HomeMy WebLinkAbout526-1545526 V #66 Henry J. Dubois.   527 V #67 Walter A. Egger.   528 V #68 K. E. Whiteneck.   529 Hancock Banning, Jr. Rezone portion of Lot D.   530 V #74 R. C. Benner.   531 V #69 Mrs. Bruce Bundy.   532 V #70 May B. Neighbors.   533 V #71 Virgil F. Partch.   534 V #72 Norman H. Smedegaard.   535 V #73 Richard L. Kirtland.   536 V #75 O. A. Jones.   537 V #76 J. E. Talbott.   538 V #77 Edith Schnider.   539 V #78 Alton B. Culver.   540-550 Blank    551 V #89 Kelso and Sloan.   552 V #90 Thompson Webb.   553 V #91 Martha L. Smith.   554 V #92 Karl Davis.   555 Res. Of Intent to adopt Master Plan  02/19/1953  556 V #93 R. H. Rollins.   557 V #94 Anthony K. Plummer.   558 V #96 Henry Mayers.   559 V #98 William B. Clark.   560-561 Blank    562 V #99 Helen F. Ingle.   563 V #100 Leo H. Crane.    564 V #101 Ramona W. Robertson.   565 V #102 Cecile R. Hamilton.   566 V #103 Samuel Klapperman.   567 V #104 Dean A. Kephart.   568-570 Blank    571 V #105 C. Wurdeman.   572 V #106 George L. Zimmer.   573 Res. of Intent See V #110.   574 V #107 James Edwards, Jr.   575 V #108 Mrs. Fred Warren.   576 V #109 James T. Taylor.   577 Blank    578 V #110 Resolution of intent #573.   579 Master Plan Amendment  08/20/1953  580 Amend Ordinance #635 R. District use in C & M zones. 11/19/1953  581  Earl W. Stanley Lots 1 to 5, Tract 1718, rezone Cliff Haven. 01/21/1954  582  Storage of flammable liquids. 03/18/1954  583  Street name changes. (Broad, Clay, etc.) 06/17/1954  584  St. Andrews Road as front street. 05/20/1954  585  Stricker Annexation (Amend #8). 07/15/1954  586  Determine front yard setbacks on certain lots, Tract 518. 09/16/1954  587  Name roadways (Park Lane, River Avenue, Way Lane and Breakers Drive). 09/16/1954  588  Resub of less than five lots. 09/16/1954  589  Change application fees A-#11. 12/16/1954   589  Change application fees A-#11. 12/16/1954  590  Phil Hayden – interpretation regarding living quarters access, building Lot 20, Block 33, 1st Ad. Npt Heights. 10/21/1954  591 Amend V #179 Irvine Company Lot 46, Tract 1700 Change front setback to 10'. 01/20/1955  592  Establish front property line Lot 970, Tract 907. 01/20/1955  593 Amendment 12 Regulate location of chimneys and other features into yard setbacks. No date listed  594-607 Blank    608  Recommendation of disapproval of Use Variance No. 3495 of the Orange County Planning Commission – Oil well drilling on the Banning Tract East of Whittier Avenue. No date listed  609  Subdivisions Fees. No date listed  610  Swimming Pools. No date listed  611  Zoning of "Tustin Avenue and 22nd Street Annex". No date listed  612  Setbacks along Bay Avenue. No date listed  613  Deletion of Sections 9103.62 and 9103.72 – Sub-Section D "Inflammable Storage". No date listed  614  Changes in Subdivision Ordinance No. 650. No date listed  615  Public Hearings on Master Plan. No date listed  616  Zoning of Superior Avenue Annexation. No date listed  617  Changes in Zoning ordinance. No date listed  618  Adoption of Master Plan. No date listed  619  Amendments to subdivision ordinance. No date listed  620  Establish building setback lines – widening of 32nd Street between Balboa Boulevard and Newport Boulevard. No date listed  621  Change zoning of City Marinapark from an R-4 District to a U District. No date listed   621  Change zoning of City Marinapark from an R-4 District to a U District. No date listed  622  Establish front and rear yard setbacks for Tract 3277. No date listed  623  Regulations for governing signs. No date listed  624  Establish setbacks on ocean side of Seashore Drive between 34th and 61st Streets. 07/17/1958  625 A 56 Rezoning Collins Isle from R-2 to R-1 District. 08/21/1958  626 A 58 Initiate ROI on setbacks on District Map for Lots 1 through 177, Tract 3357 Cameo Shores. 09/18/1958  627 A 59 Amend Subdivision Ordinance so as to change required minimum right-of-way in local streets, cul-de-sac streets and service roads from 60' to 56'. 10/16/1958  628 A 61 Rezoning of Tract 2513 so as to cause Lots 1 through 17 to fall within an R-1-B District and Lot 18 to U District. 12/22/1958 CC approved  629 A 62 Rezoning south side of Coast Highway between the Arches and Balboa Bay Club from C-2 to C-2-H District. 10/16/1958  630 A 64 Establish setbacks for Tract 2513 in accordance with plan submitted with Final Map. 01/26/1959  631 Precise Plan #2 Street and Highway unit of Master Plan that establishes the relocation of Carnation Avenue from 1st Street to its intersection at Bayside Drive. 11/20/1958  632 Precise Plan #3 Establishing a building set back line between Prospect Street and 62nd Street. 03/19/1959  633  Final Map 2758 to establish setbacks in accordance with plot plan submitted by subdivides. 03/19/1959  634  Street name change "Jamboree Road and portion of Bayside Drive between Cabrillo Highway and Palisades Road to be changed to Marine Avenue." 03/19/1959  635 Precise Plan #4 Establishing building setback lines on Lafayette Avenue from 31st Street to 32nd Street. 04/16/1959   635 Precise Plan #4 Establishing building setback lines on Lafayette Avenue from 31st Street to 32nd Street. 04/16/1959  636 A 68 Rezone Corona del Mar State Beach Park from R-1 to U. 06/08/1959  637 A 71 Public hearings on certain amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 06/18/1959  638 A 72 Rezone a portion of Lot 2, Tract 3232 from an R-3 to a C-1-H District, and a portion of Lot 4 from a C-1-H to an R-3 District. 06/18/1959  639  Change in name of Bayside Drive between its intersection with Jamboree Road and its northerly termination at Palisades Road to Jamboree Road. No date listed  640  Rezone the westerly 17.74 feet of Lot 22 and Lots 23 to 30 inclusive, Block 530, Lancaster's Addition from a C-1 to an Unclassified District. No date listed  641  Rezone Lots 1 through 77 inclusive, Tract 2202 from Unclassified to R-1-B. No date listed  642  Master Plan Amendment No. 1 to delete from Street and Highway unit of the Master Plan Lancaster Street, shown as a secondary street. 11/19/1959  643  Hold one public hearing on 11/19/1959 on revocation of Use Permit No. 361 filed by Lido Boat Club, Inc., and approved by P. C. on September 19, 1957. No date listed  644  Portion of Lot 3 – Irvine's subdivision s/e corner Westcliff Drive and Irvine Avenue – rezone from Unclassified to C-N-H. No date listed  645  Establish setbacks Lots 1 – 77 inclusive, Tract 2202. No date listed  646  Establish front setbacks, Lots 1 –55 inclusive Tract 3542. No date listed  647  Proposal by Mariners Mile property owners to create in the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance a zone known as Apartment House-Motel District. No date listed  648  Amendments to Sections 9102.0 and 9102.1. No date listed  649  Realignment of Newport Boulevard between 23rd and 30th Streets. No date listed   650  Realignment of Newport Boulevard between 23rd and 30th Streets according to Plan "C". No date listed  651  Following street name changes: Un-named street between Tustin Avenue and 23rd Street to be named Lake Park Lane. Un-named street that enters Newport Boulevard in the proximity of Short Street and 35th Street to be named Short Street. 31st Street east of Lafayette Avenue to be changed to Lido Park Drive. 07/07/1960  652  Request City Council to employ a firm experienced in complex planning problems to work on maximum building heights, refinement and extension of Master Plan, etc. No date listed  653  Expression of appreciation to Joseph H. Redmon for his commendable and important services to Planning Commission. No date listed  654  Change name of following street in Tract 3660 – Pebble Way to Sandpiper Drive. 05/18/1961  655  Resolution commending J. B. Webb. 06/22/1961  656  Protest on increased valuation of property in Newport Beach. 07/06/1961  657 MP A 3 Amend Land Use Element of the Master Plan. 12/07/1961 CC 02/13/1962 Res. 5551  658 MP A 4 Amend Land Use Element of Master Plan. 04/05/1962 CC 04/25/1962 Res. 5581  659 MP A 5 Amend Land Use Element of Master Plan. 01/17/1963  660 MP A 6 Amend Street and Highway Element of Master Plan. 02/07/1963  661 MP A 7 Amend Land Use Element of Master Plan. 07/18/1963  662 MP A 8 Amend Street and Highway Element of Master Plan. 10/03/1963  663  Resolution of Appreciation to William P. Ficker. 12/12/1963   664 MP A 9 Amend Land Use Element of Master Plan. 01/02/1964  665  Use Permits to be handled by Planning Director. 04/02/1964  666  Resolution of Appreciation to Richard A. Higbie. 07/02/1964  667 MP A 10 Adopt new element to the Master Plan titled "Master Capital Improvement Plan". 08/20/1964 09/17/1964  668  Resolution requesting the City Council to enact an interim zoning ordinance until such time as the Planning Commission has been able to review and recommend to the City Council amendments to the R-3 District. 09/17/1964  669 A 193 Resolution declaring intention to consider certain amendments relating to off-street parking requirements.   670 A 194 Resolution declaring intention to consider certain amendments to Municipal Code relating to building heights.   671 A 198 Resolution declaring intention to amend Chapter 8 of Planning and Zoning Regulations by adding Section 9108.131 which will permit the Planning Director to approve relocation of certain structures in P.R.D.'s.   672 A 199 Amend Districting Map No. 22 in order to establish 10' front yard setbacks in Tract 5783.   673 MP A 11 Amend Land Use Element and Street and Highway Element of the Master Plan in Corona del Mar. 05/20/1965 07/12/1965 Res. 6187  674  Commend City Council for its action opposing the Pacific Coast Freeway Route and urging support thereof by the citizens of Newport Beach.   675 A 204 Lot 1, Block 329, Corona del Mar R-2 rezone to R-1.   676 A 205 Amend Section 9105.1 and add Sections 9107.281 and 9107.282 relating to helicopters, heliports and helistops. 03/18/1965   677  Resolution recommending that the City Council consider an amendment to Article VIII, Section 8150 of Municipal Code relating to fences on bayfront properties. Disallowed by CC 04/12/1965  678  Resolution adopting a policy to govern the granting of Use Permits for the landing or taking off of helicopters and the establishment of heliports or helistops.   679 MP A 11 (listed twice) Adopting certain amendments to the Master Land Use Plan.   680  Delete Section 9104.14 from Chapter 5, Planning and Zoning Regulations (change in setbacks).   681  Resolution of Appreciation to Roy Autry. 12/16/1965  682  Amend Section 9105.2 "Height Limits of Fences in Front Yards" and Section 9107.26 "Definition of Family". 12/16/1965  683  Amend Sections relating to uses in the C-2, M-1 and M-1-A Districts. 01/06/1966  684  Amend Districting Map No. 16 to cause all of Lot 14, Block 632 Corona del Mar Tract and portion of adjacent vacated alley to be rezoned from an R-2 to a C-1 District. 02/17/1966  685  Amend Section 9105.9 titled "Official Plan Line-Master Street and Highway Plan" to include "Local Streets". 03/03/1966  686 MP A 12 Capital Improvement Plan Amendment No. 1 showing relocation of a future elementary school site and location of new neighborhood park. 04/21/1966 05/23/1966 Res. 6359  687  Establish an "Administrative and Professional or A-P District". 04/21/1966  688  Allow R-3 property owner to use R-2 density factors when no more than 2 units are desired. 04/21/1966  689 MP A 13 Amend Street and Highway Element of the Master Plan so as to show Newport Center Drive (including both branches of Newport Center Drive encircling the Newport Shopping Center) between Pacific Coast Highway and San Joaquin Hills Road and the east road and west road connecting Newport Center Drive to San Joaquin Hills Road as an arterial highway.    690  Resolution of Appreciation to Samuel H. Downing. 05/19/1966  691  Amend Section 9107.341 of Newport Beach Municipal Code by inserting word "entirely" before the words "for garage purposes". 06/02/1966  692  Amend recently adopted Sign Ordinance in order to allow identification and "open house" signs in residential districts. 06/16/1966  693  Add "-H" factor to Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 219, Section 4, Newport Beach Tract and portion of Section 33 Township 6 South, Range 10 West San Bernardino Meridian. 07/07/1966  694  Amend Districting Map No. 14 to establish a 6" setback on the alley side of Lots 3 through 14 inclusive and Lots 15 through 26 inclusive of Block 7, Section 5, Balboa Island Tract, between Abalone Avenue, and Grand Canal and Balboa Avenue, and Park Avenue. 07/21/1996  695  A resolution declaring intention to hold a public hearing to amend Sections 20.20.020 and 20.20.030 of the Newport Beach Zoning Code regulating the size of signs in the "C-N" district through the Use Permit procedure. 09/01/1996  696  Adopt a policy to govern the granting of use permits for the landing or taking off of helicopters and the establishment of heliports and helistops. 09/15/1966  697  Statement of policy, objectives and principles to guide in consideration of Use Permits for fences in excess of 3' in front yard setback. 09/15/1966  698  Amend Title 20 by addition of regulations to guide in the control and development of outdoor restaurants and drive through restaurants and take out restaurants. 11/03/1966  699  Amend Districting Map No. 26 in order to rezone a portion of Lot 3, Tract 1125 (n/w corner 16th Street and Dover Drive) and a portion of Lot 3, 1125 and Lot 148, Tract 1218 located on the s/w corner of 16th Street, and Dover Drive from an Unclassified to an A-P-H District. 11/03/1966  700  Amend Districting Map No. 50 in order to rezone Tract 6385 from a C-N-H and R-3-B District to an R-1-B District. 04/20/1966   700  Amend Districting Map No. 50 in order to rezone Tract 6385 from a C-N-H and R-3-B District to an R-1-B District. 04/20/1966  701  Amend Title 20 by addition of a P.C. "Planned Community" District Ordinance. 11/16/1966  702 MP A 15 and MP A 16 Designate MacArthur Boulevard between the East Coast Highway and San Joaquin Hills Road a primary road. Designate Hospital Road and Placentia Avenue between Superior Avenue and Newport Boulevard a secondary road connecting to Placentia Avenue. 12/07/1967 03/11/1968 Res. 6713  703 MP A 14 Include Fifth Avenue from a point intersecting at Dahlia Avenue extending westerly to a point connecting with MacArthur Boulevard and extending easterly along the present alignment to Poppy Avenue and thence easterly and northerly across Buck Gully to a point of connection with the future arterial street to be located easterly of Cameo Highlands and to be designated thereon as a secondary arterial roadway. 01/04/1968 03/11/1968 Res. 6713  704 MP A 17 Amend Master Plan of Streets and Highways to reflect a realignment of Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevard in the upper Harbor View Hills area. 02/01/1968  705  Amend Master Plan of Streets and Highways to reflect a realignment of Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevard in the upper Harbor View Hills area. 02/15/1968  706  Pre-zone 212 acres of unincorporated territory to the P-C District located easterly of MacArthur Boulevard and southerly of Ford Road as extended. 03/07/1968  707  Amend Section 20.06.010 to add titles for the A-P District and P-C District to the list of designated districts set forth in Section 20.06.010. 03/07/1968  708  Amend District Maps and rezone a 120-acre parcel of land known as North Ford Area from an Unclassified District to a P-C District. 05/16/1968  709  Amend Chapter 20.53 "Drive-In" and "Outdoor" restaurants. 06/27/0968  710  Create a Modification Committee. 06/27/0968  711  Initiate A-246 concerning parking. 06/27/0968   711  Initiate A-246 concerning parking. 06/27/0968  712  Rezone portion of 19th and 20th Streets (set for hearing). 09/05/1966  713 A 251 Initiate Amendment No. 251 to zone Moden Area – Annexation No. 59 from U to R-1-B. 10/03/1968  714  Recommend to City Council rezoning of west side of 19th Street, north of Balboa Boulevard excluding Tastee Freez property to R-2. 10/17/1968  715  Recommend to City Council rezoning of Moden area to R-1-B-2. 12/05/1968  716 A 253 Initiate Amendment No. 253 to amend provisions of Chapter 20.50 relating to Planned Residential Developments. 12/19/1968  717  Recommend to City Council adoption of ordinance regarding parking requirements for commercial districts. 01/16/1969  718  Clarification of currently existing conditions of approval applying to Re-subdivision No. 114. 01/16/1969  719 MP A 18, 19 & 20 Recommend to City Council adoption of Master Plan Amendments 18-19-20. 02/06/1969  720 MP A 21 Recommend to City Council adoption of Master Plan Amendment No. 21 (Bicycle Trails). 02/06/1969  721 MP A 22 Recommend to City Council adoption (realignment of Newport Freeway). 06/05/1969  722 MP A 23 Recommend to City Council adoption (32nd Street). 06/05/1969  723  Recommend that the City initiate pre-zoning studies and conduct hearings on the Leaming Annexation area (westerly of Monrovia Avenue in County triangle). 12/18/1969  724  Recommend that the City Council deny specific plan No. 1 proposed by Balboa Bay Club, Inc. 07/16/1970  725 A 280 Lots 1 through 12, Block 12, Tract 27, MM 9-26 and Lots 1 through 10 of Tract 444, MM 19-29. Rezone from R-2 to R-1. 02/04/1971  726 A 281 Amend Title 20 of the Municipal Code relating to parking. 02/18/1971  727 A 282 Add Section 20.02.136 Drive-In Facilities. Amend Sections 20.20.030, 20.22.030, 20.24.030, 20.26.040, 20.30.040, and 20.32.040 pertaining to uses permitted subject to securing a use permit in each case, to include the words: drive-in facilities. 03/04/1971   727 A 282 Add Section 20.02.136 Drive-In Facilities. Amend Sections 20.20.030, 20.22.030, 20.24.030, 20.26.040, 20.30.040, and 20.32.040 pertaining to uses permitted subject to securing a use permit in each case, to include the words: drive-in facilities. 03/04/1971  728 A 283 Add: Section 20.08.191C Every building hereafter changed to a use requiring a greater number of parking spaces, shall be provided with permanently maintained parking spaces in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 20.38 entitled "-H" District. 03/04/1971  729 A 284 Add: Section 20.02.209 "Home Occupation" and other sections pertaining thereto. 03/04/1971  730 A 285 Change Section 20.08.030 to Section 20.080.030A in connection with dance halls, etc. Add Section 20.08.030B re: dance halls, etc. 03/04/1971  731 A 287 Certain amendments to the Big Canyon Planned Community. . 04/15/1971  732 A 289 Amend sections regarding requirements for rear yard setbacks from alleys. 04/15/1971  733 A 290 Proposed amendment to Section 20.46.030 of the Municipal Code providing for City Council review of Use Permit applications. 04/15/1971  734 A 295 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 10 from a C-1 District to an R-3 District and establish setbacks for lots fronting on West Bay Avenue Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and the easterly 5' of the 10' vacated alley adjacent to and westerly of Lots 9 and 15 of Block 3 of East Newport Tract located on south side of West Bay Avenue between Island Avenue and 6th Street. 06/17/1971  735 A 298 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code in order to create a Lower Newport Bay Civic District. 08/05/1971  736 A 299 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to Service Station Standards. 08/05/1971  737  Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code in order to establish a maximum height limit of 35 feet for all buildings within the City for a period of one year. 08/19/1971   738  Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code providing for City Council review of Planning Commission Zoning Amendment denials. 09/16/1971  739 A 300 Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Upper Harbor View Hills Planned Community District be adopted. 09/16/1971  740  Consider certain amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code changing appeal period to 21 days. 10/07/1971  741  Establish front setback on Windward lane in conformance with existing lots – width of individual lots on Windward Lane to be not less than 75'. 10/07/1971  742  Rezone remaining property (not covered by Amendment 302) to R-1-B-1. 10/07/1971  743  Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Land Use Plan and Development Standards for "Newport Place" be adopted. 11/18/1971  744  Endorsing Tentative Mobile Home Park Site Development Standards for a specific parcel of surplus municipal property. 12/16/1971  745  Adopt the General Policy Report of the Newport Beach General Plan. 01/20/1972  746 A 316 Proposed amendments to Section 20.08.191 and the addition of Section 20.30.080 to the Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to parking requirements for Industrial Zoning Districts and the M-1 District. 02/17/1972  747 A 310 Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community District development plan parking requirements for Areas 8 and 13 of the Harbor View Hills Planned Community be adopted. 02/17/1972 Res. 7651 03/27/1972  748 A 317 Rezone from C-1 to R-2 Lots 12 through 16 and Lot 8 of Block 12, east side addition of Balboa Tract, located at 806-8-10-12-14 East Ocean Front and 815 East Balboa Boulevard. 03/02/1972  749 A 318 Proposed amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requiring use permits for all non-manufacturing uses in the M-1 District. 03/02/1972   749 A 318 Proposed amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requiring use permits for all non-manufacturing uses in the M-1 District. 03/02/1972  750 A 319 Rezone from C-1 to R-2, Lots 18-20 and northerly 12.5' of Lot 21, Block 219; Lots 4-12 and Lots 18-27, Block 220; Lots 4-8 of Block 221, Section A of Newport Beach Tract located at 208-10-12 20th Street; 209 through 225 20th Street; 202 through 220 21st Street and 209 through 217 21st Street. 03/16/1972  751  Recommend to City Council that the Interim Park Plan be adopted as the first phase of the Recreation Element of the General Plan. 04/20/1972  752 A 322 Recommend adoption of amendment to Master Street and Highway Plan (redesigning the location of a proposed secondary highway Superior Avenue – Balboa Boulevard. 05/04/1972  753  A resolution finding that the proposed East Newport Heights Storm Drain Project is in conformity with the adopted General Plan of the City of Newport Beach. 05/04/1972  754 A 320 Proposed amendment to Newport Beach Municipal Code adding Sections to Title 10 and Title 20 regarding outdoor lighting. 05/04/1972  755 A 322 Proposed amendment to Newport Beach Municipal Code adding Section 20.08.290 regarding limiting the height of buildings in Newport Beach. 05/04/1972  756 A 327 Proposed amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to placing limits on citywide residential density. 05/18/1972  757  Adopt Environmental Impact Statement for the widening of Balboa Boulevard from 42nd Street to Coast Highway. 06/01/1972  758  Amend the Planned Community Development Standards for "Newport Place". 06/01/1972  759  Proposed amendment to Section 20.47.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to provide for appeals to the City Council from decisions of the Planning Commission on Modifications Committee proceedings. 06/01/1972   759  Proposed amendment to Section 20.47.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to provide for appeals to the City Council from decisions of the Planning Commission on Modifications Committee proceedings. 06/01/1972  760 A 331 Add sections to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to provide for public notification procedures for Use Permits, Amendments, Variances and Modifications.   761 A 330 Proposal to rezone a portion of Lot 1, Tract 463, located on the westerly side of Superior Avenue north of Pacific Coast highway from an R-4-UL District to an R-3 District.   762 A 332 Proposed amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to rezoning a portion of Block 3, Newport Bay Tract, from a C-1 District to an R-2 District.   763 A 333 Proposed amendment to the Planned Community Land Use Plan and Development Standards for Newport Place to delete professional offices in the industrial sections. 07/20/1972  764 A 329 Amendment No. 6 to the Harbor View Hills Planned Community District regulations.   765 A 337 Proposed amendments to Title 20 pertaining to rezoning portions of Balboa Island from R-2, R-3 and C-1-H to R-1.5 District. 08/03/1972  766 A 338 Proposed amendments to Title 20 pertaining to regulations in the R-1.5 District. 08/03/1972  767 A 339 Recommend certain amendments to the P-C District regulating Versailles-on-the-Bluffs. 