HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 41"PLTCA Ad Application _q Rp C by Fee- 11OW New -qrtB6uleva NeW...... -. B 'CA C N NSTINE, IN: OHNSO "for., N -J14/55 T-4064- App 1-pant-, (Piiilt) Phone 3188 ,, X' 06 `7 LAP R ANO�,- Pfion,e` 241 Newport Beac W,.� coas t-,-cHi ghw� Involved,actress of Properly To expand entry sign for better xCliti . s C �ca, 7 n on: Yp en . 1. Z, To Whom It May Concern, May 9, 1991 I hereby authorize John Howenstein Co. to pull our permit for signage at Cano's Restaurant. Sincerely, Re a uentes General Manager That ropo eu 3. Boulev'ardpshalls not i�erfoach� in to any ~required parking space for the center. 4. That the proposed m�mument sig along Newlyifrt Boulevard shall be built or relocated so that 'e sign structure higher than 2 feet above the curb elevations afi be a minimum of 8 feet o 9 feet behind the sidewalk, as eterinined by the Cite Traffic Engineer, southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between 'Tustin Avenue and mover Drive, in the Mariners Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANT: John Howenstine, Inc., Costa Mesa OWNER: l-irry Cano, Newport Peach William Laycock, Current Nanning Manager, states) that the applicant for Exception Permit No. 41 has requested that this item be removed from calendar. Motion '' Motion was made and voted on to remove Exception Permit No. Ayes 41 from calendar. MOTION CARRIED. Absent x 0 &ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION, { SO `; ,,.P`?'N°I`, PLANS ATTACfiED (PLEASE RETURN) TRAFFIC ENGINEER - , CX FIRE DEPARTMENT ,..,._PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. &BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreittionat and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include:. a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 10, 1991 F"INDINGS 1. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any casements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 2. That public improvements may be required to protect the health, safetly and welfare of the general public per Section 20.06.090 of the Municipal Code. CONDITIONS-: LVI,.lILIVl1. ,�1. �J�/1 L1V 11 VL: L/IJL IL), •iKVL l\VI Jl.!). ■VYKLVY N.L (y/ITL 1►V3L VF,/W7L Highway, on the southwesterly' side of West. Coast Highway, ,between Tustin Avenue and` Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile 'Specitac Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 AP'I.TCANT. John Howe' fits s Ine,'Costa'Mesa OWNED:' la Caro,'Newport Beach AU=iDn This application involves a: request to permit ;the replacement of an existing freestanding entry siga%'for Cano's testaurant located in the "Recreational an'd,.4ar` ne C`ommerc al" arc of the' Mariner's Mile'so 1c'Plaii Area The`. proposed sign will be a'second freestand,ujg i� f (11 ,yx 1'• m ct :� $_y �'.9t . i ,ideiitification sign w}iich will ,lso,tnclude a marquis for d6ttfyajng live entertairubent and h.. s ecial events and an entry sign., Tn accordance with Section 20 ,fl7U of the Ne art ' Beach Municipal Co e, only one, reestanding sigh. is permitRed per building s to Approval of more"`t; aai`one' 6reestandin(gy ideritirk&ion s� tt'requtres the appriival o.£:an exception permit. Exception permit" procedures are set forth in Section` 20.06.'06 of the Niwi port Beach Municipal Code. vironv3gntal S��nifican�e i •:.,r> t. .f. ,.t{.}4..,i :i,f :.,,9, Th s,pr'oject has been`'revieweI`rd, and i iias been detezoizned'tbat it is sate oncally`ex In . fr1om they requ remezitsd, of ,the alaforni Environmental Quality Act : >, nde�r, iCiass 11 ccessoryt. StruCtuC�S� :,a 1 ,.}, ., ig ., t } �� � •.. � ii.r .r ! +i k t ?.F ..fi� :-. .+ :f The Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Ylan designate the site for "Recreational and Marine 'Commercial'uses. The existing restaurant is a permitted use within this designation. SUbject Properly and -Surround ng land Use The subject, property is currently developed with the existing Cano's Restaurant and related offstreet parking area. ' 'I`o the north; across West Coast Highway, is a restaurant, a comlyiried'restaurantand motel, 'a°boat , sales facility, and an office building; to the east, is AXdell's+ Yacht'and Ship Brokers; to ithe south, is Newport Bay; and to the west, is the Mariner's Mrle'lviarit e Center. l3.gt;round