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Care Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology • Cardiac Care Unit • Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit • Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology • Laboratory • Pharmacy ii) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus iv) Support services as allowed on the lower campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. May 26, IM 13 B. Prohibited Uses 0 0 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport C. Maximum Building Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 which established the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level). 2. Upper Campus Midrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed 140 feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (57.5 feet above mean sea level). D. Setbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. 1. Setbacks will be provided along property, boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Seafaire Condominiums, as defined below: a) Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 29 minimum building, setback. 14 May 26, 1992 srswruawc unsor e+ .. Onq LFfCN [t[�rfi :::••• L• ••• �, f• �• ,i �lOIM111 ]lF[ f!S q �A�IIpSUt['�IB. ��'Y.SS[ V.. ••�•••••'�,L'1.:.'.,.. /�/. % ': rc�rs mns-�Nwaora rca:r r tawtesoaarior ro.asaunrt.s.ae+a t .r::•:•::. 'i'i,/'/.,; '�i:� aJwvEreJxwr(r¢ � nor ru..a y�� + '�/ �n+.wmu-wswsinowoxrgxr rtsovcrrtsww +t`©'.,' u.aes.w.0 � i_;:5.?4;i:Eie �i'i?L'�{�//`�. um.stawvcvncmm�*wnn .rw.c.soe+ ..............:��%' /�:�io �wrsw su.toruRsvtroa.rc xResgewu. '•aeca>K :i:.. ti os.wnaas-rxaro ms �ncxres nseuino aarsanJxs ?;�J., ��%. avcoa w.w.w+o.nnrs,�rswurm �� �� ,%. . na s.vsusros wwrsusua:t�ar �'• �r'i/: �' •��! wsnntepvsuew ue uvn was.aunsumurt�r_ •:: - p/i �, anrsuosrwnows .� nnRanr+erausm soup �iJ A suawxrwnsuusu iu�i paw�io�m+�ia�eJ+v ^� �� _ �%!% � 0 . !,�� ��cssasrsasovoaux _ •.-�z; j'i �rrr�W tOrl R<Ytnp� PrMAOflMIitAM YfYIMYRTwS�O1YOR Ys�i 3[fY4 M41TMtOAMI� � -•� [ViLRf Nl11Q.YYOrII� ' ; • YRC[ttfMM'Atlli( � • Sar �ntwtvyLJ � �w r'^ —'�' i i faoatmwrwnw[ zYS 1• •'� I�� I^ bIG41vl1wJ �r '� � p ��. � bOtK � r� • - ' tMS i - k Y •r�l '� an�� _ NA '_ s srsuw .A.. � any t . •eunv.e n ... im - n a a _�� � � x ' i ��r 4 0 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet. May 26, IM In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional- ly, 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 109o' of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTrans east property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4. A 20 foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. S. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Li6tinLy The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. EZU All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VL H. Parking All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. May 26, IM 17 E I. Landscape All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. Mechanical and Trash Enclosures Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. K Internal Circulation 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (i.e. 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.), signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods to restrict use. ' The Hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (i.e. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the grading permit. If such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. If operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 2. The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and staff, and service vehicles. 18 May 26,1992 I Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area. The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implica- tions of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. May 26, IM 19 40 VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM i. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L. C. Number of Signs Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wail, subject May 26,1992 20 4 to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Secondary identification signs shall be allowed. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of 48" average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed thirty-five (35) square feet. This sign may occur as a wall sign to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced or double-faced sign. This sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thickness) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. 'Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation. The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 5. On the lower campus, one (1) building -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafaire property. Such signs will be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. May 26,1992 21 0 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS AGeneral 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on -site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minhuis impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Offstreet Parking Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functions. Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area limitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement. May E Use Cateeory Outpatient Services Support Administrative Residential Care Medical Offices Inpatient Table 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS 2.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 1.25 spaces/1,000 square feet" Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand. May 26, IM Vill. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A General 1. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a building permit and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan may include a concept for the roofs and the parking structures. Trees shall not be used, but a planter box or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of ,parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required' and irregular groupings may add interest. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. May 26,1992 24 E 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertiliza- tion, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system should be part of regular maintenance. 5. Stakes, guys and ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. ,Special Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A 15' building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage are allowed in the setback area. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landscape Zone The area between the Villa Balboa/Hoag property line and the loading dock service access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hardscape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. May 26,1992 25 A rooftop landscaping program may subject to the review of the Parks, approval of the Planning and Public conform to height restrictions. May 26, IM be developed for parking structures and shall be Beaches and Recreation Department and the Works Departments. Rooftop landscaping shall 26 Y IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement by the Planning Commission for certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General Plan and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital. B. Findings The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section V.D.2. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. May 26,1992 27 40 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. Fee The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. tandar In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site,plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P-C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 28 May 26, 1992 0 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. May 26, IM 29 1, Appeal to the City Coungil Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken'by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. J. Action by the City Coun0i An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. K. Exoiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Anorovali 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 3. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on.any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. C\...\Planning\PCrEXT%HOAGHOSP 30 May 26,1992 �1 )go& i �gf f7 April 15, 1998 TO: GENIA GARCIA PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: FAIR SHARE FEE - HOAG HOSPITAL SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING The Fair Share Fee required for this project is $362,147.70, based on the following information: 1. A new 87,536 sq. ft building will be constructed as part of the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Development for the lower campus. Support services and administrative uses will occupy the building, and provide multiple levels of parking for all on -site uses. 2. A breakdown of the square footages of each type of use was derived from a detailed analysis of all floors by the Planning Department and Nadel Architects, Inc.. The information is as follows: • Support Services=34,454 s.f. • Administrative=53,082 s.f. 3. The trip generation rates were obtained from the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Traffic Study by LSA Associates, Inc. dated October 1991. Support services generate 13 trips/1000 s.f. and the administrative uses generate 45 trips/1000 s.f.. The current trip rate is $127.67 per trip. 4.The trip calculations are: (34,454 s.f. x 13 trips/1000 s.f.) x $127.67/trip = $ 57,183.65 (53,082 s.f. x 45 trips/1000 s.f.) x $127.67/trip=$304,964.05 Total Fair Share Fee = $362,147.70 Please let me know if you have any questions about the fee. Richard M. Edmonston Transportation and Development Services Mgr. F:\users\pbwlldivanUairshar\menws\suppsery 4.15.98 6 0 Floor Total Gross Support Administration Entitlement Gross Conference 16,285 sq.ft. 13,903 sq.ft. 815 sq.ft 14,718 sq.ft. Mezzanine 5,214 sq.ft. 4,730 sq.ft. - 4,730 sq.ft. First 21,008 sq.ft. 18,544 sq.ft. 1,502 sq.ft. 20,246 sq.ft. Second 25,118 sq.ft. 6,594 sq.ft. 18,524 sq.ft. 25,118 sq.ft. Third 24,107 sq.ft. 7,725 sq.ft. 15,199 sq.ft. 22,924 sq.ft. Totals: 91,732 sq.ft. 51,496 sq.ft. 36,040 sq.ft. 87,535 sq.ft. Reflects area calculations outside of wall to outside of wall. 2 Deducts elevators, stairs and vent shafts. 3 Includes stairways, elevatorshafts, and vents on this floor. Project: Support Services Building Applicability of Mitigation Measures June 23,1997 Mit. Mit. Mit. Mit. No. Applies N/A No. Applies N/A No. Applies N/A No. Applies N/A 1• . • 1 1 r 1. 1 1: 1' CY�fi\I;i 1 1 a • EXHIBIT C • HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN PROJECT AMENDMENT NO.744 MITIGATION MEASURES AS ADOPTED BYTHE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MITIGATION MEASURE SUMMARY 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall document to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that grading and development of the site shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and with plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. These plans shall incorporate the recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist, subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the, "Approved as Built" grading plans shall be furnished to the Building Department by the Project Sponsor. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit documentation to the City of Newport Beach Building Department confirming that all cut slopes shall be monitored for potential instabilities by the project geotechnical engineer during all site grading and construction activities and strictly monitor the slopes in accordance with the documentation. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall provide; to the City of Newport Beach a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation and report of the site prepared by a registered grading engineer and/or engineering geologist. This report shall also identify construction excavation techniques which ensure no damage and minimize disturbance to adjacent residents. This report shall determine if there are any faults on site which could render all or a portion of the property unsafe for construction. All recommendations contained in this investigation and report shall be incorporated into project construction and design plans. This report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. 4. Prior to the completion of the final design phase, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that all facilities will be designed and constructed to the seismic standards applicable to hospital related structures and as specified in the then current City adopted version of the Uniform Building Code. 5. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits for each phase of development, the Building Department shall ensure that geotechnical recommendations included in "Report of Geotechnical Evaluation for Preparation of Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Campus, 301 Newport Boulevard, tiewport, California" as prepared by LeRoy Crandall Associates, June, 1989, and in the report prepared' pursuant to Mitigation Measure 3, are followed. 6. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a soil corrosivity evaluation. This evaluation shall be conducted by an expert in the field of corrosivity. The site evaluation shall be designed to address soils to at least the depth to which excavation is planned.' Al a minimum, at least one sample from each soil type should be evaluated. Appropriate personnel protection shall be worn by field personnel during the field evaluation. In the event soils are found to be corrosive, the source and extent of*the corrosive soils shall be determined, and all buildings and infrastructure shall be designed to control the potential impact of corrosive soils over time. 7. Based on the corrosion assessment and source determination, a soils and construction material compatibility evaluation shall also be undertaken, concluding with the appropriate mitigation measures and design criteria. Corrosion resistant construction materials are commonly available and shall be used where the evaluationlassessment concludes that corrosive soils conditions could adversely impact normal construction materials or the materials used for the mitigation of subsurface gas conditions. For example, there are many elastomers and plastics, like PVC, which are resistant to corrosion by up to 70 percent sulfuric acid at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. 8. Should the soil be identified as hazardous due to the severeness of their corrosivity (i.e., a pH less than 2.5), on -site remediation by neutralization shall be undertaken prior to construction. Appropriate regulatory agency approvals and permits shall also be obtained. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that a construction erosion control plan is submitted to and approved by the City of Newport Beach that is consistent with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and includes procedures to minimize potential impacts of silt, debris, dust and other water pollutants. These procedures may include: • the replanting of exposed slopes within 30 days after grading or as required by the City Engineer. • the use of sandbags to slow the velocity of or divert stormflows. • the limiting of grading to the non -rainy season. The Project Sponsor shall strictly adhere to the approved construction erosion control plan and compliance shall be monitored on an on -going basis by the Newport Beach Building Department. 10. Prior to the issuance of grading permits the Project Sponsor shall submit a landscape plan which includes a maintenance program to control the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and an irrigation system designed to minimize surface runoff and overwatering. This plan shall be reviewed by the Department of Parks, Beaches and Recreation and approved by the City of Newport Beach Planning Department. The Project Sponsor shall install landscaping in strict compliance with the approved plan. 11. The Project Sponsor shall continue the current practice of routine vacuuming of all existing parking lots and structures and shall also routinely vacuum all future parking lots and structures at current frequencies. Upon implementation of the County of Orange Storm Water Master Plan, routine vacuuming shall be done in accordance with the requirements specified in the plan. 12. Upon completion of final building construction plans, and prior to the issuance of a grading permit for each phase of development, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that site hydrological analyses are conducted to verify that existing drainage facilities are adequate. The applicant shall submit a report to the City of Newport Page 2 Beach Building Department for approval, verifying the adequacy of the proposed facilities and documenting measures for the control of siltation and of erosive runoff velocities. A copy of this report shalt be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. 13. Prior to the completion of final construction plans, the Project Sponsor shall submit a comprehensive geotechnical/hydrologic study to the City of Newport Beach Building Department, which includes data on groundwater. This tam study and shall also determine the necessity for a construction dewatering program subdrain system. 14. Prior to the completion of final building construction plans for each phase of Lower Campus development, the Project Sponsor shall submit an application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for an NPDES permit if a construction dewatering or subdrain program is determined necessary by the Building Department based on the design and elevation of the foundation structures. Also, if dewatering is required by RWQCB, the Project Sponsor shall also conduct groundwater sampling and analysis, and submit it to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region. The results of this testing will assist in determining the specifications for the NPDES permit. The Project Sponsor shall strictly comply with all conditions of any NPDES Permit. 15. Project Sponsor shall strictly comply with its Hazardous Material and Waste Management Program and its Infectious Control Manual for all new activities associated with the proposed Master Plan, as well as strictly comply with all new regulations enacted between now and completion of the proposed Master Plan development. The federal wetland regulations and requirements shall be reviewed by the City and the Project Sponsor at the time the proposed work is undertaken, and the project shall comply with all applicable laws concerning removal and mitigation of wetland at that time, as required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the California Coastal Commission. If this review results in a finding by the Resources Agencies involved in the permit processes that mitigation is required for impacts to the 1.07 acres of wetlands dominated by pampas grass, such mitigation will be accomplished as part of the mitigation required for impacts to sensitive wetland plant communities (Mitigation Measures 17 and 18). 1 . The Project Sponsor shall prepare a comprehensive restoration and management plan for the wetland mitigation site as required by law. This plan will be submitted to the following agencies for their review and approval/concurrence prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits for Master Plan development. ' U.S. Army Corps of Engineersl U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicel t Under the existing regulations, the Corps and USFWS would be consulted as part of the Section 404 permitting process. However, if proposed changes to the regulations result in removal of the project site from Corps' jurisdiction, these agencies would not be required to review the wetland mitigation plan. rays o • California Department of Fish and Game2 • City of Newport Beach The resulting final mitigation plan shall be approved as part of the Coastal Development Permit for the project. The plan shall also be approved as part of the Corps Section 404 Permit and Streambed Alteration Agreement, if applicable. A wetland mitigation plan approved by the appropriate agencies shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits for Master Plan development in any areas affecting wetlands. The plan will be consistent with the following provisions: • The amount of new wetlands created under the mitigation plan shall be at least of equal size to the area of sensitive wetland communities impacted by the project. • The wildlife habitat values in the newly created wetlands shall not be less than those lost as the result of removal of sensitive wetland communities impacted by the project. • The wetlands created shall not decrease the habitat values of any area important to maintenance of sensitive plant or wildlife populations. • The wetland mitigation planning effort will take into consideration creation of 0.2 acre of salt grass habitat suitable for use by wandering skipper; such consideration would be dependent on the nature of the mitigation plan undertaken and whether wandering skipper could potentially occur in the mitigation area. • The plan will constitute an agreement between the applicant and the resource agencies involved. The plan shall be written so as to guarantee wetland restoration in accordance with stated management objectives within a specified time frame. The plan shall describe the applicant's responsibilities for making any unforeseen repairs or modifications to the restoration plan in order to meet the stated objectives of the plan. 2,tt! The following detailed information will be provided by the Project Sponsor in the l final mitigation plan: • Diagrams drawn to scale showing any alterations to natural landforms; • A list of plant species to be used; • The method of plant introduction (i.e., seeding, natural succession, vegetative transplanting, etc.); and 2 Regardless of other considerations, CDFG will review the wetland mitigation plan for the City of Newport Beach as part of the Coastal Development Permit process; CDFG review would also be provided as part of a Streambed Alteration Agreement, if required. 4 • Details of the short-term and long-term. monitoring plans, including financing of the monitoring plans. 21. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, an Orange County certified the across the archaeologist shall be retained to, and shall, monitor grading project area. The archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grading conference, at which time monitoring procedures acceptable to and approved by the City shall be established, including procedures for halting or redirecting work to permit the assessment, and possible salvage, of unearthed cultural material. 22. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, an Orange County certified paleontologist shall be retained to, and shall, monitor the grading activities. The paleontologist shall be present at the pregrading conference, at which time to and approved by the City for monitoring shall be procedures acceptable established, including the temporary halting or redirecting of work to permit the evaluation, and possible salvage, of any exposed fossils. All fossils and their contextual stratigraphic data shall go to an Orange County institution with an educational and/or research interest in the materials. 2 The Project Sponsor shall construct, if feasible and by mutual agreement, and maintain a fence along the common property line west of the Upper Campus The proposed 'design of the fence shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Department. 24. The proposed project is subject to all applicable requirements of the City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program (LCP). Those requirements that are superseded by the PCDP and District Regulations are not considered applicable. The following discretionary approvals are required by the City of Newport Beach: EIR certification, adoption of the Master Plan, adoption of the Planned Community DevelopmentPlannDistrictRegulations, a Planned approval of a Development Agreement, approvalzone Community District, grading permits, and building permits for some facilities. The California Coastal Commission has the discretionary responsibility to issue a Coastal Development Permit for the Lower Campus and a Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Lower Campus. • D I Subsequent to completion of Phase I of a project, the Project Sp sso shall for Phase II and 11 dvlaster Plan t conduct a Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TP analysis development. The analysis shall identify potential intersection impacts, the proposed project traffic volume contributions at these impacted intersections, for intersection improvements identified as necessary by and the schedule any the study to insure a satisfactory level of service as defined by the TPO. This report shall be approved by the City prior to commencement of Phase II or III construction. 26. Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase I of the project, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a project trip generation study which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. This study shall determine if the traffic to be generated by existing plus Phase I development will not exceed 1,338 PM peak hour traffic trips. In the event the Traffic Engineer determines that existing plus Phase I development will generate more than 1,338 PM peak hour trips, the project shall be reduced in size or the mix of land uses will be altered to reduce the PM peak hour trips to at or below 1,338. 00 • • 2a^. Subsequent to completion of Phase I Master Plan development, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a project trip generation study to be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. This study shall analyze whether the traffic to be generated by the subsequent phases of development (Phases II and 111) will exceed 1,856 PM peak hour trips when added to the trips generated by existing (including Phase 1) Hoag Hospital development. This study shall be conducted prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits for Phase II or III development. 28. The Project Sponsor shall continue to comply with all applicable regulations adopted by the Southern California Air Quality Management District that pertain to trip reductions such as Regulation 15. 29. The project shall comply with the City of Newport Beach Transportation Demand Management Ordinance approved by the City Council pursuant to the County's Congestion Management Plan. 30. In order to ensure accessibility to the available transit services for employees, visitors and patrons of the Hospital, the following transit amenities shall be incorporated into the Master Plan project: Bus turnouts shall be installed if, and as required, by the City Traffic Engineer at all current bus stop locations adjacent to the project site. Bus turnouts shall be installed in accordance with standard design guidelines as indicated in OCTD's Design Guidelines for Bus Facilities. 31. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the Project Sponsor shall implement a pilot program approved by the City Traffic Engineer that monitors and manages usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non -working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (i.e., 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.), signage to restrict use of the road by hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods by which to restrict use. The hospital shall also request that vendors not deliver (i.e., scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program shall be submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of the grading permit. if the results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the hospital, and provided that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. If operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures would be investigated at that time to reduce service road' impacts to the adjacent residential units. Prior to issuance of approvals for development phases subsequent to Phase I, the applicant shall submit to the City Traffic Engineer for his/her review and approval a study that identifies the appropriate parking generation rates. The findings of this study shall be based on empirical or survey data for the proposed parking rates. rage b 0 j3 J Prior to the issuance of precise grading permits for the phase of Master Plan development that includes new, or modifications to existing, internal roadways JP (other than service roads), the Project Sponsor will prepare' an internal circulation plan for submittal to and approval by the Director of Public Works that identifies all feasible measures to eliminate internal traffic congestion and facilitates ingress and egress to the site. All feasible measures identified in this study shall be incorporated into the site plan. Depending on actual site buildout, intersection improvements may be required at nA ` the Hospital Road (Upper Campus access) Placentia Avenue Intersection and at 'f° the WCH (Lower Campus access) intersection. The need for these improvements shall be assessed during subsequent traffic studies to be conducted in association with Mitigation Measure 25. r' As each phase of the Master Plan is constructed, the Project Sponsor shall provide each new employee a packet outlining the available ridesharing services and programs and the number of the Transportation Coordinator. All new employees shall be included in the yearly update of the trip reduction plan for Hoag Hospital, as required by Regulation XV. 3V Prior to issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of development, the Project Sponsor shall provide evidence for verification by the Planning Department that the necessary permits have been obtained from the SCAQMD for regulated commercial equipment incorporated within each phase. An air quality analysis shall be conducted prior to each phase of development for the proposed mechanical equipment contained within that phase that identifies additional criteria pollutant emissions generated by the mechanical equipment to be installed in that phase. If the new emissions, when added to existing project emissions could result in impacts not previously considered or significantly change the land use impact, appropriate CEQA documentation shall be prepared prior to issuance of any permits for that phase of development. Each subsequent air quality analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the SCAQMD. 37. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of by the development, the project proponent shall provide eviderce for verification Planning Department that energy efficient lighting has been incorporated into the project design; 38. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of Master Plan development, the Project Sponsor shall provide evidence that site plans incorporate the site development requirements of Ordinance No. 91-16, as appropriate, to the Traffic Engineering Division and Planning Department for review and Planning Commission approval. Requirements outlined in the Ordinance include: 1) A minimum of five percent of the provided parking at new facilities shall be reserved for carpools. These parking places shall be located near the employee entrance or at other preferential locations. 2) A minimum of two bicycle lockers per 100 employees shall be provided. Additional lockers shall be provided at such time as demand warrants. 3) A minimum of one shower and two lockers shall be provided. Page 7 4) Information of transportation alternatives shall be provided to all employees. 5) A rideshare vehicle loading area shall be designated in the parking area. 6) The design of all parking facilities shall incorporate provisions for access and parking of vanpool vehicles. 7) Bus stop improvements shall be required for developments located along arterials where public transit exists or is anticipated to exist within five years. The exact number of each of the above facilities within each phase of the Master Plan shall be determined by the City during .review of grading and building permit applications for each phase. The types and numbers of facilities required of each phase will reflect the content of the Ordinance at the time that a permit application is deemed complete by the Planning Department. 39. If noise levels in on -site outdoor noise sensitive use areas exceed 65 CNEL, the Project Sponsor shall develop measures that will attenuate the noise to acceptable levels for proposed hospital facilities. Mitigation through the design and construction of a noise barrier (wall, berm, or combination walltberm) is the most common way of alleviating traffic noise impacts. 4o. Prior to occupancy of Master Plan facilities, interior noise levels shall be monitored to ensure that on -site interior noise levels are below 45 CNEL. If levels exceed 45 CNEL, mitigation such as window modifications shall be implemented to reduce noise to acceptable levels. Prior to issuance of a grading and or building permit the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that existing noise levels associated with the on -site exhaust fan are mitigated to acceptable levels. Similarly, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Building Department that all noise levels generated by new mechanical equipment associated with the Master Plan are mitigated in accordance with applicable standards. - 42. The City of Newport Beach shall send a letter to each emergency vehicle company that delivers patients to Hoag Hospital requesting that, upon entrance to either the Upper or Lower- Campus, emergency vehicles turn off their sirens to help minimize noise impacts to adjacent residents. Hoag Hospital will provide the City with a list of all emergency vehicle companies that deliver patients to Hoag, Hospital. , 43. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that a landscape and irrigation plan is prepared for each building/improvement within the overall Master Plan. this plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscaping with the proposed construction schedule. The plan shall be subject to review by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval by the Planning Department and Public Works Department. ; ;4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans to, and obtain the approval of plans from, the City Planning Department which Page 8 detail the lighting system for all buildings and window systems for buildings on the western side of the Upper Campus. The systems shall ,be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal light sources and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his or her opinion, this requirements has been met. 45. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. 46. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the rooftop of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with building materials. �7. Prior to issuance of building or grading permits, the Project Sponsor shall make an irrevocable offer to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park ,as identified in the project description (Figure 3.2.1.). The Project Sponsor will dedicate land for a 0.28 acre consolidated view park and a 0.52 acre linear view park. 48. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any lower campus structure, the Project Sponsor shall prepare a study of each proposed building project to assure conformance with the EIR view impact analysis and the PCDP and District Regulations, to ensure that the visual impacts identified in the EIR are consistent with actual Master Plan development. This analysis shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planning Department. 49. In the event that hazardous waste is discovered during site preparation or construction, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that the identified hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials are handled and disposed in the manner specified by the State of California Hazardous Substances Control Law (Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5), standards established by the California Department of Health Services, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, and according to the requirements of the California Administrative Code, Title 30, Chapter 22. iL 50. Prior to construction of structures over or near the Wilshire oil well, Project Sponsor shall ensure that the Wilshire oil well, or any abandoned, unrecorded well or pressure relief well, is reabandoned to the current standards. Abandonment plans will be submitted to the State Division of Oil and Gas (DOG) for approval prior to the abandonment procedures. The City's building official shall be notified that the reabandonment was carried out according to DOG procedures. To further determine the source of the gas on the Lower Campus site, prior to issuance of a grading permit on the Lower Campus, Project Sponsor shall collect gas samples from the nearest fire flooding wells and at Newport Beach Townhomes and compare the gas samples to samples taken from,lhe Hoag gas collection wells prior to site grading and construction. age �J ^�� • 01 7 0Z. A soil gas sampling and monitoring program shall include methane and hydrogen sulfide gas. Samples shall be taken just below the surface, at depth intervals within the removal zone, and at a depth below the depth of actual disturbance. (The individual(s) performing this initial study may be at risk of exposure to significant --and possibly lethal --doses of hydrogen sulfide, and shall be appropriately protected as required.) 53. A site safety plan shall be developed that addresses the risks associated with exposures to methane and hydrogen sulfide. Each individual taking part in the sampling and monitoring program shall receive training on the potential hazards and on proper personal protective equipment. This training shall be at least at the level required by CFR 2910.120. 54. If the analysis of the Initial soil gas samples show unacceptable levels of hazardous constituents that have the potential to pose a health risk during construction activities, additional gas collection wells shall be drilled to contain and collect the gas. 55. Continuous monitoring for methane and hydrogen sulfide shall be conducted during the disturbance of the soils and during any construction activities that may result in an increase in the seepage of the gases. The Project Sponsor shall maintain a continuous monitor in the immediate vicinity of the excavation, and a personal monitor, with an alarm, shall be worn by each worker with a potential for exposure. 56� A study of other hazardous constituents that may be present in quantities that r pose a health risk to exposed individuals shall be prepared and evaluated prior to the initiation of the project. The constituents studied shall include compounds that are directly related to petroleum, such as benzene and toluene. 57. A study shall be conducted that characterizes the wells, the influent gas, and the effluent of the flare. This study shall characterize the gas over a period of time, to allow for potential fluctuations in concentration and rate. A scrubber system shall be required to reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the influent gas. 59: In the event additional gases are to be collected from newly constructed collection wells as part of a measure to reduce exposures during construction, an evaluation of the capacity and efficiency of the present flare system shall be conducted prior to connecting any new sources. 