HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2008-040_GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*NEW FILE* PA2008=040 Geotechnical Investigation i TRANSMITTAL Geoteehnical Engineering Coastal Engineering DATE: August 18, 2008 Maritime Engineering TO: Ms. Rosalinh Ung, Planning Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 PROJECT NO: 2573 REFERENCE: MARINA PARK PROJECT Transmitted herewith is a copy of our report titled "Geotechnical Investigation, Marina Park Project, Newport Beach, California," dated August 7, 2008. If you have any questions, please give us a call. TERRACOSTA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Sincerely, 'Atf eu raven R. Smillie, Principal Geologist BRECEIVED BY RS/sr PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUG 27 2000 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 ♦ San Diego, California 92123-4379 ♦ (858) 573-6900 voice ♦ (858) 573-8900 fax 2601 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 110 ♦ Santa Monica, California 90405 ♦ (310) 399-8190 voice ♦ (310) 399-8195 jae www.terracosta.com GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MARINA PARK PROJECT NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Prepared for CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach, California RECENED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUG 271008 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Prepared by T$RRACOSTA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. San Diego, California Project No. 2573 August 7, 2008 I t Project No.2573 August 7, 2008 UMIUMI® Mr. Mark S. Reader, P.E. oeoteclmicamngtneerft Public Works Department cmwiingmeeft CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH bfaname Engineering 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MARINA PARK PROJECT NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Dear I& Reader: In accordance with your request, our Proposal No. 08018 dated March 3, 2008, and our Professional Services Agreement dated March 25, 2008, TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. (TCG) has completed a geotechnical investigation in support of the proposed Marina Park Development project, located on Newport Harbor between 15th and 19th Streets, and north of West Balboa Boulevard, in the City of Newport Beach, California The accompanying report presents the results of our review of available reports, plans, literature, our field investigation, and our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical aspects of the proposed site development. rWe appreciate the opportunity to be of service and trust this information meets your needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please give us a call. Very truly yours, TERRACOSTA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. David B. Nevins, Project Engineer Braven R. Smillie, Principal Geologist R.C.E. 65015 R.G.E. 2789 R.G. 402, C.E.G. 207 Walt . Cre pton, Principal R.C.E. 23792, R.G.E. 245 WFC/DBNBRS/jg Attachments (6) Addressee 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 ♦ San Diego, California 921234379 ♦ (858) 573.6900 voice ♦ (858) 573-8900 fav 2601 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 110 ♦ Santa Monica, California 90405 ♦ (310) 399.8190 voice ♦ (310) 399.8195 fav vvww.terracosta.corn , I [1 1 I 1� I I L.! CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Project No. 2573 TABLE OF CONTENTS August 7, zoos 1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION................................................................. I 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION........................................................................2 2.1 Onshore Facilities............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Offshore Facilities (Proposed ADA Approach Piers, Floating Docks, Groin -Wall, andBulkhead Walls)......................................................................................................... 2 3 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION.....................................................................3 3.1 Field Investigation............................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Laboratory Testing............................................................................................................ 4 4 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................4 4.1 Geologic Setting............................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Site Topography and Bathymetry..................................................................................... 4 4.3 Soil and Geologic Units.................................................................................................... 4 4.4 Groundwater.....................................................................................................................5 5 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS..............................................................................................................5 5.1 Regional and Local Faulting............................................................................................. 5 5.2 Seismicity ......................................................................................................................... 6 5.3 Geologic Hazards.............................................................................................................. 6 6 CONSIDERATIONS FOR LANDSIDE IMPROVEMENTS.....................................................8 6.1 Site Preparation........................................................................................I........................ 8 6.2 Foundation Design............................................................................................................ 8 6.2.1 Mat Foundations for Restroom Facilities and Other Small Buildings ................. 8 6.2.2 Deep Foundations for Sailing Center and Community Center ............................ 9 6.3 Seismic Design Parameters per CBC.............................................................................. 10 6.4 Concrete Flatwork and Walkways.................................................................................. 11 6.5 Soil Corrosivity ...............................................................................................................11 7 CONSIDERATIONS FOR MARINA IMPROVEMENTS......................................................11 7.1 Sheet -Pile Bulkheads......................................................................................................11 7.1.1 Tieback Anchors................................................................................................13 7.2 Guide Pile Recommendations......................................................................................... 14 7.2.1 Pre -Jetting Considerations.................................................................................15 7.3 Approach Pier/Gangway Abutment Foundation Recommendations .............................. 15 7.4 Dredging.........................................................................................................................16 7.5 Shore Perpendicular Groin-Wall.................................................................................... 16 8 LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................................................16 FIGURE 1 BORING LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 ARCHITECTURAL MASTER PLAN FIGURE 3 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FIGURE 4 ROLLER DEFLECTION APPENDIX A LOGS OF TEST BORINGS & CPT SOUNDINGS APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX C SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN SPECIFICATIONS FOR PILE DRIVING APPENDIXI) SUMMARY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E DSI PRODUCT LITERATURE I N:17 W7N370 R01 G owh fnwt&c I I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MARINA PARK PROJECT NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. (TCG) has performed a geotechnical investigation, and geologic and engineering analyses for development of the Marina Park project, located on Newport Harbor between 15th and 19th Streets, and north of West Balboa Boulevard, in the City of Newport Beach, California (please refer to Figure 1, Vicinity Map/Boring Location Map). This report presents the results of our field investigation, laboratory testing, and analyses, and provides geotechnical engineering recommendations for grading and construction of the proposed improvements. We understand that the principal structural elements of the project are: • A 10,190-square-foot, two-story, steel -framed community center building; • An 11,000-square-foot, two-story, steel -framed sailing center building (potentially including a 60 t foot tall steel moment -frame tower); • Two small single -story restroom structures (one of which is located approximately a block away from the site on a separate property); • An 800-square-foot, single -story marine services building; • Ancillary concrete flatwork and paved parking areas designed to support all of the above structures; and • Offshore facilities, including 28 floating -dock boat slips, flexi-float support docks, approach piers, a groin -wall, and bulkheads located in an area that must be dredged to accommodate the new facilities. The overall project layout is shown on the Architectural Master Plan, Figure 2. INA25W"12573 R01 Gmkch4"tdc CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 2 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of this investigation is to provide information to assist the City and its consultants in evaluating the site (both onshore and offshore) for project design. In particular, our investigation is designed to address the following geotechnical issues. 2.1 Onshore Facilities • The geologic/geotechnical setting of the site; • Potential geologic hazards, such as faulting and seismicity; • General engineering characteristics of the identified soil and geologic units, including on -site allowable soil -bearing and earth pressure values; • Settlement estimates; • The depth to groundwater; • Building foundation and flatwork recommendations; • Building setbacks for any foundation impacts from adjacent and nearby structures, if applicable; • Grading and earthwork recommendations; and • Soil corrosion potential. 2.2 Offshore Facilities (Proposed ADA Approach Piers, Floating Docks, Groin -Wall, and Bulkhead Walls) • Geotechnical recommendations for dredging; • Geotechnical design input for the proposed groin -wall; • Recommendations for the lateral support of the dock -area bulkheads, including both earth -anchor and tieback/deadman approaches; • Geotechnical recommendations for approach pier foundations; and • Depth and load/deflection criteria for use in guide pile design. N:tl M73=3 ROL Owt"h Inmtdw I 11 I I I IrI-, L [1 II W I I I I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 3 To further our understanding of the Marina Park Development, and to establish working relationships with the City's team members, we attended a project kick-off meeting on April 4, 2008, and subsequently exchanged technical information with the design team. 3 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 3.1 Field Investigation Our field investigation, performed May 16, 2008, included a geotechnical reconnaissance of the site and surrounding area; drilling, sampling, and logging two 8-inch-diameter exploratory test borings to a depth of 31.5 feet; and performing twelve continuous cone penetration test (CPT) soundings to depths ranging from 30 feet to 50 feet. The approximate locations of our test borings and CPT soundings are shown on the Boring Location Map (Figure 1). Samples were obtained from the test borings using both a 2-inch O.D. Standard Penetration Test Sampler (SPT) and a 3-inch O.D. "California Sampler." The samplers were advanced by driving them into the soil ahead of the auger using a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Samples obtained from the borings were sealed in the field to preserve in -situ moisture, and transported to the laboratory for additional inspection and testing. The drilling operations were observed, and the borings logged and classified, by a geologist from our firm. Field logs of the materials encountered in the test borings were prepared based on visual examination of the materials, and on the action of the drilling and sampling equipment. The descriptions on the logs are based on our field observations, sample inspection, and laboratory test results. A Key to Excavation Logs is presented in Appendix A as Figure A-1, and the final logs of the test borings are presented as Figures A-2 and A-3. CPT soundings were performed at the locations of proposed structures in order to obtain ' continuous profiles of the underlying foundation soils, in correlation with data from the test borings. Results of the CPT soundings are also included in Appendix A. i I N=073= A01 a.o hInatdm r I I 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Project No. 2573 3.2 Laboratory Testing August 7, 2008 Page 4 Representative soil samples obtained during our field exploration program were tested in the laboratory to verify field classifications and to provide data for geotechnical input to the design of project structures. The results of our laboratory tests are presented in Appendix B. 4 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS ' 4.1 Geologic Setting The project site is situated on the landward side of a naturally -formed coastal bar (or "barrier") of the type formed by a transgressive sea and littoral currents at the seaward edge of a stream delta or lagoon. The Newport Bay coastal estuary was originally formed as the lower reach of the Santa Ana River. However, in 1915, because of severe silting that resulted from flooding of the Santa Ana River (and also the construction of a man-made channel), the Santa Ana River was structurally realigned and the bay is currently fed only by San Diego Creek, which drains a comparatively small area. ' 4.2 Site Topography and Bathymetiy Elevations across the site range from approximately 7.8 feet (NAVD 88) along West Balboa Boulevard, ascending to almost +10 feet near the central backbone of the parcel, then back down to about +5 feet at the U.S. bulkhead line generally along the existing shoreline. From the U.S. bulkhead line, the nearshore bay floor slope descends at an inclination of approximately 10:1, down to approximate elevation -10 to -12 feet along the channel limit line. 4.3 Soil and Geologic Units The site is underlain by hydraulic fill, bay deposits, and older alluvial deposits beyond the depths of our deepest exploratory testing at 50 feet. These soil and geologic units are described below in order of increasing age. Hydraulic Fill Soils: Our test borings indicate that the project site -area is generally underlain by from 5 to 6 feet of loose to medium dense, gray -brown, damp to wet, ' N-.WW73V373 Rol aook himetdoo ' r I I 1 7 I I I r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Project No. 2573 August 7,2008 Page 5 hydraulically -placed sands and silty sands (SP/Sly, with occasional shell fragments. It is likely that these relatively "clean" granular soils were placed as the result of dredging during one or more phases of the development of Newport Harbor. SPT blow counts within these artificially placed, dry to saturated sands range from 7 to 25 blows per foot. Bay Deposits: The hydraulic fill sands are typically underlain by a 2- to 2%x-foot- thick, soft to firm, compressible sandy silt to silty clay bay mud, which is in turn underlain by relatively clean, medium dense, gray sands (SP/S4, with shells and shell fragments, characteristic of Holocene -age bay deposits below an elevation of approximately -2 to -3 feet. SPT blow counts within these clean, saturated, natural bay deposit sands range from 13 to 24 blows per foot. Older Alluvial Deposits: Dense to very dense, red -brown to gray, coarse "clean" sands (SP-Sly, generally characteristic of older fluviallalluvial deposits, underlie the project site area at elevations ranging from approximately -20 to -26 feet. Limited blow counts within these older estuarine soils range from 37 to 38 blows per foot. However, the CPT tip resistance in these deposits typically exceeds 300 tsf, indicating a very dense sand. 4.4 Groundwater Groundwater levels at the site can be expected to vary in response to tidal fluctuations. Groundwater highs will likely approach tidal highs in the bay, and groundwater lows may drop slightly below mean sea level. From a construction standpoint, any excavations advanced down to within the tidal zone should be expected to experience severe caving. 