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08/01/2003 15:53 At.g 01 O: I f:: 06p V- W 9497561238 SANPAULO APTS NE 7RT N 6 wt:aadicmcs �___lRaccnincatiwr��__ 949721 *88 PAGE 02 p.3 UNt Kumber ., 2 o _„_ INCOME COMPUTATION A.NI C ATITICAMON 317E:0APARTMEN. OlNNER. TI-is;atmtsdsgnamd laa5MiSl you in enmp tin; nnuallncomeinncen:danccvith the lnathrd set Porch it he Dean ,rnart ai Housing and Crbm Projm (" HLU' j Regulations (24 OFR Ili ). r should maLn ceraln aim d:is form is at all Iilre, of It tau:+ .in the HIID Rctadat.cis. 16 cAphzli:cd lenrt used h=tV shnll have the tea g set forth in the Regulaloy Agrecrram. CSCDA (Pool) - Nei vj ort North G : e rha undemil lance thnr, I:wc have lead and answered fully, frankly Inc ersonally cluck orlhe following questions for till P ' mtand to resi' Ucc the unfit "flit I e, ig applied for in the above npartnsnt In -ct. Lasted below are the names orall persons 1 2. Name 0I'a:c,Ili= A' 3. Relationship Ohhn ra Head of xml Secunry Place of }buwho:d 1(ou5chold Age Number Employment 1'4r&d—_ a _ - L� i Income Coniputati, in d. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this 1 ire ycrrs) listed abos a rr; the 12-month pit f, of all persons (incept children under I$ cl cod bcglnoing the earlier f t Icose for a unfit date that I/sve plan to move into o unit or sign a Included m the total anricipatcd income listed above arc: (a) nil svnsea and salancs, overtime pay, commissions, fee, fit and boausus and athereonspensation for personal sersiccs beforcpayroll deduelions, (b) the act income from the operation oft, business of pmp ;;I. (w;hnut dedualn; expenditures furbusiness or from the rental of real or personal property evpmismr nr allowances for depreciation of capital assets): orlvnrimt of capital indebtedness or any (e) inicres; and dividends (including income from assets in IV( personal properry); below and other net income from roll) or (d) the N11 amount of periodlc paymrnfs received front soc 111 Rinds, Parisians. disability or death benefits urity, anntutics, insurance policies, retirement and othersi nil sum payment ibr the delayed Stan of a periodic pnyrncp ; Wes nfpcuodic receipts. including any lump (a) pa):nerts in hea orcmrnngs, such as uncmplo)nncrt an di )ildtycompcnsdtion, wvrkets' compensation Ord srsvrauce pal; (tit the maximum amount ofpublic assistance available col c; assistance speclfr:ally cicsigna;ed for shcher and utthric ; ve persons other rhnn the amount of any (aa Pei odtc and delenninable ullownnees, Mich as alimony nd and elfts received from persons it, ild support payments and regular contributions not veshlina the dwell ,ni (h) al) renular pay, special pay and allownnces era ntcmhc; of dwr8lny) t ho is the head of the household • Armed Cm ces (u,hrlber o' not living in the a, spouse; a d (:) any ecmed tnwmcW "edit to the extent that it exceed in tie fax liability. A E\Cluded from such anuripzled income arc: (a) casual, snoradic or irremdar ri 0�, fug 01 03 12c 06p .r... N� 'ORT N 349720 -88 YAOt 10.1 p,4 (a) hazardous dutytiny to o household member in tfc Aare r hostile fire; fQ relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Faint tic Politics Act of 1970, (9) Rasterchild true pa)mcnts; (h) [he value of coupon allounenis under the Pond Sump A -a (i) puymeuu to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer S rvi (1) p f3Incnts recer•+cd under the Aiuskn Nauwc Claims Set, .m. (k) income denncd rroin certain submarginal land of the Ur tcc tribes: (I) pa}mmntc an allowances made under the Deparnnent of Jar Energy A 5sistancc Plogmm; fm) pdymcnfs received from the Job Partnersbip Training At ; fit) income derived lion the disposition of funds of die Ora d i (u) the ITrbt S2000 artier capita shares received from judge, en Cemmlasien of the Court of Claims or from held in was fot f Do the persons whose income or contributions ate included In liar o (a) have sovngs, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other I rm necessary ucros cram son,d property such as furtlimte and nu an• X Yes NO; or (it) have they dis(iosetl nCuny assets (other than at a foteelest.rc oI bur than fair marker value? Yes X No (c)Ifthe answerro(a)or,b) aboveis Yes,does thecombined tot Iv such persons total mine than S5,000? __Ycs X N (d) If the answer to (c) above is Yet., slate: (1) file combined total value of all such assets: s (2) life amount of income expectea 16 be dcr.ved from such assri m Initial occupancy In the unit that you propose to itnt•. S (3) d;e mnmtnf ofsuch incomgifany, Ihu w•as included in item ai E (a) )vfit all the pemcrs listed in column I above be or have been :uI this calendar year at on cdurdfon ll institution (other than g comes nit Ye, �t No (b) Cn�Icie n Ii Iv if dfu an<ngr tQ, ors ion R a is "Ye. 'yam J: flu• married and eligible to file a joint tedurar income fax iris..? 'flits certificate is made with the knowledge '))at it will be relied u mf cliclbility to occupj the unit; and i/we decline that all information cct based upon information 1/we deem reliable and fhada: snrtmanf ft• is rensmable and based upon such invesng.nion as file antler rgnc dr I f. AWc will assist the CAsmcr in oblamtng any information or ducum m' including eitheran income verification Irani mytour present enipl yet immediately placating calendar year. I I/%"c acknow•icdgc than All of the foregoing information is rricvan to interest tat bonds issued to finance the-44A _ ofthe oaf made. We dansent to (he disclosure of such mformnmon to the nsst a( tructce acting on dwirbchnifand anyaulhorized agent of the T'rea or% ,as who is away from home and exposed to kssis;anec laid Rcal Property Acquisition 977; : Act Or 1973; Act; Was that is held in trust for certain Indian and Human. Services* Low-income Home er J3n id of 01mva Indiuns; mid aids awarded by toe Indian Claims , Indian vibe by the Secretary of Interior uvc: 'capital investment (excluding the values of •des and inlet csts is Indian (m5t Im id) :uptcy sale) during tine )ail nwu years at It, e of all such assets owned or disposed orby all ,e 1 bmonlh period beginning on the date of _,and a: S-- me smden, dunn; five (5) calendar months of me school) with regular faculty and students? tch person (other than nonresident aliens) Yes Xe NO the Owner to determine maximum income fm Ili hurcin is true, correct and complete and I anticipated incmre contained m paragraph f led necessary. quired to verify the statements made herein, or copies Of federal 'at. rehnne for the status under federal ....vine tau law of line alit budding fur Which application is being uch bonds, the holders of such bonds, any .apartment o: internal Rtvcmue Scr,•icc. IA9e dcdse under penalty of peritvy that the foregoing is true an cc • et. I sccut•d this^_day af .20_,_(year)in he ly of.California Agpliear i optic tat Appltaf (SLaniture of all persons (cacepl children under the age of 18, ar Wad in number 2 nbnvr required) V. New Certificates 6 /Recent,—ation Unit Number INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER. ER. This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All caottalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North I/We the undersigned state that 1/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment 5yd mak'Q I)a%o l d 14 cad _?-- 56y-q7-97gQ Norvz Ce If sf i2c,6LY c) IPaomrnwbG 62_5- 07^7746- �yatc� r r Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the 12-month ertod beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is S V r 75 �. 27 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions (a) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title 11 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) ' payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (a) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of .necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes 4 No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,000? Yes X No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state. (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S _ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ — S. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes i1 No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question 8(a) Is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file ajoint federal income tax returns? Yes V No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification fiom my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 2114 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. Me declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 16� day of 14U�, 20 G. (year) in the City of_�+yhR'Yi' I S alifornia Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) 1 t FOR CONTLETION By 2?6}yR,411JL.1.N OVVNER ()NLy� I. Calculation of eligible income: a• Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract f yrP1, •'ure the amount entered m 7(dx3) and enter the re=!-yin!e ($ ) (2) Multiply the atnottt bt ;ns the current passbook savings rate determine what the total annual eatniq ^ 1) would be if invested m passbook saving �,. subtract fmm.that figure the amount enmk 'n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c. TOTAL E IGM18 INCOME (line l.a plus line l.b(3): 2. The amount entered in l.c: x Qualifies the applicants) as a Moderate -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenaut(s). v $_ 30, 753.27 g NIA 3d,753.27 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: IZ 6 Bedroom size: 2 12 Rent: $ U7 i . G a A, This apat•tra ;Lt uni �vras not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more rwtasecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipa �income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of theapartmM unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenaut(s). 1 S. Method used to verify applicants) income: FtTT InvM1 ifln.. APUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS ox E exceeds 55,000—multiply by the currant passbook Interest role: Box E does not exceed $5,000 iler-0- In box G: Wor the gloater of Box F or Box G in: X BOX G: INPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS s y3,yy BOX N: Effedivo Data e4,,.- }- Typo of Program %- Unit No. �Ilf Unit Sizo No. of Penons, 2 - MII: V Max. Income Limit $ QSZaO.00 AR 140%Limit$ A p p 1 e t H s t r Y ;Ss , .i VI. Oj n�.aQon� iRviNEAAAnTMENFMANAceteNFCOMPAuy Rental Application and Receint for Aoolicatlon Screening Fee Please complete this form in It's entirety, roting WAN to IAMC•s approval to rent an apartment to you in an apm e,,.,,•nnlx,,. I. pJerlleetroaly. "O.."1 Community: U Print Applicant's full name(U$t, Flrst, Middle Initial) Ir SW, OMq 'D,to P Name of Co -Applicants (Separate Application re ulred for ea (last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Gelb ROla..ai f (Lmt First. Middle lmtIal) (Wt, First, Applicant's Present Address city ir•o"a ZIP 12,0 "q r+anEo^d U Detached family home: El Attached family Monthly Payment $ 13 9 0 Present Landlord's Name Address Immedate Prior Address (If lees than I yr at obova) Immediate Prior Landlord-1 Nome Add. be you own a Pet? yes EdNo 0 a c u p a n r an p 0 In n t F Proposed Occupants (last, First, Middle Initial) Da (Last, First, Middles IWI Do (wt. First, Middle Initial) 0. Employer (If self-employed, came of Wt.,) Business Adds rn 0^6 ph.. Type of Business Position Other Perome Source Applicant mu Immediate Prior Employer Address (Including ZIP Cade) Clucking: bank and branch (include City/state) Z.00,v 64 vedergl G,ed i 0,1 Savings: bank and branch (include City/State) 6 k. OFA�,a.•r�. C + . Have you ever filed bankruptcy? ❑yes C J IRVINE APARTMENT MANAOEMENTC6MPANY How did you first learn of this apartment community? O.C. Register ®Drive By Rental-Living.com Promatian/Sp. Event Apartment Guide riSlg., Walnut. -Other 053Mereary �O,19 Apt. Magazine ❑Other IACCommnity❑Referral^ FINewspoper-other" Rental Living (IAC Ma90 LA Imes ❑Relocator Service ❑Alaga.l. - Other ^ ❑For Rent Magazine ❑SD Vmon Flyer El Affordable Housing IAC Apt. Info Center 1:1SD Reader F1Pastood/Mailer ❑Other -Net Listed' ' PLEASE FILL IN. Renamformlocatian "It. Cn How many vehicles do you awn/drift? Make Mc.'.... Year $at qb "came# Make Year License# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted In the Commtmity. Do you have Renter's Insurance) ❑yes 59Na Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Wormation: I am making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rant an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize call cement to allow IAMC, 0wner. and their respective employe" and agents (collectively, the RAMC Parties'), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Appllmtlon through credit npomllg agencies, tenant ametrim, servlm mmpanl", banks (lauding electronic funds verification), employers and other Mae=or entitles with Information misting to this Appllmtlon I understand that If I it"c this apartment, the IAMC Ponies shall have a cintlaullg right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information in this Application for purposes related to my Lease and/or for recount review or Improvement of application methods. I hereby nlaw. and hold harmless The Irvine Compecy.ird. Apartment Communitl", L.P. Irvine Apartment Mo agement Company, and all of their r"pooim officers,..play," and agents, from my and all liability, legal pramedllgs and mats, lneludirg attorneys' fees, arlsing out of the verification and/or use of the Information mntaind In this Application, including the mlmm of such Information to other parties. I warrant that, to the best of my lans1mge, all of the Information provided In this Application (Including Wt net tithed to the statement of my financial mndltim) Is tine, accurate, complete and career "af the date of this Appllmtbn If any information proWdcd by me Is determined to be false, such false statement will be gmunder for disappreval of my Application or termlration of my lass with Owner- I agree to notify IAMC if any of the Information provided In this Application dwrges during the Application process or during my tenancy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with my other Information provided by me, whether or rat this Application Is approved. A nonrefundable Applln0on Screening Fa of $30A0 (se Matched below) Is required from sich Appllmnt to process this Application end to check Me Inform thmprovided AsepmteApplingontoReMmustbaWgnMbyeachApplinntwhowmocm"LhsapabmntbofmImsAppunuonwnlbe mnadatelby LAYC. 7/I7 /ni _1-1i--:>;J E�7- Bate Applicant's signature RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE it chive amount Is to be wed to Semen Applirant with regards to credit history and other background Informatlon The amount charged Itemized as Manua Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detalrer(eviction) search, and/cur other screening reports $9.95 Cost to obtain,pmme, and verify semen, informatlon(ma, include staff'. time and other related mat.) $2005 Total fee charged (many not enured $30 per Appllmnt) $30.00 trizes verification of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reform. cur Infarmatlim mare". Date By: Data <�—L' Applicant's signature Irvine Apartment Management Company Weed O7r01 Pa9a2d2 Apples aildou Y0lals ;x t � Income Restricted Certi. cation Questionnaire Name: Dv id 51jryAarO__ Unit # ZI L 6 _ Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Question Monthly Income j Uwe receive Fanuly Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments I s O iOO V from persons not livingwith me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Property. I/we receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under. Ihve are entitled to receive child support payments. Ihve am currently receiving child support payments. I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, VStocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: Collcge/University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student V household in the next 12 months? / If you answered }_es to either of the previous two questions are t,// you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8765 (949) 720-1598 FAX Verification of Family Support Address: 211 6 60s f eZ Newport Beach, CA 92660. I, 0,. ' d St� r o u , am receiving a monthly family support payment in the amount of $ 17 5-0 from _ P' �1 sw: o-, Social Security Number I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and complete. Signature of receiver: Signature of provider: State of California County of /_cor Signed before me this C( day of. � L. 20 t3 , California. To certify which witness my hand and seal office. No Public in and for the said County and!Ltate My commission expires on: MARLA A. SHOWALTER ` . ` r ` _�' � NOTARY PUBLIC • 132188 NIA �" m u_. COMMISSION# COUNTY c 1 My Comm• Exp. Sep1O. 23 2005 r VL D"umcnu Asset Calculation Worksheet Name i,r Account Type Cl90(-`en_ I1LI63. 37 ( + ) 21?Z14•43 divided by 2 (—) 21Ig3,Ro (average account balance) �W M. ' .. � 1''ti4:•i � . sal° ". � < :N i,'",'.ACCOUNT"NUMb EE ,.t�, '02MAY03 TNRU O1JUN03 y;•� ( ce 17 i' 5,TATEMENPPERIOD, ; I k t 1{ i DAVID SHIROMA SUSANNA SHIROMA 21325 GERMAIN ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-2237 YOUR BILLS AND SAi Pay less in interest charges by transferring your higher -rate balances to an LFCU Visa. We ofi annual fee. Extended Warranty Manager, fee -free cash advances, online account access, and such Apply anytime day or night! (800) 328-LFCU * lockheedfcu.ol Savings Your balance at the beginning of the period ..................$ 1067.19 Account 01JUN Dividend through 31MAY2003 1.86 = i069.05 Suffix 0 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED: 2.07% FOR A 31 DAY PERIOD Average Daily Balance: 1067.19 Your new balance on OSJUN03..................................5 1069.05 Dividends -Paid To You In 2003 On Suffix 0 $ 10.81 Classic No. 398728309. Balance at the beginning of the period.......$ 2824.63 Checking Additions and miscellaneous withdrawals: Suffix 9 27MAY Withdrawal -39.95 COX ENTERPRISES (BROADBAND ) 27MAY Withdrawal -60.81 COX ENTERPRISES (BROADBAND ) ITEM ------ AMOUNT ---- DATE ---------- ITEM ------ AMOUNT ---- DATE 1155 48.00 02MAY 1158 60.00 21MAY 1156 695.00 05MAY 1161* 320.00 30MAY 1157 137.50 19MAY (* next to number Indicates skipped numbers) 7 Withdrawals = 1361.26 0 Deposits = 0.00 5 Checks Cleared Your new balance on O1JUNO3..................................$ 1463.37 Your Your total Checking balances .................................$ 1,463.37 Financial Your total Savings balances ..................................$ 1,069.05 Summary YTD Tax YEAR-TO-DATE INFORMATION FOR TAX PURPOSES: Summary Total non -IRA dividends earned (May be reported to IRS as interest for this calendar year)..$ 10.81 RELATIONSHIP REWARDS LEVEL : GOLD DAVID SHIROMA SUSANNA SHIROMA 21325 GERMAIN ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-2237 • ,AY j!1 ACGOT1yTNUM8' ;:� ,. Nr'- •:;�.:,r ",:.�-te.%{-'� �'398728300 R03'..TNPU,,.017dA'7C0'3'y •vlT�li@�F{EN%•tlEjibb'.,'l .' 3 • VISA RATES AS LOW AS 8.99-t APE Trade in your other credit cards an LFCU Visa Platinum. You'll en low fixed rate with no annual fe Extended Warranty Manager, fee-f cash advances, easy online accou access, and much more. Apply anytime day or night! (800 358-LFCU * lockheedfcu.on SaVm Your balance at the beginning of the period ..................$ i065.39 Account 01MAY Dividend through 30APR2003 1.80 = 1067.19 Suffix 0 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED: 2.oe% FOR A 30 DAY PERIOD Average Daily Balance: 1065.39 Your new balance on OiMAY03..................................$ 1067.19 Dividends Paid To You In 2003 On Suffix 0 Classic Checking No. 398728309. Balance at the beginning of the period...... Additions Suffix 9 and miscellaneous withdrawals: 22APR Withdrawal -39.95 COX ENTERPRISES (BROADBAND ) 22APR Withdrawal -28.16 COX ENTERPRISES (BROADBAND ) 23APR A-77.14 P ...Amt: 5 US TREASURY 220 (TAX REFUND) 25APR* Deposit 5.00 US TREASURY 220 (TAX REFUND) 28APR Deposit 2000.00 ITEM ------ AMOUNT ---- DATE ---------- ITEM ------ AMOUNT ---- DATE 1144 25.64 07APR 1150 60.00 22APR 1145 395.00 02APR 1152* 170.00 24APR 1146 36.27 09APR 1153 44.39 OlMAY 1147 23.00 14APR 1154 60.00 29APR 1148 80.00 30APR 498941* 85.39 22APR 1149 775.00 22APR (* next to number indicates skipped numbers) $ 2642.43 13 Withdrawals = 1822.80 2 Deposits = 2005.00 11 Checks Cleared Your new balance on OIMAY03.............................:....$ 2824.63 Your Your total Checking balances .................................$ 2,824.63 Financial Your total Savings balances ..................................$ 1,067.19 Summary YTD Tax YEAR-TO-DATE INFORMATION FOR TAX PURPOSES: Summary Total non -IRA dividends earned (May be reported to IRS as interest for this calendar year)..$ 8.95 RELATIONSHIP REWARDS LEVEL : GOLD iAl Name, Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet - E::::; 7 g $ (+) E:::: divided by E:::: (average account balance) Name, Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet - E::::; 7 g $ (+) E:::: divided by E:::: (average account balance) 5 {• ,, ll, .. E•' _ •t Bankof America. III [poll s11111rrrrilrrlrlrrJlrllrrrllrrrrrlli6rrrlydrddl DAVID SHIROMA 804 STANFORD IRVINE CA 92612-1661 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. ❑ Summary of Your Regular Savings Account " Beginning Balance on 06/01/03 $31878 Total Deposits + 440.00 Total Withdrawals - 432.00 Interest Paid + .10 Account Fees - 19.00 Ending Balance $307.88 ❑ flank of America News Your Bank of America Regular Savings Statement Statement Period: June 1 through June 30, 2003 Account Number: 21573-52609 At Your Service Call: 818-994-8200 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Chatsworth Branch P.O. Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-5176 Customer since 1992 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. Annual Percentage Yield earned this period 0.4t Interest paid year-to-date $ Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Track transactions as they occur - Online. With Online Banking you can view your account activity throughout the day - no waiting on your paper statement. See your electronic transactions online within minutes of making them. Access Online Banking at www.bankofamerica.com. ❑ Savings Activity Dale 06/19 06/27 uescnption Deposits and Credits Deposit Deposit Reference Number I Amout I Total "Deposits and Credits i r' Bankof America. I DAVID SHIROMA ❑ Savings Activity Continued Date 06/27 ( 06/30 06/23 06124 06/24 06/24 06/30 06/30 Statement Period: June 1 through June 30, 2003 Account Number: 2157352609 Desc,-iptlon Withdrawals and Transfers Cash withdrawal on 06/27, Bank of America ATM #110102 (Card #261795785) Total Withdrawals and Transfers Interest Paid Interest Paid from 06/01/03 Through 06/30/03 Account Fees mI Im ueniat on 06/24, Non -Bank of America ATM #90705610 (Card #261795785) ATM Denial on 06/24, Non -Bank of America ATM #90705610 (Card #261795785) ATM Withdrawal fee The Monthly Service Charge Was Assessed Because Your Account's Minimum Balance During The Month Was $ 39.78 on 06-24. This ehed $eCo6hnccu Balance DuringMonth as Ws 3978 n 024 And The 3 Reference Number A 003447 $4, 000061268 000062386 000062377 000062402 Total Account Fees $19 ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #110102 Irvine Industrial, Newport Beach, CA • #244101 S Bay Paviilion At Car, Carson, CA • #408965 Irvine Commercial Ctr, Newport Beach, CA Non -Bank of America ATMs • #90705610 Bancard System, 5610 - 2112 Weste, Las Vegas, NV 0692799.002 California Pon. 0 .r J. . .v Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: -David Sh la ce Date: -ME/0-2_ © Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: S(1Qoo 3 ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ❑ Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Date of Clarification: - l:)ovtd Sh i or 4 7/2 5-ld3 Contact Name: D av f d S ba mn ro, Company/Organization:_ (vo.v Summary of Explanation or Clarification A P P c t H at t r y HjMIWAI= IR%ANEAPAR ileNTMANA(iEMENTCOMP.ANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form in It's entirety. noting 'NyA"ar •none° where applicable. The Information you pronde vall be verified prior to IAMC's approved to rent an eportment to you in. apornoent community awned by either The IrWa Company or Irene Apartment CammaalNea. L.P. fcalloon,afv. "Owner•) Community: Addrm: Prlat Ap 11 is full m na (last• FM, Middle Imhol) TrJSn �e i o it Date of "" 3-/5-76 xad semely wmher 62,5-07-77Y✓r Driver i Liurse # B Wmeof Co-Apph ts(Sapamto Application (loot. First. Middle Initial) Ircdfarcoch Ca-Appllmnt) (last• First.Mlddie INliai) Mact,F .MiddlClnitko (Gast, FlM, Mlddle Initkn (Imt. Fire, I011-1) (Last First, Middle Initial) Applicant's Present Address aty ZIP Own / /� �/ (f,o%/ Sfgn70 /);(_ Gf xlv//me, GQ 92en❑ Reny. Phone# Doter Flwn 0/ •Mal A ..r �r / / �1 /b�4A�LILVrpTMNC 7 7103 Detached family home. Attached family home: Apartment Monthly Payment E To wham do you male payments) Proem Wdlard's Name Addmss aty ZIP Phom# Immediate Prior Address (If less then I yr. at above) awn Pont: Monthly Payment. ors' Fmn IT. Imnmedlate Prior Landlord's Name Address ay ZIP Phone# Do you awns Pet) Yes No Nvnbmof Pets: Type. 0 u P n t E In 0 In n t F PmposedOccapems,(last, First, Mlddle Initial) ti P Date of Blrih /o•z3-7y (Last. Flnt Middle Initial) Defeat Birth (Iast,Flrst MiddleInitial) Date of Bhlh (Isst, Fint Mlddle Initial) Dataof Birth (Last. First, Middle Initial) Dateof Birth (Last First, Middle Initial) Date of Birth Employer (If self-employed, nose of busiros) Buslmas Address (Inaludie, ZIP Code) /1Oh'L phone Type of Business Position oatar. Frmm Supervisor Phone # Income Mo. To Other Imome Source Applicant must provide 2 pay stubs or current W2 form. Contact Immediate Prior Employer Address(Indudhy ZIP Code) Phom# Dates: From Income Mo. To Chuckle, Iakondbmuch(Include Oily/state) N Air Account# Savingsbank and branch (Include Oy/State) N Account# EHaveyouaverftedbonkmpteyP ❑Ya ®No Cauntvond St.lewhereflled _— What yeal'P Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Name: Idalayld reIis Unit# ZI16. Initial Certification ' Re -certification Other Yes No 011PCfinn Mnnthly T„nmma Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other J cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments ��� O O from persons not livin with me. I/we receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Tro er . I/we receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under. I/we are entitled to receive child support payments. I/Nye am currently receiving child support payments. xUwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. I/we have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, XStocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate I/we have cash on hand. Student Status: XDoes the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: College[University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a frill -time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered yes to either of the previous two questions are \� you: ➢ Married and filing ajoint tax return. �/�" Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8765 (949) 720-1598 FAX Verification of Family Support Address: 2116 Newnort Beach CA 92660 I, Rt,14 „el- Ce-1,; am receiving a monthly family support payment in the amount of $ "'` �iQO. �� from flare%.L Social Security Number I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and complete. Signature of receiver: Signature of provider: �4cr State of California County of Lo S Signed before me this. a 1 day of �U 20P:>.. , California. To certify which witness my hand and seal office. Notary Public in and for the sai Countyand State V/l My commission expires on: �ez [� 2 /r AIAN M. KAMINSKY .41 �t. KPkly COMM #1284518 Nataty Publio-Califomia fn LOS ANGELF.S COUNIY =� ..� Cow. Exp. pec.15, 2004 VL Documents Gcoranior Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee fictive complete Iles lot ut millmly in itdc nohnrJ "NIA" or ^none" where applicable Do no"Se white out. The inform man yuu pl amde wdl br. nseJ 1•y IA//� to Jclm INS fm•nl mine if you gmllfy to acl as "guarualol." Will. Irnse abi llaliom of the Resideat(s) listed all • .... �... ..uLrvrs...... nim 11 n:41YrsL MN'IL nnnaU Jr-- S/I I r0 p nalc f R r IL Sacml5ecuray Mar hm• —dR s•'.,6 J % arrvar+slrcmrsc /f A IJmnv of trr+Nrru(s))'nn air gn I I I o rU 611 N-9•� lv) O P (41:1, I'n••.I. MnLllc lninan I �+ 1 Ilanl, rusl. MlJAlr Lrainl) bwtd C•eliJ• I K.aland (I u:I, Pors t, Mldrllc iuinnl) I ---=— � I (Lis<I,1 n'sl. h4dllr 1 er Lon r —_---_ _--�(Lusl, llnl, MlJJIc c a aoo•rmlm •. IS r,rnI AIJi c;s Oly ZIP -'-- 2/325 �e mai S? C/wr'rt4,cp j131( bUnAu—I t.mini, ln,n--- t `. i--- 11 A IMOW fanuly Lorne. /yunllilyl'npmvdy 963 s 15•ncnl lrnnlln,rrs blurs,. -- t � nJdress a bun'nbnl„1'n "Add,ra --�� I, (rf Ir;S Ilwu l yr. nl nhovc) y h un• Lin lhu d•s 1.1nun. b U own PLane 1, ❑ Ronl: Ito E3-2, �7763 1—, e%ss ❑• Alvrrlrnerd: ❑ To whom da yuu nmlm �_ Imymeuls? A!(ivna fWFi(+le 01, 71r rlroan fr No L„Ics. ] l: Ilannr CRlclny LIP=p-Y-1 I'honc /f 111VINC APARTMCNT MANAGCMCNT COMPANY COtIselll 'lo Varificalion of Credit & Other Information: Ions undung Ihrs Apphmin'n wlunlnrdy fir ILc pngrose o(oLln11019 rAMC's 141111 ovnl of my Ap1Lmbmr so ncl as o gaamnlm• fur the Irnsc aLlignuons of Ilu•It,,, loon ]LnrLy nulhnrwc auJ mm:nn la nlinw fAAlC, Iliu lrvwc Cangvury, Pvllhc dinrlmrrhl fumimnnbu.,11',nnd Iluar r r+prepve rmpinprcs and "gads (rullcellvely,'Ile '`AMC PmVles"), la oLLon nod verily the n crht and olimr inf m-nea rah provnlcd by n¢ m hill App61nlmo Ilirnugh n n61 r rpm Img "few ics, Icnanl sin ecnnvl ael sore mngmules. Lmdm (ruclnduq ele[Irmrie fond: ven iffuJum), amidnym: and nlhrr perwns orrulMrs rvilL ndornlo Lon l Cluing to this ApplicNlais In6o nu llml nc llm rAMCPn•hes to provide mfmICU l ion Ion Ice, Ile d Lh Iles Appin nhnn to vm nr 1, Inud, tint. and/m• fedeml goverlunenl agmwles, im:ludnud on ILoul Inndalmn, vm loss law enforcamcoi ngrurles. r wvlrrslawl Ilod If Ili, Resident Irnses no nikn•Inwnf, ILe IAMC II 1hos s1k11 lave a ronlonnnl .ghl to rcxcw my a e[In ndmnnbon nisi oilier ilda1 Cold 'nn m nn•, Apple ranm ler pn. poses r doled lu Ilm Residcof•s 1 en"mvl/m for n[[ounl u•xew rLaelYrrrn:s.• and 1iu1,11ini rates' the Irvine Cumlknry, Imnm Alurr RnenlCanummUlu•s,L1'„rrone Aparinttnl Mnwgru:rnt rnmpnny, Is Intl of hear I esprdnx M A[an a, rogdvlv:cs and rgcom. Lnm mry and all LnInf.11 Icga' pro[ecdngs and cosls, C,clC,d,lvj al lam¢ys, fins........ out of ILc VOU'Vehhou nud/nr uu• of DID.. !of--' 'Come cou4nned or lhls Applbnllan. InenJng the relcase of Inch udol nhulmn to.liar pnrlms Iwnunrrl Ilcn. In if., Len ref my Imowlydpc. 1-11 of tlm adarmolinn Inavuled o: Ihn Apphaa ( I.dngI I nnl lunticd Io ILr onlomm.h of my Inc, sent nruldlno) e, ll n••, un"n ran. rnng'11d, ind anrnd I. of the d n' of lbrs Applmmnm If ony mfnnnnlmn prnvnl.•d by In, r, dclrnnnwd to Is, (.Ile, soda fnkr sLdrnnml sill Le 91 OninL• Ln• dnnppr oval of film Apphra"Oil of Ira nnwdwn of Rcside n's Lens.. I op ec In rwhfy rAMC f any of ILr, into ..... loin In rwolyd in this Applhcnllnn [homes din'ig ILc AppLwOou In ucess Co. dnnlg Ilm Itemdmll's lenmmy. I o6n ulklmdnnd Ilml )AMC Ind! rclow Ill's Apph[,:Lon, almg vAlh mry nlhrr mrmvhkJion penciled by me, wlmthcr yr unl this Application Is appinvcd, A nonaohnWnlda Avidicaliuu 5neening 1'eo Of $30.00 (as hundred hctnx) is requhml Irmo each Ouarnulnr to process tills Applm.dion and In nccch ]Ice inlmnulllan provided. A %vi n ale Ouamslor Appllealfun nn ,I Ile signed by emA Vilsfalllar xho will guannlao Ills pmfornhan n, of Resitlenl's uhhgalluns under (Ile Lenso. DID. It LNc Apphona-s sgralurc P,56 IPT FOR APP/ TCATrnAI Crocco inn rP Ill - On Ihr dale Ldaw, IAAiC ma•hxd t301N] L inn ILr unJcrsigncd Ginramar m wrvmdian wish Iles Wmm�lor App6wtlon Ilmnhovc noOnCIwLrhe used In scl<cu Onaronlorvdlh rcgm•d,Ina•edn hrslnlY and Mille Ln[kgraund Into, notion Lhcmnonnl dmiged Is ilennird n5 (nllmvs. I AIImJ inslsnf u•edll rrpnrl nnJ/or ulLcrs[rcmnvJ reports' .' r'a.I:1. nbmm, in nr $995 rss mid yr my s[rernm iufm•nmlinn (lorry mchlJe 'totes Inne nnJ other rclnleJ coal;) a Io1"11"I boned 4000b / Gwry mrl enmr•d {an pm•Awu arnm9 yI00 In"" mdrnvDid Ill' ues 0•I ILr nhnn of nlfnn"Id bun suppird fly 01101Cud Or an 00$ Appheo0nn Ihrougll Credit I eporlug ngeucies, pm:amd re(crcnm I nud ulher I'd m n olion;n.....m Wm Lmumdur's sgunhna Irvine Aparimont Management Company polo — pr; 11101 ' 111' 111'iLn• nA•• ,f may. ,Hy� r• •, • � ��'2="• •'' ''' Y •.v� ' I••a(�tno � ij�r • y fy' LD.A,SD' CUARANTY I'llin I.L•a4e ommilty Qnll'inelle, "Oil;u:nu I is un.ufa n ol'1 u•, .3 with Ill.' Lt•:r:I• lu IIt• rnit•lul by:""I I'V vW a !� / der Itl' ( ill cnu cell In — � _ L�aVlsll`? j-1 d;1V �d ia� F. C�P�CS (ivhrgmn' uuc m mule persons, hciclinllicl Neer to as "I(esidmu"), ;Ind (vneiApaumenn C'oumut"ihes. L.P., a9 "L;uullor J;' An. file plen'ser: located al L'1,I11nIIlli;ly till"1w11 Illu apmlmenl lu eousidermion of lmlldluld's agrceulenl In eoler fill" it I ease Ivilh Itesidcut null lilt ulller goad and valuable cnnaidclation, ( hmouom' does hclrhv ag"•r a•, Iidluws• I. I I"uoulnnitrd (;omunty. Ouanuour I:e:ehy orlcondilioually gu111.111ft." ""lhoul deduction by l.•a•.nn "I\dnl'I; dcli•nsc "1 unndeR'hnnl. Ihr lull anJ tiunlp p.rynlcnl ill all sanm "I-rcni and ulhrr;tl; '. payn,Ile under if Vol. Lease suet ILc IiIII and hlllilc W Ion lit clie III illl fltvl'11:111h i1111I I,I,II'p'•IIIII(11111 lite Lrnc. Guarnaor''• nbhgaliuns hcrcululcl rslaul h,, bill :tic uul linuh•d lo, all uou•ustls ul'the "I iginal Le:nc len" and uuuoh e, uundh etlentions lhewnl; ;uul ;netlejodu dantagol. occun'u...:n; a Ic•:nil ul'.uq• iwuuuaul 6nldilq: "ire. uaalc. aband"ulnenl ill pt•Itolyd pmperly.ulA any "Iher alsl•. auA espeme: wilt" ell by Landlord unlit Ili,. Ien,Iticy I.. Ie1mi11alnl. y' "• ('"111"'1""!: Nalmr "1 I;uumnly (illalal,l"I'1 "bl;. }'tll"Io. IIIIII4'I II11•. /; 11.1lallll• Quill l'(... li IIIe In cili•al n"ht•illRnmdm(: \` •err .nurndlllro�ol ch."'I lu the Lr.nc by I audl""I.old Reudelo. litticas ulllcnvkc agmed by Laudl"ld, 11"c (;"al:ully • •.lilt ll It•1"1, 11.1Ie u"ly it, paywao 4.1'.111 1cul :"ill ulhcl a"Im due under the I.ca•.c anti uporl perlitroaorce of all Julies told "hligahou•: 1111111•1 lilt'Leases 'I III-. C;umanly rdcnds o, ..... oaauli"g ally the expilnliuu oI'tlm law "I' the Lcuve 6y n:asnu "I "•"mead "I Mly lILcup:ull". properly, surrcndcl ul'pnsuxiun auJ nlller n1u11cIs r"latcd In the uSv and' li nccnpmmy, of the Ihen"w', .1. Walt•rI; Ouaiaulor• hcltby waives and agrees nut m amell: (a) ,ury ugh! In lcryuirc Landlord lu pinccrd against RtS;Jrnl, m' any ulhcl Ile:n.ndm ur prtsall, or la pw we dry ulluv:a•em 11y w remedy hclbta Ill ceednng dgaiud (luamnhu; (b) noy dclrnsr h.r.ed un Ihr w.dnhly or mdiucL'.dnill}' of lllc laaw: e) ;illy l ight w delcnsc Ilril may mist• by rrtrloll of lhr ua'apal'iq', hu•k nl'aulhurdy. deulh or dlsallilily ill Rcsideal 1p• OuamatoG (d) any fight or (icicuse 6dsed un the aNacnce ill' auy m ell presenuncuts, drmuud:t (mdudmg drnau"Is lul pal lurmana'), notices muI Ill otesls "I'r.nch and every hind; (e) [lie deli•use "I'any :anlub' ul'hnlftallilns Ill:up' etbun 10,31ed to (hi:. 01mr,mly or the Lease, :111(1 (1) any drli•nrr h;ncd ,it I lack nl'dili;wuet• of lbilmr lit driny by I,uudhod m enl'"Icnlg ns nl;hls under Illis (ia:a.ally or the Lease. 4. I•;puu•Irdge of I_e_idc(ds _i:d C:nntllgon. (;ill asmuoics till lcspunsihitily for bciug:uld keeping ullin rated ill' Residrnl'': linnnC1,11 condition and m%e(s, and of all other cileunnlances hearing upon the ri•II, nil' nnuperllvnlaucc by I(t•snlwnl mulct Ihr Lone. Onauullul agmes Ihal L:wdlond shall Inver no duly In advise Clnnruom ul'inlin'wahun hu"tvn lu ur nhlaiued Lt' I a"dhnd o•g:ndiog :ua6 cilaunsl:uaca or nsk. S. I•milprill I.S ml1''!Ill. Ill I' lu IIle csccuh"o nl'Ilus Ouamnly ;lilt :11 ally little dnung Ile 'I'crnl oI-Ihc Lcme upon Icn (I(I) day.; pour urillell entice lint" landlord. (ivamotnr agrees In plovid" i,audlonl ivilh Quamnlm''s conclll Iiululcial inhumation (such at e"pirs (il' MT!;. in llloC I.n relum•., etc.) to verily inlnrnmlion provided 1" I.nudlor'd lega"liog (Iualmilol's lioanrial ralewily 1u act In C"el"ll of tin (lie LeasQ. Ou.nnnwl represents and warrants Illnl all Buell livaneiul ^.lalrnu•nl': atoll nlhrl iulinwddon pun•idcJ ib.dl Lr Imc.uld Lou rfl sl.dcua•uls al'Ihe inlbroctliwl Ill vuled b• Nu 'I i•n.utep (, jI;'dad. Nalhinl: eunlained herein shall he enu'unlcd as cleating a houllmd/Ialanl lrl.uuntsllgi Imltreen I .indhn I and (hlIli o"1. (i".","dell N tin( gr."utd 111 r,nilled In :my (inal.111fupossessory inlcrc+l in Iho Inaorsrs as n•anh ill' r'. rNecoll"n I,l'lhl:. (I1a11--ant '. 7. N"we+. Aui• oolirw, nque'.I. druLmd. unloolioll "t (Ilhel c"tuummcalion In he givcu It, any poly Otncunder shall he n, ivulnp: nod •.rill 1" Ibr "lilt pally ;Is plmadal hcicin in aLcnrdanec ivilh the nnl ice plovisinm w the Leone. I(m1VICIn fill In• 1110 lxd elfall Clio ""XI'I lilt --Cl viL? ill p141LM. lout lalliee Iinr111.:""Illo JdivcncJ 1" RcsWeld al lite addlre4l %c( Ior lh in Ihr Lcao-c ::hall c"u.(llule pmptr Imhec Io U iamalor 19t all pnlpwt's. Notices to I.audlnld rI1a11 Ile ddivclnl In Laodl"nl'•• mllhr•s Bel Rltn1 it, (tic lxw;r Lalull"ol, a( flat drdinu, nmy provide tin addilmn.d notice 1" (7uanwor• ill the nddres•: pl"vided mldel Uu:u.n11n1'•, s 91,ittor below. ;. 111 h;gory}.•I r..... to Iht• Olent nf; ly a, if.... Ilclown Ills pal lie•: ha rl":"i.%i"g "ill ill Ihix (iu:uanly. Ihv pl ct•;Idi"g P.0 ly, ';h;lll lu• c"lilled 1" "'COW, hum If a other p.nly, musonable atlolncy+ Ice•:, adkdioll costs and other• costs incur Cd in tool m plrpmuli"n1 lire dte at li"u. Oummllur hmrby n'aivrs any light It, Trial by.plry and fnulller waives :,till:1111 s not to asral :lilt' drli•u•.c h;lsad "n any Ltaiol (11,11 any alhllmlmu drei:dou Wilding upon Laadlmd and kcsidcnl is not hmd;ng upon I•I. 1111hr Agirruu•ul 1111;: ( iu:nauly \hall cuuxgotic the cuUlc agrcemcnl bctwccn Guamulor and Landluol will, Iaspnl w IIIc Mubp•rl uMllcl Wivol: Nu polvisiou of Ilus Gmueully of II,:III of I.dudlknd hcicundcr may be waived uur urry I iudl:uuor Ill. Iclea•,wd Iron, any )bligaliuu IICICUIRIV1 caeepl by n wl ilwg duly caceu(cd by an auduniAcd )Iliecr Ill' I andbnJ. I he u.uu•I ), I.ulu1c lu enfloce any plovi•dun of Ibis (huu,uuy shall nul operate :Is a waiver ul'any )filer b,(•Btll of s11111 purrrunu to .11n ulhr, p)n•niu r. l,e,cul'. No L oullc ol'de.dnq; bCllecal I.11„ IIII,(I and t(CMlde•111 •d,all allCr ill ;111cL1 the call), vabil,lg of fills 1 ivalv,t)• or (illaranlor's uhhpatiuns hcicundcr. 'I III: III If II•R:ih dJl•11 t tl IARAN I'OR I IAS IWAD AND IINUIiItS'I'ANDS'I'Illi'I'Ii1iMS AND CONDITIONS OI+'1'1115 (A IARAN 11'. II!rluemnl•nv,n111e1 n,Jnl,hrillowl Ihalt.... n�p,.rn.•...... hn.I n:u lhll Rrao uo(,; l.I4 It.\NI rlt 1..\NULO1tU: fSpou+r's sil'alalu,4; d'appbcahlc) 213z5 Fie�,,,r,)H By. II vu,c Apaioncul Mcnlagculcut Congauly, a C'alilin nia gencl,d I'M omlahip, ifs duly attlhorized agent Ily: ... ... __ -- Name: ,1iu.': (:um.lxnn'I Air;nurrnr(a)n+rral Lc nnrurrcelli/'Cunrunlnr aigrn•uu'al'Jrnm I:ICSs Lensing ClJficr. :; I)\'I1:'rl• Cl�-Erb-erZ•4)� /7 hoS/irt� uQQ` t'UIIIJ'I'r 1111 r G Oil �C� .,�.C,kt-� _ ... 21�U3 beluic mq �yn-k �I S I' M<,)s.-1E1�•_J ](.Yr. Nol,u-v III lhlic, prr.un.illp appr,ucd `�)�.1.� T. S{t,;•'R.C)A-(! �— I ' . . ly I a• (m I'I'md It, tuu un Ibe basis ol'Mdnaf,eluryevuleo" ) 10 be Ilw per ou(F, wlw:�c numc(y'f me •a,by.cubed to lilt. within inshuga•Ill dud acknowledged to me ILa1(he) ( -0 44) cacculed the mulle in (his) (f •q(,C eodnmil+t:xpdriltli mid w' that fly (Ilk) ou the imhuutclo file pelsou� (n If,,Innly upon b, IIal1 Ill wIlleh Ibe pcl:.)osx/a(tCd, cacculcd dm insuowcnl. M71 NW;N Illy !L.ud.md official sea) _ Nuhuy 191bhc WALTER COMM11$SIOJHOC,.NOTMAAggyLpAtASAIA N#1321886 w EpES p02+00My CmM. xSet3, 003 4� ITV I.\r•,lui yi . t• RUG-01 03 10:39 FROM: 9 w-s state, City Form W-2 Wage ar Copy 2 T-an FIyA GyIYYInYw.rLtYN THE BOEIHG r P. O. BOX 3' MAILCOOE 311' CRY 033-1325-1 SDI iIPAUL 41329TGSHM N ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311 i IIQ ylIMN4MrWa IY tl41. mwN.o WM CW wlmy. IY IMMNYwY -u(-) 'IY b.>rvNlr W/II ACW rirrry PAGE: IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY September 2003 NEWPORT NORTH OC85 Mnva_inc nrinr fn 4;/25/9S Apt. Address Resident Name Size # of I Occ. M/I Date M/0 Date House Income Rent Recert Due 1. 2112 Lynch 2+2 1 6/17/92 $40,047.00 $1,361 N/A 2. 2132 Simich 3+2 4 12/27/93 $39,600.00 $1,417 N/A 3. 2202 Miller 2+2 3 4/22/95 $32,015.00 $1,361 N/A 4. 2204 Ohanesian 2+2 1 8/1/91 $39,746.00 $1,326 N/A 5. 2242 Cona 3+2 3 6/13/87 $31,481.00 $1,451 N/A 6. 2342 Platt 2+2 1 12/26/87 $24,377.00 $1,280 N/A 7. 2401 Johnson 2+2 1 11/7/89 $27,853.00 $1,310 N/A 8. 2454 Ode and 3+2 1 3/11/89 $35,250.00 $1,380 N/A 9. 2534 Cattaneo 3+2 1 7 12/17/94 $32,650.00 $1,392 N/A 10. 2731 Duli a 2+2 1 1 4/7/95 1 $42,006.00 $1,280 N/A OC95 Move -ins after 5/25/95 Apt. Address Resident Name Siz a # of Occ. M/I Date M/O Date House Income Rent Revert Due 1. 102 Guthrie/Fletcher 2+2 2 6/7/02 42,313.33 1361 06104 2. 104 Smith 1+1 3 9/1/03 45,073.20 1130 09/04 3. 108 Chen/Milne 2+2 2 11/23/02 47,377.98 1361 11/03 4. 112 Halstead/Girton 2+2 2 5/5/02 43,733.30 953.25 05/04 5. 124 Szaz 2+2 2 311196 27592.50 1280 03/04 6. 125 Momeny 2+2 2 12/31/98 40,362.60 1271 12/03 7. 138 Vacant 2+2 8. 146 Almore/Watson TTP=307 2+2 2 6/20/97 23,407.00 1361 06/04 9. 214 OTA 2+2 2 12/1/99 11/7/03 34,978.24 1361 12/03 10. 218 Vacant 2+2 11. 220 Bolt 2+2 1 3/8/02 39,991.61 1326 03/04 12. 231 Rubio/Walsh 2+2 3 7/5/03 47,390.01 1271 07/04 13. 236 Balcazar 2+2 3 06/30/01 42,212.13 960 06104 14. 237 Lal 2+2 2 9/7/03 1 42,761.72 1271 9/04 15. 239 Lain Bemard 2+2 2 12/9/98 51,892.18 1271 12/03 16. 244 Combs 1+1 1 09/06/03 36,002.89 1130 9/04 17. 245 Fe el 1+1 2 09/15/02 44,732.00 1210 09/04 18. 251 Moats/Flynn 1+1 1 2 7/10/03 10/09/03 36,923.38 1210 07/04 19. 304 Karo 2+2 1 1 03/28/03 25747.06 1 1280 03/04 20. 308 Fakhouri 2+2 2 6115100 25,890.00 1326 06/04 21. 311 Elliott 1+1 1 7/1/03 38,400.00 1210 07/04 22. 312 Golden 1+1 1 08/07/01 1 54,010.31 1160 08/04 23. 313 Rhomber 1+1 2 10/2/02 43 275.16 1210 10/03 24. 314 Thomas 1+1 3 6/l/02 41,604.52 1130 06104 25. 315 Wolf 1+1 1 6115103 39,225.12 1130 06/04 26. 1100 Lee/Won /Hober 3+2 4 05/22/03 55,500.00 1413 05/04 27. 1104 Bacun 1+1 2 9/18/03 34,080.00 1130 09/04 28. 1107 Aviles 1+1 4 08/23/01 35,554.52 884.25 08/04 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY September 2003 NEWPORT NORTH 29. 1108 Romero/Serrano 2+2 5 11/05/01 56,534.90 1026.7 5 11/03 30. 1118 Hardison 1+1 2 01/18/03 37,171.60 1160 01/04 31. 1128 DelFante 3+2 4 11/06/99 83,456.10 1512 11/03 32. 1142 Samakar 2+2 3 8/28/03 49,323.62 1271 8/04_ 33. 1144 Se ehrband 1+1 1 11/16/00 14,022.00 1160 11/03 34. 1145 Vacant 1+1 35. 1154 Pilon 2+2 1 01/15/03 42,037.55 1 1361 01/04 36. 1159 Goddard 1+1 1 02/14/03 40,413.69 1210 02/04 37. 1183 Pottter 1+1 2 6/l/96 52312.86 1210 06/04 38. 1184 Olson 2+2 1 7/28/03 32800.58 1361 07/03 39. 1200 Wood 2+2 3 08/04/01 58,041.33 1361 08/04 40. 1203 Gallicano 2+2 1 11/07/01 37729.53 1280 11/03 41. 1206 Bottiaux 2+2 2 10/19/02 34927.08 1361 10/03 42. 1207 Robbs/Stotts 2+2 2 7/14/96 37,066.54 1271 5/04 43. 1231 Mandelbaum 1+1 1 1 12/26/99 35,627.51 1 1210 12/03 44. 1330 Dail 2+2 2 616103 41992.34 1 1271 6104 45. 1408 Amor 2+2 1 4 08/15/02 50,471.19 1361 08/04 46. 1411 Loran er 2+2 1 02/22/02 52,208.34 1326 02/04 47. 1412 Fu'ioka 2+2 1 7/10/98 47,632.21 1361 7/04 48. 1418 Lee 1+1 2 7/12/02 40,277.28 1160 07/04 49. 1441 Gerry 1+1 2 12/08/01 60,834.24 1210 12/03 50. 1444 Douglas 2+2 1 1 2/12/99 51388.75 1326 02/04 51. 1502 Smith 2+2 4 3131196 72908.89 1351 03/04 52. 1557 Ramirez 1+1 1 02/08/03 40,000.00 1210 02/04 53. 2116 Shimora/Celis 2+2 2 8/l/2003 30,753.27 1271 8/04 54. 2123 Ross 1+1 3 11/16/01 49,894.73 1210 11/03 55. 2134 Huish 2+2 3 9111199 32,316.01 1361 9/04 56. 2224 1 An'ozian 1+1 1 5/27/98 1 21,860.37 1160 5104 57. 2225 Ziese 1+1 2 01/10/03 37,713.74 1210 01/04 58. 2226 S uiu 1 2+2 1 12/17/96 21,458.48 1361 12/03 59. 2301 Aithen/Mchu h 2+2 2 05/10/01 39,661.38 1361 01/04 60. 2309 Harney 1+1 1 11/23/02 39418.03 1210 11/03 61. 2312 Del ado/Gamboa 2+2 2 7/31/03 41,581.92 1271 07/04 62. 2314 Wieseneck 2+2 2 9/l/03 29,528.40 1271 9/04 63. 2322 Marino 1+1 1 8/8/96 49,500.00 1115 8/04 64. 2402 Westbrook 2+2 2 12/21/02 28289.27 1361 1 12/03 65. 2423 Malkin 2+2 1 2 8/23/96 32,114.59 1280 8/04 66. 2426 McKee 2+2 2 6/4/02 56,736.00 1271 6104 67. 2507 Bora 2+2 3 01/31/03 49,572.00 1280 01/04 68. 2600 Hayden 3+2 3 1 8/l/03 1 49294,41 1413 8/04 69. 2618 Lo ian 1+1 1 8/8/03 39,520.00 1130 8104 70. 2628 Fa azfar 3+2 1 12/10/01 43,583.62 1512 12/03 71. 2626 Brandon/Graham 2+2 2 9/8/03 40,666.14 1271 09/04 72. 2633 Chun alm Chun 2+2 3 08/20/03 44,281.57 1280 08/04 73. 2712 Lisotta 2+2 1 02/01/03 41,071.60 1361 02/04 74. 2719 Sutherland 1+1 1 6130103 11/7/03 36,731.36 1130 6104 75. 2720 Larson 1+1 1 10/10/99 1 56,922.30 1160 10/03 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SLaIMARY September 2003 NEWPORT NORTH VERY LOW (Phase In - beginning 4/l/98) Apt. Address Resident Name Size # of Occ. M/I Date M/O Date House Income Rent Recert Due 1. 106 Lausen 1+1 1 4/11/98 $30,630.15 $ 756 4/04 2. 122 Gaxiola/Mullinax 2+2 2 03/08/03 29500.00 $ 851 3/04 3. 126 Francis/Vidal 2+2 4 12/28/00 $49393.92 $ 851 12/03 4. 208 Tarta lini 1+1 2 04/01/01 $27,468.74 $ 756 04/04 5. 224 Cronin 1+1 1 3/l/03 $23,322 $ 756 03/04 6. 228 1 Jones 1 2+2 1 2 1 5/8/99 1 $25,656.08 $ 851 1 5104 7. 243 Batts 1+1 1 511199 $24,570.00 $ 756 5104 8. 301 Francis 2+2 2 2/08/02 $22,503.20 $ 851 02/04 9. 318 Radford 1+1 1 7/8/99 $28,419.86 $ 756 7/04 10. 320 McGinley 1+1 1 4116199 $21,360.01 1 $ 756 4/04 11. 333 Steinman 1+1 1 2/10/03 $24,700.00 $ 756 2/04 12. 1180 Shoonian 1+1 1 4/7/02 $11196.00 $ 756 04/04 13. 1323 Buoncrisdan 1+1 3 11/10/01 $29,313.12 $ 737 09/04 14. 1324 Hale 2+2 1 4/1/01 $33,843.96 $ 851 04/04 15. 1333 Stork 1+1 1 9/7/02 $22,199.23 $ 756 09/04 16. 1419 Ray/Brown 1+1 2 5/11/03 28,132.00 $ 756 5/034 17. 1530 Siddi i 1+1 3 6111100 $38,900.04 $ 756 06/04 18. 2128 Johnston 2+2 2 6/8/00 $31,673.20 $ 851 06104 19. 2140 Vise 2+2 1 02/01/02 $20,736.00 $ 851 02/04 20. 2210 Ferran 2+2 2 01/12/03 11 $26030.00 $ 851 01/04 21. 2300 Mohler 2+2 3 611199 $11748.00 $ 851 06104 22. 2408 Shoeibi/Motta i 2+2 2 5/12/02 $16,128.00 $ 851 05/04 23. 2425 Uchida 2+2 3 04/11/01 $37,372.40 $ 851 04/04 24. 2428 Winslett 2+2 1 03/17/00 $23616.00 $ 851 3/04 25. 2440 Afshar/Afshar 2+2 2 05/06/01 $22,205.16 $ 851 05/04 26. 2450 Warfield 1+1 1 4/11/98 $13,882.00 $ 756 4/04 27. 2519 Cotter 1+1 1 5/29/01 $25,635.36 $ 756 5/04 28. 2608 Vidal/Gaxiola 2+2 2 611199 $229,890.00 $ 851 06/04 29. 2702 Delgado 2+2 4 3/l/02 1 $16224.00 $ 851 03/04 1998 Phase in-106-122-224-318-320-2450 1999 Phase in- 228-243-1180-2608-2300-126 2000 Phase in - 2428-1333-2519-1530-2128 2001 Phase in - 333-208-1323-2425,1419,2140,2440,305 2002 Phase in - 2210,2408,2140,2702,1324 Total member of apartments on this property: 570 % of property deemed Income Restricted (Low): 15.26% % of property deemed Income Restricted (Very Low): 4.74% TTP = Total Tenant Payment (Resident is on Certificate or Voucher) Total vacant as of 093003 - 13 ;. a EXffiBIT C Property Name: NEWPORT NORTH CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE AS OF September, 2003 The undersigned, being an Authorized Borrower Representative of Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (the "Borrower"), has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the various documents associated with the Borrower's participation in the California Statewide Communities Development Authority's (the "Issuer") Apartment Development Revenue Bond Program, such documents including: 1. The Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated as of May 15, 1998 among the Borrower, the Issuer and U.S. Bank Trust National Association (the "Trustee"). 2. The Loan Agreement dated as of May 15, 1998, between the Issuer and the Borrower. 3. During the preceding month 6 applications were received from Restricted Tenants (as defined in the Regulatory Agreement): 4. As of the date of this certificate, the following percentages of completed residential units in the Project (i) are occupied by Restricted Tenants, or (ii) are currently vacant and are being held available for such occupancy and have been so held continuously since the date such unit was vacated, as indicated: 1 2 3 Studio Bdrm. Bdrm. Bdrm. Total Occupied by Original Low Income Tenants N/A 0 6 4 10 Unit Nos.: 1.75% Occupied by Lower Income Tenants N/A 28 41 4 73 Unit Nos.: 12.81 % Occupied by Very Low -Income Tenants N/A 14 15 0 29 Unit Nos.: 5.09% Held vacant for Occupancy continuously N/A 1 1 0 2 Since last occupied: Unit Nos.: 0.35% Total Number of Units: Unit Nos.: 20.000Y6 N/A 42 64 8 114 Since last occupied: The undersigned hereby certifies that the Borrower is not in default under any of the terms and provisions of the above documents, and no event has occurred which, with the passage of time, would constitute a default thereunder, with the exception of the following: TE Irl M Contact Person: Jason Ai Antonio Bond Compliance Auditor (949) 450-4290 Unit Number Lo New Certificates X_ / Recertific: INCOME CoMpUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE To APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designatd toassist (24ou tCFR813)nYou shoo d Incomeg Annual in certainaccordance th t this formes atmethod all times up to the Department of Housing and Urban Project d term') Regulations Agreement. to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory CSCDA (pool) - Newport North IWO the undersigned state that 1/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. s 2. 3. 4. 1 Relationship Place of Name of Members Social Security Of the to Head of Number Employment Household Household 2 ��r t1'it d Group may_ s47- rl--ctti , --�— 1ti�.2 (Ylr�lloth ; C�icSM - � � 624- r,4.24� 1�orw- Income Computation l persons ren under 18 6 years) lasted above for anticipated income, 12--month ted in en d beog rm ng the earlierf the date that rdance with this paragraph 6, of I/we plan to move into da unit or Sign a lease for a unit is $ �1 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; r from the rental of real or personal (1>) the net income from the operation of a business or profession o: end tures for business on (without deducting expenditures or amortization of capital indebtedness or any pe allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real re personal property); (d) the full ensions, disabil'ty or death benefits and other similar types oaf periodic recetptse including any lump funds, p sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; ation payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compens (e) and severance pay; (t) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount o any assistance speci5cally designated for shelter and unlit es; ants and re laz contributions (g) periodic and detemrinable allowances; such es alimony and child support paym gu and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; a ents under (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts den paid by the govermnent to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships of payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to , hostile Fire; (� relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property .acquisition , Policies Act of 1970; , (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1$73; 6) ' payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes X No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes _No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than 55,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: 5 X (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes — No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes — No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the loq of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. this (5-1- dayof 3r m r ,20'3 (year) in the City of ►Je + California 4cud Applicant nt Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) FOR COMPL MON BY .AFAR.TMENT OWNER ONLY: 1. Calculation of eligible income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 74(2), subtract fror "'I figure the amount entered in 7(d)(3) and enter the remaninn a ($ (2) Multiply du arrow �t In, s the current passbook savings rate Sn7(d)C3) *0 to determine what the total annual earniq /(d)(1) would be if invested in passbook Seurat . _�• subtract from that 5gurethe amount, and enter the remaining balance (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c. TOTAL ELIGIBLE INCOME (line 1.a plus line 1.0): 2. The amount entered in 1.c: $ 451013.2.G $ 45�07--&•ZC) Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderatedneome Tenant(s)- Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applioant(s) as a Very -Low Income TenaaQ. apartment 3. Number of unit assigned: -I — Bedroom size: 1---Rent: $- I�— by perSoM 4. This apartment unit (2 lwm not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more Consecutive days the Of w unit aggregate anticipated annual income as cer68ed in the above manner upon thew initial cccnpauc} qualified them as a Lower -Income TeUnt(s). 5. Method used to verify applicanKs) income: Employer income verification. Conies of tax returns. rimer (P Ck' 54U l' ) smi !�3 —�— Date SeT a INCOME r 'tSSET CALCULATION WOR' 1EET Last Name First NE".., S Relauonehlp HH Sox fi Data of IIIA Ago-' 34_ Social Security 0 547.51^5C14 Frr Student YES or NO z b1aI644 YK a M a o AB 6 -u •2 l c a ACA44 ? 4 b a -14 -4tc c'K M.1 4 s T 'e' l INCOME EMPLOYMENT I' -amity demb, it Source • Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 26 12 1 Total WK SEMI -MO I al-WK Me YR I c I $ x =$ 40os —10 Total 130x A. $ d SOCIAL SECURITY, PENSIONS, ETC. ' 'amity Aemb. It Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 25 12 1 Total WK SEMI•MO III-WK me Yli $ _$ , S =$ $ $ Total Bnx U $ PUBLIC ASSISTANCE :amity vtemb.1A • Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 62 24 26 12 1 Total r€ra-me, ul•WK s =s ' Total Box C:. $ OTHERINCOME -amity vtemb. # Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 62 24 2G 12 1 Total WK SEMI -MO 01-WK Id0 I YIt Suppt,4 414, — _$ yIQLF,rio $ =s Total Box D: $ (� rOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A through D >»»»»»> Member N Asset Description (savings, cheating, stocks, bonds, elo.) Imputed/ Current IorC Gross/Fair Mkt. Value Cost to Gel Cash NET FamilyAsees I Value Actual Interest Rate Actual Annual Income front Assets _ $A.46 _ _ _ 41 aj y 1 —�— ue Fe iolals Box E: Box F: iewmm mm,muuu„wnry Fomlly lnmina 14omAacL IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS r 5 iCrH:J[�• Pam' Box Eoxcocds $5,ao0—multiply Eby the currant passbook Interest role: ,X — % Typo of Pregmm'!. W Typo of Program unit No. t0 q Unllsh, If Box C does not excoad$5.000 No. of Persons 3 - enlor•0• In box G: •BOX G: • INPUTED INCOME Mil: V Max. Income Limit$ 6*0v45o.o0- FROMASSETS AR: 140%Limit s S (/ Enter the greater of Box F or Box G in: BOXH: , • INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ 015 2b & TOTAL ASSETS $ aaA.MMKVAIC� 111VING APARTMCNT MANACiCMCNTCOMPANY Rental Application and ReeeiPt for Application Screening Fee Ilia ovsda l bou Ito°tAIA ]'rs lnlpyr Mood 1° I enl onlnlmr'Irnent Io You It.." I an opossnlurl ea vnwYlYl ICJ Ly a rLer TLvI x1M rr <mnlr'vM ar• I Ivrnv olio In emUul• fnnnmm� LCs•41' (ndlcc11ve1Y. •Unner') �_�—�� ly nd Algliunuh loll nm.•(Lnn,l msl, Middle I led) Jr/41• Lnle nl Un•Ih -� So. Lecurrly WnnLcr Drner'5 Llwluu/l mt laed(orcodl �115� A I Anla u�Lt�.+ganrle Allyli<tbnrcr Co•Appl1uwl) (Lon. rArm, Midi. )tuouq (Lass. Flrvl, Middle lnlliulj (Lust. Full. Middle n1lWl) P P (Coal, rmf 1, fArJJle Lnlnd) I Lost, reii. Middle GanuU (Wlsl.l•est. Middle lnllud) PLnz a 5 e nlgAlmnlb l'rescm AJd esf CITY ZIP ona d.S- LTMu1A Jrnt. Inn DZ a tl /) ram_-. Q/'t.{•(�/�i10 Hcnl:��� TO tlelodad l molly Lnlne, ❑ 1 .�� _ `•r ...._�_ Alluclmul 1,ouly home: ❑ i ``1�1eI•1 \��/]�,r� I�V'n "tr•' II Iso fit ru)Irlclll} 1 �V TO A."Jo V. muFe plryllanls] I�7/A/ I ] I•rm rill IIIVI rI'<1 ,ue• Ad4ess city �rl'lava GII� 1'llorw I! 7dD-$ 87 I o _PU? Iraladalc l'rWr• AdJnus(dlcff lhun lyr•Wube.) ❑ arvn Mothly Poynovl. Wes, from r y ❑ Henl. S Ta hlnrcr6mel'n°r ImJFll d's lJnlllC AJdess 61y Zip PLunc a anuPnp ElYesU 'u o N I!a rof liksu fell. "�— Type! F a o) 1'relascA ac<nlvm s(dltl, flrst,MIJJIe Ulillulj �Ie o. ItlklD llnt6f4tI, MWJkfNlal) Dol of rlh (Lml,r4el, MNdle lu InQ UOle of tl4lL Ilm6F4t1, MIJde Ia lul) Dale of U4�O Ume o(Dmlll (Lusl, ylni, MWJIc full kit) (Los I.FU11.MIJJle 4111w1) Dule v(tlwal I'ug14q n'U/l<I'hl//•1w�n/yJlnycJ, wmc ul LUS,csf)uosfocss AJJr,fluueludly LIP Code) �rI j�Gc U�O� • V ( Un1a It Imm�a I'Iwmp lyla of UuilucS Posit. Supervlfor Phvne �mlD D'b "t``L x Me' 2oaq� Mica Ptlf Ullor Daame Soar. ApplimnlmasipT NeZP:yslabsorcurlcnl WZforin, Conics InnncJlulelY mr 6nphrycr AJJrctf (IndoJilly ZIP [odc]t 1 2 (V14D) Planen 00 D0I` U...ecrl;Ll A-lncado ToI D D MY. Cla<Vinq IVIIIh nuJ inrurNl fl InIIe CIIYy51mc) Ilnilm Pxu��C. lle'livv IP.JL Account It IIaZ-l1a1032L'A1 ` 'Slrvluy, Ienrh oud to u11 to Glly)•ululc) Accuaul It erne you r:vnr)tied Lwlhrvpley) ❑Ya tJu Whet yeur) rmmly and Solle nhee filed Ilawyel ever lad my pAillstemrd$,All, Does. jul'ouedsor rgassess.Aa ❑ Yes o Wlnl yew) I I've You mu'. It yes, rlomlbe In Well lulmry)❑Yet I&L, Uccn mrnitled of is Uccn aided) ❑Yes ®IJ. Defedled uua Iran) ❑Yes IJo Y ri )tl arse of cuu•nyea?ro;c vehly: (Local uuuc, oJJmat 4 pllora smnLcr) ('/ b Hemllmtlnp. n 8 1 f npylimLk, ryecmi Phura IalnLc,it n ( ) I ) n fnllrcr'tI NIa MVILtifl Wrc P"1J] /YyiaWRul4rWtalr 1 pedxd Ulm, IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENTCOMPANY Nan didyon flru lenrnof his ninrdmeul commadtyp ❑O.a Pcgbfer norlveny 1:1P.... tIm/5p Event ❑Alvrinlad Udde ❑Sign. ❑Wsbslm-Oiler• ❑57 Mercury ❑Orig. Apt Mo9arine F-101ler TACCammldly❑Referral' [1Newslaper-0lIwr' ❑ Penlol Llnn9(IAC Magi❑LATimes Pefamtar 5ervlce Magazine -at her Fir-r Penlfdn9aeiae F—ISbunion FiFlya• ElAff-rdalde kionnrcd �IAL ApLinfo Censer �SD Render MPwgcwd1Mmler E101her Nat Listed• " PLEASE FILL IN: Pmson for rclacallan: Hommnnywhldasdoymmm/r11.7 Malec �{ �r (�tJ�3 LI<ease if `� Make Year License 11 Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted In the Community. Co you to. Pallas Insnrancax Nye, UNa Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making Ils AppRmlion whndanly for tie perpom of chIdining IAMC's oiprawl la rent an after late aI In Ism apartme tle of cma Pnriltle Is Iowa a atic.. I hereby mllhoom and cuNeal to allow TAMC,Owner,ond lheu•reepeefive emplayms and agent l<allediv.lY, I-IAMC Poll1 ,c- enjoinandverify the'rsoll and other information provided by me In silk Application 1110 h credit reporting agencies, M compe les, banks (Inclodmg electronic funds verifleaPer), emriayers and other Persons or entities with Informolion reloling to this Applimllan. I Wa.I.Pd riot If I less. this apartment, the TAMC Parties shall hove a mallnal, HIM la review my credit Informal on, pays -I history• -'capon, fishery an,] l othernf-rmation in this Application for poi poses related to my Lease andls'far -'moor screw or let lot npplimtlan methods I hereby roleas..ad half harmless The Ti Camp-ry, Irvine Aparinant [ommumlies, LP.,Irvine Apartment Management Company, enroll of I lwir nmslai ofOcees, employees awl agent, from.1 and all Ilabllily, legal pmmedmg-md msu. Iwludia9 allarlwye fees, Wsl, out of Iha verification and/or use of the Information contained In ilds Appilmlion. Includlry the relate of such information to -tiler Parties. I warrant fill, la Ilia nest of my kmwledgc, all of the Information Provided in this Apphcatlan (incknding but net foil led to the statement of my f anneml marl Ilan) It Ina, "¢wale, complete and wYcel as of the data of this AI'pliectlan. If arty Information It ... k.d by Inc N dclermbed lobe InLm, nmh foly. state cal all be q.wfs far disapproval of my Appllmlion or lermbelion of my Lease will, Owner. I agree le rallfy SAMC If any nl Ili. infernal Ion Irawded in Ilfla Apldi'alim dmMes,hirml ilia Appli'nilen pro's. or riming my lamely. I Ithe understand Ilan TAMC will relay this Appiimlion, nl-n9 with any other infor alien provided by me, whether at car ads Appll'ai son Is oppnv.d. eonJdemtl byWdC. Dole V V 'll/p\--pjy Applimnl's s19mture ocrcror Frla APPLICATION SCREENING FEE at is In he .,ad to semen Applicant with rcSW1I. din hlslary aMalLer bod9romld Information Ti,c.onnl dmrVd fdbwr Aetml male of aaht rcNi'l.ndn"fun delnirer (evidbn)sronI., mave, the' ser.ml, r.Paris Y295 Cast he obtain, process and verify screeNu9 Information(may Include I.frs tone and ether related lasts) 420.05 Total fee charged (moy cat exceed $30 per Applicant) $30.00 ImJees vu•I(Iml tan of information supplied by Applicant on his Application Ihrou9h credit reporting a9endes, Personal re( ... a,. Cam Appllmni's sigroluPC Irvine Apadmenl Management Company By: PMrzd OTA)I Pwyixdx Nrw'amarttllvunMl n Income Restricted Certification c2uesllonuarr Unit # 1 aA _ Name: . h initial Certification Re -certification Other NTnnthly Income yes Lq v gu o S ousal Support and/or any other Uwe receive Family pp including rent or utility payments cash contributions of gifts, from ersons not livm with me. 11 Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension,wnn UgseI hl nuance, benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro to include Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. v The household receives unearned income for family members e 17 or under. age a ents. ve are entitled to receive child support p Ym Iiwe am currently receiving child support payments.' /� D Lwe amlare currently making efforts to collect child support l/ owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits Whole Life insurance, Real Estate) v.,,a t,ave cash on hand. who are Does your housenoia auun. -_ household in the next 12 months? If you answered Yes to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. ed on this form is true Under enalties ol�rPativledye The underson presex igned further certify -that the tunderst understands that providing false and accurate to a best my g epres tati ns herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will re XSi enial of application or termination of the income�res�ed lease agreement. Resideature Date Date re of owner/Agent Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date 1 7 V(D/G3 YTD Income 24F,65Z•q. divided by 15 Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (how often paid) (X) 24 Calculated Annual Income 3qi 4LV+. 7z Hire Date to /77::::] Gross per Pay Period ti6oz.g6 (=) 3/342.a9 divided by (_) li 67i.a5 (how often paid) (X) Z 4 (=) Calculated Annual Income 1I0, 1 05, 20 c3:...rte 'vmrt. D000�a300. 25 i CC11I111tyJ v....e...—Ahr 1Q4. 001 '6.a3 t153 M .. . .. .. .. Period Bey,•.Ag: 07/26/2003 NEWPORT CENTER ME.. AL GROUP Period Ending: os/10/2003 400 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 602A • Pay Date: 08/16/2003 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949)644-3575 PATTY L. SMITH Taxable Marital Status: Single 2506 SALERNON Exemptions/Allowances: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Federal: 1,Tax blocked State: 1 Social Security Number: 547-51.6974 ,+ rote hours this period year to date Other Benefits and this period total to arnin s 17.40 egular - 10.5000 78.95 1,302.68 14,209.67 Information 24.7500 12.13 300.22 4,209.67 pto Balance verlime 264.00 oliday 264.00 to 1r 2,gp.,• 24,652.99 LsliOas Pag _ leductions statutory Social Security Tax 97.93 1 , 518.72 ,22.91 355.19 Medicare Tax g01 79 CA State Income Tax .55.62 CA SUI/SDI Tax .14.22 220.46 2,215.63 c Federal Income Tax a P Other Chkg#1 1,388.93 19,231.38 0 -5.60* 33.60 Dental 125 123 83 ` Health 125-17'69* R 5.60 Dental In''s a #3at Pay go.04•; g * Excluded from federal taxable wages Your federal taxable wages this period are a a $1,579.61 _ a a ta• ' OIWIMP.n: ' u A^c' c' �J•`n'L1 rR 3F "sy dJc;f'➢^J71 .N".111„�Il Ffrc +n rG .'•^3c� J':'!lc aJ3 * ., _ a•.,t, ,».,. �. .,,. "'cG'-''. ar. a .rJ�,•. e, _ , ..i �. �a�n^" •.'ii:-'ea ✓;lt ,:8 •,' 's .�.., +gg:}F, rl. 1.�», r _..5.,_ n••...,,r..•fiYtt"si:'.r ..i'.. jr, WAR :'YC.S 'F•i t• ;:3 �i' .. '>"k'.. *F `S . 4 i L. 'k..F•z ! '! ,.G s ',.� tr Yi',•, `"",• .� - :, 5'i:..%rt;.1•m�e.` :'q ' s('- " z` , 0000033002S i $ a p on, •= t� �' .,.✓" •y N "� . L ',., ; , >- .,7 t.4r. J •„r = ` t.. 8 1•a/2003•"" F A` ' •:E:'1.1:W,F'O'T- TE` �N1��J�A..t::%�,�I�.I;i'��:"•;:,';:.;''a':.... ,. ,� r' f. ,. r < o- .SIJ TE Y2A:.•° '°,s' . PyxYits_a.;il, '0,. :•„' ,;:, t NAPORT;BEACH;•.QAr94UVD1> i 357. ,l`µ" .',n: „','>R` 4; 1 �S �;'� •�(;•—_==j r_ _ ..: , ,.t't*. . •,`,_.. sit ABA -amount ., = account'humber.• trap , De rlsited to th9 at courif of•,:'.:;` _ _ 1220 0049 PATTY i-• SMITH — = 124101,1)3z9, C`- = _- - NON-NEGOTIABLE •Op,"''FICE r}BN1.•'�Vu";E3000310025 1' NEWPORT CENTER m&..,•,.AL GROUP 400 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 602A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 644-3575 Taxable Marital Status: Single Exemptions/Allowances: Federal: 1,Tax Blocked State: 1 Period Beg. --mg: 07/11/2003 Period Ending: 07/25/2003 pay Date: 07/31/2003 PATTY L. SMITH 2506SALERNON NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Social Security Number: 547-51.6974 Other Benefits and arnin S rate hours this period year t_�date 13,9o9.45 this period total to 15.73 egular 16.5000 72.85 16.31- ' 4o5.16 Pic Balance Vertime .24.7500 •116.5000 8.00 ,132.00 264.00 to 264.00 oliday i3rosd Fay 1a�739 t9. 23,050.09 leductions Statutory Social Security106.39 1,420.79' Medicare Tax 24.88 332.28896.1:7 CA State income Tax -66.52 CA SUI/SDI Tax -15.44 206.24 Federal Income Tax 2,215:63 Other >1,502.67 17;842.45: Chk9#1 Dental 125 Health 125, -17..69* 106.14 5.60 Dental Ins ' $O,O.04 . * Excluded from federal taxable wages Your federal taxable wages this period are 11 L: SMITH J�^"ZIA!� pQ,y••,. w'�tiAl€!"f.'i:,a y,�'�5:``k°`z°.�1�%iC�`w U U&4-, lttiyu r"�• vytv..n....i:- <.•r '3' .�E'G,p '....-.a.. HL�p`.N�Qr�xY' .znii:`�: ��.,"•w :fi;-'u.+, `v Sue...�•�,'tis'xpyn;;'•F.il•,,,,,6//3'�;�zad9;:es•,,• 'tF.y"'M. F•1.��; �an,G526 �6 ;3: „�; r_. r %; y.:J<.W �fi - SF�:Y "'•' ��,.,e=—J'`'7x c1' �•t ., '�;.• i' . xa,''-; = •=/i ;� s4':•, • m ebunt =accSu Ctiurrtb'e'r trdnsit'ABA. $1,502.57 — �4 1241Q1A329• IP20 0049 NON-NEGOTIABLE _ n u 3 a a F 11 FORCOURTUSEOI&Y ATiOPNEY OR PARTY W(mpUTAT1GM7EY M'Ta• � #182387 FILED DENISE MORELAND LAW OFFICES OF DENISE MORELAND gUpERIouRF O CALIFOA 1280 BISON AVE. B-9 #426 NEWPORTBEACH, CA 92660 UMORU p �'+GE CENTER 2003 TELEPHONE No- 949-760-5068 FAxNo.- 949-760-1991 JAN 2 Q ATTORNEY O R (COO PATTY L SMITH SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE ALAN S-,% ua�°` a Cotxt STREV ADS' 341 THE CITY DRIVE By D. pUENTE )"Lm ADDRESS; P.O. BOX 14170 CITY AND ZIP CODE: ORANGE, CA 92868 ewwcH HAME: LAMO Al JiJ, CR CF.NTF?R M C3 JUDGMENT (Uniform Parentage) I 02P000132 [] This Judgment E= contains personal conduct restraining orders ED modifies existing restraining orders. The restraining orders are contained In item(s): A CLETE fort must be attached' They expire on (date): b dedaration � contested a. This matter proceeded as follows: O default or u ca tested ® Y Room: b. Date: 14 2 g '2003 Dept.: Temporarylodge: c. Jlkifda r (name): n RICHARD G.= Amy present (name): d. O Respond present Attorney present (name): e. s ondent Respondent appeared f. Respondent LLJJ appeared without counsel and was advised of relevant rights. • CMstgAdvisement and advised RG.'E tablIslevant to ntofParentalRelatbnshlp. g. Petitioner 0 appearad course ® signed Adt4sement and Waiver of Rights Re: Establishment of Parental Rela#onship. h. Other parties or attorneys Present (specify): THE COURT ORDERS (Name of tether): MARK A. MALOTT a. (Name of mother): PATTY L. SMITH are the parents of the following Children: Date of bi N= 03.30.98 k MASON L. MALOTT 05.02.00 JAKE E. MALOTT b. ® Child custody and visitation are ordered as stated In the attached Child Custody and Vls tedon Order Attachment (form 1296.31A) or ® other attachment. c. ® Child support is ordered as stated in one or more of the attached forms: 3 ® Other attachments (2)= Stipulation o Esta=] Child Support ablishorMod fyChild Support andrder(fn and OrderAttachment (form orm 128527) ( ) d..Both parties shall complete and file with the court a Child Support Case Registry Form (form 1285.92) within 10 days of the date of this Judgment. Thereafter, the parents shall notify the court of any change In the information submitted within 10 days of the change. e. The Information Sheet on Changing a Child support Order (form 1285.79) and Notice of Rights and Responsibllrtles--Health Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures (form 1285.78) are attached. f. 0 The names of the children are charged to (speCNy): g, ® Attorney fees and Costs are ordered as stated a attaachmered s stated In t. the attachment h. Reasonable expenses Pregnancy as tare I. 0 The Court further orders (specIM: = Continued on Attachment3l. Date: 4 Number of pages attached: 7— JUOMLOFFlCEH MATURE FOLLOWS LAVATTACHMENT NOTICE: Any party Muirad to pay child support must pay Interest on overdue amounts at the "legal" rate, which is currently 10 percent _ r®^i F°mtly Codo• 9 7= a � (Uniform Parentage) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARK A. MALOTT V. PATTY L.SMITH ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO: 02P000132 nvm mn .vinrMENT hl1 1I',V u•..... ' CUSTODY The parties shall share joint custody of their MASON L. MALOTT, born March 30, 1998, and two minor children: JAKE E. MALOTT, born May 21 2000. The party who has the physical care of the children at •a`ny given time shall have the routine decision- making.right%_and•.responsi•.�ilities during those periods of time. All major decisions pertaining to health, education and the welfare of the children shall be made jointly by the parties. The parties shall reach mutual agreement prior to enrolling a child in a particular school. No prior consultation is required between the parties regarding emergency medical or dental treatment, routine check ups, or minor illnesses; however, the other party shall be notified within four (4) hours in the case of a medical emergency. The parties shall share routine health information regarding the children. Neither party shall submit the children to any new psychological/psychiatric testing or evaluation or to any extended course of medical, dental, orthodontic, psychiatric or psychological treatment or counseling without first advising the STIPULATED JUDGMENT 1 other party. Both parties shall have the same access to 2 psychological, medical, dental, and school records pertaining to 3 the children and shall be permitted independently to consult any 9 and all concerned professionals. 5 The names of both parents shall be listed.on 6 7 school and extracurricular cards to be contacted in case of 8 emergency. 9 Except as otherwise provided herein, neither 10 party shall enroll the children in activities that interfere 11 with a previously agreed upon or court ordered schedule without 12 13 the advance written consent of the other party. 14 Each party shall be entitled to telephone 15 contact with the children while they are with the other parent. 16 - Neither party shall interfere with the children's right to 17 18 Privacy during such telephone conversations. Each party shall 19 notify the other within eight (8) hours of any changes of 20 address or telephone number. Neither party shall use this 21 information as a means of harassing the other party. 22 CO -PARENTING SCHEDULE: 23 All transferring of the children shall take 24 P5 place at the children's daycare or school. The parties shall 26 execute a co -parenting schedule wherein each parent has the 27 children during the school -week for alternating two-day blocks 28 and on alternate weekends as follows: STIPULATED JUDGMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 commencing September 30, 2002, Father shall have the children from 5:OOp.m. when he picks them up at daycare until the morning of October 2, 2002 when he delivers them to daycare. Mother shall have the children from October 21 2002 at 5:0Op,m, when she picks them up at daycare until the morning of October 4, 2002 when she delivers them to daycare. Father shall then have the children on October 41 2002 at 5:00p.m. until Monday morning October 71 2002 when he delivers the children to daycare. Mother shall have the children on October 7, 2002 from 5:0Op.m. when she picks them up at daycare until October 9, 2002 when she delivers them to daycare. Father shall have the children from October 9, 2002 at 5:00p.m. when he picks them up at daycare until the morning of October 11, 2002 when he delivers them to daycare. Mother shall have the children on October 11, 2002 at 5:00p.m. when she picks them up at daycare until the morning of October 14, 2002 when she delivers them to daycare. Thereafter the parties shall continue this alternating schedule until further order of the court or by mutual agreement of the parties in writing. In the event the children are unable to go to daycare or school for whatever reason, the parties shall equally divide caring for the sick child until 5:00p.m. The parties agree to cooperate in sharing the children on holidays and special days by mutual agreement. STIPULATED JUDGMENT 1 Each parent may have the children for one 2 uninterrupted week of vacation a year upon 3o days prir written o 3 the dates, address and notice to the other parent specifying 4 phone numbers where the children can be reached. 5 Neither parent shall change the residence. of the 6 prior 7 minor children to outside the County of Orange without the e written agreement of the other parent or order of the Court. Fi 10 CHILD SUPPORT As and for child support, Father shall pay the 11 / 2002. Tne pal �- — 12 sum ofi $414.00 per month commencing July 1, 13 shall each be entitled to c ai nom e child as a tax exemption. 14 Each party shall maintain any medical insurance coverage of the 15 children that is available through employment. Each party shall 16 medical, dental or orthodontic health care pay one half of 'any 17 needs and any agreed to psychological care and cooperate with 18 ims. Al 19 each other in the presentation of health insurance cla 20 child support orders made herein shall continue until further 21 order of the court or until that child marries, dies, is 22 emancipated, reaches the age of 191 or reaches the age of 18 an 23 24 is not a full time high scliool student, whichever comes first. 25 The parties each agree that they are fully 26 informed of their rights concerning child support. 27 M. STIPULATED JUDGMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 m r This order is being agreed to fully, without coercion or duress and the needs of the children will be adequately met by the stipulated amount. This agreement is in the best interests of the children involved. The right to support has not been assigned to any county under Section 11477 of the Welfare and Institution Code and no public assistance application is pending. ATTORNEY FEES Each party shall be responsible• for their own attorney fees. IT IS AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES: Dated: 19Q Oa- MARK A. MALOTT petitioner, inn pro per Dated: , r � IT IS rS0 ORDERED this JAN 2 9 2003 GMWSSIONER RI ARD G. VOOL ...OF THE SUPERIOR COURT STIPULATED JUDGMENT Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet 3S. 72 divided by (_)E:::: i -4� (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % (_) Income from asset: $ __ � ____ S T A I t m C ry r JKliemewr•�•••^_•. . OF ACCOUNTS �110/03-8n/03 Iff UNION BANK OF CA ,NIA releservices® IRVINE 224 For 24•hour Automated Direct Service PO BOX 512300 CA 90051-0350 600.238.4486 LOS ANGELES 800.826.7345ITDDI Representatives are ava"oble kom 6 am to 11 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949.250.0584 CY05 1280000 yisit us at www.uboc.com PATTY LOUISA SMITH 2506 SALERNO Thahk you for banking with us NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 since 1993 et om -ke it to you a trip to the bank or ATM. Get sforted today. ■ Sometimes (here's justnof enough time in the day ro make it ro the bank. Direct Deposit automatically deposits your payroll check into your account every Bank p • Simply 9tVe Your employer your Union Bank of California account number and This routing transit number: 122000496, _ _ - - - - - - Member FDIC - •- - • - - - - - - Lj in slate d: 29 $ 134.19 Balance on 7/10 3;647.47 Addilions , .3,742.94 Subtractions .2,464.80 Checks Payments .408.15 784.15 Purchases ,50 ATM withdrawals 81.00 Other with'drawalsS 38.72 Balance on 8/7 Statement Average Ledger Balance 79B.26 we woived your service charge ibis slalement period. Amount itions Date Dwcri Non Reference 47522957 $ 35.39 1,695.41 7/14 OFFICE DEPOSIT #0000299611 CNTR MED PAYROLL PPD ***********210L 54100191 48308932 207.00 7/15 NEWPORT 7/17 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT CNTR MED PAYROLL PPD ***********910L S1 794433 47300494 1,502.67 207.00 7/31 NEWPORT 8/1 OFFICE DEPOSIT - Total - - Reference Amount - Number Date Reference 22706198 $ Amount 45.00 cks Number Date 2678 7/17 22210865 $ 279.97 22.84 2685 2686 8/4 7/31 22706198 14.01 208.00 2679 7/16 15016474 7/17 22535074 224.00 2687 8/4 8/4 2321B779 23218762 175.00 2680 2681 7/18 10302426 21.41 21.64 26BB 2689 8/5 22235947 1 410.00 2682 7/18 26231479 19.66 Total 2684• 7/23 1423253623.27 7/10/03.8/7/03 �. Account Amaunt online and electronic banking ATM card and MasterMoneyTM card purchases 7/21 7/22 Total 7/10 7/11 7/14 7/14 7/14 7/16 7/16 7/18 7/1B 7/18 7/18 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/22 7/22 7/22 7/24 7/24' 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/29 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/4 8/4 8/6 8%6 Total 7/14 7/1B 7/22 8/1 Total Desari tton «**********9723 STATE FARM RO 23INSURANCE PPD *********««0001 DEBTFREE AMERICA ACH PMTS PPD aesai� - CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA19 ESA GA WWW ARTY' S INK.N NEWPORT BEAC CA CAFE ARTY' S SAV•ON DRU 00 NEWPORT BEACH CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA WETZELS UNION 1506363824� ON 76CO A MESA CA COX*ORCO COMPHSV 949.240.1212 CA PHSV949.2AO-1212 CA VERIZON WI RELEESS800-922-0204N1 STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA BASKIN ROB 1220 BISON AVE COSTA MESA NEWPORT CBEACH CA BAGEL STAT ION - CAFE ARTYS NEWPORT BEAC CA RUBY'S SOU 3333 BEAR ST COSTA MESA CA TARGET 00012930 COSTA MESA CA COSTCO WHO 480 MC KINLEY S CORONA CA TOYS R US 927 NEWPORT CEN NEWPORT BEACH CA NEWPORT BEACH TARGET 129 3030 HARBOR BLV COSTAMESACA ALIN PARTY SUPPLY #04 FOUNTAIN VALL CA EXXONMOBR 0110902 T B�CA 59 01538990 CORONA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA TARGET 129 303014ARBOR BLMEA COSTA MESA CA CA STAR NAILS TIME CENTE R INC HUNTINGTON BC CA SHELL OIL 27425021303 HUNTINGTON BC CA LEGOLAND-C ONE LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA TOYS R US 927 NEWPORTIRS NENEWPORT BEACH CA DOMINO S P IZZA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA sOUPLANTAT 1555 293DOMS AVE COSTA COSTAMESA MESA CA CA ARCO PAYPO 2021 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175•C BAKER ST COSTA MESA -CA TARGET 00012930 . COSTA MESA CA -TARGET-06012990 COSTA MESA CA UBOC HARBOR VIEW D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA UBOC HARBOR VIEW D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 17150 MAGN CILIA AVE FOUNTAIN VALL CA UBOC SUPERIOR D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 55225453 $ 279.15 00 55613358 408.15 65698271 71901737 1 65698271 71912314 65698271 71920733 65698271 71930756 65698271 71932126 65698271 71961224 65698271 71961202 65698271 71990652 65698271 71990652 65698271 71972300 65698271 71982050 65698271 72011317 65698271 72000356 65698271 71992354 65698271 71990159 65698271 71992301 65698271 72011739 65699271 72011A35 65698271 72011328 65698271 72001215 65698271 72020737 65698271 72010323 65698271 72010754 65698271 72051002 65698271 72050948 65698271 72070328 65698271 72070324 65698271 7207IA25 65698271 72052314 65698271 72071125 65698271 72091331 65698271 720B2351 65699271 72091746 65698271 72101256 65698271 72111203 65698271 72131315 65698271 72151152 65698271 72141140 65698271 72171202 65698271 72.171202 65698271 71931606 65698271 71981542 65698271 72021824 65698271 72130535 OtherwithdraWals Dale Descri Ion OK including fees and 7/22 ATM CHECKS ENCLOSEDCLOSED FEE RAWAL FEE 65036422 adjustments B/7 Total 37,86 9.95 3.95 9.66 16.19 7.92 24.17 27.82 47.39 95.03 16.64 4.99 5,27 16.21 12.54 39.20 6.09 11.16 12.32 15.18 4.07 10.00 20.62 5.63 30.36 12.00 12,93 19.70 40.80 11.26 18.31 15.00 30.19 14.40 35.90 22.41 4.45 24.32 4.29 32.29 $ - 784.49 $ 20.00 20.00 21.50 $ 2.00 2.00 $ 4.00 -7/10/03.8/7/03 Information and Bankin Office Services .� For each monthly statement period your account includes: Unlimited free Information Services calls to 24hour Automated Direct Service ■ 3 free Information Services calls to speak with Personal Service ■ 3 free banking office Information Services calls ■ 5 free banking office deposits For the current monthly statement period YOU 7 2lled: Automated Direct Service on: 7/11, 7/14. / For the current monthly statement period you made: 2 banking office deposits. ation and banking office services during the statementperiod. your account was not charged for inform OF ACCOUNTS UNION BANK OF Ct ;NIA IRVINE 124 Los AOX CA 90051-D380 cY05 1280200 PATTY LOUISA SMITH 2506 SALERNO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Jlafemenr tvumv�s. s..+.-•---• '/7/03.7/9/03 •(efeservicesO For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800.238-4486 800.826-7345VDD) Representatives are available from 6 am to 11 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949.250.0384 Visit us at www.uboacom Thank you for banking with us since 1993 ■ Important: Under certain circumstances, we may debit your account electronically for checks drawn on your account which were previously returned for non -sufficient funds or uncollected funds, and then represented for payment by the payee's bank. These electronically re -presented check -entries will appear in the electronic payments section of your statement. A copy of the item can be made - - - - available -to yowby calling us at the phone number noted on your -statement. - Balance on 6/7 a 3,536.41 Additions .3,661.52 Subtractions Checks .2,330.40 Payments .129.15 Purchases .1,079.97 ATM withdrawals -120.00 . Other withdrawals -2.00 Balance on 7/9 $ 134.19 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 873.86 We waived your service charge this statement period. Additions Data Description 45416879 $ 392.98 6/10 6/16 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000577973 NEWPORT CNTR MED PAYROLL PPD *********** IIOL 53389956 1,442.76 6/17 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000577000 4632 942 50503419 1,146.50 6/30 NEWPORT CNTR MED PAYROLL PPD ***,*,*,,,** 310E 46309070 207.00 7/1 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000116943 47628437 109_3I- 7/7 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000297748_ - - - - - _ 71842252 _ _ 30.86 - 7/7 NORDSTROM - COSTA MESA CA $ 3,536.41 Total Cheeks Number Data Reference Amount Number 2673 Data 6/17 Reference 26126703 $ Amount 54.91 2665 6/18 22221010 $ 279.97 17.87 2674 6/18 75035896 228.53 2666 2667 6/19 10031690 6/18 1071OB56 12.71 2675 6/27 10328164 1,410.00 2669* b/23 26120880 22.35 2676 2677 7/7 7/7 23032669 24706181 224.00 2670 6/17 14720368 49.68 Total $ 2,330.40 2671 6/17 26126862 16.38 2672 6/17 26126702 10.00 Out of sequence chock numbers may abo be located in the Payments secilen of your statement. * Checks missing in sequence. ',/7/03.7/9/03 online and electronic banking ATM card and MosterMoney'm card purchases 6/19 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/17 6/19 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 711 7/1 7J2 717 7/7 717 717 7/8 7/8 7/8 719 7/9 7/9 Total STATE FARM RO 23INSURANCE PPD "'"""9723 WWW"EARTHL INK.NET 800.719.4660 GA R CLEANERS HUNTINGTON B CA EXXONMOBIL 34 01118371 COSTA ME CA VANS #015 1666 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA VERIZON WI RELESS SM922.0204 N1 MERVYNS 00000267 HUNTINGTON BH CA OLD NAVY # 5673 COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175•C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA 1OHNNY ROC 6801 HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD CA UNION 76 06363824 COSTA MESA CA COX"OR CO COM PHSV 949.240.1212 CA COX'OR CO COM PHSV 949-240.1212 CA TARGET.-129 3030-HARBOR-BLV-COSTA MESA --CA - HARBOR PED IATRIC MED NEWPORT BEACH CA LONGS DRUG STORE 340 NEWPORTBEACH CA SAV-ON DRU 1020 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA RUBY'S SOU 3333 BEAR ST COSTA MESA CA SHELL OIL 27425021303 HUNTINGTON BC CA COX"OR CO COM PHSV 949-240.1212 CA COX'OR CO COM PHSV 949.246.1212 CA D RED ROBINl 07 W SUNF OWE SANTTAANA CHA A STATER 35 1175•C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA TARGET 129 3030 HARBOR BLV COSTA MESA CA KINKO'S #0 - NEWPORT BEACH CA THE CREATI 462A E. 17TH ST COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA BASKIN ROB 1220 BISON AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA UNION 76 06363824 COSTA MESA CA CAR WASH O 1195 S. BAKERS COSTA MESA CA DISNEY WOR 1190 CELEBRATIO ANAHEIM CA Target 019 9882 Adams Avon Huntington Be CA VANS #015 1666 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175•C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA Target 019 9882 Adams Aven Huntington Be CA BAGEL STAT ION' COSTA MESA CA SALON SHER RY COSTA MESA CA BASKIN ROB 1220 BISON AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA REL)ROBIN 130% W SUNFLOWE SANTAANA CA SHELL OIL 27425021303 HUNTINGTON BC CA ALBERTSONS 00 TEMECULA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA CA STATER 35 1175-C BAKER ST COSTA MESA, CA TARGET 129 3030 HARBOR BLV COSTA MESA CA TARGET 129 3030 HARBOR BLV COSTA MESA CA WEB LAUNDRY CA0110902 NEWPORT BEACH CA EXXONMOBIL 34 01118371 COSTA ME CA Target 033 3750 Barranco P Irvlrie CA Reference 54454370 $ 129.15 65698271 71590226 65698271 71580732 65698271 71570521 65698271 71591129 65698271 71571736 65698271 71600622 65698271 71602218 65698271 716022AO 65699271 71611838 65698271 71591231 65698271 71631209 65698271 71640655 65698271 71640655 65698271: 716321-58- 6569827i 7i630025 68698271 71651555 65698271 71671426 65698271 71671752 65698271 71682300 65698271 71700326 65698271 71700701 65698271 71700701 65698271 71710022 65698271 71711234 65698271 71711907 65698271 71711738 65698271 71740317 65698271 71742258 65698271 71752024 65698271 71761243 65698271 71771206 65698271 71800736 65698271 71770008 65698271 71792002 65698271 71791623 65698271 71801754 65698271 71782139 65699271 71802338 65698271 71802310 65698271 71860332 65698271 71'860700 65698271 71830702 65698271 71B51637 65698271 71871522 65698271 7TB82132 65698271 71882120 65698271 71882115 65698271 71880315 65698271 71880740 65698271 71892029 $ 9.95 12.00 22.41 21.54 37.22 52.51 1.78 10.71 25.53 27.11 24.16 31.41 '47.39 . 24.63 20.00 16.37 30.38 17.05 22.76 22.60 31.42 47.39 10.00 15.91 21.09 43.37 2.13 36.64 26.20 4.50 22.36 18.49 68.96 5.14 21.54 23.86 24.97 6.95 11.78 6.28 20.60 21.19 8.29 25.43 4.30 8.62 26.32 10.00 21.57 7.76 $ 1,079.97 StatementNumoer.1A,-.---. U '/7/03.7/9/03 OEM ' Reference Amount ATM withdrawals Data Descri Ilion,/Locolton 6/12 UBOC SUPERIOR D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 65698271 71622121 $ 71681646 20.00 -� 20.00 6/1 B' UBOC HARBOR VIEW D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 65698271 65698271 71710644 20.00 6/20 UBOC SUPERIOR D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA SUPERIOR D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 65698271 717711710 20,00 20.00 6/23 UBOC 6/27 UBOC HARBOR VIEW D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA 65698271 71 720 71 71811710 656982$120 20.00 7/1 UBOC HARBOR VIEW D/U NEWPORT BEACH CA U0 Total Reforence Amount Other withdrawals Dale Dwarr rion $ 2.00 including fees and 7/9 CHECKS ENCLOSED FEE adjustments Information and Banlldnq Office.Services For each monthly statement period your account includes: ■ Unlimited free Information Services calls to 2A�hour Automated Direct Service ■ 3 free Information Services calls to speak with Personal Service ■ 3 free banking office Information Services calls ■ 5 free banking office deposits - - _ _ _ .. .- .. - - - - - - - - - - called: For the current monthly statement period youu30, Automated Direct Service on: 6/9, e For the current monthly statement period you made: 1 banking office deposit. Your account was not charged for information and banking office services during the statement period. 09/02/2003 09:16 9497SG1238 flug 31 03 05.48ro NI OR•r N SRNr'AULU W 1 Z) u4£)w 3M p,3 Nctr G:':P,.:1cs •..5`.{:_.,..—: 3crenii2Stiatl ;:ycOc®MrrrrATzoN AND c>axr: :Aa rr0, VfifP.: ""Ap fpdiE':TC%•T.IiR: Titis 1'nrm is dsianatperv!rh ns(F'C(RplalusYuanhwacconvtiisfn^rn attall rcms uph Irnt! in iclae !r: r.rtnvau cf llo mu; it: d Urhan P;o eel l"HUG') g to Late "•.i Me, S!: lit$tla aua. A:! capiuhani te•mi usrd herein shall har•e the mwringee t :>:nh jr :he itetnL•r9aP, dgrcumc:N. questions for c 1. 6:ar I'+Mloc; r •::;In:riamcs oFall personsil JANIC y, franKly Plitt pe rernrs"ho or: �.n rccup} the unit be :applied for in the abotvve apartment P o �slnp u•tn d a. rs:d: i:+ t^t ucL'. i, i Relationship Nnru!ci !: entbrrs m {lead S. —• SenNurocry ployme Employment r.x ld i.wucr old Horsehold A4e i ur our Income Cosnputailon 111e wil a 1111W.tated income, calculated in nceordnnce with this pamgrafh @ of>i I pero9ls ;c"Cilo children under IS vr.!rs) li=Ivd o ba'n: fur the 12•month period bcpianlns the earlier of the deep Iha• L'•ac p •. ?o npm+c Into a unit or sign a lc2y .erauni; Inc:: re.I is the oNal anticipated income listed obove are: (a) .ill .v tgts and saint ies, overtime pay, corinnisions, fees, tips and I•nnn;z5 anr. nd'e:' conpensation for .prr,e nai services, before payroll dcduetions{ (b) ,Men'tincome from the oper•a:!onOra businersorpra(essienurGrr.,;rutematafrtrlorpersonalpropcny rwi•f aut deducting cipenditums for busincr expansion nr anm;:i •uica of e:.tac: iudebtednrss m any ,nas.anccr. forrleprcciation ofcapital assets); ,.— - — (ey a:tvr st anddividends (including Income {rota nssots inclurlcd hcl++��� +vd exec• net iacnmc from rrnl m ?era, not proprrly); (d) he F.dl anAUnl Ur periodic payments received flora social Pec,10"ann-Al : , w. iasmrrocc polictcs, reuraurrnl ;tuul.,lionsions, disability or death benefits an8 nfner similar ggtcs ofp ird:r:rccivs, including any lump e m aayment for the delayed store of a periodic payment; p;r+.r;crls in hat of anmings, such as uncmploynncnr end disnlh il:iy co^ant o Unftl r•nrirrs' compensation cold •evcra•reu pay; (r} tl:e cart+an•un+amount ofpubl:c assistancc available to lttc .bo.-c .;ers.cn. otl:rr t:.ar the amount of eny ass r: once specifically designated for shelter and utilities, oil get �• die and determinable allowance, such as atimony and rhi!d sclpp:••r pa;'7m:h. and regular contributions and;i fts received from petsmis not residing in the dacllings; or not living in dre 0'1 r. gc!ur pay, special pay told allowance Orr, membm of the A—mc:l L ncc; '••+Po:If;cr diva I.ng) who is the head of dtc household or spouse; and ine{ income tax credit to the extcut Ihat it exoccds ireatac in, itrhii.ry. ,!Ijeyd fror: Such anticivateri income tire: (a) cat al, sporadic or im:gular gifts; (b) •-.n•:.tnis which are specifically for or in rrimbursunenl of medical C):• t ;set; (c, leaps runt additions to family nsels, such as irihn•ilences, msuu••tcr: p:)'!ner 1. fmzhuli payments under, ia.• !h one accident msoraoee and workers' compensation), ccpi:tl r"'s am ^.•:Ic:ncat for personal or prr..•cr:y losscs; (d; m:arnnts ureducahonal scholarships paid, to the studrnw •r:ir .^.aac•:rioral .:ks and cq and amounts Irith;r lea govcmmcnt to a veteran rot use in meeting the ccs;:: orn%inr, I pr:, h<^:ks and cquipmcnt. Any •:n,:unis nfsueh scholarships or paymients to veterans not used ptr the akrvc m-1-finss• are to be included in 09/02/2003 09:16 9497561230 bAWAULU Ar'IJ I•-- -- fiug 81 03 ti.48p NI URT N 94se2 598 p•4 t•:1 h..z:• tams duly psy to a houselrzld member in the Armrd Forces `•: o is:iw.iy :Tarr, hn:ne and exlhosed to Fatt:•t lire, t^ rrlorrrion payments under Title ll of the Uniform Relocation Ass !mtct and CPS Prnperry Acquisition P theirs Actof MID: 1 •I% its:vr ehild save payments ;li I r• a vnee ofroupon ollotmcnts under the Food Stamp Act of 19 %7: {i) ony:r:cnstovolurltinder (he DomesticVolunteer SerAcolA..orIF::; f,) n;,vmcnts received under the Alnska )hive Claimx5ea:cmem Act, rl•t ,ncom• d-mved Rom certain submarginal )anti of the United Stares th;c;r hod i- :;es; I'n.-eenain melon - beo 9; ; •yrte•us or. al lowances made. under the Departent of health and Hun—. aer•. •ers' Loa-Ineontc Hearst 5 or p Assislance Program; ;n) s•yr..e•:is rcccived from the Job Partnership Training Act; ;j ;accmr derived from tyre disposition of funds ort,e Grand River Azad Ot:nw,•. hutimrs; and ::0 :ha first 52000 of per capita bhates received from judgement funds r.w'arc id t•v t4t hoijan Clnuns C %anmssslon of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an inr_i m vi:.e ey re So iremryof Interiot. 7. ;to the:cc-sins v hnse income or contributions are included itt item 6 above: ya) rvcsz.icrgstucFs,bonds, equity in real property orotter Form ofcop•alm:e: •gem ex•:puling thevalues of rc:rsrrp il: ,ns of personal property such as furniture and automobds• a,.d m`,rr!ts ' i : naian mist land) ers or ';,j teat ere= d».occd of any assets (other than at a foreclosumor barkrupres tsar.: c:rin!, r..c tzU two years it less :iac I'sv rx:rkct ,-oI,ss? Ycs ew X No c) IfiLc anstvto (a: or (b) above is Yes, does the combined lohd value n/ell s..rh?itcr: r•,v:.o;i or disposed aFby all arch; c1,m-rule. moro than 55,000? Yes lK No ,1} •f •It: on. wer'n ! c? above is Ycs, state: •:j :he aartircd tmal value of all such assets: S '} 'hr a; s tav : f income expected to be derived from such assets in d c 13a+caP: pt •'ci b:gi •ning on the date of ;n:tin: oetpincy in the unit riot you proposeto rent $_ _, • _-, t id :n) the ortt•uni ,rsite h income, if any, that was includrdl in irom 6 above: 5 5 r+�i frq d' iht resins listed in column 1 above be or have been fna•ti;nc uadm•l durin.t Il O) calendar months of • bs mien:lat ye.;. at an educational institution (other Than a correspondents: sr nni'. a: -: tpdzr Iasalty and smdrnts? )'er. _?_c _No II:'r LLom,.hhyifthr.ansmcrto Ouestion R(a) is �Y•cs"l. is tnysuch!:•:r_on;nlhe: Hsu r on.csidcnt aliens) It n.n,^.•iri ur:: evil loleto file ajointfedcml income tav returns? YO" _. _ ...... 9. : I is c: •i5•:: is ;a made wirlr the lutowledge that it will be relied upon by tl: c C! nee. -r de.crn+in! moximnnt income for d:grbrl::} it, occrny the unit, and Hwc dccla:e that all f llonnalion set forty he-6s,, t• u'•:r, r•rrcc! past completeand ia:scd q-o,i i i 6;n t:nwn Uwe deem reliable rind Mortise statement of total anlir;pird isr,rn nr cm.l ninerl in paragraph 6 is rcaat:afar ena brsed upon such investigation its the undo) signed dzemad ne cc :rr: y. in WWO w•i'ins. istli c Owner in obtaining any infomurfon ordoeuments.tali0e IWvrn'y lh,•sraXnt¢nts madc hernia, idahW'a•;eitu:�a,ircomr. verification Rom my/ourpresent cmploycrfs) or ccpim-,.T1:att:•i Tait retorts for the in,wcdtt icly prec•odine calendar year. il. irP;c;dine.,:etlga"aa: all oftee finego:ng inronmtion is icieanfto the sinh:=uod:ld:: ti 5•can•c ins law oriho la,ndr'fcsucd to fnmmeills:' j_7ofthc aPamncnl brrhlinu f:•• vr•rth i ipliration isheing nrle.c @ ;: cc nsrnt to rrc disclosure of such infenr36on to the issue: orxaclh st ndr, she hel:l_s of such bands, any t'!smc n r. �`!• nr, .hc:r bcnaIf and onv authorized agent Ofthe Treusu:y Der m^•r_ nt Or )nice.,.+ Revenue Service. 1's@ do rise cqr penalty of perjury that the foregoing :s true on: correct I, ecuce:i 1!sls .. .. -,stair or -, , 20(yrar) in the Crtp ^.f, __...__.... _, Cc iromia Applirnm APpliram (Sh,.,u an•+• of Ol persons (except children under the age of 18 years) list d I:: rum3er 2 abrw required) 09/02/2003 09:16 94WbbI23d r-IM Rug 31 03 aS.413p, W CRT N 84J'7c' iitH kt7RC:(5.119E°t, :IxON ByAPARTMKW OWNMZ ONCT-2 1. C)tical,+men c/! :li,�lt�Ie iuv�me: a. Ga arnr n7;. eprred for enwt hoosaho.d in G above: b, (i) I'tly. =:untentered in 7(n)aoove is yes, La r the hxai tmtcunt e.tn, ed n'• 7(d)(?), subuawt fret^ ''qi £xgure tl a amwnt t to meted is 7gK3).wd enter the trmat•vat €2) Piatevb,she aWML x ro eh cuueatpasscmmflk aavlrgt ialc•'O to det.^[ctine vihat thc• tA:Rt a irtla:. er.cniq /(d)(1) would be if lnveslal W pamt•ock savi n, _..). subtract freer Unit kr= t:c a.Wu'at ente, n 7(n)(3j and enter the Irtea r in; balance i'a$ (3) I?nta.it.:1giti ogmteroftheamoantcal=Ivt W-der (;) Cr f:� ftbovo; c, TO G;1, rst.`:CvM81NCOMH pine l.a plus lien I b(3): 2.Y: Zmitfids the applicants) as a hAadt r tclawcn Ten ttit(s). . _. t,�,q-A flea the anlirant(a) as a I,owat-lawma Toaant('•j. �..._...__...._.._ Jr�es the applicarr(s) as a Vert -Law Inean9^'f'cmau;,�, s.... `L2 761 Z p.5 M_ N/A- 2 761 .1Z 3, Ntar-=creep yeruuitaaslpped: 237 B:drocmaize:=..}...4 ---^ r{eat:ew 4. Ti'v apartzvnt'&tE'—MVvras not) last occupied for a period of 3I nr txe.a CettseruOrl days by persons w&tse , q•; py 2 a rtic re_ 1 ew aal lncomc as ccrtiiied Ic the ahovn manacr ttprn th t initix :r r1f,wry of ft apann=unit q:.aMod d ,5 z a', a I.oweT=income Teaant(s). �, Dfer:nd ostd b7'r:;:.�y' aaplarant(s) i7uome: I•'t;minyer income verification. {;noiea o£rax returns. .„_,,,,..__.:?�_.�...._ iNhe»{�jc�t pcieS tb F'r�la�s1__�.,,2�a�t.l,s•�e_. INCOME r- 4SSET CALCULATION WOR' , iEET Wet Namo FlretNmh. 1 RelaOanehlP Half Sax M Delaol OlRh 5 S3 Ago 20 Social Security l{ -7 - 2g03 F/T Sludanl r NO YIjo 2 IS S51-fr - eo mej a 4 5 6 ' 7 �tl a INCOME amily Memb, it Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 26 12 1 Total WK SEMI- M u- MO YI{ $2Q X _$ B fr $ 3 _ 4IGIrs!ZL $ _$ Total5— SOCIAL SECURITY. PENSIONS. ETC. Family Memb. if Source Base Rate $ Average 'Hours Average Annual 52 24 2a 12 1 Total WK SLMI-MO 01•WK MO YR $ Total Box B: $ PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Family Memb. A • Source Base Rate $ Average, Hours Average Annual 52 24 20 12 1 'total SEMI M0 n-WK Me —Tit $ -$ — $ =$ - Total Box C:. $ OTHERINCOME Family Memb. # Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 26 12 1 Total WK EMI MO 01•WK rd0 I Yfr $ _$ j 3,6zo oo- p S poo Total Bax 0: $ O.Oo TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A through D >>>>>>>>>>>> $ ASSETS Asset Description Imputed/ Gross/Fair Cost to NE r Actual Actual Annual Member (savings, checking, storks, bonds, Current Mkt. Value , Gel Cash FaMy Assets Interest Income from A atc.1 I or C Value Role ---Assssolss of (O 1=� °T-17 Totals Box E: 6 70. 3 IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box E exceeds $5,000—mulllPly E by the current passbook Inlarost ralo: It Box E does not exceed $5,600 onter 4r• In box G: Enter the greater of Box F or Box G In: X�.�.�% •BOXG: t�{�y--I INPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS eoxx: 5 9.25 TOWI e Family lnamo PwmAaacta Effective Data - -- Typo of Program %. Unit No Unit Size No. of Persons MII: Max. Income Limit $ AR; 140% Liell$ PIP I n P a i P r 0 n a V'" Rental APPIleation and Reaefpt for, Application Screening Fee please complete this farm In it's entirety, oating'WA. or'nou' whereapplicable. The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you In an apartment cammWly owned by anhw The nsifm Company or Ir Ane, Apartment Communities, LP. (wllectively, -owner'). Comm lP N�WCOQt P0¢Tt{ Addraaa• 2Yk IYAASAJ.Pa DF- Print Appilewt'sfull num(Lot, First, Middle Initial) SrJSr, Date of Birth Sadol Searlty tJmnhr Driver's Llwarz# i dJ . ACHNJ/AIr I'' Sir-95 9A0 3RGlao 't I(Wm, Flrsi. MlddklnHWD I(Iart,Flrsh Mlddlalmmm) F", , P is I (last. Flrel. Mlddls INtbi oast, Fkrh hVddln lNNd) Oast, Fist. Middle Inhk ) 7 e Appliced"Presort Address city ZIP, Own Phone# lA. y,� A V. Dallas From a t4AHM OTH •PR. W 9� Li❑ um: la . r family Mme ❑ Attuned faMly home ❑ ApmtmenY. ❑Detached N Manthhy Payment f Th whom do you manta payments) 7 w Pwent landlord's Name Address City ZIP, Phaw# 1 o Lmnadkh Prior Address Of less fhelyr,mabove) ❑ Own Monthly Payment, pv4� P Fen TM IF ❑ Benh, S Immediate Prior L ,*,ifs Name Address CRY ZIP Phone# e_.. ^ 1 I vr_r Ad Y 1 No it mmbv of Pets: I' / Ty,.