66. An automatic re -light system shall be installed on the flare system to reduce the risk of a potential release of high• concentration of hydrogen sulfide. The system shall be designed with an alarm system that notifies a remote location which is manner 24 hours per day. /5/ A continuous hydrogen sulfide monitor 'that would give warning of a leak of concentrations in excess of acceptable levels shall be installed in the vicinity of the flare. 62. A study of the concentration of potential hazardous constituents shall be conducted prior to initiation of the project to characterize the wastewater and any risks it may pose to human health prior to development. A stormwater pollution 10 prevention plan shall be developed to reduce the risk of the transport of hazardous constituents from the site. The Hospital shall apply for coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board's General Permit for. Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity and shall comply with all the provisions of the permit, including, but not limited to, the development of the SWPPP, the development and implementation of Best Management Practices, implementation of erosion control measures, the monitoring program requirements, and post construction monitoring of the system. Soil samples shall be collected from appropriate locations at the site and analyzed for BTEX and priority pollutants; if the soils are found to contain unacceptable levels of hazardous constituents, appropriate mitigation will be required, of both the vertical and horizontal extent of including a complete characterization the contamination, and a remedial action plan shall be completed and approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Project Sponsor must demonstrate to the City of Newport Beach compliance with this measure prior to issuance of any permits for Phase I construction activities. 64. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the Project Sponsor shall evaluate all existing vent systems located on the lower campus and submit this data to the City Building and Fire Departments, the State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, and the Southern California Air Quality Management District for comment. Additionally, any proposed new passive vents shall be evaluated by these agencies prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. If the vents are emitting detectable levels of hydrogen sulfide and/or toxins, the emitted gases must be treated prior to discharge in a manner acceptable to these agencies. 65 If required by the Southern California Air Quality Air Management District, an _ air dispersion model shall be required in order to predict the cumulative effects of the emissions. Compliance with any additional requirements of the AQMD shall be verified through a compliance review by the district with written verification received by the Newport Beach Building Department. Before the issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans 66. to the Building Department A City of Newport Beach, demonstrating that continuous hydrogen sulfide monitoring equipment with alarms to a manner have been in building designs. This monitoring remote location provided equipment must be the best available monitoring system, and the plans must include a preventative maintenance program for the equipment and a calibration plan and schedule. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that the / inferred fault traversing the site is trenched and monitored for gas prior to site grading and construction. If gas monitoring indicates a potential risk during grading, additional gas collection wells will be drilled to collect and contain the gas. 68. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach ensuring that all structures built on the Lower Campus are designed for protection from gas accumulation and seepage, based on the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer. 69. Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach indicating where Is gas test boring will be drilled under each proposed main building site once Page 11 specific building plans are complete. Such testing shall beRarried out, and test results submitted to the City's building official, prior to issuance of grading permits. If a major amount of gas is detected, a directionally drilled well will be permanently completed and put into the existing gas collection system. 70. Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Grading Engineer, City of Newport Beach, indicating that all buildings and parking lots on the Lower Campus will be constructed with passive gas collection systems under the foundations. Such a system typically consists of perforated PVC pipes laid in parallel lengths below the foundation. Riser type'vents will be attached to light standards and building high points. Additionally, parking lots on the Lower Campus will contain unpaved planter areas and vertical standpipes located at the end of each length of PVC pipe. The standpipes will serve to vent any collected gas to the atmosphere. A qualified geotechnical firm shall be retained to design such systems. 71. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department, City of Newport Beach, demonstrating that all buildings on the Lower Campus are sealed from gas migration. Such sealing may be installed by the use of chlorinated polyethylene sheeting or similar approved system. All materials of construction including the PVC piping and the ground lining must be evaluated for compatibility with the existing environmental conditions of the soils and/or potential gases. 72. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building and Fire Departments demonstrating that all buildings on the Lower Campus will be equipped with methane gas sensors. Such sensors will be installed in areas of likely accumulation, such as utility or,other seldom used rooms. Sensors can monitor on a continuous basis, and can be tied • into fire alarm systems for 24 hour surveillance. 73. To avoid possible accumulation of gas in utility or other seldom used service or storage rooms, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building Department prior to issuance of building permits indicating that such rooms are serviced by the build's central air condition system (or an otherwise positive ventilation system that circulates and replaces the air in such rooms on a continuous basis). 74. During construction, Project Sponsor shall ensure that an explosimeler is used to monitor methane levels and percentage range. Additionally, construction contractors shall be required to have a health and safety plan that includes procedures for worker/site safety for methane. If dangerous levels of methane are discovered, construction in the vicinity shall stop, the City of Newport Beach Fire Department shall be notified and appropriate procedures followed in order to contain the methane to acceptable and safe levels. 7�51 The Project Sponsor may remove the flare system, contain the gas and utilize the gas for Lower Campus facilities. During the containment process and removal of the flare, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that methane levels are monitored throughout the project area to ensure that this transition does not create an upset in methane levels or create odors or risk of explosion. Prior to development orrhe Lower Campus, the Project Sponsor shall submit to the City of Newport Beach within one year of 'May, .1992, plans to install a scrubber system to remove hydrogen sulfide from the influent gas to the flare. Page 12 design construction of the system should be in accordance with the Best The and Available Control Technologies, and must be in compliance with SCAQMD (District) Regulation XIII, emission offsets and New Source Review.:. 7�. As required by the District, the Project Sponsor shall develop a sampling and the impact the existing and / analysis protocol for District approval to evaluate and on possible post -scrubber emissions will have on the ambient air quality receptor populations. The required evaluation shall include analysis for criteria and toxic pollutants, and an evaluation of the potential risks associated with the emission of these pollutants (Rule 1401). Included in the plans for the design of the scrubber system should be a make-up gas source. 78°r The plans for the design of the new system will include a calibration and if by the District as a permit it maintenance plan for all equipment, required condition, automatic shutdown devices, sensors and charts for continuous recording of monitoring, and flame arresters. The project sponsor shall evaluate enclosing or placing new equipment underground. 30. The Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building flare operation will be shut down within Department that demonstrate that the four years of August, 1992. The project sponsor must prepare and obtain approval from the SCAQMD to implement a sampling and analysis protocol for (Mitigation evaluation of the existing emissions from the flare after scrubbing the of flare shutdown on ambient air quality. The Measures 75 & 76), and effect methane gas source should be used, if engineering design allows, as a If the is not usable, supplemental source of fuel for the Hospital's boilers. gas flare shall be relocated. /the . 80. The plans for the design of the new system will include a calibration and and if required by the District as a permit {r maintenance plan for all equipment, condition, automatic shutdown devices, sensors and charts for continuous recording of monitoring, and flame arresters. The project sponsor shall evaluate enclosing or placing new equipment underground. E Prior to installation of the scrubber• system, the Project Sponsor shall develop a protocol for a study to evaluate the integrity of the control equipment and piping. The Project Sponsor must obtain agreement from the District on the protocol prior to initiating the study. 82. Before the issuance'of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department, City of Newport Beach, demonstrating compliance with all applicable District Rules, including Rule 402, Public Nuisance, and Rule 403, Fugitive Dust. ; 83. Before the issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor must submit plans to the City of Newport Beach demonstrating that its Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan and its Infectious Control Manual have been modified to include procedures to minimize the potential impacts of emissions from the handling, storage, hauling and destruction of these materials, and that the Project Sponsor has submitted the modified plans to the City of Newport Beach, Fire Prevention Department, and the Orange County Health Care Agency, as required by the Infections Waste Act and AB218512187. 13 84. Project Sponsor shall continue compliance with its Hazardous Material and Waste Management Program and its Infectious Control Manual for ,all new activities associated with the proposed Master Plan, as well as comply with all new between now and completion of the proposed Master Plan. regulations enacted 85. To the satisfaction of the City building official, the Project Sponsor shall expand existing hazardous infectious, radiological disposal facilities to add additional as necessary to accommodate the additional waste to be generated by storage areas the expanded facilities. 86. The Project Sponsor shall provide evidence to the Planning Director that implementation and continued compliance with all applicable measures to ensure SCAQMD Air Toxic Rules, specifically Rules 1401, 1403, 1405 and 1415, are being carried but. i The Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City Building Department that all roadways associated with the development of the Master Plan verifying will be paved early in the project, as a part of Phase I Master Plan development construction activities. 88. The Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City Building Department prior to the issuance of a building permit for each phase of development, verifying that energy efficiency will be achieved by incorporating appropriate technologies and systems into future structures, which may include: • High efficiency cooling/absorption units • Thermal storage and ceramic cooling towers • Cogeneration capabilities • High efficiency water heaters • Energy efficient glazing systems • Appropriate off -hour heating/cooling/lighting controls • Time clocks and photovoltaic cells for lighting controls • Efficient insulation systems • Light colored roof and building exteriors • PL lighting and fluorescent lighting systems • Motion detector lighting controls • Natural interior lighting - skylights, clerestories • Solar orientation, earth berming and landscaping 89. The Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Building Department that minimize VOC emissions have been employed where methods and materials which practical, available and where value engineering allows it to be feasible. e14 0 90� In conjunction with place the overhead feasible. the Critical Care Surgery addition, he Project. Sponsor will power lines located west of the Upper Campus underground if 91. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, emergency fire access to the site shall be approved by the City Public Works and Fire Department. 92. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate that final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water - saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using facilities. The Project Sponsor will also comply with any other City adopted water conservation policies. 93. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a master plan of water and sewer facilities shall be prepared for the site. The Project Sponsor shall verify the adequacy of existing water and sewer facilities and construct any modifications or facilities necessitated by the proposed project development. 94. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City Fire Department, that all buildings shall be equipped with fire suppression systems. 95. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Fire Department that all existing and new access roads surrounding the project site shall be designated as fire lanes, and no parking shall be permitted unless the accessway meets minimum width requirements of the Public Works . and Fire Departments. Parallel parking on one side may be permitted if the road is a minimum 32 feet in width. 96. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that the thermal integrity of new buildings is improved with automated time clocks or occupant sensors to reduce the thermal load. 97. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that window glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods have been incorporated into building designs. 98. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate that building designs incorporate efficient heating units and other appliances, such as water heater, cooking equipment, refrigerators, furnaces and boiler units. 99. Prior to issuance of a building ,permit, the Project Sponsor shall incorporate into building designs, where feasible, passive solar designs and solar heaters. 100. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all.cut material is disposed of at either an environmentally cleared development site or a certified landfill. Also, all material exported off site shall be disposed of at an environmentally certified development cleared landfill with adequate capacity. 101. In conjunction with the application for a grading permit, the Project Sponsor . shall submit a construction phasing and traffic control plan or each phase of development. This plan would identify the estimated number of truck trips and Page 15 measures to assist truck trips and truck movement.in and out the local street system (i.e., flagmen, signage, etc.). This plan shall consider scheduling operations affecting traffic during off-peak hours, extending'the construction period and reducing the number of pieces of equipment used simultaneously. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of the grading permit. 102. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all haul routes for import or export be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures shall materials shall conform with Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Such routes shall be included in the above construction traffic plan . 103. The Project Sponsor shall provide advance written notice of temporary traffic the This notice shall be disruptions to affected areas, businesses and public. provided at least two weeks prior to disruptions. 104. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that construction activities requiring more excavation than 16 truck (i.e., multiple axle vehicle) trips per hour, such as be limited between June 1 and September 1 to avoid and concrete pours, shall traffic conflicts with beach and tourist traffic. At all other limes, such activities shall be limited to 25 truck (i.e., multiple axle vehicle) trips per hour unless otherwise -approved by the City traffic engineer. Haul operations will be monitored by the Public Works Department and additional restrictions may be -applied if traffic congestion problems arise. 105. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all trucks used for hauling material shall be covered to minimize material loss during transit. 106. Project Sponsor shall ensure that all project related grading shall be performed in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance which contains procedures and requirements relative to dust control, erosion and siltation control, noise, and other grading related activities. 107. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Project Sponsor shall demonstrate compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 which will require watering during the morning and evening prior to br after earth moving -operations. To further reduce dust generation, grading should not occur when wind speeds exceed 25 miles per hour (MPH), and soil binders on SCAQMD approved chemical stabilizers should be spread on construction sites or unpaved areas. Additional measures to control fugitive dust include street sweeping of roads used by construction vehicles, reduction of speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour, suspension of operations during first and second stage smog alerts, and wheel washing before construction vehicles leave the site. 108. Prior to issuance of any grading' and building permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit a Trip Reduction Plan for construction crew members. This plan shall identify measures, such as ride -sharing and transit incentives, to reduce vehicle miles traveled by construction crews. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 109. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each phase of construction, the Project Sponsor shall submit an analysis to the City Building Department that documents the criteria emissions factors for all stationary equipment to be used during that phase of construction. The analysis shall utilize emission factors contained in the ayo ,v applicable SCACMD Handbook. The analysis shall also be submitted to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department for review and approval. 110. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that low emission mobilo and stationary equipment is utilized during construction, and low sulfur fuel is utilized ir1 stationary equipment, when available. Evidence of this fact shall be provided t0 the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of any grading or building permit. 111. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all internal combustion engines associated with construction activities shall be fitted with properly maintained mufflerg and kept in proper tune. 112. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that construction activities are 'conducted Ill accordance with Newport Beach Municipal Code, which limits the hours of construction and excavation work to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged In construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner that produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a'person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any holiday. 114. Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Master Plan, or the EIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) in an account, and at a financial institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described or (0). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (n order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; - (i i) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described In (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public; improvement in the vicinity of the property. 11 Rooftop mechanical equipment screening on the emergency room expansion shall cnot extehd loser than ten Ifeet from fifteen ft the edge offrom te west ede of the the structure on anstructure and nil y other side. 11.5. Noise from the emergency room expansion rooftop mechanical equipment shall / not exceed 55 dBA at the property line. 11 S� The Project Sponsor shall pay 75% of the cost of planting thirty 24-inch ficuq trees (or road and Villa / southerly the equivalnt) in the tennis courts. e Planting reshallll occursse rvice lbo Villa Balboa property. Page 17 • • 117. Use of the heliport/helipad shall be limited to emergency medical purposes or the transportation of critically ill patients in immediate need of medical care not available at Hoag Hospital. Helicopters shall, to the extent feasible, arrive at, and depart from the helipad, from the northeast, to mitigate noise impacts on residential units to the west and south. 11 For any building subject to the issuance of the building permit by the Office of the State Architect, Hoag Hospital shall submit to the Stale Architect a letter from the City of Newport Beach indicating that review of the construction plans has been completed and that the plans are in compliance with all City requirements. 119. Non -vehicular activities, such as the operation of the trash compactor, which occur in the vicinity of the service/access road shall be operated only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily. 12,0. Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community / District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the Project Sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area. The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an, architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implications of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 121. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each individual phase of development (i.e., I, II or III) the Project Sponsor shall conduct a CO hot spot analysis for the subject phase of development. This analysis shall utilize the EMFAC7EP emission factor program for the buildout year of the subject phase of development and the CALINE4 CO hot spot model or the model recommended for such analysis at that time. The results of this analysis shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department for review. City staff will verify consistency with the results of the project buildout CO analysis. 122. The methane gas facility and all building on the lower campus shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable, including, but not limited to, the Federal Regulation contained in 29 CFR 1910, the State Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.9o5, and the regulations of OSHA and the National Fire Protection Association. Prior to the issuance of building permits on the lower campus, the Project Sponsor shall submit to the Newport Beach Fire Department a compliance review report of all the above referenced laws and regulations. Page 18 1?l3. The design of the critical care/surgery addition.shail incorporate screening devices for the windows which face the Villa Balboa area for the purpose of providing privacy for residents, so long as these screening' devices can be designed to meet the Hospital Building Code requirements regarding the provision of natural light to the facility. 0 10 f • RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES NOs. 45, 46, 88, 89, 91, 92 and 94 through 99 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building October 16, 1997 NADEL No. 97-071; Hoag Project No. 1251.56 M. M. No. 45. All mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. a. Mechanical Equipment: Mechanical equipment located in the service yard area to the west of the building is located behind an approximately 8 ft. high screen wall. Refer to the following drawings: • A2.08: Office Building - Second Floor Plan (west of column line 1). • 1/A3.01, 2/3.03 and 1/3.05: Show elevations of the walls and trellis above. •• A/J3.11: Shows a section through this part of the services yard. • M3.03 and P3.03: Show mechanical and plumbing equipment. All other mechanical equipment is within the building or located on the office roof within enclosures (see Mitigation Measure 46)� b. Trash Areas: The trash area is located within the garage on the P-1 level (A2.10) between column lines 15 and 16, north side of the garage. The exterior openings are covered with a louver. M. M. No. 46. Major mechanical equipment will not be located on the rooftop of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such'buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with building materials. Refer to the following drawings: A2.16 and A2.17; roof plans. Exhaust fans have been located within screen enclosures. No other operating equipment is on the roof. Equipment is shown on M2.16 and M2.17. 0 • RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES Nos. 88, 89, 91, 92 and 94 through 99 October 16, 1997 Page 2 M. M. No. 88. Energy -efficient technologies incorporated: The project conforms to all the energy efficiency requirements of Title 24 including the following specific items: High efficiency water heaters. Indicated on P1.02. Energy efficient glazing,systems. Solex tinted glass is specified with shading coefficients of .50 on the south elevation and .69 elsewhere. • Appropriate off -hour heating/cooling/lighting controls. a. Heating and cooling controls are indicated on M8.03 and Specification Section 15900. b. Off Hours Lighting Controls: The lighting control system time clock turns the controlled interior lighting off at programmed times. Occupants working off hours can control lights in their area with lights remaining on for a programmable period of time. Refer to lighting plans for switch locations, Sheets E2.01 B, E2.0513, E2.0813, E2.0913, E2.12B and 2.13B. Refer to Specification Section 16930. Time clocks and photovoltaic cells for lighting controls. a. The lighting control system uses a roof mounted photo control to turn on exterior security lighting at dusk and off at dawn. Other exterior lighting is turned on at dusk via the photo control and off at a programmed time. Refer to lighting control riser diagram Sheet E3.02G. Refer to Specification Section 16930. b. In open office areas, lighting within 15' of exterior glazing is controlled by ceiling mounted photo control to turn off two lamps of the three lamp 2' x 4' fixtures when natural lighting exceeds preset levels. Refer to lighting plans for photo control locations, Sheets E2.05B and E2.09B. Refer to 'Specification Section 16930. 0 0 RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES Nos. 88, 89, 91, 92 and 94 through 99 October 16,1997 Page 3 - • Efficient insulation systems. Refer to A8.01 through A8.16 wall sections. • Light colored roof and building exteriors. Building will be an off-white color with a light colored gravel topping on the roof. • PL lighting and fluorescent lighting systems. Fluorescent and PL fluorescent lighting is used extensively. Refer to fixture schedule, Sheet E3.01. • Natural interior lighting: Skylights and generous window area. Refer to exterior elevations A3.01, A3.02, A3.03 and A3.05. • Solar orientation, solar shield and landscaping. South elevation has a shield canopy and setbacks (refer to A8.01). M. M. No. 89. Methods and materials which minimize VOC emissions have been employed where practical, available and feasible. Response? M. M. No. 91. Emergency fire access to the site shall be approved by the City Public Works and Fire Department. The site is surrounded by roads on all four sides. Potential emergency fire access routes are shown on drawing C1.02. M. M. No. 92. The final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water -saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using facilities. The Project shall comply with any other City adopted water conservation policies. Refer to drawing P1,.02: All plumbing fixtures comply with Title 24 mandatory measures: Water closets are 1.6 gallon per flush; urinals are 1-0 gpf; lavatory 0.5 gpm (noted on plumbing fixture schedule P1.02). • RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES Nos. 88, 89, 91, 92 and 94 through 99 October 16, 1997 Page 4 M. M. No. 94. Building shall be equipped with a fire suppression systems: Refer to drawing P4.03: Both the parking structure and the office building will have a fire suppression system, as shown on drawing P4.03. Final design drawings will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach by the Contractor. M. M. No. 95. Existing and new access roads surrounding the site shall be designated as fire lanes: Refer to drawing A1.05. No on -street parking is provided. M. M. No. 96. Thermal integrity of new building shall be improved with automated time clocks and occupant sensors to reduce the thermal load: Refer to drawing M0.03: Building mechanical control system complies to Title 24 mandatory measures with DDC system. M. M. No. 97. Demonstrate that window glazing, wall insulation and efficient ventilation methods have been incorporated into building designs: The project confirms to all the energy efficiency requirements of Title 24. Refer to the following drawings: A2.19: Window Schedule A8.01 through A8.18: Wall Sections M0.04. M. M. No. 98. Incorporate efficient heating units and other appliances such as water heating, cooking equipment, refrigerators, furnaces and boiler units: • Refer to drawings M0.04: Space heating hot water boiler complies to Title 24 with 80 percent efficiency. Refer to Title 24 compliance forms and sheet M0.04. .RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES Nos. 88, 89, 91, 92 and 94 through 99 October 16, 1997 Page 5 - Refer to Drawing P1.02 Domestic hot water system. Ray Pak boiler with storage tank. Boiler complies to California Energy Commission. 136,000 BUTH. M. M. No. 99. Project sponsor shall incorporate into building design where feasible, passive solar designs and solar heaters: Because of the site height restrictions and the clean roof requirements under Mitigation Measures No. 46, any solar equipment would be in conflict. Jaoobsonkesponse.2 CALWORNIA - THE • PETE WILSON, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangale, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590-5071 s l �ll_1 • '_ i►I October 27, 1997 On 7 October 1997, the California Coastal Commission granted to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian an amendment to Coastal Development Permit 5-96-118, subject to the conditions attached, for changes to the development or conditions imposed on the existing permit. The development originally approved by the permit consisted of: construction of an 80,180 square foot, four story, support services building. Also, construction of a four level, 369 space parking structure. Between the parking structure and the support services building will be a motor court for passenger or short-term delivery drop-off and arrival. Grading consisting of approximately 45,000 cubic yards of export is proposed. at: One Hoag Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County. Changes approved by this amendment consist of: Modify previously approved Support Services Building by increasing the square footage from 80,180 to 86,423 square feet and reducing the previously approved structure by 30 spaces. The amount of cut associated with the proposed project will remain at 45,000 cubic yards. The amount of fill will increase from 0 to 3,000 cubic yards. The Support Services Building will be 3 stories above grade containing administrative office functions, and one subterranean level of conference/education center. The parking structure will be a single story above grade (with parking at grade and on the first story roof deck), and three subterranean levels of parking. The maximum height of the Support Services building as amended will remain the same as the height previously approved: 51 feet above mean sea level. The maximum height of the parking structure as previously approved was 35 feet above mean sea level. the maximum height of the amended parking structure is 34 feet above mean sea level (the height of the light standards on the roof top will be 45 feet above mean sea level). Unless changed by the amendment, all. conditions attached to the existing permit remain in effect. The amendment is being held in the Commission office until fulfillment of the Special Conditions of the underlying permit and/or conditions of previous amendments imposed by the Commission. Once these conditions have been fulfilled, the amendment will be issued. Four your information, all the imposed conditions are attached. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on Octoloer 27, 1997. PETER M. DOUGLAS Executit Director By: Atephen F. Rynas Title: Orange County Area Supervisor I have read and understand the Notice of Intent to amended Coastal Development Permit 5-96-118 including all conditions imposed. Date: Signature /a,e- zl��� All conditions of the original permit remain effective except as modified below. Special condition number 2 of the original permit shall be modified as follows: Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, final grading and foundation plans that reflect the project as amended. These plans shall include the signed statement of the geotechnical consultant certifying that these plans incorporate the recommendations contained in the Report of Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Law/Crandall '(Project 70131-6-0172.0001) for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian dated June 5, 1996. The final grading plans shall be consistent with the master grading plan approved by the Commission under coastal development permit 5-93-253. bll 9811800l.doe c:\msoffice\winword\template\mamnoi.dot Printed on October 27, 1997 STATE OFCALIFORNIA -THE I CALIFORNIA COj 1 South Coast Area Office j 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590.5071 r.- . 0 �0'� g atki PETE WILSON, Governor Page: 1 of 3 Date: March 3, 1998 Permit No: 5-96-118 On 14 November1996, the California Coastal Commission granted to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Coastal Development Permit 5-96-118, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: construction of a 80,180 square foot, four story, support services building. Also, construction of a four level, 396 space, parking structure. Between the parking structure and the support services building will be a motor court for passenger or short-term delivery drop-off and arrival. Grading consists of approximately 45,000 cubic yards of export is proposed. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at One Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. jc Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on March 3, 1998. PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director By: Title: Coastal Program Analyst The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance ... of any permit ..." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. AASTAL DEVELOPMENT RRMIT No. 5-96-118 Page 2 of 3 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowiedyment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. tion. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. Fzi;j:coi III •0 •I 'Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit in writing, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director: a) A written agreement stating that no truck trips shall occur on weekends and holidays during the peak beach use period which extends from Memorial Day Weekend throught Labor Day inclusive; No. 5-96-118 Page 3 of 3 and b) Written evidence that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) traffic engineer has reviewed and approved the proposed construction phasing and traffic control plan. All construction shall occur consistent with the approved construction phasing and traffic control plan. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, final revised grading and foundation plans. These plans shall include the signed statement of the geotechnical consultant certifying that these plans incorporate the recommendations contained in the Report of Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Law/Crandall (Project 70131-6-0172.0001) for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian dated June 5, 1996. The final grading plans shall be consistent with the master grading plan approved by the Commission under coastal development permit 5- 93-253. The approved development shall be constructed in accordance with the final revised plans as approved by the Executive Director. Any deviations from said plans shall be submitted to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether the changes are substantial. Any substantial deviations shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal permit. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, final landscaping plans which are consistent with the master landscaping plan approved under coastal development permit 5-93-253 (Hoag) and which have been reviewed and approved by a licensed landscape architect. c:\msoffice\winword\templete\permit.dot Printed on March 3, 1998 AJP:bll 96118per.doc. CONSTRUCTION SEf NOVEMBER 24,1997 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING N F W P n P T P C A r W !` A I I P n A AI I A Ewsnnc coHDo tREv RV �' "m L w ME, ARK EXISTING CAN CEO CENTER Old vi u /• \1 or =a KEYNOTES 0 EXISTING CHI L 0 CAR CENTER 0 t � 1 WEST CO -AT H I G H ,T A Y uru�ncam f mw�+m rare®r ewe mom court ,`(w� nvm 1j qpR� p4��Nac+ ^ems I`/ry Nadel Amkhcb be NMI O�tr a F U n LBXEBULLE T T tl 12 13 T T T T 19. % I "I i :y i A i - --- ----- -- -- ---- 0 � m..enul'_•cS A W—_ [ET PLAN .I ia.�.. ...rcru.. I B 0 0 r i--- I 001l1 /AQ4 OXEBm[Ffl00t 0 N f U A2.01 a NAYF EOULfw I«ta r 1 T � Inwlsv. t - Iwml.� I «gym. I {II i; f L«jw I I Iwl..v -1i•� c _ cwim 'f re_I� W is j♦ J -�fCY:eY. ice': KEYNOTES x nr_..nvsvws Rf.cuc� � ti xe_asrwn M na . 11)oa..mn _.'...c i.^..•fum• �.imw-.aR. ?)'S`:: :s ow.v.....c.w.... " tlw"^"n.."_.°"^...'.�' Im..e..m...e m.. la®w.e..r... 1.r ynw..rvs_.. !�YY •"LC_ tlaa.wu..e�i IW� sew .»�.�R.rt..M. _ iE on.m 51 ww.o��.>aww eo ��'�•.w ir...... ia.�e... ixY tl�c.a�~ 10x®m.eesw Il..R s�R.a w+w . .-+r n�..� Y.w.wf wr.v �p^q tl.m�m • r. la-.�•f�aT.wmo[.® f vw. v\uc ]..r.awfs YssR.w.as.a T ay.e.e pst.n®mf.a IM Y.ws... —1 Il E T P L A M .xne�w sr.uciu.o IVv G1aU N tE r T p o_ N IA.QG ; NNIIIpBfID 2 ' pr-r-o i r ••• O f t[x.r• ' O 'v !l a r DI 0 0 I m I I I I I ____________I_____I fi--- 1 - -j -j - II a II 10 11 13 IS I' IS 13 7 -' T. -- — -I T 7 I I i I � I RE FO AR TO OF I- i iu"T.�c...�.1...��ip i-°�"..�,� ar.: e•�1 .� Se ;d'R'3^ �. mm.­ n a� .. v«. .�.r.: ns....eo... nr...ww�. w. ©im •.�mra�w� "��� .rec .Iim u ]l aaweea v.0 x'�^`a M wtf���s Uu.r Ipuar. layvyc�,r «:"�5�®.ni' � _ lr: rawww. 01wa m.aasa W� aw.� u. Amw `^ ''�'«rO'a io-....m.w.... la ur..o.... Itf�m•�ae If "r•�sw Mrv.