HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 29 AMENDEDof.'the" ,Sign .:Ordinance? MIEMW tg SCl@tY!`S �na a.0 ori:zation from- the rf ROLL CALL INDEX ExceRtion Egrmit No. 29 (Amendod) (Discuayionj Itom tk.),I Request to ascend a previously approved exception permit P'P 1k).29(A) which permitted the installation of a fourth wall eiyn on the existing Bark of Newport Building located in the !�r!l!roved C-1 District. Said approval also included the enlarge- ment of one existing ground sign as a multi -tenant aign which identifies secondary tenants in the building. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the installation of an additional ten square feet to the fourth permitted wall sign, which will bear the Morrill Lynch logo. LOCATION: Parcel No. l of V4-ircel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No. 659), located at 2.101 East Coast Highway, on the southerly fsido of East Coast highway, entorly r,f Avocado Avenue, adjacent: to Iry ne Terrace. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Bank of Newport/Merrill Lynch Realty, Newport Beach Mr, John Howensteine, appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. lie stated that the applicant concurs with the findings and conditions In Exhibit W. Motion Motion was made and voted on to approve Exception Permit All Ayes No, 29 (Amended) subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed sign will not have any sig- nificant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed signage and graphics are consis- tent with the character and design of the building. 4. That the total square footage .of all wallsigns, is well,belrw the maximum permitted. 5. That the sign. will be oriented towards East Coast Highway and will not affect the adjoining 'residen- tial area. _2- ROLL CALF INDEX b. That the approval of this exception permit is consistent with the intent of the previously established condixionss of approval b)r Use I ormit No. 1857 concerning the protection of the adjoining residential area from light and glary; genernted from the subject property, 7. That the granting of this exception *gill not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially dotr.i- mental to the health, safety, comfort or gonaral welfare of persons reniding in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injur.tous to property or improve- ments in the neighborhood or to the genera:. welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development; tiiwll be in substant:issi, confor- mance with the approved site plan and eltivaLionsi. 2. That the applicant, ahall obtain a building permit for the proposed sign prior to its installation. 3. That the illumination of the proposed wall. sign shall be less intense than the existing illuminated wall sign facing East Coast Highway. Item tio.2 4 Re. st to permit the installation of two wall signs for Ep Ho-31. a sin o business in a multi -tenant building located in the C-1 istri.ct whereas the Zrnning Code limits the droved number of I signs in a multi -tenant building to one per business. IOCATION: Lot Resubdivision of Block 9 of the Balboa T t, located at 307 Main Street, on the so westerly corner of Main Street- and E ater Place, in Central Balboa.' ZO;�E : C -1- APPLICANT:' Nissim Teshuva,: Balboa OWNER: R. W. Hannaford, Balboa C:TY OF NEWPORT BIRCH TO: plarming Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exge,LtJ n Permit No 29 (P ended)Qiscuss on) Request 'to 'amend a: previously approved exception permit which permittedthe 1,instsllation of a fourth wall sign on the existing Bank' of`Newport Building located in the C-1. Dis- trict, Said approval also included the-enlargamont of :one existing grout:d sign located on the site no an to establish said sign as a multi -tenant sign which identition secondary tenants in the building. The proposed amendrtknt. involves a . request to permit the installation of an tiddi.tional ten square feet to the fourth permitted wall signi which will bear the Merrill Lynch logo. LOCATION: Parcel No. :1. of Parcel Map 152.28, 29 (Resubdiwision. No. 659)located at 2101 East Coast Highway, on.the southerly side of East` Coast' Highway, I westerly of 'Avocado