5 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 1 5.1 Regional and Local Faulting I We did not observe indications of faulting during our field investigation at the site, and available geologic literature does not indicate that active faults have been mapped in the immediate project site area. However, our review of published and unpublished maps indicates that the site is approximately 3 km westerly of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose N.USW73W73 R0100m hhlnmtd" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 6 ' Canyon fault zone (south Los Angeles Basin segment), which generally trends north/south ' along the easterly margin of the Newport ("Upper' ) Back Bay. It is generally accepted that movement along the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon fault zone has created compressional forces, which caused warping and tilting of the portion of crustal block underlying this area of Orange County. ' 5.2 Seismicity The project site is located in a moderately active seismic region of Southern California that is ' subject to moderate to strong shaking from nearby and distant earthquakes. Ground shaking from earthquakes on 63 major active faults could affect the site. The nearest of these, the ' Los Angeles Basin segment of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault, is located approximately 3 km easterly of the site. According to the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) Open -File Report 2008-1128, the maximum credible earthquake for this segment of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault is considered to be magnitude 7.2. During the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, a 6.4 magnitude shock was experienced offshore approximately 2.5 miles north-northeast of the site about 30 minutes prior to the shocks that devastated Long Beach. fWe used both the California Geologic Survey (CGS) and the USGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazards web sites to assess the probabilistic ground motion conditions of the site. According to both the CGS and USGS, the peak ground acceleration for a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years is estimated to be on the order of 0.37 to 0.41g. ' 5.3 Geologic Hazards Potential geologic hazards that may exist at the site include landslides, fault rupture, ground shaking, liquefaction, seismic -induced settlement, lateral spreading, seiches, and tsunamis. With respect to these potential hazards, we have the following comments: • Landslides: No landslides have been mapped at the site. As such, it is our opinion that the risk associated with landslides is negligible. • Fault Rupture: No faults have been mapped across the site or inferred to cross the site. As such, it is our opinion that the risk associated with fault rupture is low to Nag "I '1 negligible. ' MM07=71 R01 GotwhIm tdN I I II J I I I I 11 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Project No. 2573 August 7, 2008 Page 7 • Ground Shaking: All sites within Southern California are susceptible to ground shaking. • Liquefaction: Liquefaction is a potential hazard in any water -saturated, clean sandy soils. The loose to medium dense, near -surface hydraulic fills and bay deposits (typically above elevation -15 to -25 feet) exhibit relatively low relative densities and consist of clean (SP/SM) soils, making these materials susceptible to seismic -induced liquefaction and lateral spreading. The dense to very dense, older alluvial deposits encountered below -20 to -26 feet are not susceptible to liquefaction. Spontaneous liquefaction develops within sandy soils when they are subjected to a rapid buildup of pore pressure, such as that caused by seismic shock, and the result of this condition could be massive mobilization of the near -surface foundation soils and the failure (settlement) of site -area structural improvements. It is expected that liquefaction could be triggered at this site with a seismic acceleration of 0.20 g. • Seismic -Induced Settlement: Ground settlements due to seismic activity results from a densification of soils due to ground vibration, as well as by reconsolidation of liquefied soils. For the facilities under consideration for this study, we anticipate that the majority of the seismic ground settlements will be associated with potential liquefaction of the upper 20-±- feet of the hydraulic fills and bay deposits. We estimate that if these soils were to liquefy, the amount of total induced settlement could be on the order of 1 to 4 inches. • Seiches: As the site is located within the Newport Bay, it is our opinion that the risks associated with seiches are moderate to high. • Tsunamis: As the site lies on the coast, it is our opinion that the risk associated with tsunamis is the same as all projects located along the shoreline of the City of Newport Beach. Studies performed by Legg, Borrero, and Synolakis (2004) suggest that this area of the coastline may be affected by both earthquake- and subaqueous landslide - generated tsunamis with wave heights of 2+ meters and wave runup of 4+ meters. As such, the site may be affected by a tsunami under certain critical conditions. As we understand, the City of Newport Beach already has a tsunami contingency plan and evacuation routes in place. N-.WW73073 ROL G0Wh1nwtdM ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 8 ' 6 CONSIDERATIONS FOR LANDSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 6.1 Site Preparation It is recommended that the entire site be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, watered, and properly recompacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction, in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D 1557. Any loose zones encountered during compaction of the final subgrade should be overexcavated and properly recompacted to 95 percent in order to provide the recommended subgrade density. We would recommend that the deep ' foundations for the Sailing Center and Community Center, whether driven piles or stone columns, be completed prior to the completion of subgrade preparation. We recommend that the existing hydraulic fill sands be compacted by a combination of flooding and vibration using a vibratory roller, compactor, or heavy track equipment. All site preparation and grading should be performed under the observation of the geotechnical engineer and in accordance with Section 300, "Earthwork," of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook"). 6.2 Foundation Design From a geotechnical standpoint, the near -surface hydraulic fill sands are relatively competent in nature and suitable for supporting relatively lightly loaded foundation elements assuming sufficient confinement of the near -surface soils. However, given the potential for liquefaction and liquefaction -induced settlements that could be on the order of 1 to 4 inches, we recommend using a deep foundation system, or soil improvement with a mat foundation for the Sailing Center and Community Center. We recommend that mat foundations be used for smaller proposed buildings, including restroom facilities. 6.2.1 Mat Foundations forRestroom Facilities and Other Small Buildings ' We recommend that all mat foundations be designed by a registered civil or structural engineer experienced in mat foundation design. We recommend a subgrade modulus of 100 pci, which has been adjusted for foundation size. We recommend that maximum allowable ' contact stresses be limited to 1,000 psf. This value should not be increased for any transient loads, including seismic and wind loads. N.WW73US73 aoi Q.hl m tdw ti [1 J' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 9 ' To provide resistance for design lateral loads, we recommend that an allowable friction coefficient of 0.45 be used between the concrete mat foundation and the underlying recompacted sandy subgrade soils. If, for some reason, additional lateral resistance is required, interior shear keys can be added when located a minimum of three times the depth of the shear key in from the perimeter edge of the mat foundation. Passive pressures, if used, should be limited to an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pcf. 6.2.2 Deep Foundations for Sailing Center and Community Center ' Due to the potential for significant settlement due to liquefaction, we recommend that the Sailing Center and Community Center buildings be supported on either driven piles, or on structural mats, the latter of which should be supported by improved soil. We recommend stone columns be used to densify the underlying soil if mats are the chosen foundations for ' the Sailing Center and Community Center. Both of these foundation alternatives are discussed in the following paragraphs. Pile Foundations In order to avoid undesirable liquefaction -induced settlements, we recommend that consideration be given to supporting all settlement -sensitive habitable structures on pile foundations deriving their support from the dense alluvial sands encountered below elevation ' -26 feet. As indicated in Section 5.3, potentially liquefiable sands overlie these dense sands and, under the design earthquake event, may locally liquefy down to a maximum elevation of ' about -26 feet, resulting in potential downdrag forces imposed on the upper portions of foundation piles. We currently anticipate maximum liquefaction -induced downdrag loads applied to 12-inch square pre -stressed concrete piles approaching 50 kips and recommend that all pile foundations be designed to accommodate this additional seismically induced axial downdrag load. We recommend that 12-inch square pre -stressed concrete piles be designed for a minimum of 10 feet of embedment into the dense to very dense alluvial sands corresponding to a ' minimum design tip elevation of .35 feet. At this depth, the allowable bearing capacity of these soils will exceed the pile's maximum design allowable capacity of 105 tons (80 tons when subtracting out downdrag forces). ' N:=573W?3 R01 QwWh Immntdw E� ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 10 We anticipate that the dense alluvial sands will require limited pre jetting to achieve design tip elevation and pre jetting shall be allowed down to elevation -30 feet. However, in all instances, actual pile capacities and tip elevations shall be verified in the field utilizing a ' suitable pile driving formula, such as the Engineering News Record (ENR) formula. We recommend that our firm observe the driving of all piles. Continuous records of pile driving operations should be kept and any field changes reviewed with the structural engineer. Typical guide specifications for pile driving are attached in Appendix C, and may ' be used as an aid in preparation of job specifications. Stone Columns with Mat Foundations ' As an alternative to conventional deep foundations, in -situ ground improvement may also be performed to densify the near -surface liquefiable soils and to improve pore pressure dissipation resulting from seismic shaking. We consider stone columns to be a viable altemative to mitigating the potential for seismically induced liquefaction and the associated ' ground settlements that should be expected during the design seismic event. Thirty to 36- inch-diameter stone columns placed in a typical 7-foot triangular pattern, extending to a depth of approximately 30 feet, should provide sufficient increased soil stiffness to mitigate ' the potential for seismically induced liquefaction and ground settlements. This in -situ densification occurs by advancing a large electric or hydraulic vibrator to the desired depth with use of water or air jetting to assist penetration to the design depth. After penetration, the vibrator is partially withdrawn and the hole created by the vibrator filled with a charge of stone. The vibrator is again lowered into the stone, displacing the stone both radially and downward into the surrounding soil, thereby causing displacement of the soil over and above that created by the initial penetration of the vibrator. In this way, a compact column of stone interlocked with the surrounding ground is built up to the ground surface. As indicted in Section 6.2.1, we recommend that foundations for the proposed marina buildings, if supported on stone columns, be supported by a structural concrete mat foundation, which in turn would be supported by the stone column densified subgrade soils. 6.3 Seismic Design Parameters per CBC The California Building Code (CBC) requires a site -specific seismic response analysis for ' any site that is considered liquefiable. However, based on ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-05, ' N:12512573U573 a010m4chlnmtdw P ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 11 ' if the proposed structures have a fundamental period of vibration equal to or less than 0.5 ' seconds, site -specific analysis is not required and response spectra can be determined using the equivalent site class for non -liquefiable soil. In this particular case, we recommend using ' the Site Class D characterization for stiff soil. For this site class, we recommend using spectral accelerations of 1.252 and 0.711 for periods of 0.2 and 1.0 seconds, respectively. ' 6.4 Concrete Flatwork and Walkways We recommend that areas to receive concrete flatwork and walkways be prepared in general ' accordance with Section 301-1 of the Greenbook Specifications. We recommend that subgrade soils be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, and compacted to a minimum ' relative compaction of 95 percent. Additional subgrade preparation may be necessary in those areas where flatwork and walkways may be subject to vehicle loading and should be ' evaluated on a case -by -case basis. 6.5 Soil Corrosivity The results of corrosivity testing of the near -surface soils indicate a soil pH of 7.0 and 40 years to perforation for a 16 gauge metal culvert. Test results are included in Appendix B. 7 CONSIDERATIONS FOR MARINA IMPROVEMENTS 7.1 Sheet -Pile Bulkheads It is our understanding that the subject sheet -pile walls will be pre -stressed, pre -cast, concrete panels and that those panels will be installed in a sequence as generally shown on Figure 3. At the contractor's option, we would anticipate that the sheet -pile bulkheads would be installed in a partially excavated trench and then jetted to near grade. Jetting may be pemutted down to within 1 foot of design rip elevation, and then driven the last foot. Concrete sheets should use tongue -and -groove connections and should have jet tubes cast into the pile. The tongue -and -groove connection should be cast in such a way to allow installation of a 1%z-inch-diameter pipe (after driving) into the oversized groove. A high- pressure water jet should be used to initially flush out any debris from within the joint. Each joint should then be pressure grouted to protect against possible loss of the soil backfill out throughjoints. I N'.WU570U570 A01 Deottth lnvntdw 1 F ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No.2573 Page 12 ' As shown on Figure 3, we recommend installation of the Sailing Center foundations prior to installation of the interior marina bulkhead anchors to avoid potential conflicts between the tiebacks and piles or stone columns. We have used Shoring Suite Version 8, by CivilTech, Inc. for design of the bulkhead walls. Based on the results of our CPT data and borings, we have selected an active earth pressure ' coefficient of 0.31, and a passive earth pressure coefficient of 3.2, reduced to 2.25, to ensure a factor of safety of 1.5 with regard to passive toe failure. We examined the shore -parallel ' Sailing Center bulkhead (+9 elevation, plan datum) with and without seismic loading, as well as the interior marina bulkhead walls (+10 elevation, plan datum) with H2O vehicle loading adjacent to the wall edge without seismic loading, and with seismic loading (without the H2O ' surcharge). We have also assumed a 4-foot tidal lag in front of the bulkhead wall. We have neglected the presence of the sloping passive toe in front of the bulkhead walls, as these ' sloping toes can be partially or completely scoured out as the result of boats backing into or out of their docks. Summary calculations are provided in Appendix D. ' Our analyses indicate that the critical design case for both the Sailing Center bulkhead wall and the interior marina bulkhead walls is the seismic loading condition under a design seismic acceleration of 0.20 g. For this condition, we have also increased the design acceleration by 50 percent to take into consideration the lack of deformation exhibited by rigid structures (Xanthakos, 1995). 1 As indicated in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, the design seismic event has a peak ground acceleration with a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years estimated to be on the order of 0.37 to 0.41 g. Moreover, for the site conditions, localized liquefaction is anticipated with site accelerations exceeding 0.2 g, with massive liquefaction and lateral spreading affecting the upper 20± feet with site accelerations approaching 0.4 g. Under these conditions, the bonded zone of the tiebacks would yield, and the liquefied bulkhead backfill would then overload and fail the now -cantilevered 22-foot-high bulkhead. As the bulkhead is not a habitable structure, to our knowledge, there is no lode mandate to design for the 0.4 g seismic event. However, if desired, the bulkhead could be designed to resist the maximum seismic event by densifying the liquefiable bulkhead backfill materials, as well as the bonded zone for the tieback anchors. This liquefaction mitigation can be achieved through the use of stone columns, treating the zone extending roughly 70 feet back from the bulkhead. If this were to be considered, however, we anticipate that it may be more economical to use deep N:12$W73V573 ROI G.hImaLdo [1 1 [1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 13 soil mixing adjacent the back of the bulkhead, which should be able to mitigate the maximum design seismic event with a soil mixed zone possibly 30 feet in width. As such, we recommend the following design parameters for the walls: Sailing Center Bulkhead Wall Top Elevation: Minimum Embedment: Minimum Tip Elevation: Maximum Design Moment: Required Top -of -Wall Lateral Restraint: Interior Marina Bulkhead Walls Top Elevation: Minimum Embedment: Minimum Tip Elevation: Maximum Design Moment: Required Top -of -Wall Lateral Restraint: 1 7.1.1 Tieback Anchors +9, plan datum 17 feet -29 feet, plan datum 84 kip-ft 9.4 kips/lineal foot +10, plan datum 18 feet -30 feet, plan datum 96 kip-ft 10.3 kips/lineal foot We understand that deadman anchors would attach to the bulkhead within the pile cap at about elevation +9 feet (+8 feet for the Sailing Center bulkhead wall). Assuming conventional deadman anchors were used, these anchors would extend a minimum of 7 feet below grade and run continuously behind the bulkhead. Since deadman anchors cannot encroach onto the adjacent easterly parcel, and 7-foot-deep continuous deadman anchors will 1 likely pose significant construction difficulties, we understand that it ha been agreed to use post -grouted soil anchors to restrain all site bulkheads. ' Post -grouted soil anchors on tiebacks offer several significant advantages �n that effective corrosion protection is assured, convenient preloading is possible, and construction conflicts 1 with the Sailing Center deep foundations are minimized In this regard, we anticipate that tieback anchors would be installed on 8 to 10 foot centers. 1 For these conditions, we recommend a minimum unbonded length of 40 feet, and a minimum bonded length of 30 feet. As indicated, we also recommend that the tieback anchors be 1 N.U3W71\2573R01Gwn h1a,.tda CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 14 ' installed at an inclination of 4 to 1 (horizontal to vertical), resulting in the tieback depth at the ' easterly edge of the Sailing Center building near elevation +1.5 foot. We recommend that tiebacks be installed with the use of a casing drill, such as a Klemm, ' which enables advancing a cased hole to the full design embedment depth. The anchor would then be inserted into the cased hole, grouted, and then the casing removed, enabling ' the straightforward installation of tieback anchors in clean sands that would otherwise cave into any drilled hole. We recommend the use of DYWIDAG Systems International (DSI) anchors, with Type C double -corrosion protection. DSI product literature is provided in Appendix E. 7.2 Guide Pile Recommendations As we understand, guide piles for the proposed marina docks will utilize round pre -stressed concrete piles designed to accommodate maximum lateral design loads on the order of 2 to 4 ' kips. The outer shore -parallel 200-foot-long public side tie visitor dock will also be restrained by round guide piles. We also understand that this dock may incorporate a wave attenuation structure, which may ultimately result in lateral design loads on the order of 8 to 12 kips. ' In order to evaluate the structural requirements and load deformation characteristics of the proposed concrete guide piles, we have used the elastic theory approach developed by Matlock and Reese (1962). A condensed version of this approach is outlined in the ' NAVFAC Design Manual DM 7.02, Chapter 5, Section 7. A copy of this design section is included with our calculation package (Appendix D). We have also used a coefficient of variation of soil modulus of 15 pci for the medium dense to very dense sand deposits, which extend well below the depth of interest. Ultimate lateral load capacity was also evaluated using the approach developed by Broms (1965), which follows the general approach developed by Matlock and Reese. ' We have used a roller assembly design load elevation of +10.0 feet (plan datum) and a dredge bottom elevation of -12 feet. For this loading condition, we have calculated guide ' pile deflections for 144nch, 164nch, 20-inch, and 24-inch round, prestressed concrete piles ' N:@T357317577 R0100techb"tdcc CITY -OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No. 2573 Page 15 ' for the marina docks and the visitor dock. Figure 4 presents the load -deflection relationship ' for each pile size. When using the Matlock and Reese solution, in order to minimize guide pile deflections and account for variabilities in subsurface soil conditions, we recommend a minimum embedment depth of 4T or 4(EI/f)"5. The recommended minimum embedment depth for ' various pile diameters is also summarized in Figure 4. Calculations are also attached. 