HomeMy WebLinkAboutBALBOA PENINSULAR REZONING STUDY0 September 23, 1982 0 MINUTES z � c c n Z o m D N � m of Newport Beach ROLLCALLI III Jill I INDEX Motion Discussion regarding the possible rezoning of R-3 zoned lots with less than 2,400 sq. ft. of land area to the R-2 District on the Balboa Peninsula so as to permit duplex development on each lot. INITIATED BY: City of Newport Beach The discussion opened in connection with this item. Planning Director Hewicker discussed the background information related to this item and referred to a large map depicting the affected R-3 lots on the Balboa Peninsula. Mr. Ron Yee, architect, who requested the proposed rezoning of the R-3 zoned lots, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Yeo stated that these lots should not be approached on a one to one basis, but rather, should be looked at in its entirety. He suggested that perhaps two dwelling units should be allowed on lots with at least 2,000 sq. ft. of land area in the R-3 District, and be restricted to 2 times the buildable area, rather than three times the buildable area. A minimum lot width could also be considered because of the number of parking spaces required for two dwelling units. Commissioner Balalis stated that if the R-3 lots are treated similarly to the existing R-2 lots and rezoned to the R-2 District, the existing problems would be eliminated. Mr. Yee stated that this was his original request, but the staff had indicated that this may constitute spot zoning. Ms. Sara Welch, property owner on Alvarado Street and Alvarado Place, appeared before the Commission. Ms. Welch requested that her properties be changed from the R-3 zone to the R-2 zone so that she may build a second home on a lot for her children. Motion was made to consider rezoning all of the solid colored R-3 zoned lots with less than 2,400 sq. ft. of land area to the R-2 District, as shown on the map prepared by staff. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the staff could prepare a specific exhibit which would depict those lots for reclassification. He stated that the Commission could then set this item for a public hearing. -20- Item #5 NING Y SET OR 0 September 23, 1982 0 MINUTES �x � � c m " W c e x G) y D �sv�o_m of Newport Beach ROLL CALL Z I INDEX Commissioner Kurlander stated that he could not support such a motion because rezoning the R-3 lots to R-2 lots will create heavier density, generate more traffic and parking problems for the Balboa Peninsula. He stated that these are all substandard lots and he would favor rezoning all of these lots to the R-1 District. Substitute Substitute Motion was made to not set for public Motion X hearing the rezoning of R-3 lots with less than 2,400 square feet of land area, to the R-2 District on the Balboa Peninsula. Commissioner Goff stated that he would be supporting the Substitute Motion because the rezoning request would be potentially adding 115 dwelling units on the Peninsula, which is already overdeveloped. Ayes IX IX Noes Motion All Ayes X X Motion All Ayes X X In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis, Planning Director Hewicker stated that there are a total of 201 lots which contain at least 2,000 sq. ft. but less than 2,400 sq. ft. of land area which are currently zoned R-3 on the Balboa Peninsula. He stated that approximately 85 of the subject lots are already developed with two units or more. Therefore, he stated that there is the potential for an additional 115 dwelling units. Substitute Motion was now voted on, to not set this item for public hearing, which SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The Planning Commission voted unanimously to cancel its gular Commission Meeting on October 7, 1982, because of the limited number of items on the pending agenda. The data analyse review of the West Newport Study Area was therefore conti d to the next regular Commission Meeting of October 21, 2. -21- 0 Planning Commission Meeting September 23, 1982 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission t FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Rezoning Study (Discussion) Discussion regarding the possible rezoning of R-3 zoned lots with less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area to the R-2 District on the Balboa Peninsula so as to permit duplex development on each lot. INITIATED ^� BY: City of Newport Beach ACTION: Background As requested by the Planning Commission at its meeting of August 19, 1982, staff