HomeMy WebLinkAboutIRVINE_RANCH_WATER_DISTRICTI RVI I mvmaw+ncu W�8RUI91BICf IR11111% 110CH 1VATTEII DETIIICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000' (949) 453-5300 October 20, 1999 Mr. John Douglas City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: Postponement of Board of Directors Action on South Irvine Regional Facilities (Shady Canyon Off Site Facilities) Negative Declaration Dear Mr. Douglas: This letter is to notify you that Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) has postponed action by the Board of Directors to adopt the negative declaration for the subject project (original date/time October 25, 1999 at 6:00 p.m.). The revised date for action will be November 22,1999 at 6:30 p.m. The public review period during circulation of the document closed on October 14, 1999, however, if you wish to comment on the negative declaration in person, you may present your comments at the November 22nd public meeting. Should you have any questions regarding this action, please do not hesitate to contact me at (949)453-5594. Yours truly, Richard A. Diamond, AICP Senior Planner RAD/GK-1/clg P:/grm/wrd/eng/gherr/new_nd.doc RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY -OR N,aXA 0C`4T F,EACH AM OCT 2 5 1999 PM 718II 110 1111 1a 17,1213141BI6 41 08/04/99 13:47 FAX 949 453 5354 OR CO RCLGASGS ONLY LI umueiuxce WATfRDQt91Cl' IIIYINEII GI %M DMICY 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, IMno, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 August 4, 1999 R15517NT SDI.15517 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Lot Nos. 6 and 64 tbru 68 of Tract No. 15517 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, GeUR.Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/rp cc: Developer — Standard Pacific 1 .Y - WATBR➢l4IRICf IRTIMII1ICH 'WHO DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 October 28, 1999 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY n;: KIPIA10r)PT EEACH NOVAM 01 1990 PM 78i9110111112111213141316 SD1585 84 Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, c ZV-41 Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Western National Properties 10/28/99 11:30 FAX 949 453 5354 OR CO RELEASE'S ONLY 1@ 001/001 �l r ti u7 ByQiDIIRRgi N'�i9tD451RICP I1MATRAM %TER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Avo., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 October 28,1999 R15584NB SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer —Western National Properties �dMBRAnCE WAt�WLSfflICf IBTTROCU IRAHR DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 January 25, 2000 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: PLANNINGEIVED DEPBY ARTMENT CITY OF NEWPc3RT BEACH AM JAN 2 7 2000 7891a1112123456 R15584NT 11 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 SD1.15584 Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 4, 5,and 6, of Village 3 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Ger d4Sta Construction, Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Western National Properties ytlltlpJ IXYIN9AANC➢ w,�osnucr ilV 1111E1VR11CH II111L'lVL1A/11U1Vl 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000(949) 4535300 April 18, 2000 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF nFWPn°T FEACH AM APR 2 5 2000 PM R15584nu '718191101�111r^�111213�41616 SD1.15584 Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 1, 2, and 18 thru 20 of Village III of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Gerald R. Star' Construction Inspection 4Manager GRS/rlp cc: Developer — Western National Properties/Irvine Apartment Communities IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervin IRWD Developmental Services IRWD Customer Service (2) Chron RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPC:RT FEACH 2 AM MAR 31 2000 PM 7181911011111211121314151E IRM RANCH AAM -DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, lX e, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 March 29, 2000 MST15584 SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 12 and 13, Village -•II, of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted, in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, " Gerald R. Stark f Construction Inspection Manager GRS/clg cc: Developer — Western National Properties IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervin IRWD Developmental Services IRWD Customer Service (2) Chron R ffilo/wrd/release I/nb/r15584.doe Maw IXV'Qi8RL1CH WIi�U64MCf IRM10CH WAHR DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 April 14, 2000 R15584NEW SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. ` Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water Distict hereby releases Building No. 14 of Village II of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours trulv. GRSJrlp cc: Developer — Western National/Irvine Apts. Communities IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervin IRWD Developmental Services IRWD Customer Service (2) Chron . i - - , r^ RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NF1A1Pn0T r- EACM AM APR 18 2000 FM 71 a 191101111121112131419 �� IIIYIEROCH AHM DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NFWPr?r;T rrEACH February 18, 2000 AM I'E6 2 2000, PM 71819110111112111213141616 R15584N V SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby ri No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPAN, has been installed by develop Yours truly, Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Western Nationa IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervi IRWD Developmental Servic IRWD Customer Service (2) IRVIN6AANCA WAIBBUGMCf IBI'm ROM IMAM DISTIIIR 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 67000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 4535300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY nF NFV /Dr)QT r:,EACF] March 28, 2000 AM MAR 3 0 2000 PM 7i819110111�1ti11121314�Bi6 SD15185 84 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 3 and 17, Village III of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Aerald. Stark Construction Inspection Manager . -1 " cc: Developer —Western National Properties IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervin IRWD Developmental Services IRWD Customer Service (2) Chron 01/25/00 10:15 PAX 949 453 5354 OR CO RELEASES ONLY lao01 M� 9NQiBAdNC9 If�l9!