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II II 119 It IS 1611 It 19 21 21 R 111135212111111111123134251631 is 314041424344454604145115151U U 55 56 57 51 IS 12 61 12 W 6165 I66161691/ 11131374 It 11 11 11 19 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111 22212222212222222221122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33333333333333333333333133333333333333333331333333333333333333333333333333333333 44444144444444144444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555555555555555555551555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 666666660666666166666666666666666G66666666666666666666666G6666666686666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 8188888888881a881aa80808008a8888888a80888888888888a88808888888880888888aa8800888 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999909999999999999999 11 :4 5 611 913 It 1113 14151611619 1121112124 153621112131 It 323124 3538ll3131434141434445454143 43 P 5111 S754 It 5657 It 0436163636i 159667 I3997371 It 131416 I611 I11913 5011 NCR 63355E I Jt, i, 1 r,hd 1� ,��1>•� j5 i'4 0111101100001100011000000a000000-000000000000000000000000000000a0a00000000a00a000 i21456111 to It 1213 it 15161111132121 It 2334252121242934313231313536213111 4S 41 At43 44454841494511 It 1253545556515359 So91963964551 UU M 71 )1 73 to 757611181911 1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 22222222212222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33333333333333113333133333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333331? 44444444444444444444444144444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 666606661666666666666616666666666666686666666666666666666666666660866666666866.66 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 88388888888888888881888888808888088888888888888888888888888800880880888888888888 99999999999999991999999999999999999999999999999999999999399999999999999999999999 1 1 3 4 5 9 1 1 9 91111 ISIS IS 161114191321222324252921 7321323132 11343S3637393943414743444546414841 $3515E S1N S55695l5l606362996516963691971 121114 751311717561 5081 NCR _ ___ 633556 1 0110011110001100011000000a0000000000900000000000000000000000000000000000000000oo i1 3 4 5 t 7 1 9181111 to 11151t 11111125 11111321151t 21212131313233 it 153631313919116E 414145464148415195753$455651515760611291 W 65 of 1161 a? a 111273741571111179 is 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11 111 11 11 111111111 1 11111 111 1 1 111111111 22222222222222212222122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3331333333333333333133333333333333333333333'333333333333333333333333333333333333 44441444444444444444444144444444444444441444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555555515555151555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555' 606666666666666666666616666666666G6666668686666666666666666666666666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 a8aa8888888888888a8888888888888888888888888888888a8888888888888888888988888a88aa 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999399999999999999999999999 11 :4 5111 010111211141316111119712131131115251111153131313114is It 371133 4141474144 454146400535152 51 54555551 of 51616161fill 6566 t7 of 61117172137115loll 111969 5081 NCR 63355C CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER November 27, 1979 TO: JAMES HEWICKER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: RENTAL VACANCY RATE SURVEY Please recycle for a future study session another report on the rental vacancy rate survey recently accomplished by your Department. Of specific interest to the City Council is the deletion from the percentage computations, the R-1 data. In other words, the vacancy rate data should reflect vacancies only on R-2 and above. As soon as this information is avail- able, contact me and it will be scheduled for another study session. ��'TjU ROBERT L. YNN -44 OCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - Department of Community • Development DATE: October 30, 1979 TO: Finance Department - Data Processing, Ted Cramp FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Request for Services The Department of Community Development requests that Data Processing prepare the necessary program and tabulate the. data received in conjunction with the Rental Vacancy Rate Survey. ame D. Hewicker, Acting Director JDH/nm { r.J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEMAND FOR PAYMENT Postmaster Date October 29, 1979 Demand of: United States Government Postal Service Address: 191Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, California In the amount of $795.00 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET # AMOUNT Ten boxes 500@ preposted envelopes Condominium Conversion Ordinance Vacancy Rate Survey) TOTAL $795.00 Finance Director I 1460 VA 00a000009a00a00000000a0a00aa0aa000000000000a00a0000000000009000000a0a00000000000 i 1 l S 6 1 6 910 II 1213 II 1516 II 11'A 29111229 A 151E ll 293P1?115213 N 351611 A 31 19411119U4516174942 L 515251 L b Si i151 f960611263 F1 556661616910 It 121316 151611 I619M 11111111111111111111111311311I111111111311151111!1111111111111111111111111311171 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222,222222222222222222222222222222 333133333333333333333333333a33333333333333333333331333333333333333333333333333333 4444444444444444444444444444444"444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 666666666666666666666 a 6666666666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 77777777777777777717777771777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 a888886088808888888888888888888888888B888B38B88888881988888888888888888988888a80 99999999999999959999999999999999999999999999929999999999999999999999099999999999 1134351E 11111111111, 16 . 0Qi161631 L 67,15I'l 3R15511111U PURCHASE ACCOUNT ORDER NO. INVOICE NO. N11MB.Eft AMOUNT I-O'�6S.AM0_UNS 022930000 795.00 795.00 i for 10 boxes of 500 envelopes I w d 11111i;, PLEASE DETACH THIS STATEMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH THIS CHECK IS TENDERED IN BEFORE DEPOSITING CHECK PAYMENT OF ITEMS LISTED C ALIFO R N I A CI l! OF NEWPORT BE/OH COUNCILMEN 9 C P y P pyyG2� c v� T�`rs s ROLL CALL s MINUTES INDEX (b) One Assistant Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department, to fill a position now vacant. (c) One Firefighter I, Fire Department, to fill a newly created position. (d) One Typist Clerk I, Fire Department, to fill a newly created position. Engineer - Grading, Community,Develop- \(e)OneCivil ment, to fill a position now vacant. COMMISSION, COMMITTEE AND STAFF REPORTS - For C� ncil information and 'filing: (a) report from the Traffic Affairs Committee re rding bylaws. (Attached) 9. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULING - Set for public hearing on October 2 , 1979 (a) General Plan Zlmendment 79-1, a request initiated by t`e,city of Newport Beach to consider prOnoZ@d amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth and Recreation and Open Space Elemen of the General Plan, and the acceptance of ironmental Document. (A'report from the Commun' y Development. Department) 10. LIDO ISLE SEWER,�ORCE MAIN (C-2108) Approval of the plans and specifications, and a thoriza- tion to the City Clerk to advertise for bl.ds to be opened at 2:30 p.m. on November 6, 1979. ( A report from the Public Works Department) 11. BUDGET AMENDMENTS - For approval: BA-022, $33,000.00 transfer of Budget Appropria- tions for completion of funding for acquisition of drainage easements and cons ruction or Ensign View Park storm drain, from General Fund to Park and Recreation Fund, (See Agenda Item G-3) I, ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Pro Tem,Willjams joined the meeting'and took his seat at the Council table. 1. Letters opposing and/or asking for reconsider- ation of the condominium conversion ordinance were presented from the following: Margaret Hall, Ruthelyn Plummer, S. C. Osadche, and Russell Griffith. Motion I x Councilman McInnis made a motion to bring Ayes x x x Ordinance No. 1817 back for reconsideration, Noes x x x J I x which motion failed. I I I Volume 33 - Page 290 OTY OF NEWPORT B*CH MINUTES INDEX Motion Ayes Noes x x x x x x x x The staff wasdirected to reply to the _letters stating Chat _ .Che motion to reconsider the ordin- ante had failed, and that Councilman Mciiinis.wduld ask. thaC it be p].acel on a future Study_ Session. J. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: I. San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor: [7 Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Williams made a motion for the Ayes x x Council to continue to support the Alternate Noes x x x I x 2 alignment at the westerly end of the corridor, which motion failed. Motion x Mayor Ryckoff made a motion to adopt Resoluti Ayes x x x x x x No. 9657, a resolution of the City Council -Woes x expressing support for the Alternate 5 al nment for the westerly end of the San Joaquin 116 Transportation Corridor, which motion rried. 2. A report was presented from the Co nity Develop- ment Department regarding the imp mentation of Ordinance No. 1817 - itental Vaca cy Survey, Motion x Mayor Ryckoff made a motion adopt Alternate 3 Ayes x x x in the staff report, which ould eliminate all -Noes x x x rental dwelling units whi are inappropriate or Abstain x ineligible for conversi to condominiums, which motion failed. The City Manager a ted that the staff would then conduct its inve cry on 15% on the City's rental unite, excludin single-family detached residences and mobile ho s. There being no urther business to come before the Council, the ayor adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M. i I Volume 33- Page 291 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 640-2151 October 10, 1979 Letters to Margaret Hall, Ruthelyn Plummer, S.C. Osadche, and Russell Griffith Thank you for your letter opposing the recently adopted condominium ordinance and request that the ordinance be reconsidered -by the City Council. The City Council, on October 9th, expressed a desire to observe the ordinance for a period of time to determine its im- pact or application upon actual condominium conversion projects. After this unnamed period of time, it is the Council's desire to review the ordinance at a future study session of the City Council. Members of the Council are divided in their beliefs concerning this condominium ordinance. Some believe, as you do, that the ordinance should be amended. Others on the Council sincerely believe that while it may not be a perfect ordinance, it does represent several month's work by the Planning Commission and City Council and should, therefore, be given a trial period. Again, thank you for your letter. incerely, ROB. WYNN City Manager City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 POOR, QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) 14 'V4 , e-e" Y.4 •+� .4 u,� .t.t' }a. '+i '�'r,j ;SgT4ry;,f4. ,4 , •, � 'rf�i���di: FlARKTRIk 01 Mf Ok'l W®Rliciv A 19 sa." to TIM 'i - a RUFf0;LYN PLUMMER 4827 RIVER STREET NEWPORT BEACH 92663 • October 1, 1979 Doris George, City Clerk City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Ms. George, I an writing to request that Ordinance No. 1817, entitled "Residential Condominium Projects" be put on the agenda for further discussion at the next city council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 1979. I believe that insufficient notice was given regarding the ordinanoe and its ramifications not only to property owners,in general but to property owners of lots under 5000 square feet isin particular. Further, in reviewing a list of R-2 property owners in the Corona del Mar and peninsula areas, I estimate that approximately 70-75% are absintee landlords who do not have access to the 'official newspaper of the City." Addition- ally, in contacting some 500 owber-occupied parcels, those who responded advised me that they had never heard of the lot size restrictions. They stated that they believe the council has acted unwisely and hastily in not seeking or requesting input from then, as property owners. in conclusion, I believe R-2 owners with lot sizes of under 5000 square feet should have the opportunity to express their views and objections to this ordinance as it adversely effects then. r1I 1/l foil n LJ - AC.Osadche F .'0 Of f cc Ook 3212 R C-#CW?Ozt Beacfl, Calilowla 92663 O (7I4) 873.8300 M -n„ IL AMEN y •N q ° 1. i��i.l.. V • ' REPLY jmw N UCT 31970� Fl -0 SIGNED ..iL^, -�^n�^x�a°%'a'S.-�, ._., 6... ; ... ., MN�fM� �S �174 �►8 y � WLY. - `_� DATE MV?M($OM)*m ,a-i--tq,7 y 01 Z - r � E CITY Oct Ci 8 ox 2 N CITY of1979� 8 fir.,! ;GFIITIO: •ITI j� ector • I.I L'ucn.Cmzq f �-Green Y'�`c CITY OF NEWPORT BEACA UUU Department of Community Development DATE: October 9, 1979 �E copy 0o Nor 41 M To: Richard V. Hogan,, Director FROM: Michael Ocorr, Senior Planner SUBJECT: City Council Study'Session Item 6(c)'2 - Rental Vacancy Rate Survey This is to clarify the report to the City Council for today's agenda outlining available alternatives by' Which 'to'survey the City's rental vacancy.rat%in'order'to'implement Ordinance No. 1817, "Residential Condominium Projects." The alternatives described and the scope of the 'survey are not intended to be mutually exclusive. Basical-ly',' any method- ology could'be employed regardless of the numbers of"units to be sampled. A fourth approach to the staff -conducted survey method is also available. -A fifteen percent (15%) sample could be taken of duplexes on.l'ots over 5000 sq.ft., all triplexes, and all structures of four or more units, resulting in the following sample size: Duplex 14- DU's Triplex 90 DU's Four or more '849 DU's 953 DU's This scope of survey appears equitable in that it would sample only those units eligible for condominium conversion under the terms of the ordinance,and would decrease staff time and cost to the City on a proportional scale. �i .