HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 39James He -wicker, Planning Director, vtated that the Plann' l Commission Agenda was posted on Friday, July.12 1990,in on of City Hall. ,.. R -a 15f.Qr ontinw% James Hewicker, Planning Director, reque ed that the following items be continued to the August 9, 19 , Planning C,ommissio;- meeting: Item No. 8, Use Permit No. 2$9 (Amended), Newport Dy:iasty, Inc,, property located a 00 West Coaxt Highway, requesting the establishment of li entertainment; Item No. 9, Use property Durkee, applicants, Dur • nd bent , Permit No. 3386 , Martha a P P y located at 500 West Balbo Boulevard, requesting a combined commercial/residential d elopment; and Item No,10, Amendment No. 708, a request to a blish the Retail and Service Commercial (RSC) District. Commissioner rsbn suggested that Item No. 10 be continued to Mrnda Request for Continuance ROLL CALL. INDEX LOCTri . Parcel ., o. o arcemap - (Resubdivision No. 516), located at 3417-3475 Via Lido, on the southerly side of Via Lida between Newport Boulevard and Via Oporto in Via Lido Plaza. ZONE: C-1-H APPLICANT: Innovative Graphics, Inc., Orange OWNER: Fritz Duda Company, Orange Mr. Ken Jackson appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the property owner wherein he introduced Mr. Pepper Gomez, applicant. Mr. Gomez concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A" with the exception of Condition No. 4, "I'hat the height of the monument sign adjacent to Newport Boulevard be limited to a maximum of 25 feet." Mr. Gomez explained that the property owner has an agreement with the City that the sign that was removed from ;he site could be replaced with a sign of equal height of 35. feet. Mr. Gomez stated that the condition in the Agreement .reads as follows: "..To allow the relocation of the existing pylon sign or the installation of a new pylon sign provided that the new sign is the same height or lower than the existing sign, and has similar areas of signage, and is installed so it meets the current Building Standards and Zoning Code:' In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwgrds,,Don Webb, City Engineer, explained that the foregoing Agreement was executed 'by the City with the property owners in conjunction with the remodel of theparking lot and the widening of Newport Boulevard. Mr. Webb stated that the original sign permit would' indicate the actual size of the original sign. to subsequent' review of the approved plans revealed that the former pylon sign on the prcpertywias permitted to.maintain a maximum height of 25 feet.) Commissioner Pers6n recommended that. Condition No. 4 ' be modified to state 'That the'height of the monument. sign shall be in accordance with the Agreement executed between'the property owner and the City dated February 22 1990 " 1 ROLL CALL INDEX Following a discussion Fetween 1513 Planning Mr. Gomez indicated that the applicants intend to install a smaller sign than the previous pylon sign that was located on the site. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Merrill regarding the Security Pacific Bank Building, Mr. Gomez e.xpitilned that uniform signage on said building will be considered when the development plans concerning the proptrty are completed and submitted to the City. Motion * Motion w ;y made and voted on to approve Exception Permit No. All Ayes 39 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", Including modified Condition No. 4 as previously stated. MOTION CARRIED. Fl. NDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed sign program, as approved, represents a reasonable "request considering the size of the shopping center and the number of tenants. 