HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXC053_EXCEPTION PERMIT #53, 2800 E. COAST HWY, FIRST REPUBLIC BANKV 4 FROM :y"Permit-Me 7ERVICES" • EXCEPTION PERMI9` APPI.rCvrioN CITY OF NRWPORT BEACH PHONE NO. : 909 825+7444 . Mar. 27 2000 11:40PM P2 No. _3eP Application Rec'd by Foe: S PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Boulevard P. 0. Box 1768 -f-ppsgO- coN'TAcK ; NAnley K ?War.B2 Newport Beach, CA 92656-0915 11'PEemm mall (714) 544-3200 1 1 Njoq) P,83-7-7et$ - Applicant; (Print) First Republic Bank Phone 415-392-1400 Mailing Address 111 Pine street,•Ssn Francisco) CA 94111 Property Owner Bixby Land Company Phone 562-494-8250 Mailing Address P.O. Box 2488 Long Beach, LA 90801-2488 Address of Property 2800 ip/Coast Purpose of Application (describe fully) To unit on the facade osla newly proposed Fir Zone Present De1Mar, CA 92625 the installation of a time & lin Bank LOCatiOn Description of. Property Involved (if too long, attach soparate shoat) n -*- 4SG.n51 -0(o _- Why will proposal not be contrary to the puzpose of the Sign Ordinance? Proposal is not appressed in code slop/is`not animated sign,/will adhere to Caltans Exceptional or extraordinary circumstat:cas involved? elementary to Banks marketing plan - Why is an exception permit necessary to protect A substantial property right? Time & temp unit is typical of all Why will proposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? directed at serving the nei hborhood with nu tic aerv-c- an pmpnts --------------------------- OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT { (We) L A'd rnp A L1 depose and say that Ef- Mt} (we are) the er(s) of the prdperty*w) involved in ,.hi, application. M- (We) further certify, under penalty of perjurv, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of tom) (our) knowledge and beeief. 5 tb r\ . / I c /lcl _ r Signature" NOTE; ?u, agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record is ri.7.ed with the application. -C--------..------- ----------7----- - --- - ---- -----____ 00 NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS ,LINE Date Filed Fee Pd. 75: d Z' Aaccipt No. Hearing Date r 'P. C. Action Appeal C.C.Hearin g Date e,—/ C.C.Action Date Z00/ZOOpj 'I'S - Slid QV ZT09 996 STP T XV3 LC:TT flU 000Z/90/5o • 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 a. 32. Th roposed restaurant facility shall conform to the requirements of the Uniform 1501clina Code. b. The project sh2dlLcomply with State Disabled Access requirements. C. Arrangements shall made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory mpletion of the public improvements if it is desired to obtain a building permi rior to completion of the public improvements. d. All signs shall conform to' the pr ns of Chapter 20.67 of the Municipal Code. e. The Planning Commission may add to or'modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or Outdoor Dining Permit or r ommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit or OutdoX Dining Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the s 'ect of this Use Permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, p ce, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. f. This Use Permit and Outdoor Dining Permits shall expire unl exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 0.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code SUBJECT: first Republic Bank Sign Nancy K. Parker, contact 2800 East Coast Highway • Exception Permit No. 53 Request for an exception to the Sign Code to allow an additional "time and temperature" projecting sign which contains a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. Ms. Garcia presented a short visual presentation noting that the bank had just been remodeled and signage added. Additionally, she noted that the proposed time and temperature sign would be at the exterior of the building and project over the right of way. Existing signs within the City having changeable copy or animated in nature are located at: • Heliotrope with time and temperature that encroaches over the public right of way - building records are not available to show when it was installed or whether a permit was issued. • Newport Center Edwards Theater sign - copy is changed by hand, 20 T.IT�:1 Item No. 2 EP No. 53 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 animation is the neon tubing on sides. • Hard Rock sign in Newport Center - guitar strings have a strumming effect and copy scrolls surrounded by a flowing neon tube. Staff is concerned with the issue of the type of proposed sign could involve copy not governed by the City. It is possible that other than what the applicant is proposing, other messages could appear that may be detrimental to the general public. Public comment was opened. Jeff Jennings, 2973 Clay Street, San Francisco of Ad Art that does all the design sign work for First Republic Bank in all the California and New York locations. He stated that the intended use for the sign is for information on the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, time and temperature. In many instances it is only used for time and temperature and can be here if you wish. The software can be programmed for four seconds on and one second off frequency. Typically what we use the board for is around the area of ten to fifteen seconds per message. When we put this sign program together for this location, we did not exceed the amount of square footage for the building. What is consistent in all locations is the presence of the flagpoles, state and US, and time and temperature. The hours of sign operation are three hours on before the bank is open and two -three hours after they close. Commissioner Kranzley noted that the Planning Commission could not regulate the messages. Why is it important that you have this sign? Mr. Jennings answered that the sign will bring attention to the bank. The bank has a standard signage throughout all their locations. The signage is considered to be a public service announcement and a benefit to the community. Scott Struber, 1415 Franklin Street, San Francisco stated that if you are traveling north bound on Coast Highway you pass this building by without seeing it. The fagade is not distinguishable from a neighboring store. We are a customer service oriented institution and do not do a lot of advertising. People look at these clocks to tell them the time. Commissioner McDaniel asked if the NASDAQ information is on line or if it was something that has to be updated on a regular basis. He was answered that the software program runs this information via a modem and also includes Down Jones and S & P. The bulbs are 3-watt lamps for a low intensity effect and will not be bright. Commissioner Tucker asked if the proposed sign would stick out from the wall 4 feet and 6 inches? Why do you need the changing time and temperature? Mr. Jennings answered yes, that the projection would be similar to the awning next door in length from the wall. It is a point of reference and provides 21 INDEX • 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 INDEX commuters with information that they can rely on. It is also a light source that attracts attention and is not different from the rest of the signage in the area. Commissioner Tucker noted that one of the key findings for us to give this special privilege is that the Commission must make a finding that the approval is necessary to preserve a substantial property right. What substantial property right does the script generate that a sign does not generate? Our requirements are it is has to be necessary to preserve a substantial right. Mr. Strueber answered that we don't have to have it, we feel we are providing a service to the public as well as our customers. It can just have our name. Ms. Temple explained that the finding for this particular property is in order to have signage that is equally effective to any other business in the area. If there were some special circumstance surrounding the property where the normal code allowed signage would not provide signage of equal benefit to other businesses in the area, it may be necessary for the purposes of preserving the property rights. Commissioner Tucker asked about the sign and what it would look like? Mr. Jennings explained that the background would be green and is consistent with the current building signage. The area where the lighted script is four feet by two feet eight inches. The entire area will be lit. He added that they had gotten CalTrans approval for the use of the time and temperature unit as long as it is not faster than 4 seconds on and 1 second off. Commissioner Agajanian asked staff what the policy was about flags as signs or moving objects? Staff answered that they were exempt regardless of placement. Dan Purcell, 3 Canyon Lane stated that the only people this type of sign is going to service is the addicted stock picker or market timer who may be sitting at Starbucks. When you drive by this building, you can't help but see it. They don't need another flashing gizmo out there on the building. Commissioner McDaniel noted that he has been a banker since 1971. 