HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 30 AMEDED5 t :.COMMISSIONERS M �. CN T 5 September 82 19,88 ;i '- CITY OF NE' POR'T . BEACH ROLL ,CALL INDEX FINDINGS 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible* �44ith surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed sign will not i'►tj-lo any significant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed si.gnage and g,raphien are consistent with the character and design of the building. 4. That the total square footage of all wall, signs is well below the maximum permitted. 5. That the granting of this exception w17,1. not L contrary to the purpose of Chapter. 20,06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be mnterially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing, in the � neighborhood, or detrimental or iri,jur.i,ouu to property or improvements in the neighborhood or to the; general welfare of the City. CQNDITIANS: a be R 1 That development s 11 n h i substantial St t n ial conformance with the ,approved rage plan and elevation: 2. That the applicant shall obtain a building permit for the proposed sign prior 'to its installation. - <ItemAto 22 i No Reques reaubdivide a portion of an existing lot into R88l { a singlci pi" 1 of land for; a two unit residential y condominium dove ent on property ' located in the R.2 ,' �provvod District. LACa1Ti0N' A portion ,o£" Lo t{locic 8, Tract:`t�o, 2i,; located at :3233: 9troe+.t, an the westerly aide -of', Bro�ed ;. of; berween, Bolsa Avenue and Westminster e,. in .;f NeWpott Heights. kh� ZONE; R • 2 e; ,f J. � ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT; John Howenstine, -Inc,`, Costa' Mesa OWNER: Balboa Landing Partnership, Los'Angeles Applicm ,This. 8'1 a',�requesv to amend a' praviously 'approved, exce`ptioii pe iCwhich' permitted -`the ';installation of` a' variety: of c1 11 'and projecting''rsigns which exceeded the all dw tble = 'number •of such 'sighs yn conjuneV on� kith i` the Edgewater3 Plaac development r � The ' z cutrent ;'. proposal ' w6u1'd permit ' �' installation - cif osfe additional i+.,'!square foot ;wa reign 1;oK" the building ' elevtid�i = Signr`''exception• potrnit ;"proc`edurie' axc: set,:•„fazth' : in Seddon 20.06.09,0;=of the Municipal Code _ This' project had' bcen ;xevi'ew.csd wend ,..i "has' been' 'determined that it is: . cretdgariaglly } exe�aipt `from the, requirements of th8 Cali£orna' Er�vconmgi+,� QU�ilityAc,t uride Class -11 (Accessary Structures} Qo nC W t O '£. Oa*s O F! '.1 The Land ,Use. Element of the General; Plan': and :the xcal Coastal I'iogram Land tJsd Plan desighat*- the , 8ita. for "it��zai}}l'.'and + Set~�i°ce `Conunerdial" }•s s'e§ak :tSS.,The 7 'G '2 _91Mommisa0n.*,, P1 C p%, o p o.q e d ut!es in Edgewater. _;'tare permitted uses within these designations. SubJect ftoverty and Sur -rounding Land bg.4u Tho Edgewater Place commercial complex, which,: contains. a.:mixturo of and restaurants, is located on the subject property, To, the north, across Edgewater Tlace. is , Newport Bay; ,,to the. east,- across, Palm Street, i io the. Balboa Fun Zone. commercial development; to the south, across EaPt Bay Avenue is,a , mixture of commercial and residentialli. uses;,: and: to t1l4I west is the Newport, Landing Restaurant and.,,.. across- Adams.! Street, is': a vacant lot. AasLkgroun 7 "t d On:May:9, 1985,. the Planning.Commission approvod' Use, Potmit;,Jio. 3122 which permitted the construction of the retail and restaurant, do-cio � " 1, t"'I nown as Edge -water Place. Resubdivision No. 797 was also approved at that time so as to. es ' tablish:a single building site for. .the'..dove lopment. . llowovcir, on:Hay 8 , 1.986, the Planning. Commixsion,-amendedUse Permit No. . 