— V—r— I Prepaocd Occupanh(last, First, Mlddls initial) befeaf Birth as#,F4st, Middle tW Date of Binh (Last, F4st. Middle InHla1) Datcof Birth (last. F4st, Middk TNlkD Dahef Birth (Last, First, Middle loHlaD Daft of Binh (last. F4st, Middk Initbp Defeafstnh Fmpbyer Of mlf�pkyed•dome of basuaf) Buslam, Address Dndudbg W Coda) LL5 rf— �C Phono# 7Y lypcafBasldess Pmitbn { EJ L� {� u&Dou 5upuvkor Phones) vJNq Irwme Le a 3oa yaPyy,drpE T�(a6uie frf.r- &GD 5AWV� 60 �Gu Ma. Other Income Source Applicant must Provide B pay stubs ar current WB form Comae Coda) Immediate Prior Employer AdAddress(Including ZIPPham# When hen IncomeP I. Mo. Checking: bank and branch (include City/State) ;lOwl°Ole'% II�RCfi'I Account# �JELG9 rAe6ro Savings: bank and branch (include City/State) Acwum# V') ro, NPR Noss you ever filed banivuptq? ❑Yes County and state where filed: What yra� Nave you ever had any public retard suits, Year, Judgmwh or MPossesabm? ❑ yes /Q What year? Note you ever: If yes, descnbe In detail: Been wtnicted of d felorWElyes 5Z Bun evicted? Ely-, am Defeated an a kase? ❑yes No in case of emerquoy, pkme weft: (lnml coma, address a ph.. number) S I S'TE b(hNsu 'L03 �� ie� N-`r�tf3 IatbmMp: If opplimhk, parents' phone numbers: •'fJ4-27'L—(Sa'6 Ce(/ Olt LALi%Orr)9y6-9�sY G c%(7) 6 s Fathw•'ztdm 'Nolte• ._ lm4eMT I pevisech Wrbl r IMATE ) ... I '(9IaP�t ,1<3Yf(nli�J��lv���l,l� Naw did you first learn of this 'Pal "aw"Ity9 ❑Rental•Living.com ❑promatlan/sp. Event ❑or. Register ❑orlve Sy �APartmmt&lde Signs �Webslte-other" �57 Mrrary ❑p1hv ULCammMfy� spa ❑Newapys+-othm" ❑or19•Apt. Ma9minc �Renml living (IAC Mag)❑IA Tints ❑Roll Smite ❑Magasltw-other" For Reni Ma9axine ❑st) U.W. Flfh- ❑Affordable Wadal; ❑UC Apt. Info center ❑so away �PaHewd/MdW�rAPePLEASEFILLIN: other -Not Lhied" ©7 on for rclacolkm malty vehldn do you owiJdrive] Yw Licwc# Malec Male _ •Year Limwe# he: ParWna of recreational vehicles, teats or treillers is not permitted In the C Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Informtation: .Iam=Was this APPllmtan mluntarlly far the purpom ofo �idn heir rerXAAWs aed,wp.%w and agwH(m"at an.;iarI13ant lllecthan the ly tha RAMC Partiw)' to above I hrraby odharim and waswtto dkw UML, o~. Pe eln,twni smsening seMm obtain wd v-* the usdlt and dber Ildormatlan pmvldad by me in this Applimnan through credit nWrNN ogm IuMersm dthrtlfI daq lawe thtsa Nparlmnd.the UMC Partial Alan haveamtnimhg 9ht to mvlwlmy a are In"formatbn,payment hgtory,lan. acmpdhCY history and other Informdlon In this Appllcallon far Purposes related m my Lee wdyor for account rovI war hnpmvemed of application mcth.dJ.' I hereby release and hold hmmlw The Irvine Qa WM.IMm Apartment Wmmudiln, V.,IMne APartrtwnf Mara9emraT Company,and all of their wpedlm officers, 'aland ageds, from airy and oil Ilablllty. legal Promedhgs and mats, IWhdire aHerAeys'fw. oWing out of the verifimtion and/or use of the Idormdion contained In this AppiimtlaA, Induding the rdeea. of ouch bdormdkA mother Partin. I of my warcad That, m the hart of my bnxkdge, all of the IdomMlon provided In this Application (Inekdlrg bd not Umlted no the datwwnt finanNal mrAlHon)Is true, acmmfe, wmpieta and mrrcdnof the date of this Applleadon. If ary bdormdlon provided bymee dntify d mbefafsa,suchfdsastdww willbegmundsfordLvPPtevwlofmy APPlimflanwtermlmtion of my loam wnh Oxmr. 7.1sudratify UMC If any of the information Provided in this Application dmnpn d+dn3 the Appllmtbn Prates or darn my heronry• I aUo undwmnd the UMC will rctdn this Appllmtian, along with any other Informdlon provided by me, whcihar, or cot this APPliradcn k approved. AnontarundahleApPlladanSaeeninp Fwoft3P.pp(uhmtced bebw)IeraqulMhom skhApppuP(mPmusaRltAppllutlan ndtochickthe mkmiaSanPmyMp, AaepuMeApPIltAtiontoRwlmuatMapnedbyrdoAppppM edmn dnwtliha woeldetadhylAMC, r Dotc RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE m above amount b m be used m suss APP Iimd with regordtmtrcat hbmry and other bodtgaund lnformvtka Theamoud rllargcd IteAmdw fork-- 59.91 1. Achml costs of eredlt report, unWxfill dctalrcr(cNdbn)starccljda stalls tlsallwdot rcPorK f2o.h7 R. CoHmobtain, prows and vsdfy susmin9Inmrn'dion(may lncpide amff'a tlmn'ond other related mdaj $30.00 3. Total fen aharr may not exued$3o per Applimnt) rat reference oNlmnt adorisn hverRimdon of Inmrmdion mPPlied by AppllmrA on thlf ApPllwtl9 hrough eredk reportingegAendn,perso Bl Irvine Apartment Management Company Redsei:ol/gl I POWRd3 NaAw°mT,na,e, " s 08/30/03 21:04 FAX 510 771 5952 ntrvnw iKiwu,rix A-I11v;�> 0 Income gestri... CertTleation Questionnaire N Unit Name: 5 pew r ` Initial Certification rh �j� :�;?,D r J5 Re-certifieation G Other Under penalties of perjury, I certity that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false ZEE in constitutes an act of fraudJulse, misleadiag or incomplete information will on of the income restricted lease agreement Date Signature of owner/Agent Date I •d 9GSTCaLG*G N 140dinaw 0 I dL*:So Co oc 9ny Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name ng44w il_,i i AL Employer wells Faro Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date 7/3) lo3 Flog YTD Income 2161$ •20 divided by 1 Start with hire date If at job for less than a year (how often paid) (x) I 2 Ll =) Calculated Annual Income 11131b•88 Gross per Pay Period 2r,y ,a3 N (4 �— (_) 405•S•I divided by (_) 202.11 J (how often paid) (x) 2 4 (=) Calculated Annual Income 4,569 •"— SN1 SE" roDte: ppaay 4DNTNLY PAYROLL Check :• 83588 B10 HELLS FARGO BANK N A n 07/16. HONTGOHERY STREET pay End Date' 07/33/ZOvS420 Check Dam' 07yD 1/62003 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94204-1205 T.4:i DATA: Federal State CA Employs ID: OOo00530154 LAL,ASHNINI AUW:CCC: 000839 Alanral Status: Single S/H-2 inc 286 BAYNOOD DR Location: 0000022713 AlloWmcc: cool 0002 NEWPORT BEACH CA 9Z660 Job Tule: TELLER Addl. Aml: .00 .00 Pay Rate: 69.000000 Hourly T I ltll (,R r d'1V'x�'i'M 'll�ll lL ilu-�l vl x"u'M •ul A .IIxi4.i3 III 6'�'I'I'-1"d L'L' 1"g fl" IL'.I�?vil'� RT... l ur41i�N. YTD... --... ..... v YID -Curtest ............... ..-....- .... C • Rate •�•..•• Hours Eamm6s Hours Eammgs Description Current Description 9.000000 21.67 199.03 314.76 Z,8222.84 FED OASDI/ 2.65 56.51 23 12.65 122.66 Regular Pay Hours Ovar Standard 9.000000 1.00 9.00 59.17- 532.53- CAOOASDI/EEE 1.83 22.97 0,97 Hours Under Standard FED Nithholdno 2,518.20 Total: 17.43 216.27 204.03 _ _ /�,�t- �4r�a1°I'�41,f,_'Im'Ip!INA'°'Nl,°q �l Ay±fcc '.vA° lnv}°iAlll-I IiLII�N!"111II16x.t.uNT4uCHlim''Eillu I.xlx(w T -'{NsLT°j Total: y, Tntifi w y°.y Is. .vr E:q ri°x�3�N'II"-_'art �elTjy;1�0."?i:erx m Current 1'TD �II�PAIY,TD DOsenpROn Curtcnt Description Total , a TOW J��4yYy �.Ily;' qx'—•,,.� .,. �-r,' I'il d'"' 'I" ^'� �I±Niiljl�"ir i�'P_itlb� �i:t .� I• ' y=U d MI 0 "s�!. 17'rw i �1"irl�`IAf°IT�'�u'I 186.60 Current: 204.03 204.03 17.43 216 27 2,301.93 YTD: z,518.20 xsla.z0 li � •' lyJlilkly.11IJlliidil�''NiG q: ,.c.,� - SAVINGS 75820079XX 186.60 MESSAGE: View and print your voucher via Teamworks. Discontinue delivery of voucher via MAC mail 21933 B10 MAC E2713-011 LAL,ASHWINI 286 BAYWOOD DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 9 Group: SH1 SF"'•HONTHLY PAYROLL Check R: 8258607 FayB10 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 1'ay Begin Datc: 07/01 420 MONTGOMERY STREET ('heck Date: a7/IS/2003 pay End Dace 07/15/ -ed3 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104-1205 TAX DATA: Federal State CA LAL,ASHWINI Employe c ID: 00000530154 AUP,CCs: OOOa39 Aladtal shNs: Single S/H-2 inc 286 SAYWOOD DR Location: 0000022713 Allowance: 0001 0001 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 lob Title; TELLER AddL Ater.. .00 .Oa Pay Rate: $9.000000 Hourly "••rwmuL'.uuu_3'm�r9y'pm.,'u PIi2' �rhu^ti';41Si iWii"M1IryKRbL'Pik�Ituxl,lrH��v� �4N d�Ta.V10iLi4`a�'PA {_i�S O'l f': i'�'rL= -__ II .-'r1'llilny�a14'9?='ii qj4 bmIlp Jni`�PrY111q, �j10,10ltYJ'LLIjd3:�ItyjiruAOL1R5'l1AND;Et{RNiCY651'S,hJvi•IW:I•-a+,i^-1�xrvw. ..xm tir, ;3lM1rt rvz�. u5...==M1��"•. I�jhjll •L"urtrnt.............a, L'amings I)scnptton Current 1'1'D Carrunes ilaurs Description Rol Hours 2.93 33.56 195.03 292 54 .... 86 FED HED/EE 12.51 143.48 Regular Pay 9.000000 9. Do0000 21.67 213 .75 6.75 23.76 213.84 FED OASDI/EE 3.82 20.83 532.53- CA OASDI/EE Hours Over Standard 59.17- 0.97 Hours Under Standard FED Withholdng zo1.7a 2 314.17 Total: 37.26 198.84 r�/1�•{`((yl��`Y -�nI'taM y '11�II�j{�. PI'/'iL`-civil 1•'rF=P•JL'll ' �hJ' ��5 =i�j jlN(I6iu�FI��I1nnLInf�I��•IL',d4•J�TilY1hMIC,•vll'.'T1+1'1M-L4LIIT1I•JM1lltllll�h�u„nln'lal yJt( _l �i�d_-saKlwm f X1 G! IM?Tp{�� � ,,,4i�51 i• l °�= r14�1�l__ 1� C=cnl 171) (: urrent YTD Descdpdon Desrnpnon Total yy y Ii, foal I"J!'+iLWIWfI :'yn ry,`1�IyI1I II ��y�'1I41118`;il {�' I't ;Tj� ly'q'I L'•.�'L'."4sQPi ; TikV 4u,',NI; a JrtI,I t�" n I'. ��� y �y� 4�' x•4C.l ViY�, 'iri•;'�J,IiJ'19!11;piGl?,(:RAY-(j'aN'T4MI,B7wVI�iX%it,m"i-Ji"�ru==i4 IW.1.-%A'A.1E1;„___+„' 184.52 Current: 20] 78 17.26 201.78 2,11S.33 19B.84 tTD: 2,314.17 2,314.17 �'_^"PLr'liltlr:•9=J0''. �r SAVINGS 75820079XX 184.52 MESSAGE: View and print your voucher via Teamworks. Discontinue delivery of voucher via MAC mail 22204 B10 MAC E2713-011 LAL,ASHWINI 286 BAYWOOD DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 , Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8765 (949) 720-1598 FAX Verification of Family Support Address: 23% Mar-522a Newport :each, CA92660. I , , „ 4A I am receiving a monthly family support payment in the amount of $ 1150 from _ISVV C-EtcRI- )-^ L Social Security Number I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and complete. Signatur Signatur State of County c Dkes lei Signed before me this 7 / day of It u f 20 O ? , California. To certify which witness my hand and seal office. Notary Public in and fo the said County and State My commission expires on: 5'e�4' 1y, �ZVo3 BEYERLY AZRAEL SIMCNE Commission # 1235134 Notary Public 3 County fa Los Angel Count Mycomm. apkesSep20C vL oow=.ft Asset Calculation Worksheet Name R§w1NI J AL - - Account Type cgec l N6 ( +) !bg . 96 divided by 2- (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % P, (=) Income from asset: $ p' ___ Asset Calculation Worksheet Name A,;b yj,,,1 1 a Account Type 21174, 7Q (_ > 2 176. 7a divided by I (_> 2, 174.'7a (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % a • ?- Income from asset: $ 4, 36- Account Statement May 8 througli June 6, 2003 Account Number: 763-8726880 Page 1 of 4 557,107 1-1,3 ASHWINI LAL 1622 W MAMMOTH DR UPLAND CA 91784-2502 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 1-800-TO•WELLS (I.800-869-3557), TOD number (for the hearin( Impaired oniy):1.800-87741833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228.6995. Account Summary Daily access accounts Account number Balance last period Balance this period Account ..... ... .....Mer .. .er .... . ...................................1......763-872........880 6 $172.00 $168.86 ee.l 'Team MembChecking 758-2007931 1,424.98 2,010.95 Team Member Savings .............................................................. .......................................... ................................... $L,596.98 $2,179.81 Total You could save up to 70% on term life insurance. Call 1-800-421-6413 ext. 7011 or visit wellsfargo.com/freequote. Compare rates from highly rated insurance companies. Available in most states through Wells Fargo Insurance, Inc. or licensed affiliates (CA license #0831603) in cooperation with Insurance Central (CA license #0026165). `Insurance products are not insured by FDIC or any Federal Government Agency* Insurance products are not a deposit of or guaranteed by any bank' Important Account Information: If the bank receives an Item (as defined in the Consumer Account Agreement) against your account and there are insufficient funds to cover the Item, the bank may pay the Item and create an overdraft to your account. You will be charged an Overdraft Paid Item Fee as disclosed in the Consumer Account Fee & Information Schedule. To avoid these fees, we encourage you to discuss Overdraft Protection options with your banker or call us at 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800-869.3557). Team Member Checking Ashwini Lai Account Number: 763-8726880 Activity summary Balance on 05/07 $172.00 153.93� Deposits and interest Withdrawals - 157.07 .......................................................................................... Balance on 06/06 $168.86 May 8 through June 6, 2003 Account Number: 763-9726880 Page 2 of 4 557.108 Interest you've earned Interest earned this period Average collected balance this period Annual percentage yield earned Interest and bonuses paid this year Activity detail 50.01 $165.12 0.07e/r $0.07 v Deposits and interest a Amount Date Description ................................................................................................ .................................................... 153.92 05/22 Online Transfer - Keep Balance At 200 At All Times Ref #Ibebgzzsym O.OI 06/06 Interest Payment ........................................... ........................................................................................................... 5153.93 'Total deposits and interest Withdrawals Checks Number Dale $Amount ........................................... 1020 051:27 30.17 Number Date $Amount ........................................... 1019 06102. 28.00 Number Date $ Amount ........................................... ............................................................................................................. - $58.17 Total checks other withdrawals $ Amount Date Description ................................................................................................................................................60.00 05/12 Withdrawal Made In A Branch/Store 05/19 POS Purchase - 05118 Mach 11) 000000 1 13aywood Dr Web Laundrnewport Beac Ca 0506 25.75 05/ 21 Withdrawal' ?Made In A Branch/Store 3.15 06/04 Check Crd Purchase 06102 Starbucks 00006221 Irvine Ca 533471XXXXXX0506 23410194Saa%vgjhzw 'AICC= 5814 121042882DA ...............................................................................................................................................a •98.90 I'oixl other withdrawals 5157.07 Total withdrawals Daily balance summary Date $ Balance ..................................... 05107 172.00 05,' 12 112.00 05;19 102.00 Date $ Balance Dale ............................................ 05121 76.25 05/22 230.17 05;27 200.00 $ Balance ........................................... 06/02 I 172:00 06,04 168.85 06, 06 168.86 .lay 8 through June 6, 2003 Account Number: 763-8726880 Page 3 of 4 557,109 Team Member Savings Ashwini Lai Account Number: 758.2007931 Activity summary 13alance on 05/07 Deposits and interest Withdrawals $1,424.98 739.89 - 153.92 ............................................................................... Balance on 06106 $2,010.95 Interest you've earned Average collected balance this period' 798.8 $1,798.83 Annual percentage yield earned $1 % $1.44 Interest and bonuses paid to date this year 29 Interest paid during this period $0 29 Interest earned for this statement period Activity detail Deposits and interest D ' tion $ Amount Date eaenp .............................................................................................................................................. 400.00 05/12 Deposit 141.32 05/19 Deposit 0.29 05/30 Interest Payment 198.28 06/02 Deposit S739.89 Total deposits and interest Withdrawals D t DeacHnUon $ Amount a .............................................................................................. 05/22 Online 'Talan ransfer - Beep Bce At 200 At All 'Times Ref #Ibebgixsym153.92 ..........................................................................................................................................5153.92 Total withdrawals Account Staterneni June 7 through July 8, 2003 Account Number: 763-8726880 Page 1 of 4 563,198 ASHWINI LAL 1622 W MAMMOTH DR UPLAND CA 91784-2502 LLS 1-800-869-3557), TOO, number (for impaired onl r 1.800.877A8 3. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N A., P.O. BOXl6995,, PORTLAND, OR 97228.69the hear banking with Wells 95 P Y): Account Summary Daily access accounts Balance this per Account Account number Balance last periP od ..........................$1 8 86 $146. -200793 Team Member Checking 763-20 2,176. Team Member Savings 758007931 2,010.95 ...................................... ..... ........ ........................... ................. .............................................$2,179.81 $2,323.1 Total nfolrmatiFargo n these and additional convenient FREE WellsFargoservices direct s visit t, online www welsfargosp conline ial.com and eStatements nter keyword: FREE. Sign up for Bill Pay between June 2 and August 31, 2003 and Wells Fargo will donate $10 to local school districts. To qualify, at least one bill payment must be completed by September 30, 2003. For more details, see your local banker or go to welisfargospecial.com and enter keyword: Schools. Team Member Checking Ashwini Lai Account Number: 763.8726880 Activity summary Balance on 06/06 Deposits and interest Withdrawals $168.86 / 1,143.38 V - 1,165.39 .............................. ................ ...................................... Balance on 07/08 $146.85 Interest you've earned SO.01 Interest earned this period $159.07 Average collected balance this period Annual percentage yield earned 059.07 .0 % Interest and bonuses paid this year June 7 through July 8, 2003 Account Number: 763-8726880 Page 2 of 4 563,199 v Activity detail Deposits and interest $ Amount Date Deso6ptlon ...............................................................................................................................................143.37 06/16 Deposit 06/23 Online Transfer - To Open Roth IRA Ref #IBEQCBYgjx I,OoO.00 0.01 07/08 Interest Payment ...........................................................................................................................................S 1,143.38 Total deposits and interest Withdrawals Other withdrawals $ Amount Date Desoription ......3 06/11 Online Transfer - Credit Card Payment Ref #IBEBR2Mnxj 6 40.00 06/13 Withdrawal Made In A Branch/Store Check Crd Purchase 06/13 Cabrillo St Hair Retre Costa Mesa Ca 533471XXXXXX0506 15.00 06/16 7048675562YX7171S ?MCC=7230 121042882DA 1,000.00 06/23 Online Transfer - Postponed Roth IRA Ref #IBIiX5l)26P1 Subway #13511 Newport Beach Ca 533471XXXXXX0506 6.76 06/30 Check Crd Purchase 06/27 23416015K5621) 1 MOM ?MCC = 5814 121042882DA 40.00 07/03 Withdrawal Made In A Branch/Store ............................................................................................................................................$1,165.39 Total other withdrawals Daily balance summary $ Balance Date $ Balance Date $ Balance Date .....................................168.86 06/16 193.60 07/03 146.84 06/11 06/ll 105.23 06/23 193.60 07/08 146.85 06/13 65.23 06/30 186.84 Team Member Savings Ashwini Lal Account Number: 758-2007931 Activity summary Balance on 06/06 Deposits and interest. Withdrawals $2,010.95 1,165.84 - 1,000.O0 .......................................................................................... Balance on 07,108 $2,176.79 June 7 through July 8, 2003 Account Number: 763-8726830 Page 3 of 4 563,200 v Interest you've earned Average collected balance this period $2, 080.76 Annual percentage yield earned 080.7 $177 % $1 Interest and bonuses paid to date this year Interest paid during this period . 33 $U.36 Interest earned for this statement period Activity detail Deposits and interest $ Amou Date Desodptlon .............. ................................................................................................................................. 53,0 06/16 lleposit 06/23 Online Transfer - Postponed Roth IRA Ref #IBEX5D26F1 1,000.0 112.5 06/30 Wells Fargo Bank Payrll Dep 030630 0000530154 IA,Ashwini 0.3 06130 Interest Payment ...........................................................................................................................................S 1,165.8• Total deposits and interest Withdrawals $ Amour Date Desodp0on /2 ................ 0 ............................................................... 6/23 .3.ne Onli'1'rans%r -'I'o Open RDth IRA Ref .#IBEQ.C%.8]'gJx ... ....................................... ....................................................................................................S1,000.01 ; , 0 00.0 ( Total withdrawals r n a a a I P 0 n a H t r y �wlti�s�arlM�rr� Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee please complete this form In It's entirety, noting WA" or "none" where applicable. The Informaticnyou provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to Pont an apartment to you in an apartment cammindty owned by elthw no LMm Compaq or Irvlm Apartment Cammunitied, LY. (egnecnvery, v u r. Community: PVC�1.7 (It�y/' \ ✓ 1 Address: Z�� �.Ati Pri�Appilmnt's full come (lart First, Mlddiernhial) TrJSr- Data of Birth sodd 5eavity Nambv 0rirrr's Licame#C YOOp r ` 3 SSI - 775 Namaaf Ca- ppllmnfs(5epamte Applimikn uirnd far earn C.-Appllmnt) (tall.First, MlddlelNild) (last, First, MiddleINik) amt First,ryMlddk WtkD (LestFlrat. Mldale InitlaU patt, rap Middle IMtkq i (last. First. Mlddk Wk) Appllmnt" Pnont Addres city ZIP ❑ Own phone#�i�{'% lMiaf: Of i JL E-Mal Addruce Fm nog o3 fn 21 Ca ita:' v dPmr)o75.c m/G'e)a.;.e�H Detached family home: ❑ Atfochdfomiphomr. ❑ do Apo ftccar / o^ Monthly P%ment$—Mzik% To whom you make p%memsP ,rvoe Present Lam Nome tome Address City - &&, ZIP Phase# 6 4f9 S�-P y6 ar ZI C r fa Immedlah Prior Address (If ins than fyr. at above) ❑ own MomhFy P%manr. Fyam Dale ❑ Ixm- a ju Immediate Prior Londicd's Nam Add— CRY ZIP Phou# I I v.. I✓I No tAmbrrof Pen. Type: 17;d.0 me(last, First, Middle Initial Dmoof Birth llmr, FbsL MlddIc Inlikn Dale of Birth W, first. Middle Innunj Don of Birth Omt.FlM, Mlddkrnnkl Date of Birth Zu,A Mlddi WLI 0tenf Birth (last FlrAMIddIeWW) Dote of Birth Employer Of self-empkyed, come of bud or) Buda, Address (Including W (ode) r Phone# Type of Basins Position Der"' Pro. /, OL supervise, Phone # Income (9N4) Q35� aro� 12t�df,461 �''' i r SAvwe3 ^-kvAeuo. n .zsUt Other Income Source Applicant must provide 2 pay stuhl or current W2 form. Contact Immdlotc Fri., Employe Addres (Includig ZIP Code) Phom# Fem rnmme To Mo. Checking: bank and bcamh(Ineode City/State) 'n Account# 52 TY6 1 5 Savings. and branch CDy/State) Account# C.-f O Have you eve filed bankruptcy? ❑Yn No Coady and State where nod: What y� Have you ever had a% public rend suits, flew, Judgmants or reposswkM ❑ Yes No Whatymrl How you ever: If Yrs, dnrr@e in detdl: Bun convicted of a f.I.W?mYn BrmevictedP ❑Yn Dsfcaltedanalufe7 ❑Yn No n ..of rmagen%, plwe mtifr: 0am1 coma. address dphorc rawb—e{) 913� I 01e6, I!w f 6 368 A Ile Ale-- ( .rza d <4 Relationhip: �aFbrr f cpplimble, parents'phom numbars: ( ) yl�aA. Y�YC I 181d )776-�'81�7 ,�,s� LFoca ( P Ased;07/01 ,Pscdimise How did you first IWA of link upartment mmamotyy ❑Rerdal-Living,com ❑Framotign/Sp. Event ❑0Gfb9lotm, ❑Drive By Q'''T^wper- �ApaHmmt 6ulde ❑5190 ❑Wdaslte-01hv` ❑Ncwayaerother ❑Ori9•Apt. Magazine �Oiher UCCommunhy� Pefaml' ❑Magaslne - Other' [:]Rental Cluing (UC Mag� ❑❑Relmator Swim Houeing F.rPdt Mall"Ine DOoi n �FIW" ❑Affordable �Othv-Nat Whd" ❑UC APt.Iido Canter 35D Ruder ❑PastmrdYMailer J • PLEASE FILLIN: yeer q umlucif Maks )) j,I- Nums# Make_- year Of recrelltiomi vehicles, 6 is or 'trailer's is not permitted In the C consent to to Verification fo Credit and Other Information: , I am makk0 this APPlimnon wluntadly far the rarpam of obtaining IAMCs app. I pbyeeot anndP� (�nolleatiwlly, the `AMCommunity PartIWI, to abevc Ihrxby authorlxa and...t to allow UMC, 0~' and"' rmPeaH pkY _ tempt sarca-2$-ha tint, AP; obtain and vvifY theaedltwdothv lnfannetien provided 6y me lnaM athal Pm'a°^s°rv'llt udwsIth eformotlpoen relating to thb Appllry ry mmpanla, bmks Rncludln9elemronlcfunda vedfimtbn),e P Yem I unda+taed that N llwse thb aparlmeM, the UMCCPP.111of MIIPurhave rckted to mygLe" mdym'f rmmlum"ul err lmnprawaveut f oemponey history and other Information In this APP oppllcmbn mvhods. nt Mamgrment Company, and all of I hmby rc7eaee and hold hvmless The Lvine Compmry.IrvlrA AParimertt legalpC-mmutint Lp.,nd On Apartme Z reumenSve efflcera, smnOye,, and agents, from an/ and all liability, Iyai promudliga oral msis, IrclWiy aHarwys' forthelsitg out of the vcriflmtlan and/or ore of the IMarmatIon m' i;,d In this Applleatkm Irotuding the rtteme of such I.F...dan to other portlm. Iwamm that, to the of thet of my krowkdl all of the Infoemotldn PmAded In this Appliwtlon (IncWdl, but net IIMtd to the movement of my }Imndd mnatlon) D'Nc,aatvmte. mmPkteand mrrcat m of tM1e date of ilia or termination If amy Intone wnh DOW, I.,.teetermlned notify to be false. such faleesmtnmeM will be p,ands for dklopPmwl of my APP11 he npllai--moaaF my my I do' uod""and'hot UMO If dy of the Information Pmvlded In ills Applkatlon ahoeges dvin9 the , heth n proow hl Nri ll-*n 10 aPY aved. UMC will rctWn this Appllmtlon, akr0 with any other lnformatkn pmvldd by me, whHher or mtihls App PM AnommmndebleAPPlleWon 6meening Feeafd70.gd (p famhed mhoo)issaqulyd from out, Appdmnt in Ptaeers this AppPm0onddin rAecklM nmuonm311.90 MdgAN hYasdiAppllmdithowW o1wPYthe,Vw�P� iombefor isApplk+OontAlha bfomutlan Prodded. AsaPard^App mnddurdbyW6.pp%y cl / 0 d /� / APPPmnt'e sigmlum Date RECEIPT FOR APPLICA7TON SCREENING FEE abavn amount k to be uzd to ccrcen APPlion' with regvrds to vcdit history and other background Irdora-*M the amount dmrged unlxed m fotiowm $9.95 (Ir Other 1. Actual rods of credit rcport,udaw(ul detWra'(edctkn7 tearahIudc mW-sthsmedot er Mimwtsed $2, 0.05 2. Cad to obtain. Proms and verify seteemn9 lnforneuWA(m%Inckdc doll's lima and other rcland msn) $30.00 3, Total fee dwrged (may net exceed $30 pal APPlleent) iaont an this po Pllcatbnihrough meditm rtin9 ag�zmlu•W'sonal rcferenm Iicmt wtharizm wlflmtion of Information supplied byAppl :p, and other information murm. 731off la APPI m d s 4uglonNeer Date Irvine Ap/a/rfm_O _t Management company � BY: onv od07101 fv,gZd2 �rypmolLnmdt.a, Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire v n Unit # �3 Name:i' I tar ,\K Y� Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Question Monthly Income Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments V 7from ersons not livin with me, Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. _ I/we receive benefits/income from Social Security to inciuoe SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members .1 or uncer, are entitled to "receive child support I/we am currently receiving child support payments. I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect child support steed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable True Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, on Does the household consist of persons wao are au mu -LW - students (example: College/University trade school etc.)? Does your household antic ate becormng a full-hme student household in the next 12 months? If you answered y_es to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will resultthe nial a plicat• or termination of the income restricted ease agreement. q 3fl �0 3 Resident Signature Date Signature of Owner/Agent Date Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name 1& ei Employer U c Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date a12103 6/0Z YTD Income 2,061.25' divided by Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (_) Ir[.g.sr3 (how often paid) (x) I Z i; Calculated Annual Income 3,34q.58• Gross per Pay Period Lio3.75 (+) y 33• so divided by ?— (=) 4 IS .63i (how often paid) (x) I Z G (=) Calculated Annual Income log (? 9-4. 35' ,NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - ;IVINE ACCOUNTING OFFICE 92697 IMPORTANT: PLEASE VERIFY ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS THIS STATEMENT STATEMENT AS A AND NOTIFY YOUR DEPARTMENT OF ANY ERRORS. RETAIN UNIVERSITY. RECORD OF EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS FROM THE EMPLOYEE ID NO: 091902149 FED WTHHLDG: SINGLE SINGLE 000 - 000 ALLOW ALLOW HOME DEPT NO: 123100 - STATE WTHHLDG: STATE ITEMIZED: 000 ALLOW SOCIAL SECURITY NO: EARNINGS STATEMENT - ADDRESS: PERMANENT ADDRESS: MARK A KREL DEV & CELL BIOLOGY CURRENT $403.-75 $4u3./b ���•��-'- YEAR TO DATE $2,061.25 2 061.25 EARNINGS DETAIL PAY TYPE PAY RATE TIME GROSS PERIOD END DATE REGULAR 8.5000 47.50 H 403.75 08/02/03 * TnTAL EARNINGS * $403 75 DEDUCTIONS FEDERAL TAX CA STATE TAX * TOTALS * VACATION SICK LEAVE COMP TIME PAID TIME OFF 08-13-03 LYLVvsiva./ v.... COVERAGE AMOUNT AMT TAX-DEF Y-T-D1AMT 33.52 49 .52 10.89 $35.23 $.00 S.00 S AS OF 08 02 BEGIN ACCRUED TAKEN FINAL .00 .00 .00 .00 13.80 .00 .00 13.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - IRVINE ACCOUNTING OFFICE 92697 IMPORTANT: PLEASE VERIFY ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT AND NOTIFY YOUR DEPARTMENT OF ANY ERRORS. RETAIN THIS STATEMENT AS A RECORD OF EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS FROM THE UNIVERSITY. EMPLOYEE ID NO: 091902149 HOME DEPT NO: 123100 SOCIAL SECURITY NO: - - EARNINGS STATEMENT ADDRESS: MARK A KREL DEV & CELL BIOLOGY RUN FED WTHHLDG: SINGLE STATE WTHHLDG: SINGLE STATE ITEMIZED: PERMANENT'ADDRESS: IV 000 ALLO 000 ALLO 000 ALLO nriz anir;N 'Jr;iv'.L' TU ACCOUNT AT ORANGE COUNTY TEACHERS ECU FOR THE 07/30/03 PAY DAY GROSS CURRENT EARNINGS TAXABLE EARNINGS DEDUCTIONS NET EARNID YEAR TO DATE $1 $433.50 657.50 $433.50 $1 657 50 $40.29 $393.2 EARNINGS DETAIL PAY TYPE REGULAR PAY RATE 8.5000 TIME 51.00 H GROSS PERIOD END DAT * TOTAL EARNINGS * 433.50 07/19/03 S433.50 DEDUCTIONS FEDERAL TAX CA STATE TAX * TOTALS * COVERAGE AMOUNT 36.18 4.11 san_?A AMT TAX-DEF Y-T-D AMA 89.7t 7.3, ...-aia vav .00 .00 .00 .00 SICK LEAVE 9.32 4.48 .00 13.80 COMP TIME .00 .00 .00 .00 PAID TIME OFF .00 .00 .00 .00 07-30-03 Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8765 (949) 720-1598 FAX Verification of Family Support Address: ' '�7 dws' o, Newport Beach CA 92660. am receiving a monthly family support payment in the amount of �) from C'1�.� )Cve Social Security Number 3�' I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and complete. Signature of receiver: Signature of provider: State of California County of vl`trJ ic�> L, p j Signed before me this ( �i�.. (L, day of 20LO ) , California. To certify which witness my hand and seal offic� Nptary Public. in and for the said County and State My comm'ssion a pires on: Q) G f% J ..., dN-0Q MICHAEL S. KRACOW UP ommission91311222 z Notary Public - California Alameda County ASy Ccmm. Expires Jun 29, 2C05 VLDNU=nM Asset Calculation Worksheet Name no -lc. ILAI Account Type ckv- ki, 36.61 5ac)— Z (average account balance Interest rate: Income from asset: Asset Calculation Worksheet Name MnrL &A Account Type avtngg (+) 315.11 divided by I (average account balance) (x) interest rate: % O .q 2 (_) Income from asset: $ 2- AO 08/28/2003 10:01 9497561239 SANr-AULu W I n ^�� -- Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet ,aR divided by 1� (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % (_) Income from asset: $ OCTFCU eStatement Page 1 of 3 Orange 7141258-4000 or800//Unioneral Credit 40CTFCU 10 MARK ADAM KREL 6368 NESTLE AVE TARZANA CA 91335-7045 Account Number: 0000485900 Date: 07/01/03 - 07/31/03 PAGE: 1 PostinglEff.1 �Pymt. Credit Finance�Fee ICharges�Chargesi or Trans. Amount Balance Date JDateJ Transaction Description I or Credit 07/01 ID 01 PRIMARY REGULAR SHARE ACCOUNT Balance Forward 10.00- 30.21 20.21 07/01 Withdrawal at ATM #004703 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 10.00 30.21 07/01 Withdrawal Adjustment at ATM #004703 ATM 2011/UC_IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 19.00- 11.21 07/01 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 6.21- 5.00 07/13 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 3579 362.94 07/16 r Deposit UC IRVINE -341.66 07/17 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 19.20- 322.46 07/18 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 15.00- 307.46 07/18 Withdrawal at ATM #008069 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 108.28- 199.18 07/21 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 14.51- 184.67 07/24 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 52.35- 132.32 07/24 Withdrawal CU®Home Transfer To Loan 80 100.00- 32.32 07/24 Withdrawal CU®Home Transfer To Loan 80 07/24 Your Reg D Limit has been reached 393.21. 425.53 07/30 • Deposit UC IRVINE o- 410.53 07/30 Withdrawal at ATM #000226 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 95.50- 315.03 07/30 Withdrawal CU®Home Transfer To Loan 80 0.08 315.11 07/31 Deposit Dividend Tiered Rate Earned 0.92% from 07/01/03 through 07/31/03315.11 Annual Percentage Yield 07/31 Ending Balance 0.29 Dividends Paid Year to Date 07/01 ID 70 BUDGET CHECKING Balance Forward 5.00 07/01 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 24.00- 0.00 07/01 Draft 000533 025.00• 1025.00 07/02 Deposit 1025.00- 0.00 07/09 Draft 000534 6.21 6.21 07/13 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 18.29 24.50 07/13 Deposit Transfer From Loan 80 24.50- 0.00 07/13 Withdrawal POS #000816 POS 6100 SEPULVEDA HLVD VAN NUYS CA US COO 21.28 21.28 07/17 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 13.44- 7.84 07/17 Withdrawal Debit Card 07/15 006250 140 5812 THE OLIVE GARD00012674 IRVINEUS TOE7L04 07/18 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 1C 192.20- 27.4 07/18 Withdrawal Debit Card --- Continued on following page --- Lu.._. //..:..:..« /nrnch�rPli Icfix�Ictm1%P.CTA1'P.YI'leTlt 8/8/2003 OCTFCU eStatement Page 2 of 3 Orange 2584000 or 800 / 40CTFCU IO0 MARK ADAM KREL 6368 NESTLE AVE TARZANA CA 91335-7045 Account Number: 0000485900 Date: 07/01/03 - 07/31/03 PAGE: 2 PostinglEff.1 Date jDatel Transaction Description lPymt. CreditlyinancelFee or I Trans. I or Credit IChargesIChargeel Amount jBalanc8 07/17 530080 380 5542 USA PETROLEUM 044 IRVINE CA US USA PEOROLE 07/18 Withdrawal Debit Card 7.84- 1.00 HARVARD AVE IRVINE CA UUS RBIO'O1IRV28 07/16 000000553637008640 5814 17655 28 09 07/21 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 108.9.28 07/21 Withdrawal Debit 07/20 601080 Card 633 5812 18711 DEVONSHIRE ST NORTHRIDGE CA US OUTBA 07/21 Withdrawal Debit Card 9.28- 0.00 O 07/20 700087 270 5411 - ENCINO CA US RALPHS #0006 SF4 07/24 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 14.51 1. 7.64 07/24 Withdrawal Debit Card 912 6.87 5814 4880 CAMPUS NEWPORT BEACH CA US CARL'O UR 07/23 019380 7.64- 0.00 07/24 Withdrawal Debit 07/23 231822 Card 978 5411 ALBERTSON S #6507 S9H IRVINE CA ALOERT 07/31 Deposit Transfer 90.75 90S75 From Loan 808.91- 81.64 07/31 Withdrawal Debit Card 925 5814 18032 CULVER DRIVE IRVINE CA US CARL'O 7R 07/30 199898 45.23- 36.61 07/31 Withdrawal Debit 07/30 056261 Card 211 5411 18040 CULVER DR. IRVINE CA US WHOLESOOE CH 07/31 Combined Minimum Balance was 07/31 5.00 on 07/13/03 36.61 07/31 Ending Balance 0.00 Dividends Paid Year to Date Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 000533 24.00 000534 1025.00 ________________________ - *** ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12.9009, *** Periodic Rate (Daily) 035342W 07/01 ID 80 OVERDRAFT PROTECTION (Open End) Balance Forward 14.00 211.89 225.89 07/11 Loan Advance Transfer NSF Fee 14.00 0.00 18.29 244.18 07/13 Loan Advance Transfer To Share 70 18.29 0.00 07/24 Payments CU®Home Transfer From Share 52.35 195.30 48.88- 3.47 07/24 Payments CU®Home Transfer From Share 01 100.00 95.30 100.00- 0.00 07/30 Payments CU®Home Transfer From Share 01 95.50 0.00 95.30- 0.20 07/31 Loan Advance Transfer To Share 70 90.75 0.00 90.75 90.75 90.75 07/31 Ending Balance Credit Limit 300.00 Credit Available 209.25 A Payment of 25.00 is due on 08/10/03 --- Continued on following page --- 8/8/2003 OCTFCU e5tatement Page 's of s Orange / 258t4000 or 800 / 40CTFCU 10Teachers Federal Credit 0 MARK ADAM KREL 6368 NESTLE AVE TARZANA CA 91335-7045 Account Number: 0000485900 Date: 07/01/03 - 07/31/03 PAGE: 3 PostinalEff.1 1pymt. Credit.FinaacelFee or Trans. Date jDatel Transaction Description or Credit IChargesIChargesi Amount IEalance Interest Paid Year to Date 3.67 _------------ ___________ Total Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.29 8/8/2003 •OCTFCU eStatement Page 1 Oi t orange 71CountyTeachers Federal Credit Union 000 or 800 / 40CTFCU 10 4I258 MARK ADAM KREL 6368 NESTLE AVE TARZANA CA 91335-7045 Account Number: 0000485900 Date: 06/01/03 - 06/30/03 PAGE: 1 ostingjEf£.I �Pymt. CreditjFinancejFee or I lChargesiChargesl Trans. Amount lBalance Date jDatel Transaction Description or Credit' 06101 ID 01 PRIMARY REGULAR SHARE ACCOUNT Balance Forward 163.20✓ 74.91 238.11 06/04 Deposit UC IRVINE 233.11- 5.00 06/05 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 255.00, 260.00 06/18 Deposit UC IRVINE 24.25- 235.75 06/20 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 21.00- 214.75 06/21 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 9.60- 205.15 06/22 Withdrawal Transfer To Share 70 150.00- 55.15 06/23 Withdrawal at ATM Transfer #002873 To Share 70 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 30.15 06/23 Withdrawal at ATM #002875 25.00- ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 0.06 30.21 06/30 Deposit Dividend Tiered Rate Earned 1.13& from 06/01/03 through 06/30/03 Annual Percentage Yield 30.21 06/30 Ending Balance 0.21 Dividends Paid Year to Date "-"-- 06101 ID 70 BUDGET CHECKING Balance Forward 700.00 ✓ 0.00 700.00 06/05 Deposit by Check 233.11 933.11 06/05 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 10.00- 923.11 06/06 Withdrawal at ATM #009187 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 101.89 1025.00 06/09 Deposit Transfer From Loan 80 1025.00- 0.00 06/09 Draft 000532 90.00 90.00 06/10 Deposit Transfer From Loan 80 90.00- 0.00 06/10 Draft 000531 20.00 20.00 06/11 Deposit Transfer From Loan 80 20.00- 0.00 06/11 Withdrawal at ATM #000354 ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 24 25 24.25 06/20 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 24.25- 0.00 06/20 Withdrawal Debit Card 352 5411 - WOODLAND HILL CA US 99-CENT21.0Y #0021.00 06/19 354646 06/21 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 21.00- 0.00 06/21 withdrawal POS #000832 POS 6100 SEPULVEDA BLVD VAN NUYS CA US COO 9.60 9.60 06/22 Deposit Transfer From Share 01 9.60_ 0.00 06/22 Withdrawal POS #000955 POS 15711 VICTORY BLVD. VAN NUYS CA US ARO 150.00 150.00 06/23 Deposit at ATM Transfer #002873 From Share 01 --- Continued on following page --- 8/8/2003 Fage z of ••OCTFCU eStatement .Ar., r- W Oran 7141258�-4UnionTeachers Federal Credit 000 or 800140CTFCU 10 MARK ADAM KREL 6368 NESTLE AVE TARZANA CA 91335-7045 Account Number: 0000485900 Date: 06/01/03 - O6/30/03 PAGE: 2 -ostingI Ef£1pymt. CreditlFinance]Fee or I Trans. Date jDatel Transaction Description I or Credit [ChargesIChargesl Amount Balance ATM 2011/UC-IRVINE QUAD IRVINE CA US OCTFY 80 00- 70.00 06/24 Withdrawal Debit Card 06/23 390280 383 8220 PUBLIC SVS BLDG ROOM 20 IRVIN65 A US OC SR00 06129 Withdrawal Debit Card 06/27 009045 881 5812 THE OLIVE GARD00010793 CHATSWORTH CA OS TH 06/30 Combined Minimum Balance was 06/30 5.00 on 06/09/03 5.00 06/30 Ending Balance 0.00 Dividends Paid Year to Date Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 000531 90.00 000532 1025.00 ---------------------------- ___________ ___________ __________ ___________________ __ *** ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12.900%' *** Periodic Rate (Daily) y 0350.00 0.00 06/01 ID 80 OVERDRAFT PROTECTION (Open End) Balance Forward 06/09 Loan Advance Transfer To Share 70101.89 0.00 101.89 101.89 06/10 Loan Advaace Transfer To Share 70 90.00 0.00 90.00 20.00 191.89 06/11 Loan Advance Transfer To Share 70 20.00 0.00 211.89 11.89 06/30 Ending Balance Credit Limit 300.00 Credit Available 88.11 A Payment of 25.00 is due on 07/10/03 0.00 interest Paid Year to Date ___________________ __________________________________________ Total Dividends Paid Year to Date -- -- -- 0.21 -- -. --. — a1l.asp?ID=0000485900&9P=0603 8/8/2003 08/26/2003 17:19 9497561238 Rug 26 03 05—, 0310 NE, AT H New colacat'o A-1 Rccervlibnon SANPAULO W l Ci 94972C 38 p.3 XVCOMI F. COMPUTATIOJN AND C-DR 1-FI :A i 0-4 In(Ihc 1)"r•"°"'�'t-'ah?I'o:rrg nd Urban{YmJrcr f'HL'D')A=BuUuiolt5(2diCFR1ii7)11Yuus§cuidmc'* C.^f nlncs this l'nrmeis at nlldtlmcfanh I!. dau; v.i.h ilia :•:JD Armna:iens. All capitalized lamas+Iscd)u:,:in snail have nw n>caningset itch +r .sc Buavutr:;; Aw:ecumne Newport IRTO ns I,rWc Ilte underignrd S=thin I:sse have read and answered folly, frankly and pen=Onlilp each lv, sr, fthe Poems all pe for persons who ac.• ro "Caa!ty III,: unit being applied form the alm,v aparlment pre'.c:. Lisu•r=�'rs'r +re the rlmnr., of all persons who :nnxre is n side it d c unit. 1 z. '• I: rccr Head nl'n Social: ecuri Place of O. the Re :tiarL•ar Fmploymenr Unto'bald Fion,chold Age Income Cornpulntlan 'The teral anticipated incumr., calculated in accordance ssith this pumgrapls f. of n11 faU sots (exerly children antler 18 )Tors) listed abnvn for 12-month period begmaing the rarlier of The date that IPac p! s; rt rtrnc into a unit or vpn a )cast tar nuuil's incl:dcd in ;hc total anticipated income listed above ore: (a) ril anger and ssdaries, overtime oay, commissions, fees, tips nt•J b•tmu5cs and rlher cnmpcnsuien For Torino, SeNices, Before payroll deductions: fe) tire Oct income from the operation ore business or Profits orfrcm thr,;anra! c: ird or personal properly ('Nithaut deducting expenditures for business expansion or anortir rear afcapilal irachtrtlness or any allawanecs for depreciation of capital assets); lc) iotcrea and dividends (including income from assets included bnlo,r and ether act ireomc from wan or !the. property); cat ((l) fdnds,p+sions disability ordcnh benefits nndfrom ntherus mile typcsnfpr.riodic ra!eip+!se achurltngraoY lutn> rntpavnnem for the delayed start of a periodic pa)aneni; fc) payments lit licit of earnings, such as unemployment and disab:l:tg colnperaad;,n• `vrn'cers compensation ?Ind i.-Manee pay; f:e maximum nnrount of public assialancc available to the above p+rson> cd+rt ;ban the amount or any tssisrnce specificallydesignated for shelter and utilities; (n) ccrindic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child cup?tit pzym:ns and reptnlar contrihu:ions za!1,^_tits received from persons no residing in the da'cllings; (p) all raruiar pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the i•.rr.•cd Pa•c •+t+' hcthcrnr not•living in the iweihnz) who is the head ofllte household nr spouse; and (i) any ci.rmcd Income mr Credit to the extent that it exceeds intone la< :iut•diq•. Tf..Cm such anticipated Income are: (al C:isua•sporadicorimcgulargifsl fbl aramrts which are specifically for or in reimbursement ofmrdica: -ppcns^.t vmenu under IC) hrme rum additions to family assets, each aS inherilancus, hiscrna vrt.rta firrhidiag pa_ haJfth and accident insurance and workers' eompensarian), clitkIl gobs e::t`i a':Rlchtrrl far personal or )anpc-iy lussrs; fd) o:munlc of eduratiomd scholarships paid directly m the studrnr or the ecucalicnal olin',mion, an amour s peid'c;+the government to a veteran foruse in meeting the cosy.-. nf-ainol:, fits, bue(t•: and e9uipmenl. Any a't:o;a.ts of sach scholarships or Payments to vewrans not used forti+c ul ore purposrs ate to he included try ircn'r SANPAULO AP15 I —- 08/26/2003 17:19 9497561238 P 4 fitag 28 ()a ?)::03p2 Nr� 1RT N (a) hii ardotts dtuy pay to a household member in the Armed FOree:: %"'a is z'.v;y f:Om hamc and "'Posed In 1.Ostll; rrrc; I it r:(oc lion payments under Tide 11 or the Unifomr, Ralocarim: A;siSlrntc 8n:: +•:cl P:,7perty Acquisluon Polices A(I of 1970; (z; foster child care payments: (it. tile ephre or coupon allotments under the Food Stump Act of !9m i:l y;mymrm; to voiuntec.s under the Ocmesric VolunteerServicaa Acr Off `;?5: (•j ; ayr»r ,ts mcc:ved under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Ac: fc} ^coma derived Bont cutain rubnmrginai imrd orthc United Sicxs :hal !!; he'd ct true for certain Indrni+ rih�s. (if paym:nls on allowances made under the Dcpm'nnent of 1(ealtll Pad 4u7cn Sr.(viccs' :.O'•vbmomc [(One Fricru Assistance Progratn; (r7) payr,+erts received from tile Job PartnrrshiF Training Act', ) xthlOnef funds retver •nrsrda Syllcirvd:un Claims eVe jnsertrun:J 1'qe fa15?AAO Of he C'rmr, fission or ibe court urclaims or from held in trust retail Ind•m rrbe by iv, SccrrU�ry of Jnteriar. 7. Do i:.e Peeons •4e5e income or contributions ore included in ftcm 6 abo• •ev9uding the valuas of y;q rme sr%iI ; s, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or othcrfotm of oapi.N rn�r nn r..t, m cmq(y, rents of personal property such as furniture and automobiles; I',,i:n:rec; -n rnrisn crust laoJ) A'& b; .Y�cs -- No: or fit bTv'- tk:y disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or banlerupta;. sn+el durirc the last two years at Icss tbnn fa.r mulct value" Yes )r No ( c) I' IQ answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined 10161 value O:n '-11 aueh asst^, Onod or disposed ofby all ;ruch prrsors total inure dial, $5,000? —_ yes �•••— 1d) irtbr. at see- to ( c) above is Ycs• state: it) ;h; r,Otnbintd laIa1 %aluc ofali such assets. S. — pc: I3) :hc amount crineome "pcetrd lobe derived Bon scch assets in the `_- ram.. -mil i(d be_ianing an the date of i•nlia: r.•ceupmu.y in the unit that you propose to rent: S__.___....--- (;) t;r: or. non: ef:uch income, if any: that was includrri in +tare 6 above. 5_.—...._.---- G ;a) ':ti t!t oil the parsons Iislcl in column t ahoec be or have been filli•d:re sl+xi"n. doru+g five ;s) colcndnr months nt :his ralande cyear at an educational Institution (oche hen a catrespmdrnm sctnnil a'ih r •cater faculty and studantsn i j �_rfip;r_e volt if the answer to don Afa) is t'Yes'j is any sari P'"O' (n'hc; ,hum nonresident aliens) Oues 0 1t NO nurr;ci am diA•bleto )lcajoiat federalincometax rem+ns? _ .- �'^•' — —^ ?• IhpihilayLlntau:apy the tmit;land ll ve110 ldeaglare lhathwith t all )informs on se. lied at for h ha cc n is tt:1ucrcorrect and complete Bad for haset' upon ic(o•nnnoa 11wo deem roiiablc and that the staltnrni of total and L•ipatKl intt nc contained in pnmgrnPh 6 I., Cas[cah:e oo;.based upon such investigation as the undetsigned tlerue 1 a•`cessr-y. 10. f.(Ycwr. sit theOnnerioohialninganyinformationordocumentsrcgoirr'hover•lyItusch:rlenlsmadeherein, inclu'Ii•ig chher nn income, verification from my/our preseriMmoloyer(s) a-r: pies .-,f fed:::ul (a�, mU¢m tar the iatmed.aQ1:• pmrcdng calendar year, law of tile It. �ng in - rer•st ort];and issuedthat tlo finance tt 01"thc he ?agomtotion is rof the ap^rlmer.tibuildirgrfur iw'hiah applic tint I$ hei"S made. We ronsentta the disclosure orsuch information (o the issuer ofsaaF. bards :`"holder, ofsuchbonds, any Imstee achrg nn their behalf and oily authoriecd agent of the Ti Csury UrleOrrnnl+ cr i:na: Revenue Service. 1';vc drebtre nae!cr penalty, of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Gry(i)p� (year) in the aq r_ lP�t P+_Sjf_ ifnrnia EExecutedd+:n,6_ „•,•_day of„S2_ ` g —�— App)lcant Applicn �t Applicant — �— tS'¢nn:a•c a: o'I persons (eu,ecpt children under the, age O(1 g yats) lis:ed'o uuntbrr 2 above required) 08/26/2003 17:19 9497561236 SANPAULU AYIb84572t 98 Rug 26 0;1 0vi:03P NE )RT N ,(4YR h"-(.)t•1.'h°filE'vfX0Tq 1MAPARTMENT ®9't�'.Bn ONLT'- v 1. CalculatBm of DUAble imAome: a- Emer amount entered for eatim household in 6 above: b. (1) 1n the aaotrnt entered in 7(0)above is yea, enter the total ;rAinwt on --red; 7(cW), subtract fi ax ' u SEA flee amamt tae rrl ia. 7(dx3) a,� enset• the rema°tint 'e (� )+ C7J bfltla2fy s the arrow. 'et to the cunmotpassbeni: .savings rate '-n . '4 to dccFrmine v;hat ti'te• rota! znmal eaStIIa, _ !(tq(1) would be if hWesr~a is av passbook soy, ). b6mt from thar 13fU B rtr mitmwt sire, ^ 'n 7(n)(3) and oAttr the reawiming balart:^ ; (3) !{err: x t#bt the greater of the amount gain inttd varier (1) or(z) above: C. Tt)^AT.3,LyCFML8 iNCOls41v (lint 1.2 pivs line 1.b(3)t 7.. 1ae amomnc oawl,4 in l.o: _ —�•— t<maltfies the applicants) as a 1vlodcrat�Ineatatc'1'ennt(s). _^— quali5es the enuennt(s) as a Lowerincome T=nt(:-). ------__-- (jvaii8es the ap,?Ilekt(s) as a Very -Low &uame'S.sat h rs). p.5 f-�" � r� �' a 3, blumbet• v%epattazent u+�it aaslgtted: 2 4 4 LL'tlroora size: v.. ___ RAtr: S� o 4. iads zaxt* nt tatty (washras not) last occupied for a penal of 31 c: More Covse::nt VC days by pq:soos wWsc a�esegare anurlaatca aonva( income as certified in the agave, manner vper ftlZ 10itie' axt panty of dte apam=m omit, ouaUF.,M f r a to a I ower lawme Towut(s). 5. A4 tl,x tis.d tc-Vmw appHeant(s) income: —,^ --_ Baployel Incom yoriia0.ation. Coptrws of taz remms, Mar y hlahager Dam At Unit Number 2y New Certificates y / Recerti, INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION ula silt You CPR gputi You should make certain that this [form is at all times up NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set fort in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD') Reg to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement, CSCDA (pool) - Newport North 1/We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the`ollowing questions for all unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons persons who are to occupy the who intend to reside in the unit, 4 I Name oriivtembers 2. 3. Relationship Head of Social Security Place of Employment Of the to Household Abe Number Household 3,5_e Lati �7S 1�tirale Income Computation 18 6• The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph e' of all persons (except children under sign years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is g 3G Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation or personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income frotn the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); or (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from, re re personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received florin social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount o any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; and regular contributions (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (It) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of -the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; under (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments health and accident insurance and workers' comp property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or -the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for to veterans income;used for thethe costs of tion, fees, books and above pu poses are togbepncluded my amounts of such scholarships or payments income; .✓ (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to reloc z Fire; Acquisition (ft relocation payments underTitle II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Pi'opetty Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of couoon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) Payments to volunteers under the Domestic volunteer Services Act of I9 i3; �) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (I) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; ed from the (n) income derivthe fast $2000 of per capitasharesreceived fiom ion of funds of the funds awarded tby the Indian Claims (o) the first $ 0 of the Court to Claims c from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7• Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks , bonds, equity in real such as furniture and other form automo f capital and interests iin Indian trust land) of necessary items of personal property teg5 y Yes ,%<� No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value. Yes X No d or disposed of by a ll ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined totaal value of all such assets owne such persons total more than $5,000? Yes X (d) if the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-montanderiod beginning on the date o initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S_�-- g (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes (b) Com late only IIt he answer to Question 8fa1 is "Yes" . Is any sucYpsrson (o_ th=r thanNonresident aliens married and eligible to rile a Joint federal income tax returns? X on by th 9 elhgib't'ry toaoccupy the unit; land I/wehe lde�lare that all infoe that it will be rmation on elied set forth herowner is true, correct and omplete and or based upon information Ihve deem reliable and that the statement of total anricipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. ocuments 10 I[We will assisteit the i� omer in verification lion fromimy/ourtpresenion or temployer(s)gorrc pies of fedred to verify eral tax returns fortheerein, i mediately preceding calendar year, of the apartment building for which application is being 11. I/tiVe acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law o the interest on bonds issued to finance the 4 trustee actin ce consent tthe i closure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, theting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal rRevenue Service any I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. } day of �� 2p (year) in the City of '� rj�Califomia Executed this �� �P_� � � —' Applicant Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) FOR com LE oN BY APAR.Tm ENT ovMR. ONLY: 1. Calculation of e4lble income: a Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) (2) If the amount entered in 7(c)above•is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract fray �t figure the amount entered in 7(d)(3) and enter the rema tiny($ )i Multiply the amour savings rate annual eatnin passbook saviy ' the amount enter rthe current passbook -o� ermine what the total ould be if invested m �), subtract from that figure and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c, TOTAL ELIGIBLE INCOME (line l.a plus line i.b(3): 2. Toe amount entered is l.c: $ 36,00 2 Fs0 — Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate-Incotne Teaant(s)• �( Qualifies the applicants) as a Lower-bwr a Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicants) as a Very -Low Income Tenant(s). of artment unit assigned: 2 LL _ oom tee: I-E----1 Rent: 3. Number aP d rb. This apartment unit (,was/Was not) last occupied for a Period of 31 or more consecutive aayofte apts by pu=5 �v unit aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner t� their initial mcupanr y qualified them as it Lower -Income Tenant(s). 5. Method used to verity applicants) income: �_ Employeriacux�everitcadon. Conies of tax returns. tithes' { 21/�3 Bate Manager 0qs.cW"d0Z+=+ INCOME P-`ASSET CALCULATION WOR.' Last Name First Nar,,. Roladonshlp HOH Sex Datool Dlnh 7 Ago Social Security# F/rstudeut YES or NO 2 3 ' 4 5 8 ' Y — „ 5 INCOME Family SourceJ.$ te Average Average Annual Memb. tlP Hours 62 24 28 12 1 Total YM SEMbMO iTw MO YR =a enn�n, evr„erry n Total Box A. !klr_ Fam ly Source Base Rate Average Average Annual Memb, it $ Hours 52 24 2e 12 Total vex sEMi•Mo oi•wx Me $ lir— —:—:: Olio,,, nemernvn� Total B Family Memb, tF • I Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 20 12 1 Wx S-MI-MO 1.11•NM MU YII Total $ s =$ ' $ _$ OTHER INCOME Family Memb. # Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 62 24 28 12 1 Total VM SEMI -MO 01•WK M Tit 5 =$ Total BOX D: $ -. TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A through D AD➢DDAY•ADADD ASSETS Member # Asset Description (savings, checking, stocks, bonds, - clel Imputed/ Current IorC Gross/Fair Mkt. Value Cost to Get Cash NET Famlly Asset^ Value Actual Interest I Rate Actual Annual Income from Assets — G 3Vj is$ 1+616.Oq Z.11 1111 aa ji —_� — % Totals Box E• P 6t3' W $ MINEaml AUua norms Famlly lamina rlonlmscic IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS r rI Effective Dolo ie m) r Box E exceeds $5,000-multi 1 PY Typo ofPro^^-••' �w E by the currant passbook Interest rate: ,X �- % UnitNo. .2HN•__UnitSizo 1.aI It Box Edoes not exceed $5,000 No. al Pers—ens T-' 1—. Dolor A -In boz G: •BOX G: �� ' • INPUTED INCOME WI: v Max. Income Limit $ 34, 5!70•oc.. FROM ASSETS AR: 140%Limit $ 5 pj Enter the greater of Box For Box Gin: BOX H: , • INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ I Goa . rr t & TOTAL ASSETS r a n C a I A P p 1 e t l) 11AMINVAI Ice IRVING APARTMENT MANAGEMEN'rCOMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Pleme complete this form fn It's entlrety, nottng'NIA' ar'ranee where applicable. Thar information you prowde will be verified prier to IAMC's approval to rant an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by author The Wine Company or Irvine Apartment + Conamunf les. L.P. (collectively, "Owner"), CommonifYt Address: r Print Applicant's full none (Lost, First, Middle Initial) JrJ$, Data of Birth 5o6a1 Security Number Driver's Las. It Iambs, Nicole � 4 l0/78 365.02-W Nam. of Cadppikants (Separate Application mitered for each Co.Appllcmd) (Last, First, Middle Inital) (last, First, Middle I 111.1) (Last, First. Middle Teltbi) (Wt, flst, Middle Initial) (last, First. Middle Initial) (last, First, Middle Ienial) a LP Applicant's Present Address LA Z0wu 90049 Phan.# %I Damn �$Q s�. darnYg' �eo)n * m D ® Rent. e, eo(e s Waited family Mine � l0linhcd family ham.: � Aporm+eaF Monthly Payment $ 16130 To wham de you m.M paymaias? F enl Landlord's Name ddress 5os.�irri ty ZIP 00r ve# Immedlat8 Prior Address Bf lees than 1 yr.ntabay.) Ii Own MonthlyPayment. *��71' rA Q, "15 I I `oL ❑ Rent. i Im diate Prior l.entlford's Nome Address arty (/ZIP f; i i UiVleilff 6brW Do yauown a Pat? El Yes No Nunbarof Pets: Type: I Proposed OcY�pooh( 1, First, Middle Initial) Data of Birth (Wt. First, Middle Initial) wf.,.f Birth D t75 0 78 (last, First, Middle Initial) Doted Birth past, First, Middle Intel) out. of Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Daleof Birth (Lest, Firet, Middle Initial) Date of Birth Employer (if self<mploycd, lame of business) Business Address pncludlrg ZIP Cade) 1 f f, Kate RingJ ottorrt,e W 1 arc rihur .' type ofBusiness lawo'FFace Po91bn lawaW6 aOI Fa uperdsor Phones Iiimme L To me Source AppilmntmustproHde2paystubsarcurrent WZform. Contact Immediate Prior Emplayer Address Qraluding ZIP Code) Phone# D°Its' Income S3 vden+- Furl hmp- Tom Mo. Chc�ng. ban�edbranch(Indudeelty/State) Account 9�310309(0 n K S.Wngr bnnkandb.... h(include City/Stale) Account fs i r�1 Have you .,or filed ba Vruplry? ❑Yes 1XINa County and State where filed. What yeast, Han'you ever had any public record suits, Hers. Judgments or repossessions? Yes �No What year? Have you over: If yes, describe In detail: Been cii.0clad of. felony?❑Yes �No Been aWeled? ❑Yet ®No Defaulted oa n hear.? El Yes No Papeltl2 App4SbiT~0701.., eo1o*J1KvAi(0� IFIVINEAPAMMENT MANAGFMENTCOMPANY , Haw did you first learn of lids apartment coma unlrP � ❑orive By ❑Pental•Living.eom �f Apartment Guide ❑signs I ytWebslte•atlur' �Fvs ❑0ri9•APt. Magatlne ❑Other IAC Camnerniry❑0.efenol" ❑Rental Livingain Magi❑so Times ❑Relocator 5mlc. For Pent Magazine ❑50 union ❑FIYm' ❑IACAph Info Center ❑so Reader �Pasicerd/Maier ❑promotlan/Sp. Eventoc.'p,glisher' �5I Mercury �NewrpepmOther" 11 ❑Mogaaine-Othv^ ❑ Affordable Housing �Other•Wt Listed• + PLEASE FILL IN' --=i� ,,far relocation! TOyj r many"llides do y-..rJdrive] �L}—�XA� License!! Make yl'swYeer 19 s Llca Make — Year meu )te: Parking of recreational vehicles boats or trailers is not permitted in the I1. d� You hove Renter's Insurance?v •, yes Na Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am meldrglids AOP1lcalion valunmdly far the purpofe of obtaining IAMC'sa;p vomlibrtn'rerndoa.,.to .11sellmlyrlem"' community the 4AMC Parlace)o 10 ,bare, ihnrcby autlwdie and meant to allow IAMC, Owner.and theb wasp. PYcs tenantscrcedrg seM¢ abtainandverlfythecreditamlotherinlarmaiianpovlde blocinihIs hviperlOnfhr srns or Ill swlith Nlarmatbnre btly to this ApPllcolbn. companies. bank, (Ineluding eleatrano funds art(]' thin) P y menthisiary. I understand that if I lease Ihls operimenq the TAMC Parnu shall have a continuing A Lhwseand/ar fat account -"a'orImprovement of acmponry history and other Infarmntlon In this Applimllan for purposes related to my application methods. i hneby release Ord hold Fmmlea The limn. Company IMne Apartment CommuMtiW LP..Trvin. Apartment Ma t.rwsrt Ca , crisland al r their respective officers, <mplayeas and agents, from on/ and.I1 liability, legal proceedings and casts,I including on to other Past artily out of the veriflmtWe and/or use of the Information "ne'red In this Application, Including the release of such Information to othn parties. I Wormnf that, to the but of my Xmwledge, all of the bformatlan prodded In this Appllmtlan Including but was limited to the statement of my financial mndlllan) is true, accurate. complete and carrect asof the date dins ^ApP'ecam,na,,m any n information Leos.eah Own. i Woe I-ratifyncd to be fall., such false statement will be grounds for dimpproml of my Application lon roeus or during my tenancy. I0150 understand that IAMC If any of the information provided In this pen Application chargtiones durinstM rd d by me pwiheih 'a' cut thlt Applicatlan I$approved. IAMC will retele this Applicatbn.roan 9 % o 0(,a llemhed below)1, plied fmmeach Appllmnllo PmcessildiAppllCs0o0andia ehecklho Anon•tefundableAppllcoVansuaenimA Feo o30.0muslba.ignedbyeechAppiluntwhOWMGCWPYlh"PedmlbafomlhleAPplluganwlilbe, c0and. AeepesbR considered by IAMC. , Applicant t dgnature Defc RECEIPT FORA SCREENING FEE On the dote Ixlaw,IAMC received f30,001rom the untlerslgned Applicant In crnnedion with APPlicant's APPlimtian to Pcnf an aperlmenl from Owner. The above amount it to be used to arcen Applicant with regards to credit history and other bockground lnfarmotlam The amount dumgsd b llsmised m follows. " $g G5 I Actual of credit report, unlawful Wainer (.Welton)scarchAnd/rr other screening reports $20 _05 2, Coll to able., process and verifys=areas lnlarmotbn(MY ImkId italF's time and other related call!) f]0.00 7. Total fee charged (may not exceed$30 per Applicant) personal wafer.... nppllmm ver mfhorltu l(icatlon of Informotlan upplied-by Applicant an this Application Through credit reporting agenele; _,.--s...a,.d., Inf.rmatlon slur'..!. Applsont'ssigimturc Date / Irvine Apadment Management Company 17, Jrl 'y� By: Appaa,a,T~o7olw Psoriasis p.Aed 07101 Income Restricted Certification Name:. r Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No l[uw'jEp Uwe receive Family Support Spousal Support, and/or any cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payme' not living with me. Uwe receive . �.�•� -- winnings Inlrentan Xbenefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro e Uwe receive benefits/income from Social aecur elude SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. XThe household receives unearned income for family members see 17 or under. aym payments. 1/we are entitled to receive child support Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. XUwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K,1RA, Revocable Tms XStocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of De osits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Ti.,.< have cash on hand. _ 0 are Unit #__ L� — nouseuu.0 ...— -- - p uestions are If you answered ye_s to either of the revious two q you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. pres t to nder he best of my knowledge. The undersigned furthertunderstandsand accurate that providing false or incomplete result in thte denial of application or terminal onan Act of dof the inn ome misleading lease agreement. tvi11 RMI Date Resident Signature !03 Date Signature of Owner/Agent Law Office of KATE T. RINALDI 4676 MacArthur Court, Suite 1130 Newport Beach CA 92660-1875 Fax 949-756-1717 Telephone 949-756-1700 August 18, 2003 Newport North Apartment Homes 2 Milano Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Newport North Apartment Homes: I am pleased to verify that Nicole R. Combs is employed full time by my law firm with an annual wage of approximately $36,000 per year. have any questions please call. "I'l, I `I V v- Kate T. Rinaldi Attorney -at -Law Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet 1, SSS. II (+) 11Z44. 07 (_) 3,232•l8 divided by 2 (_) 11616. oq (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % G (_) Income from asset: $ Asset Calculation Worksheet Name Account Type s l�052,gq (_) I,o3 Z. 57� divided by I )1032.e4 (average account balance) (X) interest rate: % 0'28 Income from asset: $ Bankof America 0913 EOA II,111HItIIIwIIrd[Ili ttlttlttllptitlltlnitelttlltliutl NICOLE R COMBS ANNETTE COMBS AVE BRENTWOODRICATO9 049 43293 Our free Online ay hillsice ows at www.b nkofamericaou to check account lcom.s transfer funds, pay ❑ Summary of Your Deposit Account Account Number Your Caianue Standard Checking 09131-03096 $ 1,588.11 Regular Savings " 0913141156 1,032.59 $ 2,620.70 Total Balances Combined loof service e these a count checking ac as may be used to eliminate monthly Your Bank Combined Statement of America Account Statement Date: July 23, 2003 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of Arnerica Corona Del Mar Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1992 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Bank of America News Marc Chagall at the San Francisco Museum or Moeern rot July 26-14ov 4, 2003 ONLY U.S. VENUEI Bank of America Is proud to sponsor the Marc Chagall exhibition. Visit SFMOMA for the retrospective of this universally renowned Includingartist works never before seen country. Forkets, v in this visit ticketweb com or call 866.468.3399. Now, Online Banking lets you monitor your money in real time and view up-to-the-minute account activity. You can track transactions throughout the day - from ATM deposits and withdrawals, to Check Card purchases, direct deposits, loan payments and more. Access Online Banking at www.bankofamerica.com. Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring deposit. if you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the most convenient ways to have access to your money. There is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankofhmerica.com/directdeposit. Account Number: 09131-03096 ❑ Your Standard Checking Account Statement Period: June 21 through July 23, 2003 $1,644.07 Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 3 Beginning Balance on 06/21/03 Total Deposits + 703.00 Number of purchase transactions III Total Checks, Withdrawals, Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls 0 Ice 0 Transfers, Account Fees 758.96 Assisted Ending Balance $1,588.11 Continued on next page California Pagel of 4 0004382001.T77 ' co Rnyd,I BahkofAmericae�I� III Statement'Date: July 23, 2003 ANNETTE COMBS ❑ important Information About Your Account our monthly service Based on the minimum balance you've maintained in this account, y charge has been waived. In September we will ang to yoke ur accounes to thet These technical changesnforrnation tomated p provide you with more house transactions p reference information in an easy -to -read format. mof C( TaVc-' ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits • Number Date Posted Amount Number Date Posted Amount $703.00 0 Total of 2 deposits i 07/07 07/23 503. ❑ Checks Paid " Gap in check sequence Amount Amount Date Paid Number Date Paid Number 07/14 147 71.67 07/01 134 $ 7.00 40.56 Total of 4 Checks Paid $106.98 07/01 ' 145 146 47.55 07/08 ❑ Account Activity Date Posted Description Withdrawa 06123 Check Car ) B Ref 00/23 Check Car 06123 06124 06/25 06/27 06/30 06130 06/30 07107 07110 07/14 Cash withdrawal uif Bank of Amei Cash withdrawal on Bank of Amei Check Card Purchai Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Continued an next page 0004282.002.T17 on 06/20gg(Card #295650147), 73400000602414es A a ATM #039502 (Card #295650147) V24, a ATM 039501 (Carc!A295650147) on 06/ 4 (Card I#295660147), Ay S Las Angge es CA 76205972200386� Car Wash( Los it 295650147), elesOCA ) 78286728181093 on 06/26 (Card #295650147), 13 Los Angeles CA 78624546939877 on 06/27 (Card #295650147), fond 20 W Los Angeles CA 79551000328887 an 06/26 (Card #295660147), 17646939A 8245794 on 07/04g(Card #295650147), j Los eles 874000007420008 on 07/07 (Card #295650147), California Reference Number Amount $7.24 16.00 001942 60.00 000257 40.00 30.30 15.99 17.32 25.97 129.85 17.00 132.90 3.50 Page 2 of 4 Q pttytlaE Popf ElankofAmer! ca. '®�� _ ` Statement Date: July 23, 2003 ANNETTE COMBS ❑ Account Activity Continued Reference Number Amount Date Posted Description Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 5,85 Card 07/14 Check Baard ja Fresh-Brentwoo/Lon os Anggeles CA0147), Ref#24455013192193372459705 10.83 07/14 Check Bth & Body Works 0135(Los Angeles CA7) Ref#24792623194683013591110 14.61 07114 Check Cargo Purchase on 07112 (Card 9295650147),. Nordstrom #0343 Los Angeles A , 64.87 Ref g Purchiaseion 07 12 (Card #295650147), 07/15 Check Card C Guess #61 Los Anggeles A 3.50 Ref #24610433185004077006767## 07/18 Check Coffddee Beans 2 Los /166 (Card ard1295650147), Ref g24761973198274250((015849 3.15 07121 Check Car PurchaseonAngelerd s2CA50147), Ref#241640732013553968366277 5.95 07/21 Check CofffetPurchase e Bean-0k2 Los An7ggelesrCA295650147), Ref#24761974-199274251(017454 7.15 07121 Check Starddbucks 000050827Los Anggeles CA50147), Ref .# 24164073201355396636569 007779 40.00 07/21 Cash withdrawal on 07/21, Bank of America ATM #021805 (Card #295650147) $651.98 Total Wlthdf awals, Transfers and Account Fees Account Number: 09131•u11bo ❑ Your Regular Savings Account Statement Period: June 23 through July 23, 2003 Beginning Balance on 06/23/03 $1,032.19 Annual Percentage Yield earned this period 0.28% + .40 Interest paid year-to-date $2.54 Interest Paid 032.59 Ending Balance $1,— — ❑ Important Information About Your Account interest reed $ 2sinn in rst r last payment statement d tperiod. The Interest Paid reflects shown above accountYour e. ❑ Account Activity Reference Number Amount Date Posted Description Interest Paid $ 40 06130 Interest Paid from 06/01/03 Through 06/30/03 Continued on next page California Page 3 of 4 0004382.003.TI7 RecyM Pat ga k America.% Statement Date: July 23, 2003 ANNE7E COMBS ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM, Network #021805 Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA • �039502 Brentwood District, Los An0395ol Brentwood District. Los geles, CA Page 4 of 4 California 0004382,004.T17 10 R.Yomapai BankofAmerica.���. 0913 EOA NICOLE R COMBS ANNETTE COMBS BRENTWOODRICAT090049-43293 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds; pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.cdm. ❑ Bank of America News ❑ Summary of Your Deposit Accounts Account Number Account 09131-03096 Standard Checking " 09131-01156 $ 1,644.07 1,032.19 Regular Savings $ 2,676.20 Total Balances he bin ed aCing allant servit, these ice charges ants may he used to eliminate monthly 'Com ❑ Your Standard Checking Account Beginning Balance on 0�103 $1,665.49 -+ 1,181.35 Total Deposits Total Checks, Withdrawals, _ 1,202.77 Transfers, Account Fees $1,644.07 Ending Balance Your Bank Combined Statement of America Account Statement Date: June 20, 2003 At Your Service Cali: 714.973.8495 Online: www,bankofamerica.com written inquiries Bank of America Corona Del Mar Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1992 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. Track transactions as they occur - Online. with Unlino Banking you can n view your statemenaccount t. your ATM ughout the day - no walling on y purchases from deposits and withdrawals or Check Card p restaurantsstores and Access OnneBankiwithin ng atwww.bankofamerica.co online Because the security of your Bank of America Check Card(R) is a top priority for us, it is now equipped with Verified by Visa. This integratedpackage is Bank of Amen cathat Total Security Protertien(TM) p servicgives you password protection when you shop online. Shop at a participating merchant listed at www.visa.comlverified to activate. Account Number: us Statement Period: May 22 through June 20, 2003 3 Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Number of purchase transactions 22 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls 0 Self -Service 0 Assisted ❑ important information About Your Account Based on the minimum balance you've maintained in this account, your monthly service charge has been waived. ; easy to get to your money with Need cash? As a valued Bank of America s k-own d ATMamerica com to locate an ATM near you. free 000 ATMs aAmerica'large country. bank -owned ATM netwustomer, it ork. Bank of America has nearly cross the Page 1 of 4 Continued on next page California 0004350.00i.T17 a Reryded Pepsi BankofAmerica.�!��. Statement Date: June 20, 2003 ANNETTE COMBS M ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Data Posted O5130 06/11 Number Dale Posted 06/16 Total of 3 deposits ❑ Checks Paid Amount Date Paid Number Number A'r"O0"t 13.76 Date paid 66/17 144 $ 47.55 $101.92 06/12 143 40.61 Total of 3 Checks Paid 06112 ❑ Account Activity Data Posted Dose rlptlon Deposits and Credits 05/27 Check RCard Purchaseg#C Los on Angel/es CArd #295650147). Ref.# 1000000190247659 05/23 05123 05127 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/30 06102 O6103 106/06 Check Car Ran Ref Check Car 002 Ref Check Car Ba); Ref Check Mal Ref Check Cal Duf Ref Check Cal Not Ref Cash with Cash with Not Check Ca Noi Re ATM with No ATM wNo Purchase So' Check Ca Aa Re Check Ca I Check Continued on next page 0004353.002.1`17 #295650147), A mse an uofz4 ar� od Los Angeles CAA 000190131507 lase an 05122fCard #295650147), ,.Brentwo Los 000190282099AAngetes CA 4es(650147),7eDPalmDeset CA 1000190389562 Ilibu 21art 05/23 h(Ca d #295650147), 1000190019235 hase an 05/23 (Card #295650147), #0343 Los Angeles CA 1600190305340 on 05/24, of America ATM #AS0282 (Card #295850147) an 05/25, _ _. _ ... ,.__,, ynann;nt All on 05iea, ,merica ATM #AS0282 (Card #295650147) o p05/a ATM #AS0282 (Card #295650147) on 05/31_(Card #295650147), on Reference Number 1 000009385 000009490 000009490 000009365 321004 Amount $96.35 $73.07 144.24 5.58 5.85 14.93 20.00 25.98 62.75 62.75 84.44 2.00 2.00 73.59 26.24 13.00 41.11 Page 2 of 4 California 0 R.,,1.d P.Pal Bank ofArnerica.���. ANNETTE COMBS ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Description D6106 06/09 06/10 06113 06116 06116 06/16 06116 06/16 06/17 06120 Ref 24411 5uO'' ... w-----___## CheckOC srBiPuard Club Los AngelesdCA95650147), Ref§24653003159400000462411 Check Carla purchase ase ono6/0AncieleCard #295650147), Check Nordstrom #a�0343 -Los Anggeles �A Ref #24445003163617179648453# Check Ca�ii^iJ P Rrch�.2 Los Angeles CA295650147), Check Cara rurcna- La Salsa 01 L Ref#2449398 CheckSalacalds Galdrt Rof#2476501 Cash withtldrawal on Bank of Amei Check Card PurchW Victoria's Sec of #247920 CheckCaffiaie Be epurcan- Ref#2476191 Check Cared. Purchm CA Total withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Statement Date: June 20, 2003 Reference Number Amount 41.15 6.00 129.84 99.27 2.58 5.08 7.49 008385 60.00 77.88 3.75 10.28 $1,100.85 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheat is printed an the reverse of this page. $1,644.07 • Your ending balance from this statement................................................................................................................. 4.00 • Subtract other account fees from your checkbook register................................................................................................ Account Number: 09131•u1100 ❑ Your Regular Savings Account Statement Period: May 22 through June 22, 2003 $1,031.75 Annual Percentage Yield earned this period 0.50 %. Beginning Balance on 05/22/03 $2.14 + ,qq Interest paid year-to-date Interest Paid • $1,032.19 Ending Balance _ -00100 ❑ Important Information About Your Account reflects interest Your account earned earned 45 in interest thisst statement nt period. The Interest Paid shown above our Continued on next page 0004358.003.T17 Page 3 of 4 California a Rn,,Wpeper BankofAmerica."OV Statement Date: June 20, 2003 ANNETTE COMBS ❑ Account Activity Date Posted Description Interest Paid 05/30 Interest Paid from 05/01/03 Through 05/31/03 ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #039501 Brentwood District, Los Angeles, CA Non -Bank of America ATMs 5 Country Clu, Palm Desert, CA Reference Number I Amount $.44 Page 4 of 4 California 0004358.004.TV `P Ruyded Peper August 25, 2003 Newport North Apartment Homes 2 Milano Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Apartment Dear Marcus/Taina: This letter is to c Annette Combs. The am Sincerely, 19'� 4W�" Nicole Combs wun .er.r_wACMT MLIFORNIA ALL•PUKPUar- - _r State of California ss. County of - On �. ��D 2 I m. f L L before me, Name , Ile of Oi9cer (e.(— Jane Doe, Notary Publi ) Date personally appeared OLE Jama(s of Slonar(a) LORI A. PARNELL Commission# t260018 s _; y ; .. Notory Public - Ca111 xn[o Orange County WCam.l30resgp - 4,?D04 rn Place Notary Seal Above ❑ personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoW whose name(B?) is/a€e subscribed to the within instrument an acknowledged to me that Wshe/thoy-executed the same in 4is/her/thsis authorized capacity(ie8), and that by Jai%/her/their signature(so on the instrument the person(s� or the entity upon behalf of which the person(Q acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS hand and official seal. Sign ure of Notary Publm OPTIONAL Though the information t may prove and could prevelnt fraudulent removalow Is not required bylawand rreattachment of this form to anothere to persons ydocument ing on the document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate officer —Title(s): ❑ Partner —❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 01999 National Notary A"Wa9en• 935000 So" AV"'F .ee. �.�� --^-• Number of Pages: ........en,�at�marvom Pmd. No. 599T ReoNar. Cell Tall•Freo tAW978.6927 New Certificates_/Recertie n ,1r mks . '.: Unit Number INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set fort in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD') Regulations (24 CPR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North I/We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frahkly and personally each of the following questions for al persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. , Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Household Household Age N Y BQCUt QU IA WMkr-! 48* r^ rlt ICr^ts:6*3 'i )4uS6*rJ 27 _ _ Cwdr LJraV ri4 }Pr + ( 4. 5. Social Security Place or Number Employment 540-10-82R7 Dr.,5.1P�� 616 -23 ^ 1815 hNatQ 424-R-3244 1.tortz Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is $ 396 OTO oe Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or ,personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Fnrrpc lwhpthpr nr not n„;.,n t.. th. (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (t) relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (9) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Depamnent of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes X_No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,0007 Yes 1 No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes 4 No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes X No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and Uwe declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any inf rmiatiop or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the I (b l f of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. Me declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this {h day of. S QvAtm ba— , 20_V� (year) in the City of Nir ulgo California [Applicant Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) WWW! S •.iv., pm Rug 21 03 05232p MEWPORT M I' •• ?N4 94972p159H p.4 FOR GYiF�Q'aGF-i' ON WAPARTMWr OWNER ONLY: 1. CaFrniatioffofe((�'itylcincntRe: a. Livtr r tenwurrtanirted fnr entire hauseho)d io b abnvc ' 6. (1) If dm MOMt emnred is 7(c)abovo is yea, aa�r die two{ mntattn eraexed is 7(d2), subtract fmtr `u Sgute wife amoape en erod zr 7(chj{3) aad onto the retba>tint e 7; V.) IwFitAO too ateuan, ra in' , wa raaeat eaviags rate `n i tt po cktervalm wroth total tal':soda !{d)(1) wOutd ba if iavestad km m . flrret»n7c savoy *, � Subtractfmm that 6garo d e ara nuu ems n 7(a)(3) and eater the, remah&g balm. (3: (3) F.taba; at right 010 greator of the ammwt calcutated wader (I) (a('2) above: o. TMAI, T3L1jgrBLB XNCOME (tine 1.2 p1m line tf r Q 4 G c.—' 2• The ralotuu pmroa l is 1.0: — _ ClC IUIcs the aPPIka"96) as a Modcmte•Ineorni. Tcnaat{s). ( ` — Civalifias the gmucam(s) as a %weninnome ----.•..--.,......,._,.- r�mufie$ the appiieaat(s) "a Very -Lowy IaCatone Ii`naRt(s). .3. No; IIi--r Of zPattmeD9 t a e aauignod:a)o i-t a�hraws:�F±r __Rt:s t[30� 4. Tb;s apar6sent unit(CBRYvlas uQt) last ooeuPied for a period of 3t or more cersesrx:uth�e days b a�regao; am;egst;ed aamnat income as certified is the above man tenner on tta:iriaiti.•d tmcapancy quatifiad th:tR as a LOweq jpeOme TbGW(a). of the apattraens unit S. Mornod usee, to verify roplicaut(s) iacorm: —__.__.�.,_ Fimployerincomeverification. Copies of trot returns. Either ( Psup zek E4u 6; urro[ y4y/b61238 SANPAULO APTS PAGE 0 flog 21 03 05e32p f PORT N ,...�_-...r 94137 598 p-3 Mau (.ertificmq �__ rRcrertlfinalion T JIM, '.mer_�_i INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION A/O'f8 this form Is desi inated to ossitt you ill computing Annual Inane', in eocar:rice with the inclhal set forth In Lie rveynnrmr: cf Wlibing nil Urban Project ("HUD'9 Rcguiabons (du CFR 81?). You shwid rrs-W mrni•I Ihu phis roan is at All times up m Cale ♦all the JillD 6agu14ton All capiwlized reran used heroin shall have the rrsoning set furl.`, A. Ibe Rerulnror• A,rermenC CSICDA k.'Ooij - Newport :'forth It We the undersi.;rwd rate that Tim have road and ansrorccl fully, fi untly and per-oaa'!y each of the ful!owing questions for all persons who are to oeaune the unit being applied for in tine above apartment project I: 'tee below tic Inc names of all persons wl•o rmcnri to rc; rdc m the unit. i 2. 3. wwm of"ic-lbers Acationship riflie to Head of SocialSccur'rr Place of lUue9old Household Ago "NAlubel P.mploymrm Wind fF.S' ?�0_17� ^ gaq. e _.1`�al:�ly1_a_�rt_a�'�'iu� �i45�Otyt_ .�^"� �=.?3=lCt':I>� --• _Cw4�_�ex 7nclnne Cntrl)antation f, lne rma'. wtt(opated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph ri, of at* persars (except children tinder 18 years) tistrA al. -rive for the 12-month period beginning the earlier ofthe date that VVW il'arl :a mm,e into a unit orsign e leasc.ior a unit is.n3t0¢i- C-'-C Included in Iha tool anticipated income listed above ate. (a) al I wages and salaries, overtime pay. commissions, fees, tips and bomses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from tic rental of real or personal property (witi:out dcduc(ing expeodhures for business expansion or amolrrntiou of cnr^i;t• indebudness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (e) interiest and dividends (including inwnte from assets included brlavi:wd e,har act income from real or leatsanal property); (d) the fall amount of periodic payments received from social socurir+, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability ordeath benefits and other similar iypry o: pcl;od•r• rrccipts, including any hump sum payment for the delayed start of periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of comings, such as unemployment and d!sn'lliny coripprnsation, syorxcrs' compensation and 'ever inct, pay; (Q :ire;naxinem amount of public assistance available to the, above peaucns other taan the amount orally assistance specifically designated Jill shclrer and utilities, (g) pnriorfie and determinable allowances, such as alimony and c1rid supfor; pwncols and regular contributions and gills mcewed from persons not residing in the d+vailings; (h) all 7c3olar pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Farces (whather or pint living in the daclling) who is the head ofthehouschold or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to ire extent thin it exceeds mcoore cex I abiaty. Rxahaded fmra such anticipated income ore, (a) carnal, spamdm or irregular gins; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical cxz,rsect (a) Jump sum nddilons to family assets, such pis inheritances, insurance pr "meals (including payments under hezilh and Accident insurance and wor(cels' compensation), capital gains And sc^ticmenr for personal or property losses; (d) unounis of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or file cdawaional institution, and amouuls pain by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs oftu'rion, lae:: books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used fbr Cie Above: ovrposes are to he included in income, i"' 9 yPW (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (I) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (a) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) —Yes __2_No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,0007 - Yes X No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $_ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes — j_No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question Wit) Is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes X No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied Tupon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and Uwe declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Uwe deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. Me will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the _11 b t{ of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. FYPrlufnA tM. 1 $ th A..,, _r c - . I . FOR COMPLMON BY APARTAMN'T OWNER ONLY: 1. Calculation of eligiblo income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in AIM, subtract frorp'"d figure the amount entered m7(d)(3) and enter the rewv*(2) Muldply the amm `br tothe current passbook savings rate �n 1 to determine what the total annual earniq )(1) would he if invested in passbook savior ! j. subtract from that figure the amount ente, 'n 7(d)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ ., (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c. TOTAL EM0113LE INCOME (line 1.a plus lime l.b(3): 2. The amount entered in i.c: Qualifies the appiicant(s) as a Moderate Income Tettanr(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low lmcome Tenant(s). $_ 3�,0S0.aa- g 1rIA $ 3It( oSo. ou• 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: _ 11 6r t4 Bedroom size: I + i Rent: S 11 ao 4. This apartment unft((RRrwas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons wl aggregate anticipated annual income as eertilled in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartment qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). 5. Method used to verify applioant(s) income: Employer income verification. Copies of tax remxns. t / a . I , r— r`M1'> -1::�. INCOME ASset Description Member (savings, checking, stocks, bonds, Mkt. Value I Got Arlu,V I11Qi Inlerr,:d InG 31 v.' Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Plco¢ eemplete this farm In it's entirety, noting WAe or •care` where applicable. The information You pf oNda will be whiled prior to TAMC's approval to rent en epartment to you In sngew'tmrnt com un ty owned by either The Trvire Campalry or DvWne Apartment Communities, LF. (collectively, "Owner"). community: rh' '3or*y� Addreen kJUy COy,CwN W. by,. Print A plicont's full wee (Lot, First, Middle Initial) Tr./Sr. J"�f�CUN UL Is of Birth 4-9-55 Social Security Number S6o- 8-�1 U Drlvcr's License # 03 idameofCo-Appllwnts(sepwwte Applicetbn (lath Fbsh Mlddk INtbl) Iredforso,hC Appllmnt) (lost, FlM, Mlddic INtld) (Wt, fk". Middle Anil) as,t. FIM, MiddleIoNW) (W,t1F1nt,MiddkTn1twD Flmt Mid`d[k—inuld) App/pilent'a Pms,mt Adl c any /� /IIP/,//.` COMAS NA ✓. V6W 6 El o,- ® Nenn 'qDW Pharexf /,.V �. 5 Dotes From � -Mori Ad ,: $E Detached focally he. El Aftachsdfoilylsow Monthly payment $ � 0 El Apadm,nh To whom do make fr you paymenta7 Present Landlord's tdone Add" lAG APAtr E, -r aly' IIP Phone# Inesedste Prsr Address Of less than l ynatahnve) ❑ O+'n ❑ lust.S Mamhly Payment Dohs: Fran To Immediate Prior landlord's Nuns Add. any MP Phone# Do you awns Pt? Lj Yes N No Nl,nbv'of Pets: Type: D PloposedO,.Mfs Qssl,Fir#,Mlddle Ieftiel) bo of h•th Oastfirst.MlddlelnUIo1) bahaf olrth a aril, Fk%rf Middle INfld) Doha Dlrfh (lash Fhp Middle INibl) Dateofelmh P a n Oast, Fbst Mlddk INibD Dat--f Birth Bash First Mlddb INtbn Dateof Dlrth Employs- (If xlf-employed, wne of bo1n ) Buol. Addnrsv Oncllding IIP Cade) E 12690 Is Phone # TYPe of eutinra, Posnbn Dole- Supervbor Phone # Inoew a AP I ew C o. T_ cfrez6w HIS)' 60 sue Me Y Other IrRme So II AppllwRn prvdde2py=hu .raerenl W2fmm An Contest n Immedste Prior espbym• Address Oncludng ZIP Code) Phone# D`mn, Ammo Flom 7 c$i<1P,2;�S)G • Now did you first learn of this apartment mmm ay] MOCgagster ❑Drive By ❑Rental-LIVingwen ❑Promotian/Sp.Event ' ❑Apartmentalde 1:151gns ElWebsite- Other " MST Merawy Orig, Apt Wgmle nOther TAC animosity ❑Rafmml" nNewspoperothM' ❑Rental Living(IAC Ma90(A Texas ❑Relocatur service MA1.3.1ins-other- ElFor Pont Magazine ❑SD Union ❑Finger ❑Affordable Nonsing ❑IACAIPLWoCentro ❑50 Picador Posicard/Malkr ❑ other -Net Listed" " PLEASE FILL IN: Ronson for relocation: How many vehicles do you own/drive] Maps Year uwnse tt Make -Year License# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers Is not partnNied in the Community. 0o you have Renters Inmranup Yes ❑W Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Inforttation: I am making this Applimtlan voluntarily for the prposc of Obtaining IAMC's approval to Part an apartment In the sryrime" am monlly shown above Ihenby auiharize art mnsentto albw IAMC.Owrcr, and their respeelvc empbyw OW ag wriS(mlleetimly, the 'IAMC Partles'),it obtain and verify the credit and other Informaton provided by me In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tomtit screening sevvlm campanlas, Issue (Including electronic funds verification), employers and other persons or entities with Infornation relating to this Application I understand that If I lease this apartment, the IAMC Parties shall have a mminubg right to review my credit Information, payment hitter/, occupancy history and other information In this Applicator, for Purposes related to my Leine and/or for account review or Improvement of appllcatlon methods I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Compmy, Won, Apartment Communities, LP.. Irvin Apartment Management amporry, and all of their, rvpmtlw offimrs, employees and agents, from nary and ail liability, legal promedlngs and mats, leks0ng anorn yor fees, miring out of the verification and/or use of the Information captained In this Application, Including the release of ouch information to ether parties. I wmront that, to the bast of my kmwledgc, all of the Information provided In this Application (Including but rot limited to the statement of my flnandal carestbn) Is truc,acmoate, complete and a mea as of the date of this Appllestbm If ay In(olmmlon Provided by me Is dctevnled to be tabs. such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or terminatlon of my kiss with Oercr. I agree to notify IAMC If any of the Information provided In this Application changes dewing the Applicator process or during my teianey. I obit uderstand that IAMC will retain this Affiliation, abng with any other information provided by me, whether or rot this Application Is approved AnomePsndable Application Seeming Fse of$W"(se ltsMzsd Wow)bseel-W from sees Applasntbpmers MIS Applicatlmendb[hsettlm Information provided AssprmeAPPllas0mltoflat mustbggned byesc hMNllaudwho will omgythesprNhM WonmbAppgn0oewWM conddredk/WYC. 8/1rla3 bate Appllount's olgmtun _ RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE it above amount Is to be used to stress Applicant with regards to xdit history and other background information. The amount charged Itemlzedcafolate. 1. Actual cons of credit report.unkn(W detolrwr(evlcibn) search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 fort to obtain, pears and w fymstesdng Information (may Into& staffs time'andather related main) Total fee c aryed(mcy rot excited $30 per Applicant) $30.00 Pit authorize verifloation of Information supplied by Applicant on this Appllcatlan through credit reporting agencies, personal reference and other Information smrw. pieviwd:07A)l Data Irvine Apartment Management Company �l BY,)( Bare Pogs2d2 ApliokalOPOaWafA Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Name: PaU ScttwA Unit # i�0 4 r X Initial Certification Re -certification Other VAC NA Monthly Income Itwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. I/we receive income from Rental Property. we receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. we have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate "we have cash on hand. �- Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: College ersi, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a fill -time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered •Yes to either of the previous two questions are (�(_ you: ➢ Married and filing ajoint tax return. Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Dr. $4,,.2hgtn �ahnso� Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date 7f1610.3 YTD Income C,IQo.0o ~ divided by rj Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (how often paid) M I zti Calculated Annual Income 2q, 7 l2. &&- Hire Date ylllo3 J. Gross per Pay Period (.i) 133s .ao� divided by 0- (_) It 20.G0 (how often paid) W 24 (_) Calculated Annual I 31�1 010O.ac._ }' •� ;,` a ,ice: 08/11/2003 18:21 9497061376 PKB BODY CO. FIE DEPT. NUMBER 070 GOT 001045 100 0000000743 1 STEPHEN H. JOHNSON M.D. INC. 1441 AVOCADO AVE. SUITE 206 (949)760-9007 NEWPORTBEACH, CA92660 Taxable Market Status: Married Exemptions/Aflowancow Federal: 5 Slate: 5 Social Security Number 5eo•Be-0297 Earnings rate lours this period yar to data Regular 20.0000 75.25 1 606.00 Deductions Statute •.F-aderFAWnaome-,Tax •52.68. - _ .308-4A. Social Security Tax ,93.31 3B3.78 Medicare Tex •21 .83 • 89.76 CA State Income Tax •5,69 40.24 SUI/SDI Tax 55.71 yyC�rA r�'r-11 y3.54 ,aat�tPN%.t11/.+Ma"'xi .. „�v."'-.a„°o'aC'.iAcr�f Ni, C Your federal taxable wages this period are $1,505.00 Earningw-Statement Period Beginning: 07/01/2003 Period Ending: 07/1%2003 Pay Date: 07/15)2003 PAULA M BACUN 1126 CORELLA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PAGE 0 A ._;i r - A. 06/11/2003 18:19 9497061376 PKB BODY _ PAGE 0 CO FILE 0EP1 NUMBER 070 GOT Oo1045 too _ 0000000733 1 Earningli'Stat@ment STEPHENH. JOHNSONM.D. INC. Period Beginning: 06/1612003 1441 AVOCADO AVE. SUITE 206 (949)760.9007 Period Ending: 06/30/2003 NEWPORT BEACH, CA92660 Pay pate: 06/30/2003 Texebis Mmxel Status: Married Exemptions/Allowances, Federal: 5 Sleie: 5 Socialsecurity Number:5B0-98-a297 PAULA M BACUN 1126 CORELLA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Esrnlnas rate hours this Period ynr to date Regular 20.0000 66.75 1,33S.00 4.665.o0 Deductions Statutory Federal Income Tax -35,58 255.S6 . —. Social. SeCUrily Tax - --82:•77 • • - M.4'7 - ... Medicare Tax -19. 35 - '67.93 CA Slate Inoomo Tax -0.14 34.65 CA SUI/SDI Tax -12.02 42.17 ►J�?'��1�i?':?1(L`.`�I`�':�;�„r:«�p;: 1'u X�i,1%}t:: Your federal taxable wages this period are S1,335.00 r • '���5• tag-. fit.• • �. s• .'• Newport North 2 Milano Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Phone: (949) 720-8765 Fax: (949) 720-1598 Verification of No Child Support Resident Name: C 4AI-(/j,L�- --ft Alt O Apartment Number:_ -O Ci " I, !!::� z14 ` r( 41r, KY^,3 ` hereby certify that I do not receive monthly child support payments. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided above is true and complete. r t iFYaIVii6P,ki9111hatt:kr� 1 6d'< Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Pisani: complete this farm in it's entirety, noting WA* or'rone• where applicable. The information you provide will be wired prior to IAMC's approval to rent an oparhrcnt to you In anaportment commuMty owned byeither The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectrmly,'Chvner'). CammonNy. aV Address: Print Ap llcan}'s full name (last, First, Middle Initial) TrJSr. N A.1�J�J D}e of Birth /Z �� Sodal Security ?2lddl. /6Z33NomeofCo•Appli.ts(SeparateAppllcationref veme# Met, First, Middle IMflel) iredfroadiCe-Applirnnt) Zt, FM. Middle Initial) (Lett,l) (Lett, First, Middle initial) nir,FIW,Mlddl.Initkd) Mit, Frst, Middle Initial) Applicant's Present Address COY ZIP #2b COMLA- /✓ B. lWo ❑ Own � Ilent. Ph..# Cotes From Addeo oetadaedfamlyhome' ❑ Anachedfamlylwme: Monthy Payment; 1626 ❑ Apminwrn El To whom be you make payments? Present Landlord's Nome n Address City ZIP Ph.. # Immediate Prior AUdrrsa(if hus than l yr. at above) '❑ Own ❑ keen Monthy Payne": $ Wine Frwn To Immediate Prior Landlord'. None Addrtas City ZIP Phone# Do Youawna Pet? u Yes 25No Rieber of Petr Type• a P n t Employer (If self-empca loyed, me of bedew) euslaeis Address (Including ZIP Cade) m ,SF v1' P Phone# Type of easiness Position Comm Sup"cor Phone# Inmme I Pmm e b Mo. y Othv Ircame Souris Applicant must provide, 2 pay stubs or current W2 farm. Contact an e n Zmmedkte Prbr Employer Add. Grelefing ZIP node) t Checking: bank and branch (include Clltty3/51ate) Acco.t/# 9 Savings: bank and branch (Include City/State) Account# F t n Nave Youever filed bankruptcy, ❑Yes No a County and sterc where filed. 1vMt year, n e ilasw you aw had any publle mserd molts, lkv,)udgmcnta or sepassouloW ❑ Yes 1 a What yearl Nave you ever. If your,desvlbe in dctell: P r a a n a an a I..? In case of emergency, please ratify. (local came, address d phone Loader) r`"'' (G' / -5(0 -IKS OWz Relaflamhlp: If applicable, parents' phone rembers. ( ) Fmhei+sNane ) Mothrr'sN6ne psdsca:Wibl pgutd2 ArviekinTdkrnlmt.e rP _. i t i o '�•• 'earl . - �9'l: FA Now didyou flrst lemon of th s epwtmentmmm rAty? ❑O.C. Pegbrer ❑0rlve3y RentaWyingam ❑ftntloNSp.Enn1 ❑Aparfinent6uide ❑signs �Webslts- Other" M5l M..q ❑Orig Apt. Mag.lrc ❑OtherIALComouny❑Refertd• ❑Nawvverothrr" Rental UWnq(IACM,OtAMM ❑Rclomtar5adm M.S.I.-Other" ❑For Pent Mogvelrc ❑s0unlon ❑Ffym ❑Affordabktkwhg ❑IACApt.Iido Cents 50 Reader ❑Pesirla&"kr f9'Othv-NotWted- Q • PLEASE FILL IN 1CJ Prawn far.1..tiom Now many vehicles do you own/drin? •� n (Y') /,,I Alake �� Year 7 o3 LI..# y R/JEFn Main, -Year Llm.e# Note: Par'kirlg of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. be you have Renter's Insurance? [:]Y. EJNo Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Llfortnotion: . I om moWng this Applientlon wluntedly for the pepoee of obtaining IAMC's approval to rem an apartment Inihe apvlmem mmmmityahown above. I hrrcbymlhoNse and m.ent to allow IAMC, Owmr, and their ".?eater empbyeesand agerm (mllecJivrly, the IAMC PMIn•), m abtalnandunifytheercditandother Informertionp.vldedbyme Inthis Appll.tbnthroughrndltreportinggmcies,tenantemv<nla suMce compml., banal Rncbdiig eleclroNe (ands wrlflmibn), emplryers and ether prr.. or miltks with bformatbon rel.ly fo this Appllmtlom I understand that R S Iwe ihbapwYmeni, the SAMC Partl. shill hova a mmlmby Nghim rcvkw nryaedlt In(arewtbn, payment hWery, ecmpcnry hlstary and other hfiormatbn In this Application far purposes related to my ion, War far occoand review., Impr ws weat of ' appllmtion methods. I hAmW relmte and hold harmless The IMm CumpW.lNm Apmtmret Cum rAWtks, LP.,Llim Apartment Mwngemmt ampuy, and ill of their mpecthw officers, empbyeee and agents,from aryand all liability, legoi pranedirgs and cuts, ImWing attmmylfres, oNsllg mM of the verification and/or. of the Infem,atlen."Joined In this Appllcatbn, Indudbg the relcuse of such Inf rmmbn to other Wics. I warrant that, to the beet of my k.wkdge, all of the IMormotlan provided In this Application (indulhg but not limbed Is the statamnt of my financial condition) b. tme, accurate, complete and earrect as of the date of this Appllmtbn If any infarohmlon provided by me is determlned Jobef.k....hfateetatemretwillbegroundsfordimpprovalofmy ApPllmtloncrtermir.bnofmy ""nwhh Owrwr. Iogneto.tlfy IAML If air/ of the information provided In this Applimtlan ehaeges Bring the Appllmtbn pro,... or during my temnry. I also undas and that IAMC will retain this ApPllcvtion,abn wlth anyother Infun.tkn provided by me, whaher ar.i this Appllmtbn Is oppvwd. Anon4*Mnd6le Appllc aSue Mgb or$30A0(ne Wd below) IerequbedhmtewhAppl=tbpmLt NtAppOotlonuWtocbwkgw InfofmNbn Provided.A.epmmeAPPIIcaRmioRemmuetbe WgnWtylwh AppllnMwhowOocmWthesprhnntbWbr@UkAppk*mw ho co.Wd.W [AMC ate Appllmnt'ssi9mtum RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE On the data bebw.IAMC received $30a0 from the uadcralgaed Applicant in connection with Appllcant's Application Is Pert anapstmem from Owner. The be. amount Is Ube used to Samoa Appllmtt with regards to credit hlstoryand other backgmund itdortostbm The amouit charged b hombsed. follows ' A. Actual costs of owdit mport, unlawful daalrcr(eActbon) search. and/or other screening re" $9.95 2. Cost to obtain, proms.and vanfy sceaaag lnformmlan(may irclude staff's tlme and other related costs) $20.05 3. Total fee charged(nrynot exceed 430 pea Applicant) $30.00 F Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire _-1 Name: 'IG iIS�r'�C( l/I J cc/ _ . Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Question Unit # no rE Monthly Income Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other x' cash contributions of gifts, including tent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. XThe household receives unearned income for family members ate 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. I/we am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Uwe have cash on hand. /00. �O �C/ Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: Colle ersity, trade school, etc.)? XDoes your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered ves to either of the previous two questions are you: Married filing joint tax and a return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result i>the de 'al of application or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. Resident Sigg re Date 5-/ Signature of Owner/Agent Date IM— �F CE; .i IFICATION OF ZERO INCOME (To be completed by adult household members only, if appropriate.) Household Name: j&cw Unit No. U 0 4 Development Name: i.)P-Wetx-I- via-w + City: LIMA A ReQ,6! 2. 1. I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources: a. Wages from employment (including commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.); b. Income from operation of a business; C. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; e. Social Security payments, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, or dt benefits; f. Unemployment or disability payments; g. Public assistance payments; h. Periodic allowances such as alimony, child support, or gifts received from persons not IN in my household; i. Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.); j. Any other source not named above. I currently have no income of any kind and there is no imminent change expected in my financ status or employment status during the next 12 months. 3. I will be using the following sources of funds to pay for rent and other necessities: i fn n n m- - /-- -1 -' _— a4wl�� e"U y. !'l ss, C � 1 Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the best of t knowledee. The undersiened further understand(s) that nrnvidinv falar. rrnrrcPntat;nnc hrrein rnnctitntec sn art of franA Fai Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet 7.8 S (+) �, 1,2$z•3( divided by 2 64'5 . oq (average account balance) ' µAS ... C4•, L, • S .,.. 0B/19/2003 12:04 9497061376 WB BODY PAGE 01 Bankof America. -v, . — --- --� --- 2431 E0-4 r'nUi/�1��111'i11��Or U��IU�r�iu'rlrr IUr�lil�il l�l lil PAULA MARIA BACUN KRISTIJAN BACUN 1126 CORELLA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3288 Your Sink of America VERSATEL Checking Statement itstalnsnt Period: July 14 throtgh August 13, 2003 Account Number: 24315.02372 At Your Servile Call: 714.973.4495 Online: www.bankofamorica,com Written Inquiries Bank of America Eastbluff Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137.0003 Otir'freo $riffii'e'BerikPrig"yorvic0 a6owo'yiii to r Kaa account balances, �..••.,d•p CZM- 16md'r einc., 1998 transfer funds, pay bills and more, Enroll at www.bankafameriea.eom. Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you, 0 Summary of Your VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance on 07/16/03 $1,282.31 Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 2 Total Deposits + 2,980.00 Number of purchase transactions 28 Total Checks, Withdrawals. Transfers, Account Fees . 4,226.93 Service Charge - 7.50 Endfng Balance $7.88 �rass� ❑ Important Information About Your Account Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls SelfSarvlce e Assisted 0 VERSATEL Checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce roes every month) To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of Americo banking center. For Social Socwity or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Adminlslratlon toll free at 1.800.772-1213. OB/19/2003 12:04 9497061376 PKB BODY _ _ _ PA_G_E02 BankofAmerica. , PAUTA MARIA BACON Statement Period: July 16 through August 13, 2003 KRI9TIJAN BACON Account Number: 24310.=72 O 9sek of America News Finish up last minute school shopping with ease. Avoid long lines and crowds by shopping online at www.bankofamerica.com/shop where you can receive exclusive savings (ram Doll Home Systems, Nlkstown.com, eflags and many more. Since your Bank of America Check Card(R) features Total Security 14otecti0n(TM), you can conveniently shop online with confidence. From reordering checks, to placing a stop payment, or updating your address, Online Banking makes It simple to manage virtually every aspect of your account right from your computer. Moving? Plan ahead and rotwder checks with your new address online. Access Online Banking today at www.bankafamerica.com, Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring• deposit, If you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the moat convenient ways to have access to your money. There Is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankofamerlca,com/dlraotdeposit, The coati of college stld up. Consider a private fears for students from Bank of America Eligibility is not based an financial need, and the loan features a low Interco( rate, low fees and flexible loan limits and repayment options. Learn more at' www.bankofamerice.com/atudentbanking. Credit subject to approval. O Branch/ATM Deposits Number Vale Potted Amount Number Due Potted Amoy 07/21 F07/31 T 15D,00 08104 1,D40,0 07/24 $60.00 Oslo$ 460.0 07/28 60.00 08/07 80.0 07/28 200.00 06107 200.0 210.00 Total of 8 deposits $2,160.0 O Checks Pald ^ Cap In check sequence Dale Paid Number Amount WHI Palo Number Amout 07/18 $500.00 1113 08/08 111$ 1,026.01 07110 ^ 158.09 07/31 A 1121 500.01 07/25 1114 24,00 Total of 5 Checks Pam $2,101.01 ❑ Account Activity oat$ Pasted I Description ' joi/ie 07117 07/17 07/17 07/17 07/17 07/11 07/17 n7/17 The Gas Ci National tN Southern C Cox Cable Blue Crass AT&T Tel Debit 1 Xxxxx3407 0392382409 Paula M Bacun to# Reference Number Amoun 1112.ec 14.30 18.27 57.91 71.52 90.00 100.00 100.00 ' .,' • �' , • .� •'yE. •'• 08/19/2003 12:04 9497061376 PKB BODY PAGE 03 BankofAmerica. or `19t --� PAULA MARIA BACUN KRISTIJAN BACUN m Statement Period: Jul 18 through y 1 August 13, 2003 Account Number: 2 2372 O Account Activity Continued Dole Pas1.0 Drscnpaon Withdrawals Tnnefars a.4nnce numrrr Amour and 07l2I Check Card Krcha3e on 07/18 Account Pva (Card #293045541), El Polio Loco #113458 Ref#24403693201900320200457 Newppoort Beach CA 6.9! 07/2t Purchase on 07/21 (Card �f293045647), 07/21 Ralpha 2555 Esat Newport Check Card Purchase on 07/19 Beach CA (Card #28304S647), 053314 WAS Blockbuster Video p0610 Ref/{24810433201072001052088 Newport Beach CA 18.84 07/22 Check Card Purchase on 07121 (Card #233605005)• RefBallk246921632020308463C72368 18.06 07/22 Check Car Purchase on 07121 (Card #293048647), Davey & Busters Irvine CA 48.65 07/23 Check Card Purhase2on 0712�1J(Card #29300647), WebkLaundry Ca0110902 24418003203203140817093urc Nowort Beach CA 10.00 07l24 Check Card 9 07/ard 70 p233605005), Trad#er Joe's7�3{00001115 Irvine CA 15.82 07/25 Check Cold Purchase on807/238(Card #233605005), Vona Store00p18125 Ref#24184073205299015080617 Now Beach CA 36.21 07/25 Cash withdrawal on 07/24. Bank of America ATM 07/28 Check rdPurrxaseon 0741 �tl{62294NCard�293045647) (ortr9eaCh0 007788 00.00 El Now pp 47), 6.09 07l28 PUrchass on 07/27 (8Carrd 2830v456476 Ralpha 2555 East Newport 07/28 Cash withdrawal on 07/26008385 Beach CA 129091 19.42 Bank of America ABTA' 07/28 Check ChevrPurchase001093 SCAD778s1(Card #293045847) 47). 20.00 Ne �! ort Beach CA w9 20,83 2 07/28 Check Carr! Purchase on 07/26 (Card #293045647). Sand Hotel La Surf &2461043320000284009876 una Beach CA 116.60 D7/29 Check Cartl Purchase on007/27 (Card #293045847), Kitsch Bar Costa Mesa CA 27.00 07/30 Check Card 24403693209900320900207 hase on 07/280(Card #293045647), El Pollo Loco 3458 Newport Beach CA 3,70 07/31 Purchase an 07/31 (Card #2930 50647114 Cares Jr 11084 W Hollyywood CA 301483 10.32 08/01 Purchase"08 1(Card #293045847), •• .Cac.Wsa4,Ot Amer Costa Mesa CA 028500 6.80 08/01 Check Card Purchase on 07131 (Card #233805005), Baskin Robbins Newport Beach CA 12.00 08/04 Chock Card Purchase on 07/3111(Card #233006005) Web Laundry C20110902 Newport Beach C/( 1D.00 Ref08/04 Check Card Purchase on 08/018{Card �293045647) Blockbuster Video0810 Newport Beach CA 13,BB Ref /1248104332154200104s852 08104 Check Card Purchase an 08101 (Card #2930450471. 00,1O,LOOJ 1L:04 747/Vbld/b PKB BODY PAGE 04 tfankofftericar � "lop — PAUL4 MARIA OACUN KRISTIJAN BACON Statement Period: July 18 through August 13, 2003 Account Number-.24310.02372 O Accpuat ActiWyt Continued o.ls Pensd Nacriplion Wthdrawals, Transfere and Account Pees 08/08 Check Card Purchase on OB/08 Card #293046047), AT&T Wireless Services a10p8112011 CA OBlt t Chock Card Purchase On0008 (Card#233605006) Blockbuster Video 0810 Newport Beach C d Ralf#246104332220,12001051925 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees DBl13 ' one -Branch Transaction Fee - D8/13 Monthly Service Charge Deposits Total Sdr'v/ce Charges— '•• - _ . _„ pmoi 187. 21. S1,4/i1.g $2.0( 8.51 r ❑ Bank of Asnarica: In Balance Nor r•nce hummr To assist you In reconciling your account, we have provided the A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page,following summary Information. • Your ending balance from this statement ............... ............................,......................,.......................................,...................s7.ee • Subtrasf the monthly service charge from your checkbook register ...................... ............................................ 7.50 O ATM Infotmalion This period, you visited the following ATM locations! Bank of ork P#CAD7780 Bank Or America, Norco. CA • 1�622945 Eestbluff, Newport Beach, CA aarotrt.00•.r�r California Page 4 er 4 0 q"p Bank of America. ���W Your Bank: of Americ VERSATEL Checking 2431 Statement EO4 Statement Period: June 13 through July 15, 2003 Account Number: 24316-02372 PAULA MARIA BACUN At Your Service KRISTIJAN BACUN Call:714.973.8495 1126 CORELLA Online: www,bankofamerica.com NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3288 Written Inquiries Bank of America Eastbluff Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, Customer since 1996 transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Summary of Your VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance an 06/13/03 $55.29 Total Deposits + 5,465.57 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees - 4,233.05 Service Charge - 5.50 Ending Balance 41,282.31 ❑ Important Information About Your Account Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Number of purchase transactions Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted VERSATEL Checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every month) To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. In September we will make changes to the information describing automated clearing house transactions posting to your account. These technical changes provide you with more reference information in an easy -to -read format. • Bank of America. PAULA MARIA BACUN KRISTIJAN BACUN ❑ Bank of America News Statement Period: June 13 through July 15, 2003 Account Number: 24316-02372 Marc Chagall at the San Francisco Museum of Modern'Art July 26-Nov 4, 2003 ONLY U.S. VENUEI Bank of America is proud to sponsor the Marc Chagall exhibition. Visit SFMOMA for the retrospective of this universally renowned artist including many works never before seen in this country. For tickets, visit ticketweb.com or call 866.468.3399. Now, Online Banking lets you monitor your money in real time and view, up-to-the-minute account activity. You can track transactions throughout the day - from ATM deposits and withdrawals, to Check Card purchases, direct deposits, loan payments and more. Access Online Banking at www.bankofamerica.com. Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring deposit. If you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the most convenient ways to have access to your money. There is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankofamerica.com/directdeposit. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount Number Date Posted O6/13 $ 900.00 07/07 06/16 60.00 07/08 06/19 150.00 07/10 06/24 60.00 07/14 06/30 379.00. - 07/15 07/03 1,500.00 Total of 11 deposits ❑ Checks Paid Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number 07/01 1058 $ 75.00 07/07 1112 1; 07/10 1059 950.00 07/11 * 1122 06/17 * 1101 449.98 Total of 6 Checks Paid $3,: 06/26 * till 120.00 ❑ Account Activity Date Posted I Description 06/17 06/16 06116 06116 Deposits and Credits Check Card Purchase Cr Adj on 06/14tCard #293045647), Ibillcs.Com *askcs.Com, 800-30 -3558 FL Ref.#74401403167061322266278 Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Check Card Purchase on 08/13 (Card #293045647), Bally Santa Ana Santa Ana CA Ref#24692163165000786072124 Purchase on 00116 (Card #293045647), Rite AID #62 7 Corona Del M CA Check Card Purrhasa nn ne/i0 (r�r,4 •f{90'lndSCA7% Reference Number 424290 PAULA MARIA BACUN KRISTIJAN BACUN Statement Period: June 13 through July 15, 2003 Account Number: 24316-02372 ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Descrlptlon Reference Number Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 06/16 Check Card Purchase on 06113 (Card #233605005), Trader Joe's #00001115 Irvine CA Ref#24164073165873181820515 06/16 Purchase on 06/15 (Card #233605005I, 427629 Vons Store 1 Newport Beach CA 06/17 Check Card Purchase on 06/16 (Card #233605005), Bally Fitnss 562-484-2980 CA Ref 24692163167000875709725 06118 Check Car# Purchase on 06117 Card #293045647), 2 Mercuryy"insurance 888-6 7-21 CA Ref #24692163168000971882276 06/19 Purchase on 06/19 Card #293045647), 430779 Ralphs 2555 Est ew ort Beach CA 06/19 Check Card Purchase on 06/17 (Card #293045647), Blockbuster Video 0610 Newport Beach CA Ref #24610433169 2001015412 06/19 Purchase on 06/18 Card #293045647), 342342 1 Ralphs 2555 Est ew ort Beach CA 06/20 Check Card Purchase on 06/18 (Card #233605005), Joe's CA Trader 00001115 Irvine 1170873152117134 06123 Ref#241640 Check Card Purchase on 06/20 (Card #233605005), 1 Trader Joe's 00001115 Irvine A 06/23 Ref#2416407 172873154617121 Check Card Purchase on 06/21 (Card #233605005), CA 1 Trader Joe's 00001115 Irvine Ref 173873183517457 )6/23 Check Card Purchase on 06/22 (Card #233605005), 1 Cathay Newport Newport Beacfih CA Ref #2449398317420(f903864442 )6/23 Check Card Purchase on 06/19 (Card #233605005), 1 Fantastic Sams Newport Beach CA Ref#24761973171273057011572 16/23 Check Card Purchase on 06/20 (Card #293045647), 2 Blockbuster Video #0610 Newport Beach CA Ref #24610433173 2001057426 16/24 Check Card Purchase on 06/23 (Card #233605005), 11 Bally Fitnss 562484-2980 CA Ref#24692163174000274469310 6125 Check Caridl Purchase on 06/23 (Card 41293045647), 41 Power Nutrition De of Santa Ana CA Ref#242362731754C1740010275 6/25 Check Card Purchase on 06/23 (Card #233605005), 4E Vons Store00019125 Newpport Beach CA Ref#24164073175299014751321 6126 Purchase on 06/26 (Card #233605005), 267659 E Vons Store 1 Newport Beach CA . 6/26 Check Card Purchase on 06/24 (Card #293045647), 10 Web Laundry Ca0110902 Newport Beach CA Ref#24418003176176083212502 3/27 Check Card Purchase on 06/25 (Card #233605005), 62 Trader Joe's 00001115 Irvine cCA Ref #2416407 177873162018093 3/30 Check Card Purchase on 06/28 (Card #233605005), 2 ChamTagnes Market New portifeach CA Ref #24131993180980034603350 3/30 Check Card Purchase on 06/28 (Card #233605005), 4 Blockbuster Video 0610 Newport Beach CA Ref #246104331800 2001055470 i/30 Check Card Purchase on 06/25 (Card #293045647), 13 Supercuts Newport Beach CA Ref#24717053178691782796820 1/30 Check Card Purchase on 06/29 (Card *233605005). 33. Continued on next page 0081877.003.Tll California Page 3 1 1 ' • !f`• Ili Y3 Jy ` Bankof America. PAULA MARIA BACUN Statement Period: June 13 through July 15, 2003 KRISTIJAN BACUN Account Number: 24316.02372 ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Description Reference Number 07/01 07/01 07/03 07107 07/07 07/08 07/09 07/09 07/11 Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Check Card Purchase on 06/29 (Card #233605005), Sav-on Druggs 9540 Newport Beach CA Ref#24492793181409000708981 Check Card Purchase an 06129 (Card #233605005), Trader Joe's #00001115 Irvine A Refi624164073181873171618234 I Check Check Check Card Purchase on 07/03 (Card #233605005), port Cathay NewNewpport Beacfih CA Ref#24493983185286903864786 Check Cartl Purchase on 07108 (Card#233605005), El Patio Loco #3458 Newport Beach CA Ref #24403693188900318800075 Check Card Purchase on 07/07 (Card #233605005), Check Check W-11 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees I I S Service Charge 07115 Monthly Service Charge ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you iwreconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is,printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement..............................................................................................................................$1, • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register...................................................................................... 0 4• r To Whom It May Concern: August 209 2003 I , Kristijan Bacun , have not work for any company or independently as a personal fitness trainer since 7/15/2003. I am a student now and no longer have any form of income. Sincerely 1� r- if r Iry r it rl 1V: .I of CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF *Ua4t�, q e ) On %O Av $,)g'T 20D3 before me, r4 - 1 DAT9 NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G.., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared, 1� jzj 5 Tl y-" -g Aco (J per: na". me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons}whose name(s}is/atesubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shekhey-executed the same in th&r authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her 4hcir signature(s) on the instrument the person(; or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL INFORMATION T HIS OPTIONAL INFORMATION SECTION IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW BUT MAY HE DENEFICIAL TO PERSONS RELYING ON THIS NOTAMED DOCUMENT. TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT DATE OF DOCUMENT 2o ZJ1)3 NUMBEROFPAGES SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: Paulo N V r ts�(i'ai go un Date: S 121 la Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: q/ lsr /03 ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: Phone Conversation Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Date of Clarification: F/1 q 103 Contact Name: Summary of Explanation or Clarification Employee Name: YW cus J r 2QQW Title: Assi six4 (fir rQ�G Employee Signature: Date: S1(ZI !G3 New Certificates_y /Recertification Unit Number 29,04 INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This forth is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD') Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment Rrmcfevla ICri ahe- Uece 24 54;%-53-7135 IrlmC t;r �Irvvr WA.UnP Loommal24 54A3--97-45'41 4,n6o? Er>Eey�t^rS•s Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is 8 404,5x 1 Ci Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries,,overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of abusiness or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; FOR COM MON BY APARTMENT OWNER ONYX: 1. Calculation of eligible income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(e)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract fiver '"d figure the amount entered m 7(dx3) and enter the rema� tiny ($ ); (2) Multiply the arnouL Mt nthe current passbook savings rate u Tllt(37d)Zt(,)�wtould hat heannual earuft be if invested in passbook caviar "• ��, subtract from that figurethe amouzu eat a 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (9) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: e. TOTAL HIxOXl3L5 XNCONM (line l.a plus line 1.b(3): 2. The amount entered in l.c: Qualities the appiicant(s) as a bfoderate-Iacomc Tenant(s). �( Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowerdncome Tenant(s). Qualifies the applieant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenaot(s). $ No FfS. 14 $ N/A 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: 142 6 Bedroom size: 2+9— Rent: $ 4 i .2 S 4. Tj& apartment unit (was,®►t) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner Van their initial occupancy of the spartnxnt unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Teaaut(s). 5. Method used to verify applicant(s) income: �( Employer income verification. Copier, of tax returns. X Other e ol�i 6-k _S u lh ) c Date `.✓ .✓ (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title 11 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 19 70; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 19 77; (i) payments tovolunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; CD payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of ottowa Indians; and I from judgement funds warded by the Inian ms (o) the first 0nof the court 00 of per tof Claims or from held in trust for an Indta shares receivecian tribe by the Secretary otf Interior. Commission 7, Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes X No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at alffooreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value) Yes ll ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by a such persons total more than 55,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-montanderiod beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose 1, rent: S (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S__� — g, (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes �_No (b) Com lete only if the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes" . Is any such person (offer thanNnoonresident aliens mart icd and eligible to file a Joint federal income tax returns? Yes —determine maximum income 9 eligibility certificate occupy he with tank I/ ehe ledge that that all willbe reliermat information forton by th hehe errein is true, correct and complete and for based upon information IAve deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. ments made erify 10 including either tanoinncominformation required I/We will assist Owner in obtaining any e verification from my/ourpresentt employer(s)or c piesvof federalstaxe returns for the erein, immediately preceding calendar year. tax 11. 1/1Ve acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is rolevant to the status under of he apartment building for which application ationt s being interest on bonds issued to finance the 262�—ny trustee tstee acting on theirtbehalf and any authorized gent of the Treasury ry Department or Internalhe disclosure of such information to the issuer orsuch bonds, the tlrRevenue Service. I/We declare tinder penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. o ear m [he ity of U rO �''�• California Executed this rash day of a t� � -��-(y ) / ) Applicant Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) nrnnTAR P. A QQRT f'dT f'TTT ATIl1N WORKSHEET Lf • d 11.1 Teti Y `a •N.k%tt'T !f- ':t�' n.., 4 �3. •Y _ • * ^ N �1• o • rl SOCIAL SECURrfY, rnrvssvna,nn.. A Amnl BM Mom' S Av Wan Tutd fit Wr 2l Saa#1r 2a ArWr 12 Ah I Yr # Seam =$ $ Total Box B $ — FUBLTCASSISTANt:E AntrowAnnual Fmlh Alm& floeflate S Av ohLn 52 WA 24 so#* 20 &'WA 12 MI 1 Yn Total # Small _$ $ Total Box C $ OTHER INCOME Aa AAaall BON ' YawAete S Av kara 2A WWr Tottl 02 Wr 24 SoaAlr l2 Mr 1 Ye # SnYx =$ $ _$ Total Box D $ — TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Through D $ 9a i, ° s• . r ' .' ,.' st YAcWaI Tam% mew AssatkS111pOon wr AoatrVaba Ill111119 a ACWA:mal 6camflvm Aoeta umt Q=ff*Akt # to dow stock bmR.stat ImC Yalue cottocatcasb S 3 E%$ N S oo $ _ $ oa. % $ 1•fr8 $ % $ % $ % I $ Totals IBox E: $ t2e•3& Box F: $ I•$g TmnI NFT Fnmily Toml Actual Income - Income from Assets IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS BOX G•I. a—J Effective Date• A�ask IfBox E exceeds $5,000 rmdtiply Box E by the current Type ofProgam%: t_eW passbookinterestrate: x % UnitNo.: 2426 Unit Size: 242 If Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. of persons:, INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS BOX II: $ 4.95 Ma: L/ _ Max. Income Limit: k5, 200. w Enter the greater of Box F or Box G AR: 140%Limit: r ro�mu�uC� A p P c n t s t a r y E in Is I 0 y m e n t Fa IR)ANEAPAht Men MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt far Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting eN/A"or"none" where applicable. Do not use white out. The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The _:a... I 0 1-16rtiueiv. "Owner°l. ♦rvmc wniymq ......... ..r_. ...._... __......_. . _ Community: Address: Print Applicant', full name (Last First Middle Initiap SrJSr. ;.,,�, �, ante of Birth 5� Social Security Number syy -, n driver's Llcoise# otl2LV/ Nome of Co•Applionnis(5epornte Appllco on required (Lost, First, MiddleInitlal) wary (Last First, Middle inlil°IWes WE Co•Appliwit) (Last, First. Middle Initial) (Last First Middle Initial) (Lost, First, Middlelmtiol) (Last, First Middle Initial) Appllcont's Present Address City ZIP Own 13 Rea• hone# P_ cams, Fmm m To Detached family home:Attached family home: Monthly Payment $ W�,2 To whom do you make � Apartment: payments? Present Landlord's Name Address City ZIP phone Immediate Prior Address (If less than lyr. at above) El Own i Rent. Monthly Payment: $ 0 From To -,diate Prior Landlord's Name Address City ZIP Phone I Ives I A No prop;, Occu anis(Lot, First Middle Initlol) (Lost, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle Employer (If self-employed, name of business) Buslnrss, MG Phone# Ty eof BwOiess ����A�NOther F Igc7meSource Immediate Prior Employer Address (including ZIP Code) Checking: hank and branch (include City/State) Savings: bank andbranch (InrAude Clry/State) Have you ever filed bankruptcy? Ely - County and State where filed: Have you ever had any public record suits, Inns, Judgmen Have you over: / Been of a felmp?❑yes ❑Di convicted Been evicted? ❑yes o Defaulted an a lease? ❑yesgK P e In case of unergenry, Please notify: (Local name, addrrs r aIf applicable, parents' phone numbers: a rmiwr'u tLme aedsedi enrol 11ZOWK�AICZ Ili',... GAPARTMENTMANAGEMENT� .APAN— How did you first learn of this apartment community? ❑Drive By ❑Rental•Llving.com ❑O.0 Register ❑Apartment Guide ❑519 ❑Website-Other• ❑Orig Apt. Magazine ❑Other AC Community❑Referral' ❑Rental Living (IAC Meg) [ILA Time+ ❑Relacatar Service ❑For Rent Magazine 135D Union ❑Flyer ❑IACApt.Infa Center ❑SDRwder ❑pastcod/Moiler • PLEASE FILL It ❑Pramotioni Event ❑50 Mercury ❑Nw,P'PvOthee ❑Magazine • Other' ❑Affordable Howing ❑other • Not Listed Make r 4..[J�y yea a0eo License# Make _ yea License # of recreational vehicles, boots or trailers is not permitted in the Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntariF/ far the purpose of Obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and cement to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the "IAMC Parties"), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, ord,tles with lcm retain, to this tbanks he A(includMC rtlultoronic euinfurmolontwn), nedloyers and other Persons wejowl,ltareand/orfeder-I government agencies, Including wlhout a limitation, various law enforcement agencies. I understaedthat if I lease this apartment, the IAMCPartles shall have a continuing right to review rposes related to my Lease and/or for my credit Information, Payment histary, occupancy history and other hdarmation in this Apptica lon far pu account review both during and after the term of my Lease. I he release and hold harmless Th<Irvine[ompony.L'v^a Wine lPortllle"TCp1ryAp°aedings and costa, Ipcludln9 aTTorneyment �es, wising out of he their respective officers, employees and agents, from my ty, legalPro verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, Including the release of such Information to other parties- e. his ion ing but nor to the ent of my i warrant that. to the bad aacf eeoimletesawminformation ectet oof th datlii ApPIIwttt�n. Ifl anylMormatl� (provided by me is des mined to be financial condition) t true, Pnor.fate, such informtion ptemdedIn be Apiliratlon changes owing the Applicatdleapprovelof my ion process orimy Lease with Ow owing my tenancy. loss on that AMC will retain of the information Provided n this App this Application, along with any other Information provided by m<, whether or not this Application is approved m each icant to ess is ication and to ck ffotmetlan provided. Asepa ala Application la Rant musttemized be signedlow) is by each Appllcanrlwho will occupy No apartmentbeforebeforrelthis Application will be coneldsrod by lAMC.� �_�� ApPllcont's signature RECEIPTFOR APPLICATIONSCREEMNG FEE e above amount t to be asedta screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other boekgrou� information. 'Ihe amount charged Itemized as follows: unlawful detainer(aviation) search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 1, Actual ewe of meetswalt apart, $20.05 2. Cast to obtain, process and verify scruning infarmatlan(may lndudestaff 'a time and other related casts) $3000 3, Total fee charged (may not exceed $30 per Applicant) Personal reference plicent awh.rizu verifiaton of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, p ecW and other Information sources. —. By: Paoozdz Appibeeam0floslaalm Wsed. 10/01 0 M Income Restricted Certification Name: /1Tf Initial Certification Re -certification other Unit # M&Z6 Income yes No vuesti>uu 1 (—Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any of V cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, rum'" u= ••r•w - benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental TO 3ertY. Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members (ll aee 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, -e 1)o�1 Fctntrl WO the Does your nousenOlu anucwaw ww...•••,5 - -- - household in the next 12 months? If you answered yes to either of the previous two questions are you: D Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result in the denial of application or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. Resident Signature Dad Date Signature of Owner/Agent e,.r Earned Income calculation Worksheet Employer 1l1rym c — Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date 716103 y 124 I03 YTD Income oqJ . qs divided by Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (how often paid) N 1 2 =) Calculated Annual Income 21 ?T3•!b Gross per Pay Period 1,161.93 (_) 2l GOS,GI divided by I 2 (_) I,00(4,al (how often paid) (x) 1 26 (=) Calculated Annual Income 26, fo4.29 z 0 a 0 0 LL 2 w a y x cs z 0 w 2 C) 0 0 w 0 W Q 5 , , z 0 Q O LL W a fn CD z 0 Q wW 0 0 Q LU go is wq P. C m afv ` ji' •ASS 'i-r In b A O G�� `I '� O Q r ' I a o M @YZ N •N ;�Pi W yU:SO� 'Oo m erlpr>m� I[1 � IIDDm Noll � V VO a L✓.; N �� �' ,•t.�,���' � ,.err--�•'. �v '` J a %Iy'x�:; iv'w:;Ci"'.t: .'"�, s � A�' S r7 Yl � K r4�vlryS:rF ti ��j`�. <iit L« aT� •� c O O i w +•+..ih. M ':�' S a�x°i13ta�w t° Asset Calculation Worksheet Account Type U&C Li 7o. 2Z (+) 584. 55 (_) 95�. 77 divided by Z (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % I& (_) income from asset: $ Asset Calculation Worksheet , Account Type-- (_) y�.aq divided by I (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % ° ql (_) Income from asset: $ J•_S-g• ® Washington Mutual Bank,FA THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 621.00. 136700000007484 56-E-83 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON 7271 ELK CIR APT 2 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647-8425 TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 419,571 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 07-11-03 THRU 08-11-03 BE A CELEBRITY, EVERY DAY! SIGN UP FOR GOLD CHECKING AND GET OUR VISACR) GOLD CHECK CARD. GET FREE COOL PERSONAL CHECKS AND FEE -FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS, ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY FEE. SAVE UP TO 50X ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS AND MORE. ASK US FOR DETAILS. FDIC INSURED. FDIC INSURED FREE CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 876-397408-3 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE ccrTWUTNr BALANCE 584 55 3,236. 11 3,750.44 1 70.22 YTD INTEREST PAID YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 766.57 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 07/11 CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL 07/11 20.00 4.85 VISA -BEST VALUE VIDEO HUNTINGTON BCCA AVE. FOUNTAIN VALL 49 0712 07/11 07/11 4.85 270 POS ARCO PAYPOIN 18025 MAGNOLIA HAGS DONUTS & BAKERY NEWPORT BEACH 89 0713 07/14 4.55 POS HAGS DONUTS VISA -AT&T WIRELESS SERV800-8887600 WA 07/14 289.89 VISA -CHAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA 07/14 0 6.21 VISA-SUBWAY Y23749 FOUNTAIN VALLCA 7/14 9 VISA -EL POLLO LOCO 0345NEWPORT BEACHCA 07/15 5.3 VISA-CARL'S JR Y068 NEW PORT BEACCA 07/15 3.65 VISA -TACOS & CO. 82 NEWPORT BEACHCA 07/17 5 92 VISA-ftALPHS k0744 NEWPORT BEACHCA 07/23 5 28 VISA-RALPHS 80744 NEWPORT BEACHCA IRVINE 0725 07/23 2.24 2,019.76 ATM-NCHG SIA07607 4543 CAMPUS DR. IRVINE by 0725 07/25 20.60 ATM-NCHG S1A07607 4543 CAMPUS DR. OUNTA MAGNOLIA AVE. FOUNTAIN VALL 03 0728 07/25 07/2g 38.10 POS ARCO PAYPOIN 18025 19021 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON HH 81 0728 07/28 738.10 00.00 ATM-NCHGFR S1AO7020 19021 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BH 82 0728 07/2g ATM-NCHG SlA07020 VISA -THE OLD SPAGHETTI CH CA 07/29 22 00 VISA -PETS III HUNTINGTONBECA 07/29 17.23 9.68 VISA-EIHSTEIN NOAH BGL WESTMINSTER CA BRISTOL STREETSANTA ANA 83 0730 07/29 ATM-NCHG S1C08339 3600 S. 07/29 49.68 VISA-EDWARDS METRO PTE COSTA MESA CA 07/30 19.00 VISA-LOEHMANN'S x75 HUNHUNTINGTON BECA 07/30 75.40 VISA -CHEVRON FISH TACO-HUNTINGTON BECA 07/33 19.65 YISA-CHEVRON I00201892 HUNT7830 NGTONEDING BECA HUNTINTON BLH 68 0805 08/04 43.00 300.V0 ATH-HCHGFR SIC 0897706000STAEHESAEft 08/05 CAENUE VISA -HABIT 08/05 80.00 VISA-HOLLYWOOD YIDEO FOUNTAIN VALLCA 08/05 10.09 VISA-VONDUTCN ORIGINALSLOS ANGELES LA 08106 344.24 PAGE 01 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 5 00 00 ® Washington Mutual Bank,FA 136700900007484 56-E-83 419,572 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON 7271 ELK CIR APT 2 STATEMENT PERIOD: HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647-8425 FROM 07-11-03 THRU 08-11-03 FREE CHECKING DATE WITH➢RAWALS DEPOSITS 08/07 45.79 08/07 11.82 600.00 08/08 08/08 20.00 08/08 68.57 03/08 11.99 08/08 6.50 08/08 3.76 08/11 20.00 08/11 6.54 08/11 64.11 08/11 2.42 08/11 33.13 08/11 44.88 DETAIL OF CHECKS PAI➢: CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2169 07/14 100.00 12172 07/17 276.27 NOTE: K INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE STATEMENT SAVINGS KRISTOPHER S BRANDON (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ACC TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION OUNT NUMBER: 876-397408-3 POS MACYS WEST 27000 CROWN VALLY VISA -FLOWER STREET CAFELOS ANGELES CA ATM-NCHG SICD5975 7830 EDINGER AVENUE ATM-NCHG SIC08975 7830 EDINGER AVENUE VISA-BUCA DI BEPPO HUNTINGTON CA VISA-7-ELEVEN STORE 180HUNTINGTON BECA VISA -CHAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA VISA -RITE AID STORE 576FOUNTAIN VALLCA ATM-NCHG S1A08881 7830 EDINGER AVENUE POS PLOWBOYS MAR 8930 WARNER AVE VISA-KENNETH COLE N64 MISSION VIEJOCA VISA -BEST VALUE VIDEO HUNTINGTON BCCA VISA-RALPHS 0069 HUNTINGTON BCCA VISA-KENNETH COLE 464 MISSION VIEJOCA MISSION VIEJO 01 0807 HUNTINTON BCH 47 0808 HUNTINTON BCH 48 0808 HUNTINTON BCH 15 0809 FOUNTAIN VALL 55 0811 5 CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2173 07/18 32.00 2175 08/07 630.00 2174 07/18 25.00 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK: FA FDIC INSURED ACCOUNT NUMBER: 392-622019-0 TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE 400.99 3 88 503.00 700.11 45 INTEREST PAID INTEREST EARNED: .11 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED : .47 X YTD INTEREST WITHHEL➢: .00 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: (CONTINUED) TRANSACTION•DESCRIPTION 4 PAGE 02 CCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) ® washington Mutual Bank,FA 156700000007484 56-E-86 419,573 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON STATEMENT PERIOD: 7271 ELK CIR APT 2 SFROM 07.1E-03 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647.8425 THOU 08-11-03 5 EVERYOUR P FOR A K LOW MONTHLY FEE. BE CELBRIT, ALL FORAR COOLYPERSONAL➢CHECKSIANDUFEE-FREELTRAVELERNS CHECKS., ➢ETAILS. FDIC INSURED - GETAFREEE SAVE UP TO BOX ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS AND MORE. ASK US FOR FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ACCOUNT NUMBER: 392-622019-0 STATEMENT SAVINGS (CONTINUED TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION GATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS N 700.00 ERBLVD. BEACI AVENUE HUNTINTONSCH 68 0805 07/28 ATH•HCHGFR SIA07020 78301EDING pg/p5 300.00 .11 INTEREST PAYMENT OB/11 3.00 SERVICE CHARGE 08/11 PAGE 03 OF 05 ® Washington Mutual Bank,FA THE FEE FOR E OVERDRAWN WHETHER PAID ORHTRANSACTION, RETURNED, ISB21 00 136700000007484 56-E-83 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON 7271 ELK CIR APT 2 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647-8425 TO REACH CUST 'HER N SE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT1I800-788A7000- 410,542 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 06-11-03 THRU 07-10-03 BE CELBRIT, EVERYLD GETAFREEECOOLY PERSONALDCHECKSIANDUFEE,FREELTRAVELER'S CHECKS, ALL FOR ARLOW OCHECK P FOR MONTHLY FEE. ASK US FOR DETAILS SAVE UP TO SOX ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS AND MORE. . FDIC INSURED' FDIC INSURED FREE CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 876-397408-3 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS 70 22 1,864.55 1,929.64 5.11 YTD INTEREST PAID YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS HUHTHGTH CBE 228.62 ATH-MCHG 17502 GOLDENWESTIAVE10 HUNTINGTON 52 0612 06111 06/12 44.95 POS HTINTON xUNTINGTONH IN 73 0616 06116 740.27 pTM NCNG S1A07020 19023ESEACHRBLVD- 06116 20.00 VISA -CHAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA 06117 10.74 VISA-HOLLYWOOD VIDEO FOUNTAIN VALLCA AVENUE HUNTINTON BCH 28 0618 06/17 3.00 ATM-NCHG S1CO8975 7830 EDINGER 06118 20.00 VISA-➢KHY 0415 COSTA MESA AZ SAN DIEGO 23 0619 06/18 53.32 61.50 ATM-CHG 2912E SEA/WORLD 3601 JAMBOREE RD B24 NEWPORT BEACH 35 0620 06119 06 /20 5.24 24 POS SUBWAY Y1013 VISA-GAMESTOP M2365 FOUNTIAN VALLCA HUNTINGTON BE 02 0624 0623 24. 24.85 POS ARCO-PAYPOIN GOLDAVE. 06/24 74.89 VISA-DKNY 8415 C17502 OSTA MESAENWAZT 06125 VISA -CLUB MONACO #1033 COSTA MESA CA D6/25 36.20 VISA -SUGAR SNACK CAFE, HUNTINGTON BECA O6/26 17.20 78 VISA -CHAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA 0612 13. VISA-CARL'S JR •068 NEW PORT BEACCA 06130 6.52 885.86 EDINGER AVENUE HUNTINTON BCH 74 0701 07/01 07/01 40.00 ATM-NCNG S1CD8975 7830 CA 07/01 18.01 VISA-PAYPAL *HAYCOOLGUY402-935-7733 y1S A-BI-RITE NEAT & PROFOUNTAIN VALLCA VIS FOUNTAIN VALL 72 0702 07/01 20.41 ARCO PAYPOIN Pas07/02 18025 MAGNOLIA AYE. 43.85 VISA -BLUE AGAVE HUNTINGTON BECA 07/02 27.00 VISA -BLUE AGAVE HUNTINGTON BECA 07/02 23.00 VISA -BLUE AGAVE HUNTINGTON BECA 07/02 12.00 VISA -BLUE AGAVE HUNTINGTON BECA 07/02 14.00 VISA-EZ LUSE, INC &16 HUNTINGTON BCCA 07/02 88.80 VISA-CNAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA D7/07 7.50 VISA -OCEAN PACIFIC MKT HUNTINGTON BECA HUNTINGTON BC 55 0709 07/07 17.80 POS RALPHS 6942 WARNER AVE. 07/09 31.01 PAGE 01 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 4 .00 .00 ® Washington Mutual Bank,FA 156700000007484 KRISTOPHER S BRANDON 7271 ELK CIR APT 2 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647-8425 FREE CHECKING DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS 07/09 9.14 07/10 40.00 07/10 5.24 07/10 12.73 07/10 2.DO DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2167 06119 182.00 2168 06/24 276.27 NOTE: ■ INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE STATEMENT SAVINGS KRISTOPHER S BRANDON 56-E-83 410,543 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 06-11-03 THRU 07-10-03 4 (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ACCOUNT NUHBER: 876-397408-3 TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION VISA -CORNER BAKE112DOODIRVINE CA ATH-NCHG S1CO8975 7830 EDINGER AVENUE HUNTINTOFOUNTAIN 47 0710 POS PLOWBOYS MAR 8930 WARNER AVE VISA -CHAMPAGNES MARKET NEWPORT BEACHCA ATM WITHDRAWAL FEE - DOMESTIC CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT x2170 07/08 600.00 2171 07/10 32.00 WASHINGTON MUTUAL V. FA FDIC INSURED ACCOUNT NUMBER: 392-622019-0 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 6.87 3.00 .01 3.88 .34 INTEREST EARNED: ,01 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED 1 1.79 % YTD INTEREST PAID Y D INTEREST WITHHELD: •00 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DO DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: (CONTINUED) DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 07/10 .01 INTEREST PAYMENT 07/10 3,DO SERVICE CHARGE PAGE 02 OF 02 A P P e n t Ii s t 0 r y a u P a n t s E in p I 0 y in e R t Fi u Jill Ab1-WIWAICIt IRVINGAPA, GNTMANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in Ink, noting "NIA" or "none" where applluble. Do nat use white out. The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMVS approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community awned by either The .u:..� I P frinllertivaiv."owner'). urvmewmyu,ry-,-.,,,,,y........... _..... .._....._,___, ,- Community: IV< W Viz--Ih Address: L&)-b SAn PW-GO Print Applicant's full name (Last, First, Middle Initial) TrJSr. Ha aaPw o . Date of ll-07Brth -�7 Soealy5su-rietyNus41D s7-1 5er # 5scn3seZ NmeCa-Applicms(iAApplicatianrequud (Last, First. Middle Initial) 8r re,10 /!R{5 (Lasr,First,Mlddle Initial) for each Ca-APPllcant) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) Applicant's Present address Cty ZIP `j Z84`S Own '7`7ll i�'vn'r14, AI;L GtrPd£G! L^2•N Si- El Rent: Phone# 714 Sqf ?oS5 Pcrsa F m ai r W 7GIdVv1�i�YA S'I r A El Detached family Name. � Attached family home' El Apartment: Monthly Payment $• To whom do you maim payments? jp�{1�5 homff_ Present Landlord's Name Address City ZIP Phone# immediate Prior Address (If less than lyr. nt Own above) Rican Monthly Payment: $ 00t From TO Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Address city ZIP Phone# -. o..s I I Y. proposed Oceupams (Last. First. Mid' (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last. First. Middle Initial) Employer (if set' -employed, name of In GQrll.l ch ifl+i Iz phone #'T749 Type of Business Other Income Source Immediate Prior Employer Address (b Checking: bank and branch (include Cil 5av4n99: bank and branch (include Cil Have you ever filed bankruptcy? County and State where filed: Have you ever had any public ruard s Have you ever: Bun convicted of afelony? ❑yes Been evicted? ❑yes Defoultedan a lease? ❑yes P e In use of emergency. please ratify.I r aIfsp pliable, parents' phone numbers n l7ER 612dLJJJA (7 a Fame✓a Nam Revised. 10/01 jl,®.�`Lli�AI=I IRT EAPAFtTMENTMANAGEMEMI IPAN� How did you first team of this opeotmrse community? ❑OYRegister ❑Drive By ❑Rental-Livirg,cam nPromofion/Sp. Event s❑ST ❑Apartment Guide ❑Signs ❑Website-Other- Mercury morig. Apt. Magaelne, ❑Other IAC Community❑ReforM- EINewspoprr-Other- ❑RentalLiving (IACMug) OLATimes MRdowtor Service ElMagaeina-Other- ❑FarRent Magacine []So Won [:]Flyer [:]Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt. Info Center ❑5DReader ❑posteard/M011er ❑Other -Not Listed' • PLEASE FILL IN: Reason for relocaher. How many vehicles do you own/drive? Make Fend 11 Year �elv(i uanuett 'FC6'3'il14 Make Year Lieeese# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do you have Renter's Insurance? ❑yes ❑No Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making Ihis Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent on apartment in the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorise and consent to ollaw IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the •IAMC Purifier), to obtain and verify the credit and other information provided by me in this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks (Including electronic funds verification), employers and other persona or entities with Information relating to this Application Ialmouthorlae the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained In this Application to various lows, state and/or federal government agencies, Including without Iimltatbn, various kw enforcement vgendes. I understand that If I Two this apartment, the IAMC parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, accupanry, historyand other Information in this AppllwNon for purposes related to my Leese and/ar for account review bath during and after the term of my lease. I hereby release end hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Cammunitles, L.P., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, Including attorneys face. arising out of the verification and/or use of the information contained in this Application, Including the relram of such Information to Other parties. I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Information provided In this Application (including but net limited to the statement of my financial condition) is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Application. If any Information provided by me Is determined to be false, such false statembnt will be grounds for disapproval of my Application orterminalion of my Lease with Owner. I ogreeta natify IAMC if any of the Information provided In this Application changes owing the Application process Or during my tenancy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved. Application Information provided. A sepamleApplcation to Rant=at be Itemized gned by each ARPliantwhowill accApplicant the apartment before lthis lcheckon and to Appli ationwill be considered by[AMC. :*6q/6L3 Aa k)FL'FrPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE ,e above amount Is to be usedto screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background Information. The amount chargod itanked as follows: Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detabwr(aviation) search. and/or other screening reports $9.95 Cost taabtain, process and verfy screening Information (may include staff's time and other related costs) $ZD05 Total fee charged (may ant exceed $30 per Applicant) authorises veriflwHon of information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference f other information sources. Data By: signature Irvine Apartment Management Company Revised, lofol Pepe Roll A,,s,s onToRenlleelm Income Restricted Certification Name, vv d Initial ?rtirlcation Re -certification other Unit YesNo Question iwereceiveFamily Support, Spousal Suport and/or any other ash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments aefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Annuities. eceive benefits/income from Social Security to SSI and/or periodic social security payments. household receives unearned income for family members 17 or under. are entitled to receive child support payments. am currently receiving child support payments. am/are currently making efforts to collect child support to me. ave other assets (e >, Bonds, Treasury icate of Deposits, I lave cash on hand. nt Status: e: 401K, IRA, Revocable Money Market accounts, who are If you answered ves to either of the previous two questions are you: i Married and filing a joint tax return. ome Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will +Residenignature nial f application or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. ?6 3 0 03 Date 5I�.3 6(G3 Date Signature of owner/Agent ------ OM Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Employer rm6m r,-6Qs--s Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date S /291a3 YTD Income q i u 15',00- divided by 36- Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (how often paid) W L� 5Z Calculated Annual Income ' -61 q85. Do - Hire Date 7/q S Gross per Pay Period 2130 . ©c� N 28a.Ga divided by Z (=) 2?0, au (how often paid) W 5sz (=) Calculated Annual Income 1yi5G0.ao— WAYNE O GRAHAM 545-87-4541 Used / Available Sick 0:00 / 0.00 Vac 0:00 / 0:00 GRAHAM ENTERPRISES 7581 PARK AVE. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 e /U • :.MV 545-87-4541 Used / Available Sick 0:00 / 0:00 Vac 0:00 / 0:00 GRAHAM ENTERPRISES 7581 PARKAVE. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 08/17/2003 - 08/23/2003 Pay Period Hourly Rate (40:00@$7.00) Federal Withholding Social Security Employee Medicare Employee CA- Withholding CA - Disability Employee Overtime Hourly Rate 08/17/2003 - 08/23/2003 Pay Period 08/10/2003 - 08/16/2003 Pay Period Hourly Rate (40:00@$7.00) Federal Withholding Social Security Employee Medicare Employee CA - Withholding CA - Disability Employee Overtime Hourly Rate 245.74 8/29/2003 YTD 290.00 9,415.00 -7.00 -361.00 -17.36 -591.64 4.06 -138.37 .3.32 -100.37 -2.52 -84.70 0.00 127.50 245.74 245.74 8/22/2003 YTD 280.00 9,135.00 -7.00 -354.00 -17.36 -574.28 -4.06 -134.31 .3.32 -97.05 -2.52 -82.18 0.00 127.50 08/10/2003 - 08/16/2003 Pay Period 245.74 09/02/2003 08:51 949756123E Aug 31 03 05; 331: F VORT N v PAGE 0; I 1 5.9 a Npv i:cn;fialas _sN ...• Recamfitation _ Onii P.5 INCOME COMPUTATION AND CEWEIPI'C, � TYF• N NOTE fU F'.\1C'I:-H 7 T OWNER- The; form is designated to ntsistyou in computing Armlet nath u¢ method set forth in life D:p.llater. t, 11 I:tisirp and Crbm Project ("HUD") Regulotions (24 CFR 813). You six:der❑o4,• a.•u,ia dul it farm is at all h,= um r0 ihre Rii,, the 1li•D Ri p:,l:,-inns. All tapnalirnl taints used Wait, shall hmz Rio maani-lgscl 1'.:b .o rb. [:eabb:o-;• 4greemm, CS( DA (Poo]) - Newport Nicar-it a F ^ic Ir.a .:.:aa5i;;m:L act, the' Insc have read and answered Fully. Frankly and persora iy cat•• : f 111 ° 'ello;ving questions for all per•wal : ,•^,a m•r :o •u d;py the unit brine applied for in the ^hove apartment project L):trd .eh: ,v e r, rl•r names of all perscn5 Ni U rOen.i rn •c:•'e ,n ;b. e,.._ Na�:r n \:c.*,b: rs 2 3. Rdauonship a - L'',h I I are ci- to Head of Household Age `un.iai ..-curt:• V..I x• Place of Fmployment ._,_,�`.Jr�:"E-'•���i,'.�,.�1�..._...�.�A_v..-- _,i31A^aP_a]E.f':�Lr.lis__V4_ _'_63t.;A_IG! •.,•,SSW__ Income Computattola 6. The trial r nhciootcd income, calculated in accordance with this progmph 6 O. c11 pia •n: s tmeopt children under IS •vats) lisl, d A rn, hot the l2•nionth period beginning Iliaearlier of the date •bat I: xc Irian to *te:c into a unit ar sign n Ines',. ibr, u ii. incl.fal f i ti,e tolol or.ncipnled income listed above are: la) ill •wages and salaries, overdmr pay, comlrussions, fees, figs and hnrtwcs mid cikar ',nnpensanort fin )^rst•noi services, before pa,%TOII deductions; (b) °hr net income from the operation of a busincrs or orofusim, or n _ri :I:e r: t1a1 of rt.al or personal property -.l i;l cut deducting expenditure•. for business expansion of limnrt: a., of csnlN indebtednes or any nl'm'•anrc• flat depreciation of capital assets); (c) :wc• .zl and eividends (including. income from assets included hci:m• arid otht: r.vt 1 iwmc from real or r.c-litnn) p operty); (tt)" rho fAl amount of periodic payments ruccivrd from social Bewrihr, enouilxs riswanee policies, retie enimit mnI fensinns, disability or death benefits and other similar lype ol`:,•ri,*!i. ruciuts including any lump so-•-, tavr„n,t for the delayed start of a periodic paymorl; CO pa,,•mrmit. lieu ofcarnings, such ns unemployinvir and disa'ela.'in, v, drkers' compensation anti ^everance pay; (1) 11¢rv,�imum amount of public assistance available it, the anon; elsmps:+Uer, th;m:4canioual of any n <atec specifically designated For shelter and tiulilitu; Ir) perirrti,; and determinable allowances, such as ulimnn;•mvl ch'Id•uppr,rtt'ny^r.:nlr-in d rage, lar comri hutions anti -:ins to rived from persons not residing it) the divolhngs; th) all r•:_Avlarpas, special pay and allowances ofa nrrmher oftheMlud ev.c, (v, tither or not Irving in tilt d••. riling) who is the (read of the )1ouichofd of Spousc; and % 1 any •'arn ul income tax credit to the extent that it e\cecds fnconc,w,+ Ill bd•ry P+r:1:+kd heir stall anticipated income rue•, ia? cast n , sporadic or irregular gifts, (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; M relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) ' payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; v (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes _ y _No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes _�X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combin d total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,000? - Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S — , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ S. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes x No (b) Complete only if the answer to Ouestion 8(a) Is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes x No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. H. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the _Q 314 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service: I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 09/02/2003 08:51 9497561238 SANPAULO APTS ling 31 03 i7:a:34p ? 'PORT N 94.>S > ! S98 01, 7. Catclilacrnz o: w�alblc i:.lcaau; PAGE 03 P•G -• La,._, avlmc! ewrpd for entire housei old in G nhave; Z Q b. (7) ]; th : an neat not ted is 7(e)above is yea, ont r 11e tvtai az r J 7(d)(?), subtract fi+or' '•u figure the amuat entered 7(0)<3) aid ent&x the rema°lial I23 N'i1'Aprythe--mm 'et to .oLbl:wrxrnLpassfxvxk 1a•1h (Ss rate. Q ^ % a 1) b dcfetrnixie what the. m!ai arum d c�rniq _ !(tQ(1) would be if invcs:ed 7x 11naa')a& iavirq, j. wWact from thmt fidasn TU: amolatt ccL, 'n 7(a)(3) and ea x the remaining balal;e (8 03) 1-:'ct4a ac ::lgbt the greater of ttte amount calg atecl arcs rl?(rC;faboss: J S _ iGC C. TOTAL 3l�Vi�„'S r1C0Ivlli (sae 2.2 plus line I.b(3): %'i'4C a1'a,P1[ir CCU1:e>L1 �d l.c: Quallftes the applicants) as a Hcdm%-Iacnrcc T::naa{s) z1alilies the applicants) as a Lowcniacon> 77a ar_ ;l. Q( RIMes the applicants) as a VeryI,mv Iscon:o?'emtr;(F?. 3. bfmr-'rxD:tw<< 'sOr4micassigne8: 39 Bedroom sire: a''f 1?_ Reac•S 11�%i. p c� _.».:.__. 1. 711c ap u.�vrt tau!t�asf ag�to�tj lase occupied far a period of 31 or zrnr: rwmsacus a days by persons whose aglr,�ste truictca;td aractai iucornc as cettificd in the above raasnor u^er their itititia! ;,t'ul7aticy o; the apattnrcxue trait (T-14Fed thm.-, as a I.uwex-bcoepe Tenant(s)- S. hF nad c_:;c t5. -mmy app1_aat(s) income. ..._.___•..-______. F-13.,^�IQ}'ei 3•^-COSnC Yee'iL'1CaCOL•. _._ _... --_-- •_ ,_•,• C"spies of tan rctttms.,��/ft v.,, v..r L1JVJ v_•.Jl JYJIJOl LJO bAINYAULU AHIS PAGE 05 Flue . ( Oz U:_z_l3.^ NEWPORT N 9497UI1 4SSET CA-LCULATfO_N QIi`_ • °:rot Yni ._ Raldrlonelaa nx Nnbor Ulill of �•» p.4 ' fir,<i: :j,irli':.I-1'• R%Nwtl:niniri__ YtS WHO -- I1Vli V Nlt —•_-`-__.. _._.._ tACI a.?' (klastl Rale AVCrarJl: - AveraU, /� IitlIlls Yc2 34 ;5 r- -:I._- _ l i•'.:rniv `>_F ;iF I_F Fi.._SUJAI9xETC .•—___.__. _.. __..... .':�'.. _.?.' ._. fi:•rvU !' .. ...... n:. vrulgn _— Avuruli•.i'iN. l _-_ ..- ._...._...._.... � hlouis _ 53 :1 ••; •• — ] _ AR iI MI FYs- 71i •-jl. T llfl 1 __ f _I.I! tt .•.. _-.�sQlrSiiv._wrY'rJd!L'Lt a 1 � tl .—...—_ �I _�. _.... ... •�.� U..... ASS ii lhS..'- .s1°IY 5'Ir'= Oace Raltl Avarig _ _..-_.'.'- •_. ._ . .I - P.vr•ng'•iT?I _. __. holm- c3 tj ran r� --'-.._..___. .... ..,',u•: 1 31'ase Rate' Avurtoe FJ,e?L•;F t Iluw• Avvl a_nr..^,i nn;T _. ._ •..___._ niu;nl:aaiu•5t rF,iSs ItrG067EAhD �•) - r:6iu..,n y -v-^ -r•r n . �.,._ ., . __, Ihrou -nrn>, I..T - BI n,:rc •+SLWL-r: dlrly 3 Ly P:.^. n,n•.:Pm'Pn;: in om5^a:e fnlxr •a•! ; tcc G: h7N1. Velno , I Col Cash A — :� BURG; J:—p= INPUTE01NCOt/ I(� FT^JM A34 M OOXN- `----� JartV. N•: �: lN9-':I infnlPO GcnI I _ f1a.".rl• ,m Ida ... _.i. _.._.. _ --�• ''uklnrnr fin.f:4inliimiNl Vm: rM:Ms I'M%—L•_.•. _I:o; lu M••1f.rr1;S._4'.d.2.cv, _. Alt- 7er:i llr•ll: !. ._..._-__.-___ INCOME. CnK(RIUUIFC ITi(,1.7 AiSGfS 1'r rr�l__•i•t.t•Il:i.l.:ti`',''F T_ a h TCITAL A�SL?SI .r_-__ .__.. .5.... _;.: •-...._._.-.___.. µ • ;i• r KV nsse[ Uescnplion Imputed/ Grossrfair cost to Member (savings, checking,;(ocks, bonds, Current MkL VaIuC Gel Cash Fam NE r nssets IOldns! �II nlnromcl from rr as I or C lyAs n n, � ]rt . ,�: .. 5+`;' {.' y:: ��� ay .,a?; 1. •a i' .i 1. �S' �. uaraainuAeC�: inVINC APARTMENTMANAOEMENI'COMPANY lbw del you first lamn a( ILis npm•Imanl community) �Oa Register ❑Drive By 1-1 penlal•Llving coca �Promotlan/5p. Event Alnwlinumu Guide F151gns ❑ websilc• 01111r• �Sg Ho ... Y 1:10r1g,Apl Magmata 00IIer TACComaxnny❑pefervwl• nitewsinlar•011er" ❑Rental Living INC Mag)❑LA Times Relocular 5ervim ❑Magaaine• Olber' for Real Mngadne ❑Sb voles FlFlyo Affordablcll.... 1, TAC Apt. Info Canter 050 pointer ❑Pasleard/Alalbr �011e1•Not❑s1ed" • PLEASEFTLLIN faults for rebnllon: How many vehidcs do you owNdesse) Make Year Lie,... It Make Year License It Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers Is not permitted In the Community. Ifu you lour rteulrr'<Inay.ne] ❑Yes ❑N. Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I vim molded put Applinian scholarly far Ilia puriase of ehtalNry 1AMC's npprowl Is rent m. alarlmenl In Ism apartment enuan,ly shaven alum 1 hereby nulhm•be and sorest to.lbw iAML.Owror. and Ihcrr rrslectiw employees and.gcnss fmlknbmly. she •IAMC Pmpm•). 1. Obtain and verify the credit and alum, interaction provided by me in lists Appllntlan Ihrougli credit reporting agescbs, scroll saeenrng seen. nmianles, banks (including etecirstnis funds verification), employers and other persons or entities Willi Information relating to I1111 Applmaaam I understand thar if I Irosa this nualusnl• she IAMC Partial shall have n wnllar grlgla sit mdew my credo l Inlo1 mallow, laymen, Misery, oeupsncy losses y snit clime informntloo In ads Application tar pare Issas related Io my Laos. and/or for annual review ar improvement of applintien matlads I barony releare and IaW Iarmios The Trvie Compary.IMne Aporlmenr C.m orsh o, LP..2nan Aparlmes, Mmagemem Campny, rmd.11 a aseir respective olllars, -arid es and agents, from myand all liability legal prnecub it and coal; Irohdl..g.1f.ys• fees, raising our of the wrhanllon and/or use of the information notched in this Application, Including Ilia release of such Information to other parties. I warrant that. to Ilia best of my knowledge, all of Ilia information provided In lists Application (including but car limited m file sblcmenl of any flmnnnl nnddt.n) B l....... nmplae and correct its of am Mtn of this Appllcaflom If any information pri by me is delermsrod to be mile ad. false slalnnent Well be grounds for dsmppmwl of my Application ar Inmlrabnn of my I...0 Wdh awry I agree la rant, TAMrif any of1b•informnlbn provided in this ApgAmOan dnnges rbd.y aw Application Mesas or sharing my laws 1 also umlmslond Ilia, IAMC wA. c son. Ibis Appnn lion, okmg will, any ollrer mh mmhbn provided by me, whether or cat this Appllntlan Is approved. Anon -refundable Application screening Fee of f30.00 (as Ilemind beb ll Is required from each Applicant to prints this Application and to clink the Information provided. Aseparate ApplIatlen to Rent must he signed by each Appellant who not oewpy lhoapaamntbefam lib Application sing be conddered SylA C. re z bate Applicant's signature RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE m stave mrrninl is to be "led to screen Apldlcanr Willi regards In credit Ins leery and alter background Info..Imn. Th. mwnn, bee ml Ilemhed as follows 1. AaualrodeofereAst re)aR,mdnwfuldclmrar taillike) search. and/., other screening nprls 4295 2. Cost to obtain. process and verify screening infermalion("include staff,$ Van ondolher return! coals) $2005 3. Total fit dierged(may car exceed$30 per Applicant) $go ob pliant aullsorhes verification of informOlion supplied by Applicant oa ills Application Through credit reporting agendas, personal reference :,ka and ahher informnllon sources. Oslo Apphosnt's Ilgrolure Irvine Apartment Management company By: Redood 07MI Isago2d2 NYa.4rrTWWYla01 n o x. ., • <t 21� `R Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Name:Unit# 2314 r Initial Certification Re -certification Other Vpz Nn 011estion Monthly Income Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Property. Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. / The household receives -unearned income for family members J( aoe 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support l / owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, u Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, ( Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students exam le: College/University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered eves to either of the previous two questions are you: K➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false .....,.,r,rl,F i;n....1,n..e,n.. n r,+i F„+xn..n r,.+-4?0—.l rn I— .,...d....d:............... r,...1..M.-,r- - e,n; ". .,al •, , ` •. f Social Security administration Date: August 15, 2003 Claim Number: 563-38-8961A SEV08-150038950019 Name: MILDRED WIESENECK l MILDRED A WIESENECK 2314 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3257 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,I You asked us for information from your record. The information that you requested is shown below. If you want anyone else to have this information, you may send them this letter. Information About Current Social Security Benefits Beginning December 2002, the full monthly Social Security benefit before any deductions is $ 705.60. We deduct $58.70 for medical insurance premiums each month. The regular monthly Social Security payment is $ 646.00. (We must round down to the whole dollar.) Social Security benefits for a given month are paid the following month. (For example, Social Security benefits for March are paid in April.) Your Social Security be are paid on or about the third of each month. If You Have Any Questions If you have any questions, yyou may call us at 1-800-772-1213, or call your local Social Security office at 949-474-1178. We can answer most questions over the phone. You can also write or visit any Social Security office. The office that serves your area is located at: SOCIAL SECURITY 4525 MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Asset Calculation Worksheet Name Ait' NP_ wwse-�,,►z Account Type C�1P��ana� 2,4— (+) 111?5,7f divided by ?_ (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % '61, (_) Income from asset: $ r `,— n• trig` BankofAmerica.�%✓ 0694 EO.4 MILLI A WIESENECK 2314 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3257 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.tyankofamerica.com. ❑ Summary of Your Standard Checking Account Beginning Balance on 07/15/03 $1,175.71 Total Deposits + 4,702.00 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees - 3,091.27 Service Charge 8.50 Ending Balance $2,777.94 ❑ Important Information About Your Account . Your Bank of Americ Standard Checking Statement Statement Period: July 15 through August 12, 2003 Account (Number: 06943.10169 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America South Coast Fin Ctr Br PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1978 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you, Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Number of purchase transactions Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted A monthly service charge was applied to your account because on 07/31 your balance was - below the minimum balance requirement of $1,000. You can also avoid this charge by linking other Bank of America savings and money market deposit accounts and maintaining an average combined balance of $5,d00. BankofAmerica. -0ice MILLI A VIIIESENECK ❑ Bank of America News Statement Period: July 15 through August 12, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 Finish up last minute school shopping with ease. Avoid long lines and crowds by shopping online at www.bankofamerica.com/shop where you can receive exclusive savings from Dell Home Systems, Niketown.com, eBags and many more. Since your Bank of America Check Card(R) features Total Security Protection(TM), you can conveniently shop online with confidence. From reordering checks, to placing a stop payment, or updating your address, Online Banking makes it simple to manage virtually every aspect of your account right from your computer. Moving? Plan ahead and reorder checks with your new address online. Access. Online Banking today at www.bankofamerica.com. Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring deposit. If you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the most convenient ways to have access to your money. There is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankofamerica.com/directdeposit. The costs of college add up. Consider a private loan for students from Bank of America: Eligibility is not based on financial need, and the loan features a low interest rate, low fees and flexible loan limits and repayment options. Learn more at www.bankofamerica.com/studentbanking. Credit subject to approval. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount Number Data Posted A 07/16 $ 104.00 08/05 2,2E 08/01 2,333.00 Total of 3 deposits $4,7( ❑ Checks Paid A Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount Date Pald Number At 07/16 662 $ 35.00 08105 666 1,05 07/15 663 400.00 Total of 4 Checks Paid $1,55 08101 A 665 69.00 " ❑ Account Activity Date Posted Description Reference Number An Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 07/16 Purchase on 07/16 (Card #260695382), SSanta CCA 619950 $1 07/16 Albertson's #6531 Ana Check'Card Purchase on 07/14 (Card #260695382), 21 Acupulco Restaurant Santa Ana CA Ref#24323013196117105010408 07/17 Purchase on 07/17 (Card #260695382), tall 106617 11 Petsmart Fountain CA 07/18 Check Card Purchase on 07115 (Card #260695382), 4: Marco Polo Italian Eate Newport Beach CA Ref 24131893198502078100422 07/21 Check Carl Purchase on 07/17 (Card #260695382), 1: Souplantation,##20 Fountain Vaff(t CA Ref#24493983199207537257407 07/21 Purchase on 07/19 (Card #260695382), 325837 1� Ralphs 2555 East Newport Beach CA 07/21 Check Card Purchase on 07/17 (Card #260695382), 2. Images Salon Inc. Corona Del Ma CA. Ref#24493983199286428987165 Continued on next page 0168271.002.TIO California Page 2 ft BankofAmerica. �', MILLI A WIESENECK Statement Period: July 15 through August 12, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Description Reference Number Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 07/21 Check Card Purchase on 07/17 (Card #260695382), Images Salon Inc. Corona Del Ma CA Ref#24493983199286428987157 07/22 Check Carl Purchase on 07/20 (Card #260695382), Pei Wei Asian Diner-00, New Port Beac CA Ref#24323013202138015501007 07/23 Check Card Purchase on 07/21 (Card #260695382), Souplantation 98 Irvine CA Ref#24493983 07/23 03207258842746 Purchase on 07/22,(Card #260695382), 964443 Vans Store 1 Santa Ana CA 07/24 Check Card Purchase on 07/22 (Card #260695382), Ihop 915 Santa Ana CA Ref 4492793204118758675945 07/25 Purchase on 07/24 Card #260695382), Ralphs 2555 Newport 452694 Est Beach CA 07/25 Purchase on 07/25 (Card260695382), 021944 Ralphs 2555 East Newport Beach CA 07/25 Purchase on 07124 Card #260695382), 452259 Ralphs 2555 ast ew ort Beach CA 07/28 Check Card Purchase on 07/24 .(Card #260695382), Pei Wei Asian Diner-00 New Port Beac CA 07/28 Ref#24323013207138015901610 Check Car Purchase on 07/27 (Card #260695382), New art Hills Anim Newport Beach CA Ref 324055243208000077400059 07/29 Purchase on 07/29 (Card #260695382), 123000 Sfi0486 3430. S. Santa Aria CA 07/29 Purchase on 07/29 (Card #260695382), 104151 Vans Store i Santa Ana CA 07/29 Purchase on 07/29 Card #260695382), Albertson's Santa 606753 07/29 #6531 Ana A Purchase on 07/29 (Card #260695382), 606697 07/30 Alb ertson's 6531 Santa.Ana CCA Purchase on 07/30 (Card #260695382), Albertson's A531 Santa 646898 07/30 Ana CA Check Card Purchase on 07/29 (Card #260695382), Ihop 915 Santa Ana CA Ref 4492793210118758678867 07/30 Purchase on 07/30 (Card #260695382), 774701 Sav-on Drugs Santa Ana CA 07/31 Purchase on 07/31 Card #260695382), 021208 Ralphs 2555 ast Newport Beach CA 08/01 Purchase on 08/01 Card #260695382), 453200 Ralphs 2555 ast Newport Beach CA 08/01 Purchase on 08/01 (Card #260695382), 937685 < Web Laundr3 Milan Newport Beac CA 08/04 Purchase on 08/03 (Card .#260695382), 154013 S00486 3430. S. Santa Ana CA ' 08/04 Purchase on 08/03 (Card #260695382), Alba Santa 636672 1 08104 rtson's 6531 Ana CA Purchase an 08104 (Card #260695382), tall 106353 3 mart PetsFountain CA 08/04 Purchase on 08/04 (Card 2606953821, #(ountain 243419 17 Costco Wholesale VaI CA 08/05 Purchase on 08/05 Card #260695382), 157660 1. Ralphs 2555 ast Newport Beach CA 08/05 Check Card Purchase on 08/02 (Card #260695382), 11 Pei Wei Asian Diner-00 New Port Beac CA Ref#24323013216138016800949 08/06 Purchase on 08/06 (Card #260695382), 069691 2 Round Table Fizz Hermosa Beach CA 08/06 Purchase on 08106�Card #260695382), 569039 6i Longs Drug tore Long Beach CA Continued on next page 0188271.003.T70 California A. , Bankof America. %I" MILLI A WIESENECK Statement Period: July 15 through August 12, 2003 Account Number: 06943.10169 ❑ Account Activity Continued Data Posted Description Reference Number f Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 08/08 Purchase an 08/08 (Card #260695382), 330485 Wal-Mart 2 17 Santa Ana CA 08/11 on Purchase OSI 9 (Card,#260695382), 115045 Ralphs 2555 East Newport Beach CA 08/11 Purchase on 08/09 (Card #260695382), 618107 Albertson's 6531 Santa Ana CA 08/11 Check Card Purchase on 08/08 (Card #260695382), Acupulco Restaurant Santa Ana CA Ref#24323013220249129010443 08/11 Check Card Purchase on 08/07 (Card #260695382), Chevron 00201093 Newport Beach CA Ref #246 5123220431208636585 08/11 Check Card Purchase on 08/10 (Card #260695382), ; Ihop 915 Santa Ana CA 08/11 Ref 4492793222118758683905 Purchase on 08/11 (Card #260695382), 473520 Sav-on Drugs Newport Beach CA 08/11 Purchase on 08/09 (Card #260695382), 231391 2( Wal-Mart #2517 Santa Ana CA 08/12 Check Card Purc ase an 08/11 (Card #260695382), 1 USPS 0569390420 Newpport Beach CA Ref#24387753223001350504078 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $1,55 Service Charge 08/12 Monthly Service Charge $ ❑ Daily Balance Date Amount Date Amount Date Amc 07/15 $ 775.71 07/24 502.00 08/04 2,090 07/16 808.66 07/25 474.96 08/05 3,273 07/17 792.02 07/28 361.53 08/06 3 184 07/18 750.02 07/29 218.95 08/08 3,174 07/21 584.22 07/30 100.69 08/11 2,804. 07122 567.09 07/31 88.73 08/12 2,777. 07/23 516.97 08/01 2,323.59 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement ......................... ..................................................................................................... $2,777 Bankof America. -0 1 MILLI A WIESENECK Statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Description Reference Number A Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 07/09 Check Card Purchase on 07106 (Card #260695382), Pei Wei Asian Diner-00 New Port Beac CA 07/09 07/09 07/10 07/11 07/11 07/14 07/14 07/14 07114 07114 07/14 07/14 [.n Beach CA Check Card Purchase an 07108 (Card #260695382), Hof's Hut Rest & Bakery Los Allzamitos CA Ref#24610433190072020088393 Purchase on 07/1t(Catd #260695382), Vans Store 1 Newport Beach CA Check Card Purchase,on 07/10 (Card 6260695382), Images Salon Inc. Corona Del a CA Ref#24493983192206365603101 Check Card Purchase on 07112 (Card #260695382), Baja Fresh Mexican Gri Newport Beach CA Ref#24323013194117029020345 Check Card Purchase on 07/12 (Card #260695382), Baja Fresh Mexican Gri Newport Beach CA Ref#2432301319411702902031�1 Check Card Purchase on 07/10 (Card #260695382), Marco Polo Italian Este Newport Beach CA Ref#24131993194502078200069 Purchase an 07/14 Card #260695382), Ralphs 2555 Est ew ort Beach CA Check Card Purchase on 07/11 (Card #260695382), Coco's 0009 Corona Del M CA Ref#2 455013192193376310201 Check Card Purchase on 07/11 (Card #260695382), Corona Delmar Animal HS Corona Del, Ma CA Ref#24493983193207157473215 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account fees Service Charge Monthly Service Charge 894751 256722 33 2 4 15 $1,84; 1 $a I ❑ Daily Balance Date Amount Date Amount Date Amoi 06/12 $ 234.73 06/26 510.75 07/08 1,974.E 06/16 178.53 06/27 358A2 07/09 1,523., 06/18 314.02 06/30 42.85 07110 1,500.E 06119 210.32 07/01 161.36 07111 1,305.E 06/20 189.62 07/02 111.81 07/14 1,175.1 06/23 160.54 07/03 31.64 06/25 125.72 07107 2,031.53 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement..............................................................................................................................$1,175. • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register......................................................................................... 8. 016e40s.004.Tlo California Page 4 c J ' r NV� , • . � iV.r BankofAmerica.�� 0694 E0-4 IIIIuuIIIIIIIIIIiuiiuuliivaII IIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MILLI A WIESENECK 2314 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3257 Your Bank of Americ Standard Checking Statement Statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America South Coast Fin Ctr Br PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1978 Our free online Banking service allows you to check account balances, Bank of America appreciates your transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. business and we enjoy serving yo, ❑ Summary of Your Standard Checking Account Beginning Balance on 06/12/03 $363.85 Total Deposits + 2,907.49 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees - 2,087.13 Service Charge - 8.50 Ending Balance $1,175.71 ❑ Important Information About Your Account Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Number of purchase transactions Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted 6 of your Customer Service Calls are free of charge each statement I A monthly service charge was applied to your account because on 07103 your balance was below the minimum balance requirement of $1,000. You can also avoid this charge by linking other Bank of America savings and money market deposit accounts and maintaining an average combined balance of $5,000. In September we will make changes to the information describing automated clearing house transactions posting to your account. These technical changes provide you with more reference information in an easy -to -read format. Bankof America.low MILLI A WIESENECK Statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 ❑ Bank of America News Marc Chagall at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art July 26-Nov 4, 2003 ONLY U.S. VENUEI Bank of America is proud to sponsor the Marc Chagall exhibition. Visit SFMOMA for the retrospective of this universally renowned artist including many works never before seen in this country. For tickets, visit ticketweb.com or call 866.468.3399. Now, Online Banking lets you monitor your money in real time and view up-to-the-minute account activity. You can track transactions throughout the day - from ATM deposits and withdrawals, to Check Card' purchases, direct deposits, loan payments and more. Access Online Banking at www.bankofamerica.com. Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring ' deposit. If you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the most convenient ways to have access to your money. There is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankofamerica.com/direotdoposit. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount Number Data Posted A,r 06/18 $ 135.49 • 07/07 641 06/26 400.00 07/07 1,58: 07/01 143.00• Total of 5 deposits $2,901, ❑ Checks Paid Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Am 06/30 660 $ 200.00 Total of 2 Checks Paid $240 07/08 661 40.00 ❑ Account Activity Date Posted Description Reference Number Am( • Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 06/12 Purchase on 06/12 Card #260695382), Ralphs 2741 Santa Ana 265494 $17 06/12 scar CA Purchase on 06/11 (Card #260695382), 929800 111. Sav-on Drugs Santa Ana CA 06/16 Check Card Purchase on 06/13 (Card #2606953821, 10. Robinsonmayy Collect -Rob No ollywood CA Ref #24387753165004041020066 06/16 Purchase on 06/16 (Card #2606953821, TraderJoe's SSanta.Ana 019316 12. 113 CCA 06/16 Purchase on 06114 (Card #260695382), 129215 14. Kfc # 2610125 Santa Ana CA 06/16 Purchase on 06/14 (Card #260695382), 230641 19.• Vans Store 1 Santa Ana CA 06/19 Check Card Purchase on 06/17 (Card #260695382), 22., Chili's Gri16700001677 Cypress CA Ref#24164073169426500000586 Bank of America. IIIVPt- MILLI A WIESENECK Statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 Account Number: 06943-10169 ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted Description Reference Number Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 06/25 Purchase on 06/25 (Card #260695382), 033669 Vans Store 1 Santa Ana CA 06/25 Check Card Purchase on 06/23.(Card #260695382), Jade Palace Restaurant• anta Ana CA Ref#2449398317520053251.1033 06/25 Check Card Purchase on 06/23 (Card #260695382), Coco's 0069 Santa Ana CA, Ref#2 55013174175376622821 06/26 Check Card Purchase on 06/24' (Card #260695382), Ihop 915 Santa Ana CA 06/27 Ref 4492793176118758664554 Purchase on 06/27 ((Card #260695382), 778963 Kfc # 2610129 Santa Ana CA 06/27 Purchase on 06/27 (Card #260695382), 671639 Sav-on Drugs Santa Ana CA 05/30 Check Card Purchase on 06/27 (Card.##�260895382), Dunn Edwards Corpp ##,67 Costa Mesa cA Ref#2449398317920d816007514 06/30 Check Carl Purchase on 06127, (Card•#260695382), Ihop 915 Santa Ana CA Ref 24492793180118758665647 06/30 Check Car Purchase on 06/26 (Card.#260695382), Ihop #915 Santa Ana CA Ref#24492793178118758665088 06/30 Purchase on 06129 (Card #260695382), 334124 Ralphs 2555 East Newpport Beach CA 06/30 Check Card Purchase on 00126 (Card'#260695382), Acupuico Restaurant Santa Ana_ CA Ref#24323013179117088010426 07/01 Check Card P.Ur6hase on 06/29 (Card.#260695382), Los�Alamitos Hots Hut Rest & Bakery CA Ref #246104331'81'072019721542 07102 Purchase on 07/02 (Card #260695382), 289709 Vans Store 1 Santa Ana CA 07/03 Check Card Purchase an 06/30 (Card #260695382), Marco Polo Italian Eate Newport Beach CA Ref#24131993183502078200,096 D7/03 Purchase an 07/03 (Card #260695382), 549975 Voris Store 1 Newport Beach<CA )7/07 Purchase an 07/04,(Card #26,0,695382), 981239 S110486 3430. S. Santa•Ana CA. )7/07 Purchase on 07/07 (Card #260695382), 415318 Petsmart'Fountain Wall CA )7/07 Purchase on 07/04 (Card #260695382), 761339 Vans Store 1 Santa Ana CA )7/07 Check Card Purchase on 07/02 (Card #260695382), The David Salon Costa Mesa CA Ref#24226453184980056740236- 17/07 Purchase on 07107 (Card 2606953821, 242951 Costco Wholesale, ountain VaI.CA 17/08 Purchase an 07108 ((Card ##260695382), 358059 Ralphs 2555.East Mew ort Beach CA 17109 Check Card Purchase on 07/07 (Card #260695382), Petsmart 0090 Fountain Vail CA Ref#244 5013188189370422097 7/09 Purchase on 07/09 Card #260695382), 223615 Ralphs 2555 Est ew ort Beach CA 7/09 Check Card Purchase on 07/06 (Card #260695382), Pei Wei Asian Diner-00 New Port Beac CA Ref#24323013189130014160535 7109 Check Card Purchase on 07/07 (Card #260695382), Ruby's Corona Del Mar Corona Del Ma CA Ref#24761973189274352010822 Continued on next page 0160406.003.T10 California Page J Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: miIlie or L- rbe+ wi r now Date: FI 2-q �G3 Initial Certification ❑ Re -certification Date of Expected Move -In: `iL 1 /U3 Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ® Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Date of Clarification: Contact Name: m men a bi,&+ Wise c Company/Organization: tJai2 Summary of F,xnlanation or Clarification Employee Name: ,V��„so�it/ Title: 4ssi 4k Employee Signature: Date: 0148 .14 ,} , D--ro CuuL9 U�+ -'-�'O( �- grnve MY parp-n+s -700 . a o Q. (\ct.4 orb c) v- ���4 -0.1 5S)�' Tq- CCLr�ce. Nl fowe'YS 41, .W' AIMCO Properties, L.P. G SC 29662 � �' � [ , �� �' � .... .' f�' , " ."I 0.77!!,envL'.1� , ',� - - , ' � , �,o W "P. FCS .. -� , —l" . ; Security Deposit Refunds I I ln.:, .. 7 77= Invoice Date Invoice Number Entry Date I voucherlD Invoice Amount Voucher Description 07@5/2003 -10418680325070183 1 n7nV')Anl I mcn,A, I � vur " n. 154Z�W{'�U/�0� INVINC APAWMCNT MANAGCMCNT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Ple°s. Lrnnplelr II, ION n: n1 a's culn'ay, n.lnq'IJ/A' m•'nala' wbel. upPIlL.bie. 1 Lc ndu Iwbru you Wend. will be VN:vIimd prml• 1° IAN,:'s,ryln u,A lu ryul uu npu•Imcnl to you lu uu olxvlulcnl muwnwuly uwreJ wner•by etlbm• ILe Irw¢ Cwlwrry nNor L•wne nlw•Imcnl fnnnnu'nllrs,L1' fmdlttlrvoly, •O), I:unnnumly. --�I ndru Ij AI Ir I.Lill nnn On 1, 111,1, Muldk Unl'I) J /N Odrnl rill 11 be. uul Number / -�Y r' bl'vU•')Lnelwc ll A Ilannu.II l9drnitilc AP llallanrn nil ed lur<ach Co-APPI¢wJ sI, MxIJlc wp (us,rrrsl,MIJJk lnewp P (Lust, 111 lxd Ll(Lml, fmsl. MIJJk InJlol) P I ILrsl, h-1, lAlJJle bmmil (Lusl,fnsl,MWJIe LVIW) I IL,wl,1 x'sI, MWJk IwuA) ° Aprllcrinlb h 1$,.l ANION ess alv ztr ❑ o+n vuewrs Wlo II 4Me11 AJM ess: frwn 1 .. _ ._.._ Ron,. To Iu•Iududl."..,' M11, AII°ebedlonnIt loon. --� 11 nlAl.urlov. ❑l MnnIl11Y 1'nynwd 4 I _ _ To wlmin Jo yuu muAe lxrymcnls) s I'l esnd l"'Ok. T lino'u AM ess [rIY Lll' 1'honc!! v "— LluncJlwe 15 wr AJdr ess (J Iss a1w11 yr•,uv Own U Its I• 3 /y])V`V'Wr'C" i/—` Mxxaay rxynlenr. y O O rm O Ron,. 4 To Llulled 1, 1),., lrnNLxd's llorlm AJJess GIY ZtP j� Phone ll Uv quv mm�ul'cI) I nl Yes ❑ No WIN crof Iota L " - a IvnlwssA amupnnls 11 s1, f1"r))"s--i,iY'MIJJk LAIh11 Outc of Ulrlll (Lmi, 1'ksI,MIJJk lulllul) IIn; I,I xsI. MNAlu 1n11xJ) Oale ur UlnL (LmLF4sl, MldNIlelv11ro1) P ILusl,I nsI, MNAle lunull) Um<al UrrlL (Lust, F4sI,MIJJletmlwl) I rnplu)m VI salLanrk)cd, rwrne u1 Lusness) Uulh.s Address (Irwludwy 21P [uJel G m _ P N-one N In., ul undress rurlilon LuteS I rww soymuor Phen1 ° 1. Y Iller U¢urne 5prupg ANIlkonl umsl lvvvlJe 31wy51u4s or conical Wt form Co.(. n UnmeJuJclY on. 4npkyrr Andmss(14"I"dinU ZIP Code) Mone/l U Irmo To I Lcd".I bn kh nuJLnn'd'(Lrtlmle Gil'/"Ale) nmvunl it nvinds IunknudL..... (rnLluJC CIIY/Slnlc) F AemmJ !! u Inv. lml nvn• Ill tl Inn"" a"? Ely.. 17( Mu ° Gwnq•rulJ Sege nllere flkJ !"-r n IN e Illwe yuu ever lwJ wp')vrUbu emrJsa l 115. Ifous, JUJymenls or nlrossesslurrs) l�[I 7`� Yes ❑Na ° WI I 1mw•yrwucr ryr 11 Y.I. describe in doLul Ileen convekdulu felony)❑Yes Iy No Oeen evlclod? ❑ycs 11{�//�y —�I,I'lo IlrLnlln.b,u.. L..-. 11.. M., Mu IRVINC APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY How did mu IIm kmn of this nlwimenI mmmrnity) 00C.Re91sterDrive by El ❑Ren10-1.10ll9 cone ❑Promatimusp Event ❑Apartment dmdc signs Mwessh.- Other• M57 Mernuy 009. Apt. MngaBna On., PAC COO mmily ❑Rcfm ral• MIJewsiaper-ollal Renal Living(IAC Mingo LA Tmes ❑ Relotninr Service E]IAogadm- other' ❑far Arms misguide ❑Sb Onion Elite, ❑ Affordohle l ammrg EjTAC Apt. Inla Center ❑50 Peader 0Poshrord/Mv1lar ❑Oilier -Not Listed• • PLEASE FILL IN: Reason for r<locatian. Haw many vehicles do you own/drivel Make Year Lleenm Is Make Vem License 1f Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or irallers Is not permitted in the Community. Do you lavr Rerder•'s l nmran<ep yes �N. ,.'near TO verrrfeation of Credit and Other Information: 1 m. wou" Iho Appllmlinn ohm.—Ir far de Iurpese of Muclai y IAMV I narrovul Io rent an apartment In the ON,,amal <commsa y shown 'have. ILereby awhadse and roman to.[In.IAMC.owcar, and Moir respective employees and agents frop.11.1, Is.-IAMC Parties-) to oblam and verify the credit and olhcr mformaflon provided by on. in Ills Appllaallon Haaugh '.oil reporting.,aaches- lemnt saecnmg sec vice companma, Lanka (indudny ele<Imnlc funds ... illeallon), employers anal other persons or enlilla, will, Information refusing to Ihb Application I Orders land that If I lease lids aporlmeal, Ilse IAµC Parties shall have n continuing right to review my credit him motion, Payment his fairy, oecayan y hlslmry nod u1 La, Ofarmnflan In pill Applicaeon (or panmses valmed In my Lease and/or for account review or horovemeni of applimlmn methods I hereby relcale and laid harmless The "One anatomy, Irvine Aporl... t Co.1141as, LP., Irvrm Apartment Marogemenl Company, and all of tber respttllve officers, elnploytes aryl agents, from airy and all Lebiily, felt Proceed,,, ad .,Is. Launching .1 I.,.W lees, mirslry out al the vcrlflmthm and/ar use of the information contained In this, Application, including the release of such lnformoaon to attar pones I w rranl Ilia, so the best of my kmwicdgc-all of Ilse Infarrolion Provhkd m lids Appkwhm (mcluJmy bal rot limited to Ilse Ofutmnmat of my (lramml mndltbn) is Irur, animate,..,,late and <arrccl me al Ilse data of this Application, If any mfarmatlm poavided by on. Is let.. mhed In be (all.. limb full, 11.11 rus will ha grounds for dimpproval of my Applicnlien or iermimllm of my Lease wills Owrem I agree Ia andry TAMC If airy of is, info motion promised so INS Apphenlion damfex dr1 , the Application proms or dwow, my Immaq I nice am,wslnol Ilyd IAMC call r elan Ihis Applied., J., will, ant alter infaranala, pruvded by ma, wheiher or cal this Application Is approved Anon-refundotla Appllcallon Screening Feoal pdAd (as lbouludbaiow)h required from e¢LApplimnitopro<¢ulhl¢ApplluVananJbdmckiho lnfailallen provided. Asepamt,ApPlI,,U,, enealmmi bedpnMbyesch�lLlslisullwchuoo/iho�c�upy the apadmeal before (his Application will be eanelJemd by bgMe. QAIV to t Applicant's al,lmPurc RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION 9CRFFA)Tn11,- FFF caul 11 to he tired la s<roen A,,I1cm t wills regents to credit hblarp and elhm• ha<kgroimd information, The.cane elsm,ml as fulbnr. Actual costs of credit report. unlawful Asaimme(ewelson)search. anJ/ar other sumung reports $995 Call to onto"'laomos anaw"Ify sersening lnlwasallan(may Include scoffs dlm,md shier reWleA eats) f".o,00 Tulul fee diarged (may cal exceed $OD par AppRmm) f70,00 rills wi lflmtlan of Information supplied by Appiconl an this Application lhroagh credit ceparflug aycndes, pm sonal reference Applicmt'a signature Irvine Apartment Management Company ny: bodies! 07XI POOOWI? NIIra11O1TYRaIvnlal Xr 0 Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Name:. UU-hir-►- W idseywcV Unit # 3�IT r X Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Question Month1v Income Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments I from persons not living with me. of Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment /0 benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. /X\ The household receives unearned income for family members aoe 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe \ am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of De osits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate) Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: College[University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? X If you answered Ms to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false I r Social Security (gpfi# 234 y _ _dministration SEVOB-15 003894 0019 HERBERT C WIESENECK 2314 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3257 111111111�1111111111111111I111��11�1�1111111�1�Itlltl,�I111111 Date: August 15, 2003 Claim Number: 559-28-1738A Name: HERBERT WIESENECK 'You asked us formation requested is shown below. If You your anyone else to have this inormation formation, you may send them this letter. Information About Current Social Security Benefits Beginning December 2002, the full monthly Social Security benefit before any deductions is $ 1654.10. We deduct $70.40 for medical insurance premiums each month. The regular monthly Social Security payment is $ 1583.00. (We must round down to the whole dollar.) Social Security benefits for a given month are paid the following month. (For example, Social Security benefits for March are paid in April.) Your Social Security benefits are paid on or about the third of each month. If You Have Any Questions If you have any questions, yyou may call us at 1-800-772-1213, or call your local Social Security office at 949-474-1178. We can answer most questions over the phone. You can also write or visit any Social Security office. The office that serves your area is located at: SOCIAL SECURITY NEWPORT BEACH,BCA 9 660 .H • ' fY .Y.. Jjf . . r)EPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIR' Veterans Health Administration JANUARY 26, 2001 In Reply Refer To: 776/006 111��44loll I1411444111444I4114111111113111,111411111111111111 MR HERBERT C WIESENECK 14 MALAGA DR RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270-3820 Dear MR WIESENECK: WIESENECK, HERBERT C SSN: SS9281738 I am pleased that you are enrolled in the'Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system and am now able to notify you of your priority group. You are currently enrolled in Priority Group 3. Information about enrollment priority groups, your appeal rights and some frequently asked questions and answers are enclosed. Should you have any questions or feel you are in the wrong priority group and wish to appeal your classification, please contact the VA Health Benefits Service Center for assistance at the toll -free number, 1-877-222-VETS (1-877-222-8387). If your current enrollment Priority Group is 4, 5, 6, or 7 and you received a Purple Heart Award, you are eligible to be reassigned to Priority Group 3. VA is in the process of upgrading its computer system to accommodate the Purple Heart enrollment status. If you received a Purple Heart Award, please see the Enclosure for details on informing VA of your award. Assignment to this new status will be made as soon as the required computer upgrades are completed. You will receive a separate notification when that occurs. Should you choose to cancel your enrollment for any reason, please notify VA in writing at the following address: VA Health Eligibility Center. 1644-Tullie Circle. Atlanta.•...Georaia 30429. Thank you for enrolling with the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system. We will do our best to provide you health care that is second to none. Sincerely, \ I A n , a.<,) Y 1\ .. L ��`. 'ss' 144,38C,651, CIE ac Oak U. t rr ti \�./' 02 01 01 9"L n:1STT_Na TEXAS 221.9 2382151 V 23821589 Y1 C8 44 21A 12-790-596 Pa�v to �.r•... cx adu o: ^• HcRBERT C WIESENECK 89 VP COMP FOR JAN r= 14 NALAGA DR RANCHO ;1IRAGE"CA 92270-3820 Y****1015 VOID AFTER ONE t ya : C i91SM 1: 0 �J .n+��..�� 5 inr: ? �� 2 1 14 160 Cl: J POOR .R QUALITY ORI%-GI-NAL (S) - tr-Mu= cor ,..4 ..4 1 - l . .- W. M 7% whoavnadischarged kovemtrex �'X dfirfixt �-thimperio& ie lbi the reverms, P. ompamtflfl-amouii niu.. t te-df-thwis: Comm nica i pp eals�;, W fyou. shoi )n must be immedlatel. Ybware hdreby-i i6tif 1�11eareaseduidBila Jainmnt„om ch5drem com ti'o '-'*- Pe=2 m .vn �t 6" ud:connni n. mfu�i g;oEl shinw arnmento=anyo-poutic al:si 8EDeaMoLfthe:,_ve . ten fl Sioiiuiider lfigtAIP4 - W oseri titl& cqasdss u�.&n"%A a ii H alb&�Pums e(Eb --S Y? ne:ol S_ ece6ii4TIrl R4v ise I , I O:surmo.ffrn ney dile'. lo.- 6ne3, 1 G, n , q, o=unde=anrl6gar) entitl bffftlidret6i b'' lbi tlid�-` Limeirt merwhee—can rrec te d:-: catl= ro=:ft-U&tm m mA;u=e.d.:, It= tYmm a mar rcm wh�tliblrl Your I ricer d T.. Et b�ha*ppeinihg*.�'o-f -any, one -0 ...... e Mrldwf gg a( y" ff #Lag6cies ma: - 3si dim, wln�adcffiiimar, d± ementR4 cemug-gompensatfii Sro M37bL-selzUre!ofmoneys',due,pensioners-probi iner,,slia!L'bMiiible-.tc3a'ttaelilneliV ,.I&vy- and.,: oz_ Jun 04 03 05:31p NEWPORT N 94972015^i p.3 iz Y 6k IRVINEAPARTMENTMANAGEMENTCOMPANY Guarantor Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirety in ink, noting "WA"ar"none" where oppleoble. be not use white out. The information you provide will be Used by IAMC to determine if you quollfy to act as `guarantor" of the lease obligations of the Resident(!) listed on this form. E In P 0 y to e n t dvr--IV11yaC VS7/G,71W�(S MaRCfFiG3GfSs o I74y- 0.F vigr. bank and bm.h pnfp Account# 3�'_iC r IFSt.fo s Fanrnerfiled baNvvptyl Oyera®No If M.hm debt been ifi h&.gedo Stata where filed: n ocoroffmfy:r lwdonypublic remrdsuifs,hero,1�gtr orrcposaestierol Yeawharyuo r been cwm<icd 0la lebny! ` Lf ❑yaa nNo i e Ilcv. VfUI i� � � 1'fY_IAC.doc h Jun 04 03 05:33p NEWPORT N 9497201E"' p.4 IRVINEAPARTMeNTMANAGEMENT COMPANY Consent to Verification of Credit b other Information: I em making this Appgeotimi wluniodly far the purposeaf abloinirg IAMt's approwl of my Applmfion to acto agmrontnr for the oa -I I"' noidenl(a)Imlede'lhis farm,Ihereby euthom nsa and eaent to minx IAMB, The INiou mpmr/, leas¢ bfgtiom Irvine Apvtmenh CommunIS..LA„and their mpecliw-'We,. and agoals (coiludivtly,the 'IAMC Patice), to obtain and verify the credit and other mf.,Iemn, joaVda, by meInthis Application through credit mNrthg agaMes, tempt screening service companies, banks (includiy electrode funds vannmdm), employers and other pvsom ar mhtics wdh informalian rcktirg ro this Appllmlioa I atso authods¢ the IAMCPertks io p"Adeinformoffon tontaiwd in tds Application to earleas local, rare an&w traders! goarment agmdes, Indvnrg without kndtation, valouz tar mforemmnt agenicles.I undentandthat If the botdent lames an annulment, the IAMB forties shoji haft a contusing right 1¢ meview my credmt of to Information inthis Appllmhm for purposes related In the ptndent's Lease and/or for amount renew, n and other Ihereby releoa and hold hamkss The IMm Compam/,LNm Apartment Comrmdtks,Lp.,LWa Aporfmmt MamgrsaniComporry, and all of their rtspectlx offimrs,empbycesandogmts, from any and all Fab101y, legal prucmdhysand costs, includiN athnayd fee, orldig ant of the vcrlflcalion ond/or use of the Information contained in this Application, Including the release of each Information to other parties. I am rrom that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the mfarscatlon Provided In this Application Qnclming but tM limited to the statement of my haad¢I condition)Is true, accurate. complete and mitsctasof the dateof this Applimtion. Ifarylnfcm tionpro &dbymeisdelemdadtobe fat'e,surh Palm rtolementwi116egrautdt (a• dlsappmwl of 1Ws Appkmtimar teralmhon of pesidmt'e Lease, Io tiwa to mtity IAA1e if aryof the Informallm provided in this Appleahm charges during the Application proem mdaftg the Rvldent's trift, .I also unalorrfand that UMewlll retain tW APPlimtian,.bragwith ayotherrnfmsmdan Prawdedbyme,whetheormtthis Applleatlan It approxd A non•refmldableApppeadon Screening Foa'of 330.00 (as Itemized below)Israquired tram eachguaanlarlo process this Applfcaton end to check the Information pmvidi d. A separate GuarenlotApplleatlon must be signed by each gulramtirwho wig pwrantem the paffimuaoco of Rosldvncs obligegons undartha Lease. ii Oat* f Appllwni'a slgmNrc t RkceaPTFOR APPLZCA4 TI'ON SCREENING FEE rn the data below, IAMB rem,ved $3000 from the aderagad Gannon., In cumusilan with IN, Gua enur Applleotion ancmt is to be mad to se cce Guomnter with regents to credit hbioryard mherbaelground infarnatian, Theamowt ehaged o follows Aortal costs of credit rmia,1 d/orolhvzaremfrg reports Cot to obtan, Pro'ers and xdfy saretnmg Information (may Inch,* emn-a time and other related costs) Total fro cMrgcd(Near rot evmed $30 per Guarantor) $ ISO' varihcm"'of lef"'we�l"zuppA*d by Gmremor on this ^caoparll, Applimllon through tit rogmtles,personal reins $ Informations.,.. ngentu e Irvine AP rt en}Mona mentcompany It.,. IfAll I IIV IAC.d4 J' r 07/09/2003 10:50 ;. rS � AtJJeeII r3 , 3103993056 MANV,N. OAYNON G,PA. PONALO J. NANOCLMAN. CPA. CHRIOTOPHCR H. GAYNOR, GPA July 9, 2003 CAYNOR, HANDELMAN 8 CAYNOR ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION CERTIFIED PI RWC ACC04NT'ANTO SANTA "e NICA 9UGINCS9 PARK 2600 TWCNTY-EIGHTH OTRCCT, SUITE ITO SANTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA 00405 Karen Hadstead Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Newport Beach, CA 92660 Fax:949-720-1598 Ref: Verification of Income for Guarantor to Milli Wieseneck #2314 Naples Dear Karen: We are and have been f earned income in excea If you have any further 450-4996. Very trul s Christopher Gaynor ;Y PAGE 01 ARPA COOL mo TLLLo.yONL ♦LO-tD9B •Ax 3D0.3066 st for the past ten years. Mr. West has for each of those years. do not hesitate to call our office at (310) it IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY OCTOBER 2003 NEWPORT NORTH OC85 Move -ins nor w olLci» Resident Size # of M/I M/0 House Rent Recert Name Occ. Date Date Income Due L nch 2+2 1 6/17192 $40,047.00 $1,361 N/A J Simich 3+2 4 12/27/93 $39,600.00- $1,417 N/A Miller 2+2 3 4/22/95 $32,015.00 $1,361 N/A Ohanesian 2+2 1 8/1/91 $39,746.00 $1,326 N/A Cona 3+2 3 6/13/87 $31,481.00 $1,451 N/A 6. 2342 Platt 2+2 1 12/26/87 $24,377.00 $1,280 N/A 7. 2401 Johnson 2+2 1 11/7/89 $27,853.00 $1,310 N/A 8. 2454 Ode and 3+2 1 3/11/89 $35,250.00 $1,380 N/A 9. 2534 Cattaneo 3+2 7 12/17/94 $32,650.00 $1,392 N/A 10. 2731 Duli a 2+2 1 4/7/95 $42,006.00 $1,280 N/A OC95 hove -Ins artier Apt. Address 1. 102 2. 104 omonu Resident Name Gutluie/Fletcher Smith Siz a 2+2 1+1 # of Occ. 2 3 M/I Date 6/7/02 9/1/03 M/O Date House Income 42,313.33 45,073.20 Rent 1361 1130 Recert Due 06/04 09/04 3. 1 88 he 2+2 2 11/23/02 47,377.98 1361 11/03 4. 112 Vacant 2+2 5. 124 Szaz 2+2 2 311196 27592.50 1280 03/04 G. 125 Momeny 2+2 2 12/31/98 40,362.60 1271 12/03 7. 138 Yarusinski/Stainer 2+2 2 10/4/03 43,259.00 1271 10/04 8. 146 Almore/Watson TTP=307 2+2 2 6/20l97 23,407.00 1361 06104 9. 214 OTA 2+2 2 12/1/99 11/7/03 34,978.24 1361 12/03 10. 218 Moats/Moats 2+2 2 10/9/03 44,260.78 1271 10/04 11. 220 Bolt 2+2 1 3/8/02 39,991.61 1326 03/04 12. 231 RubiolWalsh 2+2 3 7/5/03 47,390.01 1271 07/04 13. 236 Balcazar 2+2 3 06/30/01 42,212.13 960 06/04 14. 237 Lai 2+2 2 9/7/03 42,761.72 1271 9/04 15. 239 Laing/Bernard 2+2 2 12/9/98 51,892.18 1271 12/03 16. 244 Combs 1+1 1 09/06/03 36,002.89 1130 9/04 -TT 245 Fe el 1+1 2 09/15/02 44,732.00 1210 09/04 18. 251 Vacant 1+1 19. 304 Karo 2+2 1 03/28/03 25747.06 1280 03/04 20. 308 Fakhouri 2+2 2 6115100 25,890.00 1326 06/04 21. 311 Elliott 1+1 1 7/l/03 38,400.00 1210 07/04 22. 3 22 Golden 1+1 1 08/07/01 54,010.31 1160 08/04 23. 313 Rhomber 1+1 2 10/2/02 34 680.60 1210 10104 24. 314 Thomas 1+1 3 6/1/02 41,604.52 1130 06/04 25. 315 Wolf 1+1 1 6/15/03 39,225.12 1130 06/04 26. 1100 Lee/Won ober 3+2 4 05/22/03 55,500.00 1413 05104 27. 1104 Bacun 1+1 2 9/18/03 34,080.00 1130 09/04 28. 1107 Aviles 1+1 4 08/23/01 35,554.52 884.25 08/04 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY OCTOBER 2003 NEWPORT NORTH 29. 1108 Romero/Serrano 2+2 5 11/05/01 56,534.90 1026.7 5 1 11/03 30. 1 118 Hardison 1+1 2 01/18/03 37,171.60 1160 01/04 31. 1128 DelFante 3+2 4 11/06/99 83,456.10 1512 11/03 32, 1442 Samakar 2+2 3_ 8/28/03 49,323.62 1271 9/04 33. 1 444 Se elu-band 1+1 1 11/16/00 14.022.00 1160 11/03 34. 1154 Pilon 2+2 1 01/15/03 42,037.55 1361 01/04 35. 1159 Goddard 1+1 I 02/14/03 40,413.69 1210 02/04 36. 1183 Pottter 1+1 2 611196 52312.86 1210 06/04 37. 1184 Olson 2+2 1 7/28/03 32800.58 1361 07/03 38. 1200 Wood 2+2 3 08/04/01 58,041.33 1361 08/04 39. 1 003 Gallicano 2+2 1 11/07/01 37729.53 1280 11/03 40. 1206 Bottiaux 2+2 2 10/19/02 12/1/03 34927.08 1361 10/03 _ 41. 1207 Robbs/Stotts 2+2 2 7/14/96 37,066.54 1271 5104 42. 1231 Mandel -SUM 1+1 1 1 12/26/99 1 35,627.51 1210 12/03 43. 1330 Dail 2+2 2 616103 41992.34 1271 1 6/04 44. 1408 Amor 2+2 4 08/15/02 50,471.19 1361 08/04 45. 1411 Loran er 2+2 1 02/22/02 52,208.34 1326 1 02/04 46. 1412 Fu'ioka 2+2 1 7/10/98 47,632.21 1361 7/04 47. 1418 Lee 1+1 2 7/12/02 40,277.28 1160 07/04 48. 1434 Robinson/Houston 2+2 2 10/19/03 44,024.07 1271 10/04 49. 1441 Gen 1+1 2 12/08/01 60,834.24 1210 12/03 50. 1444 Douglas 2+2 1 2/12/99 51388.75 1326 02/04 51. 1502 Smith 2+2 4 3731/96 72908.89 1351 03/04 52. 1557 Ramirez 1+1 1 02/08/03 40,000.00 1210 02/04 53. 2116 Shimora/Celis 2+2 2 8/l/2003 30,753.27 1271 8/04 54. 2123 Ross 1+1 3 11/16/01 49,894.73 1210 11/03 55. 2134 Huish 2+2 3 9111199 32,316.01 1361 9/04 56, 2224 Ari ozian 1+1 1 5/27/98 21,860.37 1160- 5104 57. 2225 Ziese 1+1 2 01/10/03 37,713.74 1210 01/04 2226 S r uin 2+2 1 12/17/96 21,458.48 1361 12/03 N58. 95 2301 AithenlMchu h 2+2 2 05/10/01 39,661.38 1361 01/04 60. 2309 Harney 1+1 1 11/23/02 39418.03 1210 11/03 61. 2312 De] ado/Gamboa 2+2 2 7/31/03 41,581.92 1271 07/04 62. 2314 Wieseneck 2+2 2 9/l/03 29,528.40 1271 9/04 63. 2322 Marino 1+1 1 8/8/96 49,500.00 1115 1 8/04 6T 2 002 Westbrook 2+2 2 12/21/02 28289.27 1361 12/03 65. 2 223 Malkin 2+2 2 8/23/96 32,114.59 1280 8/04 66. 2426 McKee 2+2 1 2 6/4/02 56,736.00 1271 6/04 67. 2507 Bora 2+2 3 01/31/03 49,572.00 1280 01/04 68. 2600 Hayden 3+2 3 8/l/03 49294,41 1413 8/04 69. 2618 Lo ian 1+1 1 8/8/03 39,520.00 1130 8/04 70. 2619 Vacant 1+1 71. 2628 Fa azfar 3+2 1 12/10/01 43,583.62 1512 12/03 72. 2626 Brandon/Graham 2+2 2 9/8/03 40,666.14 1271 09104 73. 2633 Chun alm Chun 2+2 3 08/20/03 44,281.57 1280 08/04 74. 2712 Lisotta 2+2 1 02/01/03 41,071.60 1361 02/04 75. 2719 Vacant 1+1 76. 