The subject property was first developed for restaurant use in 1960.'1'hc original' restaurant operation :known as the Siuft Shirt; was established on the site at the time, when there was no use permit requ'irernent for restaurants' which were more than 200 feet from a Residential District. At its meeting of April 13, 1976, the Modifications Committee approved Modification` No. 1.014 which involved,a request to revise the.on-site parking layout for the subject restaurant, so as to ,permit the use of tandem parking in conjunction with I6 valet parking service. Said parking plan provided 167 on -site parking :spaces (135 for the restaurant and 32spaces for the.boat slips located bayward of the site Th'e' approved peaking plan is stall being used on the site in conjunction with a valet parking service. At its meeting of February, 18, 1988, the Planning Commission approved {Use:Permit+No. 1q3 which anvolved:a regite t to` permit the expdnsibnof �the 'subject restauran t.so as to lncreas� the "net public area" of the restaurant; by converting an existing exter for fleck to'an outdoor ci»ng area. The appravaltalsol.mcluded.ttae conversion' tf a:pbrtion,of the existing enclosed d�ning,area to an outdoor patio;d,�ning area;, ati" y e approvalf;of a lease for off site parking purposOis fora portion of the required off street;parlCing However,.said„a raval PP r, wa5r never exeretsed and`Ltse Permit No 3293 `expiredY24inantts later in ac`ca`rclance with Section 20 8p.0 of the Nru 09 mcipal Code I As shown on the attached plans, there. is. currently one freestanding" ideniificatioa sign (sign Cyand two freestanding special:purpose1directional;signs (Signs A and B)`on the subject is r f. ,�yjroperty'` `' fn "acco'rdance'; with ' Section' 20.Oti 07( of `{he -Municipal f doge, only' one freestattdin` ' "iden'tificatimti`si ist1erhltted `on a l7uiid�n `site. `Said se�.} ion;furthr allows g �—'Y 1 ,, tt 1 �� >.; r 7r any number of peCial,purpose directional signs, provlded'they do"not �exreed ti square feet ! {rti t •, , i ToPlanning Commission 3. in are4 and; do not jnclude any► names, logos or.`advertismg messages. 't'he two directional signs da got exceed b square fpet; 'how''60, Sign 13 ('°Carlos Entruice/ tnclttdes the'name of the subject restaurant Although "there is no record"of a"pcevaaus sip 'exaptlon to'allow the restauarant'name ona'directional sign; staff'has'noobjections; inasittttch'a� the sign;is located at a driveway entrance which ' is shared with Ardell Yacht and Ship Brokers. Therefore, it seems appropriate to include the restaurant name so as to ITilnimize any confusion. The;subject appl cationj blves the proposed alteration of the existing Sign B whereby the existing canister wit "Canos°Entrance"`rvilfbe replaced with a new identification sign in combination' with a marquis' (see page 3 of attached plans). "The' new slgn will contain approximately 20 square feet per sign 'face and will include 9± square feet of reader board. The marquis will be used to advertise special events as well, as live ePie ftainers`that are performing at the restaurant. There is also proposed a new entry sign to be located on both sines of the sign base which' will contain 4j7t square feet. AII`of the ether signs on the property' will remain unchanged rrnarive PCop S11S 19,61iiedly Staff In discussing the proposed sign with the applicant, staff suggested that if a marquis sign were j desired on the property, it should be incorporated "into the , existing'- freestanding identification .sin (Sign C , inasmuch as the proposed . Sigp B constitutes, a second freestanding identification sign .a'Sueh `an alternative would not have required `a sign exception; provide the new: sign did not exceed 200 square feet per face. A second alternative would be'to remove the exi iiri rdentiflc9ion sign Si" ` and i.nco orate'an g g (�. rP entry sign ,into a� new combination -identification an . margt, is sign, which could be located near the 'entry drive: Again, `this` alterPAfive would not requcre a sign exception: Boih alternatives we"re'r'ejected'by the-applic. 