09/07/1972  768 A 342 Proposed amendment to Title 20 pertaining to rezoning property at 406, 408, 410, 500, 502, 504, 506 and 508 South Bay Front and Lots 21 through 33, Block 9, Section 1, Resubdivision of Balboa Island, and Lots 7 through 19, Block 7, Section 1, resubdivision of Balboa Island from C-1 to R-1.5 District. 09/07/1972  769  Adoption of Interim Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 09/07/1972  770 A 341 Recommend amendments to the P-C District regulations for "Newport Place" permitting an additional site in the industrial section for an automobile center. 09/21/1972   770 A 341 Recommend amendments to the P-C District regulations for "Newport Place" permitting an additional site in the industrial section for an automobile center. 09/21/1972  771 A 345 Amend portions of the Municipal Code pertaining to the definition of "Story". 10/05/1972  772 A 347 Amend portions of the Municipal Code pertaining to the Modifications Committee. 10/05/1972  773 A 346 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 1 from the C-1-H District to the R-2 District on Lot 8 of Block 9, Seashore Colony Tract located at 211 Fern Street between West Coast Highway and Canal Street in Newport Shores. 10/05/1972  774 A 348 Amend portion of District Map No. 11 from C-1 to R-2 District 301, 313, 315, 317 East Balboa Boulevard (Lots 10, 11, 12 and 18, Block 2, Newport Bay Tract). 10/19/1972  775 A 350 Proposed amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to increasing setbacks, establishing a floor area ratio of 1.5 and increasing parking requirements for the R-1.5 District. 11/02/1972  776 A 351 Proposed amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 20.33 entitled Open Space District. 11/16/1972  777  Set public hearing to consider adoption of an Interim Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 11/16/1972  778  Resolution adopting the official Zoning Code of the City of Newport Beach as the Interim Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 11/30/1972  779 A 353 Set public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Title 20 pertaining to rezoning portions of Bayshores from a "U" District to either an R-1 or R-1-B District. 12/07/1972  780 A 354 Set public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Title 20 pertaining to rezoning portions of Lido Sands from a C-1-H District to either an R-1 or an R-1-B District. 12/07/1972  781  Recommend amendments to the P-C Development Standards for the Newport Place Planned Community that permits a mechanical car wash on Service Station Site No. 1 and eliminates fire station provisions in Industrial Site No. 3A. 12/14/1972   781  Recommend amendments to the P-C Development Standards for the Newport Place Planned Community that permits a mechanical car wash on Service Station Site No. 1 and eliminates fire station provisions in Industrial Site No. 3A. 12/14/1972  782 A 356 Rezone from C-1 to R-2, Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 6, Balboa Tract. Districting Map No. 11. 01/04/1973  783 A 357 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.12, regarding building height and floor area limit. 01/04/1973  784 A 358 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.08.190, regarding automobile parking space. 01/04/1973  785 A 359 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.09.030A, regarding limitation of development within the OS District to the 24/28 foot height limitation zone. 01/04/1973  786 A 360 Amend Newport Beach Municipal Code, Sections 20.54.020 and 20.54.030 regarding residential uses in commercial zones. 01/18/1973  787 A 361 Amend the Planned Community Development Standards for the Harbor View Hills P. C. by reducing the permitted density in the multi-family areas. 01/18/1973  788 A 362 Amend the Planned Community Development Standards for the Big Canyon Planned Community by reducing the permitted density in the multi-family areas. 01/18/1973  789  Set public hearing to consider the adoption of the residential growth limits component of the Newport Beach General Plan. 02/01/1973  790 A 363 Set public hearing to consider amending District Maps No. 9, 10, 11 and 12, and reclassify properties on the Balboa Peninsula, generally lying easterly of McFadden Place and 21st Street from the C-1, C-1-Z, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Districts to the R-1 and R-1.5 Districts. Also, reclassify certain publicly owned lands such as, but not limited to, Marina Park and ocean front beaches from "U", R-4 and R-1 to OS District. 02/01/1973  791 A 364 Set public hearing to consider amending District Maps No. 16, 17, 18 and 19 and reclassify properties in Corona del Mar, from R-2, R-3 and R-4 Districts to R-1.5 District. 02/01/1973   791 A 364 Set public hearing to consider amending District Maps No. 16, 17, 18 and 19 and reclassify properties in Corona del Mar, from R-2, R-3 and R-4 Districts to R-1.5 District. 02/01/1973  792  Set public hearing to consider adoption of the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 02/01/1973  793 A 366 Set public hearing to amend Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to rezone Lots 6 and 7, Block 6, Seashore Colony Tract, from a C-1-H District to an R-1.5 District. 02/151973  794 A 367 Set public hearing to consider amendment to Title 20 of Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to setbacks in Beacon Bay on Lots 9, 10, 14, 15 and 19. 02/20/1973  795  Adopt the Residential Growth Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 02/15/1973  796 A 368 Set hearing to consider amending Chapter 20.44 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to provide for the amortization of non-conforming uses. 03/08/1973  797  Set hearing to consider amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the R-2, R-3 and R-4 Districts (on Balboa Peninsula). 03/15/1973  798  Adopt the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 03/29/1973  799 A 326 Approve Amendment No. 1 to the North Ford PC text located on property east of Jamboree Road, between Bison Road and Eastbluff drive to permit expansion of land uses. 04/05/1973  800  Resolution finding and declaring that certain actions by the City of Costa Mesa, the Orange County Flood Control District and the Irvine Company do not conflict with the zoning and land uses in the project area and will have no significant effect on the environment. 04/05/1973  801  Set hearing to consider Specific Area Plan No. 4 for the West Newport Area between West Coast Highway, Newport Shores Drive, Santa Ana River and the Semeniuk Slough. 04/05/1973   802  Adopt and recommend that the City Council adopt Specific Area Plan No. 4 for the West Newport area between West Coast Highway, Newport Shores Drive, Santa Ana River and the Semeniuk Slough. 04/12/1973  803 A 373 Set hearing to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by the addition of Chapter 20.41 entitled Specific Plan District. 04/12/1973  804 A 374 Set hearing to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the Modifications Committee. 04/19/1973  805 A 375 Set hearing to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by adding Section 20.02.260 and amending Section 20.19.030, 20.20.030, 20.22.030, 20.24.030, 20.26.040, 20.30.040, 20.32.040 and 20.53.020 to permit outdoor restaurants in the A-P, C-N and C-O Districts. 05/17/1973  806  Resolution recommending to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for Newport Place Planned Community be adopted. (Rearrangement of Office Site #3 and Restaurant Site #2 and the reapportionment of land allotted to each and to reduce the allowable building area in Office Site #1 and #2 and increase the permitted building area in Office Site #3A). 04/05/1973  807  Resolution adopting the Master Plan of Bicycle Routes as part of the Natural Environmental Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 06/07/1973  808 A 371 Setting a public hearing for June 21, 1973 to consider the establishment of Specific Area Plan No. 4 for Newport Shores and the amendment of Districting Map No. 1 from the C-1-H and R-2 Districts to SP4 – Specific Plan District. 06/07/1973  809 A 376 Setting a public hearing for 6/21/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by the addition of Section 20.08.085 entitled "Social Guidance Centers". 06/07/1973   809 A 376 Setting a public hearing for 6/21/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by the addition of Section 20.08.085 entitled "Social Guidance Centers". 06/07/1973  810 A 379 Setting a public hearing for 07/05/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport beach Municipal Code by the deletion of Section 20.02.285 and amending Sections 20.12.030, 20.13.030 and 20.14.030 pertaining to the term "story". 06/21/1973  811 A 378 Setting a public hearing for 07/05/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by the addition of Section 20.10.025 entitled Uses Requiring Use Permit. 06/21/1973  812  Setting a public hearing for 08/02/1973 initiating revocation proceedings on UP-1134 of Exxon Company for the construction and operation of a service station at 6400 West Coast Highway. Said station has been abandoned for more than 6 months. 07/05/1973  813  Recommend to City Council that an amendment to the Planned Community Development Standards for Big Canyon by reducing the permitted densities in Areas 1, 6, 10 and 14 be approved. 07/19/1973  814 A 382 Set a public hearing for 08/02/1973, to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Sections 20.08.190, 20.13.030 and 20.14.030 as they pertain to off-street parking requirements for residential uses. 07/19/1973  815 A 383  Set a public hearing for 08/16/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code amending Chapter 20.09 so as to place the R-A District under the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation Zone. 07/19/1973  816 A362 Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for Koll Center Newport be adopted. 08/02/1973  817 A 384 Set a public hearing for 09/06/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps. 08/02/1973   817 A 384 Set a public hearing for 09/06/1973 to consider an amendment to Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps. 08/02/1973  818 A 385 Set a public hearing for 09/20/1973 to amend Districting Map No. 37 by establishing 10' setbacks along the south side of Bayside Drive between the existing McLain Apartment development and Promontory Bay, along the north side of Balboa Island Channel between the existing McLain Apartment development and Promontory Bay Channel, and along the east side of Promontory Bay Channel between Bayside Drive and Balboa Island Channel. 08/16/1973  819 A 386 Set public hearing for 09/27/1973 to consider amendments to Big Canyon Planned Community Development Standards. 09/06/1973  820  Set public hearing for 09/02/1973 to consider amendments to the Residential Growth Element and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. 09/06/1973  821 A 387 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps 1, 2 and 22A from the R-2, R-3 and U Districts to an Open Space (OS) District on property generally bounded by West Coast Highway on the north, Seashore drive on the south, Santa Ana River on the west, and 56th Street on the east; and on property generally bounded by West Coast Highway on the south, the bluff line on the north, Superior Avenue on the west and Newport Boulevard on the east (PE Right-of-way). 09/06/1973  822 A 388 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map 30 from the U District to an R-1 District on property northerly of University Drive (YMCA Site). 09/06/1973  823 A 389 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 21 from the I District to an R-3 District at 1401, 1601, 1801, 2001 and 2101 15th Street. 09/06/1973   823 A 389 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 21 from the I District to an R-3 District at 1401, 1601, 1801, 2001 and 2101 15th Street. 09/06/1973  824 A 390 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 22 from the U and C-O-H Districts to an A-P District on property generally bounded by Hospital Road on the south, Superior on the north/west and Placentia on the north/east; and on property generally bounded by Hospital Road on the south, Placentia on the west, Flagship Road on the north and industrial property on the east. 09/06/1973  825 A 391 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the C-1-H District to an A-P District on property located at 300, 304 308, 312, 316, 320, 324, 328, 332, 336, 340, 344, 350, 400, 404 and 408 Westminster Boulevard and 301, 305, 309, 313, 317 and 321 Holmwood Drive. 09/06/1973  826 A 392 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the C-1-H District to an R-2 District on property located at 200, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230 and 234 North Newport Boulevard. 09/06/1973  827  Set public hearing for 10/25/1973 to consider amendments to the Master Plan of Bicycle Routes. 09/06/1973  828 A 393 Set public hearing for 10/04/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 46 from the U District to the Open Space District. (Freeway right-of-way). 09/20/1973  829 A 395 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amendment to Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.51 entitled "Planned Community District". 09/20/1973  830 A 396 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amendment to Newport Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 20.21 entitled "Commercial-Residential". 09/20/1973  831 A 397 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider an amendment to Newport Beach Municipal Code by deleting Chapter 20.28 entitled I District. 09/20/1973   832 A 398 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 26 from the U District to the P-C District (Oakwood Garden). 09/20/1973  833 A 399 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 39 and No. 60 from the U District to the P-C District (Park Newport). 09/20/1973  834 A 400 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 22 from the U District to the P-C District (Leadership Housing). 09/20/1973  835 A 401 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Maps No. 45 and No. 46 from the U District and R-3-B-2 District to the P-C (Newport Crest). 09/20/1973  836 A 402 Set public hearing for 10/18/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 37 from the U District to the P-C (Promontory). 09/20/1973  837 A 394 Set public hearing for 10/11/1973 to consider amending portions of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as they pertain to residential development standards. 09/27/1973  838  Set public hearing for 10/25/1973 to consider adoption of the Recreation and Open Space Element of the General Plan. 10/04/1973  839  Set public hearing for 10/25/1973 to consider adoption of the Housing Element of the General Plan. 10/04/1973  840 A 403 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 45 and No. 46 from the U District and R-3-B-2 District to the P-C District on property north of Newport Crest in Statistical Area A2. 10/04/1973  841 A 404 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 50, 52, 53 and 64 from the R-3-B District to the P-C District on property surrounding Big Canyon Reservoir. 10/04/1973  842 A 405 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 32 from the U District to the P-C District at MacArthur and 5th Avenue. 10/04/1973   842 A 405 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 32 from the U District to the P-C District at MacArthur and 5th Avenue. 10/04/1973  843 A 406 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 24, 37 and 48 from the U District to the P-C District at Coast Highway and Jamboree Road. 10/04/1973  844 A 407 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 32 and 51 from the R-3-B and R-2-B Districts to the R-1-B District at 5th and Marguerite Avenue. 10/04/1973  845 A 408 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 23 and 65 from the U District to the P-C District on the Castaway site. 10/04/1973  846 A 409 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 29, 30 and 36 from the U District to the P-C District on northwest Upper Bay. 10/04/1973  847 A 410 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 38 and 60 from the U District to the P-C District on property north of the Newporter Inn. 10/04/1973  848 A 411 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 30, 40, 42, 43, 44 and 61 from the R-3-B and the U District to the P-C District on north Upper Bay. 10/04/1973  849 A 412 Set public hearing for 11/01/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Map No. 26 from the U District to the R-2 District at 16th and Tustin. 10/04/1973  850 A 413 Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Map No. 8 from the C-2 and M-1 Districts to the P-C District. (Lido Peninsula) 10/18/1973  851 A 414 Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 56, 54 and 41 from the Unclassified District to the P-C District. (Philco-Ford site) 10/18/1973  852  Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 60 and 39 from the Unclassified District to the P-C District. (Lower Big Canyon) 10/18/1973   852  Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 60 and 39 from the Unclassified District to the P-C District. (Lower Big Canyon) 10/18/1973  853  Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 44 and 66 from the Unclassified District to the P-C District (north of North Ford P-C District). 10/18/1973  854 A 415 Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Map No. 65 from the Unclassified District to the P-C District. (Bayside Mobile Home Park and Boat Storage Area) 10/18/1973  855 A 416 Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 50, 32, 48 and 49 from the COH-UL, COH, CNH and U District to the P-C District. (area around Newport Center) 10/18/1973  856  Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of various Districting Maps including all Parks, Beaches and Schools (including Newport Dunes) to the Open Space or P-C District. 10/18/1973  857  Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of various Districting Maps including all water areas, within the City to the Open Space District. 10/18/1973  858 A 417 Set public hearing for 11/15/1973 to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 48 and 49 from the Unclassified District to the Open Space or P-C District (Irvine Coast Country Club). 10/18/1973  859  Set public hearing for 11/08/1973 to consider adoption of the Conservation of Natural Resources Element of the Newport General Plan. 10/18/1973  860 A 418 Set public hearing for 12/06/1973 to consider amendment to Section 20.02.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the term "building site". 11/01/1973  861 A 419 Set public hearing for 12/06/1973 to consider an amendment to Section 20.54.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code clarifying notification requirements with respect to City Council public hearings on Amendments. 11/01/1973   861 A 419 Set public hearing for 12/06/1973 to consider an amendment to Section 20.54.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code clarifying notification requirements with respect to City Council public hearings on Amendments. 11/01/1973  862  Adopt the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 11/08/1973  863  Set public hearing for 12/13/1973 to consider adoption of the Circulation Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 11/08/1973  864  Set public hearing for 11/29/1973 to consider amendments to the Land Use Element of The General Plan. 11/15/1973  865 A 421 Set public hearing for 12/20/1973 to consider amending Districting Map No. 22 from R-1 District to M-1-A District on a 1 foot strip of land running parallel with and between 16th Street and Production Place. 11/15/1973  866 A 422 Set public hearing for 12/20/1973 to consider amending a portion of Districting map No. 23 from the U District to the R-1 District on property west of Harbor Island Road and northeasterly of Newport Bay and Harbor Island. 11/15/1973  867 A 423 Set public hearing for 01/03/1974 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to amend Section 20.51 as it pertains to notification procedures. 12/06/1973  868 A 424 Set public hearing for 01/17/1974 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the height limit on the northwest upper Newport Bay. 12/06/1973  869 A 425 Set public hearing for 01/17/1974 to consider an amendment to portion of Districting Map No. 21 from the U District to the C-1-H District on a portion of Lot 171 of Irvine's Subdivision lying northerly of West Coast Highway and westerly of Kings Road. 12/06/1973  870  Adopt the Conservation of Natural Resources Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 11/29/1973  871 A 386 Recommend that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for the Big Canyon Planned Community be adopted pertaining to the density in Areas 1, 6, 10 and 14 of Big Canyon P-C. 11/01/1973   871 A 386 Recommend that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for the Big Canyon Planned Community be adopted pertaining to the density in Areas 1, 6, 10 and 14 of Big Canyon P-C. 11/01/1973  872  Recommend to City Council that it appropriate funds to determine the significance of potential paleontological sites in Areas 1 and 6 of the Big Canyon Planned Community. 01/03/1974  873  Adopt the Circulation Element of New Newport Beach General Plan. 01/10/1974  874  Adopt the Housing Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 01/17/1974  875  Rescind certain actions taken in connection with the Circulation Element and set a public hearing for 02/07/1974 to reconsider that portion of the Circulation Element pertaining to Coast Highway between MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road with the possibility of an interchange at MacArthur Boulevard and Coast Highway. 01/17/1974  876  Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport be adopted. 02/07/1974  877  Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for Harbor View Hills be adopted. 02/07/1974  878  Set a public hearing for 05/16/1974 to consider amendments to the Municipal Code pertaining to the adoption of a Noise Control Ordinance. 04/18/1974  879 A 432 Set public hearing for 05/16/1974 to consider amending portion of Districting Map Nos. 22, 22-A and 25 from the U District to the A-P District at the corner of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue, annexed by the City on 12/26/1973. 04/18/1974  880 A 433 Set public hearing for 06/06/1974 to consider an amendment to portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the R-3 District to the R-1 District on property north of Avon Street, east of Santa Ana Avenue. 05/02/1974  881  Set public hearing for 05/16/1974 to consider certain amendments to Use Permit No. 1547 (Amended) in connection with review of parking requirements (Sheraton Newport Hotel). 05/02/1974   881  Set public hearing for 05/16/1974 to consider certain amendments to Use Permit No. 1547 (Amended) in connection with review of parking requirements (Sheraton Newport Hotel). 05/02/1974  882 A 429 Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for Newport Place be adopted so as to establish a parking requirement for hotels and motels based on a demonstrated formula. Applicant: Emkay Dev. Co. 05/16/1974  883 A 430 Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport be adopted so as to: eliminate "Service Station Site 2" increase the size of "Retail and Service Site 1", permit health or athletic clubs and professional or business offices as permitted uses within the retail and service center sites of the Planned Community, and the acceptance of an environ-mental document. 05/16/1974  884  Set public hearing for 06/20/1974 to consider adoption of various amendments to the General Plan. 05/16/1974  885  Set public hearing for 07/11/1974 to consider the design of the Upper Bay Bridge on Coast Highway. 06/20/1974  886 A 435 Set public hearing for 07/18/1974 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to Sign Regulations. 06/20/1974  887  Set public hearing for 07/18/1974 to consider adoption of the Noise Element of the Newport Beach General Plan and the adoption of a noise ordinance. 