Avenue,; adjacent to Irvine Terrace. EMU onmeptal SignMRAUce The .proposed signage has been reviewed and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California EnOronmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Couarmance with the General Plan and 1"al Coastal, Program The Land. Use Element of the General Plan designates the si,to for a mixture of "Retail' and :Service Commercial"!and "Administrative, ,Professional and Financial Commercial" uses. The Locals Coastal,,, Program,,., (rand Use Plan designates .the -site for "Retail and Service Commercial" unon only, These documents do, not address the use of signs in such. areas;. therefore, no conflict appears to exist. Suhtc'at-Pr2M� a Sax 9und na Land -Use- The 'subject property is :currently developed with the Bank of Newport butlding and related parking. To the northeast, across.Eni;t Coast Highway, are office buildings in the Corporate Plaza Plnnned Community; to the southeast'is an office building and, across Avocado Avenua, aingle family residences. and" duplexes; ,,to the southwest are condominiums: -)nd to the northwest are single family residences. in Irvine Terrace I. .i 2. Turn off all parking lot lighting at,8;,00. p.m, e>capt.for that required for security purposes. 3. Install additional landscaping, including mature trees, at the _westerly portion of the site. k. Instruct all employees to draw drapes„on the, second floor of the westerly side. of the, building after. normal.working hours,, generally' 6:00 p.m. On July 23, i 1981, the Planning Commission, voted. not to revoke Use Permit No. 1857. The above actions were not.formallj adopted as conditions* of the use permit; however, they were considered necessary actions in order to comply wt.th the,, intent of previously established conditions concerning landscaping and the protbation of the adjoining, residential area from light and glare. staff is not.,aware. of, any problems. that may 'have arisen ` in connection with this use permit in the intervening 6 years. On August 20, 1987, the Planning Commission.approved Exception Permit No`. 29 (minutes attached). This wars a requast. to permiv the inr►t:iillation of a fourth wall sign on the Bank of Newpoi:t building and a requont to enlarge one of the two existing ground signs so as to establish the sign as a multi - tenant sign identifying secondary tenants of the. building. Total approved signage.for the building was ,then as follows:. One new 30 sq.ft. wall sign on the northerly side of t'he building; Three previously existing ;100 sq, ft. wall . signs. on the north, east, is Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.06.090 B of the Municipal Code, in arc'asr to grant an exception permit,' the 'Planning Commission must find that: the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantisal`property right,, will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort, or. general welfare of''persons residing in the neighborhood 'or detrimental or injurious to p operty or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to': the above' requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of his application: why wi.11 the . nrovosal ` not tie ' Gontkarx :to the nurUo-e Vf, the. Sian 0rdin4hce? The total square footage of 'sign area `along Coccot' Highway is well within the limit sot bythe 'Sign Ordinance. What exciwl,nual or extrordinaKycir,cimstances rare i.nyolr d? The building has long been identified and recognized by existing signs. Conversion 'to a multi -tenant. building requires{ additional identifica Lion of new tenant. Whx 'is an exception- pg it necessary_ to protect` a subatantl rc+ngrty rip—ht? There is a substantial property right in giving the new tenant sufficient p-ablic exposure, Client is trying to be recognized in a new area: ' Why wiit the gr?.00gal °noC `l � ri®trimentnl ra 06 nelkbb=5; 0. The new illuminated sign will be facing Coast Highway and Fashion 'xal:and,so•it will have no effect, on the surrounding. residential neighborhood: The new sign will `tie 'sm ller. than' ;'existing' signs' and, is in aasl€s with 'the size of tho"buAIding. beel f is Findings and RecolMmendation It is staff's opinion that the pzoposed sign exception is a reasonable request inasmuch as the total sign area will be less than would be permitted,; under..,the Sign ?rdinance, and the additional signage will help identify the new tenant The sign will be `o'riented .