HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 12EXCCPTION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT o' -N-A CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION Application Rec'd by (--- 3300 Newport Boulevard Fee: $ 220.00 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 Applicant (print) Exxon Company, U.S.A. Phone 714/836-6661 Mailing Address P. O. Box 16118, Long Beach, CA 90806 - Property Owner Exxon Company, U. S.A. Phone 714/836-6661 _ Mailing Address P. O. Box 16118, Long Beach, CA 90806 Address of Property Involved 2121 Bristol , Newport, California Purpose of Application (describe fully) To install a second price sign to display the cash price of gasoline sold. The first sign will display credit price as required by state law. See attached drawings and photograph. Zone C-1-H Present Use Exxon service station Legal Description of Property Involved (if t(,,, long, attach separate sheet) Parcel Map No 82-719 - Being a Subdivision of Lot 80 and a portion of Lot 81 of Tract No. 706, Recorded in Book 21, page 25 of Miscellaneous Maps Why will proposal not be contrary to the purpose of the Sign Ordinance? See "A" attached Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances involved? See "B" attached Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a substantial property right?__ Not applicable Why will proposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? See "C" attached OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (I) (We) F x �.0 depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owners of the property ies involved in this application. (I) (14e)further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained. and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best'of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature (s) �• I� 1 ' - L NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if iritten authorization from the record owner is filed with the application. iii ri�f*#k4k xC xx iric :irirric i iri]EYAiikFi[JAI*iM�afArtY,li it*[Fiii*Y•41rAii%ikliiiiirMLi���i DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BtLObJ THIS LINE r Date Filed _Fee Pd. Receipt No. OW2:L Hearing Date Publication Date Posting Date - _ Mail Date _ P.C. Action hate -lr-r) Appeal C.--.Hearing L C.C.Action Date p 2 �'aS t77iCt�I�- 2L�Q;7t7 TCa , to save the interesLeaThis has been extremely appealing to the public and our cash customers now account for more than 60% of business. A neat visible price sign is necessary to communicate the cash price to the public. Without this sign there is no way to effectively compete. Therefore, we would not be able to offer "Discount for Cash" to the public. The Newport Beach Sign Ordinance obviously intends to provide, for neat, visible price signing in the public interest. Our proposed sign meets this objective. B. Should the price sign be denied, we would not be able to offer the public a "Discount for Cash" reduced price because of inability to effectively communicate with the public. This will be detrimental to the public and our independent dealer who will not be able to compete with nearby service stations. C. As can be seen from the decision to rebuild our outmoded service station, Exxon is vitally interested in upgrading our image and public acceptance in this Newport Beach location. Our building design and graphics have received national recognition. The proposed price sign is neat and uncluttered. The overall appearance will be far superior to that of our competitors along Bristol, all of whom have numerous price signs as can be seen in the attached photos. L.00ATION:' Parcel No. 1 of, Parcel .Map No. .82-719 EXCEPTION (Resubdivision No. 681), located* at 2121 NO. 12 Bristol Street, on the southwesterly corner of .Bristol Street and Irvine Avenue,, adjacent to the Santa.Ana Heights area. ZONE: C-1--H APPLICANT: Exxon Company, U.S.A., Long Beach OWNER: Same as Applicant Mr. Ralph Barahis, representing the Exxon Company, Long Beach, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Barahis stated that in reviewing the staff report, they do agree with staff's recommendations. It is felt by the Exxon Company that they need an additional sign to call up the fact that they do offer- a cash discount for their products. In response to a question posed by Chairman King, Mr. Barahis stated that the cash sign would be identifying two products to comply with the State regulation. The lower of the two signs would be in compliance with the State regulations which would list all four products that Exxon plans to sell. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Goff, Mr. Laycock, Current Planning Administrator, stated that other gas stations that have more than one price sign have probably added them on their own without the knowledge of the City and no one has complained about them. Mr. Laycock further stated that the City Ordinance is in conflict with State Regulations and the City should change the wording of the Sign Ordinance. 