has prepared the following information in response to Ron Yeo's request to rezone the R-3 lots with less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area on the Balboa Peninsula to the R-2 District. Said change would permit two units on each parcel as opposed to the current zoning which allows only one dwelling unit, since the Municipal Code provides that two dwelling units may be constructed on an R-2 lot with only 2,000 sq.ft. of lot area. However, two dwelling units may only be constructed on an R-3 lot with a minimum of 2,400 sq.ft. of land area. Analysis Based upon a map study and field investigation, there are approximately 735 R-3 lots located on the Balboa Peninsula. Of these lots, approximately 201 lots have at least 2,000 sq.ft. but less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area. All but eight of the subject lots are developed with one or more residential units. The following table is a breakdown of the number of R-3 lots which contain at least 2,000 sq.ft. but less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area and how they are presently developed: TOTAL VACANT 1 DU 2 DU 3 DU 4 DU Over 4 DU 201 8 107 62 9 10 5 r TO: Planning Commission -2. Approximately 86 of the above lots are developed with two or more dwelling units, thereby exceeding the allowable density of one dwelling unit for each 1,200 sq.ft. of lot area permitted in the R-3 District. Most of these developments were established prior to April 14, 1958, when the density limit in the 'R-3 District was one dwelling unit for each 1,000 sq.ft. of lot area. Approximately six of the developments were allowed by variances after 1958. Additional Dwelling Units Assuming all of the above lots which presently maintain a single family dwelling area are expanded to duplexes, and all the vacant lots are developed with two-family units, the resulting increase in dwelling units would be 115 (107 + 8 = 115). These figures reflect only the increase resulting from a rezoning from the R-3 District to the R-2 District. Therefore, a vacant lot would result in one additional unit. General Plan and adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan All of the subject lots are presently in areas designated as "Multi -family Residential" on the Land Use Map of both the General Plan and the adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. It is therefore staff's opinion that 'the subject rezoning would be consistent with the existing Land Use designation. Environmental Review Requirements Considering the number of additional residential dwelling units that will result from the subject rezoning any such action will require a comprehensive environmental analysis. Other Resulting Consideration In addition to an increased density, the rezoning of the subject lots will cause additional changes to the following development standards: Buildable Area Under the current R-3 zoning, each of the subject lots may be developed with a single family dwelling at three times the buildable area of the site, and garage areas are not included in the gross structural area of the building. Under the R-2 zoning, each lot could have two dwelling units, although the gross structural area could not exceed two times the buildable area of the site, including garages. TO: Planning Commission -3. Building Height Under the current R-3 zoning, each of the subject lots could be developed in accordance with the 28/32 Foot Height Limitation District on the rear one-half of the lot and the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District on the front one-half of the lot. Under the R-2 zoning, the entire lot would be restricted to the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Open Space Option Under the current R-3 zoning, open space required in accordance with Section 20.11.040 of the Zoning Code must be located in the first twelve feet behind the front yard setback area unless the lot is on a corner or front on a permanent open space. Under the R-2 zoning, required open space may be located anywhere on the site, provided it does not encroach into required yard setback areas. Uses Requiring a Use Permit Under the current R-3 zoning, community centers, social halls, lodges, clubs, rest homes, and motels are permitted uses subject to the securing of a use permit. Under the R-2 Zoning such uses are not permitted under any conditions. Alternative Actions The primary purpose for evaluating the rezoning of the subject lots was to address the