HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 6��,"'"hy..'aRa-V��Ytt1�-+-�dU�}��'►t"�;�.p,s_a��—,`%,t�. _, ,..,� �^ n June .20, 1- 8. Mr.. Dennis:, ;Harwood, utw'orney representing Mr. 0.' V Riley of_:2821 0c'ean Lune, :,Corona del Mar addre"s ed he Commission in:oppo'sition to the requested variance: He;" stated"that .the legal owner; of the property on "which the variance was., being requested was Walter M. B1,tven: not the appl i cant.. M'r. Harwoo.d a.1 so' pry ent.ed ' letters of opposition 'from' the 'following persons Mr. R.:A. :B.ennett - 2811 :Ocean; Lane Agnes' S. Ho6tson - 2.808 Ocean Boulev'a'rd Veronica E. Carter - 2800<0cean."Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. Charles , W. C11fford 215 Heliotrope Avenue `Katri`na S. Perrow - 2<11 Heliotrope Avenue 0. V. 'Riley - 2821 O:cean .Lane Mr. 0. V. Riley: and Mr. Roger Bennett addresse the Commission in opposition. Mr. Buttermore, the applicant's representative stated.that Mr. Bliven is the owner of the property and is in escrow with Mrs. Johnson as the buyer,, The Commission continued the application until Motion July 11, 1958 and staff was instructed to in- Second" vestigate any prior .variance or setback amend- All Ayes ments on the. property. EXCEPTIUN PERMITS No. 6 EDWARDS THEATRES CIRCUIT, INC. 300 Newport Center Drive APPROV_E_D Por. Block 93 I rvi ne's Subdivision, Zone C-O-H UL Applicant requests: approval of the i nstal l ati o of a 400 sq.ft sign with scintillating lights Mr. James Edwards addressed the Commission and after a discussion withdrew his request for scintillating lights around the proposed sign. Mr. Donald F. Rypinski of the Irvine Company addressed the Commission and stated that the Irvine Company ha'd studied the sign logo and had not found it objectionable. The application was approved, subject to the following conditions: Page .7. i June 20, 1968 1.: That l 11 watt non scintil1at:ing light „f but bs be ,permitted .o.n theexterior .perimeter of.;.the sign. 2. That the sign may be lighted from dusk until the theatre closes P.ach night. (It is the intent that. the sign sha11 n`ot be 1 ighted` ai 1` ni.ght.) Chairman Curtis ,ca11 ed .? 5 minute •=-ecess`. meeting reconvened at i P:15 :".'M. with a11' .The members present. USE PERMITS UP-13.76 SHIP SHAPE HULL CLEANING SERVICE Rear of 2633 West Coast' Hwy. 'CONTINUED,Por: Block H Tract 919 Zone `C-0-Z and "U" Applicant', requests approval of -the operation JULY 11 of dry docks for boat maintenance. Inasmuch as the subject of floating dry docks is scheduled for consideration by the City Council on June 24, 1968, the Commission con- Motion x tinned:consideration of.this application until Second x July 11, 1968. Al Aye UP-1377 GRAHAM, Mr. &_Mrs. Merit L. 721 Narcissus Ave Lot 21 & 1/2 of 19 Block 740 Corona del Mar APPROVED Zone R-2 Applicant requests approval' Ito, make additions to an existing nonconforming dwelling. The application was approved, subject to the Motion x� following conditions:, Second `x All Ay e sI I 1. That the building plans -be sub- mitted to the Planning Department for approval: 2. That the existing driveway and curb t cut be removed. i P:agle 8..M. June 26, 1968 That 11 watt non scintillating light bulbs be permitted on the exterior perimeter of the sign. 2. That the sign may be lighted from dusk until the theatre the closes each night. shall not intent that the sign be lighted all night.) If you have any questions regarding this application, do not hesitate to contact this office. very truly yours, Ernest t'iaDirector, planning EM:hh �Y f C1 TY O.F NEWPORT' ':BEACH i June`:20,1968 ,. TO• Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exception Permit No.. G Edwards Theatres Circuit, Inc. 30O .Newport `Center Drive East Zone. C-O-H=UL Application This application filed in the name of'Edwards'The atres;Circuit, Inc.,' requests approval of an over size sign with scintillating lights on 'a proposed theatre. The Sign Code speci'fies.'a maximum sign size of'200 sq:ft. -(15.16.260) and also specifies. there shall. benoblinking or - -flashing lights (15.16.140). DevelopmentalCharacteristics 'The��sign in- this case may technically be _called two signs; one is l 9 50 x or approximately 100 sq, ft. and the other is 6' x 50' or 300 sq.ft, They, are separated by 4". However being situate,:' on the same supports and being so close together, .we consider i'�. as one sign approximately 400 sq.ft."in area. The sign is situated atop a porte cochere type structure extending out in front of he: building over passenger, a discharge and pick up area. In effect, this will be the theatre marquee. It will be approximately 100 feet from the curb line of Newport Drive. _Center The cttraction panel is designed .for 4 lines of changeable copy and it is surrounded by so called "scintillating.lights". These are 11 watt bulbs placed 4" on center which flash -or blink in a sequence which simulates motions. This type of lighting -is spec- ifically prohibited by .the Sign Code`. Analysis and Recommendations Historically.theatres have had large and sometimes quite bold marquees for advertising the programs. It is staff's_opinion that signs with flashing and blinking lights are not consistent with the intent of. the Planning Commission and.City Council, desires in pro- hibiting such practices in the signing code. Staff has no particular objection to the size of the sign" because. of its location and tasteful design and also because the only .other signs on the site are, two -small reader,boards near'the theatre entrance. A la rg e sign .was proposed for the side .of the. bui.l di ng •'ING APPLICATIONS TO SHE PLANNING COMMTSSYbN yS Enc -1 E J UIV 1968 u. G1T� ,pp 01 1�ffi;T0 T i i 1 I �� %t=. � � y/ l�%•\�7� ��,�`j �� � .�l � � � �9�� � �� �� �� �� ,Et-�sf-.t.''�ajul `� V �J p--------------- /L,4/✓ = %Actin^t//✓ '. ---- ---------- — _._ - _ -- -- — 3YW✓UE ;AIAI✓.: /Ac6l:•I - -- ----------------- ---- -' — — — -- -- — Af�X'n•t, I3�.ATI� C% com1=-AwY D I S T I N C T IV E E L E C T R I C A L A D V E R T I S I N G S T 0 R E F R 0 N T M O D E R N I Z A T 1 0 N 5 LACY ST • LOS ANGELES 90031 • CAPITOL 34 14 1 w r C. 19 oRT op �a C4 z Itz 322 , NOTE: THIS IS A11 ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING, CREATED BY HEATH AND COMPANY. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE, IN CONNECTION WITH A PROTECT BEING PLANNED FOR YOU BY HEATH AND COMPANY. It IS NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION, NOR IS IT TO BE USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED OR EXHIBITED IN ANY fASH10N, rmE aN NJ d� �l Gn /-��tr?d �-C:.'n._ A `Nu - Zl- ✓�--fYjG o.Vvi .'L�/Ja.�:.sLE; f,siGK�°Y ✓Cf', : - :N/rd.,eA�• ': LoulaiNt Tnoe.w eAV':" .Zo. A?A44 CLIENT Aa DM-E'_ wfsM