HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 17;hNl95SI(`£RS t t L�it�t4i s Feb,* rVary 2G19 c C5' 71 ]�to.d m> n M z 6 ; z x. sty � port. Beach -ROLL Akk INDE Exception Permit No. 17 (Public Hearing) Xtem No.l Request to permit the installation of a ground entrance '; tp 017 ' sign'fo,r the Spy Glass' Hill residential braa. The proposa3 also includes a modification ` to tbtE ,zoning A roved Code so as to locate the proposed sign, which exceeds 3 ' feet in height, in a required front 'yard' setback adjacent to Mission Bay Drive. LOCATION: Lot-30, Tract No. ?432,'located at 2 Point Loma Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Spy Glass Hill Road and Mission. BayDrive, in the Harbor View' Hills Planned roimnunity. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT- Spy Glass Hill Community Aancgriation, Irvine OWNER: Verl Rosenow, Corona del Mar The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and because no one appeared on behalf of the. applicant and no one else wished to testify, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion x Motion was made to approve Exception Permit No. '17, All Ayes subject ,to the findings and condition of approval` in I Exhibit "A". Motion,vottd onr;'MOTION CARRIED.',:: FINDINGSi. 1. That the"granting of an exception 'permit far the proposed: sign is necessary to protect a,substan- tial property, right,, will not be, contrary to the purpose of :the .Sign Ordinance, and will not be materially .detrimental to the health, safety, comfortor. generidl w,elfare af;persons residing "•in . . :the, neighiiorhood � or detr-imental or'; .iti jurious. to property.or i.mprcwements.'' the neighhorhaod, .or. to"the general welfare af'.the City. I 2.what'the proposed sign is; tastefully designed '.and . is compatible with .'the surrounding area and other residential identification signs iri': the'.aroa, t 2 u �VI'1!'11Y ��J� ' "', FCL➢i�y LFJ, ' 170 i11 �/1�j'�` i./, li x S F.z z a .a. o o>.� x Z Z ,1 m pity ®f Newport Seac ROLL' CALL i; INDEX CONDITIQNe 1. That development shall be, in substantial, cs)nfor- mance with the ,approved plot. plan, and sign elevations. � t #�" ateM No. equest to permit the establishment of a private, no UP:3179 commercial parking lot on property located in the R- District which is adjacent to property located in ContintreQ the -1 District. -. to 3-6-80 LOCATI Lot 12., Bi.ock 438, Corona eol. Mar, �. located at 416 Lark.Apur Avonue, on the southeasterly side or Larkapur Avenue, between East Coast Highway andl second Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: ;: APPLICANT; Mi.lc Fr wklin, Corona del Mar OWNER: F:rankl -inter Vivos Trust, Corona del Mar Motion x Motion .was made to contin Use Permit No.,3179,to the ! All Ayes Pl,anni.ng . Commisesion = meetin of March G, 1986. ` Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. Use Permit No. 3185 (Continued P is Heari�i ? It�xm No.3 Request tc permit the constr.:ction :' an office buil- ding: UP3185 in the Mariner's Mile ,Specific :an .Area which - -- exceeds the 26 foot basic height lim in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District,and.co atns, a gross Approved. structural area in ` excess of , .5 times .: a build"" area of 'the site. The proposal .also 'includ a Modifi- cation to the ' Zoning ;Code3. so as to . allov t use '.uf compact. and' tandem'parking spaces for a 'partio of, the required ; o! t-' street = parking, `,and -it' ; request to, use ! a. substandard aisle width �+ith wader ' +khan h6intal ;p king spaces ,far a portion of the: required. parkinq� and e acceptance,' of an envi.ronmental.. document. '; ;As air opt n . to the . tandem .parking spaces, ':the applicant to purchrase an' EtquatZ amount :.of in -lieu parka,rscl;,gpages on ;an , annual ksasis in the "Mariner's Mile. Munici'pai .. Parking T.ot. , feet in height, in a ' required front yard setback adjacent to Mission clay Drive, LOC'ATTON: List 30, Tract No. 7432, located at 2 Point LOVIn Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Spyglass tt;t11. Road and tgission Bay Drive, in the Harbor View 1101P; Planned Community. GCiNE : ;o_C AFPLIC.EINT:: Sip/glass Hill Community Association, Irvine OWNER: `tear' Rosenow, Corona del Mar Application This is a request to 'permit the installation of a ground nntrance.sign for the Spyg?ass H II residential area. The proposal alan'includes a w modification to the,. Zoning Code so.: aq to Vacate the.. prol�osecl ilgn, which' exceeds 3 fee.,, in'height, in a. required front 'yard 'setback adiactent to Mission Bay,Drive. Sign. exception procedures are 'set Forth in Section 20.06.090, of the 'Municipal 'Code and modification procedures are set forth in Chapter'20.81, Environniental Significance Tt has' keen -detezmined that the proposed sign i,;ategorically, exempt From ,the :regui.rements. of;: the. California' Environmental. Quality -Act ;Cl ;5 e 3, new Construction'`or Conversion of. Small Stzuctuzes) . .Conformance iith the-- > general . Plan' The Tand ,Use. Elecent . of the General Plan '`rJesignates. the aite, for "Low , Density pesidentia 1" uee..