HomeMy WebLinkAboutI II Ii II II II II *NEW FILE* LLJL•A I JUN Legal description ouu street Filed by Craig Combs App. No. Date Permit spa and spa equipment M-2406 5/30/79 to encroach to the south side property line (where the Approved 13 Denied 0 Code requires 5' to the property line) and an overhead trellis area to encroach 3' into the required 3' south side yard setback area. Variance 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 500 & 502 I Street Legal description Lot 10. 11 and s. half rot 9, block 26, East Side addition Balboa Tract Filed by CHARLESADOSE APPROVED(CONDITIONS) App. No. Date 359 8-3-72 Approved Da Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other CONDITION: 1. That a Parcel Map be filed to include all four lots being resubdivided into three lots; and that if the consent of the owner cannot be obtained, the applicant my may return to the Planning Commission re- questing consideration of the original request. LOCATION Legal description 506 I Stree_t lot 8, 9 10. 11 Balboa Tract Filed by Morris _Drul App. No. Date 403 10 -19 -1971 Approved 0 Denied Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °firer Modification Amendment LOCATION 20 Ima Loa Court Legal description Filed by Michael E. Wolfe App. No. Date "f axisting dacir whi rth will M 3335 10 -20 -87 _the_zscrit-cwi 10 cnrif rnir yara arba ct Approved El Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LULA I !UN 3A00 Inlot Isle Drive Legal description lot 51 Tr. 6425 R -1 -0 Filed by SILVA 0ohn App. No. Date M-40 3-11-1969 Approved 13 Denied _enernarhment into the required A 4 ft ! 5 1 6" fence. Variance 0 Resubdivision Other Mod i fi-ca-t-i-o-n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3815 Inlet Isle Dr. Legal description Lot 56, Tract 6425 Filed by Odd Svendsbo App. No. Date M4181 3 -15 -94 Approved fl Denied 0 Request to permit the ronstrurtinn of a 8 font 6 inrh high open patio cover to encroach 6 feet into the required 6 foot rear yard setback and up_t_Q_approx. 1 foot into the required 6 foot side yard setback. The Zoning Code limits all construction iwthi n thh reqd sierWriNt & rear yard Variance 0 Resubdivision Antenement Other setbacks to 6 feet in height. LOCATION 3821 Inlet Isle Drive Legal description Lot 57, Tract No. 6425 Filed by Robert and Sheri Friedenberg App. No. Date Request to permit the construction M3834 4/9/91 of a solarium, 8 feet deep by 58 feet wide, to encroach to withilApproved 0 Denied g 2 feet of the rear property line and to provide 246 square feet of uncovered rear yard area. The Zoning Code requires that such construction maintain a rear yard setback ot 6 test and that a minimum of 750 square feet of yard area remain wnrovered Vinanee 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 3901 I n l e t I s l e D r Legal description Int 58, Tract 6425 App. No. Date Filed by Overby & Son 580 10 -24 -72 Approved 59 Denied 0 Conditions: see File Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 3901 Inlet Isle Drive Lot 58 Tracy 6425 R-1-3 Filed by GUMBINGER Frank J. and Helen H. App. No. Date M -182 4 -21 -1970 Approved )(IXl Denied 0 Patio cover to encroach into the required front yard. CONDITION: Construction must be of "open a nature. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 °flier modification LOCATION 3915 Inlet Isle Drive Legal thneripOm Lot 60 Tr. 6425 R-1 -B Filed by DUTTON, Robert D. App. No. Date M -64 4 -22 -196 Approved 411 Denied 0 8 ft. enccoachment into required 10 ft. front yard setback to construct a sunshade. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modificatio -n Amendment 0 LOCATION 2115 Indian Springs Legal description Lot 5 Tract T R-1 - Fled by PANAMINT CONSTRUCTION CO. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 14 -90 6 -24 -69 Approved n Denied 0 Reduction of the front yard setback from 20 feet to 10 feet and a reduction of the northerly side yard setback from 6 feet to 5 feet. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Other . . u co On Amendment 0 CONDITION Building Department requirements regarding setback from the top of the slope to be met. LOCATION 2 Inverness Ln. Legal description Lot 60, Tract 7638 Filed by John F. Bishop App. No. Date LLA95 -12 10 -24 -95 Approved ja, Denied 0 Adintaleat—af-stlat—lille_beilgetLL1110aCelSahLASe in the Big Canyon Planned Community District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1.0CADDN 5 InyerneSs Legal description Lot 63 Tract 7638, Big Canyon Filed by kagewater Pools Requested the installAtion ot spa equipment at the rear property line where the Code requires a 5' setback for such equipment. App. No. Date M -2655 1/27/81 Approved 13 Denied 0 Variance 0 ResubdivisroVI II gA lTjeclermit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION #17 Inverness Legal clesaipfim Lul. 68 TR 761t Filed by L. B. AKINS App. No. Date 818 7 -23774 flELY cond Approved ME Denied 0 permit the construction ot a conti levered deck is' required handrail to encroach 7' + into the requrrea 15' rear yard setback. Variance .0 Other r i Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 22 Tnvprness I Yr Legal description I nt 77, Trart 7632 FUed by Pat & JOE' Friesenhahn App. No. Date M4299 4-4-95 Approved x ia Denied 13 Request to Permit the construction of a 6 foot high masonry wall 41 foot 6 inches behind the front property line) at the intersection of Winged Foot Lane and Burning Tree Rd. Said masonry wall will replace a 6 foot high - Variance Other esub 'vision 0 Use ermit men•ment property line at said intersection. I 1.../ agal description 27 Invprnpcc lanp Mr. & Mrs. Robert Teller App. No. Date Constrn. of a single M-2140 9/20/77 family dwelling where a bay window on the Approved 151 Denied 0 first floor encroaches l' 6" + into the required 15' rear yard setback and a second floor balcony that encroaches 2' + into the required 15' rear Yard. The proposed developmentalso includes OVER- lariance J Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Wier Modification Filed by a deck in the rear yard where a portion of said deck has a height of 9' + (i.e. measured from.orade to the top of the required raiiing) where a maximum height of 8' is permitted in the required 15' rear yard. LOCATION 29 Inverness Legal description Lot 74 Tract 7638 Red by Rulon K. Hodges App. No. Date Constrn. of a room addition M-920 7/8/75 that encroaches to within 13 feet 7 inches t of the Approved 42 Denied 0 rear property line (where the Planned Community Development Standards indicate a required 15 foot rear yard setback). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 29 Inverness Lane Legal description Lot 74 Tract 7638 Filed by Rulon K. Hodges Withdrawn by Applicant App. No. Date M-906 5/21/75 Withdrawn Approved 0 Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Mndifiratinn 1— . _J--Ir 1 s tie, Zone R-1 Filed by RUSSELL, Mr. & Hrs._ Ted Date App. No. 392 8 -22/57 Approved X Denied 0 .0CATION 124 Iris Ave Corona del Mar .egal description Lo 28 6 I 0 Encroachment of 5' into required rear yard setback of 10' and 37 front yard setback italofiliali-red 15'. tariance >her Resubdisision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION • •• 7 C, 12A-110 Iris Ave C e ca7 -vu Legal descriptor Lots 10, 37 & 14, Rik. A-36. CdM at 126-130 Irie & Lot 1 . Tr 1096 at 3016 Breakers Dr. on S.E. o f Trig Ave F °ream Blvd. & N. Side of Breakers Dr ied by nohert_Rprri PeTieQt 1-n regultivide three App. No. Date T1-is Avm lots .i.ritO a single R 932 7/19/90 parrel of land for singly family rssidsntial development Approved a Denied 0 and to adjust the c oztunon interior property line between 1-he proposed Iris Ave. parcel and a Breakers Dr. lot. The _pxopnsal also includes an exception to the Subdivision Cod AO as to allow the creation of a parcel which is less tahn V ariance Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ge APT: X "r• IN-e r"4-en SA44 LOCATION Legal description 126 130 Iris Ave_ 6-130 • Trig kno and Lot 1 , Tr 10Fk at 101h Breakers nr. on SF CoXuax i" D oX i Iris Ave n Orrean Blvd N side of Breakers DI I-IIi _Rnhart Burn Farr est to amend a port i on of stat.1/4PP , No. Date Map Mn 12 so as to reclassify A 713 7/19/90 Ema_portion of the subject pro - porty from R-1 Mist . another Approved 0 Denied 0 -Potticm-f-tca_Thaiar_2_Diat,SLker_E -1. SPRDist. and othean portion ofr the R -1 Dist to the R-1 SPR Dist. Proposal also inelndeg a rewleSt to establish a 10 ft. front yard at •ortion of the subject prop. varfAW Trialael . (-1 1-4>an BaVd bdvmon 0 - Use Permit C Amendment0 Other V. • • "oak .of (us LOCATION Iris Avenue & Ocean Blvd. Legal description NEly 72.8' Lot 8 Block 136 Kesub of (AK Filed by McCUISTION, Price T. App. No. Date 62 6 -19 -52 Approved El Denied El 1) Front yard setback on Iris changed tram 20' to 10'. 2) Back yard setback Changed from 10 to 3 Variance nc Other Resubdivision El Use Permit fl Amendment UJUAUKJN 207 TriR Avenue Legal description Filed by John Coons App. No. Date M 3367 2-16-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a single-family residence that will encroach 3 feet into the required 18 foot front yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Iriq Ave Legal description Portion of Int 8, Blk. ]36, Corona del Mar Filed b y Colvin AKchitecture App. No. Date M4459 7-9-96 Approved I1 Denied 0 Replacement of An existing second floor balcony which encroaches JO feet- into the required 20 foot front yard sei hark and 7 feet 3 inches into the required 10 foot rear yard eethark ThP applicant al copropecea new s pin; _ encroach 6 inches and 3 feet into the required ti ir Variance 0 v. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 4 foot side yard setbacks, two second floor bay windows to encroach ] foot into the existing 2 foot 9 inch rear yal setback, and a new glass guard rail on the roof (in con- junction with a new roof deck) over the existing single family dwelling which currently encroaches into the requir( front and rear yard setbacks. LOCATION 210 Iris Aventie Corona del. Mar Legal description For. of Lot 8 Block 136 Tra ct CDM ZnnP Filed by_liumpaRgz r ar. J.C. App. No. Date 377_ 6-fl-57 Approved 0 Denied a Construction of_a 2 story fireplace P tending 30" into front yard setback Variance al Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 209 and 211 Iris Avenue Legal description Filed by Benton/Park/Candreva AIA Request tn permit the nnnstrurtionApp. No. Date on 2 single family residences on 3293 6-16-87 adiacent lots which will encroach 3 feet into the required 18 foot Approved 9 Denied 0 front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 213 Iris Legal description Lot 15, Block 35, Resub. of CdM Filed by Wankier, Weldon App. No. Date 851 10-29-74 Conditi °nal Lipp proved 13 Denied 0 10 permit the construction of first and second floor room additions on a nonconforming single tamily dwelling that does not meet the open space option requirements. All new construc- tion meets the r eft.] n f ths Variance 0 Itesubdiyision 0 use fr.r,n;c Amendment 0 Other 14 Residential Development Standards. LOCATION 215 and 217 Iris Legal dem:di:Mon Lots 17 and 19 Block 35 Resub of CD?,! R-1 Filed by SHAVER, D. App. No. Date 565 11-5-1959 Approved al Denied 0 3' encroachment into required 18' front yard setback for the purpose of constructing 2 single family dwelling; Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 217 Iris Avenue LAO description Lot 19, Block #35 Filed by Or. & Mrs. F. H. Summers App. No. Date tonstrn. of second floor M-981 12/16/75 room additions and the construction of a roof Approved it] Denied 0 over an existing second floor deck on an existin nonconforming single family dwelling with two garage spaces (where the Ordinance: now requires three parking spacesj. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 228 Iris Legal description N.E. 10' of Lot 22 and all of Lot 24 Bl. 136 CdM R-1 Filed by MANLEY , Mr. & Mrs. App. No. Date M-208 6-2-1970 Approved El Denied El Structural alterations to an existing non- conforming_building. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit °therMnr1 fi rati on Amendment 0 LOCATION 238 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 34, Block 136, Resubdivision of Corona del Mar Filed By: Brion V. Jeannette & Associates Application No. Date Mod. No. 5013 12-14-99 Approved: Denied: X Request to permit a 2 foot 6 inch encroachmenunto the required 20 foot front yard setback with a second floor cantilevered deck, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family residencegle family residence. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 306 Iris Avenue Legal description Fled by t Request Fr, permit an as huilt . AOP.N°. fnnt 6 inch 'high wall which M 3291 encrnaches 17 feet in the re- gnirea 9n font front yarcl set- ApprovedJJ Denied 0 hack, where the rnde permits 3 font high fences, in said ait_yard Variance D Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment D Date 6 -9 -87 LOCATION 306 Iris Avenue, CdM LA1 A description N'ely 10' of Lot 6, 11 Lot 8, 81.236 Cdh R-2 hled b y REED, J ames g. App. No. Date M -426 12 -7 -1971 Approved kj Denied 0 Permit a 2 encroachment into the required 10 ?cut separatio Ire-twm-an In-tidings to allow Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modlf1Cat1OD LOCATION 309 and 309 '/2 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 9, Block 235, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Troy Milcullca Application No. Date CC57 11-10-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the conversion of an existing duplex to a two-unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision: 1 Use Permit Amendment Other: Condo Conversion AJL•A I !UPI Algal description Jlo iris Avenue Filed by Nancy Reif App. No. Date Constrn. of a new M-2182 12/20/77 tour car garage with an apartment Approved al Denied 0 above with each garage space Pr feet 10 inches deep (where the Lode requires a 20 toot depth). farina 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Parma. 0 Amendment 0 Dther Modification LOCATION 318 Iris Legal description Red by George D. Reif, Jr. App. No. Dee Constrn. of a second M-2034 2/15/77 dwelling unit and a three car caroort. The Approved al Denied 0 proposed three oarkino ssaces have a width of 26 feet 6 inches twhere the Code requires 27 feet). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification UDOCDON 320 Iris, Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 22, Block 236, CdM Filed by Kenneth A. James App. No. Dare Lonstrn. of a second dwelling unit and a 3-car M-876 2/18/75 carport on an Tot. Approved [1] Denied 0 lhe proposed 3 parking spaces have a total widtl ot Zet teet ()inches (where the Ord. requires a mi. wid th ot 9 tt. tor each space, or 2T ft. f( n d parking spaces). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mo di f i cati on LOCATION 121 & 323 Iris Ave. Legal description Lots 19 & 23 & 21, Block 235 of GUM (partinns of Lots) SW Corner of Iris & Bayside Filed by J o h n E. & Mena R Donaldson App. No. Date 367 10 -19 -72 Approved rg Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: SEE FILE Variance 0 Other Resubdivision cP Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 323 Iris Parcels A & B Filed by Mr. & Mrs. John Donaldson App. No. Date Constrn. of a new duplex M-l089 9/28/76 with a 40 foot front yard setback (where the Approved al Denied 0 Code requires a maximum 35 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 400 4 402 Iris Ave. Legal demi Pt —"Lots 2 & 4, 131cL 33h, CcIM located at 400 FT 402 Iris Ave. on northeasterly corner of Iris Ave and Bayside Dr. 014 Filed by Intermountain Ehtprises Request to resubdivide-two App. No. Date existing lots into two parcels R906 12-7-89 oi land, each tor two unit residential condominium develop- Approved 13 Denied 0 ment on property located in the R-z District7- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision XI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 400 and 402 Iris Ave. SAO 4146 0441 Lots 2 & .;16,_C3VI r incnted at 400 & "iC Ave nn northeasterly rnrner nf Tris_Ave F RAySidP DT CdM Filed by Intermountain Enterprises Request to permit a variance so App. No. Date as to allow the construction V1160 12-7-89 of twos two unit residential condominium structures which Approved 13 Denied 0 exceed the 24 foot basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Variance )15 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 401 Iris, Corona del Mar Legal description Lot I, BlOcK Jib, LAM Rled by Dr. David smil ey The requASt for a 21/2' App. No. Date second Story projection M-366 7-20-1971 iet85 DENIFD sinre it is not cons i tnnt with the Approved 0 Denied 0 Planning and 7nning Code Thp redurtion of the 10' separation between buildings was APPROVFD in accordance with the pint plan Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 403 Iris Avenue Legal Description Portions of Lots 3 and 5, Block 335, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By. Keith and Susan Dean Application No. Date No. M5033 2-2 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a 6 foot retaining wall located along the interior side property line and encroaching 20 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback where structures are limited to 3 feet in height in the front yard setback Also included in the request is a children's playhouse that is 9 feet in height and encroaches 3 feet into the required 3 foot side and 5 foot rear yard setbacks. Variance: I Resubdivision: j Use Permit I Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 4n; T ri Legal description lot 5, Block 335 Corona del Mar Tract fled by Edith Farrell App. No. Date M4138 9-28-93 Approved f Denied 0 Pegnest tn permit structural alterations and additions to an evicting ctructure which is existing_ nonconforming in that it exceeds the permitted height in the 24/28 Height Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ID of the building is proposed. LOCATION Legal description 406 Iris Avenue Filed by Jefferson G. Kincaid App. No. Date required parking space on a 15 M 3221 10-7-36 Approved la Denied 0 feet as measured tram the front property lane to the Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 front of the garage. LOCATION 409 Iris Legal description Lot 9, Block 335 Filed by Ron Yeo App. No. Daft A 30 inch high retaining M-900 5/20/75 wall and one tree to be maintained' in the required 5 foot Approved 0 Denied al rear yard setback in conjunction with the con- struction of a duplex on the property. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mndifiratinn Amendment LOCATION 412 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 14, Block 336 of the Corona Del Mar Tract Filed By: Fran Rahimi Application No. Modification 5150 Date 11-8-00 Approved: X Denied: To allow the retention of a raised deck that is approximately 6 inches above the level of the sidewalk. This fence will have an overall height of 10 to 12 feet measured above the sloping grade below at the worst case. A maximum 3-foot high gate was also allowed. The guardrail is limited to a maximum height of 3 feet above the floor of the deck and must be at least 50% open along the westerly, southerly and easterly portions of the deck with an overall height of 8 to 12 feet. The required guardrail for the deck shall be constructed of glass, wrought iron or picket fence. The overall height of 12 feet to the top of the guardrail is due to the topography of the lot that slopes away from the street side of the property. Variance: 1 Resubdivision: I Use Permit; Amendment: LOCATION 4 2 0 Iris Legal description Lot B. But 435, Tract 323 Filed by n_a_n_jrarn ma s App. No. Date M-487 5-2-72 Approved x El Denied Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other Modificatinn LOCATION 420 Iris Ave. Legal desalpfkcLot 8, Block 436, Corona Del Mar Filed by MORRIS SMITH CONDITIONS: App. No. Date 1. The hours of operation shall be limited from 8:30 1593 4-20-72 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. during theApprmmd Denied months of October through April and from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. during the months cf _May through September. 7Ef.)