06/20/1974  888 GPA 4 Recommend to the City Council the adoption of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. (Irvine Avenue) 06/20/1974  889 GPA 5 Recommend to the City Council the adoption of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. (15th Street) 06/20/1974  890 GPA 6 Recommend to the City Council the adoption of an amendment to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan. (Fun Zone) 06/20/1974   890 GPA 6 Recommend to the City Council the adoption of an amendment to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan. (Fun Zone) 06/20/1974  891 GPA 8 Recommend to the City Council the adoption of an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. (s/e corner Jamboree Road and Santa Barbara Drive) 06/20/1974  892 A 436 Set public hearing for 08/01/1974 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the definition of Family and Dwelling Units. 07/01/1974  893  Resolution finding that a proposed flood plain acquisition by the Orange County Flood Control District is in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan. 07/18/1974  894 A 437 Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Standards for Harbor View Hills be adopted, so as to reduce the permitted density in Area 11, update the statistical analysis for Areas 11 and 15 and make other general changes in the land use map and P-C text. 08/15/1974  895  Adopt the Noise Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 08/29/1974  896  Declare intention to consider adoption of various amendments to the general Plan on 10/17/1974. 09/05/1974  897  Declare intention to reconsider Amendment No. 437 and Tentative Map Tract 8725 (Sector IV – Harbor View Hills). Public hearing set for 10/24/1974. 10/03/1974  898 A 440 Set a public hearing for 11/21/1974 to consider amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to temporary uses in any Commercial, Industrial or Planned Community District. 10/17/1974  899  Amendment to the Circulation Element deleting reference to the Dover Drive/Coast Highway intersection as a grade-separated interchange. 10/17/1974  900  Amendment to the Land Use Element changing the designation of the property located on the north side of the future Corona del Mar Freeway between Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard on the Land Use Plan to indicate that either Retail and Service Commercial, or Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial or a mixture of the two is an acceptable use, which the understanding that the P-C zoning will be established in the near future. 10/17/1974   900  Amendment to the Land Use Element changing the designation of the property located on the north side of the future Corona del Mar Freeway between Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard on the Land Use Plan to indicate that either Retail and Service Commercial, or Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial or a mixture of the two is an acceptable use, which the understanding that the P-C zoning will be established in the near future. 10/17/1974  901  Amendment to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements providing for Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial uses as an alternate use in the area on the northeast side of Lido Park Drive, between 28th street and Lafayette Avenue. 10/17/1974  902  Amendment to the Land Use Element extending the Recreational and marine commercial designation, in the southeast section of Newport center, northerly to Farallon Drive and its extension to MacArthur Boulevard. 10/17/1974  903  Amendment to the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan relative to capacity of beaches. 10/17/1974  904  Amendment to the Land Use, Residential Growth and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan revising the open space designation in the Harbor View Hills area by deleting the open space "Paseo" adjacent to the San Joaquin Reservoir and by reducing the extent of the open space designation on the southerly side of Spyglass Hills Road. 10/24/1974  905  Set public hearing for 02/20/1975 to consider adoption of various amendments to the General Plan. 01/16/1975  906  Set public hearing for 02/06/1975 to consider adoption of the Public Safety Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 01/16/1975  907  Set public hearing for 02/06/1975 to consider the HUD Block Grant program. 01/16/1975  908  Approve the Public Safety Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 02/06/1975  909 GPA 19 Recommend approval – 809 East Bay Avenue. 02/20/1975   909 GPA 19 Recommend approval – 809 East Bay Avenue. 02/20/1975  910 GPA 23 Recommend approval – Coast Highway (Newport Boulevard to MacArthur Boulevard) 02/20/0975  911  Set public hearing for 03/20/1975 to consider an amendment to Chapter 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to restaurants. 03/06/1975  912 GPA 20 Recommend approval – Change the land use designation for the property on the north side of Coast Highway easterly of Jamboree Road from Low Density Residential to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial. 03/20/1975  913 GPA 22 Recommend approval – Designate Old Newport Boulevard Area for a Specific Area Plan. 04/03/1975  914  Approve amendments to the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport so as to: clarify building setback requirements within footprints lots; clarify professional and business office uses in the planned community add signing provisions for ground floor businesses in multiple tenant buildings. 05/15/1975  915  Set public hearing for 06/19/1975 to consider various requests for amendments to the General Plan. 05/15/1975  916 A 445 Set public hearing for 06/05/1975 to consider an amendment to Title 20, Section 20.02.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the definition of Building Site. 05/15/1975  917 A 446 Set public hearing for 06/05/1975 to consider amendments to Districting Maps No. 18, 19 and 20 so as to establish rear yard setbacks on properties adjacent to Buck Gully. 05/15/1975  918 A 447 Set public hearing for 07/17/1975 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by adding Section 20.08.290 to require a use permit for new development within areas designated for a Specific Area Plan by the General Plan for which a Specific Area Plan has not been adopted. 06/05/1975   918 A 447 Set public hearing for 07/17/1975 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by adding Section 20.08.290 to require a use permit for new development within areas designated for a Specific Area Plan by the General Plan for which a Specific Area Plan has not been adopted. 06/05/1975  919  Amend the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan to change the designation of approximately 50 acres of undeveloped land north of Pacific View Memorial Park from Governmental, Educational and Institutional to Low Density Residential. 06/19/1975  920  Amendments to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan recommending no change in the land use designation for the undeveloped property in Newport Center located at Jamboree Road and Coast Highway (currently designated Low Density Residential) and determining to consider the Land Use designation at MacArthur Boulevard at Coast Highway in the October 1975 General Plan amendment considerations. 06/19/1975  921  Amendment to the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to include a greenbelt designation along the south side of Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar, from Carnation Avenue to Poppy Avenue. 06/19/1975  922 A 448 Set public hearing for 07/17/1975 to consider an amendment to Section 20.07.040 Title 20, Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the Open Space Option requirement of the Residential Development Standards. 06/19/1975  923 A 449 Set public hearing for 08/07/1975 to consider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Plan for North Ford as it pertains to permit procedures and off-street parking standards for restaurants. 07/17/1975  924 A 450 Set public hearing for 08/07/1975 to consider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place as it pertains to permit procedures and off-street parking standards for restaurants. 07/17/1975   924 A 450 Set public hearing for 08/07/1975 to consider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place as it pertains to permit procedures and off-street parking standards for restaurants. 07/17/1975  925 A 451 Set public hearing for 08/07/1975 to consider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport as it pertains to permit procedures and off-street parking standards for restaurants. 07/17/1975  926 A 452 Set public hearing for 08/07/1975 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to amend the parking standards for retail and wholesale stores and office buildings in the "-Z" District to make them consistent with the parking requirements of the "-H" District. 07/17/1975  927 A 449 North Ford P-C District Resolution recommending to the City Council that certain amendments to the P-C development plan for North Ford be adopted in connection with restaurant parking. 08/21/1975  928 A 450 Newport Place P-C District Resolution recommending to the City Council that certain amendments to the P-C Development plan for Newport Place be adopted in connection with restaurant parking. 08/21/1975  929 A 451 Koll Center Newport P-C District resolution recommending to the City Council that certain amendments to the P-C development Plan for Koll Center Newport be adopted in connection with restaurant parking. 08/21/1975  930  Set public hearing for 09/18/1975 to consider the revocation of Use Permits 201 and 411 for the Sandpiper Inn located at 2101 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. 08/21/1975  931 A 454 Set public hearing for 10/02/1975 to consider the recodification of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Zoning Code. 09/04/1975  932  Resolution to City Council making report as required by Government Code Section 65402 in regards to the Environmental Management Agency of Orange County proposal for the acquisition of right of way and construction of portions of a bicycle trail within the City of Newport Beach. 09/02/1975   932  Resolution to City Council making report as required by Government Code Section 65402 in regards to the Environmental Management Agency of Orange County proposal for the acquisition of right of way and construction of portions of a bicycle trail within the City of Newport Beach. 09/02/1975  933  Set public hearing for 10/16/1975 to consider various requests for amendments to the General Plan. 09/18/1975  934 GPA 26 Recommend that the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended by creating a Medium Density Residential category, adding a definition of Buildable Acreage and revising the wording to certain sections of the Residential Growth Element. 10/16/1975  935 GPA 29 Recommend that the Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended to delete the proposal for a hiking trail and the possibility of a bicycle trail in Buck Gully. 10/16/1975  936 GPA 30 Recommend that the Land Use Element and Residential Growth Element and Recreation and Open Space Element of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended to revise the Land Use designations in the Upper Bay area for consistency with the State Department of Fish and Game Agreement for the Ecological reserve. 10/16/1975  937 A 458 and A 459 Set public hearing for 12/18/1975 to consider the Mariner's Mile Specific Area Plan and the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Zoning, together with the consideration of redesignating the zoning of the southerly portion of Lot C of Tract 919 from the C-1-H District to the R-1 District. 11/20/1975  938 A 460 Set public hearing (12/18/1975) to consider an amendment to Title 20, Section 20.08.080 of the NBMC to permit senior citizen housing in any district upon obtaining a use permit. 11/20/1975  939 A 461 Recommend to City Council certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Plan for North Ford to permit additional uses in Area 4. 01/08/1976  940 GPA 31 Recommend to the City Council that the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended to revise the Lane Use designations in the undeveloped portion of the Aeronutronic-Ford Site to add additional uses. 01/08/1976   941 A 462 Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments to the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place be adopted to add additional uses to Auto Center Site 1A and Auto Center Site 2B and to reclassify the Land Use designation of said sites to General Commercial Site 1A and General Commercial Site 2B, respectively. 01/15/1976  942  Set public hearing for 02/12/1976 to consider certain amendments to the General Plan. 01/22/1976  943  UP 1244, UP 1272 and UP 1419 – set public hearing for 02/12/1976 to consider the extension of use permits on property located at 3295 Newport Boulevard. (Smokey Stover's) 01/22/1976  944 A 76-1-A Recommend to City Council that the Land Use Element and Recreation and Open Space Element of the General Plan be amended in conjunction with the property located at Bayside Drive and Marine Avenue. 02/12/1976  945 A 76-1-C Recommend to City Council that the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended to revise the land use designation of a portion of Koll Center Newport Planned Community. 02/12/1976  946 A 76-1-B Recommend to City Council that the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan be amended to revise the land use designation of a portion of Newport Place Planned Community. 02/12/1976  947  Set public hearings for 03/15/1976 to consider amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to create a Historical Combining District and the regulation and control of Home Occupations; and a public hearing to consider changing the name of "New MacArthur Boulevard". 02/12/1976  948  Recommend to City Council the adoption of Hillside Development standards as a portion of the City Council Policy Manual. 02/19/1976  949 A 467 Set public hearing for 06/03/1976 to consider an amendment to Harbor View Hills Planned Community relative to setbacks. 05/06/1976   949 A 467 Set public hearing for 06/03/1976 to consider an amendment to Harbor View Hills Planned Community relative to setbacks. 05/06/1976  950 A 468 Set public hearing for 06/03/1976 to consider an amendment to Title 19 and Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code relative to permit filing fees. 05/20/1976  951  Set public hearing for 06/17/1976 to consider amendments to the General Plan. 05/20/1976  952 A 466 Recommend changes to the Koll Center Newport Land Use Map and Text. 06/03/1976  953 A 467 Recommend changes to the Harbor View Hills P-C text pertaining to setbacks. 06/03/1976  954  Set public hearing for 07/01/1976 to consider amendments to the Big Canyon P-C text relative to setbacks. 06/03/1976  955 A 76-2-A & A 76-2-B Recommend amendments to the General Plan. 06/17/1976  956  Recommend to the City Council that certain amendments of the Planned Community District regulations for Big Canyon be adopted to permit changes in the setback sections. 07/01/1976  957  Recommend to City Council that certain amendments of the Planned Community District regulations for Jasmine Creek be adopted to permit changes in the setback sections. 07/01/1976  958 A 471 Set public hearing for 9/2/1976 to consider an amendment to Title 19 and Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code clarifying the responsibility for providing the names of owners and addresses for required notification. 08/05/1976  959 A 472 Set public hearing for September 2, 1976 to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.02 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to height limits for chimneys and vents, architectural features, flagpoles and parapet walls, elevator and mechanical penthouses and mechanical equipment. 08/05/1976  960 A 474 Set public hearing for October 7, 1976 to consider an amendment to Title 20, Section 20.80.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the revocation of permits for variances. 09/02/1976   961  Set public hearing for October 21, 1976 to consider amendments to various elements of the General Plan. (76-3-A through 76-3-1) 09/19/1976  962  Set public hearing for October 21, 1976 to consider the amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan designating State-owned property (76-3-J) 10/07/1976  963  Set public hearing for October 21, 1976 to consider amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan revising uses in areas designated "General Industry" (76-3-K) 10/07/1976  964  Recommend amendments to the General Plan be adopted (76-3-A, 76-3-B, 76-3-C, 76-3-E, 76-3-F, 76-3-G, 76-3-H, 76-3-I, 76-3-J, 76-3-K) and further recommending that proposed General Plan Amendment No. 76-3-D not be adopted. 10/21/1976  965  Recommend amendment to the Planned community development for Koll Center Newport so as to allow the Planning Commission to grant exceptions to the minimum lot size requirement of 30,000 square feet in the commercial and professional office areas of Koll Center Newport. 12/02/1976  966  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider an amendment to the Newport Beach Municipal Code relative to notification procedures in connection with use permits, modification permits, variance permits, amendments, resubs and tentative maps. 12/02/1976  967  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider an amendment to the NBMC providing for the Right of Review by City Council in connection with Variance Permits. 12/02/1976  968  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider a zone change on property located at 807 and 809 East Bay Avenue from C-1 to R-2; and property located at 901 East Bay Avenue from C-1 to R-3. 12/02/1976   968  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider a zone change on property located at 807 and 809 East Bay Avenue from C-1 to R-2; and property located at 901 East Bay Avenue from C-1 to R-3. 12/02/1976  969  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider the redesignation of the zoning of the lots at 107 A Street, 806, 808, 810, 812 and 814 East Ocean Front, Balboa from the C-1 District to the R-2 District. 12/16/1976  970  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider the master plan for Bayside Dive Park, located along Bayside Drive from the existing city park at Carnation Avenue to Larkspur Avenue. 12/16/1976  971  Set public hearing for 01/20/1977 to consider an amendment to a portion of Districting map No. 48, consisting of 4.45 acres located along the westerly edge of the Irvine Coast Country Club from the "U" District to the "P-C" District to be considered together with Amendment No. 477, a request to establish the Planned Community Development Standards for the proposed "Sea Island Apartments" Planned Community. 01/06/1977  972 A 483 Set public hearing for 02/10/1977 to consider a reclassification to Open Space on the Irvine Coast Country Club, the Newport Beach Golf Course, and various entryway locations in the Newport Center area. 01/06/1977  973 A 484 Set a public hearing for 02/17/0977 to consider an amendment to Section 20.81.090 of the NBMC to lengthen the period during which approved Modification Permits may be exercised and eliminating the previously approved permits when said permits have not bee exercised within the time specified. 01/06/1977  974 A 485 Set public haring for 02/17/1977 to consider an amendment to Section 20.61.060 of the NBMC requiring a use permit for restaurants within the Specific Area Plan for Newport Shores. 01/06/1977  975 A 486 Set public hearing for 02/17/1977 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC relative to changes in the development standards for the R-2 District. 01/06/1977   975 A 486 Set public hearing for 02/17/1977 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC relative to changes in the development standards for the R-2 District. 01/06/1977  976  Set public hearing for 02/17/1977 to consider General Plan Amendments. 01/20/1977  977 A 487 Set public hearing for 02/17/1977 to consider changing the zone from R-2-B and R-3-B to Open Space on the site location of the Senior Citizens Center property located on a portion of Blocks 93 and 96, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 3300 5th Avenue, Corona del Mar. 01/20/1977  978  Set public hearing for 02/17/1977 to consider the adoption of the Mariner's Mile Specific Area Plan. 01/20/1977  979 A 489 Set public hearing for 03/17/1977 to consider an amendment to Section 20.87.090 of the NBMC pertaining to the definition of the term "building site". 02/17/1977  980  Approve the Specific Area Plan for Mariner's Mile. 03/03/1977  981  Recommend approval of General Plan Amendment No. 77-1 03/03/1977  982 A 493 Set public hearing for April 7, 1977 to consider the re-codification of the Sign Ordinance. 03/03/1977  983 A 494 Set public hearing for April 7, 1977 to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.52 of the NBMC pertaining to the Open Space District. 03/03/1977  984 A 488 Approve an amendment to the Planned Community Development Plan for "Newport Place" to permit changes in the Land Use Map and text. 03/17/1977  985  Set public hearing for 4/7/1977 to consider the revocation of the Use Permits Nos. 1476 and 1674 for the Studio Cafe located at 100 Main Street, Balboa. 03/17/1977  986 A 495 Set public hearing for 6/2/77 to consider a revision to the height limitations on the Ford Aeronutronic site and the North Ford Area. 05/05/1977  987 A 490 Recommend approval of an amendment to the Planned Community test for Newport Place dealing with the parking requirement for the Sheraton Hotel. 05/05/1977   987 A 490 Recommend approval of an amendment to the Planned Community test for Newport Place dealing with the parking requirement for the Sheraton Hotel. 05/05/1977  988  Set public hearing for 6/16/77 to consider amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan (No. 77-2-A through 77-2-E). 05/19/1977  989  Set public hearing for 7/7/77 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC pertaining to nonconforming properties, which have subsequently been voluntarily brought into conformity with the Municipal Code and by such action, would preclude the re-establishment of the former nonconforming condition. 06/02/1977  990  Set public hearing for 7/7/77 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NMC pertaining to parking requirements in the M-1-A District. 06/02/1977  991  Finding that the Jamboree Road-San Diego Creek Bicycle Trail Project is in conformance with the City of Newport Beach General Plan. 06/16/1977  992  Set public hearing for September 1, 1977 to identify coastal planning issues, which must be addressed in developing a local coastal program for the City of Newport beach. 08/18/1977  993  Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the general plan be adopted (Amendment Nos. 77-2-B; 77-2-D; and 77-2-E) and further recommending that proposed general plan amendment No. 77-2-A be denied but numerical density categories be set during the October 1977 general plan amendment session and that proposed general plan amendment No. 77-2-C be denied. 07/07/1977  994  Set public hearing for 9/1/77 to consider the adoption of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square concept plan, a preliminary step prior to the adoption of the Specific Area Plan for the Cannery Village/McFadden square area. 08/04/1977  995  Set public hearing for 10/20/1977 to consider adopting various amendments to the General Plan (Amendments No. 77-3-A and 77-3-B). 09/15/1977  996  Set public hearing for 10/20/77 to consider adopting various amendments to the General Plan (Amendment No. 77-3-C and 77-3-D). 10/06/1977   996  Set public hearing for 10/20/77 to consider adopting various amendments to the General Plan (Amendment No. 77-3-C and 77-3-D). 10/06/1977  997  Set public hearing for November 17, 1977 to consider the revocation of Use Permit No. 1775, Paula's Fine Foods, 2813 Villa Way. 10/20/1977  998  Recommend to City Council that certain amendments to the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach be removed from the calendar and that certain amendments to the General Plan be denied. (GPA 77-3) 11/17/1977  999 A 502 Recommend to City Council that an amendment to the Planned Community Development for Harbor View Hills be adopted to permit changes in the land use plan and text. (A 10) 01/05/1978  1000  Set public hearing for 02/16/78 to consider amendments to the General Plan of the City of Newport beach (GPA 78-1) 01/19/1978  1001  Set public hearing for March 2, 1978 to consider the draft of the Local Coastal Plan Work Program. 