< The ;'General Plan . d A not adcirasa'.the. use a .signs in residents al areas ' therefore, no conflict: appears .fro t exist 4 , ( I iT r ;'�Y`��,'>'"�'�#, •' r RiP � f y 'tYi+t>tir .i HJt�� ysJ s 1- a a r"a s iit' a v 4 �� TD Fla.nn�ing Ca: Ss siOn 2: <' Subj,--Gt Property and Surrounding Land Uses The proposed sign will be lrscated on a. landscaped slope at the .rear: of a residential 'Lot in Area 9 of theHarbor view Hills Planned C:ornmcani- ty. A single family residence currently .exists at the front. -portion of the lot. 11 surrounding property is developed with :singlxc family residences.. Analysis .. The applicant proposed to construct a' single faced,_ ground rintrance sign for the Spyglass Hill residential area. The sign will be 3 feet, 11 inches in height and its face will have ,an area of 25t'nquare feet. It will be similar in nature to other Spyglass Hill entrance signs located at various locations along Spyglass Hill Road, including its intersections with San Miguel Drive and S1 Capitan Drive. While Planned Community Ditstrict'Regulations for Area 9 of the Harbor View Hills Planned Cotrinunity do not specifically provide for entrance signs, it is staff's opinion that such signs would constitute an accessory use related and incidental to the permitted rooldential use which could be permitted with an exception permit. Proposed Modification The proposed sign will be located in the required 10 foot front,` yard setback adjacent to t.ission Hay Drive: Section 20.02.070 of the Municipal. Code limits structures in Front yard setbacks to 3 feetin height. The ap-licant is requesting a modification to the Zoning Code to permit a 3 foot, 11 inch sign. The sign has been zevictwed by the City's Traffic Division ;which `has `determined that: the Proposed sign` ' will not , i.nterfere with Right .distance at the corner. Staff, has no, objections to the proposed modification. Applicant's Statement of 'Support In accordance.with' Section 20.06.090 S of the '''_-owport Beach Municipal Code, in .order;, to grant an exception permit, t _ ; `',anning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is neo?iary to :,protect .a substantial - property right, will _ not ' he contrar, . -to the purpose, .of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detri- mental,to- the 'health, safety, 'comfort car, general welfare of :.persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental' or injurious to property or 'improvement:s . in the neighborhood, or to the '.genera) :welfare .of the c�:ty. In., response:$o.the.'above findings,: the appUcant.has ;submitted the £allowing;statements in_suppart of -his -application: 1. Why bill the propasal oat` bca contras to the Y ' . purpose of the, sigri`.ozdi»ance7 "The ,proposed .entry.. sign is, exactly, the. same as the signs al ready, :approved by the.: Ci t:y . ocatec3 on the southeast ;and northeastN corner :o - Spyglass l Ro£lt ,and :;El Capitan and 'the niarthwest' corner .�,£. spY9lasr, fii11 icaad i San=:Miguel the, .sign is harmonious °with the eXi$tSng t ;-:•:�Y1 -An T.tv Annet m4 ea 4 r%riRivu,-n rvic, -� ai in nn i ngri as on --3 i 2 " *ghat 6cceptional or extraordinary circumstances are in- trolved7 "ir7}1en the original' tract Was Subdividcid , therp was not sufficient common area retained for the entry signs; therefore, it can only be placed on :a residential. lot."< 3• Why will the proposal not be detrimental to this neighbor- hood? "This sign, will be .a duplicate of the a➢re,Iily exist- ing Spyglass Hill sighs appra-red by: the City at the Cornerq of SPYglaus H.i2l P.gad and El Capitan and San Js aquiri Rills Rood: The si.gac will not_be. placed within the sight di9tance line or sight plane; therefore,°it will not creatf; a traffic hazard. The proposed sign is to better .identify the cOmmu- nity as Spyglass Hill." 4. Why is an exception' permit necessary to protect a substan- tial property .right? .No comment was submitted. SpecifAr. Findings and Recommendation S .af,f has no objections to the proposed siren and recommoogIs that the Planning Commission approve this request subject to the findings and condition set forth in Exhibit "A". PLANNIUG DEPARTMENT JA_IIES D. 104ICYER, Director Sandra_L. Genis A.esociate planner . SW:la EP AttacNients: Exhibit "A vicinity map Plot. Plan Elevation:... rhotograph of Existing Entry Sign t' w.: +' A ' TCS. ... P3a�rAniag Cammis$zon --�. FXPTBST °A" -FINDINGS AND, CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR . EXCEPTIO'H PERMIT NO. 17 FINDINGS: I. That the granting of an exception pex.mf.t, ror oe proposed sign is necessary to protects, substan- tial. property right, uri11 not be contrary to the purpose of the Sign Ordinance and Will not be materially;. detrimental .to the health, safety, comfort or general. welfare of .persons :rcidinq In the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. 