HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPAC_2004_03_08111111111 lill 11111111111111111111111111 lill III *NEW FILE* G PAC 2004 03 08 E March 8, 2004 7:00-9:00 p.m. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Police Department Auditorium 870 Santa Barbara Drive 7:00 I. Call to Order 7:05 II. Approval of Minutes February 9, 2004 7:15 III. Community Character "Monster Homes" Mark Broduer, FIUD, Principal RRM Design Group 8:30 IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items & Schedule 8:50 V. Public Comments is o���,wpoR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, February 9, 2004, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Bob Hendrickson Charles Remley Carol Boice Mike Ishikawa Larry Root Elizabeth Bonn Bill Kelly John Saunders Karlene Bradley Donald Krotee Hall Seely John Corrough Lucille Kuehn Ed Siebel Grace Dove Marie Marston Jan Vandersloot Florence Felton Catherine O'Hara Tom Webber Nancy Gardner Carl Ossipoff Ron Yeo Members Absent: Patrick Bartolic Laura Dietz Mike Johnson Phillip Bettencourt Louise Greeley Phillip Lugar Gus Chabre Tom Hyans (sick leave) Barbara Lyon Lila Crespin Kim Jansma Staff Present: Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Members of the Public Present: Carol Starcevic T. Call to Order Nancy Gardner called the meeting to order. II. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the January 26, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted. 0 III. MiOcean Water Quality Improvements Along the Coast • Pat Fuscoe, Ian Adam and Greg Wohl represented MiOcean at the meeting. Mr. Fuscoe reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (attached) regarding MiOcean and showed examples of projects they have been involved in. A short MiOcean video was also shown to the group. After the presentation the following questions were raised. Carl Ossipoff asked if there were any problem areas in Newport Beach. Mr. Fuscoe is aware of a couple areas the County identified as problem areas, the pump out stations for boats and the West Newport storm drains on Seashore. Tom Webber asked about what is being done with inland cities. Mr. Wohl indicated that education is the most important thing that can be done and the Ocean Institute is a big part of that process. Mr. Fuscoe added that the State Resources Board has requirements for all cities in the County. Bill Kelly asked what type of system it would take to stop the sediment coming into the Back Bay from the San Diego Creek. Mr. Fuscoe said you could add onto the IRWD ponds, but maybe the best solution would be to design a system to target the particular pollutants coming into the bay which would help with the TMDLs. Bob Hendrickson asked if Newport Beach had restrictions on new development requiring routing of the runoff into the sewer system. Mr. Fuscoe stated it is mandated by law along the coastline and the majority of the counties inland as well. Ms. Gardner added that the new development in Newport Coast has been designed to capture 100% of the runoff and it will be used to irrigate the golf course. Catherine O'Hara asked if the storm drain system in Newport Beach could be diverted to the sewer system for treatment. Mr. Fuscoe said if the storm drains were diverted to the sewer it would be too much for the system to handle. Ms. Gardner added that right now the diversions are being handled at no cost, but once the capacity reaches 4 million gallons there will be charges. Jan Vandersloot asked if MiOcean recommended specific language for general plans. Mr. Adam provided the committee with a handout called "Watershed Protection Principals for Preserving the Coastline" (attached) for the Committee to consider. Mr. Ossipoff asked about the costs associated with the implementation of the principals. Mr. Fuscoe indicated cost was hard to determine, however basically it takes one acre of land to develop a treatment wetland for every 100 acres of 2 developed community. The treatment wetland cost would be the cost of the • land plus the landscaping. John Saunders asked if it was possible to use parks or open space areas for treatment sites. Mr. Fuscoe stated that would be desirable, areas like Buck Gully could be enhanced; however parks have many uses so you would have to be careful when making those recommendations. IV. State of the Harbor Relative to the General Plan, Harbor and Bay Element, and General Plan Update Process Tom Rossmiller, Harbor Resources Manager, reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding the State of the Newport Harbor. During and after the presentation the following questions were raised. Carl Ossipoff asked what made eelgrass so special. Mr. Rossmiller stated that eelgrass is used as a nursery by juvenile fish; they are protected within the grass until they grow large enough to venture out into open waters. Jan Vandersloot asked how the Regional Water Quality Control Board is going to determine if we have complied with voluntary cleanup of the Bay versus the • regulatory approach. Mr. Rossmiller stated the Board had not established standards yet, however the County is monitoring the water quality as part of the NPDES permit. Mr. Ossipoff asked how the water quality in our harbor differs from other harbors along the coast. Mr. Rossmiller explained that the biggest difference is water circulation. The Dana Point Harbor water turns over a couple times a day, where the water in the Newport Island area may take 8 to 9 days. Ed Siebel asked how salty the water was in the basins in the Upper Bay. Mr. Rossmiller stated that at high tide, salt water gets all the way into the San Diego Creek up to Campus Drive. Mr. Saunders asked how much dredging would be needed to maintain the basins. Mr. Rossmiller stated that the Regional Water Quality Control Board has indicated dredging should only take place every 20 years because of the impact on habitat. Because of this restriction, our plan was modified to dredge to -20 feet instead of -14 feet as we have done in the past. Carol Boice asked when the dredging project would be complete. Mr. Rossmiller indicated the project will take at least a 3 years because work can only be done during "environmental windows" which protect the nesting season of endangered • species. 3 • Ms. Gardner asked if an expanded water taxi system would be City funded or run by a private company. Mr. Rossmiller thought it would be lucrative enough for the private sector. John Corrough added there are also federal funds available for this type project. Mr. Webber asked if Harbor Resources was looking at derelict boats using moorings in the harbor. Mr. Rossmiller stated they were working with the Harbor Patrol to get rid of those boats. Mr. Siebel asked if the encroachment issue, like the one recently on Balboa Island, was appropriate for this Committee or if it was being dealt with somewhere else. Mr. Corrough indicated it is an issue covered in the Harbor & Bay Element and stated that the City Council had just adopted regulations specific to Balboa Island. Mr. Vandersloot asked if the $28 permit fee could be increased. Mr. Corrough indicated they were looking at that, however State law limits the fee amount to the cost of processing the permit. V. Discussion of Future Agenda Items • No time for this item. V. Public Comments No public comments offered. n L� M Miocean and Water Quality Improvements Along the Coastline City of Newport Beach General Plan Advisory Committee By Pal Fuscoo. Mlocnan 0oom Mambrt Febnmry9 2000 What We'll Cover... • Introduction to Water Quality Regulatory Selling - for Coastal Cities • Available tools for improving Water Quality • Brief Introduction to Miocean and Their Unique Approach I. NB's Storm Water Program Mandatory Components Legal Authority - Public Education and Municipal Program Outreach Commorclalllndustrlal - Construction Inspection Program • Water Quality Monitoring [licit Connection I Illicit Discharge Regional Board Task Review watershed protection principles and policies in the GP i to ensure water quality s properly considered within framework M*� Update GP where appropriate Modifications to municipal codes, L-Imill planning process and conditions ,..: of approval II. Available Tools For Projects • Soft -engineering Techniques . Blo-sweles . water oaality basins . Infiltration Trenches • Structural BMPs . Catch basin Inserts . Storm drain Insets • Fillraffon Media .w 11�jk�eill'� ti Commercial Example E ,J Residential Example Local Residential Example Newpod Coast, Costamia Detention Basins that'tnial` runoffRmn 1,000 unit residential nelghborh94ds Residential/Commercial Example CC Promenade Center Wuh Nofllbation wedands XHMICNX hM�w 12 Structural BMP's Structural BMPs (cont) T f n P!W Miocean's Approach Clean beaches through knowledge, passion and commitment Collaboration with resource agencies Business approach with measurable solutions 0 What Else is Newport Doing? Public Outreach. Residents Business.. lnsp road samce eslablishmanis I325-1. contractors, niobiln auto dolatloro) HOArr ead Commerasl Areoe common are, Storm Water Inspections . Commavin, lndusblel and 1A 111-pa1 Street Sweeping • Catch Basin Cleaning Pet and animal Waste Awareness ar Our Hordo-Gmvm ConsWcam and Building Design Saccharaa • IL • .l� w r a FT miocean Watershed Pr( for PreseN- imo, • 174 Limit disturbance of natural water bodies and drainage systems; conserve natural areas; and minimize impacts from storm water and urban runoff on the biological integrity of natural drainage systems and water bodies; Minimize changes in hydrology and pollutant loading; structural and non- structural BMPs, to mitigate the projected increases in pollutant loads and flows; ensure that post -development runoff rates and velocities from a site have no significant adverse impact on downstream erosion and stream habitat; and maximize the percentage of permeable surfaces to allow more percolation of storm water into the ground; 7■ Preserve wetlands, riparian corridors, and buffer zones and establish reasonable limits on the clearing of vegetation from the project site; ■ Encourage the use of water quality wetlands, biofiltration swales, �. watershed -scale retrofits, etc., where such measures are likely to beY effective and technically and economically feasible; 1 ■ Provide for appropriate permanent measures to reduce storm water pollutant loads in storm water from the development site; and ■ Establish development guidelines for areas particularly susceptible to erosion and sediment loss. Source: Santa Ana R.W.Q.C.B. Storm Water Permit (2002) 13 a State of the Harbor Harbor Resources (Upper and Lower Newport Bay) Division Relative to General Plan i Harbor and Bay Element General Plan Update Process February 9, 2004 t va••ar e I • The Condensed Version ... Harbor ' Resources The'Harbor and Bay Element has five major goals with I{ Division several objectives, policies and implementation strategies for each goal. d { The Goals are: y 1. Preserve the divans uses of the Harbor and waterfront I including recreational, commercial, water enhanced, • residential and educational activities. 2. Maintain and enhance public access to the Harbor water and waterfront areas a 3. Enhance the water quality and protect the marine environment in both the Upper and Lower Bay. 4. Preserve and enhance the visual character and tl historical resources of the harbor and bay. j 6. Provide for ongoing administration and maintenance of the harbor and bay. Harbor and Say Element Goal: To Administer and Maintain the Harbor and Upper Bay Why the Harbor $ Bay Element of the General Plan Is Critical to the Operation of the Harbor ... „arbor ceaourcee' As excerpted from the Harbor & Bay Element: Division . • The Harbor and Bay Element Is Intended to control the content of Harbor Regulations and Harbor Permit Policies related to: Dovolopment of the harbor • Acavltles conducted on the harbor. • The Harbor Element Is applicable to the water area bayward of the bulkhead or line of mean high tide In both the Upper and Lower Newport Bay. • The Harbor Element will be considered Inland use decisions related to properties adjacent to Newport Bay (these are also covered by other elements of the General Plan and Municipal Code). With that review of the Harbor and Bay Element in mind ... •1111 present aahort version of the State of the Harbor Resources and State of the Harbor Commission that recently took a look at: • whore we are -what we have accomplished -and where we would like to go in the near future to: • preserve -enhance -operate -and maintain Newport Bay and Its water fronting area and uses. State df'Harbor Resources 2003 Our Division Mission Statement To protect and Improve the resources of Newport Harbor, Upper Newport Bay, and �fhe ocean beaches to ensure their proper use and enjoyment by off things that derive life, recreation, or commence from our. City's most Important asset �S 0750-il State of Harbor Commission 2003 Rtlas Harbor PURPOSE & RESPONSIBILITIES Division Division •i NewportHarbor residential supports numerous recreational and commercialurces.es, Waledront rasidendal communities and scenic and biological resources. The purpose of the Harbor Commission is to provide the City of Newport Beach with an advisory body representing these diverse uses of Newport Harbor and its waterfront, A. Apvlse the City Council In all matters pertaining to the use, control; operallon, plbmotion and regulation of all vessels and watercraft within the Newport Harbor. i B. Approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove applications on all harbor penults 111 "are the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code assigns the authority for the decision to the Harbor Commission. C. Serva as an oppellale and reviewing body for decisions of the City Manager on harbor pertnils, leases, and other harbor -related administrative matters where the City of Newport as, Municipal Code assigns such authority to the Harbor Y Commisslon. Harbor Resources Division Operations Sasaure" 1 myldian • To achieve.our mission we utilize several tools: —Municipal Code Chapter 17 —Harbor Permit Policy —Design Criteria and Standard Drawings ' —Tidelands Grant Documentation —Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines. Draft Map of City and County Tidelands, Submerged Lands and Filled Lands Rosourcas Division j •Shades of Brawn are County Tidelands, •Submert ad Lands and Filled Lands -Shade of Blue and Green are City f Tldelan, Submerged Lands and Filled `{ Lands Gnted Under Various Statutes _ _ _f State of.Harbor Commission 2003 .Purposes and Responsibilities (continued) D. Advise the City Council on proposed harbor -related Improvements. E. Advise the Planning Commission and City Council on land Use and property development applications referred to the Harbor Commission by the City Council, Planning Commission, or the City Manager. F. Make recommendations to the City Council forthe adoption of regulations and programs necessary for the ongoing Implementation of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan Governing Codes, Policies and References (Continued) Tidelands Grant -The State of California granted ceduin tidelands In Must to the City or Newport Beach and the County of Grange based on the City Incorporsgon boundary of 1919. The following uses of the tidelands ere allowed by the grants. (if For the estabstithsnb,mprovemant and conduct of a pubae harbor, and for Me construction. maintenance and operation thereon afwharvos, docks, plop, she. quays, ways and slmols, and othei uekm, nmduree and appliances nocossgry, or ceavaniont forms pmonon oreccoinn ocaWn of commmce and ne✓eallon. (]) For the vstabli,hmont improvomant and conduct of public bathing bonchoe,rusks matlnae public aquatic phygrourds and sunder ivorcaeowl fadhlke open to the issound public, and for the construction, reconstruction, repair, malaun ance and operi arch waft, buildings, facilities, utilities, structures... (3) Foriho preeervebon, meNlonance and enhancement crests lands in thaknotuml elate em Inaalu0liebmdenof Iles notuml elan ofauk and ae Nnl Naymayparvoov ecobakal unM forsdentlAoetudy, at open apace end n enNronmenkwhkh provide food ono hoeAaarbldt antl marina Afo, aM whkh favorobry anod Ilia tconaryeid somata of No area. Governing Codes, Policies and References (Continued) Bulkhead, Plerhead and Project Lines mourcas, -Established by Congress based on a 1936 Corps of Engineers survey -Established at anticipated development line In 19361n some locations where bulkheads were not established f -Bulkhead lines shown In dark yellow lines shown In light yellow, numbers established at me Ines shown In white tee not shown Is variable Ing from 12 to 20 feet f plerhead line cil Harbor Permit Policy s to the prolect Ilse In IV N4ej1 Y Harbor Resources Division Harbor Governing Codes, Policies and References Resources Olvlalon I Municipal Cade, Title 17, Anchorage and Mooring Regulations • SPECIAL -USE AREAS • VESSEL OPERATION -DOCKING REGULATIONS 'ANCHORAGE AND MOORING REGULATIONS -RESTRICTIONS ON PERSONS LIVING ABOARD VESSELS ' -STRUCTURES IN HARBOR l •INSTALLATION OF'PUMPOUTSTATIONS y -WASTE AND REFUSE —SMALL VESSEL MOORAGE -COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES i I i 1 f I Governing Codes, Policies and References (Continued) Standard'Drawings forNarbor Construction Harbor i Rasources Division , • Standards am necessary for y consistent construction practices in the harbor, wars • • Most eloped the In the early 70's dostrecdInevi ions In most recant revisions in 1994. • Cosh &Associates has been selected to roviso and update : standards. D • Priority will be 91von to revision ° of commercial dock standards for limoly Implementation with the fire code compllonce Program. ••Yro•n• Harbor RaaourEss Division {ti 1 i Priority Projects Dredging in the Corona del Mar Reach of the Mein Channel Governing Codes, Policies and References (Continued) City Council Harbor Permit Policies i GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR HARBOR STRUCTURES • TRANSFER OF'ANNUAL HARBOR PERMITS DREDGING 1 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES { JOINT OWNERSHIP PIERS > BULKHEADS • PARKING REQUIREMENTS 4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS • SANITARY REQUIREMENTS • SETBACKS i MOORINGS Priority Projects Statistics Is�nal 1s,000 c�bleyar dareand:13,00o cy. Id, Chennol- 0,500 ey. 1dA00ry y.clam shell buchol —2000 ey. antl 3000 cy. ]y. Fedoml I all •$40.000 Future Lower Newport'Bay, Dredging cy of Itothe • We requested $4.0 Million frog) Congress CMANC shows $3.6 Million in budget egional - •\ 1 will assist ,,.. •\ I- od survlval rated .• SUDS\ ,!- s with Port __ ch continuo site \1 Residential Dredging � ""b°` Resourpos Regional General Permit (RGP) 54 Ioivlelon Established for small dredging projects betweenbulkhead and I pierhead lines for which property owners maintain responsibility. 1 — 20,000 cubic yards annually allowed — Eelgrass survey — Caulerpa survey — Grain size analysis — Beach dlsposal� • 500 cubic yards i L e0% gravel and sand i — LA0 disposal • 1,000 cubic yards • < 80 % gravel and sand I ,9 — Inform neighbors with adjacent docks `s • Minimizes potential future problems Harbor & Bay Element Goal; Enhance Water Quality and Protect the Marine Environment Division Priority Project -Eelgrass `(t Harbor t Rolvinlone What is the Purpose of a HAMP? C ! -To provide a comprehensive area -wide aquatic resource plan t + that achieves a balance between aquatic resource protection and reasonable economic development and minimizes !{} Individual and cumulative effects of proposed projects. -With the HAMP approach, future projects can be authorized with programmatic level pantile, If they meet specific criteria i designed to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources. Priority Projects Rhine Channel Proposition 13 Grant gguro ]. Pallwn or apper roncanlrnlrone lnflMno Chennci aetlimonb, PriorityJProjects - Eelgrass I a strategy to resolve Issuce In the harbor., I our strategy with the to to the table to of a Harbor Area i (RAMP). id the suacon of d of a -de minimus^ regress pegement of the HAMP and Implementation will be an uw of Harbor Rasourees in the Priority Project - Eelgrass Known Locatens of Eelgrass In 2002 Survey Eli WE 177 sack//ly i i � Y -�LSEl t it :4 :I lq ° t ` Pump Out Facilities Hadar Pumps checked Resources Division - Once a week in winter - - Twice a week in summer Dye tablet is used once a month Marina owner Is notified ,qq =`•i ` -1 Immediately for failures ,y s, City maintains 4 pumps .' at: • v -^ - Washington • - Fernando Y• Y' • U - 15N u - Balboa Yacht Basin Harbor Resoume, Olvlaion I Screens & i Filters installed' In local storm •drains in a Portion of i Newport.Bay for i Water Quality i Improvement r BEP• I Harbor yyj Resources Division i k I WHY ARE WE CONCERNED ABOUT SEDIMENT DEPOSITION IN NEWPORT BAY? • Degrades other estuarine habitats • Adversely Impacts resident and migratory species • Directly Impacts open water habitat • Reduces tidal circulation In the Upper Bay • Allows easy access to sensitive habitat areas • Limits recreation and educational uses • Creates shoals In navigation channels and slips • Sediment TMDL Compliance Clean Boating Habits ��-I'•�•i.u+M i+ • next few yearn. 'Education and voluntary compliance will be the Initial approach statewide as evidenced by this 013AW Clean Boatind Guide. y action If local i are not successful In pollutant loading source. Harbor Debris Cleanup Don Du* • Picks up debris in the harbor and BYB (small trash to large tree limbs etc...) • Minimizes damage to boats and propellers -City presence In Harbor • City has an annual contract with the County to clean debris ? — $35,006 annual' payments to the City 1 tht t Upper Newport Harbor Resources s Division ' IEapand and Deepen In -Bay laseine to —20 fuel MSL Unit"' Baeln (Upper Besln •Mo a largertern Inland • Didge about 969,000 cubic yards k amieaseoa t efeal6y abouutt 19 acres Restoration Project •Itt Upper Newport {{ Harbor Resourca, PP Dlvlelon Construction of 12 Restoration Mlasures Reconstruct side channels around small tam Island, New Island, Middle Island and Shellmaker Island I— Restore three dredge spoll areas at8he Bulinose, I NortHslar Beach and Shellmaker island — Create a small channel at Shellmakarlslend — Plant ealgrass beds — Cap tonal Islands with clean sand Segment main dike k 1 tt Harbor' i Div Ran W I Div Wan E e Triangle - Harbor & Bay Element Goal: Maintain &' Enhance Public Access Location of Public Docks and Vessel Sewage Pumpout Facilities in Newport Harbor Marine Life I Community I • 115 participating schools and groups since Feb'01 • 2M gasses of children participated during the 02+03'school year • Over 7,200 students participated between Sept'02 and Sept'03 • 3V scillools (94 classes) already booked for the spring of'04 • Gid Scout and Boy Scout troops participate on a regular basis for badge work and community service at Lit➢e Corona Marine Life Refuge. (between 4.6 h6ops per month) Harbor Transportation •Yest6rdayiToday&Tomorrow ter, j � -Thu Previous slide showed the Catalina Ferry. I: 7;_, -Above Is the first Balboa Island Ferry, the Ark + ,. In 1919 and the Fat Fairy In 1921. To the right y Is today's operational: the Peninsula side of t the channel. A priory issue on the Harbor Commission's i task list Is to consider a supplemental peak season water taxis system connecting public { docks and other key locations in the harborif y that will help relleve traffic and parking congestion. Public Piers ( 15th, 1,96 &Coral St' Harbor Bulkhead Resources Division 72'Hours 1 1 72 Hours 2 Hours I No Pump Out 20 Minutes 2 Hours -Star - Public Dock (11) Actions, Complaints N12Enforcement and InvestigationsHamm 0 Encroachments - Most common complaint is along the prolongation of the •Division ` property line of a residence or street end • Noise - Charter boat monitoring Illegal live aboards - Harbor Department will monitor at night - Harbor Resources will write warning latter and follow up I • Abandoned Vessels - Harbor Dept. retrieves boats and processes DMV paperwork I - City hosts auction Finial Installation Resources Division ilnis provide excellent cT_.,__--- FWA:: nisrodc omamsnta neetlen of use as a he dock and ronacllvo 1 ti Adsm Pvbl,c ooska Aasin rl •t-�•--y �•_ - i works wall for ... �• �� _ - dalneIot'aeon. 1 _ 4r•Iwwnn6.w.µ�a.w...r,+ rv`�'-^.ram.' 'i.^n palreof tlaekina, 'Pj&rs - .=--• —=`=� Sways ajtd 3totiro a alsoa datl to theme-.,: of yesteryear w,•� -z"":, rovadfapetlonallly er a:x"z•�.::'=r,? sic. �c r•.m'r'w publlcdocka. 1^•.-„_�. .s;-•. _'-'dt't�0� _—cam.. ff 'I 7 Harbor'& Bay Element Goal: Preserve and Enhance visual Character & Historical Resources Coastal Cleanup Day Harbor ,To Cllyeontinuodtosupportan ft . annual smtowldo oaort of cleanup Division Callfomis's coastal beaches, bays, ereeke, lakes and rivers. • It was held in three locations In . Newport Beach: -Upper Newport Bay Muth Interpretive Center -Corona del Mar Beach -Newport Ploa 1 -Locally in Newport Beach, in 2000, 1,836 volunteers picked up 00,064 pounds of trash and rocyclablos y statewide 40,000 volunteers i removed 483,000 pounds of trash and recyclables •since the program started In 1885, 8.6 million pounds of trash removed under this program. Harbor &Bay Element Goal: Preserve Diverse Uses of the Harbor and Waterfront at Fiscal Impact Analysis of General Plan Update „� •,,. Related to Marine Uses Harbor Reaodreea DlvHlon , Harbor Commission Recommendations; I 1-Analyze Both Passive No -Growth and Proactive Growth Alternatives fonMadne Uses s ; 2- Expand Marine Use Subcategories Evaluation of Related Revenue Sources 3-Add Marine Tourism Uses and Revenue Sources to Manna Uses ". 4- Expand Consideration of Tidelands Uses to New Water -Based 1 Uses Live Aboard Permit Allowed in offshore moorings — Private marinas phasing out live aboards Must be.current mooring permittee Moored vessel must,be primary resident of applicant Vessel must be navigable and have holding tank Must submit yearly pump out log Only 51 live aboards allowed per Code — Currently 31 permits Fiscal Impact Analysis of General Plan Update Related toMarine Uses The Harbor Commission reviewed the "Fiscal Impact Analysis & Model —Newport Beach General Plan Update" and found that: jMadde does and the marine Industry -...account for over 1000Jobs and generate nearly $2.7 million In am revenues.. "la the City of Newport Beach. •There exists a steadllyavolving reduction In numbers of Newport Beach Marine Industry uses and thelrtutal revenues, es well as "leskegd1 to other market locations resulting from general marine Industry enritlon, consolidation, enidronmental regulation, and Increasing land and operations costs. -Them is a loss to the City of significant positive net revenues by further unchecked shrinkage and leakage of Marna Uses -Them Is an inability of the Newport Beach Marine Uses to hold position or expandldlvemify In Newport Beach In the fate of these larger forces. Mooring Management • Them ram about 9,900 vessels In the harbor 1,225 or about 12.5% of them am on moorings. _.. Y Division The Amy Corps has delineated certain areas of the harbor for mooring use. Overthe Peet three decades there has been an excuralon of moorings outside the designated aroae. The Corps is working on a plan to continue dredging the federal, channels and the moorings need to be moved to within the delineated areas before dredging can proceed, Moorings located outside the designated areas also can inhibit save navigation. We have proposed a budget Item that would establish a new mooring layout for better efficiency and compliance with fed and rules. Balboa Island A Unique,Blond,of Public Beach, Onshore. Moorings and Private Docks , occurs In May c each year, at se cites on Balboa fission and ounell ved a revision Harbor Permit yti BE—, Harbor 'Rhine Wharf Use'Permit'A� • Required each time a contractor loads! unloads marine supplies • Minimizes crowding and time conflicts • Show permit to the Police when residents complain (even though this is a designated loading zone) • If street closure is required, application must be submitted to Public Works ¢" i\ COMMERCIAL VESSEL PERMITCHARTER PERMITTING OCEDUROPERATIONS PROCEDURES (Six Passengers or More) municipal CGdea,ne Harbor MurCed•T]At' Ravenm Dlvblon 4 HArb.her Rin •Searcea DlvBlonMakin t•Resources', - ] F••-010a�ew Dw fa. �-[�Peatlon (S IB Wa) N et aD) -- s. 0•amM taaaan -' --- '- no '' yF•dff]s•O cFxxtleaerudd) ) w. Y" ty`"P I A. Vuuge P•,m•mnl-' �- na.•' ]. aaNro lmtlmryenddel i 'is ♦ Varel(e)iDlVedekk) s. PadsgNeaao yes B tecaneV.(sWkulo IPNm•'n•nP•,laq'�,a IL yen29 vessels have -'j a remtlewad(subod 'P>` meuinand NeDwW this type of permit y�r .Y 'k ttiar,�,j I cnMwNW iadi u y'Y A'P i m� L_.1-4 RawWadcr T•menaled ,t5.r 1I I� mg�^*�r�'.Barl YF•It<`I YieO°�II111_}Y Fat ,y ,na vessels have t-r-a `� ram( �^ this typo of permit 3 (� .Harbor,Resources-information Available on the City's Website: www.city.newport-beach.ca.us Harbor Resources Qy "ia0' j Division Q xrePlRn°un.. ovewn ruva+oi�m°nm.a I I INIbbtAPMAW,¢iMiLve 1 Rhine Channel Wharf Construction GRANT APPLICATION NATIONAL BOATING INFRASTRUCTUREGRAN]PROGRAM Tier I- fiNumis Los than S10.000 APPIIa•nk Gx/ol NenmaO•idi Pnlwk MMYMrcawdOeck-Law•rN•WPaaBaY GRAM SUMMARY: TNS&NAdOanni"C6 soOaham MaegNnenM1•Ibuaon PlTN,I BIG ixi+mm NMM aabn.nemmm,ctlonel. tBD`bve•awtlDaak nNs RnM•NM1egnuat tod Laver (nbut &Ym N•wpad0••N.C6b,M, 1MdecxN•Mwup blwrlef n•wb olM'•rman due a u•Iwdb,m)•Itl,•flI�MVAnd TM1N•rl•n•btwn•W wwnl G]ImnlnWu•rb•M otlbr m•An•a Noma mMMN•I lvi. . Nnm xtodiaexmOwn,1100%) Idit mod am"au.,the do.a,nanmd aux.lu eI .as WM Harbor Commission 1 Harbor Resources Coordination with Planning Commission,.Planning Department, Coastal Bay Water Quality Committee andPublic Works Department -The Malinars Mile Walkway FaRalbitlty, Study Is an example of an effort to Improve public access and coordinate land use and waterfront eegvilles. -Other significant projects involving developmenlrovlewcooNinalian of _ land and water Interface Include- r -South Coast Shipyard and Design Center Mixed Use Project •Madnapark-Sufi a land-Tallu Hospitality Projoct •Odo Madna Village Proposed Redevelopment C., Y� Muvs.eoa3 191 bet the waters around here will be,a lot calmer once those folks in the Harbor get the LCP, RAMP and General Plan Update finalized III GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 8, 2004 Roger Alford Patrick Bartolic Phillip Bettencourt Carol Boice Elizabeth Bonn Karlene Bradley Gus Chabre John Corrough Lila Crespin Laura Dietz Grace Dove • Florence Felton Nancy Gardner Louise Greeley Bob Hendrickson Tom Hyans Mike Ishikawa Kim Jansma Mike Johnson Bill Kelly Donald Krotee Lucille Kuehn Philip Lugar Barbara Lyon Marie Marston Catherine O'Hara • 1 Carl Ossipoff is Charles Remley Larry Root John Saunders Hall Seely Ed Siebel Jan Vandersloot Tom Webber Ron Yeo �I • 2 GENERAL PLAN APISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 8, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE Ll E-MAIL ADDRESS NrMF 7 �5 -7.5 (Pr -71 N 2cyz �OL R _7 (4u7 t POOW 7r 1 C a �2 comes a0122 C yy_�S t- pre- 'a44t I.:w GENERAL PLAN ANISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 8, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, March 8, 2004, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Nancy Gardner Marie Marston Patrick Bartolic Louise Greeley Catherine O'Hara Phillip Bettencourt Bob Hendrickson Carl Ossipoff Carol Boice Kim Jansma Charles Remley Elizabeth Bonn Mike Johnson Larry Root John Corrough Bill Kelly Hall Seely Lila Crespin Donald Krotee Jan Vandersloot Laura Dietz Lucille Kuehn Tom Webber Grace Dove Phillip Lugar Ron Yeo Florence Felton Barbara Lyon Members Absent: Kariene Bradley Tom Hyans (sick leave) John Saunders Gus Chabre Mike Ishikawa Ed Siebel Staff Present: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant Members of the Public Present: Jayne Jones Robyn Pool Cris Trapp I. Call to Order Phillip Lugar called the meeting to order. Mr. Lugar announced that he and Nancy Gardner had been working on the Subcommittee assignments. The assignments will be presented when complete. II. Approval of Minutes . The minutes of the February 8, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted. III. Community Character "Monster Homes" Sharon introduced Mark Brodeur of RRM Design Group. Mr. Brodeur reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding his experience with the development of an ordinance dealing with mansionization in the City of Redondo Beach. During and after the presentation the following questions were raised. Carl Ossipoff asked how a porch or patio was defined. Mr. Brodeur stated it has to be covered by a roof, a certain depth and a certain percentage of the front of the house. Jan Vandersloot asked if the floor area ratio (FAR) of .75 was appropriate. Mr. Brodeur stated that after much research and community outreach it was determined that an FAR of .75 was appropriate for Redondo Beach. Each community has to determine what is right based on lot sizes. Ms. Wood pointed out that Newport Beach defines FARs based on "buildable" lot area (without setback areas) rather than gross lot area. Therefore, the .75 FAR used in the presentation should not be compared to Newport's 1.0 FAR. . • Mr. Ossipoff asked it there were any laws that protected privacy. Mr. Brodeur indicated there were no laws like that in California; however some communities, such as Huntington Beach have requirements such as offsets between windows in their design review process. Patrick Bartolic stated he thinks that enforcement should go hand in hand when creating the parameters. Mr. Brodeur agreed that enforcement was important once an ordinance has been adopted. Philip Bettencourt commented that the newer planned communities in the Newport Coast area don't have the same problems as the older neighborhoods because everyone knows the limitations established in the CC&Rs. Bob Hendrickson shared his experience with the City of San Juan Capistrano, they found that just working with FARs and setbacks they were seeing square boxes being built. Mr. Brodeur agreed and pointed out that just having a set FAR does not guarantee a good design; in Redondo Beach they created incentives to encourage inclusion of six design elements the community wanted to see. • Ron Yeo pointed out a couple trends he has seen with the larger houses are the yards are disappearing and more tandem parking is now being allowed. 2 • Catherine O'Hara indicated some homeowners associations have design review boards that are fairly strict with enforcement of the CC&Rs; however people are now including legal fees as part of their building budgets and it's becoming expensive for the associations who have to respond to the lawsuits. Nancy Gardner asked if any communities are concerned with the environmental impact of the large houses without yards. Mr. Brodeur indicated that Santa Barbara is the only community he is aware of, they are concerned with the amount of water getting into the water table because some lots are covered by 60-70% impervious surface with the house, tennis and basketball courts, pools, etc. Lucille Kuehn thought the City should assist with the enforcement of CC&Rs when issuing permits and with parking enforcement which would force people to use their garages. Ms. Wood responded that the City has no authority to implement CC&Rs, they are private contracts among individuals who bought property. The City can only enforce Zoning and Building Codes. As far as parking enforcement, it is a matter of resources. Other members of the committee indicated that in their neighborhoods cars are moved and parking enforcement is high on street sweeping days. Ms. Wood added that is difficult to . enforce use of garages for parking because you have to be able to see that the garage is not available for parking before starting the enforcement action. Carol Boice asked if the aging population was creating a trend back to single story homes. Mr. Brodeur said he did not think it was creating a -trend. Lila Crespin asked if Redondo Beach had seen single family homes replaced with two or four condominium units. Mr. Brodeur stated the communities he has worked with were primarily single family replaced with another single family house. Mr. Bartolic asked for advice to help us move forward with parameters to help us with mansionization in this City. Mr. Brodeur stated public involvement was most important, the public must decide what makes a home too big before an ordinance can be created. Tamara Campbell asked if there was a trend to establish design review boards along with ordinances. Mr. Brodeur said the trend was actually in the opposite direction; people want rules that are mandatory not discretionary. Mike Johnson stated that in West Newport the trend is knocking down duplexes • and replacing the units with single family houses which is wonderful for the area. Mr. Brodeur added that you have to go neighborhood by neighborhood when developing an ordinance; one size doesn't fit all areas. 3 • Grace Dove asked if the new houses built in the older areas were requesting modifications or variances. Mr. Brodeur stated generally speaking no, current zoning ordinances allow very large houses without any modifications. Mr. Vandersloot asked if we planned on doing a visual preference survey for Newport Beach. Ms. Wood stated it was helpful when developing the sign ordinance. Jayne Jones asked if equestrian issues had been addressed in the communities Mr. Brodeur had worked with. Mr. Brodeur stated equestrian lots are usually 10,000 square feet and larger, so far he had not dealt with this issue. John Corrough agreed that the visual survey was an excellent way to educate people on this subject. Mr. Johnson asked if the FAR bonuses had increased the number of architects working on these projects rather than contractors. Mr. Brodeur stated the ordinance was too new to tell; before the ordinance 60-70% of additions were being done by non -architects. • IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items Woodie Tescher stated at our next meeting we will discuss key issues derived from the visioning process and the technical research. April meetings will include reviewing discussion papers on economic development guiding principles, community character, affordable housing, mobility, environmental conservation and environmental hazards. In May we start the subcommittee meetings. V. Public Comments No public comments offered. • rd • 0 GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, February 9, 2004 Roger Alford Patrick Bartolic Phillip Bettencourt Carol Boice Elizabeth Bonn Karlene Bradley Gus Chabre John Corrough Lila Crespin Laura Dietz Grace Dove Florence Felton Nancy Gardner Louise Greeley Bob Hendrickson Tom Hyans Mike Ichikawa Kim Jansma Mike Johnson Bill Kelly Donald Krotee Lucille Kuehn Philip Lugar Barbara Lyon Marie Marston Catherine O'Hara i/0 � WWWRI E, 10 �I N . Carl Ossipoff • Charles Remley Larry Root John Saunders James Schmiesing Hall Seely Ed Siebel Jan Vandersloot Tom Webber Ron Yeo • 2 GENERAL PLAN ADISORY COMMITTEE Monday, February 9, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS C64RuL rl ?o-t ,I . • GENERAL PLAN ANISORY COMMITTEE Monday, February 9, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS I• • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA March 22, 2004 7:00-9:00 p.m. Police Department Auditorium 870 Santa Barbara Drive 7:00 I. Call to Order 7:05 II. Approval of Minutes March 8, 2004 7:15 III. Draft Technical Background Report Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant 7:25 IV. Issues Report Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant 8:45 V. Discussion of Future Agenda Items 8:50 VI. Public Comments r u CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, March 81 2004, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Louise Greeley Catherine O'Hara Patrick Bartolic Bob Hendrickson Carl Ossipoff Phillip Bettencourt Mike Ishikawa Charles Remley Carol Boice Kim Jansma Larry Root Elizabeth Bonn Mike Johnson Hall Seely John Corrough Bill Kelly Ed Siebel Lila Crespin Donald Krotee Jan Vandersloot Laura Dietz Lucille Kuehn Tom Webber Grace Dove Phillip Lugar Ron Yeo Florence Felton Barbara Lyon Nancy Gardner Marie Marston Members Absent: Karlene Bradley Tom Hyans (sick leave) Gus Chabre John Saunders Staff Present: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant Members of the Public Present: Jayne Jones Robyn Pool Cris Trapp I. Call to Order Phillip Lugar called the meeting to order. Mr. Lugar announced that he and Nancy Gardner had been working on the Subcommittee assignments. The assignments will be presented when complete. 3 • II. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the February 8, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted. III. Community Character "Monster Homes" Sharon introduced Mark Brodeur of RRM Design Group. Mr. Brodeur reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding his experience with the development of an ordinance dealing with mansionization in the City of Redondo Beach. During and after the presentation the following questions were raised. Carl Ossipoff asked how a porch or patio was defined. Mr. Brodeur stated it has to be covered by a roof, a certain depth and a certain percentage of the front of the house. Jan Vanderslbot asked if the floor area ratio (FAR) of .75 was appropriate. Mr. Brodeur stated that after much research and community outreach it was determined that an FAR of .75 was appropriate for Redondo Beach. Each community has to determine what is right based on lot sizes. Ms. Wood pointed out that Newport Beach defines FARs based on "buildable" lot area (without setback areas) rather than gross lot area. Therefore, the .75 FAR used in the • presentation should not be compared to Newport's 1.0 FAR. Mr. Ossipoff asked it there were any laws that protected privacy. Mr. Brodeur indicated there were no laws like that in California; however some communities, such as Huntington Beach have requirements such as offsets between windows in their design review process. Patrick Bartolic stated he thinks that enforcement should go hand in hand when creating the parameters. Mr. Brodeur agreed that enforcement was important once an ordinance has been adopted. Philip Bettencourt commented that the newer planned communities in the Newport Coast area don't have the same problems as the older neighborhoods because everyone knows the limitations established in the CC&Rs. Bob Hendrickson shared his experience with the City of San Juan Capistrano, they found that just working with FARs and setbacks they were seeing square boxes being built. Mr. Brodeur agreed and pointed out that just having a set FAR does not guarantee a good design; in Redondo Beach they created incentives to encourage inclusion of six design elements the community wanted to see. 2 Ron Yeo pointed out a couple trends he has seen with the larger houses are the • yards are disappearing and more tandem parking is now being allowed. Catherine O'Hara indicated some homeowners associations have design review boards that are fairly strict with enforcement of the CC&Rs; however people are now including legal fees as part of their building budgets and it's becoming expensive for the associations who have to respond to the lawsuits. Nancy Gardner asked if any communities are concerned with the environmental impact of the large houses without yards. Mr. Brodeur indicated that Santa Barbara is the only community he is aware of, they are concerned with the amount of water getting into the water table because some lots are covered by 60-70% impervious surface with the house, tennis and basketball courts, pools, etc. Lucille Kuehn thought the City should assist with the enforcement of CC&Rs when issuing permits and with parking enforcement which would force people to use their garages. Ms. Wood responded that the City has no authority to implement CC&Rs, they are private contracts among individuals who bought property. The City can only enforce Zoning and Building Codes. As far as parking enforcement, it is a matter of resources. Other members of the committee indicated that in their neighborhoods cars are moved and parking enforcement is high on street sweeping days. Ms. Wood added that is difficult to enforce use of garages for parking because you have to be able to see that the garage is not available for parking before starting the enforcement action. Carol Boice asked if the aging population was creating a trend back to single story homes. Mr. Brodeur said he did not think it was creating a trend. Lila Crespin asked if Redondo Beach had seen single family homes replaced with two or four condominium units. Mr. Brodeur stated the communities he has worked. with were primarily single family replaced with another single family house. Mr. Bartolic asked for advice to help us move forward with parameters to help us with mansionization in this City. Mr. Brodeur stated public involvement was most important, the public must decide what makes a home too big before an ordinance can be created. Tamara Campbell asked if there was a trend to establish design review boards along with ordinances. Mr. Brodeur said the trend was actually in the opposite direction; people want rules that are mandatory not discretionary. Mike Johnson stated that in West Newport the trend is knocking down duplexes and replacing the units with single family houses which is wonderful for the area. 3 5 Mr. Brodeur added that you have to go neighborhood by neighborhood when • developing an ordinance; one size doesn't fit all areas. Grace Dove asked if the new houses built in the older areas were requesting modifications or variances. Mr. Brodeur stated generally speaking no, current zoning ordinances allow very large houses without any modifications. Mr. Vandersloot asked if we planned on doing a visual preference survey for Newport Beach. Ms. Wood stated it was helpful when developing the sign ordinance. Jayne Jones asked if equestrian issues had been addressed in the communities Mr. Brodeur had worked with. Mr. Brodeur stated equestrian lots are usually 10,000 square feet and larger, so far he had not dealt with this issue. John Corrough agreed that the visual survey was an excellent way to educate people on this subject. Mr. Johnson asked if the FAR bonuses had increased the number of architects working on these projects rather than contractors. Mr. Brodeur stated the ordinance was too new to tell; before the ordinance 60-70% of additions were being done by non -architects. L� IV. Discussion of Future Agenda Items Woodie Tescher stated at our next meeting we will discuss key issues derived from the visioning process and the technical research. April meetings will include reviewing discussion papers on economic development guiding principles, community character, affordable housing, mobility, environmental conservation and environmental hazards. In May we start the subcommittee meetings. V. Public Comments No public comments offered. rI L 51 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD Memorandum NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3229 TO: General Plan Advisory Committee FROM: Tamara Campbell AICP, Senior Planner(/ DATE: March 12, 2004 SUBJECT: Technical Background Report As part of the General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) preparation, EIP Associates has compiled all of the technical studies and background analysis into a single document entitled "City of Newport Beach General Plan Update, Technical Background Report (TBR)." Due to the substantial costs associated with duplicating the entire 900-page document, staff is limiting the distribution of the report to those portions not previously reviewed by GPAC. For example, the enclosed report does not include the previously distributed sections on Fiscal Impact, Biological Resources, Hazards and Traffic. These reports are on file in the Planning Department and available for review should committee members wish to further evaluate the previous studies. • As the name implies, the document is a background report, not a policy document. Its content provides the basis for the legal mandates of the EIR. It also serves as a tool for future policy decisions. GPAC is receiving the document for informational purposes and is requested to prepare any questions for the March 22, 2004 meeting. Given the size of the document, additional time for review has been provided. The regular GPAC agenda and an "Issues Report" will be mailed on March 17, 2004. If you have any questions or need any of the other studies, please give me a call at 644-3238. 0 • City of Newport Beach General Plan Update DRAFT TECHNICAL BACKGROUND REPORT • Prepared for City of Newport Beach Prepared by EIP Associates In Association with Urban Crossroads, Inc., and Applied Development Economics March 2004 9 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Community Development 2.1 Land Use Special Study Areas 2.2 Urban Form 2.3 Population and Demographics 2.4 Housing 2.5 Economic Development Fiscal impactAnalysis and Model Retail CommercialMarketAnalysis Chapter 3 Infrastructure 3.1 Circulation 3.2 Water System 3.3 Wastewater System 3.4 Storm Drain System 3.5 Solid Waste 3.6 Energy Electricity Natural Gas 3.7 Telecommunication Services Chapter 4 Public Services • 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services 4.2 Police Protection 4.3 Education 4.4 Parks and Recreation 4.5 Civic and Cultural Amenities Chapter 5 Environmental Resources 5.1 Biological Resources Addendum 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality 5.3 Air Quality 5.4 Topography 5.5 Visual Resources 5.6 Mineral Resources 5.7 Cultural Resources Historic Resources Archaeological Resources Paleontological Resources Chapter 6 Public Safety 6.1 Coastal Hazards 6.2 Seismic Hazards 6.3 Geologic Hazards 6.4 Flooding Hazards 6.5 Fire Hazards 6.6 Hazardous Materials Management 6.7 Aviation Hazards • 6.8 Noise General Plan Technical Background Report Contents Appendix AppendixA Noise Data • Figures Figure 1-1 Southern California Regional Map Figure 1-2 Planning Area Figure 2.1-1 Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-2 General Plan Designations Figure 2.1-3 Specific Plan Areas Figure 2.1-4 Zoning Classifications Figure 2.1-1a Santa Ana Heights Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1b Mariner's Mile Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1c Newport Center / Fashion Island Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1d West Newport Industrial / Old Newport Boulevard Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1e Central Balboa ExistingLand Use Figure 2.1-1f Lido Village & City Hall / Cannery Village Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1g McFadden Square Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1h Corona del Mar Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1i Newport Shores Existing Land Use Figure 2.1-1j Airport BusinessArea Existing Land Use Figure 3.2-1 Water Infrastructure and Service Areas Figure 3.3-1 Wastewater Infrastructure and Service Areas Figure 3.4-1 Storm Drainage Infrastructure Figure 3.5-1 Solid Waste Facilities Figure 4.1-1 Public Safety Facilities Figure 4.2-1 Thirteen -Year Crime Trend and Average • Figure 4.3-1 Educational Facilities Figure 4.4-1 Service Area Locations Figure 4.4-2 Parks and Recreational Facilities Figure 4.5-1 Civic and Cultural Facilities Figure 5.2-1 Water Resources Figure 5.5-1 Coastal Views —Map 1 of 3 Figure 5.5-2 Coastal Views —Map 2 of 3 Figure 5.5-3 Coastal Views —Map 3 of 3 Figure 5.6-1 Oil Production Areas Figure 5.6-2 Mineral Resources Zones Figure 5.7-1 Historic Resources Figure 6.8-1(l) Existing Roadway (2003) Noise Contours Figure.6.8-1(2) Existing Roadway (2003) Noise Contours Figure 6.8-1(3) Existing Roadway (2003) Noise Contours Figure 6.8-2 Noise Measurement Locations • IV City of Newport Beach Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The current General Plan for the City of Newport Beach was adopted in 1970. Since then, various elements of the General Plan have been updated although the Plan has not been comprehensively revised until now. Much of the data, analyses, and policies in these documents do not reflect the existing conditions in the City. Thus, an update of the General Plan would be necessary to reflect the current vision for future development within the City of Newport Beach for the next twenty years. The General Plan update process began in 2001 with a Community Visioning Process to elicit the values, aspirations, and ideas of the Newport Beach community. Lasting a little more than one year, this process led to a series of findings that form a framework for updating the plan and directing future City planning efforts. Details on the visioning process are provided below, in Section 1.6. 1.2 GENERAL PLAN A General Plan is a State required legal document that provides guidance to decision makers regarding the allocation of resources and determining the future physical form and character of development for cities. It is the official statement of the jurisdiction regarding the extent and types of • development needed to achieve the community's physical, economic, social, and environmental goals. Although the General Plan consists of individual sections, or "elements," that address a specific area of concern, it also embodies a comprehensive and integrated planning approach for the jurisdiction. The General Plan clarifies and articulates the City's intentions with respect to the rights and expectations of the general public, property owners, special interest groups, prospective investors, and business interests. Through the General Plan, the City informs the community of its goals, policies, and development standards, thereby communicating the City's expectations of the private sector in meeting the intentions of the General Plan. Under State law, each General Plan must contain seven elements: ■ Land Use ■ Circulation ■ Housing ■ Conservation ■ Open Space ■ Noise ■ Safety Government Code Section 65303 permits local jurisdictions to formulate other elements, which, in the "judgment of the planning agency," relate to the physical development of a region. These • "optional" elements are as legally binding as a mandatory element, once adopted. The City of Newport Beach has directed that optional elements also be prepared and incorporated into the General Plan Technical Background Report 1-1 Chapter 1 introduction updated General Plan. These optional elements include the Growth Management Element, and the is and Bay Element. A list of current elements of the General Plan and when they were last revised is shown in the table below. It is anticipated that there will be a minor reorganization of the existing elements with the update of the General Plan; the specific elements proposed will be determined at a later date. RequiradElements CurrentElements Land Use Land Use (Adopted in 1988 with amendments in 2000) Housing Housing (Council adopted In 2003; document not certified) Open Space Recreation and Open Space (1998) Conservation Conservation of Natural Resources (1974) Transportation Circulation (1996) Public Safely PublicSafely(1975) Noise Noise (1974, emended In 1994) — Growth Management(1992) — Harbor and Say (2001) 1.3 TECHNICAL BACKGROUND REPORT PURPOSE The purpose of this document, the City of Newport Beach General Plan Technical Background • Report (TBR), i to serve as a comprehensive database that describes the City's existing conditions for physical, social, and economic resources. This information includes discussion of the existing characteristics, trends and forecasts, and issues associated with each resource. The planning issues, which were identified based on existing conditions, will be presented as a separate document. The TBR is the foundation document from which subsequent planning policies and programs will be formulated. In addition, the TBR will serve as the "Environmental Setting" section for each technical environmental issue analyzed in the Environmental Impact Repom which will be completed as a component of the preparation of the General Plan. CONTENTS This document consists of six chapters, as described below. ■ Chapter I Introduction: This chapter outlines the purpose and contents of this document, as well as defining the Planning Area boundaries, and provides the regional setting. ■ Chapter 2—Community Development: Chapter 2 includes exhibits identifying General Plan and zoning designations for the Planning Area. Existing land uses within the City, as well as existing specific and development plans, are also described. Lastly, it provides fiscal, population, demographic, and housing information. ■ Chapter 3—Infrastructure: This chapter provides information on existing infrastructure within the Planning Area. A section that describes the existing circulation system, as well as traffic • volumes, capacities, and levels of service are included. Other infrastructure associated with 1-2 City of Newport Beach Chapter 1 Introduction • water, wastewater, storm drain, solid waste, energy, and telecommunications are described. Specifically, existing utility providers, type and capacity of services, and location of infrastructure are discussed. is Chapter 4—Public Services. Information on public services that include fire protection, police protection, education, parks and recreation, and arts and culture are provided in this chapter. Specifically, location of stations, types of services, and response time are provided for fire and police services. Existing school enrollment, as well as locations of facilities and planned improvements, are discussed. Facilities within the Planning Area that provide parks and recreational facilities, and arts and cultural services are described. ■ Chapter 5—Environmental Resources. Chapter 5 provides information on environmental resources present in the area. These include plants and animals, as well as marine resources. Existing surface and ground water resources and their quality are described. Air quality, topography, visual resources, and mineral resources are also discussed in this chapter. Lastly, historic, archaeological, and paleontological resources are included. ■ Chapter 6—Public Safety: This chapter provides background information on public safety issues affecting the area. Hazards associated with geology, seismic, flooding, marine, and fire are discussed. Lastly, existing noise conditions are described. 1 A REGIONAL SETTING Located in the Southern California region, Newport Beach is at the western edge of Orange County, • adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, as shown in Figure 1-1. Generally, Newport Beach is bordered by Costa Mesa to the northwest, Irvine to the northeast, and unincorporated portions of Orange County and Laguna Beach to the southeast. Regional access to the City is provided ,by several freeways. The 405 Freeway runs north to south within Southern California, and intersects both the 73 and 55 Freeways. State Route 55 extends south from Highway 91 and terminates in the City of Newport Beach. The 73 Freeway extends along the northern boundary of the City, connecting the 55 and 405 Freeways with Interstate 5. Highway 1 (Coast Highway) runs along the California coast and all the way through Newport Beach. • 1.5 GENERAL PLAN PLANNING AREA For the update of the General Plan, the City has identified a Planning Area for which the Plan will provide policies. As shown in Figure 1-2, the Planning Area includes the existing City boundaries, its sphere of influence (SOI), and proposed annexation areas. Annexed in 2002 and 2003, the Newport Coast, Newport Ridge, Bay Knolls, and Santa Ana Heights areas are included within the current City boundaries, which total 13,062 acres, excluding waterways. Approximately 45 acres of the area known as Banning Ranch is within the City's SOI. In addition, the City has jurisdiction of a one - foot strip located along the perimeter of Banning Ranch that totals approximately 25 acres, and Orange County has jurisdiction over the remainder of the area. Proposed annexation areas include the Emerson Tract (Emerson). Area 7 is under consideration for annexation. The City of Newport Beach General Plan TBR provides existing data for the entire Planning Area with the exception of these proposed annexation areas. Information associated with Area 7 and Emerson was not available during preparation of this document. General Plan Technical Background Report 1-3 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6 GENERAL PLAN PREPARATION PROCESS • As previously mentioned, the update of the City's General Plan began with a Community Visioning Process that was initiated in fall 2001. Beginning in January 2002, the City offered a series of opportunities for residents to become actively involved in the process. These opportunities included a Community Visioning Festival, nine neighborhood workshops, resident and business surveys, and a Community Visioning Summit, as well as several meetings of a citizen General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). As a result of these efforts, the City's vision and strategic directions to implement the vision were identified and documented in the Community Directions for the Future, January 2003. The next step of the General Plan update process is the preparation of the TBR. From the key physical, environmental, and economic conditions and trends identified in the technical analyses contained in the TBR, implications for the City will be assessed and presented as planning issues. Consideration of the planning issues, supplemented with findings of the Community Visioning Process, will be crucial in updating the General Plan. Next, a framework of principles will be identified to guide the formulation of land use alternatives and updated General Plan policies, in consideration of the planning issues. All future policy options should be consistent with these guiding principles. Alternative land use development scenarios will be formulated in context of the visions and principles previously identified. These alternatives will be evaluated according to their environmental and economic impacts, and a preferred land use plan will be selected based on this evaluation. The update of the General Plan, inclusive of policies, will be based on this land use plan. • Two groups, the GPAC and the General Plan Update Committee (GPUC), are integral to the General Plan process. Approved by the City Council, the GPAC is comprised of 38 people who live and work in the City of Newport Beach. The GPAC provides an advisory role to City staff and its consultants in the General Plan process. Functioning much like a steering committee, the GPUC provides oversight of the General Plan process. The GPUC is comprised of members from the City Council, Planning Commission, other boards, andcommunity leaders. 1.4 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 1-1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MAP City of Newport Beach (� City Boundary Q� County Boundary Hydrography Water Body Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Primary Road We: GIS Data Proboton - C Stole Pbne. Zone 6. W1 , Feet. 0 6oaoo Peet 0 6 12 0,01 Mies S.,ce: Clly of Ney O Beach, CRy Boundary, May 2W3; Cwnt . May 2003; US Ce s B.U. M. CRY Baundanea, 2000: ESRI, M.J., Roads, February 2002; USGS. FWmbW,, May 1997; arW EIP Av btes, GIS Rogram, Na✓ember 14. 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: My Date: 1/21/04 EIP CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 1-2 PLANNING AREA '[.e■ri Planning Area Boundary City" Newport Coast/Ridge (Annexed In 2002) East Santa Ana Heights (Annexed In 2002) Banning Ranch Sol ,10 Emerson (Pending Annexation) Area 7 (West Santa Ana Heights) Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Sheets *Note: 1. Portlon of Banning Ranch within City limits (approximately 45 acres). 2. City boundary includes a 1 roar sMp around Banning Ranch. 0 Nd : GB sob RofeatlJn - CASlale P ., Z 6. N 3. Feet. r 0 20M 4000 Feet 0 0.5 1 Mies SWm : CRy of Nemp Beach, Force . Jury 2003, ON Bol+ , May 20D3, Cowtllm. May 2003, US Census Bureau. Otter CBy Boundaries, 2000: Mi. Major Roads, Felbwry 2002; and EIP AssoaIW%. GIS Nogmm, Felxuary. 20N. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/08/04 EIP • AML COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Chapter 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2.1 LAND USE EXISTING CONDITIONS Information regarding existing land uses and potential development within the City of Newport Beach is presented in this section. It is derived from a visual field survey and discussion with City staff, a review of July 2003 aerial data, and review of adopted Specific Plans, the General Plan, and Zoning Code. The City of Newport Beach Planning Area (as defined in Section 1.5) contains 26,676 acres or 41.7 square miles. The Planning Area includes land and water areas, approximately 13,062 acres of land and 11,119 acres of water. These are net acres and do not include streets and roadways, which account for approximately 20 percent of the total gross land acreage. Approximately 42 percent (11,119 acres) of the Planning Area is water, which includes the Upper and Lower Newport Bay and its channels, and the Pacific Ocean. The following discussion pertains to the 13,062 acres of developed and undeveloped land in the Planning Area. Existing Land Uses' Existing land uses in the Planning Area have been classified into seven primary categories: . ■ Residential --Residential uses include a mix of housing developed at varying densities and types. Residential uses in the Planning Area include single-family, multiple -family, condominium, mobile, and senior housing. ■ CommerciallOffzce—This category includes commercial uses that offer goods for sale to the public (retail) and service and professional businesses housed in offices (accountants, architects, etc). Retail and commercial businesses include those that serve local needs, such as restaurants, neighborhood markets and dry cleaners, and those that serve community or regional needs, such as entertainment complexes, auto dealers, and furniture stores. Visitor - serving retail uses such as hotels, and amusement parks are included in this category. ■ Industrial —The industrial category includes a mix of manufacturing and light industrial uses, some of which are found in business, research, and development parks. Light industrial activities include warehousing and some types of assembly work. This category also includes wholesaling and warehousing. ■ Governmental, Educational, and Institutional Facilities (GHF)—Government buildings, libraries, schools and other public institutions are found in this category. Uses in this category support civic, cultural, and educational needs of residents. ■ Open Space —This category encompasses public and private recreational spaces, local and regional parks, coastal bluffs and beaches. Recreational areas such as golf courses, also contribute to open space uses in the Planning Area. • ' As of Summer 2003, based on visual field surveys and discussions with City staff. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-1 Chapter 2 Community Development ■ Vacant —Vacant lands are undeveloped lands (as of June 2003) that are not preserved in • perpetuity as open space or for other public purposes. ■ Watet--The bay, harbor, channels and reservoirs are included in this category. Existing land uses are listed below in Table 2.1-1 and illustrated in Figure 2.1-1. Table 2.1.1 Existing Land Use Lind U». Acm PercentofCf sTohl RESIDENTIAL 5,430.0 41.6°/e SingleFamilyDelached 3,632.8 Single -Family Attached 625.3 Two -Family Residential 360.9 Multi -Family Residential 480.0 Mixed Residential 37.0 COMMERCIAL 1,154.6 8.8% Retail 382.0 Administrative, Professional, and Financial 473.0 Marine and Auto Related 73,7 Visitor -serving 225.9 INDUSTRIAL 114.4 0.9% Industrial 68.9 Mult -Tenant Industrial 20.5 Industrial Business Park 25.0 OTHER 6,356.7 — Govemment, Educational; Institutional Facilities 446,6 3:4% QuasWuhllo 53.5 0.4% Right of WaylUndesignated 4.8 <1% Recreation & Environmental Open Space 4,516.4 34.6% Vacant Land 1,260.2 9.6% 'Water 75.2 0.0% Total 13,061.7 100% Souace EIPAssoGales GIS2003 Residential Residential uses represent the largest percentage of total land area in Newport Beach. Within this category, single-family detached homes account for the greatest amount of residential land uses and are distributed throughout the city. Much of the single-family attached housing in the city is located in Newport Crest, the Bluffs and Jasmine Creek. Generally, multi -family residential development is located in the southernmost portion of the city along the beaches, and in Balboa Peninsula areas such as Cannery Village and McFadden Square, and on Balboa Island. In addition, multi -family residential development is located in the northern portion of the City in Bonita Canyon Village and along San Joaquin Hills Road. Large multi -family residential developments are located near Fashion • Island Shopping Center and along pockets of Coast Highway. • 2.1-2 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1 EXISTING LAND USE Residential Single -Family Detached Single-Famiy Attached ^Q` Two -Family Residential Q Multi -Family Residential Mbced Residential (Mobile Homes Included) Commercial - Retail Multi -Tenant Commercial Neighborhood Serving Community Serving Communlly Serving - Pedestrian Oriented Highway Oriented Regional Serving Vlsnor-Serving Commercial Recreation - Food & Drinking Establishment _ Administrative, Professional, Financial Commercial, General Industrial Auto & Madne Related Industrial Industrial Multi -Tenant Industrial an Industral/Buslness Park Insttutional/Open Space Government, Educational, Institutional Facilities Recreation & Environmental Open Space Quasi -Public Other Vacant Lot ® Vacant Building Q Study Area Note: G5 D ProleaXon - G Shia ft., Zone & N 83, Feet. 0 I 2000 4000 Feet 0 0.5 Mum Source: CBy I Nemxd Beach, Gereral nary An 2003, CRy Roomy, May 2003, CouMles, May 2003: W Census Stmau, Ohm Clly Bcundarles, 2000; ESM. Maio, Roads, February 2002; and eP Assorlatas. GIS Program, November, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 2.1 Land Use • The Lido Peninsula has single-family attached homes located next to recreational marine commercial uses. In the northern portion of the city, the area west of Bonita Canyon Village contains a mix of single-family detached and single-family attached uses. Manufactured and/or mobile homes are found along Coast Highway in West Newport, west of Newport Dunes, and near the Newport Pier on the Balboa Peninsula. Commercial Administrative, professional, and financial related uses are located throughout the city. A major regional retail center, Fashion Island Shopping Center, is located in the center of the city. Newport Center, one of the prime office and hotel areas in the city, surrounds Fashion Island. The other primary office and hotel uses are found within the vicinity of the Airport. Retail and service commercial uses are found along major thoroughfares such as: Coast Highway on Mariner's Mile, Balboa Blvd. on the Balboa Peninsula, near the Airport along Bristol North, and along MacArthur Blvd. Neighborhood -serving centers containing uses such as grocery stores, dry cleaners, video stores and restaurants are located throughout the city. Pedestrian -oriented commercial districts include Corona del Mar and Cannery Village. Some commercial uses in the city attract visitors as well as residents. Visitor -serving uses include but are not limited to hotels, specialty stores, and arcades. Many visitor -serving uses are located in proximity to harbor and coastal areas in the city, such as those found in Central Balboa, Cannery Village, and Newport Coast. Marine recreation areas serving both residents and visitors are found near harbor and bay areas, such as Newport Dunes. • Industrial The majority of industrial uses in the city are located in the West Newport industrial area east of Banning Ranch, and adjacent to the Airport. Industrial uses in the West Newport industrial area include hospital, medical and light manufacturing uses. Research and development uses are clustered in the Airport Business Area and in a small area off of jamboree Road. Governmental, Educational, and Institutional Facilities Governmental, Educational, and Institutional uses include the City Hall, schools, libraries and religious uses. Quasi -Public Private recreational uses such as tennis and yacht clubs, lodges and marinas are located in various portions of the city. Recreation and Environmental Open Space Recreational and environmental open space areas can be found along the city's periphery from the Santa Ana River jetty at the far west, to the beaches along the Pacific Ocean, to the Newport Coast area. Open space rims Upper Newport Bay. Much of Newport Coast is open space interspersed with planned development areas. Parks of varying sizes are located throughout the city. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-5 Chapter 2 Community Development Water • Newport Beach is adjacent to the Pacific Ocean to the South and contains Newport Harbor at its center. Two reservoirs (Big Canyon, and San Joaquin) are located in the eastern portion of the city. The Santa Ana River lies at the northwest boundary of the city. Developed Land Uses2 Developed lands are those that include existing development, exclusive of land dedicated for,open space or recreation areas. These developed areas can be examined in more detail than solely acres of development. Residential uses can be further described by the number of housing or dwelling units located within the residential acreage, while commercial and industrial uses can be defined by the number of square feet (sf) of each type of development. Table 2.1-2 provides summary information for lands developed with residential, commercial, or industrial land uses. Residential As of 2000, there were approximately 39,991 dwelling units in the City of Newport Beach (this total includes the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas). Single-family dwelling units comprise 40.2 percent of total units, while multi -family structures comprise 57.4percent of total units. Commercial/Industrial Commercial/Industrial development includes office, retail, industrial and research and,development uses. There were more than 19,491,508' square feet of commercial and industrial uses as of 2000. • Approximately 59.9 percent (11,676,649 square feet) of this development was office related. Retail development comprised approximately 32.0 percent (6,245,630 square feet) of commercial and industrial building area, while industrial uses accounted for 6.4 percent (1,241,820 square feet). Research and development uses represented 1.7 percent (327,409 square feet) of the category. Table 2.1.2 Existing Development —Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Land Use Cl(voMewporf Batch ParesntatCt arofal RESIDENTIAL 39,991 100% Singte-Family Residential (Dwelling Units) 16,105 40.2°% Multi -Family Residential (Dwelling Units) 22,939 67.4% Mobile Homes, (Dwelling Units) 947 2.4% COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL 19,491,508 100°1O Office (Square Feet) 11,676,649 59.9°% Retail (Square Feet) 6,245,630 32,0 Industrial (Square Feet) 1,241,820 6.4 Research and Development (Square Feet) 327,409 V sconce Applied Development Economks 20D3 'Eased on Economic data mportcd byApplicd Development Economics, 2003, • 2.1.6 City of Newport Beach 2.1 Land Use •M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN This section presents information regarding the General Plan Land Use Designations that guide the proposed use and development of lands within Newport Beach. It is derived from the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan, which was adopted by the City Council in 1988. A General Plan defines a jurisdiction's policy for land use development within its boundaries. General Plan designations identify the proposed distribution, location, and extent of planned land uses. Designations provide guidelines for the maximum intensity and density of development, such as the number of dwelling units per acre and commercial building square footage. 1988 General Plan Land Use Designations The City of Newport Beach describes allowable uses within its limits in the Newport Beach General Plan adopted in 1988. The City's Land Use Plan illustrates the proposed use and development of all lands in four major categories: ■ Residential ■ Commercial/Office ■ Industrial ■ Public, Semi -Public, and Institutional These major land use categories are divided into subcategories. The uses described in these categories should be considered as predominant, although different land uses may be present within each • category. The General Plan Land Use Designations are illustrated in Figure 2.1-2. Residential The residential land use categories defined below reflect various housing product types in the City of Newport Beach. The application of these categories to the Land Use Plan and Map is a way of illustrating the patterns of residential development in the City. In many cases, the descriptions in the classifications allow more than one product type in the area discussed. In those cases, the map illustration is not intended to limit future development to that product type, but is merely a depiction of anticipated development, given the density allowed in the area. The language in the Land Use Element text is the controlling factor in these instances. The residential land use categories are described below in a specific order that forms a''hierarchy of residential land uses. Each residential category allows the uses contained in that description, as well as the allowed residential types described in the preceding category(ies). ■ Single Family Detached. This land use category has been applied to all single-family detached subdivisions, and to vacant parcels where the development is anticipated to follow that product type. These areas are characterized by one single-family dwelling constructed on each individual subdivided lot. ■ Single -Family Attached. This land use category has been applied to existing townhouse and condominium projects of ten dwelling units or more; and to vacant areas where development is anticipated to follow that product type. These are characterized by individually owned, • attached dwelling units constructed on common lots or on footprint lots with common open spaces. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-7 Chapter 2 Community Development ■ Two -Family Residential. This land use category has been applied in areas that allow the • construction of two dwelling units, attached or detached, on a single subdivided lot. This category allows either single ownership or condominium development. A minimum of 2,000 sf of buildable lot area is required for two-family development. Muld-Family Residential. This land use category has been applied where multiple dwelling units are allowed on a single subdivided lot. Smaller condominium and other individually owned attached housing units are also given the designation, and this category allows either single ownership or -condominium development. Commercial Areas designated for commercial uses are used predominantly for private business ventures, but may also accommodate incidental uses and in certain cases mixed -use residential. The specific character of mixed land uses is defined for each commercial area in the General Plan. Also defined' are intensity limits, which usually take the form of a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) or a specific square footage limit. Floor Area Ratio is defined as the ratio of gross building square footage to -gross land.area. ■ Retail and Service Commercial. This land use category has been applied to areas that are predominantly retail in character, but also accommodate some service office uses. Uses allowed include retail sales, offices that provide goods or services to the general public, hotels and motels, restaurants, commercial recreation, and senior citizen housing facilities. Separate "corporate" type offices are not allowed.in these areas. ■ Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial. This land use category has been applied to areas that are predominantly used for office, but also accommodate support retail . and service uses. Uses allowed include corporate, medical and other offices, retail and service commercial, restaurants, hotels and motels, commercial recreation, and senior citizen housing facilities. ■ Recreational and Marine Commercial. This land use category has been applied to waterfront commercial areas where the City wishes to preserve and encourage uses that facilitate a marine commercial and visitor -serving orientation. Specific and detailed land use provisions are contained in the ,Local Coastal Program and in the Newport Beach Municipal Code that further refine the land use limitations for each area and set forth incentives for certain types of uses. Uses that are given priority include marine commercial (such as marinas, marine supply sales, yacht brokers, boat charters and rentals, boat sales, dry boat storage, boat launching, commercial fishing facilities, marine service stations and gas docks, marine related offices and yacht clubs); marine industrial (such as marine construction, boat repair and servicing, and new boat construction) and visitor -serving commercial (such as social clubs, commercial recreation, hotels, motels, "bed and breakfasts", restaurants and bakeries). Senior citizen housing facilities are also permitted in this category. Industrial The industrial land use category is designed to recognize the changing character of industrial land uses in the City. Industrial areas are a mix of manufacturing, research and development, professional service offices (such as architects and engineers), warehousing and support commercial uses. • 2.1.8 City of Newpoit Beach i r.......... ,.. e • BANNING E 0./,NCM � I I a SHORES - , 6 �a .ISLE ' ARROR ISLAND LITTLE CORON/, CAMEO SNORES IRVINE CRYSTAL COVE STATE PARK CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-2 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS (1988) Residential Single -Family Detached Single-Famly Attached Q Two -Family Residential MURI-Family Residential . Single -Family Attached, Single -Family Detached Single -Family Attached, Recreational Marine Commercial Multi-Famlly Residential, Administrative, Professional & Financial Commercial Commercial Administrative, Professional & Financial Commercial Retail, Service Commercial Recreation, Marine Commercial . • . • . Recreation, Marine Commercial, ' Mul l-Family Residential _ Retail, Service Commercial, General Industry Industrial Industrial Instltutlonal/Open Space Government, Educational, Institutional Facilities Recreation, Environmental Open Space Other Vacant Lot Right -of -Way Water N.W. 0 2000 4000 IQ1 fEEi 0 0.5 1 Mtles sowce: CRy of NewpoR Beach, Ge 01 R . J* 2003. Oly Roundory, May 2003; BLit, May 2003, Counfles. May 2003; US C..s R.. , Other City RounOa l S. 2000; EMS. MOO Rands, F.b , 2002; and EIP Assocb , GIs Prog m , October 2, 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 _ EIP 2.1 Land Use • ■ General Industry. This land use category has been applied to those areas that are predominantly used for research and development, manufacturing and professional services. Permitted uses include manufacturing, high technology, warehousing, wholesale sales, professional service offices, service retail, and restaurants. Public, Semipublic, and Institutional Areas designated public, semipublic, and institutional are used for publicly -owned facilities, institutions and open space; or for privately -owned facilities of a public use, institutional, or open space nature. ■ Governmental, Educational, and Institutional Facilities. This land use category has been applied to areas developed with uses that form the physical and social "infrastructure" of the community. Permitted uses include governmental facilities, such as Newport Beach City Hall, Corporation Yard, Utility Yard, police stations, fire stations and libraries, and postal service facilities; educational facilities such as schools and day care centers; and institutional facilities, such as hospitals, churches, utility yards, reservoirs, museums, the YMCA, and senior citizen housing facilities. ■ Recreational and Environmental Open Space. This land use category has been applied to land used or proposed for open space of both a public and private nature. Some areas which carry this designation are special use open space that are included due to the particular nature of the geographic land form, including beaches, bluffs, canyons, and Newport Bay uplands. These areas provide for active or passive open space use, depending on the nature of the area. Other • areas designated for open space can be used for a wide range of public and/or private open space uses, including parks (both active and passive), wildlife refuges, golf courses, yacht clubs, marina support facilities, aquatic facilities, tennis courts, private recreation facilities, drainage courses, interpretive centers, greenbelts, and landscaped areas. Distribution of 1988 General Plan Land Use Designations The adopted General Plan land use designations for the City of Newport Beach are shown in Table 2.1-3. • ■ Nearly half of the City's total acres are designated for Residential development. Within the Residential category, single-family residential dominates with the Single Family Detached category accounting for 31.3 percent (4,088 acres) followed by Single -Family Attached at 11.4 percent (1,490 acres). Single -Family Detached and Single -Family Attached are designated land uses in the Corona del Mar, Newport Heights, Upper Newport Bay, Lido Isle, Newport Shores, Banning Ranch, Big Canyon, Harbor View, Bonita Canyon Village, and Newport Coast areas. Single Family Attached Single -Family Detached (74 acres) is designated north of Ford Road and east of Jamboree Road in the Central portion of the City. The Single -Family Attached Recreational Marine Commercial designation applies to five acres on the Lido Peninsula. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-11 Chapter 2 Community Development Table 2.1.3 General Plan Land Use Designations Land Usa Aeris PKeent of Clly's TotalAcros RESIDENTIAL 6,432 49.3% Single -Family Detached 4,088 31.3% Single -Family Attached 1,490 11.4% Two -Family 374 2.9°% Multi -Family 480 3,7% COMMERCUILAND INDUSTRIAL 1,242 9A% Retail 551 4,2% Administrative, Professional and Financial 607 4.6°% Recreation and Marine Commercial 84 04°% INDUSTRIAL lot 0.8% RECREATIONAND ENVIRONMENTAL OPEN SPACE 4,702 36.0% GOVERNMENT, EDUCATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL 472 3.6% UNDESIGNATEDIRIGNT-orWAY 38 0.3% WATER 75 0.6% Total 13,062 100% Sounce City of Newport Beech Planning Department 2003 Two -Family Residential, which allows for the construction of two dwelling units, attachedor • detached, on a single subdivided lot, and Multi -Family Residential, which allows for multiple dwelling units on a single subdivided lot, comprise 2.9 and 3.7 percent (374 and 480 acres) respectively, of residential uses. Two -Family Residential development is designated in the southernmost portion of the City along the beaches, in the Cannery and McFadden Square districts, in Corona del Mar, and on Balboa Island. The majority of Multi -Family Residential development is designated in the central portion of the City, north of Fashion Island Shopping Center, Bonita Canyon Village, east of Newport Shores, and just south of Coast Highway, near Linda Isle. Multi -Family Residential and Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial designation applies to one acre located east of Banning Ranch. ■ Commercial designated land uses comprise 9.4 percent of the City's land area. Within this category, the Retail and Service Commercial designation makes up 4.2 percent (551 acres) and is designated mainly along commercial corridors such as Mariner's Mile and Corona del Mar along Coast Highway, in the Fashion Island Shopping Center, on the Balboa Peninsula and Balboa Island, and within the Airport Business area. There are also pockets designated in the eastern portion of the City, north of Coast Highway, adjacent to Newport Coast Drive. The Retail and Service Commercial General Indratry land use category is designated northwest of the Lido Peninsula and comprises six acres of commercial uses. The Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial, and General Industry categories designate those areas of the City that are predominantly used for office but also support retail and service uses. These uses are concentrated around the Airport, north of the Corona del Mar Freeway, and around Fashion Island Shopping Center, and comprise 607 acres or 4.6 percent of commercial uses. • 2.1.12 City of Newport Beach 2.1 Land Use • Recreational and Marine Commercial has been applied to waterfront commercial areas in order to facilitate marine commercial or visitor -serving uses, and Recreation and Marine Commercial, Multi -Family Residential, which extends this category to include multi -family housing, are both found along Coast Highway, along the Lido Channel, and west of Newport Dunes. These designations account for 84 acres, or 0.6 percent of land area. In addition, certain areas have been designated for special planning or additional study, leading to the development of Specific Area Plans for physical improvement. These Specific Area Plans may include local street pattern revisions, designated parking areas, specific public improvements in the street right-of-way (such as landscaping, lighting, street furniture and signs), architectural design standards and criteria for private development. These Specific Plans pertain primarily to commercial areas. ■ Industrial uses comprise approximately 0.8 percent (101 acres) of the City's land area. The Industrial category is designated east of the Newport Shores area, north of Coast Highway, and adjacent to the Airport. This designation applies to those areas that are used for research and development, manufacturing, and professional services. ■ Other designated land uses in the City include Governmental, Educational, and Institutional Facilities, which together account for 3.6 percent (472 acres) of the City's land area. This designation is found throughout the City, and has been applied to areas developed with uses that form the physical and social "infrastructure" of the City. ■ The Recreation, Environmental, Open Space land use designation applies to 36 percent (4702 acres) of the City, for land used or proposed for open space of both a public and • private nature. This category and these types of uses are located throughout the City. Some areas which carry this designation are special use open spaces, including beaches, bluffs, canyons, and Newport Bay uplands. ■ Approximately 0.3 percent (38 acres) of land within the City is Undesignated, and/or used as public Right -of -Way. This designation applies to land located just south of the Corona del Mar Freeway, and the City's Sphere of Influence Boundary. • ■ COMPARISON OF EXISTING LAND USES AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS Table 2.1-4 provides a comparison between the City's General Plan designations and existing development. For most categories shown, the designated areas have development potential that meet or exceed the areas of existing development. The difference in acreage between existing land uses and General Plan designations indicates a potential for development exists under the current General Plan, but does necessitate that the development occur. This difference does not include any recycling or infill development that could occur on previously developed lands. The calculations include the City's Sphere of Influence area. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-13 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.4 Comparison of Existing Land Uses vs. General Plan Designations Existing rand Uae Cot Exhdog Land Uae etAcm GenenlMn etAcna Dlftvnce GP0.L RESIDENTIAL 6,436 6,432 996 Single -Family Detached 3,932.8 4,086 155 SlrglaFamiiypltached' 662.3 1,490 828 Two -Family 360,9 374 13 Multi -Family 480.0 480 0 COMMERCIAL. AND INDUSTRIAL 1164.6 1,242 87 Retail" 607.9 551 —57 Administrative, Professional and Financial 473 607 134 Recreation and Marine Commercial 73.7 84 10 INDUSTRIAL 114.4 101 —13 RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL OPENSPACE 4,516.4 4,702 186 Gownmizw, EDUCATIONALAND INSTITUTIONAL 500.1 472 1 —28 UNDESIGNATEDIRIGNT-oF-WAV 4.8 38 33 WATER 76.2 75 0 VACANT 1,260.2 — —1,260.2 Total 13,062 13,062 0 Souace City or Newpod Beach Planning lDepenmoUf 20D3 ' Shrgfe-FamdyAftedW category Includes Muted Residential land uses, ' Retail category contains visitor -serving uses, which can also be found in areas designated AdminFroURnance. Data is not disaWragated; therefore entire sum ofWsitor•sond g Is included within the retell category. CITY SPHERE OF INFLUENCE The Sphere of Influence (SOI) surrounding the City is demarcated by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and represents the "probable ultimate physical boundaries and service area" of the City (refer to Figure 1-2). The LAFCO is a State -mandated agency formed to discourage urban sprawl and to encourage orderly and efficient provision of services, such as water, sewer, 'fire protection, etc. A major function of asphere of influence is to facilitate coordination and sequencing of annexations to a city. In addition, a SOI helps guide the LAFCO consideration of specific annexation requests. The area known as Banning Ranch, located in the western portion of the Planning Area, along with the Emerson Tract, located south of 21" Street and Tustin Avenue, represents the current City of Newport Beach SOI, and is included in the calculations in Table 2.1-4. West Santa Ana Heights, including the Santa Ana Country Club and Area 7, is currently under consideration for addition to the City's SOI. West Santa Ana Heights is currently within the City of Costa.Mesa's SOI. • r� 1144 City of Newport Beach 2.1 Land Use •0 DEVELOPMENT PLANS Newport Coast/Newport Ridge Development Plan While many development plans exist for portions of the city, the Newport Coast/ Newport Ridge Development Plan is unique because it is the only current plan subject to another jurisdiction's entitlement process. This area was annexed from the County of Orange in 2002. The Newport Coast/Newport Ridge Development is a planned development under construction in the southeastern portion of the City. This development will contain housing, commercial uses, a school or other public facility, resort development, recreational and environmental open space, and preserved open space. At build out, the plan area will contain up to 3,063 single-family units, and' 1,763 condominium units, and a total population of 11,601' Specific Plans The City has identified Specific Plans for several areas of Newport Beach. Specific Plan areas are shown on Figure 2.1-3. The Specific Plans establish policies to guide the orderly development and improvement of the plan areas. The Specific Plans include land use plan maps, design guidelines and development standards for each Specific Plan area. Specific Plan areas include the following: ■ New Shores Specific Plan. Newport Shores is planned to serve as a residential neighborhood. The intent of the Specific Plan is that "a portion of the commercial strip on the West Coast Highway be rezoned to a two-family district" and that a service commercial area be accommodated that provides convenience goods and services to nearby residences. • ■ Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. The Cannery Village area is intended to serve as an active pedestrian -oriented specialty retail area with a wide range of visitor -serving, neighborhood commercial and marine -related use. The focus of the area is the establishment of a specialty retail district. Mixed -use is permitted. The McFadden Square area is designated for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses, providing for a broad range of coastal -related and visitor -serving commercial uses. The Specific Plan is intended to result in "higher quality" uses to upgrade the area. ■ Central Balboa Specific Plan. The Central Balboa Specific Plan is intended to promote preservation of the historic character of the area while remaining a pedestrian -oriented central business district. The Specific Plan seeks to maintain a district that is year-round, with active commercial and recreational uses that serve the needs of the permanent residents and visitors of the Balboa Peninsula. ■ Old Newport Blvd Specific Plan. The Specific Plan is intended to enhance the appearance, access and identity of the area as one of the primary entry points to Newport Beach and to encourage redevelopment and upgrading of Old Newport Boulevard as a commercial and mixed -use district with retail sales and office opportunities. The Specific Plan establishes guidelines and standards for new development, public improvements and landscaping that will encourage harmonious transitions and minimize conflicts between different uses. ■ Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. This Specific Plan encourages a continuation of marine -oriented and visitor -serving uses, maintains the marine theme and character of the area, and encourages public physical and visual access to the bay. The area inland of Coast Highway is designated for "Retail and Service Commercial" use. This area is intended to serve as an active • ' Build out data from the Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, January 2004 prepared by Applied Development Economics, Inc General Plan Technical Background Report 21.15 Chapter Community Development pedestrian -oriented retail area with a wide range of visitor -serving, neighborhood commercial • and marine -related uses. ■ Corona del Mar Specific Plan. This Specific Plan has not been adopted. ■ Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The intent of the Specific Plan is to encourage the upgrading of existing residential neighborhoods and business areas and to buffer adjacent residential neighborhoods from commercial areas. The Specific Plan also seeks to enhance equestrian opportunities within the residential equestrian neighborhood and enhance the overall aesthetic character of the community. REGULATORY SETTING State Local Coastal Program The California Coastal Act (California State Public Resources Code, Division 20, Sections 30000 et seq.) directs each local government lying wholly or partly within the Coastal Zone, as defined by the Coastal Acti to prepare a Local Coastal Program for its portion of the Coastal Zone. More than 63% of the City is in the local coastal zone. Local Coastal Programs are used to carry out the policies and requirements of the Coastal Act by local governments. Local Coastal Programs must be reviewed and certified by the California Coastal Commission before being implemented by a local government. The Local Coastal Program is divided into two components: (1) a coastal element or coastal land use plan and (2) an implementation program. The coastal element provides a technical synopsis of the • resources located within the Coastal Zone. The document discusses resources in the context of a coastal zone overview; subarea description and land use plan; shoreline and coastal resource access; public recreational and visitor -serving commercial facilities; visual resources; historic and cultural resources; water and marine resources; environmentally sensitive habitats; energy facilities; water, sewer, and drainage facilities; and hazards. Issues, goals, objectives, and .policies related to each of these areas are also provided. The Implementation Program provides the mechanism to implement each of the identified policies. As of early 2004, the City is in the process of attaining LCP certification; once certified, the City will be able to issue most Coastal Development Permits, a process currently under jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. Local Zoning Zoning is the instrument that implements the land use designations of the General Plan. In addition to establishing permitted uses, zoning may also establish development standards relating to issues such as intensity„ setbacks, height, and ,parking. Projects submitted for review and approval are generally evaluated for consistency with the zoning designations. lWaTarfir'll"s The City of Newport Beach's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance controls the boundaries of the zoning districts in the City as well as the zoning regulations that are in effect in each district. Zoning districts are designed to protect citizens and their homes and businesses from conflicting activities in scope or purpose within the vicinity. For example, you cannot conduct a commercial business in a •' 2.1.16 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-3 SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS Districts Central Balboa Cannery Village/McFadden Square = Corona Del Mar - Mariners Mile - Newport Shores Old Newport Boulevard Nore: Santa Ana Heights 0 2000 4000 Q� Feet 0 0.5 1 Mlles So : CIN 0 Newport Beach, CAy Boundary, Noy 2003, CounXes, Nay 2003: US Cenats Bureau, Other CBy Basdares, 2000. Mi. M 0 Roads, Fe ry 2002, and EIP Assaclates, GIS Nogr . F ary. 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 2.1 Land Use • residential area except under certain conditions. Newport Beach has more than twenty zoning designations within its boundaries as illustrated in Figure 2.1-4. District types are as follows: ■ Residential districts are designed for dwellings and to promote family life. ■ Business districts contain commercial retail and office businesses. ■ Industrial districts allow the operation of assembly and research and development businesses. ■ Open Space districts contain undeveloped land and allow recreation facilities. ■ Planned Community and Specific Plan districts are established with supplemental zoning requirements that encourage cohesive development within a specific area. Airport Land Use Law This law requires counties containing airports to prepare an Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) to provide for the orderly growth of public use airports for a 20-year span and minimize land use conflicts over height and noise within the surrounding area. The AELUP may include building height restrictions, specify allowable land uses, and determine building standards (including soundproofing) within the planning area of each airport. Once an AELUP has been adopted, pertinent city and county general plans and other local land use and building regulations must be made consistent with the AELUP unless findings can be made to justify not malting amendments. While John Wayne Airport is not within Newport Beach incorporated City limits, it is immediately adjacent to the northernmost portion of the city referred to the as the "Airport Business Area". This area is therefore subject to compliance with the Orange County AELUP. • Growth Management The Growth Management Element of the General Plan was adopted in May 1992, and mandates that growth and development in the City be based on the City's ability to provide an adequate circulation system. Additionally, many Federal, State, and local plans and laws affect growth management within Newport Beach. These include regional jurisdictions such as the County of Orange. Regulatory frameworks have been set forth by the Orange County Growth Management Plan, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Comprehensive Plan, State Assembly Bill 471 (Proposition Ill —Congestion Management), and Measure M (Orange County). • Measure M In November 1990, Orange County voters approved Measure M, a half -cent sales tax provision for transportation improvement projects. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), which is the County's transportation monitoring authority, oversees the implementation of Measure M. Local jurisdictions receive Local Turnback funds based on their taxable sales, total population and Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) mileage. Each jurisdiction must re -qualify on a yearly basis for eligibility to receive funding for the Measure M and Congestion Management Programs by submitting specific documentation. The City of Newport Beach will receive approximately $1,086,000 in Funds from Measure M in Fiscal Year 2003/04. For Fiscal Year 2003/04, in order to continue to receive funding, the City was required to have satisfied the following requirements by June 30, 2003: General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-19 Chapter 2 Community Development ■ Adopt a Seven -Year Capital improvement Program (CIP) that includes all projects with • Measure M funding. This program is a continuation of the CIP adopted last year with other projects to reflect funding priority changes. ■ Certify the requirements of the Maintenance of Effort (MOE). ■ Submit a Pavement Management Program (PMP) Update to OCTA. The City has complied with the above criteria since the inception of the Measure M program in Newport Beach in 1993. Since that time the City has received approximately $8.3 million in Measure M Local Turnback funds. Additionally, the City has received approximately $12.2 million from the OCTA Measure M Competitive program since 1993. The Competitive program requires jurisdictions to submit an application for funding. The applications are then graded on specific criteria and funds are awarded to the jurisdictions with the highest rankings. Types of projects funded under Measure M include road widening, addition of turn lanes, new roads, curbs, gutter, sidewalks and traffic signals. Transportation Demand Management Ordinance In 2002, the City Council of Newport Beach implemented a Transportation Demand Strategy as part of a region -wide effort to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, conserve energy, and enhance the effectiveness of existing transportation facilities. The City wrote the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance to meet the requirements of Government Code Section 65089(b)(3), which requires the addition of a trip reduction ordinance • and travel demand element to the Congestion Management Program, and Government Code 65089.3(b), which requires adoption and implementation of a Trip Reduction and Travel Demand Ordinance: The ordinance became effective on July 23, 2002. The Ordinance applies to all new, non-residential development projects that are estimated to employ a total of one hundred (100) or more persons, or the current limit set by the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Rule 2202, whichever is lower at the time of project submittal. The Ordinance states that the City will not issue any building or grading permit, or allow ,construction to commence on any new, nonresidential project (as described in the Ordinance) until the Planning Commission makes written findings that a Transportation Demand Management Program -has been developed, which will do all of the following: at Reduce the number of peak period vehicle trips generated in association with the additional development, ■ Promote and encourage the use of alternative transportation modes, such as ridesharing, carpools, vanpools, public transit, bicycles and wallcing, and' ■ Provide those facilities.that support such alternate modes. Traffic Phasing Ordinance The Traffic Phasing Ordinance evaluates new development projects and their future impacts on roadways. The Ordinance requires developments generating more than 300 daily cares to complete a • study and to make roadway improvements if significant impacts result._ 2.1-20 City of Newpod Beach 2A Land Use • Measure S In November 2000, voters in the City. of Newport Beach approved Measure S, an amendment to the Newport Beach City Charter. Measure S amends the City Charter by adding Section 423, which requires voter approval of certain amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan. In its text, Measure S suggests that the City Council adopt implementing guidelines consistent with its purpose and intent. Thus, after conducting a series of public meetings to gather public input on Measure S Guidelines, the City Council adopted implementing guidelines determined to be consistent with the Measure's purpose and intent. The guidelines outline the information to be provided to the applicant, the Planning Commission, and the City Council during the amendment process. They also describe the informational and procedural requirements after amendment approval to determine if voter approval is required by Measure S. As required, the City Council shall submit the amendment to voters if: ■ The amendment relates to a non-residential use and authorizes an increase in floor area for the entire property or geographical area that is the subject of the amendment that exceeds 40,000 square feet when compared to the General Plan before approval of the amendment, or ■ The amendment relates to a residential use and authorizes an increase in the number of dwelling units for the entire property or geographical area that is the subject of the amendment that exceeds 100 dwelling units when compared to the General Plan before approval of the amendment, or ■ The amendment modifies the type or amount of residential use or non-residential use specified for the property or geographical area that is the subject of the amendment such that • the proposed use(s) as approved by the amendment generate(s) at least 101 more morning or evening peak hour trips than allowed use(s) before the amendment, or ■ The increase in morning or evening peak hour trips, dwelling units, or floor area resulting from the amendment when added to 80 percent of the increases in morning or evening peals hour trips, dwelling units, or floor area resulting from prior amendments exceeds one or more of the voter approval thresholds in Measure S as specified above. Current development limits for each statistical area are listed in the current adopted General Plan Land Use Element. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-21 Chapter Community Development • • 2.1-22 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-4 ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS Residential R-A - Residential Agriculture R-1 -Single-Famly Residential I-7 R-1-B - Residential Combining District R-1-B(PRD( - Residential Combining DWet R-1-B-2 - Residential Combining District R-1-B-2(PRD) - Residential Combining District .{ R-1-B-5 - Residential Combining District PRD - Planned Residential Development R-1.5 - Two-Famly Residential R-2 - Two -Family Residential R-2-B - Two -Family Residential Combining Dlstr ct Mutt) -Family Residential Commercial - APF -Administrative, Professional, Flnancio _ RSC - Retail SeNice Commercial RSC-R - Retail SeMce Commercial Residential Overlay Zone RMC - Recreational Marine Commercial RSC-MM - Recreational Marine Commercial, Mariner's Mlle Overlay PC-37 - MM - Planned Community PC-45 - MM - Planned Community Industrial M-1-A - Controlled Manufacturing Public Uses GEIF - Government, Educational, Institutional OS - Open Space OS -A - Open Space Active t�(� OS-P - Open Space Passive �C Other Q Specific Plan Area PC-1 - Planned Community Unclassified I 0 2000 4000 09 Feet 0 0.5 Mlles Sourcedry or Newnort Beach. Zonhg, JuN 2003, CBy k May 2003, Counfles, May 2003; US Canoe Bureau, Omer Bounool , 2000; ESRI, Mato, Bootle, FebMary 2002; and GIB nogo,a, Nowe ow, 20M. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 02/05/04 _s E-I P 2.1 Land Use 2.1.1 Special Study Areas Newport Beach developed as distinct villages due in part to its proximity to the waterfront and in response to the landforms created by coastal processes. This section examines land uses in detail for specific areas of the City. The pattern of Newport Beach's development is described in Section 2.2 Urban Form. A few of the long-standing villages are identified for study in this section, along with Specific Plan Areas that have been previously identified for analysis by the City. Several of the areas are identified for study due to the nature of changing land uses and/or economies within the area. A few of the areas are included as they present opportunities to protect and preserve what remains of their village character. Study area descriptions are based on visual field surveys conducted in summer 2003. These descriptions represent generalized land use data organized by categories of uses that are described at a finer level of detail than the citywide existing land use data. Tables identifying acreage data and figures illustrating land uses are presented for each study area. Santa Ana Heights Santa Ana Heights is bound by Bristol Street North to the north, Mesa Drive to the South, Irvine Avenue to the west, and Bay View Avenue to the east. This study area is primarily residential, with a mix of commercial and professional office uses, such as business park developments. Table 2.1-1(a) and Figure 2.1-1(a) detail land uses in the study area. Residential uses account for 56.1 percent of land uses in the area; of that, the majority is single-family homes. The commercial land uses are concentrated along the northern boundaries of the study area, and open space lies to the west. Commercial lands comprise about 20 percent of the study area, with professional office uses • representing the largest commercial use. This study area lacks most neighborhood -serving commercial uses, such as a grocery, banks, gyms, and restaurants. Open space along the Santa Ana Delhi Channel comprises almost 19 percent of the area's land uses. Vacant buildings account for 2.3 percent of land uses, while 1.3 percent of the area is vacant. This area was originally developed under Orange County Planning jurisdiction. This area was annexed to the City in 2003, when the City adopted the County Specific Plan for the area. • of a uses General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-25 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(a) Santa Ana Heights Area -Detailed Existing Land Use - Land Use Awi Percent of Total LandlnArea RESIDENTIAL 108.7 56.1% SF Residential 106.9 55.2 MFResidential 1.8 0.9 COMMERCIAL 39.7 20.6% Professional OBicelBusinesslMedlcaWet 25.3 13.0 MuIO-Tenant Commercial 6.7 3.5 Auto -Related Commercial 3.9 2.0 Dine in Restaurant 3.2' 1.7 Fast Food Restaurant 0.5 '0,2 Food$lores 0.2 0,1 INDUSTRIAL 1.4 '0.7% Business Park industrial 1.4 0.7 OTHER 44.1 22.7% Open Space 36.4 18.8 Vacant Building 4.5 2.3 Vacant Lot 2.6 1.3 Schools 0.6 0.3 Total 193.8 100% Souace EIPAssodatesGIS2003 Srght disoepancydue to rounding may occurwith data. • • E 2.1-26 City of,NewportBeach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN 4"Nf """ �s 9 O� E 4 ?L 9F 4�f HL f % Rfya y< 0 4cf ,Y 4qh �9 �f oR 0�9 Off h� 61 '°rF S YO( F 9 ST Y RfF T 4 v� 41 O L= OF LW P FJ .? Jb J F? i' i� y�P I� Figure 2.1-1(a) SANTA ANA HEIGHTS EXISTING LAND USE Residential Single -Family Residential Mum -Family Residential AAP. Commercial Q\ Auto -Related Commercial Mum -Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/Medical/Vet Food Stores Dine -In Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Industrial Business Park Industrial Institutional/Open Space Open Space Schools Other Vacant Building Vacant Lot ., .. City Boundary wore: GIs oma RlaO n CA Shoe %mle. Zone d. N W. Feet. 0 400 800 I Feet Source: CRy of Newpcd Beach, General Mn, Jub 2003. CRY Boundary, May 2003, Parcae, October 2003, Rwds, 00h 2003; and EIP Aveoclafes Fl Inventory, September. 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 2.1 Land Use • Mariner's Mile Mariner's Mile is primarily auto -oriented. The study area is located along Coast Highway, which runs north to south, from the Arches Bridge at the north, to Dover Drive at the south. The study area is comprised of commercial land uses just east and west of Coast Highway. Table 2.1-1(b) and Figure 2.1-1 (b) detail land uses in the study area. Commercial uses account for 82.9 percent of land uses in the study area: a mix of marine -related commercial uses (boat sales, sailing schools, marina), some auto -related uses (auto dealerships and service) and neighborhood -serving commercial are located throughout the area. The Balboa Bay Club and Resort, a hotel and a private club located on City tidelands, represents 19.4 percent of uses in the study area. Marine related uses account for 12.8 percent of the area, while auto -oriented uses account for 9.0 percent of the area. Multi -tenant commercial uses that combine a number of related or complementary uses in a single building or buildings that are connected physically or through design, account for almost 25 percent of area land uses. Waterfront development, such as dockside restaurants, is concentrated on the southern side of Coast Highway, while there are more general commercial uses along the northern side. Secondary uses include salons, restaurants, apparel, and other specialty shops ranging from wine stores to home furnishings stores. There are a high number of vacancies in Mariner's Mile relative to the other study areas; 8.5 percent of the area contains vacant buildings. Many of these vacancies are sites with development potential, which raise questions about the community's long-term vision for the area along with the area's • ability to accommodate additional traffic. The City has recently embarked on a plan, Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Plan, to create a pedestrian -friendly area along the northern portion of Coast Highway with new landscaping and streetscape amenities. Parrs of the study area may not easily adopt a pedestrian character as uses and urban form vary in the area, and traffic on Coast Highway is heavy. In addition, there is a possibility that Coast Highway could be widened in this area in the future, which would detract from the intentions of a more pedestrian -friendly environment. The variety of commercial uses along Mariner's Mile could present issues of use compatibility as well. An issue to consider is how future development will affect the character of Mariner's Mile, and what kind of uses the community would like to have in this area. The western half of this study area is within the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan area. • Newly renovated neighborhood serving commercial Older neighborhood serving uses General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-29 Chapter Community Development fY' Y i �•MiSi.# rh ti y+ ^DIY )V 1rt Auto -oriented development in Mariner's Mile Pedestrian -oriented streetscape along Coast Highway Table 2.1.1(b) Mariner's Mile Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Lihduso Aerei Pwcont otrotat Landin Ards RESIDENTIAL 0.6 0.60/n Multi -Family Residential 0.5 0.8 COMMERCIAL 53.7 82.9% MulB Tenant Commercial 16.1 24.8 Hotel 12.6 19.4 Marine -Related Commercial 8.3 128 Auto -Related Commercial 5.8 9.0 Professional 6f0oelBusiness/Media t 4.1 6.3 • Dine -in Restaurant 3.4 5.3 Fast Food Restaurant 1.9 2.9 FurniturelHome Furnishings 1.0 1.5 Personal Services 0.3 0.5 Community Related Commercial 0.2 0.4 INDUSTRIAL 0.5 0.6°/a MultiTenantIndustrial 0.5 0.8 OTHER 10.0 15.5% Vacant Building 5.5 8.5 Schools 2.2 3.3 Public Parking Lot 1:3 2.0 PubllclSemi Public 0.5 0.8 Vacant Lot 0.5 0.8 Total 61.8 100% SOURCE EIP Associates GIS 2003 Siighl d'uaepancydue to rounding may occur YAM data, 2.1-30 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1(b) MARINER'S MILE EXISTING LAND USE Residential MuIB-Family Residential Auto -Related Commercial V Marine -Related Commercial Personal Seances Furniture Multi -Tenant Commercial - Professional Office/Business/Medical/Vet Community Commercial Dine -In Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Hotel Industrial IM Muth -Tenant Industrial Institutional/Open Space Public/Semi Public Schools — Public Parking Vacant Building Vacant Lot Noce: GiS Dora Prolecnon-� 0 500 1000 Feet 3 =a ORy pf %.Po Reach, General Plan. Jury 2003, OBy Bwndory, May 2003, Parcels, October 2003, Roods, October 2003; and PIP Atcacites held Inv ni y, September. 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 := EIP 2.1 Land Use • Newport Center / Fashion Island • Newport Center is situated in the center of the city, north of Coast Highway, with Fashion Island as its nucleus. Together the two areas form the study area that is primarily commercial; commercial uses represent 57.4 percent of land uses. Table 2.1-1(c) and Figure 2.1-1(c) detail land uses in the study area. Fashion Island is a retail area, containing a regional mall and a mix of specialty shopping that account for 15.8 percent of the uses within the study area. Newport Center consists of professional office uses (26.6 percent of the study area), hotel (6.3 percent), multi -tenant commercial (5.9 percent), and entertainment (1.5 percent) uses along the perimeter of Newport Center Drive. Within the study area, there is a large open space parcel (26.1 percent) used as the Newport Beach Country Club and some residential uses (10.4 percent). These are located in the western portions of the study area. There is also a considerable amount of vacant land (approximately 16 acres) between MacArthur Blvd. and Avocado Avenue. The study area is largely built out, but there has been discussion of future development of office, hotel, retail, and residential uses. Professional offices along Newport Center Drive Business park offices in Newport Center General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1.33 Chapter Community Development Table V-1(c) Newport Center I Fashion Island Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Landilse Acres dkn:mfofTotal Lend In Area RESIDENTIAL 53.7 10.4% SF Residential 27.0 5.2 MF Residential 26.7 5.2 COMMERCIAL 296.0 57.4% Professional Of ce)BuslnesalMedlcaVVet 137,4 26.6 Regional Shopping Mall 81.4 15.8 Hotel 32.5 6.3 Multi-TenantCommercial 30.2 6.9 Entertainment 7.5 1:5 Auto -Related Commercial 3.4 6.7 Specialty Retail 2.2 0.4 Personal Services 0.6 0.1 Fitness/Gyms 0.6 0.1 Dine -in Restaurant 0.2 0.0 OTHER 166.4 32.2% Open Space 134.8 26.1 Vacant Lot 16.8 3.3 PubllclSemi Public 14.8 29 Total 516.1 100% SoUncE: EIPAssodates GIS 20D3 Sfghldisompancydue to rounding may oocur with data. • E • 2.1-34 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1(c) NEWPORT CENTER/ FASHION ISLAND EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential, Single -Family Residential Multl-Family Residential Commercial Q� Auto -Related Commercial Personal Services, Fitness/Gyms Specialty Retall, Shopping Mall - Mum -Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/Medical/Vet Dine -in Restaurant Hotel ® Entertainment Instltutlonal/Open Space Public/Semi-Public Open Space Other Vacant Lot Note'. GB pato Prolechon - CA Stole Plone, IDne 6. NAD83, Feat. I a 5DD 1000 Feel Souke: Cry a Newport Beach Cen al Plan, Jury 2003, CBy eoundw, May 2003, Parcels. Ocb r 2003. Roods, October 2003; and EIP Amcbles FW h enlmy. SepWnbar, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: My Date: 03/03/04 BALBOA ISLAND 2.1 Land Use • West Newport Industrial The study area is generally bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, 16" Street to the north, and abuts residential neighborhoods to the southwest. This study area is a mix of industrial (32.9 percent of land uses), professional/medical office (13.2 percent), and residential (41.8 percent) uses. Table 2.1-1(d) and Figure 2.1-1(d) detail land uses in the study area. Other uses include industrial uses on Superior Avenue, public uses (such as the City Corporation Yard), Carden Hall Elementary School in the north, and single-family residential uses located directly southeast of industrial uses on Superior Avenue. Development in the area dates back to mid-century. There are few neighborhood - serving retail uses in the study area (about 2.0 percent of the area). • While not located within the study area, Hoag Hospital just south of the study area is a strong presence. The proximity of Hoag Hospital to West Newport Industrial and Old Newport Blvd. study areas may be a draw for new medical and related uses, and has a potential to influence the existing uses and character of these areas. There are significant amounts of multi -family uses (32.1 percent) in the center of the study area, separating industrial uses to the north and south of the area. Light industrial uses (30.0 percent) account for the majority of industrial uses in the area, while marine -related industry and multi - tenant use together account for less than 3.0 percent of the area. The mix of industrial and residential uses is not always complementary within and at the edges of the study area. Some discussion has arisen as to the future of the study area as an industrial area. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-37 Chapter Community Development Tattle 2.1.1(d) West Newport Industrial Area -Detailed Existing Land Use 'Lend Use Acros 4 Percent of rotor Land In Ma RESIDENTIAL 59.3 41.8% MF Residential 45.6 32A SF Residential 11.2 7.9 Residential 2.4 1.7 COMMERCIAL 24.5 17.2% Professional OfficelBusinesslMedicaUVet 18.8 13.2 Auto -Related Commercial 2.6 1.8 Mulb'-Tenant Commercial 1.4 1.0 Fitness/Gyms 0.8 0.6 FumilurelHome Furnishings 0.s 0.3 Food Stores 0.3 0.2 INDUSTRIAL 46.8 32.9% Llghllndustrial AIM 30.0 Marine -Related Industrial 2.3 1.6 MultiTenantIndustrial 1.9 U OTHER 11.5 8.1% Schools 5.1 3.6 Public/Semi Public 3.4 2.4 Vacant Lot 3.0 2.1 Total 159.7 100% SouacE: EIPAssoclates GIS 2003 Slight dlscrepancydue to rounding may occurwilh data. • • • 2.1-38 Cifyof Newport Beach -. ........................ _ : i i j 16TH STREET '-PRODUCTION PLACE--- --ISTH STREET --- I i 1 aJE , e ORANGE P CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2,1-1(d) iT NEWPORT INDUSTR OLD NEWPORT BLVD EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential, Single -Family Residential Multi -Family Residential Commercial Auto -Related Commercial Marine -Related Commercial Personal Services, Fitness/Gyms w: €. Furniture, Bullding/Hardware/Garden Supply, Specialty Retail ® Multl-Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/Medical/Vet Community Commercial, Drinking, Food Stores Dine -In Restaurant Industrial Light Industrial Marine Industrial \\\ Multl-Tenant Industrial Institutional/Open Space Public/Semi Public A(.� Schools c1` Other Q ve Vacant Building Vacant Lot City Boundary 0 200 400 Feet Source', Clly al Nawpm Bench, Ge l P n, J* 2003, City Boundary, " 2D03, PoRc K Ocrober 2003, Ponds, October 2003: a,xJ EIP Associates Field Inventory, Sepfe . 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: My Date: 03/0B/04 E 1 P 2.1 Land Use IS Old Newport Boulevard This study area is situated east of Newport Boulevard and runs from 15th Street at the north end to Catalina Drive at the south end. Old Newport Boulevard was formerly the primary roadway leading into the city from the north. A residential neighborhood lies directly to the east. This study area is primarily commercial (71.3 percent of the area) comprised mainly of professional offices, and multi - tenant commercial uses. Secondary uses include personal services, restaurants, and specialty shopping such as home furnishing stores and beauty salons. Table 2.1-1(d2) and Figure 2.1-1(d) detail land uses in the study area. Most specialty retail appears to occupy converted residential buildings. Recently, this study area has experienced a transition towards increased medical office uses. This transition is likely attributable to the proximity of Hoag Hospital, which is located directly west of the study area across from Newport Blvd. • There are two vacant buildings at the northern end of the study area, (3.5 percent of the area), as well as a few auto -related uses (4.7 percent) such as auto service repair. The mix of uses is not always complementary, with auto repair uses adjacent to hair salons and/or specialty retail. This study area is not pedestrian -oriented. While there are some walkable areas, there are a mix of uses and lot configurations that do not create a consistent walkway. This study area is within a Specific Plan area. Personal services commercial along Old Newport Blvd. Scale is not pedestrian -friendly General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1.41 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(d2) Old Newport Boulevard Area —Detailed Existing Land Use Land Use Aeras Pericanf OTTo(OLandle Aaa ' 'REsmERTIAL 0.6 5.3% SF Residential 0.6 5.3 COMMERCIAL 8.7 71.370 Professional O0ioelBusinesslMedicalNet 5.9 48.6 MultiTenant Commercial 2.2 18.0 Personal Services 0.6 43 Auto -Related Commercial 0.6 4.7 BuildinglHardwarelGarden Supply 0.5 3.9 Marine -Related Commercial 0.4 3.4 Dine -in Restadrent 0.4 3.2 Community -Related Commercial 0.2 1.7 Specialty Retail 0,1 1,2 Ddnking Establishment 0.1 1.0 OTHER 0.4 3.5% Vacant Building 0.4 3.5 PubiiclSsmi Public 0'1 0.7 Total 12.2 100% Sowlce EIP Associates GIB 2M Bright discrepancy due to rounding maycccurwih data. • • • 2.142 City of Newport Beach 2.1 Land Use • Central Balboa Central Balboa is the historic center for commercial, recreational and social activities in the community. Central Balboa is located on the Balboa Peninsula between Coronado Boulevard to the northwest, and A Street to the southeast. Table 2.1-1(e) and Figure 2.1-1(e) detail land uses in the study area. This study area has a mix of commercial uses that represent 33.5 percent of land uses within the area. Of the retail uses, multi -tenant buildings with a variety of commercial uses are the largest commercial land use, representing 15.3 percent of the area. The retail uses are a mix of neighborhood -serving and visitor -serving commercial, i.e., ice cream, bike rentals, and T-shirt shops. Fast food and dine -in restaurants, apparel and specialty shops predominate along ,Balboa Boulevard and Bay Avenue. A "fun zone" along Edgewater Place on the Channel includes entertainment uses such as an arcade, amusement park rides, fast food restaurants, and souvenir shops. Marine -related commercial uses such as ferries to Balboa and Catalina Islands, and harbor tours are present in the area. There are a number of commercial vacancies throughout the area, as shown on the table, as well as in the multi -tenant complexes along Edgewater Place. This study area is pedestrian -oriented with articulated building facades, and signage that is pedestrian scale. The single largest land use category in the study area is public parking. Two parking lots account for 36.9 percent of the area's land uses, providing parking for the adjacent beach area as well as the study area. This is appropriate in a pedestrian -oriented area where buildings typically have zero lot lines (built to the property line), and relatively limited private parking areas. Residential land uses (21.5 percent of the area) are located primarily within the western portion of • the study area from Adams Street to Coronado Street, at the eastern boundary of the area, and along Ocean Front. A large park, Peninsula Park, accounts for 4.8 percent of the area. The City has embarked upon on a number of public improvements in the area within the last few years, which include the addition of street furniture, lighting, landscaping and decorative paving. This study area is within a Specific Plan area. • General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-43 Chapter2 Community Development Table 2.1.1(e) Central Balboa Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Loh Use Acres Percent or Total Land In Area RESIDENTIAL 4.1 21,5e/4 SF Residen8al 2.0 10.6 Residential 1.6 8.5 MFResidential 0.5 2,5 COMMERCIAL 6.4 33.5% Multi -Tenant Commercial 2.9 15.3 Professional OfficelBusinesslMedicaWet 0.6 3.1 Dine -in Restaurant 0.5 2.8 Hotel 0.5 2.5 Visitor -Serving 0.4 2.1 Specialty Retail 0.3 1.8 Food Stores 0.3 1.7 ApparellAccassory 0.2 1.3 Community Related Commercial 0.2 1.0 Entertainment 0.2 0.8 Fast Food Restaurant 0.1 0.4 Fitness/Gyms 0.1 0.4 Personal Services 0.1 0.3 INDUSTRIAL 0.1 0.3% Madne-Related Industrial 0.1 0.3 OTHER 8.5 44.7% Public Parking Lot 7.0 36.9 Parks 0.9 4.8 Varaot Building 0.4 119 PubliclSeml Public 0.2 110 Total 19.0 100% SouacE EIPAssodates GIS20M Srght discrepancy duo to rounding maycccurW[h data. • • • 2.144 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN w w 0 0 i 0 0 I U Ioaf +N a RaN l Ar r EY Figure 2.1-1(e) CENTRAL BALBOA EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential, Single -Family Residential Multi -Family Residential Commercial Personal Services, Fitness/Gyms ,"?ate" AppareVAccessory, Specialty Retail - Multi -Tenant Commercial Professional Cr lce/Business/MedicaVVet Community Commercial, Food Stores Dine -In Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Hotel _ Entertainment, Visitor -serving Industrial Marine Industrial !� Institutlonal/Open space ..P` Public/Semi Public Q\�' Parks Other Public Parking vs Vacant Building NoteGIS p W Pq Mn - C Stole None, Zone 6. W 83, F.I. I 0 100 200 F�t Source: City of NewpM Beach, Geneml Ran, July 2003. Clly Boundary. May 2003, Mrm . October 2003. Roods, October 2003; aM EP Associates Field Irwftm .. September, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 2.1 Land Use • Lido Village & City Hall This study area is comprised of two distinct locales, Lido Village and City Hall. Table 2.1-1(f) and Figure 2.1-1(f) detail land uses in the study area. Commercial land uses predominate at 53.5 percent of the study area, with some residential condominiums (2.9 percent of the area) located along Via Lido. Lido Village is situated between Finley Avenue, which borders City Hall, and the Lido Channel with Newport Boulevard to the west. Lido Village is a primarily pedestrian -oriented retail area, with a mix of neighborhood -serving commercial and specialty shopping. A public parking structure, located in the center of the village accounts for 8.3 percent of the area. Primary uses in Lido Village include salons, home furnishings, apparel, and other specialty shops ranging from jewelry stores to wine merchants. The Lido Theatre is also located in this area. While Lido Village contains more specialty retail and restaurants, the City Hall area is more public - use oriented. This area contains retail and public/semi-public uses, with City government offices and a fire station. It consists of City Hall, a public parking lot, and a park -like stretch of lawn that fronts on Newport Boulevard; these uses account for 24.8 percent of the study area. In addition, this area also contains multi -tenant commercial uses (38.0 percent of the study area), located both north and west of City Hall. Community -related commercial uses such as a grocery store, coffee house, bank, Blockbuster, hair salons, and apparel stores are situated here. Vacancies account for 3.1 percent of land uses in the study area. • is City Hall Lido Theatre Neighborhood commercial uses near City Hall General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1.47 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(Q Lido Village & City Hall Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Land Oee Adiea Porconr ofTorarLaddthMa RESIDENTIAL 0.6 2.9% MF Residential 0.3 1.5 SF Residential 0.3 1.4 COMMERCIAL 9.7 53.5% Mu10-TenantCommerdal 6.9 38.0 Specialty Retail 1.5 8.2 Professional OfficelBusinesslMedicaWel 0.9 4.8 Dinedn Restaurant 0.3 1.5 Auto -Related Commercial 0.1 0.4 FumitureMome Furnishings 0.1 0.4 ApparellAccessory 0.0 0.2 INDUSTRIAL 6.3 1.7% Multi -Tenant Industrial 0.3 1.7 'OTHER 7.8 42.1% PubliclSeml Public 4.5 24.8 Public Parking Lot 1.5 8.3 ChurcheslRel'gious Institutions 1.0 5.5 Vacant Building 6.6 3.1 Open Space 0.1 0.4 Total 18.1 100% SOURCE: EIPAssociates GISM03 Sli htdiscmpancydue to rounding may occurwith data. • • 2.148 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN 1 32N0 STREET � IMylll� 3® 31ST STREET U tnNo I I F 39TH STREET j r: SB1H STREET zY1 01 E SETI STREET 60 l BTH STREET Figure 2.1-1(f) LIDO & CITY HALL / CANNERY VILLAGE EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential, Single -Family Residential Mulf-Family Residential Commercial Auto -Related Commercial Q MarineaRelated Commercial Personal Services, Fltness/Gyms ApporeUAccessory, Furniture, "' Speclalh/ Retail ® Multi -Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/Medical/Vet Drinking, Community Commercial, Food Stores Dine -in Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Hotel - M3ffor-serving Industrial Marine Industrial Multi -Tenant Industrial Institutional/Open Space Public/Semi Public, Churches/Religious Uses I� Open Space Other a Public Parking ve Vacant Building Vacant Lot NOfe: q5 Oab Fldecllon - CA Sfofe hares. 2me 4. NRDB3, reef. 0 200 400 Feet Source: City of Newport Beach, General Flom JJy 2003, CIN Boundary, May 2003. Pmels. October 2003, Foods, October 2003: and EIP Av Iotes FWd Inyootoy.. September, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 2.1 Land Use • Cannery Village Cannery Village is the historic center of the City's commercial fishing and boating industry and has a mix of small shops, unique galleries, and eclectic professional offices and service establishments. This area is bounded by 32nd Street to the north, Balboa Boulevard to the west, Lido Channel to the east, and 26th Street to the south. The area is primarily commercial (71.3 percent of the study area) with a variety of neighborhood -serving commercial and specialty shops. Table 2.1-1(f2) and Figure 2.1-1(0 detail land uses in the study area. Residential uses comprise 15.4 percent of the area; these are mostly multi -family and/or attached homes. A new loft -style development has recently been constructed. Additionally, older developments in the area include some single-family residential units combined with commercial uses on single lots. Specialty retail in the area includes home furnishings and art galleries, and many architectural and design offices. There are also professional offices, located mostly in the northern portion of the area. Community -related commercial uses, such as Albertson's grocery, gyms, and are located in the area. Dine -in and fast food restaurants account for more than 7.0 percent of the land area. Marine -related commercial (boat sales) and marine -related industrial uses (boat repair) can also be found between Newport Boulevard and the Lido Channel, representing 2.2 percent and 1.5 percent of the area respectively. Religious institutions are located in the northwest portion of the area and represent 4.8 percent of land uses. Public parking is available on several small lots throughout the area, accounting for 3.1 percent of land uses. Vacant lots or buildings account for less than 2.0 percent of the area. This area is included within the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. • • Madne-related use in Cannery Village General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-51 Chapter CommunityDevelopment Table 2.1.1(f2) Cannery Village Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Wattles Acres I Percenrof7otel Leddin Area RESIDENTIAL 4.1 1SA. MF Residential 3.6 13.7 Residential 0.4 1.5 SF Residential 0.1 0.2 COMMERCIAL. 18.8 71.3% Multi -Tenant Commercial 5.6 326 Professional Officel8usinessfMedicaWet 4.1 15.5 Dine-ln Restaurant 1.5 5.5 Spedally Retail 1.2 4.5 Drinking Establishment 0.7 2.7 Madne-RelatedCommercial 0.6 2.2 Fast Food Restaurant 0.5 1.8 CommOnity•RelatedCommercial 0.4' 1.5 Personal Services 0.4 1.3 Fumilure/Home Furnishings 0.2 0.8 Hotel 0.2 0.8 Food Stores 0.2 0.6 ' Visllor-Serving 0.1 0.5 ApparellAccessory 0.1 0.4 Auto -Related Commercial 0.1 0.4 Fitness/Gyms 0.1 0.2 INDUSTRIAL 0.6 2.2% Madne-Related Industrial 0.4 1.5 Multi-Tenanllndustrial 0.2 0.7 OTHER 29 11.1% ChurcheslRel&us Institutions 1.3 4.8 Public ParldngLot 0.8 3.1 PublictSemi Public 0.4 1.6 Vacant Lot 0.4 115 Vacant Building 0.1 0,2 Total 26.4 100% Sow= EIPAssodates GIS2003 810tiliscrapancy due to mundin0 mayocwrwith data. • • 2.1.52 CifyofNewport Beach 2.1 Land Use • McFadden Square McFadden Square lies south of Cannery Village, and is bounded by 26th Street to the north, 19th Street to the south, and Ocean Front and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is in the center of the Balboa Peninsula and features commercial operations from restaurants, beach hotels, dory fishing boats, and tourist -oriented shops to service operations and facilities that serve the Peninsula. Table 2.1-1(g) and Figure 2.1-1(g) detail land uses in the study area. McFadden Square is known for its marine -related industries such as shipbuilding and repair facilities on the harbor, some of which have been in continuous operation for over fifty years. Commercial land uses are largely concentrated in the commercial strips of Balboa and Newport Boulevards, with residential along Ocean Front. This study area is a combination of residential (39.6 percent) and commercial (27.8 percent) uses, with multi -tenant and visitor -serving commercial uses, such as t-shirt shops, and rental shops. Dine - in and fast food restaurants account for 7.0 percent of the area. There are also many bars and clubs featuring live music in the area, especially along Ocean Front. The Newport Pier extends from McFadden Square, and there are many nearby recreational uses (bike rentals, surf shops, etc.). Other uses in the study area include industrial and public uses. There are a number of marine -related industrial uses (boat storage, restoration and repair, etc.) between Newport Boulevard and the West Lido Channel. The wide variety of commercial operations in McFadden Square, from tourist -serving commercial to marine industrial uses, could present issues of compatibility. Balboa Community Center is located just south of the pier and accounts for 7.0 percent of the land uses within the study area. Public parking (22.1 percent of area land use) is available in two lots, of which the easternmost • one is separated from commercial uses by residential uses. Much, but not all, of the study area is pedestrian -oriented. Certain areas present difficulty for pedestrian street crossing; specifically the intersection of Newport and Balboa Boulevards, known as "Mixmaster" is one such crossing. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-53 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(g) McFadden Square Area -Detailed Existing Land Use Land Us# Arne I PercenfdfTafefUndlnArea RESIDEHTiAL 11.1 39.6% Residential 6.9 24.6 'SF Residential 4.0 14.2 MF Residential 0.2 0.6 COMMERCIAL 7.8 27.8% Multi Tenant Commercial 4.0 14:3 Dine•In Restaurant 1.8 6.3 Professional OfficelBusinesslMedicaWel 0.7 2.4 Visitor -Serving 0.5 1.6 Community Related Commercial 0.2 0.9 Specialty Retail 0.2 0.6 Drinking Establishment 0.1 0.5 Personal Services 0:1 0.5 Hotel 0.1 0.5 Fast Food Restaurant 0.1 0.3 IHDUSTOL 0.7 2.6% Madne•RelaledIndustrial 0.7 2.6 OTHER 8.4 29.9% Public Parking Lot 6.2 22.1 PUblicf8emi Public 1.9 7.0 Vacant Lot 0.2 0.8 Total 28.0 100% Source EIP Associates GIS 2003 srighl ftropm duo to rounding maycccureilh data. • • • 2.1-54 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN I PG6 H� FPODEN P� NEWPORT PIER 0""V fR"" Af2fY RAY R VENUE Rq< eOq so,,EUARD Figure 2,1-1(g) MCFADDEN SQUARE EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential, Single -Family Resldenfial Mum -Family Residential Commercial Personal Services Specialty Retall Mum -Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/Medica VVet Community Commercial, Drinking Dlne-in Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Hotel Vlsltor-serving Industrial Marine Industrial Insfitutlonal/Open Space Public/Seml Public Q� Other _ Public Parldng --::i Vacant Lot Note' ENS DON ROIBe CA 5tote Pbm, 6. N 3, Fcet. SLY/ 0 100 200 Feat Source: CBy of Newport Beach, General Pdn. Jury 2003. Clay Boundary, KW 2003, Parcels. October 2003. Road% October 2003. and EIP Assaclofes Field Inventory. September. 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 �: ESP 21 Land Use is Corona del Mar The Corona del Mar study area is located along Pacific Coast Highway from Avocado Avenue to Hazel Drive. Commercial land uses front Coast Highway with residential land uses directly to the east and west of the commercial uses. This area is primarily commercial (78.6 percent), with a mix of neighborhood -serving commercial (approximately 10.0 percent) and specialty shops (6.0 percent). Table 2.1-1(h) and Figure 2.1-1(h) detail land uses in the study area. Primary retail uses include restaurants (more than 8.0 percent), home furnishings, and other specialty shops ranging from apparel to architectural design services. A large percentage of commercial uses (about 40.2 percent of the study area) is located in multi -tenant buildings with retail on the first floor of buildings and professional services located on the second floor. While there were a few commercial vacancies at the time of the land use survey, the most prominent was that of the Port Theatre located at the corner of Coast Highway and Heliotrope. Sherman Library and Gardens (about 9.0 percent of the area) is a private facility and research library open to the public. There is an assisted -living residential complex representing 7.4 percent of land uses in the study area. Corona del Mar is pedestrian -oriented with a dense mix of commercial uses, streetscape amenities, street medians, and signalized crosswalks. The Corona del Mar Business Improvement District (BID) was established in 1996 to enhance the cultural shopping district of Corona del Mar to create an exciting, pedestrian and resident friendly experience. In 1999, the BID developed "Vision 2004" Plan to implement community improvements for Corona del Mar. The plan envisions the creation of a linear park -like environment • along Coast Highway from Avocado Street to Seaward Drive. The plan also calls for sidewalk landscaping, street furniture, street lighting fixtures, pedestrian activated crosswalks, parking lanes and various other improvements. A Specific Plan has also been contemplated for this area, but one has not been developed. r 1 L_J Specially retail in Corona del Mar W ChNI'I?k Multi -tenant commercial uses General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-57 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(h) Corona del Mar Area -Detailed Existing Land Use' LandWo - Acres I MrcmtotTohrLandlnAra RESIDENTIAL 2.1 8.6% MFResidential 1.8 7.4 Residential 0.3', 1.4 COMMERCIAL 18,6 78.60/0 Multi -Tenant Commercial 9.5 40.2 Dinedn Restaurant 2.6 10.8 Professional OfficelBusinesslMedicaWel 1.2 5.0 Community Related Commercial 1.2 4.9 Food Stores 1.1 4.7 Auto -Related Commercial 1.0 4.3 FumiturelHome Fumishings 0.9 3.9 Personal Services 0.3 1,4 ApparellAccessoty 0.3 1.2 Fast Food Restaurant 0.3 1.1 Building/Hardware/Garden Supply 0.2 0.9 Ddnking Establishment 0.1 0.3 OTHER 3.0 12.8% PubliclSemi Public 2.2 9.2 Vacant Lot 0.6 2.5 'Vacant Building 0.2 0.8 Churches/Religious Institutions 0.1 0.3 Total 23.7 100% Sow= EIPAssodates GIS2De3 StIghl discrepancy due to rounding may ocwrwith data. 0 r� U • 21-58 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1(h) CORONA DEL MAR EXISTING LAND USE Residential Residential C� Multi -Family Residential Commercial Q Auto -Related Commercial Personal Services Apparel/Accessory, Furniture, Building/Hardware/Garden Supply Mulfi-Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/MedicalNet Drinking, Community Commercial, Food Stores Dine -in Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Institutional/Open Space Publlc/Seml Public, Churches/ Religious Uses Other vB Vacant Building Vacant Lot 0 200 a0G Feet SW,e: cry 01 NoWood Beoch, General Flan, Jury 20M. CW B ddary, May 2003. Parcels. October 2003, Roods, Odober 2003; and EP 0.ssocbtes Fbld Ira bry. September. 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/08/04 �, EIP 2.1 Land Use • • • Newport Shores Newport Shores is located along Coast Highway, which runs northwest to southeast, from Summit Street to just past 60th Street. This is the residential neighborhood closest to Banning Ranch. The study area consists of residential land (69.9 percent of the area's land uses) and commercial uses (30.0 percent of the area's land uses) on the north side of Coast Highway, and is about one block in depth on average. Table 2.1-1(i) and Figure 2.1-1(i) detail land uses in the study area. Half of the residential uses are multi -family residential (35.1 percent) and half are mobile homes (34.8 percent). A portion of the mobile homes are situated along Semeniuk Slough and the Army Corps restored wetlands, while a number of the single-family homes outside the study area are also located along the Slough. This area contains a "commercial strip" that serves a residential neighborhood and beach visitors. Primary commercial uses include community -related retail such as a dry cleaners, liquor store, deli, and grocery. A few hotels and motels (9.3 percent of the area's land uses) are interspersed among the commercial uses. There are also a number of dine -in, family -style restaurants, as well as a handful of fast food establishments, equaling 5.9 percent of the area's land uses. Architectural styles in the study area are varied. Newer residential development includes "manufactured homes," while older commercial and residential development, including mobile homes, appears to have been built in the 1960's to 1980's. The commercial area is mostly highway - oriented, with parking lots fronting many of the commercial uses. This area is governed by an adopted Specific Plan. Architectural variety in Newport Shores General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-61 Chapter Community Development Table 2.1.1(1) Newport Shores Area —Detailed Existing Land Use Land Use Acres I Purcenr ofTotal end LnArx RESIDENTIAL. 7.9 69.9% MFResidenlial 4.0 35.1 Mobile Homes 3.9 34.8 COMMERCIAL 3A 30.0% Hotel 1.1 9.3 Dine -in Restaurant 0.7 5.9 MultiTenant Commercial 0.5 4.4 Food Stores 016 4.0 Professional OfficelBusinasslMedicaWet 0.4 3.9 Surf -Related 0.2 21 BoildingiHardwarelGarden Stores 0.0 0.4 Total 11.3 100% Soursce EIPAssociales GIS2003 Srghtdrscrepancydue to rounding mayocturwilh data. • r, L • 2.1-62 City of Newport Beach BOA• rFr OR�YF a�0 CANAL STREET S ~ ' 'ZaO P .9A�WY. rF �rH ORE OR Y F OC Fgry Aa CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1(1) NEWPORT SHORES EXISTING LAND USE Residential _ Multi-Famlly Residential Mobile Homes Commercial Building/Hardware/Garden Supply/Surf - Mull -Tenant Commercial - Professional Office/Business/MedlcaVVet Food Stores - Dine -In Restaurant Hotel -^ City Boundary I Note'. CIE Cate ftleatlon - CA 51me Pere, Zone 6, N 03, Fcct. I 0 200 400 Feet Source: CRy of Newpod BeaOn, General Plan. Jaty 2003, CRy Boundary, May 2003. Parcels, October 2003. Roods, Oalabet 2003: and EP Assccbtes Ftkd Inventory. September, 2003, IPROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 s EIP 2.1 Land Use • Airport Business Area The Airport Business area is primarily commercial. It is bounded by Campus Drive to the north, Bristol Street North/Corona del Mar Freeway to the west and Jamboree Road to the southeast. As the study area name implies, the area is in close proximity to the John Wayne Airport, as well as the University of California, Irvine. This proximity has influenced the uses in this area; many uses support the airport and university, such as research and development, high technology industrial or visitor -serving uses, such as hotel and car rental agencies. This study area consists of 83.7 percent commercial uses with administrative, professional, and financial office uses accounting for 62.0 percent of the area's land uses. Table 2.1-1Q) and Figure 2.1-1Q detail land uses in the study area. Multi -tenant commercial uses accounting for 7.5 percent of the area's land uses provide supporting retail for adjacent office and industrial employment centers. A number of industry headquarters are located in this study area, these include Conexant, and Jazz Industries, along with other major industries located in the Koll Center at MacArthur Blvd. and jamboree Road. Industrial related uses account for 13.1 percent of the study area. There are three large hotel developments accounting for 4.5 percent of the area. Also significant are a number of auto -related commercial uses located mainly in the northwest portion of the area. These uses include carwash, auto -detailing, rental, repair, and parts shops. The area covers approximately 360 acres. Recent development activity directly outside of the study area has occurred under other jurisdictional purview. Many current development proposals in the nearby Irvine Business Complex have included • the transfer of development rights, bringing more intense development closer to the Airport Business area as those rights are transferred from entitled areas that are located further away. The excess of development rights being sold is resulting in the concentration of development closer to the Airport Business area and has the potential to impact traffic and circulation within the study area. This is a concern for the future of the Airport Business area as increased congestion in and around the study area could result. is nn=�'r i v Technology industry headquarters Multi -tenant commercial at Bristol North and Jamboree Road General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-65 Chapter Community Development • Table 2.1.10) Airport Business Area -Detailed Existing Land Use UndUse - Aare Percent of Total Land In Arvi COMMERCIAL 301.4 63.7% Administrative, Professional, and Financial 225.7 62.7 MuIO-Tenant Commercial 27.0 7.5 Hotel 16.3 4.5 Auto -Related 15.4 4.3 Dine -in Restaurant 11.4 3.2 Speclalty Retail 2.4 _ 0.7 Fitness/Gyms 1.4 0.4 Fast Food Restaurant 1.1 0.3 Community Commercial 0.7 0.2 INDUSTRIAL 47.1 1311% Business Park Industrial 26.0 6.9 Multi -Tenant Industrial 16.9 4.7 Light Industrial 5.2 1.4 OTHER 11.5 3.2% PubliclSemi-Public 7.8 2.2 Vacant Land 3.7 1.0 Total 360.0 100.0% Source: EIPAssociates GIS2003 • Slight dlsMancyduo to rounding mayoccurwilh dale. • 2.1-66 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 2.1-1(j) AIRPORT BUSINESS AREA EXISTING LAND USE Commercial Auto -Related Commercial Fitness/Gyms Specialty Retail - Mum -Tenant Commercial Professional Office/Business/MedIcal/Vet Community Commercial Dine -in Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant Hotel Industrial Light Industrial Business Park Industrial y�\\` Multi -Tenant Industrial Institutional/Open Space Publlc/Semi Public Other Vacant Lot Q - City Boundary Note'. GIS Data Frgecnon - CA State Pore. Zene 6. NAD831 Feet. I 0 400 800 Feet Source: CRY of Newport Beach, General nan, MY 2003, City Boundary, vly 2003, Parcels, October 2003, Ponds, October 2003; and HIP Asvxotes Florid Inventory, September. 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 2.1 Land Use • REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 1998. Land Use Element. General Plan, October (amendments through January 2000). 2003. Zoning District Information. Website: http://www.city.newport beach.ca.us/ACIS/Planning_html/zoning_districts.htm, accessed 3 October. 2003. Zoning Use Classifications. Website. Planning Department. 2003. Aerial Data, July. • • General Plan Technical Background Report 2.1-69 • • L� 2,2 Urban Form • 2.2 URBAN FORM This section identifies the relationships between land uses and the built urban form of the City. A region's built urban form defines the character and a sense of place and contributes to the overall quality of life. ,For example, it can distinguish socially and economically vital pedestrian districts from auto -oriented districts. Urban form is defined by the density of development; location, lot coverage, interrelationships, massing, modulation and design of buildings; and the landscape and design of the intervening spaces that connect buildings. Urban form allows for the differentiation of residential neighborhoods, commercial centers and corridors, and industrial districts. The City of Newport Beach has developed as a variety of small communities, or villages. Early development was concentrated along the beachfront, in a traditional grid street pattern. Many of the newer developments located inland from the bay have been based on the "Planned Community" concept. The various villages provide for a wide variety and style of development, both residential and commercial. The city includes lower density single-family areas, as well as more intensively developed residential beach areas. Commercial areas range from master planned employment centers to marine industrial and visitor commercial areas. ■ HISTORICAL PATTERN OF DEVELOPMENT Newport Beach's urban form takes its shape from its early beginnings as a shipping town, evolving to a waterfront vacation and tourist destination, and then a residential and resort community. Developing west to east, scattered early settlements marked the early stages of the "villages" now • known as'Balboa Peninsula, West Newport, Balboa Island, Lido Isle, and Corona del Mar. In the early 1930's Newport Harbor was created and later became a hub for naval activity. Around Newport Beach, development in Orange County resulted in various military bases and industrial facilities, attracting more residents to the region. Vacation cottages and seasonal rentals became year-round housing. Road and freeway projects, such as the Santa Ana Freeway, also helped to bring development to Newport Beach. The development pattern spread northward from the waterfront to the hills and mesa areas. Traditional subdivisions with grid street patterns and modest homes gave way to curvilinear streets and ranch -style homes on larger lots. Harbor industries such as shipping and fishing declined, to be replaced by new businesses and commerce centers. By the 1970's, The Irvine Company, a major landholder in the region, had developed major portions of the city, building Newport Center and Fashion Island, and spurring additional investment in hotels, restaurants, and new homes in planned communities. Residential Development While Newport Beach contains older, traditional housing types in its village areas, major portions of the city reflect master planned development of mainly single-family housing on moderate to large lots. Most neighborhoods contain a single -predominant housing type, such as single-family detached, or single-family attached. Separate pockets of multi -family housing are distributed along major corridors. Older portions of the city exhibit housing of varied architectural styles on small parcels, grid street patterns, and generally more compact development. This applies to waterfront areas along the coast • and lower Newport Bay, Balboa Peninsula, Newport Shores, Lido Isle, Balboa Island, Corona del Mar, and Newport Heights. An exception applies to the Upper Bay/Santa Ana Heights area where General Plan Technical Background Report 22-1 Chapter 2 Community Development large ranch estates are located, these homes lie on half -acre to acre parcels and can accommodate • horses and stables. Equestrian trails can be found in these neighborhoods. Newer housing development has followed the planned community concept, Newport Coast, Bonita Canyon, Big Canyon, and Eastbluff are examples of these types of development. These developments are characterized by large homes on generous -sized lots, curvilinear streets and cul-de- sacs, and post war Southern California "Mediterranean" and regional architecture. Some of these developments are gated communities with secure access. Master planned developments have integrated parks and open spaces, schools and neighborhood -serving commercial uses to serve nearby residents. Commercial and Industrial Development Commercial and industrial centers and districts have been developed within the pattern of Newport Beach's residential neighborhoods. Similar to traditional residential developments, older retail and shopping areas typically consist of compact, low-rise buildings on small lots. Most of these older commercial districts are pedestrian -oriented with a variety of uses located in proximity to one another, and a streetscape and building scale that invites strolling and shopping. Corona del Mar, McFadden Square, and Lido Village are examples of pedestrian-orientedcommercial districts. Commercial districts can also be characterized by their major uses, such as visitor -serving commercial districts —Cannery Village, McFadden Square and Central Balboa, for instance. Mid-century developments reflect national trends toward auto -oriented strip commercial centers such as those found along Mariner's Mile and Old Newport Boulevard. These "strip" developments often line both sides of major thoroughfares, and are made up of many individually constructed • structures. Later -constructed commercial centers of the 1980's and 1990's are also auto -oriented. These typically consist of a single development containing many individual commercial uses. Newport North and The Bluffs, on opposite sides of MacArthur Blvd.) exemplify this type of development. Both types of auto -oriented commercial areas are characterized by low-rise buildings, a mix of community serving uses and large expanses of parking lots, to the front or rear of the development. The regional commercial center also distinguishes Newport Beach's urban form. Newport Center and Fashion Island were developed around a ring road, with large lots for office and professional uses outside the ring surrounding a retail core of regional -attracting shopping and entertainment uses within the ring. The development was designed with a high visual quality, with buildings massed at the northern perimeter and heights transitioning towards the coast. The buildings are sited to act as a visual backdrop when viewed from the lower elevations, at the coast, as well as to take advantage of the views afforded by the site. This area is one of the few high-rise office and hotel developments in the city. The Airport Area also includes high-rise office and hotel development. Development in this pan of the city is manifested in "office park" type development with. clusters of medium- to high-rise buildings set in a campus type environment, generally on large lots with extensive landscaping. The area is predominantly professional and office high-rise buildings with supporting retail and restaurant uses in low-rise buildings. The Airport Area also contains one of the three industrial districts in the city. Similar to the commercial office development, industrial uses are found in campus like settings, but in low- to • 2.2-2 CltyotNewportfleech 2.2 Urban Form • medium -rise buildings. Instead of the clustered buildings of the "office park," industrial business parks contain fewer, larger buildings that often appear "box -like." The other major concentration of industrial development is located in West Newport. This area is situated atop a coastal bluff, and contains industrial uses interwoven with older residences, that are now legally -non -conforming under the City's Zoning Code. West Newport industrial also contains Hoag Hospital, in a high-rise development, surrounded with medical -related uses in medium- to low-rise buildings. The remaining industrial uses are a mix of light manufacturing and specialty boat and automotive uses, found in warehouses and low-rise building development. The incongruous nature of residential uses mixed with light industrial uses does not lend the area a distinct cohesive urban form. Undeveloped Lands Harbor, bay and coastal features have greatly influenced urban form in Newport Beach. Due to the extent of Newport Beach's natural resources, large areas of open space have been preserved to be enjoyed as amenities or to provide habitat for biota. The Upper Newport Bay divides the city into west and east. This division has resulted in distinct differences in the types and timing of development on both sides of the Bay. In addition, this division has resulted in circulation challenges between the two sides, with only two east/west connections present in the area. Lower Newport Bay contains seven islands that have been claimed for residential and recreational uses. Newport Coast and Newport Ridge developments have focused development upon the ridges, akin to the famed villas of the Italian coast. Throughout the city, higher scale development has • occurred atop of the coastal bluffs, well away from bluff faces, and at lower heights in the coastal plain so that bluffs and views to and from the bluffs remain preserved. Much of development in Newport Beach has been designed to capture views of its natural resources —beaches, bluffs, canyons, harbor, bay, and ocean —creating the urban form that is visible today. • General Plan Technical Background Report 2.2-3 • Section 2.3 Population and Demographics 2.3 Population and Demographics • 2.3 POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS This section provides a descriptive profile of the existing demographic conditions in the City, including baseline data and trends related to population and employment. Information for this section is based on the City's 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, the 2002 Orange County and Region Economic Outlook Report, and 2000 Census data. It should be noted that information pertaining to population and demographics for the areas of Santa Ana Heights and Bay Knolls are not available as these areas were annexed after 2000. In addition, population and demographics information for the Emerson Tract, Area 7, and Banning Ranch is not included in the documents referenced above because these areas are not located within City boundaries. However, information for the areas of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge has been included in the 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model prepared for the City. Growth projections for Newport Beach from 2000 to 2025 are based on Orange County Projections (OCP) 2000 data. EXISTING CONDITIONS Population Newport Beach was incorporated in 1906 and the population has increased every decade since. Table 2.3-1 shows the population growth that occurred during the last 50 years based on available data. As shown, the population in 1950 was 12,120 and by 1960, had more than doubled to 26,564 persons.' In 1970, the population nearly doubled again to 49,442 persons and by 1980, the population had reached 62,556 persons. During the following decade, the population increased only • slightly to 66,643 persons in 1990. As of 2001, the City had a population of 75,662. Table 2.3.1 Population 'Year Po latlou r Year Population, 19500 12,120 19941, 68,572 19600 26,564 1995b 68,920 1970a 49,442 1996b 69,246 1980a 62,556 1997b 70,512 1990a 66,643 1998b 72,951 19911, 67,028 1999b 74,317 1992b 67,572 2000. 70,032 1993b 68,199 2001- 7502 SOURCE: City of Newport Beach website(www city.newport-beach.ca.us/pin/demomain.htm) April Decennial Census of Population, U.S. Census Bureau b January Revised Estimate, State Department of Finance (rates per 1,000 population) a Population figure Includes January 1, 2002, annexation of Newport Coast According to the Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model prepared for Newport Beach in 2004, the current residential population, including Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas that were annexed in 2002, is estimated at 81,3612. In addition, the total average "daytime population" within • ' http://w .city.Newport-bmch.=W/pin/demc_main.htm 'Applied Development Economics, Inc., Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, January 2004. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.3.1 Chapter 2 Community Development Newport Beach's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries, which includes the City's resident population, the • average visitor population, and the number of employees in businesses within the City, is 151,732.s Median Income Census data for 2000 listed on the City's website indicates that,the median household income for the six zip codes within Newport Beach are as follows: ■ 92625-100,080 ■ 92657-114,004 ■ 92658—n/a ■ 92659—n/a ■ 92660—$79,288 ■ 92661—$51,887 ■ 92662—$50,338 ■ 92663—$53,800 Ethnicity The ethnic composition of the City of Newport Beach in 2000 is shown in Table 2.3-2. Since this information is based on U.S. Census 2000 data, the segments of population associated with the areas of Newport Coast, Newport Ridge, Santa Ana Heights, and Bay Knolls have not been included because these areas were not under the City's jurisdiction then. As shown in Table 2.3-2, a majority • of the residents in the City are White, accounting for approximately 85 percent of the resident population. Although Hispanic residents are the second largest ethnic group, they account for approximately 4.5 percent of the total resident population. Asian and Pacifit Islander residents are a close third, making up 4.4 percent of the total resident population. Table 2.3.2 2000 Racial and Ethnic Population Rica Number Partial White 64;331 85.0% Hispanic 3,413 4.5% Asian and Pacific Islander 3,362 4.4% Black 356 0.5% All Other Raoes 1,252 1.7% NA' Z938 3.9% Total Populadon 75,662 106.0% Souncb: CllyofNowportBeach webslle(www.city.newpon-beach,causAOn1demo„rnah.hbn); April Decennial Census of Popuiallon, U,S, Census Bureau ' Segment of populaVon not counted as pad of Newport Coast In Census 2000counts 'Applied Development Economics, Inc., Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, January 2004. 'http://www.city.Ncwport-bmch.m.us/pin/demcL_main.htm • 23-2 City of Newport Beach 2.3 Population and Demographics • Employment Out of the total average daytime population of 151,732 within Newport Beach's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries, approximately 60,879 are employees! The employment figures are further allocated to visitor -serving and non visitor -serving business activity. A total of 5,456 employees are employed for visitor -serving businesses and a total of 55,423 employees are employed for non -visitor serving businesses. Of the total daytime population, residents comprise about 50 percent, visitors (on average) are 13 percent, workers serving visitors are four percent, and the remaining workers are 33 percent. • According to City demographic data, a total of 902 workers are employed by the City of Newport Beach, 710 of which are full-time and 192 of which are part-time.' The major employers in Newport Beach include the Hoag Memorial Hospital and Pacific Mutual, which employ approximately 2,700 and 2,020 employees, respectively. The unemployment rate in the City is 4.2 percent' The 2000 U.S. Census indicates that there are approximately 38,316 employed residents in Newport Beach. Table 2.3-3 shows the general occupation types of the City's residents. Table 2.3.3 Occupations of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and, Over occu arion _ Number Peicenf Management, Professional, and Related 22,070 57.6 Service 2,806 7.3 Sales and Of oe 11,143 29.1 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry 29 0.1 Construction, Extraction, and Maintenance 1,032 2.7 Production, Transportation, and Material Moving 1,236 3.2 Total 38,316 100 Bounce: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau website According to the 2002 Orange County and Region Economic Outlook Report, the total payroll employment in the Orange County region is expected to increase steadily through 2005. The payroll employment growth in Orange County is expected to be at approximately 3 percent per year for the period 1996-2005 s Orange County's employment growth is expected to fall between the 1 percent per year growth for Los Angeles County, and the 5 percent per year growth for the Inland Empire that is projected for 2005. Projections The projected population growth for the City of Newport Beach, according to Orange County Projections (OCP), is shown in Table 2.3-4. Although the projected population for the City in 2025 is approximately 89,826, this does not include the populations of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge because these areas were annexed in 2002. The 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model for the 'Applied Development Economics, Inc., Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, January2004. 'w .city.Newport-bmch.a.us/pin/demo_main.htm • 7N .city.Nmport-b=ch.m.us/pin/demo�-main.hm ' Munroe Consulting Inc., Economic Outlook Report 2002—Orange County & Region, June 2002. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.3.3 2 Community Development City of Newport Beach, however, includes the future projected populations for the Newport Coast • and Newport Ridge areas, which are estimated to ,be a total of approximately 11,601 by 2025. Thus, adding City projections with Newport Coast and Newport Ridge projections, the total projected population for the City is estimated to be 101,427. Table 2.3.4 Population Projections (OCP 2000) Year Number CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2005 82,409 2010 86,579 2015 87A7 2020 68,676 2025 89,826 NENFoRT CoAsT 2025 11. 