02/09/1978  1002  Finding that the proposed flood control and drainage improvement on the Santa Ana River Channel within the City is in conformance with the City's General Plan. 03/02/1978  1003  Recommend approval of A 504, requesting to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for Newport Place so as to allow the Planning Commission to grant exceptions to the minimum lot size requirement of 30,000 SF in the Planned Community. 03/16/1978  1004 A 507 Set public hearing for April 20, 1978 to consider an ordinance relative to bluff development regulations. 03/16/1978  1005  Set public hearing for April 20, 1978 to consider the adoption of the Wilbur Smith and Associated – Parking Needs and economic Feasibility Study of the Central Newport Beach area. 04/06/1978  1006  Set public hearing for May 4, 1978 to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to exempt single-family dwellings and duplexes from Site Plan Review requirements. 04/06/1978   1007 A 506 Recommend approval of to request to amend the Planned Community Development plan for Corporate Plaza so as to permit general changes in the Land Use Map and text. 04/06/1978  1008 A 505 Resolution recommending amendment to Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport so as to permit the increase in the building site and the allowable building area of Office Site C, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 04/20/1978  1009  Exempt single-family dwellings and duplexes from site Plan Review requirements. 05/18/1978  1010 A 510 Recommend to City Council to allow the maximum building height not to exceed 10 stories above ground level on Parcel 1 of Re-subdivision No. 585. 06/15/1978  1011 A 512 Set public hearing for July 20, 1978 to consider the relocation of a section from the building Code to the Zoning Ordinance relating to relocatable buildings. 06/15/1978  1012  Recommend to City Council that portions of general Plan Amendment 78-1 be adopted. 07/06/1978  1013 A 508 Recommend to City Council to revise the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport as proposed by the applicant. 07/20/1978  1014  Set public hearing for General Plan amendments and Planned Community amendments for 9/7/78. 08/03/1978  1015  Set public hearing for 9/21/78 to consider amending the Planned Community District Regulations to contain policies relating to bluff top development for large projects dealing with bluff top development on already subdivided lots. 08/17/1978  1016  Set public hearing for 9/21/78 to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC to make all construction subject to Site Plan Review in areas designated for a SAP where a SAP has not been adopted. 08/17/1978  1017  Set General Plan Amendment 78-3 for public hearing on 10/19/78. 09/21/1978   1017  Set General Plan Amendment 78-3 for public hearing on 10/19/78. 09/21/1978  1018  Set public hearing for 10/19/1978 to consider Roger's Gardens appeal relative to the interpretation of Use Permit No. 1683 A. 09/21/1978  1019  Set General Plan Amendment 78-3 item for public hearing on 10/19/78. 10/02/1978  1020  Set the Condominium Conversion Ordinance for public hearing on 11/9/78. 10/05/1978  1021  Resolution recommending to the City Council that the General Plan be amended. 10/19/78  1022  Resolution recommending to the City Council that 78-3 be adopted with the revision that 78-3-A be adopted so as to allow Administrative, Professional, and Commercial as alternate use on the site. 10/19/1978  1023  Resolution setting a public hearing for December 7, 1978 to consider a chimney amendment. 10/19/1978  1024  VOID   1025  Set public hearing for 1/18/79 to consider an amendment to the Civic Plaza Planned Community which would incorporate a Traffic Phasing plan as has been done for other accepted Planned Community Developments. 1025 Amended 12/21/1978. 11/09/1978  1026  Set public hearing to consider an amendment to Title 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to excavation and grading. 11/09/1978  1027  Set public hearing to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC, Section 20.02.050, for the purpose of reducing height limits and preserving existing rooflines on the bluff side of Kings Road and Kings Place between Irvine Avenue and Dover Drive in Cliff Haven. 11/09/1978  1028  Set public hearing to consider an amendment to chapter 20.11 of the NBMC as it applies to the residential development standards for the R-1 Residential district in old Corona del Mar. 12/07/1978  1029  Set public hearing to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.87 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it applies to the definitions of the terms "dwelling units" and "family". 12/08/1979   1029  Set public hearing to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.87 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it applies to the definitions of the terms "dwelling units" and "family". 12/08/1979  1030 A 526 Approve amendment establishing a Planned Community Development Plan and Development Standards for Block 800, Newport Center. 01/18/1979  1031  Set public hearing on February 22, 1979 to consider reclassifying the CalTrans parcel in West Newport from R-2, R-3, C-1, and U to OS. 01/18/1979  1032 A 527 Recommend to the City Council an amendment to the Civic Plaza Planned Community Development Plan revising the allowable development, establishing a phasing of development plan, and approving a revised site plan. 02/08/1979  1033  Initiate an amendment to Chapter 20, which would require a Use Permit for Roller Skate Rentals. 04/05/1979  1034  Set public hearing and initiate an amendment to the Newport Place Planned Community (Emkay) to reflect the action taken by the City Council on 03/12/1979 in approving a Development Phasing Plan. 04/05/1979  1035 A 530 Consider an amendment to the adopted Development Plan for the Newport Place Planned Community; so as to reduce the allowable development to be consistent with the Phasing Plan approved by the City Council. 05/10/1979  1036 A 531 Amend the Planned Community Development Standards for Corporate Plaza so as to permit additional signs within the Planned Community. 05/10/1979  1037 A 532 Establish a Planned Community Plan and Development Standards for the Aeronutronic Ford site, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 05/10/1979  1038  Set public hearing for 06/21/1979 discussion on the re-zoning of property on St. Andrews Road to R-1. 05/24/1979  1039  Set public hearing for 06/21/1979 for a discussion regarding revision of the Code as it pertains to parking for apartments and condominiums to increase the parking spaces to at least a minimum of two parking spaces per dwelling unit. 05/24/1979   1039  Set public hearing for 06/21/1979 for a discussion regarding revision of the Code as it pertains to parking for apartments and condominiums to increase the parking spaces to at least a minimum of two parking spaces per dwelling unit. 05/24/1979  1040  Request to consider amending the Residential Development Standards for the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts in Old Corona del Mar. 07/19/1979  1041  Definition of a dwelling unit amendment to Section 20.87.140. 07/19/1979  1042 A 537 Request to consider an amendment to section 20.02.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to reduce height limits and establish building heights in relation to curb height on the bluff side of ocean Blvd. Between Carnation Avenue and Poppy Avenue, in Corona del Mar. 07/19/1979  1043  Request to consider proposed amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth, Open Space and Circulation Elements of the General Plan. 08/09/1979  1044 A 532 Establish a Planned Community Plan and Development Standards for the Aeronutronic Ford site. 08/16/1979  1045 A 539 Set public hearing on 10/04/1979 amendment to Chapter 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the establishment of a Low Density Residential District. 08/16/1979  1046  Consider proposed amendment to the Land Use, Residential Growth and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the General Plan and the preliminary review of a screen check Initial Study. 10/04/1979  1047  Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the underground storage of flammable liquids in residential areas and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 10/18/1979  1048 A 536 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Harbor View Hills so as to permit the expansion Area No. 8 (Baywood Apartments) of the Planned Community for additional multi-family residential units, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 01/24/1980   1048 A 536 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Harbor View Hills so as to permit the expansion Area No. 8 (Baywood Apartments) of the Planned Community for additional multi-family residential units, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 01/24/1980  1049 GPA 80-1 Set public hearing for proposed amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth, Recreation and Open Space, and Circulation Elements of the General Plan. 01/24/1980  1050  Set public hearing for an amendment pertaining to residential uses in the M-1-A District. 02/07/1980  1051  Set public hearing on 03/20/80 for residential development standards in Corona del Mar. 02/21/1980  1052  Set public hearing on 04/10/1980 for residential parking standards. 02/21/1980  1053  Set public hearing on 05/22/1980 for lot line adjustments. 04/10/1981  1054 GPA 80-2 Approved amendment to Land Use Residential Growth Element of the Newport Beach General Plan. 08/21/1980  1055  Request to amend the plan for Koll Center Newport so as to allow the transfer of allowable square footage within the Planning Community. 09/04/1980  1056 A 551 Set public hearing on 10/09/1980 to amend Chapter 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code establishing land use regulations pertaining to the operation and location of adult entertainment uses within the City of Newport Beach. 10/09/1980  1057  Adopt resolution recommend the draft Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and development Policies to the City Council. 11/06/1980  1058 GPA 79-2 Adopt a resolution recommending approval of the amendments to the Circulation Element - Master Plan of Street and Highway of the Newport Beach General Plan and acceptance of an Environmental Document. 11/06/1980  1059 A 556 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Harbor View Hills so as to delete reference to the "two (2) story" limit for residential construction and change the height limit of thirty-five (35) feet to thirty-two (32) feet. The Irvine Company. 12/04/1980   1059 A 556 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Harbor View Hills so as to delete reference to the "two (2) story" limit for residential construction and change the height limit of thirty-five (35) feet to thirty-two (32) feet. The Irvine Company. 12/04/1980  1060 A 554 Amend the Big Canyon Planned Community so as to change the land use designation for Area 10 from "Medium High Density" to "Medium Density" residential and change the maximum building height from "35 feet or two stories" to "35 feet". The Irvine Company. 12/18/1980  1061 A 557 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the powers and duties of the Modification Committee; nonconforming structures, and uses; and residential parking standards, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 01/22/1981  1062 A 558 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport so as to allow the transfer of allowable square footage within the Planned Community, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Greenwich Plaza. 02/05/1981  1063 A 559 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community, so as to consider a change in the proposed housing types and a change of various development standards for the residential areas of the Planned Community. JM Peters and Company, Inc. 02/05/1981  1064 A 560 Request to consider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Standards for the Newport Place Planned Community so as to permit the construction of a seven (7) story office building, where existing development standards presently limit building heights to six (6) stories on the site. The request also includes the acceptance of an Environmental Document. WZMH Group, Inc. 02/19/1981  1065  Directive that the sign issue be addressed in the Specific Area Plan for Corona del Mar. 04/23/1981  1066 A 562 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to delete reference to the "two livable story" limit for residential construction in the R-1 and R-1.5 Districts. 05/21/1981   1066 A 562 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to delete reference to the "two livable story" limit for residential construction in the R-1 and R-1.5 Districts. 05/21/1981  1067 GPA 80-3 Proposed amendments to the Land Use, Residential growth, and Recreation and Open Space elements of the Newport Beach General Plan and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. The Irvine Company. 05/21/1981  1068 GPA 81-1 Request to amend the Newport Beach General Plan for the Banning-Newport Ranch and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 06/18/1981  1069  Amendment No. 2 to the Local Coastal Program. Request to amend the Land Use Plan and the adoption of an implementing ordinance for the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program. 06/18/1981  1070 A 561 Establish a Planned Community Development Plan and Development Standards for the Banning=Newport Ranch Planned community. 06/18/1981  1071 GPA 81-1 (H) Proposed revisions to the Housing Element of the Newport Beach General Plan and acceptance of an environmental document. 09/10/1981  1072 A 564 Request to amend the previously approved Aeronutronic Ford P-C District Regulations so as to reflect the deletion of a park site and increase the permitted number of dwelling units in Area 5 from 39 to 48. Also includes changes to P-C involving garage setbacks and location of future tennis courts and acceptance of an environmental document. 09/10/1981  1073 A 565 Request to amend the P-C text for Block 800 Planned Community so as to allow the additional gross floor area for the restaurant use and additional net floor area for office use within the existing building at 800 Newport Center Drive and the acceptance of an environmental document. 09/10/1981  1074 A 566 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC to amend the definition of the term "parking spaces". 10/08/1981  1075 A 567 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to establish a Mobile Home Park District. 11/19/1981   1075 A 567 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to establish a Mobile Home Park District. 11/19/1981  1076 A 569 Request to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.62 of the NBMC as it pertains to permitting residential uses in the mariner's Mile Specific Plan District (SP-5), and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 11/19/1981  1077 A 570 Request to amend the Harbor View Hills P-C Development Standards relative to garage setback from sidewalks and curbs in Area 11 of said P-C. 02/04/1982  1078 A 568 Request to amend Chapter 20.73 Residential Condominium Projects, of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 04/08/1982  1079 A 571 Request to consider an amendment to Title 19 of the NBMC as it pertains to extending the allowable expiration dates for re-subdivisions and tentative maps. 05/06/1982  1080 A 572 Request to consider amendments to Title 5 and Title 20 of the NBMC establishing regulations pertaining to the operation and location of electronic video game machines in the City of Newport Beach. 05/20/1982  1081 A 573 Request to consider amendments to Title 3 and Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code establishing regulations pertaining to time-share developments in the City of Newport Beach. 06/10/1982  1082 A 574 Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 65 from the P-C District to the P-C/MHP District - DeAnza mobile Home Park. 06/24/1982  1083 A 575 Request to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.10.035 of the NBMC as it pertains to the hours of operation of pool pumps in residential districts. 08/05/1982  1084 GPA 82-1 Request to amend the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements and Maps of the Newport Beach General Plan for the North Ford Planned Community. 09/09/1982  1085 GPA 81-3 Request to amend the Newport Beach General Plan for Block 900 of Newport Center so as to allow the expansion of the existing Marriott Hotel with the addition of 234 guest rooms, a ballroom, cocktail lounges and restaurants, a video game room, related hotel and service facilities, and a 574 space parking structure. The proposal also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. 12/09/1982   1085 GPA 81-3 Request to amend the Newport Beach General Plan for Block 900 of Newport Center so as to allow the expansion of the existing Marriott Hotel with the addition of 234 guest rooms, a ballroom, cocktail lounges and restaurants, a video game room, related hotel and service facilities, and a 574 space parking structure. The proposal also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. 12/09/1982  1086 A 582 Request to consider amendments to sections 20.11.040 and 20.15.080 of the NBMC as they pertain to revisions of the Open Space Option requirements for residential development and the acceptance of an environmental document. 01/06/1983  1087 A 584 Request to consider a proposed amendment to Chapter 20.02 of the NBMC as it pertains to permitting the installation of roof mounted solar energy systems in excess of height limits. 02/24/1983  1088 GPA 81-2 Request to amend the Land Use, Residential Growth and recreation and open Space Elements of the NBMC and the acceptance of an environmental impact report. RE: CalTrans West, Fifth Avenue Parcels, Big Canyon Area 16, Newport Center - Block 400, and Campus Drive. 03/10/1983  1089 A No. 2 Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program for the CalTrans west site. (portion of GPA 81-2) 03/10/1983  1090  Resolution of intent to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 46 from the Open Space District to the Planned Community District. (RE: CalTrans West site) 03/10/1983  1091 A 587 Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 46 from the Open Space District to the Planned Community District. CalTrans West site. 03/24/1983  1092 A 588 Request to amend portions of Districting Maps No. 22 and 25 from the Unclassified/MHP District (i.e. the Seacliffe and Newport Terrace Mobile Home Park sites), and the remaining residentially designated areas from the Unclassified District to the R-3 (2178) District; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 04/21/1983  1093 A 585 Max Morgan Request to consider an amendment to a portion of Districting Map No. 3 so as to reclassify property from the Unclassified District to the R-2 District. The applicant proposes to establish 10-foot front yard setbacks on said Districting Map for lot frontages adjacent to32nd Street (extended) and 33rd Street and a 9-foot front yard setback on 31st Street and the acceptance of an Environmental Impact Report. LOCATION: 120 32ND Street in West Newport 04/21/1983   1093 A 585 Max Morgan Request to consider an amendment to a portion of Districting Map No. 3 so as to reclassify property from the Unclassified District to the R-2 District. The applicant proposes to establish 10-foot front yard setbacks on said Districting Map for lot frontages adjacent to32nd Street (extended) and 33rd Street and a 9-foot front yard setback on 31st Street and the acceptance of an Environmental Impact Report. LOCATION: 120 32ND Street in West Newport 04/21/1983  1094 A 589 Big Canyon Country Club Request to amend the Big Canyon Planned Community development Standards so as to permit the construction of a residence for the General Manager of the big Canyon country Club on the golf course, and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION: 1900 Jamboree Road 06/09/1983  1095 GPA 82-2 Request to amend the Newport Beach General Plan for Block 600 of Newport center so as to allow the construction of a 325 room Four Seasons Hotel with related hotel and service facilities including ballrooms, meeting rooms, cocktail lounges and restaurants. 08/04/1983  1096 A 590 Request to amend the Harbor View Hills Planned Community text so as to include 2.4 acres of the Metropolitan Water District Reservoir site (Annexation No. 89) within the boundaries of the Planned Community and designate said land for reservoir caretakers' use. The proposal also includes the addition of a 1.1-acre site (Resubdivision No. 734) for three custom residential lots, to Area 11 of the planned Community, and the acceptance of an environmental document. The proposal will also amend a portion of Districting Map No. 63 so as to reclassify both sites from the Unclassified District to the Planned Community (P-C) District. 08/04/1983  1097 A 592 A 593 GPA 82-1 Request to amend the Land Use, Residential Growth, Recreation and Open Space, Circulation and Noise Elements of Newport Beach General Plan for the North Ford Planned Community. 09/28/1983  1098 LCP No. 3 GPA 82-1 Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program for that portion of the North Ford Planned Community located within the Coastal Zone (San Diego Creek South) 09/28/1983   1098 LCP No. 3 GPA 82-1 Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program for that portion of the North Ford Planned Community located within the Coastal Zone (San Diego Creek South) 09/28/1983  1099 A 592 Request to amend the North Ford Planned Community so as to include all of the land northerly of Eastbluff Drive (extended) to San Diego Creek, between MacArthur Boulevard and the easterly boundary of the North Ford Planned Community. The proposal also includes a request to amend portions of Districting Maps No. 43, 44, and 58 so as to reclassify said property from the Unclassified District to the Planned Community District. 09/28/1983  1100 A 593 Request to consider an amendment to the Koll Center Newport Planned Community Development Plan so as to allow 295,000 sq. ft. of additional office development in Office Site C of the Koll Center Newport Planned Community. 09/28/1983  1101 GPA 81-3 (E) Request to amend the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan so as to allow the construction of an additional 428 dwelling units in Newport center, including 150 affordable units in Newport Village. 09/28/1983  1102 A 594 Request to consider the adoption of a Planned Community Development Plan for the Newport Village area in Newport Center. 09/28/1983  1103 GPA 82-2 Request to amend the Land Use Element of the Newport beach General Plan for Area 8 of the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community from "Low Density Residential" uses to "Multi-Family Residential" uses. 09/28/1983  1104 A 591 Request to amend the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community text so as to increase the number of allowable dwelling units in Area 8 and to revise the development standards for Areas Nos. 1, 6, 7 and 8 of the Planned Community. 09/28/1983  1105 A 595 Request to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.10 and Section 20.87.140 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, establishing regulations pertaining to Second Family Residential Units on single family lots in the City of Newport. 09/28/1983   1105 A 595 Request to consider an amendment to Chapter 20.10 and Section 20.87.140 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, establishing regulations pertaining to Second Family Residential Units on single family lots in the City of Newport. 