25 ROLL :CALL tr August`18, 1983 fit : of Newport :Bach , INDEX In response to a question posed by Commi sinner Goff, believe that Mr. Barahis stated '.that he doesn't is a requirement: of the =displaying the cash discount it would be a disadvantage to State, but in, any case if their request were not .approved because the Exxon other gas stations that are presently. posting cash discounts signs will'get all of the customers. Mr. Bill Myers, Exxon - Marketing Area, appeared before that when Exxon the "Commission. Mr. Myers stated applied to rebuild this particular location, originally it requested that the Exxon standard design be put ,was up, Mr. Myers shared with the Commission pictures of the gas station as it appears 'today and how,' it is that `-aMr. Myers further stated proposedto the poles, but there are no' Exxon signs: between ,that that exist in this location are signs at the only signs the end of the columns, one which reads, "Self", and the other which reads, "Full". There is no sign on the reads, building, except for an information sign which the extent of the business "Air and Water", which is that was agreed to initially. A. for approval of Exception > Permit motion Amendment Accepted All Ayes X X X X Motion was ma No. 12, subject to the Findings and Conditions in Exhibit "A". Commissioner Gof: suggested an amendment to the motion, stating that, "In no event shall the signage ever exceed any future reauirprents that the City of Newport Beach will Place. within the Sign Ordinance for automobile service: stations." The maker of the motion accepted the amendment. There being nofurther discussion motion for approval was now voted on, which MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1, That the granting of an exception permit for the area and number of price signs proposed is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of Sign Ordinance and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of in the neighborhood, or persons residing detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. ' t i Au st:18,.1983 a � n e NS. ar " i• dot cif I�evpt beach Zlob."� Y. INDE x: . RCAI CALL to ste f ull 2, ..:That the •price signs are, Y ...proposed designed and are compatible with the building architecture..and other signs on the property.; 3. That the size of the proposed price .signs are the minimum size allowed ,by the State's`price sign standards for automobile service stations and that the granting of a modification to allow said signs to exceed. 8 square feet is consistent with the. intent of the Sign ordinance`of:the City of Newport Beach.' CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, and sign elevations. 2. That all previous applicable conditions of approval for Use Permit No. 3010 shall be fulfilled. 3. That this approval is to allow one 20 square foot "Credit" price sign end one 22 square foot "Cash. Only" price sign. All other signs on the subject property shall comply with the Sign Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach. 4. In no event shall the 'signage ever exceed any future requirements that the City of Newport Beach will place within the Sign Ordinance for automobile service stations. Proposed revisions to the Administrative Guidelines for Item #19 the implementation of the -provisions of State Law relative to low and moderate income housing within the casta1 Zone. INITI D BY: The City of Newport Beach PROPOSED REVISIONS.: Proposed revisio to Council Policy P-1 were reviewed TO COUNCIL by. the Planning C ission, and its recommendations POLICY P-1 will be discussed by s f at the City Council meeting Discussion) of August 22, 1983. 27 { r IC ;{ < TO `Mn.ng Commission..;. 3 { 't, # ;`" . v .I Yr5t l 4 i z.Tbe City 'FAttorney'sy+ofiice ihas `. indicatedf-thz�t the sate :'lraw ' which, requires.,Ysic�ns of :°this'.: si ae F ivNi ah� e�fceed f'"the'cffy .: standards; must be permitted. p 2- Canopysi internall illuminated ns, g y , displaying -the' company logo, each with an`area `of approximately 39t sq.ft.` f Alb-" 1 l 5 ilnternally. i11<uminated, wall, sage! `containing- approximately 54 cq ft.;.. of ;area, : attached to the-'building'sm-.Bri'stol Street elevation. _.t 1 In ternally:illuminated wall,sign-conta nin' Approximatel.y;36 sq.-ft. of -.,;,area, -,attaehed:;.;tb: the,'4'building'`s' Irvine Avenue elevation.` 3 ;. Signs ,internally illuminated; between'> the 'end• canopy columns, ;;with; the approximly'-38t ft. ,company logo:.contain ng I "Self Serve" or "Full serve" sign on each of. the 6 . canopy, ,„ cglumns;; each sgn,contains:approximately:6t sq ft. of area. - A indicated , on;:_Page ;52 ,of -the attached ;Planning Commission minutes, the Planning Commission,�approved':'Use Permit ­No.`' 3010` with the Provision that all price and. brand designation signing shall not exceed ;that which, -is,. requiredby state law; and :that --the .,remainder of the,signs shall be_:.required#to conform�.with</the City's``sign`ordinance. Analysis The applicant intends to comply with the Planning Commission's direction,but;,is requesting>;that one.additional,price sign,'containing 22 . sq. ft.. per:,; sign., face,!,.be;r permitted.' Said! sign. ;wbuld•-display the "Cash;,.Discount" ,prices. ,of .