�00, MICHAEL UCORR Senior Planner MO/kk City Council Fleeting October 9, 1979 Study Session Agenda Item No CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 3, 1979 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development 6(c)'2 FILE g0py Do N07 REMOVE SUBJECT: Implementation• of Ordinance No. 1817 - Rental Vacancy .Survey The City Council ha.s requested the Department of Community Development to report on the proposed methodology for conducting a survey of the ental vacancy factor in the City, as required by Section 20.73.010, ubsection, E,of Ordinance No. 1817 (Residential Corrdominfum Projects). Background The adopted ordinance regulates condominium conversion projects by means of a rental vacancy rate factor. If the City's vacancy rate is 5% or below, conversions will not be approved in the absence of speci- fied overriding considerations. Testimony was presented at public hea-ri-ngs before the Planning Commis- sion and the City Council indicating that the methodol!:ogy of the rental vacancy survey conducted by the Department o,f H,o•us,in,g and Urban Development was questionable, in thatA t did not represent an adequately random sampling of the City's rental units. The City Council elected;to, utilize a vacancy survey c'6nducted•by City Staff representing at Teast 15% of the City's rental units, excluding single- fami-ly detached residences and mobile homes. The survey is to be con- ducted twice annually, in October and April, iro Corder to avoid e-xtreme seasonal distortions. Scope of Required Survey The City has approximately 12,040 dwelling units available for rental occupancy. Of these, 22% are single-family detached units or mobile homes, which would not be prospects for conversion to con.domini,ums. The remaining 9,391 units consist 'of duplexes, triplexes., an�dlbuild- ings of four or more units, shown as a percentage of multiple dwell- ings, as follows: Duplexes: Triplexes: Four or•More 33.33% r,¢ u 6.4'1 60.25 TO: City Council - 2. 41 A fifteen percent sample of these Units equals 1408 /dwellings to be surveyed. Using Percentages proportional to the unit type'distri- bution, the;survey might be comprised of the following mix: . Duplex 469 DU's f Triplex 90'DU's 1 Four or more 849 DU's 1408 ;'however, it is believed that for the purpose of sampling vacancy rate, �+ triplex units may fairly be combined with the four -unit or larger �• group of dwelling units, creating a survey sample" that consists of t9•„ one-third (1/3) duplexes and two-thirds (2/3) larger apartment develop- ments, creating a sample mix of 939 rental dwellings in the triplex - and -above category, and 469 duplexes. Inasmuch as the Ordinance has precluded rental units on lots of less than 5,000 square :feet from converting to condominiums, variations of the sample breakdown shown above may be desired. + Of the 469 duplexes, it is estimated that only 96,units exist on lots greater than 5,000-sq.ft. Therefore, a survey approach ceuld'be under- taken which 'includes all such eligible duplexes,'and redistributes the percentage of the 'sample assigned to triplexes and larger multiple dwellings, to achieve the full 15% survey. The resulting,nttmbers of units, by type, would be ,as follows: Duplex 96 (06.82%) c /�! 4 j 9r L V Triplex '70 plex 126 (08.95%} '� I! Four or more 1186 (84.23%) rye - 1408 (100 %) �S3 Survey Methodology Alternatives The Department of Community Development has identified .alternatives by which the required survey may be conducted as follows:' 1. Mail/Computer - UtiTizing City water billing lists, com- puter cards could be sent to subscribers requesting•` information regarding the availability of rental -units. Such a procedure would, of necessity, require a special' L 4 mailing as, only a quarter of the City's dweilin,g units X are sent water bills every three months. Lh, order to t�' 1 assure an adequate response, two fac,tors should be coq C, sidered: (1) A large number of surveys,svould have,,to, Up be mailed; and (2) the City would obtain -the most' significant sample -return by the inclusion of postage paid (e.g,, business reply mail) response cards .or envelopes. It is estimated that to receive a 15% response, mailings would require four to five times 993• i the number desired from duplex units, or 2110 selected rD r mailings (469 units x 4.5). Initial mai('o"ut just to jI" duplex units would exceed $315.00. 1� TO: Ci ty'*ounci 1 - 3. 0 Costs for the random sampling of the 939 group -rental units would depend largely on the types and size of the developments chosen for the survey. Enclosed reply mail would be encouraging to those queried and increase response, given a common basic reluctance to do so. Costs of inclusion of postage - paid response opportunity would be solely dependent on the number of responses and would also be in addi- tion to tabulation time and costs incurred by the City's Finance Department. Staff 'Survey - This alternative would have the rental vacancy rate survey done entirely by existing City Staff. it is _felt at this time that establishing such rate for the larger apartment developments could be conducted almost entirely by telephone contact with those developments who employ full- time managerial help. A random sample of vacancy rate could be conducted, it is believed, in two man -days or less. Completed by an intermediate - level Associate Planner, two man -days, including tabulation, interviewee sei ctio' n� etc. would constitute a maximum of $175 in cost to the City. �'— To arrive at an adequate and representative example of duplex units in the City, two sub -alternatives appear to be available: a k j� a) A field survey of duplex units conducted by City Staff is estimated as follows: 469 dwelling units to be surveyed x 10 @,minute's survey -time per structure 4690 minutes, or 60 man-hours, or 7:5 man -days Such time includes estimated time between units and field tabulation. Conducted by a Staff Planner at Associate Planner level, this represents a cost to the City of "$656.25/2 If effected by a Staff member of lower remunera.ion, the cost could be reduced to approximately ,$_250.00 b) It is known that certain realty organizations regu- larly include a diverse portfolio of renta-1 oppor- tunities in the City, on both seasonal and year- round bases. Given the cooperation of such companies and a Staff assessment of the representative nature of their information, the alternative (a, above) could'be decreased significantly in both Staff time and cost to the City. It would be the Community Development Department's intention to explore this possibility to its maximum usable and savings' potential. TO: Ci Aouncil - 4. �^eV8. A third alternative approach to the survey would be to eliminate all rental dwelling units which are inappro- priate or ineligible for conversion to condominiums. This method would delete single-family detached units, mobile homes, and duplexes on lots of less than five thousand square feet. This approach would substantially decrease the time required to survey smaller units and shift the emphasis to the larger rental developments, which are eligible for conversion under the terms of the Ordinance and can be polled with greater ease and speed. Precise quantification of the number of "eligible" units would result from the conduct of the survey, as rental units of lots of 5000 sq.ft. or greater are tallied, and added to the 6261 dwellings in structures of three or more units. Recommendation Staff recommends that Alternative No. 3 be utilized in the conduct of the rental vacancy survey inasmuch as such approach lessens demand for Staff time, decreases cost to the City, and is considered the most equitable in terms of the applicability of the Ordinance. Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. H06AN, Director by MVCHAEL OCURK� Senior Planner MO/kk W SOY st j . 1 � ' &Er Neu ruJ w,f�`R � City Council Meeting October 9, 1979 Study Session'Agenda1Item No. w^ 6(c)'2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC- -t, October 3, 1979 - . sp_t oY\ Gp, -1 9-1 act, T0: C Council RV FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Implementation of Ordinance No. 1817 - Rental Vacancy Survey The City Council has requested the Department of Community 'Development to report on the, proposed methodology for ,conducting a survey of the rental vacancy factor in the City, as required by Section 20.73,A10, Subsection E,of Ordinance No,. 1817 (Residential Condominium Projects). Background The adopted ordinance regulates condominium conversion projects by means of a rental vacancy rate factor. If the City's vacancy rate is 5% or below, conversions will not be approved; in the absence of speci- fied overriding considerations. Testimony was presented at public hearings before the Planning Commis- sion and the City Council indicating that the methodol�ogy of the rental vacancy survey conducted by the Dep.artment of Hous-ing and Urban Development was questionable, in,that it did not represent an adequately random sampling.of the Cfty's rental units. The City Council elected to, utilize a vacancy survey conducted by City Staff representing ati ast 15% of the City's rental units, excluding single- family detached residences and mobile homes. Th.e survey is to be con- ducted twice annually, in October and April, i-n order to avoid extreme seasonal distortions. Scope of Required Survey The City has approximately 12,'040 dwelling units available for rental occupancy. Of these, 22%,are single-family detached units or mobile homes, which would not be prospects for conversion to 'condominiums. The remaining 9,391 units consist -of duplexes,_ triplexes, and build- ings of four or more units, shown as a percentage of multiple dwell- ings, as foll'ows: Duplexes: 33.33% Triplexes: 6.41 Four or More 60.25 0 0 TO: City Council - 2. A fifteen percent sample of these units equals 1,408 dwellings to be surveyed. Using percentages proportional to the unit type distri- bution, the survey might be comprised of the following mix: Duplex 469 DU's �._ I Tv7a of - �b Triplex 90 DU's Four or more 849 DU's r--4 r � fS7,a However, it is believed that for the purpose of sampling vacancy rate, triplex units may fairly be combined,with the four -unit or larger group of dwelling units, creating a survey sample that consists of one-third (1/3) duplexes and two-thirds (2/3) larger apartment develop- ments, creating a sample mix of 939 rental dwellings in the triplex - and -above category, and 469 duplexes. Inasmuch as the Ordinance has precluded rental units on lots of less than 5,000 square feet from converting to condominiums, variations of the sample breakdown shown above may be desired. Of the 469 duplexes, it is estimated that only 96 units exist on lots greater than 5,000 sq.ft. Therefore, a survey approach could be under- taken which includes all such eligible duplexes, and redistributes the percentage of the sample assigned to triplexes and larger multiple dwellings, to achieve the full 15% survey. The resulting numbers of units, by type, would be as follows: Duplex 96 (06.82%) Triplex 126 (08.95%) Four or more 1186 (84.23%) 1408 (100 %) Survey Methodology Alternatives The Department of Community Development has identified alternatives by which the required survey may be conducted as follows: 1. Mail/Computer - Utilizing City water billing lists, com- puter cards could be sent to subscribers requesting information regarding the availability of rental units. Such a procedure would, of necessity, require a special mailing as only a quarter of the City's dwelling units are sent water bills every three months. In order to assure an a-dequate response, two factors should be con- sidered: (1) A large number of sur'veys.-would have to be mailed; and (2) the City would obtain the most significant sample -return by the inclusion of postage - paid (e.g., business reply mail) response cards or envelopes. It is estimated that to receive a 15% response, mailings would require four to five times the number desired from duplex units, or 2110 selected mailings (469 Units x 4.5). Initial mailout just to duplex units would exceed $315.00. TO: City Council - 3. 6 Costs for the random sampling of the 939 group -rental units would depend Vargely on, the types a'nd size of the developments chosen for the survey. Enclosed reply mail would be encouraging to those queried and increase response, given a common basic reluctance to do so. Costs of inclusion of postage - paid response opportunity would be solely dependent on the number of responses and would also be in addi- tion to tabulation time a-nd costs incurred by the City's Finance Department. Staff Survey - This alternative would have the rental vacancy rate survey done entirely by existing City Staff. It is felt at this time that establishing such rate for the larger apartment developments could be conducted almost entirely by telephone, contact with those developments who employ full- time managerial help. A random sample of vacancy rate could be conducted, it is believed, in two man -days or less. Completed by am intermediate - level Associate Planner, two man -days, including tabulation, interviewee selection, etc. would constitute a maximum of $175 in cost to the City. To arrive at an adequate and representative example of duplex units in the City, two sub -alternatives appear to be available: a) A field survey of duplex units, conducted by City Staff is estimated as follows: 469 dwelling units to be surveyed x 10 @_minutes survey -time per structure 4690 minutes, or 60 man-hours, or 7.5 man -days Such time includes estimated time between units' and field tabulation. Conducted by a Staff Planner at Associate Planner level, this represents a cost to the City of $656.25. If effected by a Staff member of lower remuneration, the cost could be reduced to approximately $250.00 b) It is known that certain realty organizations regu- larly include a diverse portfolio of rental oppor- tunities in the City, on both seasonal and year- round bases. Given the cooperation of such companies and a Staff assessment of the representative nature of their information, the alternative (a, above) could' be decreased significantly in both Staff time and cost to the City. It would be the Community Development Department's intention to explore this possibility to its maximum usable and savings' potential. TO: Ci Council - 4. • 3. A third alternative approach to the survey would be to eliminate all rental dwelling units which are inappro- priate or ineligible for conversion to condominiums. This method would delete single-family detached units, mobile homes, and duplexes on lots of less than five thousand square feet. This approach would substantially decrease the time required to survey smaller units and shift the emphasis to the larger rental developments, which are eligible for conversion under the terms of the Ordinance and can be polled with greater ease and speed. Precise quantification of the number of "eligible" units would result from the conduct of the survey, as rental C units of lots of 5000 sq.ft. or greater are tallied, and added to the 6261 dwellings in structures of three or more units. Recommendation Staff recommends that Alternative No. 3 be utilized the rental vacancy survey inasmuch as such approach for Staff time, decreases cost to the City, and is most equitable In terms of the applicability of the Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director by �t�RR Senior Planner %�/ � �r--�`J/l •,.c_ � �yiy^w''� `.