01 Scu = GtyofNewport Beach wmbsile(wxw.dty.nexpo4-beach.ca.uslorddemo_main,him); Center for Demographic Research, California Stale University, Fullerton In terms of future job growth, projections provided by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) suggest that Newport Beach will continue to expand its employment base. Although these projections provide one indicator of the City's future, they are preliminary and have not been approved by the City. As shown in Table 2.3-5, SCAG ,projects that employment in Newport Beach will increase from about 67,359 jobs in 2000 to 80,575 jobs by the year 2025.9 As discussed in the 2002 Orange County and Region Economic Outlook Report, the services sector, • which is the existing dominant sector of Orange County's economy, along with the construction, fmance/real estate/insurance, high-tech, and international trade sectors will continue to grow in Orange County. Table 2.3.5 SCAG Employment Projections _ Year Number 2000 67,359 2005 71,018 2010 74,217 2015 76,701 2020 78,915 2025 80,757 Scuace Southern Califomla Association of Governments, 2gg1 RTP Growth Forecast 'http://www.scag.ca.gov/fbre=t/rtpgf.htm is 2.34 City ofNewpod Beach 2.3 Population and Demographics •N REFERENCES C� Applied Development Economics, Inc. 2004. FiscallmpactAnalysis and Mode, January. Munroe Consulting Inc. 2002. Economic Outlook Report2002—Orange County &Region, June. Newport Beach, City of. 2004. Demographics Data: http://www.cit)r.Newport-beach.ca.us/pin/ demo_main.htm, 30 January. Southern California Association of Governments, 2001 RTP Growth Forecast: http://www.scag.ca.gov/forecast/downloads/city_projections.xls U.S. Census Bureau: http://factfinder.census.gov General Plan Technical Background Report 2.3.5 2.4 Housing • 2A HOUSING This section provides a descriptive profile of the City of Newport Beach's existing housing conditions, including baseline data and trends related to the City's households and housing affordability. Information for this section is based on the 2003 Housing Element and the 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model for the City of Newport Beach. It should be noted that because the Housing Element provides information for the area encompassed within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries, the areas of Newport Coast, Newport Ridge, Santa Ana Heights, and Bay Knolls are not included as they were recently annexed into the City. Wherever possible, data pertaining to Newport Coast and Newport Ridge have been included in the 2003 Housing Element, and will be included, in this section. Housing information for the Emerson Tract (Emerson), Area 7, and Banning Ranch were not included in the Housing Element because these areas are not located within City boundaries. The certified Housing Element covers the planning period between the years 1998 to 2005. EXISTING CONDITIONS Residential Growth and Dwelling Unit Types According to the Housing Element, 6,551 housing units were added to the housing inventory within the City of Newport Beach's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries between 1980 and 2000. This indicates an average yearly increase in the housing stock of approximately 328 housing units. This rate of increase has slowed since 1990, with an average of 271 housing units per year being added to the • housing stock between 1990 and 2000. The net additional and total housing units that occurred between 1990 and 2000 within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries are shown in Table 2.4-1. Table 2.4.1 Net Additional and Total Housing Units within 1999 City Jurisdictional Limits, 1980-2000 Year •TotelHo6stog'Units ' atB innin of Year Nef Change to Housing Unfts Year TotalHousing Unfts afBe fnntn of Year • Net Change in HoUsIng Units 1980 31,016 1,233 1991 1 35,275 414 1981 32,249 152 1992 35,439 164 1982 32,401 109 1993 35,527 88 1983 32,510 225 1994 35,565 38 1984 32,735 108 1995 35,598 33 1985 32,843 216 1996 35,631 33 1986 33,059 306 1997 35,978 347 1987 33,365 971 1998 36,807 829 1988 34,336 312 1999 37,044 237 1989 n/a — 2000 1 37,567 523 1990 1 34,861 525" SOURCE: City of Newport Beach; Slate Department of Finance, Population Research Unit " Two-yeargrowlh change The total number of housing units in the City, excluding the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge • annexation areas, as of January 1, 2000, was estimated to be 37,567. Table 2.4-2 shows the number of units for each housing unit type. General Plan Technical Background Report 2.4-1 Chapter 2 Community Development Table 2.4.2 Housing Unit Mix Within 1999 City Jurisdictional Boundaries, 2000 .Housin Unif NuroberolUnils Pereenlbfiofal Single -Family Detached 16,645 41.6% Single•FamilyAttached 6,102 16.2o% Duplex to Fourplex 5,743 15.3°% Mull -Family 9,130 24.3°% Mobile Home b47 2.6% City Total 37,567 10010% SWRce Orange County Progress Re* 2000 According to the 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model prepared for the City of Newport Beach, the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas have approximately 2,400 housing units as of 2000. Table 2.4-3 shows the number of units for each housing unit type in these two annexation areas. Table 2,4.3 Housing Unit Mix in Newport Coast and Newport Ridge Annexation Areas, 2000 Housing Unit &PI HumberofUnits Single -Family 1,264 Condominium 1,136 Apartment 0 High Density 0 Total Z400 SOvace Applied Development Economics, Inc„ Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model, January2004 Thus, with the 37,567 housing units in the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries and the 2,400 housing units in the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas, the total amount of housing units in Newport Beach, as of 2000, was 39,967. Residential Densities According to City figures that were estimated by dividing residential acreage by current dwelling unit counts within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries, residential densities in many older neighborhoods in the City of Newport Beach are comparatively high. The residential density in selected areas within the City is shown in Table 2.4-4. Table 2.4.4 Residential Density by Area Esllmatedllenslly Ana DU/sere Balboa Peninsula 22.4 West Newport 19.3 Balboa Island 27.7 Corona del Mar 16.9 Lido Island 13.9 Soma: City, of Newport eeachf'lanning De"enl • CJ LJ 24-2 City ofNewpod Beach 2.4 Housing • In addition, the City is experiencing a trend toward higher density development, as discussed in the Housing Element. Since 1980, multi -family permits issued in the City have exceeded single-family permits. This trend is opposite to the State trend, where single-family permits have exceeded multi- family permits in recent years. Housing Tenure Tenure of housing within Newport Beach's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries, which is shown in Table 2.4-5, has varied since 1980. Table 2.4.5 Housing Tenure within 1999 City Jurisdictional Boundaries Year TotalOcdu led Units I owderoccu led Renter occu fed 1980 27,820 14,888 (53.50%) 12,932 (46.5%) 1990 30,860 17,207 (55.8%) 13,653 (44.2%) 2000 33,071 18408 (55.7%) 14,663 (44.3%) SOURCES: U.S. Census 1980, 1990, 2000 The percentage of rental housing in the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries is higher than the corresponding figure for Orange County.' Since 1960, when only 36 percent of all occupied units were rented, the percentage of rental housing increased in the City due to a sizeable amount of new rental construction. New construction had subsided substantially in the 1980's. In addition, the City contains many rented duplex, triplex, and fourplex units in older neighborhoods. Areas where this • type of rental housing is predominant include West Newport, Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar. • Vacancy Rates The overall housing unit vacancy rate of the City of Newport Beach, excluding the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas, increased slightly between 1980 and 1990. The amount of vacancies as a percentage of all housing stock within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries was 10.1 percent in 1980 and 11.5 percent in 1990. However, the amount of vacancies for sale in the City as a percentage of all housing stock was 3.8 percent in 1980 and 0.8 percent in 1990. Additionally, the amount of vacancies for rent in the City as a percentage of all housing stock was 6.1 percent in 1980 and 4.3 percent in 1990. The discrepancy between overall vacancy rates and vacancy rates among available units may be due to the large number of seasonal units and second homes in the City. According to the 1990 U.S. Census, 1,207 of 4,001 vacant units were identified as "seasonal use." In addition, the percentages of vacant rental apartments within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries have decreased from 4.8 percent in 1991 to 2.7 percent in 1993 before increasing to 8.0 percent in 1995. This percentage decreased to 4.4 percent in 1996 before eventually returning to 8.0 percent in 2000. Generally, this fluctuation reflects construction activities and rental units leased with the development phases of Bonita Village. 'City of Newport Beach, Draft Housing Element, March 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report i',L•'R1 Chapter Community Development Housing Condition • Deficient units are defined as deteriorated, dilapidated units, as well as those units inadequate in original construction, or which were under extensive repair. The Housing, Element indicated that the condition of housing in Newport Beach is considered to be very good. During 2000, through its ongoing code enforcement program, the City Building Department identified only four properties within the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries in need of repair. Extremely high property values and the lack of code enforcement cases indicate that property owners within Newport Beach are, for the most part, conscientious about maintaining their properties. Substandard housing does not appear to be a problem for the community at this point in time. Mobile Homes There are presently 972 mobile home spaces in ten mobile home parks that are located within the 1999 jurisdictional boundaries of Newport Beach. Nine of these parks contain a total of 774 spaces occupied by permanent residents. The remaining homes are occupied by persons who use the units for vacations and weekend visits to the area. In total, the ten parks house 1,211 permanent residents. The character of the City's ten mobile home parks varies. Three of the parks are located on or close to Newport Harbor. These three parks appeal to retirees and a substantial number of spaces in these parks are occupied by permanent residents. Space rents depend on the location of the space in relationship to Newport Bay and the size of the mobile home. One of these parks, Bayside Village, is occupied primarily by retired persons, a large portion of who have occupied their mobile homes for 20 years or more. The California Department of Housing and Community Development is responsible for issuing • permits for mobile home parks, The City of Newport Beach has notified the State that mobile home units affordable to low- and/or moderate -income households have been converted, or are in the process of converting to market rate status and thereby may lose their affordable status. To date, the State has taken no -action regarding this continuing loss of affordable housing. Housing Unit Projections As described in the Housing Element, the 2000 Orange County Progress Report indicates that the ultimate residential capacity within the City is 41,782 dwelling units within the 1999 City limits. The recently annexed areas of Newport Ridge and Newport Coast will have an ultimate residential build -out of 5,150 units. With the annexations of Bay Knolls and Santa Ana Heights in 2002 and the proposed annexation of Area 7 and, Emerson in the near future, the ultimate residential capacity within the City will also subsequently be changed. As housing costs continue to rise in the future, an increasing number of units may be occupied by unrelated persons who, share housing expenses. In addition, vacancy rates are anticipated to decline as a result of demand for housing and increased housing prices in Orange County. An overall vacancy rate of 10 percent through the year 2010 has been projected, which includes seasonal and migratory units not available for occupancy. Table 2.4-6 shows the 1980 to 2000 housing trends within the 1999 City limits. As shown, the total number of dwelling units is expected to be 39,320 in 2005. • 2.44 City of Newport Beach 2.4 Housing • Table 2.4.6 Housing Trends within the 1999 City Jurisdictional Boundaries Yu 'Total#ofUnds I SlagioNnilik 210 4 1 scrMore . Mo611a Hd'mes.' Occuled Units;' Percent VadehC'-PoMaadMHdukn 1980' 31,016 17,490 7,149 5,762 615 28.282 8.81% 2.297 1985" 32,843 19.78 5,836 7,052 877 29,605 9.86% 2.239 1990 34,861 20,767 5,355 7,792 947 30,860 11.48% 2.252 1995 35,598 20,776 5,637 8,238 947 31,512 11.48% 2,164 2000 37,567 21,747 5,743 9,130 947 33,255 11.48% 2.252 2005' 39,320 SOURCES: State Oepanmenl of Finance, Population Research Unit, 2000 • 1992 Housing Element, City of NeWd Beach •• Orange County Progress Report 2000 According to the 2004 Fiscal Impact Analysis and Model for the City, it is estimated that the total number of dwelling units in the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas will be approximately 4,826 by 2025. Housing Affordability According to the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the majority of for-sale/owner housing in the City's 1999 jurisdictional boundaries in 1990 was priced over $200,000 and the median value of housing in the City was $500,000. Data from the 1990 U.S. Census showed that for renters, 39 percent of households paying rent spent 30 percent or more of their income on rent. For • homeowners, 34 percent of households paying a mortgage spent 30 percent or more of their monthly income on mortgage payments. Currently, lenders are allowing households to pay between 29 percent and 35 percent of their gross income for housing. In its 1988 Regional Housing Needs Assessment, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) calculated that 4,431 lower -income households within the 1999 City limits paid more than 30 percent of their income for housing. According to SCAG estimates, 2,625 very low-income households and 1,806 low-income households paid more than 30 percent of their income for housing. In 1990, 2,583 very low-income and 4,071 low-income households,paid more than 30 percent of their income for housing. "Low Income" households are those households with annual incomes between 80 to 100 percent of the County median household income. "Very Low - Income" households are those households with annual incomes of 50 to 80 percent of the County median household income. In addition, higher -income households are also paying more than 30 percent of their income for housing. A higher allocation of income toward housing was perceived as justified because of investment qualities of housing in the City. Also, higher expenditures on housing may be justified when tax advantages are considered and incomes are expected to increase while housing expenses remain fixed. Housing Needs Also as discussed in the Housing Element, the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocates Newport Beach's share of housing units required to satisfy housing needs resulting from • projected growth in the region. To accommodate projected growth in the region, SCAG estimates the City, excluding the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas, needs to target its General Plan Technical Background Report 24-5 Chapter CommunityDevelopment housing unit production to accommodate 476 new housing units. The projected regional demand • for housing in Newport Beach, within its 1999 City limits, for 1998 to 2005 is shown in Table 2.4- 7. The total construction need of housing by income within the 1999 City limits is shown in Table 2.4-8. Table 2.4.7 Projected Regional Demand Within 1999 City Limits, 1998-2005 Housohofd Growth Net Wan Adunnent Demolldon Adoson'ent Total Construcdon Need 971 Units -669 units 174 units 476 units Source Soul wrn Cel bWaAssodatlon of Govommenis Table 2.4.9 Total Construction Need by Income Within 1999 City Limits, 1998-2005 VeryLoiv III 'ow Modaraii AhoVe Modaafe Total' 86 53 83 1 254 476 18% 11% 17% 53% 100°% Sofiner: SouUmmCalifomlaAssodat'anofGovernmenls The "special needs" population in Newport Beach most numerous and in need,of affordable housing is senior citizens (age 65 and older). Thirty-six percent of this population has a disability and a significant percentage live near or below the national poverty level. The City of Newport Beach has agreed to transfer a portion of the County's Regional Housing • Needs allocation to the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas, which were annexed to the City on January 1, 2002. The City will work with both the County of Orange and the Irvine Company, which approved and built the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge planned community,.respecdvely, to ensure that affordable housing commitments are satisfied. The total construction need by income for the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas for 1998 to 2005 is shown in Table 2.4-9. Table 2.4.9 Total Construction Need by Income —Newport Coast and Newport Ridge, 1998-2005 Ve Low Low Modvile -Aeovehlodente Total -1 65 — 850 945 Gomm Southem CaiWa Assoclatfan ofGovemments REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Housing Element. 2.4.6 Cilyof agodBeach C� Section 2.5 Economic Development • Chapter ,.. 'INFRASTRUCTURE 0 • • Section 3.2 Water System 3.2 Water System • 3.2 WATER SYSTEM This section discusses the existing potable water system in the Planning Area and provides information on recycled water. Additionally, applicable local and regional policies are described. Information for this section is based on the City's 1999 Water Master Plan, the City's 2000 Urban Water Management Plan, Irvine Ranch Water District's 2000 Water Resources Master Plan, and conversations with the service providers. EXISTING CONDITIONS Water service within the Planning Area is provided by the City, Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), and Mesa Consolidated Water District (Mesa). Figure 3.2-1 illustrates the service boundaries of each provider in the Planning Area. Water Infrastructure City of Newport Beach Generally, the City provides water service to the northwestern portion of the Planning Area encompassing approximately 13.5 square miles, as shown in Figure 3.2-1.' If the Banning Ranch area is annexed to the City, the City intends to provide service to this area. The City provides water service to nearly 75,600 people and various land uses. Through the existing • infrastructure totaling over 210 miles within the City's service area, water is delivered via transmission mains and distribution lines. F-isting water lines range from 1 to 36 inches, with the majority of the pipelines ranging from 8 to 12 inches in diameter. Transmission mains convey water to various sections of the distribution system and the distribution lines deliver water to local areas. In addition, the City's waster infrastructure includes five pump stations and 43 pressure reducing stations. The water distribution system is divided into five major pressure zones that serve elevations from sea level to 725 feet above sea level! The City operates four groundwater wells in Fountain Valley that have been in operation since 1997. Located in two areas known as the Dolphin Avenue and Tamura School sites, each site contains one shallow well and one deep well. Upon extraction, the water travels over 6 miles in 30- inch transmission mains, through the cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, and eventually into Newport Beach! From the wells, the groundwater is conveyed to the 16" Street Reservoir at the City's utilities yard, and then to different areas within the City's service boundaries.' Water Storage The City uses three water system storage reservoirs: Big Canyon Reservoir, Zone 4 Reservoir, and 16" Street Reservoir. The Big Canyon Reservoir, which is located in Corona del Mar and shown in Figure 3.2-1, is a distribution and storage concrete earthen dam reservoir that has a capacity of approximately 196 million gallons (MG) and a maximum water surface elevation of 302 feet. 'Newport Beach, City of. 1999. WaterManerPlan. ' Newport Beach, Cityof. 1999. Water Master Plan. • ' Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Urban Water Management Plan. 'Newport Beach, City of. 1999. Water Master Plan. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.24 Chapter 3 Infrastructure However, the City maintains this reservoir at an average level of about 286 feet, providing approximately 300 acre-feet (AF) (98 MG) of storage.' This reservoir is scheduled to receive a cover •, sometime in 2004. The Zone 4 Reservoir is a circular 1.5 MG below grade concrete tank that has a maximum elevation of 663 feet, located on Muir Beach Circle. The 166 Street Reservoir is a buried cast -in -place concrete tank that has a capacity of 1 MG, located at 951 West 16" Street. As discussed above, this reservoir serves as a holding tank for well water. In addition, the 3,000 AF San Joaquin Reservoir that is owned by the IRWD is located within Newport Beach. This reservoir was once an emergency storage tank for potable water, but is currently empty. The reservoir is to be converted for use as a reclaimed water storage facility in the near future"'' The City's capacity allocation in the San Joaquin Reservoir is 84:6 AF (27.6 MG). Fire FloWs As discussed in further detail in Section 4.1 (Fire Protection) of this TBR, the Newport Beach Fire Department is responsible for fire suppression within the City. However, the Fire Department relies on the area's infrastructure, including the adequacy of nearby water supplies to suppress fire. Thus, the City has adopted the section of the 2001 California Fire Code that lists the minimum required fire flow and flow duration for buildings of different floor areas and construction types (Appendix III -A of the Fire Cade.) Fire flow is the flow rate of water supply (measured in gallons per minute) available for fire fighting measured at 20 pounds per square inch (psi) residual pressure, Available fire flow is the total water flow available at the fire hydrants, also measured in gpm. Consistent with the California Fire Code, the Section 9.04.450 of the City's Municipal Code indicates that in buildings fitted with approved internal automatic sprinkler systems, the minimum required fire flow for that structure may be reduced by up to 50 percent, as approved by the Fire Chief, but the resulting fire flow cannot be less than 1,500 gpm' • Irvine Ranch Water District The service area covered by IRWD is approximately 85,019 acres, or 133 square miles, in southern - central Orange County, which includes a portion of Newport Beach. IRWD is responsible for serving the southeastern portion of the Planning Area, which includes the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas, as shown in Figure 3.2-1. In addition, IRWD serves small portions along the northern boundary of the Planning Area, including the areas of Santa Ana Heights, Bonita Canyon, Bay Knolls, and Emerson. In total, IRWD serves approximately 9 square miles within the Planning Area, which accounts for approximately 7 percent of IRWD's total service boundaries. IRWD is a multiservice agency that provides potable and nonpotable water and wastewater services (as further discussed in. Section 3.3 of this document) to a population of approximately 266,000. Sixteen operational wells in the Dyer Road Well Field (DRWF), located in the City of Santa Ana, provide the only source of potable groundwater for IRWD. These wells, ranging from 400 to 1,200 feet in depth, extract water from the Orange County Groundwater Basin. The DRWF supply is conveyed to the IRWD distribution system via a 54-inch-diameter transmission main located in Dyer Road (Barranca Parkway in the City of Irvine). The additional IRWD water supply is,provided by imported treated water, primarily from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), through two major transmission pipelines. The existing nonpotable water system consists 'Newport Bach, City of 1999. WaterMarrer Plan. 'Deutsch, Tim. 2003. Personal commurdcadon with Udlitim Department, City ofNewporrBach, 3 December. 'Irvine Ranch Water District. 2004. Personal communication with PublicAffairs Office, 8 March. • ' Irvine Ranch WaterDistrict. 2003. Water &ourres Mauagenrun Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. 3.2.2 City of Newport Beech CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 3.2-1 WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICE AREAS -- CltyBoundary Water infrastructure Water Providers City of Newport Beach Irvine Ranch Water District Mesa Consolidated Water District Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets *Note: Water Infrastructure data for Irvne Ranch Water District not avallable. Note. GIS Q<4 0 20M 4W0 �t 0 0.5 MS Source: CMy of Ne.Wod Beach, WWW WM my 2003. CN Bw orv, May 2003: Blurt, May 2003. Cw"W, May 2003, US Genius kue u. OMrer CRY Bov0atl s, 2D00. MI, Major Roads, FgoN 2002: aW SIP Assocb . GIS N.Wom, November 14, 20W PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV/MGH Date: 1 /28/04 3.2 Water System • of two subsystems: (1) a reclaimed water system that delivers reclaimed water, supplemental and untreated water, and limited nonpotable groundwater and (2) an untreated water system that delivers imported untreated water and local runoff via the Irvine Lake Pipeline to supplement the reclaimed water system. Existing water mains throughout the Planning Area range in size from 8 to 24 inches in diameter? Water Storage IRWD divides potable water system storage into four categories: operational storage, fire flow storage, seasonal storage, and emergency storage. Operational and fire storage, and in some cases emergency storage are typically provided in local storage facilities (tanks). Seasonal and emergency storage are closely aligned with source of supply issues and are provided through seasonal use of the groundwater basin. Nonpotable storage includes the operational and seasonal storage categories, with operational storage typically being provided in tanks and seasonal storage in large open reservoirs.10 Within the IRWD service boundaries, three existing tanks provide potable water storage to the Planning Area in three water pressure service zones with the following existing capacities: (1) Coastal Zone 2 (2 MG); (2) Coastal Zone 4 (6.5 MG); and (3) Coastal Zone 6 (2.6 MG). In addition, IRWD has three existing tanks that provide nonpotable water storage within the Planning Area including the San Joaquin Reservoir as shown in Figure 3.2-1, Coastal Zone D, and Coastal Zone G. Operated by MWD, the total existing capacity of the San Joaquin Reservoir is approximately 3,000 AF. Coastal Zone D has an existing capacity of 5 MG and Coastal Zone G has an existing capacity of 2.5 MG. • Fire Protection Water Currently, in the IRWD, public fire protection water is provided through unmetered connections to the potable water system (i.e., fire hydrants and fire line connections). Although previously requested by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), public fire protection connections to the nonpotable water system as secondary sources have not been approved by the California Department of Health Services (CDHS). IRWD provides water for private fire protection via on -site or on -property water lines, which typically serve private fire hydrants and automatic building fire sprinkler systems." Mesa Consolidated Water District Mesa serves a small portion of the western boundary of the Planning Area, which includes the area directly north of Banning Ranch as well as the area east of Newport Shores to Superior Avenue for a service area of approximately less than one-half square mile. The total service area covered by Mesa includes approximately 18 square miles, which includes Costa Mesa, part of Newport Beach, and the John Wayne Airport. The area served by Mesa within the Planning Area accounts for approximately one percent of Mesa°s total service boundaries. 'Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. Water Resource.' ManagemmtP/an. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. • 1D Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. WataRerources Management Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. " Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. Water Resources Management Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-5 Chapter 3 Infrastructure Water Treatment and Drinking Water Quality City of Newport Beach The drinking water supply for the City is a blend of mostly groundwater from the Orange County groundwater basin and also surface water imported by MWD. MWD imported water source is mostly the Colorado River, with augmentation by the State Water Project from Northern California. The groundwater comes from a natural underground reservoir managed by the Orange County Water District that generally stretches from the Prado Dam and fans across the northwestern portion of Orange County. The City's imported surface water supply is treated at either one of two treatment plants: (1) the MWD Diemer Filtration Plant, located in Yorba Linda; or (2) MWD's Weymouth Filtration Plant, which is located in the San Gabriel Valley. Typically, the Diemer Filtration Plant receives a.blend of Colorado River water from Lake Matthews through the MWD lower feeder and State Water Project water through the Yorba Linda Feeder. The blend ratio between the two sources varies from year to year.12 Treatment capacity at the Diemer Filtration Plant is approximately 520 MGD, with existing average winter flows at approximately 140 MGD, increasing to approximately 375 MGD in the summer. Thus, during the winter the plant operates at approximately 27 percent capacity, during the summer at approximately 72 percent capacity. Similar to the Diemer Plant, the treatment capacity at the Weymouth Filtration Plant is approximately 520 MGD. Existing average winter flows are approximately 220 MGD, and existing summer flows are approximately 340 MGD. Therefore, the Weymouth Filtration Plant operates at approximately 42 percent during the winter, and at approximately 65 percent during the summer.14 Currently, the City's groundwater supply is treated at the City's Utility Yard, located at 949 W. 16'" Street, and consists of five pumps and two chamber reservoirs that can, accommodate up to 1.5 MG each. The groundwater is blended with surface water and treated with sodium hypochlorite (the equivalent of household bleach), which is a typical application to achieve a potable water supply, before eventually being pumped through the water distribution system. In addition, the City is currently in the process of building an additional water treatment facility, located at 3300 Pacific View Drive, which would have the same treatment capacity as the existing facility. This new treatment facility is anticipated to be functioning by 2005. s According to the City's 2003 Water Quality Report, typical sources for contaminants that are found in MWD treated surface water include the erosion of natural deposits, agricultural runoff and sewage, runoff or leaching from natural deposits, decay of man-made or natural deposits, and rocket fuel that had been discharged into the Colorado River. In addition, according to the City's 2003 Water Quality Report, drinking water may be reasonably expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. This occurs because water traveling over the land surface or through the layers of the ground may dissolve naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and could pick up substances resulting from the • • "Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. Water Reronrra Management Plan, 4-8. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. Trask, Willy. 2004. Personal communication with Metropolitan Water District, Water Quality Division, 9 January. 'tTrask, Willy. 2004. Personal communication with Metropolitan WaterDistrict, Water Quality Division, 9 January. • n Deutsch, Tim. 2004. Personal communication with Public Works Department, City of Newport Beach, 14 January. 3.2-6 City of Newpott Beach 3.2 Water System isfollowing: of human or animal activity. Contaminants that may be present in source water include the following: ■ Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife, ■ Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban storm runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining and farming, M Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production or mining activities, ■ Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses, ■ Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, can also come from gasoline stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. The presence of contaminants, however, does not necessarily mean that the water would be a health risk for most people,' as their concentrations may fall below their respective maximum contaminant level (MCL) that is allowed by the EPA. Some of the potential microbial and chemical contaminants are described below. Crvotosporidium . Cryptosporidium is a microscopic organism that, when ingested, can cause diarrhea, fever, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. The organism comes from animal and/or human wastes and may be in surface water. MWD did not detect Cryptosporidium in its water. If Cryptosporidium is ever detected in the City's surface waters, it would be eliminated by an effective treatment combination including sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Trihalomethanes (THMs) Trihalomethanes (THMs) are chemical byproducts of disinfecting drinking water. THMs are a group of four chemicals that are formed when chlorine reacts with naturally occurring organic and inorganic matter in water. The trihalomethanes are chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform. The maximum amount of total THMs allowed in drinking water is regulated by the U.S. EPA, which set a maximum annual average limit in drinking water of 100 parts per billion in 1979. Effective in January 2002, the Stage 1 Disinfectants / Disinfection Byproducts Rule revises the total THM maximum annual average level at 80 parts per billion. The City's drinking water complies with the Stage 1 Disinfectants / Disinfection Byproducts Rule. EPA is currently crafting a Stage 2 regulation that will further reduce allowable levels in drinking water. • " Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Water Quality Report. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-7 Chapter 3 Infrastructure 1.4-Dioxane • 114-dioxane is a new chemical contaminant primarily used as an industrial stabilizer to enhance performance of solvents in many manufacturing processes. It is found in foods (shrimp, chicken, tomatoes, etc) and food additives and ordinary household products (cosmetics, deodorants, and shampoos). The EPA has classified 1,4-dioxane as a probable human carcinogen. Due to limited data on health effects, there is no Federal or State drinking water standard or maximum contaminant level (MCL). CDHS has established an Action Level of 3 parts per billion (3 ppb) for 1,4-dioxane. CDHS also recommends that drinking water sources with 1,4-dioxane in excess of 300 ppb be removed from service. The City of Newport Beach's wells have been tested for 1,4-dioxane. Concentrations found in four wells ranged from nondetect to 12.7 ppb. All levels were well below the DHS's recommended level of 300 ppb to remove ,from service. CDHS does not recommend treatment or removal of wells from service at these levels. The presence of 1,4-dioxane in the groundwater may have originated from the seawater injection barrier, which uses recycled water. An industrial discharger was identified as the principal source in the recycled water. This source was eliminated and an additional advanced oxidation treatment step was added to remove 1,4-dioxane from future injection water. .Lead Infants and young children typically are more vulnerable to lead in drinking water than the general population. Depending on the materials used in plumbing, the lead levels may vary at different homes. Chlorine Chlorine, a product most often used as a disinfectant by swimming pools, drinking water, and • wastewater facilities, is considered to be a prevalent hazardous substance." Chlorine is typically found in the form of a colorless to amber -colored liquid, or as a greenish- yellow gas with a characteristic odor. In terms of chlorine gas, it is heavier than .air and therefore stays close to the ground, where it can impact individuals. Exposure to chlorine gas generally impacts the respirator system, with cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and burning sensation in the throat. ° Respiratory distress from chlorine can occur at even low concentrations of less than 20 parts per million (ppm). At -high concentrations (> 800 ppm), chlorine gas is lethal. Irvine Ranch Water District Similar to the City's surface water treatment process, the majority of IRWD's imported potable water is supplied from a single source, the MWD Diemer Filtration Plant, located north of Yorba Linda. In addition to Diemer-treated imported water, IRWD also receives potable water from MWD's Weymouth Filtration Plant via the Orange'County Feeder." As discussed previously, the Diemer Filtration Plant currently operates at approximately 27 percent capacity during the winter and at approximately 72 percent capacity during the summer, while the Weymouth Filtration Plant operates of approximately 42 percent during the winter and at approximately 65 percent during, the summer. "Newport Bach, City of. 2003. HarardsAueument Study. "Newport Bach, City of. 2003. HazardsAueumeutStudy. "Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. Water Rerottrce MauagauentPGm, 4-8. Adopted 2000, mostrecendy updated in 2003. '0 Truk, Willy. 2004. Personal mmmuniationwith MetropolitanVater District, Water Quality Division, 9 January. 3.2.8 City of Newpott Beach 3.2 Water System • Local groundwater undergoes disinfection at IRWD purification facilities before it is provided to customers. An Annual Water Quality Report is distributed by IRWD to customers each April, providing water testing results and information about water quality. Currently, the drinking water provided by IRWD meets and exceeds all quality standards set by both the State and Federal government 21 Mesa Consolidated Water District For purposes of this analysis, since Mesa provides potable water service to a nominal portion of the Planning Area, water treatment and drinking water quality information was not obtained from the service provider. Water Supply and Demand • City of Newport Beach Domestic water for the Planning Area is supplied by both groundwater and imported surface water sources, as previously discussed. Currently, 75 percent of the water supplied by the City's service area is supplied by groundwater from .the Orange County Groundwater Basin, and the remaining 25 percent of water supply is provided by MWD, which delivers water imported from the Colorado River and State Water Project. The groundwater supply for the City's water system is extracted from two well sites, as discussed above, established in Fountain Valley.' The historic water demand in the City's service area is shown in Table 3.2-1, which is obtained from the City's 2000 Urban Water Management Plan. Table 3.2.1 Historic Water Use in the City of Newport Beach Service Areal999-99 2009- , zaol- 2092- 1990 1991 1 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1996- 19W 2001 2002 2003 Demand 19,012 16,901 17,245 17,522 17,264 17,842 19,139 16,429 18.157 19,405 18,540 %136 18,049 (AF) SOURCE: City of Newport Beach, Urban WalerManagemenl Plan, 2000, Table 2-2 Projected water supply and demand for the City of Newport Beach are provided in Table 3.2-2. The City's 2000 Urban Water Management Plan projects water demands in five-year increments up to the year 2020. The future supply projection assumes that the City will continue to produce groundwater and purchase local water. Currently, the City purchases imported water from the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) through MWD. According to MWDOC and MWD's 2000 Regional Urban Water Management Plans, MWD can meet 100 percent of the City's imported water needs until the year 2010. Beyond that, improvements associated with the State Water Project supply, additional local projects, conservation, and additional water transfers would be needed to adequately serve the City. OCWD, which provides the groundwater supply to the City, projects that there would be sufficient groundwater supplies to meet any future demand requirements in Newport Beach. As such, the future water supply projection in Table 3.2-2 is based on implementation of • " Irvine Ranch Water District. January 2004. Website: w.imd.com/WaterQuality/WaterQuality.html "Newport Beach, City of 1999. WawMaswPlan. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-9 Chapter 3 Infrastructure City conservation programs, additional recycled water becoming available, additional production of • groundwater, and the MWDOC efforts to reduce the City's dependence on imported water supplies from MWD. Table 3.2.2 Projected Water Supply and Demand (AFY) WaterSupplySourcas 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Purchased from MWDOC 4690 5250 5275 5300 5325 Groundwater 14125 15800 15850 15900 15950 Recyded Water 420 350 350 350 350 Supply Totals 19235 21400 21475 21550 21625 Demand Totals 19235 21400 21475 21550 21625 Scutt= GlyofNewport Beach, Urban WaterManagement Plan, 2000, Table 6.1, page 19 Table 3.2-3 below includes demands and supplies during a single dry year (2010) and multiple dry water years (2001, 2002, 2003), Table 3.2.3 Supply Reliability 11fulf/pleftwafarydars Source ' AvengeMortnuWePor Year2000 plume Slogle Dry Water Yer alums Yeu I(Volume)' 2001 Yean2(Volumq) 2002 Yend(Volume) 2002 Groundwater 14,125 15,255 16,475 17,793 19,217 Imported Water 4,690 5,065 5,470 5,908 6,381 Recycled Water 420 454 480 529 571 Total Estimated Demands 19,235 20,774 22,436 24.231 26,169 Total Proleded Supplies 19,235 20,774 22.436 24.231 26,169 Source GtyofNewport Bomb, Urban Water ManagemenlPlan, 2000,Table6.2pace 20 UnitorMeasuraWlYear Since the City's entire potable water demand is met with imported and local water supplies, the City is highly dependent on OCWD and MWD to meet its needs during dry years. However, MWD does not anticipate any shortages in the dry -year scenarios analyzed, and in addition, Table 3.2-3 indicates that in average precipitation years, the City would have sufficient water to meet its customers' needs through 2020. Irvine Ranch Water District Approximately 50 percent of IRWD's current water supply is purchased from MWD, with the remaining 50 percent coming from local groundwater wells. Until 1979, IRWD received all of its water from imported sources. IRWD began developing a series of local wells called the Dyer Road VPellfield Project in 1979 Q3 In general, areas in southern -central Orange County served by the IRWD receive groundwater from mid -April through mid -October and imported water from mid - October through mid -April." "Irvine Ranch Water District. January2004. Website: www.imd.com/Water(Zuality[WaterSou=.htnd. Irvine Ranch Water District. January 2004, Website: www.irwd.com/WaterOuality/WaterSources.html • 3.2.10 City of Newport Beech 3.2 Water System Historical water demands for IRWD's total service area are presented below in Table 3.2-4, as • . presented in the IRWD's Water Resources Master Plan. As discussed previously, the area served within the Planning Area represents approximately seven percent of IRWD's total service area. With the exception of the drought years in the early 1990's, water use showed a slow upward trend, due to growth in water use by residential, commercial, and industrial users. Table 3.2.4 IRWD Historical Water Demand 1981.1982 1984.1985 . ,19894990, 1994.1995 .1999.2000 2000.2001 Demand (AF) 61,070 65,550 77,850 61,870 88,860 86,550 SOURCE: Irvine Ranch Water District Water Resources Master Plan, adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003, Figure ES-1 Table 3.2-5 illustrates the future water demands by system for IRWD's service area within the Planning Area, including a small portion of the City of Costa Mesa. Table 3.2.5 IRWD Future Water Demands for the Planning Area (AFlyr) 2000 2005'1 2010 '2015" . 2020 2025' Potable Water Demands Reclaimed Water Demands 4,876 1,427 5,616 1,997 5,848 2,179 6,081 2,360 6,313 2,541 6,313 2,541 Total Demand 6,303 7,613 8,027 8,441 8,854 8,854 SOURCE: Irvine Ranch Water District, Water Resources Master Plan, adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003, Table 34 and Table 3.5. • Both trbated and clear groundwater supplies are expected to be a significant source of potable water supply in the future. As shown below in Table 3.2-6, the majority of demand will be supplied from either MWD or the clear groundwater production for IRWD's entire service area. As discussed previously, the area served within the Planning Area represents approximately seven percent of IRWD's total service area. In addition, as discussed in the Water Resources Master Plan, MWD water will be required for supplemental supply as well as peak and emergency conditions. Secure, potable water supplies are required to meet (1) maximum day demands under normal operating conditions, and (2) to meet maximum month demands under worst -case, short-term supply outage scenarios. Under normal operating conditions, the IRWD's Water Resources Management Plan indicates that there would be an adequate water supply to meet average and maximum day future demand through their ultimate planning period of 2025 29 In drought or source outage (emergency) conditions where IRWD supply sources are insufficient to meet demand, MWD will allow IRWD and other member agencies to take flows in excess of allotted capacity per the 1994 Allen-McColloch Pipeline (AMP) Purchase Agreement. This additional capacity from the AMP would allow IRWD to meet maximum month demands under all supply outages except for two scenarios: (1) a Diemer Filtration Plant outage or (2) a DRWF outage. Under a Diemer Filtration Plant outage, MWD imported supplies through AMP and East Orange County Feeder #2, IRWD's 2"d and 3rd largest supply sources, would not be available. Similarly, a DRWF pipeline outage would eliminate IRWD's single largest source of supply. Under either 0 "Irvine Ranch Water District, 2003. Water Reuourcer Management Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-11 Chapter 3 Infrastructure outage scenario, IRWD would be unable to meet maximum month demands in any year through • 2025 zs Table 3.2.6 Projected Annual Potable Water Demand and Supply under Normal Operating Conditions (AFlyr) _ 2001 2005 20f0 2015 20201 2025 - DEMAND 60,717 68,544 76.660 1 81,866 86,374 90,506 SUPPLY CLEAR GROUNDWATER Dyer Road Well Fleld 20,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,OD0 Wne,Sutrbasin Wells 0 4,800 4,800 4,6D0 4,800 4,800 Subtotal 1 20,000 32,800 32,800 32,800 32,800 32,800 TREATED GROUNDWATER DATS Water 0 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,2D0 Wells 51, 52, & 53 0 0 7,200 7,2D0 7,200 7,200 _ Wells 21 &22 0 0 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Irvine Desalter Project 0 5,568 5,566 5,568 5,568 5.668 Subtotal 0 IZ768 25,488 25,468 25,468 25,468 MWO TREATED WATER Allen-McCoiloch Pipeline 9,695 6,631 5,251 6,826 8,244 9,573 EOCF#2 21,122 14,446 11,440 14,872 17,961 20,855 Orange County Feeder 1,900 1.900 1,900 1,900 1,9D0 1,900 Subtotal 32,717 22,976 18,592 23,598 28,106 32,328 Total Supply 60,717 68,544 76,860 81,866 86,374 9096 Source: IMne Ranch Water Disum, Water Resources MaslerPlan, adopted 20D0, most recently updated In 2003, Table 4.11. Mesa Consolidated Water District On an annual basis, Mesa delivers approximately 8 billion gallons (24,500 AF) of water to various users." Approximately 75 percent of Mesa's water is provided by local groundwater pumped from Orange County's natural groundwater basin via nine wells. Similar to the City's service, the remaining 25 percent of Mesas water is imported water from MWD, which delivers water imported from the Colorado River and State Water Pro�ect. At various times of the year, Mesa will supplement its groundwater with imported water.' As discussed previously, the area served within the Planning Area represents approximately one percent of Mesa's total service area. Thus, information regarding water demand and use was not obtained. • "Irvine Ranch Water District, 2003. lVaterRaortrcaMattagetnettt Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. ' Mesa Consolidated Water District. 2003. 1Trater Quality Report. • " Mesa Consolidated Water District. 2003. Water Quality Report. 3.2-12 City of Newport Beach 3.2 Water System • Wafer Conservation City of Newport Beach In an effort to effectively manage current water resources, the City's service area participates in regional water management programs that assist in the development of resource mixes that balance water supply sources and meet future local and regional water requirements. In addition to participating in local and regional water management programs, the City also focuses on demand management efforts that promote efficient water use through conservation programs" Currently, the City of Newport Beach participates in a Countywide Low Flush Toilet Retrofit and Rebate Program, which allows City homeowners the opportunity to replace their existing five to six gallon flush toilets with the newer 1.6 gallons per flush toilets. The rebate program provides up to $50.00 per toilet. Additionally, city customer service and field personnel also periodically investigate water waste inquiries by performing reviews and audits of properties that experience leaks, in an effort to locate and repair leaks. To promote the effective management of imported and local water supplies, the City's service area participates in MWD's and OCWD's Conjunctive Use Programs 30 These programs help level out the extreme high summer and low winter demands on the import system by using imported water more effectively throughout the year. In particular, OCWD provides financial incentives to promote participation in this program and to encourage the construction of additional groundwater facilities. MWD's Long Term Seasonal Storage Program (SSP) is a conjunctive use program devoted to groundwater management, and encourages agencies such as Newport Beach to purchase import water from MWD at a reduced rate, with additional participation from OCWD. In turn, the • discounted water from MWD would encourage retail agency members to develop local facilities for storing excess winter flows for subsequent use during low -flow, high -demand summer months. Terms of the SSP require local agencies to store the water, either directly in surface reservoirs and aquifers or indirectly by using the water in -lieu of existing groundwater pumping. Currently, the City uses the Big Canyon Reservoir to provide both emergency and peak -use water storage, the latter of which allows the City to use water in -lieu of groundwater from its wells. Furthermore, the City implements urban water conservation practices throughout its service area, or Best Management Practices (BMPs), as included in the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Urban Water Conservation in California (MOLD to ensure a reliable future water supply. Although the City is not a signatory to the MOU, the City participates in regional programs through the MWDOC. Table 3.2-7 provides an overview of the City's progress in the implementation of the current BMPs. • 39 Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Urban Water Management Plan. 30 Newport Beach, Cityof. 2000. Urban Water Management Plan. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-13 Chapter 3Infrastructure • ! Table 3.2.7 Best Management Practices BMPB Beaerl aoe Newporrs Corfaerallan Pro 'ma Cam liana, 1 Residential Surveys Residential Survey Program Yes 2 Residential Plumbing Retrofit Showerhead Distribution Yes 3 Distribution Water Audits Yes 4 Metering with Commodity Rates Yes 5 Large Landscape Programs and Incentives Working with City staff on landscape training Protector Del Ague Yes 6 High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebates Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Program recently began In area Yes Newsletter/Bill InserlslHandouts Web page access to information 7 Public Information Program Water Conservation Literature Yes Water Awareness Month Celebration Water Facility Tour Water Education Material 8 School Education Programs MWDOC Education Programs Yes Poster/Slogan Program g Commercial, Industrial & Institutional (CII) No Program in plan No WalerConservation 10 Wholesale Agency Assistance Program Not Applicable WA 11 Conservation Pricing Flat rate —Looking at possible tiered rate No 12 Water Conservation Coordinator One•hellposition Yes 13 WaterWaste Prohibition Ordinance In place with water waste restrictions Yes 14 Residential ULFT Replacement Program Residential Ultra -Low Flush Toilet (ULF 0 Replacement Program Yes • Souace OtyofNewport Beach, Urban Water ManagemenlPlan, 2000, Table 7-1, page 22. Irvine Ranch Water District Similar to the City, IRWD focuses on efforts that promote efficient water use through conservation programs, such as the Low Flush Toilet Program. In addition,'IRWD has an ascending block rate structure, which means that the rate structure rewards conservation and penalizes water waste. Residential water allocations are based upon the,number' of residents in the home and the landscape square footage. Customers can accrue penalties on their water bill if their water use exceeds their water allocation. In addition, IRWD lists residential conservation tips on their website in an effort to reduce water waste. Mesa Consolidated Water District Mesa regularly implements programs for leak detection, water meter testing and replacement, residential conservation, surveys, and pump efficiency. Mesa participates in water education:programs and sponsors school water conservation projects. In addition, Mesa participates in a variety of water conservation programs including an Ultra -Low Flush Toilet rebate program, a Home Water Use Efficiency program, and also offers Residential Water Efficient Landscape classes. Further, Mesa works with local cities and communities to create water policies, which promote water conservation. • 3.2-14 City of Newport Beach 3.2 Water System • Recycled Water City of Newport Beach In 1999, the City began providing recycled water to their service area, provided by the OCWD from Fountain Valley as part of the District's Green Acres Project. The City annually purchases between 300 and 800 AF, or approximately 98 to 261 MG, of recycled water. The OCWD produces approximately 7.5 million gallons per day of tertiary treated, disinfected recycled water.31 According to the City's 2000 Urban Management Plan, the City has approximately 10 miles of recycled distribution pipeline that currently supplies eight recycled use sites, among which includes the Newport Beach Country Club and Big Canyon Country Club. The City has identified and approached all cost-effective end users in the City that could potentially use recycled water. According to the City's 2000 Urban Water Management Plan, the City has maximized opportunities for end users of recycled water and could only increase the number of users if a neighboring agency provided the reclaimed water and wheeled it to the City. However, in most areas, the cost to install mains and services would make the conversion very expensive or cost prohibitive. The City currently serves approximately 1,200 AF per year (AFI) of irrigation demand using potable water. However, in most cases these demands are located a long distance from the existing recycled system such that it is not cost effective to construct additional connections to the system. To encourage and optimize the use of recycled water in the City's service area, a combination of financial incentives, city policies, staff assistance, and training opportunities have been implemented. • The City currently subsidizes the use of recycled water by giving recycled users a 20 percent discount off potable water rates. It is also a policy of the City for recycled water to be used within the jurisdiction wherever its use is economically justified, financially and technically feasible, and consistent with legal requirements, preservation of public health, safety and welfare, and the environment. In addition, the City also has a Cross Control Connection Specialist who reviews on - site irrigation systems to verify that no cross connections have occurred between the potable and recycled water systems. Although no formalized training is provided to the end users of recycled water within the City due to the minimal amount of these users, the City's Cross Control Connection Specialist is available to provide hands-on training on an individualized basis and provide daily support as needed. In turn, the City provides annual training to the Cross Control Connection Specialist to ensure that current regulations and policies are being implemented in Newport Beach. Irvine Ranch Water District Currently, reclaimed water makes up 20 percent of IRWD's total water supply. The reclaimed water is delivered through a completely separate distribution system that includes more than 245 miles of pipeline, eight storage reservoirs, and twelve pump stations throughout IRWD's entire service area. Reclaimed water is currently used for toilet flushing in select facilities, approximately 1,000 acres of fields and orchards, and is also used to irrigate landscapes including parks, schools, golf courses, streetscapes, and open space managed by many community associations. In addition, many water features such as fountains are filled with reclaimed water. The IRWD recycled water program is • "Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Urban WaterManagement Plan General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-15 Chapter 3 Infrastructure supervised by the California Department of Health Services and the Orange County Health • Agency." Mesa Consolidated Water District At the time of preparation of this section, limited information was available regarding Mesa's recycled water program. However, it is known that Mesa encourages commercial and industrial customers to use reclaimed water for greenbelt areas " REGULATORY CONTEXT Federal Regulations Clean Water Act The Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes regulatory requirements for potable water supplies including raw and treated water quality criteria. The City of Newport Beach would be required to monitor water quality and conform to the regulatory requirements of the CWA. Safe Drinking Water Act The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established standards for contaminants in drinking water supplies. Maximum contaminant levels or treatment techniques were established for each of the contaminants. The listed contaminants include metals, nitrates, asbestos, total dissolved solids, and,microbes. • State Regulations Safe Drinking Water Act (1976) California enacted its own Safe Drinking Water Act. CDHS has been granted primary enforcement responsibility for the SDWA. Title 22 of the California Administrative Code establishes CDHS authority and stipulates drinking water quality and monitoring standards. These standards are equal to or more stringent than the Federal standards. Recycled Water Regulations Within the State of California, recycled water is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the State Water Resources Control Board, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and DHS. The State Water Resources Control Board has adopted Resolution No. 77-1, Policy with Respect to Water Reclamation in California. This policy states that the State Board and Regional Boards will encourage and consider or recommend for funding water reclamation projects that do not impair water rights or beneficial instream uses. The CDHS establishes the recycled water uses allowed in the State, and designates the level of treatment (i.e., undisinfected secondary, disinfected secondary, or disinfected tertiary) required for each of these designated, uses (Title 22, California Code of Regulations). "Irvine Ranch Water District, Website: http://www.irwcLcom/Recimation/Rccl=ation.html, accessed on January27, 2004. • "Mesa Consolidated Water District, Websitc http://www.mesawatcr.orgih=Uncw_cwtomer.htrn, accessed on January27,2004. 3.2-16 City of Newport Beach 3.2 Water System • The Regional Water Quality Control Boards implement the State Board's Guidelines for Regulation of Water Reclamation and issue waste discharge permits that serve to regulate the quality of recycled water based on stringent water quality requirements. The State Department of Health Services develops policies protecting human health and comments and advises on Regional Water Quality Control Board permits. Title 22 The California Water Code requires the Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish water reclamation criteria. In 1975, the DHS prepared Title 22 to fulfill this requirement. Title 22 regulates production and use of reclaimed water in California by establishing three categories of reclaimed water: primary effluent, which typically includes grit removal and initial sedimentation or settling tanks; adequately disinfected, oxidized effluent (secondary effluent) which typically involves aeration and additional settling basins; and adequately disinfected, oxidized, coagulated, clarified, filtered effluent (tertiary effluent) which typically involves filtration and chlorination. In addition to defining reclaimed water uses, Title 22 also defines requirements for sampling and analysis of effluent and requires specific design requirements for facilities. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 14.16, Water Conservation, provides a mechanism for quickly imposing mandatory water conservation measures ranging from voluntary consumption reductions to measures that restrict • water usage to the minimum necessary for basic human health and sanitation. The mandatory restrictions on water use, the prohibitions of activities that waste water as well as the penalties and surcharges provided by this chapter are the minimum controls necessary to insure adequate supplies of water are available now and in the future. In addition, Chapter 14.17, Water -Efficient Landscaping, establishes reasonable procedures and standards for the design, installation, and maintenance of water -efficient landscapes in conjunction with new construction projects within the City to promote the conservation and efficient use of water within the City and prevent the waste of available water resources. 0 REFERENCES Deutsch, Tim. 2003. Personal communication with Utilities Department, City of Newport Beach, 3 December. Deutsch, Tim. 2004. Personal communication with Public Works Department, City of Newport Beach, 14 January. Irvine Ranch Water District. 2004. Website: www.irwd.com/WaterQuality[WaterSources.html, January. Irvine Ranch Water District. 2004. Website: www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/WaterQuality.html, January. • Irvine Ranch Water District. 2003. Water Resources Management Plan. Adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.2-17 Chapter 3Infrastructure Mesa Consolidated Water District. 2003. Water Quality Report. Newport Beach, City of. 1999. Water Master Plan. Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Urban Water Management Plan. Newport Beach, City of. 2003, Hazards Assessment Study, Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Water Quality Report. Trash, Willy. 2004. Personal communication with Metropolitan Water District, Water Quality Division, 9 January. • C_ 1 r� U 3.2-18 City of Newport Beach • • E 3.3 Wastewater System • 3.3 WASTEWATER SYSTEM This section describes the existing wastewater system in the Planning Area. Information for this section is based on the City's 1996 Master Plan of Sewers, Irvine Ranch Water District's Water Resources Master Plan, and conversations with the service providers. E EXISTING CONDITIONS Service Providers Wastewater service within the Planning Area is provided by the City, Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), and Costa Mesa Sanitation District (CMSD). Similar to the boundaries of the City's potable water system, the City generally provides sewer service to the northwestern portion of the Planning Area, including the areas of Banning Ranch and Newport Shores, for a total service area of approximately 13.5 square miles, as illustrated in Figure 3.3-1.' The IRWD boundaries encompass nearly 85,019 acres, or 133 square miles, in southern central Orange County. IRWD is responsible for serving the southeastern portion of the Planning Area, which includes the areas of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge. In addition, IRWD serves a contiguous portion of land that parallels SR 73 at the northern boundary of the Planning Area that includes the East Santa Ana Heights area. IRWD's service area within the Planning Area is approximately 8.5 square miles, accounting for approximately six percent of IRWD's total service boundaries. • The CMSD boundaries encompass all of the City of Costa Mesa and portions of Newport Beach and unincorporated Orange County for a total service area of approximately 19 square miles. CMSD serves small portions of the western boundary of the Planning Area, including the areas of Bay Knolls and Emerson, also shown in Figure 3.3-1. CMSD serves approximately less than one-half square mile within the Planning Area, which accounts for approximately two percent of CMSD's total service boundaries? Treatment System City of Newport Beach Wastewater from the City's system is treated by the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD). The OCSD is responsible for safely collecting, treating, and disposing the wastewater generated by 2.3 million people living in a 470-square-mile area of central and northwest Orange County. The two sewage water treatment plants operated by the OSCD include Treatment Plant No. 2 located in Huntington Beach, and Reclamation Plant No. I located in Fountain Valley. A majority of the City's sewage flow is pumped to the OCSD Plant No. 2, while flows from the portion of the City north of the Corona del Mar (73) Freeway are pumped to Plant No. I.' The OCSD Reclamation Plant No. 1 currently maintains a design capacity of 174 million gallons per day (mgd) and treats on average a flow of 90 mgd. Treatment Plant No. 2 maintains a design • ' City of Newport Beach, Master Plan of Sewers, 1996. ' Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Administration, Assistant Manager, personal communication, January 27, 2004. ' City of Newport Beach, Master Plan of Sewers, 1996. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.3.1 capacity of 276 mgd and currently treats on average a flow of 153 mgd. Currently Plant No.1 and Plant No. 2 are operating at 52 percent and 55 percent of design capacity, respectively.' The OCSD wastewater treatment plants are divided into several operating systems that work together. The major processes are preliminary treatment, primary treatment, anaerobic digestion, secondary treatment, and solids handlings Wastewater treated by the OCSD is discharged into the ocean through a 120-inch-diameter ocean outfall pipe that extends 5 miles offshore to a discharge point 180 feet below the ocean surface.' The treatment levels meet all current State and Federal requirements. OCSD also reclaims up to 10 million gallons of treated wastewater every day, which is sent for further processing and then used for landscape irrigation and for injection into the groundwater seawater intrusion barrier. Flows from the IRWD wastewater system are treated at the OCSD Reclamation Plant No.1, Treatment Plant No. 2, or at the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant located in Irvine. The nominal, dry weather treatment capacity of the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant is 18.0 mgd. In 2001, average effluent flow into the plant was 14 mgd, thus, operating at approximately 78 percent of design capacity.' Wastewater collected at the plant undergoes tertiary treatment, which is commonly defined as advanced cleaning that goes beyond the secondary or biological stage, removing nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and most biological oxygen demand and suspended solids. CMSD sewer lines are tributary to the OCSD treatment plants, and thus, similar to the City, wastewater from the CMSD system is treated by the OCSD ° See the above referenced discussion for additional information regarding the OCSD treatment system. of Newport The existing collection system for the City of Newport Beach consists of over 200 miles of gravity and force flow sewer mains, varying in size from 2 to 42 inches in diameter, also shown in Figure 3.3-1. Residential and commercial wastewater collected by the City's wastewater collection system is transported, using a. system of 20 pump stations, for treatment to the OCSD.' In addition, OCSD trunk sewers and force mains also receive sewage flows from Newport Beach sewers at many locations throughout the City.10 The OCSD trunksewers, which vary in size from 18 to 42 inches in diameter, substantially reduce the size and number of sewers needed to be built and operated by the City. The OCSD also operates seven pump stations in the City of Newport Beach as follows: ' City of Huntington Beach, Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse/Northeast Corner of Beach and Warner Project (http://www.ei.huntington-beach.mw/fiWusers/plmning/IV L,3—UTILS Semr.pdO, 2003, ! Orange County Sanitation District, Treating Wastewater, Webpage: http://www.oad.com/info/treating-'wastewater/deFault.op, 2004. 'City of Newport Beach, Urban Water Management Plan, 2000. ° Irvine Ranch Water District, Water Resources Master Plan., adopted 2090, most recently updated in 2003, p. 4.4. ' Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Sewer System Management Plan, July 19, 2002. ' City of Newport Beach, Draft Coastal Land Use Plan, 2003. 0 City of Newport Beach, Master Plan of Sewers,1996. City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 3.3-1 WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICE AREAS — City Boundary — Wastewater Infrastructure Wastewater Provider City of Newport Beach Costa Mesa Sanitation District Irvine Ranch Water District* Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets Note: Wastewater Infrastructure data for Irvine Ranch Water District not avallable. 0 2000 4000 Feet 0 0.5 1 Males Source: C" Newport Beach, wastewatw Brea, JW 2003, Cry Baundary, May 2003: BIUIL May 2003, GwMlw, May 2003, US Census Buteau, Orhar CBy B da . 2000; MI, Major Roads, r-ab� 2002: and RIP Assocbtes. GIS Pl gmm, November 2, 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV/MGH Date: 1 /21 /04 ,,' ESP 3.3 Wastewater System ■ Bitter Point Pump Station (Service Area DO) • ■ Lido Pump Station (Service Area FO) ■ 14" Street Pump Station (Service Area FO) ■ A Street Pump Station (Service Area FO) ■ Rocky Point Pump Station (Service Area GO) ■ Bay Bridge Pump Station (Service Area LO) ■ MacArthur Pump Station (Service Area MO) Irvine Ranch Water District The existing collection system for the IRWD sewer system consists of gravity and force flow sewer mains. The wastewater collected by the IRWD collection system from the Planning Area is delivered via a system of pump stations for treatment at the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant in Irvine, or the OCSD's Reclamation Plant No. 1 or No. 2." Costa Mesa Sanitation District The existing collection system for the CMSD sewer system consists of sewer mains, manholes, laterals, pumping stations and pressurized sewer lines (force mains).12 Maintenance • City of Newport Beach As a part of the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), which covers the City"s service area, the City's Utilities Department follows a defined Sewer Master Plan to replace or reline older wastewater lines." The City also uses remote cameras in sewer lines to look for pipe cracks, root intrusion, and grease buildup to assist in prioritizing the line replacement program. In addition, the City's Sewer Master Plan includes upgrades of its pump stations, including replacing pump stations with gravity systems where possible to prevent plumbing failures associated with pump stations, which can result in sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). The upgraded pump stations also include spill - warning systems with multiple communication methods (radio, telephone, pager, and direct line to the City's Utilities yard) to inform Utilities staff of any malfunction. Irvine Ranch Water District IRWD routinely monitors the wastewater that flows through its sewer system, watching for any illegal substances such as chemicals or improperly pre-treated industrial waste that could cause an upset of the delicate biological process used at the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant.t4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District Currently, the CMSD cleans the sewer system once a year, which is the industry standard for agencies with comprehensive sewer maintenance programs. Areas that need more frequent cleaning, " Michael Hoolihan; Irvine Ranch Water District, personal communication, December 17, 2003. • "Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Sewer System Management Plan, July 19, 2002. ° City of Newport Beach, Draft Coastal Land Use Plan, 2003. 14 Irvine Ranch Water District, website: http://www.imd.com:8090/mterquality/hmc.hrml, accessed January 27, 2004. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.3-5 Chapter 3 Infrastructure also known as hot spots, are cleaned as frequently as once a week. The CMSD has two sewer • cleaning trucks, each with a two -man crew that do the daily, cleaning of the gravity sewer lines. In addition, the CMSD has a pumping station maintenance program." Planned Improvements and Existing Deficiencies City of Newport Beach Based on information from the Master Plan of Sewers dated August 1996, portions of the City's existing collection system are in need of improvement or replacement. The Plan indicated that approximately 7,500 linear feet of sewers at four locations within the City would be Priority "A' design and construction work, and would be commenced within three years. In addition, approximately 3,100 linear feet of sewer on San Joaquin Hills Road and Marguerite was identified as Priority "B," with design and construction work to be undertaken within the next five to seven years. Priority "C" projects were also identified that wouldbe undertaken beyond seven years from the date of the Plan on an as -needed basis. The remaining sewer deficiencies within the City were further classified as Priority "D" projects, which would likely never be required despite their inability to meet strict theoretical -design capacity requirements. The City's pumping system was also reviewed and was generally found to have adequate capacity. However, some pump cycling problems were identified that required operational adjustments, In addition, problems were also identified associated with aging pumping mechanical works, controls, and structures. The Master Plan of Sewers indicated that pump station upgrades would be required for twenty-one of the City's twenty-four pump stations, and would be considered as Priority "A" projects. • The remaining sewer collection system deficiencies identified in the City by the Master Plan of Sewers are summarized below: ■ Approximately 9,500 linear feet of 8- and 10-inch-diameter unlined concrete sewers that need to be replaced ■ Approximately 6,300 linear feet of welded steel sewers that need to be replaced ■ Manhole replacement at nineteen locations to enable proper maintenance procedures to be followed, and manhole replacements at an additional twenty-eight sites where gaseous conditions have corroded interior unlined manhole surfaces ■ Approximately 1,000 feet of sewer with failed pipe joints that need to be repaired ■ Approximately 10,600 linear feet of sewer in need of tree root removal The Plan further recommended the implementation of a television inspection program that would involve video inspection of five to 10 percent of the sewage system per year, followed up by any required remedies. Irvine Ranch Water District Currently, there are no deficiencies or planned improvements for the existing wastewater system owned and operated by IRWD within the Planning Area." • 's Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Sewer System Management Plan, July 19, 2002. 3.3.6 CilyofNewpodBeach 33 Wastewater System • Costa Mesa Sanitary District The CMSD Sewer Master Plan Update contains a list of each project identified as necessary, to increase the capacity of portions of the system. Currently in CMSD's service area within the Planning Area, no improvements are required in the near future, and long-term improvements will be planned according to development and metered sewer flows." E REGULATORY SETTING Federal Regulations National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits The NPDES permit system was established in the Clean Water Act (CWA) to regulate both point source discharges (a municipal or industrial discharge at a specific location or pipe) and nonpoint source discharges (diffuse runoff of water from adjacent land uses) to surface waters of the United States. For point source discharges, such as sewer outfalls, each NPDES permit contains limits on allowable concentrations and mass emissions of pollutants contained in the discharge. Disposal of Biosolids Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 503, Title 23 California Code of Regulations, and standards established by the CVRWQCB regulate the disposal of biosolids. • ® REFERENCES City of Costa Mesa, Sewer System Management Plan, 2002. City of Huntington Beach, Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse/Northeast Corner of Beach and Warner Project EIR (http://www.ci.huntington-beach.ca.us/files/users/planning/IV L 3_ UTILS_Sewer.pdO, 2003. City of Newport Beach, Draft Coastal Land Use Plan, 2003. City of Newport Beach, Master Plan of Sewers, 1996. City of Newport Beach, Urban Water Management Plan, 2000. Michael Hoolihan, Irvine Ranch Water District, personal communication, December 17, 2003. Irvine Ranch Water District, Water Resources Master Plan., adopted 2000, most recently updated in 2003, p. 4-4. Irvine Ranch Water District, Webpage: http://www.irwd.com:8090/waterqualit)r/hmc.html, accessed January 27, 2004. • "Michael Hoolihan, Irvine Ranch Water District, personal communication, December 17, 2003. "Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Sewer System Management Plan, July 19, 2002, page 31. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.3-7 Chapter 3 Infrastructure Orange County Sanitation District, Treating Wastewater, Webpage: http://www.ocsd.com/info/treating_wastewater/default.asp, 2004. • • 0 3.3.8 City of Newport Beach 3.4 Storm Drainage • 3A STORM DRAINAGE This section discusses the storm drain systems within the Planning Area that are maintained by the City of Newport Beach and Orange County. Information for this section is based on the City of Newport Beach 2000 Storm Drain Master Plan, the City's 2003 Hazards Assessment Study, previous environmental documents that have been prepared for the Planning Area, and conversations with the providers. EXISTING CONDITIONS Generally, the City provides storm drain service to the entire Planning Area, including the areas of Emerson, Bay Knolls, and Santa Ana Heights, as well as the recently annexed areas of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge. Currently, Banning Ranch contains no development, but if annexed, the City intends to serve this area. Orange County maintains the regional drainage facilities in the Planning Area, including the Santa Ana River, San Diego Creek, and Buck Gully. City of Newport Beach The existing storm drain system owned and operated by the City of Newport Beach consists of pipelines, catch basins, manholes, tide valves, open channels and retention basins located throughout the system. Pipelines range from three to 120 inches in diameter, and are constructed of materials such as reinforced concrete, corrugated metal, plastic, ductile iron, steel, clay, and asbestos cement. Location of the existing storm drain infrastructure is shown in Figure 3.4-1. Some segments of the • system are over 50 years old, while other segments have been recently constructed.' The City of Newport Beach's storm drain system is characterized by two distinctly different geographical areas. The upland areas, generally inland of Coast Highway, have drainage characteristics similar to other coastal plain communities in Orange County. The low-lying areas, below Coast Highway, such as the Balboa Peninsula, Newport Island, and Balboa Island, are very flat and are affected by ocean tides? A system of bayfront bulkheads and tide valves (gates) on storm drain outlets to Newport Bay are in place to protect these low lying areas from flooding due to high tides. The City has installed 12- to 36-inch-diameter tide valves on eighty-five storm drain outlets to Newport Bay to prevent seawater from backing through the storm drain pipes during high tide events? Of the eighty-five tide valves, six are operated by an electric motor that open and close the valves while the remaining valves are manually operated. The valves must be closed when the tide elevation reaches street elevations at each installation. When the tidal elevation drops below street elevation, the gates are reopened. When rain occurs simultaneously with a high tide, stormwater cannot be released until the tide has dropped sufficiently to open the tide gates. As a result, urban runoff is in effect dammed by these tide valves and the low-lying streets in the City can become inundated. In order to minimize this problem, portable pumps are used to discharge urban runoff collected at street ends into the ocean. Overall, urban street flooding is rarely considered a problem in the City of Newport Beach.' 'Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Storm Drain Master Plan, July. • ' Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Storm Drain Master Plan, July. ' Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Storm Drain MasterPlan, July. " Newport Beach, City of. 2003. HazardsAeteument Study, July. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.4-1 Chapter 3 Infrastructure The City's storm drain system also includes three retarding basins. The Koll Center retarding basin • is located in north of SR 73, while the Farallon/El Pasco retarding basin is located between Avocado Street and MacArthur Boulevard, near Fashion Island. The Harbor View retarding basin is located between Corona del Mar and San Joaquin Hills Road. The purpose of these three retarding basins is to reduce the flow rate within the respective downstream storm drain systems so that older, possibly undersized, downstream .facilities will be able to carry the discharge from new development areas upstream 5 Existing Deficiencies and Proposed Upgrades Inspections of the City's drainage system and, in particular, problem areas where street flooding occurred during the 1997/98 El Nino winter storm season have been conducted, as outlined in the City's Storm Drain Master Plan. It is important to note that this plan does not evaluate the existing storm drain system in recently annexed areas such as Newport Coast, Newport Ridge, Bay Knolls, and Santa Ana Heights. The Master Plan also conducted hydrologic and hydraulic' analyses of the entire City to determine the necessary structural upgrades for the City's storm drain system. Upgrades were deemed necessary by the plan where a storm drain that collected runoff at on -grade catch basins overflowed during a 10-year storm event, while upgrades were necessary where storm drain pipes that carried runoff collected at a sump overflowed during a 25-year storm event. In addition, existing streets that could not contain the peak runoff during a 100-year storm event within their street right-of-way were also designated for structural upgrades by the plan. Most of the proposed upgrades recommended in the City's Storm Drain Master Plan are the result of increased imperviousness in drainage areas due to development since the design of the original system and the more conservative design criteria contained in the current Orange County Hydrology Manual. Three types of upgrades are proposed for the City's storm drain system: PriorityA, operational • upgrades; Priority B, material upgrades; and Priority C, Hydraulic Upgrades. Operational upgrades include projects that are assumed to be of the highest priority due to occasional flooding. Material upgrades consist of upgrades to the drainage systems with known physical constraints and identified drainage system deterioration. Lastly, the hydraulic upgrades include upgrades for drainage systems with calculated capacity that does not meet current Orange County Hydrology Manual criteria for design level storm events. The total estimated cost of the recommended improvements is approximately $18.5 million. Additionally,, according to the Master Plan, approximately 35,000 linear feet of the storm drain system and the street capacity at thirteen scattered locations within the City's service area required upgrades to their drainage and flow capabilities. In addition, approximately 24,000 feet of the storm drain system required upgrading due to their existing pipe size (less than 18 inches in diameter), pipe material (steel or corrugated metal pipe), and structures. Citywide inlet and structural improvements, located in the City's $ow -lying areas, are required. With respect to the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas that were annexed in 2002, any development that occurred or began prior to this time, was the responsibility of the County of Orange. Thus, those developments meet County regulations for adequate storm drain infrastructure, although any future improvements would be the responsibility of the City. In addition, any new development that occurred within these areas after annexation, are subject to City requirements. These new developments are planned communities where infrastructure was designed to adequately 'Newport Beach, City of 2000. Store Drain Minter Plan, July. • 3.4-2 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 3.4-1 STORM DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE City Boundary — Newport Beach Storm Drain Infrastructure Orange County Storm Drain Infrastructure Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets Noce: GS 0 2000 4000 Fear 0 0.5 Wes Source: Cfly of NaM,gt Bauch, Storm D h Wes, Jilt' 2W3, CMy Bour ry. May 2003; BARE, May 2W3, Counties, May 2003; US Census Bue u, Other City Boundaries, 2000, ESRI, Motor Hoods, Fe ory 2002; arfd EIP Nseodales, GIS Propam, NovBrnbar 14, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV/MGH Date: 1 /21 /04 EIP 3.4 Storm Drainage • serve these uses, and thus, do not have any existing deficiencies at this time.' As such, there are no proposed upgrades to the existing infrastructure in the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas. Orange County The Orange County Public Facilities & Resources Department (PFRD) provides, operates, and maintains public facilities and regional resources for the residents of Orange County. PFRD operates and maintains flood control channels, dams, retarding basins, pump stations, and other flood control infrastructure that the Department designs and constructs.' Specifically, within the Planning Area, PFRD is responsible for maintaining the regional drainage facilities such as the Santa Ana River, San Diego Creels, and Buck Gully. REGULATORY CONTEXT Federal Regulations NPDES Phase I (General Construction Activity Stormwater Permit) Phase I of the NPDES Program addresses stormwater runoff from "medium" and "large" municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) generally serving populations of 100,000 or greater; construction activities disturbing five acres of land or greater; and ten categories of industrial activities. With respect to the disturbance of five acres of land or greater from construction activities, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) issued one statewide General Construction • Activity Stormwater Permit (on August 20, 1992) to apply to all construction activities. Landowners are responsible for obtaining and complying with the permit, but may delegate specific duties to developers and contractors by mutual consent. For construction activities, the permit requires landowners, or their designated agent, to ■ Eliminate or reduce nonstormwater discharges to stormwater systems and other waters of the United States ■ Develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ Perform inspections of stormwater control structures and pollution prevention measures A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prepared in compliance with the Permit describes the site, erosion and sediment controls, runoff water quality monitoring, means of waste disposal, implementation of approved local plans, control of post -construction sediment and erosion control measures and maintenance responsibilities, and nonstormwater management controls. Dischargers are also required to inspect construction sites before and after storms to identify Stormwater discharge from construction activity, and to identify and implement controls where necessary. NPDES Phase II New NPDES Phase II Stormwater regulations were finalized and issued by the EPA in January 2000 in an effort to continue to preserve, protect, and improve the nation's water resources from polluted stormwater runoff. These new regulations are designed to implement programs to control urban • s Fong Tse, City of Newport Beach Public Works Dept., personal communication, January 14, 2004. ' Orange County PFRD website, http://www.ocpfrd.mm/bpO3_exwttm.op, January 14, 2004. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.4-5 Chapter 3'Infrastructure stormwater runoff from additional MS4s in urbanized areas and the operations of small construction • sites that were not already covered by Phase I NPDES permits. The main objectives of the Phase II regulations are to reduce the amount of pollutants being discharged to the maximum extent practicable and protect the quality of the receiving waters. The City's MS4 permit is extensive in its obligation to keep waterways clean by reducing or eliminating contaminants from stormwater and dry -weather runoff: MS4 permits require an aggressive water quality ordinance (Chapter 14.36 of the City's Municipal Code, as discussed below), specific municipal practices to maintain City facilities, and the use of best management practices (as discussed•below). To meet the goal of the Phase II regulations, the permittee must implement a Stormwater Management Program that addresses six minimum control measures, including (1) public education and outreach, (2) public participation/involvement, (3) illicit discharge detection and elimination, (4) construction site stormwater runoff control for sites greater than 1 acre, (5) post -construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment, and (6) pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. These control measures will typically be addressed by developing Best Management Practices (BMPs), which is defined by the EPA as a "Technique, measure or structural control that is used for a given set of conditions to manage the quantity and improve the quality of the stormwater runoff in a cost effective manner." For additional information on the BMPs the City implements, refer to Local Regulations, below. State Regulations Basin Plans Responsibility for the protection of water quality in California rests with the SWRCB and nine • Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB). The SWRCB establishes statewide policies and regulations for the implementation of water quality control programs mandated by Federal and State water quality statutes and regulations. The RWQCBs develop and implement Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans) that consider regional beneficial uses, water quality characteristics, and water quality problems. The Planning Area, lies within the jurisdiction of the Santa Ana RWQCB, which regulate surface water quality in the Planning Area. The SARWQCB prepares Basin Plans (water quality objectives for major drainage areas containing numerous local watersheds) that establish implementation programs to protect beneficial uses of water, and does not permit wastewater discharges to degrade water quality to the point where beneficial uses would be adversely affected. Local' Regulations Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan & BMPs Newport Beach, along with the other cities in Orange County, has a joint stormwater permit. The Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) describes the Orange County Stormwater Program, and is the principal policy and guidance document for this program. Through the DAMP, Newport Beach continues to improve existing stormwater quality management practices, as well as develop and implement stormwater pollutant control programs that are described in the DAMP. Program elements of the DAMP include various BMPs designed to help businesses, contractors, residents, etc., prevent and control the contribution of pollutants to the storm drain system and eventually receiving waters, such as the ocean. BMPs are used for construction activities, new development and • 3.4-6 City of Newport Beach 3.4 Storm Drainage • significant redevelopment activities, industrial and commercial business activities, residential activities, and common interest area/homeowner association activities. All construction projects regardless of size are required, at a minimum, to implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment controls and waste and materials management BMPs. Erosion control measures could include physical or vegetative stabilization to reduce erosion for exposed slopes, and wind erosion controls to prevent dust nuisance. Sediment controls include perimeter protection, storm drain inlet protection, resource protection, sediment capture, velocity reduction, and off -site sediment tracking. Waste management BMPs that must be implemented for handling, storing, and disposing of wastes generated by a construction project to reduce or prevent the release of waste materials into stormwater discharges include measures such as, spill prevention and control, solid waste management, hazardous waste management, contaminated soil management, and vehicle and equipment cleaning measures. Materials management BMPs reduce or prevent the contamination of stormwater from construction materials by covering and/or providing secondary containment of storage areas and/or by taking adequate precautions when handling materials. Non- stormwater management BMPs limit or reduce potential pollutants at their source before they are exposed to stormwater. These BMPs are referred to as "good housekeeping practices" that involve day-to-day operations of the construction site and are usually under the control of the contractor. Examples of such BMPs include water conservation practices, dewatering operations, and vehicle and equipment cleaning. BMPs associated with new development and significant redevelopment activities include source control BMPs such as site design and landscape measures, roof runoff controls, efficient irrigation, storm drain signage, pervious pavements, and alternative building materials. In addition, treatment • control BMPs such as infiltration basins, retention irrigation, constructed wetlands, and vegetated swales; and manufactured BMPs such as media filters and drain inlets are occasionally recommended. Examples of existing development BMPs for industrial and commercial, residential, and common interest area/homeowner association activities include measures such as building and landscape maintenance, automobile repair and maintenance, disposal of waste, water conservation, street sweeping, and drainage system operation and maintenance activities. Water Quality Management Plan The City of Newport Beach requires all new development and significant redevelopment projects to prepare and submit a Project Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) to the City for review and approval. Prior to issuance to grading or building permits, the City requires the project applicant to have an approved final Project WQMP. In addition, all Priority Projects require treatment control BMPs. The City will utilize a checklist to document the identification of a project as a Priority Project or a Non -Priority Project. City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 14.36, Water Quality, provides regulations governing compliance with Federal requirements for the control of urban pollutants to stormwater runoff, which enters the network of storm drains throughout Orange County, in order to improve water quality throughout the City. In addition, Section 19.28.080 of Chapter 19.28, Subdivision Improvements, sets forth storm drain • guidelines such as drainage improvements, drainage capacity, drainage fees, drainage easements, and flood protection measures that are required by the City. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.4.7 Chapter 3 Infrastructure Further, Section 20.44.075 provides for public improvements, including drainage system isimprovements, identified as needed for the area in the County's Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, the precursor to the current City of Newport Beach Specific Plan. REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 2000. Storm Drain Master Plan, July. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Hazards Assessment Study, July. \J • 3.48 City ofNewporf Beach • Section 3.5 Solid Waste 3.5 Solid Waste • 3.5 SOLID WASTE This section describes existing solid waste management and resource recovery systems for the Newport Beach Planning Area. In addition, a discussion of current local and regional policy regarding the collection and disposal of solid waste is provided. Information for this section is based on the City's Resource Allocation Plan, Source Reduction and Recycling Element, data from the Integrated Waste Management Board, and conversations with City staff. E EXISTING CONDITIONS The majority of residential solid waste generated in the City of Newport Beach is collected by waste haulers and transported to a City -owned transfer station. Refuse is then consolidated and transported to a materials recovery facility where recycling materials are then sorted from refuse by machines and other methods. The remaining solid waste is then taken to one of three County landfills. Details regarding waste haulers, transfer stations, recycling facilities, and landfills are provided below. Located outside of the City boundaries, Banning Ranch is currently undeveloped. If annexed, the City would serve this area; however, solid waste would be collected by private contractors and taken to a landfill owned by the Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department. Solid Waste Haulers • Newport Beach Municipal Code 12.63.030 states that no person shall provide commercial solid waste handling services or conduct a solid waste enterprise in the City without having been awarded an exclusive franchise and entered into an agreement with the City. As part of its franchise agreement, all solid waste haulers that serve the City are prohibited from transporting any waste, residential, commercial, or industrial, outside of County limits.` The Refuse Division of the City General Services Department collects refuse from single-family homes and some multi -family complexes within the City! The remaining residential refuse is served by eight licensed and franchised commercial solid waste haulers, and include the following: ■ Federal Disposal in Santa Ana ■ Rainbow Disposal in Huntington Beach ■ CR&R in Stanton ■ Ware Disposal in Newport Beach ■ Briggeman Disposal Services in Anaheim ■ Waste Management of Orange County in Santa Ana ■ Key Disposal in Montebello ■ EZ Disposal in Fountain Valley 'Jeremy Hammond, personal communimdon, September 24, 2003 'Jeremy Hammond, personal communication, September 16, 2003 General Plan Technical Background Report 3.5.1 Chapter 3 Infrastructure There are a number of licensed and 'franchised construction and demolition debris solid waste • haulers that also serve the City. These include the following: is American Wrecldng, Inc. in South El Monte as Greenleaf -Grading company in Huntington Beach ■ Kevin Ray Demolition in Brea ■ The Lane Company in Santa Ana ■ Tight Quarters, Inc. in Santa Ana ■ West Coast Land Clearing, Inc. in Long Beach ■ Cousyn Grading and Demolition in Costa Mesa ■ Roche Excavating in Santa Ana r Tim Greenleaf Engineering in Huntington Beach is Southern California Environmental in Lake Forest ■ Pacific Earthworks in Dana Point is Trojan Portable Services in Los Angeles as Thomas Demolition in Lawndale (Newport Beach, General Services website, 2003, '16 September) Transfer Stations Transfer stations are facilities where trash is sorted from recycling, and the residue is then transported to landfills that serve the residents of the County of Orange. As shown in Figure 3.5-1, . there are six active, large volume transfer processing facilities that serve the City. All are sorting and recycling facilities, with the exception of the City of Newport Beach Transfer Station, and include the following. as Stanton Transfer and Recycling Center #8 11232 KnottAvenue, Stanton, CA 90680 ■ Rainbow Recycling/Transfer Station 17121 Nichols Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 ■ Consolidated Volume Transporters 1131 Blue Gum -Street, Anaheim, CA 92806 ■ Sunset Environmental Inc. Transfer Station and Resource Recycling Facility 16122 Construction Circle West, Irvine, CA 92606 ■ Waste Management of Orange (Owner of the Sunset Environmental Transfer Station) 2050 North Glassell, Orange, CA 92865 ■ City of Newport Beach Transfer Station 592 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Landfills As shown in Figure 3.5-1, there are three landfills in Orange County that currently serve the City of Newport Beach. Located at 1942 North Valencia Avenue in the City of Brea, the Olinda Alpha Sanitary Landfill is approximately 667 acres in size, with 420 acres used for waste disposal. The permitted daily maximum of solid waste received is 8,000 tons, while the daily average demand is • 3.5.2 City of Newport Beach CITY OF LOS ANCELES x % qv TRANSFER STATIONS: OSTANTON TRANSFER AND RECYCLING CENTERM8 11232 KNOTT AVENUE, STANTON. CA 90680 Z O RAINBOW RECYCUNGrrRANSFER STATION 17121 NICHOLS STREET, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA 92647 OCONSOUDATED VOLUME TRANSPORTERS 1131 BLUE GUM STREET, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 OSUNSET ENVIRONMENTAL INC. TRANSFER STATION AND RESOURCE RECYCLING FACILITY 16122 CONSTRUCTION CIRCLE WEST, IRVINE, CA WW6 S CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRANSFER STATION 592 SUPERIOR AVENUE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 O6 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF ORANGE (OWNER OF THE SUNSET TRANSFER STATION) 205D NORTH GLASSELL ORANGE, CA 92865 LANDFILLS: OOUNDA ALPHA SANITARY LANDFILL 1942 VALENCIA AVENUE, BREA. CA 92823 8 PRIMA DESCHECHA SANITARY LANDFILL 32250 LA PATA AVENUE, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 9 FRANK R BOWERMAN SANITARY LANDFILL 11 D02 BEE CANYON ACCESS ROAD, IRVINE, CA 92618 BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING SITES: 10 RALPH'S. 2555 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 I I VONS. 18S E. I7THSTREET. COSTA MESA, CA 92627 12 RALPH & 380 E. 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA CA 92627 13 ,ASOCC RECYCUNG CENTER 2701 FAIRVIEW BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 r CITY C ANAHE' ❑0 A 13 q mac' I � O 12 10 cFq,� la I� 19 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL SITE: 14 HUNTINGTON BEACH REGIONAL COLLECTION CENTER 17121 NICHOLS STREET, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA 92647 IS IRVI NE REGIONAL COLLECTION CENTER "II OAK CANYON. IRVINE, CA 92618 USED OIL AND OIL FILTER DISPOSAL SITE: I6 SUPERFORMANCE 3767 BIRCH STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 17 NEWPORT COAST CHEVRON KY 1550 JAMBOREE ROAD, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 18 JIFFY LURE 1520 W. COAST HIGHWAY, NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 19 GRAHM'S 76 2690 SAN MIGUEL NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92660 2O NEWPORT LANDING FUEL DOCK $03 E. EDGEWATER, NEWPORT BEACH. CA K661 21 GREASE MONKEY 2230 S.E. BRISTOL, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 O CITY OF I R V I NF O CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH O 74 60 CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 3.5-1 SOLID WASTE FACILITIES City of Newport Beach <:� City Boundary dP County Boundary Q Hydrology Water Body Waterway Roads — State and Federal Highway Primary Road Note: GIS Data Projection - CA State Plane, Zane 6, NAD83. Feet. 60000 Feet 0 6 12 Mies Source: City of Newport Beach, General Plan, May 2003, Counties, May 2003; US Census Bureau, Other City Boundaries, 2000; ESRI. Major Roads, February 2002. USGS, Hydrology, May 1997; and EIP Associates, GIS Program, November 14, 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Request by: HR Created by: JS Date: 01 /22104 J EIP u x 3.5 Solid Waste • 7,000 tons. The annual capacity filled is 2,450,480 tons, with a remaining refuse capacity of 23,850,000 tons. The landfill is expected to close in 2013' Located at 32250 La Pata Avenue in the City of San Juan Capistrano, the Prima Deshecha Sanitary Landfill is approximately 1,530 acres in size with 1,000 acres used for waste disposal. The landfill's daily average demand is 4,000 tons. The annual capacity filled is 762,317 tons, and the landfill's remaining refuse capacity is 42,790,000 tons. Its closure date is estimated to be December 2040. Both the Olinda Alpha and Prima Deshecha Landfills accept municipal solid waste from commercial haulers and the public.' Frank R. Bowerman Sanitary Landfill is located at 11002 Bee Canyon Access Road in Irvine. This landfill accepts only municipal solid waste from commercial haulers and vehicles operating under commercial status. At approximately 725 acres in size, this landfill has 326 acres that is used for waste disposal. The permitted daily maximum of solid waste is 8,500 tons, while the daily average demand is 7,651 tons. The annual capacity filled is 2,151,000 tons. With an expected closure date of 2024, the landfill has a remaining capacity of 49,170,000 tons.' From the first quarter of 2002 through the first quarter of 2003, Newport Beach deposited approximately 104,027 tons of waste at the Frank R. Bowerman landfill. During the same period, the City deposited approximately 5,492 tons of waste at the Olinda Alpha Landfill, and approximately 6,831 tons of waste at the Prima Deshecha Landfill.' Waste Stream Diversion • In 2001, Newport Beach diverted 49.5 percent of its overall solid waste stream. The City has one composting facility, five recycling programs, and six programs specializing in source reduction. In 2000, the City had 126,738 tons of solid waste landfilled or buried at the following county facilities: Arvin Sanitary Landfill (Kern), Fontana Refuse Disposal Site (San Bernardino), Frank R. Bowerman Sanitary Landfill (Orange), Olinda Alpha Sanitary Landfill (Orange), Prima Deshecha Sanitary Landfill (Orange), Simi Valley Landfill -Recycling Center (Ventura).' Waste Reduction Programs Recycling Programs Newport Beach recycles an estimated 38 percent of the residential waste stream, as well as 100 percent of the concrete, asphalt, and green and brown wastes generated by City operations. The City recycling program is part of the waste collection process. All residential wastes are collected together. Since the early 1990's the City has partnered with CRBcR to recycle the City's residential waste. Following collection, the waste is transferred by trailer truck to a materials recovery facility, in Stanton where the recyclables are extracted from the waste stream manually and mechanically. This process eliminates the need for additional containers and separate collection pick-ups.' ' IWMB website 2003, September 11, 2003. " 1WMB website, September 11, 2003. ' Susan Amirhosseini, personal communication, 2003 • `Susan Amirhoneini, personal communication, 2003 ' IWMB website, September 11, 2003. ° City of Newport Beach website, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.5.5 Chapter 3 Infrastructure The City's nonexclusive solid waste franchise program requires all commercial haulers to recycle at • least 50 percent of the waste they collect from Newport Beach. The City's landscape, turf maintenance, and tree trimming contractors are also required to recycle 100 ,percent of the waste generated, from their operations. The City purchases compost and mulch made from these recycled materials. However certain items cannot be placed in general refuse for collection. These include beverage containers, used oil and oil filters, and,household hazardous waste. Beverage Container Recycling The Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling administers the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter'Reduction Act enacted in 1986. It provides a number of services to achieve those goals, including enforcement, auditing, grant finding, technical assistance, and education. Consumers pay CRV (California Refund Value) when they purchasebeverages from a retailer reimbursed when they redeem the container at a recycling center. As shown in Figure 3.5-1, the following facilities operate CRV redemption centers: as Ralph's, 2555 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ■ Vons, 185 E.17i° Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 as Ralph's, 380 E. 17 ° Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 as ASOCC Recycling Center, 2701 Fairview Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Used Oil and Oil Filters The City has obtained a used oil -recycling grant. The funds are used to provide oil -recycling options to local residents. The General Services Department Administrative Division oversees the recycling • of these materials, and can direct residents to one of six local drop sites in the City, as shown in Figure 3.5-1 and.below: as Superformance, 3767 Birch Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 as Newport Coast Chevron, 1550 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 as Jiffy Lube, 1520 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, CA 92663 as Grahm's 76, 2690 San Miguel, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ■, Newport Landing Fuel Dock, 503 E. Edgewater, Newport Beach, CA 92661 as Grease Monkey, 2230 S.E. Bristol, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Household Hazardous Waste Programs There are a number of facilities in County of Orange where residents can safely dispose of materials such as paint, wood preservatives, batteries, auto products, motor antifreeze, household chemicals, and other hazardous substances. These include The Huntington Beach Regional Collection Center, located at 17121 Nichols in Huntington Beach, and the Irvine Regional Collection Center at 6411 Oak Canyon in Irvine, as shown in Figure 3.5-1. • 3.5.6 City of Newport Beach 3.5 Solid Waste • Generation Rates According to the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element, which analyzes all solid waste in the City, the residential waste stream composes 19.4 percent of the total waste stream while the industrial and commercial sector each account for 40.3 percent of the waste stream.' The City uses the following generation rates for solid waste:10 1. Commercial daily disposal (tons per day): 201 2. Residential daily disposal (lbs. per resident per day): 2.1 3. Industrial daily disposal (tons per day): 201 Improvements to Solid Waste Facilities All future facilities expansion is currently dependent upon the "Regional Landfill Options for Orange County" (RELOOC) Study being undertaken by the Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department (IWMD). RELOOC is a 40-year strategic plan that will examine options for trash disposal in Orange County. The IWMD is in the process of conducting the environmental review of the RELOOC Strategic Plan as directed by the Board of Supervisors on May 21, 2002. Closure dates for the three landfills that serve Newport Beach may be subject to change, depending upon whether or not the Orange County Board of Supervisors approves the Study." The RELOOC program was created to ensure that the waste generated by the County is properly disposed of and that the County's future disposal needs can be adequately met. The stated goals of RELOOC are as • follows:12 ■ To have a feasible, balanced and flexible 40-year strategic plan approved and ready for implementation by 2004 that addresses Orange County's solid waste disposal and capacity needs, ■ To protect Orange County's public health, safety, and environment, ■ To sustain the economic vitality of the Orange County's solid waste disposal system by ensuring consistent and reliable features and adequate revenue to maintain efficient, cost effective, and high quality operations, ■ To provide a fair, objective, open planning process that is presented in nontechnical, easily understood terms, responsive to and involves stakeholders and the public, and results in public understanding. 'Jeremy Hammond, personal communication, October 8, 2003. • '° Jeremy Hammond, personal communication, October 8, 2003. " Susan Amirhosseini, personal communication, 2003 "IWMB website, September 16, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.5.7 3Infrastructure REGULATORY CONTEXT • State Regulations Assembly Bill 939 The State Legislature, through Assembly Bill 939, The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, mandated that all cities and counties prepare, adopt, and submit,a.comprehensive solid waste management plan to the county. The plan must address and derail each individual community's efforts and intended ,policies in the areas of waste characterization, source reduction, recycling, composting, solid waste facilities, education/public information, funding, special wastes, and hazardous wastes. The law also mandates that communities meet certain specific identified targets for percentages of waste reduction and recycling over specific identified targets for percentages of waste reduction and recycling over specified time periods (25 percent by 1995 and 50 percent by the year 2000.) Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code In order to fulfill the requirements of the State mandate, the City of Newport Beach has a number of City ordinances related to solid waste management. The City Municipal Code, Section 12.63.030, (Ord. 95-63 § 1 (part), 1995) requires businesses that provide commercial solid waste handling services in City limits to obtain a franchise in order to operate. The ordinance states that • because State law requires the City to substantially reduce the amountof solid waste it sends to landfills, and the City is required to report to the State the amount of materials diverted from landfills in compliance with State law, the City must be able to regulate the collection of solid waste from residential and commercial premises through the requirements of a franchise. Section 20.60.090 of the City Municipal Code contains an ordinance on recyclable materials.' This section establishes a comprehensive set of regulations and guidelines regarding the requirement for specific areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials in certain developments in the City. REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Newport Beach CA Municipal Code. Website: http://ordlink.com/codes/newportb/index.htm, 23 September. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Personal, communication with Jeremy Hammond, General' Services Division, 16 September. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Personal communication with Jeremy Hammond, General Services Division, 24 September. Newport Beach, City o£ 2003. Resource Allocation Plan, Fiscal Year 2003-2004, July. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Licensed and Franchised Commercial Solid Waste Haulers. Website: http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/GSV/Frachised%2OHaulers.h=, 16 September. • 3.5-8 City of Newport Beach 3.5 Solid Waste • Orange, County of. Integrated Waste Management Department. 2003. Landfill Information. Website: http://www.oclandfills.com/landfill—information.htm, 16 September. • Orange, County of. Integrated Waste Management Department. 2003. Personal communication with Susan Amirhosseini, Assistant Public Information Officer, Integrated Waste Management Department, State of California, 16 September. Orange, County of. Integrated Waste Management Department. 2003. Landfill Tonnage Reports, 2002-2003. Provided by Christine Knapp. General Plan Technical Background Report 3.6 Energy • 3.6 ENERGY This section defines the existing energy service providers of the Planning Area, including natural gas and electricity services. Information was obtained from discussions with the service providers and City staff. EXISTING CONDITIONS Natural Gas Southern California Gas Company (SCG) provides natural gas service for the Planning Area. Natural gas is a "fossil fuel," indicating that it comes from the ground, similar to other hydrocarbons such as coal or oil. SGC purchases natural gas from several bordering states. Most of the major natural gas transmission pipelines within the Planning Area are owned and operated by SCG. However, if a customer within Newport Beach meets the requirements to purchase gas from a contracted marketer or agent they may do so.' SGC customers have the option of purchasing their natural gas from a list of natural gas suppliers. The list of approved natural gas suppliers is available on the Southern California Gas web site, which is updated periodically.2 The Public Utilities Commission (PUC), regulates SCG who is the default provider required by State law, for natural gas delivery to the Planning Area. SCG has the capacity and resources to deliver gas except in certain situations that are noted in State law. As development occurs, SCG will • continue to extend its service to accommodate development and supply the necessary gas lines. SGC does not base its service levels on the demands of the Planning Area, rather it makes periodic upgrades to provide service for particular projects and new development. Approximately two months before construction commences on a project, SGC requests that the developer contact them with detailed information about the project's natural gas requirements. If necessary, SGC customizes pipelines and mains to better serve newly constructed facilities. The cost for such service differs from project to project! SGC is continuously expanding its network of gas pipelines to meet the needs of new commercial and residential developments in Southern California. Electricity Southern California Edison Company (SCE) is the primary distribution provider for electricity in the Planning Area." Currently, SCE has no immediate plans for expansion within the City of Newport Beach, as most of the City is built out. However, every year SCE expands and improves existing facilities according to demand! The primary distribution voltage levels serving the Newport Beach area are 12,000 volts (kV) for commercial uses and 4,000 W for residential uses. Currently, the City is placing existing overhead facilities underground. Substations within the City of Newport Beach include McArthur, Newport, Crown, and Lafayette Substations. However, there are a number of other substations in adjacent ' EIIaAbidere, personal communication, 2003 ' SCE website 2003, 3 November • ' Ella Abidere, personal communication, 2003 ' SCE website 2003, 30 September ' Leanne Swanson, personal communication, 2003, 30 September General Plan Technical Background Report 3.6-1 Chapter 3 Infrastructure cities, such as Hamilton substation in the City of Huntington Beach, which feed circuits in Newport • Beach in order to provide reliable service within the City. Electricity is a "reactive" utility, meaning it is provided on an as -needed basis to customers within existing structures in the Planning Area, For new construction, the provision of service may require a permit' REGULATORY CONTEXT Federal Regulations Federal Energy Regulatory Commission The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission duties include the regulation of the transmission and sale of electricity in interstate commerce, licensing of hydroelectric projects, and oversight of related environmental matters. State Regulations California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) CPUC Decision 95-08-038 contains the rules for the planning and construction of new transmission facilities, distribution facilities, and substations. The Decision requires permits for the construction of certain power line facilities or substations if the voltages would exceed 50 W or the • substation would require the acquisition of land or an increase in voltage rating above 50 1W. Distribution lines and substations with voltages less -than 501& need not comply with this Decision; however, the utility must obtain any nondiscretionary local permits required for the construction and operation of these projects. CEQA compliance is required for construction of facilities constructed in accordance with the Decision. Title 20 and Title 24, California -Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 20, Public Utilities and Energy, contains the regulations related to, power plant siting certification. Title 24, California Building Standards, contains the energy efficiency standards related to residential and nonresidential buildings. Title 24 standards are based, in part, on a State mandate to reduce California's energy demand. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.32, Underground Utilities, requires the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures within designated areas of the City and the underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service. In accordance with Section 66473.1 of the Subdivision Map Act, Section 19.24.110, Energy Conservation, requires subdivisions of five or more lots, other than condominium conversions, to Ken Eathertop, penonal,communiettion, 2003130 September ' Herb Wollerman, personal =tnunication, 2003, 3 November n LJ 3.6-2 City of Newpoit Beach 3.6 Energy • provide for, to the extent feasible, future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision. 0 REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. Utilities Department. 2003. Personal communication with Herb Wollerman, Electrical Supervisor, 3 November. Southern California Edison (SCE). 2003. List of Gas Suppliers for Noncore Transportation Customers. Website: http://www.socalgas.com/business/customer choice/customers_noncore_ listofesps.shtml, 3 November. Southern California Edison (SCE). 2003. Website: http://www.sce.com/sc3/006_about_sce/ 006d_sce_ser/default.htm, 30 September. Eatherton, Ken. 2003. Personal communication with. Facilities Planner for City of Newport Beach, Southern California Edison (SCE), 30 September. Swanson, Leann. 2003. Personal communication with Engineer, Southern California Edison (SCE), 30 September. Abidere, Ella. 2003. Personal communication with marketing representative, Southern California Gas (SCG), 3 November. • Southern California Gas (SCG). 2003. Personal communication with Field Planner for City of Newport Beach, 30 September. • General Plan Technical Backgj • Section 3.7 Telecommunication Services 3.7 Telecommunications Services • 3.7 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES This section describes the existing telecommunications services including telephone, television, internet, and cellular phone services that are available in the Newport Beach Planning Area. Information for this section is based upon conversations with the service providers. EXISTING CONDITIONS Current telecommunication services available within the Newport Beach Planning Area include the following: ■ Telephone service provided by Southwestern Bell Communications (SBC—formerly Pacific Bell) and Cox Communications, ■ Digital cable television service provided by Cox Communications and Adelphia, ■ Internet service available through various providers, ■ Cellular phone service available through various providers. Current technology allows residents and businesses to utilize a variety of options for their telecommunication needs. Each service provider offers a selection of services and consumers can choose services to fit individual needs. Telephone Service • Local telephone service is provided by SBC and Cox Cable. SBC provides local telephone service to the majority of the Planning Area. Additionally, SBC, as well as a number of other carriers, provide long distance phone service to the Newport Beach area. SBC also provides internet access via DSL and dial -up features. At this time, Cox provides local telephone services to approximately 5,000 customers, and has a projected approximate annual growth rate of 15 percent for phone service. Although Adelphia does not provide telephone service at this time, Adelphia's cable plant has been constructed to be able to accommodate telephone service should the company choose to do so in the future? Cable Television Service Although the City is in the process of updating their cable television franchise agreements, Cox Cable and Adelphia currently provide cable television service to the Planning Area. Cox Cable Cox Communications provides multi -media services to the area on the eastern side of Newport Bay. Specifically, Cox serves approximately 15,000 homes within Newport Beach. Within its pool of subscribers, Cox provides cable service to 10,000 homes! Although changes in the field of telecommunications preclude accurate predictions of growth, the company has projected approximate annual growth for cable service to be approximately 5 to 10 percent. • 'Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. (Number approximate as of September 2003) ' Phil Urbina, Government Affairs Manager, Adelphia Communications, personal communication, September 30, 2003. 3 Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. (Number approximate as of September 2003) General Plan Technical Background Report 3.7-1 Chapter 3 Infrastructure Because Cox has hundreds of backyard or easement appurtenances and underground or aerial cable • plants in public facilities, the company is able to provide service to virtually any residential unit within their service area, and to the majority of commercial facilities.' Cox rebuilt their cable system in 1995-97, and its infrastructure is technologically up-to-date.' Any future expansion of facilities would be in communities that Cox does not currently serve and where there is growing demand. Opportunities for expanded service exist in areas of new development, such as the Newport Coast area and other areas recently annexed by the City. Cox has indicated that existing infrastructure is adequate to serve the City. Adelphia Adelphia uses a 750 MHz hybrid fiber -coaxial plant to provide cable television to the remaining residents in the Planning Area, primarily located on the western side of Newport Bay. Specifically, Adelphia provides cable service for 29,000 homes in various areas of the City, and as of 20003, the company provided cable service to approximately 18,000 customers. At this time, Adelphia's facilities are meeting the needs of their customers and there are no immediate needs to construct additional facilities. Internet Service Like cellular phone service, the popularity of internet service has resulted in diversification of internet service providers (ISPs). Depending on the speed of connection desired, residents have a number of options for internet service, including service by Adelphia Powerlink, Cox, and SBC. As stated earlier, SBC provides internet access via DSL and dial -up features. Cox provides high -speed internet access via cable modem to 5,000 homes, and expects to expand service by approximately 15 • percent in the next year.' There are manyxesellers of3SP services (approximately'20) but the main carriers for the Planning Area are Earthlink, Covad, Verizon, and Rhythms Cellular phone Service The popularity of cellular phones has resulted in a number of companies providing service to the community. Cellular phone service companies are licensed and monitored by the.State of California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The City is responsible for oversight and' approval authority within boundaries set by FCC for the siting of, and operation of, cellular transmission antennas located within the City, but does not exercise control over the provision of cellular service. The main cellular phone service providers in the Planning Area are as follows: ■ AT&T Wireless ■ Cingulair Wireless (SBC owns 51 percent of Cingulair) ■ Sprint ■ Nextel ■ T Mobile as Verizon Wireless 'Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. 'Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. 6 Phil Urbina, Government Affairs Manager, Adelphia Communications, personal communication, Septwbcr 30, 2003. 'Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. 'http://www.dsircpom.mralminfo (accessedSeptembec 30 2003) 3.7-2 Cify of Newport Beach 37 Telecommunications Services • ■ REGULATORY CONTEXT Federal Regulations Telecommunications Act of 1996 This law was enacted to promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and higher quality services for telecommunication consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunication technologies. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 5.44, Community Antenna Television, adopts rules and regulations to govern the operations of community antenna television systems in the City. Chapter 15.70, Wireless Telecommunication Facilities, ensures consistency with Federal law while ensuring public safety, reducing the visual effects of telecom equipment on public streetscapes, protecting scenic, ocean and coastal views, and otherwise mitigating the impacts of such facilities. More specifically, the regulations contained within this Chapter are intended to (1) encourage the location of antennas in nonresidential areas; (2) strongly encourage co -location at new and existing antenna sites; and (3) encourage telecom facilities to be located in areas where adverse impacts on the community and on public views are minimized. Specifically, Section 15.70.060 of this Chapter isprovides design standards including height, location, screening, and size standards applicable to such facilities. C J O REFERENCES Jim Leach, Cox Communications, personal communication, September 2003. Phil Urbina, Government Affairs Manager, Adelphia Communications, personal communication, September 30, 2003. http://www.dslreports.com/coinfo (accessed September 30, 2003) General Plan Technical Background Report 3.7.3 u � ChapterA PUBLIC SERVICES • Chapter 4 PUBLIC SERVICES 4.1 FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY SERVICES This section provides information on the existing fire and emergency services within the City. In addition, current staffing, equipment, response times, and standards of these services are described along with their ability to meet the needs of the City. This section focuses on urban fire prevention, as wildland fire hazards are discussed in Section 6.5 (Fire Hazards) of this Technical Background Report. Information for this section is based on the City's Resource Allocation Plan, the City's 2003 Hazard Assessment Study, and conversations with Newport Beach Fire Department staff. EXISTING CONDITIONS Service Providers The Newport Beach Fire Department (Department) serves the entire City. Areas outside of the City boundaries but within the Planning Area are Area 7, the Emerson Tract, and most of Banning Ranch. These areas are served by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). OCFA provides regional fire protection and emergency services to unincorporated portions of Orange County and nineteen City jurisdictions. • Newport Beach Fire Department The Department is responsible for reducing the loss of life and property from fire, medical, and environmental emergencies. In addition to fire suppression, the Newport Beach Fire Department also provides fire prevention and hazard reduction services. The Fire Prevention Division works in conjunction with the City's Planning and Building Departments to ensure that all new construction and remodels are built in compliance with local and State building and fire codes. This includes adequate exiting and built-in fire protection. The City requires all businesses to be inspected annually for adherence to the fire and life safety codes.' • Emergency medical services (EMS) is another major service of the Newport Beach Fire Department. This service allows paramedics to go straight to a medical call. Aside from EMS provided by the Department, there is also a private ambulance service in the City. Fire stations are strategically located throughout the City to provide prompt assistance to area residents. Each fire station operates within a specific district that comprises the immediate geographical area around the station. Upper Newport Bay (and the circulation challenges it creates) result in Newport Beach having more fire stations per population than typical in order to maintain response times. A list of the fire stations in Newport Beach is provided in Table 4.1-1; and their locations are also shown in Figure 4.1-1. ' Nmporr Beach, City of. 2003. %ourceAllocation Plan, Fuca[Year2003-2004. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.1.1 Chapter Public Services Table 4.1.1 Fire Station Facilities Stilton No. Street Address LocaOonAn6 Fire Station 1 110 Balboa Boulevard Balboa Peninsula Fire Station 2 475 32nd Street Lido Fire Station 3 868 Santa Barbara Newport Center Fire Station 4 124 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Fire Station 5 410 Marigold 'Corona del Mar Fire Statian B 1348 Irvine Matinees Mda Fire Station 7 2301Zenith Santa Ana Fre'Stalion 8 6502 Ridge Park Newport Coast SOURCE Nowrieeaoh ire Departunt2003 Staffing In 2003, the Department had 148 full-time employees and over 170 seasonal employees providing 24-hour protection and response to the City's residents and visitors? E Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the Department is divided into five divisions: Safety Operations, Administration, Emergency Medical Services, Training, and Fire Prevention. Safety Operations constitutes the majority of Fire Department employees, with 127 staff members, while the Administration Division consists of approximately 8 staff members, Fire Prevention has 6 staff members, Training has 5 staff members, and EMS consists of 2 staff members, which consist of a • technical coordinator and a department assistant. The Department divides its staff into three shifts per day, with 37 personnel working each shift, for a total of 111 Fire Suppression and EMS personnel working at the eight Newport Beach fire stations each day. Each of the eight fire stations has one engine company, while three have•paramedic squads, and two have ladder trucks serving the City of Newport Beach. Seven paramedics serve per shift, with the possibility for 21 total at Stations 2, 3, and 5 with paramedic ambulances. In addition, Station 8 has 1 paramedic firefighter that rides on the engine. Each engine or truck company has a staff of 3 persons per 24-hour shift. Each paramedic ambulance has a staff of 2 firefighter -paramedics ,per 24-hour shift. Other Services In addition to fire protection and emergency medical services, the Department provides other services, as described below. ■ The Department also oversees 16 Mull -time lifeguards, and up to 180 part-time seasonal lifeguards during the summer season. Summer season services, especially those associated with the tidelands, generate significant costs to the City. Lifeguards are headquartered at the Newport Pier, as shown in Figure 4.1-1, and there is a lifeguard boathouse in the Marina with three boats.' Including the headquarters, there are a total of 38 lifeguard towers. During the summer months, mid June through Labor Day, there are approximately 36 lifeguard 'Newport Beach, City of 2003. RuoumAllowdoa Plan, Fiscal Year2003-20M. • 'Newport Beach, City of 2003. RaourceAUocadon Plan, Fbeal Year2003-2004. 'Terry Ulaszewski, FireSupport Services Manager, personal communication, September. 24, 2003. 4.1-2 City of NewportBeach WEST NNE, LIDO SLE NEV�ORPIER NEWpOER PIER r° HEWPORT CLINE LISLEA C." IRDA SLAND COLLINS D I AND S BAY ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND neeOA ouxxn PAC/FCC 0CFAN HILLS / \ Bavn tlery ROAD tl.7 �- �.•—�^ � f f-� i RID / CWONA � 4/ LITTLECORONA / DDRDrvA CANEO SHORES CRYSTAL COVE/ STATE PARE Ing CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 4.1-1 PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES -�-..- City Boundary Public Safety Facility Fire Station * Police Station AUfeguard Headquarters Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets Q� WYiJ4 -FF�'�et 1 LP '.. 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services • towers that are open throughout the day. Throughout the rest of the year, the headquarters remains open and lifeguards patrol the beach in rescue vehicles; however, no towers are open! ■ Another service of the Department is to handle incidents associated with hazardous materials. The Department's goal is to protect the public health and the environment throughout the City from accidental releases and improper handling, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials and waters through coordinated efforts of regulation, management, emergency response, enforcement, and site mitigation oversight. The hazardous materials personnel are responsible for in-house training and education, and do not respond to emergencies. In case of a hazardous materials emergency, Huntington Beach Fire Department or Orange County Fire Department is called. ■ The Ocean Safety and Beach Rescue (OSBR) service, an activity that requires special training and equipment, allows the Department to offer advanced technical rescue capabilities. Members of the OSBR Committee, which consists of Newport Beach Fire Department personnel certified as California State instructors for Rescue Systems and Emergency Trench Rescue, are trained in confined space rescue, high angle rescue, the use of Biopack self- contained breathing apparatus's, helicopter rescue, rescue diving, and other specialties. Fire and Medical Incidents The Department responded to 438 fire incidents and 5,717 medical incidents in the City of Newport Beach during the fiscal year 2002-03 e Additionally, there are various categories of emergency incidents that have been reported in the City. isStatistics from the Newport Beach Fire Department regarding incidents that they responded to during 2002 are summarized in Table 4.1-2, below. Table 4.1.2 2002 Statistics, City of Newport Beach Fire Department type oflneldent Sub —Type Responses In 2002 Fires Structural 139 Vehicles 81 Brush / vegetation 30 Miscellaneous I Other 188 Subtotal Fires 438 Medical Emergencies 5,717 FireAlanns 1,164 Other Emergencies (such as Hazardous Materials) 130 Public Assistance 868 Total 8,317 SOURCE: ECI, Newport Beach Hazards Assessment Study, 2003 'Andrea Talbott, Fire & I:ifeguud Services, personal communication, January 13, 2004. s Newport Beach, City of 2003. Rmu=Ahocarlon Plan, Fiscal Year2003-200d. (these are estimated numbers) General Plan Technical Background Report 4.1-5 4 Public Services The table above shows that the eight fire stations serving the City of Newport Beach responded to a total of 8,317 incidents,, which results• in an average of about 1,040 incidents per station. Note that •. 69 percent of the responses were medical emergency calls. In Newport Beach, these medical emergencies are handled by the closest available engine company and closest paramedic ambulance, from one ofthe .three fire stations with paramedic ambulances (i.e., Fire Stations 2, 3•and 5). In 2002, each paramedic ambulance responded to 1,903 medical emergencies on average. These numbers are well within the number ,of calls recommended by the Insurance Service Office (ISO) when rating a community for fire insurance rates. Specifically, the ISO recommends that a second company be put in service in a fire station if that station receives more than 2,500 calls per year. The reason for this recommendation is to assure reliability of response to a structure fire. If an engine company provides support to the paramedic ambulance by responding to medical aid calls, and this impacts the station's response to structure fire calls, it may be prudent to add another paramedic ambulance or support squad vehicle and increase staffing at that fire station with the most medical aid •traffic. A high volume of calls also creates a high potential for multiple calls occurring at once (multiple queuing), which can result in a company being unavailable to respond to a structure fire. Thus, if this forces a response from other stations Farther away, it can result in a larger fire before assistance arrives.' Fires in Newport Beach represent about 5 percent of all calls, with structure fires representing less than 2 percent of all calls. This is due to the use of modern fire and building codes, effective fire prevention inspection work by the Fire Department, and effective public education. Fires, when they do occur in newer occupancies, are generally kept small by fire sprinkler systems and the efforts of the Fire Department. Although structural fires can occur in any developed areas within the Planning Area as discussed in • Section 6.5 (Fire Hazards), the older portions of the City are especially susceptible to this hazard. Areas such as Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar contain structures dating from the 1930's. Due to the age of the structures, older building standards and fire codes were applied, non -fire -resistive construction materials were used, and no current internal sprinklers or other fire safety systems are in place. Another contributing factor i the density of construction in these areas. Generally, residences are built with 3-foot setbacks, while Corona del Mar has 4-foot setbacks, between the houses and property lines. Within these setbacks, projections such as windows and roof awnings are allowed, which affect emergency access to the back of the residences. Narrow streets within these areas also make it difficult to maneuver and position response vehicles! Response Times For emergency response, it is recommended that a three- to four -person engine company arrive within a 5-minute response time to 90 percent of all structure fire calls in the City. Response time is defined as 1 minute to receive and dispatch the call, 1 minute to prepare to respond in the fire station or field, and 3 minutes driving time at 35 miles per hour (mph) average (for an approximate distance not exceeding 1.75 miles between the responding fire station and the incident location).' Although no formal standards currently exist,, the 5-minute response time is a goal of the Department.10 "Faith Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewport Beech HautdtAueunrent Study. 'Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewportBeach HarnrdtAuertprent Sntdy. . "Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNnuport Beach Ha>nrdrAttetrment Study. 10 TerryUlasz ski, Fire support Services Manager, Newport Beach Fire Department, personal communication, January22, 2004. 4.1.6 City of Newport Beach 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services • Actual response statistics for the Department for 2002 and the first five months of 2003 are provided in Table 4.1-3 below. These response times are measured from the time the dispatch is made to arrival at the scene by the responding engine company. The averages show that the majority of the fire units in the City reach their destination within the preferred 5-minute response time, and all units respond within 6 minutes of the call being received by dispatch. The longer response times are for Fire Station 8 located in Newport Coast, a large area serviced by one fire station. • In addition to these components, there is another component called "set up" time. This is the time it takes firefighters to get to the source of a fire and get ready to fight the fire. This may range from 2 minutes at a small house fire to 15 minutes or more at a large or multistory occupancy, such as a fire at Fashion Island, Hoag Memorial Hospital, or a large condominium complex. Table 4.1.3 Average Response Time, from Dispatch to Arrival, for Each Unit In the Newport Beach Fire Department for 2002 and Part of 2003 units, _ Avera' a Res nse rime MIn"ures , ' '! Yeir'2002 .' Jae: Ma 2003 NE61(Engine-Station 1) 4.09 3.47 NE62(Engine-Station2) 4.18 4.18 NM62 (Medical -Station 2) 4.59 5.02 NT62 (Truck -Station 2) 4.44 4.51 NE63 (Engine -Station 3) 4.41 4.36 NM63 (Medical-Statlon 3) 5.11 5.14 NT63 (Truck -Station 3) 5.00 5.09 NE64 (Engine -Station 4) 4.44 4.40 NE65 (Engine -Station 5) 4.22 4.29 NM65(Medical-Station5) 5.17 5.38 NE66 (Engine -Station 6) 4.09 4.29 NE67 (Engine -Station 7) 4.50 5.15 NE68 (Engine -Station 8) 5.58 5.47 Average Totals 4.60 4.67 SOURCE: Newport Beach Flre Department 2003 As stated previously, although no formal fire protection standards currently exist, an additional goal of the Department is to have a three- to four -person ladder truck company with an aerial device, a second engine company with three to four persons, a paramedic ambulance, and a fire battalion chief to arrive within a 10-minute response time interval to 80 percent of all structure fire calls within the City." ISO recommends a truck company within 2.5 miles if there are five or more buildings that are three or more stories or 35 feet or more in height, or five buildings with fire flow needs greater than 3,500 gallons per minute. Fire Station 2 provides this level of service for the high rises on the west side of Newport Beach. Fire Station 3 provides this level of service for the high rises in the Fashion Island and John Wayne Airport areas. An additional truck company from Costa Mesa or Santa Ana can respond via automatic aid, if needed, within 5 miles of the City limits. Structural fire response requires numerous critical tasks to be performed simultaneously. The number of firefighters required to perform the tasks varies based upon the risk. The number of firefighters needed at a maximum high -risk occupancy, such as a shopping mall or large industrial occupancy would be significantly higher than for a fire in a lower -risk occupancy. Given the large • " Terry Ulasmwskl, Fire Support Services Manager, Newport Beach Fire Department, personal communication, January 22, 2004. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.1-7 Chapter 4 Public Services number of firefighters that are required to respond to a high -risk, high -consequence fire, Fire • Departments increasingly rely on automatic and mutual aid agreements to address the fire suppression needs of their community. If additional resources are needed due to the intensity or size of the fire, a second alarm may be requested. The second alarm results in the response of at least another two engine companies, and a ladder truck. Beyond this response, additional fire units are requested via the automatic or mutual aid agreements." Insurance Service Office Rating The ISO provides rating, and statistical information for the insurance industry in the United States. To do so, ISO evaluates a community's fire protection needs and services, and assigns each community evaluated a Public Protection Classification (PPQ rating. The rating is developed as a cumulative point system, based on the community's fire -suppression delivery system, including fire dispatch (operators, alarm dispatch circuits, telephone lines available), fire department (equipment available, personnel, training, distribution of companies, etc.), and water supply (adequacy, condition, number and installation of fire hydrants). Insurance rates are based upon this rating. The worst rating is a Class 10, while the best is a Class 1. Based on the type and extent of training provided to fire -company tpersonnel and the City's existing water supply, Newport Beach currently has a Class 2ISO rating.'" Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Homeland Security has brought disaster awareness to the forefront of the minds of the community, safety officials, and City staff. Within the Fire Department, the Disaster Preparedness Coordinator has updated the City's Emergency Management Plan, including the development and • implementation of disaster training for employees. The City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has undergone a series of considerable upgrades. Department Operations Centers have been upgraded and improved. Training -for the residents within the City continues through the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. The next step in preparedness for City workers is the continuation of Emergency Response Team (ERT) training. The continued development of the community's disaster preparedness efforts will aid the residents of Newport Beach in an areawide disaster. Training and Education Currently, the Newport Beach Fire Department places emphasis on Emergency Medical Services, Fire Prevention, Lifeguards, and' the training and education of both Fire Department staff and community members. The Department has continual training of its personnel using both classroom instruction and field drills. Recently, the Department has made advancements in personnel development through the advent of Leadership Academies. These Academies are designed as opportunities for individuals to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be placed in leadership roles. Department members provide safety instruction and training to school age children every year through the Junior Fire Marshal, the Junior Lifeguard and Lifeguard Cadet Programs. The Department sponsors a CPR joint education program with the Costa Mesa Fire Department in "Earth Consultants International. 2003. City of NewportBearli HazardtAtswnient Strrdy. • o Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewport'Bearb Hawrdrh;wnfentStttdy. tr TerryUlaszewski, Fire Support Services Manager, Newport Beach Fire Department, personal communication, January 22,20M. 4.1.8 CVo/Newport Beach 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services • which lifeguard personnel provide CPR and other safety instruction to over 700 Newport -Mesa high school students at Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar, and Back Bay High Schools each year. In addition, each year, the Department sponsors Fire Safety Day to provide residents with the knowledge base for safe fire protection strategies and tips on emergency preparedness." Mutual Aid Agreements Although the Department has the primary responsibility for fire prevention and fire suppression in the City, fire -fighting agencies generally team up and work together during emergencies. These teaming arrangements are handled through automatic and mutual aid agreements. The California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement (California Government Code Sections 8555-8561) states: "Each party that is signatory to the agreement shall prepare operational plans to use within their jurisdiction, and outside their area." These plans include fire and nonfire emergencies related to natural, technological, and war contingencies. The State of California, all State agencies, all political subdivisions, and all fire districts signed this agreement in 1950. Section 8568 of the California Emergency Services Act, (California Government Code, Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Part 2) states that "the State Emergency Plan shall be in effect in each political subdivision of the State, and the governing body of each political subdivision shall take such action as may be necessary to carry out the provisions thereof." The Act provides the basic authorities for conducting emergency operations following the proclamations of emergencies by the Governor or appropriate local authority, such as a City Manager. The provisions of the act are further reflected • and expanded on by appropriate local emergency ordinances. The act further describes the function and operations of government at all levels during extraordinary emergencies, including war.' Therefore, local emergency plans are considered extensions of the California Emergency Plan. Newport Beach has automatic aid agreements with the cities of Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Huntington Beach, and Fountain Valley, and with the Orange County Fire Authority. These agreements obligate these fire departments to help each other under predefined circumstances. Automatic aid agreements obligate the nearest fire company to respond to a fire regardless of the jurisdiction. Mutual aid agreements obligate fire department resources to respond outside of their district upon request for assistance." Numerous other agencies are available to assist the City if needed. These include local law enforcement agencies that can provide support during evacuations and to discourage people from traveling to the fire zone to watch the fire, as this can hinder fire suppression efforts. Several State and Federal agencies have roles in fire hazard mitigation, response, and recovery, including: the Office of Emergency Services, the Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, US Forest Service, Office of Aviation Services, National Weather Service, and National Association of State Foresters, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior, and, in extreme cases, the Department of Defense. Private companies and individuals may also assist.18 "Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Resourcecl1kcation Plan, Fiscal Year2003-2004. 'c Southern California Emergency Services Association (SCESA). 2003. California Government Code. The Emergency Services Act of • California. Website: v .scesa.orglcal—govccde.htm. "Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewportBeach HazardsAueument Study. "Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewportBeachHazardsArsastnentSurdy. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.1-9 Chapter 4 Publlc Services Standardized Emergency Management System • The SEMS law refers to the Standardized Emergency Management System described by the Petris Bill (Senate Bill 1841; California Government Code Section 8607, made effective January 1, 1993) that was introduced by Senator Pettis following the 1991 Oakland fires. The intent of the SEMS law is to improve the coordination of State and local emergency response in California. It requires all jurisdictions within the State of California to participate in the establishment of a standardized statewide emergency management system. All local governments, including counties, cities, school districts and special districts, must use SEMS to be eligible for funding of their personnel related costs under State disaster assistance programs. The City of Newport Beach is currently using this system for emergency response in the City. The Disaster Preparedness coordinator of the Department's Training Division oversees SEMS within the City of Newport Beach." Depending on the type of incident, several different agencies and disciplines may be called in to assist with emergency response. Agencies and disciplines that can be expected to be part of an emergency response team include medical, health, fire and rescue, police, public works, and coroner. Emergency response in every jurisdiction in the State of California is handled in accordance with SEMS, with individual City agencies and personnel taking on their responsibilities as defined by the City's Emergency Plan. This document describes the different levels of emergencies, the local emergency management organization, and the specific responsibilities of each participating agency, government office, and City staff: The framework of the SEMS system is the following: • ■ Incident Command System —a standard response system for all hazards that is based on a concept originally developed in the 1970's for response to wildland fires. ■ Multi Agency Coordination System --coordinated effort between various agencies and disciplines, allowing for effective decision -making, sharing of resources, and prioritizing of incidents. ■ Master Mutual Aid Agreement and related systems —agreement between cities, counties and the State to provide services, personnel and facilities when local resources are inadequate to handle and emergency. ■ Operational Area Concept —coordination of resources and information at the county level, including political subdivisions within the county. ■ Operational Area Satellite Information System —a satellite -based communications system with a high -frequency radio backup that permits the transfer of information'between agencies using the system. The SEMS law requires theEollowing: ■ Jurisdictions must attend training sessions for the emergency management system. " Terry Ulasuwski, Fire Support Services Manager, personal communintion, September.24, 2003. • 4.1-10 City of Newport Beach 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services • ■ All agencies must use the system to be eligible for funding for response costs under disaster assistance programs. ■ All agencies must complete after -action reports within 120 days of each declared disaster. Fire Service Funding The majority of funding for fire services is obtained through general tax revenue. In fiscal year 2001- 02, $16,616,950 of the total $19,340,449 revenue was general tax revenue" Operations funding are derived from the City's General Fund, and Capital Improvement monies are derived from funds that fit into one of the following three categories: ■ Business Excise Tax funds (allocated for Fire and Library facilities only) in Tidelands funds (allocated for Life guard component only) ■ General Fund In addition, in 2002, the Department billed $1.2 million in EMS billings, and applied for and received approximately $30,000 in Federal grant monies.21 In addition, other forms of funding for fire protection include service fee programs. These programs include paramedic services, emergency ambulance transportation, fire permit fees, a Fire Medics program, and the Junior Lifeguard program. Projected Needs • The Department does not use population projections to determine projected future needs. The Department's service goals are based on accepted service levels within Fire Protection, such as a 5- minute response time for a first -arriving fire engine at a fire or medical aid event, and 8-minute response time for a fist -arriving fire engine for a paramedic unit. As part of the operating budget, the Department has an equipment replacement program which guarantees replacement of all of its apparatus needs, such as vehicles and boats. Most fire stations in Newport Beach were built in the 1950's and 1960's and therefore are currently deficient in the areas of capacity, serviceability, and physical condition. Many will need to be replaced or relocated in order to meet current needs.0 However, securing adequate acreage of land to meet the needs of modern facilities will be a challenge in a City that is already predominantly built out" The Department is looking for available land to meet the immediate needs of the Corona del Mar Station, as it currently houses one fire Engine and one paramedic unit, and needs a permanent facility to house the paramedic unit. Department staffing levels have historically been driven not by population as much as by location. As of September 2003, the Department is conducting an in-house operational research study using various programs to optimize station locations based upon growth in geographic areas. They are considering the relocation of Station 1 to a point further north up the Peninsula, and if development in the Banning Ranch area occurs, Station 2 might be relocated to a location further west on Coast " Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Resource Allocation Flan, Firca[Year2003-2004. • " Terry Ulsszewski, Fire Support Services Manager, personal communication, September. 24, 2003. a Timothy Riley, Chief of Newport Beach Fire Department, personal communication, November 11, 2003. u Timothy Riley, Chief of Newport Beach Fire Department, personal communication, November 11, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.1-11 Chapter4 Public Services Highway. As the Newport Coast area builds out, Station 5, which has a paramedic unit, might be • relocated to a point further east on Coast Highway to better serve the down coast area.0 Traditionally, the Department has placed fire stations in the areas where the most growth is occurring. The original growth centers in Newport Beach were, the Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Fashion Island areas, and Station 6 was later added near the near the Costa Mesa border. After the 1970's, demands upon the Department remained fairly constant until approximately 2001. At that time, the City Council decided to add a station (Station 7) in the Santa Ana Heights area between Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, as it was experiencing growth at the time. Santa Ana Heights has since been annexed to the City, but prior to its annexation, the service area for Station 7 was previously under Orange County jurisdiction. Station 7 is housed in a nonpermanent trailer, but as it is part of a redevelopment area, the City is actively working on developing a permanent station. Equipment Needs With the exception of Station 8, which was built in 1989, and Station 7, which has yet to be built, the construction dates for all of the City's fire stations range from the 1950's to the 1970's. Stations 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6,need'to be seismically retrofitted, and the bays need to be widened and heightened' to meet regulation standards. As of September 2003, with the exception of Stations 8 and 4, which are currently adequate, all fire stations are being modified with mixed gender equipment. Restrooms, locker rooms, and berthing rooms need to be supplied for both men and women.' REGULATORY CONTEXT Local Regulations • City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Title 9 Fire Code of the City's Municipal Code, which was updated in 2001, contains a number of different ordinances that deal with a range of issues. It contains ordinances on topics ranging from articulating fire flow requirements, to the provision of automatic sprinkler systems in public buildings, to requiring an accurate occupant count in public places, and the provision of emergency power in public locations. REFERENCES Earth Consultants International. 2003. City ofNewport Beach Hazards Assessment Study. Newport Beach, City of 2003. Municipal Code. Title 9 Fire Code. Website: hrtp://ordlink.com/ codes/newportb/index.htm, 24 September. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Resource Allocation Plan, Fiscal Year2003-2004. Riley, Timothy, Chief of Newport Beach Fire Department. Personal communication. November 11, 2003. "Terry Ulaszewski, Fire Support Services Manager, personal communication, September. 24,2003. • "Ulaszcwski,Teny. 2003. Personal communication with Fire Support Services Manager, 24 September. 4.1-12 City of Newport Beach 4.1 Fire Protection and Emergency Services • Southern California Emergency Services Association (SCESA). 2003. California Government Code. The Emergency Services Act of California: www.scesa.org/cal—govcocle.htm. Ulaszewski, Terry. 2003. Personal communication with the Fire Support Services Manager, 24 September, • • E Section 4.2 Police Protection 4.2 Police Protection • 4.2 POLICE PROTECTION This section defines the police protection service providers of the Planning Area, as well as describes staffing levels and equipment, staffing standards, number of and types of calls received, and crime prevention programs available. Information for this section is based upon the City's Resource Allocation Plan and conversations with City staff. N EXISTING CONDITIONS Service Providers The Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD) has one police facility that provides local police services to the City of Newport Beach. Centrally located at 870 Santa Barbara Drive, as shown in Figure 4.1-1, the NBPD provides services in crime prevention and investigation, community awareness programs, and other services such as traffic control. The NBPD conducts on -going assessments to determine future funding, staffing, and equipment needs. Areas outside the City boundaries, but within the Planning Area, including Area 7, the Emerson Tract, and a majority of Banning Ranch, are served by the North Operations Division of the Orange County Sheriffs Department. The nearest Sheriffs station to the Planning Area is located at 550 North Flower Street in the City of Santa Ana. Currently, there are 378 sworn and professional staff members in this division.' • Staffing Levels and Equipment As of November 2003, the NBPD employed a total of 280 personnel, including 146 sworn officers, 86 nonsworn personnel, and 48 seasonal and part-time personnel? With a 2003 population of 80,000 residents, the level of service is 1.8 officers per 1,000 City residents? This figure is a broad indicator of available service; however, it should be considered in concert with more primary indicators including the following: in Response time ■ Volume of calls for service ■ Number of officers available at any given time ■ Number of violent crimes ■ Number of Part 1 crimes (Part 1 crimes are the eight most serious crimes and include homicide, forcible rape, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny -theft, auto theft, and arson) The NBPD is currently composed of the Office of the Chief of Police and three Divisions that include Support Services, Patrol/traffic, and Detectives! Included under the Support Services Division are many items that pertain to the entire Department, such as building maintenance, utilities, office equipment, uniforms, training, dispatch, and records. ' Orange County Sheriff's Department website, accessed on December 31, 2003. 'Newport Beach Police Department, Personnel Status Report, 2003. • ' California Department of Finance, City/County Population Estimates..., 2003 "Newport Beach, Resource Allocation Plan, 2003. ' City of Newport Beach, Resource Allocation Plan, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.2-1 Chapter Public Services As of 2003, NBPD owned the following equipment,' which is currently maintained at an acceptable level of service to meet the City's needs: •'' ■ 37 marked patrol units, including crew -cab truck and commercial enforcement truck ■ 36 unmarked vehicles (includes special weapons van, crime scene van, hostage negotiation van, and volunteer trucks) ■ 2 prison transport vans ■ 15 motorcycles ■ 3 leased helicopters with surveillance equipment ■ 3 K--9 (dog unit) ■ 15 bicycles (Bicycle Unit includes Parking Enforcement and Volunteers) Staffing Standards While there are no current law enforcement staffing standards available, NBPD strives to maintain 1.9 officers per 1,000 residents in the City. This ratio allows the NBPD to meet the needs of a permanent and transient population that can swell to 200,000 on any given day! The increase in population is due to the influx of beachgoers, daytime employment, and visitors to the City. As discussed previously, with the 2003 level of service at 1.8 officers per L000 residents, the NBPD falls slightly short of their goal. In order to raise the level ofservice to 1.9 officers,per1,000 residents with a current population of 80,000, the NBPD would need to increase the number of sworn personnel by 6 officers, for a total of 152 sworn personnel. Classification of Calls • All emergency calls for police, fire, and paramedic services are initially answered by one of the 14 Full-time or 3 part-time dispatchers at the Dispatch Center. While the number of calls received varies with the season, an average of 2,000 emergency calls is received per month, with an average answer time of just 3 seconds. If an incident requires fire or paramedic response, the caller is connected with Metronet, who provide fire and emergency medical services dispatch for seven cities as part of a joint powers agreement' Currently, the total number of calls received in the Dispatch Center is nearing 250,000 per year. Although not all calls to the Center require a physicalresponse, an average of 65,000 events per year are dispatched. Dispatchers use a radio system to communicate with police officers in the field, animal control and parking control officers, as well as the regional helicopters (ABLE), other Orange County law enforcement agencies and neighboring dispatch centers.10 Once a call is received, the appropriate department (e.g., police, fire, etc.) is then responsible for responding to the incident in a timely manner. In 2002, the average police response time to emergency calls averaged 3 minutes and 59 seconds." '`John Klein, personal communication, December 152003. 'John Klein, written communication, November 14, 2003. 'John Klein, written communication, November 14, 2003 ° 14BPD website, accessed October 22, 2003. • 10 NBPD website, October 22, 2003. " John Klein, written communication, November 14, 2003. 4.2-2 City of Newport Beach 4.2 Police Protection • Crime Statistics Table 4.2-1 illustrates the various Part I offenses for 2003 that took place in the City. Robberies are differentiated from burglaries in that burglaries include a break-in or trespassing of property to commit the theft. It should be noted that data was not yet available for the months of November and December at the time this section was prepared. C� Table 4.2.1 2003 City of Newport Beach Part I Offenses YID Tdrat Criminal Homicide 0 Forcible Rape 6 Robbery 22 Assault 489 Aggravated 51 Simple 438 Burglary 579 Residential 233 Commercial 185 Garage 161 larceny Theft 1,431 Petty Theft 497 Grand Theft 345 BTFMV a 589 Grand Theft Auto 158 Arson 8 Total Z693 SOURCE; v.nbpd.orgkdme_stallslicsl2003-padlc6mes.asp.December7,2003 • Burglary -Theft from a Mo(orVehlcle Criminal offenses in 2003 are relatively similar as compared to the previous year.12 Through October 2003, as this table illustrates, 2,693 Part 1 crimes were reported to the NBPD, compared to 2,700 in 2002 for the same time period. There were 3,117 total offenses in 2002, and it is anticipated that a similar number of offenses would occur for 2003. As indicated in Table 4.2-1, the principal crime reported in the City was larceny -the&, with the primary crime under this category consisting of burglary -theft from a motor vehicle. Other frequently reported Part 1 crimes include burglary and simple assault. As illustrated in the graph below, the crime rate in Newport Beach generally declined throughout the 1990's. However, since 2000, crime rates have remained relatively steady at approximately 3,000 offenses per year. • " NBPD website, accessed on December 7, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.2-3 Chapter Public Services 600D a� 6000 E .c 4000 t) 0 3000 a 2000 .Ei 1000 z Year SOURCE. John 10sin, wnftaneanmun1caOon,November14, 2003. Figure 4.2.1 Thirteen -Year Crime Trend and Average Crime Prevention The NBPD offers -various crime prevention programs and courses including ■ Neighborhood Watch ■ Business Watch ■ Personal Safety Programs ■ Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) ■ Citizens' Police Academy Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of citizens in cooperation with the police department in an effort to reduce crime in their communities. The mutual assistance program involves increased communication between neighbors, citizen training to recognize and report suspicious activities in their neighborhoods, and implementation of crime prevention techniques, such as home security measures.' Business Watch is a program that is based on the concept of Neighborhood Watch, and involves 'business owners getting to know each other and working together in an active role to reduce crime in the business community. Employees are trained in various areas such as, reporting suspicious activity, shoplifting and robbery prevention, and Operation Identification." The Personal Safety Program offers presentations at churches, schools, community organizations, and businesses throughout the City. This program is designed to provide information and literature to heighten the public's awareness and enhance personal safety. Presentations offer advice on safety precautions for residents to take while at home and in their cars." D.A.R.E. was created in 1983 to teach children from kindergarten through 'high school that popularity, self-worth, and self-confidence are not attained by submitting to negative peer pressure and destructive temptation. Every week for 17 weeks, D.A.R.E. sends a specially trained police officer into the classrooms of fifth and sixth grade students to teach the students not only why they "NBPD website, accessed on December 7, 2003. NBPD-website, October 22, 2003. NBPD website, October 22, 2003. 0 • • 4.24 City of Newpott Beach 4.2 Police Protection • should refuse drugs and alcohol, but also how to do so. The D.A.R.E. program follows a carefully structured curriculum, focusing on topics such as personal safety, drug use and misuse, resisting peer pressure, building self-esteem, role models and support systems. Through their participation in the D.A.R.E. program at an age when they are most vulnerable to social pressure, the children establish the foundation for a healthy and productive lifestyle.16 The Citizens' Police Academy is a program designed to increase citizens' understanding of the NBPD's operations, in order to enhance the relationship between the community and the Department. Students learn how the Department is organized, how the community is served by the NBPD, and how emergency calls are responded to within the City. The Academy is conducted over a twelve -week period, during which time students learn from NBPD personnel who are experts in the areas of SWAT, K 9, narcotics, major crimes, patrol and helicopter operations, traffic laws, firearms and other related fields. All students participate in practical demonstrations and a ride -along during the Academy session, and are eligible to apply for the volunteer program within the NBPD once they graduate.' Mutual Aid Agreements The City of Newport Beach is part of an Orange County -wide Mutual Aid system, where any City within the County can request and receive assistance from other cities for any emergency situation. Homeland Security The City of Newport Beach and the NBPD closely monitor the Homeland Security National Threat is actively As a Participant in the Orange County Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Department is actively involved in evaluating terrorist information as it develops. The Department's goal is to provide the highest level of service and safety to the residents and visitors of Newport Beach.18 Projected Needs Currently, there are not any immediate or near -future plans for expansion of police facilities, staff, or equipment inventory." REGULATORY CONTEXT There are no Federal, State, or local policies that are directly applicable to police services within the Planning Area. REFERENCES California Department of Finance. 2003. E-I City/County Population Estimates, with Annual Percent Change, January 1, 2002 and2003, Sacramento, California, May. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Resource Allocation Plan, Fiscal Year2003-2004. "NBPD website, October 22, 2003. • "NBPD website, October 22, 2003. '1 NBPD website, October 22, 2003. " John Klein, written communication,14 November 2003 General Plan Technical Background Report 4.2-5 Chapter Public Services Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD). 2003. Dispatch. Website: http://www.hbpd.org, 22 October. 2003. Personnel Status Report. 14 November. 