-each:..grade•`, of gasoline -and 'requires an exception„ inasmuch. as ;.such ;.s gning::.:is not_ required to :me'et 'minimum state;,,standards;i.,,(see;-;drawing,.:{No. �:;2 --.of :;attached °•%plansr for proposed "Cash" price sign). As shown on the top sheet of thel-attached plans, the "Cash" price sign .will be located above the "Credit" price sign on ; the . sable - pole,:; structure- containing;. the 36i, sq. ft , --Exxon 'ident"ification sign. Said sign structure will be located in a landscaped area at the, northeasterly cornea;of.. Jrvine;;Boulevard,,and Bristol' Street: r.a J Applicant!,s.Statement of Support - In accordancewith ' Section 20.06.090,, ..'B' ,:r,,.of' :the.'.Newport Beach Municipal Code,, in order to grant an Exception Permit, the Planning Commission. must -find , that -;,the granting: of-_ such permit .,is 'ni `6essary to protect a ,:substantial' property • right',,, will t 'not ; be contrary to the purpose „of,, ,this,,, Chapter as ,'herein:, ;set p,forth; and ` =will not be materially detrimental, to,..the health, ,,safety, comfort or•:general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or, detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or, to the general welfare of the City. ta;, ;1 l' 5 4'. Why is 'an Exception PQimit `iiiecessary to `protect'. a substantial.` ' property,'right? .. No :comment"submitted. Staff has "no ;objections to the additional price signor the proposed size of each, of. the ,price. signsinasmuch.: as they are. tastefully 'designed:, and compatible , with "the '. other: proposed signs.," It ."i further opinion that the proposed 'Cash" price, sign,,, although not required, by,;state-law , will"-�,,serve'ao,-rbetter-i�inf`: ttie general' public and ,is ,consistent with;the;intentrof the,Newpgrt Beach sign ordinance.' Staff recommends',appxoval of--lException 'Permit No.f `12 ,arid suggest that the _Planning: Commission-,itakea: such: faction•. ,subject . td ' tfie ' Findings and ' ConditLons, outlined:_in-,Exhibit .."A": ' ,attached.' PLANN1N ,DEP. RTMENT: ,JAMES D..HEWICKER, Director o 'B. l NAVA W. Wirli"a Ward Senior :Planner WWW imp Attachments: Exhibit Vicinity Map Letter From Applicant Excerpt of Planning ..Commission':Minutes Dates` :<;r•: December 9; : 1982 Plot Plan and Sign. - Elevations,,,!,:,:1_ <, I. EXHIBIT Zt � FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL .OF EXCEPTION NO. 12 t r y Y j y a l That the granting, an exception permit •£or the area and number a',substantial ,of, to'y. rotect of{ price signs ;proposed ;.is :necessary P se ?of °Sign l : to :.the purpo propertt .right,;. will:: not • be:.contrary sI not, be=,matera ally detrimental to the 'hin lthe Ordinance -; and Will : � welfare?._of•~persons `residing: comfort or ;general safety. property- or neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to p P 'general welfare `of -'improvements in',the'"neighborhood, or to the y J the City. 2. That the proposed price signs are tastefully designed�;and are other signs on compatible with the ,building architecture and tthe property. signs are t 3. That the size of the propo rice ricesigfor i automobile allowed by the states p standards allow. the a modification to aow service stations and that granting exceed 8 sq.ft• is consistent with the intent of said signs to the sign ordinance of the Cit of Newport Beach:" Conditions: That development shall be in. substantial conformance. with the 1. approved plot planand sign elevations: That all ;previous applicable conditions of"' approval for Use 2. Permit No. 3010 shall be fulfilled. 3. That this approval is to allow one 20 sq. ft. "Credit" price sign All other signs on the and,one 22 sq.ft, "Cash Only price sign. comply with the sign ordinance of the City :subject property shall of Newport 'Beach. A DIVISION OF EY:Ol1 G:.RPORATION FAR TAINA . h Decemberr e X r of a a mw a • Beach ewpOtt. city, cif N y N _ INDEX ; ROLLi ,CALL �( 4 Use Permit No. 3010 .(Public Hearing) Item M19 Request to permit` the reconstruction of an automobile' ;., i, station ;:on ., property ;service District :.The proposal "?also..requests "an exception ; ,o: as,,to.=,permiti=signs: .that exceed the size and: U5E PERMIT permit ,, . number permitted. NO': '3010 LUCAT,ION Portion.., of Lots 80. ,and ,fll of _,Tract ,, 70u, a,, ]ocated at,2121 Bristol Street, pp,:,the a; southeasterly. corner.,, of Bristol Street i and "2rvine ,Avenue, adjacent:.to, the Newport Heights area _, ;AND << AND Resubdivision No 681 (Public Hearing) Item #20 Request to establish a single parcel of land .for .,the reconstruction of an existing_ service station where portions of two lots presently exist - LpCATION: Portions of Lots 80 and 81 of Tract 706, LOCATION: located at 2121 Bristol Street, on the , .RESUB_ southeasterly corner of Bristol Street DIVISION and Irvine Avenues adjacent to the NO. 681 i Newport Heights area. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Tait and Associates, Inc., Anahe}m BOTH OWNER: Exxon Corporation, Long Beach APPROVED.' CONDI- ENGINEER: Tait.and Associates, Inc., Anaheim - TIONALLY Agenda Items No. 19 and 20 were heard concurrently due to their relationship. The public hearing opened in connection with these items and Mr. Allan Hart, representing the applicant, appeared before the Commission and requested approval of these items. -49- i .,T 4,a t. to �4 } s GOM`M15SIONERS �' �'• �; t 00 N.,F " 1 S •�� •, _: 7 7 �.