09/28/1983  1106 A 596 Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. Request to amend the PC Development Standards for Block 800 in Newport Center so as to establish a car wash and auto detailing facilities as permitted uses in area 1 of the PC; to increase the maximum allowable floor area for a restaurant facility in Area 1; to increase the maximum allowable use of compact car spaces from 25% to 30% in Area 1, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 12/08/1983  1107 A 598 Request to establish a Planned Community Development Plan and Development Standards for Block 400 of Newport center. The proposal also includes a request to amend portions of Districting Maps Nos. 49 and 50 so as to reclassify said property from the C-O-H District to the P-C (Planned community) District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 01/05/1984  1108 GPA 83-2 (A) Request to amend the Land Use, Residential Growth, and Recreational Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan so as to redesignate the Corona del Mar Elementary school site from "Governmental, Educational and Institutional" uses to "Multiple-Family Residential" uses. 01/19/1984  1109 LCP Amendment 4 Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the Newport beach Local Coastal Program so as to redesignate the Corona del Mar Elementary School site from "Governmental, Educational and Institutional" uses to "Multiple-Family Residential" uses. 01/19/1984  1110 A 599 Request to establish Planned Community Development Standards and adopt a Planned Community development Plan for the development of the Corona del Mar Elementary School site. The proposal also includes a request to amend portions of Districting Map No. 16, so as to reclassify said property from the Unclassified District to the Planned Community District. 01/19/1984   1111 GPA 83-1 (B) Consideration of an amendment to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport beach General Plan, for property located within area 11 of the Harbor View Hills Planned Community, more specifically identified as all the property included in Annexation No. 89, so as to establish a designation of "Low-Density-Residential" uses for the subject property. 02/09/1984  1112 A 602 Request to consider amending Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to amend the definition of the term "Family". 02/09/1984  1113 A 603 Request to amend the Planed Community and Land Use Plan regulations of the Big Canyon Planned Community so as to establish residential development standards for property located at the southwesterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Ford Road, to be established as Area 16 of the Big Canyon Planned Community. 02/23/1984  1114 A 604 Request to amend the previously approved Newport Place Planned Community regulations so as to allow the construction of a 16,154 square feet (net) office building on property located in the "Professional and Business Offices Site 5", and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/08/1984  1115 GPA 83-1 (C) Request an amendment to the Newport Beach General Plan for property located adjacent to Medical Lane, so as to redesignate said property from "Multiple Family Residential" uses to "Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial" uses, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/22/1984  1116 A 601 Request to amend portions of Districting Map Nos. 22 and 25 so as to reclassify property described as Tract No. 11018 from the R-3 (2178) District to the A-P District. 03/22/1984  1117 A 597 Request to amend the previously approved Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations so as to allow the expansion of an existing office building located in "Professional and Business Office Sites 1 and 2". The proposal also includes a request to amend the requirements for off-street parking for office uses from one parking space per 225 Square feet to one parking space per 300 square feet subject to the approval of a use permit, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/22/1984   1117 A 597 Request to amend the previously approved Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations so as to allow the expansion of an existing office building located in "Professional and Business Office Sites 1 and 2". The proposal also includes a request to amend the requirements for off-street parking for office uses from one parking space per 225 Square feet to one parking space per 300 square feet subject to the approval of a use permit, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/22/1984  1118 GPA 83-2 (C) Consideration of amendments to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, redesignation of the site on the northeasterly corner of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road from "Low Density Residential" to "Recreational and Marine Commercial" for the purpose of consistency with the Certified Land Use Plan of the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program. 03/22/1984  1119 A 605 Request to establish Planned Community Development Standards and adopt a Planned Community development Plan for property located at the northeasterly corner of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/22/1984  1120 A 606 Koll Center Newport Request to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned Community Development Standards so as to transfer the undeveloped remaining allowable area for office, restaurant and retail uses from "Office Site A" to "Office site B". 04/05/1984  1121 GPA 83-2 (B) City of Newport Beach Request to amend the Housing Element of the Newport beach General Plan so as to update the Community Housing Market Analysis and Housing Needs Assessment Section on the basis of more recent data and revised the constraints to Housing Delivery and Housing Program Section in response to implementation progress made since November of 1982. This amendment is being made pursuant to Government Code Section 65580 et. seq. 05/25/1984  1122 A 607 Bay Colony Property Co. Request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations so as to establish a specific limit on hotel rooms for Hotel Sites 1A and 1B, and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION: 4545 MacArthur Boulevard 05/24/1984   1123 A 608 Bill Langston Request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards so as to transfer the remaining 4,130 square feet of allowable building area from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". The proposal also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION: Newport Place Planned Community 06/07/1984  1124  Recommend to City Council that certain proposed amendments to the land use residential growth, recreation and open space and circulation elements of the Newport Beach General Plan be adopted, and in recommending approval of said amendments make the finding listed below with regard to the environmental documentation. 08/23/1984  1125  NOT ASSIGNED   1126 GPA 81-2 (F) LCP No. 6 A resolution of the City Council adopting amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Land Use, and Circulation Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan and to the Newport Beach Local Coastal Program, and accepting a negative declaration prepared in conjunction with this amendment. 01/10/1985  1127 GPA 85-1 (A) A resolution of the Planning Commission recommending approval to amend the Land Use and Residential growth elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, and acceptance of an environmental document. 01/24/1985  1128 GPA 83-1 (A) Consideration of amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth, and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan for the Marguerite Avenue, Fifth Avenue and Buck Gully Parcels. Jasmine Park - Approved Corona del mar Cottage Homes - Denied Buck Gully - Approved 02/21/1985 Denied  1129 GPA 85-1 (D) Consideration of amendments to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan for the Fifth Avenue/MacArthur Parcel. 02/21/1985 Denied  1130 GPA 85-2 (A) Request to amend the General Plan Policies Report of the Newport beach general Plan, repealing obsolete policies concerning housing, land use, future residential growth, and community design, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 08/22/1985   1130 GPA 85-2 (A) Request to amend the General Plan Policies Report of the Newport beach general Plan, repealing obsolete policies concerning housing, land use, future residential growth, and community design, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 08/22/1985  1131 GPA 85-2 (B) Consideration of an amendment to the Land Use and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport beach General Plan so as to change the land use designation from "Recreational and Environmental Open Space with an alternate of Low density Residential" to "Multi-Family Residential" and a mixture of "Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial" and "Retail and Service Commercial". 08/22/1985  1132 A 621 Request to amend the Corona del Mar Homes Planned Community Development Standards so as to eliminate the third off-street parking space requirement for two lots within the development (Lots 1 and 2 of Block 531, Corona del Mar) 08/22/1985  1133 A 626 Request to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned Community Development Standards so as to allow up to tow (2) restaurants with a total gross floor area not to exceed 3,250 square feet within "Office Site C" of the Planned Community. 11/07/1985  1134 GPA 85-3 Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan so as to allow an additional 9,500 square feet of office development in Block 700 of Newport Center (Pacific Mutual); and the acceptance of an environmental document. 12/05/1985  1135 GPA 86-1 (A) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan, changing the designation for the Cannery Village area from a mixture of Recreational and Marine Commercial and general Industry uses to Recreational and Marine Commercial uses on the bayfront sites, Retail and Service Commercial uses in the area northerly of 29th Street between Newport Boulevard and Villa Way, and a mixture of Retail and Service Commercial and General Industry uses for the remainder of the area. Change designation for McFadden Square from Recreational and Marine Commercial to Retail ad Service Commercial uses. Those existing areas designated for two family residential and multi-family residential uses are to remain unchanged. 03/06/1986   1135 GPA 86-1 (A) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan, changing the designation for the Cannery Village area from a mixture of Recreational and Marine Commercial and general Industry uses to Recreational and Marine Commercial uses on the bayfront sites, Retail and Service Commercial uses in the area northerly of 29th Street between Newport Boulevard and Villa Way, and a mixture of Retail and Service Commercial and General Industry uses for the remainder of the area. Change designation for McFadden Square from Recreational and Marine Commercial to Retail ad Service Commercial uses. Those existing areas designated for two family residential and multi-family residential uses are to remain unchanged. 03/06/1986  1136 A 8 (A) Request to amend the Local Coastal Program/Land Use Plan, changing the designation of the non-bayfront sites from Recreational and Marine Commercial to Retail and Service Commercial uses. Change the designation for McFadden Square area from Recreational and Marine Commercial to Retail and Service Commercial uses. Those areas designated for two family residential and multi-family residential uses are to remain unchanged. Amendments will also be requiring to LUP Map Nos. 3, 8 and 9. 03/06/1986  1137 A 631 Request to amend portions of North Ford Planned Community for residential Area 5 to delete provisions for shared driveways on substandard lots; increase the minimum lot size from 2,400 to 3,000; establish a minimum average lot width of 55 feet; revise the garage setback requirements; establish permitted locations for guest parking; and increase the maximum height for open trellis and beam construction within the required side yard setbacks from 8 feet to 9 feet. 03/20/1986  1138 A 636 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for the Corona del mar Homes Planned community (Summer Wind) so as to allow individual property owners to use the side yard of an adjoining lot for parking purposes, landscaping, and the construction of pools and spas. No date listed  1139 GPA 85-1 (B) Request to consider amendment to the Land Use, Circulation and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan to allow construction of an additional 1,275,000 square feet of office use, 248,000 square feet of retail and restaurant uses, and 700 residential units on property located in Newport Center and various peripheral sites. Proposed is a revision to the Circulation System Master Plan to delete the Avocado-MacArthur one-way couplet and establish MacArthur Boulevard as a two-way major arterial roadway and the acceptance of an environmental document. 05/22/1986   1139 GPA 85-1 (B) Request to consider amendment to the Land Use, Circulation and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan to allow construction of an additional 1,275,000 square feet of office use, 248,000 square feet of retail and restaurant uses, and 700 residential units on property located in Newport Center and various peripheral sites. Proposed is a revision to the Circulation System Master Plan to delete the Avocado-MacArthur one-way couplet and establish MacArthur Boulevard as a two-way major arterial roadway and the acceptance of an environmental document. 05/22/1986  1140 A 9 LCP/LUP Request to amend the Certified Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan for the Newporter North, Bayview Landing, and PCH/Jamboree sites. 05/22/1986  1141 A 635 Request to amend a portion of the Koll Center Planned Community Development Standards so as to delete restaurant uses from Office Site A, and to permit a private club in Office Site A, not to exceed 30,000 square feet in area, subject to the securing of a use permit, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 06/05/1986  1142  Request to establish Planned Community Development Standards and adopt a PC Development Plan for the development of the Point del Mar Planned Community and the acceptance of an environmental document. 06/05/1986  1143 GPA 86-2 (A) A resolution of the PC recommending an amendment to the Circulation Element of the NBGP as adopted, and, in recommending approval of said Amendment, recommend that the Environmental Impact Report prepared in conjunction with the GP Amendment 85-1 (B) be used as the environmental document for the project. 06/19/1986  1144  Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of NB General Plan, to redesignate various portions of property within the unincorporated area known as Santa Ana Heights, from "Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential" to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial and a combination of Retail and Service Commercial and Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial. Includes an Environmental Document. 09/04/1986  1145 GPA 86-2 (C) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to reclassify a single parcel of land from Two Family Residential to Retail and Service Commercial. 09/18/1986 CC 10/27/1986  1146 LCP A 10 Request to consider an amendment to the Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan, so as to reclassify the subject property from Two Family Residential to Retail and Service Commercial. 09/18/1986 CC 10/27/1986   1147 GPA 86-2 (B) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element to reclassify approximately 6.778 acres of land from General Industry to Multiple Family Residential, and approximately 3.6 acres of land from Retail & Service Commercial to Multiple Family Residential and the acceptance of an environmental document. 11/06/1986  1148 GPA 86-3 (A) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element to redesignate the subject property from Low Density Residential to Administrative, Prof. & Financial Commercial and the acceptance of an environmental document. 12/04/1986  1149 LCP A 11A Request to consider an amendment to the LCP, LUP to redesignate the subject property from Low Density Residential to Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial. 12/04/1986  1150 LCP A 11 B Request to consider an amendment to the LCP, LUP to permit the use of lots designated for residential uses, adjacent to commercial uses, for parking lots to support the commercial development upon approval of a use permit in each case. 12/04/1986  1151 GPA 86-1 (H) Request to consider an amendment to the Housing Element to update it to include an analysis of families and persons in need of emergency shelter and provisions for the needs of families and persons in need of emergency shelter; and the acceptance of an E.D. 12/04/1986  1152 GPA 86-3 (B) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element so as to permit an additional 2,740 square feet of floor area in the Block 800 PC of Newport Center and the acceptance of an E.D. 01/08/1987  1153 A 643 Request to consider an amendment to the Block 800 PC so as to permit an additional 2,740 square feet of floor area in the Pacific Mutual Plaza Tower II for a laundry dry cleaner pick-up area and auto detailer and additional mezzanine space. 01/08/1987  1154 A 644 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards of the Bayview Planned Community so as to establish provisions which allow the construction of improvements such as trellis and beam construction, patio covers, and pools and spas within reciprocal side yard easement areas. 01/08/1987 CC 02/09/1987 Ord. 87-24   1154 A 644 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards of the Bayview Planned Community so as to establish provisions which allow the construction of improvements such as trellis and beam construction, patio covers, and pools and spas within reciprocal side yard easement areas. 01/08/1987 CC 02/09/1987 Ord. 87-24  1155 A 638 Request to amend the Newport Place PC Development Standards so as to allow 278,489 square feet of additional bank and office floor area in an 11-story building within Professional and Business Offices Site No. 5 and to establish a restaurant, an athletic club, and ancillary service commercial uses on the subject property. The proposal also includes modifications to the Planned Community Development Standards so as to allow a parking formula of one parking space for each 250 square feet of office and bank floor areas; to allow 25 percent of the required parking spaces as compact spaces; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 01/22/1987  1156 A 647 Request to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned Community Development Standards so as to establish auto detailing as a permitted use (for tenants only) in the parking structure located within the Koll Center Newport Planned Community. 02/19/1987 03/23/1987 R 87-33  1157 A 646 Request to consider amending Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, adding Chapter 20.64, the Santa Ana Heights Specific Area Plan; amending Districting Maps Nos. 34, 42, 61 and 67; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/05/1987  1158 A 649 Request to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned community Development Standards so as to permit support commercial uses in all of the office areas of the Planned Community, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 06/18/1987 Res. 87-125  1159 TS and Density Bonus Request for density bonus in accordance with Section 65915 of the California Government Code so as to construct an apartment complex with 26 units affordable to lower income families; and the acceptance of an environmental document. TS and Density Bonus. 07/09/1987 CC 07/27/1987 Res. 87-126 Res. 87-127  1160 A 651 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for Area 10 of the Big Canyon PC to amend the front, side and rear yard setback requirements for residential dwellings and garages and to delete the provision for the establishment of setbacks in conjunction with the approval of a tentative tract map; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 07/23/1987 CC 08/24/1987   1160 A 651 Request to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for Area 10 of the Big Canyon PC to amend the front, side and rear yard setback requirements for residential dwellings and garages and to delete the provision for the establishment of setbacks in conjunction with the approval of a tentative tract map; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 07/23/1987 CC 08/24/1987  1161 GPA 87-1 (E) Consideration of amendments tot he Circulation Element of the Newport beach General Plan so as to delete the MacArthur Boulevard/Avocado Avenue one-way couplet from the City’s Master Plan of Streets and Highways; designate MacArthur Boulevard as a major arterial roadway westerly of the existing alignment, and the designation of Avocado Avenue southerly of San Miguel Drive as a secondary arterial roadway. 08/06/1987  1162 GPA 87-1 EIR 136(C) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach 69,500 square feet of commercial development in fashion Island, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 10/08/1987  1163  Determination of Consistency with the provisions of the General Plan so as to allow the transfer of 1350 committed theater seats from Civic Plaza and 350 committed theater seats from Block 300 to Fashion Island. 10/08/1987  1164 A 653 Request to amend the PC Development Standards of the Civic Plaza PC to delete the 20,000 square feet of existing allowable theater development. 10/08/1987  1165 A 655 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC re. Provisions for regulating the installation of temporary real estate signs; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 11/05/1987  1166 EIR 136 The acceptance of an EIR regarding Use Permit No. 1421 (A). 11/05/1987  1167 GPA 87-2 (B) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of the NBGP to increase the total allowable development by 2,000 square feet on property located in Area 1 of the North Ford – San Diego Creek PC; and, the acceptance of an ED. 11/19/1987  1168 A 654 Request to amend the PC text for Area 1 of the North Ford-San Diego Creek PC to allow an additional 2,000 square feet of development. 01/19/1987 01/11/1988   1168 A 654 Request to amend the PC text for Area 1 of the North Ford-San Diego Creek PC to allow an additional 2,000 square feet of development. 01/19/1987 01/11/1988  1169 A 656 Request to consider an amendment to 20.74 of the NBMC to clarify the intent and redefine some of the definitions pertaining to adult Entertainment Businesses. 12/10/1987 01/25/1988 Ord. 88-2  1170 GPA 87-3 (B) Request to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of the NBGP to increase the total allowable development by 540 square feet on property located in Block 500 of Newport Center. 01/21/1988  1171 A 658 Request to amend the Newport Place PC Development Standards so as to establish provisions which would allow structures located within a portion of Industrial Site 3A to be constructed in excess of the 35 foot subject to the approval of a use permit. The proposal also includes the acceptance of an ED. 02/04/1988  1172 A 627 Request to amend Title 20 for the Newport beach Municipal Code to establish provisions for the installation of amateur radio antennas. Said provisions as currently drafted may allow amateur radio antennas up to an operating height of 75 feet. The proposal includes the acceptance of an ED. 02/04/1988  1173 GPA 87-3 (C) Request to amend the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the NB GP for the Down Coast Area to reflect the changes adopted by the County of Orange and the California Coastal Commission. 02/18/1988  1174 LCP 13 Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the Newport beach Local Coastal Program to establish a land use plan for the Downcoast Newport beach Area. 02/18/1988  1175 GPA 88-1 (B) Request to consider amending the Land Use Element of the GP by adding a specific area description for the City Corporation Yard to allow a refuse recycling/transfer facility on the site. Include and ED. 03/10/1988  1176 A 660 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC to permit the installation of boat cranes on property with marine oriented uses in excess of permitted height limits without the requirement of securing a use permit or a variance and the acceptance of an ED. 03/24/1988 04/25/1988 Ord. 88-10   1176 A 660 Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC to permit the installation of boat cranes on property with marine oriented uses in excess of permitted height limits without the requirement of securing a use permit or a variance and the acceptance of an ED. 03/24/1988 04/25/1988 Ord. 88-10  1177 A 662 Request to amend Title 20 of the MC to establish a new off-street parking requirement for public assembly uses, including but not limited to theaters, CC churches and auditoriums and the acceptance of an ED. 04/07/1988  1178 LCP #12 Request to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan to redesignate the subject property from Recreational and Environmental Open Space to Low Density Residential. 