HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 - Planning Commission Agenda and Action Report for April 18, 2024Q SEW Pp�T CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report April 23, 2024 Agenda Item No. 11 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Seimone Jurjis, Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director - 949-644-3232, sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Jaime Murillo, Acting Deputy Community Development Director, 0murillo newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3209 TITLE: Planning Commission Agenda Report for April 18, 2024 CONSENT ITEMS: ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2024 SUMMARY: Draft minutes from the March 7, 2024, meeting of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission considered the draft minutes with suggested edits to the minutes. The minutes were approved by the following vote. AYES: Ellmore, Langford, Lowrey, and Salene NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Barto, Harris, and Rosene ACTION: Approved as amended PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: ITEM NO. 2 THE RESIDENCES AT AIRPORT VILLAGE (PA2023-0223) Site Location: 4504, 4570, 4600, and 4630 Campus Drive, 4525, 4533, and 4647 MacArthur Boulevard, and 4515 Birch Street SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting approval for the demolition of seven commercial buildings and surface parking and the construction of 444 for -rent residential units atop an 806- space parking structure (Project). The following approvals are requested to implement the project as proposed: • Maior Site Development Review (SDR): An SDR in accordance with the Newport Airport Village Planned Community (PC-60) and Section 20.52.80 (Site Development Reviews) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), for the construction of the Project; ACTION ITEM NO. 3 Planning Commission Agenda Report for April 18, 2024 April 23, 2024 Page 2 Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (AHIP): A plan specifying how the Project would meet the City's affordable housing requirements, in exchange for a request of 35% increase in density. The applicant seeks two development standard waivers related to the overall residential project density range and private open space for each residential unit, and a development concession related to the mix of affordable units pursuant to Chapter 20.32 (Density Bonus) of the NBMC and Government Code Section 65915 (Density Bonus Law); and Tentative Parcel Map: A tentative parcel map to consolidate five lots into one 6.44- gross acre (6.16-net acre) parcel, pursuant to Chapter 19.12 (Tentative Map Review) of the NBMC. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, considered public input, and approved the project by the following vote: AYES: Barto, Ellmore, Langford, Rosene, and Salene NOES: None ABSENT: None RECUSED: Harris and Lowrey Approved as recommended HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AMENDMENTS (PA2022-0245) Site Locations: Citywide SUMMARY: To implement the 6tn Cycle Element for the 2021-2029 planning period, the Planning Commission is being asked to consider a recommendation to the City Council for the amendments and actions described below, which must take effect by the statutory deadline of February 2025: General Plan Amendment. To revise the necessary goals and/or policies within the City's Land Use Element to support housing production in the focus areas identified by the Housing Element; Amendments to Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. To implement the Land Use Element's policy changes by allowing housing development as an opportunity and establishing appropriate development standards create objective design and development standards for multi -unit residential and mixed -use development projects; and Local Coastal Program Amendment. To revise and create new policies within the City's Coastal Land Use Plan and to update Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) to support housing production in the focus areas identified by the 6tn Cycle Housing Element and within the Coastal Zone. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, considered public input, and approved a recommendation to City Council to approve the Program Environmental Impact Report SCH No. 2023060699, including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and the Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments by following vote: AYES: Barto, Ellmore, Harris, Lowrey, and Salene NOES: None ABSENT: None RECUSED: Langford and Rosene ACTION: Approved as recommended 11-2 April 17, 2024 2024 NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (CDD) TENTATIVE PROJECT MEETING SCHEDULE` April 17 General Plan Update Steering Committee GPUSC Meeting (Cancelled) April 18 Planning Commission 1. Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments (PA2022-0245) — Ben/Jaime Citywide 2. Newport Airport Village Apartments (PA2023-0223) — Jenny District 3 April 23 City Council 1. 2nd Reading, Residences at 1400 Bristol (PA2022-0296) — Liz District 3 2. 