` w.a P.�'r.V• '1{. If �';- .„ - s Decembers city , of k ilolewportF 7 rTAT ,23» ttit`Sie...,":Xr.FtwKtM v d •to a ;:question ,poseby Commiss ioner Goff, .In -,response Mr.,:.Hart -explained .the,`information' which sis .. required by the StatewidestPricei.,Postin'g: Law. �Hez''stated that a1;1.' prices;;;;must ;,be ';identified ; to F'the >motoring public end that the 'numerals ' must be of adequate • size foz 'the 'and public to, read. He stated that price lettering numbering. -,,,,of ..the :•,proposed "'+signs.= are `larger than the minimum -required by State law ' Commissioner Goff expressed hjs-,_ concern that ,the proposed. signs are :approximately three times{ larger'' ' stated than what the !Si:gn.,,Ordinance.,.allows•. Mr. ;Hart the , proportion - of ..;;.the -_'proposed r signs; are R consistent; with .,-thearchitectural style of the service stations. 'He distributed.photographs to the -Commission which depicted the typical signs utilized by :the iExxon service stations...r.• .. ; s In response : to, a question posed, by Commissionez Goff; .. Planning.,,D.irector ,Hewicker explained ;that they sign calculations delineate the:entire `square,footage of the ,sign,, as :,opposed:: to only,,. -the area encompassed'; by the lettering. Mr. Ha rt-,stated:that the proposed signs are .._ a part of the-:overall�identification'and image. of the Exxon service stations. Commissioner :Goff:,, suggested -an amenclmei)t' to. the ".which reflect. approval P` -;approval of:; these:;. items.. .would based;;upon: meeting or -.more nearly"'meeting the.' City", ,Sign .Ordinance .,regulations: >. full ;. Mr. Hart stated that the self -serve and; -serve signs located on the canopy and the islandwould;have '; ;further to be •. maintained at..: the size :.as proposed He the canopy stated,. that:: the r.- located between at, the end.of''.the canopy, would Nave .toEalso columns.;and be -maintained because:they,are an,integral part; of the architect,.. of f, :the _, station.- He requested that'; he be dete`i ninq given the latitude to work with staff --in the the elimination of any signs. He stated ;that`. actual;si.g. n identification' for,.,the.: station itself : onl}� - of, 36,.square feet.:.. He stated' that they; also < -consists the sign which depicts `the': service sof need ,;to maintain. . diesel fuel, in, order to.F:i orm the motoring ;public that the diesel fuel is avaiI.able at the station: , -50- { i • December 9,`•a98 Q,n .� CL �� .: City ofw�,: a' ' ort�' Beach ?. ROLL Alh - In :,response! to :a.:question 'posed 1by' Commis3ioner .Goff,. P]'anr�ing; Director Hewicker °stated that a condition .'of approval, could :be added = whirh'•'woulcl 'reflect: that ;the signing: -shall be.- reviewed :and . approved` by the Planning Director..' Commis Toner,: Goffexpressed his;: concern' with the ttwo identificationl signs`'hocated,,between thesupporting columns under the canopy: Commissioner McLaughlin concurred: Chairman Kinq•!suggested .'that theExxon ':wording be`' eliminate& I from,= the signs', but the' -" 'surface : remain lighted in corder.'' to supply-'lighti;ng to the fs.land j Mr. Bob Burnham, Assistant City 'Attorney, ,explained that the definition of the area of a sign means the space enclosed by the outer dimensions r of the sign,; or if , there :is no border, the area `shall"; be the space enclosed by:;sets ofparallel` lines 'containing the .,,wording,. or images°composing the sign'. '.,Chairman. King stated. that , if the: wording: rof the ' sign is ;:eliminated; it Would ;nolonger constitutes sign: Motion was made:., forapproval 'of Use Permit No. ;3010 ; subject to : the'. findings' and ' conditions:' of approval -- of Exhibit !W." ',. with the exception-tthat``',the, signing 'shall not exceed that -,which ' is':•'permitted' by the City;'s Sign. Ordinance. ; • s X Amendment -to.-the motion was''' made "'for' approval ;of Use Permit;No. 3010 subject to -the findings'and'conditions of, ;approval of . Exhibit='.'A", 'including the el'iinination ' of;the Exxon`:wordi:nq from •the two identification signs. located �between:.,the' supporting •'colufins ',under` the canopy. • t Commissioner -Goff accepted the amendment 'to his motion. ;.;However,: he stated that: thee amendment to he motion will ;still allow for. almost three times, more than what ;the• Sign Ordinance allows. t -51- i R L ,,,-/V\W1VI`�CtC� s ,w'� 7 December 9' 1962.c �f ��' r + ��MNUTES. €~ di C, :� ocC'c„. Cit fOi Newpo rfi� r r w ' - �-.tllY lid dECV{� L - t ; ;.; 7.:Mr ,,Burnham:�stated, that the requirements of State `.law ' will pre-empt the:==City's' 'Sign "Ordin'ahce. .He stated that certain signing,is required by'State `j, law: ' Commissioner Goff stated that tome'::._'oE the,, propgsod; signing which is required by State law is-larger,than whatris.required.