HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOAG_MITIGATION_MONITORING_CONFERENCE_CENTER1111111111111111111111 lill III MITIGATION_MONITORING_C ONFERENCE CENTER September 28, 1999 Genia Garcia, Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard NewportBeach,CA 92658-8915 RE: Grace Hoag Conference Center Demolition (Hoag Project No. 1255.20) Dear Ms Garcia: RECEIVED BY PLANNING ,°PnR7 REACH MENT CITY 0 R. AM SEP 2 n 1999 PM 71819 110 11111211121314 15 16 4. Hoag Hospital is in the process of obtaining a permit to demolish the Grace Hoag Conference Center to accommodate the future parking structure that is being proposed to meet the needs of the East Addition project, as well as other development on the Upper Campus. There are several mitigation measures that were adopted as part of the Hoag Master Plan that are applicable to the demolition. Below is a listing of those mitigation measures, as well as information on Hoag Hospital's compliance with these applicable mitigation measures. 1. Mitigation Measure # 15 —Project Sponsor shall strictly comply with its Hazardous Material and Waste Management Program and its Infectious Control Manual for all new activities associated with the proposed Master Plan, as well as strictly comply with all new regulations enacted between now and completion of the proposed Master Plan development. Compliance: Provisions of the Infectious Control Manual are not applicable to the demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center. The Safety Officer of Hoag Hospital monitors conformance with the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hazardous Materials Manual. Relevant provisions will be adhered to during demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center. 2. Mitigation Measure # 49 — In the event that hazardous waste is discovered during site preparation or construction, the Project Sponsor shall ensure that the identified hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials are handled and disposed in the manner specified by the State of California Hazardous Substances Control Law (Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5), standards established by the California Department of Health Services, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, and according to the requirements of the California Administrative Code, Title 30, Chapter 22. Compliance: This mitigation measure is required to be implemented by the contractor selected for the project. To ensure that the contractor implements this mitigation measure, Hoag Hospital will include this requirement in the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital. Enclosed is applicable information from the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital relative to this mitigation measure. 3. Mitigation Measure # 53 — A site safety plan shall be developed that addresses the risks associated with exposures to methane and hydrogen sulfide. Each individual taking part in the sampling and monitoring program shall receive training on the potential hazards and on proper personal protective equipment. This training shall be at least at the level required by CFR 2910.120. 3 R E G A L O D R I V E M I S S I O N V I E J O, C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 9 2 9 4 9/ 5 8 8- 6 0 9 0 Genia Garcia September 28, 1999 Compliance: Enclosed is a copy of the Site Health and Safety Plan for Hoag Hospital. It has been amended from the version approved by the City as part of the Lower Campus Parking Lot project for Lower Campus development activities to include provisions related to Upper Campus development, including demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center. 4. Mitigation Measure # 62 — A study of the concentrations of potential hazardous constituents shall be conducted prior to initiation of the project to characterize the wastewater and any risks it may pose to human health prior to development. A storm water pollution prevention plan shall be developed.to reduce the risk of the transport of hazardous constituents from the site. The Hospital shall apply for coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board's General Pemut for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity and shall comply with the provisions of the permit, including, but not limited to, the development of a SWPPP, the development and implementation of Best Management Practices, implementation of erosion control measures, the monitoring program requirements, and post construction monitoring of the system. Compliance: Enclosed is a draft copy of the revised Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Hoag Hospital. It was originally approved as part of the Lower Campus Parking Lot project and was written to address all Lower Campus development activities. The revised version includes provisions related to Upper Campus development, including the demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan will be finalized and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for the Grace Hoag Conference Center. Also enclosed is a copy of the draft Notice of Intent (included as Appendix B to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan). The Notice of Intent will be filed with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for coverage of construction activities related to Upper Campus development, including the demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for the Grace Hoag Conference Center. 