1 looked this morning around our lobby and noted that there are three clocks there, my computer has a clock and I have a watch and two other clocks on my desk that were given to me. I know what time it is. The only time that anybody has asked me about the temperature has been when it has been over 100 or less than 0 in the entire time I have been a banker. I have been in forty some buildings and we have never needed flashing signs to let people know we are there. Our business development officers are always relying on relationships and knocking on doors. I find no reason to have a flashing blinking sign on a bank to help them with their business. 22 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 INDEX Commissioner Kiser stated that this would set a bad precedence if we approved this proposal. There is a proposal for a time and temperature issue and there is one in the next block on the other side of the street, so to the extent it is a public service in all deference to what the bank wants to achieve, I think it is already achieved. To the extent that it is for the Dow Jones averages, certainly I think that could be a public service, but with the amount of time that the copy needs to stay up and such, someone driving by would have to stop traffic to see it all. The biggest concern I have is that we can not regulate copy. It could be changed to any commercial use they wanted over the years. Due to the nature of the area in Corona del Mar, it would not be an attractive structure. Commissioner Agajanian noted his support of the previous comments adding the sign is not necessary and would be bad precedent to have a sign that sticks out over the public area. Motion was made by Chairperson Selich to deny Exception Permit No. 53 for the reasons and findings in Exhibit B of the staff report. Ayes: McDaniel, Kiser, Agajanian, Selich, Gifford, Kranzley, Tucker Noes: None Absent: None EXHIBIT "B" FINDINGS FOR DENIAL FOR Exception Permit No. 53 FINDINGS: That the approval of this exception permit is not necessary to protect a substantial property right because: Adequate signage can be provided on the building within the permitted 200 sq. ff. per face permitted in the Sign Code. This property occupies a highly visible location on East Coast Highway which has frontage on both the Highway and Goldenrod Avenue and animation is not necessary to provide adequate signage. 2. That the proposed animation is not compatible with the business area in Corona del Mar since the area currently has one non -conforming operating animated signs. 3. That the proposed animation is not compatible with the residential uses in close proximity to the proposed sign due to the potential to produce the effect of a flashing sign after dark. 23 0 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 4. That the proposed sign is not consistent with the stated purpose of the Sign Code since the sign may provide the ability to advertise direct products, services and listings which is beyond the purpose of the identification and advertisement of the on -site business. 5. The approval of Exception Permit No. 53 will, under the circumstances of the case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood because: • The proposed animation could distract the attention of motorists, which could create traffic hazards. • The sign could create the effect of a flashing sign at night, which could disturb nearby neighbors. The approval could create the standard and precedent for the approval of additional animated changeable copy signs. • The proposed sign would stick out over the public area Balboa Peninsula Sign Regulations Proposed s n regulations for commercial properties on the Balboa Peninsula and a resolutib I of intent to amend the Zoning Code to implement the new sign regulations. N" Review 2. Adopt resolution,, Development Re Regulation T), 20 10, 11, and 12, to Balboa Sign Overlay. of intent to revise Sections 20.43.050 (Property Ilation N), 20.45.035 (Property Development 67-&Q (B), and Districting Maps Nos. 3, 4, 8, 9, impleftqQnt the new sign regulations. Ms. Temple noted that this is a commence nt of the public hearing process for a set of special regulations designed partidolarly for the Balboa Peninsula. This has been worked on by a committee for appr • Qmately the last year or so. The sign regulations have been done as part bf,,the overall peninsula improvement program that the City Council is pursuing. a action tonight is to only adopt a resolution of intention if the Commission choo s. The consultant that we hired to prepare the sign regulations is here a will make a presentation. Ms. Wood noted that this is not the start of the public review process, if 's'the start of the Planning Commission review process. We have had a lot of pr?I tic participation beginning with the visual preference survey that the consultant 24 INDEX Item No. 3 Balboa Peninsula Sign Regulations �eW�oq, Hearing Date: August 17,2000 o° °m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Agenda Item No.: 2 i PLANNING DEPARTMENT Staff Person: Eugenia Garcia 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 644-3208 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 Appeal Period: 14 days (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3250 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PROJECT: First Republic Bank Sign Nancy K. Parker, contact 2800 East Coast Highway PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Request for an exception to the Sign Code to allow an additional "time and temperature" projecting sign which contains a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. ACTION: Approve, modify or deny: • Exception Permit No. 53 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block N, Tract 323 ZONE: RSC, Retail and Service Commercial OWNER: Bixby Land Company, Long Beach Points and Authority • Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property for "Retail and Service Commercial' uses. The subject sign is a permitted use within this designation because it is ancillary to retail and service uses. Environmental Compliance (California Environmental Quality Act) It has been determined that the project is categorically exempt under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). 0 Exception Permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.67 of the Municipal Code. VICINITY MAP l? SUBJECT PROPERT` '' y e� °Oy? u/°/° ypy '/° a 7N6�, •b/'Qr '� 3y/u{' °jTr � °U ° .ty� � eji a °$ dp i'a• $? �''°'?? �Qr 20 T e TO N 20 °`°D' VICINITY MAP a: Exception Permit No. 53'= Subject Pronerty and Surrounding Land Uses Current.Development: Single tenant bank building To the north: Are residential duplexes and single family dwellings To the east: Are retail/service commercial uses To the south: Across East Coast Highway are conunercial retail/service uses To the west: Across Goldenrod Ave. are retail/service commercial uses and residential uses. Exception Permit No. 53 Paget Background The existing commercial bank building was constructed in 1980 and is a single tenant building. Building Department records indicate that a permit was issued for a remodel of the building on May 5, 2000. On April 19, 2000, a permit was issued for three wall signs and two directional signs. The applicant is proposing a fourth sign that is a projecting sign located on the East Coast Highway side of the building. The Sign Code permits a pole or projecting sign in addition to the wall signs. At its meeting of August 21, 1997, a request was made of the Planning Commission to determine whether certain types of changeable copy signs and electronic reader -boards fall under the definition of "animated signs." The type of sign in question, an illuminated, "flip -disk," electronically controlled changeable copy sign was determined to be an animated sign and was, therefore, prohibited by the Sign Code. The proposed sign is an electronically controlled changeable copy sign and is also prohibited by the Code because it is considered an animated sign. Chapter 20.67.045 allows for deviations from the requirements of'the Sign Code, provided that an Exception Permit is approved by the Planning Commission. On November 6, 1997, the Planning Commission denied a request