` ! t 's t,_,�.,v,.. _ .. ':mot' 1.ri..—` MO/kk in the conduct of lessens demand considered the Ordinance. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Department of Community Development DATE: October 9, 1979 TO: Richard V. Hogan,_ Director FROM: Michael Ocorr, Senior Planner SUBJECT: City Council Study Sessfon Item "6(c)2 - Rental Vacancy Rate' Survey This is to clarify the report to the City Council for today's agenda outlining available alternatives by'which'to survey the City's rental vacancy rate.,in order'to'implement Ordinance No. 1817, "Residential Condominium Projects.." The alternatives described and the scope of the survey are not intended to be mutually exclusive. Basical•ly';'any method- ology could* be employed regardless of 'the numbers of''units to be sampled. A fourth approach to the staff -conducted survey method is also available. A fifteen percent (15%) sample could be taken of duplexes on.lots over 5000 sq,.ft., all triplexes, and all structures of four or more units, resulting in the following sample size: Duplex Triplex Four or more 14 DU's _42-0 90. DU's� — 849 DU's 953 DU's 1-7 I.� 5 sus This scope of survey appears equitable in that it would szmpe only those units eligible for condominium conversiod under the terms of the ordinance,and would decrease staff time and cost to the City on a proportional scale. � 00 MICHAEL OCORR Senior Planner MO/kk /// 2 PQ , - - - • {:-� --• - .. 1`f.: _ - . - -- --.a, �3 route- •- - - - -.-_ - 619 1 . ------ ---- - - - - -�� - . _ .-- - - --- ----- - --- - - �_S3 AEI � -- •- - - 3 9. � hr. __-_.... _. -_ - n 1 �;� _• - • - - �r�•�.�C�K - -. ~ .�,r - �/S� 1�.��s� �! �� �Min�f�:& Lack tj0lo pct.'s «�.s lie. C=1T� OF NEWPORT BEA* CO'UNCI\y ELMEN . o ti ROLL CALL MINUTES INDEX Motion x The staff was directed to reply to the letters Ayes stating that the motion to reconsider the ordin- Noes x x x x x x ance had failed, and that Councilman McInnis.would ask -that it be placed on a future Study Session. J. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. San Joe n Hills Transportation Corridor: Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Wi ms made a motion for the Ayes x x Council to continue to port the Alternate Noes x x x x 2 alignment at the westerl d of the corridor, which motion failed. Motion x Mayor Ryckof£ made a motion to adopt Reso ion Ayes x x x x x x No. 9657, a resolution of the City Council :Woes x expressing support for the Alternate 5 alignment for the westerly end of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, which motion carried. 2. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department regarding the implementation of Ordinance Po 1$3i"- ltentar'y cancy Survey, Motion x Mayor Ryckoff made a motion to adopt Alternate 3 Ayes x x x in the staff report, which would eliminate all ,Woes x x x rental dwelling units which are inappropriate or Abstain x ineligible for conversion to condominiums, which motion failed. The City Manager stated that the staff would then conduct its inventory on 15% on the City's rental units, excluding s—i-g=e-f"amir] — d7iEraclied residences and mobile homes. There being'no further kusiness to come before the Council, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M. i i Volume 33- Page 291 $TY OF NEWPORT AJACH COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL (P 9 MINUTES INDEX (b) One Assistant Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department, to fill a position now vacant. (c) One Firefighter I, Fire Department, to fill a newly created position. (d) One Typist Clerk I, Fire Department, to fill a newly created position. (e) One Civil Engineer - Grading, Community Develop- ment, to fill a position now vacant. 8. COMMISSION, COMMITTEE AND STAFF REPORTS - For Council information and filing! (a) A report from the Traffic Affairs Committee regarding bylaws. (Attached) PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULING - Set for public hearing on October 23, 1979: a) General Plan Amendment 79-1, a request initiated by the City of Newport Beach to consider proposed amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth and Recreation nd Open Space Elements of the General Plan, a d the acceptance of Environmental Document. (A report from the Community Development Dep tment) 10. LIDO ISLE CE MAIN (C-2108) - Approval of the plaecifications, and authoriza- tion to thlerk to advertise for bids to be opened .m. on November 6, 1979. ( A \ndspecifications, report frolic Works Department) 11. BUDGET AME- For approval: BA-022, $3tr sfer o£ Budget Appropria- tions forion funding for acquisition of drainage easements an cons ruction or Ensign View Park storm drain, frI General Fund to Park and Recreation Fund. ee Agenda Item G-3) I. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONS CALENDAR: Mayor Pro Tem Williams joined the me ing and took his seat at the Council table. 1. Letters opposing and/or asking for reconsider- ation of the condominium conversion dinance were presented from the following: Ma aret Hall, Ruthelyn Plummer, S. C. Osadche, nd Russell Griffith. Motion x Councilman McInnis made a motion to bring Ayes x�x x Ordinance No. 1817 back for reconsideration, Noes x x x x which motion failed. I i i Volume 33 - Page 290 • City Council Ming October 9, 1979 • • October 3, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Study Session Agenda Item No CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Department of Community Development Implementation of Ordinance No. 1817 - Rental Vacancy Survey The City Council has requested the Department of Community Development to report on the proposed methodology for conducting a survey of the rental vacancy factor in the City, as required by Section 20.73.010, Subsection. E,of Ordinance No. 1817 (Residential Condominium Projects). Background The adopted ordinance regulates condominium conversion projects by means of a rental vacancy rate factor. If the City's vacancy rate is 5% or below, conversions will not be approved in the absence of speci- fied overriding considerations. Testimony was presented at public hearings before the Planning Commis- sion and the City Council indicating that the methodol;.ogy of the rental vacancy survey conducted by the Department of Ho.us-ing and Urban Development was questionable, in that it did not represent an adequately random sampling of the City's rental units. The City Council elected .to. utilize a vacancy survey conducted by City Staff representing a•tleast 15% of the City's rental units, excluding single- family detached residences and mobile.homes. The survey is to be con- ducted twice annually, i.n October and April, in order to avoid extreme seasonal distortions. Scope of Required Survey The City has approximately 12,040 dwelling units available for rental .occupancy. Of these, 22% are single-family detached units or mobile homes, which would not be prospects for conversion to condominiums. The remaining 9,391 units consist of duplexes, triplexes, and build- ings of four or more units, shown as a percentage of multiple dwell- ings, as follows: Duplexes: 33.33% 3 1 3 o Triplexes: Four or More 6.41 60.25 TO: City Council - 2. A fifteen percent sample of these units equals 19408 dwellings to be surveyed. Using percentages proportional to the unit type distri- bution, the survey might be comprised of the following mix: Duplex 469 DU's Triplex 90 DU's Four or more 849 DU's 1408 However, it is believed that for the purpose of sampling vacancy rate, triplex units may fairly be combined with the four -unit or larger group of dwelling units, creating a survey sample that consists of one-third (1/3) duplexes and two-thirds (2/3) larger apartment develop- ments, creating a sample mix of 939 rental dwellings in the triplex - and -above category, and 469 duplexes. Inasmuch as the Ordinance has precluded rental units on lots of less than 5,000 square feet from converting to condominiums, variations of the sample breakdown shown above may be desired. Of the 469 duplexes, it is estimated that only 96 units exist on lots greater than 5,000 sq.ft. Therefore, a survey approach could be under- taken which includes all such eligible duplexes, and redistributes the percentage of the sample assigned to triplexes and larger multiple dwellings, to achieve the full 15% survey. The resulting numbers of units, by type, would be as follows: Duplex 96 (06.82%) Triplex 126 (08.95%) Four or more 1186 (84,23%) 1408 (100 %) Survey Methodology Alternatives The Department of Community Development has identified alternatives by Which the required.survey may be conducted as follows: 1. Mail/Computer Utilizing City water billing lists, com- puter cards could be sent to subscribers requesting information regarding the availability of rental units. Such a procedure would, of necessity, require a special �N mailing as only a quarter of the City's dwelling units �t re sent water bills every three months. In order to \ q, assure an adequate response, two factors should be con- idered: (1) A large number of surVeys.would have to Qbe mailed; and (2) the City would obtain the most significant sample -return by the inclusion of postage - paid (e.g., business reply mail) response cards or envelopes. It is estimated that to receive a 15% response, mailings would require four to five times the number desired from duplex units, or 2110 selected mailings (469 units x 4.5). Initial mailout just to duplex units would exceed $315.00. TO: City Council - 3. • Costs for the random sampling of the 939 group -rental units would depend largely on the types a'nd size of the developments chosen for the survey. • Enclosed reply mail would be encouraging to those queried and increase response, given a common basic reluctance to do so. Costs of inclusion of postage - paid response opportunity would be solely dependent on the number of responses and would also be in addi- tion to tabulation time and costs incurred by the City's Finance Department. 2. Staff Survey - This alternative would have the rental vacancy rate survey done entirely by existing City Staff. It is felt at this time that establishing such rate for the larger apartment developments could be conducted almost entirely by telephone• contact with those developments who employ full- time managerial help.' A random sample of vacancy rate could be conducted, it is believed, in two man -days or less. Completed by an intermediate - level Associate Planner, two man -days, including tabulation, interviewee selection, etc. would constitute a maximum of $175 in cost to the City. •' To arrive at an adequate and representative example of duplex units in the City, two sub -alternatives appear to be available: a) A field survey of duplex units, conducted by City Staff is estimated as follows: 469 dwelling units to be surveyed x 10 @ minutes survey -time per structure 4690 minutes, or 60 man-hours, or 7.5 man -days Such time includes estimated time between units and field tabulation. Conducted by a Staff Planner at Associate Planner level, this represents a cost to the City of $656.25. If effected by a Staff member of lower remuneration, the cost could be reduced to approximately $250.00 b) It is known that certain realty organizations regu- larly include a diverse portfolio of rental oppor- tunities in the City, on both seasonal and year- round bases. Given the cooperation of such companies and a Staff assessment of the representative nature of their information, the alternative (a, above) could'be decreased significantly in both Staff time and cost to the City. It would be the Community Development Department's intention to explore this possibility to its maximum usable and savings' potential. TO: Ci # Council - 4. 0 3. A third alternative approach to the survey would be to eliminate all rental dwelling units which are inappro- priate or ineligible for conversion to condominiums. This method would delete single-family detached units, mobile homes, and duplexes on lots of less than five thousand square feet. This approach would substantially decrease the time required to survey smaller units and shift the emphasis to the larger rental developments, which are eligible for conversion under the terms of the Ordinance and can be polled with greater ease and speed. Precise quantification of the number of "eligible" units would result from the conduct of the survey, as rental units of lots of 5000 sq.ft. or greater are tallied, and added to the 6261 dwellings in structures of three or more units. Recommendation Staff recommends that Alternative No. 3 be utilized the rental vacancy survey inasmuch as such approach for Staff time, decreases cost to the City, and is most equitable in terms of the applicability of the Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director by MIfCHAEL OCO RR Senior Planner MO/kk in the conduct of lessens demand considered the Ordinance. I] 0 ! 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER September 11, 1979 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE Not R�M% AP) Please prepare a report for the City Council study session of October 9th explaining the nature, frequency, and proposed accuracy of the postal vacancy survey of rental units in Newport Beach. Ad- ditionally, please outline a method or methods in some detail as to how the staff will proceed in conducting the survey as required by provisions of Section 20.73.010, Subsection E, of the recently adopted ordinance. D, L ROBERT L. W N N e RECEIVE D !