` Mr. Burnham suggested that the Conuniss� n 'cduid condition approval'6f these'items'so that therprice;and brand designation<r .signing' `not : 'exceed that which is required by State law. He stated that the remainder of ? the ,.signs, .could; then be required' to conformt with the City Sign !Ordinance t j ; 3 Chairman King:. stated that' because'` of the site iocation -,.and the, off -ramp, to the proposed expansion of the freeway, -,--additional signing would' be helpful in this area.: -. ;Furthery he stated that many;' motorists experience difficulty in obtaining 'diesel fuel and that ease of:identification-is needed:' Substitute Motion X Substitute; Motion was made: for approval of Use Permit Ayes X X, X No. 3010,::subject'to the findings'!and ;conditions of ' .Noes X I -X Exhibit, ° W..-i which : SUBSTITUTE' MOTION•' FAILED.} Absent ,rAmended-,Motion was`.further i amended to reflect' approval AMENDED of .Use Permit;: No. 3010, sub'3ect 'to the findings and MOTION ; X conditions :of Exhibit! "A",, 'with the' z condition; that the price and ..brand.: --.'3'signati6n± signing shall ',not f exceed that which is required by State law, and ?that the remainder of the signs. shall be required to conform with the City's Sign Ordinance, ' Mr. ;Burnham clarified'''that` the''`applicant` would ;be allowed ,to_ erect signs` -"'up' to what' is allowed by; the City's Sign Ordinance and: the price :and brand designate on :- signs ,!.would be' over' and above what 'is,' allowed by theCity''s Sign Ordinance.` r -52- 13 t � r KOLL .CALL, k f elwiriFl" •i �d.l-b� f..Yiai.,r].i 4°nf. u. t ; '.� R {• l X X X X X11 Amended ,Motion -'was : now•. rooted .on ' as follows, ;which Ayes }( AMENDED MOTION CARRIED:,., t Noes ;f Absent, r f FINDINGS ; 1 1. That the proposed use ;is .consistent with the Land; IIse'Element,of the General Plan and. is compatible with surrounding land uses.` ; f 2. The_,-, project • will -,,.not::- .` have= any -significant ; environmental, impact. 3 The PolicerDepartment has indicated that they do not contemplate .any problems: 4. The approval. of Use Permit No. 3010 will not., ' under,': 'the,:.,,. , circumstances' ;',of this`' case ,i be , detrimental..to the health,' safety, peace, '.morals', comfort and., general. welfare. of -persons, residing and, working.; in the neighborhood or `be detrimental orinjuriousto..property or -.improvements 1. in the neighborhood or the ,-general;.welfare of the`'City. 5. That the granting of an exception permit for the area and number. of :signs-proposed'.i necessary:, o protect a substantial ,property'`riglit, will, not, be contrary to. ,the _ purpose of this_`•Chapter as 'herein set forth, and will not be materially idd.trim,ental ? to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons';; residing in:..',the"`neighborhood`, ,or detrimental or injurious to property' 'or, improvements. in : the ` neighborhood#, or; to; the general,welfare of the. City. ' CONDITIONS: { 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance; with: ;the ,.-approved plot'• plan,,, floor plans_,and elevations, _except'as'noted below,' 2. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall - be,; ,prepared ... by, - a licensed landscape architect. At least 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with plant materials designed ,to, provide beautification and screening to'the site. , -53- .. ..''. ' ruAMA'p',1s. > Ya!/41"•M _ ' i rn:f13 M Decembe'r'9; '1982 CO t e 7 n c ��� �i l' ,eW p: � 1 Uzi N , Y.. 8eah w7 ..,b t,. :S.ta2pJ,?dLK,uN3,i.i+ y,b.!..'i3+kiLr...YRf.dui..F.3T"1p,4T.{:yt.rll.wr.C;-9�1?'�,.d,. RC:�I.0 C 1L' �Nt iy' kr• ?x,.• r. +1 t,7".�: ,a4 ,;t°.Fill . �k,z 4.. •cki; /°4u% >faiaa°,�i":.fN.OE'"'b�!:Jr"RS%�.I.n'Ss•'�� 3. The landscape plan shall be subject tc; the; review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation ;Department, A •and'the approval of the" Planning uepartme 4. The landscape plan shall' include ra maintenance ; program which controls the use of fert'iAzers and pesticides, j 5. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis:on ' the use oi''drought resistant:,;native vegetation i and be irrigated "with'' a system designed ` to avoid ;..` surface;"runoff and overwatering: 6. That L a minimum of ffve"parking space's ,fo r each i F service bay shall be provided. Said spaces shall ; be marked withapproved traffic:.markersor painted i s white lines not 'less than 4 "iniihes wide'. 'The: City Traffic Engineer shall approve the on -site parking and circulation plan prior to the issuance :of building permits. 7. That a 6-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed' ~'on the rear'property line adjacent to the existing residential 'structure to the rearof the subject property.` ` 8. All lighting fixtures shall "be ,located so' as :to shield 1 dire ct rays from' • om d Y adjoining oinin� .. r o `r 7 e ties g P Luminaires shall be of a low level`, indirect diffused type and shall not exceed a� hei'ght of greater than twenty (20) feet .above ;finished.; grade. ; 9 That all `conditions o f 'approval of Resubdivisi'on No. 681 be fulfilled. ; i 10.,t That all applicable development standards' for new: servicd -'stations' be 'incorporated into the project: design'. 1I-., That the price;" and', brand'designation signing shall. not exceed that which is required by State law,, and that the remainder of the 'signs`: shall be required to conform with the 6 Ci ty -si Sign Ordinance. -S4- _ .. ._ .... ..,.. ,..,r...........w •.....r;,...r .,y u..r...u• ....n r..r r .