for an exception permit to replace an existing pole sign with a pole sign which contained a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. The applicant appealed the decision to the City Council and after several continuances by the applicant, the City Council voted unanimously to table the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Exception Permit No. 51. Previous Approvals for Animated Signs The City has approved two Exception Permits and one Modification Permit allowing the construction of animated signs. These are described below: 1. Exception Permit No. 38 for 1100 Irvine Avenue (Westcliff Plaza): This was a request to install a flashing time and temperature display within an existing sign. The flashing time and temperature display was installed on two of three sign faces on a freestanding pole sign within Westcliff Plaza. The sign was located near a then existing bank sign in the easterly corner of the shopping center, away from the surrounding roadways. The animated sign was 7 square feet in area on each face, or 14% of the area of each face. This particular sign utilized flip -disk technology. This sign has been removed with the remodel of the shopping center. In approving the exception permit, the Planning Commission found that the sign would not be detrimental due to its unique location in the corner of the shopping center. A copy of the approved sign elevation is attached. 2. Exception Permit No. 46 for 300 Newport Center Drive (Edwards Big Newport Cinema): This was a request to allow the construction of a 40 foot high free standing, double faced, animated identification/marquee sign. The animated portion of the sign was the border of the marquee, with a neon tube "shadowing" effect. No flashing sign elements were proposed, and the changeable copy is not animated, but changed by hand. In approving this permit, the Planning Commission and City Council found that the sign would not be detrimental given Exception Permit No. 53 Page 3 the facts that the sign would not be visible from any residential area, and that the size of the theater complex justified the exception. A copy of the approved sign elevation is attached. 3. Modification Permit No. 4015 for 451 Newport Center Drive (Hard hock Cafe): This was a request to allow the construction of a double faced, animated and blinking pole sign with 257 square feet per sign face and 50 feet in height. The animated portion of the sign was to allow the appearance of guitar strings being strummed on the logo guitar sign, the animation of the business identification copy, and the animation of the sides of the sign. In approving this request, the Planning Commission and City Council found that the sign would not be detrimental since the sign would not adversely affect any residential area. The City Council required the sign to be lowered to 40 feet in height, with the guitar set at an angle. A copy of the original elevation is attached. There is an existing time and temperature sign on East boast Highway in Corona del Mar, at the corner of Heliotrope Avenue. There is no indication in City records of how this sign was approved, so it would be considered a legal, non -conforming sign. For an undetermined period of time, the sign was not operating, but per staff's field inspection, is currently operating. Additionally, there are a number of animated signs within the Fashion Island Mall area, where they are a permitted sign type, Analysis The application is a request to approve an animated projecting sign to be located on the building frontage in the southeast corner of the building. The proposed sign is 17.3 sq. ft. and is comprised of 1.3 sq.ft. of fixed copy (7% of each sign face) and 10.66 sq.ft. of changeable copy area (61% of each sign face) which uses illuminated lamp matrix technology. The following table indicates the proposed changes: PROPOSED PROJECTINGSIGN PERMITTED PROJECTING SIGN Sign Dimensions': 3' 10" x 4'6" or 17.3 sq.ft. 200 sq.ft. Sign Height: 14' 6" 14'-16' feet Dimensions The project involves the construction of a new 17,3 sq. ft. cabinet projecting sign. The Code permits one pole or projecting sign on the site and the above table indicates that the proposed projecting sign will be approximately 92% less than the permitted 200 sq,ft. ' Sign size is calculated by measuring the sign copy area. Exccption Pcrmit No. 53 Page 4 Sign Height The proposed sign will be approximately 14 feet, 6 inches above the sidewalk and will project over the public right-of-way. Because the projection of the sign is 4 feet, the Code requires a minimum 14-foot distance above the public right-of-way. If the sign is approved, the applicant would be required to obtain the approval of Cal -Trans for the projection over the right-of-way. Illumination The electronic sign will be internally illuminated behind a message board that utilizes a computer controlled 32 x 48 white lamp matrix. The lamps are spaced 1 inch apart (or I inch on center) and cover a 2'8" x 4' area. Each lamp is a 3-watt lamp that typically runs at 60% capacity during the day and 40% at night. They can be programmed to dim at regular intervals. Staff has included a condition that the lighting shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and Section 20.67.025 of the Municipal Code for sign luminescence. Duration and Frequencv The sign being considered utilizes a computer controlled lamp matrix technology which will allow that portion of the sign to function as a message center with changing text at regular intervals. There are seven messages in a continuous loop which are programmed through an ISP. The messages on this portion of the sign can change every four seconds with a one -second interval between each message.3 The applicant states that in similar type signs at their other locations, the messages are between 8 and 10 seconds on and 1 second off. Staff is concerned that rapid change in copy will be visually distracting to passing motorists and create an adverse impact on traffic circulation. If the sign were approved, staff feels that a longer message time of 8 seconds would allow passers-by more time to read the messages, reduce the potential for animation characteristics of the sign and insure that the sign is not so visually distracting as to create a traffic hazard. Therefore, a condition has been included to limit copy changes to a maximum of one message each 8 seconds with a minimum interval between messages of 1 second. With this limitation, persons traveling at 35 miles per hour on East Coast Highway would see from 2 to 3 messages, depending on where in the message cycle the sign became visible. More messages would be seen if a vehicle was halted by the traffic signal at Goldenrod Avenue. Hours of Operation Although the internal illumination of the sign is constant, staff believes that the use of the changeable copy features of the sign at night could produce an effect similar to a flashing sign. Although the building blocks the sign for residents, to the north along Goldenrod Avenue, the proximity of the sign location to residential areas, specifically, across East Coast Highway, could adversely affect nearby residents. Therefore, staff is of the opinion that the changeable copy } These are the current limitations contained in State law for property fronting on a State highway. Exception Permit No. 53 Page 5 aspect of the sign should also be subject to limited hours of operation. 'Staff is recommending a limitation on'the operation of the changeable copy feature of the sign to between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM,'Sunday through Thursday, and between 6:00 AM and 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday. Staff has included a condition incorporating this limitation. Community Compatibility and Aesthetics The preceding analysis has focused on technical issues associated with the implementation of the proposed animated changeable copy sign. An additional issue appropriate for consideration is the overall aesthetics of this type of sign. This sign type commonly is used by other businesses for the purpose of displaying public service announcements such as time and temperature. The applicant is proposing to include financial information such as Nasdaq, NYSE, Dow Jones, S&P, as well as current interest rates. Staff has a concern that the "message center" aspect of this animated sign will not be compatible with the business district and the neighboring residential uses, since it will have the ability to change text in a manner to create special effects and the impression of flashing which is not the typical case for business identification signs in the area. It should also be noted that approval of this sign type could lead to additional requests for animated changeable copy signs. A precedent for approval could be established if applicants are willing to agree to similar use limitations (as proposed in the draft conditions of approval) and the business location has similar characteristics (such as a location on an arterial highway). It is the opinion of staff that a large number of similar signs along Coast Highway could adversely affect the overall aesthetics of those business districts and the City generally. Applicant's Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.67.045B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20,67, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of the application: 1. 