2720 Larson 1+1 1 1 10/10/99 47,400.00 1160 10/04 foav2 3�- IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY OCTOBER 2003 NEWPORT NORTH VERY LOW (Phase In - beginning 4/l/98) Apt. Address Resident Name Size # of Occ, M/I Date M/O Date House Income Rent Recert Due 1. 106 Lausen 1+1 1 4111/98 $30,630.15 $ 756 4/04 2. 122 Gaxicla/Mullinax 2+2 2 03/08/03 29500.00 $ 851 3/04 3. 126 Francis/Vidal 2+2 4 12/28/00 $49393.92 $ 851 12/03 4. 208 Tarta lini 1+1 2 04/01/01 $27,468.74 $ 756 04/04 5. 224 Cronin 1+1 1 3/l/03 $23,322 $ 756 03/04 6. 228 Jones 2+2 2 518199 1 $25,656.08 $ 851 5/04 7. 243 Batts 1+1 1 511199 $24,570.00 $ 756 5/04 8. 301 Francis 2+2 2 2/08/02 $22,503.20 $ 851 02/04 9. 318 Radford 1+1 1 7/8/99 $28,419.86 $ 756 7/04 10. 320 McGinley 1+1 1 4116199 $21,360.01 $ 756 4/04 11. 333 Steinman 1+1 1 2/10/03 $24,700.00 $ 756 2104 12. 1180 Siroonian 1+1 1 4/7/02 $11196.00 $ 756 04/04 13. 1323 Buoncristian 1+1 3 11/10/01 $29,313.12 $ 737 09/04 14. 3324 Hale 2+2 1 4/l/01 $33,843.96 $ 851 04/04 15. 1333 Stork 1+1 1 9/7/02 $22,199.23 $ 756 09/04 16. 1419 Ra /Brown 1+1 2 5/11/03 28,132.00 $ 756 5/034 17. 1530 Siddi i 1+1 3 6111100 $38,900.04 $ 756 06104 18. 2128 Johnston 2+2 2 618100 $31,673.20 $ 851 06/04 19. 2140 Vise 2+2 1 02/01/02 $20,736.00 $ 851 02/04 20. 2210 Ferrao 2+2 2 01/12/03 $26030.00 $ 851 01/04 21. 2300 Mohler 2+2 3 611199 $11748.00 $ 851 06/04 22. 2408 Shoeibi/Motta hi 2+2 2 5/12/02 $16,128.00 $ 851 05/04 23. 2425 Uchida 2+2 3 04/11/01 $37,372.40 $ 851 04/04 24. 2428 Winslett - 2+2 1 03/17/00 $23616.00 $ 851 3/04 25. 2440 Afshar/Afshar 2+2 2 05/06/01 $22,205.16 $ 851 05/04 26, 2450 Warfield 1+1 1 4/11/98 $13,892.00 $ 756 4/04 27. 2519 Cotter 1+1 1 5/29/01 $25,635.36 $ 756 5/04 28. 2608 Vidal/Gaxiola 2+2 2 611199 $229,890.00 $ 851 06/04 29. 2702 Delgado 2+2 4 3/l/02 $16224.00 $ 851 03/04 1998 Phase in-106-122-224-318-320-2450 1999 Phase in- 228-243-1180-2608-2300-126 2000 Phase in - 2428- 1333-2519-1530-2128 2001 Phase in - 333-208-1323-2425,1419,2140,2440,305 2002 Phase in - 2210,2408,2140,2702,1324 Total number of apartments on this property: 570 % of property deemed Income Restricted (Low): 15,26% % of property deemed Income Restricted (Very Low): 4.74% TTP = Total Tenant Payment (Resident is on Certificate or Voucher) Total vacant as of 093003 - 13 EXHIBIT C Property Name: NEWPORT NORTH CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE AS OF October 2003 The undersigned, being an Authorized Borrower Representative of Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (the "Borrower"), has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the various documents associated with the Borrower's participation in the California Statewide Communities Development Authority's (the "Issuer") Apartment Development Revenue Bond Program, such documents including: 1. The Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated as of May 15, 1998 among the Borrower, the Issuer and U.S. Bank Trust National Association (the "Trustee"). 2. The Loan Agreement dated as of May 15, 1998, between the Issuer and the Borrower. 3. During the preceding month 3 applications were received from Restricted Tenants (as defined in the Regulatory Agreement): 9 As of the date of this certificate, the following percentages of completed residential units in the Project (i) are occupied by Restricted Tenants, or (ii) are currently vacant and are being held available for such oca^rl ra.,e lleen cn held rnntinuously since the date such unit was vacated, as indicated: Occupied by Original Low Income Tenants Unit Nos.: 1.93% Occupied by Lower Income Tenants Unit Nos.: 12.81 % Occupied by Very Low -Income Tenants Unit Nos.: 5.09% Held vacant for Occupancy continuously Since last occupied: Unit Nos.: 0.17% Total Number of Units: Unit Nos.: 20.00% Since last occupied: I or I A , .. The undersigned hereby certifies that the Borrower is not in default under any of the terms and provisions of the above documents, and no event has occurred which, with the passage of time, would constitute a default thereunder, with the exception of the following: Contact Person: Jason Di Antonio Bond Compliance Auditor (949) 450-4290 THE avINE COMPANY Irvine Apartm4t )%d Nice President, Controller New Certificates X IRecertihv"wr/ yv%Unit Number IJS INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This fmm is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set in the Department of Housme and Urban Project ("HUD") Rc-ulahai:s t23 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all time: to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms :.s •e :r, ,:•s:i have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA. (Pool) - Newport North We the undersigned state that 1/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following ouestions fo me persons who are to occupy r'ic grit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the nas of allperso who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2 3. 4, i. Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment im C'Qd 2% 5 R^6G,4o14 Tus.l_ „ u Ole y wsinSk�; 7CSS S4w,-t er-i Sumenet- —DqLJ h}� 7 hgi -63 'K NC9 Income Computation G. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph G, of all persons (except children under 1 years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sic lease for a unit is$ G�, 259.GO -- Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of allrusiness or profession or from the rental of real or personal proper (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insui ante policies, retireme funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lurr sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e), payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and iegular contributi- and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (11) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the Household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbuisernent of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amount: paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. An amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above put poses aie to be included it income; (e) hazardous ditty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (t) relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) ' payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received fromjudgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item G above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) _) Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes _ ( No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by such persons total more than $5,000? Yes x No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item G above: $ 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months o this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students' Yes _LNo (b) Complete only if the answer to Ouestion 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes �_ No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income fi eligibility to occupy the unit; and 1/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Ilive deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. Me will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification front my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the • interest on bonds issued to finance the 138 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We donsent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this q4h d of Or46b - 200 3 (year) in the City ofIli A Ne pCahfomin r+ p t nt Applicant Applicant Applicant F- r ; J _1 (Si na a of all pers ns (except clmildre t tin a Re age F I ea s listed in nuntbcr 2 above required) 0 FOR COMPLETION BY APARTMENT OWNER ONLY: 1. Calcalation of eligible income; a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in? entered in 7(d)(2), subtract 7(d)(3) and enter the Tema is yes, enter the total amount Egg the amount entered in hLe ($ )i (2) Multiply the amour br nnu the current passbook savings rate ` x % ermine what the total p ! .)()would be if invested in ��, subtract from that figure the amotmt entn, •, 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c. TOTAL EUGMLE INCOME (line i.a plus line 1.b(3): 2. Ue amount entered in 1.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate -Income Tenant(s). x Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowet-Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low, income Tenant(s). 59,00— $_4425A.ee — 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: ) 3 $ Bedroom size: 2 t 'L Rent: $ ) L % (. 4. This apartment unit/696/was not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons aggregate antieipa aumml income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartme qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). 3. Mathod used to verify applfcant(s) income: Employer income verification. Copies of tat returns. %3 manager Date 9l30 r rase[ ucscnpllon Impuletl! GrosslFair Cosf to Me bar (savings, gleching, ale )lion bonds, CUrrenl Mkt. Value NC r ArlOdl Arlunl Muulal — fa I----nlcl I or C Gel Cash Famllynssnls In!rnsl Inrnlne from IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box E exceeds $5,000 —multiply E by the currant passbook Inlorasl rate: It BOX C does not exceed $5,000 enter •0• in box G: Cnlar the greater of Box F or Box G In: z X % BOX G: INPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS 60X H: Fs r-- --1 Inconln ..�..• ,•�,,•" ,wn I :mnAvnls Bff0dieo Date pp3 Type orPmgmin _ LOW Unit No.is�_Uni Si<o 2}9 No, of Persons—_ 2 Ml:: ✓ Max.Income I-ImilE AR 140%Limits_ F n a n c a P A P p 1 c i H s t r Y IH VINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely In Ink, noting "NIA"or"none" where applicable bonotusewhlteaut. Theinformationyou provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (collectively. "Owner"I Community. (' r� A ,tG� A/n/ -Q� Addl•ess: d''•fi/ IV6, Prnt Applo:ant',s full nama(Leon, Fir Mlddlerthil) JrJSr -- to of firth Sodal Sedurity umb ztv 5�9 �O- Dnvv's LI ..ree# o-Applicants (Separate Appbcafian regmred t, Middle Initial) for each Co-Applimnt) (last, First, Middle Initm) (Lost, First, Middle Initial) Fs4 t, MiddleLAddmsscdy (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) s PreessenntZIP OwnPhone# 7 % bitter family hoAttached family home• Apartment:m<nt§ To whom do ycu make paymtuilo � + Present Landlord's Nome Address City =P Phone# Immediate Prior Address (if less than l yr. ai above) Own Rent: Monthly Payment: § From betasEl • Ta Immedmi. Poor Landlord's Name Address City .ZIP Phan.# noyouownaPete, uYes No Wo,berof pets: Type; a Pra osed Occvpants(Itult First MI dI.I.t. 1) p�eof bl h (Last. Fit t,Mld1113,)6 lt Ini3tial)6 Date of Birth e Vi—63�1'3CSS� u (Last,First, Middle Initlol ) baf of01 h (Lasr,First,Middle Inuw Baia of Birth1nnr -1,+n�•rr �� n (Last. First, Middle ndial) Diteof Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) bate of Birth 1 Incascofeme'VitlY Icasc nahfy.(Loc reran/, �pddn ss 6 p((hh/�one number) V'IJ LLr�a-- '90 Rclatlonship. lid If al) licable, parents' phone misbers. lWLI M660 46) Wjs a R[nstd. 10/01 Paaa t d2 Ppp6aaWniaftaNiaal ah IWIMI1�` AIC IRiEE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPAN,...f I law did you first learn of this apartment comnmmty, (OO.C. Register ❑Drive By oApartacat Cuide 0519. 00,ig Apt. Magazine ❑Other IAC MReulul Living (IAC Mag) ❑LA Tlmcs 0..1 Rent Magazine ©SD Union ❑fACApt.Info Center ❑SD Reader ngmm ❑premotioNSp Event Other" rlSl Mercury r7Ncaipaper-Othce icrvlcc ❑Mogaane-Osier" nAff.rddd. Hauling WIEW ❑Other -Net Listed" • PLEASE FILL Reason far re on Idow moiry velilcles du you awNdrive9 "recreational ke C�� year D _ Licen e # e vole Liccrse # l vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. ❑yes Ne Cons tit to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Apphl.H.In voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment in the apartment community shown a I herby outhorize nn l owsou; to allmv IAMC, Owner, andihcm respective employees and agents (colleetwely. the •IAMC Parties"), to obtain In verify the credit andother information provided byme In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening scrvioc companies banks (Including cleciram. funds verification)• employers and other persons or enlihes with information relating to this Application. I also authl the IAh%C Parties to provide Information contained III this Application to various local, state and/ar federal government agencies, including witho Inmintam. varous law enfare.nontagcnclas I understand that if I lease this opsrtment, the IAMC Parties shall have a continuing right to reek ny credo Information. payment history, occaponry history and other information In this Application for purposesrelated to my Lease and/or for account rewa, bath during and after the Enron of my Lease. I hereby release and hold lion mines The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communities. L.P., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of them respective officers, mnllloyces and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, including attorneys' fees, arising out of tla vet Election and/a,, use of the infw, ion contained In this Application, Including the release of and, Information to other parties. I warrant Blot, to the bnr of my knowledge, all of the Information provided in this Application (Including but not limited to the statement of my fimnefal ...union) is dve, accurate, complete and correct as: of the date of this Application, If any Information provided by me is determined to false, such false statenent will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my Leone with Owner. I agree to ratify IAMC If a Of the Informal [all ill ovided In this Application changes during the Application process or during my terancy. I else understand that IAMC will ret this Applicalion, along wdb any ether Information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved A non-refundable Application Scmanlny Fee of$30.00(as itemized below)is required front Applicant to pine ,Nis Application and to eheckN considered by WIG.. Aaepareto Application to Rent be alyne0 byeachAp Inca twhowill occupy the apa neelbeforethisApplleallod will be considered by IAMC. 5 �� Date Applicant's signature RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION 3Z1REENIN49 FEE e above amount is to be used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history andother bockyround hnform Ilion The amount charged Itemized as fellows: I Ac had torts, of credit report, unlawful detainer (aviation) search,and/or other screening reports §9.9: 2 Cast in obtain. process and verify-1-1-1 lnfermatlon(may Include staff', time and other related costs) 3. Total fee dargcd(may ro1".ad$30 per Applicant) §2D.0! §30.D0 ant clothe' leas era. I to,, olane(In{armaflen supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit r�rting agencies, NIS...Ireference coldot1her infurmaliou m coat 9I3163 A,dP lmli( / Irvine Apai t(nent M agement Company 3,P) BY: / r --� Date Re„led, tarot Papa x MR ApppraepiTORor Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Name:. "�r_ssi ��. )�4rus in s l' i Unit # 13 $ r Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Question Monthly Income / Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other Xcash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, Xbenefit, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. v q XThe 0 household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under, Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. / J� Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Itwe amlare currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Uwe have cash on hand. n! J(� Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time '\ students (example: ColleLre/CTniversi , trade school etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered Les to either of the previous two questions are you: A Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certifythat the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein co stitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will res n t e denial of ap cation or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. 9 g U3 R id t 'gnat �� Dale �l Ir163 Signature of Owner/Agent Date t Tustin Unified School District OFFER OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT Name: Jessica Yarusinsld July 17, You -are hereby offered employment as a temporary -teacher in the Tustin Unified School District. Tb is based upon your. declaring that you -now hold or will hold a valid California teaching credential, appt for your assigned position, prior to your first day of service. Your period of service will begin on Aug 2003, and end on June 17, 2004, provided, however, that the Board of Education may summarily te: your. employment with or without cause, at any time prior to youncompletion of service of 75% of the year. This offmis subject to .approval by the Board of Education. 'EMPLOYMENT IS CONTINGENT UPON SATISFACTORY DOJ FINGERPRINT CLEARANCE AND REFERENCE CHE 1) Your annual salary for the school year in the above entitled position, .at Column A Step 2-3, will be $37,49 salary is contingent upon receipt of.official transcripts and verification of previous teaching experience. 2) Your salary will be paid in 10 payments. 3) The above compensation may be adjusted during said term upon verification of teaching experience and re official transcripts. 4) You will be required to render service in the above entitled position for such length of time during the school the Governing Board of the school district may direct. 5)„ This offer of.employment is made subject to the laws of the State of California to the lawful rules of the Stat ,of Education and of the Governing Board of the.above entitled school district affecting the terms and condi employment by governing -boards of school districts. Said laws and rules. are hereby made a part of the tei conditions of this offer of employment, the same as though they had been expressly set forth herein. Jessica R. -Gorman Superintendent,.Personnel Services ' .'riACCERTAN;CE;n:FeOF.,FER `. ' I have read the back of 1his form, which is'hereby expressly made a part of this. contract. 1 understa Implications of -my signature on this contract and agree -to the conditions of -employment described herel I accept the above offer of employment and the terms and conditions of the offer as stated and will rel duty as directed. Further, I affirm. that I have not entered into a valid contract of employment w governing board of another school district, which will in any way conflict with this contract with the Unified School District. I hove/will have the following ,credential authorizing me to serve in the cc sti ulated in this offer by my first day of service: Type of Credential: Expiration Date: Preliminary Single Subject: English '9/l/2006 Signature: Date: Z () ?J Social Security -Number: 589 66 9014 Credential Anal st's Signature: �� Social Security Administration Date: September 16, 2003 Claim Number: 591-52-3867C] BEV09-17 006834 0031 JESSICA YARUSINSKI FOR SUMMER R STAINER 1920 PARK NEWPORT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-5068 You asked us for information from your record. The information that you requested is shown below. If you want anyone else to have this information, you may send them this letter. Information About Current Social Security Benefits Beginning December 2002, the full monthly Social Security benefit before any deductions is $ 480.50. We deduct $0.00 for medical insurance premiums each month. The regular monthly Social Security payment is $ 480.00. (We must round down to the whole dollar.) Social Security benefits for a given month are paid the following month. (For example, Social Security benefits for March are paid in April.) Your Social Security benefits are paid on or about the third Wednesday of each month. If You Have Any Questions If you have any questions, yyou may call us at 1-800-772-1213, or call your local Social Security office at 949-474-1178. We can answer most questions over the phone. You can also write or visit any Social Security office. The office that serves your area is located at: SOCIAL SECURITY 4525 MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 See Next Page BEVOM7 0068 Own r.✓ Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet 2, 7q,Z 34, divided by 2 (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % fG (_) Income from asset: $ 1 - Riverside auity's Credit Union JESSICA YARDSINSKI 1920 PARK NEVPORT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 0002170866 589-66-9014 08/O1/03 1 08/01 08/01 ID 80 TREASURE CHECKING Balance Forward 07/31 Draft 000755 Tracer 2; 08/Ol 0009067194 Withdrawal by Check 105.49- 2( 08/04 08/04 08/01 Draft 000758 Tracer 0001057114 08/01 Draft 090757 Tracer 0002168484 2404.00- 71.02- ; , 08/04 Withdrawal 19033 46.96- ] 08/04 07/31 2415838321364137906737E JOHN PAUL SALON IRVINE CA Withdrawal 130.00- at ATM $123456021138 POS ROBINSONS-MAY *68 2 FASHION ISLAND 25.53- BCH 08/O5 08/05 08/04 DrafttR000753CTracer 0002027156 08/04 Transaction fee 60.33- 08/OS 08/0S 08/04 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due 08/04 Draft 000796 08/09 Tracer 0009124868 08/04 Transaction fee 27.34- 08/OS 08/11 08/04 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due OB/08 Draft 000759 Tracer 08/11 0004038748 08/08 Transaction fee 109.42- 1 OB/11 08/14 08/08 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due 08/13 Draft 000760 1 08/14 Tracer 0004161104 08/13 Transaction fee 22.39- 2 08/14 08/20 08/13 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due 2' Deposit CORONA-NORCO IISD LL 3269.03 301 08/28 WithdravalOTransfer To Loan 00 08/28 Withdrawal at ATM 4t123456098497 434-97- 26; POS ROBIHSONS-MAY $68 2 FASHION ISLAND 161.13- 241 HA 08/28 WEVPORT t hdrravalatATM *123456053243 POS ROBINSONS-MAY f68 2 FASHION ISLAND 15.06- 24E 08/28 NEWPORT BCH CA Withdrawal at ATM 1*240101 POS MACYS WEST 054 901 NEWPORT CNTR 43.64- 24C NEUPORT BEACH CA 08/29 08/29 Uncollected Fee Due since DOZOS/03 - Transaction fee Uncollected Fee Due 24-00- 238 08/29 08/29 since 08ZOSZ03 - Transaction fee Uncollected Fee Due since 08/11/03 - Transaction fee 24.00- 236 OS/29 Uncollected Fee Due since 08/14Z03 - Transaction fee Withdrawal at ATM *000293 24.00- 24. 00- 233 231 31 POS SAV-ON DRII 2523 EASTBLOFF DR. HEIIPORT 23.42- 2 BEACH CA 08/30 Withdrawal at ATM *004083 POS RALPHS 255S EAST BLUFF DR NEWPORT 43.22- 224 BEACH CA 08/31 Withdrawal POS FEE OB/31 Ending Balance 1.50- 224 Dividends Paid Year to Date 224. 0.00 ---------------------------------- Nuxber 000753 Drafts Cleared Axount Huxber Axount Nuxber Axount Nuxber 60.33 ___________ Axouj 000755 000756 27.34 000758 71.02 000760 105.49 000797 46.96 0007S9 109.42 22.' Asterisk next to number indicates skip in number seence. 7 Drafts Cleared for 442.95qu ------------------------ ate ATM Withdravals and Other Charges ------------------ Axount Description Date 08/04 08/28 AxDescri ount Descrption 25.83 Withdrawal at ATM 08/28 15.06 Withdrawal 161.13 Withdrawal at ATE at ATM OS/28 43.64 Withdrawal --- Continued following at ATM on page --- 65,268 K.iverside L; unty,'s INISCredit Union JESSICA YARD'SINSKI 1920 PARK NEOPORT NEVPORT BEACH CA 92660 Date Aaount Description Date 08/29 23.42 Vithdraval at ATM 08/30 6 ATM Vithdravals or Other Charges for 312.30 0002170866 589-66-9014 08/01/03 08, 2 Aaount Description 43.22 Vithdraval at ATM M ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 11.300% Periodic Rate (Daily) 03 08/01 ID 00 2001 HONDA CRV Balance Forvard 184 08/28 Paysents Transfer Fro= Share 80 176.59- 245.33 13.09 434.97 102 08/31 Ending Balance 182 III A Payaeut of 434.97 is due on 09/0S/03 Interest Paid Year to Date 1581.99 SEP YIELDS: HONEY MARKET TIERED APYi RCCU proudly sponsors the 25th Hayor's Riverside Convention Center, Sept, 5-7. yell as other hot topics. 65,269 +m, Rlver6lde Lounty's { .: IM-Credit Union .i A u7/Oi O7/01 07/O1 07/01 07,101 07/01 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/03 07/03 07/03 07/03 07/07 07/11 07/11 07/15 07/16 07/16 07/17 07/17 07/17 07/18 07,122 07/22 07/22 07/24 07,124 07/24 07/2S 07/25 07/29 07/29 07/30 07,130 07,131 07/31 07,131 07,131 07/31 07,131 07/31 07/31 97/31 JESSICA YARIISINSKI 1920 PARK NEVPORT NEVPORT BEACH CA 92660 v 0002170866 589-66-9014 07/01/03 • 07 1 ID 80 1'RE,:SIIRE CHE`1h114 Nalaace Forvard 1 06/30 Draft 000742 Tracer 0004062104 113.05- 1 06/30 Draft 000743 Tracer 0004071328 10.00- 1 06/30 Draft 000741 Tracer 0009189478 8.59- 1 Vithdraval 1010.00- IIncollected Fee Due since 06,125,103 - Transaction fee 24.00- 07/O1 Draft 000746 Tracer 0009209128 17.SS- 07/01 Draft 000744 Tracer 0001202280 7.54- Vithdraval 01508 15.00- 06/30 24625733182281334699938 KAISER 1394 SANTA ANA CA Vithdraval 01019 20.00- 07/01 24692163182000727294133 I,FR■LOVESTFARE AIR TKT 800-678-0998 CT Vithdraval 01020 297.44- 06/30 24492803182426470010009 ALASKA AIR T0277513169630 SEATTLE VA Vithdraval 01020 297.44- 06/30 24492903102426470010009 ALASKA AIR T0277513169631 SEATTLE VA 07/02 Draft 000747 Tracer 0009137098 26.89- 07/02 Draft 000745 Tracer 9002238594 18.30- Vithdraval 01043 10.00- 06/30 24158133183180912600499 COINMACH 4313713A NEVPORT BEACH CA Vithdraval 01137 11.35- 07/01 24610433183004055333682 ANNTAYLOR.COM $611 800-342-5266 NY 07/O5 Vithdraval Transfer To Loan 00 1.74- Deposit CORONA-NORCO IISD 100.72 ] TYPE: PAYROLL Vithdraval Transfer To Loan 00 100.72- Deposit by Check 370.00 07/15 Draft 000748 Tracer 0002107648 19.62- Vithdraval Transfer To Loan 00 332.51- 07/16 Draft 000749 Tracer 0002057296 22.78- 07/16 Transaction fee 07/16 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due Vithdraval 01431 12.09- 07/16 244SE013197198372539195 DENNY'S $2126 HAVTHORNE CA 07/21 Draft 000751 Tracer 0002067402 40.00- 07/21 Transaction fee 07/21 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due 07/23 Draft 000760 Tracer 0009191136 41.00- 07/23 Transaction fee 07/23 Uncollected Fee of $24.00 is Due 07/24 Overdravn 000752 07/24 Uncollected Fee of $17.77 is Due 07/28 Overdravn 000753 07/28 Uncollected Fee of S17.77 is Due Deposit CORONA-NORCO IISD 3269,03 31 TYPE: PAYROLL 07/29 Draft 000722 Tracer 0001419008 23.63- 31 Uncollected Fee Due since 07/17/03 - Transaction fee 24.00- 31 Uncollected Fee Due since 07/22/03 - Transaction fee 24.00- 30 Uncollected -Fee Due since 07/24/03 - Transaction fee 24.00- 30 Uncollected Fee Due since 07/25/03 - Overdravn 000752 17.77- 30 Uncollected Fee Due since 07/29/03 - Overdravn 000753 17.77- 30 07/30 Draft 000754 Tracer 0009129730 40.00- 29 Vithdraval at ATM *003944 201.50- 27 ATM B OF A VESTCLIFF PLAZA NEVPORT BEACH CA Vithdraval ATM FEE 1.00- 27 Ending Balance 27 --- Continued on following page --- 63.101 RiVerside County)) Credit Union JESSICA YARUSINSKI 1920 PARK NEGPORT NEVPORT BEACH CA 92660 NC 0002170866 589-66-9014 07/01/03 • 07 2 Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.00 ---------------------------------- Drafts Cleared -------- —----- —------- Number Amount Humber Amount Humber ------ Amount Number Aw 000722 23.63 000744 7.54 000749 19.62 000754m 41 000741m 8.99 000749 18.30 000749 22.78 000742 113.05 000746 17.55 000750 41.00 000743 10.00 000747 26.89 000751 40.00 � Asterisk neat to number indicates skip in number sequence 13 Drafts Cleared for 388.95 ------------------------ ATM Vithdravals and Other Charges ---------------------. Date Amount Description Date Amount Description 07/31 -------------------- 201.50 Gi.thdraval at ATM ----------------------------------------------- m+£ ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 11.$00: m£3 Periodic Rate (Daily) 0f 07/01 ID 00 2061 HONDA CRV Balance Forvard 18E 07/07 07/05 Payments Transfer From Share 80 0.00 1.74 1.74 18E 07/11 Payments Transfer From Share 80 9.00 100.72 100.72 18E 07/16 Payments Transfer From Share 80 185.64- 133.82 13.OS 332.51 184 07/31 Ending Balance 184 A Payment of 434.97 is due on 08/05/03 Interest Paid Year to Date 1336.66 AUG YIL•LDS: MONEY MARKET TIERED APY% Just vhen you think the summer couldn't Newport North 2 Milano Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Phone: (949) 720-8765 Fax: (949) 720-1598 Verification of No Child Support Resident Name: JtS& k-1 V6(r n � k., Apartment Number: I receive monthly 135 support payments. hereby certify that I do not I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided above is true and complete. signature 9/gld3 Date Unit Number New Certificates/ Recertifi,-.on INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all imes up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set torth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) Newport North I/We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. i. Name of Members Relationship Place of Of the to Head of Social Security Household Household Age Number Employment ,tdo,4iS�Mtctt+��h ,q�'a�fct7 . ��iG-�9-O93�i f IAMG M 0�'CS 'P,4� i ]'�7 .SR aTtt�R. �2 G SKt:-�c5 — !i 53 rawt. wJ tivv►�: Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children ut der 18 years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that Ihve plan to move into a unit at sign a lease for a unit is8 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation f r personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal p 7operty (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or ai iy allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, ret rement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including at I y lump suns payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment (a) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compen ation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of a iy assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular con ibutiot and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (h) antnun!s which m•e specifically for or in rcimbu,semcnt or medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to fa mil) assets, such as inhct itnnces, insurance payments (mcluding paynr.•nts tinter health and a:cident insurance and workers' compensation). capital gains and settlement for personal of property losses: (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational institution, and a Counts paid by the govenunent to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipme t. Any amounts of such scholarships or pa)mcnts to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be inclded in income: (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) ' payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (l) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of neR,sary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) X Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,000? Yes __ _No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ —^ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S +r 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes ___X__No (b) Complete only If the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes"), Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes X No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 1.12 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. 1/Wc declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this qih day of _(Jr{0 eP , 20p_',S (year) in the City of yVe rlM_P , California let Applicant Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age or 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) FAR FOR COIvYPI=ON BY APARTMENT OWNER ON-L:: .1, Calcnlatior of elidlble income: a. Enter amount entered for entire houc:hold in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), sabtt= fro-- `,d figure the amount entered in 7(dX3) and enter the remaa tint a ($ ); (2) Multiply the amouL 1% In • s the current passbook savings rate -> > O to determine what the total annual earn. _ /(d)(1) would be if invested in passbooc mm' , _ _ ), subtract fmm that figure the amount enter, 'n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at tight the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c, TOTAL EUGIBL13INCOME (line l.a plus tine I.b(3): 2. The a -mount entered in 1.e: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowerlucome Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenant(s). S 1-t���loD, qF 7M 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: off. (F Bedroom size: P,+,A Rent: 4. This apartment unit was not) last occupier: for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons tivhose aggregate anticipcertified ated anuuai income as in the strove manner upon their initial occtmancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). 5. Method used to verity appiicagg) income: , EnTloyer income ver+ieation. Copies of tax returns. Cd-- ( Yaver •aa.�smmc.rsu p;,�.l�. �l)�)03 INnnMF 0 ASSET r.GIOLILATION WOR'. REF f Last Namo FiratNm,._ rlC>ArD MIcNA6J-- Rolallonf •' NON Sox M Betool•Olrlh A-As.81 Ago %ti soclal sucunty0 Su6.4R•Oo11 1•. .udenl YEs or No NC7 z MOATS OAvt� [jroY{xh h( t0.1 •'(6 G SWG• 1� I153 /JO B 4 s 6 ' y 0 r IfVGOMt EMPLOYMENT Family Memb.lA Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 2G 12 1� _ Total W4 swi-mo owt MO Yrl —e,. I2A .VAV co, a 11 r .2 . ^ro-ton. W irk 5 a G 6. a0 .3� ' _�' •T, .O, 00 _� Total Box A. Family Momb.It Source Base Rate $ Avcragc Hours Average Anal nu 52 24 26 12 •1 — Total N% SEMIMo, 01•WK MO yR 7'nlnl Isnx I1: a ruwLlu MDJW U1NUM Family Memb.0 Source Base Rate $ Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 20 12. 1 Total wx s041•Mo Nxnt !d0 '�Iii' —'"'--- $— $ — =a Total Oox C:. .F U IHtK INUUMt Family Memb.# Source Base•$ Rate Average Hours Average Annual 52 24 2G 12 1F Total v6 SEMI•M0 01•mc rn ylt — s =•F 7-- _— _ TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A through D D7r>7>na7>a7>•nna :�_ Lit.�s'l . 00 ASSETS Asset Description Impuled/ Gross/Fair Coslto NEi Arlu,Il Wind Annual Member 11 (savings, checking, storks, bonds. 1 cta) Current ( Mkl. Value . Gel Cosh I Family Asscls • Value Interest Rate Income train Ascots I :z ( t c7)•r •,e ckria S c h.l 4l• 9 U - 1� 11. 1 iY.l'•Ji 0 %_- $ 1— ,Y 0 % - % :t Totals SG•a Dox L•: � G.7 Dnx ls: I_:I 7 . IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box E excocds 45,Oo0-multiply E by Iho currant passbook interest rate: It Box E does not oxcooe $5,000 enter •0- In box G: Enter Iho gicatcr of Box F or Box G In: am .X — o -BOX G: Fs o IMPUTED INCOME (�FROMASSETS BOY. H: nmm�uuaunwnm Fa1n�yNwum I'IumAvcL• Effective Da (o OC•-1sOIAA 1 - 03 Typo of Pmgratn %- ,%aws UnitNo._eg ' unit Sita ;L. No, of Persons ;&- Mtl: t/ Max. Income Limit $ r• S"ROLA AR: 140% Limit F IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENTCOMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in Ink, noting "NIA" or "none" where applicable. Do not use white out. The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community awned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, "Owner"). Community. N�(y� ,'�lj Address: ;l,/,?1 4gS411 Print Appllcomi's full name (Last, First, Middle Initial) JrJSr• Dateaf Birth SociilSecurl Number Drivar's License# J�oAu oa asy s (,-00�/93ass� A Name of Co-Appicants(Separate Application required for each Co -Applicant) P (Last, First, Middle Initiol) (Last, First, Middle Initicl) (Lost, First, Middle Initial) P oR> p I (Last. Fm»,M ddIe INTIal) (Last, First, Middle Initiol i ) (Last, First, Middle Initial) a a Applicant's Present Address City ZIP Own Phone# U6''Lr6 j� bMa, asl AfAB.VfLl1 tl:�1 (j - v, ess: From'/-III- n GNU It , Rart: TO �i �) ✓t Detachedfamllyhome: �'1 Attached family home Apartment: ©r' H Monthly Payment§ /'116,4i.i To whom do you make payments) /l/6Yi//'U, TtiQ �� i s Preseia Landlord's Name Address C M ZIP Phone# a Immediate Prior Address CCif less than l yr. at above) Own Date. r 116:I (v J%'CECI�y OLFrC %!/G,SO/J AZ M°MhtyPaymenrt: F<am y �� JiLs Rean 8 � J TO > Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Address City ZIP Phone# RrRY�fw 1Nm' bay o... a.pet? ❑ Yes ON No Minber°fPsts: Type: a Proposed0ccupants (Last, First, Middle Initial) bote°f Birth Qext, First, Middle Initial) Woof Birth c a (Last, First, Middle Initial) Dote of Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Data of Birth P a (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Birth (Last, First, MlddleIniticl Date of Birth t E m Empkiyyeer((I selfmployed,name of bbusinnic)eashoss,Adddress(including ZIP Code) J6_IvrkloryI P Phone# Typ° of Business Pasihon Dater' Supmbor Phone# Income 1 dad -My, Hpayfd,�'f Gearurry From. /�'•as' ).j4do „.gy, a r /rxf/.� /yycI yk)' Z� K Ma. y cr Income Source AppBcant most provide 2 pay stubs or current WZ form. Contact m 7 6 •6•I1'?1�auYdt�' e Immediate Prior Employer Address(including ZIP Cod°) Ph act. n Incame Fnm t To Mo. checking: bank and branch Qncluda City/State) Account# "GLJ'' 66' a3,ia�,s,��ala P Savings: bankinlbroach(nclude City/State) Acaautd# i n Havey°u over filed bankruptcy? MY- [EN. a Countyaod State where flied: What yea? n o Have you ever had ary public record suits, lien, Judgments or repossessions? Yes [DN. I What yaarp a Hove you eve: If yes, desulbe in detail: I Been camlcted of a felony? ❑yes 0No Bean evicted? ❑Yv ©No befoulted onalease7 ❑Yea ®Na P a In case of emergency, please notify. (Local name, address 8 phone number) r Relationship: a ° If applicable, paents'phone numbeis: n ( ) ( ) a Father's Nhme Mo11w4thTA RcdsW: ta/al Papetol2 ApplcatlaiT.RiamMIA t -, IIAMnuAic 1, .4e AIzAR7MelTIWANAGrMCNTC0MIzA,.. How did you first learn of this apartment eommunrf)? ❑O.C. Register ❑Drive By ❑Remal4Jving cam ❑Promotio./Sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide 13519" ❑Webshe-other• I-ISl Mrrary ❑Orig.Apt.Magazlne ❑Other IAC Community❑Referral" ❑Newspape other" ❑Rental Livig(IAC Mag)❑LA Tames ❑Relocator Service ❑Magazine- other " ❑For Rent Magazine 050 Onion ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt Info Center 1:150 Reader ❑Postcard/Maller Mother -Not Listed" an for rclocoNon: many vemnes ao 1 Make Mate recreational you have R<nter's Iruurancep • PLEASEFILLIN: Year fl W Year boats or trailers is not Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: License # Llcense# in the Cam I om Pushing this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment communityshown above. I hereby authorize and cement to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the'IAMC Pertleae), to obtain and wiry the credit and other, Information provided by in. In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, bordis (Including electronic funds veNficuhon), employers and other parsons or entitles with Information relating to this Application. I also authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained in this Application to vmriaus local, state and/or federal government agencies, including w'dhout limitation, various law enforcement agenclea. I understand that if I lease this apartment, the IAMC parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other information in this Application for purposes related to my Lease and/or for account review bath during and after the term of my Leine I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Compaq, Irvine Apartment Carman lea,LP., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, amplay.. and agents, from any and all 061ldy, legal proceedings and costs, Including attorneys' fees, arising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, Including the release of nth Information to other parties. I warrant that, to the beat of my knowledge, all of the Infonnstion provided In this Application (Including but rot Ilmhed to the statement of my financial condition) Is free, accurate, complete and correct m of the date of this Application. If any Information provided by me Is deterrulned to be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Applicotian or terminaNan of my Lease with owner. I agree to notify IAMC If any of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application process or during mytenanry. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved. A non-rafundableAppllcanon Screening Fee of $30,00 (as Itemized below)Is required from eachApplIcantto promise thlsAppliwgon and to checkthe Informallon provided. Asepamte Applicaton to Rentmust be signed by each Appllcanlwho will occupy the apartmentbefom this Appllcalianwill be coneiden d by IAMC. Date Appliwd'sir(swure RECEIPTFOR APPLICATION 567REEN=29FEE to screen Applicant with regards to credit hawary and other background Information. The amount charged Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detalner(eviation)search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 Cost to obtain, process and verify screening Information (may include staff', time and other related costs) $20.05 Total fee charged (may not exceed $30 per Applicant) $30.00 mixes verification of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference Date Applicant's signature Irvine Apartment Management Company By: Redstd. 10/01 Peaezmz Appoarwnraxenu001. Income Restricted Certification Quesnonun" • t S #� Name: Unit r iC ' Initial Certification Re -certification Other Ques tlon Monthl Income Yes No Uwe receive Family Suport S P ousal Support, and/or any other X p cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments k T nersons not living with me. t/ We re"'Yv .......... . . .— winnings, Inhentar Xbenefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Property Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to mclude SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members aym P - ents. Uwe are entitled to receive child support XUwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. / Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate XUwe have cash on hand. XStudent Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students exam le: Colle e/Clniversi ,trade school, etc. ? Does your household anticipate becoming a full -times dent X ' household in the next 12 months? If you answered Ye_s to either of the previous two questions are ./ you: ➢ Marred and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the in presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein co st' utes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result' the enial li tion or termination of the income restricted agreement. 6 Date Resident Sig ature Date 'o Owner/Agent ,ar"I. Name Employer [.A.A. C Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date I,AS'a3I . IF. o3 YTD Income �Grost per Pay Period a"105I. of FA4.25- divided by Start with hire date if I (+)� at job for less than a year I I I; F�3(e. (3 I divided by I A I NI r7 I -A - ? 7(,:p I F. 0`7 (how often paid) (how o en paid) W (X) _) Calculated Annual Income (_) Calculated Annual Income 0 z 0 0 LL Q W a w x r 0 z 0 J FQ Z W M 0 O Im O w W 2 Name Employer o. Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date YTD Income Gros per Pay Period divided by ( Start with hire date if M at job for less than a year (_) divided b 0 (_) Lvl 3 . (=) a . (how often paid) (how o en paid) (X) A &o (X) L - � i!P Calculated Annual Income (_) Calculat d Annual Income ,00 eO'� S B RESTAURANT CO Statement of Earnings and Deductions 6326-A Lindmar Drive Goleta, CA 93117-3112 S B RESTAURANT CO Statement of Earnings and Deductions 6326-A Lindmar Drive Goleta, CA 93117-3112 For Your Information .4 a e"^ ?Owl Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet � �� tea,-�•-.. �lr i divided by A (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % 25V (_) Income from asset: $ 1 , I8 ,OR, r» Account Statement July 10 through August r, -003 Account Number: 235-2758292 Page 1 of 2 MICHAEL AARON MOATS WS 2839 CAROB ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3212 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 800-869-3557 write: WELLSLFARGOTDD BBANKUmber ARIZONA,, Nfor tAe,hUNIVERSITYaired MEDICALIOFFICE00F.O. BOX3. Or 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228-6995, Moving? Look to Wells Fargo - we're here to help. Chances are there is a Wells Fargo store or ATM nearby. Just go to wellsfargo.com and click on the "Locations" button or ask your banker for a Move With Wells brochure. This brochure includes helpful moving checklists and valuable coupons to use when moving. At Wells Fargo we're here to help lighten your load and make your move easier too. Wells Fargo Free Checking Michael Aaron Moats Account Number: 235-2758292 Activity summary Balance on 07/09 Deposits Withdrawals $887.06 2,409.12 - 2,634.23 ..................................................... Balance on 08/08 $661.95 Sign up for Bill Pay between July14 and September 13, 2003, and Wells Fargo will donate $10 to local school districts. To qualify, at least one bill payment must be completed by October 12, 2003. See your local banker or enroll y visiting wellsfargospecial.com and entering keyword: Schools Activity detail Deposits Date Description Amount 07/14ATM Deposit - 07/14 Mach ID 0601A.........................•..'.•. Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 $450.00 07/16 ATM Deposit - 07/15 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 70.00 07/18 ATM Deposit - 07/18 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 388.26 07/28 ATM Deposit - 07/27 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 125.00 07/28 ATM Deposit - 07/26 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 100.00 07/31 ATM Deposit - 07/30 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 100.00 r^ /oft W9.*1 July 10 through August a, x003 Account Number: 235-2758292 Page 2 of 2 Deposits -continued Amount Date Description ..............ATM....De..P..osit.:._..OB/03.......Mach......... 08/04 ID ..........................:. 0601A Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 875.86 08/07 ATM Deposit - 08/06 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 140.00 08/08 ATM Deposit - 08/08 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 160.00 ................................................._... Total depoaita $2,409.12 Withdrawals Checks Number Date $ Amount 225.•07/18-112.57 226 07/16 160.00 227 07/16 27.28 Number Date $ Amount ........... 22807/15 1,084.52 230* 08/04 1,216.00 ..........................................................................6. Total checks $ , 00.3�7 * Gap in sequence Other withdrawals Date Description $ Amount ...................................... 07/11 POB Purchase - 07/10 Mach ID 000000 1250 E Ft Lowelquik Mart Tucson Az 6405 9.67 07/24 Check Crd Purchase 07/11 Beyond Bread Tucson Az 432373XXXXXX6405 2449280623DWMM8Yp ?MCC=5999 122105278DA 6.19 07/25 Usaa Usb Achdebit 030723 545883001833509 Michael A Moats 18.00 Total other withdrawals $33.8,6 Total withdrawals••..........••.....••••.....•.........................62,634.23 Daily balance summary Date $ Balance Date $ Balance ..................................... 07/09 887.06 ..................................... 07/25 377.09 07/11 877.39 07/28 602.09 07/14 1,321.20 07/31 702.09 07/15 236.68 08/04 361.95 07/16 119.40 08/07 501.95 07/18 395.09 08/08 661.95 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. Account Statement August 9 through Septa..�et 9, 2003 Account Number: 235-2758292 Page 1 of 3 I-1 MICHAEL APRON MOATS WS 2839 CAROB ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3212 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 800-869-3557 write WELLSLFARGOTDD number BANK ARIZONA� N.A. ,h9NIVERBITYaired MEDICALIOFFICE�OP807 BOX3. Ox� 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228-6995. Direct Deposit Advance(R) Service - Additional terms relating to eligibility: The Direct Deposit Advance Service is a credit service available only to customers with at least one monthly recurring direct deposit of $100 or more to a consumer checking account from an employer or outside agency excluding accounts with a representative payee or accounts held by a minor. (Wells Fargo, Portfolio Management Account and Well Fargo Electronic Transfer Account (ETA) are also excluded.) For questions, please contact your Wells Fargo Banker at 1-800-869-3557. ; Buying a home or refinancing your current mortgage? our free online tools can take the guesswork out of selecting the right home loan or keep track of ' interest rate trends. Visit wellsfargospecial.com today and enter keyword: Loan Tools. And as a Wells Fargo Bank customer, you may receive a special discount on select Wells Fargo Home Mortgage programs. For details, call 1-866-295-9153� or stop by any branch and mention code DMX7AZQ. Equal Housing Lender. Wells Fargo Free Checking Michael Aaron Moats Account Number: 235-2758292 Activity summary Balance on 08/08 Deposits Withdrawals $661.95 1,930.27 - 1,831.80 ..........$.7..... Balance on 09/09 60.42 August 9 through Septei...,ex 9, 2003 Account Number: 235-2758292 Page 2 of 3 Activity detail Deposits Date Description Amount 6B/11 .................................... ATM Deposit - 08/09 Mach ID 0601A $ 60.00 Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 O8/12 ATM Deposit - 08/11 Mach ID 0601C 60.00 Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 O8/13 ATM Deposit - 08/13 Mach ID 0601A Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 50.00 08/18 Deposit 178.16 08/26 ATM Deposit - 08/25 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 28.00 09/02 ATM Deposit - 09/01 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 500.00 09/04 ATM Deposit - 09/04 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 165.37 09/04 ATM Deposit - 09/03 Mach ID 0692D 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 6400 150.00 09/08 ATM Deposit - 09/05 Mach ID 0601C Irvine Irvine Ca 6400 738.74 ..................................................................... Total deposits $1,......930.27.. Withdrawals checks Number Date $ Amount Number Date $ Amount .................................... 231 ..................................... 08/12 232.00 234 08/26 28.35 232 08/18 406.80 236* 09/02 173.00 233 08/18 20.00 237 09/04 758.00 Total checke...........................................................$1,618.15 * Gap in sequence Other withdrawals Date Description $ Amount ................................................................................ 08/18 POS Purchase - OS/18 Mach ID 000000 14443 Culver Drtrader Soeirvine Ca 6400 73.05 O8/18 Check Crd Purchase 08/16 Newport North Cleaners Newport Beach Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 24269417SL14PPQSBX ?MCC=7216 122105278DA 14.45 08/19 Check Crd Purchase 08/17 Chevron #00091203 Irvine Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 246251276QHLV4P9W ?MCC=5542 122105278DA 26.00 08/22 Check Crd Purchase 08/20 Wahoo,s Fish Taco Irvi Irvine Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 2440369796R311Mmh ?MCC=5812 122105278DA 8.79 08/25 Check Crd Purchase 08/20 Crazyhorse Steakhouse 71 Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 24403697AS6FP9P1N ?MCC=5812 122105278DA 26.00 08/25 Check Crd Purchase 08/22 Supercuts Newport Beach Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 24717057BL4Tnssag ?MCC=7230 122105278DA 24.00 e0K ,A August 9 through Septe..-)ez 9, 2003 Account Number: 235-2758292 Page 3 of 3 other withdrawals -continued $ Amount Date Description O B/25 ............................................... Check Crd Purchase 08/21 Baja Fresh Mexican Gri Newport Beach Ca 432372XXXXXX6400 24323017A3DOXNZOD 5.82 ?MCC=5814 122105278DA 08/26 Pos Mach 000 ID OCaO6400 35.54 MarshallsaMarshallsSCosta Mesa ........................$213.65 Total other withdrawals�����������������.�•.....� .............$1,831.80 Total withdrawals Daily balance summary $ Balance Date $ Balance Date ................................. 08/OB 661.95 ................................ 08/22 229.02 08/11 721.95 08/25 08/26 173.20 137.31 08/12 08/13 549.95 599.95 09/02 464.31 08/18 263.81 09/04 21.68 08/19 237.81 09/08 760.42 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. A p P i a It t If 0 r Y E in p I 0 Y in is n t F, 11/A\rag::C t"`%, IRVINE APARTMENT Iv..jArEMGNT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee please complete this farm entirely in ink, noting "N/A" or "none" where applicable. Do not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The __ i o I-.II•.Na"Ia •nwnrr"y. Irvine Gompory, or sewn. �F....a...^-•••.••�.....—,-_.� Community: Address: Print Applicant's full name (Lot. First, Middle Initial) JrJSr. Date of Birth Social$"wlry Number Dnver's Lfwse# rn rs 5 I0/1417b .546-16-1t53 63`lSs7a7 None of Co-Appllmnts(5eparate Applicant. regmred fareach Co -Applicant) Last, First. Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last,First,Mldd1.Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) City ZIP Own Phohe#9Nl•sid) •3'If Donee Applicant's Present Address fie$ jq CavO la S�. - ai rass: From a,000 /Jew Ori eaI� 5 4&0 Rent: T° aDo3 Detached famdy home: family home: El Apartment: "ET Monthly Payment E �Q(') To whom do you make payments? G•tx I` PCck Present Landlord's Noma Address CincQr Fea,7 ewOb Si'. city ZIP Phone# New Ovd' l3e.at.l. 'Id66o(94ti 7S9-af30 Immediate Prior Address, (if lass than t yr, at above) Own Monthly Payment: Dater: Ftm ri Rent: E IT. Immediate Prior Landlord, Name Address city ZIP Phone# be you We a Pet? I I Yes 1�1 No Number of pets. TYPe: Proposed Occupants (Lot, First. Middle Initial) Data of Birth (Last. first,Middle Initial) Dateaf Birfh (last. First, Middle Initial) out. of Birth (Last, Fret, Middle Initial) Dateaf Birth (Lost, First, Middle Initial) Dateaf Birth (Last. First. Middle Initlal) Date of Birfh Employer (:f self-employed, name of business) Business Address (Including ZIP Code) p(.Lr Wert phone# Typeof slnats Position ease SupervisorPhone# Incame From � Ma. a • o� 8 TO Otherincome Source Applicant most provide 2 pay stubsor current W2 form contact Immediate Prior Employer Address (Including ZIP Code) Phone# Did.Income From To Me Checking: bank and branch(Inelude Ciry/State) IA=unt# waLslm r1?b„ N� elre0.JA �y oar oosK� Savings: bank and branch (include City/State) AccauM# Have you ever filed bankruptcy? ❑yet �flo Loun y and State where filed: What year) Have you ever had any public record suits. Ileas, judgments or repossessions? El Yes No Whoty... P Have you over: If yes. describe In detail: Been convicted of a felony)❑yes No Been <Wat.0 ❑y" DefeAtedan a lease? ❑yet ✓ra In case of emergency, please WIN: (Local name, address 4 phone number) Relationship: iMciSV.i� G H pe f k �asn Ccwob 51. !J o✓� 13tac{ If applicable, parents' ph... hOMbers: ( ) ( ) folhnrpthroe Motherstkmc periled 10101 Page t of Appsea nT.R.11001A 1. .4e APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPA,.. How did you first learn of this apartment community? ❑O.C. Register ❑beive By ❑Remal•Livingerm ❑PromatIQn/Sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide 13519M ❑Website-Other" ❑SSMereury 0rig Apt. Magazine ❑Other IAC 1:1 Community❑Referral* ❑Newspopc-Othere ❑Rental Living(IAC Mag)❑LAThu,; ❑Reloeator Service ❑Magazine -Other" ❑For Rent Magazine 050 Union []Flyer ❑Affordable Housing OIAC Apt Info Center ❑Sb Reader, , • c1Posicord/Maller ❑other -Not Listed" • PLEASE FILLIfb Haw many vehldr do you own/dri"? Make Zypvy ffken! s uwyas:' aoo License# 74511 u Make yegr Umnse# . Note'- Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. ne eau haveRenter's1raarunce? "yes nNo , Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I me making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment cammunity shown above. I hereby authwnu and..went to allow IAMC. Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the'IAMC Parties"), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks (including electronic funds verification), employers and other persons or entities with Information relating to this Application. I also authorise the IAMC Parties to provide information contained In this Application to various lord, state and/or federal government agencies. Including without limitation, various low enforcement agencies. I understand that if I two this apartment, the IAMC Parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information in this Application for purposes reused to my Lae and/or for account review both during and afar the term of my Lease. I hereby release and held harmless The Irvine Company, Irvne Apartment Communities, LP., Leine Apartment Manogement ComPaiy, and all of their respective officers, employees and agents, from am/ and all liability, legal proceedings and casts, including attorneys' fees, rising out of the verification and/or use of the information contained in this Application, Including the release of each Information to other parties. I warrant that, to the but of my knowledge, all of the information provided In this Applieation (including but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) is true, accurate, complete and correct Is of the date of this Application. If any Information provided by me Is determined to be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my Lease with Own". I agree to ratify IAMC If arty of the information provided in this Application changes during the Application process or during my tenancy. I also understood that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved. A non-refundable Applleadon Screening Fee of $30.00 (as atomized below) Is required from each Applicant to process this Application and to check the Informatianprovided. Aseparate Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will occupy the apartment before thle Application will be considered by [AMC. . . We Applicant's signature RECEIPTFOR APPLICATIONSCREENING FEE beusedto careen Applicant with regards to credit historyand othw background Information. Theamountcharged Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detalner (eviction) search, and/or other screening reports $995 Costto obtain, process and verifyscreening information (may inctudestaff's tlmeandother related costs) $20.05 Total fee charged (may net exceed $30 per Applicant) $3 authorizes verif:cahan of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through redo reporting agencies, personal reference d other information sources. Irvine Apartment Management Company o • 07 e L BY: .l Revised, 10/01 Page 2 ot2 AppantlanTCR"0001Y f' " r*. r � Income Restricted Certification jys �' O 4 Name: Initial Certification Re -certification other No cash contributions of 11 rt, Spo Support, and/or any of including rent or utility payments Uwe receive veterans r+u w.• - - benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro erty. Uwe receive benefits/income from Socl payments* to SSA, SSI and/or periodic social securityp ymit The household receives unearned income for family members 11 �, u,, payments. are entitled to receive chilsuppo I/we am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support nwed to me. 1/we nave uu.v. -------- Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money cMarket Real ESU ,•7i Unit # Does the household consist of persons who are an m,�-•• o �; trade school etc.)? students example: Cow ty a full-time student Does your household anticipate becoming -- household in the next 12 months? If you answered.Les. to either of the previous two questions are Y you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return, is true and accurate Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that , False, misleading or providing false result en the denial of cons application tos an a or terminafionet of dof the income restricted lease agreement.ationwiil Date -- — Date """^ ""'` ?O , 1-8.1 Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name DA v Employer 0 Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date l0-1-03 1 YTD Income divided by 10 Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (_) 1 6 30.0b -7 (how often paid) N la Calculated Annual Income S (+) Hire Date Gross per Pay Period 6 OD•bb divided by I a. (_)1 Goo . vv (how often paid) (x) 1 (_) Calculated Annual Income 7/a 00.00 all \\ ;G !G \ ; k ) \ \ g ) d k\ // j � 0 )m \ � / , 2) ) !/ pRG . i ! 7 2 1' -.- --, } ° ®§ q to i ,« ILI /a to k;gG #[ «� %of On; Into » m e+ '"W/ lvw w m i 005A&a J 0 I I1 IV -��k\ � /f® ®; - k 5 »n �* ARg \E «m )) �§g 2f 0 /§ Ell ) / = gƒa a7 !!) 2 °as S k \Et�\\ [) k - )§ \e \))) � )e; �Now, Asset Calculation Worksheet Account Type (+> �So,ol divided by (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % O (_) Income from asset: $ 0 'Aft "" Washington Mutual THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS $21.00. 16-E-83 DAVID J MOATS 2839 CAROB ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3212 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 138,429 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 08-26-03 THRU 09-24-03 AT WASHINGTON MUTUAL, EVERY DAY IS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY. THANKS FOR BANKING WITH US. FREE CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FDIC INSURED DAVID J MOATS ACCOUNT NUMBER: 874-040054-8 YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT END DATE, WAS S 800.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER TRANSACTION CHARGE. SEE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. A BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 250.01 649.84 440.00 40.17 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS 09/10 440.00 09/11 79.50 09/12 107.10 DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT, 2079 09/12 350.42 NOTE: * INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE YTD INTEREST PAID 00 YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: .00 TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER DEPOSIT REVERSE CHECK CARD PROVISIONAL CREDIT CINGULAR WIRELES PAYMENT 9492935913 CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID *2104 09/23 CHECK DATE AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 112.82 ne n+ ne Ai . '#� 'p. 0�9 Washington Mutua, 'O*- '0"N STATElv(cN i OF ACCOUNT THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 521.00. 16-E-83 DAVID J MOATS 2839'CAROB ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3222 TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-786-7000. 141,713 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 07-25-03 THRU 08-25-03 BE A CELEBRITY, EVERY DAY! SIGN UP FOR GOLD CHECKING AND GET OUR VISA(R) GOLD CHECK CARD. GET FREE COOL PERSONAL CHECKS AND FEE -FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS, ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY FEE. SAVE UP TO 50% ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS AND MORE. ASK US FOR DETAILS. FDIC INSURED. wee ruae¢TMA WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK# FA FDIC INSURED DAVID J MOATS ACCOUNT NUMBER: 874-040054-8 YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT END DATE, WAS S 800.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER TRANSACTION CHARGE. SEE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 344.73 751.28 656.56 1 250.01 DATE 08/06 08/07 08/08 08/23 08/13 08/14 08/14 08/25 YTD INTEREST PAID .00 YTO INTEREST WITHHELD: .00 WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 361.56 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 119.62 VISA -TARGET OOOOSANTA ANA CA 60.73 VISA -TRADER JOE'S #OOOOSANTA ANA CA 295.00 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 99.83 VISA -LINENS N THINGS #4COASTA MESA CA 65.00 VISA-VIVANCO'MEDICAL GRNEWPORT BEACHCA 34.28 VISA -MOTHER'S MARKET IRIRVINE CA 21.40 VISA -MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN SMAMMOTH LAKESCA DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2080 08/11 350.42 CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT CHECK • DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAGE 01 OF 01 New Certificates X / RecertiCu,.aon Unit Number 039 INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method sei in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all timt to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North I/We the undersigned state that 1/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions ft persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persr who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5, Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Secunry Place of Household Household Age Number Employment &12in serf kr pe-etr) 2g S12-R3-337( 2 bmc- t )- W8432l t Er'rC Lpoa ,male 241 47.45oe K1120 g#M 6. Income Computation The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or si, lease for a unit is S 4 f 4 Q Ct . 07 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from -the rental of real or personal proper (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (ihcluding income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retireme funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any fun sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of eamings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (1) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and iegular contributi and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in tht dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amount paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Ar amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included u income; en*^ ,d-l� (a) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed it hostile fire; M relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payment: to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; (j) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; t (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; ' (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received fromjudgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values o necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) X Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes Y No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combed total value of all such assets owned or disposed of b, such persons total more than $5,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and student: Yes __�L_No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question Wit) is "Yes") Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file ajoint federal income tax returns? Yes X No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. Me will assist the Owner in obtaining any info'nnation or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the .immediately preceding calendar year. l 1. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 14 3 4 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. Me declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed this day of Oc %Oklp, 20ci3 (year) in the Cityof )j2G1 } AeodCalifornia A plicatt Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of IS years) listed in number 2 above required) r"N ?0OWN FOR COm PLEMN 13Y APA.RTmFNr Off' NER ONI,X: 1. Calculation of eligible income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: $41 O b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subs= from- '-at figure the amount entered in 7(dx3) and enter the remam•iinl e ($ )1 (2) Multiply the amour, bur In' . the current passbook savings me -N '0 to determine what the total annual earning _ /(d)(1) would be if invested in passbook savinm subtract from that figure the amount enre, n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under / (1) or (2) above: $ A c. TOTAL ELIGIBLE INCOME (line La plus line Lb(3): $ 4 y t d 2 4 . 07 2. The amount entered in 1.e: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate -Income Tenant(s). X Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower-Incame Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenaut(s). 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: ! 4 3 it Bedroom size: 2.4 2 Rent: S_17-7 4. This apartment unit (was no last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by person aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apart qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). S. Method used to verify applicants) income: X Employer income verification. x Copies of tax returns, Other ( bald skeCk 54-a b s ) 1018(0 3 Date •— IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting'N/A" or "none, where applicable. Da not use white out. The Information you Provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company al' Irvine Apartment Cominunities, L.P. (collectively,'Oumer"). Community: OY Address: Pant plicant's full name(Lasl, Fm ,Middle Initial) Jr./Sf D to of Dirth Sadel Seeurll Number Y Drivu'x License # A Name ofCo•Appllcant. eporaleApphcahonreguiredPoraachCaApplkant) P (L t, First. Middle Iuitml) (Last, First, Middle Imhal) P(Last, first. Middle initial) Last, First, Middle In:nal)) (Last, First, Middle Ininol) i (last, First, Middle Aatinl) c a Applicant is Presrat Addn•ss City ZIP 9a)17,M awn p L ��R m uute n s ........ f in t I RenN. Detached family home: ,,11 All cdfnmil nme Aportmenl: N Monthly Payment; J"^e To whom do you make poymcnn i t• x Pnaonl Lantnl's Nmne Addrns city ZIP ,bane it t a Lmmediate Prior Addre s f less than l yr. at above) awn note, r Monthly Payment: ❑ Fpm y Rent: § Ta Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Addrns city Zpp Phone 1r Do you own a Pet?' Yes ❑No Numberaf Pets: r�0i a Type: _T,t2St9 rrarasee uccuponts(Last, hirst, Middle InDial) Dateofninh (Last, First, Middle Initial) Doleof Irth v (Ln», FmsqEMFdNc) Defeat Birth (Lost. Pont, Middle Initiun r Uote of Birth I", (Last, First Mle of nirth (Last, First, Middle Initial) s no of Dirlh E Emplaycr(If self•empoyr ld,wmeof businets) Business Address(Including ZIP Cade) inM l tan P Phone#/9i N\ Ivne of Businc@s srtion no •r Su rot i 1 _If7T_OY's`p'sIL�I �Pommuni}� From Yonn2 a 1 T y Other Income too Applicant must provide 2 pay stubs or current Wz farm, in a Immediate Prior Employer Address (Including ZIP Cade) n 1 ^ / 9011 Y Phone# )B Il Llct�n .,an )_. ✓dl.. f.._ 11 nd.i A_, I 1 o< too Me Y f t F Savings' hank and branch (include City/State) f Account n Have you ever filed bantomptry? Yes MN. a County and St. In Micro bled: n What year? e have yea-.- had any puhbe record its. It,., Judgments or repellant..? yes No e What year? a Hnvr yen ever: If yet, desvibc mdetall: threat convmMd of fclany? ❑yes Nu Dern evicted? Dyes 2kI. DefrnDedae nlansc? Ely- No P e I asc of emrrge ra c nnu(y. (Loral name, addreu d )dlane nllmher) , p r" Relntienslilp: b If appllcablr par5nis' phone numbers: Fa n,tNam M1bthv N me nrned I"All IWVN t MP rN'�i-l?nTmiquanl>k IK.�- APAR rMENT MANAGEMENT COMPAN„.W I Im. did ymi (usl Innaot Ihi, npurcnod conmwtdlyl . ❑O.C. Regrsler []Drive By ❑RentabLPoo coin 3 oPramolloNSp. Event ❑nllmvuvn GulJc ❑51gs ❑wabsde-other " ❑5J Mercury • ❑Ong Apl. Mogutiue ❑Oilier IACCommmly❑Rdf.rc.l" �Newspoper•OtLcr` 01'cnlnl l wing(IAC Mnq)❑LA Times ❑Relocalar 5ervmc EIMagatne- 011mr ' ❑For Pen, Mn9mino ❑SD Oniml ❑Flyer ❑Af fordOLlc Nouvng DWADI, bru Cenlcr ❑SD Roma ❑Posh: rdlMufor ICli rsthw- 14.1 Listed ` PLEASE FILL IN. Peasun for rdncmiun Nov nmlry valddes du you own,& -in? Make Year Lt..A MAn Yoer� LIOCo. NOW Panting of recreational vehic , boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do I.. have R,mn'S L math, P s �ILu. Cunsei t to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I con a d,m91hlt Appbedmn valunim•ily for file purpose of obtabbig IAMCs appravul to rent an apartment In the apartment cnmummty.hmvn at 2 he by thallan cn mid cdlmaal Ica allow IAMC,Owner, and their respective employees and agents(calleclively, the4A,MC Pa"w"),to obtainan '--try the credit-ad.Iltm• Waruwtlun provided by me In this Application through credit reining agencies, tenant screening service companies, Luuks QnduJni9 Clcdrumu funds verification), mnployers and other persos or cantles with lnlornmlion rdatlrg la this Appllcahan Ialsouatho III. IAMC IVlrbrs la prnmdC informal tun contained In this Application to various IuLOI, slate undbur federal government agencies, Including WOOL I ifollon vunou, law enforconvul nyrudas. Iwldm•sta,d Ihnt IFIleasethis aparlinent, the IAMC Pieties shall hove ocontinuhq righttorevmi uw credo udornummm. Iaynm nl history, occupuury history and other information in this Application far purposes Political to my Lease and/or for al.counl I ewew both die n19 and tit or IIIC Term of cry Lewc I hit rby t chnsr. and hold L,uvJrss the Irvine, Company, Irvine Apartment Commum0es, L P., Irvine Apartment M... guncnt Company, and all of I heir resyec l in of MCI% cmlduyes and agents, front any had all liability, legal pmceedings and Costs, Including atforneye few, arising out of the verthcallou and/or 0'-u( I n Informal tun latildned in this Application, Including the re ewe of such Information to athuyarties. I wan am Itat In thebln I of my knowledge, all of the Information provided in this Application (Including but not limited to the s bitumen, of my hnomcnl cmdnmu) n Inc, acrol coo, complete and c.,nect as of th. dole of this Apphcal con If any information provided by me Ie dct.iacd to lids., such folso awl eu but .,If be grounds fur disapproval of my Application or ternhalian of my Lewc with Owner. I ugree to Imtlfy IAMC if as of the adu n allml provided In His Applicut ion d:an9s during the Application process or during my tenancy. I also understood that IAMC will rote tits Application, along will any Other Ohio' Italian provided by ate, whether or not this Applical ion Is appo..it A narvrefundable Applicallun Sueening ree of S3oxii (as Ilemlmd below) is required from each Applicant to process Inds Application and to check the bdunuahunplavided A separate Application to Rapl nmst be signed by each Apphcan who willwwpy llm apatimenl before this Application vdllbe c, nsiderod by IALIC. _ We APPucant s signal... RECEIP7-FOR ltPPLICA7ZON SCREENING FEE caul Is la be used la sit new Applicant with regards In credit history and other bachgraund mformmian, The amount charged fulluns: 1. Act cu-Is of rredil export, unlawful d.lainer eviction search, ad/o ( ) ra', tier ,.a e<ning reports i295 1 C.nsl toC lhure (they mad anoced$30 Par pplicamion(may lnduJe stm(('s lime andother related costa) i Total ice dwryad Ulay ,wt eacceJ 530 per Applicant) $20.05 n,oullmnrrs vcnhoutml of hdornallon supplied by Applicant an this A 1 $3000 and-Ilm. inlnrnulthn sou, cos. PI twtlon through aCdrt reporting agencies, larsonal reference Dale By: signature Irvine Apartment Management Company Redo 4 Coro, P J.2.12 AW.&ohl.Remt �/ Income Restricted Certification Questionnaire Namk :-. Y1�1 h,L, r2C4� ;iilSn_ n Unit # i" Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Oues Lion Monthly Tnenme Lwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, or Annuities. 'I/we receive income from Rental Property. I/we receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under. L%ve are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate L'we have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students (example: College/University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered yes to either of the Previous two questions are you: i Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representaf ns icrein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result in a ni f applicaibn or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. l.esideu bStgnatute Date Signatute of Owner/Agent ldlya? Date Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name r Employer T A Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date Hire Date YTD Income Gross per Pay Period q U q5 �3 divided by ,5 (+) b Start with hire date if HL at job for less than a year divided by (how often'paid) (how often paid) m W L =L(:� " (_) Calculated Annual Income (_) Calculated Annual Income 3�=G95qlb ;J ' _ .4{i T+'h:.,9j ...•'{„: .,ti-Ae• •.i .Rr+v1Y 'T^;v-•i'�-i'•t^.'fnh. :R•�.."( fine!• t�4�. '�•- .,,��• ��. ., r •: zr��.r%w _ S ..�'3•''I �!�`�.«:, n �?,.,y�,iO3 2003��� '^�'ai,_;�s "o i ;'r' � r ,;•"DOS 7 ' ��A�� d t -e 3�.i .n �' ',t:'i i.: •£'+_ b rn:,i..+. o rtj a t.f»'>•P:- `A ♦, . tr,k '+ •, 4• y...si L' i`� ' Si>i Y'}5•v`:/ ::j N.iVINE'pPARiM Elx1GNT'ag COMPI1NY,a `� .,• ;`jet i 6 ',J 2�*,,r,��, tz a,g„�"Ytgr+'��', �}: gr'q'%•� J,,>t,r ` .i� :'ii � _•, i `vG A'Yi,�',". 1�8'y, tv)YT^'tk' 2? !` •7. ,h j r�,;i�ihjfif. 4µ rX< t �Cl`6�.t:::",,%.�j , .l,'�A, ?3�? ,r �r,y�� �q}>. �,` o uliee:3 e:u aS4K ao e a � 1� "• +^'., •,. '� - t' S `%. 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Plan-Unmatoh••*'-•• 179246.' ri Total 43 66't ` 43 66'- , - 43.66- 43.66 Net Pav - " 96579 R Asset Calculation Worksheet Name Account Type Clz I-- Y,, MIA (_) �135 . s� divided by Z (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % e (_) Income from asset: $ 10 in statement STATEMENT OF ACCC NTS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA STUDIO CITY 300 PO BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0380 v CY20 Z 0 A 0000 KIMBERLY C ROBINSON 12827 BURBANK BLVD ## 2 NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91607 ^oge I of 3 otement Number: 30010900. 7/31/03.8/28/03 Teleservices0 For 24•hour Automated Direct 800.238.4486 800.826.73451TDDl Representatives are avoilob from 6 am to 11 pm To open additional account. or apply for loans, call your banking office a1818-755-C Visit us al www.uboc.com, Thank you for banking with us since 2002 m Sometimes there's just not enough time to the day to make it to the bank. Direct Deposit outomalica your payroll check into your account every pay period- saving you a trip to the bank or ATM. Gat Simply give your employer your Union Bank of California account number and Ihis routing transit number: 722000496. Member FDIC Balance on 7/31 $ 482.6E Additions 3,914.68 Subtractions .4,092.91 Checks -1,078.25 Payments -251.80 Purchases -1,949.1I ATM withdrawals -703.75 Other withdrawals -1 10.00 Balance on 8/28 $ 304.45 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 419.66 We waived your service charge Ihis statement period. Additions bole Description Reforenca 7/31 WASHINGTON MUTUA DIR DEP PPD "^"^ " ^ ^ 1713 5140O 84 $ 8/1 ATMAOBBY DEPOSIT It 0000242083 4712846A 8/1 MACY"S WES - LOSANGELES CA 72112254 8/6 OFFICE DEPOSIT N 0003007916 47324823 8/6 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT It 0000483238 A5208683 8/7 OVERDRAFT CHARGE REFUND 99351993 8/8 AIM/LOBBY DEPOSIT it 0003213982 45402842 8/11 AIM/LOBBY DEPOSIT 110000168083 A6709170 8/13 OFFICE DEPOSIT 110002779702 A8307715 8/13 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT It 0000828326 48324266 R/Ir Inr,e4 M.1.1.,,..".,......--- Doge 2 of 3 Iatemont Number: 30010900 7/31/03.8/28/03 Checks Number Dole Re/erence Amount Numisar Data Ra(arance 1138 8/4 22408197 $ 425.00 1142 8/26 26305773 $ 1140$ 8/25 14910329 100.00 523663A 8/8 22411215 1141 8/26 10906270 420.00 Total $ ' Chacks missing in sequanca. Out of$equence check numhers may also ha located in Ilia Poymenls $action of your $talement. J Payments Dale Description Accoum d Ra( a online and 8/5 MERCURY CASUALTY PAYMENT PPD ***********7103 53205071 $ electronic banking 8/12 CARD SERVICES 1 PAYMENT TEL KIMBERLY C ROBI 54913612 8/18 FRANCHISE TAX BO PAYMENTS PPD ******...^*37PM 56279622 Total Purchases Date Dascr lion/Location Rn(ereno* ATM card and MosterMoney'rm 7/31 7/31 7 ELEVEN 1 8889 N HOLLYWOOD CA JONS 61626801 72120543 $ card purchases 7/31 S 16 12122 MAGNOLIA NORTH HOLLYWO CA MACYS WEST 8500 BEVERLY BL LOS ANGELES 61626801 721 11944 8/1 CA STARBUCKS 00056275 NORTHRIDGE CA 01528691 721121 12 01528691 72112245 8/1 AOL*ONLINE SERVICE070 800.827.6364 VA 01528691 72122328 8/4 CHEVRON #0 1240 BISON AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA. 01528691 72131621 8/4 CHEESECAKE 1141 NEWPORT CE NEWPORT BCH CA _ 01528691 72130641 8/4 UNITED EL S5544 LAUREL N HOLLYWOOD CA 61626801 72151336 8/4 MACYS WEST 14000 RIVERSIDE SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72151458 8/5 LANE BRYAN T.00006429 SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72152233 8/5 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 01528691 72161557 8/6 ALBERTSON S#6399 S91-1 VAN NUYS CA 01528691 72162333 8/7 DALES L 12500 OXNARD ST N HOLLYWOOD CA 61626801 72181847 8/8 UNITED EL S5544 LAUREL N HOLLYWOOD CA 61626801 72200614 8/8 7 ELEVEN S TORE 2 NORTH HOLLYWO CA 61626801 72200616 8/11 WALGREEN C 5224 COLDWATER SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72212145 8/11 WALGREEN C 5224 COLDWATER SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72202157 8/11 Marsholls MARSHAUS STUDIO CITY. CA 01528691 72212032 8/11 MACYS WEST 14000 RIVERSIDE SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72202001 8/11 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 01528691 7221 1306 8/11 MACYS WEST 14000 RIVERSIDE SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72201948 8/12 CHEVRON #0 12801 INGLEWOOD HAWTHORNE CA 01528691 72221901 8/12 GRANDMA'S 13230 BURBANK B VAN NUYS CA 01528691 72231259 B/13 ARCO PAYPO 20455 DEVONSHIR CHATSWORTH CA 01528691 72251 130 8/14 BAIA FRESH 13248JAMBOREE IRVINE CA 01528691 72240003 8/14 BEST BUY 00001164 CANOGA PARK CA 01528691 72251219 8/14 7 ELEVEN 3 3325 NORWALK CA 61626801 72261433 8/15 STARBUCKS 00064592 NORTHRIDGE CA 01528691 72252244 8/15 JACKINTHE BOX01003300 VAN NUYS CA 01528691 72242237 8/18 CAMBRIDGE 12431 BURBANK B VALLEY VILLAG CA 01528691 72291335 8/18 WALGREEN C 5224 COLDWATER SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72271719 8/18 RALPHS 14440 BURBANK R SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72272054 8/18 Morshalls MARSHALLS BURBANK CA 01528691 72281948 8/18 MACYS WEST 14000 RIVERSIDE SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 72281739 8/18 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 01528691 72292032 8/18 Target 029 11051 Victory B North Hollywo CA 01528691 72291918 8/19 SHELLOIL 20481niu1A47 VAIJAI.WC _.__. _.. ' ,ie .•ram '•� � _ , b.,\ • .� :, •:vie• Oage 3 of 3 .tatement Number: 300109003E 7/31/03-8/28/03 Purchases Data Daseri lion/Location Ra/arance continued 8/25 PETCO #013 19401 PARTHENIA NORTHRIDGE CA 01528691 72341752 $ 8/25 8/26 Marshalls MARSHALLS LA MIRADA CA CHEVRON 01528691 72361619 8/27 #0 14850 BURBANK B SHERMAN OAKS CA 01528691 723621 15 Total ARCO PAYPO 4506 LANKERSHIM N. HOLLYWOOD CA 01528691 72390615 ATM withdrawals Data Dwcri lion/Location 8/4 8/4 UBOC NORWALK D/U NORWALK CA UBOC Reference 61626801 72140530 8/8 MOORPARK W/U MOORPARK CA 01528691 72151420 8/11 UBOC NORWALKD/U NORWALK CA UBOC 61626801 72200654 8/11 NORWALK W/U NORWALK CA 71FORTUNE 61626801 72211113 8/13 DR IRVINE CA UBOC NORWALK D/U NORWALK CA 01529691 72221346 8/13 UBOC PORTER RANCH #2 PORTER RANCH CA 61626801 72250635 01528691 72251056 8/14 8/18 UBOC NORWALK W/U NORWALK CA UBOC 61626801 72260905 8/20 CRENSHAW W/U LOSANGELES CA UBOC 61626801 72271558 8/21 NORWALK D/U NORWALK CA UBOC HAWTHORNE W/U•,HAWTHORNE CA 61626801 72320644 8/25 UBOC NORWALK D/U NORWALK CA 61626801 72331112 61626801 72371520 8/25 UBOC TAMPA-NORDHOFF NORTHRIDGE CA 01528691 72341806 8/25 Total CHEVRON #2 554.4 LAUREL CAN N HOLLYWOOD CA 01528691 72350954 Other withdrawals Dale Desai lion including fees and 8/6 NSF ITEM PAID FEE Reference adjustments 8/11 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 99526332 $ 8/19 DEPOSITED ITEM RETURNED 65052307 9931255A 8/19 RETURN ITEM FEE 99302555 8/25 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 65071368 Total STATE ME"T lelct3 o I OF ACC 0_ N T S .dement Nvm6er: 3001090038 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 8/29/03 - 9/29/03 STUDIO CITY 300 PO BOX 512380 Toleservuces,7R, LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0380 Fir 24-hour Automated Direct Serv) n"•i )•238-4436 -O'1.826-73451TDD1 cell. e: entahves are avadable ri "m 6 nn+ to I I Pm v ' Tv yr^n add,Gr_nal accounts, 01 CIPPiy for loans, Call you, CY20 Z O A 0000 f:ul+k:ng race cut & 18- i $( KIMBERLY C ROBINSON 12827 BURBANK BLVD # 2 Vrs t us at www.uboc.corn IIORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91607 Thank you to, L:anking with us ' s111re 2n()2 ■ More tools to nonage your personal finances. More convenient thon ever. T+e new uboc.con+ We are pleased to announce that uboc.com ha., been redesigned wink, r:ore ealures, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links 'o rnforrnnlion curd services. Look for the new uboe.com in the coming weeks. CHECKING SUMMARY Account Nornher: 3( in slalement period: 32 Balance on 8/29 $ 304.45 Additions 2,227.46, Subtractions -2,400.80 Clicks 404.89 Payments -229.00 Purchases -1,274.91 ATM withdrawals -383.00 Other wilhdrawal� -109.00 Balance an 9/29 $ 131.11 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 229.20 We waived your service charge this stateirnenI period. Adclltions On's Dec ri aion th'-faf'fl:C9 9/2 ROSS STORE 13750 RIVERSIDE SHERMAN OAKS CA 72421329 $ 9/3 OFFICE DEPOSIT u 0002773734 48425212 9/1 1 OFFICE DEPOSIT If 0003213827 47226584 9/17 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0003011087 48110014 9/ 19 IRVINE APARTMENT REG.SALARY PPD ""'0665 56346762 9/25 OFFICE DEPOSIT It 00006931385 4 5-112477 Total $ Checks Nand+r Corr Wnm,e Anm•rl Nund-, C.I. R-i,mn a 1143 9/3 27201517 15.00 1147 S/1S 1490934,$ 1144 9/3 27202604 15.(Y) 1124? 9/I% 142AO344 1 )45 9/3 22230784 19.00 Total S 1146 9/23 75037135 205.89 Payments „m !:F-drra•n ,+.•I i1 c I• II.M online and 9/4 MERCURY CASUALTY PAYMENT PPD """' """7103 5'2.67 5325 $ electronic banking 9/16 FRANCHISE TAX 80 PAYMENT5 PPD """"""' I IPPA ,5•5582629 Total $ ro2of3 .-0cmenl Number: 3001090038 S/2'd%03.9/29/03 Pureha5es Cole Cescriplion7Lcmib, pe(e. e,1ea ATM card and • 9/2 STARBUCKS 00057174 NEWPORT BEACH CA 01528691 72410014 .� . MoslerMoneyid1 9/2 STARBUCKS 00059030 VICTORVILLE CA 015281,91 722132250 cardpurchoses 9/2 BAIA FRESH 12930 VENTURA B STUDIO CITY CA 0152%6•=1 72402025 9/2 AOL'ONLINE SERVICE080 866-215.7772 VA 0152"n6Y] 72430253 9/2 SHELLOIL 20481C'02897 VANNUYS CA 0152o6'r'1 72421255 9/2 PUMA OIL 555 VINTON AVE POMONA CA 01525691 72400406 9/2 GMAC INSUR 5C0 W 5TH ST/MA WINSTON•S.ALEM NC 01525691 72420437 9/2 JONS # 16 12122 MAGNOLIA NORTH HOLLYWO CA 0152i:/.91 72421205 9/2 CARL'S JR. 5575 WOODMAN AV VAN NUYS CA 015228691 72412100 9/2 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 015266'!I 72421424 9/2 Marshalls MARSHALLS STUDIO CITY CA 01529691 72421 133 9/3 CHEVRON 40 5544 LAUREL CAN NORTH HOLLYWO CA 0152BA91 72450601 9/5 CHEVRON #0 554d LAUREL CAN NORTH HOLLYWO CA 0152n691 72470613 9/8 EL CAMINO LIQUOR STORE LONG BEACH CA 6162/,502 72491012 9/15 HUNGRY FOX RESTAURANT NORTH HOLLYWO CA 015284,91 72570845 9/15 EXPRESS FU 16809 PIONEER B ARTESIA CA 6162A8•.2 72.5.51859 ' 9/15 DALES 1R L 12500 OXNARD ST N HOLLYWOOD CA 61A26802 72571 101 9/15 WALGREEN C 1 S00 ARTESIA BL ARTESIA CA 616268' 2 72560704 9/15 .IONS # 16 12122 MAGNOLIA NORTH HOLLYWO CA 61626S02 72.552207 9/16 STARBUCKS 00066594 LEBEC CA _ 015286,I 72582246 9/16 7 ELEVEN S 12450 A BURBANK NORTH HOLLYWO CA 61626c02 72 590612 9/18 UNITED EL 55544 LAUREL N HOLLYWOOD CA 6162/;,I Lz 72610611 9/ 19 ESK INC 12431 BURBANK B VALLEY VILLAG CA 61A2! ='.12 72621549 9/22 CAMBRIDGE 12431 BURBANK B VALLEY VILLAG CA 0152i;1+> 1 726,41315 9/22 CS 'ONLINE SERVICE 090 800.848-8990 VA 0152;i4:1 72640757 9/22 ROSCOES HO UrE OF CHICK PASADENA CA 0152F'l> 172610016 ' 9/22 JONS # 16 12122 MAGNOLIA NORTH HOLLYWO CA 01528.1.• 1 72!.42013 9/22 MARSHALLS 15906 E IMPERIA LA MIRADA CA 01528/: 1 72630759 9/22 A T V INC 14100 ROSECRANS SANTA FE SPRI CA 61624r : 72631004 9/22 DALESJR L 12500 OXNARD ST N HOLLYWOOD CA 61626d,_ % 72651529 9/22 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 01528621 72641930 9/23 KENNEDY.S INDEPENDENT VAN NUYS CA 015286'11 72650743 9/23 7 ELEVEN 2 8244 NORWALK BL WHITTIER CA 6162 ,8:r2 72661456 9/23 RALPHS 12921 MAGNOLIA VAN NUYS CA 0152PA 1 72651544 9/24 ROSS STORE 13750 RIVERSIDE .SHERMAN OAKS CA 0 15 2 6'i 1 72651339 9/24 WALGREEN C 5224 COLDWATER SHERMAN OAKS CA U 152Fi172662012 9/24 BIG 5 SPTG GDS-0091 CERRITOS CA 61625-C! 72671447 9/26 BAIA FRESH 1322 BISON AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 01 `iri691 72670031 9/26 EXPRESS FLI 16909 PIONEER B ARTESIA CA 0152969, 726718A4 9/26 UNITED EL 55544 LAUREL N HOLLYWOOD CA 6162AF' c 72690619 9/26 GELSON'S N 1660 SAN MIGUEL NEWPORT BEACH CA 015286-'I 72691401 9/29 PICK LIP ST 1614 SAN MIGUEL NEWPORT BEACH CA 01528/•91 72691259 9/29 WENDYS-ERW - VAN NUYS CA 01528°;I 72682308 9/29 CHEVRON #0 ,5544 LAUREL CAN NORTH HOLLYWO CA 0152-.A j 1 72700705 9/29 B H LIQUOR NORWALK CA A162/ ' . 72691712 9/29 DEL TACO It 678 N HOLLYWOOD CA 0I F21: 177i 11913 9/29 CORONA kEC 446V E LAPALMA ANAHEIM (A 61A24., ,. 72!? I B(}9 Total ATM withdrawals `.pre Ce cru•r;pn,4:•m': •i 9/12 UBOC NORWALK W/U NORWALK CA 72550652 9/15 MR. B'S MI 35)0 V/. ROSECRA ROSECRANS CA 611, 2/F 725v0836 9/16 UBC)C NORWALKD/U NORWALK CA 61A2'r'•.: %2S")0642 9/18 AMFX/FDS (;ardwvi CA A IAi!b'r • 7iG 10')18 9/19 UBO-_ NORWAIKD/IJ NORV✓ACC CA 61• :!d 72/.:{U653 9/22 UBOC HAWTH'.,RNE D/U HAWTHC RNE CA 616;/•: 7111,'11232 4/26 UBOC NORWALK W/Il NORWALY, CA 616;:14 72/'/1325 Total wo e3of3 _.,ilemenl Number. 3001090039 9/29/03-9/29/03 , Other withdrawals Cnle Descrilion including fees and 9/5 NSF ITEM PAID FEE °eie•race 99526040 $ adjusimenls 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 99r•247;7 9/8 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/9 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 99527468 9/9 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE v 9/ 10 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/15 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 65081374 9/ 18 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 65058901 Total - S , Asset Calculation Worksheet Name rn6er,4 Account Type C6,--k;nA (+) (05,56. divided by I'$ (average account balance) (x) Interest rates o/ •:i y :.�cs+: .. ... .. Washington Mutual Bank,FA ' THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, ' TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 021.00. TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788.7000. V 375,603 ' 30-E-84 KIMBERLY C ROBINSON 12827 BURBANK BLVD APT 2 • VALLEY VILLAGE CA 91607-1438 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 06-17-03 ' THRU 07-16-03 BE A CELEBRITY, EVERY DAY! SIGN UP FOR GOLD CHECKING AND GET OUR VISA(R) GOLD CHECK CARD. GET FREE COOL PERSONAL CHECKS AND FEE -FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS, ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY FEE. SAVE UP TO 50% ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS AND MORE. ASK US FOR DETAILS, FDIC INSURED. GOLD CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FDIC INSURI KIMBERLY C ROBINSON ACCOUNT NUMBER: 871-328439' YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT END DATE, WAS S 600.00. THIS HAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TI HE WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER fRANSArTTnY ruAor_r BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE I_ 9.86 I 1,359.71 I 881.65 468 20- DATE WITHDRAWALS 06/17 3.00 06/17 06/17 50.17 06118 60.00 06118 06/23 40.00 06/23 500.00 06/24 21.00 06/24 21.00 06/30 06130 07/03 07/08 21.00 07/15 07/I6 7.00 07116 YTD INTEREST PAID YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TELEPHONE TRANSFER D6033 50.00 ATM-NCHG SIC08328 12051 VENTURA BLVD. STUDIO CITY 76 0617 VISA-RALPHS 0063 VAN NUYS CA ATM-NCHG SIC07204 11618 E. ROSECRANS AVENORWALK 90 D618 60.00 ATM-NCHG SIB07252 6400 LAUREL CYN BLVD. N.HOLLYWOOD, 33 0618 ATH-NCHG SIB08922 11618 E. ROSECRANS AVENORWALK 34 0621 ATM-NCHG SIC07384 20040 VENTURA BLVD WOODLAND HILL 79 0621 OVERDRAFT CHARGE OVERDRAFT CHARGE 100.00 TELEPHONE TRANSFER 08575 478.38 WASHINGTON NUTUA DIR DEP 031713 40.00 TELEPHONE TRANSFER 06463 OVERDRAFT CHARGE 346.27 WASHINGTON NUTUA DIR DEP 031713 SERVICE CHARGE 7.00 REFUND SERVICE CHARGE DETAIL OF CHFCKR PATn. Washington Mutual Bank,FA THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 421.00. V 10-E-84 KIMBERLY C ROBINSON 12827 BURBANK BLVD APT 2 VALLEY VILLAGE CA 91607-1438 TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 382,379 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 67-17-03 THRU 08-15-03 BE A CELEBRITY, EVERY DAY! SIGN UP FOR GOLD CHECKING AND GET OUR VISA(R) GOLD CHECK CARD. GET FREE COOL PERSONAL CHECKS AND FEE -FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS, ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY FEE. SAVE UP TO 50% ON HOTELS, MOVIE TICKETS .AND MORE. ASK US FOR DETAILS. FDIC INSURED. GOLD CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FDIC INSURI KIMBERLY C ROBINSON ACCOUNT NUMBER: 871-328439- YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT 'END DATE, ,. WAS P 600.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER TRANSACTION CHARGE. SFr Rrvr2sr cna uncc rBEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 468.20- I 741.74 I 1,315.50 105.56 YTD INTEREST PAID : YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION ➢ESCRIPTION 07/31 518 04 WASHINGTON MUTUA DIR DEP 031713 08/05 5.00 TELEPHONE TRANSFER 09071 08/07 30.20 VISA -CHEVRON #00092149 NORWALK CA 08/07- 21.00 OVERDRAFT CHARGE 08/08 21.00 OVERDRAFT CHARGE 08/15 790.46 WASHINGTON MUTUA DIR DEP 031713 08/15 21.00 NON SUFFICIENT FUNDS CHARGE Oe/15 7.00 SERVICE CHARGE 08/15 7.00 REFUND SERVICE CHARGE DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CHECK NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AM( 1337 08106 636.54 Name Account Type ( + ) Asset Calculation Worksheet IZ2.1Z divided by - I iz (average account balance) ( x) Interest rate: % (_) Income from asset: $ � L - � • a :° L >�• .,fir• � ...,, .,'.. ., ;;�;��i-`i:" . r.r. . ROBINSON, KIMBERLY C. 89929 - THE IRVINE COMPANY yC THE IMANE COMPANY The Irvine Company KIMBERLY C. ROBINSON 12827 BURBANK BL #2 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607- Unified Savings Plan Statement 9 Customer Service: (800) 835-5098 Fidelity Inves,fnents Institutional Services Co. 82 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02109 Your Account Summary Statement Period: 08/25/2003 to 10/08/2003 Beginning Balance Your Contributions $0.00.21 $83 Employer Contributions $83.21 ' Change in Market Value 38.90 Ending Balance $xzz.xz' Additional Information Dividend & Interest $0.01 Your Personal Rate of Return This Period 0.0% Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time -weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate Investment earnings. It reflects the results of your Investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Your Asset Allocation Statement Period: 08/25/2003 to 10/08/2003 4 e-Learning: What is asset allocation? 100.000A5hnrrTrrn- Your account is allocated among the asset classes specified above as of 10/08/2003. Percentages and totals may not be exact due to rounding. Market Value of Your Account Statement Period: 08/25/2003 to 10/08/2003 This section displays the value of your account for the period, in both shares and dollars. Pa v Shares Shares Price Price Investment as of Markel Value Market Value as of as of as of 08/24/2003 10/08/2003 08/24/2003 10/08/2003 as of 08/24/2003 as of 16/08/2003 Short Term Investments $0.00 $122.12 Fidelity RET Govt MM 0.000 122.120 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $122.12 Account Totals $0.00 $122.12 Your Contribution Elections As of 10/09/2003 This section displays the funds in which your future contributions will be invested. - Your Current Investment Elections as of 10/09/2003 All Eiic,ible Sources Investment Option Current Short Term Investments FIDELITY RET GOVT MM 100% Total 100% Your Contribution Summary Statement Period: 08/25/2003 to 10/08/2003 Contributions Employee Before Retirement -Post Tax 1/1/2003 Period to date $83.21 $38.90 Total Account Balance $83.21 $38.91 Your Account Activity Statement Period: 08/25/2003 to 10/08/2003 Use this section as a summary of transactions that occurred in your account during the statement period. _ .. -Ir1zMVIIN 1UlviFANY Pay Beginning Balance $0.00 $0.00 Your Contributions $83.21 $83.21 Employer Contributions $38.90 $38.90 Change In Market Value $0.01 $0.01 Ending Balance $122.12 $122.12 Dividend & Interest $0,01 $0.01 " PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS-* Click below to print your statement. To print fund performance, click anywhere in fund performance and click the print button on your browser. Print Statement Alternate Printing Instructions Click anywhere on this online statement screen, then click the print button on your browser. To print fund performance, click anywhere in fund performance and click the print button on your browser. For more information or help, please click on Help or c Copyright ©1996-2003 FMR Corp. All rights reserved. AA=5 DC=67 HW=6 IA=6 MX=2 SS=1 bib-buab. httl)s:'/workplaccservr iccs4ll.Fiidelity.com/netbenefits/savings/sod/soddetiiPsodPrevie.../200 10/9, 1 Ir- ;''''� Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name: :irnb�r? ,,nsmDate: O I A I 03 Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: p 3 Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: Date of Clarification: _ Contact Name: Company/Organization Summary of Explanation or Clarification Phone Conversation Person -to -Person Conversation Other:x D 0 P t IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting 'N/A"ar'none" where applicable, Danotusewhitemlt. Theinfoknotioi provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either Irvine Company or, Irvine Apartment Communities, L P. (collectively, "Owner"). Community: Addross;� ml nn /!t Print ApplicnnNs ful'Ipmr (L^stFrst^Mlddlc�tlopt 7rJ5rr, / DT..fylrth 5011015elurlty Number M•:ver'sL a L 55- - 1 �L`� Naive ofCo-Appbcam,,(Separate Appllwtmn r .nr.dforeach 6o-Appllcant) (lost, First, Middle Initial) lfnm Kim &YL (Last, First, Middle Initlnl) (La't, First, Middle Inif lol) (Lasq First. Midde nitlal) (Last. First, Middle Initial) (Lott, First, Middle DOW) Applicant's Present Address City ZVpL41l YOU own Ph. Du L-^ r / - or ros. Fnm r a Rent: Ta Detached family home: Attached family home. Apartment. Monthly PMment $ A�( To whom do you make payments? -+L/-L• Present Lontllorrr Name Address City ZIP1'1 m Daardiate Prior Addre f less than l yr.m.baw) Own nut, Monthly Poymenl: Elfrom Rent: S a Immedmt. Prior Landlord's Nomc Address Cry ZIP phone It Do you own o Pet? Wyss ❑ Na tlumberof Pets: --I— Type; �"�Xc: Proposed 0ccupwils(Last, First. Middle Inman Doteof Birth Los (t.First,Middie Initial) Date of Dir (Last, First. Middle Initial) Dateof Birth (Lost, First, Middle Initial) brit..f DI, (Lail, First, Middle Initial) Dateof Birth (Lint, Fvsq Middle Initial) nateaf Sir E Emjoyar(dsclf-employed, name of business) Business Address(Including ZIP Code) P Phone ft Jsap' Nr of Business PosWar, D wr Sype/vIsar Phone/ 11j0 [shoo. Frt Y�V A22 ° - IY I oo y Other Income Source -I Applicant must provide 2 pay stubs or current WZ form. Contact in a Immediate Prior Employer Address (including ZIP Cade) Phone f rs Inp me t err laoTa Checking bank and brunch (rndud. City/Ste ) Account it I I Savings' bank and brunch (include Cily/State) Account it ° Hoe you ever filed banNruptry? ❑yes No ° Caualyand Star. where filed' What year? n a Have youev.r had airy publ,crecord suits. Irans,)udgments orrepossairclo s? you No i What year? ° Hove you ever' If yes, describe In detail: i Brrn er,a atadaf a far.,? ❑Yes 19!No Dren evicted? oyes CgNa befn,lted on a lrose? Ily.s K3No r - e In seafemerge , please notify (Local name, address A phone number) q�.09;t p Re a lonshi : 13l, p If Sirphorible. parents' phone numbers: ( ) ( ) folbrr's Nome MOIheYf Nome mpi,eil IOMI Pop t nl a nlXArnl I qnA0Nr, QI@ AX2t 11 &.w!-. APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPAN l-,W I Ili, Jul yuu I,, EI Icmv of Ih" 'llmr-hoon I cmunoalyp ❑IJC ll".