2. That the proposed sign is tastefully designed and is compatible` with the surrounding aroa and other residential identification signs in thei area. CONDITION That development shall be in substantial confor- mance with the approved plot. plan, and sign elevations. X. it .17V iiCti^: V- ac.V.s7iiLa,.iM Y Notice is hereby divert t3�at tht: `:l'li�nring Commission 'of thµ Cit*� of Ritart Eeatia wild hoxd a public hiring '`an .ltetpQ�Licaion `ofyglass Hill Cas�uni by 'Assacizttion or FacePti on,: Permit Na. 17. on propertl.:located at 2 Point Lama Request to permit the installation of a ground entrance sign for.the f32y .9ass dill residen tial area.. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning'Code so as to locate the proposed sign,..which exceeds 3 feet in height, in:a required front yard setback adjacent to Mission Bay Drive. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it it' categorically exempt ' under the requirements of the California Environmental. Quality Act, Notice is hereby further given I that said public hearing will behold on the 20th day of February 29861" at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newpor E ch City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California,.at which Limo +end place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. For information cal). (714) 644-3200. Pat Eichenhofer, Secretary, Planning Commission,,. City of Newport Peach NCYPE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. s� ! t CITYOF,tPcz€` s PLAid?ilNG DEs Fi7 TJ PLAN REVIEW REST Date'Janua.ry 27, '1986 XADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION %C LIC "t�fOFtPKS DEF'ARTiiT ', X PLANS ATTAGHL'D (PLEASE RETt3Rii�,. X TRAFFIC ENGItl$ZR XFIRE i3£PA S`MEPrr PLANS ON FILE .IN PLAMUNG DEPT X PLANREVIEW'DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARfiMEti'1' MARINE SAFETY." ,_,..GPADI?;G APPLICATION OF- Spyglass Hill Co=unity Association FOR: EXCEPTION PER141T-No; 17 REQMST TO: Permit ,the installation of a grounet entrance uign for the Spy- glass Hill residential area. The proposal also includes.a modification to the Zoning Code so, as to locate the proposed sign, which exceeds 3 feet in height, in a; required front yard setback adjacent to Mission Bay Drive. LOCATIO!I: 2 Point Loma REPORT REQUESTED BY: February 10, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: February 20, 1986 zliz- .._...s:c-�s2_.r�� ,- �� �.� �.� -T-,�✓ c-� y- y 5�.�.�••-,mac-7� - 1.,_ �y f Ea Alt. { "' Sigxiature , Date c.. 1 'i pry/' 1 CITY OF NL+FPORT' BEACH ' ,. $LR3diiiNO. DEPARTMENT 1 PLAN R VIEW"' REQUEST Date. January/ 27, 1986 . ' X ADVAPtCP PLANNING "DIVISION.. PUBLIC STORKS DEPARTTfEKT X PLANS ATTACHED(PLEASE RrMUN) X,TRAFF4C . GINEE X PI32E'DEPARTMENT. PLANS ON FILE IN PLAPIN1?;G DEPT. X PLA.Pi' REVIEW.,DIVISIOK PARKS G RECREATION POLICE DEPARTM 4T ....MAPZNE SAFETY" GP.ADING." APPLICATION OF: Spyglass Hill Community Association FOR: EXCEPTION PERMIT No. 17 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a ground entrance sign for the Spy. glass Hill ,residential area. The: proposal also includes a modification to thet Zoning Code so as to locate the proposed sign,,which exceeds 3 feet in height, in a required front yard setback.adjacent to Mission Bay Dr vet, LOCATION: 2 Point Loma REPORT RF,QUESTED BY: February► 10, 1985 COMMISSION REVIEW: February 20, 1.985. COMMITS: _ Al , a .'�i:c_II�L i Si nature' 1' . t ,fir �,,�✓ �..._ Date .2, /� , 7 yi' Via+ ' t1� LOCATION- 2 Point Loma �� : 17a ic1 staXner Point coma Waiter B. Gerken I Point B +tIdH. Bx£ght ` ' i;oa:a Carona del Mar; CA 2625 Carona del char. Ck.92625. lraroria: de1. M John F. Gulledge Vert Rosenow �PYglatts frill Cos,vnity Assn 4 Point Loma 2 Point Loma a/o Villageway. Nanagement Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar CA 92625 � - P. E}..Aox 4708 Irvine. CA 92.7.16 Laurence »olmer Robert W. Schmidt t Robert C. 4 Mission Bay 2 Mission Bay 33 Bodega City Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Coronas dol.°M4j, 92625 Thomas MoYer Victor Rumbellow Robert K. Duke 31 Bodega. Bay 29 Bodega Bay 27 Bodega i)dy Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del. Mar, Cx 92625 . John R. Burrowers 25 Bodega Bay Corona del Mae, CA 92625 t. ..,-.. i.`s