HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPAC_2004_01_12*NEW FILE* GPAC 2004 01 12 1� ,0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA January 12, 2004 7:00-9:00 p.m. 7:00 I. Call to Order 7:05 II. Approval of Minutes December 8, 2003 Police Department Auditorium 870 Santa Barbara Drive 7:15 III. Bolsa Chica Presentation Lucy Dunn, Executive Vice President Hearthside Homes 8:15 IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items 8:50 V. Public Comments DRAFT • 1 poR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH s GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, December 8, 2003, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Nancy Gardner Catherine O'Hara Phillip Bettencourt Louise Greeley Carl Ossipoff Carol Boice Mike Ishikawa Charles Remley Karlene Bradley Mike Johnson Larry Root Gus Chabre Bill Kelly John Saunders John Corrough Donald Krotee Ed Siebel Laura Dietz Phillip Lugar Jan Vandersloot Grace Dove Marie Marston Ron Yeo Florence Felton Peter Oeth Members Absent: Patrick Bartolic Tom Hyans James Schmiesing Ernest Hatchell Kim Jansma Jackie Sukiasian Bob Hendrickson Lucille Kuehn Tom Webber Staff Present: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Patricia Temple, Planning Director Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Rich Edmonston, Transportation/Development Services Manager Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Members of the Public Present: None I, Call to Order Nancy Gardner called the meeting to order. Ms. Gardner announced that the • next meeting of the LCP Committee was scheduled for Wednesday, December 12 3 at 4:30 p.m. and invited anyone interested to attend. She also announced that • Tom Hyans had suffered a stroke over the weekend and was at Hoag Hospital. II. Approval of Minutes Laura Dietz pointed out a typographical error on Page 4 of the minutes, commend should be comment. The minutes of the November 10, 2003 meeting were approved with correction. III. Traffic Study Update Carleton Waters of Urban Crossroads reviewed a PowerPoint presentation covering the Traffic Model Executive Summary which was included in the agenda packet (attached). During and after the presentation the following questions were raised. Jan Vandersloot asked for clarification on the study area for the model. Mr. Waters indicated that the study area is based on the City boundaries as of 1999. However, it includes data obtained from outside sources (County, Costa Mesa, etc.) to cover the entire City including annexation areas since 1999. • Charles Remley asked for clarification regarding the term "attractions". Mr. Waters explained each "trip" has two ends, a "production" end and an "attraction" end. Louise Greeley asked if the report accounted for the Hoag Hospital expansion, because she had heard that there would be no impacts on traffic with the expansion. Mr. Waters explained that there may be a problem with the level of service at the intersection of Newport Blvd. and Hospital Road if no changes are made to the intersection and the hospital continues to expand; however the deficiency could be a result of other factors in the area in addition to the hospital expansion such as the extension of the 55 freeway and widening of Coast Highway, etc. Mike Johnson asked about the extension of the 55 freeway. Rich Edmonston reported that the environmental document done for the extension showed the freeway coming to the Newport Beach city limit, essentially 15th Street; however it is unlikely that the extension will ever happen. Bill Kelly asked if a ramp was planned from PCH onto Newport, which would cause the restaurant and liquor store to be relocated. Mr. Edmonston said that had been suggested but it is not in the existing plan. 2 Don Krotee pointed out a discrepancy with the Exhibit X in the Executive • Summary and the Exhibit X in the presentation. Mr. Waters explained that they changed the Exhibit to help clarify the hours when deficiencies occurred. Nancy Gardner asked about the list on Page 41 which indicated Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive as a deficient intersection and then in the handout material the intersection of Irvine Avenue and University is listed. Mr. Waters said the City of Costa Mesa has plans to widen Del Mar and University to four lanes which would have an impact on that intersection. John Saunders asked about the Volume/Capacity Ratio exhibit. Mr. Waters explained that this exhibit had caused confusion with others and went into more detail to help clarify. Mr. Saunders was concerned about listing intersections in the airport area as LOS F when he drives that area and has no traffic problems. Mr. Waters added that in the future traffic will increase in the area due to