7.2.1 Pre -Jetting Considerations ' Based on the subsurface data obtained from our borings, the relatively clean dense sands will require pre jetting to reach the required design tip elevation. To maximize the lateral load capacity and minimize the deformation and response to lateral loads, jetting should be terminated approximately 2 feet from the design tip elevation, and the last 2 feet driven to aid in redensifying the soils disturbed by jetting. We would suggest the use of a minimum 50,000 foot-pound capacity pile hammer to achieve design tip elevations within the medium ' dense to dense alluvial soils. The jetting of piles, and particularly if contemplated to be used to advance the piles down to design rip elevations, should be done using internal jet pipes, and jet volumes and velocities should be limited to the minimum flow needed to advance the piles. In this regard, it is important to recognize that excessive jetting will tend to enlarge the hole and significantly reduce the lateral load capacity of the soil. The proper jetting technique is to use a low - volume, low-pressure flow of water through the internal jet pipe while repeatedly lifting and ' dropping the pile to displace the dense sands beyond the pile tip and expel the sands up the annulus of the jetted hole without excessively disturbing the surrounding dense sands. The ' proper jetting technique essentially allows the lifting and repeated dropping of the pile to redensify the sand as the pile is advanced into the dense underlying sands. 7.3 Approach Pier/Gangway Abutment Foundation Recommendations ' We understand that the interior marina will be accessed by a single ADA-compliant gangway, approximately 80-feet long. We further understand that the gangway will be attached to a square concrete abutment supported by both the southerly and easterly ' bulkheads, along with a single round concrete pile positioned on the outward edge of the abutment centered between the gangway hinge assembly. We recommend a minimum N:1=7012570 ROI G okali tdw I041 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No.2573 Page 16 ' design pile tip elevation of -25 feet, plan datum. Jetting, if desired, may be allowed down to elevation -20 feet. We recommend an allowable axial capacity of 40 kips for a 16-inch- diameter pile. We have not considered lateral loading for this condition; however, additional ' design criteria can be provided, if desired. 7.4 Dredging As we understand, other consultants have provided recommendations regarding the environmental processing of dredged materials. With regard to geotechnical considerations, ' it should be noted that there is a 2- to 3-foot-thick layer of clayey material near elevation +1 to +2 feet (plan datum) that may affect the dredging and disposal operations. With the exception of this relatively thin layer of soil, all of the other on -site materials consist of granular sands and would likely be suitable as beach -quality sand fill. All of the near -surface soils may be dredged using conventional dredge equipment. ' 7.5 Shore Perpendicular Groin -Wall As we understand, a shore perpendicular groin -wall is also proposed to accommodate deep - water access adjacent the westerly floating dock. We would suggest that the load ' deformation and structural requirements for this shore -parallel bulkhead be designed utilizing the elastic theory approach developed by Matlock and Reese and described in Section 7.2. ' Although the same coefficient of variation of soil modulus would apply in this area, the Matlock and Reese design assumes isolated piles, with soil bridging providing an approximately threefold increase in passive resistance restraining the isolated pile. Thus, ' when using the NAVFAC design manual for design of the shore perpendicular groin -wall, a coefficient of variation of soil modulus of 5 pci should be used to account for the continuous ' shore perpendicular groin -wall. 8 LIMITATIONS Coastal engineering and the earth sciences are characterized by uncertainty. Professional ' judgments presented herein are based partly on our evaluation of the technical information gathered, partly on our understanding of the proposed construction, and partly on our general ' experience. Our engineering work and judgments rendered meet the current professional standards. We do not guarantee the performance of the project in any respect. I N.WW7353373 R010.h hhwatdw I ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No.2573 Page 17 ' We have investigated only a small portion of the pertinent soil and geologic conditions at the ' subject site. The opinions and conclusions made herein were based on the assumption that the soil and geologic conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered during ' our field investigation. We recommend that a soil engineer from our office observe construction to assist in identifying soil conditions that may be significantly different from those assumed in our design. Additional recommendations may be required at that time. I J I I I I NAM257112577 a0l G"o chD"tdm 1 n t I 1 n F CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 7, 2008 Project No.2573 Page 18 REFERENCES ASTM Standard D 1557, "Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort," ASTM Intemational, West Conshohocken, PA, www.astm.ore. American Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-05, including Supplement No. 1 and Errata Broms, B.B., 1965, "Design of Laterally Loaded Piles," in Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 91, No. SM3, May 1965, pp. 79-99. Fuscoe Engineering, June 6, 2008, Preliminary Topographic Survey, Marina Park. Legg, M.R, and J.C. Borrero and C.E. Synolakis, C.E., 2004, Tsunami hazards associated with the Catalina fault in southern California: Earthquake Spectra, vol. 20, p. 917- 950. Matlock, H., and L.C. Reese, 1962, "Generalized Solutions for Laterally Loaded Piles," in Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 127, Part 1, Paper No. 3370, pp. 1220-1251. Public Works Standards, Inc., 2006, Greenbook: Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Building News, Inc. U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1986, Foundations and Earth Structures, NAVFAC DM 7.02. Xanthakos, P.P., 1995, Bridge Substructure and Foundation Design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. N.USU57312573 AOI 0.hInmtdo 1 . 3 u i B 1 1 t CP%2 CPT-3 W eAYRVE cPrS 1: Mr-4 /�—. J l yll r I { a I( t 1_- I Y �E ,vEKmazrnAaxrNA � - M06FfEArGME PANK 4 r'_ t� w I ' � 'o-;.. ' �.• = ILA ,I-� I � Ii�' - WTI .1- il,F - I In I ` y I Fit: A NEWPORT BEACH L.ILry N. PROJECT u«. rx„ua e,•I SiAY - �, �1 1 w ti p G tam 20X 4000VIC/N/TYMAP - FEET 1 "'- �f .-8+7LSL71i8LY0 T Y 5 �f iD r 1 gf. rs A-`A� ¢B t➢ M - Bose Map reproduced from City of Newport Beach Marina Park Moster Pion. Base Photo token from Google Earth image 2008, GEG6VO 5-2 s APPROX/MQTE SOR/NG 4"l7ON CPT-I2 i APPR0X/M4iECPTt0a4770N 7EMWAXI rA CG LLTM GFJCKP clauNE w�EN END« g Ara eel DtMi9 APPROX SC.QLF• SAN Cl-NW. CA aaea bill Elf-EYUD 'rr_,00• MN VT NAM MOROi NUNBEN IAMR/A FM C" OF NFRISM BLACK 2FM 7MWS G(AWa 094W-ECDMffY, PAGEflf"1 BORING LOCATION MAP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 R.dlead firie �mM'. �!E EASMQ aeaW aU area BYIYlisaO l.M n n :,r.,., - Im it Beat voYeynap Corns 17) E"a Bean, i �Cr.,_ lawNOpen %aY Aru _%j Bb F& Am City or mmpod Bomc — — -- — sNeg c«>mr Dock, 9 �. ekss�uCOlntlRE7EaUEE7r�tE74 a a�csracivGxaz+navvars%esrnswcaviu R ENCIl417E27O3fEETOfAbtlFRGfG dt7{4£ENSNEETHIES OAi✓Tii(1mum ARLWO.OID I d0 -IZO O&MVAIER&K4WAVAi47DWIVE7W"SWEMNUV7OMMO94OW oil i i m m m m m m m m m m = = � m m m m O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEFLEWON- INCHES Apr.. All" "5AS,,X* *"Smw xR t1. AWZEWM WZVPM* f �w 14 71.5 ml Z" 646 18 •30 16 1146 a7.5 3.70 6.17 20 -32 20 23" 174.4 7.25 5." 23 -M 24 M7.3 a35.5 1370 6L/8 27 -39 Oa4rA2 AvsAwAvf vz4twEYvmnYu4mr I 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A 1 LOGS OF TEST BORINGS & CPT SOUNDINGS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 F i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i LOG OF TEST BORING ECTNAME P2573 NUMBER BORING MARINA PARK 2573 LEGEND SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Newport Beach CA 1 5/16/2008 5/16/2008 1 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY i Hollow Stem Auger G. Spaulding LLINGEQUIP DRIMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (R) GROUND ELEV (R) DEPTHELEV. GROUNDWATER (R Marl B5 8 40 n/a SAMPLI G METHOD NOTES 140-lb hammer/ 30-inch drop V v Z a Z zw FZc } w O O < a w ¢¢ y 0 Z� Lu :3 y v w F _ °d 0 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION w 0 0 ❑ ¢ ¢ O wpm it w of a. ❑ KEY TO EXCAVATION LOGS WATER TABLE MEASURED AT TIME OF DRILLING OTHER TESTS CC Confined Compression PI Plasticity Index CL Chloride Content R Resistivity CS Consolidation RV R-Value DS Direct Shear SA Steve Analysis 6 El Expansion Index HO Hydrometer GS Grain Size Analysis SF Sulfate LC Laboratory Compaction SG Specific Gravity pH Hydrogen Ion SW Swell PENETRATION RESISTANCE (BLOWS/ft) Number of blows required to advance the sampler 1 foot. California Sampler blow counts can be converted to equivalent SPT blow counts by using an end -area conversion factor of 0.67 when using a 140-pound hammer and a 30-Inch drop. 10 SAMPLE TYPE 1 C ("California Sampler"} An 18-Inch-tong, 2-1/24nch I.D., 3-Inch O.D., C thick-walled sampler. The sampler is lined with eighteen 2-3/84nch I.D. brass rings. Relatively undisturbed, Intact soil samples are retained In the brass rings. S ("SPT')-a.k.a. Standard Penetration Test, an 184nch4ong, 2-inch 2 O.D.,1-3/8-Inch I.D. drive sampler. B 3 B ("Bulk')-a.k.a. Bulk Sack Sample, a disturbed, but representative In large 15 sample obtained from a specific depth Interval placed a plastic bag. PB ("Plastic Bag") -A disturbed, but representative sample obtained P 4 from a specific depth Interval placed'In a small sealable plastic bag. (CONTINUED) THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. OF THIS BORING AND ATTHE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER FIGURE A-1 a 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE ATTHISLOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OFTIME. THE DATA San'Diego,California 92123 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. 1 i LOG OF TEST BORINGECTNAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING MARINA PARK 2573 LEGEND SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEETNO. Newport Beach CA 5/16/2008 1 5/16/2008 1 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Greco Drillino Hallow Stem Au er G. S auldin DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (R) GROUND ELEV (R) DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (R Mad 85 8 40 -T n/a SAMPLING METHOD NOTES 140-Ib hammer / 30-Inch drop LU Zw >> 0O z Fad N ¢v, xc� E a y O Ow 3 y F ¢ p DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION w N O O Ir ip Lu Lu Co N a im KEY TO EXCAVATION LOGS (CONTINUED) NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION Borings were advanced using a truck -mounted Mari B5 drill rig with an 8-Inch hollow -stem auger. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) and California Samplers were used to 25 obtain soil samples. The SPT and California Samplers were ddven into the sell at the bottom of the borings with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 Inches. When the samplers were withdrawn from the boring, the samples were removed, visually classified, seated In plastic containers, and taken to the laboratory for detailed Inspection. Free groundwater was encountered in the borings as shown on the logs. Classifications are based upon the Unified Soil Classification System and Include color, moisture, and consistency. Field descriptions have been modified to reflect results of laboratory Inspection where deemed appropriate. I 30 1 35 d 1 u p 1 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLYATTHE LOCATION TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER ` 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION FIGURE A-1 b WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA San Diego, California 92123 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. 1 k i LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT NUMBER BORING MARINA PARK 2573 B•1 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Newport Beach CA 5/16/2008 5/16/2008 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY i Hollow Stem Au er G. Spaulding DIULLINO EQUIPMENT BORING DIA.(in) TOTAL DEPTH (R) GROUND ELEV (R) DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER(A Marl M5 8 31.5 1 n/a ' BAWL NO METHOD NOTES 140-lb hammer / 30-inch drop z c. z Co ' O wn °do DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Q a zNO 0.. v~i... Fz-NW a y� Wpm OF 0: W coN a 0 HYDRAULIC FILL SAND to Silty SAND (SP/SM)loose to medium dense, gray -brown, dry, ;.'; ;• with occasional shell fragments - Becomes medium dense, moist 6 .•.:' . ': C1 25 SA '•' •'. 2 24 SA i ,. ; ,' BAY DEPOSITS Medium SAND (SP/SM) medium dense, grey, wet, with shell fragments � 15 'r, 1 3 is SA HD 1� J :. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION WF Terracosta Consulting Group, Inc, OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION FIGURE A-2 a WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA San Diego, California92123 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL COND171ONS ENCOUNTERED. i PROJECT NAVE LOG OF TEST BORING MARINA PARK 1 2573TNUMBER 1BB-1 W�r.9*11-i v O Z OZc }} C w O c x W O a w F q L y Co wo v D v w F gW _U Q. O DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION 'Q OF O j G N wwin K w w a o 5 1 15 1 1 1 SA 6 37 dense, gray, wet Groundwater encountered at approximately 10 feet at lime of excavation. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE ATTHIS LOCATION FIGURE A-2 b WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA San Diego, California 92123 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. LOG OF TEST BORING ECTNAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING 1 O N 1 MARINA PARK 2573 B-2 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Newport Beach CA 5/16/2008 5/1612008 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Hollow Stem Au er G. Spaulding DRILLI OEQUIPMENT BORING DLA, (In) TOTAL DEPTH (R) GROUND ELEV (R) DEPTHELEV.GROUND WATER (R Marl B5 8 31.5 � nla 9AMPLINO METHOD NOTES 140-Ib hammer! 30•Inch drop o. z Oz C z�� -e�D ww � DESCRIPTION AND iO 1 PROJECT NAME LOG OF TEST BORING 1F7573TNUMBER 11BORING MARINA PARK 1 2 z a z Fzc^ � w v F n Q N O z wp n n ° LUy LU y Sc� a o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION IL r~i_r O� Q < N wpm W w ar a 4 1 14 1 1 1 SA 5 I S 3- rwD��&M dense, red -brown, wet Groundwater encountered at depth of approximately 6.5 feet at time of excavotfon. . TerfaCosta Consulting Group, Inc.OF 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA FIGURE A-3 b San Diego, California 92123 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDI7ONS ENCOUNTERED. GREGG DRILLING & TESTING, INC. - GEOTECMUCAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES May 19, 2008 ' Terra Costa Consulting Group Attn: Bob Smille 4455 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92123 ' Subject: CPT Site Investigation Marina Park Balboa Peninsula, California GREGG Project Number: 08-206SH- ' Dear Mr. Smille: - - The following report presents the.results of GREGG Drilling & Testing's Cone Penetration Test investigation for the above referenced site. The following testing services were performed: I FL 1 I� I I 1 Cone Penetration Tests (CPTU) 2 Pore Pressure Dissipation Tests (PPD) ® - 3 Seismic Cone Penetration Tests (SCPTU) ❑ - 4 5 Resistivity Cone Penetration Tests (RCPTU) UVOST,LaserInduced, Fluorescence (UVOST) ❑ ❑ 6 Groundwater Sampling (GWS) ❑ 7 Soil Sampling (SS) ❑ 8 Vapor Sampling (VS) El 9 Vane Shear Testing (VST) ❑ 101 SPT Energy Calibration (SPTE) ❑ A list of reference papers providing additional background on the specific tests conducted is provided in the bibliography following the text of the report. If you would like a copy of any of these publications or should you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (562) 427-6899. Sincerely, GREGG Drilling &Testing, Inc. Peter Robertson Technical Operations 2726 Walnut Ave • Signal HID, California 90755 a (562) 427-6899 • FAX (562) 427-3314 OTHER OMCFS: SANFRANCISCO • HOUSTON • SOUTH CAROLINA % w .aroggdd1Hnc.00m M M M lM � I� e i� I)♦ Ili i� l� l� lip il♦ � � � i>• GREGG DRILLING & TESTING, INC. GEOTEMINICAL AND ENVIROMMMfAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES Cone Penetration Test Sounding Summary -Table 1- CPT Sounding Identification Date Termination Depth (Feet) Depth of Groundwater Samples (Feet) Depth of Soil Samples (Feet) Depth of Pore Pressure Dissipation Tests (Feet) CPT-01 5 16 08 50 - - - CPT-02 5 16 08 50 - - - CPT-03 5 16 08 50 - - - CPT-04 5 16 08 30 - - - CPT-05 5 16 08 34 - - - CPT-06 5 16 08 50 - - - CPT-07 5/16/08 35 - - - CPT-08 5 16 08 30 - - - CPT-09 5 16 08 30 - - - CPT-10 5/16 08 1 30 - - 22 CPT-11 5 16 08 47 - - - CPT-12 5 16 08 43 - - - 2726 Walnut Ave • Signal Hill, California 90755 • (562) 427-6899 • FAX (562) 4273314 OTHER OFFICES: SANFRANCISCO • HOUSTON• SOUTH CAROLINA mvw.menedri[1inv com 1 Cone Penetration Testing Procedure ' �MIIIII (CPT) Gregg Drilling carries out all Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) using an integrated i electronic cone system, Figure CPT. The soundings were conducted using a 20 ton capacity cone with a tip area of 15 cm2 and a friction sleeve area of 225 cm2. The cone is designed with an equal end area friction sleeve and a tip end area ratio of 0.80. ' The cone takes measurements of cone bearing (q,), sleeve friction (f.,.) and penetration pore water pressure (tr,) at 5- cm intervals during penetration to provide scO seal a nearly continuous hydrogeologic log. 1 Electric cable for signal transmission ' CPT data reduction and interpretation is Water seal performed in real time facilitating on -site decision making. The above mentioned Friction bad cell ' parameters are stored on disk for further —Friction sleeve analysis and reference. All CPT soundings are performed in accordance —Inclinometer (.