2nd Reading, Residences at 1401 Quail (PA2023-0040) — David District 3 3. CDBG FY24/25 Action Plan — Lauren Citywide 4. Appeal- OC Sanitation District Pump Station at 250 E Coast Hwy (PA2023-0076) — District 4 David April 23 GPAC Arts and Culture/Historic Resources Subcommittee — Liz Citywide April 25 Zoning Administrator 1. McBride Condos TMP/CDP at 318 Iris Ave (PA2024-0044) - Jerry District 6 2. Bean Residence CDP at 2632 Circle Drive (F. ?023-0234) - Laura District 2 3. Foretti's LTP/CDP at 2929 Coast Highway East (PA2023-0231) — Laurel/Sagecrest District 6 May 1 General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Meeting May 9 Planning Commission 1. Residences at 1600 Dove (PA2022-0297) - Liz District 3 2. Tracy Residence Variance at 1020 White Sails PA2023-0200 - Jenny District 6 May 14 City Council 1. License Agreement with Aqua Superpower at Marina Park - Lauren District 1 May 15 General Plan Update Steering Committee (GPUSC) Meeting May 16 Zoning Administrator 1. Whitaker Residence CDP at 55 Saratoga (PA2024-0043) - Danny District 4 2. 506 Capital Group Residence TPM at 506 Avocado (PA2023-0201) - Danny District 6 3. Porteous Residences Tentative Parcel Map & CDP (PA2024-0012) - Laura District 6 District 2 4. Doggie Daycare MUP at 1555-1559 Placentia (PA2023-0248) - Jerry May 16 Airport Land Use Commission 1. Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments PA2022-0245 — Ben/Jaime Citywide May 23 Planning Commission 1. Fletcher Jones Airport Shuttle Relocation to 20071 Birch St (PA2023-0172) — Joselyn District 3 2. (Consent) Smith Family Trust Encroachment at 3015 Cliff Drive (PA2024-0045) — Keely District 2 3. (Consent) Pettey Family Trust Encroachment at 521 Larkspur Ave (PA2024-0067) — Keely District 6 May 28 City Council 1. Notice of Intent to Override ALUC- Housing Element Implementation Program Citywide Amendments (PA2022-0245) — Ben/Jaime (If Needed) May 30 Zoning Administrator 1. Tanar's Tobacco MUP at 2233 Balboa Blvd - PA2023-0032 - Jenny District 1 June 6 Planning Commission - June 11 City Council June 13 Zoning Administrator June 20 Planning Commission - June 25 City Council - The tentative schedule is a tool to assist the preparation of future agendas. It does not provide a complete description of projects and it does not list all projects currently under review that could be scheduled. The tentative schedule changes without notice. 11-3 April 17, 2024 June 27 Zoning Administrator - July 9 City Council July 11 Zoning Administrator July 18 Planninq Commission July 23 City Council 1. Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments PA2022-0245 — Ben/Jaime Citywide July 25 Zoning Administrator Director or ZA Level Actions None this week - CDP Waivers None this week - TBD Items 1. Wireless Facilities in public right-of-way, ordinance update — Ben/OCA 2. Cappy's Cafe CDP/MUP at 5930 W Coast Hwy (PA2023-0191) — Jenny 3. Snow Residence Condominiums TPM/CDP/Conversion at 400 40'h (PA2023-0147) — Jerry 4. Study Session, Development Impact Fee Study (PA2021-127) — Liz 5. Density Bonus LCP Amendment (PA2020-032) — Jaime Citywide District 1 District 1 Citywide Citywide Pending Coastal Commission 1. Small Cell Telecom Appeal at 38t" Street and Lake Ave appeal (PA2019-113) — Ben 2. Coastal Act §30613 CDP jurisdiction change (PA2022-111) — Jaime/Dudek 3. 2022 LCPA #3 —Nonconforming uses and structures amendment — Jaime/Joselyn 4. 2023 LCPA #1 - ADU ordinance amendment, Bay Island amendment, Hanna land use change — Jaime/Chelsea/David 5. 2023 LCPA #2 - Commercial Parking, VE Special Flood Hazard Overlay — Ben/Liz 6. 2024 LCPA #1 — Short Term Lodging, NB Tennis & Pickleball Club, MC Clean Up — Jaime/David 7. Dawson Residence CDP Appeal at 2741 Ocean Blvd (PA2022-0315) — David 8. Mooring Field C Optimization Pilot Project — Paul Blank/Dudek District 1 Coastal Coastal Coastal Coastal Coastal District 6 District 1 Planner Contact Information Seimone Jurjis, Assistant CM/CDD Director 949-644-3282 slurlis(a_newportbeachca.gov Jaime Murillo, Acting Deputy CDD Director 949-644-3209 imurillo a newportbeachca.gov Jerry Arregui, Planning Technician 949-644-3249 larrequi(o)newportbeachca.gov Art Bashmakian, Contract Planner 949-644-3238 abash makian(a�newportbeachca.gov Chelsea Crager, Senior Planner 949-644-3227 ccrager(a)newportbeachca.gov Danny Kopshever, Assistant Planner 949-644-3235 dkopshever(g)newportbeachca.gov David Lee, Senior Planner 949-644-3225 dlee(a newportbeachca.gov Oscar Orozco, Assistant Planner 949-644-3216 oorozco(o)newportbeachca.gov Joselyn Perez, Associate Planner 949-644-3312 iperez(a�newportbeachca.gov Laura Rodrigez, Planning Technician 949-644-3216 Irod riguez(a)newportbeachca.gov Jenny Tran, Assistant Planner 949-644-3212 itran(o)newportbeachca.gov Rosalinh Ung, Principal Planner (PT) 949-644-3208 rungnewportbeachca.gov Liz Westmoreland, Senior Planner 949-644-3234 Iwestmoreland(a.newportbeachca.gov Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner 949-644-3221 mwhelan(a�newportbeachca.gov Ben Zdeba, Principal Planner 949-644-3253 bzdeba(a.newportbeachca.gov Lauren Wood ing-Whitlinger, Real Property Administrator 949-644-3236 Iwooding(a�newportbeachca.gov Dan Campagnolo, Systems Administration Manager 949-644-3231 dcampagnolo(a)newportbeachca.gov Tonee Thai, Deputy CDD Director & Building Official 949-718-1867 tthai(a newportbeachca.goy Brad Sommers, City Traffic Engineer 949-644-3326 bsommers(a.newportbeachca.gov 11-4 April 23, 2024 Agenda Item No. 11 NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS — 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are invited on non -agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, please state your name for the record and print your name on the blue forms provided at the podium. V. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCES VI. CONSENT ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve and file VII. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes on all items. Before speaking, please state your name for the record and print your name on the blue forms provided at the podium. If in the future, you wish to challenge in court any of the matters on this agenda for which a public hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to raising only those issues, which you (or someone else) raised orally at the public hearing or in written correspondence received by the City at or before the hearing. ITEM NO. 2 THE RESIDENCES AT AIRPORT VILLAGE (PA2023-0223) Site Location: 4540, 4570, 4600, and 4630 Campus Drive, and 4525, 4533, and 4647 MacArthur Boulevard Summary: The applicant is requesting approval for the demolition of seven commercial buildings and surface parking and the construction of 444 for -rent residential units atop an 806-space parking structure (Project). The following approvals are requested to implement the project as proposed: • Major Site Development Review (SDR): An SDR in accordance with the Newport Airport Village Planned Community (PC-60) and Section 20.52.80 (Site Development Reviews) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), for the construction of the Project; 1 of 3 Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (AHID: A plan specifying how the Project would meet the City's affordable housing requirements, in exchange for a request of 35% increase in density. The applicant seeks two development standard waivers related to the overall residential project density range and private open space for each residential unit, and a development concession related to the mix of affordable units pursuant to Chapter 20.32 (Density Bonus) of the NBMC and Government Code Section 65915 (Density Bonus Law); and • Tentative Parcel Map: A tentative parcel map to consolidate five lots into one 6.44- gross acre (6.16-net acre) parcel, pursuant to Chapter 19.12 (Tentative Map Review) of the NBMC. Recommended Actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing; 2. Find that all potential environmental effects for the Project have been adequately addressed in the previously adopted Newport Airport Village Environmental Impact Report Addendum No. 3, and the City of Newport Beach intends to use said document for the approval of the Project; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. PC2024-005 approving Major Site Development Review, Affordable Housing Implementation Plan, and Tentative Parcel Map for the Residences at Airport Village Project located at 4540, 4570, 4600, and 4630 Campus Drive, and 4525, 4533, and 4647 MacArthur Boulevard (PA2023-0223). ITEM NO. 3 HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AMENDMENTS (PA2022- 0245) Site Location: Citywide Summary: As required by state law, the City adopted the 6th Cycle Housing Element for the 2021-2029 planning period (Housing Element) on September 13, 2022, which was certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development on October 5, 2022. To implement the Housing Element, the Planning Commission will consider a recommendation to the City Council of the amendments and actions described below which must take effect by the statutory deadline of February 2025: General Plan Amendment. Amend the General Plan Land Use Element to support housing production in the focus areas identified by the Housing Element; Zoning Code Amendment. Amend Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) to implement the Land Use Element's policy changes by allowing housing development through new Housing Opportunity (HO) Overlay Zoning Districts, establish appropriate development standards, and create objective design and development standards for multi -unit residential and mixed -use development projects; and Local Coastal Program Amendment. Amend the Newport Beach Coastal Land Use Plan and Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) of the NBMC to include new Housing Opportunity (HO) Overlay Coastal Zoning Districts to support housing production in the focus areas identified by the Housing Element within the Coastal Zone. 2 of 3 Recommended Action: 1. Conduct a public hearing; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. PC2024-006 recommending City Council certify the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) identified by State Clearinghouse Number (SCH No.) 2023060699, including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), and approve the Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments all collectively referred to as "PA2022-0245". VIII. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER ITEMS ITEM NO. 4 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION ITEM NO. 5 REPORT BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OR REQUEST FOR MATTERS WHICH A PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES IX. ADJOURNMENT 3 of 3