3122 i:tooliminate any requirement for a res.ubdivision and �also :approved a'waivor of a parcel map for, the ;., development. On -Juno 26j, 19.8.6,.;tho 'City Council,; sustained the act -ton of the.';Planning Commission on appeal., Thus,, Resubdivision No. 797 has not been recorded: and, there are ­no;.plans:to; do- .so �In the future. On November 5, 1987, the Planning, Commission approved Exception Permit No. 30, which established a sign program for Edgewater Place, . permitting the:_ installation of 24 wall and nrnip-ntina c4ana in t-l%& !� TO., Planni J Commission 4 t i EXHIBIT "All„. :.; ,.FINDINGS AND CONDITiONS''OF APPROVAL FOR :,EXCEPT1OH PERMIT NO. 30. (AMENDED). 1. that,; the, proposee..sign will be , cOlV4tible, with surrounding land uses. 2. That., the proposed , sign;. will not have. any significarxt,environmental impact:'..: 3. That the proposed signage' and graphics are consistent .:with the —character _and. devign of ",the :.. ,. . building.. 4. That the total square footage of al.l wall signs is well.below_the maximum permitted. 5, That :the , granting of this, exceptJon'.. will not bo contrary to the purpose of 'Chapter 20,06 of the Municipal Code, and .will not be 'materially detrimental to the. health, safety,.,,; comfort :or general. Welfare of, . persons resi.dfng in the neighborhood, ar. detrimental or --injurious: to - properly or improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City'. CONDITIONS•: 1. That development shall, be,, in .o substantial 17 , conformance ". with the approved .;ss>r� s.:•plan and!-: e] evati.on 2• That. the 'a pplicant shall obtain.; a ng pexmit,, . f fqr the proposed .,pign,pLio--; to., its i,nstalY.atfon.' l .'S f, f CITY OF ATEWPORT BEACH PLANNINGDEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date X ADVP.:yCE. PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLYA5E RETURN) .Tp,AFf IC, ENGINEER 7,_FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE Ili P1.,A4NN11I0 DEPT. 2 ,PLAN REVIEW DIVISION ,_,PARKS & RECREATION __;POLICE DEPARTMENT _J9ARINE SAFETY ___�GRADI NG APPLICATION OF: Shades & Shirts " FOR: Exception Permit~ No. 30 (Amended) REQUEST TO: Amend a RreyjAU21y a proved except:i.on jMXMi.,t,,y� jL,pexmi.tCed the installation of a vnri.ery of wall �}Id P c ' ;i rwn exceeded the allowable nupnber of such ELens n conjunction yji.t,j)� �'gawatcr pInc development. The current vxpposal would perrmit the a��.4lI),��_t l�n of one additional 7± sq, ft. wall sign on the southerly buildi,nl;_t.•7.�sv��j LOCATION: 309 Palm Street I REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 29: 19$8 COlu4ISSION REVIEW: September 1988 rr8. COMMENTS: G.M Ai eA e .t 4-1 C r' I �11 t �tiI r it`s a ti. w CITY.` OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENTO. PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date-AW, _UL��998 2LADVAIICE PIANNING DIVISION V! 06L, 6 ':' W 6EPAR'' ENT, X _PIANS ATTACHED (Pjj.Ajp RETUR11) 2LTRAFFIC ENGINEER 7,rIRE DEPARTMENT _PLhNS ON'FILE IN PI-VIIIING DEPT, X—PLAN REVIEWDIVISION —PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DkPARTMENT —MARINE SAFETY —GRADING: APPLICATION OF: Shades & Shirts FOR: Eyeeprion Permit No. 30 (Amended) REQUEST TO: Amend a pie r2vo-d- excf uslv nor). vermitted tall a tion of a varigty wall and nrojgetjjjZ_&jLW e &Lqh ctdp tha illowable number of such signs-n conjunc doyclopment, The current propoggl would ,_.p_crmit additional 7t sg,ft, wall sipr) on the southerly bMilding olV.ynjQjL LOCATION: 309 Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 29, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: September 8. 