&lv) I . with revised (2002) ASTM standards (D 5778-95). The cone also contains a porous filter element located directly behind the cone 'I —Tip load cell tip (u,), Figure CPT. It consists of porous l 1 plastic and is 5.Omm thick. The filter element is used to obtain penetration pore pressure as the cone is advanced as well as Pore Pressure Dissipation Tests «—Water seal (PPDT's during appropriate — soilseal ) spauses In �i pore pressure transducer penetration. It should be noted that prior Filter to penetration, the element is fully �/ saturated with silicon oil under vacuum \ r/—Conerp pressure to ensure accurate and fast V ' dissipation. Figure CPT When the soundings are complete, the test holes are grouted using a Gregg support rig. The grouting procedures generally consist of pushing a hollow CPT rod with a "knock out" plug to the termination depth of the test hole. Grout is then pumped under pressure as the tremie pipe is pulled from the hole. Disruption or further contamination to the site ' is therefore minimized. I [1 1 EGG Cone Penetration Test Data & Interpretation The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data collected from your site are presented in graphical form in the attached report. The plots include interpreted Soil Behavior Type (SBT) based on the charts described by Robertson (1990). Typical plots display SBT based on the non - normalized charts of Robertson et al (1986). For CPT soundings extending greater than 50 feet, we recommend the use of the normalized charts of Robertson (1990) which can be displayed as SBTn, upon request. The report also includes spreadsheet output of computer calculations of basic interpretation in terms of SBT and SBTn and various geotechnical parameters using current published correlations based on the comprehensive review by Lunne, Robertson and Powell (1997). as well as recent updates by Professor Robertson. The interpretations are presented only as a guide for geotechnical use and should be carefully reviewed. Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc. do not warranty the correctness or the applicability of any of the geotechnical parameters interpreted by the software and do not assume any liability for any use of the results in any design or review. The user should be fully aware of the techniques and limitations of any method used in the software. Some interpretation methods require input of the groundwater level to calculate vertical effective stress. An estimate of the in -situ groundwater level has been made based on field observations and/or CPT results, but should be verified by the user. A summary of locations and depths is available in Table 1. Note that all penetration depths referenced in the data are with respect to the existing ground surface. Note that it is not always possible to clearly identify a soil type based solely on q,, j,., and u,. In these situations, experience, judgment, and an assessment of the pore pressure dissipation data should be used to infer the correct soil behavior type. FddlanRado (%), Rf Figure 5BT (After Robertson, eta/., 1986) ZONE SET 1 Sensitive, fine grained 2 Organic materials 3 Clay 4 Silty clay to clay S Clayey silt to silty clay 6 Sandy silt to clayey silt 7 Silty sand to sandy silt a Sand to silty sand 9 Sand 10 Gravel sand to sand 11 '�� Very stiff fine grained' 12 Sand to clayey sand - *over consolidated or cemented I 1 11 11 Pore Pressure Dissipation Tests (PPDT) Pore Pressure Dissipation Tests (PPDT's) conducted at various intervals measured hydrostatic water pressures and determined the approximate depth of the ground water table. A PPDT is conducted when the cone is halted at specific intervals determined by the field representative. The variation of the penetration pore pressure (u) with time is measured behind the tip of the cone and recorded by a computer system. Pore pressure dissipation data can be interpreted to provide estimates of: • Equilibrium piezometric pressure • Phreatic Surface • In situ horizontal coefficient of consolidation (ch) • In situ horizontal coefficient of permeability (kh) In order to correctly interpret the equilibrium piezometric pressure and/or the phreatic ' surface, the pore pressure must be monitored until such time as there is no variation in pore pressure with time, Figure PPDT. This time is commonly referred to as troo, the point at which 100% of the excess pore pressure has dissipated. A complete reference on pore pressure dissipation tests is presented by Robertson et al. 1992. A summary of the pore pressure dissipation tests is summarized in Table 1. ME (i Xd suno.e Pore Pressure (u) measured here pwnc - Q O of Car arofg � [Wow - rteaa or waver Water Table Calculation Hwater = scone - Hwater where Hwater = Ue (depth units) Usetul Conversicn Factors: ipsl = 0.704m = 2.31 feet (water) l taf = 0.958 bar - 12.3 psi 1m=3.28feet Figure PPDT t GREGG DRILLING & TESTING, INC. - GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES ' Bibliography Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K. and Powell, J.J.M., "Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice" E & FN Spon. ISBN 0 419 23750,1997 Roberston, P.K., 'Soil Classification using the Cone Penetration Test°, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 27, ' 1990 pp.151-158. Mayne, P.W., "NHI (2002) Manual on Subsurface Investigations: Geotechnical Site Characterization", available through www.ce.gateGh.edu/—cieosys/Faculty/Mayne/i)apersfindex.html Section 5.3, pp.107-112. Robertson, P.K., R,G. Campanella, D. Gillespie and A. Rice, 'Seismic CPT to Measure In -Situ Shear Wave Velocity", ' Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE, Vol.112, No. 8,1986 pp.791-803. Robertson, P.K., Sully, J., Woeller, D.J., Lunne, T., Powell, J.J.M., and Gillespie, D.J., "Guidelines for Estimating Consolidation Parameters in Soils from Piezocone Tests", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, August 1992, pp. 539-550. ' Robertson, P.K., T. Lunne and J.J.M. Powell, "Geo-Environmental Application of Penetration Testing', Geotechnical Site Characterization, Robertson & Mayne (editors),1998 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 939 4 pp 35-47. Campanella, R.G. and I. Weemees,'Development and Use of An Electrical Resistivity Cone for Groundwater Contamination Studies, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 27 No. 5,1990 pp. 557-667. DeGroot, D.J. and A.J. Lutenegger, 'Reliability of Soil Gas Sampling and Characterization Techniques% International Site Characterization Conference - Atlanta, 1998. Woeller, D.J„ P.K. Robertson, T.J. Boyd and Dave Thomas, 'Detection of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Contaminants Using the UVIF-CPT', 531d Canadian Geotechnical Conference Montreal, QC October pp. 733-739, 2000. Zemo, D.A., T.A. Delfino, J.D. Gallinatti, V.A. Baker and L.R. Hilpert, "Field Comparison of Analytical Results from ' Discrete -Depth Groundwater Samplers' BAT EnviroProbe and QED HydroPunch, Sixth national Outdoor Action Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada Proceedings,1992, pp 299-312. Copies of ASTM Standards are available through www.astm.orc 2726 Walnut Ave • Signal Hill, California 90755 • (562) 427-6899 • FAX (562) 4273314 OTHER OFFICES: SANFRANCISCO - HOUSTON ° SOUTH CAROLINA www Rmggdrillina.eom m m ! m m m m m m m ! m m m m am m EVTERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-01 Date: 6/16/2008 07:10 qt (tsf) fs (tsf) u (psi) Rf (°A) SBT 0 500 0 5 -5 25 0 5 0 12 0 i I I I I I 1 I I I i I n�rrrrrrT �. H Max Depth50-033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) = a m m m m m W m = = m= m m= m om m GREGG � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-02 Date: 6/1612008 08:02 0 Qt (tsf) 500 0 fs (tsf) 5 5 U (psi) 25 D Rf (aib} 5 D SBT L 6 0 V Max Depth %033 (ft) Avg. Interval: 0.328 (ft) Sand Sana t a H � -1 � yr � sae Sub SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-03 Date: fill 6/200808:24 L 2 L] at (tsf) fs (tsf) u (psi) �II �l Rf (%) S BT 1111111111111 Max. Depth: 50.033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0 328 (ft) iT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) EGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-04 Date: 6/1612008 08:66 0 cit (tsf) 500 I 0 fs (fsf) u (psi) 50- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Max. Depths 30.020 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) Rf (%) �,aatse SBT sw SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) GREGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-06 Date: 6/16/2008 09:14 g1(tsf) fs (tsf) u (psi) Rf (%) SBT 0 500 0 5 •5 25 0 5 0 12 0 I V V Max. Depth: 33.957 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) TERRA COSTA at list) is (fsf) Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-06 Date: 6116/2008 09:33 u (psi) it S BT 12 San -. Ea" E Ley 33r..3 Elk E3RC S"a n I S3rG Max. Depth.- 50.033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) TERRA COSTA qt (tsf) fs (tsf) 5 5 U (psi) Site: MARINA PARK Sounding: CPT-07 Rf (%} 25 0 Engineer: B. SMILLE Date: 6/161200810:30 SBT F3T5 sma a Spy wed Max. Depth: 35.269 (ft) Avg Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) UKUSU � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-08 Date: 61161200810:69 0 500 0 - 5 u (psi) Rf (%) o SBT 12 °aDd S sty s amY ss" G. are II IIII IIII II11111111111. Max. Depth. 30.020 (ft) Avg Interval. 0.328 (ft) Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) L d G TERRA COSTA Ut (tsf) Site: MARINA PARK Sounding: CPT-09 i0 0 fS (tsf) 5 5 U (psi) 25 0 Rf (%) 5 Engineer: B. SMILLE Date: 61161200811:22 Max Depth: 30-020 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) EG E TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-10 Date: 6116/200811:39 0 500 fs (is[) U (psil SBT 12 Max. Depth: 30.020 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) M= M = = m W m r = m M m= m= r Max Depth: 47.080 (ft) Avg- Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) m W w= W w= m= r = = ■■r m m w t n u TERRA COSTA qt (tsf) a 0 Site: MARINA PARK Sounding: CPT-12 fs (tsf) u (psi) Rf (�) Engineer: B. SMILLE Date: 61161200812:31 Max Depth 43307 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-01 Date: 6116/2008 07:10 o qt (tsf) sao o is (tsf) s o Rf (%) s o N.,(blows/ft)1ao o SBT 12 9 V Max. Depth 50.033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0328 (ft) S3rd i .My vd Sxnx '' Sari S sjgy saax SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) EGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-02 Date: 5/16/2008 08:02 a qt (tsf) 500 is (Is IF) —r-T-F-F-F-1 Ven (blows/fl SBT W4 ears d 9ar6 Max Depth 50.033 (f ) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) m m m m = = = = m m m= m= m r Max. Depth: 50.033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT. Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) � = = m m m m r m m m m m m m s m m m Max. Depth: 30.020 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) r r r �■r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r EGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-06 Date: 6/1612008 09:14 L n d 0 Qt (tsf) 500 fs (tsf) Rf (%) Nso (blows/ft) 5 0 5 0 100 i I I I I I 1 1 I 1 Max Depth: 33.957 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) w m= m ! m= m m= m= m m= m m §REGG � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-06 Date: 6116/2008 09:33 n 0 qt (tsf) 500 +V Max Depth: 50.033 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0-326 (ft) IFo (blows/I S BT _: •: d stlY sand SW SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) r• = = = m m m= m m= m is m = = m � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-07 Date: 611612008 10:30 o qt (tsf) 500 o fs (tsf) o Rf (%) e o N6o (blows/ft)1oa o SBT12 9 L G U Q 1 2 3 4 F VV Max. Depth: 35.269 (ft) Avg Interval. 0-328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) GREGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE - Sounding: CPT-08 Date: 6/1612008 10:69 t a V 0 JV Max Depth: 30.020 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0 328 (f ) fs (tst) Rf (%) 77—r Isn (blowslt SBT 'BT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) Max. Depth. KOH (ft) Avg Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) GREGG TERF A COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE � f�RI-� �.r .7 N1 Sounding: CPT-10 Date: 6/1612008 11:39 at (tsf) (tsf) RfM N,,n(blows/ft) SBT 0 0 12 Max. Depth: 30.020 (ft) Avg Interval. 0.320 (ft) Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) GREGG TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-11 Date: 51161200812:10 o gt(tsf) 500 o fs(tsf) s o Rf(%) e o Nfio(blows/ft)1aa o SBT 0 nr a. y4.lrv. l S 9 A} SdM 10 :.... _..... ..._... .. _._.... _. _. sad i 20 .... _. _..... ..... .............. ...._ _.. ..._7 .._ .......... I 1 L 1 p 1 SaW Max. Depth: 47.080 (ft) Avg Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) = = = m m ! = = m = m = m m m = = gREG � TERRA COSTA Site: MARINA PARK Engineer: B. SMILLE Sounding: CPT-12 Date: 6116/200812:31 o qe (tsf) eoo o fs (tsf) 5 u Rf (%) e o N60 (blowslft)100 o SBT 12 =uAdhr vuk Max Depth 43307 (ft) Avg. Interval. 0.328 (ft) SBT: Soil Behavior Type (Robertson 1990) �— iiii■ l- A=— —_ —�■ —_�_AEW -M——bM--=rl I EGG GREGG DRILLING $ TESTING sounding: Depth: 22.146 22.146 Pore Pressure Dissipation Test Site: MARINA PARK Engineer. G. SPAULDING 61 n 1 v 0 100 200 300 400 Time (seconds) 500 I i �J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lj J 1 1 1 1 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 1 Particle Size Distribution Report (O CJ N � '• n \ � SQL Y. II i it X i[ it it 100 I I..; i Oo I I- 70, 1 1 111 40 n. I 30 I 20 IIjI ' � i:i II .10 1 O 0.01 0.001 0.1 100 10 1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. %+31. %Gravel Coarse Fine %Sand Coarse Medium Fine _ S(It %Fines _ Clay 0.0 0.0 1.0 4,0 39.0 49.7 6.3 PERCENT SPEC. PASS? Material Description SIEVE SIZE FINER PERCENT , (X=NO) (Lab #19844) 0.375" 100.0 #4 99.0 RIO 95.0 Atterbera Limits #20 81.0 PL= LL= P1= #40 56.0 #100 20.0 Coefficients #200 6.3 D85= 0.9950 D60= 0.4701 D50= 0.3650 D30= 0.2109 D15= 0.1208 D10= 0.0930 Cu= 5.05 Cc= 1.02 Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks 1 As received moisture content=15.9% 1 (no specification provided) Sample Number: Bl-1 Depth: 5' Date: 5/29/08 MACTEC, Inc. Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. ' Project: #2573 Marina Park ' San Die o California Pro'ectNo: 5014-07-0012.25 Figure #19844 Tested By: Valles/Stacy Checked By: Collins 1 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 5' Sample Number: 131-1 Material Description: (Lab #19844) Date: 5/29/08 Testing Remarks: As received moisture content=15.9%, Tested by: Valles/Stacy Checked by: Collins Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.375" 100.0 #4 99.0 #10 95.0 #20 81.0 #40 56.0 #100 20.0 #200 6.3 Fractional Components 5130/2008 1 Cobbles Gravel Coarse Fine Total Sand _ Fines _ Silt CIS Total Coarse Medium Fine Total 0.0 1 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 39.0 J 49.7 1 92.7 6.3 D10 D16 D20 D30 D50 D60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.0930 ; 0.1208 0.1500 0:2109 0.3650 0.4701 0.8209 0.9950 1.2932 2.0000 Fineness � C TE 1.84 5.05 MACTEC, Inc. 0 Particle Size Distribution Report 00 19e .. .LQ.. I I1�1 I I. I. III I 80 70 Nil Z 50W I Of 30 ' I 20 i 10 I 0 0.01 0.001 100 10 t 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. %Gravel %Sand— %Fines +3"_ %Coarse Fine Coarse Medium _Fine silt I Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 I.0 18.0 78.2 1 1.8 1 1.0 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.` PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) (Lab 1/19845) #4 100.0 #10 99.0 #20 95.0 Limits #40 81.0 PL= _Atterherg LL= P1= #100 29.0 #200 2.8 Coefficients D85= 0.4834 D60= 0.2643 D50= 0.2192 D30= 0.1528 D15= 0.1137 D10= 0.1008 Cu= 2.62 Cc= 0.88 Cjassification USCS= SP AASHTO= Remarks As received moisture content=24.6% (no specification provided) Sample Number: BI-2 Depth: 10' Date: 5/29/08 ' MACTEC, Inc. Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. [-- Project: 92573 Marina Park , San o, California Project No: 5014-07-0012.25 _ _ Fi ure �19845__], -Die Tested By: Valles ___ Checked By: Collins .__ _.. I 11 I I I I I I I J I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TcrraCosta Consulting Group, Inc, Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 10' Sample Number: B1-2 Material Description: (Lab #19845) Date: 5/29/08 USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture conlent=24.6%> Tested by: Valles Checked by: Collins Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer #4 100.0 #10 99.0 #20 95.0 #40 81.0 #100 29.0 #200 2.8 Hydrometer Test Data Hydrometer test uses material passing #10 Percent passing #10 based upon complete sample = 99.0 Weight of hydrometer sample=116.88 Hygroscopic moisture correction: Moist weight and tare = 33.95 Dry weight and tare = 33.92 Tare weight = . 20.67 Hygroscopic moisture = 0.2% Table of composite correction values: Temp., deg. C: 18.0 19.8 21.6 27.7 Comp corr • -8 0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 Meniscus correction only = 0.0 Specific gravity of solids = 2.65 Hydrometer type = 152H Hydrometer effective depth equation: L = 16.294964 - 0.164 x Rm Elapsed Temp. Actual Corrected Eff. Diameter Percent Time (min.) (deg. C.) Reading Reading K Rm Depth (mm.) Finer 1.00 19.8 11.0 4.0 0.0137 11.0 14.5 0.0521 3.4 2.00 19.8 10.0 3.0 0.0137 10.0 14.7 0.0370 2.5 5.00 19.5 10.0 2.8 0.0137 10.0 14.7 0.0235 2.4 15.00 19.7 9.0 1.9 0.0137 9.0 14.8 0.0136 1.7 30.00 19.7 9.0 1.9 0.0137 9.0 14.8 0.0096 1.7 60.00 19.8 9.0 2.0 0.0137. 9.0 14.8 0.0068 1.7 120.00 20.0 8.0 1.1 0.0136 8.0 15.0 0.0048 0.9 250.00 20.2 8.0 1.2 0.136 8.0 15.0 0.0033 1.0 1440.00 19.6 8.0 0.9 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0014 0.8 MACTEC, Inc. 5/30/2008 I I I 11 ii I I I C F 1 I u Fractional 10onigweFnts, Cobbles Gravel Coarse Fine Total _ Sand _ Coarse Medium Fine Total Fines Silt -Clay Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 18.0 78.2 1 97.2 1.8 1.0 2.8 �10 D15 D20 D30 D50 �60 D85 D90 �95 O.1003 0.1137 b.1264 0.1528 0.2t92 0.2643 _ _180 0.4130 0.4834 0.5980 0.8500 Fineness Modulus Cu Cc 1.18 1 2.62 1 0.88 MACTEC, Inc. r Particle Size Distribution Report o00 10080 1 III 70 MW 50 Z ;I Z 50- LLl , a I 30 20 11 11 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0. 01 GRAIN SIZE - mm. +3" %Gravel %Sand %Fines ____Coarse_ Fine Coarse Medium Fine __ Silt ...... clay 0.0 0.0 1 ,0 1.0 I 34.0 63.2 0.3 0.5 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC,' PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) (Lab #19846) 0.375" I.0 99 #4 99.0 #10 98.0 Atterberg Ljrnits 920 91.0 PL= NV LL= Pi= NP #40 .0 12 #100 12.0 Coefficients #200 0.8 D85= 0.6900 D80= 0.3937 D50= 0.3276 i D30= 0.2267 D15= 0.1631 D10= 0.1408 Cu= 2.80 Cc= 0.93 Classification i USCS= SP AASHTO= i ' Remarks As received moisture content=19.7"/0 (no specification provided) Sample Number: BI-3 Depth: 15' Date: 5/29/08 MACTEC, Inc. Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park ■ San Diego, California Project No: 5014-07-0012.25 Figure #19846 Tested By: Valles__ . __, Checked By: Collins __ r r ! _J 1 I 11 r I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA 5/3012008 Client: TerraCosla Consulting Group, Inc. Project:112573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 15' Sample Number: B1-3 Material Description: (Lab #19846) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV Ph NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture content-19.7% Tested by: Valles Checked by: Collins Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.375" 100.0 #4 99.0 #10 98.0 #20 91.0 #40 64.0 #100 12.0 #200 0.8 Oydrometer Test' Data Hydrometer test uses material passing #]0 Percent passing #10 based upon complete sample = 98.0 Weight of hydrometer sample=117.61 Hygroscopic moisture correction: Moist weight and tare = 33.08 Dry weight and tare = 33.04 Tare weight = 20.68 Hygroscopic moisture =0.3% Table of composite correction values: Temp., deg. C: 18.0 19.8 21.6 27.7 Comp. corr.: -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 Meniscus correction only = 0.0 Specific gravity of solids = 2.65 Hydrometer type= 152H Hydrometer effective depth equation: L = 16.294964 - 0.164 x Rm Elapsed Temp. Actual Corrected Eff. Diameter Percent Time (min.) (deg. C.) Reading Reading K Rm Depth (mm.) Finer 1.00 1919 8.0 1.1 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0529 0.9 2.00 19.9 8.0 1.1 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0374 0.9 5.00 19.8 8.0 1.0 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0237 0.8 15.00 19.7' 8.0 0.9. 