HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDo..ki ia Ave W1/4.1111%1111 1 al- nem ia Avenue Legal description Filed by California institute Of Technology App. No. Date Request to construct the final UP -1108 4-5-79 No residential units with the re- Amended Nest to utilize said spare for Approved tif Denied 0 rffice or lab Uses on a temporary )asis Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit lia Amendment 0 LOCATION 101 Dahlia Avenue. S.d .M. Legal description See File - M448 Filed by Cal ifornia Institute of Technology App. No. Date 448 3 -7 -72 Approved ga Denied [ subject to Conditions - See Me Variance 0 Resubdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment [ Other —Mo dif i c a t ion ?.14(1 LOCATION 101 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Por.Lot C. CdM R-3 Fled by CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY App. No. Date 1108 3-4-1965 Approved 41 Denied 0 Rehabilitate Kerckhoff marine Laboratory, an existing non- conforming use. Majority of work will consist of internal kaprovements to modernize laboratory facilities. Conform- ing addition, 6 apt.units will be added to house scientist working in laboratory. Variance o Resubdiyision Use Permit Etia Amendment El Other LOCATION 208 Dahlia Ave Leg al closcriPikn Lot 10 gt SW 20 Feet nf Int 12, Rik 132 Inkl_ Filed by Chris Mayne App. No. Date M4219 7-19-94 Approved a Denied 0 Nib-mit strurtural al tarn tinns tn an exidtieg carpnrt_Jethirh enrrnarhed tn the gide and rear property lines, Where the 7nning Cnde required a 4 foot side yard sAtback and a 5 {not rear yard dethark Cal d alterations will result in the convarsion of the„ carpgt inta_an cnclnseri garage. -variance u Kesuedivision Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 411 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Lot 11, Block 331 in Corona del Mar. Filed by Harold Sproul App. No. UP-2000 R-690 Date Request to permit the 7/9/81 construction of a two- unitj.resicientiai condo- Approved [51 Denied I3 minimum project ana related garage spaces on property locatea in the R-2 uistrict. Valiance Other Resubdiosion n Use Permit J Amendment AND, Request to create one parcel of land for resi- dential condominium purposes so as to allow the construction of a two-unit condominium project in the R-2 District. VOCATION 416 Dahlia Ave. Legal description LotIS , blOOK 334 on the s.e. side of Dahlia between Bayside Dr. & -First Ave. Filed by Marilyn K. Sutton Reg. to resubdivide an existing App. No. Date lot into a single parcel of R858 11-19-87 land for two unit residential condo purposes on property Approved Denied 0 located in the P2 Dist. Variance 0 niinat Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal thmeriptilm 417 Dahlia Avenue Filed by Hugh Bradley App. No. Date Constrn. of a serond M-2219 3/28/78 an-its—Cathling-af--2 stories over a new four- Approved X] Clamed 0 room addition to an existinct_s_ingleSaLly___ dxe-ni-n-g—iwkere—tke_Cade_r_esaire-s-nhr-e-e-msar.-- OvER- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 entry stariwell with a 7'0" high handrail within the south side yard setback (where the Code resitricts rail height to VT' above existing grade). -VUAI !UN 411 Dahl la Avenue Legal description Red by Hugh Bradley App. No. Date Constrn. of a second M-2219 3/21/78 unit. consisting of 2-stories over a Approved Denied 0 new four-car. 38'0" inside depth garage. and a one bedroom addition to an existing single family dwelling (where the Code reouires a three- car, 40'0" inside depth garage); and an exterior OVER- Vartance Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification entry stairwell with a 7'0" high handrail within the south side yard setback (where the Code restricts rail height to 6'0" above exiting grade). LOCATION 417 Dahlia Ave. CdM Legal description Lot 17, Block 331, Corona del Mar Filed by Gordon Marvin Glass App. No. Date 533 7 -18 -72 Approved int Denied 1. Approval is for the encorachment ot the wood and stucco canti lever oe-nina metal fireplace only. Tine prop -osea garage encroachment was denied without pre-jidice. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit Other MOdification Amendment 0 LOCATION 422 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Lot 4, Block 432 m.m. 3/41 and 42 Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Dahlia Partners Requested one open parking App.No. Date space 8'-6" wide x 19' deep M-2668 3/10/81 to be provided in the sideyard setback in conjunction with the con- Approved 12 Denied 0 struction of a new single family residence MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LAJL.A nuN 418 Dahlia Avenue Legal Description Lot 20, Block 332 Filed By. Missy Mn Schweibe Application No. Date M5088 Approved: X Denied: To allow the retention of the following structures built without benefit of proper building permits or Planning Department review: An approximate y 8' tall trellis arbor/entry gate structure located within the required 15' front yard se back where the Code limits such construction to a maximum of 5' tall; An 8' tall trellis arbor/entry gate located within the 3' side yard setback where the Code limits such construction to a maximum height of 6'; An 9' tall trellis arbor over a driveway that encroaches 3' into the required 3' side yard setback where the Code limits such construction to a maximum height of 6'; A second floor balcony to encroach to within 1' 11" of the rear property line where the Code requires a minimum setback of 5' at the alley; A gate located in the side yard setback that is 6' 8" tall where the Code limits such construction to a maximum height of 6'; and A trellis lattice fence/privacy screen structure that is 7' 8" tall located in the side yard setback where the Code limits such construction to a maximum heieht of 6'. .1/4/S."1 Algal description 4Z0 uanila Avenue Filed by Robert N. Belyea App. No. Date To permit second floor M-2161 11/22/77 room additions to an existing duplex with the Approved in Denied 0 following nonconforming features: 1.) the garage apartment encroaches to 3' from the rear property line (where the Code requires a 5' setback); and 2.) two parking spaces are OVER- tariance o Resubdivision CI Use Permit El Amendment 0 Dther Modification provided (where the Code requires three). LOCATION 208 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Lot 10, Blk. 132, Corona del Mar Filed by Jeff Powers App. No. Date M4522 12-17-96 Approved Denied El Is I 'Isla • III! l I I side property lino, within thP required 15 foot front yard setbart Tha 7orting ratio limits such construction to between 2 feet and 3 fePt in hpiqh_t Variance El Resubdivision El Use Permit'El Amendment El Other • 1.(Jta I 1VN 209 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Lot 9, Block 131, on the nw side of Dahlia Ave. between SEaview Ave & Ocean Blvd Filed by Crall & Assoc. Resub an existing lot into App. No. Date a single parcel of land for R902 10-19-89 two family residential condo development on property Approved a Denied 0 located in the R-2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El 211 Dahlia °CATON sgal description Lot 11 Dl. 131 Resub of CdM R-2 Filed by CROY. Hazel Miller App. No. Date 789 11-16-1961 Approved J DeMed 0 Add 1 bedroom and 1/2 bath to existing front house which is non-conforming because of only 1 carport on a lot having 2 residential units Variance 0 >ther . Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EI Amendment 0 OCATION egal description 215 Dahlia Lot 15 Block Ill Resub of CdM R02 Filed by MILLER, Mrs. I. W. • App.No. APPEALED TO CITY COUNCIL & WITHDRAWN 5-22-1961 644 4-6-1961 Approved E] Denied A 63' front yard setback instead of a permitted maximum of 35' for the purpose of constructing 2 dwelling units on one 11-2 parcel,. rariance a )ther Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 216 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Lot 18, Block 132, CDM Tract Filed by Bradford Kuish App. No. r Date R 1028 6/17/97 Permit the resubdivision of an existing lot into a single parcel of land for condo- minium purposes. Approved in Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision DA Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 'coon— 'a a Other yv esu vision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 • . I I • I - on to LOCATION 219 Dahlia Ave Legal description Portion of Lot 1,7, Block 131, Corona del M3 Filed by K. G. Bogott Request to permit alterations and App . No. V 1191 Date additions to an existing single-fan,14 9 i 6/10/93 rct so as tn exceed the allowable gros4PProv 0 Denied 0 structural area of 1 5 times the buildable area of the site Said variance also includes a request to allow portions of the provided open space to be less than Six feet in all - II I II . I' I I • • I II al I• encroach 1 foot into the required 10 foot front yard sett back to allow a ground floor carport and second floor living area to encroach 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback; and to allow a third floor roof deck to encroach 6 feet 6 inches+_ into the required 10 foot i rear yard setback. DCATK)N 219 Dahlia igal deuArkm Lot 17 RI. 131 Resub of Cdm R-3 Filed by CARLI, Catherine App. No. Date CONDITION (flyer) 731 3 -7 -1963 Approved g] Denka 0 Encroach 7' into required 10' rear yerri cathartic fnr 1-1141 purpose of constructing a carport, sunderk & stai rimy ariance fi >ther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION The owner to sign a statement, to be prepared by the City Attorney's office and to be recorded, covenanting and agreeing that the lower unit will not be rented but shall be used only in conjunction with, and as an integral part of, the upper unit. OCAIK3N 219 Dahlia i9111 deg:1400a Lot 17 Block 131 Resub of CdM R-2 Pled by CARLI. Catherine l?r,FER RE 1:1 84 elf TO PC el cr App. No. Date -4440 PEA/10) 3-/-/916.2 CONDITION (Over) 677 1-19-1962 • Approved 2111 Denied 0 Encroach 7' into a required 10' rear yard setback for thei_p_ar ose of coip_s p_a_t_Icti a car r „sundecnnd__ stairway. Variance a ptber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Owner to sign a statement, to be prepared by the City Attorney's office and to be recorded, covenanting ind and agreeing that the lower unit will not be rented but shall be used only in conjunction with, and as an integral part of, the upper unit. LOO1/411 0:44 300 Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar Urantescription par tar 2 & 4 Block 232 Corona del Mar Filed by z norm, George L. App. No. Date 106 5-21-53 Approved Mj Denied 0 Rear yard setback of 5' instead of the required 10' Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 308-310 Dahlia Pl, CdM Legal description Lots 10 & 12 Block 232 Resub of CdM R-3 Filed by MASTERS, Charles W. App. No. Date 659 8-18-1960 Approved a Denied 0 Construct 6 dwelling units on two R-3 lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ffic Amendment 0 LOCATION 308 and 310 Dahlia P1 •sona Legal description Lots 10 and 12 Binck '32 Resub. CdM R-3 CAM Sorties' Ned by METIER. Warren L. App. No. Date 427 5-15-58 Approved [El Denied 0 Construction of six units on two 11-3 parcels Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 308 and 310 Dahlia Pl.. CdM Legal description Lots 10 and 17, Rlork 932 Remit. rat Resub. CdM 11-3 Rod by BREMER. Warren L. App. No. Date 463 5-15-58 Approved 19 Denied 0 Waiver of minimum sq. fontage requirements from 7200. to 7,080 sq ft for construction of 6_uni_ts (plotiplan shows exactly one-half of tor provides for patio A yards) Variance Gsi Other Resubdivision LI Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 331 & 331 /2 Dahlia St. Legal description Por Lot 11 & 13 Bl. 231 CdM R-3 Fled by FREEMAN George S. and Barbara App. No. Date 926 1-18-1968 Approved 0 Denied X OD Cana.tnel 4 cN&lilI.g_juitsor f l and. Variance Other Resubdivision EI Use Permit El Amendment 1:1 DENIED BY C.C. 2 26 1968 LOCATION 348 Dahlia Place Legal desaipfim Portions ,of lots 13, lb & 1/, Blk. 231, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Harvey D. Pease App. No. Date Aftenut, SY C 616 10 -4 -73 Approved g Denied 4(1231 Request an extension of a previously approved modification to permit an existing nonconforming single family dwelling to encroach to within 6 feet of the front property line (where the Ord- Variance 0 Other M Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 inance requires 20 ft.) and to within 1 ft. 3 inches and 2 ft. 6 inches of the side property lines (where the Ordinance requires 4 ft.) so as to allow the construction of a four unit apartment building on the site that encroaches to within 8 ft. of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires 10 ft.) LOCATION 348 Dahlia Place Legal description Portion of Lots 13, 15 & 17, lock 231, Corona del Mar Tract Piled by HARVEY D. PEASE App. No. Date 422 12/20/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved 10 Denied 0 :equest to create one parcel of land for residen- Aal development. Variance 0 Resubchvisnan 2c3( Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other :at.a I Pall 400 Penile Avenue .egal description Lot 2, Block 332 Filed by Ken MacFarland App. No. Date :onstrn. of a duplex V-1064 10/6/77 in the R -2 District that ?xceeds the height limit Approved 11] Denied 0 in the G4/28 Foot Height Limitation District. [he proposal also includes a modification to Permit two open parking spaces in front of a two-car garage, meeting the Ordinance OVER Variance a] Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 requirement of four parking spaces. However the two open parking spaces encroach to the front property line iwhere the Districting Map indicates a requ rea 1 -5 TOOT r Yont yard setback along Dahlia Avenue). Furthermore, a modification is required to permit a proposed second floor balcony to encroach to within 2'6" of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5' rear yard when abutting a 14' wide alley), LOCATION 405 Dahlia AVenue Legal description Lots 3, 5, 7 Block 331 Tract CdM Fried by Raymond II. Garra App. No. Dote Permit the construction of M2882 8-16-83 a new entry that is proposed to conform to the existing Approved yEk Denied C building line that already ato__ the required 15 foot front setbach area and to permit the construction of a room addition that is Proposed to encroach 5'- into the required 15 foot front yard setback area. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MODIFICATION Amendment C LOCATION - £05 Dahlia Avenue CdM Legal description Lots 3,5 and 7, Bl. 3i1, CdM R-2 Filed by GARRA, Raymond H. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M-529 7-5-1972 Approved El Denied Structural alterations to a nonconforming dwelling (see application for details) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Modification Amendment CONDITION 1. That development be in substantial con- formance with the approved revised plot plan. LOCATION 407 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Portion of Lots 3,5.7, Block. 331 Filed by Robert & Ann Hirsch Requested the conversion of an App. No. Date existing covered second floor 14 ,,2798 10-5-82 deck that encroaches 2 feet into H the required 5 foot rear yard Approved 0 Denied 0 setback adjacent to an alley into living area and further, to construct a new second floor exterior deck apd handrail that is also proposed to encroach 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 407 Dahlia Legal description Lots 3,5,7 B1.331 CdM R-2 Filed by PLEGER, Alfred C. App. No. Date 1158 9-16-65 Approved rm Denied An addition to the second story of a non-conform- ing btructure which lacks two 9 x 20 covered garages. (One covered 10 x 34 existing). Variance Other Resu bdivis ion Use Permit [X] Amendment fl LOCATION 407 Dahlia Legal description Pot', of Lots 3,5 & 7 Tract CDM Zone R-2 Block 331 Filed by PLEGER , Alfred C. App. No. Date 349 7-25-57 Approved it Denied a men apar we e rig conforming as It excees 351 maximum front yei setback, Variance Resubdivision Use Permit IA Amendment D Other Construction a LOCATION 409 Dahlia Avenue Legal Description Lot 9, Block 331, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Ian Harrison App. No. Date M4646 1 -13 -98 Approved X Denied fl To permit two of the required parking spaces to be 8 ft. 5 in. wide where the code requires 8 ft. 9 in. in width. The proposed parking spaces are tandem and located in the side yard setback, in conjunctionwith the constructionof a new garage and second unit above the garage. Variance fl Resubdivision J Use Permit Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 409 Dahlia Legal description Filed by John M. Kenney App. No. Date M 3387 4-12-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to permit the expansion of an existing noncon- forming duplex which maintains a parking space in the required front yard setback which is not in front of a garage whereas the Municipal Code permits parking in Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment El front yards only when said parking is in front of a garage. LOCATION 427 and 429 Dahlia Avenue Legal description lot 7 and A Portion of lot 9 Blk 431. Corona del Mar Trart . Filed by Robert Vaughan App. No. Date CC 30 7-30-96 Approved xEl Denied 0 Conversion of a residential duplex into a two-unit condo- minium project, located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 431 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Lots 9 & 11 Block 431 _çdN Rid Filed by JORDAN, Frank J. App. No. Date 618 5-5-1960 Approved 0 Denied [N Construct a swimming pool on property which is non conforming because it does not have a garage. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit J Amendment LOCATION 413 nahlia Street Legal description I ot 1 1 431 CrIM Tract R-2 Filed by HIGSON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. App. No. Date 940 6-6-1968 Approved 43 Denied 0 Project a stairway 3 ft. into the required 3 ft side yard setback. CONDITION: The stairway to be open & unenclosel Variance 5t1 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 434 Ddhlia Corona del Mar. Legal descripfimi Lot 16 Block 432 CdM R-2 Filed by HENDRICKS Frank W App. No. Date 486 1-15-59 Approved fj Denied fl Applicant requests permission to add a bedroom & bath to existing non-conforming dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment ID LOCATION 436 Dahlia, C.D.M. Legal description Lot 18. 81 k . 432 Filed by WANG, LYDIA K. M. App. No. Date 756 12/4/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved )1:31 Denied 0 Request to permit a legal nonconforming single family dwelling have a front yard setback of 68 feet (where the Ordinance permits a maximum 35 foot front yard setback) so as to allow the con- Resubclivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other M struction of room additions that will encroach to within 54 feet of the front property line in the R-2 District. LOCATION 436 Dahlia Legal description I nt 1R R1 . 432 CdM R-2 Filed by PART App. No. Date M -25 1 -14 -1969 Approved X 13 Denied 0 A garage with a length of 19 ft. where the ordinance rpritii red 20 ft CONDITION: The width of the garage to be a standard width for a Z car garage Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Offeer monTFICATION LOCATION Legal description 438 Dahlia Avenue Filed by Dwayne & Susan Smith Merry Request to permit the con- App. No. Date struction of a flat deck and M 3300 6-30-87 railing which will encroach 15 feet into the required 15 foot Approved B Denied 0 front yard setback. The top of railing will range in height from 3 feet 7 inches above grade adjacent to the front property line to 12 feet 8 inches above grade 15 feet beck frnm ',riflery line Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 438 Dahlia Ave • Legal cl esaiiThth-M—EMZOn co 81. 432 CON R -2 "ad by I AW RIVE , Richard L App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Ninutos o-r afll i r-at i nn ) 9 01 6-1-1967 Approved gy Denied ID Encroach 2'3" into the required 3' side yard setback for an attached carport. Valiance n Other Resubdwision ID Use Permit ID Amendment ID LtJUA I IUN 441 Dahlia Ave Legal description Lot 7 1 , 11k. 431, CdM, located at 441 Dahlia Ave. on soithwesterly corner of Dahlia Ave. and Second Ave. in Cd4 Ned by Richard hardy/Susan Bachtelle Request to resubdivide an exist- App.No. Date ing lot into a single parcel of R 916 1-4-90 land for two unit residential condominium development on pro- Approved g] Denied E] pertv located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 500 & 500 1/2 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Lot 2 Block 532 Corona del Mar Filed by John & Lori Elkins App. No. Date CC32 11-19-96 Approved 13 Denied 0 Conversion of a existing duplex into a two-unit condo- minium project, on property located in the R-2 District. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 502 Dahlia Legal descripfkm Lot 4. Block 532, Corona del Mar. in the City of Newport Beach. Book 3, Pas. 41 & 42 Filed brom Fleming & Neville Sewell App. No. Date Request to permit the 442870 7-12-83 construction of a second dwelling unit on a lot in the Approved EF Denied R-2 District. Thr proposed development includes a separation of 6 feet between detached buildings were the Code requires a 10 foot separation. Two of the required off-street parking spacec are located in an existing 2 car garage with a clear width Variance ED Resubdivision Q Use Permit D AnumdmmntE Other ModifinAtinn of 16'-8" where the Code requires a minimum width of 17'6'. CONDITIONS 1. That development shall be in substantial conform- ance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, and elev• 2. That the four required off-street parking spaces be maintained free and clear of the parking of automobiles. 3. There shall be only two dwelling units on the site at all times. LOCATION 506 Dahlia Legal description Lot 8, til k 532, CUM Filed by ROBERT VAUGHAN App. No. Date k1009 1-3-95 Approved )1a Denied 0 Request to resubdivide an existing lot into a single !parcel of land for condominium purposes. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 508 and 508 1/2 Dahlia Avenue Legal Description Lot 10, Block 532, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Dave and Carol Rudat App. No. Date CC 41 9 -2 -97 Approved X Denied u Request to permit the conversion of a residential duplex into a two unit condominium project. Variance LResubdivision fl Use Permit I/ Amendment Li Other: Condominium Conversion LOCATION 508 Dahlia Ave. Legal description Lot 10. 81k 532 Corona del Mar Tract Filed by David A Carol Rudat App. No. Date M4065 7-8-93 Approved 0 DeMedPC Request to permit the as-built construction of a deck railing (6 feet 6 inches+ in height) adjacent to the intersection of a driveway and the street right-of-w y where the 7oning rode liinits clift constructten to 3 feet Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 se erred. • Amen Other Modification within 5 feet of the intersection of a street right-of-way and a driveway. LOCATION Legal description 508 Dahlia Avenue Filed by Robert Siegel App. No. Permit addition of a garage M-2383 with second unit above where the third parking space is 8'4" wide Approved by ZU'U" deep (where the Lode requires three 2U deep spaces). Variance 0 Resubdivision Di Use Permit 0 Other Modi fication Amendment 0 Date 4/10/79 El Denied 0 9' wide by LOCATION 512 Dahlia Legal description Lot 14 of Block 532 of CdM Tract, on the s.e.side of Dahlia Ave.between 2nd and 3rd in CdM Filed by Arthur G. Guy Estaintin App. No. Date permit the construction 2-2A2 11-8-84 of a two-unit resident. DP3117 condo and garages on Approved p? Denied 0 oroperty located in R-2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 512 Dahlia Legal description Lot 14 of Block 532 of CdM Tract,on the se. side of Dahlia Ave.between 2nd and 3rd in CdM Filed by Arthur G. Guy Establish a single parcel of App. No. Date land for resident. condo UP-3117 11-8-84 purposes where one lot presently gains exists. Approved Denied 1:1 Variance El °that Amendment Resubdivision Li Use Permit D LOCATION c1R flahila Legal descripikm lots 10 & 20 Ri _532 CdM R-2 Red by moss, Tom App. No. Date 904 8-3-1967 Approved 0 Denied X ECK Consutrct a triplex in addition to an exist- ing single family dwelling on a building site in the R-2 zone. Variance 0( Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 600-2-4-6-8-10-12 Dahlia Legal description Lots 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 81.632 Tract 323 C-1 & R-; Rled by M. H. SHERMAN FOUNDATION App. No. Date Condition (Over) 1172 4 -24 -196( Approved xn Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to have parking on Lots 10,12 & 14 in an R-2 District con- tiguous to a C-1 District: future parking on Lots 2,4,6 and 8. Variance 0 Other Resubdimen Ei Use Permit n Amendment 0 CONDITION Off-street parking standards to be complied with; a fence to be erected only if the houses next to the parking lot are occupied. LOCATION 614 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Lots 1 thru 5,-Block D, ir. its and Lots 1 thru 8 and 10,I a i4, b1.b3 Corona aei mar Red by SHERMAN FOUNDATION CENTER App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1549 9-2-1971 Approved Xin Denied 0 Request to permit the expansion of an existing cultural center which will include a research library, a flower garden and tea garden, and a art gallery. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment LULA I KJN bid uan la Legal description Lots 18 81 20 81 . 