5. Mitigation Measure #86 —The Project Sponsor shall provide evidence to the Planning Director that measures to ensure implementation and continued compliance with all applicable SCAQMD Air Toxic Rules, specifically Rules 1401, 1403, 1405 and 1415, are being carried out. Compliance: Air Quality Management District Rules 1401, 1405 and 1415 are not applicable to the Conference Center demolition project. Rule 1403, Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities, however, is applicable to the demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center. Enclosed is a copy of "Work Practices and Procedures for Removal of Asbestos -Containing Materials and Lead Based Paints" prepared for the Grace Hoag Conference Center demolition project. It contains provisions required by the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the South Coast Air Quality Management District and other governmental agencies, for the removal of asbestos. 6. Mitigation Measure# 91— Prior to the issuance of grading permits, emergency fire access to the site shall be approved by the City Public Works and Fire Departments. Compliance: The Demolition Plan for the Grace Hoag Conference Center, which is being submitted under separate cover to the City of Newport Beach for review and approval, will be approved by the Fire Department prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for the project. 7. Mitigation Measure # 102 — The project sponsor shall ensure that all haul routes for import or export materials shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures shall conform with Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Such routes shall be included in the above construction traffic plan. Page 2 Genia Garcia September 28, 1999 Comoliance: The contractor selected for the Grace Hoag Conference Center demolition project will be required to obtain a haul route permit from the City. This permit will be obtained prior to the issuance of the demolition permit. The requirements of the construction traffic plan, identified in Mitigation Measure # 102, are detailed in Mitigation Measure # 101. Due to the limited extent of activities related to the demolition of the Conference Center that would affect the off -site circulation system, as well as the duration of those activities, a construction phasing and traffic control plan is not required. 8. Mitigation Measure # 105 — The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all trucks used for hauling material shall be covered to minimize material loss during transit. Compliance: This mitigation measure is required to be implemented by the contractor selected for the project. To ensure that the contractor implements this mitigation measure, Hoag Hospital will include this requirement in the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital. Enclosed is applicable information from the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital relative to this mitigation measure. 9. Mitigation Measure # 110 —The Project Sponsor shall ensure that low emission mobile and stationary equipment is utilized during construction, and low sulfur fuel is utilized in stationary equipment, when available. Evidence of this fact shall be provided to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department for review and approval. Compliance: This mitigation measure is required to be implemented by the contractor selected for the project. To ensure that the contractor implements this mitigation measure, Hoag Hospital will include this requirement in the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital. Enclosed is applicable information from the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital relative to this mitigation measure. 10. Mitigation Measure # 111— The Project Sponsor shall ensure that all internal combustion engines associated with construction activities shall be fitted with properly maintained mufflers and kept in propertune. Compliance: This mitigation measure is required to be implemented by the contractor selected for the project. To ensure that the contractor implements this mitigation measure, Hoag Hospital will include this requirement in the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital. Enclosed is applicable information from the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital relative to this mitigation measure. 11. Mitigation Measure # 112 — The Project Sponsor shall ensure that construction activities are conducted in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which limits the hours of construction and excavation work to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, on weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p,m. on Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner that produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any holiday. Compliance: This mitigation measure is required to be implemented by the contractor selected for the project. To ensure that the contractor implements this mitigation measure, Hoag Hospital will include this requirement in the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital. Enclosed is Page 3 Genia Garcia September 28, 1999 applicable information from the agreement between the general contractor and Hoag Hospital relative to this mitigation measure. If you have any questions related either to the mitigation measures that are applicable to the demolition of the Grace Hoag Conference Center or to Hoag Hospital's compliance with these mitigation measures, please let me know. Peri Muretta Enclosures: Mitigation Measure Provisions from Hoag Agreement with General Contractor Site Health and Safety Plan Notice of Intent (draft) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (draft) Asbestos Removal Report C: Randy Regier, Taylor and Associates (letter only) Linda Taylor, Taylor and Associates (letter only) Leif Thompson, Hoag Hospital (letter only) Page 4