�e� � xweiw.-awr «. ]S�wsr asd.�. r! �U.ewsaw.a Rf..L.atr. IrM.ms .IL-��.�u« •mow ��-�x «� it ec «�aiv2a T.wr..aue xa sa.IrrJ ttiu nw. Ili�e� If anw A4a!«..e Tv �ia��� am .�.�t Nif'a ��w• ili ear(1�� LEY PLAN 0� W r c.nre re�io�+c alrnclurt TT T TT T I mm q T" I alerre• I A203 I SENEDOW !r s.emts 26� ,� • ; !; n rl 1 ! I ! I ! ! i'-------- ------ I�I il�I,i;��11 iiI ] j �,. � � •.®t � t l � � l O F � 0 0 3 KEYNOTES -R 1 a.. Awgtwqu[ J).u-✓m MASi"aa� m]i.o�uuveww Nmc .uen.av¢aa ^� x ..[ vVd��....[ o-.. %a[a w,:.^^ » m r iu+�e.�•rr.•�':go-m f-®.. J "�^'� v•. o.s+ ilu N'$nvS e"'rs. i.e. -iemer[.�_ it 3e[ 1»y wy�:-�•�ao- s Lnr� ® ec ti »a.n M.n Par Ilf Onars a•u ^S+i »s.Pumes Umwt r. SS �si..mrrrV Cv.�e�umce�. %fss •reline ucfna • }S �mw wvwv .rm SI Y•.�rw� [+w 'O lmYay.ar�o wa Illumw-f vK Na • • w^6a9mi _ __ VN Nmlmfr.a.A µeAN= m.�'.eOr r iµ [.Y..mw srm.a illmrr-a..w u. wo .]r/miaYwv.v R m Nrw.0 IU.v 1»mover. .—ANe.o-s.. ++ IN NiAam. r n.+.Nr V[�..o[ iw •°o..r`•c�^'o- Iv..[...eea er. i %tylma4 ravdVe.� N�LL'"� awwv I,aS rw•..IrW il. era s�.c® ii mein J N�%�ru .e.�a MYru nSL4"sa Ip u..s.•[ 1»�=e.Pimsi. 13 m.Lu1 JSr ns. ..v Mte[r-�P..w.a IT meom..ev� 1»u[uraoeew� v �'c.^•�r isd�.cvw,�._.o- n� o-~N Iwo+. re•�m.w 13r m IS �aem•.u[ Nr�ttslrwwsl 'Sa+s�aeuraws •>t�um N iNru[e.•.seu[ ]»�' I�s�m »ie �s aNa.Yaw.uuvMr3��_•_ >la.�we..•n w.a Ila�s web 1»re. w.. ©flews ,I ea w.f[eco ]f wfu�uc %wrsu•sor.r�i IIi P.}i �Nt�.o •m 1)I r.�.a[F 13 rwra -o CAl 991 PLAN orrec[ runNa a Ve[aln0 SfVVt]V)[ TT TT TT T luM:�� PLAN Y i? T I f[[[IVN PMntSINIOU[ PNLa:iflB PI r NMIIIORIfD A204 M[oui?E . Af Y; '�`, KETNDTES V�i i i 4 i i o—�...— 3s...,a«...o..�.. ir.....� v.31`"...eP.a ^' _> ��°"". n�-. ri•u...,..r..m ..c s•. •�Itij 9 ^ is+... ax ii ...e....rm.. v..•v o.-... -. in m++a.0 ]i o� vwws 4lmve w•• rav s..m v.• rvm•rsmc a.�. r vo.u.+iaav- i«�msfm i a� «�.... �......« uf@d'AKS>>� '«" nr«... r.... v... � :r :m.®ems •� .IU unv..aa: s.n a...s..e�c... wr.+ !I s•m �wr•ws eCm^.. �.s I- m,�....•...cm.... .im: oe.«o,•:r-.� iavw+tv.ss r. �su.�wnr• yrr- ice^ >.a=r.r. m••rm+ li. n¢a s.s.Aue /�'.�va w� n�was�• � Or�w an�.u•s .14..• m ay.I..r µe.s.wor vYYgKS.I'•^ il.—.. _.. is...... ICI.i lc�mv i«@�«•W.-.. la®M iilr �... �v� " '���'�« i. is. aa.owwv im.r....�.r ;u.u...Am�. x•`o.3S, �°"°" �u...—.aa jr•.LJ -ix....c.,c .- a:owrc r.....—_ r:w,. so... mamrmrm .aw.�Am. w... .«.•s y��•,�,•.� yAAA_ •w va N-�nns rsw. Ir VT.�mw�s.� IS<-•.o•n w. ,•�.1a u.•w.ws ysA...._=ffiLlC•'� rfatmwmwn, Ir wYa•w•wuc Ib� i.0As r�-m .anrr l a.. .v w..a�.>.on..ni r i•m�. ..«..r�ra.. I=Li..I` io 1+ If vn.�. Aai.•.�e y�.u•o � 11a�r•�.• er .i.SmrW li I i T E T P L A X Q� RXDW eu . cir.c DD�RuanG IISL RD01 j t>1 t�By.« X C D NMSORRI ' f q� i j >[C1 0• A2.05 t' (° �Sy E.wmcu •1 K^v'].yv ]l msmes R �+ [ISRw�^vr..v msvVv itw+u .x r[uc u.. SI enN Tu.[.. r..n Mu] •.er Il)ner me uauc UmvV.-a. Qaaawwn Kmivsas..wit a .li wrm. raam n Ynm Nmev s..r Riaiw aur.e ww �` .mom .hu...avac ] 1t .+ss s�Dq ue Olv�.p K ® Raw[.w m m D1.iu. ®mv sa NDA.ersA<I^..I t rwu.�om..w. xx u[MNV [ Yes�[rut 6ay.w Mfuifav aw.va wn Ky�^^� .'�.a m IM ir•. ru.Nwm.e li.®ea..iur V •.e Vu[a.ry 9.rwma � .] __ v Kurlo..r w[w. M�rR..e IKmw.�v m..mv .}i m.D [un Yuaucv. ir.�r-[ pte.DV MM1 r.c ® ixx.vaw mTu .Inv�tuc. A��� Wu1m. aw vsv Orur[wvu] Ix. $.Z, ruy�r.0 xw sr Sl a�ai% ��au Yn..erVvs �£K8c :W n..vu[ �hY� {3 w.C^t, SS u. nar. v llvmiu.V•v Ma[w ty .._e.e w.[�Ym Ixr BMW .hurw. 1)o.v� au icVM�c � nse �.-anwv x1 ..uamryiuum aaamt [aa[v�ru r r'p. IK w.+e. nYi w.0 ue _ ]semnuv QRf. G) n n HOAG HOWAI IN"T Sam _ PJADW RET TUN � re..xa» •VI[DIVD if[YCxYic Vv T T I T T T 1] xOC I YTl I.. A206 I KEYNOTE! f oru....0 ypwuwv.aue °.Sim Rwm.uvrw.r s f �IR� Tu�.ecmm xII .rseRue •.we.�. ®...s i :.r.o R..o oera 8 I3•e.l J Rw•nw. ue•senm s �....t.m ,v •...,a v.... Immr =.•m ` n.. a. Toa wr uc q Q Q Q I� ( Q I I I ! I I I I ]. Kii a® d ]6-rmamr Nmc ua Il.oi.lu o¢m i+o.'e"M.^ Trr..m�r..cm w+-..�. e.m..e. r.. in•ewe.•...i 0. �� ." N2'R'�7'S. A• is m.�� sr� ... iN :.wy`... ......a .Iwem.a Y.0 Trowr..n N.w .v flS os.o Vue .Sao+. oOa.n w. norm Nfa.rrsmtem. �IYo..wrr.e N Yw Il,.esnr.m �)ms.��v RQii .�$�' �•o• V.w ���0 1»u.ew.t<ucsr M� •oo r.vam Rar.r•. �s..m..fr �01 m•w o..ema•. 1»f.va. w[.wlwl •^v — NWZa Nr:..e m.awamvmoe iR mvwon it Pd'.S.L.d"" ew.rw�r. iNe�.a,.e ;»�...... a. •. T� Ynv 0. .t• acmassav 1n�.m.rrm IS.'�ii�e.^` s..r t. w+wl iN m n�• � 90 rr..m.�e.. IR �,yyq�l.r h a¢.o wP on �N v�< ism is - �N An.vs.. oo .IYr oY -_u �� .r' SS'�rsrrr rwv rntrr� iu. 1»a}j �^� ISlrwi.IV RET PLAN Q� p•�•y tvltel.e 3S,u<f p,[ T T TT T NOT 0.Op ILYI4DNNID I •t.• 'r.a MA207 SOON NAPE SCHEME nip i nt<.fm I TT DEPRESSED SUB PUN KEYNOTES KEY PLAN i ..r.e..a x<w.wv<...w.... wo ye.�� rrf<rm�m Na<m w.n m. iu•�.....1.-It �iT �exrlcx r...l.c . i:ty"� � nw•wr.ew 'r a. o�s nd�,.,=r,.... iem.f..w ix� .. iu F,.r�+�+.� _ �a[ulxsiwc arr.clu.[ •' x1.N m.raw�a .J ! 1 •S�![w^P b'. S. u.e<mwa .t mv. wr Kawf4an -q rvs.wsaK r. Nawewwwaew lwars�sme I � I% isumx Nm+. w..ur� ,t . .�ri•rw r'r .Iiw+[w+lanes 0` �COaw®me�i..�'I�` 1�[V vaf ea wa x• i c A.^L W' Ani'v'v..`vi •�� Nuo r. <esm �r weanf.n.r ufw.w� m'�" �m re..a.rw.e iN®m�w..w..., q A B C D :>nw w..fwr Mw S6 ieavvM © Nmrsw.v u.m xlw✓Ones rrrr Mrwa.•t .W mTarw¢.e �OmtM F(', IPw rswf >!y M.Iwv�.N4we r�� tliwwm G®Wiu� <m Ill r(..ww<wryw T•: �+I r I •Ilrrr ]rt� ^ N"p� w ��w�s Mi�.mc vav Mwv 10 rrr<wr.0 li. y..�}u I.1• .fi m�v xx an..mavwrynwm b�%w�^w P.uso� �u.r iGwry r. »�aa.iSm a`i •is-w+¢•.� unw�r...�:.gym gifo � .raw.. <..wa 7arre:..�< t3x....m1e.[ w � � c Ifr is Np.<'co >s rwcfr� �w o••+� ix..sue is r�-..e..e w.e la�� m �IS� Siw<f neem yr n�+mwr py amwvw.rt 1T.wraen. <w..w r _ _ �['y �.y� ]fia�i.�wr..< � Sx rT e< M4r<��r" tlwr<•sc�nw 1w�s<m®vwNN`r I�H V��mI [xile 11 � 'x e.mr� .lt oww..•cf �' 'Rfrmr fvuwN IIII rus Pwr r A rxwN.f.cm ,rf„r.-- ;[arrN,.w.,,� l „�„ �,Ixxc:a-F.e •-- INe:......�... I— xneolN d A d— CNAi9N SKE DAOOA r-n�i NOMA /r .c: VVII-I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------------- ROOM NAME SCHEDULE CnlYr. Ln Iwr. W I,a I'n In ! 1'n�er. m f n.1+sm.Y CMJ n•� 1 waJn� c..au C. �. UMfJJn� GPI IwY_i: CIV! Cb]m. 1'bl! Wa LWJra flCl��.s's.v ILrl mn....rer [b]rrsr Lb]�wYY+e Cb]r.r Y.a C C.3— ]m.rs_c Cin]r+ [lY]lm.v� KEYNOTES is: Ti u....n.:.� .e ;x.es.awma.�e ua A� »:.��:.r^ Zip � nm %.., ._..r it>�l..a+.+DrJ 0a••< 3s....Y � yi wtr[ J1 _Yonr! %wr liram.lr..+- 1=�' •v��'nL �e..�..r :e..s.rv.n.�.� uC.w...,n:w...n q��. �...�'w .'m .....a.Y�a.. <m �..�..z.. ! Aw.vvmv[ 0' yrrAs.r.l.! Mif'srLw vD 4rivc fylT4a_sa ria svf wr ..nn. Sr... .�eY°e..Y rc-.• nwr.l�.. _.... .ia �S.A w� fa �....�.. ..r. +. Sx ae. eLMs Mwes� s ?iY� %(�..4 wNwv 4M w.0 win..v �Sr P'�iar`wieYVY _ MYler�lq wL� #nwKut ! r )D�� Yearara .iplmwalm.r iY rt.�ar��s �Ix{.wwivrt N. •%n.�r a.e M�'a^7'i-.. irr 1f,. 'tPSS: `�..r.a! �rt �� n � a�/rv+A. N1�I.la �MwwrY3.r .ilaws�s.nr p10�.� ! jD.rvr ©! v a ]Lw�.uc #ns�-ar^ \'� tfnw Illrvimswn DIY ..0 %4 vD.Yuv.u.12K1 )r V�nAw II,�pIG o... K E T P t A rncc Yuc IYc "t su nelYe arY ucru.z I omaNawK A�•egy os C I D i z �-; n � 1/rn. f f_ i .; .P i I �..1... a DD IIDY , A .09 NOON NAME NCN EOULE KEYNOTES I e- X.r.a<�....t ]f .v..s rTm v.s « »q—�m �•^+ »«mot �..< it o-na.•. re.a..l.�t wa�^R., °'.• r ac.w.p, nm...�...�ma...r.w .m..e -..�..+..�...IL P »nrv.uvrvoi<su .i vt uc jl w.o>�..sN Xr�w•vs.r M.. rl)m.. o. v.ut !^IN!1 3.Pma.e•a .la4nw lS4a+awf.n NIv....wmts�. r fen Ilf rum.1.av ! i]m ..ma..ser.n li Rdd'.4P �'�" !I .'a =wvfAx � IM�u s� ��'v Ilfuw.vvea.s i xr.n �s......v..t •.l.rn nwwo .n::.�1w Ik.t.....e.i...J ��w.a.. 'nauv M.�.. .t.va...r.6vi ws X a.viwa �.a y��yreP �y Nv iptv�rvu.�mry Rlm�a..f u. f .o IIr.ovm•n[ � gr.iwe�v..S.a. �S u.sou. wr N/�vtue 1ll...a n.s eae. �R maa<mn ii ^..� Pe'^r Miri viarfw ��� N�Wt.tvwfe IN �r..aw v.evra iN i.Z+ ri mam ')[mvava� ]e � � w�w..vw Ku..0 r>r.ws.0 iRY�e�m ems. e"�LS']� AENNLvutN)Ns: K ( Y P LAN v.. IAbfICMNKTRJ 9!«NOUA y I I A N C w`' D I pSNAHG �A2.10 Mow NAYS [}LT PLAN w •riei. runs eI n a srue+vaa ,taw • Mb1G51RllW AVOROM C Dn i.�.R. , �i M/ImL run t v rlr.�.a aa<ne. AZ11 ROOM HAVE SCHEDULE EETNOTEN `}+w.t awat fP�m�s uFw J �v 11 �+ Ji�um K���,s m. cv•.c.,� Lkvm. �• s�� 74 `..� S�ymti wrt.� mr.^ svu urn+ulti] .um mzcw f. srr•em..e i+a 0` zq vn mnuz m tp+--u 4m ~ nm— •iw.�m... lff1 Yl. �..mam 1lS�o rw�ms.n 5gvwaamw+� �S Vzme..0 •+w RET PLAN orrwt vu revive li�vcxu�. T L 3 .•a_ C uv 1t C.lO• • FXDHG OmRUOMC � NCO NOOt NV 90AHEA A2.12 HOOH HAVE S CH E0 U LE n sA n n ra n n 4Z n6.1 an cutd%, n ct 1 IN w i � I >�i37 •' a �� �� o u'I,•,� � cnu 431 iT-" —, ,,{{��111111 IIIIII --! HI im-mamil I ��1�r �'�� r ��i� �, g� Srri o•dIu�u��± �mwhs�-��1I�[t���i���lll�� :Av � A :fr I ■ o PJRDWG H E Y P L A M QA w ���a�x ruuvo 1 ft,VCiu,t •M H✓ TH9HDp � nw�eln NA213• ,tt„•. BOON NAME S C N E 0 U CE r+. 1 aim NETNOTEN M Rw:oma.•c y m m )Sw�+V'+ Mmtr u+V.rrl✓1 ] rre ilartm�vrsa+er.•L pMrws wr Qya� !f t¢ e¢ yam^ r wrew++ra�nr M +n•wr vwr il3 0 wr l u RhmLeR ItYou[ � li o+uscs n � � Saa°�ii�' i �+ Rnw m Krcu jw+ Ewa >♦.:v.. rr f rw . ]r)ra+r rw..c f �� a'�+ a ]r awo as (Samr.+ Nw+vsn.a .#R�mHr tla�m(ra+oc(m[ #fR•w au+rs V.rn M IeO+rswr+aw� © Ols+®�• sw�a .'f a+•o.r.�sry .f nim sR :s.�a i+l6l�tm. fir. r. ior..a. >uuutRVc s�+ .i.ev..+�. f.w+•irtr+c xrma. aoa.... is �v+e1•�r+( MVevrtaCa [a w w u•.:w...R #?�.:1La�a 4iria�a�+w� w+.e m... >.Ei v.•v4�ae+s nie R[....oa.i✓t Jll�ara.�ful _ m M�wnmr�t 0 �>www s�+u �+(++ YSutsu.+wa.+I µr�rae 1#.�f•¢+q m•e 1R m[(vw �10+n+m a++ .n.pnr Yaw•rs R.0 !f i3"a�+ 6s.fru R.ra �N0 ny[w'm I]).eaarvO nl++ �It r.m rar.0 ao w'^` ^R'w'+w°L Kw'�"✓..c n'�� we�cawvwv Im..r3�.wr[ 13r $.'Sw Tee'a� ixm+.e _ 3)m w'+R`LY®� � Muwrea Via �u✓� nw�. ia... r..f i»�+g�,ya I]�wwl.✓l Sw•••..4uv re llRawia ff marasaa In a�mnrs sv.a �»rwr rt u� W Km Ra�t� r �u ISs�w�puc y� r�.Irwlsr 31 #.r rw.awwR Sirrwnr[fa �tN�+.ww. tlarr fO+L.LO�mf+i r�+vrtcw. m..� )T ww[u.w+m.•e ,ar�•�s+m »�^p� Eim�.wai.� m 33 >KL au.wYr•+rt R�r �r flwwR•nownt IO�s� m t»r(.a If wmre+ Nra.•e 0' !3 e(a-arum 'n ra_s�. ar�Fm #aa 5lr wrno sti IM tee• f +rca++w R.Y xaal..0 m.Ow)>w m wv+Y©Haws »�yra K•m'ra faw- {]�,Q��c�' 1�-aV 1f ��ww��••.✓✓ ruv as[Y.0 T�•uaraa !llla Salta) �u�IIrC< >altrV3 1\OIVO Sif VCf Vf[ rzi bI r e fr.0 f lCt10V• >NnCSNUOI)E — I SOL(lfl4 z; ' NN1408ifC � i f_.] Ilr.r_rz G; ZZ4 ROOM NAME sc H E 00 EE J We] a KEYNOTE! K TT P L A N •m...:tee...... awr4 vN2eS9�. �,� `� X. r"Q..:"� is mc.,. ♦ ..o r".. i... vws.0 ilyse..eem+..0 w o .iaa�wr:•n i. �� mm w.., m iwLL+.w+(t-.J�� ....... �,^�.,.� as.• dv .a mr...,. ,.��.,...., n� ar: i. i.a y�a.�s. +«�.' .. ........ ca ..a a,a vc,v.a ♦. ewi '""r�`w .)'awn«. KK a}.•. m♦.� Ksm w.♦y �e n�w.«.maRN It.r.wam_ M.«fs a... Rm..�m:..�w. m �.. �r K w I,. ow.s a.0 ni. r.m«m,� �� TI j Ss.'m _ � - Ca1Ri'$'Au mr. r. Ifr...w w�+ww ��m v.®� �^`r p �au..v.m.s.� Mr r ��a�� �•m•w• � ®.♦.... �. 2'a.��.�«..a.e �..� � � �� .iK P�C."�...: m' ,jla�.c \5 ' B c ... �m.e I ie..��-. os w.m.. :a:�.�o.ymi` n es;yt3«wv».. um.....�r..... �" �r �� j.:3ST •... r�.♦.�s� ��.me x1r .. at++ ''�6Sb9"""^ m.. i. m..a.... �. - _._.raa_ -- ... in.s isa.. �.,.>�-♦�'Ti °♦'.. Dia ...r....+�� .,. �u LCi,e .,.�....... i+.. �'�` .•i s+..m•- is m"�,,,La..�..— ?+�'.—` "mni� - an.m-.m[ u«.r,r.xw NV Mal 0 N.W 4OM0 � A215 691 KEYNOTES T o T Q T KEY PLAN errieo ru.�.n evn.r. sr.vc,v.o .! , c _ 0 •r.• 4 + � I IONNYNNLNG NOrNAM nw4PBIIA � s ' A216 o� KEYNOTES 4 w=.-- T � I TS i I a ,a .I a�eae I i i I HOAG HMA AIPtORT58m 111DW [ET PLAN m.z•oaw 4 ' +6 OMPA IOCs 11,v1 24 0 0 I $6.' : iI E I A2.17 1 3 3 1 r 1 x l x• • z (Nadel x A1cAHMNIK tinr.. w..•ro en. —� ... I a �1150VIN ELEVA➢ON - 0610E BUGGING - SEGMENT A 11 x• i,e i• r r >z it x 1' 1 r 1 r xe 1 i 1 x , i HOAG HOSMAL AINNORTSMIS %2,ac N-SOUiX /-f E[EVATIGN - CMCE SURGING - SEGMENT ItMONK KEYNOTES KEY PLAN _ i lu oo- )1 ,ro N I•,rmn�..y Ta __ •iil<[ ;• •I.e •IIc a rclu.[ •) '•Ilsl,'^�W x Itil li +.. ,ss n e.w n ',.�.. Awalifllm NNBNG A'� ."•c..�ro Y �• r $0^sw„� '! N •� 'I�' L mwu.s ve_ »2rptpri,P"pT, p r • r�se®ru, •A I •• v i .� �,. m.u...l i•. o�+..• 21 u d a a®..: �.vo-a B C 0 I .• ,�•• a iS7'..S"'ro'y�i ^^ ix ,:S+.elf .ss am r....:..n._i> : ` _ _ n' xn Y ff .�a�� ® Y en..�r set f®+Ilya vo-, ' I` 1 I ML111Qd vs.nw • w.v>. r'. n��2� v N 11m$.".i•LS`l'•` ..w � . .• ,i••n•.!- 1 w_ Ir-+l �Isw a Y �v _ n ♦••xlL+s v�e, ::'.�.�•� �. li ir. ,.• • r my •... ,ro „� it vs s Ix s�....ean•+r u.+l u � y w�+� >,[-.ro�+e >r .o.. �e••,.• e 1•. � � 31 ,1.w w N r vV.a,wa sue• •n x• ,nn tl {:a M 9 to x tt t3 13 i] A 16 tl ID �119PJ111 EIEVA1pM - FA 91LIIt1ULE - Ttb t e39111H fl£-m - PArJt 91 wn - VCYENt 9 r ______________________ 31 .]• 16 w ]9 Y .� r ��..� LS /sL mow` �� . �+— —Ziitl.r'Yla .t• seam—.... �- ]. �. k w i. ` �^'..�..:�r .., ® .ir � msar Y �n.a: '•' '^^)^ Y or a a®pi�s�m�s�vw nL��•� q� �.• mn iy .ate �e ...�-..... IYJ i) m.s ar�ax .i ,� mw�. m• >t �.� a ..Amsw 11 � SF w� .� �Y.a•rM �1 M )� )L Mn IS rP �. �L=J ,]P e�n.6�evm .3 aca n. tl acive.4v A +seaAaa� VILOCL r.L•Iw0 • Iw• fL•VCiV Lf RB C D 1 i �ru• � f LCLI•w� D DRIVE N C1IEAST ELEVATION - OFFICE BUILDING vu.y.nw' -- EST ]AST '"NAY ELEVATION - O"ICE BUILDING E)nVr.�.r .wyvsvrunivrav� KEYNOTES -- --------- 4w Tµ t'�w .. IS �evavvar.v� % .mnm_•a � 4 as sr m •it *a va+4u�La!1 x mRr it •..nnr.y i, am,++l +v y v®is:moray ', uo. ]i Ary LJ'r '>• 4./� Si ov: u 4c l) a�irrr � arr M.}la •ty , P RUM KEY PLAN e rlc .0 lorMa ........ omD,UD,C A I a iC I D DI NtYA.1ID16 r u • r/ra.a y I a ^�4 spA3.03^ 1 Y. `A' T 1 as I u u I. .-J-A I I xo.00nne s sf—' .I I nyLLu - COAST ---- J i HIGHWAY I I --_---_____________ I 1 ----______________- eL____I.r ____—_____ 4____________________� 2 FASf fl£/All}I - PI srI H .L au JI N mMaM va LI .at H moo. o ��t 1 `. If s.rtvsaw ]. mne>•.�y N T'�i®� M b ac.I X sAYf..wrn.a.a b 6 �vwv�N f®smcvw>/.a� ms� 3. YN .u..wNi...l Y owYr !. �Y'PRRF'u W mv. v.Mwv t N®�mcm•.vut , a- .• ���.w.� � a +ems vs. N s j. m s 9T 9T WAY SAKI ' I I TJ�xOtE'SEE SREEi AS 09 GOORiOxnf INFO I u .is %1wouM EuvAnox - aRra euAnix9 - stcufxr !. tow sartx m .o a oa o 0 0 © o o I f Ll 1oo�������������1�im����IIsm V1111l11!Ipill ��iii1 — — 1 1 � -------------------- [ \J f 1p9IN nEYA1pM - INTM BINS - Ml,DIT L LOdWY:S I u .is %1wouM EuvAnox - aRra euAnix9 - stcufxr !. tow sartx m .o a oa o 0 0 © o o I f Ll 1oo�������������1�im����IIsm V1111l11!Ipill ��iii1 — — 1 1 � -------------------- [ \J f 1p9IN nEYA1pM - INTM BINS - Ml,DIT L LOdWY:S L; f0• drn� 1]�J ]1�RAlbCi4M.L m±ems-mu YN] ]S v IS IS roe ri�L1�J Dawnvet^ --�ri -- n .e w� A fNl� �� ra ►,�.u�i .m�u �� �� wuSan�Ya Y. m.. R : wr • m0�vw muvaiu rT mcivww® A se.oAes�^ Z " 4 is b .•.% + HOAG HOSMAL SUMTSO as MING KEY RAM roueiwa arrrc ru.a I 9ANR93lN(S ] RtLr1rG A B I C I 0 RR)S]t 1 M'AIFW a I4 1 ' A3.05 C I .- /_ AXCNDI EItYA1pM - VAOLC SAICfU - scG c 1 i-------1 ---- 1 --- ••_•�n•ne ` — J J «u.v 1 ______________________J m m 919 E oa o I ro =u-11 ion i L-Z- ------------�--- I -----------------J r------I------------7------------t------- �1MOYM BFVA,IOM - YAdtNG fi1B1CNME - d 0 1 �------- - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - - - - - - - L ------ L--------------------------------------- w o aaI' a Y m. 3e ni r..A�� M] Tn m.w Raw �• � M w.wa p x �'�� ai /.3'fi��Ge—iw,vuwcw sd.uu r :�f+lSdi!a is P e 16 L.J� r....ue. f! nna� 7i �r REi PLAN ornci jAlHSv ns,uv sa �uclvuA C I 1 D fu. ' T T t t i 1 Ed IOAG NOSPIfAI ""T SBIVI65 MDNG arnn lunvc saeirscxoo c mBiOi !II'AIG6 = �rr.i-o• z U 11 r -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -�Q QqQ a T 'NadelI H T I�I[K^W Inc NEST- 'i.!-_ COAST HIGHWAY �u ~.___ _.._ _..: �I • 1 . j• AML Y n•ri— rim %41 i,1CUE- B-UILOINO -NORTH LIOHi OUPT (LOOLNINO EASf1 A un ? l a - �I I T� ... . r2')OiTiCE BUILDING - SOUTH GNT COURT (LOOKING NORTH) T TV j II I I (' I { NEST - _ r. r _ _ — ..• COAST HIGHWAY -�,. •�I li ;� i-�'.__'=": - 1. wrr I it J L SIA"I'som (Dog RUILOING - LIGHT COURTS (LOOKING WEETI �10iilCE RUIl01NG -SOUTH LIGHT COURT SANDING � ..u�m-ram .�..a ..>.m.... .�.o. KEYNOTES NET PLAN 1 To•vT IL v. )1 wi�v 4 W+.m M�av )[ e,I�C[ ♦..vlvv v��l•M w, x I,+I p a �.... a.•.0 o a... x n .� •ul>elxe ,r.uc,u.[ .� a ems. ... n rm.....0 e+�� .s $.m....r•+�r..• �...e`�"a-®' j ♦♦♦ NRurG s� iA .x 8 awu..,sm,.. ,R �.'PtfSr�' [uu : �• w .. a�.mc..•:ro-1 I 9i1KIRi sr I sa vm.iM u ms... ..ue w..v �.✓wr • a®�mem.urw. C i 0 I i, ar. �,. iY x v "-I`$�?"�d2L 'm^ x u•.......ar > aeppu��.�u�. �...... j s, wsu.�.r« ... ,r w.. � x � w CYi•��"'-. .'.SdSb:..a.' t - le ... [e�µ L�a> f3vCil4'n u�.. i3 �r ^� h v...`=� v,e.a_� .a.r.�o.. •`>• ' Sir-�•-o Ix �.. w. [ J X ore rug. u > a.� �!n r rz m : • 'e'_^r_w �s w { L j i ' n S ieri.ra �l."'rl YT •a s.a v[.e>r.. U acsw. Y mn,uwr.o '!, �emrseseva i[<„Ov ' A3�].O/ 'j eOEgVYCE BULGING NORTH LIGHT COURT SECTION (LOOKING NONT ) va+T m.•tl l�l 8 9 t0 It 'I{ � a • .• ; aim �-T�-��a, ;, Jtl.n � t i I y�- —P •I naY 4 _c.. � ' I 4 _ _I1I an• -ss la n� a.n N.rI...�.n.i„ .M.Y II.w_uL ,' ,• A JI s.rY N M+s V wiI e.w ja ww .i ( Ii ss ra�•.a Y.�• .i 4.'L'.•'.°w .....e.n:�v b fcs. ^- mx—vw- M wk..c.,. .. •mom me A ieua JJ ovtl EYa x �tiv�%%. b �� �MN. • t•®'sse m.avu� w ..s.. JI .sr+u Yr+] at �� x seat x � m >I Y mnea: YYV� v it a a®�sc®,�... ,Y. � arm u�KI a3 A 1— Mtl x ae.w...u>e•w.� ��w„ jJ ��Yru4w n✓u.�tlwf a sestl•m�sua .f• or�sws � nL��� Y R ^^-n (.��� s.wsu• itl �i^r�-. It i®�•. ��....0 .....i, �.m[v, Y n�r ii JJ : .. .� , iJ J P �+s N nrs+. Ji �s is �•.� Iy�J JJ .s+..tP�[� w• .usaa A �sne�w..+�� fiCf10• RUNG IUdG Nadel �Q �Q 3 ArdMKtt INS % I T --- ----- , - -. [ JI [� - 2,1 - NOAO UAIYE r �N�ORIOE 81140IN0 NOaM Lull CWR - YEYFNE A IOdONO SWIN `Jm�m•r.r mra OFM EUIIpYG "M IIOHI C T - XWMI 4 tOM1OIC_SWIII_ �nw.. maa 9 N a T T T T T T xx PPA P-L4 4-L4 `.1 .Q - -- - n n rw _ --------- •� Yon.m I �irw k - SIRMSERM I (Bmyrm NOEM 11LlIl LOUR - SEfYFNE & 10010f6 Sd1111 M KEYNOTES [ET CLAN .� we+v/t i{ )I r�� w rrrmNm+. ]i slcic[ .ai[1.1 SYltel.i t>SYC>YY[ wal w > UPI Its It w.w— }> >.� de S = r..m.m !Y �"'r ♦ ��acum�.w q I MMIC AlO6 �j, .m��� D — g�{ vow �RiSMS1� P I AlN C 0 � �P s w.a fMJY 3Y e r is v TO 4oJo �o�w� nwet.ur ' ./r-r-e �3 q�y�` j �D ma.rfsR� �s a.cs w. W seius+.a f� �.e��f�. w� i[e.le• ((�� e .W (DmSECTION: MAY. SLOG. HT. AT ♦45' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ♦. wrvr ' ] SITE SECTION• MAX. BLOC. HT. AT ♦51' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL •3 %1 RE PIAN SITELINE STUDY e PROJECT AITEN i` PACIFIC OCEAN S VICINITY YAP NIRNAAVIR NBIXIS A1.08 19SOUTR r-r ELEVATION — OFFICE BUILDING — SEGMENT A `Jrc.�.m>m 2 SOUTN ELEVATION — OFFICE BUILDING — SEGMENT B MCN.fT mW wYw m Q2 smstl.w �Y A­-mrnr ym} w i« et. Ams m. _mw e7 _..N,,w.Yac=• tv6jm'."' wweaw^ rt�u mw `w T AA M «m..«v�.AA..r AN • rw Pi Yw.mMAN�! a BQ v pr JYAASS_X� M Y.`tlm'w ..Y..aw..a«. sY w.. Qp ca maltw RPU, mAvasaavLr ro.tirtiv �y d.+ .7q vucll}SI jl .w tlm ___ter. rr.r.�a� • m®iemm«arw mrY.i •]>( cbO w%antl � oiwiiir �i�lm iI. m.rl � 0t i tl.m C3' rm L89 at r «y n.«o 3) .sms Qi +ml '�y wa8 �S' •1 uw4ra Qy N.w SS• A'.�..°'L°i�LMJ OZ mn.cvmasa A� a«mIu I _N N• mcar.O Js m.ew.e.ANNAma IIRICR111AVA2 DDATUM FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS IFNpICATED IULIEiC IS FINCH WITH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0'-0' atl KEY FLAN I^'•r orrvYL ruuYY 'rtl'tl'°Lw NIlO[i RNB IINOIC A) B C) D , DlB10t - B YAOO 6 rLrM «-< 1 • T T AAAA— 'T WWYit lw�i lLclle A3.01 i �i •,e�ILu• — �3 _ al „ T T T 1,s , _�J� --� 4.r 1 1 a DEYm - PMMD SRIICIOEE - UGIMw D -"• �n•..r m.m T _ P _ O^ATOy T0N nmSH ROOK ELEVATIONS INDICATED •.. yr r� a,m IS TAKEN WDH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0--0' KEY PLAN v Totu'va +� @ YW Yr� W-VmM�41AO ..tIY ao[i ./� MM mNMeasi OttIC[ t1.41YY _ a� rr �L• ®• NaM., .„. w LYILYIY• )T. YC TY)t p�ai mm `^� BVD Pl �mv av �.o� •Tf S8'.^.o �=2'L . �o.Law �:�µ�.we.a omcr�m • 1 L• ,roo�i.im: � m�ma.m� aF �_m a:•" i; n A wrN ��®^'oK m.m+Y.w AA B C1 t:t a �© c+j ee.u.m�e�l uw�Q� iv e. .u,Ym..�� mYnL ��..c.� yf .�mm�. � p}. �i•"�.m.rN.'r �� me � � � y0 s ..a oAaµ Qf o..n. r�..mn.m.wa .p� •}f ����Y` 9?� vMa td04 s ... r.tYm..L rtaY a 4t• Y..w.mvv+..r of ... V•L am7"L7 LZ:Yr��°VV n, w � mOA,mm.m�.w a}...ri.� � Gf ma ..�aY •� :Coasts 4w°..ob {r or ?i �Y a+[ DYID Qi ""' t4 x,n vu t w••^ If v� oL; a� �mL.•n YL@Lm .1� mnmNqq.mG NA�4@ .)S ,OUI.ONN.�wL )[ClleY DIBIGE NlTAIgNi .I A LO2 �ii a..r.wa.P ;) mnre .• �w 'y wwwawRn artu .$$• nrlar IbL Qi• m� mR¢N9 19 �e WEST p�p COAST DI HIGHWAY ! az [1EAST ELEVATION - OFFICE BUILDING [�WE4 EIEVATIOH - OFFICE BUILDING �Jcuvn�.. n..n.u..LUA.ed. wu JS wmw�,owrul�erw ovtiY � P nw. e..aPwrL P. �w T.nfw•VPw[ .u..rv�. Af i$ uwowr e{$ •?y rs tn� YR NMw �w�s,u ace,�a ��� {l �PmC wllwltiR �o N• �e r Wn®vmc sm run++ •x• mm =vY a a n®n:m_wr.. n�..w ��sit vw N $w.vtiue Fnaa n�n L m suL .)i wMt ]I wr w n.P.Ln �, mai.w.w EST )AST IHWAT NOTE., DATUM FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED IS TAKEN WITH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0'-0' OIIICL •.F RIFO {u ueiFL •rFURrV.L 04C 1 .LAF ,.WrRW V✓ ORIRRWDIG DIT3101 WAGONS riltli ! I Sa I •is Ss 1 !.> HOAO DRIVE _ I EST COI I _— 1 n HIGHWAY I 11 --__.J A* a _�. A I 1 I I A _________________-1 —•-• —.t„ HOAG HOSPITA I ��---_—N-=-----------------------------J P DRAT Y FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS INOMATED � / . \G5T DEVAigH - RMTSEIVIM YA9RING SIMK7GiE Ta +15 TAKEN WITH YEAH SEA LEVEL = 0'-0- KEY PLAN �� •� ANA. —N,. v.s it .ti N.�...v errNc• •..n.xe = a ..... 6q .,e. ..•�. � w en.Ls�xe e.Nec.ux[ v �o,.o..w.. � •.i IN M—T. N NNAINANN"nu. �te•`r T 7 7 SlNLT S1tN� ..nscv.vrr py na. w9' �6Yd L•a ` f1 sm I I I WRONG Ii •w ""'^^r" y'e.°n'�ru� v .®i ova: o..sew IIrL18�1I C D AAA AAA v !$ .vx ._ �.H• a r. . MACRONS .. u4 fi %NNAa .^}5A.�.KIt°" y ....... .vim . a© o.r+.w �'� m` .vr6r 31 N .�'.�i' A. as PLAN .N. NO. o..�,.........��..[i ul e.•..— m.a.ra -.. a :.�m..'d� qn v.. .j3. . w aY .u.vr... jy .o. J�' I �.�v.�._ ,.m.e,AA w-«-..L�. , �ap�v e[e.,nN � A3.04 I NOTE: SEE SHEEP AD 09 iOR OITIONAL INFO - 1 I _P9JIaam A•�_'� 1 E3• 11 Lj6 •jb NORTH! MAWR - KING SOVRI rc�.�rr F5 I 7 NOTE: SEE�IIEET A3.09 FOR POORISNAL INFO. s9 —} I L___i___—________L_____________ ______________ __________________ __. �.___J 1 a --------------------J ..... �M t T NOG Aild1 - ux - M t 9 IDUNNG SOUTH �,T-„r a DATUM FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED IS TAKEN WITH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0'-0- lp �er< �% rz ru�L.v�t OaIY crag... JY rmn'so+a Ci> om.� m�e93 oy }TmrYY�"� JQ mX6-jt-- Sa mum rmmRa9 o$ (r> wm mo.sur..a j1 ^Y r� m�wavmv .19• .a .m WD 33' w m...emzr .1 iww[wwa Oxefl i • mn - Yc r[.au b .".'��" aruv..w Qi am rremm DSg 01 v es.aA w[o Y<raaPM1� � � r�Vsr .umn✓t mania"` � µ ur+.mv.mvva !y n.a va na Qy ---- r. n I&A a• mLew wm[���r is �bPd°:ar"' M N s m al• & mw: �v d..eL L <©n.L: we.vw a vw •a % wmv V3 wr >) a� 01• rr W ruuam jy waw es.otr La EET FLAK 'r OrIrC[ rL[[IF• p1Y�Wr Omto <rnu.o srvu<�r ur[ A B C D ATION I B(YAO(k3 Dc-Y—i <[crroY M.05 m Tit T ® T � Tti T T m ®� T oa o 91 lee==le=e=1= Gl�la�e���ll 1 1 1 1mr.1 n �1©1�11 I -----------1-------; i� i I t 16i r-----------'---� L—_—_--- nx9n[x T•r-f [IAvatax - ruux9 nAunuAA - s[cu[Ilr e L �,^° I J J I J L � P.m L________________--_--_—_—__------_- ---------------------- J 2] T 25 T T IT T I it it T .— �x9Arx E[Eyallox - raanxc mutt9Ac - t[raaxr 9 � � � N M1. � ---------------------- � ---------------------- I-------------------------------------------------------- a) mc..�..oviw s8Q9 ev A.v:. .ty rmm.vw AQ ootltl Ymw.a QO msW.v..� �y mrr_ Ca-• mrrmc ]9 ®o.{ p} mYvuiPP.n.tl Z., ap �..�. ai uo�vruwrtl G} r�.e.[=.1� QD m .n pruPYrza rrvY �S e�}. v[MG .;{ V) .as.mYm4,� H 09 MNaYY14.sw.a Y.rpy s..Y �.♦..vW v�¢e. q r PAQ� •]�. r�.a��.¢Ytlan e• ar.. �..r.. qi. YOPY6N.O ^Q/®QlY ww ws.a .�.`pp Ja ti•w✓. �[TIl '� �w wrta wr�m w� uwa iu 00a •4r W NNn ,�. • tlONTm.Wvw mGUWo.YR me nas tl.m .js• m.o..W rY� ..rr r.. y, KEY PLAY ' P orrvca r uYs .o,�w..0 ton.,Y. ar�vo rq.a � OIIIRMCIiG 4pO11fCN09 A a C 0 Al ornm BiYAl10l6 rLaY /13.06 A OFFICE BUILDING - NORTH LIGHT COURT LOOKING EAST) ...,.w-r.e aw T A WEST COANT NMI EVA� �SWISS�( vApl.1 41 J � 3 OFFIC BDILOING - LIGHT COURTS ItOOXIMG WEM Q1' vw�1.�L�1 ell— _ — N DATUM FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED I$ TAKEN MH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0'-0' 10EEICE BUILDING - SOUTH LIGHT COURT (LOOKING NORM �..tY..r< ..r. 1 �L _ 1 1 OFFICE BUIl01NG -SOUTH LIGHT COURT SET FLAN 41..0 4 m4.m.. Y.s JL• uo..6 q] . m... .�. m. m. •fV uvvBP3°8.cm !Try ru.0 u®'w ..=..R4S1 Q9 mw:.u.. •�L .wn•m. up � yv� *u• t u®io.�m�sw a^'ILZ!1� � QA ai vv.v...a t uO ..... �.w mO.e9 e,44 - .� �g m.av-.c..n� Tj. rao Po42".a':'• . A(�-ner a mm.amw r.s earw � wr^a%�s� •in m. Pt rx ..a a...t c.v.as � a.om.0 •N• maus�m J? m.os.o r.l� OCIIC[ I. t.IVG •VIC.IVC fT.VCTYfC f [Ct1o11 a�rawiu. uv .rn .T-r-vli DNA C OfflCE NI IN NORTHLIGHT COOP EC N 0 ZING NO .owvr-r.e — �, sxwa �Y m.r SF .+wmMrw l� u�ra_ .� Nwn®ro sovu. ]} � #y rmer_m •N ��x_ U _mviawua. JL _ �u�aQDp �} mxm >Y N+. .N mmeeaa yMr w • a©i lv m. m.aweu Of ®�.o.[iuxl �, vgmm•••SF �,. r.u_s�m. a _�lum wu> or u�amDaea ay ii 7a#°F� y °�.'p m•a aP .w rvcmr,m yi m.cmiu q me nao+am ». as �s�vv�cm __ u.max u .a�vrxa. u✓ uunwxa siavc •[ ACIIOIS 1 1 A D CEv A3.08 al[ileY 1 NOAG DRIVE N 0[TICF B GNI mG NOAH DCOURT - SE U30(W SdIM r,..F•.T .n.-n I OS• I 1LY4 �y J J e0RitE BWONG NORTH OGHT OOUNT - SICKEN[ A. MIND SOUTH �,7 xnn — t l J L AGH05P[FA NOTE. surpm SEKYIQ N Nf - SCGYENf MINDwn DATUM FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS-INOIOAYCO IS TAKEN WITH NEAH SEA LEVEL = 0'-0- KADNL '-' F• T KEYNOTE$ CET FLAN rmaer..co�r .W �'.^3'..r a AK uw ax,..n •I)•.w .,a uc war ernc[ runaA 7 I I a.a.oaro sA� ev .m w ..0 .�y esv.vvaau.a�� pf qy mnv NY W61 "' N' a""�n,..r � KNOW' SECTIONS �p w.n mm �wa.n[a crwu&— � t se aaus..m.�r SI xn3�• o�.v.� s.[i� L.^73�a'ww ,jy. , .¢ sQp a ®sw I . QY O9d) Of ncwr� �s�-`n8�• Rw.® ra r. •i3 �.�`. N v.u. 1) ' •ta• m.xrsw�anv. n.[ ��[!xlJ su�x✓ wr..0 u�ti®.vv�w • ./Y�I- y � qy .�.,..� [TkC .,..a.. .y C..a.ia2�T.�.n ZT• �. .,� >c .awaa.. AKx-m NOi OtA 'tF' •emu 4f>a t�V�[ 3) fwL 01' �sn i I Oj m.x.v,m..s -.3• er�vu N m�.us r.m q3- bo Asiv�r eA a[Cr.0 A3.09 i:) 0 on WEST COAST HIGHWAY WEST COAST HIGHWAY warn. Z Pr Bum-SECTRH - OFIRE Wlft N - SFODINT B nf a>C Z>� t' x m � I oli if ?. K E x - Y Y—; F IDIIDRG SECDN O- MRIRW STRUCTURE - 4GlfNT 0 snVr-ra .nsa �• m.n•acv w•.+ Qy m.0 r t'I*Du.rrav r� iNm�w•O [PAL 43 v �Itiri ,� Q4... s4 rvPver a.du c.•a... r.� �'v4� •.9 N'FP2'o'� w.•aw.=v sans d�1q � qwq .rw. �a�.�r aS•v V.. V.Yr. S•' ��• m wnnvn es � Pr.omu W mc:.aPam smm l•+�.Ay HOAG DRIVE I 1� wpia—_.nrr renu+nti YPmt.9µ.o[ - • o��ov rurw r DATU FOR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED IS TANEN WITH MEAN SEA LEVEL = 0'-G- 0 1 1 1 ca r.ulva •u.a elu ar.uc>u.• G F AI B C ( D r l.M T aaCilo• w wa e.w r®a A310 /(�_-• '� � � - `� ICI O I �'S F— 1---- ��% oP��y �£Q���Er►�r�t IS c.arnPascT� ti) POI�f, ' LAO D. Z : In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of Tcl. l (o West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional - Iv. 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall PLEASE RE -VERIFY THIS PREVIOUSLY RESOLVED DESIGN GUIDELINE CLARIFICATI❑NS AUGUST 28 1995 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PHASE 1 LOWER CAMPUS SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING CHCG ARCHITECTS ISSUE PLEASE RE -VERIFY THIS PREVIOUSLY RESOLVED fog Kl��r TK T ( -M5 N1✓4� fW�9n1-rttg5 To �?oV15gl~l ACC70Z -rog PUAPa5F,5) OF IUNT MUSET 3 vgt- U'5 (//� 11y;ev ISSUE %� 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A. B, C, F and G - within each subarea Y r' ` no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to �L the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Fslubit 3. DESIGN GUIDELINE CLARIFICATI❑NS AUGUST 28 1995 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PHASE 1 LOWER CAMPUS SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING CHCG ARCHITECTS vEeori ?A&WYm WOT ►r� n�t�n1 � �o�� yT�ea�. tip A omr WK C i 014Y� �r�(-IPV- CfAXn PEA Lr"E Are MA`srEK Pam- G jj, W�j9 j(rolJ5 p,94 Building Height: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. PLEASE RE -VERIFY THIS PREVIOUSLY RESOLVED ISSUE Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - DESIGN GUIDELINE CLARIFICATIONS AUGUST 28 1995 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PHASE 1 LOWER CAMPUS SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING CHCG ARCHITECTS the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parl3ng.) INTERPRETATI❑N 1 '1,p1f), 1. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal (m « shall be 15 feet. INTERPRETATI❑N 2,, EQUALLY VALID? r (56etVW I uNc 1iol 00 $EfiP>At1� bF l�T P�{tFw0f, AL�C� d�trs Zoe 5 y ZD.1 tTJK $ F, -- V p� SE�Atk bF Zo' rs In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of . the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: DESIGN GUIDELINE CLARIFICATIONS 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. AUGUST 28 1995 If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. PHASE 1 LOWER CAMPUS 2nd Floor (up to 3Z in height): A minimum of 20% of the building SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average CHCG ARCHITECTS 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. INTERPRETATION 1 j 5�t�6kK 13V, Z The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal ipi, shall be 15 feet. INTERPRETATION Z; EQUALLY VALID? E k� w MOr s'(W b ac: F73 VIRTkM ?KWA C-1 -9sib%X of In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: DESIGN GUIDELINE CLARIFICATIONS 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. AUGUST 28 1995 If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. PHASE 1 LOWER CAMPUS 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average CHCG ARCHITECTS 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 15' 0p1 AW/ AN off ACAICIVIES 0NL(fkXr4W -JW 20% o f fAPW�. INTERPRETATION 1 rvo.2, 2nd Floor (up to 3T in height): A minimum of 20010 of the building ,b frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet. DESIGN GUIDELINE AUGUST HOAG MEMORIp PHASE 1 LOW SUPPORT SERV CHCG AR � U i t I ` II �, c,1 �.'.�.'�� �. _.. ��:I•It: '�t. :: :�:ai i ,�I' I` 1�' 11 e M.!�J`���.:T.r" ._ � f _ �� r... w FL ANI -t M. 1 r—� 1111 � I I � .•li t'! I FAIR ; ,ii s�+rs now OFF - DRAW TNP A NOMM ru.r !.�1MH MI r 14r ,o V0 0- -clVV ' u 9 CE571 00 a, 4 rg m rm3 • GO Fib` -- 1 � o I -mt � •=1 I •61 : U .iy Ir I �I(� L--1 i41 s j li 145:T 91 Li LtL Lt 4-1 u �r I T�SI � 1 n r]Qi 9 < ? f- rL 157 or u ImMCWraa M.LC. 39' war-W Mao[ E11K OUCr [w1 fO% uc i0 nivArcw 1 . " Mo v . oMas. 76. 'caarwKs 95 cac. ru 11� lt. mr.. su 0.[c. OMas. M1RR M[i9C[M1a11. KLC. 40 aE MA" M3 Y 4 [IAMS�- w' SOIlO-O�V !%Vl ROOM BR011. SQ YECM. "9(i [cl(1 Pt)OP wi6-A�IPEN .. }S ere n o r �,. h MCC[ t owlwL C1MM• nr -"ll o Nwmr. WG ,fin ni O f[ 1 C[ V A M N 1 Y C 6 2 8 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 � ■ y I I 1 1 I I • o' o M lul ts cmI 1 �,..--jj I 1 I `� 11 11 I( ® I - II S10WF I . cm _--------- -------- car -- it •� of ® I„ , , _ I comw -_----------- 1 ---------- .. -- ------ I I Mo. 12 ® ® I I \ 11113111 IM ou ® ® ® 1 I I p/q 10 ' R1L .60• I I �� N j( cm CDM FLO 05 u y I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 WItAM I, KVFmwmw 0 T E 8 4 PWDro llV . NIX MIER COailt. IPNc awz n I I I I I i i_ _J 6.9 I P.rn C 20 SAE NX taEFRl67Wm. N.I.c. 19 R T-w ROO/ 21 Lojm- dMER RENRGE1 mk HIC 40, � � PLIlY4a45 M '22• aw c . CIM a[ IfL II D. -,.C. - ix wYOPIc Ylr sr l rcrJrr�r ars A7 srr rte i i f � �f ; IC I R is _J L PA :awt MID ,ax 0 xY7 . aeYP I• GYP It .,f i FEE u xZ —TP 11 ;uriw fTlT ."I'.1 rim �TA..-..�1` �'' i�naRE PIrt�. alc°s rw rnlr. 76 IoRrlatu�.roe 95 cuc. Luc. t to Ea rm. sE[ occ. Bic RIStSlS w LI+R 77, SaA RM n" rtaoR .flat. SEE WI I. 96 *WS LA A Roar w1CN asaS. t t5 wmmww� im*rl 39 sN¢�yRic. ru�rNls� 60 0, p:X S[f./0RW� AVOW 7♦) om w NK. RENt 97 cwc5/,. nun svw nlrM/tMou+cS m 116 m'o/ .f�gip. SNutt�o .Ti RW(L [wl. Y SNIT 98 rPi CA. N II.SfitatY MLL .117 Ei{i,Nf E"I RIQ. NIC r71]-N KEY PLAN O F F I C E P A R K I N 0 B U I l 0 1 N 6 S T R U C T U R E -- 1W R f------ - STU, Ll nn —7`7 --:- —P7 so IT 15 00 Ell -'o ZT 00 CIO �425C LIU kN v LIM Do: 11T, I 14 IT, `.Q L 00 013 7 --I -T� �J- T� it, r4:,*,vE0!ib4UA— jazz:!! 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EIEE .IOtS f, Lwr .77• r",!,�!'LWW rRw twr cnu.. s¢ ,I[aa 96 ll - wom M roa wm, wor[. • ci 1 S r "./arwMt f Mi4 I. 0 I F I C E 'S9' s¢ EM rws ' ' AT rnqn sw nrus/woro+s o7 , fr4� 3 22 w" rc 4!r 4l•ct w"7S aw a co,Ftun 0 U t L 0 1 NG 5 T R U CT U R �' W*i=7i'OR E f t ; j I' 41 Own .; - IT, -Or RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NFWPORT BEACH Alf NOV 0 : 1995 PM 7181900112111212141516 SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER. PLAN 4 � PROJECT: SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING APPLICABILITY OF MITIGATION MEASURES Date: May 1995 Applies N/A Applies N/A 1 2 X X I I 23 24 X X 3 4 X X 25 26 X X 5 X 27 X 6 X 28 X 7 X 29 X 8 X 30 X 9 10 X X 31 32 X X 11 X 33 X 12 X 34 X 13 X 35 X 14 15 X X 36 X I 37 X 16 17 X X 38 X 39 X 18 X 40 X 19 X 41 X 20 X 42 X 21 X 43 X 22 X I I 44 X ADolles N/A Applies N/A 45 X I 69 X 46 X 70 X 47 X 71 X 48 X 72 X 49 X 73 X 50 X 74 X 51 X 75 X 52 X 76 X 53 X 77 X 54 X 78 X 55 X 79 X 56 X 80 X 57 X 81 X 58 X 82 X 59 X 83 X 60 X 84 X 61 X 85 X 62 X 86 X 63 X 87 X 64 X 88 X 65 X 89 X 66 X 90 X 67 X 91 X 68 X '92 X Applies N/A Applies N/A 93 X I I 117 X 94 X 118 X 95 X (I 119 X 96 X II 120 X 97 X II' 121 X 98 X 122 X 99 X 123 X 100 X 101 X 102 X 103 X 104 X 105 X 106 X 107 X 108 X 109 X 110 X 111 X 112 X 113 X 114 X 115 X 11p X HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation ,Measure: 1 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the project sponsor shall document to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that grading and development of the site shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and with plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. These plans shall incorporate the recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist. subsequent Building Department by the project sponsor. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved grading plans: permanent reproducible copies to be provided at project completion Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: — HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 3 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: and minimize disturbance to adjacent residents. This report shall determine if there are any faults on site which could render all or a portion of the property unsafe for construction. and approval. Standard For Compliance: Approved soil and geologic report Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 4 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the completion of the final design phase, the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City of Newport Beach Building_ Department that all Building Code. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: _ City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 5 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and/or Building Permit_ Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits for each phase of development the Building Department shall ensure that geotechnical 1989 and in the report repared pursuant to Mitigation Measure 3, are followed. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved grading plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPUA.L MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 6 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: in the field of corrosivity. The site evaluation shall be designed to address soils to at least the depth to which excavation is planned At a minimum at least one sample from each soil We should be evaluated Approbate personnel protection shall be worn by field personnel during the field evaluation In the event soils are found to be corrosive the source and extent of the corrosive soils shall be determined, and all buildings and infrastructure shall be designed to control the potential impact of corrosive soils over time. Standard For Compliance: Approved soil corrosivity report Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 7 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a GradingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Based on the corrosion assessment and source determination a soils and construction material compatibility evaluation shall also be undertaken, concluding with the appropriate mitigation measures and design criteria. -Corrosion resistant construction materials are commoniv available and shall be used where the evaluation/assessment concludes the corrosive soils conditions could adversely impact normal construction materials or the materials used for the mitigation of subsurface gas conditions. For example there are many elastomers and plastics like PVC, which are resistant to corrosion by up to 70 percent sulfuric acid at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Standard For Compliance: Approved soils and construction material compatibility evaluation Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 9 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit plan completion): Ongoing During Grading plan implementation) Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project sponsor shall shall strictly adhere to the approved construction erosion control plan and compliance shall be monitored on an on -going basis by the Newport Beach Building Department. Standard For Compliance: Shown (construction erosion control plan) on approved grading plans - documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 10 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of grading permits the proiect sponsor shall submit a landscape plan which includes a maintenance program to control the use of fertilizers and pesticides and an irrigation system designed to minimize surface runoff and overwaterin f This plan shall be reviewed by the Department of Parks Beaches and Recreation and approved by the City of Newport Beach Planning Department The project sponsor shall install landscaping in strict compliance with the approved plan. Standard For Compliance: Approved landscape plan Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 12 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Upon completion of final building construction plans, and prior to the issuance of a grading permit for each phase of development the Project Sponsor shall ensure that site hvdroloa-ical analyses are conducted to verify that existing drainage facilities are adequate The applicant shall submit a report to the City of Newport Beach Building shall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Standard For Compliance: ,Approved site hydrological analysis; submit report to RWQCB Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 13 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the completion of final construction plans, the Project Sponsor shall submit a comprehensive geotechnical/hydrologic studv to the City of Newport Beach Building Department which includes data on groundwater. This study shall also determine the necessity for a construction dewatering program and subdrain system. Standard For Compliance: Approved geotechnical/hydrologic study Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 14 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the completion of final building construction plans for each phase of Lower Campus development the project sponsor shall submit an application to the Regional Water Oualitv Control Board for an NPDES permit if a construction dewatering or subdrain program is determined necessary by the Building Department based on the design and elevation of the foundation structures Also if dewatering is required by RWOCB the project sponsor shall also conduct groundwater sampling and analysis, and submit it to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region. The results of this testing will assist in determining the specifications for the NPDES permit. The project sponsor shall strict comply with all conditions of any NPDES Permit. Standard For Compliance: Obtain NPDES permit, if required; perform groundwater sampling and analysis if required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 21 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of .Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of a grading hermit an Orange County monitoring procedures acceptable to and approved by the City shall be established, including procedures for halting or redirecting work to permit the assessment, and possible salvage, of unearthed cultural material. Standard For Compliance: Submittal of letter of authorization for certified archaeologist_ Compliance: City of Newport Reach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAID` _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 22 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of grading permits an Orange County acceptable to and approved by the City for monitoring shall be established. including the temporary halting or redirecting of work to permit the evaluation and possible salvage, of any exposed fossils All fossils and their contextual stratigraphic data shall go to an Orange Counter institution with an educational and/or research interest in the materials. Standard For Compliance: Submittal of letter of authorization for certified paleontologist_ Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 24 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The proposed project is subject to all applicable requirements of the City of Newport Beach General Plan Zonis Code and Local Coastal Program (LCP)Those requirements that are superseded by the PCDP and District Regulations are not considered applicable The following discretionary approvals are required by the Citv of Newport Beach: EIR certification adoption of the Master Plan adoption of the Planned Community Development Plan and District Regulations approval of a Development Agreement, pproval of a zone change to Planned Community District, grading permits, and building_ permits for some facilities. The California Coastal Commission has the discretionary responsibility to issue a Coastal Development Permit for the Lower Campus and a Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Lower Campus. Standard For Compliance: Incorporated into approved grading plansfbuildinQplans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 26 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each Building Permit for Phase I Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase 1 of the project. the Project Sponsor shall conduct a project trip generation study which shall be reviewed and approved by the Citv Traffic Engineer. This study shall determine if the traffic to be generated by existing plus Phase 1 development will not exceed 1338 PM peak hour traffic trips In the event the Traffic Engineer determines that existing plus Phase 1 development will generate more than 1,338 PM peak hour trips the project shall be reduced in size or the mix of land uses will be altered to reduce the PM peak hour trips to at or below 1338. Standard For Compliance: Approved trip generation study (note: Development Agreement specifies that this study required only "if Hoag proposes a land use other than specified in the approved Traffic Studv"1 Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 29 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: the County's Congestion Management Plan. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 30 Timing For Completion: Not Specified Text of Mitigation Measure: In order to ensure accessibility to the available transit services for employees visitors and patrons of the Hospital, the following transit amenities shall be project site Bus turnouts shall be installed in accordance with standard design guidelines as indicated in OCTD's Design Guidelines for Bus Facilities. Standard For Compliance: Provision of bus turnouts, if required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: — HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 33 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit plan preparation): Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit site plan incorporation of measuresl Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of precise grading permits for the phase of Master Plan development that includes new, or modifications to existing, internal measures to eliminate internal traffic congestion and facilitates inuess.and egress to the site. All feasible measures identified in this study shall be incorporated into the site plan. Standard For Compliance: Approved internal circulation plan(grading permit); Shown on approved building plans (site 11an measures) Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 36 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading or Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of o-Tading and building permits for each phase of development the project sponsor shall provide evidence for verification by the shall be conducted prior to each phase of development for the proposed mechanical equipment contained within that phase that identifies additional criteria pollutant emissions generated by the mechanical equipment to be installed in that phase. If the new emission& when added to existing project emissions could resulting impacts not previously considered or significantly change the land use impact appropriate CEOA documentation shall be prepared prior to issuance of any permits for that phase of development Each subsequent air quality analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the SCAQMD. Standard For Compliance: Obtain AOMD permits applications and submit air quality equipment is installed) - Compliance_ Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 37 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits for each Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 38 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of Master Plan development the project sponsor shall provide evidence that site Mans Commission approval Requirements outlined in the Ordinance include: (1) A minimum Of five Dercent of the provided parking at new facilities shall be reserved for carpools. one shower and two lockers shall be provided; (4) Information of transportation alternatives shall be Drovided to all employees; (5) A rideshare vehicle loading area shall be designated complete by the Planning Department. Standard For Compliance: Incorporate TDM site development requirements in approved gradingluilding plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 39 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: If noise levels in on -site outdoor noise sensitive use areas exceed 65 CNEL the project sponsor shall develop measures that will attenuate the noise to acceptable levels for proposed hospital facilities Miriization through the design and construction of a noise barrier (wall berm or combination wall/berm) is the most common wav of alleviating traffic noise impacts. Standard For Compliance: Approved acoustical study noise attenuation measures shown on approved building plans, as required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 40 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Text of Mitigation Measure: reduce noise to acceptable levels. Standard For Compliance: Approved acoustical study, incomorate noise attenuation measures, as required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING ` Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 43 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of grading and building permits the project sponsor shall ensure that a landscape and irrigation plan is prepared for each building/improvement within the overall Master Plan. This plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscaping with the roposed construction schedule The plan shall be subject to review by the Parks Beaches and Recreation Department and approval by the Planning Department and Public Works Department. Standard For Compliance: Approved landscape and irrigation plan Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAIN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 45 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets alleys and adjoinine properties. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 46 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permits the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof top of any structure on the Lower Campus Rather, such buildings will' have clean using materials compatible with building materials. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 48 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of a building permit for any lower campus Planning Department. Standard For Compliance: Approved view impact analysis in conformance with PCDP and District Regulations Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 49 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: In the event that hazardous waste is discovered during site preparation or construction the project sponsor shall ensure that the identified hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials are handles and disposed in the manner specified by the State of California Hazardous Substances Control Law (Health and Safety Code Division Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions and subsequent handling: and disposal of any identified hazardous wastes/materials in accordance with regulations, if required Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 51 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: To further determine the source of the gas on the Lower Campus site prior to issuance of a grading permit on the Lower Campus, Project Sponsor shall collect gas samples from the nearest fire flooding wells and at Newport Beach Townhomes and compare the Qas samples to samples taken from the Hoag gas collection wells prior to site grading and construction. Standard For Compliance: Approved report documenting gas samples results Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPTTAL MASTER PLAN MTTIGATION MONTTORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 52 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: A soil gas samplline and monitoring program shall include methane and hydrogen sulfide gas Samples shall be taken just below the surface, at depth intervals within the removal zone and at a depth below the depth of actual disturbance. (The individual(s) performing this initial study may be at risk of exposure to significant - and possibly lethal - does of hydrogen sulfide and shall be appropriately protected as required.) Standard For Compliance: Approved soil gas sampling and monitoring report/pro rg am_ Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 53 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: A site safeV 121an shall be developed that addresses the risks associated with exposures to methane and hydrogen sulfide. Each individual taking part in the sampling and monitoring program shall receive training on the potential hazards and on Standard For Compliance: Approved site safetv plan Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 54 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Teat of Mitigation Measure: If the analysis of the initial soil gas samples show unacceptable levels of hazardous constituents that have the potential to pose a health risk durine construction activities additional Qas collection wells shall be drilled to contain and collect thethe eas• Standard For Compliance: Approved oved gas collection well report, if required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MMGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 55 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: Continuous monitoring for methane and hydrogen sulfide shall be conducted during the disturbance of the soils and during any construction activities that with an alarm shall be worn by each worker with a potential for exposure. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 62 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: A study of the concentration of potential hazardous constituents shall be conducted prior to initiation of the project to characterize the wastewater and any risks it may pose to human health prior to development. A stormwater pollution prevention plan shall be developed to reduce the risk of the transport of hazardous constituents from the site The Hospital shall a12121v for coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board's General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity and shall comply with all the provisions of the permit including but not limited to, the development of the SWPPP the development and implementation of Best Management Practices implementation of erosion control measures the monitoring_ program requirements and post construction monitoring of the system. Standard For Compliance: Submit NOI to State Water Resources Control Board: prepare/ implementSWPPP Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Buildin.g Mitigation Measure: 64 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading or Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the project sponsor shall evaluate all existing vent systems located on the lower campus and submit this data to the Ci1y Building and Fire Departments the State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas and the Southern California Air Ouality Management District for levels of hvdrogen sulfide and/or toxins the emitted gases must be treated prior to discharge in a manner acceptable to these agencies. Standard For Compliance: Approved evaluation of all existing vent systems Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 66 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Before the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department City of Newport Beach demonstrating that for the equipment and a calibration plan and schedule. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 63 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each BuildingPermit ermit Text of Mitigation Measure: recommendations of a geotechnical engineer. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 69 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: amount of gas is detected a directionally drilled well will be permanently completed and put into the existing gas collection system. Standard For Compliance: Approved gas test study: implement recommendations, as Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: — HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 70 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Grading Engineer, City of Newport Beach indicating that all buildings and parking lots on the Lower Campus will be constructed with passive gas collection systems under the foundations. Such a system typically consists of perforated PVC pipes laid in parallel lengths below the foundation. Riser We vents will be attached to light standards and buildings high points. Additionally, parking lots on the Lower Campus will contain unpaved planter areas and vertical standlipes located at the end of each length of PVC pipe The standpipes will serve to vent any collected gas to the atmosphere A qualified geotechnical firm shall be retained to design such systems. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved grading and building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING ` Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 71 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permits Project Sponsor shall submit .plans to the Building Department City of Newport Beach demonstrating that all buildings on the Lower Campus are sealed from gas migration. Such sealing may be installed by the use of chlorinated polyethylene sheeting or similar approved system. All materials of construction including the PVC piping and the ground lining must be evaluated for compatibility with the existing environmental conditions of the soils and/or potential gases. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 72 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each BuildingPe ermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permits Project Sponsor shall submit moans to the City of Newport Beach Building and Fire Departments demonstratine rooms. Sensors can monitor on a continuous basis and can be tied into fire alarm systems for 24 hour surveillance. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAIN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services 'Building Mitigation Measure: 73 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Buildin Permit ermit Text of Mitigation Measure: To avoid possible accumulation of gas in utility or other seldom used service or storage rooms Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building Department12rior to issuance of building permits indicating that such rooms are serviced by the buildhas' central air conditioning system (or an otherwise positive ventilation system that circulates and replaces the air in such rooms on a continuous basisl. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 74 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: During construction Project Sponsor shall ensure that an enlosimeter is used to monitor methane levels and percentage range. Additionally. methane to acceptable and safe levels. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 82 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Before the issuance of building permits the Project Sponsor Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans; documented in contractor/ subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 83 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Before the issuance of building permits._ the project sponsor include procedures to minimize the potential impacts of emissions from the handling, storage hauling and destruction of these materials and that the project sponsor has AB2185l2187 Standard For Compliance: Approved revised Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan and Infectious Control Manual. if required Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 85 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Buildin PC ermit Text of Mitigation Measure: To the satisfaction of the City building official, the Project Sponsor shall expand existing_ hazardous infectious radiological� disposal facilities to add additional storage areas as necessary to accommodate the additional waste to be generated by the expanded facilities. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans. -if required Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 86 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: The Project Sponsor shall provide evidence to the Planning Standard For Compliance: Obtain annual permit from the SCAOMD for regulated commercial equipment see Mitigation Measure No 36 as required The above air toxic rules are addressed through the SCAQMD permit process for regulated commercial Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 87 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: will be paved early in the project as a part of Phase I Master Plan development construction activities. Standard For Compliance: Shown on improved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 88 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Building and systems into future structures which may include: High efficiency coolin /ag bsorotion units thermal storage and ceramic cooling towers• cogeneration capabilities• high efficiency water heaters; energy efficient glazing systems; appropriate off -hour heating/coolingAighting controls: time clocks and photovoltaic cells for lighting controls; efficient insulation systems: orientation earth berming and landscaping. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 89 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Buildine Department that methods and materials which minimize VOC emissions have been employed where practical available and where value engineering allows it to be feasible._ Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 91 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved grading plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 92 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each BuildingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to the issuance of building permits the project sponsor shall demonstrate that final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using facilities. The project sponsor will also comply with any other City adopted water conservation policies. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 93 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each GradingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of grading permits a master plan of water and sewer facilities shall be prepared for the site. The Project Sponsor sahll verify the adequacy of existing water and sewer facilities and construct any modifications or facilities necessitated by proposed project development. Standard For Compliance: Approved master plan of water and sewer facilities Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 94 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: equipped with fire suppression systems. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 95 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each BuildingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of building permits the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Fire Department that all existing and new access roads surrounding in the project site shall be designated as fire lanes and no parking shall be permitted unless the accessway meets minimum width requirements of the Public Works and Fire Departments Parallel parking on one side may be permitted if the road is a minimum 32 feet in width. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 96 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each BuildingPe ermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that the thermal integrity of new buildings are improved with automated time clocks or occupant sensors to reduce the thermal load. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 97 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of a building permit the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that window glazing wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods have been incorporated into building designs, Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 98 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of a building permit the project sponsor shall demonstrate that building designs incorporate efficient heating units and other appliances, such as water heater, cooking equipment refrigerators furnaces and boiler units. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building plans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN _ MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 99 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each BuildingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved building nlans Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 100 Timing For Completion: Prior to the 'Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall ensure that all cut material is disposed of at either an environmentally cleared development site or a certified landfill. Also all material exported off site shall be disposed of at an environmentally certified development cleared landfill with adequate capacity. Standard For Compliance: Approved disposal location Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MMGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 101 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: In conjunction with the application for a grading permit, the project sponsor shall submit a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development This plan would identify the estimated number of truck trips and measures to assist truck trips and truck movement in and out of the local street system (i.e., flagmen, signage etc This plan shall consider scheduling operations affecting traffic during off-peak prior to issuance of the grading permit. Standard For Compliance: Approved construction phasing and traffic control plan Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 102 Timing For Completion: Prior to Issuance of Each Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all haul routes for included in the above construction traffic plan. Standard For Compliance: Approved haul routes Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 103 Timing For Completion: OngoingDuringSite Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall provide advance written notice of temporary traffic disruptions to affected areas businesses and the public. This notice shall be provided at least two weeks prior to disruptions. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 104 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: The Project Sponsor shall ensure that construction activities conflicts with beach and tourist traffic. At all other times, such activities shall be limited to 25 truck (i.e., multiple axle vehicle) trips per hour unless otherwise approved by the City traffic engineer. Haul operations will be monitored by the Public Works Department and additional restrictions may be applied if traffic congestion problems arise. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental eg neral Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 105 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all trucks used for g haulinmaterial shall be coveredto minimize material loss during transit. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City Newport of Ne ort Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 106 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading Permit: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Grading Text of Mitigation Measure: Project sponsor shall ensure that all project related grading shall be performed in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance which contains procedures and requirements relative to dust control, erosion and siltation control, noise and other grading related activities. Standard For Compliance: Shown on approved grading plans; documented in contractor/ subcontractor supplemental general conditions. Compliance: Citv of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 107 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each GradingPermit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance ofgrading �permits, the project sponsor shall demonstrate compliance with SCAOMD Rule 403 which will require watering during the and soil binders on SCAOMD Uproved chemical stabilizers should be spread on alerts and wheel washing before construction vehicles leave the site. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 108 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of any grading and building permit, the project by construction crews The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Eneineer. Standard For Compliance: Approved trip reduction plan Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 109 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of a Grading Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: Prior to issuance of a grading_permit for each phase of construction the project sponsor shall submit an analysis to the City Building Department Standard For Compliance: Approved criteria emission factors based on SCAOMD Handbook Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 110 Timing For Completion: Prior to the Issuance of Each Grading and Building Permit Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall ensure that low emission mobile and Newport Beach prior to issuance of any grading , or building permit. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 111 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: mufflers and kit in proper tune. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ V. HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAIN MITIGATION MONITORING Project: Support Services Building Mitigation Measure: 112 Timing For Completion: Ongoing During Site Preparation and Construction Text of Mitigation Measure: The project sponsor shall ensure that construction activities are 6.00 p m on Saturdays No erson shall while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading demolition, painting plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool equipment or machine in a manner that produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb a persons of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or anv holiday. Standard For Compliance: Documented in contractor/subcontractor supplemental general conditions Compliance: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: _ HO• HOSPITAL SUPPORT SERVICES• SQUARE FOOTAGES Sheet A1.03A Conference Level Office Gross 16,284.40 sq.ft. Entitlement Gross 14,737.54 sq.ft. (includes 815.00 sq.ft. admin) First Floor Plan P-4 Parkine 25,651.33 Gross sq.ft. 25,274.50 Entitlement sq.ft. P-3 Parkine 25,713.19 Gross sq.ft. 25,033.70 Entitlement sq.ft. P-2 Parkine Office Gross 21,008.06 sq.ft. 25,845.64 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 20,045.97 sq.ft. 25,028.07 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 1,502.00 sq.ft. of support) Sheet A1.04A Second floor P-1 Parkin Office 25,117.90 sq.ft. 26,211.71 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 23,877.36 sq.ft. 25,521.21 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 6,594.00 sq.ft. of support) Third Floor Roof Parkine Gross 24,106.77 sq.ft. 25,763.62 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 22,923.91 sq.ft. 25,176.45 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 7,725.00 sq.ft. of support) Conference Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Total: Gross 16,284.40 sq.ft. 21,008.06 sq.ft. 25,117.90 sq.ft. 24.106.77 soft. 86,517.13 sq.ft. Entitlement Gross 14,737.54 sq.ft. 20,045.97 sq.ft. 23,877.36 sq.ft. 22.923.91 soft. 81,584.78 sq.ft. T Parkin P4 25,651.33 sq.ft. P3 25,713.19 sq.ft. P2 25,845.64 sq.ft. PI 26,211.71 sq.ft. Total: 103,421.87 sq.ft. Roof Top (not included) 25,763.62 sq.ft. Square Footage By Use Conference Level Office 13,922.53 sq.ft. Admin. 815.00 sg.ft. Total: 14,737.54 sq.ft. Entitlement First Floor Office Support Second Floor Office Support Third Floor Office Support Office 18,543.97 sq.ft. 17,283.36 sq.ft. 15.198.91 sq.ft. 51,026.25 sq.ft. 18,543.97 sq.ft. 1,502.00 sq.ft. 20,045.97 sq.ft. 17,283.36 sq.ft. 6,594.00 sq.ft. 23,877.36 sq.ft. 15,198.91 sq.ft. 7,725.00 sq.ft. 22,923.91 sq.ft. Sungrt 1,502.00 sq.ft. 6,594.00 sq.ft. 7,725.00 sq.ft. 15,821.00 sq.ft. 25,274.50 sq.ft. 25,033.70 sq.ft. 25,028.07 sq.ft. 25.521.21 sq.ft. 100,857.48 sq.ft. 25,176.45 sq.ft. Entitlement 16,284.40 sq.ft. Parkin P4 25,274.50 sq.ft. P3 25,033.70 sq.ft. P2 25,028.07 sq.$. Pl 25,521.21 sq.ft. Total: 100,857.48 sq.ft. Office: 51,026.24 sq.ft. Support: 15,821.00 sq.ft. Parking: 100,857.48 sq.ft. Total: 167,704.72 sq.ft. Fees Conference Office: 16,284.40 First Floor Support: 1,502.00 Office: 19,506.06 Second Floor Support: 6,594.00 Office: 18,523.90 Third Floor Support: 7,725.00 Office: 16,381.77 Office: 16,284.40 Support 1,502.00 19,506.06 6,594.00 18,523.90 7,725.00 16 381.77 Totals: 70,696.13 15,821.00 0 • Floor Total Gross' Support Administration Entitlement Gross 2 Conference 16,285 s .ft. 13,903 s .ft. 815 s .ft 14,718 s .ft. Mezzanine 5,214 s .ft. 4,730 s .ft. - 4,730 s .ft. First 21,008 s .ft. 18,544 s .ft. 1,562 s .ft. 20,246 s .ft. Second 25,118 s .ft. 6,594 s .ft. 18,524 s .ft. 25,118 s .ft.' Third 24,107 s .ft. 7,725 s .ft. 15,199 s .ft. 22,924 s .ft. Totals: 91,732 s .ft. 51,496 s .ft. 36,040 s .ft. 87,535 s .ft. ' Reflects area calculations outside of wall s Deducts elevators, stairs and vent shafts. ' Includes stairways, elevator shafts, and ve 0 MAR 19 '98 09:30AM HOAG FAC DES&CONST #!P/ y-# 02.�2- P.1 HA p " Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian flq One Hoag Drive PO Box 6100 "IFRAL5 PhoneNt;wport Beach C60 92658-6I00 M'r�r" Phnne?ld/645•gG00 March 12, 1998 RMW Paleo Associates, Inc. 23392 Madero, Suite L Mission Viejo, California 92691 Attention: Diana Weir Reference: Hoag Project 1251.56 LC Support Services Building Subject: Authorization to Proceed Dear Diana: This letter will serve as your formal Authorization to Proceed, as of March 12,1998, with the Paleontological Monitoring Services for the LC Support Services Building project. All work shall be in accordance with your proposal dated March 5, 1998, items 1, 2, and S. Compensation for services shall be billed for time at scheduled rates not to exceed Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-six Dollars ($7,696,00). Materials and reimbursables shall be invoiced separately at cost. We will send you a copy of the purchase order number and invoicing instructions within ten working days of acquiring appropriate administrative approval signatures: We look forward to working with your company towards successful completion of this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 646-2559. . Sincerely, HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Greg McClure Project Manager Facilities Design & Construction Authorized: L --- Leif N. Thompson, AIA Vice President Facilities Design & Construction GDM: gl Enc.: RMW Proposal (8/5/98) Fat: 1761,66.74.10•HMW PALEO-ATP.doc Floor Floor Total Gross Total Support Support Administration Administration Entitlement Gress Entitlement Gross Conference Conference 16,265 sq.R. 16,285 sq.ft. 13,903 sq.R 13,903 sq.ft. Sly sq.Ef 815 sq.ft 14,]18 sq.ft. 14,718 sq.ft. Mezzanine Mezzanine 5,214 sq.R. 5,214 sq.ft. 4.730�.ft. 4,730 sq.ft. - 4,730 sq.ft. 4,730 sq.ft. First First 21.008 sq.ft. 21,008 sq.ft. 18j44 s9.R. 18,544 sq.ft. 1502 sq.R. 1,502 sq.ft. 20,24b sq.ft. 20,246 sq.ft. Second Second 25,118 aq.ft. 25,118 sq.ft. 6,594 sq.ft. 6,594 sq.ft. 18,524 sq.ft _ 18,524 sq.ft. 25,118 sq.ft. 25,118 sq.ft. Third Third 24,107 sq.ft. 24,107 sq.ft. 9,]25 sq.R. 7,725 sq.ft. I5,199 sq.fl. 15,199 sq.ft. 22,924 sq.ft. 22,924 sq.ft. Totals: Totals: 91,732 sq.ft. 91,732 sq.ft. 51,496 eq,R. 51,496 sq.ft. 36,040 sq.ft. 36,040 sq.ft. 89j35 sq.ft 87,535 sq.ft. 1 Reflects area calculations outside of wall to outside of wall 2 Deducts elevators, stairs and vent shafts. 3 Includes stairways, elevator shafts, and vents on this floor. 0 0 Floor Total Gross Support Administration Entitlement Gross Conference 16,285 sq.ft. 13,903 sq.ft. 815 sq.ft 14,718 sq.ft. Mezzanine 5,214 sq.ft. 4,730 sq.R. - 4,730 sq.ft. First 21,008 sq.ft. 18,544 sq.ft. 1,502 sq.ft. 20,246 sq.ft. Second 25,118 sq.ft. 6,594 sq.ft. 18,524 sq.ft. 25,118 sq.ft. Third 24,107 sq.ft. 1 7,725 sq.ft. 15,199 sq.ft. 22,924 sq.ft. Totals: 91,732 sq.ft. 1 51,496 sq.ft. 36,040 sq.ft, 87,535 sq.ft. 'Reflects area calculations outside of wall to outside of wall. 2 Deducts elevators, stairs and vent shafts. 3 Includes stairways, elevator shafts, and vents on this floor. PEHI Mulu February 17, 1998 Ms. Janet Divan Associate Civil Engineer Traffic Engineering Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-1768 REGd'D'Ep BY LANNING EPARi�ENT 1TY OF ryEWpORT BEACH FEB � C F c&.A RE: Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan, Support Services Building, Hoag Hospital Dear Ms. Divan: Mitigation Measure No. 101 of the Hoag Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report requires: In conjunction with the application for a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit a construction phasing and traffic control plan on each phase of development. This plan would identify the estimated number of truck trips and measures to assist truck trips and truck movement in and out of the local street system (i,e., flagmen, signage, etc.). This plan shall consider scheduling operations affecting traffic during off-peak hours, extending the construction period and reducing the number of pieces of equipment used simultaneously: The plan will be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of the grading permit. Additionally, Special Condition No. 1 of the Coastal Development Permit for the Support Services Building (CDP 5-96-118, as amended) requires the following: Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit in writing, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director: a) A written agreement stating that no truck trips shall occur on weekends and holidays during the peak beach use periods which extends from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day inclusive; And b) Written evidence that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) traffic engineer has reviewed and approved the proposed construction phasing and traffic control plan. On October 23, 1997, a draft Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan was submitted to the City of Newport Beach for review, in conjunction with the grading and building plans for the Support Services Building. On February 9, 1998, you provided comments on the draft Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan. In general, you requested that the Plan be amended to address the first phase of the project which would involve the installation of the deep utilities to serve the Support Services Building. The enclosed Construction Phasing and -Traffic Control Plan has been amended to address your concerns. 3 H r G A I U U H 1 V k M I S S 1 0 N V I E J O. CAL ;V u H 1d 1 A 9? 6 9 2 6 0 g 0 Janet Divan February 17, 1998 Your signature below acknowledges that the Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan for the Support Services Building (dated February 17, 1998) is approved by the Traffic Engineer of the City of Newport Beach. Sincerely, L Enclosure C: Genia Garcia, Planning Department David Jacobson, Nadel Architects, Inc. Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital I have reviewed the Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan for Hoag Hospital's Support Services Building (dated February 17, 1998) and have determined that it fulfills the requirements of the City of Newport Beach. Janet Divan, Associate Civil Engineer Date Page 2 CONSTRUCTION PHASING AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING DATE: February 17. 1998 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The Support Services Building is proposed to be developed northeast of the intersection of West Coast Highway and Hoag Drive The Support Services Building consists of three stories of above grade administrative/support functions a partial subterranean conference/education center and a two-story communications/data renter, Entry to the building and motor court are located at the second floor level The 369 space parking structure is a single stogy above grade and also contains three subterranean levels of parking. RELATED/PREVIOUS APROVALS: City Approval -in -Concept for previopajy-nronosed Support Services Building (AIC #659-96) received on May 21 1996• City Approval -in -Concept for currently:proposed Support Services Building (AIC #659-96 Amended) received on August 8 1997• Coastal Development Permit for previously -proposed Support Services Building (CDP 5-96-1,18) approved by California Coastal Commission on November 14 1996� Coastal Development Permit for currently -proposed Support Services Building (CDP 5-96-118A1) approved by California Coastal Commission on October 7. 1997, TIMING: Estimated Export Start Date: March 24. 1998 Estimated Export Completion Date: April 24. 