03/24/1988  1179 A 659  05/19/1988  1180 RDB and TS Request for a density bonus in accordance with Section 65915 of the CA Govern. Code to construct an apt. complex with 16 units of which some will be for affordable to lower income families. Modification to the Zoning Code is requested to allow new apartment building and a proposed carport to encroach 10 feet into the required 20 feet front yard setback; a two car carport to encroach 4 feet easterly side yard setback; allow covered parking spaces on the front one half of the site which are not fully enclosed with side walls and garage doors; and, to permit a portion of the required open parking spaces to encroach 10 feet into the required 20 feet front yard setback; and, the acceptance of an ED. 08/04/1988 Res. 877 09/12/1988 Res. 88-90  1181 GPA 87-1 (A, E)  09/08/1988  1182 GPA 87-1 (A, E)  09/08/1988  1183 2nd and Granny  09/22/1988  1184 A 672  11/09/1988  1185 A 673 Request to consider amending Districting Map Nos. 51 and 52 to reclassify a portion of Buck Gully from the R1B District to the OS (P) District. 01/05/1989 02/13/1989 Ord. 89-5  1186  Request to recommend to the CC approval of the Orange County Hazardous Waste management Plan; and, the acceptance of an ED. 03/09/1989  1187 A 675 Request to amend certain sections of Title 20 of the NB MC to establish floor area ratios and land intensities consistent with the General Plan. 03/23/1989   1187 A 675 Request to amend certain sections of Title 20 of the NB MC to establish floor area ratios and land intensities consistent with the General Plan. 03/23/1989  1188 GPA 89-1 (F) Request to increase the GP Intensity Limit for Koll Center Newport Industrial Sites 1 and 2 by 39,000 square feet in order to allow the construction of a 65,000 square foot office building; and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 05/04/1989  1189 A 677 Request to amend the Koll Center Newport PC District Regulations so as to combine Industrial Sites 1 and 2 into Light industrial Site 1 and increase the development entitlement in Light Industrial Site 1 by 39,000 square feet so as to allow the construction of a 65,000 square foot office building. 05/04/1989  1190 GPA 88-2 (C) Request to revise the Housing element of the Newport Beach General Plan as required by State Law. 05/04/1989  1191 A 679 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NB MC to define and regulate Specialty Food uses in the city and, the acceptance of an ED. Denied 06/08/1989 Approved 10/19/1989  1192 A 681 Request to consider possible revisions to Chapter 20.78 of the NBMC related to granny Units; and, the acceptance of an ED. 07/06/1989  1193 A 684 Request to amend the Newport Place PC District Regulations so as to allow restaurant uses on General Commercial Site 1; subject to the approval of a use permit in each case. 07/06/1989  1194 A 683 Request to amend Title 20 of the NBMC to establish a “Site Plan Review”, Special Zoning District. 08/10/1989 09/11/1989 Ord. 89-24  1195 GPA 89-1 (C) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the GP so as to redesignate the subject property from Retail and Service Commercial to Multi-Family Residential with a density of one dwelling unit for each 1,698 square feet of buildable lot area; and, the acceptance of an ED. 08/10/1989 09/11/1989 89-103  1196  Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the LCP to redesignate the subject property from Retail and Service commercial to Multi-Family Residential with a density of one “du” for each 1,698 square feet of buildable lot area. 08/10/1989 09/11/1989 89-104   1196  Request to amend the Land Use Plan of the LCP to redesignate the subject property from Retail and Service commercial to Multi-Family Residential with a density of one “du” for each 1,698 square feet of buildable lot area. 08/10/1989 09/11/1989 89-104  1197 A 687 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC to establish MFR District. 09/08/1989  1198   No date listed  1199 GPA 89-2 (K)  No date listed  1200 A 22 – LCP  No date listed  1201 A686 Amend a portion of Districting Map No. 9 to place the subject property in either the MFR District or the R-3 District of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan (SP-6) District whereas the property is currently in the Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) District of the SP-6 District. 10/19/1989  1202 A 692 Amend Districting Maps 3, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to reclassify various lots located in the general areas of the Balboa Peninsula, McFadden Square ad West Newport from their current zones of R3 and R4 to R1 and R2 so as to make the zoning conform with the General Plan Land Use Element Amendments approved on 10/24/1988. (R 88-100) 10/19/1989  1203 A 690 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the NB MC to establish regulations for provision of low and moderate income housing within the Coastal Zone. 10/19/1989  1204 GPA 89-1 (G) Amend the Circulation Element of the GP to establish a precise alignment for the connection of Mesa Drive to Birch Street in Santa Ana Heights, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 05/18/1989  1205 GPA 88-2 (B) Amend the Land Use Element of the GP to allow 40,672+ square feet of additional development, and manufacturing purposes in conjunction with the existing Toyota design facility located within Area 1 of the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC. 11/09/1989  1206 A 678 Amend the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC Dev. Standards so as to allow 40,672+ square feet of additional development for research and development, and manufacturing purposes in conjunction with the existing Toyota design facility located within Area 1 of the North Ford PC. The proposal also includes a request to establish a specific parking requirement for automotive design facilities within the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC Dev. Standards.  11/27/1989 89-127   1206 A 678 Amend the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC Dev. Standards so as to allow 40,672+ square feet of additional development for research and development, and manufacturing purposes in conjunction with the existing Toyota design facility located within Area 1 of the North Ford PC. The proposal also includes a request to establish a specific parking requirement for automotive design facilities within the North Ford/San Diego Creek PC Dev. Standards.  11/27/1989 89-127  1207 A 691 Amend the North Ford/San Diego PC District Regulations to allow the construction of improvements such as trellis and beam construction, patios, pools and spas within reciprocal side yard easements. 11/09/1989  1208 A 693 Amend the Corporate Plaza PC Development Plan to revise a portion of the interior vehicular circulation. The proposal includes various changes to the PC Text to make the development allocations consistent with the Land Use Element of the GP and to make minor changes to the development standards to include the elimination of the site coverage provisions and phased development requirements. 12/07/1989 01/22/1990 Res. 90-4  1209 GPA 89-3 (D) Amend the Land Use Element of the GP to change the designation of a portion of the property located at the southwesterly corner of Broad Street and Bolsa Avenue from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Two-Family Residential”. 12/07/1989 01/22/1990 Res. 90-5  1210 GPA 89-2 (F) Amend the Land Use Element of the GP to change the land use designation of the subject property from “Governmental, Educational and Institutional facilities” to Single Family Attached” with a density of one unit for each 2,178 square feet of land area and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 01/04/1990 02/12/1990 Res. 90-8  1211 GPA 89-3 (E) Amend the Land Use Element to increase the allowable floor area ratio of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17 and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 01/18/1990 03/12/1990 Res. 90-22   1212 A 697 Amend the Mariner’s Mile Specific Plan (SP-5), revising the permitted land uses in the Recreational and Marine Commercial areas consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. Other amendments include changes to the development standards to eliminate the concept of increased floor area in association with certain incentive uses and other minor changes to the development standards. 01/18/1990 02/26/1990 Ord. 90-3  1213 GPA 89-3 (D) Amend the Land Use Element of GP to change designation of a portion of property at southwesterly corner of Broad Street and Bolsa Avenue from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Two-Family Residential”. No date listed 01/22/1990 Res. 90-5  1214 A 698 Amend portions of Districting Map Nos. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 37, 46, 50 and 52. Specific properties on these maps are proposed for rezoning from their current zones of C-O-H, C-1-H, C-1-H, C-2, U, R-3, and R-4 to Multi-Family Residential (MFR). As part of this amendment, the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan will be amended to reflect the proposed zone changes. 02/22/1990 05/29/1990 Ord. 90-24  1215 A 695 Amend the GP Land Use Element to change the designation of a portion of the property located at the southwesterly corner of Broad Street and Bolsa Avenue from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Two-Family Residential”. The proposal also includes a request to reclassify the same portion of the property from the C-1 District to the R-2 District and a request to re-subdivide the subject property into two parcels for residential condominium development and one parcel for commercial development.  01/22/1990 Ord. 90-1  1216 Omitted    1217 GPA 89-2 (D) Amend the Land Use Element of the GP to change the land use designation of the subject property from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Multi-Family Residential” and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 03/08/1990 04/23/1990 Res. 90-36  1218 LCP 18 Amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan so as to change the land use designation of the subject property from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Multi-Family Residential”. 03/08/1990 04/23/1990 Res. 90-37   1218 LCP 18 Amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan so as to change the land use designation of the subject property from “Retail and Service Commercial” to “Multi-Family Residential”. 03/08/1990 04/23/1990 Res. 90-37  1219 A 688 Amend a portion of Districting Map No. 9 to reclassify the subject property from the SP-6 District to the SP-6 (MFR) 1600 SPR District and to establish on the Districting Map, 5 foot front yard setbacks on both the 19th Street and West Balboa Boulevard frontages of the subject property. 03/08/1990 05/14/1990 Ord. 90-17  1220 A 705 Amend the villa Point Planned community Development Plan to reclassify the subject property from “Office/Visitor service Commercial” to “Multi-Family Residential” and to establish 90 dwelling units as the maximum allowable number of dwelling units permitted in Area 2. 03/08/1990 04/23/1990 Res. 90-35  1221 A 702 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the MC to revise the R-2 District Standards in Corona del Mar pertaining to off-street parking, setbacks from alleys, access to dwellings and extensions into yards. 03/08/1990 05/14/1990 Ord. 90-18  1222 A 703 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the MC to regulate transfers of development rights in non-residential areas. 03/08/1990 04/23/1990 Ord. 90-16  1223 A 704 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the MC that refines language specifying density standards in the MFR District. 03/08/1990 05/14/1990 Ord. 90-23  1224 A 694 Consider an amendment to Title 20 of the MC as it applies to non-conforming uses and structures. 04/05/1990 05/14/1990 Ord. 90-22  1225 A 710 Amend the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Development Plan to raise the approved pad elevation on Site No. 8 from Elevation 126 to Elevation 128. 05/10/1990 06/11/1990 Res. 90-51  1226 GPA 89-2 (C) All commercial/residential mixed use in the “island” area between North Newport Boulevard and Newport Boulevard in the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area. It is also proposed to amend the boundaries of the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area to delete areas designated for residential use and to consider changes to the issues identified for consideration in the preparation of the specific Plan and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 06/07/1990   1226 GPA 89-2 (C) All commercial/residential mixed use in the “island” area between North Newport Boulevard and Newport Boulevard in the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area. It is also proposed to amend the boundaries of the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area to delete areas designated for residential use and to consider changes to the issues identified for consideration in the preparation of the specific Plan and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 06/07/1990  1227 A 708 Request to amend Title 20 of the MC to establish the Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) District. 06/07/1990  1228 A 709 Request to amend Title 20 of the MC to establish the Residential Overlay District. 06/07/1990 07/09/1990 Ord. 90-30  1229 A 711 Consider the initiation of an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, revising the permitted uses in the Recreational and Marine Commercial, and the Retail and Service Commercial areas of the Mariner’s Mile Specific Area Plan (SP-5); and amend language in Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code concerning “Specialty Food Service”. 06/07/1990 07/09/1990 Ord. 90-31  1230 A 712 Amend Title 20 of the MC as it applies to non-conforming uses and structures. 07/05/1990 08/13/1990 Ord. 90-33  1231 GPA 89-2 (J) Amend the GP CE to add a roadway classification for a “Commuter” Two Lanes Undivided and, classify Marguerite Avenue between East Coast Highway and 5th Avenue in Corona del mar as a “Commuter” roadway. No date listed 09/10/1990 Res. 90-86  1232 GPA 90-2 (B) Amend the GP CE to delete a segment of University Drive from the City’s Master Plan of Streets and Highways consistent with recent actions by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to delete the same segment from the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. No date listed 09/10/1990 Res. 90-87  1233 LCP 23 Amend the LCPLUP establishing a policy regarding private oceanfront encroachments onto public property and providing for the extension of the existing oceanfront sidewalk and bike path from the Santa Ana River to the West Jetty. 08/09/1990 07/08/1991 Res. 91-80  1234 A 714 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC so as to permit social clubs in the Specialty Retail (SR) District of the cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan (SP-6) District upon the approval of a use permit. 09/20/1990 11/13/1990 Ord. 90-40   1234 A 714 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC so as to permit social clubs in the Specialty Retail (SR) District of the cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan (SP-6) District upon the approval of a use permit. 09/20/1990 11/13/1990 Ord. 90-40  1235 A 716 Consider amending Title 20 of the MC to establish the Retail and Service Commercial (RSC), Recreational and Marine Commercial (RMC), and, Administrative, Professional, and Financial Commercial (APF) Districts. 09/20/1990 11/13/1990 Ord. 90-41  1236 A 718 Amend the Villa Point Apartments Planned community Development Standards to allow the construction of an architectural tower within Area 2 of the PC. Amendment will establish a maximum allowable footprint for the tower of 14 feet by 14 feet (196 square feet) and a maximum allowable height of 45 feet. The proposed amendment will also establish a minimum setback of 500 feet from Jamboree Road, 200 feet from East Coast Highway and 40 feet from Back Bay Drive for the architectural tower. 10/04/1990 11/13/1990 Res. 90-103  1237 SPR 60 Approve a site plan review for the purpose of permitting a residential density bonus of 6 units within an affordable housing development containing a total of 14 units on property located in the MFR (2178) District. In accordance with Section 65915 of the California Government Code, the applicant is also requesting an adjustment to the off-street parking requirement and the minimum dwelling unit size as incentives for the development of affordable housing. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the construction of open carports on the front one-half of the lot, where the Zoning Code restricts open carports to the rear one-half of the site; and, the acceptance of an environmental document. 10/18/1990-  1238 A 717 Initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the MC establishing a policy regarding height limits in flood hazard areas. 11/08/1990 12/10/1990 Ord.  1239 A 719 Amend a portion of Districting Map No. 9 to establish a front yard setback of 19 feet on Lots 10-13, Block 114, Tract No. 234 (200-206 15th street). The proposal also includes a request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 11 to establish a front yard setback of 5 feet on the following: Lots 9-12, Block 3 Balboa Tract and Parcels No. 1 and 2, Parcel Map 99-12 (404-416 East Balboa Boulevard) and Lots 10-12 and Lot 18, Block 2, Newport Bay Tract (301 and 313-317 East Balboa Boulevard). 12/06/1990 01/28/1991   1239 A 719 Amend a portion of Districting Map No. 9 to establish a front yard setback of 19 feet on Lots 10-13, Block 114, Tract No. 234 (200-206 15th street). The proposal also includes a request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 11 to establish a front yard setback of 5 feet on the following: Lots 9-12, Block 3 Balboa Tract and Parcels No. 1 and 2, Parcel Map 99-12 (404-416 East Balboa Boulevard) and Lots 10-12 and Lot 18, Block 2, Newport Bay Tract (301 and 313-317 East Balboa Boulevard). 12/06/1990 01/28/1991  1240 A 722 Initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC to require a public hearing for the Establishment of grade. 01/10/1991 02/25/1991 Ord. 91-8  1241 A 720 Amend a portion of Districting Map No. 9 to establish a 10-foot front yard setback along the West Ocean Front frontage of the subject property. 01/24/1991 02/25/1991 Ord. 91-7  1242 A 724 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC to allow the enclosure of commercial parking spaces during non-business hours. 01/24/1991 02/25/1991 Ord. 91-9  1243 A 725 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC to allow the increased height of chimneys. 01/24/1991 02/25//991 Ord. 91-10  1244 GPA 90-1 (G) Amend the LUE for property located at 1177 Camelback Street. 02/07/1991 03/11/1991 Res. 91-20  1245 GP Consistency  02/07/1991  1246 A 721 Amend the North Ford San Diego Creek Planned Community District regulations. 02/07/1991 03/11/1991 Res. 91-21  1247 A 701 Amend the Fashion Island Planned Community District regulations. 02/07/1991 03/11/1991 Res. 91-22  1248 GPA 90-1 (A) A 723 Amend a portion of Districting Map 39 to reclassify lots 1-19 of Tract 5425 from the R-3-B District to the MFR District and establish dwelling unit limits. 02/07/1991 03/11/1991 Res. 91-19 & 03/11/1991 Ord. 91-13  1249 A 726 Amend Title 20 to allow tenant improvements involving up to one hundred percent of the existing floor area of non-conforming commercial and industrial buildings without discretionary action. 02/07/1991 03/11/1991 Ord. 91-14  1250 GPA 91-1 (D) Amend the LUE to make technical corrections to the permitted dwelling unit number in West Newport Heights. 04/04/1991 05/13/1991 Res. 91-40   1250 GPA 91-1 (D) Amend the LUE to make technical corrections to the permitted dwelling unit number in West Newport Heights. 04/04/1991 05/13/1991 Res. 91-40  1251 A 731 Amend Title 20 to delete specific required parking spaces from the calculation of Gross Floor Area for a duplex in the R-2 District. 04/04/1991 05/13/1991 Ord. 91-19  1252 GPA 89-2 (A) Amend the LUE re-designating properties northwest of the adopted alignment for Birch Street/mesa Drive in Santa Ana Heights, from single family detached to administrative, professional and financial commercial. Also, to establish floor area limits consistent with the business park uses in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. 05/09/1991 06/10/1991 Res. 91-58  1253 A 732 Amend portions of Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan District Maps to reclassify lots 61-64 of Tract 706 from the R-1 to the Business Park District. 05/09/1991 06/10/1991 Ord. 91-24  1254 A 733 Amend Title 20 of the NBMC to permit additional uses in Specific Plan Areas. 05/09/1991 07/08/1991 Ord. 91-25  1255 A 735 Amend Districting Map 11 to establish a new front yard setback on the bay side of four parcels located on the northwesterly corner of East Balboa Boulevard and C Street. The proposed front yard setback is 74.5 feet from the front property line on East Balboa Boulevard that is consistent with the existing and proposed residential development on the four lots. 05/23/1991 06/24/1991 Ord. 91-27  1256 A 740 Amend NP PC District to reduce the current allocation to retail square footage and increase the allocation to office square footage in Professional and Business Offices Site No. 5. 06/06/1991 07/22/1991 Res. 91-83  1257 A 739 Amend a portion of Districting Maps 6 and 23 to reclassify property from R-4 to P-C District; remove Specific Plan from site; adopt PC District Regulations and Development Plan on property known as the Balboa Bay Club; and, the acceptance of an ED. 06/06/1991 07/22/1991  1258 A 736  06/20/1991  1259   No date listed   1260 A 734 Amend Title 20 of the NB MC to allow skylights to exceed the allowable building heights. 06/06/1991 07/22/1991 Ord. 91-29  1261 A 737  07/18/1991  1262 GPA 90-2 (C)  08/08/1991  1263 741 Amend portion of Districting map No. 8 to reclassify lots located on the northerly and easterly side of Lido Park Drive on Lido Peninsula. 08/08/1991 09/09/1991 Ord. 91-35  1264 GPA 91-3 (A) Amend LUE re 3008, 3010 and 3012 West Balboa Boulevard. 09/05/1991 09/23/1991 Res. 91-93  1265 LCP 21 Amend Land Use Plan 09/05/1991 09/23/1991 Res. 91-94  1266 Mechanical Code Review  09/05/1991  1267 A 738  10/10/1991  1268 A 727 Amend Title 20 to revise standards for temporary open house signs in residential districts citywide. 10/24/1991 11/25/1991 Ord. 91-44  1269 GPA 91-3 (F) Amend the Housing Element. 11/07/1991 02/24/1992 Res. 92-17  1270 A 742  11/07/1991  1271 GPA 91-3 (C)  11/21/1991  1272 GPA 91-1 (C)  11/21/1991  1273 LCP 24  11/21/1991  1274 A 728  11/21/1991  1275 A 729  11/21/1991  1276 A 730  11/21/1991  1277 A 746  11/21/1991  1278 A 743 Adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for the Castaways Marina. 11/21/1991 02/24/1992 Ord. 91-48  1279 A 747 Amend Title 20 to establish non-conforming provisions for residential structures and uses within the Mariner’s Mile Specific Plan Area. 12/05/1991 01/27/1992 Ord. 92-1   1279 A 747 Amend Title 20 to establish non-conforming provisions for residential structures and uses within the Mariner’s Mile Specific Plan Area. 12/05/1991 01/27/1992 Ord. 92-1  1280 A 749 Amend the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards to redesignate 11,458 square feet of existing development entitlement for an athletic club, to be used for office use on property located in Professional and Business Office Site no. 5. 02/06/1992 05/09/1992 Res. 92-20  1281 A 744 Amend re-zoning of the property commonly known as Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian from the A-P-H and the U Districts to the P-C District; revise height limitation zones map and legal description of the 26/35 foot height limitation district and adopt PC regs. 02/06/1992 05/26/1992 Ord. 92-3  1282 A 748 Amend Title 20 to add to the power and duties of the Modifications Committee. 03/05/1992 04/13/1992 Ord. 92-7  1283 A 752 Amend Title 20 to include the additions of three or more pool tables to a restaurant use as a change in operational characteristics as defined in Section 20.72.010 of the MC. 03/05/1992 04/13/1992 Ord. 92-6  1284 A 751 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 10 to reclassify the property located at 706 and 708 West Balboa Boulevard and 717 West Bay Avenue, from the R-1 and R-2 Districts to the O-S District. 