2003. Website: http://nbpd.org/crime—statistics/2003—particrimes.asp, 7 December, • • 4.2-6 Co of Newport Beach 4.3 Education • 4.3 EDUCATION This section describes existing school systems, facilities, and enrollment for the City of Newport Beach as well as current local and regional policy regarding new school development. Information from this section is based upon State education data and conversations with the School District staff. One school district provides primary, secondary and high school education to the residents of the City. Four local and several regional colleges and universities offer services for residents. ® EXISTING CONDITIONS The Newport -Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD or District), covering 58.83 square miles, serves the City of Newport Beach as well as the City of Costa Mesa and other unincorporated areas. NMUSD produced 1,118 graduates in the 2001/02 school year. Among the City's 75,817 residents, 96.7 percent have a high school diploma or higher, 58.5 percent attended an undergraduate institution, and 21.4 percent have graduate or professional degrees. Public Schools Facilities NMUSD consists of thirty-two public schools including twenty-two elementary schools, two junior high schools, five high schools, two alternative education centers, and one adult school. Of these, two high schools, one middle school, and eight elementary schools are located within Newport City limits. Refer to Table 4.3-1 for a list of the City's school facilities and Figure 4.3-1 for school locations. • Public School Enrollment District enrollment was about 22,275 students for 2002/03. Table 4.3-1, which includes public and adult schools, shows individual school enrollment numbers data. Private School Facilities Several private schools serve the City's residents. Those located in Newport Beach include Carden Hall (K-8), Harbor Day School (K-8), Our Lady Queen of Angles (K-8), St. Andrews Presbyterian (K-8), Newport Christian School (K-6), Newport Montessori School (K-2) and Tutor Time Child Care/Learning Center (K). Sage Hill High School (9-12) serves residents of the City and is located in Newport Coast. The Susan Phillips Day School (K), located in Costa Mesa, also serves residents of the City. Standards School capacity is the primary concern associated with educational facilities. According to School District administrators, current school capacity is adequate to serve Newport Mesa School District. Another measure of educational facilities is campus size. No singular standard for school size exists for California educational facilities. The rule -of -thumb approach used for the past several decades recommended a minimum 10 net usable acres for elementary schools, 25 acres for middle schools and 35 to 40 acres for high schools. According to School District staff, most of the elementary and high schools are near or above these standards, while the two middle schools are below the standard. • General Plan Technical Background Report 4.3-1 Chapter4 Public Services Table 4.3.1 Newport Beach Public School Enrollment 2002103 School CountyEnrollmeallfumbers HIGH SCHOOLS Corona del Afar Nigh 1,890 Costa Mesa High' 1.959 Estancia High' 1,338 Newport Harbor High 2.275 Orange Coast Middle College High School' 79 MIDDLE SCHOOLS Ensign (Horace) Intermediate 1,167 Tewinkle (Charles W.) Middle 1,136 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adams Elementary' 521 Andersen (Roy 0.) Elementary 495 California Elementary' 391 College Park Elementary' 434 Davis Elementary' 833 Eastbluff Elementary 333 Harbor View Elementary 502 Kaiser (Heinz) Memenary' 760 IGllybrooke Elementary' 461 Unocin Elementary 612 Mariners Elementary 651 Newport Coast Elementary 487 Newport Elementary 471 Newport Heights Elementary 602 Pauiarino Elementary' 340 Pomona Elementary' 557 Rea (Everett A.) Elementary' 763 Sonora Elementary' 375 Victoria Elementary' 421 Whittier Elementary' 654 Wilson Elementary' 651 Woodland Elemeptary' 528 ALTERNATivEAND ADULT SCHOOLS BackBayAllema8ve High School' 80 Monte Alternative Vista Hbh School' 239 Newport -Mesa Alternative Adult Education Center' WA Source for Enrollment atagsdcsl Caliromfe Department of Educadon. 2003, Dataquest Webslle hllplidetal.odoca.govfdoloquest, accessed 19 December. • Located in Costa Mesa • 11 �i 4.3.2 City of Newport Beech CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 4.3-1 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Elementary Schools J Andersen Elementary Carden Hall Elementary* East Bluff Elementary Harbor View Elementary Harbor Day Elementary* J Lincoln Elementary J Mariners Church and Elementary* J Mariners Elementary Newport Coast Elementary t� Newport Elementary 11� Newport Heights Elementary 1� Our Lady Queen of Angels Elementary* Middle Schools tJ Horace Ensign Junior High School 1 a St. Andrews Presbyterian Middle* High Schools 15 Corona Del Mar High School 16 1 Newport Harbor High School "ISage Hill School* Pre -Schools 1,D Tutor Time Pre -School* Q * PrAule Schools Note: Schools located in Costa Mesa are not shown on this figure. N 83. Feet. 0 20M 4000 Feet 0 0.5 Mlles Source: City of N,w Beach, General Plan. JUy 2003, City Booncal , May 2003. CourMes, May 2003, Schools, 00tobw 2003; US Census Bureau, Omar Clly BountlaAes. 2000; ESRI, Maid, Romd% Pe an, 2002: and EP Aswcbles. GIS Program, Oclobse 2, 20 PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HP Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 4.3 Education • As land constraints and evolving educational needs have necessitated revisions to these standards, the California Department of Education has published The Guide to School Site Analysis and Development in order to establish a valid technique for determining acreage for new school formulas that permit each district to accommodate its individual conditions. The Department of Education recommends that a site utilization study be prepared for a potential site, based on these formulas. While facility standards are used by planners, the NMUSD also uses other statistics to evaluate schools in the District. There were about 22,275 students enrolled at the primary, secondary, and high school level for the 2002/03 school year. For the same year, the District's pupil to teacher ratio was 20.4, a number below that of both the County and State at 22.2 and 20.7 pupils per teacher, respectively. Average class size for the District was 24.1, while county and State was 27.4 and 26.2, leaving NMUSD with 3.3 and 2.3 fewer students per classroom, respectively. The number of students per computer was 4.6 and number of students per computer with CD-ROM was 5.0, both numbers are significantly higher than corresponding county and State statistics.' Projected Needs The District does not currently identify any projected needs. Planned Improvements There is a Measure A Bond renovation in progress throughout the District. During construction, portable classrooms will accommodate the displaced student population 2 See the Section "Funding, • Local Sources" for a discussion of the Measure A School Modernization Program. Programs The District provides traditional curriculum education, as well as many additional programs for special students. ■ The Seamless Transition Employment Program (STEP) provides transitional services for developmentally disabled students, ages 18 to 22, in a community classroom setting. STEP curriculum covers pre -employment training, mobility training using local transit systems, self - advocacy and independent living skills, parent education, and connections with employment vendors. ■ The Workforce Investment Act created a program that provides services for economically disadvantaged youth, ages 14-21, including basic skills in math and reading, development of work readiness skills, completion of requirements for a diploma or equivalent, and connections to and retention of employment and/or post -secondary education. ■ The Gifted and Talented Education Honors Program (GATE) is available for elementary though high school students and is a program designed to meet the exceptional learning and developmental needs of identified GATE students. GATE students receive an average of three and one half hours of instruction each week, including honors or advanced placement classes, California Deputment of Education, Dataquest Website http://daml.cdc.ca.gov/dtaquwt, accessed December 19, 2003. • ' Ruth Levin, Administrative Assistant, Facilities Department, Newport Mesa Unified School District, written communication, January9, 2004. General Plan Techn(cal Background Report 4.3-5 Chapter 4 Public Services postsecondary education opportunities, and before/after school and Saturday classes. The aspects of the GATE program that include accelerated learning and placement, independent • study, and mentoting programs are designed to involve students and parent. Each school plan describes the program specific to the site. For the school year, 2002/03, the NMUSD had more than 1,500 students, or 6.8 percent of total enrollment, in the GATE program. Technology An important consideration in the future planning of school facilities is the use of information technologies, such as the Internet and wireless communications. Design and space considerations should reflect, when possible, the incorporation of such information technologies. Each school site typically includes the technological infrastructure to support the administrative operations and educational delivery to the students. The electronic infrastructure should include telephone systems/switch and intercom, public address, Cable Television, and Local Area Network (LAN). The LAN includes a fiber optic backbone from a Central Processing Unit room where cabling connects to the site network server to allow access to common software, files, information, and the Internet. The NMUSD considers technology an essential tool for students and has, therefore, placed an emphasis on technology. As stated in the District's Strategic Goals, NMUSD will provide its students a sequential skills technology framework beginning with kindergarten and building through 12th grade. In 2002/03, the number of students per computer was 4.6 and number of students per computer with CD-ROM was 5.0, significantly higher than county and State statistics? Funding • To accommodate increasing numbers of students, districts fund new school facilities through a combination of several State sources, including State bonds, local bonds, special taxes, developer fees, and various Federal funding sources. Districts have also used multitrack, year-round education as a way to avoid or defer the cost of new construction. State Sources The major State funding program for providing permanent school facilities is the Leroy F. Greene State School Building Lease -Purchase Program of 1976 (Lease -Purchase Program), which is funded by State bonds. These bonds are placed on the ballot by the legislature on a regular basis for approval by voters. In 2000, adoption of Proposition 39 changed the required majority for local voter approval of bonds from two-thirds to 55 percent. Once these bonds receive voter approval, school districts may apply for the funds. Eligibility is based on a district's need to house current, as well as projected, enrollment. The Lease -Purchase Modernization Program is an affdiated program that provides funds for improvements to enhance facilities at least 30 years old. Another source of State funding is the School Facility Program or Assembly Bill 16 (AB16), administered by the State Office of New Public School Construction. Under AB16, $13.05 billion was allotted for school facilities in 2002 and the program is funded at $12.3 billion for 2004. In 2002, Assembly Bill 16 created the Critically Overcrowded School Facilities (COS) program, which 'California Deparunent of Education, Dataquest Database. Wcbsite: http://daml.cdc.ca.gov/damquest, accessed December 19, 2003. . 4.3.6 City of Newport Beech 4.3 Education • supplements the new construction provisions within the School Facilities Program. The COS program allows school districts with critically overcrowded school facilities, as determined by the California Department of Education, to apply for a preliminary apportionment for new construction projects.' COS was funded at $1.7 billion in November 2002 and $2.44 billion in spring 2004.5 Levels of developer fee contribution are determined by the State Allocation Board and increase annually. Current State statutes dictate that school districts have the authority to levy fees (known as statutory or Level I fees) on new development at rates of $2.14 per square foot of new residential and $0.34 per square foot for commercial and industrial development.' Because these Level I fees often do not generate sufficient funding for new schools, districts such as NMUSD use fees (known as Level II fees) to generate one-half the cost of providing new school facilities. Use of Level II fees assumes that the State will provide the other half of the cost of new schools through the issuance of general obligation bonds. In the event that the State does not have funding available, participating districts have the option to temporarily increase the fees (then known as Level III fees) on new residential development to try and meet their needs. The district must, however, refund these funds when general obligation funds from the State do become available. It should also be noted that some income for school districts is obtained through the State lottery but cannot be used for funding construction projects due to the fluctuating funding levels available through this means. Local Sources Local funding sources include both non -revenue and revenue monies. Non -revenue funds include lease/purchases, certificates of participation, and other mechanisms typically in the form of loans. Revenue funds are generated from several sources, including the District's general fund, money from • the sale of unused school sites, general obligation funds, redevelopment agreement funds, developer fees, and others. After land is acquired, school districts are exempt from local zoning regulations and planning processes. But the construction of new schools, like all development, is dependent upon multiple factors, most basically the availability of funds. Also, without support from the City itself, available funding does not guarantee new facilities will be built. It is also important to note that increases in the tax base do not necessarily affect the financial status of the school districts. Thus, a strong local economy does not necessarily mean that new school facilities will be built and that programs will be expanded. Further, other operating expenses that continually increase, such salaries, can significantly decrease an already limited budget and eliminate opportunities for new development. Total revenues for the Newport -Mesa Unified School District in the year 2001/02 were $162.7 million. This translates into $7,600 per student, which is 105 percent of the average unified expenditure in the State of California. Of these revenues, 3.8 percent is State aid, 61.2 percent comes from local property taxes and fees, 4.8 percent is from Federal revenues, 21.8 is from State revenues (including Lottery), and the remaining 8.25 percent is from miscellaneous local revenues! Voters in the District passed the Measure A School Modernization Program in March 2000 authorizing the sale of $110 million in general obligation bonds. The District added $2 million in ' California Department of Education. Facilities Department, Website: w .cde.ra.gov/facilities, accessed January 5, 2004. ' California Office of Public School Construction, Website: http://w .opsc.dgs.m.gov/default.h=, accessed January 5, 2004. ' State Allocation Board, Website: a .opsc.dgs.m.gov/SAB/Default.htm, accessed January 5, 2004. • ' Education Data Partnership, Fd-Data: Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California's K-12 Schools. Website: w .ed-data.kl2.ca.us/welcome.asp, accessed December 19, 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.3-7 Chapter 4 Public Services deferred maintenance funds to the program and estimates a matching share of approximately $61.3 • million from eligibility in the California State School Facilities Program. The program will modernize twenty-eight campuses in the District, all of which are at least 25 years old and have not previously been modernized with State funds. All construction activity under the Measure A Program is expected to be completed in 2006 Private, Post -Secondary, and Community College Education There are four small colleges or universities within city limits. All four are private, three are for - profit, and one is not -for -profit. Platt College Newport, located on MacArthur Blvd., has 262 full- time students. Platt specializes in Information Technology, Graphic Design, and Multimedia. Interior Designers Institute has 53 full-time students. The small Newport University offers business administration, behavioral sciences, and law degrees. The Insurance Education Association specializes in professional education and serves more than 20,000 students through on-line services as well as its Newport Beach and San Francisco offices. There are several nearby Colleges/Universities that also serve Newport Beach residents. These include, but are not limited to: the University of California, Irvine, with more than 20,000 students located 10 miles from the City, California State University is 10 miles from Newport Beach and has more than 22,000 students in attendance; the University of Phoenix, with approximately 18,000 full-time students, located eight miles from Newport Beach; and Coastline Community College, with more than 3,000 students, also within 8 miles of the City. Regional community colleges include Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa with more than 25,000 students, Santa Ana College in the City of Santa Ana also with approximately 25,000 students, and Golden West College in Huntington Beach with 7,000 students enrolled. Is K REFERENCES California Department of Education. 2003. Dataquest Database. Website: htrp://datal.cdc.ca.gov/ dataquest, accessed 12/19/03. California Department of Education. 2004. Facilities Department. Website: www.cdc.ca.gov/ facilities, accessed 05 January. California Office of Public School Construction. 2004. Website: http://www.opsc.dgs.ca.gov/ default.htm, accessed 05 January. Education Data Partnership. 2003. Ed -Data: 'Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California's K-12 Schools. Website: www.ed-data.kl2.ca.us/welcomc.asp, accessed 19 December. Levin, Ruth. 2004. Written communication with Administrative Assistant, Facilities Department, Newport Mesa Unified School District, 9 January. State Allocation Board. 2004. Website: www.opsc.dgs.ca.gov/SAB/Default.htm, accessed 05 January. ' Nnvport Mesa Unified School District, Measure Awebsite: accessed January 5, 2004. • 4.3-8 City of owportBeach • Section 4.4 Parks and Recreation 4.4 Parks and Recreation • 4A PARKS AND RECREATION This section describes the existing parks and recreation facilities within the Planning Area. Information for this section is based on the City of Newport Beach Recreation and Open Space Element last updated in 1998, and conversations with City staff. Additional information reviewed in preparation of this section included information obtained from the City of Newport Beach official website. O EXISTING CONDITIONS Parklands are important land use components in an urban environment, providing both visual relief from the built environment and contributing to residents' quality of life through recreation and aesthetic value. This section describes the City's existing parkland, identifies planned expansions and improvements, and outlines current needs and future issues. PARKS The City has approximately 278 acres of developed parks and 102 acres of active beach recreation acreage (as defined below), for a total of 380.6 acres. Newport Beach's parklands range in size from mini -parks such as the Lower Bay Park (0.1 acre) to the 39-acre Bonita Canyon Sports Park, the City's newest and largest park. Newport Beach's park types and uses are described below.' ■ Community Parks serve the entire City and are easily accessible via arterial roads. These parks isgenerally contain amenities such as community buildings, parking, swimming, picnicking facilities, active sports, and other facilities that serve a larger population. Community Parks may have a particular theme or orientation such as active sports or aquatic facilities. ■ Neighborhood parks serve all ages and are generally one to eight acres in size. (Some existing neighborhood parks are smaller and some are larger than this standard.) When possible, they may be located adjacent to a public school. Neighborhood parks contain a wide variety of improvements that often include turf areas, active sport fields and courts, community buildings, playgrounds and picnic facilities. Other improvements may include senior center, youth center, and aquatic facilities. ■ Mini Parks are smaller parks that may take one of two different forms. Most mini parks are less than one acre in size, serve a population within a quarter -mile radius, and are located within a neighborhood, separate from major or collector roads. Some mini parks serve the entire City and are located as urban trail heads along major trails or streets. Conventional mini parks may include playground equipment, passive green spaces or a focus on one active sport such as tennis or basketball. Mini parks that serve as staging areas may include drinking fountains, restrooms, benches, shade trees, bicycle racks or, in some cases, parking. ' The term "Active recreation" is used throughout this document and refers to an area or activity that requires the use of organized play areas including, but not limited to, softball, baseball, football, and soccer fields; tennis and basketball courn; and various forms of • children's play equipment. "Passive recreation," conversely, typically does not require the use of organized play areas. Passive recreation areas are often open space areas, which can include "pocket" parks, trails, and other unimproved lands. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-1 Chapter 4 Public Services Neighborhood parks that include unique recreational facilities, such as basketball courts, • tennis courts, turf areas, active sports fields, community buildings, unique play areas, or view parks are considered citywide resources and, thus, are usually used by all citizens. ■ View Parks are smaller passive parks designed to take advantage of a significant view. They are often located on coastal bluffs to focus upon ocean or bay views. Most view parks are between one-half to three acres in size and serve the entire City.. View parks are generally improved with landscaping, walkways, and benches. ■ Bikeways are major throughway trails that connect to regional trails. They are primarily on major roads and are intended to serve both functional and recreational cyclists. Secondary Bikeways connect to backbone trails and serve cyclists and children riding to and from school. ■ Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) are passive open space areas possessing unique environmental value that generally warrant some form of protection or preservation. ESAs sometimes,provide passive recreational opportunities, such as hiking, interpretive centers, and viewparks. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the following: > Riparian areas > Freshwater or Saltwater marshes > Intertidal areas > Otherwedands ■ Greenbelts may be either publicly or privately owned and may include areas with some recreational facilities, although the primary function of greenbelts is passive open space. ■ jogging Trails are routes commonly used for community -wide running. • ■ Marine Life Refuges usually serve the purpose of protection of marine and intertidal species. Often times, these refuges are managed at the State level. ■ Tidelands are lands below water and filled areas that are water -adjacent. Currently, the City holds 1,168 acres of "tidelands" in trust and is responsible for their management. This includes lifeguard service, maintenance of the beach, boardwalk, public docks, marinas, etc. Tidelands have proven costly to maintain and do not currently generate revenues to support their recreational uses. ■ Open Space includes passivc,open space areas that do not function as public parks. Such areas may or may not be accessible to the general public. Those areas that are accessible generally provide passive recreational opportunities, such as hiking, interpretive centers, and viewparks. ■ Pedestrian Trails include improved or unimproved walkways or sidewalks located within park, beach, greenbelt, or open space area. ■ Public Beaches serve a number of local and regional functions. In some neighborhoods, beaches function as neighborhood or community parks such as Peninsula Park at Balboa Pier. Easy accessibility, lack of entrance fees and a lack of otheravailable parks have contributed to this function. Sandy beach areas adjacent to the bay or ocean are usually designated as public beach and may include active sports, snack bars, showers, drinking fountains, restrooms, walkways, docks, benches, shade trees and parking areas. Active beach recreation takes place within about 100 feet of the water's edge. Thus, the public beach area located within 100 feet • of the water's edge is included in the active recreation acreage calculations. 4.4.2 CAty of Newport Beach 4A Parks and Recreation • ■ Recreation Trails incorporate two or more trail types, including bicycle, equestrian and pedestrian, and typically include rest stop amenities. Recreation trails also provide links between parks and open space areas. ■ Regional Equestrian Trails, as designated by the Orange County General Plan Transportation Element, are backbone routes. ■ Public Schools are considered part of the recreation system in the City because some of the fields, pools, and playground areas serve the general public during weekends and after school. Thus, discussion of existing school facilities is included in this document. ■ Staging Areas are suggested gathering or drop-off locations for connecting to equestrian, pedestrian, jogging or bicycle trails, area beaches, or tidepools. ■ Ecological Reserves, in this case, are managed by the State Department of Fish and Game. In Newport Beach, The Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve is set aside for resource protection, water maintenance, and for educational and recreational purposes. • E Table 4.4-1 lists the City's parkland acreages, including active beach recreation areas. The acreages are presented by Service Area, a designation created by the City for ease of park planning, overall operations, and parkland maintenance. These divisions also allow equitable administration of parkland dedications and fees provided by residential development. Table 4.4-1 also lists the deficit/excess parkland for each service area, which is discussed later in the section. The Service Areas are depicted on Figure 4.4-1. Existing and proposed parks are illustrated on Figure 4.4-2. Table 4.4.1 Parkland Acreage ' ServfceArea _ Exisfin "ParkAcrea e: 2003• 1998 School Recreation Acreage 'Park Aires Needed1990 '" 'PirkAcrei Exisfin 2003 Acthid Beach RacreaffonAwea a Combined; ParklBeachAcre o Deficit(-) . Excess + 1: West Newport 64.7 9.1 34 43.1 -21.6 0 2: Balboa Peninsula 25.5 6.5 44 50.5 +25.0 3.3 3: Newport Heights at al. 64.3 50.2 0 50.2 -14.1 37.8 4: Santa Ana Heights 3.2 2.0 0 2.0 -1.2 0 5: Lower Bay 17.3 0.1 0 0.1 -17.2 0 6: Balboa Island 17.9 0.3 1 1.3 -16.6 0 7: Eastbluff 31.3 71.0 0 71.0 +39.7 22.8 8: Big Canyon 13.9 0 0 0 -13.9 0 9: Newport Center 10.9 4.0 0 4.0 -6.9 0 10: Corona del Mar 44A4 23.9 11.4 35.3 -9.1 0 11: Harbor View 54.6 Ill 0 Ill +56.4 4.6 12: Newport Coastb 28 WA 12.6 NIA NIA - Totals 378° 278.1 102.6d 380.7 +4.7 88.5 SOURCE: Newport Beach Recreation and Open Space Element 1998 2003 Calculation is based on the City of Newport Beach Recreation and Open Space Element (June 1998) inventory and includes Arroyo Park and Bonita Canyon (Service Area 11). bEstimaled 2002 population of 6,699 and appmbmately 6,500linear feet of active beach (5,699 population x 5 acre per thousand = 28 acres) • 69,600 +5,699 population x 5 acre per thousand = 376 acres d Includes beach area where active recreation lakes place (i.e., typically within 100 feet of the water. In addition, there are 174 acres of passive beach open space,136 acres of open space land In the Upper Bay Ecological Reserve, and an undetermined amount of water open space in the Upper Bay and Newport Harbor) General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-3 Chapter Public Services NE;, P 4' n4tMNHci0.hti .., Co ••ma" . i 7 , Eastblulf/ ♦ � Newpan North♦'•••M� 1 ; : Big Canyon/ • t NCNjWrt� 3 : at eelcourt • QQQfgq�ee,,, •.• Newport Nelghtg t Upper Day • •. ' •.. ; 0 '' ��` 5 ••S, a ' `''• 11 'Q �nq, ••.' °cmnrwa� . (� •. ; wvborwew 1Q '+ aiboalstan •• '• '•• w s •�.. 10 •. •'..• ' Coma dclhl;r• •`` ' 12 • s ..•. ... • • ?� � Ncwp6rl WASI I MILE amen.. SERVICE ARKBOUNDARY Figure 4.4.1 Service Area Locations Recreational Facilities Newport BeacKs parks contain a variety of recreational facilities, with areas available for organized sports, including soccer fields, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, volleyball courts, and basketball courts. Additionally, benches, picnic tables, and barbecues are available for informal recreation activities. Recreational opportunities exist for children in many of the play areas in the City's parks. Biking and walking trails are also popular recreational amenities within the City. Swimming pool facilities and several aquatic sporting activities are available to the public at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center and Newport Harbor High School through joint use agreements with the Newport Mesa Unified School District. Additional recreational resources within the City include three community' centers, several' multipurpose recreation centers, a senior center, and two gymnasium facilities. The City does not own ,or maintain any municipal golf courses. Table 4.4-2 lists public open space and recreation • facilities in Newport Beach by service area as of 1998. 4.44 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN BANNING RANCH INFAPDRT �J —ER ,ETTY �9) City Parks 1) "L" meet Park "M° meet Park 38TH Street Park 4) Arroyo Park Boyside Park Ba~ Park Begonia Park Big Canyon Park Bob Henry Park t D� Balsa Park 11 Bongo Carryon Sports Park 1J Buffoio Hllk Park 1� Castaways Park 14) Channel Place Park 1� Golaky View Park 1� Gateway Pork 1J Grant Howald Park 18 j Harbor View Nature Park 1� Inspiration Point 20) Irvine Terrace Park COSTA MESA 4J4 m IP 4r 3� das 28 3 15 ,Z�wETT 33 22 uDO .IE R IER NEWPORT 4°9 21 Jasmine Creek Vew Park 22 longs Road Park Las Arenas Park L4) Lldo Park ?� Uncoln Athletic Center J Loakout Point 27 Myrtle Park 28 Newport Word Pork 29 Newport Shares Pork 330 Newporter North Park 33� Old School Park 33� Penlnsulo Pork 33RhTe-Whod Park 34, San Joaquin Hills Park 35) Son Miguel Park 36) Spyglass HIII Park � 37 Spyglass HIII Reservoir Park 339 Sunset Mew Park .Ax EDN alAxx IB Boy C9LA.. 57 Sq a J°, 4 J AORD ROAD 11� 43 x. RER�» Pa rJ r' o i . JxnwcCRT VxE. �OAsr 54 53 27 G wH J J BAIBOA (PIANO 32 39 Veterans Manaonal Park J West Jelly View Park 41 West Newport Palk 4� Wesiclitt Park Recreation Faculties J Newport Aquatic Center Bonito Creek Park and J Con inunity Center JCIIB DPW Park and Community Center Easlbluff Park & J Boys and Cris Club Ens New Park & heater 617 Artsenter qp , Mainers Park & Jorgensen Cammuniry Center 4� Balboa Carnmunlfy Center Si0 Call Beek Community Center West Newport Community, 5 Center J IRVINE A ° 8 c J 'x 25 J 52 34 Hrus J 55 J ?) 5J J J wE0 E J GaFGxA Proposed Parks RxeRRR 52 Newport Village Park 53 Sunset Ridge Pork 541 Upper Bayview PossHe/Special Use Pans Oasis Senior Center & 55 Passive Park Counly Parks 56 1 Newport Dunes Ragland Facilities 57 Papper Newport Bay Regional 58 ParW Newport Bay Regional ROAD i i ryFaAT R .TA RY9C RTArE GCARR .a� A " GTAL CGVE STATE YAFN i ,4 Figure 4.4-2 PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ••-- CWBoundary Park and Recreational Facilities = Existing Parks Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway streets I NOW: GIs Data PmlDGtbn - CA Sole Plane. Zone6, NPD33, Feet. ' 0 2000 4W0 Poet D 01 1 Mlle. Source: Clly of Newport Beach, Gewal Plan, July 2003. City Boundary, May 2003: Estlslhg Parks, May 2003, Counted, May 2003, Heads, May 2003: Its Census Bueau, Ogler City Baundari 2000. and EP Associates, GIS Ropom, October 2, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: MV Date: 03/09/04 EIP 4.4 Parks and Recreation • • • Table 4.4-2 Existing (2003) Public Open Space and Recreation Facilities ' Useele I Active/e PassiDA Park-Recreallon FacilityAcres v, eaddPecllldes� A Aeeess9 SERVICE AREA 1: WEST NEwpoRT Channel Place Park 1.2 A Active Neighborhood Park; Turf area; half basketball court; 2 picnic tables; 2 barbecues; play area and swings; benches; restrooms; drlfountain; bay frontage play area only _ Gateway Park 0.3 P Passive Mini -Park: Landscaped entry sign (no recreation facilities) _ Lido Park 0.2 P View Park: Turf; benches; drlfountain; view of bay yes Newport Island Park 0.3 A Active Neighborhood Park; Turf area; %a basketball court; 2 picnic tables; I barbecue; play area; benches; drlfountain; view of bay yes Newport Shores Park 0.2 A View Park: Turf area; play area; benches; drlfountain; view of bay no Rhine -Wharf Park 0.1 P View Park: Benches; view of bay yes West Newport Community Center 0.4 A Recreation center: Gym; classrooms; locker rooms, play area (+.3 so. free parking) play area only West Newport Park 4.6 3.8 A 0.8 P Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; half basketball court;17 picnic tables; play areas; benches; 4 tennis courts; 4 racquetball courts; restrooms/showers; drlfounlains; 1+1.9 so. metered parking) east porBOn only Sunset View Park 0.8 P View Park: Turf area; benches; walkway yes 38a Street Park 1.0 A Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; l%, basketball courts; 2 picnic tables; play area; drlfountain; restrms. play area only TotalParkAcreage 911 6.9acactive +Z2ac. passive West Newport Beaches 34 so. active 34 so. passive Public Beaches: Swimming; beach play; volleyball; sunning; benches (average width = 200', with active recreation concentrated in 100' nearest the water) no SERVICE AREA 2: SAL80A PENINSULA Balboa Community Center 0,1 A Recreation Center; Meeting room; dance floor, restrooms (+.1 so. parking) limited °L° Street Park 0.3 P Mini Park: Turf area; benches; drlfountain no Las Arenas Park 1.3 A Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; half basketball court; play area; benches; 4 tennis courts; drlfountain, Gid Scout House (lease from City) i no M° Street Park 0.1 P Mini Park: Turf area; benches yes Newport and Balboa Piers We Municipal Piers: Walking; views; fishing; food concessions yes Peninsula Park (at Balboa Pier) 3.5 2.6 A 0.9 P Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; 4 picnic tables; 3 barbecues;1 ball diamond; I athletic field; beach volleyball; play area; gazebo; restrooms/showers; view of ocean (+1.1 so. metered parking) no Veterans Memorial Park 0.4 P Neighborhood Park; Turf area; 3 picnic tables; benches; 2 barbecues; drlfountain; view of bay, American Legion Hall (+,9 so. metered parking) no West Jetty Park 0.8 P View Park: Turf area; benches; fishing; I recreational table; view of oceantbay yes Total ParkAcreage I 6.5 5.3 ac. active+ 1.2 ac. passive School Recreation Site: Newport Elementary School 3.3 A Turf area; basketball; playground (located on beach front sand area leased from City since 1950) Peninsula Beaches: Bay and Ocean (e.g.10a Street Beach,16-19" Street Beach, etc.) I 44 ac, active 132 so. passive Public Beaches: Swimming; beach play; sunning; benches; drlfountain; parking lots/meters, hand -carried boat launching (ocean beaches avg. width = 400', with active recreation concentrated in 100' nearest the water) General Plr Chapter 4 Public Services Table, 4.4.2 Existing (2003) Public Open Space and Recreation Facilities w,aw AcuyeJ � aoA Park•RemaeonFadR Acres Puaive andFadll6ea Aeaaar SERVICEAREA 3: NEWPORT HEIGHTS -UPPER BAY Bob Henry Park 4.4 3.5A Active Neighborhood Park: 2 ball fields; soccer field; play equipment; yes 0.9 P reslrooms; athletic group storage; drlfountain; (+,4 so. free parking) Boise Park 02 A Mini Park: Turf area; play area and equipment;1 picnic table; benches; yes drlfountain Castaways Park 17.4 P Aw Park: Bike and hiking balls; view of bay yes Cliff Drive Park & Community 4.6 OA A View Park and Community Center. Multi -Purpose Room; half basketball yes Center 4.2 P court;' play'area; picnic area; barbecues; benches; resudoms; views of bay and ocean; sheet parking only Ensign Park _ 1.8 P View Park: Turf area, benches; view of bay; Theater Arts Center (+,3 yes ac, parking) Galaxy Park 1.0 P View Park: Turf area; benches; view of back bay yes Kings Road Park 0.4 P V ar : Turf area; benches; view of oceanibay no Mariners Park (including A, 6,0 A Community Park: Multi -purpose room; playfields with lights on one side; yes Vincent Jorgensen Community softball diamonds wlbleachers; 2 tennis courts wllights; 2 racquetball Center) courts; play area; BBUs benches; reslrooms; (plus branch library and fire station) North Star Beach 11.6 P Public Beach: Beach, sunning, drlfountain [State-owned buljoindy-held no wlCdunty as tidelands trust] (+,5 Go. free parking). Plus Newport Aquatic Center. Club recreation centerwilh Classrooms; weight room, locker rooms, hand -carried boat launching; outrigger canoe launching (leased from City) Wesldiff Park 2.8 P MMy ar : Turf area; view of ocean/bay (+.2 as parking) no TotalParkAcreage $0.2 21.6ea. active +28.6arxpassive School Recreation Sites; Mariners Elementary School 5.4 A Basketball; playfields. Accommodates overflow from adjacent Mariners Park for active recreation, Newport Heights Efem. School 4.9 A Open spacelplay areas. Provides facilities near boundary with Costa Mesa. Horace Ensign Jr. High School 7.6 A Volleyball; basketball; playfields; gymnasium. Playfelds used for soccer and other organized programs; gym available for some City programs. Newport Harbor High School 19,99 A Tennis; volleyball; basketball; playfields; swim pool. Total School Recreation Acres 1 37.8 A SERVICE AREA4: SANTA ARA HEIGHTS Sayview Park 2.0 1,OA Active Neighborhood Park; Turf area; bike trail access; full basketball yes LOP court; play area; 2 picnic tables; play area; drlfountains; view of upper Bay Total ParkAcreage 20 1so. active +I so. passive SERVICEAREA 5: LIDO ISLE • LOwER BAY Myrtle Park 1 0.1 P Min ark: Turf area; benches: pay phone yes TotalParkAcreage 0.1 0,1or passive •SERVICE AREA 6: BALBOA ISLAND Balboa Island Park and Carroll 0.3 i A Neighborhood Park -Active : Recreation center, %, basketball courl;1 yes Beek Community Center bench; play areal drfountain Total Park Acreage 0.3 0,3 ac, acdve Balboa Island Beaches 1.0 active Swimming, beach play, boating (active recreation area = area 6.9 passive nearestwater, approximately 1 acre) • • • 4.4.8 City of Newport Beach 4.4 Parks and Recreation Table 4.4.2 Existing (2003) Public Open Space and Recreation Facilities • ' PeUr•Reireaaon Facility :Usable .Aeres._1 Ac6yeP Passfye . _ T oandFacllldes ,_ ADA iAcbess9 SERVICE AREA 7: EASTBLUFF-NEWPORT NORTH Big Canyon Park 39.2 P Environmentally Sensitive Area: Hiking trails; view of back bay no Bonita Creek Park 13.1 A Community Park; Rec, center;1 lighted soccer field; 2 ball diamonds (1 yes lighted); %: basketball court; restrooms; play area; picnic area; 8 picnic tables; (+1.1 so. free parking) Easlbluff Park 18.7 10.2 A Community Park; Turf area l ball diamond;1 athletic field; play area; 3 yes 8.5 P picnic tables; 2 BBO's; benches; restrooms; drlfountains (+•8 ac. free parking) (Park includes portion used by Boys/Girls Club, with gym, activity center, community room, and classrooms) Total Park Acreage 71.0 23.3 ac. active + 47.7 so. passive School Recreation Site: Corona del Mar High School & 22.8 A Basketball; field sports; tennis; volleyball Madan Bergeson Aquatic Ctr. Swimming; diving; water polo SERVICE AREA 9: NEWPORT CENTER Newpoder Norih' Park 4.0 P View Park: Turf area; benches; view of upper bay. yes Total Park Acreage 4.0 14 ac. passive SERVICE AREA 10: CORONA DEL MAR Bayside Park 2.5 0.4 A Neighborhood Park: Turf area; play area; benches no 2.1 P Begonia Park 2.0 0.8 A Neighborhood Park: Turf area; 2 play areas; 2 barbecues; 2 picnic no 1.2 P tables; benches; drinking fountain; view of bay/ocean Harbor View Nature Park 10.2 P Passive Neighborhood Park Hiking trails no • Inspiration Point 1.4 P View Park: Turf area; benches; view of ocean yes Irvine Terrace Park 6.5 A Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; play area; I basketball court; 2 south small playfields; 2 tennis courts; benches; 5 picnic tables; 2 barbecues; Portion drlfountains; view of baylocean; restrooms y Lookout Point 1.0 P V ew Park: Turfarea; benches; drinking fountains; telescope; view of yes baylocean Old School Park 0.3 P Mini Park: Turf area; bench As TofalParkAcreage 23.9 7.7 so. acdve+ 16.2 no. passive Corona del Mar Beaches: Corona del Mar State Beach 11.4 A State Beach Park: Turf area;10 volleyball courts; 4 picnic tables; 4 no ('Big Corona': City -operated barbecues; 20 fire rings; benches; swimming; fishing; State Beach) restrooms/showers; food concessions; drlfountains; view of baylocean; pay phones; (+5.7 so. metered parking) "Little Corona" Beach 1.5 P Public Beach: Tidepools; group visits Beach Totals: 11.4 active 1.5passive • General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-9 Chapter 4 Public Services Table 4.4.2 Existing (2003) Public Open Space and Recreation Facilities Usable AeDyN ADA Perk•Reenalbn Fadll Aems Passive andPacllltles Aeeessr SERVICEARFA11: HARaoRVIEw Arroyo Park 18.3 A Community Park: 2 barbecues, concrete picnic tables,1 play area, water fountains, I full-size multipurpose Held, and 1 full basketball court Buffalo Hills Park 16.1 10A A Community Park; Turf area;,2 play areas;1 ball diamond;1 basketball yes 6,1 P ceurt;1 volleyball curt; athletic field; benches; 1l'picnic tables; 5 barbecues; 2 resbooms; drinking fountains Bonita Canyon Sports Park 40.8 3.5 A Community Park: 2 barbecues, picnic tables, 2 play areas, water 37.3 P fountains, 5 fullsize multipurpose fields, and 1 full basketball court, 2 tennis courts, resboorps. Grant Howald Park 4.9 4.63A ieark: Community Youth Center (with dance floor, yes 0 utP mmproom,end meeting room); play area;1 lighted ball diamond;1 basketball court; 2 tennis courts; pionlearea; turf area; 3 tables; 2 barbecues; resuooms (+.6 ac. free parking) Jasmine Creek Park 0.2 P View Park: Turf area; benches; view of ocean yes Lincoln Athletic Center 12.4 A Community Park: 3 playfields (2 lighted); I basketball court; gym; no restrooms, (leased from School District) Oasis Passive Park and Senior 5.6 2.8 A Community Center: Senior Center, turf area; public garden plots; (+1.5 yes Center 2.8 P so. free parking) San Joaquin Hills Park 3.5 A Active Neighborhood Park: Turf area; benches; 4 tennis courts; no Ii resbooms; drlfohntalns; 2 plcnic tables; lawn bowling greens and clubhouse (leased to Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Assoc; petanque court (+.6 ac. free parking) San Miguel Park 6.9 5.2A Act ve Neighborhood Park: Turf area; I athletic field;1 ball diamond:1 yes 1.7 P basketball court; 4 racquetball courts; play area; 6 picnic tables; benches; 2 barbecues; drifountains; reshooms (+A so. free parking) Spyglass Hill Park 1.3 A Mini vark: Turfarea; benches; play area; ddfountaln no Spyglass Reservoir Park 1.0 A 1 Park: Turf area; play area; playground equipment; benches;1 yes picnic table; panoramic view Total ParkAcreage 111 62.3ac.scdve+48.7aepassive School Recreation Sites: Andersen Elementary School 1.6 . Basketball; Field Sports; Volleyball HarborView Elem, School 3.0 a Field Sports Uncein Elementary *Acreage Included within Lincoln Athletic CV, above, Total SchoolRecreatIon Acres 4.6 A Other Recreation Area: Passive Regional Park: Bike pairs; views; nature trails;10.000 sf. nature center, Upper Newport Bay Regional 136 acres (excluding water) Park (County) Grand TotalaParkAcreage 278.1 128.4ac.active+149.7ac.passive (plus 136acresinUpperBayReglonal Park: water, Galls, ecological reserve, open space) Grand Total: Active Beach 90.4 (plus 174aapassive beach open space—typiailynot active recreaffonal Recreatlon Acreage because of distance from water) Grand Total: School 68.5 RecreadonAcreage CJ • 4.4-10 City of Newport Beach 4.4 Parks and Recreation • Other Recreational Facilities Beach and Harbor Facilities The City has approximately 17 miles of sandy ocean beach (including the Upper Newport Bay). The widths of the beaches along the ocean vary from area to area. The beaches at Little Corona and the Marine Life Refuge, for example, are narrow and rocky. The Balboa Peninsula has small beaches on the bay side, such as those located at 10d' and 15" Streets, and a broad ocean beach, averaging over 400 feet in width. In west Newport, by contrast, the beach is seldom more than 200 feet wide. Public parking is available at Corona del Mar State Beach, Balboa Pier, Newport Pier, 18" Street, North Star Beach, and City Hall. Restroom facilities are concentrated in relatively few areas adjacent to piers and some street ends. There are long stretches of beach land that do not have easily accessible public restrooms. The lack of public restrooms is a problem for visitors to Upper Newport Bay. Newport Harbor, in Lower Newport Bay, is one of the largest small craft harbors in the United States. Thousands of small boats are moored at residential piers, commercial slips or bay moorings, or launched at the boat ramps and kept in dry storage in areas adjacent to the harbor and the Upper Bay or trailered from other areas. The harbor contains 1,230 residential piers, 2,119 commercial slips and side ties, and 1,221 bay moorings. The Harbor Patrol has 11 moorings and five slips that are available to guests and provides a mooring location for visiting boats. The harbor has eight marinas, four gas docks/service stations, and boat pump -out facilities. Businesses in the area include several boat rental companies and providers of fishing excursions and harbor tours. Several clubs • provide their members with storage and launching facilities. Privately -owned launching facilities are available to the general public in the Upper Bay but are primarily used for launching power boats due to the fact that most sailboats cannot pass under the Coast Highway bridge that extends over the Bay. The public beach at 18ie Street is used to launch small sailboats. City sailing programs use the beaches at le and 18' Streets for sailing classes. School Facilities with Joint Use Agreements In general, school recreation facilities are open to the public during non -school hours. The Newport Mesa Unified School District has a joint use agreement with the City of Newport Beach that allows the shared use of school recreation facilities for public use. Typically elementary schools provide adjunct recreation opportunities to surrounding neighborhoods, while junior high and high schools provide adjunct community -wide facilities. The Newport Mesa Unified School District also presently leases "dormant" school sites to the City for recreational purposes. In 1998, 68 acres of School District land were available for recreational uses under joint use agreements. Private Facilities There are several private facilities within City limits as detailed in Table 4.4-3. These facilities are important because, while they do not contribute to the City's public parkland inventory, they generally offer, for a fee, additional services to the public. The facilities in Service Area 12 are located in a recently annexed area of the City and present parkland acquisition opportunities for the City. The table lists all categories of recreation facilities available in the City, including yacht clubs, golf courses, and country clubs. While some of these facilities are for members only, many are open to the public either for general use of the facility's amenities or else for a specific City -sponsored or • City -organized event that utilizes a unique aspect of the facility that may not be available in those General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-11 Chapter 4 Public Services facilities owned by the City. An example is the Newport Aquatic Center, which, as described,in the • "Programs" Section, is utilized by the City for certain aquatic activities available to the public. Table 4.4.3 Private Recreation Resources Nome or Park 1 Arne I ACIlYMPASSIN Descrl Bon SERVICE AREA 12: NEWPORT COAST (PRIVATE PARKS WITHIN RECENTLY ANNEXED AREA) Canyon Watch Park 3.2 P View Park: Boulder outcroppings; picnic tables; scenic overtook; otfsUeet parking Crestddge Park 8,4 P Passive Neighborhood Park: Ornamental landscaping; tot lot walkway connections to Crestddge Road and Newport Coast Dr, West Harbor Watch Park 1.6 P View Park: Boulder outcroppings; scenic overtook Los Trancos Canyon View Park 5.9 P View Park: Picnic areas; benches; drinking fountains; scenic overlook; Los Trencos Canyon Trail access Newport Coast local Park 12.8 A Active Neighborhood Park: May Include softball fields; soccer field, tot lot; basketball court; volleyball court play jogging trail; pavilions; drinking fountains; restroom Newport Ridge Community Park 262 AIP Community Park: athletic fields; basketball couds;sand volleyball oourl;4otlot; pavilions; entry court gazebo; picnic area; reslrooms; parking lot Total Private ParkAcreage 58.1 Group Fecllides EXISTING (1998) PRIVATE RECREATION FACILTIES-YACHT CLUBS YACHT CLUBS Bahia Corinthian Y1C Marina, Sailing Docks, Moorage, Boat Launch, Clubhouse BalboaYlC Sailing Lessons, Sailing Docks, Moorage, Boat Launch, Clubhouse Balboa Bay Club Volleyball, Gym, Swimming Pool, Scuba Lessons, Sailing Docks, Moorage, Clubhouse, Showers, Beach Area Lido lsle Y1C Sailing Docks, Moorage, Launching, Clubhouse Newport HarborYIC Sailing lessons, Sailing Docks, Moorage, Boat Launch, Clubhouse, Showers, Beach Area Shark Island YIC Sailing Docks, Clubhouse, Showers South ShoreYlC Races; Parent/Child class; volleyball„Sailing Docks, Boat Launch, Clubhouse, Showers Voyagers YIC Racing & Cruising, Clubhouse, Showers Gmep Fecilides Open hr PueI1cT Arne slann 0THEREXISTING (1998) PRIVATE RECREATION FACILITIES GOLF COURSES & COUNTRY CLUBS Back Bay Golf Course(alHyatt Newpoder) g.boleexecutive course, par 27 Yes 9 Big Canyon Country Club 18•hole course, par 72, 6400 yards 8 Newport Beach Country Club 18•holecourse, par 71,6230yards 9 Newport Beach Golf Course 18•hole course, par 59, 3200 yards Yes 4 Pelican Hill Golf Course Two 18-hole courses, par 70 and 71, 6800 yards and 70DO yards Yes 12 TENNIS CLUBS Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club 24 tennis courts 9 Newport Beach Tennis Club 19 tennis courts,1 junior Olympic size pool 7 Palisades Tennis Club 15 tennis courts 9 Peninsula Point Racquet Club 2 tennis courts 2 • 4.4-12 CityofNewporf Beach 4.4 Parks and Recreation • • Table 4.4.3 Private Recreation Resources Groe P Faculties Open tm PotiI1c7. ; 'Service= . Area , YOUTH, FAMILY, AND OTHER CLUBS American Legion Hall (at Veterans Memorial Park) Clubhouse/Activity Center with multipurpose room(leased from City) 2 Balboa Bay Club 1 tennis court,1 racquetball court,1 gym, 1 25-meter lap pool, 120-yard children's pool,1 exercise room, sailing docks, moorage, clubhouse 3 Boys & Girls Club (at Eastbluff Park) Gym, activity center, community room, and classrooms (leased from City) Yes 7 Girt Scout House (at•Las Arenas Park) Clubhouse/Activity Center with multipurpose room (leased from City) Yes 2 Lawn Bowling Club (at San Joaquin Hills Park) Clubhouse with multipurpose room; 2lawn bowling courts plus 1 Petanque court in park separate from Lawn Bowling Club (leased from City) Yes 11 Newport Aquatic Center (at North Star Beach) Classrooms; weight room, locker rooms, hand -carried boat launching; outrigger canoeing (leased from City) Yes 3 Orange Coast Y.M.C.A (under consideration for City purchase) 2 basketball courts, 2 racquetball courts, I classroom, 1 25-yard pool,1 15-yard children's pool, I aerobics room, I sand volleyball court Yes 4 Orange Coast College Sailing and Rowing Base Hand -cared boat launching; crew rowing; restrooms Yes 3 Boy Scout Sea Base Webelos Aquatic Camp and Summerday camp: classes in sailing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, etc. Yes 3 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS (WITH PARALLEL RECREATION PROGRAMS) Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association 1 pool, activity center 7 Harbor View Community Assoc. 1 pool, activity center 11 Lido Isle Community Assoc. 3 tennis courts,1 activity room 5 Newport Hills Comm. Assoc. 1 pool, activity center 11 Newport Shores Comm. Assoc. 1 pool 1 Souace: Newport Beach Recreation and Open Space Element 1998 SERVICES The City of Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services Department is charged with providing community services as well as recreational and leisure time opportunities. The Department is responsible for the planning and development of the City's parks and recreational facilities. Specifically, the Department manages adult and youth sports classes; special events; after -school, summer, and aquatic programs; community classes and involvement programs; senior recreation programs; and reservations for ballfields, picnics, and facilities. The City also offers many important services to senior citizens, such as the Oasis Senior Center, a large senior center dedicated to meeting the needs of seniors and their families through educational, recreational, cultural and social services. The General Services Department is responsible for the maintenance of City parks. Recreation and Community Services Recreation and parks programs are structured to meet the recreational interests of Newport Beach's residents. As previously mentioned, adult and youth sports classes, after -school programs, summer programs, special events, and aquatic programs are offered through the Department. Cultural and recreational programs in Newport Beach are conducted at many City facilities, including • neighborhood parks, the Balboa Community Center, the Bonita Creels Community Center, the Carroll Beek Center, the Cliff Drive Community Center, the Community Youth Center, the West General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-13 Chapter 4 Public Services Newport Community Center, the Oasis Senior Citizens Center, and local libraries. City programs • are also conducted at local school facilities. Many of the programs in the City are geared towards children. Newport Beach Recreation Services offers an after -school program that includes recreational activities for students in grades lst-through 6th. Swimming lessons and other aquatic activities are offered at the Marian 'Bergeson, Aquatic Center. For different age groups, summer and winter youth sports day camps are offered at the Community Youth Center at Grand Howald Park. Organized through the Newport Beach Aquatics Club, the City offers an age -group swim team and junior water polo. The swim team is dedicated to the development of competitive swimming. The City also utilizes one of the two local gymnasiums for its youth basketball program. Various organized sports are also offered, in addition to outdoor recreation and special interest courses. Youth Sports are designed as recreational, skill development programs. Programs are geared for children ages 5 to 14. A total of seven different programs are offered. Two separate Pee Wee sports programs for 3 to 5 year olds are also offered throughout the year. Softball and baseball programs are available for adults. Other services are geared towards teens. The City of Newport Beach Youth Council is a teen group that meets monthly to address a variety of issues that face teens in the Newport Beach community. The council has four subcommittees that plan, organize, market, and implement the four main programs including City Government Day and producing a report to City Council. Recreation Services offers organized outings for 7th and 8th grade students. For the school year 2003-2004, students participated in a day of snowboarding and skiing. PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS • Planned improvements include active and passive open space areas, as well as the addition of amenities such as turf areas, play fields, and expansion of existing view parks. Table 4.4-4 lists these improvements by Service Area. CURRENT AND FUTURE NEEDS Most existing playing fields in the City are used throughout the year by various youth and adult groups for recreational and competitive sports leagues, school district activities and City events. Facilities such as Buffalo Hills Park, Bonita Creek, Community Youth Center, and the Lincoln Athletic Center are used to the extent that they generally are not available for general public use without advancedseservations. Park 'buildings are regularly,used at full capacity throughout the year as well as the day and evening to accommodate cultural and recreation programs and community meetings. Current heavy usage of parks and facilities combined with an increasing population indicate an increased future demand for parkland and expansion of facilities. Table 4.4-5 contains a general geographical description of the City's twelve service areas as well as individual area needs. • 4.4-14 City of Newport Beach 4.4 Parks and Recreation • Table 4.4.4 Description of Planned Improvements ' ' , Approx. Service Ana. Type of Park 'Descri'Oon of Services - Acrea e 1. West Newport Community • Will be located within the future specific plan annexation area to serve 15 to 30 Annexation Area/ both the annexation area and the entire community. • acres Banning Rancho • Proposed to be developed with active lighted recreational facilities, picnic and turf areas and a possible gymnasium to serve the full community. • The precise size of this facility is yet to be determined. Minimum size should be 15 flat usable acres, with a shape that will accommodate the desired playflelds and other facilities. Neighborhood • Intended to serve the residents of the 2,600 future dwelling units in the approx 8 annexation area. acres Will be developed with both active recreational facilities and passive amenities such as walkways and turf areas. View Park • Will be located on the bluffs within the annexation area. approx 1 • Will also function as a rest stop for the planned blufflop trail system. acre Recreation Trail • Will run in a north -south direction along the bluff top and will link Coast Highway with the Santa Ana River Trail (via a potential bikeway Bridge Street bride) and with Talbert Regional Park in Costa Mesa. ESA —Open Space • Areas along the Santa Ana River channel, both within the annexation area and within present City boundaries, will be mapped as environmentally sensitive areas in conjunction with preparation of the specific plan for the area. • These areas will be protected and, where consistent with the preservation of environmental resources, public access will be provided. 1. Sites already ESA Oxbow Loop • This ESA, a remnant channel of the Santa Ana River from the time Within City (formerly'Semeniuk when the river emptied into Newport Bay, loops around the northeast Slough') boundary of the Newport Shores neighborhood. • Is afunctioning wetland and may be Improved and enhanced by the Santa Ana River flood control project wetland mitigation program. Designated for'Recreational and Environmental Open Space' under the Local Coastal Program and Land Use Element and will be preserved. • Future use will balance environmental values, public access, and the needs of the adjacent residential area. Neighborhood Park and • Located at the northwest comer of Coast Highway and Superior 6 to 14 View Park'Callrans Avenue, will include a new neighborhood park proposed to contain acres West" active sports fields and support facilities. • Will serve some existing and future residents in adjacent service areas. • Will be a blufftop view park that will provide a link in the continuous bluffilop bikeway in West Newport. View Park Addition • Located on the east side of Superior Avenue near Coast Highway, will .8 acre 'Sunset" be added to the existing .8-acre Sunset View park In order to increase its area and add new turf areas, benches, and walkways. • Will extend the view park to the public parking lot off of Superior. Recreation Trail • Located on the coast. • Will cross Superior Avenue and link Sunset View Park, the'CalTrans West' park and the future West Newport bluffto trail see above), 2. Balboa Peninsula MarinaparkArea • Encompasses the existing Las Arenas and Veterans Memorial Parks, the American Legion Hall, Balboa Community Center, Gid Scout House, the Marinapark Mobilehome Park, and the public beach from 15" to 191h Streets. Retention of such existing facilities as the public beach, the four tennis courts (two lighted), and the community center, the area affords future opportunities for park, recreation, and aquatic facilities, which are not et fully planned. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-15 Chapter 4 Public Services Table 4.4.4 'Description of Planned Improvements Appros. Service Am TypeciflRark Description ofSwilces Acrdage 3 & 4 Recreation Trail 'West • Will extend along the west and north sides of the Upper Bay as part of Upper Bay' the Upper Bay Regional Park. • Will serve equestrians, bicyclists, and pedestrians. • Connections to the San Diego Creek trail will be provided and staging areas will include parking facilities, reslrooms, picnic tables, bicycle racks and h1tchinq posts. 6 None —No additional facliffes are planned due to lackofloofentialskes; in the service ahia g None —No additionalfecililiesereplannedduetoluckofpotenflalsitesontheIsland 7 Recreation Trail'East 'Will extend along the east side of the Upper Say as part of the Upper Upper Bay' Bay Regional Park, • Will connect to the San Diego Creek Trail and the west and north rbons of the U r Bay trail see Service Areas 3 & 4 preceding). ESA'San Diego Creek • A portion of the area previously known as 'San Diego Creek North'. Saltwater Marsh' • Site was required mitigation for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. • Will be monitored and maintained in accordance with the Newport Bay Water-shed/San Diego Creek Comprehensive Slormwaler Sedimentation Control Plan. g None —No additional lecilifies am planned duo to lack ofpofential sites within Me service area. in addition to the private recreational facilities available within the service area, public faciidiss are located near the service area boundaries in Areas 7and 11. 9 Yew Park and Open • Located at Jamboree Road and Coast Highway near the Newport 11 acres Space'UpperBayview Dunes Resort. Landing' • The view•park portion of this open space dedication will be improved as a trail staging area for bicyclists and pedestrians, while the remainder will be retained as open space. • Area may be graded in order to enhance views from Coast Highway, ESA Open Space • Located adjacdni to Newplider North View Park, between the 12 acres 'NewporterKnoll' Newporter Resod and the Upper Bay. • Will be preserved as a passive open space area. Neighborhood Park • Located north of the Central Library near MacArthur Boulevard. 'Newport Village • Precise location will be determined, • Will serve Service Area 9 and other nearbyareas. 10 ESA and Open Space • Buck Gully is located between Corona Highlands and Corona del Mar. "Buck Gully and - Moming Canyon Is between Shore Cliffs and Cameo Shores, Morning Canyon' • Designated for Recreational and Environmental'OpenSpace inthe City's Land Use Element and the Local Coastal Program. • All consWction on properties abutting the ESAs, including but not limited to, fences, retaining walls, pools of any size or depth, tennis courts or other activity areas, is expressly prohibited within 26 feet of the property line. Additional grading restrictions are imposed in the P. 1t Mini Park'Bison' Located at the northeast comer of MacArthur Boulevard and Bonita .1 acre Canyon Road. 12 Opportunitiesforconversfonofprivateparksforpublicuse.SeeTable4.4-3.Inaddition,onepublicparkiscurrently tanned forfuture use. • The West Newport (Banning Ranch) annexation area lies Just outside the Gly north of Newport Shores, The propedy Is v'thln the Cllys sphere of klauen ii and vll ultimately he annexed. Land uses and development configuration for the property will be determined through the specific plan process in conjunction with annexation. Al that time, recreational and environmental resources will also be mapped. For this dlscesslon, recreational facilities and open space preservation areas are shown conceptually, wgh precise locations to be determined at the specific plan level, CJ 4.4.16 City of Newport Beach 4.4 Parks and Recreation • • Table 4.4.5 Service Area Location and Needs AMR, Feaftifuend/alspecffla Number General Locadom location descdtibn Area Needs 1 West Newport Coastal area west of the Most of the existing recreation land is in beaches. A new community Newport Pier, including or neighborhood park is needed to accommodate demand for a new West Newport, Newport sports field. Shores, Lido Peninsula, and Newport Island 2 Balboa Peninsula Bay Island and the Most of the existing recreation land is in beaches. There is little peninsula, from the vacant land available for development Unmet park needs can be Newport Pier to the jetty satisfied by renovating and upgrading facilities, such as those at Las Arenas Park and Peninsula Park. Additional active park facilities are desired, which would include restrooms, showers, and drinking fountains. Additional boat launching, mooring facilities, and additional pedestrian pathways are also desired. 3 Newport Heights/Upper, Newport Heights, Harbor This area is largely built out and contains several important park and Bay Highlands and adjacent recreation facilities. Substantial school recreation facilities, including area along the Upper Newport Harbor High School, Ensign Junior High, Mariners Newport Bay north to Elementary, and Newport Heights Elementary, compensate for its Santa Isabel Street deficiency in total park area. 4 Santa Ana Heights Santa Ana Heights and This area's population has increased rapidly. The present two -acre airport area bounded by Bayview Park and the proximity to the Upper Bay recreation area Campus Drive on the west provide substantial recreational opportunities, but additional parkland and north will most likely be needed. A community center and equestrian center are desired. 5 Lower Bay Lido Isle, Linda Isle, Harbor This area is largely built out and contains substantial private Island, and Promontory recreational and boating facilities. It is also adjacent to Area 3 which PointlBayside Drive area contains extensive recreational facilities. The provision of additional parkland may not feasible in this area. 6 Balboa Island Balboa Island This area is similar in terms of recreation needs and existing conditions to Area 5. Thus, the acquisition of additional parkland may not feasible in this area. 7 Eastbluff/Newport North Easlbluff and North Ford This area contains major undeveloped parcels designated for areas residential development. Most of the excess of parkland is limited to passive use. Additional sports fields and other active facilities will be needed to accommodate the recreational demands from new development. 8 Big Canyon/Belcourt The Big Canyon and Although there are substantial private facilities, there are no public Beioourtdevelopments recreation facilities In this area. To eliminate the deficiency of14 acres, park facilities could be provided in or near this service area. 9 Newport Center Newport Center, Park This area is similar to Area 8 above, but has a 7-acre deficiency. This Newport, Newport Country could be mitigated by the provision of public recreation facilities In or Club, Newport Dunes, and near the service area. adjacent area 10 Corona del Mar Corona del Mar, Cameo There is little vacant land left for residential development in this area. Shores, and Irvine Terrace Thus, present active and passive facilities should meet present and future need, given that facilities are continually renovated and upgraded. 11 Harbor View Harbor View, Spyglass Hill, This area contains substantial active and passive recreation facilities. Harbor Ridge, and Bonita Thus, the City's efforts should be focused on maintaining andlor Canyon upgrading existing facilities. 12 Newport Coast The Newport Coast This area is presently undergoing development. The area provides considerable private recreation facilities within its master plan. One of the important issues to be decided will be whether these facilities will become public or remain private. Currently, there is only one public park planned. SOURCE: Newport Beach Reaeatkn and Open Space Element 1998 General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-17 Chapter Public Services Parkland • As shown previously in Table 4.4-1, the City contains 380.6 acres of park and active beach recreation area as of 2003. The table identifies current acreage needs calculated for each service area based on the 1998 population of the service area. There are several methods used to evaluate the adequacy of a city's parkland inventory. In the past, the City of Newport Beach has used service area population compared to a standard parkland ratio (five acres per 1,000 residents') to evaluate the inventory of each service area. Using this method yields three service areas with excess parldandand seven areas with a deficit of parkland, for a total citywide parkland excess of 4.6 acres. Table 4.4-1 shows that Balboa Peninsula, Eastbluff and Harbor View have an excess of parkland acreage compared to need. The remaining service areas show deficits of parkland acreage, with the highest deficits occurring in West Newport, Lower Bay, and Balboa Island service areas. The table does not account for service area needs of Newport Coast Service Area 12. Another way to determine parkland acreage needed is using total city population and the standard parkland ratio. Using a 2003 citywide population of 81,361 to determine need yields 407 acres of parkland required to meet the City's standard of five acres per 1,000 residents. Compared to the standard, the City's existing parkland acreage of 380.6 equates to a citywide deficit of 26.4 acres. In other words, compared to the standard of 5 acres per 1,000 residents, the City's current parkland ratio is 4.2 acres per 1,000 residents. This method can be used to determine future parkland need. Applying the same City standard of 5 acres per 1,000 residents to an estimated 2010 population of approximately 91,000 residents; there will be a need' for 455 acres total in the City. Assuming no additional parks are built until that time, this would result in a deficit of 74.4 acres in 2010. The results from the two methods above show that the City is near or below the current standard, • depending on the method chosen for evaluation. However, the conclusion is that demand for parks will likely exceed the future inventory if no new parks are developed. Additionally, resident surveys have indicated a need for specific park facilities in the City. The following needs were identified in the 1998 Recreation and Open Space Element. According to City Staff, these needs represent current 2003 conditions. 'Sports Fields The fastest growing recreational demand in Newport Beach is for additional sports fields, especially lighted facilities made available for after-work/school sports leagues. This need stems from increased participation by girls in a number of field sports, the lengthening of seasons for many sports and consequent season overlap, the need for sports facilities for the physically challenged, and the continuing high level of participation in company sports leagues such as co-ed softball. Indoor Facilities There is a growing need for additional gymnasium space and other indoor sports facilities for uses such as basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics. a This -is slightly lower than, die National Recreation and: Pdrk Associadon (NRPA) standards, which recommend a range of 6.25 to 10.5 acres per 1000' population of local or close to home recreation open space. °1. mY or close to home" refers to mini -parks, neighborhood parkiplaygrounds and community parks. • 'As projected lnahe 1998 Recreation and Open Space Element. 4.4-18 City of Newport Beech 4.4 Parks and Recreation • Community Pool Facilities There is a desire among the community for additional adult and youth swimming pools for use in aquatic sports facilities and for associated programs. In a 1998 community survey, 34 percent of respondents listed community/indoor swimming pools as a much -needed public resource. The most often requested activities for both adults and youths were pool sports at 22 percent and 52 percent, respectively. Boating Facilities There is a substantial demand for public boat launching facilities, marine sanitation facilities, and guest slips. There is also a continued high level of interest in activities and facilities for crew rowing and outrigger paddling. The City also is in need of boat storage areas for its programs. REGULATORY SETTING State Regulations The primary instrument for protecting and preserving parkland is the State Public Park Preservation Act. Under the Public Resource Code, cities and counties may not acquire any real property that is in use as a public park for any non -park use unless compensation or land, or both, are provided to replace the parkland acquired. This provides no net loss of parkland and facilities. The State Street and Highway Code assists in providing equestrian and hiking trails within the right- of-way of County roads, streets, and highways. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Park Dedication Ordinance The City's current Park Dedication Ordinance works in conjunction with its Park Fee Policy to control the dedication of parkland and in -lieu park fees. These policies help the City to acquire new parkland. City of Newport Beach Circulation and Improvement Open Space Agreement Another important agreement that contributes to the City's development and acquisition of parkland and open space areas is the Circulation and Improvement Open Space Agreement (CIOSA) in conjunction with the Irvine Company. In exchange for various building entitlements, the City of Newport Beach receives pre -payment of required "fair -share" road improvement fees, a commitment to construct road improvements adjacent to the proposed projects, an interest free loan, and land for recreation and open space areas and potential senior housing sites. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.4-19 4 Public Services REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 1998. Newport Beach Recreation and Open Space Element, June. Newport Beach, City of. Recreation and Senior Services Department. 2003. Website: http://recreation.city.newport-beach.ca,us, accessed December. McGuire, Andrea. Newport Beach, City of. Recreation and Senior Services Department. 2003. Written communication from City Staff, December. • • • 4.4-20 City of Newport Beach Section 4.5 Civic and Cultural Amenities � I 4.5 Civic and Cultural Amenities • 4.5 CIVIC AND CULTURAL AMENITIES This section presents an overview of the civic, social, and cultural arts resources available in Newport Beach. Civic amenities that contribute to quality of life, such as library and community facilities, are identified. Social and cultural amenities include theatres, auditoriums, museums, and recreational facilities. Public recreational facilities such as parks are discussed separately in Section 4.4. Information for this section is based on conversations with City staff and various websites associated with cultural amenities within Orange County. ® EXISTING CONDITIONS The Newport Beach area offers a variety of cultural facilities and opportunities for all sectors of the population. There are also numerous community -based organizations and clubs providing cultural opportunities. Public libraries, movie theaters, and recreational facilities offer additional cultural and arts -related opportunities. CIVIC FACILITIES Newport Beach provides a number of civic -related facilities that enhance the community by providing services to its residents. Figure 4.5-1 illustrates the location of the various civic facilities in the City including public facilities such as City Hall, library branches, Post Offices, and City departments; private facilities such as the Chamber of Commerce; and cultural facilities including • various museums are also shown on the map. Police and fire stations are discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, and illustrated on Figure 4.1-1. The Newport Beach Public Library consists of a Central Library and three branches that provide a permanent collection of books, periodicals and other materials in addition to hosting events, lectures and programs for community enrichment. The Central Library is located at 1000 Avocado Avenue and operates seven days a week, with limited hours on Sundays. The branch libraries are located in Corona del Mar, the Balboa Peninsula and near Mariners Park. Hours of operation vary at the branch libraries, which are open five to six days a week. Development plans have been submitted for a new "Mariners Joint Use" library to replace the existing Mariners Branch library. The new facility, which will include shared use with the Mariners Elementary School, is anticipated to open in 2005. Community facilities available to residents for recreational and meeting use include: the Balboa Community Center on the peninsula near the Newport pier, the Bonita Creek Community Center in Bonita Creek Park at Jamboree and University Drive; the Carroll Beek Center on Balboa Island; the Cliff Drive Community Center off Riverside Drive near the main Post Office; the Community Youth Center in Grant Howald Park at 5th & Iris, Corona del Mar; the Vincent Jorgeson Room at Mariners Branch Library; and the West Newport Community Center on 15'h Street. COMMUNITY -BASED ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS Community -Based Organizations Two of Newport Beach's community -based organizations provide services related to business and • city promotion. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.5.1 Chapter4 Public Services ■ The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, located on jamboree Drive, supports the • business community by providing events for networking and also sponsors public events such as the annual harbor boat parade. ■ The Newport Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau, located in Newport Center, provides information regarding travel to Newport Beach including accommodations, dining and entertainment resources. Cultural Arts Organizations Newport Beach's nonprofit arts community includes a broad array of organizations, and a substantial number of arts programs and activities. There is a diverse range of artistic disciplines, and a strong focus on programs for children and youth. Through its grant program, the City of Newport Beach distributes funds to arts organizations (not individuals) on a yearly basis, which enables them to expand ,their cultural programs offered in the community. Grants typically range from $500 to $7,500. Through its Department of Recreation Services, the City also provides year-round educational programs for adults and children in music, dance, arts and crafts, and drama. In 2001 and 2002, funds amounting to $40,000 were awarded to local organizations each year. Local Programs The City's cultural arts programs have grown in recent years to become one of the largest individual cultural and arts providers in the community. Some of the City's diverse programs, which are offered by the Department of Recreation and Senior Services, include a variety of drawing and painting classes, dance classes, and jewelry and floral design. There are also a variety of arts and dance classes • for children. All activities are organized within the Department of Recreation and Senior Services, but classes are taught by contracted instructors, and some of the larger classes are often subcontracted. City of Newport 'Beach Arts Commission The City of Newport Beach has an Arts Commission that acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council on all matters pertaining to artistic, aesthetic, and, cultural aspects of the City. Established more ,than 30 years ago, the Arts Commission recommends to the City Council ordinances, rules, and regulations as it may deem necessary for the administration and preservation of the arts, performing arts, and historical, aesthetic, and cultural aspects of the community. It actively encourages cultural enrichment programs on behalf of the City, such as visual and performing arcs activities and arts education programs. The Arts Commission also participates in the designation of historical landmarks, and reviews design elements for public sculpture, fountains, murals, benches, and other fixtures. There are currently seven Arts Commissioners, all of whom are appointed by the City Council. Their term of office is four years, and they meet on a monthly basis. Other Arts Organizations Newport Beach's nonprofit arts community contains private nonprofit arts organizations, plus several additional unincorporated arts groups. ■ The Newport Beach Theater is a non-profit theater company dedicated to providing children and young adults with the opportunity to participate in both theater performance and • production. 4.5.2 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 4.5-1 CIVIC AND CULTURAL FACILITIES Civic Facilities - Public J City Hall JConference & Visitors Bureau J General Services t�� J Balboa Branch Library O: J Central Library Corona del Mar Branch Library J Mariners Branch Library 8\ Balboa Island Post Office 9\ CDM Post Office Io Upper Newport Post Office I I West Newport Post Office ■ Utilities Department Civic Facilities - Prtvate 13 Chamber of Commerce, CDM Ia Chamber of Commerce, Harbor Area Cultural Facilities is Newport Harbor Art Museum, J Orange County Museum of Art IJ Newport Harbor Nautical Museum I� Newport Sports Collection Foundation 1sJSherman Gardens & Library for Calrforina History feet. 0 0.5 Mies Source: CBy of Newport Beach, Ge cl Pbn, JuM 2003. City Boundary, May 2003, Counties. Moy 20D3, CMc Fodits, October 2003; US C.Surew. O Clfy Boundarkm 2000; ESRI, Moior Roods, February 2002; and EIP Associates. GS Piogam, Novamber, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Cteated by: W Dote: 03/08/04 EIP 4.5 Civic and Cultural Amenities • ■ The Newport Theatre Arts Center is a local community theatre that stages a variety of different shows each year for adults and children. ■ Ballet Montmartre/Newport Beach Ballet Academy introduces children to dance through its outreach programs, and presentations at the Loats Auditorium at Newport Harbor High School. ■ Harmonia Baroque Players is a chamber music group that gives annual concerts at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, and provides educational programs to local schools. ■ The Mozart Classical Orchestra is a chamber orchestra that performs in Newport Beach. ■ The Newport Beach Recital Series promotes music appreciation, cultural diversity, and community outreach. The Series presents its Neptune Music Festival each summer, holds concerts at the Balboa Bay Club, and its youth artists' platform prepares young musicians for international competition. in The Newport Beach Arts Foundation, a non-profit corporation, was formed to raise funds for arts programs beyond those available through City funding. Its aim is to enrich the cultural life of Newport Beach, and to present innovative visual and performing artists to the community. The Foundation plans to sponsor dance, theatre and musical performances, film projects, literary readings, public art, and visual arts exhibitions. In addition, one of the Foundation's goals is to raise funds for a community cultural arts center. In 2003, the Foundation donated $15,000 to the City of Newport Beach in support of planned Arts Commission Programs! • CULTURAL FACILITIES Performing and Visual Arts Facilities The primary performing arts facilities in Newport Beach are those that are associated with local cultural arts organizations and programs. They include: ■ Newport Theatre Arts Center ■ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ■ Sherman Gardens and Library Other performing arts venues include the Balboa Bay Club, and the Orange County Museum of Art, which has an auditorium that seats 120 people. Local schools have auditoriums and other facilities that can be used as performing arts spaces, such as Loats Auditorium at Newport Harbor High School. In addition, the Balboa Theater is a planned facility, which will seat approximately 350 people. Civic facilities in the Newport Beach, such as the library and City Hall, have exhibition spaces that display the work of local artists. The Central Library has 32 feet of visual arts gallery wall space, and displays different exhibitions of local artists monthly. The library also hosts a variety of programs for adults, including Sunday musicals, art exhibitions, author appearances, lecture series, book discussions, and Internet workshops. • ' Michaels, Catherine. 2003. City Arts Commission. Ciryof Newport Beach Staff Report, 18 February. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.5-5 Chapter Public Services Museums • In addition to the numerous galleries throughout the City, Newport Beach is also home to a variety of museums. Located in near the Fashion Island Shopping Center, Newport Harbor Art Museum, of the Orange County Museum of Art, features modern and contemporary art. The museum houses a permanent collection of paintings, sculpture, photography, and changing installations, all documenting California's artistic heritage. The Museum also offers educational programs. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum is located in the "Pride of Newport, "a 190-foot paddle wheeler docked in Newport Harbor. The •museum focuses on industrial and recreational history and features local photographs, artifacts, and memorabilia. Sherman Library for California History, located in Corona del Mar, features detailed exhibits on the history of the Pacific southwest, as well as a public garden? The Newport Sports Collection Museum, located in Newport Center offers several educational programs to motivate youth to stay in school and be active in athletics. Museums are depicted on Figure 4.5-1. Cultural Attractions There are many different sources of entertainment and cultural attractions in the City. These include a number of movie theatres, such as the Edwards Theatres in the historic Lido Theater in Lido Marina Village, Edwards Big Newport, and Edwards Island Cinemas in Fashion Island. Other local attractions include the Balboa Fun Zone, an amusement park originally built in 1936. This amusement center features a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper cars, and a large video arcade. Adjacent to the Fun Zone is the Balboa Pavilion, a registered historic structure built in 1905 in • conjunction with the completion off the Pacific Electric Red Car Line. Events and Festivals ■ The Newport Beach Jazz festival' is held annually outdoors at the Hyatt Newporter. ■ The City Arts • Commission host Concerts in the Parks during spring and summer. ■ Newport Beach Festival of the Arts is a yearly local arts and crafts show held outdoors at the Newport Dunes Resort. ■ The yearly Sandcastle contest features sand castle building competitions on the beach. ■ The Imagination Celebration is a yearly countywide arts festival for children, and venues include the Orange County Museum of Art, the Newport Beach Central Library, and the Newport Nautical Museum. ■ The annual Taste of Newport festival, held each September, features over thirty restaurants, fifteen wineries, and live entertainment. ■ The annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade lights up the Harbor every year with a holiday lights display. ■ The Newport Beach Film Festival is a yearly volunteer -based festival. In 2002, the festival presented 70 features and 100 short films to an audience of nearly 20,000. Films from ' Burr Whitc.2003. Website: http://burnvl ite,com/bmchnbay/artmd culturalevcnts.hun, October. • 4.5.6 City of Newport Beach 4.5 Civic and Cultural Amenities • twenty-five countries were presented, and the festival featured the largest short films program of any major festival in the United States' Coastal/Harbor Attractions Newport Beach's coastal location allows the City to host various ocean -related activities such as regattas and races. In April, Newport Beach hosts the Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race, in which more than 600 boats race from Newport Beach to Ensenada, Mexico. Each summer, Newport Harbor hosts the Flight of the Lasers, a longtime local sailboat race. The Character Boat Parade is a parade that takes place in Newport Harbor each July, and features boats decorated around a theme. The Wooden Boat Festival, also in July, features both classic and contemporary wooden boats. Sightseeing boat tours of the Harbor depart daily from the Balboa Pavilion, and there are also daily departures to Santa Catalina Island, which is 26 miles off shore. Additionally, there is a ferryboat to Balboa Island, an island in Newport Bay that is home to numerous gift shops, galleries, and restaurants. Regional Cultural Resources The City's location within Orange County provides Newport Beach proximity to several notable regional cultural attractions. Located in Costa Mesa, the South Coast Repertory Theater is one of the most innovative and celebrated theater companies in the country. The theater offers a ten-month season, as well as outreach and educational programs. Orange County Performing Arts Center, located in Costa Mesa, is a regional performance hall that features a variety of dance and music, • including symphony, ballet, musical theater, and opera. The Center is home to the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Society of Orange County, Opera Pacific, and Pacific Chorale: In addition, the Barclay Theater, located at the University of California, Irvine, and a wide variety of museums in Laguna Beach provide additional cultural resources in proximity to Newport Beach. E ■ REGULATORY CONTEXT There are no applicable Federal, State, or local policies that are directly applicable to civic and cultural amenities within the Planning Area. REFERENCES BeachCalifornia.com. 2003. Website: http://www.beachcalifomia.com/Newport.html, October. Burr White. 