possibilities of increasing the allowable densities so that lots containing less than 2,400 sq.ft. but with at least 2,000 sq.ft. of land area be developed with two dwelling units. It is apparent that the suggested rezoning will change much more than just the allowable densities. In addition, all of the subject lots could not be rezoned without "spot zoning" individual or combinations of lots scattered throughout the Balboa Peninsula (see attached maps). For these reasons, the Planning Commission may wish to retain the R-3 zoning of each lot and make appropriate changes to the R-3 Development Standards which would specifically address the density issue. This could be accomplished by amending Section 20.16.035 of the Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.16.035 SITE AREA. A. BUILDING OR GROUP OF BUILDINGS. For each building or group of buildings, there shall be a minimum of 5,000 square feet of area and a minimum width of 50 feet of area and a minimum width of 50 feet on interior lots, with a minimum of 6,000 square feet and a minimum width of 60 feet on corner lots. TO: Planning Commission -4. B. EACH FAMILY UNIT. For each family unit in any building or group of buildings, there shall be a minimum of twelve hundred square feet of land area. However, for residential developments in the area known as the Balboa Peninsula, there shall be a minimum of one thousand square feet of land area for each dwelling unit on lots containing less than two thousand, four hundred square feet of land area. C. BUILDING SITE AREA EXCEPTION. Any lot or parcel of land under one ownership and record on August 2, 1943 may be used as a building site even when of less area or width than the required by the provisions of this Section. Recommendation Should the Planning Commission wish to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Code as discussed above, the following action is necessary: Direct staff to prepare all required environmental review documents in support of the proposed amendment, and schedule a public hearing before the Planning Commission at the earliest possible date. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director - -�i W-- Senior Planner WWW:tn Attachments: Map showing affected R-3 lots Letter and attachment from Ron Yeo dated August 3, 1982 NOTE: A large map showing the affected R-3 lots on the Balboa Peninsula will be on display in the Council Chambers for Commission review. TURNING BASIN '^ ° LIGD %Q ;. .• 74 . c 0 C suEETn110.I C I ` j" NEWR ,? ,y " GUNES mO r y1 � BSCIIfffi� 1 \\ � "fv'•� a' .p "' g •_.Q; -gB•-<z, J 0 3 @ } ' —j �--------- --------- C!IANN— j�O `•�•. a VOW III ❑Clc [�� , A.. �f1U�10 � n c O _ o . F-Z7:7-771 BEACH >v RA 4L B tolA :i'• o ° ^� '"'� PUBLIC _®•�o s9EET NQ4 S�Et CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUMY, CALIFORNIA 1 ! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -5SP E T No, I L ,- . .- r 1 1. r 1 L-r JT 2CZ'� SQ, Fr, 11 ��W P..;O&r m e`1, NnVpo'�j. OY 0 • • I 4��;4E�T Nam. t Few► •".d - gaa� t Wrsk1 w RONYEOFAIAARCNITECT,INC. 500 JASMINE AVENUE CORONADELMAR, CALIFORNIA92625 TELEPHONE'(714)644-8111 AUGUST 6, 1982 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DEAR HONORABLE CHAIRMAN JERRY KING AND COMMISSIONERS: RE: MULTI —FAMILY, BALBOA PENINSULA LOTS WE HAVE A CLIENT WITH R-3 ZONED PROPERTY ON THE PENIN— SULA WHO IS DESIROUS OF HAVING TWO DWELLING UNITS ON HER PROPERTY. THE GENERAL PLAN AND LCP CALL FOR MULTI —FAMILY IN THIS AREA, BUT HER LOT AS WELL AS THE MAJORITY OF LOTS IN THE AREA DO NOT CONTAIN THE NECESSARY 2400 SQ.FT. FOR TWO UNITS. (THEY VARY FROM 1750 — 22'60 SQ.FT.) RATHER THAN APPLY FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW TWO UNITS ON OUR CLIENT'S 2,260 SQ.FT. LOT, IT WOULD APPEAR BENEFICIAL FOR THE CITY AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD (WHO IS KEPT SOMEWHAT IN LIMBO ON THE STATUS OF I'TSI PROPERTY), TO LOOK AT THE AREA AS A WHOLE AND DETERMINE ITS DESTINY/DENSITY. IT WOULD APPEAR LOGICAL TO RE —ZONE THE AREA FROM R-3 TO R-2 WHICH PERMITS DUPLEXES ON 2,000 SQ.FT. OF LOT AREA. ENCLOSED IS A DRAWING THAT SHOWS THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHICH INDICATES THAT APPROXIMATELY 40% OF THE LOTS ARE EXISTING AS TWO FAMILY UNITS. I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF THE COMMISSION WOULD ASK STAFF TO REVIEW THIS MATTER AND REPORT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS. YOURS TRULY, RON Y O, FAIA RY:PM ENCLOSURE CC: SARA WELCH 0 