04/09/1992 05/11/1992 Ord. 92-14  1285 GPA 91-1 (B) Adopt a Growth Management Element of the NBGP. 04/09/1992 05/11/1992 Res. 92-44  1286 GPA 92-1 (A) Amend the LUE to redesignate property located at the northwesterly corner of Park Avenue and Agate Avenue from RSC to Two-Family Residential use. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Res. 92-49  1287 LCP 25 Amend the LCP to redesignate property located at the northwesterly corner of Park Avenue and Agate Avenue from RSC to Two-Family Residential use. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Res. 92-50  1288 A 754 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 14 to reclassify the property located at northwesterly corner of Park Avenue and Agate Avenue from C-1-H District to the R-1.5 District and to establish a 6 foot front yard setback along the Agate Avenue frontage. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Ord. 92-23   1288 A 754 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 14 to reclassify the property located at northwesterly corner of Park Avenue and Agate Avenue from C-1-H District to the R-1.5 District and to establish a 6 foot front yard setback along the Agate Avenue frontage. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Ord. 92-23  1289 LCP 26  04/23/1992  1290 A 755  04/23/1992  1291 A 756  04/23/1992  1292 Dev. Agrmnt 4  04/23/1992  1293 A 753 Amend Title 20 to revise the definition of the term “Grade”. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Ord. 92-22  1294 A 757 Amend Title 20 to regulate the operation of short term lodging units within residential zones. 04/23/1992 05/26/1992 Ord. 92-24  1295 GPA 90-3 (A) Amend LUE to eliminate the additional 119 hotel rooms approved for Sheraton Hotel site; change the use from hotel room to RSC and allocate a maximum of 31,362 square feet for general Commercial Site 5 located at 4545 MacArthur Boulevard. 05/07/1992 06/08/1992 Res. 92-57  1296 A 745 Amend Newport Place Planned Community District regulations. 05/09/1992 06/08/1992 Res. 92-58  1297 A 759 Amend Districting Map No. 1 deleting the front yard setbacks along the southeasterly side of Sonora Street and the northwesterly side of Nordina Street and to establish a 0-foot front yard setback along the Seashore Drive frontage of the subject properties. 05/07/1992 06/08/1992 92-27  1298 A 758 Amend Title 20 to revise the definition of the term “building site” as it relates to the “combining of lots and parcels” requirement, for the purpose of increasing the $5,000.00 limit on construction cost in any one-year period for alterations to existing structures that cross property lines. 05/07/1992 06/08/1992 Ord. 92-26  1299 A 760 TIC Circulation and Open Space 06/18/1992  1300 A 763 Amend the Harbor View Hills Planned Community District regulations. 06/18/1992 08/24/1992 Res. 92-89  1301 A 764 Adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for Upper Castaways. 06/18/1992 09/28/1992 Ord. 92-36   1301 A 764 Adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for Upper Castaways. 06/18/1992 09/28/1992 Ord. 92-36  1302 A 765 Adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for Newporter North/Newporter Knoll. 06/18/1992 09/14/1992 Ord. 92-37  1303 A 766 Amend the North Ford Planned Community District Regulations. 06/18/1992 08/24/1992 Res. 92-90  1304 A 769 TIC Circulation and Open Space 06/18/1992  1305 A768 Re-zone the property commonly known as the San Diego Creek North and Jamboree/MacArthur from the U District to the P-C District and adopt PC District Regulations and Development Plan for San Diego Creek North-Jamboree/MacArthur. 06/18/1992 08/24/1992 Ord. 92-39  1306 A 769 Amend the Block 800 Planned Community district regulations. 06/18/1992 08/24/1992 Res. 92-91  1307 A 770 Re-zone the property commonly known as the Corporate Plaza West from the U District to the P-C District and adopt PC District Regulations and Development Plan for Corporate Plaza West. 06/18/1992 08/24/1992 Ord. 92-40  1308 A 761 Amend Code to provide greater design control for bay windows and greenhouse windows. 06/18/1992 07/27/1992 Ord. 92-34  1309 A 762 Amend Title 20 pertaining to the permitted height, number and yard encroachments of accessory buildings in residential districts. 07/23/1992 08/24/1992 92-43  1310 A 773 Amend Title 20 to add construction of chimneys and vents in excess of the permitted height limits to the power and duties of the Modifications Committee. 07/23/1992 08/24/1992 Ord. 92-44  1311 GPA 92-2 (C) Amend the LUE for Castaways, Bayview Landing and Newport Center-Fashion Island. 08/06/1992 09/14/1992 Res. 92-96  1312 GPA 92-2 (B) Amend the LUE to alter the dwelling unit allocation and policy statements for Statistical Area No. F-3. 08/20/1992 09/28/1992 Res. 92-103  1313 LCP 29 Amend LCP to alter the dwelling unit allocation in order to allow the subdivision of an existing R-1 lot into two single-family building sites consistent with the minimum subdivision standards. 08/20/1992 09/28/1992 Res. 92-104   1313 LCP 29 Amend LCP to alter the dwelling unit allocation in order to allow the subdivision of an existing R-1 lot into two single-family building sites consistent with the minimum subdivision standards. 08/20/1992 09/28/1992 Res. 92-104  1314 GPA 92-2 (A) Amend the LUE to redefine the permitted commercial entitlement of the Castaways Marina property from 40,000 square feet of recreational and marina commercial to a 71 slip marina and parking facility with 2,000 square feet of related marina support development. 09/24/1992 10/26/1992 Res. 92-119  1315 LCP 30 Amend the LCP to redefine the permitted commercial entitlement of the Castaways Marina property from 40,000 square feet of recreational and marina commercial to a 71 slip marina and parking facility with 2,000 square feet of related marina support development. 09/24/1992 10/26/1992 Res. 92-120  1316 A771 Amend Districting Maps. 2-6, 9-11, 13-19, 22, 22-A, 23-27, 30, 32, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 48-50, 60-61, 65-67. 09/24/199211/09/1992  1317 A 772 Amend Title 20 to add references to RSC, APF and RMC Zoning Districts. 09/24/1992 11/09/1992  1318 A 774 Amend Title 20 to permit freestanding ancillary commercial uses in the APF District and to provide consistent use of terms. 09/24/1992 11/09/1992 Ord. 92-47  1319 A 776  10/08/1992  1320 GPA 89-2 (H) Amend the LUE to redesignate the existing fire station property located at 323 Marine Avenue from GEIF to RSC and the new fire station site located at 124 Marine Avenue from RSC to GEIF uses. 10/08/1992 11/09/1992 Res. 92-125  1321 LCP 19 Redesignate the existing fire station property located at 323 Marine Avenue from GEIF to RSC and the new fire station site located at 124 Marine Avenue from RSC to GEIF uses. 10/08/1992 11/09/1992 Res. 92-126  1322 A 750 Amend portion of Districting Map 14 to reclassify proposed fire station property located at 124 Marine Avenue from the C-1 District to the GEIF District. 10/08/1992 11/09/1992 Ord. 92-49  1323 A 775 Amend Districting Map No. 3 to establish a 2.85-foot front yard setback on 3 lots from the existing 10-foot wide Clubhouse Avenue easement adjacent to the bulkhead on the Rivo Alto Channel. 03/18/1993 04/26/1993 Ord. 93-3   1323 A 775 Amend Districting Map No. 3 to establish a 2.85-foot front yard setback on 3 lots from the existing 10-foot wide Clubhouse Avenue easement adjacent to the bulkhead on the Rivo Alto Channel. 03/18/1993 04/26/1993 Ord. 93-3  1324 A 777 Amend Title 20 to increase the permitted 3 foot height limit for fences, walls, hedges and screen planting within required front yard setbacks in specific residential districts; add language regarding measurements of required sight distance and delete the requirement for a Use Permit for fences in specific locations. 03/18/1993 05/24/1993 Ord. 93-10  1325 A 778 Amend Title 20 to clarify language. 02/04/1993 03/08/1993 Ord. 93-1  1326 GPA 92-2 (C) Amend the Land Use Element regarding Bayview Landing. 03/18/1993 04/26/1993 Res. 93-19  1327 LCP 28 Amend LCP regarding Bayview Landing 03/18/1993 04/26/1993 Res. 93-20  1328 CEQA  04/22/1993  1329 GPA 92-3 (E) Amend Land Use and Circulation Elements to increase the entitlement of interpretive center use from 8,000 to 10,000 square feet and delete the secondary bicycle trail within the West Bay parcel of Upper Newport Bay Regional Park. 04/22/1993 06/14/1993 Res. 93-43  1330 LCP 31 Amend LCP for Upper Newport Bay Regional Park 04/22/1993 06/14/1993 Res. 06/14/1993  1331 A 779 Amend portions of Districting maps no. 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44 and 61 to reclassify the Santa Ana Heights and Eastbluff parce3ls of the Upper Newport Bay Regional Park property from the Unclassified R-3-B and R-4-B-2 Districts to the PC District. 04/22/1993 06/14/1993 Ord. 93-13  1332 A 780 Amend Title 20 to revise the required rear yard setback for residential properties abutting alleys with widths of 24 feet or more from 2 feet 6 inches to a zero foot rear yard setback. 07/08/1993 08/23/1993 Ord. 93-18  1333 A 782 Amend Title 20 permitting pet shops, animal hospitals and animal grooming facilities in the commercial areas of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. 07/22/1993 08/23/1993 Ord. 93-20  1334 GPA 93-2 (E)  08/19/1993   1334 GPA 93-2 (E)  08/19/1993  1335 A 783  08/19/1993  1336 GPA 93-2 (D) Amend Land Use Element to increase the development allocation for statistical area L-1 by 3,805 square feet to 1,284,134 square feet. 09/23/1992 10/25/1993  1337 A786  10/07/1993  1338 GPA 93-1 (A) Amend Land Use Element to reclassify the parcel known as Seaward 17 Annexation from the Unclassified District to the R-1-B District. 10/21/1993 11/22/1993 Res. 93-90  1339 LCP 32 Amend LCP to reclassify the parcel known as Seaward 17 Annexation from the Unclassified District to the R-1-B District. 10/21/1993 11/22/1993 Res. 93-91  1340 A 781 Amend portion of Districting Map No. 20 to reclassify the parcel known as Seaward 17 Annexation from the Unclassified District to the R-1-B District. 10/21/1993 11/22/1993 Ord. 93-23  1341 A 784 Amend the Planned Community District Regulations for the Corporate Plaza Planned Community. 11/18/1993 12/13/1993 Res. 93-96  1342 GPA 93-3 (B) Amend the Land Use Element for the Pac Tel Site in the North Ford Planned Community. 12/09/1993 01/10/1994 Res. 94-2  1343 A 790 Amend North Ford Planned Community District Regulations – Dahn Mini-Storage 12/09/1993 01/10/1994 Res. 94-3  1344 A 791 Revise Districting Map 2 establishing a 10-foot front yard setback along the southeasterly side of 47th Street between River and Neptune Avenues. 01/06/1994 02/14/1994 Ord. 94-4  1345 A 789 Revise various sections of Zoning Code to include those portions of residential buildings or related structures which span more than one floor and which are located over uninhabitable areas. 01/06/1994 02/14/1994 Ord. 94-3  1346 A 792 Amend Districting Map 3 to establish a 20-foot front yard setback on 12 lots (11 parcels) adjacent to the Rivo Alto Channel. 02/10/1994 03/14/1994 Ord. 94-14  1347 A 797 Amend Districting Map No. 18 to delete the 10-foot front yard setbacks adjacent to a vacated alley and adjacent to a vacated portion of Glen Drive. 02/24/1994 03/28/1994 Ord. 94-16   1347 A 797 Amend Districting Map No. 18 to delete the 10-foot front yard setbacks adjacent to a vacated alley and adjacent to a vacated portion of Glen Drive. 02/24/1994 03/28/1994 Ord. 94-16  1348 A 796 Mariners 03/10/1994  1349 A 793 Revise Specialty Food Service provisions. 03/10/1994 04/11/1994 Ord. 94-17 & Res. 94-19  1350 A 795 Amend Titles 19 and 20 to reduce the required Appeal Period for Planning Commission actions to less than 21 days. 03/24/1994 04/25/1994 Ord. 94-20  1351 A 798 Amend Title 20 to provide more specific wording in the code that restricts roof heights above top of curb on the bluff side of Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar. 03/24/1994 04/25/1994 Ord. 94-21  1352 A 799 Amend Koll Center Newport Planned community Development standards to increase the permitted height within industrial site 1 from 55 feet to 75 feet. 04/07/1994 04/25/1994 Res. No. 94-24  1353 A 801 Museum use 04/21/1994  1354 A 803 Amend portions of Districting Maps No 22 and 25 to reclassify certain property from the R-3 (2178) District to the APF District. (1455 Superior) 05/19/1994 06/27/1994 Ord. 94-30  1355 A 794 Amend Titles 19 and 20 to eliminate mandatory review of tentative tract maps by City Council; eliminate mandatory review of final tract maps by the Planning Commission; and add review of tentative parcel maps to the power and duties of the Modifications Committee. 05/19/1994 06/27/1994 Ord. 94-29  1356 GPA 94-1 (A) Granville 06/09/1994  1357 LCP 34  No date listed  1358 A 805  No date listed  1359 A 787 Adopt Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for the Balboa Bay Club and amend portions of Districting Maps 6 and 23 to reclassify property from the R-4 District to the PC District removing the Specific Plan designation from the property. 06/27/1994 Ord. 94-36  1360 A 804 Amend Title 20 to increase the allowable patio height limit within required front yard setbacks on residential lots along North Bay Front and South Bay Front on Balboa Island. 06/09/1994 07/11/1994 Ord. 94-35   1360 A 804 Amend Title 20 to increase the allowable patio height limit within required front yard setbacks on residential lots along North Bay Front and South Bay Front on Balboa Island. 06/09/1994 07/11/1994 Ord. 94-35  1361 GPA 94-1 (D) Amend Land Use Element to reflect changes proposed as part of the Central Balboa SAP. 06/23/1994 09/12/1994 Res. 94-84  1362 LCP 33 Adopt LCP 33 to amend land use plan to reflect land use changes proposed as part of the Central Balboa SAP. 06/23/1994 09/12/1994 Res. 94-85  1363 A 802  No date listed  1364 GPA 94-1 (B) Adopt GPA 94-1 (B) amending the Land Use Element to add 897 theater seats in Statistical Area L-1, in Block 200 design plaza of Newport Center (Edward’s) 07/07/1994 08/08/1994 Res. 94-76  1365 GPA 87-1 (B) Amend the Noise Element 07/21/1994 10/10/1994 Res. 94-96  1366 A 807  No date listed  1367 A 806 Adult Entertainment 06/23/1994  1368 A 808 Collection and Loading Recyclables 08/18/1994  1369 A 809 Amend Titles 19 and 20 to revise Condominium Conversion regulations. 09/08/1994 10/10/1994 Ord. 94-47  1370 A 785 Amend Title 20 as it pertains to balcony encroachments on residential lots along East Ocean Front and West Ocean Front on the Balboa Peninsula and in West Newport. 09/22/1994 10/24/1994 Ord. 94-51 & Res. 94-72  1371 A 810 Restaurants 09/22/1994  1372 GPA 94-2 (B) Fashion Island No date listed 11/14/1994 Res. 94-100  1373  GP Consistency No date listed  1374 A 811 Amend Planned community District Regulations and Development Plan for Fashion Island Planned Community No date listed 11/14/1994 Res. 94-102  1375 A 812 Amend sections of NBMC establishing definitions for a bar and a theater/nightclub. No date listed 11/28/1994 Ord. 94-55  1376 GPA 94-2 (A) Bolsa No date listed  1377 A 814 Amend the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for the North Ford Planned Community. No date listed 01/23/1995 Res. 95-8   1377 A 814 Amend the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for the North Ford Planned Community. No date listed 01/23/1995 Res. 95-8  1378 GPA 94-3 (A) Amend Land Use and Recreation and Open Space Elements regarding the CalTrans West site No date listed 01/23/1995 Res. 95-9  1379 LCP 62 Amendment No. 35 to the Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. No date listed 01/23/1995 Res. 95-10  1380 A 815 Amend Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan for the CalTrans West Planned Community. No date listed 01/23/1995 Res. 95-11  1381 A 816 Amend Title 20 to revise the personal service provision to establish definitions for the terms “beauty parlor” and “nail salon”, and to establish parking requirements for nail salons. No date listed 03/27/1995 Ord. 95-10  1382 A 813 Amend Title 20 pertaining to parking of automobiles, storage or parking of boats, campers, and trailers; and, property maintenance on residential properties. 02/09/1995 03/13/1995 Ord. 95-5  1383 A 817  No date listed  1384 GPA 94-1 (F) Amend the Land Use Element to increase the development of Pacific View. No date listed 06/12/1995 Res. 95-73  1385 GPA 88-2 (E) Amend the Land Use Element to redesignate the easterly 114 feet of Lot 6, Tract No. 1117 from “Retail and Service Commercial” to Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities” uses. - St. James Church No date listed 05/08/1995 Res. 95-50  1386 LCP 36 Amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan to redesignate the easterly 114 feet of Lot 6, Tract No. 1117 from “Retail and Service Commercial” to Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities” uses. No date listed 05/08/1995 Res. 95-51  1387 A 818 Amend Title 20 Districting Map No. 4 to reclassify the easterly 114 feet of Lot 6, Tract No. 1117 and Lots 1197-1200, Tract No. 907, from the RSC-H District to the GEIF District. No date listed 05/08/1995 Ord. 95-14  1388 A 820 Amend Title 20 to revise the required rear yard setback for residential properties abutting alleys with widths of 20 feet to 24 feet from 2 feet 6 inches to a zero foot rear yard setback. No date listed 05/22/1995 Ord. 95-18   1388 A 820 Amend Title 20 to revise the required rear yard setback for residential properties abutting alleys with widths of 20 feet to 24 feet from 2 feet 6 inches to a zero foot rear yard setback. No date listed 05/22/1995 Ord. 95-18  1389  Development Agreement – Pacific View No date listed  1390 A 819 Amend the Commercial District Regulations for the permitted uses in the APF District. No date listed 06/26/1995 Ord. 95-19  1391 A 821 Amend a portion of Districting Maps 34 and 35 05/18/1995 06/26/1995 Ord. 95-20  1392 A 822 Amend a portion of Districting Map 26 05/18/1995 06/26/1995 Ord. 95-21  1393 GPA 93-2 Amend the Land Use Element to redesignate Planning Area 4 of the Aeronutronic Ford Planned community from industrial to residential use with a maximum of 500 single-family detached or attached dwelling units. No date listed 07/10/1995 Res. 95-88  1394 A 800 Amend the Planned Community District regulations and development plan for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community. No date listed 07/10/1995 Res. 95-89  1395 Development Agreement No. 8 Approve a development agreement between the CNB and Ford Motor Land Development Corporation. No date listed 07/24/1995 Ord. 95-27  1396 A 824  No date listed  1397 A 826 Amend Title 20 to add “nail salons” to the table of permitted uses in the RSC, APF and RMC Districts as well as various specific area plans; to delete the use permit requirement for nail salons within various specific area plans and to add specific parking requirements for retail and service establishments to the Harbor View Hills Planned Community District. 07/20/1995 08/28/1995 Ord. 95-31  1398 A 827 Amend portions of Districting Maps No. 49 and 50 rezoning the property from the APF-H and O-S Districts to the P-C (Planned Community) District and adopting Planned Community District Regulations. 07/20/1995 08/14/1995 Ord. 95-32  1399 A 829 Amend Title 20 to reinstate Notice and Appeal procedures for Specialty Food Service Applications. 8/10/95 08/28/1995 Ord. 95-39  1400 GPA 95-1 (D) Amend the Land Use Element to redesignate the San Diego Creek North site to retail and service commercial and establish the development limitation. 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Res. 95-103   1400 GPA 95-1 (D) Amend the Land Use Element to redesignate the San Diego Creek North site to retail and service commercial and establish the development limitation. 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Res. 95-103  1401 LCPA 39 Adopt Local Coastal Program Amendment for the San Diego Creek North site. 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Res. 95-104  1402 A 823 Amend the Planned Community District Regulations for the San Diego Creek north and Jamboree/MacArthur Planned Community. 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Res. 95/105  1403 DA 6 Adopt the first amendment to the DA between CNB and TIC with respect to the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA) 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Ord. 95-42  1404 DA 9 Adopt a DA between CNB and Fletcher Jones Motor Cars, Inc. with respect to the Fletcher Jones Motorcars-Mercedes Benz Dealership Project. 8/24/95 09/11/1995 Ord. 95-43  1405 A 825 PC text change 9/7/95  1406 A 831 Amend portions of Title 20, with regard to required findings for approval of Use Permits for establishments that provide alcoholic beverage service. 10/05/1995 12/11/1995 Ord. 95-65  1407 A 830 Auto uses 9/7/95  1408 GPA 95-1 (E) Ebell Club 9/21/95  1409 LCP 40 Ebell Club 9/21/95  1410 A 828 Ebell Club 9/21/95  1411 A 831 Bars (Findings) 10/5/95  1412 A 833 Amend Title 20 to limit Auto Storage, Repair and Detailing Uses within the RSC, APF and RMC Districts. 10/5//95 01/08/1996 Ord. 96-1  1413 GPA 95-1 (C) LCPA No. 43 Amend the Land Use Element to promote revitalization of the City’s Community Commercial Districts. 11/9/95 12/11/1995 Res. 95-140  1414 GPA 95-2 (C) Amend the Land Use Element to change the land use designation of Area 5 of the Newport Village Planned Community District from Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities (GEIF) to Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) and establish the permitted intensity of development and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 11/9/95 11/27/1995 Res. 95-129   1414 GPA 95-2 (C) Amend the Land Use Element to change the land use designation of Area 5 of the Newport Village Planned Community District from Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities (GEIF) to Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) and establish the permitted intensity of development and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 11/9/95 11/27/1995 Res. 95-129  1415 A 835 Amend the Newport Village Planned Community District Regulations. 11/9/95 11/27/1995 Res. 95-130  1416 A 838 4717 Hampden Road 12/7/95  1417 GPA 95-3 (E)  12/7/95  1418 A 837 Amend DM 25 12/7/95  1419 GPA 95-1 (A) LUE Amend. 12/7/95  1420 LCP 41  12/7/95  1421 GPA 93-3 (A)  1/4/96  1422 LCP 44  1/4/96  1423 A 840 DM 48 1/4/96  1424 GPA 95-1 (B)  1/4/96  1425 LCPA 42  1/4/96  1426 A 839 Amend Title 20 to allow Spec Food Service uses to have limited alcoholic beverage sales. 2/8/96  1427 A 842 Amend Title 20 to allow Time Share projects in Commercial Districts 2/8/96  1428 A 844 Amend Chap 20.72 Accessory Outdoor Dining on Public Sidewalks 3/21/96  1429 A 841 Illuminated Signs 3/21/96  1430 A 843 Amend the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations 4/4/96 04/22/1996 Res. 96-35  1431 A 845 Amend Title 20 to allow PC or CC to modify development and operational regulations for time-share projects. 4/18/96  1432 GPA 96-1(C) Amend Land Use Map to alter the boundary between the RSC and the SFD. 4/18/96 07/22/1996 Res. 96-56  1433 LCP No. 45 Amend Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan to alter the boundary between the RSC and the SFD. 4/18/96 07/22/1996 Res. 96-57  1434 A 847 Amend Districting Map No. 18 to alter the boundary between the R-1 and PC Districts. 4/18/96 07/22/1996 Ord. 96-16   1434 A 847 Amend Districting Map No. 18 to alter the boundary between the R-1 and PC Districts. 4/18/96 07/22/1996 Ord. 96-16  1435 DA 8 First Amendment 6/20/96  1436 A 848 Amend PC District Regulations & DP for Aeronutronic Ford PC 6/20/96  1437  Missed   1438 GPA 96-1 (B) Recommend to CC to amend Land Use Element of GP, increase entitlement to synagogue within North Ford PC District 8/8/96 08/26/1996 Res. 96-68  1439 A 852 Recommend to CC to amend North Ford PCD regs. to increase entitlement to allow construction of additions to existing religious facility 8/8/96 08/26/1996 Res. 96-69  1440 A 849 Amend NPPC District regs.-MacArthur Square 08/22/96  1441 A 854 Amend Title 20 delete Chap 20.02 & recodify Chap 15.15 within Title 15 of NPMC 10/10/96  1442 GPA 96-1 (D) Amend LUE to set existing floor area ratio limits by statistical area, rather than by parcel and to revise policies on variable floor area ratio limits to be consistent with zoning code property development regulations. 10/10/1996 02/10/1997 Res. 97-11  1443 LCP No. 46 Amend LCP – to set existing floor area ratio limits by statistical area, rather than by parcel and to revise policies on variable floor area ratio limits to be consistent with zoning code property development regulations. 10/10/1996 02/10/1997 Res. 97-12  1444 A 834 Amend Title 20 of Zone Code to conduct a comprehensive update. 