'ublic Works 7 �artMentRecommendations Although the attached site plan does not accurately identify th616cation of Sign 'A'and'Sign II . the are (j.)oth located directl behind the front property line. In accordance,with the 4 �:., O l.., f..:t ,1! '. try r'� f 'Y a pbpi pr�nsions of the Manners Mild' Specific klan, signs, area per�nrifeci encra�cYiment into the required ' "front''=,yatd t setback; hoWeVer, 1ile l City's �' Standard '' 10=L ' provides � that all, obstructions must be located so as not to obstruct the required vehicular sight distance for !�}�/ access dive ont6,-k ""ubiic street h, highway "'Vi,. Based on the Public: Works Department's review of the subject applica6on,z they are reddrnthending-that tbe;' proposed' algn'°B and the ezistsng Sign'; A tie relocated:.ao as` to provide a minimtiin: 9±! foot' setback` behind back+of=sidewalk ' "In`"addition,' they are recommending'that,jhe existing l;andscaping.be trimmed to, create a 5001( viewfcarridmr withrn'the sight`distanre 1planes: °It stiotild be empliasixeo °that the'suggested'9 foot setback also applies to the existing Sign'A which applicant is not proposing to alter. 3. ' That the proposed Sign B and the existing Sign'A be, placed approximately 9 o feet behind back-f sidewalk in order to provide sight uis6n& in conformance with the City's sight distance Standard I IO-L for major artcrial'I�ighways, and that the existing landscaping be trimmed to create a 50% view corridor within the sight distance planes. Acant's Statemetif of Support In. accordance.with Section 20 06:090B_of the` Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order, to grant an'excepiion permit, the Planning Commission must find.11fiat the grntmg' of sucI► pe mit is, necessary: to 'protect a., substantial .property,nght, w� not be contrary to he pupose of Chapter' 2Q.06,' and will not be materially, detrimezl�al to the Health;` safety, comfort or general welfare of pe�r'sons. rending m the.,neighbox}iooti, or, detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or, to, the' necai;welfare oftthe City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant has"submitted the followingistaterQients in. suoport of his application. • "'The size of the sign is in, proportaonrwith tli'e amours. of frontage tits property ht�stlr �.-tt ,:.; i t::F = i.i=!S; , `•1 ,} �.; it>.i: t37 , t;J f7 What exce�pal or extraordi»ary circumstances are involved? "'Very hig� speed K..,:,,.. r... _ , . vehicular traffic coming around the' corner makes`it'difficult to` read'existing sign.' e �, , 3Y t'�n . ,... rig t "Brrrau et of the way',the , was size and frontage p'Xopert parcelized, t a.: ,� � 4 Why hl prro.Qosal not a detri ntal.Iodhg neigh all commercial." .e ,00d? ,"It's ^t i "• ' �/}�.r kk>'.7Lr ,'Ei, + '1 <,. i}t�°:�_) tir J� lil LIM Fal m waa %.Caul, a.uv arraaw.axa i.w. as. ..+ .....,.... w.� "'..wY •••• ••• �• •••••••• ""'J circumstances that would justify..a departure ,from this intent and purpose. In addition, staff feels that 'there are reasonable alternatives 'availabie to the _ applicant` which are in compliance with.the ptov�sions ofthe Sign,Code, Should the Planning Coinmlission wish to approve this application as proposed by the applicant, tlae findings and.conditions set forth in the attached Exhibit "N' are suggested. Should the Cori nission wish !'to approve the application with the 9. foot setback requirement for the proposed; Sign. B and the existing Sign=A, the additional £Finding; and. ,condition'previously mentioned should be ;added to Exhibit "A". However, should the. Cornmission wish to deny this; application, the findings set;forth in the attached, Exhibit.'B" are suggested. PLANNING, DEPARTMENT JAMES,D, HEWICKER. Director. 4 1. TO:planning Commission b, ' EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPR OVAL FOR'.-`. EXCEPTION PERMIT NO (approves application as proposed) I�IN'i?I�IGS: 1, That the proposed sign is compatible with surrounding land uses 2, That the proposed sign will not have any significant environmental impact: That the; proposed sign is `consistent with the character and design of the existing structure: on `the subject property: 1"hat'the'graiiting of this' exception permit as conditioned.wili note contraryt6the Chapter 20.06" of the Municipal Code and will not be, `materially purpose' of detrimental to the` health', safety; comfort or general welfare of persons residing in or improverrients In`the the neighborhood, or detrimental' or injurious to property neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. 