5.32 C114-119-erttr -2- Filed by LINIVERSLTY DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. Date 952 9-5-1968 Approved 0 Denied u zero side yarls nfl the second story of a u d - ing-ahtch nnw crosses a lot line. Variance in Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 614 Dahlia Legal description Bor. Lot 14, Bl. 632 CdM and Por.of 14 fbot ,..alley adjoining Block D of Tract 323 Filed by PLANNING COMMISSION App. No. Date 216 4 -7 -1966 Approved xta Dented Re7one from R -2 to C -1 Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 614 Dahlia and 2601 thru 2629 E. Legal description Coast Hwy., CdM Lots 1,2,3 Bl. D Tract 323 C-1 Lots 10,12,14 81.632 CdM Tract R-2 Filed by hi H S h erman _co App. No. Date 220 2 -17 -1966 Approved X n Denied 0 Combine 6 lots into 2 arcels abandonin an existing alley and dedication of a new alley. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION (Over) CONDITIONS: 1. That a parcel map be submitted satisfac- tory to the Public Works Dept. 2. That improvements be in accordance with specifications of the Public Works Dept. LOCATION 714 Dahlia Avenue. CdM Legg description Lot 16 Block 732 CdM Filed by Schussler. H A App. No. Date 121 1-21-54 Approved 0 Denied a To allow parking on an R-2 Lot adjacent to and in connection with a proposed motel on C-1 Lot 1. Blk.1.. Tract 323. Variance 0 Othei Resubdivision D Use Permit EN Amendment LOCATION Legal description 714-16-18-20 Dahlia & 3200 E. Coast Hwy Lots 16-18-20-22 B1.732 Cdm R-2 Lot 1 Bl. L Tract 323 C-1 Filed by ALLEBORN, Robert A. & TRANE, Frank Hood App. No. Date 200 3-4-1965 Approved XXI Denied Rezone to C-1-Z Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 121 LOCATION 716 Dahlia Avenue Legal description Lots 16. 18. 20 and 22 of Plonk 732 in Corona del Mar Filed by Peter Worona App. No. Date Request to establish an UP-2004 7/23/81 outdoor sales and display • area in connunction with Approved r] Denied 0 an existing retail nursery in the C-1 District. A modification is also request so as to allow a 5' high ± chain link fence to encroach into the required 10' rear yard adjacent to a 14 font wide alle izr.„ Resubdivision 0 Use Permit in Amendment E Variance 0 Other A variance is also requested to waive the required off-street parking spaces for the expanded commercial use. LOCATION 721 Dahlia and 2900 E. Coast Hwy Legal deseript ract Por. Bl. 93 Irvine' s Sub. "U" Filed by THE IRVINE CO App. No. Date airsaniOrlffle, / 196 Approved 11-19-1964 )pcx Denied 0 Create one parcel. Variance 0 Other Resu6division Uxx Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That a record of survey be provided with the approval of the City Engineer. 2. That vehicular access rights be dedicated to the City on Mac Arthur Blvd., and E. Coast Hwy. 3. That utilities planned for newly created parcel(s) be coordinated with and approved by the Public Works Department. LOCATION 509 De Anza Drive Legal description Filed by Howard Meek App. No. Date Adjust a common property R-586 7/6/78 line between two lots in Corona Highlands. Approved [XI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 520 De Anza Drive Legal description Lot 93, Tract 1237 Rled by George M. Wesner App. No. Date Additionc to a single M-1086 11/2/76 family dwelling with the following nonron- Approved al Denied 0 forming features: 1.) the structure is setback 5 feet from the silt nroverty lines (where the Code reouires 6 feet): and 2.) the front yard setback is 10 feet (where the Over - Variance 0 %subdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Districting Map requires 15 feet). The proposed additions would observe the existing setbacks of 10 feet front and 5 feet side. LOCATION 540 Be Ante Drive, Corona Highlands Legal description Lot 88 Tract 1237 Filed by KILLIAN, Stewart G. App. No. Date 213 3-17-55 Approved g Denied Location of a second accessory structure to contain a water heater and filter for a swimming pool, and locatec one foot from a side and rear lot line. CONDITIONS: (aver) Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I. Building to be 4' x 7' with no eaxam—aloser than 1 1 to any lot line. 2. Height of bldg not to exceed 7' LOCATION 544 De Anza Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 87 Tract 1237 Zone R-1-B Filed by James Warren App. No. Date 333 1-17-57 Approved X Denied o A 5 1 setback along De Sole Terrace and a 20' rearyard setback. Variance IX Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION "It 544 De Anza Drive Legal description Lot 87 Tract 1237 Filed by URSCHEL, Eldon & Mary App. No. Date 167 12-16-54 CONDITION (over) Approved MT Denied 0 20' rearyard setback and a 5' yard setback from the property line on De Sole Terrace only (All—other_requents on the application are deplArl) Variance IE Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Eli Amendment 0 Any or all yard setbacks are from property Tines only and not from any curbs or public improvements. LOCATION 1:15 pAhnrah Lane Legal descripfion Lin t la . Trart NO 1006 Filed by William Pa Glendinning App. No. Request to permit the M3766 ennsfrurtinn of a two-car garaga fin eneroarh 3 feet intp Approved the ragnirpa 6 font side yard setback. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Date 10-16-90 £2 Denied 0 LUCA I ION 1921 Deborah Lane Legal description Lot 18, Tract 1805 Filed by Victor Opincar Jr. Requested to permit the App. No. Date construction of a six foot high M-2929 2-21-84 fence that is proposed to encroach 18'+ into the required Approved 0 Denied El 20 foot front yard setback area where fences are limited in height to a maximum of 3 feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2007 Deborah Lane Legal elineriptiae Lot 16, Tract 1805 Filed by Guenter Guthoff App. No. Date L.onstrn. of a room addition M-936 8/12/75 (le. the expansion of the existing dining - living Approved n Denied 0 oom area) where a portion of the proposed deve- lopment encroaches to within 4 feet 5 inches of a side property line (where the Ordinance now requires a 6 foot side yard setback in the It-1-B Distrirt) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 2018 Deborah Lane Legal description Lot 43, Tract 1805 Filed by Robert R. Kendall App. No. Date 737 10 -25 -73 WITHDRAWN (FEE REFUNDED) Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other M Resubdtvnion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATIONA DEERWOOD LN. Legal description Lot 39, Tract No. 7638 Filed by Amat Tajudin App. Now Date 14220 7-19-94 Approved € Denied 0 Permit an addition to the 2nd floor of a single family dwelling, a portion of which encroaches 6 feet into the required 19 foot rear yard setback The proposed 2nd story addition will also encroach 6 feet 6 inches into the rWgi nrcee d[f 5 foot Rraildiarri l 13e tb ifsie 'Permit Amendment 0 Other LULA I It-/N Legal descriptio Decrwoodn Filed by venAA 11 Simpnon and Rick Aloffigren APP. na. Date M 3471 11-1-88 Approved Q Denied 0 2.aciaest—toperinit thn constriction of a first floor • • a 15 foot wide second floor hay window which will pnrrnar+ 2 feet int o the re vived 5 foot sign yard setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 aria lie snla Terrace Legal description Tr 1237. Lot 125 Mid by KARSON. BURTON L. App. No. Dais 1. That development be in substantial conformance 697 7-24-73 with appr.plot plan & elev. Approved 13 Denied permit the corner of a proposed single family dwelling to encroach 6" & a proposed stairway t( encroach approximately 2'6" into the required 6' side vard setback in the R-1-8 Distr. Variance 0 Other .11 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LIJUAWN 409 be Sola Terrace Legal description NW by Dennis McGuire Request to permit a portion of App. No. Date an addition to an existing residence to encroach 21111 into the M3057 5/14/85 required 6 foot side yard setback Approved El Denied area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 469 DeSola Terrace Legal demripficm Lot 142, Tract No. 1237, on the. n.w. corner of DeSola Terrace and Seaward Road Red by pacific Building Concepts Req. to permit construct of a 2ndApp.Ne. Date dwelling unit(Granny Unit) on 1JP3245 1-8-87 property located in R1B Dist.- Incl. a mod to theZC so as to Approved ar Denied ID allow a portion of the structure,consisting of a single family dwelling and related 2nd dwelling unit, to encroad 1 ft and a portion of a chimney to encroach 3 ft into a req. 6 ft side yard setback area Variance 0 Reimbdiviskm [] Use Permit 0 Amendment [] COI& LOCATION 1117 Devon Lane Legal descripthm Lot 14, Tract 3000 App. No. Dee Room additions to a M-2016 12/28/76 sinale family dwellina with the followinz Approved 0 Denied 0 nonconforming features: 1.) garage is set- back 5 feet from rear property line (where the Code reguires 6 feet): and 2.) garage is setback 3 feet from side property line (where tIp Cs.ic requires 6 fePt). VmMmm tJ Rmubdivieon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mndifiratinn Filed by John Loomis LOCATION 1213 Devon Lane Legal description Lot 31 Tract 3000 12-113 Filed by Jack Kingsley Requested to construct a closet App. No. Date that is proposed to encroach 3 feet into the required M-3003 11-14-84 6 foot southwesterly side yard Approved 0 Denied 0 setback area. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 oxn ncl Ave. 1000MON 106 Diamond, Legal descripfion Lot 26 B1.3 Sec. 2 Bal.Is R-2 Red by OLSEN, Carolyn R. & Theodore E. App. No. Date 898 2-16-1967 Approved IP Denied 429) Applicant requests approval of a 3 foot encroach- ment into a required 5 foot rear yard setback to allow ample space for a 3 car garage. Variance a Other ' Resubdivision El Use Permit fl Amendment IP LOCATION 106 Diamond Legal description 140116 Bl 3 gpr 2 Bal Ts 11 -9 Fled by OLSEN, Theodore E. & Carolyn R. App. No. Date 836 1-7-1965 Approved RI Denied 0 Encroach 3' into required 5 rear yard setback to allow ample space for a 3 car garage. 4•• • : new 'Nat plan submitted. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment ID LbCATION Legal description 109 Diamond Ave. Balboa Island Lot 7 Block 2. Section 2. B I. Tract Zone R-2 Filed by Linderman, James S. App. No. Date 388 12-19-57 Approved IC Denied 0 Extension and alteration of existing sundeck. Variance 111 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Pg Amendment El Other LOCATION 111 Diamond Legal diumripfich Lot 8 Bl. 2 Sec. 2 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by SOUTH, Leonard J. and Bette L. App. No. Date 775 11-7-1963 Approved xER Denied El Encroach 7 inches into required 10 foot front yard setback for purpose of constructing a new 2 unit ____Awelling Variance ar Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 117-1171/2 Diamond Ave., B.I. Legal description Lot 11, Blk. 2, Sec. 2, B.I. Filed by G. R. Pendleton 1. That the three App. No. Date garage spaces shall be utilized for vehicular M-484 5-2-72 storage only. Approved na Denied C Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 117-11715 Diamond Ave.. Balboa Island Legal description Lot 11 Block 2, Section 2. Balboa Island Filed by G. R. Pendleton App. No. Date M-317 5-4-1971 Approved I:XJ Denied 0 All new construction must conform to established setback requirements. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION - 124 Diamond Street Balboa Tqland Legal description Lot 18 Block 3 Balboa Tqland Tract Zone P-2 Fled by Stuart G. WURELRR App. No. Date 331 6-20-57 Approved II Denied 0 Alteration & addition to non-conformi g______ building. Variance Ei Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description Lot 1R, Block 9 Section 2, Balboa Island Tract Filed by Lynn Luther lequest_topexatt_the_conetructton App. N o. )f additions and alterations to an M3807 2/12/91 „Irbiating_Aupl ex which has non- 'onformi ncs na rk ing (2 spaces where Approved Et Denied 0 'red)and e)._space cistitru encroachments into the required front yard and side yard setbacks. New -mist-ruction is proposed to encroach to within 1 foot 6 inches ›fthe_sigesty_linesni g Park Date Amendment 0 Variance 0 Rosa bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mndi f r•M- i cm Avenue, where the Zoning Code requires a 3 foot side yard setback. LOCATION Legal clescripfim 200 Diamond Lot 18 Bl. 9 Sec. 2 B.I. R-2 Filed by ogsna. & Mrs. Emil App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M-89 6-24-1969 Approved El Denied 0 Two main huildings to be joined by a common decl exrept for the deck the buildings will be cpparated by 6 feet where the ordinance require , 10 feet. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Offi ev NITA f i cation CONDITION APPROVED modification to a nonconforming build- ing consisting of the construction of a new 2 car garage with a balcony, stairway, and habitable area connected to the main building. LOCATION 201 Diamond Avenue Legal description Filed by Janice Wasserman App. No. Date Addition of a second M-2199 2/14/78 unit to an existing dwelling which has the Approved ao Denied 0 following nonconforming features: 17) a 2' encroachment into the north side yard setback; 2. a e'7" encroachment into the south side yard set- back (where the Code requires a .3 side yard UVtK - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 setback); 3.) a 9'7" encroachment into the front yard setback); 4.) an existing fence that encroaches into the rear yard setback on both north and south property lines (where the Code requires no fence encroachment into the 5' rear yard setback); and 5.) requests an open parking space partially on the front 1/2 of the lot and withi- the required 10' space between main structures. AOCATION 202 Diamond Avenue ,egal Description Lot 17, Block 9, Section 2, Balboa Island Tract 'fled By: Ian Harrison Application No. Date Itil 4754 9-1-98 Appproved: X Denied: lo permit two tandem exterior required parking spaces to be 32 feet 10 inches in depth Nhere the Code requires 35 feet in depth and 8 feet 2 inches in width where theCode yquires 8 feet 9 inches in depth, in conjunction with a remodel and addition of an :xisting duplex. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Dther: Modification 202 Diamond Avenue LOCATION Legal description Filed by David Kuhn, Jr. App. No. Date Permit alterations and additions M-2522 3/25/80 to an existing duplex, providing 3 parking spaces, adding Approved J Denied 0 second floor over existing garage which consists of two bedrooms. living room, and -new kitchen. Existing duplex is nonconforming in that the existing garage OVER - Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 and fireplace encroaches to 5" of the north side property line (where the Code requires l' for accessory structure setback and 2' for fireplace). Existing front portion of the house encroaches from 2" to 7" into required 3 north and south side yard setbacks and encroaches 5' into the required 8' front yard setback. LOCATION 2n1 niamond Legal description Lot 2 Bl. 10 Sec. 2 B.I.Tr. R-2 Filed by FRANK F BEACH App. No. Date APPITrATTON NOT NECESSARY TEE RFTORNFO TO APPLICANT 1354 4-18-1968 Approved 0 Dania 0 inntrurt a 2 car detached garage and apartment upit in rnnnection with an existing noncontormin bui 1 di ng Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit q Amendment 0 LOCATION 208 Diamond Ave. Legal description Lot 14 Section 2 Block 9 Bal.Is. Filed by SMITH, Ralph E. (Mrs.) App. No. Date 218 4-21-55 Approved in Denied El Second floor dwelling unit to overhang a distance of 30over double garages into the rear yard setback, facing a fo railley Variance n Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 211 Diamond Avenue Legal doscription Filed by rsnyga m woe Do Na Rnquagi- to pprmit thp congtflicitolikg' Dee of a hay window which is 7 fppt m 3525 3-28-89 wide that pncrnachps 1 fnnt into HIP rPrilli req.', 2 font 6 inch second ApPrond Et Denied 0 floor alley sat-hark Also included in 1-he application is a regpest for a sPrond hay window on the second floor which is feat A inches wide that encroaches 1 font intn ‘h^ reer 4 reA 3 Fr'^-t- Q 4 Aa ynrA satbnck Variance 0 CALI. Resubdividen 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 216 Diamond Avd., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 10 Block 9 Section 2 Balboa Is. Filed by JONES, 0. A App. No. Date 75 8-21-52 Approved D Denied g 4' rear yard setback instead of required 5' Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 217 Diamond Legal description Lot 9 91 10 Sr 2 B. I . R-2 Filed by TORRY 1ohn App. No. Date M -23 12 -17 -1968 Approved X a Denied 0 re d uc e the required rear _yard setback from 5 ft to 3 ft Pnr a second story addition. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Other Modification Use Permit El Amendment 0 SCATION 220 Diamond Avenue Legal Description Section 3, Block 9 Lot 2, Island Tract Filed By: Joe Lippnik Application No. Date Mod. 4848 1-26-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the retention of an as-built wall with lattice on top that encroaches 8 feet into the required 8 foot front yard setback and exceeds the 3 foot height limit by 3 1/2 inches. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 226 Diamond St. Legal description Lot 23, 81. 9 Sec. 2 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by Run; Patriria App. No. Date CONDITION OF APPROVAL (Over) 814 6-4-1964 Approved 12 Denied 0 (11 A carport in the front one-half of the lot. (2) A 3' encroachment into the required 10' setback between main buildings. Variance III Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 APPROVED, to permit the building of a second floor addition to the building on the front portion of the lot, within the confines of the present building, adhering to the setbacks, that there be no encevach- ment as requested and no carport permitted in the front one-half of the lot. LOCATION 304 Diamond Legal description Lot 4 13 I . 14 sec. ..1 13.1. R - 2 Filed by PRICE, Robert E. App. No. Date CONDITION (See Over) M-430 12-28-1971 Approved n Denied Construct al car garage with a 0' sideyard setback on one side Ta garage exists on the sideyard lot line that will be removed). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment C CONDITION The three garage spaces to be utilized for vehicle storage only. LOCATION 306 Diamond Ave. Legal description Lot. 11- 131 ock 1 1+ Section 3 Zone R- Filed by Judge Sparl nu, & Yrs App. No. Date 1+07 Approved 0 Denied IX Encroachment. of Pjl of Ira rl anre of bedroom cpace is crgently needed in_order to make A.R. of reasonable sSza. Not (mt of conformity . -111 II. 0 di7 C Variance IA Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment D Other LOCATION 307 Diamond Ave., B.I. Legal description Lot 27. Blk. 13, Sec. 3, Bal.Islani Filed by James Hogan App. No. Date M -518 6 -20 -72 Approved x i, Denied That development be in substantial conformance with the approved plans. Variance 1:1 Resubdivision El Use Permit El Other Modification Amendment 0 308 Diamond Avenue Legal description Filed by Cynthia Carden Request to permit the retention App. No. Date of an as built second floor M3142 2 -18 -86 balcony and an as built first floor _av window both of which encroach &MOW 0 Denied 12 2 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback ad -jacent to Diamond Avenue Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 110 Diamond Avenue, Ra11 -ma Island Legal descript ion at6_ai"j L14_,sec_t_k_7_13,2nIEL Filed by Gerald F. Rapp App. No. Date M -312 4 -20 -1971 Approved XX] Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Other Modification Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 310 Diamond Legal description Lot 6, Bl. 1 4 , Sec. 3, B.I. R-2 Red by RAH), Gerald F. App. No. Date M-469 4-11-1972 Approved 0 Denied X /0 Extend a nonconforming stairway cexisting stair- way built to the side property line) to the rool !of a garage apartment in the R-2 Dist. (Ord. requires a 3' side yard setback) Variance. Res), bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other KUdification LOCATION 310 Diamond Ave. Legal descripfim Lot 6, Block 14, Section 3, Balboa Island Tract Filed by GERALD F...._RAPF App. No. Date 469 5-18-72 Approved 0 Denied a Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MODIFICATION Amendment C LOCATION 113 Diamond Street, B.I. Legal description Lot 24, Eli U. Sec 3. B.I. Red by Richard A Stupin App. No. Dee 1. Aooroval is for the zero sidevard for the M-521 6-20-72 garage only. Approved fl Denied 2. That all three garage spaces be utilized for vehicular storage only. Amendment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modific-a.tion LOCATION 320 Diamond Ave. Legal description Lot 11 Block 14 Sec. 3 Bal. Is. Filed by BRISCOE, Hilda C. App. No. Date 277 3-15-56 Approved M Denied 0 2'6" encroachment into required 5' rear set back Variance ER Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3 22 DIAMOND AVENUE Legal description Lot 12 Block 14 Section Three. Balboa Isl. Filed by Ian J N Harrison , AIA V1198 CC 7-25-94 Approved Co Denied 0 • • • single family dwelling which has resulted in the existing structure exceeding the allowable gross floor area of 1.5 times the buildable area of the site on property located Vliamidire0 R-1 5 D Resubdivisio istrint. n 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other App. No. Date LOCATION 124 niamoncl Ave Legal description l o t 13, Rik 14, Section 3, Balboa Island Filed by_auti arden_ App. No. Date 144154 12 -14 -93 Approved xla Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling that currently encroaches 1 foot into the required 4 foot I • • • ii III MI Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 required sebacks as set forth by the Zoning Code. LOCATION 4221 Dolphin-Striker Way Legal dmaipfim Lot 4, Tract 7770 Filed by EMKAY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. CONDITIONS: App. No. Date 1. That a Parcel Map be filed 347 7-6-72 2. That sidewalk be con- Approved 3 Denied 0 structed on the Dolphin-Striker Way and Martingal Way frontages. 3. That separate water and sewer services be provided to each parcel to the satisfaction of thA Publir Works Pepartmpo:t Variance Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C4Nw 4. That there be a document recorded satis- factory to the City Attorney and the Director of Community Development providing for the common use of the off-street parking areas on Parcels 1, 2, and 3. 5. That the conditions of approval of Tract No. 7770 regarding street trees, street design, etc., to be fulfilled. LOCATION 4221 Dolphin-Striker Way Legal descriptkm Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 45-23 (Reslib.347) westerly of MacArthur Blvd, between Martingale Way and Newport Place Dr. in Newport Place Ned by Stuart Ketchum Permit the expansion of the App. No. Date existing El Torito Rest. to UP3162 10-24-85 allow the use of an existing open courtyard for dining and Approved la Denied 0 drinking purposes. Includes a request to allow the additional required off-street parking spaces to be Provided on an adjoining office building site under the same ownership as the restaurant site. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jr Amendment 0 LOCATION 4221 Dolphin-Striker Way Legal description Lot 4, Tract 7770 Filed by Trophy's Sports Grill App. No. Date M4268 12-20-94 Approved a Denied 0 Ii 1 I A • facade: as well as a 6 foot high monument sign to encroach feet into the required PO foot setback along MacArthur Blvd. The Moil CV 1 twits such canstrort -ine to 4 fPPt Variance 0 esu ivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4221 Dolphin-Striker Way Legal description Block 50, Irvine Filed by BSHA Design Group Add four roof mounted satelite App. No. Date dishes to a restauant building Satelite Dish 4-6-95 currently being remodled. #26 Approved cpc Denied 0 Variance 0 esubdtvisi9n 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Scat, 01/4.1/4-A1(Th Do phi ril;r. ISJUAHUN 1027 Dolphin Tr. Lot 7 Tr. 5130 R-1 Legal description Filed by SWEDLOW P. App. No. Date APPROVED & DENIED (See Over) M-95 7-8-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 An 8' oarden wall, with 2' of ornamental iron and plastic on too, where ordinance allows 6'. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other modification Amendment 0 APPROVED, for that portion as provides for a 2 ft. retaining wall provided further than no portion of the ganden wall exceeds a height of 6' above grade of the subject lot; and that portion of the application as• pertains to wrought iron and plastic NOT BE APPROVED. LOCATION 1116 Dolphin Terrace Legal description L o t 12 Tract 51 30 R-1 Filed by DoRN ,_Alfred App. No. Date DENIED BY C.C.1 22 68 92n 1-4-1968 Approved 0 Denied X n Construct a sun deck and stairway in the rear yard 2 ft. from the westerly side property lin and 0 ft. from the rear property line. Variance gip Other Resubdwision 0 Use Perrmt 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1125 Dolphin Tr. EcIM Legal description L Qt_2 Trractil.no Red by ROBERTS, Murray App. No. Date 272 2-16-56 Approved IKI Denied ID Detached garage in front half of lot. Variance 21 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1130 Dolphin Terrace, CdM Legal description Lot 91, Tract 1700 Piled by Wm. G. Livingston App. No. Date M -335 6 -1 -1971 Approved XX1 Denied 1:1 Variance 0 Resubdivision ID Use Permit ID Other Modification Amendment El 1.1.31 notpaat terrace Legal Description Lot 3, Tract 1700 Filed By: Pacific Coast Architects (Philip Edmondson) Application No. Date M5152 12/06/2000 Approved: Denied: X In conjunction with additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling, the construction of retaming walls and swimming pool on the bluff side of the property. A portion of the retaining wall of the swimming pool will be 5 feet 4 inches above existing grade where the Code limits the height to a maximum of 3 feet. The portion of the retaining wall and pool that encroaches into the front yard setback along the bluff is approximately 22 feet long and encroaches from 0 to 3 feet. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 1223 Dolphin Terrace Legal description Lot 2. Tract 2334 Red by Jack Head Requested a bay window to App. No. Date encroach 10 ll into the required M-2769 5-25-83 4' west side yard setback area. Approved El Denied 0 MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1231 Dolphin Terrace Legal description Lot 3 Tract 2334 Zone R-1 Filed by KELSO, Harry M. App. No. Date 325 12 -20 -56 Approved It Denied 0 Construction of' swimming pool on froift one —half of lot. CONDITION: A 6' fence to be erected between the setback line & swimming pool. Variance a Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 1288 Dolphin Terrace Legal Description Lot 79, Tract 1700 Filed By: Dave Ekedal Application No. Date M4836 12-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the garage to encroach up to 6 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback opposite Patolita Drive. The encroachment is in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling using the existing foundation. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 1288 Dolphin Terrace Legal Description Lot 79, Tract 1700 Filed By: Dave Ekedal Application No. Date Mod. 4866 3-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a wall that encroaches from 1 to 7 feet in various locations into the required 10 foot front yard setbacks and is a maximum of 6 feet in height, located on Dolphin Terrace and Patolita Drive. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 1288 Dolphin Terrace Legal Description Lot 79, Tract 1700 Filed By: Dave Ekedal Application No. Date M4785 9-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 4 foot encroachment Into the required 10 foot rear yard setback in conjunction with an addition towards the street to the garage. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification Dolphin Terrace Legal description Lot 6 Tract 2 334 Zone R-1 Filed by ROWBERRY, Capt. and Mrs. L.S. App. No. Date 314 9-7-56 Approved IN Denied 0 Y-20-56 Swimming pool on front. I of I ot, Must. halm -is font ?mire betmpen pool and sPtbank_linP. Variance Resubdivision El Use Permit DI Amendment D Other LOCATION 1325 Dolphin Terraca_ Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 7 Tract 2134 Zone R-1 Filed by C. J. ATJRN_ App. No. Date 376 6-20-57 Approved Di Denied 0 Construction of swimtingmpool on front half of lot. Variance 121 Resubdivision Use Permit IT Amendment LI Other LOCATION 1429 Dolphin Terrace Legal description Lot 11 Tract 2334 Filed by HENDERSON, Tom W. App. No. Date 242 8 -18 -55 Approved El Denied 0 Increase roof overhang at garage opening to 3' Variance in Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment D LOCATION 1509 Dolphin Terrace Legal description Filed by Mr./Mrs. John Schaefer Request to permit the con- App. No. Daft struction of a 5 foot 6 inch M 3309 8-4-87 retaining wall which will encroach 6 feet 6 inches into the required Approved g Denied 1:1 setback from Bayside Drive which varies from 32.75 feet to 36.08 feet as measured from the Bayside Drive right-of- way . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1523 Dolphin Terrace_ Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 16 Tract 233 1+ Zone R-1 Filed by Charles Fishback App. No. Date 337 1-17-57 Approved Denied Construction of a swimming pool on front half of lot. Variance a Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment El Other LOCATION 1530 Dolphin Tr. Legal description Lot 48 Tract 1701 Filed by NACCO CORP. App. No. Date 268 1-23-56 Approved Ca Denied El Detached garage in front half of lot. Variance In Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1535 Dolphin Terrace Filed by Anthony Allen App. No. Date Permit pool equipment to M-2519 3/18/80 encroach 3' into required 5' north side yard. Approved DB Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 LULA I !UPI 1541 Dolphin Terrace Legal description Filed by Mike Blower REMOVED FROM CALENDAR App. No. Date M 3183 8-12-86 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 757 - 769 Domingo Drive Legal description Lot 8 Tract 5425 Filed by THF TRVTNF COMPANY App. No. Date 840 1 -21 -1965 Approved 0 Denied 4 required parking spaces to be uncovered in connect/cm with an 8 unit apartment. Variance al Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment D LOCATION Legal description 835-851-869 Domingo Drive and 853 Amigos Way Lot 1 Tract 5425 R-3-B Filed by CURTIS, David W. App. No. Date 9105.4(h) 9- -1965 Approved a Denied D Congrruct garages on front one-half of lot and have 3' side yards for accessory buildings. __CAlsa_granted on Lot 2 - Tract 5425) Variance fl Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit D Amendment LI LOCATION 4501 Dorchester Road Legal Descri 'lion Lot 94, Tract 3519 Filed By: Scott R. Herr Application No. Date M4831 12-29-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the construction the of a property line wall located in the required 6 foot front yard setback on the view side of the lot, and is 7 feet 3 inches in height, where the Code limits fences and walls to 3 feet. Also proposed in the front setback, is a barbecue that is 3 feet 4 inches in height. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment I Other: Modification LOCATION 4615 Dorchestet _Pond Le g al description Lot 88. Tract 3519 Filed by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stemler App. No. Date Request to permit the construction M3873 7/9/91 of a new three-car garage to encroach 2 feet into the required Approved a Denied 0 6 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 4624 Dorchester Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 83 - Tract 3519_Cameo Highlands Filed by Gordon B. Dunn App. No. Dote M-286 2-23-1971 Approved ai Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision Other Modification Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4709 Dorchester Rd Le g description Lot 29. Tract 1919 Filed by PETER R. HUBINGER App. No. Dee 750 11/27/73 Approved Denied 0 On 11/27/73, the Modification Committee deter- mined that a modification was not required and therefore took action to remove such from calendar. Filing fee refunded. Went before Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other m Planning Commission on 12/6/73 and was approved with conditions. A.ruAnWN .egal description 4616 uorcnester Road Filed by John B. Hoag App. No. Date Constrn. of a rear fire M-2162 11/8/77 wall in garage resulting in garage Approved tJ Denied 0 spaces 18 feet deep (where the Code requires 20 feet). Existing on the property is a patio cover which encroaches to within 3' ot the rear property line lwhere the Lode requires a 6' setback). Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 athet Modification LOCATION 1607 Dorothy Lane Legal description Lot 24. Tract 1973 Fled by Richard Aaderson App. No. Date Request to permit the construction 144045 9-22-92 of a fireplace in conjunction with an addition. The proposed Approved 0 Denied 0 fireplace (5 feet in width) will encroach 2 feet into the required 6 foot rear yard setback Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 flaws. Dove • LOCATION Dove & Newport Place Dr. Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 54110 Resub. 384) Fled by EMKAY DEV. CO . INC. App. No. Date 415 10-18-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved X n Denied 0 Request to create two parcels of land for dev- elopment. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit J Amendment 0 LOCATION Southerly corner of Dove St.81WesterlyP1 Legal description Parcel 1, Bk 39, Pg. 18, Hod by Bayshore Development Co. App. No. Date 713 10 -4 -73 WITHDRAWN Approved D Denied 0 Request to permit a maximum of 20% of the re- quired off-street parking stalls for a proposed office building to have a minimum dimension of 7'6" X 15'0" (for compact cars) where the stalls • I IP se Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oth er esubdivision presently required. LOCATION 801 Dove Street Legal description Portion of Lot 3 Filed by Lolwell Ray Hornasek App. No. Date lo establish a restaurant UP-1789 5/6/76 Facility with on-sale beer and wine in "Newport Approved a Denied 0 Hace." Resubdivision Q Use Permit a Amendment Variance Other LOCATION 801 Dove Street & 990 Bristol Legal thscripihm Lot 3, Tract 7694 Red by Edker & Blanche Pope App. No. Date To create two parcels of R-519 5/6/76 land for commercial development. Approved ID Denied 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Resubdivision Variance 0 Other LOCATION 848-888 DOVE STREET Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 64-25 (l. 462) Filed by Robert H. Lee Associates App. No. Date UP 3558 8-14-95 Approved NEI Denied 0 Request to permit establishment of administrative & clerical offices & automobile maintenance facilties for Avis' rental rental fleet on property located in the Newport Place Planned Community. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION Legal description 848-888 Dove Street Parcel 1 Filed by James H. Parkinson App. No. Date Installation of an UP-1803 9/2/76 identification ground zy c..c.42-‘2.-74 -P.e, • sign and automobile Approved 13 Denied 031 display areas adjacent to Jamboree Road in conjunction with the "Beach Imports" and "Newport Datsun" automobile sales and service facilities in "Newport Place." The proposed Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IX] Amendment 0 Other development also includes the construction of a new service building on the site. LOCATION Legal description 848 and 888 Dove Street James Partrn-son Filed by UI dOUuLIUTId office and storage space in conjunction Approved ID Denied 0 with the existing Newport Datsun and Beach Import automobile service facilities on the property. App. No. Date UP -1880 9/7/78 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ri Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LocKnoN 848 Dove St Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 52-19 (re- subdiv. #380) located at W of MacArthur Blvd. & N of Jamboree Rd in NEWPORT PLACE Fled by JAMES PARKINSON App. No. Date 1723 5=16=74 CONDITrONS Approved )13X Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivolon 0 Use Permit MX Amendment 0 LOCATION 888 Dove Street Legal description Pot. Lot 1, Tract 7694 Pied by James Parkinson App. No. Date UP -1657 3/8/73 Approved Ca Denied 0 Constrn and operation of an automobile sales and service facility (Newport Datsun) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 LOCATION 848 and 888 Dove Street 4 1 t• S . II I" • 1 ! Amendment 0 Legal description , . 4: in the Newport Place Planned Community Fled by Newport Datsun - Beach Imports App. No. Date Request to amend an approved UP-1803 (Amended) 6/18/8 use permit that permitted automobile display areas facing Approved GI Denied 0 Jamboree Road in conjunction with the Newport Datsun - Beach Import automobile sales facility. The proposed development consists of constructing overhead trellis structures a display area. Variance 0 Itesubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other LOCATION 848 & 888 Dove St. Legal description Parcel s 1 & 2 Parcel Map 52-19 (re- sub #380) on SE side of Dove St. S of Bowsprit in NEWPORT PLACE Filed by PARKINSON, JAMES App. No. Date 462 7 -1 -74 LUND! TIONS Approved a Denied 0 Resubdivision EX Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 4>CATION 895 Dove Street .egal description Lot 4, Tract 7694 Filed by Howard Richardson App. No. Date Amend a previously UP-1579 12/15/77 approved use permit that (Amended) permitted the establishment Approved Ei Denied CI of the Howard Chevrolet automobile sales and service facility so as to permit the constrn. of additional space tor the parking and storage of new automobiles and trucks and service tor customer's cars. Variance D Other Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment CI Use Permit LOCATION 895 Dove Street Legal Description Lots 4 and 5, Tract 7694 Filed By: Lennar Partners Application No. Date No. M5025 1-12-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit a sign program for a multi-tenant building that includes major and minor tenant identification signs that will exceed the number and size as permitted by the Newport Place Planned Community District regulations Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 8w - Sag. Dove Street Legal description Lot 4 Tract 7-6-94 Filad by HOWARD CHEVROLET INC. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1579 2-3-1972 Approved ij Denied 0 An Automobile Center that inctutes Sd es and service of new and used automoblits & trucks, sale o parts, easing an and specific promotional aids. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 P-C 111 LOCATION 901 Dove Street Legal description Parcel I ot—Parcel Map 59-22 (Resubdinsion No. 429) Filed by Religious Science Newport Request to establish a church App. No. Date Facility within an existing UP 3404 1-10-91 office building located in "Professional and Business Office Approved Fa Denied 13 Sites 1 and 2" in the Newport Place Planned -Conmiunity. Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision fl Use Permit Amendment CI LOCATION 901-987 Dove 1000 Quail Legal description por Elk 50, Irv.me Sub No. of Cntersection ot Quail & Dove Sts. in Nwpt Place Filed by EMMY DEVELOPMENT App. No. Date 390 4/5/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved jEl Denied 0 ;reate one parcel Variance 0 Resubdivision •:41 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other UDCAJRDN 990 Dove St. Legal description Parcel No. 1 of PM 61-8 (R423) on the so side of Bowsprit Dr. between Dove St. & MacArthur Blvd Filed by Ware & Malcomb Arch. Reg. to amend Newport Place PC App. No. PaiM to reclassify property designated A637 11-20-86 as Restaurant Site 2A to Prof.& Bus. Office Site 8 to permit constAppflwed 0 Dsflied 0 of a 54,000 sq. ft4 story ofce bldg. Incl.a mod to the to permit compact park. for a portion of the req. tort- street ps; req. to provide off-street park.based on 1-z50 sf: and the acceptance of an e.d. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 990 Dove St. Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 61-9 (R423) on the so.side of Bowsprit pr. between Dove St. & MacArthur Blvd in the Newport Place PC Filed by ware & Malcomb Arch. Req. to approve a traffic App. No. Date study to permit the construction TS 11-20-86 of a 54,000 sf office bldg within the Newport Place PC Approved Denied Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ("Vika. LOCATION 990 Dove St. (Victoria Station Rest.) Legal description SW corner of Bowsprit Dr. & Mac- Arthur ELK 50, Irvine Sub. Filed by EMKAY DEVELOPMENT CO . , INC . App. No. Date 365 10/19/72 Approved Mg] Denied 0 CONDITIONALLY Variance CI Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION won hnvp St Legal description Filed by niers App. No. Date M4385 11-28-95 Approved a Denied CI Secondary tpnant wall cignagp in addition ta permitted primary tenant wall signs". Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1151 Dove St. Legal description W. side of Dove St. No. of Bowsprit Dr. Blk 50, Irvine Sub., Newport Place Filed by EMKAY DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. App. No. Date 366 10/19/72 Approved gl Denied Create 1 parcel Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision Use Permit 0 Amendment CONDITIONALLY LOCATION 1151 Dove St., Newport Beach Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 48-12 Filed by Newport Properties I, Ltd. Req. to resub. exist. parcel of App. No. Date land in Newport Place Planned R784 8-23-84 Community to create single Parcel for office condo Approved Et Denied 0 purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 3 ' Permit El Amendment LOCATION 1201 Dove St. Legal description For. Elk 50 Irvine Sub. located Lt the SE corner of Quail & Westerly Pl. Filed by MKAY DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. Date 384 3/15/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved ra Denied 0 ;reate 1 parcel. Variance Other Resubdivision KI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1301 Dove Street Filed by Emkay Development App. No. Dee Create two parcels of land R-585 6/15/78 for development where one parcel of land now exists, Approved al Denied 0 and the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION ..gal description 1301 Dove Street Filed by Emlay Development & Realty Lo. App. No. Permit 20% compact parking M-2489 stalls in connection with the construction of an office Approved and parking structures in connection with approved Modification No. 2309. Date 12/18/79 Q Denied 0 a previously Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION Legal description 1301 Dove Street Filed by Emkay Development & Realty Co. App. No. Date P ermit a parking ratio M-2309 10/3/78 of one space per 250 sq.ft. of net floor Approved 01 Dented 0 area (where Vie Code. requires one space per zn square feet of met rtmyr area). Variance 0 Resubdivkionin Use, Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other modfftcation LOCATION 1301 Dove Street Legal description Parcel L, Resubdivision No. 386 Filed by Mitsui Manufacturers Bank Requested the placement of two App. No. Date wall signs, each of which exceed M-2851 5-10-83 200 sq.ft. in area, on the Mitsui Manufacturers Bank Building Approved 0 Denied 0 located in the Newport Place Planned Community. Modification Variance IJ Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1301 Dove Street Legal description Newport Place Planned Community Ned by Mitsui Manufacturers Bank App. No. Dee Reauest to install two wall M-2851 6/23/83 signs. each of which exceed (Appeal) the allowable 200 s.ft. in Approved Ei Domed 0 area, on the Mitsui Bank in Newport Place P-C 6/23/83 P.C. APPROVED APPEAL CONDITIONALLY. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 i301 LocKnoN West Dove Street Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map R.T.S. 7197; Resubdivision No. 585.- on the west side of Dovi Street at the westerly terminous of N/P Placr Pled by Manufactures Bank App. No. Date Request to permit a drive-up UP#1954 9/18/8( teller facility in conjunction with the Manufactures aWk Approved gy Denied 0 use in an existing atice building in Newport beach. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 1301 Dove St. Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 120-27-28, (R585) on the west side of Dove St at the west, terminus of Newport Place Dr. in Newport Place PC Filed by Fred Joubran Req. to permit establishment App. No. Date of a take-out rest. w/beer & IN3309 12-8-88 wine, located In Professional & Business Office Sites 1 and 2 Approved gra Denied 0 of the Newport Place PC. Incl. a req. to waive the additional req. off-st. parking Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1300 Dove Street Legal Description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Book 63, Page 27 Filed By: Redstone Plaza (Ware & Malcomb Architects, Application No. Applicant) Date PC Reso. 1493 and 1494 GPA 98-3 (B) PC 3-18-99 Ord. 99-7 A 883, Mod. 4884 4-12-99 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit a 2,350 square foot addition to an existing three story commercial office building and related on-site parking. The project requires the approval of: • a General Plan Amendment and PC Amendment to increase the square footage entitlement in Block F of the Newport Place Planned Community to reflect the existing development and to accommodate the construction of the proposed expansion, and • a Modification to permit reduction of the parking requirement ratio from I space for each 225 square feet to I space for each 250 square feet of net floor area. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment X Other: CPA and Modification 1400 Dove Street changed to: 4100 Newport Place - office building 4106 Newport Place - parking structure 3 -18-88 LOCATION 1400 Dove St. Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 40-31 (R319) & Parcel 1 of PM 83-705 (R742) on the n.e. corner of Dove St. & Newport Place Dr. Filed by MacLachlin Investment Co. Req. to approve a ts to allow the App.No. Date construction of a nine story TS 45 5-5-88 183,740 sq. ft. office bldg on Property located in Professional Approved _ErDenied & Business Offices Site 5 in the Newport Place PC Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 1400 Dove Street Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 40-31 Resub 319 Filed by Bill Langston Request to approve an amendment App. No. Date to the Newport Place Traffic Newport Place Phasing Plan to permit the TPP#7 & A604 3-8-84 construction of a 16,154 sq.ft. Approved Q DeMed (net) office building on property located in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5" A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to permit a portion of the parking spaces to be compact sized parking spaces. (OVER) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other A-604 RES 4). 1114 Request to amend the previously approved Newport Place Planned Community regulations so as to allow the construction of a 16,154 sq.ft. (net)office building on property located in the "Professional and Business Offices Site 5", and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION 1400 Dove St. Legal ducal:aka Parcel 1 of PM 40-31 (R319) and Parcel 1 of PM 83-705 (R742) on the n.e. corner of Dove St. & Newport Place Dr. Filed by Walden & Assoc. Parcel 1 of PM 40-31 (R319) and App.No. Date Parcel 1 of PM 83-705 (R742) R866 5-5-88 on the n.e. corner of Dove St. & Newport Place Dr. Approved Erlkmied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1400 Dove Street Legal 'description Por. 81. 50, Irv. Subb P-C Filed by EMKAY DEVELOPMENT CO., Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS cSee Minutes or application) 319 10-21-71 Approved in Denied E Request to create 1 lot, 1.376 acres in area for commercial use. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 1401 Dove Street Legal Description Parcel I of Parcel Map Book 40, Page 32 Filed By: Richard Martin Application No. Date M 4902 5-4 -99 Appproved: Denied: To permit a a reduction of the parking requirement ratio from 1 space for each 225 square feet to 1 space for each 250 square feet of net floor area. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification 1401 Dove Street LOCATION Legal Description Parcel 1, Book 40, Page 32 of Orange County Parcel Maps Filed By: 1MC/ICH Dove Street LLC Application No. Date A 877, GPA 98-1B PC 11-19-98 Mod. 4731, TS 117 CC 12-14-98 Appproved: X Denied: A request to permit the construction of a two-story 26,122 square foot commercial office building built over a partially subterranean parking lot. The proposed site encompasses approximately 3.8 acres of land area and is currently developed with a six- story office building and related on-site parking. The new office building will be located to the west of the existing building towards the rear of the site where a portion of the parking lot currently exists. Variance: I Resubdivision: j Use Permit I Amendment X Other: General Plan Amendment, Modification, Neg. Dec. and Traffic Study LOCATION 1401 Dove Lewd description Portion of Lot 144, Block 50 of IrT , vine Subdivision Filed by BANK OF CALIFORNIA App. No. Date 1022 7-6-72 Approved 0 Denied co Variance E Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1401 Dove Street Por. Bl. 50 Irv. Sub. P-C Filed by EMKAY DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Application or Minutes) 322 11 -4 -1971 Approved -a Denied E Request to create one lot, 3.9 acres in area, for commercial development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Dri Use Permit 0 Amendment LUCA EION !Oa Wove Street Legal description Filed by BA Premises Corporation App. No. Date Request to create two parcels R-613 2/8/79 of land for commercial development where one parcel Approved fai Denied 0 now exists, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance Resubdivision a Use Permit El Amendment 1:1 Other LOCATION Gerrity Co. 1500 Dove St. Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 83-705, no. of Newport Place Dr. between MacArthur Blvd. and Dove St. Fled by Gerrity Co. Rev.previous app. R788 that App. No. Date permitted two parcels of land R788 5-9-85 for office develop, and related off-street parking.Req.amend. Approved Er Denied E] of Cond.of App.8 relative to establish.of easements for ingxess,egress and parking over both parcels for benefit of each parcel. Resubdivision Or Use Permit D Amendment El Variance 0 Othp, LOCATION 1500 Dove St. Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 83-705 Resubdivision No. 742 Filed by Stuart M. Ketchum Request to resubdivide an App. No. Date existing parcel of land into two R788 10-18-84 parcels for office development and related offstreet parking. Approved a Denied 0 Resubdivision 52-' Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance n4sar LOCATION Legal description 1500 Dove Street Ned by sill nerrjry & Owen Wirkqtrand Requested to permit a App. No. Data proposed parking structure to M-2991 10-2-84 encroach 16 feet into the required 30 foot front yard set _Approved 12 Denied 0 back area adjacent to Dolphin Striker Way: and to allow a maximum of 25 % of the required parkins .spaces on the site to be compact parking spares. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 1600 Dove Street Legal description Riad by Strock Architects Request to permit off-street parkiApp.No. [We to be provided at a ratio of one M 3051 5/7/85 space for each 250 sq.ft. of net floor area, where the Newport Approved 1j Denied 0 Place Planned Community Development Standards require parking to be provided at at a ratio of one space for each 225 sq.ft. of net floor area. Variance 0 AA. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1600 Dove Street Lot 3, Tract 7770 Filed by R. Daniel Olmstead, Jr. App. No. Date Redesign of an existing M-999 3/9/76 -barking lot to include compagt parking spaces Approved ty Denied 0 so as to allow additional landscaping to the existing ottice building on the site. Variance [3 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 1600 Dove Street Legal description LOt 3, tract 77/U App. No. Dee 757 12/26/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved VI DeMed 0 lequest to permit the reduction of the off-ctree. )arking requirement from 1 space/225 sq ft of )et floor area to 1 space/239 sq ft nf not Floor area for a proposed office building in the )-C Dictrirt- Variance 0 Roubdivkion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Ogler M Red by MESSENGER VENTURE LOCATION 1601 Dove Le al description 3900, 4000 4120 Westerl Place on o I o IrVhe Sub, located sie l ly1 of Dove St. and Westerly Place (Proposed) Red by Emkav Development Co.. INc. App. No. Date ' 312 8/19/71 Approved j Denied 0 CONDITIONALLY Create 4 commercial lots. Variance 0 Resubdivimon 21 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1660 Dove Street Legal description Filed by Cask 'n Cleaver Restaurant App. No. Date Request to establish a UP-1811 1/20/77 restaurant facility with a cocktail lounge within Approved a Dried CI "Retail Commercial Site No. 1" in the "Newport Place" Planned Community. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit aa Amendment 0 LOCATION 1901 Dave Streftt Le g al est:10k" Lot 1, Tr_a_rt 7394 Filed by Don K n1 l_Strimp any App. No. Date ----A-PaR.04-E-D(-COUDIT-LO NS ) 573 10-10-72 SEE FILE Approved fit Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment El Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 2101 Dove and 4200 Campus Drive Legal description Lots 23, Tract 3201 and Lots 20 thru 22 and 40 thru 42, Tract 3201 NW by ALFA DOLLAR WISE RENT-A-CAR OF 0.C. App. No. Date 1720 4/18/74 CONDI IICINALLY Approved fi Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a rent-a car business and the storage of a amximum of ten rental automobiles on a separate lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdtvision 0 Use Permit xi Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2121 W Dove St. Lots 16-22 inclusive Lots 40-46 Tract 3201 "U" Filed by L. M. COX MANUFACTURING CO. App. No. Date 648 7-7-1960 Approved AD Denied [] Construct an industrial bldg. in an Unclassified Dist. to be used for light manufacturing. CONDITION: Approved subriect to the conditions of an M-1-A District. Variance EI Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Et Amendment Ej Other A-ir rn /7 / 41 P 7J_ r A Az 1.3 A LOCATION 4019 Dove Street Legal description Lot Tract 7394 Filed byKoll Income Properties, Inc. App. No. Date A school for the training UP-1752 5/1/75 of industrial psychologists in an existing office Approved t I Denied 0 complex in "Newport Place." Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permitn Amendment 0 Dover Dr. DCATION ,gal description 111 Dover Drive Filed by MACCO REALTY CO. = Are 410.4"-P f Nes - App. No. Date exr: amrAdierD 251, te 7-6 7 916 2-7-1963 Approved xlE Denied 0 An 8 x 20 directional sign for Tract 4224 (Dover SIB ores) CONDITION; Approved for a period of one year, subject to the sign being erected in the Cel Dist. ariance 0 >filer Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tick Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 200 Dover Drive Filed by The Irvine do. Request a two year extension of App. No. Defoe time for an approved resub that permitted the creation of one R 674 2-9-84 Parcel of land for sale purposes Approved Ea Denied and one parcel designated as "not a building site" and one residual parcel to be held for future development and the acceptance of an environmental document. APPROVED 2 YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment El Variance 0 Other LOCATION 200 Dover Drive Legal description A portion of Let 2 of Tract No. 1125 Filed b y The Inti-ne-Co App. No. Date R-674 1/22/81 Request to create one parcel Approved n Denied 0 of land for sale purposes, one parcel designated as "not a building site", and one residual parcel to be held for future development; and the acceptance of an Environmental nnrument Variance 0 Other Resubdivision IX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Lower Castaways Parcel Legal description I 1- 300 Dover Drive I l- • la - . H o d by me Irvine Company Request to create one parcel of lantIPP.1c4 Date for marina development in the R 972 10-28-91 Castaways Marina Planned Community Approved a Denied 0 P.C. 11-21-91 C.0 2-10-92 Variance 0 Other Resubdivtsion Ekx Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 300 Dover Drive Legal descripfion Portion of Lot 1, Tract 1125, located at 300 Dover Drive on northeasterly corner of Dover Dr. and West Coast Highway on the Castaways property. Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. Date A 743 10/28/91 Request to adopt Planned I 11111 . I • D . i lath and v lo t Plan for the Approve L3 Denied 0 Castaways Marinr and the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 748 Dover Dr. Legal description Lot 148 Tract No. 1218, on the s.w. corner of Dover Dr and 16th St. easterly of N.B. Harbor H.S. in Cliff Haven Red by Century Health Care of CA Req. to permit the establish. App. No. Dare of a 32 bed, 24 hr. care facility UP3225 9-4-86 for the treatment of emotionally disturbed/depressed children on Approved e Denied 0 oroverty located in the A-P H Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 745 Dover Drive Legal description A •ortion of Lot 14 Ti 18 on th side of Dover Dr. so. of 16th St. adjacent to Cliff Haven Filed by Century Healthcare of CA 721- receptionist area, an office, a 6 To end, e l. an exist. breezeway to App. No. create add'], floor area for a new UP3225A 1-22-87 staff lounge and a new dinin area Approved 0 Denied 0 with kitchenette. Incl. a req. to add two add'l beds to the facility to establish a total of 34 beds. Incl. a req. to install a temp structure at the rear of the site which will be used for classr-om purposes. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other JDCATION 745 Dover Drive Legal description Lot 148 of Tract No 1218 per a map filed i Mis Filed by Bank otIlempstnt Request to create three App. No. Date parcels of aldn for commer- R-654 6/19/80 cial development, and the acceptance of an offsite Approved Denied 0 parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces for the Bank of Newport complex, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Resubdivision a] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance Dther LOCATION 747 Dover Dr. Legal description A portion of Lot 3 Tract No. 1125 Filed by Mike Arvanetis, dba Newport Workout App. No. Date UP3585 6 -20 -96 Approved C Denied 0 Establish a personal fitness training facility offering one- on-one personal fitness training, a member use gym, and limited fitness classes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 757 Dover Dr. Legal description Por. Lot 3 Tract 1 1 2 5 Filed by FIRST WESTERN BANK & TRUST CO. App. No. Date 1188 2-3-1966 Approved 0 Denied X ID Construct and operate a service station. Decision of Feb 28th reversed and findings_ilf__ JPla nning Commission sustained on Mar. 28. 1966. Variance fl Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment GRANTED BY C.C. 2-28-66 (Conditions) LOCATION N -'r 757 Dover Drive Legal description Metes & Bounds Desc. ITUIT Filed by FIRST WESTERN BANK & TRUST CO. App. No. Date WTTHDRAWN 1154 9-2-1965 Approved 0 Denied 0 Conctruct and operate a service station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 LOCATION 798 Dover Drive Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Book 64, page 32 Filed by City of Newport Beach App. No. Date R 1038 5-26-98 Approved X Denied 0 Request to permit request to a resubdivide three parcels of land into one parcel with the elimination of two interior property lines. Variance 0 Resubdivision X Use Permit LIII Amendment Ej rNhar, LOCATION 798 Dover Drive Legal description Lot 2 Tract 1125 Filed by IVAN WELLS & SONS, INC. App. No. Date 1126 4-15-1965 Approved /N Denied 0 Continue use of 10' x 10' offsite directional sign for Bevcrest on east side of Dover Drive, 66' north of 16th Street. CONDITION: Approved for 1 year. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Amendment D LOCATION '10 EEEp10117 . WO description Por. Int 2 Tr. 1125 Filed by NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH App. No. Dee SFF APPLTrATTON FOR CONIIITTONS 1231 10-20-1966 (SEE Ot/Eiej Approved El Denied 0 Oavalnp rhnrrh facilities with a tower in pyrpcs nf 1S I and temporary sign not to excedd legal limits Variance 0 Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 RES013 ZtS 6-6-1968 Commission approved final plans, including a tower 90 feet in height, subject to the condition that the tower not be lighted after 10:00 P.M. See file re: deferment of condition regarding 6 foot wall. LOCATION 801 Dover Drive Legal description PVC. Lot s, Ir. 11Z5 Filed by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints App. No. Date 1559 10 -21 -197 Approved A 10 Denied Permit the addition of executive offices and library facilities to an existing church. Variance 0 Other Resubdivtsion 0 Use Permit ni Amendment 801 DOVER DRIVE LOCATION Corner 16th St , & foyer Thrive Legal description Lot 3 Trerr 1175 Filed by CORP of the PAESTUM(' BISHOP of the CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST App.No. Date of LATTER DAY SAINTS (Morten Church) 496 2-19-59 Approved Denied EJ Construction of a Church CONDITION: Dover St. & 16th St. must be improved with curbs and sidewalks and said improvements must be in accordance with specifications of the Director of Public Works. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 19 Amendment 0 Other uover urive., slog. A & LOCATION 400.41poe4b.com4Nwmml—Des, Newport Beach Legal description Por.Lot 3 Block 166 Irvine*s Sub. "U" Filed by CHRISTENSEN, Otto L. DANFORD, Eugene L. & THE IRVINE CO. App. No. Date (CONDITIONS -over) 494 2-19-59 Approved E.; Denied El Construction and operation of a swimming school and appurtenant uses together with off-street parking. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. Front setback of the development to be as shown on px plot plan submitted 2. Use to conform to fire regulations applicable to C-1 Zone. LOCATION Legal description 88Q 011evpr nrive Por. Let 2 fra-G4 11-25 Filed by WCO REM Tj._ fl) (Thp T r tin P CO ) App. No. Date nFNIFF1 13V r C 10 -10 -66 9-19-1966 1226 Approved 0 Denied x 1 - 1 II II c;Irc riv‘tic o rr afAie4 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 887 & 927 Dover Drive Legal description _Lot 9 Tract 4225 C-N-H Filed by THE IRVINE CO. App. No. Date 176 12-5-1963 Approved Eli Denied 0 Create two C -N -H lots. Variance D Other Resubdivision 4c1 Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 900 Dover Drive Legal Description Lots 1-119, and Lots M-U of Tract 15012 Filed by Tayor Woodrow Homes, Inc. App. No. Date A859 5 -22 -97 Approved X Denied n Amendment to the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations to change the development standards as they apply to encroachments into the required setbacks and common area open space. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit Li Amendment LI Other: Amendment LOCATION 900 Dover Dr. Legal descdpfion Lot R. Tract No 15012 Filed by Taylor Woodrow Homes App. No. Date M4510 11 -5 -96 Approved xfi Denied 0 Construction of two 10 foot high columns and one 10 foot high wall at the vehicular entry gate to the Castaways development, where the Planned Community Ordinance limits such construction to 8 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 Dover Dr. Legal description Por. of Lot 2, Tract 1125 & a port. of Lot 165, Black 53, Irvine's Subdivision RI" by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date A843 PC 4-4-96 CC 4-22-96 Approved a Denied 0 Saencling_thtilaper Castaways Planned Community District Regul ations. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 Dover Or Legal description A Por of Lot 2 Trart 1126 & a Port of Lot 165. Blk. 53. Irvine's Subdivision EilecilIYTheLryine. Co App. No. Date R1014 5-30-95 Approved El Denied 1:1 Request to resubdivide one parcel of land into four parcels of land for financing and conveyance purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 DOVER DRIVE Legal description Portion of Lot 2, Tract 1125 & portion of Lot 165, Block 53; Irvine's Subdivision 'Filed by California Pacific Homes (Irvine Co.) App. No. Dee SPR 71 11-10-94 TMT 15012 —V-clskc LkJR-tAC., Approved Denied 0 Request to approve a site plan review for development of 119 single family detached du's et 0.8 acres of private open spdce on property located in Upper Castaways P-C. TNT: Request to subdivide 26 acres of land into 119 num- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 bered lots for single family detached residential develop ment; 1 numbered lot for public park purposes & 22 letter lots for public open space, private open space, private streets and future public street purposes; & the accept- •ance of an environmental document. LOCATION 900 Dover Dr. (Upper Castaways) Legal description Upper Castaways PC Filed by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date A843 PC 4-4-96 CC 4-22-96 Approved El Denied 0 Change the required street setback along Dover Drive (900 Dover Drive) from 35 feet to 25 feet consistent with prior City Council Actions. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 947 to 999 Dover Drive and Legal description 1501 to 1535 Westcliff Lot 8 Tract 4995 Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 797 3 -5 -1964 Approved EX Denied 0 Increase height limit to 60', which includes allowance of 15' for mechanical roof structure (penthouse) housing heating, air conditioning, and elevator equipment. 5' encroachment into required 15' front yard setback for projecting wing 10x64 for Itewport Natl.Bank bldg. only. Variance El Resobdivision 0 Use Penni+ fl Amendment 0 Other CONDITION The encroachment into the 15' front yard setback to be limited to 2'; the main portion of the building to be allowed to go to 48' with 12' structure for mechanical appurtenances. LOCATION 996 Dover Drive Legal description Por. Lot 2 Tr. 1125 "U" Filed by WELLS, Ivan & Sons, Inc. anrAislo/II Actliet, re -it-a 7 App. No. Date 1 1 6 4 1 0 - 23 - 6 5 Approved [XIX Denied Erect an 8' x 5' directional pole sign for "Baycrest". CONDITION: Approved for 2 years. Variance D Resubdivision El Use Permit NI Amendment Other LOCATION 998 Dover Dr. Legal description For lot 2 Tractil_12-5 'l u ll Filed by LYONS & CASHION App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1098 1-7-1965 Approved git Denied 0 Construct a 5' x 73/4I sign with 5' ground clearance. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 131 Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved for a period of one year, subject to the condition that the sign be located approximately 60' south of the location on Dover Drive as indicated on the plot plan. OCAT ION egal description 998 Dover Drive Por. Lot 2 Tract 1125 Zone "U" Filed by MACCO CORPORATION App. No. Date 909 12-20-1962 Approved EX Denied 0 Construct a fountain and landscape surrounding property. 'ariance >thee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 999 Dover Drive ex 1501 Westcliff Dr. Lot R Tract 4395 r-m-14 Filed by CHAZAN, Gerald & The Irvine Co. App. No. Date 195 12-3-1964 Approved Denied 0 Create 2 lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Ut Use Permit 0 Amendment fl CONDITION Rasubdivision to meet the requirements of the Planning and Public Works Department and that these Departments, together with the City Attorney, determine that vehicular access to Parcel 2 is adequate. LOCATION limn linver Dr Legal description Metes SE Bounds Zone "U" Filed by NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1065 8-6-1964 Approved Et Denied 0 bank building and parking facilities Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 CONDITION: Approved or period of one year; existing vehicular access openings must be closed at the end of that time. The Commission stated that this location of a bank building should not be construed as permission to continue any commercial use after the expiration of the one year period. LOCATION 1001,1003,1005,1007,1009 & 1011 Dover Dr. Legal description & 1502 & 1504 Westcliff Drive. Lots 1.2.3 & 4 of Tract 1896 au4_611 of Tract 1396 11-1 Flied by VILLA ONE, Inc. App. No. Date 566 10-1-1959 Approved 0 Denied /1211O Applicant requests permission to have carports on front half of lots. Variance [j] Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1003 Dover Drive Legal description A portion of Lot 1, Tract No. 1396, located at 1003 Dover Drive, on the northwesterly corner of Dover Drive and Westcliff Drive, in Westcliff Filed by Westcliff Villas Homeownvers Association Request to resubdivide a App. No. Date Portion of an existing lot into R952 3-7-91 a single parcel of land for a 22 unit residential condominium Approved Er Denied 0 project on property located in the MFR (22 DU) District where a 22 unit community apartment project now exists. Variance Other Resubdrasion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1016 Dover Drive Lot 10 Tract 3000 R-1-B Red by MOYER, A. (Anthony Pools) App. No. Date 424 12 -7 -1971 Approved 15 Denied 0 Permit pool equipment to encroach into the side and rear yard setbacks (2' setback vs. 5' req'd Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment C App. No. Date M3811 2-19-91 Ned by E. W. Liske Request to permit the construction of a block wall along the rear property line, Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [1 ranging in height from 5 feet Approved la Denied 11 inches to 6 feet 7 inches in height. The Zoning code limits such construction to el teet in height. LOCATION 1200 Dover Drive Legal description Lot 69, Tract 3000 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision p Use Permit D Amendment 0 wall within the required south M 2688 5/19/81 side yard setback area where Approved gi Denied 0 II 11 11 I • 11 of Al MODIFICATION LOCATION 1200 Dover Drive Legal description Lot 69, Tract 3000 Filed by Ralph Bogardus App. No. Date CATION 1500 - 1508 - 1514 Dover Drive 994 description 1507 - 1515 -1521 Ruth Lane Lots 31,32,33,34,35 & 36 Tract 1645 R-1 Filed by PRIEST, Douglass R. • Et al App. No. Date 657 8-3-1961 Approved 0 Denied fix Applicants request permission to have fences in exces of 6' in height, but in no case higher than 8 feet. ariance Hher Resubdwision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 18on Dnuar nrive LOCATION Legal description lgot 13 Tract 3004 R-1-R Filed by LEWIS, Edward v & T.etha A. App. No. Date 820 7-16-1964 Approved yfl Denied 0 Encroach 5'9" into required 20' side yard setback of a reverse frontage lot for purpose of building an addition to a dwelling unit and encroach 13'6" into the 20' side yard setback of a reverse frontage lot with a 6' block wall. Variance 2D Other Resubclivision D Use Permit D Amendment ID LOCATION 180A fr,„, nrivp Legal description not 12. Trari- No. 3004 Al" by Lance and Nancy Gilbertson App. No. Date c.qnen t to the M3730 7/10/90 constructi on of an addition that will be 13 feet 4 inches Approved 4:1 Denied 0 —122_1ang..th.,rancLy1.11 encroach 1 foot into the required 6 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment El LOCATION 171L, Louver VI-11W Legal description Ned by Russell Abane Request to permit the constructionApp.W. Date of an 8 ft. high wood fence M 3724 11-14-89 located within the required 6 ft. side yard setback where the Zoning Approved a Denied 0 Code limits such construction to a maximum height of 6 ft. The proposed fence is to replace an existing fence which is of similar height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 AJLA I JUN .egal description 1916 foyer nrivp lot 7 Tr 104 R-1- R Filed by THI1MACUN, F H. App. No. Date NQ ACTTON TAKFN M-102 Approved 0 Denied 0 -Permit 6' wrought iron fence to be placed in_ thP required 20 . front yard setback (aridness El Dtber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modificat4on Amendment 0 CV:ATIOU Intersection of Dover Drive & Westcliff Dr. seal description Block 53 Irvine's Sub. R-1-8 Filed by HARBOR HIGHLANDS App. No. Date 788 11-16-1961 Approved 100 Denied E] RENEW Use Permit No. 568 which permits a directional sign approximately 7' x 12' at the above location. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. Variance 0 >filer Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION Intersection of Dover Dr. ft Westcliff Dr. Legal description Block 53 Trvine's Sub R-1-R. Filed by HARBOR HIGHLANDS App. No. Date 568 11-19-59 Approved El Denied 0 Renewal Use Permit No. 473 approved 11-20-1958 for mki one year which permitted a directional sign for the purpose of advertising a new subdivision. CONDITION: Approved for a _geriod of one year only Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Lif Amendment 0 LOCATION Intersection of Dover Dr. & Westcliff Drive Legal description Irvine Subdivision Block 53 Filed by HARBOR HIGHLANDS App. No. Date 473 11-20-58 Approved 12 Denied ID Temporary directional sign approx. 7 x 12'. Variance Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 11 Amendment D . - LOCATION 203 Driftwood Road Legal description Lot 47 Tract 1116 Filed by TAPFER, Ted R App. No. Date 142 5-20-54 Approved 0 Denied gs To allow a 15' setback on Lot 47 on Shorecliff Road Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 34 Drakes Bay Drive UMA 6401 04011 Lot 8. Tract 7386 Filed by Blue Ribbon Pools App. No. Dail The location of a M-2028 2/8/77 swimming pool equipment at the side property Approved a Denie 0 line lw-here the Code requires a 5 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION Legal description 411 Drakes Bay Drive Filed by Joe Richardson App. No. Date To permit pool eouip- M-2047 3/8/77 ment that encroaches to within 3 feet of the side Approve a Denkd 0 property line (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 60, 62, 64, and 66 Drakes Bay Dr. Legal description Lots 20 through 24, Tract 7386 Red by John D. Lusk & Sons, Inc. App. No. Date Request to adjust lot R-510 3/4/76 lines on five single family residence lots Approved in Denied in Tract No. 7386 and Parcel Map No. 61-3. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 60,62,64 & 66 Drakes Bay Drive AND Legal clesmipfim 57 Goleta Point Drive Lots 20 thru 24, Tract 7386 Ned by JOHN D. LUSK & SON, dba SPYGLASS HILL App. No. Date 440 3/21/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Denied 0 Request to adjust lot lines on five single family residence lots in Tract No. 7386. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Et( Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 218 Driftwood Road Legal description Lot 19, Tract 1116 Filed by Brian Berkhausen Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a new detached garage, a portion M3998 5/5/92 of which will encroach 2 feet into the required 6 foot rear yard Approved vg Denied 0 setback. The applicant also proposes a second - floor bay window to encroach 2 feet into the required 6 toot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 718 Driftwood Legal description Lot 19, Tract 1116 Filed by Biran Berkhausen Requested a second story App. No. Date Jay window that is proposed to M62803 10-19-82 encroach 2'64" into the required 6' south side yard setback area. Approved j21 Denis 0 MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 'LOCATION 227 Driftwood Road Legal Description Lot 43, Tract 1116 Filed By: Jennifer Yarr, Whitfield and Associates, architects Application No. Modification 5114 Date July 26, 2000 Approved: X Denied: Request additions and alterations to an existing single-family dwelling a portion of which will encroach into the required 6 foot side yard setback. The Code allows the continuation of existing nonconforming side yard setbacks only in conjunction with additions. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: LOCATION 248 Driftwood Rd Legal cleaariPthe Lot 24 Tract No. 1116 Filed by Andrew Goetz App. No. Date M4269 12 -20 -94 Approved 13 Denied 0 Request to permit first & second story construction of a balcony. and living area to encroach 5 feet, and planters to encroach 6 feet, into the required 30 foot front yard setback. Said construction is in conjunction with the • `aree su i t. vision • se ermit Amendment 0 The existinc m b - Other building encroaches 5 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 310 Driftwood Road Legal Description Lot 27, Tract 116 Filed by C.J. Light Associates App. No. Date M4728 6-16-98 Approved Denied To permit an 8 inch and 2 inch encroachment into the required 25 foot front yard setback with portions of the garage and second floor office above the garage, in conjunction with a remodel of an existing single family dwelling. Variance Resubdivision ET Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other Modification Permit LOCATION 318 Driftwood Road Legal description Ried by Denise K. DiGiacomo Request to permit the ron- App. No. Date struction of alterations and M 3312 8-4-87 additions to x in • O. that will encroach 5 feet into Approved Ei Denied 0 the required 25 foot front yard setback. Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other