10/10/1996  1445 A 846 Amend Districting Maps 1-6, 9-11, 13, 15-18, 21-30, 32, 36-45, 48-50, 52-54, 50, -61, 64, 65 10/10/1996  1446 GPA 95-1 (E) Amend 515 W. Balboa from Gov., Env, & Instr. To Single Family residences 12/05/96  1446-B A 855 Amend Districting Map 42 to reclassify six properties located off of the south side of Mesa Drive between Birch Street and Cypress St. and amend Title 20 to establish regulations to allow the keeping of livestock and to revise minimum lot area and lot width regulations. 01/09/1997 04/14/1997 Ord. 97-15   1447 A 857 Amend Districting Map No. 10 to re-zone property from the R-3 District to the R-1 District. 12/05/96 01/27/1997 Ord. 97-5  1448 LCP No. 40 Amend LCP of 515 W. Balboa Blvd. from GEIF to SFR 12/05/96 01/13/1997 Res. 97-3  1449 GPA96-3 (E) Amend LUE from "Gov't, Edctnl & Indus. Facilities" to "Gov't, Edctnl & Indus/General Indus" use @ 1133 Camelback St. 03/06/97 03/24/1997 Res. 97-26  1450 A850 Amend No. Ford/San Diego Creek PC to allow for establishment of mini-storage facility 03/06/97 03/24/1997 Res. 97-27  1451 A858 Recommend to CC amend list of permitted uses of Industrial. Site No. 4 to allow establishment of remedial driving instruction & counseling facility subject to Use Permit in each case. 03/06/97 03/24/1997 Res. 97-25  1452 A853 Recommend to CC prohibit condominium development and condominium conversions in the R-1.5 District (Balboa Island and Little Balboa Island) (amend Chap 20.83 of NBMC) 05/08/97 06/09/1997 Ord. 97-20  1453 A 859 Recommend to CC to amend Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations 05/22/97 06/23/1997 Ord. 97-23  1454 A 861 Recommend to CC amend the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulation 07/10/97 08/11/1997 Ord. 97-29  1455 A 865 Recommend to CC approval to amend Districting Maps 55, 56, 57 and 58 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Ord. 97-34  1456 GPA 97-2 Recommend to CC amend Land Use Element re. Bonita Canyon Planned Community Development Plan 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Res. 97-76  1457 GPA 97-2 Recommend to CC amend Recreation and Open Space Element re. Bonita Canyon Planned Community Development Plan 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Res. 97-77  1458 GPA 97-2 Recommend to CC amend Circulation Element of Newport Beach General Plan re. Bonita Canyon Planned Community Development Plan 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Res. 97-78  1459 DA No. 11 Recommend approval to CC of an annexation and development agreement between CNB and Irvine Co. 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Ord. 97-35   1459 DA No. 11 Recommend approval to CC of an annexation and development agreement between CNB and Irvine Co. 10/23/97 11/10/1997 Ord. 97-35  1460 A 866 Recommend approval to CC of amendment to Title 20 of NBMC to revise property development regs. relating to max. gross FAR and off-street parking requirements in the R1.5 District. 12/04/1997 12/04/97 Ord. 98-1  1461 A 867 Recommend approval to CC to increase height limit within Light Industrial Site 1 from 75 ft to 90 ft in Koll Center Planned Community District Regulations 01/22/1998 02/23/1998 Ord. 98-3  1461A GPA 97-3 (A) LCP 48 A 868 R 1033 CRDP 23 Recommend denial of amendments to General Plan, Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, Resubdivision, Coastal Residential Development Permit and Districting Map #4 PC Denied 02/05/1998 CC Approved 04/27/1998 Res. 98-54 Ord. 98-09 04/13/1998 Res. 98-26  1462 GPA 98-1(D) LCP 49 Recommend approval to City Council to amend Land Use Element of GPA 03/19/98  1463 A 870 Recommend approval to City Council of prezone amendment for property abutting property located at 4700 Surrey Drive 03/19/1998 04/27/98 Ord. 98-7  1464 GPA 98-1(A) LCP No. 50 Recommend approval to City Council to amend Land Use Element of GPA 04/09/98 07/27/1998 Res. 98-55 05/11/1998 Res. 98-30 & Res. 98-31  1465 A 871 Recommend approval to City Council of amendment to reclassify property located at 1800-06 West Balboa Boulevard to RSC District 04/09/1998 05/11/1998 Ord. 98-11  1466 A 869 Recommend approval to City Council establish regulations relating to operation of retail alcoholic beverage outlets 04/23/98 06/08/1998 Or. 98-12  1467 DM No. 5 Establish a 20-foot front yard setback from the newly established front property line on properties on both sides of Broad Street between Santa Ana Avenue and Redlands Avenue due to the vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way. No date listed  1468 A 873 Initiate an amendment to Districting Map No. 5, to establish a 20 foot front yard setback on Broad Street between Santa Ana Ave. and Redlands Avenue 06/18/1998 07/27/1998 Ord. 98-17  1469 A 875 Amend Newport Place Community District regulations to permit business and trade schools within Professional and Business Office "Site 3A" subject to requirement of a Planning Director's Use Permit. 06/18/1998 07/27/1998 Ord. 98-16   1469 A 875 Amend Newport Place Community District regulations to permit business and trade schools within Professional and Business Office "Site 3A" subject to requirement of a Planning Director's Use Permit. 06/18/1998 07/27/1998 Ord. 98-16  1470 A 876 Recommend an amendment to the Koll Center Planned Community Development Regulations to increase the number of allowable restaurant sites in Office Site G to 3 sites and amend the Koll Center Planned Community Development regulations to permit eating and drinking establishments throughout Koll Center Planned Community as per Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 07/09/1998 08/10/1998 Ord. 98-20  1471 GPA 94-2 (E) Recommend approval to adopt updated Recreation and Open Space Element of the General Plan. 05/07/1998 06/22/1998 Res. 98-49  1472 GPA 97-3 (D) Recommend to City Council to amend the Land Use Element, Statistical Area L1 (Newport Center) Block 600 Financial Plaza, and the Estimated Growth for Statistical Area L1 Table of the General Plan 06/04/1998 06/22/1998 Res. 98-48  1473 A 874 Recommend approval to City Council to amend Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 07/09/1998 08/10/1998 Ord. 98-19 08/24/1998 Ord. 98-21  1474 GPA 98-2 (B) Recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment to Development Policy G of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. 08/06/1998 08/24/1998 Res. 98-61  1475 A 879 Recommend to the City Council an amendment to the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community District regarding permitted height limit for Area 4C and change the permitted height limit for fences and walls throughout the Planned Community to 10 feet. 08/20/1998 09/28/1998 Ord. 98-22  1476 A 862 Recommend approval to City Council to amend Chapter 20.60 of Title 20 to add Section 20.60.115 that will prohibit businesses located in mixed-use zoning districts from being open for business between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 08/21/1997   1477 FTM 15517 Change street name of Oakmont to Montgomery and Sheffield to Palazzo, in the Bonita Creek Planned Community District. 09/24/1998  1478 FTM 15388 Initiate an amendment to Districting Map No. 1 of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10/08/98  1479 A 881 Change street name of Bighorn Drive to Maidstone Drive in the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community Area. 10/08/98  1480 Districting Map 1 A 881 Reclassify a property located at 511 Canal Street from the Open Space Passive (OS-P) District to the Open Space Active (OS-A) District. 11/05/1998 11/23/1998 Ord. No. 98-26  1481 FTM 15478 Changing the street name Seabridge to Seabluff in the Bonita Canyon Planned Community Area 11/05/1998  1482 GPA 98-1 (B) Recommend to CC to Increase the allowed development in the Newport Place Planned Community 11/19/1998  1483 A 877 Recommend to CC to Establish the permitted gross floor area for professional and business offices site 1 and 2 at 860,884 square feet 11/19//1998 12/14/1998 Ord. 98-28  1484 Proclamation Honor outgoing Commissioner 12/10/1998  1485 Proclamation Honor outgoing Commissioner 12/10/1998  1486 Proclamation Honor outgoing Commissioner 12/10/1998  1487 FTM 15584 Approve new street names: Campanile, Loggia, Residencia, Rivoli and Vilaggio for the Bonita Canyon Apartment Homes area. 12/10/1998  1488 GPA 98-1 (C) Recommend to CC an amendment to the Land Use Element to change the land use designation from Industrial to Hotel and Auto Center to Professional and Business Office, and increase the allowed development in the Newport Place Planned Community. 01/07/1999  1489 A 880 Recommend to CC to amend the Newport Place Planned Community District to establish the permitted Gross Floor Area for Newport Place Block I at 378,713 square feet. 01/07/1999 02/08/1999 Ord. 99-4   1490 A 884 Recommend to CC to initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the calculation of residential floor areas 02/18/1999  1491 A 885 Recommend to CC to initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to Land Use and Property Development Regulations for Service Stations. 02/18/1999  1492 A No. 882 Resolution No. 1059 Recommend to City Council to amend Districting Map No. 18 to establish a 5 foot front yard setback for two properties located on Breakers Drive 3/4/1999 04/26/1999 Ord. No. 99-10  1493 GPA No. 98-3 B Recommend approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to increase the permitted development in Newport Place Planned Community Block F 03/18/1999 04/12/1999 Res. No. 99-27  1494 A 883 Recommend approval of an amendment to the Newport Place Planned Community District to establish the permitted gross floor area for Professional and Business Offices Site 4 at 228,214 square feet. 03/18/1999 04/12/1999 Ord. 99-7  1495 GPA 99-1(E) Recommend approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element, Statistical Area M3 (Pacific View Area) of the Newport Beach General Plan 03/18/1999 04/12/1999 Res. No. 99-28  1496 A 884 Recommend approval of an amendment to Section 20.10.030 (Property Development Regulation M), Section 20.10.040 (B-2), and Section 20.41.060 (Property Development Regulation I) of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the Calculation of Residential Floor Areas. 03/18/1999 04/26/1999 Ord. No. 99-11  1497 A 885 Recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment to Chapter 20.80 and Chapter 20.03 of title 20 of the Municipal Code to update regulations for service stations and to allow the co-development of convenience markets [Amendment 885] and the adoption of a set of design guidelines for service stations 04/08/1999 Ord. No. 99-16 05/24/1999  1498 GPA No. 98-3 (d) Recommend approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to change the classification of the portion of Santiago Drive between Irvine Avenue and Tustin Avenue from a secondary arterial to a commuter roadway on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways [General Plan Amendment 98-3(d)] 04/08/1999 Res. No. 99-63 09/13/1999   1498 GPA No. 98-3 (d) Recommend approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to change the classification of the portion of Santiago Drive between Irvine Avenue and Tustin Avenue from a secondary arterial to a commuter roadway on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways [General Plan Amendment 98-3(d)] 04/08/1999 Res. No. 99-63 09/13/1999  1499 A 887 Recommending approval to the City Council of an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining height limits in the R-A District 04/08/1999 05/10/1999 Ord. 99-12  1500 A 864 Recommend approval of an amendment to Title 15 of the Newport beach Municipal Code pertaining to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 06/10/1999  1501 A 886 Recommend approval of an amendment to the Balboa Bay Club Planned Community District to establish the permitted Gross Floor Area and establish specific provisions related to the Height of Buildings and Architectural Features. 07/08/1999 Ord. No. 99-20 08/09/1999  1502 A 892 Initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to definition of terms, cross-references in land use regulations schedules, waterfront rear yard setbacks, bay and greenhouse windows, extension of garages into required yards, parking of vehicles in required yards, signs in residential districts and authority of Planning Director to approve alcohol beverage outlets and message establishments. 08/19/1999  1503 GPA 99-2 (E) Request to expand the second floor office area in an existing building by approximately 882 square feet. Also included is a request to relocate a small sports memorabilia museum, known as the Newport Sports Collection Foundation, into the bottom floor of the building. The project involves the approval of: a General Plan Amendment to permit additional development since there is no additional allowable development in this part of Newport Center, and; a Use Permit to permit the use of the sports memorabilia museum as an accessory use to the principal permitted office use. 09/09/1999 Res. No. 99-75 11/08/1999 Res. 99-69 09/27/1999   1503 GPA 99-2 (E) Request to expand the second floor office area in an existing building by approximately 882 square feet. Also included is a request to relocate a small sports memorabilia museum, known as the Newport Sports Collection Foundation, into the bottom floor of the building. The project involves the approval of: a General Plan Amendment to permit additional development since there is no additional allowable development in this part of Newport Center, and; a Use Permit to permit the use of the sports memorabilia museum as an accessory use to the principal permitted office use. 09/09/1999 Res. No. 99-75 11/08/1999 Res. 99-69 09/27/1999   1504 A 892 Recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment to Title 20 of the NBMC. 09/09/1999 Ord. 99-26 10/25/1999  1505 A 889 Recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment for transfer of square footage within Newport Center consistent with the intent of the General Plan. 10/07/1999 Res. No. 99-70 10/25/1999  1506 A 889 Recommend to City Council approval of an amendment to reflect a transfer of Entitlement of 44,637 square feet from Fashion Island Planned Community and 6,520 square feet from Block 600 to Corporate Plaza Planned Community District. 10/07/1999 Ord. No. 99-27 11/08/1999  1507 A 895 Initiate an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining to the Calculation of Residential Floor Areas. 11/04/1999  1508 GPA No. 97-3(E) Recommend to the City Council approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to increase the allowed development in office site “A” of the Koll Center Planned Community by 15,000 square feet. 11/18/1999 12/13/1999 Res. 99-84  1509 A 890 Recommending to the City Council approval of an amendment to the Koll Center Planned Community District to Increase the Permitted Gross Floor Area For Office Site “A” By 15,000 Square Feet. 11/18/1999  1510 GPA 99-2 (A) Recommend to the City Council approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan to increase the square footage entitlement allowed in retail and service site 1 parcel 1 of the Koll Center Planned Community by 17,890 square feet. 12/09/1999  1511 A 897 Recommend to the City Council approval of an amendment to the Koll Center Planned Community District to designate Parcel 1 of KCN Retail and Service Site 1 for Hotel Use, establish the Permitted Gross Floor Area for KCN Retail and service Site 1 at 120,000 square feet, and establish the permitted height for the site at 60 feet. 12/09/1999   1511 A 897 Recommend to the City Council approval of an amendment to the Koll Center Planned Community District to designate Parcel 1 of KCN Retail and Service Site 1 for Hotel Use, establish the Permitted Gross Floor Area for KCN Retail and service Site 1 at 120,000 square feet, and establish the permitted height for the site at 60 feet. 12/09/1999   1512 A 895 Recommend to CC an amendment to Section 20.10.030 (Property Development Regulation M), Section 20.10.040 (B-2), and Section 20.41.060 (Property Development Regulation I) of the Zoning Code to partially exempt elevator shafts and similar vertical shafts from the calculation of residential floor areas. 12/09/1999  1513 GPA 91-2 A Recommend to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. 91-2 amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan to redesignate property located at 407-409 Bolsa Avenue from Retail and Service Commercial (SP-9) to two-family residential (R-2). 01/06/2000  1514 A 894 Recommend to the City Council approval of Amendment No. 894 to amend Districting Map No. 25 to rezone the property located at 407-409 Bolsa Avenue from RSC (sp-9) to R-2, and the land use map for Specific Plan No. 9 (Old Newport Boulevard) to remove the subject properties from the specific plan. 01/06/2000  1515 A 896 Recommending to the City Council an amendment to Districting Map No. 11, so as to establish an 8 foot front Yard setback for two properties located at 301 and 305 Alvarado Place, and delete the 8-foot front yard requirement on East Bay Avenue for the property located at 301 Alvarado Place 01/06/2000  1516 DM 16 Amend Districting Map 16 to establish a 10-foot front yard setback on properties located on south side of Pacific Drive between Avocado Avenue and Begonia Avenue. 04/20/2000  1517 A 901, GPA 99-3 (A) Recommend approval of amendments and other actions providing for annexation of the Bay Knolls area to the City. 04/13/2000  1518 EIR 157 Recommend certification of a draft Environmental Impact Repor6t for the Newport Dunes Resort 04/20/2000  1519 GPA 97-3 (F), LCP 51, A 878, PC 48, DA 12 and a Conceptual Precise Plan Recommend approval for amendments to the land use element, the local coastal program land use plan and Title 20 of the MC, and approval of a planned community district plan, a development agreement and a conceptual precise plan. 04/20/2000  1520 TS 115 Recommend approval to City Council. 04/20/2000   1520 TS 115 Recommend approval to City Council. 04/20/2000  1521 GPA 99-2(C), LCP 55, A 904 Recommend approval to amend the General Plan Land Use Element and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan to re-designate the subject property from Government, Education and Institutional Facilities (GEIF) to Two Family Residential (R-2), amend Districting Map No. 9 to rezone the subject property from Planned Community (PC) to Two Family Residential (R-2) and to establish a five foot front yard setback along the West Balboa Boulevard frontage of the subject property. 07/06/2000 Res. 2000-74 08/08/2000  1522 GPA 99-3 (B) A 903 Adopt Negative Declaration Recommend approval of a General Plan Amendment, rezoning amendment and Sphere of Influence change prior to annexation of approximately 240 acres within the Santa Ana Heights area to the City. 07/06/2000 Res. No. 2000-73 08/08/2000  1523 A 907 Initiating an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining sign regulations for the Balboa Peninsula 08/17/2000  1524 A 906 Recommend that the City Council adopt the Mariner’s Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework and adopt Amendment No. 906 affecting the Mariner’s Mile Specific Area Plan (SP#5) and those non residential properties east of the specific plan along Coast Highway to the Back Bay bridge 09/21/2000  1525 GPA 99-3 (C) A 902 Recommend to City Council approval of preannexation zoning and General Plan Amendments relating to Newport Coast/Ridge. 09/21/2000  1526 A 907 Recommending approval to the City Council of sign regulations for commercial properties on the Balboa Peninsula and amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to implement the new sign regulations. 09/21/2000  1527 A 908 Recommend that the City Council adopt Amendment no. 908 to amend the Zoning District Map nos. 16, 17 & 18 establishing a site plan overlay review district for coastal bluff properties in Corona del Mar. 04/05/2001  1528 CA2001-001 Recommend approval to the City Council to amend Section 20.25.020 of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to allow Senior Citizen Housing in the GEIF District with a Use Permit. 05/17/2001   1528 CA2001-001 Recommend approval to the City Council to amend Section 20.25.020 of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to allow Senior Citizen Housing in the GEIF District with a Use Permit. 05/17/2001   1529 GPA 2000-002 C Recommend that the City Council adopt a Harbor Element of the General Plan. 05/17/2001  1530 Traffic Study No. 119 Recommend that the City Council approve Traffic Study No. 119 regarding the expansion of Office Site B in Koll Center Newport. 06/07/2001  1531 EIR No. 158 Recommend that the City council certify Environmental Impact Report No. 158 regarding the expansion of Office Site B in Koll Center Newport (State Clearinghouse No. 99091120). 06/07/2001  1532 GPA 97-3 (B), A 905 and DA No. 16 Recommend that the City Council approve General Plan and Zoning Amendments and a Development Agreement to increase the maximum allowable building square footage in Office Site B of the Koll Center Newport Planned Community. 06/07/2001  1533  Annexation 06/21/2001  1534 Code Amendment 2001-002 Recommending City Council Approval Of A Zoning Amendment, Including A Revised Subdivision Code (Title 19 Of The Municipal Code) And Accompanying Amendments To Titles 13 And 20 07/19/2001 CC 09/25/2001 Ord. 2001-18  1535 Rescinded PA2001-117 VA2001-003 Request for a variance to permit an existing, non-permitted deck trellis on an existing single family residence, of which a portion exceeds the 24-foot height limit by approximately 5 feet. 08/23/2001  1536 PA2001-062 VA 2001-001 & MD 2001-092 Request to demolish an existing single family home (2,924 gross square feet) and replace it with a new single family home (6,044 gross square feet) including grading, paving, fencing lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The proposed project includes the changes to the existing driveway and front yard landscaping presently located within the public right-of-way. The project also includes a variance request to exceed established height limits of Zoning Code due to unique topographical circumstances. Lastly, the project includes a request to deviate from the required front yard setback of 10 feet providing a 0' to 4' front setback. 09/20/2001   1537 PA2001-146 Off-Site parking Agreement No. 2001-001 Off-site parking agreement in conjunction with an addition to 312 Buena Vista. Two parking spaces will be provided across the alley at 604 West Bay Avenue. Both properties are under common ownership. 10/04/2001  1538 PA2001-129 UP 2001-023 Request to approve a use permit to allow expansion of an existing preschool by adding a 944 square-foot classroom and an additional maximum 20 students and 2 staff members. 09/20/2001  1539 PA2001-117 VA2001-003 Request for a variance to permit an existing, non-permitted deck trellis on an existing single family residence, of which a portion exceeds the 24-foot height limit by approximately 5 feet for 1021 Kings Road. 10/04/2001  1540 PA2001-191 Review of a traffic study prepared pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance for the construction of a 54,729 square foot office building for property located at 680 Newport Center Drive. 10/18/2001  1541 PA2001-039 Request to amend the facility’s Use Permit (UP No. 1547) to construct a 4,500 square foot, open–sided, solid roofed patio structure located in the area of the existing tennis courts on the hotel property. The proposed structure will be used for special events, weddings and receptions in conjunction with hotel events and banquets. 10/18/2001  1542 PA2001-199 TS2001-002 Traffic Study No. 2001-002 for Phase II of the Master Plan for property located at One Hoag Drive. 11/08/2001  1543 Rescinded PA2001-157 GPA2001-004 PD2001-002 A request for a General Plan Amendment and Planned Community Development Text Amendment to increase the development allocation within the Airport Area 2-7 (Statistical Area L-4), Newport Place Planned Community Block G & H, which would permit a 1,590 net square foot addition to an existing office building located at 1811 Quail Street. 12/06/2001 CC. Ordinance No. 2002-003  1544 PA2001-223 CA2001-005 An amendment to Chapter 20.60 (Site Regulations) to establish design standards for mobile homes on individual lots. 12/06/2001   1545 PA2001-222 GPI2001-003 Initiation of a potential amendment to the General Plan relating to the extension of the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement Extension. 12/06/2001  Continued on the next file.