$Iv ❑brive By ❑knnl.knwugcum ❑PromalloN5p.c.l't npurlumm GulJe ❑ ❑signs ❑Websile-athm•" ❑57 Mercury 00rrg npl.Mugarha ❑Other IACCimml,ty❑Referral" ❑Ncwspoper.Otflcr" ❑kenlul Lwing(IAC May)❑LA The, ❑Rcocalor5crvkc ❑Moyaemc - Olhcr" E—jFm Rcul /.trrgn I'm ❑IAt'Aph tale Cellar 5U Union ❑hh°° ❑Af(u--NulcNau.mg ❑bU NenJcv ❑I'uslcm d/Mmlcr Olfle' IeLUL II ` 1'LFAse rILL IN. for relacallon Make golds yam, Llccac # Malec AC"/AY year q— Llccnse# le: Pat'1019 of recreational vehicles, boois_of, trailers is -not permitted in the Com Collsent'to Verification of Credit and Other Information: 1 moulding Ibis Applammo volnrdle dy fm Iha purpose of ablalmiy IAIAC's approval In rent an oplmtmunf in the ap ,mult camaarmr, show, I Ini mjII rzordconscul to allowlAMC,owner, and tile[, rapective employees am)agents (collectively,'.he'IAMCParM1a'), to obtain verify Ilia aeJJ ende1111 hleram l Ion provided by In in this Application Ihraugh credit reporting agenda,m ient scruning svvme real n, burns(mdudnm ng clear faints verifier[feu), employers and other foursome; or ant ilia with information relating to this Alpli, ah to Ilia lAMC Pm•hrs to prnvld. bduwnu thin wmeined In this Appllcel Jonto vo•mut local, slate and/or FeJaal govo•ninent oacndca, a Iwit mi Inad01'oil, aenmm low.ynforttmaJ agencies I understand thataf I loose this oporbncuq the IAMCParbu shall haven conbwing right to re nq a curt inf ,rnmhan, Lrymnit history, nccu)ancy, history and other in(orma Iron in this Application for purposes related to my Lessc and/or f naruu t r evlew bah Jm nig onJ-Ilia' the farm of my Leas.. 1 hereby I eteate mid fluid ism Islas Tire Irvine Campairy, Irvine Apartment Corvemal ties, U , Irvme Apartment Management Compoly, and all c their resp:cime offiters, enp[ayea and agents, from any and oil Ilubllily, legal pi oceedings and casts, indudny atto,aey. feu, nrlsing out of vertical Win lend/or,.sc a IIll. blur nmlluu contained iu this Applkallan, including the teleran of such inforunatlon to other pw•tics. I wrlrrarn Ihnh, m the r�irsl of nq• knowledge, all of the Informal ion provided In this Application (Including but rot limited to the slotament of nr Grmnclnl enalrl lea) us mac, a,, ru nte, co %ploe and cow act a of tire date of the Applicubun. If any information provided by line la drtmimled false, such filar state hill will be gi aunts !or disalryroval of my Applkotlun or f ernluaflon of my Leae wlfh Ovmer. I agree to lolly IAMC If of the inlmm-11or prorated m this Applicullon changes during the Appllmlion fracas or during my tenancy. I also under land that IAMC will s Inns Applkelmn, ably anti rely omer brformatlan provided by me, whclher or vat tills Appbcatlon Is approved. A non refundable Applkallun listening fee of $30A0 (as ilondled heluw) is fequlred from each Applicant(, process this Application and to hdcinch it anWll,n plovhded. A separate Application, to lien( must be signed by each Applicant who will occupy ilia apartment before this Application inch be e dsidered by IANIC /n •1 c 1\ Applicmr ssignalure RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE The above enuuN Is Ili be used In set an Applrwnl with regards to credit liklury road other background information. Tire amoall chory,d k [bailed ins follows Acta,nl cols vl er edit I cparl, unlawful defame (aviclmu) scmrdy and/or other screening raper(, Cost to uLlunr.pucas awl verily scrcemng inlornalbn(may include staffs lone ouu other related coals) 59 latol fen rim god (may aol exceed b3a per Appllcant) —o oullarnms vet rPcaboi of formation supplied by Applkme on tills Apphmtlun through acdit reporting agendas, nil mfcrcn$30. W ollia mfnnnalwn murcu. pane bole / Applicants signature Management Company newsol 10,01 papma olR rynricauanToR income Name, C Initial Certification Re -certification Other TT_ cted Certification Questionnaire 40y1 Unit# /yJ fin ac+inrt Monthly Income .L L+V Y ^ I/we receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any other cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from persons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployment Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inheritance, Xbenefit, or Annuities. I/we receive income from Rental Property. Uwe receive benefits income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members zee 17 or under. I/we are entitled to receive child support payments. t/ /t\ Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate) Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist ofpersons who are all full-time students exam le: College[University, trade school, etc.)? Does your household anticipate becoming a full-time student household in the next 12 months? If you answered }_es to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing ajoint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurntt to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result in the denial of application or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. Resi ent Signature Date r Date � .9n , Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: 'Frio^ go Date: b Wb-? 13 Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: 1o/IgIo3 ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ® Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Date of Clarification: la ISlo 3 Contact Name: Ekq C- jb Company/Organization: kim. 2 0,ca -u Summary of - .. — = Explanation or Clarification Given: Used iQ,C,ceM le&MAPo, �nYn 4, WrLb 1?r 1c IS a log Employee Name: ga o20c%�, Title: Fls is Frfl ftv Employee Signature. Date: to/s-1a3 • r •�tiM'r t' :' •411t ' .. .;rYty_ 10/08/2003 09:46 FAX ..'.Tit 562 407 r .. .. +• 5260 KING OFFICE r.(VIPLO'lil•ILIVT VFRIFIC A SIGN (Name 8c address of employer) ;. 136�ss ]tiarwfn �r CA 114670 ppplieanNienom Namc I hereby authorize release of my employment information. Signature ofApp icantt'renant NA Date: e323&, _- v Ss5' - 47- €5-04 1y 34 Boatel Senmty Number Unit 9 (if Assigned, The individual named directly above is an applicant/tenant of a housing program that requires verificationpff income. The information pr remain confidential to satisfaction of that stated purpose only. Your prompt response is crucial and greatly appreciated r Project omerManagement Agent ,Z rt'hia,�t0 �126$U • Return Form To: cutployee Name: f/J .fiAclf7o/✓ Job Title: , dal4x - Presently Employed: Yes Date First Employed No— last Day of Employment Current Wages/Salary: S JV (circle one) hourly weekly bi-weekly semi-monthly monthly yearly other_ Average # of regular hours per week: Year-to-date earnings: S_yoVQ• �� _ through8LA-j-4Qj Overtime Rate: S�/L_ per hour Average # of overtime hours per week: _,,,,AV Shift Differential Rate: S_1_per hour Average # of shift differential hours'per week: Commissions, bonuses, tips, other. SAL (circle one) hourly weekly bi-weekly semi-monthly monthly yearly other List any anticipated change in the employee's rate of pay within the next 12 months:Lj&kld.J 9f T.snE' ;Effective date If the employee's work is seasonal or sporadic, please indicate the layoff pgriod(s). -- Additional remarks: /_ Cx�waerr% tfi�o/LS�da✓ 0d y�.i Em 1n e['s Ponied Name Date Employers Signature P y ' IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY November 2003 NEWPORT NORTH OC85 Move -ins rior to 5/25/95 Apt. Resident Size # of M/1 M/O House Rent Recert Address Name Occ. Date Date Income Due 1. 2112 -Lynch 2+2 1 6/17/92 $40,047.00 $1,361 N/A 2. 2132 Simich 3+2 4 12/27/93 $39,600.00 $1,361 N/A 3. 2202 Miller 2+2 3 4/22/95 $32,015.00 $1,361 N/A 4. 2204 Ohanesian 2+2 1 911191 $39,746.00 $1,326 N/A 5. 2242 Cona 3+2 3 6/13/87 $31,481.00 $1,451 N/A 6. 2342 Platt 2+2 1 12/26/87 $24,377.00 $1,280 7. 2401 Johnson 2+2 1 11/7/89 $27,853.00 $1,310 8. 2454 Ode and 3+2 1 3/11/89 $35,250.00 $1,380 HN/A 9. 2534 Cattaneo 3+2 7 12/17/94 $32,650.00 $1,392 10. 2731 Duli a 2+2 1 4/7/95 $42,006.00 $1,280 OC95 Move -ins after 5125/95 Apt. Resident Siz # of MA M/O House Rent Recert Address Name a Occ. Date Date Income Due 1. 102 Guthrie/Fletcher 2+2 2 6/7/02 42,313.33 1361 06/04 2. 104 Smith 1+1 3 9/l/03 45,073.20 1130 09104 3. 1 88 Chen/Milne 2+2 2 11/23/02 47,377.98 1361 11/03 4. 112 Ahems 2+2 2 12/1/03 10,778.82 1271 12/04 5. 1 44 Szaz 2+2 2 3/l/96 27592.50 1280 03/04 6. 1 55 Momeny 2+2 2 12/31/98 40,362.60 1271 12/03 7. 138 Yazvsinski/Stainer 2+2 2 10/4/03 43,259.00 1271 10/04 8. 146 Almore/Watson 2+2 2 6/20/97 23,407.00 1361 06/04 TTP=307 9. 214 Roshankar 2+2 4 11/30/03 52000.00 1271 11/04 10. 2 88 Moats/Moats 2+2 2 10/9/03 44,260.78 1271 10/04 11. 220 Bolt 2+2 1 3/8/02 39,991.61 1326 03/04 12. 231 Rubio/Walsh 2+2 3 7/5/03 47,390.01 1271 07/04 13. 236 Balcazar 2+2 3 06/30/01 42.212.13 960 06104 14. 237 Lal 2+2 2 9/7/03 42,761.72 1271 9/04 15. 239 Lain /Bernard 2+2 2 12/9/98 51,892.18 1271 12/03 16. 244 Combs 1+1 1 09/06/03 36,002.89 1130 9/04 17. 245 Fe el 1+1 2 09/15/02 44,732.00 1210 09/04 18. 251 Vacant 1+1 10/09/03 N/A 19. 304 ICaro 2+2 1 03/28/03 25747.06 1280 03/04 20. 308 Fakhouri 2+2 ' 2 6115100 25,890.00 1326 06/04 21. 3 11 Elliott 1+1 1 7/1/03 38,400.00 1210 07/04 22. 312 Golden 1+1 1 08/07/01 54,010.31 1160 08/04 23. 3 33 Rhomber 1+1 2 10/2/02 34 680.60 1210 10/04 24. 314 Thomas 1+1 3 6/l/02 41,604.52 1130 06104 25. 315 Wolf I+1 1 6/15/03 39,225.12 1130 06/04 26. 1100 Lee/Won Ober 3+2 4 05/22/03 55,500.00 1413 05104 27. 1104 Bacun 1+1 2 9/18/03 34,080.00 1130 09/04 28. 1107 Aviles 1+1 4 08/23/01 35,554.52 884.25 1 08/04 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY November 2003 29. 1108 Romero/Serrano 1 2+2 15 11/05/01 56,534.90 10267 11/03 30. 1118 Hardison 1+1 2 01/18/03 37,171.60 1160 01/04 31. 1128 Westbrook 3+2 3 12/22/03 42,860.04 1414 12/04 32. 1142 Samakar 2+2 3 8/28/03 49,323.62 1271 8/04 33. 1144 Se elirband 1+1 1 11/16/00 14,022.00 1160 11/03 34. 1154 Pilon 2+2 1 01/15/03 42,037.55 1361 01/04 35. 1159 Goddard 1+1 1 02/14/03 40,413.69 1210 02/04 36. 1183 Pottter 1+1 2 611196 52312.86 1210 06/04 37. 1184 Olson 2+2 1 7/28/03 32800.58 1361 07/03 38. 1200 Wood 2+2 3 08/04/01 58,041.33 1361 08/04 39. 1203 Gallicano 2+2 1 11/07/01 37729.53 1280 11/03 40. 1206 Gill 2+2 3 12/11/03 8,419.19 1271 12/04 41. 1207 Robbs/Stotts 2+2 2 7/14/96 37,066.54 1271 5/04 42. 1231 Mandelbaum 1+1 1 12/26/99 35,627.51 1210 12/03 43. 1330 Dail 2+2 2 1 616103 41992.34 1271 6104 44. 1408 Amor 2+2 4 1 08/15/02 1 50,471.19 1361 08/04 45. 1411 1 Loraneer 1 2+2 1 1 1 02/22/02 1 52.208.34 1 1326 02/04 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY November 2003 NEWPORT NORTH VERY LOW (Phase In - beginning 4/1/98) Apt. Address Resident 1 Name Size # of Occ. M/I Date M/O Date House I Income Rent Recert Due 1. 106 1 Lausen 1+1 1 4/11/98 $30,630.15 $ 756 4/04 2. 122 Gaxiola/Mullinax 2+2 2 03/08/03 29500.00 $ 851 3/04 3. 126 FrancislVidal 2+2 4 12/28/00 $49393.92 $ 851 12/03 4. 208 Tarta lini 1+1 2 04/01/01 $27,468.74 $ 756 04/04 5. 224 Ctomn 1+1 1 3/l/03 $23,322 $ 756 03/04 6. 228 Jones 2+2 2 1 518199 $25,656.08 $ 851 1 5104 7. 243 Batts 1+1 1 511199 $24,570.00 $ 756 1 5/04 8. 301 Francis 2+2 2 2/09/02 $22,503.20 $ 851 02/04 9. 318 Radford 1+1 1 7/8/99 $28,419.86 $ 756 7/04 10. 320 McGinley 1+1 1 4116199 $21,360.01 $ 756 4/04 11. 333 Steinman 1+1 1 2/10/03 $24,700.00 $ 756 2/04 12. 1180 Siroonian 1+1 1 4/7/02 $11196.00 $ 756 04/04 13. 1323 Buoncristian 1+1 3 11/10/01 $29,313.12 $ 737 09/04 14. 1324 Hale 2+2 1 411/01 $33,843.96 $ 851 04/04 15. 1333 Stork 1+1 1 9/7102 $22,199.23 $ 756 09/04 16, 1419 Ray/Brown 1+1 1 2 5111103 28,132.00 $ 756 5/034 17. 1530 Siddi i 1+1 3 6111100 $38,900.04 $ 756 06/04 18. 2128 Johnston 2+2 2 6/8/00 $31,673.20 $ 851 06/04 19. 2140 Vise 2+2 1 02/01/02 $20,736.00 $ 851 02/04 20. 2210 Ferrao 2+2 2 01/12/03 $26030.00 $ 851 01/04 21. 2300 Mohler 2+2 3 611199 $11748.00 $ 851 06104 22. 2408 Slioeibi/Motta hi 2+2 2 5/12/02 $16,128.00 $ 851 05/04 23. 2425 Uchida 2+2 3 04/11/01 $37,372.40 $ 851 04/04 24. 2428 Winslett 2+2 1 03/17/00 $23616.00 $ 851 3/04 25. 2440 Afshar/Afshar 2+2 2 05/06/01 $22,205.16 $ 851 05/04 26. 2450 Warfield 1+1 1 4111/98 $13,882.00 $ 756 4/04 27. 2519 Cotter 1+1 1 5/29/01 $25,635.36 $ 756 5/04 28. 2608 Vidal/Gaxiola 2+2 2 611199 $229,890.00 $ 851 06/04 29. 2702 Delgado 2+2 4 3/l/02 $16224.00 $ 851 1 03/04 1998 Phase in - 106-122-224-318-320-2450 1999 Phase in- 228-243-1180-2608-2300-126 2000 Phase in - 2428-1333-2519-1530-2128 2001 Phase in - 333-208-1323-2425,1419,2140,2440,305 2002 Phase in - 2210,2408,2140,2702,1324 Total number of apartments on this property: 570 % of property deemed Income Restricted (Low): 15.26% % of property deemed Income Restricted (Very Low): 4.74% TTP = Total Tenant Payment (Resident is on Certificate or Voucher) Total vacant as of 093003 - 13 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY November 2003 NEWPORT NORTH 4 EXHIBIT C Property Name: NEWPORT NORTH CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE AS OF November 2003 The undersigned, being an'Authorized Borrower Representative of Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (the "Borrower"), has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the various documents associated with the Borrower's participation in the California Statewide Communities Development Authority's (the "Issuer") Apartment Development Revenue Bond Program, such documents including: The Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated as of May 15, 1998 among the Borrower, the Issuer and U.S. Bank Trust National Association (the "Trustee"). 2. The Loan Agreement dated as of May 15, 1998, between the Issuer and the Borrower. 3. During the preceding month 4 applications were received from Restricted Tenants (as defined in the Regulatory Agreement): 4. As of the date of this certificate, the following percentages of completed residential units in the Project (i) are occupied by Restricted Tenants, or (ii) are currently vacant and are being held available for such occupancy and have been so held continuously since the date such unit was vacated, as indicated: 1 2 3 Studio Bdrm. Bdrm. Bdrm. Total Occupied by Original Low Income Tenants N/A 0 6 4 10 Unit Nos.: 1.93 % Occupied by Lower Income Tenants N/A 25 44 4 73 Unit Nos.: 12.81 Occupied by Very Low -Income Tenants N/A 14 15 0' 29 Unit Nos.: 5.09% Held vacant for Occupancy continuously N/A 3 0 0 3 Since last occupied: Unit Nos.: 0.17% Total Number of Units: Unit Nos.:20.00% N/A 42 65 8 115 Since last occupied: The undersigned hereby certifies that the Borrower is not in default under any of the terms and provisions of the above documents, and no event has occurred which, with the passage of time, would constitute a default thereunder, with the exception of the following: on Vice President, Controller Contact Person: Jason Di Antonio Bond Compliance Auditor (949)450-4290 NewCertificates—y,— certification Unit Number 10, INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terns used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement CSCDA (Pool)-* Newport North 1/We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 6. Name ofNlembers Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment Zelt%e AirkeMlADS I-VO" SO `("Z3-GG-KISS' IA-%-r. (0(0-24ai arrhR A}4&Rl-*:- AA sc.'-t- G'i- I 70 GAP "Pic. Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under IS years) listed above for the V-gRor}th eriod beginning the earlier of the date that Ihve plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is 5 �077 Jf. X Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (c) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (1) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the abov a persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) tiny earned intone tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded ft om such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) nmounl; which a:e specifically for or in tclinharsenent of medical expenses: (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as WWI itances, insurance payments (mcluding payments undvr health and a:cident insurtacc and workers' compensation). capital gains aid settlement for personal or property losses: (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition. fees. booksand equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income, X CN (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (� relocation payments under Title Il of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of I970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic votumccr:Terviccs Act or i9n; 0) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; ° (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes X No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total Value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than 55,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (I) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S g. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes No (b) Complete onh• if the answer to Question g(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes '-%)k' No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is ER.?sonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. In Vedvill assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, inc uding either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the im Jediately preceding calendar year. 11. L V acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 11Z of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. PA•e declare under penalty of peijury. that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this I5 day of 2003 (year) in the City of AWk'AT,2q,4 -q, California Applicant Applicant ----- --- —�-- fSi,n,nure ufall per,ons (owepr children under the ago of lS )curs) lured in rumba' 2 above required) J J FOR COMPLMOPi BY AYp4RTi3EiN T o N"TgER Ota-L:: v 1. Calcnlatior. of eligiblt income: a, Enter amcuttt entered for entire household in 6 above: l� C. (1) If the =a= enwred in 7 entered in 7(d)(2), subtract 7(dx3) and enter the remg (2) Multiply the ama" savings rate anneal eamin passbook savmt, " the amount ente, is yes, enter the total amount t figure the amount eat tred in i®se (S )i the current passbook V to detcx= IDL what the total would be if invested in subtract from that figurs and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: TOTAL ELTGISLE INCOME (line 1.a plus liae 1.b(3): 2. The amount entered in 1.c: Quall£tes the aeplicant(s) as a Moderate-Incorne Tenant(s). )e Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowez�kcome Tenaut(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenaot(s). s /0 77S1, I� $ 1077Y.S1Z 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: 11 Z Bedroom size: t/ Rent: S 4. This apartment unit (was/was not) last occupied for a period a 3i or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual lncomo as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -income Tenant(s). S. Method used to verify applicants) income: EnTloyer income ven*ieadon. Cooies of tar, returns. Data INCOME & A IT CALCULATION WORKSHEET I►JM1l�ii7G�I irY;t1%fJL2���L�� 0 INCOME EMPLOYMENT ®��®® SOCIAL SECURITY, PENSIONS. ETC. Family Mml. # Sam Sawa Aate S Averd Soa•a I Avaram Annual Told 62 Wr 24 Suomi 20 &-Wa P. me I I ya $ =S S =$ $ =S Total Box B $ PUBLIC ASSISTANCE family Well. at Sears Use Rate S Aviraeit= ym AIDmd ford 62 We 24 StaA�M 2A ttl•W[ 12 Ala 1 I Ya S =S S =S S =S Total Box C S OTHER INCOME !ratty momb. # Samoa Itcallate S Avord Sams Av a Arnd Total 62 WI 2d SM. 26 d•Wa t2 A4 I Ya S =S $ =S S =S S =$ Total Box D $ TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Through D $ ASSETS -mllY VUnIA # A%B[aB69'yltl0.n vN clack clock hwds etcJ Ioqutad/ corral ImC I tMsarfdr MkL Vama s[ta Se[ras5 ta:Tlam A ISY AcWd Intmest Aale Acuraa kmome li•an lAss Assets S • raa,a $ _ $ % S n $ S - P °% $ ju $ S = $ % $ $ S )= S % S $ S )= S % S $ $ _$ °%$ "otals Box E: $ z Box T $ Total NET Famdy Tidal Actual Income laconic from Assch MPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G:® EMetive Date: Z If Box E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type ofprogmm passbook interest rate: x % Unit No.: HZ, Unit Size. If Box E does not exceed S5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. urpersons. Z NCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® MVI:Max. Income Limit: Q Enter the greater of Box F or Box G Alt: 140%Limit, 'OTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ 077 2 & TOTAL ASSETS $ 0 = $ /0 77 Z IPLA. )PARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting "N/A" or °none" where applicable. On not use white out. The (nformatlon you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, 'Owner"). Community. A drat: Print Applicant's full name (Lott, Pirst,hil IeInitlel) JrJ5r. DMeoF BIMh Sacwl Semm�y Number Driver's Unease# r e-440 A Nome of Ca-Applicants(Sepoate Application requird for each Co -Applicant) p (Last First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) rs (Last, First, MiddleInitial) Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, Fllst, Middle Initial) 1 c a Applicant's Present Address City ZIPn��/� 13 awn ph. on. Q Ee'0 r �� m ra ' �a Fro pl,RCM: T. .. Detached family home: Attached fully home: 0 Apartment: '®/IQn a Fi 2I 7o al# C Monthly Payment S 43�• �� ��STo wham do you make poyments7 ( � u s Present landlord's None Address Cty Z[P Phone# t E' U 9 o Immediate Prior Address (if less than 1 yr, at above) awn Momhly Payment: odor. r From y Rent: S To Immedlete Prior Landlord's Name ((Address City ZIP Phone# DoyouownaPet? Yes e•!'• Noa Ile' Number of PcM: D sVVFy� 1 %Ci Type: Proposed O.cupants(lot, First, Middle initial) bate of Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Dateaf Birth c u (Lost, First, Middle Initial) Detect Birth (Lot, First, Middle Initial) boteof Birth P a n (Wst, First, Mlddlc InitleD Date of BlMh (Latt, First, Middle Inlika) Dote of Birch E EmPlayer(if self-employed, name of buslneu asinw Addren ancluding ZIP Cad.) m e P Phone# Type of Business Position Date. Supervisor Phone Inceme i From oJr. I Mo. y Other Income Source Applicantmust provide 2 pay stubs or current W2 form. Contact An Immediate Prior Emplayer Address(inaludlq ZIP Cod.) phorw# bake. Income D Flom t IT. Mo. Checking: bank and branch (Include City/State) � Account At C hOD # -9D-8 )a 5ovings: bank and branch (include City/State) Account* n Ila" you ever flied bankruptcy! oyes Tgr4. a County and State wh. filed: Whatyear7 n e Have you ever had arc/ public record suits, lieu, Judgments or reponesslore7 Yee u4No I Whatyear7 a Have you ever: If yes, describe m detail. I Sun convicted of. fclamy? ❑yes Own Been evicted? ❑Yes �No befoultedan aI ❑Yu ON. P e We eofemergency,Pleasenotify: (Loulnome. addressAphone umber) r ; ' \ /4 e, Reldlouhip: )" j s Ifa liable, cots' hordumbers: pp Pd p n ( ) ( ) a FothrrsName MomvS}kmc A.And. tarot pose 102 ApptratlaaTdtuuOasw II 4e )INT RTMEMANAGEMaUCOMPA) How did vau first learn of this apartmentty)communi'!! ❑O.C.Regitter ❑Drive By Rental-Living Rental -Living corn ❑Promotion/Sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide ❑Slgas ❑WMereury ❑Orig. Apt. Magazine ❑Other 1AC Communny❑Referral" ❑Newspaper -other* ❑Rental Living(IAC Aims) MLA Times ❑Relocator Service ❑Magazlne- Other ' ❑For Rant Magozlne ❑SD Unian ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing 01AC Apt. Info Center ❑SD Reader Posteard/M.11w 13 Mother -Not Listed• " PLEASE FILLIN•. Reason far relocailnn: Now many vehicles do you own/drive] Make Yb 0 F-9 OR7' Year M6 Liunse# Make Year License# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted In the Community. Do you have Renter's Imummoc? ❑Yes E[No Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rest an apartment in the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the "IAMC Parries"), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me in this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks (including electronic funds verification), employers and other persons or Wines with information relating to this Application. I also authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained in this Application to various local, state and/or federal government agencies, including without Ilmitotian, various law enfareement agencies. I unclustandthat if I lease this apartment, the IAMC Parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information in this Application for purposes related to my Lease and/or for account review both during and after the term of my Lease. I hereby release and held harmless Th. Irvins.Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, LP., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective Fit... emplay.. and agents, from any and all liability• legal proceedings and costs, including aftorneYe fees• arlsing out of the verification and/or use of the information contained in this Application, Including the release of such information to other partles. I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Information provided In this Appllcatlem (Including but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) Is true• accurate, complete and correct m of the date of this Appllcallon. If any Information provided by me is determined is be false, each false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termloatlon of my Less. with Owner. I agree to notify IAMC If any of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application process or during my teranry. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other information provided by me, whethcr or not this Application is approved. Anon -refundable Application Screening Fee of $30.0) (as limited below) Is required from each Applicant to process this Application and to check the Information provided. AsepandeAppllca0on to Pont mot be signed by eachAppllmnlwho Will occupy the apartment before this Application will be considered by IAMC. NOV N M Data! APPllcant'ssignance RECEIPTFOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE amount it to be used to sure. Applicant with regeeds to credit history and other background information. The mount charged as follows: Actual caste of crout report, unlawful detainer (eviction) search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 Cast to obtain, process and verify screening Information (may Include staff'stlme and other related costs) $20,00 Total fee charged (may not exceed $30 per Applicant) 93 stharizes verification of information supplied by Applicant an this Application through credit reporting ogencles, personal reference other Information sources. Date 0 By: Company ps4sed,10/01 PVC2012 APWrslbnT~1001sx X, Incom R ed Certification Unit # Name: r �. Initial Certification Re -certification Other cash contributions of gifts, including rent benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery Y or Annuities. _ _- 9 any Lwc SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family ember I pP Uwe are entitled to receive child support Payment'- Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect childsupport owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: gvin, .M, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market CFI are Does your household anticipate becoming a ru+1-v�" household in the next 12 monthsv If you answered Ye_s, to either of the previous two qry eshons are you: )> Married and filing a joint tax return. Tinder penalties of perjury, I certitythat the information pres nted on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further underst rids that providing false rPnresentations herein constitutes an act of fraud. ion ofX��; le ring or e restricted leaseainformation will greeme te Date 1 1 •d 86STOZL646 N 1210dt73N clL{.:ao So LT AoN Household Developm CERTIFICATION OF ZERO INCOME (To be completed by adult household members only, if appropriate.) Name- WMAmod_' nt Name: wz- 1. I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources; a. Wages from employment (including commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.); b. Income from operation of a business; C. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; e. Social Security payments, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, or death benefits; f. Unemployment or disability payments; g. Public assistancepayments; h. Periodic allowances such as alimony, child support, or gifts received from persons not living in my.household; i. Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.); j. Any other source not named above. 2. I currently have no income of any kind and there is no imminent change expected in my financial status or employment status during the next 12 months. I will be using the following sources of funds to pay for rent and other necessities; lnder penalty of perjury, I certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the best of my mowledge. The undersigned further understand(s) that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, :usleading or incomplete information may result in the termination of a lease agreement. 6 t' && AIM e+ Ly9 dx 3 atur ofApplicant/Tenant Printed Na eofApplicant/Tenant Date Certification of Zero Income (September 2000) 1b/1b/2bbd 11:4f 747,00w014 • y + October 13, 2003 • �� Betty Aherns 140 Echo Run Irvine, CA 92614 Ms. Aherns, Since you did not show up for the meeting that was scheduled for Friday, October I O'b at 9:OOam and have turned in your keys we Consider your actions as a resignation from employment with Irvine Presbyterian Church. Enclosed you will find your final pay check which includes 3 weeks additional pay. We pray that God will bless you in all that you do. Sincerely, Tonia Burge Dir. of Finance & Operations 4445 Alton Parkway Irvine CA 92604.949 786-9627 Fax 949 786.4312 I Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax wdhheld 5979.76 76.42 3 Soclaisecuritywagea 4 Social security tax withheld 5979.76 370.74 5 MedicarewegesandtT 5 6 Medicare tax withheld 5979.76 86.71 a Control Number SP Drp. mp ayor use on y 0192 105W3 2 c Employer's name, address, and ZIP code IRVINE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4445 ALTON IRVINE, CA 92604 Batch #0279 b Employ 95 3054411 mbar mm d Employ73 �66 4numb 795 er 7 S-is'security Ups 6 Allocated lips 9 Advance EIc payment to Dependent acre benerds 11 Nonqualilled plena 12a Sao Instructions for box 12 14 Other 12. 12d 1351atem et plan 3m partyalck pay elf Employee'. name, address and ZIP coda BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 18 State Em yer.8 state ID no. 16 State wages, tips, etc CA I 01.2720.2 5979.76 17 State income tax 18 Laeal wages, tips, eta •40 19 Local income tax 28 Locolilynsmc kilo, accurata,arr.r." sit t !RS Webto ASTI u3e'7 ea Employee Reference Copy_2 Wage and Tax Z StatementUO3ND 1545A006 C lorem re's records OMB use Employer's name, address, and 2 RVINE PRESBYTERIAN .HURCH 1445 ALTON RVINE, CA 92604 IETTY A AHERNS 40 ECHO RUN (VINE, CA 92614 I Stara Employer's stets lD no. 16 Stalewages, CA 01.2720.2 ' State Income tax 18 Localwages, 40 I Local income tax 20 Localitynaml Federal Filing Copy w_2 Wage and Tax Statement 2003 WV-2 ana tAKNINLib bUIVIM ' MT This blue Earnings Summary section is Included with your W2 to help describe portions In more detail. The reverse side Includes general information that you may also find helpful. 1. The following information reflects your final 2003 pay stub plus any adjustments submitted by your employer. Gross Pay 5979.76 Social Security 370.74 CA. State Income Tax .40 Tax Withheld Box 17 of W-2 Box 4 of W-2 SUi/SDI Fed. Income 76.42 Medicare Tax 86.71 Box 14 of W-2 Tax Withheld Withheld Box 2 of W-2 Box 6 of W-2 2. Your Gross Pay Was Adjusted as follows to produce your W-2 Statement. Wages, Tips, other CA. State Wages, Local Wages, Social Security Medicare Wages Compensation Box 1 of W-2 Tips, Etc. Tips, Etc. Box 16 of W-2 Box 18 of W-2 Wages Box 3 of W2 Box 5 of W-2 Grass Pay 5,979.76 5,979.76 N/A 5,979.76 5,979.7EI Reported W-2 Wages 5,979.76 5,979.76 N/A 5,979.76 5,979.7E 3. Employee W-4 Profile. To change your Employee W-4 Profile Information, file a new W-4 with your payroll dept. BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 Social Security Number: 473.66-4195 Taxable Marital Status: SINGLE Exemptions/Allowances: FEDERAL: 2 STATE: 2 O 2003 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING INC. Save 15%on tax preparation. Leath more at hftps://taxpartner.adp.com. 1 Wages, tips, Gthereomp 2 Federal income tax withheld 5979.76 76.42 3 Social security wages, 4 Social Security taxwehheld 5979.76 370.74 5 Medicare wag. and tips 6 Modiearataxwithhold 5979.76 86.71 a Control Number Oept Corp. Employer use only 0192 10/5W3 2 e Employer's name, address, and ZIP code IRVINE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4445 ALTON IRVINE, CA 92604 b Employ5r 3054411umbor' d Emp4o�3.6654195her 7 Socialsecuritytips 6 Allauted tips 9 Advance ElC payment 70 Dependent cars benollb Ti Nonqulthed plans 120 14 other 12b 12. 12d 13 Sul am a pan a pr ac pay c4 Employee's name, address and ZIP Coda BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 15 SWte Employer's state ID no. 15 State wages, tips, eta. CA 01.2720-2 5979.76 17 Stat.incometax 8 Local wages,fips, ate. 40 19 Looallncametax 20 LaColltyname CA.State Reference Co y W_2 Wage and Tax 2b03 Statement Ma No 154+000e Copy 2to battled with employee's State Income Tax RePurn. t Wages, tips, other comp 2 FCdoralln.ometaxwrthheld 5979.76 76.42 3 Socialsecuritywagea 4 Social security tax withheld 5979.76 370.74 5 Medicar.wegesandfips 6 Medlcaretax Whhhald 5979.76 86.71 a Control Number Dept Corp. Employer use only 0,92 105W3 1 2 e Employer's name, address, and ZlP code BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 CA.State Filing cc W_2 Wage and Tax Statement 5W3 05 0192 5W3 IRVINE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTRY & OPERATING FUND 4445 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, CA 92604 Employee Number. 0192 Department Number. 05 Social Security Number: 473-66-4195 Marital Status: SINGLE Number Of Allowances: 02 Rate: 12.0000 Hours and Earnings Description Hours This Penad Year-To•Date REGLAR 27.00 .324.00 5292.38 0/TIME 36.00 RETRO 51.38 Earnings Statement, Pay Period: 9/11/2003 to 9/25/2003 Pay Date: 9/30/2003 BETTY A. AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, C492614 Jai WYK Taxas and Daductlons Descri lion This Period ear- o-Date FICA FED WT 24.78 411.55 53.29 'ayThis Parlod #299.22 1Rl IN ;RRESBIFTERIAN-CHURCH,. Q PQSIT„"'1. MINISTRY•&OPERATING-FUND' 44'45:ALTOWPACheck Date RKWAY • • +9%3o/20Q3 T •'`+ • ;'x„ : •. IRVINE. CA 92604 M = #299.22 DEPOSIT TO BANK# 122000496 CHK ACCT# 610110454 05 0192 5W3 = aAmcF Pry To Th• olaw Of BETTY A. AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN — == IRVINE, CA 92614 - —_ ****VOID********VOID**** _ FM Hv. W � 'ril97nl!ili lA! L7CU1712i•1(ll:•�Ai1.1F:Q' ��f7.GI7}:���.�3-'�dN:�/N�iN)m1iAV�`J;7>2�iL7 �lETJ'P/il.'-.l4 Cila:'1!IF7F,J'(i15 EY79 )ileL-'l`11Hi1'L o� E7 Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet z3/ zz� (+> 000 (*> zSF5S c=) 77 divided by (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: (_) Income from asset: $ 0 Clarification Record Of Deposit Applicant/Resident Name: R Initial Certification Date Of Expected Move -In: ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ❑ Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Summary of Deposits: Source:� Date: /TAmount: S• (P! Source: 1-4pi°--/ Date: C'S Q Amount: a `7 % • a O� Explanation Of Deposit: _�L -J AA, ; I Source: Explanation Source: Explanation Of Deposit: Date: Amount: AM- Date: Amount: Source: Date: Amount: Explanation Of Deposit: *App 'ca esident Signature Date *By signing, I am verifying that all of the above is true and correct. 5 STATEM.I' T OF ACCO, TS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA NOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 PO BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CA CY11 Z O A 1000 BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 elof2 Cement Number: 6101104542 9/17/03.10/17/03 Telesarvices® 90051-0380 For 24•hour Automated Direct Service 800-238.4486 800.826.7345(TDD) Representatives are available from 6 am to I I pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857-2215 Visit us at www.uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ Online Banking gives you ofHine heedom. There's a better way to pay bills -online through Bank@Home® on the Web Bill Pay. Spend less time paying bills and have greater control over your payments $ money. if's simpler and quicker than writing a check. You can pay everyone you now pay with checks. To get started go to www.uboc.com/instant. Balance on 9/17 a .25 Additions 868 868 Subtractions .49 25 Payments 59.54 Purchases -9.95 other withdrawals .541.00 23122 Balance on 10/17 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 17.64 We waived your service charge this statement period. Reference Amount Additions Dore Descr. rion $ 29.77 9/18 REVERSAL OF NSF DEBIT A6212309 6212309 308.69 9/22 9/30 OFFICE DEPOSIT IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD ........... 15W3 299.257 23 10/16 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000657452 46203394 46203394 $ 8.25 868.25 Total online and 9/17 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB electronic banking 9/23 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB Total 55754048 $ 29.77 57158837- - __ __ _ 29.77 $ 59.54 Purchases Data Descri Non/Location Reference Amount 52109361 72780113 $ 9.95 ATM card and 10/6 PPC*PEOPLE INT SVC 888.863.5916 CA MasterMoneyT" card purchases Reference Amount Other withdrawals Data Description $ 5.00 including fees and 9/17 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 99528552 22.00 adjustments 9/18 NSF REM RETURNED FEE 5.00 9/18 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 47407800 220.00 9/23 WITHDRAWAL # 0000651747 47127897 270.00 9/30 WITHDRAWAL # 0000834675 f'* e2of2 o tementNum6ar.6101104542 H! 9/17/03.10/17/03 —' Re(erance Amount Other withdrawals Data Descr lion 10/3 WITHDRAWAL t10000794457 46129409 19.000 continued $ 541.0 Total statement STATEM }'T ), aIot2 OF A C C O T S . ament Number: 6101104542 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 8/16/03 • 9/16/03 WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 TeleservicosO PO BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0380 For 24diour Automated Direct Service 800-238.4486 800.826.7345(TDD) Representatives are available from 6 am to I I pm To open additionalaccounts, or apply for loans, call your CYl1 Z G AOOOO banking office at 949-857.2215 BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN Visit us at www.uboc.com IRVINE CA 92614 Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ More tools to manage your personal finances. More convenient than ever. The new uboc.com. We are pleased to announce that uboc.coin has been redesigned with more features, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links to information and services. Look for the new uboc.com in the corning weeks. Balance on 8/76 $ 258.55 Additions 363.13 Subtractions .648.22 Checks -102.43 Purchases .355.79 ATM withdrawals -100.00 Other withdrawals •90.00 Balance on 9/ 16 $ -26.54 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 72.66 We waived your service charge this statement period. Additions Dale Dwai Lion Reterence Amount 8/29 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD """""'"""`"05W3 51178602 $ 288.13 9/9 MISCELLANEOUS BANK ORIGINATED ITEM 48513483 35.00 9/10 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000649271 45216556 40.00 Total $ 363.13 Checks Number Date Reference Amount Number Dote Reference funount 0000 8/21 26124413 $ 102.43 Purchases• .- - Date.. .- Descrip1honlLocaiion- - - - - _ _ '- - _ -. Reference '. .. _ Amount ATM cord.and 8/18 STATER 91A2171BIG BEAR BIG BEAR LAKE CA 52109361 72271724 $ 28.08 MoslerMoney""/ 8/21 TRADER JOE 14443 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 52109361 72321652 11.18 card purchases 8/25 MOTHER-S M 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA 52109361 72350910 4.08 8/25 . CROWN HARD 1024 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 52109361 72350215 7.32 8/25 MOTHERS MA 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA 52109361 723SIA55 2.00 8/25 DEL TACO # 105 COSTA MESA CA 52109361 72341729 3.42 8/29 ARCO PAYPO 14244 NEWPORT A TUSTIN CA 52109361 72411239 23.82 9/2 EL POLIO 12501 SOUTH BRIS SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72420519 3.26 9/2 RED ROBIN 83 FORTUNE DR S 00001 CA 52109361 72411238 16.00 9/2 BIG LOTS # OA0200040261 SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72412302 32.94 N' ./ sfale42of2 mentNumbar:6101104542 8/16/03.9/16/03 Purchases Dore De cri lion/Locorion Reference Amount 9/2 HOTWIRE- 333 MARKET STRE 877.468.9473 CA 52109361 72411339 $ 107.95 continued 9/2 WAL•MART # 26502 TOWNE CEN FOOTHILL RAN CA 52109361 72420943 105.79 9/5 PPC"PEOPLE INT SVC 898.863.5916 CA 52109361 72481235 9.95 Total $ 355.79 ATM withdrawals Date Delai lion/LocalLon Reference Amount 8/25 UBOC WESTPARKLBY IRVINE CA 52109361 72361010 $ 100.00 Other withdrawals Dole Dercrialion Raference Amount including fees and 9/3 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 99532593 $ 25.00 adjustments 9/5 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 99526939 5.00 25.00 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 9/8 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/9 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/10 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/11 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/ 12 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/15 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00. 9/16 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 Total $ 90.00 of 2 STATEME T �elnt N T S Statement Number: 6101104542 OF A C C O ) •, 7/18/03.8/15/03 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 TeleservicesO Pa BOX 512380 For 24•hour Automated Direct Service LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0380 900-238.4486 800.826-7345VDDI Representatives are available from 6 am to 11 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857--2215 CyI1 Z OA0000 BETTY ANNE AHERNS visit us atwww.uboc.com 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 Thank you for banking with us since 2003 r Sometimes there's just not enough time in the day to make it to the bank. Direct Deposit automatically deposits your payroll check into your account every pay period - saving you a trip to the bank or ATM. Get started today. Simply give your employer your Union Bank of California account number and this routing transit number. 122r,00496. Member r-'r)t[-_ . to Days in statement period: 2Y 64.08 Balance on 7/18 $ 788.11 Additions . 64 Subtractions Payments -43.00 Purchases-400.14 ATM withdrawals •61.50 Other withdrawals -89.00 Balance on 8/15 $ 258.55 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 50.78 We waived your service charge this statement period. Reference Amount Acldilions Dare Desullion «•.«.•«••••45W3 7/31 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD 51808320 55668928 $ 466.73 321.38 ««••......« 8/15 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD 95W3 $ 788.11 Total Acanmunt de Reference Amount Payments Date Desai Lion 53478693 $ 43.00 onlineand 8/6 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB _ _ _ - - electronic Banking Reference Amount Purchases Date Descri Lion/Lomtion PAYPO 3003 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA 52109361 71991430 $ 8.36 46.84 ATM card and MasterMoneyrm 7/18 ARCO 7/18 99 RANCH M 5402 WALNUT AVE IRVINE CA 52109361 52109361 719 81448 72122019 11.02 card purchases 7/21 COCO'S #05 27360 ALICIA PK LAGUNA NIGUE CA 833 N. RAMONA B SANJACINTO CA 52109361 73151 13.85 8/1 ARCO PAYPO 8/1 Morshalis MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA 52109361 52109361 72103 7213124 16.16 8I.46 8/1 Morshalls MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA 8/4 EL TORITO 24301 AVENIDA D LAGUNA HILLS CA 52109361 72140627 15.00 15.00 8/4 EDWARDS AL 26701 ALISO CRE ALISO VIE)O CA 52109361 72130437 16.00 8/4 CHILI'S GR 149500004952 ALISO VIEIO CA 52109361 52109361 72142303 18.00 B/4 FANTASTIC SAMS IRVINE CA 15333 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 52104361 72141906 12.10 8/4 99 RANCH M B/4 BEST BUY METRO POINTE SH COSTA MESA CA continued 8/4 GasCo+1.95 BMC8009679649 Los Angeles CA 8/4 CHECKER FL 5289 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 8/5 BAJA FRESH 26584 MOULTON P LAGUNA HILLS CA 8/7 PEOPLE PC 966.7726277 CA Total including fees and adiustments 8/15 JENSEN'S M 31987 HILLTOP B RUNNING SPRIN CA 7/22 7/24 7/25 7/28 7/29 7/30 8/6 B/15 Total NSF ITEM PAID FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE WITHDRAWAL 8 0000794060 ATM NEI WORK WITHDRAWAL FEE ��,t:ment Number: 6101104542 7/18/03.8/15/03 52109361 7213192E $ 21.54 52109361 72161013 51.95 52109361 72141010 54.99 52109361 72152311 7.92 52109361 72180725 $ 400.14 52109361 72271407 $ 61.50 99530156 $ 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 46405579 37.00 6504513`8 ' 2.00' 89.00 �Ff A p P a In 5 t a In y 0 v P n E nl P I y In e t F IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting "N/A' air "none" where applicable Do not use white Out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent un apartment to you In an apartment community awned by either The ._ Tmdee r°m1r,iAl nevdecon nt eamaonv (collectively.'Ownar"). irvme Lampany,a(vv,e ripen ...... . rti 1 n Community: - 1 ) } Address: I 1 NPSadal PApIt V full acne (Lass, II st, Middle Initial) Ir./Sr — Date of Birth Security Number 11u7 Driver's License j C �_ • •, '' .r� lot 'l NaII1Caf Co•Appllmnfs(.apunte Al. lkatWin requiredfor inch Co-Appl(cant) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial)( (L t, First, Middle I.11101) r4 (Last, First, MidticInibo (Last, First, Middlc Initial) (Lost,Fmst,Middie Initial) Own Phone #r ` ,, -; r -FA r eater ZIP •1a- Applicant's Prcall Address 4lfy i ress Fmm) ' ). (,, r- {( �,rRenr. Ee: n•4-...u,.•L.ecn4 T. �7,r• Detached family home:E At tachedfamllyheme: - —` Apartment: Monthly Paymentbj(",� To wham do you mokepryments7 s Address city ZIP Phone# Present Landlord's Nunn <<Ziy) L` ^ r 2, Own Daly Immediate Prior Address (if less than I yr at above) Month Payment. b From Rent: b To Immediate Prior Londl.rd's Nam, Address City ZIP Phone # .n I-1 Yes-LX:+o Number of Pets. Type: Proposed Occupants(Lw First, Middle Init1-D Date of Birth p (Last. First, Middle Initial) Date of emth (y. , (Last First, Middle [nlliul Dote of Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Oate of Birth (Last, First, Middle ImIn)) Dote of earth (Last. First, Middle Initial) Date of Bmth Employer (If set f•cmplayid, non¢ of business) Buslnvs Address (including ZIP Cade) eater Su ervisor Phone# Type of Busincs^. Psklon AP` � f�)j]J? Fnm l'r^ 1•L: iy'N Y.4, 1 Phone# Income §•�1L), J L� ram. :ia_ Ma. Other Income Suurce Applicant must provide 2 pay stubs ar current W2 farm. Contact Lnmedlale Prior Employer Address (Including ZIP Code) Phone# Deter. Fmm Income °♦,�\rpfo Sl -' •,�. t s,•\'\ a "\i�.-� r' r T. v's s I>ai+a Mo. Clacking bunk onJ branch DnduJe Llly/Slate)^y(yj �\\-tGl brr count# \ r L Ll Savings: bank and branch (include City/State) Account# Have you ever filed bankruptcy? ❑Yes ,/ No County and stawhere filed- le What YearP Have you ever had any lmblic record salts, liens, judgments or repossessmnsa yes �Ho Whatycar7 Have you ever: If yes, describe in Mind: a felonry?❑ves 8eencmwwtedaf Beenevicted7 w Dyes 01`1o,� Defaulted an a Iwo? ❑yes N� _ n case of emergency, please wIIPY: (Local name, address d phone number) Rdatlomhip:I'f:1ri11 �' t f'i�l. ^•r+\ 7��i / ���CC ��f 1"Y"\i• S `7 L'IL�jC_r t - I �—rc'J rrc 1 31 f applicable, parents' phone numbers: isi'fY4:�. .:lids Wma Molhv'i taww Revised: 10103 Page 1 of 2 Application to Rent (00%)�aenv�t�� :) IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY How did you first learn of this apartment community? ❑D.C. Register El Drive Ily ❑RenlahLlvmg,am ❑Promotion/Sp. Event ❑Apattment Outdo ❑slgns riftbshe- Other O50 Mercury ❑Orlg. Apt. Magazine ❑Other lAC CommunitymAeferral' nNewfpoper•Othw' ❑Rentol Living(IAC Mag)❑LA'Times ❑Relowtor Service 0Ma9azine-01her' ❑For ent Magazine 501fn1on 0 ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing fp]IAC Apt. Info Center ❑SD Awder Elpastcard/Maller MOther-Net Listed' PLEASE FILL IN' Reason for relocation: How many vehicles do you owddrive? �— Make— /..gf 4ia year License to Make your License Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boot'or trailers is not permitted in the Colninunity. 0. you have Ranter'$ Insurance? ❑yes © o Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntwdy farthe purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and courant to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (calicetively, the "IAMC Parties')• to obtain and verify the credit and other information provided by me in this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening forvlce companies, banks (including electronic funds verification). employers and other persons or entities with information relating to this Applicatlom Ialso authorize the IAMC Pestles to provide information contained In this Application to various local. state and/cur federal government agencies. Including without limitation, vwibus law enforcement agencies. I understand that if I lease this apartment. the IAMC Parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information in this Application for purposes related to my two and/cur for account review both during and after the term of my Lease. I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, LP.. rNme Commercial Development Company, Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and casts. Including attorneys' fees, arising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contained in this Application• includln9ihe release of such Information to other parties. I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information provided in this Application (including but not limited to the statement of my flnonclal condition) Is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Appliwtlon. If arty information provided by me Is determined to be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my lease with Owner. I agreeto notify IAMC if any OF the information pravidad In this Application changes during the Application process or during my termncy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other information provided by me• whether or not this Application is approved A non-refundable Application Screening Fee of S3000 (as Itemized below) Is required from each Applicant to process this Application and to check the inlomnalion provided. A separate Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will occupy the apartment before this Application will be considered by IAMC. \` 1, t ✓, i .3f U box Appticont's slguturc RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE e amount is to be used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background information. The amount charged is as follows: ALIYCIcosts of credit report, unlawful detalner(evlctlon) search, and/or other screening reports $725 Cast to obtain, process and verify screening information (may include staffs time and other related seats) $22.75 Total fee charged (may rat exceed $30 per Applicant) $3000 authorizes verification of information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference Date Irvine Apartment Management Company b} 0 By: C Revised: 10/03 Page 1 of Application to Rent Income Restricted Certiflcatioln STAR,Name' �H���S I Unit# �- r//��,, initial Certification Re -certification Other W any cash contributions of gifts, including rent or Uwe receive Veteran's Admimstratron, reAs,uu, �_,_ benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. _ SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family are entitled to receive child support payments. Live am currently receiving child support payments.' I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect childlsupport ve other assets (example: 4uin, ++ , j Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market have cash on your yes to either of the are you: Married and filing a joint tax return. two oul stions are M Under penalties of perjur , I certifythat the information pres nted on this form is true and accurate to the.best of my knowledge. The undersigned further underst-nds that providing false representations It n constitutes an act of fraud. False, misle ding or incomplete information will ion of the Inc restric� lease agreement. Date • (mow Date 3-cl ssSTOZLsi+s I N INOCIM314 dLb=ZO So LI AoN Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date a . ( tioa3 YTD Income .1", a 11--I.0� I divided by I� Start with hire date If at job for less than a year MI H 1 � t 5 - (how often paid) (x)F 2� Calculated Annual Income Hire Date 1r)—J2b0 z- Gross per Pay Period (I,aa3. as divided by NI)� 5 �9 (how often paid) (x) (=) Calculated Annual Income Co/PR Emp No. Dept. 1-08 002340-52 761952-7 08045 000-29093 Gap Inc. Albuquxerque,, NM 87125 Marital Status/Exemptions: Federal: Single 1 State: Single 1 Social Security Number: 567-67-1670 SIT State: CA Work State: CA Earnings 223.92 Less:Taxes 20.18 Deductions .00 Earnings Type Rate Hours/Units Current STRAIGHT TIME 12 8.28 26.50 219.42 SPIFF 489 1.00 4.50 4.50 273129093 Period Beginning: 09/14/2003 Period Ending: 09/27/2003 Pay Date: 10/01/2003 Co. EIN: 94-1697231 GEMS ID: 1250441 STAR C AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92646 Taxes Current Year-to-Dat Federal Income Tax .75 428.83 Social Security 13.88 501.21 Medicare 3.25 117.22 State Income Tax .28 33.70 Disability Ins. 2.02 72.75 Benefits/Other Type - Current Period -to -Date YTD GROSS 8084.04V YTD W2 GROSS 8084.04 1-08 002340-52 761952-7 0145 000-29669 PO Box 27806 Gap nc• buquerque, NM 87125 Marital Status/Exemptions: Federal: Single 1 State: Single 1 Social Security Number: 557-67-1870 SIT State: CA Work State: CA riod Beginning: 08/31/2003'/ rind Ending: 09/13/20O Pay Date: 09/17/2003 Co. EIN: 94-1697231 GEMS ID: 1250441 STAR C AHERNS 140ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92646 Taxes Current Year -to -Date Summary y Earnings 483.42 Federal Income Tax 26.23 428.08 Less:Taxes 69.60 Social Security 29.97 7.01 487.03 113.97 Deductions .00 Medicare State Income Tax 2:04 33.42 Disability Ins. 4.sS 70:74 rnings Rate Hours/Units s Current Benefits/Other Type Current Period -to -Date LIDAY 17 8.28 17 21 12.42 7.00 57.96 8.00 99.36 YTD GROSS ,880 12 7880.12 RAIGHT TIME /BONUS AOJ LIT SHIFT -CA IFF Asset Calculation Worksheet Name ST.AK A1iFA)Jt> Account Type G H664 t1J&____ �5 a`15 divided by (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: (_) Income from asset: $ Clarification Record Of Deposit Applicant/Resident Name: J.%'G ;.Q k p. ✓o- ' 9 Initial Certification Date Of Expected Move -In: ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: Summary of Deposits: ❑ Phone Conversation ❑ Person -to -Person Conversation 0.___ Other: Source: 1 Date: Amount: Z , Explanation Of Deposit: NA i. � _,., n— /) Source:l� k71-- ' . �: Date: "I `5 Amount: 3z�a— lappation f Deposit: Source: Date: Qom_ Amount: 22 f�-3 Explanation Of Source: YMOZ Date: C—<�S Amount: 1q, qT Source:,-- �T Date: z� Amount: ��ofr. W� Explanation Of Deposit: -� pplicant/R.esident Signature Date *By signing, I am verifying that all of the above is true and correct. STATEMEP OF ACCOU UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 61 Po BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CY20 Z 0 A 0000 STAR AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 P of T S Slu.., cnWumber:6101103619 8/29/03.9/29/03 0 ToleservicesS CA 90051-0380 For 24•hour Aulomaled Direct Service 800.238.4486 800.826.73451TDDI Representatives are available from 6 am to I I pm To often additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857.2215 visit us at www.uboc.cont Thank you for banking will, us since 2002 ■ More tools to manage your personal finances. More convenient than ever. The new uboc.cont. we are pleased to announce that uboc.cont has been redesigned with more features, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links to informalioll and services. Look for the new uboc.com in the coming weeks. in statement period: J4 166.90 Balance on 8/29 $ 735.52 Additions-749.67 Subtractions �04.17 Purchases ATM withdrawals .81.50 Other withdrawals-364.00 152.75 Balance on 9/29 $ Statement Average ledger Balance $ 100.73 We waived your service charge this statement period. I1 Additions Dore Oasar7ilion 45119435 $ 2.00 8/29 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000652400 A5329171 32.32 9/5 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000072941 4711 1877 251.h 9/8 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000885431 72482318 14.1'95 9/8 MWI'HOMEWO RKS PLUS 888-681.7216 CT 72482318 14.�95 9/8 MWI'HOMEWO RKS PLUS 888.681-7216 CT 46212420 408.48 9/22 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000657994 72620027 1129 9/22 BANANA REP UBLIC #8045 COSTA MESA CA $ 735152 Total put-choses Date 8/29 Cescrr iron%Locot,on HOTWIRE- 333 MARKET SIRE 877466-9473 CA 45546801 72$ 109ra�5 21.50 ATM card and MosterMoneyrM 9/2 NFI'NETFLI X.COM 408-468-5775 CA 45546801 50713 72450713 57.95 card purchases 9/2 HOTWIRE - 333 MARKET STRE 877-468.9473 CA A5546801 72491158 3.95 9/8 HCP HEALTH CARE EBS Boo 918 9358 45546801 72490310 27.82 9/8 COL -House OVD Club 800-262-200I IN 45.546801 72551308 8.99 9/15 JALAPENOS 3851ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 45546801 72550506 10.20 9/15 RITE AID S 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA CA 0 16.14 9/15 MARSHALLS 901SOUTH COAST COSTA MESA 45546a01 72601657 15.00 9/ 18 VONS S 550 EAST FIRST TUSTIN CA 45546801 72620049 5.33 9/22 9/22 99•CENTS•0 - SANTA ANA CA ET GRILL # 1910 MAIN STREE IRVINE CA 45546801 72620716 6.07 1.00 9/24 • SFM'GE PER 200 N MARTINGAL 866609.4883 IL 4554680I 72661339 72(>61339 1.00 9/24 SFM'CRITIC 200 N MARTINGAL 800-527.3378 IL 45546801 21 tF� 2of2 m 51u. ment Number. 6101103619 8/29/03.9/29/03 Purchases Cale Desai+lion/Locolion F-(e•M'e Atnam! continued 9/26 TLG`SHOPPE 100 CONNECTICUT 800-526.4848 CT 45.546801 726817.57 $ 1.00 9/29 EL TORITO 24301 AVENIDA D LAGUNA HILLS CA 45546801 72700937 6.Q0 9/29 TRADER JOE 'S #OOOOOSM2 LAGUNA HILLS CA 45546801 72700643 12.27 $ Total 30417 ATM withdrawals Date Desvi lion/Location htAwce Amon 9/5 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA 4,5546801 72472125 $ 20.00 9/5 OCTFCU 2005/5500 IRVIN IRVINE CA 45546801 72480957 21.50 40.00 9/15 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA 45546801 72561950 Total $ 81.50 Otherwithdrawals Dole Descti tion kefetmn Amount including fees and 9/3 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 99532592 $ 19.00 adjustments 9/5 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 6.50.54186 2.00 9/5 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 99526936 38.00 9/23 WITHDRAWAL #0000651749 , 47407799 300.00 Total $ 364.00 I STATEML.)T )IeIof2 OF ACCOUNTS Statement Number:6101103619 !FI 7/31/03. 8/28/03 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA NOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 Teloservices(D PO BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0380 For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800.238.4486 800.826.73451TDD) Representatives ore available from 6 am to 11 pnn CY20 Z 0 A 0000 STAR AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857--2215 Visit us at www.uboc.coni Thank you for banking with us since 2002 ■ Sometimes there's just not enough time in the day to make it to the bank. Direct Deposit automatically deposits your payroll check into your account every pay period - saving you a trip to the bank or ATM. Get started today. Simply give your employer your Unfan,8ank of California account number and this routing transit number: 122000496. Member FDIC irrslalement period: Zy Balance on 7/31 $ 17.22 Additions 847.82 Subtractions -698.1 A Checks -5.10 Purchases -473.04 ATM withdrawals -180.00 Other withdrawals -40.00 Balance on 8/28 $ 166.90 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 178.97 We waived your service charge this statement period. Additions Dole Damn lion Reference A5322675 $ Amount 304.30 8/4 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000296568 A8115533 202.43 8/13 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000775054 45510514 83.12 8/25 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT It 0000692078 A8105070 207.97 8/26 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000648495 47104415 50•00 B/28 OFFICE WOM If 000U652141 $ 847.82 Total Checks' Number but; Reference Amount Number Dale Relorenca Amount 3506 8/25 IA912868 $ 5.10 Purchases Dale Deuri lion/lomtion Reference Amount ATM card and 8/4 NFI"NETFU X.COM 408.468.5775 CA 45546801 72191106 721915546801 $ 21.50 8.4. MosterMoney"m 8/7 TRADER JOE 14443 CULVER DR IRVINE CA A45546801 54 72190754 4.99 card purchases 8/8 8/8 UNION 76 000AS021 IRVINE CA RITE AID # 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA A5546801 72201215 48.45 8/18 RALPHS IA400 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 45546801 72292036 21,00 12.35 8/19 ARCO PAYPO 2940 N. BRISTOL SANTA ANA CA A5546801 72310736 14.87 8/21 FOREVER 21 401 NEWPORT CEN NEW PORT BEAC CA A5546801 72312348 8/21 EL TORITO 3520 THE CITY W ORANGE ' CA 45546801 72310039 28.00 36.64 8/22 BANANA REP UBLIC #8045 COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72322246 13.03 8/22 99 CENTS 0 Store 77 Santa Ana CA 45546801 72332005 jo2of2 t Stalement Number. 6101103619 SH 7/31/03.8/28/03 Purchases Dole Description/location Reference Amount continued 8/22 RITE AID # 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 45546801 72332103 $ 47.87 — 8/25 COFFEE BEA 3333 BRISTOL, # COST MESA CA A5546801 72340146 0.86 8/25 CHILPS GR 1440000OA408 IRVINE CA 455A6801 72332234 10.00 8/25 CROWN HARD 1024 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 45546801 72350215 29.09 8/25 BANANA REP UBLIC #8045 COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72332250 40.65 8/25 SAY -ON DRU 5385 ALTON PKWY IRVINE CA 45546801 72362039 7.37 8/25 BEST BUY METRO POINTESH COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72351631 17.23 8/26 MWI*HOMEWO RKS PLUS 898-681.7216 CT 45546801 72370716 14.95 6/27 BANANA REP UBLIC #BOAS COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72372246 18.81 Total $ 473.04 ATM withdrawals Dale Descriplion/localion Reference Aniount 8/11 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA A5546801 72211053 $ 40.00 8/25 UBOC WESTPARK LBY IRVINE CA 45546801 72361014 40.00 8/27 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA 45546801 72382300 100.00 Total $ 180.00 Other withdrawals Date Doscri lion _ Reference ' __ Aniounl including fees and 8/13 WITHDRAWAL # 0000794209 45505124 $ 40.00 adjustments OF A1 CCO TS UNION BANK OF CAUFORNIA WOODBRIOGE INSTORE 610 Los ANGELES80 CA CY71 Z O A 1000 BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 elof2 Cement Number: 6101104542 9/17/03.10/17/03 Teleservices@ 90051-0380 For 24•hour Automated Direct Service 800.238-4486 800.826.7345 ff DDl Representatives are available from 6 am to I 1 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857-2215 Visit us at www.uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ Online Banking gives you ofNine freedom. There's a better way to pay bills- online through Bank@Home@ on the Web Bill Pay. Spend less time paying bills and have greater control over you`hp ks.ent get started go to simpler and quicker than writing a check. you can pay everyone you now pay www.uboc.com/instant statement period: a 1 $ -26.54 Balance on 9/ 17 868.25 Additions .610.49 Subtractions S9 Payments Purchases 995 Other withdrawals 541.95 231.22 Balance on 10/17 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 17.64 We waived your service charge Ibis statement period. µ,l Referenco Amount Data Descritlon 99546580 $ 29.77 9/18 REVERSAL OF NSF DEBIT A6212309 308.69 9/22 9/30 OFFICE DEPOSIT .,,....•15W3 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD 50088486 4620339.4 299.22 230.57 10/16 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000657452 $ 868.25 Total rqynlvrnu - online and 9/17 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB electronic barking 9/23 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB Total - ATM card and 10/6 PPC*PEOPLE INT SVC 888-863.5916 CA MosterMoneyrm card purchases including fees and 9/17 adjustments 9/18 9/18 9/23 9/30 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE NSF ITEM RETURNED FEE CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE WITHDRAWAL # 0000651747 WITHDRAWAL # 0000834675 55754048 $ 29.77 57158837' _- 29.77 $ 59.54 52109361 72760113 $ 99528552 47A07800 47127897 9.95 5.00 22.00 5.00 220.00 270.00 1JNION ' DANK OF CAlIFO RNIA• continued 10/3 Total �j 2of2 f arotementNumber 6101104542 9/17/03.10/17/03 WITHDRAWAL # 0000794457 46129409 19.00 5 541.00 H1 STATFM OF ACCO_- TS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 PO BOX 53.2380 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0388 CY1 I Z 0 A WOO BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 la Iof2 ment Number: 6101104542 8/16/03.9/16/03 TeleservicesO For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800-238.4486 800.826.7345FDD) Representatives are available from 6 an to I I pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949.857.22I5 Visit us at www.uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ More tools to manage your personal finances. More convenient than ever. The new uboc.com. We are pleased to announce that uboc.coin has been redesigned with more features, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links to information and services. Look for the new uboc.com in the coming weeks. IHj Days in statement period: 32 258.55 Balance on 8/16 $ 363. Additions .13 22 Subtractions 1 Checks 02.43 Purchases .355.79 ATM withdrawals-100.00 Other withdrawals .90.00 .26.54 Balance on 9/ 16 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 72.66 We waived your service charge this statement period. Reference Amount Additions Data Desert rion 8/29 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROII PPD "'""'"""'""OSW3 51178602 $ 48513483 288,13 35.00A5216556 9/9 MISCELLANEOUS BANK ORIGINATED ITEM __ 40.00 9/10 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000649271 $ 363.13 Total Checks Number Dale ftefarenen Amount Number Dote Reterence Amount OOUO 8/21 26124413 $ 102.43 _ .- •• - - - - - - - - -- - - -. Reference Amount Purchases Data Description/Location 8/18 STATER 9142171BIG BEAR BIG BEAR LAKE CA 52109361 72271724 $ 28.08 11.18 ATM cord and MosterMoneyrM 8/21 TRADER JOE 14443 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 52109361 52109361 72321652 72350910 4.08 card purchases 8/25 MOTHER'S M 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA HARD 1024 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 72351455 7.32 8/25 • CROWN 8/25 MOTHERS MA 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA 62109361 52109361 72341729 72411239 2.00 3.42 8/25 DEL TACO # 105 COSTA MESA CA CA 52109361 52109361 72420519 23 82 8/29 ARCO PAYPO 14244 NEWPORT A TUSTIN 52109361 72411239 3.26 9/2 EL POLIO L 2501 SOUTH BRIS SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72411238 16.00 9/2 RED ROBIN 83 FORTUNE DR S 00001 CA 9/2 BIG LOTS # 040200040261 SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72412302 32.94 e2of2 a atement Numbor: 6101104542 8/16/03.9/16/03 continued 9/2 HOTWIRE • 333 MARKET STRE 877-468.9473 CA 9/2 WAL-MART i126502 TOWNE CEN FOOTHILL RAN CA 9/5 PPC"PEOPLE INT SVC 888-863-5916 CA Total 8/25 UBOC WESTPARK LBY INYINt t-r. including fees and 9/3 9/5 NSF ITEM PAID 1-1:t CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE adjustments 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 9/8 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/9 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/10 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/11 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/12 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/15 , CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/16 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE Total Al 52109361 72411339 $ 107.95 -- 52109361 72420943 10579 52109361 72481235 $ 355.79 9.95 52109361 72361010 $ 100.00 99532593 $ 25.00 5.00 99526939 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00. 5.00 $ 90.00 . — ,',eIof2 S T A T S M E Statement Number: 6101104542 • OF A C C d N T S 7/18/03 - 8/15/03 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Teleservicese WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 PO BOX 512380 90051-0380 For 24-hour Automated Direct Service LOS ANGELES CA 800.238.4486 800-826.73451TDDl Representatives are available from 6 am to 11 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949.857--2215 CY 11 Z O A 0000 Visit us at v wvr.uboc.com BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ect Deposit eposits N ySometimes there's our payroll check ustintnyot a oughaccolint everyhP Y Period saving youe day to make it to the ba trip torrthe bank or ATM. Get started today. Simply give your employer your Union Bank of California account number and this routing transit number: 12200496. Member rnl(-- Days in statement period: [y $ 64.08 Balance on 7/18 788.11 Additions -593.64 Subtractions .4343.14 payments .00 Purchases ATM withdrawals 0 61..50 Other withdrawals -89 258.55 Balance on 8/15 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 50.78 We waived your service charge this statement period. Date Descri don45W3 51808320 $ 466.73 ««.« «.«*.» 321.30 7/31 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD ««.«.«.««««95W3 55668928 788 11 8/15 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD $ Total P meets Date Deseri iron COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB _ _ - - - 53478693 $ 43:00 online and. 8/6 electronic banking Anmeat Reference Purchases Date Descri tion/Location PAYPO 3003 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA 52109361 71991430 $ 71991047 8.36 46.84 ATM card and 7/18 7118 ARCO 99 RANCH M 5402 WALNUT AVE IRVINE CA 52109361 52109361 71901448 11,02 MasterMoneyr'" 7/21 COCO'S #05 27360 ALICIA PK LAGUNA NIGUE CA 52109361 72122019 13.85 card purchases 8/1 ARCO PAYPO 833 N. RAMONA B SANJACINTO CA 52109361 72131051 16.16 8/1 Marshalls MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA 52109361 72131031 81.46 8/1 Marshalls MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA AVENIDA D LAGUNA HILLS CA 52109361 72131244 15.00 15.00 8/4 8/4 EL TORITO 24301 EDWARDS AL 26701 ALISO CRE ALISO VIEJO CA 52109361 52109361 72140627 72130437 16.00 8/4 CHILI'S GR 149500004952 ALISO VIEIO CA 52109361 72142303 18.00 8/4 FANTASTIC SAMS IRVINE CA CA 52109361 72141906 12.10 B/4 99 RANCH M 15333 CULVER DR IRVINE lamh 2of2 JJJ Sment Number: 6101104542 7/18/03.8/15/03 Purchases Dale Dascri rion/Lomrion 52109361 Reference 72131928 $ Aniouni 21.54 continued 8/4 8/4 BEST BUY METRO POINTESH COSTA MESA CA GosCo+1.95 BMC8009679649 Los Angeles CA 52109361 72161013 51.95 8/4 CHECKER FL 5289 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 52109361 72141010 72152311 54.99 7.92 8/5 BAJA FRESH 26584 MOULTON P LAGUNA HILLS CA 52109361 72180725 5 8/7 PEOPLE PC 866.7726277 CA 52109361 $ 400.14 Total ATM withdrawals Dore Daacri rion/location 52109361 Reference 72271407 $ Amount 61.50 8/15 JENSEN'S M 31987 HILLTOP B RUNNING SPRIN CA Other withdrawals Data Desai rion Reference 99530156 $ Amount 25.005.00 including fees and 7/22 NSF ITEM PAID FEE Call 7/24 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/25 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/28 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/29 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/30 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 46405579 37.00 8/6 WITHDRAWAL tt 0000794060 63045138 ' .00 2.00 8115 AIM NE'IWURKWIIHDRAWALFEE $ 8 Total IV New Certificates, (Recertification Uni[Number INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD') Regulations (M CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date ntdl tt:e HL'D: uintions. All capitclized teats used herein shall have the mearing set for:h in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North I/We the undersigned state that IAve have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all :o o:.the uo;: being or, lied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2 3 q• 5. Name of Members Relationship Social Security Place of Of the to Head of y Household Household Age Number Employment sf%ra} Nc3 Lam_RQ jY -9 55`i• $5• //33 C.Z (,un Sfbrrv��. i 5 G� 2-9 55U 93 y83 / S !w� a t Chad 3 �t7I�D (r�• J1`� I �'�nP, � /��—�s��n�Y— �'(l�la('3Cn f {1 •'�u`t J�r.,tr'iL, Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above fo he 12-m nth eriod begin Ling the earlier (the date that Uwe plan to move into a unit or sign a lease Pot a unit i & ,•77// Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and othersimilar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (c) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for of ill reimbursement of medical expenses; a nents Linder (c) lump suns additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including p yt health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title 11 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970: (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977: (i) payment to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973: (j) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (o) the first 52000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes `/, No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes _ X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than 55,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included ri item 6 above: S e been fuIL-time student 8 (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or this calendar year tat an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) during with regular faculty and students? Yes X No (b) Complete only if the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax retums? Yes No 9, This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and Uwe declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Uwe deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 1 I. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the i 1 z� of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. — 20� (year) in the City of ?� California Executed this day of Applicant Applicant !! ^ r7 LK Applicant pplicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) ./ FOR C131bIYLET.IOiti BY AYr�lr� T-NMNT OWNER ONLY: 1. Caicuiatipn of eligible incomw: a. Emr amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amoum entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract fror®- ''at figure the amount entered in 7(dx3) and entry the zemas tube ($ ); (2) Multiply the amotu yt In the current passbook savings rate v 1 '0 to determine what the total annual eataiq /(d)(1) would be if invebletl in passbook sa 'hk subtract from that figure the amount end, 'n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ H (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c, TOTAL ELYQMLE INCOME (line l.a plus lime 1.b(3): 2. 7be amount entered it l.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate Income Tenant(s), Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowerincome Tenant(s). QualZes the applican(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenants). i��LI/L(IIII�� 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: / / Z p Bedroom size: —3 Rent: $ 411• 06 4. This apartment unit (wastwas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate an4ated annual income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). 9. Method used to verify applicant(s) income: Employer income verification. Copiescf axreturns. Otae: /z' /z 'v3 Date ���� ro INWhM & ASSET CALCULATION WORkiHEET # 1 IastNan tMNams 0*5rZ2o°tt., A>ft'II Hobtlooft HOH I Sox rtjS.j&.jqjj I DatsotIN I AN 1pq SwW * S59•yS• 1133 FRAAtlatR usrm p w6bTb500tS AhtSE wt } •I •I % Al SO• Ky3 g �✓esTBtoov, 4m-nEK, G.av\ M 111 ',.00U 13 • S 71 I III 4 +/CST$KOO�( ton>N04. Soy- Q• 13 iZOD f 3 04• 6 B 7 -4=# P1 TnVMFMT FsmtV _ Manh, # _ _ _ _ Saprs Ban Aate S AY Aatrx Av Arad Toth 62 Ws Va 73 SatAL " 1 ¢ Ah t ri L� . G . $ 5'I I . G =$ 1 $ ^Q Total Box A I $ I BGO. P PA itrr.ir.A.q. I T ssif IF mom AsssthsotiOan f stock eW mt IrutrafC 6aTa¢ IaroasaarmAt. Veto Cwttr trash , AEfF ApotrVNoe Wool AotoalkW laAatr IcssefmmAaesls $t3G5' °O $ 0 _ $ 13G5, '°I P % I $ $ $ = $ % $ $ S = $ % 1 $ $ $ _ $ I % I S $ $ _ $ % $ $ $ _ $ % $ $ $ _ $ % $ Totals Box E: $ 1 Box F: $ Total Famdy To IActuol Income Income from Assets M IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box : $ Effective Date: /21u•03 If Box E exceeds$5,000 multiply Box Vythe current Typeeprogram%: �o J`tocf+`aZ't passbook interest rate: x % Unit No.: 112 Unit Size: 3t If Box E does notexceed S5,000 enter-0-in BoxG No. of persons: Ll INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:1 $ V I MR: /TiLZ•Q-3 Max. Income Unit: SCof S� °e Enter the greater of Box F or Box G AR:_ _ 140%11 TOTAL ANNUAL INCOMES TOTAL ASSETS $ _ $ r 1 n a n c vwuv hce,�IE APAT'1ENTMANAGEMENT LbMPAR'� Rental Application c ece(pt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely In ink, noting "N/A" or "none" where applicable Do not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (collectively, "Owner"). Community: NQJ,1� ��� NQ('�� Address: dt Applicant's full namn(Last, First, Middle Initial) TrJSr. Dateof Birth acial5eamity Numhv river's License# Was- bWuy-' K)AA+a.n D I3' Nb 7¢ 55185-If33 L(q A Nameof Co-Applicants(Seperote Application requiredforearh Cc -Applicant) p (Last, First', MidddlleInitlal) (Last,F4st,Middieinnial) (Last, Fvsh Middle initial) P V6l 17lCt;4 1 (Last, First, Middle Imt�l� (Laat I.M.1) (Laer, Flrst,Middle Innlal) 1 Ia`vvfr (VI/ a Applicant's Present Addres City =P awn Phone# 7Wo-13 a.. * a� a N JC5 NB gacorof7 e r fl r om (� oz Detached family hamel riAttached fomily home: Aportmead• H MonthHPaymentS Ta wham do youmvke prymcrdA I i Pment landlord's Name Addres Cty 23P Phonc# t 'N rtru N6 g2ua(a0 a Immediate Pr r Address Of loss than l yr. at a hove) awn outer MONK yP rtu r G/ Fmm y N (� El Rear. S is Immediate Prior Landlord's Name • Address City �ZIIP�� Phone At be you own a Pet? ❑yet lan. Number of Pets 1�I/d-Y Type• L2 �& a Prepo ed c V��D Wirth (Last, first, MlQ—�I Nfi-idf)� Did Brlh c N f f Al ° (Last, 1 dleInit I� Datc eF firth (Last, First,MiddleInkial) Doe of Birth n (Last. First, Mldtlle InitiaQ�� ^ Datn of Bmth (Last, Fins, Middlelaftl) Da1eaF Birth --- N�ia— rvlA- (Loot mme, address A phone number) it applicable, pwentr pram numbers. ( ) � Pj ( r� Raised, 10/01 Poe.1 d2 sPprau..Taawmann JE ENT MANAGGMeTr COMMA. How didyau first learn of this apartment community] ❑O.C.Register ❑Drive By ❑0e1Ra4Living.mm ❑promcti.m1sp. Event ❑Aportmexd Guide ❑signs ❑Website- Other • ❑5J Mercury ❑Orlg. Apt. Magazine ❑Other IAC Community❑Referral• ❑Newspaper•O1heP ❑Rental Living(IAC Mag)❑LATmes ❑Relamror Service ❑Magaxlne-Other• ❑For Rent Magazine OSD union ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt. Info Center ❑SD Reader ❑Postcard/Mailer Mother -Not Listed• • PLEASE FILL IN: Make rSrr �f��))V1 Year ear License# Make tAN DT YLicense 0 Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do you have Renter's InsuranceP "No Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntarly for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consort to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective empbyees and agents (callectively, the •IAMC Parties'), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Applicatlan through old' "Partial agendas, Tenant sweraing swice companies, banks (including electronic funds verlffcaHon), employers and other persons or entities with Information relating to this Application. I also authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Infarmation contained In this Application to various local, state and/or federal gowamout agencies, including without limitation, various low enforcement agoclu. I understand that if I loofa thuapwbwMt,theIAMCParnsshall have a continuing right to review my credit information, payment history, occupancy history and other information inihit Application for prpases related to my lute and/or for account review bath during and after the turn of my lease. I hereby release and hold harmless TheIrvinc Campary.Irvine Apartment Communities, LP., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, Including atarnryS fees, writing our of the vuiflcatlon and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, Including the rcleace of each information to other pours. I warrant that, to the best of my knowlWge, ail of the Information provided In this Application (including but net limited to the statement of my financial condition) Is true, accurate, complete and correct a of the daft of this Application, If any Information provided by me Is determinedto be false, such false statement will be grounds far disapproval of my Application artrrminailen of my Lease with Owner. I agree to notlfy IAMC If ary of the Information provided in this Application changes during the Application process or during my tenancy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether car not this Application Is approved. Anon•refundableAppllcatlon Screening Fee of i00.00 (as Itemized below) Isrequind from eachApplieanita process thlsApplieafion and to check the Infamu0anpmvided. A separate Application to Real must he signed byeachAppllcenlwhowlllacupylhe apartment before this Application will be consideredbylAMC. Onto Applicard'stignatiae RECEIPTFOR APPLICATIONSCREENINGFEE Onthedote eiaw, IAMC rmichm 30dN1 ramt curs uvgne Applicant lncomcchanwith App lcants.tpp lea I[onto Renteraperiment from owner. Tie vbove tic to be used to screen Applicant with regw& to uedlt history andathe,bodtgiound lnformoilan The amauM charged 1. Actual too, of credit report, unlawful Walnu(eviction)sewch, and/or otharsereening reparts $9.95 g Cost to obtain, protest and verify screening Information (may Include staff'stime and other relat<d costs) $20.05 1. Total fee charged (may not •steed$30 par Applicant) $30.00 nt authorizes vrrlfication of information supplied by Applicant an this Application through credit reporting attacks, personal refuence and other information sources. 12 �6Z•03 Data Irvine Apattment Management Company 0� �— o'f G 3 By: Date Redsod. Ia/ol Pegs g oft aspwuanraRemtaot. Income Restricted Certification Name, Unit #J Initial Certification :4 Re -certification Other NO zr f Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, ancUor any oth cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from ersous not livin with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pe sionnn nern 1 ylnc X benefit, Disttery ability benefit, AFDC, Lot' cr Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Fro e Uwe receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members aee 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed tome. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusl V Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, tel on Student bIREUS I . •VyV'- Does the household consist ofpersons khAPrcrhloo students (example College v a tort nme student Does your household anhernate becoming _ — --- household in the next 12 months? If you answered Les to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify, that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information tvill re ul in the al of application or termination of the inc 4D� e res% ict d leaseagreement. Resident Signature -G f Date � U5 Signature of Owner/Agent N(A - �nqk-� M •N .UO •� U R7 N aU. O U N z T m 55 Q O •C�l U p (YJ � 42 F Q N U a�42 O •� ° O F � p iy 00 N A iy' 79 > Q U « O p W y •Q O b •° W U tpO� p - .� W 0 U u Q m n N N O UO p b Q U M 5 y y E N y y Q QIn O U Q v d 0 Q E ❑ .•-. p w •� CL N N Q v _ bD OD N N p Q w GL? N y_ W ° M N O •O P L 45 O •`° N y 'N w o n 3 a 0 � N `� N � P�� W `� � ^•N 'O q Q•m o ° � N Vl y F � •O y� N "C O O � ❑ ttl � N � O O p ptol It N T N p FC pC O N Qco y ... 'o k o w o to .5 W y y .N C.1 `� `^' • N cc;[.• r of N N o0 Pa U m 0. >1 4' 4 I 415, Detailed Schedule rage i of i Detailed Schedule ALISE A WESTBROOK Term: SPRING 2004 Wed h TF ri Sat Sun10PRIENETR 0X]RE] The following is your detailed schedule for the term selected. Section ID/Title Session Instructor Credits Call Number Grade Type Days Time EDTC-673.41 Normal GARCIA- 04:30- SCND LANG Academic RAMOS, 3.00 11434 LT W 07:30PM DEVLP:THRIES & Term REYNA FOUND ED-699.-43 IND:UNDERSTAND Normal Academic ELLSASSER, CHRISTOPHER 1.00 12344 LT To Be ACCESS TO PUB Term W Arranged ED TotalkEn� ro d "ottwL 00= * Designates normal grading scheme Sections I Course Section Search I Student Schedule by Day and Time I Wastercard Payment I Registration Status I Select Term I I Student Services I Financial Aid I Secure Site https://webapps.pepperdine.edulia-binitsrvweb.exe?tserve tip read destroy&tserve tip_w... 2/10/2004 Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date // .,Jo - U3 YTD Income divided by Start with hire date if at job for less than a year NI 12 (how often paid) (x) F-/Z- =) Calculated Annual Income Hire Date =62� Gross per Pay Period �7 HE /57/ (�o 7 (i-) k./ divided by �] N r 15 7 (how often paid) (x) /Z---, (=) Calculated Annual Income 11 / Di ROU. 0` UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - IRVINE ACCOUNTING OFFICE 92697 IMPORTANT: PLEASE VERIFY ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT AND NOTIFY YOUR DEPARTMENT OF ANY ERRORS. RETAIN THIS STATEMENT AS A RECORD OF EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS FROM THE UNIVERSITY. EMPLOYEE ID NO: 091544041 FED WTHHLDG: MARRIED 998 ALLOW HOME DEPT NO: 210000 STATE WTHHLDG: MARRIED 998 ALLOW SOCIAL SECURITY NO: - - STATE ITEMIZED: 000 ALLOW EARNINGS STATEMENT ADDRESS: PERMANENT ADDRESS: NATHAN D WESTBROOK SOCIAL SCIENCE MAIL RUN 4 00500 VET EARNINGS OF $1,557.37 HAS BEEN SENT TO ACCOUNT AT HELLS FARGO FOR THE 10/31/03 PAY DAY. GROSS EARNINGS TAXABLE EARNINGS DEDUCTIONS NET EARNINGS ZURRENT $1,571.67 $1,571.67 $14.30 $1,557.37 YEAR TO DATE $12 573 36 •$12 573'36 EARNINGS DETAIL ?AY TYPE PAY RATE TIME GROSS PERIOD END DATE REGULAR 3143.33 .5000 % 1,571.67 10/31/03 k TOTAL EARNINGS * 1 l7l.67 DEDUCTION CONTRIBUTION DETAIL DEDUCTIONS COVERAGE AMOUNT ANT TAX-DEF Y-T-D AMT 3X AGNCY FEE 14.30 + TOTALS * $14.30 $.00 "ONTRIBUTIONS r TOTALS * .00 ;EAVE HOURS BALANCES AS OF 10 31 BEGIN ACCRUED TAKEN FINAL VACATION .00 .00 .00 .00 SICK LEAVE .00 .00 .00 .00 COMP TIME .00 .00 .00 .00 PAID TIME OFF .00 .00 .00 .00 LO-31-03 UNIVERSIT3 OF CALIFORNIA — IRVINE . ACCOUNTING OFFICE 92697 IMPORTANT: PLEASE VERIFY ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT AND NOTIFY YOUR DEPARTMENT OF ANY ERRORS. RETAIN THIS STATEMENT AS A RECORD OF EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS FROM THE UNIVERSITY. EMPLOYEE ID NO: 091544041 FED WTHHLDG: MARRIED 998 ALLOW HOME DEPT NO: 210000 STATE WTHHLDG: MARRIED 998 ALLOW SOCIAL SECURITY NO: — — STATE ITEMIZED: 000 ALLOW EARNINGS STATEMENT ADDRESS: PERMANENT ADDRESS: NATHAN D WESTBROOK SOCIAL SCIENCE MAIL RUN # 00500 NET EARNINGS OF $1,557.37 HAS BEEN SENT TO ACCOUNT AT BELLS FARGO FOR THE 12/01/03 PAY DAY. GROSS EARNINGS TAXABLE EARNINGS DEDUCTIONS NET EARNINGS, �URRENT $1,571.67 $1,571.67 $14.30 $1,557.37. FEAR TO DATE $14,145 03 $14 145 03 EARNINGS DETAIL PAY TYPE PAY RATE TIME GROSS' PERIOD END DATE REGULAR 3143.33 .5000 % 1,571.67 11/30/03 k TOTAL EARNINGS $1,571.67 DEDUCTION CONTRIBUTION DETAIL DEDUCTIONS COVERAGE AMOUNT AMT TAX—DEF Y—T—D AMT 3X AGNCY FEE 14.30 ' t TOTALS * $14.30 $.00 'ONTRIBUTIONS a TOTALS * .00 HEAVE HOURS BALANCES AS OF 11 30 BEGIN ACCRUED TAKEN FINAL VACATION .00 .00 .00 .00 SICK LEAVE .00 .00 .00 .00 COMP TIME .00 .00 .00 .00 PAID TIME OFF .00 .00 .00 .00 L2-01-03 i i Fi N(^"EAPPENTMANAGEMENTCOMPAw*A % Rental Application t Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely In Ink, noting 'NIA' or'nane" where applicable. Do not use white out, The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, °Owner°), twma (Lot, First, Middle Initlal) TrJSr. WtSt'brDOr I Firl i A 1I1?� AEes+bnc-i 560^gMP-81 J3X5 15a9 e of Co-Applicards(Separate Appl(canon requlredfor each Co -Applicant) p , First, Middle Initial) (Lot, First, Middle Initial) (Wt,Firsf, Middle Initial) P Or Na?han D.N N h (Last, FiM, Middle Initlal) (lasq first, Middle Inhial) (tart, Fast. Middle Initlal) fJ F� N NGf a Applicant's Present Address zrp own Phone# %r�p—f rf omen " VgD2 yV IGS NRZrara0 Nay r ®Renr. a T. f2 O tJ T. recant Detached famlly home: Attached family home: Apartment: 121 H Monthly Payments To whom do you mvh<poymotsP N NDrt;-u I s Prueni LandlardL Nome Address Cdy IIP Phone# r NIq2-(o(t a Immediate Prior Address (If less then I yr, at above) own MomhlyP en}: Dder A r y'A� r I v A El Rem: From To y S� Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Address Px City MP I Phone# Do you own a Pet? ❑Yes ®No Number of Pets: Type; o Pre ni id tiol o { ) Dateofgith (La ,rst,Mlddleinhiop Dote pf girth < N u (Lott, Flrs�1.L1.s M Dateafeirth (Last, Pirst,Midle Initian Dateof Birth p Oils, hjl Pr a n (Last, First. Middle Initlal) Date of Olrth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Dateof Dinh t N/Pr fJd9 �ll� In we of gency, please notify: (Local nome,addressa phonenumber)[Vo(Dj Mart�eak Wes+6rDDk- .9VJ WWODr� anim Ae°" � a If appocoble, parentsphontnumbers. N N U ( ) L RsNsedt lo/al Pepe t de AppleaaonTOROMMOt.w 49, GNTMANAGGMGNTCOMM. How did you first learn of th:n apartment community? ❑O.C, Pegistar, ❑Drive By ❑R.m.Wving.com ❑Pramotial✓Sp, Event ❑Apariment Suide ❑Sis. ❑Webtite-Other• ❑sTM"cury ❑0rlg.Apt.Mogazine ❑Other IAC Community❑Referral* ❑Newsp.W-oth"* ❑Rental Living(IAC Mag)❑LA Times ❑RClacotar Srswice ❑Magaztne- Other " ❑Far Rent Magazine ❑SD Union ❑ply" ❑Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt. Info Center El So Read" ❑Postas"Mail" ❑Oth"-List Listed" " PLEASE FILL IN: Make! v`yA year x,u LlcersetA Make Year License Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do you have Rentals Inruoncc? yes MNo Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Appllcutlan voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval " rant an apartment In the apartment community shown above, I hereby authorize and conaent to allow IAMC, Owner, and their rmpactiv.=play. and agents (collectively, the'IAhIC Parties•), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit reporting aga icl", tenant screening service companies, 6anW (including electranlc funds verification), employers and other prrsolis orentkt" with Informatlan ralaaly }o ihb Application. I vlso authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained In this Application to varous Iota, stale and/or federal government agencies, Including without Ilmitation, various law enfarwment ogcnclet. I understondthat if I lase this apartment, the IAMC Parties shall have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and ether Information in thw Application for purposat related to my Leine and/ar for account review both during and after the trrm of my Lease. I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communhies, I-P., Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, employees end agents, from ary and all liability, legal pro¢ediggs 9V costs, Includi:iq attorneys'fees, wising oat of the verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, indudhg thL rolessa of such Informatlon to other portla. I warrant that, to the bast of my knowledge, all of the Information provleled In thls Application (InciuGng but net limited to the statrment of my financial condition) is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Appllemki , If my Information provided by me Is determined to be false, such false smtement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termlmtion of my Leine with OwneO. I agree to Iwtify IAMC If any Of the Information provided in this Application chalyes deringthenppllmtlon process er owing eat tenanry, IolsaunderstOcithatIAMCivll)fetnin this Appllcotian, cfengwlth en/other Information provided by me, whetheror notthis Application Isopproved, A non•telundable Application screening Fee orsm.00 (13Itemized below) is required fmmeachAppffcantto process this Application andio cheek the .its Informationprovided. A separate Appllca0on to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will occupyNe apartment before WeApplicanon will be 0y%� eon"Idered by IAMC. Oafs U Applicant's signature RECEIPTFOR AOR16,47ION5CREENING FEE Ont he dote below, IAMC received 30.00 from in sun ersigne Applcamin connection cad Applleents Appleatlon to Rent an apartment roar Own". The above amount is to be used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background Information, Them therged j s Itemized W follows: 1. Actual costs of credit report, unlawful dettlner(evidion)sewch, and/or other screening reports $995 2. Costtoobtain,procassondverify rceening information(mvy include stoff'stime and o}hcrrclvtad rash) $20.05 3. Total fee charged (may not exeeed$30 per Applira ) §30.00 Id authorizes v"Ificotlan of )nformatlan supplied by Applicant on this Application through "ed3treporting agencies. personal reference and other informatloa sawc". Irvine Apartment Management Company Data RaAad. 10101 Pa02012 AppnotbnToeeNfaat.n income d Certification Name: Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No �Icas�Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support and/oY any of I �( h contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments be Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery or Annuities. ----. - ----- I/we receive benefits/income from Social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members eae 17 or under. pp p ents. ve are entitled to receive child su ort aym Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (e Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Certificate of Deposits, Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household cons students (example: Colle Does your household anf hnneehnld in the next 12 If you you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax retum. yes to Money Market accounts, Life insurance Real Estate persons who are all full-time iversity trade school etc.)? becoming a full -tune student is? f the nrevious two questions are Unit # _ 2 �--- Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result in the denial of application or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. As Date Gl �^ Signature of Owner/Agent Date /;:L4 , of G5 BENI BY: UAV1U#U#VEIEHUU,9EbU.; nUo400ay4t� ut�-ie-ua 4;iormj rAUC e/e Newport North Apartments 2 Milano Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8765 (M) 720.1598 FAX Verification of Family support Address: Newport Seaeb, CA 92660. 11 FJ ISi amount a monthly family support payment in the Vro. ,Social Security Number I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and complete. Signature of receiver. _ Signature of provider: State of California ./ County of Signed before me this I a 41 day of kYgcoZrl. k 20j2a , Califomia. To certify which witness my hand and seal office. No Public in and for the said County and State (~ •L ' - _ TRYNA -RJCONNNSONOMKf14er2n WW bu GUFORM tj LUCcNtY t,•a 11.2W7 My commission expires on: 0—// `aOO7 nDa m E Name Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet WWI /9Sll���o 2- 7? /. & 0 -7 divided by Oz (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % Z (_) Income from asset: $ 4 Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: Xat'kaV�-, ail vart%"oot(. Date: la - P-o r.2�(:�S.e. urJ,cn7f-h+-oar-c.. V Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: Recertification Effective date: Aleans of Clarification: Phone Conversation VPerson-to-Person Conversation Other: Date of Clarification: i.Z 03 Contact Name: Company/Organization: Summary of Clarification: Ill C,,tL\,cw% r^--�� (yvy'I !a oaf Explanation or Clarification Given: T b� S F�v�if wu S a /�1'' 1'�-�✓rt y— • IXJVl00� 1 S S �`+�lit '�'v.� Ol LC C9"•'��` t3v\ '1' �. l/1)O✓W`-riY`-- G✓++�'� y�iVyl lrL/S71•%! / �i o� r Employee Name: 1�V0vtr,", F{ (( Title: „flcAKekr;�� Employee Signature: Date: Account Statement October 4 through Novem- ) 5, 2003 Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 1 of 3 NATHAN D WESTBROOK ALISE WESTBROOK MART D WESTBROOK 2402 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3260 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 800-869-3557 (1-800-TO-WELLS), TDD number (for the hearing impaired only) 1-800-877-4833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228-6995. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION: The following changes are effective January 22, 2004. Insufficient Funds*: Paid Item/OD, $22/item, 1-2 occasions; $33/item, 3+ occasions. Returned Item/NSF, $20/item, 1-2 occasions; $30/item, 3+ occasions. An occasion is a day in which your account has insufficient funds to cover an item during the preceding 12 months. Also effective January 12, 2004, to complete as many of your Point -of -Sale (POS) and Wells Fargo ATM transactions as possible, Wells Fargo is enhancing the processing procedures for these transactions. If you perform an ATM or POS transaction and do not have sufficient funds in your account to cover the transaction, Wells Fargo may take any of the following actions: - Cover the transaction if you have overdraft protection; - Pay the transaction and create an overdraft to your account; or Decline the transaction. You may be assessed a fee, which will vary depending on the action taken. If you do not have overdraft protection, we encourage you to contact your local banker, call 1-800-869-3557, or visit us Online to enroll. We appreciate your business & look forward to continuing to serve your financial needs. *Effective March 15, 2004, for quarterly savings accounts. Custom Checking Nathan D Westbrook Alise Westbrook Mart D Westbrook Account Number: 061-0209440 Activity summary Balance on 10/03 Deposits Withdrawals $1,986.90 3,357.23 - 4,599.43 ........................................... - $*7* 44....70.. Balance on 11/OS $7 October 4 through Nover 5, 2003 ! Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 2 of 3 Effective January 12, 2004, a $10.00 Overdraft Protection transfer fee will be charged to a checking account for each day on which an advance is made from a line of credit account to pay for an overdraft. This fee will apply to customers with a Wells Fargo Reserve Line of Credit account linked to a checking account to provide Overdraft Protection and to customers who establish a new Overdraft Protection linkage on or after January 12, 2004, to a Wells Fargo Personal or Home Equity Line of Credit. For questions, please contact your Wells Fargo banker or call 1-800-869-3557. We appreciate your business & look forward to continuing to serve your financial needs. Activity detail Deposits Date Description Amount ................................................................................ 10/06 ATM Deposit - 10/03 Mach ID 0692B 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 $266.90 10/21 ATM Deposit - 10/21 Mach ID 0692A 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 ,532.96 10/31 Uc Irvine Salary 031031 XXXXX4041 Westbrook, Nathan D 0 1,557.37 Total deosits ............................. p $ 3,357.23 Withdrawals Checks Number Date $ Amount Number Date $ Amount ................ 909 ............... 10/08......15.00 911 ................... 11/03 1,367.00 910 10/22 65.95 912 11/03 167.17 Total checks $1,615.12 Other withdrawals Date Description .................................................................. SO/06 ATM Withdrawal - 10/03 Mach ID 0692B 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 10/08 Bk Of Amer VI/Mc Online Pmt 031008 CKFI61660922POS Westbrook,Nathan 10/17 So Calif Edison Payments 031017 2226718377 Westbrook, Nathan 10/21 ATM Withdrawal - 10/21 Mach ID 0692A 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 10/21 Check Crd Purchase 10/20 Balboa Beach Cc #3 Lake Elsinore Ca 432371XXXXXX5607 2449215965V1X1KM3 ?MCC=5691 121042882DA 10/22 Chase Credit Car Bill Pay 031021 46367360200 Westbrook Nathan 10/23 Capital One Online Pmt 329539960050419 2247485218Westbrook NA 10/27 Discover Smart Chk 031024 601100996023745 Westbrook Alise 10/27 Capital One Online Pmt 329839960055818 2247485218Westbrook NA 10/27 Providian Paymt Creditcard 031024 102420034611644 Nathan Westbrook 10/27 The Gas Company Simplepay 031025 0658076223Netpy Westbrook Nathan D 10/27 POS Purchase - 10/27 Mach ID 000000 5445 Alton Parkmcd 11758 Irvine Ca 5607 $ Amount 40.00 19.75 37.09 20.00 41.34 107.00 749.97 556.51 100.00 89.00 20.92 14.82 October 4 through Novet 5, 2003 Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 3 of 3 Other withdrawals -continued Date Description $ Amount ................................................................................ SO/29 Ucs-Click To Pay Payment MZPN1@51@971Ctp A1ise Westbrook 96.00 10/30 Check Crd Purchase 10/29 Papa John'S Pizza # 27 Costa Mesa Ca 432371XXXXXX5607 24492799E3DWMM8Mr ?MCC=5812 121042882DA 26.91 10/31 Check Crd Purchase 10/29 Uc Irvine -Park & Tran Irvine Ca 432371XXXXXX5607 24138299F9W1G7NB6 ?MCC=8220 121042882DA 65.00 11/03 Check Crd Purchase 10/31 Elmore Toyota Westminster Ca 432371XXXXXX5607 24492799J3Egybaff ?MCC=5511 121042882DA 1,000.00 ................................................................................ Total other withdrawals $2,984.31 ................................................................................ Total withdrawals $4,599.43 Daily balance summary Date $ Balance Date $ Balance ..................................... 10/03 ..................................... 1,986.90 10/23 2,690.66 10/06 2,213.80 10/27 1,909.41 10/08 2,179.05 10/29 1,813.41 10/17 2,141.96 10/30 1,786.50 10/21 3,61358 10/31 3,278.87 10/22 3,440:63 11/03 744.70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct Deposit Advance (Lender - Wells Fargo Bank Nevada, N.A.) Outstanding balance as of last statement $0.00 Outstanding balance as of this statement $0.00 LIFE CAN BE FULL OF SURPRISES AND SOMETIMES YOU NEED EXTRA CASH FAST. THE DIRECT DEPOSIT ADVANCE SERVICE IS THERE WHEN YOU NEED IT. ADVANCE UP TO $500 OF YOUR RECURRING DIRECT DEPOSIT INCOME AT THE ATM, ONLINE OR CALL THE PHONE BANK. SEE YOUR CONSUMER ACCOUNT FEE AND INFORMATION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. Account Statement September 5 through Oct )r 3, 2003 Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 1 of 3 NATBAN D WESTBROOK ALISE WESTBROOKTBROOK : MART D WESTBROOK - N S 2402 NAPLES NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3260 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 800-869-3557 (1-800-TO-WELLS), TDD number (for the hearing impaired only) 1-800-877-4833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228-6995. Need home repairs? Whether you need a new roof, new windows or a kitchen remodel, a Wells Fargo Home Equity Account is a smart financial resource for home improvements. To apply for a Home Equity Account call 1-877-302-3769. Custom Checking Nathan D Westbrook Alise Westbrook Mart D Westbrook Account Number: 061-0209440 Activity summary Balance on 09/04 Deposits Withdrawals $598.31 5,894.50 - 4,505.91 ..................................................... Balance on 10/03 $1,986.90 Activity detail Deposits Date Description Amount ................................................................................ 