� Community Development Dept. SEP 111979o► CITY OF NEWPO T BEACH,, / CALIF. P. COUNCILMEN LP ROI. I CAI L 9 CIO( OF NEWPORT BEP6H cow+o ,t o� to 1a7a MINUTES INDEX 2. Ordinance No. 1817, being, Residential Condominium AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Projects NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 20.73 0-1817 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL (3311) CODE, ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS," Planning Commission Amendment No. 529, a request initiated by the City o ewport each and proposing to add Chapter 20.73 to the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to Condominium Projects and Condominium Conversion Projects and the consideration of an Environmental Document. A report was presented from the Community Development Department. Motion x Councilman Strauss made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1817. Councilman Heather stated for the record that she could not support the motion because she would generally like to be able to preserve our large apartment stock in the large units and has problems in virtually eliminating all R-21s except in Newport Heights; and also she thought that the 5% vacancy rate was unobtainable. She stated that with those two reservations, she was voting against the motion, although she thought some form of condominium control would be good Ayes x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Strauss' motion, Noes x x which motion c r e; 3. Ordinance No. 1820, being, Council Proce,duKes AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O- 0 NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 096) 2.04.020 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO CHANGE THE TIME OF THE EVENING COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 P.M., was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1820 wZadop Ayes x x x x x x Abstain x F. CONTINUED B NESS: 1. Alterna e (a) and (b) of a proposed resolution HAT establishing the ad hoc Highway Action Team (HAT) (3341) here presented to Council. ` r . f Volume 33 - Page 254 i *TY OF N5WPORT B40ACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES 2�nu'>. 4i 9�0Ty6`G'f'2�N Rni i rni ?'c ��ntio to IQ70 INDEX presently scheduled for September 20, k 1979, and its recommendations would 1 be sent to and acted upon by the City Council within a reasonable period of time thereafter. e) Based upon Proposition 13 and AB 8, the property tax benefits from industrial uses were not particularly favorable to the City compared to other potential uses. f) Peak hour traffic from industrial/commercial use creates greater problems than from some other potential uses. Motion x\ob he hearing was reopened. Ayes xxxxxx Noes x Break of the law firm of Latham and Watkins, a orneys for The Irvine Company, addressed the Co cil regarding planning and zoning laws in the Gov nment Code in connection with refusal to appro a tentative maps on the basis of General Plan a 4/5 vote. restud\taken Motion x The helosed. All Ayes Ayes x x x x A voten on Mayor Pro Tem Williams' Noes x x motiotion carried. Abstain x E. ORDIADOPTION: 1. Ordin07, ing, Aeronutronic For P-C Dev INAN OF THE CITY OF Standards NEWPORT BEA ESTABLISHING THE 0-1807 PLANNED COM �1NITY DEVELOPMENT (3265) PLAN AND DEVEL{{7PMENT STANDARDS FOR AERONUTRONId FORD, Planning Commission Amendme t No. 5320 a request of Ford Aerospace and Communi ations Corporation and Eagle Development Compan �Daon Southwest Corporation to establish a Planned Community Development Plan and Development Standardsf and the acceptance of an Environmental D cument. A report was presented from the ommunity Development Department. Motion I x Ordinance No. 1807 was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Noes x x i i Volume 33 - Page 253 0 City Council Me ng September 10,1979 Agenda Item No CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 5, 1979 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development E-2 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 529 Request to consider an amendment adding Chapter 20.73 to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to condominium projects and condominium con- version projects, and the consideration of an Environ- mental Document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach Suggested Action Hold hearing; close hearing; if desired, accept the Environmental Document and adopt Ordinance No. 1817. Application The proposed ordinance would amend Title 20 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code to add Chapter 20.73. Said section proposes to set forth regulations for new condominium projects and conversion of existing dwelling units to condominium use. The section requires a use permit for all condominium projects and sets forth standards for condominium projects identical to the standards for other residential uses in the same district. Only conversions are proposed to be restricted by a rental vacancy rate factor. Administrative and procedural require- ments are the same as for other residential developments. Copies of the revised draft ordinance are attached, and that which was recommended by the Planning Commission, together with staff reports and additional data, were forwarded to the Council on August 27, 1979. Staff has prepared a revised draft of the proposed ordinance in ac- cordance with City Council direction given at the hearing of August 27, 1979. The attached draft presents deletions from the previous document lined through with dashes (e.g., de;etien) and additions underlined (e.g., underlined). Summary of Revisions Section 20.73.005 - Deletes "adequate" from line 7 and inserts "...balanced mix..." Deletes "adeq.uately" from line 9. TO: Cite Council - 2. , Section 20.73.025-B - Amended to establish a prerequisite minimum lot size of 5,000 sq.ft. Section 20.73.030 - Line 3, or B" has been deleted. 01 Section 20.73.035 - Amended to establish a 5% vacancy rate factor for conversion projects. Section 20.73.035 - Subsection B.2(9) dealing with exemption of high -rental units was deleted in its entirety. These changes resulted from Council deliberations and straw votes conducted at the August 27th public hearing. Vacancy Survey At the request of the City Council, staff wishes to advise that cer- tain problems are present in attempting to conduct a vacancy rate survey by means of utility connections, as there is no consistent policy with regard to rental units. A large number of units for rent include utilities and, therefore, may be metered singly rather than individually. Further, the semi-annual vacancy factor survey by the Housing and Urban Development (which replaces the "postal vacancy survey") is characterized by unreliable sampling. It is estimated by the Department of Community Development that B-10 man -days will be required to survey the 15% of available rentals desired by the Council. Respectfully submitted, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director by 'f e�,lee-rre� MIlCHAEL VC0RR Senior Planner MO/kk Attachment: Revised Ordinance 1817 NO. 1817 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 20.73 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS" The City Council of the City of Newport Beach DOES ORDAIN as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 20.73 is added to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 20.73 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS Sections: 20.73.005 Intent and Purpose. 20.73.010 Definitions. 20.73.015 Use Permit Required. 20.73'.020 Fees. 20.73.025 Standards - All Condominium Projects. 20.73.030 Modification or Waiver of Development Standards. 20.73.035 Condominium Conversion Regulations, Vacancy Rate. 20.73.040 Existing Structures and Uses, Approved Plans. 20.73.045 Separability. 20.73.005 Intent and Purpose. The City Council finds and determines that residential condominium projects differ in many aspects from other types of construction and form of owner- ship and development. Therefore, these regulations are adopted to guide the development of new residential condominium projects and conversions of existing dwelling units to condominium projects. It is the intent of these regulations to provide a balanced mix between ownership and rental housing in order to assure the development of a variety of housing types to serve the needs of the community. 20.73.010 Definitions. The following terms used herein shall have the meanings indicated: A. CONDOMINIUM. The term "condominium" shall mean and include the following: A condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, containing two or more condominiums, as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code; a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more rights of exclusive occupancy; a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 11002.2 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more separately owned lots, parcels or areas; or any other such project as defined by state law. In addition, for the purpose of this Chapter, development which offers own -your -own or fee ownership units, whereby the individual owns land directly below the "footprint" of said unit, and all other land within the project is owned in common, shall be defined as a condominium. B. ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS. The term "organizational documents" shall mean the declaration of restrictions, articles of incorporation, bylaws and any contracts for the maintenance, management or operation of all or any part of a project. C. PROJECT. The term "project" shall mean the entire parcel of real property proposed to be used or divided, as land or airspace, into two or more units as a condominium. D. UNIT. The term "unit" shall mean�the particular area of land or airspace that is designed, intended or used for exclusive possession or control of individual owners or occupier. E. VACANCY RATE. The term "vacancy rate" shall mean the number of vacant multiple dwellings being -offered for rent or lease in the City of Newport Beach shown as a percentage of the total number of multiple dwellings offered for or under rhntal or lease agreement in the City. Said vacancy rate shall be as -2- f established twice each year, in October and April, by survey of 15% of the city's rental units. 20.73.015 Use Permit Required. Condominium projects may be permitted in any district in which residential uses are permitted, including Planned Communities, subject to securing a use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.83 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. In Planned Community Districts, residential developments, all or part of which have been specifically designated as condominium projects on the approved Planned Community Development Plan, shall be permitted subject to the requirement of a specific Planning Commission finding that the Commission has considered the criteria and requirements of this Chapter in approving the Planned Community and accompanying regulatory text. In addition, the approval of a tentative and final tract map or parcel map shall be required for all condominium projects in accordance with Title 19, Newport Beach Municipal Code. No persons shall construct a new condo- minium development, or convert an existing residential use to a condominium, within the City of Newport Beach without first complying with the provisions of this Chapter. Tentative or parcel maps shall not be required until after a use permit has been approved, but such maps and permit may be processed for approval concurrently. 20.73.020 Fees. In addition to use permit and parcel map fees, condominium applications shall be accompanied by fees established by resolution of the City Council for review of (a) organizational documents of the project submitted as part of a tentative tract or parcel map application; and (b) a special inspection fee, in the case of condominium conversion applications. -3- 20.73.•025 Standards - All Condominium Projects. Condominium projects, whether new projects or conversions, shall conform to the following, and the Planning Commission or the City Council, on appeal or review shall make specific findings as to such conformance in any action approving a use permit application. A. The project shall comply with all applicable standard plans and specifications,, adopted City and State building codes, and zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval. Whenever regulations or restrictions imposed by this Section are either more or less restrictive than regulations or restrictions imposed by any other law, the regulations, restric- tions or laws which are most restrictive, or which impose higher standards, shall govern. B. The project lot size shall conform to the Zoning Code area requirements in effect at the time of approval, but in no case shall a condominium conversion be approved on a lot of"less than 5,000 square feet, regardless of when such lot was legally established. C. The project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. D. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 20.73.030 Modification or Waiver of Deyela merit Standards. The Planning Commission, by a 4/5 vote of those present and voting, shall have the right to modify or waive any of the standards -4- required by section 20.73.025(A), if such modification or waiver will in no way be detrimental to adjacent properties or improve- ments than will the strict compliance with these standards. 20.73.035 Condominium Conversion Regulations. A. All applications for conversion of existing rental dwelling units shall conform to the following, and the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal or review, shall make specific findings as to such conformance in any action approving a use permit for a condominium conversion. 1. The application shall propose special considerations for fixed income elderly tenants and handicapped persons in the way of extended notice of conversion intent, relocation assistance, or other means. 