2003. Website: http://burrwhite.com/beachnbay/artsand culturalevents.htm, October. Duarte, Janae. 2003. Personal communication with Recreation Clerk, Department of Recreation and Senior Services, 10 November. Michaels, Catherine. 2003. City Arts Commission. City of Newport Beach Staff Report, 18 February. MyOC.com. 2003. Website: http://www.myoc.com/community/newportbeach, October. 'Newport Beach Film Festival. 2003. Website: http://www.nenortbcachfilmfcst.com, October. General Plan Technical Background Report 4.5-7 Chapter4 Public Services Newport Beach Arts Foundation. 2003. Website: rtshttp://www.city.Newport • beach.ca.us/csv/aculture, October. Newport Beach Film Festival. 2003, Website: http://www.newportbeachfdmfcst.com, October. Newport Beach Library. 2003. Website: http://www.city Newport-beach.ca.us/nbpl, October. Omngecounty.net. 2003. Website: http://www.ocpac.org/about, October. South Coast Repertory. 2003. Website: http://www.scr,org.org/aboutSCR/dicatreinfo.html, October. • • 4.5.8 City of Newport Beach LI • 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Section 5.1 Biological Resources Addendum prepared by Chambers Group • Section 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality • 5.2 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY This section describes the existing surface water and groundwater resources within the Planning Area, as well as the quality of these resources. Federal, State, and local regulations pertaining to hydrology and water quality are also provided. Information for this section is from Local Coastal Program, Hazards Assessment Study, and 2002 Water Quality Report, all of which were prepared for the City of Newport Beach. In addition, information was obtained from the 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay Water Quality Report prepared for Orange County, as well as California's Groundwater Bulletin prepared by the State Department of Water Resources. EXISTING CONDITIONS Watersheds The Planning Area is located within the boundaries of four watersheds, each of which contain an interconnected system of surface water resources that feed into the underlying groundwater aquifer or drain into the ocean. The main tributaries and groundwater resources located within the Planning Area are discussed in detail below. The watersheds within the Planning Area include the Newport Bay, Newport Coast, Talbert, and San Diego Creek Watersheds. Both the Newport Bay and Newport Coast Watersheds cover most of the Planning Area, with the remaining smaller portions covered by the Talbert and San Diego Creek Watersheds. • ■ The Newport Bay Watershed covers 13.2 square miles along the coast of central Orange County.' This watershed encompasses most of the western portion of the Planning Area in addition to the eastern portion of Costa Mesa. The East Costa Mesa, Santa Isabel, and other smaller channels of this watershed drain into Newport Bay. ■ The Newport Coast Watershed covers 11.2 square miles, chiefly the Newport Coast area in the City north of Laguna Beach? Newport Coast Creek and Muddy Creek, which are the main tributaries of this watershed, drain the San Joaquin Hills. ■ The Talbert Watershed, which encompasses a small northwestern portion of the Planning Area in the vicinity of the Banning Ranch area, covers 21.4 square miles straddling the mouth of the Santa Ana River, and has two main tributaries that drain into it.' On the western side, the Talbert and Huntington Beach Channels drain through the Talbert Marsh before emptying into the Pacific Ocean. On the eastern side, the Greenville -Banning Channel empties into the Santa Ana River. The Santa Ana River currently outlets into the Pacific Ocean near West Newport. ■ The San Diego Creek Watershed, which encompasses the northern portion of the Planning Area, covers 112.2 square miles in central Orange County, with its main tributary, San Diego 'Watershed & Coastal Resources Division at the County of Orange website (http://www.oa tenheds.wm/watersheds/nmpoabay_intro.zp) ' Watetshed & Coastal Resources Division at the County of Orange website • (http://www.omatersheds.com/watersheds/newponcozr.wp) 'Watershed & Coastal Resources Division at the County of Orange website (http://www.ocwateaheds.wm/watersheds/talbert.op) General Plan Technical Background Report 5.2-1 Chapter 5 Envlronmental Resources Creek, draining into Upper Newport Bay.' Smaller tributaries of this watershed include is Creek, Borrego Canyon Wash, Agua Chinon Wash, Bee Canyon Wash, Peters Canyon Wash, Sand Canyon Wash, Bonita Canyon Creek, and the Santa Ana Delhi Channel. Surface Water Resources The Planning Area can be divided into three geographic areas: (1) a low elevation area comprised of Banning Ranch, West Newport, Balboa Peninsula, and Newport Bay, (2) elevated marine terrace areas that include Newport Heights and Westcliff, and (3) high relief terrain of the San Joaquin Hills in the southeastern portion of the City! The low elevation and terrace areas are generally drained by urbanized and relatively low relief streams that empty into Newport Bay, and the rugged natural streams with steeper gradients drain the Newport Ridge and Newport Coast areas. As shown in Figure 5.2-1, surface water resources such as freshwater wetlands, estuaries, tideland and submerged lands, reservoirs, and waterways are located within the Planning Area. Upper Newport Bay extends south of the Corona del Mar Freeway (SR 73) to the Pacific Ocean, virtually dividing the City into east and west sides. This bay area makes up the tidelands and submerged lands in the City, and connects with the estuary waters south of it, including Newport Dunes, Lido Channel, and Newport Channel. An additional estuary is also located in the northern portion of the Planning Area, east of Upper Newport Bay and south of SR 73. Small amounts of freshwater wetlands are scattered throughout the central portion of the City east of Upper Newport Bay and North Star Beach. The Planning Area contains two above -ground reservoirs: Big Canyon and San Joaquin Reservoirs, • which are generally located in the.central portion of the City, as shown in Figure 5.2-1. Big Canyon Reservoir is located within a quarter .mile north of San Joaquin Hills Road and San Joaquin Reservoir is located approximately 0.75 miles northeast of Big Canyon Reservoir. The main tributaries within the Planning Area are the Santa Ana River, San Diego Creek, and Big Canyon Wash, as shown in Figure 5,2-1 and described below. Santa Ana River Flowing over 100 miles from the San Bernardino Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Ana River traverses portions of San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties. The River drains an area of over 2,700 square miles before flowing into the Pacific Ocean between Newport and Huntington Beaches.6 The Santa Ana River transports more than 125 million gallons per day of reclaimed water from Riverside and San Bernardino Counties for recharge into the Orange County Groundwater Basin. This satisfies approximately 40 percent of the County's water demand! 'Watershed & Coastal Resources Division at the Countyof orange website (httpJIN vm.onntwheds.com/mtmhcddmdiegoaeek.op) 3 City of Nmvport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study s 2003 City of Corona TBR "Watershed & Coastal Resources Division at the County of Orange website • (http:llwww.ocwatersheds.com/watersheds/intro rcgionaUur'tsdictioas.asp) 5.2-2 City ofNewporfBeach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 5.2-1 WATER RESOURCES City Boundary Water Resources Coastal Plain of Orange County Groundwater Basin _ Freshwater Wetlands Estuary Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets OAP b 0 20M 40M Feet 0 0.5 Mies Sauce: City of Newport Beach, General Man, Jut, 2003, Counties, May 2003, Clry Bandcry, May 2003: COITania Depahnent of Water Resources, Groundwater Bain, June 2000; U5. FW anal Wldre Service,NaYonal Wetonas Inventory, 1989, IA Census Bureau, Clear Clty BouMarles. 2000: ESRI, Mao Roads, Feblmy 2002, and EIP Asaaclates, GIB Rogrann, October 2, 2003, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: My Date: 03/03/04 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality • The Santa Ana River is the "receiving waters" of the urban, industrial, and agricultural runoff from the inland cities that it traverses such as Santa Ana and Costa Mesa. A receiving water is defined as a river, lake, ocean, stream, or other body of water into which wastewater or treated effluent is discharged. The River also provides water for recreation and for aquatic and wildlife habitat in the inland cities. Three components make up the flow of the water in the Santa Ana River, and the ratio of these components varies throughout the year.' The first component is "storm flows," directly resulting from rainfall, usually between the months of December and April. The rainfall and surface water runoff from the storms is captured and percolated into the groundwater basins. The "baseflow" makes up the second component of water supply, a large portion of which comes from the discharges of treated wastewater into the river, in addition to rising groundwater in the basin. This baseflow includes the nonpoint source discharges, as well as the uncontrolled and unregulated agricultural and urban runoff. The third component of the water supply is imported water, which is characterized by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) as "nontributary flow." San Diego Creek San Diego Creek is the main tributary to Newport Bay, and drains the cities of Irvine, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, portions of Newport Beach, Orange, and Tustin. Its headwaters lie about a mile east of the I-5 and 1-405 Freeway intersection, at an elevation of about 500 feet' The creels flows westerly from its headwaters and empties into Newport Bay in the vicinity of Jamboree Road, one mile west of the University of California at Irvine campus. Flooding on this creek has • historically caused significant damage in Newport Beach because it is the biggest stream, with a drainage area of 118 square miles, to flow through the City.1p Portions of San Diego Creek were channelized in 1968 for flood protection purposes. However, channelization of the creek also resulted in increased sediment flow into Upper Newport Bay, requiring extensive dredging projects to restore the ecosystem." Big Canyon Wash The City contains the Big Canyon Wash, which drains from Big Canyon Reservoir in a northwesterly direction towards Upper Newport Bay. A wash is a dry riverbed, area, or channel that only contains water during the rainy season. These riverbeds are completely dry throughout most of the year. Washes are formed when flooding occurs on a desert plain. The ground does not easily absorb water, generating a large amount of runoff that collects in the wash area. While providing rich habitat for a variety of wildlife species, rainstorms in remote locations can result in flash flooding of local washes. Groundwater Resources As shown in Figure 5.2-1, the Coastal Plain of Orange County Groundwater Basin (Orange County Basin) underlies the northwestern portion of the Planning Area. This groundwater basin provides groundwater for much of central and north Orange County, including the Newport Beach Planning ° 2003 City of Corona TBR ' City of Newport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study • '0 City of Newport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study " City of Newport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study General Plan Technical Background Report 5.2-5 Chapter 6 Environmental Resources Area. The Orange County Basin underlies a coastal alluvial plain the northwestern portion of • Orange County, and is bounded by consolidated rocks exposed on the north in the Puente and Chino Hills, on the east is the Santa Ana Mountains, and on the south in the San Joaquin Hills. The basin is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the southwest and by a low topographic divide approximated by the Orange County — Los Angeles County line on the northwest. In addition, the basin underlies the lower Santa Ana River watershed.'a The sediments containing easily recoverable fresh water extend to about 2,000 feet in depth. Although water -bearing aquifers, exist below that level, water quality and pumping lift currently make these materials economically unviable to pump. Upper, middle, and lower aquifer systems are recognized in the basin. Well yields range from 500 to 4,500 gallons per minute (gpm), but are generally 2,000 to 3,000 1qpm. The total capacity of the Orange County Basin is approximately 38,000,000 acre-feet (AF): Recharge to the basin is derived from percolation of Santa Ana River flow, infiltration of precipitation, and injection into wells. The Santa Ana River flow contains natural flow, reclaimed water, and imported water that is spread in the basin forebay. Historical groundwater flow was generally toward the ocean in the southwest, but modern pumping has caused water levels to drop below sea level inland of the Newport -Inglewood fault zone. This trough -shaped depression encourages sea water to migrate inland, contaminating the groundwater supply. Strategic lines of wells in the Alamitos and Talbert Gaps inject imported and reclaimed water to create.a mound of water seaward of the pumping trough to protect the basin from seawater intrusion." Surface Water Quality Newport Bay is designated as "water quality -limited" for four impairments under the Federal Clean is Act's Section 303(d) List, meaning that it is "not reasonably expected to attain or maintain water quality standards" due to these impairments without additional regulation.15 Under section 303(d) of the 1972 Clean Water Act, states, territories, and authorized tribes are required to develop lists of impaired waters. The law requires that these jurisdictions establish priority rankings for waters on the lists and develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waters. Generally, a TMDL specifies the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and requires a jurisdiction to allocate pollutant loadings among point and Nnpoint pollutant sources to achieve that amount. Point sources are defined as discrete conveyances such as ,pipes or direct discharges from businesses or public agencies. Nonpoint pollution refers to the introduction of bacteria, sediment, oiland grease, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals into rivers, bays, and oceans from less defined sources including roadways, parking lots, yards, and farms.16 For these water quality -limited bodies, the SARWQCB and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have developed TMDLs for the following substances in Newport Beach: sediment, nutrients, fecal coliform, and toxic pollutants." A description of the TMDLs for each of these substances -are provided below: " California Departmenr of Water Resources, California's Groundwater— Bulletin 118, Update 2003. California: Department of Water Resources, California's Groundwater —Bulletin 118, Update 2003. " California Department of Water Resources, Califomia s Groundwater— Bulletin 118, Update 2Q03. " City of Newport Beach 2003 Draft Local Coastal Program "City of Newport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study • " City of Newport Beach 2003 Draft Local Coastal program 5.2.6 City of Newport Beach 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality • ■ Sediment. Adopted on October 9, 1998, the Sediment TMDL requires local partners (stakeholders in the watershed) to survey Newport Bay regularly and to reduce annual sediment delivered into the Bay from 250,000 cubic yards to 125,000 cubic yards (a 50 percent reduction) by 2008. ■ Nutrients. Approved by US EPA on April 16, 1999, the Nutrient TMDL limits nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to Newport Bay. The Nutrient TMDL attempts to reduce the annual loading of nitrogen by 50 percent, from 1,400 pounds per day to approximately 850 to 802 pounds per day at San Diego Creels, by 2012. Phosphorus loading must fall from 86,912 pounds per year in 2002 to 62,080 pounds by 2007. ■ Fecal Coliform. Approved in December 1999, the Fecal Coliform TMDL attempts to reduce the amount of fecal coliform inputs to Newport Bay enough to make the Bay meet water contact recreation standards (swimming, wading, surfing) by 2014 and shellfish harvesting standards (where waters support shellfish acceptable for human consumption) by 2010. ■ Toxic Pollutants. Adopted by US EPA on June 14, 2002, the Toxic Pollutants TMDL addresses Newport Bay inputs like heavy metals (chromium, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc) and priority organics such as endosulfan, DDT, Chlordane, PCBs, Toxaphene, diazinon, and chlorpyriphos. It may lead to the reduction or elimination of pesticide use by residents, businesses, and municipal services in the Newport Bay watershed. This TMDL also addresses existing toxic deposits in sediments in Rhine Channel and other areas in the Lower Bay. The City of Newport Beach, SARWQCB, Department of Fish and Game, County of Orange, and other cities in the Newport Bay watershed have established the Newport Bay Watershed Executive • Committee, which is advised by the Watershed Management Committee (WMC), to implement the TMDLs.18 The WMC typically meets quarterly to comply with the TMDLs established by the SARWQCB. Generally, all the TMDLs established by the SARWQCB require that watershed -based solutions be developed by the watershed stakeholders, followed by joint funding for the implementation of these projects throughout the watershed. Additionally, a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit is provided to the City by the SARWQCB under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to regulate the amount of storm water contaminants that are delivered into the City's waterways.19 MS4 permits require an aggressive water quality ordinance, specific municipal practices to maintain city facilities like the MS4, and the use of best management practices (BMPs) in many residential, commercial, and development -related activities to further reduce the amount of contaminants in urban runoff. MS4 permits also require local agencies to cooperatively develop a public education campaign to inform people about what they can do to protect water quality. Water Quality Monitoring As part of the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), Environmental Health's Ocean Water Protection Program is responsible for protecting the public from exposure to ocean and bay water that may be contaminated with sewage or may cause illness due to elevated bacteria levels along the County's coastline, as well as the harbor and bay shoreline. Over the past 40 years, the Health Care Agency and local sanitation agencies (Orange County Sanitation District and South Orange County • " City of Newport Beach 2003 Draft Local Coastal Program " City of Newport Beach 2003 Draft Local Coastal Program General Plan Technical Background Report 5.2-7 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources Wastewater Authority) have been testing the coastal waters in Orange County for bacteria that • indicate the possible presence of disease -causing organisms. The sanitation agencies and HCA program staff participate in the weekly collection of water samples at approximately 150 ocean, bay and drainage locations throughout coastal Orange County, including the City of Newport Beach!' The results of bacteriological water samples are reviewed every day, and ocean and bay water closures, postings and health advisories are issued, when necessary, under the requirements stipulated by the California Health and Safety Code and Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. In 1999, bacteriological ocean water quality standards that are more protective of public health were added to the Stat&s Health and Safety and Code, and the Code of Regulations, these standards are informally called AB 411 Standards. When a known release of sewage is reported to the Ocean Water Protection Program staff, the ocean or bay water areas that may be affected by the sewage discharge are immediately closed to ocean water -contact sports. The closed ocean or bay water area will be reopened or reduced in size when the contamination source has been eliminated and after two daily consecutive sampling results indicate the affected area meets the AB 411 Ocean Water -Contact Sports Standards." Other events such as rainstorms can also increase contaminant levels that exceed standards. During and after a significant rainstorm event, storm drains, creeks, and rivers carry floodwaters and urban runoff (which may include fertilizers, road oils, litter, and large amounts of bacteria from a variety of sources such as animal waste and decomposing vegetation) to the ocean. The level of contamination of bacteria can rise significantly in ocean and bay waters close to discharging storm drains and outlets of creeks, rivers, and streams during and after rainstorms. The elevated bacterial levels in the coastal ocean waters may continue for a period of at least three days depending on the intensity of the rain and the volume of runoff." • Bacteriological water samples are collected each week at approximately two locations in Newport Slough, and at 31 locations in Newport Bay. The Ocean Water Protection Program staff review the results of bacteriological water analyses to determine compliance with established standards. When a bacteriological water sample fails to meet any of the AB 411 Oceail Water -Contact Sports, Standards the following occurs: ■ Warning signs are posted at the affected ocean or bay areas indicating that the waters have exceeded health standards. ■ All die information regarding the posted area is updated on the Ocean and Bay Water Closure and Posting Hotline and Web Page. ■ Additional bacteriological water samples are collected at the posted areas and the results are evaluated daily to determine if the areas posted with warning signs should be increased, reduced, shifted, or removed. The total number of postings, total number of days posted, and total number of Beach Mile Days posted due to violations of AB 411 standards for the years 2000 through 2002 at Newport Slough and Newport Bay are shown below in Table 5.2-1. The term Beach Mile Days (BMD) is used to present the measurement of the number of days and the area of ocean or bay waters that are closed r0 Orange County Health Care Agency Environmental Health, 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay -Water Quality Report, June 2003. " Orange County Health Care Agency Environmental Health, 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay Water Quality Report, June 2003. • " Orange County Health Care Agency Environmental Health, 2002 Annual Ocean andBay Water Quality Report, June 2003. 5.2-8 City cfNewpottBeach 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality • due to a sewage spill or posted for a violation of the AB 411 standards. BMDs are calculated by multiplying the number of days of a closure or posting by the number of miles of beach closed or posted. Table 5.2.1 Postings ' Year - PosIG s Days -seach Mlle Da s NEWPORT SLOUGH 2000 NIA NIAI WA 2001 9 381 5.1 2002 13 339 3.9 NEWPORT BAY 2000 75 1483 64 2001 94 1663 67.7 2002 61 1514 58.4 SOURCE: Orange County Health Care Agency Environmental Health, 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay Water Quality Report, June 2003, pages 24-25. Groundwater Quality Groundwater within the Orange County Basin is primarily calcium and sodium bicarbonate in character. Impairments to the groundwater basin include sea water intrusion near the coast and colored water from natural organic materials in the lower aquifer system. In addition, the basin is characterized with increasing salinity, high nitrates, and MTBE." • The most typical source of groundwater contamination in the City is the erosion of natural deposits, which could deliver chemicals such as arsenic, barium, fluoride, nickel, and selenium along with radiologicals such as radium and uranium into the groundwater. Additionally, the use of fertilizers in the City also contributes nitrate and nitrite into the groundwater. Upon sampling of the City's groundwater in 2002, none of the regulated chemicals found in the groundwater violated their respective MCLs as set by the California EPA. 'REGULATORY CONTEXT Federal Regulations Clean Water Act of 1972 The California Water Resources Control Board and its regional boards are responsible for enforcing water quality standards within the State. As mandated by Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act, the RWQCB maintains and updates a list of "impaired waterbodies" that do not meet State and Federal water quality standards. The State is then required to prioritize waters/watersheds for total maximum daily loads (TMDL) development. This information is compiled in a list and submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for review and approval. This list is known as the 303(d) list of impaired waters. The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and RWQCBs • v California Department of Water Resources, California's Groundwater- Bulletin 118, Update 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.2-9 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources have ongoing efforts to monitor and assess water quality, to prepare the Section 303(d) list, and to • develop TMDLs. Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to issue permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wedands. This section of the Clean Water Act has been interpreted to give the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction over permitting wetlands fill. State Regulations California Wetlands Conservation Policy (1993) The goal of the California Wetlands Conservation Policy (1993) is to ensure no net loss of wedands within the State. This policy, incorporated in an executive order by previous Governor Pete Wilson, also encourages a long-term net gain in the State's quantity, quality, and permanence of wetlands acreage and values. Interpretation of this order indicates that any developer wishing to fill in wetlands for construction of new development must perform'mitigation in the form of constructed wetlands elsewhere at ratios ranging from 2:1 to 10:1. In addition to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, State regulatory agencies claiming jurisdiction over wedands include the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and the SWRCB. California Department of Fish and Game Lake or Streambed Alteration Program CDFG, through provisions of the State of California Administrative Code, is empowered to issue . agreements for any alteration of a river, stream, or lake where fish or wildlife resources may adversely be affected. Streams (and rivers) are defined by the presence of a channel bed and banks, and at least an intermittent flow of water. CDFG regulates wetland areas only to the extent that those wetlands are part of a river, stream, or lake as defined by CDFG. Typically, wedand.delineations are not performed to obtain CDFG Agreements. The reason for this is that CDFG generally includes any riparian habitat present within the jurisdictional limits of streams and lakes. Riparian habitat includes willows, mulefat, and other vegetation typically associated with the banks of a stream or lake shoreline. In most situations, wetlands associated with a stream or lake would fall within the limits of riparian habitat. Thus, defining the limits of CDFG jurisdiction based on -riparian habitat will automatically include any wetland areas Metropolitan Water District Groundwater Recovery Program MWD established' the 'Groundwater Recovery Program, which provides financial assistance to member agencies to improve and enhance the quality of local ground waters that does not meet the regulatory standards of the EPA and DHS. If available, this funding may be used to improve water qualitywithin the Newport Beach area. SARWQCB National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit The City of Newport Beach is listed as a co-permittee for the SARWQCB's NPDES permit and is bound to comply with all the aspects of the permit requirements. The NPDES permit program controls water pollution by regulating point and nonpoint sources that discharge pollutants into • waters of the United States. The City holds a NPDES permit to operate its municipal separate storm 5.2-10 City of Newport Beech 5.2 Hydrology and Water Quality • sewer systems (MS4s). Newport Beach's MS4 Permit (adopted January 2002) directs it to keep pollutants out of its MS4 to the maximum extent practicable and to ensure that dry -weather flows entering recreational waters from the MS4 do not cause or contribute to exceedances of water quality standards. The Permit requires the City to do the following:" ■ Control contaminants into storm drain systems ■ Educate the public about stormwater impacts ■ Detect and eliminate illicit discharges ■ Control runoff from construction sites ■ Implement "best management practices" or "BMPs" and site -specific runoff controls for new development and redevelopment ■ Prevent pollution from municipal operations, including fixed facilities and field activities Reclaimed Water Regulations Within the State of California, reclaimed water is regulated by the U.S. EPA, SWRCB, RWQCBs, and the State Department of Health Services. The SWRCB has adopted Resolution No.77-1, Policy with Respect to Water Reclamation in California. This policy states that the State Board and Regional -Boards will encourage and consider or recommend for funding water reclamation projects that do not impair water rights or beneficial instream uses. The RWQCBs implement the State Board's Guidelines for Regulation of Water Reclamation and issue waste discharge permits that serve to regulate the quality of reclaimed water based on stringent water quality requirements. The State Department of Health Services develops policies protecting • human health and comments and advises on RWQCB permits (RCIP Existing Setting Report and Resolution No. 77-1, Policy with Respect to Water Reclamation in California). Local Regulations County of Orange Stormwater Program The City is a member of the County of Orange's Stormwater Program, which coordinates all cities and the county government in Orange County to regulate and control storm water and urban runoff into all Orange County waterways, and ultimately, into the Pacific Ocean. The Orange County Stormwater Program administers the current NPDES MS4 Permit and the 2003 Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) for the County of Orange and the thirty-four incorporated cities within the region. City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 14.36, Water Quality, of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code requires the City to participate as a "Co-permittee" under the NPDES Permits in the development and adoption of an ordinance to accomplish the requirements of the Clean Water Act. The purpose of this chapter is for the City to participate in the improvement of water quality and comply with Federal requirements for the control of urban pollutants to storm water runoff, which enters the network of storm drains throughout Orange County. • " City of Newport Beach 2003 Hazards Assessment Study General Plan Technical Background Report 5.2-11 Chapter Environmental Resources REFERENCES . California Department of Water Resource. 2003. California's Groundwater Bulletin 118, October 1. Newport Beach, City of. Utilities Department. 2003.2003 Water Quality Report. Orange, County of. Health Care Agency. Environmental Health. 2003. 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay Water Quality Report, June. 0 5.2-12 City of Newport Beach • Section 5.3 Air Quality 5.3 Air Quality • 5.3 AIR QUALITY This section describes the existing air quality conditions within the Planning Area, the regulatory agencies responsible for managing and improving air quality, and the laws and plans that have been adopted for its improvement. Information for this section is based on data from the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the California Air Resources Board. ■ EXISTING CONDITIONS Regional Climate The Planning Area is located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin), named so because its geographical formation is that of a basin, with the surrounding mountains trapping the air and its pollutants in the valleys or basins below. This area includes all of Orange County and the nondesert portions of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. The regional climate within the Basin is considered semi -arid and is characterized by warm summers, mild winters, infrequent seasonal rainfall, moderate daytime onshore breezes, and moderate humidity. Local Climate The Planning Area is located in central coastal Orange County. The annual average temperature in the City ranges from 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The area also experiences a typical daily wind • pattern that is a daytime onshore sea breeze (from the west) and a nighttime land breeze. This regime is broken only by occasional winter storms and infrequent strong northeasterly (from the northeast) Santa Ana winds from the mountains and deserts north of the Basin. On practically all spring and early summer days, the daily wind patterns flush much of the Basin of high levels of air pollutants. From late summer through the winter months, the flushing is less pronounced because of lighter wind speeds. Air Quality Background Air pollutant emissions within the Basin are generated by stationary, mobile, and natural sources. Stationary sources can be divided into two major subcategories: point and area sources. Point sources occur at an identified location and are usually associated with manufacturing and industry. Construction activities such as excavation and grading also contribute to point source emissions. Examples are boilers or combustion equipment that produce electricity or generate heat. Area sources are widely distributed and produce many small emissions. Examples of area sources include residential and commercial water heaters, painting operations, portable generators, lawn mowers, agricultural fields, landfills, and consumer products such as barbeque lighter fluid and hair spray. Mobile sources refer to emissions from on- and off -road motor vehicles, including tailpipe and evaporative emissions. On -road sources may be legally operated on roadways and highways. Off -road sources include aircraft, trains, and construction vehicles. Mobile sources account for the majority of the air pollutant emissions within the Basin. Air pollutants can also be generated by the natural environment such as when fine dust particles are pulled off the ground surface and suspended in the air during high winds. • Both the Federal and State governments have established ambient air quality standards for outdoor concentrations of various pollutants in order to protect public health. The national and State General Plan Technical Background Report 6..3-1 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources ambient air quality standards have been set at levels whose concentrations could be generally harmful to human health and welfare and to protect the most sensitive persons from illness or discomfort with a margin of safety. Applicable ambient air quality standards are identified later in this section. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is responsible for bringing air quality within the South Coast Air Basin into conformity with the national and State standards. The air pollutants for which national and State standards have been promulgated and which are most relevant to air quality planning and regulation in the air basins include ozone, carbon monoxide, suspended particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and lead. In addition, toxic air contaminants are of concern in the air basins. Each of these is briefly described below. ■ Ozone is a gas that is formed when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), both byproducts of internal combustion, engine exhaust, undergo slow photochemical, reactions in the presence of sunlight. Meteorological conditions that are needed to produce high concentrations of ozone are direct sunshine, early morning stagnation in source areas, high ground surface temperatures, strong and low morning inversions, greatly restricted vertical mixing during the day, and daytime subsidence that strengthens the inversion layer. Ozone concentrations are generally highest during the summer months when direct sunlight, light wind, and warm temperature conditions are favorable. ■ Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fuels. CO concentrations tend to be the highest during the winter morning, with little to no wind, when surface -based inversions trap the pollutant at ground levels. Because CO is emitted directly from internal combustion engines, unlike ozone, and motor vehicles operating at slow speeds are the primary source of CO in the Basin, the highest ambient CO concentrations are generally found near congested transportation corridors and intersections. is Respirable Particulate Matter (PM,,) and Fine Particulate Matter (PM,.,) consists of extremely small, suspended panicles or droplets 10 microns and 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter. Some sources of particulate matter, like pollen and windstorms, are naturally occurring. However, in populated areas,, most particulate matter is caused by load dust, diesel soot, combustion products, abrasion of tires and braltes, and construction activities. ■ Su#?tr dioxide (SO,) is a colorless, extremely irritating gas or liquid. It enters the atmosphere as a pollutant mainly as a result of burning high sulfur -content fuel oils and coal, and from chemical processes occurring at chemical plants and refineries. ■ Lead occurs in the atmosphere as particulate matter. primary source of airborne lead in the 'Basin. T permitted for on -road motor vehicles; therefore associated with off -road vehicles such as raceca manufacturing and recycling of batteries, paint, in lead smelters. The combustion of leaded gasoline is the ae use of leaded gasoline is no longer most lead combustion emissions are s. Other sources of lead include the c, ceramics, ammunition, and secondary ■ Toxic Air Contaminants refer to a diverse group of air pollutants that can affect human health, but have not had ambient air quality standards established for -them. This is not because they are fundamentally different from the pollutants discussed above, but because their effects tend to be local rather than regional. • • • 5.3-2 C#ofNewpod Beach 5.3 Air Quality • Regional Air Quality The entire South Coast Air Basin is designated as a Federal -level extreme nonattainment area for ozone, meaning that national standards are not expected to be met for more than 17 years from the time of designation, and a nonattainment area PM,,. It has recently improved from nonattainment to attainment with the national standard for nitrogen dioxide (NO) —a pure form of NOx and is about to be designated an attainment area for CO. The South Coast Air Basin is a State -level nonattainment area for ozone, CO (Los Angeles County only), and PM1e. However, regional air quality throughout the Basin has improved substantially over the 1980's and 1990's, even as substantial growth has occurred. C� Local Air Quality In an effort to monitor the various concentrations of air pollutants throughout the South Coast Air Basin, the SCAQMD has divided the region into 27 source receptor areas (SRAs) in which 31 monitoring stations operate. The Planning Area is located within SRAs 18, which covers the North Coastal Orange County area. Ambient air pollutant concentrations within SRA 18 are monitored on Costa Mesa Drive in Costa Mesa. Of the air pollutants discussed previously, only ambient concentrations of ozone, CO, NOV and S02 are monitored in SRA 18. Table 5.3-1 identifies the national and State ambient air quality standards for relevant air pollutants and provides a summary of ambient air quality measured within SRA 18 through the period of 2001 to 2003. As shown, as of 2003, SRA 18 did not exceed State or national standards for any criteria pollutant monitored. Table 5.3.1 Summary of Ambient Air Quality at the Costa Mesa Monitoring Station (SRA 18) Pollutant AfrQUallty Standards year 2001 2002 ' 2003 OZONE Maximum 1-hour concentration 0.098 0.087 0.107 Number of days exceeding national 1 -hour standard >0.12ppm 0 0 0 Number of days exceeding State 1-hourstandant >0.09 ppm 1 0 4 Maximum 6-hour concentration 0.073 0,070 0.088 Number of days exceeding national 8-hour standard >0.08 ppm 0 0 1 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) Maximum 8-hour concentration 4.64 429 5.90 Number of days exceeding national 6-hour standard >a5ppm 0 0 0 Number of days exceeding Slate 8-hour standard >9,0 ppm 0 0 0 NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2) Maximuml-hour concentration 0.082 0.106 0.107 Number of days exceeding Stale 1-hour standard >0.25 ppm 0 0 0 SULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2) Maximum24-hour concentration 0.005 0.011 0.012 Number of days exceeding national24-hour standard >0.14ppm 0 0 0 Number of days exceeding State 24-hour standard >0.04 ppm 0 0 0 SOURCE: ARB 2004,www.arb.ca,gov/adamlcgl-bin/db2vww/adamlop4b.d2wlBranch. ppm = pans bywIume per million of eir. Ambient concentration of PMro, PM2a, and 1-hour CO are not monitored In SRA 18. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.3-3 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions • Toxic air contaminants are airborne, substances that are capable of causing chronic(f.e:, of long duration) and acute (i.e., severe but of short duration) adverse effects on human health. They include both organic and inorganic chemical substances that may be emitted from a variety of common sources including gasoline stations, motor vehicles, dry cleaners, industrial operations, painting operations, and research and teaching facilities. Toxic air contaminants are different than the "criteria" pollutants previously discussed in that ambient air quality standards have not been established for them, largely because there are hundreds of air toxics and their effects on health tend to be local rather than regional. Lifetime cancer risk is defined as the increased chance of contracting cancer over a 70-year period as a result of exposure to a toxic substance or substances. It is the product of the estimated daily exposure of each suspected carcinogen by its respective cancer unit risk. The end result represents a worst -case estimate of cancer risk. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has produced a series of estimated inhalation cancer risk maps based on modeled levels of outdoor composite toxic pollutant levels. The 2000 map (the most recent map available) indicates that the City of Newport Beach is exposed to an estimated inhalation cancer risk of more than 250 persons per million. These risk maps depict inhalation cancer risk due to modeled outdoor toxic pollutant •levels; and do not account for cancer risk due to other types of exposure. The largest contributors to inhalation cancer risk are diesel engines. Sensitive Receptors As discussed previously, the national and State ambientair quality standards have been setat levels • whose concentrations could be generally harmful to human health and welfare and to protect the most sensitive persons from illness or discomfort with a margin of safety. The SCAQMD defines typical sensitive receptors as residences, schools, playgrounds, child care centers, athletic facilities, hospitals, long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers, convalescent centers, and retirement homes. Each of these land use types is present within the Planning Area. Land Use Planning and Air Quality Land use patterns and density of development affect the amount.of air pollutants that are generated by communities. Land uses that are segregated throughout a community increase the number of motor vehicle trips and associated air pollutant emissions since opportunities to walk, ride bicycles, and use public transportation between such uses as homes. and worldshopping are generally reduced. This is compounded in areas such as the Newport Beach Planning Area where low densities increase the distance between uses, and public transportation routes and vehicles are limited. Higher density communities often mix residential uses with, or very near, commercial, business, and employment uses, thus reducing the population's reliance on motor vehicle use, or reducing the distance of necessary vehicle trips. Smaller, higher -density uses also produce less air emissions on a per unit basis ftom the use of natural gas for space and water heating. Higher -density uses typically equal smaller properties, which reduce the emissions associated with the use of landscape maintenance equipment. Communities that are either jobs -rich, like Newport Beach, or housing -rich also increase the potential for emissions to be generated as employees or residents have to commute long distances to and from their homes and work. L� 5.34 City of Newport Beach 5.3 Air Quality • ■ REGULATORY CONTEXT Air quality within the air basins is addressed through the efforts of various Federal, State, regional, and local government agencies. These agencies work jointly, as well as individually, to improve air quality through legislation, regulations, planning, policy -making, education, and a variety of programs. The agencies responsible for improving the air quality within the air basins are discussed below. Federal Regulations U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for setting and enforcing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for atmospheric pollutants. It regulates emission sources that are under the exclusive authority of the Federal government, such as aircraft, ships, and certain locomotives. The EPA also maintains jurisdiction over emissions sources outside State waters (outer continental shelf), and establishes various emissions standards for vehicles sold in states other than California. As part of its enforcement responsibilities, the EPA requires each State with Federal nonattainment areas to prepare and submit a State Implementation Plan (SIP) that demonstrates the.means to attain the Federal standards. The SIP must integrate Federal, State, and local plan components and regulations to identify specific measures to reduce pollution, using a combination of performance standards and market -based programs within the timeframe identified in the SIP. • State Regulations California Air Resources Board The ARB, a part of the California Environmental Protection Agency, is responsible for the coordination and administration of both Federal and State air pollution control programs within California. In this capacity, the ARB conducts research, sets California Ambient Air Quality Standards, compiles emission inventories, develops suggested control measures, provides oversight of local programs, and prepares the SIP. The ARB establishes emissions standards for motor vehicles sold in California, consumer products (such as hair spray, aerosol paints, and barbecue lighter fluid), and various types of commercial equipment. It also sets fuel specifications to further reduce vehicular emissions. Southern California Association of Governments The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is a council of governments for Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties. It is a regional planning agency and serves as a forum for regional issues relating to transportation, the economy and community development, and the environment. Although SCAG is not an air quality management agency, it is responsible for developing transportation, land use, and energy conservation measures that affect air quality. The organization also promotes using carpools, buses, trains, and other alternative forms of transportation throughout • the region. SCAG's Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide (RCPG) provides growth forecasts that are used in the development of air quality —related land use and transportation control strategies General Plan Technical Background Report 5.3-5 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources by the SCAQMD. The RCPG is a framework for decision -making for local governments, assisting • them in meeting Federal and State mandates for growth management, mobility, and environmental standards, while maintaining consistency with regional goals regarding growth and changes through the year 2015, and beyond. Policies within the RCPG include consideration of air quality, land use, transportation, and economic relationships by all levels of government. South Coast Air Quality Management District The SCAQMD is the agency principally responsible for comprehensive air pollution control in the South Coast Air Basin. To that end, the SCAQMD, a regional agency, works directly with SCAG, county transportation commissions, local governments, and cooperates actively with all Federal and State government agencies. The SCAQMD develops rules and regulations, establishes permitting requirements, inspects emissions sources, and enforces such measures though educational programs or fines, when necessary. The SCAQMD is directly responsible for reducing emissions from stationary (area and point), mobile, and indirect sources. It has responded to this requirement by preparing a series of Air Quality Management Plans (AQMPs). The most recent of these was adopted by the Governing Board of the SCAQMD on August 1, 2003. This AQMP, referred to as the 2003 AQMP, was prepared to comply with the Federal and State Clean Air Acts and amendments, to accommodate growth, to reduce the high pollutant levels in the Basin, to meet Federal and State ambient air quality standards, and to minimize the fiscal impact that pollution control measures have on the local economy. It identifies the control measures that will be implemented to reduce major sources of pollutants. These planning efforts have substantially decreased the population's exposure to unhealthful levels of pollutants, even while substantial population growth has occurred within the • Basin. As discussed on pages 2-7 through 2-7 of the 2003 AQMP, levels of ambient pollutants monitored throughout the Basin have decreased substantially since 1980.The future air quality levels projected in the 2003 AQMP are based on several assumptions. For example; the SCAQMD assumes that general new development within the Basin will occur in accordance with population growth and transportation -projections identified by SCAG in its most current version of the RCPG, which was adopted in March 1996. The AQMP also assumes that general development projects will include strategies (mitigation measures) to •reduce emissions generated during construction and operation. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Local jurisdictions, such as the City of Newport Beach, have the shared responsibility to help develop and implement some of the control measures of the AQMP. Transportation -related strategies for congestion management, low emission vehicle infrastructure, and transit accessibility and non -transportation -related strategies for energy conservation can be encouraged by policies of local governments. A summary of the AQMP control measures that are partially within the jurisdiction of local governments to implement is provided in Table 5,3-2. • 5.8.6 CityofNewport Beach 5.3 Air Quality Table 5.3-2 AQMP Control Strategies for Local Governments AQMP Stray"Name: _ Effect MISCELLANEOUS SOURCES MSC-01 I Promotion of Lighter Colored Roofing and Road Materials and Tree Planting Programs Energy Conservation TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIES TCM-A HOVlmprovements Trip Reduction TCM-B Transit & Systems Management Trip Reduction TCM-C Information Based Measures Trip Reduction SOURCE: SCAOMD 2003 Air Quality Management Plan. 0 REFERENCES California Air Resources Board (CARB). 2001. Ozone Transport., 2001 Review. 2002. Air Quality Maps: Estimated Cancer Risk from Air Toxics-1996 Map Information. ARB Website: www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/cti/hlthrisk/hlthrisk.htm. 2004. Air Quality Data Statistics. ARB Website: www.arb.ca.gov/adam/cgi- bin/db2www/adamtop4b.d2w/Branch. Golden Gate Weather Services. 2002. "California Annual Temperature Summary," website: • http://ggweather.com/ ca_climate/temp_sum.htm. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 1993. CEQA Air Quality Handbook. • 2003. 2003 Air Quality Management Plan. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.3-7 5.4 Topography • 5A TOPOGRAPHY This section describes the existing topography, slope, and elevation of the Planning Area. Information for this section was obtained from the Hazards Assessment Study prepared for the City of Newport Beach. EXISTING CONDITIONS Several significant topographic features bound the Planning Area. The central and northwestern portions of the Planning Area are situated on a broad mesa —which is an isolated and relatively flat- topped natural elevation —that extends southeast to join the San Joaquin Hills. This mesa, known as the Newport Mesa, has been deeply dissected by stream erosion,, resulting in moderate to steep bluffs along the Upper Newport Bay estuary. The Upper Newport Bay is bordered by 40- to 100-foot-high bluffs. The Newport Mesa rises from about 50 to 75 feet above mean sea level at the northern end of the estuary in the Santa Ana Heights area, to about 100 feet above sea level in the Newport Heights, Westcliff, and Eastbluff areas. Along the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area, sediments flowing from the Santa Ana River and San Diego Creek transect the mesa and have formed the beaches, sandbars, and mudflats of Newport Bay and West Newport. Balboa Peninsula, a barrier beach that protects the bay, and the harbor islands of the City generally range from about 5 to 10 feet above sea level. The coastal platform occupied by Corona del Mar, located in the south central portion of the City, ranges from about 95 to 100 feet above sea level. In the southern part of the City, the San Joaquin Hills, which reach an elevation of 1,164 feet at Signal Peak, rise abruptly from the sea, separated from the present shoreline by a relatively flat, narrow shelf. This platform (also • called a terrace) is now elevated well above the water and is bounded by steep bluffs along the shoreline. The local topography in the Planning Area ranges from gently sloping areas in the northwest portion of the City to steeper topography in the eastern and southern areas. As shown in Plate 3-3 (Slope q? Distribution Map) of Chapter 6 (Public Safety) of this document, over 50 percent of the Planning t� Area, including most of the northern and western portions, as well as some portions of the Newport Coast area, have a slope gradient that range from approximately 0 to 10 degrees, Slopes increase with proximity to the Newport Mesa and San Joaquin Hills, and areas with more severe slopes are generally concentrated in the southern and eastern portions of the City. The bluffs that border the water -bodies in the City, including Newport Bay and City streams, have a slope gradient ranging from 10 to 26 degrees and also 26 to 40 degrees. In addition, most of the San Joaquin Hills have a slope gradient of 10 to 40 degrees. Parts of the San Joaquin Hills located near the southern border of the City of Newport Beach have a slope gradient of 40 degrees and greater. Elevations across the City range from approximately 0 to 394 feet in the areas comprised of West Newport, Balboa Peninsula, and Newport Bay to approximately 2,460 to 3,281 feet in the high relief terrain areas of the San Joaquin Hills in the eastern portion of the City. Elevations across the • Planning Area are shown in Plate 4-1 (Geomorphic Map) of Chapter 6 (Public Safety) of this document. General Plan Technical Background Report 15.4-1 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources Given the high gradient slopes and difference in elevations within Newport Coast and Newport • Ridge, canyons and ridges comprise much of these areas.' Development in these areas has taken an alternative approach. Rather than including structures on the hillsides and preserving the ridgelines, these areas contain residential uses on top of ridges in order to preserve the canyons as natural open space. REGULATORY CONTEXT Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.10, Excavation and Grading Code, provides regulations to safeguard life, limb, property and the public welfare by regulating grading, drainage and hillside construction on private property and for similar improvement proposed by private interests on City right-of-way where regulations are not otherwise exercised. For example, Section 15.10.090 states that the slope of cut surfaces can be no steeper than is safe for the intended use, and that cut slopes shall be no, steeper than two horizontal to one vertical. In addition, Section 15.10.120 requires that terraces at least six feet in width shall be established at not more than thirty (30) foot vertical intervals to control surface drainage and debris. Section 15.10.130 requires that the faces of cut and fill slopes be prepared and maintained to control against erosion. Further, Section 15.10.040 requires the elimination of hazards, in compliance with the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, as determined by the Building Official. Chapter 20.55, SPR Site Plan Review Overlay District, establishes a "Site Plan Review" (SPR) • overlay district to require site plan review by the Planning Commission for any proposed development within the overlay district to insure that the project conforms to the objectives of the General Plan. Section 20.55.030 of this Chapter includes applicable slope criteria. Chapter 20:60, Site Regulations, contains land use and development regulations that are applicable to sites in all or several districts, including Section 20.60.045 of this Chapter, which determines the allowable number of units per slope area. Bulk and height limitations are included in the Zoning Code in order to minimize impacts to topographic features and to ensure that the unique character and scale of Newport Beach is preserved. Specifically, Chapter 20.65.040, Height Limitation Zones establishes five height limitation zones within the City. Residential development is limited to a height of 24 to 28 feet and non residential development is limited to a height of 26 to 35 feet within the Shoreline Height Limitation Zone. Outside of the Shoreline Height 'Limitation Zone, heights up to 50 'feet are permitted within planned community districts. REFERENCES Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Hazards Assessment Study. LJ 6..42 City of Newport Beach • Section 5.5 Visual Resources 5.5 Visual Resources • 5.5 VISUAL RESOURCES This section describes the existing visual elements that contribute positively to the City and its surroundings. Discussions of Federal and State regulations that are relevant to visual resources are also provided. Issues and opportunities related to the formulation of policies regarding visual resources are also discussed. ® EXISTING CONDITIONS Visual resources are an important component of the quality of life of any geographic area. As users experience a place, their primary sensory interaction with that place is visual in nature, and a wide variety of shapes, colors, and textures, composed by topography, structures, roadways, and vegetation, forms the views of and from the City. The City of Newport Beach is sited on a coastal plain and is bounded on two sides by developed urban lands of Costa Mesa and Irvine. The rolling green hills of Crystal Cove State Park create views to the east and form the City boundary at the east, while the Pacific Ocean fills the views to the southwest. Development in Newport Beach has been designed to capture views of the ocean, capitalizing on the ridgelines and hillsides as vantage points. The Upper and Lower Newport Bay, draining an area of 118 square miles via the San Diego Creek, bisects the City, creating a dominant physical land feature that includes estuaries, beaches, coastal bluffs, and meandering waterways unique to Newport Beach. From the higher elevations in the City, views to the north include the rolling hills of the San Joaquin Corridor, and in the distance the Santa Ana Mountains. This combination of hills, canyons, bluffs, and water features create a visually dynamic landscape. • Open Space Open space areas provide visual relief from urbanized areas and scenic view opportunities for motorists, pedestrians, and residents. Open space is distributed throughout Newport Beach including the beach, bay, parks and undeveloped areas such as Banning Ranch, and canyons, hillsides and bluffs of Newport Ridge/Coast. Ocean/Harbor/Bay The Pacific Ocean provides the predominant visual setting for the majority of Newport's scenic attributes. The ocean can be seen from residences atop coastal bluff'; and hilltop ridges, from the offices of high-rise development, and can be enjoyed by visitors of the beaches, shopping areas and from many of the major north/south corridors. Associated with the ocean, the bay and harbor areas also provide picturesque nautical views. Newport Beach includes many areas that are environmentally sensitive in nature. Many of these are water -associated habitats such as marine intertidal and subtidal, riparian, or marsh areas. Intertidal areas consist of platform intertidal reefs and pocket sandy beaches, with conspicuous offshore rocks, stacks, and arches. Undeveloped plant and animal habitat areas provide attractive landscapes that also contribute to the City's visual quality. Many of these habitat areas have been identified as Environmental Study Areas (ESAs) and are discussed in detail in the Biological Resources Report prepared by Chambers Group and revised by EIP Associates. The ESAs listed (partial list) below contribute to the City's visual resources: • ■ Semeniuk Slough (Santa Ana River Marsh) General Plan Technical Background Report 5.5-1 Chapter 5 EnvIronmental Resources ■ North Star Beach ■ West Bay • ■ Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and DeAnza/Bayside Marsh Peninsula ■ San Diego Creek Coastal Views Newport Beach is located in a unique physical setting that provides a variety of spectacular coastal views, including those of the open waters of the ocean and bay, harbor, sandy beaches, rocky shores, wetlands, canyons, and coastal bluffs. The City has historically been sensitive to the need to protect and provide access to these scenic and visual resources and has developed a system of public parks, piers, trails, and viewing areas. Coastal views are also provided from a number of streets and highways and, due to the grid street pattern in West Newport, Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar, many north/south-tending streets provide view corridors to the ocean and bay. .0 I i Met View of Newport Pier& Balboa Peninsula • Pcy�}U.: d'Jf„ View from atop Mariner's Mile Scenic Coastal Vistas The wide-open vistas in the City of Newport Beach are associated with natural features, such as the ocean and bay, both dominant visual images within the City. Internally, north/south streets provide unique vistas that characterize individual neighborhoods. Significant vistas, as identified in the City's Draft Local Coastal Plan, include public coastal views from the following roadway segments: ■ Back Bay Drive is Balboa Island Bridge ■ Bayside Drive from Coast Highway to Linda Island Drive ■ Bayside Drive at Promontory Bay 5.5-2 City of Newport Beach 5.5 Visual Resources ■ Coast Highway/Santa Ana River Bridge • ■ Coast Highway/Newport Boulevard Bridge and Interchange ■ Coast Highway from Newport Boulevard to Marino Drive ■ Coast Highway/Newport Bay Bridge ■ Coast Highway from jamboree Road to Bayside Drive ■ Eastbluff Drive from jamboree Road to Backbay Drive • ■ Irvine Avenue from Santiago Drive to University Drive ■ Jamboree Road from Eastbluff Drive/University Drive to State Route 73 ■ Jamboree Road in the vicinity of the Big Canyon Park ■ Jamboree Road from Coast Highway to Bayside Drive ■ Lido Island Bridge ■ Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road/Westminster Avenue to Via Lido Drive ■ Newport Center Drive from Newport Center Drive E/W to Farallon Drive/Granville Drive ■ Ocean Boulevard ■ State Route 73 from Bayview Way to University Drive ■ Superior Avenue from Hospital Road to Coast Highway ■ University Drive from Irvine Avenue to the Santa Ana —Delhi Channel ViewofDeAnza/Bayside Marsh Peninsula from Castaways Park Mountains and Ridges The Santa Ana Mountains are located northeast of the City. The San Joaquin Hills frame the City's northeast border. The Santa Ana Mountains are within the Cleveland National Forest and provide long-range views, forming the northern backdrop to the City. Views of these mountains are particularly significant from the newer developments on the City's northern side. Slopes rising up from coastal plains provide a dramatic contrast to the generally flat topography at the coastline and visually dominate the majority of the relatively low -scale urban development at the beachfront. Canyons and gullies formed by water coursing from the mountains to the ocean similarly provide stunning contrast to the coastal tidelands and beaches. The majority of the undeveloped headlands lie in the eastern portion of the City in the area known as Newport Coast/Ridge. Buck Gully, Morning Canyon, Ridge Park, Los Trancos, Muddy Canyon, and Pelican Hill typify the topographic landforms that render spectacular views of the city. CoastalBluffs Coastal bluffs are a prominent landform in Newport Beach. There are ocean, facing coastal bluffs • along the shoreline of Corona del Mar, Shorecliffs, and Cameo Shores. There are also coastal bluffs General Plan Technical Background Report 5.5.3 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources facing the wetlands of Upper Newport Bay, Semeniuk Slough, and the degraded• wetlands of the • Banning Ranch property. Little Corona Coastal bluffs surround Lower Newport Bay. These can be seen along Coast Highway from the Semeniuk Slough to Dover Drive, along Bayside Drive in Irvine Terrace, and in Corona del Mar above the Harbor Entrance. These bluffs faced the open ocean before the Balboa Peninsula formed and are now generally separated from the shoreline. Coastal bluffs are considered significant scenic and environmental resources. Upper Newport Bey Coastal Bluffs Most of the coastal bluff top lands have been subdivided and developed over the years. However, many have been preserved as parkland and other open space. Also, most of the faces of the coastal bluff surrounding the Upper Newport Bay have been protected by dedication to the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve or dedicated as open space as part of planned residential developments. Eastbluff Remnant, Mouth of Big Canyon, Castaways, Newporter North, and Newport Beach Marine Life Refuge are undeveloped open spaces. In other areas, including Newport Heights, Cliff Haven, Irvine Terrace, Corona del Mar, Shorecliffs, and Cameo Shores, the coastal bluffs fall within conventional residential subdivisions. Development on these lots occurs mainly on a lot -by -lot basis. As a result, some coastal bluffs remain pristine and others are physically or visually obliterated by structures, landform alteration or . landscaping. Residential development has begun to affect coastal bluff areas due to the siting and 5.5-4 City of Newport Beach 5.5 Visual Resources • scale of some new and renovated homes. While some development has maintained the natural character of the coastal bluffs, other developments have been larger and more visually prominent, potentially impacting views of those bluffs. Mouth of Big Canyon Parks and View Parks The City currently contains more than forty parks, in addition to ecological preserves and beaches, which together provide more than 441 acres of parkland and passive open space. A portion of the Crystal Cove State Park is also within the city and provides open space views for Newport Beach • residents. Parkland is described further in Section 4.4. Much of the built environment within the City is scenic because of it's setting, the presence of low- rise buildings that preserve views, and wide landscaped roadways. View parks have been created specifically to take advantage of a significant view. View parks are small, one-half to three acre in size passive parks, often located on coastal bluffs to focus upon ocean or bay views. View parks in Newport Beach include the following: ■ West Newport. The Sunset View Park provides an ocean view trail along the bluff top above the lower campus of Hoag Hospital. This park is accessible from Superior Avenue. ■ Newport Heights/CliHaven. Cliff Drive Park, Ensign Park, and Kings Road Park are located on the bluff top above Mariner's Mile and Coast Highway. These parks provide views of the Lower Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Cliff Drive Park and Ensign Park are accessible from Cliff Drive. Kings Road Park is accessible from Kings Road. ■ Corona del Mar. A half -mile linear view park that provides spectacular views of the harbor entrance and Pacific Ocean is located along the bluff top above. ■ Corona del Mar State Beach. The park begins at Lookout Point above Pirate's Cove and runs along Ocean Boulevard to Inspiration Point at the end of Orchid Avenue. ■ Upper Newport Bay. Castaways Park is a 17.4-acre view park. Castaways Park has bike and hiking trails and overlooks that provide panoramic views of the Newport Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Castaways Park is accessible from Dover Drive and Polaris Drive. Castaways Park • contains environmentally sensitive habitats, which are separated and protected from public recreation and viewing areas. An 11-acre passive open space and view park is planned for the General Plan Technical Background Report 5.5.5 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources bluff above the Newport Dunes. The Upper Bayview Landing park site is located at the • northwest corner of the intersection of Coast Highway, and Jamboree Road. This park will provide views of the bay and serve as a staging area for bicyclists and pedestrians. ■ Westeliff'Park, Galaxy Park, and Bayview Park are bluff -top parks that provide views of the Upper Newport Bay. Westcliff Park is accessible from Polaris Drive. Galaxy Park is accessible from Galaxy Drive. Bayview Park is accessible fromMesa Drive. ■ The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is a 140-acre regional park that surrounds the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Preserve. The park provides hiking, bike, and equestrian trails -and is accessible from Irvine Avenue,'University Drive, and Bayview Way. ■ New Knoll is a 12-acre passive open space area located on the bluff above Shellmaker Island. The 4-acre Newporter North View Park is adjacent and provides a bluff top trail and overlook. The Newport North View Park is accessible from San Joaquin Hills Road. Both areas are part of the Newporter North ESA and the provision of additional public access must be consistent with the protection of natural resources in this area. Undeveloped Land The Banning Ranch property is located primarily on unincorporated County of Orange land and is surrounded by the City of Newport Beach. For the last 50 years, the site has been used as an oil production field. Today, the site contains the remnants of old wells and pipelines. Some oil production, however, still occurs on site. The site is characterized by a mesa area, coastal bluffs, and lowlands, which are part of the Santa Ana River floodplain. While the site is degraded considerably, its scenic quality as a "natural" area has been identified as potentially contributing to Newport • Beach's scenic resources. The protected canyons, hills, and bluffs of the eastern portion of the city are also recognized for their scenic quality. As identified previously under Mountains and Ridges, topographic landforms of the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge region contribute significantly to the aesthetic quality residents value. The canyons and hillsides associated with Buck Gully, Morning Canyon, Ridge Park, Los Trancos, Muddy Canyon, and Pelican Hill provide impressive views for visitors and residents. The Irvine Company has played an integral role in conserving lands for open space in and surrounding Newport Beach. Through the creation of the Irvine Ranch Land Reserve, The Irvine Company is responsible for dedicating more than 50,000 acres of permanently protected open space in, Orange County. The reserve includes portions of the Upper Newport Bay, the Crystal Cove State Park and large portions of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge. Scenic Highways California's Scenic Highway Program was created by the Legislature in 1963. Its purpose is to preserve and protect scenic highway corridors from change that would diminish the aesthetic value of lands adjacent to highways. Scenic corridors typically pertain to highwaysand visible lands outside the highway right -of way generally described as the view from the road. There are no officially designated scenic vistas, or scenic highways within Newport Beach. However, State Route 1 (SR-1) is identified as Eligible for State Scenic Highway designation. A State scenic highway changes from eligible to officially designated, when the local jurisdiction adopts • a scenic corridor protection program, applies to the California Department of Transportation 5.5.6 City of Newport Beech • i • NTA ANA`K C,R JETTY • i i i i NEWPORT I SHORES i I I I 1 L-�Uuu--jL 0�0� Dc a DoaD� �e aoao �D D OM_ v TURNING \BASIN 7\ 0 o LI la NORTH L J • 0 ol UPPER �J yJ NE P T 1�... ox ea v% z } y r� S AR BEAC NORTH • • • = �� ���� •�� is : � ' /PORT ER PACIFIC N S IfAF BEA DUNES �o BALBOA •����� �� nuuuunnun �_� �. � �Illiilllllllilll ll Illli\� .�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 BALBOA PIER OCEAN FASHION ISLAND m IN a L! t NORTH 5.5 Visual Resources • (Caltrans) for scenic highway approval, and receives notification from Caltrans that the highway has been designated as a Scenic Highway. The city must also adopt ordinances to preserve the scenic quality of the corridor or document such regulations that already exist in local codes. The City identifies coastal views such as Coastal View Roads and Public View Points. These areas are identified in the Draft Local Coastal Plan Coastal Views maps 1 through 3. ■ REGULATORY SETTING Federal No existing Federal regulations pertain to the visual resources within the Planning Area. State California Coastal Act Policy 30251. The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall be considered and protected as resources of public importance. Permitted development shall be sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas to minimize the alteration of natural land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where, feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded areas. New development in highly scenic areas such as those designated in the California Coastline Preservation and Recreation Plan prepared by the Department of Parks and Recreation and by local government shall be subordinate to the character of its setting. • Caltrans Scenic Highways. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) defines a scenic highway as any freeway, highway, road, or other public right-of-way, that traverses an area of exceptional scenic quality. Suitability for designation as a State Scenic Highway is based on vividness, intactness, and unity, as described in Caltrans Guidelines for Off zcial Designation of Scenic Highways (1995): ■ Vividness is the extent to which the landscape is memorable. This is associated with the distinctiveness, diversity, and contrast of visual elements. A vivid landscape makes an immediate and lasting impression, on the viewer. ■ Intactness is the integrity of visual order in the landscape and the extent to which the natural landscape is free from visual intrusions (e.g., buildings, structures, equipment, grading). ■ Unity is the extent to which development is sensitive to visually harmonious with the natural landscape. Local Shoreline Height Limitation Zone. Concern over the intensity of development around Lower Newport Bay led to the adoption of a series of ordinances in the early 1970's that established more restrictive height and bulk development standards around the bay. The intent was to regulate the visual and physical mass of structures consistent with the unique character and visual scale of Newport Beach. As a result, new development within the Shoreline Height Limitation Zone is • limited to a height of 35 feet. Residential development is limited to a height of 24 to 28 feet and non-residential development is limited to a height of 26 to 35 feet. Outside of the Shoreline Height General Plan Technical Background Report 5.5-13 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources Limitation, Zone, heights up to 50 feet are permitted within the planned community districts. There • are also two properties in the coastal zone that are within the High Rise Height Limitation Zone, which are permitted heights up to 375 feet. The first is the site of Newport Beach Marriott Hotel in Newport Center, the other is an undeveloped office site northeast of the Jamboree Road/State Route 73 interchange. Floor Area Ratios. Floor areas are strictly limited citywide. In the coastal zone, residential development is limited to floor areas ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 times the buildable area of the parcel (the'land minus required setback yards)', which typically translates to actual floor area ratios of 0.95 to 1.35. Nonresidential -development floor area ratios range from 0.30 to 1.25. REFERENCES Felton, James P. edited by. 1981. "Newport Beach 75- A Diamond Jubilee History." Sultana Press: Fullerton. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Draft Local Coastal Plan —Coastal Land Use Flan, April. Moore, Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. 2003. "Community Directions for the Future: A Summary of the General Plan Update Visioning Process," January. Photos taken from the Draft Local Coastal Plan— Coastal Land Use Plan, April, • 0 5,5-14 City of Newport Beach E Section 5.6 Mineral Resources E 5.6 Mineral Resources • 5.6 MINERAL RESOURCES This section describes existing mineral resources within the Planning Area and current applicable local and regional policies. Information for this section was obtained from the following sources: (1) the City's Utilities Department, Oil and Gas Division; (2) the California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources; (3) the California Geological Survey (formerly known as the Division of Mines and Geology); and (4) previous environmental documentation prepared for the City. ■ EXISTING MINERAL RESOURCES Oil and gas seeps are common occurrences in many parrs of California, including in and around the Planning Area. Historically, drilling for oil in this part of Orange County began as early as 1904,` and subsequently, oil production became the primary mineral extraction activity in and around the City. Oil and Gas Production For the purposes of this report, an oil well is defined as a hole drilled from the surface into the earth for prospecting for, or production of oil, natural gas, or other hydrocarbon substances. This definition also encompasses a well or a hole used for the subsurface injection into the earth of oil field waste, gases, water, or liquid substances, including any well or hole that has not been abandoned and is now in existence. • According to the California Department of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, two separate production and reserve areas exist within the Planning Area, as shown in Figure 5.6-1: (1) Newport oil field, which lies within the City limits and (2) West Newport oil field, which is located in the Banning Ranch area. The Newport oil field is located in the western portion of the City, and is estimated to have oil reserves of approximately 35 million barrels (Mbbl) and produces approximately 55 billion cubic feet of gas. Located in the western tip of the Planning Area, the West Newport oil field produces approximately 20.5 billion cubic feet of gas with a daily production per oil well of approximately 5 bbl. Estimated oil reserves within this field are approximately 728 Mbbl? Figure 5.6-1 also illustrates the location of active, abandoned, and shut-in oil wells in the Planning Area. As shown, the concentration of active wells lies within the West Newport and Newport production areas. Approximately three active gas wells (out of 68 total oil and gas wells) are located in the Newport production area, while there are approximately 65 active oil and four active injection wells (out of 862 total wells) located in the West Newport production area. Of those 65 wells in the West Newport area, approximately 16 are directionally drilled from onshore to off -shore and an additional 29 wells are currently not used for production but have not been abandoned (classified as "shut-in"). Thus, as of 2002, there were approximately 68 wells (plus four injection wells) producing oil and natural gas within the City, which includes wells from both the Newport and the West Newport oil fields. Fifteen (not counting one injection well) of the 68 producing wells are operated ' ECI, Hazards Assessment Study, 2003. • 'California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, 2002 Annual Report —Production and Reserves. ' California Division of Oil, Gag and Georhermal Resources, 2002 Annual Report —Production and Reserves. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.6.1 Chapter 5 Environmental Resources by the City; 48 are operated by West Newport Oil Company, three by Hoag Memorial Hospital, • and two by South Coast Oil.' Thirty-three abandoned oil wells are located in numerous sites throughout the City, concentrated along the northwest boundary. However, there are no other known active oil or gas wells located in any other areas outside of the identified oil fields? Surface Mining Resources Mining activities within the State are regulated by the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) of 1975. This Act provides for the reclamation of mined lands and directs the State Geologist to classify (identify and map) the nonfuel mineral resources of the State to show where economically significant mineral deposits occur and where they are likely to occur based upon the best available scientific data. Based on guidelines adopted by the California Geological Survey, areas known as Mineral Resource Zones (MRZ) are classified according to the presence or absence of significant deposits, as defined below. These classifications indicate the potential for a specific area to contain significant mineral resources: as MRZI Areas where available geologic information indicates there is little or no likelihood for presence of significant mineral resources as MRZ-2—Areas underlain by mineral deposits where geologic data indicate that significant measured or indicated resources are present or where adequate information indicates that significant mineral deposits are present or where it is judged that a high likelihood for their presence exists as MRZ-3—Areas containing known mineral occurrences of undetermined mineral resource • significance ■ MRZ4 —Areas of no known mineral occurrences where geologic information does not rule out the presence or absence of significant mineral resources According to the California Geological Survey, the Planning Area does not have any land classified as MRZ-2; rather, it is classified by mineral resource zones MRZ-1 and MRZ-3 as shown in Figure 5.6-2. Generally, areas along the coast within the Planning Area are located in MRZ-1 areas, indicating that little or no likelihood for the presence of significant mineral resources exist. The remaining portion of the Planning Area is in MRZ-3 where areas that contain mineral resources are of undetermined significance. Other than oil and gas resources, there is no active mining within the Planning Area. 'Dave Sanchez, California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, December 11, 2003. 'Tim Deursch, City of Newport Utilities Department, Personal cou munimdon,,December 10, 2003 • 5 6.2 CO of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 5.6-1 OIL PRODUCTION AREAS .,-,.-,. CHy Boundary Oil Infrastructure Newport Oil Field West Newport Oil Field • Oil Well Hydrography Tidelands and Submerged Lands Waterway Roads State and Federal Highway Streets Q Nofe: G5 beta Prgeclan-CA SMIe Plane. Zone d. W .teat. s--sss .an 0 0.6 Mies Saurce: CMy of N WPW Beach. General Pl , .P* 2003, CBy Boundary, May 2003. Courfts. May 2003: Earth Con.Mnh, al Weis. Jury 2003: M Cemus Bureou, Other Cry BoundaAeSr 2000, ESIM, Major Rcads, February 2002: and EIP A¢xlat % GIS Progam, December. 2W3, PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: CP Created by: My Date: 03/03/04 EIP CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 5.6-2 MINERAL RESOURCE ZONES � m 1 City Boundary (approximate) Mineral Resource Zones Area with No Significant Mineral MRZ-1 Deposits MRZ-2 Area with Significant Mineral Deposits MRZ-3 Areas Containing Mineral Deposits of Undetermined Significance MRZ-4 Areas with Inadequate Information Not to Scale source'. Department of Cmservatlon DMslon of Mines and GeobW, DMG Open-Ftfa Report 94-15. 1994. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HLR Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 :s EIP 5.6 Mineral Resources • ® REGULATORY CONTEXT State Regulations SMARA As previously discussed, mining activities are regulated by SMARA. The purpose of this act is to create and maintain an effective and comprehensive surface mining and reclamation policy with regulation of surface mining operations so as to assure that (1) adverse environmental effects are prevented or minimized and that mined lands are reclaimed to a usable condition which is readily adaptable for alternative land uses; (2) the production and conservation of minerals are encouraged, while giving consideration to values relating to recreation, wildlife, range and forage, and aesthetic enjoyment; and (3) residual hazards to the public health and safety are eliminated. These goals are achieved through land use planning by allowing a jurisdiction to balance the economic benefits of resource reclamation with the need to provide other land uses. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.81, Oil Wells, of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code contains ordinances that address oilwells and related issues within the City. Specifically, this chapter regulates the restricted and designated drilling areas throughout the City, states the required approval process necessary for • permitted area alteration, contains fire prevention regulations, prohibits the creation of nuisance associated with drilling activities, and requires appropriate watchmen to be in charge of oil fields. Charter of the City of Newport Beach Section 1401, Oil Well Drilling, prohibits the drilling of, production, or refining of oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances within the City boundaries, as defined by the effective date of the Chatter. Areas annexed to the City after the effective date of this Charter, if such activities were being conducted in such areas at the date of annexation, can continue to occur. REFERENCES California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, 2002 Annual Report —Production and Reserves, 2002. Dave Sanchez, California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, personal communication, December 11, 2003. ECI, Hazards Assessment Study, 2003. Tim Deutsch, City of Newport Utilities Department, personal communication, December 10, 2003. California Geological Survey website, • http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_resources/mineral_resourcq_mapping/index.htm, December 2003. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.6-7 • Section 5.7 Cultural Resources 40 5.7 Cultural Resources • 5.7 CULTURAL RESOURCES This section describes the cultural (historical, archaeological, and paleontological) resources present or potentially present in the Newport Beach Planning Area. Significant cultural resources in the area include structures that may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR). Information for this section is based on data obtained from the City's Draft Local Coastal Program, an unofficial inventory prepared by the Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Committee, the County of Orange, and previous environmental documentation prepared for the City. ■ EXISTING CONDITIONS Prehistory —Paleontology Fossils in the central Santa Ana Mountains represent the oldest formations in the County at 145 to 175 million years old and contain aquatic fossil types, such as radiolarians (single -celled plankton), ammonites (extinct members of the class including nautili, squid, and octopi), and bivalves (such as oysters and clams). The predominance of these fossil types indicates that Orange County, for much of its geological history, was underwater.' During the Miocene Epoch (26 million years ago [mya] to 7 mya), tectonic forces produced uplifts that resulted in the formation of mountains and initiated movement on the nascent San Andreas • Fault system, forming numerous coastal marine basins, including the Los Angeles Basin, of which Orange County is a part. As the sea retreated, the County became a shallow bay surrounded by jungle and savannah areas, as indicated by the mix of aquatic and terrestrial fossils found in rocks of Miocene age. Miocene -age rock units that underlie the Planning Area, particularly in the Newport Coast area, are considered to be of high -order paleontological significance (6 to 9 on a scale of 1 to 10).2.3 Further tectonic activity began to uplift the land during the Pliocene Epoch (7 mya to 2.5 mya), and the sea slowly receded from the coast as it existed. This recession resulted in the formation of a succession of shoreline deposits that formed a marine terrace that can be observed today in Corona del Mar. North of Corona del Mar, a series of three marine terraces may be observed from MacArthur Boulevard when driving toward the beach. Sandstone deposited in the Newport Beach area during the Pliocene Epoch contains a variety of marine mammals, sea birds, and mollusks. During the Pleistocene Epoch (2.5mya to 15,000 years ago), the seas continued to retreat as tectonic uplift continued. Although the Pleistocene Epoch is known as the "Ice Age," glacial ice never reached southern California, and paleontological evidence indicates that a heavily vegetated, marshy area extended inland beyond the shoreline. However, a variety of vertebrate animals typically associated with the Ice Age inhabited the area: local paleontological sites, particularly near the Castaways, have yielded fossils of Ice Age horses, elephants, bison, antelopes, and dire wolves. Also, a number of localities in the portions of the Vaqueros formation that underlie the Newport Coast area 'Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Draft Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan, 20 January, 4-58. • ' Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Draft Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan, 20 January, 4-58. 'Newport Beach, City of. 1996. Newport Coast LCP SecondAmendment, 3 December, 7. General Plan Technical Background Report 57-1 Chapters Environmental Resources have yielded a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate fossils, and are considered to be of high -order • paleontological significance (9 on a scale of 1 to 10). Other geological formations that underlie the Planning Area have also yielded significant fossils in the Planning Area, particularly in the Newport Banning Ranch portion of the SOI, as well as in other areas of the County. These include the Topanga and Monterey Formations. Known paleontological deposits at Fossil Canyon, in the North Bluffs area of the Planning Area, is considered a unique paleontological locality, and lmown vertebrate deposits within the Planning Area are considered to be among the most important in the State.'sb The Newport Banning Ranch,portion of the SOI is particularly rich, and contains at least fourteen documented sites of high significance.' Prehistory and Archaeology The first generally accepted period of human occupation of Southern California began at about the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Archaeological sites around Upper Newport Bay have yielded some of the evidence for the earliest human occupation of Orange County and date to about 9,500 years before present (BP). Over fifty sites have been documented in the Planning Area, including the recently annexed Newport Coast area!""' and in the Newport Banning Ranch portion of the SOI," and known sites in nearby areas such as Bolsa Chica are of similar or greater scientific interest. Many of these sites have yielded —or have been determined to have the potential to yield —substantial information regarding the prehistory of the City and County, and have included human burials. At least two and possibly three distinct cultural groups inhabited the area, and later period sites indicate that the area including the Planning Area was heavily populated at the time of European contact. Ethnographically, the Planning Area falls within a region in which tribal boundaries are unclear: both the Gabrielino and the Luisefio/Juanefio lay ancestral territorial claims. Certainly during the post -contact period, the project area fell within the Mission San Juan Capistrano sphere of influence (as discussed further in the Historical Period subsection below), and its proximity to the Mission itself would suggest Juanefio habitation, but tribal territories in this case cannot be unambiguously defined. According to David Belardes of the Juanefio Band of Mission Indians, the territory of the Juanefio extended north to the Santa Ana River drainage, however, Gabrielino territory is thought by some to extend south of the Santa Ana River Drainage to Aliso Creek, and possibly even further south.12 The Luisefio/Juanefio were hunter/gatherers, organized into sedentary and semi -sedentary, autonomous villages. A large village was typically associated with a territory of approximately 30 square miles, which contained several hunting, fishing, and collecting areas.in different ecological zones. Satellite gathering camps and procurement areas were often established within these areas. ' Newport Beach, City of. 2003. DrrtftLocal Coastal Program Coa al Land UrePktn, 20 January, 4.58. ' ISA Amodatm. 1998. Environmental Impact Rrport, Phase N--2 of the NewporttComt Pkrnned Community, Newport Coart Planning Areas M-2, 3B, 14, MCDP Sixth Amendment and CoacsWevelopment Permit. EIR No. 568, t0 February,4.10-3. 'Newport Beach, City of 1974. Newport Beach General Plan Comervation ofNaturalResoutra Elrntent, 14 January, 34-35. 'Keeton Kreitter Consulting. 2000. SmencheckProgram Environmentallmpact Report: NewportBanningRanch Local ConsmlProgram, 28 April, 4.4-2 and 4A.3. 'Newport: Beach, City of 2003. Draft Local Coastal'Program Coastal Land Use Plan, 20 January, 4.58. 'Newport Beach, City of 2003. DroftLocal Coastal Program Coastal Land UrePktn, 20 January, 4-58. 10 Newport Beach, City of.1974. Newport Beach General Plan Conservation ofNanamlResourcaElement, 14 January, 34-33. Keeton Kreitur. Consulting. 2006. Screencheck Program Environmental Impact Report.- Newport Banning Ranch Local Coastal Program, 28 April. Prepared for the County of Orange Planning and,Development Services Department. " EIPAssodatm.1998. Dona l ointHeadk ndr DraftEnvironn entallnpactReport, 4.12-5. •' 5.7-2 City of Newport Beach 5.7 Cultural Resources Seasonal moves to exploit resources outside a village's territory occurred during several weeks of the • year. The coastal Luisefio/Juanefio bands exploited a variety of plant food resources. Seeds and acorns constituted the staples, combining to account for up to 75 percent of the typical diet. Many fruits, berries, bulbs, and roots saw use as medicines, beverage bases, and manufacturing materials as well as food. Terrestrial game accounted for an estimated five to ten percent of the coastal Luisefio/Juanefio diet; fish and marine mammals represented an additional 20 to 35 percent. Luisefio/Juanefio material culture associated with food procurement includes the tools mentioned above: manos and metates, as well as mortars and pestles for processing acorns and seeds, and pulverizing pulpy materials and small game. They probably hunted first with spears, and then later with bows and arrows. The projectiles themselves would have had fire -hardened wood or chipped stone tips. Near -shore fishing and marine mammal hunting were accomplished with light balsa or dugout canoes. The Historical Period Overview In July of 1769, the expedition led by the Spaniard Gaspar de Portola reached the boundaries of present-day Orange County. Members of the expedition named the region Santa Ana ("The Valley of Saint Anne"). Father Junipero Serra, a member of the expedition, returned six years later continue his work of establishing the Catholic Church and converting the Native Americans in the area to • Catholicism.13 While the East Coast of North America was engaged in revolution and spectacular change, the West Coast too was undergoing a quiet and almost undetected transformation. Father Serra dedicated the Mission of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County's first permanent settlement, on November 1, 1776. The Mission became a self-sustaining unit based upon an agricultural economy. Its chapel and adjoining structure were the first signs of civilization erected upon the fertile, virgin soil of the Santa Ana Region. In 1801, Jose Antonio Yorba, a volunteer in the Portola expedition, also returned to Santa Ana. He established the cunty's first rancho (Santiago de Santa Ana) in what are today the cities of Villa Park, Orange, Tustin, Costa Mesa, and Santa Ana. Following Mexico's liberation from Spanish rule in 1821, the extensive land holdings of the Mission San Juan Capistrano were subdivided and awarded to a number of distinguished war heroes. By this time, Yorba's Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana had grown to resemble a feudal manor. Cattle were introduced into the area in 1834, and a prosperous hide and tallow industry developed. Southern California became a virtual suburb of New England as sailing ships loaded with cargo traveled back and forth between coasts. 'In 1835, author -seaman Richard Henry Dana arrived at what is today known as Dana Point. He later immortalized Spanish Orange County in his book Two Years before the Mast by describing it as "the only romantic spot on the Coast." The Spanish California tradition of a carefree lifestyle, fiestas with music and dancing, bear and bull fights, rodeos, and gracious hospitality, survived until the 1860. • ' Orange, County of. 2003. Brief History of Orange County. Webpage: http://w .oc.m.gov/history/ oc_hisrory.asp, accessed 10 December. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.7-3 Chapters EnvlronmentalResources A severe drought brought an end to the cattle industry. Adventurous pioneers, such as James Irvine, • capitalized on the economic downfall of the ranchos. Irvine, an Irish immigrant, established a 110,000-acre sheep ranch that is today one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in America. In 1887, silver was discovered in the Santa Ana Mountains. Hundreds of fortune seekers flocked to the "diggings." Land speculators and farmers came by rail from the East to settle in such boomtowns as Buena Park, Fullerton, and El Toro. Orange County was formally organized as a political entity separate from the County of Los Angeles in 1889. The wilderness had finally given way to .irrigated farmlands and prosperous communities. A year-round harvest of Valencia oranges, lemons, avocados, and walnuts made agriculture the single most important industry in the fledgling county. And with orange groves beginning to proliferate throughout the area (150,000 orange trees), the new county was named for the fruit: "Orange County." The twentieth century brought with it many industrious individuals such as Walter Knott, a farmer turned entrepreneur, who founded the Knott legacy in Buena Park. During the years that followed, Orange County witnessed the discovery of oil in Huntington Beach, the birth of the aerospace industry on the Irvine Ranch, and filming of several Hollywood classics in the Newport area. In 1955, Walt Disney opened his Magic Kingdom in Anaheim. Noted as the pioneer .of animated films, Disney revolutionized the entertainment world again with his "theme park" recreation concept. By 1960, the neighboring metropolis of Los Angeles was "bursting at the seams." As the population spilled over the county line and across the rural Santa Ana Valley, it left in its wake an urban • landscape of homes, shopping malls, and industrial parks. Historical Resources Federal The National Historic Preservation Act established the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) to recognize resources associated with the country's history and heritage. Structures and features must usually be at least 50 years old'to be considered for listing on the NRHP, barring exceptional circumstances. Criteria for listing on the NRHP, which are set forth in Title 26, Part 63 of the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CPR Part 63), are significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture as present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, and that are (A) associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; (B) associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; (C) embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; represent the work of a master; possess high artistic values, represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or (D) have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory orhistory. Criterion D.is usually reserved for archaeological and paleontological resources. State The California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) was created to identify resources deemed • worthy of preservation on a State level and was modeled closely after the NRHP. The criteria are 5.74 Myof Newpoit Beach 5.7 Cultural Resources • nearly identical to those of the NRHP but focus upon resources of statewide, rather than national, significance. The CRHR automatically includes resources listed on the NRHP. Local Properties that are not listed on the NRHP or CRHR may also be considered historical for the purposes of CEQA. The City of Newport Beach has established the Newport Beach Register of Historical Property ("City Register") to recognize structures or properties of local historical or architectural significance. Additionally, in 1991, City Council established an Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (AHHPAC) to investigate the historic resources of the community and make recommendations regarding preservation. The AHHPAC completed its assignment on May 12, 1992, and reported its findings, which included a Historic Resource Inventory, to City Council June 8, 1992. The inventory categorized the properties surveyed in five hierarchical "classes" of significance:"" ■ Class i—Major Historic Landmark ■ Class 2—Historic Landmark ■ Class 3—Local Historic Site ■ Class 4--Structure of Historic Interest ■ Class 5—Point of Historic Interest Under this scheme, Classes 1 to 3 would be eligible to use the State Historic Building Code; Class 4 and 5 properties would be listed for recognition purposes only. The Committee recommended that City Council act to include the inventory in the City Register, and also recommended additional • actions with respect to the Newport Pier Assessment District. However, the AHHPAC Historic Resources Inventory was never officially adopted by the City and the properties listed within were not added to the City Register.t6 Historical Resources in the Planning Area Twelve properties in the City have been listed or designated eligible for listing on the NRHP or CRHR, or otherwise listed as historic or potentially historic in the California Historic Resources Information System (CHRIS) maintained by the Office of Historic Preservation. These properties are shown on Figure 5.7-1. NRHP Four properties within the City have been listed on the NRHP:" ■ Balboa Inn ■ Balboa Pavilion ■ Crystal Cove Historic District ■ Lovell Beach House Ad Hoc HistoricPrescmdon Advisory Committee (AHHPAC). 1992. Historic Resource Inventory. "Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (AHHPAC). 1992. Report to City Council, May. • "Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Advisory Corrunittee (AHHPAC). 1992. Report to City Council, May. Newport Beach, City of 2003. Draft Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan, 20 January, 4-58. General Plan Technical Background Report 5.7-5 Chapters Environmental Resources State -Recognized Resources • Also, four properties within the City have been listed as California Historical Landmarks?' is Old Landing (No.198) is Site of First Water -to -Water Flight (No. 775) ■ McFadden Wharf (No. 794) ■ Balboa Pavilion (No. 759) Four additional properties are also listed in the CHRIS database:" ■ B.K. Stone Building is Balboa Island Firehouse No. 4 ■ Bank of Balboa/Bank of America ■ Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Locally Recognized Resources The City has listed seven properties in the City Register in recognition of their local historical or architectural significance, as described above. In addition ,to the Balboa Pavilion and the Balboa Inn, which are also listed in the NRHP and CRHR, the City Register includes the following: ■ Rendezvous Ballroom Site —A popular Balboa Dance Hall that featured numerous fatuous Big Bands of the 1930's and 1940's. It was destroyed'by fire in 1966. ■ Pepper's Restaurant —Located next to the Newport Pier, the exposed structural components of • Pepper's Restaurant are timbers used in the original Balboa Island Bridge and McFadden Wharf. ■ Balboa Theater —Built in 1928, the Balboa Theater is a former vaudeville theater that at one time housed an infamous speakeasy during the prohibition period. Currently, the theater is under renovation. ■ Balboa Saloon The 1924 building is representative of the nautical history and Main Street commercial masonry style of Newport Beach. ■ Dory Fubing Fleet —The Doty Fishing Fleet is located adjacent to Newport Pier. The fleet and open-air fish market have operated at this location since the founding of the fleet in 1891 by Portuguese fishermen. The last remaining fleet of its type, it is a historical landmark designated by the Newport Beach Historical Society. It is a general policy of the City that an area immediately west ofthe Newport Pier be reserved for the NewportDory Fishing Fleet. In addition to the formally recognized resources described above, the Historic Resource Inventory compiled by the AHHPAC includes 61 properties in five designated levels of significance, as described above. The inventory was never officially adopted by the City, and the structures were never placed on the City Register, but the inventory still serves as a useful guide to potentially historic properties that may have historic or cultural significance to the City. The inventory is included under separate cover. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Draft Local Coastal Program CoastalLrnd Use Plan, 20 January, 4-58. • " California. Office of Historic Preservation. 2003. California Historic Resources Information System records chedc, December. 5.7.6 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 5.7-1 HISTORIC RESOURCES Sites on National Register of Historic Places 0 Balboa Inn © Balboa Pavilion © Crystal Cove Historic District U Lovell Beach House California Historical Landmarks 4 McFadden Wharf ® Old Landing Q Site of First Wafer -to -Water Flight Other Historic Sites or Potenfially Historic Sites In the CHRIS Database OBalboa Island Fire House #4 OBank of Balboa/Bank of America B K Stone Building Our Lady Mount Carmel 0 0.6 1 Mies Source: City of Newpod Moon, G of Mn, JNy 2W , Clry Boundary. May 2003, Counties, May 2003, CM; Focdlles, October 2003: US Census Bu u, Omer City Soun iml 2000; ESRI, MoO Roads, February 2002: and EP Associates, GIS wognam, November, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV Date: 03/03/04 EIP 5.7 Cultural Resources • Also, several sites of potential historical significance have been identified in the Newport Banning Ranch portion of the Planning Area. REGULATORY CONTEXT The treatment of cultural resources is governed by Federal, State, and local laws and guidelines. There are specific criteria for determining whether prehistoric and historic sites or objects are significant and/or protected by law. Federal and State significance criteria generally focus on the resource's integrity and uniqueness, its relationship to similar resources, and its potential to contribute important information to scholarly research. Some resources that do not meet Federal significance criteria may be considered significant by State criteria. The laws and regulation seek to mitigate impacts on significant prehistoric or historic resources. The Federal, State, and local laws and guidelines for protecting historic resources are summarized below. Federal Regulations The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 established the NRHP as the official Federal list of cultural resources that have been nominated by State Offices for their historical significance at the local, State, or national level. Properties listed in the NRHP, or "determined eligible" for listing, must meet certain criteria for historical significance and possess integrity of form, location, and setting. Significance is determined by four aspects of American history or prehistory recognized by • the NRHP Criteria, which are listed above under "Definitions of Historical Resources. Eligible properties must meet at least one of the criteria and exhibit integrity, measured by the degree to which the resource retains its historical properties and conveys its historical character, the degree to which the original fabric has been retained, and the reversibility of changes to the property. State Regulations The California Register of Historic Resources (Public Resources Code Section 5020 et seq.) State law also protects cultural resources by requiring evaluations of the significance of prehistoric and historic resources in CEQA documents. A cultural resource is an important historical resource if it meets any of the criteria found in Section 15064.5(a) of the CEQA Guidelines. These criteria are nearly identical to those for the NRHP, which are listed on page 4.4-2 of this document under "Definitions of Historical Resources." The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) maintains the CRHR. Properties listed, or formally designated eligible for listing, on the NRHP are automatically listed on the CRHR, as are State Landmarks and Points of Interest. The CRHR also includes properties designated under local ordinances or identified through local historical resource surveys. California Health and Safety Code (Sections 7050.5, 7051, and 7054) These sections collectively address the Illegality of interference with human burial remains (except as • allowed under applicable sections of the Public Resources Code), as well as the disposition of Native American burials in archaeological sites and protects such remains from disturbance, vandalism, or General Plan Technical Background Report 5.7-9 Chapter Environmental Resources inadvertent destruction; establishes procedures to be implemented if Native American skeletal • remains are discovered during construction of a project, treatment 4 the remains prior to, during and after evaluation, and reburial procedures. California Senate Bill 297 (1982) This bill addresses the disposition of Native American burials in archaeological sites and protects such remains from disturbance, vandalism, or inadvertent destruction; establishes procedures to be implemented if Native American skeletal remains are discovered during construction of a project, and establishes the Native American Heritage Commission to resolve disputes regarding the disposition of such remains. It has been incorporated into Section 15064.5(e) of the State CEQA Guidelines. Local Regulations Newport Beach City Council Policy Manual riaces or tustoricai ana Hrcoirecturai mgmucance IK=Ii This regulation establishes City Council authority to designate as historical property any building or part thereof, object, structure, monument, or collection thereof having importance to the history or architecture of the City of Newport Beach in accordance with the criteria set forth within. Accordingly, the City Clerk is required to maintain a register, which will be known as the City of Newport Beach Register of Historical Property. The City Council may at any time repeal, revise, or modify any such designation upon reconsideration of the historical or architectural importance of • the places therein described. Paleontological Guidelines (K=4) The policies set forth within this guideline are to be used to guide the development or redevelopment of lands within the City. Through its planning policies and permit conditions, the City has to ensure the preservation of paleontological resources and require that the impact caused by any development be mitigated in accordance with CEQA. The City has to prepare and maintain sources of information regarding paleontological sites and the names and addresses of responsible organizations and qualified individuals who can analyze, classify, record, and preserve paleontological findings. If determined necessary by the Planning Director, it is the responsibility of a landowner or developer prior to the commencement of land development to examine the proposed site in order to determine the existence and extent of paleontological resources. Qualified observers are to prepare and submit a written report describing the findings and making recommendations for further action. Based on the report and recommendations of the observers, the City has to take such steps as are necessary to assure that the findings or sites are recorded, preserved; and protected. Archaeological Guidelines (K-51 The policies set forth within this guideline are to be used to guide the development or redevelopment of lands within the City. The City is required to, through its planning policies and permit conditions, insure the preservation of significant archeological resources and require that the impact caused by any development be mitigated in accordance with CEQA. The City is to prepare and maintain sources of information regarding archeological sites and the names and addresses of responsible organizations and qualified individuals who can analyze, classify, record, and preserve archeological findings. If determined necessary by the Planning Director, it is the responsibility of 5.7-10 City of Newport Beach 5.7 Cultural Resources • the landowner or developer prior to the commencement of land development to cause the proposed site to be examined to determine the existence and extent of archeological resources. The examination is required to be preformed by qualified observers, approved by the City, who will prepare and submit a written report describing the findings and making recommendations for further action. Based on the report and recommendations of the observers, the City has to take such steps as are necessary to assure that any findings or sites are recorded, preserved, and protected. REFERENCES Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (AHHPAQ. 1992. Historic Resource Inventory. Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (AHHPAQ. 1992. Report to City Council, May. California. Office of Historic Preservation. 2003. California Historic Resources Information System records check, December. EIP Associates. 1998. Dana Point Headlands Draft Environmental Impact Report, 4.12-5. Keeton Kreitzer Consulting. 2000. Screencheck Program Environmental Impact Report.• Newport Banning Ranch Local Coastal Program, 28 April, 4.4-2 and 4.4-3. LSA Associates. 1998. Environmental Impact Report, Phase IV-2 of the Newport Coast Planned Community, Newport Coast Planning Areas 3A 2, 3B, 14, MCDP Sixth Amendment and Coastal • Development Permit, EIRNo. 568, 10 February, 4.10-3. Newport Beach, City of. 1974. Newport Beach General Plan Conservation of Natural Resources Element, 14 January, 34-35. Newport Beach, City of. 1996. Newport Coast LCP SecondAmendment, 3 December, 7. Newport Beach, City of. 2003. Draft Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan, 20 January, 4-58. Orange, County of. 2003. Brief History of Orange County. Webpage: http://www.oc.ca.gov/history/ oc_history.asp, accessed 10 December. • General Plan Technical Background Report 5.7-11 Chapter 6 PUBLIC SAFETY Section 6.1 Coastal Hazards Section 6.2 Seismic Hazards Section 6.3 Geologic Hazards Section 6.4 Flood Hazards Section 6.5 Fire Hazards Section 6.6 Hazardous Materials Management Section 6.7 Aviation Hazards 6.8 Noise • 6.8 NOISE This section describes the environmental noise conditions within the City of Newport Beach Planning Area. Data used in the preparation of this section is based upon various State and Federal sources, field measurements, and modeling of existing noise levels from traffic data in the Planning Area. FUNDAMENTALS OF SOUND AND ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE Sound is technically described in terms of amplitude (loudness) and frequency (pitch). The standard unit of sound amplitude measurement is the decibel (dB). The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale that describes the physical intensity of the pressure vibrations that make up any sound. The pitch of the sound is related to the frequency of the pressure vibration. Since the human ear is not equally sensitive to a given sound level at all frequencies, a special frequency -dependent rating scale has been devised to relate noise to human sensitivity. The A weighted decibel scale (dBA) provides this compensation by discriminating against frequencies in a manner approximating the sensitivity of the human ear. Noise, on the other hand, is typically defined as unwanted sound. A typical noise environment consists of a base of steady ambient noise that is the sum of many distant and indistinguishable noise sources. Superimposed on this background noise is the sound from individual local sources. These can vary from an occasional aircraft or train passing by to virtually continuous noise from, for example, traffic on a major highway. Table 6.8-1 illustrates representative noise levels for the • environment. Several rating scales have been developed to analyze the adverse effect of community noise on people. Since environmental noise fluctuates over time, these scales consider that the effect of noise upon people is largely dependent upon the total acoustical energy content of the noise, as well as the time of day when the noise occurs. Those that are applicable to this analysis are as follows: • Lcq, the equivalent energy noise level, is the average acoustic energy content of noise for a stated period of time. Thus, the L�q of a time -varying noise and that of a steady noise are the same if they deliver the same acoustic energy to the ear during exposure. For evaluating community impacts, this rating scale does not vary, regardless of whether the noise occurs during the day or the night. CNEL, the Community Noise Equivalent Level, is a 24 hour average LI with a 10 dBA "weighting" added to noise during the hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M., and an additional 5 dBA weighting during the hours of 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. to account for noise sensitivity in the evening and nighttime. The logarithmic effect of these additions is that a 60 dBA 24-hour L,q would result in a measurement of 66.7 dBA CNEL: ■ Lj.., the minimum instantaneous noise level experienced during a given period of time ■ Lm., the maximum instantaneous noise level experienced during a given period of time General Plan Technical Background Report 6.8-1 Chapter 6 Public Safety Table 6.8.1 Representative Environmental Noise Levels Common OutdoorAedviaes Notre Level dBA Common rndoorAcavraes —110— Rock Bend Jet Flyover at 100 feet —100— Gas Lawnmower at 3 feet —g0— Food Blender at 3 feet Diesel Truck going 50 mph at 50 feel —80— Garbage Disposal at feet Noisy Urban Area during Daytime Gas lawnmower at100feet —70— Vacuum Cleaner at10feet Commercial Area Normal Speech at 3 feet Heavy Traffic at300feet —60— Large Business Office Quiet Urban Area during Daytime --0— Dishwasher in Next Room Quiet Urban Area during Nighttime —40— Theater, Large Coplerence Room (background) Quiet Suburban Area during Nighttime --30— Library Quiet Rural Area during Nighttime Bedroom at Night, Conood Hall (background) —20— BroadcasVRecording Studio —10— LowestThreshold of Human Hearing -a- Lowest Threshold of Human Hearing Stxmce Carilomla DepdmnlotTransportsUoniM Noise environments and, consequences of human activities are usually well represented by median noise levels during the day, night, or over a 24-hour period. Environmental noise levels are generally considered low when the CNEL is below 55 dBA, moderate in the 55 to 70 dBA range, and high above 70 dBA. Examples of low daytime levels are isolated natural settings that can provide noise levels as low as 20 dBA, and quiet suburban residential streets that can provide noise levels around 40 dBA. Noise levels above 45 dBA at night can disrupt sleep. Examples of moderate level noise environments are urban residential or semi -commercial areas (typically 55 to 60 dBA) and commercial locations (typically 60 dBA). People may consider louder environments adverse, but most will accept the higher levels associated with more noisy urban residential or residential - commercial areas (60 to 75 dBA) or dense urban or industrial areas •(65 to 80 dBA). When evaluating changes in 24-hour community noise levels, a 3 dBA increase is barely, perceptible to most people. While a 5 dBA increase is readily noticeable, a 10 dBA increase would be perceived as a doubling of loudness.' Noise levels from a particular source decline as distance to the receptor increases. Other factors such as the weather and reflecting or shielding also help intensify or reduce the noise level at any given location. A commonly used rule of thumb for roadway noise is that for every doubling of distance 'U.S. DOT, Federal Highway Adminisrmtion, 1980 • • 6.8.2 City of Newport Beech 6.8 Noise • from the source, the noise level is reduced by about 3 dBA at acoustically "hard" locations (i.e., the area between the noise source and the receptor is nearly complete asphalt, concrete, hard -packed soil, or other solid materials) and 4.5 dBA at acoustically "soft" locations (i.e., the area between the source and receptor is normal earth or has vegetation including grass). Noise from stationary or point sources is reduced by about 6 dBA to 7.5 dBA for every doubling of distance at acoustically hard and soft locations, respectively. Noise levels may also be reduced by intervening structures —generally, a single row of buildings between the receptor and the noise source reduces the noise level by about 5 dBA, while a solid wall or berm reduces noise levels by 5 to 10 dBA. The manner in which older homes in California were constructed generally provides a reduction of exterior -to -interior noise levels of about 20 dBA with closed windows. The exterior -to -interior reduction of newer homes is generally 30 dBA or more. EXISTING NOISE ENVIRONMENT Sources of Noise Land uses within the Planning Area include a range of residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, recreational, and open space areas. Although other noise sources occur, vehicular traffic is the primary source of noise throughout the Planning Area. Noise also occurs from aircraft overflights from John Wayne Airport and a variety of stationary sources throughout the Planning Area. Coast Highway and Arterial Roadways The dominant noise sources throughout the Planning Area are transportation related. Motor vehicle • noise commonly causes sustained noise levels and often in close proximity of sensitive land uses. The major sources of traffic noise in the Planning Area are Coast Highway, Jamboree Road, and MacArthur Boulevard. Many of the residential uses built near the arterial roadways include some level of noise attenuation, provided by either a sound barrier or grade separation. Other —primarily older —residential uses built near arterial roadways do not have any attenuation from noise other than the distance between the roadway and the residential structure. The noise attenuation features for new residences are reviewed on a project -by -project basis. This means that as residential projects are proposed near the major roadways within the Planning Area, future noise levels are evaluated and noise mitigation strategies are developed as necessary to meet City standards. Aircraft Overflights John Wayne Airport serves both general aviation, and scheduled commercial passenger airline and cargo operations. In the year 2000, John Wayne Airport experienced 387,866 aircraft operations, of which approximately 85,560 were jet air carriers and 15,455 were general aviation jets.' The number of average daily departures was just over 130, which included 14 daily departures by commuter aircraft. Although aircraft noise can be heard throughout the Planning Area, the highest noise levels are experienced just south of the airport and are generated by aircraft departures. Portions of the north - central part of the Planning Area are located within the 65 and 60 dBA CNEL noise contours for John Wayne Airport, as shown in Figures 6.8-1(1) to 6.8-1(3). • 'Orange county, John Wayne Airport Settlement AgreementAmendment Draft Environmental Impact Report, 2001. ' Ibid. General Plan Technical Background Report 6.8-3 Chapter 6 Public Safety Stationary Sources • Stationary sources of noise within the Planning Area include common building or home mechanical equipment, such as air conditioners, ventilation systems, or pool pumps; bells and loudspeakers at schools and businesses; and mechanical tools at commercial and industrial facilities. Another stationary source of noise is nightclub operations within the Harbor area. Existing Noise Levels Monitored Daytime Noise Levels Existing ambient daytime noise levels were measured at twenty selected locations on December 18, 2003, and December 19, 2003, in order to identify representative noise levels in various areas of the Planning Area. These locations were identified as unique noise generators within the Planning Area, and shown in Figure 6.8-2. The noise levels were monitored using a Larson -Davis Model 844 precision sound level meter, which satisfies the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for general environmental noise measurement instrumentation. The average noise levels and sources of noise measured at each location are identified in Table 6.8-2. The average noise level measurements represent Suburban to Noisy Urban noise levels and are consistent with residential noise levels. In contrast, the maximum noise levels recorded for locations 2 and 3 represent noise levels consistent with City Noise, which reflects a more urban environment. Roadway Noise Levels • Existing 24-hour noise levels have been calculated for Coast Highway and various roadways throughout the Planning Area. This task was accomplished using the Federal Highway Administration Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). The model calculates the average noise level at specific locations based on traffic volumes, average speeds, roadway geometry, and site environmental conditions. The average, vehicle noise rates (energy rates) utilized in the FHWA Model have been, modified to reflect average vehicle noise rates identified for California by Caltrans.' The Caltrans data show that California automobile noise is 0.8 to 1.0 dBA higher than national levels and that medium and heavy truck noise is 0.3 to 3.0 dBA lower thannationallevels? Noise levels were modeled for Coast Highway and the roadways with the highest traffic volumes within the Planning Area. The calculated noise levels are presented in Table 6.8-3 along with the distances to various noise level contours. Based on this formation, Coast Highway, Jamboree Road, and MacArthur Boulevard are the greatest sources of noise within the Planning Area. Existing residential uses in close proximity to these highway and roadway segments could be exposed to high noise levels on a regular basis. Existing roadway noise contours are shown in Figures 6.8-1(1) to 6.8-1(3). ' Hendrikt 1987 - ' Ibid. 6.84 City of Newport Beach CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 6.6-1 (1) ........... EXISTING ROADWAY (2003) 5 =,*10, NOISE CONTOURS BRANCH`' • ••♦ a 1, ••-^ City Boundary a ' `• 60 CNEL w �• ¢ — 65 CNEL A' a�<' O - c 70 CNEL �'• •.A• �.. ....... ... e♦•......., � .�1 Q y A • E �J NEWPORT ,♦ O SHORES i SANTA ANA • - ♦�•, ♦ t RI ER PETTY F E o HO<_PI L Rv •yam i, •, �' NORTH Q' tT STAR BEACH OP Note: GIS Dolo PtoWaSon- CA Stale Pboe,SmeA. NADB3. Feel. Z d P m — q C� x d 9elL O VIA 4 VO NEWPORT FASHION , S1 DUNES ISLAND Y NDA ISLE (1) F LIDO HARBOR y ISLE ISLAND -- ^J COLLINS z �r INDEX - - NEWPORT ISLAND .j FIER BAY ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND D 1000 2000 Feet 0 0.26 0.5 BALROA a C PIER 9Y f C' M9¢3 F Souks'. CRy of NevpW Beach. Clly BI, odaay. May 2003, Col tlm, a May W03; US Census B mu, OR CIN Bounaa L 20M ESRI. .� Mapl Roatl . FeDluary 2W2; 0n EIP ASsock0m, W. Mo KaN 0 i Fg L . DlglllxeNoe CIXUP, GIS Program, Fem.y17, 20M. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV >y Date: 03/03/04 F T P WEDGE BIG Till. ' L 1 1 CORONA ' O v CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 6.6-1 (2) EXISTING ROADWAY (2003) NOISE CONTOURS - - City Boundary 60 CNEL — 65 CNEL — 70 CNEL Airport OAP Noce: GIS Wlo PrgecHm - G4 Sole Plane. Zore 6. NAD83. Fecr (2) INDEX 0 1000 2000 Feet a 0.25 0.5 MIIBS Swig®: Cliy of NOMp Seoah, CM/ Boundary, Moy 20M. Counties. May 2003; W Census Baeou, Other City BOul alles, 2": Mi. Ma1or Boa Fe ry 2002; aFW EIP A�10 es, DogA NOW CmfoMs, GIS Program, Fa ry 17, 2004. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: MV Date: 2/ 18/04 EIP CITY of NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT GENERAL PLAN J� RIDGE r Figure 6.6-1 (3) 4P EXISTING ROADWAY (2003) �P �,, I NOISE CONTOURS O F p�A C / iv o��4 City Boundary y Pn 60 CNEL Vy BD 6 ^dar 65 CNEL a SFrlq _. y 70CNEL o ^p. P E'. •'��..... i � •'� Note'. GIS Gala RoBcllon - CA Slrne Pb 3. Zone 6, W.D83. Feet a i 6 ; O U � F 5 a � 7 LITTLE z COAST NEWPORT e 1 CORONA •,�,.• (3! i� i CAMEO ; SHORES INDEX CRYSTAL COVE �• STATE PARK i i i• CRYSTAL COVE �•�• STATE PARK i i May20. CRy M,,,ws B11 Reach, CRYTI,, Ray BG May Z00 0 Counlles, E May 20eDeI,FW.r Bureau,Omee CXy Rw¢rd. D192000: ESRI, % •i Malor urs. GI Fromm 2 elo, oatl EIP 2004Goles. Dlglllted NOLaa - •, Cmfours. GIS Program, February 17, 2004. ,.° PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Requested by: HR Created by: My Date: 2/18l04 o -- EIP q a C 0 100g 2000 Feet 0 0.25 0.5 Mlles COSTA MESA L _ ` 4 1 ,• IRVINE aAy 1 V Imo. _ _- 'r eRANCXa ,♦ _ i I jiY IJ .b i L•. - 19 �� i a., � •.w !- ♦ � -1 I 1•FO♦' a � . P� T' . e I I I �pqp ..., r NEWPORT! - __. ;�♦ AP I' ♦:. - - - ROAD Y 1 H ' SHORES SP<>♦, ♦'� I • ROAD - - -' R9NS SANTA ANA ><�qP RI ! _S_ - POI VER IETTT ' n _ Y. 4 ,'P yp��i'et - _, ' _-, _ - - _ (+0 IC ..R�7 ^, ` '4` NORTH STAR �J._ - - '~ . • PR' -` ..;; WEST- NEWPORT NEWPORT RIDGE O '-, TS--I\ J, � -, �• -__ �,R DUNES '- t FASHION ISLAND -P r"�LINDA ,_ CU O_ �' '✓JiL - .\ LIDO- ISLE HARBOR - ISLAND - .1 .� -R'--_ HC •_ G Z ___ -_ - _ '_' ___ _ NEW➢O0.T - - �.- PIER a -_ _'_ =_-' `- COLLINS BAY __ IBLANO ^- I DI �ti{ f L HILLS --S--iJ'_+- a ISLAND! ROAD F - `O BALBOA PIER -_ �,.,, i _ - 4, P 14 'o > L pa _ � c E BIG CORONA TS 6 u �d LITTLE CORONA - _ T _ COAST >••- COAST CAMEO NlibpgT B SNORES '1 CRYSTAL Con STATE PARK -41 i t••. CRYSTAL COY' STATE PARK CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure 6.8-2 NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS -••-' City Boundary < Noise Measurement Locations �P 0 Hoag Hospital Qz 127 41 st Street -Comer of Balboa O Boulevard Q 204 Via Antibes -Comer of Via Lido Nord ® 601 Via Lido Nord -Comer of Via Orvieto Q Park at Look Out Point Q Adjacent to 331 Mayflower-Deanza Trailer Park Qi Southwest comer of Patolita Road and Bonnie Doane Terrace Qa Comer of Park Road and Onyx Road Q 214 Coronado Road 10 End of Adams Road n Vacant Lot on Bayside Drive 0 Front Yard of 415 1/2 Marguerite Avenue 13 Crystal Cove Commercial Center -next to housing at south end of parking lot 14 Adjacent to Newport Beach Fire Department 1s Comer of Pt. Conception and El Capiton 16 North of Sausalito Street on Marguerite Avenue v Intersection of San Miguel Drive and Yacht Coquette 1@ 500 yards east of MacArthur Boulevard on Bonita Canyon Drive 19 Easibluff Drive N.E. of Vista Del Oro 20 Bison and Belcourt Drive North Note: GIS Data Projection - CA State Plane, Zone 6, NAD83, Feet I 0 2000 4000 Feet 0 05 1 Miles Source: City of Newport Beach, General Plan, Jury 2003, City Boundary. May 2003, Counties, May 2003, CMc FacllHles, October 2003; US Census Bureau, Other City Boundaries, 2000; ESRI, Major Roads, Februory 2002: and EIP Associates, GIS Program, November, 2003. PROJECT NUMBER: 10579-01 Request by. FIR Created by. MV Date: 12/26/03 o u s ASSO CSATES 6.8 Noise • • • Table 6.8.2 Existing Daytime Noise Levels at Selected Locations ' 'Noise MeasurementLocaffoo -' PdmaryNolse'Sourges _ Ndlse Level Statistics, L Lmrn " Lmax 1. Hoag Hospital Traffic on Newport Beach Boulevard 55.6 49.5 1 63.3 2.1274ldStreet-Comerof Balboa Boulevard Traffic on Balboa Boulevard 67.4 48.0 77.9 3.204 Via Antibes -Comer of Via Lido Nord Traffic on Via Lido Nord 59.4 44.1 77.2 4. 601 Via Lido Nord -Corner of Via Orvieto Traffic on Via Orvieto 58.9 41.0 75.8 5. Park at Look Out Point Traffic on Coast Highway 61.6 53.8 82.5 6. Adjacent to 331 Mayflower-Deanza Trailer Park Traffic on Coast Highway 58.4 45.9 70.5 7. Southwest corner of Palolita Road and Bonnie Doone Terrace Traffic on Coast Highway 58.2 45.1 67.5 8. Comer of Park Road and Onyx Road Traffic on Park Road 61.7 45.2 78.8 9.214 Coronado Road Traffic on Balboa Boulevard 63.1 48.0 77.4 10. End of Adams Road Boating facilities 60.5 50.3 78.7 11. Vacant Lot on Bayside Drive Traffic on Bayside Drive 59.4 42.4 691.9 12. Front Yard of 415% Marguerite Avenue Traffic on Marguerite Avenue 60.5 50.0 13.Crystal Cove Commercial Center -next to housing at south end of parking lot Commercial use activities 56.0 43.0 14. Adjacenhto Newport Beach Fire Department Traffic on Newport Coast Drive 61.8 47.0 15. Corner of Pt. Conception and El Capitan Traffic on San Joaquin Road 402 33.4 16. North of Sausalito Street on Marguerite Avenue Traffic on Marguerite Avenue 66.0 41.8 17, Intersection of San Miguel Drive and Yacht Coquette Traffic on San Miguel Drive 66.1 47.2 85.2 18.500 yards east of MacArthur Boulevard on Bonita Canyon Drive Traffic on Bonita Canyon Drive 64.9 53.2 75.1 19. Easlbluff Drive N.E. of Vista Del Oro Traffic on Eastbluff Drive 62.8 47.0 73.0 20. Bison and Beloc urt Drive North Traffic on Bison 63.3 50.4 78.9 SOURCE: EIP Associates 2DD3. Noise monitodng records are pmnded in AppendbcA Noise levels were monitored for 15 minutes at each locaflon on December 18 and 19, 2003. Table 6.8.3 Existing Roadway Noise Levels Roadway - ', Roadway'Segment Rotikence Ldn at100 Feet-' Distance to Noise Confourb 701dn, 65 Ldn 60Ldn 16th Street Irvine Avenue to Dover Drive 56.7 - - 52 32nd Street West of Newport Boulevard 57.7 - - 71 32nd Street East of Newport Boulevard 53.5 - - - AvocadoAvenue Nodh of San Miguel Drive 54.6 - - 44 Avocado Avenue South of San Miguel Drive 62.2 - 65 140 Avocado Avenue North of Coast Highway 61.8 - 61 132 Balboa Boulevard South of Coast Highway 60.3 - 48 104 Bayside Drive South of Coast Highway 57.8 - - 71 Birch Street Jamboree Road to Von Kerman Avenue 61.0 - 54 116 Birch Street Von Karman Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard 61.9 - 63 135 BVch Street West of MacArthur Boulevard 62.2 - 1 65 141 Birch Street North of Bristol Street North 63.8 - 83 179 Birch Street Bristol Street North to Bristol Street South 63.0 - 73 158 Birch Street South of Bristol Street South 61.9 - 63 135 General Plan Technical Background Report 6.8-13 Chapter 6 Public Safety Table 6.8.3 Existing Roadway Nolse Levels Roadway Roedwaysegment Reterenco4naflOOFee0 Disimce to Noise Confourb �"Ldn 66Ldn 60 Ldn Bison Avenue Jamboree Road to MacArthur Boulevard 61.6 - - 128 Bison Avenue MacArthur Boulevard to SR-73 Freeway 58.9 - - 84 _ Bonita Canyon Drive East of Maeftur Boulevard 66.7 60 130 279 Bonita Canyon Drive West of SR-73Freeway 64.8 - 98 210 Bristol Street North West of Campus Drive 64.6 - 94 202 Bristol Street North Campus Drive to Birch Steel 63.7 - 82 177 Bristol Street North East of Birch Street 63.5 - 80 172 Bristol Street North West of Jamboree Road 671 - 64 138 Bristol Street South West of Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue 64.6 - 94 202 Bristol Street South Campus Drive to Birch Street 62.4 - 67 145 b6slol Street South East of Birch Steel 62.1 - 64 139 Bristol Street South Wastof Jamboree Road 65.0 47 100 216 Campus Drive Jamboree Road to Von Karmen Avenue 63.5 - 79 170 Campus Drive Von Karman Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard 64.4 - 92 197 Campus Drive West of MacArthur Boulevard 65.6 51 1b9 235 Campus Drive North of Bristol Street North 65.9 53 115 247 Campus Drive Bristol Street North to Bristol Street South 66.2 56 126 258 Coast Highway West of151hStreet 70.2 103 222 479 Coast Highway 15e Street to Bluff Road 70.5 107 231 498 Coast Highway Bluff Road to Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue 70.5 107 231 498 Coast Highway Superior Avenue to Newport Boulevard 65.8 79 171 368 Coast Highway Newport Avenue to RiversideAvenue 71.1 118 254 548 Coast Highway Riverside Avenue to Tustin Avenue 70.2 103 223 480 Coast Highway Tustin Avenue to Dover Drive 69.9 99 213 459 Coast Highway, Dover Drive to Bayside Drive 71.6 127 274 591 Coast Highway Bayside Drive to Jamboree Road 71.1 118 255 549 Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Center Ddve 70.5 107 232 499 Coast Highway Newport Center Drive to Avocado Avenue 69.3 89 193 415 Coast Highway AvocadoAvenue to MacArthur Boulevard 69.4 91 196 423 Coast Highway MacWur Boulev ard to Goldenrod Avenue 69.6 94 203 436 Coast Highway Goldenrod Avenue to Marguerite Avenue 69.3 90 194 417 Coast Highway MarguedteAvenue toPoppy Avenue 69.0 86 185 399 Coast Highway Poppy Avenue to Newport Coast Ddve 68.3 77 166 358 Coast Highway East of Newport Coast Drive 69.3 89 193 415 Dover Drive Irvine Avenue to Wasidiff Drive 57.1 - - 65 Dover Drive Waslcliff Ddve to the Street 63.4 3S 79 169 Dover Drive 161ft Street to Cliff Drive 64,0 40 86 184 Dover Drive Cliff Drive to Coast Highway 64.6 44 94 294 Easlbluff Drive West of Jamboree Road at University Drive 61.4 - 58 124 Easibluff Ddve West of Jamboree Road at Ford Road 63.3 - 77 166 Ford Road Jamboree Road to MacArthur SoulevaN 61.0 - 54 11% GoldenrodAvenue North of Coast Highway 54.2 - - 41 • 6.8-14 City of Newport Beach 6.8 Noise • E Table 6.8.3 Existing Roadway Noise Levels Roadway RoadwaySegmenb Reference Lan of 100 Feef- Distance to Heise Confout^ 7a1dn 85 Ldn 66 Ldn Highland Drive East of Irvine Avenue 54.2 - - 41 Hospital Road Placentia Avenue to Newport Boulevard 60.0 - - 100 Hospital Road East of Newport Boulevard 57.3 - - 66 Irvine Avenue Bristol Street South to Mesa Drive 63.2 - 75 162 Irvine Avenue Mesa Drive to University Drive 63.8 - 83 178 IrvineAvenue University Drive to Santa Isabel Avenue 64.0 - 86 186 Irvine Avenue Santa Isabel Avenue to Santiago Drive 63.5 - 79 170 IrvmeAvenue Santiago Drive to Highland Drive 63.2 - 75 162 Irvine Avenue Highland Drive to Dover Drive 63.2 - 75 162 Irvine Avenue Dover Drive toWeslcliffDrive 62.3 - 66 142 Irvine Avenue Westcliff Drive to 16th Street 59.6 - - 95 Jamboree Road Campus Drive to Birch Street 69.4 91 196 423 Jamboree Road Birch Street to MacArthur Boulevard 70.1 101 218 469 Jamboree Road MacArthur Boulevard to Bristol Street North 69.4 91 196 423 Jamboree Road Bristol Street North to Bristol Street South 70.6 109 235 506 Jamboree Road Bristol Street South to Bayview Way 70.6 109 235 506 Jamboree Road Bayview Way to University Drive 70.6 109 235 506 Jamboree Road University Drive to Bison Avenue 69.5 93 200 431 Jamboree Road Bison Avenue to Ford Road 69.7 96 207 446 Jamboree Road Ford Road to San Joaquin Hills Road 70.5 107 231 498 Jamboree Road San Joaquin Hills Road to Santa Barbara Road 69.2 88 189 407 Jamboree Road Santa Barbara Road to Coast Highway 68.9 84 182 391 Jamboree Road Coast Highway to Bayside Drive 64.4 - 91 196 MacArthur Boulevard Campus Drive to Birch Street 68.1 75 162 349 MacArthur Boulevard Birch Street to Von Kerman Avenue 67.3 66 141 305 MacArthur Boulevard Von Karman Avenue to Jamboree Road 68.0 73 158 341 MacArthur Boulevard South of Jamboree Road 68.1 75 162 349 MacArthur Boulevard North of Bison Avenue 71.7 130 279 602 MacArthur Boulevard Bison Avenue to Ford Road 72.2 141 303 654 MacArthur Boulevard Ford Road to San Joaquin Hills Road 71.6 127 274 590 MacArthur Boulevard San Joaquin Road to San Miguel Road 69.7 95 205 442 MacArthur Boulevard San Miguel Road to Coast Highway 68.7 83 178 383 Marguerite Avenue South of San Joaquin Hills Road 59.9 - - 98 Marguerite Avenue North of Coast Highway 59.0 - 40 86 Mesa Drive East of Irvine Drive 61.0 - 54 116 Newport Boulevard North of Hospital Road 63.6 - 81 174 Newport Boulevard Hospital Road to Coast Highway 64.4 - 91 196 Newport Boulevard Coast Highway to Via Lido 64.9 - 98 211 Newport Boulevard Via Lido to 32nd Street 63.6 - 71 174 Newport Boulevard South of 32nd Street 62.7 - 70 151 Newport Center Drive North of Coast Highway 63.1 - 75 162 Newport Coast Drive SR-73 Freeway to San Joaquin Hills Road 62.5 - 68 1 147 General Plan Technical Background Report 6.8-15 Chapter 6 Public Safety Table 6.8-3 Existing Roadway Noise Levels Roadway Roadwaysegment Reference tde of 100Feel- Dhteoce to Note* ConfouO 70 tan asUn 6aLdn Newport Coast Dave South of San Joaquin Hills Road 62.2 — 65 105 Newport Coast Dave Nodh of Coast Highway 61.2 — — 121 Placentia Avenue North of Superior Avenue 61.0 — 54 116 Placentlakenue SupedorAvenue to Hospital Road 58.6 — — 81 Poppy Avenue North of Coast Highway 53.0 — — 34 Riverside Avenue North of Coast Highway 57.1 — — 65 San Joaquin Hills Road' Jamboree Road to Santa Cruz Road 63.7 — 82 177 San Joaquin Hills Road Santa Cruz Road to Santa Rosa Road 621 — 64 138 San Joaquin Hills Road Santa Rosa Road to MacArthur Boulevard 64.9 — 98 212 San Joaquin Hills Road MacArthur Boulevard to San Miguel Road 64.3 — 90 194 'San Joaquin Hills Road San Miguel Road to Marguerite Avenue 642 — 89 191 San Joaquin Hills Road Marguerite Avenue to Spyglass Hill Road 62.5 — 68 146 San Joaquin Hills Road Spyglass Hill Road to Newport Coast Dave 622 — 65 140 San Miguel Dave North of Spyglass Hill Road 58.6 — — 81 San Miguel Dave South of Spyglass Hill Road 58,6 — — 81 San Miguel Dave North of San Joaquin Hills Road 61.0 — 54 116 San Miguel Dave San Joaquin Hills Road to MacArthur Boulevard 62.2 — 65 140 San Miguel Drive MacArthur Boulevard to Avocado Avenue 64,2 — 88 491 San Miguel Dave West of Avocado Avenue 61.4 — 58 124 Santa Barbara Dave East of Jamboree Road 609 — — 103 Santa Cruz Dave South of San Joaquin Hills Road 592 — — 89 Santa'RosaDave South of San Joaquin Hills Road 60.6 — 51 116 Santiago Dave Tustin Avenue to Irvine Avenue 58,3 — — 77 Santiago Dave East of Irvine Drive 56.0 — — 54 Spyglass Hill Road San Miguel Dave to San Joaquin Hills Road 56.1 — — 55 SupedorAvenue North of Placentia Avenue 62.5 — 68 147 SuperiorAvenue Placentia Avenue to Hospital Road 63.6 — 81 174 SupeaorAvenua Hospital Road to Coast Highway 64.0 — 86 184 Tustin Avenue North of Coast Highway 53,0 — — 34 University Drive East of Irvine Avenue 58.3 — — 78 University Dave East of Jamboree Road 64.0 — 86 185 Via Udo East of Newport Boulevard 57.9 — — 72 Von Karmen Avenue Campus Drive to Birch Street 61.6 — 60 129 Von Karmen Avenue Bitch Street to MacArthur Boulevard 61.0 — 54 116 WeslcliffDave Irvine Avenue to Dover Drive 60.9 — 53 115 SouacE UPAssodates 2W3. Calculation data and results am provided In Appendix A. Distances am In feet fmm roadway canledne. The Identined noise level at 100 feat from the roadwayoenledlne Is for reference purposes onlyas a point Imm whkh to calculate the noise contourdislances. II does not retied an actual bulling location or potential Impact location. u•_ Noise conlouris located within the roadway lanes. • • 6.8-16 City of Newport Beach 6.8 Noise • Special Noise Sources Construction activities are a regular and on -going source of noise throughout the Planning Area. The noise levels generated by construction activities are generally isolated to the immediate vicinity of the construction site and occur during daytime hours in accordance with City regulations (discussed below). Construction activities also occur for relatively short-term periods of a few weeks to a few months, and then, the noise sources are removed from the construction area. The Harbor area is a mix of residential and commercial land uses; often located in close proximity to each other. Noise is generated on a regular basis by nighttime restaurant activities within commercial uses. Sometimes these nighttime activities generate noise levels that disturb nearby residents when they are trying to sleep and result in complaints filed with the City Police Department. Residences throughout the Planning Area are also known to occasionally generate noise from parties that result in complaints filed with the local authorities. Sensitive Receptors Various standards have been developed to address the compatibility of land uses and noise levels. The applicable standards are presented in the following discussion. Special emphasis is placed on land uses that are considered to be sensitive to high noise levels. From a noise perspective, typical sensitive receptors include residences, schools, child care centers, hospitals, long-term health care facilities, convalescent centers, and retirement homes. Each of these land use types currently occur within the Planning Area. •M REGULATORY SETTING • Federal Regulations There are no Federal noise requirements or regulations that bear directly on local actions of the County and City. However, there are Federal regulations that influence the audible landscape, especially for projects where Federal funding is involved. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires abatement of highway traffic noise for highway projects through rules in the Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR Part 772), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) each recommend thorough noise and vibration assessments through comprehensive guidelines for any mass transit or high-speed railroad projects that would pass by residential areas. For housing constructed with assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, minimum noise insulation standards must be achieved (24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B). The FAA has prepared guidelines for acceptable noise exposure in its FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Planning program for airports. According to the Part 150 guidelines, exterior aircraft exposures of 65 dBA CNEL or less and an interior exposure 45 dBA CNEL or less are considered acceptable for residential uses.' These standards apply to the operation of John Wayne Airport. 'Although the noise standards identified by the FAA are based on La levels, CNEL is used in this EIR Noise levels based on CNEL are generally less than 1.0 dBA less than Lm. General Plan Technical Background Report 6.6-17 Chapter 6 Public Safety State Regulations • The State of California, Governor's Office of Planning and Research has published recommended guidelines for mobile source noise and land use compatibility! Each jurisdiction is required to consider these guidelines when developing its General Plan noise element and determining the acceptable noise levels within its community. The land use compatibility standards for community noise levels recommended in the guidelines are identified in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations establishes California Noise Insulation Standards, which identify an interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL for new multi -family residential units. This standardwould apply to all new townhomes, condominiums, apartments, hotels, and motels developed within the Planning Area. Local Regulations City of Newport Beach Municipal Code The City of Newport Beach has also adopted noise regulations (Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code), which identify specific noise restrictions, exemptions, and variances for sources of noise within the city. Section 10.28.010 of the City Municipal Code regulates what is considered loud and unreasonable noise as follows: It is unlawful for any person or property owner to willfully make, allow, continue or cause to be made, allowed, or continued, any loud and unreasonable, unnecessary, or disturbing noise, including, but not Hinted to, yelling, shouting, hooting, whisding, singing,playing • music, or playing a musical instrument, which disturbs the peace, comfort, quiet or repose of any area or which causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person of normal sensitivities in the area, after a peace or code enforcement officer has first requested that the person or property owner cease and desist from making or continuing, or causing to make or continue, such loud, unreasonable, unnecessary, excessive or disturbing noise In addition, the City has adopted an ordinance to regulate noise levels during construction (City of Newport Beach, Municipal Code Section 10.28.040). The hours of -limitation for construction activities are specified in Section 10.28.040 of the Municipal Code as follows: A. Weekdays and Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any weekday except between the hours of seden a.m. and six -thirty p.m., nor on any Saturday except between the hours of eight a.m, and six p.m. B. Sundays and Holidays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related'building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any Federal holiday. rCalifornia, Governor's Office ofPlanning and Research, 1998 • 6.8-18 City of Newpod Beach 6.8 Noise •0 REFERENCES Barry, T.M. and J.A. Reagan. 1978. FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD- 77-108). • • California. Governor's Office of Planning and Research. 12002998. General Plan Guidelines, Appendix A: Guidelines for the Preparation and Content of the Noise Element of the General Plan. Hendriks, Rudolf W. 1987. California Vehicle Noise Emission Levels (FHWA/CA/TL-87/03). Newport Beach, City of. 1994. Noise Element, City of Newport Beach General Plan. Chapter 11.44.Ord. 89-29, 23 January 1990. Orange, County of. 2001. John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Report. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. 1980. Highway Noise Fundamentals. General Plan Technical Background Report 6.8-19 • � Appendix A NOISE DATA • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Max-2004 14:13:44 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location l.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 1 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 49.5 Max: 63.3 Peak-1: 90.8 Peak-2: 81.0 (1.67) 61.3 (8.33) 58.7 (33.33) 55.5 (50.00) 54.4 (66.67) 53.4 (90.00) 51.8 18-Dec-2003 11:37:47 00:15:01.2 55.6 85.2 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 11:46:03 18-Dec-2003 11:44:12 18-Dec-2003 11:44:16 18-Dec-2003 11:40:58 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000�Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 49.5 Max: 63.3 Peak-1: 90.8 Peak-2: 81.0 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times -------------------- Documents\Projects\10519-01 18-Dec-2003 11:38:41 00:15:00.0 55.6 85.2 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 11:46:03 18-Dec-2003 11:44:12 18-Dec-2003 11:44:16 18-Dec-2003 11:40:58 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 6 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 75% Source: INT 2 21 Sound Level Meter Summary, Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:14:04 File Translated: C:\Documents and Sett`ings\MBrowa.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data`LOCation 2.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 2 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current -Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 48.0 Max: 17.9 Peak-1: 99.6 Peak-2: 91.9 L (1.67) 73.9 L (8.33) 72.0 L (33.33) 67.1 L (50.00) 64.8 L (66.67) 61.8 L (90.00) 56.4 18-Dec-2005 12<09.26 00:15:00.0 67.4 97.0 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 12:23:59 18-Dec-2003 12:10:33 18-Dec-2003 12:16:46 18-Dec-2009 12:10:32 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 Checked: 12-Dec-2003 Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Time History: Enabled 814 Memory: 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 73% Start Time Elapsed Time Leg: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 48.0 Max: 77.9 Peak-1: 99.6 Peak-2: 91.9 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 18-Dec-2003 12:09:26 00:15:00.0 67.4 97.0 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 12:23:59 18-Dec-2003 12:10:33 18-Dec-2003 12:16:46 18-Dec-2003 12:10:32 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 15:24:31 Offset: 8.¢ dB 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.428 Source: INT 1 18 • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:14:22 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 3.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 3 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 44.1 Max: 77.2 Peak-1: 100.4 Peak-2: 90.3 L (1.67) 68.6 L (8.33) 62.7 L (33.33) 56.9 L (50.00) 53.5 L (66.67) 49.9 L (90.00) 47.3 18-Dec-2003 12:37:28 00:15:00.0 59.4 89.0 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 12:49:16 18-Dec-2003 12:44:36 18-Dec-2003 12:44:35 18-Dec-2003 12:44:34 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Doe Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Enabled • Free Memory: 524288 290553 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 72% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 44.1 Max: 77.2 Peak-1: 100.4 Peak-2: 90.3 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 18-Dec-2003 12:37:28 00:15:00.0 59.4 89.0 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 12:49:16 18-Dec-2003 12:44!36 18-Dec-2003 12:44:35 18-Dec-2003 12:44:34 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 Offset: 8.8 dB Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:14:35 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 4.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 4 Note l: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj, Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 41.0 Max: 75.8 Peak-1: 100.8 Peak-2: 88.6 L (1,67) 67.4 L (8.33) 62.4 L (33.33) 57.3 L (50.00) 55.5 L (66.67) 53.1 L (90.00) 48.0 18-Dec-2003 12:57:01 00:15:00.0 58.19 88.5 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 13:02:28 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Enabled Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 41.0 Max: 75.8 Peak-l: 100.8 Peak-2: 88.6 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 18-Dec-2003 12:57:01 00:15:00.0 58.9 88.5 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 de 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 13:02:28 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 18-Dec-2003 12:59:07 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 Offset: 8.8 dB Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: 814 Memory: 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% Battery Level: 71% Source: INT 1 18 • • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:14:49 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 5.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 5 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 53.6 Max: 82.5 Peak-1: 107.8 Peak-2: 97.2 (1.67) 66.0 (8.33) 61.8 (33.33) 60.0 (50.00) 59.2 (66.67) 58.5 (90.00) 57.1 18-Dec-2003 13:25:22 00:15:00.0 61.6 91.2 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 13:29:09 18-Dec-2003 13:31:54 18-Dec-2003 13:31:53 18-Dec-2003 13:31:00 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 53.8 Max: 82.5 Peak-1: 107.8 Peak-2: 97.2 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 18-Dec-2003 13:25:22 00:15:00.0 61.6 91.2 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 13:29:09 18-Dec-2003 13:31:54 18-Dec-2003 13:31:53 18-Dec-2003 13:31:00 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: 1 Enabled Number History Records: 18 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 71% Source: INT Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:15:02 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 6.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.670 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles; CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 6 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.9 Max: 70.5 Peak-1: 96.1 Peak-2: 83.3 (1.67) 67.7 (8.33) 61.7 (33.33) 56.8 (50.00) 55.4 (66.67) 54.1 (90.00) 52.1 18-Dec-2003 13:54:52 00:15:00.0 58.4 87.9 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:09:52 18-Dec-2003 13:56:33 18-Dec-2003 13:56:40 18-Dec-2003 14:06:42 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Ohs Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 Checked: 12-Dec-2003 Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Time History: Enabled 814 Memory: 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Battery, Level: 71% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.9 Max: 70.5 Peak-1: 96.1 Peak-2: 83.3 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 18-Dec-2003 13:54:52 00:15:00.0 58.4 87.9 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:09:52 19-Dec-2003 13:56:33 18-Dec-2003 13:56:40 18-Dec-2003 14:06:42 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT 1 18 • • • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:15:15 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 7.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 7 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.1 Max: 67.5 Peak-1: 94.5 Peak-2: 84.2 L (1.67) 64.8 L (8.33) 61.7 L (33.33) 58.1 L (50.00) 56.6 L (66.67) 55.0 L (90.00) 50.5 18-Dec-2003 14:17:14 00:15:00.0 58.2 87.8 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:29:08 18-Dec-2003 14:30:12 18-Dec-2003 14:30:12 18-Dec-2003 14:24:17 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leg: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.1 Max: 67.5 Peak-1: 94.5 Peak-2: 84.2 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 18-Dec-2003 14:17:14 00:15:00.0 58.2 87.8 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:29:08 18-Dec-2003 14:30:i2 18-Dec-2003 14:30:12 18-Dec-2003 14:24:17 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 70% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:15:28 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 8.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates DeSCrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 8 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj, Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.2 Max: 78.8 Peak-1: 108.3 Peak-2: 92.7 L (1.67) 72.1 L (8.33) 64.6 ,L (33.33) 58.7 L (50.00) 56.4 L (66.67) 53.4 L (90.00) 48.6 18-Dec-2003 14:40:15 00:15:00.0 61.7 91.3 0.00 0.60 6 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:53:69 18-Dec-2003 14:53:42 18-Dec-2003 14:53:43 18-Dec-2003 14:53:42 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 Checked: 12-Dec-2003 Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Time History: Enabled 814 Memory: 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 70% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 45.2 Max: 76.8 Peak-1: 108.3 Peak-2: 92.7 Exceeded: 0 .times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 18-Dec-2003 14:40:15 00:25:00.0 61.7 91.3 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 14:53:09 18-Dec-2003 14:53:42 16-Dec-2003 14:53:43 18-Dec-2003 14:53:42 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42W Source: INT 1 18 • • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:15:44 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 9.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 9 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 48.0 Max: 77.4 Peak-1: 102.4 Peak-2: 97.2 L (1.67) 70.8 L (8.33) 66.9 L (33.33) 62.3 L (50.00) 59.8 L (66.67) 57.0 L (90.00) 52.6 18-Dec-2003 15:18:07 00:15:00.0 63.1 92.7 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dS 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 15:18:37 18-Dec-2003 15:26:33 18-Dec-2003 15:26:32 18-Dec-2003 15:19:50 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPY Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Enabled • Free Memory: 524288 290553 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 70% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 48.0 Max: 77.4 Peak-1: 102.4 Peak-2: 97.2 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 18-Dec-2003 15:18:07 00:15:00.0 63.1 92.7 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 15:18:37 18-Dec-2003 15:26:33 18-Dec-2003 15:26:32 18-Dec-2003 15:19:50 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 Offset: 8.8 dB Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:15:58 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location lO.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.sim Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 10 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 50.3 Max: 78.7 Peak-1: 97.4 Peak-2: 96.8 (1.67) 67.2 (8.33) 64.4 (33.33) 59.5 (50.00) 57.6 (66.67) 56A (90.00) 53.7 18-Dec-2003 15:39:06 00:15:00.0 60.5 90.1 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 15:49:50 IB-Dec-2003 15:44:49 18-Dec-2003 15:44:48 18-Dec-2003 15:44:48 Detector: Slow Weighting: 'A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 Checked: 12-Dec-2003 Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Time History: Enabled 814 Memory; 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 69% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 50.3 Max: 18.7 Peak-1: 97.4 Peak-2: 96.8 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 18-Dec-2003 15:39:06 00:15:00.0 60.5 90.1 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 18-Dec-2003 15:49:50 18-Dec-2003 15:44:49 18-Dec-2003 15:44:48 18-Dec-2003 15:44:48 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT 1 18 • • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:16:09 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location ll.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 11 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 42.4 Max: 69.9 Peak-1: 96.0 Peak-2: 93.8 L (1.67) 67.4 L (8.33) 64.4 L (33.33) 58.6 L (50.00) 54.2 L (66.67) 49.7 L (90.00) 43.0 19-Dec-2003 11:22:04 00:15:00.0 59.4 88.9 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 11:29:33 19-Dec-2003 11:27:46 19-Dec-2003 11:22:56 19-Dec-2003 11:22:56 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Enabled • Free Memory: 524288 290553 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 68% Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 42.4 Max: 69.9 Peak-1: 96.0 Peak-2: 93.8 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 19-Dec-2003 11:22:04 00:15:00.0 59.4 88.9 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 11:29:33 19-Dec-2003 11:27:46 19-Dec-2003 11:22:56 19-Dec-2003 11:22:56 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 Offset: 8.8 dB Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: Number History Records: Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:16:23 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 12.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 12 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 50.0 Max: 75.6 Peak-1: 97.6 Peak-2: 91.7 L (1.67) 66.8 L (8,33) 63.7 L (33.33) 60.2 L (50.00) 58.3 L (66.67) 56.4 L (90.00) 53.4 19-Dec-2003 11:52:00 00:15:60.0 60.5 90.1 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 11:58:43 19-Dec-20b il:55:39 19-Dec-2003 11:55:39 19-Dec-2003 11:53:35 Detector: Slow 'Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: '50.0 Max: 15.6 Peak-1: 97.6 Peak-2: 91.7 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 19-Dec-2003 11:52:00 00:15:00.0 60.5 90.1 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 11:58:43 19-Dec-2003 11:55:39 19-Dec-2003 11:55:39 19-Dec-2003 11:53:35 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 u • Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB Checked: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Number Interval Records:, 1 Time History: Enabled Number History Records: 18 Free Memory: 524288 290553 • Free Memory: 290553 Percent Free: 55.928 Battery Level: 69W Source: INT • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:16:36 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 13.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descri: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 13 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 43.0 Max: 72.4 Peak-1: 94.5 Peak-2: 87.0 (1.67) 64.6 (8.33) 59.3 (33.33) 54.5 (50.00) 52.8 (66.67) 51.3 (90.00) 48.3 19-Dec-2003 12:24:05 00:15:00.0 56.0 85.6 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 12:37:35 19-Dec-2003 12:25:33 19-Dec-2003 12:33:55 19-Dec-2003 12:24:12 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 10 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 43.0 Max: 72.4 Peak-1: 94.5 Peak-2: 87.0 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 19-Dec-2003 12:24:05 00:15:00.0 56.0 85.6 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 12:37:35 19-Dec-2003 12:25:33 19-Dec-2003 12:33:55 19-Dec-2003 12:24:12 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 67% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:17:03 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrow)a.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Lbcation 14.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 14 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 47.0 Max: 81.1 Peak-1: 99.7 Peak-2: 94.1 L (1.67) 70.1 L (8.33) 65.3 L (33.33) 5B.5 L (50.00) 55.1 L (66.61) 53.0 L (90.00) 50.1 19-Dec-2003 12:55:06 00:15:00.0 61.8 91.4 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 13:05:09 19-Dec-2003 13:03:65 19-Dec-2003 13:03:05 19-Dec-2003 13:03:04 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leg: SEL, Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 47.0 Max: 81.1 Peak-1: 99.7 Peak-2: 94.1 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 19-Dec-2003 12:55:06 00:15:00.0 61.8 91.4 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 13:05:09 19-Dec-2003 13:03:05 19-Dec-2003 13:03:05 19-Dec-2003 13:03:04 Pause Time: 60:00:00,0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 67% Source: INT 1 18 • • E Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:17:22 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 15.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 15 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 33.4 Max: 53.8 Peak-1: 91.3 Peak-2: 79.8 (1.67) 47.3 (8.33) 44.0 (33.33) 39.2 (50.00) 37.8 (66.67) 36.8 (90.00) 35.3 19-Dec-2003 13:20:46 00:15:00.0 40.2 69.7 4256.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 13:27:59 19-Dec-2003 13:34:37 19-Dec-2003 13:29:09 19-Dec-2003 13:25:42 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: SPL Exceedance Level 2: Peak-1 Exceedance Level: Peak-2 Exceedance Level: Hysteresis: Overloaded: Pause Count: Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 33.4 Max: 53.8 Peak-1: 91.3 Peak-2: 79.8 19-Dec-2003 13:20:46 00:15:00.0 40.2 69.7 4256.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 13:27:59 19-Dec-2003 13:34:37 19-Dec-2003 13:29:09 19-Dec-2003 13:25:42 115.00 Exceeded: 0 times 120 Exceeded: 0 times 140 Exceeded: 0 times 140 Exceeded: 0 times 2 0 0 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 12-Dec-2003 LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Enabled • 114 Memory: 524288 Free Memory: 290553 Battery Level: 66% 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Number Interval Records: 1 Number History Records: 18 Percent Free: 55.42% Source: INT Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:17:39 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 16.s1mdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 16 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 41.6 Max: 82.3 Peak-1: 101.4 Peak-2: 96.0 L (1.67) 74.0 L (8.33) 69.7 L (33.33) 65.1 L (50.00) 62.8 L (66.67) 59.6 L (90.00) 53.7 19-Dec-2003 13:45;36 00:15:00.0 66.0 95.6 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2063 13:54:45 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 Detector: slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL $xceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 41.8 Max: 82.3 Peak-1: 101.4 Peak-2: 96.0 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 19-Dec-2003 13:45:36 00:15:00.0 66.0 95.6 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 13:54:46 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 19-Dec-2003 13:51:21 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset; 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 6504 214.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 67% Source: TNT 1 le • • • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:17:51 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 17.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: SIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 17 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 47.2 Max: 85.2 Peak-1: 108.4 Peak-2: 96.3 L (1.67) 73.8 L (8.33) 69.1 L (33.33) 63.6 L (50.00) 61.5 L (66.67) 58.6 L (90.00) 54.2 19-Dec-2003 14:09:55 00:15:00.0 66.1 95.7 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 14:19:12 19-Dec-2003 14:11:33 19-Dec-2003 14:19:44 19-Dec-2003 14:11:32 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 47.2 Max: 85.2 Peak-1: 108.4 Peak-2: 96.3 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times 19-Dec-2003 14:09:55 00:15:00.0 66.1 95.7 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 14:19:12 19-Dec-2003 14:11:33 19-Dec-2003 14:19:44 19-Dec-2003 14:11:32 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 .Percent Free: 55.42% 66% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Le Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2009 14:18:06 • -vel --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Documents\Projects\10579-01 Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 18.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: BIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 18 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement --------------------------------------- Start Time: 19-Dec-2003 14:37:01 --------------------------------------- Start Time 19-Dec-2003 14:37:01 Elapsed Time: 00:15:00.0 Elapsed Time 00:15:00.0 Leq: 64.9 Leq: 64.9 SEL: 94.4 SEL: 94.4 Dose: 0.06 Dose: 0.00 Proj. Dose: 0.00 Proj. Dose: 0.00 Threshold: 0 dB ,Threshold: 0 dB Criterion: 0 dB Criterion: 0 dB Exchange Rate: 3 dB Exchange Rate: 3 dB Min: 53.2 19-Dec-2003 14:41:11 Min: 53.2 19-Dec-2003 14:42:11 Max: 75.1 19-Dec-2003 14:41:58 Max: 75.1 19-Dec-2003 14:41:58 Peak-1: 102.3 19-De'c-2003 14:39:02 Peak-1: 101.3 19-Dec-2003 14:39:02 • Peak-2: 94.3 19-Dec-2003 24:47:20 Peak-2: 94.3 19-Dec-2003 14:47:20 L (1.67) 70.7 L (8.33) 67.5 L (33.33) 65.2 L (56.00) 63.9 L (66.67) 62.6 L (90.00) 59.4 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 Exceeded: 0 times SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Exceeded: Q times Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Exceeded: 0 times Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Exceeded: 0 times Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 Calibrated: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB Checked: 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB Calibrator: LD 0504 Level: 114.0 Cal Record Count: 0 Interval Records: Enabled Number Interval Records: 1 Time History: Enabled Number History Records: 18 Memory: 524288 Free Ftee Memory: 290553 290553 Percent Free: 55.928 • Battery Level: 66% Source: INT • • • Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:18:21 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 19.