HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW040180_Attachment - applicant information sheetPa 67 6' --2> —3 COUNTY OF ORANGE/PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES APPLICANT'S INFORMATION SHEET FOR A BUILDING/GRADING PERMIT Applicant must legibly PRINT in all of the known indicated information. PERMIT NUMBER: n WrIT f /,r �C- BUILDING ADDRESS OF PR Number Street General Area LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SITE: 6 Tract Bioek Lot (it metes & bounds then you must provide a recorded copy of the Grant Deed.} ASSESSOR'S PARCEL (AP) NO. ZONE NEAREST CROSS STREETS: _ OWNERIBUSINESS NAME: 1 OWNER'S PRESENT ADDRESS: street I / Number 1 Zip Phone No. C; ' General Area of County/City SPECIAL PERMIT NUMBER'. use Permivsite PlanNariance PROPOSED USE OF STRUCTURE: This must be clearly spelled out in detail as to exactly what is the intended use. The terms "OFFICE" or "COMMERCIAL BUILDING' are NOT sufficient to determine ii the proposed use meets the Zoning District Regulations, Occupancy Group, or if the TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION will permit the STRUCTURE SIZE SQUARE FEET: GARAGE SIZE SQUARE FEET: CONTRACTOR:4 } Number Strew. — workers Comp ARCHITECT-.. ENGINEER: Name Total 1 st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Flc SIZE SQUARE FEET -- - License Number Glass cation ne 1 1 -- C�r3-. �L S (' Area/CitY Phorfe No. Policy Number Date of Expiration 1 1 / Li Number Sweet Are" _ Phone NO. S T ru/ f t5 Lic No. Number Street Area/City Phone No. ' f CONTACT PERSON: I�-- S AFFILIATION: 5� S PHONE #,r3—C ca. j E-MAIL, FAX 0 APPLICABLE TO GRADING ONLY SOIL ENGR: 1 1 Name Lic, No. Number Street 1 Area/City 1 Phone No, ENGR. GEOL: r 1 I I Name Lie. No. Number Street ArealCfty Phone No. CALIOSHA REQUiREMENTSfCHECK APPLICABLE BOX: 0 1 am the owner -builder and exempt from state permit requirements/0 I acknowledge that I must submit proof of issuance of CALIOSHA permit for the projectl 0 The project does not require a CAL/OSHA permit, based upon the criteria on the reverse side of this sheet. I hereby certify that to the of my. wtaidgethe-information supplied on this information sheet is truand correct. DATE SIGNATURE: I . c.- - ° e't roperty Owner Authorized Agent '� SEE OTHER SIDE