2. Existing tenants whose income is below 120% of the County's median income shall be permitted to remain as renters for a period of one year. 3. A minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the existing tenants shall have expressed written interest in exercising their option to purchase a converted unit within the project at the price offered. B. Vacancy Rate Regulation. Where it is proposed to convert an existing residential development to condominium units, the Planning Commission, or the City Council on appeal or review, shall disapprove, without prejudice, any use permit application if: 1. The rental dwelling unit vacancy rate in the City at the time of the public hearing is equal to or less than five percent (5%). 2. overriding Considerations. Notwithstanding the above, the Planning Commission may approve a condominium -5- I • - 0 conversion use permit and, if approved, shall make corresponding findings, if any of the following over- riding considerations exist: (a) The project will minimize the effect on dwelling unit vacancy rate, and otherwise substan- tially comply with the intent of this Chapter; or (b) Evidence has been submitted that 'two-thirds (2/3) of the existing tenants have voted to recommend approval of the conversion. 20.71.040 Existing Structures and -Use, Approved Plans. Any residential condominium development, whether originally established as such or converted from multi=family units, which lawfully exists on the effective date of this ordinance, or for which building permits have been issued, or for which an approved Planned Community Development Plan specifically provides that proposed residential developments shall be condominiums, shall be permitted to continue such use as approved. Any addition, expansion or substantial alteration of the development plans shall be subject to all provisions of this Chapter. 20.73.045 - Separability. If any provisions or require- ments of this Chapter shall be found invalid or unconstitutional in application or in interpretation by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and the same shall be effec- tive thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 27th day of August, 1979, and was adopted on the /Q/-/_--day of ATTEST: City Clerk 19791 by the following, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, COUNCILMEN ABSENT COUNCILMEN Mayor -7- HRC/kV 9/4/79 the Office of ty Clerk �AY'S MAIL L.�yrc �1K/ �o qI t 4 ; .vt• 1g�g�- �J`p e•c�l o�c PoN' Honorable City Coun-c `. City of Newport Beach State of California Dear Councilpersons, I* August 30, 1979 Be: Condominium Conversions I am against the proposed moratorium on condominium conversions. There is a high concentration of duplexes in West Newport and Newport Shores. These duplexes are primarily tenant occupied. If we are ever to rid ourselves of the noisy parties, sloppy garbage containers, police calls and building abuse occuring_in these duplexes I feel that owner occupancy is the best possible solution. Condominium Conversion could be the answer. There is a distinct lack of low priced, fee simple homes within walking distance to the beach. There are many couples and single persons who would love to live in these areas if they would not have to buy an entire building. These persons are currently faced with a price tag in excess of $175,000.00, a huge down payment, huge monthly payments and the use of only one-half a building. The other one-half ends up being rented a•t a rate that is far less than the cost of ownership. I feel that :lest Newport Beach and the City of Newport Beach would benefit from these units being owner occupied, and the best and fastest way to upgrade our community is to allow this type of conversions and in fact ---promote its occupance. Yours truly,. Min Jarvis Homeowner, Realtor and Mother of three. 219 Canal St. Newport Beach, Ca CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGERIV August 29, 1979 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR °,.�. c rr%"icH, �;51 FROM: City Manager 11'� SUBJECT: CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE Please reference Ordinance 1817 concerning condominium projects. My notes show the following changes: -- 1. On Page 4, Section 20.73.025,, Subsection B, the entire sentence was changed to refer specifically to a lot having a minimum of 5,000 square feet. 2. Page 4, Section 20.73.030 was modified to remove the language on the fourth line "or (B)." 3. Page 5, Section 20.73.035, Subsection B-1, was modified to re- place 2 1/2% vacancy rate to 5%. 4. Page 5, Section 20.73.035, Subsection B-2c, was deleted in its entirety. 5. Page 1, Section 20.73.005 was modified to have the last sentence read as follows: "It is the intent of these regulations to provide a balanced mix between ownership and rental housing in in order to assure the development of a variety of housing types to serve the needs of the community." Additionally, staff was requested to research other ways in which a vacancy survey can be taken. Specifically, through utility companies should be reviewed. Also, determine the accuracy of the postal vacancy survey and how often this survey is taken. Finally, it would be helpful if you could formulate a description of procedures for the staff doing the survey if the provisions of Section 20.73.010, Subsection E,remain in tact. To show the changes listed above, please take a copy of Ordinance 1817 and through strikeouts and underlining show modifications. ROBERT L. WYNN TO City Acili - 3- regulating conversion projects. Suggested as "Findings for Conversion ,AvprsTr&T,,` these options may be found on Page 6 (20.73.45) of te! July 1979 draft ordinance. The optional rekuireacenxt_s selected by the Planning Commis- sion are located in Suhss•ectloa 20-73.035 of the final draft ordinance. 8. Not incorporated in laze final draft was the following option suggested in the initial proposal to regulate conversion projects: a) That in pro,jeicts of twenty or more units, a minimum of ten percent (1€Yi) pf she units will be retained as rentals, or offered for sale, at prices affordable to persons ulhose income is less than 120% of the HUD median County incone, and an adequate method to guarantee sale to such persons is provided. The Commission was of the opinion that such a requirement should not be enacted without adequate provisions for the contihued affordability of such -units. Respectfully submitted, ( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, Director by �,L�f� � M CHAEL OCORR Senior Planner MO/kk Attachments for City Council Only: Proposed Ordinance - July 1979 Draft Ordinance - 7/5/79 Planning Commission Staff Reports.- 7/5, 5/10 Planning Commission Minutes Comparison - Conversion Guidelines Coastal Commission Data Sheet - 1976 Rental Unit Statistics Chronology r Negative Declaration 4\ Conversion Ordinances of other Jurisdictions (Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Fullerton and Palo Alto) Adopted Coastal Commission Interpretive Guidelines —Condominium Conversions I' t • City Council Meet Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEUPGRT BEACH Auc;ust 21, 1979 TO: City Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Amendment No. 529 A;t1st 27, 1979 D-4 Request to consider an amendment adding Chapter 20.73 to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to condominium projects and condominium con- version projects, and the consideration of an Environ- mental Document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach Suggested Action Hold hearing; close hearing; if desired, accept the Environmental Document and adopt Ordinance No. 1817. Application The proposed ordinance would amend Title 20 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code to.add Chapter 20.73. Said section proposes to set forth regulations for new condominium projects and conversion of existing dwelling units to condominium use. The section requires a use permit for all condominium projects and sets forth standards for condominium projects identical to the standards for other residential uses in the same district. Only conversions are proposed to be restricted by a rental vacancy rate factor. Administrative and procedural require- ments are the same as for other residential developments. Copies of the revised draft ordinance (i.e., July 5', 1979) and that which is recommended by the Planning Commission, together with staff _reports and additional data, a.re attached. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of July 5, 1979, the Planning Commission voted (6 Ayes and 1 No) to recommend adoption of the attached ordinance dated July 5, 1979, by the City Council. 'iC: city fs nc I - 2. • C.!c::riround lhe City Council adopzd; Policy go. T-1 restricting the conversion of existing dwelling anits La condominiums where the City's rental vacancy rate is three percent Q3%) or less as surveyed by the }lousing anal Urban development. De:partment. The Council -Further directed that ao ordinance be prepared to implement this policy and additionally regulate raw condominiracp projects, prior to the expiration of Policy T-1 on Sev i.ember 26, 197S- The proposed ordinance was presented by staff, including a series of o;tional requirements ayn& findings, for consideration by -the Planning Commission. Seven public: hearings have been held on the proposed amendment s-ince March 6, 1979. Discussion The evolution of the presently proposed amendment, and the major differ- ences between it and the initial draft, are discussed herein for -infor- mation and consideration by the Council. 1. The initial draft of the proposed amendment attempted to 'con- centrate all regulations regarding condominiums and conversion projects into one section of the Code. The Commission expressed its desire to consolidate the document substantially, relying on cross- referencing to other sections of the Code, rather than the redundancies of a 'self-contained' section. 2. Subsequent drafts of the ordinance have been rewritten to stress brevity. Each review resulted in format changes and -the at- tached drafts do not, therefore, follow in similar order for purposes of comparison. 3. Development Standards for all condominium projects are recom- mended to be the same as for other residential developments in the same zoning district. Provisions for waiver or modi- fication of development standards (e.g., setbacks) are incor- porated in Subsection 20.73.030 ofi-the final proposal by the Planning Commission. 4. The Planning Commission recommends that a rental vacancy rate factor of 2.5% be included in the ordinance. The original draft suggested 3%. 5. The Commission favors use of City -conducted vacancy rate surveys over those done by the State Department of Mousing and Urban Development. A fifteen percent (15%) sample of all rental units eligible for conversion, conducted twice per year, was recommended. 6. Provisions for overriding the Vacancy Rate Regulations are included in Section 20.70.035, B.2. The original proposal to the Planning Commission contained a myriad of -optional provisions relating primarily to I^ W • R* E R E N C E O N L Y 9/10/79 0 0 • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1817 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 20.73 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS" E -z t The City Council of the City of Newport Beach DOES ORDAIN as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 20.73 is added to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 20.73 RESIDENTIAL Sections: PROJECTS 20.73.005 Intent and Purpose. 20.73.010 Definitions. 20.73.015 Use Permit Required. 20.73.020 Fees. 20.73.025 Standards - All Condominium Projects. 20.73.030 Modification or Waiver of Development Standards. 20.73.035 Condominium Conversion Regulations, Vacancy Rate. 20.73.040 Existing Structures and Uses, Approved Plans. 20.73.045 Separability. 20.73.005 Intent and Purpose. The City Council finds and determines that residential condominium projects differ in many aspects from other types of construction and form of owner- ship and development. Therefore, these regulations are adopted to guide the development of new residential condominium projects and conversions of existing dwelling units to condominium projects. It is the intent of these regulations to provide an adequate balanee a balanced mix between ownership and rental housing in order to assure the development of a variety of housing types to adequately serve the needs of the community. 20.73.010 Definitions. The following terms used herein shall have the meanings indicated: 10 A. CONDOMINIUM. The term "condominium" shall mean and include the following: A condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, containing two* or more condo- miniums, as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code; a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more rights of exclusive occupancy; a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 11002.2 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more separately owned lots, parcels or areas; or any other such project as defined by state law. In addition, for the pur- pose of this Chapter, development which offers own -your -own or fee ownership units, whereby the individual owns land directly below the "footprint" of said unit, and all other land within the project is owned in common, shall be defined as a condominium. B. ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS. The term "organizational documents" shall mean the declaration of restrictionsi articles of incorporation, bylaws, and any contracts for the maintenance, management or operation of all or any part of a project. C. PROJECT. The term "project" shall mean the entire parcel of real property proposed to be used or divided, as land or airspace, into two or more units as a condominium. D. UNIT. The term "unit" shall mean the particular area of land or airspace that is designed, intended or used for exclusive possession or control of individual owners or occupier. E. VACANCY RATE. The term "vacancy rate" shall mean the number of vacant multiple dwellings being offered for rent or lease in the City of Newport Beach shown as a percentage of the total number of multiple dwellings offered for or under rental or lease agreement in the City. Said vacancy rate shall be as * Proposal to exclude duplexes; straw vote failed. 