`'toward- East Coast ,P,1&hway. an& should not, affect the `naarby 'rasidet tial' areas; ` F'iirthes the sign will be" cons is�:: tent .with the intent ''of the'' Ptanning`7commis'sxon at the ''tisoe ..:revocation ;of..' us, a . i'et snit '.,No', , '3 857 '` was consider` ed.. Staff recommends -'the' epprpvall - of r Exception Permit No' Z9"(Amended)' and'suggests"that'-the Planning.'Cotamistion take'," such 'acts on ,' auli f 8ct = tb the � f irid'ings : and condit2 ens 'of `> appiova2 -net,: ` forth ,jn the -attached Exhibit "A" r+ .'t PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By SANDRA L; GENIS Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Excerpt.of Planning Commission Minutes Dated August 20, •1987 Site Plea and Elevations EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND C0NDITIONS OF APPROVAL, FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT 11O, 29 (AMENDED) 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible.• with surrounding land uses, 2. That the proposed sign will not have any sig- nificant enviroruaental impact. 3. That the 'proposed signage and graphics are consis- tent with the character and design of the building. 4. That the total n(Itinre footage of all. wall signs is well below the maximurn permitted. 5. That the sign will, be oriented towards East Coast Highway and will not affect the adjoining residen- tial area. 6. That the approval of this exception permit is consistent with the intent of the previously established conditions of approval for Uso Permit 11o. 1857 concerning the protection of the adjoining residential arch from light and glare generated from the subject property. 7. That the granting of this exception will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrime- ntal to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to. property or improve- ments in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. That all signs shall coneorm with Chaptkxr.20.06 of the Newport Beach 11uni.cipal Code,— 7. at trash receptacles for patronn shall : be to ted in convenient .locations inside) and'outaide the uilding. B. That I washout, area for refute. "containers be :- provided n such a way so as to allow direct drainage i o the v.wer systemand: not into the bay, or storn dra,ns, unless otherwise approved by t e Building artment. That all mechan al c-quipment and trash areas shall be screened. 10. That a minimum oY t4 parking spaprars shall be provided on -site for €sm( /ee parking. 12. That the Planning 'crtmissi may.add to ur modify condit Ions of approval of is use pa mit, or the recommend to, the City Counci the rilvrrcation of this use permit, upon a de"e that the operation which is the nubject of is ussts pormit, s causes Injury, or is detrimental: t;ho health, -afety, peace, morals, com rt, or ge -,rra), u�rlfaro of the. communit' . 12: That thin use permit shall expire unleas o-rci.sed within 24 months from the date :',of .,apprr; l as specified in' Section 20.80.096 A'of" the 3e xt beach Municipal Code. 13. That a ,maximum of 13 tables and 26 seats shall be Exception Permit No. 29 ° (Discussion),,,. . _ear .zt No .:; Request to parmi.t the ;installation of d "Fourth we11' P29 sign on, the. existing :Bank ;of Newjiort ,8,uildi.nq located: 'fhe ro $al _Adsx a :DIstr ct Ino Inclu £� � ved request to enlarge one of two cxiating`ground,�signs located on the site so' as to establish said sign as a multi tenant �"isign.;which identifies secondary tenants w�i'.hin ttic 6nilding:;. rt ? � F- -23- 1,0CATION: Parcel No. I of Parcel Map 152-�28,' 29 (Resuhdivision No. 659), located at 2101 East. Coast Highway, westerly of Avocado Avenue, adjacent to Irvine Terr6ca. ZOITr : C--1 APPLICAUT z OWNER: Bank, of Newport/Merrill Lynch Realty, Newport Beach Bank, of Newport, Newport Beach The discussion was opened in'connection with this item, and Mr. Joe Beasley appeared before tho Planning Commission on behalf of the Heath Sign Company