the airport, UCI and Irvine Business Complex. Phillip Lugar asked about the traffic impacts from the apartment complex at Campus and Jamboree. Mr. Waters pointed out that the impacts are interesting when housing is added in an area with major business developments; it allows employees to live closer to the workplace which reduces their commute and may change the direction of peak hour traffic. • Mr. Vandersloot asked if the Pacific City development in Huntington Beach had been included in the study. Mr. Waters indicated it had not, however it could be by adding the data into the model. Ron Yeo asked if the final model will include all the incorporated land use areas. Mr. Waters stated that the areas are all included; the difference is that the data came from outside agencies. Grace Dove pointed out that the summertime traffic on the peninsula was not represented in the report. Mr. Waters indicated that summertime traffic count data was added showing it 75% higher. Ms. Dove added that the intersections are not rated as LOS F which is the condition during the summer and if someone not familiar with the area was reading the report, the problem is not clearly shown. Mr. Krotee pointed out that Table 4 does not include counts on Newport Blvd. north of Coast Highway. Mr. Waters stated that they tried to choose a reasonable number of locations depicting the traffic increases. Mr. Yeo asked if a graphic could be created showing LOS A intersections. Mr. • Waters agreed that this type of chart would give people a better feeling about the community's traffic situation. Ms. Wood agreed and asked that it be created. 3 6 • Mr. Vandersloot said he feels the community would not accept traffic at less than LOS D and that the City should be working toward that for all intersections instead of accepting worse traffic. Mr. Waters indicated that was what this process is designed to do, by looking at alternatives and the associated traffic impacts decisions can be made to make improvements. Mr. Johnson agreed with Ms. Dove's earlier comments and added that residents in the area resort to bicycles to avoid the summertime traffic. He pointed out that in Seattle they use specific lanes for in-flow/out-flow to help relieve the peak hour traffic and asked if it could be done on the peninsula. Mr. Edmonston said it would be difficult because there are only 2 streets on and off the peninsula. Mr. Remley asked about how many parking spaces were on peninsula. Mr. Waters said that was surveyed and it should be in the full document. Ms. Wood pointed out that parking survey work was just done for the LCP, so it should be available. John Corrough added that another area impacted in the summer is Balboa Island which is an attraction for people within the community as well as tourists. Marie Marston asked if bus and bicycle routes were covered in the document. • Mr. Waters stated the full report does include some information on those topics, however since the City doesn't have as much control over those aspects more emphasis is placed on traffic issues that can be changed. Ms. Marston added that they aren't the problem, but may be the solution. Ms. Gardner pointed out that Exhibit C shows that Newport Beach has a higher use of non -motorized transportation than any of the adjacent cities. Mr. Vandersloot asked for two additional documents: 1) table same as Table 7 but look like Table 12—Mr. Waters said that was available; 2) document explaining rationale for estimating lower employment in the City —Ms. Wood said the Fiscal Impact Consultant could provide this document. Mr. Waters added that it was also included as an appendix to the full report. Karlene Bradley asked if employment numbers included domestic help used in Newport Coast. Mr. Waters pointed out that the Fiscal Consultant had generated a separate work product for employment in Newport Coast, Mr. Tescher added that domestic help would not be included in that report. Ms. Wood pointed out home offices, time share, golf course and retail stores are included in the report. Ms. Marston asked if the existing and projected numbers from our model compare to Caltrans numbers. Mr. Waters stated that Caltrans local staff do not • believe in models or the modeling tools we use, their projections are based on historical growth rate. rd L • IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items and Schedule Mr. Tescher provided copies of subcommittee schedules, geographic topics and element topics. He pointed out there are dates on these documents to help identify updates of the schedules which will happen throughout the process. He indicated the next step was the creation of a background report which includes the studies and issues brought up during presentations and will