1998 HAUL ROUTES: The Detour Plan for the installation of the deep utilities in Hoag Drive to serve the ,Support Services Building is shown on Exhibit "A" and discussed in a letter from the general contractor identified as Exhibit `B" The haul route is discussed in a letter identified as Exhibit "C" which is accompanied by a City of Newport Beach Haul Route Permit Application (identified as Exhibit "D") In accordance with the City of Newport Beach requirements haul hours will be limited to the hours of 7.00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ESTIMATED CUBIC YARDS TO BE MOVED: 45.000 cubic yards of cut. with 3.000 cubic yards of fill and 42,000 cubic yards of export, TRUCK TRIPS: Roil portIt is estimated that the 42.000 cubic yards of earth will be exported in approximately 2,562 loads in trucks/trailers over about 23 days at 111 loads per day or 14-16 loads out per hour ote• The estimate of truck trips could also result in an additional 14-16 (rips per hour created by empty trucks returning to the josite), After the initial month of soil export (during the next three months) concrete will be placed totaling 12.000 yards or 1.333 ready mix truck loads Concrete pours will average about 67 truck loads per pour at 20 days of concrete pours during a three-month period During the balance of the three- year construction period- it is estimated that a maximum of '100 vehicles par day (for construction workers and construction materials import) will be required During the construction period Hoag will comply with mitigation measure No 104 which requires: The project sponsor shall ensure that construction activities requiring more than 16 truck (i.e.. multiple axle vehicle)trips per hour such as excavation and concrete Yam. I ♦ 'u • • Support Services Building Hoag Hospital Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan February 17, 1998 41 •11 }......... TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN: :.Lel U.• •- i. .li.. . }1 Ll 1..1 . "1:1. .. I1' "1 ..:• 0 AECOVED BY TANNING OVARTMENT Orr Or NEWPORT BEACH February 17, 1998 Ms. Janet Divan Associate Civil Engineer Traffic Engineering Department City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-1768 RE: Trip Reduction Plan, Support Services Building, Hoag Hospital Dear Ms. Divan: qP9 VEa 019� ' 6 Mitigation Measure No. 108 of the Hoag Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report requires: Prior to issuance of any grading and building permit, the project sponsor shall submit a Trip Reduction Plan for construction crew members. This plan shall identify measures, such as ride -sharing and transit incentives, to reduce vehicle miles traveled by construction crews. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. As we discussed on February 9, 1998,'the vast majority of construction workers that will be associated with development of the Support Services Building and its accompanying parking structure will not be working at the construction site from commencement of site preparation and grading activities through completion of construction. Rather, most construction workers will be on -site for the phase(s) of construction that is associated with their specific construction discipline(s). Therefore, the nature of the construction project itself will limit construction crew trip generation. For those construction workers who will be on -site during any given phase of construction activity, a trip reduction plan that includes a rideshare program component is not feasible for two reasons. First, many of the construction workers bring their tools to the construction site on a daily basis, and therefore, need their own vehicle to travel to and from the construction site. Second, many of the construction workers who will be on -site at any given construction please will be arriving and departing at different times during any given day. This second factor, however, will act as a kind of"flex time" for construction workers, the consequence of which will be to further limit construction trip generation. In addition to reductions in construction crew trip generation that will occur as a result of all crew members not being on -site during the same phase(s) of construction, and not even during the same time of any given day, there are existing transportation facilities in the vicinity of Hoag Hospital that construction workers could use, which would also limit construction trip generation. Construction crew members that do not require their vehicles to transport tools to the construction site could take advantage of the bus line that serves West Coast Highway or the bicycle trail that that is located along West Coast Highway. Hoag Hospital will provide information on bus schedules/routes to the general contractor so this information can be provided to interested construction workers. 3 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S I O N V I E J O C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 7 1 4/ 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 Janet Divan February 17, 1998 If you have any further questions regarding Hoag Hospital's compliance with Mitigation Measure No. 108 as it relates to the Support Services Building, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, eon C: Genia Garcia, Planning Department David Jacobson, Nadel Architects, Inc. Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital Page 2 PERI MUflEiTA February 17, 1998 Ms. Janet Divan Associate Civil Engineer Traffic Engineering Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-1768 0 RE: Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan, Support Services Building, Hoag Hospital Dear Ms. Divan: Mitigation Measure No. 101 of the Hoag Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report requires: In conjunction with the application for a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall submit a construction phasing and traffic control plan on each phase of development. This plan would identify the estimated number of track trips and measures to assist truck trips and track movement in and out of the local street system (i.e., flagmen, signage, etc.). This plan shall consider scheduling operations affecting traffic during off-peak hours, extending the construction period and reducing the number of pieces of equipment used simultaneously. The plan will be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of the grading permit. Additionally, Special Condition No. 1 of the Coastal Development Permit for the Support Services Building (CDP 5-96-118, as amended) requires the following: Prior to issuance of the coastal development pemrit, the applicant shall submit in writing, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director: a) A written agreement stating that no truck trips shall occur on weekends and holidays during the peak beach use periods which extends from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day inclusive; And b) Written evidence that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) traffic engineer has reviewed and approved the proposed construction phasing and traffic control plan. On October 23, 1997, a draft Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan was submitted to the City of Newport Beach for review, in conjunction with the grading and building plans for the Support Services Building. On February 9, 1998, you provided comments on the draft Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan. In general, you requested that the Plan be amended to address the first phase of the project which would involve the installation of the deep utilities to serve the Support Services Building. The enclosed Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan has been amended to address your concerns. 3 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S I O N V I E J O C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 7 1 4/ 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 Janet Divan February 17, 1998 Your signature below acknowledges that the Construction Phasing and Traffic Control'Plan for the Support Services Building (dated February 17, 1998) is approved by the Traffic Engineer of the City of Newport Beach. Sincerely, ure Enclosure C: Genia Garcia, Planning Department David Jacobson, Nadel Architects, Inc. Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital I have reviewed the Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan for Hoag Hospital's Support Services Building (dated February 17, 1998) and have determined that it fulfills the requirements of the City of Newport Beach. 2. 17. 98 Ja t Divan, Associate Civil Engineer Date Page 2 0 E April23, 1998 Ms. Genia Garcia Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard NewportBeach, CA 92658-1768 RE: Hoag Project #1251.56 Support Services Building Subject: Mitigation Measure No. 26 Dear Ms. Garcia: PLANNINGEIVED DEPBy ARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AM APR 2' 7 1998 PM 71818110111112111213141816 As part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Hoag's Support Services Building, Hoag was required to adhere to Mitigation Measure No. 26, which necessitated a trip generation study related to the proposed development. The analysis conducted in support of Mitigation Measure No. 26 was completed and included in the three -volume Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Support Services Building that was submitted in October 1997 in support of the grading and building permit applications for the project (copy enclosed). The square footages of administrative and support uses within the Support Services Building reflected in the approved building plans contains some minor differences from the square footages included in the October 1997 letter. Therefore, Janet Divan requested that the October 1997 letter regarding Mitigation Measure No. 26 be resubmitted to reflect the permitted project. The analysis for the permitted Support Services Building is provided below. The Support Services Building is the first building against which the remaining 554 PM peak hour trips (424 for Lower Campus and 130 for Upper Campus), are to be calculated for purposes of Mitigation Measure No. 26 (see enclosed October 1997 letter for background on 554 PM peak hour trips). The entitlement gross square footage (reflected on the approved building plans) is as follows: Conference Level Mezzanine First Floor Second Floor Third Floor TOTAL 815 square feet --- square feet 1,502 square feet 18,524 square feet 15,199 square feet 36,040 square feet 13,903 square feet 4,730 square feet 18,544 square feet 6,594 square feet 7,725 square feet 51,496 square feet 14,718 square feet 4,730 square feet 20,046 square feet 25,118 square feet 22,924 square feet 87,536 square feet 3 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S I O N V I E J O, C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 7 1 4/ 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 f Genia Garcia • • April 23,1998 The Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (p.10) for the Hoag Master Plan specify the following Phase I development (as part of the statistical analysis in Table 1) for the Lower Campus: use Outpatient Services Support Services Administrative TOTAL 115,000 55,000 30,000 200,000 Based upon the Phase I square footage allocation by use contained in the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations for the Lower Campus, the Support Services Building exceeds identified administrative use development by 6,040 square feet. However, the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations allows the substitution of various types of square footage with one another as long as total trip generation is not exceeded (see October 1997 letter for complete discussion). Volume I of the draft. EIR for the Hoag Master Plan (Table 4.6B — Hoag Hospital Phase I Trip Generation) establishes the following trip generation rates and corresponding quantities for Phase I development: TRIP GENERATION FOR PHASE I DEVELOPMENT Peak Hour Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate Trip Generation Daily Daily AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM 110 1lnits 1= Bate 1= In 919 in 99 Ia Dsti in 9111 Outpatient Services 115.0 TSF 29.90 3,439 1.00 0.42 0.67 1.06 115 48 77 122 Inpatient Services 0.0 TSF 15.74 0 0.80 0.31 0.31 0.44 0 0 0 0 Support Services 55.0 TSF 13.00 715 1.90 0.30 0.60 1.70 105 17 33 94 Admini- strative 30.0 TSF 45.00 1,350 0.60 0.20 0.80 2.50 18 6 24 75 Subtotal Lower Campus Phase I: 238 71 134 290 Subtotal Upper Campus Phase I: 117 46 52 78 Total Phase I: 355 117 186 368 Page 2 • Genia Garcia April 23,1998 Utilizing the above trip generation rates (for PM peak hour) for the 6,040 square feet of administrative use not projected for Phase I Lower Campus development, yields the following PM peak hour trips associated with administrative uses: - Inbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 0.80 - Outbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 2.50 - (6,040 divided by 1,000 X 0.80) + (6,040 divided by 1,000 X 2.50) _ - 5 + 15 = 20 PM peak hour trips from additional square footage of administrative use The total PM peak hour trip generation for the administrative use component of the Support Services Building is equal to the trip generation anticipated in the draft EIR for administrative uses (based on 30,000 square feet) of 99 trips (24 inbound PM peak trips plus 75 outbound PM peak trips) and the additional PM peak hour trips associated with the additional 6,040 square feet of administrative use (20 trips), or 119 total PM peak hour trips. Utilizing the above trip generation rates (for PM peak hour) for the 51,496 square feet of support services use yields the following PM peak hour trips: - Inbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 0.60 - Outbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 1.70 - (51,496 divided by 1,000 X 0.60) + (51,496 divided by 1,000 X 1.70) _ 31 + 88 =119 PM peak hour trips associated with support services uses Therefore, the total PM peak hour trip generation for the Support Services Building is 238 trips (119 for administrative uses + 119 for support services uses). The remaining PM peak hour trip budget for Phase I development on the Lower Campus is 186 (424 — 238). Si erely, n ri Muretta Enclosure C: Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital Janet Divan, City of Newport Beach Page 3 ,.i HOW HOSE Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian One Hong Drive PO Box 6100 Newport Beach CA 92658-6100 Phone 714/645-8600 October 7, 1997 Ms. Genia Garcia Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard NewportBeach, CA 92658-1768 RE: Hoag Project #1251.56 Support Services Building Subject: Mitigation Measure No. 26 Dear Ms. Garcia: Mitigation Measure No. 26 states: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase I of the project, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a project trip generated (sic) study which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. This study shall determine if the traffic to be generated by existing plus Phase I development will not exceed 1,338 PM peak hour traffic trips. In the event the Traffic Engineer determines that existing plus Phase I development will generate more than 1,338 PM peak hour trips, the project shall be reduced in size or the mix of land uses will be altered to reduce the PM peak hour trips to at or below 1,338. The draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Hoag Master Plan (Volume 1, p. 4-81, October 1991) included a discussion of the Phase I trip budget allocation, as the Phase I Transportation Phasing Ordinance (TPO) analysis was included as part of the Master Plan and EIR approval process. The draft EIR contains the following summary of PM peak hour trip generation related to both existing and Phase I development: Based on 1990 traffic counts provided by Hoag Hospital, the existing PM peak hour inbound and outbound volume is 665 trips. As these counts were conducted prior to the opening of the Hoag Cancer Center, the trip generation for the approved Cancer Center was added to this base. The existing plus entitled Hoag Cancer Center PM hour trip generation is 784 PM peak hour trips. Added to this 784 PM peak hour trips are the 554 PM peak hour trips generated by the proposed Master Plan Phase I project. Therefore, the total Hoag Phase I trip budget, based on the PM peak hour trip making activity, is 1,338 trips. The Support Services Building is the first building against which the remaining 554 PM peak hour trips (for both the Upper and Lower Campuses) are to be calculated for purposes of the mitigation measure. The entitlement gross square footage (as defined by the City of Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance) for the Support Services Building is as follows: Page 1 A NON-PROPIT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ACCREDITED BY THE JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS wr.n.. Genia Garcia October 7, 1997 e Ll 1 1 r S r 1 WIN Conference Level Mezzanine First Floor Second Floor Third Floor TOTAL 815 square feet --- square feet 18,544 square feet 18,524 square feet 15,199 square feet 53,082 square feet 13,923 square feet 4,730 square feet 1,502 square feet 6,594 square feet 7,725 square feet 34,474 square feet 14,738 square feet 4,730 square feet 20,046 square feet 25,118 square feet 22,924 square feet 87,556 square feet The Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (p.10) for the Hoag Master Plan specify the following Phase I development (as part of the statistical analysis in Table 1) for the Lower Campus: LIU Outpatient Services Support Services Administrative TOTAL 115,000 55,000 30,000 200,000 Based upon the Phase I square footage allocation by use contained in the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations for the Lower Campus, the Support Services Building exceeds identified administrative use development by 23,082 square feet. However, the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (p. 8) allows the following: The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cap is not exceeded, this Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage strip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (i.e., Page 2 Genia Garcia October 7, 1997 square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Volume I of the draft EIR for the Hoag Master Plan (Table 4.6B — Hoag Hospital Phase I Trip Generation) establishes the following trip generation rates and corresponding quantities for Phase I development: TRIP GENERATION FOR PHASE I Peak Hour DEVELOPMENT Peak Hour Tnp Generation Rate Tnp Generation Daily Daily AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM VM URAL Type &LL Ices In 0111 In QW a out In 2u3 Outpatient Services 115.0 TSF 29.90 3,439 1.00 0.42 0.67 1.06 115 48 77 122 Inpatient Services 0.0 TSF 15.74 0 0.80 0.31 0.31 0.44 0 0 0 0 Support Services 55.0 TSF 13.00 715 1.90 0.30 0.60 1.70 105 17 33 94 Admini- strative 300 TSF 45.00 1,350 0.60 0.20 0.80 2.50 18 6 24 75 Subtotal Lower Campus Phase I: 238 71 134 290 Subtotal Upper Campus Phase I: 117 46 52 78 Total Phase I: 355 117 186 368 Utilizing the above trip generation rates (for PM peak hour) for the 23,082 square feet of administrative use not projected for Phase I Lower Campus development, yields the following PM peak hour trips associated with administrative uses: Inbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 0.80 Outbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 2.50 (23,082 divided by 1,000 X 0.80) + (23,082 divided by 1,000 X 2.50) = 18 + 58 = 76 PM peak hour trips from additional square footage of administrative use The total PM peak hour trip generation for the administrative use component of the Support Services Building is equal to the trip generation anticipated in the draft EIR for administrative uses (based on 30,000 square feet) of 99 trips (24 inbound PM peak trips plus 75 outbound PM peak trips) and the additional PM peak hour trips associated with the additional 23,082 square feet of administrative use (76 trips), or 175 total PM peak hour trips. Utilizing the above trip generation rates (for PM peak hour) for the 34,474 square feet of support services use yields the following PM peak hour trips: Page 3 • Genia Garcia October 7, 1997 - Inbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 0.60 - Outbound PM rate (per thousand square feet) = 1.70 (34,474 divided by 1,000 X 0.60) + (34,474 divided by 1,000 X 1.70) _ 21 + 59 = 80 PM peak hour trips associated with support services uses Therefore, the total PM peak hour trip generation for the Support Services Building is 255 trips (175 for administrative uses + 80 for support services uses). The remaining PM peak hour trip budget for Phase I development on the Lower Campus is 169 (424 — 255). Sincerely, 4£lC/-4A"'o,r+ Leif Thompson Vice President Facilities Design and Construction PEBI 11 February 5, 1998 Russell Cheek Fire Inspector Fire Department f City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Support Services Building — Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Dear Mr. Cheek: RECEIVED BY 1LANNING DEPARTMENT r1TV OF NEWPORT BEACH Q FEB 0 G 1998 Pf4 � �tMl►!���td Genia Garcia requested that I provide you with copies of documentation related to mitigation measures applicable to the Support Services Building that was previously submitted to the City as part of the grading and building permit application package on October 24, 1997. The enclosed documents are required to be approved by the Fire Department, and include the following: 1. GeoScience Analytical, Inc., "Site Health and Safety Plan for the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan, Newport Beach, CA," October 10, 1997 (in support of Mitigation Measure #53). 2. GeoScience Analytical, Inc., letter dated October 9, 1997 (in support of Mitigation Measure #68). 3. GeoScience Analytical, Inc., "Environmental Audit, Lower Campus, Mitigation Measure #69, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Newport Beach, CA," January 17, 1997, and update letter from GeoScience Analytical, Inc., dated October 9, 1997. 4. GeoScience Analytical, Inc., letter dated October 9, 1997, (in support of Mitigation Measure #72). 5. GeoScience Analytical, Inc., "Support Services Building, Lower Campus, Mitigation Measure 9172, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Newport Beach, CA," May 21, 1996, and update letter from GeoScience Analytical, Inc., dated October 20, 1997. If you have any questions on the above information, or require additional documents, please feel free to contact me. Si cerely, —1 Peri Muretta C: GSFu'a_Ga[caa,_Plan—nWg-Depamtent David Jacobson, Nadel Architects, Inc. Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital 3 R r c A I U M I S S I O N V I E J O C A L 7 1 4/ 5 8 8 1) 11 I V L I F O R t1 I A 9 2 6 9 2 6 0 9 0 • January 29, 1998 Rick Higley C/O Building Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Hoag Hospital's Support Services Building Dear Mr. Higley: REGWVPW W •iLANNING DEPARTMENT PITY OF NEWPORT BEACH yip JANg 3 01998 4!�pfSPa{�R4iC!,9•4.ibfi(� 8, As we discussed yesterday, I have made copies of the documentation in support of the mitigation measures that are applicable to your review of the Support Services Building. These documents include: 1. "Revised Report of Geotechical Investigation, Proposed Support Services Development," Law/Crandall, October 21, 1997. 2. "Lower Campus Support Services Building, Mitigation Measure #53, Site Safety Plan," GeoScience Analytical, Inc., October 10, 1997. 3. "Lower Campus Support Services Building, Mitigation Measure #69," Partial Environmental Audit," GeoScience Analytical, Inc., October 9, 1997. 4. Letters from GeoScience Analytical, Inc., addressing mitigation measures #68, #70 and #71 (related to methane gas collection system). It is my understanding that as part of your plan review, you did not receive the methane gas -related plans for the Support Services Building. I have, therefore, also enclosed the following plans for your review: 1. Methane Gas Plans (Sheets # MG 1.00 - # MG 16.00). 2. Plumbing Plans (for information on the dewatering system and the methane gas collection system). If you have any questions, or require additional information, please fee free to contact me. joerel uretta Enclosure C: EGenis-Gaecia,-Aii ni g Department+l Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital David Jacobson, Nadel Architects 7 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S 1 0 N V I E J O C A L I E O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 7 1 4 1 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 1990 So. Bundy Dr. Fourth Floor Los Angeles California 90025 310.826 2100 The FAX 310.8260182 Nadel Partnership Inc, Architecture Planning Interiors 0 • Letter of Transmittal / V 1 am, � �,, •{_ �J - •.. •ter Nadel project no. �L)%. o %( . o O o i/ address 3�2 cc 06f�rorz_r via: ❑ FAX city o6w mie-r %fi r — 7-65�j - I % 6$ El messenger ❑ ups ❑ blueprinler ❑ pick-up attention �ewA G, /k12_ k A ❑ mail er j�0 (�1� we are sending you: ❑ herewith ❑ tracings ❑ specifications n ❑ under separate cover ❑ prints )Q —C` d' ✓o r� S these are: ❑ for your approval er your request ❑ for review and comment ❑ for use on job II enclosures listed above are not received, notify at once. c.c & IyfWi(1'e ❑ for your tiles PEBI A Ll ACCEIVCD By PLANNING UPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH J"N 14 W7 January 12, 1998 Ms. Genia Garcia Associate Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard NewportBeach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Mitigation Measures for Hoag Hospital's Support Services Building Dear Ms. Garcia: Mitigation measure #14 requires that Hoag Hospital obtain an NPDES for construction dewatering activities associated with its development projects, as required. On May 3, 1996, Hoag Hospital was issued an authorization for the discharge of wastewater associated with the Lower Campus Parking Lot. On October 23, 1997, Hoag requested that the Regional Water Quality Control Board amend Hoag's authorization to include the Support Services Building. Enclosed is a letter from the Regional Water Quality Control Board amending the construction dewatering authorization to include the Support Services Building. Mitigation measure #24 requires, among other things, that Hoag Hospital comply with provisions of any Coastal Development Permit issued by the California Coastal Commission for development on its Lower Campus. On October 7, 1997, the California Coastal Commission granted Hoag Hospital an amendment to its permit for development of the Support Services Building. Enclosed is a copy of the Notice of Intent to Issue Amendment to Permit for the Support Services Building. Hoag is in the process of fulfilling its Coastal Development Permit conditions, and a copy of the Permit will be provided to you once its is received. If you have any questions on the enclosed information, please feel free to contact me. Re 'cererlyA, i tc- Muretta Enclosure C: Leif Thompson 3 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S I O N V I E J O, C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 7 1 4/ 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 1990 So. Bundy Dr Fourth Floor Los Angeles California 90025 310.826.2100 FAX 826,0182 Nadel Architects Inc CONFERENCE REPORT June 13, 1997 PROJECT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No.: 97-071.00; Hoag No. 1251.56 MEETING HELD: Architecture Planning Interiors RLUCIV U uY ATTENDEES: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AM jum 16 1997 FM 71819110111112111213AI r6 tk PURPOSE OF MEETING: On Thursday, June 12, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. at Newport Beach City Hall. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - PLANNING Genia Garcia PERT MURETTA Peri Muretta NADEL ARCHITECTS, INC. David Jacobson To review specific questions regarding mitigation measures. ITEMS DISCUSSED AND REVIEWED: Garage Decorative Trellis and Setback Line: The discussion dealt with the trellis at the eastern most bays of the garage projecting beyond the setback line. After review of the details, Genia set forth the following guidelines: a. All cables for the trellis must be behind the setback line. b. The trellis eaves could project out beyond the setback line at the eastern most bays, say, three or four out of the ten bays total. c. NADEL to send a follow-up letter with the survey showing exactly the degree of penetration beyond the setback line. 2. Height Zone Dividing Line: With the repositioning of the building on the site, the line that was established on a plus or minus basis cuts over the northeast comer of the office building by approximately 5 ft. in an east -west dimension. The development criteria is general in nature, and therefore, some flexibility in the order of magnitude of 5 ft. is certainly reasonable. The portion of the building that penetrates is at 48 ft. vs. the maximum 45 ft. This is lower than the adjacent height limitation of 51 ft. a. When the view corridor study is updated, also plot the exact location of the corner of the building vis-a-vis the current height dividing line location. 0 • CONFERENCE REPORT Hoag Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No. 97-071.00; Hoag No. 1251.56 June 13, 1997 Page 2 b. Do not move the limit line as currently shown, but the exception seems to be within the latitude that the development guidelines anticipated. c. Plot and send the current northeast corner configuration as soon as possible. 3. Clean Roof Design: The current design with the limited number of exhaust fans which are integrated into the roof architecture was presented. In addition, the various methane venting pipes and toilet vents which will penetrate the roof were also discussed. Genia felt current design is within the intent of mitigation Measure No. 46. 4. Parking Structure and Site Light Fixture: The proposed light fixture and the potential constraints were discussed. Mitigation Measure No. 44 and the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations for Hoag Hospital, page 17, paragraph e, Lighting, discuss the requirements that the light source needs to be concealed and light spillage and glare minimized to adjacent residential uses. Genia interprets this to mean that the light source should not project below the fixture body and that any spillage off the garage deck should be minimized. Since the fixture proposed has a recessed bulb and lense, this fixture should be acceptable. The electrical engineer will do the photometric studies and submit this with the final light fixture selection as soon as possible. 5. The bike locker locations on various levels of the parking structure and the car-pool locations on the roof and level P-2 were reviewed and accepted. This is also an issue for the Traffic Engineering Division to review. 6. Area Calculations: The slightly larger building was discussed. NADEL requested a clarification of the measurement standards for gross floor area, etc. NADEL was given sections of 20.03.6 definitions for the calculation of trip generation and Page 20.63.03 for definition of gross floor area as it applies to floor area ratios (F.A.R.) and parking requirements. NADEL will redo these numbers and color in a set of small-scale plans for Peri Muretta to submit to Planning. CONFERENCE REPORT Hoag Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No. 97-071.00; Hoag No. 1251.56 June 13, 1997 Page 3 Kindly advise the writer of any errors or misunderstandings of the conference as represented herein. In the absence of any such comment in writing within the next five days, the foregoing will be assumed to be correct, and we shall proceed with the project as noted above. Respectfully submitted by: NADEL ARCHITECTS, INC. D d K. Ja bson, .I.A/ Ice Preside Enclosures cc: Attendees Don Dildine - Nadel Architects, Inc. Leif Thompson - Hoag Hospital Greg McClure - Hoag Hospital David Boyle - Boyle Engineering Jim Proctor - Frederick Brown Associates DJ:ht cr197071cr.613 Page 20.03-6 Definitions compliance the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and its implementing guidelines. Exemptiom Categorical: An exception from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a class of projects, based on a finding by the California Secretary for Resources that the class of projects does not have a significant effect on the environment. Family: Two or more persons living as a single housekeeping unit within a dwelling unit. The term "family" shall not apply to residential care facilities for six or fewer developmentally disable, mentally disordered, or otherwise handicapped persons. Floor Finished: The surface of a floor after the final installation or application of floor coverings or 2 other surfacing materials. O F Floor Area, Gross: The total enclosed area of all floors of a building measured to the outside face 1 of the structural members in exterior walls, and including halls, stairways, elevator shafts at each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, and basement or attic areas having a height of more �- than 7 feet (see Chapter 20.63: Floor Area Ratios and Building Bulk and Chapter 20.66: Off -Street rV„ Parking and Loading for variations of this term for purposes determining floor area ratio and parking requirements). Floor Area. Net: The area included within the surrounding walls of a building, exclusive of vent shafts, elevator shafts, stairways, exterior corridors or balconies, rooms containing only mechanical and electrical equipment used for service of the building, utility shafts and parking. Floor Area, Net Public: (See Area, Net Public). Floor Area Ratio (FAR): The gross floor area of a building or buildings on a lot divided by the lot area or site area. Frontage: The side of a lot abutting a street. Frontage. Reversed: A key lot or the first lot to the rear of a corner lot, the front lot line of which is a continuation of the side lot line of the corner lot and fronting on the street which intersects the street upon which the corner lot fronts and/or which faces the street upon which the side of a corner lot abuts. General Plan: The City of Newport Beach General Plan, as amended. Grade. Existing: The surface of the ground or pavement at a stated location as it exists prior to disturbance in preparation for a project regulated by this code. Grade. Finished: The surface of the ground or pavement at a stated location which exists after disturbance in preparation for a project regulated by this code. CHAPTER 20.66 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS Sections: Page 20.66-1 Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations 20.66.010 Purpose 20.66.020 Basic Requirements for Off -Street Parking and Loading 20.66.030 Off -Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required 20.66.040 Parking Standards for Residential Districts 20.66.050 Parking Standards for Commercial and Industrial Districts 20.66.060 Parking Requirement for Office Buildings Based on Size of Parking Pool 20.66.070 Parking Requirement for Eating and Drinking Establishments and Cabarets and Nightclubs 20.66.080 Off -Street Parking on a Separate Lot 20.66.090 Parking Requirement for Shopping Centers 20.66.100 Modification or Waiver of Off -Street Parking Requirements 20.66.110 Parking Management Districts 20.66.010 Purpose The specific purposes of the off-street parking and loading regulations are to: A. Ensure that off-street parking and loading facilities are provided for new land uses and for major alterations and enlargements of existing uses in proportion to the need for such facilities created by each use. B. Establish parking standards for uses consistent with need and with feasibility of providing parking on specific sites. C. Ensure that off-street parking and loading facilities are designed in a manner that will ensure efficiency, protect the public safety, and, where appropriate, insulate surrounding land uses from adverse impacts. 20.66.020 Basic Requirements for Off -Street Parking and Loading A. When Required. At the time of initial occupancy of a site, construction of a structure or alteration or enlargement of a site or structure. B. NonconformingParking arking or Loading. Land uses and structures which are non- conforming due solely to the lack of off-street parking or loading facilities required 0 Page 20.66-2 Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations by this chapter, shall be subject to the provisions of Section 20.62.060: Nonconforming Parking. C. Calculation of Spaces Required. 1. Fractional parking space requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole space. 2. Fractional loading berth requirements shall be rounded down to the next whole space, and no berth shall be required for a fraction less than one. Where bench seating or pews are provided, 18 linear inches of seating shall be considered to constitute a seat. 4. References to spaces per square foot are to be calculated on the basis of gross floor area unless otherwise specified. 5. References to spaces per employee are to be calculated on the basis of peak employment. 6. "Net Public Area" shall be defined as the total area of Eating and Drinking Establishment or Cabarets and Nightclubs, excluding kitchens, restrooms, offices pertaining to the use only, and storage areas. 7. References to spaces per occupant are to be calculated on the basis of maximum occupancy approved by the City of Newport Beach Fire Department. D. Spaces Required for Multiple Uses. If more than one use is located on a site, the number of off-street parking spaces and loading berths to be provided shall be equal to the sum of the requirements prescribed for each use. 20.66.030 Off -Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accord with the following schedule. Where the use is undetermined, the Planning Director shall determine the probable use and number of parking and loading spaces required. In order to make this determination, the Planning Director may require the submission of survey data from the applicant or collected at the applicant's expense. Page20.63-2 Floor Area Rados and Building Bulk 20.63.030 Definitions For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. Base Development Allocation. The total square footage of a site or a statistical area multiplied by 0.5. B. Base FAR Use. A use which shall be permitted to develop at a floor area ratio of 0.5, and includes those uses specified in Table 20.63. C. Building Bulk. The visual and physical mass of a building, calculated in accordance with Section 20.63.060. N4 D. Decreased Site. A parcel of land from which development rights are transferred. E. Floor Area Ratio fFAR). The ratio of gross floor area of all uses on a site to the total square footage of the site. F. Gross Floor Area. For purposes of this chapter, gross floor area shall be defined as the area of a building or portion thereof including the surrounding exterior walls, except that outdoor dining areas utilized in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment shall also be included. Any finished portion of a building which measures more than 4 feet from finished floor to ceiling and is accessible shall be included in calculations of gross floor area. 9.. Areas utilized for stair wells and elevator shafts shall be counted towards gross floor area on only the first level. G. Increased Site. A parcel of land to which development rights are transferred H. Maximum FAR Use. A use which may be permitted to develop up to the maximum floor area ratio as listed in Table 20.63 and as otherwise provided herein. I. Maximum Floor Area,Ratio A floor area ratio of 0.75 or 1.0 which may be permitted in certain cases as specified in Section 20.63.040 (B), Section 20.63.040 (C) and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. J. Reduced FAR Use. A use which shall be limited to development at a floor area ratio of 0.3 as specified in Table 20.63. K. Statistical Area. A geographic planning area defined by the Land Use Element of the General Plan delineating intensity and/or density limits and major land use policies. FJ 1990 So. Bundy Dr Fourth Floor Los Angeles California 90025 310.826.2100 FAX 826.0182 Nadel Architects Inc CONFERENCE REPORT May 7, 1997 PROJECT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No.: 97-071.00 MEETING HELD: ArchilecWre Planning loledors ATTENDEES: RECEIVED ffr — PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH M MAY 12 1997 PM 'Y�81911011111211121S141g16 PURPOSE OF MEETING: On Tuesday, May 6, 1997 at 9:15 a.m. at the Newport Beach City Hall, Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT Genia Garcia MITIGATION MEASURE CONSULTANT Peri Muretta NADEL ARCHITECTS, INC. Don Dildine David Jacobson To review the changes to the building configuration, etc. ITEMS DISCUSSED AND REVIEWED: 1. Shift of Buildinq and Program on the Site: The attached diagrams were used to explain the reallocation of space and the shifting of the building on the site. After reviewing the changes, the project is still in substantial compliance. 