40 -2- l �I • established twice each year, in October and April, by survey of 15%* of the City's rental units.** 20.73.015 Use Permit Required. Condominium projects may be permitted in any district in which residential uses are permitted, including Planned•Communities, subject to securing a use permit in accordance -with the provisions of Chapter 20.83 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. In Planned Community Districts, residential developments, all or part of which have been specifically designated as condominium projects on the approved Planned Community Development Plan, shall be permitted . subject to the requirement of a specific Planning Commission finding that the Commission has considered the criteria and requirements of this Chapter in approving the Planned Community and accompanying regulatory text. In addition, the approval of a tentative and final tract map or parcel map shall be required for all condominium projects in accordance with Title 19, Newport Beach Municipal Code. No persons shall construct a new condo- minium development, or convert an existing residential use to a condominium, within the City of Newport Beach without first complying with the provisions of this Chapter. Tentative or • parcel maps shall not be required until after a use permit has been approved, but such maps and permit may be processed for approval concurrently. 20.73.020 Fees. in addition to use permit and parcel map fees, condominium applications shall be accompanied by fees established by resolution of the City Council for review of (a) organizational documents of the project submitted as part of a tentative tract or parcel map application; and (b) a special inspection fee, in the case of condominium conversion applications. • * Proposal to reduce survey to 5%; straw vote failed. ** Proposal to require two consecutive surveys before change; straw vote failed. u -3- 0 0 20.73.025 Standards All Condominium Projects. Condominium projects, whether new projects or conversions, shall ie conform to the following, and the Planning Commission or the City Council, on appeal or review, shall make specific findings as to such conformance in any action approving a use permit application. A. The project shall comply with all applicable standard plans and specifications, adopted City and State building codes, and zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval. Whenever regulations or restrictions imposed by this Section are either more or less restrictive than regulations or restrictions imposed by any other law, the regulations, restric- tions or laws which are most restrictive, or which impose higher standards, shall govern. B. The project lot size shall conform to the Zoning Code area requirements in effect at the time of approvalr,but in no ' e Y case shall a condominiumio rsa.on be approved on a lot of le; than 5,000 square feet, regardless of when such lot was legally established. C. The project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. . D. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 20.73.030 Modification or Waiver of Development Standards. The Planning Commission, by a 4/5 vote of those present and voting, shall have the right to modify or waive any of the standards 0 -4- u . required by Section 20.73.025(A) or-4B*, if such modification or waiver will in no way be detrimental to adjacent properties or improvements than will the strict compliance with these standards. 20.7'3.,035 Condominium Conversion Regulations. A. All applications for conversion of existing rental dwelling units shall conform to the following, and the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal or review, shall make specific findings as to such conformance in any action approving a use permit for a condominium conversion. • 1. The application shall propose special considerations for fixed income elderly tenants and handicapped persons in the way of extended notice of conversion intent, relocation assistance, or other means. 2. Existing tenants whose income is below 120% of the County's median income shall be permitted to remain as renters for a period of one year. 3. A minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the existing tenants shall have expressed written interest in exercising their option to purchase a converted unit within the • project at the price offered. B. Vacancy Rate Regulation. Where it is proposed to convert an existing residential development to condominium units, the Planning Commission, or the City Council on appeal or review, shall disapprove, without prejudice; any use permit application if: 1. The rental dwelling unit vacancy rate in the City at the time of the public hearing is equal to or less than twe-snd-ene-ire}f-pereent-E�'-5Rr} five percent (5%). 2. Overriding Considerations. Notwithstanding the above, the Planning Commission may approve a condominium .• ' -5- Y conversion use permit and, if approved, shall make corresponding findings, if any of the following over- . riding considerations exist: (a) The project will minimize the effect on dwelling unit vacancy rate, and otherwise substan- tially comply with the intent of this Chapter; or (b) Evidence has been submitted that two-thirds (2/3) of the existing tenants have voted to recommend approval of the conversion*; or {e}--Seventy-fire-percent-{�59}-of-a��-rental-�nnsts within-a-arng}t-prejeet-rent-at-rates-in-excess-of-ti�at afferdab4e-bp-etendards-e£-the-State-Hepaxtntent-ef • Hetssing-and-�irban-Beve�epment;-te-tenants-vrhese-annaa� heasehe�d-ineeme-exceeds-gAAB-ef-the-eeentyls-median household -income. 20.73.040 Existing Structures and Use, Approved Plans. Any residential condominium development, whether originally established as such or converted from multi -family units, which lawfully exists on the effective date of this ordinance, or for which building permits have been issued, or for which an approved Planned Community Development Plan specifically provides that proposed residential developments shall be condominiums, shall b� permitted to continue such use as approved. Any addition, expansion or substantial alteration of the development plans shall be subject to all provisions of this Chapter. 20.73.045 Separability. if any provisions or require- ments of this Chapter shall be found invalid or unconstitutional in application or in interpretation by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. * Proposal to delete paragraph B.2.(b); straw vote failed. Q.7= • SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and the same shall be effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 27th day of August, 1979, and was -adopted on the day of , 1979, by the following vote, to wit: ATTEST: • City Clerk • AYES,•COUNCILMEN NOES, COUNCILMEN ABSENT COUNCILMEN Mayor -7- HRC/kv 8/31/79 SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODE: ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10-2� NEWPORT PROPERTIES 12-ITA 717 ,IRVINE AVE 000014 ,.: NEWPORT CREST APARTMENTS 11'-ITA, ' 1409 - ,7SUPERI'ORAVE . .,;; ,_ �_ NEWPORT BEACH:` '' 000213 `T . , .. 1 . �3 LAS--BRISAS__AP_ARTMENTS -IT �515 ` p?VER=A�F " NE9IPORT, BEACHI 00034 fi MAYER APARTMENTS 21-ITA 447 VIA'LIOO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH 000439 YEEP JASON MD 12-ITA '1722.W OCEAN FRONT, NEWPORT*.BEACH ` ''I 000596 I9 AGANI-r-N >>-ITA •- 16-42=WES-7CL,M"R +> " ; : ; - -' NE-WP-0,R-T AEAr, ' ` 0006-9 4&ROGERSP MARY J 22-ITA 101 VIA ANTIBES NEWPORT BEACH - 000749 13 `,D S G INVESTMENTS 22-ITA '• 114 1532,''MIRAMAR DR-• BALBOA ,; 000770 27 II -A 15-20-E-A'DAAS RANGE 0007-8i 15�--STRU-LHERS�-ED--A sr j17 SCHWALBEP ALAN J. 22-ITA 2860 ALTA VISTA DR - ;NEWPORT' BEACH ' ' '' 001024 +Zo PHILLIPSP ROSS M. 12-ITA ::310 "DANLIA Pl CORONA -:DEL -MAR ,'' 00I078 2' ROSBURG�-W-ILL-I-AM-D - 22-ITA' 2-4-6-=- TIALI-NA•=DR NE-WP-0R=T-BE001-144 z: 2 24 - AMERKHANIANP RUBEN 12-ITA 109 TWENTY-THIRD ST x 001161 2i LAURELHURST -APARTMENTS 22-ITA ',, - 1601 " FTF7EENTH.SL. NEWPORT BEACH 001190' :fi • �. :3 AKE-Ri�KdtGHAftItlE-8 = `� -IAA— 2�14 i�-'DCEAN FRfINT ��_--_'NEWRORY'-BEACH- =- -- 001191- ' MITCHELLs BERIT M 22-ITA 5019 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH 001202 31 301 MARGUERITE APTS 12-ITA 301 MARGUERITE AVE CORONA OEL'MAR 001231 r 32 , e . i '' ;J•q '+•••ail:,: J334 _SEIERSENP--PETE-E-. CAROL-------------12-ITA--__2001-7 ---.CLAY 'ST---- .-__--NEWPORT--BE-ACH- =' ---001353--•— .' 35 DICKEYS RUSSELL G 12-ITA 1156 RUTLAND RD 001466 '> HILGENDORF* JANE A 22-ITA 1700-2-4 CORAL PL' NEWPORT BEACH 001500 •' 3U J9 ' BOLAND,*-.A •C ..---•---- --•--- • - --•12-ITA—.317-E BAY• FRONT- --- ,oi --•—0015-90- 62l ERIKSSONP ELSIE 22-ITA 313 THIRTY-SECOND ST _001594 1"4l WWESTREMs, JOHN L 22-ITA 926 E OCEAN FRONT — BALBO'A ----- - - 001603 s s-GLACnMO-JAC, IC 1-2-ITA LO-9—E-I-GH-TE.E-UH SS ------------- -----------001735- G ENTERPRISES INC 12-ITA 121 MCFADDEN PL NEWPORT BEACH 001750 RAASIGP WILLIAM C 12-ITA -1020 W BALBOA BLVD BALBOA + 001762 -E-DWARDS-JAMES-• 22=I-TA— 40-9---T44I-RT-�N-1-NTH S3 NEW PORT -BEACH -- 00 176 3 BL-SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODES ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10-24-79 MIRAMAR APTS 22-ITA 1544 MIRAMAR DR BALBOA 001789 HANKEYjo M D 22-ITA ', 84'8 ,AMIGOS WAY' 001794 • , LDERS.ONP-HA.ROLD_E__ 22=I-TA.____ 1.05 VIA ANTIBPS NEWPORT BEACH Op161 JONES REALTY INC 21-ITA 2001 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH 001817 FINCH MARY F 22-ITA 502 MARIGOLD: AVE" 'CORONA `DEL MAR' 001826 ; - -AN-C-LEA-VE_EOWARD i 720-T-TA 1p50 RLITLAND RD s NEWDORt' REACH 01854 12 *ULDf HARRIET S 22-ITA 427 DAHLIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR 001858 + O'CONNORi ARTHUR P 12-ITA, 900- SEA LANE CORONA DEL MAR 001882 r_,t•-, '`2� EST,*—JAMES—GKBU.TH 8 12—TT '51.4 E •OCEA•N FRONT BALBOA . ': 0014_0 HUTTON* LYDA M 12—ITA 309 E BAY AVE ,BALBOA 001920 BOYDp JOHN T JR 2i"ITA' 775 AMIGOS WAY' ;' NEWPORT .6EACH' ' " 001926"- ALON-SO*-KARE-N--H-AAS• 77•-TTA 42-4-3-;-DANA--R.D NE-0-DRT=BEACH 0020.2-3 RAY JAMES D 12-ITA '3422 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR 002033 LORENTEENP P 13-ITA „•1400 .CORAL PLACE i 002072 NNE LLs - WILLIA-M—H -_-_— 23—ITA _ 320' MAI UER.ITELAV.E CDRONA—DE-L—MAR---_.-_-----0020�3--- -- = _---SC.A ,a 3 CHAS-E - LESS MAX 12-17A 2714 E OCEAN BLVD 23-ITA • ' 1600 ''HAVEN PLACE CORONA DEL MAR _CORONA_OU-MAR '-- 002090 002116 002227 GRANVILLE THE 12-ITA 1401 AVOCADO AVE 1901 NEWPORT BEACH 002397 NEWPORT HARBOR MOTEL 11-ITA 441 N NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH 002405 _kiANNAEDRDr-R_tiJ 22-ITA ' " L :305 - MA1"N ST AB - 002458 DOMINGO PROPERTIES LTD CO 237ITA 777 DOMINGO OR NEWPORT BEACH 002464 h FINES* ALTA M -22-ITA ` 510.W BAY AVE BALBOA' 002503 -SC-HWDRCK*-ERNES) F 23-ITA 305F RAy AVE BALBOA•- -. 002509- DAVIDSON* ERROL F 22-ITA 4211-19 'DAN'A RD _ NEWPORT BEACH' 002513 S h IRVINE COMPANY.* HOUSES 12=ITA 550 NEWPORT C'EN7ER DR #600 NEWPORT, BEACH 002575 ._JACOB-Y.;p_KE.ENE_K 22-ITA Q26_E �OA a+ Vp. NEWPORT BEACH 002611• BL-SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODE= ITA "RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10-24-79 WHEELER S S APTS 12-ITA 1115 E BALBOA BLVD BALBOA 002619 EBERT LIDO APTS 23�ITA 107', VIA FLOR-ENCE- NEWPORT BEACH 002692 -CIlLLINSs-ROY 22-TTA '" 111 MArN ST' BALBOA 1002-7-29 FRENCH STREET CO - 21-ITA 1151 DOVE ST #130 NEWPORT BEACH 002741 LADD ROBERT E £ RUBY, MILLER* HOWARD E 22-ITA 455' WESTMINSTER AVE 21-ITA 1818 W OCEAN FRONT NEWPORT BEACH 002743 N-EWP_0R-T-BE.ALH------002765. NEWPORT BEACH 002768 .E.- JR- 22-ITA 524 ABALONE AVE BALBOA ISLAND" 002779 17 16 LTY-1-NVES-MNT COo-LNC 22-TTA rPAYNE-P 745 DOMINGO DR ----NE-WP-OR-T--BEACH A0285I 19 20 21 GO MC CARTHY 12-ITA 1909 COURT ST NEWPORT BEACH 002856 33 24 VAN LOON ENTERPRISES 22-ITA 510 TWENTY-NINTH ST 002863 35 NE-L-SONS-E-DWI-N-N BALBOA-1-SL-AND 0028-7- 29 26 29 LIGHTNER, EUGENE W. 13-ITA 4138 HILARIA WAY 002877 31 33 MELANSONP-MARTIN A. 22-TTA- 716 ORCHID AVE CORONA DEL MAR 002878 31 -- J�NSONP--HE-NR—A- - '2=%TA 22^2-W-XE-A•"DNT tiC 002892 .. 35 36 t is ? 4y 30 HU KUD CHEN f4 KATHRYN 23-ITA 4224 ` HIL'ARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH. 002904 r 38 39 40 MATICS;p GUY 12-ITA 500 S BAY•FRONT' BALBOA ISLAND` ' 002988 41 42 ' KAP-ElA.s-WI-L-LI-A-M _ 71-TT-eA 3.00-E-IIGEAN-F-itONT - - - B-A18OA 003040 43 °` 45 PATTISON•INVESTMENT CO. 11-ITA 1649 WESTCLIFF DR #B NEWPORT BEACH 003046 "' ; 46 48 HULL EARL T JR a 22-ITA 4507 SEASHORE:DR ' NORTH HOLLYWOOD 003140 ^;r+"' 49 sa KOPECK-Y-AND-S-IR-OTA -2=I-TA Ml—B-AN-S-IDE-DR 00311- k o 51 52 BAYSIDE VILLA 22-ITA 430 E BAY AVE BALBOA 003146 5] 54 55 VAN DYKES BESS -12-IT'A 1230 W-BALBOA BLVD '#D NEWPORT-BEACH, 003149 . 53 59 -Z-INGER CLYDE-R �2-ITA 250b W-OGEAN-FRONT NEWPORTT-BEACH 00-3-15.2 °° NEWPORT APARTMENTS 23-ITA 1312 W,WASHINGTON BLVD VENICE 003157 62 62 Y64 COROLIDO 22=ITA- 4200- - • SHORE -CREST LN - CORONA DEL MAR 003188 55 GRE-Y-GOOSE-APAR-T-ME-NTS - 12 ITA 42-3-E--E-DGEWAFE-R-A-V-E BA-L-BOA ----00-32-47--- 69 66 69 90 21 )2 73 94 95 — .-- 76 R CITY OF NEWPORT FARTPBETTY W BEACH - BUSINESS 22-ITA LICENSE 303 FILE SEARCH CYPRESS ST CODE: ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10-24-79 BALBOA 003274 OAKWOOD GARDEN APTS NPT 12-ITA 1700 SIXTEENTH ST NEWPORT BEACH 003276 OINEILL.9 EDWARD J S GERALDINE 22-ITA 910 E OCEAN FRONT NEWPORT BEACH 003279 BALDERSON H P 12-ITA- 930 W BALBOA BLVD, NEWPORT BEACH 003283 "I.". VIM A9 '• MADGIfGDTTC Af/C rnRnMA nri MAR nnA2RQ SANEY J A 22-ITA 301 E BALBOA BLVD BALBOA 003384 752 AMIGOS WAY ASSOCIATES 22-ITA 752 AMIGOS WAY #1 NEWPORT BEACH 003389 _MU-RPHYP_RUSSE.LL_r 22—TTA- 1goQ W_BAY AVE NEW.E R_LB-EArH 003391 MC BRIENP SUZANNE 12-ITA 514 AVOCADO AVE BALBOA ISLAND 003399 MC GANN) EVA M ` 1500 CORAL PL NEWPORT BEACH 003402 .22-ITA ll1L_Rawm ►+ 22-11A 5 0 A -TRVINE-AVE NE"WP_ORT EXCFI 003-403 AMIGOS PROPERTIES 22-ITA 4000 WESTERLY PL NEWPORT BEACH 003566 STEWART 5 ULLMAN 21-11ITA 1401 B.AYSIDE OR NEWPORT`BEACH" 003577 •iRLTONp-._D"OROTHY T NTNETEPNTH ST NEWPORT BEA!'H 003b_Si MORRISONP MEL 22-ITA 6001 NEWPORT SHORES OR NEWPORT BEACH 003684 MATULICHP GEORGE 22—ITA 210 TWENTY—f2RST &T NEWPORT BEACH 003690 ,' J _ Y --C-ROS.BYf-MR_f_MR.S 1 .R 12-TTn 314 T'RIS-AVE g►f aaA 00385 WIGGENHORNP T E S OLIVE 21-ITA 1609 W BAY AVE'• #A NEWPORT BEACH 004025 WEBERP H J AND B -G '12-I1A 622-98 '" CLUBHOUSE AVE NEWPORT BEACH'S 004239 RINIP ANTHONY T 6 T INVESTMENT CO 22-ITA 204-206 E BALBOA BLVD 23-ITA, 15-$00 S."WESTERN AVE °i A2 .r_2e __9 t"p .