HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 38May 10 1990 —COMMISSIOMINUTESNERS, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INIDEX &quest for Car linua= Roquest fay William Laycock, Current Planning Manager, stated ilia aff has Continuance d th 'Item No. 6, Owen Minr a 1, Is I t General recommende at ey, pp Plan Amendment'89-2(C), Use"Permit No., 33 , and Site Plan Review No. 59, with respect to a commer reside,ntial mixed use project located at 447 North wport Boulevard, be continued to the May 124, 1990, PI ing Commission meeting. He further requested that Ite o. 9, Planning, Commission Review No. 12, Martha and if Beauchamp, applicants, property located at 2719 Shell S t, be continued to th,,r. May 24, 1990, Planning Commissi meeting, so as to allow further reviewof the existing chi ey heights. Motion Motion s made and voted on to continue Items No. 6 and No. All Ayes 9 to lfle May 24,1990, Planning Commission meeting, MOTION MRIED. May:90, "COMMissI©i�E6d� MINUTES s< o _ CITY',OF NEWPORT BEACH! ROLL CALLI H I I INDEX.' CQNNDMQNS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations. 2. That the applicant shall obtain appropriate permits 1%sued by the Building Department" for the proposed displays, 3. Thatthe maximum area of the time and temperature display shall not exceed 7 square feet each and shall be limited to only two sides of the existing pylon structure. 4. 'That no advertising or information other than time and temperature display shall be permitted on the moving or flashing signs. iv* ion No. 925 (Public HeaLiW Item Ho.2 Req t to resubdivide an existing lot into :a single parcel of land Resub.925 for a o family residential condominium development on property ated in the R-2 District. Approved LOCATION: Lot 22, Block 541, Corona del Mar, located at 520 Narcissus Avenue, on the southeasterly rner, of Miird Avenue and Narcissus A- ue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: R-2 APPLICANT: Hyter Prope 'es, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applican ENGINEER: Duca-McCoy, Inc., Co a del Mar Don Webb, City Engineer,, requested thatrlCo 'tion No. 5 be . deleted stating "That all vehicular access to the pr rty;be from the adjacent, alley.`unless otherwise ` approved . b the .City . ' Council:", and Condition No. < 7 be :amended to sta ` "chat r sidewalk be constructed along the 'third Avenue :frontag and that the`cttrb return at .the corner of Narcissus Avenue and , ` d ' -Avenue. be reconstructed on a 20 foot radius:, itb a curb:'acce ramp: included .4- LOCATION: Lot 17, Tract No. 4824, located at 1100 Irvine Avenue, on the northeasterly corner of Irvine Avenue and Westcliff Drive, in the Westcliff Shopping Center. ZONE: C-0-11 APPLICANT: Superior Electrical Advertising, Long Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach 1. That the proposed sign is in a unique location in the corner of the shopping center and will W be detrimental to the adjoining commercial and residential properties in the area. 2. That approval of this request will not set a precedent for other pole signs in the area. In accordance with Section 20.06.090B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06, and will not be materially detrimental to the health,safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general weifa-e of the City. In response to Lhe above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of the application: 1. Why will the proposal not be contraryto the purpose of the sign ordinapcc? 'This proposal in no way conflicts with the intent of the sign ordinance to maintain tasteful and efficient signage." 2. What exceptional or extraordinary circumstances are involved] "it is necessary to replace the existing clock with updated works providing better visibility and more accurate information." 3. Why is �n exception permit necessary, to protect a substantial property l4ght? "The existing clock is within Code requirement, the exception permit is necessary to extend that right to provide a more technically advanced and better means of Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Vicinity Map Letter of Approval, Modification Pernut No. 2428 with Site Plans, and Elevation, dated June 26, 1979 Letter of Approval, Modification Permit No. 3186 Plot Plans and Elevations F:\WPSO\JAY\SR\EP38.SR TO: P I ning Commission - 5' EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDiTIONS OF APPROVAL FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 38' (approves application as proposed) FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed time and temperature display is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the addition of time and temperature displays to the existing sign will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That addition of time and temperature displays to the existing sign will not affect the character and design of the existing structures on the subject property. 