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0137 0.8 30.00 19.8 8.0 1.0 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0097 0.8 60.00 19.8 8.0 1.0 0.0137 8.0 15.0 0.0068 0.8 120.00 20.0 7.5 0.6 0.0136 7.5 15.1 0.0048 0.5 250.00 20.3 7.5 0.8 0.0136 7.5 15.1 0.0033 0.7 1440.00 19.6 7.5 0.4 0.0137 7.5 15.1 0.0014 0.3 MACTEC, Inc. r I 1 J t 1 1 1 I 1 1 r r I Fractl6nal• C6hlp6hehts Cobbles 0.0 Gravel_ _ Coarse Fine Total 0.0 1.0 1.0 Sand _ Fines Coarse Medium Fine _Total 99.2 Silt Clay Total 1.0 34.0 63.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 C10 C15 C20 I C30 C50 C60 C80 C85 ' C90 C95 0.1408 O.1631 0.1841 0.2267 0.3276 0.3937 0.6023 0.6900 0.8160 1.0624 Fineness Modulus Cu Cc 1.70 2.80 0.93 MACTEC, Inc. 1 I lI I r I F, I I I r I I 1 I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TcrraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 . Depth: 20' Sample Number: B14 Material Description: (Lab #19847) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture content=20.0% Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer #4 100.0 #10 99.0 #20 93.0 #40 63.0 #I00 14.0 #200 4.0 Fractional, Components 5/30/2008 1 Cobbles -- -- • Gravel Sand I Fines Coarse Flne Total Coarse Medtum Fine Total Silt Clay Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 1.0 36.0 59.0 96.0 4.0 D10 0.1266 D15 0.1552 D20 D30 D50 D60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.6693 0.7674 1. 1.0568 0.1797 0.2270 0.3346 0.4020 0.5956 Fineness Modulus Cu Cc 1.01 1.66 3.18 MACTEC, Inc. I 1 Ll Ll 1 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 25' Sample Number: B1-5 Material Description: SP (Lab #19848) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As reveived moisture content=l8.5% Tested by: Sancha/Stacy Checked by: Collins Sieve Test,Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.5" 100.0 0.375" 97.0 #4 - 95.0 #10 90.0 #20 79.0 #40 50.0 #100 9.0 #200 2.0 Fractional Components 5130/2008 Gravel Sand Fines Cobbles . Coarse 0.0 0.0 Fine 5.0 Total 5.0 Coarse Medium Fine Total Slit Clay Total 5.0 1; 40.0 1 48.0 93.0 2.0 D10 D15 D20 i D30 D50 EE60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.1567 1 0.1874 1 0.2166 0.2771 0.4250 1 0.5239 1 0.8814 1 1.1243 ` 2.0000 1 4.7500 Fineness Modulus L Cu Cc 2.23 1 3.34 1 0.94 MACTEC, Inc. 10C 9C 8C 7C 6C 5C 4C 3C 2C iC C Particle Size Distribution Report 2 _ E ! e. o e o 0 0 0 0 0 I - -- - - LI I I I I i i , i i i i 1 I I ' I I 1 1UU lu %+31.1 ---- '-I ' SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 0.75" 100.0 0.5" 96.6 0.375" 95.0 #4 89.0 #10 82.0 #20 64.0 #40 37.0 i #100 12.0 4200 I 4.9 (no specification provmea) Sample Number: B2-1 Depth: 5' MACTEC, Inc. -nun. a.... _ .. 45.0 Material Description SP (Lab#]9849) tterbero Limits PL= NV LL= . PI= NP Coefficients D85= 2.7828 D60= 0.7598 D90= 0.5902 D30= 0.3453 D15= 0.1824 D10= 0.1281 Cu= 5.93 Cc= 1.23 Classification USCS= SP AASHTO= eemarks As received moisture content --I 1.1% Client: TerraCosm Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Date: 5/30/08 Tested By: Valles/Stacy___ Checked By: Collins ie ' GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 5' Sample Number: B2-1 Material Description: SP (Lab #19849) Date: 5130108 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture content --I 1.1% Tested by: Valles/Stacy Checked by: Collins Sieve Test=Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.75" 100.0 0.5" 96.0 0.375" 95.0 #4 89.0 #10 82.0 #20 64.0 #40 37.0 #100 12.0 #200 4.9 Fractional Components 6116/2008 Gravel Sand Fines Cobbles Coarse I Fine Total Coe'r-se7 Medium I Fine Total Slit Clay Total 0.0 0.0 11.0 11.0 7.0 45.0 1 32.1 84.1 4.9 D10 D15 D20 D30 D50 D60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.1281 1 0.1824 1 0.2360 0.303 0.5902 0.7598 1.7060 2.7828 5.2834 I 9.5250 Fineness Modulus Cu Cc 2.71 . 5.93 1.23 MACTEC, Inc. �I LI 1 1 I �J GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosla Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 10-1 V Sample Number: 132-2 Material Description: SP (Lab #19850) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification:. SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture content --I 9.0% Tested by: Sancha/Stacy Checked by: Collins Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.375" 100.0 #4 99.0 #10 89.0 #20 59.0 #40 20.0 #100 3.0 #200 0.5 Fractional Components 5/30/2008 1 Cobbles Gravel Sand Fines Coarse Fine Total Coarse Medium Fine Total Silt Clay _Total 0.0 1 0.0• 1.0 LO 10.0 1 69.0 j 19.5 j 98.5 0.5 -' D10 D15 D20 D30 D50 D60 D80 I D85 D90 D95 0.3133 1 0.3737 0.4250 0:5181 0.7255 0.8662 1.4066 1.6791 : 2.1030 2.8913 Fineness Modulus Cu Cc 2.84 2.77 0.99 MACTEC, Inc. r I 1 I I I I I I I I n I I I I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 20' Sample Number: B2-4 Material Description: SP (Lab #19851) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As rcccivcd moisture content=16.6% Tested by: Stacy/Valles Checked by: Collins Sieve Test,Data Sieve Opening Percent Size Finer 0.75" 100.0 0.5" 99.0 0.375" 99.0 #4 98.0 #10 89.0 #20 68.0 #40 30.0 #100 5.0 #200 1.4 Fractional Components 5130/2008 1 Gravel Sand Fines Cobbles ECoarse I Fine Total Coarse Medium liFine Total Silt Cla Total 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 59.0 ; 28.6 1 96.6 1.4 D10 D15 D20 0.3334 D30 D50 D60 D80 1.2022 D85 L1.5276 D90 D95 0.2250 1 0.2827 0.4250 0.6087 0.7253 2.1549 1 3.2640 Fineness Modulus_ Cu Cc 2 .6 1 3.22 1.11 MACTEC, Inc. to( 9C 8C 7C s0 so 4C 30 2C 10 C Particle Size Distribution Report 2 R 2- O S V N . - I I � � I 1 •II ' 1 i 1 1 1 I I II iuu I % Gravel aka +3 i Coarse 0.0 0.0 lu l GRAIN SIZE - % Sand ?ine Coarse Medium SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 98.0 #20 90.0 #40 47.0 #100 5.0 #200 2.2 i .. (no specification provided) Sample Number: B2-6 Depth: 30' MACTEC, Inc is V.1 V.V1 % Fin Fine I Slit 44.8 2.2 Material Description SP (Lab #19852) Atterbera Limits PL= W LL= PI= NP Coefficients D85= 0.7628 D60= 0.5147 D50= 0.4448 D30= 0.3171 D15= 0.2237 D10= 0.1901 Cu= 2.71 Cc= 1.03 USCS= SP _Classification AASHTO= Remarks As received moisture content--19.8% Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: #2573 Marina Park Date: 5/29/08 Tested By: Stacy/Sancha Checked By: Collins -- GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: TerraCosta Consulting Group, Inc. Project: i#2573 Marina Park Project Number: 5014-07-0012.25 Depth: 30' Sample Number: 132-6 Material Description: SP (Lab #19852) Date: 5/29/08 PL: NV PI: NP USCS Classification: SP Testing Remarks: As received moisture content --I 9.8% Tested by: Stacy/Sancha Checked by: Collins Sieve Test Data Sieve Oper'__ e . Si; i 1 i # K. E Fin( Mot 2 5/30/2008 1 ' LABORATORY REPORT Telephone (619) 425-1993 Fax 425-7917 Established 1928 CLARKS'ON LABORATORY AND SUPPLY I N C. 3.10 Trousdale Dr. Chula Vista, Ca. 91910 www.clarksonlab.com ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING CHEMISTS Date: August 7, 2008 ' Purchase Order Number: 2573 Sales Order Number: 93846 Account Number: TERC To: Terra Costa Consulting Group 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 100 San Diego, Ca 92123 Attention: Gregory Spaulding Laboratory Number: 503412 Customers Phone: 858-573-6900 Fax: 858-573=8900 Sample Designation: ' One soil sample received on 08/07/08, taken on 08/07/08 from Marina Park Project# 2573 marked as HA-1 @ 2-41. I I I Analysis By California Test 643, 1993, Department of Transportation Division of Construction, Method for Estimating the Service Life of Steel Culverts. PH 7.0 Water Added (ml) 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Resistivity (ohm -cm) 49000 35000 24000 18000 14000 12000 11000 13000 15000 40 years to perforation for a 16 gauge metal culvert. 52 years to perforation for a 14 gauge metal culvert. 72 years to perforation for a 12 gauge metal culvert. 93 years to perforation for a 10 gauge metal culvert. 113 years to perforation for a 8 gauge metal culvert. Water Soluble Sulfate Calif. Test 417 Water Soluble Chloride Calif. Test 422 Laura Torres LT/ram 0.002-t 0.002% 1 I APPENDIX C SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN SPECIFICATIONS FOR PILE DRIVING u I I I 1 I 1 1 I J APPENDIX C SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN SPECIFICATIONS FOR PILE DRIVING 1.0 SCOPE Furnish and install piling, complete, as shown and specified. 2.0 GENERAL A. Code Requirements - Per (Uniform Building Code) (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction), and other applicable regulations; strictest requirements govern. B. Qualification - Piling subcontractor shall be qualified and experienced in this work. He shall present to Owner evidence of past successful installations of similar types of projects. C. Resnonsibility - Owner shall accept no responsibility for the driveability of piles as shown and specified. D. Grading - Necessary clearing, excavating, and filling shall be done by the General Contractor. E. Pile Locations - Staked out pile locations shall be protected from damage or movement. Cost for replacing moved or damaged stakes shall be borne by the Contractor under this section of work. F. Available Data - Records of the borings made at this work site are available at the Owner's office. These records pertain to conditions at the boring locations. Contractors are expected to make a personal inspection of the site and to otherwise satisfy themselves as to the conditions affecting the work. No claims for extra compensation or extension of time shall be allowed on account of subsurface conditions inconsistent with the data given. G. Pile Depth - All piles shall be advanced to the tip elevations shown on the plans. Piles stopped at lesser depths shall be cause for rejection. (See Section 5.0, Installation). H. Inspection - The Owner's representative shall inspect the placement of all piles. At least one week's notice shall be given before the first pile is driven. 1 i I I I 3.0 MATERIALS Concrete Piles A. Concrete - Minimum 28-day compressive strength: (5,000) psi. B. Prestressing Strand - ASTM-(A416), uncoated (7) wire cold drawn type; ultimate stress (250,000) psi. C. MId Reinforcing - ASTM-(A15), intermediate grade. ID. Wire for Special Reinforcing - ASTM-(A82), cold drawn wire. I I I I I I I I i I I J Steel Sheet Piles A. Steel sheet piles shall conform to normal material specifications: ASTM A328, ASTM A572 Grades 42 through 55. 4.0 HANDLING OF PILES All piles shall be handled with care to avoid damage. Damage to any pile prior to driving shall be cause for immediate rejection. 5.0 INSTALLATION A. General - Drive the first four piles at selected locations shown to the tip elevations shown on the plans. The indicator piles shall be driven with the same size and type of hammer to be used for driving the production piles. Indicator piles will be selected from permanent piles. Driving criteria will be established during construction by the Geotechnical Engineer on the basis of the first piles before additional piles are driven. Each pile shall be marked at one -foot intervals along its length to facilitate recording of penetration resistance. Drive each pile without interruption, until design depth is attained. If unforeseen causes arise, only by written permission shall deviation from this procedure be allowed. Refusal driving criteria will be determined by the Geotechnical Engineer during construction. All piles shall' be placed at the locations specified on the contract drawings. B. Record of Driving - Kept by Piling Inspector selected and paid for by Owner. 1. Reference - All piles per numbering system. 2. Dimensions - Include elevation of tip and butt before and after cutting off. 3. Driving Resistance - Complete record with number of blows required to drive each foot for full length of each pile. J n ' 4. Time - Include time of starting, completion, interruptions (if any), and condition of pile after driving. L�J LJ I I I I F I At Completion of Work - Contractor shall famish accurate drawing showing locations of piles as driven. C. Location - All piles shall be placed at the locations specified on the contract drawing. No pile shall be driven more than 3 inches in horizontal dimension from its design location. D. Alignment - Do not exceed 2 percent maximum deviation from vertical over any section of length. Keep pile center at cut-off within 3 inches of design location. Pulling piles into position will not be permitted. The Contractor shall provide substitute piles where driven piles exceed specified tolerances; all correction costs shall be paid for by Contractor under this section, including any structural redesign, additional materials, and labor required for pile caps. E. Heave Checks - Make on selected piles as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Check heave by measuring length and checking elevation on each pile immediately after it has been driven; recheck elevations and length after all adjacent piles have been driven. Redrive piles, where tips heaved more than '/2 inch from original elevation. When pile heave is encountered, continue heave check and redriving until assured that pile heave does not occur. F. Damaged Piles General - Any pile driven into a previously driven pile automatically rejects both piles. Leave all pile heads sound; repair or replace damaged or defect; replace as directed with a substitute pile at no expense to the Owner. Do not drive piles damaged or suspected of damage until inspected and approved. All correction costs shall be paid for by Contractor including structural redesign, additional materials, and labor required for pile caps. 2. Driving Damage - Development of tension cracks, spall, or chips in the concrete within the pay length shall be cause of rejection. G. Hard Driving - Difficult driving may be experienced within the stiff clays and formational sand deposits encountered above the design tip elevation of piles in the western portion of the site. All piles shall be driven to the design tip elevation unless specifically approved otherwise in writing by the Geotechnical Engineer at the time of construction. r i I 1 r I J LI I 1 I H. Jetting is permitted for both isolated concrete piles and concrete sheets only as follows: Jetting shall be limited to the use of internal manifolded pipes cast into the pile and shall use, to the extent practical, a low volume and low pressure water source. The proposed jet pipe configuration and pile installation procedures should be reviewed by the owner's representative prior to approval. Jetting, under approved conditions, is permitted down to within 2 feet of plan tip elevation for piles providing lateral resistance only. Jetting is not allowed within five feet of plan tip elevation for axially -loaded piles. I. Predrilling - Predrilling will be allowed for piles, but shall in no case extend to within 5 feet of the final tip elevation of any piles for support of structures. The diameter of a predrilled hole shall not exceed 10 inches. Predrilling is not recommended for piles required for uplift capacity. J. Driving Equipment - Use approved type as generally used in standard pile driving practice. Use driving hammers of such size and type which are able to consistently deliver effective dynamic energy to the piles and which operate at manufacturer's recommended speeds and pressures. Pile hammer shall have a minimum rated energy of 50,000 foot-pounds per blow for 14-inch round piles. Hammers developing greater energies or sonic hammers may be used upon written authorization of the Geotechnical Engineer. It shall be demonstrated that the proposed hammer will adequately drive the pile to the required depth without damage to the pile. Swing leads will not be permitted, use fixed leads or other suitable means for holding pile firnily in position and in alignment with the hammer. Vertical piles shall be plumb before driving. Special precautions shall be taken to insure against leading away of piles from the plumb or true position. Use suitable anvils or cushions of approved design, depending on type of pile, to prevent damage to pile. Care shall be taken during driving to prevent and correct any tendency of piles to twist, rotate, or walk. 6.0 DRIVING CRITERIA Reduction of Hammer Energy for Prestressed Piles - When prestressed piles have settled into the ground under their own weight and the weight of the hammer, and the point of the pile is passing through soft soil so that there is little resistance, there is a possibility that longitudinal tensile stress will be set up in the pile shaft by the elastic shock waves traveling up and down the pile. For such driving conditions, the first hammer blows delivered to the pile shall have a lesser energy by reducing the stroke of the hammer. When the top of the pile is being driven to the final depth, the full length of the stroke and the full rated energy of the hammer shall be used to develop final driving resistance. 1 I r 1 1 1 r I F1 1 I 1 1 7.0 CLEANUP Keep construction and storage areas free from waste material, rubbish, and debris resulting from this work. 8.0. PAYMENTS A. General - Provide lump sum bid based on total pile length as shown based on length from cut-off to estimated pile tip elevation shown on drawings. B. Measurement - Based on total effective length of piles in place. Effective length of individual piles measured from tip elevation to cut-off line. C. Payment for Lineal Footage - In excess of that based upon the estimated pile tip elevation, when such excess is authorized, will be made on a unit price basis. Include such unit prices in the Bid. D. Credit for Undriven Lineal Footage - Short of that based upon the estimated pile tip elevation will be made on a unit price basis. Include such unit price in the Bid. 9.0 SUBMITTALS BY CONTRACTOR: A. General - For PILING, submit following in accordance with GENERAL CONDITIONS and SPECIAL CONDITIONS. B. Prestressed Pile Design - Submit design calculations, prepared by a licensed engineer showing all pickup points and basis of design. C. Reinforcing - Submit two copies of manufacturer's certificates of mill test reports for all reinforcing steel used. D. Shop Drawings - Submit for approval by Structural Engineer. Show location of pickup points. E. Guarantee - As specified. F. Pile Driving Hammer - Submit description of proposed hammer, including manufacturer, type, model number, operating specifications, and hammer cushion, pile cushion data for review and approval by Geotechnical Engineer. G Load Test - Submit description of equipment and arrangement and set up of any load test for review and approval by the Geotechnical Engineer. 