and the applicant. Mr. Beasley stated that he has roviowed and concurs with the findinga and conditions in Exhibit etAe Commissioner Pomeroy addressed the proposstd Illuminated sign and he stated his 'concerns that the oign could cause glare in the night view and in the site plane of " nearby residents. Following discussion between Commissioner Pomeroy and Mr. Heasley regarding the illuminated sign, Chairman Person re6(x=ended a condition that the illumination of the,proposed sign be of less intensity than the existing wall sign facing East Coast Ifighway on the •Bank of Newport building. Mr. Beasley rotated that -he would agree with the recommended condition. There beingno' others desiring. to appear and; he heard, the discussion was closed at this .time. Commissioner Merrill stated his concerns regarding the number of signs that could be installed on the Bank of Newport Building. William Laycock, Current `Planning Ftanager explained that'the Sign: -Ordinance requires ;an Exception Permit if there would be more then:three wall signs on the building, and he further commented that a multi -tenant building '.may: - havd'. one. wall; sign', Par business plus'one:25 square foot directory ;wall sign. Further discussion followed -regarding the limitations' 1. of wail ''signs'' and ground :3igns within the `.' Sigfi Ordinance: I -lotion was made to approve Fxception Permit 110.;29 subject to *the findings and conditions in Exhibit "le" including the addition of. Condition No,. "s which :would state that the illumination of the propci.ned wall' sign shall be lessintense than the mxisttTJ i luminateil . r:a1 l sign'facing East . Co aF;t Highways, MONOn votdd on, MOTION CARRIED. I -24- i3 i� �..s.. . c ur.i111N L1`11.71 VC'1 `K Pi7RLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT yTRAFFIC ENGINEER �I'iRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN P VIFW DIVISION -PARKS S RECREATION _._ POLICE DEPARTMENT 1-lARI'NE SAFETY —GRADING X PLANS AT'3TACHFD (PLEASI: PJ-'1'pRN) ___ PLANS ON FILE, IN PLANNING Dr PT. APPLICATION OF: Bank of. Newport/1•lerrill Lynch Real-ly FOR: Exception Permit No. 29 (!'emended) REQUEST TO: Request to amend a previously approved excr_ption hermit whirh permi.tted the installation, of a fourth wall sign on the existing Bank of Newport Rui.lding located in the C-1 District. Said 2pr.oval. also included the enlarment of one existing around sign located on the citcr_sn .7r, to establish said sign a, multi -tenant sign Which identifier, secondary tcnantri in the building. The proposed amendment involves a reau(.".'t t:r'jpermit the installation of an additional ten srpare foot wail f3l.�it ,..f,�f �the permitted fourth wall sign, located on the northeasterly ride at .nl3, facing East Coast Fligllway, which will bear. the Merrill Lynch Irq(-, LOCATION: 21^l. Fast Coast Highway REPORT PF.OUESTED BY: December 23, 1987 C01216ISSION REVIEW: January 7, 1988 coMMEr1Ts:�.��l.�,7,��,,,o.4a G....o»,o...�- A'. ,arr��.-� s- %f,/e ,.e✓ r rr/ ey tic�.�- .��.� •-e..re4� s?4•✓oale.o ,�/o . 11ta �rG fm,.� �_. X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X�PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN itEUIEW D VTSION ~PARKS & RECREATION __ POLICE; DEPARTMENT —MARINE :SAFETY --GRADING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNIIIG DEPARTMENT PU-.N REV TDI REQUEST Date Dec,,-,rlher 15, 1987 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURii) PLANS OU FILE IN PLANNING DRPT. APPLICATION OF: Bank. of. Newport/Merrill Lynch Realty FOR: Exception Permit No. 29 (Anended) PEQUEST TO: Request to amend a previously approved exception permit which permitted the installation of a fourth wall sign on thE- oxi-sting Bank of Nenort Building located in the C-1 District. Said approv:31 also included the enlargement of one existing ground sign located on the sit,- no, as to establish said sicin as multi. -tenant sign which identifies second-;) .y tenants in the building. _T_he propos+.d amendment involves a reque tt to permit the i;,stai1ation of an additional ten square foot wall f;i.n t.o the nrn!7tted fourth wall, si2n, located on the northeasterly side of f.JW bui,lcli>q, facing East Coast llighwav, which will hoar f-hn mnrrill i.vnr�h 1nnn r L.G•CATInN: 2101. East Coast Highway REPORT RrQUESTED BY: December 23, 1987 CrJ,MMISS.I.ON REVIEW: January 7, 1988 COMMENTS: : Signature AD"Ji .