4. That the proposed signs maintain a unified design which is compatible with the architecture of the building g and will Serve to enhance the overall appearance of the center. 5. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.0E of the Municipal Code and will not be materially detrimental to the, healtb. safety, comfort or general welfare of, personi residing m the . neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to thegeneral welfare of the City, 6. That the approval of this exception, permit is necessary to. protect a substantial' property right and will riot be contrary to the purpose of, Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance), and will not be materially detrimental Ito -4- July 199 1990 COMMl sioN��� � INUTES CITY OF NEvwr,ORT SEAW;H ROLL CALL INDEX the health, safety, comfort or general we :.ire o persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. O D TTi?NS 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That the applicant shall obtain appropriate permits issued by the Building Department for the proposed signs. 3. 'fiat the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit for the existing banners located on the light posts along Via Lido. 4. That the height of the monument sign shall be in accordance with the Agreement executed between the property owner and .the City dated February 22, 1990 (i.e. a maximum height of 25 feet). 5. That all monument signs shall be built or relocated in accordance with Standard-110-1, unless atherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. a a a N4_(Public Hear' ne} Item N0.2 Request to ubdivide an existing lot into a single parcel of land R934 for a two fami esidential condominium purposes on property Approved located in the R-2 ict. LOGATiON: Lot 13, k 37, River Section, located at Boulevard, on the 3711 _West Iboa o _ , southwesterly side est Balboa Boulevard, between 3 . Street an th` Street, in West Newport. ZONE: R-2 r5- '°S�.Jli.li✓L1: ,'�X��D�i1c)n rerin�G t�v: J�.:f,�ku�aa�nu RegMf to'perrriit variou's identification signs for. eaTch tenant in `two ":`bf the multi=tenapt buildings in'Ah' Via,Lido Plaza-.Shojrping'C-onter, located in the 'C' District;" where "the Sign'.Cod permits only one sign per business. The proposal also requests the' approval of, 3 monument signs on the property, where the Sign Code permits only one such sign. LOCATION: Parcel - No. 1: of Parcel Map'85-1 (Resubdivision No: 516), located at 3417=3475 Via ,Lido,'on'-the southerly side of Vit Licit) beswee'n Newport boulevard and Via Oporto in ' th"p Via Lido Plaza'. f2 ` a ing; Commission 2 t C ormance _witb the General Plan The subject property is designated for "Retail Service Commercial" use by the Land .and Use Element of the General Plan. The existing. uses in the subject shopping center are consistent with this designation. &WAl L PtoverLy and Surrounding. UU = :. The subject property is located ,i.n the Via Lido Plazas Shopping Center which includes �I a Pavilions Place Market, the Edwards 'Lida Theatre, a Security Pacific National Bank, and a-, mixture ,of smaller commercial ; uses... To the., north, . across; Via Lido, are various commercial uses; ..to the west, ,across. Newport ftoulevard, is'a: mixture of commercial uses;. to the south is the Newport Beach CityHail ,complex; and to the east, across Via Oporto, ,are; commercial uses. The ,applicant. proposesto .install .a. variety of wall,. under -canopy, and monument, signs identifying the locations of various; tenants in the. shopping center. In accordance with Section 20.06.070, B.,- of the Municipal; Code, the, following sign,4 are permitted for the . center: One perpendicular sign ( i.e. roof, projecting, or monument) per building or building site not to exceed ; 200, square, feet.. Three wall signs per building, however, a multi -tenant building may have,onemall sign per business, not to exceed total of :200 square feet per building frontage. As shown on the attached plat plan, .a total of 29 signs .are proposed for Buildings "B" and "C." .These consist of 'various canopy, wall, and ;under -canopy signs that: will:identify the tenants as; well as the Via Lido Plaza (i.e. Signs A, B,. and E on I the attaehed'plot ,,,plan,, and, elevations The ,total;square .foots a of said, tenant;signs wil..exceedj; he allowable ure foots e, however staff ;has no ob ection to the; ro used s', uare foots e g ., J P P q g, �ivon the: size:Eof the�sho iri center and; the number o tenants .,The a licant is, al o b ., , pp „ g ,, r pp proposing,a total of 4�identi6ation signs for each,tenant located at.the buildings'. corners (l, under -canopy" s�gr., and �1 canopy sign per; building frontage) ? Staff ,has no abjection to this proposal,' in that it is consistentcwith tbe,proposed; schenie,of; one ;;pedestr an:and one motorist oriented sign per tenant,per building frontage. I;t addition, the applicant proposes the retention of two existing monument signs, one . i.at>;the J ortherly dri ey+ay;;entrance ;,ta.; the plaza„, the. other, at: the southerly ,driveway ,J entrance (i.e,�Sign Crcin,the attached plot plan: and elevations) ; _; These twa igns ldeniify the Via Lido Plaia Shopping Center. The as -built monument sign at:,the hortherly,;drive (adjacent :to ' Via Lido) `;does not meet the standards of the City Traffic Engineer as it pertains to sight distance.: Should the Planning Commission .wish to approve said 1` monument sign, staff trccommends that it include the following condition in Exhibit "A: �I 2. That the proposed signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed sign program, as approved, represents a reasonable request considering the size of the shopping center and the number of tenants. ,rtc+d '' CITY OF NEVIPORT EACH CALIFORNIA'.PHONIC 040-Zt6t 33A()IN. NJtvrport iilvd, pEPkRTfAEtJT OE COp/t¢I{UNITY t3EVE.LOPMENT. _ d k. 1/LAri GK. , + ro AffLbBOAi'f� 1 ).s h • PARCCL Na, Hurletzrr 046-090-02 i �l la c LOCALITY $ L OATS APPLICANT TO PILL 1 ARItA WITHIN Cp06f$ T { HEAVY LINES ONLY. _ 41TAT. AnC A y YY% N 1�� WY tli s r� Y tlWy LDtNQ AODRRSf C tr a' LOT'NO. IkWCK. T3iACT tIT�ATtB7 'AL !O 1 a -' •r Ir0. or t ooa, c Y3f NO Nov! oK LOT J CLASS Nu. DWCLL UNIT$r fIxic of. LOi , S tt zONC No,PARKlP+t411;pAG14 }' tAAP , t 1Z711 A. ALUAT(ON i1dt,l LY - n r'.. TCL pp�� qq ppQ� C"r,-1 fpItG1A4 �i 01YN6Ai r- c�^fl1' LJAJLl. ieLO CONOIYION9--^-``1""� r� Al2DREf8 " I CYL1 2 tv PL96: OCTdACK FRb!J _ d' L PR p6f CITY hswe650hW«6u •w+ tNTMEXt! ..�..,•'. OP, N1RO . r,",,,..,, ."._. 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MATENIA- .� �CIT .:. ; 11� GLA891 I3�� / NEW POR7LIC !•� Q _ _ems'-�-^�f�u"^'.'-� 51LZMATIU O SHCATHING AP1iLICANT' M CALIY OpN(A.fTATa 41CCNYQO CON INSULATION TN ACTgR, 1 CL fxxf4/T/0N 70'74f{ "co 1RACTON" da0U1NK�/aNTPO1i P/HALµ__�_,,,;,,,,,,•,..,,,, „_ •.- •�'-_.w �� {{ TOti POLLONr10.0 p/r wfON'GAIiY OM NI A fTATa LAME 7011•f1• .. .... ;, A�MF TMi Own" �or THa AMOVa PNoraN1T .Ano C$R_T. Of OGGUP. � HER -" PMIT.. ((tlll ,"Elsar0 TO ♦a N0'ORM Al-aM w Ya4'0 Mr TN wA061 a6 Pi C.,.