9% will the proposal not be contrary to the 2uWose of the sifts ordinance? "Proposal is not expressed in code sign/is not animated sign/will adhere to Cal Trans regulations with copy changing after an extended period of time." 2. Otat exceptional or exbaordinmy circtanstances are involved? "Proposed unit is not excessive just elementary to the bank's marketing plan -similar to all other locations." Exception Pefmit No.53 Page 6 3. Why is an exception: permit necessary to protect a substantial property right? "Time and temp unit is typical of all branches and is considered a crucial element of the service provided by the bank." 4. YVhv will the proposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? "Proposal will actually be directed at serving the neighborhood with public service announcements." Required Findings Section 20.67.045 B of the Zoning Code sets forth the findings which must be made in order for the Planning Commission to grant an exception permit, as follows: "... the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of this chapter..., and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. " The Sign Code chapter states the purpose: "to safeguard life, health, property and the public welfare, and to provide the means for adequate identification and advertisement of business by regulating and controlling the design, location and maintenance of all signs and sign structures in the City. " Facts which support the granting of an exception to the provisions of the Sign Code: • Other non -animated forms of changeable copy signs are permitted in the area. • A suggested condition of approval, to which the applicant has agreed, will limit the message cycle, minimizing animated effect and potential traffic hazards. • A suggested condition of approval will limit the hours of operation of the animated use of the sign, reducing potential adverse effects in nearby residential areas. • The proposed projecting sign is smaller than permitted by the Zoning Code. Facts which do not support the granting of an exception to the Sign Code: • A sign with 200 square feet of copy area is permitted by the Sign Code, which is adequate for most businesses. • The property in question has a highly visible location on East Coast Highway at the intersection of Goldenrod Avenue. The site benefits visibly from dual frontage and the presence of a traffic signal. These features combine to create a location whose existing signage is among the most visible in the area since there are few visual obstructions and regular halting of passing traffic at the signalized intersection. • The proposed animated sign may create a visual distraction to passing motorists which could create a traffic hazard. • The proposed sign may create an effect similar to a flashing sign at night. Exception Permit No. 53 Page 7 9 • • The proposed sign could be considered inconsistent with the stated purpose of the Sign Code, since the proposal presents the opportunity to provide more than the identification and advertisement of the business by allowing for the advertisement of individual products, services or listings. Additional Considerations Community Message Center Benefits As indicated in the applicant's statement of support, the applicant is proposing to provide the community with public service announcements. While this is a very worthy aspect of the sign, it is not a consideration which the City may use in the decision to approve the exception permit. Governmental agencies are prohibited from limiting or regulating the content of signs, except in very limited areas related to adult oriented businesses. Their jurisdiction can only address the time, place and manner of sign placement. Therefore, it is not within the authority of the Planning Commission to require community event information. Special Privilege As briefly discussed previously, the sign in question (in addition to being considered an animated sign) is also of a nature which significantly increases the message potential as compared to a conventional sign of a similar size. This is due to the fact that, in addition to advertising the location and type of business on -site, the rapid changeable copy feature will allow the advertisement of specific products (financial information in this case) which far exceeds the potential of other signs in the area. This includes more conventional changeable copy signs, which are seldom changed more than once daily. Since one of the key findings the Commission must make is whether the approval is necessary to preserve a substantial property right, a related consideration is whether the granting of the exception would constitute the granting of a special privilege which other property owners do not enjoy absent the granting of a similar exception. In order to assure that no special privilege is granted, the Commission may wish to consider a limitation to allow the message center to function in a manner similar to other permitted changeable copy signs. In this case, consideration could be given to allowing the changeable sign copy to only once per day. A condition of this nature could, if imposed by the Planning Commission, assure that a special privilege is not being granted, and also address the overall aesthetics of the business' sign program. Should the Commission determine that the approval could constitute the granting of a special privilege, but still desire to approve the request, staff suggests inclusion of the following additional finding and change to condition number 2: Exception Permit No.53 Page 8 0 Finding: That the potential for this approval to constitute the granting of a special privilege has been offset by a limitation of use of the sign to function in a manner similar to other permitted changeable copy signs. Condition 2: That the message center copy may be changed only once per day. Continuous motion of messages (scrolling messages) is not permitted. Should the Commission determine that the approval would constitute the granting of a special privilege, and desire to deny the request, staff suggests the Commission include the following additional finding: Finding: That the approval of the proposed animated changeable copy would constitute the granting of a special privilege not enjoyed by other businesses in the area due to the greatly enhanced ability to advertise individual products or listings not generally available in conventional signs. Action Should the Planning Commission wish to approve Exception Permit No. 53, the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. Should the Commission desire to deny this request, the findings set forth in the attached Exhibit `B" are suggested. Submitted by: PATRICIA L. TEMPLE Planning Director Attachments: Exhibit "A" Prepared by: EUGENIA GARCIA, AICP Associate Planner uue� Exhibit `B" ' Letter from the Applicant Elevations of Edwards Theater and Hard Rock Cafe signs And Time/Temp sign in Corona del Mar Elevation, Site Plan and Photos of Site FAUSERS\PLN\SHAREW PLANCOM\2000\08 I 700\EP53.DOC Exception Permit No. 53 Page 9 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR Exception Permit No. 53 Findings: 1. That the Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. Retail and Office uses with associated signs are permitted in this designation. 2. That this project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). 3. That the approval of this Exception Permit to allow the animated sign, is necessary to protect a substantial property right since the electronic changeable copy sign is a different implementation of other marquee and changeable copy signs which are permitted by the Sign Code. 4. That the proposed animated sign will not adversely impact traffic circulation in adjacent rights -of -way or create a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic because: the new sign will be placed in a location which will not create a problem or known adverse traffic impact, and the new sign complies with State regulations for State highway locations. 