^_I:.'I+I At3N riG DIVISION X-PUB7,3.0 WORKS DEPARTMENT rTRAFFI�C ENGINEER —?IRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN PEVIEW DIVISION _�PARY, & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMIENT _MARINE SAPETY —GP.AD I2TC, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAPJ REWEW REQUEST Date Decr_rsber 15, 1987 X PLANS ATTACIIED (PLEASE R.ETZIRN) PLANS ON FtLn IN PLANNx71C DEPT. APPLICATION OF: Bank or Newport/Merrill Lynch Realty FOR: Exc(Pt,{on Permit No. 29 (Amended) REQUEST TO: 1"Z juest to amend a previously approved 2 i,on permit which emitted the installation of a fourth wall sign on the existing Bank of. Newport Building located in the C-1. District. Said a ,rc)v_al .11 so included the enlar emc;nt of. one existing ground sign located on the 3it;r_ rry as to establish said r;i.esn as multi-ten7nt sign which identifies seconele,7.7 -tenants in the building,.wproposecl amendment involves a re:luent to P..Irmit the installation of an additional ten scn,�are foot wall rirtr► �!'ri the prrrrittE�d -- fourth wal.l. r,� iftn, l.ocatgd on the northeasterly side of t)jt; auildiny, facing East Coant n.i.cThwa , which will bear. the Merrill Lynch logo.. X ADVA14CE PLANNING DIVISION X ,-PUBLIC tons DEPARTMENT TPAFFIC M GINEER _+_FIRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN P-VIE'll DIVISION _ PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING CITY JF VEWPORT BEACH PLMG DEPART "1' AH;I PLPi'3 REVIEW °EQUFSi' Date December 15, 1987 - X PUOIS ATTACHED (PLEASrP RETURN) PLANS ON F.T.L% IN PTAIRII?IG DEPT. .'APPLICATION OF: Bank or Newport/Merrill Lynch Realty FOR: Exception Permit No. 29 (Ar,+ended) RrgUEST TO: Request to amend a previously approved excepticm err,it which p�.rmitted the installation of a fourth wall sign on .the er.i.n�ti� Bank of H2.Tort P.ui.ldina located in the C-1 District.. Said approval aleso included the enlargement: of one existing ground sign located on the site Leo as to establish said si-gr, as multi -tenant sign which identifies secondary tenants in i:he building. The proposed amendment involves a request t�� permit the installation of an additional ten nuu,are foot gall Dili n taco the permitted fourth waI.l sign, located on the northeante..riz side of the i)iaildfng, facing East Coast Highway, which will bear the Merrill. Lynch logs. _ f. LOCATIOI:: 2101 East Coast Highway REPORT PYQUESTED BY: December 23, 1987 CO'Q4ISSION PF.VIEW: January 7, 1988 C011MENTS: Bank of Newpol-1. December 4, 1987 City of Newport Beach PO Box 1766 Newport Leach, CA 92658-8915 Gentlemen: This letter authorizes John Howenstein, Incorporated to apply for additional signage on the Bank of Newport building located at 2101 East. Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Said signage to be approximately 10 square feet to accommodate a logo for the Merrill Lynch sign. The final signage area to accommodate 18" letters and a 38" x 38" logo. The total sign area to be approximately 40 square feet. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 11 BANK F T RICHARD P. RITTER Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer RPR:sd F'AVINCP O'r- E^R-rM r-ft-L PAP 5- %ITI!P ON I b4 0 <SIt'4-kj &K&.04:0 P6C UAA Of -AP Koow r A4fA M IAPP-0104 1>1 tv *Doc' wrt�*' 7--77,- ,46 ---' '32, Al U M ' ji ow 'Jan oil 'r T =A; A i '=Ike �41' fA".Va ZOO -a? 11 06 AL M IKtl i~ log L06O r-r I efrrwr rlvr.l,., Morrill Lynch Rodty.;fan of ew ort`" I � _ 1 4.t♦_ , 1 •war--- 7SA't •`_..._..., .. _.-_........—.. �y.-r..l .__-t ......._..+. ... •, I_� _.. ..+'-'IT'�tiM•"1�,J` ..;t.�f C�•i Ni. .rrlwa+ Al / •.. .�_� ___an o ewporf L.. • a � + y • — _ .l1L.f 1 • •.iyG. �..r..f--••'� .ti..I.Aw. .ra►w..�o.�-.r.�<.�vrnrair—.-r.�mzca-+.rt--.....w....Ll_...._.__.....:.rl_.._s.:.a,e�.rw+..-onl+x.:mwe-.:s/-;� .• jr_w Rb IliM • , i n1 an o Nemortt II 1 1 • � 1I � f - , r L =►,.... 1 ' • 1 l C ....__ }•�L'1- �% ..'i � 1 i 1 - / � t , 1 I•�4A .1 .... . Ys..� — r�. 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