HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 23r + C� M SSI ��M O M I N U T S ,' �: fi sa► G Qq is 'GZ`OaZ9i ;`t 'a�'�Zptr 4, 1.9$6 � Z fit' Gf'�yo �Y OF NE '�'�3F PONTT' EACH ALL` CALL ....`._._' r ,.. INDEX 11. t the occupant load shall be determined by. the - Fir artment. 12. Than an n.. ent to Condition No. of Use Permit No. 3120 11 be permitted so nr,;to allow, beer and wine to b erved only In the tenant space known as -Milano's aurant. 13. Than the property owner shall n III of the tenants of the Fun Zone of the ingn and conditions in Use Fermin No. 3120, Exception Permit No. 23 (Discussion) Item No.3 Request to permit the; relocation of two nonoonforming free-standing identification signs and estal)Jjf:}s 17 EP23 new wall identification sign in conjunction with f;,t,. Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reform Tsisnlyl_r,4, on Approved property Located in the} R-3-A-PRD District. LOCATION: Record of Survey 56-2 (Resubdivirsion No. 144), located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly corner Of Jamboree Road and Earstbluff Drive, in rassxhl.uff. ZONE: R-3-H-PRD APPLICr1NTSa St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reform Temple, Newport Beach: OWNERS: Same as applicants Mr. David Gilbert appeared before the Planning Commissionon 'behalf of the applicants, and.he`:stated that the applicants. concur with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". Motion All. AyesSttlaject x Motion was made to approve Exception Permit'No. 23 to the findings and conditions in Exhibit Motion voted on,.MOTTON CARRIED FINDINGS:,, 1. 'That- the granting of an exception permit for the proposed sign i necessary to protect a stibstan-' tial,propertyright,`will not'be.contrary.o the purpose of the sign' ordinance.. and w111. not .ba ' e -43.. IM CONDITION. 1. That development shall be in subntantlal confor- mance with the approved plot plan, 4nd sign e leva tiona . 2. That the final location of all signs wil.1. Conform to City Standard 110-L to ensure adequ4t(, sight distance. Item No. 4 uest to establish a -take-out sandwich chop with t1P3223 inc ental seating And on -sale beer and wine, on props located in the M-1-A District. The proposal Approved also in des: a requestto waive a portion of the required o street parking spaces. _LOCATION: 490 Tract,3201, located at 3955 Sir Street, on -the northwesterly.,side of; Bir 'Street,, between Dove Street and Quail St et,',.across :from the Newport Place Plann. community. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANTS: Rich and Felicia Chin, rvine OWNER: Birch Development:Co., Newl t Beach The public -'hearing was:,openedin connection w this:, item,` and Ms. Felicia Chin, applicant, appeared; orb the., Planning. Commission. Ms. 'Chin stated that. e' :. applicants concur with the findings and conditions i :Exhibit "A". �z4— rs WQL A. —: K:A8 Li. J. AC-Cl 1. J. VJ1 DJ. lj 1l:. JAI 1..:VJ1j U11l 4-. Wbi -41r14 de[c, #In Lr - Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reform mournple, on property located in the R-3 B-PRD District. T=ATION: Record of Survey 56-2 (Resubdivision No. 144) , located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly corner of .jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive, In Sastbluff, ZONE: R-3-R-PRD APPLICANTS: St. !dark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Worm Temple, Newport Beach OWNERS: Same as applicants f v '�' n 7 9 +X To • P� ny Ctission -2. Ana�sis The applicants are proposing to install new wall identification signs on the existing wall at the corner of .jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive. ` The signs will identity the site as the location of St. Mark - Presbyterian Church and Shir Ha-Ma'alot Harbor Reform Temple.' Sign letter, will be approximately 5 inches wide by 9 inches high. 'rho areas of lettering will be approximately 3.5i feet by 151 feet and 3.5± feet: by 1.3± feat.. As shown on ,the attached site plan, there are currently faur free- standing identification signs and one directional sign, located on the subject property.' in addition to constructing the newwall. signs mentioned above, the applicants are also proposing to remove the two identification signs adjacent to Mar Vista Drive (signs shown in Photo Nos.. 1 2 and 3; attached) and replace them with the two identification signs adjacent to Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Road. The signs to be relocated contain approximately 27t sq.ft. each, while_ the nigns which they will replace contain approximately 12t sq.ft. The existing directional. nign adjacent to the parking lot entrance on Domingo Drive will remain. Applicant's Statement of Su.port in accordance with Section 20.06.090 B of the Newport Reach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary tc. protect `A substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detri- mental to the health, safety, ' comfort or general welfare of perrions residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of they city. In response to the above'xeguirements,`the applicant has submitted tho following statements inksupport of his application:. 