ABANB ST. N BAY srgq J�.J 3 AVF�,UF W 0 11 NOTICE OF DISCUSSION Notice is hereby give that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a discussion regarding the possible rezoning of R-3 zoned lots with less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area to the R-2 District on the Balboa Peninsula so as to permit duplex development on each lot. Notice is hereby further given that said discussion will be held on the 23rd day of September 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Dave Goff, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 0 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT August 23, 1982 TO: Current.Planning Administrator FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: R-3 Zoned Properties on the Balboa Peninsula/ Request of Ron Yeo At its meeting of August 19, 1982, the Planning Commission directed the staff to do a study on Ron Yeo's request to rezone the R-3 lots on the peninsula to the R-2 District, which would permit two units on each parcel as opposed to the current zoning which allows only one dwelling unit. For the Planning Commission meeting of September 23, 1982, we will need the following information: 1) A map showing the R-3 lots on the peninsula containing less than 2400 sq.ft. 2) Statistics on a) The number of lots involved. b) The number of lots containing two or more units and some background information as to how these units -were established; i.e., variances, legal nonconforming, etc. c) The number of additional units which would be permitted if the property were reclassified to R-2. 3) Conformity with the General P1'an. 4) Conformity with the LUP. 5) Actions required by the City to reclassify the properties; i.e.,', Amendment to the General Plan? Amendment to the LUP? Zone Change Amendment? Environmental Documentation = Negative Declaration or EIR? HEWICKER JDH/kk ♦ -. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.U. BOX 1768; NEIVPORT BEACH, CA 92663-3884 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 August 23, 1982 Mr. Ron Yeo Ron Yeo FAIA Architect, Inc. 500 Jasmine Avenue Corona del Mar, California 92625 Dear Mr. Yeo: In response to your request of August 6, 1982, regarding the R-3 zoned properties on the Balboa Peninsula, the Planning Commission has referred your request to the Planning Department Staff, and we will be reporting back to the Planning Commis- sion on the request at its meeting of September 23, 1982. Our report will set forth for the Planning Commission the steps involved, Staff recommendations, and suggested hearing dates if the Commission wishes to proceed. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JDH/kk cc• Bill Laycock 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach August 19, 1982 MINUTES c v o ;K Q roy > c a o _ m of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I n--LI I I I I INDEX Motion Al Ayes X X X X Motion was m to recommend to the City Council that General Plan Am ent 82-1(H), with revisions to Attachment No. 1, Pag , last paragraph to refer to "residential" density; Page paragraph "h" to include the wording, "mutually acceptab to the City and the, developer"; and revision to Page 13, ragraph "2b" to refer to Council Policy P-1, be approved, ich MOTION CARRIED. (See "Attachment No. 1" for the roved text). ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Multi -Family Lots on the Balboa Peninsula Commissioner Balalis referred to the letter submitted by Mr. Ron Yeo, dated August 6, 1982, relating to multi -family lots on the Balboa Peninsula. The Commission directed staff to prepare a report in conjunction with rezoning R-3 Zoned property on the Balboa Peninsula to the R-2 District for the Planning Commission Meeting of September 23, 1982. There being no further business, the Planning Commission adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Dave Goff, Secretary Planning Commission t*ity of Newport Beach ' -29- Planning Commission Meeting September 23, 1982 Agenda Item No CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission t FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Rezoning Study (Discussion) 5 Discussion regarding the possible rezoning of R-3 zoned lots with less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area to the R-2 District on the Balboa Peninsula so as to permit duplex development on each lot. INITIATED BY: City of Newport Beach ACTION: Background As requested by the Planning Commission at its meeting of August 