09/OS Paypal Transfer 030904 1936227987 Nathan Westbrook $170.00 09/19 ATM Deposit - 09/19 Mach ID 0692B 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 135.0 09/23 Uc Irvine Uci Disbm 030919 0249620800 Westbrook,Nathan Don 3,307.50 09/24 ATM Deposit - 09/23 Mach ID 0692B 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 10.00 09/25 Uc Irvine Uci Disbm 030923 0249620800 Westbrook,Nathan Don 2,272.00 ................................................................... Total deposits $5,894.50 September 5 through Oct )r 3, 2003 Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 2 of 3 Withdrawals Checks Number Date $ Amount Number Date $ Amount ..................................... 903 09/11 130.00 .............................. 906 09/23 3.00 904 09/05 495.00 907 09/30 164.85 905 09/29 17.82 908 10/03 1,367.00 Total checks $2,177.67 Other withdrawals $ Amount Date Description ................................................................................ 09/OB Bk Of Amer VI/Mc Online Pmt 030908 CKF161660922POS Westbrook,Nathan 20.41 09/10 Discover Smart Chk 601100996023745 Westbrook Alise 21.24 09/11 ATM Withdrawal - 09/11 Mach ID 0692A 4590 McArthur Blvd Newport Beach Ca 5607 20.00 09/12 Citi-Click 2 Pay Payment MQB9VC5FYKRBCtp Nathan Westbrook 46.98 09/16 So Calif Edison Payments 030916 2226718377 Westbrook, Nathan 49.65 09/17 Overdraft Fee 30.00 09/24 American Express Elec Remit 030923060862539 Nathan D Westbrook 120.00 09/24 Chase Credit Car Bill Pay 030923 46367360200 Westbrook Nathan 109.00 09/24 Bank One Epay 030923 000000086344871 Westbrooknathan D 52.25 09/24 Discover Smart Chk 601100996023745 Westbrook Alise 10.00 09/25 Withdrawal Made In A Branch/Store 800.00 09/25 The Gas Company Simplepay 030924 0658076223Netpy Westbrook Nathan D 16.10 09/25 Pa al Transfer 030925 2025563859 Nathan Westbrook 4.50 09/26 Ucs-Click To Pay Payment G5N1@9@71PZ7Ctp Alise Westbrook 98.00 09/30 Paypal Transfer 030929 2037619441 Nathan Westbrook 20.00 09/30 Pay al Transfer 030929 2040160468 Nathan Westbrook 12.51 10/03 Bk Of Amer VI/Mc Online Pmt 031003 CKF161660922POS Westbrook,Nathan 897.60 Total other withdrawals..•.•..•." ..$2,328.24 Total withdrawals.......••••...........................................54,505.91 Daily Date balance summary $ Balance Date $ Balance ..................................... 09/04 ..................................... 598.31 09/19 90.03 09/05 273.31 09/23 3,394.53 09/08 252.90 09/24 3,113.28 09/10 231.66 09/25 4,564.68 09/11 81.66 09/26 4,466.68 09/12 34.68 09/29 4,448.86 09/16 - 14.97 09/30 4,251.50 09/17 - 44.97 10/03 1,986.90 September 5 through Oct( 'y 3, 2003 Account Number: 061-0209440 Page 3 of 3 ----------------- Direct Deposit Advance (Lender - Wells Fargo Bank Nevada, N.A.) Outstanding balance as of last statement $0.00 Outstanding balance as of this statement $0.00 DO SOMETHING FAST TO AVOID OVERDRAFTS AND RELATED FEESI CHOOSE THE DIRECT DEPOSIT ADVANCE SERVICE TO ACCESS UP TO $500 PRIOR TO RECEIVING YOUR RECURRING DIRECT DEPOSIT INCOME. JUST USE THE ATM, ONLINE OR CALL THE PHONE BANK. SEE YOUR CONSUMER ACCOUNT FEE AND INFORMATION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name: : AAAcan W2—ghrwK Date: /2 • S'-(3 xInitial Certification D ate of Exp ected Move -In:. Recertification Effective date: Means of Clarification: Phone Conversation er n-to-Person Conversation Date of Clarification: /.Z U3 Contact Name: Company/Organization: Summary of Explanation or Clarification Employee Name: Title: c. , 14. Employee Signature:_ Date:_�z •'03 New Certificates/Recerti6cah(7 tit Number Wq INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project (" HUD') Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North Me the undersigned state that Uwe have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment MOSn l-m,(dnt N1a� Cad_ 32 112-7y-43o1 A1�k� rcvte Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the �12-m_ onth pe beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is $ 4 3 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or professionur from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; (a) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (f) relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; 0) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other fort of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) _Yes X No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,0001 Yes X No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in tb.e_ 2-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ — and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes No (b) Complete only if the answer to Ouesflon 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person foster than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes X No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to'occupy the unit; and Uwe declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Uwe deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 79IQ of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. Me declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 10" day of NoueY»L-r_r 12003 (year) in the Cityof ��Califcmia Applicant Applicant FOR COMPiB"T><ON By "ARTIvwn OWNER ONLY I. Calcaladon of eligible income: a- Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: $ 3q 90 ly 3 y b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(e)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract from ',u figure the amount entered in 7(dx3) and enter the Tema° tin, •e ($ )� (2) Mulfifi�ply u In' the current passbook savings rate tir O to determine what the total annual earniq . /(d)(1) would be if invested in passbook savior ! ). subtract from that figure the amount ante, n 7(d)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under � (1) or (2) above: $ N,//��A c. TOTAL E1xOIBU)17 4COM1 (line l.a phis line l.b(3): . 8 4 2. 'Ibe amount entered in i.c: Qualities the applicants) as a I+ foderate•lacome Tenant(s). X Qualifies the applicants) as a Lower-facome Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicants) as a Very -Low income Tenant(s). 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: 2 419 Bedmarn size: f Rent: S ), -130 . dC. 4. This apartment unit ( no ) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated anneal ome as certified in the above manner upon their kadd occopaycy of the spartm=unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). S. Method used to verify applicant(s) income: XEmployer income verification. Copies of tax returns. a ., Merge' Date 01AU¢snmrmu /0. 1-1� Income Restricted Certification Name:. /`1 l¢ G; / q:ljl o ✓ldt Unit # 2 It Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No vuesu u Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, and/or any of cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility payments from ersons not in 7 with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Administration, Pension, Unemployn benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, Inhedta or Annuities. V) SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members age 17 or under. Uwe are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe amlare currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uwe have other assets (example: 401K, IRA, Revocable Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real Estate Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: y� Does the household consist of persons who are all full-time students exam le: Colle e ersity, trade school, etc.)? -time student Does your household anticipate becoming a full household in the next 12 months? If you answered �s to either of the previous two questions are you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information will result in the denial ap ication or termination of the income restricted lease agreement. G IV142 �5 Resident Signa re Date It7 /22/c--3 Date Signature of Owner/Agent IJ TA12T Av AmW A# emelale Sdm _ i Av kn W Snehi Ylt AY Yr Told e $ 5' I $ Total Bax A $ 3914q 3 Cnrrer Corr mrmv Annrornwro v.... Mak A#* Ini fle. U A Amid 24 b R 1 sarca s Av lAre Wr soN,i !W Ai Y. TOM $ =$ $ Total Box B $ `. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE A Amu1 I� memt. sz u 21 tt t # smn s Agggbn W[ sFAYAIt AtN1t 16 YA LW Total BOX i' $ nmrrvo Twrrnx.rc FM* iueleh A kmMAY. 52 U X R * Sam i 1 A lnoe W soMi &Wc Ili Yv TOW $ =$ $ $ TnMAT AXMWYAT,...,.............� __ TotalBoxD $ - MUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS BoxG:® If Box E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current passbook interest rate: x If Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS BOx H: $ Enter the greater of Box F or Box G Assets Effective Date: 1 J0jL,,nj;,5--OS Type of Program %: I O LA/ Unit No.: 2614 Unit Size: No. of persons: I WE ✓ Ma%.Income Limlt: 99,26D AR: 140%Limn: TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ �9 v4 q . 4 & TOTAL ASSETS $ fy = $ 39 4A4 F a I IIAW VAIC' Mark Moshkovich IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY P.O.Box 7712 Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening FI Newport Beach, CA 92660 Please complete this form entirely In Ink, noting "NIA' cur "nPhone: 714-2725k27 one where applicable. Do not use whit provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to renb an apartment to you in an apartment corm E-mall: mg266O@yahc o.com Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, I.P. or Irvine Commercial bevelanment C„mnam, L-Ild Community: A" 02IL /I/O2Z/n Address: full name(Lost, First, Middle Initial) SrJSr, /iARK Dui of Birth od�i9�7/ Sodol Security Number briver's License# /lZ-,W--/!30/llconts PAPs (5eparate Application required far each Co -Applicant) dle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Lest, First, Middle Inirlal) TotFFirst, Middle Initial) (Lost. First, Middle rnitian (Last, First, MI < Initial) 9'y9 Soo-077% Applicant's Present Address City ,( ZIP y 80 C.Aisiel/-60 sP''3a ag / /�5,�a 97� Z% awn phone�7 oat. From - m ress. Yl79Z660 9jAtiav, Rent: 10 Ta Detached family Noma.El Attached focally home: Apartment: Monthly PaymentE I7�Q 2 To whom do you make payments? /,,&'" 14 Present Landlord's Name Address )0/�� ISn city ZIP Phonc# Immr�ediate Prior,AAd/dressy(If less%he.I yr. at above) / a 03 / �O/°/ON d M l/ii�3E Own Monthly Payment: pat IV /4y 0K %�eYd'�ri/ 9L66v ®kenY. S �6'�O z From// p//✓Z Ta Od a Oj Immediate Prior Wndiard's Name Address T� C �fOMo� �.r�- l/ City' /�GW O� ZIP Phone# �i60 9y/9-675 8000 DoyouawnaPcrp UY. IV.f No Numberof Pets. '— Type; ' Proposed OomManI,(Lost, First, Middle Initial) Date of Birth (Last, First, Middle Inirlal) Dateof Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Data of Birth (Last, First, Middle Initial) Dateof Birth (Last, First. Middle Inirlet) Data of Birth (Wt. First, Middle Iritinl) Data of Birth Employer (Ifself-employe , non:e of business) Duslmo Address (including ZIP Code) hone Wq Type of Business �/P�L Position /p�t Dal F.03 9/ so q Isar CLrMYl- Phonc# 7/4- Income TO S9r99oo 2 704/= ..tW/-ZI"a ZSSO, Ma, other Income Source Applicant must provide 2 pay stubs or current W2 form Contact Immediate Prior Employer Address (including ZIP Code) Phonc# oohs Income From Ta Mo. Checking: bank and breach (Include Cit /stare 33�EG�{,4AW/- Account � �4 Savings: bank and branch (Include City/State) Account# Have you ever filed bankruptcy! ❑yes hrt� County and State where filed. �•--� Whmy�p sy.f,s Have you ever had any public record suits, Ile"; Judgments or reponceslo,7 yes rMNo What year? Have you ever: If yes, describe in detail: Been convicted of a felmry?❑yes MNo Been evl.tcd? ❑yes I'�—j,No Defaulted an o leas.) ❑yes ONO In case of enmrgency, please notify: (Local noma. address a phone number) Relationship: If applicable, parents' phone riumbers. SOA/S IRS) 7097666 Falhrr'f Name Marl,a.•f� ( ) Revised: 10/03 Page 1 of 2 Application to Rent WINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY How did you first learn of this apartment community) ❑O.C.Ragisier ❑Drive By ❑Rental-Livingcom ❑Promotion/SP Event ❑Apartment Guide ❑sig" ❑Website-Other' nSTMercury ❑Orig Apt. Maganr¢ ®Other IAC Community❑Referral` Newspaper -Other - ❑Rental Living(IAC Magi MLA Tim" riRelocator service ❑Magazlne-Other" ❑Far Rent Magazine DSD Union Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt. Info Center ❑SD Read" ❑Postoord/hIdler ❑Other -Not Listed" • PLEASE FILLW Reasonferrelocoilon: ec/% How many vehicles do you own/drive? / Make .C.tir.e.✓,eoL�� rear, ZOcO/ LI""e# 4W10,57,T5- Make year License# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers Is not permitted in the Community. on you have Renter's Iesuranee? El yes ®No Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application vokutorily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the •IAMC Parties"), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks (Including electronic funds verification), empioyrrs and other persons or could with Information relating to this Application. I also authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained In this Application to various local, state and/or federal government agencies, including without limitation, various law enforcement agencies. I understand that If I lease this apartment, the IAMC Parties shot[ have a continuing right to review my credit Information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information In this Application for purposes related to my Lease and/ar for account review both during and after the term of my Lease. I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, LP . Irvine Commercial Development Company, Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, ample yees and agents, from my and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, Including altorneye fees, arising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application. Including the release of each Informal... to other parties. I warrant that, to the beet of my knowledge, all of the Information provided In this Application (including but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) Is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Application. If any Information provided by me is determined to be false, such false statement will be grounds far disapproval of my Application or termination of my Lease with Owner. I eye. to runty IAMC If any of the information provided in this Application changes during the Application process or during my tenancy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other information provided by me, whether or not this Application is approved. A non-refundable Application Screening Fee of 53D.00 (as itomlzed below) Is required from each Applicant to process this Application and to check file Information provided. A separate Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will occupy the apartment before this Application will be considered by IAMC. bate Applicant's signature RECEIPT FOR APPLICATTONISCRFPNTMA FFF above amount is to be used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background information Theamountchargedis [zed as follows: Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detalwr(eviction)search, and/ar other screening "parts a $720 Cost to obtain, process and verifycoreening Information (may Include staff's time and other related costs) $22.75 Total fee charged (may not "=it $30 per Applicant) $3000 math orizes verification of information supplied by Applicant an this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference d other Information sources Date — Applimnt'sslgmmre Irvine Apartment Management Company to 1291a3 By: Revised: 10103 Page 1 of 2 Application to Rent Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Mn,- Employer Wa In,�d,'s ►��o� Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date 17 fo �(2ao3 YTD Income 3215tFs.22 divided by 2Z Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (=) 1 I,,971).'713 (how often paid) (x) 1 26 =) Calculated Annual Income 38r474•ZS Hire Date 3�c1 Gross per Pay Period 1,51q. oq :1 (+) I, 51 q . a q (_) 3;o312.1S divided by z HE /6101, 01 (how often paid) (x) 1 24 (_) Calculated Annual 31,Llu-3y G4 FILE pSFT. al) VON Ft no, ,07u Md- 000070 403 0000410021 1 ATLANTIS EYECARE 9940 TALBERT AVENUE FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 (714)964-2100 Taxable Marital Status; Single Exemptions/Allowances: Federal: 1 State: 1 Earnin, ; Statement �> > Period Beginning: 09/22/2003 Period Ending: 10/05/2003 Pay Date: 10/10/2003 MARK MOSHKOVICH P.O. BOX 7712 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 Social Security Number: 112-74-4301 Earnings rate hours this'period year to data Other Benefits and Regular 18.9000 80:00 V,512.00 25,084.80 . Information this peridd total to date Overtime 28.3500 .25• 7.09 301.73 Pto Balance 30,P7 Holiday 727.20 Pto 4,262.40 `• Retro Pay 360.00 , .G`irt7ss..Pay .;f7. 5t'S„09' 30,736.1.3 Deductions Statutory Federal Income Tax-201.71 4,049.85 Social Security Tax -93.95 1,900.77 Medicare Tax -21 .98 4444.,54 CA State Income Tax -55, 92 1 ; 0♦31: p9: CA SUI/SDI Tax-13..64 2M9'2' Other g'p Chk-1,126.135•-• , n Life After -Tax '-1.30 27.30 Longterm 125 -3:74* 78,:54 s Mileage -237:00 " E iget lo4y Su�iao * Excluded from federal taxable wages - Your federal taxable we es -this period are •M. .+^m ..r. . H N u U. r4 t� •, 4; `. t4 I'll fVTAIN. VA1J Yj Cy4 92' 8 ` f �?�64.2�OD:'- ,;r�f='f„+'• i , ,�{� 4 9 ;• °f � 5 • ��.2 Z. • InVanr\l(Yllin 1NK OF ,091,3�0367,$:• :..fz�0OQ66,'i: - i'�$1;;'12b.85,' •VOID 'AFTER 1e0•,DAYS';•i• NONNEG,OT'IABLE lwr1 / n1 � .� I n[m-�Q�i���.....V •�'IYw�VW �D�Il 0V�1,: Y..� '.i1! O? °C riq,r.rw D ` j=yir N';rr cm p G' Go CD 0 0 0 N m .�tRw.i S•rC 00 0 a E Q L O O O S U SYw:rr S'� 22 OM L O m W °� m O m m m �'e:�• ""'"iic N o o 2 O. d E m (d •C 'C T Q W .L `p 4� M�uM ;fTnr LU a. a. a n. z O a tl.iZ7 4 aN,N 1cm ON O NO LhN 0 ) w Ey�z,.%._'•'" *t. N o 00 GD 1� O N 'ct IO I� m (D N n y N O M N lD N In h m CIA N c0 N 0n � N N O' pp OQmm'daVO p n dE; �avea 21 `m fo r iri di rn 1n ni to .- m • m y : ;:'aa F3' <!`.' O N M ili N rn N rO r i wo O 'ct i ' ul Z l` ` _ W iii N N O N O a jr' cagy W ti J `° . o V—) e °r w~ E o 4 ` «• 1'0 Z N¢ m 0 0 0 ?. c> F-. p F- r V m: LU m $ o o w 0 LWO f� Z — �.ro .a. _ ter , v win,,.,„...,^ tsvt/3 ti I— w m 69 m rn rn m rn yy .0 ro ro D - •€ ai' m L :�i° °x �S:�n;x,;,.�F,,rtt^`a-Q o , a Ear 9 m eD co kb u O 'ai '� nJ ul m ¢ rn 1 •' AS' i� . . X` o'r '. 3''iC$:9L^�'t.' u. m 'o N ,- ,r°» :9 w o Q C '« s m" �:, v` r m.; ' •>li: !' j-E»� >:+::4��"`.,qo' S ^ /1 Asset Calculation Worksheet Name ►Marle Vhn5�1�,-Vrcti Account Type (-' L,ak ink_ qq2 .a) ( + ) 31o53,.G5 divided by 2 (_) 210Z2.g3 (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % Jor (_) Income from asset: $ Ar .'.Sties �• l BankofAmericaW r" 0913 EO-3 MARK MOSHKOVICH PO BOX 7712 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658-7712 F.� Your Bank of America VERSATEL Checking Statement Statement Period: September 23 through October 23, 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.hankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Corona Bel Her Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1990 Bank of America appreciates your Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, business and we enjoy serving you. transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. Summary of Your VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance on 09/23/03 $3,053.65 Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 5 Total Deposits + 2,311.63 Number of purchase transactions 0 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Transfers, Account Fees - 4,373.27 Self -Service 2 Assisted 0 Ending Balance $992.01 6 of your Customer Service Calls are free of charge each statement period. Important Information About Your Account You may qualify for a checking plan without monthly service charge! If you consistently maintain a $1,000 minimum balance in your checking account or an average of 05,000 in combined balances in your deposit accounts, call the telephone number on this statement or visit your local Bank of America banking center for more Information. Put your home equity to good use. Whether you use it for a vacation, education t expenses or transferring balances on higher interest rate credit cards or loans, it's your choice. Talk to a Bank of America representative today. Automatic bill payment with your Bank of America Check Card (R) is just a phone call away. It's as easy as 1-2-3. 1-Call your service providers and tell them you want to sat up automatic payments. 2-Provide your Bank of America Check Card (R) number and choose a payment date. 3-Track your payments an your monthly statement or an online banking. Own a Small Business? Our Small Business checking accounts come with free Online Banking service and Bill Pay and a free business check card. We can help you manage your cash flow and provide you with tools to make your business run more efficiently. Open an account or learn more at www.bankafamerica.com/smallbizchecking. Bank of Ameriea News Now there's a much faster and easier way to manage your accounts and pay bills. 'With our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service, pay virtually all your bills from one easy -to -use screen - in minutes. Just tell us who, how much and when you want to pay. It's free with your checking account. Sign up today at www.bankofamerica.com. Protect yourself from overdrawing your balances - Sign up for Overdraft Protection from your Regular Savings or Bank of America credit card. Funds are automatically transferred from the linked account to cover the payment. For more details, visit bankofamerica.com or stop by your local Bank of America banking center. BankofAmerica -*P- �" MARK MOSHKOVICH Statement Period: September 23 through October 23, 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 Checks Paid N Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Amount 09/24 1181 0 10.00 Total of 2 Checks Paid *860.00 10/06 1183 850.00 Account Activity ---------------------- Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Deposits and Credits 09/26 Eyecare Speciali DES:Payroll ID:6640018995479i] INON:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID:9111111101 PPD Ref:020032683086403 $1,184.78 10/10 Eyscare Speciali DES:Payroll ID:7030004416229i.i INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Ca ID:9111111101 PPD Ref:020032814079481 1,126.85 Total Deposits and Credits S2,311.63 Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 09/23 Mbna America DES:Online Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx8666pus INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID.9500000000 WEB Ref:020032655588606 065.00 09/26 •Household Credit DES:Online Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Co ID:9500000000 WEB Ref:020032682856944 205.83 09/29 American Express DES:Elec Remit ID:030927060249909 INDN:Mark Moshkovich Co ID:0005000008 PPD Ref:020032724438923 204.17 09/29 Cash withdrawal on 09/29, 008536 220.00 Bank of America ATM #408960 (Card #165120148) 10/02 Chase Automotive DES:Bill Pay ID: 10116614063 INDN:Moshkovich Mark Cc ID:M391165550 PPD Raf:020032753642304 291.01 10/06 Cash withdrawal on 10/061 002622 200.00 Bank of America ATM #076404 (Card #1652201481 10/07 Cash withdrawal on 10/07, 004962 100.00 Bank of America ATM #076402 (Card #165120148) 10/08 Cash withdrawal an 10/07, 006754 200.00 Bank of America ATM #091302 (Card #165120146) 10/08 American Express DES:Elec Remit ID:031007060051621 INDN:Mark Moshkovich Co ID:0005000008 PPD Ref:020032812102845 600.83 20/24 Household Credit DES:Onlina Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID:9500000000 WEB Ref:020032872854507 425.27 10/15 Household Credit DES:Online Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Co ID:9500000000 WEB Raf:020032875692122 255.58 10/20 Household Credit DES:Online Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Co ID:9500000000 WEB Rsf:020032930243707 238.00 10/21 21st Century Ins DES:Insurance ID: INDN:Mark )(moshkovich Cc ID:1919610000 WEB Ref:020032931475182 157.00 10/22 Household Credit DES:Onlina Pmt I➢:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID:9500000000 WEB Ref:020032943820966 95.82 10/22 Mbna America DES:Online Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx8666pos INON:Moshkovich,Mark Co ID:9500000000 WEB Ref:020032943821038 104.62 10/22 Cash withdrawal on 10/22, 008634 220.00 Bank of America ATM #408960 (Card #165120148) 10/22 Ebill-Phone Pmt DES:Epospymnts ID:03102044ae2e IN➢N:Mark Moshkovich Cc ID:9016968523 WEB Ref:020032943768353 230.14 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 03,513.27 Continued on next page California Page 2 of 3 BankofAmerica%� r^ MARK MOSHKOVICH Statement Period: September 23 through October 23, 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network M076402 Brookhurst & Adams, Huntington Be, CA N076404 Brookhurst & Adams, Huntington Be, CA M091302 Corona Del Mar, Corona Del Me, CA 0408960 Brookhurst & Adams, Huntington Be, CA California Page 3 of 3 BankofAmerica —%� " 0913 EO-3 MARK MOSHKOVICH PO BOX 7712 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658-7712 Your Bank of America VERSATEL Checking Statement Statement Period: August 22 through September 22, 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Corona Del Mar Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 1990 Bank of America appreciates your Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, business and we enigy serving you. transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com, v=vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvevvvvvvvvvvv=v=v_vvvvvvvvevvevvvvvvvvv=vcvvvevv=vvvvvvovvvvvvevvvvvvvvvv _==vevvvvvv=vvvv Summary of Your VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance on 08/22/03 $2,948.50 Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers Total Deposits + 2,360.49 Number of purchase transactions Total Checks, Withdrawals, Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Transfers, Account Fees - 2,255.34 Self-service Ending Balance 53,053.65 Assisted Important Information About Your Account You may qualify for a checking plan without monthly service charge! If you consistently maintain a $1,000 minimum balance in your checking account or an average of $5,000 in combined balances in your deposit accounts, call the telephone number on this statement or visit your local Bank of America banking center for more information. Put your home equity to good use. Whether you use it for a vacation, education expenses or transferring balances on higher interest rate credit cards or loans, it's your choice. Talk to a Bank of America representative today. Benk of America News Automatic bill payment with your Bank of America Check Card (R) is just a phone call away. It's as easy as 1-2-3. 1 - Call your service providers and tell them you want to set up automatic payments. 2 - Provide your Bank of America Chock Card (R) number and choose a payment date. 3 - Track your payments on your monthly statement or an online banking. It's not too late to apply for a student loan from Bank of America. Visit benkofsmerica.com/studentbanking. Let us help you make your dreams come true. Now there's a much faster and easier way to manage your accounts and pay bills. With our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service, pay virtually all your bills from one easy -to -use screen - in minutes. Just tell us who, how much and when you want to pay. It's free with your checking account. Sign up today at bankofamerica.com. Bank of America is a proud sponsor of the 2003 L. A. County Fair, September 12 to at Fairplex in Pomona. Enjoy half price admission Monday through Thursday evenings with $5 after 5PM. The Fair lights up with fireworks, entertainment and concerts during "Fair after Dark." For more information, visit lacountyfair.com. 28 Continued an next page California Page 1 of 3 Bankof America 1%� MARK MOSHKOVICH Statement Period: August 22 through September 22, 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount 09/08 $100.00 zz=eccoecccce_ eccccoee ccccce=oec=cccccco=oecccccocccccocccccoco=cccccoccec=cccccccceo_ oeccccccccc000cccccccccccccc Checks Paid Date Paid Number Amount 09/08 1182 $850.00 zezescceccoeeecc=coo_ eocccoo=cc.cccc=eeee=ccc0000==ccccocoe==ccoce=eeccccooeeecccccceececc coe=occccocceeeeecc== cc Account Activity Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Deposits and Credits 08/29 Payroll Eyecare Speciali Cc ID: 9111111101 Moshkovich,Mark ID# 6670014186549ij Ref:000018675224001 $1,072.14 09/12 Eyecare Speciali DES:Payroll ID:1050024198339ii INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID:9111111101 PPD Ref:020032544450688 1,188.35 .Total Deposits and Credits $2,260.49 Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 08/25 Cash withdrawal an 08/25, 000682 $40.00 Bank of America ATM #076402 (Card #165120148) 08/26 Online Pmt Mbna America Cc ID: 9500000000 Moshkovich,Mark ID# Ckfxxxxx8666pos Ref:000002678633701 30.00 09/02 Purchase an 08/30 (Card #165120148), 201298 13.84 Longs Drug Store Costamesa CA 09/04 Online Pmt Household Credit Cc ID: 9500000000 Moshkovich,Mark IV# Ckfxxxxx6674pos Ref:000059972884600 16.42 09/04 Cash withdrawal an 09/03, 005721 120.00 Bank of America ATM #382986 (Card #165120148) 09/08 Cash withdrawal an 09/07, 007307 120.00 Bank of America ATM #091301 (Card #165120148) 09/08 21st Century Ins DES:Insurance ID: INDN:Mark (:moshkovich Ca ID:1919610000 WEB Ref:020032511000370 157.00 09/08 Chase Automotive DES:Bill Pay ID: 10116614063 INDN:Moshkovich Mark Ca ID:M391165550 PPD Ref:020032510543756 - 291.01 09/10 American Express DES:Elec Remit I0:030908061412327 INDN:Mark Moshkovich Cc ID:0005000008 PPD Ref:020032521812701 319.19 09/15 Cash withdrawal on 09/14, 008922 40.00 Bank of America ATM #091301 (Card #165120148). 09/15 Cash withdrawal on 09/14, 008923 100.00 Bank of America ATM #091301 (Card #165120148) 09/16 Household Credit DES:Onlina Pmt ID:Ckfxxxxx6674pos INDN:Moshkovich,Mark Cc ID-9500000000 WEB Ref:020032580897063 137.25 09/22 Ebill-Phone Pmt DES:Epospymnis ID:030918413133 INDN:Mark Moshkovich Cc ID:9016968523 WEB Ref:020032654904082 20.63 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $1,405.34 Overdraft Protection Plan I BankAmericard Visa 4427-1030-0367-8363 � Continued on next page Overdraft coverage available $9,900.00 California Page 2 of 3 w • �_ 4r n n .-fI BankofAmerica MARK MOSHKOVICH ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network #076402 Brookhurst & Adams, Huntington Be, CA #091301 Corona Del Mar, Corona Del Me, CA #382986 Beach -Atlanta, Huntington Be, CA Statement Period: August 22 through September 221 2003 Account Number: 09137-03678 NewCertifiwtes X /Rececta,.dtion Unit Number A l( INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance ivith the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD') Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain,that this form is at all times up to date %sith the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) ' Newport Nlorth 1/1Ve the undersigned state that IAve have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 3. Name of Members Relationship Social Security Of the to Head of ry Place or Household Household Age Number Employment Glx1LQOl C�"�) }(kF 3�l reQ� `l$�f� JC Fi..ot�t ic�i, (^�• Income Computation h this r 18 6 The years) listedtabove for the 2month period beginning the d income, calculated in accordance tearlie paragraph the date that I/we plan �to move into children un tnoresign a lease for a unit is S 37 050.Cb— included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump suns payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (c) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the &ellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts, (b) nmounts which mo specificnlly foro in icinihursenicntof nudical expenses: (c) lump suns additions to family assets, such as inheritances. insurance payments (including paynicnts under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses: (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income: NOV-05-03 WED 11:13 AM R—FINANCIAL FAX:949623UM FRU j :. ,.✓ (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who fs away from home and exposed to hostile fir; to relocation payments undo: Title it orthe Uniform Relocation Assisfanco and Real Pfopery Acquisition Policies Act of 1070; (g) cower child care payipenn; (h) the value of coupon altolmen. IN under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (I) payments to vo(uatc.-V under the Domestic Volunteer $trRces Act of I9i3; , U) payments receivedunder [be Alaska Native Claims Srnleme»tAct: (it) )neome derived from cenain subrrwginal land of the United States that is hEM In trosc for certain Indian tripes; (i) payments an ollowarrcei made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low-income Houle Energy Asr'sttutceProgram; , (m) paymenrsreceived from the lob Partnership Training Act; (n) Womederivcdhomthedispos(donoffuad6oftheGirandRiverBandofOttawalndionsand (0) the first S20M9fperCapita sham received ffomjuiIgeosmtfunds awarded bythe Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claim or from held in frost for an Indian tn'be by the Secretary of)uteriar. 7. Dothepersomwhose Income orconmhutionsamincludediaitembabovr. (a) have savings,stocks,bond; equity In real property orotherform ofcapital investment (exeludiagthe "Aluesof 0ecexs uy items ofpersarnl property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian host land) _,_Yes 2 No; or (b) have they disposed of anyamets (other than at a forcelocure or banlutrptcy sale) during the lap, two years at less thonfltirttmrketvalue? Yes X No - (e) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets otmed or disposed of by all such pgrsoas total more than S5,000? Yes __,:?(_ o (d) if flit answer to (c) above is Yes, state'• (1) thotombined wmli slue ofali smh assetr. S (2) theamountofIncome expected tobederivedfrom such assets inthe I2-month period beginning on the date of initial o4opsncy in due unit thatyau propose to rent: S , and (3) the amount of rich itreorne,ifany,that trasincluded initem6above: S S. (a) Will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time studenr during five (5) calendar months of this ealendaryear gran educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes • No (b)Compiete anh if sbe answer to Qoestlan g(a) is aYes" 1. Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible mfile ajointfedendincome tax tetums? Yes _X No 9. This cesti ieate is made with the knowledge diet it will he relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unir, and We declare that all information act forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Ywe deem fellable and that Use statement oftatal anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such Investigation a the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. tntevvillassisttheOwnerInobtainingmyinformationordocumentsrequiredtoverifythestatementsmadehereia. including either an.income verification fromrftylour present employers) or copies of federal tax returns for the intmedidrely jimcedint,cakndar year. 11. lfft aeknoWedge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the rimus under fedcnt iccome tax law of the Imerrsc on bonds issued to finance the ,Z'719 ofdhe apartment hutlding farwltkh xppiicalion is being mask. We consent to thcdisclosurc ofsueh information to the issuerofsuch bonds, the holders ofsuch bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent ofthe Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service, bt4a dcclarc under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is trite and correct. Exccvted this day of_LyG.I��mbr7r .20b 3 (wear) in th. City a, Wwa e± A&Calmorni) 14MAppliear.; Applicant APplleant- tshina:wm ofail pewit; lezewr; children under the age of IS y,:=)14W in uum.ber 2 ahc:. requirvdl FOR CObI'=ON BY A3'ART_MMiN T O t'�T"ii ER fliaZ;:: 1. Calcalatior. of eligible Income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (I) If the amount entered in 7(e)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract fror '--d figure the amount eut•red is 7(dx3) and enter the reViinl •e ($ ); (2) Multiply the bt n , the current passbook savings rate-> > p to determine what the total annual earn, . /(d)(i) would be if invested in passbook sav17t �. subtract from that figure the amount e'n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: c, TOTAL EUGiBLE INCOME (line l.a plus line I.b(3): 2. The amount entered in 1.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate -Income Tenaat(s). x Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicaat(s) as a Very -Lbw income Tenaut(s). s 37,d-go.do $ 37,o D 40- 3. Number of acarttent unit assigned: 2 7 / Bedroom size: I i I Rent: $ -30 . 60— 4. This apartment unit& TM not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual incomm es certified in the above manner upon their initial ccconancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -income Teaant(s). 5. Method used to verify applicants) income: Employer income. ver+noadon. Copies of rza returns. r/ rye-( �q�.eYtOc� sFuyS ) �l1 Date y J INCOME & ASSET LCULATION WORKSHEET # tatNme Last Name %..i kola Sek I AalaorAPtA I An sacusecurity# stmaet Morita 1 HOH �r— t1•.2'1• tj 4v2-38 • -78K /-0 2 a 6 6 7 6 r..e; +'Ct' r ^�;ya i y�a�+y,.s-x.:OF' i YtflxLRS�Sa d}��i:t5('vi�iSd39'. ��Sa}nL1�'h�.lL � k� , v, il3 •t{ .; � � . �« tr ..,. F`'$'v'�t�+`.�"t ,5 ' .54u�v �,.a,�x3+, Vi,m, nvt rxtT 11, �V # SW'ce AaseAata S Av Apure AY Alntal Total 9 Ws 24 . 2A &Ws Q AM 1 Ye S =$ Total Box A &3'tOW• Qnnu, Qcrn mimv Un1JCiAXIC HTr V V11(l FAY vmt # V—,.,, Starts IazasaM S A Imes Avarsai Amid Total 51 WE 2A SorMa 20 ArW/ Q MO 1 ri $ _$ Total Box B $ / A = "E PUBLIC SSISfA Arnm Amid fadT A, 4vaoAaM 2 t # S Ae Ax SaiiM W_WAMYA ToaAsource $ _$ $ _$ Total Box C $ / T., vancrt tM Mylp= # -VIn.-.,.-t� ura.vnm Satrte IassflaM S Av llm Ava Amd TOtt W Ws 24 Soa-M� 2A ArWc Q AM I Y. $ $ _$ Total Box D $ / TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Through D $ 3 O -•"kt' I.n ,w .i•�}a.V.n +fi.� s;,+;r...^;....,,, S:., xaL" Gf",�d)'*'+?Yi`2�", Yr« u�r ,,y;,.>°hi'`ABQ�., �'F.j,i(,rey,1�V'R t c�.;.+.`�'}+:,•`,�'itt" n iy'sM2•N KV,.:L' , ti i,. �" (, ?,Sti'7(^r I�R.c: �;SJi. Nt, h"IENe�+ 5y^rt:::yit"�a••�•i3,,. .'`�"=,Yt�'t^-, v„ �'y -;�. ...yid'�"."�a�.r,ht4,t:�1'-°,Fy�*s35P�i1.ht��+t�"�-3=-rfi:Y«$'�-":��}vnv'.• ".:4:a�M'i+, AMOK # sat list pav chock ona stock beta] parent lwc 9rtss/ta6•tACL Value costajOu Sml NtTFam Assetsilds Achd Is tAate ACIualAmml kcarehrtmAssois $ o o $ _ $ 2,I)SO RZ7 V. $ $ $ _ $ % I $ $ $ _ $ % is $ $ _ $ ' % $ $ $ _ $ % $ $ is - $ % $ $ is _ $ % $ Totals Bo Box F: $ Income - Income from Assels IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G Effective Date: Ll%y.Crtib-t/1. Soh-o't tl03 If Box E exceeds S5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type of pmgmm %: oc,ois� passbook interest rate: x — % Unit No.:-Z-1te(. Unit Size: +� If Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. of persons: t INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® M/1: V^ Max. Incomc Limit: ,3c`t Enter the greaterofBoxFor Box G AR: 140%Limit: TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ z Z 6 6o act & TOTAL ASSETS $ = $ 3; 05b, a0 — NOV-05-03 WED 11:13 AM JC-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 FAUE 4 Name: [ 7rr/1yti v � r r � r' Initial Certification Re•certiftcation Other v.... Wv llsu+ciinn I F , 1 Monthly Income _ Uwe receive Family Support, Spousal Support, mello my atber cash cons tibutions ofgitts, fnctuding rentor utilityp from ersommotli' witLme. 7/we receive Veteran's Adaftisttation, Pcnsfon, U oyment bencI14 Disability li mefi4 AFDC, Lottery wiwu0M aftance, or Amiititlm Uwe receive Income frontRoatal Pic Uwe receive beaeGtslurcome from Social Security to ' lude SSA,. SSI andlor periodic social seco ft Payments. The household receives unearned iawma for ttimtiy whets a 17orunder. Uwe at entitled to receive cbildsupportpayments. Uwe am eutientlyreceiving child supportpaymeats. ywc am[am cmroutly making efforts to collecteldld pport owed to sue. Uwe have otherinsets (example: 40M IRA, Rev bleTrusts, Stocks, Bonds) TrCHMIlills, MoncyMadcetaccou , CeitiScate of Deposits. Whole Life iasmance. Real tate Ihn have cash on Land. Student Status: Does theLouseLold Eg9ddofpeitenswho ereaII II-bine studemts le: Coll elUaiversi , trade school etc. ? Does your houceboldantieloarebecornispa lbn Id f tthenext 12 mouths? ifyou answered ICs to eitherof the preYlOUs two Q sit= are Y=A Married and filing a joint sex ictum ' Under penalties of perjury, I certifylhat.the information to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further un representations herelm constitutes an act of fraud. Folse, (�( resultimthe enial of applielttion or termination orthein on this form is true and accurate that providing false or incomplete Information will icted lease agreemeaL 1 aC 03 net gent Datc I on Name Employer 3 C t ex c w> t V" OL V\, (- Cal Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date 7 10 . I q -C),�> YTD Income P ct, °(,gS, oo divided by Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (_)1 13(,-0.a3 (how often paid) (X) 1 9 ro i Calculated Annual Income Hire Date Grost per Pay Period ctAs .00 (+)I IL Lcas . 00 (+A I "� (=) & A gsG . 0 O divided b a2 A (ds_ 0c;) (X)1 2 (_) Calculated Annual Income rj OSO_ o0 OCT-29-03 WED 03:51 PM R-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 PAGE 4 J C financial, ING �,�,�'"SCt4. •,cam t ,C�.z ,,,, � � �Coio z C' (% 1w, -.W Asset Calculation Worksheet Name (hWo, mcln-Eash- 6'uirquis Account Type C�Z Ul nqr 21 3oG - so (_) '/r l oi.61 divided by 2 (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: - % "__ (_) Income from asset: $ a NOV-04-03 TUE 03:03 PM R-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 PAGE 5 Account'Statement September 19 through October 20, 2003 Account Number. L76-6102006 page 1 of 3 271.317 1-0 fill ,, till [bill ,, falls fill ills ,,16Oil III his [Jill I,I,„Its I I GHADA MCINTOSH 2967 11RAWSON DR M 6214 IRVINE CA 92612-0657 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 1400-T0-WELLS (1.800.81IMS57),TOD-number (for the hearing Impaired orNy):1-800-477.4833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228.6995. Need hume repalr97 Whether you rued a now roof, now windows or a kitchen remodel, a Wells Fargo Home Equity Account is a smart financial resource for home improvements. To apply for a Home Equity Accouht call 1.877-302.3769. Custom Checking Ghada McIntosh Aceoutd Number: 076-6102008 Activity summary Hulaace 0n 09119 Mposits Withdrawals-1,568.27 Balu,ce on I0/20 $2,306.50 ✓ Activity detail Deposits Da4 Dnodptlon •• ............................................................. —........... .......... ...�........ tp)/24 1)eposil 10/13 Dopusit $ Amount ..................................... I. 1,109.53 970.05 'Total deposit ...... ci....s ...................................................................................................................................... $2,07R56 I POV-04-03 TUE 03:03 PM R-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 PAGE 6 Sepiember 19throuo October 20, 2003 Account Number: 076.6102008 Page 2 of:1 271.31e Withdrawals Checks Number Date (Amount Number Data jAmount Number Date ;Amount ........................................... ORS10114 • ...:........... I........................... ................ I.................. 227.85 1391e II1/10 149-00 1394 10/2U �....... 100.00 1389 10/()9 6(X).OD 1393• 111/17 153.22 . -.1 cheeks.................................................................................................................................. Tota .23U.U1 Gev in Chn# Srquma Other withdrawals Dets Duadpoon iAmount .•.....•......• 09/29 ...................".....•.........................•........................................................•....•.......•............ C7wck Crd Purchase U9/25 Apollo Agencies Inc/Al'1'ustin C:a 446024XXXXXX9014 188.59 24246518D21111DDODS ?MCC— 6300 12 VA2882DA 09/29 Check Crd;Pun;hase 09/26 PacifiD Mail Irvine Ca 446024XXXXXX9014 244939881AYNR3XK5 36.17 ?MCC- 7399 121042882DA 09/29 Check Crd Purebaec 09126 Coffee Be2n•#37 Irvine Ca 446024XXXXXX9014 3.30 24761978L77144771)h ?MCC= S812 121 U42882DA 0130 Deluxe Check Check/Ace. 030926 X 17.75 09/30 Check Crd Purchase 09129 Ralphs #0080 SF4 Irvine (a 446024XXXXXX9014 10.97 244450U8IIKH213M2D?MCC-541) 121042882DA I0/01 Check Crd Powitax 09/29 Starbucks 00039691 Fountain Vall Ca 446024XXXXXX9014 3.85 2416407811ADS0111rnh ?MCC— 5814 1210428820A 10116 Check Crd Purchase 10/14 Cole Bean•#37Irvine Ca 446924XXXXXX9014 3.45 247619790771.IMQ1+8G ?MCC- 58121210428821?A 10/17 Check Crd Purchase 10116 Ralphs #0756 SF4 Placentia (I 446024XXXXXX9014 5UA 244450092KItX281-'8G ?MCC- S411 121042882DA 10117 Clneck Crd Pureh&w 10115 7-Bleven 33155 Santa Ana Ca 446024XXXXXX9014 8.28 24610439103051151 ?MCC= 5541 121D42882DA 10/20 Munibly Service Fee 8.01) ... I...................................... ................................................... ................... ,,.............. 'otherwitlldnwals I... 53 '1'ulal wlthdrawuls $1,568.27 Dally balance summary Dole f Balance Date f Balance Date f Balance ..../.1............................... U9 8 ,.795.1......9...10/(.................................2.,.0.43.89........(O.y...6........_......__...........2.., 1MI ,6-3—.64.. 633 09/29 2,676.46 ' IQ/)0 1,894.99 10117 2,414.50 09130 2.647.74 10/13 2,864.94 10/20 2,306.50 10/01 2.643.89 111/14 2,637.09 I NOV-04-03 TUE 03:05 PM R-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230906 PAUL 4 yoff ■ Pufchelarpafrom orraAnanunyyaare9(Teint i?Ca1w91t•t9a9ci97�0 Intefesfed Catwall4M94S5279 in. aOpliattpgwaatgWyinyparhonr9 ceausalfetwsssdaao fn.�.'✓en..rinn ew ara efviaWi ricrlvieef cell eadwal■fefsamm 1, Utp VW kAuNYp Morkttleet to Calculate your awao Would Each pBRipw b3Wa Sloan on Old reverse side mOnnsanla one wow orro nt a lean Gdaoa. IKNNV0i ttalae Your fine celuordl Ia "Wd ay Odeatt day mmallormNa eh■ge in ate 2. Ca 01you9lf Your tt¢sor and mark each check. mpwaewat. ATM prYtt Obalan ostoem. TheF*Nr pQmgowilbadp(aminadaa kkws: YNaorYoh prynonl,dePossa o9eraedlESitdm lalr sldienlCllt Be cars rCgiSkr $MWs pray iNaealpaid ire yatr accouall �PKKmInO VWprmc�pelhatlnce breWh day daring INS Staarearipa(g4dm Mulli►gly lha pkwj ba4noe lot GWh day dnulp INS Slalward pakd by do daily = WAlidtewn flpinyola ACC9Wu WtaplA9it9moldp9nul� cuchd►y, and J. U7W 910 clam beloN, fist my depolsi. Vaislars 10 Your Me". AM Metetocupa9auror 9 you aCCaatl is stcied IO BalmeO Bead Pricktp, the daily pCflOak rate mt ansf kig chalks: ATM Kenaa vaU, ATM pa 16 a rth ahel asOwwawdc litcludlno am ltan Pleviousmondyl Pabeh awe otkpl In pa'typpp Aaaal Percema9e RpW,�nAPR) wis Ise /Ieleme WI06M day basal m Go e.,.c,,,. nn.n.. m w..r ,.,.-n,.n nWv mrsvac.rw aM1 caremoaaw APR Hu1dBER J1I110UITT , i n p S h ENTER p fM NEW pVAIICEahawfp p _ ADD T ® Anrapmyeam..lnyoer e a Or rvyuN alrcfMrawV i ml yewasewAMrhan net i m atwat On pWe1l11e11naM. K pry, Toym—____ i_r• a, CALCULAVVESURTOTAE _—.__.. s 2' IAdevmsamd pry J. pp.WJOTRACT Yo she ® TMrad wlwtdyenatu Wd . wMAWNSYamMal,afebow__—._..__. do •a m CALCULATE THS ENOINCOALANCE Wi 9 IPae A • Pan a •Put CI tl an Chic NVOMImINVlebp de INw m hdinaflANn In �� yell,.ht<Frcpbm,,.«.................._-.....» ,1. 3 OV ID Ona of Fears or Questions About YourCredif f.W iransaetions V tluk,lt yotr big is nialp. ore Vyoa npod mIX6MIIXil■rrn eLWla Naroaakwlm yaw wa. r,M rLYr..l.rn.n the OnNd Mis slawana,taa soars ipaa9ya. We Ia mea made in year tome aepe a erchpmsCeev mar believe dine is m Orel, to I N- ue about. webNasopelin9.big you eve Still aahal. Whoa we meesYpWe yaa If action 10 Collect PW amount You problem wah 1110gteiry Of 9OWS I have Wed In good We to Cartel pro reammip mlati tho on me he MprdCnIne price Was rase that NIdd11 too Moe$ of your Imaifiv edhms a mile"of11Ia1tla•Ica Bless a enva,a ar kCMon Or believe puwo is in @fret um you steremn+t0 ATM IV049 or it you reed More f ab0ueaenwaCildraiwdOn jaietaemenLPkari'COrpoci us irtpnCdralalJ. We del 24 ham aOW. taswn deryc a work Pfeaia "M the lalaphona number ithe hold of Vft■Aten ont. Cr you may =te w A Well; FagO Bank P.O. Pontand.OR9722"WIt, I your name, and account of ATM lard IW00lr. udy as you can, k$crihO Iha went or lea Muffler you are IWsua Abai and mwhy yam Maw moreinkmNton. IaodolrmouMa oloauspaclmemo epoll nosleioded error to In roMIN UVm Godays alter wa smt you ufer fvo On *?kh ale 1l001tm aaleelad We 40 irvesdd44 yaw mresm" led Wa r arrow some ry. daw nveakpatkn Mites raper Than to business days (Of 20 r rose of Cfecitonho puldwAs) We war lemperanly Cfadh your a OUN la the utkiww iiif once. ell, pull you lave ose of the money WIN pow Itlocll"Hlon Is ooncerns a Cued Deposit Advent& Ironmlian, you do non Ioue to pay sly westdn whUD we are Iwivppelkp, bill you ale slot bbdyated 10 pay no pals of A OeposV Advance baaiaC 011 titan are non In glles40ll. W11Va WO aver i9 your queselorl.We Coaol report you ai OlIgI6111 of take my achori to collect you awsfon. ■ MembaN NA:. nor I MOV-04-03 TUE 03:04 PM M-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 t 11-1-� Account Statement August 20 through September 18, 20M Account Number: 076-6102008 Page 1 of 3 188,081 taa.t IIJ,.,dJL„IU,ulu6,L,Ldd„Il,l,i,dr,6,nlib„tl GHADA MCINTOSH 17200 NEWHOPE ST APT 206A FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708-4239 tSr�LLS FARGO Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. Forass1stdoco,ca0: 9•SGO TO Wl LL6 (t 600 86T355!), You number (for tho hearing impaired only):1.800.87741833. Orwrito: WELLS FARGO DANK, NA., P.O. SOX6995, PORT AMD, ON 97M.6996, Advano(R) Sorv(ce-Adddionalte o customers with at least one mom itsitla egamy ewludng amounts ty lcoount and Wells Fargo Electronic d'a somea aocouM tram an Port(olb thtact your Woes Fargo Banker at t-E00-116E-3557. Buying a home or refinancing yourcurrent mortgage? Qurtreaonline tools can take the guesswork out of selecting the right home Wan or keep traok of mtsrost rate trends. Vise wellslargospeclal.com raft and enter keyword: Loan Tools. Anti as a Wells Fargo Bank customer, you my receive aspecial discount on select Wags Farggo Homo Mortgags programs, For dotalb, call 1.656.295.91$a or stop by any branch and mentbn code DMX7AZQ, Equal Houcin9l endet. Custom Checking �Y GhwaMer.,M0 h Account Number: 076.6102009 Activity sUMMry' Balanue on 08/19 $1,261.09 Aeposits 11940.10 Withdrawals 1,406.00 ..................................................................... ........... B dance on 09/18 61,795.19 I NOV-04-03 TUE 03:05 PM JC-FINANCIAL August 20 through September IS. 2003 Aomunt Nmnbtac 076.610M Page 2 of 3 2113.082 PAGE 3 Activity detail Nposits Dare Dncdplon 99103 Deposit 970.05 119115 rkposit 970.05 .............................................................. ............................ .......,.................................................... 'i•otal Npctit $1.940.10 Activity detail Withdrawals Cheeks FAX:9496230106 Number Date ;Amount Number Data EAmaunt Nur6or Date $Amoum ....... .... ............ 1384 U8/29 100.00 ....... ............ 1385 09/04 1,253.00 ...,....,............................... ................ ......................... '1'otelcJtauleS .............. ,......... ,.•...,........... .............................................. S1.353.00 Other withdrawals Date Oeectipton $Amount ....•....• ................. .... .... .... .........................................•..........................................,•...,..�.,�........... 09/03 Safe goxADnual Fee Ca- P M 33 9.0 035 9 45A11 09118 Monthly Service Pee 8•00 ...............................................................•..••..............,..............,.....,..... •S5J.00 9'otaloilmrwirltdrawals total withdrawals E1,406.00 Daily balatice summary Date E Oalaato Date $ Mlance Date E 9abnw ...,.......................... ...... I....... 08119 1,261.09 .... ..I .... .... .................... 09/03 I ... ..... 2,086.14 ..... I .............. 09111 ,....................... 1,803.19 081'29 1,161.00 09/04 833.14 09118 1,79.5.19 NOV-04-03 TOE 03:03 PM M-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 PAGE 7 Are you . AuminringahomaornRhkwdnpyaurwrrealone9 CaTusdaaliaacca7u interested a Gelling a Mlldaullosal rams: el,•rp6C1537Y3 in.. ■ covatcing the 0"hyln Your harm? 0anusoi14M25P0090 Far faro[) iNrafaatiw 1tn sari yafatfa wind sa wno visit oat weneyerSoAon1 Account BafancQ GM010111017 rrorAanfyet 1. Use to Oveinp• worksheet ro ealeaaks your QMRIP account balance. P (to rhroteh tour fedsler JIM mark wish dgck. wi0kkeeal. ATM 9. Use the churl 6WW. kl exr�wy deriosft. kwmNrs to Wu =MnL ovisti rsliq checks. AYM wkh 12at4 ATM payee IN n any onef wkigitReaN fvahafnp any Iran prwbus momhs) wlkh ae total In you regalnbin rot silvnnon ywrslamnwM. ItEMSOUTSTAta)NaG )P ENTER GA Toe R4W aALAf/)E dMmen raw awlrasM ............,,...._.. a_, OP A00 ® Ml alafrf bAM krltw i •!aeihiw wn.Iwrinv f ytwxowNehkh ns nM C alwwnm rtw ftatemerA 1c TOial__._—_ i 11- CALCULATE TEE SUBTOTAL ....._..... a (M#JPntAonvhl )w SUBTRACT ® TbtriawlsmFq trygf end � weMwJskMAvtluAYcva_.._,,,.,..,, •i CALCULATE THE ENOYTG BALANCE (PARA.Patta•Pat C) lheaaewalplldwNe cww ie aeaerew balvu eMmtm !n ghee gjErrom m Questions About Your CrWi Line Transactions If will aknr you bill Is wore. Of a mu need Oars idamxiqu WWI a hansUliOn o) yae a Daalboe OUR and Hy7Ltkl.a* 11 canurw Y(Al believetotooabc Moro isallens. it yar Usedhall)rdanfatia y wit be At* IIesyou alewsue )boar. You dofastuvy top ay an of ywbillItol we MsiawaaciirwMil ewe witJou igareskt eltLpnOa q pay are Jew W Your deill rich xo rd it'gttef Wififl.e" Willa we ahesino i you gm3nolL war tamer report you as tlelrngtleM a like any eeion q tnnecr theamaurlt you grtciar •SpeefalRuN lorCndl Card P,urchasm p you haw apraoknl Raclin atguadh of pant auwicesntntyaleu has.wta my not ron vlyouhaw kedlnpootllaih romft arepoorse ceuarnerciµaA.yellrtayreltram gWy Oleurcitwktpoewadteonbite 350 a a he 1xiter You ham ant bl yotae erne warm ale iga log plce was mare that T50 and are Wlrcnase was mode kt you Iionte stale or rdsYtt 100 mpss of yaw maiiny xNlay. pl are own , tlpYaN WememAyc:c eiawe rnnaetl yal Ore sins" oR lose bt Oe pg7alY u services. all pudases xis mwrstl regaWlms d amaua or Ncelcn of pachn"ll n am$ a my. sawn) (rays a we t. Yeasa Joe lite Ixap)ara numuaf iron or this sidemen. Of you ntey lvrua to at Wells rarytr think. P.O. 'nq,OR 9722&6005. vnameendeet4soor ATM tor glite Wr.ar u you ran, tr;cnoe rite sus a ne kanskr you are wuue eh0ul eo-ttl yyauneedngrei kvmafgrs outuamociedi rra IdusoNtlarx. I the Va 1p ed nra li Yar d, We aaf tq days elleW 9M. you ee Nsl dnM bite p Ji m egfexefi We w+l Ltw Rfilma yaw Oueaswf s (a ww w mrumliv, tlae iMc:lma)n lakes Idbaf Ihxt to Wfeeaa drys fan 20 sets in IM case of elecktaic pwseases) we wA Menporaay treat your accanr qr Irle ertqurn You believe Is it gror, so Biel you rave me of Into money umd ow invesiyahai is compttaed. 0 Me erfx sa cgMs a OkM Oepaak Advance Ionsaalgt. you, do not bove 10 pay any anaunin glesrion while we we Investigating. bit You on aW obkpaled to pay the eats of yo0f Riney Dapeat AchoMe aaitacrgrt glut are fe1 if (Nesliou. Male we are ewrsdp'stin8 yuu atIG1111rL vneomolrepalyou as dehptetllorlaka arty WYonloodNcl se EmainlyW gteslkn. Q Alimbora P010. Y+M: i I i NOV-05-03 WED 11:12 AM R-FINANCIAL FAX:9496230106 PAGE 2 5UBORDYNATRD L1CAS1e AbDrNbUM (VTR'Y LOW) Address: -Aa q tAWV.(4-4. This Addendum becomes a part oftheLeamdatcd: V BY and between Irvine ApartmontManngement COmpanyRod Residenr(s) Nam(s) TRIS LEASE IS SUBORDINATE 1.0 ANY MORTGAGE CURRENTLY EXISTING OR AT ANY TIME C12E.A7'IiD 1N THE FUTURE OVER THE PROMISES. X�(iN1TiALS} llNITIA1,S) Itmident lwmby acknowledges that the ('revises arc subject to an Agreement by and between the Otvtwr and the Chy iS,\T(TI.CD 11IE "Itt fulatory Agreement" (tile "Ageement"), which (i)restricts occupancy of the 1'rernises In persons or families who, at file time of initial occupmicy orsuch Premises are persons or families orvery low income, vidtht Ile neanhq., orsection 103(bXAIXA) ortho infernal revenne Code ar1954, as amended (ilia "Code")• Pursuant to such Agreement: (a) Tire income or file persons or faudfies whn will occupysach Premises will hedeterntitwd al the time of initial occupancy in accords ce with fie Dcivim ni Amusing and Urban Development's ("I IVD") Sectitw g Renal Axxitrancc Payments PraGram Gnidc"ties (Ihe "Cluidel(ncs) is effect at such titre, except that ilia parccrrlagc ofinediml ,roes income tvhlCh gtalificsat very low bone stain be.w/1. (h) For lbose purposes, o:cupams mrpreal es will be c009iderrd individrudt or funilicc Orlow intone only irlhcir idjlwfud iucame titres not exceed gll%ntOw malian gmss income for tBc area, both determined in acrntdance wilh to guidelines. (c) fill: p rmegning, the tied, (I ..000u:.Rmruiscs shall not be comidvmd.lo.heo(:totydow inearric iraR ilia occupants am. fidl•t(m> shtdmns, (unless it hNin" 2 of the occupants of life unit arc husband and wife calilled (a,GIe a joint federal income tax reatni.) (d) Mid nrolhod nr d fermining very low intone in elrect on the date of issuance of the Variable Rate Marti -Family tlous(ug Revenue Demand Bonds ("Dods) to be issued in eamreclinn with the Agreement will be detetm(nmive fur the 13mr:).e, even irsuch riucrhod Is suMequently changed. Resident hereby farther acknowledges that life Pienlises Arc subject to another agreement beluven Owner and tie: MYViltitled the rvelopment Agreement (tie "Developnityrc AgrecmerW). whiob nether restricts Occupancy ofthe Premises to (x:rsmv; ur families Win, at the time or(nh(ai occupancyorsneb Premises, are pcnnns or families whose gross annual incomC (lots nol exceed filly percent (SO„/„) or tune of the onuge Conntymmualized median family income as then currently published by Ore County of Orange. As a tmtcrinl inducement to Owner toenter lino hills tense, and in order Insecure the beucfits herearand orihe A,rremcm, Rusigenl lwroby ccn(ftet that fe infinualion provided anti statements mtade in file hgmne ('Anry"uatinu and Certification. Culled upon by Owner in verifying Rcsiticnn's qualiGcarion lornccupancy ofthe Premises pursn:nur (o fire Agreement, arc in all respects Accurate.nmrl acknntv)etlbMs that We persons or families incarm, persons or r.,hnilics wmiwtilinn, and tither eligibility mifit(rcnxmis are suhsfantial nuiltnaterial.ohligatiOns nrlik Ienilvy Immunder anti that 'the aecuncv orsmeh inibmialion And statements ix material Io Owner's willingnan to enter kilo this Lense.. in Ordcr to carry Out the intent of this Lum. the Agreannem and the Development Agreement, Rcsidenl agrml as ronows: (a) Resident agrees to comply promptly Willi all AMW113111e regncs 8: (reasmable for thcso puglntes arcaning nit more Allen ilia" quarterly) by Omar In uixlate Ihe: infan atinn pravhled ant( statements rmde In Ore Inca= (Cm)pulaliant and Car tifcalion, hereby cenirtex Out all such updowd iorianiation shall be accurate and ackndnvledges that Ihe Inch anti accuracy argil inch updated infarmntiun shall be maleriat to Ratident's continued Occupancy ofthe Prerah". , ReAldcot funheragrecs to provide sueh proororthe accuracy orthe marten siinwn in the ,,come CAmpultdinn sad Cunirivaiion and any updated Information as may be milonably requested by Owner, And to cooperate with Oulrer in obtaining indqu ndem verifc-iihin orthe accuracy ortte income Computation and Ctntifica[in4 aml uptlalerl inrumhation. (b) Owner shall ratro right sal power 10 (CoMblale this Lease at the dinelion of the City, "pnn sixly (61g dtrys wrinun notice to Residcto in the event or(() Owner's discovuryornuy fiisiftemian Of ilia inrmn➢alinn provided by Resident in the Income Computation and Certification or in rexpattse to Any request for up(hucd iufomnlion, ((O Rositlt t'a While or rel'utat to pronVily noi(ry Owncr ofany increase in file aggregate gross income of Ott m:cnpans of the premises which resulm in an aggregate grins Income exceeding skly percent (60%) of Medina income, or to connply whin a reasonable n4an-tt•irl r,wiito n. r,...,..:r,.... "._.._....• ,. TT,Tr�E&ASSORlh— iIEET o �__ ANY # SaRe lemaete S Ave bare AV Aural Tom a Wr 21 SORAtI 4W r a A4 riI $ -$ Total Box A $3'I oSO. PF T ��•V # �_ soave IaseAate $ Av bn Avere Aural rom 62 WA 26 SIWIL 2B fiFWI a Ale Yin $ Total Box C 1 $ / n ELLIA Income Ineometram Assets MUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G.® Effective Date: Lt%Wt w b V/L g{ h o200 °j IfBox E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type of Program %: oc, W passbook interest rate: x — % Unit No.: 12'7 to( Unit Size: +J If Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. of persons: I INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® MR: V, Max. Income Limit: 36t Enter the greater ofBoxF or Box G AP-- 140%Limit: TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME Lzia & TOTAL ASSETS Income Ineometram Assets MUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G.® Effective Date: Lt%Wt w b V/L g{ h o200 °j IfBox E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type of Program %: oc, W passbook interest rate: x — % Unit No.: 12'7 to( Unit Size: +J If Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. of persons: I INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® MR: V, Max. Income Limit: 36t Enter the greater ofBoxF or Box G AP-- 140%Limit: TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME Lzia & TOTAL ASSETS A P P c n t s t y 0 u P a n i s E m p 0 y in e n t F n a n c ) a HIM, QUAICD IRI nNEAPARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting "NIA" or "none" where applicable. Do not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The ..___.._.a_.: o .,.,Tm4— rrmmrrdalnwaleement commm,(collectively."Owner'). Community:„delw ,01j J-) O�T Print Appllwn's 4 full name (Last, First. Middle Will 1) 7rlSn Gvi iris Date of 1Mh 11127�6t� Socinl5erarhy Number 6o2-3Y 7`��$ Driver's License# DL399z381 Name of Co -Applicants (5eparate Application required for each Co-Appllcvnt) (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, Fast, Middle Initial) (Last. First. Middle Initivl) (lost, First, Middle Indlal) (Last. First, Middle Initial) (Last. First, Middle Indial) Applimnt's Present Address Gry ZIP Own Rem: Phalle#4 R el II From O of rwr To Detached family home: Attached family home: Apartment. Monthly Payment 5 To whom do you males Payments? Present Landlord's Now: Address City ZIP Phone# Immediate Prior Address (f less thanlyr,mo6av lr��n"L.'n o———: 37Zv(A�lw(�1�� D we , Rent. Monthly Payment $ goo Dat From OOI O! . I-M 0 Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Address city ZIP Phone# ,,.,,,,,Pen 1 I yes Proposed Ouupants(Lott, First. Middle] (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First, Middle Initial) Employer (If self-employed, na(ymr�e of bush G �WANUPX ) phone# Rly9 Type of Business Mrnkg�ccv other Income Source Immediate Prior Employer Address (Inclui Clecking: bank and branch (Include Cty/: WcSLU.S 0 . W taec , Savings: bank and branch (include Oty1511 Have you ever filed bank aptay? County and State where filed: Have you ever had any public reccrdsuits, Have you aver: Been convlated of a felony? ❑Yes Been evicted? MY" Oefoulted an a lease? ❑yes P e In case of emvgenry{{pt enotify:. (Lou r GS°� rJh1U eIf applicable, porenis'phonc numbers: n ( a Fathv allome Revised: 10/03 �tiwinu�tc �' IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY How did you first learn of this apartment came iryP ❑OC.Reglster ❑Drive By ❑Rental-Living.com ❑Promotion/Sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide signs ❑Welelte- Other " ❑SJ Mercury ❑0rig. Apt. Magazine ❑Other IAC Cimummitynk.ficr.1" ❑Newspaper -Other" ❑Rental Living (IAC Mag) ❑LA Times ❑Relocuter service ❑Magazine - Other ❑Far Rent Magazine 5D Union 1:1 ❑Fryer ❑Affordable Housing aAC Apt. Info Center ❑SD Reader ❑Postcerd/M.Iler ❑Other -Not U.ted• " PLEASE FILL IN- - Reason for relocotion: How many vehicles do you own1drive7 Make ,&A4 WJ year License is Make year Licam.# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do you have Renter's Insurance] ❑yes ON. Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application vowtai far the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment in the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the "IAMC Partlee), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks (Including electronic funds vcrificathn), employers and ether persons or entities with Information relating to this Application. 10160 authorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained In this Application to various local, state and/or federal government agencies. Including without limitation, various law enforcement agencies. I understand that If I lane this apartment, the IAMC Parties shall hove a continuing right to review my credit information, payment history, occupancy history and other information In this Application for purposes related to my Leese and/or for account review both during and after the term of my Lease I hereby releme end hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvin Apartment Communities, LP. , Irvine Commercial Development Company, Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective offlcrrs, employees and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and costs. including attorneysfees, arising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, Including the release of such Information to other parties. I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge• all of the Information provided In this Application (Including but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) is true. accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Application. If any information provided by me Is determined to be false, such felt. statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my Lease with Owner. I agree to notify IAMC if any of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application process or during mytenney. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved. A nomrofundable Application Screening Foe of $30.00 (as Itemized below) Is required from each Applicant to process this Application and to check the Information provided. A separela Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will ccupy the apartment batons lhleApPlIptiol will be comldered by IAMC. /�'C� A Ilcvnt's sl na Date PP 9 RFCFIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background information. The amount charged Is Actual costs of credit report, unlawful detalner(eviction)search, and/or other screening reports $7.25 Cost to obtain, process and verify screening Information (may Includestaff's time and other related costs) $22.75 Total fee charged (may act exceed $30 par Applicant) $30.00 mixes verification of information aupplled by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference and other Information sources. Applisent'sslgroture Irvine Apartment Management Company 0 •;k6.0.1 By: Revised: 10/03 Page 1 of 2 Application to Rent IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMUV ARY December 2003 NEWPORT NORTH OC85 Move -ins rior to 5/25l95 Resident Size # of M/I M/O House Rent Recert Apt. Address Name Occ. Date Date Income Due 1. 2112 Lynch 2+2 1 6/17/92 $40,047.00 $1,361 NIA 2. 2132 Simich 3+2 4 12/27/93 $39,600.00 LAE N/A 3. 2202 Miller 2+2 3 4/22/95 $32,015.00 $1.361 N/A 4. 2204 Ohanesian 2+2 1 8/1/91 $39,746.00 $1,326 N/A 5. 2242 Cona 3+2 3 6/13/87 $31,481.00 $1,451 N/A 6. 2342 Platt 2+2 1 12/26/87 $24,377.00 $1,280 NIA 7. 2401 Johnson 2+2 1 11/7/89 $27,853.00 108. 2454 Ode and 3+2 1 3/11/89 $35,250.00 !1,380 9. 2534 Cattaneo3+2 7 12/17/94 $32,650.00 1,39210. 2731 Duli a 2+2 1 4/7/95 $42,006.00 1,280 N/A OC95 Move -ins after 5/2519D Resident Siz # of M/I M/O House Rent Recert Apt, Address Name a Occ. Date Date Income 42,31333 1361 06 04e 1. 102 Guthrie/Fletcher 2+2 2 6/7/02 912/03 45,073.20 1130 09/04 2. 104 3. 108 Smith Chen/Milne 1+1 2+2 3 2 11/23/02 47,377.98 1361 11/03 4. 112 Ahems 2+2 Y. 12/l/03 10,778.82 1271 12/04 5. 124 Szaz 2+2 2 3/1/96 27592.50 1280 03/04 6. 125 Momeny 2+2 2 12/31/98 40,362.60 1271 12/03 7. 138 Yarusinski/Stainer, 2+2 2 10/4/03 43,259.00 1271 10/04 8. 146 Almore/Watson 2+2 2 6/20/97 23,407.00 1361 - 06/04__ 9. 214 TTP=307 Roshankar 2+2 4 11/30/03 52000.00 1271 11/04 10. 218 Moats/Moats 2+2 2 10/9/03 44,260.78 39,991.61 1271 1326 10/04 03l04 11. 220 12. 231 Bolt Rubio/Walsh 2+2 2+2 1 3 3/8102 7!5(03 2119/04 47,390.01 1271 07/04 13. 236 Balcazar 2+2 3 06/30/01 42,212.13 960 06104 14. 237 Lal 2+2 2 9/7/03 42,761.72 1271 9/0 9/04 15. 244 Combs 1+1 1 09/06103 36,002.89 1130 9// 4 16. 245 Vacant 1+1 N/A 17. 251 Vacant 1+1 2+2 1 03/28/03 25747.06 1280 03/04 18. 304 19. 308 Karo Fakhouri 2+2 2 6115100 25,890.00 1326 06/04 20. 311 Elliott 1+1 1 7/3/02 38,400.00 1210 07/04 Golden 1+1 1 08l07/01 54,010.31 1160 08/04 Rhomber 1+1 2 10/2/02 34 680.60 41,604.52 1210 1130 10/04 06/04 Thomas 1+1 1+1 3 1 6/15/03 6/15/03 39,225.12 1130 06/04 U1100 Wolf Lee/Won obey 3+2 4 05/22/03 55,500.00 1413 Bacmi 1+1 2 9/18/03 34,080.001130 09/04 09/04 Aviles 1+1 4 08/23/01 35,554.52 884.25 08/04 28. 1108 Romero/Serrano 2+2 5 11/05/01 76451.35 10267 II/03 Oq IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY December 2003 NEWPORT NORTH 29. 1118 Hardison 1+1 2 Ol/18/03 37,171.60 1160 01/04 30. 1 228 Westbrook 3+2 1 3 12/22/03 42,860.04 1414 12/04 31. 1 442 Samakar 2+2 1 3 8/21/03 49,323.62 1271 8/04 32. 1444 Se ehrband 1+1 1 11/16/00 14,022.00 1160 11/03 33. 1154 Pilon 2+2 1 01/15/03 42,037.55 1361 01/04 34. 1159 Goddard 1+1 1 02/14/03 40,413.69 1210 02/04 35. 1183 Pottter 1+1 2 6/1/96 52312.86 1210 06/04 36. 1184 Olson 2+2 1 6/7/02 32800.58 1361 06/04 37. 1200 Wood 2+2 3 08/04/01 1 2/1104 58,041.33 1361 08/04 38. 1203 Gallicano 2+2 1 11/07/01 1 52300.00 1280 11/03 39. 1206 Gill 2+2 1 3 12/11/03 1 8,419.19 1271 12/04 40. 1207 Robbs/Stotts 2+2 1 2 7/14/96 37,066.54 1271 7/04 . 41. 1231 Mandelbaum 1+1 1 12/26/99 19149.34 1210 12/03 42. 1323 Vacant 1+1 737 43. 1330 Dail 2+2 2 616103 41992.34 1271 1 6/04 44. 1408 Amor 2+2 4 08/15/02 50,471.19 1361 1 08/04 45. 1411 Loran er 2+2 1 02/22/02 52,208.34 1326 02/04 46. 1412 Fuiioka 2+2 1 7/10/98 47,632.21 1361 7/04 47. 1418 Lee 1+1 2 7/12/02 40,277.28 1160 07/04 48. 1434 Robinson/Houston 2+2 2 10/18/03 44,024.07 1271 10/04 49. 1441 Gerry 1+1 2 12/08/01 1/26/04 60,834.24 1210 12/03 50. 1444 Adams 2+2 1 11/15/03 44,859.21 1271 11/04 51. 1502 Smith 2+2 4 3131196 72908.89 1351 03/04 52. 1557 Ramirez 1+1 1 02/08/03 40,000.00 1210 02/04 53. 2116 Shimora/Celis 2+2 2 8/1/2003 30,753.27 1271 8/04 54. 2123 Vacant 1+1 N/A 55. 2134 Huish 2+2 3 9111199 32,316.01 1361 9104 56. 2224 Ati ozian 1+1 1 5/27/98 21,860.37 1160 5/04 57. 2225 Ziese 1+1 2 01/10/03 37,713.74 1210 01/04 58. 2226 Syrquin 2+2 1 12/17/96 21,458.48 1361 12/03 59. 2301 Aithen/Mchu h 2+2 2 05/10/01 39,661.38 1361 05104 60. 2309 Vacant 1+1 N/A 61. 2312 Delgado/Gamboa 2+2 2 7/31/03 41,581.92 1271 07/04 62. 2314 Wieseneck 2+2 2 06/28/03 29,528.40 1271 6104 63. 2322 Marino 1+1 1 8/9/96 49,500.00 1115 8/04 64. 2402 Hemandez/Lazok 2+2 1 1/7/04 1105 65.2423 Malkin 2+2 2 8/23/96 32,114.59 1280 1 8/04 66. 2426 McKee 2+2 2 6/4/02 56,736.00 1271 6104 67. 2507 Bora 2+2 3 01/31/03 49,572.00 1280 01/04 68. 2600 Hayden 3+2 3 8/l/03 49294,41 1413 8/04 69. 2618 Lo ian 1+1 1 8/8/03 39,520.00 1130 8/04 70. 2619 Moshkovich 1+1 1 11/16/03 39,496.34 1130 11/04 71. 2628 Fa azfar 3+2 1 12/10/01 1 43,583.62 1512 12/03 72. 2626 Brandon/Graham 2+2 2 9/8/03 40,666.14 1271 09/04 73. 2633 Cltun ahn Chun 2+2 3 08/20/02 44,281.57 1280 08/04 74. 2712 Lisotta 2+2 1 07/26/01 41,071.60 1361 07/04 75. 2719 Guir is 1+1 1 11/09/03 37,050.00 1130 11/04 76. 2720 Larson 1+1 1 10/10/99 47,400.00 1160 10/04 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUMMARY December 2003 NEWPORT NORTH VERY LOW (Phase In - beginning 4/l/98) Apt. Address Resident Name Size # of Occ. M/i Date WO Date House Income Rent Recert Due 1. 106 Lausen 1+1 1 4/11/98 $30,630.15 $ 756 4/04 2. 122 Gaxiola/Mullinax 2+2 2 03/08/03 29500.00 $ 851 3/04 3. 126 Francis/Vidal 2+2 4 12/28/00 $49393.92 $ 851 12/03 4. 208 Tarta lini 1+1 2 10/25/00 $27,468.74 $ 756 10/04 5. 224 Cronin 1+1 1 3/1/03 $23,322 $ 756 63/04 6. 228 1 Jones 2+2 2 1 5/8/99 1 $25,656.08 1 $ 851 1 5/04 7. 243 1 Batts 1+1 1 511199 $24,570.00 1 $ 756 1 5/04 8. 301 Francis 2+2 1 2 2/08/02 $22,503.20 $ 851 02/04 9. 318 Radford 1+1 1 7/8/99 $28,419.86 $ 756 7/04 10. 320 McGinley1+1 1 4/16/99 $21,360.01 $ 756 4/04 11. 333 Kono elski 1+1 1 2/10/03 $24,700.00 $ 756 2/04 12. 1180 Siroonian 1+1 1 4/7/02 $11196.00 $ 756 04/04 13. 1324 Hale 2+2 1 1/3/01 $33,843.96 $ 851 05/04 14. 1333 Stork 1+1 1 9/7/02 $22,199.23 $ 756 09/04 15. 1419 Ray/Brown 1+1 2 5/11/03 28,132.00 $ 756 5/034 16. 1530 Siddi i 1+1 3 6111100 $38,900.04 $ 756 06/04 17. 2128 Johnston 2+2 2 618100 $31,673.20 $ 851 06104 18. 2140 Vise 2+2 1 7/30/99 $20,736.00 $ 851 07/04 19. 2210 Ferrao 2+2 2 01/12/03 $26030.00 $ 851 01/04 20. 2300 Mohler 2+2 3 12/30/97 $11748.00 $ 851 12/04 21. 2408 Shoeibi/Motta hi 2+2 2 5/12/02 $16,128.00 $ 851 05104 22. 2425 Uchida 2+2 3 04/11/01 $37,372.40 $ 851 04/04 23. 2428 Winslett 2+2 1 03/17/00 $23616.00 $ 851 3/04 24. 2440 Afshar/Afshar 2+2 2 05/06/01 $22,205.16 $ 851 05/04 25. 2450 Warfield 1+1 1 4/13/98 $13,882.00 $ 756 4/04 26. 2136 Cotter 1+1 1 12/27/03 $23867.52 $ 756 12/04 27. 2608 Vacant 2+2 28. 2702 Delgado 1 2+2 1 4 8/10/00 $16224.00 $ 851 08/04 1998 Phase in - 106-122-224-318-320-2450 1999 Phase in- 228-243-1180-2608-2300-126 2000 Phase in - 2428-1333-2519-1530-2128 2001 Phase in - 333-208-1323-2425,1419,2140,2440,305 2002 Phase in - 2210,2408,2140,2702,1324 Total number of apartments on this property: 570 % of property deemed Income Restricted (Low): 15.26% % of property deemed Income Restricted (Very Low): 4.74% TTP = Total Tenant Payment (Resident is on Certificate or Voucher) Total vacant as of 01/07/04 - 8 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BOND SUNPAARY December 2003 NEWPORT NORTH -Aiq EXHIBIT C Property Name: NEWPORT NORTH CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE AS OF December 2003 The undersigned, being an Authorized Borrower Representative of Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (the "Borrower"), has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the various documents associated with the Borrower's participation in the California Statewide Communities Development Authority's (the "Issuer") Apartment Development Revenue Bond Program, such documents including: The Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated as of May 15, 1998 among the Borrower, the Issuer and U.S. Bank Trust National Association (the "Trustee"). 2. The Loan Agreement dated as of May 15, 1998, between the Issuer and the Borrower. 3. During the preceding month 4 applications were received from Restricted Tenants (as defined in the Regulatory Agreement): 4. As of the date of this certificate, the following percentages of completed residential units in the Project (i) are occupied by Restricted Tenants, or (ii) are currently vacant and are being held available for such occupancy and have been so held continuously since Elie date such unit was vacated, as indicated: Studio Bdrm. Bdrm. Bdrm. Total Occupied by Original Low Income Tenants N/A 0 6 4 10 Unit Nos.: 1.93 % Occupied by Lower Income Tenants N/A 24 44 4 71 Unit Nos.: 12.81 OX Occupied by Very Low -Income Tenants N/A 13 14 0 27 Unit Nos.: 5.09% Held vacant for Occupancy continuously N/A 5 1 0 6 Since last occupied: Unit Nos.: 0.17% Total Number of Units: Unit Nos.: 20.00"/° N/A 42 64 8 114 Since last occupied: The undersigned hereby certifies that the Borrower is not in default under any of the terms and provisions of the above documents, and no event has occurred which, with the passage of time, would constitute a default thereunder, with the exception of the following: THE IRVINE Irvine Anartr Vice President, Controller Contact Person: Jason Di Antonio Bond Compliance Auditor (949) 450-4290 NewccrtiBcates—�— Aet tian Unit Number V, INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CPR 813), You should make certain that this form is at ail times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool)-' Newport North llwe the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. �. Name of Members Relationship Place of Of the to Head of social Security Household Household Age Number e� Employment l TC`f ,4�4t�MT�S }}O{j SO �t-13- G6- t ii`iJ t t v� �tw�(�0cl �rr.0 Ak4t�Rl�S �a .sC." c• 4-r-1 ra10 GAP (Nc . Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under IS years) listed above for the 12- o¢th eriod beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is S � 14 � iS Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (c) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation ay and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the abote persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (tthether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; lbi nnnounl; which me specifically for or in rcinlbwscnlent of medical expenses: (c) lump sum additions to funik assets, such as inheiitances, insurance payments (including payments un•del health anm d accident insuraace and workers' compensation), capital gains and sculeent for personal of property losses: (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of utition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to t ctcr:ns not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; WN (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (0 relocation payments under Title If of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 197 7; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer cervices Act of 1973; (j) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (I) payments on allowances tirade under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) —Yes X No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than 55,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S 8. (a) will all the persons listed in column I above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes No (b) Complete only If the anslver to Ouestion 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (ot er than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Vwe deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. IlPe�vill assist the 0wner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, inluding either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the inlpiediately preceding calendar year. if. 1 1V acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 1191 of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. JAVe declare under penalty of pei jury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this i day of •l7-�t-t.t.�J�,rl, , 2003 (year) in the City of JA_W_ P 4'iJ'P.AL Cnlifornia Applicant Appl I$ignauncc, f all per,ons (weep[ eh 11,11 en under the .1Lc 0f IS Veal S) IlSted In mmlber 2 abo%c required) FOR COMPLETMONBX APART-NmNT OvyNER 0i4- :: a 1. Calcniatinr of oliglble incoW.e: a. A c, ; sc.r amount entered for entire household in 6 above: (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, eater the tow amount entered in 7(d)(2)> subtractfrom '-+t figure the amount entered ir. 7(dx3) and enter the renja iinl 'e (S ); (2) Multiply the amnw savings rate annual earnir� passbooksavay " the amount ante, PP7'Wd the current passbook l6 to determine what the total 1(d)(1) would be if invested in ), subtract from that figure: enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: TOTAL E1101BL8INCOME (line La plus line 1.b(3): 2. The amount entered in l.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Moderate-lacotne Tenant(s), ie Qualifies the apolicaat(s) as a Lower�lncome Tmant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenant(s). S N/A s /077Y.9/2. 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: 1(2 Bedroom size: v Rent: $ 4. This apartment unit (wastwas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual incorne as certified in the above manner upon their initial ccaTanzy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). 5. Method used to verify applicants) income: Esployer income verineadon. Cooies of t? ; rew-rrns. NOW Date INCOME & F ' -CALCULATION WORKSHEET ' I ri INCOME I-MELOYMENT l�r�e,�• A EK/91M��� GnrIAL SECURITY PENSIONS ETC I PIOat.Ir. ASRISTANrr FX* I1e012 # - _ - - - - source laso Rath $ Avera tars AvM Anal Total 52 W[ 16 Sow Nw 2B &-W[ R Mo I Yn $ =S $ =$ $ =S Total Box C $ nTNrn INrnktr family Mend # Same Imitate S Ar olors Av Amin Total fit W[ 2d Srae•M1 28 d-Wt t2 Mr 1 yr $ =S $ _$ - Total Box D $ TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Through D $ WRWF Foully Mod # AsmtOes"llon aY ctoell eWdc&hoMs sicJ Pouted/ Durant two TI•am/f*Mkt Yaw tle Sat Cash , III Fam AMIS Y Actual IntareatAals AclualAaul Inaam lmm Anats s•Co •a $ _$ % $ co /J $ $ _ % $ $ $ _ $ % $ $ $ _ $ % $ era $ % $ $ $ _ $ a $ Totals Box G: $ Z Box F: $ IMPUf ED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G:® If Box E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current passbook interest rate: x % irBe% E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0- in Box G INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® Enter the greater of Box F or Box G Total NET Family Total Actual Income Income from Asseu Effective Date: OZ -1.O 3 Type or Frogmm Unit No.: //Z, Unit Size: No orpersons. Z M/k Max. income Limit: yS�Q AR: NO%Limn: TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ b77 2 & TOTAL ASSETS $ i; A p P a a r TI s t 0 r Y ! uA nc I(00n PA PENT MANAGEMEM COMPAtvY Rental Application an Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this farm entirely in Ink, noting "NIA" or "none" where applicable. be not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, L.P. (collectively, "Owner"). Community. Print Applicant's full name (Lases Aherns, Nome of Ca-Appllcentt(Se' ate, (Last First, Middle Initial) rs (Lost, First, Middle nitiol) Applkant's Present Address i Detached family home: MonthlJPayment$ 436t, Present Landlord's one � Y Immediate Prior Address (if 1. th Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Do you awn a Pet? El' Proposed Occupants (last, First, MI. (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle Initial) Employer (If self-employed, name of e Phone# Type of Basins: Other Income Source Immediate Prior Employer Address (I branch(IndudeC Cheddng: Wag O Savings: bankandbronch(Include Cit Have you ever filed li N plry? County ant State where filed' Have you ever had any public record s Have you ever: aeeaeonrletedofafelony? ❑yet Been evicted? Oyes Defaulted on a lease? ❑Yes P e Igwe of emergency, please notify:( s a If oppllmhle, parents' phone numbus: n I a Fathdsti me herbed: IOyOI ENT MANAGEMENT COMFod/w" How dial you first learn of this aportmmt community) ❑O.0 Register ❑Drive By Rental-Livingcom ❑Apartment Gold. ❑5ig:w ❑Website - Other' ❑Orig Apt. Magazine ❑Other IAC Commundy❑Referral* ❑Rental Living(IAC Mail)❑LATimm ❑Reiocator Service ❑Far Rant Magazine ❑SD Union ❑Flyer [aAC Apt.Infa Curter ❑5D Reader ❑posh wiv,ollrr e PLEASE FILLIN: ❑PromonmJSp. Event 1751 Mercury ❑NewspaperOther' ❑Magazine -other. ❑Affordable Housing ❑Other-NeLarted• Haw many vahlcles do you own/drift? t Make �pNZ!D Yaw )%Lj Llceaw# Make year License# Note: Parkin of recreational vehicles, bouts or trailers Is not permitted in the Community. you have Renter's Insurance) Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Intormation: I am making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an opertment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, 0a W, and their respective employem and agent$ (colleetively, the *IAMC Parties`), to obtain and vwlfy the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through credit rcporting g."Ica, tenant screening service companies, book, (including electronic funds ver:fisctlon), employers and other Panama; o"whim with Information relatlea to this Application IaDaawhorize the IAMC Parties to provide Information cintoined in this Appllcatbnta various local, state and/or federal government agendas, including without Ilmitation,verlouslawenfore mentageneias I understandthat if I lease this upartmant, the IAMC Pwtlwshall have a continuing right to review my credit Informatian,paymmt history, occupancy, history and other information in this Application for purposes related to my lease and/or for account review bath owing and aftertheterm of my Lens. I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Company, Tribe Apartment Communities, LP., wris Aperimcut Management Company. and all of their es awl.officers,employ. and agents, from any and all liability, logo procesdhgs and mans, Including uttormyd fees, crlsine out of the v ,ineetlon end/a, use of the information contalead In this AppliannON including the ralwe of such information to other parties. I wonaat that, to the base of my knowledge, all of the Information Provided In this Application (Including be not limited to the statement of my financial condition) 0 true, accurate, complete and co:scat as of the date of this Application. If cry Information provided by me is determined to be false,such false estament will be grounds for disapproval of my Appllmtamw termination of my Lee with Owner. I a91—to ceify IAMC if any of the information provided In this Applicatlon changes owing the Application Prows or during mytemnry. I also understmdthat IAMC will retain this Application, along with ant other Information provided by me, whether or car this Application Is approved. Application below) Is required from iloifl Mfomlaon providedA separate Application to Rantmutbeeedbyeach Applicant will occupy apartment before this Application will be considered by IAMC. Dot APPlicam'sslgnalure oF/'prpr Ft -)a APPL ICATION SCREENING FEE :s be. amount is to be u,edto a.a Applicant with regards to credit history and other background Information. The amount chwged Itemized as follows• 1. Actual scats of ercd,f report, unlawful detainer (eviction search, and/erotharecremhgreports $995 9. Coat to obtain. process and verify saruning lnformation(may include staff', time and other related scan) $2005 3. Total fin charged (may net ".it$30 Par Appllmnt) $3000 ellcunt authorizes verification of Wermitlan supplied by Applicant on this Appllcutlon through credit reporting o9etaim. Personal reference Date 1119'0 By: Appllmm4319nanre Management Company Radwd: 10101 Pepozoil Appsmanianemtam.e, 17 Income Restricted Certification eLye Name: eK Tnitiaf certification o ' Re -certification other any Uwe r� e=ve-�amilY Suppon, "-rent or utility cash contributions of gifts, including :..: with me. —: Ilwey V eter benefit, AFD C, Lottery winnings, benefit, Disability or Aniiuities. Gym Rental Prope_J� Unit# vwe receive bone e i periodic social security payments. SSA, SSI and/or' p embers The household receives une�d income for family a?e 17 or under. ort payments. T/we are In to receive child supp opayments, Ilwe am currently receiving child supp P l/we amlare currently making offorts to collect child support l.ln Tnli I/wee ave other assets le Bills, Money Market Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Certificate of De osits, Whole Life insurance, Inch on an _ Status: who are tudents exam �---- a �u Does your household antici ate becommg bons_ ehold-ink Cher of? revious two I you answered � to either of the p you: oint tax return. � Married and filing a,j wnwn-� Under penalties of peri ury, I eertit'y that the information to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further ur act of fraud, representations herein conics tion ortesnternunat on of t lsee ii result i enial or app� c are on this form is true and accurate that providing false or incomplete information will r;rred lease agreement. It /�1�03 Date Dae 117 dLy:zo 60 Li IN Household ]Developm { CERTIFICATION OF ZERO INCOME (To be completed by adult household members only, if appropriate.) L �./ /I/i L ;G� 1. I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from'any of the following sources: a. Wages from employment (including commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.); b. Income from operation of a business; C. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; e. Social Security payments, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, or death benefits; f. Unemployment or disability payments; g. Public assistance payments; h. Periodic allowances such as alimony, child support, or gifts received from persons not living in my.household; i. Sales. from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.); j. Any other source not named above. 2. I currently have no income of any kind and there is no nrtminent change expected in my financial status or employment status during the next 12 months. 3. I will be using the following sources of funds to pay for rent and other necessities: Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understand(s) that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information may result in the termination of a lease agreement. Date e-� Printed Na�nne of A licanVfenant alaturf ApplicantITenant pp 11:47 October 13, 2003 Betty Aherns 140 Echo Run Irvine, CA 92614 Ms. Ahern, Since you did not show up for the meeting that was scheduled for Friday, October loll at 9:00am and have turned in your keys we consider your actions as a resignation from employment with Irvine Presbyterian Church. Enclosed you will find your final pay check which includes 3 weeks additional pay. We pray that God will bless you in all that you do. Sincerely, Tonia Burge Dir. of Finance & Operations 4445 .Alton Parkway Irvine CA 92604.949 786-9627 Fax 949 786.4312 seeunty wagesand nploye,'s name, address, and ZIP code INE PRESBYTERIAN JRCH 5 ALTON INE, CA 92604 Batch #0279 care mployse'a name, Source rTY A AHERNS ECHO RUN INE, CA 92614 'I Use 111116.� Employee Reference Copy O� V-2 Wage and Tax 2� Statement OMa No. 1645.0008 2003 W-2 and EARNINUS SUNIMAKY I his blue Earnings Summary section is Included ) your W-2 to help describe portions in more detail. The reverse side includes general information that you may also find helpful. 1. The following Information reflects yourfinal 2003pay stub plus any adjustments submitted by your employer. Gross Pay 5979.76 Social Security 370.74 CA. State Income Tax .40 Tax Withheld Box 17 of W-2 Box 4 of W-2 SUI/SDI Box A of W-2 Fed. Income 76.42 Medicare Tax 86.71 Tax Withheld Withheld Box 2 of W-2 Box 6 of W-2 2. Your Gross Pay Was Adjusted as follows to produce your W-2 Statement. Wages, Tips, other CA. State Wages, Local Wages, Social Security Wages Medicare Wages Compensation Tips, Etc. Tips, Etc. Box 1 of W-2 Box 16 of W-2 Box 18 of W-2 Box 3 of W-2 Box 5 of W-2 Gross Pay 5.979 76 5,979.76 N/A 5,979.76 5,979.7E Reported W-2 Wages 5,979.76 5,979.76 N/A 5,979.76 5,979.7E 3. Employee W-4 Profile. To change your Employee W-4 Profile Information, file a new W-4 with your payroll dept. BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 Social Security Number: 473-66.4195 TaxableWadtal Status: SINGLE Exemptions/Allowances: FEDERAL: 2 STATE: 2 O 2003 AUTOMATIC O TA "RoCamenO wc. Save 15% on tax preparation. Learn more at https:/ftexparmer.adp.com. 2 Federal Incamo tax withhold 1 Wages, tips, other camp. 2 Federal ineomelez wflhheld 1 -wages, other 5979.76 2 ramral income mx 7Gn 42 hpea, tips, othereomP 76.42 5979.76 76.42 5979.76 4 Social aeeurity 3 social security 5979 4 Social vecurltyi wIthhold ioelal aacurity Wages 4 SxiSlaecuruytaxwilhheld 370.74 3 Soeiei aeeuray 5a�g79.76 370h74d 76 370.74 6 Medlarotex wlmhe86.71 5979.76 upn fi Medic are taxw.thheid 5 Mmocarowageeendtipe fi Mediraretaxwilhhe 5 Medicare wage 5e9n79 76 Aedle+n Wagee and 86.71 5979.76 6 86.71 Employer 5979.76 Employer use only a Central Num6cr Oopl Carp. Employer_uye on nha� Number OepL Corp. use only ;antrol Number Oepl Corp. 2 0192 10/5W3 2 U1 g2 c Em i era name, address, and ZIP code pOy a Employer' a name, address, and ZIP code 2 10/SW3 Hama, address,andVP coda 'INE IRVINE PRESBYTERIAN. IRVINE PRESBYTERIAN 'INE PRESBYTERIAN P CHURCH CHURCH URCH 4445 4445 ALTON 1AL CA IRVINEE,, CA 92604 IRVINE, CA 92604 'NE, CA 92604 I CA FE010 numbvr d Emplo ee•s sSA number b Emplcy5r305441;umber $ber 97 b Employsr•3054411umber d Emplo473.666A419S6er yr's 5-3054411 4y3-66-4195 Social aeeuritytips Scciel88aecurity tips a Allocated tips ociel security tips a Allocaledtips7 allte s Adv+nee ElC p+ymant 10 Dependent care benelNe 4 .nee ElCpaymanl 10 Oependenl carebene(ILT S%S 9 Advance ElC pvyment donqualllled plane 12a Sea InatruetI .. for box 12 11 Nonqualif(ed plane 11 Nonqualilled plans 128 121, 14 other 14 Other ' 12h Tth r 12c 120 t2tl 12d 12d ta5blemR eLpa 3ld party sick pay • ta5ulem a pan3 partyac pay to StilemR fld. Plan Old prtya ckp e11 Employee's name, addmaa and ZIP code eyl Employee'. name, etldresa.nd ZIP code Emplayn+me,addreseendZlPcode BETTY A AHERNS A A AHERNS BETTY A AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN ECHO RUN )E 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 /INE, CA 92614 IRVINE, CA 92614 itde Employer's eteto l0 no. 16 Stale Wages, tips, ota 15 Stole Employer's state lO no. 16 stnlewages,tpe,eta 5979.76 mployer'satotvl0no. 16 State wages, tips, eta 1-2720.2 5979.71 ,l Ot-2720.2 5979.76 CA 01-2720-2 Stale Incomelmt 1a Local wage., 4ipe, eta come tax 18 Local wages, lips, eta Rate lneoinetax 18 L1ceiw.9e5,tips,etc. 40 , 19 Locelinmmelex 20 Locality name rometaz Locality name rcopy2lo .Deal income tax 20 Locality name Federal Filing Copy CA.State Reference Coppppy Wage and Tax CA.State Filing Copy Wage and Tax �oo ■ -` a. g a a and Tax 2003 N 2 wage -2 2��3 Statement LV Statement Ma No /646 W0 Statement gInP, No, 164s ooao Mtl No 154s000a nnw 2to 6a lild with emplWrn'e State Tax flePmn, iled with employees stile Income Tax Room. 5W3 05 0192 -) 5W3 IRVINE PRESBYTER AN CHURCH MINISTRY & OPERATING FUND 4445 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, CA 92604 Employee Number. 0192 Department Number. as Social Security Number: 473-66-4195 Marital Status: SINGLE N umber Of Allowances: 02 Rate: 12.0000 Hours and Earnings Desen lion Hours This Period Year -To -Dale REGLAR 27.00 .324.00 5292.38 36.00 0/TIME 51.38 RETRO Earnin5,_-)6tatement Pay Period: 9/11/2003 to 9/25/2003 Pay Date: 9/30/2OD3 BETTY A. AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 ERR Taxes and Deductlons Descri lion This Period ear-To•Date FICA 24.78 411.55 FED WT 53.29 vde 55,379 76 I� 4.00 I 524.78 *299.22 �I 3J v ,.., , = ' o Pa IRVINE?FtESBlf1'ERIAN dHt1RCH°, ;;: M1NIbTR'Y.4OPERATING -FUND m Check,Date: •,' 9}30J2003 • :k 44.45.,ALTON-PARKWAY. IRVINE, CA92604 _iy DEPOSIT TO BANK# 122000496 CHK ACCT# 6101104542— A— — #299.22 jI 05 0192 5W3 Pay T°TM• BETTY A. AHERNS Grdw Of 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92614 _ ****VOID****** **VOID**** .,1/.Gll,lr,14E-R,_ON,LYz ,,ICON=;NEG0, IABLE,gp1 arae,ki ,,mc jfic,-rNe =_ruOr__rnerir, t� Asset Calculation Worksheet Name Account Type (+' I ZsF ss (-' 77 ( x ) divided by (average account balance,) Interest rate: Income from asset: $ D' O F A C CEO .DTI T S UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 Pa BOR 512380 LOS ANGELES CA CY71 Z 0 A 7000 BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 90051-0380 e1of2 -Cement Number: 6101104542 9/17/03-10/17/03 Teleservices® For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800.238.4486 800-8267345RDD) Representatives are available from 6 am to I 1 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857-2275 visit us at www.uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ Online Banking gives you ofHine freedom. There's a batter way to pay bills - online through Bank@Home@ on the Web Bill Pay. Spend less time paying bills and have greater control over your payments & money. It's simpler and quicker than writing a check. You can pay everyone you now pay with checks. To get started go to "rvVvv`.uboc.com/`*nstc;nt. Balance on 9117 a .25 Additions 868 868 Subtractions .49 25 Payments -59.54 Purchases .9.95 Other withdrawals .541.00 231 22 Balance on 10/17 $ R! Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 17.64 We waived your service charge this statement period. -Description Reference Amount Additions Dale 99546580 $ 29.77 9/18 REVERSAL OF NSF DEBIT A6212309 308.69 9/22 OFFICE DEPOSIT M*YI*MI/M*M** 9/30 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD 15W3 46203394 46203394 99.22 230. 238.25 10/1-6 OFFICE DEPOSIT to 0000657452 $ 868.25 Total online and electronic banking 9/17 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB 9/23 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB Total 55754048 $ 29.77 57158837 ____ 29.77 $ 59.54 nala DOSartPllOn�tOCaflOn Reference Amount UNION " PAN K OF C ALIFORNIA continued 10/3 WITHDRAWAL #0000794457 Total of 2 temenentNumber. 6101104542 9/17/03 - 10/17/03 46129409 • t 19.00 $ 541.00 STATEM l]"Iat2 OF ACCO. TS ns03 Number: 6101104542 91 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 8/16/03.9/ 16/03 WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 Toloservices0 PG BOX 512380 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-0580 For 24•hour Automated Direct Service 800.238.4486 800.826.73451TDDI Representatives are available from 6 am to I 1 pm CY11Z 0A0000 BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857-2215 Visit us at www.uboc.com Thank you for banking With us since 2003 r More tools to manage your personal finances. More convenient than ever. The new uboc.com. We are pleased to announce that uboc.com has been redesigned with more features, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links to information and services. Look for the new uboc.com in the coming weeks. statement period: 32 Balance on 8/16 $ 258.55 Additions 363.13 Subtractions -648.22 Checks -102.43 Purchases -355.79 ATM withdrawals .100.00 Other withdrawals .90.00 Balance on 9/16 $ -26.54 Slalemenl Average Ledger Balance $ 72.66 We waived your service charge Ibis statement period. Additions Dale Descri lion **'**OSW3 Re/erance 51178602 $ Amount 288.13 8/29 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD `..... 48513483 35.00 9/9 MISCELLANEOUS BANK ORIGINATED ITEM A5216556 40.00 9/10 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000649271 $ 363.13 Total Checks Number Date Reference Amount Number Dale Reference Amounl 0000 8/21 26124413 $ 102.43 _ Purchases _ Date Descrn lion/Location Reference Amount ATM card.and 8/18 STATER 91A2171BIG BEAR BIG BEAR LAKE CA 52109361 72271724 $ 28.OB 11.18 MoslerMoneyr' 8/21 TRADER JOE 14443 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 52109361 72321652 72350910 4.08 card purchases 8/25 8/25 MOTHER'S M 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA CROWN HARD 1024 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 52109361 52109361 72350215 7.32 8/25 MOTHERS MA 2963 MICHELSON IRVINE CA 52109361 72351455 2.00 8/25 DEL TACO # 105 COSTA MESA CA 52109361 72341729 3.42 23.82 8/29 ARCO PAYPO IA244 NEWPORT A TUSTIN CA 52109361 72411239 3.26 9/2 EL POLLO L 2501 SOUTH BRIS SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72420519 9/2 RED ROBIN 83 FORTUNE DR S 00001 CA 52 JO9361 72411238 16.00 9/2 BIG LOTS # 040200040261 SANTA ANA CA 52109361 72412302 32.94 S , e 2 of 2 e atement Numbor; 6101104542 8/16/03 - 9/16/03 IR Purchases Date Das<ri lion/Location 52109361 Reference 7241 1339 $ Amount 107.95 continued 9/2 HOTWIRE - 333 MARKET STRE 877-468.9473 CA 26502 TOWNE CEN FOOTHILL RAN CA 52109361 72420943 105./ 9/2 9/5 WAL-MARTS PPC"PEOPLE INT SVC 888.863-5916 CA 52109361 72481235 9.9 55r74 3 $ Total ATM withdrawals lion/locution 52109361 Re(arenca 72361010 $ Amount 100.00 8/ 25 8/ BOUBOC WESTPARK lBY IRVINE CA Raference Amount Otherwltltdrawals Dole DesSrJ lion 99532593 $ 25.00 including lees and 9/3 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 5.00 adjustments 9/5 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE • 99526939 25.00 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 5.00 9/8 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/9 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/10 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/11 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/12 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00. 9/15 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 9/16 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE $ 90.00 Total STATEMET OF ACCO NTS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 PC LOSBANGELESOX 80 CA 90051-0380 cY l 1 Z O A OOOO BETTY ANNE AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 Ale 1 Statement Numbor. 