be a starting point for the subcommittee discussions. Ed Siebel asked how specific problems, such as the traffic issue on Balboa Island, would be addressed in the schedule. Mr. Tescher indicated it could be discussed in one of the geographic subcommittees. Issues brought up at these meetings are being tracked and will be passed on to the subcommittees for further discussion. John Saunders indicated he had attended a presentation by MiOcean which included information that might be helpful in our process and suggested they be invited to a future meeting. Mike Johnson asked if we would be addressing the school district's future needs. Mr. Tescher stated even though the school district is independent from the City, • we could bring them into the process. John Corrough indicated that the Harbor Commission has been working on a "State of the Harbor" that would be very helpful for the subcommittee to see. Ms. Wood agreed and asked for an Executive Summary of the document. • Phillip Bettencourt asked how the areas were selected. Ms. Wood indicated that the GPUC scoping subcommittee recommended the areas and they were approved by the City Council. Ms. Gardner added that these were also areas that came up in the Visioning process. V. Public Comments No members of the public were present. 5 7 n �J e RecalibmledtorefectntostcurrentestimntesofemhloymcntlevelswilhintheCityofNewport Beach (which in turn elTects all aspects of model calibmiiom). Includes most reccut John Wayne Airport expansion settlement agreerma, Ora total of 10.8 million mmual passengers (hIAP). s Input from University of California, Irvine ((1C1) regarding ultimate (load use based) trip cap information. Added information and analysis per GPACIOPUC (e.g., statistical information related to survey data mud additional informational analysis related to freewny tnainlinemnd mail) operation) Minor changes to existing conditions data imsed on more recent informtion obtained by the General Plan Ulxime Team n lu mlaff A RA NEWPORT BEACH TTTIC MODEL (NBIM) PRIMARY STUDY AREA rur • r1 u TABLET CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2O02 TRIP GENERATION TRIPPURPOSE PRODUCTIONS ATTRACTIONS PRODUCT[ONS- ATTRACTIONS PRODUCTIONS 7 ATTRACTIONS mne Based W0lk 57,690 92.777 •24609 0.7 11on1e Booed Schoal 11,424 0,730 2.694 1.31 Home Based Ome 126,826 111.273 14,553 1.1 81k Based 0lher 52483 57381 4898 091 Other -Other 92.237 90740 1.488 102 TOTAL 339 Sw 350310 -10,T72 097 VERALL TOTAL 6a9a50 TABLE 4 ID ROAONAME ROAD SEGMENT COUNTS DELTA (D) DIFFERENCE M a tlOr Av N0 Coos)Hw 23635 30533 69981 29 M. 5N Od 4lo Coats 31.820 55582 23762 74 a" 33 J9nbgeaftd Ne Coen Hw a,.33029 1704 5049E 60 M.AM.BI No3Jn J0 WHJe RE 54320 91820 -12600 -230M 62 M0Mor51 NO CMA Hw 30904 94288 3382 loan 85 Co811 Or NJ Co9it 12223 15,636 3413 2784k Go Bl Ira Coml Hw 19]7 21908 Z679 13935 157 OOFl Hw 010 0a ID. 02526 70,303 7.777 1244 195 um- 1 Pov. UO New JCOOsI Dr 35376 4197 0542 1849 223 Dovl Hw. do 9an19Alb PoHr 46000 48613 2511 648 910.7 .0 l No 200151 17.451 30427 12,97e 7438 6 6 0 IX 'Wr M SUMMER DAILY TRAFFIC VARIATION FOR NEWPORT BOULEVARD BETWEEN 33ND AND FINLEY F MOT N EXISTING VOLUME/CAPA�� A7105 +^J" • �� LEGEND' obo tt,YM.0 �t A b 0 h EXHIBIT T EXISTING INTERSECTION DEFICIENCIES i e 44m4wm O -.v s,wpnmuweenrvaen�rmmirowFuuvsneevux�nsrimcvelnwv..w 11 TABLES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH' LAND USE BASED SOCIOECONOMIC DATA SUMMARY/COMPARISON 2002 BUILDOUT VARIABLE QUANTITY QUANTITY GROWN' %GROWTH tt Ied Smle Family Omlrinp Units 13442 14260 4W 3% cui led MulbFsmil Dwellin Un1s 20409 25A53 5044 26% DTAL OCCUPIED DWELLING UNITS 34251 39,703 5A62 16% 14u Ouar mPopulation 561 661 0 0% o Ola04n 75817 87.886 12.069 16% Enl to ed Res&anls 44.379 6128E 6669 16% Retall Em Io s 11.211 13662 24341 217 Sarvlee Em to ees 17.150 21 137 3.987 23% 1herEmol4 ees 37077 44.327 7250 20% DTAL EMPLOYEES 88,d38 79,016 13.08 21% Iem%ah Stl..l Smdems 1 91641 9,2201 66 1% 10 • !3 TABLEII CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRIP OENERATION COMPARISON DAILY TRIP ENDS GENERALPLAN PERCENT RIP PURPOSE EXISTING BUILDOUT GROWTH OROWOI ased Work Productions 57568 70469 12901 2241Aased Wark Attraction 62177 100654 18507 2252.ased SAI001 PTatluGiOn 11424 14125 2701 2364ased SGrool A1haGlOn JrOTALPRODUCTCIONSI 0.730 8.845 115 1329Eased Other Pmdudlon 126..826 167.202 41,376 3288KI aeed Other Attractions 111273 136553 25260 n7291sed Other PtoduGbnt 52483 64765 12272 2d 38sed OlhurAVacOans 57,381 70.165 12.805 U32 ther Produ fonts 02237 114.55] 22320 2420 Omer AOructrons 00 ]49 112882 22A33 2439 PRODUCT10N5 33953U 431.108 91570 2697" ATTRAGUONS 350310 420.150 78840 2251 JOVERALLTOTAL 689848 880268 70,40 24.7011 ll UbtiiFGwGr,,... EXHIBIT V GENERAL PLAN