2. Height of Site Light Fixtures: On top of the parking structure, we could use fewer light fixtures if they were taller than the height limitation. Anything that goes above the height limits would have to go before the Planning Commission. This would not be advisable. 3. Clean Roof Requirement: Some vents or exhaust fans are currently shown on the roof. No equipment will be permitted. We discussed the exclusion of stairs and skylights from this requirement, which seemed reasonable. Any vents or equipment will be clustered into an architectural element, perhaps under a louvered enclosure. As an alternative, methane vents could be built into the parapet where they do not stand out as a freestanding element. NADEL to review these elements with consulting engineers and submit the proposed solution to planning for review. 4. Site Lighting: Should be directed downward and shielded. Planning would like to see the specific fixture and specification as well as a statement from the lighting engineer. NADEL should talk to Mike McLean -of Taylor & Associates regarding the west parking lot project's experience. .01 CONFERENCE REPORT Hoag Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No. 97-071.00 May 7,1997 Page 2 a. The specific type of light (lower pressure sodium vs. metal halide) is not a City issue. Kindly advise the writer of any errors or misunderstandings of the conference as represented herein. In the absence of any such comment in writing within the next five days, the foregoing will be assumed to'be correct, and we shall proceed with the project as noted above. Respectfully submitted by: NADEL ARCHITECTS, INC. I'M Enclosures cc: Attendees Leif Thompson/Hoag Hospital Greg McClure/Hoag Hospital Louis PandoifUGSA Don Harrisberger/Tsuchiyama & Kaino Jim Proctor/FBA DIM c197071.m7 CAMPUS ROAD A/C PLANT .9ERUED . SECTION A -A J (lz6v, 5/05/ 1 E COMA CENTER 1OFFICE f DATA CENTER _ OFFICE IWO J D 1IJ!111F. pl ROAD WCH •20PARKING i20' f22.5' iB 65' '10 PARKING PARRK NG SECTION B-B 5//7T� F�V 1 c 1v sc o fEM HEIGHTUNE Is• I 250' _ 61e �ieY Teutw _� coNF• +D �I Y,I J B CAMPUS ROAD wc�PKG MOTOR COURT f20' n8' 9 s 3TGR r s s YcoNFEII�NGF i VI Pe I SECTION C-CCK4F-q 5/051%7 • E D C B X NE {St.51' LINE 1 HS' CAMPUS 150. s' I tsp —" ROAD AIC PLANT ERMED +51, YOTON DATA - ,p {qp' COURT PARKING {I5.5' SSxTv "At" 7C7SECTION A-AE D b aI SECTION B-B pet 0?� 1el� CAMPUS AD CA MPUS A ROAD aK5 WOTOR CONifi2u a VB.S' _e 5PAPt y: v��w li SECTION C-C • Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building NADEL No. 97-081; Hoag No. 1251.56 . May 22, 1997 �Y Y:a:OFt?l;;<. . zx; 'P,•HEHIOUS CURRENT.. _; R> EIT Conference Level 11,160 15,451.03 15,956.20 Conf./Mezzanine 3,526.65 3,526.65 First Floor 21,526 19,929.88 21,008.06 Second Floor 23,849 22,923.91 24,514.35 Third Floor 22,802 23,273,81 24,106.77 TOTAL (1)799337 (1) 85,105.28 (2) 89,112.03 S.F. '`;�A"�AG�E�A•'F;E%���;' <°`I�RENIOl1Sr,�� �< •CUFiF.tEA[t`;:� �•+��GCJFtRE `' P-4 25,333.53 25,711.96 P-3 38,816 25,046.44 25,713.19 P-2 38,728 25,028.07 25,845.64 P-1 27,87.1 25,158.09 25,763.39 TOTAL 105,415 (1)100,566.13 103,034.08 S.F. Note: Garage areas do not include the roof level. PARKING`SPACES' - PREVIOUS': :- CURREt P-4 -- 78 P-3 81 75 P-2 120 69 P-1 123 66 Roof 85 82 TOTAL 409 370 (1) Adjusted gross square footage —not including vertical circulation. (2) Gross square footage. ON schisp Nmss.513 z.r--r- -.� - ;`:.+I^+-�• a -x�. r Ordering Infor Trion - AR Mc *l Mogul Base - 150 to 400 Watt Ordering Guide 1 7 j Fixture and pole are described - by a single number sequence . 1� \ as illustrated at right. `\e" 6, 10 2B / AR3 / 250BPS277 / BL-P / IS / TB / PRA30.6188B / BL-P / VSF Example 9 S taf us ur SnretOptrLfkbtrrGrp 1 Mounting Arrangements � H Cat. No. 1A Cat. No. 2B, Cat. No. 2L EPA -1.2 EPA -2.4 EPA -2.0 Cat. No. 1W Cat. No. 3T Cat. No. 4C WallMount EPA -3.2 EPA -3.9 7 Fixture Catalog number indicates light distribution. Cat. No. AR2 Type lI Cat. No. AR4 •`-;�? ti :." Type IV Forward Throw Cat. No. AR3 Type III No. ARS Type V Square �y j Electrical Module Ballast Module line Line Max. Lamp (by others) Cat. No. Volts Watts Amps. 150 Watt Clear 15011PS120 120 170 2.25 High Pressure Sodium 150HPS208 208 188 1.15 E23!•: Mogul Base 150EPS240 240 188 1.00 55 Volt 1SOWS277 277 188 0.85 150HPS347 347 IN 0.56 150HPS480 480 188 0.50 250 Watt Clear 250HPS120 120 295 - 2.70 High Pressure Sodium 250HFS208 208 295 1.50 E18 Mogul Base 250HPS240 240 295 1.30 25OWS277 277 295 1.15 250HPS347 347 295 0.93 250HPS480 480 295 0.65 400 Watt Clear 400HPS120 120 457 3.80 High Pressure Sodium 400E PS208 208 457 2.20 E18 Mogul Base 400HPS240 240 457 1.90 400MIS277 2T 457 1.70 4001HPS347 347 457 1.32 400HPS480 480 457 1.00 175 Watt Clear 175MU120 120 215 1.80 Metal Halide 175MH2O8 208 215 1.05 B778 or ED28 175MH240 240 215 0.90 Pin -Oriented 175MH277 277 215 0.80 Mogul Base 175MH347 347 215 0.65 175MH480 480 215 0.45 250 Watt Clear 250MH120 120 295 2.60 Metal Halide 250MH2O8 208 295 1.50• BT28 or ED28 2SOMH240 240 295 1.30 Pin Oriented 250MH277 2.7 295 1.10 Mogul Base 250MH347 347 290 0.90 250MH480 480 295 0.65 400 Watt Clear 40OSMH720 120 458 4.00 Metal Halide 400SMH2O8 208 458 2.30 ED28' Pin -Oriented 400SMH240 240 458 2.00 Mogul Base 400SMH277 277 458 1.75 Small Outcr jacket 400SMH347 347 458 1.40 400SMH480 480 458 1.00 'Lamp available from Klm: MS400/HOR/ED28 Venture High -Output horizontal burning metal halide: 400W: 40.000 lumen: 40 W °K: 20.000 hr. See the AR Photometric Catalog for selection of fixture and mounting arrangement based on photometric performance. Specifications - -AEI. Model • Mogul Base - 150 to 400 Watt Certification Underwriters laboratories listed (120. 208. 240. 277 and 480 volt only) and Canadian Standards Association certified (120 and 347 volt only) for wet locations. Housing: One piece die cast aluminum with integral cooling - fins over the optical chamber and electrical compartment. Solid barrier wall separates optical and electrical compartments. Double -thick wall with gussets on the support -arm mounting end. Housing forms a half -cylinder shape with 55' front face plane providing a recess to allow a flush single -latch detail. All hardware is stainless steel or electnrzinc plated steel. Lens Frame and Latch: One piece die cast aluminum lens ftme with 1" minimum depth around the gasket flange. Integral hinges with stainless steel pins provide no -tool mounting and removal from housing. Single die cast aluminum cam -latch provides positive locking and sealing of the optical chamber by a one piece extruded and vulcanized silicone gasket. Clear '/o" thick tempered glass lens retained by eight stainless steel clips with full silicone gasketing around the perimeter. Reflector Module: Specular Alzak` optical segments rigidly tn^•mted in an aluminum frame which attaches to housing one piece module. Reflector module is freld-rotatable it. .r" increments. All BPS sockets are porcelain mogul base rated 4KV. MH sockets are pin -oriented and include a molded silicone lamp stabilizer. All sockets are factory prewired to a quick - disconnect plug and include a wim seal through the barrier wall. Available in four light distributions. all interchangeable within the same housing. Electrical Module: All electrical components are UL recognized, mounted on a single plate and factory prcwired with quick -disconnect plugs. Eectrical Module attaches to housing with no -tool hinges and latches, accessible 'by opening die lens frame only. All ballasts are high power factor rated for -20°F. stating. Support Arm: One piece extruded aluminum with internal bolt guides and fully radlussed top and bottom. Luminaire-to-pole attachment is by internal draw bolts. and includes a pole reinforcing plate with wire strain relief. Arm is circular cut for specified round pole. Finish: Housing, lens frame, latch and support arm are matching TGIC thermoset polyester powder coat paint available in' black, dark bronze, light gray or white. Powder ng is 2.5 mil nominal thickness, and all components are oughiy cleaned and primed with a protective chromate conversion coating prior to powder coating. See copy at righL .far�y: 22%" .---q .flax fixture ult. (400HPS)-451bs. Id" I L= Type VSgrvre Warning: Fixtures must be grounded in accordance wltb local codes or the National Electrical Code. Failure to do so mail result in serious personallnjury. -Fora!! standard pole mounts 0 d„ field splices are made at L the pole top. H -Powder coating. 25 mil nominal tbickness Chromate conversion coating. Best known preparation of aluminum for paten adbeslon and retardation of oxidation. LGP ' r±!�. s WH-P -�• ..'-rani I. it E W&H Mounting: (For poured concrete walls only) Modified 41, sdppbrt arm with side access hole to "o d splices within3VE rl Malt embedment the arm, Wall embedment bracket plc d ccept draw -bolts. q,,," bracket fbreast'Trim plate provided to cover wallcmbedded J-box, finished to y tu'i" positioning and match fixture and arm. securing during concntepour. 3 f4xwin UU00.v bns Optional photocell Receptade: Factory prewired receptacle installed directly above electrical compartment with full gasketing around the perimeter. For multiple fixture mountings (250W or less), one fixture has a photocell receptacle to operate the others. Four 40OW fixtures require two fixtures with photocell receptacles. NEMA base photocells by others. Optional Polyrarhonate Shield: One piece vacuum formed clear UV stabilized polycarbonate enclosure replaces standard tempered glass lens. Fully gasketed cylindrical enclosure with 55" back face to match fixture housing. 250 Watt maximum (see note at right). CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight and metal halide lamps. Optional Hotoevide Shield: (For AR2, AR3 and AR4 only) Stamped aluminum shield with bypass'louvers for stmctside light. Louvers block houseside light from lamp. Clear anodized finish. Attaches to lens frame interior on any four sides to insure cotim orientation with reflector. Black anodized panel added to reflector to reduce houseside reflections. Use with clear Lamps only, effectiveness is reduced with coated lamps. Optional TamperResistant !(Melt: Standard die cast latch is provided with a captive 10.32 stainless steel flat socket head screw to prevent unauthorized opening. Note: Required only for vandal protection in locations where fixtures can be reached by unauthorized persons. Optional Vertical SHptitter Mount: Allows standard fixture and support arm to be mounted to poles having a 2" pipe size tenon (2.11s" O.D. x 414" min. length). Anv mounting used arrangement can be (1A, 2B. 2L. 3T or 4C). 4" dia. cast aluminum with flush cap, secured by (4) W stainless, steel set point allen screws. Finished to match fixture and arm. Special Options for Street Lighting Optional Terminal Block: (For field wire connections) 85 AMP, 600 Volt box clamp terminal block mounted to housing inside electrical compartment. Accepts =144 wire. Factory prewired to ballast module disconnect plug. Optional Air Filter. Allows optical chamber to ventilate. filtering out all air particles above 500 microns. Multi -layer disc assembly mounted in solid wail between optical compartment and latch cavity. Optional Horizontal Slipfitter Mount: Cast aluminum clamp-r pe sliptitter mount with single set screw anti -rotation lock. Bolts to housing from inside electrical compartment using mounting (toles for standard support arm. Fitter clamps to any horizontal pole davit -arm with 2" pipe size mounting end (21:" O.D.). NEVA base photocells mount dlrectlr above electrical compartment. •� ,z yy��,, Photocells by others, Notet.Hay be used with 400WHPS hr outdoor locations Awl where ambient air -r- !/ temperature during 4" fixture operation Polycar bonate Shield will not emceed 85°F. mgw� Captive stainlessAc, steel 10.32 flatsocket^head screw. Vertical SUpf Uer Mount 1—Stahiless Pole ufltb 20plpe size by Kim. U steel set tenon bi' others screms Detail Horizontal Block DaNt ann ielib 2"pipe size fixture mount by others: K I M ' I4 Finish 5 Optional Polycarbonate Shield TGIC thermoset polyester CaL No. Color One piece vacuum formed clear powder coat print applied over a BL-P Black. UV stabilized polycarbonate chromate conversion coating to DB-P Dark Bronze, enclosure replaces standard housing, lens frame. latch and resembles 313 tempered glass lens. 250 Watt support arm. Select pole finish Duranodic' in cdlot maximum (see specs for higher CAUTION: Use only Notet .flay be used from pole spec s1eeL LG P Light Gray when vandalism is anticipated to udtb 400 HPS In outdoor when WH•P White. be high. Useful life is limited by locations ubere ambient UV discoloration from sunlight air temperature during and metal halide lamps. jUttae operation will not. Cat No. LS exceed 85OF. I6 Optional Photocell Receptacle Factory prewired receptacle installed direc[ty above electrical compartment with full gasketing. For multiple fixture mountings (250W. and less), one fixture is supplied with a thell Fos acle-to400W. operate the others. Four d00W. f(xtuns -� require two fixtures with photocell receptacle. NEMA base photocells by othets. Cat No. A 25 7 Optional Houseside Shield For AR2. AR3 and AR4 fixtures only. Stamped aluminum shield _ with bypass louvers for 4 stree[side light. Attaches to lens Uh frame interior on an)• of four sides to insure correct - orientation with reflector. Black anodized panel added to reflector Note: Use for clear lautps on(y[ to reduce houwside reflections. Effectiveness is reduced for Cat No. HS coated lautps 9 Special Options for Street Lighting Terminall3lock 85 AMP, 600 Volt box champ for field wire connections. Mounted to housing inside electrical compartment and factory prewired to electrical module disconnect plug. Accepts -1.1-4 wire. Cat No. TB 10 Poles See Kim pole specifi- cation sheets designated for Alt fixtures. Round Pole Tipes. .411t111. Steel Altus. steel .Volt. Non. Tapered Tapered Tapered Tiupered Kim .spry. shet•t: PRA' KRS LTRA PM • bl/L llv• '••ail:. ullrr Ids" he used) Mounting sit W-IAor 1W Arrangements Fixture with H phacell L�2B receptacle 2L + + dndr_ slave uaNt(s) 3T 4C dC Wattage Per I 70.400W. I 70.250W. I 4W W. Fixture S Optional Tamper -Resistant Latch_ Standard latch is provided steel with a captive 1032 stateless steel flat . ; •` ..: socket -head screw to prevent unauthorized opening. CaL No. TL Air Filter permits optical chamber to breath. Filters out all air panicles above 500 microns. Mounted in solid Note: Required oull' for twndal protection in locations u'bere fCrutres can be reacbed br uu- autborized persous Horizontal SBpBtter Mount for horizontal pole davit -arm with 2" pipe size mounting end (21V O.DJ. Cast aluminum with wall between optical clamp -type action and single set compartment and latch cavity. screw anti -rotation lock. Bolts to housing from inside electrical Cat No. AF compartment. Cat No. HSF 11 Vertical Slipfitter Mount Allows standard fixture and - support arm to be mounted to poles having a 2" pipe size tenon (21 n O.D. x 4 i_" min. length). +iiu Any mounting arrangement can be used (IA. 2B. 2L. 3T or 4C). d" dia. cast aluminum with flush cap, secured by (4) !v stainless steel set point allen screws. Finished to match fixture. (:at N0. VSF K I M t? ,.r,yn"IG 45 0 Am6 Building Elevation: 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. Building Envelops: the volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Building Heieht: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emergency Room: a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Fat Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof. Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Inpatient Uses: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. Landscape Area: the landscape area shall include on -site walks, plazas, water, rooftop May 26, IM 4 0 0 landscaping and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: for the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2. Net - parcel area after dedications. Special Landscaped Street: West Coast Highway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets: reference to all streets or rights -of -way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights -of -way. May 26,1992 5 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Project Characteristics The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire condominiums) to the west. The lower campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. The Development Plan includes a 0.8 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums. This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear park area adjacent to the bike path (approximately 0.5 acres) and a consoljdated view park at the westerly edge of the property (approxi- mately 0.3 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing bike trails at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the lower campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. Exhibit 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. May 26, IM 6 LEGEND AREA OF DEVELOPMENT Hos�rt�� 0 AVENUE -- �- SUPERIOR � I �-��� �- �, ... •----" illy --�- WEST COAST . PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN IOAO sS V% HIGHWAY 5 �� i m 2 f O y o EXHDiR 1 The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cap is not exceeded, this Development Plan. allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage and trip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (i.e., square feet) or the trip generation limit for the'Veak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the total square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowed under the Development Plan is not exceeded. May 26, 1992 8 LEGEND ® PRIMARY ACCESS (SIGNALIZED) ® SECONDARY ACCESS ® SERVICE ACCESS PUBLIC CIRCULATION STAFF / SERVICE CIRCULATION j � � SUP»IOK VEHICULAR ACCESS .O HOAG MEMORIAL .�O��OAD / U � \ z K i W1 HIGHWAY �— __ . WEST �n AL PRES ERIAN oCf l . • EXHIBIT 2 _'.� A • Table 1 • STATISTICAL ANALYSIS' Use Square Feet Lower Campus Existing: Outpatient Services (Hoag Cancer Center) 650000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal: 72,800 Phase I: Outpatient Services 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases II & III: Subtotal: 305,089 Total Lower Campus 577,889 Upper Campus Existing: 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 Subtotal: 140,000 Phases II & III: 145,349 Total Upper Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,34312383 1 Full development of the upper and lower campuses is anticipated to occur over an approximate 20-year period and will likely occur in three, seven-year phases. 2 Up to 50% of the existing upper campus may be redeveloped by master plan buildout. 3 Based on development allowed under the General Plan at a floor area ratio to gross site area of .65 for the lower campus and 1.0 for the upper campus. Building Bulk limit for the laver campus is 0.90 for all structures which includes above grade covered parking. May 26, 1992 10 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by definition. Prior to the issuance of a building permit; plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i. Outpatient services: • Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center • Skilled Nursing o Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback • Breast Imaging Center • CT Scan • Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory o First Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.I. Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging o Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy o Pediatrics o Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Pulmonary Services May 26,1M 11 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy • Sleep Disorder Center • Speech Therapy • Ultrasound ii. Administration: • Admitting • Auxiliary Office • Business Offices • Information • Registration • Patient Relations • Social Services in. Support Services: • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechanical/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services • Cashier • Chapel/Chaplaincy Service • Conference Center • Dietitian • Gift Shop • Laboratory • Medical Library • Medical Records • Pharmacy • Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving • Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care May 26, IM 12 0 r V. Medical/Support Offices b) Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. c) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d) ' Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 2. Upper Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Care Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology • Cardiac Care Unit • Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit • Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology • Laboratory • Pharmacy ii) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus iv) Support services as allowed on the lower campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. May 26, IM 13 B. Prohibited Us 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport C. Maximum Building Heieht The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 which established the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not -to exceed the existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level).' 2. Upper Campus Midrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed 140 feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (57.5 feet above mean sea level). D. Setbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. 1. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Seafaire Condominiums, as defined below: al Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20' minimum building setback. May 26, IM 14 • 0 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet:) May 26, IM In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 3Z in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet.. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 3T in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional- ly, 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 0 0 10% of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTrans east property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4. A 20 foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. Aten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Lightine The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. Signs All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H. Parkin All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. May 26, 1992 1 17 I. UndsWe All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. J. Mechanical and Trash Enclosures Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened, from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. K Internal Circulation 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (i.e. 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.), signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods to restrict use. The Hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (i.e. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the grading permit. If such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided - that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. If operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 2. The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and staff, and service vehicles. May M, inn 18 0 L. Loading Dock Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implica- tions of enclosing the loading dock area If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. May 26, IM 1 19 VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. Purpose and Intent 1. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L. C. Number of Signs Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject May 26, IM 20 to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Secondary identification signs shall be allowed. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of 49' average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed thirty-five (35) square feet. This sign may occur as a wall sign to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced or double-faced sign. This sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thickness) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation. The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. S. On the lower campus, one (1) building -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafaire property. Such signs will be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. May as, IM 21 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS AGeneral 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on -site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Offstreet Parking Parking requirements for specific sites, shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functions. Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area limitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement. May 26, IM 22 Outpatient Services Support Administratipe Residential Care Medical Offices Inpatient Table 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Parldng Requirements 2.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.25 spaces/1,000 square feet** Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. * * Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand. May 26, IM 23 0 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS AGeneral 1. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the "Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a building permit and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan may include a concept for the roofs and the parking structures. Trees shall not be used, but a planter box or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in -this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required and irregular groupings may add interest. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. May w, IM 24 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertiliza- tion, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system'should be part of regular maintenance. 5. Stakes,' guys and ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. Snecial Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A 15' building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage are allowed in the setback area. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landscape Zone The area between the Villa Balboa/Hoag property line and the loading dock service access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hardscape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. May zc, ivn 25' A rooftop landscaping program may be developed for parking structures and shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. Rooftop landscaping shall conform to height restrictions. May 26, 1992 26 IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement by the Planning Commission for certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General Plan and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital. B. Findings The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Aoulication Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section V.D.2. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. May 26, 1992 1 27 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P-C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 701.3. May 26,1992 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review, applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. { ~ 29 May 26, 1992 w I. Appeal to the City Council Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. I Action by the City Council An appeal shall be beard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. K Expiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Approv 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at r the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different I period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 3. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. t:\...\PIanneng\PCIEXT\HOAGHOSP May 26,1M -G HOAG HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN PROJECT AMENDMENT NO. 744 MITIGATION MEASURES MITIGATION MEASURE SUMMARY 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project sponsor shall document to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that grading and development of the site shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and with plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. These plan§ shall incorporate the recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist, subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans shall be furnished to the Building Department by the project sponsor. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project sponsor shall submit documen- tation to the City of Newport Beach Buildi%Department confirming that all cut slopes shall be monitored for potential instabilities by the project geotechnical engi- neer during all site grading and construction activities and strictly monitor the slopes in accordance with the documentation. ' 3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project sponsor shall provide to the City of Newport Beach a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation and report of the site prepared by a registered grading engineer and/or engineering geologist. This report shall also identify construction excavation techniques which ensure no damage and minimize disturbance to adjacent residents. This report shall determine if there are any faults on site which could render all of a portion of the property unsafe for construction. All recommendations contained in this investigation and report shall be incorporated into project construction and design plans. This report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. 4. Prior to the completion of the final design phase, the project sponsor shall demon- strate to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that all facilities will be designed and constructed to the seismic standards applicable to hospital related structures and as specified in the then current City adopted version of the Uniform Budding Code. 5. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits for each phase of development, the Building Department shall ensure that geotechnical recommendations included in "Report of Geotechnical Evaluation for Preparation of Master Plan and Envi- ronmental Impact Report, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Campus, 301 Newport Boulevard, Newport, California" as prepared by LeRoy Crandall Associates, June, 1989, and in the report prepared pursuant to Mitigation Measure 3, are fol- lowed. 6. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project sponsor shall conduct a soil corrosivity evaluation. This evaluation shall be conducted by an expert in the field of corrosivity. The site evaluation shall be designed to address soils to at least the depth to which excavation is planned. At a minimum, at least one sample from each soil type should be evaluated. 'Appropriate personnel protection shall be worn by field personnel during the field evaluation. In the event soils are found to be corrosive, the source and extent of the corrosive soils shall be determined, and all buildings and infrastructure shall be designed to control the potential impact of corrosive soils over time. 7. Based on the corrosion assessment and source determination, a soils and constr fiction material compatibility evaluation shall also be undertaken, concluding wijh the appropriate mitigation measures and design criteria. Corrosion resistant construction materials are commonly available and shall be used where the evaluation/assessment concludes that corrosive soils conditions could adversely impact normal construction materials or the materials used for the mitigation of subsurface gas conditions. For example, there are many elastomers and plastics, like PVC, which are resistant to corrosion by up to 70 percent sulfuric acid at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. 8. Should the soil be identified as hazardous due the severeness of their corrosivity (i.e., a PH less than 2.5), on -site remediation by neutralization shall be undertaken prior to construction. Appropriate regulatory agency approvals and permits shall also be obtained. 9. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project sponsor shall ensure that a construc- tion erosion control plan is submitted to and approved by the City of Newport Beach that is consistent with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and includes procedures to minimize potential impacts of silt, debris, dust and other water pol- lutants. These procedures may include: • the replanting of exposed slopes within 30 days after grading or as required by the City Engineer. the use of sandbags to slow the velocity of or divert stormflows, the limiting of grading to the non -rainy season. The project sponsor shall strictly adhere to the approved construction erosion control plan and compliance shall be monitored on an on -going basis by the Newport Beach Building Department. 10. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project sponsor shall submit a landscape Plan which includes a maintenance program to control the use of fertilizers and pesti- cides, and an irrigation system designed to minimize surface runoff and overwatering. 2 This plan shall be reviewed by the Department of Parks, Beaches and Recreation and approved by the City of Newport Beach Planning Department. The project sponsor shall install landscaping in strict compliance with the approved plan. 11. The pioject sponsor shall continue the current practice of routine vacuuming of all existing parking lots and structures and shall also routinely vacuum all future parking lots and structures at current frequencies. Upon implementation of the County of Orange Storm Water Master Plan, routine vacuuming shall be done in accordance with the requirements specified in the plan. 12. Upon completion of final building construction plans, and prior to the issuance of a grading permit for each phase of development, the project sponsor shall ensure that site hydrological analyses are conducted to verify that existing drainage facilities are adequate. The applicant shall submit a report to -the City of Newport Beach Building Department for approval, verifying the adequacy of the proposed facilities and documenting measures for the control of siltation and of erosive runoff velocities. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. 13. Prior to the completion of final construction plans, the project sponsor shall submit a comprehensive geotechnical/hydrologic study to the City of Newport Beach Build- ing Department, which includes data on groundwater. This study shall also deter- mine the necessity for a construction dewatering program and subdrain system. 14. Prior to the completion of final building construction plans for each phase of Lower Campus development, the project sponsor shall submit an application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for an NPDES permit if a construction dewatering or subdrain program is determined necessary by the Building Department based on the design and elevation of the foundation structures. Also, if dewatering is required by RWQCB, the project sponsor shall also conduct groundwater sampling and analysis, and submit it to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region. The results of this testing will assist in determining the specifications for the NPDES permit. The project sponsor shall strictly comply with all conditions of any NPDES Permit. 15. Project Sponsor shall strictly comply with its Hazardous Material and Waste Manage- ment Program and its Infectious Control Manual for all new activities associated with the proposed Master Plan, as well as strictly comply with all new regulations enacted between now and completion of the proposed Master Plan development. 16. The federal wetland regulations and requirements shall be reviewed by the City and the project sponsor at the time the proposed work is undertaken, and the project shall comply with all applicable laws concerning removal and mitigation of wetlands at that time, as required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the California 3 Coastal Commission. If this review results in a finding by the Resources Agencies involved in the permit processes that mitigation is required for impacts to the 1.07 acres of wetlands dominated by pampas grass, such mitigation will be accomplished as part of the mitigation required for impacts to sensitive wetland plant communities (Mitigation Measures 17 and 18). 17. The project sponsor shall prepare a comprehensive restoration and management plan for the wetland mitigation site as required by law. This plan will be submitted to the following agencies for their review and approval/ concurrence prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits for Master Plan development. • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service' • California Department of Fish and Game2 • City of Newport Beach 18. The resulting final mitigation plan shall be approved as part of the Coastal Develop- ment Permit for the project. The plan shall also be approved as part of the Corps Section 404 Permit and Streambed Alteration Agreement, if applicable. A wetland mitigation plan approved by the appropriate agencies shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits for Master Plan development in any areas affecting wetlands. 19. The plan will be consistent with the following provisions: The amount of new wetlands created under the mitigation plan shall be at least of equal size to the area of sensitive wetland communities impacted by the project. The wildlife habitat values in the newly created wetlands shall not be less than those lost as the result of removal of sensitive wetland com- munities impacted by the project. Under the existing regulations, the Corps and USFwS would be consulted as part of the Section 404 permitting process. However, if proposed changes to the regulations result In removal of the project site from Corps jurisdiction, these agencies would not be required to review the wetland miligation.plan. Regardless of other considerations, CDFG will review the wetland mitigation plan for the City of Newport Beach as part of the Coastal Development Permit process; Coro review would also be provided as pact of a Streambed Alteration Agreement, if required. 