1988 C01414ENTS: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT -1 PLAN REVI Ev REQUEST Date Augu "2,4DVARCE;1 PLANNINGDIVISION __,PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE Rl,.T X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2LTRAFFIC ENGINEER Y,—FIRE DEPA.",TMENT. —PLANS ON FILE IN PI-ANMIC Dif PT, X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION —PARKS 6c. RECREATION POLICE DEPAWj-,MENT _jMARINE SAFETY __jORADING APPLICATION OF: Shades & Shirts FOR: Exception Permit No, 30 (Amended) REQUEST TO: Amend a previously approved exception the in callation of a, -variety of wa 1, and prgiecting, the allowable number qf surb signs n conjunction witb development. The current proposal wokild Permit the additional 7;t sg,ft, wall --sign on the southerly building e1qy t_jop. LOCATION: 309 Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: AuFust 29, 1.988 0t1MISSION REVIEW: SeRtember 8_ 1988 COMMENTS: e. cite is loca ted, area des'i & te MAI AND, , S E RVI GE CONXERCIAL�usesbY- � "boththa (and�l , �Ph -i oi s category,* allows for'eteil , epersonal�and"prqf .,:: s iqna1"Se'vjcesc 'The'`Additioh-,of dt ­. L' rft eta"l not conflictn _wit •thesegu dqine'-N6r,in- �' uxt �iifil the areai,po icieAwhih, 0t -,.' hip commer6 al..!egre! be,.preserved.­ StUto 4 Mcp OA tu 8 -ism r DatgL i l: ''.CITY OF NEWPORT.BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST f ate Lt t 4 1 X ADVANCE -PLANNING DIVISION . X—PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASP, k8TIA01) X_TRAFF'IC ENGINEER 2 FIRE DEPARTMENT ,_PLANS ON FILE IN PbAdR1TIM bPlJT, ..?'? .REVIEW;CiIVISZQN; PARKS &" RECREATION _POLICE -DEPARTMENT ,, _MAR[NE ` SAFETY GRADI14G APPLICATION OF: Shades & Shirts FOR: Exception.Permit No. 30 (Amended) REOUEST TO: AmYncl p_, v.evi us owed ex( r i. ed he insta lotion of a vrixiety of wall and nroiectinl;.,g'f yt��r exceeded the allowable. number of such signs n conjunction with tht, PcfYcwFlter. Pace development, The current proposal would vermi.t the i.nAX&I.lation of one g_dditiona 7± sa. ft-, we U sign on the southet:l.y bui)ding LOCATION: 309 Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 2.9, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: September 8. 1988 COMMENTS: "I Signgto Date • T �M1 tT f Y f Y +r l rt Zt r r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST hate_Atigr 1.7� 198t 2LAW-LANCE PLANNING DIVISIO,*i X PUBLIC WORKS ' DEPARTMENT X PLAITS ATTACHED (Pr,.lf,A5 i),ETURN j 2LTRAFFIC ' ENGINEER XFIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. 4_,.PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARY.S & RECP.EATION -POLICE DEPARTMENT —POLICE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Shades & Shirts F( - .E.Lception Permit No. 30 {Amended} REQUEST TO; Amend a previ.qusly approved exgeptign P_rrmit whlcit permitted Lhe installation Qf a variety of wall and pr2j,cg ;-fir Abe allowable nor lit e? r. 'e S' -.-place development. The current prop osnl would ;terrni.t Y the ] an o£ one additional 7± sg, ft-,. wall sign on the southerly buil.da.. r� ciY tl.on. LOCATIOIT: 309 Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: August 29, 1988 COMUMISSION REVIEW: September8. 1988 COMMENTS: Si mature' t e M rJ. i h�a 309 PALM ST, BALBOA, CA 92661 (714) f 73-4621 Awe 4et J...�,, .......a.. , LrIl I it 11r, 21 CA lop r 1 lk tt 1y .." ��S...� l,� _ _ �... 1".' j � _L7 1• __ l ,.L � �. .,� � Lin-�°�'-,�' ;EAST ELEVATIOW Sri ---- m ..... N!� iJI :y 1T t 14 4b ..... �'M r�h�i � � �� _ .. �...... w... u. .._-.... .........�.n♦ ...... a�� a �.. ..... v. a l wi�Mspi.