5. That the proposed animated sign will not have an adverse visual impact on adjoining commercial and/or residential neighborhoods because: the hours of operation for the sign are during the time that businesses in the area are open, the frequency and duration of the message board will be programmed for a longer message time to reduce the animation effect, and the proposed sign is smaller than that which is permitted by the Sign Code. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That the minimum duration of any message be eight seconds, and the minimum interval between messages shall be one second. Continuous motion of messages (scrolling messages) is not permitted. Exception Permit No.53 Page 10 • 0 3. That the electronic copy change feature (animation) of the sign is limited to between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM, Sunday through Thursday, and between 6:00 AM and 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday. 4. That the sign luminance shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and Section 20.67.025 of the Municipal Code. F-I A 7 The sign shall be approved by the Public Works Department and other state agencies as required, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Exception Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Exception Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Exception Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. That this Exception Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Exception Permit No. 53 Page 11 EXHIBIT "B" FINDINGS FOR DENIAL FOR Exception Permit No. 53 FINDINGS: 1. That the approval of this exception permit is not necessary to protect a substantial property right because: Adequate signage can be provided on the building within the permitted 200 sq. ft. per face permitted in the Sign Code. This property occupies a highly visible location on East Coast Highway which has frontage on both the Highway and Goldenrod Avenue and animation is not necessary to provide adequate signage. 2. That the proposed animation is not compatible with the business area in Corona del Mar since the area currently has one non -conforming operating animated signs. 3. That the proposed animation is not compatible with the residential uses in close proximity to the proposed sign due to the potential to produce the effect of a flashing sign after dark. 4. That the proposed sign is not consistent with the stated purpose of the Sign Code since the sign may provide the ability to advertise direct products, services and listings which is beyond the purpose of the identification and advertisement of the on -site business. 5. The approval of Exception Permit No. 53 will, under the circumstances of the case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood because: The proposed animation could distract the attention of motorists which could create traffic hazards. The sign could create the effect of a flashing sign at night which could disturb nearby neighbors, The approval could create the standard and precedent for the approval of additional animated changeable copy signs. Exception Permit No. 53 Page 12 .05/•18/2000 THU 10:4T FAX • • Z002/002 oOaoaRr May 16, 2000 James Campbell City of Newport P.O. sox 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-9915 RE; SIGN EXCEPTION Dear Sir, Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Jennings and I represent Ad Ail. We design the exterior and interior signage programs for First Republic Bank. 1 would like to respond to the questions in your letter dated May 10, 2000, 1.) The messages displayed will not only be public service announcements (time/temp), but also financial information.... Nasdaq , NYSE, Dow Jones, S&P, as well As current interest rates. 2.) The display will never advertise anything other than what I have described in Tl. 3.) Caltrans regulations dictate that the frequency of each message can be no faster than 4 seconds on- 1 second off. First Republic extends their messages between 8 —10 seconds on-1 second olf. 4.) Typically, There are 7 messages in a continuous luop. (Thule described in ,'.'1) 5.) No, the information is programmed through an ISP, 6.) White 7.) The lamps are spaced 1 inch apart ( or 1 inch on center), They will comprise the 2'8" x 4' area. 8.) Each lamp is a 3watt lamp. The sips are typically run at 60% capacity during the day and 40% at night, They can be programmed to dim at regular intervals. The proposed signage program is consistent with that of all of First Republic's other locations. As a financial institution, the information administered on the message center is crucial for new business and offers only informational content to the public, With current market and interest rate fluctuations, informing the public can be virtually instantaneous and simple. Primitive reader boards are impossibleto be constantly updated and the bank will not have the resources available to constantly update. Tn no way will the display be used for anything other than what T have detailed above. The visible opening would he 2' 8" x 4'. Asa representative for First Republic, T would be more than happy to discuss any proposed direction for usage, frequency, etc. Please feel free to contact me at (415) 468.7025. 15 AD ART ELECTRONIC SIGN CORPORATION • 5 THOMAS MELLON CIR„ STE130, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134 • PHONE (415) 468.7025 9 FAX (415) 468.5012 mm.adartescxom I RS I I.1)['1>L1C BANK .... ...... ...... ...... .... ........ ........ ........ .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... ........ ........ ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... 1] CD Z 0 D/F PROJECTING SIGN W TIME & TEMP UNIT � sCALE:1" = V-0" MANUFACTURE &INSTALL (1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED D/F PROIFCTINr, rABINET W/ TIME & TEMP UNIT. HEADER PANEL TO BE ROUTED —OUT COPY BACK W/ WHITE PLASTIC. CABINET PAINTED TO MATCH PMS 3435C GREEN. SIGN TO FLUSH MOUNTED TO WALL. TIME & TIME UNIT CALL — MONOCHROME 2 X 3 VISIBLE OPENING, 16" X 16" MODULES, 1" ON CENTER 32 X 46 LAMP MATRIX. SQUARE FOOTAGE = 17.3 SQ. Fi. I a i " 1"TI2ST �Zlit'Ulit.ttr.l�}�NI{ � ��� I BANKi �1 ,fir♦1 + i + s " � i'b'�'_;d +➢.iw�«,t� walk, / _ /, At I r 1,14 �w+�„ rX 1, �' `�t M e 71 jj� Vitt (t MIA M1t v IM Mips Uot :-c Federal B; ,.: p 2KINCa LETTEIZMWL CHANNEL wr..a o.w� um i frGC a1�H FTePx�q��tJNIWr1. �30 • Wii1TE� �1Lt-�'�•. .F�t.(S7{�2���,E�WJE BcRGERJ�' �f3(�KoP� ERG- Nas�• j IIN,/AL.MW!•I NcuC•prU1D p�aRW t puranowaaos �+.�w.�aEaaY�Qtc=��P on i F1 p"Wr le FtPot-NtG"RN�- la `R yk-mgE.44M &z e4V (�wco u�J�RED. zta cctcR:a�RK eu.�z�ctxas'cJ�D ptrime. RcStrtcweo er a,+ca ��v FFm crux• x cc.cr sac.. �L6VA'f10�1 I .. X �uutes q1 "? 1.. 0 1 Y•0" - 1 7'•2' 1 1'•4' _ 1 7'•1" - 1 "•10' _ 9.4' _ T -R POLISHED BRASS EXTERIOR APPLICATION). (FOR SCRIPT NEON TUBE. FORMED AND PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL WITH 21 HIGH POLISHED BRASS ND(tIVIDUALLY LIT CHANNEL STYLE LETTERFOR EXTAAPP.)." LETTER SINGLE NEON TUBE IN 3" WIDE (FOR H D BBRT.RAASS CHANNEL BACKLIT HIGH INTENSITY WARM H SMOOTH CEMENT PLASTER, 2 • NEON TUBES. BRASS CHANNEL IN EXT. APLPSI 'EXT. CEM. PLASTER, SMOOTH FIN. 16" HIGH POLISHED BRASS INDIVIDUALLY LIT CHANNEL LE (•EXT APPAY"LETTER STYLE CONTINUOUSLY LIT NEON TU: PROGRESSIVELY SEOUENCINC MODE TO SIMULATE CLASSIC PILASTER QUOINS (BOTTOM 1 12" HIGH ACCENT POLISHED T MARQUEE LETTERS ON WHIT' ACRYLIC PANELS (`BROADWM LETTER STYLE, CHANGEABLE WITH2X4"SETCURVE ACK EACH'. 'ADOQUIN" STONE CAP MOULT COLOR AND FINISH TO MATCF NEWPORT CENTER STANDARI FLAME FINISH GRANITE OR Pr ?, .. .. .�., .. r.r,.. e0.n �"Yb? r��le"MgI�T.��MNN�.na.fyr.rn.rb Ml.aryra • E Specializing in Sign & Building Permits Phone (909) 883-7798 Fax (909) 883-7748 e-mail: info@permitme.net 3297 North Pershing Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92405 TRANSMITTAL wr G .. � _.` r a BY: AcE�4f`1.1—�A���1Z DATE: -Z6"00 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NIFWpnPT r1EACM AM JUN 0 5 2000 PM 7181911011111u 111213141616 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.Q. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 v May 10, 2000 Nancy K. Parker "Permit Me" 3297 North Pershing Avenue San Bernardino, California 92405 Re: Sign Exception Permit No. 53 First Republic Bank, 2800 E. Coast Highway Dear Ms. Parker: The City has had an opportunity to review your application for the "time/temp" sign proposed for the First Republic Bank location in Corona Del Mar. The application is incomplete at this time. An Exception Permit falls within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission which considers applications at noticed public hearings that require notification pursuant to the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The application is missing a mailing list and two sets of mailing labels for all property owners within 300 feet of the project site. Additionally, please respond in writing to the following questions: 1. The proposed sign appears to be a time & temperature sign only, but the application indicates "serving the neighborhood with public service announcements. " Please indicate the full extent of what messages you intend to display. 2. Will the display be used to advertise off -site uses or businesses? 3. What is the minimum amount of time the sign will show any single message before it changes to the next message? 4. How many different messages will be displayed -within a typical hour? 5. Could the sign have the ability to be programmed to display flashing, moving or animated messages? 6. What is the color of the proposed "monochrome " lighting? 7. What is the "density" of the lamps (lamps per EMC area) and what percentage of the 2'-8" by 4'-0" electronic'message center will be covered by lamps? 8. Indicate how bright the sign will be? Please note, if the exception permit is approved, the Planning Director has the authority to order the dimming of any illumination if found to be excessively bright. Lastly, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting such permit is "necessary to protect a substantial property right and will not be contrary to the purpose of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Exception Permit No. 53 May 10, 2000 Page 2 of 2 or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City." I have reviewed the justification statements contained within the application, and it appears that there is no justification for recommending approval of the request based upon a protection of a substantial property right. Approval or denial of the sign does not appear to have a measurable effect upon the right of the property owner to use the property for commercial purposes, in my opinion. The sign is clearly accessory and not clearly not required for the operation of a commercial use or financial institution. I suggest that you may want to augment your application specifically addressing this important finding. Please be advised that this finding is very difficult to make and your response must be supported by facts. Your response will provide the basis by which the Planning Commission considers your request, and failure to demonstrate facts to support the finding will make project approval improbable. Please submit the items indicated above at your earliest convenience in order to continue processing of your request. This case has been assigned to Genia Garcia, Associate Planner for processing. She can be reached at (949) 644-3208 and she will be returning to the office on May 15, 2000. If you have any questions regarding the project or this letter, please contact Ms. Garcia after this date. If you need to contact me, please call (949) 644-3210 or contact me via e-mail at iampbell city newoort-beacli.ca.us. Sincerely, 4bk, �l�l Senior Planner CC. First Republic Bank 111 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94111 • PUBLIC NOTICE • Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of First Republic Bank, for Exception Permit No. 53, on property located at 2800 East Coast Highway. Request to permit an exception to the Sign Code to permit a time and temperature wall sien with mechanically changeable cony. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 17th day of August. 2000, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (949) 644-3200. Steven Kiser, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. t APR.27,2000 1 25Ah1 : ' alatr+va. EwTmr tSo.. LwaNa. VMEN RECORDED MAIL TO! E:rnaat coocga Va C Datld 4 CO 28fis k coast Hryt 1 207 Forma Dal Hart Co UAIJ. TAX STATVAE61'5 TO: also ' • NO.785 13-354301 TtCOA li1.E I�OF Chu � �pD�IpyTt�Y,'ILaA1JTtlRtOA Oa _ •209PM W1;15W 1 Qd I ._._.___.. h; I•C..Ati. at Ka Flo app=9ARY *Ah51'EA TAR _ i`. t r., cua�tta oa>?w o7.aalnt?orarwper or amm ex.prx CYA r q�Wl"of +cnar+o»Nn W�saaxuabtw4a Hn r'7t�l��t°m��i�'trsw Tho undoraignod �. ` QUITCLAIM DIED FOR A VAWASLB CCMStDERAYION, tec°Ipl pt wua. a Isatay w.*wawgrd, HRRy Lou1SC croRnBI a alarriel Mopont m11.'a aY the QPantco cp On aatey REUt$g. RELEASE AND PC REVER QUITCLAIN ro ERNEST O000*0m a married {aant husband of tho grantor, an his coparato propor( hs's'C,IRT OCACM Ihr t4s p4pow N v+o Cny by CCorpon Dal Mar) county nl droaga I . swo of 90totnAa, O¢Srlihit Wt I Lut 1 Block •at* Of Tract 3231, as par Hap raaordad In Bonk 14, P4900 40 through 41 of H14collohoona Mops, In tho OYf IOO Of t1to CQegty Rocartlor of said County, Cln Aueust 1.�7401 I�^^ plPtl 4aaU'IN1oY3101ba.tl Ra4T PutaC ht opts n�i451>miw� Idndl►IYi+na� Mary Loutgm G�^. wn.n la ma carsa�aarwttotsal►Ibral>c @, L, RA A+5EK6A5 IE,L,RAM CAW'OAS A04")to bo IM p"W911 WAii nynt(t) 4/ Wt>WWAOT t11A111R114�mM1 NO 1Uuv»a+7Fnd h mV ILLId NG+haA��Tf74nacoa Y7 Whsva t+P 11'=. 14.1DSt IMiMK attwwa yatfi�ml' t°a %f 17pauYila o4kW IKWIMMt1 A1A11 Tip X STAWMENTa AS DIRECTED A$OVE Taps (4/82 P.214 !t S.�'+rip"`�i ~�' • �9 1 t 24R y yy..j% .,�, (b%<! • N0.785 yF k'tR'•?'i; �{' ,� . . � • . :: .. 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PARCEL M.1ja RS BOOK 459 PACE 05 SW*N H COW's COMIrr OF ORAACE • O O Q AK O c - O N s 3 Z ro DEG e 10 1 1ST REPUBLIC BANK FIL-500731 2800 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 300' LISTING 459 051 06 MAX-25_�000 459 021 12 BARRY FABER 16 PINEHURST LN NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 022 01 M H SHERMAN FOUNDATION I'i, 2077 W COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 08 CHARLES MASTERS JR. PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 j i 459 034 09 459 034 10 459-034-11 CHARLES MASTERS JR. CHRISTINE MASTERS JAN T HERING PO BOX 116 2700 E COAST HWY 62 ROYAL SAINT GEORGE R CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 034 12 459 034 13 459 034 14 CLINTON EMMERSON MINER PROPERTIES MINER PROPERTIES 4581 W DEVONSHIRE AVE 365 VIA LIDO SOUD 365 VIA LIDO SOUD HEMET CA 92545 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 15 459-034-16 459 034 17 MINER PROPERTIES SAID T SHOKRIAN ESKANDAR POURGOL 365 VIA LIDO SOUD PO BOX 16562 2146 SAN YSIDRO DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663• BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 459 034 18 459 034 20 li 459 034 21 AZIZOLLAH AHDOUT JOHN HUESTON JOYCE MADALINE THOENI 2760 E COAST HWY 703 GOLDENROD AVE 1801 N ALTADENA DR CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 ALTADENA CA 91001 459 034 22 459 041 07 459 041 08 EILEEN LEWIS WALTER HOWALD R C PAULSON PO BOX 625 PO BOX 364 1835 NEWPORT HILLS DR E CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 041 09 459 041 10 459-041-11 ALAN & ELAINE GREENGARD LOIS MAXINE HALLIGAN ROBERT N BROXON 704 GOLDENROD AVE 702 GOLDENROD AVE 700 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 12 459 041 13 459-041-14 LARRY KRAUS ANN MCPHEE BLACKWELL JULIA MELLERSKI 2553 GREENBRIAR LN 703 HELIOTROPE AVE 3334 E COAST HYW 192 COSTA MESA CA 92626 ' CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 926251 459-042-10 459 051 01 459 051 02 TERRANCE J RAGAN BERTRAM ROWE ANGELINE RHODES 3334 E COAST HWY 437 407 FERNLEAF AVE #B 618 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 03 459 051 04 1 459-051-05 MARK & BRENDA CARROLL ANDREW CYGA ADAM T MAC DONALD 616 GOLDENROD AVE 614 GOLDENROD AVE 612 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625, CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 i CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 06 459 051 07 459 051 08 ' BIXBY LAND CO WALTER BOICE HARON YOMTOUBIAN PO BOX 2488 3500 E COAST HWY #1 2510 VISTA BAYA LONG BEACH CA 90801 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 051 09 459 051 10 459 051 11 JEFF SCHULEIN VAROUGAN KARAPETIAN STEPHEN BOICE 15 LINDA ISLE 728 N 6TH ST 3500 E COAST HWY #1 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 , MONTEBELLO CA 90640 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625, 459 051 12 459 051 13 459 051 14 CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR CO CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR CO, KATHRYN HAVENS 611 HELIOTROPE AVE 611 HELIOTROPE AVE 621 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-052-01 '459 052 02 459 052 03 LEONARD F JONES LYDIA JONES MARY NORTON 607 JASMINE AVE 618 HELIOTROPE AVE 616 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 i 459 052 04 459 052 05 „ 459 052 06 VINCENT LEPORE III ADAM MACDONALD MARK SANTONI 614 HELIOTROPE AVE 