19, 1982, staff has prepared the following information in response to Ron Yeo's request to rezone the R-3 lots with less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area on the Balboa Peninsula to the R-2 District. Said change would permit two units on each parcel as opposed to the current zoning which allows only one dwelling unit, since the Municipal Code provides that two dwelling units may be constructed on an R-2 lot with only 2,000 sq.ft. of lot area. However, two dwelling units may only be constructed on an R-3 lot with a minimum of 2,400 sq.ft. of land area. Analysis Based upon a map study and field investigation, there are approximately 735 R-3 lots located on the Balboa Peninsula. Of these lots, approximately 201 lots have at least 2,000 sq.ft. but less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area. All but eight of the subject lots are developed with one or more residential units. The following table is a breakdown of the number of R-3 lots which contain at least 2,000 sq.ft. but less than 2,400 sq.ft. of land area and how they are presently developed: TOTAL VACANT 1 DU 2 DU 3 DU 4 DU Over 4 DU 201 8 107 62 9 •10 5 TO: Planning Commission -2. Approximately 86 of the above lots are developed with two or more dwelling units, thereby exceeding the allowable density of one dwelling unit for each 1,200 sq.ft. of lot area permitted in the R-3 District. Most of these developments were established prior to April 14, 1958, when the density limit in the R-3 District was one dwelling unit for each 1,000 sq.ft. of lot area. Approximately six of the developments were allowed by variances after 1958. Additional Dwelling Units Assuming all of.the above lots which presently maintain a single family dwelling area are expanded to duplexes, and all the vacant lots are developed with two-family units, the resulting increase in dwelling units would be 115 (107 + 8 = 115). These figures reflect only the increase resulting from a rezoning from the R-3 District to the R-2 District. Therefore, a vacant lot would result in one additional unit. General Plan and adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan All of the subject lots are presently in areas designated as "Multi -family Residential" on the Land Use Map of both the General Plan and the adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. It is therefore staff's opinion that the subject rezoning would be consistent with the existing Land Use designation. Environmental Review Requirements Considering the number of additional residential dwelling units that will result from the subject rezoning any such action will require a comprehensive environmental analysis. Other Resulting Consideration In addition to an increased density, the rezoning of the subject lots will cause additional changes to the following development standards: Buildable Area Under the current R-3 zoning, each of the subject lots may be developed with a single family dwelling at three times the buildable area of the site, and garage areas are not included in the gross structural area of the building. Under the R-2 zoning, each lot could have two dwelling units, although the gross structural area could not exceed two times the buildable area of the site, including garages. TO: Planning Commission -3. Building Height Under the current R-3 zoning, each of the subject lots could be developed in accordance with the 28/32 Foot Height Limitation District on the rear one-half of the lot and the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District on the front one-half of the lot. Under the R-2 zoning, the entire lot would be restricted to the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Open Space Option Under the current R-3 zoning, open space required in accordance with Section 20.11.040 of the Zoning Code must be located in the first twelve feet behind the front yard setback area unless the lot is on a corner or front on a permanent open space. Under the R-2 zoning, required open space may be located anywhere on the site, provided it does not encroach into required yard setback areas. Uses Requiring a Use Permit Under the current R-3 zoning, community centers, social halls, lodges, clubs, rest homes, and motels are permitted uses subject to the securing of a use permit. Under the R-2 Zoning such uses are not permitted under any conditions. Alternative Actions The primary purpose for evaluating the rezoning of the subject lots was to address the possibilities of