BUILDOUT AVERAGE DAILY (ADT) 1 � , „Et I 1 r1 i _ LNFOENe: �y . ._....!Jtlu�(4n�' 12 • �I 0 L� 16 • • 0 Lucille Kuehn 1831 Seadrift Drive December 28, 20Q%rona del Mar, California 92625-1843 Ms. Sharon Wood, Ass't. City Mgr. City of Newport Beach 3000 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Newport Village Open Space Site Dear Sharon: Because of a compression fracture in my spine I have most recently been unable to attend the meetings of the General Plan Advisory Committee. However, I do read all the reports and minutes you send. Jan Vandersloot, M.D. sent copies of two letters from Robert Hamilton dated March 1996 and July 16,k 1998 on the biological report for the General Plan update and LCP process for Newport Beach. In his letter of March 9, 1998, he writes "on behalf of the citizens group Stop Polluting Our Newport (SPON) Dr. Vandersloot requested that I complete an initial biological survey on a parcel covering approximately 12 acres... Dr. Vandersloot indicated to me that this parcel is presently dedicated to the City as Natural Open Space...." In the first instance I lobbied vigorously in behalf of retention of these twelve acres as an open space view site with facilities (benches and turf) for safe viewing. These twelve acres provide a unique, remarkable and magnificent view site of our harbor, bay islands and the peninsula. They were never dedicated as NATURAL open space. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission confirms this delineation and use as a view site. Repetition can make a rumor into fact- the Adolph Hitler technique. However, official documents, minutes and memory retention will prove that these twelve acres are dedicated to open space NOT natural open space. Could the records of the General Plan Advisory Committee be corrected to conform. Thank you so much for your efforts in correcting a misstatement of fact. Best wishes for the New Year. CZor ",� lr�� Lucille Kuehn 1831 Seadrift Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 CC: Mayor Tod Ridgeway Deborah Allen, Ch. PBR Val Skoro, past Ch. PBR GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, January 12, 2004 Roger Alford -- Patrick Bartolic Phillip Bettencourt Carol Boice -Karlene Bradley - Gus Chabre John Corrough Lila Crespin Laura Dietz -Grace Dove Florence Felton • Nancy Gardner Louise Greeley Ernie Hatchell Bob Hendrickson -Tom Hyans Mike Ishikawa Kim Jansma Mike Johnson Bill Kelly Donald Krotee Lucille Kuehn Philip Lugar Marie Marston Peter Oeth -Catherine O'Hara • 1 -4 Carl Ossipoff • Charles Remley Larry Root John Saunders James Schmiesing Ed Siebel Jan Vandersloot Tom Webber Ron Yeo n U n LJ WIA 2 GENERAL PLAN AASORY COMMITTEE Monday, January 12, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN - NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS <9�4 SS U 1+ Aif Ei,�112A cm 60 444 • I `t54 C-&{&A4LCf @ ADC. ,cOAK 2 9-3 3 C,41< 3 5i, 6p�ll-F - Pz 7 /Y�i .F✓�/thi@ i'/�C%f < i&a �111vff! m( be 1 '6n ylourck'ro Nve (D3l 3`l0 • GENERAL PLAN AASORY COMMITTEE Monday, January 12, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, January 12, 2004, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Louise Greeley Phillip Bettencourt Bob Hendrickson Carol Boice Mike Ishikawa John Corrough Kim Jansma Lila Crespin Bill Kelly Laura Dietz Donald Krotee Florence Felton Lucille Kuehn Nancy Gardner Phillip Lugar Members Absent: Patrick Bartolic Tom Hyans Karlene Bradley Mike Johnson Gus Chabre Peter Oeth Grace Dove Catherine O'Hara Staff Present: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Patricia Temple, Planning Director Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Members of the Public Present: Elizabeth Bonn Barbara Lyon Gordon Glass Hall Seely I. Call to Order Phillip Lugar called the meeting to order. Marie Marston Charles Remley John Saunders Ed Siebel Jan Vandersloot Tom Webber Carl Ossipoff Larry Root James Schmiesing Ron Yeo II. Approval of Minutes • The minutes of the December 8, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted. III. Bolsa Chica Presentation Philip Bettencourt introduced Lucy Dunn, Executive Vice President of Hearthside Homes. Ms. Dunn shared her experiences with the Bolsa Chica property from a developer's point of view. Following are some of the points made by Ms. Dunn: Oil operations on the property are still productive. The flood control channel that empties onto the property delivers water collected as far away as the Disneyland parking lot. The wetlands restoration is being accomplished by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in order to mitigate the ocean impacts caused when they expanded their harbors. The originally proposed project for the land included a marina, 5700 homes, commercial