- �n new .rw,.un trn a r 7 4- Cjj E;Y INDEX; :4,T1 A gt 6 8 1 subdivision o or Val of., "was made, approval Ayes x x x X, 'Resu mot-ion I motiond condi�ionsv.w h-ch to the following findings an NOBS MOTION 'Absent. FINDINGS the ! -map, me,eof 'Titi' 9 of meets the. requirements. a6rdin'anbes. I Beac Municipal ,.Code i o r.1 the Newport ii nera specific of the'City, a applicable ge is i, n' e Planning Commission satisfied L Alan'sand h w ith the plan .,of subd v ision L � That the. propoped re.subdiy i si ion presents no 2 - problems romL, 'a planning standpoint. e subdivision or thed the I That the design of , proposed 3. , easements improvements, will ,.not, any. eaS6 . I I :access ic at �, large► for access d by, the ;,public the roposed p through' or. use,,of, PFOPer ty within p subdivision.' CONDITIONS - That parcel map. be,,filed-L.' � ;required s be constructed as That all improvement 2. by,,Ordinanc e and the.Public Works Department.. subdivision agreement and ! 3. That a standard order to,be: i provided.:: in sur0tY accompanying ; ­ ' of the public j satisfactory completion guarantee, , , M_ . 4 , , _ _ j irciell : � it is desired to record a ;parcel, i improvements ob tain a building permit prior, to: map or completipn -of:the public.improve ments -55- '.- December ,y, L=4 City/ .f Neanport Beach yi 1. ,) . 1+ May. 3, ;1983 - Page .2 e it of N w ort.Beach C Y P . i The station which was e'.rmolished had two price signs measuring sixteen (16) ;i square feet each — one sign posting Full Serve prices and the other posting Self Serve. This 'is, the recognized standard method for price posting and tends not to confuse our customers,: I have prepared an exhibit of price signs currently posted by our competitors in the - area and you will note that most have two or, more. price signs,sach of which exceeds eight (8) square feet. Ex�son.requests permission to post two price signs whose size is sixteen (16) square feet, which not.only conforms to State Regulations, but will conform to that method of signing, which the customer recognizes and accepts.- Yours truly;` EXXON COMPANY, U.S.A. R. E. Johnson AwUkgt 1983 Date l ; ADVANCE` PLANNING :AI VISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X :PLANS ATTACIlED. ;(PLEASE RETURN) s r; •. a,�X �`itAFFIG�`ENGINEERrr; � —MENT _PLANS EPA ,•• �'' . • ;. ,..' � ,. ON"FILE IN PLANNING; DEFT: .• 'PLAN.'.REVIEW DIVISION "&:.RECREATION - _PARKS POLICE'. ; DEPARTMENT ' MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Exxon Company, U.S."A. FOR'ExceptionPermit No. 12 with Modification' Request to. permit the construction of two price signs.where the Code .limits axd automobile service stations to one •Price:. sign..- The proposal also. includes modification to '•the` Zoning Code as to ow, each price sign It exceed the allowable 8 sguare feet for >each 'sign. LOCATED ATi 2I21 ''Bristol 'Streetj Parcel 1 of Parcel Map .No. 179-48-49 (Res ubdivision Not 681) REPORTREQUESTEDBY: August 5, 1983 COMMISSION REVIEW: August 18, 1983 COMMENTS: /� tr Dater" Signature c, �Y 777777 - CARBON SEA' ADDRESSING-,REMOVE' RE �J, ,1-822 (4722) 2 PART _ LABELS 'D� T .;ounty of Orange Land Evolution Inc. No nailing Address 2082 SE Bristol St. 119-232-23 Santa Ana, Ca: 92707 119-234-62^•, �12> Alfred Stoffel State of California 4201 Birch Street No Mailing Address Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 427-151-01 119-234-09 2 427-042-59 13{� David.Magilavy 1405 Clay Street' Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 - } 119-234-10, 113•,t Land Evolution Inc. 2082 SE Bristol St. Santa Ana = Ca. 92707 119-234-20 .� James Cramer 20071 SW Birch St. Santa Ana, Ca. 92707 119-234-21 5 Safeway Plumbing & Heating 1000 Quail St. Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 119-234-22 b - William Cagney 6777 Hollywood Blvd. -; Los Angeles, Ca. 90028 119-234-48, 49 . Phillip Stevens 32138 Via Buena - San Juan Capistrano, Ca. 92675 119-234-50 8 ` Atlantic Richfield Co. P.O.Box 2679.1 Terminal Annex Los Angeles, Ca. 90051 Jdmond Lani 18952.Mac Arthur Blvd. #340 Irving, Ca. 92715 119-234-54 10 Llewellyn Copp 1022 Westwind Way . Newport -Beach, Ca.'92660 119-234-60 11 t� A i F 17 DOLrE5L� I p I --I" El ec. conduit stub up . 12 Above 1 II c�eiw8 �' II I I 1711411 G/141s 4 u I I 1� 1 J, �2J � V im) SEE DETAIL �� Z'aFO iJJ � �.'YP� I II I 3 "6 HOLE FOR , _I �r / I I ` J ELECTRICAL ' I TOP B BOTTDM 4"x 12" horizontal decorative members furnished with signs.l'` ,1 ' - r C01 n� to N SIGN TYPE--� I 7/8HOLES BY SIGN ERECTOR FOR PRIf,F SIGN I I L- — -- MOUNTIN'G\CINLY I I I 1 I I vr"�I TACIOV 3�6 I (IULT (4 15� I. D. SIGN ANCILLARY G PRICE SIGN I1 F F 1� k. (6J PRICE SIGN MOUNTING BOLT HOLE LOCATIONS (by Sign Erector) I . D. S ilgn_. Size 30 40 70 Pole Height 20 25 20 25 25 30 Sign Type �� �J (5i C� C5! �J `�D C6 L4 (5 J05 1 T I F r- I �o to I to r — rn - N r• r- = to r- = to 1 O I co O co O M Oj Oj �I 0 00 in � r- rn r` v � rn `n oN G3'-10" 4'-511 6'-9" I II I 11 I II I I 4 /4 3 /2 - 4/4 ' SEE DETAIL THIS-� II - - SHEET - -i k — -� 3/4� x 6' LONG BOLTS, NUTS & LOCK WASHERS BY SIGN ERECTOR FOR PRICE SIGN MOUNTING