4. That the proposed sign is in a unique location in the corner of the shopping center and will not be detrimental to the adjoining commercial and residential properties in the area. 2. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances involved with the property which make the addition of the flashing time and temperature display necessary to protect a substantial property right. j%t, ��.OXIICIN;l ry,�,* m .0 A40. XA I - I I�` — t _j rc�� t P.C. , I WE STCLIFF DRIVE z p —­� jilt AfAp #v. ja DISTRICTING M A P N EWr'ORT BEACH F _!:It AGRICIATIPAL WSUNTIAL SIW.LE FAMILY AtIlIMPITIAL OUPUX REMPITIAL, RWb WIT"X oro"y FCMXWIAL MIAMI PESOEPOIAL WTERWDATIE LOOMAZWU C.1 LKMT COMWPI*AL I GF-i"A 11 GCNIKU C040MCACIAL LPAITED COCOW - WRAT, FWWInU C04""Lro. k4p"AetL`"�� UmsuirAclwwo com"04 OmFocts, rr 2 C-% C-0-CALI- I" P-1-OA n-4 M-1 CALE rtt"T I 8.11 u Jiodification,. Committee Findings and Action Application No. 2428 Appi i cant— Newport Balboa Savings 6 Loan 1100 Irvir- Avenue. New a�,..rt Ceach Address of Property. involved_ — Legal Oescription -W» Modification Requested to permit a 20' high pylon sign. !`;•The Modifications Committee on dune 26, 1979 approved tho application f subject to the following conditions: 1. That development�njl he in �4bitanti_�1 son'Permanzr wi>.h,�,t)u rnvan 'a`"T a n a n3 vat o n s a the two le stl�la roof signs be removed from the hn� ,i The'Modiflcations Committee determined In this case .that the proposal would I `.not be detrimental to persons, prepay or improvements In the nelghborhoad and. that the modification as. approved would be consistent With the legislative -Intent of Title 20 of posed ign i Beachlc�1 ,n 4n I—C made the tolloari�g , ''findings, 1. That the proposed sign is 1n_a un1 u to opner o,� he shep�q.�....1 ......�..., :'..emu nn n n r man A n e e - tin rio COR1fle1'C 83 and residential- oreoer-r-_ ties, n, a area.. d ap- —a o s reouast not 52t a nYAeaf{ant 9nT ntha grhs in the area. ',•e NOTE: This approval shall extend for a period of 10 months from the end of the appeal period, and cannot be extended. Tbe'decislon-of the committee may be appealed to the planning Commission j. ° '=M1,thln14 days' of the date of the decision. Any app�v:al tiled shall b4 f ' accompanied by a filing fee of $100.00, No building permits may be issued ,Until'the appeal period has expired. "NUDIFICATIONS COMMITTEE - DEPARTMENT -OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HOOAN. DIRECTOR .f u,,Gc� By r Planner , .. NOTE` ,The above,application member must be affixed plans when G L betn9 'submittod,;;for plan cheek and building permit..; SAI,50A 5av�t�45 M =©w k �iC�N Z. y --?t-A.4TEZ PY.I.D �N 5( VERDE WITH q"_vA .; r 1'7ri{?K r7y TS * t � ✓ki. a �ORTBE Ary.&. 'BOX 1768 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9265U915 4 Kr by +c�t� co `r .Planning : Department 644-3200 ` Modifications.Committee Findinqs and Rations Application No. 3186 3 1 Ar;.icant: John Howenstine Address of Pronerty Involved: 1000-1132 £rvine Avenue •t Legal Description: Tract No. 4824 Modification Requested: Request to permit the construction of 2 double `aced 17 foot 6 inch high pole signs having an area of 35.75 sq.:t. per face in replacement of 2 existing signs. The signs will be located on a singlp lot, at Westcliff Plaza, and, a modification is necessar- to ,� permit the LYstali.ation of r' • ` more than one pole sign on a single lot. Also included is "a regIuest to construct a 5 foot high montmlent sign having an area of 35.75 5q.ft. per `ace on a contiguous lot occupied I)y an automobile service station. The Modifications Committee on July 22, 1986, approved the application subject to the following conditions: 1. That development shall, lie in substantial conformance with t1he approved plot plan, and elevations, except Esc noted in the following condition. 2. That the final location of all signs shall ;meet ,the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. The Modifications Committee determined in this case that the propo sal would not be detrimental to persons, property or improvements in the neighborhood and tha` the modification as approved would be consistenw`with the legislative intent of Tittle 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and -made the following findings: 1. That the proposedsigns are replacing existing signs. 