HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLOCATION 413 Cabrillo Terrace - Legal desatAke Lot 71 Tract 1237 R-1-B Ried by BUCCOLA. George D. App. No. Date M -142 12 -9 -1969 Approved X 13 Denied 0 A 5' setback side yard setback instead of required 6'. APPROVED PER PLANS Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Other MODIFTCATTON Amendment 0 LULA I IUN Legal description 421 Cabrillo Terrace Lot 73, Tract 1237 Filed by J. Edmondson Requested an existing detached App. No. Date accessory building to M 2928 1-31-84 encroach to the northerly side property line where the Approved 0 Denied Code requires a one foot side yard setback, and to encroach three feet+ into the required six foot rear yard (westerly) setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 424 Cabrillo Terrace Legal description Lot 75, Tract 1237 Filed by Wi lliam Kloeckner Request to permit the as-built App. No. Date construction of a block wall M3984 3/31/92 (5 feet 10 inches in height) to encroach 5 feet into the required ApprovedD Denie 12IX 5 foot front yard setback alnng Cabrillo Terrace where the Zoning Code limits suck construction to 3 feet in height. Variance E] Resubdivision LI Use Permit 0 Amendment LI Other LOCATION 440 Cabrillo Terrace Legal D scription Lot 79, Tract 1237 Filed by Dennis and Elsa Rosene App. No. Date M4675 3-17-98 Approved X Denied / To permit a second floor balcony at 16 feet above grade and a raised deck below, to encroach 7 feet into the required 15 foot required front yard setback area where the Code limits constructionto 3 feet maximum Variance fl Resubdivision El Use Permit fl Amendment L Other: Modification LOCATION 440 Cabrillo Terrace Legal Description Lot 79, Tract 1237 Filed By: Dennis Rosene Application No. Date No. M5023 1-19-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit a 7 foot encroachment into the required 15 foot front yard setback on Serra Drive, with an as-built covered trellis located over an existing second floor deck. The second floor deck was previously approved by a Modification to the Zoning Code. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 452 Cabrillo Terrace Legal description Tract 1237, Lot 82 Abad by O. James & Sally Chesebro App. No. Date Constrn. of first and M-1054 7/20/76 second floor room additions that encroach to within Approved r% Denied g) 10 feet of Serra Drive (where the Districting Ma indicates a 15 foot required yard setback along Serra Drive). The proposed development room additions (where the Ordinance permits Over - Variance D Rewbdivhion 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other Mnctifirati cin architectural features to encroach to only 2 feet 6 inches into any required front or rear yard setback). LOCATION 456 Cabrillo Terrace Legal description Lot 83, lract 123/ Filed by Thomas & Carrie Rolfes App. No. Dee Permit const. of 41' long wood M-3603 09/19/89 deck which will encroach up to 9' into reci'd 15' front yard Approved 129 Denied El setback (as designated by DistrictingMap No. 20) along Serra Dr. & will be up to 11' high above natural grade to he top of reced guardrail where Zoning Ord. limits such onst. to maximm height of 3' above natural grade. Re s u bdivision Use Permit El Amendment Variance ID Other MCCIFICATION LOCATION 456 Cabrillo Terrace Legal description Lot 83, Tract 1237 Filed by Mr. Mrs. Munson Request to permit the constructioApp. No. Date of a cantilevered deck and handrail that are proposed to encroach M-2863, 6-21-83 8 feet into the required Approved 0 Denied a 15 foot setback from Serra Drive. Variance 1:1 Other Amendment Resubdivision I Use Permit ID • • _ - Wta I IVN Legal description Lot 7 , Tr 8316, at (Ion Cagney Lane on the scatther_144--sicae3/ in between Stare Lii & Paris Tm viiql talhna portion of the Versailles PC .1.----)--=-Vala--Balboa Comm Assoc, Perinest to amend A prey-101191y App. No. Date fapproved 114P permit that allowed UP 1514A 4/19/90 constrnetinn of a temporary sales pavilion and model complex Within Approved El Denied 0 .- •• osed amend- mpnt involves a revest to delete a_previous condition of apPror-a-at-said-Ilae-Remit-iihaof the _bldg. at conclusion of proiect sales activity, so as goo. eir • • LULAIIUN 900 Cagney Lane Legal description Filed by Newport Development Co. Request to adjust the property App. No. Date line on Lot No. 8 so as to increase NBLLA 3/19/85 size of Lot No. 3 for recreational 85-1 purposes. Approved VI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 Cagney Lane Legal descripticm Lots No. 12 and 15, Tract 8336 Filed by Verasilles Assoc. Requested teh adjustment of App. No. Date a property line on Lot 15 so as to Increase the size of Lot 12 for landscaping, parking and Approved In Denied 0 recreationa purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amen ment 0 NBLLA 83-2 6-7-83 LOCATION nit uagney Lane Legal description Filed by Dean rorporatian Request to subdivide R App. No. acres Date into one lot so as to permit the 1-10587 11/9/78 conversion of the existing Versailles-on-thartuffs multiple-family residential Approved Denied 0 units into a residential condominium complex. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other 1-10587 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description isui Lagney cane Baron Corporation Filed by App. No. Date Request to approve a Final FT-10587 2/8/79 Map to subdivide 6.804 acres into one lot so as to permit Approved lja Denied 0 the conversion of the existing Versialles-on-the-Bluffs multiple-family residential units into a residential condominium complex. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permi+ 0 Amendment 0 Final Map Tract LOCATION 45 Cambria Dr. Legal description Lot 113. Tract No. 7844 Filed by Paddock Architectural Group App. No. Date Request to permit the constructionM4215 7-12-94 of a garage to encroach 1 feet into the required 20 foot front yard Approved AO Denied E] setback Related concrete columns will encroac 4 feet 6 inches into the required 20 foot front yard setback. garag e which encroaches 4 feet into the required 20 foot front yard Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 setback, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. LOCATION 45 Cambria Legal thwiptlan Lot 113, Tract 7844 Sled by lhe Tiffany Company App. No. Date Permit the installation M-1013 4/13/76 DI pool equipment that ancroaches to within Approved ila Denied 0 3 feet 6 inches L of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot side yard setback). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification ov Lamoria urive LOCATION Legal description Robert Segner Filed by Date App. No. M-2358 2/20/79 Denied 0 Permit pool heater and filter equipment to encroach IU" into the Approved required S'U• south side yard setback. Variance Q Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modi f icat i on LOCATION 111 2 mamhridge Lkne Legal description Lot 6 1 , TrArt Filed by Ronald Holland Ref-lupin to permit a dinette App. No. Date addition . the porner of which will M3867 7/9/91 cuirrrarb 1 font into the required 20 foot front yard sethark Al co Approved a Denied 0 included lc A YP 11PRt tO Add more than 25% of the existing 91-nag floor area to a building whirh current y encroaches into the required front and rear yard setbacks. Variance 0 Or Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 4601 Camden Drive Legal Description Lot 134, Tract 3357 Filed By: Aggie Skirba11 Application No. No.M4985 Date 1-2-99 Approved:X Denied: To permit the construction of a retaining wall and deck that encroaches 10 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback on Brighton Road and ranges in height from 6 feet to 11 feet, where the Code limits walls and fences to 3 feet in height Variance: I Resubdivision: [Use Permit I Amendment Other :Modification LOCATION Legal description 4607 Camden irive Ned by BALLARD Thomas Byron App. No. Date 818 6-4-1964 Approved 0 Denied MEN Encroach 2' into required 6' rear yard setback. Variance 21 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4615 Camden Drive Legal description Lot 132, Tract No. 3357 Filed bY wec-ton Whitfielsi A rch r t tj-r App. No. • Request to permit the PCR 15 - Approved n Denied 0 It • I' one-half of thp int, nn _propPrty 2-6-92 located in the P -i -B flictrtct. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Planning Commission Review RI.. it Date 0CATION 1001 Camelback Street sgal description Lot 2 Tract 6680 P-C Filed by FLOUROCARBON COMPANY App. No. Date 974 8-7-1969 WITHDRAWN Approved 0 Denied 0 Reduction in required off-street parking spaces from three spaces per 1000 sq.ft. to one space per employee. 'orients ta Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 >ther DCATION 1011 Camelback St. egal Description Parcel I, book 45, page 39 led By: Temple Bat Yahm (Bernard Rome) Application No. Date 852: PC8-8-96: CC 8-26-96: Res.96-68 & 1-69 SPR 78 4/25/00 (Letter) P 1892 , GPA 96-1; Amendment 852 TSIOR wit), liitca Approved:N/A Denied:N/A ecided that a site plan review was not necessary now a 40,000 sq. ft. increase in entitlement to penn't the expansion of the existing sanctuary by 560 sq. ft. with a future second floor addition of 10 classrooms for religious classes (9,130 sq. ); 600 sq. ft. addition to the administration offices; construction of a 15,450 sq. ft., two-story assroom building which will contain 10 pre-school classrooms and 10 religious education assrooms; and the construction of a 7.000 sq. ft. chapel. "ariance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendmen t Other: Site Plan Review LOCATION 1061 Cameiback St Legal descripticm Portion of Parcel 1 of PM 45-39 (R357) on the westerly side of Camelback St between Bison Ave & Jamboree Rd in the North Ford/San Diego Cr. PC Pled by Interior Designers Institute To permit the establishment App. No. Date of an interior design school UP3364 10-19-89 and design studio on property located in Light Industry Approved Denied [] Rusiness and Professional and Commercial Area 2 of the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC Variance 0 Other Resubdonsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1071 Cainelback St. Legal description Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map 45-39, on the west. side of Camelback St. between Jamboree Road and Bison Ave. Filed by Mark Redfield Fteq, to permit the establish. App. No. Date of an auto repair facility on UP 3202 5-22-86 property located in Area 2 of No. Ford Approved &Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit% Amendment 0 11 LOCATION soller Camel back Street Legal description Parcel Map 45 -39 Filed by Temple Bat Yahm App. No. Date io permit the establishment UP-1785 3/18/76 of a synagogue facility in a relocatable building Approved RD Denied 0 in "North Ford." Further request to accept an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces for the subject synagogue. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Z:1 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1011 ramolbark Street Filed by The Irvine Company App. IVO. Date Request to create two R-538 1/20/77 parcels of land for development. Approved 13 Denied 0 Vann. 0 Other Resubdwision )0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1011 Camelback Street Legal description * 2-year extension granted on 8/7/80 Filed by Temple Bat Yahm App. No. Date Create one parcel of land R-611 1/4/79 where two parcels now exist so as to permit the constrn. Approved KJ Denied 0 of a synagogue and related facilities on the property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION lull LaMelbaCK street Legal description Filed by I emp I e Bat Yahm App. No. Date Constrn. of a synagogue and UP-1892 1/4/79 related facilities in the Planned Community of North Approved 121X Denied 0 Ford, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 1011 Camelback Street Legal description Parcels No 1 and 2 (R-S38) in the North Ford Planned Community. Filed by University of SouthernCA/Temple Bay Yahm App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 1892 7/22/82 approved use permit that (Amended) allowed the establishment of Approved ID Denied 0 a synagogue and related facilities in the North Ford P-C. The amendment is to allow a portion of the synagogue facilities to be used for classroom instruc- tion during the eveni g in conjunction with USC. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit K2 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other ' esu • • vision se ormit S Amen menet • . • . I aria X LOCATION 1011 Camelback St. Legal description Par. 1 & 2 of Parcel Map 95-7 (Resub.538) Filed by Temp le Bat Yahm (Vernard Rome) App. No. GPA96-1B Date 109 PC8-24-96 UP1892A MR-26-96 Approved 12 Denied 0 Allow 40,000 sq ft increase in entitlement to permit: 1)350 sq ft. sanctuary expansion with a future second floor addition of 3 classrooms for religious classes (1,500 sq.ft ) & other support facilities; 600 sq.ft. addition to sq.ft. classroor:, building which will contain 12 classrooms for the pre-school/religious school; and the construction of a 7,000 sq.ft. chapel. LOCATION ibjj Camel bar k St Legal description Par. I & 2 of PM 99-7 Resub. 538 Sled by Temati&I,Yahm of Newport Beach App. No. Date LLA96 -8 10 -8 -96 Approved El Denied 0 Adjustment of an interinr lot lines, between two parcels of land lnrated in the North Ford/San Diego Creek Planned rnmmuni ty District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 1071 Camelback Street Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 41-22 (11-327) in the North Ford Planned Community. Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 2063 3/4/82 temporary use of pre- fabricated modular office Approved EM Denied 0 buildings in conjunction with existing office facilities located in the North Ford Planned Community, and the acceptance ofan environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 1101/1133 Camelback (071,4D 1111 citnewginse) Legal description Parcel #1 of P Map#41-26,on the west side of Caraelback St., between Bison Ave. and MacArthur lvd.in the No.Ford Planned Comm. Filed by Rodcroway/Borkoyetz Assoc. Resub. exist. parcel of land App. No. Date into two parcels for develop. R787 11-8-84 on property located in Area 2 of the No.Ford Plasm. Approved H Denied 0 Community. Variance 0 Orikar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 1111 Camelback Street Legal Description Parcel! of Parcel Map Book 41, Page 46 Filed By: Dahn Corporation Application No. Date R 1046 8-4-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the elimination of an interior property line between two properties inorder to combine the properties into one in conjunction with the construction of a mini-storage facility Variance: Resubdivision: X I Use Permit Amendment Other: LOCATION 1111 Camelback St. (424Th liticAncumr,x) Legal description Lot 4, Tract 6680 W16 itang4 Filed by Amend General Plan Land Use Eleme/APP.No.SPR 76 Date to redesignate property for Govt., A850 3-24-96 Educational & Institutional Facilities/ Gpx 96-3 (E) General Industry use & establish Approved 12k Denied permitted intensity of development & amend the N Ford/San Diego Creek Planned Comm. Text to allow for development of 86.000 q2 ft. mini-storage facility subject to the approve.: of a site plan review. Also included with the applications j_s the acceptance of an Environmental Document tVariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 1133 Camelback Street (ftt4p: Mt signadnac) Legal description Lot No. 4, Tract No. 6b8U Doti es-0.01 Filed by The Hi ll Partnership Approved Di Denied 0 To permit the location of a trash enclosure to encroach 9 ft. into the required 30 ft. front yard setback in conjunction w/ construction of a mini-storage facility. FnriciciirP is 75 sq ft 6 ft. high and opens to rear Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification App. No. Date M4574 7/8/97 LOCATION 1133 Camelback Street Legal description Lots 4 & 5 of Tract 6680 PC Filed by IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 327 12 -16 -1971 Approved Ig Denied C Reguest to realign lot lines to create two parcels with areas of 7.640 acres and 1.216 acres where the existing parcels have areas ot 4.459 acres and 4.399 acres. Variance 0 Other Resu6division III Use Permit 0 Amendment C CONDITIONS 1. That a parcel map be filed. 2. That separate water and sewer services be provided to each parcel. LOCATION 1177 Camelback Street Legal description Tract 6680, Lot 6 Filed by Dahn Corporation App. No. Date Request to amend the North Ford A 790 C.C. 1-10-94 P-C District Regs. so as to re- P.C. 12-9-92 designate Site 2a from Light Approved a Denied 0 Industry-Office-Commercial/Industrial to General Industry 8 increase the additional allowable sg.ft. from 20,000 to 100.000 sg.ft. & to amend the District's stds. to incorpor- ate appropriate language so as to accommodate provisions tc ulate her . 4 .se ' I II / Variance 0 CH6w GPA 93-3 u Bet ,ithor? s 68, f P S o, Amendment 0 4‘ LOCATION 11_7 " ramelbAck Legal description Lot 6, Tr 66R0, on 1.7 renter of rti gr i n Ave & Camelloamk St in North Ford P r Filed by Amend North Ford P r Dist App. No. Date Regulations to provide 20.000 A 721 2/7/91 ft-. of office development TS 70 on Pacific Telephone Site. Also Approved 42 Denied—r1 a traffic study for_proposed office development on this same site Variance 0 Resubdtvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LocknoN camelback Street and Jamboree Road Legal description Lots 2 & 3, and portion Lot 4 of Tract 6680 MM 260/1-3, Records of Orange Co. Filed byIRVINE %OK INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX App. No. Date 357 8 -3 -72 APPROVED (CONDITIONS) Approved n Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubclivision J Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 630 Cameo Highlands Dr. Legal description Lot 47 Trart 3519 R-1-R Red by CCCNSEY, A.A. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 766 9-5-1963 Approved Ai Denied CI Encroach 3' into required 22' front yard setback on Dorchester Drive. Variance IA Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment 0 CONDITION: The encroachment not to extend beyond a point 8' west of the exterior of the kitchen on the east side of the building. Approved Amendment 0 Variance Other Mod i f-fria fra sn C Use Permit App. No. To permit the replacement of an xistin wooden ool grotection M4592 fence with a 5 foot Denied 0 that encroaches 3 ft. • in. into front yard setback on Surrey Drive. require Date 8 -19 -97 LUCAIILM 639 Cameo Highlands Legal description Lot 65, Tract 3519 Filed by Herman Cantrell LOCATION 324 Cameo Shores Road Legal description Filed by Pen i Corso Requect tn permit the eon- App. No. Date Isatinn nf a F, fnnt high M 3244 1 -20 -87 whirh will enernanh 9 feet intn the-required 19 foot Approved 13 Denied 0 frnnt yard qethark where the MUnicipal Code limits fenreg in frnnt yard cetharks to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION age! description 325 Cameo Shores Rd. Lot 'a, Fr. 3357 R -1 -13 Filed by SCHMIDT Calvin P. App. No. Date M -7 10 -29 -196$ Approved Elx Denied 0 a 6 ft. fence 4 ft. from the front property line (ariance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit )ther Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description Filed by Mr it Mrs Vasni Requegt_to_pprmii- the rPtpntinn App. No. ef--an-asabunt.-5-f-t--6-131--high_ M 3688 wrnlIght irrIn fnnrA and related • • • • • • ". • Approved Date J devi-ter," AtitAns.4 • • 0 Denied 0 1 ft. into revired lc ft front yard getback adjacent pd and algn pnrrna rh 18 ft into the reoui y-rti fatbark AdjarPrit tn ma:mpden Rd. to Cameo Shores red 15 ft. front Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other e 61/4 rho • O. e ,ittie.t,te-4 104 5s A' e Iltzsge-dC Adan, r et&Yige) LOCATION 345 Cameo Shores Legal description Lot 1, Tract No. 3357 Filed by Mr. and Mrs. Yasui App. No. Date Request to permit the retention 3673 3/27/90 of an as-built 5ft 6in high wrought iron fence and related 6 ft Approved 0 Denied 431 high stone pilasters topped by 1 ft high light fixtures which encroach 15 ft into the required 15 foot front yarc setback adjacent to Cameo Shores Road and which also encroach 15 ft into required 15 foot front yard setback adlarert to Hampden Road Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 728 Cameo Highlands Drive Legal description Lot 56, Tract No. 3519 Filed by Robert Rickerson Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a 3 foot high retaining wall M4052 10-13-92 topped by a 6 foot high block wall to encroach to the side property Approved Q Denied 0 line. Said construction will have an overall height of 9 -feet (approximately 7 feet- above the natural grade), where the Coning LOde allows a maximum height of 6 feet above natural grade tor such construction within the required 6 foc side yara setback. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance EI Other LOCATION 701 Camphor St Legal description I nt 34 Tract No 4892 Filed by Calvin E. "Mary E Blair App. No. M4351 Date 8-29-95 Approved To permit the construction of a masonry wal wrought_ heigh t from 4 feet to encroach up to 8 feet into the required yard sethack The 7nning Code limits such 3 feet in height within the required 10 ft Variance 0 Resubdivision "Use Permit 0 Other El Denied 0 1 with partial 6 in. to 6 feet 10 ft. front construction to front yard set Amendment 0 back. LOCATION 801 Camphor St. Legal description Lot 39, Tract No. 4892 Filed by ynn ConantmGomez To permit the construction of a App.No.M4124 /-13-93 wall A related entry gates (ranging in height from 4 feet 6 inches in height) as well as related Approved etl Denied 0 pilasters (6 feet 6 inches in height) to encroach b teet for the masonry wall and gates and 5 feet 6 inches for the pilasters into the required 10 foot yard setback, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Carneas Dr. LOCATION campus Dr/Jamboree Road/MacArthur Blvd Legal description Roll Center Newport PC bounded by Campus Dr/Jamboree Rd/MacArthur Bldg Piled by The Ko11 Co- Req. to permit support come' 1 uses in all of the office areas of the PC; and the accept, of an e.d. App. No. Approved A649 Date 6 -18-87 iglit Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3700 Campus Drive Legal description Filed by Terry Welsh App. No. Date nstrrh of a new 12,3au sq.tt. M-2261 6/20/78 office building where tne parking standard is moan-lea Approved In Denied 0 to one space per e5u sq.n. or net ot--tice area (where the Mae specifte-s a atie parking spate per 26 sq.ft. stanttar). ResubdivisioR3;:i &Irma. 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3700 Campus Dr., & 3701 Birch St. Legal description Por. of Lots 3 and 59. Tract 3201 Filed by William G. Church App. No. Date Request to create R-548 5/19/77 two parcels of land for development where Approved /3 Denied 0 two lots and portionsof two other lots now exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision J Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LUCA I !UN sizu campus Drive Legal description t ati.siacts32a,aamplaik_ on southeasterly side of Campus Dr between Britol St. N. & Quail St. across from airport Filed by Central O.C. Emergency Animal Clinic Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit that permit- UP3310A 1-18-90 ted the establishment of a night- time only emergency animal hospi- Approved g] Denied 0 tal on property located in the M-1-A District. lhe pro- posed amendment involves a request to allow a daytime ref- teral practice involvinglhnited specialized surgical pro- cedures whereas the existing use permit limits the hours of operation from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a m Monday through Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Thursday; between 5:00 p.m. Friday and 8:00 a.m. Monday; and all day on holidays. LOCATION 3720 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 5, Tract No. 3201 on southeasterly side of Campus Dr., between Bristol St. North and Quail St. across from John Wayne Airport. Filed by Sunny Fresh Cleaners Request to permit an existing App. N& Date commercial dry cleaning and UP 3414 4/18/91 laundry facility on property in the M-1-A District Approved g Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3720 Campus Drive. Legal description 0 5 of Tract 3201 Fled by Richard ESPOSITO App. No. Date -CCLUal-T-LOAS4—SEE--BACK._ 1611 7 -20 -72 Approved 12d Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit fl Amendment 0 -CONDITIONS: 1. That the use of the premises for class instruction shall be limited to weekends and after 5:00 p.m. on week days. 2. That at no time shall the combined total of instructors, students; and employees exceed a maximum -of 40 persons. 3. That all off-street parking shall be provided on site. LOCATION 3720 Campus Drive Legal Description Lot 5, Tract 3201 Filed By: Kimberly KaseII Application No. Date No. 5021 5-31-00 Approved: Denied: X To permit a 14 foot encroachment Into the required 15 foot front yard setback on Campus Drive with a 3 foot high monument sign. The proposed sign is an additional monument sign where the Sign Code limits building sites to one monument or freestanding sign. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 3720 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 5, Tract No. 3201, on the s.e. side of Campus Dr. between Bristol St. No. and Quail St. Filed by Central Orange Co. Emergency Animal Clinic Reg to establish an animal App. No. Date existin buildin UP3310 3-10-88 on property located in the mlA Dist. Approved Ø Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3740 Camput Drive Legal description Lot 6 , Tract 32 01 Filed by R & S Company App. No. Date kedesign of an existing 11-996 2/24/76 Parking lot to include :ompact parking spaces. Approved g] Denied 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification LOCATION 3760 Campus Drive Legal deuripikm lot 7. Tract 3201 . fro 1- John Wayne Airport Ned by Arthur Forbes App. No. Date Request to establish an UP 2056 1/7/82 auto service facility in the NI-1-A District. Approved [] Denied E] The application also includes a modification so as to allow a free standing ground sign within the required 15 foot front setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 3760 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 7, Tract 3201, on the s.e. side of Campus Dr, between Quail St. and Bristol St. across from the John Wayne Airport Filed by Arthur Forbes Req. to expand the subject bus. App. No. Date into remaining portion of the UP2056A 11-7-85 existing building and to allow the addition of an auto body and Approved el Denied 0 paint service facility within an enclosed building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit-Er Amendment 0 LOCATION 3760 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 7, Tract No. 3201, on the s.e. side 05Campua_ar. between St. . incl.APP. Wm Date an auto UP2056A 10-23-86 a wash rack existing Approved rei Denied 0 repair operation. Filed by Frieden _Eacia_.±„a_ameadsawme__ a nag to establish rietai SP 7-Vire? and in onn junct i on with nd Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance 0 /Robert - Forbes, Arthur Amendment 0 LOCATION 3760 campus Dr. Legal description Lot 7, Tract No. 3201, on the s.e. side of Campus Dr. between Quail St & Bristol St. No. across from the John Wayne Airport Filed by Meadow Realty Req. to approve a traffic App. No. Date study to permit the expansion TS 1-8-S7 & conversion of an existing one-story office and Approved Denied 0 industrial bldg to a two story self-storage -facility with related storage & office areas on property located in the MIA Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJUDN 3760 Campus Dr. & 3800 Campus Dr. Legal description Lots 7 and *, on the s..e. side of Campus Dr between Quail St. and Bristol St No. across from the John Wayne Airport Filed by Meadow Realty Req. to permit the outdoor App. No. Date storage of re creational vehicles UP 3251 1-8-87 on property located in the MIA Dist. Approved Ed Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 3760 & 3800 Campus Dr. Legal description Lots 7 and 8, Tract No. 3201, on the s.e. side of Campus Dr, between Quail St. & Bristol St No. across from the John Wayne Airport Filed by Meadow Realty Reg to reduce the number of App. No. Date _reg. offstreet parking spaces v1138 1-8-87 in conjunction with a self- storaae operation on property Approved T Denhd located in the MIA Dist., Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3760-3800 Campus Dr. Legal description Lots 7 and 8, T3201, on the se side of Campus Dr between Quail St & Bristol St No. across from the John Wayne Airport Filed by Campus Drive Assoc. To allow the rental of moving App. No. Date trucks and related equipment UP3251A 8-10-89 on the property Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3800 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 8. Tract No 3201, across from the John Wayne Airport Fled by Goldenwest Enterprises REMOVED FROM CALENDAR App. No. Dee Request to establish an UP -2035 10/29/81 automobile retail facility 2037 in the M-1-A District. The Approved 0 Denied 0 proposal also includes a request for a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the placeMent of a ground sign within the required 15 foot front setback arq Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3800 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 8, 'mot NO. 3201, across from e oil n an- Filed by at an • CJ App. No. Date UP 3073 12/8/83 Request to establish an automotive service and Approved in Denied repair facility on property located in the M-1—A District. Variance ID Other Resubdnquon fl Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 3800 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 8, Tract No. 3201, on the easterly side of Campus Dr. between Bristol St. and Quail St. across from the John Wayne Airport Fled by Don Jones Jaesi_t.sisscasider a t.s. to allow App.No. Dale the expansion and conversion of TS 8-21-86 an existing one-story office and industrial building to a two=storyipproved .g Denied self storage facility, with related storage and office areas. Variance 0 Resubdri Use Permit 0 Office / De/7,•., frz. Amendment 0 LOCATION 3800 CampUs Drive Legal description Lot 8, Tract 3201 Filed by 3800 Campus Association App. No. Request to permit the construction M3685 of a freestanding monument sign 4 feet 1 inch high by 6 feet Approved long to encroach approximately 5 feet into 15 foot front yard setback required in the Date 4-24-90 El Denied 0 the required M -1 -A District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION lads cAmpric nr Legal description Lot lit. Trarf 1901, at 3848 CampusDr., on s. corner of Campus Dr. & Quail St. across from John Wayne Airport Filed by Jerry' s Sandwich Shop Request to permit an as-built App. No. Date take-out restaurant with inci- UP 3381 5/10/90 dental seating on property located in M-1-A Dist. The proposal also Approved a Denied 0 includes a request to waive a poriton of the required off- street parking spaces. Variance 0 Ofber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1.1.A.Sk I ION 124R Campus Drive Lot 10 Tract 3201 M-1-A Legal description Filed by ilanaLd_Kall, Partnership App. No. Date M -20 12 -3 -1968 Approved 0 Denied XEI Fnrroach 2 ft. into the required 15 ft. side yard Variance C Resubdivision C Use Permit 1:1 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 3900 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 11, 12, SO and 51, Tract No. 5201 in n/e crnr of Campus Drive and Quail Street ac trm US Arprt Filed by Associate_Pastor Dale Kazar App. No. Date Fstahlish a storefront church 5 UP 3608 /22/97 facility in an existinicommer- rial renter (Campus &mare). Approved la Denied 0 The proposal includes a sanctuary of approx. 300 to 432 seats and church administrative offices of 2,115 sq. ft. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 °CATION 3922 Campus Drive °gel description Filed b ET II . II • App. m Dale Request to establish an UP-1911 6-7-79 educational seminar and training facility in an Approved El Denied 0 existing building in the M-1-A District. ferience >ther Resubdivisicin 0 Use Permit Eg Amendment 0 LOCATION J7CD Lampus urive Legal description Filed by Mary Sue Shelton App. No. Date Establish a take-out UP-1891 12/21/78 restaurant facility in an existing- builcting- in rile Approved ITI Denied 0 M-1-A District. Tne pro-posal also includes indoor seating areas and on-sale beer and wine. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3926-3928 Campus Drive Legal description Lots U. 12. 50 & 51 Filed by Carrillo Favian & Clark, Manny App. No. Date UP 3550 4 -6 -95 Approved AO Denied Request to permit the establishment of a martial arts studio studio and an acting/dance studio including aerobic lessons which specialize in the training & in- struction of martial arts, acting, dancing, & aerobics on Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 property located in the H-1-A District. LOCATION 3950 Campus Drive Legal description across from John Wayne Airport Ambala Tandoori Restaurant, Inn. App. No. Date UP 3050 8/4/83 Request to establish a restaurant facility with Approved g Denied 0 on-sale alcoholic beverages and live entertainment in the M-1-A District. Also an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 3 41C0 Campus Dr Legal description Lots 11. 12 50 & 51. Tr. 3201. on n.e. corneal of Campus Dr. & Quail St. & easterly side of Campus Dr. between Quail & Dove Sts. across from John Wayne Airport. Filed by Campus Square Proposed amendment involves re- App. No. Dare quest to change hours of opera- UP 3050A 1/24/91 tion of the restaurant from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. daily. Also Approved El Denied 0 request to amend an existing Cond. of App. No. 17 of the original use permit which prohibits the installation of a cocktail lounge or bar within the restaurant so as to allow the establishment of a bar with 14 stools or seats ;p tho v ariance Kesubdwision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Amendment CI Other LOCATION 3950 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 11, 12, 50 & 51, Tract 3201 Filed by Campus Square Request to amend a previooly approved usc permit which App. No. Date UP 3050 (A) 2/24/92 I a. _ I Approv Denied 0 hpveragps and live enter+Ainmpnt nn 3-19-9 9 use, between the hours of 9-00 p m and 2:00 a.m. dal v. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permaxlik Amendment 0 Other • •11 • n • 111-1 II I I a 1 Si II s• I. 2. The proposed amendment requestc a (-hang'. in the operational charac Variance 0 Other merit e erm esu ion LOCATION 3950 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 11, 12, 50, and 51, Tract No. VOL, locate-CT at 3950 Campus Drive on the northeasterly corner of Campus Dr. & Quail St. across from John Filed 13?-tyne Airport. Filed by: Campus Square Requectito amend a previnusly_a.pp111°' Date 3050 A III 7/28/92 11'II .1 I I' II I• It'll I • I"• .1 . Ii— • • III .11 4.1 Approved u Denied 0 alcoholic beverage service bar and to redesign the floor plan previously approved by the Planning Commission, which formerly shoed separately dining and lounge areas within the facility. The redesigned facility will more nearly resemble the former Hogue Barmichael's which was previously located in Costa Mes in design and function. The applicant intends to repl a portion of the dining tables and chairs with elbow bars, stools, fixed bench seating and booths. The establishment will function as a nightclub between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., more than a restaurant. UJUATION 3952-4020 Campus Dr. Legal destriekm Lots 13-16, Tract No. 3201, on the. s.e. side of Campus Dr.between Dove St. and Quail St. Red by Pacesetter Homes, Inc. Request to consider a traffic App. No. Date study to allow the construction TS 10-10-85 of a 55,000 sq ft office bldg. and the acceptance of an Approved NJ, Denied 0 environmental document. Variance Resubdivi ison Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3952 to 4020 Campus DRive Legal description Lots 14.15,13 16 Of Tract 3?01 Filed by Pacesetter Homes, Inc. Requested a reducation in the App. No. parking requirement from one M-2711 space for each 225 sq.ft. to Revised one space for each 250 sg.ft. Approved Ea of net floor area, and to permit a portion of spaces to be compact parking spaces. Date 9-15-81 Denied [] the require MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3952-4020 Campus Dr. Legal description Lots 13-16 Tract No. 3201, on the s.e. side of Campus Dr, between Quail St. and No. Bristol St. Filed by Hertz Corp. Req.to permit the establish of an App. No. Date auto rental facility on 4 lots UP3227 9-4-86 located within the MIA Dist. Incl. an ad.office,cust.seryice area, Approved Esr Denied 0 car maintenance car wash. facility,fuel pump facility, cust ‘parking area and auto storage area.Incl. a mod, to the ZC to allow the follow.encroach.into the req. 15 ft. •I* & 3 small directional signs 2 lift gates and a guard booth Variance 0 Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oftwa LOCATION 4000 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 15 and 15, Tract No. 3201, across from the John Wayne Airport. Filed by HERTZ CORPORATION App. No. Date Request to establish an UP 3023 3/10/83 automobile rental service and storage facility on Approved g] Denied 0 property located in the M-1 -A District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tEl Amendment 0 LOCATION 4000 Campus Drive Legal Description Lots 13, 14,15, 16 and 49 Tract 3201 Filed By: The Hertz Corporation (P. Hegness, contact) Application No. Date UP3227 Amended 1-21-99 M4833 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit an existing auto rental facility to expand its services to include an auto sales operation and its site to inlude an additional lot. The proposal also includes a Modification to the Zoning Code to allow a ground identification sign to encroach 9 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback along Campus Drive. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit X Amendment : Other: Modification LOCATION WM campus Drive Legal description Lots 14, 15 and 16, Tract No. 3201, across from the John Wayne Airport. Filed by Pacesetter Homes, Inc. App. No. Date Request to accept and OFF-SITE PARKING approve an off-site parking AGREEMENT 11/19/81 and cannon vehicular access Approved E3 Denied 0 agreement for a portion of the required off-street parking spaces in conjunction with the construction of a 3-story office building in the M-1-A District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LtJUA I [UN 4UUU campus Drive Legal description Lots 13 , 1 4 & 15 Tr. 3 2U I M - 1 -A Fled by EXPLORER_MOTORHOMES App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or Appliratinn) 143£1 7 -3 -1969 Approved n Denied 0 Assemble industrial and commercial vehicles. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit tip Amendment 0 LOCATION 4UUU campus Drive Legal description Lots 14 & 15 ir. sal M -1 -A Fa" by FXPLORER NOTORNOME, INC. APP. No. Date //or AppRo En) /- 7 -LS SFE 0 ezR 955 10-3-1968 Approved Denied X ECK M./Manufacture of motorhomes . (2) manufacture nf mntnrhomes not within a building - (3) in.tinn of required off-street parking. all for a period of 6 months or less. Variance Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit D Amendment fl CONDITIONS of approval for Manufacture ot motorhomes only - 11-7-1968 1. All operations shall comply with the provisions of the M-1-A zone at all times. Any violation thereof shall be cause for revocation of this permit This approval shall expire in 6 months. LOCATION 4000 - 4020 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 14, -a.rd 16 of Trart 120.0 , across from thp lahn WaynA Airpnrt Fled by Pacesetter Homes/The Irvine Company App. No. Date R -679 3/5/81 Request to rreat, one parcel of land where Approved El( Denied 0 three lots presefltly exist so as to permit the ronstrurtion_ of a rommerrial office building in thp_Mti-A nisttirt Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description adjacent 4000 and 4020 Campus Drive Lots 13 thru_16, Tract No. 3201, to- the John _Wayne Airport. Filed by p acesetter Homes RequeSt to consider a Traffir Study for a proposed ;mon sq ft ()Hire building App. No. Date TRAFFIC STUDY 1/22/8 Approved I Denied 0 Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 4040 Campus Drive Legal Description Lots 17 of Tract 3201 Filed By: Brabus of North America (Wakins/Baile & Associates, applicant) Application No. Date UP 3644 2 -10 -98 Appproved: X Denied: A use permit for a storage and distribution faci ity and a vehicle repa'r facility. The facility will involve the sale and distribution of automotive parts and accessories and the customizing of automobile upholstery, equipment and engines. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: .0CATION 4040 Campuc flriva .egal description Filed by Michael Mayfield and Larry Hooper App. No. Date Request to establish an UP-1935 4-24-80 automobile rental facility in the M - 1-A District. A Approved a Denied 0 modification to the Zoning Code is also re- quested, since the proposed developmentin- cludes the instalTation of a 3 foot high ± ground sign that is located in the required 15 foot front yard setback along Cauus 0rive lenience 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 Nike, LOCATION 4060 & 4100 Campus Drive and 4063 & 4101 Birch Street Lege description Filed by Signal Development App. No. Date Consider a Traffic Study Traffic Study 9/21/78 for two 20,000 square feet +, two-story, garden type, general Approved 11] Denied El office buildings on the subject property (Public Hearing). Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C44"t TOffic Study Filed by Request to create two parcels of land for office development ere tour lots now exist. Approved dr Denied ID ynal ueveTopment App. No. R-593 Date 8/3/78 LOCATION Legal description 4060 and 4100 Campus Drive and 4063 and 4101 Birch Street. Resubdivision j Use Permit ID Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 4100 Campus Dr.. Suite 100 Legal description Lots 18, 19, 43 and 44 of Tract 3201 Red by LindamoodzBell learnins Center (Kimberly Worrell) App. No. Date UP 3596 2/6/97 Approved 0 Denied 0 Establish instrctnl facility specializing in language and cognitive skills development of children and adults within an existing commercial office complex. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fj Amendment 0 LOCATION 4200 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 23, Tract 3201 Filed by Greg Kearns Request to permit the App. No. Date establishment of a dry cleaning UP 3440 2/24/92 facility on property located in the M-1-A District. Approved xffg Denied 0 3 19 92 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 121 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4200 Campus Drive #11)4 Legal description Lot Tract 3201 Filed by Ray Merritt Request to permit the continued App. No. operation of an existing independentup 3466 Date 12-10-92 I. 1111 1/ O Quie_thirLiheaink_Districi_The Approved proposal also includes a request to waive the location requirement which requires that independent massage establishments be at least 500 feet from another independent massage establishment • .1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivmon 0 Use Permaxia Amendment LOCATION 4200 Campus Dr. Legal description it 23, T3201, on the n.e. Dr & Dove St. corner of Campus Rind by Ralph Gray Reg to permit establish of an App.No. auto rental facility.Bldg is 1JP3260 non -nnnforming in that exist. 421s.a.j4L_i_p_aeguate to meet the Approved reg. of the Muni.Code.Incl.the install.of Private auto wash rack.Mod to ZCto permit of the Pkg area to encroach 8'6" into req. setback adi.to dove St. & the install.of Date 6 -4 -87 /Denied 0 an outdoor, an expansion 15'side yd tandem pkg. Variance Atha, Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 4200 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 23, Tract No. 3201, n. e . corner of Campus Dr. & Dove St. Filed by Ralph Gray Revise on-site parking and App. No. Date UP 3260A 10-6-88 circulation plan. Mod to ZC to allow a portion of the on-site parking to encroach 8 ft 6 in Approved .7J Denied 0 into the req. 15 ft front yard-setback ad]. to Campus Dr, and to allow a portion of the p.s. to be compact spaces Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 4200 Campus Drive and 2101 Dove Street Legal description Lots 23, Tract 3201 and Lots 20 thru ZZ and 40 thru 42, Tract 3201 Filed by ALFA DOLLAR WISE RENT-A-CAR OF OC App. No. Date 1720 4/18/74 LONDIfIONALLY Approved 11 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a rent-a- car business and the storage of a maximum of ten rental automobiTes on a separate lot. Variance 0 Other Resubciivision 0 Use Permit Xi Amendment 0 LOCATION 4222 CAMPUS DRIVE Legal description Lot 24, Tract No. 5169 Filed by Naha Malik App. No. Date UP3543 11-10-94 Approved )121 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of an automobile repair facility on property located in the M-1-A District. Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4 jy„ Legal description Lot 24, Tract 3201 Filed by Myonq Cha Drake Request to permit the continued App.No. Dein operation of an existing UP 3478 12-30-92 independent massa-ge es-talal-is-14ment Approved 0 Denied a on property located in the M 1 A District. Thin proposal also inrludes_fi 2 1 93 request that waivesc the loration requirement which require' that intioRenciont massage establishments he at least 500 I II IIIIIi II. I IL: Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 #d , APence,44 : LOCATION 4222 Campus Drive Legal clescrilAim Lot 24 Tract 3201 Red by George Hurst Tune Centers, Inc. App. No. Date To permit the establishment UP-1754 515.75 of an automobile tuneup Withdrawn shop and a training school Approved 0 Denied 0 for tuneup technicians in an existing office- warehouse building in the M-1-A District. The proposed development also includes a 4 foot high Over - Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 4 Amendment Variance 0 Other double-faced identification sign that encroache to within 5 feet of the front property line (where the Ordinance requires a 15 foot wide landscaped front yard setback). LOCATION 4242-4262 CAMPUS DRIVE Legal clewsWion Lots 25 & 26, Tract 3201 Filed by Nogle Onufer Associates Architects, Inc. App. No. Date DP3530 PC 6-23-94 Request tn permit thp eqtahlishme&P"W ed 15 Denied 0 of an automobile rental facility which includes a car wash- ing and maintenance facility and underground fuel facilitie on property located in the M-1-A District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to Variance 0 Other Resubdivision U Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 allow a monument sign and an electric guard gate to encroach into the required 15 foot yard setback. ,OCAlION 4300 Campus Drive ,egal Description Lot No. 27 Tract 3201 ileel By: Design Tee (Lance Brown, applicant) Application No. Date No. 50 12-28-99 Approved:X Denied: The applicant requests a Planning Director's Use Permit to allow the property to further exceed the base development allocation based on the intensity of use for the statistical area. The proposal involves the addition of approximately 500 square feet of net floor area. The Code required parking will be provided on-site for the increased gross square footage. The property is located in the APF District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use PerinitXX I Amendment LOCATION 4300 Campus Drive Legal Description Lot No. 27 Tract 3201 Filed By: Design Tec (Lance Brown, applicant) Application No. Date PDUP No. 50 12-28-99 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests a Planning Director's Use Permit to allow the property to further exceed the base development allocation based on the intensity of use for the statistical area. The proposal involves the addition of approximately 500 square feet of net floor area. The Code required parking will be provided on-site for the increased gross square footage. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: .......... a . .,..i. 41.3L1.1 quannpus ',rive Legal Description Sign Program Review Filed By: John Saunders Application No. Date UP 3677 12/21/2000 Approved: X Denied: On 10/19/2000 the PC considered the proposed sign program for the facility and continued to 12/07/2000. The two proposed signs are individual channel letters with exposed neon tubing; letters affixed to green background and mounted to vehicle display/sign structure that abuts Campus Drive. Signs are to be mounted on either side of the driveway centered above the vehicle displays. No sign is propose don the arch above the driveway or on the side elevations of the structure. No monument or pole sign is requested. Variance: flthar. I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X Amendment: LOCATION 4320 Campus Drive Legal Description Lots 28, Tract 3201 Filed By: Go Rent-A-Van Application No. Date Use Permit 3677 7-7-2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit the establishment of a vehicle rental and sales faci it)'. The facility will involve the rental and on-site storage of customized vans for eventual sale. Variance: Resubdivtsion: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: LOCATION 4320 Campus Drive t>10-- IV Legal description Lot 28, Tract 3201 Filed by Thu Tam Ngo Request to permit the continued App. No. Date operation of an existing UP 3451 6-12-92 independent massage establishment on property located in the M-1-A Approved )dij Denied 0 District. The proposal also includes a request to waive the location requirement which requires that independent massage establishments be at least 500 feet from another independent massage establishment. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use PermitATI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4320 Campus Drive #230 Legal closciOkm Lot 28. Tract 3201 Filed by Lonna Smith Pequect to permit the continued App. No. Date operation of an existing independen 613 3444 3/26/92 massage establishment located on property in the P4-1-A District Approved Er Denied 0 The proposal also includes a request 4/23/92 to waive the locatioreuirement which requires that independent massage establishments be at least 500 feet from another independent massage establishment. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit aj)( Amendment 0 1.4 11-M.,111 rkyn 4.50U campus 1/rive, suites 1.7,11 and 1 Legal Description Lot 30, Tract 3201 Filed By: A to Z Rental Center of Palm Springs, Inc. Application No. Date PDUP 60 05/05/2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the establishment of a warehousing, storage and distribution facility associated with a party rental service. The property is located in the APF District. Variance; 1 Resubdwimon: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit Use Permit: —1 Amendment: LOCATION 4360 Campms #F Legal description Lot so, iract 5L-69 Filed by Gold Star Service App. No. Date UP3441 A 12 -1 -95 Approved Ea Den ied 0 Expansion of an automobile repair and service facility. Addition of 1 298 sq.ft. so as to allow for the addition of two (2) hydraulic hoists. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl LOCATION 4360 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 30. Tract 3201 Filed by Hamid-Aiai & Hamid - Nazari App. No. De Request to permit the establishment UP 3441 2a-t28-92 of an automobile repair facility on property located in the M-1-A Approved XID Denied 0 District. 3-19-92 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use PermiNEI Amendment 0 LOCATION 4360 Campus Drive Legal description Tract No. 3201, across from the John Wayne Airport. Filed by European Automotive Service App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3074 12/8/83 establishment of an automotive service and repair facility Approved ET Denied on property located in the M-1-A District. Also include: modification to allow the construction of an identifica- tion sign within the setback area. Variance Other Resulsclivismn 0 Use Permit in Amendment 0 LOCATION 4360 Campus Dr. Legal dewApflon Lot 30. T3201, on the se side of Campus Dr. between Dove St & MacArthur Blvd Filed by Jorge R. Oubina To permit the establish, of a retail sales operation involv. the sale & installation of sound equip. & cellular phones for autos and boats in the MTh ZC to permit the install, of a will encroach 10' into the rq. adj. to Campus Dr. App. No. Date U23357 8-24-89 Approved ia, Denied E] Dist. Incl. a mod to related id sign which 15 front yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4360 Campus Drive Legal dewAp6cm Lots 30 of Tract No. 3201. across from the John Wayne Airport Ned by Ralph and Debbie Gray App. No. Date UP 2013 9/10/81 Approved fa Denied 0 Request to establish an automobile leasing agency in the M-1-A District. Resubdivision p Use Permit [3 Amendment Variance 0 LOCATION 4400 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 31, Tract 3201 Filed by Irvine University School of Law App. No. Dee Establishment of a school UP-1766 9/18/75 of law in the M-1-A District. Approved al Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision [7] Use Permit 11:1 Amendment 0 LOCAMIN 4500 CAMPUS DRIVE, Suite 372 60 description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 60/22 (Resub.#437) Filed by Orange County University School ot Law App. No. Date UP 3520 3-10-94 PC Request to permit the continued Approved 12; Denied _Dperation of an existing law school which was established without a required use permit on property located in the Fl-1-A District. The proposal includes classroom instructi _eye...pings during the week and weekends only. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Q Amendment LOCATION 4500 Campus Drive Legal desalt:4 .km lots 33,34 Al 35 Tr 3201 11-1-A Filed by GRFAT WESTERN RENT-A-CAR App. No. Date CONDITIONS (ov e r) 1325 1-18-1968 Approved IA Denied 0 __Open storage of 10 rental cars in connection with a car rental service Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment EI ........-n. A aril 43UUP t...timpus Lime, alum 110. 1Z4 Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Book 60, Page 22 (Jaleh Sherie Zelli, applicant) Filed By: Snack Shop Saunder's Plaza, Application No. Date PD UP 63 05/19/2000 Approved: Denied: Establishment of a take-out service limited food use in an existing commercial tenani space. The snack shop will sell pastries, coffee, soft drinks and a variety of prepackaged sandwiches and other food items. No cooking or food preparation facilities are proposed in conjunction with this application at this time. The property is located in the APP District. Variance: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: LOCATION 4500 r.cmpluc nrivp Legal description tars 17 - lh, Trart 1701 Filed by DON VOLL_CO.. TNC. App. No. Date 437 3/7/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved al Denied 0 Request to create one parcel of land for office _1:wilding_me t lots now Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4540 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 18, Tract 5169 Filed by Zelli, Soudabeth, applicant App. No. Date UP 3603 3/6/97 Approved El Denied 0 fataillisliffiesit—afi massage use as an accessory use in existing personal service beauty salon. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 4570 Campus Drive USA description Lot 17, Tract 5169 Filed by Newport Beach Travel. Inc. App. No. Date Constrn. of a 5 foot high M-888 4/8/75 double-faced (12 sq. ft. per face) illuminated identi_ Approved EJxDe&ed C fication sign that encroaches to within one foot of the front property line (where the Ordinance requires a 15 foot wide landscaped front yard setbark in the M-1-A District. Variance 0 Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment UJUAHUN Legal description 4570 Campus Drive #2 Lot 17 Tract 5169 M-1-A Flied by DOLLAR-A-DAY RENT-A-CAR App. No. Date 14-159 3-3-1970 Approved xin Denied 0 A car rental agency and a ground sign. CONDITION: Sian to be no larger than 3' x 6' Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °filer Modifi cation Amendment 0 Vat-4AI Pall Legal description 4630 CaMpus Drive Filed by JaCK bctii.ctrd Reguest_to_permit the retention App. No. Date of An AS built A font- high sign M3I22 12 -10 -85 thAt encroaches 141 feet into the rprpired 15 font front yard setbac*OPregod fl DeMed 0 Adjacent to rampus Drive Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 467R Campus Dr . Suites E. A & B Legal description Lot 19, Tract 6169 Filed by Newport Retail Partners App. No. Date SF 33, 34 & 35 7 _6 _95 Approved x1;1 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the M-a-A District. Vanance D Other Resubdwision El Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 4678 Campus. Ste. A Legal description Lot 19, Tract No. 5169 Filed by Starbuck's Coffee Co. (Drew & Rogers, applicant App. No. Date OD11 7-31-96 Approved 0 Denied Eg Fstahlishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in con- junction with an adjacent Coffee Cafe with limited pastry sales. on property located in the APE District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4678 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 19 Tract 5169 M - I -A Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date 1055 6-18-1964 Approved ad Denied Ci A Texaco "ranch style" service station an M-1-A District. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit NI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4678 Campus Drive Le g al description Lot 19 Tract 5169 M-1-A Filed by MORGAN LUPHER & COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1055 -A 7 -3 -1969 Approved 12/ Denied 0 ronstrurt additions to an existing automobile sprvire station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment D CONDITIONS L. Any request for additional signing must be presented to the Planning Commission. 2. The sprinkler system installation to be subject to the approval of the staff. 3. The washing slab plumbing and drainage to be engineered in accordance with the specifications of the staff. LOCATION Legal description 4678 Campus Drive Lot 19 Tract 5169 M-1-A Red by nJames D. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M -130 11 -12 -1969 Approved X El Denied 0 Permit the rental of cars, trucks and trailers in conjunction with a service station. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Other Modification Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. A concrete slab and0 drainage must be provided. 2. Number of cars, trucks, and trailers may not exceed 10 total. 3. Any signs to be submitted to the Modifica tions Committee before sign permit is obtained. LOCATION 4678 cAMPUS DP1vp Legal deseriptkm Lot 19, Tract Nn 5169 Filed by Ace Parkins App. No. EP 45 Date 10-20-94 Approved 12 Denied 0 Request to permit the installation of a new double-faced off-site information sign for airport parking at MacOrthur Court, on property located in the M-1-A Dist. Variance Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit Amendment 0 Date 6-20-95 Filed by Boureston Development App. No. M4326 II • l-s I I nc m•ch to ,0 O. • 1 0 I. Approved 3 Denied 0 6 feet into Campus Dr. to enrrnarh ariance Other the required 15 foot front yard setback along The applicant also Proposes four parking space lip to 10 feet 6 inches into the reauired lye. Said Resubdivision se Permit Amendment o" •_' ' I. . III U. A LOCATION 4678 Campus Dr. Legal description Lot 19. Tract No 5169 request is in conjunction with the construction of a new commercial center, on property located in the M-1-A District. • LOCA7ION 4678 Canbus Drive, Suite E Legal Description Lot No. 19, Tract No 5169 Filed by Tony Maroni's Pizza (Robert Dargert, applicant) App. No. Date PDUP 25 4-22-98 Approved X Denied The applicant requests to allow the establishment of a take-out service, limited, food use in an existing retail commercial center, providing carryout and delivery service with no seating. It should be noted that the original application request included incidental stand-up or counter seating for up to 6 persons, however, that portion of the request was deleted by the applicant. Variance NI Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment In Other Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 4630 Campus Drive Legal description Lot 15 Tract 5169 Filed by VALCAR RENT-A-CAR App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) M -4 11 -5 -68 Approved 429 Denie 0 Car rental - CD Yies Amendment 0 lariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Dther Modificati -e-n CONDITIONS 1. Approved for 1 year which time may be extended upon request to the Committee. 2. There shall be not more than 6 rental cars on the premises at any one time. 3. There shall be no signs outside of the building except for 1 sign not exceeding 6 sq. ft. mounted on the building. LOCATION 2.12-P Campus Drhie, Irvine Legal description Portion of Block 50 of Irvine's Subdivision Filed by IRVINE INDUSIBIAL_CDITLLEX______________ CONDITIONS: App. No. Date 1. That development be according to the approved 1607 7-6-72 Plot plan, except for Approved a Denied 0 minor modifications which may be approved by th Community Development Department. 2. That additional right-of-way be dedicated for MacArthur Blvd to provide for future widening to Ix 16) through lanes, with Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS: (cont.) separate left and right turning lanes for vehicular traffic, and that construction of the improvements on the MacArthur Boulevard frontage be delayed pending permanent devel- opment of the property. 3. That a landscape and irrigation plan be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department which incorporates the existing landscape improvements and encompasses additional area sufficient to landscape the proposed building. LOCATION 4770 Campus nri vp Legal descriplion Lot 7 of Tr 7Q ci Filed by Irvine App. No. 477 Date 12-5-74 CONDITIONALLY Approved a Denied Request to create two parcels of land for dpv- elopment where one lot now exists Variance Ruubdiv.sion Q Use Permit El Amendment Other LOCATION 4880 Campus Drive Legal description Parrel 4 of Parcel Map 76-45 Filed by Carl Karcher Fnt Inc " App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 3424 A I 8/4/92 approved use permit which permits- the construction of a drive and Approved p Denied 0 take-out restaurant farility in conjunction with a new retail conmiercial building on property located in "Retail and Service Area No. 1" or the Kn111 raptor Newport Planned Community. The approval alco thr..44.4e4.: a-request to allow a portion of the required off-street parking_apaces to he Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use PermitIn Amendment 0 Other provided within the proposed drive-through lane of the facility; a modification to the sign standards for the Koll Center Newport Planned Community; a traffic study, and the acceptance of an environmental document. The current proposal involves a request to change the operational characteristics of the approved restaurant so as to permit on-sale beer and wine. LOCATION 4.8RO Campus Drive Legal description °reel 4 of PArort 1 Map 76 '45 Filed by Carl Karcher Ent. Inc. App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 3424 A 1/9/92 approved use permit which permits the construction of a dri ve-i n Approved ,p Denied 0 and take-out restaurant facility in 1/9/92 conjunction with a new retail commercial buildinq_on property located in the "Retail and Service" area of the Koll Center Newport Planned Community. The approval also included• a request to allow anrtian Ti 0 Variance 0 Resubcihnsion 0 Use Permit Ame n dment Other off-street parking spaces to be provided within the proposed drive-through lane of the facility; a modification to the sign standards for the Koll Center Newport Planned Community; a traffic study, and the acceptance of an environmental document. The current proposal involves a request to amend the previous approvals by approving a revised environmental document which deletes a previous mitigation measure requiring the restriping of a portion of the intersectior at Campus Dr. and Jamboree Rd. Variance 0 Resuledivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 Other Traffic Study Flied by Carl Karcher Ent Inc.. App. No. Date so as to permit the construction ofSallo. 77 (A) 11/20/91 __ 3 , • 22 + Sq ft cgrOSc ) re tel-il ApprovedpC p Denied 0 and_a_ mas _+-sq. ft. -92 I I • . ! - • 4 IS 4 _4 OV LOCATION giso r amlaus_orue Legal descriptiOnp LOCATION 4880 Campus Drive Legal Description Parcel 4 of Parcel Map Book 75, Page 45 Filed by Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. (Connie Carter, applicant) App. No. Date 0D51 5-20-98 Approved X Denied To allow the addition of an accessory outdoor dining area in conjunction with an existing fast food restaurant. The hours of operation will be same as the restaurant. No alcoholic beverage service or consumption will be provided or allowed outside the existing restaurant building. Variance fl Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment 0 Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 4880 Campus Drite. Legal description Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 76-45 Filed by Carl Karcher Ent. Request to permit the constructionApp.No. Date of a drive-in and take-out UP 3424 7/12/91 restaurant facility in conjunction with a proposed retail commercial Approved Pri Denied 0 building on property located in Retail and Service Site No. I of the Koll Center Newport Planned Community. The proposal also includeo: a request to waive a porttan--of—the —of the_requircid oft street parking. sp.Ite- for the take tuth Variance u kesubdivision u use Fermit Amendment U Other restaurant to be provided within the proposed drive- through lane; a modification to the sign standards for the Koll Center Newport Planned Community so as 1 allow one ground identification sign which exceeds 4 feet in height; a third wall identification logo; and two additional ground signs (menu signs' which contain 32* square feet each and also exceed 4 feet in height. ..00ATION 5100 Campus Drive agal description SW by iiie irvine Company App. No. Data To create five parcels R-542 3/17/77 of land for office development and related Approved a Deviled 0 parking and landscape areas, and one rommon area to be developed for parkinn. ingress and egress, and landscape areas. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Luna\ LOCATION Legal description 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Canal circle Tots 1 thrn 7 t 4601 7one R -3 Filed by FRANIC H. AYRES & SON App. No. Date 165 7-18-1963 Approved al Denied 0 Rezone Lots 1 thru 7, Tract 4601 from an R-3 to an R-1 District and establish 5' setbacks on Canal Circle and the old Santa Ana River. Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 5 Amendment Other LOCATION 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Canal Circle Legal description r.nts 1 thrn 7 Trite t 4601 R-3 R-1 (Pend) Filed 6 App. No. Date 758 7-18-1963 Approved ax Denied 0 A S I frnnt And rear yard setback and a 3' side yard e t ha r k Variance Fl Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment Other LOCATION 1 Canal Circle Legal description Filed by Pete Compton App. No. Date M 3512 2-28-89 Approved Q Denied E] .Request to permit the addition of two, 12 inch square brick columns to support an existing second floor deck that is proposed to be converted to an entry roof struc- tarp. nnp colum n will encralch 2 f 8 - inches into Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 a 3 foot side yard setback; the second column will encroach approximately 9 inches into said 3 foot side yard setback. An existing nonconforming second floor deck encroaches 2 feet 9 inches into the 3 foot side yard setback and is not proposed to encroach further, but will be altered to add a pitched roof with a peak height of 11 feet and average of 10 feet. LOCATION ifi canal circle Legal description Rk4 by derty Shaffner Company App. No. Date Enlarge existing second M-2243 5/2/78 floor bedroom, add new bath and entry area on single Approved x2 Denied E] family dwelling with nonconforming two-car garage (where the Code requires three spaces in dwellings in excess of 1999 square feet). Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification • LOCATION 4 Canal Circle Legal description R -3 Metes & Bounds Desc. Filed by Date 4-1-1965 MAWGOOD, A. phillin App. No. Amended 845 Approved 113] Denied 0 Extend deck in accordance with licence and agreement dated eb. 12 196 Variance E Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit El LOCATION 4 Canal Circle Legal description Lot 4 Tract 4601 R-1 Fled by HANGOOD, A. P. App. No. Date 845 2-18-1965 Approved al Denied El Construct a 6' frame for glass panes on extended deck for wind break within the required 5' setback. CONDITION: Approved for encroachment to property line only; windbreak to be 907. glass. Variance A Resubdivision U Use Permit J Amendment Li C>thm LOCATION 201 Canal Street Legal description Lot 1. Block 11, Seashore Colony Tract Riad by Flaine Demand App. No. Date M4143 10 -12 -93 Approved ER Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 200± s_quare foot second floor deck and related guardrails which wi ll encroach 3 feet into the required 3 foot side yard set- back. adjacent to Grant Street. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 201 Canal Street Legal description Lot 1 B1 ii Tract 7 7 2 R-1 Filed by FORD Virginia E. App. No. Date 7?e(//..S ?44 4/ A P7Yil, Cirri) AC - -.794R V -907 9 -21 -1967 Approved Ea Denied 0 Fncroach 3 ft. into the required 3 ft. sideyard setback and 5 ft. into the required 10 ft. front yard setback. Variance EX] Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 202 Canal Street Legal description Filed by Londelious & Vennekolt App. No. Date Permit Jacuzzi installation M-2267 7/12/78 (existing) to 3' of side and rear property line (where Approved 01 Denied 0 the Code requires not less than 5'0" to the side or rear property line) and cool equipment installation (existing) within required inside garage depth of 20'). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance Other LOCATION 203 Canal Street Legal description Mike Z Fennni Beckham App. No. Date tion of a secnnd flnor M 3268 3-24-87 garden misdow whirl, will encroanb IA innhas into thP Approved Denied 0 ragnined 3 font girle yarn gothRn Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment Filed by LOCATION 207 Canal St. Legal description Lot 4, Block 11, Tract 772 Filed by James K. Graham Requested to permit a raised deck App. No. Date and patio. cover 13 -6" above grade that encroaches to the water M-2934 2-21-84 side front property line where Approved 9 Denied 0 the Code requires a five foot setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 208 Canal Street Legal Description Lot 2, Block 9, Tract 772 Filed By: Kirk Gooding Application No. Date M4930 6 -22 -99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 2 foot encroachment into the required 5 foot front yard setback on Fern Street with a second floor deck and guardrail. The proposal includes the removal of 4 architectural projections that encroach 3 feet into the required 5 foot front yard setback on Fern Street Variance: I Resubdivision: -I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 215 Canal Street Legal description Ln t 7 Rik 11 Tract 772 R -1 Filed by WILSON, M. R. App. No. Date M -58 4 -22 -1969 Approved D Denied El A 5 ft. encroachment into a required 10 ft. frnnt yard setback for purpose of constructing a new residence. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modi ication Amendment 0 223 LOCATION 2197thru-233,239,241 Canal Street Legal description Lots 9,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20, Slk.11, )(Tract 772 Ned by NEWPORT SHORES DeYounk. Avres, Jager App. No. Date 810 5-7-64 Approved 13 Denied Condition: Create 5' front and 5' year yard setback. A- Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance Other LOCATION 224 Canal and 235 Orange Legal description Lots 6 & 7 Bl. 8 Tract 772 R-1 Filed by NEWPORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 171 10-3-1963 Approved xra Denied Realignment of property lines. CONDI 0 • satisfactory to City Engineer & Planni ng Variance Other Resubdivision 12g0C Use Permit El Amendment LOCATION Legal description 224 Canal Street and 235 Orange St Lots 6 & 7 Bl. 8 Tract 772 R-1 Filed by NEWPORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 758 7-18-1963 Approved a Denied 0 Lot 6 - A 3' rear and side yard setback. Lot 7 - A 3' front and rear yard setback and a 3' side yard setback abutting Lot 6. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment p LOCATION 301 Canal Legal description Lot 1 Blk 12 Tr 772 Filed by ATLAS BUILDERS App. No. Date 636 4 -17 -73 Approved 0 Denied "gl SEE BACK FOR DETAILS: Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 permit an existing nonconforming single family dwelling to encroach to within 3' of the front yard setback & to the rear yard setback (where the Distr. Map indicates 5' yard setbacks) so as to allow the construction of room additions to replace the existing deck and balcony in the required rear yard setback in the R-1 Distr. LUCA I IUN Legal description 101 Canal Lot 1 R1 12 Tr. 772 R-1 Filed by win . Mrs I PP App. No. Date M-117 10-7-1969 Approved • Denied t3 Construct a stairway in t e require si yen setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °the? Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 301-323-327-331-335 Canal St. Legal description Lots 1,6,7,8,9, Blk. 12, Tract 772 Filed by NEWPORT SHORES DeYoung Ayres, Jager App. No. Date 810 5-7-64 Approved 0 Denied 0 Condition: Create 5' front and 5' year yard setback. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 304,312,320.336.406 Canal Street Legal description Lots Rlnrk 11 Trart 772 11.1 Lot B Block 25 Trart 772 P-1 Tract 772 Red pl Rank H Ayres & Son App. No. Date 789 2 -6 -64 Approved El Denied 0 Construct 6' fencPs within t hp rpriuired 51 _Setback on Colton StrePt Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 323 Canal Street Legal Description Lot 6 Block 12, Tract 722 Filed By: Christopher Colvin, ALA Application No. Date NI 4925 6-8-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a second floor deck that is cantilevered and encroaches 2 feet 1 inch into the required 5 foot front yard setback on Canal Street and is replacing an existing deck. Also included in the request is the retention of an existing deck that encroaches 8 inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback and is being reduced in size. Variance: I Resubdivision: j_Use Permit I Amendmen t Other: 'MO/ ji,dedith.— LOCATION 331 CANAL STREET Legal description Lot 8, Block 12, Tract No. 772 Filed by Gale Young App. No. Date M4295 3-21-95 Approved XEI Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a cantilevered entry cover to encroach 6 +/- inches into the required 3 toot sid yard setback, as well as a building facade to encroach 1 tt 8+/- inches into the required 5 ft. front yard setback along Canal St. Variance ID Resubdivision Q Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other LOCATION .5.59 Lanai street Legal description Filed by Anita i -erguson App. No. Date Permit an 18" fireplace M-247 1/2/79 encroachment into the required north side yard Approved 0 Denied 0 setback where the Code would permit a 12' encroachment. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 304-312-320-336-406 Canal Street Lots 2 4.6.10 131.13 Tract 772 R-1 Lot B 131.25 772 R-1 Filed by FRANK H AYRES & SON App. No. Date 789 2-6-1964 Approved a Denied 0 Construct 6' fences within the required 5' setback on Colton Street Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 423 Canal St. Legal description Lot 6, Tract No. 772 Filed by Roderic RQ.dgers App. No. Elate M4267 12-6-94 Approved 13 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of two second floor balconies: one to encroach 1 foot 6 inches into the re- and the-a-ther—to-sacrthich-ala.liethiata_tiassgairetni= fxopt yar.d setbaLk alopo applicant al so- otheen erance u Keseecnvisron t u e49-6ffitse efmit Amenamenr I O ii . . . o re .i. proposes additions which encroach 2± inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. LOCATION 401-05-419-423-427-431-435-443 Canal St. Legal description Lots 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,11, Blk. 26, Tr. 772 Hed by NEWPORT SHORES App. No. Date 810 5-7-64 Approved IX] Denied 0 Condition: Create 5' front and 5' rear yard setback. Variance P11 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment El LULA I !UN 430 Canal Street Legal description Filed by Bettie Coltrin Request to permit issuance of App. No. Date building permits for a 5'9" M3068 6-18-85 high wooden fence. The fence maintains a setback of 3" from Approved 1] Denied 0 the front property line, where the Zoning code requires structures in excess of 3 feet in height to maintain a setback of 5 feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCATION 511 Canal Street/Newport Shores Community Clubhouse .egal Description SEC 201 6k 10 POR SW V. Surface and 500 ft subsurface lied By: Newport Shores Community Clubhouse Application No. Date A881 11/23/98 Approved: X Denied: in amendment to Districting Map No. I to change zoning district classification of 511 :anal Street from Open Space Passive (OS-P) to Open space Active (0S -A). Variance: I Resubdivision: Luse Permit I AmendmentX lther: LOCATION 511 Canal Street Lcgal Description Lot 8, Tract 4601 Filed By: , Bill Guidero Application No. Date UP 3639 Application w/drawn — no action taken Appproved: Denied: Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: X 1 Amendment Legal Description Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area SP-6 District Filed By: City of Newport Beach Application No. Date 11/09/2000 Denied: EP 54 Approved: X Exception to the sign regs of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square SP District that limit the size, duration and number of temporary signs. Exception will apply only to those commercial properties located within the Specific Plan Area where visibility or identification is impacted by construction associated with Public Works projects. Exception will establish the Planning Director approval procedure for review and conditional approval of requests for deviation of the Sign Code regulations. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Cithar• Vivo/mit:An Parmi* LOCATION 514 Canal Street Legal description Lot 16 and easterly portion of Lot 15, Block 23, Tract No. 772 Filed by Steve Stone App. No. Date Request to permit the construction M3835 4-16-91 of a block wall, 5 feet in height, to be located within the required Approved n Denied 0 5 foot front yard setback along 62nd Street. The Zoning Code restricts such construction to -3 feet in height in the front setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 5 Canyon Court Legal description Filed by R amon Lo pez__ App. No. Date 14 3502 1-31-89 Approved El Denied 0 • Bequest to permit the construction of a-single family residmire which will include architecturat projections which will encroach 6 inches into the required 10 foot Variance 0 Other Amendment Resubdivision 0 Use Permit construct two 5 foot high pilasters topped by 3 foot 2 inch ± high light fixtures resulting in a total heii of 8 feet 2 inches ± which will encroach 14 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback where structures in front yard setbacks are limited to no more than 3 feet in height. LOCATION g Canyon Court Legal description tro- 91, Trart 10R14 Piled by Ka n Everacin Tr App. No. Dee Perrect to parmit thA onnAtrnetion M3728 7/3/90 of four pilasters, relstsa block wrou ght iron gate to AlilDellied a nnrnarb into tha ragnired 19 foot, front yard setback sajscsnt to rAnyon court Said construction will be A fArat A inobAq in height. where the Zoning Code limits construction to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LLIC.;A I IUN A Canyon Fairway Drive Legal description Filed by Mervin B. Johnson App. No. Date M 3444 8-30-88 Approved l:)] Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of walls up to 6 feet 6 inches* high with 7 foot 6 inch+ high pilasters whirb will encroach 6 feet intn the required 15 foot front yard aethark where the Municipal rode 1 -traits front yard fences Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 kmendment El Variance 0 Other to no more than 3 feet in height. LOCATION 6 Canyon Fairway Drive Legal description Filed by Mervin B. Johnson Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of a 6 foot high balcony M 3353 12-29-87 and stairway topped by a 3 foot 9 inch high railing, ofr a total Approved M Denied 0 height of 9 feet 9 inches, which will encroach 4 feet 8 inches into the required 10 foot side yard setback; the construction of 7 foot 6 inch high walls which will en- croach up to six feet into the required 10 toot side yard setback where the Municipal Code limits the height Variance D Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other of side yard fences to no more than 6 feet, and the construction of a 7 foot 4 inch high fence which will encroach 1 foot into the required 10 foot front yard setback where the Municipal Code limits the height of front yard fences to no more than 3 feet. LOCATION #8 Canyon Fairway Drive Legal description Filed by William Russell Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of an attached garage which will encroach 5 feet into the M 3290 6-2-87 10 foot side yard setback re- Approved Denied E] quired for structures in Tract No. 10814. Said garage will be located 5 feet from the front property line and the garage doors will be set back an additional 18 inches resulting in a total driveway length of 6 feet 6 inches OVER Variance Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 9 Amendment 9 as measured from the front property line where Tract No. 10814 requited that garages maintain a 5 foot or 20 foot front yard setback. 10 '".ml 239 Canyon Road Legal description Red by Bert TaraYA0 App. No. Date Request o permit alterations and additions to an existing PCR No. 5 6-7-84 single-family dwelling in the Approved J Denied 0 R-1-B Disbrct that includes a solar chimney that exceeds the basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 32 Cape Andover Legal Description Lot 111, Tract 15012 Filed by William and Robin Lanting App. No. Date Called up by PC, approved M4659 2-17-98 conditionally 4-9-98 Approved X Denied To permit the retention of a 9 foot high, as-built childrens' playhouse to encroach 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback, where the Code limits structures to a maximum height of 8 feet in the rear setback. Variance E Resubdivision J Use Permit H Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 69 Capin Aprinvor Legal description j nt 41 TrA rt Nn 15012 Filed by Tay 1 nr Wnqdrnw Hompc App. No. Date M4558 5 -13 -97 Approved M Denied 0 Regursct an R inch encroachment into the required 5 foot cide yard cethark with a raised outdoor porch. which will result in a a font 4 inch setback for a corner of the porch. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LIJUAHVM #1 Carmel Bay Dr. Legal 4104 01m Lot 11 Tract 7510 "" by W. B. BURKE App. No. Dee 684 7-3-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Al Denied permit a jacuzzi pool & a swimmin pool to encroach to within 2' 6 -° of the side property line & pool equipment to encroach to flit same side property line twhere the Urd. requires b' side yard seteacKs.) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other m LocknoN 41 Carmel Ray nr. Legal demarthm Tr 7510 Lot 15 Spyglass Hill hied by Fl INTRIDGI LANDSCAPT CO ,INC App. No. Date 623 3 -20 -73 CONDITLONAILY Approved [13 Denied 0 permit a 6' high pool security fence (masonry wall with 4' high wrought iron fence on top) to be installed in the required 10' view side set- back Variance 0 Other t4 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 21 Carmel Bay Drive Legal description Lot 24 of Tract 7510 Riad by William G. Thrash App. No. Date Constrn. of an 8 foot high M-898 5/20/75 + wooden patio cover that encroaches to the front Approved fa Denied (view side) property line (where the Districting_ lap indicates a 10 foot front yard setback). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment E Variance 0 Other I.A.M.AHVN #11 rarmAl Ray Fir Legal description Lot 29 Tr 7510 Filed by GLEN LAYTON App. No. Date 680 7-3-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Xra Mulled _Dermit a 6' high feric.p tn encroach- with;el 2' 8" of the frnnt prnparty line twhert the P-C Demelnoment Standards rprioirn 4' sotbakks from the sidewalk) cn ac tn buffer. posla_941494B r in the 10' frnnt yard seillark -Variance 0 Resubdivnion 0 use remit 0 Other PI Amendment LOCATION # 2 7 Carmel Bay, Newport Beach Legal descriptions Lol Z7 Tract 7510 flgth 9)rt80 lenait the installation of a ;pa that encroaches 1 foot into the required 5 foot side yard and Approved 1361 Denied 1 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard. The proposal ilso includes related spa equipment that encroaches 2 feet into the required 5 foot side yard. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICATION Filed by Jeff Pence COS Oa ion Ave LOCATION CARNATION SHCOOL SITE Legal description Filed by GFELLER DEVELOPMENT Request to amend the Land App. No. Date Use, Residential Growth, GPA 83-2(A) 1-19-84 and Recreational Open Space _Elements of the Newport Beach Approved 0 Denied 0 General Plan so as to resdesiqnate the Corona del Mar Elementary School site from "Governmental, Educational and Institutional" uses to "Multiple-Family Residential" uses. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION CARNATION SCHOOL SITE Legal description Filed by Gfeller DeVe. Request to amend the Land Use PlAPP. No. Date for the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program so as LCPA# 4 1-19-84 to redesignate the Corona del Approved Ea Denied 0 March School Site from "Governmental, Education and Institutional" uses to "Multi-family Residential" uses. Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description CARNATION SHCOOL SITE Filed l_a_Gfel„Invelopment Request to establish Planned App. No. Date -Caluity--rteMelCaP-Ble RES#1110 A-599 1-19-84 d_and_adapta Community -flemalCepMentSa for the devel- Approved 0 Denied 0 --npment of the Corona del Mar El ementary school Site. _The—prszi also psiea3 includes a request to amend portions of niatricting Mao No. 16, so as to reclassify said property from the Unclassified Dist. to the Planned Comm. arlance ti • Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Other Amendment LOCATION Legal description CARNATION SCHOOL SITE Filed by GFELLER DEVELOPMENT Request to conside a App. No. Date traffic study in conjunction TS 1-19-84 with the construction of 41 residential dwelling units Approved ja Denied 0 on the Corona del Mar School Site, Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION CARNATION SCHOOL SITE Legal description Fded by GFELLER DEW. Request to consider a App.No. Date residential coastal development permit for the purpose of estab- CRDP" 1-19-84 lishing project compliance for Approved 0 Denied 0 the residential development of the Corona del Mar School site pursuant to the Administrative guidelines for the Implementation of the State Law relative to low and moderate income housing within the coastal zone. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION CARNATION SCH. SITE Legal description Lots 1-22, Block 531 and Lots 1-22 Block 631, Coroan del Mar Tr. Fled by nforhar neueinprant Acceptance of An rnvironmenf App. al Date DOOnMent for aPripral Plan DEIR 1-19-84 Amendment No R3-2(a), tonal Coastal Program Amendment Na Approved El Denied El 4 and Amendment No. 599 Variance ID Other Resu6div4sion D Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Carnation AvebIth Ave/Dahlia Ave.2nd Ave. Legal dewiption Lots 1-22, Block 531, and Lots 1-14. Block 631, comprising a portion of the block bounded by Carnation Ave/4th Ave/Dahlia Ave/and Second Ave in CdM Filed bYGfeller Develop Hones (Sumer Windl Req. to amend the PC for the App. No. Date CdM Homes PC (Summer Wind)ro A636 7-10-86 allow individual property oWners to use the side yard of an adjoinAPProved 40 Denied 0 lot for parking purposes, landscaping, and the construction of pools and spas. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment lc CUL.. LOCATION 201-3-5 carnation Avenue Legg description Por. Lot D Cath- Fled by M.S M ASSOCIATES App- No. Date 1066 9-17-1964 Approved 0 Denied The following above permitted 35' height limit. (a) Elevator penthouse-not to exceed 14'. (b) Master T.V. antenna-12'. (c) flagpole-30'. (d) Low wall to contain cars-42". (e) ventilating exhause fans-36".(f) wet & dry stand pipe connections-30" (g) sanitary vents 8'. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 2 Amendment0 Other (h) Building sign - not to exceed 6'. LOCATION Legal description 201-,03-20S rprnation Ave , CdM • II • Filed by N S M ASSOCIATES App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1063 8-6-1964 Approved 0 Denied 0 Following to be above 35' height limit. 1) Elevator penthouse not to exceed 14 1 . 2) Master T.V. antenna - 12'. 3) Flagpole - 30'. 4) Low wall to contain parked cars - 42". Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Other Amendment El ogal description Por. Block D CcD4 Filed by PLANNING COMMISSION App. No. Date 156 4-18-1963 Approved Xlg Denied 0 Rezone from R -2 to R -3 ariance other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El )CATION 201-203-205 Carnation LOCATION IGO Car'anation Avenue Corona del Mar Legal description Portion Lot D CDM Tract Filed by MITCHELL, Kenneth C. App. No. Date 307 8-2-56 Approved Dt Denied 0 8-16-56 Construction of swimming Pool Partially into street front i of bluff view lot. Variance E Resubdivision Use Permit 9 Amendment Other 207 through 311 Carnation Ave. LOCATION Legal description Tor. Bl. D CdM Filed by Planning commission App. No. Date 169 8-15-1963 Appnmred ID Denied 0 Rezone from an R-2 to an R-3 District (Portion of lots at rear only) Variance Other Resubdnesion 0 Use Permit fl Amendment NI , LOCATION 208-210 Carnation Avenue Legal description Lot 10 and southerly 15 feet of Lot 12, Block 131 Fled by Lloyd Rasner Request to resubdivide an existingkpp.No. lot and portion of a second lot into R 957 5 111-91 a single parcel for residential condominium purposes on property Approved In Denied 0 located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Resubchmesn Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other UDCAJRDN 208-210 Carnation Avenup Legal descripfion Lot 10 and southerly 15 feet of Lot 12. Block 131 Filed by Lloyd Rasner Request to permit the conversion App. No. Date of an existing legal. nonconforming UP 3420 7-18-91 duplex which exceeds the height allowed in the 24/28 Height Limitation Approved El DeMed 0 Zone and which exceeds 1.5 times the buildable area of the site, into a two unit residential condominium project on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION W18-210 carna+inr Legal description Tr& 10 anti a pnrtinn nf Tot 17, Minnie- 1 1 1, located At 20s-910 Carnation Airenue a 1- side of Carnation Avenue between Seaview AvegOrean Rlud Filed by rta„pri Lloyd Request tn resuhdivide an App. No. Date existing lot and portion of a R957 7/18/91 qprond lot into a qingle parcel for reqidentiml Approved Denied condominium purposes on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Resubdtvision Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 7OR-71M Pnruntion Avenu Legal dewliplieernt 10 nnd n pnrtion nf Lot 17, Rincle 131 , Corona del Mnr, lnnated on the nnuthennterly side nf Carnation Avenue between Renview AvegiOnean Rlv, in rdm Filed by Ll oy d R aquel, •Request to permit the nonverninn App. No. Date ing UP3420 7/18/91 duplex which exceeds the height &flowed in the 24/28 Height Approved Ei Denied EJ Limitation Zone and which exceeds 1 5 times the buildable area of the site into a two unit residential condominium_ Project on Property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment I • • * • 4 LOCATION 212 Carnation Ave. /1.2„/V Legal description Portions of Lots 12 and 14, Block 131, on the s.e.side of Carnation Ave. between Seaview Ave. and Ocean Blvd Filed by McCluer & Schooler Reg. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a two unit residential condo UP3264 4-23-87 development with related garages and carports on Approved „kr Denied 0 property located in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdevision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 212 Carnation Avenue /6--1/t/ Legal description Portions of Lots 12 and 14, Block 131, on the se. side of Carnation Ave. between Seaview Ave. and nrean Blvd Filed by McCluer & Schooler Peg to resubdivide portions App. No. Date of two existing lots into a R845 4-2 3- 87 at ingle parcel of land for ...tesidenti ed Denied on property located in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 213 Carnation Corona del Mar Legal description Por lot D Tract CDM Zone 1-3 Filed by Leroy Fay App. No. Date 267 10-1-56 Approved D Denied 1C-11-56 An addition of one (1) unit in the basement area to an existing three (3) unit dwelling. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 216 rArnAtion AvAnnA Legal description Lot 16,_ 11lock 111, roronA dA1 Mn TrAcr Pled by Louise Toth_ Request to permit the as-built App. No. Date construction of a block wall/ M3900 8-27-91 lattice work fence (5 feet 9 inches+ in height) to encroach 8 feet 6 Approved 0 Denied 0 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback where the Zoning Code limits all construction to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision U Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 .7#,.• ,Te-V/ LOCATION ittt. Carnation & 2501 Seaview Legal description A portion of Lot 14 and Lots 16 and 18, Block 131, on the s.w. corner of Seaview Ave. & carnation Ave. Filed by McCluer & Schooler Req. to resubdivide two lots and a portion of a third lot into one parcel for residential condo purposes and one parcel for two family residential purposes. App. No. Date R846 4-23-87 Approved jg Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment /cezcz-uari LOCATION _244'Carnation Ave. & 2501 Seaview Ave. Legal description A portion of Lot 14 and Lots 16 and 18, Block 131, located at 214 Carnation Ave & 2501 Seaview Ave on the s.w. corner of Seaview Ave. & Carnation Ave. Filed by McCluer & Schooler Rea. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a two unit residential condo 1JP3265 4-23-87 development with related garages and carports on property located Approved .Er Denied 0 in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 217 Carnation Ave. Legal description Por. Block D - 40' on Carnation - 120' depth Filed by PAY, Leroy E. App. No. Date 188 8-18-55 Approved 0 Denied El 4 Units on an R -3 Lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit aa Amendment 0 1 LA/CA 1 11UPPI 221 Carnation Legal Description Portion of Block D. Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Robert San Miguel Application No. Date M5158 01/03/2001 Approved: X Denied: The retention of a screen fence/lattice work that measures from 7 to 24 feet above existing grade located within the 3-foot side yard setback. The Zoning Code limits the height of fences and walls located in the side yard setback to a maximum of 6 fret. The fence is located on the slope located between the two lots involved. Variance: I Resubdivision: Other: Modification Use Permit: Amendment: LOCATION 221,223 and 225 Carnation Avenue Legal Description Portion of Block D, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Robert San Miguel Residence Application No. Date Var. 1222 7-23-98 CRDP 24 Appproved: X Denied: Variance request to permit the construction of a new duplex that will exceed the permitted height limit by approximately 5 to 14 feet on the north side of the property and Ito 5 feet on the south side of the property. Also included is a Coastal Residential Development Permit (CRDP) for the purpose of establishing project compliance pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low and Moderate Income Housing within the Coastal Zone. Variance: X Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment nnoi ervnetal flevelnnrnent Permit LOCATION 227 -229 -231 Carnation Ave. Legal description Per. Bl. D CdM Tract R-3 Filed by FOUL K. Erica Lisa App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 896 1-5-1967 Approved 0( Denied 0 Waive Section 20.02 190 in order to permit four garages 8.5' in width instead of require 9' width. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:1 Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS 1. That the garages be totally enclosed with side walls, roof and an operating garage door; 2. That the driveway and approach be in accord ance with the adopted City Council policy concerning curb breaks. UJC.AIIVN Legal description 233 Caraatiom_ Avnue Por. Bl a Cdm Filed by FAY, Leroy E ap4 ;Nth M APP. No. Date m-94 2-l9-197D Approved 0 Denied xly1 Add an additional dwelling unit to an existing triplex. fariance 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Dffier Modifi cation Amendment 0 VJUAHVN Legal description 231 Carn a t i on Pnr Rik n CdM R-3 Filed by FAY, I prey F & Ruth M App. No. Date DENIED BY P.C. 8-7-69 Referred to M- 94 P.C.7-15-69 Approved 0 Denied 0 Add an additional unit to an existing triplex that is nonconforming due to stairway in side yard and due to the fact that the garage would be substandard (32 feet wide instead of 36 ft. wide). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 307 Carnation Ave. Legal deseriptim Portion of Block D, on the n.w. side of Carnation Ave. between SeaviewaVe. and Bayside Dr. Filed by Seme-rs-&-Assga Rog to perMit the construct. App. No. Date of A four unit resident, condo 0p3194 4-10-86 pxniprt and related garages on property located in the Approved IT Denied 0 R1 nist. The proposal also includes a mod. to the ZC to allow two Proposed, second floorpot shelves and a wing wall to encroach 2 ft. into the required 10 ft. environ.docu. Variance 0 031.0, Resubdivision 0 Use Permutta Amendment 0 UDCAIRDN 307 Carnation Ave. Legal description Portion of Block D on the n.w side or Carnation Ave. between SEaview Ave. & Sayside pr. Fled by Somers & Assoc. Reg to consider a Resident. App. No. Date Coastal Develop. Permit for RCDP 11 4-10-66 the purpose of establish. Inance for a four unApproved tgr Denied 0 esidential condo development pursuant to the Ad. Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to low & moderate income housing within the —Coastal —Zone Variance 0 nibm Amendment 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 LOCATION 307 Carnation Ave. Legal description Portion of Block D. on the n.w. side of Carnation Ave. between Seaview Ave. & Bayside Dr. Filed by Somers & Assoc. Req. to resub. an existing App. No. Date lot into a single parcel of R824 4-10-86 land for resident. condo Purposes on property Approved El Denied 0 located in the R3 Dist. Variance 0 Atka. Resubdivision Er Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 308 Carnation Ave Legal description Lot 10 and portions of lo_ts Rand 12 Block CDM and a portion of abandoned Carnation Ave Filed by Request to permit the extensinn App. No. Date of a preyioiscly ap proved R 940 9/23/93 resuhdivision that permittetthe Fxtension consolidation of one lot pnrtion4PProved 0 Denied 0 of two other lots and a portion of aha.ridoned Carnation Avenue into a single parcel of land for thre e unit reside tial condominium purposes on property located in the MFR (2140) District Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Richard Duggan LOCATION Legal •escription Lot 10 and portion of Tnta R g, 19, ram rortIon of than/loped Carnation We , at 10R carnation AVe. nn caebpactprly side of ranration hetWeeM Bavside & Sea- Filed by Righard Duagari view Request to permit the resubdivi- App. No. Date sion of one lot and portions of R 940 9/20/90 two otehr lots and portion of abandoned Carnation Ave. into a Approved Aio Denied 0 single parcel of land for three unit residential condo- minium purposes on property located in the MFR (2140) Dist Variance 0 Onset Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 9 LOCATION 307 & 311 Carnation Avpnup Legal description Portion of Blk. D. CDM Trart and a portion of Carnation Ave (vacated) Filed by WILLIAM G. HAGEN App. No. Date 8432 12/6/73 REMOVED FROM CALENDAR Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to subdivide 0.882 acres into one lot for an eighteen unit condominium development, and the acceptance of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR/NB 73-036). Variance 1:1 Other TT Resubdivision Q Use Permit 1:1 Amendment El UM I ivri 108-117 Carnation Ave Legal description Portions of Lots 8 PT la PI All of Mfg 10 il -r & portion of abandoned Carnation Ave in Block 211 , CdM at 308-312 Carnation Ave. on easterly side Red by Richard R. Duggan Request to amend a portion of App. No. Dee Districting Map No. 17 so as to A 696 1-18-90 establish a 10 foot front yard setback along Carnation Ave. Approved la Denied 0 (private street) which shall be measured from the original right-of-way line of Carnation Ave. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 311 Carnation Ave. Corona del Mar Legal description Portion of Lilt n CDM Tract R-3 Filed by ROSS, Tames E fs: Violet App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 448 8-21-58 Approved la Denied 0 Appliront requests a height increase of an additional mo shove permitted 25' height limit for the purpose of constructing a multiple dwelling unit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 CONDITION No building shall be higher than 35' above the paved easement level and be in accordance with plot plan submitted. LOCATION 311 Carnation Ave. Legal description 8420s:LiatiflcaB f the CdM Tract, on the n.w. corner of Carnation Ave. and Bayside Dr. n.w. of seaview Ave. Filed by Wil liam p p' tire , Reg to permit the construct. App. No. Date of po. 4 unit resi_dent condo UP3216 7-24-86 develop and related garages ...T.aci—a_reg,.._ta_a.1.10a. portion Approved Denied 0 --(if—t.heSSelop_ta_exd_the 24 ft basic ht limit on the front 1/2 of the lot in the 24/28 Ft lit Limit Dist and to exceed the 28 ft basic ht limit on the rear 1/2 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 311 Carnation Ave. Legal description Portion of Rinric D of the CdM Tract. on Hu= n w cm-11er of Carnation Ave and Bayside Dr Fcldncr Req. for and extension of A prey app rimanh that wOnl a create A parcel of l and for resident, condo rinrpree App. No. Date R745 Ext. 7 -24 -86 Approved tk. Denied 0 Variance El n+6.• Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 311 Carnation Avenue Legal description A portion of Block D in Corona del Mar. Filed by Petyo & Associates App. No. Date R745 CDP #3 11/10/83 & UP 3033 Request to resubdivide .445 acres of land into a single parcel for residential Approved IN Denied 0 condominium purposes. See filefolders tor details. . APPROVED COND. UP 30 Variance ID (Mutt Resubdivision Use Permit gi Amendment 0 LOCATION 311 Carnation Avenue Legal description A portion of Block D. in Corona del Mar Filed by Gary Malazian App. No. Date Request to Permit the UP 2089 7/22/82 construction of a four (4) R 729 unit residential condominium Approved Li] Denied 0 development and related garage faciliites in the R-3 District. The proposal also includes a request to allow a portion of the development to exceed the (OVER). . . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision gi Use Permit [8] Amendment 24 foot basic height on the front one-half of the lot located in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. AND Request to resubdivide .445 acres of land into a single parcel of land for residential condominium purposes. cALTTILy!fiX c.c. APP,APTRWEP BLQ,C. QN 1.0i12/a2 LOCATION 311 Carnation Avenue Legal description A portion of Block D of Corona Del Mar Filed by Lyttle/Corona del Mar for Meyer & Ross App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP 2059 & 3/18/82 struction of a five unit TMT 11744 residential condominium & Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to subdivide .62 acres into a single lot for a five unit, multiple family, residential condominium BOTH REMOVED FROM CALENDAR. . . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment E LOCATION 311 Carnation Loyd description Par. Lot D CdM R-3 Filed by ROSS, James E. & Violet C. App. No. Date CONDITIONS - Over 585 2-18-1960 Approved Denied EJ 1) Construct 8 dwelling units in an R-3 Zone. 2) Maximum height limit of 35' above existing easement level on Carnation Ave. 3) Extend life of this application from 18 months to 2 yrs. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 CONDITIONS The location of the driveway and wall at the northerly ex of street easement to be settled between the adjoining property owners within a reasonable period of time. LOCATION 311 Carnation Ave., Corona del Mar Legal description Portion of Lot D, CdM Tract R-3 Filed by ROSS, James E. & Violet App. No. Date 454 5-15-58 Approved 9 Denied la Additional 15' above permitted 35' height limit and to permit construction of A detached garage on the front half of lot. Variance [g] Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 9 LOCATION 311 Carnation Ave., CM Legal description Portion of Tat 1-3 COI Tract R-'1 Filed by ROSS. James E. & Violet App. No. Date 414 4-17-58 Approved (I Denied 0 Construction of 9 units on an R -3 lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit pc Amendment 0 AA." UV II 311 & 315 Carnation Avenue Legal description Block D Filed by Fred I. Grimes App. No. Date Request to adjust R-550 7/7/77 the common property line between two Approved a Denied 0 residential lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision ECK Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION esal Pfial Portions of yntg 12 & 14, 111nnk 231. rdm dc, siciP of Carnation between Ravside and Seaviel le y Pie-hard rniggan oegnpat tn permit the resubdivisic6PB44°. Date _of pnri-4 nine nf two qti ng lots R 941 9/20/90 and a pmrrion of abandoned carnal-inn Ave info A single Approved 0 Denied EJ _parepl nf land for two unit residential condominium pur- rwmpa nn_propprt located in the MFR (2140) District. Variance 0 Other Resubchwsion 0 Use Permit ID Amendment El LOCATION 312 Carnation Avenue Legal description Harvey . Peusw Filed by App. No. Date 'ermit alterations and M-2531 6/10/80 tdditions to an existing duplex tonconforming in the following: Approved DI Denied 0 exis ing structure encroac es • + into t e require O' rear yard setback; and 2.) a one-car garage lwhere thE .ode requires 3 parking spaces). Request includes mntinuation and minor expansion of the rear yard Over - Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance EJ encroachment with conversion of existing of the rear yard encroachment with conversion of existing garage into two bedrooms and the construction of a two%car garage with two tandem parking spaces on the front 1/2 of the lot. Depth of two open parking spaces is 18' (where the Code requires 20' depth). LOCATION 312 Carnation Legal description Por. Lots 12 & 14 S1 nrk 911 Tract_GDM_R...1 Filed by BUHLER, John P. App. No. Date 540 8-6-1959 Approved 0 Denied 4gc Applicant requests permission to retain 5 dwelling units on one R-3 parcel. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:33 Amendment 0 LOCATION 312 Carnation Ave. Legal description II I CDM. and a portion of abandoned Carnation kue Filed by Richard R RuggAn Request to permit thA extension App. No. Date of a previously approved rAsuhdivisliv 941 App. 9/23/93 that permitted the consolidation of portions of two existing lots Approved 0 Denied 0 and a portion of abandoned Carnation Avenue into A single parcel of land for two unit residential condominium p u rples( on property located in the Variance Other Resubdivision LW Use Permit El Amendment El MFR (2140) nistrict A>CATKM 312 Carnation Ave. COM - Aga! description For Lot 12, All 14, CM TrAct, Block 231 Filed by Brown, W. H. App. No. Date 12 8-16-61 Approved 0 Denied CZ Convert garage into bachelor apartment & adding carport. Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit A Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 314 Carnation Avenue Legal description Portions of Lots No. 14, 16 and 18. In Corona del Mar. Filed by Harvey and Dome11 Pease App. No. Date Request to allow the con- UP 3013 1/6/83 struction of a fourth level observation deck on an existing Approved III Denied 0 duplex in the R-3 District which exceeds the basic height limit on the rear one-half of the lot in the 2R/32 Foot Height Limitation Di strict Seafta—cabLanalaidlaaleZIOIED-C41- V-2 1483 Variance D Other Resubdwision D Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 314 Carnation Avenue, NM Legal description Lot 18, lb & For 14, 13TI Zit ,t..cIto1 Filed by Harvey D. Pease App. No. Date M 394 10 -5 -1971 Approved la Dented E Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 CoOmr Modification Amendment LOCATION Legal description 315 Carnation Portion of Block D Filed by Fred I. Grimes App. No. Date Constrn. of a new duplex M-1091 9/28/76 and a detached garage with a 10 foot setback from the Approved CI Denied front property line (ie. the center line of abandoned Carnation Ave.). The Districting Map reguires a ID foot setback from the abandone Carnation Ave. right-of-way (ie. 35 feet from th center line of abandoned Carnation Avenue). Variance El %subdivision 13 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other LOCATION 319 Carnation Avenue Legal Description A portion of Block D, Corona del Mar, and a portion of Carnation Avenue (vacated) Filed By: 1 Robert Losey Application No. Date Mod. No. 4996 11 -2 -99 Approved: X Denied: To penult the construction of a stairway and handrail that will encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback on Bayside Drive and ranges in height from 7 feet to 10 feet down the slope. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 319 CARNATION AVENUE Legal description A portion of Block "D" Corona del Mar and postion of Carnation Ave. vacated Filed by Robert LoseY App. No. Date V1202 8-14-95 Approved Darned 0 Request to permit construction of a single family dwelling on property located in the MFR (2178) District which exceed the allowable 1.5 times the buildable area of the site. Proposed development provides the required amount of open Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 space, but location of the open space does not meet Ordinance requirements. Proposal also includes a modifi- cation to Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed struct- ure to encroach 10 feet into required 10 ft. front yard setback adjacent to abandoned Carnation Ave. right-of-wa3 as established by districting Map No. 17, & to encraoach 6 ft into required 10 ft. rear yard setbacks. Said con- struction proposed to extend beyond original lot line ad- jacent to vacated portion of Carnation Ave., so as to en- croach 16+/-" with a roof overhang & 3 retaining walls which encroach 3 to 12 ft into said abandoned right-of- way. Application also includes a modification to ZC to permit an entry stairway which will extend 10 ft beyond original lot line adjacent to vacated portion of Carnatil Ave :v; LOCATION 319 Carnation Avenue Legal Description A portion of Block D, Corona del Mar, and a portion of Carnation Avenue (vacated). Filed by Robert Losey App. No. Date V1217 3-5-98 Approved X Denied • Request to allow retention of or modificationsto a building currently under construction which does not meet the standards previously establishedby the City Council in the approval of Variance No. 1202. Variance X Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment p Other: LOCATION 119 Carnation Avenue Legal description a portion of hlnrk "D", CDM and a portion Of Carnation Ave Varathrt) , southerly of Bayside Dr. & westerly of the midline of vacated extension of Carnation Filed by Robert S I °spy App. No. Date Requect to permit the constructionV 1178 10/8/91 fp en srog-rt located in the MFR 12178) Distric$Proved fa Denied 0 whirh PXrPPSIS the allowable 1 5 times the buildable area of the site The proposed development Provides the required amount of open space, but the location of the open space does not meet Ordinance requi rempnts . Variance ER Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other II - • The proposal also includes a modification to the Zonil Code so as to allow the proposed structure to encroacl 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback adjacent to the abandoned Carnation Ave right-of-way as established by Districting Map No. 17, and to enceoach 6 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setbacks. Said 'construction also proposes to extend beyond the original lot line adjacent to the vacated portion of Carnation Ave, so as to encroach an additional 6 inches on the first floor and one foot on the second floor. LOCATION 412 Carnation Avenue Legal Description Lot 14, Block 331, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Kurt Christiansen App. No. Date R1030 9/2/97 Approved X Denied [ I Request to permit Request to resubdivide an existing lot into a single parcel of land for two-family residential condominium development Variance fl Resubdivision X Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: LOCATION 420-422-424 Carnation Legal description 46 Block 431 Trpeh (D Zone R-2 Filed by CRAWFORD C .14 • App. No. Date j52 4-18a Approved 0 Denied 0 th, I THDRAWN Realignment of property lines. (withdrawn because of protests) Variance 0 Resubdivision acji Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 426 Carnation Ave. Legal description Lot 10, Block 431 CdM Filed by Robert Vaughn Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a two unit residential condo UP 3062 9-28-83 projeft and related qaractspacesR 761 on property located in the R-2 Approved El Denied 0 District. un tubs un Lsas cvn vanarnocm eat-pout . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 427 Carnaton Ave. Legal description Filed by John E Jackson App. No. Date M 3215 9 -16 -86 lation of a ganien window whir Approved 0 Denied 0 cotback. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UULAIRJN 428 Carnation Ave. Legal description Lot 10, Block 431 Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Robert Vaughn equest to permit the construction App. No. Dote f a two unit residential condominiumrt 760 9-28-83 roject and related garage UP 3060 paces on property located in the Approved pg Denied Ej 1-2 District. Request to resubdivide an existing lot nto a single lot for residential condominium purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perrni+ 0 Amendment 0 XXATION 434 & 436 Carnation Ave. CdM sgal description Lots 16 & 18 Block 431 CD)! Tract R-2 Filed by KRAMER Jack J. App. No. Date 436 1-16-58 Approved IX Denied 0 Waiver of side yard setbacks on Lots 16 & 18, Block 431, CDM in order tn conntrnrt three dwelling units_ Variance CM Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 436,436 A & B Carnation Ave Legal description Lots 16 & 18, Blk. 431, Corona del Mar Filed by Charles Pifer App. No. Date CC9 2-21-95 Approved Ed Denied 0 Request to permit the conversion of an existing triplex to a three-unit residential condominium project on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 437 Carnation Avenue Legal Description Lot 17, Block 430, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Mark and Pamela McCullough Application No. Date No. M5026 9 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit two tandem parking spaces to be 8 feet 8 inches wide where the Code requires 9 feet 3 inches in width, in conjunction with the addition of a second dwelling unit and remodel. The proposed duplex will provide four parking spaces Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 437 Carnation Legal description Lot 17 B1 . 43 0 CdM R-2 Ned by STEWART,__J C App. No. Date M -132 11 -12 -69 Approved XEI Denied 0 Structural alterations to a nonconforming resi dence. CONDITION . Approved per plans Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Other Mndi -Neat -ion Amendment 0 LOCATION 441 carnation Ave. Legal description Lot 21, Block 430, on the s.w. corner of Carnation Ave. & Second Ave. Filed by Gary P & Rita J. Wilder Req. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a two unit residential 0P3282 7-9-87 condo development with related garages and carports Approved X Denied 0 on property located in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Orsker Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D LOCATION 441 Carnation Ave. Legal description Lot 21, Block 430, on the s.w. corner ot Carnation Ave. & Second Ave. Filed by Gary P. & Rita J. Wilder Req. to resubdivide an App. No. Date existing lot into a single parcel R850 7-9-87 of land for residential condo development, on property located Approved % Denied 0 in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Orska, Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LQUAtION 500 Carnation Ave. & 501 Dahlia Legal clesairliall Lots 1 and 2, Block 531, on the n.e. side of Second Ave. between Carnation & Dahlia Ave. Filed by Gfeller Develop. To eliminate the third off-street App. No. Date parking space require. for two A621 9-5-85 lots within the development Lots 1 and 2 of Block 531 Approved face Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivirion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment a LOCATION 503 Carnation Avenue Legal Description Lot 3, Block 530, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Carnation CDM, LLC, Steve Ash Application No. Date No. R1085 4 -5 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To resubdivide a parcel of land for a new two -unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision:X I Use Permit Amendment Other: LULA 1 ION SUS Carnation Avenue Legal Description Lot 10, Block 531 Filed By: Frank Christopher Application No. Date M4790 10-13-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 1 foot 6 inch encroachment into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear setback at the alley with a second floor bay window, in conjunction with a remodel of an existing single family dwelling. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 509 Carnation Avenue Legal description Filed by Balboa Pacific/Pete Rose App. No. Date M 3507 3 -7 -89 Approved j Denied 0 • _Request to permit the construction of a second floor bathroom extension 5 feet 9 inches wide which projects 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdiviston 0 Use Permri 0 Amendment 0 A/CATION 513 and 513 1/2 Carnation Avenue Aegal Description Lot 13,Block 530, Corona del Mar Tract lied By: Gilles Sensenbrenner Application No. Date No. 78 3 -22 -2000 Approved:X Denied: fo permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit :ondominium project. Variance: I Resubdinsion: I Use Permit I Amendment Dther: Condominium Conversion DCATION 517 Carnation Ave. sgal description Lot 17 Block 530 CdM R-2 Filed by WATKINS, Roy M. APP. No. 827 2 -15 -1962 Approved a, Denied 0 Construct an apartment above a garage which is non conforming because of an outside dimension of 20' in depti and a 4' setback from the alley. misuse *per •Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ja Amendment 0 Date LOCATION Legal description 603 Carnation Avenue Filed by Max Cornwell App. No. Date Permit alterations and 11-2265 6/20/78 additions to an existing unit with a two car garage Approved a Denied 0 ihich is nonconforming in the following: 1.) north ind south side yard setbacks are 1'3" (where the Code ^equires a 3'0" side yard setback); 2.) the rear yard ietback is 4'0" (where the Code requires a 5'n" roa r er "'ov _ Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Pbdi fi yard setback); and)3.) the existing front yard setback is 59'0" (where the Code requires a maximum 35'0" front yard setback). New construction will eliminate nonconforming north and south side yard setback encroachments, will add a unit to the front portion of the lot, and will add two tandem garage spaces to the existing two car garage (total 18' X 20' inside dimension). LOCATION Legal description 603 Carnation Avenue Filed by Termit renovation of an existing dwelling and garage including conversion of an Approved 0 Denied existing two car garage into a four car garage where two of tne garage spaces will encroach into required side yard setbacks and one tandem parking space will encroach into required side yard setbacks & one tandem parking space will be created. (The Code prohibits both Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other App. No. Date M-2258 6/6/78 side yard and tandem parking on the sage lot). The structure has the following existing nonconforming fe i tu tgire l tAe Me u gaiMg ai geoyaEgtHRIcktire the rear yard setback is 4'0" (where the Code requires a 5'0" setback); and 3.) the existing front yard setback is 59'0" (where the Code allows a maximum 35'0" front yard). OCATION 613 Carnation Avenue sgal description Filed byArger, Chris and Balalis Paul App. No. Date Request to construct UP-1932 4-10-80 a two unit residential condominium project in Approved n Denied ID the R-2 District. 7ariance >the, Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment CI °CATION 613 Carnation &mantle .egel description Filed by Chris Arm- and Paul Balalis App. No. Date Request to create one R-653 4-10-80 parcel of land where one lot and a portion Approved EJ Denied 0 of a second lot now exist so as to permit a two unit residential condominium project on the site. femme 0 >thou. Resubdrvision x Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 617 Carnation Avenue Legal description Lot No. 17 and a portion of Lot No. 15 in Corona del Mar. hied by McMillan & Balalis App. No. Date UP 3038 & 5/19/83 12 749 Approved 0 Denied 0 Rerpiaqi- 1-n parmif 4-ha nnn - struction of a two unit residential condominium development and related garage spaces on property located in the R-2 District. AND Request to create a single parcel of land for residential condominium purposes where one lot and a pnrtinn nf A SArnnei Mt-- presently exist. Variance 0 Resubdivisiona Use Pernnita Amendment 0 Other (p Z-/ LOCATION -.64.2- Carnation Ave. Legal description Lot 21, Blk. 630, Corona del Mar Filed by m ar k I pp App. No. Date R1011 4-11-95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to resubdivide an existing lot into a single parcel of land for condominium purposes. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DCATION 700 Carnation Ave. egal description Lot 2 31. 731 Tract 470 C-1 Filed by maRsAc, Albert R App. No. Date 912 1 -17 -1963 Approved 121 Denied 0 Addition of a room to an exi Art rtgapnrrment in A C-1 District. Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted. 'arience 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit In Amendment 0 LOCATION Carnation Avenue 701 Legal Description Lot 1, Block 730, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Scott Brownell, Architect Application No. Date No. 1080 1 -26 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To resubdivide a parcel of land for a new two -unit condominium project Variance: I Resubdivision:X Tthe Permit [ Amendment Other: LOCATION 705 Carnation Legg description Lot 5 Bl. 730 CdM Tract R-2 Filed by POWELL, Mrs. J. Gertrude 4 Kr /8 lios . 7 -.20- 6 -7 (ramn) APP. No. NI* CONDITIONS (Over) 1190 2 -3 -1966 Approved )12 Denied 0 Extend off-street parking in a residential district which is adjacent to present parking lot and C-1 District. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [xi Amendment Other CONDITIONS 1. That the lot be blacktopped. 2. That a concrete block wall be constructed on the property line abutting adjacent R-2 property to the south. 3. That parking lot be closed between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 4. That ingress to parking lot be from Carnation Avenue with egress being thru alley. 5. That the two corners be landscaped, where possible. LOCATION 707-709 Carnation, Corona del Mar Legal description Lots 7-9 Block 710 cdm Trart 2-2 Filed by MASTERS, Charles App. No. Date 472 11-20-58 (CONDITION) Over Approved [2 Denied 0 Private no-fee parking on retidenntial property adjacent to a commercial district. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit pg Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS: 1. Parking lot must be blacktopped. 2. A concrete block wall must be constructed on property line abutting adjacent R-2 property. 3. Parking lot must be closed between the hours of 10 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 4. Ingress to parking loit must be from Carnation Ave. with egress being thru alley. LOCATION 2845 Carob Street Legal Description Lot 100, Tract 5018 Filed By: Paul and Zoe Hadley Application No. Date M 4896 4-20-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a single story addition to an existing s ngle family dwelling that will encroach 1 foot 7 inches into the required 6 foot side yard setback at the front and meets the 6 foot side yard setback requirement at the rear of the addition. Variance: j Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 032 Carob S*reet Legal dm:140mo Filed b y faith & Teon_Williams App.Ne. Dare M 3445 9 -6 -88 Approved f] Denied 0 Parplaet rn permit the ennotroction of R garaie which will enrrnarh 5 feet 6 ineheq into the required 6 foot gide yard oethark Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 3044 Carob St Legal description Lot 440. Blk. 082, Tract 16 Filed by Michael and Jeanne Curtis App. No. Date 114500 10-15-96 Approved )E1 Denied 0 Construction of a 7 foot high masonry wall to encroach 5 feet 6 inches into the required 6 foot front yard setback, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. The wall is proposed along the northly half of the lot frontage. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2907 Cassia, Newport Beach Legal description Tract 5018, Lot 87 NW by John & Ursula Olsson Request to permit alterations App.110. Date and additions to an existing M-2651 1/13/81 single family residence that is nonconforming in that only Approved pg Denied ID two parking spaces are provided where the Code requires 3 parking spaces. MODIFIrATION Variance 19 Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment E LOCATION 34 Castaways North Legal Description —Lot 44, Tract 15012 Filed By: Robert McKennon Application No. Date No. M4986 10-19-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit the retention of an as-built trellis structure that encroaches 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and is 9 feet in height, where fences and structures are limited to 8 feet in height. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 1r15 CAstle Cove Cirt-le Legal description -Int 2n, Tr Act 7747 Filed blrynOney And Mildred rArley App. No. M3878 Approved Ail Denied 0 •0 •0 I - •, , t. • • I • a Harbor rreAt rirrle. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 Request to permit the conctruptiOn of a patio cover to encroach 5 feet Date 7/23/91 CozVolinia Dr. LOCATION 250 Catalina Drive Legal description Filed by Lorelie Schneider App. No. Date Permit the addition of a M-2570 8/12/80 2-bedroom above an existing garage. The proposed Approved 11:1 Denied 0 nonconformity will be a stairway encroaching into the required 5' rear setback. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 312 Catalina Drive U 1M thmxioion Lot 10 Tract 444 Zone R-2 Filed by App. No. Date 1+9 a-2117 Approved 0 Denied --ar-e-a-n-Qn—Qr-tw-o—Ca-b-uildinPD—s-tt-ess------ Lots too small to warrant consideration of waiver of squn_footage_requirements. Variance El Resubdivision DI Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 Other SMTTH Ermon_14._ & Mary Lee UDCAJR)N 312 & 316 Catalina Drive Legal description Lots 9 & 10 Tract 444 R-2 Filed by SMITH, Ermon W and VOGEL, John F App. No. Date 84 3-19-59 Approved ED Denied 0 Resubdivision of this property to provide 3 lots. Approved, subject to the conditions set forth in the application. Variance D Other Resubdivision p Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 320 Catalina Drive Legal description tot 8 and Por. Lots 9 and 10 Tr. 444 R-2 FT ND .F. App. No. Date 310 8-5-1971 ----Crrrove al Denied 0 er o crea e more suitable building sites. CONDITION: lhat a P -arcel Map be ti led. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Di Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ea ign o ines in or LOCATION 320 Catalina Dr. & 309 La Jolla Dr. Legal description Int 8 Trncf 44 4 P -9 Liat$ 9 L 10 Filed by CASALAINA„A. Lucile App. No. Date 188 5-21-1964 Approved 12 Denied 0 Resubdiyide a portion of Lots 8, 9 and 10 so as to cause the southern section to increase in size 3,383 square feet approximately. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 321 Catalina Drive Legal description Lot 69 Tract 1136 Zone R-1 Filed by ISRAELSON 1 Earl E. App. No. Date 346 7-25-57 Approved In Denied El Addition or a bathroom & dressing room to a non-conforming awelling. Jariance Resubdivisien Use Permit 21 Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION Legal description 324 Catalina Orivp Filed by Gene Nesti App. No. Date Constrn. of a room addition m-ggo 2/10176 on an existing single family dwelling where the Approved El Denied 0 subject addition encroaches to within 3.45 feet of a side property line (where the Ordinanc requires a 4 foot sidi yard setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification Filed by matt Sheppard Masonry App. No. Request to permit the retention M3702 of an as-built 4 foot high block wall with 2 feet + nf wrnught irnnAPPrOved Date 5-22-90 >E1 Denied 0 inch( dr- fa ell • -0 • • LOCATION 327 Catalina Drive Legal description Lot 68. Tract 1136 -into the reepri rpri 7 font 6 i nrh retrr_y_aXd _fn A 90 fnnf wide alley setback adjacent Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 OCATK)N 327 Catalina Street egal description Lot 68 Tract 1136 R-I Filed by ORSTAD, James L. App. No. Date 641 4-6-1961 Approved yE Denied 0 Construction of a swimming pool and a protective fence which will encroach 5' into a required 20' front yard setback. anance Lax Resubdivimon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 328 Catalina Drive Legal description Filed by Edward Callahan App. No. Date Request to permit issuance ot +LAI-miry Few A wnnArm frPlliq Approved bt 3 1619 pearled 0 that is proposed to encroach trom 2 1 - 0 " 41a_regnirea 4 fnnt westerly side yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 M2981 7-21-84 LOCATION 328 Catalina Drive Legal description Lot 6 of Tract 4444, in Newport Heights Filed by Michael Fricke App. No. Date Request to establish a two- UP 3021 & 3/10/83 unit residential condominium R 741 project on property located in Approved 0 Denied 0 the R-2 District. AND Request to establish a single parcel of land for residential condominium purposes where one lot presently exists. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision j Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 346 - 348 Catalina Drive Legal description Lot 1 Tract 444 Zone R -2 Filed by COOK, Earl S. & Pauline M. App. No. Date 98 10-1-1959 Approved 22 Denied 0 Resubdivide one R-2 lot so as to create two R-2 parcels. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision [CI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 400 Catalina Legal descriflon For Lot 12, Blk 12 TR 27 Mad by LUIIKELL, Michael S. App. No. Date LUNDIIIUNALL permit construction of-a garage on the front ½ of tne uric requires that d lngs snail be located on The proposed development Variance ID Resubdivision Other M 832 8-20-74 Y Approved X 15 Denied 0 detached two car a residential lot (whet etached accessory build- the rear 1/2 of the site) also in Clucks Use Permit U Amendment The proposed development also includes the conversion oof the existing attached garage spaces into a bedroom addition. LOCATION 400 Catalina Dr. and 401 Santa Ana Ave. Legal description Lot 12 Block 12 Tract 27 R:712 Riled by LANDIS W.I. & Gladys - PENNEY. John C. App. No. Date 75 12-18-58 Approved B Denied 0 Request resubdivision of this property so as to provide two R-2 lots. CONDITION: The two parcels to be designated Parcel A and Parcel- B Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 405 Catalina Dr. Legal description Filed by Dieter la p No . Date to permit the ronqtrurtio41-o 1- of a stairway and re]ated hand- M 3532 4-11-89 rails, portions of whirh are up E to 5 feet 6 inches high above Approved D Denied 0 natural grade where teh Zoning Code 1.1. its such construc- tion to 3 feet above natural grade within the 20 font front yard setback. Amendment 0 Resubdivision U Use Permit 0 Variance Other LOCATION 420 Cataline Dr. Legal description Lot 7, Rlk 12, Tract 27 Filed by David Doun_& Susan Smith App. No. Date M4333 7 -5 -95 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 4 toot 6 inch high masonry wall to encroach 10 feet unto the required 10 foot front yard setback, where the zoning limits such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 427 Cntal ina Ave Legal description Filed by John J1,_ Riley liequesS_to_permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of an elevated patio deck. M 3520 3/21/89 retaining walls. & stairs which WITHDRAWN encroach 12 ft. into the required Approved 0 Denied 0 20 ft. front yard setback and are up to 6 ft. 9+ in. high to the top of guardrail whit the Z.O. limits such con- struction to 3 ft. 6 in. + planter is also proposed to encroach 16 ft. into the Fequired 20 ft. front yard setbac P la 7 • 3- esti division &t$e I 1b Amendment 0 v ariance LOCATION Legal description 427 Catalina Drive Filed by Norbert Puff App. No. Date I'ermit: I.) 3'U" separation M-2329 11/21/78 between main and accessory (garage) structures (where Approved n Denied I:1 the Lode requires a 6'0" dimension) tor the purpose pi constructing a new bedroom-bath addition; and 2.) a 3 / l/d encroachment into one space ot an existing z-car garage (where the Lode requires 18 x ZO' inside dimension garage) for the purpose of relocating a washer & dryer - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 13 Other Modification LULA11CM Catalina Drive Legal description Filed by Phil Belling Date App. No. M 3463 10 -18 -88 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a two _story additiol to an existing nonconforming residence which encroaches 6 inches into a required 4 foot side yard setback and which maintains a clear length in the garage_o_f_suly_1.8_ feet whereac the Munletpal rndp raquirea that a minimum Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Fermi+ 0 Amendment Other clear length of 19 feet be maintained. LOCATION 438 Catalina Drive Legal description Lot N.W. 75' of Lot 3 Block 12 Tract 21 Filed by CLARKE, S. H. App. No. Date 240 7-21-55 Approved gg Denied 0 The construction of a dwelling on a 3750 building site instead of required 4000 sq.ft. Variance E3 Resubdivision D Use Permit u Amendment El Other LOCATION 445 Catalina Ave'. Legal description Filed by Sherwin M. KM Request to permit the constructionApp.Nm Date of a 6 ft. high block wall which M 3620 11-14-89 will encroach 2 ft. 6 in. into the required 2 ft. 6 in. rear yardApproved 13 Denied 0 setback along an alley. The proposed wall will replace a previously existing fence which has been removed. Variance 0 Resubdivisoon 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 455 Catalina Drive Legal description Pnr. Int 4 RI. 1 Tract 27 R-1 Red by OBERNDORFER, Marvin App. No. Date APPEALED TO P.C. AND APPROVED FOR 4 YEARS ON 3-19-1970 M-145 1-6-1970 Approved 0 Denied 42X Permit a fence in excess of 6' in height (8'2") DENIED due to desire not to create a precedent. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 MODIFI LOCATION 460 Catalina Drive Legal descripflon Tot 7. Riot* 21 First Addition to Newpnr+ Heights Red by Mary Tough Request to permit the App. No. Date as-built construction of a M3880 7/30/91 6 foot high fence that encroaches to the rear property line along Approved E Denied the alley, where the Zoning Code requires a 5 foot rear yard setback for such construction. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 501 Catalina Avenue Legal Description Portion of Lots 23 and 24, Bieck 30, First Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Tim Brosnan App. No. Date M4627 11-18-97 Approved X Denied L To permit the addition and remodel of existing single family dwelling that encroaches into both the front and rear setbacks. Variance •Resubdivision •Use Permit LI Amendment fl Other: Modification Permit LOCATION 506 Catalina Drive Legal Description Lot 2, Block 31 First Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Brad Schweitzer App. No. Date M4692 4-28-98 Approved X Denied 0 To permit a 20 foot encroachment into the required 20 foot front yird setback with a picket fence that is 3 feet 3 inches in height with posts that are 3 feet 9 inches where the Code limits fences and walls to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment rE Other: Modification LOCATION 51'1 car& na Drive Legal description Lot 22 Block 30, First Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Tony Lange RrqUPSt to permit the as-built App. No. Date construction of a block wall, 4 M3846 5/7/91 feet in height, that encroaches 16 feet into the required 20 foot Approved INC Denied 0 front yard setback. The Zoning code limits such constructioi to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Nodification LOCATION 525 Catalina Ave. Legal deumiF4km Filed by Gary & Sandi Hill Request to permit addiTiOns App. No. Date and alterations to an existing M 3622 11-14-89 2-car garage. The applicant pro- poses to add a second floor bonus Approved ID Denied El room, bedroom and bath above the existing two car garage which will require structural-alteratibns to that portion of toe garage which encroaches 2 feet into the required 4 foot side ayrd setback. The structure will also be attached to the main dwelling structure bymeans a 4 ft Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Amendment O DI wide solid roof breezeway. LOCATION 531 Catalina Dr. Legal description Lgt--17, Block 30, First Addition to Newport Hts P C App 4-R-93 Filed by Scot A & Cheryl A. Brown itegoeSt to permit the construction App. No. Date If a second dwelling_AnitAlaranny UP 3490 3 -12 -93 linit) an prnperty located in the R-1 Distrirt in accordance with Approved El Denied 0 Chapter 70 7R of the Munripal Code that permits a second dwelling unit if said residence is intended for one or two pe_rcong who are 60 years of age or older Variance Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment LOCATION 2834 Catalpa StrePt Legal deurkOkm Lot 72, Tract 5018 Filed by Carl W. lirMthe App. No. Date M4490 9/24/96 Approved la Denied 0 Modification of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the con- struction of a side yard patio cover (ranging in height from 7 feet 4 inches to 11 feet 4 inches) to encroach 3 feet into the reauired 6 foot side yard setback. The Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ZoningAlimits such construction to 6 feet in height. AWL". KAN .egal description Z957 Catalpa Avenue Filed by Arnt Quist App. No. Date Addition of a garage, M-2175 11/29/77 workroom, and game room area which encroaches to 4 Approved [11 Denied 0 feet of the side property line (where the Code requires a 6 foot setback). lariance o Resubdrnsion 0 Use Perm+ 0 Amendment 0 >titer Modification LULAIMIN 79C7 Catnips qtreet Legal description Lot 49. Trart 5018 Filed by Arnt Quist App. No. Date Requested the construction of a M-2917 12-6-83 room addition that is proposed to encroach one foot into the Approved El Denied 0 required six foot side 'yard setback area. Variance fl Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment jJ LUCA I !UN 2921 Catalpa Legal description Lot 55, Tract 5108 Filed by Gary and Susan Clark App. No. Date To permit construction of three bay windows that are proposed M 2963 5/15/84 to encroach 1'-4" into the Approved 0 Denied 0 required 6' northeasterly side yard setback area, and construction of a 6' high wall adjacent to the front property line where the Code permits a maximum height of 3' within the required 11). frant Vartance %t%Jc Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3400 Catamaran Drive Legal description Lot 6, Tract 6152 Filed by Peter F. Hall App. No. Date Constrn. of a wall that M-961 10/14/75 varies in height from 6 feet to 6 feet 10 Approved a] Denied 0 inches where a portion of the subject wall encroaches to within 12 feet I. of the front property line (where the Districting Map indica- tes a required 20 foot fron yard setback for - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification walls over 3 feet in height). The wall has a height of 6 feet 5 inches '+ adjacent to a side property line to the rear of the front yard setback (where the Code permits a maximum 6 foot high wall). LCX:ATKM 3400-3626 Catamaran Dr Legal description Lots 6-19. Tract 6152 Filed by The Irvine Co. o. Request la permit the construrt ionApp. N Dee of a souflat_ton_ttall_which M 4084 1/22/93 varies between_8_feet And 9 fret 6 inches tr height whereas the 70n 4p 9 roved Denied 0 Code limits such rnnctrurtinn tn 6 fret 2 -18 -93 A A II A I ••• t d - 'III -4 located_oo the mar property lines of the subject propertie adjacent to San ,loaquin Hills Rd Variance 0 Resuladivision D Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment D LOCATION 3625 Catamaran Drive. CdM Legal description Lot 21, Tract 6152 Filed by Sheldon E. Ross App. No. Date M-336 6-8-1971 Approved lxJ Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mndi fj r at; gn Amendment 0 Ledos S+ • LOCATION 206408-210 Cedar Street Legal description I (its 9,10,31 131 3 Seashore Col .T C-1 -H Filed by RANCH Charles R App. No. Date 1298 9 -21 -1967 Approved 123 X )Pen led 0 Addition of 2 units to an existing motel in the C-1-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 206-8-10 Cedar St. Lots 9,10,11 El. 3 Seashore Col. C-1-H Fled by CORTESE, F. C. & GANGI, C. R. App. No. Date 748 6-20-1963 Approved 0 Denied fl Waiver of 4 off-street parking spaces in larder to construc a 12 unit motel with kitchenettes in a C-1-H District. CONDITION: There are to be 10 motel units and 14 off- street parking spaces. Variance gl Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ID Other ocAmoN 206-208-210 Cedar Ave. sgal description Lots 9,10 & 11 31.3 Seashore Colony Tract Zone C-1-H Filed by CANCI, C. R. & CORTESE, F. C. App. No. Dee DENIED BY C.C. 10/8/1962 707 9-6-1962 Approved 0 Denied Xffix Waiver of 10 off-street parking spaces in order to construct 14 Motel units with kitchenettes in a C-1-H District. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DCATION description 206..208-210 Cedar Ave Filed by CANDI, C. R. and CORTESE. F. C App. No. Date 875 8-16-1962 Approved ta Denied E] Construction of 14 kitchenette motel units, and pool. ariance 1:1 Met Resubdivision El Use Permit 12 Amendment CI LOCATION 206-208-210 Cedar Street Legg description Lots 9,10,11 Block 3 Seashore Col. Tract Zone C-1-H Filed by AR-CRC-DON INC. App. No. Date 637 6-16-1960 Approved Denied 0 Construct 3 duplexes on 3 C-1-H lots. CONDITIONS 1) Cedar St. to be improved with pavement, sidewalks, gutters and curbs and the alley to the rear to be improved. 2) These improvements to be in accordance with specifications of the City Enginerr. Variance 0 RewIndivhion 0 Use Permit g4 Amendment]] CHtnw UDCAJRDN 206-8-10 Cedar Street Legal description Lots 9,10,11 Bl. 3 Seashore Col. C-1-H MA by FORD, Russell E. & RUSSELL, Ted App. No. Date 588 2-18-60 Approved 0 Denied KIx Off-site parking for residential dwellings to be developed at a future date. Variance In Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 209-211 Cedar Legal thieciplism Lots 7 & 8 Block 4 Seashore Colon Tract Filed by Patrick O'Connor App. No. Dee 1. No part of the structure shall be constructed in M-385 9-14-1971 City right-of-way at Approved rj Denied E the corner. 2. Full curb, gutter and sidewalk to be approved by Public Works Wept. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment C LOCATION 209-211 Cedar Street Legal description Lots / & 8, Block 4 ot -beasnore Colony Tract Hod by Patrick U Lonnor App. No. Dee 296 7 -15 -1971 Approved al Denied Rezone from a C-1-H to an R-Z District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment I/l) LOCATION 209 & 211 Cedar St. Legal cles*Nor Lots 7 & 8 Bl. 4 Seashore Col. C-1 -H Filed by DONATELLY. Ronald C. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1 2 0 1 3 - 1 7 - 1 9 6 6 Approved xtij Denied 0 Construct a duplex on each lot. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS 1. That the setbacks be as follows: Front yard: 10' Rear yard 5' Side yards 3' 2. That the street(s) and alley be improved in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer. LOCATION 209 & 211 Cedar Street Legal description Lots 7 & 8 Block 4 Seashore Col.Tr. c-l-R Filed by AR-CRO-DON Inc. App. No. Date 666 9 -1 -1960 Approved xEl Denied 0 Construct 2 duplexes on 2 C-1-H lots. CONDITION; Setbacks to be in accordance with plot plan submitted and the street and alley to be improved in accordance with the specificatioi of the City Engineer. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 215 Cedar Street Legal Description Lot 2, Block 4, Tract 772 Filed By: 0. E. Schroeder Application No. No. M5085 Date 5-10-2000 Approved : X Denied: To permit the addition of 2 feet of lattice on top of an existing 6 foot block wall for a total height of 8 feet, where the Code limits structures to 6 feet in height Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit j Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 262 Cedar Street Legal description F-staphen_jiled by Kearney ...Requast_to_permit the retention_ APP. No. of an 8 foot high ei eleyerri fence 1- M3134 Date 18-86 adjacent to the alley where the Newport Beach Mln-vi ri pal _rode limi t- sAPProved la Denied 0 side yard fences to 6 feet in height Variance 0 OA. Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DCATION 300 Cedar St., Rigel description Lot 0 Bl. 17 Tract 772 R-1 Filed by NEWPORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 730 3-7-1963 Approved IE Denied 0 5' rear yard setback, instead of required 10'. arianee lxi Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 *ter ,uu Leitis iiace Legal description Filed by Mona Lee Kuri App. No. Date Constrn. of a 4' high M-2150 10/18/77 wall that encroaches to /' from the front Approved 73 Denied 0 property line (where the Code requires a 15 foot setback for wall in excess of 3' in height). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 1736 Centella Place Legal description Lot 7, Tract 3176 Fled by Kenneth and Susan Gaitan App. No. Date M4614 10-28-97 Approved Xr1 Denied 0 Reauest to_permit additions and alterations to an existinc single family dwelling, nonconforming due to existing dwel ng encorachment into side yard setback on south side. Additions total between 25-50% of existing sq. ft. where Code requirec approval of .Maktificat-i Variance la Resubdivision u usts- raMat Amendment 0 Cifber 2001 Centella Place LOCATION Legal description Filed by Rex and marie smith Termtt a 9 encroachment Apps. No. M -2324 Date 11/14/78 rear yard setback and a Approved Denied 0 - southwesterly yard Street) set art< on -I lot fur the purpose of constrn. ot a new -car Variance 0 Other Over- Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 modiftcation bedroom-bath addition and remodel to a single family dwelling. LOCATION 2001 Centella Place Legal &nation Lot 1 Tract 3379 Zone R-1 Filed by "C" THOMAS, Realtor App. No. Date 536 7-16-1959 Approved El Denied 0 Install a 4' x 6' temporary real estate sign. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2018 Centella Pl. Legal description Lot 6, Tract 3379 Filed by Robert Jardine App. No. Date £14399 12-26-95 Approved a Denied 0 Construction of a detached accessory building (13 feet in height) to encroach 4 feet into the reouired 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment fl SCATION 25 Cervantes ,egal Description Lot 52, Tract 15517 Filed By: Preferred Contractors Application No. Date M5100 6-14-00 Approved: X Denied: The retention of as-built construction of a 2 foot foot high balastrades for an overall height of overall height of 6 feet measured from the top 7 inches into the required 5 foot front yard structures to a maximum of 3 feet in height. 6 inches high block wall topped with 3 5 feet 6 inches and pilasters with an of sidewalk. The structures encroach 5 to setback, where the Code limits such Variance: I Resubdivhion: [Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LULA I 1UN 7 Chadbourne Legal description Filed by Richard Barclay App. No. Date M 3406 5-24-88 Approved fl Denied 0 Request to permit the installation of an 11 foot ± high satellite dish antenna which will encroach 2 feet into a required 5 foot side yard setback and 4 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7 Chadbourne Court Legal description Filed by J.M. Peters Co. App. No. Date Request to permit the installation of tennis courts OR 3090 3-8-84 with outdoor lighting on Approved III Denied 0 22 foot high standards. Variance 1:11 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit Amendment El LOCATION 8 Chadbourne Court Legal description Int 16, Tract No 11450 in the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Communitys_ Filed by J. M. Peters Company App. No. Date UP 2093 8/19/82 Request to permit the installation of outdoor Approved a Denied 0 lighting on 22 foot high itandards in conjunction with a proposed tennis court on a residential lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 11] Amendment 0 LOCATION 9 Chadbourne Court Legal description Lot 15, T11450,on the easterly end of Chadbourne Ct.easterly of Belcourt Dr.No. in the Ford PC Filed by Dr. & Mrs. Robert Burns Reg. to permit install, of outdoorApp.No. Date tennis court lighting.Lighting will 1-M3274 6 -4 -87 be install. on 8-22 ft high poles. Mod to ZC to permit portions Approved Dela' of the tennis court, and related fencing and 4 of the Proposed light poles to encroach 2' into req. 3' rear yar setback as well as a 2' encroachment of the tennis court & related fencing into the no.3' side yard setback Variance D C)41OP Amendment LI Resubdivision D Use Permit fl C,hok.nne CI LOCATION 3700 Channel Place Legal description Filed by James A. Eicele App. No. Date Additio of a fireplace M-1093 10/12/76 to an existing structure with the following Approved 13 Denied ID nonconforming features. 1.) the ctrurture is setback 16 feet from the Channel (where the Districting Map reauires a PO foot sethark); and 2.) two parking spaces are Provided on- site (wher e the ennF rp4utros ulna spaces) Variance 0 ResisIsdivisian Fl Use permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mod, ficati oir LOCATION 3700-02-04-06-08-10-12-14 Channel Pl. Legal dftcriptioo Lots 1-8 incl. Block 637 Canal Section MASKEY, Ralph - MARTIN, Rm. - SPIELBERGER,L. Ned by WILSON, Dr. John - NICHOLAS, Wagner App. No. Date 46 1-17-52 Approved rig Denied Ernnr yard varilnre from 95' to 2.0 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivkion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description 3704 Channel Place Lot 3 Bl. 637 Canal Sec. R-2 Filed by ALLEN, Robert W. A Patricia0 Anne App. No. Date 870 9 -16 -1965 Approved 0 Denied W . SLatintorei -t—Y-a-rcaecl—s-e-t-b-a-c-1120'Encroact ll in order to construct a new dwelling nits Variance ER Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LLA.;JAIKJN 3708 Channel Place Legal description Filed by Hal Barlow App. No. Date Permit construction of a 5'-4" high glass and brick M 2962 5/15/84 pool safety fence within the Approved 0 Denie 0 required 20' front yard setback area adjacent to the water. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3708 Channpl Plarp Lot HI. Blork 637 Filed by Mr. & Mrs Bertrand Prince App. No. Date The remodel of an M-1083 9/14/76 existing structure that encroaches to 2.85 Approved a Dent* 0 feet in one sideard, and 2161 feet in the other side yard where the Code requires a 3 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdinsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 WJLAIIVN 1710 Channel'Plare Legal description Filed by Mr. & Mrs. Steven Prince Request to permit alterations App. No. Date and additions to existing struc- M 3107 10-29-85 ture which includes the con- struction of two bay windows Approved Ej Denied 0 which encroach 3 feet into the required 3 foot front yard setback adjacent to Channel Place Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 3711 Channel Place Legal description Lot 1 0 , Block 537 Filed by Overby & Son, General Contractors App. No. Date Constrn. of second floor M-984 1/6/76 room additions on a duplex with the following Approved a Denied 0 existing nonconforming features: 1) a two car garage (where the Ordinance now requires three on-site parking spaces); 1) an existing 2 foot front yard setback along Channel Place (where th Ove r Variance 0 Resulodivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Districting Map indicates a 3 foot front yard setback); 3) an existing 3 foot side yard setback (where the Ordinance requires a 4 foot side yard setback). The existing two car garage has a nonconforming width of 15 feet 6 inches + (where the Ordinance requires 18 feet) and a nonconforming depth of 17 feet 6 inches + (where the Ordinance requires a garage depth of 20 feet). LOCATION Legal description 3712 Channel Place Tot 7 RI 617 canal $p.,- R-2 Filed by SPIELEERGEE, Mrs. Louis N. App. No. Date 826 10-15-1964 Approved AI Denied 0 Encroach 18" into the required 3' rear yard setback for the purpose of extending garage and building fence. Variance abc Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3717 Channel Place Legal Description Lot 9, Block 537, Canal Section Filed By: Michael Sa erstein Application No. Date No. M4974 9 -28 -99 Approved: X Denied: To permit the construction of two side property line walls that will exceed the permitted 3 foot height limit by 1 to 3 inches on the north wall and 1 to 2 inches on the south wall. Also included are four planters atop each wall that are 10.5 inches in additional height, for a total of 4 feet to 4 feet 4 inches in height. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment lttruilnenfinn LOCATION 3800 Channel Place, Newport Island Legal description Lot 1 Block 638 Canal Section Filed by WAGNER, Michael G. App. No. Date 152-A 8-19-54 Approved Dif Denied 0 2' rearyard setback along Channel Place Variance El Other ResubdiAsion El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Lt./LAIR-IN 3806 Channel Place Legal description Red by Gary Hasson App. No. Date Conversion of an existing M-2337 12/12/78 single family dwelling to a duplex. [he existing structure Approved Ei Denied EJ has the following noncontorming tetures: 1.1 structure encroaches to U'6" or Channel Place Odhere tne Uistricting Map requires a sqr setbacx); L.) tne parking is noncontorming as rorTows: a. one covered space and Over- Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification two open spaces (tandem) are provided (Code requires 3 parking spaces, two of which must be covered), b. the one covered space is 16'6" in depth (where the Code requires 20 1 0" depth), and c. the tandem spaces are 39'6" in depth (Code requires 20'0" depth); and 3.) an existing fence is 4' high and railing is 51" high (the Code allows 3' high fences in conjunction with the expansion of an existing single family dwelling. The applicant proposes to enclose an existing deck for the new second unit which will encroach 2'0" into the required 20'0" front yard setback. LOCATION 3806 Channel Place Legal description App. No. Date Additions to an existing 11-1048 single familt dwelling with the following existing Approved El Denis 0 nonconforming features: 1.) Structure encroaches to 0 feet inches of Channel Place (where the Districting Map requires 3 feet 0 inches); 2.) encroaches to two feet 6 inches Over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Red by Brad smith at one side yard (where the Code requires 3 feet 0 inches); and 3.) parking is noncon- forming as follows: a. one covered space and two open tandem spaces are provided (code requires two garges spaces); b. the one covered space is 16 feet 6 inches deep (where Code requires 20 feet 0 inches). The proposed development requires three parking spaces (including two garage spaces). The one nonconforming garage space and two open tandem parking spaces are proposed. The tandem spaces are 39 feet 6 inches deep (where the Code requil 40 feet 9 inches). LOCATION 3308 Channel P1 Legal description Lot 5, Blk. 638, Canal Section Filed by Suzanne Fillmore_ App. No. Date M4450 .6 -18 -96 Approved [3 Denied 0 Cnnctrurtinn nf a addition and interior alterations to a se• .11 d.' le .1 I II • I 4 I required 90 font front yard setback The applicant proposes to expand 413 existing room 3 fPet into thp.required 20 foot front yard setback At thP northeast corner of the building, Variance 0 Remloclirm 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment [] Clftier which will match the existing front building line. LOCATION 3808 Channel Place Legal description Lot 5. Block 638, Canal Section Filed by K.C. Racciatti and Tom Racciatti App. No. Date M4586 8/5/97 To permit the retention of a second floor deck that encroaches Approved xu Denied 0 3 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback on the water side, in conjunction with the permitted second floor addition. Variance El A4 fgeSAIIMS1011 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other " OCATION egal description 3810 Channel Pl. Lot 6 Block 638 Canal Sec. R-2 RODGERR. Patricia Ann App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) Over 811 12-21-1961 Approved MCI Denied 0 Make an addition to a building which is non conforming because of an undersized garage. 47)PAI c7-1 7 / on, //w4iiir- et:4/2)/770,v No r st6Ne,o 4PPL/e44/7 -- Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Mx, Amendment 0 Am. Filed by CONDITIONS 1. Approved in accordance with sketch presented, with the post in the garage to be either removed, or centered. 2. There are to be no projections into the garage area which would interfere with the parking of a car. LOCATION 3810 Channel Place Legal description Lot 6 Block 618 Cartel Section Zone 14 -2 Flied by RODGERS. Rhoma App. No. Date 439 6-19-58 Approved a Denied 0 A use permit is required for a new addition because gara does not conform to Section 9107.27 of the Newport Beach Mun. Co4e. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit EN Amendment 0 LOCATION 3812 Channel Place ' Legal Description Lot 7, Block 638, Canal Section Filed By: Terry Greeson Application No. Date M4938 7-13-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 4 inch encroachment into the required 3 foot side yard setback with a portion of a bay window located on the second floor, where the Code limits side yard window encroachments to the first floor. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3812 rislarinal R1 Legal description Lot 7, Rik 638, Canal Cection Fled by StAvp Gardnpr App. No. Date M4166 1 -25 -94 Approved a Denied 0 To permit the construction of a second floor hay windOw to encroach •1 in + into the ipouired 1 foot frant yard setback along Channel Place Variance Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3814 Channel Place Legal Description Lot 8, Block 638, Canal Section Filed By: John and Joan Coogan Application No. Date M4782 9-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 1 foot encroachment Into the required 4 foot side yard setback in conjunction with an expansion of an existing bedroom which encroaches into the side setback. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other:, Modification LOCATION 3814 Channel Place Legal description Lot 8 & 172 of 9 B1 . 618 Canal Sec. R-2 Riad by COOGAN. Mr & Mrs. John H. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1381 6-20-1968 Approved la Denied 0 An addition to an existing nonconforming bldg. Variance Q Resubrinnsion ID Use Permit Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS t. That the existing drive approach be re- moved and the curb and sidewalk replaced when the new drive approach is constructed. 2. That all new construction conform strictly to all planning and building code require- ments. LOCATION 3818 Channel Place Legal description Lot 10 & 3/4 Lot 9 Bl. 638 Canal Sec. R -2 Filed by AMBROSE Frank S. App. No. Date 1 aWN 759 7-18-1963 Approved 0 Denied 0 rnations to existing building which has non-conforming side yard setbacks. (The Commission recommended to the C c that half nf Hum filing fee be refunded) Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl LOCATION 3914 Channel Place Legal description Lot 8 B1 . 539 Canal Sec. R-2 Filed by EDWARDSErnest App. No. Date M-12 11-12-1968 Approved El Denied 470 Permit a stairway to encroach into the required distance between buildings. Variance D Other MODIE Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3916 Channel Place Filed by Robert D. Dutton Co. Request to permit the structural App. No. Date alteration of an existing non- co nforming residence which en- croaches 1 foot 4 inches into Approved 0 DeMed the required 3 foot front yard setback adjacent to channe. Place. In addition, decorative handrails and moldings will encroach 2 feet 1 inch into said 3 toot setback ad- jacent jacent to Channel Place and 9 inches into both °I the required 3 foot side yard setbacks. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment El M 3343 11-10-87 LAJUAMUN 3916 Channel Plarp Legal description Filed by Willjam Ouwehand App. No. Date Lonstrn. of second M-2106 7/19/77 floor room additions on a single family Approved a Denied 0 dwelling with an existing one car garage with a depth of T9 feet + , inside measurement). The Code requires two garage spaces with depths for two garage spaces and one open parking space OVER- Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mod ificati o n as required by Code for the expanded residence. However, the garage spaces have a depth of 19 feet + (where 20 foot depths are required) and —the open parking space has a width of 8 feet 4 inches + (where the Ordinance requires minimum —9 foot wide spaces). LOCATION 4000 thru 4028 Channel Place Legal description Lots 1 thru 15 Block 441 Canal Sec. R-2 Filed by HUFFMAN. Fred M. and Other Property Owners App. No. Date 614 8-18-1960 Approved ta Denied 0 Reduce front yard setback from 30' to 20' Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4404 Channel Pl. Legal description Lot 3, Blk. 145, Canal Section filed by Harry Berkowitz App. No. Date 6C26 4-30-96 Approved a Denied 1:1 Coriverginn nf a duplex into a two-unit condominium pniart 1111^M-Pd in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment CI LOCATION 4004 Channel Place, N.B. Legal description Lot 3, Block 441, Canal Sec.(Npt.Island) Filed by Richard Jay Smith App. No. Date M-278 2-9-1971 Approved al Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °lint Mndification Amendment 0 LOCATION 4006-Channel Place Legal thoscripiiem Lot 4, Block 441 Filed by Clayton E. Pickup App. No. Date Constrn. of first and sec- M-881 3/18/75 ond floor room additions on a nonconforming duplex Approved ja Denied 0 with a two car garage (where the Ordinance re- quires three garage spaces). The proposed de- velopment also includes the removal of a non- conform% stairway in a required 3 font side yard set ck. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment C Coffier Modification LOCATION 4010 Channel Pl. Legal description Lot 6, Block 441 Filed by Ronal Sechrist Request the construction of a App. No. Date 6' wrought iron pool safety fence within the required 20' front M-2773 6-15-82 setback along the water. Approved a Denied 0 MUUlpiLATIoN Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 4012 Channel Place Legal description Flied by ROY C. Van Orden Request to permit the constructionApp.No. Dee of a first floor stairway that M 3108 11-5-85 will project 3 feet 6 inches into the required 20 foot front yard Approved g; Denied 0 setback adjacent to the Newport Island Channel Variance D Other Resubdrrtsion Q Use Permit 1:1 Amendment LOCATION 41114 Channel P1 Legal description lot R, Rik 441 Canal Section Fled by Rob & Janine Thomas App. No. Date M4452 6 -4 -96 Approved Denied 0 Snnstriirtinn nf a tempered glass fence (4 feet 6 inches) in height) atnp the existing bulkhead where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height within Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 4017 Channel Place Legal description Lot 8 Bl. 340 Canal Section R-2 Filed by CAL -MONICA INVESTMENT CO. App. No. Date 767 9-5-1963 Approved gg Denied 0 Encroach l' into required side yard setback, l' into rear yard setback and waiverof garage size requirements for existing non-conforming garage. Construction of 2nd unit (second floor) on same bldg. line as existing_bidg,_ancl_ reparis & alterations to existing first story dwelling. Variance EXX Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl Other LOCATION 4017 Channel Place Legal description Tot 8 Block 340 Canal Sec. R -2 Filed by CAL MONICA INVESTMENT CO. App. No. Date 953 6-20-1963 Approved 0 Denied Mg Alterations and additions to existing buildings which are non-conforming. Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permit MC Amendment 0 LOCATION 4019 Channel Pl. Legal description Lot 9 Rlock340 Canal Section R-2 Filed by GLASS, Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. App. No. Date 295 6-21-56 Approved ci Denied 0 An encroachment of 8' into a required 20' front setback. Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LULA I 11./N Legal description 4028 Channel Place Filed by Stuart Brecka App. No. Date a kitchen/unit addition M-2430 7/3/79' to a nonconforming dwelling that encroaches into the required . Aaftwed 0 Denied E] setbacks. Applicant also requests approval of sub- standard-sized parking spaces. Variance J Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 4n28 Channel Place Legal description Lot 15. Blk 441, Canal Section Flied by STUART BRECKA App. No. Date 638 -17 -73 Approved Ar Denied 0 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR DETAILS: Variance 0 Other pi Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 permit an existing nonconforming single family dwelling to encroach to within 15'6" of the front (channel side) setback (where the Distr. Map indicates 20') & to the interior side prop- erty line (where the Ordinance requires 4') so as to allow the construction of room additions, carports and decks that encroach: to within 3' 6" of the front (channel side) setback; to the interior side property line; to the street prop- erty line (where the Distr. Map indicates 3'); & to the side (the Rivo Alto)property lines (where the Ord, requires 4') in the R-2 Distr. LOCATION 4400-4405 Channel Pl., & 4400-4402 Balboa Blvd, Legal description Lots 1. 2 3 4 Mork 144 canal sari -inn_ R-2 Filed by NEWCOVE INC. App. No. Date 78 12-18-58 Approved g2 Denied Requests realignment of property lines in order that side yard setbacks will conform to zoning requirements. Variance o Resubdivision Use Permit DI Amendment I3 Other DCATION 4404 E, 4406 Channel Place 3gal description Lots 3 Et 4 Block 145 Canal Section R-2 Filed by BECK, Walter G. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 149 4 -5 -1962 Approved a Denied 0 Create 3 R -2 parcels out of 2 R -2 lots. ariance 0 Resubdivision [51 Use Permit E:1 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: I. Record of survey map be approved by the Public Works Department and filed with the County. 2. Street and alley be improved in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Department. 3. Utilities be provided to all lots in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Dept. DOV11014 4408 Channel Place sipd description Lot 5 El. 145 Canal Section R-2 Riad by WOOLSEY, Louise J. App. No Date 150 2-154962 , Approved 0 Denied fix Create 2 R-2 lots out of 1 R-2 lot ariance Resubdivision E2 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LUCA I ION Legal description 4408 Channel Place Lot 5 Bl. 145 Canal Sec. R-2 Filed by WOOLSEY, Louise App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 267 5 -15 -1969 Approved Lc Denied 0 Division of an R -2 lot into 2 parcels. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDILIONS 1. A Parcel Map to be filed. 2. Separate water and sewer services to each parcel to be provided. Channeil LOCATION 2205 Channel Road Legal Description Lot 82, Tract 948 Filed by Bradford McNamee, on behalf of Robert Friend App. No. Date M4694 5 -5 -98 Approved X Denied III To permit a 2 foot 6 inch encroachment into the required 6 foot front yard setback with a porch entry in conjunction with a remodel of an existing single family dwelling Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2226 Channel Road, Newport Beach Legal description Lot 19, N.1/2 of lot 18 protion lot N Tract 518 Filed by W. H. ANDERSON App. No. APPROVED(conditions) 570 Date 9 -19 -72 Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Resulsclivislon 0 Use Permif 0 Other MODIFICATION Amendment 0 L. That development be in substantial con- formance with the approved plot plan. 2. That the accessory building shall not be utilized as a second dwelling unit. .0CATION .egal description 2226 Channel Road Filed by William Anderson App. No. Date Request to permit the en- M-2456 9/11/79 largement of the first floor family room and the second Approved a Denied 0 floor closet - dressing room in connection with an existing single family dwelling which is nonconforming in the Tollowing: T.) a two-car garage (where the Code over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision .0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification requires three spaces). Also on-site is an old one-story brick quest house that encroaches into the rear (bulkhead) and side yard setbacks. (Modification No. 570). LOCATION 2234 Channel Road Legal Description Lots 17 and 18, Tract 518 Filed by A. William Urquhart and Mary Grisgby Urquhart App. No. Date LLA 98-04 3-10-98 Approved X Denied To permit the elimination of 2 interior lot lines on 2 separate legal lots to combine portions of 2 additional lots with a net result of 2 legal parcels. Variance Li Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment u Other: Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 2234 Channel Road Legal Description Lots 17 and 18, Tract 518 Filed By: Kaye Wirtjes, on behalf of Mary and William Urquhart Application No. Date M 4752 8-4-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the retention of an as-built 6 foot side property line wall that encroaches 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback on the water side. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2234 Channel Road Legal Description Lot 17 and a portion of Lot 18, Tract 578 Filed by William and Mary Urquhart App. No. Date M4676 3-24-98 Approved X Denied ri To permit the constructionof a 3 foot guardrail atop a raised deck located in the required 10 foot front yard setback on the water, which will be a total height of 5 feet 4 inches from natural grade, where the Code limits fences to 3 feet in height. Variance fl Resubdivision U Use Permit Amendment U Other: Modification LOCATION 2250 Channel Rd. Legal description Portions of Lots 13,14 & M, Blk. P, Npwpnrt Bch. Filed by Pacific Coast Architects (Phil Edmondson) App. No. Date M4528 12 -31 -96 Approved j51 Denied 0 AO • .1 • SO. S. 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION gni:i Channel Rd Legal description Portions of lots 13.14 and 14, Blk. P, •Newport Rrh Filed by Pacific Coast Architects (Kenneth Ruby Owner) App. No. Date M4478 8 -27 -96 Approved 0 Denied 0 Construction of a covered entry gate (ranging in height from 9 feet 8 inches to 11 feet 2 inches) within the require( th e Zoning limits such conatruction-10--6-1tht-jr! Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2254 Channel Road Legal description Filed by John Lauritzen Request to permit additions and App. No. Date alterations to an existing single M3957 1/7/92 family dwelling that encroaches one foot in a required 4 foot Approved El Denied El side yard setback. The proposed second -floor addition will match the existing first and second floor encroachments in the required 4 foot side yard setback. Variance Resubdivision ID Use Permit D Amendment El Other .0CATION .egal description 2254 Channel Road Filed by N. K. Henley App. No. Date Permit a second floor master M-2445 8/14/79 bedroom and bath addition. interior stairway addition, new Approved a Denied El entry and remodel existing_single family dwelling nonconforming in that: 1.) there are three existing 9' X Mgr garage parking spaces (two in tandem) (where the Code requires three 9' X 20' space5): and 2.) an existing l' encroachment into the north side yard mein- Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other )CATION 2258 Channel Road gal descripfim Lot 11 & Por. 10 Bl. P Tr. 518 R-1 Red by SPREEN, Robert H. App. No. Date M -86 6 -17 -1969 Approved (21 Denied 0 Encroach into required Purpose of constructin supporting posts. CONDITION: Maximum en front yard for the 4 c iriance o Resubdivision Prier Modification front yard setback for q roof overhang with croachment of l' into the olumns only. Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2258 Chsnnel Road Balboa Legal description Lots 9 10 et 11 Block P Tract 518 Zone R-1 Filed by George Hoag II App. No. Date 44- 12-020 -56 Approved 2 Denied 0 Creation of two (2) large lots out of thre. (3) small lots. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2266 Channel Road Legal Description Lot 9 and aTortion of Lot 10, Block P, Tract 518 Filed By: R.G. Desai Application No. Date M5094 fr- 04 -00 Approved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a side yard entry gate that measures 10 feet tall at its highest where the code limits such construction to a maximum height of 6 feet. Variance: I Resubdivision: -I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 2266 Channel Rd., Balboa Legal description Lot 9 Block P Tract 518 E-1 Filed by JERGINS, Dorothy M. App. No. Date 617 8-18-1960 Approved Eg Denied 0 A temporary fence 5' in height within the front yard setback instead of the permitted 3'. CONDITION: The fence to be in accordance with photograph: and drawings filed with the application. Variance E Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2290 Channel Road Legal description Lot 3 Block P Tract 518 Zone R-1 Filed byFEHREN, R.B. App. No. Date 312 4-.18-57 Approved 0 Denied Clt Addition of living room, dining and kitchen (DENTED because sevaral non- onfo m' Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Other Use Permit X] Amendment LI LOCATION Legal description 2294 Channel Road Lot 2, Block P. Tract 518 App. No. Dee Constrn. of two additional M-973 11/18/75 garage spaces and exterior alterations (i.e. new Approved IEI Denied 0 roof, new eaves over windows, replacement of a window with a door, etc.) on a single family dwelling with the following existing nonconform- ing features: 1) minimum 1 foot and 3 foot side OV P r - Variance 0 Resubdiviston n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Fled by Maecon, Inc. yard setbacks on the structure (where the Ordinance requires 4 foot side yards; 2) existing building and wall encroachments 12 inches onto the Channel Road right-of-way (where the Districting Map indicates a 0 foot setback requirement along Channel Road); and 3) existing roof overhangs that encroach to a side property line (where the Ordinance re- quires a minimum 2 foot side yard setback for eave overhangs). The proposed garage addition encroaches to within one foot of a side propert line (where the Ordinance requires a 4 foot side yard setback). LOCATION 2296 Channel Road Legal descriptilm Lot 1, Block P, Tract No. 518 App. No. Date Permit structural alterations and M-3608 10/3/89 repairs to an existing nonconforming structure which exceeds the Approved En Denied [] permitted square footage and height allowed by the Zon. Ord. The proposed repairs are to reconstruct existing exterior walls which are dry rot damaged and structurally inadeouate Filed by Al tiAlLaJiro 95o Variance 0 Resubdonsion In Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODITTC.ATTON LOCATION 2296 Channel Road Legal description Hod by Al & Lois Grasso App- No. Date M 3504 2-7-89 Approved E5 Denied --Regliast---ta_penitSstructural alteration of an pristine] nonronforming residence that encroaches 3 feet - I • . - ra. 4 foot side ard setback and I • • -- OVPR Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 adjacent to the Harbor Entrance Channel. The residence is also nonconforming in that gross structural area exceeds 2 times the buildable area of the lot, and the height of the existing structure exceeds the 24 foot basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District LOCATION 2296 Channel Rd Legal description Red by App. No. Date 7 -23 -74 14 -816 Londi ti ons Approved CI Denied 0 OVER Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 To permit a swimming pool to be constructed to within 3' of a side property line (where the Ord. requires a 5' side yard setback) and pool equipment to be installed to within 4' of the other side property line (where the Ord. re- quires a 5' side yard setback) in conjuntion with an existing nonconforming three story sing- le family dwelling that encroaches 2' into the required 4' side yard setback & 6inches into the required 10' front (ie. bay side) yard setback. LOCATION 1 Cherry Hills Lane Legal Description Lot 10, Tract 4630 Filed By: Pat & Donna McGrath Application No. Date Modification 5121 8- 2- 2000 Approved: X Denied: Allow the construction of a single story addition to an existing single-family dwelling that will encroach 5 feet into the required 20 foot street side setback. The addition measures approximately 14 feet 6 inches wide. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: LOCATION #2 Cherry Hills Lane Legal chnaipfim Lot 11, Tract 7638 Filed by GORDON HARVIN GLASS AIA App. No. Date 745 11/20/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved x z2 Denied 0 Request to permit an eave to encroach 6 feet into the required 20 foot (Big Canyon Drive side yard setback (where the Planned Community Devel- opment standards indicate a maximum eave encroa- chment of 2 feet 6 inches) IN THp P-C Dist Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Is' LOCATION #8 Cherry Hills Lane Legal description Lot 14, Tract 7638 Filed by Robert ChamTey & John Mitchell App. No. Date rnstallation of an air M-1081 9/14/76 :onditioning unit 21/2 Feet from the side Approved rg Denied 0 )roperty line (where the Code requires 5 feet), Ind wi feet from the adjacent residence ;where tne Lode requires TO feet). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 14 Cherry Hills 610 descripson Lot 17, Tract 7638 Red by Donald Bassler App. No. Date ,onstrn. of a swimming pool M-917 7/1/75 encroach to within 3 -eet of the rear property Approved ts.1 Denied line (where the Ordinance requires a minimum 'ear yard setbacI of 5 feet). Amendment E Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Othermr,A4c4,1-4—. LOCATION #22 Cherry Hills Lane U1M clescrip6m Lot 21, Tract 7638 Filed by Robert M. Miller App. No. Date Lonstrn. of a deck, with M-978 12/16/75 the required handrail having a height of 8 Approved Denied 0 teet if inches t. above natural grade, that encroaches to within 11 feet 1- of the rear property line twhere the Planned Community Development Standards indicate a required lb Over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Modification foot rear yard setback). Further request to permit a two car carport on the front one- half of the lot in addition to a proposed two car garage (where the Ordinance requires that any garage space on the front one-half of a site shall have side walls, a roof, and on operating garage door for access of automobiles). WleA I MIN 1, 3 & 5 Cheshire Court Legal description Filed by J. M. Peters Co. kequestnig the actjustmerTE of App. No. Date NBLLA 85-6 11-5-85 an existing property line between two contiguous vacant parcels. Approved El Denied 1:1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 1, 3, and 5 Cheshire Court Legal description Tots 33. 34, and 35 of Tract No. 11450, on *hp s.e.rorner of Belcourt Dr.N. and Cheshire Ct. in the Reloonrt residential development Filed by J. M. Peters Reg to rpsphAivide three existing App. No. Date Jots into two parcels for single R803 3/21/85 family residential development on property located in the custom Approved IS Denied 0 lotidetanhed residential portion (Area No.5) of the Ford Planned Community. Variance 0 nth. Amendment D Resubdivision Use Permit 0 LOCATION 2, 4, 6 Cheshire Court Legal description Lots 38,39 and 40 of Tract No. 11450, on the n.e.corner of Belcourt Dr.N.and Cheshire Ct. in Belcourt residential development Riad by J. M. Peters Reo.to resubdivide three existing App. No. Date lots into two parcels for single R802 3/21/85 family residential development on property located in the custom/ Approved Denied E] lot/detached residential portion (Area No. 5) of the Ford Planned Community. Resubdivision a. Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3 Cheshire Court Legal description Filed by Dr. & Mrs Di Rocco Pergt to pormit the con- App. No. Date struction of a detached garage M 3283 5-19-87 on the front one half of a lot where the Zoning Code permits Approved El Denied 0 detached accessory structures only on the rear one half of a lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3 5 Cheshire Court Legal description 2Ar-Qe1 2 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 85-6 on the southerly side of Cheshire Court, easterly of Belcourt Dr. No. in Area 5 of the Aero.Ford PC Filed by J. M. Peters Rag 1-n rectith- an existing App. No. Date rarnnl of 1 Ann into two parcels R820 1-9-86 fnr gingla family riaai dential diwtrA nraneni - purposes involving Approved ai Denied 0 —gropetty locarad in the custom lot area (Area 5) of the AP rn Finrri Pr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 L IMIKJII 4 and 6 Cheshire Court Legal description Filed by J. M. Peters Company, Inc. • Ropiest the adjustment of App. No. Date an PICiStillg property lin he- 85_3 10/8/85 tween two ronti guous vacant rpsidertial building sites Approved la Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Other Lot Line Ad'iustment Amendment 0 LAJLAIRJN 2561 Circle Drive Legal description Filed by Phyllis Scott Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a mansard roof that is proposed M3062 5/29/85 to project a maximum of 4 feet into the required 10 foot front Approved El Denied 0 yard setback area, where the Zoning Code permits eaves to project a mazimum of 2'6" into a front yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7591 Circle Orive Legal demApfion Lot 33. Tract 1102 Filed by Kerry and Joyce Pedlow App. No. Requect to permit the M3749 8/28/90 construction of a television niche which will be 3 feet Approved AB Denied 0 wide and will encroach 1 foot into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Date Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MnAificatinn LOCATION 2801 Circle Drive Legal Description Lots 46 and 47, Tract 1102 Filed by Kurt Donat, on behalf of Rusty and Marylynn Turner App. No. Date Withdrawn by applicant M4678 Approved Denied LI To permit the addition of a new entry porch that will encroach 2 feet into the required 4 foot side yard setback on Circle Drive, and 1 foot from the property line with the roof cave where the Code requires 2 feet clear to the property line for eaves. Variance LI Resubdivision U Use Permit ii Amendment Li Other: Modification LOCATION CIVIC PLAZA Legal description Parcels 1, 2 & 3, as shown on a Map filed in Book 81, pages 8 and 9 of Parcel Maps, in the °Hire of the County MN -lit-Her, of Orange County, CA Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. A755 Date PC Approved 4-23-92 CC Approved 4-27-92 Approved aN Denied 0 Request to amend the Civic Plaza P-C Development Plan so as to ermit 30 000 s ft. of additional off' • vel- opmen rans erre rom t e orporate laza West Variance 0 Other Resubdivision p Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 =KNOW Civic Plaza Aga! description App. No. DM. Request to consider a Phasing 12-20-79 Phasing Plan for the Plan remaining development in Approved Gj Denied 0 the Civic Plaza Planned Community District and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Filed by Irvine Conn y tarience D Resubdivision Diller Phasing Plan Use Permit El Amendment 1:1 LOCATION 1 through 5 Civic Plaza Legal description Parcel of Parcel Map 81/8 Filed by Gary Underwood for the Irvine Co App. No. Date M4248 10-11-94 Approved 35 Denied 0 Parpeici- to permit the rnnctrurtinn of three freestanding monument cigng which will identify Civic Pla7a & indiviclua1 tonantq The C Vir P1a7a Planned rnmmunity Flictrirt regulations limit freestanding nununent signs 0 identifying the prviect nane . or addracc and precludes. V ariance o Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other identification of individual tenants. LOCATION 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 Civic Plaza Legal description Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 81/8 Filed by Penco Engineering Request tn resn App.No. hdivide a single Date parcel nf land into five parcels R 999 fnr existing office use and one 3/23/93 parcel for common area parking Approved Denied Q and landscaping involving property within the Civic Plaza Planned Community The proposed subdivision is for financial/conveyance Purposes only. No additional _de_velopment_a_pmposed. Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision ti Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 00.1 Sk LOCATION Legal description 1300,1400,1402,1404,1406, and 1408 Clay Street Filed by lom Miler and Hex Reno App. No. Date E stablish one parcel R-601 8/17/78 of -land where two lots now extet so a-s- to p-ermit Approved el Denied 1:1 the corivetsiorr -ot residential units into a residential condomintum complex. Resubdivision g Use Permit El Amendment 13 Variance Other LOCATION 1300 Clay Street Legal description Lots 29 & 30 Tract 1220 R-1 Filed by ZONTA FOUNDATION App. No. Date 574 1-7-1960 Approved al Denied 0 Construct and operate a club house in an R-3 District. CONDITION: Off-street parking to be provided in accordance with the '-H' factor for public assembly. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit III Amendment 0 LOCATION 1300 & 1400 Clay Street Legal description LotS 29 & 30 TrArt 1220 11.7.3 Filed by DOWNING, Samuel H. App. No. Date 780 12-19-1963 Approved KR Denied 0 Use side yard setbacks to the rear of lots off the alley as part of required off-street parking. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other La.4;6119P 1301 Clay St. Newport Hearth Legal description tnt 17 Tract 1220 Zone B-3 Filed by Sam H DOWNTNG App. No. Date 330 6.20-57 Approved p. Denied 0 Constrnntinn of a two story five —unit bldg. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit rx Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1301 Clay Street Legal description Lot 12 Tract 1220 R-3 Filed by PETERS, George F. App. No. Date 208 1-19-56 Approved 0 Denied xri 8 Unit apartment Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit yj Amendment 0 LOCATION Legat description in ciay street David Kaplan App. No. Date kddition of a fourth M-2176 12/6/77 lwelling unit on an existing triplex with a carport Approved E, Denied 0 to be 19 feet 3 inches in depth (where the Code requires a 20' depth). There are three axisting garage spaces 19' 6" in depth (where the Code requires a 211' depth). Piled by Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment ID Variance Other Modification LOCATION 190n Clay Street Legal description Tot 24— Tract 1220 Filed by prune Roberts PAqupqt App. No. Date to pormit additions and M3732 7/17/90 altpratinnq to an existing nrinronforming_lburrplex which Approved IR Denied hact cchstandard parking. The parking provided consists of four parking spaces, where the Zoning Code requires ln 4rpaces. including 2 guest parking spaces. The scipszaed_Addlmuld tina_nincreeo'ionu asf Vine itnebdion M. Use Permit C*Iler Modaticatlon Amendment Ej LOCATION 1900-02-04 Clay Street Legal dmcriptkm Lot 24 Tract 12210 R-3 Fled by SEIERSEN, Harold C. App. No. Date 947 7-18-1968 Approved 0 Denied X 0 A 1 ft. encroachment into the east side yard —anil_a_a_f_t—ncroAchment into the west side yard for a proposed second story over an Variance Other Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2001-3-5 Clay Street Legal description Lot 20, Tract 1220 Filed by SEIERSEN, H. C. App. No. Date ULN1LU P.L. APPKUVLU L.L. 11 -22 -ii M -398 10 -13 -1971 (Condltion -OverY Approved U Denied X eques o permi -con the required rear yara falTey) -s-ettnts. Variance Di Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification CONDITION Overhang of eaves to be cut back to the prop- erty line. LOCATION 2004 Clay Street Legal description Lot 23 Tract 1718 R-3 Filed by LINDOUIST. Hazel F App. No. Date 530 6-18-1959 Approved M Denied 0 Teach reading on an individual basis with a total of 4 students a day in a dwelling unit located in a residential district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Et Amendment 0 LOCATION 2100 Clay Street Legal description Lot 12 Tract 1220 Zone R-3 Filed by DOWNING, Sam H. App. No. Date 417 3-20-1958 Approved fl Denied 0 5 family building with 5 garages in R-3 Zone Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 2100 Clay St. Legal description Lot 22 Tract 1220 R-3 Filed by PETERS, George F. App. No. Date 207 1 -19 -56 Approved 0 Denied 8 Unit apartment Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2101 Clay Legal description Lot 21 Tract 1220 Zone R -3_ Filed by DOWNING. Sam H. App. No. Date 375 10-17-57 Approved la Denied 0 Construction of five _dwelling units on a R-3 lot. Variance Resubdivision LI Use Permit 29 Amendment LI Other LOCATION 2207 Clay Street Legal description Lot 12 1, [noel 29 Rhd by Elton D. Barnett App. No. Date Additions to an existing M-2051 3/15/77 single family dwelling with an existing concrete Approved a Denied 0 block wall that encroaches to within 1 inch of the alley (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2301 Clay Street 13 81. 28 1st Addn. to N t.Hts. R-1 Filed by ANDERSON, James G. App. No. Date 769 9-19-1963 Approved W Denied 0 Re-establish south side yard setback at 2'6" and to per- mit alterations and additions to the 1'6" proposed en- croachment (now existing). CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan and that it be limited to the first story only. Variance gj Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 2620 Clay Street Legal Description Lot 1 and a Portion of t 2, First Addition to Newport Heights Filed By: Walter Heim Application No. Date No M5096 5-31-00 Approved: X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to an existing single-family dwelling. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 2916 Clay Street Legal description Rear Portion of Lots 1 & 2, Block 22, tirst Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Donald Krotee App. No. Date 114603 9 -16 -97 Approved W Denied Request to permit a second floor adlition to an exisLinc single family dwelling which is nonconforming because the dwelling encroaches in both the front a rear set backs and the retention of an "as-built" encroachment. into the rear setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Othet Modification Amendment LUCA HUN 30W1 Clay Street Legal Description Lot No. 24, Block No. 31, Is t Addition to Newport Heights Filed By: Brion S. Jeannette & Associates Application No. Date M5157 12/13/2000 Approved: X Denied: In conjunction with the remodel of an existing single family dwelling, the addition of projecting facades that encroaches 2 feet into the 14-foot front yard setback at Santa Ana Avenue. Facade projections at the Clay Street elevation will encroach between 9 to 30 inches into the required 4-foot side yard setback. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 2916 Clay Street Legal description Lots 1 & 2, Block 32 EirstAdd to New HP Filed by Douglas &_Karen Harringtne . Requested a 16'-6" Pncroarhment irti1F•N°. Date the required 20' front spthark M-2706 9-1-81 for a new attached 2 car garage Approved çj Denied 0 MODIFICATION Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2916 Clay StrePt Legal description Filed by Dm, K rn r ee App. No. Date M 3470 11 -1 -88 Approved ER Denied Bespiest_=_permit the installation of two 12 foot 6 inc high_ standards both of which will pneroarh 1 font 3 inches = into the required 4 foot sid yard sPthark and one of which will encroach 9 feet 9 in Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendmeni - into the required 20 foot front yard setback. Also requested is the construction of a 4 foot high wrought iron front yard fence which will encroach 18 feet 4 inches into the required 20 foot front yard setback where the Municipal Code limits front yard fences to no more than 3 feet in length LOCATION 3101 clay Street Le g al deserlink" I 9.__PLa3 alosjs_ 1 • Tract 27 Filed by GORDON _HOY IS App. No. Date 5 4 R 8 -1 -72 Approved 0 Denied la Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 °ther Modification Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3101 Clay Street Legal description Lots 2 & 3 Bl. 1 Tr. 27 R -1 Filed by PROVIS, Gordon E. App. No. Date M -138 12 -2 -1969 Approved 0 Denied 41 Permit a 7'10" fence where the ordinance permits a 6'0" maximum height. DENIED, due to the fact that it would be injurious to adjoining property Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 3101 Clay Street Legal description Lots 2 & 3 Block 1 Tract 27 R-1 Filed by JENSEN, Christian F. & Vodica S. App. No. Date 300 6-21-56 Approved fl Denied 0 An encroachment of 15' into a required 20' front yard setback CONDITION:That all satbarks crtafnrm 144 Ahnum nn the plot plan anhmirrad with eppliratinn Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 3109 Cl.y Street Legal description Filed by Marion & Herbert Stricker Request to permit the retention App. No. Date of an as built structure which encroaches 3 feet into the re- quired 3 foot front yard setback Approved 0 Denied 0 adiacent to an abandoned road right of way and extends 18 feet 6 inches into the abandoned right of way. This application also includes a request to retain an as built 6 foot 6 inch high side yard fence where the Municipal - • anance • Other esub !vision 0 Use ermit men merit 0 (if, V Late) 6 foot 6 inch high front yard fence which extends into the abandoned right of way and which would be limited to 3 feet in height. LOCATION 3109 Clay St. Legal description Lots 2,3, & 4, Blk. 1, Tract 27 Filed by Blair O'Calaqhan App. No. Date H4332 7 -5 -95 Approved 4 Denied 0 itegimat_JD_permit the construction of a new garage for an . m the existing building, which encroaches 4 feet into the required 10 foot rear_yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I! 1 -II le LOCATION 3109 Clay Street Legal description Filed by Herbert Stricker Request to permit the constructioAPP• No. Date of a 6 foot high stucco walls, M 3527 4-4-89 wrought iron fencing and gates de S (-B? varying in height from 6 feet to Append El Denied 0 7 feet 6 inches + which will encroach 5 feet + into the required 20 foot front yard setback. Amendment 0 Resu hdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3110 Clay Street Legg description Lots 23 & 24 Block 30 1st Addn. to Npt.B. R-1 Filed by COUCH, Francis E. App. No. Date 643 7-21-1960 Approved IN Denied Alterations to an existing guest house which is non- conforming because of a zero side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IA Amendment 0 LOCATION 3130 Clay Street Legal description Lot 1, Block 80 , first addition to Newport Heights Filed by An ithnoy 1"1-1444C14. No. Date tionUP 3434 11/12/91 of a second dwellina unit (Granny _Mit) on property located in the R-1 Approved Ei Denied 0 District in accordance with Chapter CC 1/27/92 20.78 of the Municipal Code that permits a sector' dwelling unit if said residence is intended fnr nne_ar —two InSor-rniOare0 years of age or over Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 I 11 8 II - Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3214 Clay St. Legal description Lot 3. Block 7 Tract Mn 27. on the ri,G, side of Clay St between iolsa. Ave. & Westminster Ave . Filed by Bradford C. Smith Req. to permit the construction App. No. Date F a two unit residential condo R828 6-5-86 with related garages on — Approved Dei cl ,121 0 daroPeaatesLin the P2 Distri ct Variance 0 Other Resubdivision ISt" Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 3214 Clay St. Leg al clesedrake Lot 14 N1 nrk 9 Tract Nn 27 nri thA --14-riaaarde—GL-Clay—,%t between Rni q AUP igeStnli nqtAr Filed by laraciford_c_ Cmi th Reg---to-paxmit the onnctruntinn App. No. Date of—a--txan nnit racidantial rnmin UP 3206 6-5-86 10 4 tb re leted garages on Prrrerty lncattad in 1 -11P P9 Approved er Denied 0 Pi c tri v-t Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Zr . Amendment Variance 0 Other .0CATION 3226 Clay St. .egal -description Lot 5, Block 2, Tr:art 22 Filed by GROFF, William • Date 946-54 Denied 0 Construction of a second dwelling unit with a 3 1 side yard setback CONDITION: The 3' sideyard setback allow- ance applies only to the proposed rear second unit and does not apply to any portion of existing front house. lariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Dther App. No. 155 Approved °CATION 3227 Clay Street Newport Height! Agal dincripfim The easterly 100 feet of Lot 4. Block F. Tract 27. on the westerly side of Clay St. between Bolsa Ave. and Westminster Av flied by Malcolm Davy and App. No. Date lhomas Walker UP-1945 & 8/21/80 R-663 Approved frf Denied 0 USE PERMIT - Request to permit the construc- tion of a two-story two-unit residential condominium and related - garage spaces in the R-2 District. (OVER). . . ferience Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 RESUBDIVISION - Request to establish one parcel of land so as to permit the con- struction of a two unit condominium project on the property. LULAFION 1233 Clay Street Legal description Filed by Barbara J. Brooks App. No. Date M 3380(A) 12/6/88 Approved 0 Denied El Request to permit the retention of a 6 foot high side yard fence atop a retaining wall which encroaches 4 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback where the Municipal Code limits all construction within required front yard setbacks to no more than 3 feet in Variance o Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other height. LOCATION 3233 Clay Street Legal description Filed by Barbara J. Brooks App. No. Date M 3380 3 -22 -88 Approved Denied 0 Request to permit the retention of an as built 6 foot high fence atop a 4 foot retaining wall for a total fence height of 10 feet where the Municipal Code limits side and rear yard fences to no more than 6 feet in height. OVER Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Said side yard fence also encroaches 20 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback, maintaining a total height of 7 feet above grade, consisting of a 3 foot wood fence atop a 4 foot retaining wall where the Munici- pal Code limits fences in front yards to no more than 3 feet in height. LOCATION 3233 Clay St. Legal description portion of Lot 3, Block 7, Tract No. 27 on the westerly side of Clay St between Bolsa and Westminster Ave. in Newport Heights Filed by Robert L. Brooks Construction of a two unit resid. App. No. Date condo development and related UP3151 6-6-85 garages on property located in the R2 Dist. The proposal includes Approved fr Denied fl a mod to the AC to allow a portion of the second floor to encroach 1 foot into the required 20 foot front yard setback. First floor fireplaces are also proposed to encroach 2 feet i setback. • • •1 - • 11 Variance Resubdivision D Use PermitS Amendment 0 LOCATION 3233 Clay St. Legal description portion of Lot 3, Block 7, Tract No. 27 on the westerly side of Clay St between Bolsa & Westminster Ave in Newport Heights Filed by Robert L. Brooks Req. to resubdivide an existing App. No. Date parcel of land into a single R809 6-6-85 parcel for a residential condo development on property Approved 0-- Denied 0 located in the R-2 District. Variance o Resubdivision f3 Use Permit D Amendment net,— LOCATION 3235-3245 Clay Street Legal description Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Tract No. 27, on the so side of Bolsa Ave between Broad St & Clay St Filed by Bate & Lyons Investment Co. Rest. two existing lots into App.No. Date two parcels of land so as to R883 9-22-88 permit a two unit residential condo develop, on each parcel Approved 111# Denied 0 on property located in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3235-3245 Clay St Legal description Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Tract No. 27, on the so side of Bolsa Ave between Broad St & Clay St Fled by Bate & Lyons Investment Co. Req. to subdivide 2 lots into 3 App. No. Date lots for 2 family condo develop TTN13577 6-9-88 in R2 Dist.Incl. exceptions to CC 9-itet Subdivision Code to allow the Approved 0 Denied „.„Ifj creation of 2 corner parcels which contain less than 6000 sf of land and are less than 60 ft average widtn,and one interior lot containing an average width ot less than 50 ft.Incl. a red. to amend Dist Map 25 revise front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description '7s6 and 1767 Bo-narl otreet Filed by Sea Marsa_Develapment App. No. Date M 3485 12/6/88 Approved 13 Denied 0 Berea* to permit the eanstraction of 6 fact higb fence.= —gi-nr 3 foot retain -frig walls, resulting iv a tntal beigbt r_billinh Thu rtarnte the frovt and rear • • • • • • Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 property line between the subject properties and will encroach 4 feet into the required 4 foot side yard setbacks where the Municipal Code limits fences in side yards to no more than 6 feet in height. LOCATION - • • Legal description Lflts 3 & 4, Trar-t-No 2 7 Filed by V„„ Collins RAsnhdivide two existing lots into App.No.4,7 44 Date tym_pArrels of lAnd for two-fAmily residential 8 -22 -91 condcminipm development on property lorAted in the R-2 District . Approved ,E3 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Et Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJUDN 3309 Clay Street Legal description Int 2 Block 6 Tract 27 Filed by Diane Bobadilla App. No. Date M4486 9/10/96 Approved XID Denied 0 Requesting a modification of the Zoning Ordinance to permit additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling which will consist of a living room expansion to encroach 3 feet 8 inches into the required 20 foot front Variance 0 oth er Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 10 Amendment 0 yard setback, as well as a 6 foot 6 inch wide covered entry/porch to encroach 3 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback. Said construction is in conjunction with the removal of an existing 12 foot 6 inch wide porch which currently encoraches 5 feet 8 inches into the required 20 foot front yard setback. 