ONLY 11C 4, fi ID E vil i , II >'1 III 1,41 ) tp II b ' II pj,J►J:�� Z�� r?I. biro - 1 3 TIES AT 16" 0. C . ----r— Reinforcing steel ford---' ---- -- i number and size of ! _ i d•, w i bars ( see scheld. ) i � 1 19 ;i I 0 I No.3 ties of 16"O.C. i 1 I,� I No.3 ties typical F� I i 4 GENERAL NOTES (1) Steel - Steel fabrication & erection shall be in accordance with current A.I.S.C. Specs. (2) Poles foundations and anchor bolts designed for30/50 pounds per. square foot wind loading as noted. (3) Pole material to be Cor-Ten steel or approved equal, conforming to A.S.T.M. Spec. A-242. (4) Welds to be made with E70XX electrodes. All welding procedures to be qualified. (5) Welders to be qualified in accordance with A.I.S.C. Spec. Sect. 1.17.2. (6) Painting - 1 coat (dip) zinc chromate primer. In addition, top mounting plate to have 1 coat epoxy paint. (7) Anchor bolts are to be furnished with poles. Each anchor bolt shall be furnished with three (3) heavy hexagon nuts and one (1) circular washer. Ar>rhor bolts and nuts shall be per A.S.T.M. A-307. Washers shall be per A.S.T.M. A-325. (8) Foundation is suitable for installation in firm soil having an allowable bearing value of 4000 lbs. per sq, ft. or more. In- crease foundation size for poor soil bearing conditions. (9) Foundation must be poured against undisturbed soil, or soil compacted in three (3) inch layers. Reinforcing steel shall conform to A.S.T.M. A-615, A-616 or A-6M, steel to be grade 60. (10) Exposed top edges of foundation to have 3/4" chamfer. All conduit by installation contractor. (11) Concrete to test 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days minimum. (12) Ancillary signs bolt to I. D. Sign above SIGN SYSTEM AR E AS INSTALL. TYPE SERVICE/PRICE SIGNS TOTAL SIZE INS . FT. 1 NONE (I.D. only) 30 1 40 70 2 ONE ANCILLARY 50 62. ill 3 TWO ANCILLARY 70 84 153 4 PRICE SIGN ONLY ONE ANCILLARY W/PRICE SIGN 70 90 164 5 90 112 206 6 TWO ANCILLARY W/PRICE SIGN 110 ! 134 248 I) II POLE a 'INSTALLAT ION D ETA I L S ELECTRICAL HOLE BY BY SIGN ERECTOR FOR PRICE SIGN ONLY ' 411 TYPICAL � I eQ . I I I• ,,.". � I I I I I `ip, P 0 L E M A N U FA C T U R E R SIGN ERECTOR ( Also see price sign mounting hole locations. Pole MODEL. Pole Ht. Ft. "A" Major I.U. Sign Size S . Ft. Wind Maximum Load ' Signing Area #/o� (Sq. Ft.) Base Plate Thickness "C" Bolt Hole Dia• I'D" Tube Wall Thickness "L" Actual Sign Wioth �_ to Poles "B" Foundation Depth Below grd "X" Foundation Reinforcing Anchor Bolts No. R�qd. Bar Size Diameter "Y" Length "Z" Ft. Inches 30/40-20H 20 30 ' 3rj 112 1.00" ---- 1 1/4" 0.1875 7'-411 7� -8 1/4" 92.25 4'-6" : 61-0" 6 8 7 6 718 / 1 1/8" 2311 2711 so(88.0") 40. 30 81-1,rrl•,1.2" (97.5") 8' -5 3/411 101.78 4' -6" 6 7 - 7/8" 23" 50 6'-U" 8 6 1 1/8" 27 30/40-25H 25 30 30 134 1.25 1.375 1 1/2" 0.25 - ' (88.0") _ 7'-8 i!4" 92.25 S 1-6" 8 6 P, 25 11 5U 6'-6" 8 7 1 3/8" 29 40 97.511) Ti 0 . 8 , - 86 25 50 i'-�' 8 7 1 3/8" 31 70 ,, 206 ;�.- 11 -3'' (135) _..._._._.__ 11'-7.1/4" 139.25 6 - 6 11 - _ 8 6 ;. 9 70 - 25 H 50 1 7/8" 0.375 - 81 -611 8 1 8 1 3/4" 39 - 248 8 0. -6' 83511. - - J f�l BHT P��E FF-J, _2N TEFT _ t I . , w a .T.S. 12 x4x"L1' — — I C�21L1. el; •f'oP tot I _�.� , 2 �a -��tr -✓�' .G. �5 � i- I - - 1' UP /2° ;)Pep ' 3It �or �,,_ >' �� �lj� '/q,� Ct hh. RD, c i, 1 . - At 1�31i,f- / 1/8 x 20 x C I 1 , , .���. z'aP �;o•:�V�'e ✓ 61aec' GrR .G. '� •- �: ;; �' ;; l GOND;111' - I Wlel� -o I& r II 4 HOLES FOR Y DIA.- I , ANCHOR BOLTS- see scheld. Holes 1/" larger than bolts__ 8 1 `'C "x 20 x II_ 8rl sy�� I ���'O'•.1 "�+�,���� �A+ 31� Il�Oli I� ��"10�H� ���l�i—i0� ?'1 0l I �v`���+/� /✓� i2.11 +U" --- _ . - - - - ---- I o oPulr,�J��+12 -in -- -- I , T.S. 1 12x 4° x1L (See table above) J . , p9Ft-1olx�l�2� I i, I I I I lra1-1 I U'�5• 2 X x II LII i ZIMbcH•o2G2I 11 ��D.t ( lea uI�4) Z_%42V4 T.S. 12x4•x L � „ I I Glal,� d , do!,l - - - u — — — — 3 — I= + II x 2 �2 z 8 I - _.._. 1. L... .... ...� I 3/16 't'.iGk MELD I,, At HE:Q. I , IL �'AIGk 1r�LL 'f+d HB�►D ___- --_.-_ .------- -- --- —_ r II 11 MOUNTING PLATE FOR 1 40 I 1 1 3/4 Nu s o - __ __ _ -- --1 - 3NUTS Nuts welded ?/� i,-3/i�y3�1r�0�8 _ 316 /4 to plate). N�5 I��NaQ POL4 g':1�011 l-I D EYA I �- _ .._..-- -- /I�d" I I-�o� ..;,A �- �pZ v�rz fi g . G� ": 0 > W r , w J O LJJ W W U) W z O ti 7w a 0 J LIJ o z_ r o • ` A. s O Z Cr ll1 W uJ V / W 0 Z o W Z 0 a > ,6 Z o 0 D m r. r-- � a Q � Quo cn o .z z Z W CL w W ,J `` a- � � 0 a D a (, d w — J �" O 0 Z < to O 0 W Cr F— r W �o W d 0 s Fw.a.. DRAWN APPROVED SCALE G, 7 i-4�..L'� DATE 9/8/82 MICRO - FILM NO. PROJECT NO. DRAWINO NO 721 1 f I V rV -FUL.L-+�' � f�!11 f���N� f � fcvH I r 0 f IV ZQ cc LU LU z a z Lu 44 O �� o La t <CL ul 0 U o -_� Z 05 W.. t bL w UAL DRAM r n� AP"WM SCAL9 PROJECT "a DRAWM NCL L�n 0 WSW DEFT INTION TOLEFRM A EMBLEM WIDTH = 1.90xB (measured to highlight line ) NONE D Face retainer Width including drum (can) +0.25" B EMBLEM HEIGHT = A+1.90 (measured to highlight line) NONE F Filler (drum) width NONE Wp TRIM WIDTH OF PLASTIC FACE NONE T Thicknessto Face Material NONE HP TRIM HEIGHT OF PLASTIC FACE NONE X Draw of face decoration above pan NONE W Overall( sign width +0.25" Y Depth of pan draw NONE H Overall sign height +0.25" Z Paint lap beyond embossment +0.125' Ca Highlight line to inner edge to face retainer +0.0625' measured or, a horizontal plan parallel to"A" Cb Highlight line to inner edge of face retainer +0.0625" measured on horizontal plane parallel to "B" Dimensions in J E c? A B WP HP W H Car Cb D 10 9.90 46.0 24.21 48.375 26.875 50-0 28.50 0.50 a 645 1.5 20 19. 