➢61AICP IRMRANCH DATER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 4535300 January 25, 2000 R15584NT SD1.15584 Mr; Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos, 4, 5,and 6, of Village 3 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer -system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Acd At R. Star Construction Inspection Manager 11. cc: Developer— Western National Properties RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NF= A!PnPT r. EACH FEB 2 5 2000 AM PM �,,,,,� 718i9i1011111�11i'�13i416i6 DlVLY6RA1ICl1 W�TBRDISMCr 14TOEIIANCIIIMAM DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 February 23, 2000 R15584NA SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases 'Building Nos.14, 15 and 16 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, �CA' U Geral R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Western National Properties IRWD Inspector — Craig Ervin IRWD Developmental Services IRWD Customer Service (2) DIVLYBRAtfCD W,ITB9DIJT81Cf MMRANCH WATEII DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 January 26, 2000 R15584NR SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 6 and 7 of Village 2 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, fJJ7j;L Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager C _ /_t 9 cc: Developer — Western National Properties RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWpnRT PEACH AM JAN 31 2000 PM 71819110 �1.1112111213141616 1RV➢iBPANCW W,11�019IPICP IRVIffRANCH WATER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 January 27, 2000 R15479NT SD1.15479 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 ' Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Lot Nos. 23 of Tract No. 15479 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage cap,,6e ac6epted'iri sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Taylor Woodrow Homes RECEIVED BY RI,AN v tiFwpnRRTMENT BEA H CiTv n AM JAN 31 2000 PM 718�9i10�11i1r ili2i3i4i6i6 4tllWlJ ➢6MBRLYCH W��I9MCf WE ROCH WATER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 December 21,1999 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT EEACI•I AM DEC 2 3 1999 PM 718191101i1i12111a13141618 R15479NP SD1.15479 Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Lot Nos. 20, 21 and 22 of Tract No. 15479 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly; erald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Taylor Woodrow Homes wmll aJ� 9lVDiBMNCH Wki89D6MDf IIITM1001 No DESICT 15600 Send Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPPRT PoEACM DEC 'L 3 1999 PM December 21, 1999 AM 71819110111113111213141616 R15584NE SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building Nos. 11, 12 and 13 of Village 3 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, )L'Q�, Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager cc: Developer — WNP Construction IXV1N6&LYCB WTI ITBR�I9INCf IRMEROCH WATER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NFWpnRT BEACH January 6, 2000 AM JAN 10 2000 PM 718i9110�11�12i1�2131418i8 R15517NP SD1.15517 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 02663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Lot No. 5 of Tract No. 15517 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, ,at Aer.Star Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Standard Pacific Corporation r�iWanJ ➢t{7t�RANCfl WhT�➢ISWCf IItYIlITE ROCH WHEII DISTRICT 15600 Send Canyon Ave, P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 December 22, 1999 R15584NO SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building No. 3 of Village II' of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, k 4i�—' Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager cc: Developer — WNP Construction RECVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NF\A/0nRT,eEACM- AM DEC 2 71999 PM 718191101111121112131416i6 41 Iy[aOIIJ mvmDwwca W�DI4MICf IRM RAM DATER DISTRICT 15600 Send Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453.5300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY C1F NrWPnPT ; EA�-Vl NOV 2 9 199J PM November 23, 1999 71819 1101111101112,514,016 R15584NP SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building No. 10 of Village 3 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, top, 4vt Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/tl cc: Developer — Western National Properties 15:39 FAX 949 453 5354 OR CO RELEASES ONLY 0001 6&v V ' G{VAERANC9 Wh9RDD8L'CP Z1 j1111J I.I OCH RATER DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, !Nine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 November-23,1999 R15584NP SD1.45584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building No. 10 of Village 3 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, 4�— Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/tI cc: Developer— Western National Properties IRWD' Inspector — Craig Ervin Subdivision Section Customer Service (2) ' L�jtIWIYi IHVN6AANCft w�ot�micr S1 it ll7 RANCR IAM DISTRICT 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453-5300 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTNIENT CITY OF N=1Mpn0T 1-EAW-H November 23, 1999 AM NOV 2.9 199J PM 71819110,11,12,112,3141016 R15584NW I SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building No. 2 of Village 2 of Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yours truly, V14 Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/tl cc: Developer — Western National Properties wwaw �avu�wwcx MTMRANCHAM DISTRU 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., P.O. Box 57000, Irvine, CA 92619-7000 (949) 453.5300 RECUVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY Op NF1hIP(1PT TEACH AM rior o z 7��a Pm October29, 1999 819110�1111911121314lBjG R15584NP SD1.15584 Mr. Jay Garcia City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: Release for Residential Use Dear Mr. Garcia: Irvine Ranch Water District hereby releases Building No. 1 of Village 2, Tract No. 15584 for the following: RELEASE FOR OCCUPANCY - Sewage can be accepted in sewer system. Water meter has been installed by developer. Yo s truly, A Gerald R. Stark Construction Inspection Manager GRS/RP cc: Developer — Western National Properties