5, That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements access through or use of property within the acquired by the public at large for proposed development. 6. That public improvements may be required to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public per Section 20.06.090 of the Municipal Code ; cONDITfONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance,with`,the approved site plan and sign elevations, except as noted below!' 2. That the applicant shall obtain required building permits for the proposed sign 1 3. That this application is not necessary to safeguard a substantial property right inasmuch as there are reasonable design alternatives available to the; appicant which fully conform to the provisions of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code. FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exception Permit No. 411 (Continue D'. CUS5100) Request to permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial area of the Mariner's Mile Specific: Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANT: John Hfowenstine, Inc., Costa Mesa 11. That tdiision shall expire if the map has not been recorded within f the date of ap�rc�aal, not an extension is granted by the r�+a1,, Commission om ission, 1=xceptign Eermit No 41 (Continued Discussion) Item N0.5 Request to permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry Er_.---.1 sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine cony d to Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The e_eag� proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot I-1, Tract No. 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANT: John Howenstine, Inc., Costa. Mesa TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exceplion Permit No. 41 (Continued Discussion Request to permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, located at 2.241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast i-lighway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANT: John Howenstine, Inc., Costa Mesa D OWNER: Larry Cano, Newport Beach Background and Suggested Action This application was continued from the June 20, 1991 Planning Commission meeting so as to allow the applicant the opportunity to redesign the proposed sign. However, the applicant has not yet submitted the new design to the Planning Department. Staff recommends that this, matter be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of August Rebuest forContinuances: [request for James I -le ' cr, Planning Director, stated that the applicant, Lloyd Continuance Rasner, has re ested that Item No. 3, Use Permit No, 3420 and Resubdivision No. 7 regarding the conversion of an existing legal, nonconforming duplex ' to a two unit residential project, located at 208-210 Carnation A ue, be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 1991. He also stated that the applicant, on Cexton Architect a Associates, has requested that Item No. 4, Variance No. 1176 regar additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling local at 842 Flarbor Island Drive, he continued to the July 18, 1991, 1 Wing Commission meeting. Motion I I kj I I I I I Motion was made and voted on to continue Items No. ;1 d 4 to nt.l Ayes the July 18, 1991, Planning Commission meeting. MO N CARRIED. �xx Exception Permit No. 41 (Discussion) ion) Item No.l` Request to permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry EP 91 sign for Cano's.Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine cont' d to . Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The 7-18-91 proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment,` and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, located at 2241. West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and I)over Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 setback be required for the proposed sign, and an. existing sign. Mr. Webb stated that Signs "A" and "B" are directly behind the sidewalk and block the visibility of a vehicle or pedestrian from the view of a driver attempting to exit the driveways. Mr. Webb explained that the condition requests that the signs be moved back 9 feet, or constructed to allow visibility through the bottom part of the signs. In response to a question posed