0 - •111 IS I. .0' 240 I fee • 7ariance Other -.A es division se Permit 0 Amendment ID Modi fi ation App. No. Date • - M 4097 3/29/93 truction within the interinr nfanApproved Denied 13 Avicting ptrAge song% which is _3_feet A inches above the , °are? 4/13/93 ! - 11111• It The CMS t ti OM Al te exists 13 feet 3 inches in front LOCATION 3315 Cl ay Stree Legal description L tI Filed by Richard A. & Patsy L. Goodfellow C ttic-c Or • AJLAIILJN South gide of Cliff Drive description Lot A. Tract 919 Filed by View Park Homes App. No. Date Request to resubdivide R-392 4/19/73 two lots into 6 Parcels for development. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivmon irk Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 600 Cliff Dr. Legal description Lot 83, iract No. 1218 Filed by Timothy John Woodall App. No. Date M42/8 1-24-95 Approved fj Denied 0 Request to permit PIP construction of additions and alterations To an existing single family dwelling which currently encroaches 2 feet 6 inches into the required ill font rear yard setback No structural alteration are vagg s ly within satOsset ba ck. RE:subdivision U Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Cl i ff Legal ‘scriFrit-7-4 Lot 92, Mart 121P Filed by Dudley Johnson App. No. Date M4145 10-19-93 Approved /3 Denied 0 Request to permit the retention and construction of three foot high by 8 foot wide trellis structures located withi the required 4 foot side yard setbacks where the Zoning • I • • II. . It II Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LULA NUN gll Cliff Drive Legal description Filed by Gary Drew App. lp Date M 3407 5-24-88 Approved El Denied [] Request to permit the construction of a carport located on the front one—half of a lot whereas the Municipal Code requires that said garage space have side walls and an operating garage door. The proposed construction Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 also encroaches 2 t feet into a required 4 foot side yard setback. 911 Cliff Drive LULA I KJN Legal description Filed by Peter McMahon App. No. Date M -2345 12/19/78 Approved )12, Denie 6'4" into the required 'ermit storage-shop addition to an existing nonconforming two-car 18' X 20' outside limension garage that encroaches 10' rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modi fi cation LOCATION 1001 Cliff Drive Legal dempiptkm Lot 7, Block B, Tract 1219 Filed by Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Sale App. No. Date Requested to permit the construc- tion of an attached patio cover :: M-2900 10-18-83 that is proposed to encroach Approved Denied 0 six feet into the required ten foot rear yar se ac area; and to permit the construction of a detached trellis structure that is proposed to encroach six reet into the required ten foot rear yard setback area. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment D LOCATION 1004 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach Legal dawription Lot 7 and Por.8 Block 2 Tract 919 Filed by KEpHART, Dean A App. No. Date 104 4-16-53 Approved IX Denied D Construct House 70' back from Cliff Drive Variance 3 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION 1011 Cliff Drive .egal description Lot 6, Tract 1219, Mork R Fled by WILSON Norman N. App. No. Date 118 12-17-53 Approved 12 Denied 0 to permit construction of a single family residence in a "U" District. Variance 0 Resubdivision EJ Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 Diller LOCATION 1028 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach Legal description Lot 1 Block 2 Tract 919 Filed by EGGER, Walter A. App. No. Date 67 7-17-52 Approved IX] Denied 0 18' front yard setback instead of required 20' Variance 3 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 °CATION 1111 Cliff Drive egel description Lot 3 Tract 1219 11-1 Red by TOLAND, Winifred A App. No. Date 629 12-15-1960 Approved a Denied 0 A second accessory building on an R-1 lot. rariance E] )ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1301 Cliff Drive sgal description Lew in, Tra c t. 1219 r1iff HAVPTI Block A Filed by PETERSON, Basil H App. No. Date 106 Approved IX To construct a single family residence and family garage apartment on the same lot in Unclassified District. 11-19-53 Denied 0 single an Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment LI )ther LOCATION 1311 Cliff 'Drive Me ort13e_a.cL_1_ Legal description tot 9 Block A. Tract 1219 Zone R-2 Filed by Theodore B. Lindstedt App. No. 318 Date 10 -1 -56 Approved 12 Denied 0 10-11-56 A 51 encroachment into a required 10 1 rear yard set- back to _permit construction of a dwelling over existing garage Variance E Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1401 Cliff Drive Legal Description Lot 8, Block A, Tract 1219 Filed By. Peter Coulon and Deborah Shaw Application No. Date No. M5042 3-8-2000 Approved:X Denied: To permit the expansion to the rear unit of an existing duplex with a den and dining room that will encroach 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendmen ., Other:Modification LOCATION 1411 Cliff Drive Legal description LOt 7, 51k. A, Tract MO. 1LT, Filed by Mr. & Mrs. buy inshaw App. No. Date M-499 5-23-72 Approved X ta Denied Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 1411 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 7 Block A Tract 1219 R-2 Filed by INSHAW, Guy E. & Blanche L. App. No. Date 594 3-17-1960 Approved 0 Denied T3K Encroach 5' into a required rear yard setback of 10' for purpose of constructing a dwelling unit over an existing garage. Variance bZI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION 1411 Cliff Drive sgal description Lot 7, Tract 1219_ Rlnck A Filed by AHRENS, Edith Willard App. No. Date 126 1-21-54 Approved X Denied 0 to allow construction of two single-family dwelling units on one lot with a rear yard set back of 5'. fariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment 0 )ther LOCATION 1701 and 1705 Cliff Drive Legal Description Lot 2, Block A, Tract 1219 Filed By: Mark Cernich Application No. Date No. 1082 2-1-2000 Approved:X Denied: to resubdivide a parcel of land for a new two-unit condominium project Variance: I Resubdivision:X r Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 1811 & 1801 Cliff Drive Legal description Lots 22 & 23, Tract 1221 Filed by FISHER, W. E. App. No. Date 103 11-19-53 Approved lit0 Denied 0 Conetruction of two family dwelling units per lot fariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 2201 Cliff Drive Legal dmmd W1 /2Tor.Lot A Trart 919 R-1 Fled by STANLEY, Earl W. App. No. Date 100 9-17-1959 Approved Denied [] Create two R-2 lots. CONDITION: Removal of portion of existing bldg. to be accamplosied prior to the recording of the application. Applicant must funish Planning Dept. proof that said removal has been accomplished. Variance 0 Resubdivision it Use Permit D Amendment El OntInw LOCATION 2209 Cliff Drive Legal description Por. . Lot A Tr. 919 R-1 RI" by PISONI. Ed App. No. Date 1016 2 -3 -1972 Approved 0 Denied IX] Permit an _a_rr essory buildingswith a maximum height Of lc 71 fept as measured from average —4.r.a.cle.„ where the ordinance restricts the height to 1C fpPt. Variance ja Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 2209 Cliff Drive Legal description Rlnck A, Tract 919. R -1 Filed by Teti Wells SLItarklInfl. Variance rellieSt fnr rnnstriirtion App. No. Date of Single family dwelling where V 1212 1/9/97 retird hantirnilc of two roof decks exrPerl thp pPrrni ti -Prl height limit Approved EI Denied 0 in thp 24/2R Height limitation Zone Variance 6 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 AJLAIIIJPI LL1-17 bill! UI I VC -ego! description LOt A , tract 919 Hod by James Wnitman App. No. Date Permit a third story V-1065 11/3/77 as presently constructed to be utilized as Approved 0) Denied 0 "livable area" on an existing single family dwelling (where the Code permits no more than two 'livable stories in the R-1 District). (orients [X] Dther Resubdposion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2212 Cliff Drive Lot 3 32,s5ilract 919 Ned by SAWIN, Lee C App. No. Date 1-16-1964 784 10 Denied 0 yard setback conforming Approved Encroach 1 foot into required 4 foot side in order to connect an existing garage to single family dwelling. Variance E Other Amendment Resubdivislon Q Use Permit 0 LOCATION 22 19 Cliff_Dr iye Legal description Lat 3, R1 k Tract 919, Newport flPightc fled by Le 0 r. App. No. Date M -503 5 -30 -72 Approved Lyjp Dented Variance 0 Resubdimon 0 Use Permit 0 Other . . . Amendment C LOCATION 2229 Cliff Drive Legal description A portion of Tract 919 Filed by nonaldJi.asIgi Requested the construction of a new single family residence that isn prop seji to provide an open carport on the front one-half App. No. Date M -2672 3/24/81 Approved a Denied 0 front one-half of the lot to he enclosed have have an Operating door; and to provide a 46' front setback where t Code permits a maximum front setback of 35'. MMTFTCATTON Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CHINer I t •I " " I/ I LOCATION Slily side Cliff Or Wly of Fullerton Legal description Por. of I n 1- A of Trant 919 2 Z 0 Date 352 7-20-72 Approved 0 Denied 0 7 ti r? flY A . Filed by Do ld E. Stevens App. No. REFERRED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL DECISION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Di Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Cliff Drive, southerly side Legal description uppusite Alisu Avenue For. Lot A, Tr. 919 Filed by RICHARD SON, Iv° NuTH CONDI ONS(See Minutes or App. No. Date application) 329 12-16-71 Approved rj( Denied 0 Create 3 lots for development as single-family residential Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 K-1 LOCATION 2300 Cliff Dr. Legal deseriptkm Lot G.Block 4,Tract No.919, on the n.w. corner of Cliff Dr. and Fullerton Ave. Filed by James F. Carlson Req.to permit the construct. App. No. Date of a Granny Unit in the R-1 UP3143 4-18-85 Dist.Mod to the Z.C.to allow a proposed stairway and deck Approved 01 Denied [j to encroach 4 ft. into the required 4 ft. street side yard setback Resubdivision D Use Permit 1;tfe Amendment 0 Variance 11+1,. LOCATION 2300 Cliff Dr. Legal description Lot G, Block 4, Tract No. 919, on the n.w.corner of Cliff Dr. and Fullerton Ave. Filed by James F. Carlson App. No. Date Req. to waive the third V1122 4-18-85 regeoff -street parking space in conjunction with the Approved r] Denied ar construc-tion of a second dwelling (Granny Unit on property located in the R-1 Dist. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Clihn Amendment 0 , LOCATION 2308 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 4, Block 4, Tract No 919 Filed by Don Hinshaw Request to permit the constructio4P .No. Data of a second dwelling unit UP 3423 7-18-91 (Granny Unit) on property located in the R-1 District in accordanceAppnwedpr 0 Dmiied rr EJ with Chapter 20.78 of the municipal Code that permits a second dwelling unit if said residence is intended for one or two persons who are 60 years of age or over. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2inpt riiff n r i rn Legal description Tot 4, Rlmek 4, Tract Yo 919, locetrd on the northeasterly side of cliff nrive, between Aliso Avenue and Fullerton Avenue, in Newport HeightS Filed by Don Hinshaw Request to permit the construction App.No. Date if a second dwelling unit (Granny UP 3423 7/18/91 Unit) on property located in the k -1 District in accordance with Appwwed xo Denied 0 Chapter 20.78 of the Municipal Code that permits A sacond dwelling unit if said residence is intended for one or twrL 1 ersons who are 60 years of age or over Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permitp Amendment 0 LOCATION 2320 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 11, Block 4. Tract 919 Filed by M. Molho App. No. Date Additions to a single M-2085 6/14/77 tamily dwelling that is nonconforming because Approved 1:1 Denied 0 the building encroaches to 3' 6" from the right side property line (Where the Code requires a 4 foot setback). The proposed constrn. encroaches to 3' 6 - trom the right side OVER Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification propert y line (where the Code requires 4'4 an d nne6w i KEPT th@ e68@tre quires 26 PE 4. LOCATION 2320 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 1 , Block 4. Tract 919 Jerry Shoffner Company App. No. Date To permit first and M-1049 7/13/76 second story additions to an existing one-story Approved al Denied 0 single family dwelling with the following nonconforming features : 1.) existing bui 1 din g encroaches to 3 feet 6 inches in one side yard (where Code requires a 4 foot 0 inch setback); 0 vex Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Filed by ? 1 existing fireplace encroaches 1 foot 9 riches in side yard (where Code requires a 2 foot 0 inch minimum setback). LOCATION Legal description 2400 Cliff Drive Lot 6, Block 3, Tract 919 Filed by Bruce Brandley kequested to permit the App. No. Dale remodeling and additions to an M2913 11-29-83 existing single family residence, a portion of which Approved in Denied 0 is proposed to encroach four feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback on both the first and second floors. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2404 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 5 Block 3 Tract 919 R ,.,1 Filed by WARREN. Thomas A. App. No. Date 542 6-18-1959 Approved El Denk4 0 Encroachment of 5' into required 20' front yard setback Variance Est Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2417 Cliff Drive Legal description Pnr Lot A Tract 919 R-1 Filed by ARTHOFER. Carl App. No. Date 185 5-7-1964 Approved fik Denied 0 Create 2 lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision /1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2500 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 1, Block 2, Tract 219 Filed by Mr. Nguyen Abram & Ms. Bouvier Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of a wrought iron fence and 143813 2-19-91 wall 5 feet 3 inches in height above the curb with related Approved Eg Denied 0 pilasters an additional 8 inches in height and an addi- tional one foot for light fixtures on top of each of the pilasters, to encroach 15 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback along El Modena Avenue. Also included is an electrical sliding gate in front of the garage Variance E] Resubdiv;sion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other to be 5 feet 3 inches in height above the curb. The Zoning Code limits all construction in the front yard setback to 3 feet in height. 2500 Cliff Drive LOCATION Legal description FJed by Winston Verdult Permit a proposed 2' first App. No. Date M-2541 5/13/80 icor bay window encroachment md 4' tirst and second Approved 13 Denied 0 Actor tower encroachment into the required 20' Cliff Drive etback; and proposed I' second floor deck encroachment ma an existing ILF" detached garage encroachment into the iequired lb' LI Modena Avenue setback in conjunction with OVER 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 remodel of first floor and construction of a second floor of a single family dwelling. LOCATION 2500 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 1, Block 2, Tract 919 Filed by Winston Verdult Lb permit additions to an App.No. misting nonconforming structure that encroaches 10'+ into the M-2771 'equired 15' setback on El Modena Approved We. This Modification is required so as to lew bedroom, deck, and handrail above the exi that will encroach on the second floor only misting garage encroaches into the required Date 6-8-82 ki Denied 0 permit a sting garage so far as the 15' El Modena Ive sPtbask on the first floor Variance ID Kesubdivision u Use Permit Other Amendment C] LOCATION 2500 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 1, Block 2, Tract 919 Filed by winc ton Verdun Pequested alteratinns and add- App. No. Dee itinne tn_aP existing structure M-2734 12-22-81 The nnnrnnfnrmities proposed include the rnnstructi on of a new Approved El Denied 1:1 car_geragea_portion of which encroaches 10' into the required 19' setback on Fl Modena Ave; a portion of the structure encroaches 2'± into the 15' setback on El Moden Aye; and a new balcony that encroaches 5'± into the re- i %%mance set b Drthee Permit El Amendment I: Other LUC:ARUN 250a Cliff Drive Legal description Puled by Winston V_ezdn1 App. No. Date 14 3409 6-14-88 Approved p Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 5 foot high wall with 5 font R ± i c b bi a s? pilasters. The pilasters are topped by one S! foot high light fixtures, resulting in a total height of 6 feet 8 ± inches. Said Resubdivision Elise Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other WALL IS PROPOSED TO ENCROACH 15 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback adjacent to El Modena Avenue and 20 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback adjacent to Cliff Drive where the Municipal Code limits walls in front yard setbacks to no more than 3 feet DCATION .egal description 2500 Cliff Drive Fled by Barbara & Winston Verdult App. No. Permit bedroom and bath addition M-2460 over a new two-car garage, and remodeling of an existing single Approved K3 tamiiy dwelling. New addition encroaches 2 T 6" required lb LI Modena Avenue setback (existin Date 10/16/79 Denied 0 into the detached garage-carpor encroac es I in o require o ena Avenue setback). Request includes: 1.) a 4'0" second Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 feriance 0 Dttter floor deck encroachment into the required 20 Cliff Drive setback); 2.) a 5' high pool protection fence to encroach to the property line on Cliff Drive and El Modena Avenue (where the Code permits a 3' high maximum height fence within the required setbacks); and 3.) a 6' maximum pool encroachment into the required 10' from the front property lines on Cliff Drive and El Modena Avenue. LOCATION 2420 Cliff Drive Lew! description Lot 1, Block 3 Red by Merrill Jessup App. No. Date Cons rn. of first and M-1041 6/15/76 second floor room additions on an existing single Approved ID Denied 0 family dwelling. The following are nonconform- ing teatures that exist on-site: T.) the side yard setback on El Modena is 1 foot (where the Lode requires 4 feet); 2.) the garage and 6 Over - Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification Variance Other foot high fence are setback 6 inches from the alley (where the Code requires 5 feet); and 3.) the garage interior is 19 feet 6 inches deep (where the Code requires 20 feet). LOCATION 2501 Cliff Drive Legal description Portion of Lot A. Tract 919 Filed by FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH App. No. Dote 1701 1/3/14 Approved CI Denied Request to permit a wall sign of approximately 200 square feet in conjunction with an existing church in the R-1 District. Valiance 0 Other Resuisclivision 0 Use Permit rt Amendment 0 LOCATION 2501 Cliff Dr. 1-40 0 doscriRnorl Por Lot A. Tr 919 Filed by FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH App. No. Date 1669 5 -3 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved XlaX XDeniecl Variance 0 OTher Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 OCATION 2501 Cliff Drive egal description Portion Lot A Tract 919 R-1 Red by NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH App. No. Date (CONDITION) 690 11 -17 -1960 Approved ffk Denied 0 Remodel & make additions to existing church. CONDITION: Parking spaces to be provided in accordance with the formula established in the Zoning Ordinance. ariance Aar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 2504 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 2 Block 2 Tract 919 Zone R-1 Filed by Harris, Vincent App. No. Date 325 5-16-57 Approved 17 Denied 0 Addition of a living room to a noneronforming dwelling. Garage., now us e d for living quarters,—mus-t be restored to original use, Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment Other LOCATION 2505 Cliff Dr. Legal descri ptionA portion of Lot A. Tract No. 919 on the q w aida of Cliff nr. between Oral View Ave and El mo-a- r .0 aril App. No. Date of Tract No 12R71 4 subdivi ding FTM12873 4-9-87 1 12R arras of land into 6 lots far_single....family nag; (len tial Approved g Denied 0 ated in the R-1 District a - r •II • OP' cm Viyw Park Ale by 'flit -j-le Newberry pinnizgt tn approve the Final Map Variance 0 Oitusr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2505 Cliff Dr. Legal description Portion of Lot A, Tract 919, on the s.w. side of Cliff Dr. between Ocean View Ave. & El Modena Ave. adjacent to the Ensign View Park Filed by Tuttle & Newberry Req. to subdivide 1.147 acres intoApp.No. Dee six lots for single family develop 11-6-86 in the R1 Dist. Incl. req. to TTM12873 approve a rough grading plan for Approved 0 Denied 0 the pUrpose of establish. bldg pad elevations for the measurement of allow. bldg hts; mod to ZC to allow a 5' wall along rear of Lot 1 which encroaches 10 ft into a reg. 10' front yard setback adj. to Cliff Dr; allow a 10' front yard setback on Lot 6 where a 20' setback would be req.;e.c Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Remit 0 , Amendment 0 Other 4DCATK)N 2516 Cliff Drive -egal description Filed by trnert Long App. No. Date Installation of: 1.) a spa M-2270 7/12/78 1 ' from south side property line and 4' from the rear Approved in Denied 0 property line (where the Code requires a 5'0" dimension to side and rear property lines); and 2.) spa equipment l' from south property line and l' from the rear property (where the Code requires a 4'0" side yard setback and a over- Variance 0 >bee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 10'0" rear yard setback). Existing dwelling has a nonconforming'4 1 0" rear yard setback (where the Code requires a 213-1----Frest_41am setback). to' rear (lard sf bat. IAJ1/4.11 I is.ari C010 LIM' urive Legal description er 1. U. Lur19 Filed by App. No. Date Remodeling nf an M-2160 11/8/77 _Pxisting single family dwelling with an existing Approved 10 Denied 0 4 font rear yard sethark (where the rode requires 4 10 foot rear yard setback) and_in existing 19 toot tront Yard sethark (where the Code requires 20 feet) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 2700 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 5, Block 24 Fled by William A. Motta App. No. Date Constrn. of two story 11-955 9/23/75 room additions on a single family dwelling with the Approved E] Denied 0 followin existin nonconformin features: 1) a front yard setback of 48 feet _ w ere t e Ordinance requires a maximum 35 foot front yard setback) and 2) a two car garage with a depth over- Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 04mr Modification Amendment 0 of 19 feet (where the Ordinance requires a garage depth of 20 feet). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks. LOCATION 2700 Cliff Dr. Legal description Lot 5, Rik 24 Filed by WM MOTTA__ App. No. Date 707 8-21-73 raNDITIONAI LY Approved x Et Denied 0 permit the construction of an exterior stairway (for a proposed second floor room addition) to encroach to with- in 2 feet of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rear yard setback) in the R-1 Distr. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2712 Cliff nrivp Block 24 Fled by Patricia McKenna App. No. Date First and second story M-1098 11/2/76 additions to an existing single family dwelling Approved ei Denied 0 with the following nonconforming features: 1.) the carport is 17 feet wide by 19 feet 6 inches deep (where the Code requires 18 feet by 20 feet); 2.) the quest house is setback 2 feet 9 inches from thP side prnperty line — Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification (where the Code requires 4 feet); and 3.) the building is setback 40 feet from the front property line (where the Code allows a maximum 35 foot setback); LOCATION 200 cliff D r ive Le g g deseriokm tot 22. Block 13 First addition to Newport weight.; Tract Filed by Bruce and Lone Campos Request to permit the constructionAPP-Nm Doe of a new single family dwelling, M3714 6/19/90 Portions of which will encroach UP to a maximum of 5 feet into theApproved 0 Denied AD required front yard setback of 20 feet. The applicant is also requesting to allow the construction of a series of stairway retaining walls and related handrails that will exceed the allowable height limit of 3 ft in the front yard spthark., up to a maximum hpight nf_41 foot Variance 0 Rembdwision 0 Use Permit -0 Amendment E] CtOser Modification LOCATION 29044Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 23, Block 1st Add to Newport Heights Filed by William King Requested remodeling and additionApp.No. to an existing single family c M-808 residence that is nonconforming Date 11-2-82 in that a portion of the existing Approved cg Denied structure encroaches 4'-6"+ into the required 20' front setback area. The applicant wishes to add a new second floor that maintains the same 4'-6" encroachment into the required 20 foot front setback area. MOVITTrATION Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2904 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 23, Block 23 Ned by Louis & Norma Smart App. No. Date Permit first and second M-1012 4/13/76 floor room additions on an existing single Approved a Denied 0 family dwelling where a portion of the first Floor addition encroaches to within 15 feet b inches t ot the front property line (where the Districting Map indicates a required 20 foot Over - Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification front yard setback). The proposed first floor addition is consistent with the existing construction that already encroaches to within 15 feet 6 inches + of the front ptoperti line that was approved by a use permit. DCATION nFd description 2904 Cliff Drive Lot 23 El. 13 First Addn. Npt.Hts. H-1 Filed by SMART, Louis W. App. No. Date 885 9-20-1962 Approved In Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to make alterations and to enclose an existing porch which is non-conforming because it encroaches 4 1 61/2" into the front yard setback. ariance Her Resubdivision U Use Permit Et Amendment 1:1 LOCATION Legal description 2908 Cliff Drive Lot 24, Bl. 13 1st Addn. to N.H. R-1 Filed by WELLER, John F. App. No. Date 477 4=18 -1972 Approved 131 Denied A 6' high -block and wrought iron tence in the rear yard setback along a 15 foot wide alley to re4place a 6' wooden fence in the R-I District (The ordinance required a 5 - setback). Variance 0 RoseIsavisien 0 Use Permit 0 Offin Modification Amendment 0 CONDITION (Over) CONDITION • The 6' high block and wrought iron fence shall have a minimum 15' radius at the intersection of Beacon St. and the alley. LOCATION 2908 Cl i ff Dri ye Legal description Lot 24, Block 13, 1st Addition of Newport Hei qhts Filed by Brion S. Jeannette Request to permit the constructionApp.No. Date of a second floor addition that M3967 2/4/92 will match the existing first floor construction below, which Approved 131 Denied 0 encroaches 8 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2908 Cliff Drive Legal descripfon Lot 24, Block 13, First Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Pacific Coast Architects App. No. Date To permit construction of a M4581 8-19-97 5 ft. retaining wall to be Approved XMC Denied 0 located in the required 20 ft. front yard setback. The Proposedwall will be 4 ft. from natural grade where the code requires that a maximum height of 3 feet is permittel in front yard setbacks. Variance 0 Other Mod i fkkeltfisi" 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2908 Cliff Drive Legal thneripfim Lot 24,1 Block 13 Filed by Walker William App. No. 873 Date 2-4-75 CONDITIONALLY Approved Di] Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of first and second floor room additions on a noncon- forming single family dwelling with an exatill0 Variance 0 Other PA Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment E 3 foot side yard setback at its narrowest point (where the Ordinance requires a 4 foot side yard setback) and an existing 17 foot front yard setback at its narrowest point (where the Ordinance requires a 20 foot front yard set- back). The proposed second floor development encroaches to within 3 feet 6 inches of the side property line at its narrowest point (where the Ordinance reuires a 4 foot side yard setback). LOCATION 2910 Cliff Drive NB Legal description Lot II Block 12 of 1st addition to Newport Heights Filed by CHARLES R. SPENCE App. No. Date 582 10 -31 -72 Approved 42ci Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY - That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan. Varianc.e 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 ("ther MODIFICATION Amendment 0 LOCATION 2911 Cliff Drive Legal description Parcel 4, Parcel Map 88-11 Filed by Ron Jackson Request to permit the construction App.No. Date of a masonry wall (8 feet in height) M3969 4-14-92 to encroach 1 foot+ into the required 4 foot side yard setback, Approved EN Denied E] where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °thee CROCksF, tail on Amendment 0 LOCATION 2919 Cliff Drive Legal description Filed by Khosro Khaloghi App. No. Date Lonstrn. of a 6'0" M-2287 8/29/78 wrought iron fence on the front property line Approved ej Denied (Cliff Drivef (where the Code requires a maximum 3'0" high fence within the 15' front var setback). Variance 0 Resubdivision fl tin Permit 0 Amendment Other Modi fi cation LOCATION 7919 miff nr Legal description porti nn g of Tnt Tract No. 919, on the cc, aJfl of rii ff nr. between Santa Ana Ave. & Riversi& Filed by H a i w on a q Rea to rsithrli xri r1P two App. No. Date exis ting rA rra 1 of land into R862 3-10=88 four parcels for q 1 rigl e _family _irynci riPni-i al develop Approved ,Ertienied 0 1.0 tbe a ccPptan re of an e U. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2919 Cliff Dr. Legal description Portions of Lot D, Tract 919, on the so side of Cliff Dr between Santa Ana Ave & Riverside Ave Filed by Mariners Point Partnership Req. to approve according to App. No. Date Condition No. 13 of R862 to SPR 48 10-20-88 permit the construction of 4 single family dwellings on the Approved yJ Denied 0 subject property Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment LJaflhlLlIN 2932 Clitt Drlye Legal description Filed by Scott Brownell App. No. Date BA4Nigult_to_permit nnnqrmirti071 of a bay window that is pro- posed to encroach One foot into the required four foot westerly M 2978 7-24-84 Approved 12 Denhd side yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Am endm ent 0 LOCATION 224o Cl iff Drive Legal description Lot 3, Block 12, First Addition to N. Height Filed by David and Kathryn Lenton Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a block wall ( 6 feet 6 inches+ 114067 11-24-92 in height) to encroach to the side property line, where the Zoning Approved EY Denied 0 Code allows a maximum -height of 6 feet for any construction within the required-4 toot side yard setback. The applicant is also proposing a fence (5 -feet in height) to encroach to the rear property line along the alley, where the toning Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Code prohibits construction within the required 5 foot rear yard setback. LOCATION 2944 Cliff Dr. Legal description Lot 2, Es1 k. 12, 1st Addn. to Newport Heights Filed by James E. Dobrott App. No. Date 144380 12-5-95 Approved gi Denied El Of Of I t 0 "4! 'I I I of to encroach tti the side Property line (where the height limit for such construction is 6 feet) and to encroach 4 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback (where such construction is limited to 3 feet in hAight Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other The applicant also requests the retention of an as-built second floor balcony which encroaches 3 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 2949 Cliff Ilr Legal description Lot 3. Blk R, 1st Arkin to Newport Heights_ Filed by App. No. Date M4325 6-20-95 Approved a Deme 0 Request to permit the extension Of a rear yard deck (up to 19 feet in height) to enrrnarh to the rear and the westerly side property lines, where _the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height. Variance [3 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2949 Cliff Drive Legal description Portion of Lot 3, Block 8, 1st Addition Newport Heights Filed by Robert Rickerson Request to permit the App. No. construction of two 10 foot M3801 Date 1/22/91 6 inch+ high wood trellises. One trellis is proposed to encroach Approved )13:1 Denied 0 to within 3 feet 6 inches of the front property line, and the other trellis will encroach to within 6 inches. The applicant also proposes to construct wrought iron fencing (6 feet in height) and two arbors above gates (8 feet in height) within th e required 15 foot front yard setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other Modification along Cliff Drive, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. The proposed development also includes an addition to an existing rear yard deck. The deck will be 5 feet 6 inches+ in height to the floor of the deck, plus an additional 4 feet+ for the wrought iron guard rail and another 6 inches+ for proposed planter columns along the permimeter of the deck, for an overall height of approximately 10 feet from the natural grade below. The Zoning Code restricts construction to 6 feet in height within the required 10 foot rear yard setback. LOCATION 2949 Cliff Drive Legal Description Portion of Lot 3, Block "B," First Addition to Newport Beach Filed by Bror C. Monberg, AIA App. No. Date M4636 12 -9 -97 Approved X Denied To permit an as-built trellis to encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback on Cliff Drive. The encroachment ranges from 3 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 6 inches. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2949 Cliff Drive Legal description Filed by William Conover App. No. Dee Remodel and additions M-2063 4/12/77 to an existing single family dwelling that Approved CE Denied 0 encroaches to 10 feet from the front property line (where the Code requires 15 feet). The proposed addition encroaches to 7 feet from the tront property line (where the Code requires a lb foot setharkL Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ORIct Modification LOCATION 2949 Cliff Dr. Legal description Blk B Lot 3 Por of Lot 049-103-08 Filed by CURTIS A. HERBERTS App. No. Date 0 -617 3-873 CONDITIONAILY Approved fl Denied 0 Permit existing nonconforming attached garage to encroach to within Ti feet of the front prop- erty line (where the Distr. Map indicates 15' front yard setback) so as to allow the constr. Of room addition on a Mole family dwelling Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 se Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other which is otherwise conforming in the R-1 District. Further request to permit a 5 foot high fence in the 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 29.3 eint Drrtte Legal description Lot 2, Block B, first Addition to Newport Heights Tract Filed by Pulaski & Arita App. No. Date Request to resubdivide an existing lot into three R 768 4/19/84 parcels of land for single- Approved El Denied family residential purposes. The prgposal also includes an exception to the Resubdivi- sion Code so as to allow a 40-foot-wide right-of-way on Avon Street where a minimum 60' width is required. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 txlvnom 2957 Cliff Dr 9q0111_Avon Street sgal description Filed by Emma Cox App. No. Date Request to create R-651 2-21-80 three parcels of land for single family resi- Approved 0 Denied a dential development where one lot now exists, and the acceptance of an Environmental -Docu- ment. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 >they LOCATION 3000 Cliff Drive Legal description Lot 5 B1 nrk 11 George E. Larrick App. No. Date Constrm. of first and sec- M-882 3/25/75 ond floor room additions on a nonconforminl_single fam- Approved a Denied ID ily dwelling with an existing 20 foot front yard setback along Cliff Drive (where the Districting Map indicates a required 22 foot front yard set- Jack) (ow:at-) Filed by Amendment E Variance El Resubdivision El Use Permit ID Other Modification A nonconforming detached two car garage also exists on the site that encroaches to within 4 feet of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rear yard setback when adjacent to a 15 foot wide alley). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks. LOCATION 3001 Cliff Drive Legal description Filed by Peter S. Rodgers Request to permit the retention App. No, Date of two as built second floor M 3526 3-28-89 bay windows which encroach 21+ inches into the 4 foot required Approved gl Denied 0 side yard setbacks; one bay window is located on the nort: face of the building (Cliff Drive side) and is 5 feet 6 inches + wide; the second is located on the south face of the building and is also 5 feet 6 inches + wide. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LULA I IVN 3001 Cliff Drive Legal description Filed by Peter S. Rodgers App. No. Date Request to permit a 6 foot high M 3035 4/2/85 wall to encroach 4'6" into the required 5 foot front yard Approved C! Denied E] setback area adjacent to Santa Ana Ave. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION '3015 rl i ff Drive_ Legal description Int 40, Tract No 444 Filed by Paul & Coleen Smith App. No. Date Request Modification of tne Zoning Orainance to permit the construct- M 4085 ion of additions and alterattffns Tftpproved gl Denied ID cat exIsLIng single-family dwelling 3-2-93 • • 1 ' • yard setbacks. The p-ropusea atth -ti ons and alLerat iuri will C- iteri LS, Litereby encroaching 4 feet 6 inches intn the required Vari ance Resubdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification 1/29/93 Rid! Lh Lhe exi y frunL a Uubhouse Ave -OCATION 400 Clubhouse Ave. Legal description po • 8 • Mans 1 Settinn Filed by NEU, Richard 14 App. No. Date 3 Approved 95 ---)n Deni42218Z Encroahh. of 5 1 into required 20' setback from bulkhead line. tariance Resubdivision Use Permi+ 1:1 Amendment 1:1 Dther LOCATION 400 -402 Clubhouse Avennue Legal description Lot 1, Rlock 412, Canal Sari -inn Fled by City of Newport Reach Request to amend A portion of App. No. _ C Date P . A 3/1E Districting Map No 3 SO as to A 775 • pp. 93 establish A 2 Sc font front yard setback on 3 lots from the Approvedc .c ER Denied 0 existing 10 foot wide Clubhouse Ave 4/26/91 easement adjacent to the bulkhead on the Rivo Alto Channel where the Districting Mao currently designates a font front yard sethark frnm the origin0 f pt co -overt lines prior to the abandonment of a portion o the stree Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment In Other LOCATION 402 Clubhouse Legal clowri lion Lot 1 Block 4 2 Canal Sec ion Zone R-2 Filed by SMITH, D. R. & Elva R. App. No. Date 411 10-174.7 Approved 2:1 Denied O Encroachment of 3t into a required 3t front yard setback. Variance Ki Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Liba.ortl MAN V.) LLutinfous-e Rvenue Legal description Filed by William C RAAgig Request tn permit MP COnSfrnctiCAPP.No. Date Of An flpen lAtticA cariflry structure M 3106 10-29-85 that enrrnechea '15 feet into a rerplireri 1; font front yeard Approved 0 Denied sethark aajarent to the Piun Alto rhannel and 1 feet intr A required I font- spthark adjarent to an nnimproveri portion nf rinhhonse Avenue Variance 0 Other Resubdonsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 405 Clubhouse Ave. Legal description Lot 1 , Block 433, Lake Tract Filed by K. H. Shopshire App. No. Date M -514 6 -6 -72 Approved X El Denied DAmelapment shall he in general cnnformance with the Approved plot plan. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °tint Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 40b clubhouse, N.B. Legal description Lot 1, Block T33, Lake Tract, N.B. Filed by Pacific General App. No. Date M -327 5 -25 -1971 Approved 421 Denied 0 All new construction must conform to the setback requirements Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 .0CATION 405 Clubhouse Ave. aged description Lot 1 El. 433 Canal Sec. R-2 NW by KENNEDY, Wm. J. and Marie A. App. No. Date 749 6-'22-1961 Approved IE Denied 0 Construct an addition to an existing dwelling which is non-conforming because it has a 12' front yard setback instead of required 35'. 'alliance 0 )titer Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 405-409 CLUBHOUSE AVE.& 331173413 FINLEY . AVE. Legal description Lots 1-5, Blk 433; Lots 1-7, Rik 434 Canal Section Ned by Clubhouse Ave & Finley Ave. Property Owners App. No. Date A.792 &T-81-14 Request to amend a portion of Approved j21 Denied 0 Districting Map No. 3 so as to establish a 20 foot front yar-d—satbark a diannnt tn Ttin Rivo Alto Channel, for all orooerties within Blocks 433 and 434, Canal Section, which currently require a 35 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 407 Clubhouse Legal description Lot C, OlOCk 33 App. No. Date Minor alterations to an M-2125 8/16/77 existing duplex with the folloWing nonconforming Approved Of Denied 0 features: 1.) two garage spaces are provided (where the Code requires three); 2.) one of the garage spaces is 18' deep (where the Code requires a 20' depth); 3.) the building is OVER- Variance 0 Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Filed by Roger Wilson setback 12' from the Channel (where the Districting Map indicates a 35 setback); i and 4.) there s not adequate. open space on the lot to comply with the residential development standards. No additional living space is being added in conjunction with the proposal. LOCATION JUL, anti JUL uiuunouse Awe. Legal description Lots 7 & 8, Olt. 432, Canal Section. located at 500 & SO2 Clubhouse Ave. on northeasterly come: of Clubhouse Ave. and Finley Ave. in W. Npt. Filed by Bay] and cawliny PArrest tn rosibdividi. two App. No. Date sgricting lntc intn two parCP1S R908 of land, eprh fnr twin nn -it resi- dential rnminminiimi development Approved nn prnperty lorated in the R-7 Distrirt Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Eg Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 12-7-89 §1 Denied 0 OCATION 502 - 504 Clubhouse Dr. egai description Lot 9 6.15' of abandoned street adjoining on north Block 432 Canal Sec. R-2 Red by van TEINHOVEN, Dr. Arius App. No. DMs CONDITIONS (Over) 803 12-7-1961 Approved IR Denied 0 A no fee parking lot in an R-2 District adjacent to a commercial District. Variance )ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Nj Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: L. Parking lot lay out to be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 2. Screen planting to be in accordance with specifica- tions of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Dept. LOCATION 50R Clubhouse Ave Legal description I n t 2 Rik 532, lake Tract Fled by Heron ASSOC. App. No. Date M4386 11-28-95 Approved x iZI Denied 0 Additions A alterations to an existing_aingle_family_____ dwelling which currently encroaches 4 inches into the required 3 font side yard setback Additions will ;Fanance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 510 Clubhouse Legal description Lest Rlork 532, renal Sectison, Filed by MARKEY. Ralph P. & Irene App. No. Date 445 \ 7-17-58 Approved [3 Denied CONDITIONS (Over) Requests use of this pronerty for the parking o f au tomobile s . Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit IN Amendment CONDITIONS: 1. This parking lot may be used for daytime parking only 2. That no ingress or exiting be permitted to or from Clubhouse Ave., all vehicular use of the lots to be via the alley. 3. Sidelines of parking lot to be planted with a 6' higt hedge or a solid 6' wall. 4. No parking on the lot between the front setback line and Clubhouse Ave. 5. Area between the front setback line and parking area to be planted and improved in a manner that will make it an asset to the neighborhood 5. Failure to live up to and maintain the restrictions will void the Use Permit. LOCATION Legal description 518 Clubhouse Lots 7 & 8 Canal Section, Filed by DANIGER, R. V. App. No. Date 162 12-20-55 Approved 0 Denied 0 WITHDRAWN Private parking. Free to customers of stores located at 3415 Newpsort Blvd. lariance 113 Resubdivision Use Permit gl Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 518 45 520 Clubhouse Legal description Lots 7 44 8 Mock 532 Canal Section R-2 Filed by DANIGER . R V App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 459 10-16-58 Approved OD Denied 0 Permission to use this property for no fee parking let Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That no ingress or egress be permitted to or from Clubhouse Ave., All vehicular use of the lots to be via the alley. 2. That the sidelines of the parking lot be planted with a 6' high hedge or a solid 6' wall. 3. That there be no parking on the lot between the front setback line and Clubhouse Ave. 4. That the area between the front setback line and the parking area be planted and improved in a manner that will make it an asset to the neighborhood. 5. And that failure to live up to and maintain the restrictions will void the Use Permit. LOCATION 524 Clubhouse Drive Legal description Lots 10 & 11 131 . 532 Canal Sec. R-Z Fled by KOFFORD s M. E. Jr. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 4DOZ4OID /RNo. re-s;6/7n 961 12 -5 -68 Approved u Denied 0 rnnstrurt a triplex on one lot and a portion of ath-e-r-ra.ad_Attaiir son interior Rrnparty linpc Variance al Other ^ Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION The side yard setbacks indicated as 3 feet on the submitted plot plan to be 4 feet. DCATION 524 & 526 Clubhouse Ave., op! destriekm Lot 10 & s t ly 15' of Lot 11 El. 532 Canal Section R-2 Filed by COFFEY, Bertrum C., Jr. App. No. Date 860 6-21-1962 Approved ER Denied 0 A no fee parking lot in an R-2 District adjacent to a commercial district. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted ariance o Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:11 Amendment 0 /thee OCATRDN 524-526 Clubhouse Newport Beach egal description Lots 10& 11 Block 532 Canal Sec Zone R-2 Filed by KOFFORD, N.E.- Jr. App. P10. Date 621 10-6-60 6 KIEN4D6D TO APR 4 1 /9 1-4 ac on,/ ?-7J--/94.2 Approved Denied 0 Waiver of interior side yard: setbacks. 'ariancet >tiler Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCATION egal description 526 Clubhouse Ave. Lot 10 & Por. Lot 11 Bl. 532 Canal Sec. R-2 Approved 0 Denied 0 WITHDRAWN I artance Tiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit DI Amendment 0 Filed by THE BEAUMONT CO. App. No. Date 739 6-1-1961 A parking lot in an R-2 District adjacent to a C-1 Dist. LOCATION 606 Clubhouse Ave. Legal description Lot 5, Elk. 534, Canal Section Fil" by Scott E. _SInith App. No. Date M429t 2 -28 -95 Approved xEl Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of additions and alter- ations to an existing single family dwelling tnat encroache 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard setback. Additions aricre es division se ermi mendment e LOCATION Legal description 612 Clubhouse Avenue Lot /, Block 634 Filed by Richard Williams App. No. Date Constrn. of first and M-2020 1/11/77 second floor room P.C.-2/17/77 additions on a single Approved El Denied 0 famiTy dwelling with the following noncon- forming features: 1.) -/V portion of the existing dwelling unit encroaches to within 6 feet : of the rear property line (where the Ay Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Othes. Modification Ordinance requires a 10 foot rear yard); and 2.) The required garage spaces have depths of 19 feet 5 inches + (where the Ordinance requires garage depths of 20 feet, inside measurement). A portion of the proposed second floor room additions also encroach to within 6 feet + of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 10 foot rear yard). LOCATION 626 & 628 Clubhouse Ave. Legal demil0fion Lots 14 & 15 Block 634. Canal Section Zone 11-2, Newpott Beach Tract Red by WEBER, Harry J. App. No. Date 470 7-17-58 Approved CM Denied 0 1) Encroachment of 6' into required fear yard setback of 10'. 2) Waiver ofsside yard setback of SWly side line of Lot 15 so that 4 dwelling units may be constructed over two 11-2 bldg. sites. Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 E. Coasla Hwy. LOCATION East Coast Highway and MacArthur Blvd. Legal description Properties lorated at the northPastPrly corner of East Coast Highway and lilarArthur Mud Piled by Continental Signs App. No. Date Request to install one new temporary, off-site directional sign and modify one existing off-site temporary in the PLC District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 EXCEPTION NO. 9 9/24/81 Approved ICI Denied 0 directi onal LOCATION Legal description E. Coast Rily. 111nek 91 Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. Date Extension of a previously R-465 8/5/76 approved resubdivision that permitted the Approved 13 Denied 0 creation of twenty-one numbered parcels for commercial development, one lettered parcel for street purposes, and one lettered parcel for a common parking lot for the "Corporate Plaza" Planned Community in Bewpart r anter Variance 0 Resubdivision DC. Use Tema 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION s o. side East Coast H . betw. Batside Legal deserirtion -Portion of Block. & Jamboree of Irvfhe's Subdivieion Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITIONS: (SE E FILE) 337 4-6-72 Approved Ea Denied E Variance 0 Other Resubdivision af Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description 100 East Coast Hwy. Metes & Bounds Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by SMALL CRAFT App. No. Date 1020 3-5-1964 Approved n Denied 0 Cin trinnr host sales in conjunction with launch ramp fnciliries existing. Variance EI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 KI LOCATION 100 E. Coast Highway GiiiraemnPflon Lot 171 Block 54 Irvine Subdivisit Filed by BAYSHORE BOAT RENTALS App. No. Date 431 5-15-58 Approved Ea Denied 0 Marine service station Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit VI Amendment 0 LOCATION 100 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 171, Rlork 54, Irvine Subdiwi i on Unclassified Zone Filed by BAYSHORE BOAT RENTALS & IRVINE CO. App. No. Date 410 3 -20 -58 Approved Denied ID Erection of a building 16' x 20', all steel. To be for ourhnarri motnr repair Variance 1:1 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment El 'CATION mai &fairies' 101 E. Coast Hwy. Pot. tot 171 Rl. 94 Irvine Rub. fl-1-R & flir t MC INTOSH, John R. App. No. Date (SEE OVER) 949 5-16-1963 Approved Etx Denied 0 A floating restaurant. Filed by CONOTTTON• All restrictions -_ma-igluirements of Public Works Dept. Building Dept. and Fire Dept.. to be comnlit aflame o Resubdivision D Use Permit U Amendment 0 Mee 12/19/1963 The Commission reviewed the building plans submitted for the Reuben E. Lee Restaurant to be located at 101 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach and approved the building plans, as submitted, which indicate a height in excess of 35 feet in the Unclassified District. m.....na avii II nun 41,11:151. rugnwity Legal Description Lot A, Tract 5301, Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 93-111 (Resub. Filed By: Anthony Pesci and Cheryl L. Minemier Application No. UP 3684 Date0610712001 Approved: X Denied: A request to permit the use of the third level exterior decks in conjunction with the operation of an existing full-service restaurant/museum facility. The specific request includes: use of the bow deck adjacent to a banquet/meeting room and the stern deck for limited activity and use. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: X I Amendment: -uts n-•na an. 1J1 11. ILAJUJI ruguway Legal Description RMC, Recreation, Marine Commercial Filed By. Clayton Shurley Application No. UP 3684 Date 9/8/2000 Approved: 06/07/2001 Denied: A request to permit the use of the third level exterior decks in conjunction with the operation of an existing full-service restaurant/museum facility. The specific request includes: use of the bow deck adjacent to a banquet/meeting room and the stem deck for limited activity and use. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X Amendment: LOCATION 151 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lot A, Tract No. 5361. Parcel 4. Parcel Map 93-111, Resub. 995 Filed by Newport Harbor Nautical Museum App. No. Date UP 3551 5-4-95 Approved CI Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a nautical museum In a floating structure currently occupied by Charley Brown's Restaurant, where the related offstreet parkin__ area is located in the RMC-H District Proposed facilitt Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment will include exhibit space, a meeting area, a library, gift store & a cafe with onsale beer & wine on floating structure, with related off street parking on adjoining upland parcel. Proposal also includes request to permit live entertainment, dancing & alcoholic beverages for various museum functions, weddings & other private partie LOCATION 151 E. 'Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3, Tract 5361 Filed by Grace Restaurant Co Requested the construction App. No. Date of a new sign that is 35' high M-2909 11-1-83 where the Code permits a maximum height of 25 feet, and exceeds the Approved II Denied 0 maximum allowable 200 sa.ft of area Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 175 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Irvine Retail Properties Company App. No. Date M 3392 5-10-88 Approved in Denied 0 Request to permit the restriping of an existing parking jot so as to provide a provide a portion of the required parking as compact spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 201 E. Coast Hwy. Legal descaRtion Lots 171 & 237 01. 54 6, 94 Irvine' s Sub. Filed-by ULLMAN, C. & STEWART, K,, (Balboa Marina) App. No. Date 621 5-19-1960 Approved g] Denied 0 Construct a restaurant and parking lot in connection with same. Variance fl Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment fl LOCATION 201-299 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 2 3 and A of Tract No T1. Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No.93-111 (Resub. No. 995). a portion of Block 54, Irvine's Subdivision; and Sections 26 & 27. RNA by Williams n & Schmid, Tustin App. No. Date R 1103 12-9-93 Request to resubdivide seven Approved El Denied 0 parcels of land into four parcels for restaurant, commer- cial marina purposes on property located in the RMC-H District and unzoned submerged •areas of Newport Bay. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Legal cont. Township 6 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Meridian, located at 201-299 East Coast Hwy on the southerly side of East Coast Hwy between the Bay Bridge & Bayside Drive, adjacent to Linda Isle. DCATION egal description 250 F rnaqr 2onn "U" Filed by MACCO REALTY CO. App. No Date 916 2-7-1963 Approved CI Denied [] An 8 x 20 directional sign for Tract 4224 (Dover Shore CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. 'ariance )14aw Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Zr Amendment 0 zr ea/ems Y/, 7%7 LOCATION 251 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lots 171 and 237 Block 54 and 94 of the Irvine Subdivision Filed By: Ristorante Mamma Gina's (Nero Pierattoni, applicant) Application No. Date Permit No. 49 5-4-1998 Approved:X Denied: The applicant requests to establish an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an existing full-service restaurant. The property is located in the RMC (Recreational and Marine Commercial) District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: OUTDOOR DINING PERMIT LULA I iuri: L. Loast ritgnwa _ File by: Ristorante Mama Gina's (Piero Pierattani) App. No. Date OD 49 (Amended) 11-19-99 PC Approved 121 Denied E A request to increase the closing hour of the existing outdoor dining use. The hours as approved by the Planning Commission are 11:00 am to 10:00 pm, daily. Applicant requests to change the closing hour to Midnight, daily. Variance • Resubdivision • Use Permit • Other la OUTDOOR DINING PERMIT LOCATION 251 E. Coast Hwy. Legal Description Lots 171 and 237 Block 54 and 94 of the Irvine Subdivision Filed By: Ristorante Mamma Gina's (Piero Pierattoni, applicant) Application No. Date Cond. approved by Planning Director 5/4/98 OD 49 5-4-98 PD Called up by City Council, 6-4-98 hearing 6-4-98 CC Appproved: X Denied: The applicant requests to establish an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an existing full-service restaurant. The property is located in the RMC (Recreational and Marine Commercial) District. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LICKAIKM au taSt WaSt Highway Legal description Por. Block 94, Irvine's Subdivision Filed by Ucean load Restaurant App. No. Date I . mat the neignt ot the sign be limited to 25 feet and the 1486 1-7-1971 size to 40 sq.ft. per side; Approved in Denied 0 the actual design and shape to be approved by the Modifications Committee. 2. Prior to the approval of a building permit for this sign, the existing sign and supporting pole structure advertising the -I-Ocean Toad" on East WaSt Highway (over) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permita Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 290 E. Coast Hwy. Par. Bl. 54 Irvine's Sub. Filed by COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUN' App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1112 3-18-1965 Approved Ei DeMed E] Construct a sewage pumping station to replace existing Ba: Bridge Pumping Station located on southerly side of Pacific Coast Highway. Station will be constructed on an easement to be granted by the Irvine Company. Variance El Other Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit a Amendment EI CONDITION Landscaping satisfactory to the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Department to be provided. LOCATION 251 E. Coast Hwy. Legg description Lots 171 and 237 Block 54 6 94 Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by MC INTOSH, John R. and GREY, James L. App. No. Date 651 7-21-1960 Approved j&J Denied 0 On sale general alcoholic beverages. Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permit:Et Amendment 9 LOCATION 300 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Portinng nf RInekc c4 A 94 Filed by The Irvine Co Request tn create' four parrelS App. No. of land fnr rnnoeyance ptirpncs R 995 Date 1/29/93 I I d l II I • • I I " HMC-H, P-C. and P-C-MHP histrirts Approve 1:1 Denied 0 3/18/93 Variance 0 Other itesubdwision Et Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCATION 300 East Coast Highway egal description A portion of Block 54 of the Irvine Subdivision on the northwesterly corner of 8m/side. westerly of the Newport Dunes Area. Rlopd by Spoiler Yachts, Inc. App. No. Date UP-1943 7/24/80 Approved 0 Mom's! 0 Request to permit the temporary use of property in the P-C District for boat and marine pro- ducts, sales and the acceptance of an EIR. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ER Amendment LOCATION 81 300 E. Coast Hwy Lewd thmArkm Blk 54, Irvines Sadly. No of L (Ads' HWY. & W of Bayside Dr. UPPER NWPT BAY Filed by BILL KING App. No. Date 1667 5 -3 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved AXijX Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdirision 0 Use Permit 1.1 LOCATION Legal dewriOthm 300 E. Coast Highway Por. Bl. 54 Irv. Sub. "U" Filed by Back Bay Park. Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1481 6-4-1970 Approved AM Denied Request to permit sale of alcoholic bever- ages (beer only) in conjunction with exist- ing boat launch facilities. Variance Other Resubdivision EI Use Permit 150 Amendment CI MAIM 300 E. Coast Hwy. egal description Por. Lot 1 Bl. 54 Irvine's Sub. hied by NEWPORT DUNES, Inc. App. No. Date eXre/t/LCZ- XOR / yie sy 5-/ 7- a 743 548-1961 e-tcra iuspeo Afin ,g -.2 -63 Approved ftJ Denied 0 Two signs as kollows: (a) A single face 160 sq.ft. pole sign west of the intersection and (b) a double face 16_0_agalts_psa_e_sijgn east of the intertection CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. rariance 0 Wier Resubdensese 0 Use Permaxa Amendment 0 COCATK3N 300 E. Coast Highway ego! description (Beyside Village Trailer Park) Fik4 by CARLTON, Frank & The Irvine Co. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 463 11-20-1958 Approved ixfl Denied E] Construction. maintenance & operation of a mobile homes & appurtenant buildings. 4-20-1961 - Revised plans approved with understanding thal the off street parking has increased from that shown on the original plan rarience Reimbdiviskm El Use Permit um Amendment )they CONDITION: Application is approved in accordance with amended plot plan showing additional parking and storage area, landscaping and an amendment to the uses of the property. 0CATION 301 E. Coast Hwy. sgal description Por. 111 (Irk 54 Ivvincov_SI,,b 'YU" Filed by B. & B. Rentals App. No. Date 706 1-19-61 Approved CI Denied 0 Rental of motor scooters feriance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ri Amendment 0 >Eller JL•A run 30-1 E. Coast Hwy 7 lagni ancri Ptial Por. Lot 23 R1 Q4 Itv Sub C-1-11 Filed by WEST-WAYS RENTAL CO. App. No. Date CONDITMNS (Over) 5 10-29-68 Approved n Denied 0 car rontal Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LI I 1 IL4LIUU CONDITIONS 1. Approval shall be for a one year period. 2. There shall be not more than 4 rental cars on the premises at any one time. 3. There may not be more than one% sign displayed at any timeand it shall not exceed 9 sq.ft. in area. LOCATION 302 East Coast Highway Legal description Metes & Bounds Filed by Newport Dunes App. No. Date 1841 5-7-64 Approved El Denied 0 Conditions. That existing_n_aigns be removed;._ and that 3 signs be permitted until 11 -1 -64 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit El Amendment LOCATION 305 Coast Highway, CdM Lt Legal descripfloo Lot 4. Blee.k AA, Tract 323 Filed by FOSTER & ImPtsER ro App. No. Date 69 11-29-52 Approved 0 Denied IX Erectinn of one 10' x 25' outdoor (double panel) advertising structure Variance Resubdivision Use Permit J Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 310 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Pot. Blocks 54 & 94 Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by NEWPORT DUNES, INC App. No. Date 1117 4 -1 -1965 Approved a Deified 0 Construct a travel trailer court. CONDITION: Water mains and fire hydrants to be_provided and approved by Fire Dept. Fire truck access to be provided at both ends of trailer court. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit ay Amendment El Other LOCATION 353 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Block 54 Irvine's Sub. "H" Filed by AL REESE & TRY TsliTHF Ca. App. No. Date 481 12-18-58 Appnned 13 Denied 0 Construction & operation of a restaurant seating 14D persons with necessary off-street parking. CONDITION: Applicant to conform with C-l-H formula Variance 0 Resubcinnsion 0 Use Permit M Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 353 E. Coast Hwy. Legal deuziOkm Por. Block 54 Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by REESE, Al & ADEN; M art App. No. Date 589 2-18-60 Approved XIKI Denied 0 Sale of Alcoholic beverages. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Ur Amendment Adjacent to 353 E. Coast Hwy. LOCATION Legal description Filed by THE TRVTNE. COMPANY ntn Date App. No. CONDITION (Over) 1062 8-6-1964 Approved }Ca Denied 0 onstruct and o.erate a motel-restaurant, ban ueS facili- ties and related commercial facilities. Variance 0 Other Amendment El Resubdivision Q Use Permit El CONDITIONS: 1. That a resubdivision be processed, a record of survey map filed, that public improvements including drive- way approaches be approved by the Public Works Department and that improvement plans be prepared by licensed civil eng. on standard size sheets. 2. That the height limit be 35'. 3. That the wall on Bayside Dr. be of a solid nature to a height of 3' & overall height of 8' from top of curb. 4. That the sign on Bayside Dr. be back lighted, letters to be on the wall and not to exceed 16 in. in height. 5. The landscaping on Bayside Dr. to be of mature development when planted so that immediate screening will be effective. 6. That parking meet the requirements of the "-H" factor of Planning & Zoning Regulations. Approved Denied El LOCATION Jb.i Last coast Highway Legal description 5.side of E. Coast Hwy. approx. 200 ft. east Ot the intersection with Bayside Drive Filed by Hungry Tiger, Inc. App. No. Date 1502 1 -7 -1971 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit XX Amendment 0 LOCATION 353 E. Coast Hwy Legal description a portion of Lot 237, Block 94 Filed by Ellis Island International Eatery App. No. Date Request to consider an appeal A 752 t from the Ellis Island International 2/6/92 Eatery Restaurant, concerning Approved cm Denied E] staff's interpretation of the Zoning Code as it pertains to Section 20.72.010.E of the Municipal Code which requires the approval of a use permit for a change in operational characteristics of an existing restaurant. Said appeal involves staff's interpretation Variance 0 Resub4vision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other that the addition of two billiard tables within the existing "net public area" of the restaurant facility constitutes a significant change in the operational characteristics, as well as a revision to the approved facility to warrant.the IfiRgill a oginToW t eol generation DT a use permit tor such a change. LOCATION 353 E. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of block 54 -- Filed by Marie Johnson App. No. edUP 1502 A Date PC 7-9-92 CC 3-10-92 ..••• Approved v Denied El •Wfli Ai dancing with valet and tandem parking to an existing restaurant fariljty on property located in the C -1 -14 District. The proposed amendwent involves - a request to change the operational rnararteristirs of_tnn prnvinUS. Variance El Other within the existing "net public area" of the facility, to allow the establishment of a second dance area and; separate disc jockey; to allow the establishment of an outdoor patio dining area; and to allow expanded hour_ of operation to include a 4:00 a.m. daily closing time and a 6:00 a.m. opening for breakfast. LOCATION ibi L. Pacific Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Block 54 of Irvine's Subdivision located at 301 & 353 E. Coast Highway, between Bayside Dr. and Promontory Point, across from the De Anza Mobile Home ParkFiled by Penco Engineering, Irvine of Block 54 of Irvine's suhdivisionR 982 Date Request to resubdi vide a_portian App. No. 7/21/92 into two parcels of land for financing and conveyance purposes Approved )0 Denied 0 and to accommodeate the existing cornmerrial developments__ on property locate in Variance 0 Resubaivision XJ Use Permi+ 0 Amendment D Other LOCATION 353 Coast Highway, East Legal description Parcl 2 of Parcel Map 92-198 Filed by A. B. Cleveland Demolition of existing restaurant App. No. Date (What's Cookin') & construction of UP 3563 9/21/95 Billiard Parlor with a Sports Bar Removed from Calendar with on-sale alcoholic beverage Approved 0 DeMe 0 service, and dancing Variance D Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 2 Amendment 0 LOCATION 353 Coast Hwy E Legal description Portion of Block 54. Irvine's Subdivision Red by Speedway of_Newport Beach (Jerry King) App. No. Date UP 3598 2/20/97 Approved [R Denied 0 Ectablishment of theme restaurant with incidental alcoholic beverage servire Allow exception & modificatiou to Sign Ordloanre to allow 3 cars on roof and side of bldnq as adver- tise cessof200sft;con- aria nee OThr su .d,vision D Use ermit g Amendment 9 LOCATION 353 East Coast Highway Legal Description A portion of Block 54, Irvine's Subdivision on the southwesterly side of East Coast Highway, between Bayside Drive and Jamboree Road, across from De Anza Mobile Home Park. Filed by Speedway Restaurant (Jerry King, applicant App. No. Date 0D35 8/19/97 Approved X Denied fl Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an approved full-service restaurant.. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment Other: Outdoor Dinina Permit LOCATION 353 East Coast Hwy. Legal Description A portion of Block 54, Irvine's Subdivision Filed By: I Speedway Restaurant ick Costa) Application No. Date UP 3598 Amended 12-10-98 Appproved: Denied: Planning Commission Review to determine compliance with conditions of approval of Use Permit No. 3598, as modified and approved by the Planning Commission on February 20, 1997. The Use Permit allowed the establishment of a theme restaurant facility (race car theme) with incidental alcoholic beverage service and the use of -_,...i. -...-lit...... -,..... 1:-..,:+,..41.....-;., -rt... C...,,, -..., nA.4 n.. mnri:f.) rnnrlit;nne nf . • approval in order to achieve satisfactory compliance with any of the. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit X Amendment LOCATION 445 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. B1 ks. 54 & 94 Irv.Sub. "U" Piled by CHICK IVERSON VOLKSWAGEN, Inc. App. No. Date I, I ti- -o r miont os (..an nneet.) 1327 1-18-1968 Approved xa Denied • II • II strict NDED - 969 to permit service directional _Lion 6'6" in length 18" in height & 6'6" above ground. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other Co--raLc-t 7 cetiAl94 LOCATION 445 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Newport Auto Center Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit that per- UP 1327A 6-18-87 mitted the construction of an auto- mobile sales and service facility Approved al Denied 0 in the Unclassifiediistrict. The proposal includes a request to remodel and expand the existing showroom, office, and service areas of the auto facility. New landscape and sign plans are also proposed in conjunction with said expansion. Variance 0 Rewbdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OtMw LOCATION 445 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 25-46 (R202) on the s.w. side of ECH, between Bayside Dr. and Janboree Rd Filed by Newport Auto Center Reg. to remodel & expand the App. No. Date eixisting showroom, office & UP1327A 6-18-87 service areas of the auto facility. New landscape and Approved Er Denied 0 sign plans are preficased. Variance 0 Ottircr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 4 4 L 7- LOCATION Ad4aweimi'to -453,Coasr Hwy. Legal description For. Blocks 54 & 94 Irvine's Sub. ttir Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 202 2 -18 -1965 Approved 12 Denied Create a building site Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 9 Amendment 9 CONDITIONS: L. That a map satisfactory to the Public Works Dept. be submitted. 2. That a record of survey map be filed. 3. That the 12' shown as a street easement on the map be dedicated to the City. LOCATION 604 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Legal description Lot. Part of Lot 5, Block 323, CD)! Tract Filed by Hansen. Mrs. B. Ruth App. No. Date 10 6-21-51 Approved XX Denied D Mfg. and selling ceramic products, ceramic supplies Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit Ef Amendment D Other LOCATION 706 Coast Blvd, cdM Legal description Lot 5, Trnet 1043 Filed by JACKSON, • App. No. Date 59 8-21-52 Approved XI Denied 0 Automatic laundry Variance 0 Resubdivision DI Use Permit 11 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 710-712 Coast Blvd., CdM Legal description Lot 3, Trartt 1045 Filed by WHITMAN, Harry E. App. No. Date 99 10-15-53 Approved 10 Denied 0 To permit construction and operation of an auto and general repair garage Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit In Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 716 East Coast Blvd., CON Legal description Lot 2, Tract 1049 Filed by GILLMAN & SONS App. No. Date 104 6i1;17-54 Approved XI Denied 0 (renewal) operation of a plumbing repair and contracting business known as GillmAn-&-cnint. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other XXIATK)N 803 East Coast Highway -egal description Lot 4 Block I, Tract 323 Filed by BRITISH MOTORS, INC. App. No. Date 140 4-15-54 Approved MI Denied 0 operation of a new and used car sales lot with no repair eratinna C This is U.P.shall terminate o—iiiolg5 unless terminated sooner by automatic clause or violation of application or permit requirements. (over variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Ammmdmmni. 0 Mier Property is to be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. LOCATION 803 Coast Highway. CdH LC 'Aga! description Lot 5, Block I, CdM Trart Filed by SIEMONSMA. C. E. App. No. Date 90 5-21-53 Approved Xi Denied Operation of a used car lot (sales only) fariance Resubdivision Use Permit j Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 805 Coast Highway, Cdist Legal description Lot 4, Block I,Tract 323, CdM - Filed by PERKINS, George C. App. No. Date 52 5-15-52 Approved IX Denied 0 Used car sales lot Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit IA Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 914-B Coast Highway Corona delMar Legal description Lot 3, Tract 323 CTR4, El n ale P Filed by De Owen, R. Davidson App. No. Date 7 4-19.-51 Approved XX Denied 0 Ceramic Mfg. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit pc Amendment 0 Other CK1kTH3N 941 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar. egai description Por lot 237 Block 94 Irvine's Sub. ?Ana u Filed by KUNZ SIGN COMPANY App. No. Date 687 11-3760 Approved 0 Denied El Erection of a directional sign in a U District feriance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 LOCATION 990 East Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Blocks 55 and 94, Irvine's Subdivision Flied by The Irvine Company App. No. Date R 1041 6 -23 -98 Approved X Denied To permit the resubdivision of a parcel of land into three parcels of land, one for potential development and two parcels to be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach as open-space as required by the Circulation Improvement Open Space Agreement. Variance Resubdivision X Use Permit D Amendment Other: LOCATION Legal description 990 E Cnact Hwy. Pnr 81. 94 Irv.Sub. Filed by S Fl I GIP COMPANY App. No. Date COA-DITIOS 44ce application 1303 e-r I4 -n-utes4 10-19-1967 4o,DeD „.,_a_op Approved co Denied 0 -E77-7-rtrairrn COnCtrUrt A C0rViCP statinn Variance 0 Other Resubdieision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 990 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Pnr gl. 94 Iry Sub. Filed by THE IRVINE CO. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See application or Minutes) 244 10-19-1967 Approved DU Denied 0 froato one parcel (Shell Oil Comoanv) Variance 0 Other Resubdiv;sion gt Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 998 East Coast Highway Lind deuription Metes & Bounds Filed by Newport Dunes App. No. . Date 1041 5-7-64 Approved 9 Denied El Conditions : That existing 6 signs be removed; and that 3 signs be permitted until 11-1-64 Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 1000 E. Coast Hwy. II Por. Bl. 94 Irv. Sub. Fled by MOBIL OIL CORP. App. No. Date CONr1 LTIONS (See application or Minutes) 1293 10-19-1967 CooDirkmAs4/7,6soz.6-1) /-4-1C? Approved lia ()mad 0 Construct a service station and signs in the Unclassified District. 4-.5"-/qL9 FoR .7? -,„Zettitico Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [X] Other 4/14-4/0CD co/vD/ xxt / oe 9-7o Amendment 0 LOCATION 1000 E Coact Hwy. Legal description Por R1 94 Iry Sub Filed by MOBIL OIL CORP. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica 242 10-19-1967 tion-er ginutcs4 Approved yam Denied 0 Create one parcel for a service station Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1100 East Coast Hwy. 7.i.Waraescripi.km portions of Blks. 94 & 55,Irvine's Sub. & Parcel 1 of Parool Map 12-21 (R 242) on n.e. corner of R. in Vi la Point A t. P.C. Ede by Regis Contractos Inc. Request to bdivide two existing App. No. Date parcels containing 8.953+ acres FTM 14055 10/18/90 of land, into a single lot for a 90 unit residential condominium Approved El Denied El development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJKDN 1100 East Coast Hwy. Legal chscription Portions of Elks. 94 & 95, Irvine's Sub. & Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 12-21 (R242) on n.e. corner of E. Coast Hwy. & Jamboree Rd. in Villa Point Apt. P.C. Flied by Regis Contractors, Inc. Request to amend the Villa Point App.No. Date Apts. P.C. Dev. Standards so as A 718 10/4/90 to allow the construction of an architectural tower within Area 2 Approved ER Denied 0 of theP.C. Said amendment will establish a max. allowable footprint for the tower of 14 ft. by 14 ft. (186 sq.ft.) & a max. allowable height of 45 ft. The proposed amendment will also establish a min. setback of 500 ft. from Jambore4 Rd.. 200 ft. from E. Cgt Hwy in villa point Apt R. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Penni'. 0 Amendment E] °thee noo E roAqi- Hwy p o rriang of slks 94 & 55, Irvine Sub. & at 1100 E. Cst. Hwy. rorner of F. Cst. Hwy. and Jamboree Rd. in Villa r iled by Petri eL_Cflors Request to resubdivide two App. No. Datapoint existing parcels of land con- TTM 14055 3/8/90 taming 9.3+ acres, into a C.C. 3/24190 single lot for a 90 unit resi- Approved a Denied 0 dential condominium development Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 11VM Legal description 1100 East Coast Highway Bor. Bl. 94 of Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by BOAT ISLAND, Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica- tion or Minutes) 1464 1-15-1970 Approved X )121 Denied 0 Sale of boats and marine supplies. Variance 0 Other Resubdtvision D Use PermitU Amendment 0 LOCATION 1100 E. roast Hwy Legal description Portions of Blks 94 & 55 Irvine's Pub. & Parcel 1 of Par. Map 12-21 (P242) at 1100 E.Cst. Hwv. on n.e. corner of E.Cst. Hwy. & Jamboree Rd. in Villa Point Hied by Reqis Contractors Request to amend the Villa Point App. No. Date P.C. Dev. Plan so as to reclas - A 705 3/8/90 sify the subject property from C.C. 3/24/90 "Office/Sisitor Serving CommercialApproved S Denied 0 to "Multi-Family Residential" and to establish 90 dwelling units as the maximum allowable number of dwelling units permitted in ARea 2 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1200 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description vesting tract map 11937, portion of Irvine subdivision Filed by Regis Contractors App. No. Date Request to permit const. of a 14.3578 08/08/89 tract boundary noise wall which will trent h. Coast Hwy. of Approved ta Denied 0 varying ht. of 8 it. 1 in, up to 10 ft. 4 in. above natural grade where the Villa Aunt Planned Lomm. Develop. ;tandards limit such const. to 6 ft. max. nt. Also inclua in app. is req. tor related pilasters of varying ht. of 8 Et. 4 in. up to 11 ft. 1 El. where the Villa Point Variance 0 ResubdivisionEl Use Permit 0 Amendment E] Other Modirication (CAMP) Planned Community Development Standards limit such construction to 6 ft. max. ht . LOCATION 1200 East Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Blocks 55 & 94, on the ne corner of ECH & Jamboree App. No. Date FTM11937Rev. 4 -20 -89 Approved ed. ilmi7 47 Denied 0 development, one lot for existing commercial use and a resideual parcel not for development Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Filed by Regis Construction REq. to app. the FTM 11937 (Rev.) sub. 22.99 acres of land into one lot for a 138 unit residential condo LOCATION 1200 East Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Rioric 55 & 94 Irvine Sub. on I-he no east corner of Jamboree Road & ECH across from Irvine Terrace Filed by RrgiRSontractors gag ft, approve a ts to permit App. No. Date the rem qt ructi on of a 138 unit TS No.50 8-18-88 resident - rondo development l ocatedon property in the Approved Denied 0 Villa Point PC Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 East Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Block 55 & 94, Irvine Sub. on the no east corner of Jainboree Road & ECH across from Irvine Terrace Filed by Regis Contractors Reg. to approve the sub. as App.No. Date a Vesting Tentative Map, delete TIM 11937 8-18-88 Lot 2 from the proposed subdivision and reduce the ApproveJ Denied 0 number of dwelling units from 154 to 138 Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION Legal description ILUU rasi Loast nwy. Filed by Habitat Request to permit the constructionApp.W. Date of an interior sign program tor M 3625 11-21-89 he Villa Point apartments complex under construction) which includesApproved 13 Denied 0 various identification, directional and regulatory signs not expressly permitted by teh -Villa Point Planned Commun- .ty ve opment Standards. Ansa included in the app icatia is a request fora project identitication sign to exceed the permitted sq.tt . andTheight allowed by P.C. Dev. Stand Variance 0 Resubdivision 10 Other Use Permit 10 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 East Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Block 55 & 94, Irvine Sub, on the no. east corner of Jamboree Road & ECH across from Irvine Terrace Filed by Regis Contractors Req. to amend crdp. conditions App. No. Date for affordable housing within CRDP No.9A 8-18-88 the subject project. Approved iyj Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment fl LOCATION 1200 E. Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Block 55 and 94, Irvine's Sub,located on the n.e.corner of Jamboree & E.Coast Hwy,across from Irvine Terrace Filed by Irvine Pacific Reo.to reconsider an approved App. No. Dee TTM for the Villa Point Apts. TTM 11937 11-8-84 relative to compliance of the project with the Housing Approved 0 Denied 0 Element of the GP as amended 6/25/84 Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdwision Q Use Permit 0 LOCATION Legal description 1200 E. Coast Hwy. Red by Irvine Pacific Request to consider a REsidentialApp.No. Dee Coastal Development Permit RCDP #9 3-22-84 for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 145 unit Approved Ea Denied 0 residential condominium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low-and moderate income housing in the Coastal Zone. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1200 r rnaq 14WY • "ed by IRVINP DAC TPTC App. No. Date Rowvast to aubdivitip 11 2 acres TMT11937 3 -22 -84 Approved tal Denied 0 for--resiciarktiaL-condminium igurposes--so---ags-to allows the construction of a 154 unit n - -residential -4S. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description 191)0 F roat Hwy: Filed by Irvine Pacific Request to consider a Traffic App. No. Date Study for a 145 unit residential condominium development TRAFFIC STUDY 3-22-84 Approved la Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:1 Amendment ID LOCATION • Legal description 120-E Coas Play Filed by I rv i ne p a c Lf in App. No. Date e • 11. 4.c)--the--Tancl--Lise—and—Residential_ (WA 83-2c RES#1118 3 -22 -84 Beach Ca ex 1 81 Approve kJ Denied 0 _resdessgaation nf thp gitta nn the northeActerly corner _of mast enaSr nighwAy Ana 7Amhorpo Roan from "Low Density UL Lfl e purpose or consistency With the Certified Lana Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment USe Plan of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program. LOCATION 190n F roast Highway Legal description Filed by Trvinp Pacific RAT-lea-1- fn pqtablish Planned App. No. Commlinity npvelopmetn standards A-605 Date 3-22-84 • • • • . • .••Illult I nevplopment Plan for property .Approved 0 Denied 0 located at the northeaster y corner of E. Coast Hwy. and Jamboree Rd. and teh acceptance of an environmental domment Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 154 LOCATION 1218 Coast Highway s CdM agd description Lot 1. Block M, Tract 323 Filed by POSTFR Fe FiEFTSPR CO App. No. Date 80 4-16-53 Approved 0 Denied XE —graCtiall-121-101-X-1-51-0-U-td-OOL-allieniaina Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit j3 Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 1200 East Coast Hwy Legal description p 'oo of B oca e. at 1 0 0 E. cst. on corner of Jamboree Rd. & E. Cst. Hwy. in Villa Pt P C Filed by Habitat, Inc. Request to permit the construction App. No. Date Yf one off-site identification EP35 12-7-89 sign for the Villa Point Apts. xi property located in Area 2 of Approved AD Denied 0 the Villa Point Planned Community. The proposed sign will :ontain 47 sq.ft. of sign area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I* V A -. - • "'t LOCATION 1210 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 3. Tract 323, Wil t Block 14 Filed by Jordan, Frank J. App. No. Date 40 2-21-52 Approved LX Denied 0 aeration of a wt_slaop Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit og Amendment E Other LOCATION 1401 Coast Blvd., CdM 45` Legal description Pot. of Lot 32_ A11 Lilt 4, 111nrk C Tract 470. OdM Filed by Women's Civic League 2. CdM Civic Assoc. App. No. 3. CdM. Bus. Men. Assoc. 91 5-21-53 Approved IC Denied 0 An information center with booths, tables, chairs, umbrellas souvenirs, etc Variance Resubdivision fl Use Permit E Amendment Other Date ...1,,,,...r,... ay'. 1...MtI Le' ta511.-Afraas. lawn-raj Legal Description Lot!, Tract 11937 Filed By: Armstrong Garden Center (Timothy White, Applicant) Application No. Date UP 3641 10-8-98 Appproved: X Denied: 4 Request to permit the construction of a 4,800 square foot commercial building and related accessory structures for a retail plant nursery and garden center. The application also includes a request to permit outdoor display and sales of trees, plants, flowers and related landscape accessories. Variance: ResubdIvision: Use Permit: X Amendment Other: LOCATION 1500 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description l ot 1 of iract 11937 Filed by Russell L. Fluter App. No. A840 Date Z13 1A)9 '4144 (A -1?-9 t abled Indef. Approved 0 Denied 0 To redesignate the property for Retail & service Commercia use and establish the Permitted intensity -ot development; and to amend Districting Map No. 48 to rezone tne property from the U District (LINclassified) to the KSC (10,000sf) • • n - Ise • errmt • Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Resu [vision LOCATION 1500 E. Coast Highway Legal description Portion Block 55 Irvines Subdivision Pled by Amling's Newport Nursery App. No. Date APPROVED (CONDITIONS) 1614 8-3-72 see fjle Approved jJ Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ET Amendment 0 LOCATION 1500 E. Coast Hwy Legal description Por. Block 55 Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 2 1 3 9 -1 6 - 6 5 Approved In Denied C I Create 1 lot. Variance 0 Resubdivision [Z] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other CONDITION Utility and driveway access to be satisfactory to the Public Works Department and the sub- divider to pay the cost of extending utilities to the property. LOCATION 1500 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Block 55 Irvine's Sub- Filed by AMLING. R.y App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1159 9-16-1965 Approved IX] Denied 0 An ornamental plant nursery and flower shop. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit f1 Amendment 0 Other CONDITION Utility and driveway access to be satisfactory to the Public Works Department and the sub- divider to pay the cost of extending utilities to the property. LOCATION 1505 ,Coast Blvd. CdM — Legal description LO-t-54--Blockill,. _Tract 470 Filed by HANSEN, B. Ruth App. No. 76 Approved Date 2-19-53 XI Denied 0 Ceramic hobby shop Variance D Resubdivision Li Use Permit tl -Amendment L Other LOCATION 1600 Eact enact Hwy Legal description pnr Ri 93 1 r v cii h Filed by THF IRVINE CO. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Se minutes or _appl fratinn) 2411 6-1-1967 Approved 61:1 Denied 0 Create one pa rcel (Newport Beach Tennis Club Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 161)0 Fast Coast Higbway Legal description Filed by The Irvine rompany Date Request to create three parcels 4-19-79 di . .11 • • App. No. R -616 Approved El Denied latpd nffStreet parking lot and_ a recidpal parcel far a use to be determiner'. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 12 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1600 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Bl. 93 Irvine's Sub. "U" Filed by IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CHM App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1181_ 1=S_-1966 Approved Et Denied 0 Install and operate a tennis club consisting__ of 12 tennis courts and related club building' consisting of a pro-shop Toungp, and Torkpr r om f Variance Other Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit irj Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved subject to proper access for fire equipment being provided in accordance with requirements of the Fire Department. LOCATION Legal description 1600 E. Coast Hwy. Metes & Bounds Desc. "U" Filed by IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB App. No. Date WITHDRAWN by applicant 1151 10 -7 -1965 Approved 0 Denied 0 A helistop or heliport for private craft. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID1 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal clesaipfim 1600 E. Coast Hwy. Metes & Bounds "U" Filed by IryineCoast Country Club. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Oyer) 1176 12 -16=65 Approved 11 Denied 0 Corral - stabling and grazing horses. - 11 I 11 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gj Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That it be limited to 4 horses 2. That it meet the standards of the County Health Department. 3. That it be for a temporary, interim period LOCATION 1602 East Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Bl. 93. Irv. Sub. "U" Filed by BALBOA BAY RACQUET CLUB App. No. roniarrioNs • Sep Mini APS Dee or application 1492 11-5-1970 Approved n Denied 0 Permit expansion of existing Ralboi Ray Club Racquet Onh from a 1 acre facility to a 7 acre _facility with the addition of 7 tennis courts and also requesting permission to serve food and • S I II ' II . 1 1 I ' anance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment 0 A.A.." I nal -egal description IbUZ E. coast Highway Lot A Red by International Bay Clubs, Inc. App. No. Date To amend a previously UP-1492 6/19/75 approved use permit that (Amended) Permitted the constrn. of Approved al Denied 0 a racquet club in the Unclassified District so as to permit the constrn. of additional tennis courts on the property, and the acceptanc of an offsite parking agreement. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IA Amendment 0 Lvq...muyn ovv“ L. L.vai, niyuway Legal description Lot A Filed by International Bay Clubs Inc. App. No. DM. Request to create three R-492 6/19/75 parcels of land for recreational development Approved CI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision [J Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDIalskflON 1602 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel Nos. 1. 2 and 3 of Parcel Map Mo. 92-13 (Resubdivision No. 492) Balboa Bay Racquet Club Fled by International Bay ClubsfIrvine Co. App. No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP-1492 2/19/81 viously approved use (Amended) permit which allowed the Approved Denied 0 expansion of the Balboa Bay Racquet Club in the Unclassified District. Also to allow additional floor area to be added to an existir Cl Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 1R00 E Coast Hwy Legal description Parcel 1 2 & 3 of Parcel Map 92/13 & 14 and Lot A of Parcel Hap 10/20 together with a portion of Blk. 93 of Irvine's Subdivision Filed by The Irving_Co. Perltiest to recuhdivide five nig tepp. No. Date ; n a parcels of land into three R1006 8-16-94 pat-cols involving prnperty bCated in the U ill qtri rt and the Approved Ea Denied 0 P-r Dictrict Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2101 East Coast Highway Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Book 152, Page 28 Filed By: Zee Sign Systems, Inc. Application No. Date No. M5029 1-26-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the approval of a sign program for a multi-tenant building that includes both major and minor tenant signs, where the Code limits the number and size of signs for multi-tenant buildings. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2101East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 152-28,29 (R659) on the so. side of East Coast Highway, westerly of Avocado Filed by Bank of Newport Merrill Lynch Req. to permit the installation App. No. Date of an additional 10 sf to the EP29 (A) 1-7-88 4th permitted wall sign, which will bear the Merrill Lynch Approved g Denied 0 logo Variance 0 Other Resubdivieon D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2101 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 152-28,29 (R659) westerly of Avocado Ave. Filed by R an k of _Newport peg *n permit the install App. No. Date nf a fnntth wall sign on the EP29 8-20-87 : I • k . 1,0 • • • 'inflated in the Cl nist Inc) APPftwed Denied 0 reg to enlarge MP of two existing ground signs Thrateri nn the site to establish, said sign as a multi-tenant sign which identifies secondary tenants wi thin the building Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2101 and 2121 E. Coast Highway -egal description lot 2 . Tract No 20274, in thp City of Newport Beach Filed by Bank of Newport Request to create two par- App.No. Date cels of land for commercialResub-659 6/19/80 development where one lot pow exists, the acceptance Approved fl Denied of an offsite parking kgreement for a portion of the required parking spaces for Kam's Restaurant facility, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Resubdivision 6] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2101 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1, parcel map 152-28-29, (R-659) adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Piled by City of Newport Beach App. No. Date Request to consider the UP-1857 revocation of UP-1857 NOT REVOKED - 7/23/81 that permitted the con- Approved 0 Denied 0 struction of a Bank of Newport complex on the site. This public -hearing is to determine whether or not said use permit should be revoked for failure to comply with certain required conditions of approval. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description "LIU! & ZIZI E. coast Hwy. Filed by Bank of Newport App. No, Date Constrn. of a Bank UP-1857 3/2/78 of Newport office complex that exceeds Approved rl Denied 0 the basic height limit within the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District in the Uncalssified District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. The proposaT also includes a drive-up- OVER- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 teller facility and a 72' high flag pole. portion of the existing Sandpiper Inn and related commercial uses will be removed from the site in conjunction with the proposed development. Furthermore, the conversion of existing apartment units into residential condominium units is proposed at the rear of the subject property. A portion of the existing motel complex will also be converted into residential condo- minium units. LOCATION Legal description 2101 E. Coast Hwy. Lot 182 Tract 2813 Filed by INGRAM HOTELS CORP. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1004 1-16-1964 Approved El Denied 0 Construct 26 residential apartments in an Unclassified District in addition to 16 existing apartments and 70 motel rooms. Variance IT Other Resubdivision Use Permit gn Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: The divider strip in Avocado Street to be opened opposite a point at the prolongation of 4th Street and that it be opened in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Public Works Department and City Engineer. ..CCATION .egal description ziui & zizi Last uoast wignway Filed by Bank of Newport App. No. Date Amend a portion A-503 3/2/78 of Districting Map No. 24 from the Unclassified Approved al Denied 0 District to the R-3 District and the C-1 District, and to establish yard - setbacks for existing and proposed deveTopment on the site. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2101 & 2121 E. Coast Highway Legal description Filed by cmli. al riewpur App. No. Date Approve the Final Map of Tract FT-10274 6/15/78 No. 10274, subdividing 5.50/ acres into one lot Approved a Denied 0 for multiple family residential condominium development and one lot tor commercial development. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Final Map .ocATION 2101 & 2121 East Coast Highway .egal description Ried by Bank of Newport App. No. Date Subdivide 5.507 acres 1-10274 3/2/78 into one lot for multiple family residential Approved IX] Denied 0 condominium development and one lot for commercial development, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Tentative Tract vat tE =ATM 2171 Coast Highway, CdM Legal description Lnr 445, Rlnek 94y Irvine Snhaivistinn Zone: Unclassified Filed by COAST HOTELS, Inc. App. No. Date 411 3 -20 -58 Approved Igl Denied 0 Dancing at the Jamaica Inn Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit fl Amendment LOCATION 2101 and 2171 ehtoast Highway Legal description Lot 445 Block 94 Irvine's subdivision Filed by COAST HOTELS, INC. App. No. Date 201 11-17-55 (CONDITIONS) Approved J Denied 0 Construction and operation of a motel, restaurant and cocktail lounge. CONDITIONS: Adequate 'off-street parking, confining activities to a restaurant, cocktail lounge, and motel. The rebuilding of Avocado Ave. to a width of 110'. Variance Ei Resubdivhion U Use Permit ,0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2121 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 152-28, z9 Resub. 659) Filed by waqt coast rnvegtments Pequert to permit the No. Date UP 3082 3-H-84 Offina blinding Ana related off-Str Approved In Denied 0aof parking areas on prnparty located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area WhArfa a specifjc_plan has not been adopted and w hirh PlerPPag 5,onn ca.ft. of floor area. It is office imit of 32 feet es \cum • Use Permit Amendment 0 in the 32/50 Height Limitaiton District. A modification to the ZoningCode is also requested inasmuch as a por- tion of the required off-street parking spaces are propose as compact parking spaces. LOCATION 2121 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 152-28 (R-659) in Corona del Mar. Filed by West Coast Investment App. No. Date Request to consider a Traffic TRAFFIC 7/22/82 Study in conjunction with STUDY the construction of a 33,940 Approved III Denied 0 square foot office building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment C OCATUDN 2121 E. Coast Highway BO description Parcel No. 2, Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No. 659) in Corona del Mar. Filed by West Coast Investment App. No. Date Request to consider a traffic Traffic Study 2/19/81 study for a Proposed 17 122 UP-1978 _ag. ft. office building. Approve DeCtreir —do Reauest to permit the construction of a two-story building_and related off-street rking areas on pro- Pertv located in the Corona del Mr Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted and which OV FR Variance D )they Resubdivision Q Use Permit 13 Amendment exceeds 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area, and the acceptance of an EIR. It is also requested that the proposed office building be allowed to exceed the basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation District. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested inasmuch as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed as compact parking spaces. DCATION 2121 East coast Hwy., CdM gd description Lot 182 Tract 2813 "U" Fled by CHRISTIAN'S HUT App. No. Date 905 12-6-1962 Approved )5 Denied 0 Dancing CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. 'a • Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jJ Amendment 0 Hr LOCATION 2166 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 108-46 (R560) on northeasterly corner of E. Coast Hwy. & Avocado Ave. in Newport Village Filed by Joe Porto Amend previous use permit to App. No. Date approve 2 as-built relocatable UP 1995A 4/18/91 bldgs. on site for the temporary flower sales and allow an existir4pproved [] Denied Z3 outdoor work and storage area where the approved develop- ment indicated that all such activity would be located within the temporary bldg. Also request to install an off- site directional sign on Avocado Ave. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2166 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by . The Flowerman Request to amend a previously App. No. approved use permit that allowed use of a relocatable UP 1995 modular building for a temporaryAppilived retail flower establishment on property located in the P-c District. The proposed amendment involves a request to construct a temporary door di 1 Date 4/19/84 IXI Denied 13 Variance 0 nikar Resubdrnsion D Use Permit 0 Amendment Ej of flowers on the subject property. LOCATION 2166 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 108-45-46 in Newport Village. Filed by Paul Tostberg App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3048 7/21/83 establishment of hand washing, waxing and detailing Approved ED Denied ED of automobiles in portable structures on a temporary basis in the P-C District. The proposal also includes a ground identification sign adjacent to E. Coast Highwa] Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2166 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcral 1 of Parce1 Nap 73 -4,7 (Rpsubdivicinn Nn 496) in Newport Centor Filed by Serafino J. Porto App. No. Date Request to permit the use of UP-1995 6/16/81 a relocatable modular building for a temporary retail Approved E] Denied E] flower establishment on property located in the P-C District. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 1/4•A I Dal agM description -emu Last uoast migaMAY Block 93 Red by Bank of Newport App. No. Date Amend previously UP-1759 10/6/77 approved use permits (Amended) that permitted the Bank Approved a Denied 0 Of Newport facility and related drive-in teller units in the P-C District on a temporary basis. lhe proposed development includes the expansion of the existing building, LIVER- Variance 0 Dther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 additional temporary relocatable structures, a new drive-in teller unit, and additional offstreet parking spaces. The applicant is also requesting an extension of the original use permit application. I 11/441 ,1 egal description 4Ibb Last Coast Highway Block 93 AN4 by Bank of Newport App. No. Date Request to create one R-560 10/6/77 parcel of land for commercial development. Approved El Denied 0 Parlance 0 Dther Resubdivlsion [X] Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2166 E. Coast Highway Legal thereripilion Portion of Block 93 Filed by bank of Newport App. No. Date To permit the relocation pP-1759 2/17/77 of an approved drive-up tellOmptutpd) facility in conjunction Approved 0 DeMed 0 with the Bank of Newport complex on the site. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit to Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2166 E. Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Block 91 Filed by Bank of Newport App. No. Date R-540 2/17/77 Approved Oa Denied 0 Request to create one parcel of land for commercial development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 3 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2166 E Coast Hwy Legal description Par Rik 93, Irvine Snbdiv_ of E Coact Hwy lietwn Newlintst Center Dr 14 Mar Arthur Rlvd Red by RANK OF NEWPORT App. No. Date 1685 8-16-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved X tij Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 121XX Amendment LOCATION 2166 E. Coast Hwy Legal description Par Blk 93, Irvine Subtliv E side Y BANK OF—NEWPORt App. No. 4114 Approved fix Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdnesion gix Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ed Date 2166 L. coast HWy. 'Aga descriPthm Pori. B1.93 Irv. Sub. "U" Filed by NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER Of LOMMERIL App. No. Date 1436 6-5-1969 Approved Er Denied 0 Chamber of Commerce offices to be located in a temporary office building. CONDITION: Approved for 5 years. fasianea )fiser Resubdwinon ID Use Permit Ek Amendment 0 LOCATION 2166 E. Coast Hwy. Legal descrip ine's Sub. "U" and C-1-H ruled by T HE IRVI NE CO App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 199 12-17-1964 Approved xa Denied 0 Create one lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdrinion E Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION water line extension and satisfactory fire pro- tection facilities to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Department LOCATION Legal description 2166 E. Coast Hwy. Por. Bl. 93 Irvine's Sub. IlUlf Fled by NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. an_a_262n-7-z 7 App. No. Date 1074 9-17-1964 Approved Z3 Denied 0 Construct a one story frame and stucco bldg. of approx- imately 3,000 sq.ft. of floor area for OM branch of the Newport Balboa Savings & Loan Assn. CflTTTflN Approved for a period of 3 years and subject to the following conditions: (Over) Variance 0 Rewbdfrisn 0 Use Permit ER Amendment 0 Other 1. That parking comply with the "-H" factor. 2. That the front yard setback be the same as the Coldwell Banker Building to the east. 3. That the maximum height be 35'. OCATION 2200 East Coast Highway descripfim Pled by rerpetuai savings & Loan App. No. Date Request to amena previous- UP-1759 3-6-80 ly approven use permits that permtvrea a Bark 0-T 51-1114- Ap wed 1 Dente 0 Is - er units tt -cht P-C VT-st-rTzt an a temporary basis. The p-mstrs-e-a duvutupment tntludes the use of thp pricting .strurture tor a Pprpotlial caving; Parlance 0 Rem bdivhion 0 Use errn Amon men+ 0 )1Eller of the building for office uses. Furthermore, the proposed development also includes the relocation of existing drive-up teller use to another location on the site. The applicant is also requesting an extension of time for the required original use permit ap- plication. 2200 Fast Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Block 93 Red by Bank of Newport App. No. DOD Request to expand an UP-1794 7/1/76 !xisting bank facility )y the addition of a Approved in Denied 0 temporary structure. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit In Amendment 0 LOCATION LOCATION Legal description 2200 East Coast Highway Portion of Block 91 Bank of Newport App. No Dail Request to subdivide R-525 7/1/76 two existinq lots to R-Sk2, accommodate the expansion Approved in Denied 0 of the Bank of Newport facilities. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision III Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 2200 E. Coast Highway Legal description Block 93 Red by Bank of Newport App. No. Date Permit the use of an UP-1759 8/7/75 existing building in the P-C District for a bank faCilityApproved 701 m.hd 0 on a temporary basis. The proposed development also includes the use of an existing drive-in teller unit on adjacent property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tJ Amendment 0 LOCATION 2200 E. Coast HiohwaY Legal description Block 93 Filed by Bank of Newport App. No. Dee To create one parcel of R-496 8/7/75 land for commercial development. Approved MI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubavision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2200 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. B1 . 93, Irv. Sub. C-N-H Filed by MARINERS CHURCH App. No. Date CONDITIONS (SeeOver) 1563 11-4-1971 Approved X U Denied 0 Permit the use of a relocatable building as church classrooms. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment CONDITIONS 1. This approval shall be for a 3 year period. 2. Any additional on-site parking provided shall conform to the City Off-Street Parking Standards. 3. In the event that parking spaces in the "Zoo" parking lot are utilized, a sidewalk shall be constructed as shown on the app- roved plot plan LULAHUN Legal description 220(1 -East Coast Hwy 2or. Bit 93 Irvine Sub. C-N-H Filed by MARINERS CHURCH xL_L&AyRs Ate- 2 as -74 App. No. Date 1423 3-6-1969 Approved XiCI Denied Convert an pxisting_ real estate office bldg. for church and Sunday school use CONDITUAL: Approved for 2 years Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2200 E. Coast Hwy Legal description por. of 81. 93 Irvine's Sub. C -1 -H Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date 973 8-1-1963 Approved 0 Denied nil Erect a double faced 8' x 12' temporary sign 10' from the curb of Coast Hwy. and 8' above grade. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit) N Amendment 0 LOCATION 2201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lots 1, 2, and 3 at Tract 682 Filed by UNION OIL COMPANY App. No. Date 1580 2 -17 -72 Approved El Denied C Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fn Amendment E CATION 2201 E. Coast Highway ,gal description Lots 1,2,3 Tract 682 C-1 RI" by TOM SHARP UNION SERVICE App. No. Date M -79 6 -3 -1969 Approved XI Denied 0 A rent-a-car service in conjunction with a service station. CONDITION: A maximum of 3 cars. viatica 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Thar Modification Amendment 0 CCOV a GC4/ C. LUASL nuguway sgal description Filed by Martin MangoTd App. No. Date Me story commercial SPR-6 9/1/77 wilding in a Specitic Lrea Plan where a Approved gl3 Denied 0 pecitic plan has not been aTopted. A mditication to the Loning code is also requested ince the required ottstreet parking spaces mcroach to tne rear property line Cwhere OVER- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 the Ord. requires a 10' rear yard setback In the C-1 District when the site abuts an alley). 1.‘"-ert I MA1 Legal description ZZJV & 4I t. uoasr nrgnwety Lots 5 & 6, Tract 682 Filed by Martin Mangold App. No. Date Establish one R-558 9/1/77 building site and eliminate an interior Approved Di Denied El lot line where two lots now exist so as to permit commercial development on the property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2301 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1, Blk. A., Tract No. 470 Filed by George & Kathy neFord App. No. Date UP3532 6-9-94 Approved Ed Denied 0 leguest to permit the establishment of a dry cleaning Facility on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl JDCATION 2305 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Legal description Parcel 1, Lot 1, Block A, Tract #470. Red by Far West Services, Inc. Request to change the App.No. Date operational characteris- UP 1942 6/19/80 tirs of the existing Coro's Restaurant facility in Approved 10 Denied 0 Corona del Mar to include the service of beer and wine Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Variance 0 LOCATION 2305 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block A, Tract No. 470, on the s.e. corner of Acacia Ave & East Coast Hwy Red by Grace Restaurant Co. Req. to change the facility App. No. Date to a 24 hr coffee shop. Req. to up1942A 8-4-88 delete Cond. 1 that req. a recorded off-site parking agree. Approved Denied 0 be approved by the CC guaranteeing a min. ot 23 p.s. Incl. exceptions to Sign Code to permit an off-site rat. id sign on a parking lot site at 2239-2247 East Coast Hwy & two roof sions. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2325 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 2 Bl . A Tract 470 C-1 Flied by SCHISLER'S FAR WEST RESTAURANTS, INC. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1179 1-6-1966 Approved la Denied 0 On sale alcoholic beverages and live enter- tainment. Variance LI Resubdivision LI Use Permit n Amendment Other CUNUMUNS Approved in accordance with the plot plan showing off-street parking and subject to the requirements of the Fire and Building Departments. Live entertainment to be limited to the piano. ctU.flhA,a.. nil lift Avenue Legal Description Lot 12, Block 729, Corona del Mar Tract — Filed By: Ron Fiesta Application No. No. M5072 Date 5-10-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the retention of parking lot bollards (it an existing cornmerc al parking lot, 3 of which encroach into the required 15 foot front setback on Acacia Avenue and 1 which encroaches into the required 3 foot setback on the alley. The bollards are 48 inches in height where structures are limited to 36 inches in the front setback and are not permitted in the rear setback Variance: 1 Resubdivision: } Use Permit Amendment , LOCATION 2329-2333 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description tot 3 flock A Tract 470 C-1 Filed by PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 981 9 -19 -1963 Approved 0 Denied 0 A church in a C -1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 LOCATION 2333 East Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3 131. A Tract 470 CdM C -1 Filed by PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH App. No. Date 1046 5-21-1964 Approved 0 Denied xid Church Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2333 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3, 131 . A. Trc. 470 C-1 Filed by SWENSEN S ICE LREAM SHUPPE App.No. Date 1573 12-16-71 Approved 5 Denied 0 Permit an increase in Vie occupancy load of an ice cream p o ram per on without provraing tne -reguirea TO off-street parking spaces. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Er Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other CONDITIONS (Over) I - LUNUIIIUM) 1.7 That an off-site parking agreement for 10 spaces be provided in a form satis- factory to the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. 2. Until such time as the City Council approves the off-site parking agreement, seating shall be limited to 21 seats. Johanna Behringer App. No. dent up 3473 Filed by S. 41 1 '1 t S . • II •11 -1111 Date 1/21/93 LOCATION 2333 E _Coast_HWy Legal desaiption Lot 3, Block A. Tract 470 111 -1 111 4E44' located- in tha Rcr nisi-Het Approved fa( Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit40 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2333 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3, Blk. A, Tract 470 Filed b y Cafe Panini (Moe & Katrina Ghazi) App. No. Date OD10 5 -29 -96 Approved xgj Denied 0 Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in con- junction with an adjacent Italian take-out restaurant, on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2333 E H Legal description Lot 3. Blk A. Tract No. 470 Red by Cafe Panini (Moe M. Ghazi & Katrina Martino) App. No. Date UP3586 6 -20 -96 Approved xta Denied 0 Convert a take-out restaurant facility into a full service restaurant with: incidental on-sale alcoholic beverage service; and a request to waive a portion of the required parking. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ei Amendment 0 LOCATION 2340 E. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Block 93, Irvine's Subdivision, in Corona del Mar. Filed by Home Federal Savings & Loan App. No. Date Request to amend certain UR 1924 2/4/82 conditions of approval of (Amended) UP 1924 (Amended) that per- Approved al Denied 0 mitted the temporary use of a modular building for a savings and loan facility so as to extend the time Period of said permit, and the acceptance of an environ- mental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment .CX14TION 2340 E. Coast Highway agel dem:410km A portion of Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision Tocated on the northerly side of E. Coast Highway, westerly or macArthur. Filed by California Federal App. No. Date UP-1924 9/4/80 _LAmended) Approved E3 Denied 0 Savings & 1 nan Request to amend a previously approved use eermit that permitted a California Savings and Loan facility in the P-C District on a temporary basis. Said amendment is TO consider certain changes in the on-site circulation system and reconsideration of ronditinnc, Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 2344 E. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision, in Corona del Mar. Piled by Newport Harbour National Bank App. No. Date Request to amend certain UP 1929 1/21/82 conditions of approval of (Amended) UP 1929 (Amended) that Approved ICI Denied 0 permitted a temporary bank building and drive-up teller facility in the P-C District so as to extend the time period of said permit and the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 VIATK)N 2344 E. Coast Highway And description A portion of Block 92 of the IrvinP's Subdivision located on the north-westerly corner of East Coast Hiahway and MacArthur Blvd . Filed by Newport Harbour National App. No. Date Rank UP-1929 9/4/80 (Amended) Request to amend a previously Approved' 0 Denied E] approved use permit that permitted a Newport Harbour Bank facility and related drive-up teller units in the P-C District on a temporary basis. Purpose of considert certain changes in the on-site circulation system and reconsideration of conditions of anprnval Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 )ther OCAnON 2344 East Coast Highway agel description Filed by Newport Harbour National Bank App. No. Date Request to establish a UP-1929 3-6-80 Newport Harbour National Bank facility and re- Approved 0 Denied 0 lated drive-up teller unit in the P-C District on a temporary basis, and theacceptance of an Environmental Document. femme 0 'filer Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 2344 East Coast Highway Block 93 LOCATION Legal description Timothy Richardson App. No. Date UP-1788 5/6/76 Filed by To establish a flower sale facility under a cano on a tem orar asis in the P-C District. Approved 4:I Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IA Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 'CATION Z344 E. Coast Hwy. g description Por. Lots 466 & 235 B]. 93 irv.Sub. Filed by AMERICAN RECREATION CEN1 ER App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1380 Approved 6-20-1968 0 Denied 0 • a - 'mance 0 her Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 53 Amendment El LOCATION 2344 E. Coast Hwy Legal closa110400 Por. Lot 235 Bl. 51 Try. Sub. C-N-H Filed by FF URA! SIGN & SIGNAL CORP. App. No. Date 1308 10-5-1967 Approved 12 Denied 0 Installation of 8 signs on a building in the C-N-H District. The C-N-H zone permits one sign not exceeding 35 sq.ft. of area per side. Variance Other Resubdivision Use Permit IL3:1 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS (Oyer) CONDITIONS 1. That the front sign (two-faced) with giraffe be as shown on the drawing. 2. That the animals depicted on the sides of the building and on the doors be as shown on the drawing. 3. That the "Zoo" signs on the east and west sides and at the rear of the building be deleted. LOCATION 2345 E. Coast Highway, CdM Legal description Lot 4, Block A, Tract 470 C-1 Filed by BARNETT, C. B., MD App. No. Date 484 10-16-58 Approved 0 Denied 121 Construct commercial building to the rear Property line. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ocAnoN 2370 East Coast Highway *gal description Red by Cal. Fed. Savings & Loan App. No. Date Request to permit the UP-1924 3-6-80 temporary use of a mod- ular building for a Cal. Approved 12 Monied 0 Savings & Loan branch facility in the P-C District. ferience 0 )they Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2400 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description p r - a • Filed by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date A835 11-27-95 GPA 95-2(C) SPR 74 -Approved El Denied 0 Request to allow construction of a 105,000 sq.ft. specialty retail shopping center on a ten acre site located in the Newport Village P -C. Variance 0_ Resubdivision n 1.1 e. Permit .1-1 Amendment 0 Oth er TS#10 TS #10I- ElK s No. 1.54— LOCATION 2407 East Coast Highway. Legal Description Tract 470, Lot 1, Block B, except that area dedicated to E. Coast Highway, including that area within the abutting abandoned alley. APN 459-083-01 Filed By: Rothschild's Restautan Application No. Date UP No. 1851 PC 4-20-2000 Approved.X Denied: A request to upgrade the existing Alcoholic Beverage Outlet approval to allow for I the sale of general alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption (Type 47 License). Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit:X Amendment: Other: LOCATION 2407 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block 730, Corona del Mar Filed byRothschild's Restaurant Extend operating hours to 10:00amApp.No. Date to 2:00am from 10:00am to ]0:00pm UP1851amended 7-20-95 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perm% Amendment 0 LOCATION 2407 E. Coast Highway Legal description tot r 1.ralork 11 Tract No. 740. portion ant l, Plonk 710, an a portion of an abandoned alley on 1-1-ke c P enrile I" of Be gonia AVP & F Coast thelay Filed by moirant nninn pnrrose of ensuring conform- App. No. Date app with fhP Conditions of UP1851A 4 -24 -86 Approvel_previonsly established b y th e p r Approved Er Denied 0 Variance 0 Otto? Resubdiviston 0 Use Permit arr Amendment 0 in conjunction with the 9751 4-24-86 approved 9751 that permitted LOCATION 2407 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot No.1,BlockB,Tract No.740,portion of Lot 10,BIock -730, and a portion of an Abandoned alley on the s.e. corner of Begonia Ave. & E.Coast Hway Filed by Helmut Reiss Reg. for an extension of time App. No. Date the establish.of a single Approved Er-Deided parcel of land for the expansion of the restaurant where one lot, a portion ot a second lot, arid a portion of an abandoned alley presently exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision,e1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2407 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block, Tract 470 in Corona del Mar (Rothschild waste and Cheese) Fled by Helmut Reiss Request to amend a_ previously App. No. Dee approved use permit whi c h UP1851Amended 4-21-83 allowed the establishment of a delicatessen-restaurant Approved 0 Denied facility with on-sale beer and wine in the C-1 District so as to allow the expansion of the existing "net public area" and food preparation area, and the construction of a new storage area and related office space. The Acipposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code Variance D Resubdivision Q Use Pern9( Amendment [] C46w so as to allow the use of tandem parking spaces with valet service for a portion of the required off-street parking. The proposal also includes a modification to the Municipal Code so as to allow a portion of the Required off-street parking spaces to encroachc4 feet and a portion of a proposed landscape planter to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent;to an alley. LULA to..)ri 44U/ C. 1...Uctbl. nlynway Lot I, Block B, Tract 41U Legal description Rled by Helmut Reiss App. No. Date Establish a delicatessen- UP-1851 1.5.78 restaurant facility with on-sale beer and wine in an existinqApproved al Denied 0 building in Corona del Mar. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 2411 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1 0, Block 730, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By Wine Shop Project #1 (Jeff Schroeder, contact person) Application No. Date UP 3653 4-22-99 L4ppp roved: X Denied: Request to open a specialty off-sale retail wine store focused on the sale of domestic and imported wine on a property located in the RSC District. The request to establish a new alcoholic beverage service outlet is pursuant to Chapter 20.89 of the Municipal Code. Variance: 1 Resubdivision: I Use Permit X 1 Amendment App. No. 1548 Approved Construct an apar men over an (proposed) in a C-A District. WITHDRAWN Date 9-16-1971 Denied -41 LOCATION 2419 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 4 br. 13 i r.170 CdM C-1 SW by HEDLOFF, Mr. a mrs. mopert Variance CI Other Resubcinnsion fl Use Permit En Amendment LOCATION 2411 E. Coast Hwy., Cdm Legal description Lot 2 Block B Tract 470 C-1 Filed by FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH App. No. Date EXTEVDC.D Poi? AN iuDEF- AvirE 2'ERIcip oA) g--&r 615 5-19-1960 Approved 12 Denied fl Construct a church in a C -1 District CONDITION: Approved for a period of 5 years only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 511 Amendment 111 maknoN 2411 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 2, a portion of Lot 10 and a portion of a vacated alley. Filed by TEEMLEY, Mitchell R. AnOm Dee CONDITIONALLY 1702 11/15/73 APPROVED Approved al Denied 0 Request to establish a School of the Arts (1 e . dance, music, art. and drama) in the C-1 bisteic Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Puma nx Amendment 0 LOCATION 2421 East Coast Highway *id description Lot 3, Block B, Tract 470 vacated alley, Portion of Lot 10, Block 730 CdM Red by Huntley, Arthur T. Date 11-5-74 C NDITIOWLY Approved t Denied 0 To perm t a moi 'cation in t e require s ze o parking spaces and aisle width in conjunction with a proposed - office buirding. Further reques to permit one of the proposed parking spaces aricta stairway to he lorated in the required Variance -- Ffesubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION App. No. 854 10 FOOT REAR YARD SETBACK. LOCATION 2421 East Coast Highway Legg description Lot 3, Bl. B, Tr. 470 a Portion of lot 10. Block 730. Corona del Mar and a portion of a vacated alley Filed by H wit ey 4t bjjy T App. No. Date 479 12 -19,74 CIINDITTONAllY Approved _p Denied 0 Reauest to estahlich nne hnilding _s_ite and eliminate interior lot lines whpr e-one lot, a Portion pf a varated alley now exist so at to Permit the ronctrurtinn of an officm building on the prnperty Variance 0 Resubdivision oi Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2421 E Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3 Block B Tract 470 Filed by Hartfelder. Don AIA tequest to permit the construction App. No. Date of commercial building and related SPR - 22 4/19/79 offstreet parking spaces on pro- perty in a Specific Plan Area Approved 9 Denied 0 where a specific plan has not been adopted, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, since a stairway and one of the required offstreet parking spaces encroach Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 into the required 10' rear yard adjacent to an alley. The proposal also includes a modification from the required parking standards so as to allow a compact parking space and a modification in the required size of parking spaces and aisle width in conjunction with the proposed development. LOCATION 2421 Coast Hwy E Legal description Lot 3, Block 730' Filed by Orient Handel (Hashem Kermani) App. No. Date UP 3597 1/23/97 Approved 9 Denied 0 Permit retention and continued use of a temporary storage room for the storage and repair of fire damaged merchandise for a period of three years. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 LUCA I JUN 2435 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 4 Bl. B Tr. 470 C-1 Filed by WFST WAYS RENTAL CO App. No. Date 5-27-1969 Approved x fJ Denied 0 A car tante] Agency CONDITION: Ap_proved for one year - must be reviewed by Modifications Comm. after that time. Variance Ej Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other I. I • LOCATION 2441 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5 and 6, Block B of Tract No. 470 Filed by Holechek Food and Spirits, Inc. App. No. Date 41a7 8/5/96 Approved El Denied Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in con- junction with an adjacent full service restaurant specializing in American-Italian Fare, on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 VaLAIRJN 2441 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Randall H. Johnson dba Hemingway Public hearing and 6-month Plan- 4p. Ho. Dale ning Commission review of the issues permitting a lunch-time UP 1778 4/19/84 operation in Hendngway's Approved 0 Denied El Restaurant during the week, and the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement for the additional required daytime restaurant parking. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2441 E. Coast Highway Legal description Corona del Mar Filed by R. Johnson/dba Hemingways App. No. Date opwripst- to amend a use permit UP 1778 8/4/83 whi rh al lowed the establishment (Amended) of semi ngway s Restaurant Approved 0 Denied El with on-sale alcoholic beverages in the C-1 District. Al so a proposal of an off-site parking agreement. llENTED F3Y P.0 ON 8/4/83 SEE OVER . • • Variance Otber Resubdivision fl Use Permit CI Amendment 0 UP 1778 (Amended) - P.C. RECONSIDERED & APPROVED CONDITIONALLY 9/22/83 Off Site Parking Agreement - C.C. APPROVED - 11/14/83 LOCATION 2441 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 5 & 6, Block B, Tract 470 Filed by Randall H. Johnson App. No. Date Io establish a restaurant UP-1778 4/15/76 facility with on-sale beer and wine in an existing Approved fin Denied 0 commercial -building, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement tor a portion ot the required parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit in Amendment 0 °CATION 2443 E. Coast Highway egal "wriPthm lots 9 and A rBlnrk R nf Trart 470 in Corona del Mar Filed by Randall intInsnn dha Hemingway'c Restaurant App.No. Date UP-1778 8 -7 -80 Conversion of an existing(Amended) structure adjacent to the Approved Denied 0 existing restaurant which will be used for additional public serving area and acceptance of an off-site parking agreement for the ex- panded restaurant facility. Parlance C Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 >her (Amended) °CATION sgal description 2443 - 2451 E. Coast Hwy. CdM Lots 5 & 6 Rl. R Tract 470 c-1 Filed by SADLIER. .Tohn R. App. No. Date 739 4-6-1961 Approved 0 Denied IT Construct two dwelling units in a r -1 Di strict. arienee Fiber Resubdtvtwon 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2445 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 5 and 6, Block B, Tract 470 and Lot 9 Block 730, on the sw corner of ECH & Carnation Ave Filed by MCM Golden Spoon Permit a take-out restaurant in the sale of yogurt soft drinks and baked goods with incidental seating located in C-1 Dist. Incl. a req. to waive off-st parking spaces App. No. Date UP3350 5 -4 -89 Approved 0 Denied 0 a portion of the req. Variance D Other Rasa bdivision Q Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2CnO East &Nast Wiry Legal description mnrth..At er l y corner of P Con Sr limy 6- MarArthor Rlvd in Corona del Mar Filed by The Trvine_rn Amend previous EP to install App. No. Date revised ropy on existing off-site EP9A 2/7/91 directional sign at N.F. rornpr Of E. roast Hwy & MacArthur Blvd Approved G3 Denied 0 The appxpved sign located at n P corner of E. rat. Hwy. & Jamboree Rd has been deleted Also extend period of aonroval of Exception Permit NO.9 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2500 E. Coast Hwy.. and Legal description 721 Dahlia Lot 1 & of Lot 2 El. K Trar t 470 C.1 Per El 93 Trvine l a Sub "V-- Filed Isnaxia___ App. No. Date /0 71" alr CONDITIONS (Over) 196 11-19-1964 Approved 3,40 Denied 0 Create one parcel. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision lita Use Permit Amendment CONDITIONS 1. That a record of survey be provided with the approval of the City Engineer. 2. That vehicular access rights be dedicated to the City on Mac Arthur Blvd., and E. Coast Hwy. 3. That utilities planned for newly created parcel(s) be coordinated with the approved by the Public Works Department. Rind by Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Request for an extension of time in conjunction with R-655 - One year extension granted. App. No. Date R-655 1/7/82 Extension Approved n Denied 0 LOCATION 2546 E. Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lots 1 and 2, and Lots 3 and 4, Block K, Tract No. 470 in Corona del Mar. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 V)CAJRDN 2515 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1, 2, and a portion of Lot 3, Block C, Tract No. 470 and an abandoned portion of Carnation Ave,on the s.w.corner of E.Coast Highway & Carnation Filed by Loomis Foods, Inc. Change hours of operation to App. No. Dee permit service of lunch and UP1417403082. 6-20-85 dinner between 11 a.m. & 2 a.m. REMOVED FROM CALENDAR Mon - Sat and 10:30 a.m. to Approved ID Denied ID 2 a.m. on Sundays.Incl. a full service bar, addition of an open patio for dining & drinking purposes, and use of live entertainment within the restaurant facility.Inc. • • • H V Variance nsk. Resubdivision 9 Use Permit Amendment 9 O mfittn- Sad-ciLA-0 4-r\ - VA- gS Pe- 0\r-ta e„sai4-kkA-I;frwli+L UDCAJRDN 2515 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2 and a portionof Lot 3 Block C, Tract 470 Filed by Loomis Foods, Inc. Request to reconsider the action App. No. Date of the Planning Commission in Cue Hitt, conjunction with the conditions UP 3072 1-19-84 of approval for the Park Bar Approved D Denied and Grill Restaurant. The proposed development includes a full service bar, and addition of an open patio for dining and drinking purposes, and for the use of live entertainment within the restaurant facility. The ance •f an off-site aria ce U esti•vision El Use Permit 4 Amendment El Other parking agreement which will provide additional restaurant parking spaces. LOCATION 2515 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2, Block r in Corona del Mar Filed by LOOMIS FOODS, INC. PARK BAR AND GRILL App. No. Date UP 1417 UP 3072 See Over. . Request to amend a previously approved use permit in con- Approved DII Dented 0 junction with an existing restaurant in the C-1 District. See file folder for additional details. See over for City actions . . . Variance 0 Oftwir Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 (Reference UP 1417) Given New UP #3072 UP 3072 - P.C. APPROVED COND. - 11/10/83 P.C. DECIDED TO RECONSIDER - 12/8/83 UP 3072 - P.C. APPROVED COND. - 1/19/84 UP 3072 - C.C. APPROVED COND. - 2/13/84 Lut-AlioN 2515 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1 B 1 C Tr. 470- C - 1 Filed by SIE, Swan App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) a1/47: VRs .412D CO/Le- 4,-.24/- - 141744 12-5-1968 Approved in Denied El On-sale alcoholic beverages and dancing enter- tainment in connection with a bona fide restau- ran t Variance Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit-Ca Amendment 1:1 CONDITIONS 1. That a detailed floor plan indicating seating arrangements be submitted and filed with the Fire Department so that occupant load can be readily determined at any future date. 2. That the use permit be granted for a 2 year period. Request to amend a previously App. No. UP 1417 Fled by Loomis Foods, Inc Date 11/15/68 .• permitted on sale alcohol-4c beverages and tainment i is to change the hours of o eration so ea ast, lunch and dinn ark Approved Denied 0 II i" I 41• .1 As I I II LOCATION 2515 E. Coast Hwy Legal description Lots 1 & 2—ancl—per-t4en of Lot 3, Shuck C, Tract 470 Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon Use Permit Et Amendment 0 operation will be between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and gehicI4OPRA s KidtY8A9F0 8MB agetar a dining and drihking purposes, and the use of live entertainment within the restaurant facility. The proposal alsos includes the request of an informal off-site parking agreement which will provide additional restaurant parking spaces. LOCATION 2c1_5 r Coast Hwy Legal description Lot 1 B"I C Trart 470 C.-1 Filed by S I E Gwan D. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1346 3 -21 -1968 Approved Denied 0 On-sale beer and wine in connection with a bona fide restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [X] Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That the sale of beer and wine be in connection with a bona fide eating place. 2. The use permit to be granted for a 2 year period. xxicnoN 2546 East Coast Highway .egal description Sled 11 Chevron‘_113S.A App. No. Date UP -1938 5 -8 -80 Request to reconstruct and expand an existing Chevron automobile service station. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Drifter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 .0CATION"; East Cnast Highway .egal descri6tion Filed by Chevron, U.S.A. App. No. Date Reauest to a gnd a par- A-544 5-8-80 tion of Districting Map Nos. 16 and 32 from the Approved al Denied 0 P-C District to the C-1 District, and the ac- ceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance 0 Resubcinnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment TB Other xxlimom 2546 East Coact Highway .egal description hied by Chevron, U.S.A. App. No. Date Request to create one R-655 5-8-80 parcel of land for com- mercial development where Approved f DeMed 0 two lots, portions of two other lots, ann- portion of Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision now exist. Parlance 0 ›ther Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2601 thru 2629 E. Coast Hwy. & Legal description 614 Dahlia, Corona del Mar Lots 1,2.3 Bl. 0 Tract 323 C-1 Lots 10,12,14 Bl. 632 CdM Tr,act R-2 Red by M. H. SHERMAN COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITION (Our) 220 2-17-196( Approved X la Denied 0 ConlbSint--0—a—Dar-C 1111-0-11-1-11-g-S-0-- existing alley and dedication of a new alley_ Resubdivision tiC Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Condition: 1. That a parcel map be submitted satisfactory to the Public Works Department. 2. That improvements be in accordance with specifications of the Pu$blic Works Dept. LOCATION 2600 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel 1 Parcel Map 84-722 Filed by John McLaughlin (Brick:s Restaurant) App. No. Date UP3571 Withdrawn 1-22-96 Approved 0 Denied 0 Establishment of a full-service restaurant where an exist in specialty food use previously existed with limited daytime use, on-sale alcoholic beverage service, live entertainment- and a waiver of a portion of the required ssrkin . The 1 oil • armee Resub• ivision 0 Use Other I also in emit 0 Amendment 0 a rquest to convert an existing Base FAR Use to a Reduced FAR Use in conjunction with the expansion of the restaurant facility into an adjoining commercial space. LOCATION Legal description 'CLAM tast Loast nignway Filed by Ernest George App. No. Date Permit constrn . of a two- UP-I 894 1/18/79 story office-retail bui 1 dong and related Subt e- Approved 0 Denied e3 rranean parking spaces in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block L. Tract No 323, and Lots 16, 18, 20 and 22, Block 732, Corona del Mar. Filed by Ernest George App. No. Date U.P.-1900 2/22/79 Approved 9 Denied 0 Construction of a two-story office retail building and -A.-. A- • I Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 16,18,20,22 Block 732,CdM Tract and Lot 1,BlockL, Tract No. 323 on the northeasterly corner of East Coast Hwy & Dahlia Filed by Ernest George Reg. to construct a two-story bldg App. No. Date & sub.park.spaces in C-1-Z Dist,i4JP3114 11-8-84 theCdM Specific Plan where not adopt. Mod.to ZC to allow use of sub.aislAPProved 0 Denied E] widths with wider parking and compact spaces. Excess height limits in 32/50Ft.Ht.Limit.Dist.Acceptance of environ.document. Variance 0 Other A me nd m ent 0 Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit El LOCATION 2600 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 216/46-47 (R792) Filed by CIAO Restaurant App. No. Date UP 3525 4-21-94 Request to establish a take-out Approved Xfl Domed 0 restaurant w/incidental seating & on-sale alcoholic beverag on property located in RSC-Z District where an existing specialty food use currently exists in a portion of the tenant space. The proposal also includes: request to convert an existing Base FAR Use to a Reducpd FAR INF' in Variance 0 Resu6div4sion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other conjunction with the expansion of the proposed restaurant facility into an adjoining commercial space; and the waiver of a portion of the required daytime off-street parking requirement. LOCATION 2600 East Coast Highway, Suite 160 Legal Description Filed by Asian Bistro (Ahn Tran applicant) App, No. Date PDUP 14 2/5/98 Approved X Denied 0 The applications involved include a Use Permit for parking waiver and a Planning Director' sUse Permit to allow the conversion of a specialty food service use (No. 60) to a full-service small scale eating and drinking establishment. Also included with the applications is a scheduled 2 month review to determine compliance with conditions of approval of Specialty Food Permit No. 60 as revised by the Planning Commission on December 4, 1997. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit fl Amendment • LOCATION 2600 East Coast Hwy. Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No, 84-722 Filed by Asian Bistro (Ahn Tran, applicant) App. No. Date UP 3620 2/5/98 PDUP 14 Approved X Denied I i The applicationsrequest to waive a portion of the required parking (use permit), an increase in the interior seating from 20 to 25; and the introduction of alcoholic beverage service (beer and wine only). Variance LI Resubdivision fl Use Permit X Amendment 0 Other: and Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 2600 E Coast Hwy , St P G Legal description Par 1 of Par Ma p 84-722 Filed by Asian Rictro (Anh Tram. applicant) App. No. Date SF60 & 3-10-97 OD28 Approved Denied 0 Fctahlishment of a specialty food service facility & outdoor dining on property located in the RSC-Z District. Variance 0 Other ResubdivIsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 E Coast Hwy., #G Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 84-722 Filed by Niki 's Tandoori Express (Nick Khalon, applicant App. No. SF 51 Date & OD 15 7 -3 -96 Approved IXJ Denied 0 Establishment of a specialty food & accessory outdoor dinin use in conjunction with an adjacent specialty food service facility. on property located in the RSC-Z District. Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION .11 . I . •ri ; Lege •escriphon Parcel 1, Parcel Mao 84-722 Filad by R.J.T. Caul ng Joseph Mo rano Request to permit the App. No. Date establishment of a specialty M3999 5-5-92 food facility on oropertY located in the C- 1-Z District. Approved Igy Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION H i g hw ay 2600 E. Coast Legal description Lint , 16 , 1R , 20 and 22. Block 732, Corona &oil mar TrAot and Tot 1 Block L. Tract No.323 ortbeagrarly rornar of Fast Coast Hwy & Dahli r uleo by Ernect neQrgp Rep Pict to consider a traffic App. No. Date study so ac to permit the TS 11-8-84 oonctrnotion of a two story offioe-retail building in Approved lj Denied 0 the r-l-Z District Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 16,18,20,22 Block 732,0114 Tract and Lot 1,Block L.Tract No.323 on the northeasterly corner of E.Coast Highway & Dahlia Filed by Ernest George Establish a single parcel of App. No. Date land and eliminate interiorR792 11-8-84 property lines where five lots presently exist so as to permit Approved Eg Denied 0 the construction of a retail commercial/office complex on the property. Variance 13 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 2600 East Coast Highway Ustad desciOkm Lot 1, Block L. Tract No. 323, and lots 16, 18, 20 and 22, Block 732, Corona del Mar. App. No. Date Create on parrel of land for R-584 2/22/79 commercial development where five lots now exist Approved ri Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Filed by Ernest George LOCATION 2600 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot T 51. L ir. iZi C-1 Filed by The KellyCo. App. No. Date 1401 10-3-1968 Approved 0 Denied 15 A service station and 2 apartments in the C-1 zone. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit rj Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 E. Coast Hwy. & 714-16-18-20 Dahli Legal description Lot 1 B1. L Tract 323 C-1 16-14-20-22 1. 732 CdM R-2 200 3 -4 -1965 E] te App.No. Approved gift Denied Rerone to C-1-Z Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 4:3 Other Filed by ALLRBORN Robert A. and TRANE, Frank Hood Da AiA I KIN 2601 thru 9671 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description lots 1,7,3, Rl.D Tr. 323 CdM " 4,5 R1 D Tr. 323 CdM RI" by M H SHERMAN FOUNDATION App. No. Date CONOTITON (Over) 14 -135 11 -18 -1969 Approved Du Denied 0 A 6" rurh to be constructed along the rear (alley) property line and to permit a wail and a building to encroach to within 5 feet of the rear property line instead of required 10'. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MOSI FCATION CONDITION The curb to be not over 6 inches high. °CATION 2610 Fast Cols+ Highway aged description Filed by Ernest :lenge App. No. Dote Request to permit inter- M-2502 3-20-80 ior and exterior altera- tions to an existing Approved 0 Denied 13 building with the following existing non- conforming features: 1) A portion of the existing structure encroaches to the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 10 foot rear yard when abutting an alley); Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 )Wer 04:1“; r, 2) A dwelling unit is located on the second floor of the existing building; 3) No on- site parking spaces exist for the commer- cial portion of the structure. No new in- terior space is being added in conjunction with the proposed remodeling. .0CATION .egal description 2610 E. Coast Highway Filed by Ernest George App. No. Date Permit exterior facelift, M-2502 2/5/80 alterations to an existing building nonconforming in Approved gi Denied 0 the following: 1.) encroaches into the required 10' rear yard alley setback; and 2.1 a residential unit on the second floor. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 2612 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 2, Block L, Tract 323 Filed By: fin Kwon Application No. Date No. 39 7 -23 -99 Approved:X Denied: The applicant requests to approve the establishment of a 1,300 square foot, personal improvement establishment specializing in the martial arts. The facility will provide mainly one-on-one instruction, but will also provide instruction for small groups of six or less. The property is located in the RSC District Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permi00( I Amendment Other: LOCATION 2640 E. Coast Hwy Legal gitssaiption Filed by crai a w Ri e h rer Re. -St o .14-SO I ' ienSlY App. No. -BO •t-4 e pe II w icn UP ]772 A 9/13/91 penuaterthe esta listunent ot a restaurant with on-sale beer artdAPProvedinmg Denied 0 wine on prop_erty loratpd in the C-1 District. Said _approsislains.Luded_ersite_p_arking_atreemilt- __t Qr a property located in the R-2 District. The pflpsael_____ Variance Resubdivisuon 0 Use Permit IM Amendment Offset Date • 4 • • I • I amendment involves a request to relocate a portion of the existing restaurant to the front portion of the same building and convert two existing dining areas at the rear of the building to office use. The proposal also includes the addition of live entertain- ment in the restaurant facility. The request to relocate a portion of the subject restaurant also represents a conversion of a portion of the building from a Base FAR use to a Reduced FAR use, which also requires the approval of a use permit. The proposal will not result in an increase in the daytime or 'nighttime "net public area." LOCATION 2640 East Coast Highway Legal clescripfion parcel 1 of Parcel Mep_RO=210_4nesutudom- No. 658 and Lot 11, block 732 and lora 4 2 , Rlnek 7 13 CDM Filed by Craig W. Richter Request to amend a previously aporovAPP.N°. Dee use permit which permitted the UP 1772 (A) 9/13/91 establishment of a restaurant with en-sale beer and wine on property Approved 154 Denied located in the C-1 District. Said approval also includea an off-site parking agreement for a rtisf_thg_raquisacl___ nighttime parking on property located in the RI-2 District. The proposed amendment involves a request to relocate A portio Vedence fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit r men men Other „ . the same building and convert two existing dining areas at the rear of the building to office use. The proposal also includes the addition of live entertainment in the restaurant facility. The request to relocate a portion of the subject restaurant also represents a conversion of a portion of the building from a Base FAR use to a Reduced FAR use, which also requires the approval of a use permit. The proposal will not result in an increase in the daytime or nighttime "net public area.” xxlcnoN 2640 East Coast Highway AO description Filed by Craig Richter App. No. Date Request to establish R-658 5-8-80 one building site and eliminate an interior Approved X3 Denied 0 lot line where one lot and a portion of a second lot now exist, so as to permit the re- modeling of the existing Fernleaf Cafe on the property. tanence )14w Resubdwusion fln Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2640 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 4, Block L, Tract 323 App. No. Date Amend a previously approved UP-1772 5/18/78 use permit that permitted the establishment of a take-out Approved al Denied 0 and outdoor restaurant facility with on-sale beer and wine on the property so as to change the required closing time from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and the acceptance of an environmental document. The proposed development also over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by Pilar Wayne includes the addition of tables and seats in the patio area and in an existing commercial building where a maximum of four tables and sixteen seats wen originally permitted, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. .0CATION .egal description 2640 E. Coast Highway Filed by Craig Richter App. No. Date The use of a former UP-1772 11/6/75 snack bar and an open patio area for a "take- Approved n; Denied 0 out" and "outdoor" restaurant facility with on-sale beer and wine in the C-1 District, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces OVER- Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Dther on an adjacent residential lot. The proposed parking lot includes one compact space that encroaches to within 2 feet of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a minimum 5 foot rear yard setback in the R-2 District when abutting a 14 foot wide alley). °CATION 2647 Fact rgnct Righwny TicerdmAripiimi "id by Sherman Foundation App. No. Request to amend a pre- UP-1549 yiously approved use (Amendpd) permit that permitted Approved the expansion of the Sherman Foundati on the property. The proposed regues change the operational characteristic approved tea hours and garden to incl service of beer and wine. lerianee 0 Resubdivisten 0 Use Permit El >ther Des 9/6/79 Denied on complex t is to s of the ude the Amendment LOCATION 2660 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5, Block L Filed by Ernest George App. No. Dee Lonstrn. of a two story SPR-9 12/1/77 commercial building and related oftstreet Approved 0 Denied 0 parking spaces on property in a Specific Plan Area where a specitic plan has not been adopted. Variance Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Site Plan Review LOCATION 26674 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 5 Block D Tract 323 Zone C-1 Filed by Marquis G. Paris App. No. Date 263 10-1-56 Approved I Denied 0 10-11-5 nvoivin c fstrirpti on and merchandiRi ng. (Conditions on reverse side) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Fermi+ j Amendment D Other • • L.' II Z • 1. That the application be granted for a period of one (1) year only. 2. That two (2) parking spaces be provided for each three (3) employees. 3, That no noise making mach- inery or equipment be used. 4. That all work be done by hand 5, That no dust be produced from the operation. LOCATION 2667k East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5 Block D Tract 323 Filed by CHAPMAN, David C. App. No. Date 192 9-15-55 Approved Eg Denied 0 The fabrication of cotton covered plastic foam swim belts and life preservers. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 LOCATION 2712 E, Coast HWY. Legal description Por.Lot 2 81.733 Cdm & Por. Lot 1 Bl. M, Tract 323 Zone C-1 Filed by W E L LS Robert F. App.Noi Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1245 2-2-1967 Approved El Denied 0 On-sale beer and wine in conjunction with a bona fide restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la X Amendment 0 CONDITIONS I. That it be for a period of one year. 2. That beer and wine be served only until 11:00 P.M. 3. That a written agreement be executed betwee the applicant and Charles Masters for the purpose of providing off-street parking. C-1 Coast Hienvey CdM 51. M Tract: 323 Bl. 733 Tract: CDM R-2 Date Filed by CORNELIUS. Harry L. App. No. Use Permit Or Amendment Li Variance 0 Dther Resubdivision 380 10-17-57 Approved jkY--Denied 0 Permission to use a R-2 1.t a cent to a 0-1 lot for permanent parking. LOCATION 2712 F Legal dmml4 010 /1 LOt 1 Lot 2 LOCATION 2712 t Coast Highway Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 1 Block M. Tract 323 Zone C-1 Filed by FOSTER & KLEISER CO. App. No. 257 Date 9-7-56 Approved 0 Denied El Request to raise existing billboard 115 1 above groin , eve Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment Other w.A.minan Legal description 4/LI Last Loast nwy. Lot 2 ffl. E Tract 3Z3 Filed by MEGROZ, Suzanne and CLAVE, Mireille App. No. Date 1473 4-2-1970 Approved g; Dented 0 Wine to be served in connection with a bonafide eating_establishment. Variance 0 Other itesubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2721 East Coast Hwy. Lot 2 Bl. E Tract 323 C-1 Ried by ELLISON, Raymond R. & SMITH, Phillip App. No. Date 1262 4-6-1967 Approved )(2 X Denied 0 Establish a jewelry handicraft, sales and craft instruction business. Said jewelry craft in- struction will not exceed 5 persons. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit n Amendment 0 DCATION 2731 E. coaat Hwy. gaI description Lot 3 Block F Tract 123 cal Filed by MURPHY, Helen M. APP. 140- Date 961 6-20-1963 Approved tJ Denied 0 Construct a duplex in a C-1 District. .30NDITION: Limited to a single living unit with a 4' side yard setback on one side. armee 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ric Amendment 0 Hber UOCAMON 2731-2737 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 3, Block E, Tract No. 323 Filed by Recycled Rags (Audrey Patterson, applicant) App. No. Date UP3593 11-7-96 Approved Et Denied 0 Continued use of a commercial parking lot for monthly out- door sales in conjunction iwth an adjacent retail clothing store. on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit o Amendment 0 LOCATION 2737 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Rogpr mmxippan Request to permit the restripping App. No. of an existing nonconforming M 3253 2 1:7:e-87 Parking lot so as to provide one tandem parking space and to pro- Approved ra Denied E] vide parking spaces in the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. Said restriping will PcPvide one additional parking space so as to allow re- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permi+ 0 Anwmdnuftlip Other building on-site. The existing pa-king lot is non- conforming in that parking spaces are provided in the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. 2735-37-43-55 E. Coast Hwy LOCATION 511-13-15-17-19-21 Goldenrod Legal descripfion Lots 4 & 5 Bl. E Tract 323 C-1 Lots 11.13,15,17,19,21 Bl. 533 CdM R-2 Filed by nAtirs FURNITURE COMPANY App. No. Date 175 11-7-1963 Approved 0 Denied mg Rezone subject property from a C-1 and R-2, to an Unclassified District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment rn LUCA I IUN 2743 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description (t i t , f,„c„c, .C.$4. canAs - $a.w.c Filed by Sachs and Sons Request to permit the App. No. Date establishment of an automobile sales facility on property UP 3088 3-8-84 located in the C-1 District. Approved J Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2743 E. Coast Highway (4ze 450 2141 is.c.s4."4.1- Legal description Lot 5, Block E, Tract 323 & lots 19 & 21 8441 Block 533, on the n.w. corner of ECH & Goldenrod Filed by Joe Green Req. to permit alteration & App. No. Date expansion of an exist . comm' 1 SPR 45 9-8-88 bldg on property in CDM SPA. Incl. a reg. for mod to ZC to Approved FA Denied 0 allow a portion of the req. off-st parking to be provided as compact spces; and the accept. of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2747 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description La 5, Tract -3"2.3 Fled by Bruegger's Bagels App. No. Date uD7 J -6 -96 Approved El Denied 0 Establish an accessory outdoor mining use in conjunction with a bagelry on property located in the Ra. District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2744 E Coast Hwy Legal description Parrel 1, Paxpl Map 117/139. Corona del Mar Filed by Fl Ranrhit0 Rectaurant (Sergio Avilla) _ App. No. Date 0012 6-26-96 Approved Denied 0 Fctahlichwnt of an arcessory outdoor dining use in con- jiiprHnn with an adjacent mexican food restaurant, on proptarty bine:Led in thFi . RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2744 F Coast Hwy Legal description Parcel 1 Resub 606 Flied by Ciao Cafe_ App. No. Date UP3568 10-19-95 Approved la Denied 0 Establishment of a full-service restaurant with on-sale beer and wine and live entertainment. Also included in the request is a waiver of a portion of the required off- street parkina. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2744 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM137-39 (R606) located on the east side of ECH between Goldenrod & Fernleaf Filed by Alex Lovera Establish take-out rest. with App. No. Dote incidental seating specializing in 023352 6-8-89 Mexican food, pastries,yogurt, coffee, & related food. Incl. a Approved .& Denied 0 req. to waive a portion of the req. otf-st parking. Hours of operation are from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Variance Other Resubdirision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl LOCATION 2744 F Coact Highway CdM Legal description Lot 5. exrppt S 50 ft. . block M, Tract 323 Fled by WESTERN_FEDERAL SAVINGS &JOANS App. No. Date APPROVED(CONDITIONS) 1618 8-3-72 see file Approved [21 Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit th Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 2744 East Coast Highway =ATM Legal description out Caclo & Said o r an Filed by App. No. Date EstabliSn one building site R-606 10/5/78 and ellrrrinate an interior lot line between one rot and Approved E3 Denied a portion of a second lot so as to permit commercial development on the site. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Er Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2744 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 4, ana a portion nf I nt c Riock M, Tract No. 323, Corona del Mar Filed by Goldenrod Investments App. No. Dee Conctrurtinn nf a two -story U.P.-1902 2/22/79 officp -rptail building and ro- latad nffstraat parking Approved Q Denied 0 spacps Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment D LOCATION 2747 E Cnnqf Hwy (rAmr-HAO .4 su, 1.14) Legal description Er ic. it Tnt 5 , Mork F., Tract 323 and Lot 19, and 21, block R33, Cnrnna nel Mar Filed by Spat-1-le Coffee Holdings Pstablich an prcpssory outdoor Afp.blo. Date dining nsP in ronjunction with Outdoor DIning 4-24-96 an ad4acAnt coffee cafe #9 speriali7ing in the sale of Approved AIX Denied 0 --cnifee—and—Paateraes-,—suL-properte located in the gsr Diptricr Variance Resubdivision (.seRemit Ir Amendment Other C Criertmg a kit tk1(..- VE (e.„0117- LOCATION 747 E. Coast Hwy. Legal deseri Jell Lot 5, Iract 3z3 (llati Pausal laskaa strarLas 1443 c. c. 1-1.7) Ned by Pacitic HaAel Partners, L.P. App. No. Date sF45 3-5-96 Approved El Denied 0 _FctahlIchment of a specialty food facilty kbagelry) on pc/Tarty located in tne RsC Distric. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2747 East Coast Highway LcA-A I Legal descripficn Lot 5, Block E, Tract 323 and/Block 533 Corona del Mar Tract Ircser ft sr 041 AAA/mis441 4-1-4,3 0 .t.14. Filed by Seattle's Best Coffee (Seattle Coffee Holdings) Establishment of a specialty App. No. Dee food facility (coffee cafe, SF - #48 4-24-96 specializing in the sale of coffee and Pasteries) on property located in the RSC dist. Approved 13( Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit J1 Amendment El °ther SPEECIICR-i LOCATION 2754 E. Coast Highway Legal description portion of Lot 5, Block M, Tract No. 323 on the n.e. side of PCH between Goldenrod & Fernleaf Filed by Alex Lovera Req. to permit establish. App. No. Date of a take -out restaurant UP3153 6 -20 -85 in conjunction with a Mexican deli on property Approved DeAed located in the C -1 Dist and to waive the required offstreet parking spaces. Variance 0 Ofkar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jr Amendment 0 LOCATION 2755 E. Coast Hwy. 1.41 9 4 description Int 9 Bl. E Tr. 323 CdM C-1 Fled by WHITE laward G and June P. App. No. De* WTTHnRAWN 1238 12-1-66 Approved 0 Denied 0 Fctahlich A pet shop for sales of small pets such as fish, turtles. mice.hamsters and birds, ard 44g grnnming not including overnight board- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 11 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2756 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5, Block M, Tract No. 323, on the tie side of East Coast Highway between Fernleaf Ave & Goldenro Filed by Robert W. Forstrom Req. to amend Cond.2 to allow App. No. Date the facility to open at 5:00 a.m. UP3070A 1-5-89 whereas the current approval is 7:00 a.m. Incl. a req. to Approved 0 Denied amend Cond.4 to allow the preparation and sale of pastries, cookies and sandwiches Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2 7 c6 East Coati - Highway Legal description Lot 5, Sloth M Tract No. 323, on the n. e. side of East Coast Highway between Fernleaf Ave. and Goldenrod Avenue Filed by Robert W. Forstrom Req. to expand the hours of App. No. Date operation to allow the facility UP3070A 9-5-85 to open at 7:00 a.m. to sell coffee & croissants and a Approved R• Denied 0 request to permit a 7 ft. long bench in front of the ice cream shop Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment LOCATION 2756 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5 in Corona del Mar Filed by Robert Forstrom App. No. Date UP 3070 11/10/83 Request to establish a take- out ice cream shop on property Approved in Denied E] located in the C-1 District, and to waive all of the required off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit VI LOCATION 2756 East Coast Hwy. Legal description Filed by Robert FQnstrom App. No. Date jaequezt.sci_peimit_she instal- lation of a roof-mounted pLole EP 14 5-10-84 sian on art existing cc_)n_enm r= Approved 0 Denied al cial building located in the C-1 District. The proposed sign will also project 3' Variance 0 n+6. Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2756 F Coast Hwy Legal description Portion lot 5, Rlk M Tract 345 Filed by Robert Forstrom App. No. Date SF1 5 -13 -94 Approved la Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the RCS District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 77c6 F Coast Hwy Legal descripfkm portion Int 5, Rik. M, Tract 345 FO" by Robert Forstrom App. No. Date SF! 5-13-94 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the e tablishrrent of a specialty food service use on prop rty located in the RCS District. Variance 0 Oi Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 M.F .t...Ink a 1..." L I trIll• A :441aPt 1,-/ala /law. nay Legal Description Lot , Block N, Tract 323 Filed By. First Republic Bank Sign Application No. Date EP 53 08/17/2000 Approved: Denied: X Request for an exception to the Sign code to allow an additional "time and temperature " projecting sign which contains a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment: ilithisr• V vrentinn Dorm if L LOCATION 2800 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block N, Tract 323 Filed By: First Republic Bank Sign Application No. Date Exception No. 53 8-17-2000 Approved: Denied:X Request for an exception to the Sign Code to allow an additional time and temperature" projecting sign which contains a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: LOCATION 2800 East Coast H Legal description A portion of Lot 1 Block It, Tract No 323, Corona del Mar, on the southeasterly corner of East Coast Fighway and Goldenrod Avenue in Corona del Mar Flied by Ernest George App. No. Date I A • , Construction of a ono-story office SPR-20 2-22-79 I II -II Approved Ecy Denied 0 parking spaces_ Amendment 0 Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Other Site Plan RPViPW LOCATION 2800 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lot 1. Block N Tract No. 323 Filed by ekwondo Center A pp. p No. Date UP 3521 3-24-94 RequAst to permit the est Ahlich afproved yi3 Darned 0 of an instructional facility specializing in Taekwondo, on property located in the RSC District The proposal involves individual lessons as well as group lessons in the martial arts. Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 28n0 E CnAqt Mighuray Legal description Lot 1. Block N. Tract No. 323, in Corona del Mar. Filed by Mahin Bavandi and Bill Greggs App. No. Date Request to etablish a UP 3015 1/20/83 restaurant facility with on- sale alcoholic beverages and Approved [] Denied E.] live entertainment in the C-1 District. Modification for tandem parking on site in conjunction with valet parking and off-site parking parking for a portion of the required parking spaces. See file for additional information Variance Q Resubdivision D Use permit 12 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2801 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block F, Tract 323 Filed By: Starbucks Coffee Co. Application No. Date PUDP 15 1-29-99 Amended Appproved: Denied: X The applicant requests to change the operational characteristics of an existing fu I-service, small- scale restaurant. The request is to change the currently authorized hours of operation which are limited from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday; and from 6:00 am. to midnight, Friday through Sunday. The proposed change will adjust the hours of operation Monday through Saturday from opening at 6:00 am. to 4:30 am. and closing at 11:00 p.m.; and on Sunday the proposed hours of operation would be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. No other changes are proposed at this time. Variance: I ResubdIvision: I Use Permit I Amendment LOCATION 2801 E. Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block F, Tract 323 Filed By: Starbucks Coffee Co. Application No. Date PDUP No. 69 and OD No. 76 02/13/2001 Approved: X Denied: Expansion of an existing full service small scale eating and drinking establishment into a neighboring tenant space, increasing the interior seating from 12 seats to 21 seats, increasing the exterior seating from 8 to 12 seats and providing separate gender restrooms. This application will replace the existing Planning Director's Use Permit No. 15 and Accessory Outdoor Dining Permit No. 39 and their amendments. Variance: Resubdivisicm: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit & Accessory Outdoor Dinning Permit r LOCArtoN 2801 East Coast Highway —1 Legal Description Lot 1, Bleck 1:,- Tract 323 Filed by Starbucks Coffee Co. App. No. Date PDUP 15 12-19-97 Approved X Denied 0 The applioint requests to request to convert an existing specialty food service establisinnent(ModificationNo. 3938) to a full-service small scale restaurant and to increase the interior seating from 12 to 25. Variance Resubdivision • Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: Plannino Director's Use Permit LOCATION 2801 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block f, Tract 323 Filed by Starbucks Coffee Company App. No. Date 0D39 12/19/97 Approved X Denied LI Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent full service small scale restaurant, specializing in coffee and pastry items, on property located in the RSC District. Variance Li Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment • mbar: Outdoor Dinina Permit LOCATION 2801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1, Block F of Tract 3213 Filed by Maria Curbeira Request to permit the APP -No. Date estIblishment af a cpeci al ty M 4090 3/1/93 food facility nn prnpftrty 10CAtati in thp PSC Distrirt, Approved El Denied 0 1/16/93 Variance 0 Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mom fi cation LOCATION Legal description Tot 1, Block V, Tr et Tin 1V1 Ffled by Rtarhucks Coffee Request to permit the App. No. Date estahl) ishment of a specialty 11/13/91 food use in the C-1 District. Approved a Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permi+ 0 Amendment Modification LOCATION 2801 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block F, Tract 323, on the s.w. corner of ECU & Goldenrod Fled by Stephen G. Cash Req. to convert an exist.auto App. No. Date service station into an auto UP3222 2-4-88 repair facility on property located in the Cl Dist. Approved g Denied Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2801 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Block F, Tract No. 323, on the s.w. corner of E. Coast Hwy & Goldenrod Ave. Filed by C & H Development Co. Const. 1 story retail commil App. No. Date bldg with sub, parking in the SPR 44 9-8-88 CDM SPA.Incl. a mod to ZC to allow the use of compact & tandegkpprcwed Ef Denied 0 . parking parking spces for a portion of the req. off-st requirement; and the accept. of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit LI Amendment 0 LOCATION 2801 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1 , 81 . F, Tract 3Z.3 Filed by SHELL OIL COMPANY App. No. Date —C ee per or M inutes) 1564 11-4-1971 Approved I5f Denied C Request to permit the remodeling of an existing service station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Q Amendment C LOCATION 2816 E. Coast Hwy., CdM. Legal description Lot 2 Block N Tract 323 C-1 Filed by NEWPORT MARINE MFG & EVI PT CO 656 8 -18 -1960 Approved xl] Denied 0 Fabrication of canvas boat covers in a C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IX Amendment 0 App. o. Date LCKIATKM 2816 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 2 Block N Tract 323 Zone C-1 Filed by FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CORONA DEL MAR App. No. Date 591 3 -3 -60 Approved a Denhd 0 Use building now under construction for church purposes CONDITION: Approved for a period of 2 years only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 2n Amendment 0 LOCATION 2831 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description -Lot Block K, Tr its Red by Eric D. Welton Request to permit the App. No. Doe expansion of an existing commercial building on property located SPR 33 1-19-84 in the Corona del Mar Approved Denied 0 Specific Plan ARea where a specific plan has not been adopted. The additional required off-street parking spaces wi ll provi e in an ens ing par trig o ac from the building site, which is in common ownership. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 . Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other OCATION 2831 E. Coast Hwy. egal description Lot 3 81. F Tract 323 C-1 Filed by DE LOWE, John W. and Mary B. App. No. Date 648 5-18-1961 Approved 0 Denied EICX Encroach 6' into a required 10' rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a commercial building. romance XS Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2841 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot Nos. 3,4 and 5 Block F, Tract No. 323 Filed By: Corona del Mar Fitness, Scott Jansen, applican Application No. Date PD1UP 75 12/28/2000 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests request to allow the establishment of a 1,200 square foot physical fitness and training facility. The facility will be located in an existing multi- tenant commercial building on the ground floor. The facility operates on a one-on-one basis with up to 6 instructors and will not provide any group classes or massage services. The property is located in the RSC District Variance: j Resubdivision: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit Use Permit: X Amendment: °CATION 2849 E. Coast H. egal description Lots 4 & 5 Block F Tract 323 C -1 Pled by HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 639 4-6-1961 Approved ft Denied 0 4' Encroachment into required 10' rear yard setback for first floor construction and A l encroa hment into ___reguired 10' rear yar4 setback for second floor con- struction of a commercial building anance Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted which shows the critical points of encroachment toward the alley as 24' 3' and 4' on the ground floor and 84' on the second floor. LOCATION 2855 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4 and 5, Block F. Tract No 123, on the s.w. side of E. Coast Highway. between Hiliotmpe and Goldenrod Filed by E r i c n Wp14io n Beg to constrnot a 2 story bldg App-No. Date contain parking on the ground florSPB40 5-22-86 and storage on the 2nd flr Tncl Mod, to the ZC to allow a portionAPProved DeMed E] of the bldg to encroach 5 ft into the req. 10 ft rear yard setback adjacent to an alley and to allow the use of tandem parking spaces Varience,0 Resubditision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Ofk. [:-/-; ii ht I ILI 0 in he 3-19-1964 Denied 0 801 Approved in a C-1 District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permrl. 0 Amendment 0 YOUNG, David Date App. No. CONDITTON• That there be a maximum of 3 stories. Filed by LOCATION Legal description 2861 - 2863 E. coast Hwys Tot 6 RI. Tract 323 C-1 LOCATION 2865 East Coast Highway, STE. 200 Legal description Filed byFor Your Imagination Establishment of a private App. No. Date art and computer instructional UP3577 3/7/96 facility for children and adults Approved 112 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 1;&. Amendment 0 OCATION 2905 E. Coast Hwy. WirawscriPtion Lot 1 Block G Tract 123 C-1 Red by PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH App. No. Date SE6WrieD / y /P- zi-1 6-Ls 4 846 5-3-1962 Approved fix Denied 0 Temporary use of Port Theatre for Sunday morning church services I ta ariance Mar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Ex/tact, hyR 3 Y ?c, LUC:AMON 2919 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Gary Sauter App. No. Date N 3365 2 -9 -88 Approved w Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a second floor deck on an existing nonconforming residential unit located in the C-1 District Variance El Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 2919 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2. Portion of Rlk. G. Tract 321 Filed by LYELL L. BUTTERMORE App. No. Date 802 5/14/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved (21 Dented 0 Request to permit an existing nonconforming dwelling unit on the second floor of a commercial buildi _g be maintained in a commercial district so as to permit the relocation of an eichting exterior stairway and new front Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other entryway for the subject dwelling unit. LOCATION Legal description 2919 E. Coast Hwy. Lot 2 Block G Tract 323 C-1 Filed by BUCHTERKIRCHEN, W C. App. No. Date 1009 1-16-1964 Approved yid Denied Make alterations to a commercial bui.di _g.n which has an existing dwelling unit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2920 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 2, Block 0 in Corona del mar Filed by Robert Novak of "NOVAK'S PLACE" App. No. Date UP 1434 & UP 3058 See Over. . Request to re-establish a restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages known as ' property in the C-1 District. Approved ra Denied 0 'Novak's Place" on See Over. . . Variance 0 Othre Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Revocation of UP 1434 (A) - REMOVED FROM P.C. CALENDAR - 8/4/83 UP 3058 - P.C. APPROVED FOR 3 MONTHS - 10/6/83 UP 3058 - P.C. APPROVED CONDITIONALLY - 2/9/84 LOCATION 2920 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 2, Block 0, Tr. 323 Filed by NOVAK, Robert Pllhlir hearing and App. No. Date 3 month Planning rommisciou UP 3058 2-9-84 review of a request to re-establish a restaurant with Approved Eg Denied 1:1 on-sale alroholir beverates known as "Novak"s Place" on property looated in the r-1 nistriut Variance El Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 2920 E. Coast Highway Legal descripthm Lot No. 2, Tract No. 323 in Corona del Mar Riad by Robert Novak/City of Newport Beach App. No. Date UP 1434 8/4/83 Request to consider revocation (Amended) proceedings that permitted the Approved 0 Denied sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with "Novak's Place" (Formerly Zubies) in the C-1 District. P.C, REMOVED FROM CALENDAR. . . Variance D Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2920 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 2, Bl. 0, Tr. 323 C-1 Filed by ZUBIETA, John M. App. No. Date CONDITIONS: See appli- AMEND cation or minutes UP-1434 11-19-1970 Approved n Denied 0 Amend existing usepermit, which allows on-sale beer and wine in connection with a restaurant, to include on-saleliguor. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2990 F enact Hig.hway Legal description _Lot 2, Rlnri 0, Tr 323 C-1 Filed bY Zl.113 ET A_, John M. App. No. Date CONDITIONS:See Over (W440E.0 ro 4440 eV o/d-sifts 143 4 6-19-1969 4,1 060 ,p -,v -t9-,970 - .5-Pca .61S , Approved El( Denied 0 On-sale beer and wine in connection with a restaurant. Ext. a yRs C -6 -„2 -7o Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment El CONDITIONS 1. That it be for a term of one year only. 2. That the sale of beer and wine be in connection with a bona fide restaurant only. 3. That the use of the property be conducted in a manner compatible with the adjacent residential district. 4. Beer and wine may not be served after 12:00 midnight. LOCATION 2920 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 4 Mork N Traet 323 C-1 Filed by EL PERRON r APP. No. Date .4 , 1049 5-21-1964 Approved /3x Denied 0 Live entertainment in connection with a restaurant. CONDITION: Approved for one year Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a, Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2920 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Lot 2 Block 0 Sec.B Tract 323 C-1 Filed by App. o. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 785 11-2-1961 Approved CI Denied El On-sale beer and wine y reA, Pod) Few / 4./.D&E //vire 7'ff)?ièD OR A, E KP/R47/pP Oa 41 / centsE OP 147/11, v /g7D4riti,Rern r terRxi. 4'4 7 -€1, Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit xj Amendment El Other CONDITIONS: 1. That it be for a term of one year only. 2. That the sale of beer and wine be in connection with a bonafide restaurant only. 3. That the use of the property be conducted in a manne. compatible with the adjacent residential district. 4. Seer and wine may not be served after 11:00 P.M. 6-21-62 - Condition amended extending the 11)00 curfew to 12:00 midnight ... (one hour) LOCATION 2929 thru 2951 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Par. Lot 2 and Lots 3.4.5 Block G Tract 323 C-1 Filed by JORDAN & BENJAMIN, INC. App. No. Date 173 10-10-1963 Approved xf2 Denied 0 Rezone subject property to a C-O-Z District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit P Amendment LOCATION 2929 thru 2951 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Lot 2, Lots 3,4,5 Bl. G Tract 323 C-1 Filed by JORDAN & BENJAMIN App. No. Date 179 1-16-1964 Approved a Denied 0 Create one building site. CONDITION; A map to be submitted satisfactory to the re _ Variance 0 esub vision ff] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other L4.R,H11.1J111 ZYJ1-,LY3Y Last Loam ruguwaty Legal Description Lot 3 and Portions of Lots 4 and 5, Block G. Tract 323 Filed By. Sibling Associates I, James W. Ray Application No. Date M 5063 05/24/2000 Approved: X Denied: PC called up for review and approved with conditions 08/03/2000 To permit a sign program for a multi-tenant building that will include: • Two (2) additional monument signs where the Code pemilts one (1) monument sign per building or building site; • Two (2) additional wall signs for two (2) of the building tenants where the Code permits one (I) wall sign per business. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: Date 4/19/90 Ea Denie 0 vie AVe g Heliotrope Ave in CdM Jed y Anp, VAponr 470quest to amend a previously App. No. arPrnVed I1CP permit that permit- UP 3009A +=A the servire of beer & wine Approved • • • . -. II • LOCATION 9q11 Past roast Hwy. LeqaI description ?flea]. Nn 1 of Parcel Mal) 6939-90, 91 (R179) s • xeafanrant on property lOnatPd in r.-o-z Dist. The proposed • • e interior dinin • -area and ermlnge R. expand an existi g outdoor dining area whirh will result in an increase in "net public area" of E titigarfat ar "fl ResuemvWEmonUse Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other The proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the additional required parking spaces. LOCATION 2931 East Coast RighwaY Legal description Filed by PliMP mohiflara, Diamond Bar App. No. Date Request to amend a previously approved use Permit that permit- DP#3009(afran4) 5-24-84 ted the service of beer and wine Approved 13 Denied 0 in conjunction with an existing restaurant in the C-0-2 District. The proposal includes the expansion of the interior dining area and the addition of an outdoor dining area to the existing ractanirant fari lity. Variance D Resubdiriskn 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 2931 East Coast Highway Legal demxip4km Parcel No. 1 of (R-179) in Corona del Mar Fled by Salty' s Inc., dba Bon Appetit App. No. Dee UP 3009 12/9/82 operational characteristics Approved ID Denied of an existing restaurant so as to add the service of beer and wine. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Request to change the LOCATION 2931 E. Coast Hwy. Legal descripCm Por. Lot 2, Lots 3,A,5 8-1.8 Tr.323 C-U-2 Filed by JORDAN, Richard V. App. No. Date 929 3-7-1968 Approved n Denied 0 A 5 ft. encroachment into the required 10 ft. rear yard setback. Variance 9 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2931 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 3,4,5 & Por. 2 Bl. G. Tract 32. lots 15 14 17 R1 415 friM R-2 Filed by JORDAN & BENJAMIN, INC. App. No. Date IIINIED BY C.C. 6 12 67 1271 5-18-1967 Approved xn Denied 0 Establish an automatic car wash and a no-fee private parking lot. Variance Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit ta Amendment ID Other LOCATION 2931 E Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 3,4 5 & Por. 2 B1 .G Tr. 323 C-O-Z Lots 15 & 17 Bl. 435 CdM R-2 Filed by JORDAN & BENJAMIN App. No. 1259 4-6-1967 Approved 0 Denied X )a Establishment of an automatic car wash includir related service of gasoline sales in the C-O-Z and R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Date LOCATION Legal description 2931 E. Coast Hwy. Por. Lot 2. Lots 3,4,5 Bl. G Tr. 323 C-0-2 Fled by JORDAN Richard V. App. No. Date CoNOTTIONS (See Minutes or appliration) 1337 3-7-1967 Approved IXIX Denied 0 A laundry and dry cleaning establishment in the C-0-7 Distrirt Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit j Amendment 0 CCATK)N egal description 2931 E. Coast Hwy. Lot 3 131 G Trnet 3,3 Filed by GENDRON, Muriel (Vonne Lane Dance Studio) App. No. Date 892 10-18-1962 Approved El Denied 0 Dancing lessons in a C-1 District CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. rariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 )thee LOCATION 2934 E. Coast Highway Lege description Lot 3 and a portion of Lot 4, Block 0, in Corona del Mar. Filed by Neal Bergstrom App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 2068 & 3/18/82 commercial dry cleaning R 721 facility in the C-1 District. Approved RI Denied [] Also includes modifications to the Zoning Code. & Re9uest to establish a single parcel of land and eliminate an interior lot Tine where one lot and a portion of a second lot presently exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision j Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION ZYJ4 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 3, and a Portion nf Lo + 41-Block 0, TINIct No. 323. Corona del Mar. App. No. Date Establish nn p hull di ng sit:, and R-619 2/22/79 eliminatp ao interior 10t line sec-rind lnt now exists, for cifien Ipvpinpmelnt Variance 0 Resubdivision Eci Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other Filed by F rnps t LOCATION z934 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Ernest George App. No. Date Constrn. of a one-story SPR-19 2/8/79 building and related offstreet parking spaces in the Corona Approved ja Denied 0 del -Mar Specific Plan Area, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. A Modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, since a portion of a 4' high + solid masonry wall and 8" high + curbs encroach into the re- Variance 0 Other @SU•!vision • se errptt Si e Plan Review Amendment 0 )CATION 2948 E. Coast Hwy. 'gal description SE 30' Lot 4 & 5 Block 0 Tract 323 C-1 nod by WBEATON. John M. App. No. Date 919 2 -21 -1963 Approved KI Dania Alterations additions and removal of adioining building and outside kennels on existing animal hospital which is non-conforming because a use permit has not been previously established. ariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permi+ Amendment 0 >filer LVLAIMMV 29411 Fact Coact Ifighwy Legal description l ot 5 and 30' of lot 4, Block 0, Trott 323 Filed by Dr John_M Wheaton App. No. Date M -331 6 -1 -1971 Approved fa Denied 0 off-street parking shall be designed and provided to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit. 0 Other Modi_f_ication Amendment 0 LOCATION 3016 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1 & portion ol Lot 2, Block P Tract 323 Filed by Coast Auto Service es S c l i App. No. Date 1178A 11-2-72 Approved a Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITI 01s Variance 0 Other Resubchrusion 0 Use Permit & Amendment TA LOCATION _3000 E. Coast Highway, CdM Legal description Lot 1, Block P, Tract 323, Cd24 Filed by Ci y of Newport Beach App. No. Date 384 10-24-57 Approved 1 Denied Installation of a sign (Community Youth Cfonter artivibif Variance El Resubdivision Use Permit Ej Amendment E Other yacATION 3016 East Coadt Highway Legal Ascription Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, Block. P. Tract 323 Pled by COAST AUTO SERVICE CENTER App. No. Date CONDITIONS• SEE FILE 1178 3-2-72 Approved ID Denied APPROVED: 5-3-73 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [IC Amendment 1: makricm 1016 E. Coast Highway SW corner of E Legal description Coast Hwy. Lot 1 & portion of Lot 2, Block P, Fract 323 Ned by Les Schunk - Coast Auto service App. No. Date 1178 10 -19 -72 Approved El\ Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY - sEE F Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ela Amendment 0 "AI !UN 3016 E. Coast Highway Legal Jestrption Por Lot 2 R1 P Tr. 323 C-1 Filed by RRITISB CAR SFRVICF (Francis Romero) App. Ho. Date CONDITION (Over) 117R 1-6-196 Approved EA Denied 0 A garage - light repairs and service 4)(4-42+4?-6-2-7 " CZ .1 1:2,C iffe, Div .s -3 -2-2 R pr. Variance Dffier Resubdovision 0 Use Permit Ed Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved for one year subject to the conditior that there be no body or fender work and that there be no noisy work performed outside of the building. LOCATION 3007 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1, Tract 323 Filed by Local Grounds (Don Danks, Applicant) App. No. Date 1JP3573 1-4-96 Approved El Demed 0 Establish a restaurant on property located in the RSC-H District where a specialty food use currently exists in a portion of an existing retail tenant space. The proposal also includes: s request to convert an existing f live a nce wow 0 Use ennit 0 Amendment (Kw entertainment, and a waiver of a portion of the required off-street parking. LOCATION 3007 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lots 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 10, Block 436, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Blockbuster Video Sign (Mark Frank contact •erson) Application No. Date Modifications Committee referred to PC M 4879 PC 7-22-99 Called up by CC for discussion CC 8-9-99 Approved:X Denied: Request to permit the installation of a roof sign on a new parapet wall where the Code limits roof signs to business locations that preclude the effective use of a pole sign, ground sign or projecting sign. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification 3007 East Coast Highway LOCATION Legal description Lot 1, Block H, Tract No. 323 Filed by Donald L. Banks App. No. Date SF 32 5 -31 -95 Approved /3 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use within a portion of existing retail operation Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 3015 E. Coast Highway Legal description lots 1, P and 3, Block H, Tract 121 and lots 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, Block 436 Corona del Mar Tract NW by Newport Balboa Ca vi ngs and loan App:No. Date Request to create one R-673 1 /8/81 parcel of land where --eight--1-ats--and-a-abacinesi t-1 alley now exists so as to permit the remodeling_ of an existing commercial building located in the C-1-H District Variance D Other Resubdivision [Ex Use Permit 0 Amendment E LeklAtkl,N 3021 E Coast Hwy j Legal dmmriptico Lots 1.2. and 3 Block H of Tract 323 Fled by Newport Balboa Savings Requested to permit the approval App.hllo. Date f si co 'y M2727 11-3-81 on an existing pole sign that is nonconforming in that it exceeds Aftrcwed 151 Denied CI the maximum height of 25' by 20'±, and that has an area of 210 sq.ft.± where the Code permits a maximum of 200 sq.ft. for such signs. MODIFICATION Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment E Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3024 E. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lots No. 2 and 3. Block P. In Corona del Mar. Filed by Hersel Meyers App. No. Date Request to establish an UP 2074 7/22/82 entertainment center with electronic games of skill Approved 0 Denied n] in an existing building located in the C-1 District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ja Amendment 0 MATION 3024 E. Coast Hwy., aged description Lot 3 Block p Tract 323 C-1 Red by THE MUG SHOP (Robert McFarren) App. No. Date 704 1-5-1961 Approved xfill Denied [] Firing of hand decorated personalized mugs in small electric kilns. (12"m 16" inside dimensions.) 'ariance >tber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 3025 East Coast Highway Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 163-23 Filed By: La Fogata Restaurant Application No. Date Accessory Outdoor Dining Permit 75 10-10-2000 Approved: X Denied: Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an existing take- out restaurant. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: LOCATION 3025 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel 1 of -Parcel Map 1b3 -2J Filed by Galardi Group Nienerschnl e ) Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit that permitted the establishment of a take-out UP 3235 (A) 12-10-92 restaurant with incidental seatin4pproved El Denied 0 which specializes in the sale of muffins and frozen yogurt on property located in the C-1-H District. Said approval also included the waiver of a portion of the required off- street parking spaces. The proposed amendment involves a request to chan e the Variance 1:1 Resubdivision 0 • i se Perm r men• men other • take-out restaurant so as to ailow tne preparation or food to include deli sandwhiches, hot dogs, and salads. The approval also included an extension of the hours of operatic so as to be open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday througi Thursday and from 6:00 a.m. to 11500 p.m. Friday ahUSaturdz where the former hours were from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. t .'± daily, and to allow the permitted number of seats to be increased from 12 to 18 seats. LOCATION 3025 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 163-23 (R673) on the s.e. corner of East Coast Hwy & Iris Ave. in the Albertson's Shopping Center Red by Lloyd Flodin Reg. to permit the establish. App. No. Pate of a take-out restaurant with UP3235 11-6-86 incidental seating which _specializes in muffins and Approved 0 Defied E] frozen yogurt on property located in the CIE Dist. Incl. a req. to waive a portion of the req. off-street parking Valiance 0 nil. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3097 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1, of PM 163-23(R673) on the sw corner of East Coast Hwy & Iris Ave Filed by STephanie Margaretis Req. to permi t the establish. of App. No. Date a dry rl pening facility in the UP3355 7-6-89 Albertson' s Shopping: Center on property located in the C1H Approved Denied 0 01 at Variance 0 Other Resubdivtsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3049 East Coast Hwy. Legal Description Lots 1, & 3 Block 436, and Lots 4 & 5 Block 1-1, CDM Tract Filed By: Albertson's, Inc. (Mark Steinman, applicant) Application No. Date UP 3650 5-6-99 PC 6-14-99 CC Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit a remodel and construction of a storage mezzanine within an existing retail grocery store building. The application also includes a waiver of off- street parking requirements with the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit X I Amendmen t Other: LOCATION 3049 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4 & 5, Block H, Tract 323 Filed by A lbertson 's Inc. App. No. Date Io establish one building R-518 4/15/76 site and eliminate interior lot lines where four lots Approved es Denied 0 now exist so as to permit the remodeling of the existing Albertson's Market on the property. Variance 0 Other ResubdIvision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3049 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 1-5 incl. Bl. H Tr. 323 Lots 1-10 " Bl. 436 CdM Tract C-1-H Filed by ALL AMERICAN MARKETS App. No. Date Amended 4-3-1969 (see Over) CONDITION (Over) 1170 11-18-1965 Approved a Denied 0 Alterations and additions to an existing ctrurture which has a non-conforming parking layout. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviston 0 Use Permit El Amendment CONDITION The parking layout design to be approved by the Public Works Department and the existing parking lot paving to be removed from the street right-of-way area. AMENDED APRIL 3, 1969 Permit installation of an aluminum sun shade at the rear of Yards Coffee Shop subject to following condition: The metal awning cannot extend beyond the present patio area. LOCATION 3050 COAST HWY E Legal description LOT 6, BLOCK P, TRACT.223 Filed by LORENZO A. REYES (applicant) App. No. Date OD 27 04-09-97 Approved ja Denied 0 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ACCESSORY OUTDOOR DINING USE IN CON- JUNCTION WITH AN ADJACENT RESTAURANT, ON PROP R Y LOCA ED IN THE RSC (RETAIL AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OUTDOOR DINING LOCATION 3050 E. Coast Hwy rdm Legal desakhion Lot 6 Block P CorODE_Del Mar Tract 12' Filed by SAMPSON ADV. CO . App. No. Date 47 ' Approved D Denied Na] Erection of billboard Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1{3 Amendment 0 5-20-52 xxicnow 3050 East Coast Highway aged description Ned by Puffin's. Inc. App. No. Date Request to change the UP-1936 4-24-80 operational character- istics of the existing Approved Q Denied Puffin's Restaurant facility in the C-1 Dis- trict to include the service of beer and wine. /afire, 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 3050 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 5 & 6 Plock P Tract 323 Filed by Puffin's Inc. Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit which allowed UP 1836 9-28-83 the establishment of on-sale (Amended) beer and wine in the existing Approved 0 Denied E] Puffin's Restaurant on property located in thee-1 District. The proposed amendment is a request to change the operational characteristics of the existing restaurant so as to add the following: live entertainment extend the rinsing hour from the permitted 12:00 midnight Variance 0 Resubdivision 9 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other to 2:00 a.m.; service of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in an outdoor garden waiting area; and the placement of a popcorn vending cart on the public sidewall the proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to permit the approval of a temporary prefabricated structure for additional office space in the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley; and a request to amend the previously approved parking plan. LOCATION 3100 E. coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No 84-726, on th e n e onrnar nf p Coact Highway & Taqmine Ave. Filed b y Erneqt _George Reg to permit onnstrvirtion App. No. Date SPR39 6 -20 -85 building on property in the Cl Dict of CM SPA where a Approved Denied 0 SP hag nnt been adopted Inn a mod to the ZC to allow lap of oompaot si7e parking spaces for a portion of tile_reri off R -FrPPf parking and accept, of. e.d. •MM Resubdiyision D Use Permit El Amendment 0 Variance fa LOCATION 3100 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lot 1 Block 0 Tract 323 Filed by Chorus Line/Jett Sharen App. No. Date UP3519 3-10-94 PC Approved n Denied 0 Rerquast—to_permit-41e--coatinued operation of an existing dance studio which was established without a required ice permit on property located in the RSC District. The proposal also includes a request - to convert an existing Base FAR use to a Reduced FAR use so as to allow the facility to he used for aerobic classes during Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other certain hours of the day andnight. LOCATION 3100 E.Coast Hwy and 3111 Second Ave. Legal description Lots 1 and 2. Block 0 of Tract No. 323 & Lot 22. Block 437 ,CdM,on the n.e. corner of East Coast Hwy and Jasmine Ave. Filed by Bixby Land Co. Resub.3 existing lots App. No. Date into 2 parcels for conmiercial R796 12-6-84 €12.yeloo, on property located in the C 1 and C 1 H Districts Approved Lair Denied ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Variance 04.0. LOCATION 3101 E. Coast Hwy' Legal description Vet 1. Blk. I. Tract No 323 Filed by Crown Ace larowarp App. No. Date M4346 8-15-95 Approved xlji Denied 0 _fleatiestsg_. permit an additional wall sign on the Jasmine _Aye,hantaat,_where_lhe.ioninLeosie -illats -lar-11-12-011-t- to a total of one wall sign Variance 0 Other Resulodivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 3127 E C o ast H Legal description Lot 2. Tract 323 Filed by Elizabeth Benefield Co. App. No. Date SF28 4 -5 -95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment ot a specialty food service use on property located in the RSC District Variance 0 Othee Resubdiviston D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3139 & 3147 East Coast Highway and Legal description 401. 40 405 407 Larkspur Ave , rc114 Lots 1&3 Block 337 of CdM & Lots 4,5 6, & 7 and the E ly one-hill of Lot 3 in Block "I". Tract 323 Piled by citAwpoRDp C. M Jr App. No. Date 60 10-16-58 Approved 13 Denied 0 to City Council Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 12 Other LOCATION 3140 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lot 3, Block Q, Tract 323 Filed by John McLaughlin App. No. Date UP3539 /1013YaRt _wi th drew Approved 10 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a restaurant with on-sale beer and wine & live entertainment & tandem parkin in conjunction with a full time valet parking attendant, o property located in RSC District. Also a request to waive arkin spaces. Variance 0 Resub ivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other • II ii O LOCATION 3141 East Coast Highway, CdM Legal description Lots 1 & 3. Block 337 of CdM, & Lots 4.5.6,7 & easterly one-half of Lot 3 in Block I, Tract 323 Filed by CRAWFORD C. M jr. App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 466 10-16-58 Approved IA Denied 0 Serve alcoholic beverages within 200 of a residential distttct. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 CONDITION: I. A 5' setback must property line and at the 5' setback and egress to the 2. Parking area must be established from the rear bumper guards must be installed except in areas used for ingress alley. be black-topped LOCATION 3141-3147 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lots 1,3,4,5,6 and 7, Block 337, CDM Trac t Filed by Rite Aid, % Lars Andersen & Associates, Inc. App. No. Date LLA 97-07 10114/97 Approved X Denied 0 To permit the elimination of 5 interior lot lines between 6 parcels of land to create one parcel, in conjunction with the remodel of an existing commercial building. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment Other: Lot Line Adjustment C -1 C -1 -H Tract CDM 323 UDCANKDN 3147 East Coast Highway Legal descriptionLots 1 & 3 Block 337 Lots 4.5.6 & 7 Filed by CALIFORNIA BANK App. No. Date 4-16-59 Denied 0 e uirment to •e de ete 529 Approved of of reet • kin CONDITION: Words "City of Newport Ileac from Line 3, Paragraph 4 of the application. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 0CATION 3150 East Coast Hi ghway *gel description Filed by Q.R.S. Corp. App. No. Deil Request to amend a previous- SPR = 12 7-5-79 ly approved site plan for a Mutual Savings & Loan Approved El Denied 0 Facility on the property so as to revise the ap• proved plan related to signs. /edema 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Diher SPR-12 LOCATION Legal description 3150 E. Coast Highway Filed by Ufl ion Inc App. No. Date Establish one building site R-582 6/15/78 and eliminate interior lot lines where three lots Approved 0 Denied 0 now exist so as to permit the construction of a savings and loan complex on the property. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance El Other LOCATION 3150 E. Coast Highway Legal description u ual Sav ngs & toan Filed by App. No. Date Constrn. of a savings and SPR-12 6/15/78 loan complex in a Specific Plan Area, where a specific plan Approval Denied 0 has npt been adopted, and the acceptance ot an environ- mental document. A modification to -the toning code is also requested, since a propo-sed -encrased -trach area ana a landscape planter encroach to within b - or the rear over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 property line (where the Ordinance requires a 10' rear yard in the C-1 District when abutting an alley). LOCATION 3152 E. Coast Highway Lega description Lots 4 and 5, Block U, Tract No.323 on the n.w.corner of pm & Orchid Filed by Dryclean U.S.A. of L.A. Reg to permit the egtahl iehment App. No. Date nf a retail dry rleaning UP3152 6 -20 -85 farility nn prnpprty lorated in the r -1 niqt Approved a Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit a" Amendment 0 DCATION 3200 E. Coast Hwy. mpd description Lot 1 Tract 1045 C -1 Red by COIN -0 -MATIC EQUIPMENT. INC App. No. Date 895 11-1-1962 Approved Aac Denied 0 Operate a coin laundry and dry cleaning store; also a single family dwelling. CONDITION: Approved for dry cleaning and a coin operated laundry only. 'ariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 Wier AJCATION .egal description 3201 East Coast Highway Lots 1 and 2 Bl. J Tr. 323 C-1 Filed by RAYAL RESTAURANTS. Inc. (Alejandro's) App. No. Date 1470 3-5-1970 Approved XA Denied 0 A sidewalk cafe in conjunction with an exist- ing restaurant. variance 0 )ther Resubdivision Q Use Permit Egl X Amendment 0 AJ‘"A i l WII 32n1 Eact Coact Highway mgai desaiption Lots 1 & 2 • Block ;1 Fled by BP App. No. Date Request to establish R-552 7/7/77 one building site and eliminate lot lines Approved rid Denied 0 where two lots and a portion of abandoned Bayside Drive now exist so as to permit the exterior remodeling of Mario's Restaurant facility. (*Branco D )her Resubdivision q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3201 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No 1, of Parcp1 Map 107-40 Resub. No. 552, Corona del Mar App. No. Date Request to expand the "Net UP-1966 12/4/80 AP PROVED - TIE VOTE restaurant with on-sale Approved 0 Denied El alcoholic beverages located in the C-1 District, so as to -Include an outdoor eating area. Also includes a request th e City of _spaces in the nearby municipal lot Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment C Other Filed by Hungry Tiger, Inc LOCATION 3201 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of 'Darrel Map 107-40, (R-562), located in Corona del Mar. Filed by Hungry Tiger, Inc.,/Eugene Boero App. No. Date Request to expand the UP-1966 5/21/81 Net Public Area of an existing restaurant with Approved 0 Denied 0 on-sale alcoholic beverages, located in the C-I District, so as to include an outdoor eating area and off-street parking spaces in lieu of on-site. "WITHDRAWN" Variance 0 Resubcbvision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 3201 East Coast Highway , Corona del Mar Legal dmmapfion Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 107-40 Red by STudio Cafe Req.to change operational characterApp.No. Date w/on-sale alcoholic beverages to 0P3103 8-9-84 allow live entertainment in conjunc. with restaurant. Change in hours Approved DI Denied El of operation from a closing time of 12:00 mid. to 2:00 a.m. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit Ell LOCATION 3201 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map 107-40,(R552) on the s.w.side of E.Coast Highway at the easterly terminus of sal/side Dr. Filed by Studio Cafe Req.to amend a previous u.p.whichAff.Nm Date allowed establish.of entertain. UP3103A 4-18-85 Includes req.to expand the net Public area of the rest.A mod. Approved Ej Denied 0 is also requested to permit the use of tandem parking spaces in conjunction with a valet parking service. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use permit Ei Amendment 0 LOCATION 3201 E. COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel 1 of P.M. 107-40 (Resub.552) Filed by Bandera Restaurant App. No. Daft UP 3564 8-10-95 Approved Denied 0 The demolition of an existing restaurant (former Corona Cafe) & the construction of a new full service restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverage service and a request to waive a portion of the required parking. Located in an Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other cpg_23 area designated for specific area plans which a SAP has not been adopted, therefore , Site Plan Review is required. LOCATION 3216 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 2 Tract 1045 Zone C-1 Filed by Elbert J. Conner App. No. Date 275 11-15-56 Approved Denied 0 Operation of a plumbing repair & plumbing con- tracting business. CONDITION: The structure on rear of the property used for storage to be walled in on the south & west sides. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3216-3222 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 2 & 3, Tr. 1045, on n.e. side of East Coast Hwy. between Larkspur Ave. & Marguerite Ave in CdM Held by Tony Carlini Request to permit establishment App. No. Date of a facility specializing UP 3419 6/6/91 in sale of autos with on-site repairs & use of a portion of theApproved C3 Denied C] on-site parking to be utilized for outdoor display of used vehicles for sale. The proposed development includes the construction of a 17 ft.+ high bldg. on westerly portion of the subject property adjacent to the alley which will hou a fa " - . Variance o •ymmn n se rim • CWIew mendsm • LOCATION 3216-3222 E. Coast Hwy Legal description Lots 2 & 3, Tr. 1045, on n.e. side of East Coast Hwy. between Larkspur Ave. & Marguerite Ave. in CdM Filed by Tony Carlini Request to combine two lots into App. No. Date a single building site for R 958 6/6/91 commercial purposes. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amen dme nt 0 LOCATION 3216-3222 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 2 & 3, Tr. 1045, on n.e. side of East Coast Hwy. between Larkspur Ave. & Marguerite Ave. in CdM Filed by Tony Carlini Request to allow the constructionApp.No. Date of a one story structure on SPR 64 6/6/91 property located in the C-1 Dist. of the CdM SAP where a Approved fl DeMed 0 Specific Plan has not yet been adopted. The application als. includes modifications to the Z.C. to allow the new con- struction & an existing 7 ft. high wrought iron tence to en croach 10 ft. into the requied 10 ft. rear yard setback ad- *silence Other • Bdivision Is se ' erm • mendment into the required 5 ft. rear yard setback adjacent to a residential lot. OCAnON 1222 Fact Coast Highway nal description Filed by Morad Zalabian c/o Richard Dodd App. No. Date Request to permit altera- M-2496 3-6-80 tions and additions to an existing nonconforming Approved E] Denied 0 commercial -building (wrii/manis Garage l with no offstreet parking spaces. me existing struc- ture also encroacnes P into the required 10' rear yard aajacent to an alley. he proposed development includes the conversion of the feriance 0 Resubdivisjon fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 >Ow Mod. 71. C. garage space into retail area anc three offstreet parking spaces. In addition, proposed office space on the second floor encroaches 5' into the required 10' rear yard. LOCATION 3216 and 3222 E.Coast Highway Legal description Lots 2 and 3,Tract No. 1045, on n.e. side of E.Coast Highway between Larkspur & Marguerite Filed by Superformance Req.to expand former auto. App. No. Date repair facility located in UP3130 1-24-85 the C-1 Dist. The proposal also includes a req. to establiOproved 0 Denied E] an auto.sales facility which includes the construct. of a related parking area and a covered wash area. Variance 0 Cl+kar Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 2- LOCATION 3224 East Coast HIghway Legal description Lot 4. Tr. 10_45 Gkijie ksikmovd. App. No. Date 1744 12-19-74 Piled by Pamalee, Inc. CONDITIONALLY Approved II D0114d 0 Request to permit the approval of live entaia,_ ment in conjunction with an existing restaurant Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12g Amendment Other n t'• LOCATION Legal description 32244 E. coast Hwy. Lot 4 Block R Tract 323 C-1 Filed by FRENCH, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. App. No. Date 1097 1-7-1965 Approved El Denied 1:1 On sale alcoholic beverages in connection with a restaurant. Variance 111 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 LOCATION 3244 E.Coast Highway Legal description Totc S g 6 . Tract Tin 1Q45,nn the n w Filed by Ted P S„dnval Reg to rhangp the nperatinn App. No. Date of existing liquor stnre UP3134 2/21/85 deli in the r-1 Dist-fn establish a take-nut restaurant Approved 0 Denied La facility with incidental seating,and a waiver of a pOrtinn of the nag off-street parking spares. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit% Amendment 0 Variance 0 Ask.. LOCATION 3250 E. Coast Hwy. Legal Description Lot 6, Block R, Tract 323 Filed by Jeffrey Stern App. No. Date EP 51 11-6-97 PC 3-9-98 CC Approved Denied X Exception to the Sign Code to allow the replacement of an existing conforming pole sign with a pole sign which contains a marquee type sign animated with mechanically changeable copy. (CC tabled) Variance El Resubdivision fl Use Permit J Amendment fl Other: Exception Permit LOCATION 1100 F Cnact Hwy. Legal description bit 1 R1 Tract. 323 C-1 Filed by BANK OF AMERICA App. No. Date EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 4 7=6-67 Approved 0 Denied Ey ) Replace existing neon sign in excess of the 25 ft. height limit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCATION 3300 - 3310 - 3322 a 3332 E. Coast Hwy.' egg description Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Block S. Tract 323 C-1 Filed by BANK OF AMERICA App. No. Date CONDITION (Oyer) 635 March 2,196] Approved ala Denied 0 A zero setback adjacent to a 14' alley for the purpose of constructing_a bank building. anance >their Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION I. That a 3' rear yard setback be provided and that said 3' be used as a sidewalk with curbing along the northerly portion. 2. That alley be improved in accordance with specifica- tions of the Director of Public Works. 3. That this variance have no effect on the location of the stores shown on the plot plan. LOCATION 3301 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block X Tract 323 Filed By: Prudential California Realty Application No. Date M 5059 07/06/2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the installation of one additional wall sign and one logo sign for a single tenant in a multi-tenant building where the Code limits wall signs to one sign per tenant. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Modification 3307 East Coast Highway, CdM iption Lot 1, Block X, Tract 323, CdM Filed by Alfred L. Beltran Ampndpd 1. That maximum occupancy shall App. No. Date not exceed 15 seats. 2. That this permit shall extend 994 2-18-1971 for a period of time not to Approved I3 Denied E] exceed one year from date of final determination of this application. 3. That the surface of the on-site parking area shall be repaired and the parking spaces lined thereon. Parking spaces abutting a structure shall be provided (OVER) Variance 51 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other LIT 6 liS Ofr'iti e /-/.-7cz with wheel stops. 4. That the on-site parking area shall be illuminated in a manner as to confine direct rays to the subject property. 5. That the parking areas shall be posted with signs indicating that said parking areas are for the exclusive use of the subject business, and a written statement and/or lease to this effect shall be signed by the property owners and furnished to the Planning Department. • - • 1.16,-;ALKiN 33U7 La5L lAWSL nwy. UOM Legal description LOt 1, BIOCK X, iract 323 Can Ned by Alfred L. Beltran 1. That the application be App. No. Date amended to allow a maximum occupancy of 15 seats. V-994 12-2-1970 2. That this permit shall extend Approved IXI Denied 0 for a period of time not to exceed one year from date of final determination of this application. 3. That the surface of the parking area shall be repaired and illuminated in such a manner as to confine direct rays to the subject property (OVER) Variance III Resubdivision El Use Permit C Amendment 0 Other 4. That the parking layout shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. 5. That if 3 usable parking spaces are not available on site, the matter shall be referred back to the Planning Commission. 6. That the parking area shall be posted with a sign indicating that said parking area is for the exclusive use of the subject business and a statement to this effect shall be signed by the property owner and submitted to the Planning Director. ell UP' LOCATION 3309 East Coast Highway Legal bescription Lot 1, Block X, Tract 323 Filed By: Gary's Deli (Bob Domin, applicant) Application No. Date No. 62 12-27-1999 Approved:X Denied: Request to add outdoor dining patio to an existing food service use. The property is located in the RSC District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 3315 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1, Block X, Tract 323 Larry Pappas Filed By: Application No. Date M 4946 7 -27 -99 Appproved: Denied: X To permit the retention of a storage building located on the subject property where Modification No. 4818 required the demolition of the structure as a condition of approval. Variance: j Resubdivision: Use Permit 1 Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3315 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 1 , Block X, Tract 323 Filed By: Russel Fluter Application No. Date M4818 12-22-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit alterations to an existing non-conforming building that encroaches into the required 10 foot rear yard setback with a portion of the building. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Clther• Mnd Mention LOCATION 3330 E Coast Hwy Legal description Lot 1.2.3. & 4. Blk. 5. Tract No. 323 Filed by Pizza Hut,_Inc. App. No. Date SF16 8-17-94 Approved )13 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3330 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 1,2,3 & 4, Blk. S Tract 323 Rkd by Ad Art App. No. Date M4207 8-30-94 ReglieSt to permit Ulm rnrictriirt _Approved ax Denied 0 ion of 2 wall signs for the Pizza Hut tenant, where the Zoning Code allows a maximum of one wall sign oer tenant. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviston 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3330 E. Coact Hwy Legal description Lots 1,2.3 & 4 131k $ Tract 323 Filed by Pizza Hut App. No. Date L.L.A. 94-11 8-30-94 Approved fi Denied 0 Peg a lot line adjustment to creato one parcel of land for commercial dpvelnprrent_ whorl's four lni -c currently Act Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3331 E. COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Portion of Lot -3, Block V, Tract No. 323 Ned by nivtsrci fiAd Sign 8, Ligiti--ing . App. No. Date M4293 3-21-95 Approved 10 Denied 0 Request to the installation of a projecting sign which will have a clearance above the sidewalk of 9 feet 8 inches. where the inning Code requires a minimum clearance of 12 feet above the sidewalk for a sign which Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 projects more than 3 feet over the public right-of-way. OCATON 1131 and 1117 Ft roast Highway description Ap Of p fsite .Ntn. Date Request to amend the eon- 2-7-80 ditions of approval in Parking conjunction with an ap_ Approved (;) Denied 0 proved Offsite Parking Agreement Red by Julius Evans Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubcireton 0 Use Permit 0 >the OffsitP Parking Agrearnont .0CATION Zat Eact Coact Higin eity Pled by City Of 112Woort Rparh App. No. Dee Request to consider re- UP-288 12-20-7S vocation of the Use Permit that permits the 1414Wed FI Er 5Ahe erEIL operation of a restaurant Determination if said permit should be revoked for failure to obtain necessary approvals for live entertain- ment. Variance Other Resubdbesion 9 Use Permit El Amendment age description LOCATION 3344 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5 Block S Tract 211 Zone C-1 Filed by Leonard L. Newton App. No. Date 288 12-20-56 Approved 110 Denied El The operation of a restaurant an cocktail lounge wherein food and alcoholic beverages__ are sold. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit a Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3347 E. Coast hwy. Legal description Lin 4, Tract 323 Filed by Torin Pavia and Seth Siegel App. No. Date SF94-24 12-28-94 Approved GI Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3347 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description l ot 4. Tract 323 Filed by TAG Group Inc. App. No. Date M4320 6 -13 -95 Approved 151 Denied 0 gezpiests_permit the construction of an addition which will match the existing huilding footprint & encroach to _ within 2 feet 6 inches of the rear Property line along the alley, where the 7nning Code requires a 10 foot rear yard thark ariance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3347 E. Coast Hwy. Legal desattkel Lots 3 & 4, Blk X Tract 323 Filed by Beverly A. Evans App. No. Date LLA95 -9 6 -13 -95 Approved la Denied 0 Request to permit the adjustment of an interior lot line between two parcels of land located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3400 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 167 Riad by Greg Grover/Donco & Sons, Inc. App. No. Date M4255 10-18-94 Approved yxEI Denied 0 Perp,mgttn pprmit the construction of a pole sign and 3 wall *pc which Ho not conform with the sign standards COY' sarvire stations as set forth in the Zoning Code. Variance 0 ResubdonsIon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3400 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2 of Block "1", Tract No. 323; in -Corona del Mar Filed by J & M Oil Company, Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish a R-680 3/19/81 single parcel at land wnere two lots presently Approved n Denied 0 exist so as to allow the remodel of an existing service station located in the C-1 District. Resubdivision th Use Permit 0 Amendment E Variance El Other L'OCAT1014 3400 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel I of Parcel Map 167/37-38 (R680) nnitart App. . Date UP 3533 5-19-94 Request to permit the rnnstrurtinn of a new autnmohile self serv i ce Approved Q Denied statinn on property located in_tbe PSC IliSirict The proposal includes the construction of new cashier's honth/restrnom, new pump islands gi a new canopy . & the installation of a new landscape planters The proposal Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by also includes a modification to the zoning code, so as to allow a new trash enclosure, a portion of the new land- scape planter, an air and water station and a light stand all of which are proposed to encroach 10 ft. into the required 10 ft. rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. The proposal also includes various modifications to the development standards for new automobile service stations LOCATION 3400 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2. Block T of Tract No. 323. located on East Coast Highway and Marigold in Corona del Mar. Filed by J & M Oil Company Inc. App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP-1970 1/22/81 struction of a new cashier's booth and other alterations in Approved ea Denied conjunction with the conversion of an existing full service gas station to a self service gas station located in the C-1 District. Variance Otber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment LOCATION 3400 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 1 & 2, Bl. T, Tract 323 C-1 CONDITI ONS (see minutes or application) 1554 10-7-1971 Approved El Denied 0 Permit an aoandonea service station to be reactivateo. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Itr Amendment 0 Filed by U & m Self-service Co. App. No. Dare LOCATION 3430 - 3440 E. Coast Hwy. CdM Legal description Lots 4 & 5 El. T Tract 323 C-1 Filed by RAY, James D. & Hazel M. App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) Over 586 2-18-1960 Approved xEj Denied 0 Encroach 7' into required 10' rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a restaurant Variance DI Other Resubdivision D Use Permit o Amendment D CONDITIONS 1. That parking & location of bldg. be in accordance with plot plan submitted. 2. That parking lot across the alley be paved and landscaped in accordance with the conditions as specified in use permit No. 242 approved by the Planning Commission on June 21, 1956. 3. That final inspection of the new building be not approved until the foregoing conditions are complied with. LOCATION 3436 B. Coast Highway CDM Legal description Lot I+ 1:11 eel( T Tract COM Zone C -1 Filed by Douglas H. Buell App. No. Date 269 12••20-56 Approved IX Denied 0 Sale of beer at addrpas above Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fil Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal asseription 3446 E. Coast Hu. Lot 4, Block T Filed by Far West Services Inc. App. Date Remodeling of an existing UP-1800 1/6/77 "Snack-Shop" restaurant bakery so as to permit Approved rg3 Denied 0 the expansion of the dining, reception, and bake sales area, and to change the operational characteristics of the subject reataurant to include the serving of beer and wine. Further Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [0( Amendment 0 request to establish a parking lot on the adjoining residentially zoned property so as to provide a portion of the required parking off-site. Said application also includes a request for an off-site parking agreement and a modification to permit the off-site parking area and screen wall to encroach to within five (5) feet of the front property line on Narcissus Avenue (where the District- ing map indicates a minimum 20 foot front yard setback). LOCATION 3446 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4 Si 5, Tract 323 , Block T Filed by Far West Services App. No. Date To amend Use Permit UP-1800 4/21/77 1800 that permitted Amended the remodeling of the Approved Denied 0 existing Snack Shop restaurant/bakery facility at 3446 E. Coast Hwy. The proposed amendment would allow the restaurant trash storage area to be located on adjoining property at OVER - Violence 0 Other Resubdreision 0 Use Permit )01 Amendment 3426 E. Coast Highway where the approved Use Permit No. 1800 required that the subject trash area shall be provided on-site, UDCAJRDN 3446 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 5 of Block 440, Corona del Mar Tract. Filed by C'Est Si Bon Bakery/James Ray App. No. Date Request to permit the UP-2009 8/6/81 establishment of retail commercial bakery in the C-1 Approved El Denied E] District which offers take-out food items and incidentia' wine for consumption on the premises, and to waive a portion cif the required off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 (Irk. Amendment Itesubchinsion 0 Use Permit [il LOCATION 3444 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot4. Blk. T, Tract No. 323, at 3444 East Coast Hwy. on northeasterly sid of E. Coast Hwy. between Maridold Ave. & Narcissus Ave. in CdM Filed by C'est Si Bon Bakery Bequest to amend a previously App. No. Date aPproved use permit. This UP 2009A 8/23/90 aMendment involves a request to expsnd the hours of operation Approved Eg Denied 0 from original hours of 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to revised hours of 6:00 a.m. to 1100 p.m. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3436,3446 East Coast Highway and 411,413 Narcissus Avenue Legal Description Lots 4 and 5, Block T, Tract 323 Filed By: Coco's Bakery Restaurant Application No. Date Use Permit 3678 8-17-2000 Outdoor Dining 72 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit a remodel and expansion of the interior dining area for a full-service restaurant. Also, included in the request are the following: 1. The addition of outdoor dining area. 2. An off- site parking agreement, and A waiver of the requirement to combine the commercial properties. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: XXXITON 3446f R. Coat Blvd. .00 desaiption Portion of Lot 5 El. T CDM Tract Zone C-1 Filed by BRUSH, Earl & Frances App. No. Date 351 Approved 8/22/57 Denied 0 Manufacturing of clothing_in a C -1 Zone Parlance 9 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Dither LULAIMIN 3451 E Coast Hwy. Legal description 327 Narcissus Avenue Lot 4 Bl. Y Tract 323 C-1 Lots 25,27 & 29 B1.240 CdM R-1 Filed by PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REALTY CO. App. No. Date COND. OVERRULED BY C.C. 4-28-69-New Cond.Imposed 1425 4-3-1969 Approved MSCI Denied 0 HSP, an R-1 parcel as a private off-street park- _ ing lot and to permit a bank building to en- croach 10 feet into the required 10 ft. rear yard setback. Jariance Dther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 LOCATION 3500B E. Coast Hwy, CdM 111 4 descripfimiLot 1 & 25' of Lot 2 Block "U" Tract an L-I Piled by KRAFT, Clifford L. t-Xr. 2 sts. /4-1-C - /o- 7- Z7-- APR. N°. Date 1404 10-3-1968 Approved 8 Denied A pet shop for tropical fish, -turtles ana lizard CNIDTTION: Approved for a period of one year. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment fl LOCATION 3512 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 1 Block U Tract CdM Zone C-1 Filed by Douglas H. Buell App. No. Date 270 11-15-56 Approved 0 Denied Sale of beer at 3512 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar Variance 1:1 Resubdivision Lii Use Permit Ell Amendment Other LOCATION 3516 E. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot 2, Block U of Tract in Corona del Mar. Red by Nancy J. Fulton App. No. Date Request to permit a retail newspaper home distri- UP-1990 5/21/81 bution business on property Approved 0 Denied 0 located in the C-1 District. REMOVED FROM CALENDAR Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 3519-3501 East Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 & 2, Block Z, Tract 323, on the se corner of ECH & Narcissus Filed by Flora Hills Salon & Sees Candy Req. to waive the requirement App. No. Date of a pm for the combining of WPM 3-9-89 lots in conjunction with Proposed alterations to two Approved 415( Denied 0 existing buildings on two adjoining lots located in the Cl District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3519 E. Coast Highway Urged description Lot 2, Block Z, Tract No. 323, on the sw side of E. Coast Hwy, between Narcissus Ave. & Orchid Ned by Joseph & Flora Hills Llo_permit altprations & Addns to App. No. Date a comm i l bldg.Incl. a portion of SPR 43 12-10-87 the req. off-st.parki s spaces w/ in-lieu parking spaces in the Approved ie Denied 0 Municipal Parking Lot at the nw corner of Baliside Dr. & Marguerite Ave;mod to the ZC to allow the use of tandem Parking spaces with a full time valet service-to allow a reauced parking aisle width in conjuucLion with widAr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision U Use Perrnit 0 Amendment 0 than normal parking spaces; and to allow a portion of the req. parking spaces to encroach into the required 10 ft rear yard setback adjacent to an alley LOCATION 3519 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 2, tract 323 Filed by Joseph H. Hills App. No. e LOIalriu d equert tu pet m UP 3484 Date 12/30/92 Denied 0 larepert-y--Teea-t-LeH n--the RSC Di s t r fer.°ved I • feet from any civic sitc. Variance 0 Other Resulsdivision 0 Use Permit )13] Amendment 0 CCATION 3519 E. Coast Hwy. egal description Lot 2 81. Z CdM C-1 Red by LEGGE, John A. App. No. Date DENIED BY C.0 7-24-1961 751 6-22-1961 Approved 0 Denied girt Construct a single family dwelling above a commercial building in a C-1 District. 'ariance 0 )tiler Resubdnosion 0 Use Permit Dr] Amendment 0 LULAWN 3520 East Coast Highway Legal dewripirkm Filed by rmdlo Manto, dipa Anal i App. No. Date Request to waive all of the required off-street parking Var. 1111 4/19/84 spaces in conjunction with the Approved ED Denied -intensified use of an outdoor patio area for dining and drinking purposes at the Amalfi Restaurant. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 3520 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Carmelo Manto, PRA Ama 1 f i App. No. Date UP 1908 4/19/84 approved use permit- whi ch al lowed the additi on of li ve Approved A Denied 0 entertainment and limited Ilse of an outdoor patio area with six fables and 94 seats, Rectanrant). The prop -cd amendment invelveu a R est • , ' I • . • • Resubdivision 0 Use Pernut4 Amendment Variance 0 request to change certain conditions of approval so as to allow the use of eight tables and 24 seats in the outdoor patio area and to allowtheservice of food and alcoholic beverages within the outdoor patio area. LOCATION Legal description 1920 F. roast Hwy. Filed by Carmelo Manto Amend previous use permit to in- App. No. Date glid_e_sq_ggaitsit_ tat UP 1908A 6/7/90 operational characteristics of the restaurant so as to prmit night- Approved El Denied 0 time dancing in conjunction with live entertainment dance combo . Also change permitted closing hours of operation to 12 : 30 a.m. Sunday through Thursday & 1:30 a.m. Friday 4nd Saturday; also provide 10 tables and 40 seats in the opt/nor pat 1 o arta; i aw—lia ficatio Variance 0 itesuoawision u lbsse ti9eAnnEr CLAArignerrfenVn Other 4-ss-A-42-41-s-e41 Y0t5 ,=e1 provide additional parking spaces in an existing off- site parking area across the alley from the restaurant us by using tandem spaces and to allow one additional on- site parking space which encroaches into the required 10 ft. rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. LOCATION 3520 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No. 1 (R-645) in Corona del Mar Red by Manto-Brady Enterprises App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP1908 A 6/23/83 approved use permit for La V1100 Strada Restaurant for live Approved Denied 0 entertainment, six umbrella tables and chair and to waive all of the required off-street parking in con- junction with the additional net public area. See file for additional details and conditions imposed. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12I Amendment 0 LCX:ASK)N 3520 E. Coast Highway Legal dwelokm Parcel I of Parcel Map 79-733 (Resubdivision No. 645) in Corona del Mar. Filed by Carmel Manto - La Strada Restaurant App. No. Date Request to change the UP 1908 1/21/82 operational characteristics (Amended) of an existing restaurant Approved 12 Denied 0 use so as to allow a daytime lunch operation during the week where the existing_use permit now permits the opening of the restaurant facility after 5:00 OVER. . . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 p.m. Monday through Friday. Said application also includes a request to amend certain condi- tions of the existing use permit so as to reduce the amount of required restaurant parking and to amend the existing off-site parking agreement. LOCATION 3520 East Coast Highway Legal description A portion of 2 and Lot 3, Block U, Tract No. 323 - on the northeasterly side of East Coast Highway. Fled by Manto, Brady Enterprises, Inc., dba La Strada App. No. Date UP#1908 11/6/80 Request to amend an approved (Amended) Use Permit so as to permit Approved ig Denied the expansion of the existing La Strada Restaur. ant with on-sale alcoholic beverages. The pur- posed development also requests the approval of an off-site parking agreement for the additiona reauired parking spares for the expanded rps- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 Other (OVER) xxwrioN 3520 East Coact Highway .egal description Filed by Carp elo Manta App. No. Date Request to establish R-645 1-10-80 one building site and eliminate an interior Approved 0 Denied 0 lot line where one lot_and a portion of a second lot now exist so as to permit the remo- deling of the existing commercial huilding on the property for a new relipurant facility Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 finance Dther DCAfiON 3520 East Coast Highway asgal description Filed by Manto, Brady Enterprises App. No. Date Request to establish a UP-1908 6-7-79 restaurant facility with on-sale alcoholic Dever- Approved 0( Denied 0 ages in the lormer Bartz Mortuary taciiity, and the request tor the acceptance ot an ott-site parking agreement tor tne requirea parking spaces. (silence 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EJ Amendment 0 Legal description Filed by William R. Edwards & assoc. App. No. Date M 3414 6-21-88 Approved El Denied 0 PWTlectt to pArmit the structural alteration of an existin. rk n err; t o permit the provision of one additional parking spare which will encroach 10 feet into the required 10 Resu6division 0 Use 4%t 0 Amendment 0 • N: • led II Oat, I! .- • I, Valiance 0 Other FOOT REAR YARD SETBACK ADJACENT TO THE ALLEY LOCATION I 3536 East Coast Highway, Suite C Legal Description Lots No. 4 and 5, Block U, Tract No. 323 Filed By: Rose Donuts (Hong Lim, applicant) Application No. Date PUDP 29 6-23-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to allow the establishment of a full-service small scale food use (donut shop). Seating for 6 persons is provided inside the facility and outside dining is prohibited. Proposed hours of operation are 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., daily. No alcoholic beverage service is proposed. The property is located in the RSC District. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 3536 East Coast Highway Legal Description Lots 4 and 5, Block U, Tract 323 Filed By: Rose Donuts (Hong Lim, applicant Application No. Date 0D60 9-17-99 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests to establish an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent Rill-service, small-scale eating and drinking establishment. The property is located in the RSC District. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Outdoor dining permit LOCATION 3536 East Coast highway Legal Description Lots No. 4 and 5, Block U, Tract No. 323 Filed by Domino's Pizza (Mike Hausman, applicant) App. No. Date PDUP 26 5 -29 -98 Approved X Denied j . Request to allon, the establishment of Make-out service, limited, food use in an existing retail commercial center. The establishment will provide carryout and delivery service. No on-site dining or seating is proposed, with the exception of a bench for customer waiting only. Proposed hours of operation are 11:00 1.m. to midnight daily. No alcoholic beverage service is proposed. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit li Amendment Other: Planning Director's Use Permit 3536 E. Coast Hwy. LOCATION Legal description Lot 4 El. U Tract 323 C-1 Filed by BRIIMPP.__Adulphe A App. No. Date 1010 2-6-1964 Approved al Denied 0 On sale beer and wine in connection with a restaurant CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. Variance 0 Other Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 3543 East Coast Highway, CdM Legal description Lot 4, 'nook 2 Trart 321, C-1 Filed by McGOVERN Hugh M & Charles H. App. No. Date 413 3-20-58 Approved 0 Denied 121 Sale of alcoholic beverages Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit E; Amendment 0 LOCATION 3545 E. Coast Highway Legal desciptkm Lot 4 BlockZ Tract 323 C-1 Piled by EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER XT F ,V lc FOR IRS - 1/4$11-Se App. No. Date 500 3-19-5 Approved EN Denied Requests permission to use existing building for church purposes CONDITION: Use Permit to have 5 year duration. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit X Amendment 0 LOCATION 3555 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 4, Block 2, Tract No. 323, on the s.w. corner of Orchid Ave. & PdH Filed by Interior Designers Institute Reg. to permit the establish App. No. Date of an interior design school UP3154 7-18-85 in coniunction with a design studio on property Approved 0 Denied E] located in the Cl Dist. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gf Amendment 0 3600 East Coast Highway LOCATION Legal description Filed by Quist ana Hayes, Inc. App. No. Date Reconstruct and upgrade an UP-1879 8/17/78 automobile service station In the C-1 uistrict. me Approved 0 Domed 0 proposed development includes the use of prefabricated wodular buildings. A modification to tne coning Lode I s also requested so as to exceea tne permitted areas or proposed signs. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3600 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by quist & Hayes, Inc. App. No. Establigh one building site R-595 Date 8/17/78 anc eliminate interior lot li nes where portions ot Approved three lots now exist 50 -aS to reconstruct servtce station in Carona del mar. In Denied 0 an automibile Variance 0 Resubdivision j Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3601 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots I & 2 Block Tract 323 C-1 Filed by STOWERS, John App. No. Date CONDITIONS - Over 583 2 -18 -1960 Approved AZI Denied 0 Addition to a building which is non-conforming becaus( of an existing zero rear yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 CONDITIONS; 1. That a 3 setback be maintained from the alley. 2. That the 2nd story on the new structure abutting the alley and the entire new structure abutting Coast Highway be deleted from the plot plan. The Commission advised the applicant that any future additions must be approved by the Planning Commission. LOCATION 3501 F roast Hwy Legal description lots 1,2,3 Rlk AA Tr 323. SE corner Orrhid Ave & E. Coast Hwy in CdM Fled by SHELLEpERG fr JR. VICTOR. E. Outer-a - enA„. „op-4%746 .“--/La App. No. Date 1660 3-22-73 RFFFRRFO TO CITY COUNCIL Approved 0 Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 51 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3601 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2, Block AA, Tract No. 323, on the s.e. corner of E.Coast Hway and Orchid Ave in CdM Hied by Said Shokrian Reg. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a relocatahle structure to be UP3125 2/7/85 used for retail sales and display of flowers in the open, on Approved g Denied 0 property located in the C-1 Dist. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit pi Variance 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3601 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2, Block AA, Tract no. 323 on the s.e. corner of East Coast Highway & Orchid Ave. Filed In Peter Baltus RegL,Sanmit the establishment App. No. Date of_a_talsa_put restaurant with on DP3191 2-20-86 Sale beer and wine and incidental seating in coniunction with a Approved fa Denied 0 deli/bakery facility, on property located in the Cl Dist. Indi—usrarequest to waive a portion of the required off street narking spaces. Variance 0 CIfkee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit...kr Amendment 0 LOCATION 3601 E. Coast Hwy. Legal ducliPtion I nts 1 RI 2, Tract No 321 Filed by 7 p1 77a App. No. Date M3855 5-29-91 Request to permit the establish- Approved tid Denied 0 of a specialty food use with incidental outdoor seating on property located in the C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 modification LOCATION Legal description 3617 E Coast Hwy Filed by Christine Leckie Request to establish a App. No. Date flower stand in the open in the C-1 District, and the UP 1910 6/21/79 acceptance of an Environmental Approved 0 Denied El Document. REMOVHD--FROM—AGENDA--- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3631 East Coast Hwy.. Flied by CORONA WI. MAR FOREIGN CAR SERVICE App. No. Date UPHELD BY C.C. 6/22/1964 1050 5-21-1964 Approved Xt3 Denied 0 A foreign car automotive repair which is a transfer of existing business from 3016 E. Coast Highway. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [EX Amendment 0 LOCATION 335 FAST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description parco1 1 of Parcel Map Nn sgian Filed by Mark Miskiewir7 App. No. Date SF19 10 -19 -94 Approved el Denied 0 Portliest to permit the establishment of a wecialtv food sprvire IISP on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3636 East Coast Hi ghway *R -1 Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map C2/_40 Filed by Scott McVean Rea uest to permit the establishment of a special ty food facility on Property_ located in the C-1 District App. No. Date M4047 9-29-92 Approved II Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3636 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 52-40, on the n.w. corner of East Coast Highway & Poinsettia Ave. Filed by offlanki & Arita Architects &pg to permit the construction App. No. Date _ciL_a_l_atsalqi_goteflg_oui Ian on SPR42 3 -19 -87 property located in the Cl Dist. Dirt. a mod to the ZC to allow Approved ig Denied 0 the encroachments into the 10 ft rear yard setback adj. to an alley:trash encl.& landscaping,& retention of an exist block wall, construct. of req. off-street parking Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance Oftwar 3636 E. Coast Highway .0CATION Legal description Filed by Genera l Maintenance, Inc. Permit the instal lation ot a 63 sq. tt . illuminated .• POrhign by 9'un Aide by monument (inside dimension - Approved Denied price combination) sign, remodel ot existing monument sign (where the Code permits a maximum SID sg.t-t. siae monument sign). App. No. Date M-2301 10/11/78 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance El Other Modification LOCATION 1636 E Coast Hwy Legal thmApfkm Lot 4.5 & war. of Lot 3 Blk V Tr No 323 & Lot I, Blk 442 of CDM, hied by ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. App. No. Date 387 4-5-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved JX Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision nx Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3636 E. Coast Hwy Legal description Filed by ATLAN ILL K1CHFI App. No. Date 1650 1 -4 -73 Approved Denied 1:1 APPROVED CONDI] 10HALL SE E Variance El Otber Resubdivision ID Use Permit in Amendment LOCATION 3636 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcell of Parcel Map 52-40 Filed by The Burgess Company Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of a 3.982 + square SPR 61 11/30/90 foot commercial building on property located in the C-1 Approved 01 Denied CI District in the Corona del Mar 12/5/91 Specific Plan Area, where a specific plan hasnot yet been adopted. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Site Plan Review LOCATION 3636 East Coast Highway Legal description Filed by The Burgess Company App. No. Date M 3413 6-14-88 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the use of compact parking spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking in conjunction with the construction of a commercial building on the site Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3700 E enact Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2, R1 W, Tract 393 Filed by Honey Baked Ham, Inc. App. No. Date Re9uest to establish one R-494 7/17/75 building site and eliminate an interior lot line where Approved n Denied 0 two lots now exist so as to permit the expansion of the existing commercial building on the property. Resubdivision Et_l Use Permit 0 Amendment Variance D Other LOCATION 3700 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 2, Tract 323, Block W Flied by Honey Baked Ham, Inc. App. No. Date Constrn. of building M-908 6/24/75 addition to an existing retail store that encroaches %Approved Ell Denied 0 to within 3 feet of the rear property line (when the Ordinance requires a minimum 10 foot rear yard setback in the C-1 District when abutting Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mnrlifiratinn Amendment an alley). Further request to allow the proposed aisle width for the additional required parking spaces to have a minimum depth of 14 feet 6 inches (where the Ordinance requires a minimum aisle width of 24 feet). LOCATION 3700 E. Coast Hwy. Legal deseliptiim Lots 1,2 & 3 Bl. W Tr. 323 C -1 Filed by BRADY, Earl (John Carter) App. No. Date CONDITIONS (SPP applica- ttein ar MinutA 4 924 1-4-1968 Approved xla Denied 0 Remodel an existing nonconforming building and to have a 6 ft fence where no fence is per- mitted Said fence will be located on the rea property line adjacent to the alley. Variance Other Resubdiyision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment El App. No. Date Request to permit- tine UP 3128 1/10/85 estahli thment of a retail pet cpecializina in and Approved EA Denied 0 • • - or •ert located in the C-1 District. • • LOCATION 3707 East Coast Highway Legal description Tot 1 Block RP, Tract No 323 Red by Richard auffirool Variance CI AA. Amendment CI Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E LOCATION Legal thmApflaie 3/0B Last coast Hwy. Lots 1.2.3 Bl. W Tr. 323 C-1 Filed by Fl AVOR SEALED FOODS App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1485 7-28-1970 Approved Denied 0 A walk -up/take -out restaurant in the C -1 Distric . tor 3 vaant, ay air, ,a04.2")/ - USC PER/fir Aler c-77/447E.P. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other DCATION 3711 E. Coast Hwy. HO description For. Lot 1 Block BB Tract 323 C4 Filed by MAXWELL, Willi am App. No. Date 884 9 -6 -1962 Approved 113 Denied 0 Install and operate a self service coin laundry. ariance 0 Ker Resubdivision 0 Use Permit rSi Amendment 0 Dog beauty salon — clipping and bathing only Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IN Amendment El LOCATION Legal description Lot 2 El. BR Tract 323 Zone Ca l Filed by LENZNER, Milton App. No. Date 357 $122/57 Approved Xi Denied OCATION 3744 Fact CrLacf Highway egal dmmilAwl Hod by Bob Van Gerpen App. No. Date Reauest to amend a pre- SPR-14 6-4-79 viously approved site plan for a Beverly Hills Ted- Approved gat Denied 0 eral Savings and Loan facility on the property so as to revise the approved plans related to signs. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 >ther Site Plan Review No. 14 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3744 F. Coast Highway Fled by Everly Hills Federal Savings 14 l oan App. No. Date Constrn. of a savings and SPR-14 7/6/78 loan complex in a Specific Plan Area, where a specific Approved a Denied 0 plan has not been adopted. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivisicgi i in Use kcin?iND UJUAHVN Legal description 3/44 Last coast HWY. Lot 5 Bl. II Tr. 323 G-I NW by HAMMOND, Henry W. App. No Date 1483 WITHDRAWN 7-2-70 Approved CI Duke! ID Outdoor display and sales ot paintings. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit OF Amendment LOCATION 3801 E. Coast Hilhwav Legal description Lots 1,2,3, Bock A, Tract 673 Filed by The Five Crowns Restaurant App. No. Date Request to remodel and . ':.01 1-1822 3/3/77 enlarge the existing kitchen, storage and supply Approved Denied El areas'of The Five Crowns Restaurant facility in the C-1 District. The proposed development also includes the construction of a roofed trash enclosure that encroaches to the rear Variance 0 Other Resubdivision CI Use Permit Amendment 0 property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rear yard setback when the rear of a C-1 lot abuts on a Residential District). LOCATION Legal description 3801 East Coast Highway Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block A Filed by George R. Stephenson App. No. Date o establish one building R-523 6/17/76 kite and eliminate interior ot lines where three lots Approved El Denied 0 knd an abandoned alley now exist so as to permit ;he construction of additional storage and :itchen space for the Five Crowns Restaurant. Variance 0 Resubthvision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LJA I I VIII Legal description 3831 to 3939 L. uoast KWV. Filed by Don the Beachcomber App. No. Date Permit the establishment UP-1382 7/11/68 of a 304 seat restaurant. (2) on-sale alcoholic beverages Approved El Denied 0 within 200 feet of a residential area. (3) Use of adjoining R-lproperty for off-street parking. (4) non- standard parking arrangement contingent on attendant parking. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 LOCATION 3831 to 3939 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description 0 $ ru I • • Tract 673 C-1 and R-1 Filed by DON THE BEACHCOMBER,INC. CONDITIONS (See Minutes Azinird Date or application) 1382 7-11-1968 Approved la Denied 0 1.Establishment of a restaurant. 2. On-sale alcoholic beverages within 200' of a residen- tial dist. 3.Use of adjoining R-1 propertvfor off-street parking. 4.Non-standard parking .II^H'I attendant •. k I I • Variance a Resun • 111 via • 1 Ise Permit Li] Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3838 E Coast H y #A Legal deseriptkm Lot 52, Blk. B. Tract No. 663 Filed by Corona del Mar Doq Wash (Kimbell Moss) App. No. Date PDUP1 5-9-97 Establish a self service dog washApproved DeMed and grooming facility on property located in the RSC (Retail and Service Commercial) District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3838 Coast Highway, East Legal description Lot c2. Blnrk R . Tract No 663 Filed by Ki m mil m oss App. No. Date PDUP #1 5/9/97 Approved f] Dewed 0 Establish a self service dog wash and grooming -Facility Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 380 E. Coast Blvd. Legal description Lot 52 Block B Tract 672 C-1 Ned by STOCKTON, Dr. A, F. App. No. Date 223 4-23-56 Approved OK Denied 0 Veterinary Hospital Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3839 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 59 to 65 inc. B1 . A Tr. 673 C -1 Filed by SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST App. No. Date 639 7-7-1960 Approved El Denied 0 Conduct church activities in a C -1 Zone. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment Other LOCATION 3840 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 53, Block B, Tract No. 673, in Corona del Mar. APPRQYED Filed by Mitsui Ueno App. No. Date Request to amend a previously approved use permit establishing UP 2006 (A) 4/8/82 a restaurant facility with on- Approved 0 Denied al sale beer and wine in the C-1 District, so as to change the hours of operation to include the service of food and beverages at lunchtime during the week. IL u: • P I IL I P.C. AND_APPROVED crip USE PERMIT Nfl _InnA Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Up Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3840 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 53, Block B, Tract No. 673 in Corona del Mar Filed by Mitsuo Ueno WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 2006 (Amended) 11/5/81 approved use permit, establishing a restaurant Approved 0 Denied 0 facility with on-saTe beer and wine in the C-1 District, so as to change the hours of operatibn to include the service of food, beer and wine during lunch hours. Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3840 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 53, Block B, Tract No. 673 in Corona del Mar. Fled by Mitsuo Ueno App. No. Date Request to establish a UP-2006 7/9/81 restaurant facility with on-sale beer and wine in Approved d Denied 0 an existing buiTding located in the C-1 District which maintains an existing use permit for the parking of automobiles on the root. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment Variance 0 Other 31340 East Coast Highway Lot 53, Tract 673 B 3 • irdescription Fled by Ernest George App. No. Date Constrn. of a commercial UP-1848 11/17/77 building in the C-1 District where the Approved El Denied 0 required parking spaces are proposed tO be located on the roof of satd building, and the acceptance of an environmental document. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested since the parking lot and related Over Variance 0 Resubdivision 9 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Dther walls encroach to the rear property line (where the Code requires a 10' rear yard when abutting an alley). Furthermore, one compact space with a depth of 16' is proposed where the Code requires minimum 18' deep spaces). LOCATION 3900 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 54, Tract No. 673 Filed by Hanna, Magdi/Gallo s of Corona del Mar App. No. Date SF38 8-9-95 Approved ta Denied 0 Reauest to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Resubdivision p Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3901 East Coast Highway Legal Description Filed By: Slcyview/E hnic American Broadcasting Application No. Satellite Dish Date 4-9-99 Antenna 431 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the installation of 2 3-foot diameter dishes at the above address. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Satellite Dish Antenna Permit LOCATION 3901 E. COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 85-257 Filed by James C. Thomas, Jr., M.D. App. No. Date UP 3561 8-28-95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit construction of an 84 unit elderly Personal care facility on property located in the PC Dist. (Previously approved as Emeral Village Proposal also includes: request to allow portion of structure to exceed Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation Dist.; request to establish an off-street parking requirement based on a demonstrated formula; & modification to Zoning Code so as to allow use of tandem parking spaces in conjunction with full-time valet parking service. LOCATION 3901 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 85-257 (R811) on the se corner of East Coast Highway & Hazel Dr. Filed by Emerald Assoc. REq. to approve a traffic study App. No. Date to permit the construction TS 54 3-9-89 I an 85 unit elderly personal care facility on property Approved ,3 0 located in the PC District Variance D Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 East Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 85-257 (R811) on the s.e. corner of EAst Coast Highway & Hazel Dr. Filed by Emerald Assoc. To permit construction of an 85 App,No. Date unit elderly personal care UP3341 3-9-89 facility on property in the PC Dist. Incl. a req. to allow a Approved gr'DeMed 0 portion of the structure to exceed 32' basic ht limit in the 32/50 Ht Limit Dist;req. to est. an off-st parking requirement based on a demo formula;mod to 2C to allow use of tandem ps in conj. with a full time valet parking service; and an e.d. Variance 9 Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 9 Amendment El Other LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No. 1 of PM 85-257 (R811) on the s.e. corner of East Coast Highway & Hazel Dr. Filed by Emerald Associates Req. to approve a t.s. so as App. No. Date to permit the construction TS 6-9-88 of 120 unit elderly personal care facility on property Approved Denied 0 located in the PC Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 85-257 (R811) on the se corner of east Coast Hwy & Hazel Dr. Filed by SJS Development Permit to construct a 77 unit srApp.Ne. Date congregate living facility on UP3303 12-10-87 property in PC Dist. Incl. a portion of structure to exceed hApInielid; ti] Denied A establish. off-st pkg req.; mod to ZC to allow the us of tandem ps in conjunction with a full time valet park svc. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 F., rn a qr Hi g hway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 85-257 (R811) on the se corner of East Coast Hwy & Hacel Dr. Filed by SJS Development Req. to approve a ts in App. No. Date conjunction with the TS 12-10-87 construction of a 77 unit senior congregate living Approved 0 Denied yl facility Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Hi ghwa y Legal description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Tract No. 673, on the s.e. corner of E. Coast Hwy and Hazel Dr. Filed by SJ$ Development_ rnnsidaratinn of an Amend. App. No. Date to the CAyi- i f i e d torAi road-al Amend.7 to 10-10-85 Pro g ram, Lana Ugly. Plan, to 7, £..P Cul e.6 L2 -97.fir redecignata a port- inn of the Approved v 1st Denied 4 Re sicknüal to ad gAr1/7061 rrIMMPrOial Variance D Othr Resu bdivision 0 Useoranj Amen ent LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Lege description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Tract No. 673, on the s.e. corner of E. Coast Highway and Hazel Red by SJS Development To consider a traffic study App. No. Date to permit the construction TS 10-10-85 of an 80 unit senior 1, et congregate living living facility y Approved lel Denied 191 in the R1 proposed to be rezoned to Cl) and the Cl Districts Variance 0 Other L Resubd' i ion 0 ysif(tc-/ Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 P Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Trani- bk, 673, on thp g p new-nay—Of F. Coast Hicihway and Hazel Dr. Red by SJS Deve1Qpment Corp, App. No. Date _Amendmeat.--to-Laad-Useant nf the NB Can- CPA 85-1(c) 10-10-85 radesipiat q_prrti n f Fin qiihjqct prnrerty from-TOT 7 Approveg+ Er Denied a Af.-• 4.7 -7a Density Residential to a combined des gnatlnn o r and Retail and Service Commerrial and the arreptance Of an environmental document Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other erten.. lids, LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Tract No. 673, on the s.e. corner of E. Coast Highway and Hazel Dr. Filed by SJS Development To amend a portion of App. No. Date District Map No. 18 to Amend. #620 10-10-85 reclassify certain property from the R1 Dist. to Cl Dist. Approved J Denied El i, Variance Ofber Resubdivision Q Use Permit fl Amendment g LOCATION 3901E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Tract No. 673, on the s.e. corner of E. coast Highway and Hazel Filed by SJS Development To permit the construction of App. No. Date an 80 unit senior congregate HR3155 10-10-85 living facility on property kee_,,42/4•4- located in the R1 and the Cl i Approved (ZI Denied 0 Districts. Req.to allow a portion of the structure to exceed ht. limit; req. to establish an off-street parking requirement; mod. to ZC to allow use of tandem parking spaces with full-time valet parking service. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 5 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67 and a portion of Lot 68, Block A, Tract No. 673, on the s.e. corner of PCM & Hazel Dr. Filed by SJS Development Reg. to establish a single App. No. Dee parcel of land and eliminate R811 7-18-85 interior lot lines where ten lots, a portion of an Approved [XI Denied 0 eleventh lot and a portion of an abandoned alley now exist. Variance 1:1 Resubdivision Er. Use Permit ID Amendment LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67 Tract 673, on the s.e.corner of E. Coast Highway and Hazel Dr. in Corona del Mar Red by Ernest George Reguegt to permit a v. to the ZC App. No. Date to allow a reduced parking requireV1123 6-6-85 office portions of the building, or a Approved 0 Denied Ea mod to the ZC to permit tandem parking with a full time valet parking service that would provide the required no. of on-site parking spaces for the existing and proposed Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment I: Variance ruk. LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description in Corona del Ear Filed by A.T. Leo's Restaurant App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 1965 8/18/83 amended use permit for A.T. (Amended) Leo's. Request to add live Approved Denied 0 entertainment and dancing and delete condition requiring valet parking on week nights. P.C. Approved Cond. with_a 6 month review_by the L•Hc_t_at_t 2 (14. Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit E Variance 0 Amendment 0 UDWION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal damaiOkm Lots 58-67,Tract 673, on the s.e. corner of E. Coast Highway and Hazel Dr. in Corona del Mar Filed by EPnest George Bequest to convert portions of App. No. Date the existing restaurant into DP1965A 6-6-85 retail commercial and office space and reduce the restaurant Parking Approved gs Denied 0 -tegna cirementaxsaceforeac ci f.neal feet_ppblic area". Variance 0 ()A. Resubdivinon 0 Use Permit .Er* Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Legal description Lots 58-67, Tract No. 673 Fded by A. T. Leo Requested to consider the revoca -App.No. Date tion of UP 196/A that permitted the UP 1965 7/19/84 change of operational character- istics of the existing A. T.Leo'sApproved El Denied 0 Rest. with on-sale alcoholic beverages located in the C-1 Dist.with existing related parking in the R-1 Dist so as to include live entertain.and dancing in conjunctic with the restaurgatahil_p.h.is to determine whether salt u.p.shod be revoked for failure to comply with Cond.of Ap Variance 0 Rewbdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58-67, Tract No. 673 in Corona del Mar. Filed by The McMahon Partnership ( A. T. Leo s Rest.) App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 1965 (Amended) approved use permit establish- R 717 1/7/82 ing a restaurant facility with Approved I Denied 0 on-sale alcoholic beverages and live entertainment so as to permit the expansion of said restaurant facility by permitting a new exterior deck for dining. ANu (OVER) Variance D Other Resubdivision El Use Permit in Amendment 0 Request to establish a single parcel of land and eliminate interior lot lines where ten lots, a portion of an eleventh lot and a portion of an abandoned street now exists. UP 1965 (Amended) _ C.C. APPROVED WITH R 717 MODIFIED CONDITIONS - 2/22L82 UP 1965 (Amended) - REPORT RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY C.C. - 2/28/83 RE: 1 YEAR REVIEW LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 59 through 67, Tract 673 Corona del Mar Filed by Carlos Lamas/La Selva Restaurant App. No. Date Request to change the opera- UP-1965 12/4/80 tional characteristics of an existing restaurant with on-sale Approved Mr Denied alcoholic beverages located in the C-1 District with existing related parking in the R-1 District so as to include live entertainment and dancing in conjunction with the restaurant use. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ECI Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description SEE 352 HAZEL DR. Filed by App. No. Date A847 GPA 96-1C LCP45 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3901 East Coast Highway Legal dewription Parcel No. 1 of PM 85-257 (1811) on the q P. corner of East Coast Highway & Hazel Dr. NI" by Emerald Assoc. Reg. to permit a 120 unit elderly App. No. pate care facility in PC Dist.Rea. UP3312 6-9-88 to allow a portion to exceed the basic ht limit in 32/50 Ht Approved Denied 0 Limit.Dist;construct a flag pole on top whie:xceeds SU ft in ht;to est. an off -st park. req. based on a formula and a mod to EC to allow the use of tandem ps in conjunc- tion with a full time valet parking service Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lo ts 58 thru 67, Tr. 673A C-1 & R-1 Filed by LOWEM, Thomas M. -Don the Beachcomber App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1555 10-21-1971 Approved t Denied 0 Permit patron dancing in conjunction with a bonafide restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment 0 LOCATION 3916 E Coast Highway Legal Description Tract 673, lot 55 Filed By: Gordon Mountjoy Application No. Date UP 3662 8/22/00 Approved: n/a Denied: n/a Applicant withdrew the application on 5/8/00-no action taken To construct a Jaguar Sales Boutique, consultation, light service and repair shop. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment Other: DCATION sgal description 3926 - 3934 E. Coast Hwy. Lots 56,57,58 Bl. B Tract 673 C-1 Filed by HUBBARD, Frank C. App. No. Date GRANTED BY CC. 4/2311962 1P.C. 687 3-15-1962 Approved fl Denied A zero setback on the alley for the purpose of construct- ing a service station. ariance Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 >tiler LOCATION 3928 E. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 55-58. Block B. T673, on the me side of East Coast Highway between Hazel Dr. & Seaward Road Fled by Tait & Assoc. Req. to resub four existing App. No. Date lots into a single parcel of R898 7-20-89 land so as to permit the remodel of an exist. auto Approved 0 Denied El service station on the property Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment CI LOCATION 1928 E. Coast Highway Legal descripfion Lots 55 - 58, Blork B, I671, on the ne Ride of East Coast Highway between Hazel Or & Seaward Road Filed by Tait Fir Assor —12—PSSS—th it—le.galApp.No. Date nonconforming auto service UP3354 7-20-89 station on property located in the C-] Dist. Incl. a mod Approved Ef Denied 0 to the ZC to allow pump islands to encroach 5' into a req. 20' setback adj. to East Coast Hiehway Variance 0 Other Resubdivision U Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 4001 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 139 Tr. 1116 R-1 -B Filed by Ap_sizinm 20-21 App. No. Date Approved 0 Denied 0 92-191-21 is a legal lot split because of its presence on tax roles prior to Resubdivision Ordinance. See reterse side for setbackc--- Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 SETBACKS 6' Glen Drive 6' Coast Hwy. 6' along Seaward 6' westerly property line 15' Evening Canyon Rd. LOCATION 4030 E roast Hwy Filed by Buck Gully Request to approve the Final Map App. No. Date of Tract No. 14028, subdividing FTM 14028 1-22-90 1.00 acre of land into a single C.C. lot for an 18 unit residential Approved ta Denied 0 condominium development on property located in he R-3 (1,90 SPR District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Legal description LOCATION 40 30 East Coast Highway Legal description Tot -L T1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands Filed by B_uckzzuuy_AaaQc_, Reg—taspnrave_fanthe_p_urp_ose APP. No. Date of establish, project compliance CRDP 16 8 -10 -89 for a 20 unit residential et condo develops_pnrsnant to the Approved Denied 0 Ad. Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low and Moderate Income Housing within the Coastal Zone Variance 0 Other Resubcknuon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4030 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, Tract 1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands Filed by Buck Gully Assoc. Req. to amend Land Use Element App. No. Dee of the GP to redesignate the subject property from Retail & GPAt 8)717 si ...d- 1 8-10-89 Service Commercial to Multi- Approved Denied 0 Family Residential with a density of one dwelling unit for ea. 1,698 sf of buildable lot area; and the acceptance of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4030 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, T1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands Filed by Buck Cully_ Assoc. Req. to subdivide an existing App.No. Date lot into a single parcel of TTM 14028 8-10-89 land in conjunction with the development of a 20 unit resi- Approved ar Denied El dential condo project on the subject property Variance 0 Otbev Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 4030 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, T 1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands Filed by B uc k G ui i y_A sq " Req to permi t the ronntruct of App. No. Date a 211 nni t resi denti al rondo SPA 50 8 -10 -89 develop & related an 9/V47, h parking di _ area Tnr zi l a mod to Sign Code Approved Denied 0 1-n permi t the installation of P 17 sf id sign_at the entrance of the development whereas the ZC limits the R1 7p of an id sign in the R-3 District to 6' & the construct- of an exterior stai 7-47 y w/handrails which exceed 3' in ht & encroach into the re ri front yard Se thai Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IQ Amendment El Other Filed by Buck Gully Assoc. Req. to amend the Land Use Plan App. No. Date of the local Coastal Program LCP A17 8-10=89 so as to redesimnate the subj. ea St/bef from tail & SErvice Approved Denied • I Commercial to Multi-Family Residential with a density of one dwelling unit for each 1,698 sf of buildable lot area Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 4030 East Coast HIghway Legal description Lot 1 ract 1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands LOCATION 4030 East Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, T 1237, on the nw corner of East Coast Highway & Seaward Road in Corona Highlands Filed by B uck G ully A ssoc_ Reg. to amend a portion of App. No. Date Districting_ Map 20 so as to A682 a 8-10-89 reclassify the subject property ee- r-114P from R-3-B to R-3 (1698)SPR and Approved ja Denied CI 1 I! _Sailaat_ilighkjay_and_Saaward jnitage_ of the property Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4102 E. Coast Hwy Legal descriptko Lots 1 and 12 Tract 2758 R-3-B Filed by COROLIDO APARTMENTS App. No. Date 660 9 -1 -1960 Approved al Denied 0 Retain 2 signs advertising the Corolido Apartments. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 4323 E. Co -ast Hwy. Metes & Bounds Desc. C-041 "" by AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY App. No. Date 1314 11 -16 -196) Approved 0 Denied MI) Operate a service men's club within 200 ft. of a residential district. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 we Coots+-k‘tvy. Variance Other Resubdivision ci—er.d • LOCATION So. of West Coast Hwy/W. Balboa Blvd. Legal description Tract No. 3162, located southerly of West Coast Hwy and westerly of W. Balboa Blvd. in the private community of Lido Sands Filed by Lido Sands Community Assoc. Req. to consider changing a APP. Nn. Date street name from "Bruce SNG 11-21-85 Crescent to Lido Sands Drive" in West Newport Approved cEr Denied 0 / Amendment 0 e Permit 0 eq LOCATION 112 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 1 Tract 1125 Zone "U" and R -4 Flied by BAT SHORE PARK App. No. Date 1139 7-1-1965 Approved ta Denied 0 Construct 58 boat slips adjacent to an R -4 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ZJ Amendment 0 LOCATION 136 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por. Lot 1 Tract 1125 C-1-H Filed by RAY SHORE PARK INC. & THE IRVINE CO. App. No. Date 232 5-17-56 Approved a Denied [] The sale of small boats and outboard motors and outboard motor repakr. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 100-200 Coast Hwy. W. Legal descripficm Lots 1,2,3 & 30 " 4 Tract 1210 Rhd by Action Marine Center, Inc. App. No. Date UP3592 9-5-96 Approved El %WI 0 Fstablish an outdoor sales facility involving the sale of boats. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 100-200 WEST COAST HWY. Legal description Lots 1-3 & portion of Lot 4, Tract 210 Filed by Wendy Wong App. No. Date UP3562 8-28-95 Approved AM Domed El Request to establish an outdoor sales fatuity involving sale of home furnishings and decorator items on property ' located in the RSC-H District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 200 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Lots 1-6,-Tract No. 210 Filed by Julie Anne Duffy Request to permit the establish- App. No. Date merit of an outdoor sales facility UP 3489 2/26/93 involving the Vile of flowers from A stationary flower cart, on Approved Et Denied 0 property located in the RSC-H District. 3/18/93 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Ei Use Permit k;; Amendment 0 UDCAJKDN 200 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1,2,3 and a portion of Lot 4, T 1210, on the n.w. corner of Dover Dr. & WCH Riad by Leonard Horwin Reg to expand the offices for App. No. Dee the facility into portions UP3005A 5-21-87 of the exist. contra i l bldg located on the property; Approved Er Denied 0 to install an auto wash rack, and to revise the previous approved parking and circulation plans. Variance 0 Other Resubchmon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 200 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1, 2 3 and a portion of Lot 4, in the vicinity of Newport Bay Bridge. Filed by Overseas Motorsports Corp. App. go. Date WATIent tn eqtablish An UP 3005 - 11/4/82 automobile rental fanility _rat_proparty_locatecLin_tlae Approved MI Denied 0 r-l-w Diatrict. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 200 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 and 2 of Tract 1210, across from Bayshores Filed by San Marino Savings and Loan App. No. Date Request to permit the 1 P 200 temporary use of a modular U 9/10/81 building for a San Marino SavingsAppmwed r] Denied 0 and Loan Branch with a drive-up teller facility in the C-1-H District. Resubdivision E Use Permit RI Amendment Variance Other LOCATION 200 W Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 1 & 2 Tract 121 0 C-1-H Filed by ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. App. No. Date SEE APPLICATION FOR CONDT TifINS cowv/reoivS at 1235 11-17-1966 Aint/pc& / -/c - /en 1.41 Approved xfl Denied 0 A new service station facility -. (Existing sprvirp station on site to be completely dpmnlishpd.) 0 7?/1-7,,c/lic,o 7t 4 RCO Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EX Amendment CI Variance 0 Other r/RE R/Ice ve -PR/e‘ .516 4/ Ex r /S. Ho. .61)tf.g /-/..)-(97/ LUCA I IUN 300 II mast Hwy Legal description Lot 5 Trart 1210 C-1-H Piled by VIERICK, A Pi (South Coast Car Leasing App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M-15 11-19-68 Approved X13 Denied 0 Car leas 4 ng and parkina. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MODINCATION Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That only 3 parking spaces be used for car leasing. 2. That approval be for a period of one year. LOCATION 320 W. Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 7, Tract 1210 Filed by Brian Hollabaugh App. No. Date M4620 11 -12 -97 Approved X Denied L Request to permit the replacement of a second wall sign on the street frontage where the Code limits the number of signs to 1 per business in a multi-tenant building Variance LI Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment El Other Modification Permit DCATION 320 W. Coast Hwy 'gal description Lot 7 Tts_t,121 0 Filed by SURETY USED CARS INC. App. No. Date 935 4 -4 -1963 Approved 13 Denied 0 Used car sales. arianee LI >they Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 320 W. Coast Highway Legal clescrIPHon Portion of Lots 7, and Zone: C-1-H Tract 12 1 0 Filed by HUNT WillisH. App. No. Date 425 4-17-58 Approved Denied 0 Retail sales and service of boats, outboard motors and mari na nnppli Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g; Amendment 0 LOCATION 500 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 12 & 13 Tr. 1210 Irvine Subdivision Filed by LOU REED & ASSO. App. No. Date CONDITIONS 204 11-17-55 Approved 111 Denied 0 The display_s& sale of new & used automobiles (in con'tnn- ti n with a Chrysler a2ency.) Conditions: 4 'off-street parking atalla -- & permanent nffice building (Apprny x 16) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 51 Amendment 0 LOCATION 500 West Coast Highway Legal description lot 13, Tract 1210 04Ao Carina Di Matteo (Applicant) App. No. Date To consider the rPvn - UP-1866 1 /8/81 cation nf LIP-1R61 that (Revocation) pPrmittpd a restaurant Approved 0 Denied 0 facility with on-sale (NOT REVOKED) hppr and wine in an existing building in the C-1 District Amendment E Variance 0 Resub.division 0 Use Permit 0 Other Revocation LOCATION Legal description 500 West Coast Highway Lot 13, Tract 1210 Filed by Arentt, Sheedy, & McGill App. No. Date Establish a restaurant UP-1866 5/1 8/ 78 facility with on-sale beer and wine in an existing Approved IZ1 Denied 0 commercial building in the C-1-H District, and the acceptance of an offstreet parking agreement for a portion of the required offstreet parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 =ATM 555 Coast Highway -.'"/ Legal description Lot L Block SE1 y por , Tract 919 Filed by GOLDEN STATE SPORTFISHING App. No. Date 89 5-21-53 Approved XI Denied 0 Installation of live bait receiver Variance R esubdivisi on 0 Use Permit El Amendment Dther LOCATION 600 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 14 thru 17. Tract 1210 Filed by JoEwm_&4 SON App. No. Date 395 1-16-58 Approved E Denied 0 Display, sale and appurtanent uses of new and used cars. CONDITION: Use of property terminates on date of expiration of owner's lease with the Irvine Co. Variance El Resubdivision fl Use Permit 6 Amendment El Other LOCATION Legal description 600-630 West Coast Highway Lots 17 18. 19 & 20 Tr. 1210 C-1-H Red by T.„) -M Enterprises. Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica- tion or minutes for 1458 12-1$-69 conditions) Approved ja Denied 0 A drive-in/take-out restaurant to operate from a relocatable building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision p Use Permit u Amendment 0 - 600 - 630 W Coast Highway _________4_ 600 lots Tract 1210 C-1-H —Wen A.i Ili 1 ..111 App. o. rilIVITTIONS (Oyer) 1471 rove 1458 to allow a 16 x 3-19-1970 :II- it . • " II on original use as presently located. -Violence Other met veon intnarrnirflr* x men Inert CONDITIONS IL. That two additional parking spaces be pro- vided by Morgan Yacht Company for use by employees of the Whistle Stop Restaurant. 2. A masonry wall or proper screening be pro- vided around the trash collection area. 3. A general clean-up of the building and exterior painting will be performed. 4. That the sidewalk in front of this property be completed. LOCATION Legal description 600 W. Coast Hwy. Lot 1/, iract iziu C -1 - 11 Filed by COA-si uwAFT INC. App. No. VIIMURAWN - Fili ng Fee returned per C.C. action 1565 Date 10-18-71 'ft-Lb-117i Approved 0 Denied C ea • I • Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fi Amendment C .14."..A1 .egel description buu west coast Highway Filed by Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury App. No. Date Permit the sales UP-1845 11/3/77 and leasing of new and used automobiles Approved [X:i Denied 0 in the C-1-H D strict. lariance fl Dtber Resubdwision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 °CATION Eno West Coast Highway *gal description Filed by leon Donald Brodnax, Jr. App. No. Dee Request to establish a UP-1907 6-7-79 commercial use consisting of the outdoor sales of Approved Q Denied 0 antique furnishings in the C-1=11 District. ferience 0 'the'. Re:0:4ms= 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 ADCATION 600 Wpct enact Highway agal description Filed by Spa Makers of Newport Beach App. No. Date Reauest to establish a UP-1940 5-8-80 commercial use consist- ing of the outdoor Approved Q Denied 0 display of portable spa units in the C -1 -H District, and the acceptance of an Environ- mental Document. lartance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ni Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 600 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 14 thru 17 of Tract 1210, across from Bayshores Red by John Broham, John Rorguist App. No. Date Request to establish a UP -2012 7/23/81 new car sales facility in the C-1-H District. Approved El Denie 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 1:1 Amendment D Variance Other LOCATION 600 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Pan American Auto Sales App. No. Date Request to establish an auto- mobile sales and leasing UP3097 5-10-84 facility on property located in Approved Ea Denied E] the C-1-H District. Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Resubdivision Variance 0 (Whew LOCATION 600 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 14 thru 17, T1210, on the no. side of WCH Filed by Pacific West Yachts Req. to permit the App. No. Date establishment of a yacht sales facility on property UP 3344 3-23-89 located in the C1H Dist. Approved /1 Denied 0 Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 600 W Coast._Hwy Legal description Lots 14717 Tract 1210 Filed by Henry Koenigsberg App. No. Date Rerplen to eStAhliGh An automobile Up 3468 1/7/93 sales and rental facility whirh also incluries the retail sales of Approved Ek Denied 9 automobile accessories, on property lacatAd in the Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) District Valiance 9 Other Resubdivision U Use Permit ig Amendment 9 .0CATION .egal description 609 Coast Highway V.( • Li • • IL I I I la • Filed by THOMPSON, George P. Date App. No. 83 , 3-19-53 Approved KJ Denied ID I D' Drive BoattRostst ieriance 1:1 Other Resubdivision Use Permit E Amendment LOCATION 609 Coast Highway Newport Beach Legal description Tract 919, Block m Filed by Beecher. Charles A. App. No. Date 23 9-20-51 Approved E Denied One signboard to be erected on property described above Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 625 Coast Bighw4Y Legal description Lot G, Tract 919 Newport Beach Filed by Rosen, Inc. App. No. Date 24 9-20-51 Approved E Denied 0 Light manufacturing Variance 0 Resubdivisicin Use Permit A Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 700 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 18-23, Tract No. 1210, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy Filed by McDonald's Corp. Reg. to install a drive-thru App. No. Date service facility within the UP1534A 12-10-87 existing take-out rest. and a req. to waive a portion of the Approved Denied req. off-st. parking spaces. The proposal also incl. a mod to the ZC to allow the use of compact ps for a portion of the req. off-st parking and to allow the installation of two-free standing menu signs and id sign Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 700 West Coast Hwy Legal description Lots 18-23, Tract No. 7210, on the no. side of WCH Fled by McDonald's Corp. Reg. to combine six existing lots App. No. Date into a single parcel of land for R859 12-10-87 comm'l development Approved VI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 700 West Coast Highway Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. App. No. Date kmend a previously .approved UP-1534 4/20/78 Ase permit that permitted the establishment of a Approved El Denied 0 icDonald's take-out restaurant farility so_as to remodel Ind expand the existi g complex. The proposed developmpnt includes the addition of a drive -up window and the mclosure of a- existing outdoor eating area ta_provide interior dining space. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ek Amendment 0 Other Filed by .0CATION Lege' description 700 W. Coast Highway Filed by Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. App. No. Date Amend a previously amended UP-1534 4/20/78 use permit that permitted (Amended) the establishment of a Approved g Denied 0 McDonald's take-out restaurant facility so as to remodel and expand the existing complex. The proposed development includes the addition of a drive-up window & the enclosurE of an existing outdoor eating area to provide interior dining Space. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 700 W. Coast Highway Lots 18 through 23 Filed by Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. App. No. Date Establish one building R-581 4/20/78 site and eliminate interior lot Tines where six lots now Approved ilc] Denied 0 exist so as to permit the remodelinj and expansion of the McDonald's take-out restaurant facility on the property. Resubdivision 0 Use Perim+ 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 700 West Coast Highway Legal daw60km Lots 18 thrn 23, Tract 1210 (Mc -CIDAJALD Filed by Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. 1. Revised plans,rnmplying App.No. Date fully with all the re- quirements nf Chapter 1534 6-17-1971 70 cl of the Newport Approved 0 Denied 0 Reach Mimi ri pal Code shall he submitted to . / . 1 S • I 1 * I Cnmmuni ty flevelnpment. (OVER Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IKIX Amendment 0 2. All roof top mechanical equipment, except vents required by the Building Code shall be screened from view of homes fronting on Kings Road. Such screening to be subject to the approval of the Community Development Dept. 3. The landscaping plans, as required by Sec. 20.53.080 shall include the slope bank to the rear of the property. 4. That al 1 grading be done in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Dtr.of Comm.Dev. or his designated representa ti ve and a quali fied Soi is Engineer. Upon completion of the g lading, the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer s ha 11 certify that the grading has been comp ietea in accordance with the plans and requirements of grading Ord. Záa Pi la fnv• Hr. M LOCATION 628 Coast Highway Legal description Lot F, Block 111, Tract 919 Filed by BTE,GER, Everett E. App. No. Date 67 10-16-52 Approved Denied 0 Addition of 20 spaces to trailer Park Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit ig Amendment El Other )CATION 77F-w. Coast Hwy. gal description Lot 22 Tr. 1210 C-1-8 Filed by PACIFIC YACHT SALES, INC. App. No. Date CON0ITIONS (See apolica- _tion or minutes) 1334 2-1-1968 Approved Denied 0 Fstablich a yacht sales and related activities and an off-site sign. riance 0 her Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 20 Amendment 0 Lut.../Anurv 720 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 22 & 23 Tr. 1210 C-1-H Filed by TORBITT.__Alexander III App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1449 12=18 -196' Approved 0 Denied 0 Construct and operate a drive-in/take out restaurant Variance Other Resubdivision n Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 720 West Coast.Hwy Lot 23 Tract 1210 C-1-H Legal description Filed by BRISTOL_YACHTS OF SOUTHERN CALIF. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1426 4-17-1969 Approved n Denied 0 Display of yachts and related items. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p Amendment 0 LOCATION 770 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 21+ Tract 1210 Zone C-1-H Filed b y Robert V. Staats App. No. Date 302 3-7-57 Approved X Denied 0 To permit open display of boats. Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 770 West Coast Highway Lot 24, Tract 1210 Filed by MATS, Robert V. App. No. Date 167 2-17-55 Approved Denied 0 operation of an open display Yacht & boat sales CONDITION: 1. UP-167 is limited for a period of I year. 2. 6 accessable off-street customer parking spaces to bE pravJt_:_lonn_Perty at all time. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit J Amendment 0 Other LOCATION ROO WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description I nts 24 and 25, Trart 1210 Filed by Dolce Rjsterante App. No. Date UP3542 10-20-94 Request to change the_operational Approved El Denied 0 characteristics of an existing restaurnat with on-sale beer and wine on property located in the RSC-H District, so as to allow the use of valet and tandem parking in conjunction with the existing restaurant use. Variance 0 Other Resubdirision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 800 W. Coast Hwy. Lot 24 & 25 Tract 1210 C-1-H Filed by PIKE. Gale & Lenora App. No. Date 1087 11-19-1964 Approved xg] Denied 0 Patio dining. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 DCATICIN 800 W. Coast Hwy. Igal descriptiat Lots 24 & 25 Tract 1210 C-1-B Filed by LOVES BBQ App. No. Date 928 3-7-1963 Approved a Denied 0n-sale beer rtrire 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Et Amendment 0 XnATK)N 901 Coast Highway Newvort Beach .egal description Lot H, Tract 919 Filed by Norm Begg Co. App. No. Date 15 8-6-51 Approved at Denied D 1_1ght_mfgs_,eer„emb_1y_&_eeles (ariance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit a Amendment 0 )ther LOCATION 900 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 26,27,28,29,30 Tr. 1210 6-1-1 Flied by IVERSON, George C. App. No. Date 1450 10-16-69 Approved Denied 0 Establish a new and used automotive sales and service facility. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with sub- mitted plans. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 3 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION goo wptt Chast Highway Legal description Lots 26 through 10, Tract L2-10 Filed by NEWPORT SA_Y_INGS AND LOAN App. No. Date 467 8-29-74 Approved El Dried 0 Establisn one building site and eliminate interior lot lines where five lots now exist so as to remodel an existing commercial building on the property. Variance 0 Resubdivision 111 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 900 West Coast Highway Legal doc4rfkm Lots 26 through 30. Tract 12111 Filed by NEWPORT SAVINGS & LOAN App. No. Date 1733 8 -2 9-74 Approved 20 DeMed 0 Request to permit the construction of drive-in banking facilities in conjunction with a proposed savings and loan building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 6, Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 West Coast Highway Legal description nerr..1 1 of Parrpl MAp R1 -11 (R467) nn the northerly side of West Coast Hwy across the hightway from the easterly end of the Balboa Bay Club Filed by West Marine Products To modify the prey, parking plan App. No. Date and the location and size of a UP3160A 7-24-86 portion of the outdoor display areas to provide addl parking Approved Ef Denied 0 for a prop. add. to the bldg presently occupied by West Marine Products. Incl. a mod to the ZC to allow the use of addl compact parking spaces for a portion of o. I* s. es Variance 0 Othar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 26-30, Tract No. 1210, on the no. side of West Coast Highway, across the highway from the easterly end of the Balboa Bay Club Filed by West Marine Products, Hobie Newport & Dorsee Reg. to permit the outdoor displ afpp.No. Date of boats and dinghys in coniunc- DP3160 8-8-85 tion with 3 existing marine Product sales facilities on the Approved g Denied r] same property located in the C1H Dist. The proposal also includes a mod. to the ZC to allow the use of compac size parking spaces for a portion of the req. off-street parking apares Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 2 ' Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 83-13 (R467) on the norther]: side of West Coast Highway, across the street from the easterly end of the Balboa Bay Club Filed by West Marine Products To provi dP for add'l floor area App. No. Date and ra ten ti on of a 2nd floor UP 3160A 4-9-87 portion of an ex isting bldg. Incl a request to modify the previous Approved Er Denied 0 approved parking plan Variance 0 Othar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION : 900 Wast Coast Hwy. Legal Description Lots 26 through 30, Tract 1210 Filed By: James Santaniello Application No. Date UP 3628 4-9-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request for a waiver and/cr modification to the parking requirement for a commercial center based on a demonstrated formula (parking survey). Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X Amendment Other: LOCATION I 930 West Coast Hwy. Legal Description _ Filed By: GaLeo's Cafe (_lordana Samardzic, applicant) Application No. Date PULP 27 1 File closed, no action taken I Appproved: Denied: I-Request to change use from specialty food service to allow beer and wine service. Variance: Resubdivision: Luse Permit Amendment Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 930 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Par. No. 1 of PM No. 83/12 -li Filed by Andrei leontieff (James Santaniello, Applican App. No. Date SF61 5 -2 -97 Approved IA Denied 0 Establishment of a specialty food service facility (specializing in gourmet coffee, baked goods and sand- wiches) on property located in the RSC (Retail & Service Commprrial) Distrirt. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LUCA I ION Legal Description j 93U West toast Highway 1 . Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No.83/12-13 Filed By: I Galco's Cate (Gordana SarnanDic, applicant) Application No. Date OD 54 9-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: The applicant requests to allow the addition of accessory outdoor dining in conjunction with an existing specialty food service establishment The dining area will be located on private property only. The hours of operation will be from 6:00 am. to 10:00 p.m., daily (formerly requested a midnight closing hour). No alcoholic beverage service is proposed at this time. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining LOCATION 930 West Coast Highway Legal Description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 83/12-13 Filed By: Galeos Café (Andrei Leontieff, contact person) Application No. Date UP 3649 4-8-99 Appproved: X Denied: Request to convert an existing specialty food service establishment (Specialty Food Service Permit No. 61) to a fill-service, small-scale eating and drinking establishment with alcoholic beverage service. The application also includes a request to establish a new alcoholic beverage service outlet pursuant to Chapter 20.89 of the Municipal Code. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X Amendment Other: LOCATION 920-1020 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 31 thru 35, Tr. 1210 Filed by Rolf Engen, Inc. Request to establish one building App. No. site and eliminate interior lot lines where five lots now exist R 478 so as to permit the remodeling Approved of the existing commercial buildings on the Date 12/5/74 ac Denied 0 property. Variance D Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LVLA I IUN 1000 West Coast Hwy. Legal dmieripilen Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 71-18 (R 478) at 1000 W. Cst. Hwy. on northerly side of W.Cst. Hwy. across from easterly end of Balboa Bay Club Filed by EsmWiel Fadaee Request to permit the establish- App.Ng. Dee ment of an automobile repair UP 3373 1-18-90 facility on property located in the C-1-H District. Approved g] Denied C] Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1000 W. Coast Highway Legal deseripHen Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 71-18 on the no side of WCH across from the easterly end of the BBC Red by Rick E. Racer, Ltd Reg. to permit the establishment App.No. Date of a retail sales facility UP3285 7-23-87 specializing in the sale and installation of auto accessories Approved Ir Denied 0 on property located in the C1H Dist. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit Legal description iuuu west coast Hwy. Lots 31,32,33,34 & 35 fr. 1210 C-I-H Filed by SUBARU OF CALIFORNIA, Inc. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1462 2 -5 -1970 Approved 15 Denied Retail sales and service of automobiles. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment CONDITION Approved subject to staff approval of a wall or screen plan. LOCATION inoo West roast Highway 1.1jarlescription Parcel 1, Parcel Map 71-18 Fi l ed 11 Donald McKinney App. No. Dote Reauest to permit the M3687 4/24/90 establishment of a specialty food use in the C-1-H District Approved ET Denied E] Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Pernut 0 Amendment 0 Other modifiration LOCATION 1000 14. Coast Hwy. Lege/ description Had by Chris Colvin & Blaine Carter Request to amend a previously App.No. Date approved IMP permit whirh permit-UP 3283 (Amended) fed tne establishment of a self- 10-12-92 defense demonstration studio Approved 9 Denied [] in conjunction with a retail sales facility specializing in the sale of self-defense training equipment. The Proposed amendment involves a request to allow an expansion of the use into an adjoining commercial space. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 The expanded area will be used for additional self- defense classes involving between 12 and 20 pupils. LOCATION 1000 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1. Parcel Man 71-18 Filed by Kim Nguyen Request to permit the continued App.No. Date operation of an existing UP 3449 6-8-92 independent massage establishment on property located in the C-1- Approved 3 Denied 0 H District. Variance 0 Resubdivision p Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1000 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 71-18 (R478) on the no. side of WCH across from the easterly end of Balboa Bay Club Filed by Fred Villari's Studios Req. to establish a self-defense App. No. Date demo studio in conjunction UP3283 7-9-87 with a retail sales facility specializing in the sale of self Approved 4 Z Denied 0 defense training equipment, uniforms, instructional material and books on property located in the C1H Dist Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment Variance LOCATION 1000 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel No. 1, Parcel Map 71-18 Filed by Jack Chen Beg to p0tMit the establiShment App. No. o f rpRfAurant with on-sale alcoh.UP 3113 d in Date 9/20/84 }ha, r -1 -T4 niqt.The graposal Approved 0 Denied 111 4.11C1mdng mnti to Zoning rode to allow use of tandem and •arki • Variance El Other Amendment El Resubdivision Q Use Permit Er LOCATION 1000 West CilaSt Highway Legal descripflonLots 31 Thru 15, Trarf Filed by Rolf En_g_e_n . th e App. No. Date 1741 12 - 5 - 74 CONDITIONAllY Approved mimed 0 Request to Permit the installation of a wine tasting room within POO feet of a recidential district in coniunction with a proposed retail store. Further request to allow wholesale Vraetnorea tr n n leer bdPvinsfel AVY Ult40,171.1 • Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1000 West Coast -Highway Legal description Lots 31 thru 35, Tr. 1210 Filed by Rolf En2en, Inc. App. No. 478 Date 12-5-74 CONDITIO NA L L Approved KE1 Denied 0 Request to eliminate i lots now ex of the exis property Variance Other estailish one building site and nterior lot lines where five ist so as to permit the remodeling tine commercial buildings on the ResubdivisionSIM the Permita - Amendment 0 LOCATION 100/Pacific Coast Hiway Legal description Por. Lot A Tract 919 Filed by TUCKER, C. M. App. No. Date UP-70 2-19-53 Approved El Denied ja Sales assembly and service of general marine hardware and equipment. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [ZI Amendment 0 LOCATION 1008 Pacific Coast Highway_—W Legal description Lot: Por. of A. Tract 919 Filed by TUCKER, C. M. App. No. Date 70 2-19-.53 Approved 0 Denied EX _a_assgmblysncLservice of :-neral marine hardware and equipment-,, Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1100 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lots No. 36, 37 and 38 Tract No. 1210 Filed By: J. Santaniello (Gugasian Commercial Bldg.) Application No. Date PDUP 31 8-3-98 Appproved: X Denied: Eequest to allow construction and establishment of a vehicle sales and rental facility, limited with incidental on-site storage and maintenance activities and approval for an exception to Section 20.63.040 of the Municipal Code to allow the project to exceed the base development allocation of the site, based on the intensity of use for the statistical area and a waiver of the Building Bulk limitation. A modification is also requested to allow a waiver of development standards.. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 1100 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lot 36,37, and 38, Tract No. 1210 Filed By: Levon and Zarou hi M. Gugasian Application No. Date LLA 98-08 7-21-98 1 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the elimination of (2) two interior lot lines between (3) three lots in order to combine the lots into (I) one parcel, in conjunction with the construction of a new commercial building. Variance: j Resubdivision: Use Permit i Amendment _I Other: Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 1100 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 35, 36 Tract 1210 Filed by Larry R. Smith App. No. Date Establishment of a UP-1764 9/4/75 restaurnat facility with on-sale alcoholic bever- Approved a Denied 0 ages, live entertainment and dancing on the former Kismet Restaurant site. The proposed development also includes a modification from the required parking standards so as to allow tanden ovpr- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 °Met be into.% -Pa r a 4........1.44,1 4Am, selzuM42_ ten re parking spaces and a request for an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. umAntiN 1100 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot 35. & lots 36.37 and 38, Tract 1210 Red by KISMET INTERNATIONAL App. No. Date 1595(Amended)4/4/74 Approved rag Denied 0 Request to amend the use permit of Kismet Inter- national Restaurant by deleting the requirement for the installation of an air lock (double door on ighw thp ay patrnn West Cnast Antrancc lecated u H. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit U Amendment 0 °SI"' SS ct -tag 5 4 j - 44•11.46.1 llasanat VA5r• LOCATION , Pon West Coast Highway Legal **newborn Portion of Lot 35 and Lots 36, 37, and 38. Tract 1210 Filed by Erhan Gedik, Irqun Gecgi1, Anthony Daleo App. No. Date CONDITIONS: SEE FILE 1595 4-20-72 Approved Ej Denied E Vanance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ER Amendment C LOCATION 1100 W. Coast Hwy. Laid description lots 36 & 37 111 E Tr 1210 C-1-H Abed by REED Dona • W. dba SUZUKI VILLAGE App.No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1256 4-6-1967 Approved KO Denied 0 Fstablish a motorcycle sales and service busi- ness with outdoor display area; also waiver of off-street parking requirement (from the requir pH 16 to a total of 8) in the C71-H District. Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdimion 0 Use Permit n Other twre Voct -0-4t CONDITIONS: 1 That all repairs and cycle maintenance be done entirely within the confines of the building. 2 The parking spaces as shown on the plot plan be marked with painted white lines noi less than 4" wide. 3 Reduce the height of proposed sign to 25' (maximum height permitted in sign ordi- nance for pole signs). 4 The application approved for a period of one year. LOCATION Legal description 1100 W. Coast Hwy. Lots 37 & 38 Tr 12in r-l-H Filed by FISH. Robert & GANS -__Eu_gene App. No. Date CONDITION (Oyer) 1183 1-6-1966 Approved Ek Denied toveroet iceng-e--culci- display yard. Variance D Other Resubdivision Use Permit J Amendment p CONDITION All boats to be placed a minimum of 10' from the structures and no repair of boats to be permitted on the property. jDCATON 1100 Coast Highway -V1( Legal description Portion of Tot A, Tract 919 Filed by GOLDEN, Paul A, App. No. Date 96 9-17-53 Approved K1 Denied 0 Car washing & polishing business with steel and glass: buckling to hnl, as just gnarl an. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit= Amendment 0 Other Filed by Warren Levy App. No. Date UP 3429 A 11 -10 -94 Request to amend a previously permitted the construction of facility which also permitted gasoline, on property located Approved 20 Denied 0 approved use permit that a hand car wash & detailing the sale & dispensing of in the RSC-H District. Said LOCATION 1200 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Parcel 1, PM 282/40, 41 (Resub. 988) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 approval also allowed a portion of the proposed building to exceed the 26 foot basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposed amendment involves a request to allow the sale of soft drinks and pre-prepared food items for customers & employees in conjunction w/permitted retail sales on the property. LOCATION 1200 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 39, 40, 41, and 42 of Tract No. 1210 per map recorded in book 40 Filed byKFC Design Group Inc. Request to resubdivide four App. No. existing lots into a single parcel R 988 of land for commercial development, on Date 10-14-92 property located in the C-1-H Approved Fj Denied 0 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 Pacific Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 49 thru 42, Tract 1210, Book 40 Pages 45 & 46 Filed by Mike Icaza App. Na. Date 11'..•• approved ice permit that permits UP 3429 (A) 2-20-92 l the construction of a hand Gar wash and detailing facility whirh Approved as Denied 0 . 3-19-92" .11 I I . •. 62 I •0 •6 • Said approval also _allowed_ a portion of the proposed building to extend VIP 2 g foe-t- bas-i-c height limit in the . I •111 esu division CI Use Permit 3 • /mance Other men men+ amendment involves a request to allow the dispensing of gasoline in conjunction with the hand car wash facility and the elimination of the second floor office and display area; and the acceptance of an environmental document. Filed by Grady Hanshaw and Andy Kohanzad App. No. of a hand oar wash and de*Ailind UP 3429 facility which also isrludes A call retai b Approved • • ". ••• • LOCATION 1200 West Coast Highway , Legal demriptianLots 39 through 42. Trart No 1910 Date 10/24/91 Denied 0 on PrOPerty_ located in the C-1-P Dictrict. The proposal also includes a request to allow a portion of the proposed building to exceed the 26 foot basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot He' Variance 0 Resubdwision Use Permit Amendment 0 Other and the acceptance of an environmental document. Filed by Mardikian Engineering (Albert & Nelli Mardikian) App. No. Date Request to amend a previously up 1987 (A) approved use permit (see files V 1107 9/22/83 •r• for further details AND waive Approved E] Denied Z3 a portion of the required off-street parking spaces in conjunction with the expansion of the existing auto sales facility. SEE 0VER t Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 39 tnrougn 42 across from the Balboa Bay Club. UP 1987 (Amended) & V 1107 - Denied by P.C. - 9/22/83 UP 1987 (A) P.C. Approved Cond, r 12/8/83 V 1107 - No action taken by P.C./Variance not necessary with conditions of UP 1987 (Amended) - 12/8/83 UP 1987 - P.C. RECOMMENDED REVOCATION - 12/8/83 R 763 - P.C. APPROVED COND, - 12/8/83 UP 1987 - C.C. OVERRULED P.C. & ALLOWED UP 1987 TO STAND. STAFF TO OBTAIN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS - 2/13/84 LOCATION 1200 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 39 thru 42 of Tract 1210, across from the Balboa Bay Club. Filed by Trend Imports Sales, Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish a car sales and service facility in the C-1-H Di strict. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment i3 UP-1987 4/23/81 Approved la Denied ID LOCATION Legal demdpirkm 1200 W Coast Highway Lots 39.40.41. and 42 Filed by William V. Swan App. No. Date To permit the establish- UP-1813 1/20/77 ment of a boat sales facility in the C-1-H Approved ea Denied ID District. Variance ip Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment CI LOCATION 1200 W Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 39,40,41,42 Tr. 1210 C-1-Fl Filed by HEFLER Gilbert C. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application 1333 1-18-1968 Approved El Denied 0 Sell used automobiles and to service automobile Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ei Amendment 0 LIOCASHDN 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description riots 39.40,41 & 42 Tract 1210 C-1-H Filed by CALIFORNIA BOAT CO. App. No. Date 983 9-19-1963 Approved mg Denied 0 Boat sales and related marine service and repairs. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 .0CATION 1200 W. Coast Highway .egal description Lots 38.39.40 & 41. Tract 1210 Filed IDY TRVINE_,CO. & JOHNSON, Clyde App. No. Date 133 3-18-54 Approved OE Denied D construction & operation of an automobile sales : • Al "WE • Z : :VI P Z I • • S within a building -CONDITIONS As 1 _sted on Use Permit fariance Resubdivision fl Use Permit IA Amendment 0 Dither 'LOCATION 1200 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 19,40,41.42 Tract 1210 Fled by Irvine Co. & Paul H. Lamport & Lou Reed & Assoc , Chrysler App. No. Date _Plymouth Dealer 159 11-18-54 Approved r Denied 0 TCO NUITIUNO Ove r construction & operation of an auto showroom for new or %pied rare & repair sharp withins_bldg—in_feda-atat Variance 0 Resubdivisio n 0 Use Permit 1X1 Amendment 0 Diber CONDITIONS: 1. Off-street parking to be as shown on map attached to the application and made a part of this D.P. 2. Said off-street parking to be maintained with a minimum area of 4500 sq.ft. available for customer parking at all times with separate egress and ingress so as to circulate traffic and not cause congestion. 3. Customer off-street parking as required herein is not to be used for storage of new or used automobiles. LOCATION 1220 and 1330 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots No. 43 through 47 and a portion of Lot No. 48, across from the Balboa Bay Club. Ned by Southwest Leasing & Rental, Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish an automobile rental and UP 3039 8/19/83 leasing facility with Approved j Denied [] incidental auto maintenance on property located in the C -1 -H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit IE Amendment 0 XX.ATION 1220 West Coast Highway segal description Lots 43 & 44, Tract 1210 Filed byi. App. No. Date 161 12-16-54 Approved CR Denied 0 operation of a small boat sales including water sports equip., marine hardware withaff,strestparking fariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Dtlier LOCATION 3221 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Port. Lot 171. Blk. 54 of Irvine Subdivisior W . Coasy Hwy. adjacent to Bavshore area. Filed by Balboa Bay Club App. No. Date M4394 12 -19 -95 Approved )12] Denied 0 Construction of a freestanding leasing sign for the Bayfront Apts, on property located in the Balboa Bay Club Planned Community District. Variance 0 Other Resu6division 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1221 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description ( See legal description in file ) A portion of Lot 1/1 Block 54, of Irvine Subdivision, on the southerly side of W. Coast Hwy Fled by Int Pr na taa App. No. Date A787 UP3524 TS#100 7-25-94 Reouest to amend a portion of Districting Mans No. 6 & 23 so Approve.; 1ft Denhd as to reclassify Property from the R-4 iMuitipleFamilv Residential) District to the P-C kPlanned Community) District and to approve a PC Development Plan & District --Regalitisms_lar—the-BalhoLaclxilabl_k_ass_eatAS- environmental document. Variance ICI Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1221 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of lot 171, Block Subdivision, on the southerly side of West adjacent to the Bayshores area Filed by International Bay Clubs, Inc. A request of the Balboa Bay Club App. No. to approve a Traffic Study in TS 75 conjunction with the redevelopment of the Balboa Bay Club Approved 54, of Irvine mast Highway pc ag/91 cc denied 7/22 0 Denied .91. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1221 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot 171, Block 54, of Irvine Subdivision, on the southerly side of West Coast Highway adjacent to the Bayshores area Fled by International Bay Clubs, Inc. Request of the Balboa Bay Club App. No. pc 6)6% to allow hotel and restaurant UP3422 cc denied 7/22 uses in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Balboa Approved 0 Denied p Bay Club Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 1221 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot 171, Block 54, of Irvine buna mvIsion on the southerly side of West congt ptgbwAy adjacent to the Bayshores area Filed by International Bay Clubs Inc. To amend a portion of District App. No. Dee Map No. 6 and 23 to reclassify A739 pc - 6/6/91 cc denied 7/22 property from R-4 to P-C Dist; remove Specific Plan from site; Approved 0 Denied pi adopt PC Dist. Regulations and Development Plan on property known as the Balboa Bay Club; and the acceptance of an e.d. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 1 221_Yeqf COW- KwY Metes 8, Rnunds_ npc r R4 Pled by BALBOA BAY CLUB App. No. Date DENIED C.C. 8-24-1970 267 7-16-197C Approved 0 Denied API Adopt a specific p -Tan of developmentlincruding construction of a new 9-6 unit apartment building having an overall height of approx. 182 feet on easterly portion of property, etc. Varlanat Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Er LOCATION 1221 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Metes & Bounds Irv.Sub. R-4 Red by BALBOA BAY CL B, INC. Date App. No. WI HDRAWN BY APPITIANT 1311 11 6 9 Approved 0 Oen; X ri Operate an excursion boat servin9 alcoholi )everactes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit CR Amendment 0 0 .- go LOCATION Legal description 1221 W. Coast Hwy. Bor. Block 54 Irvine's Sub. R-4 Filed by RAT ROA. BY CLUB, INC App. No. Date TIE VOTE 208 8 -5 -1965 Approved 0 Denied Ida Rezone from R -4 to C -0 -2. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment jd LOCATION 1221 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por.Lot 171 B1.54 Irvine's Sub. R-4 Filed by BALBOA BAY CLUB App. No. Date • APPEALED z UPHELD BY CITY COUNCIL 7-10-1961 717 5-18-1961 Approved x2:1 Denied • Make available to members of Balboa Bay Club(through subsidiary corporation, Seacraft Boat Co.) certain marim services usual y and customarily furnished by private yacht clubs including (a) janitorial services, clean up and minor maintenance of boats of members (not (over) Variance 1:1 Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment C Other including major overhaul or (b) sale to club members of and equipment; (c) services handle sales or charters of drydocking on the premises); marine and boating supplies of licensed yacht broker to members' boats. LOCATION 1221 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 171 Block 54 Por.Tracts 1140-919 Irvine's Bub. Filed by BALBOA BAY CLUB App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 522 6-4-59 Approved 12:1 Denied 0 Requests permission to construct a judges' stand to be erected on top of existing pilings and dock approach tn thp rear float lot-at-pa on Ralhoa Ray Club property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ECI Amendment 0 At the meeting the applicant requested that the applica- tion be amended to show aniadditional height and that three sides of the judges' stand be permitted to be enclosed with a glass panel. CONDITION Approved with the condition that the height be no more than 7' and that the application be forwarded Co the City Council for consideration. DCATION regal description 1222 W. Coast Hwy. Lot 43 Tract 1210 Zone C-1-H Filed by JEFFRIES YACHT SALES App. No. Date 842 4-5-1962 Approved g3 Denied 0 Display a 35' boat in a C-1-H District. CONDITION: All boats and obstacles to be removed from the parking lot and driveway and the _r_A 4 vowe3 around the building to be kept clear. eriance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 >thee DCATION 1222 W. Coast Hwy. DO description Lot 43 Tract 1210 C-1-R Filed by DOBSON. Darrell N. App. No. Date 880 8-16-1962 Approved fi Denied 0 Conduct marine hardware retail sales. marine canvas retail sales and marine uoholstery retail sales. rariance >ther Resubdivision Use Permit a Amendment 0 AM HUM lauu west boast nignway agel description Lots 45,46,47,48, Tract 1210 Sled by Autohaus-Uerlin App. No. DM* Permit the sale of used UP-1847 11/3/77 automobiles in the C-1-H District. Approved a Denied 0 'mance 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Dither, Use Permit LOCATION 1300 W. Coast Hwy Legal eseriPitli Por Lnt 48 & I nt 45 . 46 & Tr 1210 Filed by TRU-GRITI_EITIREJUSES App. No. Date 1666 Approved Et I Denied ID CONDITIONALLY liVr1 SAL 65 Variance ID Resubdivision Use Permit M Amendment Other .DCATION age! description 1300 West Coast Hwy. Lot 45 Tract 1210 C-1-H Filed by ROUSHAN s_Ali App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1472 4-2-1970 Approved XIII Denied 0 Operate a marine service repair facility to include welding. teriance 0 Dther Resubdivision 0 Use Permitxa Amendment 0 LOCATION 1400 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Lots 46 through 56, Tract No. 1210 Filed by Fancher Development Services, Inc. App. No. Date LLA95 -1 2 -21 -95 Approved EA Denied 0 ! • -•• - i ii, IE. SI ss i I of land for devAlnpmentc purpnsec Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1400 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description LOTS 48 THRU 53 & portion of Lot 54, Tract 1210 Filed by Taco Bell Corp. App. No. Date UP 3517 & PC 11-10-94 TS 99 CC 12-12-94 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a 24 hour Taco Bell drive-through take-out restaurant facility, with indoor & outdoor ancillary seating on norperty.lorated in the RSC-H District. Proposal also includes- a request to Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces; and an exception to the Sign Code so as to allow a restau- rant logo on the special purpose directional signs, whereas the Sign Code atintimmx4txmiutxwOmfa§xx.gnntcsatvqmoisftt; )dLladvounimx gtimwtimmalxsIgnmx prohibits such logos on directional signs. LOCATION 1400 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Dave's Grinder App. No. Date Change the operational UP-1890 12/21/78 characteristics of the existing Grinder Restaurant facility Approved KI Denied 0 in the C-1-H District to include the service of beer and wine. Variance Other Resubdivision p Use Permit Di Amendment 0 maknoN 1400 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 48 thru 54 Tract 1210 C-1-H Fled by BET Tagy I B__c_o_EFEEL_saap_aupgisTAURANT x-reduact .2 VA% - -a- n App. No. Date 1241 12-15-196E Approved xet Denied 0 On-gAle bpPr and wine in connection with a hona fine eating place _couninothApprs od of two years. Variance fl Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 1:21 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1400 Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach Legal description Tot 45-43 and P'ly 75' of Lot 54 Tract 1210 Filed by CARVER, Leroy J. and IRVINE CO. App. No. Date 183 7-21-55 Approved El Denied 0 The construction and o p eration an automobile buildingsaQency and service n n Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 114 Amendment 0 (CONDITIONS) over A minimum of 4800 sq. ft. accessible customer off- street parking in a suitable paved area, on the property in question. Covered repair shops, to keep the noise from the bluff homes above. LOCATION 1520 West Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Lot 54, Lot 55 and 56, Tract 1210 Filed By: Jiffy Lube of Newport Beach (Arthur Behar, Architect) Application No. UP 3647 Date 7-22-99 PC 8-9-99 CC Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit an automobile maintenance facility which specializes in oil and filter changes and chassis lubrication only. The facility has three extended or tandem service bays capable of accommodating up to approximately 6 automobiles at one time and is located in the RSC District. The application also includes a request to waive sixteen of the required parking spaces. Variance: I Resubdivision: 1 Use Permit: X 1 Amendment Other: LOCATION 1520 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 55 Tract 1210 C-1-H Filed by THE CHART HOUSE tcreitADED 02 l'AS App. No. Date It A /o-S-7 , II It eo 995 10-17-1963 Approved )(MK Denied 0 On-sale alcoholic beverage license in connection with a bona fide eating place. CONDITION: Approved for two year. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit. Ul Amendment D LOCATION 1600 West Coast Highway Legal deuripfkm Lot 57 Tract 1210 Filed by VAUGHAN F. Robert App. No. Date (CONDITION) -Limited to 177 5 -19 -58 5 yrs. as per application. Approved IR Denied 0 Operation of an outdoor sales display of pleasure boats Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permit /3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1600 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por.Sec. 27 T65 R1014 R-4 Filed by BALBOA BAY CLUB App. No. Date 379 6-27-57 Approved em Denied El A 60'x 120' tennis court to be built 10" in from properjry line adjacent to access road to Bay Shores. The existing 120' chain link fence adjacent to access road and proposed Tennis Court to be removed and a 12' chain link fence erected. Variance E Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 1600 Coast Iiwys Legal description Filed by Newport Bay Co. App. No. Date 31 8-26-51 Approved 12 Denied 0 Variance in setback to the west of the main entrance of the Balboa Bay Club as per plans submitted be granted. Variance MI Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit El Amendment fl LOCATION 1600 Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Legal description Filed by NEWPORT BAY CO. App. No. Date 31 8 -26 -51 Approved El Denied Variance in setback ot the West ot the main entrance of the Balboa Bay Club as per plans submitted be granted Variance n Other Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .CIPATRDN 1601 Coast Highway, agol description see file Filed by NEWPORT BAY CO. App. No. Date 122 1-21-54 Approved Denied 0 Construction of 48 apartment units with covered garage aplus recreation for children and all to be on property leased from the City of Newport Beach fariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [xi Amendment El Dther LOCA1 ION 1610 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 58,59 and 60, Tract 1210, across from the Balboa Bay Club Filed by Jeffery S. Cohen Req. to permit the establish- App. No. Date ment of an animal veterinary UP3180 1-9-86 hospital on property located in the C1H Dist. Approved lar Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Er Amendment 0 -OCATION .egal description 1610 W. Coast Highway Piled by sepi V at I ffJ o App. No. EP -8 Date 6/15/78 Denied 0 :stablish a 5'6" X 11'0" lighted roof sigm where the Code requires an Txceptfon )ermit tor roof signs. Approved Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 0 4 womp u o w y uolleowpow atimp 0 Quued nil 0 u91941129"011 0 fouglaA .UbIS ElliiriJOIUODUOU UL SkA0 Ur II mum 0 896L -g -LL spa pencaddy 9 -W •ddy 6U[4461. I tlyrr ni A9 Pend Licsdposep p6ei H -L -3 (ALL Jjbb 9 RS -)Cmy TS eui Ii u 19 L MnIAWnn, LOCATION 1700 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 61,62 and 63, Tract 1210, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy Filed by spoiler Yacht West Req. to permit the establish. App. No. D e of a yacht sales facility UP3299 11-a St - 8 7 which incl. the outdoor display of new and used yachts in the Approved pe Denied 0 C1H Dist. Variance 0 014wor Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Q Amendment 0 LOCATION 1700 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 61 62 and 63, Tract No. 1210, fsasterly of Mariner's Mile - RI" by u S Auto Leasing RPCI t 0 establish an auto sales APP. No. Date --and-leaaing--ficilltil.aratilty 1J23221 8-21-86 1 orate d in the Cla Dist. Approved Agir Denied 0 Variance 0 Atha. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment LOCATION 1700 W roast Highway Legal description rots 61, 67 anti 61 nf tract Nn_ 1710 1-br -no _side-of-R. Crta t .8ighway Filed by win4an Ray Req to Pgt retail comm. App. No. Date nursery_with outdoor display HP3147 6-20-85 Qi_glansancLielated_is s Tis=,_M_I?MN Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 LopooN 17nn W. Cnast Hwy Legal description Lots 6,62 63 Tr 1210 no. side of West Coast Hwy across from the Balboa Bay Club. Filed by WM MESSENGER, HOBIE NEWPORT App. No. Date 1658 3-22-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Ja " e n ie d 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a x Amendment 0 LOCATION 1800 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 64 & 65, Tract 1210 Filed by Jul ie A.—Browne App. No. Date Request to permit the installation UP 3507 7/14/93 of a temporary building to be used Approved e Denied in the PSC—H District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 13x Amendment 0 LOCATION 1900 W. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 59-6 (Resubdivision No. 418) across from Balboa Bay Club Fled by Ficker & R ff' I I App. No. 'ate Request to permit the con- air UP 1986 4/22/82 struction of a single 11(SEE OVER). family residential dwelling Approved 0• Denied 0 on property located in theC-1-H District where a portion of the development exceeds the basic height limit within the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District, and the acceptance of an environmental document, Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit GS1 Amendment UP 1986 - DENIED BY P.C. ON 4/22/82 (ON JULY 12, 1982, CITY COUNCIL OVERRULED DECISION OF THE P.C. AND APPROVED USE -PERMIT NO. 1986). LOCATION 1900 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 64 & 65, Tract 1210, and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 47/11 Filed by TRACT 1210 LIMITED App. No. Dee 418 12/6/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved xi Denied 1:1 Request to combine three lots into one parcel of land for development. Variance Other Resubdivision [1.0 Use Permit Ei Amendment 0 LOCATION 1900 W. Coast Highway Legal description Trian•1 to the west of Lots 5 & 6 of Tract 1221, Block 54 Irvine Subdivision Filed by App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 150 6-17-54 Approved IC Denied 0 construction & operation of an architects office with off-strePt pArking nn A "U " nictrict_property-adjacent- to a C-1-H District property. Variance El Resubdivision Use Permit In Amendment LI Dther Off-street parking must be provided as required by the City Code, and C-1-H District regulations shall apply to "U" District property under this Use Permit. LOCATION 1931 W. Coast Highway Legal descripfim Lot 171 Filed by Boy Scouts of America App. No. Date Constrn. of a multipurpose M-943 9/2/75 building and a storage- maintenance building that Approved Cf:1 Denied 0 encroaches to within 4 feet of the side property lines in the R-4 District (where the Ordinance requires side yard setbacks of 25 feet). Furthei request to permit the construction of an observa tion deck that approximately 4 feet 6 inches - Variance 0 Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification into the required 10 foot rear yard (channel side) setback. 1701 Vt. lAllabt nignw my Legal Description Lot 171 Block 54 Filed By: Orange County Boy Scouts of America Application No. UP 3681 Date: 8/4/2000 Approved: 06/07/2001 Denied: A Use Permit for the expansion of the Boy Scouts of America Sea Base facility. The existing Sea Base consists of 9,943 square feet of office space, classrooms, storage, and a duty house that is located on 1.18 acres fronting Newport Harbor. The project involves the demolition of the existing 1,785 square foot duty house and a 490 square foot storage area. The new construction includes a two-story building for an office/classroom sailing building (8,092 sq. ft.) and a two-story rowing building (6,500 sq. ft.). The total building area will be increased from 9,943 square feet to a total of 22,060 square feet I Resubdivision: Luse Permit: X Amendment: Variance: fl+har. LOCATION 1931 W. Coast Hwy. Legal clesarnaliim Lot 171, Block 54 Filed by Boy Scouts of America App. No. Date Constrn. of a multipurpose m-954 9/16/75 building and a storage- maintenance building Approved GI Denied 0 that encroaches to the tront property line in the R-4 District (where the ordinance requires a 20 toot tront yard setback along West Coast Highway). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1950 West Coast Highway Legal dinaiption Por. Bl. 54, Irv. Sub. U-I-H & Filed by grathirnaretiti . App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Over) 314 9 -16 -1971 Approved X Itl Denied subdivision of 0.769 acres into two parcels tor use as office and parking lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision DI Use Permit 0 Amendment CONDITIONS 1. That a parcel map be filed. 2. That the owner of Parcel 2 provide a permit or license on terms satisfactory to the City providing for construction of a retaining wall adjacent to the northerly line of Pacific Coast Highway at such time as the City May decide to construct such a wall. OCATION vial description 1970 W. Coast Hwy. Zone "U" Red by MACCO REALTY CO. gergrAIDA -15 6 e1/4 f-q-c. App. No. Date 916 2 -7 -1963 Approved #2 Denies! 0 An 8 x 20 directional sign for Tract 4224 (Dover Shores) CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year sublect to condition that the sign be 80 se.ft. ariance El Resu bd ;vision El Use Permit a] Amendment 1:1 Myer LOCATION 2000 W. Coast HIghway Legal description A portion of kit A, Trart No 919 App. No. Date Request to permit the establish- UP 3450 6-5-92 ment of an automobile sales and rental facility on property located1/4PProved )EI Denied 0 in the "Retail and Service Corn mercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other Filed by Mike S. Afiuny LOCATION 2000 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot A, Tract 919 Filed by Sol Catamaran . App. No. Date To establish a sales UP-1790 5/6/76 facility for new and used boats, boat Approved El Denied 0 accessories and boat trailiers in the C-1-H District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E] Amendment E Other LOCATION 2000 thru 2244 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Per. int A Tract 919 C-1 -H Filed by RICHARDSON, Wm. J.R. & Ivo Ruth and PORT ORANGE INC App. No. Date 197 12-17-1964 Approved Eli Denied 2tht Rezone to a C-O-Z District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit D Amendment la LOCATION 2001 West Coast Highway Legal description Ely. 132' of Lot H Tract 919 Filed by ROBERT V. STAATS CO. App. No. Date Over (Condition) 509 5-7-1959 Approved MO Denied 0 Resquests permission to have a yacht & boat sales operation in a C-2 district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment CONDITION 1. The 11 parking spaces as shown on the plot plan submitted with the ppplication must be used specifically for off-street parking in connection with the yacht and boat sales operation. 2. Use permit to be granted for a period of 5 years. LOCATION 2101 Pacific Coast Hwy Legal description Por. Lot H Tract 919 C-2 Red by ALL CHROME manuFAcTufamn co. App. No. Date CONDITION 608 4 -74-186.0_ Approved 12 Denied 0 Light manufacturiag_ULALAL2-Diatzlet CONDITION: Approved for a period of 8 months only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2200 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919, on the no side of WCH in Mariner's Mile NW by Swan Enterprises, Inc. Reg. to permit the continued use App. No. Date of a temp office trailer which was UP3302 12-10-87 previously permitted for a 90 day period, in conj. with the Approved Denied 0 Newporter Pacific Boat Sales facility located in the Retail & Service Commercial area of Mariner's Mile Variance D Other Resu bclivision J Use Permit D Ame ndment 0 LOCATION 2200 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot A of tract No. 919 Filed by NEWPORT SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION App. No. Date 1721 5/2/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Denied Request to permit the construction of a relo- catable building for a savings and loan offirF use and related drive-in banking facilitiec Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit )(21 Amendment Other LOCATION 2200 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Red by CLIFFORD T. NUTT, INC. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or appli cation) 1353 4-18-1968 Approved 0 Denied 0 Sell and display new travel motor homes as well as vehicles taken in on trade; also one 6'x16' Sign . sgrevneD cal/RS ly" AKon. cow. 41-43--ty ft " r Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 5 Amendment 0 Other OCATION 2200 Coast Hwy. egal description Por. Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Aka by FOUNDATION FOR RETIREMENT Approved until Dec. 21, 1962 App.No. Date for Pettis Mobile Homes, Inc. to sell and display 10 trailers 809 12-21-1961 Approved fit Denied 0 Display trailers designed as senior citizen mobile homes. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. (Use permit not used-lease not consumated) rarianee 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 >ther LOCAtION 2200 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por. Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Filed by E. W. BOAT SALES, Inc. App. No. Date 650 7-21-1960 Approved nal Denied 0 Boat sales in a C-1-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 App. No. Date 176 5-19-55 Approved Denied 0 Filed by BARRETT, .1 R (CONOIT7ON) Over UP!Mt 2200 West Coast Highway 6'94 desatOkm Lot A Tract 919 Operation of a trailer sales & show space - outdoor establishment. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit/2i Amendment * Area under Use Permit is 500' wide by 407 1 deep with 500' frontage on West Coast Highway • • LOCATION 2200 W. Coast Highway Legg description Lot A Block 29 Tract 919 Filed by BARRETT, J. S. App. No. Date 214 1-19-56 Approved 11 Denied 0 Building & installing on a legal foundation one cabana 8 x 12 to be used as a sales demonstrator. Variance El Other Resubdivision ID Use Permit OA Amendment El UDCATION 2226 W. Coast Highway Legal delfglIn n Jot A, Tract 919, Filed by EDLER. Vernon App. No. Date 151 9-19-54 (CONDITION) Over Approved IX Denied 0 to allow the operation of a boat sales yard in a C-IQ Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit n Amendment 0 Dther Toilet & washing facilities must be provided for any or all employees and persons connected with the business applied for herein, and said toilet facilitiet are to be located on the property used for said businei or immediately adjacent to said property LOCATION 2241 West Coast Hwy. Legal Description A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Dr. Filed By: Windows on the Bay (Scott Shu leworth) PC's decision appealed 11/5/97, City Application No. Date Council Cond. approved 2/23/98 UP 3293A 0/23/97 6-Mo. Compliance Review by PC 11/19/98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to amend conditions of approval of an existing full service restaurant to change the operational characteristics to allow: the cessation of regular meal service prior to the closing of the restaurant and operation of the facility as a bar/nightclub with alcoholic beverage service as the principal purpose from that time until closing; an increase in the permitted hours of operation of the restaurant and the outdoor dining area; the retention of a service bar in the outdoor dining area; a change to the type of permitted live entertainment which is currently limited to combos and mariachi bands; the retention of a loudspeaker sound system in the outdoor dining area. I a maurimont LOCATION 2241 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Pnrtinn of Lot I-1, Tract 919 P.C. App. 4-R-93 Filed by maria Johnson UP 3293 A Request to AfflAtifi A preVi OHO y App. No. Date approved MP permit which permittedUe14292 (A) 3 -12 -93 addition of live entertainment and an outdoor dining area to the Approved rj Denied 0 existing Cann's Restaurant with nn-sale alrnhnlir beverages, tandem parking spares and valet perking on property located in the "Recreational Marine Cnmmerrial" area of the Mariner's Mile Sp Plan amendment involves a request' to ado dancinq 't ihgPg*Igtinci Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 2241 West Coast Highway Legal description a portion of Lot 1-1, Tract 919 Filed by Carlo 's Restaurant - ppl1/4r81411).use Date 9 MALL permit which permitted the additionUP 3293 (A) tilita2 of live entertainment to the e-xis *gaved xn Denied 0 rannic nstaimant with on sale alco oin restaurant by construct-i-ng an eutdoor din-i-tri area. The ype o Resubdivision J Use Permilxcp Amendment ID Variance Other live entertainment so as to allow musical groups with multiple instruments, whereas the existing use permit limits the type of live entertainment to one piano player with amplified voice only; and a modification to the Zoning Code so as to increase the number of tandem parking spaces on the subject property. LOCATION 2241 West Coast Hwy Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, on the so side of WCH easterly of Tustin Ave. & record of Survey 10-27 on the no. side of WCH e. of Tustin Ave Filed by El Torito Restaurant To increase the net public App. No. Date area of the restaurant by UP3293 converting an exist. ext. deck to an outdoor dining Approved 1a Denied 0 area. Req. to convert a portion of the exist. encl. dining area to an outdoor patio dining area, live entertainment consisting of a piano/vocalist, and the ancroval of a lease for off-site parking Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 2-18-88 LOCATION 2241 W. Coast Highway Legal dosaipam Filed by Ardell Investment Company App. No. Date Permit an amended parking M-1014 4/13/76 ayout on tne tomer 'Let Snirt Hestaurant Approved it Denied 0 larking lot so as to permit attended tandem iarking on the site in conjunction with the •roposed restaurant facility. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 2241 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919 Filed by John Howenstine, Inc. Request to permit the replacement App. No. Date of an existing freestanding entry EP 41 8-8-91 sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine CcmmercialApproved 0 Denied area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Removed from Area. The proposed sign will be a second Calendar freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifiying live entertainment, and an entry sign. Variance 0 Other Resubdivbion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Exception permit LOCATION Legal description 2241 West Coast Highway Lot H, Tract 919 Filed by Ardell Investment Co. App. No. Date To expand the seating UP-1773 11/6/75 capacity of the former Stuft Shirt Restaurant. Approved MI Denied 0 The proposed development will include the continued sale of alcoholic beverages, live entertainment, and dancing in the structure. The proposal also includes a modification from Ov Pr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other the parking standards so as to allow tandem parking, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. ..00ATIO N 22k1 Coas t .egal description tots 13 14 1 15 Trent 919, Red by SHERMAN, M H App. No. Date 35 4 8/22/57 Approved r Denied 0 Operation of a fee parkin& lot in a C-1 zone. variance Resubdieisien Use Permit ar Amendment Dther LOCATION 2241 W. Coast Highway Legal doscriPfical Lot H Tract 919 App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) Over 172 3-17-55 Approved gg Denied 0 Construction & operation of a trailer house resort in a C-2 district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Eg] Amendment 0 Filed by BARRETT,IJ. S. No trailers will be left parked along the State Highway nor any condition permitted to exist which will cause traffic conjestion on the highway due to entrance and exit of cars and trailers to the trailer park. LLY4 VV CM S,IP?".31, munway . Legal Description SP-5 Mariners Mlle Specific Plan Area, Retail, Service & Commercial Filed By: Larry O'Rourke Application No. Date PDUP 79 12/06/2001 Approved X Denied: Appeal of the Director's denial of a request to ex end the termination of a temporary use permit for 120-day days. The temporary use permit authorized the storage and repairs of an existing boat for a period of time not to extend beyond October 23, 2001. The boat occupies a portion of the parking lot and displaces 5 required off street parking spaces. 12/06/2001 Planning Commission approved final extension to 02/11/2002. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 2244 West Coast Hwy Legal Description Portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919 Filed By: Larry O'Rourke Application No. pbuct 1 Ct Date 02126/2001 Approved: X Denied: The applicant request is to allow the temporary use of property for the storage and repairs of an existing boat for a period of time not to exceed one year. The boat occupies a portion of the parking lot and displaces 5 required off-street parking spaces. The property is located in the SP-5 District (Mariners Mile Specific Plan Area). Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: X I. Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 2244 W. Coast Highway Legal descripfion A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919, on Mariner's Mile. Filed by William Schwarz App. No. Date Request to establish general UP 2087 5/20/82 office uses that do not provide direct services to Approved al Denied 0 the public and which are not ancillary to another permitted use and which are to be located only on the second floor of an existing retail/commercial building located in the Retail Service Commercial area of Mariner's Mile Sperifir Plan Area Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit UCI Amendment 0 Other .0CATION mega! description 2244 West-Coast Highway Filed by Rudy Baron App. No. Date Permit the constrn. of a two- SPR-25 7/10/80 story commercial building located in the Mariners' Mile Approved ID Denied 0 Specific Plan Area, and the acceptance of an Environmenta' Document. This application also requests the approval of a Traffic Study in conjunction with the proposed development. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 fariance El Dther Sin. Plan Ravinw LT./CATION 2244 West Coast Highway Legal description Por. Lot A Tr. 919 C -1 -H Filed by HUNT, Robert L. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or Application) 1490 10-1-1970 Approved a Denied 1:1 Sale and display of boats. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2244 W (Mast Hwy. or I nt A Tract 919 C-1-H Filed by ANrHOR MARINE RFPAIR App. No. Date CONnLTION (04Pr) 1296 8-17-1967 Approved Ala Denied 0 A mobil marine repair shop in the C-1-H Zone znewbet> / otti g- 'j --,Y .? 7—oo c/ E.)(/Ct/A/6 3v5/41 A" TS C Variance Q Resubdivision Q Use Permit Di Other Amendment CONDITION Approved for a period of one year in order that the Commission might review the opera- tion as to the noise involved and maintenance of the year yard area in an orderly manner. .0CATION 2244 W. Coast Highway Legal description Pot. Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Filed by GOLDEN, Paul A. App. No. Date 251 7-19-56 Approved la Denied El Use of property for a trailer park CONDITION: Applicant to submit new plot plan and conform to Trailer Park Ord. No. 592 as amended. Parking space for 12 guest cars must be provided. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2300 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919, approximately 600 ft easterly of Tustin Ave. Filed by Laguna Beach Motors Reg to permit the installation App. No. Date of a trailer to be used for sales UP3244A 4-9-87 offices on a temporary basis. Incl. a request to modify the Approved Denied approved parking plan Resubdrvision 0 Use Permit fl Variance fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 2300 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy across from Cano's Rest. in the Mariners Mile SPA Filed byJermafa, Inc. Req. to permit the construct. of,App.W. Date a 53 unit motel facility & a U 9P3289 -10-87 related restaurant & lounge. Incl. a mod to the ZC to allow Approved ir Denied 0 the use of compact ps for a portion of the rea. off- street parking Variance 0 other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment C LOCATION 2300 West Coast Hwy Legal description Portion of Lot A. Tr. 919., at 2300 W. rst. Hwupon northerly side of W. Cst. Hwy. across from Cano's Rest. in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan ARea Filed by Newport Dynasty. Inc Request to amend a previously App. No. DeM' approved use permit which permit- UP3289A 8-9-90 ed the establishment of a 53 unit motel facility and related rest. Approved I@ Denied 0 and cocktail lounge on property located in the "Retail Service Commercial" area of the Mariners Mile Spec. Plan. The proposed amendment involves a request to change the operational characteristics of the existing restaurant so as ; to i Variance o Rembdivision I se erimt o men• me Other facility and the addition of a cocktail lounge; to in- crease the hours of operation of the restaurant facility from a closing time of 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. daily ; and to allow the establishment of li-e entertainment, to include a piano bar and strolling musicians in the restaurant facility, and a pipe organ in the motel lobby. UDCAJRDN 2300 W. Coast Highway lesmi description A portion of Lot A, Tract 919, on the no. side of WCHighway approximately 600 ft. easterly Of Tustin Ave. in Mariner's Mile Filed by Laguna Beach Motors Beg. to est. an auto sales, servich, pp.No. Date & leasing facility on property 023244 located in Retail Service Comm'l 12-4-86 area of the Mariner's Mile SPA. Approved pg' Denied 0 Incl. the operation of a wash rack in conjunction with the proposed operation Variance 0 Other. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 2300 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por. Lot A, Tr. 9T9 C-1-H Filed by CHRISTLER, BART App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1576 1-6-1972 Approved xvil Denied Permit a parking and storage lot tor boats, campers, trailers and other recreational vehicles. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment E UJLAWN 2300 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Lot A Tr. 919 C-1-H Ned by HADDOCK'S OUTDOOR WORLD App. No. Date CONIITIONS 1See applica- tion or Minutes) 1399 9-19-1968 Approved XESI Denied 0 Outdoor display and sales or dune buggies, motorryrles. campers motorhomes and rental of trurks Variance 0 Other Resubdividon 13 Use Permit [2] Amendment 13 pacnoly 2300 W. Coast Hwy. qpd description Par. of Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Red by HARPER, James T. App. No. Date 941 4-18-1963 Approved 4Ltr Denied 0 Auto and boat repair and sales shop. t ce Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ta Amendment 0 LULA muri Legal description 2300 West Coast Highway Por Lot A Tr 919 C-1-H Filed by DE SIMONE L. P. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1446 9 -18 -1969 Approved En Denied 0 An auto repair shop. Variance 0 Dther Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. Approval to be for a period of 6 months; extension request to be directed to the Modifications Committee 2. A detailed plot plan showing parking, traffi circulation and sign location and design to be submitted to andapproved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a business license. )CATION gal description 2300 W. Coast Highway Lot A (Por.) Tract 919 C-1-H Filed by TRANS AUTO SYSTEMS App. No. Date M-85 6-17-1969 Approved XIXJ Denied 0 Auto leasing and rentals. CONDITION: remove all signs, clean-up area and all new signs to conform to City Code. 'dance 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 ther Mollification Amendment 0 _LIGATION -egal description 2300 West Coast Hwy. Par. Lot A Tr. 919 C-1 -H Filed by BRISTOL YACHTS OF SO. CALIF. App. No. Date CONDITIONS: (See Applica- tion or Minutes) 1469 3-5-1970 Approved X Et Denied 0 New and used yacht sales and storage, includ- ing equipment and related items; yacht broker- age and chartering; and operation of a sailing school. fariance fl >tier Resubdivision D Use Permit [1( Amendment 0 LOCATION 2306 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3, 4, and a portion of lots 29 & 30, Block 23, on the no side of W. Ocean Front between 23rd St & 24th St in McFadden Square Filed by Circa Designs Expansion of bed & breakfast App. No. Date to convert retail space into a UP3195A 2-9-89 hotel lobby, executive offices & related storage. Incl. a Approved 111 Denied 0 req. to permit the service of food and alcoholic beverages to the general public within the existing & proposed lobby areas Variance D Other Resubdiyision 9 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2306 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3, 4 and a portion of Lots 29 and 30, Block 23, on the no. side of West Ocean Front, between 23rd St. and 24th St. Filed by Piero Serra Permit the expansion of an App. No. Date existing hotel located in 023195 5-22-86 the Cl Dist.Req. to convert a portion of the exist. grounApproved .Ar. Denied 0 floor of the bldg. into a new hotel lobby and reception area and to establish the tacility as a bed and breakfast which includes the service or continental breakfast & alcoholic bever.to hotel uc t clay Variand u Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jEt" Amendment 0 LOCATION 2306 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3,4,portions of Lots 29,30, Block 23 on the no side of W.Ocean Front between 23 & 24th, adj. to Newport Pier parking lot Filed by Circa Designs to expand B&B lobby, to App. No. Date establish a cafe dining area UP3195A 12-8-88 w/alcoholic beverages for hotel guests and general public Approved ya Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description p 2306 West Ocean Front Block 23 at 111 23rd St. in Central Newport Filed by Epic Properties Amend previous U.P. Request to App. No. wiave portion of previously re- UP3200A 12/6/90 guired parking spaces; locate the remaining portion of required parAMovmi El Denied 0 spaces in a new off-site parking lot at 111 23rd St. & on adjoining parcel; reduce "ne4rpublic area" of restaurant; & modification to the Z.C. to establish a valet parking service with tandem parking spaces in conjunction w/rest. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Date 2306 West Ocean Front LOCATION 111, 113, 115 - 22nd St. Legal description Lots 3 and 4, Block 23, Newport Beach Tract located at 2306 West Ocean Front, and Lots 19, 20 and 21 Block 22, Newport Beach Tract located at 111,113,115 22nd Filed by Zeppa Inc. _BeQ - o establish a rest.with App. No. Date on sale beer and wine on property op two located in the SP6 pist.App. an off site parking agree. for a Approved tir Denied 0 portion of the reg. parking spaces,mod to the ZC to allow the use of a valet tandem parking spaces on said off-gite parking lot located at the rear of property -143eat'ell -en-the-s d Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit2SE) Amendment 0 LOCATION 2306 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3, 4 and a portion of Lots 29 and 30, Block 23, located at 2306 W. Ocean Front. on the no.side of W. Ocean Front, between 23rd St. and 24th St. Filed by Piero Serra Req. to resub. two existing App. No. Date Properties into 2 parcels of R826 5-22-86 land to establish two legal bldg. sites in conjunction with Approved s Denied 0 the remodel and alterations of the exist. Portofino Hotel Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 2r Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LtJUA IlJN 211? W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Portion of Lot A, Tr 919, at 2332 W. Cst. ay. on northerly side of W (St. Hwy easterly of Tustin Ave. in Mariner's Mile SPA Ffled by Robert D. Harritt Jr. Amend previously approved u.p. to App. No. Date change operational characteristics UP1977A 1-4-90 of the restaurant so as to include a 3-4 piece calypso style group onAppnwed 42 Denied 0 weekend afternoons and a 3 pc. group on a nightly basis. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 AmenAment 0 LOCATION 2332 West Coast Highway Legal description 'A portion of Lot A. Tract No. 919. In the Mariner's Mile Sprifir Plan Area Filed by Dave Alderman App. No. Dee --Request —to—per-St—tbe—eXpanr.-- up_ l 977 3/5/81 sinn of an existing restau- rant farility with on-sale Approved IN Denied 0 --faciabillicSieractesaformarly_thuckLs_Iteita modification is also renuested since the oronosed and existing development encroaches into the required front yard sethark along West Coast Highway The (Over Variance 0 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 51 Amendment 0 Other proposal also includes a modification from the required parking standards so as to allow tandem spaces. LOCATION 2332 W. Coast Highway 141411 clescripthm'Por. Lot A, Tract 919 Fled by Dennis F. and Janis Y. Wolte (chuck's Steak House) App. No. Date Subject to the recordation 1531 6-3-71 of an off-site parking Approved tl Denied .0 agreement, acceptable to tne city Attorney and approved by the city councii, providing tor tne use ot at least lb spaces after b:JU F.m.,each day. Variance El Other Peso bdansion El Use Permit V Amendment 0 LOCATION 2400 Weat Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot A. Tract No. 919 Red by John S. Jasper App. No. Date UP 3040 A 4-20 -95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the conversion of a take—out Haagen—Dazs ice cream shop with incidental seating to a full service restaurant with table service & alcoholic beverages, on property Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 located in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The previous approval also included the waiver of a portion of the required offstreet parking spaces. The proposed amendment involves a request to expand the "net public area" of the restaurant on the first floor by converting a second floor commercial space into a lounge/waiting area that will be used after 6:00 p.m. The proposal also includes: a request to convert a RASE FAR use (commercia: to a Reduced FAR use (restaurant) in accordance with the provisions of Section 20.07.044 of the Municipal Code; & the waiver of a portion of the add'l required parking spaces. LOCATION 2400 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description portion of lot A, Tract 919 Filed by John S Jasper Pegnest to amend a previously App. No. Date approved 11gs permit which permitteg p 3040 A 7/6/93 the establishment of a take -out I-laagen flays ire cream shop wi th Approved r Denis 0 incidental grating on property located AA 8/5/93 in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The previous apc approval also included the waiver of a portion of the required nff -strent parking spares The proposed aMendmeni involves a request to change the operational variance u Resubdivinon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other characteristics of the restaurant so as to allow the facility to perate as a full service restaurant including table service and on-sale beer and wine. The proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces. LOCATION 2400 west coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot A of Tract No. 919, on Mariners' Mile. Filed by Yahn-Heck Ent., Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish a take- UP 3040 6/9/83 out Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop with incidental seating located Approved Ei Minted 0 in the SP-5 District. Also includes a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces in conjunction with the proposed ice cream facility. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I. I" O•'I I if If •1 ' LOCATION 2400 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919. in Mariner's Mile. Filed by Susan Cuse App. No. Dee Request to permit the con- UP 2049 1/21/82 t h ree -story combined commercial. Approved 123 Denied 0 r sid n ial b • located in the retail service commercial area of Mariner's Mile Spgcific Plan Area The proposal also includes a request to exceed the basic height limit (Ovco) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Other in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District and to allow a total floor area which exceeds .5 times the buildable area of the site. The pro- posal also includes a request to pay an annual in-lieu fee to the City for a portion of the required off-street parking spaces, a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact car spaces, and the acceptance of an environmental document. Filed by SUSAN S. CUSE CONDITIONALLY App. No. Date 1682 7-19-73 Approved alx Denied 0 LOCATION 2400 W Coast Hwy Legal clesahatilm Por Lot A TR 919 Variance 0 Other Resu bd !vision 0 Use Permit CM Amendment LOCATION Legal description 2400 W. Coast Hwy. Por. Lot A Tract 919 C-1-H Filed by WATKINS MALCOLM & BUCK App. No. Date 1081 10-15-1964 Approved Ayk Denied Construct a motel (102 units) in copjunction with frontage commercial shops and offices. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 LOCATION 2400 W Coast Hwy_ Legal description A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919 located on side of W Coast Hwy. easterly of Tustin in Mariner's Mile. RI" by Jackshr bAp_limport,_Inc App. No. Date OD 21 (Amended) 4/15/97 Approved a DeMed Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent full service restaurant (Jackshrimp Restaurant), on property located in the SP-5 (Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area) District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other OD LOCATION 2400 W. rost -Hwy. Legal description Filed by Jackshri rap Newport, Pate T4).hc:lo hn Jac_per 0021 11 -6 -96 Approved AO Denied 0 EaablishnSensuranag_useAgsm, iunction with an adjacent full service restaurant (Jack- shrimp Restaurant), on property located in the SP-5 (Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area) District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 9 LOCATION 2400 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Iof B, Trart No 919 Filed by Jack Shrimp_Rewport Tnr App. No. Date M4381 11-14-95 Approved a Dented El S. • il • • • • • II • • _nutdnnr dining Araa, foot front ayrd sethark for s urh—cnnetructiar, Variance El Other Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment El LOCATION 2429, 2431, 2439, 2505, 2507 West Coast Hwy Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 87-H9 Filed by Newport Bay Group. Ltd App. No. Date Request to amend a previously SPR 41 (A) 8/13/92 approved Site Plan Review which permitted the expansion of the Approved Ek Denied 0 Mariner's Mile Marine Center located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. The proposed amendment includes a reguest to delete Conditinn No 29 of cal rl apilijratinn. which requires planning Commission's apprOVal of any boat chartering Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Site Plan REview 41 operations from the subject property. Should the Planning Commission not wish to delete Conditon No. 29 the applicant further requests the approval of the continued operation of a boat charter business from the subject property in accordance with said condition. LOCATION 2430 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot A, Tract No. 919, on the no side of West Coast Highway, easterly of Tustin Ave. in the Mariner's Mile SPA Filed by John Mueller riesiermit the establish. App. No. Date of an auto wash, and auto 1JP3215 7-10-86 detail, facility on property located in the Retail Approved M Denied 0 Service Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile SPA Variance [3 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LUCA I IUN 2431 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot H, Tr 919 Filed by The Chart House App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3084 2-23-84 construction of a restaurant facility with on-sale Approved El Denied 0 alcoholic beverages located in the Recreational Marine Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposal also includes a modification to the zoning Code so as to allow t:he use of tandem and compact car spaces with Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other valet service for a portion of the required restaurant parking spaces, and a request to pay an annual in-lieu fee to the City for a portion of the required restaurant parking spaces. LOCATION 2431 W. Coast Hiehwav Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract 919 Filed by CHE, INC. (The Chart House) App. No. Dee Request to permit the con- UP 2025 10/29/81 struction of a restaurant facility with on-sale Approved g] Denied 0 alcoholic beverages located in the Recreational Marine Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area (See file for further detaila). Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION ____ Wt—nut Highway Legal description Lot A, Traci - Q19 Puled by FOERSTER, Gilbert G. -Permit the combining of two parrels df land into a single parcel far rlevelnpmert arrl rnnvoya nre purpncec App. No. Date rieLLA 96 -2 2/20/96 Approved la Denied Variance Resubdivision Other NBLLA 96 -2 Use Permit 0 Amendment 1:1 LOCATION 2436 West Coast Hwy. Legal Description Portion of Lot B, Tract 919 — — _ _ Filed by Gilbert Foerster _ App. No. Date SPR 77 1/8/98 Approved X Denied CI Request to construct a 4,600 sq. ft. office building behind an existing office building located in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area _ — — • Variance Resubdivision J Use Permit LI Amendment Other: Site Plan Review — .0CATION 2436 W. Coast Highway aged clescriPtior A portion of Lot B. Tract No. 919. east of Tustin AVenue on Mariners' Mile. Piled by Jay Evarts App. No. Date SPR-26 7/24-80 Approved 12] Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of 3,986 sq. ft. two-story office building located in the Mariners' Mile Specific Plan Area. Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 )ther Site Plan Review No. 26 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2436 W. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 256-46 Filed by Waterfront Homes REalty App. No. Date Request to approve an off-site Off-Site Parking 2/20/92 parking proposal so As to provide required off-street parking on an Approved El Denied 1:1 a joining parcel in conjunction with PC 2/20/92 CC 3/9/9; alterations and additions to an existing. office building located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance Other Off-Site Parking Agent LOCATION 2431, 2439, 2505, 2507 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract 616 and Parcel 1 of PM 196-29 (R795) on the so. side of WCH between Tustin Ave and the Balboa Bay Club in Mariner's Mile Filed by Turnstone Corp. Req. to expand Marine Center App. No. Date incl. shipyard, marine supply store, marine rigging co., SPR41 3-5-87 and marine related offices. Approved cg Denied 0 Mod to the ZC to allow use of compact & tandem parking spaces and req. to allow portion of req. off-street parking to beprovided through the annual purchase of in-lieu parisitiiice Variance 0 Othn. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2431, 2439, 2505 & 2507 West Coast Highway Legal demripfion Portion of Lot H, Tract No. 616, and Parcel 1 of PM 196-29 (R795) on the so. side of WCH between Tustin Ave. & Balboa Bay Club Filed by Turnstone Corporation Req. to approve a traffic study App. No. Date to permit the construction of TS 3-5-87 39.400 sq . ft. marine comm . 1 buildings on the subject Approved le Denied fl proPertv, and the acceptance of an e.d. Variance 0 _ Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2431, 2439, 2505, 2507 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract 616, and Parcel 1 of PM 196-29 (R795) on the so. side of WCH between Tustii Ave. & the Balboa Bay Club in Mariner's Mile SPA. Filed by Turnstone Corporation Req. to resubdivide two App. No. Date parcels of land and R841 3-5-87 eliminate an interior property line to establish a single Approved g Denied 0 parcel of land for marine commercial purposes. Variance 0 Ask. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2439 west Coast Highway Legal description A Portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919 Filed by Turnstone Corp., Newport Beach App. No. Date tion of a marine-related SPR No. 35 4/5/84 commercial sholanilding to Approved 0 Denied 0 existing marine repair f Arili *Y i ll the' "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of Mariner's mile and the apoeptanre of an environmental document. The request also includes a modification tm the 7 oning on -l. for the re.uire Vaaance El Reubdivision 0 emit 0 Amendment 0 Other Request to permit the construc- se width in conjunction with the proposed development. LOCATION 2439,2505, and 2507 W. Coast Highway Legal description portion of Lot H Tract NO. 616 Filed by Tornstone Corp. Req. to ronstrlirt.a marine ssrvireAPP.No. Date center. Also to pay an annual SP36 8-9-84 in-lien fee tn City for portion of r aciatparking_spaaez j_an Atpi,ci_.Deniecl 0 arrppt_ of pnvirnn. dornment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other nts. De Amendment0 LOCATION 2439,2505,and 2507 W.Coast Highway Legal de:ail:4km A portion of Lot H,Tract No. 616,1ocated on the south side of W.Coast Highway,between Tustin Ave. and Balboa Bay Club in the Mariner's Mile Area. Filed by Coast EurYeyino, Inc. Establish a single bldq.site App.No. Date and eliminate interior property R795 11-8-84 lines where 3 parcels presently exist, so as to allow the Approved Er Denied 0 construction of a shipyard with marine oriented retail and office uses. Variance 0 Otbn Amendment Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 .0CATION 2471 Coast Highway Newport Beach .egal description Lots 36 & 17, Trart 1210 Filed by Irvine Co.. The App. No. Date 27 9-20-51 CONDITIONS :Over Approved A Denied I:1 Automatic cleaning and laundry establishment Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment fl Dther 1) Provide offstreit parking in accordance with pro- visions ofi Zoning Law (Sec. 9104.21 (a) (1). 2) In- stallation & equipment to be in accordance with floor plan submitted awl or according to type of equipment and plan of installation to be submitted for Committee approval. 3) The operation shall be conducted so as to eliminate discharge of steam exhausts and odors. 8) That no pickup or delivery services ak be incor- porated 1“.".erl I KJIII LJUV west uoast nignway Legal Description Parcel 2 on Page 25 of APM Book 256 Filed by Newport Boats (Sid Partow, applicant) App. No. Date Withdrawn by applicant M4681 Approved Denied 1-1 Request to permit the retention of an existing roof sign on a previously unoccupied building, where the Code limits roof signs under specific conditions. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit El Amendment fl Other: Modification LOCATION 7500 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2, Parcel Map 256-25 Filed by Sonship Bookstore Request to permit the App. No. Date establishment of a specialty M4019 7/7/92 food facility within a portion of the existing structure, on Approved El Denied 0 property located in the SP-5 District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other LIJUAWN non wagt roast Hwy Legal description A pnrtinn of Lot A Tr 919. at 2500 West _roast Hwy on northerly side of W Cst. Hwy. easterly of listin Ave. in Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Filed by Jack_Jakosky pegoemt to resubdivide two ens- App. No. Ling ...parcels of land into three R 926 5 1:0/90 , parcesl for commercial Purposes "in r:eatCr. 3 -7 ,42-q/9er On Property located in the "Retail Approved fa Denied E] Apd Service Commercial" area of mariners Mile S.P. Also includes a request to allow one of the proposed parcels to be less than the minimum required site area of 10,000 sq.ft An exception to the Sub. Code is also requested as 2 of par rielq rip japt abut_a 0trcct. Variance Kesulschmon 0 Use Permit E] Amendment E] CHber LOCATION 2500 West Coast Highway LegA delmriptioo Lot A, Tract 919 Mariner's Mile m_efu lte by to Nftwort.pi c13,7, App. No. UP 2076 Date alwitmL Jf all uu Woo 5-6-82 pus. Lausv a s ramp s pacJcr Approved IN Denied 0 ariancg0 Other Resubdivision C use Permit 1111 Amendment I: LOCATION Legal description 2500 W. Coast Hwy. Lot A, Tract 919 Fled byJohn Jakosky Requested to permit parking spacesApp.W. Date to encroach to the propserty line where a one foot setback is re- M-2679 4-7-81 quired and a waiver of the ten Approved 0 DeMed 0 percent landscaping requirement in a proposed parking lot in conjunction with future commercial development within the SP-5 Specific Plan District (Mariners' Mile). Modification is requested due to condemnation actions by the City to acquire a portion of the site. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 25 00 gee+ rnnet ai g h way Pot' 81 II Tr- 919 C-1-11_ Ned by BENIGNI App. No. Dais fi CONDITION (Over) 1451 11-6-1969 Approved X13 Denied 0 Dancing in coniunction with a restaurant and cocktail lounge. A/ do Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 51 Amendment 0 CONDIMION 1. Approval to be for a period of 2 years. 2. The application to be referred bakk to the Planning Commission if the operation should change to a bar and cocktail lounge only. LOCATION Legal description 7500 W Coast Hwy. Por lot A Tr 919 C-1-H Filed 6 w : I App. No. Date efINDTTIONS (See Minutes nr appliratinn) 1132 1-1R-1968 Approved El Denied 0 eppra_t_e_a_ bona fide restaurant serving alrobo3ir beverages and tn permit live enter- - I I I • I • • I • lul l Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 °CATION 2500 W. Coast Hwy„ - itnimpnwat4 property- tn rear Por Lot A Trart 919 ?one C n 1•41 Filed by JAKOSKY COMPANY App. No. Date 836 3-15-1962 Approved XEI Denied 0 em.orar u • Of O • 1 1 .1 4 •/1 -1 1 1962 for purpose of assembling and fabrirsting A Etatel R1(65 foot electric welded steel hoar CONWITTON• Approved for a period of _on yen, 'ariance fl )their Resubdivision 0 Use Permit }3 Amendment 0 egal description ALMIATION 2500 West Coast Highway Ulel description POT La r A MACt Wig crl-U Filed by THE MARTNER, Toe App. No. • Date 606 4-7-1960 Approved IE Denied 0 Construct and operate a parking lot for automobiles and boats on trailers and cradles. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment fl DIKIATION nal descriptkm 2505 W. Coast Hwy. Par. Lot H Tract 919 "U" Filed by GAZE. John App. No. Date 879 8-16-1962 Approved 53 Denied 0 Rent U-Drive boats. CONDITIONS: 1. That 15 parking spaces be maintained at all times on the premises. 2.That the boats not be used for living purposes. ariance )they Resubdivision El Use Permit 134x Amendment 0 LOCATION 2505 & 2507 W Coast Highway Legal description Lot H, Tr. 616 Ned by Turnstone Corp. Request to permit the expansion App.No. Date of an existing marine and shipyard facility on property located SPR 34 2-9-84 in the Recreational Marine Approved al Denied 0 Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan area. Siad expansion will include the construction or a new multiple use building, containing marine related, commercial floor area, storage and a marine repair shop on the graind floor and marine related office on the 2nd Variam*ILL Resubdivision al Use Permit fl Arnendriart 041mroci-- r5d.z Pira,yuretv, LOCATION 2510 W. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 85-30 (R-512j on Mariner's Mile. Filed by Zalman Dagan App. No. Date Request to establish a used UP 2054 1/7/82 automobile sales and service facility in the Retail/ Approved El Denied [] Service Commercial Area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Area Plan. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit III Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2510 W. Coast Highway Legal deicriehm Lot A, Tract 919 Pled by Trans Pac Yachts, Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish a UP-1780 3/18/76 sales facility for new and used boats. Approved /;:l Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2510 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot A, Tract 919 Filed by Trans Pac Yachts, Inc. App. No. Date Request to create three R-512 3/18/76 Parcels of land for :ommercial development. Approved in Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon 21 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCATION 2527.-B West Coast Hwy. egal deserkam Par. Lot H Tract 919 C-0-2 Filed by JACOBY, Guy L. App. No. Date 814 1-4-1962 Approved a Denied E] Applicant requests permission to do marine joining. boat maintenance and repair. farianee 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 >them LOCATION 2530 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lot A, Tract 919 Filed by Romanella RestaurantPizza Express California, Inc. (Steven Prothero applicant) App. No. Date 0D 34 8/18/97 Approved X Denied 0 Expansion of an existing accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent full-service restaurant, on property located in the SP-5 (Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area, Retail and Service Commercial)District. Variance Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 2530 West Coast Highway Ummil descriptior Parcel No. 1 (R-512) on Mariner's Mile. Filed by Roma Newport, Inc. (Tony Roma's) App, No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP 1875 5/5/83 viously approved use permit (mended which allowed the interior Approved El Denied 0 remodel and expansion of an existing restaurant located in the SP-5 District. Request to expand the "net public area" of Tony Roma's Restaurant facility OVP8 Variance ED Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 so as to add an outdoor waiting patio and expand the existing restaurant entry. LOCATION 2950 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Roy Shafer App. No. Date Remodel the interior and UP-1875 7/6/78 enlarge the existing kitchen, storage and supply areas Approved n Denied 0 of the former Quarter Deck Restaurant facility in Specific Area No. 5. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, since the existing nonconforming structure encroaches to within 5' of the front property OVER- Variance 0 Other Resubdivisiort 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 line (where the Ordinance requires a 12 foot wide setback along W. Coast Highway for RW IA IR'sfutarl o wAsYswtg a augautm se s rear of said 12' setback). LOCATION 2535 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por. Lot -H Tract 9-1-9 C-U-H Piled by Newport Marine Service App. No. Date 1343 3-21-1968 Approved mn m.ied 0 Conduct a marine service (mechanical repair) bUS iness. CONDITION: All repair service on the site within the confines of the building. Variance Q Resubdivision Q Use Permit DI] Amendment El Other LOCATION 2537 W. Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Mock H Tract 919 Zone C-2 Filed by DAVIES & MARSH (Pacific Crean Sail & Motorboat Impacts. Inc.) App. No. Date 441 6-19-58 ft )427 , e 4, / Approved al Denied 0 Yacht sales - Wholesale & retail Yarht brnksrege Variance 0 Other Resubdwtsion 0 Use Permit 2 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2542 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by TheCry_atal_acy Request to permit the instal- App. No. Date lation of five wall signs on an EP 28 6-18-87 existing building in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area, where the Approved IZI Denied 0 Zoning Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building. Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2542 West Coast Highway laRel description Lot 16, T1133, on the n.e. corner of Tustin Ave. and WCH in Mariner's Mile Filed by The Crystal Factnry Peri t a re rmi t the i natal 1 ation App.No. Date of 5 wall aigna on an existing EP28 6-18-87 bluidirig in, t.tip Mari nev i Mfla Spe ci fie Plan Area , where thdkpproved 0 Denied 14 Variance 0 ash.. Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 OCATION 2542 W. Coast Highway and egal description 102-4-6 Tustin Avenue Lots 16, 17, 18 Tract 1133 C-1-H Date Filed by FRANKLIN, Mrs. C. App. No. CONDITIONS (Over) 729 4-20-1961 Approved A@ Denied E] Structural alterations to an existing commercial building which is non conforming because it does not meet zoning code requirements for off street parking. 'anance >riser Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment CONDITIONS 1. That the new addition will not increase the number of occupants in subject building. 2. That the extension shown on the east side of the property line will not extend into the present parking space more than 4 feet. LOCATION 2600 West Coast Hwy. Legal Description Lot 20, Block 732, Tract 323 Filed By: First Team Real Estate Application No. Date M4786 9-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the addition of 2 walls signs with logos for a total of 3 wall signs, where the Code allows one wall sign per business for multi-tenant buildings. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit 1 Amendment Other: Modification CKATION 2600 W. Coast Hwy egal description Lot 1 Tract 1133 Zone C-1-H Filed by HOUSE & GARDEN App. No. Date 802 12-7-1961 Approved fi Denied 0 Furniture sales and upholstery Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit( Amendment 0 )ther LOCATION 2600-2740 W. Coast Highway -Legal escriPtion Patrels No. 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 73-22 23 (12487)on the n.w. corner of W. Coast Highway and Tustin Ave. in Mariner's Mile Flied by Newport Ski Co. Reg. to construct a 124 sq. ft. App. No. Pate addition to the front of an MOD 904 A 10-24-85 existing bldg which will be used for an additional retail display Approved Er Denied 0 area within the Newport Ski facility. Includes a mod. to the ZC to allow the use of compact size parking spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Pernut 0 Other Amendment C LOCATION 2600-2740 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcels 41 Ana 2 nf Parrel Map 73-22, 23 (12 No. 487) on the n.w. corner of W. Coast Highway and Tustin Ave. in Mariner's Mile Filed by Mariner's Mile Company Reg.to construct a 6 ft hi dnainApp.No. Date link fence around 3 sides of the Mod 904 A 9-19-85 existing off-site parking lot. Approved ra Denied CI Variance Resubdivjsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2600-2740 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel 1 Filed by Mariners Mile Co. App. No. Date Constrn. of a drive-up UP-1819 3/3/77 teller facility in conjunction with the Approved Denied ID Gibralter Savings and Loan complex in Mariners' Mile Square. The proposed facility will be located in the approved Mariners' Mile Square offsite parking modification for a portion OVER - Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit OD Amendment 0 Other of the required offsite parking spaces so as to allow compact spaces and parking spaces in the reservoir lane to the rear of the proposed auto-teller unit. LOCATION 2600-2740 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1-6, Lots 10-15, Tract 1133 Filed by Mariners Mile, & United Calif. Bank App. No. Date Constrn. of commercial M-904 5/6/75 buildings that encroach to within 5 feet of a rear Approved psi Denied 0 Property line, and related offstreet parking and landscape planter areas that encroach to the real property lines on both sides of an existing 30 f4 Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment E Other Mndifiratinn foot wide alley (where the Ordinance requires a minimum 10 foot rear yard setback in the C-1 District when abutting an alley). Further request to permit the construction of a 58 foot high + flag pole on the site in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. LOCATION 2600-2712 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 1 through 6 10-15 Filed by Mariner's Mile Company App. No. Date ro create two parcels of R-487 5/1/75 land for commercial Jevelopment where twelve Approved al Denied 0 lots and a portion of an abandoned alley now ?xist. Use Permit 0 Amendment Resubdivision Variance 0 Other LOCATIQPI Legal desai tion 2601 West Coast Highway Fled by DRY DOCK RESTAURANT App. No. Dee CONDITIONS (See Minutes Sec. or file) 20.40.030 10-3-1968 Approved CI Denied 0 _WD nfl-cite parkingspaces in connection with _ _a_p_p_kair sur. ose--• 0 A 07-0/7108/LE PAR/r/A/ - Variance 0 Other Resubdinsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2601 W. Coast Hwy. LegaIrdemription Par. Lot H Tract 919 C-0-2 Filed by FAIRLINER NEWPORT App. No. Date 960 6-20-1963 Approved xgx Denied 0 Boat repair and U-Drive rentals Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit E3 Amendment 0 Other 1 LOCATION 2601 W. Coast Highway Legal demxiftkm Portion of Lot H, Tract 919, on the so. side of WCH, at the so. terminus of Tustin Ave. and Record of Survey 10-27 located at 2500 WCH on the no. Midday side of WCH in Mariner's Mile Increase hours of operation to App. No. Date 11:a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Incl. a mod 0P32 10-23-86 to the ZC to allow the use of compact and tandem parking spa esA proved Denied 0 in conjunction with a full time valet park. svc; and the app. of a lease for off-site parking purposes for a portion of the req. p.s. involving property on the no. side of WCH Variance 0 Othwe Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 2607 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lot H, Tract 919 Filed by Joe's Crab Shack (Crab Addison, Inc., applicant) App. No. Date UP 3627 3-19-98 Approved X Denied A request to allow a change in the operational characteristicsof an existing restaurantto allow live entertainment involving singing and dancing performances by waiters and waitresses with patron participation in association with amplified sound and music. The restaurant use is legally non-conforming since it was establishedprior to the requirement for a use permit. Variance J Resubdivision J Use Permit X Amendment Other: LOCATION , 260 7 w Cnacat Hwy Legal description Portion of lot H, Tract 919 on the so. side of West Coast Hwy between Riverside & Tustin Filed by Raygal, Inc. (4nitie,or maw., Reg to permit valet parking App. No. Inct a mod to the ZC to UP3288 permit the use of compact pkg spaces for a portion of Approved a the req. off-st. parking Date 8-20-87 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 r LOCATION 2607 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lot H, Tract 919 Piled by Joe Crab Shack (Crab Addison, Inc., applicant; App. No. Date M4700 5-19-98 Approved X Denied LiT To permit various wall signs to remain on the exterior walls of the building, where the number of signs currently exceeds the number permitted by Code. Variance 0 Resubdivision E Use Permit LI Amendment 0 — Other: Modification LOCATION 2633 West Coast Hwy Legal description Lot H, Portion of Lot 919 Fled bY_Christina Duggan/Shamrock Rqsts increase in net public area App.No. Date Expnsn of area dvtd to live enter- UP 1816 All 1/9/97 tainment; waive prtn of rqrd off-street pkng and continued waiver of specific Approved Ea Denied 0 restaurant development standards Variance 0 Other Resubthvision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Hwy Legal description portion of Int H, Tract glq Filed by Christilia_Duzan Request to amend A previously App. No. Date approved use permit which permitted UP 1816 A I 5/14/93 the service of on-sale hepr and wine and the operation of a 24 hour Approved 151 Denied E] facility in the former Beachcomber Coffee Shop on property located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The anplication !IPhI !SO Pi O operation and the enclosure of an existingoutdoor ining Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment Other area at the rear of the facility. LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, on the so side of West Coast Hwy between Riverside Ave. & Tusti Ave in the Mariner's Mile SPA Filed by Alex Lovera Req. to establish a take-out App. No. Date restaurant facility on property UP3248 1-8-87 located in the Rec. Marine Comm'l area of the Mariners Approved 0 Denied Cl Mile Specific Plan. The proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the-req. off-street parking spaces. willOTAWsi '15 Y Art44 citArr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment El LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Highway Legal deuriptkm Portion of Lot H, Tract 919, on the so. side of West Coast Hwy, westerly of Tustin Ave. in Mariner's Mile Filed by Bo Bentley Req. to amend up, to operate App. No. the rest, on a 24 hr basis wherea§TP 1816 A the existing facility currently operates from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Approved daily Date 11-20-86 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Highway Legal description in Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area Red by James F. Parker App. No. Date Request to permit the use UP 3043 & 7/21/83 of a temporary relocatable V 1102 building for office and Approved 0 Defied 011 storage uses in the SP-5 District, and Request to waive all the retruired off-street parking spaces in conjunction with the use. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 LOCATION 2633 W. Coast HiqhwaY Legal description A portion of Lot H of Tract No. 919, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Ned by Bo Bentley App. No. Date Request to waive a por- V-1087 7/23/81 tion of the required off-street parking spaces Approved g] Denied 0 in conjunction with the existing Beachcomber Restaurant facility on Mariner's Mile. Variance n- Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot H., Tr act 919 Aled by Ronald Montgomery Requested alterations to an App.No. Date existing commercial build- M-2646 2/10 /8 1 inq that is nonconforming in that the structure encroachAPPmved El Denied 0 es to within l'-6" of the front property line where the Code now requires a front setback of 5' for 50% of the lot width and 10' for the remaining 50% of the lot width. MODIFICATION Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2633 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, westerly of Tustin Avenue on Mariner's Mile (Restaurant Site). Fled by Bo Bentley Request to consider an off- OFF SITE PARKING 4/9/81 site parking agreement for a portion of the required Approved 121 Denied 0 parking spaces in conjunction with the Beachcomber Restaurant facility. App. No. Date Amendment E Variance 0 Resubdivision in Use Permit D Other OFF-SITE PARKING— LOCATION 2633 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot H, Tract 919 Filed 11--__E9-22..0fleY & Ursula Rrnwn App. No. Date Request to change UP-1816 2/10/77 the operational characteristics of the Approved ID Denied 0 existing Beachcomber Coffen Shop tn inrludp tha service of beer and wine Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ick Amendment 0 LOCATION Rear of 2633 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Bl. H Tr. 919 C-0-2 & "U" Filed by SHIP SHAPE HULL CLEANING SERVICE App. No. Date COMITIONS (See Minutes _nr Application) 1376 7-11-68 Approved a Denied 0 Operatinn nf dry docks for boat maintenance. EXTE"AAD At• ft et q e e " - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2700 W. Coast Highway Legal description Filed by °I ri e rs Iii 112 tOThdflY Permit a total wall sign 411027 1013/1/78 area of 348 sq.ft. along W. Coast Hwy., frontage Approved Er Denied 0 (where the Sign Code permits a total wall sign area of 200 sq.ft. along one frontage and a maximum of (0% of the exposed finished wall surfare_area Variance Q Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 °Wee -Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2700 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 73-22, on the n.w . rnrner of West Coast Hwy and Tustin Ave Filed by Celebrity Cleaners Req. to permit the establish. of App.No. Date a dry cleaning facility on SP3233 10-9-86 property located in the Mariner's Mile SPA Approved Arl Denied 0 Variance 0 (likes Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 2700 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcels No. 1 & 2, Parcel Man 73/22 and 23 Filed by Frank Matranga luest to permit the establishment App. No. Date a recreational use which specializebp 346 3 wei ght training and body develop- 9/25/92 tient on property located in the Approved xp Denied 0 'Retail - and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile )pecific Plan known as the Mariner's Mile Commercial Center. Ihe proposal also includes: a request to transfer a portion if the development rights from the parcel used for off-stree Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Variance El Other parking to the parcel to be used for the proposed recreational use; a request to establish an off-street parking requirement based on a demonstrated formula; and a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow t installation of three tenant identification wall signs where the Zoning Code permits only one such sign. LOCATION 2700 W. Pacifir Coact Hi ghwky Legal descHptkn Parcel 1 of Parcel Map fl-22 23 Filed by Promotional_aasilnlimites1 App. No. Date M4128 7-27-93 Request to permit the installati 01443 Proyed a Denied 0 of four tenant identification signs and two logos where the Municipal Code limits each tenant to one wall sign. The applicant also requests that tne pro_posea wall signs sg_tisirjait_thighwaxiinn total of app 49 sq ft in area where a_p_reyious Modification Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other limited said frontage to 15 square feet in area. LOCATION 2700 w c oast H wy Legal description l ots 1 - 6 & 10-15, Trar.t No 1133 Filed by Manhattan Bagel Co Date App. No. SF41 & 003 10-18-95 Approved fl Denied 0 Establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the SP-5 District, and permit outdoor dining use on property located in the SP-5 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2700 W. Coast Hwy. #145 Legal description Lots 1-6 and 10-15 and portion of abandoned alley, Tract No. 1133 Filed by Gloria Sceberras Patina Home Furnishings App. No. Dale M4567 06-03-97 Approved 0 Denied E] Request installation of additional tenant identification wall sign to be located on a side wall facing west bound traffic, where Sign Code limits each tenant to one wall sign. The wall sign area conforms to code Tequirement5 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D M4567 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2700 West Coast Highway, Suite 234 Legal Description Lot 1 and Lots 2-6, Tract 1133 Filed By: Kathy I. Flippin Application No. Date PDUP No. 41 9-3-99 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests to allow the establishment of a 761 square foot, one-on-one personal fitness/physical therapy and training facility. The facility will also provide as accessory activities, chiropractic and massage services. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION Legal description etvi-c/us west toast mignway Filed by Ldward Robinson App. No. Date Permit Constrn. of 2, two-story UP-1889 2/8/79 buildings that may include a mixture of retail, office, Approved El Denied 0 and light manufacturing uses on a site in the Recreation and Marine Comercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. A modification from the required parking OVER- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 standards is also requested, since a portion of the required offstreet parking spaces are for compact automobiles. Existing uses along the West Coast Highway frontage of the property and a portion of Larson's Shipyard facility are proposed to remain on the site in conjunction with the proposed development. LOCATION 2701-2701 West CoastihnL. Legal description Site of boat chartering and wedding chapel Portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919 on southerly side of W, Coast Hwy. between Riverside Ave. & Tustin Ave. Filed by Pacific Avalon Marine, Inc. Request to permit the establish- App. No. Date ment of a commercial wedding UP 3412 4/18/91 chapel/public assembly use in conjunction with an existing Approved Denied 0 boat chartering operation on property located in the :Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariners Mile Specific Plan Area. Variance 0 Other Resubdimion Q Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 9701-2701_wpot Coact Hwy Legal description sit , of repar i. & _igexkling_chLageli_portion of Tot H Tract No. 919, on sonthprly gide of W ('qt Hwy between Riverside & Tustin Flied I7 FdwArd Pk Robinson Request to review a previously App. No. Date _approved use permit which per- UP 1889(R) 4/18/91 mitted construction of 2 two- story bldgs. for mixture of retaiAPP roved III Denied 0 office and light manufacturing uses. The proposed review involves consideration of the appropriateness of boat chartering activities on the subject property and the effet such activity has on the operation of the boat repair igkthi/it Resubdivision D Use Permit D Other Amendment 6ig ' ION 2712 West Coast Highway Legal description Lot 6 Tract 1133 C-1-H Filed by CALIFORNIA BANK App. No. Date 571 12-3-1959 Approved Fa Denied 0 Zero rear yard setback instead of required 10' from alley for the purpose of constructing an addition to Present bldg. CONDITION: The ground floor must be kept 3' from the alley. Variance II Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ww""s" 2111 Wast Onanf Hwy Legal description Red by rdward as Robinson 14AVAS} tn permit the retention App. No. Date nf An AR huilf red Rngligh tele- m3168 6-3-86 phnna hnnth whimh enrroaches c infn the required 5 foot Approved Denied 0 fnnnf yard aethamk Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2735 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract 919, on the so. side of West Coast Hwy between Riverside & Tustin Filed by Hayclal, Inc. Reg. to change operation of App. No. Date the exist.rest. to permit the UP1600A 8-20-87 use of valet parking. Incl. a mod to the ZC to permit the use Approved rig Denied 0 of compact parking spaces for a portion orthe reg. off-st. parking Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permrt 0 Amendment 0 maKnoN 2.735 West Coast Highway Legal description SE 100 ft. of NW 350 ft. of Lot H, Tract 919 Filed by ms Ty PELICAN RESTAURANT App. No. Date 1500 6 -1 -72 Approved j Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tl Amendment LOCATION 2740 West Coast Highway 610 description Portion of Lot A, Tract 919 Filed by united La lit. Bank App. No. Date ,onstrn. of a drive-in UP-1755 6/5/75 )anking facility in the :onjunction with the proposedApproved W Denied El )ank building in the C-1-H District. Resubdivision D Use Permit El Amendment Variance 1:1 Other setn,n, 1 1.1J,IN h/31 west toast rugnway Legal Description A portion of Lot H. Tract 919 Filed By: Gordon Barienbrock Application No. Date UP 3674 l 1 /09/2000 Approved: X Denied: R equest to add accessory outdoor dining to two existing full service restaurants, a 768 sq. ft. outdoor dining area for the existing Chart House Restaurant and a 515 sq. ft. outdoor dining area with a 220 square foot service area, for the existing Billy's At The Beach restaurant. A use permit is required for Billy's At The Beach because the proposed area of the outdoor dining area will exceed the permitted 25% of the net public area of the interior of the restaurant. The proposal includes a request to approve an off-site parking agreement for additional required parking spaces for the dining area and for the elimination of on-site parking spaces and relocation to the off-site lot. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: X I Amendment: elthar• ----. rani z iat vv est 1..oast nignway Legal Description A portion of Lot H, Tract 919 Filed By: Gordon Barienbrock Application No. Date OD 67 11/09/2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to add accessory outdoor dining to two existing full service restaurants, a 768 sq. ft. outdoor dining area for the existing Chart House Restaurant and a 515 sq. ft. outdoor dining area with a 220 square foot service area, for the existing Billy's At The Beach restaurant. A use permit is required for Billy's At The Beach because the proposed area of the outdoor dining area will exceed the permitted 25% of the net public area of the interior of the restaurant. The proposal includes a request to approve an off-site parking agreement for additional required parking spaces for the dining area and for the elimination of on-site parking spaces and relocation to the off-site lot Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 2751 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Portion of Lot H Tract 919 Filed by B & R Restaurants Inc (Rilly'q At the Beach) App. No. Date UP 3328A 6-8-95 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to amend a previously approved use permit which permitted the establishment of a full service restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages, live entertainment & valet parking. on Property located in the "Recreational & Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 Other & Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile SPA. The proposed amendment involves a request to change the hours of operation of the restaurant so as to allow an 11:00 a.m. daily opening for lunch, whereas the existing restaurant is not permitted to open before 5:00 p.m. daily. Proposal also includes a request to waive a porti of the additional required off-street parking. LOCATION 2751 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract 919, on the so side ot WCH at the so terminus of Riverside Ave; and Parcel 2, PM -73-23, located rear ot 2 TOO WCH on the no side of WCH Filed by .iameq Sharon Carter Nighttime nnly reqtanrant with App. No. Date r1P-salealrOhnl ^ hPm=1.r..,9-Pg .1 1 v. 1JP332 8 1 -5 -89 entertainment anti valnt parking nn property in the Rev g,Ma rl ru. Approved 12( Denied 0 Comm' 1 area nf Marin,r'q Mile Tnr1 a rerj tn approve an nff-gite parking agreement fnr a portion of the req off-qt parking tn he lnrater9 at 2700 wrti Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2751 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of lot H, Tract 919, on the so.side of Well at the so terminus of Riverside Ave; and Parcel 2 PM 73-23 located to the rear of 2700 WCH on the no side of WCH Filed by Tame R & Sharon Carter Req. tn appmve a in cc-wine rt on App. No. Date wi th a neat anrant in the TS 52 1 -5 -89 Recreation and Mari ne room!' area nf the Mariner' .a Mile SIIPP1 fi r Plan Approved fir Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2751 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Filed b y William J. Clark App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 2003 (Revised) 1/21/82 restaurant facility with on-sale alcoholic beverages Approved rig Denied 0 and live entertainment in a portion of the Pacifica Marina Building of Mariner's Mile, and the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. The proposal also includes (OVER). . Variance 0 Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact car spaces for a portion of the required parking. Valet parking is also proposed in conjunction with the proposed development. LOCATION 2751 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Filed by William J. Clark App. No. Date Request to establish a restau- UP-2003 8/6/81 rant facility with on-sale alcoholic beverages and live Approved 0 Denied id entertainment in a portion of the Pacifica Marina Bldg. on Mariner's Mile, and the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the requiredparking spaces. Valet parking is also proposed in conjunction with the proposed development. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit El Amendment Other LOCATION 2751 West Coast Highway Legal description Bayward of Portion of Lot H9 Tract 919 Filed by PACIFIC MARINE YACHTS, INC. CONDITIONS: SEE FILE App. No. Date 1598 5-18-72 Approved n Denied C Variance 0 Other ResuIscInnsion 0 Use Permit fli Amendment C Filed by PACIFIC MARINE YACHTS, In . Di; 1 598 Pri,6 1P1- 16 -7 Denied 0 App. No. Up Approved LOCATION 2751 W Coast Hwy Legal clescriptimBayward of portion of Lot H, Tract 91 APPROVED CONDIJIONALLY: SEE FILE Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IX] Amendment 0 DCATION 2751 & 2827 W. Coast Hwy sgai description Por. Lot H Tract 919 C-0-2 Filed by PRINCE, Frank W. & FLEMING, John B. App. No. Date 831 3-1-1962 Approved imc Denied [] Charter and rent inboard cruisers for daily and weekly fishing and pleasure trips. ariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ig( Amendment 0 Hirer LOCATION 2800 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Portion of Lot F, Tract 919 Filed by Mau App. No. Date OM 3 -13 -96 Approved A DeMed 0 Fctahlichmnnt of an accessory outdoor dining in conjunction IS I I" ' Ill' •I el II SI S• ' in thn 5P-5 District Variance El Ofher Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2800 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by lu -Ter Mau, Newport Beach .32qugapermit the establish - App. No. Date ment of a restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverates on property UP 3095 7-5-84 located in the retail service Approved El Denied 0 area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposal also Includes a request to pay an annual in leu ee to e i y so as o a ow a required ott-street parking sp aces Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Mariner's Mile Municipal Parking Lot. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to allow the use of tandem and compact parking spaces in conjunction with a valet parking service, and to waive a portion of the required landscaping within the off- street parking area, and the acceptance of an environ- mental document. LOCATION 2800 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Yu-Ter Mau, Newport Beach Request to waive a portion of App. No. Date the requi red off-street parking spaces in conjunction with the V 1112 7-5-84 establishment of a restaurant Approved 0 Denied 0 on property located in the "Retail Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's mile Specific Plan Area. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2800 West Coast Hwy Legal description lot 25, Tract No 919 Red by Jack Mau App. No. Date M4464 7-30-96 cc \O-ag-S(.0 Approved 45/1 Denied 0 Construction of a 6 foot 4 inch high fence to enclose an outdoor dining area along West Coast Highway. The lower 3 foot 4 inch portion of this wall is solid, topped by 3 feet of glass and will encroach to within 2 feet of the front property line along West Coast Hwy. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2800 West Coast Highway Legal description Lot 25, Tract No. 919 Filed by Jack Mau Construction of a 6 foot 4 inch App.No. Date high fence to enclose an outdoor 14-4429 4-]6-96 dining area along West Coast Highway. Said wall will be solid on the lower 3 foot 4 inch plqapreWed Denied 0 portion and glass on the upper 3 feet, and wi 1 encroach to within 2 feet of the front property line. Variance 0 Resubdivision 01_, Use Pa it 0 Amendment 0 Other MO i esPi gf Li#13 1.1 ,...9..el I IV•11 LOU! west coast mgnway Legal Description A portion of Lot H, Tract 919 Filed By: Gordon Barienbrock Application No. Date 0D68 11/09/2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to add accessory outdoor dining to two existing full service restaurants, a 768 sq. ft outdoor dining area for the existing Chart House Restaurant and a 515 sq. ft. outdoor dining area with a 220 square foot service area, for the existing Billy's At The Beach restaurant A use permit is required for Billy's At The Beach because the proposed area of the outdoor dining area will exceed the permitted 25% of the net public area of the interior of the restaurant. The proposal includes a request to approve an off-site parking agreement for additional required parking spaces for the dining area and for the elimination of on-site parking spaces and relocation to the off-site lot. Variance: j Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 2801 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot H, Tract 919, westerly of Riverside Ave Ned by Gordon S. Barienbrock Rag to allow rest.to open for App. No. Date Sunday Brunch and private partiesuP2051A 9-4-86 on Sat' s. Lid, a req. to amend _the_p_rgyj orecl E Denied site parking agreement Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Variance Amendment 0 LOCATION 2801 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Filed by Gorden Barienbrock App. No. Date Request to consider a TRAFFIC STUDY 1/21/82 Traffic Study for a UP 2051 22,400 sq. ft. combined Approved In Denied 0 office -building and restaurant tacility. AND Request to permit the construction of an office building and restaurant with on sale alcoholic beverages in the Recreational Mari -he Commercial area of the Mariner's (OVER). . . Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mile Specific Plan Area which exceeds the basic height limit of 26 feet in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District and contains a jgreater gross floor area than .5 times the buildable area of the site. Also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. See case file for additional information on the request. LOCATION 2827 W. Coast Highway UNA destArlion Lot H Tract 919 sled by Ancient Mariner-Rusty Pelican App. No. Date To permit a portion of a V-1049 8/7/75 proposed restaurant facility to exceed the Approved u Denied 0 maximum height limit within the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District. Vole 1/0/1) 1Jth.15/2 Ran., r fhlis 6.1-g Variance n Resubciension 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2827 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot H Tract 919 Filed by Ancient-Mariner-Rusty Pelican App. No. Date Constrn. of a restaurant facility with on-sale UP-1760 8/7/75 alcoholic beverages and Approved al Denied 0 live entertainment where portions of the pro- posed structure exceed the basic height limit within the 26/35 Foot -Height Limitation wistrict and the acceptance of the environmental document Over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [3:1 Amendment 0 NOrn V 0 tp- Naa uig-r • CA1-ftf The proposal also includes a modification from the required parking standards so as to allow compact parking spaces and a request for an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. LOCATION Rear of 2827 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Lot H Tr. 919 C -O -Z Filed by NEWPORT MARINE SERVICE App. No. Date 1389 7-18-1968 Approved 0 Denied OpPration of floating dry docks. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [1 Amendment 0 =OWN 2830 W. Coast Hwy., egal description Por. Lot F Tract 919 C-2 -H Filed by JIM McMAHANS TEXACO SERVICE App. No. Date 720 3-2-1961 Approved ffIC Denied 0 Renew UP-567 which permitted erection of "U" Drive Truck & Car sign for period of 1 yr. only. Further requests that this use permit be granted for an indefinite period. CONDITION: Approved for indefinite period subject to sign being painted and properly maintained. farience 0 Reobdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 Niter LOCATION 2830 West Coast Highway Legal description Par. Lot F Tract 919 Zone C-2-H Pled by JIM MC MAHANS TEXACO SERVICE App. No. Date 567 11-19-1959 Approved El Denied 0 Erect a directional sign which will advertise "Trucks- Cars for rent "U" Drive," which is located across the street from service station. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment Other LOCATION 2901 West Coast Highway Legal description Filed by Senator D.G. Anderson, Honolulu App. No. Date Request to establish one building site and eliminate an interior R#779 5-24-84 lot line where portions of two Approved J Denied 0 lots presently exist so as to allow the construction of a multiple use development on Property located in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment ujUAIRJN 2901 West Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lots G and H, Tract #919 Fled by Senator q. G. Ston_,Jionolulu App. No. Date Request to permit the con- 'Traffic Study struction of a multiple use UP1086 4/19/84 development on property located Approved )8( Denied in the "Recreation Marine Commerical" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan area. The proposal inclueds a request to construct a bldg. which exceeds the 26' basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation Variance 0 Other Resubdirision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 District and exceeds .5 times the buildable,area of the site; a request to permit non-marine related profession- al and business office type uses; a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact and tandem parking spaces for a portion of the required off -street parking requirement; a request to allow the use of an off-site parking location for a portion of the required off-street parking; and the acceptance of an environ- mental document. LOCATION 2901 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1, PM 84-709, on the so. side of WCH Filed by Senator D. G. Anderson Req. to permit dancing in App. No. Date conjunction with the exist. rest UP3086A 2-18-88 operation and to amend a prey. establish. cond. which limited Approved ,ErIberded the no. of musicians assoc. with the live entertainment within the rest. so as to increase the no. of permitted musicians Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 2901 West Coast Hwy., #110 Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 199-39 Filed by Fixed Gear Fitness (Edward Gonzalez, applic) App. No. Date PDUP 9 10-3-97 Approved ig Denied 0 ow-west to allow retention of a spinning studio/health fitnpcc farility (utilizing bicycle training devices) tehirh hnldc raisseS cinTilar to an aerobics facility • Variance esub tvision se ermit Other men ment 0 PlanningDiuctors Use Permit approve the conversion of a Base FAR Use to a Reduced FAR Use and to allow the property to further exceed the base development allocation based on the intensity of use. The property is located in the SP-5 (Mariners Mile Specific Plan Area, Recreational and Marine Commercial) District. LOCATION 2902 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot F Tract 919 Filed by LAKEWOOD MARINA App. No. Date 426 5-15-58 Approved ft Denied 0 Use of building for boat sales and showroom. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ki Amendment 0 xxicncN 2902 W. Coast Highway Aged description Por. of Lot F Tract 919 Zone C-2-H Filed by SMITH, Robert G. App. No. Date 348 7-25-57 Approved 1N1 Denied 0 Sale of automobiles and repair. Cur,Del_u:— LI-rants° for a period of 1 year only. fariance 0 Resubdivision Li Use Permit 1!1 Amendment 0 >her LOCATION 2902 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Legal description Lot F Tract 919 C-2 Filed by THOMAS George H. & Marie App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 3 -27 -1962 81 1 -15 -59 Approved Denied El Applicant desires to rcsubdivide a portion of his prop- erty so he may be legally entitled to sell a portion as set forth under Section 9250.4 of Sub. Ord. Condition: Avon St. to be improved in accordance with requirements of City Engineer and bond or cash be poste Variance 0 Resubdivisiona Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 2902 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lot F, Tract 919 Filed By: J Anthony Mastrangelo Application No. Date M4802 10-27-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit 3 additional wall signs on a multi-tenant building for a total of 4 wall signs, where the Code limits wall signs to one per business for multi-tenantbuildings. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2906 W. Coast Hi hwa Legal description Por. Bl. F Tr. 919 C-2-H Filed by GORDONR. W. App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1279 6 -15 -1967 Approved 0 Denied 0 An apartment on the second floor of a commercia building in the C-2-H District. Variance 0 Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ui Amendment 0 LULA I !UN 'alb w Coast Hwy Legal demirion . .ii portinn of lot F, Tr ele located at 241-16 W Cst Hwy on northerly side of W nst between N Npt Blvd and Riverside Ave. in Mariner's Mile Filed by Robert 4 Nancy Clark Request to amend a previously App. No. Daft approved use permit which permit- UP3321A 1-4-90 ted the establishment of a re .. - pecializinp in slaes and installaAFTwoved )cln Denied 0 tion of automotive electronics and accessories. e involves a request to amend certain tions of the original use permit regarding the number and icsat psiz ig_aninoffff-streetarl ial Variance ser.vice_bays on pe orciticrtx u esuncin, ion u" Use Permit lia Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2906 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the n4 side of West Coast Hwy, between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Filed by Nancy & Robert Clarke Req. to permit establishment App. No. of retail sales facility 0P3321 special. in the sale & Date 8-18-88 Install. of auto accessories Approved pg- Denied & auto detailing on property located in the Retail & SErvice Comm'l area of Mariners mile Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2906 W. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY Legal desaipfion Portion of Lot F, Tract 919 Filed by Enterprise Rent A Car App. No. Date UP3560 6-8-95 Approved Z] Denied Request to permit thc continued operation of an cxicting car rental facility on property located in the "Retail Service Commercial" area of the oariner's Mile SPA Variance Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment El xxlimoN 2902 West Coast Highway Algal description Hied by David R. Bryant & John P. Hooten App. No. Date Request to accept an off- Offsite 1-24-8C site parking and red- Parking Agree. procal access agreement Approved DeMed 0 for required parking spaces in conjunction with a proposed conversion of an existing machine shop to retail space in an existing structure on Mariners' Mile. /ohms 0 Rein bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Difor 041;4&. rk n A 5 ree rbri el* LOCATION 2912 & 2990 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave in the Mariner's Mile SPA - Filed by Said Shokrian, CdM Reg. TS to allow the construct App. No. Date of a 23,593 sf (gross)retail TS 48 8-18-88 office bldg in the Retail aerir.dt "we Comm'l area of MM SP which inclAppmved Denied ID a rag to override the requirement of the TPO. Incl. the acceptance of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2912 4 2930 West Coast Highway Legal descric4km Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave in the Mariner's Mile SPA Filed in setd Sbokrjan To permit the construction of a App. No. Date 15,950 sf combined office=retail SPR 49 appd by CC comm'l bldg on property located . 10-24-88 in the Retail Service Comm'l Approved ID Denied 0 area of the MM SPA. Incl. a mod to SC to allow the use of compact parking spaces for a portion of the req. off street parking Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2912 & 2930 W. Coast Highway Legal descriptkm Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, -on the no. side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd and RiVerside Ave in the MM SPA Hod by Said Shokrian Req. to approve a vesting App. No. resub to resub two existing Date \cub 876 _Q-18-88 Parcels of land into a single a As joray47 parcel for comm'l develop. on Ap rimed 0 Denied 0 property located in the Retail Service Come' area of the MM SP Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2912 & 2930 W. Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside AY In the Mariner's Mile SPA Filed by Said Shokrian Permit the construct, of a 23, App. No. Date 593 sf retail-office bldg on UP3317 8-18-88 Property located in the Retail & Service Comm'l area of the Approved [] Denied 0 MM SP. Incl. a req. to exceed the allowable gross structural area of .5 times the ba of the site; a req. to exceed the 26 ft basic ht limit in the 26/35 FT HT Limit Dist; reg. for a mod to ZC to allow use of compact pkg. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2930 West Coast Highway Legal desairhkm A portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the northerly side of West Coast Hwy, between Riverside Ave. & No. Newport Blvd. Filed by Ye Ter Mau & Wei Tzan Mau Reg. to delete two establish. App. No. Date conditions which req. the UP2035A 10-22-87 installation of a grease interceptor and the prepara- Approved IT Denied 0 tion and implementation of a landscape plan for the off-site parking area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2912 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy between No. Newport Blvd and riverside Ave. Filed by j orgc. nnhi n a L sales facility that App. No. Date i net an outdoor di splay area for UP 3250 instal led boating and auto sound, rommuni rations and alarm systems Approved IN Denied On _n in Retail Service Conmfl of the Mariner's Mile Area. Incl. outdoor install, of said equip. and the use of a relocatable storage container.Incl. a eiresa....t.si_al2p=iT.-Ancianft toe t installationrmi of signs which exceed the size and number permitted by ZC Variance 1:3 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 7912 wect coaqt Highway Legal description T.nl-P Tract Nn 919 App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3124 1/10/85 establishment of an outdoor sales facility specializing in Approved t3 Denied landscape fountains, planters and statues on property located in the "Retail Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan area. The proposal also includes a request to use a temporary relocatable Filed by arc,i Xiii pr Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit MI LOCATION 2912 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on Mariner's Mile. Filed by John D'Amore App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 2057 1/7/82 take-out restaurant facility on property located Approved E] Denied in the Retail Service Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit B Amendment 0 LOCATION 9919 Wegt rnAqi- Highway Legal description Lot F Tract No 919 Filed by jor ge_aulaina App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3121 1/10/85 establishment of a retail sales operationthat includes an Approved Ll Denied outdoor disolav area for installed boating and automotiv sound communications and alarm systems on property located in the "Retail Service Commercial" area of the _MarinAr's Mile perifir plan area The proposal also Variance 0 Othar Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment 0 includes a request to permit the outdoor installation of said equipment and a request to locate a relocatable storage container on the subject property. LOCATION 2912 14. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of lot F, Trart 91q, westerly of Riverside Avenue on Mariner' mile Filed by F. Earl Mellott/Said Shokrian App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP-1941 (Amended) 4/23/81 struction of a three-story retail office complex in the Approved 0 Denied a Mariners' Mile Specific Area Plan that PXCPPric the basic height limit within the 26/35 Foot Height limitation District, and acce ptance exceeds the 0.5 times the buildable area of the site Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 (AtIFNI1F11) - DFNIFD .0CATION 2912 W. Coast Highway mgal description A portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway_ westerly of Riverside Ave. on Mariners' Mile Filed by F. Earl Mellott A.I.A. App.No. Date TRAFFIC STUDY APPROVED TRAFFIC STUDY 8/21/8( MP-1 4141 - nun & UP-1941 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 3- story retail-office complex in the Mariners' Mile Specific Plan Area that exceeds the basic height limit within the ?fi/3 foot Height limitation District_ (OVFR) ariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Neter TRAFFIC STUDY and USF PERMIT_ The approval of a sue permit is also re- quired inasmuch as the project exceeds the 0.5 times the buildable area of the site. TRAFFIC STUDY APPROVED Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 24,000 sq. ft. + office-retail building and the acceptance of an EIR. DCATION 2912 W Coast Hwy egal description Por. Lot F Tract 919 C-2-H Filed by STEINER Michael A. App. No. Date 873 8 -2 -1962 Approved 0 Denied 0 Manufacture, repair & sell surfboards CONDITION: 1. That it be in accordance with plot plan submitted. 2. That business be conducted between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. rerience 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 )Ther DCATION 2914 W. Coast Hwy. mpa description Por. Lot F Tract 919 C-2-}I Filed by SPORT CAR CENTER OF CALIFORNIA. 114C_. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 868 7-19-1962 Approved El Denied 0 Display and sale of new and used automobiles. ariance Met Resubdivision 0 Use Permit GI Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That it be for a period of 2 years only. 2. That parking be provided for the tenants of all bhe buildings on the property in accordance with the "-H" factor. 3. That access to the trailer park to the rear be retained. 4. That no additional curb breaks be permitted. LOCATION 2922-2940 West Coast Hwy Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 87-106 Resubdivision No. 840 Filed by Leland H. WEst Request to amend a previously App. No. Dee approved use permit which per- UP 3229 (A) 8-22-91 mitted the establishment of an automobile sales and service Approved 13 Denied 0 facility on property located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area and which also exceeds the 26 foot basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot basic height limititation District. Said approval also included the establiaMn cif a riitilkalhiAL 0 Variance 0 Rmminclivision 0 Use Ferab Other with on-sale beer. and wine within the automobile sales facility. The proposed amendment involves a request to add an outdoor seating area to the existing restaurant and to allow said facility to remain open on a 24 hours basis where the original hours of operation were from 7:00 a.m. t( 10:00 p.m. daily. The proposal also includes a request to conduct ten to twelve special charitable/promotional events on an annual basis which will include approximately 2o0 people and will be conducted during the evening and on weekends. The proposal also includes a request to permit th( additional required parking to be provided on an adjoining parcel which is in the same ownership as the subject property. LOCATION 2930 West Coast Hwy Legal description Portion of Lot F, Tract 919, on the no. side of WEst Coast Hwy between Riverside & No. Newport Blvd Filed by ye-Ter Mau To ay .,- a lip whirh permitted APP- N')- Date the estahlimh of a rest with UP2035Ext 11-20-86 nn -sale beer gi wine on Property In RetMl Service CoMM'l area Approved Er e-Derded 0 of Mariner's Mile SPA. Incl. an off-site parking _agreement for all of the req. off-street p.s. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2930 W. Coast Highway Legg description A portion of Lot F, Tract No. 919 in Mariner's Mile. Filed by Ye-Ter Mau and Wei-Tzan Mau App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 2035 10/29/81 Chinese Restaurant with on- sale beer and wine, in an Approved 21 Denied 0 existing building Tocated in the retail commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. Said appli- cation also includes the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit fl Amendment ID LOCATION 3000 W. Coast Highway Legal desuiption Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 87-106 Filed byl-eland H. West Rem/est to amend a previously App. No. Date approved UCP permit which permitted UP 3229 (A) 6/18/92 the establishment of an automobile sales and service facility on property Approved E] Denied 0 located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area and which also PXCPPriC th, 26 foot basic height limit in the 26/35 Font Hpiuht limit- ation District. Said approval also included the establish- Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ment of a restaurant with on-sale beer and wine within -II automobile sales facility and the addition of an outdoor seating area to the existing restaurant; a request to condur special charitable/promotional events; and a request to permit the additional required parking to be provided on an adjoining parcel which is in the same ownership as the subject property. The approved amendment permitted said restaurant facility to remain open from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 ar daily, where the former hours of operation were from 7:00 ar to 10:00 pm daily. Also included in the application is a request to permit the establishment of an automobile rental facility on the adjoining parcel from the automobile sales and service facility, located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. LOCATION 3000 W. Coast Hwy Legal description parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 87-106 Red by Leland H. West Request to amend a previously App. No. approved use permit which permitted UP 3229 8/2111291 the establishment of an auto sales and service facility on property located in the Approved 13 Denied 0 "Retail and Service Commercial" area of the Mariner's mile Specific Plan Area and which also exceeds the 26 foot basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District. Said approval also included the establishment of a rest an t Variancea5 w L1 i Resubdonsion P Use P ermi t Amendment Other on-sale beer and wine within the auto sales facility. The proposed amendment involves a request to add an outdoor seating area to the existing restaurnant. The proposal also includes a request to conduct special charitable/promotional events on an annual basis which will include approximately 200 people and will be conducted during the evening and on weekends. The proposal also includes a request to permit the additional required parking to be provided on an adjoining parcel which is in the same ownership as the subject property. LOCATION 3000 W. Coast Highway Legal description Pl 0± PM d/-lob (040), portions of Lot F T919, at 2922 - 2940 WCH Filed by Lee West To convert exist. employee's App. No. Date cafe into rest, facility with UP 3229 9-7-89 on-sale beer and wine in conj. with auto dealership. Req. to Approved 15:1 Denied El permit req. rest, parking on adj. parcel which is in the same ownership as subj. property;appr. ot ts; req. to delete or modify Cond. No. 13 to allow all night security lighting at the rear of the bldg. adj. to Avon Street Variance 0 Other Resubdmsion D Use Permit Amendment 0 •3000 W. Coast Hwy -airaesczknkm Parcel 1 of Parcel map No. 87-106.; Off-site -a portiop of tot P . Tr both sites on northerly gide of w ('qt Rwy between N. Rpt. and Riverside Ave. Filed by LelAnd H. West App.No._ _ Date rafeteria into a restaurant and UP3229A to locate a portion of the re- L eveliY. to- .30-e6 quired parking on an adjoining Approved als Denied _parcel under the same ownership (Newport Imports) c a afti r;1-1.2-56 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 - • .10 - .41 -0* • LOCATION 1000 W C oAq t Hi gh way Legal description n of PM 87-106 (R840), portions of Lot F T919 at 2922 - 2940 WCH Filed by Lee West Req. to approve ts to permit App. No. Date conversion of an approved TS 58 9-7-89 employee's cafeteria in the Newport Imports auto Approved pr. Denied 0 dealership to a restaurant facility Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 87-106 (R840) on the no.side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Filed by Lee West Req. to accept a revised ts App. No. Date to permit establish, of a TS 49 9-8-88 rest, in conj. with the app. auto dealership located on propeftproved 0 Denied pi within the Retail Service Comm i l area of the Mariner's Mile SP which incl. a req. to override the req. of the TPO; and the accept. of an e.d. Variance ID 0i4rer Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description parcel 1 of PM 87-106 (R840) on the no. side of WCH between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Filed by Lee West Req. to permit the establish. of a rest, facility on on-sale beer and wine in a portion of the auto dealership App. No. Date 13P3229A 9 -8-88 Approved 0 Denied Of Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Filed by Harris Architects Req. to permit the construction ofApp.No. Date an auto sales & service facility U 1P3229 -22-87 on property located in the Retail Service Comm'l area of the Approved Denied ID Mariner's Nile Area. Incl. a req. to allow the use of roof top parking & the accept. of an e.d. Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 1:1 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lot F, Tract No. 919, on the no. side of West Coast Highway between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Hied by Harris ARchitects Req. a xesub. to create a single App-No.. Date parcel of land where three parcels currently exist. R840 1-22-87 Approved jj Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description Portions of Lot F, Tract No. '9 -19 on the so side of West Coast Highway between No. Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Filed by Harris Architects Reg. to approve a t.s. in conjunc. App. No. with the construction of an TS auto sales & service facility Date 1-22-87 on property located in the Retail Approved 121 Denied 0 Service Camel area of the Mariner's Mile Area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel 1 of Resubdivision 840 Ned by Sterling Motors App. No. Date 144516 11 -19 -96 Approved IN Defiled 0 _Calatructicufanfooth enelsCreenwernr lv side property line. Said wall will encroach to the front property line where the Zoning Code requires a 10 foot yard setback and limits improvements within this area tn landscaping, dprks., paving , architectural features & Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other signs. LOCATION 3000 West Coast Highway Legal description portion of Lot F, Tract 919 Filed by The Signs and Services ComPallY App. No. Date Request to permit the addition M3698 5-22-90 of 36 sq ft of signage to each side of an existing freestanding Approved n Denied sign whose overall square footage per side will be 216 sq ft+ where the Sign Ordinance limits such signs to a maximum of 200 sq ft per side. All other signs depicted on the plans are existing and not a part of this approval. Variance 0 Other Resubclnosioo . Use Permit El moditication A mend men t 0 DCATION 3020 W. Coast Hwy. sgal description ' por. . Lot F titan 919 C -1 -11 Filed by MARTIN, Samuel A. App. No. Date 940 4 -18 -1963 Approved fa Denied 0 Sell and finish shutters, picture framec. and filagree room dividers: also custom finishing of boat interinrs, fine furniture and antiques ariance *et Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:2 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3100 West Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Lot F of Tract 919 Filed by TLA Restaurant (Jonathan Rodriquez-Atkatz,app man ) App. No. Date PC Denied, appealed by UP 3612 10 -9 -97 Den. applicant, CC approved 11 -24 -97 Ap. Approved X Denied X The project involves the approval of a use permit, a traffic study and a negative declaration, to allow the constructionof a 1,500 square foot, two-story drive- through restaurant facility with a 300 sq.ft. storage building and related off- street parking Variance D Resubdivision fl Use Permit X Amendment fl Other: and Traffic Study 112 LOCATION 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por. Lot F,TR 919 Filed by NEWPORT IMPORTS App. No. Date 8-1=74 UP-1386(AMEND) CCM LT I ONAIL Y Approved EX X Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit CC( Amendment El LOCATION 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1414 description Por. Lot F Tr. 919 C-2-H Filed by OGNER, Irving App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1386 7-11-1968 Approved XEI Denied 0 Sale of new and used cars and parts; operation of a service department and other activities appurtenant to a new car agency. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 3100 to 3136 West Coast Highway Legal descdpfios Lot F, Tract 919 Fled by ROBINS, Theodore & Jr. App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 139 4-15-54 Approved E Denied Construction & operation of a new car sales room with service & repair shops within a building & with off- street parking as shown on attached plan & to include a used car sales lot, all as shown on said attached plan. iariance 0 Resubdivkion 0 Use Permit gg Amendment Dther Off-street parking to be maintained for customers and employees as shown on the attached plan which is a part of this permit and application. Said parking is not to be reduced or altered without the approval of the Planning Commission. Said plot plan shows 8 diagonal parking spaces at the W. Coast Hwy. front en- trance and 10 usable spaces in the rear lot area dor customer parking plus 6 or more employee parking spaces A driveway at said front entrance on W. Coast Hwy. to be 28 ' wide on said Coast Hwy., and to include a two- way drive and an awaiting service line. (Additional conditions listed on reverse side of Use Permit) LOCATION 3101 W. Coast y Legal demripfion Parcel 1 of Resubdivision No. 688 . Filed by Salon by_the Bay (Mandana Minoi, applicant) App. No. Date UP3584 6 -20 -96 Approved xta Denied 0 Fctahligliment of a personal service facility which will inrlude cervices such as hair styling, nail care and the appliration of make-up. Variance 0 Other Resubchvislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1.1jUA I MIN 3101 Tast Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 184-38 (R688) on the so side of WCH between Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave in Mariner's Mile Filed by Michael Harrah & Gaylord Wagner Req. to permit establish. of App. No. Date a rest with on-sale alcoholic UP3360 10-5-89 hey, live entertain, and dancing outdoor dining and valet parking. Approved (21/ Denied 0 Conversion of a portion of the bldg from a Base FAR use to a Reduced FAR which also req. the approval of a UP Variance D Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3101 West Coast Hizhwav Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 184-38 on the so side of SCH between Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave in the Mariner's Mile SPA Filed by Michael F. Harrah & Gaylor Wagner Req. to approve a TS so as to App. No. Date permit the establishment of a TS 55 10-5-89 restaurant with on-sale beverages live entertainment and dancing Approved IS1 Denied 0 outdoor dining and valet parking Variance 0 Other Resubdtviston 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3101 West roast- Rigwa y Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 81-713 (R6811) on the RO side of W.C.H. between Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. in Mariner's Mile Filed by LeMay's Gourmet Products To establish a take-out rest. APP. No. Date specializing in sale of yogurt, UP3334 12-8-88 coffee, soft drinks, cookies & related food items on Approved Er Denied 0 property located in Re & Marine Conun'l area of Mariner Mile SPA. Incl. a req. to waive &M e l req. off-st.okq. Variance D Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 3101 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot G, Lot M Tract 919 Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area Ned by Richard Valdes/M.V. Threinen Request to consider a Traffic App.No. Date Study in conjunction with the UP 2066 5-6-82 development of a 41,494 sq.ft. ± marine office and retail comm- Appwwed egg Denied ercial center. AND Request to permit the construction of a marine office and retail commercial center in the Recreational Marine Commercial area of Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area which exceeds the basic height limit of 2 fppt in th 26/35 foot Height Limitation District Variance fl Resubdivmon El Use Permit II Amendment Other and contains a greater gross floor , area than .5 times the buildabel area of the site. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact car spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking spaces and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION 3101 W. Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot G & M, Tract No. 919, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Area Plan. Filed by Valdes and Threinen App. No. Date Request to permit the Traffic Study SPR-27 & R-688 8/20/81 construction of a two story 28,000 s q. ft. marine office! Approved Denied El retail commercial b ildin located in the Mariner's Mile Svecific_Arsa.,_and_____ acceptance of an EIR. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other • I . 1 ,11 O. LOCATION 3101 West Coast Highway Legal descriptkm Filed by Lancer 'Landing Ltd Request to permit 27 7 percent App. No. or 48 of the 180 required park- 113182 Date 7-8-86 !". • • - • • - • compact parking spares in con- Approved Ea Denis lunction with the construction building on the site. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 3101 coast Highway; West Legal description Lot M Ned by Charter Memories, Inc. App. No. Date UP 3605 Approved El Dented 0 Permit use of 125 parking spaces in conjunction with an existing rharter boat business, restricting the use of the spares to evenings and weekends. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviston 0 Use Permit 21 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3121 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description E 1/2 of Lot L Tract 919 C-O-Z Filed by yomin, David App. No. Date 1.012 2 -6 -1964 Approved MC Denied Install a 30' flag pole on roof of existing bldg. The tol of the pole will be 111.84' above the elevation of the curb. (Elevation 12.92 feet.) CONDITION: The flag pole not to be used for any commercial advertising. Variance U Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3121 W. Coast Highway Legal description C-2 Filed by LIDO BOAT CLUB App. No. Date Approved 9 Denied at 4 5 5 11-20-58 Sell boats on property. Variance D Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit IN Amendment UDS/krION 3121 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lot 1, east half Tract 919 Zone U Filed by Lido Boat C1u1i4_Inc. App. No. Date 361 9-19-57 Approved 0 Denied 0 Construction of boat slips in an unclassified zone. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit MI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3131 West Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Lot L Tract No. 919 Filed by Villa Nova Restaurant (G. Pitcher, on behalf of A. Crean) App. No. Date PDUP 23 5-15-98 Approved X Denied ____ The applicant requests to allow an addition to the property which will cause the building to further exceed the base development allocation based on the intensity of use for the statistical area. The application includes a request to allow a minor change in operational characteristics to allow the addition of a 205 sq.ft. corridor for handicap accessibility purposes. Variance •Resubdivision •Use Permit U Amendment . _ I 171.-.erni4 OCAT1ON 3131 W. Coast Hwy. egal description Por. Lot L Tract 919 C-0-2 Filed by ANDARY, Eddy App. No. Dee 816 1,18-1962 Approved xl/ Denied 0 Alterations to an existing restaurant which does not have sufficient parking in accordance with the require- ments of the "Z" District. variance 0 )they Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3131 West Coast Highway Legal description Lot L Tract 919 C-2 Filed by PACIFIC COAST YACHT CLUB App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 469 11-20-58 Approved ft Denied [j Construct a yacht club in a C-2 District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Et Amendment 0 CONDITION: I. No boats or boat trailers may be permitted in the area reserved for parking as shown on plot plan. 2. All the buildings now located on the parcel with the exception of a locker building & the building known as "Dangerous Dan McGrew's Restaurant" must be removed. 3. Minimum of 82 parking spaces must be kept accessible at all times. 4. No boat repairs may be permitted on the parking lot. LOCATION 3200 West Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Lot F of Irvine Subdivision Filed By: Paul D. Schwartz Application No. Date PDUP 67 11/02/2000 Approved: X Denied: A request to allow the temporary placement of a storage container (measuring 8 feet by 20 feet) for a period of 10 months. The container is currently located on site. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: LOCATION 3200 West Coast Highway I 1 Legal Description Portion of Lot F of Irvine Subdivision Filed By: Paul D. Schwartz Application No. Date Planning Director Use Permit No. 67 11-2-2000 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests to allow retention of a storage container (measuring 8 feet by 20 feet) for a period of 10 months. The container is currently located on site. The property is located in the SP-5 (Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area) District Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: 1..eln..” I. A 1..."11 0.400 VY CM toast ruguwaty Legal Description Portion of Lot F of Irvine Subdivision Filed By . Paul D. Schwartz Application No. Date PDUP 67 11/02/2000 Approved: X Denied: The applicant requests to allow retention of a storage container (measuring 8 feet by 20 feet) for a period of 10 months. The container is currently located on site. The property is located in the SP-5 (Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area) District. Variance: ritesubdivision: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit Use Permit: I Amendment: LObATION 3201 Oast Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot L Tract 919 Zone 6-2 Filed by ABBOTT Claude App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 438 6 -19 -58 Approved IA Denied 0 Use of a float and pier for mooring purposes, etc. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit MK Amendment 0 C ONDIT I ON No display of boats may be permitted on the black -topped area. The black-top area must be used specifically for customer parking. Use Permit terminates on expiration of lease which is for a period of .A years. LOCATION 3207 W. Coast Hwy., Legal description Pot, of Lot L Tract 919 C-2 Filed by SHARPE YACHT SALES & CHARTERS App. No. Date 955 6-6-1963 Approved a Denied fl U -Drive Boat rentals Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Et Amendment D OCATION 3208 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. egal description por. Lot F Tract 919 C-2-H Filed by STEPHENS, Jack & Dotti App. No. Date 705 1-19-1961 Approved 131 Denied 0 On-sale alcoholic beverages. 'ariance 0 )ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment El LOCATION - 3300 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por Lot F, Tr 919 Filed by SEQUOIA PACIFIC PEALCO App. No. Date 1671 5-17-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved EI Dried 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 3300 W. Coast Hishway Legal description Portion of Lot F Tract 919 Filed by SEQUOIA-PACIFIC REALCO App. No. Date 425 1/3/74 CONDITIONS Approved fa( Denied 0 Request to create one parcel of land for commer- cial development. Valiance 0 Other Resubdivision (EX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3300 West Coast Highway LAO description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 60-23 Fikd by Sequoia Pacific Realco App. No. Date 1671 9-5-74 (Amended) Approved Q Denied 0 Request to amend a previously approved use permi so as to increase the occupant load of Amelia's Restaurant (under construction) and to provide additional offstreet parking. Variance 0 Other Raul:division 0 Use Perrmi. [3 Amendment 0 xxlimom quin wes.t CoastNighway sgal description Filed by Allyn Cann . rha rh4 1 s.reric2n_Pest. App. No. Request to amend a pre- UP-1671 10-4-79 viouslv approved use per- (Amendek) mit that allowed the con- Approved 0 Denied 0 struction of a restaurant with on-sale alcoholic -beverages so as to permit an additionaT freestanding identifi- cation sign on the site. 'mince 0 Dther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DCATION 3300 W. Coast Highway age! description Filed by Cann_ Allyn App. No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP-1671 8/23/ vinusly approved Use permit that allowed the Approved El Dmilid79 0 construction of a restaurant with on -sale ditional freestanding identification Sign on the site /arrant* 0 )ffier Resubdivision 0 the Permit Et Amendment 0 xy:AnoN 3300 West Coast Hiohwax nal description Filed by E. Allyn Corporation App. No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP-1671 5-8-80 viously approved use per- (amended) mit that permitted the Approved ag Denied 0 construction ot a restaurant taciTity with on-sale alcoholic beverages so as to expand the public dining areas into auoining office /edemas 0 Dffier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 2 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3300 W. Coast Blvd. Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 20-23 Filed by Brinker International dba Chili's App. No. Date Request to amend a previously a d UP 1671 A 9/1/92 the establishment of a- restaunan-t with on-sale alcoholic beverages, Approved 131 Denied 0 tandem parking and valet parking on property lecated in the "Retail and Service Commerrial" area of the mariner's Mile Specific Plan The proposed amentivent includes • a • • Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permita Amendment 0 Other service when tandem parking spaces are used; a request to reduce the off-street parking requirement of one parking space for each 40 sq.ft. of "net public area" to one parking space for each 50 sq.ft. of "net public area;" and to allow the continued use of tandem parkin! for employees only. LOCATION 3301 W. Coast Highway Legal description Metes & Bounds Description (City & County Dock property) Filed by CARVER, George P. App. No. Date 622 5-19-1960 Approved 4/Il Denied 0 Appealed & DENIED by City Council. 7-11-1960 1) Construct bldg. 1101 in height plus mechanical appur- tenances above topmost point of roof. 2) Have uses specified under Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Section 9103.51 and Paragraph (c) of Section 9103.52 of the Municipal Code. 3) Have parking applicable to (over) Variance 0 Resubdivision 10 Use Permit In Amendment 0 Other the zoning district in effect at the time of constructim CONDITIONS: I. Granted in accordance with plot plan submitted. 2. Off-street parking requirements to be in accordance with C-O-Z or C-2-H District, whichever is applicablo at time of construction. LOCATION 3301 West Coast Highway. Newport Beach 69 4 demePtion Portion of Lot 1, Tract 919 0-2 Red by c oun t y of Orange. City of Newport Beach App. No. Date (Condition) Over 432 6-44583 Approved El Denied 0 Bldg. height of 85' plus height of mechanical appurten. above topmost point of roof and a minimum of 500 sq. ft. of land area for ea. family unit for uses permitted under Sec. 9103.51(a), (b) and (c), subject to the conditions listed on attached sheet in application. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IS; Amendment 0 Other 77Y: Ito RI/ . CAI 7 -; 3-4 a Condition: Off-street parking requirements be in accordance with those outlined in Sheet I attached to the application. LOCATION 3333 West Coast Highway Legal dmmription Portion of Lot 170 Block 2 Irvine Subdivisic Filed by Barbacoa Restaurant App. No. Date Request to permit a change in UP 3442 3-13-92 operational characteristics of the existing Barbacoa Restaurant with Approved 0 Denied 0 on-sale alcoholic beverages and valet 4/9/92 Parking, so as to permit the addition of live entertainment and dancing from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. daily. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Portion Lot 170, Block 2, Irvine's Subdiv. Filed by Bistro 201 App. No. Date UP 344/ A) 5-4-95 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to change operational characteristics of a pre- viously approved use permit which permitted the establish- ment of a full service restaurant with onsale alcoholic beverages, valet parking, live entertainment & dancing so Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 as to allow for use of a second floor banquet roam for special events, parties, wedding receptions & similar functions. Request also includes use of outdoor dining deck on the second floor level for additional dining in conjunction with special events & on a daily basis as weather permits; and a request to waive a portion of required off street parking spaces. LOCATION 1111 W ensst Hwy Legal description Plirti„ (if Tnt 170 Bleu* 2. Irvine's Sub. nil southerly side of W. roast Hwy. between Newport Blvd and Riverside Ave. in Mariner's Mile. Filed by Haseko, Inc. Current review involves the App. No. Date recent reopening of the second PCR 10 1/24/91 floor restaurant and available on-site parking for the entire Approved ED DeniednIr development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description P n r t i nq of int 170, 111nr1e 7 , Tru4nc.1 c quhrIA Ned by Edward Martinez St. Clair App .No.Ddate With rawn 11P3536 9-8-94 Request to permit the establishmetWoved 0 Denied 0 of a private club with dancing pre-recorded music, on- sale alcoholic beverages & outdoor dining & drinking on Property located in the "Recreation & Marine Commercial" area of Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. The proposal also Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 includes a request to approve an off-site parking agreemen for a portion of the required off-street parking spaces an the apporval of a full time valet parking service. ISJUAIIVN •liq wA s f_croas f Fighway Legal description Filed by Hanoko corporation App. No. Date _S atellite Dish Antenna #2 Approved ai Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Satellite Dish Antenna Amendment 0 LOCATION 3333 W. Coast Highway Legal description portion of Lot 170, Block 2, on the so. side of W. Coast Highway, between Newport Blvd. and Riverside Ave. Filed by David Schneider Add, of live entertain, App. No. Date req. to change the hours of UP3127A 7-18-85 operation on weekends Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 CI4ine Resubdivision Use Permit Ef Amendment 0 LCN:ASK)N 3333 W. Coast Highway Legal description a orti Irvine's Siihdiyj jon Retplegt tn amend a previous App. No. Manning rnmmiccion Review whichRCR 10 4/9/92 reviewed the offrstrePt parking prapaset in_nrittuac tiarLbt ucl Denied .11 I 11' I I I' • ID • Om • located in in the "Recreational & Marine Corrimercia -a-ro-- of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan The proonsed • 11'11611 - I 11 • • e Filed by Ha g pkn Tfl Date Amendment 0 Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °the" PCR use of the third floor Event Room which is to be con- verted back to office use, and reduce the number of night-time uarikmoy. spaces which are available to the yacht CIUD raciit LOCATION 3333 West Coast Hwy. Legal description A portion of Lot 170, Elk. 2, Irvine's :ubdividion, located at 3333 W. Cst. Hwy. on southerly side of W. Coast Hwy. between Newport Blvd. & Riverside Ave. Filed by Newport Arches Req. to amend a previously approveApp.No. Date P.C. Review which reviewed the PCR 10A 2-8-90 off-street parking proposed in conjunction with the establishmentApproved 4m Denied Ej of a yacht club on property in the "Recreational & Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. The proposed amendment involves a request to expand the yacht club facility by converting a poriton of the existing 3rd floor office area into an eirc.nt Variance 0 Resubdivision Urse entriThnien Other and to review the revised parking figures relative to the proposed conversion. LOCATION 3333 West Coast Highway Legal description A portion of Lot 170, Block 2, on the so side of WCH between Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Filed by Haseko, Inc. Req. to review the off-st. App. No. Date parking proposed in conjunction with the establish, of a yacht PGA 10 8-24-89 club on property located within Approved Denied [] the Recreational Marine Commercial area of MM SP. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3 101 West Coast Highway Legal descriptkm A portion of Lot 170, Block 2, on the so side of WCH between Newport Blvd & Riverside Ave. Fled by Haseko, Inc. Const. of a 9' high screen atop App. No. Date existing 71' hi roof to screen V1148 1-5-89 mechancial equip Reg. to permit installation of 2 roof signs on Approved ad...Domed 0 the constructed screening, mod to ZC to permit the daytime use of valet parking, and use of increased number of tandem parking spaces for a portion of reg. Parking Variance 0 Other Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 3S33 West Coast Highway Legal description portion of Lot 170, Block 2, Irvine sub. on the southerly side of W.C.H., between Newport Blvd. and Riverside Ave. Filed by David Schneider Permit the establish, of cock- App. No. ) tail lounge with dancing & UP 3127 1-4 :-S5 recorded music. Mod, to allow use of compact and tandem Approved Er Denied 0 Parking spaces with valet parking for portion of req. off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IR LOCATION 3333 West Coast Hwy. Legal demapBor Lot 170, Block 2 Filed by Federal Signs App. No. Date Amend Use Permit No. UP-1302 11/20/75 uz so as to permit tne installation of three Approved 0 Denied el identitication signs at the roof -Teyel of the former centineia Bank building. Variance Resubdivision Q Use Permit g Amendment 0 Other jjjj W. Coast HWV Ulth desuiPthm Por Lot 170, Blk 2, Irvine Subdiv. Filed by CENTINELLA BANK App. No. DPW 1678 6 -21 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved XEIXthenied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 5 Amendment C LUCA I it.Tr4 1111 Wpst Coast Hwy Legal description Por Int 170 B1 P Irv. Sub. C-2 NFWP02.1___ARCHFS MARINA, INC. App. No. Date SEE MINUTES OR APPLICATION AMEND FOR COMMISSION ACTION 1102 10-1 5 - 7 0 Approved El Denied El Amend Up.1302 as follows: Di. Permit establishment of T.V. banking faciliti for the Centinela Bank in the parking lot. 3. Permit a boat to be used as a 150 seat floating restaurant. Variance 0 Resubdivision 1:3 Use Permit ca Amendment 1:1 Other Filed by LOCATION 1333 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Por Bl 2 Iry Sub. C-2 Filed by Nib/PORT ARCHES MARINA, INC. App. No. Date CONflTTIflNS (See Minutes or application) UP-1302 9-7-1967 Approved La Denied 0 Cogctrtirt a S story building 71 ft. in height rather than the 50 ft. height permitt ed in the r-2 7one Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit ER Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3333 W. Coast HWY., Npt.Bch. (City and County Dock property) por. Lot 2 Irvine's Sub. C-2 Filed by t S .M . &JikRRIS , Robei t App. No. Date WITHDRAWN AT REQUEST OF CITY COUNCIL 1145 7-15-1965 Approved 0 Denied [] Incr ase the height limit from 50' to a maximum height of 90'. Vaaance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [Xi Amendment LOCATION 3334 W Coast Highway UngM desaipiion Lot 170 Bl. 2 Iry Sub. C-2-H hied by RACHFOlertilia App.Nm Date LXCEPTION PERMIT No. 2 7-6-1967 Approved 0 Denied y AI ) A cigm in pxcess nf the 25 ft height limit in the C-9-H Distrirt Variance Other Resubdivision C Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 3334 and 3400 West Coast Highway Legal Description Portion of Lot No. 170, Block 2 of the Irvine Subdivision Filed by Arches Restaurant, Inc. App. No. Date EP 52 12-4-97 Approved X Denied Li Request to allow the retention of two temporary signs (banners), one mounted at the front of the building and the second mounted on an existing pole sign, in conjunction with an existing restaurant. The duration will be consistent with the construction schedule of the Arches Bridge widening Variance u Resubdivision fl Use Permit [J Amendment [ j Other: Exception Permit LOCATION 3939 W. Coast Highway Legal descAption Lots 72,73 and a portion of Lot 8,Tract No. 1011,on the s.e. corner of West Coast Highway and the entrance to Balboa Coves Filed by Stuart Silver Req.to amend previous, approve App. No. Date UP which allow.the establish. UP3053A 12/6/84 of auto sales and leasing facility on property located in the Approved Ar Denied 0 CIE Dist.The proposed amend.includes a requ.to expand the exist.operation so as to include an adjacent parcel of land,located e. of the subject property which Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 3939 West Coast Highway Legal descriptke Lots 72, 73 and a portion of Lot B, Tract No. 1011, on the s.e. corner of West Coast Highway and the entrance to Balboa Coves Red by Linda K. Verhulp Request to establish car washing App. No. Date facilities which will be in 3053A 8-22-85 conjunction with auto sales Approved a" Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit R' Amendment 0 LVC;ATION 3939 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 72, 73 and a portion of Lot B, Tract No. 1011, on the s.e.corner of West Coast Highway the entrance to Balboa Coves Filed by Linda K. Verhulo Request to consider the App. No. Date revocation of UP that permitted uP3053 8-22-85 the establishment of an auto sales & leasing facility Approved 0 Denied 0 (NOT REVOKED) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit, ga Amendment 0 LOCATION 3939 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots No. 72 and 73 in West NEwport Filed by Benedict Gilano App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 3053 8/4/83 used automobile sales and service facility in the C-1-H Approved CE1 Denied District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3939 West Coast Highway Glen R nkin Filed by Alsip. No. Date Uonvert an existing automobile OP-1876 7/20/78 repair shop into a retail boat sales facility in the Approved Denied 0 C -1 -H District, and the acceptance ot an ottsite parking agreement for a portion ot the required parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3939 W Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 73 Tract 1011 C -1 -H Filed by BOLTON Graham H. App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1132 5-20-1965 Approved 0 Denied Motor cycle repairs sales & rentals. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4000 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Portion of Lot 172, Block 1, Irvine's Subdivision Filed by Hoag Memorial Hospital App. No. Dee A744 5-26-92 ORD 92-3 Request to establish PC District Approved ElEI Domed 0 Regulations & adopt a PC Development Plan for Hoag Hospital The proposal would establish regulations & development standards for the long term build-out of acute & non-acute health care facilities. Proposal also includes an amend- Variance )01180 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Arnen,dment 0 Other TS81; Dev.Agreement No. 5 —(Ord. 92 -4) ment to Districting Maps No. 22 & 22-A so as to re- district the hospital property from the A-P-H and U (Unclassified) Districts to the P-C District; an amend- ment to Chapter 20.02 of the NBMC so as to amend the Height Limitation Zones Map and the legal description of the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District to place the Lower Campus wholly within the 32/50 Foot Height Limita- tion Distirct; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 1•n • - Variance Altl Other Resubdivision D Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Filed by Hoa g Memorial Hos p Date 12/23/91 Denied 0 I I - • V 1180 pproved _p4c94444Gas_o_f_the_Gp.ruenl Plan App. No. Request to exceed the Base " LOCATION 4000 block - W. Coast Hwy - Lower CAmpus Legal description portion of Lot 172 Block 1. Irvine's Subdi vi si on LOCATION 4000 West Coast Hwy Legal description A portion of Lot 1 of Irvine's Subdivision on the n.w. corner of Newport Blvd & West Coast Hwy Filed by H oaq memorial Hospital RPCI to ronstruct 65,000 s.f. App. No. Date cancer center:to exceed 26 ft UP1421A 11-5-87 /lac; n ht limit;to est.an off- TS _ataztarking_xiew mod to ZC to Approved JEK Denied 0 allow a portion of the req.parking to compact spaces; and an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4000 West Coast Highway Legal deeadriee Portion of Lot 172, Block 1, Irvine Sub. on the no. side of West Coast Hwy between Newport Blvd and Superior Ave. Cal Trans East Filed by Hoag Memorial Hosp. Req. to construct 50,000 s.f App.No. Date cancer center & covered walkway 9-4-86 UP1421A system.Req.to allow a portion of the structure to exceed the Approved g Denied 0 26 ft basic ht limit in the 26/35 Ft Ht Limdt.req. to est. an off -st. parking req.based on a demonstrated formula mod to the ZC to allow req. parking to be provid as compact spaces. Incl. accept. of an e.d. Variance 0 Cl+kar Amendment 0 Resubdwusion 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION 4000 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot 172, Block 1, on the no. side of West Coast Hwy, exxidnocxesiadola between Newport Blvd & Superior Ave. on Cal Trans East Fled by Hoag Memorial Hosp. Reg. a T.S. to allow the App. No. Date construction of a 50,000 s.f. TS 9-4-86 cancer center & covered walkway system Approved _fg" Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 •••••••••"1"-'4' 4110 Id Coast HWY. Legal description Lots 74 & 75 Tr 1011 Filed by TON FEARS App. No. Date 1679 6-21-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved(XXCI Dented Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jinx Amendment LOCATION 4001 West Coast Highway Legal description Lot 74 & 75, Tract 1011 Filed by Sumeth Ti la Request to consider recommending App.No. Date the revocation of a previously UP 2005 A 8-11-89 approved use permit which permitted the establishment of a valet Approved la Denied 0 parking service in conjunction 4-9-92 Peview/PevOCat with the existing Royal Thai Cuisine ior Restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages; or to consider adding or modifying Conditions of Approval to said amended,. use permit. Said consideration ic drip tg this. applicant's_ Variance 0 Resubdiision 0 Use Permit g Amendment Other failure to operate the valet parking service in conformance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code and in a manner acceptable to the City Traffic Engineer. LUCA L ILIN 4001 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 74 & 75 T1011 on the so side of WCH on the so side of WCH between Newport Blvd & Balboa Blvd adjacent to Balboa Cove Filed by s imp th Ti t i a Req. to est. a valet parking App. No. Date service in coni. with the UP2005A , 9-21-89 exist, restaurant. Valet Oa Saareencei.- service intends to utilize Approved eic Denied 0 avail, ps in a proposed Nunci Park. Lot at the ne corner of Superior Ave & WCH Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Perm0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4001 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 74 and 75, Tract 1011 Filed by Royal Thai Cuisine Inc. App. No. Date Approved a three year UP2005 8-9-83 extension of permit Which permits the sale of beer and Approved MIX Denied C wine in conjunction with the subject restaurant Variance Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Other Extension Amendment LOCATION 4001 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 74 and 75, Tract No. 1011, adjacent to Balboa Coves. Filed by Royal Thai Cuisine, Inc., App. No. Date Request to delete Condition UP 2005 4/22/82 No. 9 of a previously approved (Amended) use permit that allowed a Approved la Denied 0 change in the operational characteristics of an existing restaurant to include the service of alcoholic beverages. Said condition presently restricts the service of alcoholic beverages at a bar or bar type lounge. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4001 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 74 and 75, Tract No. 1011, adjacent to Balboa Coves Filed by Royal Thai Cuisine, Inc. App. No. Dee Request to change the opera- UP-2005 8/6/81 tional characteristics of an existing restaurant in the C -1 -H Approved 0 Denied District so as to allow the sale of beer and wine in conjunction with the restaurant operation. The proposed- development also includes tandem parking spaces and valet parking for the restaurant use. Resubdivision El Use Permit al Amendment E Variance 0 Other LOCATION 4050 West Coast Hwy Legal description A portion of Lot 172, Block 1, on the no. side of WCH on property known as Cal Trans East Filed by }inn liemori al Hoap Rag tn eatahl i all employee App. No. Date rhild care far-fury F. related UP 1421A 9 -8 -89 parking 1 nrated on the lower _sw_porti on of the campus Approved Er Denied 0 _adj to future Hoag_lioapital Cancer Center and an arrapt. of an ed Variance 0 Other Resubdivnion 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 4323 W. Coast Highway Legal description Adjacent to the Weaterlyside-hf------ SCiinte, Tract 1011, C-1-H Filed by RETHERFORD, Robert A. App. No. Date 397 1-16-58 Approved EX Denied 0 The sale of skin diving equipment. small boats. Nerciity • • • • • 'IS •" • • & hardware. The largest_ boat to be 16' Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit vj Amendment 0 CONDITIONS ( Over) 1. Off-street parking must be established in accordance with the requirements of the O-1-H formula 2. Display and sale of boats and other items must be contained within a building. .0CATION 4323 WE:1qt Coaat—Highway_ • • - St • .egal description Ick I I S • S II Filed by App. No. 323 Approved 8/22/57 Denied 0 Date DICKERMAN I Don Amendment ID Use Permit Ex Res u bdivisio n 111 fariance Dther On —Sale liquor .B.B.M a Zone C-1-H LOCATION 4323 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Por of Sect 28 T6S R1OVI Banning Tract Zone C-1-H Filed by FEATURELINE TNC. App. No. Dee 321 5-16-57 Approved • a ni eaenied Operation of a family type yacht anchorage. Appealed and denied by City Council on June 10 2 1957 Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 4g Amendment 0 Other }CATION 4401 W. Coast Hwy., & 135 - 46th street pgal desairlion Metes & Bounds (go-Bo-Tel) C-1-H Filed by MACCO CORP. f& 4T 44 -01 W ,Co•tsT Hwy App. No. Date kxrevao Pcbe / r12 okl /0/773- 574Av 4r /3.7_,A0<sr_wen o t,r4) 901 11-1-1962 Approved AU Denied [] Erection of two double faced 8 x 20 signs for purpose of advertising the development of the P.E. property. CONDITION: An 80 sq. ft. sign to be permitted at 4401 W. Coast Hwy., and a 24 sq.ft. sisn to he permitted at 135 - 46th Street. anance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit A Amendment 0 >the °CATION egal description 4401 W. Coast Hwy. Metes & Bounds Description C-1-H Filed by MACCO REALTY COMPANY App. No. Date 136 3-15-1962 Approved xj:1 Denied 0 Rezone from C-1-H to C-O-H Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment >they DCATION nal description 4403 W. Coast We, Zone Can -Li Red by MACCO REALTY CO. App. No. 916 2-7-1963 Approved al Denied 0 An 8 x 20 sign for Tract 4224 (Dover Shores) CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year subiect to condition that sign be 80 sq. ft. ariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit /3 Amendment 0 )thee Date 4501 W. Coast Highway LOCATION Legal description Filed by Fish and Schr Date ether App. No. UP-1798 8/5/76 Approved E Denied 0 teguest to permit the !xpansion of the "Pacific :oast Diner" restaurant 'acility. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4501 W. Pacific Coast Highway Legal description Por. of Mitch Santiago De Santa Ana Hied by FOSTER & KLEISER CO. App. No. Date 254 8-16-56 Approved Denied 0 Permit the modernization and enlargement of an existing outdoor advertising structure. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 151x Amendment 0 LOCATION 4507 It Coast Hwy. Legal description Metes & Sounds C-1-11 Filed b y GAYNOR, George J. & Dorothy J. (4.4.1 t ri EX 7E,VDED FOR cQ YR - /0 -Fr-10 ci App. No. Date / VP - 10-17-1963 2-6 7 988 /0 749 Approved Denied El Serve liquor in connection iith and incidental to a restaurant. CONDITION: Approved for one year. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ax Amendment El 01 - < et e.;;Jak.,: 75 4' .? co LVLAHLIN 4507 West Coast Hwy. Logal donnipthm Par. Lot D. Banning Tract C-1-1-11 Fled by SOUTMCOAST ENTERPRISES App. No Date U 1 I iuN (Over) lt-30-7( e 1484 7-2-1970 Approved ea Denied 0 Live entertainment in conjunction with a cock- tail -lounge located within 200 feet of a resi- dential district. 'fc'7) - 9-5 aT - Variance 0 Other Roan bdivision 0 Use Permit Ei Amendment 0 CONDITION APPROVED, until Oct. 7, 1971 to coincide with Use Permit No. 988 which permits sale of alcoholic beverages. Extension to be subject to Modification Committee approval. LOCATION 4501 W. Coast Hwy. Legal clescargim Portion of Ranch Santiago De Santa Ana Ned by FOSTER & KLEISER CO. Date 254 8/6/56 Approved ZI Denied 0 Alteration of existing sign board. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 LOCATION 4509 West Coast Highway Legal description cwgin) on the s.e. corner of West Coast igh ay & West Balboa Blvd. Filed by Meluso & Overland Reg to expand the net public area App.No. Date of reetenrent. to add a greenhouse UR1798A 2-20-86 diningare.aaud an outdoor dining area., and to establish a full Approved LA Denied 0 SP rvi ne bar with on-sale alcoholic beverages. Req. to waive a portion of the add. req. off-street parking spares. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 8" Amendment Variance nth. LULA I P.M Lege description , Rhid by Triangle Associates Request to permit the constructia400. Daft of a take-out restaurant and re- UP3139 4-4-85 lated outdoor eating area on pro- perty located in the C-1-H Dist. Approved pi Denied The proposal also includes a request to establish a drive-up service window; a requrest to waive a portion of the required parking for the take-out restaurant; a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use -of compact cize MDatImilau na cestAmemm ipmpon Amendment 0 VarianceLi nuoommmtl Other of compact size parking spaces for a portion of the required parking within the overall parking area for the Triangle Shopping Center, :and a sign exception so as to allow more than one free standing pole sign and a combined area for wall signs in excess of 200 sq.ft. LOCATION 4509 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot D, Banning Tract and Record of Survey 27-47,on the s.e. corner of West Balboa Blvd. and W. Coast Highway in West Newport Filed by Triangle_ Associates Reg tn permit the construction App. No. Dee of a take-out restaurant . Reg. UP3139 4-4-85 tn establish a drive-up service window:waive a portion of the Approved Denied 0 -rernited-Parkjar the take-out restaurant; mod. to the 7,r to allow use of compact size parking spaces, and exception to more than one free standing po e Variance 0 ("akar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 4Sr Amendment 0 LOCATION 4509 W. Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lot D Banning Tract & Record of Survey 27-47, on the s.e.corner of W. Balboa Blvd. & w.Coast Highway Filed by Triangle Assoc. Reg to resubdivide two existing App. No. Date Parcels of land into two new R810 7-18-85 new parcels for commercial development on property Approved 9 Denied 0 located in the C1H Dist. Resubdivision Ort Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 n+k. LocknoN 4511 - 4513 W. Coast Hwy. Legal descripthm Metes & Bounds Banning Tr. C-1-H Filed by SHANKLANO, James H. App. No. Date 1104 2 -5 -1965 Approved 131 Denied El Coin operated laundromat Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit Dfi Amendment Other LOCATION 4525 A W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 207/1-3, Resub 810 Filed by George Guzman Jr. App. No. Date SF36 7 -12 -95 Approved Q Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in SAP PSC-1:1 Distric_t Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 4s2s We st roas t Hi gh way Legal description Parrels 1 and 2 of PM 207-1-1,a/8101 on the se corner of wrn and West Balboa Blvd Filed by Ken & Brenda fly „ Peg to permi t the Ere- abl i sh App. No. Date of a take-out restaurant fac UP3323 9-22-88 with izeting, peciali zing in Chineqe fond with soft Approved 0 Denied )11 drinic-R_, on property 1 ()rated in the Cl!-! fist. Tnr1 a nig to wai ne a portion of the req of f-qt rept /is. Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4515 West Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 2 Parcel Map 207/1-3 Filed by Donut Star App. No. Date Request to permit the M4058 10/27/92 establishment of a specialty food facility on property Approved a Denied 0 located in the C-1-H District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4547 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcels 1 & 2, Parcel Map 207-1 Filed by Joseph Karaki A PP'N %1161 1-4-Pfi4 e Approved )12:1 Denied 0 Requect to permit the establishment of a specialty food facilitx_os.p.rapetty located in the RSC-H District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4547 West Coast Highway Legal description in West Newport Filed by SU CHANG KIM App.Nm pallet UP 3064 10/20/83 Request to establish a take- out restaurant on property Approved gg Denied E] located in the C-1 -H District ana to waive a portion or the required ott-trtrart—Esarking s paee. Variance offin. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 CCATION 4599 West Coast Highway age! description Filed by App. No. Date Request to permit the UP-1934 4-10-80 installation of a relo- catable building for a Approved El Denied 0 coin-operated ice vending machine facility in the Triangle Shopping Center in the C-1-H District. lenience 0 ,ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gy Amendment 0 LOCATION 4601 W. Coast Highway Legal description por ti on o f Banning Trott epprox 700i west of Tract 10t1 (Balboa Coves) bounded bnola Bey. & west by Bal. Blvd. & south by a portion of Bl. 145 Filed by HARROR ORVRLOPM7NT CORP_ Banning Tr. App. No. Date 424 4 -17 -58 Approved CB Denied 0 Construction of a display bldg. for purpose of rennuCting first clAss retail hnat Salsa- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IA Amendment 0 LUCA I ION Legal description 4601 West Coast Hwy. Lot 4 Bl. D, Banning Tract C-1-H Filed by STEINER t_Michael A. App. No. Date 1431 5-15-1969 Approved 1:1 Denied )03X Instal an automatic ice_ dispensing machine. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 130 Amendment 0 LocknoN 4601 W. Coast Highway Legal description Por.BI. 1/ Banning Tr. C-1-H Red by FOTOMAT CORPORATION App. No. Date iONDITIGNS (Star> Minutes or application) 1409 12-5-1968 Approved Cja Denied El Cox s_trur t _a drits-thrn film sales and photo Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit rn Amendment 0 LOCATION 4625 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Por of Record of Survey 27-47 on SE corner of W Coast Hwy & Balboa Blvd. in W. Newport Filed by FOODMAKER, INC. , VERNON App. No. Date 1724 5-16-74 REP1uVED Approved. - - - Denied' Variance Other Resubdnnsuon 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 4625 W. Coast Highway Por. Block D Banning Tr. C-1-H Legal description Filed by BUDGET RENT-A-CAR App. No. Date M - 3 10-29-§B CONDITIONS (See Over) Approved ),E1 Denied 0 Car rental Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 CONDITIONS L. Approval shall be for a-period of 1 year in order that parking and traffic may be reviewed. 2. There shall be not more than 3 rental cars on the premises at any one time. 3. There shall be no signs displayed for this business at any time. 4. There shall be no cars parked between the pump islands and the corner. (CATION 4625 W. Coast Hwy. egal description parcel 1 Lot D Banning Tract C-1 -H Filed by BARNES & ROGERS, INC. App. No. Date CONDITION ( Over) 708 2-2-1961 Approved 13X Denied 0 Construct and operate a quick car wash in a C-1-H District. rariante Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 CONDITION If the development on Parcel 2 does not commence within 1 year from this date, that a 6 foot fence will be installed for the distance of the car wash, with an additional 10 feet on each side, so that the proposed use will be screened from residential properties in the area. LOCATION Legal description 4625 W. Coast Hwy. Metes & Bounds Desc. C-1-H Filed by WILSON, Victor App. No. Date z-krarDE Ory 02/4 1149 8-5-1965 Approve )1E Denied 0 Outdoor motorcycle display CONDITInN - Approved for one year qubject to condition _thAt there he no more thAn 10 motorcycles on display at Any one time. Variance 0 Rewbdirisies El Use Permit la Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4665 West Coast Highway Legal description R. S. 2 7 - 4 7 Red by Phillips Petroleum Co. App. No. Dee M -356 6 -29 -71 Approved El Denied One sign for the carwasn shall be permitted subject to review an approval of the Director ot community uevelopment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 5801 W Coast Hwy . N.B. Legal description Lot 2 Tract 4400 Zone R-3 and C-1 Filed by BUZZY BURGER (Paul E. Hadley) App. No. Date SUSTAINED BY C.C. 2-14-1967 1242 1-5-1967 Approved 0 Denied Access from Seashore Drive to a parking lot Previously established under Use Permit No. 1215. Variance Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LockvoN 5801 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 2 Tract 4400 R-3 & C-1 Sled by HADLEY, Paul E., Jr. App. No. Date Wavot14 7/eil PRee-se,D2Aiss A S :: Cp:rir dit : 7cRer ,;(1,4 7E2> /0 - 6 -194 7 kin District adjacent to a C a restaurant - take out Variance Resubdivision0 Use Permit EK Amendment 0 Other Sec. oua,%9 - 6.g.T., yiz oiv 7 -.20- 7- se& Ay,;(fori s - sca coxizinack ons 1215 7-7-1966 Approved n Denied 0 lot in connection with food stand, in an R-3 -1 District. r p/R. °Al 7-//-63' A /410 " if -7-09g? I t yR, " - 11 3 - 970 - frifOO. et? /Se if. aire2 " -V- 7977 LOCATION 5801 W. Coast Hwy Legal description Lot 2 Tract 4440 R-3 Filed by HADLEY, Paul E. Jr. App. No. Date 1014 2-6-1964 Approved IE Denied 0 A no fee parking lot adjacent to a commercial district. DONDITION: A barrier to be erected in order to prohibit through traffic to Coast Hwy. and the parkin area to be covered with decomposed granite. Variance D Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit IA Amendment 0 DCAUDIN 5900 Coast Highway agd description Lot 7. Block 159, Rthiax_lection Red by Monroe, Gene App. No. Date 19 846-57 Approved M Denied 0 erection of three wooden signs, size 2' x 3' Variance El Resubdivision LI Use Permit A Amendment LI Dther LOCATION 5930 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lots No. 4, 5, 6, and 7 Block 159, River Section Filed by Cappy's Cafe (Nick Panagalcis, applicant) App. No. Date OD 25 11-5-97 Approved X Denied U Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent full-service restaurant, on property located in the RSC (Retail and Service Commercial) District. Variance J Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 5930 WEst Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4-8, Block 159, River Section, on the ne side of WCH between 60th St & Seminouk Slough in the Newport Shores Specific Plan ARea Filed by James Patty Req. to permit a Change in App. No. Date the operational characteristic UP3349 4-20-89 of an exist. rest. with on-sale beer and wine to allow the Approved 0 Denied ig addition of dancing and live entertainment and to incre- ase the hours of operation of the rest so as to be open from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily Amendment E Resubdiyision 0 Use Permi+ Variance 0 Other LOCATION 5930 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4 & 5, Block 159 of River Section Tract, in the Npwportahnres Specific Area Plan. Filed by Muhammad Ahmad App. No. Date Request to change the operational character- UP-1980 4/23/81 istics of an existing Approved 151 Denied 0 restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beveragec,_Lo_ as to include live entertainment in conjunction with the restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit EX Amendment 0 OCATION egal description 5930 W. Coast Hwy. Lots 4 & 5 El. 159 River Sec. C-1-H Filed by CARD, Bruce App. No. Date 862 6-21-1962 Approved D31 Denied 0 On sale beer and wine in a C-1-H District. variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la' Amendment 0 )ther LOCATION 6000 West Coast Hwy. Legal descApfion Lot 17, Blk. 160, Seashore Tract Flied by David dalali App. No. Date M4461 7-16-96 Approved 0 Denied )(:)< Additions to an existing building to encroach to the rear Property line along the alley, where the Zoning Code reouires a 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6000 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Lot 16 & 17, Blk. 160 River Section Filed by David Jalali App. No. Date LLA96,6 9-16-96 Applicant Withdrew Approved 0 Denied 0 Adjustment to eliminate an interior lot line, thereby combinina two oarcels of land in conjunction h additions and alterations to the existing building. The applicant also requests a modification to the Zoning Ordinance to a-ddif MILS nchull ding_tn intact to Amendment 0 v rpit -tla ,f1..edri.s.t.i . va riance • Resub !vision u use Permit u Other the rear property line along the alley, where the Zoning Code requires a 10 foot rear yard setback. DCATION 6000 W. Coast ttighwaY eget description For. Lots 3 & 4 Bl. 7 Seashore Col. 'Pr, Sian got/47) ra LoTS 3v4 39 if • C-1-W Jo /my mo- 4/4fren n 7/14- AP Filed by NEWPORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 819 2-1-1962 Approved ft Denied 0 Erect a 10' x 16' double face directional sign. CONDITIONS: (1) Approved for period of one year. (2) Sign to setback even with the Newport Beach City street signs and not border near the highway. l ariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit rKI Amendment 0 Aiwa yra P o / cm/ / /4 e Are TED 434/ P OR / R 04/ / 7 6.3 DCATION 6030 W. Coast Hwy., MO description Lots 4 to 10 Inc. 131. 160 River Section C-1-H and R-3 Filed by ANDERSON, Ralph D., M.D. App. No. Date 709 9-20-1962 Approved 0 Denied EDRX Applicant requests reduction of 2 parking spaces in order to construct a swimming pool for a motel. ariance Resubdivision El Use Permit EI Amendment ID Wier LOCATION 6030 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 11,12,13 El. 160 River Sec. R-3 Eg C -1 -H Filed by ANDERSON, Dr. Ralph App. No. Date 786 11-2-1961 Approved Ma Denied 0 Addition of 12 units and a swimming pool to an existing motel CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan submitti Variance 0 Other Hesubdivision 0 Use Permit III Amendment 0 LOCATION 6100 W. Coast Highway Legal demripthm Lots 3-8, Block 1 Filed by Douglas Stevenson Jobson App. No. Date Establishment of a UP-1837 8/18/77 recreation center with skill games in an Approved 0 Denied 1:1 existing commercial building in Newport Shores. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit )13 Amendment 0 lIDCAJfiDN 6110 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 12 through 14, Block 2, Seashore Colony Tract Addition in Newport Shores specific Plan Area. Filed by BAER'S OUTPOST INC, App. No. Doha Request to permit the expan- UP 2097 11/18/82 sion of an existing commercial WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT building in Specific Plan Area Approved 0 Denied E] No. 4 so as to add a take-out food establishment on the ground floor and offices above Also includes a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces. See file for further details. . . Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6110 West Coast Highway Legal description Westerly 35' of Lots 12.13,14 Bl. 1 Seashore Colony Tract Zone C1H Filed by TOM SNEAUELN ENTERPRISES, INC. App. No. Date WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT 1291 7 -20 -1967 Approved 0 Denied 0 Opera a hppr and winP cellar. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Perrrnta Amendment 0 LOCATION 6110 14 Coast Hwy. Legal description W i ly 35' of lots 19 13,14 Si 1 Seashore col. Tract C-1-H Filed by &HIKE Andrew C. App. No. Date 1024 3-19-1964 Approved 0Deniecxxial On sale beer and wine: also dancing. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jJ Amendment 0 OCATION 6110 W. Coast Hwy. myd description W i ly 35 of Lots 12.13 6 14 Block 1 Seashore Colony Tract C-1-H Filed by NORTON, Peter App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 864 7 -5 -1962 Approved El Denied 0 On sale beer and wine in a c-1-H District which is located within 200' of a residential district. Applicant also requests permission to have dancing at this location. 'ariance 0 >ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 CONDITION Use permit granted for a period of 18 months only and the second floor be not used for residential purposes LOCATION 6204 W. Coast Hwy. Lega l description For Lot 3,4;5 at, 13 lit Z, SEASHORE COLONY IR. Filed b y 30 -TCE HOSKINAN App. No. Date R-463 7-18-74 CONDITIONAUT Approved tj Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6204 W. Coast Highway Legal &nail:Mort Portion of Lots 3, 4 & 5, Blk. 2, Seashore Colony Tract. Filed by JOYCE HOSKiNSON App. No. Date 1694 10 -18 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved 15 Denied 0 Request to permit the expansion of an existing restaurant with approved on-sale beer and wine within ZOD ft. of an off-site parking agreement tor a portion of the required parking spaces. Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision IE Use Permit ta Other•. 4C-Wil 16' Ci C) LOCATION 6204 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 3,4,5 Bl . 2 Seashore Col Tr. C-1 -H Filed by HOSKINSON, Joyce App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Oyer) _art y,pc "woo co/.../. 1440 7 -17 -1969 Approved in Denied El On-sale beer and wine within 200 ft. of a residential district as part of a bona fide eating place. Varirce D Other Resubdivision Q Use Perm it Amendment fl CONDITIONS a. This permit is for a one year period. 2. The site shall be cleared of all weeds, scrap lumber and obsolete signs. 3. The landscaping shall be maintained in a professional manner. 4. The present ground sign (pole sign) shall be replaced with a sign conforming to the requirements of the sign ordinance, or shall be removed. LOCATION 6204 W Coast Hwy. Legal description Por.Lots 3,4,5 El. 2 Seashore Col. C-1-ti Filed by HEVIA, Ernesto App. No. Date 1092 12-17-1964 Approved Mc Denied 0 Live entertainnent• flamencoguitar za pateado snd Mexi c ani' due CONDITION; Approved for 1 year. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6208 West Coast Highway Legal Description Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and a portion of Lot 14, Block 2, Seashore Colony Tract Addition Filed by Land Surveying & Engineering Service App. No. Date LLA 98-03 3-3-98 Approved X Denied To permit a lot line adjustment that will eliminate five interior lot lines between 5 lots and a portion of a sixth and will result in the consolidationof the lots into one parcel. Variance fl Resubdivision LI Use Permit Li Amendment u Other: Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 6208 Coast Highway —Ns/ Legal description Lots 11-12-18_and_t of 14 Block 2,Jkasimite_Golony Tract Filed by HIGLEY, D. R. App. No. Date (See applic.) 57 ? Approved D Denied 0 11' x 27' cabana type extension or addition to oxinting silleciroom Variance 0 Other Use Permit Kl Amendment 0 Resubdivision LI LOCATION 6208 :West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 9,10,11,12,13 & 14 El. 2 Sea.Col. Lots 7 and 8 Block 3 Seashore Col. C-1-H Filed by O'CONNOR, Patrick, FRY, Leon A., CHARLES, Eugene, App. No. Date CORTESE, Frank 776 11-2-1961 CONDITIONS (Over) Approved ggl Denied Construct and maintain a motel, with an elevator shaft 7' above the permitted 35' height, and to have off-site parking. El•e/ :5 CP PLor PLAI Atoyoorrb 31" FCt/A1/296.2 Variance ID Other Resubdivision El Use Permit n Amendment D CONDITIONS 1. That development be in accordance with plot plan submitted and as corrected at the meeting 2. That 35' of Prospect Avenue be paved between Coast Highway 101 and Newport Shores Drive. 3. Applicant to dedicate 5' along frontage on Prospect St; said dedication will not be required if alley is not abandoned. 4. Off-site parking to be in accordance with plot plan submitted. 5. Improvements to be in accordance with spedifications of Public Works Director. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Aci5c) on property located in the 5p_4 cpecifir inn nictrict LOCATION 6208 W Coast ftwys Legal description Lot, 9-14, Block 2, Seashore Colony Tract. Filed by Ocean Enterprises App. No. Date RNLI°St to permit the. restriping 14 406 3/25/93 of an existing parking lot_of thA Rnrfeway Inn truly cl urie 12 Approved ra Denied I:I LOCATION 6306 W. Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 3 Seashore Colony Tract,on the n.e. side of W. Coast Hwy between Cedar St. and Prospect St. Filed by George Stevens Req. to permit the install. of App. No. Date a pole sign on a parcel with EP20 5-22-86 less than 50 ft of street frontage on property located in Approved la Denied 0 Newport Shores Variance Do ,fi g esubdhcision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other "r, A—. niA LOCATION 6306 - 6310 W. Coast Hwy. Pnr. Ints 12-13-14 B1.3 Seashore Colnny Tract C-1-H Legal description Filed by BOITON, Graham H App. No. Date 1198 3-17-1966 Approved 0 Denied X XXI kloterryr1P rentals Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 6308 West Coast Highway Legal description Portion of Lots 12, 13 & 14 Block 3, Seashore Colony Tract Ned by JOHN A. SINDELAR App. No. Date 441 3/21/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved a Denied 0 Request to create one parcel of land where por- tions of three lots now exist so as to permit the construction of a real estate office build- ing. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision In Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6310 West Coast Highway Legal Description Seashore Colony Tract, Block 3, lots 12, 1 3 and 14 Filed By Big Belly Deli Application No. UP 3666 Date PC 4-6-2000 Approved: X Denied: A request to convert an existing 1,500 square foot retail building into a full-service, small-scale eating establishment (pizza/deli) with 24 seats, that includes a waiver of the off-street parking requirements, and to establish a new alcoholic beverage service outlet pursuant to Chapter 20.89 of the Municipal Code Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: X Amendment: Other: UMMUN 0400 W. Coast Hwy Legal cleselptionLots 3,4.5,6 Blk 4 Seashore Colony 71 Filed by MICHAEL 1. MILLER App. No. Date 1673 6-7-73 DENIED Approved 0 Denied X IJ Variance PI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 6400 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description No.3/4 Lot 3. Lots 4,5.6 Block 4 Seashore Col. Tract C-1-H Filed by SIGNIII,i0M_SAIIPAINY App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1134 6-3-1965 Approved El Denied 0 Construct and operate a service station miq--24 -13 Variance 9 Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit X3 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That complete improvements be constructed to the centerlines of abutting streets and alleys to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. 2. That improvement plans be prepared on standard size sheets by a licensed civil engineer. 3. That lights be installed so as not to affect residents in the area. CCATION 6400 W. Coast Huzyt, egal description Por. Lot 3, All Lot 4,5,6.7,8 Seashore Col. Tract C-1-H Filed by FAAS, Leonard App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 758 7-20-1961 Approved lit Denied 0 Construct a 16 unit motel, 2 apartments, a manager's office and apartment, plus delicatessen arid off-sale liquor store. 'ariance )ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 CONDITION 1. Access to the property to be in accordance with specifications of the Fire Chief. 2. Parking design to be in accordance with the specifications of the Director of Public Works. LOCATION '6450-6460 w. coast nighsay Leo description Lot s 12-13 & i of ILL Block L. Seashore uolony C-1-H Filed by BERRY, Robert E. App. No. Date 471 11-20-58 Approved g Denied 0 On sale beer license Variance D Other Resubdivision 111 Use Permit g Amendment LOCATION Legal thmaiption 6450-80 W. Coast Hwy. Lots 12,13 & 1/2 14 B1.4 Seashore Col. Tract C-1-H Filed by SMITH, Nina R. .047. / YR- 3 -,17-67 App. No. Date / YR-q-s7-61 CONOITIONS (Over) 1247 2-16-1967 Approved Denied 0 On-sale beer, entertainment and dancing. Axr Co Ho. 0-02/-67 2-17-70 " / ,2-24-70 we Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. Approved for 6 months. 2. No live entertainment. 3. Closing time to be 12:00 Midnight. 4. That a parking agreement be arranged with the adjoining property and approved by the City Attorney's office. Filed by 11 -4as - 6470 - 80 West Coast Hwy. LOCATION Legal description talts_13 4,1A B1 4 Seashore Cfll c -1 -H App. No. Date 1060 8-6-1964 Approved xg] Denied 0 Ott-sale beer. CONDITION: Approved for one year. Variance 0 Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit IN Amendment 0 Other OCATK)14 6490 Coast Highway egal description Lot 1.4, Block 4, Seashore Colony Fled by Monroe, Gene App. No. Date 20 8-.16-51 Approved a Denied Erection of one sign, metal, wood frame l' it 6' Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 12; Amendment Mier LOCATION 6600 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 3,4,5,6,7 , 1 1 , 12 , 13 81.6 Seashore Col C -1 -H Filed by MARTINEL, Pete T. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1345 3-21-196R Approved x ta Denied 0 Live entertainment in ronnertinn with A bona fide restaurant. Etr. A Ws. y cots, - our/ 12-4 -/9 / " Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment El CONDITION 1. That no more than 3 instruments be used. 2. That no amplification of the instruments be permitted. 3. That this use permit run in conjunction with the time period stated in Use Permit No. 904 or until Dec. 6, 1969. 4. That no live entertainment take place after midnight. 6600 W. Coast Hwy. LOCATION Legal description Lots 3 & 4 BI. 6 Seashore Col. C-1-H Date Pled by GOLBEK. Lloyd & Eleanor Niati ogAJA)a-R- 'PLA-AleoNS APP. No- Xr , 6 -4/-64 1051 6-4-1964 Approved 13 Denied Live entertainment CONDITION: Approved for one year and subject to condition that there be only 1 instrument. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 DOVI1Cti4 6600 W. Coast Hwy. Npd description Lots 3 & 4 131.6 Seashore Col. C-1-H Filed by Ate. " On-sale GOLBEK, Lloyd & Eleanor F. 3rS ov- li-/7-/164 App. No. A A -47 07 " " hj -Ist ...o / 904 Approved aj beer and wine Date 12-6-1962 Denied El CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year . trice 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [2 Amendment xre.410€5 n tOr V72 CA) //- - I t. 3 °CATION 6700 W. Coast }Bel, egal description N I E1y 3/4 Lot 3, Lot 4 131.7 Seashore Col.Tr. C-1-H Filed by ZOUL, Burton App. No. Date 907 12 -20 -1962 Approved f2x Denied 0 'ariance 0 Aar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6700 West Coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 3. 4 & 5 Bl. 7 Seashore Col. C-1 -N Filed by LANCASTER, Edw. & NEAL, Wm.C. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See application \ or minutes) 1JP-1467 2-19-1970 Approved IEK Denied 0 An automotive repair shop in conjunction with an existing automotive service station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ria Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description • 6700 W. Coast Hwy. of Lot 3, Lots 4 & 5 Block 7 Seashore Col. Tract C-1-H Flied by WALKER OTT COMPANY App. No, Date 1018 3-5-1964 Approved AD Denied 0 CONDITION (over) Construct a gasoline service station. Variance 0 Other Resu6division 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 LOCATION 6700 & 6710 W. Coast Highway Legal description LOtS J & 14, Block 7 Filed by Lnaries B. Baur App. No. Date o waivw a portion of the UP-1791 6/3/76 'equired parking spaces in :onjunction with the expaosioApproved U Denied It the Tradewinds Liquor-Grocery complex on the iroperty. The proposed development alos includes .ne conversion of the existing automobile service :cation into a restaurant facility on the site. Over - Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other The proposed development also requires a modification for the existing service station building which encroaches to the northerly side property line (where the Development Standards for Specific Area Plan No. 4 now requires a 5 foot side yard setback when a commercial lot abuts upon the side of a lot in , Residential Development Area). The proposed development requires a modification from the size and location requirements for two parking spaces and a modification from the required dimeions for landscaped planters. ns LOCATION 6700 & 6710 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 3 and ikir, Block 7 Filed by Lnarles is. baur App. No. pai4 iequest to establish one R-520 6/3/76 )uilding site and eliminate interior lot lines where Approved 13 Denied 0 Four lots, portion of two other lots, and a 3ortion of a 10 foot wide alley that is proposed to be abandoned -now exist so as to permit the :onversion of an existing automobile service station into a restaurant facility on the - Variance 0 Resubdivision 11] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Ciller property. The proposed development also includes the conversion of an existing duplex into additional storage space for the Tradewinds Liquor-Grocery complex on the site. b/UU W. Coast Highltay .egThrnescription Filed by Antonucci 's Pizza App. No. Date Change the operational UP-1791 10/20/77 characteristics of (Amended.). Antonucci's Pizza Approved fl Denied 13 restaurant facility to include the service of beer and wine. Resubdivision D Use Permit I] Amendment El ather Filed by Jackelyn Light Outdoor dining area and the expansion of npa of the rest. Incl. is a req. to waive a portion of the required off st. parking App. No. HP1791A Date 9 -8 -88 Approved at Denied 0 LOCATION 6700 W. Coast Highway Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 100-4 (R520) On the no.side of WCE1 between Orange & Colton Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6700 W Coast Hwy Legal description .Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Mao 100-4 Faed bYCharles B ajir. Edward J. Baur Request to amend A previously App.1 ti 791 o. Date UP A III appraved_use permit that permitted ( ) 10-9-92 the conversion of an existing automobile service station into a Approved 0 Denied 0 restaurant with on-sale beer and wine, and included a waiver of a portion of the required off-street parking on property located in the "Commercial" area of the Newport anen dnpnt involves • It II Ill ": II • i•-•. Variance Other ew dim= se Permit fl Amendment 0 • which is currently part of the restaurant's approvec "net public are" and a request to waive two required off-street parking spaces for the subject property. LOCATION 6704 W. Coast Highway Legal description N'ely 1/2 of Lots 3 & 4 Block 7 Seashore Col.Tt. C-1-I Filed by STUART, James A. & Elizabeth R. App. No. Date (CONDITION) 609 4-21-1960 Approved gl Denied 0 An auto repair shop in a C-1-H District. CONDITION; Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 6710 W. Coast NY description Lot 13 & a portion .of Lot 14. 31k. 7. Seashore Colony Filed by Tradewinds App. No. Date SF 15 8-17-94 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service Approved El Denied 0 use on property located in the SP-4 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6800W. Coast Highway Ind description Lots i St 4, Klock 8 Hod by trano s App. No. Date b o permit interior UP-1776 1/8/76 md exterior alterations ie. new tiathroom Append In Denied 0 'acilities, new patio roof and fences, etc.) on m existing nonconforming -mtake-out" and 'outdoor" restaurant facility in "-Newport Shores. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6800-A West Coast Highway Legal dmcripfinn Dots 3 & 4, in Newport Snores Specitmc Area Plan. Fded by Alex & Glenda Lamy/NEWPORT BURGERS App. No. UP 1776 (Amended) Date 10/29/83 Proposed amendment to add the service of beer and -wine in Approved 0 Denhd f3 conjunction with the restaurant use, Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6902 W. COAST HIGHWAY Legal description Lots 3,4,5,&6, Block 9, Sea Shore Colony Tract Filed by National Cat Protection Society App. No. Date 0353(A) 4-7-94 Request to amPnel A prPVirillSiy Approved jilt Denied 0 approved tide permit that permitted the establishment of an animal hospital on property located in the commercial area of the Newport Shores Specific Plan Area. The proposed amendment involves a request to change the previous animal Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 hospital use to a cat care and boarding facility and to permit alterations and additions to the existing bldg. in conjunction with the change in use. The proposal als( includes a modification to the Z.C. so as to allow the proposed building addition to encorach 2 ft. into the required 5 ft. rear yard setback adjacent to residential classified property. LOCATIO N . H Legal description Wsly 55' of Lots 3,1+ & 5 Seashore Colony Tract Zone C—l—H Filed by Charles Fink Margaret 1!Di713.e.r_ App. No. Date 327 5-16-57 Approved CI DEDidiiii On —sale beer. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 111 Amendment 0 Other DGATK)N 6902 Coast Highway agal description Lots 3, 4, 5 Block 9, Seashore Colony Filed by Newman, Wayne App. No. Date 16 8 -6 -51 Approved OD Denied ceramic mfg. (wholesale & retail) Va riance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit A Amendment Dther .0CATION 6902-6906 P LAY-4-1- .egal description Lots -3,4,5,6 dc 7 Seashore Colony Tract Zone C-1 Ned in DR. NEVIN, Robert App. No. Date 353 8/22/57 Approved it Denied 0 Operation of an animal hospital in a C-1 Zone. CONDITION• Applicant must improve his property in accordance with the plans submitted with his application. iariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 3ther LOCATION 6%4 14, Least Hwy Legal description Lots 3,4,5 & 6 Seashore Colony Tract Flied by National Cat Protection Society App. No. Date LLA 94 -7 6 -14 -94 Approved K21 Denied 0 Lot line adjustment to create one parcel of land for commercial development, where four currently exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6904 Coast Highway. N.B. —.VI Legal description Tars 3, 4 , & S Blnr _9, Banshora CAlory Trn e r Filed by O'NEILL. Paul B. & COX. Terry G. App. No. Date 60 8-21-52 Approved Denied 0 Manufacturing of rubber diving suits Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit tl Amendment 0 Other DCANKYN 6908 W. Coast Hwy ,gal description Por. Lots 12,13 & 14 El. 9 Seashore Col. C-1-H Filed by CARTER SIGN COMPANY App. No. Date 858 6-7-1962 Approved 0 Denied xfl Install a temporary directional 8' x 20' sign to advertis the Carl Buck development at superior & Placentia, N.B. ariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit( Amendment 0 liter LOCATION 6908 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Wly. 25' of Tots 19-13-14 Al. 9 seashore Col Filed by GAGE, Soh T App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1075 11-5-1964 Approved IN Denied 0 On -sale beer within 200 feet of a residential district. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved for a period of one year, subject to the con- dition that a parking lay out be submitted for approval by the Planning staff. LOCATION 7000 W. Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11, S.E.55' of 12 & 13 and N.E. 1/2 Lot 14 Block 10 Seashore Col. Filed by MOCK, Floyd E. App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) 198 10 -20 -55 Approved )13 Denied 0 To permit a trailer park Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 2 Amendment 0 Conditions: 1. The applicant is to erect a 3' fence in height, 2' from the property line, adjacent to Coast Hwy. 2. There is to be a 5' area from the fence, to be allocated for planting and landscaping. 3. Furnish guest parking space able to accomodate 38 guest cars. LOCATION 7000 West Coast Highway Legal description Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 SEly 55' of Lots 12 and 13, and 55' NEly of Lot 14 Filed by WALKER, G. Ernest App. No. Date 98 10-15-53 Approved E Denied El To operate a trailer park lariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 7100 W Coast Hwy Legal description Parcels A & B of Resnh. #166. on NW corner of Highland Ave & W Coast Hwy in W Npt. Filed by BOB'S T EXACO App. No. Date 1645 12-7-72 Approved 0 Denied 0 REMOVED FROM AGENDA Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 7100 W. coast Hwy. Lots 3-4-5-6 B1.11 Seashore Col. C-1-E Filed by ERSCH, 0 W. App. No, Date 1093 12-17-1964 Approved lax Denied 0 Outdoor display and rental of motor cycles. rnyarTInN4 DiRplay of motor cycles to be north of the inside pump. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 7100 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Parcel A-Lots 9thru 12. El. 11, Seashore Col Tr. & Lot 1, Bl. G, El Moro Tr., Parcel B-Lots 3 thru 8, 131. 11, Seashore Col. Tract C-1-H Filed by =taco, INC. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 977 9-5-1963 Approved fl Denied 0 A service station in a C-1-H District. Variance D Other Resubdivision D Use Permif A Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That the westerly half of Highland Avenue and the area fronting on Coast Hwy. be improved in accordanc( with specifications of the City Engineer. 2. Suggested to the developer that adequate landscaping be placed around the service station. LOCATION Legal description 7100 Coast Highway Lnta 1 & 4, Blnrk 11, Seashore Colony Filed by Pargmann. J. Richard App. No. 29 Date 10-18-51 Approved SI Denied 0 Food & produce market Variance Resubdivision Use Permit g Amendment C Other OCATION egal description 7200 W. Coast Hwy Por. Lots I & 4 R1 1.2 Roarchnrp rol.Trarr Addn. Filed by mum- John R. App. No. Date 810 12-21-1961 Approved in Denied 0 Small boat repairs, sales and a storage yard. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. fariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jat Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 7202 W. Coast Hwy. Legal description Por.Lots 3 & 4 Block 12 Seashore Col. Zone C-1-H Filed by CURRAN, George D. Jr. App. No. Date 499 3-5-59 Approved MI Denied 0 Operation of a radiator shop for the purpose of repairing, rebuilding, removing & installing radiators on cars CONDITION: Fence on west side of property to be kept back tothe open canopy. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Cot\ins OCATION egal description CCS,LINS_ZI.ATTIL Lots 1 - 7 Tract 1723 Filed by PLANN INC COMM ?SS ION App. No. Date 56 8-21-1958 Approved ei Denied 0 Rezone to R-1 rariance >ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment a OCATION COLLINS ISLAND egal description Lots 1 to 8 Tract 1723 11-1 Filed by PACIFIC ESTATES, INC., Geo. McNamara, Pres. App. No. Date 475 9-18-1958 Approved j Denied 0 Establish 7' front yard setbacks, 4' side yard Mit: setbacks and 4' rear yard setbacks. Vos'APJAaNt 7V IlA 4=04 51nET 0/Pe ariance )ther Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment OCATION COLLINS ISLAND egal description Cob 3 & 4 -tract 1723 R-2 Filed by PACIFIC ESTATES, INC. Geo. McNamara, Pres. App. No. Date 67 8-21-1958 Approved AO Denied 0 Create 3 lots out of 2 lots. 