1 r 1 1 LI D L J 10.0 PILE TYPES NOT SPECIFIED A. General - Consideration will be given to pile types other than those shown or specified. If Contractor proposes to use a type other than those shown, he shall submit to Owner for review a description of the pile and shall demonstrate by calculations and other corroborating evidence on the ability of the pile to sustain required loads. Contractor shall familiarize himself with all loading criteria. B. Prequalification - Review proposed system with Owner and obtain written authorization before submitting proposal. C. Engineering Design - Prepare revised foundation plans at no cost to Owner; plans to be prepared and stamped by licensed civil engineer. Comply with all local jurisdictional codes. D. Pile Tests - If, in the opinion of the Owner, pile load tests are required to confirm the load bearing capacity, the costs of such test or tests shall be borne by Contractor. E. Pile Cans - If the proposed alternate pile system results in increase in size and reinforcing of pile caps from those shown, said increases shall be made at no expense to the Owner. SUMMARY CALCULATIONS I I 1 1 r 1 � � i 1 1 ' SHEET -PILE AND GUIDE -PILE CALCULATIONS 1 MARINA PARK PROJECT NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 1 August 7, 2008 i 1 1 � ' QgOEESS/pN co m� 1 Plo. 5015 A it Erl ��3o�a1 � civn. OF CA1 i �1 .1 11 �1 i r Marina Park +9 Seawall ' Depth(ft) 0 1 --------------- ---------------- -- 5 ' 10 , 15 , 20 25 30 35 40 0 1 ksf ' I I eShoringSulte> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltechsottware.com ' Licensed to DBN TerraCosta Consulting Group Date: 8/6/2008 File Name: UNTITLED Wall Height=21.0 Pile Diameter-1.0 Pile Spacing=1.0 ACTIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 0.00 1.00 ' 2 21.00 1.00 PASSIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 21.00 1.00 PILE LENGTH: Min. Embedment=15.93, Min. Pile Length=36.93 MOMENT IN PILE: Max, Moment=67.59 at Depth of 17.15 ' VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY: Vertical Loading=0.0, Resistance=53.4, Vertical Factor of Safety=999.00 Request Embedment for Vertical Loading=0.0 Request Total Pile Length=21.0 I PILE SELECTION: Request Min. Section Modulus = 34.1 in3/feet, Fy= 36 ksi = 248 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 -> Piles meet Min, Section Requirements: • Top Deflection is shown in (in) L6 (-0.06) SPZ26 (-0.17) CZ128 (-0.17) 6M (405) CZ128 (-0.17) 6H (-0.05) RZ11 (-0.18) H155 (-0.19) PZ32 (-0.18) BZ20.7L (-0.17) CZ141 (-0.16) CZ148 (-0.15) 4N (-0.14) FSPZ25 (-0.15) BRACE FORCE: Strut, Tieback, Plate Anchor, and Deadman Fixed IUNITS: Length/Depth - ft, Force - kip, Moment - kip-ft, Pressure - ksf, Pres. Slope - kip/W, Deflection - in 1 n i I I I Ll I I Marina Park +9 Seawall 0.30 g Deepth(ft) -5 -10 -15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 40 0 1 ksf I I 45 <ShoringSulte> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.ciViltechsoftware.com ' Licensed to DBN TerraCosta Consulting Group Date: 8/612008 File Name: UNTITLED Wail Helght=21.0 Pile Diameter=1.0 Pile Spacing=1.0 ACTIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 0.00 1,00 2 21.00 1.00 ' PASSIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing ' PILE LENGTH: Min. Embedment=16.62, Min. Pile Length=37.62 MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=83.22 at Depth of 16.62 VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY: Vertical Loading=0.0, Resistance=54.7, Vertical Factor of Safety=999.00 Request Embedment for Vertical Loading=0.0 Request Total Pile Length=21.0 PILE SELECTION: Request Min. Section Modulus = 42.0 In3/feet, Fy= 36 ksi = 248 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 -> Piles meet Min. Section Requirements: Top Deflection is shown in (in) 4N (-0.17) FSPZ25 (-0.18) PZ38 (-0.18) BZ26 (-0.15) AZ26 (-0.12) H175 (-0.16) PZ35 (-0.14) H215 (-0.13) BZ32 (-0.12) FSPZ32 (-0.13) PZ40 (-0.10) 5RU3 (-0.14) AZ36 (-0.08) BZ37 (-0A1) ' BRACE FORCE: Strut, Tieback, Plate Anchor, and Deadman No & Type Depth Angle Total Horiz. Vert L free Fixed Length ' 1. Tieback 1.0 0.0 9A 9A 0.0 16.8 3,0 CI' Marina Park +10 Seawall Deepth(ft) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 1 ksf I I <ShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.ciAltachsoftware.com ' Licensed to DBN TerraCosta Consulting Group Data. 8/4/2008 File Name: UNTITLED Wall Height=22.0 Pile Diameter-1.0 Pile Spacing=1.0 tACTIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 0.00 1.00 2 22.00 1.00 PASSIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing tPILE LENGTH: Min. Embedment=16.53, Min. Pile Length=38.53 MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=76.23 at Depth of 17.94 ' VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY: Vertical Loading=0.0, Resistance=55.6, Vertical Factor of Safety=999.00 Request Embedment -for Vertical Loading=0.0 Request Total Pile Length=22.0 ' PILE SELECTION: Request Min. Section Modulus = 25.4 in3/feek Fy= 36 ksi = 248 MPa, Fb/Fy=1 -> Piles meet Min. Section Requirements: Top Deflection is shown in (in) SZ222 (-0.29) SZ24 (-0.27) SZ24A (-0.25) SZ25 (-0.26) CZ114RD (-0.24) 3N(M) (-0.28) PZ27 (-0.26) PLZ23 (-0.23) BZ16A (426) RZ10 (-0.28) 134N (-0.26) PZ27 (-0.25) SZ17 (-0.26) SPZ23 (-0.23) ' BRACE FORCE: Strut, Tieback, Plate Anchor, and Deadman No. & Type Depth Angle Total Horiz. Vert. L_free Fixed Length 1. Tieback 1.0 0.0 6.8 6.8 0.0 17.6 2.2 1 I 1 1 1 1 Deepth(ft) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -40 - 45 L Marina Park +10 Seawall With H 20 Loading 0 1 ksf <ShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.clviltechsoftware.com Licensed to DBN TerraCosta Consulting Group Data. 8/6/2008 File Name: C:1Project Fllest2500-2599\2573 Marina ParklrnplO.sh8 Wall Height=22.0 Flip Diameter-1.0 Pile Spacing=1.0 ACTIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 0.00 1.00 2 22.00 1.00 PILE LENGTH: Min. Embedment=16.55, Min. Pile Length=38.55 MOMENT IN PILE: Max, Moment--76.79 at Depth of 17,90 VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY: Vertical Loading=0.0, Resistance=55.6, Vertical Factor of Safety=999.00 Request Embedment for Vertical Loading=0.0 Request Total Pile Length=22.0 PILE SELECTION: Request Mtn. Section Modulus = 25.61n3/feet, Fy= 36 ksl = 248 We, Fb/Fy=1 -> Piles meet Min. Section Requirements: Top Deflection Is shown in (in) SZ222 (-0.29) SZ24 (-0.27) SZ24A (-0.26) SZ25 (-0.26) CZ114RD (-0.24) 3N(M) (-0.29) PZ27 (-0.26) PLZ23 (-0.24) BZ16.4 (-0.27) RZ10 (-0.28) 134N (-0.27) PZ27 (-0.26) BZ17 (-0.26) SPZ23 (-0.23) BRACE FORCE: Strut, Tieback, Plate Anchor, and Deadman Nn. &Tvne Depth Anale Total Horiz. ' Deepth(ft) 5 10 15 20 25 ' 30 ' 35 40 ' 45 L Marina Park +10 Seawall 0.30 g 0 1 ksf <ShoringSulte> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltechsoftware.com Licensed to DBN TerraCosta Consulting Group Date: 8/6/2008 File Name: C:\Project FilesN2500-2599X2573 Marina Parkl3g.sh8 Wall Height=22.0 Pile Diameter=1.0 Pile Spacing=1.0 ' ACTIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing 1 0.00 1.00 2 22.00 1.00 ' PASSIVE SPACE: Z depth Spacing PILE LENGTH: Min. Embedment=17.36, Min. Pile Length=39.36 MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=95.41 at Depth of 17.39 VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY: Vertical Loading=0.0, Resistance=57.2, Vertical Factor of Safety=999.00 Request Embedment for Vertical Loading=0.0 Request Total Pile Length=22.0 tPILE SELECTION: Request Min. Section Modulus = 48.2 in3/feet, Fy= 36 ksi = 248 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 -> Piles meet Min. Section Requirements: Top Deflection is shown in (in) BZ26 (-0.18) AZ26 (-0.15) H175 (-0.19) PZ35 (-0.17) H215 (-0.15) BZ32 (-0.15) FSPZ32 (-0.15) PZ40 (-0.12) 5RU3 (-0.16) AZ36 (-0.10) BZ37 (-0.13) FSPZ36 (-0.12) BZ42 (-0.11) FSPZ45 (-0.10) tBRACE FORCE: Strut, Tieback, Plate Anchor, and Deadman Nn R Tvna rlenth Angle Total Horiz. Vert. L free Fixed Length m m= m= m m= m m m m m r = m m r Laterally Loaded Pile M s-Marina Park -e105108 Ctradar Gt9de RlesvdL/F4 Reese S Matlock solution-DM7.02 Poe Moment oflnertia,l4: in" 1886 _ Pfle Diameter, D (m): 14.00 Pile Modulus.E 31000000 ultimate [at( calm reE Brom'S1964 Sol Modul f 15.00 PuIt=0.b-m&d D'L^3"K +L 'for UN2 Unsupported CanhleveredHeight H : 2200 Pult=fN -M /salde D "0 forLfi>4 Death of Emhedm L (III: 1 18.00 Soil ., d tees 32 Solidensi 60 F_ffedive Depth, T m :A4.16 - Put 328 Lon Pile P_ffecWe th.T ft: Pu 1s.61 short PUs Lateral Loa P feverartn 2700 Note: Use the smatlerOftie tvm Load Induced Mane M 325 Atso note: to abtain the ultimate p for a Ion le Embedment Depth Ratb. Ur d,Mtotal IO 77.5 you must balanm E15 and L13 to obtaln the cmect answer lllll/l!!!/!1/lI/II/llll/l/1/lIllfll/l!/1111!!11/111//11117/Illllll!/l/I//O/!/!1ll/lllllll/!/l//ll/!/11/!!!/l/ Coma utation of Variation in So0 Muced Momentwith Lrr=4 Depth.TI Depth,ftl Fmm F t Mm Mat Mahal F81er Bendm Po 000 0.00 1.000 0.000 54.56 O.OD 54.56 12430 025 1.08 0.992 0240 64.12 258 56.70 2525 0.50 216 0.970 0A67 5292 5.01 -57.93 2560 0.75 324 0.98 0.627 50.52 6.73 5725 2550 1.00 433 0.859 0.732 46.87 7.85 54.72 2437 125 5.41 0.753 0.767 41.08 823 49.31 2196 150 6.49 0 ti40 0.747 34.92 8.02 4293 1912 - - Com utationof Pde Delamationwlm Lrr=4 Depth. T Depth, It Fdm Fd DEF.m DEF. t OEFtot- SLOPE To of Pile Def m 0.00 0 00 1.56 2.60 0.49 0.16 0.64 " 0.01186740 - 6.46 " 025 1.08 1.18 207 0.36 0.13 0.49. 0.01062344 050 216 0.82 1.65 0.25 0.10 M35" 0.009196604 NOTETo of 0e deflection is the combination of. 0.75 324 0.52 1.30 0.15 0.08 0.23" 0.00693808 Ground sudhw deflection DEF tot" PLUS 0.64" 1.0n 4.33 0.30 0.97 0.08 0.06 0.14" 0.005439049 Deflected 0eduetoa ular4m tlonon slo "Ht PLUS 1.25 5.41 0.12 0.67 0.03 0.04 0.07" 0.002796966 Deflectetl ile due iD bath PL^3f3E1 150 649 0.03 044 001 0.03 0.03" where:L=leverarm m i r m m m m m m m m m m m _m Imm m Laterally Loaded P8eAro1 -Marko Park-8/O5f08 CPaIarGWde WeswU?=4 Reese & Matlock solution - DM7A2 Pile Momemaf Inertia. 3217 Rie D'ameter D m : 16.00 t Pile Modulus E 3000000 Ultlmale lateral so9mOCItY ME Bmm's 1964 1 1 Soil Modulus f( 15.00 Pu97-0.5•soi-den' DMP3• L) for Lfr<2 Umuppoited Carditevered Helght, H M. 22.00 Puk=N +0.54P/sol4densl for Lfi>4 Depth of Embedment L : 20.00 VIIIIIIIIIIII I Soil phl. clegreas 32 1 Soi dens 60 EOedveDepth,T m: 57.77 PW 4.85 Lon Pile Effective th, T : 4.61 I PW 24.78 short Pile Lateral LoK P 3.70 leverafm 1 22.00 Note: USettle StoeffErofthetwo Load Induced Moment M 61.40 Kp i 325 Also note: to obtain the ultimate capacity fora long pite, ErnbedrnerttDepth Ratio. LR: 4.15 ' tl otal p ft • 115.6 you mustbalance E15 and L13 to obtain the correctansver Coon utation of Variation In Sal Oviuced Momemw8h L/r=4 Depth.Tf Depth.ftl FrrirrrI F t MmI Mall WISH Fiber Bmcrm ,Fib 0.00 0.001 I.GmI 0.0001 81A01 0001 81AO 2429 025 1.2DI 0.9921 02401 80.751 4271 85.1121 2537 0.50 241 0.970 0.467 76.96 8.32 17.261 2604 0.75 3.61 0.926 0.627 75.38 11.17 86.54 2583 1.00 4.81 0.8591 9.7321 69.921 13.041 87961 2476 125 6.021 0.7531 .7671 61291 13.661 74.961 2237 150 7.221 0.6401 0.7471 52.101 13311 65AOI 1952 ..... ..... ............................. ._..__..__._.-_.___._.__.__.._..___._.___........_._._. Comporation of We Deformation with Lfr=4 Depth, T Depth, R Prim Fdp DEFm DEF. t DEFto " I SLOPE Top of Pile Def m 0.00 0.00 1.56 2.50 0.63 0.18 0.71 " 1 0.01177281 6.17' 0.25 120 1.16 2.07 0.39 0.15 0.54 " 1 0 01045982 0.60 241 0.82 1.65 027 0.12 0.39' 0009132189 NOTE: Top of ple deflection is the combination of. 0.75 3.61 0.52 1.30 0.16 0.10 0.26" 0.006923528 Ground surface detledion DEF toL" PLUS 1 0.71" 1.00 4.81 0.30 0.97 0.09 0.07 0.16" 0.005449051 Deflected vile duetoa ularmtation On ,SIo •HL PLUS 3.11" 1.25 6.02 0.12 0.67 0.03 0.05 0.08 " 0.002841365 Deflected Pile due to load PL-3/3EI 1.50 722 0.03 0.44 0.01 0.03 0.04" Where L=leverann m Laterally Loaded Pile Ls -Marina Park -6r05r0a Cvalar Guide Has vrlLlf=4 Reese & Ma80rk sdu0on- EXW.O2 _ I Pile Moment of hands,l 4 i 7854 _ Pile Diameter D 1n: 2D.00 Pile Modulus E 3 DOD 000 Uldnate lateral soil mpacfty re . erom's 1954 Soli Modulus t 16.00 Pult-0.6"soldens "L^3"K +L for Ur42 Unwipported CantileveredHeight H it: 22.00 PuG-?uV +0.54(P/W WDIKoY051 fortfT>4 Depth of Embedment L ft • 1 23.00 Sol Ohl.d 32 Sol a 6D EfiectiveD 0l T 69.06 I Pull his) 9.47 Plle EJferlive M,T ft', 5.75 I Pulllki 43.99 shod Pile Lateral Load.P 725 leverann 1 22.00 Note: Usethesma0erofthetwo Load Induced Fdament, M 159b0 325 Also note: to ablain the ultimate capacity fora long Pile, EmbedinentlDerithRatin, L/i: 4.00 Id tat IO 2325 u must balance E15 and L13 to obtain the comad answer nnnnuurnnurrnuunnnmmuuunumnnnunnnnnnnnnunnuuunnunnnnmuu coal Son of Variation in Sol Induced Moment with L/F=4 Depth.T Denth.ft Fmm F t mml M t mlotall Fiber Bendin ,Fb fmil 000 0.00 1.000 0.000 159.50 000 159.50 2437 025 1.44 0.992 0240 15822 10.01 16824 2570 0.60 288 0.970 0.467 154.72 1948 174.20 2862 D75 4.32 0.928 0.627 147.70 28.18 173.85 2658 1.00 5.75 0.859 0.732 137.01 30 541 167.551 2560 1.25 7.19 0.753 0.767 120.10 32.001 15ZIll 2324 1.60 8.63 0.640 0.747 102.081 31.171 133.251 2036 Comoutation of Pile Deformation with L/r=4 Depth. TI Depth. I'll Fdm Fdp DEF.m DEF. t DEFto ' SLOPE Top of Pile Def n 0.0D 0.001 1.56 2-60 0.60 025 0.86" 0.01170813 5.84" 0.26 1.44 1.16 207 0.45 021 0.66" 0.011143860 0.60 288 0.82 1.65 0.31 0.17 0.48 " 0.009097804 NOTE Top of pile deflection is the combination -M of: 0.75 4.32 0.52 1.30 0.19 0.13 0.32" O.OD69595 Ground surface tleflectiortDEF tot" PLUS 1 0.86" 1.00 6.75 0.30 0.97 0.10 0.10 0.20 " 0.005516017 Deflected pile due to angular rotation only, slo "HL PLUS 3.09. 1.25 7.19 0.12 0.67 0.04 0.07 0.10" 0.002946886 Deflected pile due to loam PL^313E1 1.89" 1.60 8.63 0.03 0.44 0.01 0.04 0.05" where: L=leverarm r m m m m m m m m m m m m m m sm Lateraily Loaded PBe -Madna Park-6lOSf08 Circular G Wde Piles vdUr=4 Reese&Matlock solution -DM7.02 _ I I Pile tdomentof Nedra I ur"4: 16286 Pile Diameter D n : 24.00 Pile hlodWus E i : 3 000 000 Ultimate lateral sail capacity ref. Bmm's 1964 SoBModulus,f 15.00 PuIt=G.S•soil 'L^g +L for LITQ Unsupported Cantilevered Height H ft: 22.00 P0IM +0.54P/soMMSi •D• forLflM De th ofEmberknent, L 27.00 SOB phL tl 32 Soo 60 Effective T 79.90 Pu 17.75 Lo He EffacUm De th,T ft: 6.66 P 78.43 short PBe Lateral Load,P 13.70 leverann 22DO Note: Usetheertle0erofthetwo Load Induced Moment ft: SMAO 325 Also note: foabtain the ultimate capacity fora long ple. Pmbedm"n[Deth Rats Lli: 4.05 tlMtotalb 447.3 must balance Ely and L13 to obtain the coneCtanswer f!/!//1/!!//!/1!/Ill1111!ll!/1/I!/I//!//1/Ill/rill/!l//!111111/1//f/11/ll//I!ll1!/1111111i1/1111!!llllll//!/l!1 ComputaHonoWariatIm Insoll Induced Momentvath LR=4 Depth.T De th.ft Firm r Fpt Min Mpt Mtotal Fiber Bendi Fb 0.00 B.001 1.000, O.Gool 3OIA01 0.00 301AG 2665 _ 025 1.66 0.9Wl 0.240 298.99 21.89 320.88 2837 0.50 3.33 0.970 OAS71 292.361 42.60 334.96 2962 0.75 4.99 0.926 0.627 279.101 5720 =29 2973 _ 1.09 666 0.859 0.732 25B.Sol 65.78 32568 2880 125 8.32 0.7531 0.7671 226.951 69.97 296.92 2625 1.50 9.99 0.6401 0747 19290 66.14 261.04 2308 Com tionof Pfle Deformation wdh Ur=4 I D T Depth, III Film Pulp DEFrn DEF. DEF tot" i SLOPE To of PBe Del in 0.00 0.00 156 2.50 0.74 0.36 1.09 • 1 0.01776292 025 1.66 1.76 207 0.54 0.30 0.84 • 0.01141461 0.50 3.33 0.82 1.65 0.38 024 0.61" 0.009932853 NOTE To of pile deflection is thewmbinaOon of 0.75 4.99 0.52 1.30 023 0.19 0.41 " 0.007658796 Ground surface deflection DEF tot" PLUS 1.09 • 1.00 6.66 0.30 0.97 0.12 0.14 0.26" 0.006107636 Deflected due to an Warmtationa ,slo 'HL PLUS 337" 125 6.32 0.12 0.67 0.04 0.10 0.14 " 0.003330721 Deflected a due to bath PL"3/3EI 1.72 " 1.50 999 0.03 0.44 0.01 0.06 0.07 " where: L�everann I I M r Foundations & Earth Structures DESIGN MANUAL 7.02 - REVALIDATED BY CHANGE 1 SEPTEMBER 1986 Section 7. LATERAL LOAD CAPACITY 1. DESIGN CONCEPTS. A pile loaded by lateral thrust and/or moment at its top, resists the load by deflecting to mobilize the reaction of the surround- __iag_soil.__The_magn1tude and distribution of the resisting. -pressures -are a ---- ---- function of the relative stiffness of pile and soil. Design criteria is based on maximum combined stress in the piling, allow- able deflection at the top or permissible bearing on the surrounding soil. Altbough 1/4-inch at the pile top is often used as a limit, the allowable lateral deflection should be based on the specific requirements of the structure. 7.2 234 lI 2. DEFORMATION ANALYSIS - SINGLE PILE. a. General. Methods are available. (e.g., Reference 9 and Reference 31, Non -Dimensional Solutions for Laterally Loaded Piles, with Soil Modulus 1 Assumed Proportional to Depth, by Reese and Matlock) for computing lateral pile load -deformation based on complex soil conditions and/or non -linear soil stress -strain relationships. The COM 622 computer program (Reference 32, ' Laterally Loaded Piles: Program Documentation, by Reese) has been documented and is widely used, Use of these methods abould only be considered when the soil stress -strain properties are well understood. ' Pile deformation and stress can be approximated through application of several simplified procedures based on idealized assumptions. The two basic approaches presented below depend on utilizing the concept of coeffi- cient -of lateral subgrade reaction. It is assumed that the lateral load does not exceed about 1/3 of the ultimate lateral load capacity. b. Granular Soil and Normally to Slightly-Ove_r_consolidated Cohesive Soils. Pile deformation can be estimated asaumiag that the coefficient of subgrade reaction, Rh, increases linearly with depth in accordance with: fz 1 Kh` D where: Kh - coefficient of lateral subgrade reaction (tons/ft3) f a coefficient of variation of lateral subgrade reaction (tons/ft3) z a depth (feet) t 1 1 1 1 I D ® width/diameter of loaded area (feet) Guidance for selection of f is given in Figure 9 for fine-grained and coarse -grained soils. c. Heavily Overconsalidated Cohesive Soils. For heavily overconsoli- :, dated.hard._cohesive soils, the coefficient of lateral subgrade reaction can be assumed to be constant with depth. The methods presented in Chapter 4 can be used for the analysis, 4 varies between 35c and 70c (units of --force/length3) where c is the uffdrained shear strength. - d, Loading Conditions. Three principal loading conditions are illus- trated with t►e ea i procedures in Figure 10, using the influence diagrams of Figure 11, 12 and 13 (all from Reference 31). Loading may be limited by allowable deflection of pile top or by pile stresses. Cue 1. Pile with flexible cap or hinged end condition. Thrust and moment are applied at the top, which is free to rotate. Obtain total deflec- tion, moment, and shear lu the pile by algebraic sum of the effects of thrust and moment, given in Figure 11. 7.2-235 i 70 GO ZQN r w 1 0 UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Q Sf T 70 60 STIFF STIFF VERY S77hF 4 I 2 3 I I I ! f : OOEFFidETIT Of VARIATION WITH OEPIH.USED IN ANALYSIS Of LATERALSU8GRA9E OFLATERALL.Y LOADED REACTION PI � c r CASE I. FLEXIBLE CAP, ELEVATED POSITION CONDITION LOAD T GROUND LINE DESIGN PROCEDURE pT HOREACH PN.E+ FOR DEFINITION OF PARAMETERS SEE FIGURE 12 P a � L COMPUTE RaATWE STIFFNESS FACTOR. T = I tI TVS H M = PH 2. sa T CURVE FOR PROPER T W FIGURE 11. M 3. OHIAIN COEFFICIENTS FS.FjAiFV ATOEPTHS DESIRED. _ 40�r'L 4. COMPUTE OFFLBC OKUDMENT AND SHEAR AT p ' ORFD DEPTHS U m FORMULAS OF F GURE 11. E: I L r NOTE: "f.. VALUES FROM FIGURE 9 AND CONVERT -MLBAN3 a = NUMBER OF PILES PO$iT CASES. PILES WITH RIGID CAP AT GROUND SURFACE PT ' P L PROCEED AS IN STEP I.CASE I . —� 2. COM PUM DERICflON AM MDMENTAT DESIRED F DEPTHS USING COEFFICIENTS F3,FM AND - 1 FORMULAS OF FIGURE 12. 1 3. MAXIMUM SHEAR OODURS AT 70P OF PILE IT AND EQUALS P = - PT INEACHPILE. L r CASEX. RIGID CAP, ELEVATED POSITION OFJ7.f3CTE0 PoS t1 L ASSUME A HINGE AT POINT A WITH A BALANCING L MOMENT M APPLIED AT POINT A. 2. COMPUTE SLOPE 62 ABOVE GROUND AS A FUNCTION OF M FROM CHARACTERISTICS OF SLVERSTRUCTURE. 