1. Why will the proposal not be contrary to the ,purpose of the sign ordinance? ".The proposal .is ft`- the purpose. of identi-, Eying the Church and Temple." 2. What exceptional or. extraordinary C�zcumstances are, in - valved? "Thezr+e is more than: one use of the property; (Church and Temple); the facilities Iare.nat visible from the street; and the site has s+;ultipl© frontages." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a ;substan- tial property right? "Other ;properties in 'the,:;City, have identification signs." 4. Whw will the proposal. not be, detrimental to the neighbor- hoad7 "The. - proposal is similar in charact, r to other . identification aie;nh;in;the area." 5 ! i 1 ;i: Iy4 -tif 'Il Hf '`QIf '� ng cowmission -3 .Pi I �i �I lei Specific Findings and Recommendation It is staff's opiri.on that the proposed sign program is a reanonable request inasmuch as the subjectproperty is clustered with other institutional uses and those signs facing toward residential u'aes will be separated from those uses' by major roadways. In addition, the modest size of the signs, their design, and the landscaNd nature of the site will render the signs relatively unobtrusive. Staff has rio objections to the proposed sign and recommends that the Planning Commission approve this request subject to the findingo and conditions`of approval set forth in the attachedExhibit"A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT JA14ES D. NEWICKER, Director BY Sandra L. Genis Associate Planner SLG - la EP Attachments; Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Plot Plan Elevation Photograph of Existing Sign 1. That the granting of. an exception perm4.t for the proposed sign is necessary, to protect A substan- tial property, right, will not be contrary to ,the purpose of the Sign Ordinance and will, not be materially detrimental to the health, nafcty, comfort or general welfare of persons teniding in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. 2. That the }proposed signs are tastefully designed and are compatible with the surroundinq area and other identification signs in the area. CONDITION: LocAT 14 IA 1d0.1 i t tw1ky., x to t i t. N'' !., y sT `,il f 1 T�}�}� �t t�5 h •� _ Cili OL' ,,NL77POR • S�+YJW[I -- � P ANNIN6 nEPA RM LANVim k 1!'.ST Date Aucrust 18 i986 ADVnA10E .PLAY7aING .DIVISION XiF'U$LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT' X PLANS ATTACHFD (PLEASE RRTL'RN) X .TEA FIC'ENG LEER',' ." FIRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PLANS ON FILE INPLANNING DEPT. PARKS & RECMTION ^—POLICE DEPARTMENT `MARINE SAFETY GRADING. APPLICATION OF: St. Marie Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reform TqlryPlu FOR: Exception Permit No. 23 REQUEST TO: Permit the relocation of ' two nonconforming free-standing identification signs and establish m new wall identification sign in conjunction with St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reformed Temple, on property located in the R-3-B District. LOCATION: 211 Mar Vista Drive ' S CITY. OF NMIPO= BEi PLAbMING ,.: D EPARTWiT ' PLAN' R 'VILI REQUEST Date August 18 r 1986 _1101ANCE PLA TING.DIVISION X`PUBLIC 4IOP.2CS DEPARTMENT X PI-hNS ATTACH,?D (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER +FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLAN)/TtIC DEFT. X:.p;REVIE"rJ.:DIt/ISZON ' PARKS & RECREATION r_PCiLT^_E DEPARTHf,'NT MARINE SAr"''ETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: St.. Mark Presbyterian Church and harbor RefOrlh Temple FOR: Exception Permit No. 23 REQUEST TO: Permit the relocation of two nonconforming free-standing identification signs and establish a new wall identifiCation sign in conjunction with St, Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor. xteformed Temple, on property located in the R-3-B District. LOCATION: 211 filar Vista Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 25, 1986 CV,AMISSION REVIEW: September 4, 1986 CO,"ENTSs Sf nature `Date 4z' Z �L i ?r i� t}.: ;F _ CITY OF NE�lPK7RT HEAR fsi PLANNING I�1rP:4P'1'HE:7�' PLAN REVIE'al REQUY.ST Date Ai gus ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION Y._PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT XPLANS ATTACM (PLtASE RETURN) "- X TRAFFIC .ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FII.F1.3.( I3PAINYI,k, DEPT. X PLAN REVIEW ,DIVISION _ 1PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY GRADING' APPLICATION OF: St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reform FOR: Exception Permit No. 23 REQUEST TO. Permit the relocation of two nonconforming tt'ee-standing identification signs and establish a new wall identification sign in 4 con unction with St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Harbor Reformed Temple, on property located in the R-3-B District. LOCATION: 211 Mar Vista Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 25, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: September to tuber 4► 1986 COMMENTS: s Signature Date Y. .j