'ariance 0 >liter Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2 Collins Island Legal description Lot 2. Tract 1723, APN# 50-01-5 Filed by Bradley Hammerstrom - App. No. Date M4487 9/10/96 Approved in Denied 0 Request a modification of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a new overhead trellis (located over the side yard entryway) to encroach to the side property line. The applicant proposes that the trellis range from Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 9 feet 10 inches to 10 feet 10 inches in height, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height within the required 4 foot side yard setback. LOCATION 3 Collins Island Legal description Par A of Resub 67 Filed by Erik Katzmaier App. No. Date M4493 10-1-96 Approved j Denied 0 II I II I • I I A .11 1 -•I (ranging in height from 7 feet to B feet 9 inrhes) where She 7nning Coda limits said rnnstrurtinn to 6 feet in height within the required 4 font side _yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment E To permit the construction of a an extension to an existing patio cover that will encroach 14 feet into the 14-foot front yard setback on the water side the property. LULA 1 ION Legal Description 3 Collins Island Lot 3 and a Portion of Lot 4, Tract 1723 Filed By: Hector and Jann LaMarque Application No. Date M 5074 05/03/2000 Approved: X Denied: Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: CATION 3 Collins Island at Description Lot 3 and a Portion of Lot 4, Tract 1723 x:1 By: Hector and lann LaMar ue Application No. Date No. M5074 5/3/2000 CC 4/12/99 Approved:X Denied: permit the construction of a an extension to an existing patio cover that will :roach 14 feet into the 14-foot front yard setback on the water side the property triance: 1 Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment:X ten Modification 5074 LOCATION #5 Collins Isle Legal description Filed by WM Thomas Mahoney Request to permit the con- App. No. Date atraigsjai a M3230 11-18-86 lagii_aide_yard wall that int o the required 2 Denied 0 7 foot front yard setback adiacent to the bay. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION #5 Collins Island Legal description Lot 5, Tract 172 3 Ned by PETER DeBAUN App. No. Date 453 5/2/74 Approved 0 Denied X iequest to create two parcels of land where one lot now exists so as to construct one single Family dwelling on each site. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6 Cnllinc Tsle, Balboa Island Legal description Lot 5, Tract 1723, Zone R-1 Filed by Mr. & Mrs. R. Gaylord To permit alterations and App. No. Date additions to an existing single M-2634 12/2/80 family residence that is non- conforming in that 2 parking spaceApproved j3 Denied 0 are provided where 3 parking spaces are now required for = all residential structures exceeding 2,000 sq.t. of livinc area MODIFICAITON Variance El Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCANI04107 COLLINS AVE. Lecm description Portion of lots 16 & 17, Blk 15, Balboa Isl T,a r Filed by Martineau_Trust App. No. Date M4155 2/10/94 Pequest to ronsider an appeal of App.d 12-21-93 App'd PC doricinn of Mod. Committee's Approved III Denied 0 approval of M 4159 which involves a request to Permit the rnnctrortion of a 9 foot 6 inch high fence & barbecue to anrrnach ; feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback along the alley & within the required sight distance trian Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 at the intersection of two alleys. The Zoning Code prohibits any construction within the rear yard setback or any construction in excess of 3 feet within the sight distance triangle. LOCATION 109 Collins Avenue Legal description NW by Donna J. Hayes Request to permit the constuctionApp.No. Daft of a second floor addition to M 3257 2-10-87 an existing residence which will encroach 5 feet into the re-Approved EI Denied 0 quired 5 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. Said residence is nonconforming in that only one off- street parking space is provided wheras 2 spaces would be istin• • • Amend°ment Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 residence encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot set- back adjacent to the alley. LOCATION 110 Collins Avenue Legal description Filed by Louise Wickham App. No. Date Permit 4' high wrought iron M-2311 10/11/78 fence to encroach 4'6" into the required 5 9-01' Approved 0 Denied )IZI front yard setback (where the Code requires a maximum height of -3'0" within the . front yard setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 112 Collins Ave Legal description Lot 24, B 1 k 1 Filed by ROBERT S. HALDERMAN App. No. Date 706 8-21-73 Approved glx Denied I I permi e conversion a a sma , noncon arm ng garage attached to an existing single family dwelling into a rumpus room, so that only two open parking spaces will remain on the site. (the Ordinance requires two garage spaces). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M LOCATION Legal description Lot 24, Rik 1, Srart 2 Filed by NALDERMAN, ROBERT & ALICE App. No. Date Condt (6-5-73) 660 5-29-73 CONDITIONALLY ApprovedEN Denied 0 permit an existing single family to have a non- -nnformina garage (15 feet deep where the Ora. .quires two 20' deep garage spaces) so as to allo the construction of a room addition in the R-1.5. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 114 Collins Avenue Legal description Lot 23, Block 1, Balboa Island Red byDORIS HALL Replace an existing carport App. No. structure which is proposed to M4414 encroach to the side property line (where a 3 yard setback is required) and to Approved ti encroach 2 feet 10 inches into the required 5 setback along the alley. Date 2/27/96 foot side Denied El foot Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other M OD FtcAll c) Amendment 0 LOCATION Le g al thllcripgm 122 Collins Avenue Lot 19, Block 1 Joe Bradford App. No. Dee Constrn. of first and M-1073 8/31/76 second floor room additions on a single Approved Drini family dwelling that has existing nonconforming_ stairways and landings to the second floor that encroach to both side property lines (where the Ordinance requires 3 foot side yard Over - Filed by Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 OWer Modification setbacks). One of the subject stairways and both landings are proposed to be maintained in conjunction with the proposed room additions. The proposed development also includes the construction of a second floor bay window that encroaches to within 3 feet 6 inches of the front property line (where the Districting Map indicates a 5 foot front yard setback along Collins Avenue). LULA I !UN 218 Collins Ave. Legal description Hied by Martin/Martin Contractors Request to permit alterations App. No. Date and additions to an existing non- M 3115 11-5-85 conforming duplex with only 2 off-street parking spaces where Approved El Denied 3 off street parking spaces are required. The number of bedrooms will remain unchanged in conjunction with the proposed development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 218 Collins Ave. Legal description Lot 19 B1 k. 11 Sec. 3 Bal . Is . R-2 Filed by ANDERSON, Kenneth W. App. No. Date M-36 2-25-1969 Approved tJ Denied El 2 ft. encroachment into required 5 ft. rear yard setback for purpose of allowing a 2nd story proiection over the garage. Veti:eranl oq i f ca tRiasAdivision Us e P e r m it Amendment CICATK,N 303 Collins and 230 Opal egad description Lots 27 & 28 Bl. 12 Bet. 1 Balboa R-2 Island Filed by CIOVANAZZI, Angelo App. No. Date 139 5-4-1961 Approved 0 Denied RAM A realignment of property lines so as to cause 10 feet of Lot 28 to be added to Lot 27 arlance Riser Resubdivision 1153 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 303 Collins Ave./228 Opal Ave. Legal description Lot 27. Blk. 12. Sec 1. BI Tract Filed by Mark Becker App. No. Date CC14 10-10-95 Approved 13 Denied 0 ;onversion of a residential duplex into a two-unit condo- oinium project on property located in the R1.5 District. Viso included is a request to allow the conversion of exist- ing living area to a single car garage with a sub-standard iize Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ItOLATION 308 Coiling I-09A desailAcm lot 9 El. 12 Sec. a B.I R-2 Filed by R F App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M-127 11-4-1969 Approved Lk Denied 0 A 2 car garage to be 15'8" x 17'0" in one area. Variance El Resubdivision 0 °their Modification Use Permit J Amendment 0 CONDITION: Minimum depth of the garage to be 19'0" and the garage door to be widened to accommodate 2 cars. I-tale/41 INIVI JUJU uotgfy riaza time Legal Description Tract 15178 Filed by Colony Apartments (Gannon Design, applicant) App. No. Date M4730 7 -9 -98 Conditionally approved At the 7-9-98 PC Mtg. Approved X Denied fl Request to establish a sign program for the Colony Apartments as required by the Block 800 Planned Community District Regulations. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit II Amendment LI Other: Modification Permit LOCATION 5100 Colony Plaza Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 136/22 -23. R612 Filed by Gan no n De_sion App. No. Date M4550 4-8-97 Approved al Denied 0 Temporary real estate (screen wall) sign with graphics that will exceed the size and height of temporary real estate signs allowed by code. The screen wall sign will code limits he height to 4 feet T134 area of the sign Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other includes copy and graphics and totals 250 sq.ft., where the Code allow 1.5 sq.ft. The total linear feet of the Proposed sign is 82 feet which curves around the corner at Santa Barbara and San Clemente Dr. The location of the screen wall sign is approximately 14 feet back from $the property line, on prOperty located in the P-C District LOCATION 202-04-06 COLTON & 203-205-07-09 Toga! description Lots 4,5,6,7,11 12 & LUGONIA 13, Block 6 of Seashore Colony TR Filed by PROPERTIES WEST INC. App. No. Date 817 7-23-74 Approved El Denied 0 A YerLicAll on ) witHlafAvn-I -MC enUret./67› -rn Atomic/4 brr Variance 0 Other M Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 208 & 210, 207- 209- 211 Colton St. Legal description Lots 9 and 10, Block 6, and Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 7. Seashore Colony Tract Filed by STAN ABLVAN CONDITIONS: App. No. Date 1. That a 10 foot front yard be established. 323 6-1-72 2. All street imrove- Approved Ea Denied C ments and dedications required by the Public Works Department be made. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment a LOCATION 211 Colton St., Legal description Lots 7 & 8 Bl. 7 Seashore Col. Tr. C-1-11 Filed by MC KINNEY, C. H. App. No. Date 641 7-7-1960 Approved In Denied 0 Detached garage on the front one-half of lot. Variance El Other Resubdivision El Use Permit Et Amendment Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Block 1 , Tract 2. Variance a Niww Amendment 0 CKIATN3N 301-303-307-309-311-313-317-319 Colton and egat dewa*Maa entire block on Colton between Sunset Dr. and prospect, Newport Beach. (See reverse side 6or legal description) Fled by Ayggs, Frank H. & Son. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 636 3-2-1961 Approved xfila Denied 0 Encroach 5' into a required 10' rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a single family dwelling on each lot & a fence in excess of 6' in height on the rear llowi lots: 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 & 10 •• Legal Description: Lots 1,2,4,5,6,7,9 & 10 Block 13 Tract 772 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 & 14 Block 25 Tract 772 Zone R-3 CONDITION The fence to be 6' above the grade established by the Public Works Department for Canal Street. LOCATION 329 Colton Legal description Lot 8, B1 k 13, Tr 77Z Flied by EDWARD A. POORE App. No. Date 630 5-3-73 CONEFFUIJNA LLY Appmnd Denied 0 cV:e4ri i:ce Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 329 Colton Ave NB Legal description Lot 8, Blk 13, Tr 772 Filed by EDWARD A. POORE App. No. Date 630 4 -3 -73 Approved rg Denied 0 permit a l' 2" side yard setback for a new single family dwelling where the Ord. requires 3' in thE B-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 415 uolton st. Legal descriOkm portions ot Lot 5 & Lot b, 131k. e5, iract 772 Rod by Richard W. Selby App. No. Date M4409 1-6-96 Approved lJ Denied 0 As-built construction of a covered spa to encroach 7 teet 6 inches into the required 10 foot rear yara setback, as well as an as-built patio cover to encroach 1 foot b inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 405 & 407 Columbus Circle Legal deuripRonLot 62, Tract No. 1237 Filed by Ronald Centra Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved resubdivision which R 950 9/19/91 permitted the conversion of an existing duplex into a two unit residential Approved 0 Denied 4M Condominium development. The proposed amendment involves a request to revise Condition No. 4 of the previous approval, so as to delete the requirement for separate sewer connectiol for each unit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 423 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 405-407 Columbus Circle Legal description Lot 62, Tra6E712-3-7 Filed by Ronald Centra Request to convert an existing App. No. Date duplex into a residential UP3408 2-21-91 condominium project on property located in the R-2-8 District. Approved Ej Denied E] Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 17I Am endm ent 0 LOCATION 405-407 Columbus Circle Legal description Lot 62, Tract 1 / Filed by Ronald Centra Request to resubdivide an exist- App. No. Dee ing lot into a single parcel of R950 2-21-91 land for resdential condo- minium purposes on property Approved 13 Denied 0 located in the R-2-B District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 405 Columbus Circle Legal description Lot 62 Tract 1237 R -2 -B Filed by WEBER Mrs. Virginia App. No. Date 83 1 -7 -1960 Approved 111 Denied MX Rezone from R -2 -B to R -3 -B Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment DCATION sgirdescription 409 - 411 Columbus rircIP Lots 63 and 64 Ira r t 1217 Filed by PLANNING COMMISSION (Boltz) App. No. Date 157 5-2-1963 Approved a Denied fl Rezone to R-2-B 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment al LOCATION 1800 Commodore Road Legal description Filed by Gary and Catherine Armstros• App. No. Date M 3486 32-20-88 Approved ID Denied 0 Reouest to penitt the construction of a A f nnt high _faingi adjacent to an 18 inch high retaining wall, resulting 3n a total height of 7± feet - above grade in a side yard set' back area aldjarenr to Commodore Road mbere thP mitnir Over Amendment 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other Code limits fences in side yards to no more than 6 feet in height. LOCATION 1848 Commodore Road Legal description Lot 21, Tract 3763 Filed by Robert skversky App. No. Date ?ermit the construction of a 6 M-3606 09/26/89 Foot high fence which will encroach I. ft. 6 in., for a length of 12 Approved El Denied 0 Lt., into the required 20 ft. front yard setback along the jommodore Road property line where the Zoning Ord. limits inch construction to a maximum height of 3 ft. above grade. Variance 0 Resubdivision _in Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 0+er NPDIFTCATIQN .0CATION 1936 Commodore Road .egal description Lot 42 Tract 3C82 Zone R-1—B Filed by McKEE, George R. App. No. Date 385 7-25-57 Approved --nn Denied 0 Encroachment of 6 into required rear yard setback of 22'. Parlance al Resubdivision Use Permit o Amendment El >her LOCATION 2000 Commodore Rd. Legal description Lot 43 - rfact 3082 Zone R -1 —B Piled by ALTMAN, Richard F. App. No. Date 358 4-18-57 Approved E Denied 0 Encroachment of 7' into a required rear yard setback of 22 1 . Variance aq Resubdivision Use Permit D Amendment D Other LOCATION 2021 Commodore Legal description Lot 15 .108 2 Zone B-1-! Filed by M M LR-1)-erd c App. No. Date 1+02_ 9/19/52_ Ca Approved Denied 0 •H'S Setbark of _22 1 Variance Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION Legal description 2027 Commodore Road James Hotchkiss Filed by App. No. Date Permit: 1.) installation M-2268 7112/78 of spa eqiipment to the rear property line (where Approved h Denied 0 the Code requires not less than 5'0" to the rear property line for location of pool equipment); 2.) constrn. of patio structure to encroach 1'0" into both northwest & southeast side yard setbacks (where the Code requires OVPr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 6'0" side yard setbacks); and 3.) constrn. of a 6'0" high wall within the rear yard setback imhere the Code permits a maximum height of 6'0" in the rear yard setback). LOCATION 2063 Commodore Rd. Legal description Lot 28, Tract 3082 Filed by David Reigel Dares -Fed the eyraaaina Of an App. No. Date exiating ba*hrnran tn M-3004 11-20-84 siyntoo"oztlieny_side_yard cpt _ Approved ED Denied ED back-area- Resubdivision Q Use Permit CI Amendment 0 Variance nsken. LOCATION 2v3 roan:Wore Rd Legal description Lot 28, Tract 10R2 Filed by c ur t lc g I indA A Good App. No. Date M4442 5-14-96 Approved EI Denied 0 Conctrurtinn of a retaining wall/fence along portions of the rear and gide property linec (7 foot retaining wall topped wh ere the Zoning Code rnnctrizction to a inavimum height of 1 feet Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment Co ra Ave. LOCATION 106 Coral Avenue Legal Description L ot 26, Block 5 Section 2 Balboa Island Filed by George and Suzanne Woods App. No. Date M4647 1 -13 -98 Approved X Denied To permit additions and alterations to an existing dwelling that is nonconformingbecause it does not provide the required number of parking spaces and a portion of the existing dwelling encroaches from 1 ft. 3 inches to 2 ft. 3 inches into the 3 ft. side yard setback. The specific request includes deleting a bedroom on the first floor and relocating it to the second floor with no net increase in the number of habitable rooms. Variance J Resubdivision fl Use Permit Amendment fl Other: Modification LOCATION 114 Coral Ave., Balboa Island Legal description tot 21 Block 5 Serti on 7 R -7 Filed by SMITH q Donald App. No. Date 478 11 -20 -58 Approved fl Denied El Construct an additional bath & bedroom to existing non- conforming house :Lxisting dwelling is non-conforming du to abisenee of garage CONDITION: Establahntent of a legal carport or garage on rear of property. Variance El Resubdivision D Use Permit 2 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Lewd desaiption 115-B Coral Lot 10 Bl. 4 B.I. Sec. 2 R-2 Filed by ALLIN Ralph W. App. No. Date M-152 2-3-1970 Approved fl Denied 0 Second story to encroach 21/2 ft. into required rear yard setback. CONDITION: 2nd story projection to maintain 8' ground clearance. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DOW Modification CXIATION 117 Coral Ave., Balboa Island egal description Lot 11 B1.4 Sec. 2 Bal.Is. R-2 CREAMER, Michael & Patricia App. No. Date 656 7-6-1961 Approved 0 Denied 131C Encroach 2' into required 5' rear yard setback, on second story only, for the purpose of making an addition to an existing single family dwelling. 'ariance >flier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 118 Coral Avenue Legal Description Lot 21, Block 5, Section 2, Balboa Island Filed by Miller Time Family Ltd. Partnership App. No. Date M4645 1 -13 -98 Approved X Denied LI To permit two required tandem parking spaces to be 8 ft. 4 inches wide where the code requires 8 ft. 9 inches, in conjunction with the construction of a new garage and apartment over the garage. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment Li Other: Modification LOCATION 120 Coral Ave Legal description Filed by • Kirby A. & Patricia Calt App.No. Rcqucct to permit the conctruc tion of a cccond floor addition M 3500 to an cxicting nonconforming Approved El Denied 0 theN-mi ir3pal Code-ariirns-thet the require par • • Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Date 3 -14 -89 LOCATION 124 coral Avenue, Balboa Isl and Legal description Lot 18, Block 5, Sec. #3, Balboa Island Flied by Jack S. Seigfried App. No Date M -223 8 -18 -1970 Approved tg Denied 0 Approved modification tor the encroachment only with and an 8 foot vertical - clearance for the encroachment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Offer I1/41 tli firatjon Amendment 0 • anance • Other Resu !vision • se Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 12c rnral Ave Legal description l ot l, Rik 4 SPC 2 BI Filed by Rick Herrera App. No. Date M4264 11-22-94 Approved 51 Denied 0 Request to permit the as-built construction of a 12 foot high gazebo which encroaches 1 foot 6± in. into the re- auired 3 ft. side yard setback, with a related eave which encroaches to within 6 in. of the side property line, wher • I II II I II • LOCATION 126 Coral Ave Legal description Lot 17. Blk 5 Balboa Island Ned by Ian Harrison App. No. Date M4348 8 -22 -95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the ennstrurtinn of additions and alter- ations to an existing single family dwelling which current ly enrrnartuas 4 feet into the required 10 font front yard setback. The proposed additions conform to the Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Or requirements of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. WaLAHVN Legal description 202 Coral Lot 17 Bl. 7 Sec. 3 B.I. R-2 Filed by RONAN, Mr. & Mrs. App. No. Date M -10 11 -5 -1968 Approved n Denied Permit second story over a garage to project—r into the required rear yard setback. CONDITION: The second story shall have a ground clearance of not less than 8 feet. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 ()ther Modi fi cati on Amendment 0 LOCATION 202 Coral Legal description Lot 17 Bl. 7 Sec. 2 Balboa Is.Tr. R-2 Filed b LONG Seward M. App. No. Date 605 4-21-1960 Approved El Denied El Add a fireplace to an existing dwelling which is non conforming because of the absence of a usable garage. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 203 Coral Ave., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 2 Blc. 8, SEct. 2 Balboa Island •Ned by Kenneth W. Anderson REquest to permit a required thiAPP-N°- Date parking space in a side yard M-2620 11/12/80 to be 8' wide x 17' -6" long where the Code requires a 9'-4" x Approved lj Denied 0 19' space in conjunction with the conversion of an existing single family residence to a duplex. MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 204 Coral Ave. Fled by Douglas L Salisbury Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of a gazebo which will en- M 3220 9-30-86 croach 3 feet into the required 3 ft. side yard setback, the ex- Approved Ei Denied 0 pansion of the existing nonconforming residential structure to encroach2 ft. J in. into the required 3 ft. side yard setback where a storage shed currently exists, the installation of a fireplace which will encfroach to Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment within 1 ft. of the side poroperty line where the Zoning Code requires that a 2 ft. setback be maintained, - and the structural alteration of an existing nonconforminc wall of the residence which encroaches 6 in. into the required 3 ft. side yard setback. 204 Coral Legal description Filed by Douglas L. Salisbury Regime 1-n permit alteratinns nf App.No. Date -an-ax4stiug-inceacoatocre4ng-resleM3155 4-29-86 ciAn c a whi c b will result in the rreatinn nf the garage in an Approved Denied 0 existing arressnry building whirh enrrnarhes 1 feet intn the required 1 fnof side yard set hark and 4 feet 5 in intn the required S fnnt rear yard sethark The parking spare fn he rteaten Will have a near length of 1R feet athrfanante gatdiwzofietr etleboegir Among-an) 0 Other vqe Also proposed is a carport which will encroach 3 feet into the required 3 foot sideyard setback and 4 feet 6 inches into the required 5 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. The application also includes a request to permit structural alterations to the noncon- forming front protion of the residence which encroaches 2 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback. Lta.../k I !UN 206 Coral Street, Balboa Island Legal description Lot #3 - Tract Section #2 - Block #8 - Balboa Island Filed by J.Ra y Construction Co. for Stephen Dunwell App. No. Date M -255 12 -1 5 -1 970 Approved Ej Denied 0 1. A covenant, satisfactory to the Bldg. Dept. shall be filed with the City Attorney relative to the number of dwelling units permitted. 2. The sink (shown as "Rough in wet bar" on the plans) shall be eliminated. Variance 0 Resu 6division 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 205 Coral Ave., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 3 Block 8 Section 2 Balboa Liss_ Filed by PARTCH, Virgil F. App. No. Date 71 8 -21 -52 Approved El Denied 0 to allow a 2 1 6" overhang on garage apartment on alley side. Variance ER Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 206 Coral Ave. Legal description Lot 15 Block 7 Balboa Is. R-2 Filed by PERRY, David G. App. No. Date 577 1-7-1960 Approved Ail Denied 0 Major alterations to an attic and roof on a building which is non-conforming because of side yard setbacks. CONDITION: The attic to be used for storage only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fot Amendment 0 OCATION egal description 715 coral Ave Lot 8 Bl. 8 Sec. 2 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by \gm HERZEN C. P. App. No. Date 738 5-4-1961 Approved Denied [] Enclose an existing porch on a residence which is non conforming because it does not have a garage. ariance 0 Wier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [Ex Amendment 0 LOCATION 217 Coral Avenue Legal description Lot 9 Bl. 8 Sec. 2 B.I. R-2 Filed by SUTHERLEN, Maxine App. No. Date M-209 6-9=1970 Approved ja Denied 0 a 2 1/2 foot encroachment into the required rear yard (alley) setback. CONDITION: Maintain 8' clearance at the project- ing area. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Othe±L_Kadincau.04 LOCATION 220 Coral Avenue Legal description Lot TO in . 7 'Sec. T Bal .Is. R-2 Fled by SHOEMAKER, Mm. M. App. No. v-905 Date 9 -7 -1967 Approved 0 Denied gl ft side yard instead of the 3 ft. required. Variance Kg x Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit :1 Amendment 0 LOCATION 921 Ca_ral • Balboa Island Legal description lot 27, Block B. Sec. #2, B.I. Ned by Sam Ferraris App. No. Date M-380 9-21-1971 Approved 0 Denied x Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other . . . Amendment C LOCATION 223 Coral Avenue Legal description Lot 26 Bl, 8 Sec. 2 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by SCHWAB. Warren E. App. No. Date 755 7-18-1963 Approved 0 Denied a Use a 7'5" x 16'9" garage in connection with a proposed second dwelling, unit on an R-2 lot. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 22 7 cnr.a.1 AyinnuP Legal description lot 24 B1 8 Sec. 3 Bal.Is. Traci R-2 Filed by MAXWELL. William App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over 1352 4-18-1968 Approved ill Denied 0 Construct a 2 story garage apartment addition to an existing nonconforming dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [74 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: t. That the nonconforming eave encroachment over the public right of way be brought to within the property line. 2. That all new construction conform to required setbacks. LOCATION '102 rtere Legal description Lot 2, Bit_ 16, cer 3, Balboa Island Filed by Pelican Flevelnfutv*nt App. No. Date £44214 7 -5 -94 Approved AZI Denied 0 Request to permit additions Z alterations tn an existing duplex which provides 2 on-site parking spares, where the Zoning Code requires 3 parking spares Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 305 Coral, Balboa Island Legal description Tot 33 R1 15 cec 3 _Ral.Ts. 11 -2 Filed by RROOKS, Paul App. No. Date 841 2-4-1965 Approved 0 Denied AD A 3'7" rear yard setback instead of required 5', for second story only. Variance ERI Other Resubdriasion fl Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 307 Coral Ave. Legal description Lot 32, Block 15, Section 3 Balboa Island Red by John & Ann Algeo Requested alterations to an App. No. Date •existing duelex that is non-M-2753 3=23-82 conforming in that only 2 parking spaces are provided where 3 park-Approved M Denied 0 ing spaces are required, and to permit a distance between buildings of 9'-b"I Where the Code require§ a 1u separation between structures. MUDIFILAI ION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 314 Coral Ave., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 8 Block 16 Section 3 Bal.ls. Filed by FREELY, Ethel R App. No. Date 34 9-24-51 Approved El Denied 0 Permission to overhand 30" with second floor Variance 121 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El UJLAWN 322 Coral Legal description Lot 12 Bl. 16 Sec. 3 B.I. R-2 Filed by UHL I K, R. V. App. No. Date CONDITION (Oyer) M-122 10-14-1969 Approved U Denied 0 A 2.5 foot encroachment into required b toot rear yard setback for second story only. Variance U Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Dther Modification Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved, subject to maintenance of 8' ground clearance for portion encroaching into the setback area. LOCATION 327 Coral Avenue Legal description Lot 22, Block 15, Section 3 of the Balbc Isle Subdivision P.C. Denied 9-9-93 C.C. Denied 10-25-9 Filed b y Terry & Diane Peets App. No. Date Request to permit an as-built V 1192 9/9/93 alteration to an existing single family dwelling which has resultedAppnwed 0 Denied El in the structure exceeding the allowable gross floor area of 1.5 times the buildable area of the site, on property located in the R-1.5 District. Variance QIX Other X Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 330 Coral Ave., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 15 Block 16 Filed by SMITH, Andrew W. App. No. Date WITHDRAWN by 171 applicant 10-11-5 Approved El Denied 0 2nd floor 30" overhand on alley at rear of property in an R-2 Dist. Variance In Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1300 Coral Ylgce Newport Beach Legal description Lot n Tract 1220 Zone R-3 Filed byan_s_a_s_ Downing App. No. Date 293 2-21-57 Approved XI Denied 0 Construction of five dwelling units on one R-3 lot. Variance 0 Resubd ivision 0 Use Permit [3 Amendment Other LOCATION 1 400-1500-1600-1700 -1800-02•04 - 1nno-n9-04 Legal description 2000 -02 -04 - 2100 -09 -04 coral Place Lots 3-10 incl Tract 1220 Filed by HOLSTEIN, neorge M ITT App. No. Date (CONDITION)Over 142 5-20-54 Approved J Denied 0 Multiple dwellings in excess of three single family units to be constructed as twenty four (24) units on a pnrrel consisting of R subdivided lots and to conform with required setbacks in an R-3 district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment Buildings to be located as per plot plan which is a part of this Use Permit with architecture and floor plan of units as per Cliff May Ranch House Plan #2115 LOCATION 2110 Coral Place Legal description Lot 2 Tract 1220 Zone R -3 Filed by DOWNING ,Saa, App. No. Date 374 10-17-57 Approved ral Denied ‘onatruction of 5 dwelling units on a R-3 lot. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit E Amendment Other LOCATION Legal description 1701-H Corinthian Way - • • Filed by VALUE. CLLANta(b, INL. App. No. Date Request to establish a UP 3068 10/20/83 commercial dry cleaners on Property located in Retail Approved EY Denied 0 Commercial Site No. 1 (MacArthur Square Shopping Center) of the Newport Place P -C. Variance EJ Other Amendment D Resubdivision Use Permit El LOCATION 1701 Corinthian Way Legal deuriOkm Lot 1, Tract 7770, on the s.e. corner of Corinthian Way & Scott Dr. in MacARthur Sq. Filed by Ming Chun Cha Req. to establish a take-out App. No. Date Chinese restaurant with home UP3311 3-24-88 delivery on property located on Retail Commercial Site 1 in Approved Irtenied 0 Newport Place PC. Incl. a request to waive a portion of the req. off-st. parking spaces Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion D Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 1701_c Corinthian Way Legal chisempfion Lot 1. Tract No. 7770 App. No. Date Request to permit a change in the M3676 4/3/90 operational characteristics to allow the addition of seating Approved 13 Denied 0 in oonfunction with an existing specialty food use Previously established by Use Permit No. 3311 in the Vewport Place Planned Community District. Variance 0 Othr Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 Rind by M i ng rtuul_cha LOCATION 1 cormorant Court Legal description Lots 1-53, Tract No. 12529, Lots 1-43, Tract No. 12530 and Lots 1-50, Tract No. 12212, comptisi: all of the Residential Area 2 of Bayview PC on the west Mid by J. M. Peters side of Bayview Req. to amend the Planned Comm. App. No. Date of the Bayview PC to establish A644 1-8-87 provisions which allow the construction of improvements Approved RI Denied E] such as trellis and beamconstruction, patio covers, and pools and spas within reciprocal side yard easement areas. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 22 Cormorant Circle Le al Descri tion Lot 11 Tract 12528 Filed By: Lot 11, Tract 12528 Application No. Date Modification 5133 9-20-2000 Approved: X Denied: To allow the construction of trellis patio cover that encroaches one foot into the side yard setback and measures approximately 10 feet 2 inches in overall height where the Bayview Planned Community District Regulations limit the height of such structures to a maximum height of 9 feet Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: LOCATION 1501-1507-1515-1571 Cornwall -lane Legal description Lots 1,7,1 & 4 Tract 1896 and Por.t.or 1 • II Filed by SPARLING, John R. App. No. Date 1043 5-21-1964 Approved 0 Denied xin A planned residential development. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gx Amendment 0 LOCATION 1501-1507-1515-1521 Cornwall Lane Legal description Lots 1. 2 3 & 4 Tract 1896 and Por.Lot 1 Tract 1396 R-3 Filed by SPARLING, John R. App. No. Date 813 5-21-1964 Approved 0 Denied AR Waiver Of maximum building coverage by 26%. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Corona Highlands Legal description Lot 61 Tract 1227 Filed by CASS, Harold App. No. Date 51 4-17-52 Approved 0 Denied pc 1)front yard in excess of 35' maximum as req*d. under 9103.25(a) and 2) rear yard less than Variance p Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 307 Coronado Legal description Lot 46 Block C Newport Bay Tract R-3 Filed by FREEBORN, Francis M. & Gladys R. App. No. Date 537 8-6-1959 Approved IR Denied lEI Addition of a bathroom to a non -conforming building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit [RI Amendment IEI LOCATION 315 Coronado St. Balbo a Legal description Lot 42 Block C Newport Bay Tr, Zone R-3 Filed by Byron E. Wells App. No. Date 364 9-19-57 Approved M Denied 0 Alteration of garage on a non —conforming dwelling. CONDITTON• New addition to garage must conform with the side yard setback as required under the zoning ordinance. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 124 Amendment 0 Other VI OM' e •ermit fl Amendment fl esu•pinion Other LOCATION 319 Coronado St. Legal description Lot 40, 81k C , Newport Ray Tract Filed by Robert .1 _Kruip App. No. Date M4512 11 -13 -96 Approved a Denied 0 Ac-built construction of a 7 foot 3 inch high fence (5 foot inch solid, 1 font 6 inch lattice) which encroaches approximately 3 feet 6 inches into the required 5 foot rear _yard setback along the alley, and is also located along the • construction to 6 feet in height. OCATICIN 323 Coronado St. "vat description Lot 38 Sub.of Block C Zone R-3 Fled by SWAN, Mr. & Mrs. V. W. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 714 2-16-1961 Appmmi XM Denied Relocate kitchen, remodel front And other interior remodeling to a 2 unit residence which is non conforming because of only 1 garage. Variance 0 )ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Dr); Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That two garages or carports be provided to meet zoning regulations. 2. That the non conforming stairway in the rear be removed. 3. That when the new addition is completed, there will be only 2 kitchens. 4. That the building be brought into conformity with Building Department regulations. CONDITIONS Amended on Sept. 7, 1961 411, 1. That the two car garage which has been restored to its original condidon be acceptable 2. That the non-conforming stairway in the rear be permitted to remain as is. 3. That prior to final inspection by the Building Department, the kitchen on the second floor should be completely removed, the drain board and sink removed, and the plumbing cut off inside the wall and plastered over. UDCASK)N CORPORATE PLAZA P-C Legal desekam Property bounded by East Coast Hwy, Newport Center Drive, Farallon Dr & Avocado Ave. in Corporate Plaza Planned Community Red by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date A 784 12-13-93 Request to amend the PC Dist. Res. 93-96 Regs for the Corporate Plaza P-C Approved rig Denied 0 so as to establish medical offices as a permitted IMP , to allow the remaining 79,847 sq ft of permitted Hpvelop- ment to be used for medical office purposes: other misrel revisions to the P-C Text and Plans4 and the acceptance of an environmentalAcUMent Variance 0 TS#88 Resubdrosion Er the Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Corporate Plaza P.C. Legal description Filed by Birtcher Campbell Reques to amend the Corp. Plaza App. No. P.C. Dev. Plan so as to revise A 693 Date 12-7-89 a portion of the interior vehicular circulation. Also in- Approved 10 Denied cludes various changes to the P.C. text so as to make the development allocations consistent with the Land Use Element of theGeneral Plan and to make minor changes to the dev. standards to include elimination of the site coverage provisions & phased development regairemente„ Variance 0 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ./gP€7fl - LOCATION Corporate Plaza West Legal description Northwest corner of Coast hwy & NeWpurt Center Dr. Filed by The IrYine_COMPADY App. No. Date A 755 CC - 4-27-92 Approved El Denied 0 Request to repeal Ord. 91-47, which adopted the CorporatE Plaza West P-C and amend a portion of Dist. Map 48 so as to reclassify property from the P-C District to the Open Space (0-5) & Unclassified (U) Districts Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 ( Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 _OCATION Legal description #3 Corporate Plaza Filed by Chazan Construction Lompany App. No. Permit a maximum 13' M-2246 5A178 encroachment into a 30'0" setback established Approved EY Denied 0 by the Corporate Plaza Planned Community District Regulations. Variance 0 Resuladivision fl. Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ti car on LOCATION 4 Corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by Western Federal savings App. No. Date M 3340 11-3-87 machine en —a tract , clne` 1 nclwa feet i ptn Approved0 Denied rerin I roil- 30 font sethAnk adjacent fn Cnrpnratp P1 a7a Dri ve Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description #4 Corporate Plaza Filed by ng oan App. No. Date 'emit 12' + encroachment M-2253 6/6/78 into east side yard setback ;where the Planned Community Approved ta Denied 0 lext requires a 25' side yard setback). Variance 0 Other Resubtlivism D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ModTfication LOCATION #5 corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by San Diego Federal Savings & Loan App. No. Date Permit minor M-2233 4/4/78 encroachments into the front side and rear Approved CI Denied 0 setbacks as required by the Corporate Plaza Planned Community regulations. Variance 0 Other Rest, bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 6-11, 19 and 20 Corporate Plaza Legal description Lots 6-11, 19 and 20, and a portion of Parcel B of PM 93-45-46,Resub 465, on the no.east corner of ECH & Newport Center Dr. in Corporate Plaza Ried by The Irvine Company Req. to approve a vested resub App. No. Date to create six numbered parcels V Reship 880 8-18-88 for office develop and parking and one lettered parcel for off Approved id Denied 0 street parking and circulation purposes where eight parcels currently exist, on property ih the Corporate Plaza PC Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7 Corporate Plaza Legal description Parcels 6 of parcel map in book 93 Filed by sovereign Bancorp Ltd. Request to resubdivide two existiiapp. No. Date parcels into a single parcel of R 989 10/14/92 land for office development, on property located in the Corporate Approved In Denied 0 Plaza Planned Community. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision la Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 417,4t8 corporate Plaza Legal description Parcels No. B, ianaH, parcel nap 93-46 Filed by The Irvine company App. No. Date Rarplept tn permit the LLA-90-2 3/6/90 adjngtment of lot lines between three parcels in Approved El Denied 0 the rorporate Plaza Planned romminity. Variance 0 Resubcinnsion Q Use Permit 0 Other LLA Amendment 0 LOCATION 8 Corporate Plaza • Legal description Parcel 8 of Parcel Map 93-45, located at 8 Corporate Plaza, on easterly boundary of Corp. Plaza P.C. adjacent to the future extension of Avocado Ave. RUA by Baldwin Company Request to amend the Corporate App. No. Daft Plaza Planned Community Develop- A 710 6/11/90 ment Plan so as to raise the approved pad elevation on Site NoAppmwed El Denied 0 8 from Elevation 126 to Elevat-on 128. Variance Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment a LOCATION 8 and 9 Corporate Plaza Legal Description Parcels 7,9, 10, 11, 12, 19,20 and B of Parcel Map Book 93, Page 46 Filed by The Keith Companies (Patrick Osborne, contact) App. No. Date LLA 97-08 1114197 Approved X Denied To permit the adjustment of interior property lines between four parcels of land under the same ownership to accommodate the proposed construction of two commercial buildings, on property located in the PC District. Variance fl Resubdivision • Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 8 & 9 Corporate Plaza Legal Description Parcels 7,9, 10, 11, 12, 19,20 and B of Parcel Map Book 93, Page 46 Filed by The Keith Companies, (Patrick Osborne, contact) App. No. Date M4616/M4617 11 -4-97 Approved X Denied Li To permit an encroachment of 2 feet 8 inches into the required 30 foot east setback between interior property lines, and to encroach 9 feet 9 inches into the required 25 foot south setback between interior property lines, in conjunction with the construction of .a. new commercial building. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment [j,.. n..... RAnA nCr.finn LOCATION 14 Corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by Enterprise Construction, Inc. App. No. Permit the constrn. of a M-2255 new office building with an Date 7/12/78 18 ,0' encroachment into the required 50'u" setback. Approved Fj Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LAMIAJN #I5 corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by Farallon Development Company App. No. Date Permit encroachments M-2230 4/18/78 into setbacks as established by the Approved NA Denied 0 Corporate Plaza Planned Community Regulations. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 16 Corporate Plaza Legal Description Parcel 16 of Parcel Map Book 93, Page 45 Filed By: Jeff Erickson of Gensler Architects Application No. Date No. 5093 05-24-00 Approved: X Denied: To permit the expansion of existing surface parking to encroach to within 9 feet of the building footprint where the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Regulations specify a minimum of 25 feet. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: MODIFICATION .0CATION fit corporate viaza .egal description Filed by Home Savings & Loan App. No. Date Permit 95' earroachment M -2225 4/4/78 into t he side_ yard setback (parking lot Approved El Denied 0 side) (whiere the Corporate Plan Planned Community regulations require a 2Y cethark) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 17 Corporate Plaza Legal description Parcel No, 17, Parcel Map 117-15 Filed by LFC Clearing House App. No. Date 144289 2-28-95 Approved jJ Denied 0 Reauest to permit a primary tenant sign_with lettering whic ji_saifliSiabilktteath_e_e_o_raat Plaza Planned Community Ordinance limits primary tenant signagc to 2 FeeL in IL) The dPP I cant al so propel.% Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other a secondary tenant sign with lettering which is 18 inches in height (where the Corporate Plaza Planned Comm. Ord. limits secondary signage to 16 inches in height). .00ATION -egal description 18 Corporate Plaza Filed by Evergreen, Ltd. App. No. Date Request to create one R-577 3/2/78 parcel of land for office condominium Approved IZI Denied 0 development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 22 Corporate Plaza Legal Description Parcel 19, Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision Filed By: The Irvine Company Application No. Date A 889 PC 10/7/99 CC 10/25/99 Approved: X Denied: Transfer of Development Rights from Fash . on Island Planned Community and Block 600 of Newport Center to Corporate Plaza Planned Community District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X 1 Amendment: LOCATION 22 Corporate Plaza Legal DescriDti Parcel 19 Block 93 of Irvine Subdivision -I Filed By:The Irvine Company _ TT. — -Applcation No. Date Ailactz /a/r7 -1,747 _ A889-0.1n.60_1‘ PC to 1- gq CC t o Is. orq Approved:X Denied: Transfer of Development Rights from Fash -on Island Planned Community and Block 600 of Newport Center to Corporate Plaza Planned Community District Variance: I Resubdivision: TUse PermitX AmendmentX Other: LA.Ft.O.11•JOI 22 corporate rtaza Legal Description Parcel 19, Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision Filed By: The Keith Companies, Inc. Application No. Date LLA 99-18 1-26-2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit the adjustment of four interior property lines on two parcels of land in order to locate the parking spaces for the proposed new office building in the common lot Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other:Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) LOCATION 21, 22, 23 and 26 Corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by The Irvine Company Request to permit the minor a terAPP- Nch Date ations of the location of build- M 3298 6-23-87 -incl—fautprinm_thaae_prz- vided under the Corporate Plaza Approved J Denied 0 _PI4nEn standar ds- Varance Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 23 Corporate Plaza Legal description Parcels No. B and 20, Parcel Map 93-46 Filed by The Irvine Compan y App. No. Date Request to permit the adjustment LI,P, -90-1 2-6-90 of a lot line between two parcels in the Corporate Plaza Communit y Approved Ea Denied El District Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 21 and 22 Corporate Plaza Legal description Filed by ThP Tryine Cnmpany Request to permit alterations App. No. Date of the location of building M 3344 11-24-87 footprints from those provided under the Corporate Plaza P lanned Approved GI Denied 0 Community District standards. Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other Wt." I ILOINI Legal description Filed b C•t App. No. Date Request to amend the Planned A-531 5-10-79 Community Development Standards for Corporate Plaza so as to Approved a Denied 0 permit additional signs within the PlannedCommunity. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 3024 and 3030 CORTE HERMOSA Legal description Red by BREN COMPANY Request to adjust a lot line between contiguous lots to be utilized for single family residnetial purposes App. No. Date N.3.L.L.A.87 -10 12/29/87 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LULAIION 2070 Corte Hermosa and 2960 Corte Portofino Legal description Filed by BREN COMPANY Request to adjust a lot line App. No. Date between contiguous lots to be L L A 87-9 12-28-87 utilized for single family residential purposes. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 3115 Corte I inda Legal description Lot 83. Tract 12271 Fa" by California Pacific Homes App. No. Date Rea ues t to Demi t the_as-bui lt M4236 9-6-94 construction of a rear yard patio cover which exceeds the Approved fil Denied 0 allowable 400 square foot limit for patio covers. The applicant also requests to permit the as-built construction of an 11 foot 2± in. high _gazebo which encroaches approx. 4 feet into the required 5 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3048 and 1056 Corte Mann Legal description Filed by Bren company Request to adjust a lot line App. No. Date L.L.A. 87 -8 12 -29 -87 Approved 0 Denied 0 between contiguous lots to be utilized for single family residential purposes Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 40 0 c ori-p c circle Legal description Lot AO, Tract No 1237 Filed by jnhn Thompqm POT1PRt to permit the construction App.Nm Date of A hAlcony to encroach 5 feet M3947 11-26-91 fi innhas into the required 15 foot frrint yard setback along Serra Approved cg Denied 0 Drive The balcony will range in height from 6 feet to 15 f Where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance El Other Resubdrosion D Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 4S00 Cortland Drive Legal description Tx* 111, Tract 3519 Filed by Jayne and Carl Klunder App. No. Date Rneplent to permit the M3763 10-16-90 ronstrnotion of a 6 foot high hlork wall to encroach 9 feet Approved 121 Denied 1.3 into the required 15 foot front yard setback along Cortland Drive, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Modification Amendment El Llit-.A I (UN 450/ Cortland Drive Legal description Filed by Siegel App. No. Date Permit 4' high wrought iron M-2412 5/30/79 fence on top of 1' high concrete Nall which encroaches to the Approved Fa Denied 0 rear property line (where the Code requires a 20' rear East Coast Highway setback). Variance Other Resubdeetsion C Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 467D flortl and Drive Legal description tat 112. Tract No. 1519 Filed by rharl ea arid Andrea Morris App. No. Date Request to permit the £43765 10-16-90 ronatrnrti nn of a Monk wall 6 feet in height. to enernarb Approved Q Denied 0 1 2 feet into the recirti red lc foot front yard setback along rnrtland Drive. The Zoning Code limits such ronetrnotion to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification cy27 CA ,V At, LOCATION 4520 Coyrtland, Corona del Mar Legal description LOt 112 of Tract No. 3519 Filed b y Jonn L. Wills App. No. Date Request to permit the construction M-2597 10-7-80 of a 6' brick wall that encroaches 5' into the required 15r front Approved 51 Denied 0 setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other MODIFICATION Amendment 0 LULAIRM 4614 Cortland Drive Legal description Filed by Paul H. Reed App. No. Date M 3402 5-10-88 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 6 foot high front yard fence which will encroach 9 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback where the Municipal Code limits the height of front yard fences to not more ariance Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4615 cortlapd Legal description La* 120, 'Pr 1519 App. No. Date Requested to pgrmit construction 14 _2953 4 -24-84 of a 5' high wro ght iron fence along the smith side Property Approved Ig] Denied 0 line and replacement of an existing 5'-6" high block and _glass wall so as to conform to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for swimming pool fences. The Filed by Phillip Brower the -25 £LLILLL y Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 . . L. SOH SS Lo setback area adjacent to E. Coast Hwy. where the Zoning Code limits the height of fences to 3 feet. LOCATION 4615 Cortland Drive Legal description Lot 120 Tract 3519 Filed by SHIPPAM, Cecil H. App. No. Date Section 9105.4(h) 8-19-1965 Approved XM Denied 0 An accessory building (9' x 12' greenhouse) on front one-half of lot. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4709-4839 Cortland Dr. Legal description, I ntc 2 -13, Traft 35 19 • Filed by Cortland Noisewall Trust App. No. Date M3928 2 -b -92 by PC Approved $51 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a retaining wall 11 feet 6 in.± in height above natural grade, topped by a tempered glass windscreen 3 feet 10 inches± in height, for an overall height of 15 feet 4 inches±. Said wall is to inrateri on 12 cpritignous lots tn within 19 feet of the Variance 0 Resubdivismn Q Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other front property line adjacent to E. Coast Hwy., where Districting Map No. 33 establishes required front yard setbacks ranging from 30 feet to 38 feet, and the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. LOCATION 1 Country Club Drive Legal Description Lot J of Tract 15332, and Lots A and 1 of Tract 15388 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4779 9-22-98 Appproved:X Denied: To permit the construction of two street entry walls that will exceed the 10 foot permitted height by 10 inches. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification C our-i- Ave LOCATION 1905 Court Lve Legal description Lot 23 Block 19 1st Add. to NB Zone R-4 Filed by VERA McCARTV PORTSMOUTH App. No. Date 348 3-21-57 Approved ti Denied D Encroachment of -214tt Into a required rear yard setback of 5' for 2nd floor overhang only . Variance E Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1906 Court Street Legal description Lot 4, Block 119, 1st Addn to Newport Bch. Piled by R. F. Van Kolken 1. Approval of this request App. No. Date shall not preclude compliance with any building code in effect 1001 5-20-1971 at the time this variance is Approved 13] Denied C exercised. 2. The existing curb cut on Court Street shall be closed. 3. That portion of the second story which projects into the required setback shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet. Variance al Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment °thee LOCATION 1912 Court Avenue Legal description Lot 7 81. 119 1st Addn.to Npt.Bch Zone R-3 Pled by PATTERSON, J. Elmer App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 967 4-3-1969 Approved 41 Denied 0 Construct a duplex on a lot having 1875 sq.ft. of land area in an R-3 District where the ordinance requires 2400 sq.ft. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit 0. Amendment la Other Ar”ett.rn.,•/' CONDITION Approval of this request shall not preclude compliance with any building code in effect at$ the time the variance is exercised. LOCATION 1913 Court Street Legal description Filed by Es ther and Alfonso Ortiz App. No. M 3498 Date 1-17 —8 9 Approved g Denied 0 Ilaqaeapermit the construction of a new residence which will have one structural column which will encroac' 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviston Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1916 Court Ave. Legal description Filed by Thomas Wilson Request to permit the constructionAPP.140 . Date of a 10 ft. wide second floor M 3628 11-21-89 cantilevered deck to encroach : ft. 6 in. into the 5 ft. rear Approved 13 Denied 'ard setback (adjacent to the alley) as required by the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1916 Court Ave. Legal description Lot 9. Block 113 ‘t-wort .h . Ned by Lee and Adell Mallory Requested to permit the remodelingkpp.No. Date of an existing nonconforming garage M-2747 2-23-82 of a single family dwelling that encroaches 5' into the required Approved Denied 5' setback adjacent to an alley. The remodeled two-car garage is_proposed to be 15'-5" wide where 17'-6" is required L and one of the parking spaces has a depth of 17' where 19' is required. A 7' high masonry wall is also proposed to be constructed along the westerly side properi Variance J Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment E Other lannirirRnnm el-711.7 line where a maximum height of 6' is permitted. LOCATION 1918 COURT AVENUE Legal description Lot 10, Block119, First Addition to Newport Beach Filed by Russell 14 Olsen App. No. Date UP 3531 5 -19 -94 Request to permit alterations A Approved Et Denied 1:I additions to an existing duplex on property located in the R-1 nistrirt A which provides less than 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit Also includes a modification to the Z.0 tn .allow COnstrurtinn of a new habitable room where an existing habitable room is bein g removed . Variance ID Resubdivision Use Permit fl Amendment El Other LOCATION 1918 Court Avenue Legal desception Lot 10, Block 119, 1st Addition to N.B. Filed by Russell H. Olsen, Sr. App. No. Date Conditioned that the existing curb break and 996 3-4-1971 drive approach be removed Approved )(RI Denied 0 and the sidewalk replaced as approved by the City Engineer. Variance ra Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION segal description 1918 Court Street Lot 10 Bl. 119 1st Addn. to N.B. R-3 Red by OLSEN, Russell H., Sr. App. No. Date rONDTTTONS (Over) xr 6 Ato - R -7--/9L9 883 8-1-1968 Approved x Denied 0 Construct a dnplpx on an R-3 lot having 1875 sq.ct, of land arPa Fariance Nber Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS I. Complete working drawings shall be submittec to the Planning Director for approval within a 1 year period of the effective date of grantal of this variance. 2. The owner covenant with the City that the proposed building shall be used for not more than two dwelling units. 3. The existing curb break and drive approach be removed and the sidewalk replaced as approved by the City Engineer. LOCATION igig CnUrt Street Legal description Lot 10 B1.119 1st Add .Npt . Bch R-3 Filed by OLSEN. Russell H., Sr. App. No. Date 1373 6-6-1968 Approved fl Denied xxizp Structural alterations and additions to a nonconforming building. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit [X] Amendment 0 LOCATION 1919 Court Street, Newport Beach Legal description Lot 16 - Block 19 - First Addition to Newport Beach Filed by H. R. Lanman App. No. Date M -296 3 -23 -1971 Approved TA Denied 0 A minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet shall be maintained between the projecting portion and the driveway surface, and the garage door opening shall be at least eighteen feet wide. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modi fication Amendment 0 LOCATION 1920 Court Street Legal description Lot 11, Block 11, First Add. Newport Bch Red by Steve McNichols Request to permit the construction App.No. Date of a two car garage and a new M-2764 5-11-82 second floor on an existing single family dwelling that Approved 0 Denied 0 encroaches to the westerly side property line where the Code requires a 3' side yard setback. Said garage will naintain a minimum width of 16'-6" at the entrance for a distance of 7'+ at which point the Code requirement to 17'-6" will be met Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFTCATMN WUMICiN 1921 Court Street Legal description Lot 15, Block 19, First Addition of Newport Beach Filed by H. R. Lanman App. No. Dee M -241 10 -27 -1970 Approved g] Denied 0 subject to maintenance of a minimum ground clearance of 8 ft. for the projecting portion. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1925 Court Street Legal description Lot 14, Block 19 of First Addition to Newport Beach Filed by William B. Stine A. APPROVED, that portion App. No. Date requesting a 2'6" second story Projection into the rear yard M-238 10-13-1970 setback was approved subject Approved IA Denied X21 to the condition that an 8 ft. ground clearance be maintained. B. DENIED, that portion requesting a deck projection. 4 ft. side yards must be maintained on both sides. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Lockno N2001 &2003 Court Ave.: 2004 W.OceanFront 6mA description Lota_% 12, 13. and the easterly 10 feet of Tot 11 Block 20 First Addition to Newport Beach iIed EIDOYLE, Jerry D.. and Jacqueline E. CONDITIONS: App. No. Date 1. That a parcel Map be filed. 334 3-2-72 Approved LT Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment (O ver) LOCATION 2001-2003 Court Ave. & 2004 W.Ocean F . Legal desaipthm Lots 3,12,T3 and Por. ot II, 151.20 1-irst Addn. to Npt.13cn K-4 Pending Filed by UUYLL, Jerry U. & Jacqueline App. No. Date LUNutifuNs (see application) 441 2-8-1972 a 5' front yard setIsacg at Art. nerrei nitonF (Ora. requires 20'); a 3 ft. sideyard setback Amendment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 CHIlet Modification 8388y5N8xtgtbaKk setbacks on the northwesterly side of 2003 Court Avenue (Ord. requires 4.4'); 4 foot front yard setback at 2001 and 2003 Court Avenue (Ord. requires 20 feet). LOCATION 2001 and 2003 Court Avenue and Legal description 2004 West Ocean Front Lots 3,12,13 and e'ly 10' of Lot 11, B1:20 1st Add. to N.B. C-T Red by DOYLE, Jerry D. and JacqueTine E. App. No. Date 315 1 -20 -1972 Approved vi Denied Rezone from C -1 to R -4 Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment t LOCATION zuul-zuu3 court street and Legal description 20-04 W. Ocean Front Lots 3,1z,13 and elly 10' of lot 11 ul. Zu, 1st Addn. to Npt. Bch Filed by DOYLE, Jerry D. and Jacqueline E. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica- 1538 tion or Minutes) XXXXXIOXI 7 -1 -1971 Approved al Denied 0 Construct a 7 unit apartment building in the C-1 Dist. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit II] Amendment 0 L-1 LOCATION 2001, 2003 Court Street and 2004 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3, 12, 13 & E'ly 10' of Lot 11,81k 20, 1st Addn. to Newport Beach Red by Verne E. Strang 1. That a parcel maii—be filed. App.No. Date 2. That a sanitary sewer easement be provided in a 300 3-18-1971 manner meeting the approval Approved 0 Denied 0 of the City Engineer. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by STRANG, Verne E. App. No. Date 127 10-6-60 Approved El Denied 0 CCATICM4 2001-03-05 Court St. Newport Beach, Calif. egai description Lots 3,12,13 Por 11 Block 20 1st addition to Newport Beach, Zone C -1 . Creation of c-1 parcel. variance 0 >ther Resubdivision gl Use Permit El Amendment 0 VoCATION 2001-03-05 Court Street & 2004 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3-11-19-11 1l nr1c 90 1 at Addn N.R Cal App. No. Date 7/ 4-/C- r6-414, .C) 31/ PC 0A/ )7J-40 771 /94,/ 544 7-2-1959 Approved El Denied [] 1) Waiver of a portion of off-street parking requirements. 2) Balcony to encroach within l' of side property line 3) A l' front yard setback on Court Street CONDITION:ApPlicant must file resub.app. requesting that lots 3-11-12-13 be made into one parcel. Variance in Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CWhm Red by STRANr, Verne E- LOCATION 200M-03-05 Court St., and 2004 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3-11-12-13 Block 20 1st Addn N.B. C -1 Filed by STRANG, Verne E. App. No. Date T./ S XrktUtED 73,fr )2 c '/c,/.c rip ttlity „;.? /96/ 529 7 -2 -1959 , Approved 55 Denied 0 Construction of 8 apartments with 13 parking spaces on 4 lots (to be combined into one lot) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Di Amendment LocooN 2005-2009 Court Street Legal description Lots 9, TO & por. 11, BIk 20, First Addn to ffewport Beach Filed by William Stine App. No. Date UP-1543 8-19-1971 Approved 0 Denied X 43 Request to permit development of a 16 unit motel in a C-1 District. (Amended to 14 units1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 2007-2009 Court Avenue Legal description Lots 9, 10, 11, 81. 2 0 , 1s t ru—Npt.Bch. C-1 Piled by ST NE , William K. CONDITION (Over) App. No. Date 308 12-2-1971 Approved Er Denied Rezone trom a C-I c1assitication to an R-4 lassification and estabils -n a 4 ontront yard setback. Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment E CONDITION Staff was directed to delay the submission of this amendment to the City Council until such time as Use Permit No. 1570 is utilized and construction begun. LOCATION 2007/2009 Court Avenue Legal description Lots 9, 10- and II, 51. 2u 1st Aaan to Npt. Bch. C-1 Red by blINE, William K. CONDITIONS (Over) App. No. Date 1570 12-2-1971 Approved ti Denied 0 Construct triplexes on 2 lots in the C-I Dist. further request to establish setbacks as toliow! Front yard -4'0"; rear yard - bit)", side yaras 3'0" except for garages which would be zero feet on one side only. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit o Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS. 1. That all conditions of Resub. No. 326 shall be satisfied. 2. That the development shall be in accordanc with the approved plot plan, except for minor modifications approved by the Community Development Department. LOCATION 2007 - 2009 Court Avenue Legal description Lots 9, 10 and 11, B1 . 20, 1 St Addn to Npt.Bch. C-1 Red by STINE, William K. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 326 12 -2 -1971 Approved Er Denied 0 Realign lot lines to create two lots where three lots presently exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment CONDITIONS 1. That a Parcel Map be filed. 2. That a 5' wide Public Utility easement across the rear of the parcels be dedicated. 3. That separate water and sewer services be provided to each parcel. DCATION 2009 Court Street egal description Lots 9,10 & Wly.15' of Lot 11 Bl. 20 1st Addn. to Npt.Bch. C-1 Filed by BRUNO, Ralph N. APPLiCA4/7-72E9UESTED App. No. Date CA A/COLLATIeW ARN 4 4 I e 16-7 CONDITIONS (Over) 877 8-16-1962 Approved fg Denied 0 A pplicant requests permission to have a fee parking lot ariance Niter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That the old building on the premises be removed. 2. That the lay out of the parking lot be approved by the City Engineer. Nan.rpnri-. Reach it • • . LOCATION 2011 Court Street Legal description 0 8 • Zone R- Filed by George T. Reber App. No. Date 308 3-21-:57 Approved 0 Denied A7 DENIED • • • • • building (old jail house Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Eic Amendment Other LOCATION 4709-4839 Cortland Drive Legal description Lots 2-13, Tract No. 3519 Filed by Cortland Noisewall Trust Request to permit the constructioApp.No. Date of side property line walls, M4081 2/2/93 5 feet 4 inches in height, to encroach to within 14 feet of theApproved Di Denied 0 front property line along East Coast Highway, on 12 contiguous lots on Cortland Drive. Said wall will consist of a 16 inch high block wall topped by a 48 inch high tempered glass screen. The Zoning Code limits such Variance Other Resubchrtsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment construction to 3 feet in height within the required front yard setbacks of the subject 12 properties, whose required front yard setbacks range from 30 feet to 38 feet. LOCATION 4709-4839 Cortland Drive Legal description Lets 2-13, Tract 3519 Filed by Cortland Noisewall Trust Request to permit the constructiofipp.Ne. of a retaining wall 11 feet 6 M3928 inches+ in height above natural by the grade, topped by a tempered Approved glass windscreen 3 feet 10 inches+ in hei overall height of 15 feet 4 inches+. Sal be located on 12 contiguous lots to withi the front property line adjacent to East Date 2/6/92 Planning Comm. 0 DeMed C] ght, for an d wall is to n 15 feet of Coast Highway, Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 where Districting Map No. 33 establishes required frontyard setbacks ranging from 30 feet to 38 feet, and the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in hei ght. LOCATION 4709-4839 Cortland Drive Legal description Lots 2 thru 13, Tract 3519 Filed by Cortland Noisewall Trust CDM Request to approve a modification App. No. D e to the Zoning, Ordinance so as to 1'13928 11/7/a St l permit the construction of a retaining wall . 11 feet 6 inches+ Approved 4 Denied 0 n ei t tempered _,sppad daQxaen„_naet__ 10 inches in height, for an overall height of 15 feet 0 inches on property located in the R-1-5 District. Said wall is to be located on 12 contiguous lots to within 15 ft Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 mod Amendment 0 of the front property line adjacent to East Coast Hwy where Districting Map No. 33 establishes required front yard setbacks ranging from 30 feet to 38 feet, and the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in height. CoVe. LOCATION 1300 Cove Street Legal description Lot 1 Block A-32 Corona del Mar Filed by WELLS Edgette W App. No. Date 126 3-18-54 Approved al Denied A 5' rear yard setback Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment ID Other LOCATION Legal description 2600 Cove Street Filed by Richard Lewis Requested alterations -To an App. No. Date existing singel family residence M-2770 5-25-82 that is noncontorming in that there are previously approved encroach-Approved a Denied El ments into the required S' front yard setback on Love Street, the required A' north side yard setback area (uahria street), and TO' rear yard setback area. me proposed new noncontormi ties area: (T) a Z' encroachment on the first floor into the required 5' front setback Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other (2) a new bay window is proposed to encroach to within 1 -6" of the Dove Street front property line on the second floor where the previously approved modification permitted a 2' -front setback on the second floor; and (3) the previously approved existing 2' bay window en- ,1 croachment into the required 4' north side yard setback area is proposed to be remvoed with a new 1'-6" bay window encroachment on the same wall. LOCATION 2600 Cove St. Legal description Parcel B of Resub of lots 8 & 16 an n'wly 15 of Lots 7T 15 Bl. A32 CdM Filed by LEWIS, Dick App. No. Date 14-210 6-30-1970 Approved 8 Denied El Structural alterations to an existing nonconform ing building and encroachments into required yards. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 Cove Street Legal description Parcel B. of Lots 8 & 16 and N'wly 15' of Lots 7 & 15 B1.A-32 Cdm R-1 Filed by CRAW Mr & Mrs Russell App. No. Date 591 3-3-1960 Approved 0 Denied if 1) To have a encroachment inta a required 4' side yard setback which abuts Dahlia Ave. 2) a 7' encroachment into a required 10' rear yard setbatk for •:he purpose of constructing a single family dwelling. Variance U Ogler Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2600 Cove Legal description Lots 8, 16 & NWly 15' of Lots 7 & 15 Block Corona del Mar Zone R-1 A-32 Piled by CRAIG, Russell E. & Louise J. App. No. Date 110 12-3-1959 Approved if Denied E] Create two R-1 building sites CONDITION: Access to the garage on Parcel B. to be from Dahlia Avenue Variance 0 0+er Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2608 COVE ST. Legal description Lot 5 - 13 Bl. A32 CdM R-1 Filed by JONES, Mr. & Mrs. S. App. No. Date 58 8 -22 -57 Approved I Denied 0 Realignment of property lines. Variance 0 Resuladivision 13 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2618 Cove St. Legal desception Lot 3 and a portion of Lot 11, Block A32, on the n.e. side of Cove St.between Eernleaf Ave. & unimproved Dahlia Ave. in China Cove. Filed by Ernest Schroeder Req. to permit the construct. ofApp.No. Date a single family dwelling on V1128 4-10-86 property located in the 121 Dist. which exceeds 1.5 x ba. The Approved Er Denied 0 proposal includes a mod: to the ZC to allow a corner of a pot shelf on the 2nd flr. of the struct.to encroach 6" into the reg. 5' front yard setback to allow a single ray carport on the front one half of the lot. Variance Er CFA. Amendment 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 LOCATION Legal description 2618 Cove Lot 3 Bl. A-32 CdM Tract E-1 Filed by NORTON, Mr. & Mrs. Claude J. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 807 4 -164964 Approved xlE1 Denied Encroach 8' into required 10' rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a stairway and to permit altera- tions to dwelling unit. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment CONDITION Encroachment to be 7' for a width of 10' for the purpose of providing an open stairway to the first floor roof deck. LOCATION 2619 Cove Street Legal description Lot 11 & Lot 3 Fled by Jack N. mail App. No. Date io permit additions M-1047 7/6/76 to an existing single family structure with Approved mg] Denied 0 the following nonconforming features: 1.) one covered required parking space is provided (where the Code requires two); 2.) the second required parking space As 18 feet in depth, and Over - Variance 1:1 Rewbdmmon El Use Permit D Amendment El Otler Modification encroaches to the rear property line (where the Code requires that it be 20 feet in depth, and setback 5 feet 0 inches from the rear property line). LOCATION 2626 Cove Legal devoriptkn Lot I, Block A32 Filed by Jim Beauchamp App. No. Date Permit second floor 11-1005 3/23/76 room additions on a single family dwelling Approved a Denied 0 With the following existing nonconforming features: i.) A portion of the existing structure encroaches to within b feet of the rear property line (where the Urdinance requires uver - Variance 0 Resubdiyision Q Use Permit Other Modification Amendment 0 a 10 foot rear yard); and 2.) One of the existing two garage spaces has a noncon- forming depth of 18 feet 6 inches + (where the Ordinance requires a garage depth of 20 feet). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks. LOCATION 2627 Cove Street, Corona del Mar Legal description Lo ts 1 and 9 Block B -32 Filed byJames4111 KareqWarren Requested to permit alterations App.Nm Date and additions to an existing M-2610 10-28-80 single family residence that is nonconforming in that only 1 Approved [2] Denied garage space is provided where the Code requires three The proposed alterations and additions include providing a 2 car garage with on space 17' in length where 19' is required, and a proposed window on the second floor adjacent to the public beach that will encroach 18" into Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION the required 36" sctback. .0CATION .egal description 2627 Cove Street Filed by Michael C lark App. No. Date Permit alterations and M-2464 10/10/79 additions to an existing nonconforming single Approved 9 Denied 0 family dwelling (one car garage, Code requires three, roof deck encroachment into required 3' Fernleaf side yam setback). Proposed is a 2-car garage and second floor which encroaches to the Cove Street prnporty line over - tariance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 >her (Code requires 5'). One of the two parking spaces has a 16 1 6" depth (where the Code requires 20'). Proposed deck encroaches into the required 3' Fernleaf side yard setback to the property line. Applicant wishes to reduce number of bedrooms from seven to three eliminate third level deck. LOCATION 2700 Cove St. Legg descrilptkm Lot 3, Block A-33, CdM Tract, on the n.e. corner of Cove St. and Fernleaf Ave. Filed by Ronald I. Sakahara Reg. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a single family dwelling & V1121 3-7-85 related garage and carport on property located in the R-1 Approved $d Denied 0 Dist. which exceeds 1.5 x the ba of the site. Mod to ZC to allow encroachments into required setback areas VariancejRr Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2700 Cove Lot 3 Block A-33 Resub of CdM R-1 Filed by FOSTER Albert App. No. Date 1025 3-19-1964 Approved Ayk Denied 0 yard setback, instead of of making an addition to the Continue existing 5' rear required 10'. for purpose second story. CONDITION: That the water heater projecting into the rear yard be removed. Rewbdivision 0 Use Permit Ey Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2704 Cove Street PPFALED Legal description Lot 2, Block A33, Corona del Mar tract - on the northerly side of Cove Street between way Lane and rernieat Ave in China Cove Fled by Spangler, snachtman & Associates App. Us. Van one Date Request to permit tne con- r#1080 10/9/8( struction of a single family dwelling on a- lo-t In rne Approved 1:1 Denied xna R-1 District of Corona del Mar which exceeds 1.! times the buildable area of the site and pro- vides less than the required open space. APPEALED TO CITY COUNCIL AND APPROvtu ON 11/10/ tsU. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit -Mt Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2709 Cove Street Legal description Lot 8 Corona del Mar R-1 Filed by JEWELL, Ward E. App. No. Date 341 1-17-57 Approved 0 Denied Aloc 3' roof overhang 1st and 2nd floor on west elevation Variance I] Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2709 Cove St. Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 8 B33 Tract CDM Zone R-1 Filed by Ward E. Jewell App.. No. Date 3 2 3 10-2-56 Approved 0 Denied 10-11-56 An encroachment of 5 1 into rear yard setback requirement of 10' Variance Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment Other ▪ I Mill b Coventry .egal description Filed by Irvine Pacific Development Co App. No. Date Extension of a wood deck M-2166 11/8/77 to the rear property line (where the Code requires a Approved ni Denied 0 5 foot setback). Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Dther Modification LOCATION 2431 Crestview Drive Legal description Lot 90, Tract 1140 Fled by Burger and Associates App. No. Date Reouest to permit the M3866 772/91 construction of a three-car garage to encroach 5 feet Approved 10 Denied into the required 10 foot front yard setback opposite Crestview Drive, in conjunction with a new single family dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D Modification Amendment LOCATION 2451 Crestview Dr Legal dear-4 0w Lot 92. Tract No. 1140 Filed by Donald C. Stine App. No. Date M4291 2-28-95 Approved 121 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a garage, in conjunction with a new single family dwelling, which will encroach 5 feet into the required 10 foot front yard set- back adjacent to a vehicular easement. The new constructio II O. ,f 0 I •I I. anance Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 5 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback. The proposed second floor will maintain said 10 foot front yard setback. V-1074 8/21/80 Approve a Denied [a] Request to permit the installation of a radio antenna and tower that exceed thP basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Heieht Limitation District. App. No. Da te E. Karagozian .9en4e€1- 2— DCATION 2461 Crestview Drive .egal description Lot 93, Tract No. 1140, on the westerly side of Crestview Drive southerly of Marino Drive in Bayshores Riad by larience Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2461 Crestview Dr. Legal description Lot 39 Tr 1140 Unit 3 of Bayshores Book 36 Pg 28 Of Misc. Mps. Fled by JOHN ANDRESON JR. App. No. Date 613 2-13-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved xrix Denied 0 Permit room additions to an existing single family dwelling in the R-1 Dist. that will en- croach to within 5' of a 20' wide alley where th Dist. Maps indicates a required 10' setback from the alley Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Othm .0CATION .egal description 2471 Crestview Drive Filed by John Anderson, Jr. App. No. Date Constrn. of a new 3-car M-2449 8/21/79 garage to encroach 5' into a re- quired,10' alley setback and to Approved VI Denied 0 encroach 6' into required 6' separation between main and accessory structures. Vat-lance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification .0CATION .egal description 2515 Crestview Drive Filed by Doug Rugg App. No. Date M -2451 8/21/79 Approved au Denied 0 Construction of a spa 1 1 4" into required 5' setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 _ Modificati n LOCATION Legal description 2516 Crestview Drive Red by Gary Hamilton App. No. Date Constrn. of a redwood hot tub M-2279 8/15/78 plus related equipment where the hot tub encroaches to 3'0"- Approved 0 Denied 0 at the side property line and the equipment encroaches to the side property line (where the Lode requires a 5'0" setback tor pools and pow equipment). Variance 0 Resubdivision IN1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification °CATION 2580 Crestview Drive algal description Filed by Robert J. Doner App. No. Date Request to permit the con- M-2388 6-7-79 struction of second floor room additions on an ex- Append 0 Denied fa isting nonconforming single family dwelling that encroaches to within 4 teet of Crestview Drive. tariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 DTher Mod.-2388 Appeal Amendment 0 LUCA HON Legal description nbU urestview urive Robert Doner App. No. Permit the continuation, with M-2388 a 2nd floor addition of a 6' encroachment into the required Approved t] 10' Crestview Drive north side setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Filed by Date 4/24/79 Denied 0 LOCATION 2631 Crestview Drive Legal description Lot 65, Tract No. 1014 Filed by Nip Cra3_g, Kip Klayton Architeets App. No. :mist. of a bay window 12 ft. 8 M-3543 Ln. wide which will encroach 6 + Ln. into the required 10 ft. frontApproyea 2 yard setback where the Zoning Ord. limits such rents to 8 ft. in width. Also included in the Ls• a request for two columns of an entry porch 5 + in. into the 10 ft. front yard setback. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Date 05 -16 -89 Denied 0 encroach- application tcr encroach LOCATION 2632 Crestview Drive Legal description Lot 63 Tract 1014___B-1 Filed by BURKE, Robert H. App. No. Date 545 7-2-1959 Approved rig Denied 0 Encroachment of 2k 1 into rear yard setback for addition to house. Variance RI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2672 Crestview Dr. Um* thmrlOm Lot 59 7F2 1014 Filed by riberrsoN , JAMES S. App. No. Date 841 9-17-74 Approved gj Denied 0 Permit the installation of a iacpri-type gaol to encroach to the side property line and the related pool eauipment to encroach to with- in 6" of the same side property line (where the Ord.reauires a 5' side yard setback). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M ODIFICATION UDCAJUDN 2775 Crestview Dr Legal description Lot 551 Tract 1140 Filed by George Hauser/San Vaccaro App. No. Date M4141 10-5-93 Approved a Denied P•rplect to permit the retention of ac-hirilt one font huh iattics ronstruction on top of 6 foot nign wood fences loca, • II I • I 110 • • IP & Al IL I 7 oring Code limits such construction to G reel. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION #7 Crestwood Drive Legal description Lot 34, Tract Nol 9860 Flied by Norman Hain App. No. Date -Requested to permit the M-2826 1-3-83 construction of a 6' high block wall that encroaches to the Approved [] Denied El front property line where the Harbor View Hills Planned Community Development Standards require that walls maintain a front yard setback of 4 feet adjacent to a sidewalk. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit ID Amendment LOCATION 9,11 and 15 Crooked Stick Drive Legal Description Lots 5,6 and 7, Tract 15391 Filed By: Pacific Bay Properties Application No. Date LLA 99-05 4-6-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the adjustment of two interior lot lines between three parcels of land for residential development. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 19 Crooked Stick Drive Legal Description Lot 9, Tract 15391 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M483a, 12-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the area in front of the garage to be exceed 7 feet, for a total of 9 feet10 inches on one side of the garage and 12 feet on the other side of the garage, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment I Other: Modification LOCATION 31 Crooked Stick Drive , Legal Description Lot 15, Tract 15391 Filed By: Katherine Toltz Application No. Date No. M5084 5-10-2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit the retention of an as-built childrens playhouse that encroaches 2 feet 2 inches into the required 5 foot side yard setback and 8 feet 5 inches into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and is 9 feet in height where the Ford Aeroneutronics Planned Community District Regulations limit structures to 8 feet in height Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 44 Crooked Stick Legal Description Lot 58, Tract 15391 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4830 12-22-98 Removed from Calendar and fully refunded Appproved: Denied: To permit a portion of the front setback in front of the garage to be 8 feet where the Code requires a minimum of between 5 and 7 feet. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 66 Crooked Stick Drive Legal Description Lot 47, Tract 15391 Filed By: Pacific Bay Properties Application No. Date M 4873 3-9-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit an as-built 3 inch encroachment into the required 5 foot side yard setback with a portion of the dwelling in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification Cc\ishikel Ave LOCATION 1 C stal Ave. Legal description lot 21 Bl. 3 Sec. 5 Bal.ls. R-2 Filed by YOUNGBERG, Martha Ann App. No. Date 939 5-16-1968 Approved gy Denied 0 A 2'6" second floor projection into the require 5 1 rear yard setback and distance between build -ling to be 7'9" instead of reguired 10'. CULDTTION. Approved in accordance with plot la Resub ivision 0 Use Permit 0 Vartance Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 121 Crystal Avenue Legal chnuipfim Lot 13, Block 2 Filed by Bob Calkins App. No. Dee onstrn. of first floor M-929 7/29/75 room additions (ie. a )athroom and dressing room) Approved tl Denied 0 and a second floor deck to an existing duplex gith the following nonconforming features: 1) a two car garage with a depth of approximately 17 Feet (where the Ordinance requires a depth of Over - Amendment C Variance Q Rew bcfivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification 20 feet); 2) an existing front yard setback of 2 feet (where the Districting Map indicates a required 8 foot front yard setback); 3) an existing 2 foot side yard setback (where the Ordinance requires 3 feet); and 4) a rear yard setback of 1 foot 9 inches on the second floor (where the Ordinance requires a rear yard setback of 2 feet 6 inches on the second floor) LOCATION 124 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lot 18, Block 3 Filed by Bob Calkins App. No. Date ,onstrn. of second floor M-916 7/1/75 nom additions to an existing ionconforming single family Approved El Denied 0 'welling that encroaches to within one (1) foot )t a side property line adjacent to the attached jarage (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot Over- Variance 0 Resubdivision 1:1I Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification side yard setback). A nonconforming one car garage with a depth of approximately 19 feet also exists on the site (where the Ordinance now requires 2 garage spaces with minimum . garage dppths of 20 feet). LOCATION 124 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lot 18, 81 . 3, Sec. 5, B. I . R -2 Filed by CALKINS, Robert A. App. No. Date M -427 12 -7 -1971 Approved Denied ID Permit structural al terations (remodel kitchen and add family room) to an existing nonconform- ing building (1 1 0" sideyard adjacent to garage) Variance D Resubdivision ID Use Permit El °II" Modification Amendment LOCATION 125 Crystal Ave. Balboa Island Legal descripikm Lot 15 Block 2 Section 5 Tract B.I. R-2 Filed by POWER. Hal J. App. No. Date 283 4 -19 -56 Approved El Denied $2 A 3' encroachment into a required 8' front setback to allow for closing in porch area to be used for a dining Variance REI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment .0CATION .egal description 126 Crystal Ave. Lot 17 B1.3 Sec. 5 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by MARISCAL, J. F. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 762 7-g0-1961 Approved g/ Denied 0 An addition of a 10' x 20' area to two second story bedrooms over an existing garage which is non-conforming because of a zero sidevard setback instead of required 3' and a 3' rear yard setback instead of required 10'. variance D Diber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ja Amendment 0 CONDITION A 3' side and rear yard setback to be maintained. LOCATION 206 Crystal Avenue Legal Description Lot 6, Block 193, Balboa Island Tract Filed by Richard A. Mays App. No. Date M4654 2 -3 -98 Approved X Denied n To permit the enclosure of an existing covered patio in a duplex that is nonconforming because it has 2 parking spaces where the Code requires 4 spaces. The proposed addition is an expansion of existing rooms. Variance Li Resubdivision fl Use Permit D Amendment fl Other: Modification LOCATION 207 Crystal, Legal description Lot 25 Bl. 6 Sec. 5 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by BEECH, Crowell H. App. No. Date 599 4-7-1960 Approved xr Denied 0 Addition to an existing non-conforming building. CONDITION: Side yards to be cleared and made accessible. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [2x Amendment 0 LOCATION 208 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lot 5 Block 5 Section 5 Balboa Island Fled by Ed N e l son Request to permit additions and App. No. Dee alterations to an existing duplex M3892 8/27/91 which currently encroaches 6 inches into the required 2 foot 6 inch Approved El Denied E] setback for the second floor, along the alley. The building also encroaches 3 inches+ into the req'd 3 ft souerly side yard setback. The applicant proposes to convert the duples to a single family dwelling, and retain all protions of the IA A," which currently encronch ipto rr , • fad setha.rAlrichneryto fJ Variance 0 Resubdivision E] UseTtOrtift Other Modification LOCATION 223 & 223½ Crystal, Balboa Island Legal description Lot 17. Block 6. Section 5 Flied by Robert W. Speich App. No. Date M -345 6 -1 5 -1 971 Approved El Denied 0 All new construction must conform to established setback requirements. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 303 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lot 3C, Tract 742 Filed by Ted McGinley Request to permit al terations App. No. Date and additions to an existing V 1186 3-4-93 duplex which is currently nonconforming with regard to Approved gi Denied 0 required off-street parking (one garage 1 893 parking spaces, the amount of allowable gross floor arca and the Sl7P of the sernnd dwelling unit, on properi Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other x Amendment 0 located in the R-1.5 District. The proposed additions include the enclosure of an existing breezeway between the garage and the residential structure; and the enclosure of an existing breezeway between the garage and the residential structure; and the enclosure of an - existing outdoor shower. The other alterations to the structure involve the conversion of the ground floor kitchen and dining area of the second unit so as to add that floor area to the front dwelling unit. The proposed development will increase the nonconformity of the second dwelling unit by reducing the floor area of said unit. LOCATION 303 & 3033- Crystal Ave.) B.I. Legal description Lot 35, Tract 7 1+2, Zone R-2 Filed by Sc It I I 51! App. No. Date An enroachment of 12" Into req. front yard set — Ap pro v ed Denied El 1D117/57 back of 1 1 for construct. Ap of a bay window_ Variance KI Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 303 & 303i Crystal Ave. Legal description Lot 35 Tract 742 Zone R-2 Red blrlim. H. Snhrneder App. No. Date 35D_ 3-21-57 Approved xp Denied 0 An encroachment of 18" into a required rear yard setback of 5 1 for 1st floor oniy. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LULA I IVN 311 Crystal Avenue Legal description Filed by Diane Johnson Design Request to permit construction App. No. Date of a new fireplace and chimney M 307¢ 6/25/85 that is proposed to encroach 2 feet, 8 inches into the required Approved I3] Denied 0 5 foot rear yard setback area adjacent to the alley. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 311 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lots 4T& 48, Tract 742 Filed by Constrn. of room additions on a single family dwelling with Approved al Denied 0 an existing nonconforming side yard of P(wnere the Ordinance requires 4fl. All new constrn. conforms with required setbacks. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modifi cation Amendment 0 1111am Donovan App. No. Date M-2119 8/9/77 LOCATION 323 Crystal Avenue Legal description Lot 1, Tract 1049 Filed by Bob Calkins App. No. Date Interior alterations to an M-901 5/20/75 ?.xisting duplex with the Following nonconforming Approved XI Denied 0 Features: 1) a one car garage with a depth of 19 feet 4 inches (where the Ordinance requires two garage spaces with depths of 20 feet). The '5ubject praga Ls also nonconforming since the over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Mndifir2+4nn detached structure encroaches to a side property line and is located on the front one-half of the lot (where the Ordinance requires an accessory building to have a minimum one foot side yard setback and to be located on the rear one-half of the lot); 2) an existing second floor balcony that encroaches to within 2 inches of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires 3 feet); 3) a rear yard setback of 2 feet 8 inches (where the Ordinance requires 10 feet); and 4) a distance of 4 feet 4 inches between the existing garage and the stairway attached to the duplex (where the Ordinance requires a 6 foot separatio LOCATION 1531 Cumbprland In Legal description Lot 12, Tract No 1896 Filed by John Morgan App. No. Date M4216 Withdrawn 7-10-94 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a second floor addition to an existing detached garage which encroaches 2 feet into the required 4 foot side yard setback and 8 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The proposed second floor addition will maintain the required Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other side and rear yards setbacks. LAJI.,t1 J. run ..., t-ypic5s I Ulla Legal Description Lot 15, Tract 7223 Filed By: Ruben Flores Application No. Date Mod. No. 4994 11-2-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit the retention of an as-built wood arbor that encroaches 11 feet 6 inches into the required 15 foot rear yard setback and is 8 feet 10 inches in height where the Harbor View Planned Community District Regulations limit structures to 8 feet in height. Variance: I Resubdivision: [ Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION #16 Cypress Point Legal description Lot 6, Tract 7223 Fled by Mr. Dale Stuard App. No. Date Constrn. of a spa that M-932 7/29/75 encroaches to within 3 feet b inches + of a side propdrtyApproved TA Denied line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot side yard setback). Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit. 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 20 Cypress Point Lane Legal Description Lot 4, Tract 7223 Filed By: Michael and Robin Brewer Application No. Date No. 5032 2 -9 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit a 5 foot encroachment into the required 15 foot rear yard setback in conjunction with an addition to an existing single family dwelling. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 22 Cypress Point Lane Legal description Lot 3, T7223, on the se corner of Cypress Point Lane and Royal St George Road Filed by Michael J. Rogerson Req. to permit construct. of 2 App.N0. Dee pilasters 10 hi & wrought iron Mod 3565 8-10-89 gates 11' which are to be located less than 15' but more than Br Approved 0 Denied from the property line Mhere Be YU limits such construct in said area to 8' max. ht . Incl. is the construction Of 2 add. pilasters with light fixtures with an overafl ht ot 5' within the 10' front yard setback where the fences & walls and any appurtenances are limited to 3 max.ht. Valiance 0 Other Resubdinsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 22 rypiens Point Lane Legal description Lot .s Tract7223 Filed by Michael J. Rogerson App. No. Date Request to permit the construc- -3565 M 07/05/89 tion of two pilasters 10 feet + high and wrought iron gates 11 feet + high which are to Approved j3. Denied 0 be located less than 15 feet but more than 10 feet from the front property line where the Big Canyon Planned Comm. Dev. Standards limits such construction in said area to 8 foot maximum height. Also included in this application is the construction of two additinnal pilasters with (awe Variance El Resubcilyision Use Permit 0 Amendmethrli Other Modification light fixtures with an overall height of 5 feet + within the 10 foot front yard setback where the fences and walls and any such appurtenances are limited to 3 foot maximum height. LOCATION 22 Cypress Point Lane Legal description Filed by Michael Rogerson Request to permit the No. constructionAPR Dahl of new entry gates which are M 3509 4-11-89 proposed to be 6 feet high and six pilasters proposed to be 7 Approved Denied 0 feet high, a portion of which will encroach into the re- quired 10 foot street side setback adjacent to Cypress Pt. In. where such construction is limited to 3 ft. high by the Big Canyon Plannad Community Text. Alsu included in Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other the application is a request to allow the reconstruction of an as-builtfence and pilasters which encroach into the required 10 foot street side setback adjacent to Cypress Point Lane and which also exceed the permitted height of 30 inches above street pavement grade within the triangle bounded by the right-of-way lines of Royal St. George Rd. and Cypress Point Lane and a connecting line drawn between points 30 feet distrant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines prolonged. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision flij Use Permit 0 Create 2 c-1 parcels LOCATION 203-205 Cypress Street and Legal description 312-314-316 E. Balboa Blvd. Lots 7,8,9 Bl. 3 Newport Bay Tract C-1 Lots 6 & 7 El. 1 Balboa Tract C-1 Filed by SCHUTT, D. L. App. No. Date (InNDITIONS ‘03Lea___ 168 8-1-1963 Approved XrKI Deified El CONDITIONS 1. That the alley betwean Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 3, Newport Bay Tract and Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Balboa Tract, be abandoned. 2. That a new map be submitted for the approval of the Pub. Works Director and the Planning Director LOCATION 205 Cypress and 330 Balboa Blvd. Legal description in t. 6 7 B 1 1 Balboa Tract C -1 Fled by 7 ZWCON BUTT ES App. No. Date 1130 5-6-1965 Approved blx Denied 0 Construct a duplex on each lot CONDITION: Access to be from the alley and that there be a 4' setback from Cypress Street. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment D LOCATION 303 Cypress St. Legal description Lot 1, Tract No. 12208, on the n.w. corner of Cypress St. & East Bay Ave. Flied by John Sindoni Reg. to permit the construct. App. No. Date of a 9 unit resident. condo & UP3246 1-8-87 related garages in the R4 Dist. Incl. mod to the ZC to allow Approved Denied 0 a 6'7" bldg encroachment into the reg. 11, no. side ya setback and a 6' hi wall that encroaches 5' into the req. 5' front yard setback along East Bay Ave. Involves Previous approved use permit known as Plummer Court which has expired Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 303 Cypress St. Legal description Lots 7-12, Block I of the Balboa Bayside Tract, on the n.w.corner of Cypress St. and East Bay Ave. on the Balboa Peninsula Filed by Wale Development Lots 7-12, Block I of the Balboa App.No. Date Bayside Tract, on the n.w. cornerFMT 12208 4-4-85 of Cypress St. and E. Bay Ave, on the Balboa Peninsula Approved Q Denied E] Variance 0, Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 0+har - "I• is A r Amendment 0 LOCATION 303 Cypress, Balboa Peninsula Legal description Lots 7-12, Block I of the Balboa Bayside Tract Ned by Wale Development Corp, Irvine Req. to subdivide six existing App. No. Date lots into a single lot for resi- TM 12208 7-19-84 dential condominium purposes on property located in the R-4 Dist, Approved Denied 0 and the approval of an environmental document. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 OThor vro hinn Tn.-44- 1 -nnsa Amendment D LOCATION 303 Cypress, Balboa Peninsula Legal description Lots 7-12, Block I of the Balboa Bayside Tract Fled by wale Development Corp, Irvine Brg. to construct a 9 —unit resi — App. No. Date dential condo develop. and related UP 3101 7-19-84 garages on property located in the R-4 Dist. The proposal also incl. Approved Denied 0 a mod to the Zoning Code to allow a 7 foot 7 inch building encroachment into the req. 11'7" north side yard Vanance 0 OAR, Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 303 Cypress, Balboa Peninsula Legal description Lots 7-12, Block I of the Balboa Bayside Tract filed by Wale Development Corp, Irvine Req. to consider a resident roast APP.N°• Dee FD #6 7-19-84 establish prnjprt compliance fnr a 9 unit resident ronlin develop Approved gr Denied 0 pursuant to the Ad Guidelines for the implemennatinn--- relativ e 1-n Tnw-anij Housing within the Coastal 7nna Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Residential rract.1 naoni ---- -- LOCATION 303 Cypress Legal description Filed by Wale Development Request to consider a residentialkpp. No. Date coastal development permit for the purpose of establishing RCDP #6 7-19-84 project compliance for a 9 unit Approved ED Denied 0 residentia condominum development pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low-and Moderate-Income Housing within the Coastal Zone. Variance 0 ("Mhar Amendment Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 303 CyPress LOCATION Legal description Filed by Wale Development Request to subdivide six existing App. No. Date lots into a single lot for TMT 12208 7-19-84 residential condominium purposes pn property located in the Approved Ej Denied 0 R-4 District, and the approval of an environmental Documen Variance fl Other Resubdivision U Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION Legal description 303 Cypress Filed by Wale Development Request to permit the constructiellipp.No. Date of a 9-unit residential condo- UP 3101 minium development and related 7-19-84 garages on property located in Approved g Denied 0 the R-4 District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow a / foot 7 inch building encroachment into the required 11 foot 7 inch northerly side yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit ipt Amendment 0