by 'Corninissioner Glover, Mr. Webb explained that the applican, intends to change only the face of one sign. Commissioner Glover expressed her concern that signs may not be visible to the public if they are located 9 feet back from the sidewalk. Mr. Flewicker suggested that it may be possible that two signs could be altered to contain the information if they were moved without going to a three sign configuration. Chairman ` Debay stated that the Municipal Code states that only one free standing sign is permitted on a building site. In response to question posed by Chairman Debay, Mr. Webb explained that proposed Sign "C' does not affect the visibility of vehicles. Mr. Webb further requested that the landscaping be trimmed so as to improve the sight distance at the driveways. L�" kJAZ, J_-#All %J A..R1­1 A-tAX A lvkA-1 I A —PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT —MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also inclitde a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Flighway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 10, 1991 COMMISSION REVIEW: June 20, 1991 2-LADVANM11' �PENT ,,TRAFFIC ENGINEER 2LFIRE DEPARTMENT &BUILDING DEPARTMENT —PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING vale: rune _Q,_j=j tj;1ANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) —PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Qano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Areti. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway,, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan area. REPORT REQLT,1-,4';_j'ED BY: June 10, 1991 COMMISSION REVIEW: June 20, 1991 COMMENTS: This parcel is located in Statistical Arga H4 an Y, r." ­,%.','v ­ Wl z 1­1 "", titl - ­­.­, , 1­­­ . e , "I aiuc.. 15+.R61Ts �.d a + &ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (14,111ASE RET(JRN) &TRAFFIC ENGINEER 2RFI��R.{�EDEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Hov;-enstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry tiig,n for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and M,adne Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Art,, The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 10, 1991 FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreaflonal and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile.Specific Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestandhig identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 10, 1991 COMMISSION REVIEW: June 20, 1991 COMMENTS:- 1-' 11 - 1," 11,10 -Ir I -W, , ", - --- I - Dale: June 4. 1.991, 2C ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION PUBIAC WORKS DEPARTMENT _X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER AFIRE DEPARTMENT _.PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEFT, X BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY _GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 41 REQUEST TO: Permit the replacement of an existing freestanding entry sign for Cano's Restaurant located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of. the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. The proposed sign will be a second freestanding identification sign which will also include a marquis for identifying live entertainment, and an entry sign. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract 919, located at 2241 West Coast Highway, on the southwesterly side of West Coast Highway, between Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive, in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. REPORT REQUESTED BY: Tine 10, -1991 RAGE- 2 t6A 1 ul.p�� ct�lgrryC�� u�r�INC{ �rtt�.'b✓.� �+�x+.Llc • r %��NM110,��1117 fs! It.r1. �°t�li �crt WH ieivn - ~ � - , er rev rie,�+ ��t?rt�• � n.rr, �.+A-��i�w jug - IIST,�t r`i"'�''' `°VIzF �ri>ve °t• �N. w� � 1. 2241 VK . t:�i't'LWCn sVi 1 � 11 I"1 �� i�faNthD. C Exis-r G SIGN /s• s r- a• SIC.INSTAUATION;VICINIITMAflAOOrISS r- : `. ' ',:.' SIGNINSLAllAT10H7lOCATIOWSItVATTONOt1All' •' " '`- -' -'�' :" �Vd-HOUSIUCHCOOIS , Iil#tb!(TRACT CAC" COO$ MAMUNAiOM Icrnr auclrs uxw sA.m &At" IutAN"41M Brae COW"" CAM -MCI CcKm rAuw+v! of Mo wiuYCaOR,'. ' �04 AllATlOrf nawfr No , A w»t ro: VI Q Y g� [s n ns .�.INCOPPORA'TED crlaa_t et.,..,., n.,,�„� �s c�►� �s�� ; rye . d'1r;7G. (27et KT:9_dfl4A ., ..'s: ICKATION