6101104542 7/18/03 - 8/15/03 TeleservicesO For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800-238.4486 800-826-7345RDDI Representatives are available from 6 am to 11 pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-657--2215 Visit us at www,uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2003 ■ Sometimes there's iust not enough time in the claytomakeVt t thoe bank. rf Direct the Dank it automatically deposits today. your payroll check into your account every pay p g y Simply give your employer your Union Bank of California account number and this routing transit number: 122MO496. Member r-ntC_ FREE CHECKING SUMMARY Days in statement period: 29 64.08 Balance on 7/18 $ 788.11 Additions .593.64 Subtractions 43.00 Payments 14 Purchases 400. ATM withdrawals 61.1A _8.50 Other withdrawals 45g,55 Balance on 8/15 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ .50.78 We waived your service charge this statement period. Reference Amount Addifions Dore Desarr ri°" 45W3 7/31 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD """° `"""� 51808320 $ 55668928 466.73 321.38 8/15 IRVINE PRESBYTER PAYROLL PPD «"�*""""�""95W3 $ 788.11 Total Account rode Reference Anlounl Payments Date Descri Iron 53478693 $ 43:00 8/6 COX ENTERPRISES BROADBAND WEB . - - - online and V electronic banking Reference Amount Purchases Date Descri Lion/Lamtion PAYPO 3003 NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA CA 52109361 71991430 $ 8.36 46.64 ATM card and 7/18 ARCO 7/18 99 RANCH M 5402 WALNUT AVE IRVINE CA 52109361 71991047 752109361 11.02 MosterMoneyrm 7/21 COCO'S B05 27360 ALICIA PK LAGUNA NIGUE CA 52109361 212 019 13.85 card purchases 8/1 ARCO PAYPO 833 N. RAMONA B SAN JACINTO CA 52109361 7213?O51 16.16 8/1 Marshalls MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA 52109361 72131031 B1.46 8/1 Morshalls MARSHALLS COSTA MESA CA 52109361 72131244 15.00 8/4 EL TORITO 24301 AVENIDA D LAGUNA HILLS CA 52109361 72140627 15.00 8/4 EDWARDS AL 26701 ALISO CRE ALSO VIEIO CA 52109361 72130437 16.00 8/4 CHILI'S GR 149500004952 ALISO VIEIO CA 52109361 72142303 18.00 8/4 FANTASTIC SAMS IRVINE CA CA 52109361 721AI906 12.10 8/4 99 RANCH M 15333 CULVER DR IRVINE )� )�e2of2 Statement Number: 6101104542 (H 7/18/03.8/15/03 Purchases Dale 8/4 Uascn nonnocanon BEST BUY METRO POINTE SH COSTA MESA CA 52109361 7213192E $ 21.54 5 551.9.9 continued B/4 GasCo+1.95 BMCB009679649 Los Angeles CA 52109361 72161013 72141010 8/4 CHECKER FL 5289 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 52109361 52109361 72152311 7 92 8/5 BAIA FRESH 26584 MOULTON P LAGUNA HILLS CA 52109361 72180725 9 95 8/7 PEOPLE PC 866-7726277 CA $ 400.14 Total 11010 8/15 JENSEN'S M 31987 HILLTOP B RUNNING SPRIN CA 52109361 72271407 61.50 Retamnce Amount Other withdrawals Doto Descr;F&n 99530156 $ 25.00 including Fees and 7/22 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 5.00 adjustments 7/24 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/25 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/28 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/29 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 5.00 7/30 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 46405579 37.00 8/6 WITHDRAWAL A 0000794060 6604513B ' 2.00 8/15 ATM NEIWORK WITHURAWALHEE $ 89.00 Total Clarification Record Of Deposit Applicant/Resident Name: 2 Initial Certification {.-z,L,� Date Of Expected Move -In. ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ❑ Person -to -Person Conversation ❑ Other: Summary of Deposits: Source: t / Date:-C/� F'�Amount: ( U• �P Ex lanation Of Deposit: eA�d Q S Yr) , U 1r i I t) Source: ?��� _Date: Amount: 'cZa Explanation Of Deposit: A • ^A J- .4a .A A,.z ; J_ Source: -C,�P�/ Date: Amount: r Explanation Of Deposit: (In, I (tmo Lam. f t �aq hb , l,c�, d — Source: Explanation Of Deposit: Source: Explanation Of Deposit: Date: Date: Amount: Amount: 4icasident Signature Date *By signing, I am verifying that all of the above is true and correct. jobs' t'� 4,11 r� aa gg�� pp fv MANAGEMENT COMPANY IRVINE APARTMENT Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee ' 'NIA" or "Wine' where applicable. Do not use white out The information you ") her The Please complete this form entirely in Ink, noting to rent an apartment to you in an apartment ommulaUty a Provide will be verified trial- to IAMC's approval ownerned bevelapme company(collectively, " Irvine company,Irvine Apartment Communittes, L P. or Irvine Commercial ••, s rl ', n4 '� �" Address11 ll Community. -- Dote of Birth Sadal Semr:fy Number{ Drivers License# Prlq A plicont's full mm.c (Lass, [rat. Middle JJSr, c. � I- A NomeafCo•Apple-We(3apurate Application requacd for each Co•AppllwnN (Last.Flrsf, Middle Initial) (Last, First. Middle IuW-1) p ( t, First, Middle Ininap p v (Last. Frost, Middle Initial) (Last, first, Middle Initial) l (ash Firsq Mil ddclman I Own ❑ Phone #f l s1 r t a,'- Omar d. 1 C a Applkant's Prescnl Address Lily ZIP m rrFrom Cud n+. 1wapm•i4ss}n To • r l ' apartment: t n Attached family home Imme• Detached family Payments? Ta whom do you iimke pymicnn7 s H Monthly P%meat iPhomc# ZIPi present Landlord's Nmne AddressCitys s 3 t Own Prior Address (if less that' t yr, at above) Monthly P%meal-. D.lef. Fmm o Immediate Rent: 5 r City IIP Phone# Y Address Immediate Prior Lnndloi J's Nwnr ° of Pets. Type: -- Yes be you awns Pcl7 Middle Initial) Dateaf Birth El Dote of Dirth (Last. First, a Prepasad Occupants lLas,Firsf, Middle Initial) p F. Dote of Birth I ,t Data af Diet[,(Last, First, Middle Inlfieq (Lost, First, MlJdle lotIml ubate of Broth Date of Birth (Lost. First, MlddleInitlaq n (Last, First, Middle What) t Employer (ifself-emplu)aJ,n.a'. of buslness) Business Address (inm1,, `i9Zyode) B ryt A s bates position SUParwsor Phone# Income i§-)00 p Phoneit1�ja Type of(beiness b'.l°s Promi -tl -r.; jaiana.u, :i-. Me - I '1lL(^ SZ-L +) to a pca5rawr dI_b�C a Applicant must provide pay stabs al- current W2form. Contort y other Inome Searle In Phone# Dater. Prior Einplaycl•Addrus(Indudirg ZIP Cade) e From Income S%Go Immediate To $5vy.anc\M. 6v moat# IF I �y� No n Havc you ever fled banlwplry7 ° county and State "here Pled: n d meats or rcpoasesel...7 Yes e Have you ever lied any lmulle...ard suns, item, du g If yes, desuibc In detail: a Hove you ever: ❑ Old I Been convicted of a(elony7 Yrs f� IIJJba"//, neenevol-0 b Dyes rl erica., n tt m�ea�anu�t�C IRVING APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Haw dad you first tern of this apartment community) ❑OC.Register ❑Drive Ry ❑Rent.[-Liwngcam ❑Promotion/Sp Event Apartment Guide 0519ns ❑Website-Other' ❑sd Mercury ❑Orlg. Apt. tAogavro ❑Othrr IAC CommuNfYFIReferral• ❑Newspaper -Other' ❑R.nfol Liv1n9(IACM.9)❑IA Tames FIRelamtar5er0ce ❑Magazine - Other• ❑For ant Magazine 1350 Union ❑flyer ❑Affordable Housing LAC Apt. Into Center ❑50 Rcadcr ❑Postcard(Mailr Mother -Not Listed• Reason far relocation: Haw many vehicles do you awNdrive? Make P/:A year License tt Make year License M Note: Parking of recreational Vehicles, boyars or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Do you have Renter' s Insurance? ❑yes © a Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Intormation: I hereby ng this Ap and allotactilep Owner, their obtainireseci respectiveC's employeesendaenits(callecfively, thhe'IAML Parties•). to obtain and I hereby authorise and consent to allow IAML, Owner, a p P Y g ncies, tourent screening _ credit vv,fy the credit and other information Imation prowded ly rare in ilher Application nscrhent 1 esw h infirmat onrting rliletiryto this pplimfo I °60 °u c. horiz. the 1Ainduding tietoproivi funds rmation Co,e.poyr p stafa and/or federal ovrn.ent agencies. including without the IAML parties top noon meet Information es. r and r this thatApplIn'tI hics. this local, 9 limitation, vribus low enforcement agencies. I uMrtlaM that rf I tome this oparemeni, the IAML Parties shall have a ..truing right to review my reds information, payment history. .,oMay history and other Information in this Application far purposes related to my Laos& and/or for ....at review both during and after the term of my Lrasa I hereby micase and hold harmless The Irvine Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, V., Irvine Commercial Development Company. Irvine Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, including attorneys' fees, rising out of the verificatlon and/or use of the information canalboat In this AppllcaHan, includiaq the release of such information to other parties I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information provided in tills Application (including but net limited to the statement of my financial canddlan) Is free, accurate, ..plot. and carrier as of the dote of this Application. If any ioformotlon provided by me is determined to be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or formulation of my Lease with Owner. I agree to ratify IAMC ,f airy of the information provided in this Application changes during the whethrApplication or process Application Intl nY tapproved. nancy, dI also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, pP Ppr° A non-rolundable Application Screening Fee of $30.00 (as itaml.d below) Is required from each Appricanl to process this Application and to check the Information provided. A separate Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who will occupy the apartment before this Application will be considered by IAMC. �T/l Z t (rl' •� } i .jam CS > 1�' 1,l^ 9n.a.. pale Applicant's signature RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE .have amount is to be used to screen Applicant with regards to credit history ondotherbadaground Interaction The mount charged is load as follows: 1 Actual costs.! credo report unlawful detalncr (eviction) search, and/or other screening reports E7,20 22,70 2, Cost to obtain, process and verify screening lnfanaion(moy .elude stafPstime end other related casts) _ 3. Total fee charged (may not .steed E30 per Applicant) E30.00 Ilomt nutherizes verification of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through credit reporting agencies. personal reference :ks and other Information sorcee. 7 Date Irvine Apafimenl Management Company 6}O7 0Y' Revised:10/03 Page 1 of 2 Application to Rent a Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date I q � Ua3 YTD Income av�.oq divided by I� Start with hire date if at job for less than a year - (how often paid) (x) 1 C2.4 =1 Calculated Annual Income Hire Date Ae)—I � Gross per Pay Period H as 3 . as divided by (_) 85 5 69 (how often paid) (x) 1 2-�P (=) Calculated Annual Income a, 1RCO, --(O- Co/PR Emp No. Dept. 1-08 002340-52 761952-7 08045 000-29093 Gap Inc. AlbuquerquFNM 87125 Marital Status/Exemptions, Federal: Single 1 State: Single 1 Social Security Number: 567-67-1670 SIT State: CA Work State: CA 273129093 Period Beginning: 09/14/2003 Period Ending: 09/27/2003 Pay Date: 10/01/2003 Co. EIN: 94-1697231 GEMS ID: 1250441 STAR C AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92646 / Taxes Current Year-to-Dat Pay Summary Federal Income Tax .75 428.83 223.92 Earnings 20.18 Social Security 13.88 501.21 Less:TaxeS Medicare 3.25 117.22 Deductions .00 State Income Tax .28 33.70 Disability Ins. 2.02 72.76 Earnings Type Rate Hours/Units Current . Benefits/Other Type Current Period -to -Dab STRAIGHT TIME 12 8.28 1.00 26.50 219.42 4.50 4.50 OGROSS 8084.04 SPIFF 489 YTD W2 8084.04 Co/PR Emp No. Dept. 1-08 002340-52 761952-7= 45 000-29669 Gap Inc. Alb q e q7u NM 87125 Marital Status/Exemptions: Single 1 Federal: State: Single 1 Social Security Number: 567-67-1670 SIT State: CA Work State: CA Summary 42 Earnings 469. Less:Taxes .60 Deductions .00 irnin s Tvpe Rate HoursNnits Current &&DAY 17 8.28 7.00 8.00 57.96 99.36 'RAIGHT TIME 21 12 12.42 8.28 ._ 38.00 314.64 '/BONUS ADJ ass 1.00 1.00 67.75 :LIT SHIFT -CA 172 6.75 1.00 4.50 IFF 48S riod Beginning: 08/31/2003��/ riod Ending: 09/13/200aV Pay Date: 09/17/2003 Co. EIN: 94-1697231 GEMS ID: 12SO441 STAR C AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE, CA 92646 Taxes Current Year -to -Date Federal Income Tax 26.23 428.08 Social Security �9.97 48,7,33 Medicare 7.01 113.97 State Income Tax 2.04 4.35 33.42 76.74 Disability Ins. Benefits/Other Type Current Period -to -Date YTD 'GROSS 7860.12 _ YTD W2 GROSS 7860.12 income Restricted Certification Unit Name: STAt� /�li��lJJ`J I r Initial Certification Re -certification �— Other eS 140 �Jhve receive Family Support, Spousal Support, ond/o any cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility p et benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. I/we receive benetitsimcome rrom —14, — ..... •. SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives uneamed income for family Jhve are entitled to receive child support payments. J/we am currently receiving child support payments. I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect child support owed to me. Uv+e have other assets (example: 4011C, IRA, Revoc ble Tru: Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, Certificate of Deposits, Whole Life insurance, Real 1.7stateL alive have cash on hand. Status: oes the Does your are Jf you answered yes, to either of the previous two qu�astions are you: D Married and filing a joint tax return. 1 certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate Under penalties of perju to the best of my k^nwledge. The undersigned further underst dinnds thatnco plot false representations I : constitutes an act of fraud. l alse, misle ding or incomplete information will res t e eni_. p lication or termination of the inc restric� tease agreement. Date 1 - t en nature '/---- _ � iDate esoa'ture of Owner/Agent Asset Calculation Workshoet Name :s-T. K Account Type c 146CV. INCa ! r divided by (average account balance) (x) Interest rate: % 10 (_) Income from asset: $ STATEMEP- OF ACCOU'TS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 LOS ANGO BOX CA 90051-0380 CY20 Z 0 A 0000 STAR AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 P' of 2 Stu.. ent Number: 6101103619 8/29/03.9/29/03 ToleservlWsJ For 24-Dour Aulomaled Direct Service 800.238.4486 800-826.7345(TDD) Representatives are available front 6 am to I I pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-657--2215 Visit us at www.uboc.coul Thank you for banking will, us since 2002 ■ More tools to manage your personal finances. More convenient than ever. The new uboc.com. We are pleased to announce that uboc.com has been redesigned will, more features, helpful tools, easier navigation and improved links to information and services. Look for the new uboc.com in the coming weeks. l0 LEE CHECKING SUMMAKY ays in statement period: 32 166.90 Balance on 8/29 $ 735.52 Additions-749.67 Subtractions Purchases 317 04. ATM withdrawals -8181.17 .50 Other withdrawals 152.75 Balance on 9/29 $ Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 100.73 We waived your service charge This statement period. - Amount RetelenCe ldditions Cate Descrl I -- 4.51 19435 $ 2.00 8/29 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000652AOO 45329171 32.32 9/5 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT # 0000072941 4711 1877 251.53 9/8 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000885431 72482318 14.95 9/8 MWI-HOMEWO RKS PLUS 888.681.7216 CT 72482318 14.95 9/8 MWI"HOMEWO RKS PLUS 888.681-7216 CT 46212420 408.48 9/22 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000657994 72620027 11.29 9/22 BANANA REP UBUC #8045 COSTA MESA CA $ 735.52 Total PUi'Cilu5e5 bore Lesca Don/Loconon 109.95 45546801 723913 ATM card and 8/29 HOTWIRE- 333 MARKET STRE 877.468.9473 CA 45546801 72450713 $ 21.50 MasterMoneyrer 9/2 NFI"NETFLI X.COM 408.468.5775 CA 45546801 72401342 57.95 card purchases 9/2 HOTWIRE. 333 MARKET STRE 877.468.9473 CA 45546801 72491158 3.95 9/B HCP HEALTH CARE EBS BOO 918 9358 45546801 72490310 27.82 0/8 COL"House DVD Club 800-262.2001 IN 45546801 72551308 8.99 9/15 JALAPENOS 3851ALTON PARK IRVINE CA A5546801 72550506 10.20 9/15 RITE AID S 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 16.14 9/15 MARSHALLS 901 SOUTH COAST COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72550255 45515.W 46801 72601657 9/ 18 VONS S 550 EAST FIRST TUSTIN CA 45546801 72620049 5.33 9/22 99-CENTS•0 . SANTA ANA CA 45546801 72620716 6.07 9/22 ET GRILL # 1910 MAIN STREE IRVINE CA 45546801 72661339 1.00 9/24 . SFM-GE PER 200 N MARTINGAL 866-609.4883 IL 45546801 72661339 1.00 9/24 SFM"CRITIC 200 N MARTINGAL GOM27.3378 It �2012 5su 6ment Number. 6101103619 8/29/03.9%29/03 P.efe:ence Amwrn� Purchases Cute Cescri lion/Location 1.00 continued 9/26 TLG'SHOPPE 100 CONNECTICUT 800-526-4848 CT 45546801 72681757 $ 6.00 9/29 EL TORITO 24301 AVENIDA D LAGUNA HILLS CA 45546801 72700937 9/29 TRADER JOE IS #00000SM2 LAGUNA HILLS CA 45546801 72700643 $ 312.17 .27 Total 8elerence Amount ATMwithJrawals Cate Descn Lion/Location CA 45546801 72472125 $ 20.00 9/5 UBOC W005/55 0I LIN IRVINE CA 45546801 72480957 21.50 9/5 UBOCC)CTFOODBRIDGE LBY IR IN 4.5546901 72561950 40.00 9/15 UBOC WOODBRIDGELBY IRVINE CA $ 81.50 Total including Fees and adjusiments 9/3 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 9/5 ATM NETWORK WITHDRAWAL FEE 9/5 CONTINUED OVERDRAFT FEE 9/8 NSF ITEM PAID FEE 9/23 WITHDRAWAL # 0000651748 , Total 99532592 $ 19.00 65054186 2.00 5.00 99526936 38.00 47407799 300.00 $ 364.00 I STATEML _7T OF ACCOUNTS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA WOODBRIDGE INSTORE 610 PO BOX .612380 LOS ANGELES CA CY20 Z 0 A 0000 STAR AHERNS 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92614 Ae 1 of 2 Statement Number: 6101103619 7/31/03.8/28/03 Teleservices® 90051-0380 For 24-hour Automated Direct Service 800-238.4486 800.826.7345VDDl Representatives are available from 6 am to I I pm To open additional accounts, or apply for loans, call your banking office at 949-857-2215 Visil us at www.Uboc.com Thank you for banking with us since 2002 ■ Sometimes there's just not enough time in the day to make it to the bank. Direct Deposit automatically deposits your payroll check into your account every payperiod - saving you a trip to the bank or ATM. Get storied today. Simply give your employer your Union Bank of California account number and this routing transit number: 122000496. Member FDIC 'M )ays irr sialemenl period: -Ly Balance on 7/31 $ 17.22 Additions 847.82 Sublraclions -698.14 Checks -5.10 Purchases-473.04 ATM withdrawals .180.00 Other withdrawals -40.00 Balance on 8/28 $ 166.90 Statement Average Ledger Balance $ 178.97 We waived your service charge this statement period. - Reference Amount Additions Data Desai lion 45322675 $ 304.30 8/4 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000296568 48115533 202.43 8/13 OFFICE DEPOSIT It 0000775054 45510514 83.12 8/25 ATM/LOBBY DEPOSIT 4 0000692078 48105070 207.97 8/26 OFFICE DEPOSIT # 0000648495 47104415 50.Q0 is/28 OFFICE DHOSII' 1t 0000652141 $ 847.82 Total Checks l`rumEar Data Ralarence - Amount Number Dole Reference Amount 3506 8/25 IA912868 $ 5.10 Purchases Date Desai Lion/Lorolion 45546801 Reference 72191106 $ Amounl 50 21.38 ATM card and 8/4 NFI"NETFU X.COM AOS-469.5775 CA 8/7 TRADER JOE 14443 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 7219 85.38 MosterMoneyTm card purchases 8/8 UNION76 000A5021 IRVINE CA A5546801 45546801 45546801 754 72201215 72201215 4.99 48.45 8/8 RITE AID # 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA 45546801 72292036 21.00 8/18 RALPHS 14400 CULVER DR IRVINE CA 8/19 ARCO PAYPO 29AO N. BRISTOL SANTA ANA CA 45546801 72310736 12.35 8/21 FOREVER 21 401 NEWPORT CEN NEW PORT BEAC CA A5546801 72312348 14.87 28.00 8/21 EL TORITO 3520 THE CITY W ORANGE . CA 45546901 45546801 72310039 72322246 36.64 8/22 BANANA REP UBLIC #9045 COSTA MESA CA 45546801 72332005 13.03 8/22 99 CENTS 0 Store 77 Santa Ana CA ) 2 of 2 SlalementNumber..6101103619 .14 7/31/03.8/28/03 Purchases Dore Descri lion/Loealion A5546801 Reference 72332103 $ Amount 47.87 continued 8 22 / 8/25 RITE AID # 3875 ALTON PARK IRVINE CA COFFEE BEA 3333 BRISTOI, #COST MESA CA 45546601 72340146 0.86 8/25 CHILI'S GR144000004408 IRVINE CA 45546801 45546801 72332234 72350215 10.00 29.09 8/25 CROWN HARD 1024 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 45546801 72332250 40.65 8/25 8/25 BANANA REPUBLIC #8045 COSTA MESA CA SAV•ON DRU 5385 ALTON PKWY IRVINE CA 45546801 72362039 7.37 8/25 BEST BUY METRO POINTESH COSTA MESA CA A5546801 72351631 72370716 17.23 14.95 8/26 MWI"HOMEWO RKS PLUS 888-681-7216 CT 45546801 A5546801 72372246 18.81 8/27 BANANA REP UBLIC #8045 COSTA MESA CA $ 04 Total ATM withdrawals Dale Descri I,on/Loealion 45546801 Reference 72211053 $ Amount 4D.DD 8/11 8/25 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA UBOC WESTPARK LBY IRVINE CA 45546801 72361014 40.00 8/27 UBOC WOODBRIDGE LBY IRVINE CA A5546801 72382300 11 0.00 $ 00 Total Reterenm ——,— Other withdrawals Date DerntPtian _ __ _� __ _—__. - ._- - •• -•- -•- - ' 45505124 -------- $ 40.00 including fees anti 8/13 WITHDRAWAL # 0000 94209 adjusimenis • `ll.!.M1 Vli�: '.1 � •may, `l,�;}• Clarification Record Of Deposit Applicant/Resident Name: .S k U/l, �,A V-t ve—,�� 9 Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: ❑ Re -certification Effective date: Means of Clarification: ❑ Phone Conversation ❑ Person -to -Person Conversation Q_ .other: Summary of Deposits: Source: %��%�`� i� _ Date: "l Amount: L • n C� Explanation (f Deposit: n� �; n Inner nn �r i'�'1�v 1//1 Source: _ Date: q'� Amount: F-Anlanation'O Deposit: Source: �'� Date: ��_ Amount' 2�1 • �3 Explanation Of Deposit: Source: YVNb0Z Date: CI�f _c� At:moun Source: V Date: R Amount: 11c: . W Explanation of Deposit: l a .a a ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY TERMINATION REINSTATEMENT 1770 North Broadway NOTICE OF: EXTENSION Santa Ana, CA 92706 DATE: SUBSIDY NUMBER: NOTIFICATION NAME ISSUED BY OCHA ISSUED BY OTHER PHA � , OWNER'S �j TENANT'S NAME ADDRESS U c vie ADDRESS ZIP ODE CITY STATE ZIP ODE CITY STATE TERMINATION OF HAP EFFECTIVE � t�`�, )" �< REINSTATEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE DATE TERMINATION OW -OWNER TN -TENANT''?° EXTENSION EXPIRATION DATE INITIATED BY OGOCHA Comments: 1-71 re f O 9 Your continued participation in the Section 8 Program is based upon an individual examination of each case as well as your compliance and policies as defined in your Housing Voucher and the Orange County Housing Authority's Administrative with all program provisions The Plan. The f llowing action is being taken at this time. Decision Pending. be Issued. El Voucher will be issued. ElAnew Voucher will not Reason: IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE ABOVE DECISION, YOU MUST SUBMIT A WRITTEN COMPLAINT AND REQUEST FOR AN DATE. You must Include a copy INFORMAL HEARING WITHIN FIFTEEN (16) CALENDAR DAYS OF THE ABOVE NOTIFICATION for details. of this form with your request. Please refer to the "Complaint and Appeals Procedures" 480- �7�� if you have any questions, please call: JERRY MARTINEZ (714) 1 \ 6/30/03 BETTY AHERN$ 140 ECHO RUN IRVINE CA 92714 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVEIOPWN f DEPARTMENT ORANGE nlo. b e�o$T HOUSsnrsING �AUsz AUTHORITY JEFFREY TOM 17631 BARIj AVE IRVINE CAI 92614 SUBSIDY # V53406 01 CONTRACT# Vq340601 Dear Client: This letter is to inform you of a CHANGE IN REF -I as A. Previous Tenant Share Rent $;l31.00 B. Previous Housing Assistance Payment $;944.00 C. Previous Rent to Owner ,$]025.00 D. Tenant's New Share Rent $ A34.00 E. New Housing Assistance Payment $;591.00 F. New Contract Rent $71025.00 OWNER# 16126 s Gi)ows: IMPORTANT NOTICE -PENDING RENT INCREASES: The above contract rent amount may not reflect :a peua;.., rent increase (new contract rent you requested). The effective dat.,:�, the OCHA and tenant portions of the rent will be adjusted accw%.,ingly by Leasing staff; you will receive a separate notice when completed. AMENDMENT TO HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CONTRrACT: The contents of the Housing Assistance Payment �:..tgned on August 01, 2003 shall prevail except for tke chanyar.• shown in section IT, above.,, These changes became effective TENANT DISAGREEMENT: If you do not agree with the above decision, you have. i:t. right to request a hearing within fifteen (15) calendar, days tit .C:e date of this letter. The request must be in writing nd inc.ude— 1) The reason why you do not agree with the(decis:,or. 2) what action you feel should be taken Upon receipt of your request, your case will lie revl,lwK.,: and you will receive written notice of the decision/hearing date w;.:c.:n 45-60 days. For your information and guidance, enclosed is a r.'�p;( •: OCHA's Complaint and Appeal Procedures. j If you have questions, please call TRINA NGUYFN at (714) 480-2723 I , Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) `' r I✓oucher lousing Choice Voucher Program Department of Housing OMB No. 13012 577-0169 U.S. De 9 p � (exp. i30I2002) and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing )ublic Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, iearching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. 'his collection of information is authorized under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f). The information is used to authorize a fam or an eligible unit and specifies the size of the unit. The information also sets forth the family's obligations under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. _1 ■:r aclentirea=memDetorecompium,ywnu I V53406 wanks Mow. Tvoe or print clearly. - rise unit size in numuer ui u 11--1 % --• -•--- - and Is used in determining the amount of assistance to be paid on behalf of the Family to the owner. r Issued (mmlddlyyyyl I 12 / 01 / 0 3 date the Voucher Is Issued to the Family. - Date Voucher Expires (mmlooryyyy) 3/2 Insert date sixty days after date Voucher is Issued. (See Section 6 of this form.) 3/ 2 4. Date Extension Expires (2 Date x 151,110111 11,5ci5li es app ca a FM1 iiiii 1 iiiiiyyy (See Section 6. of this form) a. Jame of Family Representative gnature o Family epresentabve Date Sig BETTY AHERNS 10% INCOME 171 4096 INCOME Vame of Public Housing Agency (PHA) ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 30% INCOME 512 CRAIG FEE A. 4, The public housing agency (PHA) has determined that the above named family (item 5) is eligible to participate in the housing choice voucher program. Under this program, the family chooses a decent, safe and sanitary unit to live in. If the owner agrees to lease the unit to the family under the housing choice voucher program, and If the PHA approves the unit, the PHA will enter into a housing assistance payments (MAP) contract with the owner to make monthly payments to the owner to help the family pay the rent. The PHA determines the amount of the monthly housing assistance payment to be paid to the owner. Generally, the monthly housing assistance payment by the PHA is the difference between the applicable payment standard and 30 percent of monthly -adjusted family Income. in determining the maximum initial housing assistance payment for the family, the PHA will use the payment standard in effect on the date the tenancy is approved by the PHA. The family may choose to rent a unit for more than the payment standard, but this choice does not change the amount of the PHNs assistance payment. The actual amount of the PHA' s assistance payment will be determined using the gross,rent for the unit selected by the family. 2. Voucher A. When issuing this voucher the PHA expects that if the family finds an approvable unit, the PHA will have the money available to enter into a HAP contract with the owner. However, the PHA is under no obligation to the family, to any owner, or to any other person, to approve a tenancy. The PHA does not have any liability to any party by the Issuance of this voucher. 10/30/03 n. ,,, partoicipate in the- PHA's housing choice voucher pro- gram. The family becomes a participant in the PHA's housing choice voucher program when the HAP contract between the PHA and the owner takes effect. C. During the initial or any extended term of this voucher, the PHA may require the family to report progress in leasing a unit at such intervals and times as determined by the PHA. 3. PHA Approval or Disapproval of Unit or Lease A. When the family finds a suitable unit where the owner is willing to participate in the program, the family must give the PHA the request for tenancy approval (on the form supplied by the PHA), signed by the owner and the family, and a copy of the lease, including the HUD - prescribed tenancy addendum. Note: Both documents must be given to the PHA no later than the expiration date stated in Item 3 or 4 on top of page one of this voucher. B. The family must submit these documents in the manner tt Is required by the PHA. PHA policy may prohibit the fam from submitting more than one request for tenancy ap- proval at a time. C. The lease must include; word-for-word, all provisions of the tenancy addendum required by HUD and supplied b) the PHA. This is done by adding the HUD tenancy addendum to the lease used by the owner. If there is a difference between any provisions of the HUD tenancy addendum and any provisions of the owner's lease, the provisions of the HUD tenancy addendum shall control. forrn - HUD-52646 (7I2000 ref. Handbook 7420.1 Previous editions are obsolete page 1 of 2 MST•210 D. After receiving the request for tenancy approval and a copy of the lease, the PHA will inspect the unit. The PHA may not give approval for the family to lease the unit or execute the HAP contract until the PHA has determined that all the following program requirements are met: the unit is eligible; the unit has been inspected by the PHA and passes the housing quality standards (HQS); the rent is reasonable; and the landlord and tenant have executed the lease including the HUD -prescribed tenancy addendum. E. If the PHA approves the unit, the PHA will notify the family and the owner, and will furnish two copies of the HAP contract to the owner. 1. The owner and the family must execute the lease. 2. The owner must sign both copies of the HAP con- tract and must furnish to the PHA a copy of the executed lease and both copies of the executed HAP contract. 3. The PHA will execute the HAP contract and return an executed copy to the owner. F. If the PHA determines that the unit or lease cannot be approved for any reason, the PHA will notify the owner and the family that: 1. • The proposed unit or lease is disapproved for speci- fied reasons, and 2. If the conditions requiring disapproval are remedied to the satisfaction of the PHA on or before the date specified by the PHA, the unit or lease will be approved. 4, obligations of the Family When the family's unit is approved and the HAP contract Is executed, the family must follow the rules listed below In order to continue participating in the housing choice voucher program. The family must: 1. Supply any Information that the PHA or HUD deter- mines to be necessary Including evidence of citizen- ship or eligible Immigration status, and information for use in a regularly scheduled reexamination or Interim reexamination of family income and compo- sition. 2. Disclose and verify social security numbers and sign and submit consent forms for obtaining Information. 3. Supply any information requested by the PHA to verify that the family is living in the unit or informa- tion related to family absence from the unit. 4. Promptly notify the PHA in writing when the family is away from the unit for an extended period of time in accordance with PHA policies. 5. Allow the PHA to inspect the unit at reasonable times and after reasonable notice. 6. Notify the PHA and the owner in writing before moving out of the unit or terminating the lease. 7. Use the assisted unit for residence by the family. The unit must be the family's only residence. 8. Promptly notify the PHA in writing of the birth, adoption, or court -awarded custody of a child. 9. Request PHA written approval to add any other family member as an occupant of the unit, A. B. 10. Promptly notify the PHA in writing if any family member no longer lives in the unit. 11. Give the PHA a copy of any owner eviction notice. 12. Pay utility bills and provide and maintain any appli- ances that the owner is not required to provide under the lease. C. Any information the family supplies must be true and complete. D. The family (including each family member) must not: 1. Own or have any Interest in the unit (other than in a cooperative, or the owner of a manufactured home leasing a manufactured home space). 2. Commit any serious or repeated violation of the lease. 3. Commit fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or crimi- nal act in connection with the program. 4. Engage in drug -related criminal activity or violent criminal activity or other criminal activity that threat- ens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of other residents and persons residing in the imme- diate vicinity of the premises. 5. Sublease or let the unit or assign the lease or transfer the unit. 6. Receive housing choice voucher program housing assistance while receiving another housing subsidy, for the same unit or a different unit under any other Federal, State or local housing assistance program. 7. Damage the unit or premises (other than damage from ordinary wear and tear) or permit any guest to damage the unit or premises. 8. Receive housing choice voucher program housing assistance while residing In a unit owned by a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister or brother of any member of the family, unless the PHA has determined (and has notified the owner and the family of such determination) that approving rental of the unit, notwithstanding such relationship, would provide reasonable accommodation for a family member who is a person with disabilities. 9. Engage in abuse of alcohol in a way that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the other residents and persons residing in the imme- diate vicinity of the premises. 5. Illegal Discrimination If the family has reason to believe that, in its search for suitable housing, it has been discriminated against on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, or familial status, the family may file a housing discrimination complaint with any HUD Field Office in person, by mail, or by telephone. The PHA will give the family Information on how to fill out and file a complaint. 6. Expiration and Extension of Voucher The voucher will -expire on the date stated in Item 3 on the top of page one of this voucher unless the family requests an extension in writing and the PHA grants a written extension of the voucher in which case the voucher will expire on the date stated in item 4. At its discretion, the PHA may grant a family's request for one or more extensions of the initial term. form HUD-52646 (7120001 ref. Handbook 7420.8 Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 2 MST.2N Housing & Community O Development Department �`� �i� COUNTY OF ORANGE DATE: \ 1 0 NAME: � AA-rry n6 ADDRESS: qo FF'd�an m Dear Tenant: The Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) has processed a termination in response to notification that you either have a change in bedroom size OR that you x will be moving to a new unit. Federal regulations require a new Voucher be issued in these circumstances. Enclosed is a copy of your new Voucher for your records. IMPORTANT: THIS VOUCHER IS A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS ONLY — YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN IT OR RETURN IT TO THE OCHA. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS NEW VOUCHER PLEASE CALL THE RESIDENCY UNIT OFFICE SPECIALIST AT (714) 480-2703. IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MAXIMUM 60-DAY EXTENSION'HA.S AUTOMATICALLY BEEN INCLUDED ON YOUR VOUCHER. NO ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TIME CAN BE GRANTED, UNLESS YOU EXPERIENCE MEDICAL AND/OR OTHER EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES FOR WHICH YOU CAN PROVIDE VERIFICATION. IMPORTANT: , IF YOU ARE MOVING TO A NEW UNIT, YOU MUST CONTACT YOUR OCHA FIELD REPRESENTATIVE FOR ASSISTANCE AND TO SCHEDULE THE INSPECTION APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR NEW UNIT. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOUR VOUCHER EXPIRES. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS, YOU NEED TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION. I. . ocha 200.044 rev.1/03 r ' XNew Certificates /Race. ration Unit Number_ INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this forth is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (pool) -' NewportolNorth I/We the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all Listed below are the names of all persons persons who are to occupy the unit being applied to r in the above apartment project. who intend to reside in the unit. i 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Members Of the Relationship to Head of Social Security Number Place of Employment Household TA-16 cN'�— Household Age ��� G 10•2 t • S'�I l3 S>rt.1�c�+a i G�oc yv R,o�HA x)KAP, ROtOAPOWA. REZ-A A"TI'E& Ar Gl(0.07.Ce 5'(`s Rvsi Aott tiPU AMA., af%OTft C ;L !0 61(*-QC7• 7KiG A0S,{Af-2iw49 ZAWKA AdIA L SG COS •cl• WFr &.,Ouc Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the 12-monk period begiirinn ng the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is 5 129 Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump suns payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (e) payments in lien of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (� the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; rid child support payments and regular contributions (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony a and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) rehe is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) anto;nus which arc spccit ally for or in tcintbursentent of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to farad) assets, such as utltei Raines, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation). capital gains and settlement for personal of property losses: td) umounts of educational scholarships paid directl) to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the govcrnnient to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition. fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarbltips or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; FROM FAX NO. :7038481910 Nag. 23 2003 06:54PM P2 0 (e) ha2ardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile tire: (0 relocation payments under Title 11 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Properiy Acquisition Policies Act of 1070; (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of Coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; . W paymtms to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer �crv' es Act of 1973: 0) payments raccived under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land ofthe united States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments an allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; ' (it) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; and (a) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement Ponds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court ofClalms or from held In trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as f ntrimre and automobiles and interests in Indian mssr land) ✓ Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sole) during the last mo years at less than fair market value? Yes ✓ No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) Above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons tend more than S5,0007 Yes t/ No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: 5 (2) the amount of income expected to be derived fromsuch assets in the 12-month period beghmimgan the dare of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S • and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column t above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an edycNonal Institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? V o Yes (b) Comolel eniv Ifthe answer to Ouestlon g(a)1s "Yes•').. Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) marred and cligibte to file tjoint ftderal Income tax rctums7 Yes 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine rnaximurh income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and !Awe declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information !Ave doom reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. to. I/1Ye will assist the Oumer in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements rhade herein, including either an income verification from my/our present tmployet(s) or copies offedeml tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. i I. I/R'e acknowledge that all of the foregoing, information Is relnunt to the status under federal income tax law of the imeresr on bonds issued to finance tiro _ of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustue acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. iAfe declare under penalty of perjnry that the foregoing is true and correct. Exccutcco this J Q.. (lay of x-(iC16/.Ls"')jj�l...• 200� Applicant Applicam � � -•• •~ •-- !Signature of tilt poisons (except : til turn urdcnl:c tq;e of IS )cdfs) listed in nund}tr? •abovc roquired) fl ^ Fi)R cOMFIlE7 o BY A-PARTivM'N'T OWNM ON-LY: 1. calculatior of eligible Income: a. Enr_ r amount entered for entire household in 6 above: f� c. (1) If the amount enured in 7 entered in 74(2), subtract 7(dx3) and enter the renjj (2) Multiply the arrow savings rate annual earni� passbook savior the amount enm, is yes, enter the total amount figure the amount entered in h�'e (S )i PP"9W,the current passbook P to determine what the total /(d)(1) would be if invested in __), subtract from that figure enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: TOTAL ELTGIBT E INCOME (line La plus line l.b(3): 2. 7be amount entered in 1.e: Qualifies the applicants) as a Moderate•Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower-lazost Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenant(s). 000 S. Number of apartment unit assigned: .Z { Bedroom size: Rent: S 1 0Q1—T 4. This apartment unit (wasfvas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by pe-rsons whose aggregate anti ivated annual income as certified in The above manner == their initial occupancy of the apartment writ qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). S. Method used to verify applicant(S) income: Employer income very= cation. Covies of = returns. N'QJID wC60-0- ySer Date % awscmerr Income Certification Unit # Narne• T YV Initial Certification Re -certification other .1 Yes N Su o S ousal Support, and/o Family P any Uwe receive . i rent or utility p cash contributions of gifts, including ymet /\ from ersous not livin with me. Une Uwe receive veteran's Administration, Pension, P Iq Wher benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. Uwe receive income from Rental Pro Social Security to inclu Uwe receive benefits/income from SSI and/or periodic social security Payments - SSA, The household receives uneamed income for family neml age 17 or under. Payments' tided to receive child support Pa ym Uwe are en !X Uwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are, currently making efforts to collect child supv Uwe have other assets (example: "1 -- XStocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market aca Certificate of Deposits Whole Life insurance, Re ,x Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are al students exam le: Colle e/Universi , trade scht Does your household anticipate Becoming a full-t household in the next 12 months9 revious two If you answered ygs. to either of the p you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Income Under penalties or perjury, I certify -that the information presf nted on this form is true and accurate Ito the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further underst nds that providing false resuresentaons lt in thti denial herein application to an act Of termination Of the Ifraud. False,ncome restricted leaseagreemo nmation will res Date Residett Signature t . d' i Date Signature of Owner/Agent 1 111r "v P. Ac� -AT MIT ATTnt.T WORKCNRRT Hf SOgal[ # LasINaIN Int N= Sala Sox Sate of Nil I Am Social socarity# YfSWMI 1 ROo ANYILR qA"C&HEN HOH 12 (V •P76T 3 v•.tl•S`!t� N 2 Ro.5HAXJvA✓.t. REZA ©,.otj A u y-t o't • 11 tK81 ZR 41G• gP• 41& Y 3 RUSNAA•>KAR AMIP�. $.•urt�✓{. tit O�t•o'I•tY80 23 41G•08•Tx'tIL � 4 07HAOK-APLAHaA +iW'F✓L Y 0t:25• t4Kl 5(e f.0$• it. a0re, N 8 6 r B_.. ....... �. .. .. ... a u ifxt el V:1Y.Y.1� r1C i•Lxo� [N f.. I [..n..•., C.nn—°TV DCAICInAIC FT!• Fem3Y Me1od # Sotns SasaSale 3 Av Ixts Aligned Amaal To tal 52 Wr 24 Sofa 28 MWs tt Mr 1 YA $ _$ Total Box B $ Aye, SasoA9ts lit 21 28 12 t # Scuco 3 A Alan Wr Sm a SFWS Ato Y8 Did $ _$ $ a$ $ _$ $ _$ Total Box C $ nmuco Tvnnanc Fm3Y y'• Alerts ,# Source SamA9W 3 A Adn Av Alnlal 28 @•Wx Tall 52 We 24 Saefitr R AL I Ye $ _$ Total Box D 1 $ -01 TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Through D $ ICJ �. 'rAS��wSa "�• %e; 'tar. ,SS�tk�,.S� i+:v'ziC:'tr' r�. ".za, aws/F30FAL I vats 2tr cost to cot t . XTf26AJcWt2V3W (� j AcUtl I lilrmsteats I ST Q�' e Fem% Allah AWDlsCi ttim # Fpr suck olal lqulod/ "I GITHIt IW ActudAloud IcalerrmnAmts $ $ % $ $ $ % $ $$$$ % Totals Box E: $ Box F: $ Total NET Family "I =I Actual Income Income fmin Assets IMPUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G $� Effective Date: 11 • .30 • 0-3 � If Box E exceeds$.5,000 multiply Box bythecurrent TypeofProgram%: ,c Q passbook utterestratc: x % Unit No.: tf Box E does not exceed $5,000 enter-0. in Box G No. of persons: INCOME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H: $ WI: it- •03 Mu. Income Limit: 56 500 Enter the greater ofB xF or Box AR: 140%Limit: GO TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME $52 . CCU & TOTAL ASSETS-- r, n a n c I SM/A\wA V/ aILJ 0l� EAPAFrKMTMANAGEMENTCOMPAfaM Rental Appw atlon or, deeipt for Application Screening Fee Mease complete this form entirely in ink. noting 'NIA'or"none° where applicable. Do not use white out. The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP, (collectively,'Owncr°). of Applicant's full name (Lost, First, Mid to Initial) SrJ5r. Dale of Rlrth ac(al5earity Wmbm riv¢ri Lie ' d ))wtor Faizme )a_lo-19d 6to R)-5?I5 pall. A Name of Ca-Appllcants(Separate application required for each Co•Applicant) p (Wet, First, Middle (Lat. �Fiirst. Mid`dlerAW.1) Amite 'If (Last. Pin&, Middle Inniap ,InrW) P 05ka"Fig+ e20. )U'a', Z 63L.1ear f l (Las.Fust,Middln Inman (Last, cant, Middle IN&lol) (Last, First, Middle lnniol) I c APPlleant'a Present Add,., City ZIP El own Phone# 'If.'1 "4 omrsi a ^ 2 Fl sho e ��v� llv.ae 9as6s ® not. a �,. .am To t Detached famiy home: ri Attached famlyhomc rl Apartment: H Ma Mhy Payment$ 12`) ^ To whom do youmake payment,➢ i s Present La IoAM lr Address CRY IIP Phone # i p Lnmediare prior Address (If lets than I yr. a&above) own µonthy Payment: ookc r Re:d: $ V y Immedivte Prior Wndlard'a Nam< Addreu city ZIP Phone# Do you awns PntJ Y. ®No N,mberafpeh• I Type: ° vropo,nd oeeupom o (Last. Flnt, Mlddh P n (Last. First. Middle t In sets of emugcnq, please nonf)" cal name. address a phooe number) r Relationship: If oP cab e, a W phone berg: Mamri,hlaPe y l(r'611 Reined: 10A01 Pea. t d3 ApPlla,uonWVROal,b ,IEA rMENTMANAGEMEWCOMre-u. How did you first town of this apartment community? ❑O.C, Register ❑Drive By ❑Rental-tivingcom ❑Apar1menl6uide ❑signs ❑website-Other' ❑Orig.Apt.A(agazlre ❑OthaIACCammunity❑Referl'al" ❑Rental Living (IAC Mag) ❑LA Times ❑Relocotor Service ❑Far Rent Magazlne ❑so Vnlon ❑Flyer ❑IACApt.Infa Center ❑SD Reader ❑Postewd/Maller e PLEASE FILL IN: ❑II—tmn/Sp. Event ❑sI Maary ❑NewspopervMhin" ❑Mugazlne-Other" ❑Affordable Housing ❑Other -Not Listed" Reasonfarrelocathm: /�. How many vehicles do you owc/dri Make Yew License# Make Yew License of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information - I am making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtaining IAMC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, Ownti, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the •IAMC Parties•), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through a At reporting agencies, tenant screening service companies, banks(including electronic funds verification), employers aclother persons or entities with Information relating to this Application. Ialsoauthorize the IAMC Parties to provide information contained in this Application to various local, state and/or federal government agencies, including without limitation, various law enforcement agencies. I urdestand that If I lease this apartment, theTAMC PwtUsshall have a conttmring right to review My wed,t information, payment history, occupancy history and other Information In this Application for purposes raided to my Lease and/or for account review bath during and after the term of my Lease. I hersby release and hold harmless TheIrviec Company, Lviez Apartment Communities, l3., rmiae Apartment Manogement Compay, and all of theirrespeative officers, employeesand agents, from any and all Mobility, legal proccedngs and costs, Including attorneys' fees, wising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contained In this Application, Indudmg therclease ofsuch Infarmaaon m other paella. I woaont that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Irdormatlon provided In this Application (Including but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this AppllcaNON If any Information provided by me Is determined fo be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my Lease with Owner. I agreeto ratify IAMC If arty of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application ptoaasar during my tenancy. I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether or not this Application is approved. A non-refundableAppliation Screening I mof $30 00 (as Itemized below) Is required ham each Applicant to process this Application and to chock the Infomu0on provided. Aseparate Application to Rent must be signed by each Applicant who w0l occupy lha apadmanl before this Application will he considered by Me. Date \..7 App cants signature RECEIPTFOR APPU'CATION SCREENING FEE amount is to be used to screen Appl,cont wrth regards to aredh h[story and athv bockgrourd informat(on The amount charged a follows: Actual costs of credit report, unlawful deta(ner(evictIan) search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 Cost to obtain, process and verify screening Information (may includestaff'a time and other related casts) $20.05 Total fee charged (may net exceed $30 per Applicant) $3000 rises verification of information supplied by Applicant on this Applicotfan through credit reporting agencies, personal reference u• information sowca. Date Irvine Apartment Management Company 21 �3 By: -- Redid: 10101 Pape2d2 AppaGknW&41011x. &ar _? ,-;rltA Group ( 01,1;d Nmil% and C'osnulic I ti:nI151r1 NOV,21.2003 Re: Fatemeh Rc The above n office since Nov Year. Star Dental Groul Dr. K.Etemadi K>f f 12729 Foothill Lsh',t :;>>'•. Grr� a Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name: : V0,44.� ) Date: -K-f` (3 ✓ Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: '21;0 ' G3 Recertification Means of Clarification: Date of Clarification Contact Name: Summary of Clarification: V-t I l 'Ak • 03 r Effective date: Phone Conversation Person-to-PPers n Conversation Other: E RE 0 Employee Name: Title: v�^� Consw%tAr Employee Signature: Date: i I Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date YTD Income divided by 2(, c, Start with hire date if atjob for less than a year (_) 2000 - (how often paid) M F G(� Calculated Annual Income 52, 000.00 Hire Date Gross per Pay Period F-- -1 MI divided by (how often paid) MI i (=) Calculated Annual Income Clarification Record Applicant/ResidentName: : FptI) ��—!� �► Date: ?iZ'o.3 �itial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: 3�'v3 Recertification Effective date: 8'30• 03 Means of Clarification: Date of Clarification: Contact Name: _ F 3 Phone Conversation Per�Person Conversation Other: Explanation or CIarification Given: Fjj 1 ;� 'Ott %k14/.e c� Idlit c3ri[ �� Emplovee Name: 4�v (l _Title: Employee Signature: Dater/ Z�o•U3 r� Asset Calculation Name A 1El-H 0165h6/--)+�`�U'1 i i Account Type divided by 15. /S (average account balance;) ( x ) Interest rate: % 01 Income from asset: $ ' BankofAnherica. w 1015 E 4-2 FATEMEH ROSHANKAR 13603MALMOND NSTR TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances. transfer funds, pay bllls and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking — Statement Period: August 13 through September 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Summary of Your MyAccess checking Account Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 0 Beginning Balance an 08/13/03 $6,606.58 Total Deposits + 100.00 Total Checks, Withdrawals, _ 6,621.15 Transfers, Account Fees Service Charge - 5.95 0.,1.,.,..e $79.48 ❑ Important Information About Your Account Number of purchase transactions 0 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls 0 Self -Service 0 Assisted MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every monthl To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. Put your home equity to good use. Whether you use it for a vacation, education expenses or transferring balances on higher interest rate credit cards or loans, it's your choice. Talk to a Bank of America representative today. Continued on next page 0030807.001.210 California Page 1 of 2 aHecyde Peper Bank ofAmerica. EMEH ROSHANKAR Statement Period: August 13 through September 11, 2003 YAM FAT MA EMEH ROSHANKAR Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Bank of America News Automatic bill payment with your Bank of America Check Card (R) is just a phone call away. It's as easy as 1-2-3. 1 - Call your service providers and tell them you want to set up automatic payments. 2 - Provide your Bank of America Check Card (R) number and choose a payment date. 3 - Track your payments on your monthly statement or on online banking. It's not too late to apply for a student loan from Bank of America. Visit bankofamerica com/studentbanking. Let us help you make your dreams come true. Now there's a much faster and easier way to manage your accounts and pay bills. With our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service, pay virtually all your bills from one easy -to -use yscreen - in our checking naccount Just S Sign us who how much and when you want to pay. It's free with up t day at bankofamer ca com Bank of America is a proud sponsor of the 2003 L. A. County Fair, September 12 to 28 at _ Fairplex in Pomona. Enjoy half price admission Monday through Thursday evenings with $5 after 5PM. The Fair lights up with fireworks, entertainment and concerts during 'Fair after Dark.' For more information, visit lacountyfair.com. ❑ Checks Paid " Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount 09/05 242 $ 100.00 Date Paid Number Amount 08/28 275 91.00 Total of 3 Checks Paid $341.00 ❑ Account Activity Reference Number Amount Date Posted Description Deposits and Credits $100.00 09/05 Visa Instant Cash Transfer Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Fee Fdes Nca 0020475 Nbk3ucl $10.00 400.00 08/13 08/20 Account Verification/Reference Bank Of America Credit Card Bill Payment 5,605.00 08/29 09105 Withdrawal CA Tir cash withdrawal from Chk 5624 Banking Ctr Woodbridge 265.15 #0001015 CA Confirmation# 2778775688 $6,280.16 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Service Charge $5.95 09/11 Monthly Service Charge ❑ Overdraft Protection Plan Overdraft coverage available $300.00 BankAmericard Visa 4024-1120.0749-7883 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement........................................................... ... .................................................................$79.48 • Add amount transferred to your account from your overdraft protection plan to your checkbook register ...................100.00 • Subtract other account fees from your checkbook register........................................................... ........................................... 10.00 • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register........................................................................................ 5.95 0030807.002.210 California Page 2 of 2 Q RMO America, 1015 E 2-3 (�i)nn)i))u��ju)ui)�j)u�uij)u�)juj)uj)nu�j)�ji�u) FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR 13603 ALMOND ST TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankafamerica.com. Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking Statement Period: September 12 through October 14, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ summary of Your MyAccess checking Account Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 2 Beginning Balance on 09/12/03 $79.48 Total Deposits + 10,000.00 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees 1,846.19 Service Charge - 5.95 t.,.l:n.. nn/.nrp $8,227.34 ❑ important information About Your Account Number of purchase transactions 8 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls 0 Self -Service 0 Assisted MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every monther or our local ank of center. For To OSocialnd tSecurity or SSI contact direct dur eposit, callisit theySocial Security Administration ca king toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. Put your home equity to good use. Whether you use it for a vacation, education expenses . or transferring balances on higher interest rate credit cards or loans, It's your choice. Talk to a Bank of America representative today. Automatic bill payment with your Bank of America Check Card (R) Is just a phone call away. It's as easy as 1-2-3. 1-Call your service providers and tell them you want to set up automatic payments. 2-Provide your Bank of America Check Card (R) number and choose a payment date. 3-Track your payments an your monthly statement or on online banking. Own a Small Business? Our Small Business checking accounts come with free Online Banking service and Bill Pay and a free business check card. We can help you manage your cash flow and provide you with tools to make your business run more efficiently. Open an account or learn more at www.bankofamerica.com/smallbizchecking. Continued on next page 0030956.001.210 California Page 1 of 3 0 R.gdaE Pepe, Bank®fAmerica,� �. FATEMEH ROSHANKAR Statement Period: September 12 through October 14, 2003 MARYAM ROSHANKAR Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Bank of America News Now there's a much faster and easier way to manage your accounts and pay bills. With our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service, pay virtually all your bills from one easy -to -use yscreen - in our checking naccount. Sign us who, how much and when you up today at www.bankofamerica.comnt to pay. It's free with Protect yourself from overdrawing your balances - Sign up for Overdraft Protection from your Regular Savings or Bank of America credit card. Funds are automatically transferred from the linked account to cover the payment. For more details, visit bankofamerica.com or stop by your local Bank of America banking center. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount 09/17 $10,000.0 ❑ Checks Paid Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Amount 09/30 243 $ 170.00 Total of 2 Checks Paid $1,410.00 10/06 244 1,240.00 Account Activity )ate Reference Number Amount 'osted Description Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees ' $26.08 19/19 Check Purchase n #301320776), UCard nion 19vine CAd Ref#24164073261220458443956 875208 24.10 19/22 Purchase on 09/21 (Card #301320776), Sav-on Drugs Irvine CA 659122 49.45 9/23 Card PurchaseSou CA 04 New ort6Reach USPS 05( 93 pp 036125 19.14 9/30 Purchase on 09130 (Card #301320776). Super KingMarket Anaheim CA Check h CAd #301320776), 24.57 9130 UCard nion 76 57883225 19129rvin 9/30 Ref d#24164073272220469336238 Check CA 776), Newport (Card #301320776), 46.56 California Pizza 007 Ref#24323013272118320011772 035738 129.54 9/30 Purchase on 09/30 (Card #301320776). Super King Market Anaheim CA 004082 40.00 0/01 Cash withdrawal on 10101, Bank of America ATM 234101 Card ##301320776) 30132b77.), 20.75 0103 Check hose UCard nion 76 2511rvit CAd Ref#24164073275220472387654 12.00 0/03 Statement Copies Fee 005671 40.00 0/09 Cash withdrawal on 10/09. Bank of America ATM #234102 (Card #301320776) 4.00 0/14 Statement Copies Fee Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $436.f9 Service Charge Ch $5.95 0/14 Monthly Service arge Continued on next page California Page 2 of 3 0030956.002.210 n Re yded Pap Bank of America. � w Statement Period: September 12 through October 14, 2003 FATEMEH ROSHANKAR — MARYAM ROSHANKAR Account Number: 10151-05624 -- ❑ Overdraft Protection Plan kA ericard Visa 4024-1120-0749-7883 Overdraft coverage available $400.00 Ban m ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist lireconciling your account. we have e of this page.following summary information. A reconciliation • Your ending balance from this statement......................................................................... ..................................................... $8,227.34 • Subtract other account fees from your checkbook register .......................................... • S btract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register ........................... 5.95 u 1 ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #234101 Heritage Plaza, Irvine, CA • #234102 Heritage Plaza, Irvine, CA California 0030050.003.210 Page 3 of 3 aReeycWNPP.r Bank ofAmerica. '0 1015 E 2-3 jjduuldjuIjjujuIIIjjujuIjjnJjnjjujluuJjdJnj FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR 13603 ALMOND ST TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 trur free ransfer founds, pay bills and morenline Banking service . Enrolows l at www.bankofamerica.com .ou to check account s t Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking = Statement Period: October 15 through November 7, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Summary of Your MyAccess checking Account I d transfers 2 Beginning Balance on 10/15/03 Total Deposits Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees $8,227.34 + 2,126.95 4,992.71 Number of ATM withdrawa s an ran Number of purchase transactions 14 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls 0 Self -Service 0 Assisted Service Charge - 5.95 Ending Balance $5,355.63 ❑ Important Information About Your Account MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every monthl To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. Remember - Your MyAccess checking account has no minimum balance requirements so you don't have to worry about keeping a certain balance in your account. And, i amonthly y ou currently pay a monthly service charge, you can avoid the charge by setting up y direct deposit, such as payroll, to your account. For more details, visit bankofamerica.com. ❑ Bank of America News Shop with your Bank of America Visa(R) Check Card this holiday season and never worry about security. It's safer than cash and more convenient than checks. Bring it to the mall and to department stores. Use It online and for catalog purchases. Your Check Card is the best way to pay for the holidays - go to www.bankofamerica.com/holiday for special offers. Receive and pay your bills all in one place with our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service. Instead of visiting multiple biller sites, Online Banking allows you to receive a -bills from more than 200 companies. To pay bills, just tell us who, how much and when you want to pay. Sign up today at www.bankofamerica.com. Looking for information about applying to college, paying for it, and making the move to campus? Check out the College Connection at www.bankofamerica.com/studentbanking. Continued on next page 0030763.001.210 California Page 1 of 3 10 RecydM Paper Bank of America. - Statement Period: October 15 through November 7, 2003 FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR Account Number: 10151-05624 -- ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amoun 11/05 $2.078.47' ❑ Checks Paid Date PaI6 11105 11/04 Number 245 246 Amount Date Paid Number $ 1,250.00 Total of 2 Checks Paid 1,218.52 Amount $2,468.52 ❑ Account Activity Description F-05/t3-0d Reference Number mount Deposits and Credits Check Card Purchase Cr Adj onC1A0/28(Card #301320776). 1 $48.4 \ 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/20 10/20 10/24 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/29 10/30 Ross Stores #179 Tustin Ref.#74610413302004062260747 Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Purchase on 10/16 (Card #301320776). Super Irvine Inc Irvine CA Purchase on 10/16 (Card #301320776), Ralphs 14400 Culv,Irvine CA Purch 9av-on10/17 Dr gsIry ne 3013CA 20776), Purchase an 10/17 (Card #301320776), Super Irvine Inc Irvine CA Check Card Purchase an 1 Union 76 57883225Irvine CAd #301320776), Ref#24164073291220487527773 Cash withdrawal on 10/19, Bank of America ATM #234101 (Card #301320776) Cash withdrawal on 10124, Bank of America ATM ##244302 Card ##301320776) Check Card Purchase on 10125 (Card 30132b776). Arden B ##�310 Newport Bch CA Ref#246f0433299004063128836 Check Card Purchase. on 10/24 (Card #301320776), Check CA Tir Check Card Purchase on Sharagano Ontario Ref dd##241581333011 Check OffrFi th #0098 Ont Ref#244450033026 Check Card Purchase on Rose stores Ref#246104 33020 Continued on next page 0030763.002.210 rvine CA I/25 (Card #301320776), A 3725030052 Crd 8198 Banking Ctr Cucamonga #301320776), 8 #301320776), 1 California 009166 830625 810713 019772 000062 007916 606947 $6.06 8.77 12.32 17.54 5.00 40.00 60.00 63.57 64.92 146.52 256.45 1,400.00 48.48 155.16 161.54 67.86 Page 2 of 3 ,a Recrded Pepe1 �3ank of America. FATEMEH ROSHANKAR eeaRYAM ROSHANKAR ❑ Account Activity Continued Date Posted 10/31 11/07 Description Account ees Purcha thdrawalsa on 10131sfers (Cardn##301320776), Sou MTA Vending M 212-Metrocard NY Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Service Charge Monthly Service Charge ❑ Overdraft Protection Plan RankAmericard Visa 4024-1120-0749-7883 Statement Period: October 15 through November 7, 2003 Account Number: 1015145624 Reference Number I Amount 371538 1 10.00 $2,524.19 $5.95 Overdraft coverage available $500.00 _.. ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement...................................9.................................................,..........,........................... $5,365.63 • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register ......................................... .............................................. 5.95 ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #234101 Heritage Plaza, Irvine, CA • #244302 South Coast Center, Santa Ana, CA 0030763,003,210 California Page 3 of 3 col RMOG Pape, Clarification Record Applicant/Resident Name:: WUkDate: It'2e•03 ✓ Initial Certification Recertification Means of Clarification: Date of Clarification: t l• 2 t• o Date of Expected Move -In: t l' 30' 03 Effective date: Phone Conversation erson-to-Person Conversation Other: Contact Name: Comp any/Organization: Explanation or Clarification r-ivan- 1 ivi. Al IO . O DO •J• Employee Name: a..v�o� C�,�pC Title:,Gty+-iw, Employee Signature: I li5�Date: �-o BankofAmerica -O 1015 E 9-3 FATEMEH ROSHANKAR 13603MALMONDNSTR TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking — Statement Period: March 13 through April 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ summary of Your MyAccess checking Account Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 2 Beginning Balance on 03/13/03 $2,515.12 Total Deposits + 2,253.06 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees 4,167.09 Service Charge - 5.95 Ending Balance $595.14 ❑ important information About Your Account Number of purchase transactions 8 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every monthl To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1.800-772-1213. ❑ Bank of America News Right now, you can save 15% on your Mother's Day purchases at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM when you pay with your Bank of America Check Card(R). Just enter VBV to redeem your special offer. And remember our Total Security Protection Package, which includes Verified by Visa, helps guard against theft, loss, or unuathorized use, even online. You could win up to $15,OOO1 First, register for the Online Banking Sweepstakes and read the official rules at bankofamerica.com/paymybills. Then, see for yourself why so many customers love free Online Banking with free Bill Pay. Track balances, transfer funds, pay bills - and every bill you pay is a chance to win. No transaction necessary to enter. Now you can visit: bankofamerica.com/cdladdering and discover how you can increase earnings potential and liquidity with CD Laddering. Continued on next page 0031334,1001.210 California Page 1 of 3 a RecydWNper Bank of America FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted Amount 04/01 $2,000.00 " Gap in check sequence Statement Period: March 13 through April 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Checks Paid Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Amount 238 384.28 $ 100.00 03/13 952.26 ' 234 03113 03/13 " 257 58 2 86.00 310.00 03/13 100.00 03/13 235 03/04 Opal 259 1,230.00 108.29 03/21 236 100.00 Total of 9 Checks Paid $3,370.83 03/14 237 ❑ Account Activity Reference Number Amount Date Posted Description 03/14 Deposits and Credits i Check Church VA01320776), $37.20 Loehmann's #12 FaldFalls 200.00 03/24 03/26 Ref. # 1000000190371217 Visa Instant Cash Transfer Check Card Purchase Cr tANdj an 03//2b(CCard #301320776), ton 15.86 03117 03/17 03/17 03/17 03/17 03118 03118 03/24 03/24 03/24 04/04 04111 Bev Martin Studio as in9 Ref.# 1000000190358339 Total Deposits and Credits Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Check Card kb ster Purchase an 03/Mc14 (Cardan #301320776), BloRef # 1000000190062212 Check Carl! Purchase on 03113 (Card #301320776), c..mich rrnriinn Cc McLean VA Check]ard s o Uniform Co. 80Purchase an 0 653 230TU IL Ref # 1000000190291056 Cash withdrawal on 03115, Nan -Bank of America ATM #SVAD0110 1 Check Card Purchase on 03117 (Card #301320 Bev Martin Studio Washington C Ref# l000000190443511 Cash withrawal on /18, Ban of America AT Check Card Purchase on 03122 Card #3013207 7-Eleven Store 230 Was ngton DC Refd# 1000000190434041( Check MamaPLavash Base kery Failsard ChurchlVA7 Ref# 1000000190166619 Check Card Purchase on 03/22 (Card #3013207' Whole Foods 000Market0s Church VA Ref # 103435 Bank Of America Credit Card Bill Payment Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Service Charge Monthly Service Charge Continued on next page 0031334.002.210 #301320776) California (Card 0297260630) 000006749 001232 $253.06 $4.21 19.33 20.00 40.18 60.00 42.29 300.00 4.99 6.26 19.00 280,00 $796.26 $5.95 Page 2 of 3 Or'A R..Yd dp.p. Bankof America PATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR ❑ overdraft Protection Plan BankAmericard Visa 4024-1120-0749-7883 Statement Period: March 13 through April 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 Overdraft coverage available $350.00 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary Information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement ........................... ...... a........................................................................ 0.00 • Add amount transferred to your account from your overdraft protection plan to your checkbook register .............••••• 205.95 . • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register— ............................................ . ........... ........................... ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #408957 Heritage Plaza, Irvine, CA Non -Bank of America ATMs • #SVAD0110 Bank Of Ame, Chain Bridge Roa, McLean, VA California Page 3 of 3 0031334,003.210 ro Recycled Pope, Bank ofAmerica. r 1015 E 5-2 III IiiIuIIIruIIIIiIIIiinnlIiII1i11i FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR 13603 ALMOND ST TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking — Statement Period: April 12 through May 12, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137.0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Summary of Your MyAccess checking Account 0 - f Beginning Balance on 04/12/03 $595.14 Total Deposits + 3,370.00 Total Checks, Withdrawals, 2 g55,27 Transfers, Account Fees Service Charge - 5.95 Ending Balance $1,503.92 Number of ATM withdrawals and trans ers Number of purchase transactions Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted ❑ important information About Your Account MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every month! To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. With Total Security Protection, your Bank of America Check Card(R) is a secure and easy way to pay for your winning bids at online auction sites, such as eBay or Yahoo! And since payment Is immediate, there's no delay In shipping. Plus when you use your Bank of America Check Card(R) with online payment services such as PayPal, your transactions are secure. ❑ Bank of America News Receive and pay your bills all in one place with our free Online Banking with Bill Pay service. Instead of visiting multiple biller sites, Online Banking allows you to receive a -bills from more than 200 companies. To pay bills, just tell us who, how much and when you want to pay. Sign up today at www.bankofamerica.com. r❑- Brunch-/AATTM�Deposits Number Date Posted Amount Number Date Posted 05/02 $ 3,060.00 05/06 Continued on next page 0031332,001.210 California Amount 310.00 Page 1 of 2 0 Rarycled Paper BankofAmericam�� FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR Statement Period: April 12 through May 12, 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Continued Number Date Posted Amount Number Date Posted Amount Total of 2 deposits . $3,370.00 ❑ Checks Paid Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Amount 05/05 $ 500.00 05/05 261 1,240.00 04/21 230 30.00 05109 262 320.00 04/22 " 260 100.00 Total of Checks Paid $2,190.00 ri Ar_rnunt Activitv FDa DescrlpitonReference Number Amount Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $6.92 Check Card Purchase on 04117 (Card #301320776), Safeway Store0004 McLean VA Ref# 1000000190027012 14.61 04/21 Check Card Purchase on 04/18 (Card #301320776), Blockbuster Video Mc Lean VA Ref# 1000000190067993 20.00 04/21 Check Card Purchase on 04/18 (Card #301.320776), Amoco 0211 McLean VA Ref# 1000000190030968 183.00 04/24 Bank Of America Credit Card Bill Payment 988643 19.85 04/28 Purchase on 04/27 (Card #297260630), Mobil Oil Tulare CA 20.89 05105 Check Card Purchase on 05101 (Card #301320776), Soho Pentagon City Arlington A Ref# 1000000190105608 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $265.27 Service Charge $5.95 Arlan AAnnthly Swrvire Charge ❑ overdraft Protection Plan BankAmericard Visa 4024-1120.0749-7883 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance Overdraft coverage available $250.00 To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed an the reverse of this page. Yourending balance from this statement..............................................................................................................................$1,503.92 Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register......................................................................................... 5.95 0031332.002.210 California Page 2 of 2 co Reryalad PnPer BankofAmencaa'® 1015 E 3-3 itrlfill III lrIII Ili Ili IIII dlrrrrrIIIIIIrel FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR 13603 ALMOND ST TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 Our free Online Banking service allows you to check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and more. Enroll at www.bankofamerica.com. ❑ summary of Your MyAccess checking Account Beginning Balance on 05/13/03 $1,503.92 Total Deposits . + 2,510.00 Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees 2,655.00 Service Charge - 5.95 c..w;.,., $1,352.97 Your Bank of America MyAccess checking Statement Statement Period: May 13 through June 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 Online: www.bankofamerica.com Written Inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. Number of ATM withdrawals and transfers 2 1 Number of purchase transactions 0 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service Assisted m L .n Pfnnf tnfnrmation About Your Account MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every month) To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. Remember MyAccess checking is free with direct deposit. To avoid the monthly service charge, simply set up a monthly direct deposit, such as a payroll or social security check, to your account. Learn more about direct deposit by calling us at 1.800.900.9000 or stopping by any Bank of America banking center. Need cash? As a valued Bank of America customer, it is easy to get to your money with free access to America's largest bank -owned ATM network. Bank of America has nearly 13,000 ATMs across the country. Visit www,hankofamerica.com to locate an ATM near you. Continued on next page 0030040.001.210 California Page 1 of 3 Co ReWed PePM BankofAmerica.'o FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR Statement Period: May 13 through June 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Bank of America News Track transactions as they occur - Online. With Online Banking you can view your account activity throughout the day - no waiting on your monthly statement. See your ATM deposits and withdrawals or Check making them, Access Online aBanking at www.bankofamer ca com.rd purchases from stores and rants within minutes of Because the security of your Bank of America Check Card(R) is a top priority for us, it is now equipped with Verified by Visa. This integrated part of Bank of America's Total Security Protection(TM) package is a free service that gives you password protection when you shop online. Shop at a participating merchant listed at www.visa.com/verified to activate. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Dale Posted Amount Number Date Posted Amount 06/02 $ 2,500.00 [Total of 2 deposits $2,510.00 06/06 • 10.00 ❑ Checks Paid Date Paid Number Amount 05/21 263 $ 250.00 06/05 264 1,240.00 ❑ Account Activity PEW Dasoription 05116 05/20 05/27 05/30 Date Paid Number Amount 06/03 265 250.00 Total of 3 Checks Paid $1,740.00 4sfers and Account Fees on 05116, nerlca ATM #084004 (Card #297260630) Cash withdrawal on Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees Service Charge Monthly Service Charge Reference Number Amount 005667 $300.00 004868 240.00 275.00 100.00 $915.00 $5.95 ❑ overdraft Protection Plan Overdraft coverage available $300.00 BankAmericard Visa 4024-1120-0749-7883 ❑ Bank of America: in Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. • Your ending balance from this statement ................................................... • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register...... Continued on next page 0030848.002.210 California ........... $1,352.97 ................... 5.95 Page 2 of 3 vM R,,rJed Par BankofAmerica. 1® `:1 FATEMEH ROSHANKAR MARYAM ROSHANKAR ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #084004 Tustin, Tustin, CA • #408957 Heritage Plaza, Irvine, CA 0030848.003.210 Statement Period: May 13 through June 11, 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 California Page 3 of 3 100 Rxrd.a Poo Barak of America.'��' 1015 E 6-3 OSHA MARYAMHROSHANKARR 13603 ALMOND ST TUSTIN CA 92782-8336 trur free ransfer funds, pay bills andBanking vmore. Enroice allows ll at www.b nkofamerica.com.ou to check account s t Your Bank MyAccess Statement of America checking — statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 Account Number: 10151.05624 At Your Service Call: 714.973.8495 online: www.bankofamerica.com Written inquiries Bank of America Woodbridge Branch Po Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2001 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. ❑ Summary of Your MyAccess checking Account d I and transfers 3 Beginning Balance on 06/12/03 Total Deposits Total Checks, Withdrawals, Transfers, Account Fees Service Charge Ending Balance $1,352.97 + 2,000.00 Number of ATM with s rawa n Number of purchase transactions Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls - 2 789.67 Self -Service Assisted - 5.95 $557.35 ❑ Important Information About Your Account MyAccess checking customers who take advantage of Direct Deposit can reduce fees every manthl To find out more, contact your employer or visit your local Bank of America banking center. For Social Security or SSI direct deposit, call the Social Security Administration toll -free at 1-800-772-1213. In September we will make changes to the information describing automated clearing house transactions oposting a to youa account. These technical changes provide you with more reference information Continued an next page 0030930.001.210 California Page 1 of 3 aiio clod Pope Bank of America."g _ FATEMEH ROSHANKAR Statement Period: June 12 through July 14, 2003 MARYAM ROSHANKAR Account Number: 10151-05624 _ ❑ Bank of America News Marc Chagall at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art July 26-Nov 4, 2003 ONLY U.S. VENUE[ Bank of America is proud to sponsor the Marc Chagall exhibition. Visit SFMOMA for the retrospective of this universally renowned artist including many works never before seen in this country. For tickets, visit ticketweb,com or call 866.468.3399, Now, Online Banking lets you monitor your money in real time and view up-to-the-minute account activity. You can track transactions throughout the day - from ATM deposits and withdrawals, to Check Card purchases, direct deposits, loan payments and more. Access Online Banking at www.bankofamerica.com. Sign up for direct deposit and get faster access to your pay or any regularly recurring deposit. If you haven't yet discovered direct deposit, you're missing out on one of the most convenient ways to have access to your money. There is no sign-up fee and no monthly charge. For more details, visit www.bankafamerica.com/directdeposit. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posted 7A=.unt07/01 $ ❑ Checks Paid Dale Paid Number Amount 06/16 267 $ 51.37 06/19 268 300.00 07/03 269 00 07/01 270 50.00 Date Paid Number Amount 00 07%07 272 1,24196.20 Total of 6 Checks Paid $1,852.57 LI Account Acuvuy Dale Reference Number Amount Posted Description Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees 002832 $300.00 06/13 Cash withdrawal on 06/13, Bank of America ATM #275601 (Card #297260630) 009760 300.00 06/16 Cash withdrawal on 06/15, Bank of America ATM #102001 (Card #297260630) 000964 40.00 00/20 Cash withdrawal on 06/20, Bank of America ATM #623101 (Card #297260630) 605658 16.53 06/23 Purchase on 06/23 (Card #297260630), Altayebat Market Anaheim CA 277994 16.17 06/27 Purchase on 06/26 (Card #297260630), 06/30 Trader Joe's # 03 Irvine CA ) Check Card 297260630, on 12La(Los Angeles 14.40 He adarOrient Exp se CA Ref #24761973180274165010281 06/30 Payybyypphone Bk Of AM Crd ACH Co ID: 3001190310 4024112007497883000000 ID# Roshankar Ref:000005602478101 250.00 Total Withdrawals, Transfers and Account Fees $937.10 Service Charge $5.95 07/14 Monthly Service Charge ❑ Overdraft Protection Plan BankAmericard Visa 4024-1120.0749-7883 Overdraft coverage available $250.00 Continued an next page Page 2 of 3 0030930,002.210 California (RKyJed Popp BankofAmerica•4 ,ee^. MAR AM ROSHANKAR Statement Period: June 12 through July 14; 2003 Account Number: 10151-05624 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary Information. A reconciliation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. - .......................... $ 5 67.3 5 • Your ending balance from this statement.................................................................................................................................1.5.95 • Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register .......................................... ❑ ATM Information This period, you visited the following ATM locations: Bank of America's ATM Network • #102001 Newport Center, Newport Beach, CA • #275601 Market Place, Irvine, CA • #62310l Oakland Intl Bldg M101, Oakland, CA California 0030936.003.210 Page 3 of 3 () Recyded POP r Income Restricted Certification Nam AM I RDSH-%EN 1(tEd�- W. ✓ Initial Certification �- Re -certification Other 'des NO 11 1/we receivo . �--, --�- " ding rent or utility PI 7( cash contributions of gifts from ersons not livinI with me. I/we receive Veteran's Administration, pension, Une J benefit, Disability benefit AFDC, Lottery or Annuities. I/we receive income from Rental Pro Uwe receive benefits/income from Social aecunn to / SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security p Ym J\ The household receives unearned income for family ace 17 or under. p a ents. Uwe are eiltided to receive child support p Ym I/we am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently malting efforts to collect child owed to me. p Revoc Uwe bave other assets exam le: Money IRA, 4Z/1r.-0-. cks, Bonds, Treasury Bills,Money Mazket actor rtificate of De osits, Whole Life insurance, Real have cash on hand, who are estionnaire any Unit hold a�tebecoming a next 12 months? cnons are es to either of the previous two qu It you answu— you: ➢ Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information pr to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further unde representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, mi r ult in th. a ,al of application or termination of the i nco Da 40sitet�jgnae ated on this form is true and accurate nds that providing false ding or incomplete information will restricted lease agreement. t •.2A 4 1 aAnc� ItMeAPA IIENTMFWAGEMENTCOMPAN'y I Rental Application and Receipt far Application Screening Fee I Please complete this form entirely In I* rating 'N/A' or'mme° where applicable. Do not use white out, The Information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to isent an apartment to you in an apartment cutnmunity, owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, .Owner.). I Community: Address: Prlypplimnt's full =a(Last, First, Middle lnttial) Tr15r. Date of Birth Saaal 7rty Number arNer's license rtt,: m Aa -OT40 G(68—�q16 A Name of CO -Applicants (Separate Application required for each CO -Applicant) p Flst Mkidl,Inrcian (last, First, Middle Inkial) (Last, First, Middle Initial ' p I�dSiAAnr�a� ZCA ld—AO - RrAA �,.an•1i%u- / yP I (Last, First, Middle mitten (last, Flr#, Middle Init)al) (Last, FlrK, Middle lnrclaO ' a Applimnt'a Prucn Address CNy ffi Own Phone# dyQ emea e, era. n a we •y�6a8 ��✓p)ee ee�' 9&ea� RuIY. Tatum t Detached family home: Attached family Fame: Apartment: H MaMhlyPryman}j To wham do you make paymudal I s Present Landiord'd Nome A/—([, Address CRY UP Phone# 1 t o Immedlate Prior Addrw(If loss than lye. at above) Own Momh P H aymart: Dates. Fmn To r Rcm: i )' Immediate Prtar Loodlerd'a Namc Address City =P Phone # Do you awn a Pet? ❑Y. fa�No A Numbvaf Pets: Type: a ProposedOwpmds (Last, First, Middle InHialJ Date of Birth (Last,First.Middl,Iehlal Dateof*th u (LasF, First, MiddleInniap Date of h Birt (L^rt• First, MlddleImltial) Date of Birth P n (Last. First, Middle Initial Dafeaf Birth (Last, First, Middle InRW) Dateof Birth E E'Ployv(1fealf-yTploycd,namcof business) Business Address ondudln9 ffi Cade) p Phone# Typa of Buti Pashian Dotm Supmviwr Phone# Income Mal I Pa a y OtherIncome Sourm Applimamustprovld<2 prysmbt oramrnf lv2 farm Co,dact an e Immediate Prior Employer Address orcludlng=P Code) Phone# baler. income It fmm t To Mo. Checklnq: bookend branch (include City/Stet,) AemuM# 5-o F 6k852z J�n�'�s Savings: benkamdbronch(eclude Cdy/State) Accoum# I n Nava you aver flied boN,up v 2 ❑yes pNo o County and State where flledo Whatyeer7 n errs•••----���� e Have you ever had any public record suits, Item, Judgments or repearesslans? •❑ Yes bq lNo i ''•'R What year? a Haveyau ever: If yes, describe In d,tailt Seem convicted of a felony? My- ENO ' In case of rmugency, please utify. mname, address 6 phone number) RelmloIVI At nshlp: S If applicabl nts'phone numb s. F 'SNM Mathv'sNarc i� RsWed. 10/01 rogat M2 AppkellonTonENIDDitb IFOIG APAP?Pb�ENT MANAGEMENT COMPATO Haw di lyou first learn of this apartmenteammunty? ❑OX, Register ❑Drive By ❑Rental-Living.com ❑Promotion/sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide ❑signs ❑Webste-other" ❑simerary ❑Orig. Apt. Magazine ❑Other UCLommunny❑0.ef¢rrale ❑NawspoprrOlher* ❑Rental Living( CAC Mcg)❑U Times ❑Relocator Service ❑Magazine -Other' ❑For Rent Magazine []So Union rlFiyv []Affordable Housing ❑IACApt.Info Center - []So Reader Elpostcard/Maller ❑cihrr-Not Listed' ' PLEASE FAUN: Make . Year License* Make Year Uceae# of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted In the Com have Renter's Insurance? Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am nicking this Application volumtarllY farthe purpose of obtaining IAAIC's approval to rent an apartment In the apartment community shown above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, Owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, the'UMC Forties'), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by me Inthis Appllcodonthrough credit reporting agencles,tenant screening service companies, banks (Including electronic funds verification), employers and other pvsoa or entitles with information relatingto this Application. IaLso au lieriza the IAMC Parties to provide Information contained Inthis Application to various local, state and/arfederal government agencies, Including without Ilmitation, varloa law enforument agenda. I understandthbt if I lease this apartment, the IAMCPartles shall have a continuing right to review my credit information, payment history, occupancy history and other information In this Application for purposes relatedto my Lease and/or for account review both during andafte, the term of my Lease. I hereby release and hold harmless The Irulne, Company, Irvine Apartment Communities, LP., Irvine Apartment Management company, andali of their respective officers, employees and.gems, from cry and all liability, legal proceedings and vests, Including attorneys' fees, wising out of the verification and/or use of the Information cam -fined In this Application, including the ralean of such Informatlan to other parties. I warcant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Information provided In this Applicatlon (naiudiy but not limited to the statement of my financial condition) Is true, accurate, complete and correct as of the date of this Application. If any laformation provided by me Is determined to be fdse, such fdsasfotement will begrounds far dlsoppravvi of mYApPlicvtlan artaminatlon of my Love with Owtwr. I ages to ratify UMC if arc/ of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application process w owing my tenoncy. Ialso understand thatlAMC will retain this Application, along with any other information provided by me, whether or not this Application is appved. aonsldered by [AMC. ll,s.l.-a3 We in Itemized RECEIPTFOR 4mleA77(91VseREEMNGFEE and to check the pRedlim will ba. amount Is to be uscdto screen Applicant with regards le credit history and other background Information. Theamount charged .follows. Actual costs of credit report, unlmvfuldetainv(evlution)search, and/or attar screening esparto §995 Coat to obtain, process and verify screcaing Information law Include staff 'atime and other related costs) §Z0.05 Total fee charged (may not exceed §30 per Applicant) $30.00 authorizes verification of Informationsupplied byApplicent on this Application through credit reporting agencies, personal reference Date Irvine Apadment Management Company Reosrd: 10/01 Pano W2 ApplctlonToRwAIMIA FROM f""' FAH NO. :70384B1910 Nov, gs,2003 03:50PM PS Nov 25 03 11t43a _•NEWPORT N 9497201598 p. 4 CBgrI);'ICA.'fION OF ZERO INCO:VIF. (fo be completed by ANh household members only, it apptopnate•) ,- � Gtt1,�.NU UnirNn•ll�''1 fR� GYJ� toustho;d "Za,ne: )evelopment Name: I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources: ssions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.): a. Wages from employment (including commi b. Income from operation of a business; C. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; policies, retirement funds, pensions, or death c. Social Security payments, annuities, insurance p benefits; f Llnemployment or disabilitypaYments; g, public assistance payments; persons not living h, periodic allowances such as alimony, child suppott, or gigs received from in my household; i. Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, j. Any outer source not named above. 2 I currently have no income of any kind and there is no immittetlt change expected in my fin racial status or employment status during the next 12 months. o pay for rent and other necessities: 3. I will be using the following sources of funds t----- true and ratc to the best of under penalty of perjor.y. I eery 01at the information lowing false resentatioas herein s ctrritication is constimtesuan act E fraud False knowledge. The undersigned farther understands) heat p:ovidinR eP anon of a ea[• lcvse ggrectn misleading or incomplete in fomtation WAY result i�n}t(he termm(��r;/ C� t/ \ /"✓''�rx Ilv'--•� t pair Sign oPrinted NameaFAppltcarsicaon[ f APDti=nrfrenaat Cen,ncation of Zero ]naenro (Saptc•,nber 2000) Name Accourr Asset Calculation Worksh ,et I (-) . 72, i divided by Z. (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: Income from asset: $ Account Statement September 9 through October 7, 2003 Account Number: 125-0648522 Page 1 of 3 -j 671,920 IIIIInIII III)ui1uuiiu1nJd1u1m11Ju1tuIIIIIIIIIIII AMIR ROSHANKAR 2 FLAGSTONE APT 646 IRVINE CA 92606-7679 WELLS FARGO Thankyou for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 1.800-TO-WELLS (1.800-869-3557), TOD number (for the hearing Impaired only):1-800.877.4833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 6995, PORTLAND, OR 97228.6995. , I i Need home repairs? Whether you need a new roof, new windows or a kitchen remodel, a Wells Fargo Home Equity Account is alsmart financial resource for home improvements. To apply for a Home Equity Account call 1-877-302-3769. ; College Checking Amir Roshankar Account Number: 125-0648522 )Lctivity summary Balance on 09/08 $16.54 Deposits 202.31 Withdrawals - 218.13 ................................. . Balance on 10/07 $0.72 What can you do with a Wells Fargo Stude I Visa Card? You can use it at over 28 million Visd merchants worldwide. And when you sign ub for overdraft protection it can protect your chat ing account from unexpected charges. A history of overdrafts could affect your ability to acces future banking services. To apply for a Wells Fargo Student Visa Card visit wellsfargospecial.com and enter keyword: Student Visa. Activity detail Deposits Date Description $Amount .................. .................................................................... .-------- -- 09/17 Check Crd Pur Rtrn 09/15 .... Banana Republic #8045 Costa Mesa Ca 446024XXXXXX8909 32.31 7441800837117T1Bef ?MCC= 5999 121042882DA ' 09/29 ATM Deposit - 09/29 Mach ID 0983F 4850 Batranca Pkwy Irvine Ca 8909 170.00 .............................................................................................................................I........... i0 .2.3131 Total deposits 520 E N FROM FAX NO. :7036481910 A� . 26 2003 11:28AM P2 P, September 9 through (A.4ober 7, 2003 Account Number: 125-0648522 1'age 2 of 3 671.921 Withdrawals Checks NumMr Data ;Amount Number Data IAmount Number Data ;Amount I. ..... ........�,...... .... .............. ............ I............ I....... 1015 09/30 50.00 1016 1O/O1 120.00 I..... ' ....... .......... ......... I ......... ... ...... .................................................................... Total checks I ....... ...1. $170.00 Other withdrawals Date Deaoflpt{on ;Amount ....................................................................................................................................................... (19J10 «teck Crd Ptnchase 09/09'1'ropical Smoothie Cafe hvine Ca 446t124XXXXXX8.909 3.98 24493987X60611j az ?MC:C= 5812 121042882I)A ' 09/12 Interlink Transaction 09112 Mach ID G3GI Exxonulobil 110S !rvi Ca 8909 325500174731 7.9� 09112 POS Purchase - 09/12 Mach ID 00M Harvard And Mairalphs Irvine Ca 8909 2.00 09122 ATM Withdrawal - 09121 Mach ID M83B 4950 Buranca Pkwy Irvine Ca 8909 200) 09123 Check Crd Purchase 09/22 Cr• rl'S Jr #296 Irvine Ca 446024XXXXXX8909 13.20 2449215HAPI M ID7Fd ?MCC= 5914 121042982DA 10/07 Monthly Point -Of -Sale (POS) Purchases free 1.00 ...... .................................................................................................................. Total other withdrawals .: $48.13 .................................................................................................................................................... Total er..ithtirawalc $218.13 Dally balance summary ' ones ; Ba{anoe Dam ; &lance Dale ; wMnee' ......................................................................._.................................................' H 09/U8 16.54 09/22 I4.92 10 01 1.72� (P)/10 12.56 09123 1.72 10/07 0.72 09/12 161 09/29 171.72 09/17 34.92 0913(1 121.72 j are you • intef ester in... ■ Purchasing a home or refinancing your current one? Call us at 1-800-866.0743 ■ Getting a student loan? Call us at 1.088-945.5373 ■ OpgmWng the equityin your home? Call us at 1-366-259.0890 Fri. mnrn information on our products and services visit us at wellsfargo.com ount Balance Calculation Worksheet .. Use the following worksheel to calculate your overall account balance. 2. Go through your register and mark each check, willtdrawal, ATM Iransactlo�n, payment, depositor ocher In credit hlsnead on hl toovour statement. 9. Use the chart below. list anyy depp osits, transfers to your account, outstanding checks, ATM witltdrawats, ATM payments or any other willtdrawal, (ittcludin any from previous months) which are listed in enur rani,ter but not &own on Your statement. ITEMS OUTSTANDING_ _ NUMBER AMOUNT TOTAL $ ENTER ® The NEW BALANCE shown on yourstatement........................................................ $ 01- ADD Any deposits listed In your $ register or transient into $ your account which we not $ shown on yourstatemenl. +$ TOTAL ................. S CALCULATE THE SUBTOTAL ................... $ (Add Pans A and B) SUBTRACT i lC The local outstanding checks and withdrawals from the chart above ..................... 10- CALCULATE THE ENDING BALANCE (Part A+ Pan 8 - Pan C) This amount should be the same as tiro- current balance shown in yourcheck register ......................................... Line of Credit Information Each principal balance shown on the reverse side to resents the unpaid amount of loan advances under your litre of credit for that day and each day thereafter until a change In the principal balance is shown. The Finance Charge will be determined as follows: Determine the principal balance for each day during this statement period; then Multiply the principal balance for each day during this statement period by the daily periodic rate in enact for such day; and Add these results If your amount Is subject to Balance Based Pricing, the daily periodic rate and corresponding Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be determined each day based oil the oulstandng balance of your account. The daily periodic rate and corresponding APR applicable to each balance range are shown in the Summary of finance charges section on the reverse side. It your account is subject to a Promotional Discount, your total finance charge for the statement period is calculated by subtracting from the above -described standard Inane charge calculation a promotional interest credit applicable to all Promotional Period net advances an your account during the billing cycle. Your "net advances" are that portion of the daily balances during the Promotional Period after adding new advances and subtracting all payments or credits that exceed the principal balance In your account Immediately before your Promotional Period began ("Principal balance before promotional advance period began"). This promotional Interest credit Is calculated by adding your net advance for each day during the Promotional Period In the billing cycle and dividing this number by the number of Promotional Period days In the billing cycle resulting in your average daly promotional balance. Your average daily promotional balance Is then multiplied by flue number of Promotional Period days In the billing cycle and by file daily mutodm rate for Ste promotional Inleresl credit rate resulting in the promotional interest ca 1. The promolionaI interest credit Is then sublrected from Ilse total finance charge at your standard role(,) to obtain the total finance charge shown on the front of this statement. Any transaction charges or processing charges Shown on the reverse side of this statement also must be added to amve at the total Finance Charge for this period. Login payments received alter normal business hours well be credited the following business day. Normal business hours are posted Iah oltice or hmnch and will be furnished upon request, or may hst obtained by wiling lire customer service phone number listed on the front of this statement. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Credit Line Transactions It you think your bill is wrong, or If you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write us at the address shown an the front of this statement as soon as possible. We must hear Imm you no later than 60 days afterwe sent you the first bill on which the error or nrnhtam „neared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. The dollar amount of the suspected error Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe [here is an error. If you need more Information, describe the Item you are unsure about. You do no[ have to pay any amount In question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. Special Rule for Credit Card Purchases. It you have a problem with the quality of goods or services that you purchased with a credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may not have to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. You have this protection only when the purchase price was more than $50 and the purchase was made In your home state, or within loo miles of your mailing address. (If we own or operate the merchant, or If we mailed you the advertisement for the property or services, all purchases are covered regardless of amount or location of purchase.) If You Suspect Errors or Have Questions About Electronic Transactions YourtR guincluding r O posit Atccount Deposit Advance Call Us Immediately. Transactions) Or, If you believe there is an error on your statement or ATM receipt or if you steed more information about a transaction listed on this statement, please contact us immediately. -We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please call the telephone number printed -on the front of this statement. Or you may wrist us at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 6995, Portland, OR 97228-6995. 1. Tell us your name and account or ATM card number. 2. As clearly as you can, describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about and explain why you need more Information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. You must report the suspected error to us no later then 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the problem appeared. We will Investigate your question and will correct any error promptly. If our lnvesligalion takes longer than 10 business days (or 20 days fit the case of electronic purchases) we will temporarily credit your account for the amount you believe Is In error, so that you have use of the money until our Investigation Is completed. 11 the error concerns a Direct Deposit Advance transaction, you do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your Direct Deposit Advance transaction that are not in question. While we are investigating your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or lake any action to collect the amount you question. m Members FDIC. uiow Account Statement October 8 through November 7, 2003 Account Number: 125-0648522 Page 1 of 3 732,7i1 I-4 I I I I I I IL I a I I t I I l i l l I I l l I l a l I I I I I I I Is I I I I I I I I 111 I a n I I I I I I II AMIR ROSHANKAR 2 FLAGSTONE APT 646 IRVINE CA 92606-7679 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. For assistance, call: 1.800-TO-WELLS (1.800.869.3557), TDD number (for the hearing Impaired only): 1.800.877.4833. Or write: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P.O. BOX 69953 PORTLAND, OR 97228.6995. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION: The following changes are effective January 12, 2004. Insufficient Funds*: Paid Item/OD, $22/item, 1-2 occasions; $33/item, 3+ occasions. Returned Item/NSF, $20/item, 1-2 occasions; $30/item, 3+occasions. An occasion is a day in which your account has insufficient funds to cover an item during the preceding 12 months. Also effective January 12, 2004, to complete as many of your Point -of -Sale (POS) and Wells Fargo ATM transactions -as possible, Wells Fargo is enhancing the processing procedures for these transactions. If you perform an ATM or POS transaction and do not lave sufficient funds in your account to cover the transaction, Wells Fargo may take any of the following actions: • Cover the transaction it you have overdraft protection; • Pay the transaction and create an overdraft to your account; or • Decline the transaction. You may be assessed a fee, which will vary depending on the action taken. If you do not have overdraft protection, we encourage you o contact your local banker, call 1-800-869.3557, or visit us Online to enroll. We appreciate your business & look forward to ;ontinuing to serve your financial needs. -Effective March 15, 2004, for quarterly savings accounts. College Checking 4mir Roshankar 4ccounl Number: 125-0648522 Activity summary $0 72 Balance on 10/07 :deposits 542.97 Withdrawals - 544.69 ............................... . 3alance on 11/07 $1.00 Effective January 12, 2004, a $10.00 Overdraft Protection transfer fee will be charged to a checking account for each day on which an advance is made from a line of credit account to pay for an overdraft. This fee will apply to customers with a Wells Fargo Reserve Line of Credit account linked to a checking account to provide Overdraft Protection and to customers who establish a new Overdraft Protection linkage on or after January 12, 2004, to a Wells Fargo Personal or Home Equity Line of Credit. For questions, please contact your Wells Fargo banker or call 1-800-869-3557. We appreciate your business & look forward to continuing to serve your financial needs. FAX NO. :7038481910 fJnY. 26 2003 31:29AM P4 FROM P ° ` - (k:t0her 8 through November 7, 2W3 Account Number: 125-OCr18522 Page 2 of 3 732,712 Activity detail Deposits DAM 0630tlp8on ............................... ....... I........................... 10/15 Deposit 10129 Overdraft Xfer From Credit Card Or Line I1/05 Overdraft Xfer From Credit Card Or Line 41 Amount ...................................................................... ! 5W.00 Oil 34.97 ................................................................................................................................... .A.. 'total deposits S542.97 Withdrawals Other withdrawals DaW DHodpdon .. I......... 10/17 10/17 10121 10/21 10122 10/24 10/27 IOJ27 10/28 10/28 10128 10/29 10131 11/03 11/04 11/07 ........................................................................................................................... ATM Withdrawal - 10/ 16 Mach ID 0983F 4850 Barranca Pkwy Urine CA 8909 Check Crd Purchase 10116 Caspian Restaurant Irvin Ca 446024XXXXXX9909 2449398925V2SBGP3 ?MCC— 5912 121042882DA Check Crd Purchase 10/20 Tea House Mini Market Orauge Ca 446024XXXXXX9909 74I583895K9ik1ger ?MCC= 5947 121042882DA Check Crd Purchase 10/19 Tea House Mini Market Orange Ca 44607AXXXXXX8909 241583895KSHXLQQS ?MCC= 5947 1210428820A (Meek Crd Purchase 10121 Tea House Mini Market Orange CA 4460?AXXXXXX9909 241583896KV09IP9Y ?MCC= 5947 121042892DA Check Crd Purchase 10/23 Carl'S Ir #296 Irvine Ca 446024XXXXXX8909 244921599P1 N7FB3W ?MCC= 5814 121042882DA Check Crd Purchase 10/24 Tea House Mini Market Orange Ca 44601AXXXXXX8909 24158389BKWT83A7V ?MCC-5947 121042882PA Interlink Transaction 10/27 Mach ID G301 Bxxonmobil POS Irvi Ca 8909 330015126203 Withdrawal Made In A Branch/Store Check Crd Purchase 10/27 Honda Santa Ana Santa Ana Ca 446024XXXXXX8909 24492799Q4A95DK82 ?MCC=3511 121042882DA Check Crd Purchase 10/27 Carl'S Jr #296 Irvine Ca 446024XXXXXX8909 24492159DP1NSFidp' ?MCC-5814 121042MMA •Ovcnitaft Fee Continuous OD Level 2 Charge Continuous OD Level 2 Charge Continuous OD Level 2 Charge Monthly Point -Of -Sale (FOS) Purchase Fee ........................................................................................................................... Total other withdrawals Daily balance summary Dab $ taatanoo 10/07 0.72 10115 500.72 10/17 187.72 10121 125.72 10/22 111.72 DAM $satance DAW ............................. ro/aA I ..... ......... 1ozW 10/27 90.14 100 - 1.97 10/29 - 19.97 10/31 - 24.97 1 Amount ....... 11. 3W.W 13.00 1 32.00 1 30i00 1410U 4.'72 19W 06 87:W 9.189 I 1 3.22 •IaF.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 .........:.. $544,69 ............................................ 11103 - 29.97 11104 .34.07 11105 0.00 11107 Account Balance Calculation Worksheet 1, use the following worksheet to calculate your overall account uara 2. Go through your register and mark each cheek, withdrawal, ATM Be sure payment, sterdeposit w other credit listed on your statement. Be sure that your haggler shows any interest paid into your account and any service changes, automatic payments or ATM transactions withdrawn from your account during this statement period. 3. Use the char[ below, list anyy deposals, transfers to your account, outstanding checks, ATM wiflidrawals, ATM payments or any other wilhdrawais (Including any from previous months) which are listed in your logisler but not shown on your statement. ITEMSOUTSTANOING NUMBER AMOUNT_, _- ENTER ® The NEW BALANCE shown on your statement ......................... ► ADD B] Any deposits listed In your register or transfers into your account which are not shown on your statement. " Are ,YOU ■ Purchasing a home or refinancing your current one?Callus at 1-800-866.0743 interested ■ Getting a student loan? Call us at 1•888-945-5373 in... ■ Optimizing the equity in your home? Call us at 1-866.259-0890 For more information on our products and services visit as at welisfargo.eom Line of Credit Information Each principal balance shown on the reverse side represents the unpaid amount of loan advances under your line of credit for that day and each day thereafter until a change in the principal balance is shown. The Finance Charge will be determined as follows: t Determine file principal balance for each day during this statement period; then Mulllply file principal balance for each day during this statement period by the daily periodic rate in effect for such day; and Add these results If your account is subject to Balance Based Pricing, the daily periodic rate and corresponding Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be determined each day based on the oulslanding balance of your account. The daily periodic rate and corresponding APR applicable to each balance range are shown in the Summary of finance charges section on the reverse side. i II your account is subject to a Promotional Discount, your total finance charge for the statement period Is calculated by subtracting from the above -described standard finance charge calculation a promotional interest credit applicable to all Promotional Period lief advances on your account during the billing cycle. Your "net advances' are that portion of the daily balances during the Promotional Period alter adding new advances anp subtracting all payments or credits that exceed the principal balance In your account immediately before your Promotional Period began ('Principal balance before promotional advance period began"). This promotional Interest credit is calculated by adding your net advance for each day during file Promotional Period In the biling cycle and dividing th'l{s number by [lie number of Promotional Period days in the billing cycle resulting fit yo0r averaga daily promchoral balance. Your average daily promotional balance Is they multiplied by the number of Promotional Period days In the billing cycle and by the daily "Ch perlodm rate far the pramotlonai inreresl credit rate resulting an Ilte promotional interest credit. The promotional interest credd is Then subtracted from the total finance charge at your standard pna romo 1) to obtain the [oral finance charge shown on the front of this statement. Any Ifans-acll0n charges or processing charges shown on Ilse, reverse side of Ihls statement also muss be added to arrive al the total Finance Charge for this period. Loan Normal payments received alter tat let business hours will be credited the following business days aqu"I our maysbe oblai ti eV byswillIt Ilse custom errServircet pl one nwill umberhlisteted d on Php Iron[ or this statement. WELLS FARGQ In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Credit Line I Transactions It you think your ball is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write us at the address shown oil the front of this statement as soon as possible. We probleust m a ar fromappou no later than 50 eared. You Call telephoneyus.fter but doing so will Iou notfirst presell on r a Your rights. serron I In your letter, give us the followinInformation: i Your name and account number 1 The dollar amount of the suspected error t Describe Ilse error and explain, if you can, why you believe there Is an error. If you, need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any amount in question while We are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the pails of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. Special Rule for Credit Card Purchases. If you have a problem with the quality of goods or services that you purchased with a credit card, and you have tried at good faith to correct the problem will) the merchant, you may not have to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. Your have this protection only when the purchase price was more than $50 and the purchase was made in your home slate. or within 100 miles of your mailing address. (If we own or operate the merchant, or if we mailed you the advertisement for the property or services, all purchases are covered regardless of amount or location of purchase.) I s If You Suspect Errors or Have Questions About Electronic Transactions /Including Direct Deposit Advance 0 Transactions) on Your Regu ar Deposit Account, Please Call Us Immediately. s Or, it you believe (here is an anor on your statement or ATM receipt or it you need more $ information about a transaction listed on this statement, please contact us immediately. We s are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please call the telephone number .s orinted on the front of this statement. Or You may write LIs at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. TOTAL .— CALCULATE THE SUBTOTAL ............ (Add Pans A and Elf 00- SUBTRACT 7 The total outstanding checks and withdrawals frail the dart alloys ...................... 1111- CALCULATE THE ENDING BALANCE (Pan A t Pon 8 - Pat C) This amount should be the same as the current balance shown in yourcheck register ........................................ $ I i, Tell us your tare and account or ATM card number. I $ 2. As Clearly as you can, describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about and explain why you need more information. I 3. Tell us the dollar amount of file suspected error. You must report the suspected error to us no later than 60 days after we sent you file Iirsl statement on which the problem appeared. We will invesligato your question and will coned any error promptly If our investigation takes longer than 10 business days (or 20 s days in the case of eleclrovc purchases) we will temporarily credit your account for the amount you believe is in error, so that you have use of the money until our investigation Ill completed. It the error concerns a Direct Deposit Advance transaction, you do not have to pay any, amount In question while we are Investigating, but you are still obligdted to pay the parts of your Direct Deposit Advance transaction that are not in question. While we are Investigating your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. 1 112t Members FDIC. "MT Income Restricted Certification I eLA Name: r 'ii ' Initial Certification h Re -certification Other Uwe receive Famuy suPPO'L, ny' cash contributions of gifts, including rent J` from uersous not livino with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Admrnistranon, r� �• benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. r , n,...•,.1 Dmnnrly. LWc n SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payment,. The household receives unearned income for family age 17 or under. eats. Uwe are entitled to receive child support Paym XUwe am currently receiving child support payments. Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect child roved to me. _. Uwe have other assets (example: Vvin, ••v., XStocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market ao Certificate of De osits, Whole Life insurance, Rc Uwe have cash on hand. Student Status: Does the household consist of persons who are a1 students exam le: Colle e/Univer5i , trade schi Does your household anticivate becoming afull-l- household in the next 12 months? If you answered ye_s to either of the previous two you: Married and filing a joint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information pres to the best of my knotivledge. The undersigned further undersi representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, mish /result in th denia .of application or termination of the incOm l v Date Resident sign re Signatur foe 0 new r/Agent any are Unit nted on this form is true and accurate .ads that providing false ding or incomplete information will restricted lease agreement. i IIiI�/lllC V I NEAP I'1TMANAGEMEN'fCOMPA F n a n e a P n P P Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Please complete this form entirely in Ink, noting "NIA" or "none where applicable. Do not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you In an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, 'Owner"). community: Address; - Pri ppll om's full rant nest. First, Middle Inlilal) Trlsr. s�, w. • Dateof Birth q�t 4-s( sadal searlty n4mbrs• �16 -08- 6s>ss Dover's License# each A^pplicant's Prwc Addres City J3P u Own Phone# I{{fk{ ((d Q, ad. / R ^< dy6 .Y RUIr.0 CA— /inn CIW06 Rem: of vs: Tom Detached font ly hoaw Attachedfamllyhome: AportmrsY. Monthly Payment $ To wham dr you make paymcMf/ ' Proem Landlord's Nam. Address Cdy ZIP Phone# /• Immediate Prier Addrcrs(if l�tth nI yr. m above) Own Mcnthy Payment: , onto: Prvm 13 Rent: $ Ta '.mediate Prior Landlord's Nome Address city ZIP Phan* Do you own a Pete u Yes 12!j No Numbmaf Pets: 1." Type: — Badxd: 10r01 Paget 02 , ApptakefTeRWI001A 1104eAPAR'pj1"W MANAGeme4TcomPAI9 How did you first learn of this apartment commurdlpyl ❑O.C. Registw ❑0rgve By ❑Reldd-Wngcom 01"undiau/Sp. Event ❑Apartment Guide ❑Signs mWebslte- Other• ❑S7Macrtry ' 00rig. Apt. Magazine ❑OthorIACCammundy❑Refwrd* ❑NewspapervOther* ❑Rental Uving(IAC Meg)❑LA Times ❑Relocatarservice mmagazlne-Other" ❑For Rut Magazine 051) Union Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑IAC Apt. Info Center ❑SDReader ❑Pastrmd/Maiirr ❑Other -Not LLsted" • " PLEASEFALIN: Penton far rclamtion: • How many vehicles do you awn/dd Mahe year Ueuse# Make Yew Ucense# Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. Da you have Renterb InnmanceP ❑Yes ❑Nat Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntwlly forthe purpose of obtaining IAMC', approval to rent an apwtmem In the apartment carom mityahawn above. I hereby authorize and consent to allow IAMC, owner, and their respective employees and agents (collectively, thk'IAMC Portia•)• to obtain and verify the aedit and other Information provided by me In this Appllodlon through wed t reporting agandis, tenant sw"ning service componles, banks (Including electronic funds verification), employers and other persons or entities with Information relating to this Appllcntian. I also authorize the IAMCPwtkito provide Information contained In this Application to various local, stare and/or federal govurment agencies, Including without limitation, various law erforcanent agenda. I understand thatIf Ileave this apartment, the IAMC Ponta shall have eantinuing right1. review my credit information, payment history, ocarponcy history, and other Informatian In thls Application for purposes related to my Lease and/or for account review bath owing and after the term of my Lease. I hereby releae and hold harmless The Irvine ComparI,, Irvine Apartment Communitla, LP., I"la Apartment MauganentCempar y, and all of their respeaH. officers, employees and a9ads, from any and all liability, legal procadings and costs, Including attorneys' fees, arlsing out of the verification and/or use of the information contained In this Appiiration•Tncluding the relate of such Information to other parties. I ww"nt the, to the bat of my kwwledgc, ail of the Information praNded In this Appllutlon otmldfly but not limited to the statement of my financial candition) is true, ..to, umplate and wrreatme of the date of this Application. If any Information provided by me is detaminedlo be tales, each tale. otatomat will be grounds for disapproval of my Application ar turodectlan of my .,..e lvtihcwnw. IagratoutlfYW(Clfany of the Information provided In this Application changes during the Application process or duringmytenency. I alto understand that IAMC will retain this Appllmnlan, along with any other Information provided by me, whetherar not this AppIlidlon is approved. A non-refundable Application Weaning Fee of $30.BB (as I(emlac ibelow) Irrequlredfmm eachApppean(to precoss this Application and to check thi Infotma0on provided. A separdleApplkaWn toRent must bealgned byeachApplicantwhol occupy? apatlmmt befamthicApplladon will bo. consideredbylAMC. /1 - tr^err-a3 Date RECEIPTFOR APPLZCA7ZONSCREENW9FEE to screen Applicant with regards to credit history and other background Information. The amount charged 1. Actual wail of credit"port, unlawful datdner(evletion) search, and/or other screening reports $9.95 2. cast to obtain. process and verify sasalrg lnfarmatfon(may Include staff', time and other related wits) $20.05 3. Total fee charged (may not exceed$30 per Applicant) 830.00 cat authorizes verification of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through wedlt reporting agencies, personal reference and other Infumatlon sources. Date Irvine Apartment Management Company 21,Q3 By: �i a-- �gz�— eer(xdi10/01 Pege2o12 App5mWTdt0sim1.wr FROM : ,, , FAX ND. : 7038491910 N Q. 25 2003 03:50PM P2 Nov 25 03 11:43a NEW. .RT N 9497e_.1598 p.2 Cli RTIFICATION OF ZERO fNCOME' (To he cotnplased•by edu_Il Ilouscitold membc:s only; if appropri0te.) �% y�G4M.LtL✓l: UnitNo._ 0'2 ----- :velaprrentName:�-s�='—�r_A)o--tl-^-' I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources: a, bYagcs from employment (inctudinS commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.); h, Income from operation of a business; c. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; insttraace policies, retirement funds, pensions, or death e. Social Security payments, annuities, benefits; f. Unemployment or disabiIitypayments; g. Public assistance payments; h. periodic allowances such as alimony, child support, or gifts received from persons not liv,'ng in my household; i. Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.); j. Any other source not named above. 2. 1 currently have rio income of any kind and Were is no imminent change expected in my financial status or erruploymbnt status during the next 12 months. 3, 1 will be using the following sources of finds to pay for rent and Other necessities: Jttdtr ptnalry of petjuq. I carify that the rnt'omntion presented in this ctrt�oarion is trod and accurate to the best o1'tny juder yen The undersigned further uncle t d(n the [e ttrrrwmdi n of I lease aceeomeort herein consurutm an ace of fraud False, oisleadbig or incomplete information may result XSignaturc of Apphc Tent rat Printtd Name of Appltcanr/Tcnant CeriGczeion of Zero Income (sepicneber 3000) s Income Rtifi 'Restricted Cercation Name:. Initial Certification y Re -certification Other Yes NO uorpousal Support and/c t Spousal eS� Uwe receive Family Suppor ( cash contributions of gifts, including rent or utility p / from ersons not living with me. Uwe receive Veteran's Adimnistration, Pe benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, or Annuities. 7T Uwe receive benextrsnncou,� ._�__• �--•-- a ents. SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments he household receives unearned income for family v ,,, .. pp ents, are entitled to receive child su ort paym / Uwe am currently receiving child support pay" l\ Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect Uwe have other assets (example: "V L. 1, Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market 91- Certificate of Deposes Whole Life in�sman , . Uwe have cash on hand. X Student Status: x Does the household consist of persons who are students exam le: Colle e/(Tniversi , trade sc Does your household ILIIIIate becoming a fill ' household in the next to either months? es swered �he previous tv Tf you an you: ➢ Married and filing ajoint tax return. Under penalties of perjury, I certify -that the information pi to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further unde representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, M /result in the denial of application or termination of the incc (/ L]' D Resident ignattae Signature of Owner/Agent estionnaire any are Unit #-e4� I 1,LY— ,,-- nted on this form is true and accurate ands that providing false ding or incomplete information will restricted lease agreement. ,4A 1 P `` .�L'' Mxvn w \1I 11•LI in�EAPARp+FfMANAGEMENTCOMPAI'1> ^a^ Rental App tfon an .efpt for Applfcatlon Screen ng Fee Please complete this farm entirely in Ink, noting'NIA'ar'none"where applicable, bonotusewhiteout. Theinfarmatfonyou provide will be verified prior to IAMC'S approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, "Owner°). A Name of Co•Appllcants(Separate Application reQu[red for each Co-Appllcant) P ( First, Middle Initial) (last, Flw. Middle Midi) (Lost, First. Middle I.W.1) /� P car/ / Cyadl^/rdG'" y tLl j1%dj%d(ny�j(tY _ A6.4 AoAa. (a•t,Firsh Middle Iniflal) i (Last,FlW Middle IdtliiQ (Iroit, First, Middle Initial) , a Cd Applimnt'r Presents us Addr ZIP Own !s Phalle#yt o �( o c a //y rlw 5 J+e �Cdt � _A � �yy/nc Ur 9v�6 a rrvm A'< ® Penn OetadledfamiNhoma Attached family home Apartment: H Monthly Paymud$ i To whom do you make paymcntsP s Preseat Ladlord'ataam� G Addreet City ZIP Phone# t o Immediate Prior Address (if less than l yr. at above) an Monthly Paymnln carer. r y Ren : $ rom IT Immediate Prior Landlord's None Address city ZIP Phone# Oo you owns Pet? yrs o Number of Pets: Type: �• F n a n c Retard. 10/01 Poo•1 de APpla0anTOR•a11001n er Ww4K;� 9GAjK MIGNTMAIMAGEMENTCOMM. Haw did you first learn of this apartment community) ❑O,GReglster ❑Drive By ❑R did-Lfving.com ❑promothm/Spa. Event ❑ApartmeM6uide ❑SISM . r1weW@e-other. �ST Mrary Orig. Apt, Magazine ❑ ❑Other TAC Cammunhy❑Refrural" nNewgpkspi Thera ❑Rental Living (IACMag)❑LA Times ❑RelocalarService ❑Magazine -Other" OF- Rent magazine DID Unlon ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑rACApt.Info Center ❑.1 header0Poatewd/Mailw ❑Otter-tJat LLated• • FLEASEFILLXN: Make ! (' year Make Yew Lieeesc # Note: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitted in the Community. 0o1 au have R.aw'slnsuromoc? MY- MNm' Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application valumerlly forthe purpose of obtalninglAMC's approval to rent apmdment in theaparb vout communhy, shown above. I hc..by authorize and consents. allow IAMC, Owner, mdthemropcctly< imploycesend agents Collectively, the'IAMC Parties'), to obtain and verify the credit and other Information provided by in. In this Application through reditrepo141ng agenclee, teoimsweening service ompanlu, banks (including electronic funds verlflcation), employers andathr persons or entities with In1formaHan relating to this Application. I else authorize the IAMCpartle to provide Information contained In this Appliatlon to various laml,stme and/orfederal government agences, Including without Ilmhaflon, wrlous law enforcement agencies. I understalld that if I leasethls apartment, the IAMCP.11l shall have a continuing right to review my credit Informalfan, payment history, accupacy history and other laureation in this Application for purpose related to my Leme and/or for account review balk dwbg and aftrthe term of my Lease I hereby release and hold hormlese, The Irvine Compmy,irvine Apmtmeet Commueitlea, L.R. Irvine Apartment Mo ageemnt Company, and all of thelr rep.aNs officers, employees andagents. from anyand all liability, Icgal proceedings and oats, Including oftarneys'fees, wising out of the verification and/or use of the Information contaNed In this Application, Including the release of eech Information to otherpartles. I wormnthat, to the beer of my knowledge, all of the Information provided In this Application (Including tint not Ikeltedto the statemrat of eny financial condition) Is true, accurate, complete and mmect as of the date of this Application If m'y Informatlonprovfded by me is detrmleedto be false, such false ataremor will be grounds for dis pprowl of my Application or termination of my lease with Cheme•. i agreeto rotIfy IAMC If any of the Information provided in this Application changes dwing the Appllcenon process oi• during my tenanev'Ielso undrstond that RAMC will retain this Application, along with arty other Information provided by me,whetheror not this Application is approvea , A non•refundabla'Appllcallun Screening Fee of $30.00 in Rendzed below) Is requlredfmmearhAppilanttoprocass Oda AppOmOan andto chackthe .hs Infomudonpmvlded. AseparaleAppiia0onto RentmustbestgnedtyeachAppll=twhawllmcupylhoapar6ntbofomthie AppUmlanwlllba comldeedbylAMO, V��`� .ate Applkani' ignature RECEIPTFOR APPLICATION SCREENING FEE On the date beow. IAMC received $30.00 traint eon-19fie Appicmt In connection wrlh App Izeet's Applcotionto Rent on apartment f1 rom Owner. The above om.un} 4 to ben used to arcen Appllcan whh regards to crcdnt history and other 6arkground Information. The amoue charged Is Itemized es follows: Actual costa of weld report, unlawful detalner(eviction)srarch, and/or other srmningrcports yg,95 Cost fen ab}oin, process and verify swem(ng lnfonmmtion(may includ<rfaff'stime and other related web) $20.05 1. Total fee charged (may not exceed$30 par Applicant) S3 nt authorizes verification of information supplied by Applicant an this Application through redttreportfng agencies, personal refermo and other lnfermethmeowces. ' 11 AI 1(vine ApadmentManagement Company t • � (• 03 ay: � ' Refized: 10101 PaN2012 AppeoamTowenita0faa, FAX NO. :7039401910 V--4 25 2003 03:51PM P3 FROM : Nov 25 03 11:43a NEWF- RT N 94972u,598 CERTIFICATION & ZERO INCOME ("fo be completed by abi_t household members only, if appropriate.) tsehoJd \ame: ut cvelopmentNama: �tu;>6KC t.U25{{ I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources: oyment (including commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.); a. Wages from empl b, lneome from operation of a business; C. Rental income from real or personal property; d. Interest or dividends from assets; Pensions, or death e, Social Security payments, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, benefits; f, Unemployment or disability payments; g. Public assistance payments; h, periodic allowances such as alimony, child support, or gifts received from persons not living in my household; i, Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.); j. Any other source not named above. 2. I currently have no income of any kind and there is no in1minent change expected in my financial status or employment status during the next 12 months. i' will be using the following sources ol• funds to pay for rent and other necessities: T 1I ES TO Under penalty of perjury, 1 certify that tite information presented in this cerHHcaion is are and accurate to the best of my i knowtcdge. The undersigned further anderstand(s) that providing take representations here6r constituus an act of fraud. False, trtisleadittg or Incomplete information may result in she tetmination oi'a base agreement. � A Signature of'App i nt/fenant Panted Name of Appticanrrhnant 11,'ZS'�O�u I �—ti3te —~I I Certifieatior. 01,Zero tr cone (September 2000) New Certificates_/ Recertification Unit Number M'D INCONIE COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date a;:h :: ^ HUD F _uiadon;. All capitalized terms used herein shall live the meaning let forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North Uwe the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all •--I• •:'to .r c w c_.: . ine U.,.;, being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Members Relationship Of the to Head of Social Security Place of Household Household Age Number Employment & hk, I iA&01,yx p S63 -cos, 3BSO emirs+ SDK Al-AINi; 40AY nqo /JOaE Z;.. %t-%6 s^VA.0,0 tH CRILD ,3 L1C.- 1-1-L(C191 NO,0 Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for tM2 Qth period beginning tNe.rid beginning the earlier of the date that I/we plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is S { `[ Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (n) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or fiom the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income from real or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (c) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any eamed income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; (e) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; M relocation payments under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; (9) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; 0) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973; Q) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of y.ssary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) _ Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by al I such persons total more than 55,0007 Yes %C No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $ S. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at an educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes Y_No (b) Complete only if the answer to Ouestion 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) married and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I(We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. I/We acknowledge that all of the foregoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the /2,0& of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service, I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. "beten loer 20 03 City /J Executed this914� day of (year) in the Ci of U//-96ec'�alifomia Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required) FOR COMBLEnoN BX APARTIMMM OWNER ONLY: 1. Calculation of eligible Inca=: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract frorPa `igure the amount entered in 7(dx3) and eater the remta< tinl•e ($ ); (2) Multiply the amauL �a in6 the current passbook savings rate �n a m determine what the total annual carol .)(1) would be if invested in passbook m+ �, subtract from that figure the amount enter a 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (1) or (2) above: o, TOTAL BUGML8 INCOME (line La plus line L.b(3): 2, The amount entered in i.c: Qualifies the applicants) as a Moderate -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenauts). $ Fq,5,/3 g N/A FS1l9.0 9 S. Number of apartment unit assigned: IZDto Bedroom size: Z R r. $ IIZ7 ,q-1 An 4. This apartment unit (wastwas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive- days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lower -Income Tenant(s). S. Method used to verify applicant(s) income: Employer income verification. Copies of tax returns. Other ( Date 11 �( ,j FN(YIMR R• AS.CF -)kAr 1`4 IT ATrr1N Wr1RTeQT.r=I;T to tnt line FhtXamo AoatlnrsW Set __. ..---- 0at'oferth Ace Sadal Security # F/T Smaent Y[S ale t 1 r-3171 I HOH IF I1Z-Z3-1'77925L'qo3-&6-39!Q 2 ZAAWE KoK Ctiihp M 1• 0 • t a1 •-IS• a0to W&PY 3 C.A\N SA�h/�NA CFitL. l•[4.20IXA.3 F4•ti•Katgl � a 6 s 7 8 INCOME L' NIPLOYAFENT tamAY Month # Souse Saso Hale S Aven ebours Av Arvnal Total fit Wt 24 SuvaNi 2e &Wr p MI 1 Ys F.rrf $3 Z X I I =S Xyl •I S =S S =$ S =S Total Box A 1 $ $ / ./ SOCIAL SECURITY, PENSIONS. ETC. family Memh # Source SaseAate E Average Sere A Auual Total fit Ws 24 SootA 2A GWr p M14 I T. S =$ _ $ _$ _ S =$ $ =S Total Box B $ PUBLIC ASSISTANCE rum Memh # Souse BaseAate S Avera oson AY aAreval Total 62 W[ 24 Sue Me, 28 &-W[ 12 Me 1 ye SI —S $ =S S =S $ =S Total Box C 1 $ OTHER INCOME Atemh. mwt # Source, SaseAate S AYtn Sara Avon Amual total fit W[ 2d StwMa ZB afWc p Ma I Ya _ $ =S $ -S $ v$ Total Box D $ TOTAL ANNUAL GROSS INCOME A Throu h D $ IMETS 'rally 'Arab AnatliesclDaon # Inv sGocY [tocka.balvls eted Nou[aN tlrrtnt Irrc sssa/FatMkt Von costta Aat Cash Wf AsntsVahm Actual Interatilata ActualAnood hcerearm Asnta f $ 5.013 1 IS XN =$ .pU 1 U% $ U $ $ )=I S °/a 1 S _ s IS = S % I $ $ IS S % S 3 S = S °/a $ $ IS = $ % $ 'Otals Box E: $ Total NET Famtly Yalai Actual Income Income form Assets \1pvm INCOME FROM ASSETS Box G' $ ElTcctivc Datc: Z.' & 015 If Box E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type ofProgram w- U passbook interest rate: x % Unit No.: 404Unit Size: If Box E does not exceed S5,000 enter-0• in Box G No. arparsans: 4COME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box 11: M/I: 12 • j'•03 Maa. Income Limit: 50 8•56 Enter the greater of Box F or Box G Alt: WO%Limit: ntxf 'OTAL ANNUAL INCOME $ •(y k TOTAL ASSETS $ 0 = $ /4•/9 benT by: L1CKeli March 17, 2003 Tenant: Payee: /I4-vad-0001i NOV-IO-ud O:IurMi 4NAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY., CPOHall West, Second Floor 20l South A»ahelm Boulevard, Anaheim, CA M805 (714) 765-4320 NOTICE OFC:1IANGE Thcolynda Gill 944 Stanford St Irvine, CA 92612 Dartmouth Court Apts. 0h I 1100Siandord St ': •• Irvine, CA 92612 Effective Date Of Chang D5/0I/0 Revised Tenant Rent: S 547 © Annual Recertification CI Interim Recertification Comments 3 Contract 1 Revised Housing Assistance Payn Type Of Change: El Increase In Family Composition D4crease to Family -Composition rage iii Account Number: 58082-08 Payee Number: 7159P Iron _1 S 1361 S 814 13�P1 Fit Increase In Tenant Income C De6oa*e I• i Ttriant riicbme ' f TENANT INFORMATION,O.NLY-DOES NOT APPLY TO ER/MANAGER If you do not agree with the above decision, you have the right to file a writt complaint within ten (10) working days from the date of this notice io request a review. 'fhe request sh: 11 be filed in writing and shall include the following: 1 i 1) The reason why you do not agree with the decision, 2) What action you think should he taken., ;{ Upon receipt of request, the Housing Autgorlty shall schedule a review. Shod you have any questions regarding this change, please call: Robin!Ratttire2 ut (714) 765-4320 extens n x4878 APARTMENT MANAGEMENT MPAR� Rental App icatfon and Receipt far Appl(ec )Screening Fee G Please complete this form entirely in ink, noting "NIA"or "none where applicable. Do not use white out. The information you provide will be verified prior to IAMC's approval to rent an apartment to you in an apartment community owned by either The Irvine Company or Irvine Apartment Communities, LP. (collectively, "Owner"). Community: ojew PdaT "Uog-t- Address: 9? 19-106, 45� T nt Ap fimnYs full (La1t, Fir, Middlaftnitid) ,njrjSr, bate of Birth qol Security Numberaver', Lice:. # A __. _ ..__ _ - o ri�r_s wvv�ou i Name of Co -Applicants (Separate Application required for each Co -Applicant) P (Last, First, Middle Initial) (last, First, Middle Initial) (Last First, Middle Initial) P (last, First, Middle Initial) (Last Finat. Middle Initial) i (Iut Flrsr,Mlddle InN:al) e a ApplleantSPrmentAddrua cityZIP Own Phone y dyTO mow' n C � �IQ/o` Pam 3-avoi - o rwa: T" t en-t t 7'! UI N.iivU'�7L-Vy a� Rent: nEa 44N dada Detached family home:El Attached family home: E3 Apartment: PI Manfhly PgmnR§ j(i(,rj To whom do yeu make payments] s Preaant LaMlord's Nome Addrna Ciry ZIP or+ c& Phone a Immediate Prior Address (if lus than l yr, atabove) Ej Own rater. MamhFyPayment: r Pram y Rent: § ra Immediate Prior Landlord's Name Address City ZIP Phone# Do you own a Par? ❑ yes Numberaf Pets: type: '0No 0 Proposed Occupants Lest, First, Middle Initial p pa ( ) Date of Birth (last First Middle Inkial) pate of Blrih a (Last, First, Middle Initial) We of Birth (Last First, Middle Initial) Date of Birth ; J�a,u o 7-4-^�7 �s'.(o((-qg-BL(a0 n (Last. First, Middle Wife) Dataef Birth aaat.FlrstMiddlelnifial) Date of Birth (a ✓ nna� M /"k-DU sost (olio - cT-IIRRI In t of genry, pl a naNfy: (Local none, address 6 phone number) Q ,� a,s�.• Relationship: If ppll.61c, parents' phone numbers: ( ) ( ) Father's(gmne Mpfhv'a t4se Revised. 10101 Pap I of N,�/A\I,nAIC �� JEA )T"'aUMANAGEMOWCOMFA, How did you first learn of this apartmentu vanity; ❑O.C. Register Drive By �idal-Living,cum ❑PP.mctian/Sp. Event []Apartment Guide ❑Signs ❑website- Other " ❑53 Mercury ❑Orig. Apt. Magazine ❑Other TACCamininity❑Referral" ❑Newspoper-Other* MR'ental Living(IAC Mcg)❑LA Times ❑Relocator5ervlee ❑Magazine -Other• ❑For Rent Magazine []So Union ❑Flyer ❑Affordable Housing ❑IACAp1,Infe Center ❑SDRcader ❑postcard/Maller ❑Other -Not Listed' " PLEASEMILIN: How cam y vehicles do you own/ch-Ne9 I - - - - Make i[7/'% o Year Licene # Make 2B( or Year Licence JNote: Parking of recreational vehicles, boats or trailers is not permitteCl.n the Community. Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: I am making this Application voluntarily for the purpose of obtainingIAMC's approval to rent on apartment in the apwhnent communityshown above I hereby aathorize, and encase to allow IAMC, Owner, andthebr-Peall-employees and agents (collectively, the •IAMC Parties'), to obtain and verify the Credit and other Information provided by me In this Application through audit reporting agencies, tenant screening service campanles, banks (Including electronic ands verification), employer, and other person or entitles with Infarmatlan relatin9ta }hie AppllCoilon, I aka authorize the IAMC Parties to provide information Contained In this Application to various local, state and/or federal governed ageneirs, mcluding without Ilmltatlan, verlous law enforcement agencies, I understand that If I lease this oprtmad, the IAMC Parties shall have a coldiduing right to review my Credit Infarmahon, payment bleary, occupanryhistary and other Information Inthis Application for purposes related to my Lease and/or for account review both during and after the term of my Lcase, I hereby release and hold harmless The Irvine Compaq. TrvIm, Apartment Communities, Lp., We. Apartment Management Company, and all of their respective afflcers, employees and agents, from ant and all liability, legal proceedings and costs, including attorneys, fees, arising cut of the verification and/or use of the information Contained In this Application, Including the releese ofsurh inormation to other parties. I warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Informmlon provided In this Application (including but not limited to the statement of my financial Condifion)1s true, accurate, complete and cameet at of the date of this Appllcatlon If any Infamatle n provided by me Is determined to be false, such false statement will be grounds for disapproval of my Application orterminotion of my Lease with Owner. I agree to notify IAMC If any of the Information provided In this Application change during the Application process or during my temncy, I also understand that IAMC will retain this Application, along with any other Information provided by me, whether or not this Application Is approved. A non-refundable Application Screening face of$30,00 (as Itemized below) Is required fmm each Applicant to procure This Application and to check the ARWconelderedbylAINIC. Aaepanla Application to Rant marl boelgned by eachAppllcant who will occupy coo apartment before this Application will be Informetio by IAMC. co Date Applk d'ssignaKr. RECEIPT FOR APPL ICA TION SCREENING FEE above Meant;$ to be used to screen Applicant with regards to Credit history and other background Information. The amount charged mixed es fallows: Actual costa of credit report, unlawful defainer(eviction) search, and/or other screening reports §995 Cast to obtain, process and verify screening leformatlan(nay include staff's time and other related Costs) $20.05 Total fee charged (may not exceed $30 per Applicant) $BD.00 noes verification of Information supplied by Applicant on this Application through Credit reporting agencies, personal reference :r information sources. 1 /n fr /0' Irvine Apadment Management Company D 3 By: Date Redsed:tayal Pagazo12 APPIc penTonWIMIn n Income Restricted Certification Name' rme Initial Certification Re -certification Other Yes No Uwe receive Fame cash contributions rent or L We ♦csv.... �.___ _ _.. /�i benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winnings, v` I or Annuities. __._,n e , Uwe receive benefits/income from SocZe° SSA, SSI and/or periodic social securitypayments. The household receives unearned income for family are entitled to receive child support payments. Uwe am currently receiving child Uwe am/are currently making efforts to collect owed to me. Uwe have other assets (e: Stocks, Bonds, Treasury If you you: on Les to Money Market a Married and filing a joint tax return. two Under penalties of perjury, T certify that the information pres to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further undersi representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misle result in tl e deniayf app�ROY, termination of the income Date rdent Signatu `Signature of Owner/Agent estionnaire any are Unit # 20 nted on this form is true and accurate rids that providing false ding or incomplete information will restricted lease agreement. 1 Earned Income Calculation Worksheet Name Employer Most Recent Ending Pay Period Date YTD Income 1 7/23, 9,3 1 divided by Zz Start with hire date if at job for less than a year (_) 3Z3 - Bz 7 . (how often paid) (x) =) Calculated Annual Income �gI7.1 � Hire Date Gross per Pay Period 2- N y3� N divided by Z (how oft n paid) (x) �� (=) Calculated Annual Income Z/6L�72-3 UVI.YVIYLJT LWV®I'�/'11 Peri First u i# Pay cDate: -� 10/21/2003 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Taxable Marital Status- Married THEOLYNDA R GILL Exemptions!Allowances: 944 STANFORD Federal: 31/ IRVINE, CA 92612.0000 Social Security Number: 563.65-3850 Earnings rate hours this period year to date Regular 11.7000 5.50 64.35 5,442.49 Charter Rate 458.97 Holiday 180.67 Kindgtn & Oth 28.75 Meeting Pay 69.00 Mo Driver Inc 100.00 Stdridby 2411.50 ,Gross'Pay • • • 1$64.35 6,521.38 Deductions Statutory Social Security Tax -3.99 404.33 Medicare Tax -0.93 94.56 CA SUI/SDI Tax -0.58 58.69 Federal Income Tax '23.75 Other Checking 1 -58.85 Garnish Crdtor 306.00 Net"Pay ' • . :.:' , $0.300 Your federal taxable wages this period are $64.35 Your CA taxable wages this period are $64.35 YF/ L09Ld First Studentros Advice number: 00000422007 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Pay date_ _ = 10121/2003 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 = 9 —_ Deposited to the account of = __= —account number transit ABA amount THEOLYNDA R GILL = _ 0000452669 3222 8200 $58.85 VOID AFTER 90 DLyS NOWNEGOTIABLE L•' C iL 2 C v' L" F- I ttl°Oi::ah4L6i:!.J=!r ... "_•....:..:.. 7..0 _...... r,:!D:.r..,J:vl!1__(v•/I°5/'r'/Fi3rI :iI�Ci:hl:: l'iI L-�IJOY:=ulc::, :n UGU 07E234'203600 AKN ' "0000441979 Fast etude tCR 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Taxable Marital Status: Married Exemptions/Allowances: Federal: 3 CA: 3 Social Security Number: 563.65.3850 Earnings rate hours this period Regular 11.7000 23.00 269.10 Kindgtn & Oth 11.7000 2.33 27.26 Charter Rate H oliday Meeting Pay Mo Driver Inc Standby Gross Pay„ „ • :: $296.36 Deductions Statutory Social Security Tax -18.37 Medicare Tax -4.30 CA SUI/SDI Tax -2.67 Federal Income Tax Other Checking 1-271.02 Garnish Crdtor Net''Ray .." ,:.-: y • ' $P,,. ob t carnin?"•S yitatf'ment �.X'� 11 m Period Ending: 10125/2003 Pay Date: 11/04/2003 THEOLYNDA R GILL 944 STANFORD IRVINE, CA 92612-0000 year to date 5,968.05 Important Notes 105.74 PLEASE CHECK THE ADDRESS, NAME AND SOCIAL 458.97 SECURITY NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK STUB. 180.67 69,00 NOTIFY YOUR LOCATION MANAGER IF ANY CHANGES ARE 100.00 REQUIRED. THANKYOU. 241.50 7,123.93.v/ 441.68 103.30 6a.12 23.75 306.00 Your federal taxable wages this period are $296.36 Your CA taxable wages this period are $296.36 C L F C f.4`M1:F.ry x• YEH!�i DJL'Ju!-,IT.^.!Iri•lEli71L'!'I'(•U'71UFLr.LF:5,in,UDT Cr1:0:JE III 7011EI'I"IALUALLY:S11D EY_I ILY FFWi ,.r'fOP TO Ll 6iil'fEF; yr D7r•r J,il Firststuld r,91Advice number_ 00000441979 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Pay date_. 11/04/2003 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 rl..nnci1e,11n fAc �nnnnnl ni = = e �nnn rn1 nn.nf.er +1f AP1A THEOLYNDA R GILL 0000452669 3222 8200 $271.02 VOID wF'(hR 00 DAYS S.. .. � - .. rI', ...:11: � , , A6J Jr"91 1. .- . ., , Ill_:,Iv'n:,_„�. ,�. •. Asset Calculation Worksheet Name Account Type (_) 220 divided by Z -)5 V/0 (average account balance) x ) Interest rate: % 0 _) Income from asset: $ 1011170 Account Type Asset Calculation Worksheet divided by (average account balance) ( x ) Interest rate: % 0 (_) Income from asset: $ 0 ^CTPc_: Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Unlan 714 / 258-4000 or 800 / 40CTFCU 10 ' THEOLYNDA R GILL Account Number: 00004-92669 944 STANDFORD IRVINE CA 92612 ' Date: 09/01/03 - 09/30/03 PAGE: 1 PostinglE£E.l IPymt. CreditlFinancelFee or I Trans. I Date IDatel Transaction Description I or Credit IChargeslChargesl Amount (Balance 09/01 ID 01 PRIMARY REGULAR SHARE ACCOUNT Balance Forward 5.00 09/30 Ending Balance 5.00 Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09101 ID 70 ACCESS CHECKING Balance Forward 7.74 09/02 Deposit by Check 243.15 250.89 09/02 Withdrawal by Check 243.00- 7.89 09/11 09/10 Withdrawal Transfer To Loan 80 7.89- 0.00 09/16 Deposit ACH FIRST STUDENT BE 52.58 52.58 . TYPE: PAYROLL ID: 2311736439 09/16 09/15 Draft 000923 50.00- 2.58 09/16 Withdrawal Transfer To Loan 80 2.58- 0.00 09/19 09/18 Withdrawal Overdrawn 000924 14.00- 14.00- In the amount of $27.00 (000924) 09/24 09/23 Withdrawal Overdrawn 000924 14.00- 28.00- In the amount of $27.00 (000924) 09/29 Deposit by Check 84.24 56.24 09/29 Withdrawal 10.00- 46.24 09/30 Withdrawal ACH AOL* FOR BROADS 14.95- 31.29 TYPE: AND 0903 ID: 1067810000 09/30 Combined Minimum Balance was 09/30 23.00 on 09/24/03 09/30 Withdrawal Checking Fee 3.00- 28.29 09/30 Ending Balance 28.29 Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.00 Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 000923 50.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12.900$ *** Periodic Rate (Daily) .035342% 09101 ID 80 OVERDRAFT PROTECTION (Open End) Balance Forward 288.86 09/11 09/10 Payments Transfer From Share 70 4.78- 3.11 7.89 284.08 09/16 Payments Transfer From Share 70 1.98- 0.60 2.58 282.10 09/29 Payments by Check 8.23- 1.30 5.00 14.53 273.87 09/30 Ending Balance 273.87 Credit Limit 300.00 Credit Available 26.13 A Payment of 25.00 is due on 10/10/03 Interest Paid Year to Date 27.92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Dividends Paid Year to Date • 0.10 I ram_ Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union 714 / 258.4000 or 800 / 40CTFCU 10 THEOLYNDA R GILL Account Number: 0000452669 944 STANDFORD IRVINE CA 92612 Date: 10/01/03 - 10/31/03 PAGE: 1 PostinglEff.1 �Pymt. CreditjFinancejFee or I Date jDatel Transaction Description i or Credit ChargesiChargesl Trans. Amount jBalance 10/01 ID 01 PRIMARY REGULAR SHARE ACCOUNT Balance Forward 5.00 10/31 Ending Balance 5.00 Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/01 ID 70 ACCESS CHECKING Balance Forward 28.29 10/11 10/10 Withdrawal Transfer To Loan 80 25.00- 3.29 10/17 Deposit Transfer From Loan 80 8.71 12.00 10/17 Draft 000926 12.00- 0.00 10/21 Deposit ACH FIRST STUDENT BE 58.85 58.85 TYPE: PAYROLL ID: 2311736439 10/21 Withdrawal 30.00- 28.85 10/21 Draft 000928 15.00- 13.85 10/28 Deposit ACH FIRST STUDENT SE 280.01 293.86 TYPE: PAYROLL ID: 2311736439 10/28 Withdrawal by Check 174.00- 119.86 10/28 Withdrawal 25.00- 94.86 10/28 Withdrawal 40.00- 54.86 10/29 Withdrawal ACH AOL* FOR BROADS 14.95- 39.91 TYPE: AND 1003 ID: 1067810000 10/31 Combined Minimum Balance was 10/31 5.00 on 10/17/03 10/31 Ending Balance 39.91 Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.00 Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 000926 12.00 000928* 15.00 * Asterisk next to number indicates skip in number sequence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12.900% *** Periodic Rate (Daily) .035342% 10/01 ID 80 OVERDRAFT PROTECTION (Open End) Balance Forward 273.87 10/11 10/10 Payments Transfer From Share 70 23.94- 1.06 25.00 249.93 10/17 Loan Advance Transfer To Share 70 8.71 0.00 8.71 258.64 10/31 Ending Balance 258.64 Credit Limit 300.00 Credit Available 41.36 A Payment of 25.00 is due on 11/10/03 Interest Paid Year to Date 28.98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Dividends Paid Year to Date 0.10 o r.�, 1 1= C U a— Ina, 1CA 92711-1547 Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union (714) 258-4000 THEOLYNDA R GILL Account Number 0000452669 944 STANDFORD Transaction Period 11/01/03 1 11/10/03 IRVINE CA 92612 Direct Inquiries to: (714) 258-4000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Post ------------------------- Effect Transaction Description Amount New Balance 11/01 ID 70 ACCESS CHECKING Balance Forward -------------------- - 31.91 11/03 Draft: 000931 38.51- 40 11/04 Deposit: FIRST STUDENT SE 271.02 272.42 11/04 TYPE: PAYROLL ID: 2311736439 11/04 Withdrawal by Check 145.00- 127.42 11/04 Check 04 235534 Disbursed 145.00 11/04 Withdrawal of Cash 45.00- 82.42 11/07 Withdrawal of Cash 35.00- 47.42 11/10 Deposit: FIRST STUDENT SE 250.59 298.01 11/10 TYPE: PAYROLL ID: 2311736439 11/10 Withdrawal of Cash 50.00- 248.01 11/10 Withdrawal 2.00- 246.01 11/10 STATEMENT FEES 11/10 Withdrawal by Check 57.00- 189.01 11/10 Check 04 235816 Disbursed 57.00 11/10 Ending Balance ------------------------------------------- 189.01 User Number: 0025 IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Guarantor Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Plana complete this farm antirely in Ink, nofing'NIA' or'.ne where applicable. 0o not use whit.out, The Information you provide will be used by IAMB to determine If yea qualify to act az'guarantor" of the lease obligations of the Resident(s) listed on this form. Community: Address: Prmt nuaronmr iJl dLneme Ull. Fo-)t, Middle InWen drlSr omyat elh Social Semrtry Number onwre Lk -ran �JP9dr4 p.rCC� S�l 9 tl sv I Wme of R.1dmt(s) you are'mranteelrg (Last, First, Middle rnnb) Iwt, FG4,Mtldle Initial) (tort. First, Middle Inirid) CPI 70-j (Lost,{lest. Middle I tap (Lon. first. Middle Irnial) (Lost, FlnL Middle Imtiap %cren/loess Present /Address ssJ city ZIP Own %(✓1;(� phone %Il� i67. less T m 2/l6Pi m IrVul /,)idD/ .)CJ£�1 Went // p / �uvrfln0 h`rn /'s'BGaar7 36v6 aJ � ! C r ` a actaehedfamihhome Atmehcdfemuyhome Apw1n,mr t i f Monthly Percent f 14060 To wham do yea make paymenv) :,,J FPeM1 Present Landlord's home, Address city up Phom# Immediate PNor Address Of less then lyr.af above) own Man1hlY Payment. amer Fam Rent' S Immediate Prier Landlord's Name Address city np theo# C...L....M1te.16...nlwAnnernFAran.zel hwivzz Addeezzf dudiw IIPLede1 a � .. 11AN JKN1A1c IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENTCOMPANY Consent to Verification of Credit & Other Information: I am making this AppHOW mlunterlly for the purpose of obtavieg IAMC's approval of my Application f¢ act as a guormfor for the Imo obligation, of the Resldent(q listed an this form, I hereby authorize and consent to allow TAMC, The Irvin Company, Irdna ApdtmeN Cummunirles, L.P., Intn Comes,,, bev¢lopmnef Compary, and that, respective employees and agents (collectively, the "IAMC Parties'), to obtain and verify the credit and other information provided by.. In Ihis Appnlm6an through credit ruporfiit, agerda, tenons screening savke earnouss. banks undudirg eiec"mis funds renfimlion).emplayc"anc ethcr persons or entlries with infermalmn ral.11,1a this AppOconaA I also aullur is the IAMC Fauna to provide information contained In M., A,Iranm to veriaus lord. amto and/or federal go..t agencies. including without Ranh mom". roams law eef.,.mm..... I.. Tend .. tend Rat it the pm,ham lames an apvtmurr, the IAMC Parties shall have. aantimilng right I hereby release and hold W.I., The inure centuy. Irwe Apartment communities, LP . Irvin Apartment Manwgrmaid Cumpary, Irvnu Commerdal bevdapmcnt Campony and all of that, neep"Itn officers, employes and agent from any and all liability, legal provedings and case. Including attorneys' fees, arismg cut of the v W,,a ion end/ar use of the information contded In this Application, Indedlrg the releae of such information to other parties I womant that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information Provided in this Application (Inducing but mi United To the statement of any fin ummi cmhl,e) is true, acmrarz, vmpideaad mired as of the data of this Appllmfiam If any information provided by me Is determined to be false. such false',moment will bo grounds for disapproval or his Applimtian or terionfien of Re'Idanr's lease. Iagree to noa(y IAMC If wiry of the Mformmlan pmridcd in th3 Applimtian change dunig the Applimtian promser durirg the Roidmr'femnry Ialsounderstandthat IAMC will rotor. thlr Appllmtlon, along wbh ary miter Information presided by me,wheth¢rorwt this Applicaean a eppmved. A nan•refundahl. Application Screening Fee of $30.00 (as demned below) Is required tram each gre"MOT to process this Application and to ehech the Infmmallon pirmi A npaole Guaontar AppOaaon must he signed by each qua entorwho will guaramus Me Paramecia of Raldent's obligations under the Lev.. �( ore¢ REL'EIM'FO above amount Is to be used to screen euaronmr with regotds to credit history and other buckgri Infwrmaban. The amount charged 1. Amml all of credit rape" and/or.'be''ereening«path 2. C.Imi.btaln,pramaand vedfysvemirg infarmanon(mvy mdudemaffY hme ¢ad other related corn) 3. Total Poe Charged (may cat mead$30 per 6.1111) outhornes verification of Information IdAdi d by Guarantor an IN, Application tit eugh amount reporting agencies, Patient 4 other Information 'sure.. ) / /,, /i i %r pier, Irvine Apartment Management Company By:�— art. Revised: 10/03 Page 1 of 2 $725 $3000 Guarantor Application 6'd 8691OZLS" N IdOdli d8S:S0 So 8T ^aN e eli f TONOTl wz- 869LOZLEI" =WdLO:B e.O/9L/LI. :PBATOOey LEASE GUARANTY This Lease Gnmmnly (hcrcinaRur, "Guaranty") is ntadc ON of this p - Y/ Any ter ��t[J(,M✓�✓4,- III Clllllluclltlll tvilh the Lease to be entered by and between oo . Cie i lk �. (whether one or mom persons, herclminer rolcrrcd to as "Resident"), part Irvine Alarmtont •Com illlltlex, L.P., •ae "Landlord;' for ilia Promises located at 1-0 C, . LiCC+�•rl�i «, in lite aparinunl community known as In consideration of Landlord's agreement to enter into n Lease with Resident and for otter Bond mill sntuah[o cnusidentiou, Guarantor dncs hereby agree as follows: 1. Ilncnntlilinntl,Quar;ioly,. Gnarruilm'hcrt•hy unconditionally guamnlces, wilhotil dedorlion by a•dnmldartnl'I', drll•ose or rnunlcr dainL the lirll :rod timely payment uhdl sums urrent and other amnunta payable under the Leam- and file lull and liniely pet Ibrinarice ornll covenants and obligations in Ilia Lease. Guarantor's obligations hereunder extend hi, but are tail limited to, all renewals or the original Lease term and month to month extensions thereof, and include damages nccut ring is a result of lily wrongful holding ow. waste, abandonment of personal property and any other emis and espcnses inclined by 1 andlord until [lie tenancy is Ieiminaled. 2. f,S�itljnp ng_Na(prg al'Ciltaru)Jy,. Guaranfor's ohl;galions under this Gulla ty xhnll cnnlinte ill rthut unln•ilh^.tooling any amentinient ar chmges to lite I.Caae by I.mdlord nod Residcnl. Unless olhcrwisc agmul by 1 audhntd, Inns (;naumfy ,hull terminate roily upon paymmit of n11 rent .tilt] odor amra duc under the ].Case still upon perdumauca lWn(1'h ba And obligations under file Luse. This Gummnty calends to matters occurring after the cxpiniimt nrthe term or Idle Len -a by reason or removal orany occupant's property, surrender of possession and other matters related In On, use and/or ncrupancy of the Premises. a. Wniver. Gunrotor hereby waives and agrees not In assert (a) any right In mrptiol Lmullnrd m poA.ecd npainsf Rcsidcur. or lily other guarantor or person. or to pursue any Met security, or remedy before pniccediolt aguinsl Guarutnr: (It) any defense based Cal Ito validity or curorcrabilily orthe Lease; (a) any right or Acme that may at ke by rewd,n of the incapacity, lack of authority, death or disability nfResident nr Goaranlor, (d) any right or defin+ac hascd oil Ills absence of any ter all presentments, demands (including demands far performance), notices Card protests of eouh null every kind, (a) the defame orally sin title oflimitations in mly action related to Ibis Contrarily or the Lease; and @ lily de[i•ns` hared lilt a lack of dil igence or failure or delay by Lsndlot d in enforcing its rights under this Guaranty nr the Lunw. 4. ICnmvledt�,e nl'RetiQenCs Pimm�ci_I Ct!nrl_linn. Gnmanlor assunnes all responsibility rot being and krcpmg inlnnned of Resident's fnancini condition and asset, our of all other circumstances bearing npnn [Ile risk ter nnnperfornrnnce by Resident under the Lease. Guarantor agrees that Landlord shall have no duly to advise Gnamnlor nrinfnriunliou Kra mr m nr obtained by Landlord rcganhing such eit ennisinneas or risk. S. Liinnneinl sL.ijkAmmlls. Prior to Inc execution of [his Uualinly and at any time durinll the Term or Ilo Lemur npnn Ira (ID) days prior written notice from Landlord. Gau•mn+r ogices to provide Landlord with Guonullor`•. cnneut limtncial inlbrmation (such as copies or w•2 s, income ins returns, cle) to verify, indinmation pinvided In Landlord regarding Cuomnirr s financial capacity to act as Gunnninr Ilnr the Lease Guarantor repmscnk and wmtmms Ilial all •iich financial stncments and Mhcr infornmhnn provided shall be Ime and correct stnlemcnls nrthe mfnnnntinn ptrwidvd.' d. O TeggnylQys�igt. Nothing co Nothing herein shall he mnsimed ns creating a Inndlnniho ainl wilt imisl,it, helwecu Landtnrd and Gunamor. Guarnwor is not granted or entitled In any possessory intmwn In the 1'romidcs ;w a re:anll ni Gunnnror's cxccutinn nF1ltis Guaranty. 7. )_n(igcy. Any notice, request, dcnnand, insbatefinn ur other communientinn In he given as oily li.n ly hciemider stroll lie in writing and sent In Ilia other party its provided herein in accordance with (he notice provixinns ill' (tic I eww. li,..idenr shall lie deemed Gunmalor's agent for service orprncess, and notice from Landlord dclivemih (o Re•.irlcul al file address set rortt in Ibc Lease shall constitute proper notice (o Guammon far all purposes. Notices In Lmullort] droll be delivered In Landlord's address set forth in the Lease. Uildhnld, nt its election, may provide in nddilinnal notice In Clumalllor nt Ilia adds csa provided antler Guamnlar's signature below. Y. 1(orncy_ _�cs. In the event of any action between the parlies berclo arising not of ttis Gtanuty. fir prevailing party Anil be entitled to recover from the oilier party, roawnahle altomeys' fees, collLclion costs and other costs inennnd tit and in prepnntion for the action. Guarantor hereby waives any right to trial byjury and further waives and agrees not In assert nny defense based on any claim that any mbilnliml decision bindin•it upon Lnndlnrd and Rrsidctl is not hindhij; npnn Guanotm•. 9. Choice of Law. Guarantor agrees Iliad all clu"lions with respect to this Gunramy sladl he grivemed by, and decilled in accordance wilh, file laws orthc state orcniilbinin. 10. scvcrahi it . Should any one or mine provisions of this Guaranty be determined to be ildgf it or uncnlincral+le, all other provisions shall nevertheless be effective. 11. JiM. Time is ofthe es.sauce under this Cuamnty. 12. vLicmu qt. Lhiless olhcrwisc deRned herein, all cnpitnlired terms in this Guaranty %ball'hnve Ibc senn meanings as contained in [lie Lease. 13. SticCCSsors and ASxll'tt. This Galnnty applies to, inures to the bandit of and Linda the pnilicti Imretn, and their respective Leila, devisees, legatees, execulors, adminishdois, representatives, successors and assigns. '['Ilia fham.tily hilly be assigned by Landlord voluntarily or by opcntion of Inw. b'd 88STOUL846 N INDJ 13N d8S:SO SO 91 AOW q e8ed :ZealaT-I <- 96stoaAeve fWd90:9 eO/9t/tL :PanTeoed 14. Gnlire Aereanent. This Guaranty shall constitute the entire agreement between Guamntor and Landlord with respect to the snbfoct matter hereof. No provision of this Guaranty or right of Landlord hereunder may be waived nor may Guarantor be rcleaaed front tiny obligation hereunder except by a writing duly executed by an authorized officer of Landlord. The waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Guorantyshall not operate m a waiver of any other breach of such provision or any other provisions hereof. No course of dealing between Landlord and Resident shall alter or affect the cn forcent; H ity of this Guaranty or Guamn[or's obligations hereunder. THE UNDERSIGNED GUARANTOR HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS GUARANTY. p'Guararrror is a married individual. Guaranror'srpoure must also sign this Guaranry.) GUT, LANDLORD: GUT f Irvine Apirunent Communities, L.P. ' / By. Irvine Apartment Management Company, a California general partnership, its duly authorized agent (Spouse's signature, if applicable) _ Address oorGuaranto/r.. / Name: /LGf1�//!d✓. f7>) Title: r (19 Note. Cnarrnrinr's.rignnlurc(s)nnrs(Gc norarked fjGurtrmrrorsignsrswayjrom /AC's Leasiag Office. STATE OF ) ) SS. COUNTY Or. ) On , 20_, before me, Notary Public, personally Mown to me (or proved to me on the bnsis of satisfactory evidence ) to be the person(s) whose name(s) w ore subsenibed to the within idstmmentand acknowledged to me drat (he) (she) (they) executed the same in (his) (her) (their) authorized capacity(ics), and that by (his) (her) (their) signature on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalfof which the person(s) acted, executed the hismi ment WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public (SEAL) tic,•. I?ai S.d BBSIOUL666 ITV! IAC.Ioc N la0dp13N dBS:SO SO 97 AoN 9 eBed -`CO NOTE <- B631.0ZL646 IWde0:9 E0/9 L/ L L :PeAT80O d CURRENT RATE HOURS EARNINGS DESCRIPTION SHIFT REGULAR HOURS 1 27884L 8000 223077 CO PAID LIFE INSURANCE $50K 243 . TOTAL: 1 8000 223077 6 3 2 L arm 3 BEFORE -TAX DEDUCTIONS ' lA'FTER=TAX DEDUCTIONS DESCRIPTION CURRENT DESCRIPTION CURRENT r TOTAL TOTAL: TAXES __,C _&tP NY%P?AtD-' ENFFIT$t DESCRIPTION CURRENT YTD DESCRIPTION CURRENT YTD FED WITHHOLONG 35077 83051 VACATION HOURS ALANCE 317 a FED MEDICARE 3238 16870 SICK LEAVE HOUR BALANCE 560 FED SOCIAL SEC 13846 72134 SICK LEAVE HOURS TAKEN 00 CA WITHHOLDNG 11844 16608 CA OASOI/EE 2008 10446 TOTAL: _ TAX DATA: Federal State CA Nama1ASON F L IC EL Marital Status S S Employee ID 048684546 Allowance 2 2 Pay Begin Date 10117%2003 Check# 1092760 Add),AmL 0.00 0.00 Pay End Dale 10/3012003 LocationA3130 Check Date Nei Pay 152-116A— YEARTODATE' ACATION ELIG 03/27/2003 L ELIG 03/27/2004 Fed Taxable Gross 1163454 Before Tax Ded After Tax Ded Taxes 199109 HOURS AND EARNINGS �DESCRIPTION REGULAR HOURS CO PAID LIFE INSURANCE $50K a �I .r rOl AL �_— --- ,l 68 GO BEFORE -TAX OEDUCTIO �S + DESCRIPTION A i .J1 C)TAL�......—....--- DESCRIPTION / FED WITHHOLDING + FED MED/EE FED OASDI/EE 7 CA WITHHOLDNG i CA OASDI/EF. 2640 879 3758 138 544. - TAX DATA reclerai Slate Manlal Status, � S S Allowance 2 2 Add] Aml 0.00 0.00 THE BOEI 1 1 23700000 CURRENT I DESCRIPTION 2550 I' 60435 18314 CURRENT TOTAL. COMPANY PAID BENEFITS" YTD DESCRIPTION;• CURRENT YTO 47974 VACATION HOURS BALANCE 287 13632 SICK LEAVE HOURS BALANCE 480 58288 SICK LEAVE HOURS TAKEN 00 4764 ; 8438 I i I I NameJASON F LICKEL Employee 10 048684,946 Pay Begin Dale 10 103 / 2003 ChBcl. x 1075009 Pay End Date 4r, / 16/2003 Location A3PR ._,—.. Check Date 10 /23 /2003 Nei Pay 52476 OTAL YEAR TO DATE VACAT ION 'EL I G 03 /27 / 2003 _ Net Amount to be Distributed — SL ELIG n3/27/2004 it Loob•r pleas 940134—..'—.__.��—•----- _ l(m Tax r)wl j rr I ax Dre xes 133096 Property Name Property Address Property Telephone Number Verification of No Child Support Resident Name: Apartment Number: I, �eV tynd Q R , & l l 1 , hereby certify that I do not receive monthly c 'ld support payments. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided above is true and complete. Resident signature WTm J A c4-1qlo U Date une w I I i 0,� p4- New Certificates,^._ /Recertification UnitNurnbery INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designated to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Project ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 813). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date a;;h the HUD F.:p lations. All capitalized tears used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. CSCDA (Pool) - Newport North I/We the undersigned state that Ihve have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all ho .re to c•_c:t y the un;t being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit. 1 2 3 q, 5. Name of Members Relationship Securty Place of Of the to Head of SoeN Number Household Household Age Number Employment I_,_ ck l� n}- Pr �11� 5irft-Rl- 41-M2 abt t 40A +y Income Computation h this ren r 18 G The total years) Iistedtabove for the 12-month d income, calculated period beginning the earlierparagraph the date that Itwe plan sto move into a unitooresign a lease for a unit is S .23t8G 5� Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (n) all wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses and other compensation for personal services, before payroll deductions; (b) the net income from the operation of a business or profession or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness or any allowances for depreciation of capital assets); (c) interest and dividends (including income from assets included below and other net income fromreal or personal property); (d) the full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other similar types of periodic receipts, including any lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; (a) payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, workers' compensation and severance pay; (f) the maximum amount of public assistance available to the above persons other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated for shelter and utilities; pp p (g) periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments ents and regular contributions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwellings; (h) all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is the head of the household or spouse; and (i) any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; (b) amounts which are specifically for or in reimbursement of medical expenses; (c) lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and workers' compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses; (d) amounts of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or the educational Institution, and amounts paid by the government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships or payments to veterans not used for the above purposes are to be included in income; (a) hazardous duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces who is away from home and exposed to hostile fire; (0 relocation payments under Title 11 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970: (g) foster child care payments; (h) the value of coupon allotments under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; (i) payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973: (j) payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; (k) income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes; (1) payments on allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program; (m) payments received from the Job Partnership Training Act; (n) income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Onowa Indians; and (o) the first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgement funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission of the Court of Claims or from held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior. 7, Do the persons whose income or'contributions are included in item 6 above: (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land) Yes K No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes X No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is Yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,0001 Yes _X,_No (d) If the answer to ( c) above is Yes, state: (1) the combined total value of all such assets: S t)f 4 (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such a�sssets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: S 1Q//4 , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: S 8. (a) Will all the persons listed in column 1 above be or have been full-time student during five (5) calendar months of this calendar year at a educational institution (other than a correspondence school) with regular faculty and students? Yes No (b) Complete only If the answer to Question 8(a) is "Yes"). Is any such person (other than nonresident aliens) tnarried and eligible to file a joint federal income tax returns? Yes No 9. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Owner to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and Ihve declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information Ihve deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. 10. I/We will assist the Owner in obtaining any information or documents required to verify the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer(s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 11. 1/We acknowledge that all of the fotegoing information is relevant to the status under federal income tax law of the interest on bonds issued to finance the 1 '') (.,' of the apartment building for which application is being made. We consent to the disclosure of such information to the issuer of such bonds, the holders of such bonds, any trustee acting on their behalf and any authorized agent of the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this Z% day of , 20 6.3_ (year) in the City of yv&__V Bazc4Califomia Applicant Applicant Applicant Applicant (Signature of all persons (except children tinder the age of 18 years) listed in number2 above required) i F`OR CO,),D T QN BY L 1WRTMENT OWNER ONLY: 1. Calculation of e4lblc lncon'—A: a. Enter amanut entered far entire household in 6 above: b. (1) If the amount entered in 7(c)above is yes, eater the total amount entered in 7(d)(2), subtract $orr ''Tt figure the amount entered in 7(dx3)and enter the Tema ring •e (S ), (2) Multiply the amouL `tt In' ,, the current passbook savings determine what the total annual earoin . /(d)(1) would be if invested in passbook savin; �), subtract from that 5gurn the amount eateL 'n 7(a)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under N/A. - (1) or (2) above: $ c. TOTAL BLIGISLL INCON (line 1.a plus line Lb(3): R3, (eel. 2. The amount entered in I.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Modorare•Ineome Tenant(s).. Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Lowerlucome Tenant(s). Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very -Low Income Tenant(s). S. Number of apartment unit assigned: 113 Il Bedroom size: / Rent: $ 7&O Z 4. This apartment unit (wastwas not) last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons Whose aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner upon their initial pcctq:ancy of the apartment unit qualified them as a Lowei-income Tenant(s). S. Method use4 to verify applioant(s) income: Employer income verification. Conies of tax returns. X Cthe.- (l' C/I oL,G SU c i a l S/u �+ t d i 5zbi'h �u e�a'd Ids l.�• /!� • Gt3 Data \ \Q, RclrnMF. k ARRRI _.AT.r.TIT.ATTnN WORKSHEET F # t team FhtXalm PataDuWt Sax Data of Will A a socblsmiri # FAT S=t nswm 1 a 11014 3'/3•lb-7 (of% MoP-M /D 2 0 4 fi fi ' 1 8 INCOME r.. ..n nva,rwrr Fmlly MOVI. # sotto Saso Palo S Averatelloara Avora aAmd Total fit Wt Pa SoaMr 2B &Wr I2 Mi I 1 Yr $ I I I I— =S Total Box A $ CnrIAI. RFrIMITY. Psntslnus. RTC. M IRI Ir ASSISTANrE fx* MemIL # Starts Sass Rate S Ar oba•r , Vow Ala W 52 Wx 24 San4Ms 20 E W1 12 AW S *S-Xerr Total B ]Tuvv Ftdrn\In ® MINIM®®� TOTAL• • • I vSSRTR �.314U' 1 a5 .Z mpy Wall, Astltlionat0an # Inv Nock rlteks elW imputed/ Cmmt lwc Q=ff fmt yalw costtoeIdw IFTra AsseloDaAo Actual klt=t Palo AcWalAmat Aeame Assets I— S (S S % S $ .ZL s S• _$ °%S $ s = $ % $ s s = $ % $ $ S = S % $ s s = si % s s is =S °%$ otals Box E: $ Box F: $ I mat NZ ramny ,mat 1\Glual Income Income from Asscb 4PUTED INCOME FROM ASSETS Box GElTectivc Date: Z'/ IrBox E exceeds $5,000 multiply Box E by the current Type orProgrmn %: , passbook interest mte: x % Unit No.: Z1 (O Unit Size: IrBox E does not exceed S5,000 enter-0- in Box G No. orpersons: 'COME CONTRIBUTED FROM ASSETS Box H:® �I/ /& 2T o3 Max. Income Limit: Z/or'10 Enter the greater orBox F or Box G R: IJo%Limit a25.4 0-,67-,cD a3,-90.5;;itw, JTAL ANNUAL INCOME SgLg 3 J b Rc TOTAL ASSETS $ = $ bTOTAL $ _ $j U IG * -bUQ -0 n-40(1 ez { Cv,,c(F7; a du,0AS s n:� hT� ep yv{; q Incom d Certification Name: Initial Certification Re -certification Other No cash rent or /or any other payments Lwe receive veteran's [w--o••a•• �, - -- s jnheritance, benefit, Disability benefit, AFDC, Lottery winning , J 2 / / or Annuities. ( tQ K I/we receive income from Rental Pro Uwe receive benefits/income from social Security to include SSA, SSI and/or periodic social security payments. The household receives unearned income for family members aoe 17 or under. payments. Uwe are entitled to receive child support 1/we am currently receiving child support payments. I/we am/are currently making efforts to collect child support ywe navc Uu, . - - - Stocks, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Money Market accounts, P-Al Est, on are the next 12 montns-r red Lees to either of the previous two you: Married and filing a joint tax return. are Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the information presented on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understands that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information rviil re It in the denial of application or termination of the income rest� cte� agreement. Dlat 6 Resident Signature l; ce —� Date Signature of Owner/Agent 2659 CIGNA COMPANIES 12225 GREENVILLE AVENUE SUITE 532 (SAMS) DALLAS TX 75243 AT&T CIGNA SAM BENFITS TEAM 800-352-0611 EXT 6556 Please direct any questions to the above analyst Be sure to provide your account and ID numbers in all letters and telephone calls. MARIA A COTTER 2519 SALERNO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 �xptunuuern_v/ nerrc/�r.o f Page 1 Certholder: MARIA A COTTER Claimant MARIA A COTTER ID#: Special ID#: Account Name: AT&T C/O CIGNA Account#: 2623525 Policy : 02 Div: H238 203 Benefit Type Payment P Duration Benefit Rate Benefit Payable Less Deduction DISABILITY INCOME 08/12/2003 - 09/11/20031 30 DAYS 1928.58/MO 736.58 147.32 Deductions: FEDERAL INCOME TAX 147.32 Messages: TOTAL PAYMENT $ Payments Issued: MARIA A COTTER 589.2 09/05/2003 589.26 Total amount paid to date, including taxes, for this claim is $ 63,089. 16 for the period 11/12/1996 thru 09%11/2003 2606 CIGNA COMPANIES ' 12225 GREENVILLE AVENUE SUITE 532 (SAMS) . C. TX 752., . DALLAS AT&T CIGNA SAM BENEFITS TEAM 800-352-0611 EXT 6556 Please direct any questions to the above analyst Be sure to provide your account and ID numbers In all letters and telephone .calls. jbXPICIriuiaurc ul Page 1 Certholder: MARIA A COTTER Claimant 'MARIA A special OTTER ID#: Account Name: AT&Tco CIGNA Account#: 2523525 Div: 203 Policy : 02 MARIA A COTTER 2 19 SALERNO N WPORT BEACH CA 92660 Benefit Ty a Pa ment P • •Duration DISABILITY INCOME 09/12/2003 10/1.1/2003 •'•30 DAYS Deductions: FEDERAL INCOME TAX Messages: 147.32 H238 28.58/MO1 736. 58 r - 147.32 19 TOTAL PAYMENT $ Payments Issued: MARIAA COTTER 589.26 10/03/2003 589.26 Total amount paid to date, including taxes, for this claim is $ 63,825.74 for the period 11/12/1996 thru a 10/11/2003 1752 CIGNA COMPANIbb 12225 GREENVILLE AVENUE SUITE 532 (SAMS) l DALLAS ' TX 75243 L'.il1YLY/LCYLLV/L V� LG/La•� LLu/`' Q� /2 Page 1 CQ�... AT&T CIGNA SAM BENEFITS TEAM 800-352-0611 EXT 6556 Please direct any questions to the above analyst Be sure to provide your account and ID numbers in all letters and telephone calls. MARIA A COTTER 251gg SALERNO NEJORT BEACH CA 9266o Certholder: MARIA A COTTER Claimant MARIA A COTTER ID#: Special ID#: Account Name: AT&T C/O CIGNA Account#: 2523525 Policy : 02 Div: H238 Benefit Type Payment Period Duration Benefit Rate Benefit Payable Less Deduction DISABILITY INCOME 10/12/2003 - 11/11/2003 30 DAYS 1928.58/MO 736.58 147.3.2 Deductions: FEDERAL INCOME TAX 147.32 Messages: Total amdunt paid to C TOTAL PAYMENT $ 589.26 Payments Issued: 11/05/2003 unerA A COTTER 589.26 Clarification Record' Applicant/Resident Name::/ Pn Date:IL-10-03 Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: /Z •Z7- 0-5' v/Recertification w- 0 5T- Effective date: 7.6 Means of Clarification: Phone Conversation Person -to -Person Conversation Other: 7J OC.u.Mer%*S Date of Clarification: Contact Name, Summary of -, Explanation or Clarification Given: m n / 7' T r» d Employee Name: i Title: Employee Signatur . �_�a Date: AP /U• 0 O 42l36 MAC. MOA- Co Your New Benefit Amount 117335 BENEFICIARY'S NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY CLAIM NUMBER (only the last 4-digits are shown to help prevent MARIA A COTTER identity theft): X -2642 A Your Social Security benefits will increase by 1.4 percent in 2003, because of a rise in the cost of living. You can use this letter when you need proof of your benefit amount to receive food stamps, rent subsidies, energy assistance, bank loans, or for other business. How Much Will I Get And When? I • Your new monthly amount (before deductions)'is �1J ,499 70 • The amount we're deducting for Medicare is (If you did not have Medicare as of Nov. 22, 2002, or if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) • The amount we're deducting for voluntary federal tax withholding is $0.00 (If you did not elect voluntary federal tax withholding as of r Nov. 22, 2002, we show $0.00.) • After taking any other deductions, we will deposit $1,241 00", into your bank account on Jan. 3, 200$: If you disagree with any of these amounts, you should write to us within 60 days from the. date you receive this letter. What If I Have Questions? We invite you to visit our website at www.ssa.gov on the Internet to find general information about Social Security. You also can call us at 1.800-772.1213, 24 hours a day. We can answer specific questions by phone from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m, on business days. Our lines are busiest early in the week and early in the month so, if your business can wait, it's• best to call at other times. Please have your full nine -digit Social Security number available when you call or visit and include it on any letter you send to the Social Security Administration. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number, 1.800-325.0778, You also can visit your local office. 4526 MACARTH_1R BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH CA BNC#: 021310821343238 I1CIAL SECURITY 'I'RATION FFIC OF CENTRAL NS 1500 WOODLAWN DR E Over > PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL POSTAGE AND FEES PAID SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION PERMIT NO. G-11 0 Clarification Record AppIicant/Resident Name:: /far'/ a »f e—l- Date: 0.3 Initial Certification Date of Expected Move -In: /L• Z?' Q ✓Aecertification' Effective date: Means of Clarification: Phone Conversation. Person---tom-Person Conversation Other: .j)D>LXnev AS Date of Clarification: /2-•/0-L3 Contact Name: Summary of Explanation or Clarification Given: M vri a reCe4W Employee Name: , M -L / Title: rnrn " Employee Signature: Date: /Z • /0- Ot b Account Type (x) Asset Calculation Worksheet divided by .. . (average account balance) Interest rate: Income from asset: $ STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT WID Washington Mutual THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 521.00. 62-E-83 MARIA A COTTER 2519 SALERNO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3263 TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 22,671 STATEMENT PERIOD: F08-18-0 HRU 3 t HRU 09-18-03 23 AT WASHINGTON MUTUAL, -EVERY DAY 25 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY. THANKS FOR BANKING WITH US. FREE CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL HANK, FA FDIC'INSURED MARIA A COTTER ACCOUNT NUMBER: 876-354889-6 YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT END DATE, WAS $ 1,000.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER TRANSACTION CHARGE. SEE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 762.58 21150.93 1,930.26 541.91 YTD INTEREST PAID .00 YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: .00 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 08/25 125.00 08/27 20.00 09/02 62.35 09/03 09/16 09/16 11.00 09/17 21.50 09/18 118.00 09/18 25.00 09/18 2.00 09/18 5.00 DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT 323739960064939 VISA -WEB LAUNDRY CAU11ONEMPORT BEACHCA VISA-RALPHS #0744 NEWPORT BEACHCA 1,341.00 US TREASURY 303 SOC SEC 589.26 ST DELUXE CHECK cHECK/ACC. ATM-CHG CA037131 1328 22ND STREET CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT 326039960154771 CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT 326039960155310 ATM WITHDRAWAL FEE - DOMESTIC PLUS PACKAGE MEMBERSHIP CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2166 08/20 11.23 2174 08/28 55.56 2167 08/21 69.08 2175 08/29 100.00 2168 08/27 37.45 2176 08/29 18.45 2169 08/27 7.40 *2178 09/11 40.00 2170 08/27 100.00 2179 09/02 38.03 2171 OB/29 70.16 2180 09/04 762.00 2172 09/11 108.00 2181 09/08 63.79 2273 08/28 12.91 2182 09/05 100.00 NOTE: * INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE SANTA MONICA, 29 0917 CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2183 09/26 15.48 2184 09/08 37.20 2185 09/12 34.26 2186 09/15 14.03 21B7 09/17 10.00 2188 09/18 43.82 *2198 09/18 12.21 PAGE 01 OF 01 0• Washington Mutual THE FEE FOR WHETHER PAID EORHOVERDRAWN RETURNEDIS$2IOTRANSACTION, O 62-E-83 MARIA A COTTER 2519 SALERNO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3263 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 22,934 STATEMENT PERIOD: F o 09-19-03 HRU •10-20-0 AT WASHINGTON MUTUAL, EVERY DAY IS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY. THANKS FOR BANKING WITH US. FREE CHECKING 4JASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FDIC INSURED MARIA A COTTER BEGINNING BALANCE 1 541.91 TOTAL WITHDRAWALS 2,270.15 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 876-354889-6 YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT END DATE, WAS 5 1,000.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER TRANSACTION CHARGE. SEE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. TOTAL DEPOSITS 2,103.26 ENDING BALANCE YTD INTEREST PAID YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: 377.02 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 09/22• 125.00 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 09/25 50.00 1,341.00 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT US TREASURY 303 SOC SEC IRVINE 55 1015 10/03 589.26 - 543�CAMPUS DR. 10/15 CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT 329039960194979 10/20 300.00 CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT 329039960195481 10/20 00.00 PLUS PACKAGE MEMBERSHIP 10/20 5.00 DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 099 09/22 198.17 *2289 09/19 40.00 , 2190 09/22 82.52 *2192 09/22 15.00 2193 09/19 55.56 2194 09/19 52.39 *2197 09/22 11.25 *2199 09/23 18.45 2200 09/19 12.08 NOTE: * INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE CHECK NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT 2201 09/23 20.00 2202 09/22 10.70 2203 09/22 24.67 2204 09/24 29.39 2205 09/24 10.00 2206 09/26 9.35 2207 20/01 68.00 2208 10/06 762.00 2209 10/06 46.07 27 Do 00 CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2210 10/07 2281 2211 10/07 4.30 2212 10/08 54.19 2213 10/06 40.00 2214 10/10 100.00 *2216 10/13 10.76 2217 10/15 34.44 2218 10/17 108.50 2219 • 10/20 24.55 Washington Mutua� STATE,.iENT OF ACCOUNT THE FEE FOR EACH OVERDRAWN TRANSACTION, WHETHER PAID OR RETURNED, IS 421.00- 62-E-83 MARIA A COTTER 2519 SALERNO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-3263 TO REACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TELEPHONE BANKING AT 1-800-788-7000. 22,616 STATEMENT PERIOD: FROM 10-21-03 THRU 11-20-03 AT WASHINGTON MUTUAL, EVERY DAY IS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY-. THANKS FOR BANKING WITH US. FREE CHECKING WASHINGTON MUTUAL,BANK, FA FDIC INSURED MARIA A COTTER ACCOUNT NUMBER: 876-354889-6 YOUR OVERDRAFT LIMIT, AS OF THE STATEMENT ENO DATE, WAS $ 1,000.00. THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE- OVERDRAFTS ARE SUBJECT TO A PER n^r kl ruflary SPE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 27, BEGINNING SALANCE TOTAL WITHDRAWALS TOTAL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE 377.02 1 2,216.05 2,165.76 326.73 DATE WITHDRAWALS DEPOSITS 10/29 �` 48.Oa 10/30 20.00 11/03 1,341.00 11/04 20.00 11/12 187.50 11/14 25'00 11/17 589. 26 11/20 5.00 DETAIL OF CHECKS PAID: ,YTD INTEREST PAID .00 YTD INTEREST WITHHELD: .00 TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER DEPOSIT ATM-NCHG, SIA07606 4543 CAMPUS DR. US TREASURY 303 SOC SEC VISA -WEB LAUNDRY CA011ONEMPORT BEACHCA ATM-NCHG SIC08814 551 NEWPORT BEACH SAFEBDX FEE-•0002124400Z3619 ATM-NCHG SIA07606 4543 CAMPUS DR. PLUS PACKAGE MEMBERSHIP CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2220 10/28 96.52 2221 10/28 10.79 2222 10/27 39.39 2223 10/29 18.4.9 2224 10/29 15.00 2225 10/28 56.00 . 2226 10/29 54.00 2227 10/29 19.87 2228 10/28 55.56 NOTE: * INDICATES CHECK OUT OF SEQUENCE ,IRVINE 56 1030 NEWPORT BEACH 51 1111 IRVINE 66 1117 CHECK NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT CHECK NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT 2229 10/31 11.90 2238 2239 11/18 11/12 54. 0f 63.7. 2230 2231 11/03 11/06 15.48 26.73 2240 11/14 29.3 2232 11/04 17.00 2241 11/14 53.3 2233 11/06 40.71 2242 11/18 100.0 2234 11/04 762.00 2243 11/20 15.0 2235 11/19 18.45 2244 11/18 350.0 2236 11/14 62.22 2245 11/18 55.5 2237 11/17 21.86 *2248 11/18 83.2 PAGE 01 OF 01 2509 CIGNA COMPANIES ' 1222E GREENVAVENUE SUITE 532 (SANS)AMS) Explanation Of Bene t$ ' DALLAS TX 75243 Page AT&T 1 CIGNA SAM BENEFITS TEAM 800-352-0611 EXT 6556 Certholder. MARIA A COTTER Claimant Please direct any questions to the above analyst Be sure to Y pand MARIA A COTTER ID#: Account Name:pecial ID#: in all letters telephone callsaccoun. and ID numbers AT&TATO C/O Account#: 25235250 CIGNA Policy : 02 Div: 203 MARIA A COTTER NEWPORTLBEACH I-, • H238 CA 9z66o Benefit Ty a Payment Period DISABILITY INCOME 11/12— /2�2/11/2003 Duration Benefit Rate Benefit Pa able 30 DAYS 1928.58/MO 736.58 Deductions: FEDERAL INCOME TAX ' 147.32 If `Messages: TOTAL PAYMENT S Payments MARIA A COTTERued: Total amount paid to date, including taxes, for this claim is $ .65 296 g0 for the period I V12/1996 thru 147.32 589.26 12405/2003 12/11/9nno 589.26 Newport North Apartment Homes INCOME RESTRICTED CHECKLIST We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the necessary paperwork required to certify you for this affordable housing program. Please submit current copies of each of the following documents as it pertain to your annual income and related assets: Please use 1• of the 4 listed below that applies to your employment. () Two of your most recent pay stubs () New Employee — 30 days or less at employment only — Offer Letter () Self Employed only — Last 2 years Tax Return () Employment Verification Form () Two months current bank statements — checking and savings () Most recent 401K monthly/quarterly statement () Most recent stocks/bonds monthly/quarterly statement () Alimony — court document letter () Child Support — court document letter () Retirement/pension — most recent statement () Disability payments— most recent statement () Parental support letter — must be notarized () Life Insurance Policy All required paperwork must be turned in to the rental office within 5 business days. To complete the approval process additional documentation maybe required. Failure to provide the additional paperwork will disqualify your file from the Bond Program. In some cases we may require letters and documents to be notarized which may result in notary fees. WE WILL NEED THIS INFORMATION IN ORDER TO APPROVE YOUR FILE Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the office at (949) 720.8765 or fax us at (949) 720.1598. Thank you for choosing Newport North! �ftesiideAtinature �� Resi ent ignature CAworddoc\bondcheck1ist03 Resident Signature Signature of Owner/Agent A P P • O.dE��M710T�. IRVINE APARTMENT' MANAGEMENT COMPANY Rental Application and Receipt for Application Screening Fee Plwse complete this form ereirelf in ink, terting"WA"wOwnee where applicable, Dowfusewhiteout. Theltrfcrmottonyau provide will be verified prior to JAMC,"pprowl to t an opartm,td to YOU In an epo "" wmmaMy owned by either The .. T.,.—„u ..M enm tiw. LP. fwiiretivetl.•Ownte7. may' Sf� Add ^ at M.tAWHa.A' fun nartamt, Rrst. AUddla]iltM JrJSr. Date of Seth s.d.Isw,Aytaeier Ori•.•'s Uenw# • k -13-�" s'ts-s�- aI H.e..farA eaMefin/�ARw+tlr"eeMedix ba?t.Frit, R9d,1e7Nnd�l�/%l/+A- rah G•Appin.tl (IaGHnt.MWk Ir ;PM,FM.AVdC Litl1 MM.FM, AN6'Y9 _1 IWt, Frtt�A�,da. TdMd7 Ayphr.o',hw A" city ID Ul 91b4o a.. Plies — ( j a q 341ernro Mir8 CAr ieA: �cnl� T• Dehdwdh.afha,e ❑ Atlrthedfwilyha ❑ B,ethlyhtvtm$ h�t•%/°i T,.M.de7alwdrtpaPama9 I.,dh,d1 ealiR • :i M%l,n,,,e °" aP a - ahlSAdtea Pftrsethwlyn,edara) ❑ ,waethlyreywwr. �•` N��r npa $ Leadon Mr ,N,s Adbuv Mr Df firs# aotou apet? ❑Ye, 0w ti.br.f his Aj/g�e 11K , E n P e Y e t gwp�e=Pan.Ftx.Ruam. 4fgt MA1Uk R wy JsTeoq Done of �. Fir,t,AW, b,si_atl1 Oeh.fRHh a.ef,Fnt, Midie Litton DoneNRk,h r nnt.Fw .MWj. etieil 0eta,f erde a.ft. F.at, sidle Lill.a a,te,f firm h' x fepuf. Man-mply.d,tart.Fb.deea76uehwss Atldr.n Gae4a9Z=Gde7 WA 1Mro# Type.f Miss, Pmitim tr+ SuperAes PMs# DIM AgimttrtWlr,wd,ipy,MtameWWtf. coed f.wuMlepAa E.pleyvAdd.n (wfady aP._.) s# etlia bc�mp+�i.Nyyr6 awd,nte weowbmeh Owl.%atyy5tan7 54rlq* Al0Meip— Aemt.!0 Mu VA as M-3sff-W`1 sategs ball U.eh C..Ald.OtyYS F6syauasrflbdb.kyAcyl a Guyard5tan.IwwtJrh wmtye.9 Fbtalv,a erW hodxypMcl®rd,Wf,lisw•pdfm,hanPasvlmre• ❑ Yes ��Ci ff What ro ? (� Now yen.vae Ifyw.deerribst.det.'k te.,medstedef.f.6w O - Dafaeed sna loot] ❑Yes 16 M FDD LS Pp, lde AppoeanT~1001a. I S660 *4+ 666 1 vuaT6 vITTA dsa:zi 6o Zt ova t• dOi.s'"ahtr.IKVAIC� IRVINE APARTMENT MANAGEMENTCOMPANY Ho. ddywikst ten, of fwapennent lat� rUC nai}Ayt.Acogadna .L.❑�icerldU fi (IACA.0 [3fAlMtl ❑Far RWAA.941 a ❑Soudan ❑IACApt.Af.Crnhr ❑5D Roach' fxrdamlbn ❑Rr,Wl� ❑Pr.mtiMSP•Gvrt )—i1VaAYfa-ahv u❑Rermd• �SJ M..cn ❑nsaPTvr-0IAse• Eldenlv5atvka ❑Mgame-Otlw• ❑Ryv ❑Aff.mbbk Houriq ❑Pwim,d/MmL,• Qarhv-wiuvd• Abk: Year Lkensa# of recrentiaral vehicim boats or treners is rat uermkted En the Comte Consent to Verification of Credit and Other Information: TmsvWgthee Apocatbn ra Wy for thepupMofobtddm)UMC'tMrud to mgw.mt In the oporhmtt mrn..alySIrmobue.I hv.by wthodaa ad CoUtat to atlwlAAt6, O..v. ed lhF rvpeaha.-IJI eorW-see"(-a aihdy, hire • MCPutia.•), to 4uelo dv ifr lbocrdlt.M.tturbfce pnMdedby exam tN.AppArdW1MwtghrtpDt nP.rlieugerks, tardsv.adg a.r.kacap.a.a,bMn (tvfuAy durrrNa /umbwlanf W), eapbivi.d sH,r PrrammgenlHnM� mrarvntW raMkgfv INe Applkarbn Iaba wlhdtt the UNCPaHktbptwkle iaformtlonwnldrcdN INs Applmi W Iv ruio,n bcd,alaneM/er leduvlg.rmnwut agenriu.ivcharvy.PthW Dmefalbgr:imu kn.vrertraeml qeM¢ Imkeend lhet If Tle.ee Ihb ogmiaentihelAl'LPatbsshdl hsa c.na.irgrlgl,t torsrnr/vry ar.Al kformetkn,paAnant hbfory.arapay NslaryodadwrbfmndW inlhlf ApplkaHmhr WWt'e Mold Iv ny Loa a.d/ar/marrvaH revive both Bringodafirr tha futn.l my lemn. I hrnby rtlu.ead hid hrmJen trn Lrina Canpmry,IMx AparhMnt Cgmrynll W,LP..Irvflm comwuty aavalvpnue Campotry,IMne Apartment Memgemut Company.ced all of ihdrwprative a(flcex, anploy.0 odeg.nu. fxm arty and eR Ibeaitr.kvl pr.tt aftrW od cuts, Whdvg attarmyt fm. arblrg out of Iheveri(kaHmmd/u uo of the Infarmutlon cmddrdln this Apolutim Wkiding theretevca of such Informall.n to athv (Mesa ]: armt that, to the best of nryktaMedge.eR of the Ff.rtmlW pvddd kfh4 Apphul W (mrlWkg but not Ifdred to the etvten.ml.f ty fhw,ckl andkW)bh,e,aavde. anmphtead ¢aeparaf ihdela.f tNS AppRe.tbn Ih.vYkfofmatvtP..idmlMmab Ovmmmd to be fda.sudtfalu imlem.nt Nl4peudr lrrArepp,wW of mrAggalW .ntsnS,rtW d,oy l.uedth C.,ve ieyeeer,�.H(y ).WCdu,yaf ,fu: rnfm.atW pradddM iNe Arpifufundavgeadxieg 1hv AppllmtW p,.usava•'b'9 mY tsomny. Tdesurt.rermd that TAAICnlrtidn 1Nr Appka tk,e v Wg.nn my at Arr Inramal W Paled q�.r. ttA.nrr.r mt this npP�+W n .pPr.nd. A nm nhndaNeApp)kctlmeenramp Fae o(SI0001ae tl.mbdWlor�brpek.d RaasaehAppVraMle Plx.etthltADPVe.lien.d mehcklhe Ffafm.tlmpoddd. AuIwW ApplkaVmn MMmutiwrgmdbi nch ApPluMtMotA xcupyNesperlmntacos Nh AppAWion rAlhe cmrurtd by NMa Dare Apptkvnl'esgMue HYYLIGY) P1UIV OGK=IVLIV& / CC SMOa (xw Nslydrupfled AppramtlnemartlW MTh AppSrantl Applka(W f. Gntm.perro+at b tv h uudte eveen ApyGcmt Mlhxgadt to ardil Nslaryxdethvbedgwdi.fommtkm The asu.d thatgd L Arnd rvtitdm6rrspM.udo.fW delexr(Mcu aterrh.od/orelhrtauring rtpwts S9m t Cstty Wrob.P..amu.dvvi(ysv.vy mfamatW(avry WudcA.Irs lh.cedanv.rdvfd mfu) SRa05 3 TatdfFe Wyed (nOylMlt exeed STapvAppikmn S3aao Pmu MluAsuwixwY n of k,fartvalW s,pphrdlrynppYcmrontus ayplksM1ntlaayh vr6rt•ryMYge3eKier.Dvs.m1 xfm d,uks alhv hdarwotW tmxn ✓A JV1 Br• 7n 3 e.A,A INt Pap. ado Ppprmeatto.nll bleat, g•d Soso *Li 6iB I euacg etilA d9Ztal EO ZI eag 42136, &6,8 Your New Benefit Amount 117335 BENEFICIARY'S NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY CLAIM NUMBER (only the leak 4 digits are ahown to help prevent MARIA A COTTER identity theft): XXX-XX-2542 A Your Social Security benefits will increase by 1.4 percent in 2003, because of a rise in the cost of living. You can use this letter when you need proof of your benefit amount to receive food stamps, rent subsidies, energy assistance, bank loans, or for other business. How Much Will I Get And When? • Yaw new monthly amount (before deductions) is $1..Aq 70 " • The amount were deducting for Medicare is $fi 7B— 0_• (If you did not have Medicare as of Nov. 22, 2002,- cr if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) • The amount were deducting for voluntary federal tax withholding is 0$ 00 (If you did not elect voluntary federal tax withholding as of Nov 22, 2002, we show $0.00.) • After taking any other deductions, we will deposit • $1-,$41 00 into your bank account on Jan. 3, 2003: If you disagiee with any of these amounts, you should write to us within 60 days from the -date you receive this letter. What If I Have Questions? We invite you to visit our website at www.ssa.go0 on the Internet to find general information about Social Security. You also can call us at 1-800-772.1213, 24 hours a day. We can answer specific questions by phone from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on business days. Our lines are busiest early in the week and early in the month so, if your business can wait, it's best to call at other times. Please have your full nine -digit Social Security number available when you call or visit and include it on any letter you send to the Social Security Administration. If you we deaf or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number, 1.800-325-0778. You also can visit your local office. 4626 MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH CA BNC#: 02B1082G43238 I Over > I11ae6•COWaM•DI•]Ba3Le67ale PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL ,y,,�� POSTAOEAND FEES PAID CIiAQLLSECURITY 1.tLxTION SOCIALSECURITY FIF'IC`N.OF CENTRAL NS ADMINISTRATION 1600 WOODLAWN D E PERMIT NO. e•11 BALTIMORE MD 2124 -1600 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Be sure to check out ••«••+•weFAO�* 6•DIO1T 92660 our website: www.ssa.gov MARIA A C 2519 SALE NC, NEW;�PT BEACH CA 92660.8263 Ildw Rld6,d�,JI,.,„II,,,IwdL,,,II.... 11L1.... ILI unDj mawuamwnu