HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 21isla nd - d.'-sh long, attach se ate sheet) O5VSr�: March 20, 1986 MINUTES c b Z C m �Y t 9 Z r� a Cityof INlew ort Beach c 2 y o� o o 2 7mu O m > m SJ ROLL +Ck i NNUMN ih m"N Motion All Ayes Motion All ;Ayes object, s to Item No. 6, Use Permit No. 2055 (Amended), ng continued to the Planning Commission Meeting of Apr i 0, 1986, as requested by adjoining residents.Motion was utade to remove Item 1, Exception Permit No. 21 from calendar, and to contin tem No. 5 and Item tic. 6, to the Planning Commission me.- of April 10, 1986. Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. Exception Permit No. 21 (Discussion) Item No.l Request to permit the installation of two special purpose directiflnal signs in the common parking area of. EP No. 21 Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq.ft. in area and contain. 'locos and names of individual commercial Removed tenants. From Calendar LOCATION: I.ot 21, Tract No. 6019, located at 24 Fashion 1.sland, on the westerly side_ of Newport Center Drive, near the inter- section of Santa Rosa Drive; and Newport Center Drive, in Fashion Island. ZONE: C-0-Fi APPLICANT: The Irvine Retail Property ro., Long Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Aeach Motion was made to remove Item No. 1, Exception Permit No. 21, from.the calendar. Motion voted on, 14DTION CARRIED. Planning Commission FROM Planning Department SUBJECT: Exception Parmit No:-21 (Discussion) Request to permit the installation of, two s3rye►r7(.Ltl purpose directional signs in the comunon parking aron of Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq. ft. in area rind contain logos and namesof individual commertsial tenants. LOCATION: Lot 21, Tract No, 6019, located at 24 Fashion Island, on the westerly side of Newport Center Drive, near the intersection of Santa Rosa Drive and Newport Cer_ter Drive, .in Fashion Island. 'LONE: C-0-11 APPLTCANT: The Irvine Retail Property Co., 1,ong Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach 'Application This application is - a :request to permit` the installation Of, two special purpose directional tigris in the comnnon`, parking area :of Fashion Island, 'vhich exceed 6; sq'ft. in area and contaiin Newport. Center logos-and:names. cf 'individua2..commercial tenants Exception permit procedures are set forth :in Section 20.06.090 of the Newport `Reach' Municipal Code.;. Environmental Significance y Atnning,.Commission`-2: Background Thee is no comprehensive (sign program for Fashion Lsland. Signs have been approved on an individual basis in accordance with sz+ctions of the Newport Beach Siqn Ordinance which addresses signage in the C-0 District. Exception permits have been processed as appropriate. On May 9, 1.985, the Planning Commission unanimously approved Exco-pt:ion Permit No. 16, which permitted the installation of,, four wall signs on the Atrium Court building where the sign Ordinance would allow a maximum ,of three wall signs per b)Ailding. Exception Permit No. 7, . approved June 17,.1976i allowed,a sign in excess of 200 square feot at Bullock Is Wilshire Department:; Store, and: Exception Permit No. 3, approved June 15,-.1967, allowed 4 wall signs in excess of 200 square feet at Robinson's Department Store. The previous year, various signs ranging in size from 21 square feet to 817 :square feet, were approved for the major tenants at Fashion Island. Planned Community District Standards are currently bein:r dcavoloped for Fashion Island. A comprehensive sign program would be nmotig the items addressed. It is anticipated that the .Planned Community Development Standards will be submitted to the Planning Commission In April, 1986. Analysis The applicant proposes to instal]. two illuminated ground iAgns in the Fashion Island parking lot which are intended to provide direction to the Irvine Ranch, Farmer's Market and other major tenants of Fashion Island. Sign "C" will be located approximately 200 feet south of the northeasterly entrance to Fashion Island at Santa posh Drive. The sign will. be 6 .feet, 1.0 inches,high and -will. have 4 facets, each having an area ;of 16 square .feet. Sign.I'D" will be locatedapproximately:250 feet southeast of Sign "c". The sign ;will be 5; feet, ; 6 inob-Is high and will have, .2.,,faces. which: will ;also be. 16 square ;feet, ench., Roth signs will feature .the Newport Center name and logo at.. the top and will have interior illumination. Section 20.06.070;B normally: limits special purpose directional signs to 6 square feet in area and prohibits the use of names and .Logos on such: signs. In response to the above findings, the applicant has rtuk)mitted the following statements in support of his application; 1. Why will the proposal not be contrary to thr: purpose of the sign ordinance?.. "Tl2 proposed signs are identical to thn existing identification and directional signs that arcs on Newport'Center Drive at this time." 2. What exceptional or extraordinary ciresmastances are in- volved? "true to the vast amount of major retail businesses in Fashion Island; a directional sign program is essent.ial. for proper traffic flow." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a substan- tial, property right? "To insure proper traffic flow; this is a major need in Fashion Island for saff- traffic con- ditions." 4. Why will the proposal not be detrimental to the neighbor- hood? "These are all inside Fashion Island and there is no residential are nearby." 8 ecific Findings and Recommendation It is staffs opinion that the proposed sign exception is a reasonable request because Fashion Island, at approximately 75 acres, is so .large that the signs would not be highly visible off the site and the efficiency of,, -on -site vehicular 'circulation Iwould be enhanced by directional., signs- at :key locations. However, in order to assure overall consistency and harmonyof signage at. Fashion Island, the Planning Commission may wish to refrain from acting on this request until the adoption of Planned�Commun.ity District, Standards for Fashion Island.. Staff recommends that this item be co)tinued untli' a comprehensive sign program is developed for Fashion Island. if, on the other hand, the Planning Commission wishes to take action at the present time, suggested findings and conditions of approval are set forth in Exi:ibit "Alf. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES A. HEWICKER, Director, FINDINGS: l- That the proposed signs represent a reasonable request in vlow of the size of the Far;hion Island complex, and the on -site- vehicular circulation will be enhanced by directional signs at key locations. 2. That the :granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter. 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not: br_• niateriall.y detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing It, the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious 1:0 property or improvements i.n the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substarnt_1nl. confor- mance with the approved plot plan and aign ele- vat.ions, except as noted in the fOI10winq con- ditions. 2 That Sign "D" shall be relocated tr a point at least : 12 feet south of the -northerlyedge of the landscaped divider, 3. That . the final: la%etion of al't 'signs nhall meet the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. W �' S ►oVr t U4(, r 3;7 �i'."—..., SA, j �w�r.. "....... ...�.� +y�1 4.: Grp ofl i ` ' NtE £.pivt iF17 G 'ao X_FIRE DEPARTMEirr X PLAN REVIL-11 DIVISION _^PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTN.E'NT ~MARINE. SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Exception Permit No. 21 — PLAiIS Off FILE III PLA nirt4G OiPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two spacial purpose directional signs in the common parking area of Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq. ft. in area and contain names of individual commercial tenants. LOCATION: 64 Fashion Island REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 10, 1986 COMMISSION PXVIEW: March 20, 1986 COMMENTS: s CITY OF NE`r1PORT 13EACH PLAh'NING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUPS'T X—-ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISI0;1 r.• XPUBLIC WOR:<S DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER ).FIRE .DEPARTMENT X PLAN PY-VIEW DIVISION ^—PARKS G RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY _GRADIM APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Exception Permit No. 21 Dats, February 26, 1986 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETUR12) PLANS ON FILE IN PLA: NrUG DEPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two special purpose directional signs in the common parking area of Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq. ft. in area and contain names of individual commercial tenants. LOCATION: 64 Cashion Island REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 10, 1986 COMJ41SSIOld REVIEW: COMMENTS: March 20, 1986 ri t was..' ite _:._J7 r Signature " '"" µ Date X_PUBLIC WORKS DEFARTMEE! "T X TPAFFIC ENGINEER X FIRE DEPARTMENT X"PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PAPYS3 & RECREATION POL;IC`F DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: The Ii-jine Company FOR: Exception Permit No. 21 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEAf3L: FXTf,'•x .11) PLANS OP► FILE IN PLAf+il INGY DE,PT, REQUEST TO: Perm -it the installation of two special purpose directional signs in the common parking area of Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq.ft. in area and contain names of individual commercial tenants. LOCATION: 64 Fashion Island REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 10, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: March 20, 1986 COMIMIEN•TS : jiM t�.h x ✓ rT at�r ,7jrt�; •,rl�Ic' ioF is t.:v .a�✓ /'eC.f L#+ r, �_ � "� Toy' r f, •fiVf'/ «yya'erre lt'-�.w��''e'/i.