0 • The wetlands created shall not decrease the habitat values of any area important to maintenance of sensitive plant or wildlife populations. The wetland mitigation planning effort will take into consideration cre- ation of 0.2 acre of salt grass habitat suitable for use by wandering skipper; such consideration would be dependent on the nature of the mitigation plan undertaken and whether wandering skipper could potentially occur in the mitigation area. The plan will constitute an agreement between the applicant and the resource agencies involved. The plan shall be written so as to guaran- tee wetland restoration in accordance with stated management objec- tives within a specified time frame. The plan shall describe the applicant's responsibilities for making any unforseen repairs or modi- fications to the restoration plan in order to meet the stated objectives of the plan. 20. The following detailed information will be provided by the project sponsor in the final mitigation plan: • Diagrams drawn to scale showing any alterations to natural landforms; • A list of plant species to be used; • The method of plant introduction (i.e., seeding, natural succession, vegetative transplanting, etc.); and • Details of the short-term and long-term monitoring plans, including financing of the monitoring plans. 21. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, an Orange County certified archaeologist shall be retained to, and shall, monitor the grading across the project area. The archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grading conference, at which time moni- toring procedures acceptable to and approved by the City shall be established, including procedures for halting or redirecting work to permit the assessment, and possible salvage, of unearthed cultural material. 22. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, an Orange County certified paleontologist shall be retained to, and shall, monitor the grading activities. The paleontologist shall be present at the pregrading conference, at which time procedures acceptable to and approved by the City for monitoring shall be established, including the temporary halting or redirecting of work to permit the evaluation, and possible salvage, of any exposed fossils. All fossils and their contextual stratigraphic data shall 5 0 go to an Orange County institution with an educational and/or research interest in the materials. 23. The project sponsor shall construct, if feasible and by mutual agreement, and " maintain a fence along the common property line west of the Upper Campus. The proposed design of the fence shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Department. 24. The proposed project is subject to all applicable requirements of the City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program (LCP). Those requirements that are superseded by the PCDP and District Regulations are not con- sidered applicable. The following discretionary approvals are required by the City of Newport Beach: EIR certification, adoption of the Master Plan, adoption of the Planned Community Development Plan and District Regulations, approval of a De- velopment Agreement, approval of a zone change to Planned Community District, grading permits, and building permits for some facilities. The California Coastal Commission has the discretionary responsibility to issue a Coastal Development Permit for the Lower Campus and a Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Lower Campus. 25. Subsequent to completion of Phase I of the project, the project sponsor shall conduct a Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) analysis for Phase II and III Master Plan devel- opment. The analysis shall identify potential intersection impacts, the proposed project traffic volume contributions at these impacted intersections, and the schedule for any intersection improvements identified as necessary by the study to insure a satisfactory level of service as defined by the TPO. This report shall be approved by the City prior to commencement of Phase II or III construction. 26. Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase I of the project, the project sponsor shall conduct a project trip generation study which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. This study shall determine if the traffic to be generated by existing plus Phase I development will not exceed 1,338 PM peak hour traffic trips. In the event the Traffic Engineer determines that existing plus Phase I development will generate more than 1338 PM peak hour trips, the project shall be reduced in size or the mix of land uses will be altered to reduce the PM peak hour trips to at or below 1338. 27. Subsequent to completion of Phase 1 Master Plan development, the project sponsor shall conduct a project trip generation study to be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. This study shall analyze whether the traffic to be generated by the subsequent phases of development (Phases II and III) will exceed 1,856 PM peak hour trips when added to the trips generated by existing (including Phase I) Hoag Hospital development. This study shall be conducted prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits for Phase II or III development. 0 28. The project sponsor shall continue to comply with all applicable regulations adopted by the Southern California Air Quality Management District that pertain to trip reductions such as Regulation 15. 29. The project shall comply with the City of Newport Beach Transportation Demand Management Ordinance approved by the City Council pursuant to the County's Congestion Management Plan. 30. In order to ensure accessibility to the available transit services for employees, visitors and patrons of the Hospital, the following transit amenities shall be incorporated into the Master Plan project: Bus turnouts shall be installed if, and as required, by the City Traffic Engineer at all current bus stop locations adjacent to the project site. Bus turnouts shall be installed in accordance with standard design guidelines as indicated in OCTD's Design Guide- lines for Bus Facilities. 31. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program approved by the City Traffic Engineer that monitors and manages usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non -working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (i.e., 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.), signage to restrict use of the road by hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods by which to restrict use. The hospital shall also request that vendors not deliver (i.e., scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program shall be submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of the grading permit. If the results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the hospital, and provided that requests for specified vendor deliv- ery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. If operation im- pacts are significant, other mitigation measures would be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 32. Prior to issuance of approvals for development phases subsequent to Phase I, the applicant shall submit to the City Traffic Engineer for his/her review and approval a study that identifies the appropriate parking generation rates. The findings of this study shall be based on empirical or survey data for the proposed parking rates. 33. Prior to the issuance of precise grading permits for the phase of Master Plan development that includes new, or modifications to existing, internal roadways (other than service roads), the project sponsor will prepare an internal circulation plan for 7 submittal to and approval by the Director of Public Works that identifies all feasible measures to eliminate internal traffic congestion and facilitates ingress and egress to the site. All feasible measures identified in this study shall be incorporated into the site plan. - 34. Depending on actual site build out, intersection improvements may be required at the Hospital Road (Upper Campus access) Placentia Avenue Intersection and at the WCH (Lower Campus access) intersection. The need for these improvements shall be assessed during subsequent traffic studies to be conducted in association with Mitigation Measure 25. 35. As each phase of the Master Plan is constructed, the project sponsor shall provide each new employee a packet outlining the available ridesharing services and pro- grams and the number of the Transportation Coordinator. All new employees shall be included in the yearly update of the trip reduction plan for Hoag Hospital, as required by Regulation XV. 36. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of development, the project sponsor shall provide evidence for verification by the Planning Department that the necessary permits have been obtained from the SCAQMD for regulated commercial equipment incorporated within each phase. An air quality analysis shall be conducted prior to each phase of development for the proposed mechanical equipment contained within that phase that identifies additional criteria pollutant emissions generated by the mechanical equipment to be installed in that phase. If the new emissions, when added to existing project emissions could result in impacts not previously considered or significantly change the land use impact, appropriate CEQA documentation shall be prepared prior to issuance of any ,permits for that phase of development. Each subsequent air quality analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the SCAQMD. 37. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of development, the project proponent shall provide evidence for verification by the Planning Department that energy efficient lighting has been incorporated into the project design. 38. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of Master Plan development, the project sponsor shall provide evidence that site plans incorporate the site development requirements of Ordinance No. 91-16, as appropriate, to the Traffic Engineering Division and Planning Department for review and Planning Commission approval. Requirements outlined in the Ordinance include: 1) A minimum of five percent of the provided parking at new facilities shall be reserved for carpools. These parking places shall be located near the employee en- trance or at other preferential locations. 2) A minimum of two bicycle lockers per 100 employers shall be provided. Addi- tional lockers shall be provided at such time as demand warrants. 3) A minimum of one shower and two lockers shall be provided. 4) Information of transportation alternatives shall be provided to all employees. 5) A rideshare vehicle loading area shall be designated in the parking area. 6) The design of all parking facilities shall incorporate provisions for access and parking of vanpool vehicles. 7) Bus stop improvements shall be required for developments located along arterials where public transit exists or is anticipated to exist within five years. The exact number of each of the above facilities within each phase of the Master Plan shall be determined by the City during review of grading and building permit applications for each phase. The types and numbers of facilities required of each phase will reflect the content of the Ordinance at the time that a permit application is deemed complete by the Planning Department. 39. If noise levels in on -site outdoor noise sensitive use areas exceed 65 CNEL, the project sponsor shall develop measures that will attenuate the noise to acceptable levels for proposed hospital facilities. Mitigation through the design and construction of a noise barrier (wall, berm, or combination wall/berm) is the most common way of alleviating traffic noise impacts. 40. Prior to occupancy of Master Plan facilities, interior noise levels shall be monitored to ensure that on -site interior noise levels are below 45 CNEL. If levels exceed 45 CNEL, mitigation such as window modifications shall be implemented to reduce noise to acceptable levels. 41. Prior to issuance of a grading and or building permit the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that existing noise levels associated with the on -site exhaust fan are mitigated to acceptable levels. Similarly, the project sponsor shall demon- strate to the satisfaction of the Building Department that all noise levels generated by new mechanical equipment associated with the Master Plan are mitigated in accordance with applicable standards. 42. The City of Newport Beach shall send a letter to each emergency vehicle company that delivers patients to Hoag Hospital requesting that, upon entrance to either the Upper or Lower Campus, emergency vehicles turn off their sirens to help minimize noise impacts to adjacent residents. Hoag Hospital will provide the City with a list of all emergency vehicle companies that deliver patients to Hoag Hospital. W, 0 43. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the project sponsor shall ensure that a landscape and irrigation plan is prepared for each building/improvement with- in the overall Master Plan. This plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscap- ing with the proposed construction schedule. The plan shall be subject to review by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval by the Planning De- partment and Public Works Department. 44. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to, and obtain the approval of plans from, the City Planning Department which detail the lighting system for all buildings and window systems for buildings on the western side of the Upper Campus. The systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal light sources and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed elec- trical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his or her opinion, this requirement has been met. 45. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. 46. Prior to issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof top of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the build- ing roof using materials compatible with building materials. 47. Prior to issuance of building or grading permits, the project sponsor shall make an irrevocable offer to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park as identified in the project description (Figure 3.2.1.) The project sponsor will dedicate land for a 0.28 acre consolidated view park and a 0.52 acre linear view park. 48. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any lower campus structure, the project sponsor shall prepare a study of each proposed building project to assure confor- mance with the EIR view impact analysis and the PCDP and District Regulations, to ensure that the visual impacts identified in the EIR are consistent with actual Master Plan development. This analysis shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planning Department. 49. In the event that hazardous waste is discovered during site preparation or construc- tion, the project sponsor shall ensure that the identified hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials are handled and disposed in the manner specified by the State of California Hazardous Substances Control Law (Health and Safety Code Division 10 20, Chapter 6.5), standards established by the California Department of Health Servi- ces, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, and according to the requirements of the California Administrative Code, Title 30, Chapter 22. 50. Prior to construction of structures over or near the Wilshire oil well, Project Sponsor shall ensure that the Wilshire oil well, or any abandoned, unrecorded well or pressure relief well, is re -abandoned to the current standards. Abandonment plans will be submitted to the State Division of Oil and Gas (DOG) for approval prior to the abandonment procedures. The City's building official shall be notified that the reabandonment was carried out according to DOG procedures. 51. To further determine the source of the gas on the Lower Campus site, prior to issuance of a grading permit on the Lower Campus, Project Sponsor shall collect gas samples from the nearest fire flooding wells and at Newport Beach Townhomes and compare the gas samples to samples taken from the Hoag gas collection wells prior to site grading and construction. 52. A soil gas sampling and monitoring program shall be conducted for the areas to be graded and/or excavated. Systematic sampling and analysis shall include methane and hydrogen sulfide gas. Samples shall be taken just below the surface, at depth intervals within the removal zone, and at a depth below the depth of actual disturbance. (The individual(s) performing this initial study may be at risk of exposure to significant - and possibly lethal - doses of hydrogen sulfide, and shall be appropriately protected as required.) 53. A site safety plan shall be developed that addresses the risks associated with exposures to methane and hydrogen sulfide. Each individual taking part in the sampling and monitoring program shall receive training on the potential hazards and on proper personal protective equipment. This training shall be at least at the level required by CFR 2910.120. 54. If the analysis of the initial soil gas samples show unacceptable levels of hazardous constituents that have the potential to pose a health risk during construction activities, additional gas collection wells shall be drilled to contain and collect the gas. j 557, Continuous monitoring for methane and hydrogen sulfide shall be conducted during the disturbance of the soils and during any construction activities that may result in an increase in the seepage of the gases. The project sponsor shall maintain a continuous monitor in the immediate vicinity of the excavation, and a personal monitor, with an alarm, shall be worn by each worker with a potential for exposure. 56. A study of other hazardous constituents that may be present in quantities that pose a health risk to exposed individuals shall be prepared and evaluated prior to the 11 initiation of the project. The constituents studied shall include compounds that are directly related to petroleum, such as benzene and toluene. 577 A study shall be conducted that characterizes the wells, the influent gas, and the effluent of the flare. This study shall characterize the gas over a period of time, to allow for potential fluctuations in concentration and rate. C58 A scrubber system shall be required to reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the influent gas. 59. In the event additional gases are to be collected from newly constructed collection wells as part of a measure to reduce exposures during construction, an evaluation of the capacity and efficiency of the present flare system shall be conducted prior to connecting any new sources. i60. An automatic re -light system shall be installed on the flare system to reduce the risk of a potential release of high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. The system shall be designed with an alarm system that notifies a remote location which is manned 24 hours per day. 61. ' A continuous hydrogen sulfide monitor that would give warning of a leak of concentrations in excess of acceptable levels shall be installed in the vicinity of the flare. 62. A study of the concentration of potential hazardous constituents shall be conducted prior to initiation of the project to characterize the wastewater and any risks it may pose to human health prior to development. A stormwater pollution prevention plan shall be developed to reduce the risk of the transport of hazardous constituents from the site. The Hospital shall apply for coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board's General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity and shall comply with all the provisions of the permit, including, but not limited to, the development of the SWPPP, the development and implementation of Best Management Practices, implementation of erosion control measures , the monitoring program requirements, and post construction monitoring of the system. 63. Soil samples shall be collected from appropriate locations at the site and analyzed for BTEX and priority pollutants; if the soils are found to contain unacceptable levels of hazardous constituents, appropriate mitigation will be required, including a complete characterization of both the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination, and a remedial action plan shall be completed and approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The project sponsor must demonstrate to the City of Newport Beach compliance with this measure prior to issuance of any permits for Phase I construction activities. 12 64. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the project sponsor shall evaluate all existing vent systems located on the lower campus and submit this data to the City Building and Fire Departments, the State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, and the Southern California Air Quality Management District for comment. Additionally, any proposed new passive vents shall be evaluated by these agencies prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. If the vents are emitting detectable levels of hydrogen sulfide and/or toxins, the emitted gasses must be treated prior to discharge in a manner acceptable to these agencies. '65; If required by the Southern California Air Quality Air Management District, an air dispersion model shall be required in order to predict the cumulative effects of the emissions. Compliance with any additional requirements -of the AQMD shall be verified through a compliance review by the district with written verification received by the Newport Beach Building Department. 66. Before the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department, City of Newport Beach, demonstrating that continuous hydrogen sulfide monitoring equipment with alarms to a manned remote location have been provided in building designs. This monitoring equipment must be the best available monitoring system, and the plans must include a preventative maintenance program for the equipment and a calibration plan and schedule. 67. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that the inferred fault traversing the site is trenched and monitored for gas prior to site grading and construction. If gas monitoring indicates a potential risk during grading, additional gas collection wells will be drilled to collect and contain the gas. 68. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach ensuring that all structures built on the Lower Campus are designed for protection from gas accumulation and seepage, based on the recommen- dations of a geotechnical engineer. 69. Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach indicating where gas test boring will be drilled under each proposed main building site once specific building plans are complete. Such testing shall be carried out, and test results submitted to the City's building official, prior to issuance of grading permits. If a major amount of gas is detected, a directionally drilled well will be permanently completed and put into the existing gas collection system. 70. Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Grading Engineer, City of Newport Beach, indicating that all buildings and parking lots on the Lower Campus will be constructed with passive gas collection systems under the foundations. Such a system typically consists of perforated PVC pipes laid in parallel lengths below the founda- tion. Riser type vents will be attached to light standards and building high points. 13 Additionally, parking lots on the Lower Campus will contain unpaved planter areas and vertical standpipes located at the end of each length of PVC pipe. The standpipes will serve to vent any collected gas to the atmosphere. A qualified geo- technical firm shall be retained to design such systems. 71. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department, City of Newport Beach, demonstrating that all buildings on the Lower Campus are sealed from gas migration. Such sealing may be installed by the use of chlorinated polyethylene sheeting or similar approved system. All materials of construction including the PVC piping and the ground lining must be evaluated for compatibility with the existing environmental conditions of the soils and/or potential gases. 72. Prior to issuance of building permits, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building and Fire Departments demonstrating that all buildings on the Lower Campus will be equipped with methane gas sensors. Such sensors will be installed in areas of likely accumulation, such as utility or other seldom used rooms. Sensors can monitor on a continuous basis, and can be tied into fire alarm systems for 24 hour surveillance. 73. To avoid possible accumulation of gas in utility or other seldom used service or storage rooms, Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building Department prior to issuance of building permits indicating that such rooms are serviced by the buildings' central air conditioning system (or an otherwise positive ventilation system that circulates and replaces the air in such rooms on a continuous basis). 74.1 During construction, Project Sponsor shall ensure that an explosimeter is used to monitor methane levels and percentage range. Additionally, construction contractors shall be required to have a health and safety plan that includes procedures for work- er/site safety for methane. If dangerous levels of methane are discovered, construc- tion in the vicinity shall stop, the City of Newport Beach Fire Department shall be notified and appropriate procedures followed in order to contain the methane to ac- ceptable and safe levels. 75. The Project Sponsor may remove the flare system, contain the gas and utilize the gas - for Lower Campus facilities. During the containment process and removal of the flare, the project sponsor shall ensure that methane levels are monitored throughout the project area to ensure that this transition does not create an upset in methane levels or create odors or risk of explosion. t 76. Prior to development on the Lower Campus, the project sponsor shall submit to the City of Newport within one year of May, 1992, plans to install a scrubber system to remove hydrogen sulfide from the influent gas to the flare. The design arld 14 construction of the system should be in accordance with the Best Available Control Technologies, and must be in compliance with SCAQMD (District) Regulation XIII, emission offsets and New Source Review. 77.) As required by the District, the project sponsor shall develop a sampling and analysis " protocol for District approval to evaluate the impact the existing and post -scrubber emissions will have on the ambient air quality and on possible receptor populations. The required evaluation shall include analysis for criteria and toxic pollutants, and an evaluation of the potential risks associated with the emission of these pollutants (Rule 1401). Included in the plans for the design of the scrubber system should be a make-up gas source. 78.E The plans for the design of the new system will include a calibration and mainte- nance plan for all equipment, and if required by the District as a permit condition, automatic shutdown devices, sensors and charts for continuous recording of monitoring, and flame arresters. The project sponsor shall evaluate enclosing or placing new equipment underground. 79. The project sponsor shall submit plans to the City of Newport Beach Building Department that demonstrate that the flare operation will be shut down within four years of August, 1992. The project sponsor must prepare and obtain approval from the SCAQMD to implement a sampling and analysis protocol for evaluation of the existing emissions from the flare after scrubbing (Mitigation Measures 75 & 76), and the effect of flare shutdown on ambient air quality. The methane gas source should be used, if engineering design allows, as a.supplemental source of fuel for the Hospital's boilers. If the gas is not usable, the flare shall be relocated. io.) The plans for the design of the new system will include a calibration and mainte- nance plan for all equipment, and if required by the District as a permit condition, automatic shutdown devices, sensors and charts for continuous recording of monitoring, and flame arrestors. The project sponsor shall evaluate enclosing or placing new equipment underground. 81. Prior to installation of the scrubber system, the project sponsor shall develop a protocol for a study to evaluate the integrity of the control equipment and piping. The project sponsor must obtain agreement from the District on the protocol prior to initiating the study. 82. Before the issuance of building permits, the Project Sponsor shall submit plans to the Building Department, City of Newport Beach, demonstrating compliance with all applicable District Rules, including Rule 402, Public Nuisance, and Rule 403, Fugitive Dust. 15 83. Before the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor must submit plans to the City of Newport Beach demonstrating that its Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan and its Infectious Control Manual have been modified to include procedures to minimize the potential impacts of emissions from the handling, storage, hauling and destruction of these materials, and that the project sponsor has submitted the modified plans to the City of Newport Beach, Fire Prevention Department, and the Orange County Health Care Agency, as required by the Infections Waste Act and AB2185/2187. 84. Project Sponsor shall continue compliance with its Hazardous Material and Waste Management Program and its Infectious Control Manual for all new activities associated with the proposed Master Plan, as well as comply with all new regulations enacted between now and completion of the proposed Master Plan. 85. To the satisfaction of the City building official, the Project Sponsor shall expand existing hazardous infectious, radiological disposal facilities to add additional storage areas as necessary to accommodate the additional waste to be generated by the expanded facilities. A0el The Project Sponsor shall provide evidence to the Planning Director that measures to ensure implementation and continued compliance with all applicable SCAQMD Air Toxic Rules, specifically Rules 1401,1403, 1405 and 1415, are being carried out. 87. The project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Building Department verifying that all roadways associated with the development of the Master Plan will be paved early in the project, as a part of Phase I Master Plan development construction activities. 88. The project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Building Department prior to the issuance of a building permit for each phase of development, verifying that energy efficiency will be achieved by incorporating appropriate technologies and systems into future structures, which may include: High efficiency cooling/absorption units Thermal storage and ceramic cooling towers Cogeneration capabilities High efficiency water heaters Energy efficient glazing systems Appropriate off -hour heating/cooling/lighting controls 16 Time clocks and photovoltaic cells for lighting controls Efficient insulation systems light colored roof and building exteriors PL lighting and fluorescent lighting systems Motion detector lighting controls Natural interior lighting - skylights, clerestories Solar orientation, earth berming and landscaping 89. The project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Building Department that methods and materials which minimize VOC emissions have been employed where practical, available and where value engineering allows it to be feasible. 90. In conjunction with the Critical Care Surgery addition, the Project Sponsor will place the overhead power lines located west of the Upper Campus underground if feasi- ble. 91. , Prior to the issuance of grading permits, emergency fire access to the site shall be approved by the City Public Works and Fire Departments. 92. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall demonstrate that final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water -saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using facilities. The project sponsor will also comply with any other City adopted water conservation policies. 93. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a master plan of water and sewer facilities shall be prepared for the site. The project sponsor shall verify the adequacy of existing water and sewer facilities and construct any modifications or facilities necessitated by the proposed project development. 94. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City Fire Department, that all buildings shall be equipped with fire suppression systems. 95. Prior to issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City Fire Department that all existing and new access roads surrounding the project site shall be designated as fire lanes, and no parking shall be permitted unless the accessway meets minimum width requirements of the Public Works and Fire 17 Departments. Parallel parking on one side may be permitted if the road is a minimum 32 feet in width. 96. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that the thermal integrity of new buildings are unproved with automated time clocks or occupant sensors to reduce the thermal load. 97. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall demonstrate to the City that window glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods have been incorporated into building designs. 98. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall demonstrate that building designs incorporate efficient heating units and other appliances, such as water beater, cooking equipment, refrigerators, furnaces and boiler units. 99. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall incorporate into building designs, where feasible, passive solar designs and solar heaters. 100. The project sponsor shall ensure that all cut material is disposed of at either an environmentally cleared development site or a certified landfill. Also, all material exported off site shall be disposed of at an environmentally certified development cleared landfill with adequate capacity. 101. In conjunction with the application for a grading permit, the project sponsor shall submit a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development. This planwould identify the estimated number of truck trips and measures to assist truck trips and truck movement in and out of the local street system (i.e., flagmen, signage, etc.). This plan shall consider scheduling operations affecting traffic during off-peak hours, extending the construction period and reducing the number of pieces of equipment used simultaneously. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of the grading permit. 102. The project sponsor shall ensure that all haul routes for import or export materials shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures shall conform with Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Such routes shall be included in the above construction traffic plan. 103, The project sponsor shall provide advance written notice of temporary traffic disrup- tions to affected areas, businesses and the public. This notice shall be provided at least two weeks prior to disruptions. 104. The project sponsor shall ensure that construction activities requiring more than 16 truck (i.e., multiple axle vehicle) trips per hour, such as excavation and concrete pours, shall be limited between June 1 and September 1 to avoid traffic conflicts with N beach and tourist traffic. At all other times, such activities shall be limited to 25 truck (i.e., multiple axle vehicle) trips per hour unless otherwise approved by the City traffic engineer. Haul operations will be monitored by the Public Works Department and additional restrictions may be applied if traffic congestion problems arise. 105. The project sponsor shall ensure that all trucks used for hauling material shall be covered to minimize material loss during transit. 106. Project sponsor shall ensure that all project related grading shall be performed in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance which contains procedures and requirements relative to dust control, erosion and siltation control, noise, and other grading related activities. 107 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project sponsor shall demonstrate com- pliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 which will require watering during the morning and evening prior to or after earth moving operations. To further reduce dust generation, grading should not occur when wind speeds exceed 25 miles per hour (MPH), and soil binders on SCAQMD approved chemical stabilizers should be spread on con- struction sites or unpaved areas. Additional measures to control fugitive dust include street sweeping of roads used by construction vehicles,'reduction of speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 miles per hours, suspension of operations during first and second stage smog alerts, and wheel washing before construction vehicles leave the site. 108. Prior to issuance of any grading and building permit, the project sponsor shall submit a Trip Reduction Plan for construction crew members. This plan shall identify measures, such as ride -sharing and transit incentives, to reduce vehicle miles traveled by construction crews. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 109. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each phase of construction, the project sponsor shall submit an analysis to the City Building Department that documents the criteria emissions factors for all stationary equipment to be used during that phase of construction. The analysis shall utilize emission factors contained in the applicable SCAQMD Handbook. The analysis shall also be submitted to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department for review and approval. 110. , The project sponsor shall ensure that low emission mobile and stationary equipment is utilized during construction, and low sulfur fuel is utilized in stationary equipment, when available. Evidence of this fact shall be provided to the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of any grading or building permit. 19 Pj The project sponsor shall ensure that all internal combustion engines associated with construction activities shall be fitted with properly maintained mufflers and kept in proper tune, 112 The project sponsor shall ensure that construction activities are conducted in accor- dance with Newport Beach Municipal Code, which limits the hours of construction and excavation work to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, dig- ging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner that produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any holiday. 113. Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Master Plan, or the EIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) in an account, and at a financial institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described in (i) or (ii). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (in order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; (ii) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described in (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public improvement in the vicinity of the property. 