/E -D 51 c.c. 5_72 _7 2- Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IS] Amendment C Variance 0 Other LocomoN 420 Iris Avenue Legal chnwiption Lots 8 & 10 Red by Richard A. Falaterri App. No. Date To permit the use of an UP-1761 8/7/75 existing building and patio area for a "take-out" Approved El Denied 0 restaurant facility in Albertson's Shopping Center. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit Eci Amendment 0 OI .VVA I IVN 420 Iris Avenue .egal description Lots 8 and 10. Block 436 Filed by Nick's Pizza App. No. Date To amend the hours UP-1761 6/16/77 of operation of an (Amended) approved take-out Approved Ex Denied 0 restaurant facility in Albertson's Shopping Center. The applicant is requesting a closing time of 10:00 P.M. for said restaurant use ehere an 8:00 P.M. closing time is now required. femme 0 >tiler Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 420 Iris Avenue Legal description Lots 8 and 1 0 , Block 436 Filed by John Costa App. No. Date Amend a previously approved UP-1761 4/20/78 use permit that permitted the (Amended) establishment of and Approved 0 Denied (111 Gina's Pizza take-out reataurant facility so as to include the service of beer and -wine in the existing restaurant patio area. The proposed development also includes the expansion of the existing kitchen service over- Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other area and the deletion of public area in the patio area of the restaurant complex. LOCATION 420 Iris Avenue Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 163-23. (Resubdivision No. 673) in the Albertson's Shopping Center in Corona del Mar. Pled by Giovanni Costa (Gina's Pizza) App. No. Date Request to amend a previously UP 1761 6/9/83 approved use pefmit to en- (Amended) large the existing kitchen area Approved III Denied EJ and install a glass and metal canopy over the existing outdoor eating area of the Gina's Pizza facility. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment fl LOCATION 420 Iris Ave. Legal demriptior P No. 1 of Parcel Map 163-23 (R#673) on the s.e.side of Iris Ave.between E.Coast Hwy and First Ave.in the Albertson's Shpping Center Filed by Gina' s Pizza Amend previous. apprvd up which App. No. Date allow.the establish.of take-outUP1761 12-6-84 rPst.in theC-1-H Dist, and waived all of the reg. off-street Approved pl Denied 0 parking spaces. Change operation.character.of the take- out rest, so as to include the service of on-sale beer and wine. Variance El 04kor Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D LOCATION 431 - 4.3.3 Iris Avenue Legal description Lots 15 & 11, Block 435, CdM Fled by Richard V. Jordan App. No. Date 279 2-18-71 Approved 0 Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Q Amendment a LOCATION 431 & 433 Iris Avenue Legal description Por Tot 2, Lots 3,4 5 BI.G Tr. 323 C-0-: Lots 15 & 17 Bl. 435 CdM Tract R-2 AI" by JORDAN & RENJAMTN, INC App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Variance APP.) 800 3-19-1964 Approved g; Denied D A Zero setback on the rear of Lots 15 & 17, Bl. 435, Corona del Mar and Lot 4, Bl. G, Tract 323; and to permil a 15' encroachment into the required 15' front yard setback on Lots 15 and 17 for the purpose of construct- ing a 2 level off-street parking lot in R-2 adjaceet n t9 Variance 131 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendmea CIE Other LOCATION Legal description 431 and 433 Iris Lots 15 & 17 RI. 435 cdm Tract R-2 Filed by 0 AN & BENJAMIN INC. •1 App. No. Date CONDITION (Own) 1022 3-19-1964 Approved 13 Denied 0 Construct a two story structure for off-street parking in an R-2 District adjacent to a C-0-2 District. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ly) Amendment 0 CONDITIONS The top of the two story parking structure to be level with the alley, although it may be designed for drainage toward the alley. No wall may be constructed along the alley. MOWN 510-12-14-16-18-20 Iris Avenue egM description Lots 12,14,16,18,20 & 22 Block 536 Corona del Mar R-2 Red by HERTER, Charles B., Jr. and MC GHEE, C.M. App.No. Date 671 11 -16 -1961 Approved 0 Denied Xt Waiver of interior side yard setbacks for the purpose of constructing 12 residential units in a 1 and/or 2 unit building in an R-2 District. Fariance fl Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment fl )they LOCATION 510-12-14-16 Iris Ave., Legal description Lots 12_14,16 & 18 Block 516 CdM 11-2 Filed by HERTER, Charles B., Jr. App. No. Date 574 12-17-1959 Approved j Denied E] Waive side yard setbacks on north side of Lot 12; south side of Lot 14; north side of Lot 16 and south side of Lot 18 for the purpose of building 4 dwelling units on Lots 16 and 18 and four dwelling units on Lots 12 & 14. Variance Et Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 600 and 602 Iris Ave. Legal description Lots 2 & 4 Block 6.6 Tract CDM Filed by Earl F. Chamberlain App. No. Date 330 12 -20 -56 Approved g Denied 0 Waiver of front yard setback to permit con- struction of buildi ng Variance Resubdivision 111 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other LOCATION 607 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 7, Block 635, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By- Scott M Dalton Application No. Date CC 67 8-3-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision: 1 Use Permit Amendment Other: Condominium Conversion LOCATION 607 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 7, Block 635, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: 1 Scott M. Dalton Application No. Date M 4947 8-3-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit the replacement of an existing deck that is proposed to encroach 11 feet 6 inches into the required 20 foot front yard setback. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 608 Iris Avenue, CdM Legal description Lots 10 & 12 Block 616 fc114 Filed by MATTLEN, Tohn App. No. Date 64 6-19-52 Approved El Denied relief from the zoning requirement of a maximum setback of 35' Variance Ej Other Resubdivision D Use Permit EI Amendment fl i 4110 A 41141 1./T• A 1/, t 0,-.1 - a 1 rlyn WY...ow •r, • a ... sa a • ,111... Legal Description Lot No. 9, Block No. 635, Corona Del Mar Tract (Parcel 459-052-16, Tract 00186) Filed By: Grant G. Dietz _ Application No, Date CC 82 07-12-00 Approved: X Denied: Requests to permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit condominium project Variance: rResubdivision: Use Permit: 1 Amendment: I Other: Condominium Conversion No. 82 LOCATION 615 Iris Ave Legal cleurilaflee Lot 15 Rik. 635, Corona del Mar Filed by Jerry Demers App. No. Date £14339 7 -18 -95 Approved ,E1 Denied 0 RequPqt to permit the construction of rstaiping walls and a Hark which do not conform Yu the hoight limit develnpment ctahdards for walls 8, similar construction within l the required 20 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DCATION 615 & 617 Iris Street esd description Lots 15 & 17 SI. 635 CdM R-2 Filed by ROBINSON, Suzanne App. No. Date 718 12-6-1962 Approved 0 Denied xlix Waiver of interior side yard setbacks in order to con- struct 4 units on two adjoining R-2 lots and to permit construction of 6 covered garage spaces With a width of 8'6" instead of required 4 covered spaces with 9' width ariance gj Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 700 & 702 Iris Avenue Legal clescriPflailLots 2 & 4 Block 736 Tract CDM Zone R-2 Filed by John Brasch & H.C. Whitney App. No. Date 375 5-16-57 Approved ElDENITeiad >E1 Construction or one single family residence on each lot with provision for oft-street parking without attched garage or carport. Variance ;r1 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 701 Iris Avenue Legal Description Lot 1, Block 735, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Mike Kaser Application No. Date No. 1093 6 -14 -00 Approved: X Denied: To permit the approval of a Parcel Map for two-unit condominium purposes. Variance: I Resubdivision: X I Use Permit: Amendment: Other: L1/4.M.Pt I Pall 703 IRIS AVENUE Legal description Filed by Howard Hanlon App. No. Date Reguest'A -o-vsrmdt coestruction dwellina unit M2974 7-17-84 above that i q proposed to main- Approved Ei Denied E] tam n a distance of five feet from the existing structure on the site where the Code requires that a minimum of ten feet be provided between detached qtrurtnres. Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOU/kill-Kg 704 iris Legal deuriOkm Lot 6, Block 736, Corona del Mar Tr. Filed by Ramona Host Request the construction of a stairway that is proposed to encroach 6'-6" into the required 10 foot separation between structures. App. No. Date M 2923 12-27-83 Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment 708 Iris LOCATION Legal description Filed by Renaissance Partnerhips Requested the constructed App. No. Date of a fence along the northerly M-2910 11-8-83 side property line that is proposed to exceed the maximum Approved Denied 0 permitted height of six feet. The proposal 1 1 result in a fence with a maximum height of 7' -9" on site, with a maximum height of 6' -1" as measured from the adjoiningsite because of the difference in 'grade between the two sites. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit P Amendment 0 Ottler LOCATION 708 Iris Ave. Legal description Ave, on the s_.e. side of Iris, between 4th Ave. & 5th Ave Filed by Dave Lindslev Reg to resubdivide an existing lot into a single Parcel of land R847 for residential condo purposes oa_propprry in_te R2 Dist. 5 -7-87 App. No. Date Approved la". Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Rest, bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 708 Iris Ave. Legal description Lot 10, Block 736, on the s.e. side of Iris Ave. between 4th Ave. & 5th Ave. Filed by nave T.in d 1 py Pizqi tn psnnit the rnn st runt ion nf a twn unit resi dential rondo a al•• • ••-• inflated in the R2 Dist Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 App. No. Date UP 3267 5-7-87 Approve Denied 0 LOCATION 708 Iris Avenue Legal description Lot 10, Block 736 in Corona del Mar Filed b y Renaissance Partnership App. No. UP 3066 & R 762 Date Request to resubdivIde an 10/20/83 existing lot into a single parcel for residential condo- Approved Denied 0 minium purposes. AND Request to permit the constructs° of a two-unit condominium development and related garage spaces on property in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Othor Resubdivision Use Permit E Amendment 0 LOCATION 709 tIris Avenue Legal description Lot 9, Block 735,Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Bert W. Tarayao App. No. Date Permit the construction of two M-3546 05-23-89 single car garages with clear interior dumensions of 9 feet Approved 0 Denied 0 wide by 19 feet deep where the Zoning Ordinance requires A minimum of 9 feet 4 inches wide by 19 feet deep in conjunction with construction of a new duplex. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Modification LOCATION 709 Iris Ave. Legal description Lot 9, Block 735, on the n.w. side or Tris Ave Filed by Bert. W. _TaraYam Request to resubdivide an App. No. Date existing lot into a single R868 5-5-88 Parcel of land for two family residential condo Approved ../cDenied 0 development on property located in the 42 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 710 Iris Avenue Legal description Lot 12, ECTOCk /..1b Piled by Mike Clark Development. Inc. App. No. Date Constrn. of a pedectrian M -1052 7/20/76 bridge as ROCPSS to one of two dwelling units Approved IXI Denied 0 _proposed on the site The proposed wooden structure and required handrails have a maximum height of 8 feet 9 inches + above natural grade in the required 20 font front yard get- arlance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification back (where the Ordinance permits a maximum height of 3 feet). LOCATION 711 Iris Avenue Legal description Filed by Michael J. Dingillo Request to permit the constructio&P. No. Date of a ground floor deck, portions m3172 7-8-86 of which exceed 3 feet in height and which encroach 16 feet into Approved 9 Denied 0 a required 20 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 naser Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 713 his Avenue Legal Description Lot 13, Block 735 Corona del Mar Tract Filed by David Clark App. No. Date R 1036 5 -19 -98 Approved X Denied To permit the resubdivision of an existing parcel of land into a 2 unit condominium. Variance U Resubdivision X Use Penn it fl Amendment Other: LOCATION 715 Iris Ave. Legal description Lot 13, Block 735, Corona del Mar Filed by Ron Carl Requested the constrution of an App. No. Date attached open deck with a height ti-,722 10-14-81 of 4- feet -± (measured from grade " to the top of the required handraAl:qoioved 0 Denied 0 that encroaches 10 feet into the required ZIT tt. tront yard setback (where the -Code permits construction not to exceed a height of 3 ft). The application a rso includes a request to make interior alterations and to expand the living area in one of two dwellina units on the property Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other which are non-conforming inasmuch as there are only two parking spaces on the site, where the Code require§ three parking spaces. LOCATION 717 Iris Ave. Legal description Lot 17, Blk. 735, Corona del Mar Filed by Paul Herrick App. No. Date M4285 2 -7 -95 Approved tly Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a deck and railina (overall heiaht aprox 7 f^et' to ^nc-oa^h 7 -tees into the required 20 foot front yard set back. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .20CATION 2 Ironwood Drive ,egal Description Lot 4, Tract 15390 :tied By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4769 9-1-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the area in front of the garage to exceed 7 feet, for a total of 7 Feet 10 inches, where the Code requires garages be set back from 3 feet to 7 feet from the property line or 20 feet. Also included is a requestto encroach 3 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback with portions of the second floor. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3 Ironwood Drive Legal Description Lot II, Tract 15390 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4760 8-18-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit a portion of the area in front of the garage to exceed 7 feet for a total of 7 feet 1 inch, where the Code requires garages be set back from 3 feet to 7 feet from the property line or 20 feet. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 7 Ironwood Drive Legal Description Lot 9, Tract 15390 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4761 8-18-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the area in front of the garage to exceed 7 feet, for a total of 7 feet 4 inches, where the Code requires garages be set back from 3 feet to 7 feet from the property line or 20 feet. Also included is a request to encroach 2 feet 5 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback with portions of the second floor. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification 1 niine Ave LOCATION 319 Irvine Avenue Legal description Ned by Karl and Margee Drews Request to permit the construe- App. No. Date tion of two 7 foot 6 inch high M 3262 3-10-87 columns which will encroach 3 feet 6 inches into the required Approved Denied 0 20 foot front yard setback. The columns will be sur- mounted by open beam construction which will project from the roof and eave and connect onto the columns, • Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit AmendWiiiirF fl MAY EXTEND ONLY 2 FEETA INTO A FRONT YARD setback under the Municipal Code. The open beam construction will range in height from 8 feet 9 inches to lO feet. LOCATION 511 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 22 Blpsk 39 1st Add. to New- _port Heights Zone R-1 Filed by Arthur J. Roy App. No. Date 368 5-16-57 Approved 11 Denied Encroachment of 1 1 into required side yar setback of 4'. CONDITION; Garage on rear of lot must be used for parking of cars only. Variance 1i5 Re s u bd iv is io n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other _OCATION 511 Irvine Legal description Filed by A. Lee Adair App. No. Permit the replacement of a M-2572 nonconforming fence on an alley property line (where the Approved ID Zoning requires a 5' setback). Date 8/19/80 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdtvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 521 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 19 Rlork lq, First Addition to Newport Heights Filed by Ian et IL. McDaniel Request to permit the as -huilt App. No. Date cnnstruction of a patio enclosure (7 feet 11 inches+ in height) to encroach to the -'idle Approved 0 Denied 0 property line, where the Zoning Code limits such constructia to 6 feet in height The applicant also proposes an as-built side property line fence with attached overhead trellis (8 feet in height) where the Zoning Code limits such Variance D Other Resubdivtsion El Use Permit D Amendment fl construction to 6 feet in height. In addition, the applicant proposes an as-built garden window (8 feet wide) to encroach approximately 2 feet 3 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback, where the Zoning Code allows a 2 foot encroachment for such construction. LOCATION 601 Irvine Avenue Legal description A portion of Lot 18, Newport Heigh iract - on the northwesterly corner ot Irvine Avenue and 15tn Street in Newport heights. Red by Raymond J. Dern, M.D. App. No. Date Request to expand a non- UP#1955 10/9/81 conforming medical office so as to permit the COn ver - Approved 0 Denied (1/ sion of an existing residential apartment into a dentist's office on property located in the R-1 District. (Appealed to City Council City Council DENIED ON 12/22/8 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit is( Amendment 0 LOCATION bUI Irvine Avenue Legal description S.W. 4U' Of S.E. 145' Ot LOt za Not. HtS. K-1 Filed by ARNTSON, Roy J. App. No. 264 Date No Action Taken Approved fl Denied 0 nge 1 •n estate office. Variance 0 Resubdivision E Use Permit 0 °ther modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 601 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Lot 18, Newport Heights Tract Filed By: Arnold Frankenberger (William Nord, contact) Application No. Date M4796 0-20-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to a nonconforming dwelling due to an existing 2 foot encroachment into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The addition will extend the building line and continue the 2 foot encroachment into the rear setback by enclosing an exterior stairway. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment inial...“.. ltlf,..Aalnofinn LOCATION 601 Irvine Ave, N.B. Legal description Portion of Lot 28, Tract 1880 Flied by Richard K. Allen App. No. Date M -340 6 -1 5 -1 971 Approved 4Z1 Denied 0 The applicant shall submit a plot plan showing landscaping, watering facilities and parking meeting the approval of the Assistant Director of Community Development. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El C411 " Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Irvine at Monte Vista Legal description Block 5, located on s.e.side of Irvine Ave at Monte Vista Ave.,s.w.of University Dr. Filed by Mesa Woods Develop. aq. to permit the installation App. No. Date E a temp.off-site directional sign UP3150 5-23-85 an property located in the PC Dist. ahere a PCDP has not been adopted. Approved 0 Denied pg Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment .0CATION On Irvine Ave. south of Francisco Dr. agal description Lot 45 Tract 3801 R-1-B Filed by BUCCOLA, George App. No. Date 795 12 -7 -1961 Approved Agk DeMed 0 ;onstruct a temporary 8' x 10' double face sign to advertise homes in Tract 3801 ;ONDITION; Approved for a peri nil of one year only. lariance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 111 Amendment 0 )ifter ()CATION 627 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach, Calif. anal deurk4km Por. Lot 28 Newport Heights Tract Zone Filed by JORDAN, William B. App. No. Date 688 11-3-60 Approved a Denied 0 ADDITION to non-conforming bldg. Condition: Access to the garages must be from the rear ot the property. Variance 0 Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit KI Amendment 0 3ther LOCATION 647 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 28 Red by Robert McGiffin App. No. Date Create two parcels R-556 8/4/77 of land for single family residential 4e44140-frine4pOreMcbretil Denied 0 development where a portion of one lot now exists. Variance 0 Other Resubclivision to Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 647 Irvine Avenue and 2201 Holly Lane Legal description A portion of Lot 28, Newport Heights and Lot 20, Tract No. 1702 in Newport Heights. Ned b y Robert Mcbiffen and Florence Val lego App. No. Date Request to permit the resub- R-671 4/9/81 division of two existing (Revised) parcels of land into three Approved (I Denied 0 lots for single family residentiaT development. Variance 0 Resubdivision Di Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCAIJON 647 Irvine Ave. Legal description Lot 28, Newport Heights Red by ROBERT F. & JANE E. McGIFFIN App. No. Date 428 3/7/74 Approved 0 Denied 0 n pnrtinnnf Districting NSA No. 25 frau go-rest- to- atngnd . : Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment al LOCATION 647 Irvine Avenue Legal description A portion of Lot 28, Newport Heights Tract. Filed by Paul Herrick for Robert McGiffen App. No. Date Request to create two par- R-671 1/8/81 cels of land for single- family residential Approved 0 Denied la development where a portion of one lot now exists, and the acceptance of an Environmental Dociament. -(07/ (Ai V/561)) trefal1&D f -"I Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Ek Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 717, 7171/2 and 723 Irvine Avenue Legal description A portion of Lot 28 of the Newport Heights Tract. Filed by Quist, Inc. App. No. Date Request to create three R-686 6/18/81 parcels of land for single family residential development Approved al Denied 0 purposes where two parcels presently exist, and the acceptance of an environmental document. Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Variance 0 Other LOCAJK7N 834 Irving AvenUe Legal description Red by Phillip Purinton Request to permit the con- App. No. Date struction of a 7 foot 6 inch wall which encroaches 1% feet into the required 20 foot front yard Approved 0 Denied setback adjacent to Irvine Avenue where the Municipal code limits said fences to a height of 3 feet. Tne propos 7 foot 6 inch wall will also extend along the northerly side property line Where the Newport Reach Municipal Lode limits aida yarl_fapces to 6 fept in height. Variance 1:1 Resubdivision El Use Permit ID Amendment 0 Other LOCATION tiM1IIrvine Avenue Legal Description Tract 1125, Lot 3 Filed By: Outdoor Dimensions on behalf of Coronado Apartments Application No. Date M5159 12/20/2000 Approved: Denied: Establish a sign program for project identification of an existing apartment complex. The request proposes three freestanding signs, one double-faced pole sign and two single-face monument signs. The pole sign located in front of the main entrance measures 15 feet tall with a sign face area of 50 inches high by 88 inches wide on each side. The monument signs measure 6 feet 9 inches tall with sign face area of 12.5 square feet each. The monument signs will be located on site at the intersection of Irvine Avenue and Sherrington Place and at Irvine Avenue and 16th Street This approval is for signs associated with the Irvine Avenue side of the apartment complex only. As a condition of approval and installation of the subject signs, removal of the existing temporary signs located along Irvine Avenue is required Variance: 1 Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: nii..". VinsiMnoi. ;an LOCATION 880 Irvine Avenue Legal description Por. Lot 3 Tract 1123 Zone "U" Filed by WILSHIRE WEST DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or application) 1370 c-16-1968 Approved xta Denied 13 Dovelopm-ont of a 7-32 unit apartment complex. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit t Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 880 Irvine Avenue Par. Lot 3 fr. 1125 "U" Filed by NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB APTS. App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1454 11-20-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 2 on-site temporary signs to serve as identiti- cation and information for the South Bay Lluo apartments. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCAJRDN1000 Irvine Ave. Legal description Lot 16, Tract No. 4824, on the n.e. corner of Irvine Ave. and Westcliff Dr. in the westcliff Shopping Center Red by Dick Meyers, Shell Oil Co. Reg to modify the prey. app. App. No. Dee site plan by relocating the UP3193A 8-7-86 car wash structure and changing the on-site circulation and Approved 411 Deified 0 Parking plan. Incl. a mod to the ZC to permit signs that exceed the size and number permitted Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1000 7 rvi Jae Ave. Legal description Lot 16 and a portion of Lot 17, Tract No. 4824. on the n e. corner of Irvine Ave. and Westcliff Filed by ni meyerc Shell Oil Co Reg tn perrit the construction App. No. Date of an antnmati r Car wash with UP3193 4-10-86 gaqnli np qa ips on pronertV lnrateri ii, the COH Dist. The Approved EI Denied 1:1 s a prnpn sa1 signs that exceed the size and number permitted. Variance El Othne Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gr Amendment 0 LOCATION 1000 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 16 Tract 4824 C-0-11 Filed by SHELL OIL CO. App. No. Date CONDITION (See Over) 1255 4 -6 -1967 Approved /XI Denied 0 Addition of a 4th bay, storeroom and pump island covers; also the relocation of the two existing 6 foot Shell identification signs as shown on drawing DL-213-1 Variance D Other Resu bd !vision El Use Permit rSIA Amendment 0 CONDITIONS Architectural features and roof composition to be in conformance with the existing building and final plans to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. ()CATION egal description 1000 Trvine Avenue tot 16 Tract 4824 Filed by IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date 947 5 -2 -1963 Approved III Denied 0 aorvira atatinn in a r-n-14 District CONDITION: It must conform to the final tract map. ariance 0 Niter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 LVI—A I IUN Legal description 1000 - 1110 Irvine Avenue Filed by The Irvine Company Requesting the adjustment of a App. No. Date lot line between two contiguous LLA 87-4 8-11-87 parcels used for commercial purposes. Approved fft Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment ID LOCATION 1016 Irvine Avenue Legal descripfim Lot 15 & Pot of Lot 17R #4824 Ave.A NE corner of Westcliff Dr. & Irvine in Westcliff Shopping Center Filed by CONTINENTAL SERVICE CO. (BANK OF AMERICA) App. No. Date 388 4/5/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved 17 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision igj Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other and th Variance 0 Other B k Resub wIsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT • 4 11 — • • .4 Zal.• LOCATION 1020 Irvine Ayenne Legal dmmripRon Tots 14 And 17 Trani- 4824 Filed by Say-On-Drug, 7ne RecTIPSt tO permit the rAlnrahinn App. No. Date an existing property line LLA 83 -1 9 -8-83 • 4824. The propned lnt line Approve 0 Denied El _ I P" • o - . too-1 • Store facility. The approval nf this applirmtion will also reanire the elimination or_the relocation of the I* a* - • • • LOCATION 1080 Irvine Ave. Legal description Lot 7, T 4824, on the ne corner of Irvine Ave & Westcliff Dr. Filed by Magic Movement Inc. Req. to permit establish, of a App. No. Date personal fitness training facil. 123359 9-7-89 incl. an exception to Sign Code to allow 2 id wall signs where Approved 21' Denied 0 the ZC allows 1 wall sign for each business in multi tenant bldg. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1100 Irvine Ave. Legal cle fatalan_tea4Lat_iisai_Lothit.iwon n cnrnar nf Trvi ne Ave WPqtrl if f Dr. in Westcliff Shapililirsupprior_El_ectric_al Advertising Rpgpeq1- to permit the installationAPP-Na Date of a flashing time and tempera- EP 38 5/10/90 tare disnlay on two faces of a three faced sign on an existing Approved a Denied E] free standing sign tower on property located in the C-0-8 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ej Amendment 0 I !UPI Legal description 1100 Irvine Avenue Filed by Newport Balboa Savings and Loan App. No. Date Permit a 20' high ovlon sign. M -2428 6/26/79 Approved U Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 1100-1132 Irvine Ave. Legal description Red by John Howenstine Inc. Pet-peat to permit the conaturtiori4PP-N°. Date of 2 dofllhe ennAri 17 font A inrh M . 3136 7 -22 -86 fall pole sign -having an area of ?S 7S sq ft per fare in re- Approved a Denied 0 Th e signs be locate< on A Ci lot. at Westcliff Plaza and a modification is nereca-ry to it -the e rection more pole sign on a single lot. Also incl uded is a request flyer Variance I Resu 'vision e Permit • men men+ El Other having an area of 35.75 sq.ft. per face on a contiguous lot occupied by an automobile service station. LOCATION 1104 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 6, Tract 4824 Filed by Tim Aspel - Pastabravo App. No. Date Request to permit the establish- UP 3445 5/8/92 ment of an outdoor rectaiwant with incidental interior dining Approved 6514/9Dzenied 0 with on-sale beer and wine en property located in the C-0-H Dictrirt: and A rat:II/est t0-41--i4e—a portion of the required off -street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision p Use Permit fa Amendment 0 LOCATION 1112 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 5, Tract 4824 Ned by California Restaurant Ent. Inc. Request to permit the establish-App.No. Date ment of a take-out restaurant witiiP 3464 10-9-92 on-sale beer and wine and a combination of incidental indoorApproved 40 Denied 0 • and outdoor seating, on property located in the C-0-8 District. The proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the required oft-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdnosion 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 1120 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lots 4 and 17, Tract No. 4824, on the corner of Irvine Ave. and Westcliff Dr. in the Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center Filed by POLI/CASINO Req.. to permit the stablish. App. No. Date of a take-out restaurant with UP3171 10-24-85 incidental seating on property located in the COH Dist Proposal Approved 11—rn—/m —lied 0 also includes a request to waive a portion of the rarpiirchd off-strppi- parking spaces. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1Re Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1120 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lots 4 and 17, Tract 4824, on the n.e. corner of Irvine Ave. & Westcliff Dr. Filed by Yvonne Poll & Mary Jo Casino Reg. to expand the indoor seating App. No. Date from 12 seats to 13 seats; to UP3171A 4-23-87 establish an outdoor eating area in front of the restaurant Approved 2 Denied which consists of 4 tables with 16 seats. Incl. a req. to waive the add'l req. off-st. parking spaces Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 1190 Irvine Ave Legal description lots 4 K 17, Tract 4824 Filed by La salsa Invest. LTD App. No. Date uP3171A 1-18-96 Approved El Denied 0 increase the interior seating capacity of the existing take-nut restaurant, where conditions of approval currentl limit the nnmner of interior seats. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1120 Irvine Ave Legal description Lots 4 and 17. Tract No 4824 Filed by La Salsa Rest. (appl. La Salsa Investment Ltd.) App. No. Dee UP3171A III 4-18-96 Approved Ej Denied 0 Change the operational characteristics of an existing take-out restaurant to add incidental alcohol beverage service. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1128 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 3, Tract No. 4829 Filed by s tar h ur k s reiffep Reauest to permit the App. No. Date eitalliblnelita—Siiet M3981 3/24/92 food use on property located in the C-0-1-I District Approved U Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1130 Irvine Ave. Legal description Tract No. 4824, on the n.e. corner of Irvine Ave. and Westcliff Dr. in the Nestcliff Shopping Center Filed by G. E. Villerot Req. to permit the establishment App. No. Date of a take out frozen yogurt UP3190 2-20-86 shop within the Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center located Approved Er Denied 0 in the COH Dist. Variance 0 Ofkor Resubdivision 0 Use Perrnd. fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 1132 Irvine Avenue Legal description Por. of Lot 2, Tract 4824 Filed by Meverhof's 1. That the sale of alcoh olic App.No. Dete beverages be limited to beer and wine only. in conjunction with a 1529 4-29-1971 bonafide restaurant. Approv.d ill D.nkd [] 2. That no alcoholic beverages be served after 10:00 -1777 3. The occupancy load to be determined by the Fire Department and the off-street parking requirements to conform to this occupancy. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 1132 Irvine AVe. Legal description Lot 2, Tract 4824 Fled by Hansen's Juice Creations App. No. Date SF55 10 -9 -96 Approved a Denied 0 Establishment nf a specialty food service facility spec- ial7ing in coffee and sandwiches on nrtioerty located in thp RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Et Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal dewAplio1150 Irvine Avarua n Filed by mvpvflv Dodson tru -Um App.No. Date (rartaing in M3943 11/19/91 frnm A feet tn 12 feet) to encroach feet intn the required 5 foot Approved IX DeMed rear yard setback (where the Zoning Code limits such conctrurtion to 6 feet in height) for a property located in the C-0-H District. Said wall will also encroach 12 fee into the reguired 20 ft front yard setback along Iryi] I • ill a • • • ariance D Other ou•wison se Permit D Amendment • • II S • f_ LOCATION 1150 Irvine Avenue Legal description parcel 1 of Parcel Map 46-43 (R358) on the se side of Irvine Ave. between Westcliff Dr. and Mariners Dr Filed by John Howenstine, Inc. Req. to permit the installationApp.No. of 4 specialty wall signs in Dee EP24 9-18-86 addition to the existing wall i.d. signs for Hughes Market Approved 40.- Denied located in the Westcliff Shopping Center in the COH Dist. Variance Other Amendment Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl LOCATION 1150 Irvine Avenue Legal description Portion of Lot 17. Tract 4824 Filed by MARKET BASKET App. No. Date APPROVED (CONDITIONS) 358 8-3-72 Approved fl Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision EX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That a Parcel Map be filed. 2. That there be a document recorded satisfactory to the City Attorney and the Director of Community Dev. • guaranteeing the use of the remaining portion of Lot 17 of Tract4824 for off-street parking and perpetual access to Parcel 1. &X.:ARUN 1200 Irvine Avenue s Sub. *gal description Por. Lot 164 131. 53 Irvine Filed by THE 1kVj4E COMPANY App. No. Date M -101 7 -22 -69 Approved a Denied 0 A sign in excess of that allowed in the R-3 Dist. APPROVED per plans. variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 ,thot Morlif iration Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 Irvine Avenue Legal description Por. Lot 164 B1 53 Irv.Sub C-0.1± Filed by THE IRVIN COMPANY App. No. Date 254 3-20-1969 Approved x a Denied 0 Ro7nno from a C-0-H to an R-3-R Distrirt. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment CI Other LUUAHVN Legal description 1250 Irvine Avenue Census Tract 30-90 C-0-H Filed by THE IRVINE COMPANY App. No. Date M-9 10-29-68 Approved Denied 0 Temporary construction site sign with less than 8 ft ground clearance. CONDITION: All signs shall be removed prior to occupancy of any of the dwelling tin. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 .0CATION 1348 Irvine Ave.• sgal description Pot', of Let 53 Irvine'd Sub. Filed by City of Newport Bacon App. No. Date 339 7-25-57 Approved —8 Denied 0 Unclabsified zone Parlance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 10 Amendment 0 >her LOCATION Legal description 1701 Irvine Ave. Filed by Michael Ayoub and Denise Gimbel Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of block walls 6 ft. high M 3551 6-6-89 and six pilasters 6 ft. 6 in. high (two will additionally be Approved a Denied 0 topped by light fixtures a-prox. 24 in. high) which en- croach up to 12 ft. 3 in. + into the required 15 ft. front yard setback where the zoning Ord. limits such construction to a maximum height of 3 ft. within the froni yard sethark Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1711 Irvine Ave. Legal description Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map 30-47 (R277} on the west side of Irvine Ave.between Holiday Road and 20th St,across from the Baycrest resident.area. Filed by Warren H. Lortie Req.to resub.an exist parcel of App.No. Date land into two parcels for singleR794 11-8-84 family resident.develop.on prop. located in the R-1 -B -2 Dist. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 1711 Irvine Avenue Legal descripfion Parcel 1. Parcel Map 30-47 Filed by Rob er t wi 1 Liam Cirac App. No. Date -Berineat—to_Renait. the M3856 6/4/91 ("instruction of 6 foot high walls . to encroach 10 feet into Approved a Denied 0 the required 15 foot front yard setback, where the &plying Code allows a maximum height of 3 feet. The also to construct a porticochere on the front one half of the lot, where the Zoning Code Mod; f i rat i nri Variance 0 ResubNision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other restricts open construction of carports on the front one half of a lot. In addition, the applicant proposes that the rear 23 feet of the new single family dwelling encroach 5 feet into the required 10 foot side yard setback. 1 7 17 IrVine Avenue LOCATION triir2.scription Pox _Lot_2151 Nowport Htc R-1-R-2 NW by MARKEL George S. App. No. Da. M-198 5-19-197( Approval 0 Menial )43 A reduction in the required side yard setbacks from 10 feet to 6 feet in an R-1-8-2 District. Variance 0 Umbel;vision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other liWtficatirt4— LOCATION 1806 Irvine Avenue "gal akaariFthan Lot 45, Tract 3801 Filed by Ralph James App. No. Date tegoest to permit the construction M3691 5/8/90 )f_ a covered patio with glass side valals_which encroaches up to 2 feet Approved • Denied 0 5 inches into the required 6 foot northeasterly side da setback on property the e R-1-13 District. Variance 0 Resuhdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 °CATION egal description 1820 Irvine Avenue Lot 47 Tract 3801 R-1-B Filed by CORNETT, Mrs. Edna App. No. Date 692 5 -3 -1962 Approved AM Denied 0 Encroach 4' into a required 6' rear yard get-hark for the purpose of constructing a breezeway between existing residence and existing detached rave Cadence [23 Mier Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1877 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 278, Npt.Hts.Tr. R-1-8-2 Filed by • LUND T 0(See minutes or application) Rezone from an R - uis App. No. 302 Approved t r c-t ro Dee 10 -7 -1971 Xt3 Dented District. Variance 0 Other Rem, belivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment t LOCATION 1921 Irvine Ave. Legal description SW inn feet of Lot 288, Newport Heights, except nwly 196 feet Filed by Ken Hutchins App. No. Date M4379 11 -14 -95 Approved 411 Denied fl Cons r II I • II I !I u. II . I 'A O. I 5 to 7 feet into the required 15 font front yard setback Variance Resubdivision ID Use Permit Amendment D Other LOCATION 1921 Trvine Ave Legal description tot 9AR of Newport Heights Filed by Ken Hutchins App. No. Date R1020 11 -14 -95 Approved a. Denied [] Subdivision of one lot into two parcels of land on property located in the R-1-R-2 District Variance D Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment D LOCATION 1928 Irvine Ave. Legal description Lot 13 Block 1 Tract 1763 I ITy1 Filed by BIRTCHER, R. F. App. No. Date 244 6-21-56 Approved Denied El Addition of a family room. CONDITION: That all construction conform to R-1-B requirements and restrictions. Variance Other Resubdivision D the Permit fit Amendment fl LOCATION 1929 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Lot 288, Newport Heights Tract Filed By: Ken Hutchins I Application No. Date R 1068 6 -8 -99 Appproved: Denied: X To permit the resubdivision of 3 parcels of land to create 4 parcels for residential development. Variance: Resubdivision: X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION Legal description 1942 Irvine Avenue Lot 59 Tract 3801 R-1 Filed by IVAN WELLS & SONS, INC. EX/Ea/pc b / 5 - /0 - /9-G 7 App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1169 11 -18 -1965 Approved 13 Denied 0 Erect a 12' x 8' directional sig_n_fanaayneth._ Homes in Tract 4224 for a period of 3 years. a X7C-Vs70,0 Z2the..b //- 7- /54 Variance Other Resubdivision ID Use Permit 51 Amendment CONDITION Approved until October 21, 1967; the sign to be set back 20' and to be no higher than 16' f from the existing grade. LOCATION 1942 Irvine Ave., Legal description Lot 59 Tract 3801 R-1-8 Filed by LYONS & CASHION App. No. Date 1088 12-3-1964 Approved XIKI Denied 0 Erect an 8' x 12' directional sign at the S.E.Corner of Irvine Ave., & Santiago Dr., (1942 Irvine Aye.). CONDITTOH;__Ap_proved for 1 year subject to condition ths vertical clearance above curb (i be 10'. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 50 Amendment 0 Other DCATKM4 1942 Irvine Ave., mol dewAption Lot 59 Tract 3801 R-1-g Filed by TRUMAR CONSTRUCTION CO. App. No. Date CONOTTION (Over) 902 11-15-1962 Approved fit Denied 0 Erection of a 10 x 12 double _face di rec rinnal Rig), on the S.E. Corner of Irvine Avenue and Santiago Drive to direct traffic to Tract 4463. .:tr:::ce 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Pi Amendment 0 CONDITION 1. Approved for a period of one year. 2. The size of the sign to be 8 x 10 3. A 15' setback to be maintained on each street. wwww" VUU9 lrvine Avenue 1.40 0 closerhAen Por lot 298 Nwpt Heights, . Filed by ARRIGO, C. H. & L. E. App. No. Date 667 6-12-73 kit: NTH:I RAJ Approved 0 ponied [ SEE R Va rian ce 0 Oth er m Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment [ permit the construction of a 5' high wrought iron fence (on top of a 20" high block footing) to encroach to the front property line (where the Ord. permits a max. 3' high fence in the required 20' front yard setback) in the R-1 Dis XCATION 2055 Irvine Avenue Aga' description Por. Lot 238 Npt.Hts. R-1-B-2 Rind by WIENENGL Dolores App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or aoplication) 277 9-18-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 Divide one R-1-B-2 parcel into two R-1-B-2 parcels, and reduce lot area from 10,000 sq.ft.. to 7.848± sq.ft. for one lot. Variance 0 )tiler Resubdivision CZ] Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2329 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Lot 10 Tract 3138 Filed by Stephanie Phuong App. No. Date M4706 6 -2 -98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of an open wrought iron fence that will be 4 feet in height with pilasters that are 4 feet 6 inches in height and will encroach 20 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback where the Code limits fencing to 3 feet in height. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 2139 Irvine Ave Legal description i nt 11, Tract 3138 Flied by Brion Charles App. No. Date M4437 5 -7 -96 Approved Denied 0 Construction of a wrought iron fence (4 feet in height) an related pilasters (4 feet 6 inches in height) to encroach 19 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback, WEIN the inning Code limits such construction to 3 feet in •ribt ariance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal desert tion 2353 Irvine Avenue Filed by Richard A. Eddy App. No. Date Constrn. of an 8 foot M-1056 8/10/76 high stucco wall and wooden gates that Approved Q Denied 0 encroaches to within V2 feet of the front proper line (where the Ordinance requires that walls shall not exceed a height of 3 feet in the required -2o foot front yard setback). Further Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other, Modification request to construct an 8 foot high stucco wall that encroaches to within 2 feet of the northerly side property line (where the Ordinance permits a maximum 6 foot high wall (ie. 3 feet high in the required 20 foot front yard). The proposed development also consists of the construction of an 8 foot high stucco wall and the extension of an existing 5 foot 6 inch high fence to a height of 7 feet along the southerly side property line (where the Ordinance permits a maximum 6 foot high fence or wall (ie. 3 feet high in the required f ront yard). LOCATION 2353 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Lot 14, Tract 3138 Filed By: Pacific Coast Architects Application No. Date No.M5020 1-5-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the following encroachments into setback areas in con remodel and addition of an existing single family dwelling: • An 8 foot 4 inch encroachment into the required 20 foot front yard second floor deck. • A 2 foot encroachment into the required 4 foot side yard setback Avenue with a portion of the new addition. . A 1 foot encroachment into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. unction with a setback with a on Santa Isabel Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment LOCATION 2401 Irvine Ave. Legal thmeripfim Por. Bl. 4 Irv. Sub. II LIU Red by Harbor First Christian Church of N.B. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See app. or minutes) 1329 10-15-70 Approved x io Denied 0 Permit establishment of a church in an Unclass- ified District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 3100 Irvine Ave. Legal Description Filed By: 1 The Tee Room (A. Hamid Teherian) Application No. Date UP 3632 Application incomplete - closed 1/4/99 with No action taken. Approved: Denied: Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit X Amendment Other: LOCATION 3100 Irvine Ave. Legal description Newport Beach Golf Course Filed by App. No. Date UP 1594 Approved 0 Denied 0 USE PERMIT Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment I .0CATION Age! description Ned by Npwport Irvine ASW:140. DO4 Requect to create one R-633 6-21-79 parcel of land for office dpvplooment where three Approved 11:1 Denied 0 lots and a portion of a fourth Tot now exist. terience Dther Resubdivision ja Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION .egal description 3300 Irvine Avenue Filed by Newport-Irvine Association App. No. Dale Permit approximately 24% of M-2495 1/15/80 compact parking spaces in conjunction with office Approved a Denied 0 development on the site. A portion of the proposed ottstreet parking spaces aTso encroach 2.3 feet into the required 1b tront yard setback along the Orchard Drive trontage ot the property. /mince 0 Rau bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification .0CATION 110n Trvina Averps-P .egal description Filed by Lee & Strock Architects, Inc. App. No. Date Request to permit the UP-1939 4-24-80 construction of a three- story office building Approved a Denied 0 that exceeds the basfc height limit, within the 32/50 Foot Height -Limitation uistrlct, and the acceptance ot an knvironmenta1 -Docu- ment. /armee 0 Dike Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Es Amendment 0 LOCATION 3400 Irvine Avenue Legal description Lot 76, N'ely halt at r0r75-;-131-23 Fled by Irvine Airport bldg. App. No. Date 449 3-14-197i Approved d Denied On-site parkin spaces to encroach 8 feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback in the A-P District. (Note: Building is set back b/ feet). CONDITONS (over) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MOW tratinn Amendment Ei CONDITIONS: 1. Conformance to revised plot plans, as submitted, with exception that planter adjacent to Irvine Avenue shall be paralle to building. 2. Landscape and watering facilities plans to be approved by Director of Community Development and installed prior to occupan cy of building. LOCATION 3400 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Lot 75, Tract 706 _ 1 Filed By: Jack W. MuIlan , Application No. Date M4789 10-6-98 _ Appproved: X Denied: _ To permit the approval of a sign program for a multi-tenant building to include tenant wail signs and a ground/pole sign located in the 15 foot front yard setback on Irvine Av?nue. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment I Other: Modification LOCATION 3420 Irvine Avenue Legal description Filed by Braemar Development App. No. 'emit an 3' encroachment M-2213 (fsix_pArjciAg_purposes) into the front yard Approved Am setback (where the Code reauires a 15' iard setback); and 10 of the required 3 spaces to be for compact cars. Date 3/21/78 Denied 0 front 8 parking_ Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Modification LOCATION 344U irvine Avenue Legal description Riad by Braemar Development Company App. No. Date Permit an 8t encroachment M-2213 3/14/78 (for parking purposes) into the front yard setback Approved n Denied 0 (where the Code requires a 15' front yard setback); and 18 of the required 38 parking spaces to be for compact cars. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 other Modification Amendment 0 JDCATRDN . 3440 Irvine Avenue . Legal description Lot 78, Tract No. 706 Filed by Richard Luders App. No. Date Waive a portion of the required V-1068 5/18/78 offstreet parking spaces in conjunction with the constrn. Approved Denied El of a two-story professional office building in the A-P-H District, and the acceptance of -an environmental document A modification to the ioning Code is also requested as follows: 1.1 the nronosed building enrrnarhec to the over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 rear property line (where the Code requires a 5' rear yard when abutting a residential district); 2.) a portion of the required parking spaces are for compact automobiles; and 3.) a portion of the proposed parking lot encroaches into the required 15' front yard along Irvine Avenue. LOCATION 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel M -448 Filed by Dollar Rent A Car Systems (M. Joyce, applicant) App. No. Date Removed from calendar at UP 3624 4-9-98 applicant's request Approved Denied A use permit for an automobile rental and maintenance facility located at 3500- 3510 Irvine Avenue. Variance C Resubdivision 0 Use Permit X Amendment Other: Filed by Alamo Rent-A-Car, Inc. Request to amend a pravi ems ly App. No. Date approved use permit which p ermit-t ete 1877 A III 7/10/92 the establishment of an antomnbile rental and leasing faci lity tqh i dikpproved 0 Denied 0 i • , •I I I .It 11 I •11.