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.026 Software Version: 1.070 Name: EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descr2: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 19 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: 19-Dec-2003 15:01:04 Elapsed Time: 00:15:00.0 Leq: 62.8 SEL: 92.4 Dose: 0.00 Proj. Dose: 0.00 Threshold: 0 dB Criterion: 0 dB Exchange Rate: 3 dB Min: 47.0 19-Dec-2003 15:08:21 Max: 73.0 19-Dec-2003 15:05:40 Peak-1: 100.1 19-Dec-2003 15:15:07 Peak-2: 86.7 19-Dec-2003 15:05:39 L (1.67) 70.0 L (8.33) 66.5 L (33.33) 62.5 L (50.00) 61.0 L (66.67) 59.7 L (90.00) 55.2 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2 Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated: Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 47.0 Max: 73.0 Peak-1: 100.1 Peak-2: 86.7 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 19-Dec-2003 15:01:04 00:15:00.0 62.8 92.4 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 15:08:21 19-Dec-2003 15:05:40 19-Dec-2003 15:15:07 19-Dec-2003 15:05:39 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 65% Source: INT 1 18 Sound Level Meter Summary Translated: 08-Mar-2004 14:12:08 File Translated: C:\Documents and Settings\MBrown.LAV-1\My Newport Beach GP\Noise Monitoring Data\Location 20.slmdl Model Number: 814 Serial Number: A0174 Firmware Rev: 1.626 Software Version: 1.070 Name. EIP Associates Descrl: 12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Descrl: Los Angeles, CA 90025 Setup: 15Minute.slm Setup Descr: 15 Minute Octave Filters: None Location: Newport Beach Location 20 Note 1: Note 2: Overall Measurement Current Measurement Start Time: Elapsed Time: Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 50.4 Max: 78.9 Peak-1: 102.5 Peak-2: 95.5 (1.67) 72.3 (8.33) 66.6 (33.33) 61.4 (50.00) 59.5 (66.67) 57.6 (90.00) '54.8 19-Dec-2003 15:31:26 00:15:00.0 63.3 92.8 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 15-44:09 19-Dec-2003 15:34:15 19-Dec-2003 15:34:15 19-Dec-2003 15%42:54 Detector: Slow Weighting: A Oba Filter: 1000 Hz SPL Exceedance Level 1: 115.00 SPL Exceedance Level 2: 120 Peak-1 Exceedance Level: 140 Peak-2,Exceedance Level: 140 Hysteresis: 2 Overloaded: 0 Pause Count: 0 Calibrated': Checked: Calibrator: Level: Cal Record Count: Interval Records: Time History: 814 Memory: Free Memory: Battery Level: Start Time Elapsed Time Leq: SEL: Dose: Proj. Dose: Threshold: Criterion: Exchange Rate: Min: 50.4 Max: 78.9 Peak-1: 102.5 Peak-2: 95.5 Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Exceeded: 0 times Documents\Projects\10579-01 19-Dec-2003 15:31:26 00:15:00.0 63.3 92.8 0.00 0.00 0 dB 0 dB 3 dB 19-Dec-2003 15:44:09 19-Dec-2003 15:34:15 19-Dec-2003 15:34:15 19-Dec-2003 15:42:54 Pause Time: 00:00:00.0 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Offset: 8.8 dB 12-Dec-2003 15:24:31 Level: 91.9 dB LD 0504 114.0 0 Enabled Number Interval Records: Enabled Number History Records: 524288 290553 Percent Free: 55.42% 66% Source: INT 1 18 • • r L_J TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURS • ProjectNumber. 10579-01 Project Name: Newport Beach General Plan Update V Background Information Model Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels. Source of Traffic Volumes: Meyer, Mohaddes B Associates Community Noise Descriptor. La,: CNEL X Assumed 24-HourTmffic Distribution: Day Evening Night Total ADT Volumes 77.70% 12.70% 9.60% Medium -Duty Tmcke 87.43% 5.05% 7.62% Heavy -Duty Trucks 89.10% 2.84% 8.06% Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerilne of Roadway' Analysis Condition Median ACT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour Roadway. Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL Existing Traffic Volumes 18th Street Irvine Avenue to Dover Drive 2 12 5,000 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 55.7 - - 52 32nd Street west of Newport Boulevard 2 12 8,000 35 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 57.7 - - 71 east of Newport Boulevard 2 12 3,000 36 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - - - Avacado Avenue north of San Miguel Drive 2 12 5,000 30 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 54.6 - - 44 South of San Miguel Drive 4 12 12,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.2 - 65 140 north of Coast Highway 4 12 11,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.8 - 61 132 Balboa Boulevard south of Coast Highway 4 0 18,000 30 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 60.3 - 48 104 Bayside Drive south of Coast Highway 4 12 10.000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 57.8 - - 71 Birch Street Jamboree Road to Von Kerman Avenue 4 12 12,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.0 - 64 118 Von Kaman Avenue to MacArthur Boueevan 4 12 15,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.9 - 63 135 weal of MacArthur Boulevard 4 12 16,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.2 - 65 141 north of Bristol Street North 4 12 23,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.8 - 83 179 Bristol Street North to Bristol Street South 4 12 19,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.0 - 73 158 south of Bristol Street South 4 12 16,000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 61.9 - 63 135 Olson Avenue Jamboree Road to MacArthur Boulevard 6 12 13,000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 61.6 - - 128 MacArthur Boulevard to SR-73 Freeway 6 12 7.000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.9 - - 84 Bonita Canyon Dr. east of MacArthur Boulevard 4 12 26,000 50 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 66.7 60 130 279 west of SR-73 Freeway 4 12 17,000 50 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64.8 - 98 210 Bristol Street North west of Campus Drive 4 0 28.000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64.6 - 94 202 Campus Drive to Birch Street 4 0 23.000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.7 - 82 177 east of Bitch Street 4 0 22,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.5 - 80 172 west of Jamboree Road 4' 0 16,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0,7% 62.1 - 64 139 west of Campus Drive/Irvine Drive 4 0 28,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.6 - 94 202 Newport Existing Noise Conlours.xis EIP Associates 31912004 Newport Boulevard to Riverside Avenue 8 12 53,000 56 0.6 1.8% 0,7% 71.1 118 264 648 Riverside Avenue to Tustin Avenue 6 12 46,000 66 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 702 103 223 480 Tustin Avenue to Dover Drive 5 12 42,000 65 0.5 1.8% 6.7% 60.9 99 213 459 Dover Drive to Bayside Dove 4 12 63,0DD 66 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 71.6 127 274 591 Bayside Drive to Jamboree Road 7 12 51,000 55 0.6 1.8% 0,7% 71.1 118 255 649 Jamboree Road to Newport Canter Drive 8 12 42,000 66 0.6 fib% 0.7% 70.6 107 232 499 Newport Canter Drive to Avocado Avenue 6 12 36,000 66 0.6 1.8% 017% 89.3 89 193 415 Avocado Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard 6 12 38,000 65 6.6 1.8% 0.7% 60A 91 196 423 MacArthur Boulevard to Goldenrod Avenue 4 12 40,000 66 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 69.6 94 263 436 Goldenrod Avenue to Marguerite Avenue 2 0 39,000 65 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 69.3 90 194 417 Marguerite Avenue to Poppy Avenue 4 12 35.000 66 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 69.0 86 185 399 Poppy Avenue to, Newport Coast Drive 6 12 28,000 55 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 68.3 77 166 358 east of Newport Coast Drive 8 12 35,0Dg 65 0.6 1.8% 0.7% $9.3 89 193 415 Dover Drlvs Irvine Ddve to WesldiO Drive 2 0 0,000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.1 - 85 Westclllf Drive to lath Street 2 0 22,0D0 40 0.6 1.8% D.7% 63.4 36 79 169 16th Street to Cliff Drive 2 0 25,0D0 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% $4.0 40 88 184 Cliff Drive to Coast Highway 2 0 29,000 40 0.5 1.8% D.7% 64.0 44 94 204 Eastbluff Drive westof Jamboree Road at University Drive 4 12 10,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.4 as 124 westof Jamboree Road at Ford Road 6 12 16,006 46 0.6 1.6% 0.7% 67.3 17 188 Ford Road Jamboree Road to MacArthur Boulevard 4 12 91000 45 0.6 1.0% 0.7% 61.0 - 54 116 Goldenrod Avenue north or Coast Highway 2 0 zoos 46 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.2 41 Highland Drive east of Irvine Avenue 2 0 Zoos 45 0.5 1,8% 0.7% 64.2 41 Hospital Road Placentia Avenue to Newport Boulevard 4 12 131000 35 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 60.0 - - 100 east of Newport Boulevard 4 12 7,000 35 0.6 1.8% D.7% 67,3 - - 66 IrvinsAvanue Bristol Street South to Mena Drive 4 12 27,000 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.2 - 75 162 Mesa Drive to University Drhro 4 12 31,0D0 35 0.5 1.89A 0.7% 83.8 - 83 178 University Drive to Santa Isabel Avenue 4 12 33,0D0 35 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64.0 - 88 186 Santa Isabel Avenue to Santiago Drive 4 12 29.000 35 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - 79 170 Santiago Drive to Highland Drive 4 12 27,600 35 0.5 1.6% 0.7% 63.2 - 76 162 Highland Drive to Dover Drive 4 12 27,ODD 36 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 63.2 - 75 162 Dover Drive to Weslelilf Drive 4 12 22,000 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.3 66 142 Westcllft Drive to lath Street 4 12 12,0D0 36 0.6 1.8% 0.7Yu 60.6 - 96 Jamborees Road Campus Drive to Birch Street 6 12 36.000 65 0.5 1•6% 0.7% 09.4 at 18o 423 Birch Street to MacArthur Boulevard 6 12 42,000 66 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 70.1 101 218 469 MacArthur Boulevard to Bristol Sheet North 8 12 $8.000 56 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 69A 91 Igo 423 Bristol Simi North to Bristol Street South 6 12 47,000 66 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 70.6 109 235 506 Bristol Street South to Beyview, Way 6 12 47,000 55 0.6 1.8% D.7% 70.6 109 235 606 Bayvlew, Way to University Drive 6 12 47,000 65 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 70.6 109 235 508 University Drive to Bison Avenue 6 12 37,000 65 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 69.6 93 200 431 Bison Avenue to Ford Road 6 12 39.000 65 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 09.7 BB 207 448 Ford Road to San Joaquin Hills Road 6 12 46.000 65 0.6 1.8% 01% 70.6 107 231 498 Son Joaquin Hills Road to Santa Barbara Dr 6 12 34,000 66 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 69.2 88 189 407 Santa Barbara Drive to Coast Highway 6 12 32,000 68 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.9 84 162 391 Coast Highway to Bayside Drive 4 12 12,000 65 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64A - at 198 MacArthur Boulevard Campus Drive to Birch Sheet 6 12 27,0DD 55 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.1 75 162 349 Birch Street to Von Koran Avenue 6 12 22,000 55 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 67.3 66 141 305 Von Kerman Avenue to Jamboree Road 6 12 28,000 65 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 68.0 73 16B 341 Newport Existing Noise Conlours.As SIP Associates 319I2004 •I Coast Highway to Via Udo 6 12 48,000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.9 - 98 211 Via Lido to 32nd Street 6 12 36,000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - a1 174 south of 32nd Street • 6 12 29,000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.7 70 161 Newport Center Drive north of Coast Highway 6 12 14,000 45 0.6 1.8°/ 0.7% 63.1 - 75 162 Newport Coast Drive SR-73 Freeway to San Joaquin Hills Road 4 12 17.000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 62.5 - 68 147 south of Son Joaquin Hills Road 6 12 16,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.2 - 65 140 north of Coast Highway 6 12 12,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.2 - - 121 Placentia Avenue north of SupedorAvenue 4 12 12,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.0 - 54 116 SuperlorAvenus to Hospital Road 4 12 7,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 58.6 - - 81 Poppy Avanus north of Coast Highway 2 0 2,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 53.0 - - 34 Riverside Avenue north of Coast Highway 2 0 9,000 30 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 57.1 - - 85 San Joaquin Hills Road Jamboree Road to Santa Cruz Road 6 12 16,000 45 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 63.7 - 82 177 Santa Cruz Road to Santa Rosa Road 6 12 11,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.1 - 64 138 Santa Rosa Road to MacArthur Boulevard 6 12 21,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.9 - 98 212 MacArthur Boulevard to San Miguel Road 5 12 19,00D 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.3 - 90 194 San Miguel Road to Marguerite Avenue 6 12 18,000 45 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64.2 - 89 191 Marguerite Avenue to Spyglass Hill Road 6 12 12,000 45 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 62.6 - 68 146 Spyglass Hlll Road to Newport Coast Drive 4 12 12,000 45 0.6 1.8% 0.7°1° 62.2 - 65 140 San Miguel Drive north of Spyglass Hill Road 4 12 7,000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 58.6 - - 81 south of Spyglass Hill Road 4 12 7,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 58.6 - - 81 north of San Joaquin Hills Road 4 12 12,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.0 - 54 116 San Joaquin Hills Road to MacArthur Boulev 4 12 12,000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 62.2 - 65 140 MacArthur Boulevard to Avocado Avenue 4 12 19,000 45 0.5 1.6% 0.7% 64.2 - 88 191 wastofAvocado Avenue 4 12 10.000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.4 - 58 124 Santa Barbara Drive east of Jamboree Road 4 12 10,000 40 0.5 1.8°% 0.7% 60.2 - - 103 Santa Cruz Drive south of San Joaquin Hills Road 4 12 8.000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 59.2 - - 89 Santa Ron Drive south of San Joaquin Hills Road • 4 12 11,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 80.8 51 110 Santiago Drive Tustin Avenue to Irvine Avenue 2 12 5.000 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 6B.3 - - 77 east of Irvine Avenue 2 12 3,000 45 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 56.0 - - 64 Spyglass HIII Road Son Miguel Ddve to San Joaquin Hills Road 2 12 4,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 66.1 - - 65 SuperlorAvenus north of Placentia Avenue 4 12 17,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7Y° 62.5 - 68 147 Placentia Avenue to Hospital Road 4 12 22,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - 81 174 Hospital Road to Coast Highway 4 12 24,000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 64.0 - 86 184 Tustin Avenue north of Coast Highway 2 0 2,000 40 0.6 1.8% 0.7% 63.0 - - 34 University Drive east of Irvine Avenue 4 12 3,000 55 0.5 1.8% 0.7Y° 58.3 - - 78 east of Jamboree Road 4 12 11,000 65 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.0 - 86 186 Via Lido east of Newport Boulevard 4 12 8,000 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7°% 57.9 - - 72 Von Kansan Avenue Campus Drive to Birch Street 4 12 14.000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.6 - SD 129 Birch Street to MacArthur Boulevard 4 12 12,000 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 61.0 - 54 116 Wastcllff Drive Irvine Avenuato Dover Ddve 4 12 16.000 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 60.9 - 63 115 r Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segmentto the receptor location. =' - contour Is located within the roadway, right-of-way. V Newport Existing Noise Contours.xls EIP Assoclates 319/2004 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING ISSUES REPORT This document presents a summary of the issues that have been identified through the public Visioning Process, and technical research and analyses as conducted by City staff and their consultants during preparation of the Technical Background Report (TBR) prepared for the update of the General Plan. Issues defined here represent opportunities, constraints, and challenges facing the City of Newport Beach as related to each of the General Plan elements. These are an important component of the planning process as they provide a basis for which goals, policies, and implementation programs will be incorporated into the updated General Plan. Issues identified by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) and participants of the Visioning Process are shown in the first column, while issues identified based on research for the TBR are shown in the second column. Checkmarks are placed under the column headings "Policy" and/or "Framework" indicating the statement may be addressed by policy, or provides a fact that should be considered in the update of the General Plan. Land Use. and Growth Visioning participants desire an ✓ appropriate mix of uses that sustains Newport Beach as primarily a residential beach town with broad appeal as a tourist destination. There is concern over the potential ✓ impacts of new development on the City's community character. As the City's available vacant properties ✓ planned for development are built out, any additional development will occur as infill or re -use of existing properties, possibly including structures that integrate housing with commercial uses (mixed -use). The Greenlight Initiative (Measure S) ✓ requires residents to vote on development proposals that exceed limits established in the General Plan (i.e., 100 homes, 100 peals hour car trips, or 40,000 square feet of commercial building space) General Plan Technical Background Report • • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report Pollc Framework Residential, Opportunities for new housing units are ✓ limited as there are few vacant parcels available for development. Assuming development of Banning Ranch, Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) projected housing need for the City of 1,421 new households of varying income levels for 2000-2005 could be accommodated. Some older residential areas (e.g., Corona ✓ del Mar and Lido Isle) have been developed with two housing units built on three legal lots. Legally, these homes could be demolished and replaced with housing built on each legal lot of record, increasing overall development densities. While larger residential homes and their ✓ effects is a trend of concern to many in Newport Beach, residents have mixed opinions on whether existing regulations are sufficient for now. The appropriate scale varies by neighborhood and geographic area. Mixed -Use Development Specific areas appropriate for mixed -use ✓ development include Mariner's Mile, Central Balboa, Cannery Village, McFadden Square, Lido Marina Village, the Airport Business Area, and Newport Center. Rezoning of underutilized commercial ✓ lands for residential or mixed -use development should be considered, particularly Central Balboa and McFadden Square. City o/Newport Beach I1 LJ • • Land Use Visioning Technical Background Report Policy Framework Commercial Six areas have been identified as Specific ✓ Plan areas in the existing land use element: Mariner's Mile, Cannery Village/ McFadden Square, Newport Shores, Santa Ana Heights, Central Balboa, and Old Newport Blvd. In addition, it is the intent to formulate a Specific Plan for Corona del Mar. Programs have been developed for the ✓ improvement of several community areas, including the Balboa Sign Overlay, Mariner's Mile Design Framework, Central Balboa Public Improvements, and Corona del Mar Vision 2004 Plan. The impact of traffic on residential neighborhoods throughout the City is an ongoing concern. With the exception of the Airport Business ✓ area and Fashion Island, most commercial areas are in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, which can create conflicts due to traffic, parking, and noise. and Open Space The ability to increase parklands is ✓ ✓ constrained by the land costs and lack of availability of developable properties. Opportunities for park space acquisitions exist in West Newport and the Banning Ranch area. Active parks are a particular need on the west side of the city. Lighted athletic fields have been identified ✓ as a particular recreational need. Banning Ranch constitutes an open space ✓ resource that may be reduced through development. Development of tidelands or other public ✓ lands is opposed, while many favor the preservation of such areas. The City's ecologically sensitive areas are a ✓ critical natural resource that limit active recreational opportunities and provide more passive use of these areas. General Plan Technical Background Report Fj • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Ranch Residents are divided over the need to ✓ preserve Banning Ranch as a passive open space area or to develop if for needed housing. Development would potentially affect the aesthetic value of natural open space currently afforded by the area. Santa Ana Heiqhts Santa Ana Heights appears to lack most ✓ neighborhood serving commercial uses, such as grocery stores, banks, gyms, and restaurants. As a recent annexation, much of the ✓ existing development does not comply with Newport Beach's standards and zoning code violations are commonplace. Mariner's Mile Mariner's Mile is characterized by a wide ✓ diversity and a fragmented pattern of uses —marine, highway oriented, local - serving retail, etc. At issue are the appropriate type, mix, and scale of uses and future development, including the appropriateness of marine and visitor - serving uses. Some conflict has arisen between ✓ commercial uses along Coast Hwy and residential uses on the bluffs above Mariner's Mile. Mixed -use represents an opportunity for Portions of Mariner's Mile are vacant and ✓ development. underdeveloped and provide opportunities for new development. Impacts of new development on Coast Hwy's traffic are of concern. Multiple property ownerships may ✓ complicate coordination of a cohesive pattern of development. City of Newport Beach • • L.J Land Use Visioning I Technical Background Report Policy Framework Old Newport Blvd./West Newport Industrial The expansion of Hoag Hospital offers ✓ opportunities for the development of medical -related uses within the West Newport Industrial area and Old Newport Boulevard. Old Newport Boulevard contains a ✓ fragmented mix of uses resulting from its evolution as a retail thoroughfare to a secondary roadway with increased development of medical offices. An issue is the character of the West ✓ Newport Industrial area —whether it should change to accommodate residential or other uses, or remain a small-scale industrial area. Multiple ownership of individual parcels ✓ inhibits the area's cohesive and integrated development. Lido Marina Village/City Hall Mixed -use represents an opportunity for Lido Village has experienced a high ✓ development. number of building vacancies. At issue, is the appropriate type and scale of development that will enhance its character. Parking in the area may be inadequate to ✓ support full occupancy of the commercial uses. Multiple ownership of individual parcels ✓ inhibits the area's cohesive and integrated development. There is question whether City Hall is still City Hall is considered to be too small to ✓ located centrally for its residents. function as the administrative center of the City. Mixed -use represents an opportunity for Requests for large-scale, multi -lot ✓ development. developments in Cannery Village could impact the area's character with increased traffic and parking demand. General Plan Technical Background Report 40 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report Pollc Framework Mixed -use issues such as building design, ✓ type of commercial uses, and ensuring the compatibility of residential uses need to be addressed in new development. Multiple ownership of individual parcels ✓ inhibit the area's cohesive and integrated development. Mixed -use represents an opportunity for development. McFadden Central Balboa Year-round tourism on Balboa Peninsula ✓ is inadequate to support all commercial areas and interest has been expressed to rezone areas for residential or mixed -use development. Corona Del Mar The business community and residents Traffic congestion on Pacific Coast ✓ have expressed a desire to improve or Highway may conflict with the intended enhance the Corona del Mar's village pedestrian nature of the Corona del Mar character through installation of area. In addition, parking deficiencies streetscape amenities or other present conflicts with adjacent residential improvements. neighborhoods as customers encroach upon residential street parking. Newport Center/Fashion Island Fashion Island: a majority of residents and There is zoning capacity for additional ✓ businesses support keeping retail space at development, though, there is a question current levels, but many are still willing to regarding the adequacy of demand for back expansion of existing stores and office and/or hotel uses to support moderate increases for new businesses. additional development. Newport Center: a majority of residents ✓ and businesses support little or no change to Newport Center, but some are willing to allow growth for existing companies. Newport Center: adding residential uses ✓ represents an opportunity for future development. Business Area Support for land use strategies that ✓ prevent the expansion of John Wayne Airport. _ 6 City of Newport Beach Economic Development Visioning Technical Background Report Policy Framework The Airport Business area has a number of ✓ • New mixed -use and residential uses represent an opportunity for development. under -performing land uses, which may present an opportunity for re -use or redevelopment. The City's Economic Development Committee has studied the redevelopment of the airport area in order to maximize productivity of the area for property owners and the City. New development could have impacts on the residential community, and/or require circulation improvements. Multiple ownership of individual parcels ✓ may constrain new development proposals. A portion of the city is located immediately ✓ adjacent to John Wayne Airport and is therefore subject to compliance with the Orange County Airport Land Use Plan. Economic Development General Appropriate mix and scale of uses based ✓ on the vision of Newport Beach as • primarily a residential beach town that, while attractive to tourists, should not be identified primarily as a tourist destination. There is strong demand for development ✓ based on the City's physical beauty, and resident's purchasing power. Protection and enhancement of harbors ✓ and beaches is a priority, including improvement as recreational areas, resulting in economic benefits. Areas of the City needing revitalization: ✓ Balboa Village, Mariner's Mile, Old Newport Blvd., Cannery Village, Central Balboa Peninsula, McFadden Square, West Newport (Newport Shores), and the mixed residential/industrial area above Hoag Hospital (West Newport Industrial). The City should be proactive in creating a revitalization vision to help guide future private development. • General Plan Technical Background Report 7 • • C� City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report v1sloning Technical Background Report Polic Framework Mixed opinions regarding the potential ✓ impact of economic development on the City, with business owners being slightly more in favor of economic development than residents. The concern here is whether economic development will detract from residents' quality of life. However, when asked if the City should encourage growth in the local economy to help pay for municipal services, a significant majority of those who responded said "yes", although there was disagreement about how that should be done. Participants were divided on whether the ✓ City should continue to accommodate job growth. Many felt it is a question of the type of jobs and associated impacts. Those who did express support for growth state that the City should "accommodate" but not "promote" additional employment opportunities. While people want the City to set firm ✓ constraints on development, including expansion of employment centers and hotels, additional development may be acceptable in certain areas under certain conditions. Retail Commercial The City does very well in serving the retail ✓ shopping needs of both residents and visitors. Although the balance between demand and sales is very close, the City actually captures large amounts of spending in some categories from the surrounding region, while losing local spending in other categories. The City's retail base is particularly strong ✓ in boats, autos, restaurants, furniture, apparel, and specialty retail stores. City of Newport Beach PJ • LJ Economic Development Visioning Technical Background Report Pollc Framework Conversely, relatively large sales leakages ✓ ✓ occur in other general merchandise, family clothing, discount department stores, and home improvement store categories. Most of these spending categories represent "big box" retail store categories that require large tracts of land and seek more central locations than tourist oriented coastal areas. Such uses could possibly be located in the Airport area and in the other areas near the State Route 73 corridor, along with additional service commercial/flex space and car dealerships. The commercial centers in the coastal area ✓ largely serve the visitor market and do not capture a large proportion of residents' spending, with the exception of Corona del Mar, which has the broadest base of local - serving retailers. Except for the Balboa Village area, most of ✓ the coastal commercial centers perform adequately in terms of sales per square foot (sf). In Balboa Village, the average is relatively low in a number of the visitor - serving store type categories, reflecting the less accessible location and attractiveness of this older commercial area. Questions have been raised about possibly reducing the amount of commercial zoning in this area. In terms of opportunities for new retail ✓ establishments in the coastal subareas, the focus should be on retail categories that have sales leakage throughout all of Newport Beach and would also be at the appropriate scale of commercial development. Certain specialty retail categories such as music and bookstores would fit these criteria. In Mariners Mile, there may be some ✓ ✓ pressure to transition sites devoted to boat sales to more intensive uses. Lido Marina Village may see pressure for ✓ redevelopment as retail uses underperform. General Plan Technical Background Report • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report While Newport Beach has a variety of ✓ ✓ meeting facilities, major convention centers are mainly concentrated in Anaheim. More recently, Huntington Beach's new waterfront development poses competition for Newport at the small to mid -size business meeting scale. The lack of larger facilities in Newport limits the City's business trade potential. Participants were generally in favor of ✓ tourism, but divided on providing more tourist accommodations, including lodging. However, if new hotels are to be built, most respondents agree they should be concentrated in the Airport Business Area and Newport Center. Additional hotel development in the City ✓ is an issue for future consideration, as it could have traffic, noise, and visual impacts, and could diminish open space. 10 • • Population and Demographics Uses Potential exists for transition of older ✓ properties in the Airport Area to more intensive use, as well as the addition of major retail uses in the Airport Area on sites currently occupied by industrial or office uses. Economic pressure threatens the viability ✓ ✓ of light industrial uses in the West Newport Industrial area. There may be the possibility for expansion ✓ of medical uses in the hospital area, particularly medical R&D. The City would benefit from an economic ✓ transition in existing office and industrial spaces toward businesses that generate greater sales tax through off -site product sales. The sales tax is such an important component of the City's fiscal picture, it would be important to consider ways to encourage firms that generate taxable non - retail sales and taxable business -to -business transactions. Population and Demographics The housing element indicates a trend of ✓ increasing population size for seniors aged 65 and above. This will place greater demand on the City to provide senior - related services. Housing As population within the City increases in ✓ the future the density of residential development might increase. This is likely to take form as infill development because there are limited amounts of undeveloped land not committed to open space. Mobile home units for affordable to low ✓ and/or moderate income households have been converted or are in the process of converting to market rate status. General Plan Technical Background Report 11 • • E City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report _EEaL Framework The demand for housing points to a trend ✓ ✓ of declining housing vacancy rates. Coupled with rising prices for housing in Orange County, housing affordability will be further reduced for the local work force. A significant percentage of senior citizens ✓ ✓ live at or below the Federal poverty level. There is insufficient amount of affordable housing for senior citizens (age 65 and older) in the City. Consistent with RHNA allocation for the City, Newport Beach will need to develop approximately 476 new housing units within its 1999 City limits and 945 new housing units in the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge annexation areas to accommodate projected growth in the region by 2005. Low and moderate income housing needs will account for approximately 53 and 83 residential units, respectively, within the 1999 City boundaries. Within the Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas, low and moderate income housing needs will account for approximately 95 and zero residential units, respectively. ✓ Banning Ranch is currently designated for single-family development under Orange County's General Plan. While affordable housing may be able to be developed under this policy, the site may have environmental constraints that limit the potential for development. ✓ As SCAG projects future job growth in the City in the next decade, additional housing may be required to accommodate the future workforce. ✓ A limited supply of vacant land will ✓ continue to put pressure on housing prices. 12 Circulation LJ Roadway, System. Input received during the visioning ✓ process generally suggests that additional traffic/congestion should be discouraged. The City may need to explore less There are intersections with ICU values ✓ ✓ restrictive level of service (LOS) standards greater than 0.90 (LOS "E" or worse) and (for instance, allowing a worse LOS considered deficient per the current during peak hours or in certain areas Circulation Element for buildout of the only). adopted General Plan in either peak hour in the City. • • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report EaaL Framework Roadway volume traffic count data ✓ indicates that summer weekday daily traffic volumes increased based on data collected on Newport Boulevard in front of City Hall. The increases on mid -week weekdays (Tuesday through Thursday) compared to shoulder season weekday conditions are approximately half of the increase observed for summer weekend day. Summer traffic volume increases on Mondays and Fridays, however, are very similar to the summer weekend day increases. Parking in the coastal areas (Balboa I The parking issues on the Peninsula and ✓ ✓ Peninsula, Balboa Island, etc.) is generally Balboa Island are well -recognized issues. A viewed as inadequate, parking study was completed by MMA that identifies issues and potential policies to address those. Public Transit The City of Newport Beach is committed An established network of bus routes ✓ ✓ to ensuring that public transportation provides access to employment centers, remains a viable alternative to the shopping and recreational areas within the automobile for residents. Expanding City. While existing networks appear to be public transit received some support from sufficient; ridership is the apparent visioning participants. deficiency. The Centerline project, if approved, may ✓ ✓ run near to the City of Newport Beach and provide access to John Wayne Airport. This may provide an opportunity for enhanced alternative mode (non - automotive) accessibility/mobility within the airport area of the City. Pedestrian &.Bicycle Mobility/Accessibility The Newport Beach bikeways and trails ✓ system contains off-street bike paths, sidewalk bikeways, and on -street bike trails. However, the current master planned system is not complete at this time; many linkages remain to be completed. Efforts could be made to provide frequent ✓ pedestrian access points from Coast Highway south to Newport Bay. 14 City of Newport Beach • • Water System Visioning Techn7ca7Background Report P277c Framework Pedestrian access is vital to encouraging Coast Highway is heavily auto -oriented. ✓ alternative travel modes. Mariner's Mile No comprehensive strategy for pedestrian (Coast Highway between Newport improvements exists. Boulevard and the Back Bay Bridge) and Corona del Mar has been raised as a particular concern. Air and Maritime Travel Expansion of John Wayne Airport (SNA) ✓ has recently been approved to increase capacity from 8.4 (7.8 of which is used) to 10.8 million travelers (an increase of 38.5 percent over current passengers). SNA will continue to be a regional airport, acting as a secondary facility to Los Angeles International Airport. Concern for retaining the maritime The proximity of Newport Beach to the ✓ ✓ industries (i.e., passenger service to Balboa Pacific Ocean creates unique Island and Balboa Peninsula) in the City transportation opportunities and conflicts. was a topic of visioning discussions. Although there is a physical separation between Balboa Island and Balboa Peninsula, the Balboa Ferry connects the two locations and is used as an alternative mode of transport. Transportation related to maritime uses increases the potential for traffic problems around Newport Bay. Genera 0 • 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report -E&L Framework The imported water supply for the portion ✓ ✓ of the Planning Area served by the City of Newport Beach is sufficient until 2010, but future improvements to meet the City's imported water demand beyond 2010 will be needed. Orange County Water District (OCWD) ✓ has indicated that groundwater supplies are expected to meet any future demand requirements in Newport Beach for the portion of the Planning Area served by the City until 2020. Under normal conditions, Irvine Ranch Water District's (IRWD) Water Resources Management Plan indicates that there would be an adequate water supply to meet average and maximum day future demand through 2025. Under drought or source outage (emergency) conditions, maximum month demands under all supply outages, with the exception of two scenarios, would be met. If there were supply outages at the Diemer Filtration Plant or Dyer Road Well Field, IRWD would be unable to provide maximum month demands in any given year through 2025. ✓ The Water Master Plan identifies the opportunity for increasing recycled water through provision of recycled water from neighboring water districts. ✓ ✓ The City needs to prepare and adopt a Recycled Water Ordinance, as required by the 2000 Urban Water Management Plan. ✓ As water infrastructure continues to age and deteriorate, capital expenditures will have to be made for repair and replacement. ✓ 16 Wastewater System VislonIng I Techn1ca1Qack roundRe ort I Pofty Framework Wastewater System The three wastewater treatment plants have ✓ adequate capacity to serve existing development within the Planning Area. It is not known at this time whether adequate capacity existing to serve future development. The City of Newport Beach 1996 Master ✓ ✓ Plan of Sewers identifies deficiencies, which have yet to be upgraded. As a result of rxi.crinv sysrem deficiencies. the Ciry has 0 • U City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Vislonln Technical Back round Ra ort I Pollcv I Framework Solid Waste The three landfills serving the City have ✓ ✓ capacity to serve current development for several years. Specifically, closure dares are estimated to be in 2013 for the Olinda Alpha Sanitary Landfill, 2040 for the Prima Deschecha Sanitary Landfill, and 2024 for the Bowerman Sanitary Landfill. Currently, the City's nonexclusive solid ✓ waste franchise program requires all commercial haulers to recycle at least 50 percent of the waste they collect from the City, which is consistent with the State - Fire established goal. Energy With new development and expansion of existing infrastructure, there is an opportunity for the City to improve upon existing energy conservation programs. Protection With development of the Newport Coast area, the City may need to relocate an existing fire station in the area to meet anticipated needs at buildout. Response presents a challenge for both fire and emergency medical services, as emergency access is limited in portions of the area to Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) only.' ✓ ✓ ✓ If the Banning Ranch area is developed, relocation of an existing fire station (Station 2) may be necessary. ✓ Relocation of Station 1, which serves the Balboa Peninsula, may be required to better serve the area. ✓ ✓ • Rilcy, Timothy. 2003. Personal communia 18 • • Police Protection Visioning TechnlcalBackground Report _ML Framework Long -existing residences and their density ✓ in fire -prone areas, such as Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar present a fire hazard, to be subject to rehabilitation and/or additional regulations that increase fire -resistance in these areas. Future increases in growth in the City ✓ could result in increased traffic congestion, which would affect the ability of the Department to respond to emergencies. Public safety should be a funding priority, ✓ though the issue was not explicitly prioritized, which the issue, which may indicate an overall satisfaction with the current level of safety service. Police The existing staffing level of 1.8 officers ✓ per 1,000 residents is below the NBPD's goal of 1.9 officers per 1,000 residents. The City administers the Volunteers in Policing Program and there are opportunities to expand their presence in the field. ✓ With increased population in the future, the City may need to expand the services that the NBPD provides in the area of Crime Prevention. ✓ Residents have indicated through the ✓ visioning process that public safety should be a funding priority. Participants did not explicitly prioritize the issue, which could indicate an overall satisfaction with the current level of safety service. Education Newport -Mesa School District does not identify significant issues pertaining to schools in Newport Beach. ✓ General Pla • • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Vislonfn I TechnlcalBack round Re ort I Polk Framework Parks The City of Newport Beach is not ✓ ✓ currently meeting its goal for parldand. As of January 1, 2002, the City was 0.8 acre per one thousand residents below its goal of 5.0 acres of parkland per one thousand residents. The City has identified a 2010 parkland ✓ ✓ need of 455 acres based on population projections; this is 115 acres more than the existing inventory, and approximately 77 acres more than what is expected to be available in 2010. Additional population increases are ✓ expected, spurred by infill development and annexations. The demand for recreation facilities will continue to grow and this demand will be compounded with current parkland deficiencies. Although the City is largely urbanized, ✓ there are still several existing vacant parcels of varying size, some of which could be developed for active or passive recreational uses. There are several environmentally sensitive ✓ areas identified by the City and discussed throughout this document, some of which may provide opportunities for passive recreational uses such as nature observation and hiking. It may be a challenge to enhance the recreational and open space qualities of these, while focusing on their sensitivity and overriding need for preservation. Environmental Study Areas located in and ✓ around the Upper Newport Bay and tideland, canyon, and natural areas away from the Upper Bay, such as those found in Newport Coast and Banning Ranch, could be protected and open to the level of public access consistent with this protection. 20 City of Newport Beach Parks Visioning Technical Background Report Policy Framework Recreational and commercial use of the tidelands generates $6 million of annual ✓ revenue while yearly expenditures range from $11 to $12 million. Given this imbalance, the City has approved some development on tidelands (e.g., Balboa Bay Club), and is considering additional development at Marina Park. This fiscal imbalance may lead to a decrease in tidelands available for recreational purposes. Residents have expressed a strong desire for ✓ additional beach and harbor facilities, such as boat launching and sailing facilities. The 1998 Recreation Element identified a ✓ deficiency in lighted sports fields. Meeting this need will be challenging due to the large amount of area required for this park type, the lack of available, suitable land, and the high cost of such land. Regional recreation resources in the City, such as public beaches and the Upper Newport Bay, are not suitable for general park use or for meeting these active sport -recreational needs. The 1998 Recreation Element identified a deficiency for indoor facilities. Additional indoor facilities could be planned, located preferably within a community -level park. ✓ The 1998 Recreation Element identified that community centers are at maximum capacity during peak hours, which limits the ability to offer additional classes. ✓ ✓ The statewide effort to reduce class sizes has generated the need for additional classroom space at the local level. This could cause the Newport Mesa Unified School District to reactivate "dormant" school sites presently leased to the City for recreational purposes and could impact the availability of sports fields for group sports such as soccer, softball, and little league. ✓ ✓ General Plan Technical Bac 0 L� City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning TachrikatBack round Report -MEL Framework The upper Newport Bay is a major environmental and recreational resource for the City and the surrounding region. ✓ ✓ Although located directly in the City of Newport Beach, the Upper Bay is considered a regional resource. Increased and initial preservation of adjacent parcels could contribute to satisfying open space, passive recreation, and resource protection needs for both the region and the City. The 1998 Recreation Element identified a ✓ need for public restrooms at existing beach Civic an and harbor facilities. This is a problem for those on boats not equipped with restroom facilities, to visitors to Upper Newport Bay, and on long stretches of beach land without available facilities. d Cultural Amenities One of Newport Beach's amenities is the breadth of cultural and arts organizations and events, which contribute to an enriched cultural life for its residents and attracts visitors. ✓ Residents have expressed a desire for additional facilities, but potential locations A community cultural arts center has been identified as a community need. ✓ for new cultural facilities within the City have not been identified. Biological Resources Upper Newport Bay is one of the largest coastal wetlands remaining in southern California, and is an ecological resource of national significance. It also provides habitat for threatened species. ✓ Areas of Crystal Cove State Beach and Corona del Mar have been designated a Marine Life Refuge and an Area of Special Biological Significance. ✓ Sensitive marine mammals and plants occur or potentially frequent the nearshore waters along the City coastlines. ✓ 22 • n U Biological Resources VIstoning Technical Background Report Poltc Framework Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a dynamic ✓ marine resource in Newport Harbor and in Upper Newport Bay that provides important nursery and foraging habitat for a variety of invertebrate and fish species. Sites within Newport Harbor and Upper ✓ ✓ Newport Bay have been identified as eelgrass enhancement sites for a joint U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/County of Orange/City of Newport Beach plan to enhance between 5 and 10 acres of eelgrass in Newport Bay. These sites can also be used to mitigate losses of eelgrass that occur as a result of City harbor projects, as well as individual homeowner dock and seawall construction and/or renovation projects. Federally or State listed (as endangered or ✓ threatened) plant species and wildlife species occur or have the potential to occur within the City. Additional nonlisted, but "sensitive" wildlife species and "sensitive" plant species occur or potentially occur within the City. Wildlife corridors within the City of ✓ Newport Beach and the SOI provide extremely valuable habitat for many terrestrial wildlife species. A number of features and drainages within ✓ the City of Newport Beach could be delineated as waters of the United States and fall under the jurisdiction the COE, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. A total of 29 Environmental Study Areas ✓ have been identified within the City or SOI: 20 within the Coastal Zone and 9 outside it. The current potential threats to Environmental Study Areas within the City or SOI include water quality, traffic, noise, public access, encroaching development, erosion and sedimentation (i.e. dredging and filling), stormwater runoff, invasive species introductions (i.e. weeds or feral domestic animals). General Plan Technical Background Report 23 • • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Vislonin Technical Back round ft2ort I PollcyjAramework Hydrologyand Water Quality Future development is likely to increase the ✓ amount of impervious surfaces, thereby increasing stormwater runoff and sedimentation. This could result in potential deterioration in water quality within the Planning Area, and affect the freshwater wetlands, estuary, and Newport Bay. Residents would like to make pollution clean up and the revitalization of beach areas a priority. Some bay beaches are impacted by urban Urban activities such as the use of ✓ runoff, which brings pollutants such as fertilizers within the Planning Area trash, oils, pesticides, pet waste, and trace contribute to the degradation of existing metals, all of which may impair wildlife groundwater quality. habitat and limit bay users' enjoyment of swimming and other water contact sports. Specifically, degraded water quality of Newport Bay and Semeniuk Slough could increase the number of days the beach is closed. New federal and regional regulations may require the City to adopt new water quality provisions. ✓ Improving water quality was identified as ✓ a funding priority during the City's visioning process. GPAC members recommend that the City define separate water quality and conservation policies for different categories of water resources such as ocean/bay and drinking. Business owners consider the City's water ✓ quality a very important attribute in having a business located in Newport Beach. 24 • • • Air Quality Visfonfn Technical Back round Re ort Pollc Framework QualityAir Continued development will increase the ✓ amount of air pollutant sources within the Planning Area. The primary source of these emissions will be motor vehicles from travel within the Planning Area, as well as commuters within the South Coast Air Basin. These emissions could be reduced through planning programs that reduce the length and or number of vehicle trips, and encourage residents to work locally, rideshare, or use alternative forms of transportation. Continued development will increase the ✓ amount of stationary air pollutant sources within the Planning Area. These sources are from construction activities, implementation of industrial or manufacturing uses, and boilers that provide heat. These emissions will be limited and regulated by the SCAQMD through their New Source Review (NSR) permitting procedures. The segregated, low -density, auto -oriented ✓ pattern of development does not facilitate the expansion of public transit services or alternative modes of transportation within the Planning Area. Vehicles capable of using alternative fuels ✓ and possibly electricity may be commercially available and economically viable in the near future. These vehicles will need a large infrastructure to support and refuel these vehicles before the public can accept them. Topography The existing topography provides a ✓ dramatic backdrop that helps define the visual form of the City. Significant topographic features include the bluffs. General Plan Technical Background Report 25 i L-A • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning Technical Background Report Polic Framework Visioning participants indicated the desire ✓ to protect and preserve the bluffs located within the City. Bluffs that were mentioned as particularly significant include Castaways, Banning Ranch, Sunset Ridge, Hoag, Newport Coast, and Irvine Terrace. Some support was expressed for restricting the height and size of homes, establishing large setbacks to protect bluffs, and being more restrictive in the use of variances. Some participants wanted to balance increased controls with the rights of the property owners. In general, the Newport Coast Local ✓ ✓ Coastal Program grading standards tends to locate development on ridges in Newport Coast and Newport Ridge areas in order to maintain the existing topographic form. Visual Resources Protection of public view corridors has As the City contains significant visual ✓ been stated as a priority by Visioning resources -coast, bluffs, hillsides and participants. canyons- and much of Newport Beach's character and visual quality derives from its natural setting, it becomes important to protect views and encourage development that enhances such views. Mansionization of homes may also affect While the City has Shoreline Height ✓ views of bluffs from lower lying areas. Limitation regulations, the According to Visioning participants, "mansionization" of homes upland from development on or near coastal bluffs the coast may affect the community needs to balance land use controls with character of certain neighborhoods and the rights of property owners. have secondary visual impacts. In addition, the City has no regulations that determine the placement of development on bluffs. There is an opportunity to provide vista turn out points and interpretative signs to add to the quality of life for residents and visitors. ✓ State Route 1 (SR-1) is identified as Eligible for State Scenic Highway designation and could be nominated for the State Scenic Highway program. ✓ 26 r1 LJ n U • Mineral Resources Visioning TechnIcalBackground Report Polic Framework Visioning participants have expressed a ✓ desire for the City to preserve tidelands and public open space, both of which have the potential to contribute to visual quality. Mineral Resources Future development and/or recreation use ✓ ✓ of the Banning Ranch area could require remediation and clean-up, as well as be impacted by existing oil operations. Opportunities exist for remediation and/or ✓ reuse of the 33 abandoned oil well sites concentrated along the northwest boundary and located throughout the Planning Area. Cultural The City does not have an ordinance to Resources No local historic preservation standards ✓ regulate or protect historic resources, currently exist for potentially historic which could result in the loss of these structures in the Planning Area that are not resources. Some participants of the already included on an official register. visioning process fear that adoption of Historical structures could be demolished such an ordinance would result in undue or substantially altered to facilitate new property rights restrictions. development (e.g., residential development) if preservation standards are not developed. Development could occur on or directly adjacent to Native American cultural sites because those cultural resources, although often associated with archaeological sites, are not currently identified. ✓ An ad hoc Historic Preservation Advisory In 1992 the Ad Hoc Historic Preservation ✓ ✓ Committee identified over 60 historic Advisory Committee (AHHPAC) applied structures and compiled the City's for inclusion of structures on the Historic Resource Inventory in the early AHHPAC Historical Resources Inventory 1990's. Some residents consider the on the City Register. This and other inventory outdated and limited in scope, unidentified resources in the Planning Area and want a new inventory to be compiled. present opportunities to recognize significant cultural resources. Gen • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Visioning TechnlcalBeck round Report Pollc Framework Unknown cultural resources of all types are ✓ subject to an increased risk of damage or destruction as a result of increased human activity (e.g., hiking and other outdoor recreational activity). Protection of the City's historic villages ✓ and their unique character, such as Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Mariner's Mile, and Lido Marina should be addressed. The City may address these issues by limiting the permitted uses, establishing design guidelines, and establishing a design review process. Coastal The low-lying areas around the City's ✓ ✓ harbor, including the Balboa Peninsula, Newport Bay, Balboa Island, and Lido Isle are susceptible to tsunamis and permanent inundation from sea level rise. Ocean front properties within the City and ✓ ✓ the low-lying areas of Newport Bay are susceptible to storm surges. Natural processes such as long -shore drift, ✓ ✓ storm surge, and sea level rise may lead to coastal erosion involving the City's beaches and bluffs. Seismic Hazards Several active and potentially active faults ✓ ✓ have been mapped across or under the City that may generate earthquakes and cause strong seismic ground shaping. Structures located along the City coast, ✓ ✓ around Newport Bay, and the major stream channels within the City are highly susceptible to liquefaction during an earthquake. Sites in the San Joaquin Hills along the ✓ ✓ margins of the larger drainage channels and an area just west of the Santa Ana River outlet that are underlain by alluvial sediments may be particularly vulnerable to seismically induced settlement. 28 City of Newport Beach I* • • Geologic Hazards Visioning Technical Background Report Policy Framework The central and eastern portions of ✓ ✓ Newport Beach have steep terrain and are subject to seismically induced slope failure. Geologic The bluffs along Upper Newport Bay, ✓ ✓ Newport Harbor, and the Pacific Ocean along with the steep -sided canyons of the San Joaquin Hills, are highly susceptible to slope instability. The bluffs along the beaches and bays in ✓ ✓ the City are susceptible to erosion, heavy precipitation, and the adverse effects of increased runoff and irrigation from development. Small landslides, slumps, and mudflows ✓ may occur throughout the San Joaquin Hills during times of heavy and prolonged rainfall. The lowland areas and canyon bottoms in ✓ ✓ the City are underlain by compressible soils that are subject to soil settlement under loading and are susceptible to the effects of liquefaction when saturated with water. The thick soil profiles developed on the ✓ older marine deposits exposed west of Newport Bay have a moderate expansion potential. Flooding Areas within the City that are located within 100- and 500-year flood zones are susceptible to storm -induced flooding. Approximately 75 percent of households ✓ ✓ located in the 100-year floodplain within the City do not have flood insurance. Potential failure of existing flood retention ✓ ✓ and water storage structures serving the City may result in flooding of portions of the City. General Plan Technical Background Report 29 L_I 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report Vislon1mi Technical Back round Report I Policy Framework Fire Hazards The eastern portion of the City is susceptible to damage from wildland fire, with the undeveloped canyon and hillside areas classified as high fire hazard zones. Transportation corridors cutting through fire -prone areas have increased the potential for fires to impact the southeastern portion of the City. Heavy traffic during peak hours in the City ✓ and long travel distances in the canyon and hillside areas of the southeastern portion of the City can delay fire department responses. Orange County Fire Authority has classified the Newport Coast area, Moro Canyon area, and surrounding hillsides to the east of the City as Special Fire Protection Areas. As structures in older residential areas of the City, including Balboa Peninsula, Balboa Island, and Corona del Mar, may not contain fire -rated building materials or be fitted with fire sprinlders, there is a higher probability of a structural fire impacting adjacent structures. As the City is divided into two regions by Upper and Lower Newport Bay, with approximately one-third of the Fire Department assets located west of Newport Bay and the remaining assets located east of the bay, the limited number of roadways that are available to connect these two sides make it difficult for fire stations on both sides of the bay to support each other during multiple alarm emergencies. With development of Newport Coast in the future, the City may consider the construction of another fire station to serve that area. City of Newport Beach • • Hazardous Materials Management V/s/o ITechnical Back round Re ort Pollc Framework Hazardous Materials Management Federal and State air quality criteria are expected to become more stringent in the ✓ near future. There are two facilities in the Newport ✓ Beach area that are listed in the most recently available Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). These include (1) Conexant Systems Int. located at 4311 Jamboree Road; and (2) Hixson Metal Finishing located at 829 Production Place. In addition to the two large quantity hazardous waste generators and approximately 115 small quantity generators currently in the Newport Beach area, the number of small quantity generators is expected to increase with additional development in the City. ✓ According to the State Water Resources Control Board, approximately 29 leaping underground storage tank sites are still in various stages of the remediation process. ✓ There are two oil fields with active wells located in the Planning Area. Hazardous materials may be generated in association with the activities in the one oil field located in the City, and the other oil field located primarily within the County, which is considered to be in the City's Sphere of Influence. ✓ Natural seepages of gas occur in the western and southwestern portions of the City, while methane gas associated with an abandoned landfill has been reported near the City's northwestern corner. ✓ Strong ground shaking caused by an earthquake on one of the many faults in the region could cause the release of hazardous materials at any of the hazardous materials facilities in the City. ✓ General P • • City of Newport Beach Planning Issues Report vision in Technical Back round Report Policy Framework Aviation In anticipation of a potential commercial ✓ airliner crash within the City of Newport Beach, the City may want to formalize a Memorandum of Understanding with JWA and the Orange County Fire Authority regarding the response of Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles. Direct communication between Traffic ✓ Control at JWA and Fire/Rescue Dispatch for the City of Newport Beach currently does not exist. A formalized training program involving ✓ all different entities (NBFD, NBPD, OCFA, OC Sheriff) currently does not exist. Noise Continued development will likely increase ✓ the amount of construction noise sources within the Planning Area. These activities will generally occur during daytime hours in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. Continued development will increase the amount of noise sources within the Planning Area. The primary source of increased noise levels will be motor vehicles (on freeways and arterials). New mechanical equipment will also generate noise, although it will be controlled in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. ✓ Increased noise levels at existing noise sensitive uses —particularly older homes and facilities catering to sensitive receptors located in close proximity to roadways — are a challenge to address since attenuation generally requires the construction of sound walls and/or retrofitting the existing buildings with new windows and ventilation systems. ✓ 32 • LI Noise visioning Technical Background Report 22LL Framework Noise from John Wayne Airport ✓ contributes to ambient noise levels in the Planning Area and may need to be addressed if air traffic increases. Nighttime restaurant opportunities and ✓ residential gatherings will continue to generate noise in the Harbor area and throughout the Planning Area, and may warrant distinct actions as new development both generates and is a receptor to nighttime noise. General Plan Techn CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: General Plan Advisory Committee FROM: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Zf1J DATE: March 17, 2004 RE: Geo Area Subcommittees Your co-chairs, Nancy Gardner and Phillip Lugar, have done their best to honor your subcommittee priorities, while making sure that all subcommittees have an appropriate number of members and while limiting the number of times that people are scheduled for two subcommittees on the same night. The attached subcommittee list is the result of that effort. Nancy and Phil will • not be on subcommittees themselves, but will try to follow the progress of all the groups and be available to assist subcommittees who need help. Please note that chairs for the subcommittees also have been appointed. If you have been appointed to chair a subcommittee and are willing to accept this responsibility, thank you. If you feel that you are unable to do so, please let me know as soon as possible, so that Nancy and Phil can make adjustments. In a few cases, people have been assigned to two subcommittees that will meet the same night. This situation affects Elizabeth Bonn, Lucille Kuehn and Ron Yeo. In all of these cases, the conflict is between the third meeting on Banning Ranch or JWA and the only meeting on Corona del Mar or West Newport Residential. Ron is chairing the Corona del Mar subcommittee, so needs to leave Banning Ranch after two meetings. Nancy and Phil leave it to Elizabeth and Lucille to decide whether they are so involved in the first assignment that they should attend all three meetings, or whether they have made their contributions and can move on to the next area. There are more cases where people have not been given an assignment for all five nights when the subcommittees will be meeting. These people, listed on the next page, have the option of taking a night or two off, or sitting in on another subcommittee on the nights when they do not have a specific assignment. People should not feel compelled to join another subcommittee. All of the subcommittees have enough members to do the work, and there will be more subcommittees and plenty of work for everyone before this process is done. If you choose to sit in, please try to be respectful of the work that may have been done by the group already, and sensitive to the • chair's need to recognize appointed members first and to ensure that the subcommittee is accomplishing its assignment — to develop land use alternatives to be analyzed by the traffic and fiscal impact models. lJ 171 GPAC MEMBERS WITH "FREE" NIGHTS Patrick Bartolic Elizabeth Bonn Gus Chabre John Corrough Lila Crespin Grace Dove Florence Felton Bob Hendrickson Mike Ishikawa Kim Jansma Mike Johnson Bill Kelly Don Krotee Barbara Lyon Charles Remley Ed Siebel 2 is 9 #2 #3 GPAC Geographic Subcommittees GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C Banning -Ranch JWA Area Balboa Peninsula O'Hara - Chair Siebel - Chair Dove - Chair Bettencourt Alford Chabre Bonn Boice Corrough Bradley Dietz Hendrickson Greeley Kuehn Jansma Krotee Root Kelly Ossipoff Saunders Lyon Vandersloot Seely Marston Yeo Remley Webber Banning Ranch JWA Area Balboa Peninsula O'Hara - Chair Siebel - Chair Dove - Chair Bettencourt Alford Chabre Bonn Boice Corrough Bradley Dietz Hendrickson Greeley Kuehn Jansma Krotee Root Kelly Ossipoff Saunders Lyon Vandersloot Seely Marston Yeo Remley Webber GROUP D I Not Assigned Bartolic Crespin Felton Ishikawa Johnson Crespin Felton Ishikawa Johnson Banning Ranch JWA Area Corona del Mar W. Newport Residential Not signed O'Hara - Chair Siebel - Chair Yeo- Chair Marston - Chair Chabre Bettencourt Alford Bartolic Bonn Corrough Bonn Dietz Boice Felton Dove Bradley Kuehn Crespin Ishikawa Hendrickson Greeley Root Kuehn Johnson Jansma Krotee Saunders Webber Kelly Lyon Ossipoff Seely Remley Vandersloot 4 is 11 wu GPAC Geographic Subcommittees GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C GROUP D Mariners Mile W. Newport Industrial Fashion Is/Newport Ctr Old Newport Blvd. Not Assigned Ossipoff - Chair Jansma - Chair Alford - Chair Krotee - Chair Siebel Corrough Bettencourt Bartolic Bonn Ishikawa Chabre Boice Dove Johnson Dietz Bradley Kelly Root Felton Crespin Lyon Seely Greeley Hendrickson Remley Vandersloot Marston Kuehn Webber O'Hara Saunders Yeo Mariners Mile W. Newport Industrial Fashion Is/Newport Ctr Ossipoff - Chair Jansma - Chair Alford - Chair Corrough Bettencourt Bartolic Ishikawa Chabre Boice Johnson Dietz Bradley Root Felton Crespin Seely Greeley Hendrickson Vandersloot Marston Kuehn Webber O'Hara Saunders Yeo I Not Assigned I Bonn Dove Kelly Krotee Lyon Remley Siebel 0 -r- GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 22, 2004 Roger Alford Patrick Bartolic Phillip Bettencourt Carol Boice Elizabeth Bonn Karlene Bradley Gus Chabre John Corrough Lila Crespin Laura Dietz Grace Dove • Florence Felton Nancy Gardner Louise Greeley Bob Hendrickson Tom Hyans Mike Ishikawa Kim Jansma Mike Johnson Bill Kelly Donald Krotee Lucille Kuehn Philip Lugar Barbara Lyon Marie Marston Catherine O'Hara r� U L a e 1 M- • • • Carl Ossipoff _^ Charles Remley Larry Root GENERAL PLAN ASISORY COMMitTEE Monday, March 22, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS f04, It,�I d,+,t, GENERAL PLAN ANISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 22, 2004 PUBLIC SIGN -IN NAME ADDRESS/PHONE • E-MAIL ADDRESS E 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday, March 22, 2004, at the Police Department Auditorium. Members Present: Roger Alford Nancy Gardner Phillip Lugar Phillip Bettencourt Louise Greeley Barbara Lyon Carol Boice Bob Hendrickson Marie Marston Elizabeth Bonn Mike Ishikawa Catherine O'Hara Karlene Bradley Kim Jansma Carl Ossipoff John Corrough Mike Johnson Hall Seely Lila Crespin Bill Kelly Ed Siebel Laura Dietz Donald Krotee Ron Yeo Grace Dove Lucille Kuehn Members Absent: Patrick Bartolic Tom Hyans (sick leave) John Saunders Gus Chabre Charles Remley Jan Vandersloot Florence Felton Larry Root Tom Webber Staff Present: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Patricia Temple, Planning Director Tamara Campbell, Senior Planner Debbie Lektorich, Executive Assistant Woodie Tescher, EIP Consultant Conni Pallini, EIP Planner Harriet Lai Ross, EIP Planner Members of the Public Present: Jayne Jones Everette Phillips Carol Hoffman I. Call to Order Nancy Gardner called the meeting to order. • II. Approval of Minutes Mike Ishikawa pointed out that he was not at the meeting on March 8th. The minutes of the March 8, 2004 meeting were approved with the attendance correction. III. Draft Technical Background Report Woodie Tescher introduced his staff who helped prepare the Technical Background Report. Mr. Tescher briefly reviewed the document, pointing out the report was organized similar to general plan format and does not include reports previously distributed to the group (i.e. economic, traffic, biological resources, etc.). Don Krotee asked to what extent the document establishes precedent. Mr. Tescher indicated the document is intended to be an objective document stating the facts without making judgments. IV. Issues Report Mr. Tescher led the discussion of the report section by section taking comments along the way. Land Use Don Krotee felt that the wording regarding mansionization did not reflect the feelings of • the participants of the visioning process; he felt it was not strong enough. Sharon Wood pointed out that West Newport had the least concern over this issue because it was improving their neighborhood by replacing duplexes with single family residences. Nancy Gardner stated that in the Visioning Workshop at OASIS participants had very strong feelings on both sides of this subject. Phillip Lugar indicated that residents on Balboa Island feel it is a very serious issue that needs to be dealt with. Ron Yeo suggested adding "major concern" to the statement. Ed Siebel stated that the zoning on Balboa Island has encouraged people to use the space effectively and you don't find square boxes anymore. Carol Boice asked why Fashion Island was listed as an exception under Residential/Commercial Interface areas and suggested it be deleted. Ms. Wood indicated that there were fewer complaints in Fashion Island than from the Peninsula, Corona del Mar and Balboa Island; however, maybe the statement should say Newport Center rather than Fashion Island. Lila Crespin asked if the statement should be expanded to include air pollution. Ms. Boice asked if light pollution from athletic fields should be addressed as an issue. Catherine O'Hara asked about the six Specific Plan areas identified under Commercial and if Banning Ranch should be added. Ms. Wood indicated that these areas are identified in the general plan. Mr. Tescher added it doesn't preclude looking at other • areas. 2 . Ms. O'Hara also asked if gymnasiums should be addressed as a recreational need. Ms. Gardner recalled hearing comments about indoor facilities. Hall Seely asked about the definition of policy and framework as used in this document. Mr. Tescher indicated sometimes it is a gray area between the two. He gave an example using Measure S, it is a reality and we're not creating policy so it is listed under framework. Elements we are potentially going to be generating a policy for would be listed under policy. Some issues may switch as we get into the process. Grace Dove indicated boats are missing in this document and should be listed under Recreation. John Corrough agreed and added that we need to include the waterside of the tidelands. Mr. Seely asked about the areas listed under mixed -use development, it did not include Old Newport Boulevard or West Newport Industrial areas. Mr. Tescher indicated that the areas listed were the ones that came up during the visioning process; however it did not preclude discussions on other areas. Philip Bettencourt asked about the language under Recreation and Open Space regarding development of Banning Ranch reducing open space resource, he felt the open space could be enhanced through development. Study Areas Ms. O'Hara felt the language regarding Banning Ranch was too limiting, it only indicates • development or open space and it could be a combination of both. Ron Yeo asked that language be added under Santa Ana Heights to include maintaining equestrian trails. Laura Dietz asked if we needed to distinguish between the areas in Santa Ana Heights that has been annexed and the West Santa Ana Heights area that may be annexed in the future. Ms. Wood stated there was no need because it was within our sphere of influence. Mr. Bettencourt felt we might be too limiting in regard to areas that could be considered for mixed -use development. Ms. O'Hara thought there had been discussion regarding marine uses in Mariners Mile. Ms. Wood indicated it was probably listed in the economic development section. Ms. Gardner thought it might be good to make a note in this area also. Mr. Corrough indicated the Harbor Commission had just reviewed a study of a possible pedestrian walkway along Mariners Mile. Ms. Wood indicated there would be a presentation to the City Council regarding this report at the Study Session on March 23rd. Ms. Boice asked if the language should be added regarding streetscape improvements in Corona del Mar indicating it was contingent on the City's acquisition of Coast • Highway. Ms. Wood felt that regardless of the acquisition, the residents and business owners still have the desire for improvements. 3 Ms. Boice asked if Measure S would be triggered if Newport Center and Fashion Island went beyond their zoning capacity. Ms. Wood stated it was actually the General Plan capacity and it would depend on the size of the additional development. Population & Demographics Ms. Dietz suggested adding the demand for senior related housing to this section. Housing Ms. Gardner asked that the next time we go through this process there should be discussion on how to challenge the RHNA allocation. Mr. Krotee asked about the language about Banning Ranch and if it was limiting the development of affordable housing because of the environmental constraints. Ms. Wood thought the statement indicated the land may not yield as much housing because of the environmental constraints, not just affordable housing. Mr. Siebel asked who generated the RHNA numbers: Mr. Tescher indicated SCAG made the determinations. Bob Hendrickson asked if there were penalties if housing was not developed. Mr. Tescher indicated there are bills currently being considered which may impose severe penalties. Ms. Wood added that the penalties would be imposed for not having d certified housing element. Cities are not required to produce the housing, we are required to have policies and programs that facilitate the development of housing. • Kim 7ansma asked why West Newport Industrial area wasn't listed along with Newport Coast and Newport Ridge for new housing units. Ms. Wood indicated that the 476 units were for the 1999 City limits and Newport Coast/Newport Ridge were annexed after that and the numbers listed are those we negotiated with the County. Circulation Karlene Bradley thought the word "generally" should be deleted from the first section about traffic/congestion. Ms. O'Hara agreed that the statement was too soft. Ms. O'Hara commented on the next section regarding exploring less restrictive level of service. Previous discussions on this topic included accepting some lower LOS intersections because there was nothing that could help with the congestion and some areas where more congestion would be accepted, like Corona del Mar because traffic speed are lower. Ms. Gardner questioned if this came out of the visioning process. Ms. Wood thought this comment related to the airport area. Mike Ishikawa stated an issue to be addressed was protecting residential neighborhoods from cut -through traffic. Mr. Tescher indicated it was mentioned on page 3. Marie Marston commented on Public Transit, if ridership is the deficiency then the existing networks aren't sufficient and need to be examined further. Mr. Corrough commented on the second item in the Visioning column under Air and • Maritime Travel stating that it should say water based transportation which would include the ferry to Catalina. Also in the Technical Background Report column it E suggests the potential for traffic problems related to maritime uses; however one of the • solutions is to use the water and things that float in place of things with wheels as a means of moving people. Ms. Boice asked about encouraging use of the 73 toll road instead of Coast Highway. Mr. Tescher indicated that was policy. Jayne Jones commented on Pedestrian & Bicycle Mobility/Accessibility and suggested including the equestrian trail system. Ms. Dietz asked if de-emphasizing use of automobiles on Coast Highway came out of the visioning process. She also questioned how congestion could be decreased in Corona del Mar when 5 lanes of traffic merge into 2. Ms. Gardner pointed out the statement is based on what people want. Ms. Jansma commented on Public Transit indicating she thought if we had a system like the Blue Bus in Santa Monica it would be used by residents as well as people who come here to work for residents. Ms. Gardner pointed out that was also a policy. Ms. Wood pointed out that there was a strong interest in transit during the visioning process. Mr. Kelly asked if there was a way to address the size of buses. Ms. Gardner indicated that would also be policy. Ms. Boice asked about the status of the Centerline project. Mr. Tescher indicated he would check with Carleton Waters. • Water System Ms. Marston indicated it was odd that we don't know if it can accommodate future growth. Mr. Tescher indicated the water management plan serves a larger area and it doesn't break down by city. Mr. Corrough indicated desalinization should be addressed as an opportunity that needs to be explored. Ms. Marston thought conservation efforts should be added also. Wastewater Ms. O'Hara stated we should know the future capacity. Storm Drain System Mr. Bettencourt pointed out there is no mention of water quality in this section. Ms. Gardner indicated some storm drains do have filters. Ms. Dove asked if some local diversion might have to take place. Ms. Marston asked if the storm drain and sewers were interconnected. Mr. Tescher responded that he thought they were, but he would check. Mr. Yeo thought the urban runoff problem should be addressed. • Solid Waste Mr. Yeo indicated he was surprised that Newport Beach only has one recycling area. 5 Fire Protection Ms. Jansma asked about relocating fire stations. Harriet Lai Ross indicated the fire department would relocate to better serve the residents. Ms. Wood thought the final two statements should be combined because one station relocation would affect the other. Ms. O'Hara asked if the City has a response time policy for fire. Ms. Gardner indicated it was in the technical background report. Mr. Corrough asked about the use of the term fire -prone areas when referring to existing residences. Ms. Temple indicated that on Balboa Island and the Peninsula there is high number of wood roofs, and in Corona del Mar there is the potential for wildland fires. Mr. Hendrickson thought fire -prone area should be replaced by high fire potential areas or high fire hazard areas. Ms. Marston thought language should be added to include maintenance related to fire protection. Ms. Gardner indicated that would be policy. Ms. Wood added that language may need to be added about interface areas. Mr. Krotee pointed out that in the last statement there were too many "which"s. Mr. Corrough thought there should be something added regarding the Harbor Patrol's firefighting capabilities. Police Protection Ms. O'Hara asked if the staffing level goal of 1.9 officers per 1,000 residents was a City goal or a Department goal. Ms. Wood indicated it was a Department goal. Ms. Jansma asked if there had been comments made during the visioning process regarding the helicopters shining lights into houses. Ms. Wood indicated we get complaints from time to time. Ms. Gardner stated this may come up in future subcommittee meetings. Education Mr. Siebei thought the statement regarding the Newport -Mesa School District might be better if reworded to be more positive. Ms. Boice asked if the City can do anything regarding the traffic generated by the high schools. Mr. Tescher indicated the City can't require them to do anything. Ms. O'Hara pointed out that there is a task force talking about traffic at Corona del Mar High School traffic. Parks Mr. Yeo asked about the definition of parkland. Mr. Tescher indicated the definition was in the background report. Ms. Wood added that it is a City Council adopted goal. Mr. Kelly asked if it was a realistic goal. Mr. Tescher said technically it was realistic because there were open areas that the City could acquire. • M • Ms. Dove pointed out the statement at the top of page 21 that implies the tidelands have to balance. Mr. Corrough suggested deleting "given this imbalance" and "fiscal imbalance". Mr. Bettencourt pointed out that different terms were used in the document when referring to open spaces. Ms. Dove pointed out confusion between commercial recreation and visitor serving commercial recreation. Ms. Bradley thought didn't want to make a generalized statement that would apply to every open space. Ms. Wood asked to review the use of the terms. Civic and Cultural Amenities Ms. Crespin asked to create a policy that comes directly from people involved in the arts. Mr. Tescher indicated it would be in policy, however there is a subcommittee that will have a discussion on the arts and culture policy later in the process. Lucille Kuehn asked if City Hall should be addressed in this section. Mr. Tescher indicated it was included on page 5 under Study Areas. Biological Resources Carl Ossipoff stated there was no mention of the silt build up in the Upper Bay and our desire to keep it silt free. Ms. Gardner pointed out the comment on dredging on page 23. • Hydrology and Water Ouality Ms. Gardner pointed out this section talked about the Bay, however it left off the ocean which is also impacted. Air Quality Mr. Seely pointed out there was no mention of aircraft emissions in this section. Mr. Corrough asked about the 3'd statement in this section and if use of waterways should be added as alternative modes of transportation. Visual Ms. Jansma asked if there were laws or restrictions in place to require setbacks to keep areas looking natural. Mr. Tescher indicated that would be policy. Ms. Wood added that there aren't many in Newport Beach presently. Mike Johnson stated that trees are a large issue and there should be 'a City policy regarding trees. Ms. Wood indicated there is a City Council Policy and perhaps it should be referenced. Fire Hazards Mr. Bettencourt pointed out that the reference to the Orange County Fire Authority should be removed since they no longer have jurisdiction in Newport Coast. • Ms. Dove suggested mutual aid agreements should be noted. Ms. Gardner pointed out that is was mentioned in the technical background report. 7 Mr. Johnson thought our building code should encourage the use of sprinklers in new • construction. Ms. Gardner indicated that would be policy. Hazardous Materials Ms. Crespin suggested prohibiting hazardous materials. Ms. Gardner indicated many items are household items used daily. Ms. Dietz pointed out that hospital disposal of hazardous materials was not covered. Ms. Boice asked who controls the toxic release inventory list. Mr. Tescher indicated it was the State. Ms. Temple added there are requirements for these businesses through our Fire Department and County Public Health. Aviation Hazards Ms. O'Hara asked if the wording could be changed to "in case of" instead of "anticipation of". Noise Ms. Dietz asked about the construction noise and pointed out that it only last a certain period of time. Ms. Wood pointed out that it may not be the same property, but seems to go on forever when everyone in the neighborhood is doing it. Ms. Dietz also pointed out that there are plans for quieter aircraft in the future. • Mr. Bettencourt asked if staff could provide another version of this document with strike-outs/underlines so the committee could get a feel for the work done tonight. V. Discussion of Future Agenda Items Ms. Gardner pointed out the new schedule distributed tonight (attached). Mr. Tescher stated the next two meetings would include discussions on guiding principles. VI. Public Comments Everette Phillips provided written comments for the committee to consider (see attached). Jayne Jones stated that under Parks it should be noted that an equestrian area is supposed to be added near the YMCA and wants to make sure it is included in the general plan. H.