114. Roof top mechanical equipment screening on the emergency room expansion shall not extend closer than fifteen feet from the west edge of the structure and no closer than ten feet from the edge of the structure on any other side. 115. Noise from the emergency room expansion roof top mechanical equipment shall not exceed 55 dBA at the property line. 116. The project sponsor shall pay 75% of the cost of planting thirty 24 inch ficus trees (or the equivalent) in the berm between the service road and Villa Balboa southerly of the tennis courts. Planting shall occur on Villa Balboa property. flu 117. Use of the heliport/helipad shall be limited to emergency medical purposes or the transportation of critically ill patients in immediate need of medical care not avail- able at Hoag Hospital. Helicopters shall, to the extent feasible, arrive at, and depart from the helipad, from the northeast, to mitigate noise impacts on residential units to the west and south. 118. For any building subject to the issuance of the building permit by the Office of the State Architect, Hoag Hospital shall submit to the State Architect a letter from the City of Newport Beach indicating that review of the construction plans has been completed and that the plans are in compliance with all City requirements. 119. Non -vehicular activities, such as the operation of the trash compactor, which occur in the vicinity of the service/access road shall be operated only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily. 120. Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading doc area. The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implications of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 121. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each individual phase of development (i.e., I, II or III) the project sponsor shall conduct a CO hot spot analysis for the subject phase of development. This analysis shall utilize the EMFAC7EP emission factor program for the build out year of the subject phase of development, and the CALINE4 CO hot spot model or the model recommended for such analysis at that time. The results of this analysis shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department for review. City staff will verify consistency with the results of the project build out CO analysis. 21 0 It 122. The methane gas facility and all building on the lower campus shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable, including, but not limited to, the Federal Regulation contained in 29 CFR 1910, the State Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6,95, and the regulations of OSHA and the National Fire Protection Association. Prior to the issuance of building permits on the lower campus, the project sponsor shall submit to the Newport Beach Fire Department a compliance review report of all the above referenced laws and regulations. 123. The design of the critical care/surgery addition shall incorporate screening devices for the windows which face the Villa Balboa area for the purpose of providing privacy for residents, so long as these screening devices can be designed to meet the Hospital Building Code requirements regarding the provision of natural light to the facility. C\...petty-t\ed\drt42.mit 22 1990 So. Bandy Dr Fourth Floor Los Angeles June 24, 1997 California 90025 310.826,2100 FAX 826.0182 Ms. tGarcia Nadel Associate Planner City of Newport Beach Architects Inc 3300 Newport Blvd. Architecture P. O. Box 1768 InfeInferiors Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Hoag Hospital Support Services Building NADEL No. 97-071.00; Hoag No. 1251.66 Information Requested in our June 12,1997 Meeting Dear Genia: Enclosed are two detail studies and a revised site -line study for your review and comment which address the following issues: 1. The decorative trellis and setback line. 2. The height zone dividing line. Please review these studies and let me know whether the project is in compliance with the Hospital's Specific Plan and Mitigation Measure 48. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, NADEL ARCHITECTS, INC. cc: Peri Muretta Leif Thompson - Hoag Hospital Greg McClure - Hoag Hospital Don Dildine - Nadel Architects, Inc. Enclosures DJ:ht Jacobsoftarcla.624 L - r--:` �-4 - S' P'-A C' /l)' OAST 1 32 t 01 8t11Lt��N SE laAND 2v t5` M1�1 tt 1MUM ILA1t pt�S At� t ■ a ati 1 1 K r m HIGHWAY m z m U DETAIL OF 70kE LNE CORNER OF BULDING AT A AND 9 i SCALE: 1"=5` i. N06-100-00 JUNE 20, 1997 , LD D n m �. .. x�// t / 8 v if I of If Je ■, - HIGHWAY wee. Vea� SE Comer 0 arc •1 l.J 0 P� LA& f SOUTHEAST ,-;CQE ER OFF BUILDING AT Z AND 25 SCALE: l''W. N06-100-OO.- : DONE. 20 199'7 ..... SEP-06-1996 15:41 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. ARCHITECTS T R A N S M I T T A L To: Ms. Gina Garcia City of Newport Beach 3300 Nowport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658.8915 From, Dwight Broadneaux, Project Architect, AIA Project: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building Project No.: 95713 We are transmitting Date: Copies to: 818 568 B026 P.01 August 28, 1996 MHerewith ❑UnderSeparateCover 37.50 G/ ❑Mail ❑Surface UPS ❑Pick Up ❑Delivery ❑Overnight ❑Other ■FAX714644-a2ZPages ` (( Copies Dale Description 1 EA 08.28-96 Roof plan of the Office Building, South Elevation of the Office Building, Cut Sheets and Elevation of the Exhaust Fans Remarks We spoke last week regarding the number of roof mounted exhaust fans that would be required for this project to exhaust the building in case of an methane gas alarm. Please review the documents submitted and let us know if the exhaust fans on the roof will be permitted and if they will require screening, It you have any questions or need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. 13S WEST GREEN STREET SNITE 200 PASADENA CA 9110S 918 568 1428 818 568 8026 FAX F`,tnM1NTP0JE4M57MT3288713.WPn art M C t> SEP-05-1996 16:2? CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. 818 SGS 6026 P.05 BELT DRIVE — DIMENSION DATA i• 3. L9 z z tu q)_ W G1. 0 �� .wry. •' �� ONE FOUNDATfON PLAN wts FLOW (C.F.M.) )0 r�ff6617,> alk5r Ml� M A•Jer. 10I'Ic0 PS DIMENSION I;A-;LD. UATA�-- •- W MA%. ppppoX. T.SQ. N J A$OYE I 1 >r W VI1SN OIYERTERS M070R SNIPGCURB FRAME WT• ];8;4.D. 30 J I _ 22 1 12 50•i5116 ss-Y4 194'r 302 SM/M 'a MGM• L26 9SL n > �NItl71 3 tlatlA]Ii t S! k'u Itr:OI N 46 -�I 1�1� SEP-05-1996 16:28 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. 818 568 8026 P.06 0 =s,•-+r —� ••• � WY. M. W 9ttc. TYPICAL EXHAUST FAN ® ROOF sc.1 ,•-7 - TO �dfP�� ��'Ji4es TOTAL P.06 SEP-05-1996 16126 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. 818 568 8026 P.04 LO-PRO ROOF EXHAUST VENTILATOR The Loren Cook LO-PRO Roof Exhaust Ventilator features a low profile design and has been design- ed for a variety of applications from general ven- tilation to restaurant hood exhaust. The centrifugal fan has a blower type double discharge scroll. This unique scroll design results in higher volumes of air and static pressures than the con- ventional roof exhaust ventilator. The LPD (direct drive) and LPB (belt drive) ven- tilators are constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel and designed for maximum weather protec- tion. Easy access is available by means of a hing- ed cover on all LPD fans and sizes 100 thru 300 LPB fans. Sizes 330 thru 540 LPB fans have a removable cover as standard. This allows service and inspection of the wheel, shaft, bearings and motor. The LPD in sizes 100 thru 165 and LPB in sizes 100 thru 300 are standard with a hinged wheel ac- cess door. Sizes 330 thru 540 LPB fans are stan. dard with a removable wheel access door. This Drives are sized for 165% of motor horsepower and are of the cast iron type. They are variable pitch through 5 horsepower. Motors are heavy duty, sealed ball bearing type. All motors - are located outside of the airstream and away from con- taminants. Motor compart- ment has fresh air ventilation across motor. feature allows complete and easy cleaning of the wheel, fan housing interior and access for clean. ing ducts. The all aluminum centrifugal blower type wheel features non -overloading backward inclined blades and a tapered inlet shroud. This design when coupled with a streamline inlet, results in both in- creased airflow and efficiency, while maintaining low noise levels. All LPD and LPB Roof' Exhaust Ventilators are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal for both air and sound. All LPD and LPB Roof Exhaust Ventilators are available as U.L 705 listed models. When listed models are required, specify Type LPDU or LPSU. All LPB Up -Blast Roof Exhaust Ventilators are U.L. and U.LC, listed for restaurant hood applications. All LPe�ventflators have ac. cess covers which allow easy service and inspection of the wheel, shaft, bearings and motor. On sizes 100 thru 300 the access cover is hinged and on sizes 330 thru 540 a removable access cover Is standard. All LPB ventilator housings are fabricated of heavy gauge galvanized steel, Po-dsa 5ec> 7ExKAVS " f'ANS Optional prefabricated curbs are available in sizes to match 57 Fv 21 the unn. rCl~.'S SEP-05-1996 16:25 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. V ARCHITECTS TRANSMITTAL To: Ms. Gina Garcia City of Newport Beach 3300 Nowport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658.8915 From: Dwight Broadneaux,Project Architect AIA Project: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building Project No.: 95713 We are transmitting 818 568 8026 P.01 P, -]®r I X— Date: Copies to: August 28, 1996 Herewith ❑ Linder Separate Cover .> 0 [Mall ❑Surface UPS []Pickup ❑Delivery ❑Overnight 00ther NFAx 714 644-82Z Pages 6 Copies Date Description 1 EA 08-28.96 Roof plan of the Office Building, South Elevation of the Office Building, Cut Sheets and Elevation of the Exhaust Fans Remarks We spoke last week regarding the number of root mounted exhaust tans that would be required for this project to exhaust the building in case of an methane gas alarm. Please review the documents submitted and let us know if the exhaust fans on the roof will be permitted and if they will require screening. If you have any questions or need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. 13S WEST GREEN STREET 501TE 100 PASADENA CA 91105 SIB 5681428 818 S68 8026 FAX F.^ADMINIPAOJECi1967131T3296713 WPD 9126196 C L-� SEP-06-1996 15:42 ZlU LF6 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. 818 568 8026 P.03 SILT DRIVE — DIMENSION DATA Own L ME x+o-wee-x2t wft FOUNDATION PLAN FLOW 00 28 Adtr. I,P,'q(OP •••••••• _ _ _..•-- H 1 W MAX�APA•LO. 8•I.A. 7•SA. A80VE 1 = wDIV I i CURS R7ER5 FRAM70 14.9132 1 14 90 1 1 22 le 42 1 50.15116 1 95�314 i 1847 3C2 8S- �� pC *FNl� ONId}I Z d1HdIA :;S! n !6 OI W 6- 11'�" ��- �I�EVECTi�N /" w C-� v I/ o lJ r� sc1 Y+s �r' Smuces i3i.r:r" u� se 1 +•' (mll 1 ti ® I \O LD Q� S{ O � D 7 — m .� d — —.JL — 12•-r 5•-� P — P 7, io_�r 1•-a ,o•_�r d n j w I i RI O 47'-6 i b { I PoJ(S a b• W n x tz� 2 i , rlC J 20 a ' � K a ti. g b O , SEP-06-1996 15:42 CHCG ARCHITECTS INC. Sib 568 8026 LO-PRO ROOF EXHAUST VENTILATOR M The Loren Cook LO-PRO Roof Exhaust Ventilator features a low profile design and has been design- ed for a variety of applications from general ven- tilation to restaurant hood exhaust. The centrifugal fan has a blower type doubts discharge scroll. This unique scroll design results in higher volumes of air and static pressures than the con- ventional roof exhaust ventilator. The LPD (direct drive) and LPB (belt drive) ven- tilators are constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel and designed for maximum weather protec. tion, Easy access is available by means of a hing- ed cover on all LPD fans and sizes 100 thru 300 LPB fans. Sizes 330 thru 540 LPB fans have a removable cover as standard. This allows service and inspection of the wheel, shaft, bearings and motor. The LPD in sizes 100 thru 165 and LPB in sizes 100 thru 300 are standard with a hinged wheel ac- cess door. Sizes 330 thru $40 LPB fans are stan- dard with a removable ^�' ^^^^^� a^^• Tt" Drives are sized for 165% of motor horsepower and are of the cast Iron type. They are variable pitch through 5 horsepower. Motors are heavy duty, at ball bearing type. All m, are located outside a airstream and away from taminants. Motor corr ment has fresh air ventil__.. across motor. feature allows complete and easy cleaning of the wheel, fan housing interior and access for clean- ing ducts. The all aluminum centrifugal blower type wheel features non -overloading backward inclined blades and a tapered Inlet shroud. This design when coupled with a streamline inlet, results in both in- creased airflow and efficiency, while maintaining low noise levels. All LPD and LPS Roof Exhaust Ventilators are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal for both air and sound. All LPD and LPB Roof Exhaust Ventilators are available as U.L. 705 listed models, When listed models are required, specify Type LPDU or LPBU. All LPB Up -Blast Roof Exhaust Ventilators are U.L. and U.LC. listed for restaurant hood applications. Mors have ac• hich allow easy spection of the iestings and is 100 thru 300 +sr is hinged 30 thru 540 a ass coverts All LPS ventilator housings are fabricated of heavy gauge galvanized steel. 1 17� sf7 £ *fA%ni- rAf4-5 3refabricated curbs bid In Sizes to match Me um" U `J 0 J----T-- EA SEP-06-1996 15:43 CH�RRCHITECTS INC. 818 568 8026 P.04 ♦St•-V WIC M. TYPICAL EXHAUST FAN ® ROOF seue r.c - ter (��1'8•'= 5� fi�kCo� �5� ��" fl��� [dIV��- 'lid A-v o. t-107Co *ao.14�r sqfro M" TOTAL P.04 CHCG *tec`nc Project Memorandum Date: January29,1996 135 West Green Street Suite 200 Pasadena, California 91105 Fax 818 568 8026 Tel 818 568 1428 Project No: 95713 Project Memo No: 30 Project: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ❑ Teicon Support Services Building ■ conference To: Mr. Leif Thompson Location: City of Newport Beach From: David L. Goodale" subject: Meeting of January25, 1996 copies To: Greg McClure Gina Garcia Present: Gina Garcia - City of Newport Beach/Planning Ped Muretta David Goodaie - CHCG Architects 30.01 The purpose of this meeting was to review the Support Services Building Schematic Design, with specific concern that the required Coast Highway setbacks be reviewed for the building's south elevation. 30,02 Gina Garcia's response to the overall design was favorable. Her review of the south facade and its setback requirements was conditional on soliciting Pat Temple's input. 30.03 CHCG presented the south facade in the context of a design approach that relates to Mediterranean and Craftsman style architecture, hence the effort to give the building a vertical presence while still meeting setback requirements. The setback requirements are met by combining a 'freestanding' colonnade with wall/glass line set back further than required to achieve average required setbacks. Additionally, CHCG felt that a literal diagrammatic take on the required setbacks (a pure stairstep setback) would provide no shadow, relief or interest to the important south facing elevation. 30.04 Gina Garcia found this approach to be consistent with the intent of the setback requirements, which is to provide interest and relief to the building facade, and not have it crowd Coast Highway. She felt that the top of the free-standing colonnade should be open to best capitalize on the effects of the light, and the general perception of openness, relative to intent. 30.05 In terms of literal calculations, CHCG presented its interpretation that the average should be taken by calculating the relative setbacks of all visually exposed elements in elevation view. Gina Garcia indicated that she would take CHCG's wall profiles and calculations and review them with Pat Temple in orderto provide response. CHCG left'perspective sketches, wall profiles, calculations, and site plan with Gina Garcia. 30.06 On Friday, January 26,1996, Peri Muretta, in phone conference with Gina Garcia, indicated that Gina had met with Pat Temple, and that the Schematic Design appeared to be acceptable in meeting setback requirements. RECEIVet) uY PLANNING DEPARTMENT C F.UDMIMPROJECT957131PM30.713.WPD NNING I l I/OF NEWPORT OEACH All FEB 011996 FM 71819jMIUI 2111212141 ui 6 ARCHITECTS Ms. Patricia Lee Temple, Advance Planning Manager City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard, P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building CHCG Project No. 95713 Dear Ms. Temple: RECEIVED t3Y PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AN OCT 18 1996 I91NIll1121420j41516 A October 15,1996 The purpose of Hoag's proposal to construct the Support Services Building per subject project is to consolidate all the various departments vital to providing support to the functions at the Hospital's Campus. To consolidate all the departments in the proposed new building required that a maximum net square footage be provided at the site that complied with the building height limit and setback requirements. Architectural limitations such as location of fresh air Intake and limited square footage negated the use of an economizer cycle at the HVAC system for methane gas exhaust. (An economizer cycle was used at the adjacent Cancer Center for methane gas exhaust). Only two of the exhaustfans shown atthe attached Roof Plan dated August 28,1996, will be operable at all times for typical building and toilet rooms exhaust. The remaining fans shown will be used only in the case of a methane gas alarm or fire in the Data and Communications Centers. Also see attached letter dated October 4, 1996, from our Mechanical Engineer, Tsuchiyama & Kalno, for additional Information regarding the use and quantity of exhaust fans on the roof. There is no option to the use of the rooftop exhaust fans to purge the building during a methane gas alarm that satisfies both the programmatic and Planning Department's requirements for the project. Ms. Gina Garcia, in your department, asked us to notify you of our proposal to install a significant number of exhaust fans on the roof. We would like to confirm that the use of the fans will be in compliance with Mitigation Measure 46. Please review the enclosed documents and let us know if the fans on the roof will be acceptable and, if so, they will require screening. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any item, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ep-l.'7i;� CHCG Architects Dwight Broadneaux, AIA 40 6-0 00 ARfNITEfTS Leif Thompson Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building Project No. 95713 Copies to: Leif Thompson, AIA, Hoag Hospital Greg McClure, Hoag Hospital Fred Murena, Hoag Hospital Larry Sun, Tsuchlyama & Kaino Enclosure DAB:sac F'\ADMIN1PRDJECT4957130.150713.WPD 10115/96 135 WEST GREEN STREET SUITE 200 PASADENA CA 91105 818 568 1428 818 568 8026 FAX PRINCIPALS Roger Owen Cocks, Architect Armando L. Gonzalez, Architect David M. Hopkins, Architect David L. Goodale, Architect lames, I Smith, Architect MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Page 2 60 00 TSUCHIYAMA & KAINO Consulting Mechanical Engineers Principals Victor M.Tsuchlyama, PE. Kenneth K. Keinc, P.E. October 4, 1996 Mr. Dwight Broadneaux CHCG ARCHITECTS 135 West Green Street, Suite 200 Pasadena, California 91105 Subject: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Support Services Building Roof Mounted Equipment Dear Dwight: V �7 C H C G Senior Associates Thomas S. Kaye (►(� t XT I C I�7'0 Larry Sun. P.E. Associates staniey S.sale Curb L Noll ROW Carter Pursuant -to your request, the following addresses concerns regarding the amount of mechanical equipment located on the roof of the subject project. 1. Every effort has been taken to minimize the amount of equipment on the roof. Air handling units and outdoor air fans are located in fan rooms in the building. The chiller, boiler and associated pumps are located in a screened equipment yard on grade. 2. The mechanical equipment which remains on the roof are building exhaust fans and methane purge exhaust fans. Code restrictions relating to duct routing and discharge locations requires that these be located on the roof. 3. The number of fans is a result of maintaining fan sizes which will not exceed building height limitations. The multiple fans are also located to maintain uniform ventilation throughout floors requiring methane exhaust and to maintain an aesthetically acceptable pattern on the roof. 4. The adjacent Cancer Center Buildingutilizes an economizer cycle In the building air handling systems to provide memarle exhaust. Due to 'the arch ;ectural limitations at the fan rooms and additional cost impacts, an economizer cycle is not,provided in the Support Services Building. As a result, the independent methane exhaust fans are required at the roof. If there is any further Information you may require, please contact our office. Sincerely, TS HIYAMA & KAINO r /J Larry S , P.E. Senior Associate LS/jm 17877 Von Karmen Avenue • Suite 100 • Irvine • California 92614 • (714) 756-0565 • Fax: (714) 756.0927 1 - 1 I Y'6 O6 6'8 8 � OL -,!PL.82•g u- LrI N 4 e9L - al -8 Sse�} -w9flt !9y'44 ii ,a of -- M ajo - t-L� -'lu *a I LO-P R© R� EXHAUST VE*JLATi ®R The Loren Cook LO-PRO Roof Exhaust Ventilator features a low profile design and has been design- ed for a variety of applications from general ven- tilation to restaurant hood exhaust. The centrifugal fan has a blower type double discharge scroll. This unique scroll design results in higher volumes of air and static pressures than the con. ventional roof exhaust ventilator. The LPD (direct drive) and LPB (belt drive) ven- tilators are construdted of heavy gauge galvanized steel and designed for maximum weather protec- tion. Easy access is available by means of a hing- ed cover on all LPD fans and sizes 100 thru 300 LPB fans. Sizes 330 thru 540 LPB fans have a removable cover as standard. This allows service and inspection of the wheel, shaft, bearings and motor. The LPD in sizes 100 thru 165 and LPB in sizes 100 thru 300 are standard with a hinged wheel ac- cess door. Sizes 330 thru 540 LPB fans are stan- dard with a removable -- Drives are sized for 165% of motor horsepower and are of the cast Iron type. They are variable pitch through 5 horsepower. Motors are heavy duty, s ball bearing type. All m are located outside < airstream and away from taminants. Motor con men has fresh airventi.,..._.. across motor. feature allows complete and easy cleaning of the wheel, fan housing interior and access for clean- ing ducts. The all aluminum centrifugal blower type wheel features non -overloading backward inclined blades and a tapered inlet shroud. This design when coupled with a streamline inlet, results in both in- creased airflow and efficiency, while maintaining low noise levels. All LPD and LPB Roof Exhaust Ventilators are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal for both air and sound. All LPD and LPB Roof Exhaust Ventilators are available as U.L. 705 listed models. When listed models are required, specify Type LPDU or LPBU. All LPB Up -Blast Roof Exhaust Ventilators are U.L. and U.L.C. listed for restaurant hood applications. ..__._lors have ac. iich allow easy Ipeclion of the earings and s 100 thru 300 ter is hinged 30 thru 640 a ess coverts All LPB ventilator housings are fabricated of heavy gauge galvanized steel. tpl" ser f,XKAv< rAN-5 P 1?-"r Sir A/&. prefabricated curbs bte in sizes to match _116:1 101 Vff me unit. LHo)& M, GM, , 1 :5v v 1Gsela'j 7lVK' 1c�isr F- Gt#- qs" P'5 r 3A Im 100T DRIVE — DIMENSION DATWW m �-�--- ti�.�� '"�►`�l�`�►` :,ice MOM _0 IOW iVVO Juuu 4VW QVVV oVvv 210-MA-221 FLOW (C.F.N.) FOUNDATION PLAN 000 -- 8000 9000 rl��►���r►a�a . T:msef�>aofm 28 AuAr. IPI°I(v bra mmcnawn ....... i W MAX. APPROX. A•LD. B•1.D. H 7•SQ.� ABOVE L I W WI7H MOTOR SHIP'G. CURB 1 DIVERT' FRAME WT. 14.9132 14 30 I 22 I 42 50.15116 9S314 1847 i 3D2 �Y0/ZO 'd L-2E0 99L `;' '3I1 R'a / ONIdA II vwvA1K^1S1 wv IbA W 6- I-, 00 06 wx m. a e�nc. TYPICAL EXHAUST FAN ® ROOF w .r-v -Vr (Jot'E� 5� P�� C4) �u�- f1r.�►ToFl.�c. rNF+�-MATZ•�nl. 2v J�v o. v5o7c4,:;, SJiI or �514 Ccpr-#- �Is1r3 i• 6• HOAGHoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian HOSPITAL N ports nG Californ a 92658-61000 Phone 714/645.8600 KE8 MIVRv 01 PLANIN14G DEPARTMENT May 24, 1996 "` '`� OF NEWPORT BEACH Mr. Raimar Schuller ox 2 8 096 Building Director A PM City of Newport Beach 7181901111141AMA6 3300 Newport Boulevard !I P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Hoag Project #1250.79 Lower Campus Support Services Building Subject: Plan Review Dear Mr. Schuller: Hoag Hospital is in the process of completing its construction documents for the Support Services Building, an approximately 80,000-square-foot building, and its associated approximately 140,000-square-foot parking structure. We received approval -in -concept from the City for this project on May21, 1996 and have subsequently submitted an application to the California Coastal Commission for a Coastal Development Permit. Our target date for submittal of the project to the City for grading, building and associated permits, is August 1, 1996. Because of the relatively large scale of the project, we wanted to notify you when we would be submitting plans to the City, and also to let you know that we will help in any way we can to reasonably expedite the review process. I would like to discuss this project with you, at your convenience, to determine how we may assist you in ensuring that this project will be reviewed in an expeditious manner. Thank you in advance for your consideration. My phone number is (714) 646-8901. Sincerely, Leif N. Thompson, AIA Vice President Facilities Design and Construction LNT:ksc c: Genia Garcia, Associate Planner Armando Gonzalez, CHCG Architects Inc. Faysal Jurdi, Chief Plan Check Engineer Greg McClure, Project Manager Peri Muretta, Consultant File: 1250.79.35.20-R.SCHU LLSR.LTR A NON•PROFLT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ACCREDITED BY THE JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS W.�AI.Aw� •sIMN� rce C SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING FOR HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AGENDA FOR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MEETING - AUGUST 29, 1995 I. Overview of Building A. Building Characteristics B. Methane Issue ll. PCDP&DR - Requirements A. Verify previous interpretations. 1. 20% open space requirements - entry road at PCH is 'open and unoccupied by buildings°. 2. Maximum buildable height - follow MSL numbers only, "above proposed grade" numbers are irrelevant. 3. Building height measurement -'finished grade" - "run with the slope of the land". B. 1. Articulation setback measured from property line. 2. Articulation in design of parking structure through 'openness". III. Review of concept for conformance. A. Glassy groved lobby set back at end of office block. B. Parking ramp as landscaped site wall. I �r r • H611k HOSPITAL SUPPORT SERVICE SQUAREFOOTAGES Sheet A1.03A Conference Level Office Gross -16,284.40 sq.ft. Entitlement Gross 14,737.54sq.ft. (includes 815.00 sq.ft. admin First Floor Plan P-4 Parking 25,651.33 Gross sq.ft. 25,274.50 Entitlement sq.ft. P-3 Parking 25,713.19 Gross sq.ft. 25,033.70 Entitlement sq.ft. P-2 Parking Office Gross 21,008.06 sq.ft. 25,845.64 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 20,045.97 sq.ft. 25,028.07 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 1,502.00 sq.ft. of support Sheet A1.04A Second floor P-1 Parking Office 25,117.90 sq.ft. 26,211.71 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 23,877.36 sq.ft. 25,521.21 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 6,594.00 sq.ft. of support Third Floor Roof Parking Gross 1 24,106.77 sq.ft. 25,763.62 Gross sq.ft. Entitlement 22,923.91 sq.ft. 25,176.45 Entitlement sq.ft. (includes 7,725.00 sq.ft. of support) ConferenceLevel First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Total: Gross 16,284.40 sq.ft. 21,008.06 sq.ft. 25,117.90 sq.ft. 24.106.77 sa.ft. 86,517.13 sq.ft. Entitlement Gross 14,737.54 sq.ft. 20,045.97 sq.ft. 23,877.36 sq.ft. 22.923.91 sa.ft. 81,584.78 sq.ft. 1P Parking P4 P3 P2 P1 Total: Roof Top (not included) Square Footage By Use Conference Level 25,651.33 sq.ft. 25,713.19 sq.ft. 25,845.64 sq.ft. 26,211.71 sq.ft. 103,421.87 sq.ft. 25,763.62 sq.ft. Office 13,922.53 sq.ft. Admin. 815.00 sq.ft. Total: 14,737.54 sq.ft. Entitlement First Floor Office Support Second Floor Office Support Third Floor Office Support Office 18,543.97 sq.ft. 17,283.36 sq.ft. 15.198.91 sq.ft. 51,026.25 sq.ft. 18,543.97 sq.ft. 1,502.00 soft. 20,045.97 sq.ft. 17,283.36 sq.ft. 6,594.00 sq.ft. 23,877.36 sq.ft. 15,198.91 sq.ft. 7,725.00 sq.ft. 22,923.91 sq.ft. SU-0gort 1,502.00 sq.: t. 6,594.00 sq.ft. 7,725.00 sq.ft. 15,821.00 sq.ft. 25,274.50 sq.ft. 25,033.70 sq.ft. 25,028.07 sq.ft. 25.521.21 soft. 100,857.48 sq.ft. 25,176.45 sq.ft. Entitlement 16,284.40 sq.ft. i P4 25,274.50 sq.ft. P3 25,033.70 sq.ft. P2 25,028.07 sq.ft. PI 25,521.21 sq.ft. Total: 100,857.48 sq.ft. Office: 51,026.24 sq.ft. Support: 15,821.00 sq.ft. Parking: 100,857.48 sq.ft. Total: 167,704.72 sq.ft. Fees Conference Office: 16,284.40 First Floor Support: 1,502.00 Office: 19,506.06 Second Floor Support: 6,594.00 Office: 18,523.90 Third Floor Support: 7,725.00 Office: 16,381.77 Office: 16,284.40 19,506.06 18,523.90 16,381.77 Totals: 70,696.13 Support 1,502.00 6,594.00 7,725.00 15,821.00 Ll A li�� 977 m 4� a7 I - -Jlg�t ��as- 'ice a _ 6o Flo 04 -71 7 S I PJ Floor Support jAdministrative Total Haag Hog Fair Shard -Trips Fair Share'Trips Sup p rt Admi istrative Support Administrative (s.f.) (s;f Conf. 16,284A 81$.00 13;9 .00 f 815,00 2,3 .40 J J 212 37 First I362:00• 19,506.06 , 02.00 ' 18,544,00 { - 20 878 Mezz. 5,213.51 4,730.90 483.51 68 0 Second 6,594.00 18,523.90 / 6,594A0 18,524.00 i - 86 834 Third _ 7,725.00 16,381.77 7, 5.00 15,199.00 - 100 737 Totals 37,318.91 '55,226.73 1 9 ,545.64 34;474.00 53,082.00 1 2,844.91' 485' C-2485 r o� 6 �s, 97 divan\ho� ag\ upportservicestrip\sieet1 4.10.98 Floor Support Administrative Total Fair Share Trips Fair Share Trips }Fair Share $: ,fair Share $ (s.f.) (s.f.) (s.f.) Support Administrative Support Administrative Conf. 16,284.40 815.00 212 37 $27,027.38 $4,682.30 First 1,502.00 19,506.06 20 878 $2,492.88 $112,065.24 Mezz. 5,213.51 68 0 $8,652.91 $0.00 Second 6,594.00 18,523.90 86 834 $10,944.13 $106,422.58 Third 1 7,725.00 16,381.77 100 737 $12,821.26 $94,115.73 • Totals 1 37,318.91 55,226.73 92,545.64 4851 2485 �$61,938.57, $317,28$.85 ydivan\hoag\ supportservicestrip\sheet2 U P P E R C A M P U S Outpatient Services 25.0 TSF InpadentServim 115.0 TSF Supporc Services 0.0 TSF Administrative 0.0 75F L O W E R C A M P U S. Outpatient Services 115.0 InpatimtServio s 0.0 Support Services 55.0 AdminWmti e ' 30.0 ISA Amdates, Inc Table C - Hoag Hospital Phase I Trip Generation PEAK PERIOD PEAK PERIOD PEAR'. HOUR PEAR HOUR TRIP GENERATION RATE TRIP GENERATION TRIP GENERATION RATE TRIP GENERATION DAILY DAILY AM AM PM PM AM AM 'PM PM AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM 29.90 748 2.1 0.84 1.34 2.12 50 21 34 53 1.00 0.42 0.67 1.06 25 11 17 27 15.74 1,8t0 1.60 0.62. 0.62 0.88 184 71 71 101 0.80 0.31 0.31 0.44 92 36 36 51 13.00 O 3.90 0.60 1.20 3.40 O O 0 0 1.90 0.30 0.60 1.70 O 0 0 0 45.00 0 1.20 0.40 1.60 5.00 O 0 0 O 0.60 0.20 0.80 2.50 O o 0 O 7SF 29.90 3,439 2.00 0.84 134 2.12 230 97 154 244 1.00 0.42 0.67 1.06 115 48 77 122 TSF 15.74 O 1.60 0.62 0.62 0.88 O O 0 0 0.80 031 031 0.44 O 0 O 0 TSF 13.00 715 3.80 0.60 1.20 3.40 209 33 66 187 1.90 030 0.60 1.70 105 17 33 94 TSP 45.00 1350 1.20 0.40 1.60 5.00 36 12 48 150 0.60 0.20 0.80 2.50 18 6 24 75 adon(Phase 11 SAAM 47% 142 26R SRI 21UR 71 la4 70ft Total Proposed Project Trip Genendon For Phase I 8,062 Source: 1. City of Newport Heads General Platt Traffic Analysis, Austin FouscAssodates, July 1988. 2. Traffic Survey of Hoag Health Center, ISA Anociates,1"9. 3. Haag Memorial Hospital Parting and Trip Generation Survey, Newport Traffic Studies41965. TSF-Mmumad Square Feet 06-Sep91(CNB80"HASEIITGEN.AQ') 7" 234 373 735 355 117 186 368 0 .._ _.._ ..._... v. , nn .. s111 Administrative/Support Services LYA Anodatlr, Iab To estimate the number of trips generated by the administrative/support services, trip generation rates In the Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. (AFA) City of Neuport Beacb General Plan Trafflc Analysis (NBGPTA), July, 1988, are used. As the administrative functions of a Hospital are similar, to medical office operations, the medical office rates were deemed acceptable to repre- sp sent administrative functions. Hol support se I were determined W junction similar to general office, and therefore general office rates were used to represent support services. It should be noted that the use of the NBGPTA rates reflects a worst case scenario. As this method assumes a high peak hour trip making activity, and therefore the more conservative trip making assumptions are maintained. It should be noted that Hoag Hospital currently operates programs that encourage non -single occupant vehicle trips. For employees of the Hospital, these programs include incentives for carpooling, *purchase of bus passes, stipends and cash Incentives for bicycle use, and other forms of alternate modes of travel. Visitors and recurring patients are offered a van service to and from the hospital. The OCTD bus services also serve the Hospital cam- pus with stops along Hospital Road. Therefore, the trips generated accord. ing to industry and surveyed rates reflect a worst case scenario as the effects of the alternative modes of travel are not reflected. The resulting Master Plan Phase I project daily, peak period and peak hour trip generation is presented In Table C. As seen in the Table, the Phase I project will generate approximately 8,100 average daily trips, 940 AM and 1,100 PM peak period trips and 470 AM and 550 PM peak hour trips. ' Pbase I - Trip Distribution and Assignment Trip distribution percentages have been developed based on zip code data of Hospital employees and historical data of patient origins supplied by Hoag Hospital. This data is used to develop general origins/destinations of em- ployeesi and patients to the Hospital. Route selection is determined from logical travel corridors and minimum time paths to/from the Hospital. .A Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the trip distribution percentages for the Hospital L.. ,,... 1 ea t .. 0 Lta.l&, dat*s6Inc Project Impacts According to CEQA, a significant traffic impact Is one which causes an Increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the entire traffic load and capacity of the circulation system. r Trip Generation Project trip generation is the number of proposed units multiplied by the appropriate trip generation rate per unit of development. For purposes of this analysis, the trip generation rates for the Master Plan Phase I project are based on trip generation surveys of similar type uses conducted by ISA, on research of historical traffic counts at Hoag Hospital and on rates identified for conventional uses In the Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. (AFA) City of New- port Beach General Plan TrgQ4c Analysis, July, 1988. These rates have been reviewed and approved by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. A brief discussion of the proposed trip generation rates is provided below. Inpatient Services The trip generation rates for Inpatient services are based on historical traffic counts at the Upper Campus of Hoag Hospital. These Inbound and out- bound movements were collected by Newport Traffic Studies in 1985 and In 1990, and reflect the ingress/egress to the overall Hospital fadlity, the doctor parking lot, the rear parking structure and the emergency room parking area. To arrive at the inpatient peak hour and peak period trip generation rates, the overall Hospital facility inbound and outbound movements were reduced by the amount of traffic into and out of the physician and emergency room activity. As the Phase I inpatient project is described in terms of square footage, the resulting number of inbound and outbound trips during the peak period and hour were divided by the square footage of the adsting Hospital to arrive at rates per thousand square feet. i Outpatient Services The outpatient trip generation rates are based on a 1989 ISA traffic survey of the Hoag Health Center located at the southeast corner of Barranca Parkway/ Creek Road In the City of Irvine. Uses at the Hoag Health Center include an outpatient surgery center, an outpatient emergency center, an X-ray fadlity, an ultrasound facility, CAT scan, a medical laboratory and medical offices. Inbound and outbound traffic volumes were counted at the facility over a 12 hour period on an average weekday, the morning and evening peak periods and peak hours were determined, and the resulting number of peak trips were divided by the total square footage of the Hoag Health Center. 09/27/91(I:\cNB803\TR&FF1C•RM 10 Twa WIN Evil MEN on amummitm OM ACRE (22480 SF.) CONSOLIDATED VIEWPAi(, rtew 0.28ACRES (52 rA, Sfi)/i / � rtue �\� (��R - _ -= -0- rtrw �ofewT —J-'') HOAG /, S CCENIFA y, - ANCFA f37 _ i n '-152 25 91 I DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA HOAG MEMORIAL HOSE EXHIBIT 3 W. + 54' MSL W z SIGHTLINE MEASURED FROM \ u 4' ABOVE VIEWPARK W V EXISTING CONDOMINIUMS \ I EXISTING CANCER CENTER 1 4 PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE may ���J 10'-C HIGH WALL ( —V JI 6 + 45' MSL TOP OF LIGHT STANDARD WEST COAST HIGHWAY + 35'-8" MSL TOP OF WALL SITE SECTION: MAX. BLDG. HT. AT +45' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" Y C n Y C Q Z J + 58' MSL W W SIGHTLINE MEASURED FROM 4' ABOVE VIEWPARK W U EXISTING CONDOMINIUMS J d X713-CC + 51' MSL HORIZON LINE TOP OF STAIR TOWER (BEHIND) EXISTING CHILD CARE PROPOSED BUILDING CENTER HORIZON UNE + 48' MSL WEST COAST HIGHWAY TOP OF PARAPET SITE SECTION: MAX. BLDG. HT. AT +51' ABOVE �SCALE:1" = 100'-0" O X713-CC SIGHTLINE TO BLUEWATER VIEWS 2.07% z a i SITELINE STUDY SIGHTLINE TO BLUEWATER VIEWS 2.07% W W Ja W N W PROJECT SITE wfST C0gS? h/ V I " I= NadeI. Architects Inc { Architecture 1990 S. Bundy Dr. ly Planning Fourth Floor I' Interbre . Loa Angeles . Cai forNa 90025 " 810. 826.2100 Fax 310.820.0182 I. l: L REVISIONS n HOAG HOSPITAL SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING HOAG PROJ. NO. 1251.56 ONE HOAG DRIVE BUILDINGS 42 & 44 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. LIP m0 o. y P�o1 v9����7", ri r�`��� u 1 I' �ywgy ® I. I�� pl � -- SITELINE A BUILDING 1 HEIGHT STUDY I' o9�o PACIFIC OCEANC. z — �—`-- IN c s T c o A s, T N t G H� A Y cf), VICINITY MAP SCALE : As NOTES z0 2 3 DRAWING ISSUE DATE , NOVEMBER 24, 1997 r'r TNP JOB NO. 97-071. 0. h. ' 1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 80" 0" X713-SPL Al 38 1, U .I ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCH TECT AND THE SAME MAY NOT 8E DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. CO YRIGHT 'NADEL ARCHITECTS INC.' ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.' ., - .. ... '. PLOT FACTOR: 1'-1' FILE: 1997\97071\AT.08.DWG � I rq Q S + V MSL W 4' ABOVE MEASURED �' ABOVE VIEWPARK v al T I PROPOSED PARKAIG 51RUC1URE + IS' MSL TOP OF IX21T STANDARD WWWAY + 0-8+ MSL TOP OF WAIL SITE SECTION AT +45' MSL MAX. BLDG. HT. SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" X713-CC 3 o + SB♦ MSL W 2 4'ABOVE MEASURED FROM +' ABOVE VENTARK ca E%ISTAIG COHDOMINNIMS ttl PROPOSED BUNLOM DUSTW CM CARE CENTER + SY MtSI M TOP OF STAIR TOWER (BEHIND) r LS G I + 4w % TOP OF PARAPET WEST COAST HIGMAY SITE SECTION AT + 51' MSL MAX. BLDG. HT. SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" X713-CC SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 80'-0" X713-SPL 1 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND ❑1E SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED W1 TF10UT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. C YRIGHT "NADEL ARCHITECTS INC" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ri "=ON Lw SMHTLK TO BLUEWATER VIEWS 2.07% SITELINE STUDY SRBTTIAIE TO BLUEWATER VIEWS 2.07% a PROJECT SITE WEST C OgSTT MCNwgY / PACIFIC OCEAN VICINITY MAP I -