-McDt:ffEDrTF. r BALBOA GARDENA 004386 -- - -__ 004427 _- �� 1 3 s 9 ul 'lf u s� t n u try AFT- NVESTMENT CO 23—ITA 15300 S WESTERN AVE EMBREE--GLENN_-L-- 22--LTA , 316—MAR.GUER.IlE--kV-E— ZAVALA C FRANK 22—ITA 1703 W BALBOA BLVD BODROGIp JOSEPH 22—ITA :•1800;- PORT BARMOUT•N PL PA.INE—CLARA— 2- TTA t64 M4 GHFQTTG AV-E�_ GARDENA NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH BL-SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODEt ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS TROPIC APARTMENTS 12-ITA 2421 E SIXTEENTH ST #8A NEWPORT BEACH 004470 004562 004612 10-24-79 SCHMIDT GEO W GDENs_RAY—A 23=ITA. 22�IT.A— .. 41.7 ST AND,REWS RD 10"a .NTNTH ST NEWPORT BEACH ; • ;, . 004616 _ nn4 i MC VICKERP WM AND LAVONA ' 22—ITA 110 ' EIGHTH*ST. •• "'" 004786 • h. THOMAS 1'2—ITA, 3.513 SEASHORE 0-R NEWPORT BEACH' 004994 " �BLANDL - . .' IVANEYa—!iA(i01n F 22 `Tj11 2400" HAVEN Ql 00.50 NYOUISTjp FRED W 10-ITA 3318"' VIA'LIDO. 005072 HALLS PAUL 22=I"TA 440 IRV&NE AVE' ;' 005124 ROSD.ORF_FP—.IAN 7 Tern u aet ROA LBI-iD _--NE-W- bR-T B-SACH 0051-7-7 SPAINARDP EARL 22-ITA 114 E BALBOA,BLVD „ 005202 DONALD 22=ITA 430 ', A'VOCADOI,,AVE ' ' °- ^ 005224 ,tl;rt [:'LAWRENZs --F—ICK-ER—E-AST-BLUFF—A-RTC ' —ITA Gl-O—NE-WPDRT—CENTER—DR---=*11-20-- •--- -- - - --- 005377— RICKETTSP THELMA R 22—ITA 206 E BAY AVE 005457 - - _ — --_, ai -- — ----- — —��� - — ._ .. _ 31 CARLSONY KENNETH E 12—ITA 121 E BALBOA LVD " -a.I Ds--O-A-AMES 22-IT AAVE 0-0546 LS TWZN PALMS APT 12-ITA 928 E BALBOA BLVD 005467 MYERSP JUNE L 12-ITA '125 AGATE AVE 005469 OBERT-O"AR_Y-M 72riTA ' 619 CARNA-TMN AVE 0 054-Z5 CASALAP JOE 12-ITA 812 W OCEAN FRONT 005480 ARKAY APARTMENTS 22-ITA 329 MARGUERITE AVE .. CORONA DEL MAR 005490 HEL-bN"-W '10 'A 809 F-E-RNLEAF-AVF 00549- VAN DYKE RICHARD E 12-ITA 424 MARIGOLD AVE 005502 IRLTON! J C 21=ITA 530 IRVINE•AVE NEWPORT,,BEACH 005556 =PARK--NEWPORTT-LTD- 12=2TA- J P-ARK-NEWP-OR-T--DR NEWROR-T-BE-ACH 005572- TERICHs MARY 11-ITA 112 THIRTY-SIXTH ST MA NEWPORT BEACH 005646 CAMARAS GIGOUNAS 12,lITA' 4100` HILA'RIA WAY 005647 ---MART-I-Ns-WM-J- - ?3-IAA- �344=W-&ALBOA-BLVD 005706 BL-SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODE2,ITA RESI,DENJIAL.RENTALS 10-24-79 VOGTo KENNETH F 12+ITA 925 W'BAY AV-E 005730 EL MAR MOTEL 11-3TA 310 E',BALBOA BLVD 005784 THOMPSON WILLIAM L VALENCIA GARDEN APTS IUSTIN SOUTH ERN-APTS______ ZZ-.LTA 615 BEGIlNIA_AVE - 12-ITA 1540 MIRAMAR DR x -11-ITA 4020 BIRCH ST #103 _1_L-LTA_.__-4020__BIRCH_S7 _ i —__ __#1_03 005809 E, 005865 005866 NTOSHP F T 22—ITA 2 RUE GRAND-VALLEE 005914 OTTONP CLAUDE B 22—ITA'""432 IRVINE AVE 005915 BEDFORD LANE APTS 22—ITA 1728 BEDFORD LN 005917 JACOBS STANLEY W 22—ITA 200 ' COLLINS AVE BALBOA ISLAND 005918 nnCle^f _ VT\1• u .A& C Div Alrc ^Acm�o t2 23 SWANCUTT MAX D 22—ITA 102 VIA LIDO SOLID 0059-29 24 25 HEALY APTS 22—ITA 113 FLFTEENTH ST 005930 2' ❑LLIN_GS-WORTH—W.E.NDY LEE 1.2—TTA 111 VIA Fi ORENCf I11 005-9-60 ' 29 HUNTER JANE H 22—ITA 306': MARGUERITE AVE 005997 30 "' BALBOA BAY CLUB INC 12—I.TA . 122'1 W"'COAST, HWY 006168 32 .�' •' 33 �MUMF-ORDs—S ._G_ "' 12—ITA - - 1.70D—HA1EN-EL ' •' 006222 35 ROBERTSP HELEN M 22—ITA 725 DOMINGO DR 006588 ' 35 3' SIPPLEP HOWARD B 6 JO - :2.2—ITA. - ",452-6'-'"S'EAWARD'.RD "' `'."" 006587 33 39M EYER---GROUP—M K r. PAQINERS 21—ITA 3400 TR -IN£ AVE if220 NfWPDRT BEACH 6837 40 " JOHNSONs WILLIAM H 22—ITA 601 POPPY AVE "'#A 006839 ' a3 'WGIBBONSp FRED 0 AND DARLENE 23—ITA 8333 OCEAN VIEW WHITTIER 006867 44 - . . , .. ... 65 --MC—DONOU.GH_ 22—ITA 2000— CDRAL—P—L - —0068.7-0 ' 46 . .. .. "' NOVEYj- H S 12—ITA 301 E ED'GEWATER'AVE 006899 AD 19 HAYNESP LEONARD W �50 22—ITA 730 TUSTI-WAVE 007033 13' HAV-FR_ MRc MRS WM F i2—ITA 127 VIA NICE 00-7-066 52 53 54 55 - - 55 M 57 -SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODE1 ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10-24-79 DUPUIEs F JAMES 22-ITA 213 DAHLIA AVE 0,07293 BEVERLY WESTCLIFF APARTMENTS •11-ITA 1616 BEDFORD LN % NEWPORT BEACH 007348 LL-ERs-H-R_S'vnf TF 77—TTA 426-478 SEAWARD—RD 007631 ; , „ HEHRs BETTY 12—ITA 1270 RUTLAND RP #1 00'7683 STEVENSs PHILLI•P E BARBA 22—ITA", ' 3430 IRV'INE AVE ' -_ 007747 ::, • t END_Ts-R X.HA-R'D-E 11-TTA '4308 W' of FAN`FR NT NCWRflRT RPACH A0_7-8-3- ORMLYs R P 6 V,'M 22-ITA 1420 W OCEAN FRONT 007931 CHATEAU 12-ITA 721 AMIGOS 'W'AY 008041 `• It MC-KINNDNs-'ROGER I2-ISA 2]37-E=CDASZ--HWY 008-1.52 WORLD REAL ESTATE 13-ITA 201 E'BALBOA BLVD #B BALBOA 008235 DOBLEs ARTHUR V 21-IT-A 1209 W BALBOA BLVD BALBOA 008273 KL-111-Es-C.A-R-RI-E--6-JOHN s2=ITA 4-24-3 H-I-LA-R-I-A-W-AY NEWP-OR?-BE-ACH 008337 PICCADILLY SQUARE 12-ITA 1451 QUAIt'ST' "1#201 008382 FAGANs MARGE-APARTMENTS 22-ITA• 138.- TUSTIN"AVE 008693 MM-INGSs--JOHN-H' ��-tTA ].bOA�=DDUE" S? I30-P(EWP-Oita BEACH 0088-02 MUSSERP MAVIS 22-ITA 120 FORTY-THIRD ST #411 009102 BURGESSs MATILDA 12-ITA 1601 W BALBOA BLVD 009127 ZIMB-ALD-I-S-MA.R-SHALL-RENT 22=I A 121— H-II2-T-Y=FIRST-S7 -- -----009-134---- ANCHORAGE APARTMENTS 22-ITA 2888 BAYSHORE DR 009186 L RBA LINDA APTS II 11-ITA 2091 SANJOAQUIN HILLS RD 009270 LOMBER-0s--DONA----�2--I-T-A 1002-E--OC-E-AN-FRON-T-- -- ----------- -----009292ARKERs ROBERT E 22-ITA 155Z MIRAMAR DR 009319 ILMOREP JOHN 21-ITA 2912 W OCEAN FRONT W COVINA 009-327 tla 009327 --JEAN—[t OF ITA 3-093-52 ANDERSONs H H E ANDERSONs FRANCES 12-ITA 303 FERNLEAF AVE 009360 BORDIERs WARNER P 11-ITA •:1508 W OCEAN FRONT 009362 HOLMES-CAMEO-VILL-A-A8q— MORNING-G-A-NYON-R-O ^4RONA-DEt t�AR 009392 0 BL-SERCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - BUSINESS LICENSE FILE SEARCH CODE: ITA RESIDENTIAL RENTALS RIGAUDs RENE A 6 GAIL H 22-ITA 1709-11 W BALBOA' BLVD NEWPORT BEACH 009399 GOULDs DAVID B 21—ItA:. 229 CARNATION AVE' I - 009419 SMISH, Ali—d_ANKENY Co 12—;TA ;'. 5p8 , " ZWENTY—NLNTH S7 �NE.Wp�.RT B-EACH OQ9_4-74. D V M INC 11—ITA 2021 BUSINESS CENTER DR #213 IRVINE 009491 BACON & KUNKLE 22=ITA 320 HELIOTROPE, AVE-, 009918 S0.B.I—SS1iI LTD._ _ 7Z—TTA 21 REAr_N eAY N 10-24-79 1 .: . FYPORT-BEACH OLOO-0 40LYON ST APT CO #2 10-ITA 2091 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD 010870 NO NAME PROPERTIES 22-ITA 1515 BAYADEAE'?A. CORONA OEL MAR 011314 __ RECORDS-SCANNED-....__91D4 RFCO 4 cciECTEp 197 END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT / END OF REPORT /'END' December 26, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Background City Council Study Session Agenda CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Planning. Department Rental Vacancy Rate Survey M4ng January 1980 Item go. 4(c)l The recently adopted Condominium Ordinance, Section 20.73.010(e) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, requires the Department to establish the Rental Vacancy Rate twice each year during the months of October and April, by a survey of 15% of the City's rental units. At the October 9, 1979 City Council meeting, alternative approaches to the survey were discussed, and staff was directed -to conduct a random survey consisting of 15% of all rental units in the City, including mobile homes and detached single-family dwellings. The response to the survey was much greater than originally anticipated, consisting of 7,356(61.1%) of the 12,040 total estimated rental units in the City. At the November 26, 1979 Study Session, staff reported to the Council on the results of the rental vacancy rate survey. Including single-family dwellings and mobile homes, the vacancy rate was 4.22%.. The Council then discussed the influence of single-family dwellings and mobile homes, which are not eligible for conversion, on the survey results. The following section summarizes the results of the survey excluding single-family dwellings and mobile homes. Revised Survey Results Based on the data received from the Survey, the following vacancy rates were computed for each type of rental unit: Unit Type Vacancy Rate Single -Family 8.68% Duplex 4.66% Triplex 3.47% Fourplex 1.23 5 or More Units 1.97% Mobile Homes .19% The 8.68% vacancy rate for Single -Family dwellings had a strong upward influence on the vacancy rate since this unit type accounts for approximately 22.9%.of the total rental units in Newport Beach. Mobile Homes, however, had an almost insignificant influence since they account for only 1.1% of the total rental units in the City. TO: i ty *Counci l 2. The result of the revised survey, which excludes Single -Family dwellings and Mobile Homes, is a rental vacancy rate of 2.93% Survey Methodologies Used by Other Cities For comparative purposes, staff has contacted other cities on the issue of vacancy rate surveys. The following table summarizes their responses: CONDOMINIUM METHOD OF CONVERSION RENTAL VACANCY VACANCY RATE CITY ORDINANCE RATE CONDITION DETERMINATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Costa Mesa Yes Yes (3%) H.U.D. Santa Ana Yes No Laguna Beach No Ordinance being prepared County of Orange No Ordinance being prepared Fullerton Yes Yes (3%) Federal Home Survey conducted once Loan Bank per year Tustin Yes No Coastal Commission No Huntington Beach No Garden Grove Yes Santa Monica No Irvine ' No Long Beach Yes No Vacancy rate condition being studied Los Angeles Yes Moratorium in effect None of the jurisdictions contacted had vacancy rate survey methodologies comparable to Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT James Hewicker, Director by ( XV. Robert P. Lenard Advance Planning Administrator RPL/nm i E DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Department of Community Development October 26, 1979 FILE COPY uo Ivor n alow Jim Hewicker, Acting Community Development Director Bob Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator Rental Vacancy Rate Survey Theirecently adopted Condominium Ordinance, Section 20.73.010(e) of`the Newport Beach Municipal Code, requires the Department to conduct a Rental Vacancy Rate Survey'. At.the October 9, 1979 City Council meeting, alternative approaches to the survey were discussed, and staff was directed to conduct a random survey consisting of 15% of all rental units in the City,, including mobile homes and detached single -family -dwellings. Following is an estimate of the survey sample: Single -Family ,Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or More. Mobile Homes 413 DU's 465 DU's 92 DU's 102 DU's 715 DU's 19 DU's Total... 1806 DU's The cost of this alternative was estimated to be $1841.70. + Survey Methodology In order to accomplish the survey during the month of October, as required by the Ordinance, I would recommend that we use a mailed questionnaire with return postage paid. With the resigna- tion of.our Student Aide and absence of the Student Interns due to midterm exams, this appears to be the most reasonable alternative. Based on 1976 Census data, the following statistical areas (see attached map) are suggested for the mailed questionnaire: .J w �t S TO: Jim HeWicker - 2. ESTIMATED NO. OF UNITS Statistical Single- Total Area Total Units Family Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or More Rentals B4 943 104 242 9 5 10 370 D3 111.46 125 186 70 33 176 590 E3 713 134 139 9 4 0 286 F2 782 160 175 19 11 0 365 F4 1,202 262 284 19 3 .0 568 H1 356 68 37 9 4 5 123 H2 763 68 11 2 2 49 132 H3 519 23 •10 66 25 37 161 TOTAL 6,424 944 19084 203 87 277 25595 .l This information would be used primarily for single-family and duplex units. The other housing types, large Mu•lti.ple-Family Units and Mobile Homes, can be surveyed easily by telephone. Following are estimates of the totals by housing type: Single -Family 413 Duplex 465 A 44% response rate for single-family and 42.9% for duplex will be required in order to accumulate the 15% required sample. Following is an estimated cost breakdown for the questionnaries: Printing $300.00 Postage 1,500.00 Tabulation 175.00 Telephone Survey 44.00 Computer 'Ti me 450.00 a $2,469.00 We will use the water -billing addresses but do a completely separate mailing for the survey. Attached is a sample of the questionnaire which should be in the mail by Tuesday, October 30th. The telephone portion of the survey will be conducted on the 30th and 31st in order to meet the October deadline. aV�RobRobert P. Lenard Advance Planning Administrator RPL/kk Attachments N C r�7�r h`ti�`i�Q fl 4 ����•� 'Ol� a-•:r .?�-..-:.:� __i` ,_ f. .. 6 Rom' o \wx �4a, 71 Advance 11 4 'Ordinance,No.'1817 requires the City of Newport Beach Community Development Department.to determine the number of vacant rental units available in the City two times per year, during the months of October and April. Your cooperation in answering the following questions will be appreciated: many Living "nits arP at this address3(Check_orfe (a) 1 Living Unit, (Single -Family) (hj_ZLi ving_Units"Y(-Iluplex) _ (c) 3 Living Units, (Triplex) _ (d)-4;Li_xdng_Uni-ts,-(Fourp_1 _ (e) 5 or. -more Living Units (Multi -Family) _ ow_man"}_Li_ui.ng_Uni ts? (f) Mobile Homes } ow_mariy-L"i_ui"n g_Uni 2. How many Living Units at this address are: (a) Owner Occupied (b) Tenant Occupied _ (c) Currently Vacant and Available for Rent _ If you have any questions, please contact Craig Bluell, Associate Planner, at 640-2261. .�� . l p a7 , S yl v3j4G t) D )z � S�J/3 62 � o �yz I- z • � // � z. q vo 130 /� y • /��� T� b a � a �5 ) Z S o l I` S 16o J y k - — - 11-7 Ad"'A mao',*M S r --- - - -- -- - ---- - ------------ - ----- - ---------- -- - 1J3 oy3 37-- r,3 --4/0 I ----- - -- 2-- - — --- - - F'9945.._1ol _-_S'l r 7 _—j6 `� ��rt{GcYCS 14i �i 1 2-1 y13 i ��/ 0 -- / . . I,) `1.'tj/ I IId C-D 063 1 s 1_282 1� I! , Oi3 'S 3- p y-00% ooS o D43js-oar-y� BOA lL, flar t- y a-0200 66- �,86ok /3e/ pr,r� 02s-o'R�-®PV7-110 �.5 , -a� - oo� -.3 — anok Par O OZ b -0 77ik�o�- 11y$-may- 2 —,Rook, -Z Pay 3 ate- ilk!