1 3. COMPUTE SLOPE 61 FROM SLOPE COEFFICIENTS- OF FIGURE 13 AS FOLLOWS: H - - 62 6l'F6(�)�-FO i EI U - M I 4. EQUATE 61 s 6p AND SOLVE FOR VALUE OF M. P �-. I S. KNOWING VALUES OF P ANDNO M. SOLVE FOR DEFLECTION. SHEAR,AMOMENT AS IN CASE I. P M NOTE 2 IF GROUND SIR If= AT PILE LOCATION IS L INCLINED. LAAD PTAKEN BY EACH PILE IS 1 PROPORTMNALTO I/HO3. FIGURE 10 Design Procedure for Laterally Loaded Piles 7.2-237 tt■tt t>, � r, s _•jt�■s I•!� � -� t>, t>, t>s t>, tt� � - tom. � : t� tom'.- t», - ttt>, n�nee, t —c—=sue 2 = ................. �, ,r k ENRON MINIMEMPAVIsom ZONE mompAprdom 1I■// ■l-UN/// SIN 1 0MM DEFLECTION Fg "-QI� MOMENT COEffICIENT, fM �� vA 1 SHEAR COEFFICIENT, F FIGURE 11 -uenee Values for Pile with Applied Lateral Load and Moment (Case I. Flexible Cap or Hinged End Condition) ' Case II. Pile with rigid cap fixed against rotation at ground sur- face. Thrust is applied at the top, which must maintain a vertical tangent. Obtain deflection and moment from influence values of Figure 12. Case III. Pile with rigid cap above ground surface. Rotation of Pile top depends on combined effect .of superstructure and resistance below ground. Express rotation as a function of the influence values of Figure 13 -and determine moment at pile top. Knowing thrust and moment applied at pile top, obtain total deflection, moment and shear in the pile by algebraic sum of ' the separate effects from Figure 11. 3. CYCLIC LOADS. Lateral subgrade coefficient values decrease to about 25% the initial value due toycyclic loading for soft/loose soils and to about 50% the initial value for stiff/dense soils. 4. LONG-TERM LOADING. Long-term loading will increase pile deflection tor- t responding to a decrease in lateral subgrade reaction. To approximate this condition. reduce the.subgrade reaction values to 25X to SOX of their initial value for stiff clays, to 20% to 30% for soft clays, and to 80X to 90X for sands. 5: ' ULT7MATE'LOAD CAPACITY - SINGLE PILES. A laterally loaded pile can fail by exceeding the strength of the surrounding soil or by exceeding the bending moment capacity of the pile resulting in a structural failure. Several met - ..hods are available for estimating the ultimate load capacity. The method presented in Reference 33, Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive ' Soils; by,:Broms,.,provides,a simple procedure for estimating ultimate lateral capacity of piles. ' 6. fGROUP ACTION. Group action should be considered when the pile spacing in the direction of loading is less than 6 to 8 pile diameters. Group action can be evaluated by reducing the effective coefficient of lateral subgrade reac- tion in.•the,direction of loading by a reduction factor R (Reference 9) as fol- lows: 1 I ,l r Pile Spacing in Subgrade Reaction Direction of Loading Reduction Factor ---D - Pile Diameter - - R D 1.00 6D 0.70 4D 0.40 3D 0.25 •7e2-241 k- ' Figure 9. Pile Grose -Coupling Stiffnees,3ys ' he authors. This recommendation and remits of the correlation for clay are shown in Figure 11. Only the upper five ' i.amet=s of soils (soil type and ground ster)'ased to be considered in usage of the presented design charts. 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @_ of Avoroaoli. There are swexal simplifying assumptions in the i nseated'approach. The coefficient f is not an intrinsic soil parameter. The scommendations for f presented is Figures 3 and 11 are appropriate for piles in cypioal highway bridge foundations (i.e. smaller piles). Furthermore, the embedment ffect has not been taken into account in he procedure. Therefore the recommenda- oions are conservative and appropriate for shdlow embedment conditions (say less than Although correlations for the coefficient f man be conducted for other conditions 's.g., larger piles and bigger embedment spths), the additional complexity negates -as merits of the use of simplified linear elastic solutions. For such cases, cam- 'ater solutions, which can readily accomo- ite nonlinear effects and more general aandary oonditione, are recommended. W Pn q o / ll e.cno■.war . fl' 7P Or sO .M y. beat WOK- Sam (AReMrO'eeil� Ya alUr itsson, 19031 GN �a 20 40 Relative Density. D, ( mmt) Figure 10. Recommendations for Coefficient f £or Sands (Notes 1 LS/IN3 s 0.27 N/cm3) 0 0. eased on corrrerqllation of maillnear pile crate onstMin) Natlock's soft clay tperrttq t � 1D� Q ltaa+') Pe'�• rr.metrn M o�nwuW sakrtlaW (2) Rarw(wa.ae. I 61i� (h) H� dd Mood 1. 2. 8. 4. S. Cohesion (W) Comparison to Caltrans Practice. The Figure 21. Recommendations of Dove procedure can be compared to the Coefficient f for Clays ..tactice adopted by Caltrana. In Caltrans (Notes 1 LS/iN3 - 0.27 Woe) ird Bridge Engineering Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 10-13, 1991 .,r more information, contact Earth Mechanics, Inc., Fountain Valley, CA 714) 848-9204 I..1 APPENDIX E DSI PRODUCT LITERATURE DS! ` c rk"'h, a r f�U "A 'aEof 1. It n< F T ' h fl 4isrF yiwx�''N r w r cur `�.. I nroTEM IS INI ""Itij4eyrfi,.T s�?$hIN 3.'d N S. *-, 4, II..,i '✓3. 5 :LX ; v_ L DYWIDAG Threadbar Rock -and Soil Anchors E I I I II I CJ I Dywidag Systems International was a pioneer in the development of rock and soil anchor systems and technology, Today DSI is a world leader in this ,field with an outstanding reputation of product quality and customer service. The double corro- sion protected THREADBAR® anchor is universally recognized.as the "standard" for anchor perfor- mance and corrosion protection. DSI Is dedicated to the "advancement of the "State -of -the -Art" for rock and soil anchors and stands ready to support you during the design, planning and construction 'of your project. When questlons arise, contact your nearest DSI representative. One Source for Bar,and Strand Anchors DSI offers a complete line of THREADBARS' and muitistrand anchors designed for both temporary The DSi Advantage As a full service organization, DSI is prepared to ' supply design assistance and practical field know- how. This service can also be used -to optimize the design process by helping to select the anchor system best suited to meet specific project requirements. , The regional warehouse and fabricating centers strategically located throughout North America, coupled with an extensive network of local sales/service centers, provide prompt, reliable - response to customer needs, Most orders can be supplied from Inventory with short lead time,. To minimize site labor and to optimize quality con-' trol, a variety of shop prefabricating services are' available for both bar and strand anchors, In many cases the anchors can be delivered to the site ready for Immediate installation without the need for site assembly. The application of corrosion pro- tection grouting at the job site can also be mini- mized and, in many cases, completely eliminated, saving time and money, In some locations both supply and installation, Including drilling services, are available.for any size project. or permanent use, manufactured from materials best suited to meet the needs of your project. THREADBAM Anchors are available in 1" (26 mm), 1-1/4" (32mm),*and 1-3/e (36mm) nominal diame- ter, in lengths up to 60 feet (18.3 m) without cou- plers, with a guaranteed minimum ultimate tensile stress of 150 or 160 ksl (1034 or 1103 MPa)', Multlstrand Anchors manufactured from 0.6° dia. (15,2 mm) 270k (1861 -MPa) strand are available in sizes up to 61 strands, Larger anchors are avail- able but system components are not stocked. Rock Bolts and Soil Nails manufactured from ASTM A615 grade 60 are produced in sizes ranging from 46 up to, and including, #11 grade 75 bars. Special steels for high impact, seismic and low temperature applications can be made available on special order, _;;`µel,,-�,,; ,•,' �$ ! +kC OPUAATOTI.MWARM samgbraok (CNagaJ,IL� is DIVISION OINSION NEIOOUARARS• aFABRICATION CENTERS SALES,OFFICE Ailln&N TX BalikiM;MO TOckar(AlMKI8),GA saworo k1CMay):IL..... BallnOkrooklL ' •Bolin4brook IL �OCgaryTA M FaM.111 • F. .. NJ' •GraMunollon CO' '. • Long,Bnch'CA ' • •.Loos Bwclb CA ' • •' Jaboft,, Ph, ^•'AckMir(Alknlq, CA.". . ..... - TWIN (A&nWl•DA • ';••'Ufif0Nn(OwvaT),CO •.unwraf(RRfonro), ON_ ', .'• 6U�rA/11VV�aRCOWJ) "• BC NISNBoalun,NN 68rta�1(�arCffiaf; BC ... .. - r.Conwrd'acwgtol,ON,•. Orenga FZkA BnlaC�ara1CA'- 894100.1YA • Whatever your needs you can count on DSI for quality from start to finish. The dedication of our staff to quality and service will help you complete your project successfully and on time. I [1 1 t I I C I I 1 1 I I Applications Prestressed rock and soil anchors have become an important tool for the geotechnical engineer. Their safe -and reliable use in both permanent and temporary applications is accepted throughout the world. So#Anchors are pressure grouted anchors, "Installed in either cohesive or non -cohesive soil or loose rock. The anchors transfer forces Into the ''ground by means of a steel tendon and a well defined grout body. In the free stressing length the anchor remains free to move. Soli anchors are generally used to: -anchor support structures for excavations such as -sheet pile walls, soldier piles and lagging, drilled piles and slurry walls, -counteract uplift forces in structures subjected to buoyancy and -lateral loads. •trahsfer exte'rriaPfordes td`the ground; e.g„wind, . earthquake. •stabilize eccentrically loaded foundations.' • stabilize material or excavated slopes. DSI Rock Anchors are post -tensioned tendons installed in drilled holes for which at least the entire bond length is located in rock. The anchor force is trans- mitted to the rock by bond between the grout body and the rock. Rock anchors can remain unbonded in the free stressing length allowing the anchor to be checked and retensioned at any time. In such cases, adequate corrosion protection for the stressing anchorage and the free stressing length must be provided. On the other hand, the free stressing length can also be fully grouted after the anchor has been stressed, in which case force adjustment is no longer possible. Rock anchors are generally used to: •anchor external forces and uplift forces, -anchor retaining walls. -stabilize eccentrically loaded foundations, slopes, rock walls and cuts. *stabilize underground excavations and mines. *increase the stability of dams, it t 4i 'I��..:,,..J'n' i � �°: "r:` �t'4, 'J N•',�, �Nf )I.�, a'n'W ..itiS 1 rfi�l"•g�k {Y S 'F�'I .'. 1� f t 4 X�}- �i?�'4 f�iYi �"wk•^!1't<�}�.!",y4j 1K.t'i5<n+ttt v f)'vi+f {r•`` •L' 39 / Fri''�iiti 'o''f%•'�,�+1.J:'�, y ICYSZ'+`�rt4l"'n. �;54'.'r'SiP%tyl . i tfY`;1,.F fr ij iixr• RAG 1 �„ �. i.. i Fnn.•kr...,^t11 :.:��.Ll�bJ'rv.C�ustkle�r�4..o 4'AI v.��x''.,�1�y>. P _:}lt ..• ,ii�tr.r. '1r-�,,,y /f Of'.d:i+i^.i5iJ3;!'a'}'`��.�l:,yll�r.� iA, !, .. ::. �t�;lyiv��/''(i'%:il, toil V` ,1i,4,i,�•, fy:y,},•i}d, •, `y e,nf "4,,'.; ��'al; rp• �i£", �.r.>ftY ,. .:)'; it n •r�. y Kn Li " 'it �('��, ��..�• y� �� Yx�;�,eC� Q :..', �vl� ,�i'��� . • •:.• ;t v` ` t-:,t 1 •1.. ) k i% i. fjtAy%.:.. �i,��S'.��M.�,� ,� �� p �if �n S P r .�•f� �_,,SNi ��riciiunv 'ie.�� r5�y.i i•��F' Y���" tin „ �y.,,� ;� ��h',^..: �'F. 'tivN. `�, p{� {�. y�� i'..i.i7 ,.f(3}.r �mti, °+"p%til .'%v vG `:i.f �+r. 'ij•. ! .iR/AS :`r ;i Y e� � 5n:aiA'{.. !' S :'fi:l. �• r .1:�`. At- x �3�e�ln�{S'F�:e'12�i'e:��i •:Sa; F� 1 q, �YYr.I ! STEAMS . A RM"I'lERNAMPONAL Threadbar® Anchors 'The Dywidag Threadbar Rock and Soil Anchor System is manufactured In the United States and Canada exclusively by Dywidag.Systems International:' ! ! J F ! Simple and Rugged The threadbar has a'continuous rolled -on pattern of deformationsalong its entire length which allows anchorage hardware or couplers to thread onto the bar at any point. The coarse thread is almost inde- structible under normal job site conditions. Positive Anchorage The bar is anchored using a threaded•nut which, unlike a wedge type anchorage, Is,not liable to be loosened when the anchor force is reduced due to possible ground movements. In addition, the threaded nut anchorage has a known overload capacity, which cannot•be duplicated by a wedge type anchorage without the utilization of elaborate and expensive details. Easy to Stress The reliable and compact threaded nut anchorage ;has almost no anchor set. Its. hemispherical shape easily accommodates the small angular misalign- ments between bar and anchorage due to con- struction tolerances. Lightweight, durable equipment makes stressing, restressing and adjusting the anchor load up or down easy to do. Easy to Check'Actual-Prestress Load and Restress — The•threaded-designimakes it -possible -to -make a !lift off test and/or -adjust the anchor load at any time during the service life of the anchor. Corrosion pro- tection can be, maintained at all times. .! n ! Easy to Splice The continuous thread makes it possible to extend the threadbar to any length, simplifying transporta- tion and installation. Extending the bar beyond the stressing end to connect to another structural member is also a simple operation. DSI reserves the right to change the design or details of Its products Wlhout notice, specific information for lob details and drawings should be obtained from your DSI Sales Engineer. High Bond Strength The deformation pattern provides excellent bond between the bar and cement grout making it possible to reliably transfer anchor prestress load Into the grout without the need for additional mechanical devices. The narrow spacing of the deformations assures close crack spacing in the surrounding grout and therefore smaller crack widths which will not degrade the corrosion protection. Removable The threadbar can be removed after destressing the anchor by unscrewing the unbonded portion of the bar from a coupler or out of an embedded end anchorage. Bars with end anchors and sleeved within the bond length can be completely removed. This is especially important where temporary anchors are installed below adjacent properties and must be removed after use. Easy to install Because of their inherent stiffness and rugged- ness, threadbar anchors can be easily installed in any position, Including upward. It is particularly easy to install a bar anchor in a pre -grouted hole. Public school No. 48, New York City Board of Education, Manhattan. Permanent DCP anchors extended to support subsequent retaining wall, I Insurance Against Anchor Failure In cohesive and other poor soils, a proven and reliable DSI post -grouting system cambe used to increase the capacity of an anchor. The'use of this system can make the difference between an anchor that works and one that does not. Corrosion Protection Options A wide variety of corrosion protection options are available to choose from depending upon the ' ,expected length of service and the aggressiveness of, the environment, Unprotected Anchors -'Unprotected anchors are'used for temporary applications. The free stressing length is unpro- tected while the bond length is embedded in the cement grout body. Unprotected anchors may be subject to corrosion, However; the relatively large diameter and solid cross section of the Dywidag threadbar offers more corrosion resistance tOan smaller diameter high strength, prestressing steel elements with a larger surface area. Single Corrosion,Protected Anchors SCP Single corrosion protected anchors are used for temporary anchors and sometimes for permanent anchors in non -aggressive rock or soil. A polyethyl- ene sheathing covers the free stressing length. The threadbar,is,coated with a corrosion, inhibitor 'before the' polyethylene sheathing is installed. The bond length is covered with cement grout. DS/ Double Corrosion Protected Anchors'DCP Double corrosion protected anchors are recom- mended for anchors with a long service life and for an environment where aggressive materials or stray electrical currents are expected. A corrugated high strength PVC sheathing with plastic end caps is installed over the full length of the anchor. The annular space between threadbar and PVC is fully grouted before the anchor Is installed. To accommodate the bar elongation during stressing, a short length of threadbar is left free of the corrugated sheathing under thestress- ing anchorage. A steel pipe welded to the anchor plate and filled with corrosion preventive com- pound or grout protects -the free end of the bar against corrosion. A smooth plastic sheathing is installed over the corrugated sheathing in the stressing length. This allows the tendon to elongate during stressing. The corrugated plastic sheathing acts as a protec- tive membrane preventing intrusion of any corro- sive substances, The cement grout around the threadbar provides corrosion protection by embed- ding the bar in an alkaline environment. The threadbar deformations minimize the width and control the distribution of any cracks that develop In the free stressing length, fully maintaining the • protective action of the grout cover. A protective plastic or steel cap filled with a corro- sion preventative compound is installed over the anchor nut after stressing, completing the full --encapsulation-of the anchor -tendon. The cap,is--- removable for checking and/or adjusting the force level in the anchor tendon at any time in the future. Some important notes about the safe handling of high strength steel for prestfessing. 1. Do not damage surface of steel, 2. Do not weld or burn so that spark's or hot slag will touch any particle of steel which wjll be under stress. 3, Do not use any part of steel as a ground connection for welding, 4. Do not use steel that has'been kinked or contains a sharp bend. Disregarding these Instructions may cause failure of steel during stressing. -_ .-. ._ •Ye •. ._+. .�•y-, ;�yr.s , •r..a.�.,.�ti�..•ya2�a�., ,6 <l. .'c{.. r•..:t ± iL:FY4o,.� Pfi"cl E CL: Ca f"?rY.5 %l...`•:"sr"^c DYWIDAG Threadbar Anchors with Single Corrosion Protection BASIC TYPE VARIATIONS GROUTING FEW ANCHOR NUr - PLASTIC OR STEEL CAP «, AHCFIOR PLATE M011.0 ANGLE CONCRETE OR cMMATING STEEL SLFMT ' BEARING AID FOR STRESSM WEDGE WASHER ANCHORAGE SMOOTH PLASTIC ' MTHING . I COUW FOR 'FIXED COMER FOR REMOVABLE AN= OIFFIUT INSTALLATION col;amous -- - -- - — - — - -- — --- - — - -- - --- --- 7HiEAORAR - - -- �. 1 IELASTIC CENTRALIZER 7MADED am nu FOR POST -GROUTING OJiO 9 TIES FOR FOR CAM CENTRALIZER FOR SOIL ANCHORS SYSTEM FOR ROCK ANCHORS DRILL HOLES DRILL HOLES IN ROCK CHSIVE SOIL 6 i I DYWIDAG Threadhar Anchors with Double corrosion Protection �l J I I 1 I Cl BASIC TYPE VARIATIONS GROUTING lour ' ANM NUT PLASTIC OR STEEL CAP � ATIM PLATE 1 �.. CORROSION CMIATIVE OWOOU THiEADBAR ANGLE COWMAHNG WEAGE sHER�ANCHORAfE CONCRETE OR STEEL SLPPOHT CEA�M fa29UT �; PIASA.STIC =7 ffATHRTG SPUCE IN ME PACO CORRUGATED STRESSING LENGTH OR On LENGTH PVC SHEATHING OROUT CAP ELASTIC CENTIMUM DRILL CASED MIS SEi WAL arIMA N ROOCK FLIM TWE FOR SOIL ANCtIo@s POST-MMING WIVE-SOIL'�HCR3 t4W 7LEE FOR I I I I 1 1 1 STEMS WTERKUHONAL DYWIDAG, Bar Rock and Soil Anchors Prestressing Steel Properties - ASTM A722 Anchor -- Size Ultimate Stress k Crass Section Area Ultimate Strength (fan A,.) Prasirassing Force Nomlmal Weight (bar only) Maximum Bar Diameter 0.80 & Ara 0.70 fm AM 0.001w An In mm kst . We in' mmt kips kN • kips I kN kips kN kips kN pit kp/m In mm 150 1030 0.85 548• 127.5 567 102.0 454. 