993 68. S 36. 00 70. 875 38. 075 72.5 39.7 a SO 0. 35 1.5 30 29. 60 830 43. 70 86. 375 46. 813 88. 0 48. 437S 0-75 - am 1.5 40 36.20 92.50 48.75 95.875 51.875 97.50 53. SO a 75 .875 1.5 70 69.10 128.75 67.75 133.125 71.875 135.0 73.75 1.125 1.25 1.75 (30) 18 17. 91 Ea S 24. 812S 86. 375 27. 6875 88. 0 2a 3125 0. 75 1 0. 75 1. 5 (40) 22 21.84 93.00 27.75 95.875 3a 625 97. SO 32.25 a 7S 0.75 1. S (70) 42 42.48 129.25 38. SO 133. 125 42.375 135.0 44.25 1.125 1.125 1.75 TYPICAL ELEVRT I ON �Identlfrcatron 51gn 8 Anci!la�y garJ � highlight line W/H WP/HP D C R/B TYPICAL SECTION (Identlfrcati,on SigrO �- highligh-t line C� TYP I CRL SECTION (An cJ ! ! ary Bar J n ches F T X y Z ! 8. 0 0. 150 a SO 2.0 a 125 I ' I 8.0 0. 150 Q 50 I 2.0 0. 125 i 8.0 Q 187 0. SO I 2.0 a 125 i i 8.0 Q 187 0.50 I 2.0 a 125 I i I I 8.0 0.187 Q 75 i 2. 0 a 187 8.0 0. 150 0.50 2.0 ! Q 125 i i 8.0 a 187 a 50 2.0 a 125 ! B. 0 a 197 0. 75 2. 0 Q 125 h1ghl ight line_---- N,__ highlight line G J K I I I ----------- ---- I i I I i I I I i ! I i I I i 5.50 9.375 i 6 3125 2.5625 i I ! 6.10 10. 40 7.00 j 2.875 I I I B-50 14. 50 I J. To 4.00 1 F z 0 T > W I 0 3 O V Z pac (� f.: W W Z 0 X Z W Z W O0 0 06 > Z O o U� CID Q a: H rH^^ � HU) zau) �- wCr. z zQ Z JO n W _ Z Cr U Q 0 Z Lij U a W I-)QX: Z ® z W Y � W W o 0, AWN APPROVED SCALE r7 1, r�;��?�Y�V� DATE MICRO -FILM NO. •� ••-I.. 'tom) PROJECT NO" DRAWING NO saa1 02 j ��^Y ;i•f {� `����. ---r ., .� Ji.:r: dr _ *T -. •-x-' :� .a•' - � - � '! .+ •.Jf:J t^ t 7._ -R {".(� _ pi�3i`�4L^^'" y' [ J;.Z�� •i r L •.• 7rr {:p� ->.'! a+J�S.1 ;f[isLr�.<1 tTa *'^1��I,K' J < Y . ,�r�e..,.7 .t"a.�,S--'{. 2 S2 -. - N J. ti fit' � r. �' �i+ 1.:� ..> 7*.., t. 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T +� . � �'t, i" a f t .J . i Y .•.^ .. � _•' r ' r )' _ 7 `•� ' t � �. .t.f-t 1_.ti+ "Ili_ .I,� ft y ly+,t£irrt ;c .. r,;}�.�:+r+�. a,; ..... .r '7 ;= Cl7 �r i-+�-i• J 4�. - - �.....:}.,._ - _ - - -:. r -r, '.. �>• :ia `; n- v`X: J 'rs+ .fir- y q +, F3'��i%�=•r, c -r L;t. I• lt':i .y_ ,1 211 1?s•�(4 1 ( r-.• .- _ • ':F'a. ;� '. i'• r .if b ^ is-.' �=.;:1;i.•• _J .:� a -i .. ,..-• , L._ 4 .2• r Ir J _a 4 1 d i f• •1.' f t J },WTW 1 i Y r l tr- i 1 h Z 1. • Z 7I �' <'� p t �. T ±I. .t:.n uc _ 7_ - JY.v.n i•�V 4 yy�,�, �r i��� ck y �.L .�:r'� x �i. it• - 1,^ �Gr S8 a 1 'Vr s - y' 27. } ''--•f i 7 t - , } 4 F 6-1 �. Pf _ 8tf SIfi J.. e a ice+ a w+Yriw�I _ •l 1: a a ti r r va _711. YJ• 1' 4 G RR Y � ; r G 1 �- \ 3 '� F' } r � - •4' P< �r 't z c: •sC� Gc M ••R GIiTTEIt. � f�tCE EAR s CCJ B / 4 � A _ 2 5:• ��{{�� 6C•� v►'yn � Ciiy� p�i y.� {'yn _. g R14� ti>f7 1�p•. - �5 .. BC GC �ti•�! ROLL CM 6 iiF-I *t}• - ` • �� �Ut E' c SI a.�uat. x� 'L - >I 0 +Ws a ir R ! r YARD ARF�1 t t �YAR1I ---+6C-. 2!' :,. 8 - TURFS aaL: L I i 6L.AEK . .. , . '�•.• . :. liPtf-1 :: BC:... £ 11S ENSitK.'Ez t11Pf ♦ : i;..:. :. 5}6- lb2 2 g &C. _ • j . F.. C4k1£. DUMPSTER PAD 5 REIN _ _ �.. .:2 .DISRESFOR OIE ,SEL CEiS ::(t. AIR/WATER/LIGHT:ELELTC _ fC,.. E:. '• tAKSAC.,SxSTfFS• T42A : 976-1&2 3l GC GC ceErE �e8 6" _ 6C ... AIR - '-IdATER OUTLETS 807-IS E E P PLANTING LANBSCA E LAN 3 6C . 6G:, i51AlyD CURES: 1�AI1 BLACK".' .. 33 GC E INSTALL T.D. SIGN fRAME b POiE: PAINT BLACK:' .,e_;irjdv6 EXIST.' .:. _/ .. ISLAN :SKkTi1; 8L'I - 810-1 .-;.:BS. ALIGN ok"T.'WIT� Ei of 8u3LD{HG Ali + r .....: ' -689A to _ 36,. 6C • 6C CONCRETE. �. PIPE BOLLARDS -, PALM: iit1ITE . , ' , . s,. _ . .. _ .:.. ... sc- :f- AROAi•#i* lSO REt+iOT� AUf}a0R'IZAT.I 1:51'�TfM9... 4.�-.L. 37 Gc SC _ jl0) HOSE BIBB'S @ 50'-a" �3 -�_ •14. - f:ziss� ,-igMF.,,.4�;f���-#.900 �oo�t,C'' .yv 6acw 4MK FIELD' ZZ d TE s' ,BALE iS �(,iDT To c4L' US�.a Foe. G:gND FiGG i5 8t E M FI TAl -f0 ,MIDTOR FUW-_�, 482-1, 1A . . _ fL.. K) GAj . UNLEADED (. AS, KI GAL. UNLMED EXTRA _ reEi�ilo✓yG EXlti* i tbX) fill.., DIESEL.. OF • �X/ST G'i9.S T.9.y.CS.. n 482-1A - ART .g1Q4fIBERCiASS- TAIfK- SUDK.D -iA17 ; 6R�HLETECTORS J' 7 16 `. GC SC FTBER6tA55'FRAOUT PIPi` 3` VEtar :Li15 482:1 is :,AC. ;6C VA ERY' SY�iEt! -� iaG.lC.. �• � ]2 , 492 .. I �' . , . r .. FL� ISO.00� • ._�'t '.WS L R f. i. 1 t c' 4 � S Y i ES •'W 8 �'n t t J r J t 39 -tQ . _ } --. 41. �c -•- slr. J s - � ' - S 0 G£ ENC SB IES I.6 �tF1Dfl.�:.li - L4SUI�': =f�4F#ll.. OO - 5 H: 8 I O.GA E TO SL AI S �L-0R 80LTED � I ASADJACENT N WALL" E L " =:! ,- t: S .8S : QPT ON A • -FF �i fl ICE .CAS 1£ R AREA h �c E . X- SI COMPARTMENT SAFE WOW* BWK+m 53 ' GC GC SALVAGE! THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AND RETURN TO-EXXON STORAGE FACILITIES: - DISPENSERS 1 _ _.54 ' '6C 6C - r40E HE OILOi� RE V T FOLLOWING: ! EXISTING BUILDING STRUCTURESr ALL UNDERGROUND TANKS piv'E h 1000 T:CKCE tiIITE• 1 -a.- t v• I • r � L, G �tt L 41 E � 7 1 l e r / 7 ! w'h Ji Y r 4- ii i w 1 J t �1 J ✓ (c 7t ?•� r i. - •JIC +' r a Sc 1 : � t r k .t •Y ( Il• ..1 f t •! J. _ 2 i t - t t ,i 2 - C 7� 1' } 171.