• - wound fuel facilities on propArty located in the C 1 H Dis r to construct a 600 cri ft addition to the existing car rental offire Variance 0 Resubtheision 0 Use Permit Ef Amendment 0 Other I 1 Iii ' 1 . 11 4 4 H I LOCATION 3500 & 3510 Irvine Avenue Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 88-448 LOCATION 3500 and 3510 Irvine Ave. Legal description Portions of Lots 78 & 79, Tract 706, Dm the se side of Irvine Ave. between Orchard Dr. & Bristol St. across from Newport Golf Course Filed by Alamo Rent a Car Req. to construct car wash El App. No. Date UP1877A 1-5-89 maintenance facility for minor vehicle repairs & service, and the installation of underground Approved 71 Denied fuel tank. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 3500 & 3510 Irvine Ave. Legal description Portions of Lots 78 & 79, Tract 706, on tle se side of Irvine Ave. Detween Orchard Dr. & Bristol St across from Newport Golf Course Filed by Alamo Rent a Car Req. to resub portions of App. No. Date two existing lots in the C1H R885 1-5-89 Dist into a single parcel of land for commercial development Approved Derma 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3500 & 3510 Irvine Ave. Legal description Portions of Lots 78 & 79, Tract 706, on the s.e. side of Irvine Ave. betweenOrchard Dr. & Bristol St across from the Newport Beach Golf Course Filed by Alamo Rent A Car Req. to expand the App. No. Date operations onto adjoining 0P1877A 1-8-87 property which is proposed to be rezoned from APE! Dist to Approved 90 Denied 0 C1H Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 :3500 LOCATION 300 r3410 Irvine Ave. Legal description Portions of Lots 78 & 79, Tract 706 1 on the s.e. side of Irvine Ave between Orchard Dr & Bristol St across from the N.B. Golf Course Filed by Alamo Rent A Car Req. to amend a portion of D.Map 61 so as to reclassify property from APH Dist to C1H App. No. Date A645 1-8-87 Dist, and the acceptance of Approved Of Denied 0 an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3500 Irvine, Legal description Portion Of Lot 78, Tract 706 Filed by Richard Dodd and Ass. Requested a trash encTciusre, sigtApp.No. Date and planter area a maximum of M-2691 6/9/81 HP in height of 3' is permitted in conjunction with the construc -Approved 0 Denied 0 tion ot a new office building. The applicant is also requesting a portion of the required parking to be compact spaces. MODIFICATION Reaubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3500 - 3510 Irvine Avenue Legal description A portion of lot 7S, and a portion of lot 79. Tract No. 706, southerly of the John Wayne Airport Filed by Richard El _Dodd nwnpr. David Magilavy App. No. Date Traffic Study 2/19/81 Request to consider a Traffic Approved 0 Denied 0 _Study_for_a_aroposed 18 104 _CWITHDRAWN) sq ft office building.,. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment E TiesniF4^ CF“A“ LOCATION Legal description 3510 Irvine Avenue Filed by Skyway Leasing Company App. No. Date Establish an automobile UP-1877 7/20/78 leasing and rent-a-car in the C-l-fU District. An Approved al Denied 0 exception permit to the Sign Code is also requested inasmuch as a roof sign is proposed for identification purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1C210 irtinA Avpmnp -Liienews44km Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 59-4, (Resub.No. 414), locaed at 3520 Irvine Ave., on the southeasterly side of Irvine Ave., between Bristol St. & Orchid Dr. (ow Filed by Florentino C. Apeles Request to establish an auto App. No. Date leasing facility on property UP3201 5-22-86 located in the C-1-H District. A modification to the Zoning Code Approved E3 Denied 0 is also requested so as to allow a portion of the requirec parking spaces to be tandem spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 21 Amendment 0 adjacent to the Unincorporated area of Santa Ana Heights .0CATION _ego! description 429 Isabella Terrace Ned by Dorothy M. Murray App. No. Date Constrn. of a maximum height M-2448 8/28/79 of 6'8" masoney and brick wall with electronic control gate Approved 2:1 Denied 0 (for pool security and parking enclosure) which encroaches to the front property line (Code requires 10') feriance >her Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification 429 Isabella Terr LOCATION Legal description Lots 157 and 158 Tr. 1237 R-1-B Filed by MURRAY L _John Ni App. No. Date 288 9-3-1970 Approved 0 Denied a Realign lot lines. Variance El Other Resubdivision Use Permit CI Amendment 1:1 LOCATION 436 Isabella Terr. Legal description Lot 145, Tract 1237 Filed by Robert Hewlett Requested to permit spa equip- App. No. Date ment to encroach 2'-6" into the M-2664 3/3/81 east side yard setback area where the Code requires a 5' setback fOrApproved E3 Denied 0 such equipment. MODIFICATION Variance cJ Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl LOCATION 441 Isabella Terrace, CdM Legal description Lot 161, Tract 1237 Filed by Royal Pools (for Mr. & Mrs. Store) App. No. Date M -314 5 -4 -1971 Approved In Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision °ling Modification Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 444 Isabella Terr LAO desa0 41011 Lot 152, Tr 1237 Red In PETER M __OCHS App. No. Date 717 9-18-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved AD Denied 0 To permit the construction of room additions to an existing single family dwelling that encroach to within 11 feet 6 inches of the rear (view sid( property line (where the Districting Map indicat( Af equir d 15 fnnt Setback) and to wahin 5 fe_e_t a triante u C Resubdivision DI Use Permit El Amendment [II Other of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires a 6 foot side yard) in the R-1-8 District. LULA I JUN 448 T arpel la_ Terra a P Legal description • Filed by _Rona ld p -T9MS C App. No. Date M 3457 10-4-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 Requaat_termit the extension of an existing deck and ronetrue Hon of a fenced deck enclosure that will be 9 Leat—Einchas—ints _ and 9 feat into the required 5 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 448 Isabella Terrace Filed by Ronald Tomsic App. No. Date Permit a 9 to 12 10 high M-2540 6/3/80 deck/fence to encroach from Tb - to rb" into the Approved I Denied 0 required MP seaward Road setback. Applicant requests w 1 ' nign (above deck) gazebo to encroach b into the required Iu' seaward Road setback. Additional request is tor a b' nign cedar fence over an existing 2' high over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 retaining wall to encroach to the property line on Rivera Street (where a 15' setback is required). LOCATION 107 T.JAna Avenue Legal description Lot 2. Block 10 East Newport Tract App. No. Date wni-p-ingt- to permit the 143740 8/21/30 corgi-I-potion of two —car garage with a master bedroom Approved xg2 DeMed 0 above. to eneroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Said addition will be attached to the existing single family dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 Filed by M. Schwety LOCATION 107 Island Ave. Legal description Lot 2, Block 10 - EasL Newpurl.. Filed by m Schwa", Pprplpsted fo permit the App. No. Date rongfrnotion of a new single family dwelling that is proposed M 2992 10-16-84 to anrroarh 6 feet into the requistWt° Q Denied 0 rpquirea 10 foot front yard setback area. Variance 0 Othnv Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 305 Island Ave., Balboa Legal description Lot 92 Block A E. Newport Tract R-1 Filed by BONNETT, A. B. App. No. Date 476 j9 -18 -58 Approved 12 Denied El Reconstruction of 10 non-conforming garages & waiver of certain sections of the Newport Municipal Code, in order to establish front & side line setbacks. Variance MI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CCATION 307 Island Ave.- ageI descH0011. Lot 93 & S'Wly.15' Lot 94 Sub.BI.A. East Npt. R-1 Filed by MOUNIER, J.E. App. No. Date 710 2-2-1961 Approved 0 Denied 0 Interior alterations to a dwelling which is non-conformin because there are two dwelling units on an R-1 parcel and there are no garages. CONDITION: Encroachment of the fence and store room on the alley to be removed. variance 0 )thee Resubdivision 0 Use Permita Amendment 0 LOCATION 311 Island Avenue Legal description Lot 95, East Newport Tract Filed by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Garrison App. No. Date M4469 8/13/96 Approved ni Denied 0 Permit a 4 foot extension of an existing garage which currently encroaches 1 foot 11 inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. The extension will match the existing side yard setback. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 32 Island Avenue Legal description l ot 102 East Newport Tract Filed by Don Goodrich/Jeffry Dill Request to_permit the App. No. Date installation of a second floor M4074 12-8-92 garden window to encroach 12 inches into the required 3 foot side Approved Ea Denied 0 yard setback. The garden window measures 5 feet 6 inches wide by 3 feet high. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2601 Island View Dr Legal desalt:Ince l ot 31, Tract No 6385 Filed by Susan Secoy_ App. No. Date M4344 8 -1 -95 Approved Ei Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 7 foot high stucco wall that encroaches one foot 6 inches into the required 6 foot front yard setback where the Zoning Code limits construction to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0