89.3 ' 397 76.5 340 3.01 4.48 120 30.5 1 26 160"' f100 0.85 548• .135.0 605 108.8 485 952 423 81.6 363 3.01 4.4B 1.20 30.5 11h 32 150 1036 1.25 806 f187.5 834 150.0 662 131.3 584 112.5 500 1 4.39 6.54 1.46 37.1 180" 1100 1.25 808 707 140.0 623 120.0 534 4.39 6,54 1.46 37.1 150 1030 1.58 •1018 189.6 839 165.9 738 142.2 633 5.56 828 1.63 41.4 1'/e 36 160" 11Q0 1.58 1018 C200.O890160.9 202.3 899 177.0 .787 151.7 675 5.56 8.28 1.63 41.4 1'h 40 150 1030 2.62 1690. 320 1423 280 -1245 240 1068 9.23 13.74 2.00 51,0 Steel Stress Levels Dywldag Bars may be stressed to the allowable limits ofACi 318. The maximum jacking stress (temporary) may not exceed 0,80 fpa, and the transfer stress (lock - off) may notsxceed 0.70 fpu. The final effective (working) prestress level depends on the specific applicatiori, installatlon procedure, stressing sequence and the rigidity of the structural system. In the absence of a detailed analysis of the Hardware Dimensions -Avallabla on opodal ardor. structurat system, 0.60 fpa may be used as an approxi- mation of the effective (working) prestress level.. Dywidag Bars maybe used individually or in multiples depending upon the magnitude of force requirements or upon drilling considerations. Actual IoSs calculations -require structural design Infor- mation not normally present on contract documents. Bar in mm In mm In mm • In Diameter' 1 26 1114 32 1'/4 35 1'A Anchor Plate Size 5x5xl.25 4x6,5xl.25 - 130x130x32 100x165x32 Wx1.50 5x8x1.5 160x160x38 f30x200x3B 7x7,5x1.75 TxUxl.76 189X190x25A 130MU45 Wx-2.26 rNutExtenslon a 1.675 50.0 2.5 .5 2.75 70 2.875 t Min, Bar Protection --b 3 ' 78.2 3.5 88,9 4.00 100 3.625 Coupler Length o 6.5 140 6.76 170 8.625 220 8.76 Coupler Dlameler d 2 00.0 2.376 60.325 2.625 67 3.125 a 1--- b COUPLER arrrrrrrr� Minimum Anchor Diameter Corrosion ProleFllon Nominal Bar Diameter Without 81nD1$ 1 Double Without Coupler With Coupler Without' Coupler With Coupler Without: I Coupler With Coupler in mm In mm M mm In mm In mm In mm In mm 1 26 120 30.5 2,000 50.00 1.625 41.28 2,125 53.98 2.375 60.33 2,500 63.60 1'/4 32 1.48 $7.1 2.376 00.00 1,875 47.63 2.600 63,50 2,076 73.03 3.125 79.38 1% 36 1.63 41.4 2.750 67.00 2,000 60.80 2,875 73.03 2,875 73.03 3.125 79.38 •11h 46• 2 60.8 3.125 79.38 2.5 63.5 3.25 82.55 3.5 88.9 4.125 105 8 2 I 71 F 1 I 1 1 1 1 J P 1 DYWIDAG Anchor Design The spacing, inclination, length and the load applied of each anchor depend on the local soil or rock conditions. The available drilling equipment and the structural capacity of the other support ele- ments, such as wales, lagging or a concrete retain- ing wall, may dictate the capacity and configuration) of anchors. A factor of safety of 1.5 to 2.5 should be utilized in anchor design. For rock anchors, the shear stress on the rock socket perimeter is used to size the bond length. For soil anchors, the bond length is generally assumed Qn the basis of experience and site test- ing. Field testing should always be conducted to verify design assumptions. Pull out tests verify that the bond capacity of the threadbar in grout exceeds the recommendations of ACI 318. The threadbar grout interface does not control the bond length. Bond in cohesive soils can be considerably Increased using the Dywidag Postgrouting System. The stressing length depends on the assumed fail- ure plane and/or the size of the rock or soil mass necessary to resist the anchor force. A minimum stressing length of 15 ft. is recommended, -so that small movements in the retaining system will not result iri a major loss of prestress force. Dywidag Anchor Installation Selection of the drilling method depends on the number of anchors, the composition of the soil or rock, availability of equipment and the required diameter. of, the hole. The selection of the tools and techniques should be left to the discretion of the. drilling contractor where practical. The depth of the bore hole should be, based on site tests. The diameter of the bore hole should exceed the maximum diameter of the anchor by at least 1 K. if centering devices are used, larger• holes are required. Grouting For rock anchors, bore holes should be pressure.. tested to determine water leakage before the anchors are installed. Consolidation grouting, redrilling and retesting are required where water seepage is excessive. After the anchor is Installed in the bore hole, the bond length is grouted. Rock anchors and anchors in cohesive soils are generally grouted without pressure. Soil anchors in loose granular material are pressure grouted while the drill casing or auger is withdrawn. Dywidag Postgrouting may be used for the installa- tion of anchors in cohesive soils and non -cohesive soils. This technique permits additional grouting operations after the primary grout has cured. Using a series of valves in a prepiaced grout pipe, grout can repeatedly be injected under high pressure. Regrouting displaces the previously injected grout and Increases the anchor capacity. . Stressing In stressing, an electrically powered hydraulic jack with built-in socket wrench llghtens the anchor nut. The Jack fits ;• over a pull rod designed to thread onto the threadbar extension protruding from the anchor nut. Elongation of the anchor can be measured directly or can be moni- tored by a counter on the jack. Hydraulic pressure is measured by a gauge on the hydraulic pump. Discrepancies of more than. 10% between elonga- tion and gauge reading should be Investigated. Lift off readings should be taken to determine the applied prestress force. Movement of the structural system must be considered. Testing Prior to the installation of any production anchors, test anchors should be installed'to verify all design assumptions, including anchor length. Test anchors should be proof stressed to 80% of the guaranteed ultimate strength of the Dywidag Threadbar. After 24 or more hours, readings may be required on selected anchors to determine creep behavior. All production anchors should also be proof stressed but the load need not be held for an extended period. IJ ' DYWIDAG Multistrand Anchors r 1 11 I� I� I I I I DSI's Multistrand Rock and Soil Anchor System is based on the proven prestressing technology of the Dywidag Post -Tensioning System and decades of experience in anchor technology. The system is extremely versatile and can be adapted to meet almost any project requirement. Large Forces Although there is no theoretical limit to the capacity of a multistrand anchor, practical considerations such as drill hole size and the availability of mater- ial handling equipment limit the size of an anchor to 61-0.6" (15,2mm) dia, strands. Larger anchors can be manufactured but the practicality and eco- nomics of their use should be thoroughly evaluated before they are incorporated into a design. Very large anchors should be avoided in order to assure a satisfactory force redistribution in case of an anchor failure. Long Lengths No theoretical length limit exists, however, practical drilling and material handling considerations must be considered.'For shop fabrication, the practical limit is dictated by total anchor weight. Small Bending Radius Strand anchors can easily be coiled to fit on a flat bed truck and are well suited for installation where work space is limited. Corrosion Protection Options - A wide variety of corrosion protection options are available to choose from, depending upon the expected length of service and the aggressiveness of the environment, Single Corrosion Protection (SCP) (Type A) SOP Anchors are used for temporary applications and sometimes for permanent applications in non - aggressive environments. In the bond length, cement grout covers the bare strand. The protec- tion in the free stressing length depends upon whether single stage or two stage grouting is used. For single stage grouting, the free stressing length of each strand is coated with a layer of corrosion preventative grease over which is extruded a tough seamless layer of polyethylene. Grease never 10 comes in contact with the grout in the free stress- ing length so the bond strength is not affected. For two stage grouting, the grease and PE coating can be omitted. DSI does not recommend the use of bare strand in the free stressing length where the free stressing length remains uhgrouted. Double Corrosion Protection DCP.(Type E) DCP Anchors are used for permanent applications in aggressive or uncertain environments. The strand bundle in the bond length Is grouted Into a corru- gated PE or PVC duct while the individual strands in the free stressing length are greased and sheathed in polyethylene. Quality control.may be enhanced by pregrouting the bond length under factory conditions. Drill hole size and cost are significantly influenced by the clearance required by the outer PE duct. Stewart Mountain Dam, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Permanent anchors consisting of 22 and 28 epoxy coated strands. . 1 I n Ll J 1 1 I I 1 Double Corrosion Protection DCP (Type C) Corrosion protection for the anchor tendon can be Improved by extending the outer corrugated PE or PVC duct over the free stressing length. In this case, pregrouting of the anchor inside the plastic duct is not recommended because of difficulties which might be encountered during transportation and placing. Double Corrosion Protection DCP (type D) The ideal protection for strand anchors is one in which the strand is totally and permanently pro- tected from the time of manufacture throughout its life. Such protection is provided by epoxy coating the individual strands both externally and Internally. Flo -bond Flo -file is a rugged, thermally bonded polymer coating that offers maximum corrosion protection, with a bond strength that exceeds that of bare strand. When two stage grouting Is used, no additional corrosion protection is required even In applications where the free stressing length will remain ungrouted for an extended period of time. The Dywidag wedge anchor -for epoxy coated strand bites through the coating Into the strand, developing 100% of its nominal ultimate tensile strength, Corrosion protection provided by the epoxy is not cgmpromised by the wedge. Although the cost of epoxy coated strand is higher than bare strand, the total cost of the Installed anchor is reduced by eliminating the outer corru- - gated plastic duct. This makes it possible to mini- mize the drill hole size, thereby reducing the cost of drilling and grouting. Double Corrosion Protectlon'DCP (Type E) For anchors •in which single stage grouting Is •desirable, the free stressing length of epoxy coat- ed strand anchors can be coated with a lubricat- ing grease and encased in a seamless extruded PE sheath. Multistrand Prestressing Steel Properties - ASTM A416 Anchor Size Nominal Cross Section Area Nominal Weight (bare strand) Ultimate Strength (Fru Are) Prestressing Force 0.80 Fru Apo 0.70 FPu Apo 0.60 FPu Ara In' mm' pit kg/m kipsP782 kips kN kips kN kips kN 3 -0.6 0.65 420 2.20 3.27 175.8 140.6 625 123.0 547 105.5 489 4 -0t 0.87 560 3.00 4.46 234.4 187.E 834 164.1 730 140.6 626 5 -0.8 1.09 700 9.70 5.51 293.0 • 234.4 1,043 205.1 912 175.8 782 8 -0.8 1.30 840 4.4q 6.55 361.6 281.3 1,251 240.1 1,b95 211.0 938 7 -0.6 1.62 1 980 6.20 7.74 4102 1,625 326.2 1,460 1 2BT2 1,277 248,2 1,095 8 -0.6 1.74 ' 1,120 5.90 8.78 468.8 2,085 375.0 1.688 328.1 1,400 281.3 1,251 9 -0.6 1.95 1,260 6.70 9.97 627.4 2,346 421.9 1,877 369.2 1,642 •316.4 1,408 12 -0.6 2.60 1,680 8.90 13.24 703.2 3,128 562.6 2,603 492.3 2,190 422.0 1,877 16 -0.6 3.26 2,100 11.10 16.62 879.0 3,910 703.2 3,128 616.3 2,737 627.4 2,346 19 -0.8 4.12 2,660 14.10 20.98 1,113.4 4,963 890,7 3,962• 779.4 3,467 , 668.0 2,912 27 -0.6 6.86 3,780 20.00 29.76 1,582,2• 7,038 1,265.8 5,e31 1,107.6 4,927 949.4 4,223 37 -0.6 8.03 6,180 27.40 40.78 2,169.2 9,645 1,734.6 7,716 1,617.8 6,751 1,301.0 5.787 46 -0.6 10.41 6,720 35.to 62.83 2,812.8 12,512 2,250.2 10,009 1,968.9 8,758 1,687.7 7,607 54 -0,6 1112 7,560 39.90 59.38 3,164.4 14,076 2,531.5 11,261 2,215.1 9,863 1,898.6 4,446 61 -0.6 13.24 8,540 45.10 67.12 3,574.6 15,901 2,859.7 12,721 2,802.2 11,131 2,144.8 9,540 11 1 BYISYTIIEEn 1 wwimr. Multistrand Anchors Types (Corrosion Protection Options) 1 kF 1 { 1\� �� GR UT' TUBE GREASE & PE i { SHEATHING SHEATHING PE 'PE ORGPVC DUCT I N 1\fir BARE STRAND �\ {PRE -GROUTING �\IN OPTIONAL] 1 N. ��% CENTRALIZING \ `/ CENTRALIZERS SPACERS PROVIDE 1/2NN PROVIDE 1/2' OF GROUTNN OF GROUT , COVER , COVER N A (S C ' SCP DCP DCP SINGLE STAGG SINGLE STAGE SINGLE STAGE 1 12 1 Stressing Anchorages ' The prestressing force in each strand is mainta)nd by individual 3-part wedges. The wedge segments grip the strand by means of tooth shaped threads 'which are forced Into the surface of the strand wires as the wedge is drawn Into the wedge hole. Unless provisions are made to allow the wedge to 'move further Into the wedge hole (reduced friction force F) in response to Increases in the strand force V, the wedge teeth will fail in bending and shear resulting in strand slips and anchor failure. For this reason 081 recommends that wedges for. strand anchors, in which the free stressing length remains unbonded, be.seated at the highest possi- ble force (0,8 fpu), Subsequent adjustment in anchor force should be made by adding or removing shims. Using this technique the wedge teeth will remain securely embedded in the strand. This is particu- larly important in applications where anchor load is r likely to increase with time due to superposition of external loads or seismic activity. ' ... •S : :4i ^1t..rr1�Y:lrcp_•;:4<. • . fi �Yk; hl,l• in7.+i.1 "' .t,+ rT,'i`�t'� ",aa l,',f 6i.,..n„.�iw �; ✓;N'r _ .!<v�a.eNyt>.K:!. »n.4,•'ivr•.(. `,, t•vs�t.. .F;:i<l•.�{�•,iri max. h c .!' ,i. ll.•'iy 'U' Y5 6, 4 Tl r'J•li • .rr, •' •rt + P .>rn . • fir. �,>... -r. �; , i. "'.N: ,pie y�lrPm Nv. 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N-.. { �,..:"t• ,tw,rv+ -: ad,M .:".•i.'.,ti'„iL;'v,`.�.ui�"•r,,:t,y�h�'••�o.�il.'�."$�•.,.,3!+t.le�-'Yn�i;;ci:_.:.+`:+�••S`<"J J 1t %M1; ,Ye.,M,�,i f (,(^ .µ i:.. rt'' iti,%'44;5;i�Y'+{'i5:�;:rtlSti;. �:,Yn):%=yciK`�',�r,-,•'S `:�,a;??.`; •Tcy`:.; cr S`.:-?cninq.:.N•7 n. w,•:;u SYSTEMS A, B, 8 C ANCHORAGE SIZE 4-0.6- 6-0.6- 8-0.8- 11-0.6- 14-0.6- 18-0.6- 25-0.6- 34-0.6- 54-0.8- WEDGE PLATE OA 4.50/114,3 5.3WIS0.7 6251168.8 7,00/177,8 8.00/203.2 8.75/222.3 10.50/266.711.50/292.114.001365.6 B 1.80/46.7 220/56.0 2.38160.5 270/68,6 3A2179.2 3.62191.9. 4.62/114.8 4.62/117.3 BA142.7 C x C 825/209.6 10.00/214.0 12.00/304,8 13.501342.9 16,50/393.7 18,00/4572 21.00/533.4 25:00/635.0 30.001762.0 BEARING PLATE 0 1,19/302 1,38/35,1 1.60/38:1 1.75/44.5 2.00150.8 2,38/60.5 2.75/69.9 3650/68.9 4.0Q/101,6 0E 3.30/83.8 4,00/101.6 4.iIM21.9 5.40/137.2 6:20/157.5 6.62/168.1 735/196.9 8,75I222.3 11.2.W85.8 TRUMPET L(MIN•) 14.01355.E 18,0/406,4 20.0/508.0 23.0/584.2 28,0/660.4 '28,0r111,2 34.0/863.0 40.0/1018,0 44,0/1117.8 SYSTEMS D S: E ANCHORAGE SIZE 4-0,6- 8-0.6- 11-0.6- 14-0,6- 25-0,6- 34-0,8- 5470,6. OA 5.00/127.0 7.00/177.8 8.00/203.2 9.001228.6 12.00/304.8 13.00/330.2 16.001406.4 WEDGE PLATE 8 2.38/60.5 2.38/60.5 2,75169.9 3.12/79.2 4.52/114.8 4.62A17.3 5.62042.7 OX0 8.50/216.9 12,50/317.5 14.00/355.0 18,00/406.4 22.001448.8 25.001635.0 30.00002.0 BEARING PLATE D 1,25/3118 1.50/38A 1.75/4465 1,88/47.8 2.76/69.9 3.50/88.9 4.00/101.6 OE 4.00/101.6 5.191131.8 6.00/152.4 6.76/171.5 10,12i257.010.25/260.413.00/330.2 TRUMPET L(MIN,) 17.0/431,8 23.01584,2 1 27,0/6B568 29.0/7.36.6 37.0/939,8 143.0/1092.2 47.OJ11A3.8 NOTE: Bearing ode design based on A36 steel loaded to 95% of guts 14 DIMENSIONS: Inch/mm DSI TRUMPET -CORRUGATED PE OR PVC DUCT (PRE -GROUTING ]FREE OPTIONAL) §411�. STRESSING GIST ROUTTUBE�EPDXY COATED LENGTI9 -GREASE & PE y �. �. GREASE6 PE SHEATHING �� *�� ' SHEATHED \ STRANDCOATED \ . 2ND STAGE \� GROUT TUBE �EPDXY COATED L STRAND -CENTRALIZERS / / CENTRALIZING CENTRALIZING BOND PROVIDE OUT /2. ` SPACERS / SPACERS LENGTH COVER PROVIDE 1/2' PROVIDE 1/2' COVEROF O� COVER OF UT D E ANCHOR TYPE DCP DCP CORROSION PROTECTION TWO STAGE SINGLE STAGE GROUTING 13 11 I ' Uncoiler ' For projects where anchor placement by overhead crane is impractical, DSI can provide a hydraulic powered uncoller. A unique feature of the Dywidag Uncoiler is the adjustable hub which simplifies the ' process of placing the anchor in the uncoller. If necessary, the uncoiler can be used to remove the anchor from the drill hole. Use of the uncoller, both ' in installation and/or removal, will reduce the risk of damage to the tendon. PJ IJ I DS17.5 Ton Uncoller Stressing For installation and stressing efficiency, most DYWIDAG jacks for multi -strand anchors are equipped with internal strand guide tubes with automatic strand gripping and releasing devices. These features make jack installation a fast, one- step operation with small wedge seating loss. Far safety, all jacks feature a check valve which holds the pressure in the unlikely event of hydraulic failure, For reliability, the jacks are equipped with special devices for power seating all wedges simultaneously. Jacks also allow bleed -back to achieve full utilization of the maximum allowable stresses in.the anchor, A hydraulic connection and a pressure gauge are provided for all tensioning jacks. The hydraulic pumps used in conjunction with the jacks can be operated by remote control.. Jack chairs are provided where wedge plate lift off during anchor testing is antisipated. Is Restressable Systems Rams for Anchor Stressing NOTE: Detailed operating and safety Instructions are provided with all stressing unite, Read and understand these Instructions before operating equipment. .. �2t1Vp.0'.'rEN40N0': 311 MAX DS/ ,JI u.'r tizo�f . O ttlOW TENM4N5 �TEN&YMPPs00MM - " a6.19%1:6'iE11gOM4-20-0y0.0.7Et81aM6 '.�: � NORCCA1NSe0TONN -: ,79a1TON ' DYWII ar-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL n 1 I 1 1 1 1 Spacers The purpose of a spacer is to help insure that grout surrounds each strand for corrosion pro- tection and for bond strength development. Designers should specify the desired distance between spacers (typically 7' —101. Centralizers Centralizers are placed over the assembled strand bundle in order to maintain the required spacing between the anchor and the bore hole so that an adequate thickness of grout (mink mum 0,5') surrounds the anchor. A wide variety of centralizers are available depending upon the anchor type Typical spacers and centralizers. DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, USA INC. Corporate Headquarters South Central Division Pvco North Centel Division 320 Mammon Drive 1801 North Drive Arlington, TX 7y0001 Bolingbrook, IL60440 Tel (81 485.3333 Fax 465.3889 Foax((850) 87-110 7 (017) Western Division East Division 2164 South Street 'North 15 Industrial Road Fairfield NJ 07004 Long -Beach, CA 90805 Tel $6911 631.6181 f Fax 631-2667 is Fax((973) 26.9222 9292 South East Division America Division Latin6Road ifi Industrial Road ' 4732 Stone Drive Tucker, I � FairfieldNJNJ 07004' Tel (9 276.0249 )Q)491-3790 3) Fax (770) 938.1219 Visit Our Wdreits: E.mall: www.dywideg-systeme.com dsiemerk:e@dslemeries.com Occoquan Dam, Fairfax County Water Authority. Permanent tie down anchors 40-54 epoxy coated strands. Los Angeles Public Library. Permanent tle backs using epoxy coated strand. DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, CANADA LTD. Eastern Division 85 Bowes Road, Unit X5 Concord, ON L4K 1 H5 Tel (905 8694962 Fax(90 889.2148 Western Division 10433 961h Avenue, Ste. 103 Surrey, )8)C V4N 4C4 Feaix((604)88 8 5008 DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, ASiA-PACIFIC Cc rate Headquarters 25 Padllo Hlghway� Bennetts preen, NSW 2290 Australia Tel 4612 4948 9D99 Fax+612 4948 4087 iZW2M