increasing the allowable densities so that lots containing less than 2,400 sq.ft. but with at least 2,000 sq.ft. of land area be developed with two dwelling units. It is apparent that the suggested rezoning will change much more than just the allowable densities. In addition, all of the subject lots could not be rezoned without "spot zoning" individual or combinations of lots scattered throughout the Balboa Peninsula (see attached maps). For these reasons, the Planning Commission may wish to retain the R-3 zoning of each lot and make appropriate changes to the R-3 Development Standards which would specifically address the density issue. This could be accomplished by amending Section 20.16.035 of the Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.16.035 SITE AREA. A. BUILDING OR GROUP OF BUILDINGS. For each building or group of buildings, there shall be a minimum of 5,000 square feet of area and a minimum width of 50 feet of area and a minimum width of 50 feet on interior lots, with a minimum of 6,000 square feet and a minimum width of 60 feet on corner lots. TO: Planning Commission -4. B. EACH FAMILY UNIT. For each family unit in any building or group of buildings, there shall be a minimum of twelve hundred square feet of land area. However, for residential developments in the area known as the Balboa Peninsula, there shall be a minimum of one thousand square feet of land area for each dwelling unit on lots cc less than two thousand, four hundred square feet of land area. C. BUILDING SITE AREA EXCEPTION. Any lot or parcel of land under one ownership and record on August 2, 1943 may be used as a building site even when of less area or width than the required by the provisions of this Section. Recommendation Should the Planning Commission wish to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Code as discussed above, the following action is necessary: Direct staff to prepare all required environmental review documents in support of the proposed amendment, and schedule a public hearing before the Planning Commission at the earliest possible date. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director Senior Planner WWW:tn Attachments: Map showing affected R-3 lots Letter and attachment from Ron Yeo dated August 3, 1982 NOTE: A large map showing the affected R-3 lots on the Balboa Peninsula will be on display in the Council Chambers for Commission review. TURNING BASIN _ L._t_d..s. �Y a'_$ 2I �� a F'Lj �iQ'Brp\yl 9 C �t �. C1F. auEETn110' C E 1• r:y NEWMRT TOWN CENTER' rx NO 00.5 jPVR✓/NE CQQST ill I � � ¢ t CLY/NTR✓ CCNB 1 1 S 1 � 3 R Z/eNE C. `BEACH WNW sgET NQ4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,m uv uc W�214 EET wo, frxE''' �r'^/!'�„� .ice �- M d OP gy N�NppR �� cr.lin;&W If YvI -T Y Y1u'r Y �. v w_ �. -.-`.- • a'NMn 4Esor=� RON YEO FAIA ARCNITECTs INC. 500 JASMINE AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA 92625 TELEPHONE'(714)644-8111 AUGUST 6, 1982 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH• 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DEAR HONORABLE CHAIRMAN JERRY KING AND COMMISSIONERS: RE: MULTI —FAMILY, BALBOA PENINSULA LOTS WE HAVE A CLIENT WITH R-3 ZONED PROPERTY ON THE PENIN— SULA WHO IS DESIROUS OF HAVING TWO DWELLING UNITS ON HER PROPERTY. THE GENERAL PLAN AND LCP CALL FOR MULTI —FAMILY IN THIS AREA, BUT HER LOT AS WELL AS THE MAJORITY OF LOTS IN THE AREA DO NOT CONTAIN THE NECESSARY 2400 SQ.FT. FOR TWO UNITS. (THEY VARY FROM 1750 — 2260 SQ.FT.) RATHER THAN APPLY FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW TWO UNITS ON OUR CLII=NT'S 2,260 SQ.FT. LOT, IT WOULD APPEAR BENEFICIAL FOR THE CITY AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD (WHO IS KEPT SOMEWHAT IN LIMBO ON THE STATUS OF ITS' PROPERTY), TO LOOK AT THE AREA AS A WHOLE AND DETERMINE ITS DESTINY/DENSITY. IT WOULD APPEAR LOGICAL TO RE —ZONE THE AREA FROM R-3 TO R-2 WHICH PERMITS DUPLEXES ON 2,000 SQ.FT. OF LOT AREA. ENCLOSED IS A DRAWING THAT SHOWS THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHICH INDICATES THAT APPROXIMATELY 40% OF THE LOTS ARE EXISTING AS TWO FAMILY UNITS. I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF THE COMMISSION WOULD ASK STAFF TO REVIEW THIS MATTER AND REPORT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS. YOURS TRULY, RON Y 0, FAIA RY:PM ENCLOSURE CC: SARA WELCH .._ Oc'yll'dG e/` 91 LI L• I I £ v I el I .