-e�oY-S odx-17o�/-aOD_'S 2 'Nv I�do 1c r ,_03' 3b-00 o3=a76o-aao-2 =-- /� V od7,Z�*�Ja,3- 3185-d1b-. �► 'Gi o 0 an -QybS-oo;z - ��97 F�1Z- �_ r3 <� /0 t qyl' -_ coo -p5 aJG -OSAS — 003 — ;L__. --r-J 8,oto f< /o Ael3 to-o�e?6-Oa -a/k+ to -Ce 5-00$'"z. e09-2 /+'�� It OA477 - 053 T X. t P(Lcxy 0 0141,�s 00 -- - - -- - i� - - - - ���� � � �� ; 10-28-79 11CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT PAGE 01 SUMMARY OF QUESTIONNAIRES SENT! B4 820 -- D3 _--- F2 582 --- i- 583 H2 H3 582 379 TOTL ALL 4518 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE: VACANCY RATE SURVEY OCTOBER 1979 MULTIPLE -FAMILY UNITS CONTACTED BY PHONE As 04- IoI�l1� �-4 Anchorage Apts. Balboa Apts. Balboa Bay Club Q 17M Bayport Apts. jV8$aywood Apts. 307» )3 (!DPJ Bayview Apts. (ol - 3 ea Gk�--Fa o u s e A p t s. (W0411) Big Canyon East Apts. Gray Goose Apts. 00Las B r i s a s Apts. 5y—O Wi4ariner's Square )13- 1 Mediterranean Newport Apts. Newport Marina Apts. VD Oakwood North Apts. Oakwood South Apts. 761 —lq Park Newport Apts. Promontory Villas Shamro Apts. COm The Shores aIo - Ci 3� 2888 Bayshore Dr. 548-1501 3052 Main 673-4468�ti�" 1121 Coast Hwy. 645-5000 i1 2650 San Joaquin fa Hills Road 644-5555 1 Baywood Dr. 644-5555 1650 Marguerite 644-5555 CO`f 1433 Superior Ave. 646-8453 24 2 E1 Dorado Lane 644-0509 1 423 Edgewater 675-6491 5515 River Ave. 642-2566 1244 Irvine Blvd. 645-0252 4150 Patrice Rd. 642-4387 ,l &A 919 Bayside Dr. fi.74 800 Irvine Blvd. 645-0550 3 2 1700 E. 16th St. 642-8170 1 1 Park Newport Dr. 644-1900 13 V 200 Promontory Dr. W. 675-8000 5 Z-4) 1703 W. Balboa Blvd. 673-9729 ICU i2z> 900 Sea Lane 644�2611 a Ko9 i A section contained in the Residential Condominium Projects Ordinance of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires the City to conduct a rental vacancy rate survey. Section 20.73.010 (E) states,"Said vacancy rate shall be as established twice each year, in October and April, by survey of 15Z of the City's rental units". In order to accomplish the survey, the Planning Department used two survey methods. The first method surveyed large readily identifet.ble apartmentsand mobile home parks by telephone. The second method surveyed the smaller rental units by means of a mail -out mail -back questionnaire. Using these two methods, it was possible to survey 7,356 (61.1%) of the 12,040 estimated rental units in the City. Those units contacted by telephone accounted for 5,037 (68.5%) of the rental units surveyed. Mobile homes represented 491 of these units it as"Fr"&vks while rtentais of 5 or more units in size accounted for 4,546 units,e-f- ems=cep=horre—sa°mp�1=e- Included among the 4,546 units sampled by telephone • eir_e those units - surveyed by HUD in their apartment occupancy survey of conventional apartments of 20 or more units built since 1970. The t.HUDT1ast survey was conducted during October of 1978. At that time, 10 apartmentsi �yVO consisting of 2,699 units were surveyed. Vacant units reported a numberzA-12)resulting in a 0.44% vacancy rate. Previously, this survey was conducted twice per year, in April and October, decent operating cutbacks have reduced the HUD survey to a one time per year survey to take place in October. Commurlicati•on with pn4r& r8e� HUD offices indicateothat no 'work has been done on 0"Newport Beach llvk vacancy rate survey andnonewill be done until October of 1980. i Rxe veLb er 101-7cl 404�dwne' Based on the information collected by the N-a-n-ni-n-g—Dap-a-r-tme-nt survey for Surveyaa 6�/ !•I U'o i the same units, (except the 255 units at Versialles, since it is presently converting to a condominium) a vacancy rate of 2.3% resulted. Pud, rlu')$5ar./ CC_ In order to op,aitgX 15% sample of M small rental units a-n—th•e second Sul metho"� o%a mail -out mail -back questionnaire (-a-iLta=cttd) was used. Based on the 1976 Special Census, it was estimated that the City (eep f���4Ud r had approximately 12,040 rental units. A 15% sample would therefore, consist of 1,806 units. Following is a breakdown of those 1,806 rental units b t y type of uPnfi tt� i n proporti one to tq�e-i-r--m-i-x in the total rental housing stock9.-nCVP6`Vid'^ o� �,`� saw pl2 w�niG� Crrlpr Sea Unit type Single -Family Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or more units Mobile Homes TOTAL Number of Units 413 465 92 93 724 19 1,806 VTd Portion_of Sample 229 .257 .051 .051 .401 .011 1.000 Wo acheve a sample that most nearly reflecte$ the ideal sample presented above, 1976 Special Census d]1ata was, eoa to determine 4"4.s 6"alnelc� Vnl'LY✓ 1V'Y� which -pe-r-t-i-o-n•s of the City w•e-ua-d—p-i-&&u-ce the-he-s�t-- r e-s-u-1-t s i-n—t e-r m s of eac�{rta ng rental uni tse, u,eY4 e-e I vinaA2,d } o�- us °/n ruspahs e— V, ULS e, _ e_ e, ,�!St���� s; ze,. �� ctart��i✓r, , )���� • q �ld��ss_ �� 1� �J��s c�s�� 4-/ -�J .Gy LL 3 7 CM 1 c t t �S CU QJz Y�Ccct f _) Y ``'' rr ( n �'1U.. H �7`C'il'__� ih�1 i ih _ �_n,rf (^Era�ctn5ng �NU✓If, VtWL= rNs��CxJIirr.�' <0�JW,2 use s �a Cr, s i~_ n_7sc cis oG, �- „z Iti�ru�-ctCJ ScV� �'G - — Following is f a table showing the estimated total unit$$ nd estimated rental units .&h , eJ `i�ohh 4o raiuve,46_ °urve`/ map 2W;ti9lk? 1 by type for tth-&a - t,ed areas of the City. Also attbche8 is aYlocatidn C.% # those areas receiving questionnaires. I Statistical Area Total Units ESTIMATED NO. OF RENTA QNITS i Single- Total Family Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or more Rentals B4 943 •104 242 9 5 10 370 D3 1146 125 186 70 33 476 590 E3 713 134 139 9 4 0 286 F2 782 160 175 19 11 0 365 F4 1202 262 284 19 3 0 568 H1 356 68 37 9 4 5 123 H2 763 68 11 2 2 49 132 H3 519 23 10 66 25 37 161 TOTAL 6,424 944 1,084 203 87 277 2,595 Based on the responses receivedK2,319 units the following vacancy rates by unit typeul-rc- deve=1•epq : Unit type Number of units Single -Family 311 8.68% Va�ean-t• Duplex 1,524 4.66% Triplex 173 3.47% Fourplex 5 or more units 81• 205 4 y�� 6 = �S 1.23% 6.83% Mobile homes 25 0 % Combining the data collected ¢y te�llephoonr with the mail -out mail -back responses and weighing it in proportiaod-to*"Ithe required sample , the following vacancy rates resulted: JS Unit Type Single -Family Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or more units mobile homes Portion of Sample Vacancy Rate Weighted Vacancy Rate .229 8.68 1.988 .257 4.66 1..198 .051 3.47 0.177 .051 1.23 0.063 .401 1.97 0.790 .011 19 tu'd The resulting overall vacancy rate for all units sampled weighted in proportion F1NCstYn.C� • to their-rwkx in the total rental stock is 4.22%,. 0 _,.....,...t. _. _ Sta ti s ti cal Area r� Total Units 0STIh1ATED NO. OF RENTAL( N fs Single- Total Family telex Triplex Four lex 5 or more Rentals B4 943 104 242 9 5 10 370 D3 1146 125 186 70 33 1176 590 E3 713 134 139 9 4 0 286 F2 782 160 175 19 11 0 365 F4 1202 262 284 19 3 0 568 hll 356 68 37 9 4 5 123 hl2 763 68 11 2 2 49 132 113 519 23 10 66 25 37 161 TOTAL 6,424 944 1,084 202 87 277 2,595 Based on the responses received.2,319 units the following vacancy rates by unit type_J, developed: Unit type Number of units Single -Family 311 8.68% Vksan-t Duplex 1,524 4.66% Triplex 173 3.47% Fourplex 5 more units 81 205 4 �(� �4 = �✓C i 1.23% 6.83% or Mobile homes 25 0 % Combining the data collected py telephone with the mail -out mail -back responses and I.1-s p. ek crv� 4 M, weighing it in proportieiVat6`the required Asample Q@W, the following vacancy rates )5 resulted: Unit Type Portion of Sample Vacancy Rate Weighted Vacancy Rate Single -Family .229 8.68 1.988 Duplex .257 4.66 1.198 _ Triplex .051 3.47 0.177 Fourplex .051 1.23 0.063 5 or more units .401 1.97 0.790 mobi•1e homes .011 .19 0.002 • !xNl_ The resulting overall vacancy rate for all units sampled weighted in proportion to their -mac in the total rental stock is 4.22%. ✓l, Fl/ 2bjd cc r))o rates 'I 7! J r cr GLeS 7 G"1 T1c • �> �V•en rYc�Qa lid o IUTA A N-e2 'vl i,o� i K i rEc !^ES�cv,[seg �ra✓b Ytclr t ,d �i t�-C L 1�'•P�ir�' el, Cvtc$ C7��Q[r1 �,���"�•-•ZiY;ctr�.?u/� Fo l l ow,i ng is s a table showing the estimated total unit nd estimatedl rentaltnits hciuin 1hy �fl6�iQi ��'{O rep 'l�ltiUJJ., by type for t{w-sec-'Led areas of the CityY Also attached is a locati�n C% those areas receiving questionnaires. l�{ 0 J P%X a Based on the information collected by the Planning Department survey for the same units`; (except the 255 units at Versialles, since it is presently converting to a condominium) a vacancy rate of 2.3% resulted. In order to,.obttai4 15% sample of tLM small rental units i-n--the second surveys methodwofla mail -out mail -back questionnaire (a••tta-c-h•e•d•) was used Based on the 1976 Special Census, it was estimated that the City had approximately 12,040 rental units. A 15% sample would.,therefore, consist of 1,806 units. Following is a breakdown of those 1,806 j•ES��r�S��! rental units by type of unitg in proportions to their-mi-x in the total jti, e_� � �� rental housing stock C�-tl��i-6 ��^� Unit ty2e Single- Family Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 or more units Mobile Homes TOTAL Number -of Units 413 465 92 93 724 19 1,806 'U.Tris .Portion o_f Sample .229 .257 .051 .051 .401 .017 1.000 rim d\J12 - (,To achove a sample that most nearly reflected the ideal sample =� presented above, 1976 Special Census �(j],ata wash1e�+l-t�-u- - todetermine /1 whi ch tro-rl ions of the City w•e•ua-d—pi-e-duce the-be-s.t- re-s•ul is in --terms of rental unitso, % 4. Wall 1PQ ti-VA Je j 4-64 c,- L/S % re-s 06'1'Ls � hAs re",n,.aA1E �a exp,4, GY✓1 5 P ed Y2 S�$eS' `� /''l N.. ✓���2'iC� C{.!Y'.01ASr f3 I' �"�1 �j j Lk `/ S c� q c 2s Pon) 11Ct.t r<?S tU•PJY�� J"✓C�u [cam 1 QQF/ t� �I^'- ) / ( n (J . ©W1 + �Y F/l ?n� i K1-FICPec pcvts-s Yrn1✓�, Yldl�1ar�Sr+�r„/�,'r1 C Cll2•cfJ(i$�GlbS�/L rGMse wuS Q�OTCrlr1�� k��l �G G' ln��r�PtJ�— �MGUI"J�Ci SoV'Ve'j, ( Following is a table s-howing the estimated total unit nd estimated rental units 1 r'�LfJr 5.(OAT P��4 r�`2i�r:. 'i�rL 'riU!'U. `/ j'par '��f,•lUrll �'j by type for *h-e r��t•e.d areas of the Cit?' Also attached 'is a l---., n +� those areas receiving questionnaires. a Rxo l . ran �.-�.} �.a � � •� �,' Based on the information collected by the P-1-anning-Department survey for '•,nveV-(t nJ ).;0C' r the same units, (except the 255 units at Versial•les, since it is presently converting to a condominium) a vacancy rate of 2.3% resulted. �•iU'. Ile: �:�ar% c.C.. In order to,obtai.n� 15% sample of small rental units a-r—t-hze second survey�metho`a"Vot-rja mail -out mail -back questionnaire (a-tt c-Frees) was used. Based on the 1976 Special Census, it was estimated that the City rrti. had approximately 12,040 rental units. A 15% sample would.)therefore, consist of 1,806 units. Following is a breakdown of those 1,806 1 "rs preS��N. rental units by type of �4 Q i tit in proporti ona to t-h•e2i-r--m4-x in the total rental housing ��;.+� o` pl w1,i AAA stock0-��c�-('a Unit type Number of Units Portion of_Sampl Single -Family 413 .229 Duplex 465 •257 Triplex 92 .051 Fourplex 93 .051 5 or more units 724 .401 Mobile Homes 19 .011 - TOTAL 1,806 VT-Pi;-�°s' 1.000 rITo achj,f.ve a'sample that most nearly r.eflecte$ the ideal sample presented above, 1976 Special Census Bata was,,ce-+�wto determine areascm{Qu;ne-cL h;c�lias.4.vr�uv✓�1�t'Y which fro-r-ti-an•s of the City w.&0-d—Veo4uce the-he-s-i re-s-ul-ts in —terms of I.- ^rta �g rental unitso, 4-640- L/5 /n yg� �unS }rPiUScnnN4r lF_ �t� L'xri�l ��te��vL'. f.0 SccN r Crp l�tay✓1�� ✓ e . ram; d �r� areas were.:�,�ee/�e� . �o ro��o �u,c e �n�e n•e•�d � r . 50M1p)� S'r zt�.7�� tj&/f,LeiY, ��oor it Ft'J CC ci�HzSs i i�F 140&_6 t.S�.cL. Q a- $0U.rC2 CS CLdjY e SS aS-�or�hi ��%tC' ✓f.�e c�/roctS3 ©h �^-ti/ s (�i1,( .�� �T't'N � ina i vi i nc% NE$�cvrseg �rrr✓In _Yt� �^eSr+c�p�iu�' . �/vuu�-��U� SoVvet4• -"! . Following, is a table showing the estimated total units �nd estimated rental units '�itt75� `tijot, e ¢o r"ve,46-oo voe.t YY?'P Sk'Wfiq by type for tleleee•d areas of the CityY Also attache is aYlacat-idn ov+s�de. scab Ao U4 A 5 Itoi . t3 )25 N 23 2to� 1 0 13q I Z5 335 (03 13 t 4,� 22p (7 3 32- 3c 3 7 3q 1 'S 4 NA ba4 1 11& t3y ►" ?4t c y(O qog ?.. 3 152 ! lir2.zml -1 fo q0l 503 /511 b e Al 0 ti A 11 3 3-Cl _ �► �' � �. � mac. . j) 2�')� 5 �►0 to 6X - - �a 2'1G� 2 '11�R 2'l ( 4q .'gh 721 3 4 �i"111-i &a4 I � --- Sl Cl c A-3 c - 2/ /Jbv tV911-79 -- 5./. 11/207cy - S.T. Pote *i oA G�vwlOw��vii uw�, Cohvt rs�nn S, 101 -- r 4 l 2 2,1 - -- - 0 43 QS 11- I -- R Z to 32 25 (401 --- ZZ 12 w 41 (b 155- - l,5I l oo 22Z 1 88 1 240 1 25 05 yc�ca�cy rye Slur v i I • 1 ! Poten-L�OA '1�....}�.i Tr:..leb fi�.rntn4 A1..Ali�na�. AOnhli4iflhu �t-S 2,1 0 43 6 1 v t+ 2 t 0 of 32 25 (D1 L2 �2 u� 4I r55 'f�fArt,S ! co 22Z ?AO Z5 (075 - - \faCO ACM Rc *e— i t Potev iti Coy dorntn'Luw%. Convexsn on g r...�1. 'n. _1. � IIwL%,l.jAbn • -OrnuC MO 101 -- - � F2 9 12 CZ 33 . 'P4 45 2 t 0 072 I [�5 'MiAL s l bo 22Z .mow 25 675 f �o4 - 22 � b _ e-5 - t 3'� 2A 2(p ybti 3 2' 5- �(03 Z35 60q, 22y t3ro�1 _ 284 _2� �5�0 C-�ec�.k F �o✓ Cv,�UerS►on_ off- SF-k11 i 1o2 44 anx-e.- a�v «� d- - Ckuo- l <LizLk ocvr�a�t o R - 3 1 5. 2-5 2_ e 2 89 2B-3.. 20 39 2 303 �--(4 �-zs 1,14 _Sz42 4V 142 - (D 415 (Q vm� I 5 2 y c 53 .7 ) 2v Q S l-LI 10L� � - Ijl I: S jju,o. OWY�i2 V QCLCD EC r�^k C�w�l U 2.� �1 kQ.6 0 wuo 5 3 -- 3� -- - -- -� - 12,�' ' r- f) OJI-91 anJa-U- p o�wvY �: e> 4 Y' q-. 2- J Z4 3 z-rrsrus --: 9 -- 1 6 l a �l ► 8 S- Z �2 ?o - - - -- --20 - 2oE JED I r 50 �4 3 , 52 -52� 3 -- JSW liK,f 130 f30 �zb - [2 12�Q - 3 ggG(D �f it t� t;: 41 T_ ORDINANCE NO, 1817 REQUIRES THE CITY OF NEWPORT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER BEACH COMMUNITY OF VACANT RENTAL UNITS AVAILABLE IN THE CITY TWO TIMES PER YEAR,# MONTHS OF OCTOBER AND APRIL, YOUR COOPERATION THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONSi AND RETURNING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DURING THE IN ANSWERING PRIOR__ TO NOVEMBER 5s WILL BE APPRECIATED= ' 1• HOW MANY LIVING UNITS ARE AT THIS ADDRESS? (CHECK ONE) (A) 1 LIVING UNITP (SINGLE FAMILY) (B) 2 LIVING UNITSP (DUPLEX) ----- I _ --- (C) H LIVING UNITSi (TRIPLEX) ------ (D) 4 LIVING UNITSs iFOURPLEX (E) 5 OR MORE LIVING UNITS (MULTI —FAMILY) ------ ----- _ HOW MANY LIVING UNITS? ------ (F) MOBILE HOMES ------ HOW MANY LIVING UNITS? ------ I 2. DURING OCTOBER HOW MANY LIVING UNITS AT THIS ADDRESS WERE (A) OWNER OCCUPIED ------ u (B) TENANT OCCUPIED (C) VACANT AND AVAILABLE FOR RENT ------ —_---�_ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT CRAIG PLANNER► AT 640-22614 BLUELIs ASSOCIATE