2. That the signs.will not obstruct sight distance inasmuch as the sign' locations have been reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. That the Westcliff Plaza Shopping center is of sufficient size to; need. additional signage above that normally .permitted by Code. 4.That the proposed development will. not be detrimental to the surrounding area or increase any detrimental effect of the existing use. NOTE: This approval shall extend for a period of 24 months from the end.of the appeal period, and cannot be extended. The cier.scion ,oZ the Committee may be appealed to the P1ant�ina Commissio:i: within 14 days of the date of :the decision. Any appeal .fled shall be accompanied by a filling fee of S484.00. No building permits rm, be :issued until the appeal h period his expired. MObIFICATIONs COHMITTEE ` PLANNING:DEPARTMENT r" JAHES D. HES+IIC:CF:R," Director'.. w, Fri *%rr„� R•A{�,.or. eP r .r� s r t • '!� Jifa� yp, F .. �NJti, w IL� "� ._ .. Y ° k�i-2"ar°z-+!�•.''. o : 6-_ i r oA�'!' : C'1 c . b ., .... , , .. .....-. ?. .� ,. .. • v': . .� _ _�: ���"h�fi , .. )LPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT —X—PI.ANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER 9:171RE DEPARTMENT PI-ANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEIYI'. X BUILDING DEPARTMENT —PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT —MARINE SAFETY ci —GRADING APPLICATION OF: Superior Electrical Advertising FOR: Exception Permit No. 38 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of flashing time and temperature display on two faces of a three faced sign on an existing freestanding sign tower on property located in the C-0-1-1 District. LOCATION: 1100 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 30, 1990 OUl"UHNU UZrAtc 1 Mbf41 _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY _GRADING APPLICATION OF: Superior Electrical Advertising FOR: Exception Permit No. 38 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of flashing time and temperature display on two faces of a three faced sign on an existing freestanding sign tower on property located in the C-041 District. LOCATION: 1100 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 30, 1990 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 10, 1990 COMMENTS:-- XFIRE DEPARTMENT. X BUII DING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION _ POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY ,GRADING `PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: Superior Electrical Advertising FOIL: Exception Permit No. 38 RE-OUEST 'TO: Permit the installation of flashing time and temperature display on two faces of a three faced sign on an existing freestanding sign tower on property located in the C-O-I 1 Dis;trict. LOCATION: 1100 Irvine Avenue X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X BUILDING DEPA1<JMEN?'' .—PARKS & RECREM ION _POLICE DEPARTMENT -MARINE SAFETY -GRADING MkL_A_ .ail Zj_122Q X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEI)T. APPLICATION OF: Superior Electrical Advertising FOR: Exception Permit No. 38 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of flashing time and temperature display on two faces of a three faced sign, on an existing freestanding sign tower on property located in the C-O-H District. LOCATION: 1100 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 30, 1990 APPLICATION OF: Superior Electrical Advertising FOR: Exception Permit No. 38 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of flashing time and temperature display on two faces of a three faced sign on an existing freestanding sign tower on property located in the GO-H District. LOCATION: 1100 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 30, 1990 COMMISSION REVIFiW, May 10, 1990 sera ft. 14IS COmm:':t o Find.C:�". r ,•.. J ). ni+:h r'('";•tr:. .y:i,:, tilil�'i', l:r =1:'r' • 1 ;. �+ ;.' : �••...,!. ''nr7v:rit�cr c.; ?tIl• ", 1�>lr, ,r.,.•,• .,.,; , ��. ,' .,,►. ,•r, ; �� .:!;� npnrw1)tnt I ..... • < ; `: i'. .. • : '�', . i . T h, :. f : n, i. •,l ` t i:.. ,.�1,1 :i<• rtht, i wv Tra.°ic E—C; t:i!-nr. ,r,:f Cornit tnA dre Irl a :h1• "I rzo t.t..t •!r„ �•�.• rri:n ci ts, ,�,n.' ? .. .. to nnrPorin, or irtprcvmmnt s in r'. - !-f:.... :r: r•)`. :. 1:7. .1f3 ai7P rOVt. 11 wf)UId }ic ;7ctfs is }fin tr,':�S�,�~ .'r' t .:•. •''.':... th,:• Nowport Beach htunir,ipil (; def ,, anf: th�� f-711-�..•;, `_.._r:.... 1 M1),.l• «!;n rr11 �Mr+r'signs are r(%,pl,ncina existi:._, .,i+Y:;:. ; ^};,• �.,, ,;;,,r,, ., .. ,hrt:rt,:•: ilghr: d.i.rt.ancr i,rn,rsuch as. the •. s•: 1-r.tr :o:;r h���:. t,r •i ,,,:! • 1.•i1:1,' Tri'::s: Enclinncr. 3. • Tha t th- F1.so1. n rn r,end addit-.i.)nnl sign9!j� .i}ovi t , :: :' '' , h a 1r o :'1,1 .1 /"`; :• a '•^,!„, Th:1 �ht, :rap s�,+ dnv�al tp n,•� • :. 1, �, 1 t7 .,:, .rs rt<+r };n dr�•,rir,r,". , is ♦ !1urr ,ur;',!o m .1rnr1 r) i ti sn ct f n r,<11' `, r :n :ra ,7 ,�n; �tr.;� nt:J , . c ..ir +•:�.. , . . j,. r��•'r'rlft Fir ,1 .�,�.•. 1 �i i :�f,.• r,,. ,,.... 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