^ _ P��Q $ Fair. 5' ry pYYLI Op.THR000N 11♦ aMP40 1, PVRTNaIt" f1ATa FCC „S (� i /r^M ' THEM -BOLE: COMM, ATIOH, 5,,,/ -� THAT TNa ►1/OPOQab fgp rv(d AL! CAL/POANIA�,-- 7'11Nba1t.T0 qn o�Pnn WI f- S SAL! t t i _ .�.+.�+.»...-- ...•• "fYATaLAH d'N/l). ( WILL fUaMIT aVltla NC 6'QP .dYONlIµ NN'a CONPKNf AT(011 INOURJI f1Ca COV aN/NO 1 AM TNa tlM/HaN ON TN II Aabila bafCRtiaap �' . .7Hafa aMr407taf. - . '.. •-• STATE LiY. ALL „Op w" ALL als fI Wol- a 4 ",Wr. _,rJ .�1 AN TNa OriNaR C,P TNa AROVa OalC MIa.TU STATE 41C aNfItb CON'TNACYORf, 1 mod fofs A t, '►MOP 1/7T ANtl CLM0/ a aM V'/I" UNbaR fa CTION LIST OP ALL fVO-CDHTa ACTOMM mod" Oq 7N1f x+^ xx �S MK. Id AIa NI• MO/R0T'. TO TNa' Oa PT, pY COfiMUMYTT baY♦ I . J. Tf/f `CAll/'. 9TATa LA" 1 TNAT ALL L IA" 100.00 AND Pa109 TO ANb At. A COML'ITI ON OP ""AL IH' S; AL, *HV LAiga WILL as Laff T/ AN { f//GCTION. .. r OP BL NATUNIY. tt2YT'!AL APPLlCABLe OLOCtG' --- ^-^^-� ^' yl i i 8ltttPiATUI;iCOP /� J�y"' l?AY� PitRMITT�B � l:tr�✓dli'1- tr T}t@ tjA3 0P ; ALICA q THI4 P>wP1AA1T CdCOA7srS WORK MUS ,91 $iARTRO tVl 'H!N A PCRIOD OF 1 20 DAYS PRO WORK NULL'AND V�Y`j1tO. 4 5.3 Za 2 a 4 . °`85 ,�, a77 76.0 r VItIlDA1i0N PERMIT VAUDATI4tlf t«��. I..tl. cAa►1�. ,� •? PL�lt�t'��CIIECK:GK. ,�; C,1fM: ��r�., 1/ ±.n.;.Yi�«,i':e.,, r,i+ ...t'_rR�. .. ._,�`,N...�e�sl:r`,`:.. ,3 ..,+ �. .l, r,".:. W.,... .i'lti•J. ,.,.., r � «�.✓1�1�f#��.%.s:.�.kl'r,'. ,.'. �flJ�A ►. J11•vA.J r. a.... ra ��.a..v .,�.. .... 2'UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X I'RAFFIC ENGINEER Ff tE DB'P �'�!�-4 �� PXRK.S RECRE "'MI" _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE .SAFETY _GRADING APPLICATION OF: FOR: �C PLANS AT"I'ACHED (PLEASE RETr;RN ) PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEP"!'. Innovative Graphics, Inc. Exception Permit No. 39 „ „_,,,fiLJVHl`t4.L' t'Lr�tvt�tiv vir,.�ivA 2,PUBLIC . WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFI0 ENGINEER ��I3UILDING DEPART EN'r ,.,PARKS & RECREATION .,,,,.POLICE DEPARTMENT _-.,MARINE SAFETY __GRADING X PLANS ATIAC1 iED (PLBASE 'RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION` OF: Innovative Graphics, Inc.. FOR: Exception Permit No. 39 REQUEST TO: Permit canopy identification signs and under canopy pedestrian signs for each tenant in two of the multi -tenant buildings In the Via Lido Plaza Shopping Center located in the C-•i-I•I District where the Sign Code permits only one wail sign per business. I.nrATInN- 3417 - 3475 Via Lida APPLICATION OF: Innovative Graphics, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 39 REQUEST TO: Permit canopy identification signs and under canopy pedestrian signs for each tenant in two of the multi -tenant buildings in the Via Lido Playa 4hnnninv Center lnentnnd in thn rr_i_rr •.r - :'r a,. ,r?3•%.�y.•J%d�;l.'t,'X'�'r r•. .c {y,{.:1i-. 1 1..J +''p '. al„irt,,, .�•. i'�„� �"jtl:, kiry��. �J��'"` { r..trr i � ; ✓ �. '.! t0 `• 4 ' . ,C o r,'h ' 6: ;+ . Jtfi ,,�1:.,, e', � � r ' '..rT?G:•.�:.u•1 �4c.: �� -`.' ti"{7; r;.. .ry •i �. i•s,' y i s k�`'''-' r; - .r •ryi J.:i� j�' :,r / °44!/atlr hl rS' iu �.. i't �, �.it 1,� t• , ru��{�J � ' � r' `" t�2'AatiJ' �l�i�'Y�.:� r � .. •+. � ri'�.� :.%��+1�'G� - •' � � ,•.��� .. .,. cSri. % r:.rr>i �,,..� t r,.�''.9rr �`/""'��tb.' ,1 r .'.,G .. ', a .. ��. r r•f A6 J,'[tl v:S:) 'V�.....�', .......-�.,,. « / a 4r .. _ y r t �•/rr)r aJ �jiy / j , ��\ 4r' ar. r.. •r r' 1 t �• - 1r -" 'l./.: . 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