development, boat slips, restaurants and 900 acres of wetland restoration. The current development project is planned for the Upper Bench of the • Huntington Mesa with 388 single family detached homes and a recreation center. The recreation center site includes a wetland that is being preserved. The project has been approved by the County and is scheduled to go to the Coastal Commission in Spring of this year. There is a need to provide housing for California's growing population. Sites near jobs and infrastructure, like Bolsa Chica, should be developed before outlying areas. The State of California is 100 million acres in size, of that ♦ 50% is owned by the State/Federal government as perpetual open space, ♦ 45% is owned/operated by agriculture or private open space, and ♦ 5% is used as commercial, industrial and residential space for the 35 million people who live here. After the presentation the following questions were raised. Laura Dietz asked about the future of multi -story housing. Ms. Dunn stated she thinks building will have to start going up to accommodate the increasing population; however builders have insurance issues with these types of projects. She also noted that these projects are opposed by the majority of residents who would rather have single family units built in their neighborhoods. rJ Lucille Kuehn asked about the road rut on the land that was determined to be a is instead and why Ms. Dunn did not fight harder to prove it was not a wetland instead of preserving the area. Ms. Dunn stated there are three parameters used (soil, water and plants) and in this case mottled soil was found and if she would have sued, 5 more years would be lost. She stated it was easier to build the recreation center around it than it would be to fight it in court. Sharon Wood asked Ms. Dunn to discuss experiences working with the County and the City of Huntington Beach. Ms. Dunn stated they worked with the City as part of the Bolsa Chica Planning Coalition and were processing plans as part of an annexation into Huntington Beach, then after 2 EIRs that no one liked, the City asked them to go through the County with a large part of the project and only process the housing through the City. Because of this and the time already spent, they decided to put the entire project through the County; which made many at the City angry. The current plan has been approved by the County. Jan Vandersloot thanked Ms. Dunn for her support of Proposition 50 which allows the state to develop funds to purchase environmentally valuable land. Don Krotee asked who owns the oil interests on the land. Ms. Dunn indicated that Aera Energy is the current oil operator for the majority and an independent oil operator, John Thomas, took over the Chevron lease. • Bob Hendrickson asked if there were plans to open ocean flow into the wetlands. Ms. Dunn indicated as part of the wetland restoration, there is a plan to deepen part of the wetlands and to raise Pacific Coast Highway in one area to allow for a tidal inlet. Charles Remley asked about the tidal turnover with the current conditions. Ms. Dunn indicated that currently it takes 23 days for a drop of water to make it to the wetlands, with the creation of a tidal inlet it will be twice a day. John Corrough asked if there was opposition to the tidal inlet now. Ms. Dunn said there was opposition but nothing like it was in the past when a marina was planned for the area. The State Parks and Recreation were concerned about beach loss. Tamara Campbell asked about the Bolsa Surface Use Agreement. Ms. Dunn stated, it was intended as an in-house document. It states "thou shalt clean up all pollution" and is now it is an encumbrance to the land and everyone is subject to it. It is unique to this property and also requires that if the oil rigs aren't operating, they must be removed within 90 days. 3 IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items Ms. Wood stated that the next meeting would cover mixed use development. This subject would be covered by Woodie Tescher and a Planner from the City of Pasadena was also invited to speak on the subject. Don Krotee asked when traffic would be coming back to the Committee. Mr. Tescher stated that at this point in the process, they would be coming back in late summer. Nancy Gardner pointed out that the Irvine Company has an NOP out for public comment on the Pelican Hills Resort in Newport Coast. Ms. Wood indicated that copies could be found at the Library or Planning Department. She also indicated that EQAC will be reviewing the document. Philip Bettencourt pointed out that the Coastal Commission would be in Laguna Beach on Thursday if anyone wanted to observe a hearing in the local area. V. Public Comments No comments offered. • IN