• os � a - ooydv. • ' 13?NlS j u „ „��j• w O, N � •I Y PL A E o ALVARADO •s a d o n N Is•a LEY " nl "• a �[ ny dd w �' o ✓ O _ o O ]o is NLa •i xs' STREET n CORONADO • �" �s u O4 da0 s Cp t 0 r� O J ' k O^W O J tl9] 0 ` O 1 !y \5 sTREE r N FERNANDO v 0 ti a J IN l J qti b "o y r� q0 fn •\ • 4 o i sZ'L vG+ T- r G n .a a— 2 •�cx Gi 407- 6Gd cfi� /�f 7 PdiCT E, s tD �? anti , J!{ X -7 O p3o 2 la 3ax712= Z/vo ✓�/t ;ri 7 27 .3nk7Z2= z/no 2 %3x3a 77,Y .. 77 k3o = 23lD z cd �• ��xv'a = 2�}aa 7 , Z767x i -�, w Y2?875ZD- iG✓ � d Cr'C'i .c� ✓ 1.7 x 70 0 'vr7at/4 N"c�' - 99B 207. 7 x ? - - Z✓ l.�Z - 1 Zg•7 x 7�"- z� /57Z I i tc 29.7 x 74' = t qi v /��R2ttTf A4i/�!L , +� Y ? ,9 2.7 X' ?S DLO C/.� ✓ Gc�'�✓ — � %x� 2 S n 7a 25'•X 7P &7" zSX 7 _ // q.:5-0 L or 2 k 70- c �! 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A b9 4 [ 0a Z Pl`PL c 64L60oo� -- >vo PAR%1175 21 1 /2 R e, 8 Q L f3DA- 2 Nn p ERAiI7-S h 4 ♦ xjY ISM �I JJJJ��/� X' �� L�=C+s¢G rUf7il?CE�N�w"Fe'i�lrttl{� xi i N��qq!►'/v�✓yii�%�(rs,�v�/9Y.lr'Adre�l/i%� ' OK, - OK' l - �oTSS ar*yr= Nam` oN •' j.v I 2I AeX 2e 1 Z�e&we, weol e ! y� 07 G�VN7r'�l i i X 2 t r i.01 -- 44544 .tM"C'.f! r�'kl �.95�.5/.a„� !moo/T70rt1 { IW71/9, GGi r�/a/Q.G /_ � ' 2 Dv 3D0 �✓ov . V _ r x �} *� —_2S_ 6 � � ' ' 4�/sa�G .cJElU s2 ��'✓ ----- ! i L: G�Goffy0?/G��stfpl�/✓rr/�yGy ! `~(" l.; 1 /` zq I� I ! AN; ' _ t X � OX I k' 451 /� ,� -- - �s`�9C- No�IJ C'D�t4fO�J//1/G� A `4'_A _f V� "- � �- �P� dJg7JC0/fifG,e°,ry�/d/6 G��G- N�/�GO/VFo�iulcrll�_ OK ----- - - Ge YO 4a.Vewe, r 'FGl ef11) ,J 2' e X �j f 0 �AGL X s /h 2 - A101 ` I • 1• r - - - ��C >,- G E' ' U(Ji'�� N�NC1iu�o,�rt't/nl� G�G�.-OG &4Yam- 6LA L/6 ---�� Y' R CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT August 23, 1982 TO: Current Planning Administrator FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: R-3 Zoned Properties on the Balboa Peninsula/ Request of Ron Yeo At its meeting of August 19, 1982, the Planning Commission directed the staff to do a study on Ron•Yeo`s request to rezone the R-3 lots on the peninsula to the R-2 District, which would permit two units on each parcel as opposed to the current zoning which allows only one dwelling unit. For the Planning Commission meeting of September 23, 1982, we will need the following information: 1) A map showing the R-3 lots on the peninsula containing less than 2400 sq.ft. 2) Statistics on a) The number -of lots involved, 201 b) The number of lots containing two or more units and Qr some background information as to how these units were C established; i.e., variances, legal nonconforming, etc. '�o _/jc c) The number of additional units which would be permitted & — V if the property were reclassified to R-2. //e- 3) Conformity with the General Plan. 4) Conformity with the LUP. 5) Actions required by the City to reclassify the properties; i.e., Amendment to the General Plan? Amendment to the LUP? Zone Change Amendment? Environmental Documentation - Negative Declaration or EIR? JAM S D. HEWICKER nina Director JDH/kk GIH R4 `5 BdLBOQ BAY cZ/jB R4 .�:.� S zi<50� 0 UH Ri \ uoo RI RI RI '1 io <�RL RI ------/RI Ig� t —1S26V / RI -U- RI RI I �— "'�i/ 1 eCHANEL � ..... - RI RI JR13 I RI RI O ( R3 It g'RS 4r it ,v � �pl 3 R4 CI CI 1\\ O�l�" \\ — YACNT O l'1 CI CI c Y 1 1. �i RP P S �� zo m om . -' ... 0.. • m CHANH Tom_=` It lux:% ,0 0 - .mac' * � m, 1 _ n�_ Cl�l i —44 Aw5w G CZZ/ R 3 R I l aa—_ -- R Ri Rt 42 Ri Rt RI ®® �0 \`RI q3.R IRS1 V-\ ; A R\ D < 1 PI RI Nu RI Llva R33R3 RII 3sBEACH ._......... ...._..NRt -- — o m o BLlc LIAN `� !� R R✓E � OS j � � n A M o L � � 3� Y y��y� V/ ill _ 1. A ,.. , . T �j R R3 ✓ S , O NEWP�� .u- L3A p�A RI. Rs BEAU" MApll�� R3 uQ PUBL/� � �y z IRI V � y ' SJ680J PIAR C, O CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - GENERAL ZONING ..`Dl-STRICT . P'R'EPARED BY THE QOMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN NO TE::.Contact the. Community. Development Department for permitted UEHr,>aaez Pl z �.: development standards'.i" e various $districts .800 400 Q S00 SCALE IN FEET,, Y. d n IS .a a '- i .. n.i ,.: .: '.5 ::w-, ' 'r. .s�'•, .:.. . � x. it a,�y. �! [:� r ih /'� � .;.,-�. - 1;p.,. -�� `ka'.� .. i,. , .: •." <.0 �.. ..e<Y .... i,., ;v .�-. .',-.. ,,4 ,. {2.uK �.-Rk"!.F� ., F7:v ,n n Y a '.� �- 1. o-.+c5� �.:u. :.. ab+sa.�.,rt �.,.�.emn.', '-a..v...-6-z>a':ta4r�.,N�:. e�eS�=63�e2.-Y�.£n%&;Y�'in F.P'-�.� �....__-.-,.1 '�k�[.-j..x� ..�. _�.m= �•�nis ..x .a..y�_.. ... -,a .c.cl. .s�riz.e4..£"�3'.- ¢. .l..wis mac.._.-.:ir 1L�iK::,1- 9A ..v.h:_'� �.�..:be'I.e. _. �G�_.. ir�b.-...�i. _. .. .D .M.i- .�.. _,�_ -_ - 'rt�3 �`.