�iG "' l,�Fi -A-V ;/Llo C/�'.riU�f' f1 rr ftlY (rr�vr' rY 1r✓ NO SianaturQ >. a X...-r �..� n'to r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPART. MVr PLA14 REVIEW REQUEST Date February 26 1986 X_ADVAN•CE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'. IME?ri X PLANS ATTACHIRD (PLEASE RETURN) X TP.AFFIC ENGINEER. ---3C FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLAN14111, 09PT, X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION �PARXS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTmEr-rr MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Exception Permit- No. 21 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two :special purpose directionial, signs in the common parking area of Fashion island, which exceed 6 sq,ft, III arr;a and contain names of individual commercial tenants. LOCATION: 64 Fashion Island REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 10, 1986 CO.I1114ISSION REVIEW: March 20, 1986 COMMENTS: vs�•Lu 4../r..... V Yr.i/i.v1• XPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X_TRAFFIC V,'GIHEER X_FIRE DEPARTMENT XPf PAPXS & PZCP.EATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Exception Permit No. 21 X PLANS ATTACTIED (PLRASE RETUR1t) PLANS ON t. I<.F Tr'. ` rlitiiv1NG DEFT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two spacial purpose directional signs in the cor on parking area of Fashion Island, which exceed 6 sq. ft. in area and contain names of individual commercial tenants. LOCATION: 64 Fashion Island P.EPOnP REQUESTED BY: March 10, 1986 COMVISSION REVIEW: March 20, 1986 COMME14TS: ;' � r-, ('e-, L_,, .t Signature Date 11�Y,q {'.. G�4a ILL 1 u«TCM DRIVE l 1 s S NEWPORI CENTER DRIVE \ T 21 L i j I I • l I / oat* 7171111111114117171711111111111 1 Is- 7 e` ae 1 I L_J i + �-±L I lilllllllllll �1 1 - -- 'F I c -3--' • • �� ashion Island Newport Bench . California M-11 LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED_ PLAN REVISED 16 SEPT. 1985 Wort 0 40 50 160 �C- 3 N q7 C N N N v> _ >W ? EG >r0 ��C N�IrlS- Ok Q EQc.8r^'cC Z'^laQ1 .8 C* L V G U m -2 a D�'(�0- 0 ?-0,�JQ�tiyg wOOG-;Ny5�;z 7%v OI a�,L �"c C/L,�H� ��_ �°na`=NcnN=Q m�Ec�o% cE.2DE='v TD >0_ u y v,DNO-0Cmd; CLE- 1-iV= C C W C 26) +r. �a ... aj o ri rn Q U U Q _Q) 6 r GXC'C�}uv�-�I /00 .e3 f �aume D �� P__ ' Inc // 2 N fit/ •,[ c� r: �rCCdT'-"t: u VCCj�C p�LUC HART NQ+7 C N Q+ C N N R Nx -°f F >E R`$,Ro��NE;��=ir BUJ 3—a,�G3=o v c�Q52SO- pp�� p Z D7`�L n�GnTN�C ct�E3cn°mucE.2>E�,� +9 >D C — �. . L 6J V r GVVDG�DyV�L-Q.E=y7 c L�)L VCU Ord=C>=GDP-eO .ou, c a) Ln 0 > c,2 MEM N LM Cl) L •� `. Q) �+ cn O)l ..... ..... . . ......... • • Is %% --) -- 1 6� , , — - 111. .� i POLE SIGN: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet to be Superiors patented 'Mark 1 fi anodized extruded aluminum sign system. dA . f^QA5' Letters and graphics to be custom fabricated acrylic. Size. color and trim as noted on plan. Interior illumination to be 800 ma. high a," fluorescent lamps on \ centers for even lighting. \ Service access to lamps, ballasts and wrong through Superiors swing \ pinned openable face retention system. Sign to be connected to approved sign circuit (with 20 Amp. legs) of i.- adequate capacity and of display locaticxi at time of instafFation. Sigh shad be considered completely installed. in any evert. at time sign is ready for electrical connection. Ru er shad fumish and ku-tad photo electric or time clock `witching device. Sod bearing pressure is assumed to be 8W#/sq. Q. medium clay and that normal digging conditions exist without underground obstructions and buyer wid secure access for mechanical digging equipment. �— u Q N N A ✓� � �7 %` � N Ti � E � _ r�>ip�>8C �u�j L Q 0o 0 -o GC- t _ D %0 Q�W NBC ?_? O W;� y V�; 'oon 2cc0 °�yyyjyyc e ONC�CQ'U_ g==i�g'onQ�sNcn N�Q COE �nm70 Vt�Dctiyy�yv,taaE=u Lv'CiO���t ',C.)iL VCC 1- i C 5. 1-_MvfC CW 0 a M t E A ° Z Z rn� U Cr p • LO a. a tn • C\1 r CO W fa 4J CO • ;gym• F • F. �Ce�+o,�- I ,30r,