612 HELIOTROPE AVE 610 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625,, CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625I - 459 052 07 -- 459 052 08 1 459 052 09 GORDON FRASER DANIEL ROSENTHAL THOMAS GOOCHEY 799 PARK IN 606 HELIOTROPE AVE 2905 S FAIRVIEW ST #I MONTECITO CA 93108 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 SANTA ANA CA 92704 - 459-171-05 459-171-06 459 171 07 BRIAN H BOYAJIAN DAVID T JALALI CDM 1 INVESTORS PO BOX 183 34 2901 HARBOR VIEW DR 840 NEWPORT CENTER DR IRVINE CA 92623 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 # 420 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 171 08 459 171 09 459 171 10 TRIONA BERGIN EVA & PAUL LEPANTE STEVEN AMES PO BOX 9351 516 FERNLEAF AVE 518 FERNLEAF AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625' 459 171 11 459 171 12 TIMOTHY TAMURA CAMEO BUILDING CO 520 FERNLEAF AVE PO BOX 116 j CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-171-14 459 171 15 JEFFREY J BROWN ROGER MCKINNON 2115 WINDSOR DR 3207 OCEAN BLVD CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 17 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 33005 FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90071 459 171 21 DONALD KOLLANSE 513 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 28 CALVIN COATSWORTH 515 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 18 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 3330 S FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90007 459 171 22 TERENCE & KAREN LYONS 219 LARKSPUR AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 174 03 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-174-05 459 174 06 CONSTANTINE CHRISTOPOUL LE GRANDE PAPILLION INC 43 PANORAMIC WAY 18142 ESTES WAY WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 SANTA ANA CA 92705 .- 459 174 08 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 76 JAMES KELSO 517 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 74 PETER & EMILY MICKAEL 519 FERNLEAF AVE #A CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 77 REAGAN GRAY 517 1/2 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 938 010 16 938 Oil 50 WARNER BORDIER THOMAS LEO HOFFMAN 9 TAYLOR AVE PO BOX 3047 PALM DESERT CA 92260 LA PUENTE CA 91744 938 Oil 78 938 Oil 79 KERK LESH •CHRISTINE SCHEUNEMAN 5100 BIRCH ST 2910 3RD AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 13 CAMEO BUILDING CO PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 16 ROGER MCKINNON 3207 OCEAN BLVD CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625• 459 171 19 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 3330 S FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90007 459 171 23 JOSEPH SANCHEZ 306 NARCISSUS AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 174 04 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 I 459 174 07 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 75 MAILE JEAN BUSBY 519 1/2 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 938 010 15 WARNER BORDIER 9 TAYLOR AVE PALM DESERT CA 92260 938 Oil 51 RICHARD BASTIANELLI 602 HELIOTROPE AVE # B CORONA DEL MAR CA 926251 I 0 SUSAN W. CASE, INC. OWNERSHIP LISTING SERVICE 917 Glenneyre Street, Suite 7, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 PHONE (949) 494-6105 • FAX (949) 494.7418 OF PROPERTY OWNERS LIST THE ATTACHED LIST REPRESENTS THE NAMES AND OWNERS LOCATED PROPERTY LOCATE ADDRESSES OF ALL PROPERTY THIS INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED THROUGH TRANSAMERICA INTELLITECH, A DATA SOURCE UTILIZING THE COUNTY ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND OTHER DATA SOURCES. THIS INFORMATION IS GENERALLY DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED. SUSAN W. CASE, INC. SUSAN W. CASE, INC. OWNERSHIP LISTING SERVICE 18T REPUBLIC BANK 2800 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 300' LISTING 459 05.1 06 MAY 25 2000 917 Gtenneyre Street, Suite 7 • Laguna Beach, CA 92651 PHONE (949) 494-6105 • FAX (949) 494-7418 FILE500731 459 021 12 BARRY FABER 16 PINEHURST LN NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 034 09 CHARLES MASTERS JR. PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 034 12 CLINTON EMMERSON 4581 W DEVONSHIRE AVE HEMET CA 92545 459 034 15 MINER PROPERTIES 365 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 18 AZIZOLLAH AHDOUT 2760 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 034 22 EILEEN LEWIS PO BOX 625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 09 ALAN & BLAINE GREENGARD 704 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 12 LARRY KRAUS 2553 GREENBRIAR LN COSTA MESA CA 92626 459 022 01 M H SHERMAN FOUNDATION I 2077 W COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 10 CHRISTINE MASTERS 2700 E COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 13 MINER PROPERTIES 365 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459-034-16 SAID T SHOKRIAN PO BOX 16562 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 459 034 20 JOHN HUESTON 703 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 07 WALTER HOWALD PO BOX 364 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 10 LOIS MAXINE HALLIGAN 702 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 041 13 ANN MCPHEE BLACKWELL 703 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 034 08 CHARLES MASTERS JR. PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-034-11 JAN T HERING 62 ROYAL SAINT GEORGE R NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 034 14 MINER PROPERTIES 365 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 459 034 17 ESKANDAR POURGOL 2146 SAN YSIDRO DR BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 459 034 21 JOYCE MADALINE THOENI 1801 N ALTADENA DR ALTADENA CA 91001 459 041 08 R C PAULSON 1835 NEWPORT HILLS DR E NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459-041-11 ROBERT N BROXON 700 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-041-14 JULIA MELLERSKI 3334 E COAST HYW 192 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 L= 4> S3 459-042-10 TERRANCE J RAGAN 3334 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 459 051 01 BERTRAM ROWE 437' 407 FERNLEAF AVE #B 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 03 MARK & BRENDA CARROLL 616 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 06 BIXBY LAND CO PO BOX 248E LONG BEACH CA 459 051 04 ANDREW CYGA 614 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 07 WALTER BOICE 3500 E COAST HWY #1 90801 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 09 JEFF SCHULEIN 15 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 051 12 CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR CO 611 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-052-01 LEONARD F JONES 607 JASMINE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 04 VINCENT LEPORE III 614 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 07 GORDON FRASER 799 PARK LN MONTECITO CA 93108 459-171-05 BRIAN H BOYAJIAN PO BOX 18334 IRVINE CA 92623 459 171 08 TRIONA BERGIN PO BOX 9351 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 459 051 10 VAROUGAN KARAPETIAN 728 N 6TH ST MONTEBELLO CA 90640 459 051 13 CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR CO 611 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 02 LYDIA JONES 618 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 05 ADAM MACDONALD 612 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 08 DANIEL ROSENTHAL 606 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-171-06 DAVID T JALALI 2901 HARBOR VIEW DR CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 09 EVA & PAUL LEPANTE 516 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 02 ANGELINE RHODES 618 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-051-05 ADAM T MAC DONALD 612 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 08 HARON YOMTOUBIAN 2510 VISTA BAYA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 051 11 STEPHEN BOICE 3500 E COAST HWY #1 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 051 14 KATHRYN HAVENS 621 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 03 MARY NORTON 616 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 06 MARK SANTONI 610 HELIOTROPE AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 052 09 THOMAS GOOCHEY 2905 S FAIRVIEW ST #I SANTA ANA CA 92704 459 171 07 CDM 1 INVESTORS 840 NEWPORT CENTER DR #420 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92650 459 171 10 STEVEN AMES 518 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 11 TIMOTHY TAMURA 520 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-171-14 JEFFREY J BROWN 2715 WINDSOR DR CORONA DEL MAR CA 459 171 12 CAMEO BUILDING CO PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 15 ROGER MCKINNON 3207 OCEAN BLVD 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 17 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 3300 S FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90071 459 171 21 DONALD KOLLANSE 513 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 459 171 18 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 3330 S FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90007 459 171 22 TERENCE & KAREN LYONS 219 LARKSPUR AVE 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 28 CALVIN COATSWORTH 515 GOLDENROD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459-174-05 CONSTANTINE CHRISTOPOUL 43 PANORAMIC WAY WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 459 174 08 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 76 JAMES KELSO 517 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 9262.5 938 010 16 WARNER BORDIER 9 TAYLOR AVE PALM DESERT CA 92260 938 011 78 KERK LESH 5100 BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 459 174 03 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 174 06 LE GRANDE PAPILLION INC 18142 ESTES WAY SANTA ANA CA 92705 934 611 74 PETER & EMILY MICKAEL 519 FERNLEAF AVE #A CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 77 REAGAN GRAY 517 1/2 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 938 011 50 THOMAS LEO HOFFMAN PO BOX 3047 LA PUENTE CA 91744 938 011 79 CHRISTINE SCHEUNEMAN 2910 3RD AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 13 CAMEO BUILDING CO PO BOX 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 16 ROGER MCKINNON 3207 OCEAN BLVD CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 171 19 NICKOLAS SHAMMAS 3330 S FIGUEROA ST LOS ANGELES CA 90007 459 171 23 JOSEPH SANCHEZ 306 NARCISSUS AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 174 04 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 459 174 07 ERIC WELTON 2855 E COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934 611 75 MAILE JEAN BUSBY 519 1/2 FERNLEAF AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 938 010 15 WARNER BORDIER 9 TAYLOR AVE PALM DESERT CA 92260 938 011 51 RICHARD BASTIANELLI 602 HELIOTROPE AVE # B CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 0 4 r ' 1 jet r� I 'f �' fr 1 1 1{ �1 ♦ �. I 1• 0 0 ij 0 0 FIRST REPUBLIC BANK 2800 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA SCOPE OF WORK PROPOSED SIGN "C" One (1) Illuminated Double Face "Time & Temp" Projection Mounted Wall Sign. 3'-10" x 4'-6" (17.3 Sq. Ft.) PERMITTED WALL SIGNS SIGN "A" "EAGLE" LOGO @ 18 SQ. FT. "FIRST REPUBLIC BANK" CHANNEL LETTERS @ 75 SQ. FT. SIGN `B" "EAGLE" LOGO @ 18 SQ. FT. "FIRST REPUBLIC BANK" CABINET SIGN @ 40.1 SQ. FT. SIGN "D" "PARKING" DIRECTIONAL CABINET SIGN @ 17.3 SQ. FT. SIGN "E" "EAGLE" LOGO w/ "FIRST REPUBLIC BANK" LETTERS @ 14 SQ. FT. SIGN "F" "PARKING" DIRECTIONAL CABINET SIGN @ 5.3 SQ. FT. NOTE THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) HAS APPROVED AND ISSUES AN ENCROACHMENT PERMITS ALLOWING THE PROPOSED SIGN "C' STATE OF-CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TR-0120 (REV. 2/98) In compliance with (Check one): X Your application of ❑ Utility Notice No, TO: Agreement No. RAW Contract No. FI TSR REPUBLIC BANK 3297 N. PERSHING AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92405 NANCY PARKER 909/883-7798 I of of of 1200-6BR-0205 12-ORA-1-16.05 4/5/2000 I , PERMITTEE $420.00 And subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: Install, maintain one (1) electronic display sign within State right of way along East coast Highway (SR-1) at Goldenrod Avenue in Newport Beach. All performed work shall be in accordance with current Caltrans Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, the attached Provisions, and Permit Plans dated 3/17/2000. Permittee shall contact Bob Ashcraft, Permit Inspector 949/724-2266 between 7 AM and 9 AM a minimum of two working days prior to the start of work and a pre -construction meeting will be scheduled at the earliest mutually agreeable time. The following attachments are also Incluoeo as part or mis perm¢ (Check applicable): X Yes ❑ No General Provisions Yes X No Utility Maintenance Provisions X Yes No Special Provisions Yes No A Cal -OSHA permit required prior to beginning work; actual costs for: X Yes X Yes X Yes Review Inspection Field Work (if any Caltrans effort expended) u u permit. This permit Is void unless the work is complete before 5/28/2000 This permit Is to be strictly construed and no other work other than specifically mentioned Is hereby authorized. No orolect work shall be commenced until all other necessary permits and environmental clearances have been obtained. Mice (2) Ken District Director Prepared: Danh Phan Page I of 2 m O z W J 0 C7 FLAG POL_ E. C OAST HIGHWAY' i 1 1 L . 1 VLL k mll Vm,.Mj SITE PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. Naxm 0191 1 oZ �-0 Z o W O g d CL 0 0 0 2± fRONTAGE COAT HIGHWAY ELEVATION BAGE,8"=l' |)J:%[ol r Lo 30'-0" n CABINET SIGN & EAGLE LOGO SCALE:3/8" -- 1'-0" MANUFACTURE & INSTALL (1) INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CABINET SIGN & EAGLE LOGO. CABINET CALL -OUT FACE TO BE ROUTED -OUT ALUMINUM PAINTED PMS 3435C GREEN W/ PUSHED THRU 1/4" CLEAR PLEX. COPY TO HAVE WHITE FILM APPLIED FIRST SURFACE TO CLEAR PLEX. CABINET PAINTED PMS 3435C GREEN EAGLE CALL -OUT MANUFACTURE & INSTALL (1) BACKLIT & FACELIT LOGO. FACE TO BE WHITE PLEX W/ 3M GOLD FILM OVERLAY. t EAGLE HEAD TO HAVE 3M WHITE FILM DIFFUSER OVERLAY. RETURN TO BE PAINTED PMS 3435C GREEN. TRIMCAP TO BE GOLD. 1O T 4 L 1 Y m iii Z Z � 4'-6" 4'-0" 3 11//4" 1F1LRST .!I_�J_G.lC ILIJS])JL H(c ]BANK I 4'-0" V.O. (EMC) - I I _ 3" RETAINER D/F PROJECTING SIGN W/ TIME & TEMP UNIT SCALE:1" = 1'-0" MANUFACTURE & INSTALL (1) INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED D/F PROJECTING CABINET W/ TIME & TEMP UNIT. HEADER PANEL TO BE ROUTED -OUT COPY BACK W/ WHITE PLASTIC. CABINET PAINTED TO MATCH PMS 3435C GREEN. SIGN TO FLUSH MOUNTED TO WALL. TIME & TIME UNIT CALL -OUT MONOCHROME 2 X 3 VISIBLE OPENING, 16" X 16" MODULES, 1" ON CENTER 32 X 48 LAMP MATRIX. SQUARE FOOTAGE X � Z oZ O U ((n W O a o o z U O O 0 a m J1. z 3 = rn U E m Q� U lL (� ' _ m m o'.eca `� o "`" e6a_o;= a'o � ^3aoc o t oas U iEcg �^a v—i U Z On inoV.. ¢ „Lc VF Y P�3 W n 6 H hu €3h a _ars°3 O 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 3/16" STL ANGLE 2'-1 " LONG (20 112"0 A 307 THRU BOLT d A G a d a STEEL BEAM VERIFY H 1/2" PLATE 4'-6" CAB. 4'-0" EMC V.O. 2x2x3/16" T.S. OHO LAMPS :C is 2x2x3/16" T.S. PRIOR TO FABRICATION CABINET ELEVATION SCALE : 1"= 1'-0" 518"0 HOLES FOR 112"0 A 307 THRU BOLTS (2) EA (2) 1/4"x 4 x 4" GUSSET .090" RIO ALUM FACE BACKED W/ WHITE PLEX 7 7/8" VERIFY PROVIDE SERVICE DOOR AT THIS END 3'-10" O.A. CAB. 3'-7 112" O.C. STL TUBE '2'-0 112" \3/16" TYP. I SECTION n SCALE : 1 "= 1'-0" (3)3/8"0 S.S. TI 24" O.C. AT TOP END SECTION SCALE : 1 1 2 = 1 -0 PLATE C>N"`R s 9 ,%a F LL115 L� - . 11" -7 3'-10" O.A. CAB. 2'-8" 1 2x20116" EMC T.S. V.O. 3'-1 1/2" EMC CAB. 3" GENERAL NOTE4 1. ALL STEEL TUBING TO CONFORM TO ASIM A-500 GRADE B 2. ALL STEEL PIPE TO CONFORM TO ASTM A-53 GRADE B 3. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES AND PLATE TO BE ASTM A-36 4. ALL STEEL BOLTS TO BE ASTM A-307 UNLESS OTHER NOTED 5. WELDING TO CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED OPERATORS 6. CONCRETE TO DEVELOP 2500 PSI MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS 7. SIGNS TO HAVE U L. LABEL AND FINAL ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP IN FIELD TO BE PER NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 8. REINFORCING STEEL TO BE ASTM A-615, GRADE 40 e o Z 0 Z 0 WU (n � 0 g o LLI 0 a a. CL of o a v 3 Ii o ac. LE 5 z o.Qc ra'-f: � oEo a�eia'_ o c�ai U iEno'^ rn07 say w o z � 11'-6" 1/2'1-1'-1 7/8•1 6` — 7'-3 1/4` n CABI�IGN ELEVATION MANUFACTURE & INSTALL (1) INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED S/F CABINET SIG FACE TO BE ROUTED -OUT ALUMINUM BACKED W/ WHITE PLASTIC. COPY & ARROW TO BE WHITE CABINET PAINTED TO MATCH PMS 3435C GREEN. SQUARE FOOTAGE = 1 SSQ. FT. 6' I 1'-1 7/6" 15 3 2'-6 5/8" 5'-5 1/2' 1'-7 3/8" 6 3/4" n la �aRST REPUE'LHC L ANK n NUGOLD EAGLE LOGO ` SCALE 1 t/2" MANUFACTURE & INSTALL (1) NON —ILLUMINATED FCO NUGOLD EAGLE LOGO LOGO TO BE PIN MOUNTED TO BRICK WALL. SQUARE FOOTAGE = 14 SQ. FT. I t� m a tf r- r 9 5'-6' V_0• f 3'-7 5/8' i CABINET SIGN ELEVATION F scALE i 1'-0' MANUFACTURE do INSTAL (1) INTRWal ILLUMINATED S/F CABINET SIGN FACE TO BE ROUTED -OUT ALUMINUM BACKED W/ WHITE PLASTIC. COPY k ARROW TO BE WHITE. CABINET PAINTED TO MATCH PMS $435C GREEN. SQUARE FOOTAGE = 5.3 SQ. ITL sl 1 g u